.THE DAIL YNEWS. ?lm b~ D~. M. J. Boylen, the man who is guiding the great mv~stjgabon program, told the News that Boylen Com-

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1 /! WEATER REPORT hl' mornlnlt: doudine~~ hi~ after H;:h ldly 63 dtgrers THE DAL YNEWS Vol 63 No 217 ST JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND WEDNESDAY AUGUST (Price S' cents) RAVEL available at Charles Hutton & Sons : i~ ' Diamond Drilling - CE s n Full Swing Employment' Outlook rs '~~;: rr rrcr OF PROGRE~S:-5nmc c~'nlcs salel there 0111;1 be 2 mlx up wncn the new trawe light system was' put nto operation r; lm' Lrc~~ and this is it Yes(cl'c1ry (the second da)' uf the new light phases) a truck loaded with lumber (far left) rot :::~n: a lurn at the Cross n the old l'a)' when one 01 the officers on duty to adl'lse 'confused motorisls duly advised ~rjc~; ririlrr turn inlo a:lother 51rcet to conform wilh he new regulatlons Apparently he truck driver was a httle%ealous in lrr lurn ~nd the side o[ the stal:e body gavc way Resull one awful heap of lumber ilumped on the site of the former!~:;t~' rr;nkin~ fountain Pirtllrc silol':~ l'orl;olc:l reloadlng the lumber nlo anolher truc1-(dally News Pholo)?lm b~ D~ M J Boylen the man who is guiding the great mv~stjgabon program told the News that Boylen Com- pal~les have spent just under $ioooooo on exploration hele and estlmate they will spend $ in the development of the discoveries which they ha'e already made All of these developments Mr SmallWood pointed out Wll take place on the sland of Newfoundland ptian President 'nternati onal Canal ption Government Asks Two leged Spies Leave Country Agrees To P a n For Thousands By Daily News Staff Writer M J Boylen' Companies in Newfoundland have 23 diamond drills churning hundreds of feet into the earth seeking out new base metal discoveries which may set the province by its ears Premier Joseph R Smallwood told the Daily News in an exclusive interview in St John's last night that never before in the history of Newfound land has there been a drilling' program by one company on the scale which the Boylen interests have undertaken The Premi~r revealing details of a report made to Today three years alter Dr Boylen came here at the invita in Lille Bay will begin at about tion ol the Premier 1100 men are the same time as Gull Lake n rcceiving direct employment from ilial producllon will be 1000 tons flllll'r (i'sjlos Ule committee has to say but n 26 serl'ed nollce t mlgbt advise earlier in the day calling reporls the Boylcn investigatioos and de per day and anothcr 450 men will 1 P -E~~'ptian Pres! no l'ay did he commit himself to lis 10nEgyptian sin! n he canal of embassy en'olvcment wit!lout 'elupmenls be employcd :i'cr ani) agrecd Tues! acccpt the Western sponsored plan zone to quit their jobs f Nasser foundation and a complete fabri Some 650 men are employed at Both Gull Lake and Little Bal' to )~ he ca;e of 18 coun i for international control o( the 103 rejects inlernational control after calion Till Cove whcre the old copper the Premier told the Daily New!!~~:~: to ploce the S~Cl i mile walcl'way or c'cn usc the meeting with the Menzies eomml Russia's role n the dispule was mines arc being prepared lor pro a year or twu alter they com ~:: inlerna1ional control! plnn as a basis (or negotiation tee criticized Tuesday by US slale duction and where a new one mil mence production l'ill rise to 2000 :' Prime ~linilcr nob TESSOS GUOWS Egyptian authoritles charged Securetary Dules He told a Wash- lion dollar pier and storage shed tons each per day and will each li(r:r; c!1airman of a Nasser'~ OJlrccmenl came amid two Britlsh cmbassy secrctaries n ngton press conference Russia's lor six months production of the employ 700 mcn committce rcpresent! ::roll'ing tension taking n Cairo Cairo were linkcd to an espionage sustained drumfire of propaganda nelv concentrating mill are being BAlE VERTE :mmediatcl) suggested Paris and London as new pres rlnge allqgedly headed ~y James bemacu to the Middle East is conslructed The mineral discovery at i:: ; meeling to be held in surcs built up on his go'el'nment Sl'lnburn one of two Britons ar making t dlficult for Nasser to Thc rest the Premier stated Baie Verte Dr Boylen told ~'r: :~i week-but the ex to come to some terms on the fut rested Monday negouate a satisfactory seulement are scauered about at various llr Smallwood is by far the! ~! place is still a mal ure of tile canat ' Asked for comment on the Egyp!!;::;ion The universal Suez Canal Com Uan elarge a Brltlsh ASK~!!ll~;: :n~r l':-' con~e~~!?~s which thqrov~rnmcnt greatest mineralydiscovery n embassy![enzlcs[ost no '(jme n follow 1ls gven Dr Boylen thn sland's hislory t is the ~: i:~ctd to listcn to what pany nationalized by Nasser July spokesman reltercated a statiimenl ing up: Nasseri:! message Dr: Boylen ~as in full opera Creat new abestos discovery After consulllng with Prime lion right ~ow Mr Smallw~od field cdendlng more titan 30 Minister Eden and with his four conhnued more diamond drtlls miles in length fellowdelegntcs on the commltteet~an have ever been set into mo Dr Boylen plans a mill at Baie he hurried of! a new dispatch to hon by one company n the his Verte town producing 5000 tons of ('P'-Two British em it::raric! arcmed of sen'! ::~ in an alleged spy :( cd by the Egyptian r::::~: T~r>day night to ca'e rmbassy ~pokesm3n!:' ~;: :-c rmbas~y had been :~- '!')'in= ~clh'ities but ::! '~; ;Jdor has no op :'~' ; mply with Egypt's ':r ~:;':omats be expelled ;;1!omals first com : 'r::':r' James 'lulc and ':::1:;:' 'dnd lsa o[[jcer r t r rl~ i1~d been named 1 p' ii l:;'; Q:onn rap) - c;mplain15 of alleged lo{ children plied lip ~:in~t 'irglnla B Jas o:'~r~ s inquest opened :!i::~ ': ~hook three n ~ ~(:1!)ccause children :tt on m neries 'lri they are checking : al complaints from ~( <~l' their children :::;~:t'l h'lc under the care 1 la:-c:-~ ' 'd! nr! idenlify any of ~ :' ~<l thc' nid made [;:nplnlnl~ b tdlephone ~!:;r: oi the ~ase n ne s 'r!:c~ added however [rmp!aint was from a :::n ho said his child i5 ntarded following ~!cchcd r~1 When three b~' Egypt as beinl: implicated in a sply nctwork BRTAN PROTESTS The move followed the arrest of two Britons and lour Egypilans Monday for alleged esponage ac ti'ities AuthoritatiVe sources said Tucsday the six will face a pub ic trial The Brilons' arc James S'in burn alleged leader of the spy rln!! and Charles Pittuck of the ~arconl Telegraph ouice n Cairo OUicial Egyptian sourcc5 said Tuesday night Swinburn and other men arrested arc still pour in~' out cunfesslons which will 'C' suit in the arrest of several more agenls Egyptian authorities said Swin burn had implicated nux and GO'e and said he used to receive instructions from them (A foreign ofiee spokesman said n London Tuesday night tha t Brit aln has agreed to withdraw the two diplomats under strong pro test ) DENY CHARGES The Britlshcmbassy said reo ports of its involvement arc with out foundation a complete fabrication Gove expressed shock al the roarge that hc was involved Someone has gone out of his head he told a reporter This s pure nonscnse just the kind of lunacy one comes to expect' out here Flux was not reaehcd mmedi alely for eommcnt n London the foreign office de nled the accusations ''t is' nconceivable that two members of the British embassy could ha'e been engaged on a matter of this kind a spokes man said Gave and Flux apparently were the lwo diplomats aeeuscd without being named in thc first statement on the spy case Monday ~AY Cllt)Rm; OTHERS AuthorilJes said Tllesday Swin burn signed a statement saying he had worked for the pair at the embassy since 1952 when he went to work for the news agency n an administrative capacty The authorities said Swinburn had given them n his '!confes sloo code names (or olhers work ng wllh him They ndicated the two Brilo~s were still being ques tloned and that others may be mplicated They declined to say whether Ulis meant' other foreigners or other Egyptians One of the Egyptians arrested lahmoud Nasr el Din el Kntllnl s understood 10 be third secre tory at Arab League headquart ers here whup anoher s Ahmed Salem headmaster of a Cairo school Egyptian sources uld those' ar rested will face a public trial and will be given full defence rights the Egyptian president suggesting lory of the sland ore a day A great new shipping the tallis he held n Cairo later this DRLL STES pier will be built at Baie Verte week The precise date proposed Drill sites and the number n and over 2000 men will be employ was not immedintely disclosed hul operation are listed n this table cd in and around the vadous llenzies' aides said he has asked Baie Verle-eight drills mines and the mill itt Baie Verte Nasser 10 reply urgcntly Tilt Cove-four drllls itseif Purpose of the Menzies gronp Gull Pond (Northeasll-wo Jo'FTY MLLON DOLARS s to present Nasser with the plan dl ills Dr Boylen informed the Pre of the S -: power majo~ity as Gull Pond-one drill mier that it is going to cost the evolved durmg last week s Lon Gull Pond (Easl)-one drm following amounts to bring these don conference Tb~t plan would LiUebay-four drills lour propertics inlo produeton eslablish an nt~rnahonal board 10 Sunday Cove sland-one drill Tilt Cove $ operate mamtam and develop ~he Mount Misery-two drills Gull Lake adter~ aky keep it 10'hlt to f PuoHltlesl Total 23 drills Liltle Bay an lm ts usc t e m C[ The Premier told the Ncws th~t Baie Verte N~tlons E~l'~t would be a memo Dr Boylen sces lour great de Total $ bel' of the board t d' t h d 'lh f CO~PANY RETANS ASS:TS ve opmen s n 111me la e pros en carne 11'1 a 0 The Suez Canal Company held pect the peopie of Canada of Dr Boy a twohour mecllng n Paris 'fues 'rlt COVE len's great exploration dril'e in the day night then ssued a stalement The copper mine and eon prol'ince ol Ncw Brunswick 111'0 l1akinl( these poinls: centra ling mill at Tilt Covc or three years ago said the 1 Th'c Company will consider the Premier said will com Premier made up my mind joining negotlntlons for a letue mcofe to operate n lay next that would bring him into New ment of the dlspule only if R new yoar nitial production at loundland it it were humanly pos- nternational operating company Tilt Cove will be 2000 tons sible had already been in touch t set up to run Ule canal of tire pcr day Tlds wlll rapid- with his close associate John C 2 The company whose lila n stockholders arc the Bi'ltish and French governmenls still retains ownership of its assel~ and the rcmalning lerm of ts 99 year con cession which would have run ou n : About all o(!t5 non El!vpllan staff have asked to be repatri ated 4 The company will not accepl the moral responsibility for ad vising its staff to stay at their posts lleyonll a time limit agreed to in consideration of the mission with which Mr Menzies was eo y ncrease to 300 toos of ore Udd and am very proud that per dily Wlen that point s was able to bring this great reached Tilt Cove will tave Canadian developer into our 1000 men employed and wlll be province a larger town tllan Buehans Next to Confvderation itself GULL LAKE and the coming of BRNCO The Gull Lake copper mine am more proud of this ace am and concentrating mill will start plishmcnt than am of anything production approximately a ycar else n the field' of NCli found after tilt Covc sometime around land development May 1958;-Produclion wlli st1rt at Dr Doylen the Premier 10llO tons per day and 450 men continued will not be the last will be employed great mineral developer to come LTTLE BAY into Newfoundland had in my Producllon at the copper mines office Monday Mr Mitchener 11 J BOYLEN PREMER J R SMALLWOOD -' head~t Canadian Nickle COnipany which is the Canadian ex John's yesterday visit to Newfoundland left St ploration nrganizalion of nter ts interesting to nole that on national Nickle undoubtedly one Dr Doylen's lasl visit to Newfoundland last year he was ae of the three largcst mining com panics in the whole world companied by former heavy believe Dr Boylen Mr Weight basing king Gene Tunney Smallwood said when he says who is now activcly interested n:' that Newfoundland has a bril mineral development and by thl liant future in mining head of US Stecl Gorporation BOYLEN ENDS VST Dr Boylen 'came to Newfound Dr Boylen and his 17 year old land to inspect his concession son who accompanied him on his and 10 report to the Premier ttd ' Cyprus Truce Ends With Bombing; Sev~n Killed 18 nju~ed B - - h A -d- S EOKA::~ n Montreal Gas Explo~iohNlc!~~!: ;;:1- ~~: 'lw~~m :~~~:t '''~ :!~ ~: ~;'~)' ~li! Ja~per~ lralned ~~::ric nurle ~al slolidly (ll'ct of rount~ c~roner Terrorist lcafleis scattcred here a lew hours alter a bomb' cliplo- a suspension of operations' in its The' BrlUl'h had held up' operalr'ealell or culs from flying glass Tuesday night accused Britain of sion shattered tjle ll day 1m on 16 month gun and homb campaign J C(r:i2~n ~ the stunned By BORS 111SKEW lice lisled the victims al: of ;nfanl~ she has ad Canadian Press Stair Wller Alcx Andel'son 68 and his 63 The explosion shallered windows delierately nvoiding any solu the island which followed EOKA's for union with Greece tlons during the 11 days or quiet!~j~ing to death were' MONTREAL (CP}-Scven ptr yearold wife; in houses adjacent to the wrecked tion to the Cyprus problem and truce declaration and the tempor'l '111e bomb exploded a fell' bours but they swun~ back nto action' sonslere killed and 18 injured Lioyd Williams 7 and his tll'o dll'ell!ngs located on Avenue des promised continued violence ary house arrest of Nicosia's laler oulside a two sturcy house Travel restrictions were clamped 1 FXA~L'iATON Tuesday when a breakfast hour year old sister Lorna grandehil Oblals Signed Dighenis leader of mayor : in Larnal!3 on the cast coast No on the port city Police tooku:':' a)rr Edward L Rey explosion wrecked a four famlly dren of the Andersons; Lucien Paquette 36 Was oper the EOKA terrorists call'paigning The EOKA undergroun~ set one was hurl and damage was S year old into custody ::; r l:d he will ask that a cottage block n the quiet suburb Mrs Arnold Lyons and two of atlng a grader on Avenue des Ob against British rule the leaflets t! Ps~'chlalrlsls examine of Ville 1a Salle The shattering her chlldren Danny 3 and Cathy lots where sldcwnlks were' being dismissed as empty words and 2~p'lund woman who blast heard several miles awa'y 2 laid Paquette sald ii an inter sap bubblcs an offielal statement Red China Says Plane r~gistered nor a U followed the rupturing of a gas Six bodies all burned beyond view he belleved hls gradcr cut the Sunday by Colonial Secretary Alan ~r~ctital nurke but the main by a road grading fllachlne recognluon had been recovered by gas main LennoxBoyd {! a special S-month's No one could say wth certainty late day and search continued for As soon as :1 saw what had Lennox Boyd said n London that C:~tn at S Agnes Home what spqrked the explosion Po- a 'seventh happened - rushed to n telephone seized diaries beheved the prop Shot Down OffCoastK illrtord Conn Uce said that even tbe flicking of Only six of the 18 njured reo and called Quebec Hydro emer erty of Dighenls imphcatcd Arch t tio~e tailed before Cor aught switeh could have gnited qulred hospital trentment }lost ser gency squads but the explosion blsbop' Makarios as leader of the l~~rt Mr and Mrs Allen gas that seeped nto the dwelling louslylnjured was Sherrill Wl oecurrcd before the arrival of the terrorists {'1l~' o~ New Haven t [rom the broken l)aln ]iams 18 another grandchlld of crews The noise was terrilic The British exlled Mnkarios car ' ~ ~-d lusplclous death of About 10 minutes el~psed be the Andersons' She suffered burns Paquete lvas cut by f1ylnt' glass Her this year n their campaign WASHNGTON (AP) State and not a US Navy plane~ Dulles'faced i~ilb new tlemanda :' h ar-nld da~hter which tween the breaking of the main to her back a broken leg and and taken to hospital to crush the~terrorists Secretary Dulles reported Tues Questioncd about survivors Dul that the United States t1ke strooi ' e inl'c5tlgation that led and the explosion Quebec Hydro other njuries Before went to the hospital The leanets 'sald Our reply s day Communist China has ackno' les said he note Was entirely aclion in connection wlth the incl ' JUplrs' arrest officials said that~hen a mahi was'dresslng n my bedroo helped carry out one woman once again-sit down and talk with ledged ts fighter pilots shot down negative wilh respcet to sutviv dent said the' governmenl ''1!l an; 1/ lftre ~lr and Mrs W s broken the gas follow~ the line wben the house began 10 shake from a house he sold Makarlos on the basis of his an aircraft off the chinese coast ors and he concluded there were nounce What action t plans when :' lit dan of New Canaan of least resistance flowing nto she said n a hosptal bedside n The first blast blew the sides of terms last Thursday-the same day a none all the fa cts are a vauable ' - :' ' ~r n llr and Mrs Allen houses' round water pipes and lervlew started to go towards the two storey structures out nto We shall not make a detailed US navy patrol plane crashed in h GUil!ord Conn Miss eleclrlcity conduits as wcllas the my grandmouler's room 'but ~hen the street and the subsequenl fire reply to' the' alleged dlscoveryo! the Pacific' 'The Mercator patrol plane had Criliclsmof both ~ullcsand>: :d carrd for three- las pipes things started spinning round and caused the collapse of tile remain the documents (diares) Discus While the Communist' nole ad 16 men aboard Searching ships rresident Eisen!10w~r for nof ftl:~/ [ r Bn1ce Malkan and 11 BODES BADLY BURNED don't remember what happened ing walls Wilhln two hours noth about thcm is futile Our milled downing a plane tulles rccovercil only one bullet riddled 109 a formal protest came Tue~:: ~nlhia Hubbard belore DetectlveSergeant Jules Arsen affer hal lng remained but smouldering reply w!! coine from our army said t rcpeated the claim lhat it 'body and a fe!v pieces of wreck day from Represcntath e Emanuel ' - ault of ll Quebec provincial po- Many of the n j u red -were rubble which We are now (ol'ccd to usc Was a Chinese Nationalist aircraft age Celie' (D~m N;Yl: ' r ' t r F

2 ~ f i : : 1 i ia W Glubb Pashas New Mid-East War ~'; ' ''' ~ s fl - ~ ;' ;; '' '' ' r J : BY TOM A CULLEN ondon (NEA) - The man whom President Na~ser fears most in Britain is not Sir Anthony l'' Eden but a' 'klndly; grandfather! uokllll! ~'pe with m:!d blue e)'es 1 bushy OToustache and a Union lick in' his buttonhole He: is Lt Gen Sir Juhn' GlulJb 1 popularl)' known as Glubb ruha who until h'c months ~o l'a~ comlnander uf Jordan's Ar:1b Legion which he built from ' a cameillatrol into the finest fight 'ng (orce in the Middle East t was Glubb Pasha's dlsmls ~' ~al as head of the Arag Legion which helped to precipitate the Suez Cntl criss for t gave Arab nationalists the shot n the ' arm needed to defy Britain and - ter at Denver for example has the West y C ld reported some work wlilch may our h 5 make t possible to predict whet He was sack~d last March by her a child w) be born pre in Hussein of Jordan partly maturely some' time before the at the nstigation of Nasser But event A sei hormone deficiency ' G1ubb Pasha is not taking his HL' A 1 'TH coinblned with early activity of Sicking lying down t has made cj-l the womb may' be an early sign him hopping mad of forthcoming premature birth < TQda~' he has put aside his BY EDWN P JORDAN M n these nvestigators beueve ' khaki qniform for a civilian 5ult Another line of nvestigation s nis ~cneral officer's baton for a BY ;EDWN P JORDA~ 111 D extraordinarily nleresting This ~ platform ;al cl For the past (je Approximately bllbles die revolves around the question of months Glubb Paha ha~ been wllhin the first month of lile in the oxygen supply of the nfant ' ~t~mpino: Britain ~r)'lng to shake the United States alone 01 these whue ~till unborn Erltons out of th~lr ltlharg~' about half fall Q surive the first TllS tas me subject or R A first people btcnrd to: 24 hours About 'one half of those ~cllolarl)' and fascinating address 1;lulih rasha; Ollt of politenes~ who die under one week of age: by a prominent Baltlmore obste ~ hut ~in(e thr Sun crisis poli are premature infants Nearly i trlcian two or three yenra ago : :' ' tici~ns ~~d rlij1lnm3t~ alik~ hal r nne fourth of all premature bables; The irst JX>rllon of his disc~' b~~n ;:mng him thnr undlvldcd dir ' slon dealt Wth mountalncllmbmg '~ ~ttenlion! A' rapt listener t ~ucb progress has becn marle andpal ticularly the efed~ of the ' cn't of Sir lolln'$ rreent Jrctures ' in Ule care of the prematurely lowered oxygen pressures present ' 'us t:' S mbassador Winthrop: born infant so that a larger num high n the sky Aldrich:) : her' ~l1''i'e than n the past ( From thi5 he procpeded to point i~ well known that prcemature out that so far as oxylltn pressure ' ' ' bable~ who survive the critical is eoncernccl the 1lnboni baby ~' early period of life usuall y grow lives con51derably higher than the to be' entirely normall Yet pre lop of Mt Everest (over 'l9ooo maturity is still a medical' proll- fcet) and that this would be fatal tm of great mportanc~ for a healthy grown up Without casting any ~cncctlon Ob~lousli the child before blr~ on the organizations working to s adjusled to this low oxygen en support researell on such killers as ironment But f anything goes cancer or heart disease We should wrong undesirable effects may reahze that the newborn' infant occur Also the quick change to cannot speak for himself or raise he outside atmosphere m u 5 t n RlDDY KllOWAn ~ ELECtRCTY is;' the ONE BRGHT 5PO' i~' Todays Cost-ofLiving CAN) rtt::'4w'i CO A ln'6 cr' cap Relirhle Elcclrit'il n and Around St John;~ money to prolong his JUe Yet he evitably place quite a burden of too has as mucb right to il'e as adjustment on the newly born anyone else' baby WAT AL THS means s stlll THERE S nvestigative V 0 r k to be determined going on in this field Some s sup Some studies n Colorado may ported by grants made by the Play clarify certain aspects of the sit tex Park Research nstitute whlc!! untion t has been found t hat s a non proflt foundation devoted babies born n Lake County Colo to the support of pediatric r~ rado average ~ of a pound less search n weight than those born n Den Already some of the results of vcr Lake County s almost two studies n this field show promise miles above sea level and Denver of practical value about one mile and thus there is The research team at the Unl a real difference n the amount of versity of Colorado Medical Cen oxygen n the two areas CAMP PERRY Ohio-Here are th~ i956 US Olympic rapid fire pstol team and alternate after th in the Olympic final try-~uts as part of the national mal ches at Camp ~erry From left: John' C Fore~an of US Border Patrol? Detrot; M;Sgt John H Beaumont Air National Guard Honolulu Hawaii and MS t' O Jones US Marme Corps Stockton Cal (alternate)- (N Photo)' g SEA PHOTOGRAPHS GRAPE GROWERS TELEPHONES STLLED The National Geographic Mag Ontaro' Niagara Peninsula During the funeral service for azne published the world's first produces most of Canada' grape All'Xander Graham Bell in 1922 undersea photographs in color n crop which in 1953 lvas estimated every telephone n North Amer 1927 at pounds ca was silent for one minute FOOD new hit with ice-cold Coca-Cola MORE CMEl3 A ~e~nt Unltpd Nation ate mdlcates that the camel population h on crease and atand! at f Sergeant Dell wa5 hill room in :>:C' Hotel and of offici'j funcliol the first day he spotlight with the at the Resen'c epperrell lans ~~~ i : ' r' ~ w FMAN8 1! 1 ':- ~' ' ~ t: ~ l i 1 i 'T1'1 ~ : 1 i' - 'i<' : i i' ; ' [ i ;:) l 1> ~' ' JUN1~ for LONGERWEARNG COMFORT ANDMAN $298' SPiCAL CONSTRUCTON : ; Easy on the foot because made of foam rubber evcry step cushioned comforl sole is welded on will not corne ~oose from the upper WASHABLE Toss FoarntreadscHooL DAYS HOUS SOES into the wasbing machine - out they com looking like new LONG WEARNG - NO MARKNG Sturdy - built to outwear any other slipper ' with their beuncy bubble rubber mid soles they fealure' a soft flexible leather outsole that cannot mark floor Of furniture 'r'o Stuffed Hamburgers J!'OU1d beet' ory bread ltuflldr tomato shee onion slidell Make thin meat patties-put them together in pairs with stuffing & slice oc tomato and a lii:e of onion between each pair Broil and eerve with Pfl'ldinl Coca Colal There's no refreshl!('dt 110 welcome Coke brinll oot the best in any deliclollll food : : ; at meals picnice or parties; Bring hoine the Coke today Altmtative euggesuoll-put pettis toether with packaged cheeee and pickle reliah for fillin ~nd Co~e-to put you at your sparkling best! Cob s a registered trod' stein OF KAUFMN '_froedl' COMFORT AND long-lf! ~~~~~~ MADE V ':KAUFM'AN UER 'co L1Ml1ED ktchener ONTARO 47 re~r'~ 'DDtwear ' NO'CEMENT e NO NALS ~D'SrTCHNG ii':' ; ' ~ t ' _~ ' JUNOR TWRL $298 ~ Ayamu STORES' YERlY/Elt - : 1 '' ' ~ Regular Size 6 Bottles 45c GADEN'S LTD WATER STREET Authorlrtd bo~ of Coca Cola under con!rad with CocaCala ~!J:'rTOO ROUGH /limue his tussle ' '' h o e' s armerl wi Fehe returned to J '

