American Physical Society March Meeting 2016 Sing-along / Listen-along! Sheet music

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American Physical Society March Meeting 2016 Sing-along / Listen-along! Sheet music Host: Walter F. Smith, Haverford College Sponsored by APS

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Dr. James D. Livingston 6 9 When You're In K-Space Walter Donaldson 12 zone fac - tion 15 find 18 strac 22 sur 26 29 - sur - in 32 34 place diz tion face just rep e - re - sent of Bragg Those dif - frac- tion ner-gy gaps when you're in a The bound' ries of law you've known in K when you're - space the Bril-louin The sa bound' ries on the k-space maps are where you'll that's one at - trac- tion of the ab- k space. And there's the Fer mi Con tour face mo - zy of e men-tum space just kee ner - gy rea-ches the boun - pin' bu in K when you're - da - ry. are in -verse of - sy space Things hap-pen when can Di the - tis that men-sions nor-mal make you


Tom Klitsner The Unendable Song Impossible Dream by Mitch Leigh a d 9 8 k kz k k k k k k jz k o k kz k k k k k k a d jz To dream the im - pos - si - ble dream, To eat the un - eat - a - ble o k k kz k k k k k k k k kz k k food, To de - fend the in - de - fen - si - ble the - sis, To a d kz k k k k k k jz k a d jz k kz k k k k k k read the un - read - a - ble text. To work the un - work - a - ble k o k kz k k k k k k jz k o hours, To waste the un - waste - a - ble time, To a d kz k k k k k k k k kz k k kz k k k k k k teach the un -teach - a - ble fresh - man, To choose the un -choos - a - ble a d jz k k k kz k k k k k kz k k k k k choice. This is my quest, my the - sis to do, No mat - ter how a d k k k k k k k kz k k k k k k kz k k k k k k hope - less, or whe- ther it's true To be wil - ling to work, with - out pur -pose or a d kz k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k jz kz cause, To be wil - ling to march through the halls wrapped com-lete- ly in gauze! a d mz Interlude n k kz k k k k k k jz k o To live the un - live - a - ble life, To a d kz k k k k k k jz k o k k k k k k k k k wear the un -wear - a - ble socks, To ut - ter the un - utt - 'ra - ble a d k k kz k k kz k k k k k k jz utt - 'rance... To end the un -end-a - ble song! k k k Copyright All Rights Reserved

The Don of the Day % 7 5 ι œ Of œ œ œ œ œ œ Dons we can of -fer a charm-ing va-ri -e -ty, All the big pots of the Royal So -ci - e - ty œ Tune: Father O'Flynn (traditional) Lyrics by Prof. A. A. Robb ι œ œ œ œ 5 % œ œ œ œ œ œ Still there is no one of œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ more no-to-ri- e-ty Than our Pro- fes-sor, the pride of us all. Here s a health to Pro- œ Chorus œ œ œ œ œ Ι 10 % œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ fess-or J.J.! May he hunt i - ons for ma - ny a day And take obser - va - tions, And 14 % œ œ œ œ œ Œ ι œ 19 % 22 % 25 % 29 % work out e - qua- tions, And find the re - la - tions Which for -ces o -bey. wor pre the Our All When - thy Pro - fes - sor is al - ways de - vi - sing Some scheme that is start - ling - - con- ceived not - ions he sets at de - fi - ance By means of some neat and Pro - fes - sor has sol - ved a new rid - dle, Or found a fresh fact, he ly in s new and sur - pri - sing, In or - der to set - tle some ques - tion a - ri - sing - gen - ious ap - plia - nce, By which he dis - cov - ers a new law of sci - ence fit as a fid - dle, He goes to the tea room and sits in the mid - dle On Which And ions no jokes œ œ œ œ and why they be - have as they do. Thus, when he wants to con - clusi- one has ever sus - pec - ted be- fore. All the chem - ists went off in - a - bout every-thing un - der the sun. Then if you try tolook grave at Some Some You ll tra of burst œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Ι œ œ œ - vel quick - ly and some tra - vel slow, He brings into ac - tion mag - them thought they were los - ing their wits, When quite with - out war - ning off the but - tons which fasten your vest For when he starts chaf - fing, vely to his œ show fits; jest,

2 32 % 36 % 40 ne (Their Though œ œ œ œ - tic att - rac - tion And gets a def - lec - tion A - bove or be - low the - or - ies scor - ning) The atom one mor -ning He broke in - to bits. tea you be quaf - fing, You can - not help laug-hing along with the rest. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Ι Here s a health to Pro- fess-or J.J.! May he hunt i - ons for ma - ny a day And take obser - va - tions, And % œ œ œ œ œ Œ work out e-qua-tions, And find the re-la-tions Which for -ces o-bey. for -ces o-bey. 1, 2. Chorus 3. œ œ œ œ Τ œ œ