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Carmina mei cordis / bbie etinis, a ca $95 / -00-0 I E E I N I Carmina mei cordis (ongs o my heart) a caella I eterna lux, divinitas II ngele Dei bbie etinis Music Co eb: abbiebetiniscom hone: +1159099 email: abbie@abbiebetiniscom

Carmina mei cordis (ongs o my heart) eterna lux, divinitas eterna lux, divinitas, in unitate rinitas, te conitemur debiles, te derecamur sulices lleluia! Christum rogamus et atrem, Christi atrisque iritum; unum otens er omnia, ove recantes, rinita lleluia! Qui inis et exordium rerumque ons es omnium, tu solus es solacium, tu certa ses credentium lleluia! O veritas, o caritas, o inis et elicitas, serare ac et credere, amare ac et consequi Eternal Light, Divinity Eternal Light, Divinity, O Unity in rinity, hy holy name hy servants bless, to hee e ray, and hee coness lleluia! O ather, ource o God the Word, O Word ith Him co-equal Lord, O irit o like maesty, O riune God, all raise to hee lleluia! hou irst and Last, rom hom there srings the ount o all created things, hou art the Lie hich moves the hole, sure hoe o each believing soul lleluia! O erity! O Charity! O Ending and elicity! in hee e hoe, in hee believe, hysel e love, to hee e cleave Qui cuncta solus eicis cunctisque solus suicis, tu sola lux es omnibus et raemium serantibus lleluia! rom the Liturgia Horarum, translation by R Littledale (1-190) hou ho alone the orld hast made, art still its one suicing aid, the only Light or gazing eyes, and, unto them that hoe, the rize lleluia! ngele Dei ngele Dei, qui custos es mei, Me tibi commissum ietate suerna; Hac nocte illumina, custodi, rege, et guberna men ngel o God ngel o God, my guardian dear, o hom his love commits me here; Ever this night be at my side, o light and guard, to rule and guide men ttrib Reginald o Canterbury (11th-1th c), translation rom altimore Manual o rayers (1) rogram Note: Carmina mei cordis (ongs o my heart), is a set o to short ieces he irst, eterna lux divinitas, is an 1th century hymn rom the Liturgia Horarum ecause the text hails the unity o the rinity, the iece modulates beteen to rimary modalities, hich then combine to orm a third hey uniy into a canon hich sirals on, encircling and uniying all voice arts in its course he lleluia rerain is my on addition to this traditional Catholic text he second iece, ngele dei, is also knon as the rayer to One's Guardian ngel hough it as once attributed to t nselm, scholars no trace the Latin rayer to Reginald o Canterbury, ho died sometime ater 1109 his musical setting, harmonically inormed by my love or the choral music o oulenc and Messiaen, is one o invocation and o my on dee desire or siritual eace Recording available at abbiebetiniscom

Commissioned by Kantorei - Denver, Colorado Richard Larson, director Carmina mei cordis I eterna lux, divinitas LIURGI HORRUM IE EINI lto h = 9-7 ( e= e throughout) ith intensity sim e - ter - na lux, di - vi - ni - tas, in un - i - ta - te ri - ni - tas, - te con-i -te-mur de -bi -les, te de-re-ca -mur su - li-ces l -le -lu, - l -le -lu, (or rehearsal only) - - Coyright, ugust 00, bbie etinis (C) ll Rights Reserved abbiebetiniscom Unauthorized dulication o coyright material is illegal rev 5/1/1

bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) Oh l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! 10 Christ-um ro - ga - mus et at - rem, Christ - i at-ris-que ir - i - tum; sim sim Christ-um ro - ga - mus et at - rem, Christ - i at -ris -que ir - i - tum; 10

1 Í > Oh bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) u-num o-tens er om-ni -a, o-ve re-can - tes, ri-ni -ta l -le -lu, u-num o-tens er om-ni -a, o-ve re -can -tes, ri-ni -ta l -le -lu, (ah) l -le -lu, 1 15 l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! n Í Oh n n n n 15 n n n

bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) 19 (ah) Oh (ah) Qui i - nis et ex - or - di - um, re - rum -que ons es om - ni - um, Qui i - nis et ex - or - di - um, re - rum -que ons es om - ni - um, Qui i - nis et ex - or - di - um, re - rum -que ons es om - ni - um, 19 1 Í > Oh sub (ah) sub l -le -lu, tu so-lus es so -la -ci -um, tu cer-ta ses cre-den-ti - um l -le -lu, sub tu so-lus es so -la -ci -um, tu cer-ta ses cre-den-ti - um l -le -lu, sub tu so-lus es so -la -ci -um, tu cer-ta ses cre-den-ti-um l -le -lu, 1

bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) 5 l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l le lu ia, - - - l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l - le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! (hum)* n legato, esressivo - - - - olo:* O ver -i - tas, O car -i - tas, O i - nis et e - li - ci -tas, n n (hum) n (hum) n n n n * ltos may move u to sing the second sorano art during the solo ll voice slits should be balanced equally

bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) 1 (hum) se-ra -re ac et cre - - - - de-re, a-ma-re ac et con-se-qui (hum) oh oh ẇ (hum) oh 1 n ah legato > n utti: a - ma - re ac et con - se - qui - - n ah con - se - n ah ah - - con - - - se - > n ẇ n

