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Tenor Bass C 10 10 J J ci - t Just lis-ten i you've time to sare while I re-hearse a dit ty; 16 16 J tu - ni-ty con - ceive your-selves quite luck - For 'tis not o - ten that you see a 1 AMERICAN FOLK SONG SUITE Strutting h=11 roudly 5 1: The Hunters o Kentucky Ye John Biggs Ó j Ye Gen-tle-men and La - dies air who grace this a-mous roudly C 5 Ó J Gen-tle-men and La - dies air who grace this a-mous ci - t Just lis-ten i you've time to sare while I re-hearse a dit- ty; And or the o-or- 1 Ó J hun-ter rom Ken - tuck- Oh, Ken - tuck- y, the hun-ters o Ken-tuck- CP 08 j J 1981 CONSORT PRESS - And or the o-or- J tu - ni-ty con - ceive your-selves quite luck - For 'tis not o - ten that you see a Ó J hun-ter rom Ken - tuck- Oh, Ken - tuck- y, the hun-ters o Ken-tuck-

Tenor Bass 7 7 J Ó e'er the game we join in chase, dis - oil-ing time and dan ger, And i a 9 9 J J dar - ing oe an noys us, i a dar-ing oe an noys A with bounce Ó J al - li - ga - tor hors- es! Oh, Ken - tuck- y, the hun-ters o Ken-tuck- 50 () We are a ree born race each man to ear, each man to ear a We are a har- dy, ree born race, each man to ear a strang- er; What strang- er; We join in dis - oil-ing time and dan - ger, And i a dar-ing oe an - noys, what e'er his strength and or- ces, We'll show him that Ken-tuck-y boys are - us, We'll show him that we're al - li - ga - tor hors- es! Oh, Ken - tuck- y, the hun-ters o Ken-tuck- b b CP 08 j Ó J j J Ó SOLO (Soken reely, with animation.) I J Ó j Y s'ose you've read it in the rints, how Pack-en-ham at - b b b b

Tenor Bass 56 b j Ó tem-ted To make ol' Hick' ry Jack-son wince, but soon his scheme re - en - ted. 56 b 61 b b 66 b 66 b 7 b Ó tuck- 7 b 78 b Ó J tri- les, For well he knew what aim we take with our Ken-tuck - y ri- les, 78 b (Soken reely, with animation.) we SOLO For with ri - les read-y cocked, thought such oc-ca-sion luck - y, And soon a-round the j j Ó gen' ral locked the hun-ters o Ken-tuck- tuck- TUTTI Oh, Ken-tuck- y, The hunt-ers o Ken Oh, Ken tuck- y, The hunt-ers o Ken B J But Jack- son, he was wide a-wake, and was not scared at Ó J was not scared at CP 08 He was wide Ó j j j J J a- wake, and was not scared, and tri-les, For well he knew what aim we take with our ri - les, So he

Tenor Bass b J So he led us down to Cy ress b b Ó J stood John Bull and here was old Ken-tuck- Oh, Ken-tuck- y, the hun ters b b tuck- b 8 8 88 88 9 9 101 101 107 - swam, he led us down to Cy-ress swam, There led us down to Cyu-ress swam, theground was low and muck- y, Therestood John Bull in Mar tuck- C - o Ken - tial om, and here was old Ken-tuck- Oh, Ken-tuck- y, the hun-ters o Ken - b SOLO (As beore.) b Ó j A bank was raised to hide our heads, not that we thought o b dy- in', But that we al-ways like to rest, un - less the game is ly- in'. b CP 08 J J J Ó j Ó SOLO (As beore.) Ó Be - hind us stood our j lit-tle orce, none wished it to be great-er, For ev' - ry man was hal a horse, and

Tenor Bass 5 11 11 118 b 1 # 1 # 10 # 10 # 15 # 15 # j Ó J hal an al - li - ga- tor! Oh, Ken - tuck- y, the hunt-ers o Ken-tuck- # a- ces; We Tenors Oh, Ken - tuck- y, the hunt-ers o Ken-tuck- Ó j They did not let our a-tience tire, be - ore they showed their Ó J Ó J We did not choose to waste our ire, so snug-ly ket our la-ces, But saw them wink, we thought it time to sto 'em, And But when so near we Ó J And 'twould have done you good, I think, to D 15 Ó b Ó see Ken-tuck-ians dro 'em. Ó 15 Ó see Ken-tuck-ians dro 'em. CP 08 J Ó J b to They They

6 Tenor Bass 15 15 159 159 J J took to light, and let us all our beau- t And now, i dan-ger e'er an noys, 16 16 J mem-ber what our trade is, Just send or us Ken-tuck-y boys, and we'll ro tect - 170 170 ound at last 'twas vain to ight, where lead was all the boo - ty, And so they wise -ly b J ound at last 'twas vain to ight, where lead was all the boo - ty, And so they wise -ly took to light, and let us all our beau-t And now, i dan-ger e'er an- noys, re - CP 08 j j J Immediately very slow and exressive q=7 ritard. - re - J mem-ber what our trade is, Just send or us Ken-tuck-y boys, and we'll ro-tect your la- dies. G.P. G.P. Oh, Ken-tuck-y, the hunt- ers o Ken-tuck- hunt j J - your la dies. u U - ers u # # # #

