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1 RED BANK REGISTER For All DeptrtmmU Cdk RE 64)013 VOLUME LXXIX, NO. 29 laces*) Weeslr. emmaf is tees* CUm JUiUr > UM (Mi COM at mt Buk. H J. esses lk«am ef lunk I. lilt. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, W57 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Zoners Study Plan For New Local Bank Flam for an ultra-modern buildlag for tht Merchants Trust Co. a tba southwest corner of Broad at and Backless pi. fashioned of ta«s story high plate flaw, staln- IMB atml stripping and eolorad toss were laid out Uat night before UM soring board of adjustment Tba structure, by and far mort advanced In pr nt day arehltoetura than anything la town, would b«built by Broad and Recklsss, Inc. Ronald W. AllM of AUtn Brothers, Inc., builders, IdMttUUd himself a* tba arm's via* fraaldtnt and secretary..- Msxwell H. ioarln, adjustment board chairman, said aftar tha hearing that tha board put off s decision on the bank until a pedal private? meeting Saturday afternoon. Weed C O M Varlaaee Brought before the board was an application for a sonlng variance. The builders want to set back M feet from tha center of Reckless pi. Regulation! call (or 40 feet. "Wo want more Information," Mr. Klarln explained, without elaboration. He said it was impossible for him to reveal the way tha board Is inclined as regards the application at this time. During the hearing, Mr. AUtn and William L. Russell, Jr., Red Bank lawyer representing the Arm, referred to the key structure only as "a bank." But undsr tha questioning of a newsman, who said he knew s Identity, they acknowledged would be occupied by the Merchants Trust Co. frontage of stores ha plans to build between tha bank and the Red Bank Woman's dab. Mr. Beekman also told a newsman that he had Information that "a big department store' has agreed to purchase the Woman's club "it there can be any assurance of adequate off-street parking." If one went In there, and tha Allen program was carried through, there would be a new block of solid business, ending with the Acme market at Broad at and LeRey pl bold move by Merchants had been expected ever since the Second Nstlonal bank renovated s headquarters at M Broad St. and joined hands with banks at Keyport and Engllahtown to become tha Monmouth County National bank, tha county's top depository, The scope of the plan, howaver, was met with surprlss by thoss who looked at the plant, drawn by Bernard KaUsnyi, Red Bank architect and new member of tha local planning board. One observation was by Alston Beekman, Jr., Red Bank lawyer, there on another matter. He recalled that Monmouth National now stands on the site of an old Presbyterian church. Merchants, he said, "now plans to build on the site of tha hut Presbyterian church. I wonder whan Monmouth National will move up an tha hill." Bank's AppointoMorts In appdntmsnts, tha bank phm leave llttj» to be imagined. Than Is a, "public lounge," departmentallsed larvieea set up A almost tt offices and sections, directors' and bookkeeping rooms, an office for the president, a "time sales" section, big Die room, and basement faculties for storage, records and lunchroom. While Mr. Allen would give i hint as to how much such building would cost, he agreed In an interview that would run Into tha "very high thousands." Ks also would give no estimate as to the number of stores that would move Into the lmvfoo Police Search School After 'Bomb' Is Found Critic SB Ons person at tba meeting put in a word, more in comment than In protest, against the bank plan. Ha was Joseph Z. Sullivan, U Reckless pl He noted that Barding rd, which ties In with Reckless at Broad, had bean widened, leaving an angle at tha Junction. Grant the variance, reducing the Reckless pi. setback, and there would bs hob to pay If aver the borough wanted to straighten out the angle, he said. Note of that fact was taken by Harold Baynton. now member of tha adjustment board. Hs mentioned it In his comments. But the point that Mr. Allen stood on, in his question and answsr report en the program with Mr. Russell, waa that the break still would be better than that wfich exists between the China and Glass store and Kelly's at the Harding-Broad intersection. Big rarklag Lots The bank building property, including parking lots, said Mr. Allan, would run some 280 to MS feet deep on Reckless pi. taking In property once occupied by residences. There would be two parking lot entrances there, one to the bigger lot, In back, and one to the curb depository. He said there would be no problem with window deposits, since the plan aims at taking 12 to 15 cars at a time off the street He compared this to "four to five can" that now can line up "without Broad st blockage" for Monmouth National. The way the bank shapes up there is first the Merchants main building, fronting on Broad it Behind that there is a traffic line for window deposits at the small building, and behind that, off Reckless pi., tha main off-street parking areas. Mr. Allen considered that In keeping with borough progress. OK Estey Varlanos Overshadowed was an application by the Estey Metal Products Co, which was granted by the board, for a variance for a small, 2lU-toot section Of property along River st in West Red Bank for the proper alignment of an addition wants to build onto s factory. r Fake Bomb Is Found At Red Bank High School Mambara of tha Red Bank pelica department search container* in tha aute machine ihep at Red Bank high ichoel yaitarday alterneen aftar a 'bomb' was found in another part of tha building. School was dismissed for the remainder of the day after the 'bomb,' which later proved to be a fake, wet found on a monitor's deik. From left to right abovo are Deputy Chief Goergo Clayton, Patrolman Albert E. Newman, Jr., Detective Sgt. Irving Kralcowiteh and Chief frank W. Routhar. r. Philip Tucker, plant president, told a newsman that tha factory, now with 60 employees in the manufacture ot library equipment and steel shelving, and having some 3,400 square feet of plant space, wants to add on another structure of 15,000 square feet The result, he said, will be more employment for the output of new-stylo steel library equipment Little Tax Rate Change Seen As Result of School Budget Fire Damages Fair Haven Store FAIR HAVEN Fire did an estimated 135,000 damage last night to a buuding on River rd., here, containing three stores and an apartment. The owner of one of the stores suffered a heart attack after inspecting the damsge and Is now at Rivet-view hospital, where hie condition this morning was reported as "good." Most seriously damaged was Rockhttl's flsh market, MS River rd., which was gutted. The Haas apparently started, according to IV» Chief LsTwrenes Farley, near a stowtotteraw of tha market Tha owner, George R. RockhiU, suffered a heart attack after he had- toapscted the damage. Firemen were able to keep the Ore from spreading to the two other shops m the building The Fair Haven barber shop, 896 River rd, owned by Jotm Abbatamarco, and satfsgfs fretae shop, m Rrrer rd, owned by Rotoert tatty. Both were slightly dssnaged by smoke and water. Via apartment upstairs, occupied by Mrs. Nave Hayes, also waa ahetouy damaged. Mrs. Hayes was not horns at the time. The slam waa turned to by an unmentevd customer In Frank Perry's store, which Is nest door to the damaged building. Aooording to Chtof Farley toe patron saw a flame and palled an alarm box at 6:0$ p. m. The fire was under control soon after firemen arrived and was out si 8 p. m. Damage waa estimated at M6,- 000 by Chief Farley. The building Is owned by Fred Maffeo. Roundhouse Site Under Study Here Red Bank's proposed 1K7-U school budget, Introduced by the board ot education Tuesday night flhoom have little effect en the tax rate for school purposes, according to Paul Young, secretary of the board, despite an Increase of tu8 > «K.U In tha over-all budget A public hearing on the budget wai be held next Thursday at p. m. at the high school. The proposed budget, which will be voted on at the school election Feb. IS, totals tl.m0w.12 as compared to tha current budget of $l,0h,«52. This marks tha second year the local school budget has topped the million-dollar mark. Ot the total budget, wul ba raised by lwal taxation, an increase of $4.422.TO over the WH- OM.*) being raised by taxation for the current budget When the current budget was prepared hut year and approved by the voters, H snowed that 1713,000 wasto bs raised by local taxation. This figure waa reduced to the figure by approximately $21,000 In state aid received after the budget was adopted. The fact that tha amount to be raised by taxation next year Is up only $4,42279 Is the reason the tax rat* for school purposes Should remain pretty close to this year's tax rate ot $4.99 per $100 of. assessed valuation for school purposes. Salaries Up $OMJ» The proposed budget shows an Increase in the appropriation tor current sxpensts of 196,071, from tls2,4st In tha current budget to $l,0»,m5.12 tor next year. The principal reason for the jump In the current expeme appropriation la a rise m the em for Instruction proper (teachers' salaries) which goes from $M3,MB this year to I6W.T90 next year, an Increase of $19,128. The total appropriations for all salaries 1" Uie 1W7-S8 budget Is $M1,M1, an Increase of $M,47«ovsr the current figure of $793,782. Tha riio In the appropriation for Instruction proper provides tor teachers' annual Increments, substitute teachere, bedilde Instruction and the hiring of nine addl tlonal teachers to bring the staff to a total of HI teaehars. Othei employees also are/ being given raises. Tha amount of tha salary Increases to administrative personnel has not yet been determined. Tha increase m thatotal bud. get Is partially offset by a $10, appropriation from surplus to reduce the tax load. Another reason for the Increase in the over-all budget Is a hike of $$8,000, from $15,000 to $N,000, In the capital outlay appropriation. Of the $M,000 item, $40,000 earmarked for new bleachers for toe athletic field. The $40,000 to be ralssd In next year'a budget will bs added to $20,000 accumulated aver the past two years, giving a total of $60,000 for the proposed Improvement Other sources ot revenue m addition to taxation are as lot- 's: State aid, flu,mf4k; tuition, $S4MM; federal aid, tt, , and miscellaneous revs- INDEX rag* Church._ Claaatned.. Editorials. Obituaries OM Times JM4I Baal Estate ports. JH1 nues, $1,500. To Honor Mayor Price Saturday EATONTOWN-About 260 guests are expected to honor Mayor F. Bliss Price at Crystal Brook Inn Saturday night at a testimonial dinner. For Mr. Price, who* began his fifth oonsecutlve term u mayor New Tears day, will bs the second time that local residents feted him since hs took office. In 1947, hs was guest of honor at a dinner In Fold's. Commlaslonar Paul Klernan of Long Brsnoh, state Democratic commhtseman, will be toastmsster. In charge of reservation* are Counellmen Carley Oarofalo and Howard F. Meyer and Mn. Joseph Dolan. WEATHER Bain today, changing Into before ending tonight, High, tt; low, 154*. Mostly fair tomorrow, though eomer with Ugh In the Ws. Freeh to strong north to northwest winds tonight sad tomorrow. 8m craft warning from Block Istaad to Cape Hatteras w u raised itlan, Tha Red Bank planning board Tuesday night tabled a request by the Jersey Central railroad for authority to subdivide s old roundhouse property north of Central ave. Mayor George A. Gray, who sat n on the session as temporary chairman, said yesterday that tha board's Intention to study tha sits "in ths hope that the land can be put to the best possible use." was made daw that subdivision request Waa hot denied but waa being held aside so a full study can be made. Big Parking Area Given consideration Tuesday waa the possibility that tha tract -wedged In the triangle between the New York and Long Branch shore tracks and the Central's southern freight tracks, north of Centra] ave. might be a good location tor a Red Bank station and commuter parking. There Is space for the parking of 400 to 900 cart. The Central earn wanted to seu a section of this landto the Best Block Co., Inc., maker of coaereta blocks for a new plant There are soms flvs acresto ths property. There was an exchange ot Idsaa on how the property might be converted into a station sits. A problem is that it now Is sort of 'land-lacked" with dead-end streets stopping at the tracks. Ths station development. If feasible, would be "a definite buildup for the vvestslde," Mayor Gray observed, Entrances, ha suggested might be made from Westslde streets, such as Catherine or River, although, it waa brought out that land at the track-end ot River st may bs used for factory purposes by tha Estey Metal Products firm. Borough Administrator Ensle* M. Whits recalled that tha original Red Bank plan, worked out some 20 years ago, called for ex tending Irving pi. which now runs between Broad St. and Maple ave. through to this tract Mentioned In connection with the station plaza Idea were such thoughts as installation ot a traf- Bo circle, with entrancesto tha eastern and western sides of town and possible uss ot all-day park Ing meters. Sees 'DeflnlU Advantage* Mayor Gray said that sines the ths roundurntabls that borough council now has asked the Public Utilities Commission, to eliminate grade crossings at the present local station, this roundhouse sits might be used at "definite advantage by the railroad, s commuters and the borough tor improvement and expansion plans." Members noted that tha Central no longer uses houss or the track tv once were important to s steam locomotive operations. HeM aside until the new members Mr. Gray, Bernard Kellenyi and Richard A. Johnson became more familiar with its features was the so-called Broad Street plan for business development That master plan had been worked out by the board In the past year. Mr. White called the plan "now dormant." Mr. Gray said it will require "new study." s adoption had been sought by former Mayor Katharine Elkus White as a means of spurring local business progress. A minor subdivision on River rd., aaksd by Rosa Bungosdy, was granted. Dividing her W-foot vacant lot adds 25 fset to each of the properties of William J. Bchoolsy, 1(2 Rivsr rd., and Ira V. and Avis P. Warns, 172 River rd. Ths Bchoolsy land, with the new strip added, wul have a foot frontage, and the Warne property one wide. Both wanted to widen the frontages and ths sale depended on the subdivision. Board Hears Job Delay RUM8ON Construction on the new Forrestdale elementary school Is about a month behind schedule, the board of education heard last night from Elliot Bparkes, building committee chairman. Progress, according to Mr. Sparked, has been slowed the put month by the late delivery of windows resulting in a delay in closing In the building. Some worken, added ths chairman, refuse to work further until the new building; Is completely enclosed. Plumbing work, tald Mr. Sparkes, has been slowed by a manpower shortage. To thli James Swaekhamer, board architect, added Stephen J. Groin, plumbing contractor, hat tried to get additional help and has gone as far as Trenton in his quest without success. The slowdown In plumbing work haa hampered other contractors, who can't proceed until the plumbing catches up to schedule, Mr. Swackhamer said. No action was taken on a request by the Gumina Construction company, general contractors on the new school, for an extension in contract time to Aug. 1. The building itself Is scheduled to be completed by Apr. SO, and the entire contract, Including site Improvement Is due for completion June IS. Although they took no action on the request, board members Indicated they felt the request waa unwarranted. The board awarded a contract to the American Seating company of Philadelphia for furniture and equipment for the arts and crafts, sewing: and cooking rooms. The American Seating company, with a bid of $15,0(7, was the only bidder. Red Bank high school wan i Reached by phone later yeatercloeed yeeterday afternoon after I day afternoon, a spokesman at a bomb, later discovered to be a the arsenal said the "bomb," Seek to Fill Recreation Post The Red Bank recreation eommtttee this week announced that it Is accepting applications from local residents for ths post of recreation director. The office win become vacant about Feb. 18 when jack Moody leaves to take over a similar position for Mlddletown township. Mns..Harrison Rowe, chairman of the personnel committee, Is accepting applications at her home at 14 Bllvertoo ave., Little Silver. Qualifications Include: a college degree and administrative experience in recreation or an allied field. Applicants must state age, residence,' educational background, experience In recreation work and current occupation in written applications. Jordan, Field Seated at Shrewsbury Tvvp. New Ywfc Tunwlke hprtat. 01 round til p. Frtquent tarvlea. Ne> parkins problem. Economist). Foi lime >nd aeheault. HI e-oatl, Adrai. lament. Glut lacaaaer Qrinth matter piano serin. theater, Newark. Sunday Jan.. at I US, M. Aronoft. KB Advtrtletmtnt. Thanks From Teachers The board received a letter from Miss Laura Dean, secretary of the Rumson Education association, expressing appreciation for the new salary guide adopted by ths board last month, The guide provides starting salaries of $S,- 800 for a teacher with a bachelor degree, (4,000 for a master degree and 14,200 for a teacher with six years work In education. New maxlmums are ((,(00, $(,800 an'l $7,000 respectively. Miss Dean In her letterto ths board stated, "On behalf of ths Rumson Education association I wish to thank you for the new salary schedule which you have set up." She added that such a schedule Is not only appreciated by those already teaching here, 'but makes us (eel that teachers of the quality we like to welcome will be attracted to join our faculty. 