IE EINI MUIC CO abbie@abbiebetiniscom O OX abbiebetiniscom IN UL, MN 5510 U +1159099 HI GE has been intentionally LE LNK in the hoes that you might buy this score Look, see ho nice I am I m thinking: lease resect comosers (and coyright la) by aying or this sheet music and thank you so very much order sheet music online at: abbiebetiniscom

bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) 1 1 et rae-mi - um ser-an - ti - bus l - le - lu, l - le - lu - ia, et rae-mi - um ser-an - ti - bus l - le - lu, l - le - lu - et rae-mi - um ser-an - ti - bus l - le - lu, l - et rae-mi - um ser-an - ti - bus l - le - lu, cresc oco a oco l - le - lu l - le - lu - ia! l - cresc oco a oco - - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu - - - cresc oco a oco le - lu - ia, l - le - lu l - - - le - lu - ia! ia! cresc oco a oco l - le - lu - - - ia, l - le - lu l - le - lu -

7 (cresc) - - le - lu - ia! l - - - - le - lu - (cresc) l (cresc) (cresc) l bbie etinis - eterna lux, divinitas (rom Carmina mei cordis) 9 - - - - le - lu - - - ia! l - - - le - lu - - - - le - lu - - ia! l - - - le - ia! - ia! l - - - le - lu - - - ia! l - - - 7 5 > > > > l - le - lu - - ia! Oh (al - le - lu - ia!) lu Í Í - - - ia! Oh (al - le - lu - ia!) ia! Í sub sub le - lu - - - ia! Oh 5 or L

10 bbie etinis - Carmina mei cordis (ongs o my Heart)

rev 5/1/1 Commissioned by Kantorei - Denver, Colorado Richard Larson, director 11 Carmina mei cordis II ngele Dei RI REGINLD O CNERURY (1th c) IE EINI orano olo reely, chant-like - - U - n - ge - le De - i, an - - - ge - le De - s a rayer, q = ca7 () utti: N - i, an - - - - - - - - ge - le n - ge - le De - i, an-ge-le De - - - - i, n - ge - le De - i, an-ge-le De - - - - n - ge - le De - i, an-ge-le De - - - - i, i, (or rehearsal only) N Coyright, ugust 00, bbie etinis (C) ll Rights Reserved abbiebetiniscom Unauthorized dulication o coyright material is illegal

1 bbie etinis - ngele Dei (rom Carmina mei cordis) De - - - - an-ge-le De -i, Qui cu-stos es me - i, (n-ge-le!) me - i! De - i! i, an-ge-le De -i, Qui cu-stos es me - i, me - i! (n-ge-le!) De - i! an-ge-le De -i, Qui cu-stos es me - i, me - i! (n-ge-le!) 9 sub n sub - ge - le, an - ge - me - - - i! n - ge - le, an - ge - le, an - ge - le sub n me - i! n - ge - le, an - ge - le le, n me - - - i! n - ge - le, an - ge - le 9 n N n

1 Qui Qui cu - stos es cu - stos me - i, Qui cu - stos es bbie etinis - ngele Dei (rom Carmina mei cordis) 1 cu -stos es me - i, cu -stos es me - i, cu -stos es cresc cresc Qui cu - stos es cu - stos me - i, cu - stos es cresc Qui cu - stos es cu - stos me - i, cu - stos es 1 17 17 me - i, me - - - i, n - ge - le De - i, molto rit a temo me - i, b cu -stos es me - i, me - i, molto rit me b me b b b b molto rit b b b - - - - - i, n - - - ge -le, an - - - ge -le, molto rit a temo b - - - - - i, n - - - ge -le, an - - - ge -le, b b b b U U b n - - - ge -le De - i, a temo U U b a temo b b b b b b b b

IE EINI MUIC CO abbie@abbiebetiniscom O OX abbiebetiniscom IN UL, MN 5510 U +1159099 HI GE has been intentionally LE LNK in the hoes that you might buy this score Look, see ho nice I am I m thinking: hotocoying this sheet music ithout my ermission is against the la lease suort my ork by buying directly rom me at the link belo and thank you so very much order sheet music online at: abbiebetiniscom