3 i~ '/ ' '1 ST JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily News fj' WEDNESDAY' AUGUST epperrell epresents' 1'rEltRELL AFB Aug 27- r len O Dell rcturned to Jnd his duties as Wing ~CO this week after c treatment as R bonl nrrrrll ~crscant chosen NEAC at the Air Convention n the 1rst week n wure a V' badge duro fuur da) meeting and hobin close association with mo'ie stars beauty ;nd airpover experts He of i NCOs each repre- 1 major command to be a ~pecial feature of the!hl:rant left Pcp perrell on :~ After spending a week's il~ his parents in Chippewa he rrported to Lt Gen 11 Slone Commander :! (ntinental Air Command ~:::~fl AFB NY and was :~:;-r the gencml's wins : r' ' ~C' Orleans with the!!jrd the ConAC Com :'!':u-h C 5~ and ill com Q ~ :~ 'C olher generals and r :r;f ~ucsts ~njor E S 't; :(~ l'('n~re5sional ~edal of ::: r rnrr S ergeant Clndr Hob-Nobs With 'G enerals ception and Banquet at the Jung Hotel At this alfalr as at all of the other events he subscquenlly attended the NCO's were all n troduced ndmdual1y and treated royally The second day's events nclud ed attendance at the ndustry Luncheon lor top aircraft ndus try ekecutives and at the 'Panor ama Preview and Rceeptlon where he chatted nnd sipped champagne with Joe E Brown and' Brie Gen Arno Luehman Commander of the 3500tb RecrUiting Wing among other people Sergeant Dell knew General Lushmnn from recruiting days n Washington After the reception the airmen were taken td still another VP Party aboard a cruising show boat On Friday of the e cnt paeked weekend Lhe SC'geant attended the Air Power Symposium on ilan power n the Jet Age t s the AiA's emphasis on the importance of the ndil'idual airman that led them 'to ektend the special nvlta tiols to the 17 the first time air men hnl'e been so honored At the Symposium Dell had a long talk with Air Force Reserve Colonel Jimmy Stewart who asked about 'eppcrrell and St John's (Part of Stewart's latest film The Spirit ~:~;r;:-: nrll a~ hilletcd n n of St LoUiS was ilmed 'herc) ;-t_ :;;~ r'nl in :rll' Urleam' At the Air Symposium Lun t :;; HOlrl and began his cheon; Dell met and talked with ~:: ' :la';11 functions General Twining who congratulat ----::;;; : :~r :r1 da)' he shared thc cd him Oil his selection as NEACs ~~: 'c' ':::hl wilh the 16 other reprcsenta1i'c and asked his op ~-:~ :: he RCSN'C Forces Re nloll' about airmen retention That repperreu evening the sergeant met Joanne Alrord Miss Alrpower of 19:56 and Miss' Del Vlna Wheeldon the [lrst 'woman Lo break the Sound Barrier when he attended the WingDing Banquet and Ball 'He also met and talked with Lt Col Jo'rnnk EVerest who recently flew faster than 1900 miles an hour On the final day' of ~he event packed coltventlon Sgt' Dell met Secretary Quarles and Arthur God frey Sgt Dell' returned to Peppe~rell last week TJlroughout the convention the NCO's received what Sgt Dell de scribes as wonderful treatment They were even protected from New Orleans' 90 degree tempera tures by alr conditloned chauf feur drlven 1956 Automobiles which whisked them from place to place Even on the trip back to McGuire Sgt Dell went first class lie flew to Mitchell on General Stone's a1rpmnc enjoying a slzzl ng steak on the way and was driv en from Mitchell to McGuire n the general's star! car The bubble finally burst when he arrived at Torlmy and climbed aboard Lhe regular bus for lhe trip to Pcpperrell F rost ' s However he did give full e with i C e as e s counts of his trip to both General Barcus and Colonel Bond whom he challed n thcir of lces i ' at some length Both added their 1 congratulations to the Pepperrell technical sergeant who was a VP for a week lalls Fire Prevention Week ;Err::RnEL AFB -A NEAC Spark)' and his mastcr will be ed to include mllltary civilian and rmcn'~ Roadeo a Base chosen by means of various can dependent per!onnel-wlu also be l'mrr ~liss Fire Prel'entlon tests open toehildren of all mill ncluded in the Sunday to Sunday -::!': ~~d ~ host of other aclli tary personnel 'Sparky and his campaign ~ : rlannrd fnr the 1956 Fire rontest wlnnlng master will playa Overall arrangements are under t'[;:in~ 'rrk campaign t lead role in all Fire Prevention the direction of Captain John' E c::'!:rdl October 7 through 31 Week acu Ues Turregano Base Fire Prevention ::~:(!:~ displays exhibits daily Special demonstration! evacua Ofllcer and chairman of the Fire n:!! wl also be featured duro tlons and other e'enls-all design' Prevention Week Committee :~t ri~ht da~ ohser'ance ae : : n ~'aj~r Hal B Cbrlsten :~ Firt rrc'enlio~ Commit School Far:tOt nd SpeCial E'ents :'::tr demonstrations fire rim for cbildren a mam Fire Prc'entlon Week meso 005 l:om he Base Commander ~Jr few o[ the programmed cpe:!lnc the campah:n on' OClober 7 Each day of frmnlion Weck will be fill 'i:~ imilar actilty polntln~! t!'! M outstanding e ent 'Ael( lon;: prol:ram will n ' tht choosing of a 11s5 Fire t highlighted by the B ts Opening Trade 'To Close August 31 j ' ' 'Sergea~t And Ge neral PEpPEnRELt AFJl-T/Sgl All~n O Dell NCO C or the 6604th ABW Traln!na Office chats with L Glenn O Barcus NEAC Commander after the sergeant returned from plush trip to New Orleans where he attended the AFA Convention as the NEAC reprcscntativc-usaf NEAC Photo Education: :' c' N~ Change n Loc al Curx-iculllin There ~on't be' any changes n the curriculum for Newfoun~land schools thls year Mr H J Gough Director of Curriculum with the Department of Education told the Dally News yesterday Mr Gough added however that there will he lome text ch3nges to link texts more closely with present courses One of the major changes has been n' the 'geography textdor Grade nine The Grade nine gco graphy course covers Europe and Asia but the ext has in the past dealt with Euro'pc Asia and Australia The new text will deal in more detail with Europe and Asia and will not include the Australasian section Mr Gough says the change 'rill mprove the i BRNCO Not Drilling Uranium n The West ge'ography eourn A new literature tell iabln introduced for Roman :CithoUc schools to continue leriea latraduced everal yearl' alq;'~i! new text is entitled These Art Our' Ways? Thls aerie for Grades one to eight will be completed next year Another change deals 'ilith the Grade eleven Shakespearian pia This year's play will be TweUtl Night The Education department! giving serious consideration td' major curriculum change ''hleli might be ntropuced withln: tl! next two or three: years but th' new curriculum s still bein studied by the Department Swi~ming Me~i At Bowrin! Park u - The lifeguards at BOTinl'l'~ Swimming Pool are pllnnin ' swimming meet this earning Satil The llntbh Newfoundland Cor day from 2 to ~ pm The Jlr poration has no plan~ for drilling gramme will include race aili far uranl~m n Flat Bay on Nell dil;lng for 'al!ou~ age groups' fro f~undland s West Coast the Dally 8 to 17 year~ of age Tliere will Ncls learned yesterday be n open divin competition'fol' t had been ~eported that girls and boys with two eompul JlRlNCO representa~lves haye been BOry dives and one optional 'Th V P Gladney' looking over a cjamled discovery compulsory dives will' be a front: R estuarant 1 ' n~ uranium n Flat ilar but the header and 'jack knife The r l :1 To Talre Pal't lcwr learns fr 0m rehable sour- maining dive is optional Ractl J ce! that such ~s not the case Will be conducted a ' foil ws'- O t A report sad as well that so e' BRNCO was nvestigating the 30 yards free style boys and er a ons n ontest disco'ery [or drilling purposes girls 8 years 9 'year~ 10 rear P 1 This too the News was nform 40 ~ardl fre~ t)le boys an' PEPPERRELL~ AFB Aug 23- ed s not correct glfls ~1 years 12 years Frost's Restaurant operated [or Newfoundland Hotel was under Vincent R Gladney o[ Portugal 50 ~ar~s breast t:cke junior ehiht years by Mr and Mrs Jack comg r~pa1rs Cove Road will represent Pepper SOVet Tra~ller ~termedlate lind senior boy a1l4 1rost is closing ts doors for the Frosts were award~d the can 1 rell AFB n the USAFwide ~otor glfls last time: Mrs Frost told the tract for the preparation o~ ~ood: Vchicle Contest to be held at 50 yarlls back slroke junior S Dally News yesterday that she on all Trans Canada AlThnes i Hamilton AFB Cal late in sep'1 R t - T termedlate and senior bol'l an and her husband felt they would f1!ghts leaving St John's in 1949 i tember e urns 0 girls ' like to rest awhile after their Since then the~ have continued Employed as a tractortrailer 50 yards free ~tyle Junior nterlong period in the restaurant bus to supply TCA The Frosts them driver with the Base ~lotor Pool Grand Banlrs mediate and semor boys nd ris ness They wll cont!nue to cater selves plan to move toa new lr Gladney was cho!cn as the The age groupings for Junior [or Trans Capada Air Lmes home on To~sall Road and Will NEAC Tractortrailer representa' The Russian trawler which under 14 years Mrs Frost who has been a fam offer the building to other res live outpointing a'l! other NEAC brought Soviet Fisheries linisler ~e age groupngs tor inter- lliar figure to Restaurant goers taurant operators who would hke contenders in the recent' NEAC shkov tn S John's left New medl~te under ~6 ye~rs (or more than cleven years sa~'s to carryon the busness wide Roadeo There are five other foundland's Capital yesterday after The age groupmgl f~r nnldr she s going to settle back now Mrs Frost says she beheves weight classifications of competi noon for the Grand Banks under 18 year~: to enjoy some home life the rcstaurant business n New tion The trawler Svcrdlovsk will fish ~cys and 1llrls wlshln to' par- Frosts Restaurant was built fou~dland S ~evelopjng m~re Born and educated in Newfound on the Grand Banks while llr tlclpate in this meet ~ust obtai next to the Paramount Theatre rapidly than eler before She land )[r Gladney has heen em shkov and hs party tour Can an entry formfrom hfeguard at in 1947 t s one of the mosl told t~e News that she f~els played at Pepperrell for 13~ years adian fish n~tallation5 with Fed the ~ool Tbu entry bl~~k' must beautifully decorated rcslaurimts! there S an excell~nt future [or He has an accidentfree driving eral Fisheries Minister Jame~ be s!gned by a par~~t!'lng' per! in S John's and has always been anyone tnterested n ~ndertakng record for that period During thc Sinrlnir misson' f~r partlclpallon Tt known for its fine food and high a career n restaurantlng 6500 mile USAF sponsored trip Thc Sverdlo'sk will then ~o on complel~d entry must be returne_ quality service Frost s R~staurant h~~ had: he plans to visit his sister in to Halifax tn pick up Mr shkov t~ the hfeguard before Frida ey&- i membcrsh!p n the Canad!an Res! Kentucky 1 and return him to Russia Dng f l rg~ number ot entrl~ Frost's for a long time catered 'auran! sloce Contcderatlon and!r Gladn~v i~ married and thr r are received eliminations 1a b rccognize~1 by that association's' laih~r of nine ~hildren fjl'e buy~ The People's Republic- of China held on Saturday morn!! Tillt tl) the Lions Club Kiwanis Club 1 Rotary and St John's Junior standards right across Canada' and (our girls ' is to supply Pakistan with final programme 1'ill be ~ublisbell Chamber of Commerce while their The Restaurant will close Fri'l metric tons of rice in Friday' paperl _ evereu( pon regular dinner meeting place the day evening R V d ContinuesSearch~Returus To City f Every One ge~l~gjor~~~y b~~;n:u~'ct~~ie~p:~~ ~e/:o~l1t~e ~~~~~d~p~~~~:no~ F D i ' ' Reverend f E Vlp()n~ Minil ing shot n the ~rm [or trade Mr trade right lip to what Mr Re ~ter of Gower Sh'eet Unit ed H T Renoul Manager of Lhe haul calli the Christmas Carnl ' 0 r we ng Church and Prcsident of the f el'cry c~e who drives and drinks could lie month in' bed from base personnel ~'l 'id~ Clun llp campr~n ~ i~n ~tion this vcar will be r'':::~nd li~p R~adro Fire New8 yesterday that school open Tbe flve o'clock eloslng for rc foundland returned Monday from he~d from 11 NEAC bases will ng will hrlng about the first ta_11 firms will end thls week Mary Deer the womhn who has in!! for the Hunt's L~ne residents a tour along the North CORst of And there endure the Agonies that grie'ous hurb do gin 1 t in competition with big boost [or trade leading up to and the Saturday hollda) for led the!lghl to find ncw housing who have been informed that Newfoundland where he visited They'd nevcr take another drink as long S they did live ~ thrr methods Rnd technl the peak at Chrstmas retailers wlll end on the fifteenth i for the!lftyone resldcnts o( they have until September 17th United Church conference mem :h'l how holv well the)' of September Retail to res will Hunt's Lane says she hasn't been to get out bers f everyone could stand beside the bed of lome dear friend hm joh of Fire Pre ention th~~capeak m:;~:1 n 1~~Ple~e::~ revert back to th Monday h~li! able find a new home any She told the News last' night ~lr Vipond visited Ship Cove And hear the Doctor say No Hope hefore the falal end )~ar'! ~quadron Float Par day in preparation for thtm Wl!ere that she has tried dozens of Raleigh Red Bay L'Anse du Loup And see him there unconscious never knowing what took pc '1i1 ~~ held Frltlay October ~~:~b~~ a~~t ~~r;~~~fs w~rr t~~ crease n trade alter September Miss Dcrr has been continuing places but just hasn't been able Fortcau: Harrington Hr Flow Our liquor laws And highway code 'm sure we'd loon embraet t~ rill join the St John's Northern communities ' fifteenth St John' wholesale her campaign to find new housing to find anything She appealed to er CO'e and S Anthony nfr~tmellt n clty wlde firms wlll observe a Saturday half for the 27 children and 24 adults anyone who would be willing to f every ont could meet the wile and children left behind DtJt- :-_R_e_t8_il_er_'_V_il--=g_et_1D_O_st_b_e_n_c-:h_o_l_da:ỵ:_st_a_rt_ln:g_o_n--th_e_f_lf_t_et_n~th who were served with their evie rent eight rooms to her and her And step into the darkened room where cnce the lunlight ahlded! tlon papers more than 10 days sister nnd family to' contact her Personal ago at her present Hunt's Lane home And look upon the Vacant Chair where Daddy used to sit; ~tiss Deer says she s willing to His manv friends wlll regret to 'm sure each drinking drlver would be forced to think a bit; Th'e woman who told the story pay eighty dollars a' month rent learn tbat 'Mr: Joseph Cllrran S' of Lhe eviction n a special n but ju~t cnn't fintl anything of Gnmbo s presently a patipnt And last J( he who takes the wheel would aay a little prayer tervlew with the Dally News lu;t (lthel' nll!'s Lane residents at the G~uel'al Hospital where on And keep in mind those n the car depending lin his cart Wednesday has spent consider art: lool:ing for new housing but l'ida~' lust he underwent an ex And make a vow and pledge himself to nevh drink and drh'e bit time looking tor nelv holls tfw)' tou have had no luck trllsive ~ll'glral oper~ion!rs We'd be a whote lot hetter off nlt Newfollndbnd would tllrh f : ~- Crrll who aeroll1jlanl~d lift h1l5' blind' here is tayin! with her With apulogies to the luknown authoror tf )o;vt:ry ()N~:~ daughter Mrs V P Rossiter The Editor Pine Bud Apartments Boarr! o[ Trade told tbe Daily al United Church ConferPlce n New With broken bones and stitched up' 'oun~s or fracture! oflht ~ TOO ROUGH FOR Mi says Hard Boiled Hagg~~ty as he atlempis to get n 'uierlng a~d b his tussle with Whipper Blly Watson On this'attempt he ftels more secnre Lhis time ' ~ ~rmcd with chair Referee Frank Manalc! made Haggerly relinquish the chair be t f rclurned to the rinl-(dalty News Photo} -BREFS N THENEWS 'RElnER J R SliT ALl WOOD would make no com ment once again last 'night when asked by the Dally New! ~bout a possible election an nnuneemcnt have nothing 1l'hasoel'cr to say the' Premo e' stilt'eil t was the f1r~t time that he ssued sllch a blunt no colnmcnt on the elec tlon question' Red Cross Swimming Awards The Canadian Red Cross Society will be eondueti1g swimming test~ for the juinor inlermedlate and senior awards at the Bowring Park Swimming Pool on Thursday allcr noon of this week Boys ann Jllrl~ interested in winning any of these awar~s should re(l{lrt 10 the pool on Thursday aftcrnoon England Wins WORK S :MOVNG AUEAD C k S swiftly on the new home for ; rc et ~ erles tlie Aged and nfirm being erected by the ROflJan Catholic Archdiocese n S John's t now appears that the build n will be completed this FAll 1 ' SEVER'At BOATS h~ve been out squidclinl( in Holyrood this wriek G(Jod calches nrc bemnde CLDREN in Avondale' c:n were out n larse num bers ~'esterday pickinj: blueberries Some were selling the berri~s on -the roadside MR S MOORES Mana~ing Director of North Enst Fish erles Limited at Hr Grace s expected to turn the first sod to day n 'ceremony' whieh -will see the start of constructlon on the Hr Grace arena Steel for the project s exdeclcd sh(jrtly from thc Mainland 1'1'1-: AY anrl thc first potato crops around Conceplion LONDON(Reute:s) - England and Australia drew the final cricket test match Tuesday Eng-' land winning the series two games to one with two matc'hes tied The f1n~1 score was England 247 aml 182 for three declared and Australia 202 and 277 lor five Englan d already had retained 'the Ashes symbolic of cricker ~upremacy on the basis of car lier matches FonlOSA' STEEL The Chinese Nationalist Gov ernment 'Plans to establish a steel plant on Formosa with a eapjl city o[ tons a year Bay are almost ready for har vest Hav s beins rlcked and potaloes arc n flower and will be 'rcady to harvest shortly PLANS' ARE imng LAD at at 'r;rand Frs for' the 'isil of An~lican Bishop L 1 Demel ni~hnp Demel' is due there on ~ rid;ly PRNTED DRAPERY 36 wide Small prints on contralt ground SSc SPEGAL YD DRAPERY FABRCS AT LOW PRCES LARGE FLORAL PRNTED DRAPERY 36 wide on grey ground SPECAL YARD 97 c : 48 Wid DRAPERY FABRCS' n solid and floral patterns SPECAL YARD _ ' ~L

4 t' ' ' - ' ~ i ' :: ~ c ijqo W THE DALY NEWS Nlwdundlana's' Only Morning Paper The DALY NEWS 1ft mornina papet established n 1894 and published at thl News Building 3~1-359 Duckworth Street St John's Newfoundland by Robl:lson Company [mlted ME~iER OF THE CANADAN PRESa ' t The Canadian Press exclullvely entitled to the use for republletlod 'of au new dlsplitehes n this paper credited to it or to The Associated Pre or Reuter and abo the' local news publbbed therein All Press service and feature artlelet this paper are copyrllht and their reproducuod prohibited DALY SUBSCRPTON RATES Canada $ ~OO per annum United Kingdom and au Foreign Countriu $1200 per annum Member Audit Bureau or Authorized second class mall Post C)ffice CirculatioDl Depll'JDent Ottawa VEDNESDAY AUGUST OJ n ; The News MEN AND POLTCS ' By WAYFARER We were surprised the other day n conversation with a' prp fesslonal politician of the old achool to have him propound the question: why don't more young men of -tient take an active n mst~ in politics? He thought he' had he answer The fifteen years n whlch self government had been suspended 'he- said; wue io bl~nie 'l11at they had something to do with the case we have no doubt But the nswer was not compl~te to continue it year after year until in time the whole of the substandard sections of the city will have been re-planned Filling The Schools Ne'>t week c:hitd'~n will wend and replaced their wa some eagerl~ so~le reluctantly lute control Some of his men to schooi That will be 5000 n?re than were good Without inl'idlous last ~ ear t will be more than New Turn n Cyprus nes; 'e may mention such out went to ~chool ten yqars ago standing men as George Grim!!s RuJ not all children will find the doors Ally possibility that a truce in Cyprus and W W Half yard There were ('f their ;chool~ open to receh'e them The 'could be followed by negotiations with' othe;~ But there wer!! also some rom ~l1erint(lndents of education arc Archbishop fllakarios now in exile in the followers of' Coaker whose 'oice~ ha'inr: their l'l~toll1ar~' headache Sup Sevchelles seemed definitelv to be ended were nel'er heard in pal'liamcnt and whose political talcnts were p'in!! teal'lel's for all' the schools is a with the disclosure by the British C~lonial nel'er apparent Generally speak difficult ta~k Secretar' that ciocumentan' evidence of ing however e'ery House of That 15 not surprising E'cr~' ~'ear we the Archbishop's deep impiica~ion in tel Assembly [rom 1855 to 1932 cpn hac to finel about 150 teachers A1}e1 rol'ist activities has been found talned a 'Cly high' proportion of ~incc thrre i~ always a certain amount of 1'1'[1' Lellnox-Bovd left no doubt at all in men with ahility personality :lnnu:l1 attrition in the profession: the his stalement that he and his colleagues force o eharaetci' and a stake in acancir~ that hae 10 he filled each ~'ear in the 'British Government are convinced the eountr) are more thall tha figure 1'voreo'er of the Archbishop's complicity t is hardnot 100 man~' teacher~ 'a~t to go to tl~e ly possible that a statement so strongly One of the extraordinary things about the' past was that hard place~ to the!1m' httle coves 111 worded would have been issued if there a lot of good men could be ral; i~olated places along the northw~ and was the slight~st element of doubt lied toa party standard on an north coast pal'ticlllal ly where opportuni What'it means is that Makal'ios stands emergency basis The Monroe tie$ for An ldequate social life are missing charged with the promotion of terrorism GOl'ernment s an excellent example t was put together with Curiously enough however Mr Kirb~' contributions to the armlngonerrorists ihe Alll!lican superintendenthas said that and worse still to the actual selection of in a few weeks of the general ~ome of the schools in larger communities victims to be eliminated elcction in which it was vi~tor ious The Alderdice' GO'ernment are this year a biqger problem t seems almost incredible that a man of 1932 was another example As a matter of fact the senior high of the Archbishop's cloth prestige and' Her~ was a grim cdsis Our bor srhools of the pl'o'ince need more teachers ability should be so blinded by fanatical rowing power had come to an to improve the qllalit~' of their work Too nationalism as to lend himself to the promat1' c1a~ses are o'el crowded Too few motion and support of murder t is an practised The great depression end Rigid economies had 10 he!'udents get the kind of indh'idual atten- unhappt situation which will not make was laking hold and he orllland tion :he' need E'cn' senior high school the problem of Cyprus any easier to soh'e for relief was risin'g into a should ha'e one teacher for e'el'y class thunderous clamour 11 took courage tn accept nomination in and specialists in addition in art music times like these when no success ph~'5ic~1 culture and games language~ and scence But the full staffing of Discouraging Sign ful candidate could liope to lie Able to cope witi! the rlemands ~chools on th is basis has not been possible from his district fm' 'ork for 111 rrcent ~ ear!' One reason is the scarcit' assistnnce fol' arimissioll to hos of <zood lrachel's and the olhcr the cost of pitals for manry fol' l'o~ds and mr i 'llainin<! adequate stllffs brirlg~s T:1(~ staffing pl'oblc'm will be soh'eel in time as more andmorc teachers get tlieir j:rades at the Ull'el'5it~' But the monev problem is llother miltte!' The PrO'ill~ rial GO'cl'lll1lcnt is e'cn now de'otinel onc-quarter of ils 1'C'enue to education t spend m?re ithout depriving ~ome othel' essential service of indispell~ilble nc~d And the only solution 5eelll~ 10 lie in federal aid for elementary eciuclltion That is something for the future But it is a matter of ~ra'e concern that the OUlntitllth'e J)roblem inec1ucation must absorb lis 10 'the point where we cannot!!h'e the quality the attention it needs Perhaps the new advisory committee on ran hal'dl~' The expulsion by Egypt of a number of newspaper correspondents a Canadian among them is a dis~ouraging sign of the times in that key Middl! Eastern state t The first steps towards the establishment of dictatorship is the silcncinl( of cl'itics And the!l1oment that a government begins to trump up excuses for putting courageous arid impartial col't'espondents out of the country it is on the road to totalitarianism Colonel ~Nasser seems to have within himself an the makings of a sawdust Caesar He might do well to study recent history in taly and Germany before going too far along the 'path of no return Now thcre was never a short age of good candidates n days before Commission Government Not all were good o[ course Some were selected because of local drag Others were figurehcads When Sir William Coaker wae at the height of his power he had eleven seats in his allso and whnl'l'cs This was ~ time wh~n all good men 1l''l'C asker! 10 come to th~ aid of heir country jlany' 'h~ had small lasle for politics and whose professional 01' business -obligations were of stich a nature that to go nto poliiics was to make a very substantial sacrifice were willing neve'rthejess to put themsch'es at the country's servo ice To mention but a few of them all men- who had itt e desire for a political eareer were Harold Earle df Fogo Norman Gray of Angle Brook -the present Mr :rustlce Winter arid his brother J A Winter James Ayre P J Halley Will Abbott of Plirt au Port and Halold Mitchell Add these'to the more politcally - minded mem~ers of he Hous! of 1932 and we had such a galaxy of talent as had rarely been til'ere before We stili think that'house was wrong in accepting unreserv~dly the suspension of self governnient But its members all of them went into politics at a time when here could be no reward not even the satisfaction of positive achievement S e ' vie e to the country was their incentive Why i~ it that more men o[ this kind do not go into politic5 today? GO'crnmcnl of cour;r can command recruits to its rank5 mlich more easily than an opposition That is particulal ty the case when a great many opposition candidates may have 10 face cerlain defeat in ll'eir 'fir~t election But how man) hal'c to facr certain defeat in their first election But how many harc made a slccess of it a[ the first try? The proper thing for a young man with an intere~t in 'politics is to cultivate a district to the point where he knows everyone and e'eryone knows him He may have to wait a few years to get into the House of Assembly but tha is true of all occupations in which young inen enter with the hope of getting ahead The' entry of two of he 'young er generation of business into the political arena this year - Derrick Bowring and Gus Duffy ;is one of the most hope[ul signs wc have seen for a long time These ~re men without per son a political ambitions ''heir 'interest in politics derives rom higher motives We would like to think they have set an example that others will folio 11' 'But the great trouble is the con e'~nlration of our time on trivi alitics the complacency that comes from relative prosperity the growin( complexity 01 all kinds 01 work which require more time and attention and the feeling of fru~tration cngcndered by th~ politic' of our day These as much as the long period in the political acuulll or Cmnmis sian Government arc reasons why it is so difficult today to persuade young men that polio tics is a form of serrice that is well worth gh'ing and that the province needs ' Wh t Oth A S ~~ ~'~--'-~J'4' _------'r Strength For The Day education may be able to 'come up with ~ome of he Answers during the new mft OF UBEl'rY school year One or my r~adel's a middle-aged woman whom 1 ha'~ known 101' some years wrote me rere!ltly allollt n serious ilncs~ 'and a series of operations hrou~h which ~he bad passpd Ont parall'l'aph n New Housing Projects her ~lter struck m~ particularly: fr can nc'tr she wrote say' enough in Two ne' proiecl~ whic:h coll1bin~d will praise 01 the compaliv for which work (and sh~ produce more than :00 housing un1ts are named R large 011 c'nrporatlon) They kept me l'qoll to be slarlcd 51 1 ohn s 1 hey on full salary ror si:c monlh5 tben after hat on will repre~ent a major cero!'t to brilu~ half anti hrough 'all my trouble they have done hmh R!!eneral upward mo'ement in everything pos~lble to make the way easler for tht!ilandml of hollsin[( in 51 ~lm's me and keep U)1 my morale although the' ~;i11 pro fae fot' only one- Oh these heartless corpoutljrlr! Oh the ' 1'le rapliall!t1c society of whicfl they are a part!!~'enth o[ th! number of fam1ltes n need The communists rant srd rant 1!1d rant; and d~b -mil H:l :' MY CHLD fy child J love you with a love beyond the scope of words ; a lo'e that flies across the sky lile grcat angelic birds [O! you are near and dea; to me of me you arc a part and so cherish you with all the 'feeling in my heart j[ you are joy[ul am too [ gri el'e when e'cr you cry for little one you arc to lle the rcason ancl the why lovc to bring you happine;s for YOl give this tn me yuur tendel' smle is a1 i ll~cd tofashinn heavcn's key one kiss fl'olll you is paradise so pure and meek and mild yes thrllugh the year~ Yllu'! always be the wodd to me my child Letters To The Editor lr SNCAR THE DALY NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST '- _- 'Edson n Washington' Nixon Says He's ke-not Taft- Republican By PETER EDSON NEA Washington Correspondent ----~-~ ~ ~ SAN FRANCSCO-CNEA)-Vice President Richard does not consider himself a '''Tart'r Republican n the event he shculd 5uccced to the presidency Nixon continue the policies of President Eisenhower These two statements can be made categorically on the ba!il cojlversations with the Vic!! President s closesl staff mociatel o study of reco'rds a~~embled hy his office Two written (Ueslion we submitted to ~h' Xixon to his positiotl on thee important loints 'fh(> answers to the~e questiuns provide lhe key to hi ('Ull conl'cntion and 10 Gr Harold Stassen's effort to challenge PrcfiLimt Nixon's renominatiun ' n the mi!lds of some Republicans Nixon's strng~t pport comes from followers o[ the lote Sen RoherL A Taft of Ohio Thm so-c:dlcd Tart Republicans are critical oc many or President ' hower's progressil'c and liberal )Yllicies t is the hope of thcse conscra!i'e Republicans thai if or ~hpn the Vice Presidcnt should succeed to the presidenc lip ah:lldon the Eisenhower program a!ld return the Rrpubhc_n Guaro to control o[ the party To ~ettle thee controversial issues these' lwo!lllf;01< put to the Vice Prcsident: Do you consider YOlmc!f a Taft Republican or ~ Eicnh1 U!1 Rrpublic<1Jl: 2 Dors )'our pcr'on~1 political philo~oph:; le~n mnr' 10 till comrrl'atil'c or the liheral Repuhlican policies? Thp answer to the irst questbn given as reprc!pntatll'e 01 h! Vice President's views is that Mr Nixon considers hims~lf U Eisenhower Republican Dear Sir - The Hon James Sinclair Federal ~linister of This answer is amplified with the explanation th1 the 'it! Fisheries in his reccnt' press conference at St John's tri~d President co!lsiders the differences betwecn EiEenholl'er and Tafl were mere pronounced on foreign than nn dom~stic issues _ again to pass' the buck and Cll' Sen Tart was an isolationist Pr:siden~ Else~ho~r bebe:s ~ ~p~ a _ ers re ay'ng deavourcd to pin the blame for more in international croperation WhlCh Vice PreSident ~xon all THOSE SMOKE FLLED doesn't open doors to' them ROOMS pick up thing! they drop or Gliwaukel' Journal) stand lip when they cnter thc Pel'sulng th~ hundreds of room At thc dinner table he columns of n[!s and editorials s careful to nold the chair lor 011 Lhe poiuc~! conventions a the nl:y n skll:ts He gnores diligent 'eader not~s thnt not the lady n jeans many p31'u~papr arc pn mitt ed to pass hdol'c till' guod old ~nluke filled roum s mention ed ~ there law written til' ullwl'ltten 'hil'h rumpcls pull til's to conlcr n alr tlght 'll' bll'les and to puff out clouds o[ tobacco smokl' constantly? s there n('l'er a fresh nil' fiend who h high n part~' councils? We note that Joe llartlll the GOP convention chairman doesn't ~moke dl'ink or dance He ShOld be Jle logkal can dldate to lead the movement for ventilate'! chambers of better Clccommodatlon slarve and starve and starve; and persecute and The larger scheme will be de'elopecl pemcl1te and persecute This hllon of ours- AS THEY LKE T in the westel'll part of the northern sub- and the free nations in this western hemisphere (Manchest~r Guardtan) urb The type of housing to be built has are not half lood they hould be Really f the olj~ct of teaclling hcm ~pecial1~' cle5igned by the staff of we ought to be ashamed of ourlelvel that we're children Shakespeare s to let C 11 1 Hou~ill 1lel ~ortlta~e lnd will Mt better-coslderinl tbe tart We had n the them enjoy him rather than HENS ON rhe FARM (1elhlJl idge icl'arl) - ''hl' rapid eprljllurlitln 'ate of poultl'y i~ 01 gi'cat ecnllomie advantage With a ;aylng hen pro'idln! the means or rcpro ducing hel'self HiD times a year 01' mo:e the poultryman has a {exillliity much greater than Ule beef call1elllnn 01' even the hog producer A Lhe same time progress tov ards All ideal type of bird (or either laying or meat production through sclen tiflc selection of breeding stock is much mnre rapid than in the c'ase of meat animals whicll reo produce more slowly The poul try ndustry hn~ been able al most overnight to tallbn)lake a type of bird which meets the requirements of the market Cll ~ braver' ant ~acrlflce of ledly men and women to provide a convenient collcc cnlll(lr~ 10 the l'ta~darrl;; already estab who came here tn found R newortler of BOclety tlon of alluslonf and contexts hsheci the adlollllng bull-up arca on hertv; But thank God for whnt we are for exnmlnation t might be ROOM FOR CARS The 'uninl' scheme ha~ been on the Thank G~r for the freedom unrler whch We live 'm05l effectlveiy gained by (Guelph Mercury) sending them to Lhe theatre 'J'he old narrow trllll~ where pl:lll1 in~ boa rei fol' t'o ~'Ci1 rs t will Rnd the klnrl DC people thi! freedom produce~ without a vord of pl:eparatlon two cal'~ could barely pass!1ro'irle fol' lhc initi~1 slages of l'~con- Pral~e t~e ~ord 0 my soul lind forret' net all A recent plea~ant evening at without colliding are being re st ruction or he Ca/'tel~ Hill ~ecl iol 011' h~ heneflts ' negent'~ par: was made /cven placed by splendid wide high- '1 h t f H use~ wetc c:ollclcmncrl : Next 10 salvahon lhe greatest o[ God's gifts hnppier ol' two adults' lucky WlY~ wherc six nml eighlcars J1C mo~ 0 le ) s liberty enough to sit ncar a couple oc ' can collide at once il11( dcl'lroyed This will be the (rst ' -:o:~' little boy~ whose resp~nse to ma ior ~t cp towarci!;' 'e-planning the ccn~ ' MUSTN'T LET 'GO A~ You Like t was rapturou5 HUMAN PEST / trill 1 1Mr [ nr the olel cit' (T t St ) and loud They almost fell off (Sudbury Slnr) or on 0 ar helr sert~ Rlld at the first in' Onr of the pests this ivorlrt n i'lelditinn 10 the con:;tl'ltclion of 'hout A repol'l pays that a 'struigle for (lower still lerval O'lC 0; them gasped 10 can do without is the litter fi[h' hou~ing units lc l1trcet~ will be J:C!S n:t behind th'e scenes n Russia but th~t h! other: Did this ehap write bug Obno)(lou~ and a detri pul through playql'ound will be de- Bulganln continuc! 'Lo hold lhe ed~e He'll be Anything else? Tills s smash ment'to!he l'est oc humallily '~lnp(l 1'11' ~ T ~1tl ll's 1'Teac101' and a ooel-safe unti! he leh fl(j the' handle of the axt inll!' at Rny time Jl becomes espe L 1 n 4 ' 'd cially objectlon~lle n the Sum dcill of parking space will be made WH~ DO TREY DO TT FATHER KsNOWS BeST - mer when hi~ lalents for a;!ilabje' (BrockvllJe Recorder and Times)' (CornwR StandardFreeholder) spreading waste enter the dan 'flll '= ' 1011rleferrerl beginning ill the ' Astoundln number of drowning! reported every Anyone who takes seriously ger classification ~ ft the more rldl(1ulou~ aspects of $ rpcollstl'uctioll of lhc olelest pal t of the Summer whfch ~re cau~ed by ~on swimmetl' or female garb ~houldn't expect SNAP ELECTON cil' Nothillf'( coufd he c10lle in the past' very podr swimmers simply w~lkillao'!t n atra~11 to be takel1 literally But (Re/lia Leader-Post) bccause no mone'' WM available for the water until they: step nto'a deep pot and drown there's a tale i!olng around of Premier Bl'rineWs -Social 'lroose But vith C~ntr81 MortJ!nrle Just as simple tbjt and JUlt ridiculous 0111 one male who cracki down on Credit Government has a com P 'J n v r f b am d by th nllmb f th tjle women of hp family with fortab[e marglr with '24 out of' puttin/!: Up three-~ou:t11s of the bui1~ing :s~ s:nslbl: ;eop:z~hd ha:'t' th:r ~e:tal~~~ a smirk of real satisfaction He the 48 British Columbia legis cost~ an4' the provl1lclal ~o~'ernment fllld- Df a baby'when they are around water Why do picks occasions when he knows lative seat5 ts present' tcrm in!:! the rest the C ouncil S able to play thpy e1'pect notlo drown when tbev can'l wlm h! Rction s dnly noted and dis does 110t expire until 1958 Yet d d t 1 liked bllt cannot be arllued' Mr Bemett has sprunll an t~ ~art h' 1)1'0 1 '1 t ~qul e ' ~crvlcer and ypt lin n water abn'e -their 'depths? Tbis s :1th 'He simply refrains from election 'wilh the minimum limn The face-lifting process has be~niomethinl we have!lever 1llderatood-Dd aever offerinl any gallantries to wo notice of 38 oays September The-hope must be that it may be possibie will men 'wearlng blue jeans He 19 havin been desianated u -'-' all our fishery ills on the weak ness of fishermen's organizations supports mort in this province On some domestic issues; Mr Nixon believes Taft '~! Talk is cheap 'Jimmy and a progrcssive than Eisenhower has been ~aft's public housmg prolittle iot air might be alright in gram is mentioned as an example of his liberalism bij a cold elil11ate but it usually Taft's reputation as a conservative is based largely ~n [ 19'~ creates a lot of thunder labor legislatio!l Nlxen rec~rd and the Taft Hartley Act 0 Doesn'L Mr Sinclair realize a Congressman vuted for t1wt act thal for Lhe past six ur seven $ ears Newfpundland has lust all 't' in thl its J'oatinlllishing Hcel and that 11 is puinted out however that Nix 0n 5 ~?i l~gl' rl'l o~l(ttr ot its isisllure fisher still strugles 80th l'ongr s rlgsclv parajcls hnt of <'o'(' lrls St' lall -' prdhi for ~ur'ivul and sliil r~maills he AlassachllctL!' Hertel' S the nlan V 'b' ' ' U'catl'sl question d31'k 01 ollr 'it~epl'l'sit1clllial n()min~e bet'ame () us SUPPU;! l ' Pl time'! Am that lihcl'lw's or 'iell's 1 cndol'sing F:isl'nhuwds program d 'i' 00 ganizations hal'e had tlll ir 1'1'0' <:01'!lerter ontlinesthl! similarity hl'lween lls 011:11 all X blems; too? N' f r the nr pre-l rncy 'otin~ record in his speech nonlllmhng xon 0 h h md We wish to Tl'mindAir Sinc all' [ N' 'b ism a ln49 SlWC(' ~ that during t~ose years he was As further evidence 0 )(on s ~rar d (:or propm which in a position wherelly something in Los Angeles is cited Nixon hereollt we a 1953-lour more could have been done that was close to what bccome the Eisenhower program of could have very well worked both years later ways as far as Newfoundland As Nixon himself pus it he' is no omny fisherie~ we~e c~ncerned Libeml ' {~r Mr Slllclalr might also bear The Vice President can also point to hi~ 19:i2 arll':itlr! h' h mmo that hs west coast!jsber' ' h b ftr the hot GOP convention n Chic~~n-m ' 1~ mcn which he boasts so much Elsen ower e e about are dealing in a highly he' did not support Sen Taft d i that he '< all ~lt {~r iuxurious commodity tinned sa[ The Vice President's poslhon to ay S d his olide'; e'er line! mon which they can afford to Eisenhower then he has snpported him an ' stockpile while our fishermen and he will be {!T him and his program the future - are dealing in the lowly and a th 'oung Japanm ~er humble cod whlcb not even his P 1 to ' BO : ra~n sai: i~ excellent Engli!h Canadian friends will eat Al)d it Opu a on 19 e Birlh control and greater fa!jl! must be exported to some of the F and factory produc!i'ity W!!~ poorcst people on earth Problem lor helping to case the problem 0 Y~u c?nno~ sv[ve Newluund ~ overpopulation but thrre ~!!! l~nd s ishel'lcs Jroblems ;llr J' manv uncmployni Sinclair hy waving a red flag t apancse One trir~ 'cn' mr! nol 10 ~an only be done by' clear thinl! his iob in' apa'n Then th~ en!: 'n/: an~ actllln on the lart of ny nos pcock pora'tions hire the nrw r~du J('Crnmcllts and trade as wcll o'rrawa (CP)-Thr ;errclary' ate< h ' A A d t A ' ' ' 101!' 1 S ermen s orgamza lns nil of apan's vtsitin~ pput~ rolle ~!r Ol'am~ ~airi ' ~p~1' d nlt by just playing politics minister ~'as sitting in an em shy llr~'rluntrs ha'p a rr!')' hl~~~ -UNONST bassy ante room sipping a glass o[ time findin! 'ork < ~'prll Cln Princeton pineapple jllicc was fierce Thr corporaton! The secretary Yesushi Oyama; ha c the choice rose with cxtrcme politenc~s a~ a D1FfERE~l' 111m r '~eclion day Why the hartc? reporter early fnr an appomtm~n~ Then hl'i2hlcnil~~ a htl r~ :n 'l:'here s thero a crisis to pr~ with lapan's Deputy Trade MO- asllcd how unil'er;str :1 ~rlha clpltall!' a premature election! ister Homan Kawano was shown Canada fare' at 2rttin~ Jlbl~ rlct * ' into the ante room by an embassy Easy the rrportrr sal n CaD' 'SCHOOL SPREAD OUT aide if anything the ~raduat~' l~t thr (Kitchener Waterloo Record) Making passtheti'mll conversa ada could take their pick An inconl/ruity of U1ese times tion the reporter asked Mr corporatons 0 ami is the fad of bulldlna; sprawl oya'ma how he was enjoying his Yes? nquired Mr Y then lng one-storey structures to visit to Canada He was silent for a ume~hould serve as primary schools; At a Very much t s 50 qlliet 10 said Some of our peopl~ know tbey cou 1n the time When so much tax money peaceful dter New York City visit 'Canada ~o s required t conslruet schools 'l11ere s so much space here New there s such a place Lo accommodate an unpreec' 'York s like Japan-arowded the world ' wm nc' dented!psurge in enrolment Tapanese ~miler! Mr Oyama'~ thought T1ere of clcinentlr? ~cho!ll pupils wc ROR SURPLUS ' H cupied He asked a~asn ;: have allowen oursel'es to be Tap~n has R population of more are johs for ail l!ranuati~1t him talked nto hullrllng schools the than n an area smaller And a3 the ~cpnrtr;'a' most expensive way than California the poliu! Japane~ete!' ook ' Yes we bave many people n his juiee with an m n e '!ppinf ranc over au the collsequenl ncoj'eni(>urc5 W his Vorl has to h hy m'er su'h an e~ at one time williu matel'ial such as the liquid t;l' fn 'ehicle las;tnl( w:lil'h i '('1' messy to ruh of: COAST COMM VtSTS week the South Gl5l0l1 Hon ohn T Jlagistrale one~ a 'insot- ''C in th their 'iit they Balik ~llrl A~;' 3'd ~o 0' Council of 1111 CO'''MSSONER llr fr3nk C:mllllissi visited Forlune 'fhe the inl'itatil Town Coun lo insjl

