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Autumn 1 st Autumn 2 nd Spring 1 st Spring 2 nd Summer 1 st Summer 2 nd English TRADITIONAL TALES legends (3 weeks) Reflecting on main character of the legend from different viewpoints. Re-tell the story from several perspectives. RECOUNT (2 weeks) Compose a biographical account based on research. EXPLANATION (2 weeks) Link to topic work e.g Geography (climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, the water cycle) VOCABULARY BUILDING (2 weeks) Read, write and perform free verse STRUCTURE CINQUAIN (1 week) Read and respond to cinquains. Experiment with writing their own. TAKE ONE BOOK (2 weeks) One (or more) written outcomes, linked with fiction/non-fiction modules already covered during the term. COMPREHENSION (daily) Discussing (VIPERS) texts and questions. SPaG (Daily) Working through SUSPENSE AND MYSTERY (4 weeks) Develop skills of building up atmosphere in writing e.g. passages building up tension. INSTRUCTIONS (1 week) Detailed instructions with clear introduction and conclusion. PERSUASION (3 weeks) Show through a range of writing an understanding of how persuasive writing can e adapted for different audiences and purposes VOCABULARY (1 week) Read, write and perform free verse. STRUCTURE SPOKEN WORD PEOTRY/RAP (2 weeks) Listen to, read and respond to raps. Experiment with their own writing. FICTION FORM OUT LITERARY HERITAGE (4 weeks) Explore a text in detail. Write in the style of the author to complete sections of the stories. Take the plot and theme from the text tot plan and write their own contemporary version. REPORT (2 Weeks) Write a report, in the form of an information leaflet, in which two or more subjects are compared. VOCABULARY BUILDING (1 week) Read, write and perform free verse. DISCUSSION (2 weeks) Write up a balanced discussion presenting two sides of an argument, following a debate. TAKE ONE POET POETRY APPRECIATION (2 weeks) Research a particular poet. Personal responses to poetry. Recite familiar poems by heart. TAKE ONE BOOK (2 weeks) One (or more) written outcomes, linked with fiction/non-fiction modules already covered during the term.

objectives for Yr5 Maths Number Place Value Number Addition and Subtraction Statistics Number Multiplication and Division Perimeter and Area Consolidation Number Multiplication and Division Number - Fractions Number Fractions Number Decimals and Percentages Consolidation Number Decimals Geometry Properties of Shapes Geometry Position and Direction Measuring Converting Units Measure Volume Consolidation Science Properties of Materials Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets some materials will dissolve in liquid to Forces Explain that unsupporte d objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object Identify the effects of air Animals Including Humans Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird Describe the life process of reproductio n in some plants and Living things and their Habitats Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals Earth and Space Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies Use the idea of the Earth s rotation to explain day and Investigative Skills Sound sounds vary and can be made in a variety of ways. sounds are made when objects on musical instruments vibrate...but that vibrations are not always

form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces Recognise that some mechanism s, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect animals. Human biology and how the systems in the body work night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky visible sounds are all around us. To know that sounds travel away from sources and get fainter as they do so. the volume of a sound can vary and that it is linked to the energy put into the vibration and how much of the air around it is made to vibrate. an echo is a sound bouncing from surface. sound can be amplified by using a sound box

usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda. sounds can vary in pitch. Understand the workings of the ear. Computing Kodu Game Lab Blogs Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel/Scratch Programming Scratch Programming/ Creating webpages with HTML BBC Micro Bit Programming/ JavaScript History What happened in 1910s? British Empire Beginning of WW1 [ War Game book Christmas truce 1914 Timelines Life in the trenches Women in WW1 Women of Pervyse, munitionettes, Women s Army Auxiliary Corps, Edith Cavell Home life during WW1. Diary entry. Leisure activities. Chn s toys History of Wigston and Leicestershire Famous Events taken place e.g. Richard III Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history establishing clear narratives. Understand how the knowledge of the pas is constructed from a range of sources, for example cave paintings. Look at different homes from the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic times. Africa Pre-history first people in Africa Timeline Profile of Early Man Family trees Archaeology items found Items from our time Archaeology Early tools Make a simple tool Go through the history of London Timeline and visit key events that happened. Go through the history of London Timeline and visit key events that happened. Where is America? The continents & countries of N & S America Native Americans - The first North Americans The first explorers & what they found Map of America showing states. Declaration of