1 ' By resolution, the board agreed to ask the permission of local voters in next month's school election for permission to transfer $42,000 available In surplus funds from the current expense account to the capital outlay account so the money can be used for furniture for the new elementary school. The money represents surplus funds, and the transfer will have no effect on the tax rate. The $900,000 approved by voters for the new school!ast year Included money for furniture, and the board set aside $(5,000 ot the $850,000 specifically for furniture. However, when bids for construction were received tt was found the board, tor $42,000, could obtain two additional classrooms which will be needed next fall when the school opens. The $42,- 000 necessary for thoss rooms was borrowed from the furniture account, and Is for that reason the board Is seeking permission to transfer the money from current expense to capital outlay so can be used for that purpose. Budget Hearing The board set Thursday, Jan. 24, as the date tor a public hearing on s proposed 19S7-SS budget totaling $309,848. The board also sgreed to meet as scheduled Wednesday, Feb. 13, despite the fact that school elections fall on that day. Tenure was granted to Basil Petach, a teacher who has been with the local system three years. About Mr. Petach, Francis E. Hockey, superintendent of schools said he Is "an Inspiring teacher, one of the few truly great ones I've known In my 21 years In school work. He displays a great degree of Initiative but with accompanying tactfulntts. He is constantly studying wsys to Improve his instruction, and his experimentation in thte field Is very satisfying." /ake, wu found in the Branch ave. building. School reopened thla morning on echedule. Yesterday's bomb (care wu the third In a* many days in Red Bank'* schools, but marked ths first time anything resembling a bomb actually wu found. Yesterday's chain of evenu started at 8:45 a. m. when Police Oapt. Leroy McKnight, on duty at police headquarters, received a call, later traced to a telephone pay booth on the first floor of the high school near the gymnasium. A male voice told Capt. McKntght two bombs would go off yesterday one In the high school and one in the Branch ave. building. Police went immediately to the high school and questioned students. School, however, remained In session. At 12:06 p. m. yesterday, Wlllard Browning, vice principal of the high school, caileti police and reported a "bomb" had been found on a monitor's desk In front of Mr. Browning's office. The "bomb," made of a piece of pipe, a battery and automobile sparkplug, had been placed on the desk while the monitor wu at lunch. Police Chief Frank W. Reuther, Deputy Chief George Clayton and Detective Irving Krakowitch again went to the high school where they found the bomb, enclosed in a bag. Police Immeraed the "bomb" in a large pall of water. Students were dismissed at 12:55 p. m. and sent home. White the "bomb" wu soaking, Deputy Chief Clayton called Lieut. Roger Murray, commanding officer of the 72d Ordnance detachment at Raritan arsenal. Lieut. Murray, accompanied by Specialist Second Class Albert S Krupskl, arrived In Red Bank about half an hour later. Taking the bomb outildr the building, Lieut. Murray 'Usconneoted the wiling so the mechanism couldn't go off. He and Specialist Krupski took the 'bomb" to Raritan arsenal. which was found to contain no explosives, was made up of a 12-Inch length of halt-inch pipe, a pipe elbow, an end cap, a 1.1 volt battery, an automobile sparkplug, a pipe end cap, brass fitting, two feet of single strand copper wire and solder. Terming the bomb "a fake," Lieut. Murray said apparently waa the work of a student For Lieut. Murray was the fifth bomb «r«r«h» had investigated In the past several weeks. For Kfd Bank, if wai the hird scare tn tlirea days. Monday, Red Bank Catholic his/h school was emptied of pupils after police received a call that a bomb had been set to go off at 11 a. m. Police received the call at 10:30 a. in. Students filed into St. James church, adjacent to the school, and waited during an hour and a half search of the building by Chief Reuther, Deputy Chief Clayton, Capt. McKnight and Detective Benjamin Glover. Th» search turned up nothing, and students returned to their classrooms at 12:15 p. m. for the afternoon session. Tuesday, pollen investigated a similar threat this time that ths Mechanio Street school waa going to be bombed. A nine-year-old girl, living in the John st. area, was home tor lunch when she answered the telephone and heard a male voles tell her not to p> back to school because a bomb was set to go off that afternoon. The youngster told her mother of the call, and her mother notified police. The building was emptied and while the pupils were kept busy In the playground, police conducted an hour and a half search of the building. Again nothing was found. Deputy Chief Clayton said yesterday, several suspects in tha high school case have been questioned, and more will b» questioned. Dr. M. Gregg Hibbs, superintendent of schools, said last night that school authorities also are carrying on an investigation. Rt 36 Accidents Claim Two Lives ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-ACddente on rt N yesterday and early today took ths lives ot a Leonardo woman and a California airman stationed at the 648th A.C.ftW. squadron, Highlands. Mrs. Mildred L. Miles, 84, of ««Leonard ave., Leonardo, died at Rlvervlew hospital at 4:40 p. m. yesterday of injuries suffered at 1:42 p. m. when hsr car went out of control and struck a parked truck here. Airman Joseph M. Schnetiler, 18, whoss home Is in North Ridge, Cal., died at Rlvervlew at (:40 a. m. today after his car skidded and rolled off the highway In the Hilton Park area of Mlddletown township, just east of the Atlantic Highlands line. Five other slrmen from the Highlands base, riding with Airman Schnetiler, were injured, but none was hospltalteed. Capt James J. Kgidlo, lantlc Highlands police, who in vestigated ths accident here, said Mrs. Miles was driving east on the highway entering the borough. Her car struck tha shoulder at a bend in the road, skidded ISO feet, crossed to the shoulder and skidded 70 left feet more. struck a parked Bell Telephone company truck, he said. When the car went out of con trol, Mrs. Miles apparently was thrown to the right and her head struck ths windshield on tha right side, Capt Bgidlo said. 8hs was taken to the hospital by ths Atlantic Highlands first aid squad. Mrs. Miles wu the wife of Walter W. Miles. She was the daughter of the late William and Eva Letts Ssge, and had been a life, long resident of Leonardo. Surviving besides her husband are two brothers. Harry Sage, Leonardo, and George Sage, Highlands, and a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Schroeder, New Cutle, Me. Funeral arrangements are In charge of the Posten funeral home, Atlantic Highlands. Mlddletown police said Airman Schnetzler was driving west on the highway and his car went out of control at a curve un a downgrade, The car skidded 255 feet and rolled over several times, they reported. Airman Schnetzler was thrown from the car when it rolled. He suffered multiple rib fractures and a lung puncture. Airman Francis T. Leshko, 20, one of the passengers, suffered a scalp cut. He wu treated at Fort Monmouth hospital and released. Airman Kenneth A. Jennings, 19, was treated at Rlvervlew for bruises of the right leg and released. The other three passengers, Richard C. MarcotU, 18; Ronald Winebrenner, 18, and Donald Pocyntyluk, 19, were examined at Riverview and released. Nttlct B(Tt«tlvt Jan 11, my offlcs will be localtd tt 244 Broad., Red Bank. Talvphano Shadraldt 1-0S20, Di, 3*J*Jutl W. Hauaman. AdvortlitmeJit.TT Mn. Anna C. Swltek, dark of Shrewibury townihip, «dminlit»rt oath of offlcs to Joioph H. Jordan, left, and Vernon E, Field, who war* (worn in at committeomen for unexpired and full tarmt, rttpactivaly, at the- committee's raorganixation meeting Tuetday night. Looking on ii Juliut F. Fricksl, vv)o was ro-alactod committea chairman, i Ordinance Outlaws Drinking by Minors Typewriter Bargains. All mtk., n«w and rkomhtloiwd. Alio uddlnt machinti. Low Ouaranttid Llbtrnl tr«d«-ln allowance. Buy t«rmi. S«rpleo'i, 101 Monmouth it. RE 6-048S. Nut to Ctrlton thmtti. Advert'iMntnt. Cunt On.! Cent AIU To tht eard party sponaor«d by the Trianglt club of Trinity piicopal church at parlih houae. Wait Front t. H«d Bank on Thuridny. Jan, 17 tt I f, M. Tabli prim and rtfrttdmtnta. Donation, AdvtrtlMmtnt, Muat Said Hy Jin. 16, WantmtiM. New twobtdroom Capt Cod. Ctllar. tilt bath. knotty pine hltrhtu, Btat offtr. LO (-01S1. Advwtlnmtnt. Glut Bachautr (Irlffith rnaiur nlano atrltt. MoaqiM thmtfir, Nawark. Sunday Jan. IS, at J:«[i. M Aronolt. KB S-0S38. AdvtrtlaMiunt, Ucuati. Pishing, hunting, etammtne* and bow. flnrl nrrcw Mr*Tiir-«: aim Irout and duck.jumi>». KUMn'a. Bri)«d and Front it!,. Had Dtnk. Adrtttlttmant. MIDDLETOWN An ordinance making a punishable offense for a minor to have or drink alcohollo beverages In public places was approved on tint reading by the township committee yesterday. The measure was asked some time ago by Committeeman Walter J. Bills, who presided yesterday In the absence of Mayor Frank F. Blaiadell. The ordinance was drawn by Township Attorney Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., who submitted it with a comment that was similar tu one adopted In Deal and other county IUUnlcipalitlee. He said Mr. Bills and Deputy Police Chief Melvln Leek favored adoption of euch a measure, although the opinion had been offered that existing disorderly persons acts and state Alcoholic Beverage Control division regulations adequately covered the subject. Mr. Bills commented yesterday that the ordinance Is not as severe as he would prefer, but would serve the purpose. As police chairman he has commented that teenage drinking has caused anguish not only to parents and Innocent cltliens, but to bar ownnrn sntt bartenders as well. All, hs said, deserve the protection of an ordinance which provides for penalties lor gutlty minors. Tha ordinance which provides for fines of up to $50 for viola tlon, v 111 be aired at public hear Inf Jai, 21. J vealle Delinquency Mr, Bills described as ing" and "a shame" tho Juvenile misdeeds covered in the annual report of the township juvenile aid bureau, submitted yesterdsy by Lieut. Raymond T. Walling, juvenile guidance officer. The report showed 137 investigations. Violations included 4T of breaking and entering or soms form of larceny. There were firearm* violation cases and a like, number of juvenile delinquency investigations. Thirteen school violations, 12 of assault (Continued on Page Three) Notici of Annual Slockbold.t.' M»tln( Tha annual meeting ot tht shareholdera of 'i'ht Merchnnta Vrust I'um. pany of K.,1 H,,k. N. J.. will ba held at tht Fair Havan Branch. 56a Rivtr Road. Fair Haven Ntw Jerity. oa Tueaday. January at 4 o'clock in the afternuon for tht tltetion of director and for tht tranasetion of auch other business at asay properly be brought hefnre tht aittu Inn Rtd Bank. New Jtnev. Jan. 10. UST. B. N, McCltra, Sterttary. Advtrtiaement, Why Bother CotUnf Whan you can ret a roaated 4H" pound ehieken with drcaiing and gravf for We alia have taatt ttaapu ing homernndt nlr* Pork country lact at. RE ltry eeoja* Dflicatemtn, 111 Wtl. (I-9J8S. Ailvertleemtnt. Borough Dag Ownert NotK New S Llctnn Rvalinbit at Bornush bulidim, Han* iltan Koad. Pine Rrook, t.ny llmt <lur«ing tht day. Walttr U Ca.nH.ld. Boroutrh Cltrs, Advertiatment. Had Bt,«k iiutam lutitate New claian octn Ttb. I, O'i \l* Rrnail at. tttl <-r)tl). ^.pvi mtnt, 1

2 . JM. 10, 1957 RED BANK REGISTER Pond Checks Ordered For Skaters' Safety i*oilo* Supervision ol ijcating and a regular check on ice conditions at Mohawk pond was ordered by borough council Monday night. The mov«i«aimed at prevention of tragic accidents such u thote that have taken lives of youngster! In two other municipalities in this area recently. Council found Kaelf at a lost, howaver, as to appropriate action for the Navesink river, where skaters, tel apearerc and ice boaters also congregate. Whereas Mohawk pond la almost all borough property, the river is public domain, it was pointed out. Officials felt the borough might assume a dangerous responsibility In attempting to announce whether the river Ice cafe. Ice Mel Dependable Borough Administrator Ensley M. White said the river ice is never entirely dependable. Where it la eale for skating at one place, another area would be hazardous, he said. Councilman Everett C. Baynton suggested th«recreation department and police might interfere and post warnings only when the Ice is unsafe. Mayor George A. Gray, who raised the subject of Ice safeguards, pointed out that the borough might assume responsibility by negative action under that policy. Council ordered that Mr. Whit* make regular checks of Mohawk pond and notify police of the ice condition. Use of th» pond will be regulated according to the findings. Joseph Espoeito, Oakland at., told council 200 to MO children have been using the pond and that if a valuable recreational asset. On this suggestion, it was ordered that the recreation director. Jack Moody, rope off a mall arc* that does not freez* to prevent accidents. Mr. White reported that Councilman Charles T. Bruno, parka chairman, who was not at the meeting, has been studying the situation and plan* are bains; made to eliminate the open area near a spillway. rouceman Promoted Mayor Gray promoted Patrolman William F. Patterson to rank of sergeant, affective Jan. 18, on the requeet of Mr. Baynton. Patrolmen now receive f4,50o and sergeants $4,800 yearly. Patterson, aa Army veteran of World War n who served hi the European Th*at*r, was appointed a probationary patrolman Dec M, 1946, and became a full patrol man Jan. 1, IMS. Police Chief Frank W. Reuther said the promotion increases the number of sergeants to tour and will permit assignment of superior officer* to both desk and patrol duty on each shift. The mayor rescinded his Jan. 1 appointment of Albert T. Macttonald, newly elected borough collector, as tax assessment searcher. He appointed Mrs. Amy S. Shlnn, borough clerk, to the post with the explanation that statute requires that the post bt held by the clerk. The mayor also appointed Robert Bdmondstone, Pmckney rd., as magistrate's court clerk, a poet that has been held by Mr. MaeDonald. Mayor Cray had not made an appointment to the post at the. Jan. 1 organisation meeting and Mr. MaeDonald ha* been serving on a holdover basis. The court clerk received 83,500 under the ISM salary schedule. Appointed by the mayor t» fire prevention examining board, set up in the borough's new lire code, were Harry Aumack, Dommte Figaro and Raymond Brow- r. The resignation of Mrs. Jean F. Lovett as a member of the local assistance board was accepted with a vote of thanks for her service, AM Seaad Busy Councilman Harold Hurley read the annual first aid squad report for IMS, submitted by George T. Smith, captain. showed, Mr. Hurley said, that the number of squad calls Increased despite the activation of new squads In adjacent communities. A letter of thanks for its service to the com- ' munity was directed to the squad. Councilman Baynton reported that receipts from parking meters for the past year were $24,813.89, which sum was more than the cost of the meters. Councilman Thomas F. Oakley, roads chairman, said the street department was called out early Monday after a light snowfall to sand local streets for the first time this winter. Councilman Harold E. Williams, nance ohalrman, said the 1957 budget now require* settlement of only a few details and can be sompieted "In short order." Memberships of James H. Calver, Jr., and Joseph Z. Flammla in the borough fire department were approved. Rev. Charles E, Bourne of the A.M.E. Zlon church opened the meeting with a prayer in eon formanee with the policy announced by Mayor Gray when he took office Jan. 1. Complaint Renewed Joseph McMillan, West Westaide ave., again complained to council Monday night of the use and condition of adjacent property at the rear at 105 West Sun set ave. He said tt Is used for automobile repair work, althoug is in a residential sone. He deplored the appearance of the property and noise accompanying MJ> use, and said the condition tends to lower the valut of a! surrounding properties. Mr. White said he had Inveetl gated the complaint after Mr, McMillan appeared before oounci several months ago, and found that there wss a legal question as to whether (he property W» being used for business. At his request the attorney was asked to investigate and give an opinion. Mayor Gray aiked Mr. White to follow thn matter and bring to the attention of the health authotltlrc If th* attorney find* no Mama violation. Heed, Litterbugt! They'll Find Out MIDDLETOWN The law here I* out after th* "Utter- Joseph Quail, assistant health Inspector, yesterday called the publics attention to the $25 award the township efer* to anyone identifying and causing the arrest of a person who dumps garbage er other litter along the public roads. He aald that officials have been trying to catch each persons in view of the Increase la litter along Bray ave. and Port Monmouth rd. In East Keaasburg, and various street* In Belford. Found there lately, he said, have been "mattreeer*. shopping ban ahoi "tth - bage and general debris." Mr. Quail said that aayoao wishing to dispose of bulky waste can apply te the towa- hip hall for a pertatt, gaad for a year, to us* the Mlddletowa dump. He wished ao lack for those who insist ape* reams disposal. Fire Damages Studio Here Th* Hilo Btelner studio, Shrewsbury av*,, waa badly damaged by fir* which broke out Monday morning near a space heater at the rear of th* first floor of th* building. Mrs. Btelner, who manufacturss specialty lamps and lampshades, discovered the blaze when ah* entered th* stor* in the morning. She told an employee to summon firemen as Mrs. Stelner's husband, Harold A. Stelner, Jr., took a firs extinguisher into the basement to try to fight the blaze from below. Mrs. Steiner said that within two minute* of the time she first noticed th* fire, the shop wa* filled with smoke. Although shi could give no financial estimate of th* damage, Mrs. Stelner said th* atore at 104 Shrewsbury ave. is almost a total wreck. The adjoining store at 102 Shrewsbury ave. suffered heavy amok* and water damage. Second la Week Destroyed In th* Maze, accord' Ing to Mrs. Stelner, were her complete stocks of fabrics, yard goods, shade papsrs and plastics. A number of power tools also were badly damaged. The owner said, however, that she managed to save almost all item* owned by customer*, and added that despite her heavy loss shs will bt back in operation within ten days. The building Is owned by Louis Acerra, who said Tuesday he estimated the loss would run as high aa (15,000. Damaged In addition to the stores occupied by the Steiner studios were two second floor apartments that wera unoccupied. The alarm was turned la 9:49 a. m. and tinmen, under the direction of Chief Everett Brower, fought the blase until 12:80 p. m. before getting it fully under control. Chief Brower remained at the sc*n* until 3 o'clock that afternoon. was the second serious fire in th* borough in lass than a week. Laft Thursday night, a blaxe that started at ths top of attio stairs badly damaged the horn* of Pater Perkins on Irving pi. Th* fir*, which Chief Brower said had a good start by ths Urn* firemen arrived, burned out the attic, although th* slate roof Is Intact Rooms on th* lower floor* of th* dwelling wer* severely damaged by amok* and water, according to Chief Brew*r. Creek Gets State's OK LITTLE SILVER Joseph E. McLean, state oommlesloner of Conservation and Economic Development, has ' advised council that Little Silver creek will be dredged, "if at all possible." A letter from Mr. McLean w, read at Tuesday's mayor and council meeting by Borough Clerk Fred L. Ayers. was on* of several received In answer to a resolution offered at tha Dec. 26 meet- Ing by Councilman Joseph F. Lord urging that th* work be done, even If it means condemnation of property to provld* an area to dump *ilt. Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadleston also wrote to tell council hs favored the dredging and would do what he can to bring H about. Th* attorney general's office wrote to acknowledge receipt of the resolution. A copy of a letter sent by Shrewsbury's Mayor John H. Hawkins to th* state also was read. The mayor urged seriou consideration of Little Bllver'i proposal. At Mr. Lord's request Mayor Joseph C. Davlson will write Mayo- Hawkins to thank him for supporting tha borough. In other drainage matter*, Mr, Ayers said Shrewsbury and Re Bank have agreed to meet with local officials to discus* brook cleaning* and ditch diggings. T Victory Market In New Hands The Victory market, HO Monmouth at., has been sold to Paul W. and Stephen W. Noglows, owners and operators of Moloney's market, Eatontown, wa announced Tuesday. Tha Red Bank store has been renamed "Monmouth Meats" am ts being managed by Jame Webb of Eatontown, aaslsted by Charles Oiblin, Red Bank. Patrick J. William*, Rumeon, manage* Moloney'a. Both Paul and Stephen Noclows arc active in thalopeiauous of both markets Studio Bunif on Shrewsbury Avenue Five Local Agencies Benefit From Appeal, $29,489 Collected Thraa firaman ara ihown training a hoia an tha Hilo Stainar studio ot Shrewsbury and DsForrstt aval, which] Monday morning. Firo Chief EversH Irowar mean* whlla diteuiiat tho blasa with Capt. Albert Nolan af Navatink Hook and Laddar company, axtrama right, and an unidentified firaman. Hatvy tmoka pourad from tha building for hours. Tha firo startad naar a karosono hatter. Meetings Set to Discuss Safety, Regional High School KATONTOWN Meetings will be held at Memorial school auditorium at 6 p. m. Jan. 21 and 22 for discussions by the citiiens' committee on safety and transportation and for a regional high school meeting, respectively. Announcement of the sessions were made Monday night at the board of education meeting. also was reported then that Kenneth Hampton, board president, was elected chairman of the cltlsens' committee; Karl Bower, secretary. Mr. Hampton said an assistant state commissioner of education win attend the cltltens' meeting. In other echool board business, Mr. Hampton thanked Russell Anderson for "the fine Job" he did in indexing past policy decisions of the board. Mrs. Gloria Martin was hired as clerk, typist and switchboard operator to replace Mr*. Alice Hlltbrunner, who was recently transferred to secretarial duties. Fees for School Use Ths board approved Installation of a public telephone tooth in Memorial school. A request by Mrs. Norman TheUord lor us* of Memorial school auditorium by a recreation commission-eponsored basketball team for older boys resulted In a decision that th* board's building committee reconsider its policy of charging for the auditorium's uae. The board gives the auditorium to echool end youth groups without charge, but local service organisation* who us* tt and do not charge admission pay a $2 per hour custodial fee. Those charging admissions pay 15 an hour. Some board member* said all local residents should be able to use borough buildings without charge. waa decided that the commission's basketball team be permitted to use the auditorium without charge. The board approved the expenditure of $210 $70 more than originally planned for outdoor basketball backstops. William Ramsay, superintendent of schools, ones again Invited parents to visit the school to see what is being don* and to talk to teacher* of their children. Board Adopts School Budget TTNTON FALLS The Shrewsbury township board of education tentatively adopted s school budget Tuesday night But no figures wen released to the public, pending approval of the budget by Karl B. Garrison, county superintendent of schools. Louis A. Stemmuller, board of education secretary, said the budget was forwarded to ths county superintendent yesterday. He also told Tha Register tha budget Is "higher than last year.' Teachers In the school system will receiva higher minimum and maximum salaries, If r. Stelamultar reported. Ht said teachers with bachelor degree* will fall into a $3,800 to 15,800 range while teachere with master degree* will begin at a salary of 14,100. High fat this category will bs a salary of 16,100. Ten-Step Increment* Inerem«nt* will be In ten steps at $200 each, he explained. Mr. Stelnmullsr said th* salary Increase represented a $600 hike over last year In each case, according to th* new guide. The budget is expected to be published next Thursday, while a public hearing will tak* place Jan. 25 at 8 p. m. in tha Tlnton Falls school. The school altctlon has been set for Feb. 13. Four school board member* will also be elected to office at the Feb. IS election, wu announced at tba meeting. Three three-year terms and a one-year term will bs flllsd at that time. Voting will be conducted at ths Tinton Falls school, Wsysld* fir* house and Alfred Vail recrtation center between < and» p. m. In other business at th* meeting th* board accepted "with regret" th* resignation of Mrs. Dor- Is X. Buck of Atlantic Highlands, a teacher. Deposits in County Banks Increased by $25,896,029 Th* Monmouth County National bank of Red Bank bad th* highest amount of deposits of any bank in Monmouth or Ocean counties at year's end. For all banks In Monmouth county, ths Increas* was (25,896,- 0» highest In history. Only on* bank did not top s dsposlts figures for a year ago Long Branch Banking company. The Merchants Trust company, of Red Bank, fifth In the county, showed an Increase in deposit* of more than a million dollars, $19, 588,908 to (U,463,019. Monmouth County National la a consolidation of First National of Bngliahtown, Keyport Banking company and Second National of Red Bank. had $39,197,- 882, which Is $5,511,87* more than the three consolidated banks had a year ago. Central National bank of Freehold was consolidated during the year with First National bank of Freehold. First National bank of Farmlngdal* was consolidated with. Freehold Trust company. 