5 -' - --'' Y NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST rand Bank Notes 'Ayre's H!i August 20-'e5 h~'e and al Fortunc Dlv- for Sl John s this week fdr medl 1l1: rx3111inallons re ng efforl~' were made 10 locate leal attenllon Nil lli~ i> ndeed thc he body mmediately but t was Capt and Mrs C C Williams r' :'lrrc 1 lhout lown th~se not unth 111'0 wecks later that are' at present spending a hall i ~tl hl'l reporls o{ our helr errorl~ wcre' succcssful day lown _c' r fallures arc The funcral sel'vlccs were held 1111' And 11r~ Auslln lladdlck 7'1~J1r bul we hope 10 at HaUfax Deceased s survived of Carbonear wcre recent visit ;~ ['f 11uhlieation n he by his wife and two sons at Hall a's n town ~:::1 f ll1i column The fax one brother Beltram at For Mr and 1111'3 Edward Nlcholle _-11 i:trjal plclure seems tunc to whom and other relatives and two dau15hters of Toronto thl' t'llr :lml l'e are and friends sincerest sy!lp:lthy arc visiting relatives here r 3 orl'cspondlng situ s extended their tragic 'bereave-!' and Mrs Max Rowe and ;~):'1 ur local schools ment 'famlly are visiting relatives n :/ir!l hiihroads employ- Word was rccdved at Fortune town :;uil'll1~lt arc busy mak last week of the accidental Alrcraftsman Jackie Rogcrs Cl11<':1!' and road wid drowning n a Nova Scallan hal RCAF s 'in town on leave ~:~r': ht!! and Garnish bour of George Thorne twenty Mrs Louis Rusell son David : :~' lind curves and ) ear old slncle resldcnt of that and daughter Ellzabeth are spend 'di e '!re being bul town Thorne was n crew mcm ng a hollday n town with frl ('n much to he bel' o[ the motor vessel Bcr ends 11 dril'rrs lind proper l1luda Clipper commanded by laster Rckey' Tessler hal reo l~d rurfacing is helng Captain Edward Clarke and own turned from a holiday visit at St 7~r ;1''~lr;1 mprol'emcnt e<l hy Gcorge T Dixon Ltd John's ;r '['11111 hetwcen Grand Dcstalls o( the acclendt nrc lion' John T Cheesman 11n- 1illn t1r~ok :111<1 Burnt meagrc hut t s under~tood that ister o[ Fisheries wal n 'town ~ f'1w' arridcnt trap the unforlunate young scaman last week ~ 'a';ld~l'11e 10 the u a fell of[ his ' cssrl The body was ll Frank Ryan lime Fire :inl'c :'lay a bull later recocrc!1 and s being Commissioner was recently n! rll' n1('n have been brought home to }'ortune this town on buslnesll ~! tn arra and he week for entemmcnt lflss Elaln Sparkel haa re-!' allllol nbcli T!tOl'ne ~ su''lvcd by his par turned to St Jolm'l arter spend 1 l 'lio1 hal bern lens :'11' ~nd 111 s At'ch 'fnnrne ng a vacation here with friendl ~; 1 tadal'd widlh and al1( ~(''eral othel' relatives to Mr and Mr Chea Tlbboand J 111 on a pal' 'llh whom SYlllllathi l11cs and at hls on arl! vlsiun relative j'lwlll'crillc hil:hwil~ time n their trl'llc sorl'pw 1111' and Mrs Ron Whytl and _ ~n~ apprerlatinn GARDEN PARTY famlly of Corner Brook have 1'1' -n :' drl' lu' the' ope The Annual Garden Party of turned home laler pendlnl a : :lllhzl'r 'll th'~ jllh 51 Alban's Anglican Church took week n lown -::::::~:::::- r:~' n ;; ~(''nlllpishc!l place on 'l'ucsday August 7th Magistrate Erlr Jollet is at pr : '1(111 'hal llre:tt 1m!lhough ealhel' ['ondltlons sent at St John's i ill' madr to the were nol deal the event was very llessrs Bob Fahey and Otto ':1 r'luil'l1lenl Three or well patronized Fcatured at the Moore were n town recently ':' ~1' ('ould bring llc garden party were the usual lr and Mru Gordon Thomas ;;::r 1''inula nelwork shows games canteen service or st Tohn's are pendlng their : n1m: :U a 'onlp:lralll'e etr ;'eat teas were served in vacation n town ' the basement 0 the church by Mr Bill Vallis s at present re ': 1:'1' mall!'r (f high the ndies of tn!' AWA from 5 levlng as Customs Officer here r ulrl ikr 10 exprcss p111 until 10 pm and they were replacing Mr Gerry Newhook ~ '~ll 'tnl'lion 1'cr the kept quite bu5y calerlng to the who is on vacation ~r::'~ '~d h~' hlghroads many patrons-who attendcd Mayor F M Tessler and De- AiJ':''''''' :: remrcaclng the Latel' in the evening a dancc puty Mayor E F Stoodlfl>' were ~Y highwar n the was llcld in the Theatre luslc at Bay Roberts last week attend :r n'~ We came over t was prm'ided by Charlie Wallers ng the MUnicipal Convention' r~~ ~t had our car COVill Orehestra A large number of the Mr and Mrs Harold Foote and!~d tar which has been younger people attended the family have returned to St '~ ~1~ 11l~h'a~' for about dancc and bad a vcry enjoyable John's after spending their vae 1:'3 lplc drh'lng ~ow- evening The wltncrs of the spc atlon n town carefully his liquid tar clal door prize of a radio werc Mr larry C Winsor of st ;111 uver our vchi ;'lessrs Stoodlcv nnd ~layo who John's was n town last week on!~ 't'qu~nl rcsulls heid the olntly-uwned winning a business visit ~;1:l1:O''S We knoll' til'ket Muster Carl Tessler las re' :''':': lias tl h dont!1 The '('~eh)t~ rrulll he dr S l' ltul'ned home fl'om a holiday 'sit : '1' ul'h :111 xll!ll!il'( tll'lties alllllunl!ti to all umount to Cornel' HL'ook r u 1111' witliuut an~' sighll~' liver S601lO which ai- i1l's jo'udgc has returned home :ljil'1'1i1 SU h as ~and 10 hough not as good lis last yelll' nctcl' spendln!l a llohday wllh c :h liquid lal' from gil i~ cllsldel'eti SllllsfactlU'Y This hel' daughter ;'i s J M Dunford or:) rhil'l' paing m'el' t i 0ll'y will be ~ed towards dc'ller tlvo daughiers who were al ~ ll: :i('h!'~' dun fraying costs of a ncw (urnacc so here 'sltlng returned l10ll1c i :rt!(lef'ij' 'j ~:Y 10 rub off which s tu be lstahed n thc i to l'lordla ' : Oh ''; COAST COMMSSON ehul'ch shortly ''lrlrr1 VSTS SPORTS nt :ixon aft WtiS c h011~in~ larl:~y (n ~~j!'ix(ln in Jltrlrr prcfrrl ntre ihrr~1 '~r;; he SOlllh Coa~t La~t wcrk saw qulle 1 lot of' T C t j-:rale lonr~ and :'lr' 'cnlll~ula lslllnl! the area were ' ;:c'r wl'r ill hi~ al'ea lle Cnrnf!' nronk Ai Slars of 'furll Blind Eye ': n<il hey llrt with lhe Hllmber Foothall ssoclation :11 R~(k ~(rl Forlune and tlu! Fel1dlan5 learn oe 51 O S k M' 1 ' _ '_ (0!lon uhn 1' C1CCS' fool ball playcd on the Burin: ax 10 ec ors t ~rl aln mel whh i ohn s n toe ar iet : l t!l1cih of hr Burin i The Fcildian5 played a tll'o :' : ~alle ~el'lcs Ort Frida;' el'ening Bv HAROLD 11ORRSON : ll~clil1<:~ an opel i they met the lueel squad ~1d 11 CanRdlan PreS StRFf Writer rnl:h' ::''';''on took place nil: a well played encounter 1'lctoL'Y KNGSTON On! (CPl-Cana :'r:!: 10 he fishcr w~nt 10 Grand Bank hy : dian corporation executives were ;r 'll: industries and margin On Rall'day el'enln!l at loid Monday thal federal tax col ~f the Rurln PeninsulR S Lawrcnce the Fel1dl~ns lust rctor'~ have turned a hlind e~'~ '~f:'i:et point pul for out to st Lawrence by a 4 to 1 on ~tock market pro its 'h~e t~ i711~dlrte future nee score Tht'Y retumed home over pur~ulng relentlessly the profits!: l1< Rurln Pl'nlnsulR the weekend of real estate speculators ' h~l n{ hydro develop The Corner Brook team nrrlv Sluart D Thom Toronto law WOUld hesldes gl' eel on the Peninsula ovcr last )'er and ccturer at R special ~:c :'! tv'~' el Garnish and weekend On Monday evening Quecn'~ University ncome tax n rlrclricication would they played at Burin and were seminar said that gener~lly the ;l1rij~ ~'idltlonal eleelrl- victorious by a 4 to 1 margin fcderal reyenue department can!:: i:d'hrial and domestic Tuesday at St Lawrcnce n a iend only to imtatjon and mlsun to he Commun:tes hard fought cllntcsl the game dcrstandlng ced The early de 'ended n a scoreless deadlock He was ~scusslng taxing probnf Bln~ Rlvcr (or On Wednesday at Fortune the lems relating' to capital gains 10 the Rurin Pcn!nsula Corner Brook boys were on the They are profits aequlrer through aledo ~ brief will be right end o{ a 1 La 0 decision On the sale by an owner a a house :' : lip Commission n Thursday lind Friday they visit- or car and normally are not ~~b n discussed was ed St Pierre for a two game SC ject to tax But there are no me l'll11unlcallon ser les dropping the first contest by definitions of what s taxable and 1:1 l1rili l'~nlnsula area 9 to 0 and getung even n the what s nc>t wrllten nto the ~~~~ :'!t' :Jrinl'inll of the Bur second by a 1 to 0 victory 'rhey :'rtany border line cases : i~!'i~~hrtlad nelwork coucludt:d Hleh' tour llcr(' on l)e~1 fought out n the dc()u:!~' the ':a:lo' j rt(bd~ and width Sallll'day whell the locul~ W:'~ S:lble' ~1!ld d (:fo~~nt(entd conrurc:'!!:d p~'lllt u wt:1 n l;!uod (01'111 l1d duwllt:u the all anal e unl axahl n 1t'ojl : ~ntl' clelll'll~ Wcl Coast eleven by 116 tu U slon us ~o tm; 1s'lilOn; sulci h; nd ~ixnn '- ' ' l: lh~ Wl!!' shutoul 'j'be CO'!:r l'ouk bly~ ~~ll~~~s ~Ch ~ task s ncal'l) ;~f'prfitltnr~ ' rclul'jlt:d hollle 011 SUllday 1'~ls~llJle :>f't'ch h' mad MSS~NER V:::S 'fhil week wlh see quitc a bit NO'lil~C:NE SEEN 'rocpm hirh ~ rallk 1 tyl of [outhall 011 lhe B'ln Penln Also under tha gnlse of defln : r L Jl~hsOnC!' fo' su a and dl~l'in!l whlch lillie the ng ih~ law tbe government might 1953-lour ''' nsllcd (rand l'cl1ll1sula Championship wht be 'ze the opportunity to levy r =- ~ liltlr ~y :;:1 a!l<lalts :::1:: jnb~ aid n fa ;r~tt~ in rir pick ff f': :!:!ie '!'he 1'1~lt was decdeu ~=~cs on :'Crtaln ventures whlc!1 ~ 111'~lalilll1 of the i OBTUARY t now docs not touch wn Clllllcll to he Mrs Thomn Tlbbo Tax expert J Harvey Perry ~ ) inspect the i The death of!lrs TholllAS Tlb also of Toronto s~ld the O~er-all bo occurcd a Grand Beach all tal( load n Canada has reached t ~~r H~':~1 can i AU~lst' 7th following vcry unprecedented peacetime heigllts ~~pral tspectlon o( i Cl1gthy llness Deceased was n and there are! no prospects of any '~3 a ' ilerfront He ller seventy elghth year majo'r decline in the foreseeable t;;~(t~ thr 'arious lal'!;e The rimenl services were held (uture :lrii:r! pump houses on Thursday ~Ugust Uth and n Some federal reductions might fltiltwo equlplnent A terment was n the l}nltcd ake' place but not big enough to ~rol't and reeom Church CemetelY Ute ~chlce5 case Ule over au burden The fnlo:lng his visit being attended by a large num tendency Would be for provinces receil'ed shortly bel' of residents of the settle- 'and municipalities to take up any al;o attended a din- ment federal tax slackening to meet in of le Grand Bank- Deceased s survived by her creasing pressures for more has!ion Club at which he husband and two sons Chllrles puals schools road and other :1 thr mrnhcl's n his reo and Harold at ome and three services ' ~ <:1 t hat the compact daughters MYL'tle at Sydney N He suggested that the corpora! '~ fnl'lllation~ o{ both 5 Julia at Fortune and Lucy!lon tnx raia which Ontario may ~ mane them virtual resldlngllcl'e as wcll as thirteen mpose next year' will depend a major can gl'andchlld'cn thrce brothers largely on the rate mposed 1»- rl rlnp in ~ither COin' and one ~ster Deellesl sympalhy Qucbec where thl' current rate: s M 'rc'r! the need DC is exlcnded to the bercaved n sc'enpcr cent The n~w federal rilp fi~htllg equipment their sorrow tnx sharlni/ plan allows dellnc ~'rrl flll pl'ecaullons to Annabea Hillier t1on~ of lip to n!ne per cent of n lrel'ent any rna- Passed peacefully away at Fnl taxable corporation ncome n!~ ~opinl: He )1ra' lune on August 7th Annabclla proylnce~ whi~h impose a tax of [OJ' joint Clre f1~ht Hillier n her sll cnly nlnl~ year lhelr own for he two towns Decca sed llad been n!alllng Mr Thom' said nvestors Pt lit e!cort health lor some time Mng their money to work n ndus 'JV ~ ACCDENTS 'rhe funeral services were held try need not 'fear that the growth ~rrk dl'cr~ were sucess at Lamallne Augusl 9th nter of suchlnvesment wlll be taxed ht~lin~ the body or Sam menl was n the Anglican Ceme- But that mlglit not hold true for n Halifax Harbour try wilh Rev L C Reel conduct those who acquire property with a 43year-old Halifax lni the services' ' a view of resultlnll gain or later tmplo)'ee wal a fomer Deceased i survived by two sa!~spcculauve realestate profits ~ Fortune daullters Mrs Clement Ha~l~ at have been Jlursued relentlessly believed to have fal Lamalinc and Mrs Jom '1 Ay accompanied by a vicious pdllcy l'~en coming as el's with Whom she desldcd also of assessing back nto:-' year9 comtmg 'e~sel whcre tell randehlldren before there was any ndicjtion'of 'tl~m~lt1nk frlenda as Deepest sympathy s extended any new policy ~ ter lel'ln the to the l)ereavcd relative! and f' ~'::' th~ 1;01P hl~ fe the ends Britain's natlonal debt during ~U'i~ Rose of here and PERSONALS' 1955 was 528 a head compared On! were'visltlnl rea- CQlt Huh Grandy leavlnll w11:h 15 n 1900 M OPENNG Why not hurry down to-day you'll be 'pleasantly surprised at the reasonable p~ices 100 featuring DRESSES - HATS SKRTS BLOUSES SWEATERS Let's get a(quainted with the new woman for fall '56 The 'new woman has: A new gentle softness A new- thorooghbred simplicity A new supple allure A new radiant warmth A new recldy-for-anything gaiety A new gracious elegance All this can be seen in the beautiful new fasj1ions jusf opened at 'Ayre's Fashion Depa rtment! 'sr JOHN' /lwwtoundi ANA ~ FRDAY 15 OLD COLLEGANS GAS DAY AT McKNLAY'S

6 [ t~ t '!- - ' : ----:-~ eht~chat COLUMN '?i :'<> ~ :: ~ <: lsgge)ient ;; : ~ day night given n honour of Miss ~l{e~'coriitntlrs':aucus BctlyBugden 6 BeJl Street who U5 Pikri; 110 Merrymell~lna load: will' be::'mrrrl~d Oil August 30th l;inouneed -the forthcoming mar to Mr: Horacc Collins at Gower ri:ce of {heir :dauchttr; Ruth Sireet Unlled Church Cards we~e ~!'le; to Gerald MleDolald son 01 played'and prizes were won by 11S a~' and Mrs H M BuUer 227 1' Knee Mrs J Gillingham and C'liigmillar Ave h'e wedding to Mrs A Abbott Sfower cards Vcrc l:ke pke' it Gow~ Stre~t United read 1)y Mrs ~raham Bugden ChUrcli September 20th;' mother of the bride to bcrupper ' ~ brought the enjoyable ev'llllng ro rf:fr-rate'd 10th BRTHDAY a close Stturday Auliu1 18th ~aw f' mih' aathcring 1 the home o( ENGAGElEN r l~3p': Jabcr Win:iOr 3 'Saunders :l'he en~agemends announced 01 P'ce 10 t'tlebrale with him h!s ~~SS Alice Marl~; daush~cr M' ~Cth birlhd3' CKJlt Winsor' S ~d Mrs 10bln lu Emil Luuls ' ; 1 :ldwn ~~ound ~lur coast bd!l'cczl;a 50)1 of ~!r and MrR Rulnlpil i fiy Robert DlellenbRchcr nd i int a 'rtcr~n 'fishtrman and 5ca11'eczka U Wil~on Slrcel North Forcst ~rcs have sl'ep~!hrongll' klilcr (or vcjrs lie s now : con Wi1hl'aham ~L1ss 'fne wetu;; VRst ~rcas 01 Amerlca s wood : 'Ollclnl: ~ilcr a 'C'' serious op date 11'11 be allnounced later lnnds Half a century ~ alfter l a ~ t G ral Hus flrc has destro)ed a stanu 0 t m ;c:raton n the Torun 0 ene 'TO A'rTEND CONFER'NCl' bel' the black skeletons ol yester ~Jlitall Grbcat h i~'; the 'dsll~~ W~~~: Miss Eilzabelh' sea~meli 43 day' still stand above tho' brush :llr 11111' ut ~fc han h ; Cchranc Utrct ftlt b'j' ; C' and youneer trees These charred sloek Onl tliero e as 1'0rell k kith t' d ' d d Monday for '1'oronlo where she wlil spl Cs spca or e con muc for the past slx1byears led v hlen~e 'slt her aunt Mrs Lewellyn Uake carelessness of man God alone by the m~n) tr utes pa m on can make tree yct when man the dll' o{ his birthday At the fhcn she will go to Ontario where d t t h cannot erase puty iour gcnera!ions of the fam: she s to be a d~leeate at the Na t~: rdo:slr~ctf~~' n e a lifetime Of il~' Wfre reprcsenled Cl)lt Win t!onal& Study ~onlerence Qf the course mcn do not cause forest ~or's mother gener~ly' known as l:)lrlst~an MOlcment of Canada~ (res ntentionally but millions of Aunt ~arlba whu year 3liss ~cam!cii s t~e secretar! 01 trees have been'burned year after 'oung CapL Winsor and wife hs the nlemonal lnil erslty Brnch ;on O'live with whum he resides of the Student Christian Move l e~~'relessness and thoughtlessness nd v'ile and their two youngesl ment have allowed fires to crow from' children Tral'clling from New ~ spnrks or embers nto huge con York lor the omsion was Capt; FA~EWELL ~Al~Y (lagrations Someone thought the Winsors siicr nnd her husband 1111' MSS Joan 10 nl~~ was guest or match he dropped l'as out or Charlie Abbott Also auendln;;: hollour at a sur~r5e farelv~11 parly that the campfire was dead Nor were his sisters Suphle Mrs Capt ut her 10me 136 Rennie s Mill mally the embers 1'0uid have Sid Hm Florrie (lrs Thomas!toad on Sunday evening where 1 censed 10 glow and the sparks :Soe) and his brother Capt Leslie' dozen of her friends were uathcr'l would not have been lanneli nto Winsor Wc join with his many i cd ~!lss inl~y who 11'11 be leaving lire iriends in wishing his grand here next weck 10 enter the RO~'all 't would have required only a enlleman many more years of f Victoria Hosptd School of Nurs! little attention to be sure A lite' riche!t blc>slng! ling was the recpient 01 a UClU shol'el more of carth anothel' lu writing casc Hostesses 101' he 'buck et of water a stampqcout n:p ':-ill SUCER SHOWER ; ~'rty wcrc Miss Elizabeth Scam ash or an unlit m~lch would hal'e )lr William Burton 54 Lc! mell and Miss GeorGinA Pike ~avcd unlold dcstruction of 'hrsl' ~tkrch1nl Road was hostess at a! -:-;- natural resources which God has Cup &: <:aucer shower on ~on ' ls rm P/R1~NTS l!h cll n splij! of wldcspread ~ 1 'rs Edgal' Porter the lormcr publicity about forcst fires their ; Parlcia Maner accompanied by causes and man's carelessness ~ ~ her youne SOli Stephen or St t11p destruction colitlnues John's arrived here l'ecel)t1y by We pray for forgiveness of 'our --- plane fl'om Corncr Brook is visit ~ns oj omission and commission ll her parents Mr and Mrs 1': We ought also 10 Jlray for 011' J ~aher 64 Le~larehant Hoad 'elimination of carelessness t i~ lint enough to be sorry ' r mllsl!teddy KLOWATT DEE' WATER o'ercome he holl~hllessn~>~ and Be Modern Live Electrically! ( SP 51 Thr H()man~he Trench nne of i he clhar::t:v whch makes care 'he decjl~st parts ur the Atlantic le;sness exlsl uecan is 2jOOO feet deep The Suez Canal l00 mile con: ~ectlllg channel betwccn the led Good Clothes tcl'l'anean and Red seas was : built by French engineer Ferdin N d C and de Lcsseps ee are ' THE' DALY NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29'1956 '~p For Wednld:y August 29 Present-For You and r ours This may be a Wher disappoinling day; you may weli feel fruslrated and unable to gct ahead JUst keep p!useing along Don't 'lei yourself get nervous and 'en~e Patience worb wonders! Domestic S3ion may be rying bul 'shoulu clear up by Thursday Don't complain about rifles t's the big things that count ' Future ' $29 billion was! spent by industry for planl and ; cquipment in 1955; he figure is up to about S3S billion al this time This level of spending may be maiol~ined through 1959: Past On AuguS '9 Edward Prince of - rived in New York City tour of Ame~ica T'el~e laler he was to cnounce hronc to marry an Amerie commoner an The Day Under Your Sign A_ES (Brn Muh 21 t ApillO) LBRA (Spl t Ott 21) 11 ill t~lr' (OnCtnlUlffl ~t(ofl to :~ Go nsy on tle MXlal fr1 r~: hrouj:h tht day ithout mlihap AVOid f'ccu are nc;;at!'t for plraturc rifls wilh old frirnds ~ strictly 10 bulinru flow TAURUS Aprilll 10 My 101 SCORPO 10'1 2l t N lli You'll nn! l'l('fj!lt ~ bit on tht ndt Gel ptt!oona rroblem elured t:') SO pendent'sidt non tlle 100 much (er ca!'l conce1llr~t( on btft'r:rn llh Jfanlrd Av-out Eon1tlnJ; mlnl Ju 21) SAGTTARUS N t D<ll $trious difference could olthotlt:h oilln r~mltu t()(c our OUJt Monty may be home it dt Ltn flnt fdr YOU )'our dinr;reement curnnt udi-lionj T( tn ruett C)NCER (Jun 22 0 July 22) CAPRCORN 10tt12 t bu you won't :=in n Work sleadlly at re;ular ta'1< raunj 1OU1 rnat bile (n mort tbln reu can '(f;~ eon«n! Oft )'our job new ru~n~lbilltiu (Jly 2J 10 Aug 22)' AOUAR~S (Jen 20 f Fo~ frel bit under the ulllt Etnts ' mqt mort dowl)' Jour slell:ves nd pitch into oi!_ but be patinl! no~'1 n and you'll (ctl botrttr r hers ~tt en )otlr ntn u Aug 2) t Spl 22) PSCES (Fb Mc 10) 'OU (ilicile' Jour U~ for Be s)mp01i!rlie if frojbl~ teo much ellmirm JOUt Ufns t YDU for '4hi~t Be u 1;'lral1'lnl imrulses suunt at1:cl at)'o Gn q Between' Us Women BY RUTH ~LLET ~ wln;'s TUG AT TlE EBOW S ' Cceple~ Willlt Set~nd HELPFUL TO MANY A 11AN Thought t's usually h~ 'dre ho When President Eisenhower re1 most of the social prompting cently left the ho pilal where he' remembers names and had been a patient only a wilely her husband to a'~ a tug at his elbow kept him from ance about hll ne l bab) ( neglecting t osay goodby 10 one of know whether t a boy nr the surgeons who operated on him 100): She's th: nne who n his hurry to be on his way havlll~ th~ nell man n the President didn't see the doctor a~d hs Wfe to oloner His wife did minds her husband oj Model Esplegc!' om Marc range of eourlurler fabrics crealed y flat tbe normal belted d noles and so on Bohan's Autumn/Winler 1956 col by continenlal fabric design~r waistline the ielel' than usnal' Over and oye~d again b Ou t r~a ~ost married men lake hi leellon for Jean Palau a col 11ike Sekel's Aerilan acrylic fiber ' such little mc ents ~ au ur of help for granled and lectlol1 which s entirely m~dern gives this luxurious :featherweight slce~ es brought n tight Jut shari charmtng First L:?y '' ho se;mls nevet give it a second houlhl and easy to wear a collection t d't h :f h d of the elbow the small be always to be sensilive 0 lh e ee And yet il is probabll' of PASSES TnlE A i'oman s more likely to have which drew nspir~lion from th~' Vee s rl~ u an -a Oil'S fealhered bat worn straight ~nd: ings of other people and Who nelj more vallie to 'hem 'than GLASGOW Seol1~nrl (CPl-A a dlection of splcndld classic period 1912 to 1915 Bohan ehese to be tailored to perfection low on the hrow-all marks of: er hesitates 10 g!l'e her busy and could possibly imaginr -YJ/e!t;tJJbnt/ ':l:!f2 doctor here provides a television clothes at he age ol 50 than she an intrigninl-l lexlured silk wool Note the short skirt pleated fronl many da~ time dresses at Patou perhaps s?melimes dislracted hus For little ~eture< oc LGN 5C! in his sljrgery waiting 'oom is at 20 She has more time and Acrilan twecd from a wide i and back with sirles left complete i'this 6easo~ band a wllelytug on the _bow 10 kindnes in'ere1 and prc!:'umabl)' mol'e money and has call his attenllon to some smail lion are of inestimable 10 A to D LEEDS l!:ngland (CPJ-A man had more years to gatller up a' lurned n n' pereonal matter man in tis' buines or C R r bil':l found wandering around he in wardrobe the seams bnlshed wiu a clothc~ r;;>ll!!!''''~~l~;'!'1'-''t':!::r:1'~ This of course is nothing morc ai as well as his oclal life leap e 13 e ec m t come tax o~fie~ n tllis Yurl;shin' Care 01 the )'eal' in~ ear oul ex i brush 0 gcl <A ; NEV' PRNTED PAmRN A M han ~105t Wives' oi bllsy men do i 'And maul' ~ man lith n and ~ttu'lt S JO) ) ~lty told ~n olflc~al' h7 wan~ed t!~: ~cnslvc tem~ in a 'ard~'obr b~: potential molhs ': EASER-FASTER t mencan enu But h~w m:y lit/;bands r~aliy pulation for pmonal charm _~========-::=~=:~==~:~~e::e:th~e!people 1m larkin for comes mpoltant ~an) glolln: Hem lengths can be a!ljusicil :; ~~~:~~;~UR~E ~ appreciate how much such wifely: bably owes more of thjt i'~<~- For Expert f:/ BeautyCare DAl 5477 >' c: MONA RYAN'S BEAUTY SALON : ': ' ~ T A BULDNG DUCKWORTH ST Now Available (in NEWFOUNDLAND ~ women have been upset when a f~'om selt~~ 10 season ~~ith no ' ' ;;rt;il;r'c ; _ tugs at the elbow do 10 smooth ion than hew knoll; '1 tile favorite suit has fallen prey 10 me showmg if the hem S taken ElE ARE 'CWO WAYS 10 'their personal rclalionhips and: tugs at his elba' thai help to moths out before dn cleamng This may GLMORZE CHCKEN enrich their freships? him human Fur coats f luch there be fur seem extra fussy but the process Y cuffs jackets muffs and collars 01 cleaning and pressing can re B GAYNOR ~[ADDOX should be n cold storage in this move the creasc if t hasn't been The reat broiler fryer cllicken: Chil dl'en'c~ Puzzle Ba 1)T A t b producing are rt s of Delaware ' (: season garmen ill( n a set for many scasons Mid ' ' closet is nsufficlenl since t isn't Storine outufseason c 10 e 5 ' arj' an and irginia h3l'e just' cold at all but e:ctra h at' -lr shoulq bc done with care so they i' hcld theil' ' annual Dclmarva Nall on' ~ ~ B BETSY WOr tel11~ should he c lea ned and aren't crlwhed oul of smpe or i a! C C k e n Cooking Contes; i The r care 8raiable should be remodeled when they'rc hnng on the hanger with shonl oruln the prlzc 'inltin~ recipe~ We l' & i ~cthlng ring; at cent;in so outol style they're unwear rlers akc' Splendid dresses 10: ~~~~~~' thc!c two for YOUr enjoj! ' able liquid Afler bdn~ Rhle he packed HW~y fol' a year or f '( Ule refrigera'or nnr en be Goon' clolhe~ 11'0111 Ulroughoul mo'c should be pnt in thc bigl1rsl nelrrrlol~ 8(urr~d Broilers 15 ed by Baby until il melt! the year should be sunned and 111U~5ihlP box with pnough issue (By Mr~ Palllille Sullil'Hn! nrd '~~'j cold soothes t!le =01111~ n'1 brushed noll' andthcn if Uley're papcr 10 prc'enl tle formallon nf ' No4 Milfol'd Del) 1 slippery plastk fed! ;oo~ appealing 10 moth~ They can be thrcecol'nel'en crer'e~:! Two 2!2-pouncl broi1in~ chickens : J 'i h~lved ~~ e~p llcal'y cream whil~ 19 M~~hpd potloe! hjikd lime (f desu cd <' lemon juice) o! lor> ;lld cooled hakeoi 5all pepper ~ puund mushrooms' 'S arc line fol' B<hy if OUAt'ANTED BY THE NTERNATONAL SLVER CO OF CANADA LTD ' :: ~' ( ~ ' n Crafted n the exquisite EMBASSYPATTERN two white crown end flap REG s3 O'VALUE Be sure to get your package of Monarch Margarine right awayl Vitamin A Vitamin 'D Monal'ch s made from finest selected vegetable oils tasty' easy to spread a real treat for the whole family Monarch:Margarine saves you money too Serve'Monarch todayl or fulli~tall on ~hl amallllll Uver plate offer the rv rse sde of your Monarch carton ::F ; :;M ' '0' 'L :E' A' 'R : y: : ~ ;' ' 'j ; ST JOHN'S '' ' ' ' ~ cup bl~nehed almonds (graled) n ' the Frena/! fric1 Take ; of the heavy cream' likely!() make 'OU~:l ~('in; and:ub chickens well including stomach He's attracted 10 cavlll~s; salt and pepper to taste : because they can be t3ten put WDe or lemon juice in baking hand dl~h to about dep'h and piace : cllll-kens in dish skin sidc down DAUK J)RTS T:: 'e in O'C 13;; rlegl'ces F) lin ' WORLNGHA~ England iii ten e r ba'ing occ:lsionall)'! about H hllurs ' While cliil'ken s baking c hop' mushrooms and SUllie lihlh' add! D l'c1 of cream then gl'illd in ii lwnlls ald St bnd Jlepp~' til 'taste slil' genlly on a lll flallle : about 5 miuules anll you have i yuur slul1ing When chicken i 5 duoe: tum oven low aod spoon stllllmg inlo chit'ken cavities; let' set fol' about 20 minutes Sprinklp W Sf with paprika before serving 4674': 2~~~'3f' Golden Sa ':ory Chicken and pd nlt~ N oorllcs (Dutch Origin) ; :'Aul'tl;CUP'AtmN (Oy M~s tulia ~ Lingo OFF FOR FUN Ml'bor~ Del) Danny looks ~o ha v h' t ~ onrnew PRNTED Pilrrn 1 Onr Jpolln~ chcken cut jll t; ft for a good limer: th~5 'aet S -~ ~c'itlg wonder! Ju~t one Yard cup pconul oil cup milk ~~ CUJl What do you hink he ha ~ t~' 54 inch fabric 11 all yull nerr! to floul' cspoon ~alt ' c~coq)l: bundle under his arm' s /n C make this ~tunning fall skirt - ~n! hli1~k peper 1 C) our cream! would like 1/1 k~ow join afl ~h~ ' 1n) SZe given! Have ~el'eral SOlon onion chopper! fmc: clol'e nllmbered dols together 'la ' ricl1 ' 0 0 s bright corduroy - '/larlic: cl'~llerl: 3 lablepoons Jr; with dot number on a~d s rd~ng l1'1fly and sew easiest! mon JUCe cup 'alrr chicken ' it h dot numbcr e tl'cnt/alr~ncg P t d P t bomllon cube one 4 cllnce cant' 't r n e a lern 4674: hsses mushrooms / t 'k ' ~y our pam s or cra)ons on' Waists inches ' ' 4 easp?on r~pl' a : this pcture All given siics 1 yard 54ineh DP chcken pieces n nlllk hen ---- ' combine flour salt peper and DirectOns prmlcd on each hssue coat each ieee l'ell Heal oil in Plain cake seems only fair for pattern part E~sy to 'u5e ac large frying pan brown thicken Baby's birthday even f he's a curate assures pprfect fit for 10 to 15 minute: _ Drain on liltle young for sweets But make ScndTJ~TYF!VE C;:'-TS (35 pape~ lowel Pour o~f excess fat i~ a whilc or yellow cake minus cents) coms (stamps cannot be fr~m pan Hetllrn chicken 1'1 pan ' 1'le guoey frosting His can be a ncceptcri) for this pattern Print add onion garlic icman juicr i cupcake if the one for snapshols pl~inly SZE N A ~ E ADDRESS'jll'aler hollillon cubel mushroom;; is piled high with frosting STYLE NmmER and icjuid CO'er simmcl' 20 min: 'Send' nrder 10 ANNE A DAM S lles longer Coo k noodles se r:~rc of ST JOHN'S DALY?'EWS paratcly 10 minules and fold n What' Th C ~ Pattern ljept fio FlONT STREET mt beforc serving stir in 5'1111' ' s e ure WEST TOJtQNTO ONT cream and paprika Garnish with r i Fo'r Backache' BNGHAM Eng (CP )-Collncil lenants Who fall behind with their rent have becn warned tbeir n~mcs will be published in locnl l1c''spapcrs We ~re going 10 sh1mc them into paying said an official pars cy Serve hot - What do doctors know about the call1lc treatment of backachc'! Will exercise help or Manners Make ir rest better? What can you Friends do to avoid getting a backache ro begin with? -- Sepwmber Reader's DigCl't t is much beller to write a brings you facts about this EARLY BRD pereona! note of condoiellee than common ailment - long shrug- LONDON (CP) - The next to :uy a sympathy card and ged oft' by doctors but now Trooping - the Color ceremony -put your name on it ' Lellers of treated as a serious condition won't be held until the summer condolence are dllfieult to write Get your copy of September of 1957 bllt Canada louse here but they are an expression of Reader's Digest today: 41 artihas alrcady received an appliea sympathy that should not be put des of lasting interest including tion fnr tickets to the colorful off or overlooked the best from current books el'cnt A letter 11'Om Toronlo ar f you arc sorry about a friend's magazines condensed to BaVS' ril'ed carly n July asking 'for loss surely you can take the time your time' ' :: tickets to sa)' so in your own words ~ r' ; ''!' A dart board io a pnb in Suffolk lown can be n n dark t has an cledric lghl t~1 hl'hincl the' targl'l which i an-paren urnl-: t'lfa: 't T'f E le t 1;111 gngland t ct' - 'nllicipal cia!; hal'c d i: 1 to ll' r spelling of this nf'l;llre from Little Little Berkhamp;tcd he same said 'nr: bul ne' 5pellin~ L< hnrtcr BLACK SUEDE 'MAXNES' cver 'n! FATTES stylrll by al l plain and Sre thrsc pxclt'~ '10 r'lh 01'11' fanc) crslons r l SiltS Fall style and comfor $395 PARKER & MONROE Ltd Sport Activitie 11 Phillips represe ~itchell & ~o who w business trip returne a last Friday afterno and Mrs StanleY L BB spent the w guests of Mr and GeOrge Pittman 01 ~ spending a holida daughter and so Mrs Edward Hu and Mrs Fred Ar daughter spent lhe with Mrs Arns' lath Hunt Ron Fitzpatrick is now o here lor William Babb rep Joy Manufacturing recently on business and Mrs E J Nea Mr and Mrs Joh and Mrs John Burke' on Joseph of Sunday here visit Neary East Avenu~ Mary Kal'anagh lr and Mrs Edward 11 her Grade X ex! Congratulations ~onsignor Carew son Carew spent the week] lisiling friends lit and Mrs C 1:: C mils s~nt Sunday wil 114 relatives in the capi lr and Mrs (;it n flllily were weekend ' tit local mainland l!r Roy Olillord ma Lawrence Nfld Co arr lnnday on busines~ Hr Harold ~li1er whr ~ injured when he frh 01 twenty lil'e leet from Another NO 264 ~ELL SL:O;O - widespread was the l' when the sad news re1 bland that a fnrmer rl the person of lfr Albr had passed away at the' ~lal on Friday August U~ a lengthy illness The late Albert ~t born at Tilt Cove 58 He was the son of the 1 lmer and the late ~~ ~n Morgan n 1912 Bell sland and went ' No 2 mine When the flitt came in 1914 Alb of the (jrst to answer! Weat overseas wilh h hundred his regimen being 264 lie 11'35 WOl July Drive uf t POli and was demouili On his return 0 thr tenl 0 ;ork in thl' e Hi! last position with 'll! lumber 'd laen went ;nt; uusint lelc fhich was canir he name o[ he Wah Coinpany This he m: UCtess[ullv until 194 the 1;land and at Bay Robert conducled a Uln tor a number o( car ~fter going oui 01 business he started nd furniture store rery successful Abou go due to failing he ~bliged to reth'e anr me bis son Vaughar ~e iusine~s SPUR' oqtbe Lions Club a~ ~ 4121 USA C1!be a Juvenile Sportl '1b Sparta Field on e events are open llhietes and compel»!ted to be keen ; totinl athletes main event of the Annual Labc ~~ between the 'UJlen15 and thi! 'Club has a t event WS won 4 slope team as th~ir ruth l

