Gitaarles. Liedjes op één snaar. Ine Janssen

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Gitaarles Liedes op één snaar Ine anssen

Dit boeke is gemaakt om de tonen op de gitaarhals beter te leren kennen. Natuurlik ordt een liede zelden op één snaar gespeeld. Dit is dan ook alleen bedoeld om de tonen te leren kennen. De vingerzetting is hier niet zo belangrik. Heb e het boeke een paar keer doorgespeeld, geef het dan terug. Dan kan het eer met andere leerlingen gebruikt orden. Ine anssen Nedereert, 2009-2014 Uitgeveri: ini mandolini Drukkeri Buis Nedereert

Au clair de la lune Op de eerste snaar c Au clair de la lu - ne, Mon a - mi, Pier - rot, Pre - te - moi ta plu - me Pour e - crire un mot! Ma chan-delle est mor - te, e n'ai plus de feu; Ou - vre - moi ta por - te, Pour l'a - mour de Dieu. 1

The foggy, foggy de c Op de eerste snaar. F G7 When I as a bach -'lor I lived all a-lone I orked at the ea-ver's 7 F Dm G7 trade. And the on -ly, on -ly thing I. G7 did as rong as to G7 oo a fair young. maid. I ooed her in the 7 in - ter - time, Part of the sum - mer - too, and the F Dm G7 G7. on-ly, on-ly thing I did as rong as to keep her from the fog -gy fog -gy de. 2

The yello rose of Texas Op de eerste snaar c F G7 G7.. There's a F G7 yel - lo rose in Tex - as That F I am going to. G7 see. No oth - er sol - dier knos her, No - bo - dy on - ly F G7 G7. me. She - cried so hen I. left her it. like to broke my. heart And if e ill e - ver meet a - gain We ne - ver more shall part. 3

Tom Dooley Op de eerste snaar c G7 Hang don your head Tom Doo - ley Hang don your head and cry You killed poor Lau - ra Fos - ter You kno you're bound to die G7 You took her on the hill - side As God al-might - y knos You took her on the hill - side and there you hid her clothes. 4

Old folks at home Op de teede snaar c. Way don up-on a Sa -nee rib-ber, far, far a -.. ay, Dere's ha my heart is. turn-ing eb-ber, dere's ha de old folks stay. All up and don de hole cre - a -tion,... sad - ly I roam, Still long-ing for de old plan -ta -tion,.. and for de old folks at home. All the orld am sad and drea - ry, eb' ry - here I... roam, Oh! dark-ies, ho my heart gros ea -ry, far from de old folks at home. 5

Old Mac Donald Op de teede snaar G G # c D7. G Old Mac Do - nald had a farm Hi - a hi - a # D7 G G. ho And on that farm he had some chicks Hi - a hi - a ho With a # G G D# chick chick here and a G # chick chick there here a chick there a chick G D7 G ev' ry-here a chick chick Old Mac Do - nald had a farm Hi - a - hi - a - ho. 6

The miller of the Dee Op de teede snaar c........ 7

Auld Lang Syne Op de derde snaar c.. Should auld ac-quain-tance be for-got, and nev - er brought to mind?... F. auld ac - quain - tance be for -got and days of auld lang syne?. G7.. G7 F G F days of auld lang syne, my dear, And days of auld lang syne.... Should And Should.. auld ac-quain - tance be for -got and days of auld lang syne?. G7 F G7. 8

She'll be coming round the mountains Op de derde snaar c G. She'llbe co-min' round the moun-tains hen she comes Œ. D7 Œ She'll be G. co-min' round the moun-tains hen she comes She'll be G7 7. co-min' round the moun-tains she'll be co-min' round the moun-tains she'll be. G D7 G co - min' round the moun -tains hen she comes. 9

Tinkle tinkle little star Op de derde snaar c G G G D7 G Tin - kle tin - kle lit - tle star ho I on - der hat you are G D G G D7 Up a - bove the orld so high like a dia - mond in the sky G G G D7 Tin - kle tin - kle lit - tle star ho I on - der hat you are. 10

ockles and mussels/molly Malone Op de vierde snaar ames Yorkston 4 3 G G7 D7 G E7. In Dub - lin's fair ci - ty here girls are so. A7 D7 G G7 D7 pret - ty, I first set my eyes on seet Mol - ly Ma - G E7 A7 lone As she heeled her heel. D7 G G7 - bar - ro through streets broad and D7 G E7 A7 D7 G nar - ro ry - ing "ock - les and mus - sels a live a - live - o!" A. - live, a - live Oh - - A - live a - live. oh ry -ing "ock - les and mus - sels a - live a - live - O!" 11

My Bonnie Op de vierde snaar H..Fuller 4 3 My Bon - nie is o - ver the o - cean. My Bon - nie is o - ver the sea My Bon - nie is o - ver the o - cean. Oh bring back my Bon - nie to me. Œ... Bring back bring. back bring back my Bon - nie to me to.... me Bring back bring. back Oh bring back my Bon - nie to me. 12

Donna donna Op de vifde snaar c Am E Am E Am Dm Am E On a a - gon bound for mar - ket There's a calf ith a mourn -ful High a - bove him there's a sal - lo Wing -ing sift - ly Œ. Ho the inds Œ. Love and laugh are the Œ laugh - ing They hole day through. Œ. laugh ith all their And. half Am E Am E Am Dm E Am eye through the sky G Am Dm Am the sum - mer's Don -na don -na don - na don - na Don -na don -na don - na. Don -na don -na don - don - don - na Don -na don -na don - na might G Am E Am E Am Dm Am E Am E Am night don. don. 13

Drink to me only Op de vifde snaar 8 6 G7 F F G7 Drink to me on - ly ith thine eyes and I ill pledge ith. mine. G7 F F G7 Or leave a kiss ith - in a cup and I'll not ask for ine.. The thirst that from the But might I of ove's soul doth rise doth nec - tar sup I Am F G ask a drink di G7 F F G - ould not change for.. vine. thine. 14

When ohnny comes marching home Op de zesde snaar 8 6 When ohn - ny comes mar - ching home a -gain hur - ray hur - ray Am E.. give him a hear - ty el - come then hur - ray hur - ray men ill cheer the.. all feel Am G Am E boys ill shout, the la - dies, they - ill G7 Am E7 Am E7 Am.. gay hen # ohn - ny comes mar - ching. We'll. The all turn out and e'll. home. 15

Yankee Doodle Op de zesde snaar G7 G G7 G c Yan - kee Doo - dle ent to ton, a - ri - din' on a po - ny, he F G7 F stuck a fea - ther in his cap and called it Ma - ra - ro -. Yan - kee Doo - dle keep it up, Yan - kee Doo - dle Dan -. F G7. mind the mu - sic and the step and ith the girls be han - ni. dy, dy. 16