9 b 9 (cresc) N - - te, noc - - - - te il - lu - - - mi - (cresc) b b noc - te, hac noc - te il - - - lu - mi -na, (cresc) noc - te, hac noc - te il - - - - lu - - - mi - (cresc) noc - te, hac noc - te il - - - - lu - - - mi - b b b N bbie etinis - ngele Dei (rom Carmina mei cordis) 15 b b b b b b b b sub sub C b C sub b b b b na, il - lu - mi - na, cu - sto - di, re - - - - b ge, re - ge, re - ge, et b Hac noc - te il - lu - mi - na, cu - sto - di, re - - - - ge, et na, lu b - mi - na, re - ge, re - ge, b na, lu - mi - na, et re - ge, b b b b b

1 bbie etinis - ngele Dei (rom Carmina mei cordis) 7 b re - ge, et gu - ber - - - - na' - - - - - - re - - - ge, et re - ge, gu - ber - na - - - - - rit a temo et re - ge, gu-ber - na - men, a - rit a temo rit rit b b D a temo b a temo b b b b men, men men, re - - - ge, et re - ge, - men, a - - 7 b b b D b b b b b men, 1 b b b b N h a b a - men, a - men, a - - - - men, a - men, a - b a b b b - - - men, a - men, a - - - - - - - - b - - - - - - - - b b b n b b men, b b b 1 h b b b a - men, a - - - - men, a - - - b b b b b b b b b b b b n N b b b

bbie etinis - ngele Dei (rom Carmina mei cordis) 17 5 molto olo: n - ge - le De - i, n - ge - le - utti: () men molto (nn) n - - - ge - le men molto (nn) n - - - - ge - le men (nn) n - - - - ge - le 5 9 > U De - - - - i! De - - - - i, n -ge - le de - i qui cu-stos es me - i, > - - - - - - - - men men U U 9 De - - - - i! - men, - De - - - - i! - men U men U U or L

lso by bbie etinis he urt amily Carols eries: (bbie is the grand-niece o comoser lred urt, and carries on his tradition o riting a ne carol every Christmas) ehind the Clouds a caella bbie etinis Music Co -059-C Hail, Christmas Day! a caella red ock Music 5 rayer or eace a caella, s/t solos red ock Music 5 Run, oboggan, Run div, a caella red ock Music 5 ong o the ines a caella bbie etinis Music Co -01-C5 elected Choral Works: braham Lincoln Walks at Midnight, iano, snare drum bbie etinis Music Co ext: achel Lindsay -01-00 he abe o ethlehem, arr div, a caella bbie etinis Music Co ext and tune: William Walker in outhern Harmony -01-01 ar xizam (Uard I rise) div, s a t b solos, a ca bbie etinis Music Co ext: Hâez (in ersian) -05-0 Dormi, esu (lee esus) a caella G chirmer ext: traditional (in Latin) Cat No 509 Carmina mei cordis (ongs o my heart) div, a caella bbie etinis Music Co ext: eterna lux divinitas ngele Dei (in Latin) -00-01 Cedit, Hyems (e gone, inter!) div (or div), lute G chirmer ext: rudentius (in Latin) Cat No 509 Chant or Great Comassion div, a caella bbie etinis Music Co ext: traditional Chinese -057-01 erusalem Luminosa a caella Kos Music ext: homas a Kemis (in Latin) Cat No Long ime rav ling div, tenor solos, a ca anta arbara Music ub ext: traditional merican shae-note texts M-70 ell o the Elements double chorus, iano bbie etinis Music Co ext: Elizabeth ennings -05-00 Yhinx: n ncient Greek Love Charm a caella, t t b solos bbie etinis Music Co ext: heocritus ancient Greek stone (in Greek) -01-01 Revieed as audacious edgy and thrilling, the music o bbie etinis is being erormed increasingly in the United tates and abroad orn in 190, bbie has been commissioned by more than 0 music organizations including the Dale Warland ingers, Cantus, he Rose Ensemble, and he chubert Club 009 McKnight ello, she has also on a erome Commissioning Grant, the Craig and anet an Comoser rize, and aards rom the merican Comosers orum, C, Minnesota Music Educators ssociation and the orel Organization Ms etinis studied comosition at t Ola College, the University o Minnesota, and the Euroean merican Musical lliance in aris, rance, here aculty rom uilliard and the aris Conservatory teach harmony and counteroint in the tradition o Nadia oulanger bbie s music is rimarily sel-ublished (bbie etinis Music Co) and is distributed internationally, ith additional scores ublished by red ock Music, Grahite ublishing, Kos, anta arbara Music ublishing, and, most recently, in G chirmer s Dale Warland eries ince 005, bbie has been Comoser-in-Residence or he chubert Club he has also held residencies ith he ingers Minnesota Choral rtists and he Rose Ensemble three time cancer survivor, she lives in t aul, Minnesota bbie etinis Music Co eb: abbiebetiniscom hone: 1-590-99 email: abbie@abbiebetiniscom