7 1 Y NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST Sport Activities People n The News ~---- ll rhillip representing J t:;~rll &: ~o who was here inr;s trip returned to st j!l frida)' afternoon rd rs Stanley Legge of BB spent the weekend 'J!!U~!ts of Mr and Mrs C '~~~t j; ;'r~e 1 :llt ' Hunt Piltman of Bonne :1!rrnding a holiday here :~r daughter and son n law d ~lrs Edward Hunt nd llr! Fred Arns and ';;ll~htrr ~pent the weekend ;Jlh )rs Mns' lather Mr 1 : News From Bell sland ' top on Sports Day has arrived home from hospital Mr Miller s leellng much better bul w!l1 be n cast for about three weeks ~rs Herbert Harney who was a patient at the Grace Hospital lor the past month arrived home Sun ' day arternoon Mr W J Somerton went to S John's Sunday on a visit to his sister wso is a patient n a city hospital TEMS OF NTEREST TO COMMUNTY i~it~ Annual Fiower Service Tht RCMP Anglican Cemetery The annual commemoration ser- Hymn B09 Rev Horieygold thrin de vice was held in the Anglican livered a very eloquent address Cemetery on Sunday afternoon taking as his text St John August 19 t was a lovely after 26 Jesus said unto her am the noon and hundreds of parishioners Resurrection and the Life He that were present for the beautiful believeth in Jl!e though he were service of remembrance for those dead ')'et shall he live And whowho have gone before soever liveth and 'belleveth in Me The Rector Rev T F Honey- shall never die Believeth thou Mrs John Andrews entered a gold; conducted the 'cry impres- this At the close of the Rector's city hospital on Sunda~ She was slvc service which was as follows; address Hymn 614 was sung fol accompanied to the city by her Hymn 611 Psalm Lesson lowed by prayers and the benedic brother Mr George C Normorc Solomon Chap 2 23 Chap 3 39 tion ' Fl' 5 ti~n Fitzpatrick shipping Dr B J Egan and family spent is now on 'aca Sunday on the locat mainland Messrs John Neary and Richard 0 W ere rvlee' t 'n: POllnd manager Pound Clarke were weekend visitors to _ :;mf~ d was a weekend the capital ~ : the island Miss Dorothy Carew and Master 3:i)n ~urphy has resumed Allan Carew are spending a hall 5 A Cemetery 'Social '~ Personal :::f~ in he engineering office day n the city with their grand ur)' enjoyable vacation mother :llrs J J :llurphy l;r11~e Craig of Kelllgrews Mr and Mrs epler Nixon were Scene at the Anglican Cemetery Bell hland during the annual Flower :!!emet ~ holiday on the sland weekend visitors to the local 1 A large number or Sah'atlonlsts and beautiful but will soon die which was held Sunday afternoon August 26th it: nicer ~r~ W J Can mainland were n attendance at the Salva 'Such s human life A Better _- - )r t'fai~ asl isilcd here Mr Edward Noseworthy of Aska tlon Anny Cemetery Suml3y after World was 'Major Pike's theme 1(1 altend the wedding Sales Limited was here recently noon to participate in the annual He read Rei'elations 21-] 7 He St d t G t cent She is the (iaughter of :llr! N D '1 Al h h b' flower service n remembrance of confined bis remarks to verse 4 U en s r and rs GeorF( W Hiscock ' ew D at' Cv ie:~(l r onnors DUg ; on usmess '~:; 1~1'!lOur score m:lrk Mrs Capt Lemuel Barrell of Span their beloved dead and mad~ l'efe~e~ce to that cit~ it T S d [Jle awilrd t''sists of i trip S ~ f---~-l:~~-~~i '' much younger and s lard's Bar was here :londay on a The mpr~ssil'e service was con- Jo~n saw T~ele S ~10 sorrow 011 np 0 y ne)' with a three day tour uf Sydney! tran n ';)7 'r:;;r~ rrcllrnt health llessr5 business trip Capl Barrett was ducted by the Corps officer Sr c~'ymgj thc~e 5 no pam nor death and its 5urrounlllngs The first' ~ :;~ 5unlry and Frank Craig are di5charged from hospital recently Major Wallace Pike 10 cemetcrles are thcre~th?refo~c! --! day will be SDent louring the LONDON (ep) - British fam ~:!'l nf ~rs Craig where he had been for some time no flower servlce~ Con~lu?tng hs: The winner;; 01 the Dominion i Steel Plant On he secontl tlay 1 ers next year will beg!n groll'lnl t lrr ~r~ Curtis F Thorne as the result of being shot n the The service opened with the re~ark5 the JllaJor sad :e~ us i Wabana arc Educational Award they will tour the Cilboi Trail a new carly ripening barley ~ err 110lidayins here with back by a stray bullet on the s hymn There is a Better World st~'~ to be Vorthy of that cltlzen-; or a free trip to Sydney with i and on the third Louisburg 'nd strain ' t Ti:(:nr's parents for the land about a month ago He s Corps Sgt JaJor G J Robbins shp n that cty ' stopo'cr and conducted tour or! other points oi nterest! 'fhe ~ram known as t~gt td ;: r h;'~ returned to Hare now feeling fine his many friends n his remarks reminded those The band under the dlfechon the Sydney operation are June' i h:l5 bcc~ developed by elbulls ~m ~r Thorne s principal will be pleased to learn gathered that the flowers which of Bandmaster Noseworthy pro Hiscock llargaret Pepper and 1 The trip wi! be taken on one' a Swedtsh agronomtst rganiza ::':1 ~ A School Mr Thorne Mr and Mrs Geo Noseworthy adorned the graves are now fresh vided the music Robert Reid Thi~ ward was for' of the Dosco' ore carriers Alii tion t has been under test n lj rkini in the shipping o!flce spent the weekend with their car ' three first Year candidates n' three winners are pupils of the ' ~ngla~d for three years 3nd now if hm on the local mainland Show nln the bove pictures p ul 'p And nsurance against fire each of the Glades-nine ten Wabana Anglicar Acadmey S bet~g (est~~ under Canadian n10:2: ':liam Babb representfng Mr Don Farrar spent the week are Const E F Hamilton and Op ar 0p A ictnce for the dog and cat and eleven-of the publlc exa Chmabc condlhons by th~ Grain ilcqu:ll1l1: J~y ~tanufacluring Co was end at Kellgrews' Canst Patrick Hamilton both A fine new bike for brother minatlons in the mathematical The many friends o June His! Research ~sljtute at lompeg; tci ntj~ on business Mr O Lyons manager Canadian members of the HCMP Eddie has The parlor needs a 'nicer rug subjects cock daughter f)f 11r and Mrs seed now S avatlable to supply u~ llrs E J Neary ol S Liquid Air was here recently on been member of this famous Oh Pop is good he pays the bills The winner n Grade X was George W His~l rk Lance Cove Weidbulls stated that sufficient r an rl ' ' rs J 0 h n B ur k e b us ness police lorce for 3 years nd Pat (Of w hi c h th ere are so many ) (And then there's flowers for 1[ argaret P epper w th 98 per B e s an did are pease t 0 h car demands of British farmers next ltd ~r~ John Burke Jr and Mr and Mrs Kirby Hunt spent joined up 'n July past He s n 'm sure there's more mother) cent She s!he daughter of Mr that she hal been awarded the year t will not be available to 1:: Joseph of Fl3trock the weekend with friends on the Than just a score Bring home the bacon father 'dear R D Pepper assistant principal Grade X Elecroral Scholarship farmer~ in othe~ countries be~ore n~:;ct ~unday here siting Mrs mainland tra n ng at Reg na Eddie s pre H d 't k of the Anglican Academy for the Bell sland district To the spnng of 19a8 f entl station d t F t S th e oesn cep a penny We'll gladly let ~ou feed h 1 Xwy East Avenue Mr Dave Galway returned to the e a or 01 h b k f ' Robert Rees won n Grand X June wh~ is a pupil of t e ha- ngrid s primarily a mal!ina ra~ Ka'anagh daughter sland Sunday afternoon Northwestern territory in western err 5 00 S or c ass te tg ts As long as you don'l take the with 95 per ce!!t He is the son bana Aghean Academy we ex barley and is the result of cross- colal''::!!: rrl )rs Edl'ard Ka anagh Mr Edward Paimer of the Nfld Canada The two young police of and gas cash of Mrs Roy Reid tend our sincerf! congratulations ing Balder Binder and Opal bar hrr (irade X exams with '-rmature Works was here last licers are sons of Mr and!rs The TV set and car The rest of Us all need The winner n Grade X was Also our cdngr~tulations to her iey strains All three are malting- ;: 'pn~ratlliations weekend on business Edward Hamilton Bell sland And then of course the groceres Tune Hiscock who secured 94 per parents and teachers type barley ~:jznor curl' son of Mr W Mr Edward Kavanagh ol A E -----! :- :0 'penl the weekend here Hlckm~n Co '3' here last M U N!r-JP-!nend~ Thursday n the interest of his ao'7 appv rnr~idln1 ml ~lrs C E Carew and firm J t ;p'nt Sunday with friends i We offer our sincere congratula- R or l'rnl!;q tllcs in the capital : tions 10 MSJ largaret Pepper eturns i? :1 hit t or1 ~rs till lnkpen and j winner of the Federation of Munl'l : ~n t~ '~'rrr werkcnd Sitors tu cipalltles Scholarship for first -- r;;l!'hum mainland place n Grade X Mils Pepper Many happy return~ Dr the day! '! 1!l:i1 t Rr) Oldlord manager of s a daughter of Mr and Mrs R (0 :llr Harry ~tercer Casey St: iltijlitr:c! :-iud Co lrrll'ed here D Pepper st John's wh was 83 years old: ie!t::':jy ~n businers Mr James Brown went to St August 24 Mr Mercer who 19' : Hirold ~lil1er who l'a bad 'John's Sunda~' to visit his wife still hale and hearty t! a retired! --- ~-J':: ;:~d u'hen he feli ~ distance who s patient at the Grace pcnlsoner ol Dominion Wabana by ' h!:' fjl'e fert from hls'houe Hospital are -' lr John Penney rciebrated: Y WT'r nilhlt ther Veteran At Rest his hlrthday AUlust 26 Special: greetings to Dllddy Penney from hl~ two little grandchlldren '! r-rnp n J Terry and Geraldine Dyer N-rn~ f ''1r rn!'r NO 264 A MERCER ANSWERS CALL Happy birthday to lln Herh t mrl1~ :'1:'0 _ (ireat 'and The late Albert ~ercer as a Harney who celebrated hel' birth ::nln' ;n 1 ~t ~ 'a~ the sorrow lelt man of marked ablllly There was day August 27!ed! ;:'1 ~ H news reached Bell nothing of the shallow or trh'ial ~: former resident n about hlni He had strong convlc A very happy birthday to little llallnlbi'f:~rn o[ ~r Albert Mercer tions and could not be e3sfly!lss Marilyn Locke who will way at the Grace Has changed by anfone He made him celebrate hel' 3rd birthday Trllrs er t'r:day August 17 follow self one with young people as with day August 30 A very special 1!r~1 h i11ne~s older folk and his warm and greeting frol11 Keith Ttl lair' Albert Mucer was friendly p'eraonallty endeared him ;; illt CO'e 58 years ago to all who knew him Belated blrthdry greetings to thr on o( the late Reuben Left to sustain the bereavement Mrs Andrew Skanes Kenmount lnd the late ~rs Llewel are his wife at Bay Roberts three Road St John's who celebrated DRT!' l!~r n n 1912 he came 10 daughters Pearl (:llrs Gerald her birthday August 23 Greet En:13nd hlan~ ~nrl 'pnt to work n Ploughman) Moncton NB Mamie ngs frtlm her two daughters a pub n :!l::nr 'hrn the great can (Mrs Roy Batten) Bny Roberts Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Hynes n be U' in r :::r n 1914 Albert was one and Berdlna at homej one son and grand daughters Special rltc:r:c' li~!( i:' 0 Jn~'er the call and Vaughan two sisters Mrs Glad~s greetings from De~by and Toni latj;! ~'_~ ' 1 :'cas Wilh the first five Thomas Corner Brook and Jrs 1 Carroll SUEDE hi regimental number Jaude Barter somewhel'e on the - :; 1 'i wounded in the mainland of Canada a step-uther ' Congratulation and best wish l!;r l!l1g sn ill (ialli- r Llewellyn llorgan and a step cs to r Leonard Hughes who: ~- :c ; dl'mnbilizl'll in ljlo brother Mr William MorCln of celebrated his birthday Augu~t i ' :' n't1 10 tlt' sland ll! thi~ (own ancl live grllndchildren 2 Speclal greetings from daugh! '-' :': : in ll!' electric shop 'fhe runeral took place at ~hears ter E~lbet~ -' ; '''illlll wuh the company town Anghcan Church on Sunday - :nl: ~'~rcl 111l'cman lje August 19 with the Rector nc L b u Da ' :[ hu~inc~s lr him 1 Oal'ls ocficlating rolh at the a 0 r y : :';::l'h '1 cn~rit!d on under church and gruveside The funeral/ As Labour Day Monday Sell' 1 ( i l ll' abanu Lumber arrangements lvere n charge of tember 3rd '15 tatutory holiday i nt he managed very Undertaker Tames Baggs The fol ' '! '! until 19U when he lowing relatives and friends from the (lompany wishes to advise i ~t 1 1;nd anel look up resl Bell sland attended the funerai: that lull scale operations will i 1 r Roberts where he Mr and Mrs Llewellyn Morgan cease at 800 pm on Saturday : t!nourlrd a lumber business Jrs' Rene Perle Jllr Wilson 10r September 1s' and will be resum'' : tjml!cr or yean gan and daughter Mr Bram Snow cd on Tuesday' September 4th al ~ : gr'lllg out of the lumber and Mr and Mrs Bram Budgell 800 am ' hr sl1rted a dry j!oods And so another veteran has During this period only neces ':rnl1llfp store which prol'ed answered the last call the call sar~' repair nstallation and main tce ;[u About four years that comes to all May his sleep tcnance work s to be carried out u~ falitng health he Was be peaceful n that m)stical un ' rrtirc and since that charted land beyond the border Pier and stockpile emplo~ees will h:< 'n '1ughan bas manag- until the day lawn and the: be required to work f necessary ~ hu'inm shadows lee away n orde~ to quaufy for 3tatutory holiday pay employees are reo ACTVTES minded that t wl11 be necenary [or them to work their iast van able shift before the holiday and their first available shift after lion! Club and Local Un to gain the hight (0 compete n the holiday 5ubject to' the excep 4121 US CO are hold the finals aginst winners n the tlons outlined in the Company JU1'tnile Sports program n West Mine and Town Square Unon agreement j>ortj Field on Labor Day eml flnal playoff The flnals!ttnu are open to all junior and competition ex to be keen amongst the will be a best of three series and a word to ball lans on Bell sland Those kids are playing top othletes notth ball and t s worth your main event of the day will while' to aee' the series Annual Labour Day Tug The slildlum s progressing rap' between the Minlna Deand this yer the has been completed on the south idly The sheeting up with metal Club has team entered d and north end f the wea!ttnt was won by the husky ther continues favourably;' t slope team again last year looks ke 1l the outside wtlrk their fifth win in lucce will have been completed by the last of September Litlle League and Pony n the meantime the nside ~ h~seball series lia'e reuh tork 18 lolng' on 100 and evcry' :t1 hnal stllle~ n the Pony thing s expecttd to he n readi Grctn 1'0n from the Front npbs' for the bluest hockey: sea Coming Events There -will be a dance n St Jlmes' Hall!hs Wednesday nlllbt'i n aid of the StRdlum McLeans: Orchestra wl11 be n attendance! Admission $100 The Kiwanis' are sponsorln3 al dance on Sept 1st Ned Parsons' Freshwater city orchestra Admission $100 A dance is also takinll place on Labor Day Sllpt 3rdAequlred 100% turn out (or a pip sndrtln' time Prizes for spot and ellmln atidn dances son ever n hls fast hockey town; -- ~ BE SURE YOU HAVE ADEQU ATE W trng! Make sure your new home is adequately wired to give you thecomfort-convenience-and enjoyment that can be yours through dependable low-cost electric service t costs much ess to include Adequate Wiring when y~u build than to add wiring later! 7 Only with adequate wiring can you fully enjoy cheap dependable electric service; FOR FREE ADVC~ ON HOW )0 GET ADEQUATE' WRNG FOR YOUR NEW HOME SEE MR O'RELLY AT OUR OPfCE 489 WATER STREET - LG COM P A 'N y l M'TlO -'-' CHEAP~ DEPENDABLE ELECTRCTY N ST JOHN'S AND SUBURBAN' AREAS /