Learn about Skara Brae and consider life in the Stone Age and how it compares to life today. Independence, timeline Gerography Art Start of WW1. Maps of Europe. League of Nations Maps United Nations After WW1 Debate Study John Singer Sargents work. Develop ideas from starting points throughout the curriculum. Collect information, sketches and resources. Adapt and refine ideas as they progress. Explore ideas in a variety of ways. Use different hardness of pencils How the land lies! Study our local area, maps, landmarks, etc LFC? Observational drawings Understanding of the range of hill forts and their significance in Iron Age society, have investigated one hill fort in detail and produced a reconstruction drawing or model of a hill fort. They will also know how to read ordnance survey maps. Cave Paintings Continent not country 53 countries Create collage Coasts/ oceans/seas/ rivers Variety of landscapes Climates & landscapes Batik Ethiopian Icon Painting Where is London? Why is it our Capital? Landscapes and comparing villages, towns and cities. Portraits of members of the Royal family. The main tribes and their different cultures/ lifestyles Maps Countries within America Capital cities Design your own totem pole

to show line, tone and texture. Use shading to show light and shadow Remembrance Day RE DT Begin to understand the importance of personal feelings and experiences and their consequences (Toms Midnight Garden) Children plan, design, make and evaluate a model airship in the style of the German Zeppelins. Recognise the influence of religious stories on ideals of character, values and morality Build a street boxes etc Develop an awareness of their own inner thoughts and feelings and a respect for religious experiences Create Stonehenge Using clay and pain Express the feelings of wonder and awe link to the religious figures e.g. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela Mask making Goli Masks Important religious festivals and their origins and ceremonies Wooden statues of Gog and Magog Children to carve them out of clay. (Traditionally known as the Guardians of London) Recognise and give a simple explanation of the meaning of some religious signs and symbols Wall hangings Invasion Games Net/Wall Invasion Games Net/Wall Invasion / Gym / Fitness Invasion / Gym / Fitness Net / Striking and fielding / Athletics Net / Striking and fielding / Athletics PE Tennis, Health and fitness Rugby, football Tennis, Health and fitness Rugby, football Gymnastics, Netball, Hockey, Running Gymnastics, Netball, Hockey, Running Athletics track and field, Dance, Tennis Rounders Athletics track and field, Dance, Tennis Rounders

Music Songs that won the war. Sing Pack up your troubles and It s a long way to Tipperary Can the children compose a piece of music to accompany a film clip or scene/picture of the war. How can they evoke a feeling from the listener. Look at the procession of King Richard III. Compose, practice and perform a piece of music to accompany it. Create musical scores to accompany picture of the journey from stone age to iron age. Compose a piece of music to tell a story about Stonehenge. Discover African Music (African music demo?) Traditional British Music God save the Queen etc Choose a British singer/songwritier to study and perform a song/musical piece from. Create a musical score of a journey down the river Thames. Sounds of Native America, compared to modern American music and artists. Perform a song from a modern day artist. Compose and perform a more traditional native American score. PSHE Rights and responsibilities Anti-bullying Managing change Managing change Body Image Financial capability British Values (In-line with Year 6) Rules of Law/Democracy Children will study the events which led up to the start of the War including the politics involved. People to study: Asquith, Unknown Warrior Mutual Respect and Tolerance Study the beliefs and religions of people in the local area. Invite children to create presentations to show their own cultures and beliefs. In addition to this, children will look at how the local government works Individual Liberty Links to PSHE focusing on selfesteem and selfknowledge People to study: Robert Burns (Burns Night 25th January) Individual Liberty Children will debate the concept of freedom of speech, studying how it has changed over time, including women s ability to vote and how that has changed. They will imagine a world without the freedom of speech. What would it look like? Rule of Law Look at the Houses of Parliament as a British Institute. Discover the role this has to play in the laws in England, including looking at the different people involved. How have the laws changed over time *2018 The Royal Wedding Mutual Respect Study Britain s relationship with America over time as well as the mutual respect between previous Prime Ministers.

People to study: Henry VIII, Lady Jane Gray, Suffragette Alice Hawkins People to study: St David (1st March), Famous British Writers (World Book Day March) People to study: Famous past Prime Ministers, The Queen and the Royal Family. Extra-curricular enrichment/trips