1*56 $16,860,248 24,963,177 21,419,191 6,884,154»,9T7,4»1 alienhurst National Asbury Park National Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Atlantlo Highlands National Belmar National Central National, Freehold Farmers 4 Merchants Nat., Matawan 9,387,794 Farmers National, Allentown 8,649,184 First National, Bradley Beach 8,781,211 First National, Freehold 19,709,874 First National, Spring Laks - 6,742,871 Freehold Trust 16,384,114 First National, Farmlngtlals First National, Engllshtowa Keansburg National 10,256,665 Keyport Banking Long Branch Banking Co. 8,644,618 Iiong Branch Trust Co. 11,488,424 Manasqnan National T,710,14T Matawan Bank _ 4,288,412 Merchants Trust, Red Bank 19,558,908 New Jersey Trust, Long Branch 9,599,861 Peoples National, Keyport 8,382,280 8ea Bright National : 2,878,173 Monmouth County National, Red Bank 89,197,852 Second National, Red Bank 1*55 I 13,945,452 22,678,112 19, ,745,811 9,620,914 8,387,862 8,491,024 3,454,882 8,067,816 11,682,420 J, 10,7*7,419 3,229,948 2,230,148 8,402,481 7,628,19* 8, ,503,087 7,232,700 8,800,876 18,4*3,019 8,»14,516 7,(62,657 2,734,136 23,747,686 ToUl*-*I,l7,6«UiO,T01,e»0 Another Patterton Head* Fire Company Another Pattorsea has takea over ss captain of Indepeodeat Engine company of Mechanic**. Eogesw J. Patterson wss recently elected head sf the organisation for 1H7. His father, Eugene U Fatterson of 5S Linden pi, wa* captain la 1911 He Is now an exempt member of the company, after havtaf served IS years. His grandfather, tha late Eugene & Patterson, was captain In 1867 and served with th* company M rears. But that's not s]l Then ara three other ratter* sans who belong te engine ee*n> pany No. J. They are Donald Patterson of 58 Unden pl, Raymond Fatterson of tt John at and Charles Patterson of 67 Ltadea pl, all Eugene's brothers. He has a sen, Bagene C. Patterson, who Is leaking forward to becoming a Annan. But he wu have to wait for a few yean. He'* only 11 years eld. COUNTY BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Williaul* Of 13 Plu»pcCt pi., Mat&wfcii, are parents of a daughter, born last Thursday at Fitkin hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling, of 2 Kitmary ave., Middletown, are parents of a daughter, born last Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gallagher of 6 Seavtew ave., Keansburg, are parents of a son, born Thursday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Strong of 15 Salem lane, Little Silver, are parents ot a daughter, born Friday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Werner of 149 Bray ave., East Keansburg, ara parents of a son, born Friday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Tallman of Cannon Hill farm, Hoimdel, are parents of a son, born Friday at FHkln hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nusebeum ot 81 Woodbine ave., Little Silver are parents of a eon, born last Thursday at Monmouth hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marx of 809 Broad St., Shrewsbury, srs parents of a son, born Friday at Ifonmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Ort of 71 Malda tar,, Mlddletown, are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moll of 13 Campbell ave., Port Monmoutn, are parents of a son, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson of 9 Washington ave.. Matawan, are parent* or a son, born Friday at Rivervlww hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Hawley of 1 Volt pi., Middletown, are parents of a daughter, bom Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mr*. Carmen Opdyke of Oakhlll rd., Middletown township, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Monmouth Me- Nicosia Named Planning Head Benedict R. Nicosia, 1*1 River rd., was elected chairman of the Red Bank planning board as ths group gathered Tuesday night at th* public works building, Chestnut St., to start its 1*57 activities. H* (uoceeds Donald W. White, who want off tha board at tha and of December. Mr. Nicosia, chairman of th* Red Bank Democratic executive committee, ran unsuccessfully for a council Mat In 1954 and H* is a membsr of th* law firm of Qulnn, Doremus, McCu* Russell. His selection followed rejection of th* nomination of Bernard Kellenyi, a new member, offered by Councilman Thomas F. Oakley. "I'm Just a junior number," said Mr. K*ll*nyi. declining th* chairmanship. Jams* R. Wolcott than offered th* name of Mr. Nicosia, who did not attend th* easloa Mayor George A. Gray, whoa* nsw job as th* borough's chief executive mads him an automatic planning board member, sat in as acting chairman In the lawyer's absence. Joining the board were Mr. Kellenyi, local architect, appointed by Mayor Gray Jan. 1 to replac* Donald W. White, and Richard A. Johnson. Not present was Dr. Bertran Felniwog, another new member. Mr. John, son, aa engineer, and Dr. Felnswog, a dentist, were appointed last month by outgoing Mayor Katharine Elku* White. Reseated was Borough Administrator Bnsley M. White, whom Mayor Gray appointed for twe years. School Budget Up $150,028 EATONTOWN-A budget call Ing for total appieprlatlon* of 1741, was Introduced by th* board of education Tuesday night. Last ywr's appropriations totaled $591, A public hearing en it will be held Friday, Jan. 18, at Memorial school at 8 p. m. Until than, tha budget will b* en Ms at the office of th* secretary, Oeorg* Winning. Local taxes will account for $379,464.66, an Increase over th* current year of $148,724.8*. Principal reasons for a $150, Increas* In appropriation* ara taachir*' salarlsn, which gs from $255,8*0 to $343,300; transportation oi pupils, which goss from 180,000 to $48,000; tuition to other school districts, which goss from $116,000 to $143,000; salarlss for attendance and health service, which go from $8,740 to (18,240; redemption of bonds, which goss from (18,000 to $28,000, and Interest on debts, which goes from (6, to (16,974, The estimated enrollment for la 1,780, compared to th 1,6SG y*ai estimate for ths currant mortal hospital. Mayor and Mrs. Cornelius Ouiney of 216 Navesink ave. Highlands, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickman of Barker ave., Shrewsbury township, are parent* of a son, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Emrnett Cherne of 71 Llbby pi., Middletown, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McBride of 14* Sixth ave., West Keansburg, art parents of a son, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin of West Valley dr., Atlantic Highlands, are parents of s daughter, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter of 1 Spring St., Matawan, are par enta of a eon, born Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen of 174 Ocean ave., Sea Bright, are parents of a daughter, born Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Applegate of 1 Sunrls* st., Belford, are parants of a daughter, born Sunday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of 22 Flsk st, Fair Haven, are parentta of a sen, born Sunday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Russell of T Grant st, Matawan, are parante of a daughter, born Monday at Fltkln hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Steve Grabowskl of LeonardvUl* rd., Belford, ar* parents of a daughter, born Monday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs, James Connett of 2 North St., Rumson, ara parents of a daughter, born Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Worth of 18 Valley st. Highlands, are par- nu of a son, born Tuesday a< Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. ani Mrs. John Meyer of Keyport are parents of a daughter, born Monday at RlvervUw hospital. Mr. and Mra Arthur Nelman of 1388 Eatontown blvd., Oceanport, ara persnts ot a son, born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Strollo of 248 Crestview dr., Middletown. are parents of a son, born Tuesday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith of U the Vista. Middletown, ar* parents ef a daughter, born Tuesday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Main of 4* Cooper blvd., Middletown town ship, ar* parent* of a daughter, born Tuesday at Fltkln hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Willis of 25 Mill st, Eatontown, are parents of a son, born Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mra. Durward Wacker of 24 Hendrlckson pi., Fair Haven, ar* parent* of a son, born Tuesday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mra. Edward Jansen of 1282 Wesley ave., Union Beach. are parents of a son, born Tuesday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph MeDsrmott of IT Wood* End rd,, Middletown, ar* parents of a son, born Tuesday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mr*. Raymond Adams of S3 Sscond ave., Atlantic Highlands, srs parents of a son, born Tuesday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mra. Raymond Martin of 18 Belshaw av*., Shrewsbury township, ar* parents of a daughter, born yesterday at RlvervUw hospital. Figure* released this week by officers of th* 1956 Red Bank Community Appeal show the appeal collected a total of (29, including (23, In cub, and (6,429 in pledges which will be divided among th* five local organizations taking part in the drive. According to Edward H. Conway, appeal president, the 1956 appeal raised about $4,000 lea* than was raised through the 1955 appeal. Mr. Conway pointed out, however, that three national organizations were included in the 1955 drive and received about (7,- 000 of that year's total The three national organizations were dropped for the 1966 drive with the result that although the appeal netted (4,000 less than In 1955, the local organizations taking part in the 1956 drive are better off to the tune of about (3,000. A breakdown of the amount from the 1956 appeal that went to each of the participating organisations is as follows: Red Bank Community T.M.C.A., cash, 86, and pledges, $2,484.20; Boy ScouU, ( and pledges, $857.84; Salvation Army, cash, $4, and pledges, $1,1*6.62; Olrt ScouU, $2, and pledges, $598.59, and Riverview hospital, cash, ( and pledges, $1, Of ths total collected, $3, in cash and $260 In pledges was not allocated \a a specific organization by the donors. This amount will be divided among th* five participating organization* by the board of directors. Mr. Conway explained that the decision to drop national organizations from ths appeal and to limit participation to local agencies was reached early In 1*56. This was done, he added, because the national groups were too much for local organizations to compete with and that so much of the money raised went to the national groups that th* local agencies suffered. For collection purpose* the borough was divided into national organization*, business, professional and residential groups. Collections from each were a* follows: National organizations, cash, (1,225, and pledge*, $480; professional, cash, $1, and pledges, $1,010; business, cash, $10,725.50, and pledges, $3,665, and residential, cash, $9,127.20, and pledges, $1,274. Mr. Conway aald this week: "We would like to thank those men and women In Red Bank who gave so much of their time and effort to help make this appeal a success. Is a tremendous job to cover about 4,000 homes and about 600 places of business In Red Bank strictly on a volunteer bails." Mr. Conway added that at the next meeting of the appeal board of directors, he will recommend that they employ professional help to assist them In the next campaign. He said: "This I think IS absolutely necessary if we are going to raise - the standard of giving and get 100 per cent coverage." The appeal president said: "We muat also put o«an educational campaign to get.over to the res. ldente and businessmen of R«d Bank that th* organizations included In the appeal depend 100 per cent en them for their support and we've got to raise the funds they need or the agencies muat curtail their activities. This 1* true of all the agencies, with tha exception ot Rlvervlew hospital," Lawyer Given Cobb's Seat As Magistrate Unterberg Says Area Growth Prompted Change NEW SHREWSBURY Marvin E. Schaefer, 32, Asbury Park lawyer, Thursday took over ths post of municipal magistrate here, succeeding Walter N. Cobb, Tlnton Falls rd., Wayside. Berger to Talk On Civil Defense LITTLE SILVER Jay Bsrger, who ha* been director of Civil Defense and Disaster Control bar* the put Ov* years, has scheduled two speaking engagements dealing with Civil D*- fsnss. He will address th* River Plata Woman's elub tonight In the home of Mrs. Aubrey Smith, Alexander dr., and Mar. 26 will talk before th* evening circle of the Women's Society of Christian Service at Embury Methodlat ehurch. Mr, Bergcr's talk will deal with such topics as self prcdeivatlon, need for drills, nuclear fallout, and the urgent need for volunteer. Aikens Named Twp. # Attorney SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP- Louis Aikens, Long Branch attorney, was named magistrate here by the township committee at its reorganization meeting Tueeday night. Mr. Alkena succeeds Harvey D. Leuln, who gave up the magistrate's poet recently..peter J. Edwardsen wa* reeppointed township attorney. Tuesday night's meeting was highlighted by the swearing In of Joseph H. Jordan for an unexpired term and Vernon F. Field for a full term on the committee. Julius F. Frlckel again I* ohalrman of the committee. Mrs. Anne C. Swltek was renamed treasurer. Joseph J. Seaman company of Perth Amboy was retppointed township auditor. Charles Carlton of Neptune was retppointed dog warden. O. Wolcott Morris of Long Branch was named to tha recently created position of township engineer. Dr. Norman Thetford was reappolnted township physician. The committee agreed to renew s contract* with the, Eatontown Volunteer Ambulanc* corps and the Eatontown Engine, Truck and Hose company. For service to th* township, ths volunteer organisations will receive $500 and $200, respectively. John Lemon, Sr., Heads First Aid TINTON FALLS-John Lemon, Sr., was re-elected president of the New Shrewsbury first aid squad Tuesday night at a meeting in the fire house. Other* re-elected wer* Jam** Brown, treasurer, and Jame Sommers, treasurer. Elected wer«anson Peckham, vies president; Charles Ball, captain; WUllani Canneld, first lieutenant; J. Kelsey Burr, 3d, second lieutenant; John Lemon, Jr., sergeant, and Harry Dolan, trustee for. thrse years. Chiropractor Opent Elberon Office ELBERON - Dr. Stenlty M. Snnn this w**k opened an office at 725 Norwood av*. /or th* practice of chiropractic. He In a graduate of tho Mo tlonal College of Chiropractic, Chicago, He Interned with the Chicago General Health service and served as a member of the National college faculty. Dr. Bonn served In the Army medical corps. He 1* a former Belle} Harbor, L. I, resident Marvin E. Ths appointment received unanimous council endorsement at th* reorganization meeting ot th* governing body at Tlnton Falls school. Before joining in th* vote, Councilman Clarence E. Unterberg, police chairman, spoks in praise of Mr. Cobb's Ttt years' ssrvlcs as magistrate. No ReAectloa "This change," he said, "Is no reflection against Mr. Cobb in any way. Rather, was don* because th* borough has about doubed * population and th* work Involved has "becom* so complex we now feel it necessary to have a lawyer as magistrate." Mr. Schaefer, member of Patterson * Cooper, Asbury Park, haa been magistrate of Ocean township since his appointment in Aug. 1S53, and haa just started a new term there. He is married to the former Miss Barbara Mooney, daughter of Asbury Park's former Mayor Clarence Mooney. They live at 5 Deal Lake Point rd. Wanamassa. The new magistrate Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schuftr, Bradley Beach. Educated In local schools, Asbury Park high, tha Naval academy preparatory school, the University of Florida and John Marshall colleg* of law, he wa* admitted to th* bar in Three wartime year* were spent in the Navy. A 32d degree Maion, Mr. Schaefer also is a member ot the Constrtory (Masons), the Salaam Shrine temple, ths North Shore Shrine dub, American Legion, Asbury Park lodges of Elks and Tall Celar* of Lebanon and the Ocean township Lion* Club. He said he will continue to hold court at the Wayside flrehouse Wednesdsys. Assisting him as court clerk will be Mrs. Walter N. Cobb, who was reappolnted. Pay Going Up Salary for th* post has been $1,000 a year, but Mayor J. Lester Rlgby said it will be hlghsr this year. Ths mayor said would have gone up "whoever was the magistrate." "Choice of Mr. Schaefer," the mayor told a newsman, "was wholly democratic. Several candidate* were considered and this selection represented th* derision of th* entire council." Mr. Cobb, who Is In bualnem drilling wells and performing related water services, waa Interviewed about municipal work he had done through the years. He said that before becoming magistrate he spent some 15 year* as a justice ot the peace. A* magistrate, he said he handled more than 6,000 motor vehicle eases, snd a wtds variety of criminal "I Ilk* to look back," ha said, "upon th* courtesy that has been extended to ma by lawyers and police officials who have com* to my court." The experience, he stated, "was one that I would not have missed for anything. was wonderful I feel so grateful for all of the appointments that I have been given through the. years. There have been periods of difficulty, some cases met with personal strain, but, said Mr. Cobb: "I always have tried ts be fair in my decisions." Hi* fondest memory, he declared, wa* of "the remarkable gentlemen who have brought their caws osfor* me." Mr. Cobb also recalled that once, for six month*, h* sat in as justice of th* peace at R*d Bank. That i a tlm* wh*n th* office there had been mads vacant through an election controversy. Most of hi* work In court has been don* In this area In Shrewsbury township before the 1950 separation of New Shrewsbury and since then In the borough. ChemiiU Meet Tonight The Monmouth section of the American Chemical society will meet in the regular session at Building 478, Fort Monmouth, tonlfrht at 8 o'clock. An informal dinner at 6:15 p. m. at the Crystal Brook, Eatontown, win preceed the sesalon. The address of the evening will be on "The Use* of Solar Energy" by Dr. Maria Telkss of tha New York University. The Trenton section of th* society will join with th* Monmouth section at this gathering, FINED FOK DIBORDERLIHEBS John Ilovlcky of Long Branch and Edward Burns of Commonwealth ave, Middletown, chained with creating a disturbance at Max's bar on Monmouth st. Saturday night, were fined (2A each hy Magistrate John V. Crowell Monday for disorderly conduct, Oscar Larson of Laurence Harbor, charged with disorderly conduct, fined 110.