8 ~ - ( - -' Stock Florists Si1!D Market Report! J 0 tc h 1b rm l1ooo ' 47 ~ ; Names 11 ar : :: A:~ti lind 1 1 3;: ~~ ti r~1 :3 11 HALFAX (CP)-~lr and Mrs Ttllln)OTl lnsllo(; 'Tn'll! nplrllon 1011 SW W ( b n 1'1 11 fli nl f(ltktl 0 2'~ Lvn Cross don' hn'c any rw e T~ ~' k Mha oa~! rllh COP ~~1 ;rll 29 J h h lqu!'jallo1 nll un)11 markrd ron 3a6ll get ling people 10 give t em e r -011~ ' d-ex-dhld d xr-e rtahl ck WAil ~ ~: ~l ~ - autographs ~-E runll N ~:~~etl;xp ml Their method s to travel abollt lblol JJ:4 4 1: Jolllr 1~::1 ;'J ~~ ~ _'t' the country n their station wagon :~'d l;r ~! 90 -D ~~~~~ln 30M zr - havin people write their namcs 1~:C :;' 2lOO 21 :' 2K +21 K Ad 6ll $9' U' 18'l - v ~ h lltl KO $17'l m 17' orr bo ' ' _ ' on one of c many e square~ J:i '~~ ~ 2qn 2fi3 :21' ~fl~m~on 200 m' >1-10 h 'llller they have decorated ba ROll) 7100 lsi lin 1~1 'll h s )0 7S 7D nn -10 Apro; n l U - K1r~m ud' 7172n u tl their car _ Aa~la ~:' ifo ~2 fts :1 :llk min W70 'S J6 ~ - t's most norlsh lho are n ~:D ~ 211 Labrador n~~ m 23ft :11 -S vited to write helr names on the ~~; ''k JAlJ li~ j~ + ~k~ut~~ ; 'automobile since Mr and lors : nul ' 16: -~11 S~ore Z' 4' ~11 0 'L 'Cross oporate a nrist shop at A b no ~ ~3 - h :':o;u '1M '~ch :~ n1 P7!' -~! Galt Onl Howevcr s nee t cy lol><onl 4'00 12 ; ' lrncour! 63(0 17 S 15 -;; startcd helr travcls Liley hal'e lcmlc roj' 9-1-~d' 'on 21 ~ 21 - 'tl ( 10rnoi n' 3 -~ L L 210 2't Z3n m -10 also nvited rcl)resenta 'es 0 R:!~a ~tlala :~ll ~ ~ B::~ lom 3;;~~ ~/ l~ l~ nc';papcrs rad'o and elevision Duq told 2:iU 2Z :~ - loored) ':~ ' sthons to flu he blank spa!cs u 3'00 2)1 2'1 20 l tln 100 a~ BU (h hd :a/ 10':1 ~ B ~cdonld ~'O 11 'A When the last 0 t e c ren Rrlrhr 1(0 ;'0 01 ::<>1 - ~1 'e ~'OO' ! 131 m rrled And lert home last )'ear elhlh 2:3) ~7 Z/3 :1M -~ ~1cLeod 9 11<0 ~' 4 :v; Hmu i~~ nl~ '3~ '31 Mr And Mrs Cross thou<1hl the~ Sib C:30 JC ~hd n ;:; Z-91 ;~ 23 '01111 cnjoy a eombincd buslnrss R(':;lft :W n :;'t :)'0 211 ~arltlme ilooll 21 u B 1110 lin l'! 110 P1 1~0 mn:l:r 1 and ploaure lournev T:ey de 101- :00 1<' '1 ' ' ton :' 21 t' t th &ou::o :m ~l3 ~:O ~30-7 M! tj MCU 23'~ ~l 2~ - clded to visit f OriS slaps rou 110) m 111i] f' 0 ~ - ~hr B ~~~o ~: ~l ~~ out Canarla } ho are linked n the 1r1lund 33:0 m ~~~~nun 2l3'o 1'1 1'1 11ft - Florists Telegraph Delivery Asse S<oui nrr HOO ~n 53 S~ 888ft ' '1' R=1u~1 Col n 10 n ~clnlyre 11~3 ~ 34' ~3 + C on ~rj' 2~?'')o ~ P:~ ~:;~:; new 11m ~9q 2 2'n - PU'c!lasiM the rar they panter! r:;u~j~:on : Mota Ura 2 lito ~R ~ ;~ : t~ sides arid roof nto provinces ~~: fr' ~~~o:' r ~8 :m~~n m;~ m li4 1'~ -4 with sqllares for each provln~e lut1k~ '0 R ~ ~ '1 Mlndaor 0 zn ~ 21 Rnd hloek~ within the S~llrrcs 10 lu:-rhtll 31e1 33 ~ ~ -S' )1 n Ende 71! 1~3 6~0 ~~3 ~~9 -~ he (illcd by the n~mcs of florifts C lhn:n ;1: 2' St 18h - h oj : Cmp ehlh ~';'( S:' ZG' ml ~:ul J;on f7'~ :2 thcl' e)(pccted tn mcet {d ' ll~' - )onlo DOO - h h h t On 1 om ~ _ 'ulll 'lin _6 Tel' can t e cn urc n c ~on :~ 41 '2 ~ ~ 1'1:- 21:!1 112 r~ r~ ~am crrek 8JO m torlo last Orteber and cally hl' ~ -- '~ ~ ~ '1 1 JO' n 61 tin t t n~ ~ n n_ ~~e llo e '; 21' _ lea ~ct out for the les C01S CaUOlr ];( n ~f ~':l 1 7 ('e llo 411' 100 ~nn ~t blne!loo 1~8 ~ - 2 pie'lln/! lip anollraohs as thc' Cnl r 4ll)O : :~ - 3 ~r olltr ~n 1ft! - ']'1 t!'r- ron ~' 11' 11'1 11' - 1 ~e n'd 3~0 15' ~ 1 lenl len t CY urnc es arl ' 'relllq n 1% ' :00: 'al 121 6l!~ 16 C!!2 10 cover Quebec and lhe Allanite ''l1 n 3'''' 'n l'n :00: Oo'hl l 0 ~2 - (~~:~trl; U lint) n t11 n ~e D1ckrn 900 tlj:l Hm 150 : J prnvlnccc: nor'tlill limo) l7 16)6 S 1 nrilln 1'0 l' ~n n _ OntR' hns the ronr And Quc 1 n ' Goldlle nl h C :-'1; ~; ll ~ M l~~ S r '3 n 22 bec and Brll s 0 mla oeup~ ')0 ~ 1 ~O '1 ~ l;hrt ~7 ~8 the hocel To hc left s New l'1!n :(' l9 110 ~ > n ' U 8' 'J ro - k N S t' P i ''''nll':' i l!l SC Juan BrUnSC 'OVa co la r ne 'N'h '!O ro S 10101< 1)1i) ~l Eelll Rrcl!land the elty o( 01 A n un 8100 l4 ~o 10 - ' ' : ~~~ ;~' :~3 i7 i7:7 sr ~niinha ftoo lawa On tle other sl:l ~ > an ''dtr :!:v ' ' J1l ~ ~oma mn l J!~ -7 ilaba S~~kat~hell an Alberta and f~~::: ~!~: ::r' ;~ 0; :1'; '~o~'ln~:u)n 9= l~ ~7 ;1 - N~llfoundlnnd 'M r 13;0' 3 l l -2 :';ollncrlh 2m 'Ol~ 'Ol! -;' The COli ole frnm G~1t saiel herr pt' 'ol~ 1 (' C nor 330 4~O 1 J - ' 1 ( ' i1rla r :~j JZ l2 '1' :oi So lr ''1 9' '' hcl' didn't real zc 't e m'~n1 e d llw'n ~ 'A ~ ~ Tku SlO 21' ~! ~ ccn'ce or the m~~nitlldr nf Can r Onnon 1!1<l '10' 10 to :;11 Thulh A 1ft h t' 0'0 t!a 3M 3;n 1'1!'01kel Rim ~n ada crorc s alttng olh on lelr rhrrnrry 'll llo llo 31~!'Olplln 'n 3Al 3M 3R~ _n jrnel' _ 1_1 1'7 1 1l00 ' 11 -' : r;rl'~~ i~ li~ ~: 0 Mme lnd PO P<i on N'or clld he~' antfcioate h el 1(; rro~ 111'<1 :'1' 2) 2J' :OO:oanda :w $61 fill 61' - comes ~e)' loum get in different ': Ga)anl 1M J~ l~ ~ -' Sorgold O~l A / - ''h '11 M nl1 3001'0 ~' :OO:ollnrlal -~3 ~91 6)1 fi91 - Ct es cn ' S ng on rca reo ro 110 '!O ~Z~ llo ~ln :';orpa mno 61 60l R~ -3 centll' hel' hael tcleohoned fl~rl'l ' '1l><n :<Q (0 0 n :';orpa 4laOO 118 t fll' 'M ~ and ( 2110 ll' 11 - ; :';or nri 4:no 9 ' U to mcet t lcm m fron 0 ~ 1011 lorrl'on Ml '; 0;' -' S nankin mj~'ln ol'n hotcl Thr err i altl'2ce:1 r ''hrr!m 11 7l :';orll1'' leu 4jO ( ~omhlnd nl :iorlll Trln h 9' P' <0 m~ny nn c tb' tl~t they ' elr ron Q ~' ~~ n /; :';orlh Can lon :l 1'7 1!7 -'' hudlv able 10 get nto or out o( nrd Po loon J~ 1n 11 ~udulama r not1ur1 ulro r~ 1n1 1M ibrtrn 21(1 M H Al he car r Sanorm ~' Ouma 4) n 3n «~~ 'ud!lfi :1 to Ul - 0 Uka nul 1:100 qi ~:J r1 ''ton T~' ':'1<1 ~ 31 O'Leary l 21j 21 ( TlJutCft fiioo ci n 4 Omntrn! 23OCO ~ A - 11 {'n 9(1 fin fih 5R Opemllkl 109 SlS~ :1 - ('l'~r ClUt 0-:3 ~ too 4C'l1t -10 Orenada 17JOt :n 3~1'1 32''':1 _41-: rnrp<'r Corp 21()o' 16 ~~ 161 -s Ornllby ];(10 66 ~l j6-12 Crpr :lrj olkn 231l1l 4! ~ 41 -~ Cop r )11 lcfj ' Pac r ' 12''1 12''1 ' '; (~ull luj4) 120 l21 ramour 1200:n S3 ~~ + Curor 1~ll S - Parlaq '; 13 CrnrC)r ~ ':~ %5 Parbec!O()O 1 t2 e'l1ll ~lr1 ) n 3n Pard POO 'u Plrr 1000 M ft6 /i 0' :0 mro: 'alm lrr J:ldo' ''()ll: 3 21:11 Pick Crnw l:lou lin -- '>lmoll :X<t 21 ~ 25 Ph Ore 2~00 12 ll - 1'1t %1~1 J 1 Plarer & ~ + ' 'om nt Sal 11' 11' + Po nou)n coo ~3 Sl 5l - 'belo 3;' > ~ Prom Bord loo ad'rn!vo) 3 :'9 2' -3 Pr lon UD 663 ~ a6l -10 hlld :t:;~ ~ 4r Pronlo 1l0 sas llo?!n - Z3 nn '0 0 n -7 Pronlo 5~0 210 :!l0 _:0 ; $ n'm lin ln Pro Air 11M ~O Fo ~un llll 37l :1 ln -3 'u de fi : b %;(:0 00 M fto -S Que Chlb ogoo 2J ~JU ~3S + 3 r1 ~rtall 00 G ~ i:! - Que Cop ROO 171 1:1 rna r o /ft Ll Qu ah 1161: '!1l 1larl!O' QUo ~n ~oo drirh tlro n!o M - 11 ~lot1 7:~ }D - S 1 _t lnn 'JOO tilo 600 co -S Qucmonl ]04 S: '1 2'~4 ur'~1 : :J Radlorf' of :2 : pi ' GZ:' nalnllll roll M 60 -S larp nrlh 21S11 2ln l 1 sol G200'6 Zl :!t '2 nano'k '0' ~ 1 4 -' ttun :32:3 n '3D 193 m 193 d Kk 31l1oO nlo nuplln MU 21 %1 21 ~' ~<r 'S 42U ~ n Atbab S n n -~ Gall 3:~O linch n Ciero ~hnrl 104 S1!t1 '2 191 J9' - ndck!n ~OO 13 :13 : COO 1100:11 31 l 10on COA l 14' 11' - (; :rln~ loll nn 16 ' Mlchel 5100 ~~ f CO Y 125 l'3 'Ol )93 San Ani 10~1 al R! al -1 c: t: 3''1 101 '1 102 Sand n!or 17loo 27' 21 27' - CiDrblf' 10{Vl 21 :1 Z7 ('hlkt) &'00 19 U 11 -l (Dc1t'rft roo:' 2tl 22 '~Sherlln 671:; Bll -lq Gold JArle ~OM gl~ '! Ql - i- Si:mlll 100 4(1(1 t!u) 4!'tO (to d ~hn ()1 2''' :?tl! Slancn :1 13' 1:1-1 (;rah ROUlq 11M 23 2'J :t: -2 ~ 1r 410n 13~ ~ 4 ~ (;nndnrs 3!1<'<l l~ ' 10-2 S Snd S2 ~2 12 G-ndom ~ U ~ 61 + Sloe ~3:l !> -3 Granduc F (1 611 ~! Stanl l 300 j l tiff hi' k ~3)o 59 f; -2 StccJoy '1 Oh lljl~ ru'h 71rll Sleep nok 3~!1 2:14 22' 2:' _ Gu!1 ud 1'1 16 )41 14' 1!2 ~ur rnn ~on 70 M roll _ Gunnar P' 19' J31 JA -' Sud 'Coni ~ooo GUn ' 1211 ~ D!! 9:11 - ~ullll'n 21M ~~O 00!' '1 lrd nork 1000 l hanll n liar ' jm 1q landcm ' n 10 _ r!ok ~ 14 - n Tema ami 4jO 6:: :0 lud y ~'''' 121 n ~ - Th n~ d!o ~ 113 l3 llralh 51A~ U /h;to alo 730 7:1 72! - 110lr 4;1 $:9 2/;':ft U Ella ' > 19 gl1' ; 11 1 ::905 M 7ll 1!W1-35 tin Keno 21)11 67~ 51n r~ i 20 lud lin 134 as m '61 U Monlab 2JlCQ ~ Jpp Can ' Vandoo iii V ur ~n 545 U 41 - ' Vleo mno 40 l' 38-3 Vldlamao H Walle Am Weedon ft5 S! We'l Malar 1: Wmer U FRST 1:1 : 130 7' 4::2 :11 2tl'l 2 4 [ P rei 4S3~ 41n 39' ~D + ~~' ~ 13l' Cn'o ( 3G! 2'l- 7'3 20l (''''nt Ltrl'f lc~'1 310 ~i - -~~ Chrler 'R P~ - ron'n 'rfl Z';: 7 ~ -1 C nr~on '7 '3 57 ( F Clt'tt 1'ffO t'} +' C )11 Moe ;no 19n 4;! 4BJ ( on Poll3'C 7n:v]: C Well:t Pete 6('1() ~ ('fre 011 ;7iO RtO ~1l0 ;n -'j nol mo UO l:l n Lodu' 31~' 161 on '~1 Dome Expl 92l 91l 9~D POD Ol:c :UO:! :1: P'~ : Vol P n C21~;2 70' 70 r;n P~lr A tfl(j filo 6:'1 fill Or P n 200 U~ 4~ U flr Srol G 7acn '3n Hich Cresl l Ulthwanlt tjjotl me 011 A 1601 Sll' 11' H; linn 011 n 1137 S'~ U 11 - $~ 1ft 1ft r 12~ -~ U 61 ))111 City '; -3'; 33' - S'nt 1' lc 11'1 'ii ;1>1 'ii) _11 :-> n Onm ~O n S Chlnbln m :roo 23 N nalle' ' - N {bl 1':xpl lio lio lin nn N SUpt-lr ~ll ric nl &:l~ Gal S~ 650 0'1 Selo<l cll l O~nlR P'] 21n ~a6 rae P ;10 Sl n' ' ra W-' 3'ro 32 J 31 Pllbflndr ~m 1&1 S Sl _ Peftcr R!v RH '1l~ 11~ 1 - 'i 'enl Oil MO 2~ relrol loop 1<l 101 H 1 - Pro~D Gu Jl~~!!!fi 2Jl 2U Ro rlmer So 21n no:(lna ~Cl} J 12 ~ noyalll 1l2~ SJ6; noyollic pr 2U $30'~ 3D' 30' Sorur FlOe ~ n Sapphire 26D~ 2JO 233 ~33 Sapphl ~eb 0 $ (07 South U Trcnd Pele l~0015 l 16 TrJad 011 Ull ~la; 9; 9'4 _ ': Un m m WPA! Slll ~O - 3 Well hly f V ncua 1016 UO n uo V Decal t2 V L V l'oaro %1 2l 2~ Y canulu 81non! ~ W Naco 110D JO m m BANKS + 5 ) '~m n789xz'1~ A umlnlum C rew D Sleel Nor Sllr 701 S~' 6ll 6~ $46' tn 46' NDUSTRALS l31l~ mil -tv!3 12m 2m Z - i ~60 ' ' J41 - i Thc original mulual incllmenl fllnd in Canada is Will roy m -2 Willi)' 17~ ~> + 1 Tolal n on Toronto 510ek Exehanrp W h ler Au ~OOO haro (Olml; CGUVA' UMlT18 _ &to Wlndwlrd ~ 24 2~ -1 Wr Har m Yolp Leld m + 11'1 Yk Beor Yukeno JOO '; + 'io 7enma ~6OO Zlopa ~ ' CUrb Bulolo Oalllt Cop Plo Yukon Con m ml ' 281 4SO lid ~/O -10 2:) OLS Ajax moo N + 15 Am Ledu 27M Balleo Sel pr:llo S3!i nanff ~OO Bala rllolla aoo U i5 Cal'l Pel ~600 1« Cal Ed 123 f29' 29 ~9 CalVin ron 100 5'0 ~D ~~O C 011 Land ~OO 321 lill 321 CS Pe~ G390 l80 «0 no C All n nnnnn n nu ( 111 h~1 - - ~_ C Coillerl ) 'l C Collier pr 210 H MONTREAL CLOSNG STOCKS 8r Tbe Canadian Prell Abitib 31lio G La1l1! ~7' Abestoo 41 How Smith ~7 Bank Mont S6 Hud Baf Mn 1m Onk NS 4<t;1 mp 011 5Bt Oalhurll A 6:!1 n! Nick los Bathufll B 4612 n! rap 1m; Bell 47' Manllar 7l tccol 5Pa Jd Prod 3'T 1'1 51 Car 29 C Cement 331~ Noranda 6':2 C BVk Com a4'i Prce Cdn llrew 28 noyol Bonk 61' Cdn llrew pr 29 nnyallte 16' Crtn Colan 51 L Corp 77 PR 31' Shaw n 88' Cockobult 7 ~ W Sruroml 3' Walkor 71' D Brtd~e 22 COn' PP 4!' nom Tr 14 For~ 122' l ollnduo ~3 Oblllki 43' Fruer 40 Poil t5 NEW TnRK CLOSNG 8TOCi5 11 Tb Caodlan Pre 10lh Slo1 159' henneooit Borr Warer 41' MonlY W ' ad 0 M NY Cenl E Allio 35' nldlo Corp Gen Ee All j;ld 011 Nl roodycar 10'; Utd olrcra iii :OO:or Ry 4n 'a dlll nl at n~ T ll' Wesln; 'LGUD bold' T S 'TH'MOST WATER THS DAM'S CAU6HT N TE/J lears: SETTER cit OUT TS <SON' TO RUN OVER' Wi:h MAJOR HOO?LE THE DAilY NE'A'S V'E[)~lE~D!Y Al!::;US~ 29 1 XXX ~ljchncl ShaYlie Ellher lo:47'pm h~e pl~:'c< all1~ Ldlll til nnrve'g awa- f'om thc lit -gal1l('d c'nflllel ee an~ h eus 10tel BClt Paul~o1 s lls COOPClO n Ol' s arrcd (acc a durk and s~owl ~;clllc-or else :~ -hould lllg m~ as he ~llmpcd 1lc'lnd the i'alc slug;;cl! t:! Cdheot whccl scarccly nol1ung where ';UlOg out ns 11d!le as going E C vt hmt: as ~o Tl'c 'r C 'no otll a ml:ccl up lls mllld 118S n a he 'll ;;las 1011 h 1'1 ' ;1111 as he c(l'ldercd all the Wth ' 'iky ii< a a '/ pcs 1i>llttCS atci )'au';oll '!tcd tic That stoy tllp rrdht'aded P' ; :~o' l'ldlv ani' dall~ laic detectlle hd told him' n'ld 11i; bien 1''e he 1!l01' much 11'1 fact and how tl C V tc' n '( a ill' much ' as hes' 1011 H nont nt'llld ; That elel alol' hl!y at the ii mth ' e' llit) h' lmcus' Could hi aleury hlln' :leh T e 1 hl'i' rh tl'r! ' all Pnl e 1111'1 upstall S ('11 tlc strung lie tuut H UC 51 floor ahout the lime n ch::appl'ar tlcl bqcl lk of P llig hody was O( mg cpnricd 35 Pll el thc e tile ha'l1g been ~ee 3Hi' re m'ger 1;0< lltl fear nn( f'c re iml'atwj('e n'ull'd 'tllt (ole 1!lC Sll ;led throu Pnulson s!jorl~ tun ' c: k to do much good 'nc we ;ht o[ (nc 4:i agmnsl lls he t aterl t al 0 he left 111'0111 fclt good te ant cd 1 ate till ollgh L'le OPCl 10 rle hold of L'llng h t: tnc buoth for 11 anle!~g tllo hands and leal' thelll apmt le cnughl hel ele SPC here l~ dal'l;cncd city ~ Xellie wa hlclh out frolll hllll' SE came ' 'll ollut'le ills bg hjnd~ tl~'ltenecl 011 the shot md hc dlthled ~l 01 tcerlllg hee and the hatte 1to the Rlc ~las' ~(at from KOlCd stoed out white ~ow the dllnk las JU Y nn ns cheejl a~ Rngcr raged ondel ful ~ag flccnt :t 1l'lde him 'burn lls Unoat hu had The nco1 hghl' of a lcstaurant LllOllty t la~ ~C'ntl1g alld bar renlliloerl hull that hc soh c he gnallln~ hllfjt 1 0 'hld not eaten 'lce that after bt'lly n 100n lic pullen wto ~h~ CU b!e knell no' that t s:lnrply and got out t a cou been a bad llllstake not to pc of drl:lk anu some fo~d he slugged Shayne ' ough gu) nught be able t' thml thlllos out Well none of them crc so a httle morc clearly DrVng after they got <Juo~ed by allnlcssly around the strcets hke' Paulson ~ Lim as no good That redhcad The ay he had sat had plobab'y 011 ready cporled and kept Paubnn talkm to the pc)hce toat he'd alkcd ' ~elllc whcn ali the lime l out on hun f1(lurl~lung a gun the grl ud dell n 1111 lnd swearmg 10 fllld :oieille 0 now :elile la They'd hal e a description of ~ lie drank mort of hlsky and lalcl and lie cnt tnt a Olle' low room lent allay nltoyetlici th a CUrl eel har directly be hb glass ~s empt c~cept yond the entt alce tablc and 1 two halfmelted CC rubes booths 011 lls n~ht t was lalriy frowncd and caurtht the 11'11 croll dcr: and not too ell ress s attenton :nrt told tg l lted A /oaw of smoke added somcwhat tluckl} nolher to the dmness of the same t's Guess lalf a dozcn men 1 el e scatcd friends arc held u r ' WATEUFHONT DRE[TOHY S ' on lenthcl stools at the bal and (To Be continued) trams p three quarters 01 the tablcs werc T nl!:n TD uccupled by couples and groups C ~ and C Ralph Clwalcr 111 venlents of t1uee U! fou lauglulg ovcr {f n 'Onla the m~ster dischar;!tng a cargn 11 0 drlllks or eatlllg late dmncl's 1 OS DOC~ o[ snit bulk hsh '111 takc freight FLO GRf: ' r ARES Paulson strool' down thc hnc i E t' B nllout Aug 24 or 25 THE N' P~ LTD of booths ana found an empty Jxpec 1110' a)v M V (mper floyrl Flfelll~ 3 Lmdy Bailloul' S talan;; freighl STEArllSH lianulton one ncar thc end He slid mlo t 0 J and SS flandom These 1111 ce [or northcrn polis Joe Batt's A n ~ V Dundee from A 31 so the scar 0 his face was to NEWCASTLE England 11l!' be on dr) doc' unltl Aug Fono Tlvllhngate Herring Neel;: lhoul Au g 30 Toronto!~~o st1 ward the wal a'ld he was care A woman who has lam tn ust 2rth nnd Seldom 'and ~lontrcal Sept 3[ ful to kecp the other Side toward for 100 days llh a brain AT DOCK H M C DOCKYARD John's (ThiS Csscl of ers ) the waltrcss ben she arrlvcd S expectm/: a bab) lv Bar Haven Bl'own s the DleJg~ rvd 400 sallrd on' cubic feet o[ rcfrigerator J~~~ft~n almost unmcdl3tcly and asked f 22 year old Ell:n ~!oore master from the S W eo~st lmonclay' for Ochre Pt Cove M' ~unan {rom t S t 8 a 50mellJ13t dlhupprovlng tone not recover conscloosnm scheduled 10 sail Saturday or Thc Russian slllp 1i11 he sal about Scpt 7 Toron;l t~ St'l Alc you alone sir? doctors say her ~oung d Monday mg on ionilay and Montrcal Sept 0 Yeo' His voice was surly husband could be (ace MC Sprucc Lal:e hom norlhern Firelu Ottenvlle 0 r c d g e John 5 about demandll1g to know what of t terrlblc rholce-lhelher PO ts with DOllatcr's Dmharker ' W D 400 M V Seabeacon and' 111 V Perth 11'001 anulton d SJC <ad bl'lgrtly Thcn per' of the mother or of hh 3 to ndian Boy sailed for that Ai V Parr 'and' ~1 V 'Ctndcrella Sepl 14 Toronto Sept 15 ~n ha s y~u wouldn't ~lnd movtng baby s~oold be sal rd The port on ~onday nm Au~ 20th CNAD PACi;nS LTD 111nnltr1 Scpt!~J~E~tL~~~s to ~ne of the smaller tablcs We i~ue ~! three hmonl~:en n :1 V Soinlc Addl e~~c Pomcl ny Shlllcl Good~ C3r ht sailed rummss V ' i li kc to kccp the booths frce for rs' 1 hoore't as h~1 e ~ the maslel' dlhchnl'gcd crrgo 'cdnc~dnl iu~ ~2 :;ioundland eann g A~~' larger parlies ' genera o:i;li~ {rom of lumber l'heh 100' until Wcd'1 MV Shuie} Good~car 2nd i]x Ju~ 28 due St John' 'C;: lie lantcd to shout at her that heavy?g'her!shc la' ncsdn) ni~hl aftcr hieh the CS Hunt 15 the mn<lcl' ) talang 130 Sailing same da) for L hc la a (laying customer and ~rt~eki:~onu;fd ~on Paul 1J sc sailed for 1~lfax Thmsday flcinhl fnr he usual 1l01lhcll pool L Just as good as anyone else tn beab' bug)' A 23 h U~ SCOtti cavln N lcrpoo ' ~ a booth } o u~ pols ' _ A n 31 thc Joinl ani e occupy Stnce her deep <eep bc~1n The S S Glencoc S being put BA:E JOHNSTON & CO LTD Aug 2~ due St John Sil o ' f hc wanted to has uttered onl) hrre n readmcs to elentnaliy 5811 alld 1 Cathcllne lann J:mn S the Leaving for lahfax and Bosto~ < Paul mouler hah take up tile North S~dney 10 Pmt' mastel' S laking ftri~ht foi Peltt Ncwfoundlall~ leal'm~ ~~'e[p~~ BUT fear 11d on'y about Each 'mghl hc~ 'hllband: nux Basques SC'11CeS (01 flclght1 '01 e rlld pols 111 'lacentl Ba ~ept 12 due S John s 1 h' i :'cihc werc slolly teachmg 111m neth has latched h) hrr ing oul) BOWRNG BROS LTD i Lellg for 101l1fRX allc ~ os Oil ~allljun and he rcsttamcd Jllm for four hour~ MV Clarcnl'llie S alllllg fur Slllel Jublire Paruns S the: Sep! 19 due Halifax SC(1~ 'j} an~ s~lf to say 5 a matter o[ fact <Of Jilst ~lt tl;cre lwr 0= ht further suihng Odels mnstel' loalcd relghl ior Cal Boston Sept 21 Lel:tn 2n os Jo lllouler coupll arc mectlllg me <holl <omc lille <1:11 n' MUNCPAL BASN manllllc Gandel Da~ Tlllhngate Scp! 2Gand llllfax Sept ue for dlnncr a htlle later 'll hal~ ;rouno he 5:110 Blll A E HCKMAN CO LTD LC'lSDorte Spnn;;dalc and 'll' St fohn 5 Oct 1 Sailing for Lller a couple- of drtnks lhile 1 wmt clal' leek aller leek nd Mo es R ~liller S the m:jsler leq's sland sailed Tucsday pm pool Oct 2 ' Ye< ' Of couroc thnt: ~ri~th alter month t has saled fpr Fogo on Monday Sept 21sl NOY8 Scotia!callll~ Lllerpoo ca'c:ii3t loutd ~ou like to the same reporl' ':0 rha~;! ~1 V Payoff whch has been Mlrldtn ~ay Roscis is he mas Sepl 26 duc St John 5 Oct 2 dl'lllk' her condilion ' t 1< crr ble moured up all the winler S slat e' touk fl'clght for the usual Leallng lor nhfax and Boston Canadian rye and later A Recentlv he pul Jllef'lreS 0/ ed to evenluijllv gn on dry dcl'k lo;thcrn ports Scheduled to sail Ocl 3 due Hallfnx Oct 5 and d uble lth lalcr on the side son Paul'hefore h~r eprc CROSBE ~ ~O LTD Saturday Ang 25 Boston Oct O Leal'lng Boston Oct lte sat back and ht a clgaret 85 e~es in hopes of MV Colin 2nd S moored up Rita and Blanche S taklllg 9 and Hahfax Oci 13 due St lit away A couple of fast memory Thcre ndefinitely freight for Hare Bay Trllli!' B B John's Oct 15 Salhng for Llyer ~ C bl~es That lias the ticket i_ o:::n:: - Veteran Explurer came 0(( dry ndian Bay Greenspond rolr s pool Oct 16 (OU n ~'d scttlcdown to somc - dock will prosecute the herring land Badger's Quay Valleyllcld Newfoundland ieavlllg Liverpool fl Cd thinkmg Right now he felt fishery Sailing in a fcw days and' Vesie~vlle Oct 13 duc S John's Oct 19 f~ost gddy ''l'hcre was a night M V Maneco ts sul up for Weslay and Ralph Goodyear is Leavmg for Hah(ax and Boston a 'h quality about thc Cl'cnts sale thc master S takmg freght lor Oct :!O clue Halifax ~ct 22 and ma1'l~c evcmng tnat gave him a Whalers Gun V and Finback are CarmanvJlle Gandcr Bay Hel'rlng Boston Oct 25 Leal'lng Boston of t g sense of sickness n his moored up for thl! season Nee!t Change slnnds nnd Fogo Oct 26 and Hahfax Oct 30 due ~~~wmhc was begmmng to think AYRE &!ions L TO C~ra Hallett Fcitham S the Boston Sept 6 Leavmg Boston :-d 't played t smart with Jennie Elizabeth John Kean s master took freight salhng ths Boston Sept 7 and Hahfax Sept ~:e~a=n:::::::~=- he master b taking freight for Frday' pm 11 due St John's Sept 13 Sdhng smllng Sept 18 Englee Wesleyville Twiliingate MilUm May Rogcrs is the mas same day for Livprpool CLARKE STEMSP 0 Rodington Conche Main Brook ter look freght mhng this Fri Scpt due Halifax Scpt 3 and Elespomt leavmg Halifax Aug S Anthony Grlquet Quirpon as day [lm' Leaving for Haltfax and Boston 24 due st John's Aug 29 sail far as Cook's Hr Crystal Stream took frclght Nova Scotia leavmg Livcrpool mg Aug 31 H and M }junter Furlong is Salling Friday pm St John's Nov 1 Sailing again Novaport caving Montreal Sept the master ~ taking freight for MV Arche McKenzie Crokc sume day for Liverpdol 5 due St John's Sept 10 salling Plate Co 'e aonnvnta Red Chff s the master discharged a cargo Nov la due Halifax Nov 12 and Sept 12 (Bay Robcrts) and Open Hall of fish at Steers East End premo Boston Nov 15 LcavlJlg Boslon Elespomt leavljlg Montreal Sept Marjorie n~pen Geo Black ises Baird's Cove and after dis Nov 16 and Halifax Nov 20 due 14 due st John's Sept 19 sailing Vood s the master took freight chargcd shlftcd to the allole St John's Nov 22 Salling again Se'pt 21 for lain Brook Goose Cove S premises took flelght for st same day for Lverpool N~vaport le311ng Montreal Sept Anthony and Grlquct Sailed lved Brcndan's and the olher usual FURNESS RED CROSS 26 duc st John's Oct sailing ne5day ports of call Bonalista Port Fort Avaion leaving New York Ocl 3 Bay Robcrts Robert J Knickl!! S Blackwood Union Grcenspond and Valley Aug 30 S John NB Sept 1 CONSTANTNE CANADAN is the master taking fleight for feld 'Saled Frday pm August Halifax Sept 5 due S John's SERVCES LaSele B~lc Verte Pacquel STEER!> LTD Sept 7 saillllg Scpt 11 (Corner MV Edenwood iealing Hamillon 41 ~ We!t End Brook ancl New York) August 26 Toronto August 27 nnd 1m -3 Durothy Beryl saled on ~olloay ' ort Hamilton 1eVng 1ahfax ~ontreai Au;:ust 3U arrlving S ~ ; ~ pm Sepl 11 duc S ohn's Scpt 13 Jobn's Sept 4 lfi! -1 Helen Gll Gll is he mnslcl salling Scpt 15 (Halt(ax Phd MV Avol1lood saiilng Haml An old favorite n Newfoundlan~ PRNCi EDWARD SLAND ST JOHN'S DRECT STEAMSHP SERVCE Furness ~ithy & Company Ltd S taking freight for the usual Ncw York) on Sept B Toronto Sept 10 northern ports Fort Avalon leallllil New Yurk Montreal Sept 13 arrll'lng 51 National Convcntion is ds- Sept 21 S John Nil Sept John's Sept lb charging a cargo of fsh at the 24 Halifax Sept 27 clue S John's ::::=::2:::::: :--:- --: MV FERGUS WEEKLY SALNGS FROM CHARLOTTETOWN TO ST JOHN'S For nformation and Rate contact Murray Agencies & Transport Co Ltd DAL 20312~3 PO' BOX 2155 je20wedstf Liverpool 10 St John' Nova Scotia Newfoundland!' Nova Scotia Ncwfoundland Nova Scotia Newfoundland Nova Scotia Newfoundland S!!pt 12 Sepl' 26 Oel 13 Nov 3 Nov 21 St John's to Rb & BostOD Sept 1 Sept 111 Oct 3 Or;t 20 Nov 10 Nov2B BOMon lali!al Sa John' to to to Hallfll: SL Joho's Llverpoo Sept 7 Sept 25 Oct D Oct 26 Nov 16 Dec 4 Aug 28 Sept 11 Sept 29 Oct 13 Oct 30 Nov 20 Dec 8 Aug 3D Sept 13 Oct :1 Oct 16 Nov 1 Nov 22 Dec 11 'Persuns t'ontemplatinb pas!bbe to Europe should lt'akll bookln ell tn ~dl ance ~r Passages arranged b) BO AC KLM - Scandinavian Air lines-pan American Airways TWA and connectina All> linell Consult us regaralna your!ravel problem! FURNESS TRAVEL OFFCE NJ:WFOVNDLAND DOTEL 'PDONE 6UJ cast end Sept 29 salng Oct 3 (Corncr M V TweedsmUlr took frclght Brook and New York) for Trmity Bay and sailed Fort Hamilton leaving Ncw LST OF ARRVALS York Sept 28 Halifax Oct 4 due MV Bar Haven Brown is the St John's Oct 6 saihng Oct 10 of live poultry After cargo wa~ (Halifax Phladelphia nnd New discharged sailed agam for PE 1 York) master arrived from the S W NFLD CAN STEA~fSPS Coast on Thursday night Sailng Bell sland ieaving Halifax on Saturday Allg 27 due S John's Aug 29 NO BUMS ERE MARKET HARBOROUGH Eng lant! (CPJ-Ahostel for hobos m this Leicestershirc town has been closed down The reason: no cust omers BY ANY OTlER NAME The name scallion for an onion s derived from!he ancient Pal eshnian city of Ascalon sailmg Aug 31 ' Bedford leaving Holtfax Aug 30 duc St John's Scpt ; Sept 3 & Belle sle leaving Sept 5 due St John's salling Sept B Halifax Sept 7 Bedford leaving HaliCax Sept 10 due st John's Scpt 12 salng Sepl 13 Belle sle Jl leaving Halif3x Sept 14 due 5t John's Sept 17 ANNOlNCNG * cash-now pay later plan! : * PAY * * ~ Now you can get he cash you need promplly and e' LATER in monlhly amounls hat are handolored 10 your 'n:o~ ~ * * And get hese n he bargain: Cash ~ 1 Visit-Phone firsl'l t :' * come n 1111 ConoUdatlon Service 8t no extra cosl! e 'and * Nollonwld Calh Credit Card Phone write 0-b_~~:r;jn loday ~ seo why neally 2 million people chose ~ lall ) * 305 WATER STREET JOHN'S 2nd Floor opposite Wllansky' Phne: J5 OPEN EVENNGS!oY APPONTMENT - PHONE FOR EVENNG ~~~j hoftl ma4 t dull Jvrrtl1f1dlng ft! rmonol Flna_f (pall' t' -' lfer had a just bal! 135 uns[ took a practice lke- a man falling anaged ~ get off J the second on blithely up the tunelessly H trap but he V

9 ' ' OALY NEWS WEDNE:iOAY AUGUST r Golfers Cheat Columist~' ' ~ nti 1: ~~(lrn: ~il an4:l 'i' and' aler thor inlo '!:rrl it wal (1 whcn ~rrd D ':;:~ illlq ; : ~~ double all or t C rihht 11 didn't had 11' ::: 10 dis b hii t had :0 hal e ;uy huhl' 01ou t by B;rt eee t!round :n~ about lc ~e had hi'orhe'l1 ~r r blended t be l;n()t ~uddccl! ('cpt for :thes lie' ::c 411t t ~Q ~1cr ' t!lcr do;e JU(H~ my d) - eel' by P-' ::1 1 (Clma am injurr oore dotl :-:r~! ~C'~:i;; ~altsma d f:th a ': th~!:fa t: unbori The bah i~ r:1 n lle ~i::ee a Jll~~ini s whrrlin PAul in t br~fn ~hr : words:-: 1 y t';' ' nd K'~:' r~ hr~~;d '-' ~i n~' l'~ C'omin' )~ : day ~!!t!;i : and ltit:;! h~~ hera::; rhan:t '' and you'll find out why more people than ever own a new d D 1 i / Freshest looking fcutest selling Plymouth in history! New Flight Sweep styling gives it a lcfip ahend look from massive grille to thrusting tail fins And it's beautiful inside too Push-button PowerFlite automatic transmission! Easiest safest driving control yet designed A fingertouch does it! Dependable trouble free located where only Lhe driver can reach H Here are even more reasons to buy a Plymouth especially now! * Big choice of models and colours best deals ever * Famous Oritlow shock absorbers smooth out roughest roads * Twin cylinder front wheel brakes forsafer more even braking STREET * Electric windshield/twipers operate steadily without slow-up or stop * Safety-lock door latches keep doors securely closed even under impact * Extra-roomy interiors more'le'groom and hiproom for comfort o Freshest sfy'ing smoohest riding 'owest priced car with push-but'on Go that's fhe ' secre' 01 P'ymouth's success Ever notice how many more PlymouLhs you see wherever you go these days? One good reason is t~e fresh new look of Plymouth's starid~out styling You not only see morc Plymouths but each time you see one its Flight Sweep beauty attracts y'ou anew And seeing a Plymouth (even close-up) is only a starter wait 'til you try it for ride! Just touch a button step' on the gas and you're off There's nothing like push button PowerFlite' driving for MARS-ALL MOTORS~ Every&o«;ly likes its looks 0 sheer easy go And nothing can match the smooth big-car comfort you get on any'road with Plymouth's fabulous boulevard ride Most pleasant of all is the good news you hear when it's time to talk price t 'is hard to believe all thl beautiful car is so easy to own and the best time La own it is now Trade in values are al their peak and you'll get a better thanever deal on a Plymouth right no:v CHRYSLER CORPORATON 0' CANADA LM1TFn 00 loves its GO! &'or98 See it drive it price it at your Chrysler 'Plymouth-fargo dealei's LMTED - ST JOHN'S UUTElJll 'S 'ltofessosal ~Al:'OOD En;:land (CP) Whcn a housc leac his Devon shire com l1lunily caught fjl'e vile lagers rush~d to sa 'e the furni lure but no one thought or calling Ule fire brigade - until the noise woke he gardener living ill the basement He phoned for ofiicial help and the hou'se was saved -----:- CANAillhN HONORED LONDON (CP)-The Freedom of the City of London has beell conferred on C E Smalley Baker Dean of Os:;oode Law School Toronto He was nominated for the banal by Lord Justice Si~ Norm:ll Birkett treasurer of lhe tnner Temple SEU' SERVCE LO:'iDO:-l (erl-thieves broke into a ~lar)'lebnnc district rest aurant stoic 200 worth rof ci~ arels an:1 dined on water melon' and chicken

