With These Ashes. j œ œ œ œ œ. ash - es, we know your love, O. Db /A b. j œ j. œ œ œœ. œ œ. œ œ œ. you. j œ. j œ. Eb 7sus2,4. Eb Eb /D b. . œ.

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2 Mary Hochman These Ashes Keyboard REFRAIN Prayerfully (q = 72 76) 4 4 4 ash - es, kno love, ash - es, turn our hearts Bb s2,4 B b 7. n Db /A b.. our-ney as one. Db Bb s4 B b n... 7s2,4. b. /D b add9 E b /G.. Daugh- ters sons, Cs4. ash - es, kno love, 7 E b 7s2,4 E b b. C n... b Fe Fe 2006, Mary Hochman. Published spiritsong.com, a division of CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. Play Refra once as an Intro. Edition 20769-Z

3 VERSES o - And g prayer give for - of those geth - er ser - vice, hat man - y on have times this ill... for - ty days nights. raised, share ord. you ould have do. ras from heav n a - bove.... let. our cry back Bb 7s4 B b 7. n. be our - ney an - sr ith all those stum - ble you, call. need. fall,.. E b 7s2,4.. light. heard. love. b alk these voic - es give as mer - cy an - sr an - sr an - sr an - sr. 7s2,4 E b These Ashes

4 These Ashes (Guitar/Vocal) Mary Hochman & bb b b REFRAIN Prayerfully (q = 72 76) Capo 1: & bb b b 4 4 (As2,4) Bb s2,4 (C/G) Db /A b ash - es, kno love, (A7) Bb 7 ash - es, turn our hearts (C) Db VERSES (As4) Bb s4 (A) Bb our - ney as one. (D7s2,4) 7s2,4 (D/C) /D b o - And g prayer give for - of those for - ty days raised, you ould share have ras from heav n. geth - ser - hat man - a - (A7s4) Bb 7s4 er vice, y nights. ord. do. bove. let on have times (Am7) 7 ash - es, this ill (Am) (Bs4) Cs4 (D7s2,4) 7s2,4 (Gadd9) add9 (B) C (D/F # ) /G. Daugh - ters sons, kno love, our - ney an - sr all those stum - ble our (A7) Bb 7 cry back be ith you, call. need. fall, (D7s2,4) 7s2,4 (Am) light. heard. love. an - sr an - sr an - sr an - sr (D7s2,4) 7s2,4 Fe alk these voic - es give as mer - cy 2006, Mary Hochman. Published spiritsong.com, a division of CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. Play Refra once as an Intro.

SL INSTRUMENT C These Ashes 5 *REFRAIN Prayerfully (q = ca. 72 76) & bb b b 4. n & bb b b n n VERSES 1-4 & bb b b.. b. Fe n b. 2006, 2007, Mary Hochman. Published spiritsong.com, a division of CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. *Play Refra once as an Intro.

6 SL INSTRUMENT B These Ashes *REFRAIN Prayerfully (q = ca. 72 76) & bb 4. n & bb VERSES 1-4 & bb # n. & b b. b. n b 2006, 2007, Mary Hochman. Published spiritsong.com, a division of CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. *Play Refra once as an Intro.. Fe

Composer Notes 7 Written specifically for the distribution of ashes on Ash dnesday, this song seeks brg the assembly an understg of the greater meang of the sacramental ho it helps enter the lenten ourney. For both children adults, the text pots out that ashes are not meant as the foc of the day, but are a help drag a deeper realization of God s love as embark on the ourney that calls acts of prayer, fastg charity. Mary Hochman These Ashes

8 Assembly Edition WITH THESE ASHES Refra 4 ash-es, ash - es, turn our hearts our- ney kno love,. as one. ash-es, & bb b bverses & bb b b & bb b b. o - And g - geth - er on this prayer ser - vice, ill give of hat have for those man - y times Text: Mary Hochman. Text mic 2006, Mary Hochman. Published spiritsong.com, a division of CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved. For reprt permissions, please visit nelicense.net or contact at 1-800-663-150. Daugh-ters sons, kno love, our - ney an - sr all those stum - ble alk these for - ty days nights. voic - es raised, share ord. give as you ould have do. mer - cy ras from heav n a-bove.. ith an-sr light. an-sr let our cry be heard. an-sr back an-sr love. you, call. need. fall, Refra