3 Public Meeting Set By Regional Board RUMSON Another public meeting on th» plumed Rumson- Falr Haven regional high school expansion program ha* been let for the high achool Tuesday at p. m. Since a 11,200,000 referendum calling for alteration) to the present building and the conatructlon of an addition wu defeated Dec. 11, the regional high school board of education haj been searching for a solution to the problem. The board hat held numerous meeting! in an attempt to bring together all the reason! for the defeat as well as ideal on what coarse of action to talc* bi the future. Conference Held Thursday Latent of the aemioni wu a conference Thuriday, attended by board member* and county and»tate ichool official!. Attending the meeting wen: Earl B. Garrison, MonmouUi county (uperintendent of»ohooli and, representing the state department of education, Dr. Cleve O. Westljy, director of achool building services; William H. Warner, director of leoondary ed ucatlon, and Dr. Edward Spare, alto of secondary education. was decided at the conference to hold Tuesday evening's meeting, Dr. John F. Klnney, Jr., high achooj principal, (aid Mr. Warner alto would attend the meeting. William W. Robinson, chairman ot the board'a public relation! committee, said the purpoae ot the public hearing la to discuss what look place at Thursday's conference as well as to gain a Woman Rescued from Fiery Car "further pinion." expression of public He atated the board haa not yet reached any decision on what atepa to take. The board can reiubmit the 11,200,000 plan to voters in a second referendum or plan. revise the Bepert Received Meanwhile, Mr. Robinson disclosed the board received a report from the state department of education after an inspection of the high school Nov. 2. The report was issued after the referendum. He said the report also will be discussed at the public meeting. The state granted the high school "limited approval of two years" under the assumption an expansion program would be carried out to remedy defects, Mr. Robinson explained. He said the report listed the following conditions existing la the school: Heavy teachers' schedules; the need for teachers to shift from one classroom to another; inadequate library facilities; poor study hall conditions; overcrowding; insufficient classrooms; undersixe classrooms; insufficient special rooms and insufficient storage apace. Favorable Comments However, Mr. Robinson said the report favorably noted that the school has an experienced teaching staff; that student morale is high and that, at the time the report was written, there was a promising plan for developing the curriculum and needed facilities. The proposal, turned down byvoters, Included a one-story addition of modern design with 13 classrooms, an SOO-seat auditorium, a gymnasium that could be divided into two parts for separate classes and special rooms. Alteration* U» Urn existing Georgian structure called for conversion of the auditorium to a library, the gymnasium to a cafeteria and expansion of other faculties. The board haa stated tha plan Is the minimum needed to cope with a steadily increasing enrollment and to carry out a new curriculum approved last year. Firemen impacting intarior of car from which Mn. Hubart A. Gaul, 673 Rivor rd., Fair Haven, w raicuad. Car caught fira Saturday night after it had baan hit and than overturned. Mn. Gaul's daughter, Mauraan, was thrown out of tha car by impact. Both ra roportod in good condition at Rivarviaw hospital. Alio in tha hoi pita I it tha drivar of tha othar car, Edward F. Fails of Dartmouth «va., Fair Havan. Accidant occurrad in front of tha Saul home. Ordinance to Pay Eatontown Mayor, Council Introduced Atlantic Highlands Takes in 90 Per Cent of 1956 Tax Levy ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-The annual report of Collector Stanley F. Sculthorp showed that $3S2,«41.SS ot the IMS tax levy of t3m here wu received-a 90 per cent of collection. Mr. Sculthorp's report was submitted to borough council Tuesday night. Borough Attorney John M. FlUsbury noted that confirmed the predicted rate of collection cited by Mayor Waldron P. Smith In his annual message at the re-organization meeting New Years day. "Ninety per cent of the taxpayers in town paid their taxes," Mr. Pi Us bury (aid, adding! "That'j unusual." 12,500 Fire Loss Another annual report, Fire Chief William Hammond set lire loss last year at 12,500. Chief Hammond said the department put out 43 fires. There were U grass ftrea, five fires in homes, four In garages and three In automobiles. The reports highlighted an otherwise routine meeting. The session was conducted by Councilman Edward G. Walder, acting mayor in the absence ot Mayor White, due to the illness of Mr. Smith's wife, and of Council President Everett C. Curry, who ordinarily would have presided In such an event Borough Clerk Nelson H. Roberts said Mr. Curry was in Trenton. Approve New Float Acting on the recommendation of the harbor commission, council approved the award of a contract to Farwell 8ales and Service, Rumson, for the building of a new landing float at the municipal yacht harbor. The project will cost , to be paid out of harbor commission funds. The commission may approve expenditures up to 11,000 but, as a matter ol custom, council's approval has been sought for anything over $500. Council approved Mr. Curry's action in authorising the Installation of a naw engine In the street department truek. Mr. Roberts reported for Mr. Curry that it was an emergency measure In view of anticipated bad weather. Cost of the installation la not to exceed two. Approved was a contribution of 10 for prizes In the Shore Firemen's Bowling league. Council referred to the borough attorney for study a list of unpaid personal property taxes. EATONTOWN An ordinance to pay the mayor and members ol the borough council yearly salaries was Introduced at last night's meeting of the governing body. The mayor will be pall 1750 per year and each of the council members will earn $500 per year, if the ordinance Is adopted. Borough Clerk Andrew G. Becker said adoption of the ordinance will mark the first time In borough history that the mayor and council members have been paid for their services. Mayor F. Bliss Price told The Register the salaries will essentially cover the expenses Incurred by the governing body during the course of the year In connection with official duties. A public hearing on the ordinance has been set for the borough hall Jan. 23 at 8 p. m. If 15 per cent of the voters object to the proposal within ten days after the final reading and file a petition stating so, the ordinance can become Inoperative and a referendum will be necessary, Mr. Becker said, In explaining procedure. Trees Cut Down Council learned from residents of Lake dr. that Anthony J. Piccola allegedly permitted the Jersey Central Power and Light company to cut down trees on a strip of his property on Lake dr. recently. Citizens 9 Group Forming To Study School Program RUMSON-A group of 80 Rumaon and Fair Haven residents met here last night, as the first step In forming a cttlsens' committee in connection with the proposed Rumson-Falr Haven regional higti achool'expansion program. A referendum, caljms; for a $1,200,000 building program, was defeated tat the two boroughs last month. N. P. Barney of Rumson, a told The wu spokesman for the group, told Register last night's meeting merely an exploratory one. The purpose of the group, he said, Is to re-evaluate the board's expansion program and to study all possible alternative* to the problem. "We want to Insure that the drool system is brought up to the standards needed here," he explained. "We know the situation Is stymied at this point." Executive Meeting Called Aa the next step In the formation of the group, a meeting of an executive group will be held tomorrow night. Four members are from Rumson and four from Fair Haven. Mr. Barny said the purpoae of the meeting Is to establish the alms of the organisation as well aa give a name. Ha had high praise for the regional high school board of education and s efforts to increase achool facilities here. "We hope to better show the board of education what the people of Rumson and Fair Haven will accept and what they will reject," he said. Asked if he or a member ot the group will attend Tuesday evening's board meeting, which la. being held to gain a "further expression of public opinion," Mr. Barny said yes. "We hope to have a chairman selected by then," he said, "who will Inform the board that our group has been formed and of our alms." HOME CONTEST WINNERS OCEANPORT Winners In the home decorating contest In this borough were M/Sgt. John Partenope of Irma pi, first prise; Harry VanBrunt, Comanche dr., second prize; Joseph Tober, Fair- Held ave., third prize. Honorable mention went to Walter Willis, Wlnhar pi.; Edmund Edwards and Everett Wilson, both of Coiiinnulie ill. Judges wcia Ilomj J. Anderson, chulrlnan, and Bernard J. Scarsl and Robert McKee, The residents complained the value of their property has been lessened by the removal of the trees. They also said the area has lost s natural beauty. Mr. Plccola's land also Is near a borough park. However, council said has no Jurisdiction over what Mr. Piccola does on his property. Councilman Leon B. Smock, Jr., chairman of council's parks and playgrounds committee, said the matter would be looked Into. He also stated the borough Is Interested In purchasing Mr. Plccola'a property, since " Is a natural adiunct to the park." Mr. Price agreed. " should he added to the park itself," he said. Mr. Plocola could not be reached for comment on the matter last night. Safe lea Skating Mr. Smock also reported that Ice skating took place on the lake here recently. He said a sign was erected to Inform skaters of Ice conditions and that either he or a police officer were on duty there to Insure the safety of the skaters. Council was Informed by Monmouth Consolidated Water company that a fire hydrant was Installed in Heritage rd. Dec. 3. Spencer Patterson, director of Civil Defense and Disaster Control, said he would like council to appropriate 18,000 In its next budget for that organization. He will formally submit the request at a later date, he said. Contract to Buy Estate Set for Tidewaters Hose Auxiliary Seats Officers OCEANPORT New officers seated at a meeting Monday of the Portaupeck Chemical Hose company auxiliary were Mrs. Benedict Pascuccl, president; Mrs. Elmer Plancey, vice president; Mrs. Douglas S. Dear, secretary, and Mrs, Warren Mewes, treasurer. New members welcomed were Mrs. John Meyer and Mrs. Alfred Ceppalunl. Trustee! appointed were Mrs. Edward Brady, Mrs. Frank VanBrunt and Mrs. Connie Foggla. Mrs. Clarence Cosentlno was made chairman of tha cheer committee. Mrs. Plancey heads the program committee, assisted by l Mrs. Eleanor Stanak, Mrs. John Williams and Mrs. Marvin Odom. A card party and fashion show will be held In March, with the following committee in charge: Mrs. Brady, chairman, Mrs. Dear, Mrs. James Pascuccl, Mrs. Walter Dangler, Mrs. Paul Dameti and Mrs. Bsnedlct Pascuccl. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Halah Maeest, Mrs. Mewes, Mrs. Benedict Pascuccl and Mrs. Plancey. Hostesses for the February meeting will be Mrs. James Pascuccl, Mrs. Albert Schoepflln, Jr., Mrs. Stanek and Mrs. John Sullivan. Others attending were Mrs. Felix J. Foggla, Mrs. Anthony Hlnl, Mrs. Michsel Burke, Mrs. Friti Chrlstenson, Mrs. John Dietmeier, Mrs. Angelo Caccavelle, Mrs. Olen Whlchallo, Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Gordon Thomas, Mrs. Katharine Blakaslee, Mrs. Emma Fleckner, Mrs. Anthony Ragnl and Mrs. Emldio Coatelll. COUNTY BIRTHS Mr. and Mn. Charles Landback of South Cherry lane, Rumson, are parents of a son born yesterday at Rlverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cohee of Blast Washington ave., Atlantic Highlands, are daughter, born parents of yesterday Rlverview hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ouaaet of Highland ave., Keansburg, are parents of a daughter, bora yesterday at Rlverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs, James Lowe of Sunrise at., Belfwd, are parents of a daughter, bom this monlng LITTLE SILVER The eon- 1 *" dttlonal contract of sale ot the former Buckbee estate on Seven Bridge rd. to the Tidewaters Club, Inc., la expected to be completed tomorrow, dun officials announced today. The conditional contract la a step toward the final closing of title on the property, now owned by Dr. Jonn Roeeo. The terms of the completion of the conditional contract of sale have been informally agreed upon by the owner and were agreed upon by the association members at a meet- Ing Sunday in the lire house here. Tha contract Is being drafted by Mayor George A. Gray ot Red Bank, attorney for the dub. With the conditional contract of sale completed, the dub officials will then be able to appear before the local council to request approval for a variance which would allow the site, now soned aa residential, to be used for dub purposes, Some time ago, a similar request for a variance was denied to the club when council objected to aspects of the club'a proposed financing and other details of the organization of the project at that time. Meanwhile, the club's administrative organisation has been revamped and a new approach made In an effort to realise the objective of an all-year borough recreation center. Club officials believe they have fulfilled all aspects of the project that were previously the subject of the council's concern. Club official* said the financing plan for the club la organised and well supported through the distribution of stock certificates to members. The money raised haa been placed In escrow In the local branch of the Monmouth County National bank to be used against the purchasing of the property. Such financial backing was not as apparent when the club made s Initial attempt to obtain a variance, club officers noted. At Sunday's meeting, the membership elected a seven-member nominating committee which will select 18 candidates, nine of whom will be elected as the club's board of governors. Named to this committee were Robert Toomey, chairman, Benjamin Sanderson, Robert Megaro, Thomas Hallowell, diaries Schlenker, Paul Hughes and Robert Huserik, The board of governor! will be elected at the next meeting. Arranging for the conditional contract of the sale of the property tomorrow will be Mr. Gray, Al Hagen, Robert Win field, Frank Schlro and Frank Lepore. 1N~BAHI(J TRAINING Joel W, Morris, son ot Mrs. ElizaibeUi Morris of 12a Riverside ave., Red Bank, recently enlisted In the Coast Gunrd and has begun basic training at Cape May station, Appointment* Made, But for Last Year HIOHLANDS-Boroagh eu Tuesday night formally conirmed two local assistance board appointment* for terms which had ended eight days earlier. Duly appointed for one-year terms ending Dee. SI, lisa, were Robert O. Dlebold and John Bast. No error In dating waa Involved. Borough Attorney Benjamin Omber explained the men were appointed last summer far one-year terms begin* Ing July L waa learned, however, that the state reejulree appolntmenta be made far calendar years only. To retain tha boroagh'sehglmhty for state assistance funds, was necessary to correct the appointments, even though they had expired. Also reappouted, but for a two-year term-jan. 1, lma, to Dee, IL 1W1 was Mrs. Rosemary Shields, the only current member of the board. Mayor Cornelius i. Gulney, Jr., said the two vacancies win be Oiled, ahortly. 5 Students Gain National Finals Five high school aenlors from this area have been selected amour the 7,500 finalists In the National Merit scholarships competition throughout th* country. They are Barbara J. Price, S3 Helms dr., Eatontown, and Miriam Segall, 82 Btateslr pi., Riverside Heights, Middletown township, both students at Red Bank high school; Paul B. Schoonmaker, 81 Appleton ave., Leonardo, Middletown township high school; Thomas McEvllley, 78 Rumson rd., Rumson, and George G. Hessel, 73 Woodland dr., Fair Haven, both of Rumson-Falr Haven Regional high school. The 7,800 selected were the highest scorers In a college aptitude examination given to 182,000 seniors in 12,600 high schools In October for 700 four-year college scholarships, many of which are sponsored by business and Industrial corporations, Tha finalists will take, a threehour test Saturday and then will go through Intensive screening for leadership and extra-curricular aotlvltlea by a selection board. The winners will be announced about April 25. Woman Escapes Burning Car PAIR HAVEN Mrs. Hubert A. Gaul and her 23-year-old daughter, Maureen, escaped serious burns and possible death In front of their home, 873 River rd., here, Saturday night when their car burst Into flames after it was hit from behind by another car. Mrs. Gaul, who waa driving, and her daughter, who was thrown from the car by the force of the collision, are reported In good condition in Rlverview hospital- Also In good condition In the same hospital is Edward F. Falls of Dartmouth ave., this place, driver of the other car. Folice Chief Carl Jakubecy stated yesterday that Falls has been charged with drunken driving and, pending his release trom the hospital, Is scheduled to appear in court next Tuesday. police said Mrs. Gaul, traveling eaat on River rd., was turning Into her driveway when her car was hit from behind by the Falls car. The Gaul car was turned around and then over on s side and burst Into flames. An unidentified person ran to the home of Herbert Hawkins, 6«9 River rd., and knocked on the door. When Mrs. Hawkins answered the door, the stranger, whom Mrs. Hawkins had never seen, ran into the house, grabbed a brass floor lamp from the living room and dashed outside. Stripping the lamp of its shade, he used to break a window of the overturned Gaul car, freeing Mrs. Gaul. He was assisted In getting her out of the car by two Fair Haven residents, William E, Smith, Maple ave. and William Danowltz, Poplar ave. Mr, Hawkins helped Mr. Falls out of his car. The Injured were taken to Rlverview hospital by the Fair Haven first aid squad. Mrs. Gaul Buffered head injuries, abrrsions of the left ankle, and burns of the face and right arm. Her daughter suffered bsck Injuries and possible broken ribs. Mr. Falls suffered a cut left knee and abrasions of the right knee and nose and right eyelid. Patrolman Louis DeVlto Investigated the accident and Issued the summons to Mr. Falls. Mrs. Gaul told police she had stopped to let two cars, approach- Ing from the opposite direction, pass before she turned her ear toward her driveway. County Clerk Has Busy Year FREEHOLD The land records section of the county clerk's office had the biggest year in Us history in 1956, J. Russell Woolley, county clerk, discloses In hi* annual report. submltf n d to the board of freeholders. Receipts of the land records section reached 1204,477.57, for an increase of {21,594 over the previous year, Mr. Woolley said. All papers received were recorded and mulled out by the end of the year, the last one being mailed at 6 p. m. Dec. 31. The report listed the papers recorded and filed as follows: Deeds, mortgages and miscellaneous papers, 34,814, an increase of 1,87V over the previous year. Conditional bills of sale, mechanics' notices of Intentions, building contract* trade names, etc., 10,877. Court records, Mr. Woolley noted, showed 3,422 cues, Including indictments, instituted in the courts. There were 28,891 papers filed in connection with the cases. There were 2,0(2 cases listed for civil trial, of which 1,222 were reached, leaving 870 cues pending Jan. 2. Passport applications totaled , an Increase of 107, was reported. The office Issued 325 certificates of naturalisation. Federal revenue stamp sales amounted to $58,044.75, aa compared to the 1955 figure ot $50,- 804,23. Mr. Woolley noted that the stamp sales are a public serv Ice from which the office derives no revenue. The photostat machine of the clerk's office produced 85,405 sheet* or 170,810 pages, for all purposes in 1956, a daily average of 683 pages. There were 24,146 pages of records photostated for other county offices in 1956, with those offices paying only for supplies. Since the photostat machine was installed in 1952, Mr. Woolley reported, the staff has been reduced by 13 persons, or one-third of the total staff. In the report, Mr. Woolley thanked Deputy County Clerk William Ulrich and Chief Court Clerk John J. Miraglia and members of the staff for their interest In the work of the of.lce. He thanked the freeholders for their co-operation with his office and for the salary Increases granted his personnel, which ha said he feels were well deserved. RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jan. 10, 1957 S 'Downtown' Merchants Urged To Prepare for Competition Chicka Sot Calmed By Tranquilizer Pill* NEW BRUNSWICK A tranqulllzer drug reported to have done s great deal for some human* with janglwl nerve* Isn't the answer to the white leghorn's nerve problem. Scientist* at Rutgers unlvers-' y experiment station