10 - ~ t!1~o_ ~- - t_ ~~_~ 7~~ ---~- ~---~-THEM~N~WEDNES~~OO~~1~6 ~~~:~~~~~~-~ro~~~:l~u:m:*~:e:s:~~o=n==='~=h~e~ ==A~~=r==~=~='a=v=~~~:~:~~l c~~ _c_'~~_~~_r_-~'~th~ (HE DAilY NEWS :1 ' ' ' ~: ~ ~ ' : --: CB N WED!L5DAY AUGUST % ~1 ; 't3g-cbc News '135-Top of the Mornln DO-CBC New! and Weath~r 11~~usical Clock ~ lq-;)!qr;l!ni De otlo~s! 'l~p1:oiram Pre'lew; Jieco~' at Random OOO-Rit of the Day lo:~lris Power lbz-cbc News ld»-~ornini Musicale 1045-BBC Variety U~Uibt and ~)'rlcal H4l1-ra~de of Stan Pl! l2og-andoudcera Choice 121~Dinner Bel Breakdown l23o-farm Broadcast :245-lid Day Serenade 100-Do)le Bulletin l30-laura Limited l3o-cbc Ncws and Weather US-Aunt Lucy %~Words and Music 2~Dominlon Time Signal 23O-Musk:ll Rendezl'ouS; 245-Happy Gang 31~llan Around the House 33(): Trans Canada Matinee 43O-CBC Ncw 435-Timel)' Tunes 1 45-Children's Story!15-!usic o[ the WesL ; l3o-t-isheries Broadcast 545-Songs lor Summertime ~OO-lnlcrnicuo i3o-suppcr Guest r; 645-Sunset 'alley Boys ~ 'ioo-cbc ~e's and Weather 71~CUrlain Calls 730-Tops Toda) 74~Doyle Bullctin J S30-Rawhide S3[}-Audrc)' Farncll-Soprano 1 h ~ ' l15-sportscast Today TO-lnorrOtV > To-morrolV Answer to Previous Puzzle l30-new! i' Weat er 21~~RN~mWbllD' Wltb Rell JAM' ES STEWART N : C JON TV 900-;~~~ by Dr Robert Simp Tonght!30-Dani~h ~u~ic )030-L:lughlcr irom the North a 1l3O-CBC!liational Nell's Ncll's i Roundup and ldll'eek Re --'E-D-N-:E:::S::D:-:A=-=Y::--A=-=U:::GUST 29 ' iell' 500-Howdy Doody 530-Kldl Show GDO-Ranch Time 630-Newl 7DO-Feature Movie C JO N 'WED~ESDU 1:GUST 29 fi3g-bob Lewis Show ~30-Nl1d Ncwl 1iJ>-Weather 'i45-fishermen's Neil'l and Fore cut 700-Nfld New and Sport 7OS-Local Weather 115-Canadlan NC' and Sport '13O-Round the World New '135-Weather Roundup '14~Ncws Summary 800-Nnd Newi :i;; 82O-Shipplng Report :~~' 825-Kldrlles Corner 830-Nfld New 8J>-Complele Weatllel Roundup 14~:'lorning :'lerrygo Round 900-Nnd News 905-Duke Box Re'lew Takes a Woman 93G-!''ews P3-Duke Box Re'lew lolo-jllke Box Review 94~Woman s News 1000-New5 Courtship and Mil ria!:! O5-Duke Box Rel'lew 103~New5 Who Am ~ 104O-Joan Blanchard 1045-Helpful HaP'> 1055-Wife Sner lloo-ltcll's 1l01:Tobn Turner's Family 1l30-!''ew$ Tops Today r NOW PLAYNG Mtft r OOOY PECK JENNlfEl JONS RDlle MACH nil MRSA PAVA~ U J COBB ') ~11 HUDSG KEEliAli WiNK ' ~ C( toqlhart '''' RJ- SLGHTL Y SCARLET GREGORY PECK 3OG-Dollan OD Parade WTH JOHN' PAYNE BROKEN ARROW ANNE BAXTER ACOSS 3 Cltrus frun 400-Ncw! N YELLOW SKY'~ 1 What summer 4 Harvetlt 405-RalnbolV Rancb Slightly Searlet a typical Research don' for Broken - goddeu usually s 5 Above 455-News J3mes lit Cain dramatic shock Arrow Twent'l:tll CenturY Fox Wit}l Yellow Slty Twentieth ' Dodger 4 What winter 6 Deprivations BOO-New! add Weathrr er of bullets blackmail and encore triumph discloses some Century-Fox ha5 brought 10 the UlUaUy s sh ri 615-Sportcast 8 Gennlnaled 7 SCott ver bea'ut!ful women t shouid have fascinating sldeilghts on the his screen a walloping dramatic hit 625-L05t and Found grain 8 Partners a 645-New! highly successfui engagement tori cal friendship between the that offers local moviegoers some With 12 Age 9 Operatic solo 700-Slmon for 't contains all the ngrc~l fierce Apache chief CocWse and 95 minutes of the tautest most M~ stery 13 of 10 Former J Spanish 715-Dr Paul ents which made his Double n a courageous wllite man Tom hard hitting and e::ciling film bacchanals province 29 Summer 43 Ooze demnlty and The Postman A Jeffords fare to come thi5 way n many! 730-Rendezvous with Records 14 Relion 11 sl'lller drinks 44 Polynesian ways Rings Twl~e popular film Though shortly after the Civil a moon 'Gregory Peck Anne ' BOO-Back to the Bible 15 Raced ' complexions 31 Winter drink cloth entertainment War the Apaches and Whltcs Baxter Richard Wldmark lind an National Le~glle: n30-blg City 16 Surgical 17 Stopsralnlng 33 Make amends 46 Discord ' ' John Payne <rlene Dahl and lvei:e involee! in a bloody strug excellent supporting cast gh'e! Philadelpha 6; S 900-Headquarters lan 'remol'al 19 Small error' 38 Printing goddess Rhonda Fleming co-star in gle the!e two men on opposite superlative perf'lrmances in this i Cincinnati 11; New 18 Fishermen 23 Make broader mistakes 47 City n 930-Come A Callng Sllghtly Scarlet and Producer sides of the fence refused to iet dynamici story and Director Pittsburgh ~; lhw ~ 201ncllnts 24 Vehcles 40 Fragrant root Pe~Yl'anla ~45-Ncws Benedict Boceaus has given the tlle hostllltics break the bonds Wellman and Producer Lamar Brookiyn 6; Chicag t 21 DlphthonlS 25 War god 41 Brillsh spy 48 Baby s tather O()():Encores RKO Rado featurea handsome of mutunl respect and fondness Trotti have come through with ' 2Z Female sheep 26 Anoint Major _ 50 Unltcd States 1030-Sammy Kaye: Chicago 4 ; B roo' kl y setting n Superseope and Tech they felt for each other another top achi(''ement to! (pl) 27 Starting work 42 Places of ' o[colombla O45-News 24 What people 28 AUot refuge ' ~- (ab) nlcolor The hard hltting drama Based on this historical fact match their Unforgettable Ox American League: 1lOO-Sportscast do about and explosive exeltment of the the Technlcolored Broken Ar- Bow ncident - [ Detroit 6; Boston 3 ll15- Sandman Serenade News the weather action is neatly balanced with row shows how Jeffords (play Yellow Sky' recounts the Washington 6; Chi '26 Continent ' ~ ~-' 5 8 :'t K 100-Closedown some hlgh voltage love scenes n ed by Jimmy Stewart) had the story of seven men-outlaws-: ~Baltimore : Cleve 27 Small (Scot) 30 Aacendcd '/ 'P whch the Misses Dahl and Flem courage and vision to bring peace who hunted oer the humlng Chicago 5; Washin~ 32 Covered 'VOUS nc two of the- screen's most to Arizona by daring to come Arizona badlands hide out in a' New York-4: Kansr ff 1 34:Rcvoke WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 beautiful redheads provide pulse alone to Cochi~e's stronghold ghost town where a girl wise in: By the Canadia quickening nterest thouch [or seven long Years no the ways of men and the desert' 35 Landed 1 18 property ~ :1fJ 6:00-Sundial and News Payne portrays a handsome nvestigator for the' crime syndl great chief's arw and escaped outlaws are excited by the hint white man had come within the lives with her grandfather Thr Lasl p ace C J1C~go 36 com~a~~~; Z t@ ;: Z3 BOO-Breakfast Club d~y scored twice in 37SmaU 83G-Make up your Mind cate boss of city n which graft with bcing cruelly tortured to of a gold cach~ hidden by he inning on Gene Bal 39 Poems V i~ ~Zlo X ~ ~ i7 40 Heavy blow 41 One (SGOt) J 845-Rex Koury and corruption have become death old man and become wracked rj ~ and a bases loaeled 900-t Happened iast Night deeply rooted Given an assign Actually Jeffords sought out with suspicion of each other But J~' -ftice O~~ bl' Ed Roebuck to rlp 10OG-Cofee Time ment to check or the background Cachlse (played by Jeff Chand it is the lone gil'l and the ruth- :3 in the secnnll gan 42 Star (prefix) noo-turn back the Clock of :Rhonda Fleming secretary of ler) not to talk peace but to pro- less determlnalion of each of the LO'e cheerful kitchen iooal Leal:ue doublel 4S :Refreshed :31! 1130-Pepperrell Juke Club Kent Taylor a rdorm candidate tect his own penonal safety For men to make her his personal saries? Brighlen yours wil! 'at he top of the ei 49 Last troops ~1 Mouths ~ ')1 137 l230-hlllb1lly Matinee for mayor he dscovers that her merly superintendent of the prize that sparks the t~rl'o: and: gay motifs! Thcse designs of darkness The pcn 52 }11!ta) cap 100-Behlnd the StO'7 sister Arlene Dahi s a klepto mails fourtcen of his men had tense drama of the tnevl~ahle like gin6hj m appliquc - but Dodgers took the op '11/ S3Mtx ~ ~ 1eO':Behlnd the Story manlaci 'recently released from been killed by tne Apaehes and battle between them n~ bluld:~ easy 5 to the inch cross~titclr! 54 Free 1/1 ~3 11 ~ 115 '110 ~ lf1 J15-Masters of Melody prison When both sisters reveal he himself had been wounded the suspensefu plol to ts tern Pattern i109: : chilo can Dul(e Snidcr sidel 55 Health rcsorts 130-Muslcal E::prcss a romantic nterest in Payne a by their arrows!e climax broider hc e jiffy motif! dal' with leg rouble fi6 Container iifl ~ 151 l45-bob Crosby situation develops whlch leads Discusted with thc lack of GregOl'y Peele! superb as the fer of si~ - 5' x 6 inchc~ pinch bomer in the ci 57 Parrot 200-MaUnee to a powerful climax government prolection he quit leader of the dc~pera?dbs wh?se t Send TWE:>TY FYr C;XTS of the sca~on bul r DOWN 15Z l5' 230-VOUS Record Room The trio' of stars are highly ef bls post and turned to prospect ehorts to keep he men l1le coins for this pattern r ;amp' Valentinctti thrn gil 1 Goddess 155 ~ 15'1 330-Douglas of the World or fective with pal tcular nterest ing n tlle mountains Yet this too is complicated by the complex not he ac:epted 10 ST' Gilliam and Pee ' s 2 Algerian city Parade of Sporls centering POU Ariene Dahl for was dangerous with Cochise on relationship that de'clops be DALY!ES lolschold order to end the ;:atr 355-NelVs her portrayal of the dipsomaniac the warpath Seemingly without tween himself md the girl Anne Hcpl 60 FRO:'1' STnn:T Thc 'ictory snapp' 400-Luncheon at Sardi's kleptomaniac with a pronounced the fears of ordinary men Jef Baxter plays thc desert harden ; l'oro:>to OST Print 425-News affinity for Ule male sex Hereto fords made up!ts mind to have 'd girl underscoring her ersa : S ~T E DDUESS scren'l1ame losing 430-Army Hour fore seen n' roies of sweetness a fnce to face talk with tlle war t!lity Witll one ot her finest per su~men Valentinelti's ixlh a 5DO-News and light hel dramatic stature riar leader formances to dale Richard Wid ' Two FREE p~lern-prinl/d losses Don Drysdalc 515-:-World of Sport is mmeasurably ncreased with The bold frontiersman said mark is perfect as the trencher the new Alice Brooks fourlh de{c~t ~g~in~ 530-Curtaln Time this characterization of surprls later This was the commence OUS outlaw who challenges Pecks book for 1956! Slunn:n umphs ROO-Vle Obeck ROO-News ing contrast ment of my friendship with CDC lead Others in the outstnnding for yourself for your home - Detroit whipper! ~ Lave Lucy 615-County Jamboree Kent Taylor as the reform may hise and although was fre cast nclude Robert Arthur John i for you OUr rearlers: the American Lca~1 900-Hlt Parade 700-News or Ted de Cor~la as the crime quently compelled to guide Russell Henry Morgan James! other d~sign to ll'drr - a:l ~ame A Kalinc h' 930-Lever Brothers Present 70~Jack Carson boss and Lance Fuller and Brddy Bear as two of his henchmen it never interfel'ed with our frl- -- cents for your copy of thh troops aglnst him and his band Barton and Charle~ Kcmper! fasclnatmg lmnd ork: Send tripled [or three run' 1000-Cllmax 730-Flnnl Edition (NelVs and noo-news Features) round out a first rate cast endship He respected me and SPECAL ADlED ATTRACTON 1l10-The La)e Show - 1 ful hook right awal'~ notched a [i c hitter BDO-Sperts Today respected him The Other Woman on tiptoed home n al5-pcppernll Today Therc was good reason to reo ' lead~~tets ing a heated ar;mmer a20-flbber McGee and Mollie spect Cochise Not only was tl)c Blackmail murder and ntngue: A Bur~ese hli tribe nm RUNNER GR/iBS C a30-gary Crosby 9DO-Groucho Marx Paramount Apache a great warrior but his dominate the latest Hugo laas i Burma-Chma border knolln Red Sox manager clluse was just Alwas 'a peace- production 'The Other Woman the Was are head b1nter~ announced hc 'as 930-Dragnet ful ndian he had turned to wllr Set against Hollywood back 1 tame under prlltc1 OOO-News and Weather only after a young Army Lleute- ground the filw deals wth a TUR~S Tu;~S inning explosion top 101S-Pepperrell Sport! Desk Now' Playing nant hung three of his close reo producer who mnocentjy gets lll':!urkcy e~~~t5 10 expand O30-0ne Night Stand latlves for a crime they never volved with a bit part actress' r31l:oad ac!lhc5 by ao ncr ron's forgotten man 1lOO-Muslc 'till MldnlgbL UOO-Sicn Off 100-Local and National Head looo-the Falcon linn Neil'l Bnd Weather 1030-News n a Minute 1lO-Tops Today lo30-dlary of Fate 115-News noo-local and Provo Newi l35-dally nterview llo-national Newi 140-Sports Review l115-sports Final 145-1nvllatlon to Music 1130-Houseparty News :loo-news too-queen and Sign Off 201-Sccond Fiddle 230-1mprlsoned Heart: VOCM 215-0ut of the Dark RARE VSTORS 245-1n'llalion to Music WEDNESDAY AUGUST t The National 1'arks of Canada 301-Houscwlvcs CUb' 030-0n the Air were visited by persons OO-Gen Provincial N ew 730-Breakfast Club and NeWt between AprU '1955 and March 405-Ranch Party 900-A Date with Denys News 915-The Valley and the Hln Saddle Serenade 930-A Vate with Deny KOREAN VSAs 500-News Bob Lockhart Show 10OO-News Korean authorities issued OG-News n a Minute and De- lo05-a Date with Den vlns to visiting foreigners in 1955 tailed Weathr lo30-adopted SOD :lost were from the United Stales io~bullelin Board O5-News UO-National News ndo-burtons of Banner Street LONGEST PER? US-Sports Parade nl5-song Time The pier at Southendon Sea n 62~Provlnclal News n30-keyboard CapT England's Essex county stretches 64a-Showcase of Star; 1l45-Tops n Pop : miles '1OG-News Courtship and Mal' 1200-Ncws rlage 1205-Ramblln' With Rcgall MARS NEARER 71l1-~lom Bank of Happiness The planet Mars will be only '130-News 1230-News miles from Earth duro 745-Royal Stores Theatre lu5-fishermed' Foreealt ing 1956' 800-News Parade of Hltl -:;;;;;;;::::::========~~=~=====:::::-_ 945-Dosco News P DARRYL r la/uck WuU' tarlht $('H Dlute' '1 NUNNAllY JOti~$OH tnamasc:ope' COLOR it) 01 LUX Also-UP TO THE MNUTE NEWS ;(0' EVf'~~NG SHOWS: 630 Pll P~ MATNEE 2 PM ADMSSON PRCES FOR THS ENGAGEMENT EVENJNG-A'DULTS 75r CHLDREN 35c WATNEES-ADULTS 50c ClLDREN %5e '!: := NEXT ;:ATTRACTON ; W~rtt~' ;mgeonjanne FRANC~LESLE NELSEN ~)i'f'rqi~il)i)l~:n PLANET-SUSPENSE-EXCiTEM~NT- *~STAR--* ~!'!: :;i;; ~~~~:~: '--:;;;:' - The TO-MORROW TMES OF SHOWS: EVENNG YELLOW SKY 7 O'CLOCK-930 THE OTHER WOMAN 825 MATNEE 2 pm LAST TMES TODA Y!J!-Y The Good Die Young _ - Fun Food The man n the Gray Flannel 'Suit has that ndefinable qua lty that touches a' chord of un derstanding n all who view t on the ClnemaSeope screen Whle it s a pitcuer about a man n a gray fianrpl suit a farily universal figure n mld twentleth century America it s also about th erath family the mpact of World War 11 big business lind the broadcasting ndustry-an thelves and rogues hang out and an sland where the mountains arc made of ce cream cones and the rivers of lemonade and wilere pie popcorn and other delectable! grow (n trees for all Ages!! Three For The Show committed who plans to expose him public durmg the next 10 yem Kaline harl pene But though peaceful all bls y unless he pays her 'a hand admirable rerum ill li'nri:::1 wilh hi! Nth home life when Cochi~e took the war some fee k n turnin out 'ornc of he the Tigers' c;ld to path he did it with a passion and The Other WOman mar s lobudgcl film~ Tullic doubled 1 i ability tllat was phenomenal An the fifth film m whch Haas ami Cleo iloorc a laa' hopper deflrcled hy grily proclaiming that ten whites liss Moore hal'e appeared to once again gl'~r~< the c~l'l'ecn b::hind second for a would die for every Apache kill getber t is a repeat of th? mao [her torclly se!lul'til'c a ~ilt Bol1in~ retrir ed he made hi~ vow good ture Haas sty!: coupled t!1 a: The luscious blond ha 'and threw 10 Sammy The screenplay for Broken completely different ~:luatlon fast rise in Hol'l'ood and Arrow was penned by Michael 'l'wentleth Century-Fox S relcas '1_- rons'ldered no' 0111' onc of plale' but Sum <!lit hi d t d 'Tuttle 'US rllierl til' Biankfort and has been hailed mg t s a u [ama bet looking womell in tln' ~ for lts' tremendous realistic im- H~go Haas hol~s }he worthy but also 'e'' wlrnled?ire Frank t:l1onl pact The writer himself said dlstmclton of bem the?nly Oth!!l' player; in the 'hite infuriatrli that he COUldn't miss with such fie-way Holl~~lod talcnt ~ arc Lance Fullel arbitcr and let )' fascinating historical material at addllion to Wrl'l~g 'pr~~uc1l1 ley and Tohn Qualel hroll' to centre liel hand to work with directing and sta:r ng 1s oll'n wa~ recently fl!atuj'cct in Ted William films Haas also tmances us mo ligh and the lghty in back to the inli('le ; vies n an almost u~he~~~~~~ he played an i11!ated pa unnoticed ~ :hr n MORE PHONES combmallon of fll e mpt' f 'board a trans or eanie p contrbutions tlo the crca loll 0 1 Oth ' hc rcrgcd 011 lino;)t Many Persian rug designs de Forty seven per cent of Copen a motion pi~ture The Czech-born 1 e Cl olllan f :me (ormer ootball lin gardens of and hagen's homes have a telephone genius has compiled an the ofl!!l1al sllspect u a rll_~ circled the ha n compared with 16 per cent in 1931 mo'le' n the opene at =-'::::::';=========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~: :i cwcom bc h Ul' i 11 ~ D innings in l'eiief Wi<' his 21st 'iclory a;:< lnd boosted his :lra' 'the Cubs TU'k LO'n chnr' 'irl11 loss alter rcr OUND'ANDt~ FRJENDlV 1HAT ~abl' ~oe Draboll';;k' ras thc 'ictim of B _- -_---- lun ninth Lown ha' ~llwaukee AF TO-MORROW TO-DAY smashed a threc l'u: day night 10 ca;1 ~ Pirates in a COl Of This Motion Picture the Screen Can Be dril'c that carried t tictory u'er ~lih place Brans Proud Today Tomorrow!a BAL'fMOlE A' shutout Clc'cland gles Tuesday night Generation From Now allolv a man to get the Ballimorc 0: ndians 1-0 on a fir' JAMES STEWART in b)' Bob llc~'d and a : Nieman BROKEN ARROW The ace ri~hthan Pilelicr on he O~ llfl gaincd his : Pared to si:: defcal~ out six and walkin: With Jeff Chandler Also - NOVELTY After Bo'd had ~: TMES OF SHOVlS balked hin' to ~r E'ENNG SHOWS 7 pm-9 pm lieu flied out an' Also-NOVELTY ~ome with the onh' TATNEE 2 pm llan bounccd ad; EVENNG SHOWS: U5-91~ AD:lSSON PRCES FOR THS ENGAGE~E!'iT third base bag EnNNG-ADULTS 75c CHLDREN 35r MATNEES: SATURDAY : O'CLOCK t Was onh' he fl MATNEES-ADULTS 50c CLDRE:-; 25e 'ietory or tile seas land which is the team for the Orin LAST TMES TODA Y NEXT ATTRACTON teeded the meash' gained each l'car' il 1955 seasons 3ge PNT NOW JOHN WAYNE-JEFFREY UNTER in THE SEARCR ERS-ACTON-TRLLS-VSTAVSON At all Dealers participating in ~'UN FOOD PROMOTON NEW YORK AP Ue waloped his 451 he season Tu~sdav!Un blast hat p~ Gurths of the wal Ruth's alltime rec~ 'lork Yankees dei '!-s City Athletics held 10 six innings t lob Turley all 011 1V0 singles and fa 1tlninium in the fir 01 the game whie :or lhour and 55 ~e limpires c~led ST LOUS AP by Marv Blaylocll a~d:del Ennis ail trjp!y powered ':;: : '::

