Holy Darkness. Assembly, Cantor, SATB Choir, Keyboard, Violin, Viola, Cello, French Horn, and Guitar. dark ness, bless ed night, heav en s

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nspired by John Cross Keyboard REFRAN : Soprano/Melody Al Tenor Bass Ho horal Series Assembly, Canr, SATB Choir, Keyboard, Violin, Viola, Cello, French Horn, and Guitar NTRO: Peacefully ( = 52 ) ly simile an Schutte Arranged by Bob Harrold dark, bless ed night, heav en s 1988, 199, aniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland OR, 921 All rights reserved. 1. 8 0 0. 5 4 8. 8 4 9 o c p. o r g

2 an swer hid den from our sight. As we a wait, O God si lence, we em brace ho ly night. Edition 9906-Z

1-2 lone rag give li ing com srm, mand? re this Why is do plant love doubt that saves. seed. 1-2 pow r? guide taught sod be soul fore morn ing grieve. grave. star? n Though oes love hawk bar can ren take soil seem flight like when a VERSES 1-: Canr: Were Slightly faster tried taught re when in fires price raised up af com flic pas moun tion; tains sion;? Can

4 REFRAN : Soprano Al Ho ly dark, bless ed night, heav en s an swer hid den from our Tenor Bass sight. As we a wait, O God si lence, we em

5 1-2 Verses 4 & 5 Final Fine brace ho ly night. night. VERSES 4-5: Faster, with more energy Soprano / Melody 4. n 5. As Al Tenor Bass deep watch 4. n 5. As est man deep est hour watch man waits 1-2 Verses 4 & 5 Final hour waits for for dark morn dark morn ing, ing, 8va and and Fine

6 4. give 5. bride a wealth waits un her ld. groom, When so we si wait lence stills hear 4. give 5. bride 4. 5. 4. 5. spir foot spir foot a it, steps it, steps wealth waits un her as as ld. groom, we we rich rest rich rest es be es be fill neath fill neath When so we si lence stills wait hear soul. moon. soul. moon. Refrain Refrain

VOLN/VOLA NTRO: Peacefully ( = 52 ) REFRAN: Tacet an Schutte Arranged by Bob Harrold VERSE 1: Tacet REFRAN : () VERSES 2,: Slightly faster taught... Were re... 1 VERSES 4,5: Faster, with more energy 4. n deepest hour... 5. As watchman... FNAL REFRAN: () 4 As we a-wait... 2 REFRAN : () tried... 1 Refrain 2 Final Refrain Fine 1988, 199, aniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 921 All rights reserved.

8 CELLO NTRO: Peacefully ( = 52 ) REFRAN : Tacet an Schutte Arranged by Bob Harrold VERSE 1: Tacet REFRAN : () Holy dark... VERSES 2,: Slightly faster taught... Were re... VERSES 4,5: Faster, with more energy 4. n deepest hour... 5. As watchman... 1 4 As we a - wait... 2 REFRAN : () 1 2 FNAL REFRAN: () Refrain Final Refrain tried... Fine 1988, 199, aniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 921 All rights reserved.

FRENCH HORN NTRO: Peacefully ( = 52 ) REFRAN: Tacet an Schutte Arranged by Bob Harrold VERSE 1: Tacet 9 REFRAN : () Holy love... hawk... dark... REFRAN : () VERSES 4,5: Faster, with more energy 4. n deepest hour... 5. As watchman... 1 2 Refrain VERSES 2,: taught... Were re... 1 2 tried... Slightly faster 4 FNAL REFRAN: tacet à fine Though oes Fine 1988, 199, aniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 921 All rights reserved.

10 nspired by John Cross an Schutte REFRAN: VERSES 1-: Ho hid C si Were E taught sod guide NTRO: Peacefully ( = 52 ) G /F Em Em/ F times reafter ly lence, Slightly faster G dark den from our C/B tried taught re soul be fore morn, Gsus4 sight. when ing /F in fires price raised Am Am we em brace /F grieve. grave. star? bless ed G As ho up Am/G G/F Em night, we af com a ly G flic pas moun n Though oes Em/ Em wait 1-5 Gsus4 * night. G/B tion; sion; tains? bar love hawk, Am sus4 heav en s G ren can take Em/ Verses /C C an soil seem flight O God Final G night. Can swer Fine like a when 1988, 199, aniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 921 *Crescendo before Verses 4-5 only.

11 G/B Em C Am sus4. S. 4. 5. 4. 5. lone rag give VERSES 4-5: Faster, with more energy o C 4. n 5. As C give bride Em spir foot li ing com a it, steps srm, mand? deep watch wealth waits est man un her as B hour waits Bm ld. groom, we re this Why Fmaj rich rest for is do Em es be plant love doubt Em dark morn When so we Am fill neath that ing, C o si wait Performance Notes seed. saves. pow r? lence sus4 soul. moon. B stills hear and This hymn fers image dark as place where God's silent, imperceptible love reaches out us. This is in contrast vision dark as place most void God's presence. nspired by works St. John Cross, piece works well whenever liturgy attempts reach out those who are experiencing God's dark: sick, dying, homeless, desperate. n addition funeral and anointing liturgies, this song finds an obvious home during early part Easter Vigil, sung perhaps in dark before lighting new fire. is quiet but not lifeless; serious but not somber. Even though it uches ten painful, barren places in our souls, re is still a glimmer hope in feel this song. Though composed originally for keyboard, this piece works equally well with guitar accompaniment. t should be picked rar than strummed, using a simple, unobtrusive pattern. As for tempo, this is one those pieces that calls for much ruba enhance expression phrases. o not let accompaniment become mechanical. The Refrain and Verses are in dialogue with each or. n Refrain we sing our dark and our ing embrace it, while in Verses God names our experience dark and reassures us holi our night. Because this, re should be a slightly different feel Verses and Refrain.. S..S.

12 Assembly Edition taught sod guide lone rag give 4. 5. REFRAN: All VERSES 4-5: Choir n As 4. wealth 5. waits 4. spir 5. foot li ing com be deep watch un her it, steps soul fore morn srm, mand? est man ing ld. groom, hour waits HOLY ARKNESS si lence, we em brace ho ly night. VERSES 1-: Canr Were tried in fires taught price re when raised grieve. grave. star? for as we re this Why af com up rich rest is plant love that do doubt dark morn When so we es be flic tion; pas sion; moun tains? ing, fill neath si wait lence seed. saves. pow r? give and bride stills hear soul. moon. an Schutte Ho ly dark, bless ed night, heav en s an swer hid den from our sight. As we a wait, O God Can n bar ren soil Though love can seem like a oes hawk take flight when a Fine Refrain Refrain 1988, 199, aniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 921 All rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit OneLicense.net or contact us at 1-800-66-150