report do*, nothing for those "flighty" bird*. Although tbe lefhorns arc favored by poultrymen for their excellent rcg-laylng ability, they havo the disadvantage of brlnr highly excitable. Dr. Maclean ' Babrm-k and Dr. M. Wight Taylor, biochemist*, thought that If tranqulllxrn would»anth«the chicken* they might use Ins food for nrrvou* enerfy ana mare for producing eggs. Mpprohamste wu put Into the feed of week-old chick*. There w u no eonnlntmil elteet. they report, nor w u growth or feed efllcienrv Improved. Until an Hfwtlve "happlnemi pill" for rtilrkens I* developed, M*ti»s poultrvmen will have to keep on cpeaklng softly to thrlr leghorns snd warning visitors not to make loud nolnes. (Jape May, N. J. He attended Red Bank high school before Joinat Monmouth Memorial hospital. I Ing for four yean. ' EDUCATION MEETING HIGHLANDS Mrs. Janet Schock, state school lunch supervisor, will address the Parent- Teacher association Tuesday at 7:30 p, m. In the grammar school. The theme'of the meeting Is parent education. Ordinance Outlaws (Continued from Page 1) (gang fighting) suid seven of Intoxication were reported. There were 42 cases disposed of by the juvenile conference committee, by the juvenile court and three through aid of other organizations. The juvenile aid bureau Investigated and disposed ot 76 cases, and three juveniles were committed to state Institutions. Eight were taken to tho county shelter, and three to the county detention center. Forty-two juveniles were placed on probation, 33 to the juvenile aid bureau and nine to the juvenile court. ( Adult* Arrested Eight adult*, the report noted, were apprehended for offenau against juveniles. Three street gangs which were causing much of the bureau's trouble were broken up and controlled, Lieut. Walling reported. Eleven boys from the three group* were brought before the juvenile conference committee. The bureau sponsored IS boys In Little League competition, some of whom were former delinquents who have shown great Improvement through association with the group, Lieut. Walling said. The league, Lieut. Walling said, has been of great help In his work and he thanked township officials who contributed to its support. Deputy Police Chief Melvin Leek also submitted th» annual report of detective work by the department. There were 78 break- Ing, entering and larceny cases, he reported, ot which 43 were solved and 39 persons arrested. Stolen property amounted to (10, , and goods valued at $3,489 worn recovered, There were three accidental shootings for which five juvenile arrest* were made, the deputy chief noted. The 36 breaking, entering and larceny raw* pending, Including two safe Jobs, still aro under Investigation, he added, TO FORM OOP CLUB LEONARDO A public meeting will bn held next Thursday night at 1:30 at Community lire house to organum» Republican club. No probltm finding 1 untntf whin voa sdvartlu Th. HtsliUr w«j AdvtrtlH- Vandals Destroy Bird Sanctuary FAIR HAVEN Vandalism still "runs wild" In the bird sanctuary established by the. Garden club on Harding rd., according to comments made at the club's meeting yesterday at Willowbrook. The club established the sanctuary last April aa a conservation and educational project for Fair Haven residents, but since that time, much damage has been done. Club members estimate they have spent more than $300 In the sanctuary, supplying bird houses, bird feeders, fences and signs and all have been completely destroyed. Two months ago, club members replaced stolen bird houses and feeders. Today, all that remains is a bird feeder, which one of the candals "took the trouble to place In a 25-foot high tree." The club has appealed to borough council for help In preventing further dlstructlon. hai pointed out that Boy Scout troopi of Fair Haven also were among the losers, because they, too, have supplied bird houses and equipment. Mrs. Frank Kenny, project chairman, said the sanctuary.'* used constantly by Boy and Girl Scout* for educational and conservation purposes. At the meeting, Ulo club drafted a letter which will be sent to the borough council again asking for help in clearing up the situation. The letter suggested that council follow a plan set UD by communities In Connecticut, where bird sanctuaries and other properties have been destroyed In this manner. In Connecticut, those found guilty of distraction pay a high fine or receive a jail sentence. At the program which followed, Prof. Henry M. Biekart of the ornamental horticulture department at Rutgers university spoke on "Flower Hardening and Propagation." Mrs. Drew VanDam waa named chairman of the flower show, May 24 and 25. Re-elect Thomas Board Chairman MIDDL.ETOWN The township planning board Monday night reelected Williamson Thomas, Locust, to serve his third year as chairman at the annual organlta- Mnn meriting. The board also re-elected WU- Ham K. Larsen an vice chairman nnd Leon Zuckerman as secretary. was announced that Jacob R. V. M. LefTerts had been reappointed by the township committee at s New Years day organization meeting for a six-year term on the board. One major subdivision of eight lots was recommended for approval, one for 26 lots was rejected and a third with 65 lots mi withdrawn by the applicants. The map which the board voted to recommend to the township committee for approval was submitted by Harvey Bowtell, Atlantic Highlands, for eight lota on Hosford ave., Leonardo, known as Hosford Acres. The map rejected was submitted by Howard M. Stack, New York, for a development to be known as Meadow Brook, on the Everett-Middletown rd. The board said would not approve the map until it was certain that a public water system would be Included. Last month, the board recommended to the township committee that no maps be approved un- Th«competition of the suburban ehoppinir center ha* becoma reality and Red Bank merchants soon, will ( it unless they do something about it, Community Chamber of Commerce director* were warned yesterday. Maxwell H. Klarin, chairman ol the chamber's parking committee, said eight centers are operating or planned within an 11- mile radius of Ked Bank. He suggested that the retail trade committee of the chamber devote full time to setting up and carrying out a program of improvement of "downtown facilities to meet their challenge." Mr. Klarin cited examples of Htore improvement, perking and traffic solutions and other phases of the problem which, he said, should be studied by the committee. Authority Plan Studied Rlgaud B. Paine, president of the chamber, said reports on studies of the New Brunswick and Plainfleld parking authority operation* have he»n turned over to Mayor George A. Gray for study. Directors said the chamber members generally feel that establishmpnt of mirh «n authority here would be of general benefit to the borough. Mr. Paine said Mayor Gray Intended to attend the directors' session yesterday, but was unable to do so. The parking authority matter will be left In the hands of borough omclalu, Mr. Pain* said, but the chamber will pursue it further, if council decides to take no action. By way of report, Mr. Ktarln said traffic and the demand for parking space reached an all-time high during the last few days before Christmas. He said police handled traffic well, and parking was orderly and with good turnover. An exception, he said, was the Wallace st. lot, where there were confusion and disorder. Borouth Has Title* The property which had been sought for creation of a parking lot to the south of Wallace st now Is in borough hands, it waa reported. Improvement of the exluting lot to the north of Wallace st. has been held up pending tha clearing of the new area because drainage and paving of the two constitute a single problem. The borough had planned to start the joint project some time ago, but was delayed by difficulty In obtaining some property tttles. Ralph H. Belknap, chairman of the Christmas home decorating contest, reported the idea waa well received and completely successful. He complimented Thomas Irving Brown, publisher of Tha Register and a chamber director, on the publicity given the contest by the newspaper. Everyone. Involved, ud especially the judges, Mr. Belknap laid, worked diligently and seriously. W. Symington Hurt in Crash WALL TOWNSHIP Wilbur F. Symington, Br., «B, of rt.», Bayvllle, formerly of Country Club Estates, and former owner of Wilbur's diner at one time located on Maple ave. opposite White st., Red Bank wu Injured in an automobile accident on the Garden State Parkway here Sunday. He was reported in fair condition this morning at Fltkin hospital. According to atata police at Holmdel, a car operated by Mr. Symington ran Into the rear of another car driven by Edward Brltton, 36, of Neptune. Mr. Britton, police said, was flagged down by Arthur Shanahan of Bayonne, whose car was stopped at th«side of the road with mechanical trouble. Mr. Britton's car was struck aa he was pulling over to the aide to stop. Mr. Symington, who suffered broken ribs and cuts of the legs, was taken to the hospital by the Wall township first aid squad. less they provide public water system*. The withdrawn map wu for a development to be known as Hillfield Estates, which was submitted by Charles T. Bruno, Red Bank councilman, and Anthony Piccols, Shrewsbury. is located across the street from Meadow Brook. Mr. Bruno said he would ba willing to Install a public water system there, and the board advised that he reach an agreement with Mr. Stack which would permit an extension of water mains to reach that area. The board appeared ready to recommend approval of the map, but C. Paul Kennedy, chairman of the recreation commission, ssld that group was not In accord with the piece of land that Mr, Bruno and Mi. Flcuiila had earmarked as a play area. The board discussed the matter with the applicants and they decided to withdraw the map with the comment that they are not prepared at present to proceed with building and they would resubmit it later. The board then approved a minor subdivision for th* applicants which provides for lots of 20 acres and six acres on which Mr. Piccola and Mr. Bruno, respectively, said they plan to build homes for themselves. The board voted to recommend ts the township committee that amend the land subdivision ordinance to reduce the permissable length of dead-end streets In developments. The code now allows streets 1,400 feet long with a turn-around, or cul-de-sac, at the end. The board has recommended that the limit be reduced to 600 feet. A public hearing was set for a 12-lot development known as Normandy Farms off Middletown- Llncroft rd., near Oak Hill rd., for Feb. 4. The map waa submitted by Pioneer Builders, Inc., Atlantic Highlands. First Aid Squad On 765 Missions The Red Bank first aid and rescue squad last year answered a total of 765 calls, according to a report submitted by George T. Schmidt, captain, to the borough council Monday night. Captain Schmidt reported Mi emergency, 92 emergency transportations, 184 transportations, 89 fire and 48 miscellaneous call*. The squad traveled 8,4(9 miles with its two ambulances during 1996, and had t total of 3,508', man hours. and the residents of the five participating towns were pleased. Ha sugge«ted that Inclusion of New Shrewsbury next year be considered and that a division of tho contest be set up for the beat decorated stores in Red Bank. Ray E. Taylor, chamber executive vice president, said many people had called to thank tha chamber for prizes snd there wu much favorable comment on tha contest Yule Decoration Funds Mr. Tsylor reported that there has been enough money paid ar promised for the Christmas decorations In the business section. He said there had been much critical comment and a few compliments on the decoration scheme. Mr. Taylor relayed the suggestion of Samuel Lifcovsky, chairman of last year's decorating committee, that the committee for this year be appointed early. Mr. Paine said he hoped to name a chairman of the committee at the February meeting. J, Beverly Anderson, a director, suggested that the chairman be someone who is not "tied up in business" In town. Mr. Belknap suggested that a separate committee might be assigned to tha difficult task of collecting decoration donations from tha merchants. Mr. Anderson asked that the retail trades committee give the subject s attention, and Mr. Taylor said he would bring the matter up at laat night's committee meeting. Mr. Anderson complimented Mayor Gray on his announced Intention to try to set up a program to help small businessmen In tha borough collect small debts. Mr. Anderson said petty debts often eat up a large portion of the net profit of merchants. Any corrective steps, he said, would tend to free business of a restricting Influence. He suggested that tha chamber give the mayor any help can In the matter. The chamber, on Mr. Brown's uggestlon, voted an invitation to Junior Chamber of Commerce representatives or member* to. attend th* chamber's regular meetings. He was Issued a summons for fol-1 Out of town calle Included lowing loo closely. Mr. Brltton was Issued a summons for careless driving. Trooper William Flndhelsen Investigated, HIGH SCHOOL DANCE The Red Bank high school stu- Jmit council will hold s monthly dance for the student body SatuMny in th* high school cafeteria from 8 until 11 p. m. Mnalc will bn by recordings, accord- Ing to Elaln«Winters, dance rrmlrnmn, High school loncht'rw will serve as chaporonea. The entire program la under th«miprrvialon of Clement Jahlonakl, biology instructor and 'student council adviser, Shrewsbury, 47, and trips to New Castle. Del., White Plains, N. Y.. New York city, and eight other town* and cities. Trip* to local hospitals and nursing homes Included: Rlverview, 326; Monmauth Memorial, 180; Hazard, six; Marlboro state, four; Fort Monmouth, ten, and Fltkin, eight. Ivy House, : Rlvercrest, JO; Brier Hill Welfare home, one; Shrewsbury Home, ten, and Bay Vl»w, three. Also Irlpn to New York city, Newark, Elisabeth and Perth Amhnv hospitals, The squad was assisted by ten policemen, IT times, and 31 lks~ men, 94 time*. Aasesaor Report! On Local Properly Red Bank's Assessor Franklyn D. Havlland yesterday released the borough's table of aggregates of taxable and exempt property, showing total gross valuations of $14,190,331. Tax exempt property amounts to 12,902,600. Values include: Land without Improvements. 14,101,371; Improvements, (8,902,360; personal estates. (2,046,690. Deductions Include personal property exemptions, and veterans' exemptions, $278,450. The nst valuation taxable Is (14,183,231. Exempt property Includes: Church, 47sV 600; federal, state, municipal and charitable, (834,000, and school property, (1.193,000. HISTORICAL NOTE LITTLE SILVER Councilman Joseph K. Lord announced at Tuesday's mayor and coun«t] meeting that this borough was) settled In 1667 and that H derive* s nnrm from the town ot Little Silver In Devonshire, England. The in formation, which Mr. l> said he haa sought for, time, waa contained In Herald Tribune advertlstjnent. VMS

4 1-4 ThaniMV, Jan RED BANK REGISTER Incorrect Mail Addresses Cause Delivery Delays EATONTOWX Postmaster Francis E. Bruce announced today that a new department is being formed lo handle the large volume of mail that is being received incorrectly addressed. Mail going through the department will be delayed until correct addresses can be obtained nd addressees notified. "In the put," Mr. Bruce said, "this mail has been handled by employees who were familiar enough with all the patrons of the pott office to be aware of the correct addresses, but because of Increases in population, addition of new routes, clerks and carrier!, it will be impossible SEE US FOR ALL YOUR PHOTO NEEDS Wa carry a compltta lina of famout brand cameras and accestorlai. Bring your cameras hara for expert repair service. We Have Everything for the CAMERA FAN HORN'S Photo Shop WsJex* Street or to continue such personal services." The largest amount of incorrectly addressed mail is received addressed to the patron and town with no identifying street or boi number. Improperly addressed R. F. D. mail also is received in targe quantities. This mail should!>e addressed to the patron, R. F. D. 1, Box No. E&tontown, N. J. Mail addressed to new developments in New Shrewsbury also comes frequently misaddressed. This mail should be addressed patron's name, number and name of street. New Shrewsbury, N. }' Eatontown Post Office. The post office ruune la necessary because mail to New Shrewsbury ia delivered by mora than one post office, depending on the location. Another source of delay because of misaddressing occurs in the case of patron* with post office boxes who continue to use a street address. All correspondents should be advised of the patron's correct mailing address in order to insure the ^ promptest possible delivery service, Mr. Bruce said. Carda are available for this purpose at the port office. New Act Increases Milk Dealer Fees TRENTON License fees paid to the Office of Milk Industry by wholesale and retail daalera and distributors of milk will be substantially increased under ' provisions of a new act recently signed by Gov, Robert B. Meyner, according to Floyd R. Hoffman, O.M.I, director. The law which was passed unanimously in both the assembly and the senate, was sponsored by nearly all of the state dairy groups as a means to obtain additional funds to meet the cost of more rigid enforcement of retail prices, stated Hoffman. He pointed out that tha added revenue would provide for an Increase of the field and auditing staff. Under tha former achedul. and on the basis of tha volume of I milk handled the license fees collected from tha Industry amounted to approximately $108,000 annually compared to an anticipated annual income of about $185,- 000 under the new act The Increasea become affective Immediately, but will not apply to dealers and distributors holding licenses for the current fiscal year. After July 1 the new schedule will apply to all distributors. bod looks for good sports Prepare for Heart Fund Drive Robert Jecobton of Rumsen, left, and Mayor John H. Hawkins of Shrewsbury prepare to launch Monmouth county Heart fund drive during month of February after sccoption retppointment at co-chairmen. Thoy study one of the chert* showing how heart contributions are used for research, professional educatfon, public education and Information and community services, such as home nursing visits, special drugs, services for indigent pationh, cardiac clinic* and others. Set Programs for fruit. Vegetable, Potato Growers TRENTON Three days of educational programs featuring experts on production and market- Ing of vegetables, white potatoes and fruits have been scheduled for New Jersey Farmers week at Trenton, Jan inclusive. The Vegetable Growers Association of New Jersey, Inc., of which Charles Wohkittel, Jr., Caldwell, is president, will sppnsor morning and afternoon sessions Jan. 33, and a dinner meeting that evening. Also meeting Wednesday afternoon 13 ths Gzricr. stats branch of the United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable association, of which Oswald Stern, Vlnetand, Is president. New Jersey State Potato association, whose president is Albert Punk, Imlaystown, will devote Thursday morning and afternoon to lectures on growing and selling white potatoes, and will hold a dinner meeting that evening. Friday morning, Jan. 29, New Jersey State Horticultural society will present two hours of lectures for fruit growers, with a separate program for vegetable growers. A Joint session in the afternoon will include a panel discussion on marketing, accord- Ing to Russell M. Marlatt, Port Murray, society president. Jersey Fruit Co-operative association, headed by Clement B. Lewis, Riverton, will have a dinner meeting Friday night Tha complete line-up of speaker* and their subjects appear in the Farmers week program, printed copies of which are available at offices of county agricultural agents, or by mail from New! Jersey Department of Agriculture, 1 West State St., Trenton. The speakers include David Sheppard, Cedarville; Francis A. Raymaley, Bridgeton; Herbert Heberletn, Millersvllle, Pa.; E. J. Fleming, Andaluaia, Pa.; Thomas Rich, Syracuse, N. Y.; C. F. Smith, New York city; A. Lee Towson, Elmer; J, Earle Roberts, Philadelphia; Dr. A. I* Kenworthy, Michigan State university; Prof. R. B. Donaldson, Pennsylvania, State university; John L. Womack, Swedesboro; A. ES. Mercker, Washington, D. C; A. W. Severson, New Jersey Department nf Agriculture; H. D. Williamson, Philadelphia, and, from the agricultural and home economics staffs of Rutgers university, Dr. William H. Martin, Dr. Allen G. Waller, Joseph F. Hauck, Ernest G. Christ, Wallace A. Mitcheltree.. Dr. Norman F. Childers, Dr. Leland G. Merrill, Jr., Dr. Spencer H. Davis, Dr. Richard J. Aldrich, Miss Jean F. Judge and John C. Campbell, all of New Brunswick, and Mrs. Margaret C. Shepard, Newark. it pars t* sdvertlst la Tee leg isttr. -AdrwtiMnunt. MORRIS WESTERMAN Chartered Life Underwriter Member of New Jersey Bar Member of the Top Club NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCI COMPANY 67 Prospect Ave. RE 6-404)4 Captain Jamas Cook, who circumnavigated the globe and claimed Australia for the British crown, was a self-taught student. He barrowed a lamp so ha could study navigation, mathematics and aatronomy at night MS tst is* ittl m Two HS Seniors High in Exam Two senior* at Red Bank ht(h eehool have been named finalists In the National Merit Scholarship competition, according to Royal M. Hlntie. principal. The local students are among the T.BO0 highest scorers oh a nationwide college aptitude examination given to 112,000 seniori In 1ZM0 high schools recently. The Red Bank high school fiaallau are biases Barbara Price and Miriam Begall, both seniors. Miss Price ia a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Price, SS Helms dr. Eatontown. Miss egall is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Segall, 12 Btatealr pi., Middletown. Both girls have pursued the academic course at Red Bank tha past few yean. The finalists now face a threehour college board examination Saturday, plus intensive screening of their leadership and extracurricular records by a selection board. Both girls have been aetivs in extra-curricular activities at Red Bank. They will be trying for more than TOO four-year college scholarships, many of them sponsored by business and Industrial corporations. Included are 100 Sears- mt'n am SIM REUSS1LLES' 36 MOAD ST. ID IANR Roebuck Foundation aterit scholarships and nationwide programs ponsored by such companies»nd foundations as Pittsburgh Plate Glass, F. W. Woolworth Standard Oil of Indiana, International Nickel and others. At least 7,000 of the merit finalists are expected to survive Saturday's tests, according to John Stainaker, president of the National Merit Scholarship corporation. Is tha final phaae of the > petition, the other accomplishment* and the character of the competitors will be evaluated. About Apr. 25, the fortunatetoo will become the merit scholars of Runnen-up receive certificates of merit, and their abilities will be announced to all colleges and universities', making them eligible for thousands»t autar awards and priaes. DESIGNS FOR LIVING Announces Semi-Anitoal Sale! A wonderful opportunity to purchase Paul MeCobb designs and other fine contemporary furniture, lamps and accessories at substantial savings. EASY CHARGE. BUDGET TERMS. OPEN TUESDAY ft FRIDAY EVES. 