11 _ rtie DAilY NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST: 29 19~1 'Men's CiVil Service! Bowling League t -' ~~ The annual meeting of the Le gue will take' place on Thursday light in the St Pat'a Alleys a~ 800 pm when rlports for the year will be presented aild presen- > tatlon of priul for the Plst year i Dodgers Split Do uble Header Cubs will lso be on the genda :Tht list of prize winfterl ~~r last 'Year can be leen below: Team at present member_ ~f the League re reminded that they re required to have del~ gale present at this meeting and also to have their fees paid 'upin order to be included n the offii:lai Cellar Dwelling : With :1 rapue: -r~::;clrll'hia 6: S Louis 4 l:~(innali 11: ;';cw York 1 r::!h!lr~h 5; ~1i1'aukee 4 r~'kb'n 6: Chirago 4 ~;;:o 4; nrookl~'n 3 :! :: ragllr:!' :~';t 6: Bo;ton ~ 11: 'llln~ton 6: Chic~~o 2 :;: :~rl~rl' 1: Clcl'cland O ~: ~ 5: Wa;hinl:ton 3 ~n prk 4: Kanns Cit~ O n~ the Canadian Prrs and the Philadelpha Phillics to H lead the Chicago While Sox to 64 'ictorr o'er the st Louis Cal~ 5 3 victory over Washngton n th~ dlnals Tuesday night second game o[ a doublehcade'r dr~~~ electlon of officers fo'r ui~ Simmons was touched for nine Tuese!ay night after the Senators season will take placefolo hits but blanked the Redbrds on took the opener 6 2 lowing the reports and the pres en; two hits the' last four nnngs nfter ' American League' tations :: finalh' gettlng a lead W L Pet GBL Y k Championll-Rly Dockl 1: C CNCNNAT AP _ Two hom New Dr '1 1 Cleveland Clarke E Noel G Bur ey W Ho ers slammed by rooke Frank Rob loway ' ' 11 Chicago in~on and one by eatc ler Ed Bn Boston } 2nd Place-Fly Accounll: 1 c~' accounted for seven runs Tues- Detroit Wadden R Nugent W English rlay night n Cincinnati Redlegs' Baltimore h' G Flynn 11-1 trouncing oi New York Washington ' 3rd P GPO J D ace- Ryan Four Giant hurlers trlcd their National League AVERAGES Giants Kansas City 41' 83 :pl 38lh Meadus» Whittle F Crocker h~1!1 at halting the tld~ oc Red 11i1waukee Brookl n l J Wadden (heels) ' %43:' ; ha-t' loadcd 'alk SC'' 011 lleg~ hitting with stal ter Ruben Clncln~at :579 3 D Meadus (GPO)' f norhurk 10 drrl'~t 1l'llokl~'n Gl!1:rz tak~n!! the loss 3t Lollis 'f J Burt (Finance) :!lr Hcoml C~1l11' nf a :->at ~'ASHlNGT?N AP - Dae Philadelphia :;8 64 4il 16 THREE FRAllES ::rn ~~~tj- ':: lr::l1r rlhlrhr~llcl' callcd j rlllllcy and ~l1nntc ~llnmo cloutcd Plttsb'Jrgh 51 jz T Wadden (Accls)! :-' r bee (h ic3j!0 (u hs Tues ; 'mt twice in the sc'fnth : n Grne Baker'; homer will ti- lop o! hr rij:hlh becau;;c homc runs and Ron Northey sup Ncw York :; or ' (L b ) ay a our ~n : 'i; Jr The prnnmtminded piled a torun pinch double to Chicago J B t (F' ur nance) _ ':l! re ; :':' t''k thr P' ncr (j t ' 'on Y AC NG N ' SNGLE FR ~ ::tr!r j J j ECKn-Hard Boiled Haggerty probably the most hated m~n n Newfounnla!1d bst nlgbt ndergoe! the tor l):~;;:: ;''~;~';:~~::i:{;;: :hi: BftSEBALL ::t;t ;;:w:c:~~'i~~twt~i;p~~:::~~ ~;;:::~ ~~t:lt:p;h~~'~~; ::';t~~:i~~im!:r;:~' ;:~ H~!'~:Um::';U~':;: ~: ~~:;~'il~~:i' :: :ll ::r~r< ; :- ~l1t'r lilt r cl;:hll lis 36t people jammed the Stadium n scc the maulmatch-(daily News Photo) J Burt (Finance) 371 : n:'ts i: ::( 'Clpn hilt rejic!er Vito' t ~ requested that all prize ::!~fi ::';:f~~:~;~~:~'~:;~~::: i 4th Place still n Slings Watson Whips Haggerty Latest Tennis ~t~~ ;::~ ::~!:' t t '~:;+i~~ ( ~'~~'in~ 1:eak was Fe;!d~ans Upset st Pat's Results Crcket Results i ::: :n(tfl:<)th~gmnt three T R t - Ch - h- -;>~:r~~i':' l''n ])r'~da!c rh'orhrll hi: 0 e aln a mplons P i h - h h LONDON treutml-crieket rr- ('dc~t '~pin<t thr The final playoff spot is SllllllOWCd Cee 'filler to brng n he ' n t e latest matc es n t e ~ult! in the United Kingdom Tues- ;~~~;~r:! '~~~ ce r i i~ the slil1~s after last night in tie br~klng run as ~e and Hoi ' Riverdale ''enni~ Club Tourna'l day: ' : '::t '>c ' lb' 3 Ch the Fclldlans came up!th ctt ban~ed out back to back! A kngdom went on' the line at (ttempted 10 return' to the ring 1 continued and Haggerty quleklv 1 ment!aw B Ploughman and J Es~er 203 lor 1 declared Lelcest :::r~ _ J lpp(( ''''on i n a surprise 87 Ol'el' the tlurd singles filler came home on an ' ' ' d Russell n a dandy against Ewart! ershire 17 for no wicket :atcll f~lr~' tf ' '::rr'c;m C'lrlle _ onl' 1' l' ' t '1 '1'1 'r''in Blues error cllal'gcd to Patricians righl St John s MemOrial StadUm last armed 1lth Kcnnrdl s cimr got himself dlsquahfe 1'1 d: b d d d ' ' ' ~ P CC n ca s e 'ht 'h 'V' B' F k ' d'd' k i k' k d f th and John C ouston whl st Fre a a an one no ecl5lun ran _ a ~ill' : lalint' h(llll~rrd ami: paced hc way as they added a fielder Ed Greene lg cn upper y a son Re cree ran analc~ n t ta e ~ ' a son lias e e out 0 e : and Ruby had to call theirs with: Glouccstershire 76 Derby'3hire ~~:i Z5 : ' i r thrrc rul' F'rJl1l' L'ln' run pcr nnln in cen' frame Feihlians AD R H E put the world wresthng crown at too ki'ndly to this acton of Hag '1' 'ng and Haggerty refused to allow 13 for' no wic' rt match' aban :~:- 'roder ' ' ~ k h d C d d hi' h f Frances and Rubv after a hard' A ' ':~' 1 i inhitter and Red '11 except the thirll when they went 'filler 4 3 ~ 1 sta e when c lace a f :t Har gerty untl he returne ~ eclar him t? return Bot grapp ers or h' h h h d d~ned no lecision No pia) todey ' :~:~rd home lrom first lul scol'eless and they struck for 11'0 Hoollell BoJled Haggerty for the sxty min to Kennedy; so as he might can some unexplaned reason spent tree set mate t at a t~ be Wcket saturated ' :; i'cled ar:lllwnl n the!ifth Gl'mes utes of gruelling mat artistry tinue his duties most of the final five minutes out ~lle~ Mfler darkness had ma e t Lancashire 102 ttr 'S Gla :lie :'~'i:: GRABS CHtSCE Cce ller had evcry successlul Simpson Haggerty started strongly and Haggerty evened the score n side the ropes but Hagerty re mposlble to see the ball n;organ ~lalch abandone~ no dr u : '1'1' ' lght rapping Ollt thrce consecu Cole had Watson n trouble for the iirst five minutes of the next fall whcn fused'to allow Watson to re enter A match that had been sche elslon No play today rajn ' ' ~X manl~rr r ::!'~ t'' e! d th Ploughm n ' did f t ht' h d t b d Kent lg Yorl'shl're 158 for e! h ' ~ e Sn es an score ree n five minutes 'l!uch to the fanl Watson bounced off the rope inlo the squared circle 50 Manaiei u e or VO n gsa a e e ~ ' rr r a~ p a~ ng t e lmes for follr trips to the plate Chapman ' 5 ' Caulled This s not quite the )atch drawn '::-t under prollt alter '1 si~' Bah Cole who returned 10 the Ran enjoyment Watson recovered grad Haggert~ s knee atson then be rased he hand of tbe champion h' Noltino':lamshire 153 for 5 ~~3 ls~' ' ' d ' d h' f' f h t ' 1 mil for p ayers but other- have ' - (''''~d ilj :'~~ 'xplll!'ion topped b)' Wil Fcildian lincup nst night did Young :' ua y an app e' S avourltc came vctm 0 t e Haggerty n VC ory once agan: also' to be considered and- ho~c dared Hampshire 115 Cor ~ ~r wll :prgoflcnman safari 'ery well Cor himself by pcking Greening ; submission hold the Whip as brand of sleeper which left him Bruce the Barefoot Boy Fogwell th ~ ~atch erawn no ec:ision r::; '?:::rr had pcncrl thr innln!: up a single and dropping the pill 32 n 11 6 Haggerty roiled n agony on the helpless on the mat got himself disql1nlified for the tl b n e to~rna~lent ar~ a_k d Northamptonshire 368 for 3 de- ' -:-:-- : ~' ~4th home run to hike! in!o deep right :fielll for the first St Pat's AS R H E mat The jam packed hou~e rose 1'0 second straight week when he ~o ear hl: 1 mmd ao'o when: clared Som~rset 210 and 268 for 5 H(1l1~oll!i -rl' Md to 30 nel B'' trple of thc baseball season to Rabal DurJnn ths fal Watson showed' the occasion when Haggerty reo broke every rule that was P05slble oames arc cheduled they al! llatch ~ran d of 1 h e hcst ' ' ft' ' itt b ' d'l 11 d' Warwl kshir 126 an ~6 for 1 ':: duble~ Wilson hit a high clate ' S~?tt Haggct ty what it felt like 0 be turned to the ring to throw what in the first of the preliminary; mean 0 e P al~ 1 len ca e Surrc 1~1 fore 3 declared Matci; ' eo t T d L The pesk~ shunk two Patllcla~ 1 thers 3 0 loon the receiving end of the ropes ever al'ailable wasle material' they ' houts aganst Dave Foote n the unless they are ramed out y < rll-~oerr ( ~ CC C l~ e CPCO hurlel's from the mound unllli Hll'vey n he NLTA Juniors there dral~n ~crecn W;b r'~ 'econrl for a sm~lc sixth inning when ~like :artin Ahbott and n~p~;ently ~he nr1 Boiled could get ther hands?n at th~ second prehml~ary bout lid Bill were two each lor the bo's and ~ljddlrse~ 180 Worccstershlrc t ai'pcaran~ '!': Bollin~ rclricl'cd t)t' hall took o'er fnim Petel' Deutsch :'lartln O! ~ne dldn t likc t as he left the haterl Haggerty T~le bad one Fog'ell a~d Bll C~~ wrestled to airls which included a cud three for 3 Match drawn d h~ madc:a '; ':rr' tn Sammy White ~ the and Ron Scott ~t!lrted for the' Walsh i nng n a rage DALY NEWS stalked Crom the rmg and stated' a thirty minute decson The local ; Enl!land 247 and 182 fo~ 3 - '[ and tod~ :;'! :'ll Sam' dil'ins ta~ on rish ane! was relieved by Powers /: cam~raman Frank Kennedy scam that he 1'0uld recuse to continue boys have improvcd tremendously: et match belecn Kathryn r~m- dared Austraha 202 ~nd 2 fol' 5 :y o::c (~f ll! ::::! '' ruled tno late h' urn [)elltsch in illc' second nning Dcutseh ~ pel'cd 10 safety leaving an empty until the fam; gained control of during he scason and are down i p;eton and Penny Clousto~ winch Dra n 1~()lj~~ :' r';nk l'mont ' when the FcildlHns bats boomed' ~lal1rrd chair which Haggerty tlfrncd into themselves When the ians had realy givin2 the fans thcir money's; ~as evenlu~l1~ won b~ Kathryn 'n:~ ar:rc~ '; :_:'( inlllriatni '~tormcd the' for tll:o singles ane! OlC run Green a potential lethal weapon when he quieted to a dull roar the match i rth ut nol untl ~y had had a battle Un''ted Kin' 1{lom - ~ Pll tu~ '_' _ 1 ' ' Drutch got himsclf in trouble 3B ' royal The Junlors are asked to v- ~C1lll' Bart-' :11( r a 11 long 1 h ' '11' th h dd - Q al t ' ' ~' t ' cn 10 rolc ~tole lme from lump rcs _ HartmAn lams 1 note e gamcs sc e u e for lo :' 3('n u '1 rl n e lee 111 (sgus 111'1 t k t f J k Dff' ' F -d Sh t t st B F t D'f d d hd' S R'1 -'d i:l Tlil' : illiam~ flscd the hall 11( ~ t l1 hlde th~core a d S!X ac mant O ug~ T'S G' AE e U 0 U 0 n s orune e eats! 3y an ' s ou t ram t len the ocer ~SU ts ' plcce ~r 111 e malin J gmes Wll go 00 tomorrow nd J '~ ' the mlwld 'h~rc it lay the seventh and eight and al Guards 1'5 Feildlans 18' 7 3 ' those i~ hr3ckcls arc ask~d to 'ENGLSJt LEAGUE _ ~ hc Brd Sox con' _ urn - n ' J '' 1< 1'1 ' J - 5 M t h' turn lip and amst umplrlng! DVlsln E~iT l5t!5c :~ nlll1lllltol1a 111l~:p W N'EAC n unlor otcer a c : YESTEDAY'SRESUltTS iburnlcy3arscni1 ' :: tollthail nrsman cahnll eppers n' Soccer Game (Riverdale Club) Dl'lston :';:~ ~lro ba~r' ' i ' :Lilst night at the Ayre Athletic ilhe Fcildians two goals and St: ' ( H Ploughman and J Rusocll d ~~~Y_~ Stoke~! 't' ': pe c at c'l~a!:o ~~?; Grounds the Feildians lurned hack i!lon's nothing ~ E Clouston and J Clouslon 10B Spurrcll (G!iicock) : 1 Jr h~l ns: the ~st 1 ~ S f Ball T St Bon's 2 0 lor another Section n the Stead Trophy Round the ' F?RUN~E n last moht ~ 6 3 ~larg McCarthy '5 ~lonica _'~:' rrhel was crcdl~('d with 0 t Ourley B 'football 'ictory 'Feildian tied with Ho Cross llurn p~nlnsula soccer game pla~ N LT A J W'te ~: clory a~:lnst SX losses'! s ' cd at F ortul~ the homcstanul1g j : lnlor 11 ' ' k St Bon s had a dellnlte edgc: 1 1 The Double Blues forged te'am won' sel'en to three victory Girls SOO-Frances alsh 'S MaXine ' _ r tcc h srason nar fj'cr th D bl ' ' over e au e Blues at the frst ahead and c'cntually 1'0n thc over Burin in a 'free scoring con Kathryn Templeton d Penny GUlzl'cll Dt3l'lna lann~ ~' :~ to i' ' PE''ERRELL AFB Aug 2B- Greenland 125 and Argeptia Navy of the conflict but the Collegians round 'test The 'isiting S Pierre team Clouston R Lewis 'S R Rorke (:J l~' ': 01~ Clmr~Cdl 1 t hl~ : The 'epperrcll Peppers ollt'l dol'ning Thul~ Greenland 18-8 rallied al1d finished th~ game with n the Higgins Round Holy returned home yesterday on the Christine Whelan r Helen ~ul Clouston) - ; n tcr rc~ ~r!: onus pltchcd outhil and olltfielded all Narsarssuak came back the 'fol two goals Cross deleated the Feildiails go llotorship Galantry after deleat cahy Freda Green and Ruby An '' :'r [)rabowskl t~l~ cl::lth : Armed Forces competition n cc 10ll'ing day to edge Goose out o[ The first' cood play came whcn and played or to capturc top hon ing Burin 4-l at Burin Monday Boys drews '5 Frances Godden :' f (c~mocbroo~bns ~ll1ee; land Greenland Labradur and' the tourney 7-6 but dropped out Honk lelvs relayed the ball to ors giving them the Higgins! ~nd losings th~ee to one at Sl G Hiscock d J Nicol and Ruby ~organ (T Wiil ':i:r~~l' ~? las lion 5t'en Newloundland to win the 1956 with a 1211 defeat from Argentla Harold Steele Steels missed the Trophy a~;:~~~ B u:k a~: it S p i J Royle d A Haynes ter) ' ' ~;~/ ~ ~h~~'~ ';~)n ho~e~ i~~:' i Northeast Overseas Conlerence Thule bowed out to Sondrestro!l1' nets completely Both Kevin Grant LNEUPS over Labo/ Day ~e~ke~e! ~~:~~: ~ODAY'S GAMES Enid Swatek a~d R!ial ' d P' Softball tourney 11 5; Ke levlk suffered an nilial and Tom Murphy tried their uck FELDANS-Goal D Adey; 1 st Lawrence team and supporters 1030-Elzabeth Murphy vs Gear lagher vs So pine Lum lind ';': t n ea lef 1 ~~~gl~ Pepper ictory came through deleat [rom Pepperrell 62 and' but Adel proved on guard P Goobie R Crane G Young G will join Holy Cross on Saturday's gina Elton (Christine Whel E Clouslon (B Plough '~:;':; H a cl'onle: '~m C lin'! foul' straight win ~ecord climaxed Argentia took its first loss [rom The first score came when liar Anthony E Pennell steele'j train at Goobics for Corner Jln) - man) ' 11 CilrrC( lcm to a 54 by a close 21 decsion over the ilarmnn 147 old Steele slapped the ball across D Moores n ~levs D French Brook and A Newfoundland piny Karen Stentaford '5 Carol Please rea! this list carefully)' ~Ol; m'l'r lhlwaukcc's first runnerup Keflevlk celand Als the Blue Gold's nets St Bo' D Carmichel' ' ols ' H'ans Keflevlk put Sondl'cstrom out of ' n s : J ~~l' ) uoms to 'epperreil m the double the runnin with a 72 deceat Har 'ghl back Spotty lull'd knocked S1 BON S-Goal Davc Darrett; :; ;ml~)n~: A~ - ~3~ Moolc eliminaliop ~chedule wert' cc mon took it sllrst reverse 'from he bouncing spher: nto his own H Baird Len Coughlan Pat! p' A d L l' T~;:~!~' (~~~ht onan(~lllr dil~~~; land 62 Gouse 180 and Harmon 'epperrell l'q and Argentia goal ~ an effort 10 clear ~helan 'rom Murphy Kevin onv n tt e fl1 '' ~ t t f' t l 1 0 bowed out with a ~O score to The ball was centered and car Knox Gus Lawlor Dee Murphy J 'lh Bm~~ 0 ge o ~3; ~S ~~e Pitc~lng ~Y S/Sgl Fr~nl Ker Keflevik Harmon lost cight of the rl~d' down the field where Gus Kell'in Grant Gus Richards Ryan Learue Finals t t lunore r n~ es ea e rass an~ Arman Fred Speers to champonship by loslne the semi R~har~s dropped a shot into Dave JUNOR SECTONS tl _ 0 on a rst mn n~ s no e gether with the hitting o[ S/Sgt final to Keflel'ik 63 Adey's!l rms (Official Standings) T D' : Bob lip)'d anll a double by Bob Jim Hillyer played an mpol'tant ' G Young tried his luck with a _ SECTON A o ay Tn 1'1 ' pari n he Pepperrell victory The victorious Pcpperrell nine' high shot that failed to find its G 11' L D F A Ps ' c cr rl:;hlhander l;hmngest The tourney opened here with ~re now at Maxwell AFB Ala lor mark Following close brhind Curtis O The sccond game at the Little on th: Orlol~s mound the home team shutting out Goose the early Septembel' tourney They came Harold Steele who clipped Guards :l League baseball final wili be _olo:ci hs 11th ~CtO Y com 180 Keflevik celand downing: are conceded an excellent chance the bal from a scrimmage into i S Pal's '1 played this evening at 5 pm n ~X defe~ts whle stnklng Narsarssuak Greenland 9-3; Har i to take the Air Force wide cham Barrett's outstretched arms C L B : whcn Ri A ~lurphy's 'Rams' will ' i anrl l'alkln~ only one i mon olltswlnging Sondrestrom pionshlp Remaining Game meet the Mount Cashe! Bombers 10 Royd had singlcd Aguirre! ~ECOND HALF Curtis S St Pat's n the opening engagement the him to sccond George i J O R t ' P h h 'pot St Bon s t~ok over 'th Gl~ SECTON B Rams toppled the Bombers i'cil out and Blyd raced i' U~1l0rS e urn ro a e C lers lrlchal'ds passmg to Ryan Vh: G V' 1 D F 13 4 lh the only run when Nie~1 H T d NEW YORK (AP) _ Probable knocked Adey off his leet with' Feildlans A Pts! Today at 230 the first game b(tnced a double over the orne 0 ay pitchers Cor Wedncsday's' majo)' a hard shot 'fhe ball wa cleared : ~tacpherson ! of the Pony League finals will H d S 1 3 be staged when the Tigers meet ba!c bag cague g~mes with won and list lifo tce e came lip shortly St Bon's :1 2 the Cubs All Pony League games ld~ flnl)' the 10llrth Ballimore - records n' parentheeses: after with a vicous grounder to Holy Cross d th F 'dl t:o:-y or the season over Clel'e The J~nlor Capitals will arrive 1 National League Barrett Barrett le! down and ' 2 1 i arc p aye on e an home ths morning on the 11 Pittsburgh at Milwaukce (N)- dro cd the bal b i RcmaHlllg Game ' Grounds hlch is the perennial jmx o'clock train and a 'arge erowd Law (7-14) vs Burdette (16-8) or PP ut e quckly re Macpherson 1'5 Holy Cross ----;-- lor the Ol'lolcs But t ex should be on hand to greet them Phillips (32) covered before any damage was he measly three wins they The Juniors sweep a two gnme Brooklyn at Chicago - Erskine done p T 0 h F h pach year in the 1954 and series from Buehims to cop the (117) vs Kaiser (37) S Bon's took ~ver again with l'a:ctice Notes onl~ t soot a!~aons Ali Newfoundland baseball cham New York at Cincinnati (N)- Len Coughlan blazing away a high v YORK AP _ Mickey ~an plonshlp The only province Antonelli (13 12) 'S llippsteln (11 kick Adey stretched up and CURTS ACADEMY SOCCEt - ~alop~d his 45th home run of trophies that rest n St John's 10 t ' knocked it to the ground before it The Curtis Academy Section B Tonight Holy Cros~ and the Jeason Tuesday night a three this season are here thanks to Philadelphia at St Louis (N)- entered lhe nets soccer team will hold a practice Feildlans first division teams will blast that put him three the Junor Athletics-so folks Roberts (14 15) vs Dickson (11 9) The second Feildian taliy' lonlght at 645 n the Memorial face off forthe first game in the let's show them we apprecate it American Leagull when' Steele m d eume Grourids All mel1lbers are reo Caribou Round Weather permitt 01 he way toward Babe by g'ettlng up to the raljway sta Kansas City at New York-Me' He t d ta ea breakaway quested to make a specl'al effort' in~ the game will commence at alltlme record as the New tlon and cheer them home Mahan (05) vs Kuek (17 7) are own e feld and slam Yankees defeated the Kan Cleveland at Baltimore (N)- med the ball past Barrett nto tbe to a!lend 630 pm C St B ' t ' Tomorrow 'night the Macpherson il)' Athletics 40 n a game Qarcla (10 11) vs Jfhnson (68) on s w nes ' six innings by rain B b '11 M' Detroit at Boston-Hlleft (15-111' trom Mprphy came very close ST BON'S FOOTBALL and Holy Cross Section B tame V'~ Turley allowed the A's just ase a 1XUp: vs Brewer (16-7) to'scorlng on two 'shots with one The S Bon's senior iootball which was protested' will be reo llin~'es and laced the 17m3n The Dally NewsSporls Editor high and the other oii to the' squ~d willlhold a general workout played The game will be;;in at in the firsl 5 2/3 innings The Senior Baseball League drew the 'names of the two t~ains right A penal~y shot was called tonight at 700 o'clock in' the 6:30' t is hupetr that the re:r~in d beld an emergency mceting last who will play the first gameto aga nst Crane of the Collegians Shamrock Grounds ing junior ~:me will be playd on game ' C was he up h G d d d Friday 111:1:1 hour and 55 minutes bel ore night to consider what was to be night at 700 t e uar s an a~ 'fom Murphy took the kick umpir:~ c;led it a night done to sellle the covete~ final Fclldlans will meet He missed ' MACPHERSON SOCCER c-o---o-- t LOUS AP : H playoff spot n the Senior Lca The' winner oi this contest will vith S Bon's still threatcning The Ma~pherson Section B soc (CP) RpE ~D CRf P ' ome runs gue meet Mount Cashel for the fourth 'Gus Lawlor fired th ' - rovlnela armers pro at' Rlayloc!l SoUr Hemus They came to the conclusion place slat mil earn' the right to away ano er c~r squad will hold a plachce to duced a reeord' j crop of straw n~1 Ennis all with the ba~e5 that the remainng three teams play Holy Cross in the semi ~1;:zl~rHe likewise missed nght n the Memoral Grounds at berries this year-more than 1 powcred Curt Simmon would playa round robin series finals The game caine to a close with 730 pm pounds from 425 acres ' VCEROY Cig~rettes give YOJ 80TH F LT ERE D 5 M 0 KN G ' AT TS FN EST : ~ 1 :1 1! i L- :; { -;

12 ' :J:~ l' ' :[ i: 12 ) THE DALY NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 1! i ;-~---~ ~--~--:'~~-~-~ ~~-:::::~! t A ' ' r :~ : ~ '+ i USED WASHERS RECONDTONED AND- PRCED FROM ONLY $4950 REPA'NT ED ~ A selection of thisl flnl used models may be 'lin at either our Watlr St; Showrooms or at our Ser: vice Depcntment on Gilbert St All havi bn checked' and reconditioned and are n excellent condition THROW AWAY THATBUCKET - ' Jacoby On' Bridge SLAM S BD ON 15 PONTS HOlm (D) 11 'AKro 8732 tao +JC9as ; MT lar'! ' 'Q5 ' JC111J1 +n AQJU +J88 +QOU +u 'Otrm 6J'' WCt JtQ' +A1' North-South 'l1li ' f' 01' ' P Pa Pu' ( Pa P p Pa Optnllllla- _ 1 By OSWALD JACOBY CONFRMED point counters know lhat 33 POll1ts are usually needed for a ftllund slam contract The count may be safely reduced f there is an excellent trump fit nd f Ot member of the partnership his slnilleton or void n the other partner' weak suit ' There s no advantalle in hav ng a ingleton or void opposite partner's lolld strenllth That ort of dupllcitlons is like wear na luspenders nd belt The real dvllntag!' comes from a void opposite tlree or four small cards like the heart 'suit n today's hand South might never have known about the excellent fit!! the op ponenb had ke[lt quiet For all he could tell North might hive high hearts and DlY padea in which ease thert would be no chance for!lam When both opponents bid hearts South reasonably assumed that they had strength n their bid suit And when North made a jump raise in spades South assumed that llispartner had strenllth right there rather than n the - enemy'a 'ault n short the perfect fit became quite clear The play was easy South ruf fed the first round of heart nd drew two round~ of trumps with the ace and king When the queen of spades dropped South could ruff out the losing damond Bnd alve up one club trick in comfort f the queen of pades hadn't dropped the slam would depend on tht: club finesse The oddl were about 3 to 1 in favor of the l1am el'en thouah the partnership hand contained only 2~ points in high eards Orlltlren's Puzzle ~ ~ ~ DALY NEWS ~ : t: :t i ' f ELECTRC WATER' 'PUMPS- READY TO _ NSTALL O~l Y 30 NCHES LONG 14% NCHES WDE BY 28 NCHES TALL 10 MPER~L GALLON TANK FOR SHALLOW WELLS NYLON ~QUPPED 'COlDSTREAM PUMP EASY TO TRANSPORT Delivered ready to nstau with pump and motor - securely mountd on 10 mperial gallon tank (12 US gallons); with' full 210 1m gallon per h~ur watr delivery rate deal for small households cottages hunt camps etc where its compact size saves valuable 5p~C' When used in summer collogls a few moments work w1th a wrench detaches thl unit fer transport to lafe off-aln storage Weighs only 130 bs fits in the tr)lnk fir in the back of most can Complltely equipped with automatic: pr ur control switch safety pr'5s~r rlief vc!lve and iilr yolum control! j N THE SHADE i Danny is enjoying the shade under thl~ wee He is interested : n lomethlng which appell'ed ill the sky wonderin where it is /loine and wllat brlnll~ it in the sky ; above him Join au the nllmbered! dots toieuler starting with dot i num her one and nding WiUl dol number sixteen and you will see what jnteresun Danny Use yollf erayons on this pielllr ONLY ON HRE 'UACHASf The Great Eastern Oil JCom'pany~ Limited (


14 ' :- ~ / THE DALY NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 1 pa!ly NEWS WEDt t ' j 1 ; r;!: ; i ' ' 1 ' ; ~! i ; ' ' 1 i ; ;'' ~ i 'l!i r ' ~ - j' : 1 i i i ' 1 --il : -/ '; ' ;: ~;; :; '! il i it ~ >! - t : ' i ( ~ : - t ~; ' : : ':' '! ' Duke De8i~ns v Boot Scrapper LONDO~ (Reulers! - For l0l J:Olineas ($3);tlU can' hne a gi n t s;'oe scraper and wiper de liened b~' the Duke of Edlnliurgh ;t i's eaurd the Edinburgh Pole UDDY KLOWATT ) 11oot m'dulieturenii W~r and 'SCothnd Scraper nd in the s 1!il:at;~~berts workshop (or the ELfCTRCTY )ton Uian ~ of the;ro~'al scrap ' m lint already been sold ' The duke's creation has a four ; fg1t ~ih'er-pllted iron polc which: slippm~ Ulc hi: - h:ir scraper' rilcre' l~ :! double' brush in he 1 middlt ~dlh' t'o' smaller brushes athched' and a' bill brush ai each S' the' B(;GEST BARGA N in your Family Budget (SP-3) elid; ' - The' EdlnburSh Pole Bool Wiper: ':)~' J clmr: 'nll) bein:: the dn~ 'thc duke' 1 -=-1 U:=: 't:!l shopping br a ~craper 'hicli LGH fp NW would ~c ri'j or hea'y mild on co y h!~ hununt: bools Tile ordinary; ~cr;:r~ weren't good enough '1 H=rc' ;:al want hi! iold l: lelll' e inblc E~ctrlcil~ ~r1;h'p A A l;etclcrl n nm Around St Johll ~ ' ft hi;; le~i~n on a scrap or: n~_ near nd llcn! 1 1 p?cr ~ow ali lle 1'0)':1 colnlr~' Te'::~l1:C;i lore equipped wllh he ~ --- cil ':~t jn cnt~t'n ' : 15 Thcre i< a daintier zr ' c:llt:l the ~ar?arct which ~cl1s!'r ~nh' 6 'O~' (51820) nle Ou~cn ~!nl:l~r hr< in'cslcd in on~ nr fo;r lor her Scottish castle ai Wit';! roru!g DSASTER i Dr G O'Brien 1EWES En;:l3nd (CPl - A' has resumed practice jarl;;e hc;rin~ a lra!fi~ cac in 1lis SuoCX own comnicnlcd: 1: '~: imjlt~perly dri'cn is just a d;;n;crou5 :~ firing cannon do'n he rll~d : Aug28:m30 C;i;;DS CDETS :~~===~~~~~~~ lo:dos (CP1-Canadian ~il' r-;dcl' 'i;itin;: Bril~ n wcrt ron 1~~d hrcu:!l 111- nu~e of P~r 1'l>:'Cnl b) W J Ta)lor r~n~r' uilr mcmhcr of parliamcnt fnr lira dlnrd Sorlh and one oc hc 11 foanders oc eiangc ~ehl'mc the air cadet ex LOOK atjt BELOW 'CHRSTCHURCH Eng (CP) Found and handerl to pollcr in' this Hamll~hirf! 'l11asre: one sklr OS LOCATON SHEFFELD Enl!land (CP) The dt~ s newesl police ~tatlon s 10caled in th~ Crookc5 'lislric WEED G1tOWER 5T ALMS5 En~land (CP1-' r ' Fosler won a comoetition held at garden llafh' n this lcrtiordshlrc market town for tile _: largest as!ortment of l'eed~ He llroduecd dluerent mletle! NOTCE OF APPLCATON FOR CHANGe OF NAME LAM-:S FXTURES AND APPLANCES City Service ' Co Ltd iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiil We the undersigned Solicitors for Reginald Carl Warr hereby give notice that pursuant to the i pro'lslons of the Change of Name Ac R5N (1952) Chapler 165 application will be made' to the Minister of Provincial Atrairs for permssion to change his name [rom Regnald Carl Werr to Rcgl nald Carl Earle Dated at 51 John's this 27th ' lay or August AD 1956 CURTS AND DAWE Solicitors for ~ppicanl Newfoundland Services :' Q'DRSC~LLS! ~ CK YARD PASSENGER NOTCES :ao ' ST JOHN'S LEWSPORTE TOPSAL ROAD Ow Brookfield Service Station AUCTON ON' We~nesday 29th AT 11 'A~M~ 25 Head':' Choice ' ~~_g Beef) ~'Cle ': ' ~ :'jo~~:'~d;'~ -! :-<' O'D~iscoll' ' : ' :Aucii~~~:'; ' _ ' r ~ ~ : : ' : SERVCE :!V B;mavlsld operating on! the St John's Lewlsporte Ser vice wlll sail from the Dock ' Coastal Whar! Noon tomorrow Thursday ' CONNECTON GREEN BAY SERVCE Regular 6 pm train leavlng St John's tomorrow Thursday 1 will make eonn~ction at Lewis porte with M V l':onlc for the Green Bay Service LABRADOR SERVCE 55 Kyle operating on Ule Labrador Servi':lli for regular ports to Goose tjay and connect ng with MY Trepassey to He bron will sail (~'om Dock Costal 1 Wharf Noon ~'ririay AUl 31st CONNECTON LEWSPORTE CORNER BROOK SERVCE Train The Caribou leaving St John'3 Friday August 31st v make connection at Corne Brook with 55 Springdale for the Lllwls porte Corner Bruok Service ' FREGHT ACCEPTANCES FREGHT' LABRADOR SERVCE Freight per 5S Kyle on the Lab rador Service for regular ports to Goose Bay and connecting with ltv TrerJa5~ey for ports to Hebron will bl) accepted at the Dcick CoastR Shed Wednesday; :August 29th 1/ am to' 5 pm and: Thursda:o August 39th 9 'am to Noon -~;~~-::-;::::~::--=:--- ' l' CLOTHES niake the man it CHAFE ' m'lkes the clothes '_ WM L CHAFE Tailor ~(' :: ' /:'- '' HOLD 'WORTH ST ' '- '' ' -' ':' - -'--' ~! ' ' Nice lifeboat! Now where's yo!!r swimmng pool? 4 - _ ---~ For Rent 164 Water Street Three Story Office Buildillg A Housemaid f Jr Government House Must have references ' Apply Mrs M: W Ford 'PHOf;lE 6307 for apf-0intmert STADUM DANCE THURSDAY 9 pm: am Prince'-s Orchestra Registered Nurses ' Registered Nurses are required at Western Memorial Hospital Corne~ Book Newfoundland for General Duty on Male Surgical Obstetrical and Pediatric floors Commencing sala'ry $2'00 per annum gross Apply to g SUPERNTENDENT OF NURSES B F Goodrich Ti'es LlBERAl TRADE N ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TRES; BUDGET TERMS AVAilABLE Two young men as assistants to sheet metal workers tl1!2a29 Apply n person to G C WELLS Heating Engineer Heating and Engineering (Div of UNF Co Ltd) 12 Hamilton Ave! ENJOY DANCNG ON Two or three unfurnished rooms for married ST JOHN'S BGGEST n perfect condition Furnace heated DANCE FLOOR couple with one small child 1 Po Box 652 Apply by letter to St John's Admission: 75c per person ilug2930 Ug ' FOR SALE _ i That desirable piece of Free- Young man to learn Television and Radio Service Experience not necessary aptitude and ambition essential aug28tf Apply Box los but mechanical hold Land with House and' Shop situated on Hughe's Corner For further particulars apply to ' 1 J A HUGHES i 'Phone 15 Town Square Bell sland Statutory Notice 1;' lin the malle;:-;tihe esht~ of: Thomas J Filtpatrick late of : St John's n the District r of St John's East in the Province of; Newfoundland Grocer' deceased - All pt'r~()ns claiming to he' creditors of or who hl'c any! cl nims or demands upon or affecting the estate of Thomas J Fltzpatrkk l~te of St John's in the Dstrict of St John's East 1n the Province of Newfoundland Grocer dpceased; are requested to send particulars of same in writing dul:' attested to the undersigned Solicitor for the executor of the will of 8111d de coased on or before the 25th day _--'- :;---================~ lof which September date tllc said AD exccutor 1953 after will _ ' '0' :' ~_: 't' - ' ~ ~;: Smth: ' orona '! 'i ' ''1 f TYPEWRlTERS'iandCASHERS ' DAL 4052 ' ~: t' ' )t ':';':'1-1:1 : ' DOMNON MAtHNfRY;::;& ~' EQUPMENT CO LTD { - ' ~ MORRS BULr)NG' QUe~N STREET proceed to dlstribule the said eslate h;lvlng regard only to the ('alms of whleh he shall 'Ulen have had netic' Datcd at S ohn's aforesaid this 21st day 'uf ugust AD: 1956 J H DEVN'E Solicitor for the Executor Address: PO Brx 5215 SL John's Nf'd ag2229sepli12 SECURTY ' may be what you're looking for and if so you'll find he righl kind of security in the Canadian Army i! you have what it lakes You'll Retired Teacher NTERESTED N PART-TME WORK ' in his own field during school year with exccl lent remuneration is invited to communicate with 11 ' ' PO BOX E5149 ' ag2528 ' ' ' serve with men from all over Can ada For the right man between 17 and 40 this will be the three great esl years of his life and includes he chance for a respecled and worthwhile career if he chooses to slay H~re are a lew of the advantages: ' : ' OPPORTUNTES FOR TRAVEL' AND ADVENTURE A CHANCE TO LEARN NEW AND USEFUL SKLLS ( ' lghest PAY RATES N CAN ADAN AmlY HJSTORV ' FNEST MEDCAL AND DEN _-'-- 1 TAL ::ARE MMEDATELY STENOGRAPHER Attractive starting salary bperienced 'girl Ptef~rred bu~ nof essential Summary of : e~ucation and-business training desired Apply 'by letter or wfre to EMPLOYMENT - AGENT BUCHANS MNiNGCO LTD' aug2b2930 ' ~~ - ' :--' Sl'ORTS AND L1JlELONG FRENDS j1 '~E~~:S 'PAD OLlDAY A lug2829 Apply Box 11 Car Daily Newl The Board Of Directors Of The Cburch Of En'gland Schools St John's Bishop Feild College Bishop Spencer College and all schools under this t50ard will ' re-open TUESDAY September 4th Pupils registered for the new school being built on the Strawberry Marsh Road will be accommodated for the time bmng in rooms in the Church of England Girls' and Boys' Orphanages Members of the Staff of the various Schools are requested to contact their Prin cipals concerning time ~f Staff meetings prior to opening of Schools Principals will be at their respective Schools on Friday morning and afternoon for nterviews H SMMS Secretary DWELLNG WATER STREET WEST mmediate possession For' particulars and :' appoin!ment to view apply Seize this great chance' now for 2 5 W Phone great years t'hat can shape your 7 ater Street future telephone Mail or' visit he eoupon your local below reo ' aug2~29' ; ~ cruiling station '_ ARllY RECRUTNG STATON Water Street ' StJohn's NOd Please send me withoul obliga lion full information on Army careers NA!llE ; : i ADDRESS ' ' CTY TOW~ : i ~':~:;P~i'O~'E : / THE EASTERN TRUST CO aug2829 RECEPTONST - SECRETARY (Part-time) for Physician's office Knowledge of' shorthand desirable i Apply Box No 19 'Ttl' - ' :_~' :!:i~:fl TO lxsure YOUR AUTO MOBLE YOUR CLEANNG MATERALS FROM R J Coleman Limited Duckworth St' Diai %115 O'CEDAR DUSTBANE HOME WAX CLEANNG MATERALS General Maid ~ [aid wanteo i a family with children Must be belween age of 30 ann 45 capable 01 eral house work and must be fond of children with 1111 model n and salary begi1! ~t mont-j Apply tr MRS F DAWE PO Bcx ag1411 S90OO!r $ for $500 Baseballer's Sweep to be drown September 3rd aug275i fal ~~ 'fhe FN ESl a:fack EXTRUDED ALum~nl COMBNATON STORM SCREEN WNDOW CONTROlUD VENmATOH WESTCOTT'S LTD (!llanufacturers) Cor Elizabeth and l'ortugal C 'Phone Ellzabetb Dial ~---- '--' - _ 331 Water 51 i ag20lm!- 1-- CLL TilE GRET ESTERS 011 SD 'Jl'ORT (0!Til FOR L YOUR T E LHSOS REPRS BE AOEQUATEl Y FRE ' MARNE AUTO CALL ftvdllj~ NS U RAN ( EJ WATER ST DAL FOR PROMPT SERVCE CAREFUL FNSHNG COLORS REVVED CALL '0 our Farmel Jereysid Placel 5&1Vtheast and Swc v notice of lev tion between Macl and Mr Martin Pc MacCormacs ug w YOUNG LADY for keep sales record G will include typing tion forms will be telephone MARS lug FROS Wish to ann rltaurant on making this n extend their sin patronized their years and lu SOX TEACH '(1) One to (2) One to i at Grade Sanatorium '~' 'A' SALESMAN ~ ond small city ael tar given first con Regional 147 conditio Two-to Thoroul