Tenor Bass 7 176 18 187 # # 187 : Dee BlueSea Very slow, with dramatic athos q=56 SOLO, molto legato ed esressivo # # # # dee blue sea broth-er dee blue sea. It was Wil-lie what got drownd ed E Ó j n j j n j j # # J dee blue sea. Oh dig his grave with a sil ver 191 # # j n J J j n j n J j j n oo oo oo 191 # # dig his grave with a sil - ver sade, dig his grave with a sil - ver sade. 195 # # j j n Oo Ah Oh, 195 Dee blue sea, broth-er dee blue sea, dee blue sea broth-er, dee blue sea, Oo oo oo oo all basses - in the - sade, Oh, # # J It was wil-lie what got drownd-ed in the dee blue sea. Oh, CP 08

8 Tenor Bass Forceully, molto legato 199 # # low-er him down with a gold 199 # # low-er him down with a gold en 0 # # gold - en chain. Low -er him down with a gold - en chain. It was Wil-lie 0 # n # # gold - en chain. Low-er him down with a gold - en chain. It was Wil-lie 06 F # # what got drown-ded in the dee blue sea. 06 SOLO (or all basses) # # n what got drown-ded in the dee blue sea. Gold en 1 # # Gold-en sun bring him back to me. Gold-en sun bring him back to me. It was Wil-lie 17 # # 17 Stagger breath so there's no break in sound. - en chain. Oh low-er him - chain. Oh low-er him # # what got drown-ded in the dee blue sea. It was Wil-lie CP 08 down with a down with a - sun bring him back to me. TUTTI It was Wil-lie

Tenor Bass 9 0 rit. # # n 0 what got drown - ded in the dee blue sea. # # what got drown ded Lilting, waltz-like (in one) h. = 60 0 G 7 5 # # J On the banks o the Lit tle 5 - in the dee blue sea. : The Little Eau Plaine # # ALL VOICES One eve-nin' last June as I ramb-led the green-woods and # # j val-leys a - mong. The mos-qui - to's notes were me lo # # whi-oor will's H J j # # J On the banks o the Lit tle - - dious. And so was the - song. The rogs in the marsh-es were Croak- in'. The # # J J tree-toads were whistl-in' or rain. A art-ridge a round - CP 08 - Eau Plaine. () J J - me was drum in'. The sun in the west was de - clin - in'. - Eau Plaine. The sun in the west was de - clinb-in'

10 Tenor Bass 6 # # n j And tin gin' the tree tos 6 # # And tin gin' 69 # # J n J on - ward. Not car - in' at all where they led. I ha-ened to 69 # # J J on - ward. Not car - in' at all where they led. I ha-ened to 76 () # # J see a young school ma'am. She was mourn- in' a sor-row-ul strain. She 76 () # # J # n J J see a young school-ma'am. She was mourn- in' a sor-row-ul strain. She 8 # # J n j mourned or a young rats- man, On the banks o the Lit tle 8 # # J n J mourned or a young rats man, 90 I # # # # # # 90 - with red. My wan - der - in' eet bore me - the tree - tos with red. My wan-der - in' eet bore me - Eau Plaine. - Oh. On the banks o the Lit -tle Eau Plaine. SOLO # # # # # # CP 08 "I John Mur-hy's the name o your rats-man. I as

Tenor Bass 11 97 # # # # 97 (solo) # # # # sure 05 # # # # 05 # # # # J John ny 1 # # # # will ne 0 J # # # # n n n n J Slees ar rom the Lit-tle Eau Plaine. 0 # # # # Chorus n n n n 8 Ó b school -ma'am heard the in - or - ma - tion, She aint ed 8 you I knew him quite well. But sad is the tale I must tell you. Your - was drowned in the Dells. J SOLO Ó J Ó They bur-ied him 'neath a scrub Nor- wa You J Ó J - ver see him a - gain. No stone marks the sot where your rats-man When the When the - and ell as i dead. Ó school-ma'am heard the in - or - ma - tion, She aint-ed and ell as i dead. CP 08

1 Tenor Bass 5 Ó I scooed u a hat ull 5 J J She o-ened her eyes and looked wild- ly, As i she waswild-ly in - sane. 51 J And I was a raid 51 59 59 # # 67 She - o wa - ter And oured it on to o her head. Ó I scooed u a hat-ul o wa - ter And oured it on to o her head. J J o-ened her eyes and looked wild- ly, As - i she waswild-ly in - sane. - she would e-rish On the banks o the Lit-tle Eau Plaine. And I was a - raid she would e-rish On the banks o the Lit-tle Eau Plaine. # # K b j J J Now I will de - sert my vo - ca - tion. I won'tteach dis-trict Now I will de - sert my vo - ca - tion. I won'tteach dis-trict # # school a - ny more. I will go to some lace where I'll ne - ver hear the 67 # # school a - ny more. I will go to some lace where I'll ne - ver hear the CP 08

