contemporary songs of faith Emaj7(no3) œ œ œ œ œ œ œ > j œ. œ . œ. œ j œ nœ A/E œ > > j

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The Light of God s Love. The LIGHT. of God s Love.

w w w œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

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The A-based Major Barre Chord Other A-based Barre Chords. The E-based Major Barre Chord Other E-based Barre Chords. Open-Position Power Chords

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Phil explained the origins of this gorgeous ballad in the January 1992 Phil Keaggy Newsletter as follows:


contemporary songs of faith composed for the 50th anniversary of the Diocese of Sckn, CA (1962 2012), dedicated the Music Outreach Department at OCP Open Our yes Assembly, Threepart Choir, Piano, and Guitar SAMPL ased on ver Young in Christ, a pasral letter from ishop Stephen. laire?. INTRO (q = ca. 118) (no) 4 F m7/? 4.. D/ n n. Rodolfo López and stela GarcíaLópez Acc. by Scott Soper 2012, 2015, Rodolfo López and stela García. Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved. From the collection CRISTO NO TIN PIS N L MUNDO Guitar Songbook 014966 Compact Disc 014965 ma7(no) n n A/... (no). ma7(no) 1.800.548.8749

2? VRS 1.. 1. young, e are bro % VRSS 2, % old and for got. per fect im per fec? 1..?. F m7/. SAMPL Send Send We lack. ken, D/ n n and e ten, and e tions, lim it. Spir it, form in us vi Spir it, Lord, sus te nance.. makes us dream that ord Ó n n A/ 1. We are. long find our place. long ed A. sions a pro by see sin. and face. shame. F m filled ith gain; fill us vides and re. dition 016417 Open Our yes

1. mer cy and grace. ith. proach A.? 1..? love ho. and ly SAMPL grace. name. bring. e find be. Give us In our Set us a ords un der stand, strug blaze C m7. prom ise this land. mean ing and dis ci ples.. ne all life. lands; F m7 gles ith and.. our strife com mands,. G m Open Our yes

4 1..? 1..? RFRAIN?. May our im a ges. SAMPL e ll take a ith pro claimed no re the stand! Faith ful com mand, fi of gret! orld! F m7.. nal breath liv. praise ing name ord,...... O pen our eyes see you more clear. ly in Open Our yes

ev ery thing e do. O pen our hearts love you more deep 5??? F m7.. SAMPL ly, burn ith love for you. F m7 Lead us, Lord, e ill fol F m7.. ma7.... lo you; e ll Open Our yes

6 take ords the ends of the earth. Let us???.. n n n D n. n. n SAMPL bring the mean ing of F m7.. orld. D n n n... ma7/g.. deeds. O pen our n n. n. all the. eyes. (no).. ma7(no) Open Our yes

7 Ó O pen our???... eyes. (no). F m7/ SAMPL. 1, 2 Ó 1, 2 n n A/... ma7(no) We are. We are.. D.S. D.S.. Final Final D/ n n. F m7/ A/ n n. n n A/. U U.. U D/ n n Open Our yes

8 composed for the 50th anniversary of the Diocese of Sckn, CA (1962 2012), dedicated the Music Outreach Department at OCP Open Our yes (Guitar/Vocal) ased on ver Young in Christ, a pasral letter from ishop Stephen. laire Rodolfo López and stela GarcíaLópez SAMPL INTRO (q = ca. 118) & (no) ma7(no) 4 F m7/ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û (no) ma7(no) & Û Û Û Û Û Û VRS 1 & 1. young, e are bro & & F m7/ D/ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ken, and e A D/ Ó A/ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û A/ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û F m long find our place. 1. We are sim. Send 1. Spir it, form in us vi sions filled ith mer cy and grace. 1. & Give us ords un der stand, F m7 C m7.. A G m bring 1. prom ise this land. Faith ful com mand, 2012, 2015, Rodolfo López and stela García. Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved. Note: Alternate guitar fingering charts for this song are available on page 11

9 & 1. Melody e ll take a Harmony F m7. stand! SAMPL % RFRAIN eyes see you more clear O pen our ly in ev erything e do. O pen our hearts love you more deep for you.... F m7 F m7 ly, Lead us, Lord, e ill fol Oo, ma7 F m7 burn ith love. lo you; e ll e ll Open Our yes

10 & take ords the ends n D of the earth. n SAMPL Ó F m7 Let us bring Oo, the mean ing of deeds all the orld. O pen our (no). eyes.. ma7/g a. ma7(no) & F m7/ D/ Ó VRS 2, 1, 2 F m7/ Ó A/ & ( ) ( We are) (. We are) We. We old and forgot perfect imperfec D/ are are Verses 2, A/ D. n. O pen our Ó Final A/ (no). eyes.. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ten, and e long tions, lim it ed A by ma7(no) see sin U and F m Fine face. shame. Open Our yes

11 &. Send We lack Spir sus it, Lord, te nance make that us dream ord a pro gain; vides & & fill. and. &. (no). 7 A SAMPL us ith love and grace. In our re proach ho ly name. Set us a our com.. G m strife e find mands, be dis pro ith claimed ma7(no) no re the 7 im F m7/ May our a ges F m7 mean ci ing ples and C m7 strug blaze ne all gles ith and F m7 life. lands; fi of. gret! orld! * 6 D / 9 11 nal breath liv praise ing name ord, O pen our A/ 6 D.S. ma7 4 1 4 1 2 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 1 *This chord can be played in place of D/. Open Our yes

12 Assembly dition OPN OUR YS Verse 1 1. We are young, e are broken, and e long find our place. Send Spirit, form in us visions filled ith mercy and grace. Refrain & 4 4 SAMPL Give us ords understand, bring promise this land. Faithful command, e ll take a stand! O pen our eyes see you more clear & & ev erything e do. Open our hearts love you more deep ly, & e ill fol & & & of the earth. deeds burn ith love for you. lo you; all the For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1800661501. ly in. Lead us, Lord, e ll take ords the ends Let us orld. Ó Verse 2 We are old and forgotten, and e long see face. Send Spirit, Lord, make us dream again; fill us ith love and grace. In our struggles and our strife e find meaning and ne life. May our final breath praise name ith no regret! O pen our eyes. Rodolfo López and stela GarcíaLópez bring the mean ing of.. Open our eyes. Verse. We are perfect imperfections, limited by sin and shame. We lack sustenance that ord provides and reproach holy name. Set us ablaze ith commands, be disciples all lands; images of living ord, proclaimed the orld! Text based on ver Young in Christ, a pasral letter from ishop Stephen. laire. Text and music 2012, 2015, Rodolfo López and stela García. Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. All rights reserved. Ó