15 DALY NEWS WEDNE!DA' AUGUST NOTCE To our Farmer Customefs at Townside ; Jelleyside Placentia Argentla Dunvillej ---:'H Saotheast and Swans: We wish to extend a id n ' J~' 'jll 1 1 rl'n the' o! l:eri;: ~ 11' rh];r_ Home; on'enirnrei S!lOM p!s- - ~~ Box ES1QS -- -_ -l' 00 3rd incerl thank you for your patronage and to ( give notice of lever~nce of business connec : tion between MacCormac's Dry Cleaning Ltd r and Mr Martin Power Agent MacCormacs Dry Cleaning Ltd i f: ~i ' YOUNG LADY for general office work Required to leep loles record Good handwriting ssential Duties ill include typing general office records Application forms will be mailed on request by letter or ttlephone MARSHALL MOTORS LTD ~;:2P3031 FROST'S LMTED Wish to announce that they are closing their restaurant on FRDAY August 31st and in making this announcement they wish to extend their sincere thanks to all who have patronized their restau~ant down through thi NEAL'S UYfSTOCK ft1arkft 'Friday Aug am 4 Head Beef Cat;tle 16 Young Pigs 5 Crates' Poultry ::x Fergus ll from Charlottetown PE ~ 'oj' ll '~ aug2931 years and helped to crtate the friendly nd pleasant atmosphere n ded to ultain: ~ tch a businesi ' ):: t : ~: i ~' ' #! ; ~ : ~! J SWTCHBOARD OPERATOR with experience in Typing ' Attractive wagls ' Group Clnd htalt~ benefits available Apply lox 27 c/o Daily Nw; :t:-d:' ~-r~ TEACHERS FOR ADULT TEACHNG AT ST JOHN'S SANATOJtUM (1) One to teach Academic Subjects (2) Onlto instruct in Commercial Subiects :::==~ at Grad~ X lvl Sanatorium School ropens on September 4th Apply to: ~ NEWF0'rDLAND TUBERCULOSS ASSN ' King Giorgi V nstitut Water Street '~ il~;:~gjt -' A SALESMAN for Bell sland and Conception Bay tnd small city account Experienced and with own tar given first consideration Apply Regionald P Godden ltd 147 DUCKWORTH STREET 1954 DODGE 4-000r Sedan Air conditioned Heater and defroster Two-to paint job New tires Thoroughly re-condltloned REGULAR PRCE $ ' ' ' CLUB OPEN 8 PM TODAY Tonight Th Princes Quartette TONGHT-700 THERE OUGHTA BE A 'LAW 'fhs ~D'5 OKA'/- 1M' LKe: SOET~ NEW N PS~ES' ANYBODV EVER TRY STEWED WALLAH WALLAH? T'S A KNtl Or: AF~c:AN /fat r DVES N SWAm'S! EATS ONLY VE!lMN! l'i&ll ~ST ~u BO~ nu: ENTRAL'57fl!N FOR SALE on Mt Selo Road a Bungalow with 6 rooms Con crete basement water and scwage Garage lind 6 aeres of land mmediate possession 'Apply to A Rowe phone 9l346L - For Mirlown Amalgamated School Primary Room Grades Begin' ners to 3: One Female Teacher Apply S A Ball Chairman An ~xplrl'nct Bar Tendr Good wages Permanent employment Phone Mr Field Local 224 aug2b29 nsurance Dial NSURANCE-Bowrln Brother Limited nlurance Depart ment-fire Automobile Mar ne and all Casualty lints Telephone ;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;; DEP E N DABLE FRE N SU R ANC-Don't risk your valu abes to save few dnllaml Our falr rate reliable policy BASEBALL gives mmedlatfl l rot ection 'Phone 6921 or write J J Lacey PO Box 506 relllt! J _ GUARDS V' FELOfANS FUEL OL ~il STOVE Oil HARD COAL lfi 11 SOFT COAL ~ PROMPT DELVERY COURTEOUS SERVCE rhonll _ 558' Hfld Coal &Oil Co Ltd 441 WATER ST~EET STADUM SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY : ~ ROLLER SKATNG :j! ' 8 to 10 pm!:: 't' THURSDAY DANCE 9 to 1 am Princes Orchestra - FRDAY ROLLER SKATNG - 8 to 10 pm SATURDAY '1 ROLLER SKATNG 2 to 4 and pm ~ H' L L MAN i ~ $650'~ ~: ~~~----~ ; YOUNG DRVERS are lways welcome n my Offlcc and applications tavourably reo celved 'based on merit cover ng Public LiaMlty and Pro perty Damage Hazards Don't turn the wheel of your car unless you hnve this 3rd party coveragc-w F Caldwell Fire & Casualty nsur ance Agent 'l'emple Building Duckworth Street st John's 'Pllone 2465 PURNESS WTHY NSUR ANCE Department ouerln dependable nsurance-auto- ; mobile Fire Bur~lary Plat 'fransportatlon Travel Accident Liability Phone 2073 Glass Tourist Bag~ Contlct STAN FOWLER R nou! building for Fire Automoblle and Plate Glass nsur ance Claims promptly settl ed 'Phon 5531-PO Bos 63 ROBERT DhWE & SON Fire and Automobile nsurance Be safe be lure nsure Telephone 2882 PO Bos 85 Royal Bank Chambers St John's ONLY COMPLET BLND Servce Manufacture Laun dry Repair Wor~ guuanteed One day service Frel' quotations Kearneys Lmited Mnula~lurers 454 Water St WHEN YOUR HOUSE NEEDS repair job done small or large r1r t needs to be paint ed at low cost and e(flclent service kindly call J Strat~ ton 42 Cashin A 'enue Dial F 'Jne121mth -- GBSO~ GUTARS - HDrnlr Button Stop Accordeons and Harmonicas Richmond Saxophones Boo!ey C1arln!!ts Cbarles Hutton & Sons PQ feb3eodj Refreshln relic! for burning feet with ce-mint Find out what real foot eomfort may be ftoc nd $1 t all druggists START your Dwn bus!nls1 Our prodtictli are a must in all families Excellent com mission Free ample with each order Spe~lals with!ree' producll Monthly premium Free catalog'ue and details on requestfamllex Stlltion C; Montreal ALL WOOL MATTR'lSSES r plcked J re-covered: prinll dl1 Dedi' rewired; inner prlhg mattresses recondition 'ed Write Phone 3891 wire H J Keatl 18 Mount Royal Avehqe ~ Wed'n'esday August 29th 2 p'm 50 Head Choice Butchers' Cattle' ' ~ aug2b29 MPORTED Pillengir Tires $10 each; Tubes $200 each: Retreaded Tires 15 and 16 in Snow and Mud design non vulcanized (no sectional or Baird Motors Ltd spot repairs) $1495 each DAL Auto Accessories Used Tires Sales 86 Hamilton Ave MERRYMEETNG 'ROAD ag51m ' aug2930 ' V' rlu~ru: Wall Washing WALL WASHNG-Walls cllln ed by new m3chlne Results perfect; sal'es palnt-ncw Method Rug and Wall Clean ers Freshwater Road 'Phone ' ag25lm $100 MONTH1Y for wearing lovely dresses glren you as bonus Just show North Am erlcan Fashion Frocks to friends No ranvassing in' vdstmcnt or experience neces sary-north' American Fash ion Fro~ks Ld 216 Parthennis St Dept 2829 ;'lon real ' FOR SALE That dsirable piece of free hold Land with House and 1 Shop situated on Hughe's Corner For further particulars apply to J A HUGHES Town SUARE' hthth hthththhh 'Phone 15 By FAGALY and SHCRTEN SUrnRlNG 'i1th THE VlC'nMS 0 ONE O~ THESe C~ArviNG ONNEJ! CONVERSATCl'ALlsrs THeRE OUGTTA Sf A LAW! i/an4t6 3ERr<V MEl-TZER =AQ/AWN NJ ~ -_ -~ The funeral of our late : :omrade Lieutenant William ' Haynes 'JCM will take place this afternoon from his 'late residence 27 Howley Avenue All available ex-serviemen are requested to Clttend J W GOODYEAR Secretary St John's Branch MEWS DRY CLEANERS LTD AUt1'O~ PART HOUSEHOLD FURNTURE AND EFFECTS Thursday~ Aug 30 TOWN SQUARE BELL SLE Rev Canon A H Howlit St Thomas'S Reciory King's Bridge Road ROOM at 1030 am ' For Gentleman 1 handsome bronze!iqured d h Ch h'u newell' post light 1 3 pee chester mo ern ome n urc field suite blue plush upho'lsterl' Park area' Morning and 1 mahogany framed settee blue livening meals '' tapestry upholstery'l burl walnut Apply' ;~l centre table 1 mahogany!mo!; l _ er's table oak china cabinet 1 Box 8 ~'~ti round extension ~able (4 leavcs) 5 oak dining chllrs and carver care Daily News ' hall table 1 oak serving table 5 wicker arm chairs 6 garden chairs (wood) 1 garden table 1 wicker flower l;tand 1 oak hall bench and mirror hat rack 1 oak hall chair -carpet 9' x 12' 1 bureau and washstand ' cnlld's (swing) eot' 1 wicker basket; 1 folding card table~ 1 swi;el office chair small cabinet small quantity picture frames 1 hearth rug 1 2ring hot --=-----' - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLC plate 1 pantry caliinet 1 scales WELFARE pressure cooker' 1 hand vacuum cleaner camera 1 desk light 2 NORTHERN LABRADOR tennis racquets 2 kitchen chairs - PRODUCE 1 double brass' bedstead prlng and wool mattress 2 we singh! Tenders are invited for the pur bedsteads springs and mattresses chase of: 1 iron stretcher electric Frill 55 Drums No Pale Scal Oll dalre refrigerator 10 cu ftl kitapproximately 2500 gallons chen cabinet 1 electric washer 1 Drum Straw Seal 011 approxl- (only one year in use) 1 table 2 mately 45 gallons carpets 1 clothes hamper 1 Sin Drum Brown Seal Oil approx!' ger drop h~ad sewing machine mately '45 gallons Twin dark oak bedstead!; and mat Tenders should be address~d to tresses 1 walnut highboy 1 wal the Director of Northern Labrador nut dressing cae 1 oak arm chair Affalu Department of Public portieres etc WeUare S1 John's and will be l8}ledion morning f accepted until 5 pm' September 4 sale positively cash before de 1956 lvel)' ' 'John D O:Driscoll The highest Dr any tender will - not necessarily be accepted' R L ANDREWS Deputy Minister AUcTONEER~ aug2930 ' TYPST: ExperiencE!d preferred Apply BOX NO 39 c/o Daily News lug BNGO (Under auspices St John's Amateur Baseball League) GAETY AMUSEMENT CENTRE 'TONGHT AT 830 Cards: $1 aug29ao Usuol Good Prizes Bank $450 must ~ ' won to night _ Door Admiission: 5 cent SERVCE STATON ATTENDANT Phone or call SUBURBAN SERVCE S1 ATON New Cove Road ATTENTON Q All Guards' Athletes All members of Junior and Senior Football Baseball; Basketball Hockey 1rac~ an~ other teams are asked to attend a Short Meeting in the Prince of Wales Arena on WEDNESDAY NGHT at S30 o'clock GUARDS SPORTS COMMTTEE : ~ OPENNG UNVERSAL COMMERCAL COLLEGE A Bruce Matthew FSCT PCT Shorthand Touch Typewriting Business Methods and English DAY AND EVENNG CLASSES Commencing September Registration of pupils from August 29 - September 1 and from September 3-7 between the hours of 2 and 5 pm Clnd 7 and 9 pm 206 DUCKWC!HH STREET PHONE 5602 Ug2830sept46 FRST ENGNEER with 3rd Class Steam Ticket' for DREDGE PWD 400 Salary $32500' per month Apply to ' GERALD E KNGHT District Engineer Building No 29 Buckmaster'5 Field St John' ag256i A Registered Nurse for Night Supervisor is required for Western Memorial Hospital Corner Brook Newfoundland Knowledge of Obstetrics essential 45 hours week Gross salary; $2600-$2800 Apply to ag2461 SUPERNTENDENT OF NURSES ' 1 ~; : '''' ~ ~ ''

16 ' 'THE DALY NEWS WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 1 ' l' : ;; f r f you want your home furnished so as it will be in 0 class by itself; send us all you have or cen get of antique furniture for new tapestry leuther and repair etc REMEMBER: No Switch To Stocks From Bonds 'l> ANNOUNCNG OUR UPHOLSTERNG SHOP We also do drapes (slip covers p~rformed by MR NNNES formerly employed by the famous firm of Maples' o~ London England Cell MR NNNES or MR MLLER to-day' at &0118 ' '' ' Housevife' Makes F abl'ic Dolls By CAROLYN WLLETr Canadian' Press Staff Wriler OTTAWA (CP)-Wlth the hands oc sculptor and the talent of an imaginative seamstress an Ot tawa housewife creates Lilliputian dolls which d e li g h t audiences young and old; ' i Mrs Alex Douglas calls this art o(!abl'ic sculpture The minia nres 12 to 14 nches high nre moulded from a specially treated fabric and thcn dressed right down to shoelaces Her collection of 22 figures n ~hldes striking miniature 1l;e ncsses of British monarchs ccn tred around a tall model of the present Queen' Elizabcth in crown and' coronation robes HSTORC COSTUllES Brought Cram their slorage cup board to pose n a pleasant living Never Too Late Angela Thirkell 250 And The Rairi My Drink Han Suy;n : 325 The Long View Elizabeth Jane Howard 300 Noblesse Oblige Nancy Mitford 175 Walker RN Terence Robertson 350 Don't Go Near Th'~ Water i the 16th century to the present; These miniatures' have made William Brinkley 395 room Mrs Douglas' dolls ap peared in costumes ranging from frequent public appearances here h 'always 10 raise money for char T e Last Voyage ANTQUE FURNTURE lable purposes Ever~:tiling aboul Of The Lusitanl' a : the dolls - from hclr carefully curled 'eal or theatrical hair and A A & Mary Hoe/J(ing 450! popl shrunk'eett A S' Lf bodies in intricate and auulcntic Jan De Hartog 300 animaled faces tq their poised al ors e ~ ANTQUE FURNTURE RECOVERED '- 1 coslumes supports a little girl's The Lyc lan Shore puts MODERN FURNTURE in the shade i suggestion that they are real CHESTER DAWE Limited people shrunk h Freya Stark 425 of Mrs a tobacco Douglas company Scottis born executive Wife The Search For 1 ciues told a reporter she began : wbo has lived in several Canadian B ridey Murphy her hobby about eight ycars ago Morey Bernstein 425' DSTRBUTORS 10R WORD FA~OUS )J{NSJlANVLLE and n Calgary Th M f d :ll3c~llan &; BLOEDEL SAES LTD BUlLDUG MATERALS S OUR BUSNESS AND NOT A SDELNE on-n ~OOOD ft of noor space; OPEN SATURDAYS AND UONDAYS LRGEST ASSOHTlE~T OF GUlLDNG MATERAS N NEWFOUNDLAND t'ree AJlPLE rarkng SPACE Grayson's Scoreboard She began making dolls' clothes e ountams 0 re an for a Vancouver children's hos D D C Pochin MouJd 450 pltal and then developed her art The T'me Book of SC'ence of creating both the Clothes alld the dolls to wear them Jonathan Norton Long study and painstaking L d work go nto the mnkinl( o( the eonar 495 miniatures; particularly those in Facing T~e the likeness of actual persons A F ')!'r Judge Teacher V! Miniatures of tbe stately Queen tomlc uture nsane n and a lh'ely Henry V callcd for Wife-Sla yin~ ~~~~~;:~g a lot ~f historical back Mary of a smiling Queen Mother E W Ttt t 4 0 Elizabeth a regal Queen Victoria er on 0 t U LOYNG DETAL q 11 'low ~lonms()s HAMPTON NB (CP1-A petil Minute detail is' just u im f~nadlan Press Stall Writrr i jury took only nine minutes bere portani in prelly dolls as for Kl:GSTO:Ont lep) _ Cana Tuesday to reach a 'crdlct of in an authcntleally out!lttcd Mountie d;~n inuran~c compnnies arc nol sanity and save onetime school or a Highland chieftain says Mrs 1:l;d~' 1( witch their im'ctments principal Edll'ar P McKinney Dougias 11' ~tocks from b~ncl~ tlcspite ur~'1 from hnmediate trial on a charge One part o( ilie figure modelling tn:;~ (f the federal!:o'crnmenl of murdering his wife process' includes a stiffening ses '1'o:-'nto RetOunant Kenneth LeM - McKinney under consta'1t obser slon in tile refrigerator for the Carter aid Tue!day! valion in a mental hospial at Lan fabric torso a process which C!airman oc the 19;5 federal' caster NB since early July did startles bel' snaeks eeking son ~le5 commi!ee he said insur1 not 'appear at the trinl Once lle body s completed the nncl' companies _ posfibly the The 35 year - old teacher was expressions captured on tiny (aces country'~ m05t mportant holders taken nto custody July 8 arter comes the sewing of lle costumes of indh'idual sa'ln~s-are likel)' to leading the RCMP to his wife's Cherished bits of sllk sauns and be more impressed with the tax body n their St John River sum velvets tiny beads and glass bt!nl'fit~ of bonds than with the mer cottage SUbsequent medical jewels find their way to the ne~ of incrrasing Canadian par testimony in die at! d she was artist's workroom orten contrlb ticipatlon n the ownership o( Can strangled ' uted by friends ;n dadmirers or ada's expandin~ imlustrics Before dlsmlsslng the jury Mr the miniatures A ~tudent body of corporation JusUce W 'Arthur 1 Anglin said The largest single showing f pxccllth'e~ mid ' way through a that f McKinney ever was ad the collection was held here about thrl'cdar Qucen's unil'ersity se judged sane he might stand trial three ~'ears 80 when some 500 m!n~r on the mysteries oc Crderal Three psychiatrists tes~lfying in guests attended a charity tea n incomelax law alslj heard Ar open court told the petit 'Jury they the ballroom of the French Em tlmr S Patillo Toronto ~w~'er 'considered McKinney dangerous bassy 'ho bitterly criticized the federal All agreed he Was suffering from She has neve rsold a doll but ]~' on in'cntorie~ acute schizophrenia the worst t was a perfect setling Mrs tows TX BE!'EFlTS A ncw Canada United States form of nsanity They said he Douglas said was ncapable of nstructing his many have been made fo rgifts tal: con'ention when mtilled by counsel and unfit to stand trial One of the Douglas dolls a mlnia Cnn~re~s will allow subsidiaries ADllTrED KLLNG ture likeness of' Mrs Louis St of Ameriean firms operating n T' Wl1-- Defence counsel Eric L Teed Laurent tile prime minister's wife Canada to offer greater propor and deputy attorney general E B was presente dto the prime min ti(n~ of their stock to Canadtans By HARRY GRAYSON McLathcy crown coonsel told the ster's wife during a convenlon while still llettin~ the benefit oc a NEW YORK-(NEA)-Of thtl jury they also considered' McKin here this spring lw federal withholding tax on clubs who hnvl! finished behind ney unfll for trial d'idend~ the Yankees n the first division Nine mln'utes later the jury reo Thi~ said llr Carer now season in and season out The turned ts verdict OblOtuary means there is no val1d tax reason Red Sox have thl least excuse A grand jury 'earller ruled that why Canadians should not be al C money could havedone t evidence warranted' the trial HENLEY CRANE lolltd to participate n the 'stock the Bosoz would have won as Three witnesses were heard be The death occurred at his res l! us rontrolled Canadial'l sl1b many pennant~ as the Yankees hind closed doors '!dence Downing Street Harbour ~idiries 10 the c:dent of 49 per No owner ever was quicker with Two RCMP Corporal Harry Grace on Tuesday August 14th cent a buck than Tom Yawkey The Trann and Stanley Whelpley o( of Mr Henley Crane But hile federal ouidals ha'e Boston Club hn been well a Carter's Point NB testified at The late Mr Crane who was ur!:l'd Canadians to buy more tronized througl the years by previolls 'hearlngfi that McKinney born in lsbs was the son of the stock and increa~e their partido fans as rabid aj the newly deve] told them Ol killed my wife late Mr and Mrs George Crane : K THE BOOKSELLERS hone 3J9J 442-' Pbotographer For 50 Years But No Camera Now EDMONTON (CP) - Mortimer Burgess a processional photogra pher for 50 of hl5 75 years who set up shop in Edmontonin 1906 doesn't el'en own a camera now that he is retired Mr Burgess a nalive of Hast ngs England cntcred the pro (ession there when he was 13 years old He worked in Englund for 12 ycal's becore coming to Canada He set up shop in the post office on Edmonton's south sde and his name became synonymous with portrait photograpby in the city His stu(lio participated in the first doortodoor drive for cusomers in 1913 A fellow came into the studio one day hc recalls stuck a cigar in my mouth nnd told me to lock the door He said he had a proposition for mc that would put the studio on the map NFANT PRODGY Mozart visited London as an n fant pianoplaying prodigy in 1764 at the nge of eight Snappy S ervice ' for Snaps N BY 1030 OUT BY 430 HOUR PHOTOFNSHNG COLORFUL SPOT The Casbah picturesque native quartcr of Algiers ~ets its nadle pat ion in the de'clopmenl of re oped 'arlety 11 Milwaukee A spokesman for the attorne) and on' leaving school spent his from an ancient fortresr overlook- ~O'Jrce~ the insurance companies Yet an Amel'iean League flag general's department 'nid McKln early ears at the Labrador fishery ing it ' ar or terested n sec r' ncy will be held 'at tho hospital 0 e men cu asn L flown O'er Fenway Park in company with his fatber ih' of lh their!! in'eslment C t ~than their n 10 years 01' since unprcre MacLaren until Lieutenant authorize!' Governor his commit D L n 1928 r m Crane went to DEATS MOSCO W US S R-Soviet movie starlet rina Skobtseva is the pretty maid ~ml 109 ~!Olr Patillo s~ ( lashed r ar at cr 3 federal abled dented the sustained Red Sox carlyfoot to practically en tal Brooklyn years be was NY employed where at lor construc twelve ::- McHENRY - Died lit Detroit at you here The nearest thing Russia has to Marilyn Monroe rina told reporters' nhntory law maintaining 11 run away and hide n 1948 be as~n ~05!l1thmelt~iut~n'l~nt~geOv~:n~er tion work He returned' in 1040 to ~lichigan on August 23t1 ~956 at the Cannes Film Festival that sex appeal does not appear in the Rus~ian docs not follow d ld sound d accounting t d fore professlona' baseball had s notified oc th verdict h spend the remal'nin b ynars ~ n hl's 'V'' m E McHenry First Lieu! d' lc t' Onary S UC h tho mgs sal 'd rma are not met wlth in our movies 'T C'crl h e -practice tion of shareholders an cou ea the a public ccep fully H b h shaken did its ~8 war les b The' spokesman said' e e home town where he was known as Nfld Regiment A t1 K husbnnd gh f jess everyone - who has seen rina agrees that she has it; whatever it's called in the u w on d Y k B k!t tub le< ussmn lctionary ovie goers in America rna decide for themselves it a ea ond e'en Cederal t~y ~lleetors u a wa te _ yenrs for that a qlliet industrious and highly o( the former ga 1a eou 0 R d' M d 1 Upheld by the lmperlal Priv)' ts e new an deal ow in ev 1934 ga'e ac Bay One man scomsu al a felevlslon TR~NS eontrol respected Three y~ars citizen ago Mr Crane un Car his lonear wife are e three n mo ~ons rn and es o~e ( to swap the American movie Oklahoma for the new J Soviet Othello goes through Council it uys raw mater)l s n 'l'he Red Sox were in the' thick panel can direct freight trains n derwent a major oper:tion at the daughter May i1ls soul rest D rina plays Desdemona in th~ Russian movie-(ln Photo) p:ldt mtu~t tbel pricted for all of things until the last three a 65acre railway marshalling General Hospital; St John's and peace -:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=:~~=::':-;--:i~= 5umed purposes figure a ac closest un cos to it or an as- weeks a year alto and 'th the yar din' Flfcshlre Scotland for some t me 't was loug t th a t AUnOTT - Pia asse( pe c efully G eorge ' s d'~' ~rmuw 'ion to!otr Pattillo maintained that the aeequlst on of the veterans Bob his health 'had mproved However awny lit 730 am Tuesday after Th F ' - C - testify s thel'eforr 1111t ~nh raw materials of inventories Porterfield and Mickey Vernon DRVNG TEST' he was obliged to receive further a shrrrllllness Mr William Abbott e am Y ounc high prlncipled but of ~onsdcr h uld 1 d t th f were expected 0 come on this Overseas visitors' to Britain call hospital treatment the last time nged 50 years Leaving to mourn able practical ~al1e t' tlie fa mill' replacement ~ 0 be 'a A ue processor 8 e cost of raw 0 trip d But here they are the same take a driving 'test earning' a eer being a few months ago when ' t their sad loss four Sisters ] rs George's mother n; t ea d 01 m~'b ld ~' nml 01 f '; tho do f~' d 11 po 'd lhot b10 dit bd Wm W ''' Jm tt ED!TO'~ N<l'fE ' 'ill CoO 'b 0' d!hren m! ~ ig h~ in business unless he matched his days slandard badge ' grown weaker and' despite med!rs Peter Sparkes of this cil)' psychiatrist a newspaper editor a women's page editor and ~'U' should cite his 1cternllnnlo~ purcbases to 'sales and based his' cal care and attention he entered and' Mrs Leo Phelan residing in newspaper 'writers These cons;t with clergymen of 11 faiths alld 1 tel Stifl Y d as tal rekason '~y hcrb~r~;~ selling prices on actual replace There arc sev'ral reasons why ROMAN' WALL into rest 1030 am on Tuesday the USA: one brother Toseph : 510U lin agam mnl ~ ~ w m h nd So< ' ' 100 H ' W nd ' 101' hi C' 3 regu ~ ill k' p from h' d~'ett'~ AU lion b1d ~ w''''' redln witb th' ~ The profit _ and loss statement pe~ted to mako ~ real run at tho' across Britain's northland3' to Jar attendant at the services of residence of his neice Mrs Max 'l'rm-our son would testify accusations made' against him! on such poo:!:round~ would ~ho' a ri~c n profits when Y!lnkees There s the perennial keep our warlike Piels was built his church whenever his health Pearce 5 Cabot Avcnue off Sig against his coum certainly would not want tn i Geol'ge scems normally ohll the price of raw materials in nfield problem amclg other A 122 AD by Roman' Emperor permilled 'and in his /lome was a nat Hill Road by motor hearse GEORGE-llcr husband is do anything to hurt my cousin: ~ated to tcst:ry a~ain;t bl! C'&ued and a decline n proflls things and Tet: Williams s' tuo Hadrian loving husband and' devoted par at 230 pm Thursday CalselY accused but happen to regard her ~ cousin's false charge; hilt tr 'hen the prire mt down busy lghtln; the Bpston basebali ent During this summer he W3S FLGHT _ Passed peacefully husband as my friend andl :;hould make certain that hr This result ma)' nol mislead wrilers and fans for the Red Sux Britain has granted more than chcered'by the visits of two of away at Bostan 1ass fln August TnM-Our niece is involved relative also knew him long: nature of his lestimony is rc mana:ement but it can and docs to lghl U1e opprsluon in loan~ to its colon his daugll:ers and a son who arc 28th Phoebe (Taylor) Fliglll in a divorce sui~ and our son is before the marriage and fcel i :mrprise Becaue his co!ln! dtcle'e shareholders and the pub Williams comlls nto' the dug les in the last' 10 years nolv resldmg n tbe USA Leaving to mourn husband two to be a witness for her husband close to him! think my cousin interests and hi~ family's are ( lie ncluding the tax depart out and starts one of his tirades -:--- Left to mourn are his Widow daughters Lillian (Mrs Fred Our whole family feels' terriblc is making a terrible mistake and importantly invoil'ed he shoul~ ment Mr Pattillo said and everybody bogs down says Wlliams spfaks allgirly of (the former Miss Elizabet~ Noel Stephen~)' and Dorothy at Bosto!!; about ~his t will create wound~ lieel hcr motives arc not goocl let Ulem know to what c~tc~ one of the older members of the lhose--in the press box bul of Harbour Grace South); three one son John Taylor 10 Morris that Will never he a l!y husba~d l!y wife s no ~inistcr nfluence his information belies Lh!;! party For years t has been de never about beating that Mickey sons; Albert at hom~: Gordon at Avenue two sisters Mrs lc s worrying himself Sick over t in this matter or n any other charges in the tope thal h~ Ji~ monstrated that ~llams despite Mantle and therest of the Yan Brooklyn NY; lind Llewellyn of Cartby Torbny Road and- Mrs :Ve have talkc1:l to our son and She feels as do about my cousn thus without altua!ly hal'og his big bat cannot take the club kees points out the old Red Sox the ~epartment of Fisheries St Spurrell at Windsor and one polllted out ~ll the harm he and her husband but she testify in open court sare hu Raft-Skipper's all the way Flavlng strictly for attache John s: four daughters Bcatrlce brother William Morris in Fior would be domg but he insists certainly has not nstigated me friend from the scandal o( f31~e llimself he leaves the club with Losing a tdug game never Mrs James McLoughlin of New da and eight grandchildren that t is his duty to testify We and feel much more deeply charges save hb cousin from t ~ out a leader' seemed to mean much to him London Conn; Florence 11rs think it s the nfluence of his about it than sle docs tbink scandal of making false charge Wife Treated A movement led by Williams While a lltche sat there n the James Maxon Brooklyn NY; wife who has always disliked the family shoul!! try to dissuade and save himself and l1l5 ~af1lily hal's baseball wrltel's from enter dumps he'd comment on how Annie Mrs Mlebael Paciello of our niece and probably feels my cousin from pursuing a from still deeper difficulties n Hos)ital ng the Red Sux drrssing room well he hit a couple of balls Utica NY; and Louise Mrs School' 8'119 5 happy to see a scarldal n our ruinous and dishonest course ~O~TnE' rcl' -~r! Henri fo' 111'0 holtl's ef~'e a game and As much as dislike to say t Cecil Archibald Harbour Grace; 511 family instead of th'catcnlllg me with Rcaudoltt ifr of the 5kippcr of 115 minutes nftel this spirit this la~k of t appears as well as eight grandchildren and ~ay collection of 'lal'd have warned our son that we family bdycott WSKY lllports oof gai the transatlantic ract L'Egarc 11' Because Jl1 'ler~al ~aid he to have permeated the Red Sox one borther Mr John Crane or h will never speak to him f he * More llan 2000()Q(l pr e more hmt1!ff«' lro 11<1' d b to ' d ' ' b 1gbL LO ~ tbk ' ' 011 of bm uo Da g Th '''Y h' d ' hrt' THE COUN ell U G hioky 1 d '' rlfeet- rollo'm~ ext~aellon of a with lhr write at any' time Yankee put UJ! an argument and syl1lpathy is extended ag tor the beginner cousin but thi~ does not seem to states the facts eorrcctly he' is thnn $ were imporl rlluble~omr wlclom looth 1V1liams ducsll t speak to the they''e 'all n it' When 'one' of The funeral which was largely ~egularly 1J9 make any diffemtce n the position of bciug damned Canada _in_l --- _ ~caudoul who nell' home from llgbtlngest member of the club our guys gets n a rhubarb be attended took place all Thursday 't whether h~ does or docs not NCENT RUSS k 'n:land Sunday after learning who s enjoying illsblggest year beefs alone August 16th to S1 Paul's Church Specie for school GEORGE-My mother s being testify f he fails to' testify and t f An or 'thlt his wife was ill said Tues- Wlliams seems to resent the fact Williams everlastingly talks of where 'the burial service VS con opening only very unfair do not intend to Jlis cousin's husjand is thereby The ~nclent c' y a ruio;' Doer day dlte oc his return to London that Piersall given credit for his goals-so many runsbatted dueted by the Rev L A J Lud testify against mr cousin t is anunjust!y condemnel in the divorce ndo Chma no Dor 50 ~qu~rr 10' arrlnge f~r shlpmenl of the protecting him on the left side n so many home ruls lifetime low nterment was n the family 89c entirely ditrerel1t 'situation 1t is suit he will have embittered a covl cred an area ~ft bllck 10 Canada depends upon n the field batun!: a~erage etc 'plot at the Church' of England my cousin who b the' aggressor friend to whom he feels close: nil es 1'hat ~ bql the' prlnsipal trqu Cemetery in the case Sr? s makin~ false hl~ But he will no nccessarlly have' wire's progrcss - ' hill H e lce h opts lind also lllreeyrarold to be able to daullh take haseball B03ton away players from ral'ely the' park discuss and a' pull 8W 811t& p~j ttl!!' ;!q charges against her husband and pleascd hi cousm since she may CAN!);: s S T er mill' ~e!jchadtale to visit his parents little of t th~ie say close follow Red' Sox Tcbalkovsky's ever happen to hav'! the information soon regret the false charges Canalla's pulp and pap unds 01 m m F They've forllollen the club's Swan Lake ballet that would prnve that he was and the final destruction or her in 1954 uscd 995~OO029PO ': Dies r~nce ers ot U1e club: loal which 15 to win He didn't like t not guilty of some of the marriage salt valued at $J980 WEAT REP Eu~nr with 65 de Marca t cenie 'apprehended Weinberger Trea allll--w ~ho' Call chancellor that while figures arc in dollar ' :

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