'T!L. DESIGNS FOR LIVING 365 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK (NEXT TO SAncWAT) 17 Years of Steady, Healthy f ««* RESOURCES / y...-,.atf..' SMI'"^- 32 TktL f BsaaaBB ake the most of your winter holidsyt by making ui your first retort for spotlessly lean clothes. From sweaters to ski-pantf, our experts give all your elofh.s thet sparkling spic-andsptn look... the better to keep you looking your bastl SAVE TIME WITH OUR ONE CALL SERVICE TELREM2D3 AND DUIVIftY DONALDS DELUXE LAUNDRY SERVICE 44 ST. PHONE RED BANK ASK ABOUT OUR EXPERT RUG CLEANING SERVICE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE Savt 2 0% On Your Laundry Cash and Cirri See i specialist about your money problems When you want a telution to your money difficulties, see the HFC Office Manager. He haa had yean or* training said experience in dealing with all kinds of financial problems and he can help you. One thing ia sure he will not encourage you to borrow needleesly or excessively. So, whether you want a loan or eipert advice or both see a specialist in money matters. Visit HFC, the largest and oldest consumer finance company in America. You may also apply for an HFC loan by phone. TOO MAT SORROW WH CONflMNCI R0MMK use Me MONTWY f ATMtMT RANI $ I/MM W«ikmp i M OUSEHOLD FINANCE 710 Ceohman Ave., 2nd Floor PHONE: Mospect flptn flafunfair*»nf 1:09 P. M. i; im $ i ','. sa DIRECTORS, t»lmckefc cr DAVID J. CONNOLLY fa»wt>a««cis a» ", DAVID CRONHEIll J JOHN I*. CLOECKNER s*i»a*ahr itt liaarsnrf frrfisf WILLIAM I HOOKER JAMES V.IGOE Mmtm.Hm rereftertfawtsaes LOUIS LEVY l e w fmmm at avtcbalajr A, HARRY L0FHE1I JAMES K. MELDRUM affkahlkab^jalsmbbmssmssfibk / SreYV^sBj^Bsvm B7«esjssW^aHa^sy ^^av / OUUST A, lonur CasfeajsiTi O.S. OU»er Uejsd. h STATEMENT of CONDITION 7 Bffle Mettgaga Laaaa Pedetal Hone Lea*) Bank Si Offies BnDdta«i and Prepaid StmHry em Sart 1 Payable TOTAL ASSETS AlfBTl i Leas Baak Advaweee (Lestg Tetae). Ressms a»d UadWded Profits TOTAL UABIUT1ES.l7.TSl.mM ARTERET SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, The Largest in New Jersey 3 OFFICES IN ESSEX COUNTY... M6 Bread Street, Newark t Orange Street, Newark 7 OMSMima ~...JW B. IL Stitita, Newark S AST OaUNM ^«. «06 Central Averat semn Osuiiei l9 SiVINCS lntumed up to $10,000 LflforTruMFumil ts«jm14s«.». lm.tos.10i JS. M7M0O.O0 MOS

5 PartfoiBfsrk Two Birthdays PORT ONMOUTH A double Mrthtey eelibratlon mi held N»w Yean IT* at the home o( Mr. ud Mr*. Frtd Beam. Wilson v*. aad Mala it., in honor of the birthday* at Edward Bryk aad Mr. B«am. Attending were Mr. and Mrs JUM Costello, Mr. and Mrs WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH IT IS NOT TRUE TO SAY "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSLE" UNLESS CHIROPRACTIC WAS INCLUDED. DR. WARREN FOWLER Chiropractor 103 IROAD STREET RED SANK, N. J. UMOI Htm Mr, m w wobwo^ebi w^f ^^P^*^^^P»TT ^Hb^&j as^v^ sv*^"j^ Mrs. Edwin Beam and Mn. Edward Bryk. Mtai Janice Bryk entertained friendi at a New Yeari eve party at her home on Main it. Guests were Mines Bonnie Bogart and Nancy Burdge, John Freibott, Edward Ruby and Herbert Thorn*.' Mr. and Mrs. Beam entertained in honor of Mr. Beam's birthday New Yean day. A buffet luppcr was served. Gueits Included Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryk, Janice and Pamela Bryk, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beam. Fred W. Beam, Miu Anne Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beam and son Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Renard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller and daughters Bonnie and Judy, William Miller, Harold Miller, Jr., Mr. and Mn. Edward Freibott. Port Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mc- Kittrlck, Mr. and Mrs. James R. McKlttrick. Misses Patricia and Kathleen McKlttrick and Colleen McKlttrick, Union Beach; Mr. and Mrs. John Post, Fair Haven; David Hermansen, Robert Lathrop and Mist Vivian Lathrop, Leonardo, and Mr. and Mn. Albert Trudel, Mn. I/nils Jensen and Miss Audrey Hyers, Belford. Xn Miw 1! IHIM aomtse SMnts lien mm rradm wkicb awns MM NMU Sowm ku wkat rea mat or will knr wait m km to Mil d l FROM RED IANK DAILY TURNPIKE EXPRESS BUSES TO NEW YORK CITY Drivov TflfcM I M IMH. Twlli AM* MMISI M T TWICE TNI ffju* PAM I*. «ei Bsak telly AJL Ttta, Sits, tit*. SOlie, MlM rjm. tisa, lisa, ma, fna, itiaa m. ht, tea, ni P.M. as) WilMeifS 111 PJS. AttMry Nrk*Nfw Yswfc fault CM*. M V ba TiianUaJ WU tak Our Sovtrs Gtt Big Dividends At the Bet Bask Savings «nd Loaa scvutgi deposit, currentir earned I* per annum. There's no hlfher rate paid la Red Bank em bunted Muring*. * * nly «e ou MTers hav* the protoeuoa of Insurance ea ap as «1MM «t flmr Mvlngs, tat we malntala Terjr substsntui V ye«amat sharing la tale dividend omrlbatioa, get la ra the aexteae. Mart aa aeooont today... we're «pen tu «r. M. RED BANK SAVINGS nd LOAN f^jjh ASSOCIATION HHEtlL CrtAMTmiD IMF. ISheDoor [HI Jg to Security 10 BROAD ST. HillaP R t» BANrV NEW JERSEY PTAtoMeet Next Thursday ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Th* ezeeutlve committee of the Parent-Teacher association met Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mn. George H. Wuesthoff, South ave. Mrs. Robert Irving, hospitality halrman, reported that 800 pupils were served refreshments following the Christmas program Dec. 10. Ice cream funds were partially raised by her committee and mothen of the sophomore dasi supplied the cookies. Mr. Wueithoff, principal of the grammar school, was commended for the program presented by Mrs. Fern BUM and Mrs. BoniU Gallagher, music Instructors, hecks wen written by Mn, Gordon Rhodes, treasurer, to cover costumes and staging costs as allotted In the budget Mrs. D. A. Buseh, membership chairman, reported 174 memben have enrolled to date, representing one less than January of last year, but including 100 par cent representation of teachers. Mrs. Virginia Mueller's fourth grade won the December attendance award. Vincent H. Fox, president, said Mrs. Robert Earle will be in charge of the Founders' day program, at a meeting Thursday night, Feb. 2S, to replace Mn. Harry Donoghue, who resigned due to Illness In her family. D. A, Busch, parliamentarian, la making a study of incorporating UM association. Mm, William Thome, chairman of the grammar school < mothers, submitted a report on activities of her committee sine* September. The* include attribution of card party tickets ji October and HaOowae* ** and Christmas, parties. Committee members are Mrs. Dennis Ltnge, Mrs. Samuel Srown, Mrs. Martin Flnan, Mrs. Lee Barrett, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. Raymond Lemberg, Mn. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Gordon Rhodes, Mn. Charles AJban, Mn. William Spsngeman, Mrs. Charles W. Leaner, Mn. John Denier, Mn. Clifford Brooks, Mrs. Vincent H. Fox, Mn. C. E. Allep, Mrs. Henry Haake, Mrs. John Stern and Mrs. Louts Douglass. The association meet* next Thursday nlghf, opening with a demonstration of the school's physical education program by pupils, under the direction ot Allen Tracy, Miss Betty Klmber and Vincent Finn, faculty members. Following a builnesa meeting, a challenge volley ball game between men teachen and fathers will be played. Also of Interest that evening will be a lost and found table for the convenience of parents whose children mw have mislaid sweaters and mlt tens. Refreshments following the meeting will be in charge of seventh and eighth grade mothers. The committee Intends to Introduce school board candidates at the meeting. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Busch, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent H. Fox, Mrs. Allen Burke, Mn. Elbert Frimpter, Mn. Robert Irving, Mrs. William Thome, Mrs. H. William Richardson an Mr. end Mrs. Wueithoff. Refreshment! wen served by Mr. and Mrs. Wuesthoff. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Burke of Hill rd. will entertain the memben of the eamnattee Thursday night, F»b. 7. Mr*. G. J. FrereT Speaks to Democrat! MATAWAN Mm. Gustavi J. Freret of Fair Haven, vice chairman of the county Democratic committee, was the speaker at by Mrs. John P. Adalr and Mrs. a meeting of the local Democratic elub Thursday in the of- Voorhees. Mrs. Richard Lucas and Mrs. Andrew J. Xornek will flcee of John W. Applegmte be hostesses at the meeting Friday Bight, Jan. 18, at the boms Main at. of Mrs. Lucas, Bay ave. Memben made plane to meet at the Public Health center, Attending were Miss Vtoiette tailing at the next session, Feb. Murray, Mn. MtUle Blair, Mrs. T. Mmben of the election board Alrlna Xing, Mrs. Andrew J. and committee chairmen of district one will make up the hosbeth HeUker, Mn. Hubbard Stiles, Xornek. Mn. Lucas, Mrs. Elisapitality committee. Mn. Alfred W. Wright, Sr., Mrs. Adalr and Mrs. Voorhees. Thomai Francy, president, named Mn. Harold Coetello chairman of a card party to be held aoon. The program committee also announced plans to hare special speakers at au meetings to discuss subjects ot Interest to memben and guests. The H budget was also discussed. Nary Company Honor Man '12 to Attend RED BAKU UCtflTR TfeftJay,!» 10, l«t-t Anthony IMM, Sr., U.S. Navy, (on of Mr. and Mrs. Maura lasso, 13 DoFerrost ave., Rod lank, congratulated by C*pt. William J. Cetlert, Jr., commanding officers of the Naval training center, lainbridge, Md., on being nsmed honor man of hit company at the completion of hi* basic training. Capt. CstUtt presented lasso a letter of com. mendatien citing the honor man with superior aptitude demonstrated throughout his training, loyalty, attention to duty, dependability and aptitude for Naval We. 200 Attended Membership Event More than J00 twestl Hinds! the annual paid-up membership supper of the Sisterhood of the Congeratlon Bnai Israel Thursday at the Molly Pitcher hotel. A. smorgasbord was served by the hostesses, all memben of the executive board. Mrs. William I KlaUky was the general chairman, assisted by Mrs. Philip Waldman, whs was In charge of refreshments; Mrs. Jack Gerard, reservations; and Mrs. Harry Schneli, Mrs. Samuel Cottonoff, Mrs. Paul Mitchell and Mrs. Harry Friedman, serving arrangements. Mrs. KlaUky received a life membership In the Sisterhood at the event, a gift from her husband. The presentation was mads by Mn. Max Benowlti, life membership chairman. The program featured entertainment by a group of Red Bank senior high school students, supervised by the school's music director, Edward Brown> The Chorellattes eang; Tony Izio gave his Impression of Elvis Presley; Nancy Ross, Lee Gartner and Karen Haffa sang popular numbers; Betty Rae Beck played her vlbrabarp, and Sidney Smith entertained with piano solos. Cliff Warren, radio and TV star, also was an entertainer. The program was concluded with a lecture on Wedgewood by Joseph Sand. Wedgewood la Mr. Sand's hobby. He displayed several choice pieces from his collections. Girls Friendly Aids Glen Gardner Patients HIGHLANDS Members of the Girls' Friendly Sponsors of St. Andrews Episcopal church met Friday night at the home of Mn. rredettok Voorhees, Miller et was reported that Christmas gifts were given to six patients at the cheat dleeass sanitarium at Glen Gardner. Following the meeting refreshments were served Archdeacon Explain* Mission Project. The Venerable Gerald R. Mlnchin, archdeacon of the Episcopal diocese of New Jersey, spoke at the meeting of the Monmouth district of the Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal church yesterday at Trinity Episcopal church parish hall. Mr*. Ira L. Crouae of Fair Haven, president, made the introductions. The speaker Is in charge ot the department of minions and his subject was "Missions In the Diocese of New Jersey." Arch, deacon Mlnehln reported that for more than 100 yean, the New Jersey diocese has carried on one of the largest missionary programa of any diocese of the American church. "There are," he said, "at the present time, more mission congregations in the diocese than there are parishes, as well as missions In 42 diocese and missionary districts." Memben of the Woman's guild of Trinity Episcopal church serving as hostesses were Mrs. Horton Garrison, Mrs. Lester Stork, Mrs. Oliver H. Stryker, Mrs. James Hunter, Mrs. Charles Reeves, Sr, Mn. Arthur Cave, Mn. Frank F. Curtii, Mrs. Allan H. Frost, Mr«. Walter G. French, Mrs. Henry C. Mecklem and Mrs Charles H. Best. SELBY SHOES R«f- to POOTMLHT DRESS SHOES l«f. to 1S.9I 8 >.99 i Calf rawncaif Builders' Event MANASQUAN Twelve members of the New Jersey Shore Buildera association will attend the annual convention and exposition of the National Association of Home Builders', President Roy M. Hyde announcer! vratrrday. The event ie scheduled for Chicago Jan Those who will attend are Fred C. Hamma. Farmlngdile; William Merlin, Elberon; James Curley, Red Bank; Walter Schneider, Runuon; William H. Oliver, Neptune; Robert Schmertz, Lakewood; Theodore Bongtovannl, Spring Lake; William Potter, Ray Daniels, Frank Majorie and James Woods, all of Point Pleasant, and Harold K. Merritt, Atlantic Highlands. TRAVEL IONMD ft AUTHMIBD 12 MOAD ST. 31* CsMkuM Ave. IkO SANK ASIUtt PARK Td. RE Prospect DON'T INCONVENIENCE YOURSELF! W«Do If AH For You LOCALLY You can reserve and pick up airline, steamship, but snd tour tickets, hotel and resort sree reservations «t NO DCTRA CHAR6E. Wo are bonded and euthorited to represent you in Monmouth County and turroundina area. Tht Corner at Kridel't hat only two clearance tales. a year one at midsummer and the other at the turn of the year. The idea is to dispoio of odd lots, broken sites and colors by reducing pricss. Tomorrow it the day we start. Open a. m. to 9 p. m. end we hope you'll take advantage of the opportunity. Sale items all trom regular,stock but not our entire stock. Flannel, tweed skirts, reg H lt.90 Velvet, lame, felt and brocade skirts, were to W to CoHon shirts, were 3.95 to ft.99 Wool jersey and silk blouses, were 7.95 to to Orion sweaters, were 6.9S to to 1.90 Fur blend sweaters, reg to to 9.90 Winter cotton and cruise dresses, were to fO to 1».90 Wool flannel and jersey dresses, were to to Alpaca lined tweed coats, woro to to *9.90 Poplin, tweed and Lodon car coats, were to to Open a Kridel 90-day charge account. Pay 1/3 February 10, 1/3 March 10, 1/3 April 10. MM i ram ITS. MIMM.M. UMSM NOW IN PROGRESS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Liner oft Village Beauty Shop NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD, UNCROFT. N. J. TEL RED BANK WE SPECIALIZE IN helping women look their most attractive selves. WHETHER FOR A PERMANENT, A SET, A COMPLETE HAIR RESTYLING OR JUST A FRESH MANICURE, OUR EXPERT BEAUTICIANS HAVE THE KNOW-HOW. COME SEE US. YOU WILL LIKE THE RESULTS. Call REd Bank for an Appointment PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE CLOSED ALL DAY LILLIAN MOLNAR, Prop. ANGIE FERRARO, Mgr. MONDAYS AROUND More mothers give their children Borden'8 Milk than any other brand 0 Get some for your family aoon" at your store or from your Bor'den milk man Far 100 yewi JoUikattbtn wring, IPifc, BoRDENS be flood! I i WINUINB ALLIGATOR PUMPS Rag. to Brown or Money In Ugh or Medium Heck SANDLER SPORTSTERS Iff. to Hurry In tor best telection. Choose from o voriety of favorite styles, heel heights, colors, and materials. Every size but not in every style or color. All salei fi. letulorly DISCONTINUED STYF.ES to NOW ONLY TMi sretfuet fcei no cowiktlon wlniever wild The American Noflono! led Cro SPECIAL GROUP OF Rtg. to 1S.9S MEN'S SHOES JU S. WLer SHOE CO. 18 BROAD STREET \ RED BANK

6 . JM. 10, 1957 RED BANK REGISTER RED BANK REGISTER 4M> ftwl Street, Bed Bank, N. J. ESTABLISHED U7I By John H. Cosh «d Henry CUy MM>»! tke AMCciaUa 1 tr m Tfce Aeaoelattd Ftnt tntitled eieluilveir to the m t«f npiiblleatlvfi if ail Ui< tool n»n prinud in taia > * saper. as well ea all AF aiwe diipat h«a. Messier Asdtt of ClrcaleUea Tfcle aewapapar aieuame a* raeponiibilitia* for nuaaa *f eplaleni la letter* froai its retain. Sabaeriptlea Prlaee la Advance. On. mr 15.00; Hi awntae Single»P7. at counter. canta. Tha Bad Baak Kasiater aeauawa to Rnaicial rtipoasiatlitlee for trposraphleal arrora in advertlf*m«nti, but will reprint vitaost chart*, that part of an aavertiieavat in which tha trpotrapftieal arror ocenra. Adv«rtiwn will plaaaa notify tha nanataintnt Immedlatelr of mmr arror waiea Mr oaeur. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1167 Another Public Meeting The Ruinson-Fair Haven regional high school board of education has scheduled another public meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the high school. The board ii still seeking an answer to the problem created when, on Dec. 11, voters defeated a f 1,200,000 high school expansion program. Tuesday's meeting follows a recent executive session of board members with county and state school officials, in an attempt to learn what course of action to follow in connection with the expansion plan. Board members will disclose what took place at that meeting and, at the same time, ask for a "further expression of public opinion." A representative of the state department of education also is expected to attend the meeting, in order to answer questions of the public and analyze the situation here. At this stage, the board can either resubmlt the $1,200,000 proposal to voters in another referendum or revise the plan. We do not know what the board plans to do but we do know board members are aerioufllr restudying the $1,200,000 plan as well as all the possible alternatives. They realise additional high school facilities are needed badly here and it ii imperative that something be done soon, they contend. Board President Arthur L. Adamson ummed up nicely when he said: " is essential that one way or an other we accomplish a decent high school building program here." And the situation ii farther aggravated by a recent report of the state department of education after an inspection of the high school Nov. 2. \ According to Board Member William W. Robinson, the state granted the school "limited approval of two years" under th assumption an expansion program would be carried out to remedy defect* The report told of such problems as heavy teacher** schedule*; inadequate library facilities; insufficient classrooms and overcrowding. The fact that the board is once again looking to the public for advice is commendable. Aa before the Dec 11 referendum, the board la attempting to glean information from ali sources, before arriving at a decision. is the duty, we believe, of all Rumeon and Fair Haven ettiiem to attend Tuesday night's public meeting. Their high school board of education is earnestly seeking a solution to a most difficult problem. Residents should attend the meeting to keep better abreast of the current school situation, as well as to offer advice to the board. bat not much can be done unless new laws are passed or unless parents will take a band in controlling their children. Councilman John C. Damico stating that one of the most unfortunate facts about tlir- situation is that young girls re seen in groups of teenagers that conre pit c after dark, posed the question, "I don't know where their parents are." That might well be the question in everyone's mind. Where are these children'*- parents when their youngsters are roaming the streets at ft or 10 o'clock at ight? Juvenile delinquency is not somehinp that just happened. seems appar- nt that there mu»t be a general letting ip in parental control control as we new it when we were children. We hate to bark back to "the good old days," but perhaps it's time that some >arent«went back to the hairbrush and he woodshed. Twelfth Night Tree Burning The Christmas tree burnings in Atlantic Highland", River Plata and Shrewsbury provide a practice that merits continuance and spread to other communities, Beyond offering a safe disposal method for the trees, the controlled burnings proved a spectacle enjoyed by young and old. Too, it could easily become a public observance for the Epiphany, Christian f«jwt commemorating the visit of the Wise Men to the Infant Jesus. The firemen who have sponsored Twelfth Night tree burnings an serving another of the public services for which they have long, notable records. By stressing fire prevention, our fire fighters may be saving many people from painful burns; many homes from serious damage. Christmas trees in homes, when dried out, are highly flammable. They should be recognised as dangerous and deposited at a specific location when they have served their purpose. The Christmas season is no time for tragedy, yet anything done to eliminate suffering and loss at any time is to be commended. Juvenile Problems Our nation as a whole seems to be facing an increasing number of problems with juveniles. The term juvenile delinquency has become almost a byword and is impossible today to pick up a newspaper without reading something about youngsters getting themselves in trouble. Monmouth county is no exception and many communities in the county fac growing waves of trouble with teenagers. Fair Haven, though, seems to be having more than its share. Mayor Edgar V. Denise and members of borough council last week reported instances of shrubbery being torn up by th roots, signs and fences torn down, flagpole* damaged and other damage presumably done by groups of teenagers. seems parodoxical that Fair Haver should stand out as a community besel with juvenile problems. Probably no com munity in the shore area does as much fo its youth as does Fair Haven. Youth activi ties are organized, and the borough ha provided a youth center available to local youth groups. Dads, Inc., a relatively new organization has several programs fo youngsters. The fire company each yea has a Christmas party when hundreds o: dollars worth of toys are passed out. Th Lions club has its youth programs, and the borough itself sponsors an annual picnic lit the Willow Street park, where couuciliiit'ii act MM judge* of atlik'tic events and awurd prized. In view of these facts, therefore, i seems strange thnt a community that <loc» so much, should suffer so much damugv by youngsters. Several councilmen remarlcd last week OSUM BEM1NDEB CHECK THAT INSURANCE Th* causes for Sraa ar* many In churches. Everyone thinks "H cant happen here." But than tha day come* whan ft doe* happen to one's own church. la a gnat blow! But even greater sometimes is the shock that comes when, after th* lire, officials befta to SM "what might hav* been." Faulty writing, boiler expiations, candles, carelissne and "Arebug*" ar* awn* af the causes of church fires we haw noted. is the. fond hop* and prayer of everyone that no church wui burn, but the chances are it will happen gain and again In our lifetime. Every pastor and church ofllcta], in th* light of recent happenings, bat an obligation upon him to reexamine are insurance coverage on their church. Th* experience Is tint even If you haw an om bunding Insured to 100 per cent of * value, it stul is not enough to rebuild an adequate building at present-lay eoste. Methodist Reliy, Trsmton, N. j. Letters to the Editor JOSER' OK MONTHLY TICKETS Tha fonowlng latter haa bean received by The Register for publication: Asbury Park, N. J. Jan. T, U67. Th* Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: The Central Railroad of Hew ersey htt Hied a request for lennbalon to Increase th«commutation rates between New York city and New Jersey points, and also aaka that the. differential between Interstate and Intrastate lares be maintained. This obviously applies also to th* Pennsylvania Railroad, aa hey serve tha ttn«stations on Start Your Diana* Rolling This is March of Dimes month, the national fund-raising effort designed to stamp out the dreaded infantile paralysis disease. Last year found great strides toward that goal, but total victory has not yet been achieved. There still are many crippled children and adults who need care, and experience has shown that not all people can be protected against polio by the Salk vaccine, great though it is. Every community is being asked to help "finish the job" against polio. The great sums of money given the National Found* tion for Infantile Paralysis have been responsible for a great decrease in the num ber of polio victims. That in itself should be tbe encouragement needed to see this through to the end. Let's have a bigger campaign than ever before so we can hurry to the date when polio no longer will be a scourge and worry to so many parents. Outlook for the Year The New Jersey Manufacturers association has taken a look at and likes most of what it sees ahead. The pic ture is one in which high-level prosperity can be expected to continue if the "economic and social forces" supporting it do, says Henry W. Johnson, association president Factors considered good are a growing population up 12 per cent since 1950 and pointing to 21 per cent by 1960 which, Mr. Johnson says will create "demand for more of everything," great diversification of industry, strategic geographical location, a prosperous labor force "and plans for increased expend! tures at all levels of government for public works such as highways and schools.' Earnings of 811,000 employees in man ufacturing industries reached "an all time high," up by #2.47 or three per cent a week in the past year, with a lowering of workweek hours. Expected are government expenditures without new taxes, spending that will add to employment in supply and labor fields in road building, construction and other fields. Part of the money will go into new schools and similar public works. Mr. Johnson, however, notes with caution the "tightening of the money mar ket," which could be a check-rein on expansion projects, and current shortages of "semi-skilled and unskilled labor" as well as the 'professional and skilled workers. He also speaks out against the "lack of a definite program" to develop new water resources in the state. cun be hoped that those in government and other positions of high responsibility in New Jersey will find inspiration in this policy-guide offered by Mr. Johnson: "We have the responsibility for main luiiiing a climate in which New Jersey business and induwtry can continue to move forward and compete favorably in mitlonnl and world markets. Exercise of Bound judgment in the handling of social and governmental obligations toduy will assure a better tomorrow for everyone. SUCKS DEMOCRATIC UNITY, Belford, N. J. Jan. t, 1MT, To the Editor: I know th* local newspapers in Monmouth county hav* advocated that th* Democratic party hav* a strong progressive program... to get the Democratic party solidly united so aa to offer strong opposition to U» Republican party. In many of your editorials you recommended a strong two-party system. Th* Committee for More Democratic Action also favors your recommendations. We want & K» Democrats who ar* D the North York and Long Jersey coast Long Branch eoaet (The New Railroad). The** two railroads have asked and been granted many increases in th* past ferw yean... tome with the understanding that they would improve Service. We still hav* second-nte MTV- M.., hot, sealed cars In eum- JMT... ccm CMS tat winter... can without lights. This is not unusual it happens all too often. Then then Is the delay and breakdown, with the resultinglit* trains, which Is no novelty on th* North Jersey ooast run (always th* fault of th* other line w* ar* tom). And, too, that stupid situation where the two lines com* into on* abov* Amboy, and the Pennsylvania train No. 7S3 Is held up 20 minutes to watt for a late Central, No and we ultimately arrive at Aabury Park anywhere from a half to an hour late. But th* Insult that's added to Injury... tbe restricted types rf contract* (tickets) available to th* public, which definitely should be corrected. Currently there are: A Weekly ticket good Sunday through Saturday. B Monthly ticket restricted Monday through Friday for a calendar month. C Monthly unrestricted for a calendar month. D One-way full far* tickets. This works out so that if you take a week's vacation the oust will be no less than If you rod* every day because the calendar month and the effective day of the weekly ticket usually don't com* out together. So you wind up paying on* way full fares for a few days. This variety of ticket* must hav* bswi developed by a genius because then Isn't a break for tbe public In the whol* package. Then there is that "Joker" on the monthly tickets which states: this ticket Is good for an tin. limited number of rides, etc., etc." Now SS per cent of the people who commute to the North Jersey coast can't us* SO trip* a month, so why base the rate of a ticket on an "unlimited" number of rides? (Especially on a restricted ticket which Is good only Monday through Friday, excluding hohdayi). What shoum t» Issued are ticket* which provide for the actual needs of the greater number of people, i.e.: A--We*kty ticket (good for on* week from date of purchase). B SMrtp monthly ticket (good for on* month from date of pur- Interested In making the Demo. erotic party victorious for change. We extend, a cordial invitation to ah county eommttteemen and county eoromttteewomen, ah former candidates, workers, and all Democrats who arej Interested In tbe success of the Democratic party to attend a meeting to be held at the American hotel. Freehold, Thursday evening, Jan. 10, to organise a at»:j0 o'clock. The purpose Is Democratic club for men and women of Monmouth county. Former Attorney Qen. David T. Wllentx and Assemblyman William Kurts have been Invited to attend and help us organise this elub. Pleas* attend and bring your friends. Let's have a large turn-out and show our Democratic leaden of Middlesex county that we mean business and no fooling around. Tours truly. Committee for More Democratic Action, J. Harry Bennett, Chairman. NOT THE ONLY ONE Poamart, Route 36, Eatontown. To th* Editor: W* wen disappointed to read that after all the** (three) yean a new store In Eatontown it fe* C464rip monthly ticket (good for on* month from date of purh ticket (good for «0 DT OT Fwrh*M > now Is th* time to give UM public a little otmaideration in return for th* Increase* they wroualy hav* given the railthese past several years. might be In order to suggest that good management, good maintenance and good service will accomplish th* suecess that eon- Tour consideration wm be much appreciated by moat, If not all, of the North Jersey coast traveling public. meerely, r. B. Muller. THANKS NEWS START 4» Hop* Rd,, Batontown. N, 3. To th* Bdttor: On behalf of the borough of New Shrewsbury Christmas fund, I would Ilk* to thank your staff tor the fine publicity we received during the past year. The funds collected through our local Community Appeal enabled Mr. Brneet Hlltbrunner and his and dispresents to many famines whom Santa Claus would pass by (or over). Their gratitude I* overwhelming! I am grateful for this opportunity to thank, publicly, all those whose generoua donations succeeded fn making this the merriest Christmas sver for so muiy folks less fortunate than we. Slnoerely, Martha Ruddy Bur. committee to prepare tribute food baskets and APPRECIATION Red Bank, N. J. Jan, T, 1(57, To the Editor: Thu p»»tor, officers and mombers of the Calvary Baptist church wish to thank you for i*pnr» In your paper In the year of 1956, May God Menu nil of you and may you have a Happy and Prosperous NeWiYmr. Thanking you again, Rev, John B. dhchrlst, Pastor. Mrs. Hennle M. Winston, Ohurch Reporter. 1 In addition to selling foam rubber we nave sold furniture tor every room of the house amce we opened up, and although w* are out on th* highway, w«ar* "In" Batontown nevertheless. Good luck to Messers. Ouenther and Martin In their new venture, and meanwhile let us not forge! SatontowD Lumber, who does a very fin* Job of selling unpalntod Western pine furnltur* and Mtdera Cabinet company (also of Katontown), who builds kitchens, a room which la well known, may represent more dollars spent than any ether room of Hie houie m Monmouth county. Sincerely yours, Bernard Lee, Gene Slegel. Owners. Foamart APPRECIATION Port Monmouth, N. J, Jan. T, U57. To the Editor: At the beginning of the year we would like to Take time and lift the many blessings and benefits which God has given us. Not thaleast of which are friends and lowed ones who hav* stood by us through th* years. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for being our friend and to tell you that those things which you nave done for us and His work-are deeply appreciated. We pray that God will reward you abundantly for your thoughtful consideration and help In making known our church actlvi- May the year ahead bring you His blessing. His peace and His prosperity. Sincerely yours la His Service, The Port Monmouth Mission Community Ohurch. A. D. M PRAISE FOB FIREMEN Tennis Court Lane, Rumeon, N. J. To th* Editor: Our heartfelt thank* go to the Red Bank ftr* department for another job well done. On Monday of this week the building adjacent to our Thrift shop at 1M Shrewsbury ave, was badly destroyed by fire. The buhdmgs In this Mocl are not new and. the situation must have been difficult to control. The Red Bank lire departmen went all out to " from spreading, our stdewaua r result thar tar fire. Again thank you to a group o valiant and courteous men. Red Bank borough must be very proud of their fir* department. Sincerely, Theodora B. Bowers, President, Red Bank Junior Service League. LIKES COVERAGE Jan, 1, UBT To th* Editor: Aa president of the Eatontown Woman's Republican club I wlah to sincerely thank Th* Red Bank Register for the courteay and co-operation extended to u during Uie put yew. All members of the club have been given advance notice of our eventa and the general public kept aware of all the actlvlilei of the club, thanks to your fine coverage. Yours sincerely, Mm, Chart** Mitchell, President, Katonhwn Woman's Rfwblican Club. Editorial Views Of Other Papers HAS INFLATION BECOME A HABrrr "I sometime* wonder whether we, aa a nation, hair* unconsciously adopted Inflation a* a way of life." The speaker of these words was Roger M. Blough, chairman of the United States Steel Corporation, addressing the National Editorial association In early November. He had described Inflation as "a withering wind" that strikes small business and large business, newspaper pobhshen and steelmaker!, silks. i Economists have pointed out * lnjuriousnes* to those living en fixed Income*, Ks discouragement of thrift and th* hidden bite takes out of apparently rising wages. No one would assert now that the United States Is in a.runaway inflation; m fact, the general price level has been relatively rubl* for the last several year*. But in five of th* last six months the consumer price index of th* Bureau of Labor Statistics has risen to new highs, reaching for mid-november on a bass of 1M7-M as 100 (or approximately 1»7 as compared with (IMS- 3»). Several steel companies in the last week or two have quoted price Increases to cover automatic pay rises and an Increase in freight rites. Any shopper can quote some higher price tegs from each visit to the supermarket. Mr. Blough ean properly say for his company, the largest American etoel producer, the* ha* resisted the tendency to increas* prices and that H feels in its own operations, as every business must feel, the effects of rising costs of replacement or production. Though his firm in 1955 shipped 70 per cent mon steel and received nearly four time* as much money from customers as in 1M0, Ks rate of profit declined. Approximately J workers in the steel and automotive Industries receive automatic oost-cfliving adjustment* la wages as the general price index rises or falls. This, however, amount* to no more than on* out of 70 of th* total labor fores; and unless the rise Is met by greater productivity it tends necessarily to raise the price level for consumer*. Discounting the shrink*** m purchasing power of th* dollar, an editor kn Council Grove, Kan., "Wanna know Mi* only thing wrong with that dollar that used to buy twice at mucht You didn't have!" That was true for many farmers or factory worken in th* depression years, but than ateo are muttons of people, teachers, civil service worken and other*, who can say, "But I did hav* that dohar in IMS when prices were half what they are today, and I put it into savings, expecting to us* when I retire. When do I come out?" This I* th* cruelty In th* perpetual inflation theory. Prof, flumner Bllehter argues with son* fores that for political reasons governments are bound to follow fiscal and credit policies that favor fuel employment and foster gradual Inflation. If so, the cost of this Is a continual debasement of the currency and a discouragement of thrift or capital formation. Then hav* been periods, as hi the late»3w, of reaaonabi* prosperity on a slowly declining price level. And the benefits to consumers from moderate reductions m prices an much mon widely and immediately shared than benefits front price and wag* Increases, The Christian Selene* Monitor. SAY IT WITH SPONDEES Many people are worried about the influence of Rock 'n' Roll, without knowing exactly what to ae about it, short of demolishing the radio and the record-player. Dr. Jerome Taylor, professor of English at Notre Dams, offers another solution In an article in "America." He points out that our forefathers had to cope with the same problem, Boethlua, who flourished some 1,400 years ago, dealt with th* affect of wild music on Impressionable juveniles. He mentioned one cat, for example, who wanted to burn down his girl frtsnd's house, after listening to music In ths Phrygian mode. That Phrygian stuff was craiy, man, real gone. cams from Asia Minor, fsatursd hot trumpets, and bore no relation to the shepherd's pips melodies that made Greece what was In the palmy days. According to Boethlus, quoting Pythagoras, there was only ons remedy for this early Rock 'n' Roll. You had to make the patient listen to the old, square, long-hair music until hs snapped out of his fit. Only the even, slow beat of spondeei would (lure him of the effects of syncopation. In a practical way, that would mean playing "My Country, 'Tla of Thee" or reciting "Hiawatha" to any junior! that you think msy need. If they fall aaleep, so much ths better, for juniors are never more attractive than when they are aslsep, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin EVENTS OF YEARS AQO FROM REQISTER FILES Fifty Years Age. David H. Bray was appointed chief of police, much to his surprise, as he had mad* no application for the place. Gilbert Henry Lewis, who had been chief of police th* past year, and Peter Lang bad mad* applications for th* job. Assisting Mr. Bray on th* police fore* would b* Mr. Lewis and Hugh Wallace Bennett Miss Mary Emma Burdge, daughter of Edwin E. Biirdge of Locust Point, and Parker L. Johnson of New York, were married New Years day by Rev. F. H. Carpenter, pastor of ths 14th Street Methodist church, New York city. After a wedding trip to Baltimore, Washington, and Old Point Comfort, they started housekeeping In New York. Thomas Ryan of Holradel, who had been on a tramp steamer nearly three years, tired of tea voyaging and concluded to rstura home, according to a letter the family received tram aly. He wrote that he had traveled all over the world. The Locust Point Yacht club, at s annual meeting, decided to build a clubhouse en Clayplt Creek in tbe spring. Officers elected were: Commodore, Richard Grettan; vice Commodore, Frederick Ball; rear Commodore, Samuel B. Willis; secretary, William J. Faas; treasurer, William C. Mount, and Oliver C. Ayers, Charles A. Mount, George Schneider, Samuel Smith and William L. Boeckel, u-usteei. Miss Estella Thorn* of Red Bank, and Fred A. Kinhaefer of Holmdel, ware married New Years nigt>t at Bt James Methodist parsonage, Keyport, by