Tenor Bass 1 7 # # J Ó J j () squeak o a i - ty oot oar. I'll go o to some or-eign coun- tr I'll 7 # # J Ó J J () squeak o a i - ty oot oar. I'll go o to some or-eign coun- tr I'll 81 # # n Ó J J go to a or-eign coun- tr To Eng- land, to France, or to Sain, 81 # # n Ó # J J go to a or-eign coun tr 88 # # Ó J to Sain. But I'll ne-ver or - get John - ny Mur- hy, 88 # # Ó # n J to Sain. But I'll ne-ver or - get John - ny Mur- hy, 96 # # 96 # # 05 L Nor the banks o the Lit - tle Eau Plaine. - To Eng- land, to France, or to Sain, J j J Nor the banks o the Lit - tle Eau Plaine. # # banks o the Lit - tle Eau Plaine. Nor the 10 IN TEMPO ATTACA # # U solo U CP 08

1 Tenor Bass 18 Fast and excited h=1 M 18 TUTTI bc 1 b 8 b 5 5 6 6 Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo, and made him eat whale blub - ber, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo. 69 69 7 CP 08 : Ruben Ranzo Very lively and well marked. i-ty oor Ru-ben Ran - zo, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo. Oh, oor old Ru-ben Ran- zo, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo, Oh, ca-tain was a dan- dy, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo; He was too ond o Brand - y, N crisly Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo; He called Ran-zo a lub- ber, He called Ran-zo a lub- ber, Ran- zo, boys, Ran -zo, and made him eat whale blub-ber, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo. 7 () Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó When Ran-zo joined the "Beau - ty, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo; And When Ran-zo joined the "Beau - ty, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo; And His

Tenor Bass 15 81 81 Ó Ó did-n't know his du - ty, Ranzo, boys, They gave him nine and thir- ty, 87 87 Ó Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo; Oh, lash-es dee and dir - ty,s Ran zo, 9O Begin orceully, then slowly decreasing intensity Ru - ben, Ru - ben, Ru - ben Ran zo, 9 Ru - ben, Ru - ben, Ru - ben Ran zo, 99 99 Pi-ty oor Ru-ben Ran - zo, Ru - ben Ran - zo, Pi ty - 50 50 Ó Ó did-n't know his du ty, - Ranzo, boys, They gave him nine and thir- ty, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo; Oh, lash-es dee and dir - ty, Ran- zo, boys, Ran-zo Ru - Ru - Ru - boys, Ran-zo - ben Ran - zo, - ben Ran - zo, Ru - ben, Ru - ben, Pit-ty oor Ru-ben Ran - zo Ru - ben, w Ó Ran zo, CP 08 P - oor Ru ben sot, but well articulated - ben, Pi-ty oor Ru-ben Ran - zo. Pi-ty oor Ru - ben. - Pi-ty oor Ru-ben Ran - zo. Pi-ty oor Ó

16 Tenor Bass 509 509 Ó Ru- ben. They gave him nine and thir - t Pi-ty oor Ru- ben, he 51 51 lash es 50 50 <b - es he got lash - es dee and dirt - 56 56 esr. 5 Subito meno mosso q=9 cresc. oco a oco Ó They gave him nine and thir - t Pi-ty oor Ru - ben, he dee and dir - t Oh, lash-es dee and dirt- y, lash - dee and dirt- Oh, - es, he got lash - es dee and dirt - the love-ly ca-tain's daugh- ter, got lasho es Fast and excited h=1 U U haily Ó C 5 Ó Ran- zo, boys, Ran 5 U C Ó wa - ter. - zo. CP 08 Ó Ó b Ran- zo, boys, Ran lash-es dee and dirt- y, lash esr. Ran - zo, boys, Ran- zo. chorus solo U Ran - zo, boys, Ran - zo. zo. Ó Ó Ó Oh, got - es, lash b - es, lash Usolo She w ed him bread and 5 haily He He

Tenor Bass 17 51 51 mar-ried that ca-tain's daugh- ter, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo, Pre - cise-ly as he ought - er, 57 57 Ran zo 55 55 on board a Chi - na Cli - er Ran - zo, boys, Ran zo, 559 mar-ried that ca-tain's daugh- ter, Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo, Pre - cise-ly as he ought - er, w Ran-zo boys, Now Ran-zo is the ski- er, Ran- zo, boys, Ran-zo; - boys, Now Ran-zo is the ski- er, Ran- zo, boys, Ran-zo; on board a Chi - na Cli - er Ran - zo, boys, Ran w w - zo! shout 559 shout Ó w Ran - zo! Yo Ho! CP 08 Ó w Yo Ho! - boys,