Rev. Clsrenc* M. Johnston. Miss Them* was formerly a resident of Atlantic Highlands, and. moved to Red Bank about a year previous to her wedding. Mrs. Sarah Branstt, who had been chambermaid on the steamer William V. Wilson, many years, died at her horn* In Keansburg. She was a widow and about TS years old. Myron Beekmaa, a student at Rutgers college, was laid up with a badly Injured hand at the home of his father, Rev. T. E. Beekman of Locust ave., pastor of the Red Bank Reformed church. His injury resulted from the prematun explosion of a toy cannon. Mrs. Luclnda Walling, wife of John H. Walling of Port Monmouth, died of advanced age. She was TS years eld, and besides her husband, she left three soas and a daughter. Mrs. Abble Magulre of Tlnton Falls, while cutting cloth, accidentally let the scissors slip, cutting her hand severely, and blood poisoning set in. was feared the hand might have to be amputated, but after two wesks treatment, the injury healed.. C. Herbert Walling of Keyport, formerly principal of the Oceanic school, was a successful collector of autographs, of funeu* man., His collection excels ef 300 signatures. Th* girls of th* Atlantic Highlands high school organise! baseball teams, and claimed they could' play as good as an»4n«w boy*: Th* player* were.qladys Han, Josephine Welt*, Catherine Heavy, Sarah Tompklns, Hattl Morris, Helen and Elisabeth Van Mater, Mabel Mount. Haute Martin and Gladys Leonard. The residents of the eastern part of th* township of Shrewsbury, wen attempting to hav* that district ef the township set off as Rumson borough, and a public masting was held at the Oceanic school nous*. Frotnin' ent In the movement wen Frank McMahon, William H. Plersall, James Enright, Jr, John Hmtlemann. Dr. Walter 8. Whltmore, James E. Bogle, Dalton Parmly, James P. Bruce, William Mean and Victor A. Lsgler. Madeline Frak*. daughter of AIvln FrsJce of Shrewsbury ave., celebrated her birthday with a party. Her guests wen Gertrude and Verm Dowllng, Ella and Eva Scott, Sarah Adcoek, Myrtle Denise, Pearl Warden. Amelia McDsrmott, PlereBC* Beekman, Frances Warwick, Rath Bennett, Olive Lewis, RuaseU Oarrity, Roy MUlward, Herbert Frak*, Oract Scott, Mrs. Ebsn Scott and Mrs. Frank Cooper. The Red Bank, barbers agreed among themselves, to keep their (hops dosed all day Sunday, and to close their snips at I o'clock every night except Saturday, whan th* shops would remain open to 12 o'clock. At th* annual campflr* of Arrowsmlth Post, O.A.R., the «th anniversary of the poet was observed. The principal addnss was made by put Commander Charles B. Parsons. Ths offlcen installed for th* ensuing year were: Commander, John 8. Balnton, Sr.; Senior Vice Commander, Charles A. Smith, Jr.; Junior Vice Commandir, William L Stilwell: Quartermaster, Daniel A Durham; Chaplain, Rev. Charles B. Hill; Adjutant, John W. Chandler, and Burgeon, Charles Curtis, The appointed officers were James H. Sickles, Charts* P. Worthlay, William Nolan and Thomas Carman. R. 8tanley Matthews of Atlantic Highlands, druggist and councilman of that borough, died suddenly. was only a week previous to his death that he was elected president of the borough council. Ha was yaan old and he left a widow and four children. Carts were out for the coming marriage of Miss Addle Fielder, daughter of John H. Fielder, and Charles Cross, son of William Cross, both of Fair Haven. The ceremony was to take place at Miss Fielder'! home with Rev. Robert MacK«llar, rector of the Episcopal church, officiating. Mn. Elizabeth A. Worthley, wife of Charles P. Worthley of Fair Haven, died of paralysis. She was the daughter of tha late Charles Doughty of that place, waa M years eld, and was the first of 11 children to pass away. Charles A. Kahl* of Branch»ve MhlMtert 11 nf his hunt poultry at th* New York (how, winning ten prizes, five firsts, three seconds, on* third and on* fourth, besides several special prices, Mr, Kahle claimed to have the finest fowls of their breed In the country. Edmund Wilson became a mambar of th* law firm of Vr*denfyrgh, Badle Wall of Jarsey City. Mr. Wilson retained his individual offices in Red Bank, and planned to eontinu* to live here. James Locb of New York, sold his summer residence at Shrewsbury to L. L. White, who lived with his father-in-law, W. 8. Fanshaw of that place. Ths farm consisted of 20 acres, and the sal* price waa said to have been In the neighborhod of $10,080. The house on the place was built in 183*. Five applicants took the examination for the position of rural mail carrier at Eatontown. Th* appointment was to bo msjie ths latter part ef th* month. Ths contestants were R. F. Hopper, George Van Wlnckle, Joseph Winning, Asher L. Tilton and Wtlliam ~7. Wilson.. ' Mr. and Mr*. Crawford of Colt's Nock, entertained» ueate on th* sec salsa, of their»th wadding aaahranary. Tweaty-FlT* Tear* Ago. Augustus M. Mlnton and Barry Angel*) wen warn I* an councilman for another term In the borough of Fair Have*. Seely B. Tuthlll was oucted president of th* council. A reduction of at least 110,0110 was made In the amount to bs raised by taxation in th* borough ef Highlands. meant a reduction of 110 per luxi* in their tax bills. Mon than 10,500, either fallsd to return Christmas s*a)s or to pay for them. Th* Christmas seal committee reported that returns wen short $6,000, All the officials In Atlantic township for lttt wsr* ths same as!n HS1. Th* township officers wsn tiios* who' approved of Improving tht road from th* Phalanx bridge to Vanderburg. Th* Register made a thorough survey of th* retail trading area of Red Bank. showed a total population of»,«27. was estimated the trading population ef ts.vti persons.. For the ssconfl successive year, Shrewsbury township would not collect any taxes for township purposes according to John P. ifumhlll. the township auditor. Miss Eleanor TUton, superintendent of Rlvervlew hospital, wi the principal speaker at a meeting of the Fair Haven auxiliary. Seven new members were taken In. They were Mrs. Russell Hendrickaon, Mn. Ambrose Matthews, Mrs. Walter B. Cornier, Mn. Edward J. Rlelly, Mm Cart ehwenker, Mrs. William Bruyer* and Mrs. Theodore Oetxl&r. ' Joseph Imlay of Chestnut st., began his 31st year as a member of the Red Bank polio* force. Mr. Imlay's record as a polleeman was that of never having had any charges made against him. He faithfully performed every duty. Although he was 60 years of age, he looked much younger. Theron McCampbell of Holmsal, who had devoted much study to taxation problems, waa mad* a member of the JeaWtJuje's tax- Woneommittee..*.~^*<*. The old Brown's Deck schoolhouse, near Naveelnk, wa* totally destroyed by fire. 14 we* a onestory frame building and had not been as** aa a, schoolhouse for many alrear. was last occulted by Samuel Tttua, John Tetland sold his coal business en Railroad ave. to William Leddy 4k Son. The. sal* Include! all etock on hand, bondings, proparty, and good will, but the new flrm did not asstunt any of th* book accounts. Henry Ochwelesr,;.a former councilman of Keanshurg, bought th* meat market susasss formerly conducted by Al: Wjrmbs on Monmouth it. Mr. Sehweiier had been In I the meat business many years, principally In Keansburg. Mrs. Ellen KcDonough of Holmdel, daughter of Patrick McDonough, died at her horn* at the age of 81 yean, Mrs. Sarah Bllsab*th>Ely, widow of William C. Ely of Holmdel. died at her home from the effects of pneumonia, complicated with other ailments. She had just passed her 10th birthday. She was survived by three eons, Charles 8. and Daniel S. Ely of Holmdel, and William Ely; of Cleveland, O. Theodore D. Parsons was master of ceremonies at *> dinner meeting at th* Globe hotel at which the Red Bank high school football team wen guests. Memben of the team present wen Charles Blair. William Bottagaro, Leo Cloth, Millard Aumack, Waiter Bruyere, James Worden, Frank Mana, Alfred Plcone, Harry Gage and Joseph Rosall. > Seventy-five persons attended a dinner party at Red Man's hall, Rumson. in celebration of the third wedding; anniversary of Mr. and Mn. John Brenner. During the evening the fin company quartet, consisting of James Duryea, George Rlgney, Beth Johnson and Walter Hartman, rendered selections. Miss Blanch* Ma* Adams of Bsltord and Robert Bennett of Hillside, near Atlantic Highlands, wsn married at th* BsUord Methodist parsonage by Rev. John J. Messier. They wen attended by Miss Anna Bailey of Belf ord and Grover Williams of Atlantic Highlands. Following a wedding trip to Massachusetts, the couple started housekeeping at Hillside. A largely attended card party was held at tha Independent fir* house at Belford to raise money for shoes for th* poor. The footwear waa distributed by the township nursei connected with the Hartshorne Memorial Health Center, Campbell's Junction, Mn. Charles Ellert of Minnasink Park and her sister, Mrs. Leroy Carlln, entertained at a bridge party at the Ellert home for Mrs. Sydney Gray of Foxwood Park, who recently returned from abroad. Prlxes Wsre won by Mrs, Carl Clark of Red Bank, Mrs. Harry Clay of Fair Haven, and Mrs. John Tetford of Aabury Park. PAPBR DRIVE SONDAY The Relief Engine company of the Red Bank fir* department will conduct a scrap paper drive Sunday beginning at 9:80 a. m, Joseph Cleary, chairman of the company' i wayi and meani committee, which ii In charge of the drive, has asked all borough residents having paper to be collected to bundle and place it on their front porcheji or lawns. 1

7 Arrange Women's Program For Farmers Week at Trenton TRENTON Lectures and demonstrations oil a wide range of subject* from glamorous gems to do-it-yourself financial Investment* will keep the women of agriculture ccupiwl while the men are biuy at more than 40 farm commodity meeting! of New Jerwy Fanners W«*k In Trenton, Jan. 21-2«. Btgtnning at a. m. Wedneaday, Jan. 23, in the ballroom of Hotel Stacy-Trent, the women will be greeted by MM. Lawrence IV* Been "Quality" Bine* 1933 Joseph Wildanger Co. CHI TIBE TBUIMO Bad Baah MM1 PJ Ns>lsy»...jj»tj»js.s*i *B Net ff**v*ta*s lut ** >,*»*» mew*. Broomell, Woodstown, and Miss Elliabeth Graddy of the New Jersey Home economics extension service, Rutgers unlvenity. Miss Jean F. Judge will present "Alice in Dairyland," a moving picture in ~»hue* production she collaborated with other members of the Rutgers staff. How to enhance the beauty of the home with foliage plant* will be shown by Hiss Gena Thames and Malcolm B. Harrison, Rutgers specialists in home furnishings and floriculture, respectively, the former as an artirt, the Utter from the cultural standpoint Replicas of famous Jewels, Including the Kohlnoor and Hop* diamonds, will be displayed to illustrate the lecture "Geme *f Romance" by Mrs. lfar}orle A. Stokes, Elizabeth, public relations supervisor of New Jersey Bell Telephone company. "American Women Historical and Hysterical" will be a Wednesday afternoon presentation by Marl* Shepherd, concert comedienne of Maplewood. Her repertoire begins with Pocohantas and races with changes of costumes and personalities through famous feminine identities. A feminine vice president ot the New York city advertising agency of Batten, Barton, Duratine and Osborn, Inc., Mrs. Jean W. Rindlaub, will take the audience behind the scenes of advertising writing. Mrs. D. W. Gatwood Parlin, president of the New Jersey Home Economics extension advisory council, will be in charge of the meeting. Earlier In Farmers Week, "Investments for Women," will be the theme ot the meeting of the Home Agents Association of New Jersey, of which Mrs. Carolyn F. Yuknus, Elizabeth, is president. The lecture will be given by Dr. Bruce H. French, Princeton chairman of the Rutgers university department of economics, following luncheon Monday, Jan. 31, at the Hotel Hildebrecht. TO CONTINUE STUDIES CAZENOVIA, N. Y. Miss Elvira X. BchUdgc, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Adam T, Schildge of Mountain Hill rd., Middletown, has been accepted for admission In September to Oazenovia Junior college. She is a candidate for graduation in June from the Westover school at Mlddlsbury, Conn. rvwr EXTMIDCO ALUMHUM 3 FULL TRACKS MUY IXTRUDID AUMUNUM ONE INCH THICK! STORM tsattui HI MT minim*- nwti IsctasH Ml. Call or vwt rkfc em ew Bnuwk Bnuws SMiaK suiast rout ynri A Moo* Mesdhr Miller Mmer Mm wtl witl minn mumms «* --" '". at i_. rm. «. h«m. *t_ No omuatlml _»....i a «-rt Mill at led P MM P^ oictri * Maple*. * * ^^ "" RKd Bank e-sml m IrsifW Mm. Ill Wtjltw it, Quito IM. TUntiy. Cltartir HIM His Newsstand Is International The Method!* Outlook, the official publication of the Redstate and federal agencies and a Long Branch contracting busi- Advertising agencies, law Arms, Bank Methodist church, In itsadvertisers of all kind* are th* ness, has been named ehairman January issue, has an interesting steadiest customer! of backnumber newspapers. Occasionally the 1*ST cancer driv* in Mon- of the special gifts division jf article about Arthur Hotaltng of Little Stiver, an active member someone will come In and buy mouth county. of the church, about his lutwt up a whole year's supply of a unusual occupation and we re-newspapeprint it her* giving credit to The a cystem to beat the horses. to use in working out Outlook and with Mr. Hotallng's There are no Soviet or Iron permission. Curtain countries represented on 'What's His Line?' the nek*. 'There Is no demand The out-of-town and foreign for them," Hauling explain!. newsstands on Times Square, N. "Wherever there Is a government controlled press, there Y., long a landmark of the area is and a bit of home for the million* of tourists 'who come to country. When Hitler and Mus- no oil for newspapers of that New York every year, are ex-solinpanding to accommodate the in-of German and alian newspa- cam* to power our Mies creasing number of people who pers dropped off to nothing. want news of horn* and abroad. Amid a rapidly developing section of mldtown New York, "Hotallng's" recently opened up an additional modernistic new stor* at 50th and Park ave., featuring newspapers from over 45 foreign countries (including every single county of Ireland) and 800 newspapers from 400 American citias representing every state In the Union. Arttar HotaUng In addition there are magazine* from several foreign countries and a selected llet of French, Spanish, and German novels. A file of back numbers of newspapers U also available. "Hotaling's" la our own Art The Howell township papet printed a human Interest story HotaJIng's line of work. Of theand editorial on tuberculosis. many different and interesting Rochell E. Stultzaft I* editor-inchief and Mrs. Alma Donahay occupations of our church members, this la one of the most unusual. faculty advisers. and Mrs. Georglanna Harkle are "Sine* the war," says Art, "there has been a rapid increase Judge* for th* project were Dr. in demand for foreign newspapers and magazines. George McDonnell, medical director of Allenwood Tuberculosis hospital; Dr. Kenneth Strelblg, "Much of this Increase results dean of administration at Monmouth college and Fritz deary, from war brides, refugees, United Nations official*, European tourists who are coming over here Press. school editor of th* Asbury Park in greater numbers and American tourists who want to get familiar with the language* of the countries they are going to visit. When they come back, they usually like to read the papers they became accustomed to while abroad. "Then again, there are a great many more foreign businessmen who are coming to New York. And with the increase In tourism, there are th* N*w Yorkers who buy foreign newspapers to mak* visiting relative* feel at horn*. We still bay* th* steady stream of alian waiter* and ship hand* and th* Irish cops and subway guard* buying Irish county newspapers." Best sellers among th* foreign newspapers are News of the World, London Times, Daily Telegraph and the Manchester Guardian. "Paris Match" tops th* foreign magazine Held. Newspaper* from England,'France, aly and Israel are flown In. So too are the Chicago Tribune and th* Los Angeles Times, arriving on the day of Issue. Th* business was founded In 1904 when the late Arthur Hotaling saw how people bought more home-town newspaper* than souvenir* at the St. Louis Fair. Th* newmtand which is now owned and operated by his two sons, William and Arthur, rapidly became a focal point in th* city. But from another aspect it pro. Tides an insight into the human stream of New York that few business ttabliahment* do. Any kind ot disaster, a ftr* or a flood, will bring hundred* of people to the stand looking for newspaper* of th* affected city. With the World Series on, outof-town fans don't seem to be content with accounts In th* New York newspapers. They want to se* what their favorite home-town cportswrium think about the game. During (lection year th* pollsters and politician* are avid buyer* of out-of-town newspapers to keep up no gras* mote sentiment. Th* out-of-town opening of a Broadway-bound stag* show will result In a demand from theatsr critic*, when, stage hand* and ticket agencies wanting to know what sort of a reception it received. During th* New York n*w*pap*r strlks ot 1954, Hotel- Ing's Time* Squar* stand was swamped with customer*, so > *»» tfcat ** 4*r * %U to hut lawn for a couple of boars until more papers came In. The new* New Yorkers wanted most stock market and sports results. With the war over and a free preas again, these newspaper! are once again good sellers." Honor Three School Papers Three Monmoutn county school newspapers have b*en selected to compete In state and national school press project*, conducted by th* New Jersey and National Tuberculosis association! and th* Columbia University Scholastic Press association. Winners of the Monmouth county tuberculosis committee's school press project ere the Buccaneer of Red Bank high school, the/ Spirit of Freehold regional high school and the Howell Clipper of Howell township elementary school, Farming-dale. The three papers will receive prizes of $10 each, awarded by th* tuberculosis commute* of the Monmouth County Organization for Social Service. Stephen Crc.u awards will be presented to state winners and certificate* of merit will go to national winners, The Red Bank high school paper printed an editorial entitled, "No One Is Safe." Margretta Reed and Miriam Segall are editors-in-chief and Burnet Henyon is faculty adviser. A cartoon, crossword puzzle, two article* on tuberculosis and on* on career* In health constituted the Freehold regional entry. David Breazeale heads the staff and R. E. Sherataky and Jules E. Blench are faculty advisers. Th* population of th* world Is Increasing by about 40 million a year. ** * * * * * l YOUR DOLLARS WORK HARDER HERE..became our CURRENT DIVIDEND ' isif PER ANNUM SAVE bythe of the imarineview from the 1st of Ike MONTH Acctuiui imurti ifp ilojooo. S A V I N O S *LOAN ASSOCIATION ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, NEW JERSEY "Whtn your tavings grow faster" Procter to Head Phase of Drive Thomas Procter, proprietor of W. Daniel Williams, vie* president of N*w Jersey Natural Gas Co., Asbury Park, and county driv* ehairman, announced the appointment The driv* will be staged during April. Mr. Procter lives at 100 Windermere ave., Intertaken. He has been active In county charitable organisation* for a number of year*. H* will head a committee which wilt spearhead that phase of the drive for funds to provide ore for needy cancer patients in Monmouth county. During the last year more than 11,500 In nursing care, home care and medications was dispensed I monthly to worthy cases by the Monmouth County chapter of the American Cancer society. s headquarters are In the Allenhurst borough home. Driver Fined, Loses License FAIR HAVEN P. J. Feldmai of Rumson rd., Rumson, charged with reckless driving, was fined $15 and had his driving license revoked for (0 days by Magistrate John V. Crowell in traffic court here Thursday. Also fined in traffic court were Gerald F. Fath, North Long Branch, allowing an unlicensed driver, a juvenile, to operate a motor vehicle, $50; O. P. Col man, Neptune, speeding, $15, and J. V. Leftwlch, 1M Grange ave., Fair Haven, earless driving $7, John F, Clancy of Stokes St., Freehold, charged with disorderly conduct on River rd., here wu fined ISO, but sentence was suspended. Peter Dalton. TO Oak pi., Fair Haven, was fined $8 for permitting his dog to run at large. was his third offense. Fined $3 each for permitting their dogs to run at large were David Woodward, Harding rd., Little Silver; George Horr, (3 Hance dr.; Henry Barron. 114 Grange ave., and Charles Howard, Clay it., all of Fair Haven. When In doubt about how to sell unwanted household goods solve jrour prablen with The Raslsttr's elswiaxi 4s. AOertlsemmt. ED HANK REGISTER Thursday. Jan. 10. l«7- f For Pleasant Dining at ModeraU Priem v'uit Pleasant Valley Inn's Restaurant Cocktail Lounge Luncheon*. Dinnen Private Dining Room for Partiet Banquet* Corner Highway 34 and 520 Holmdel Whitney MOWfNUtfM M»J0y *W /MNM, PRACTICAL tvftental NURSE Wtsae, Ifto >, at* m st>w, an M M * tij m D.ntii Nur.lnj radical Nutring HKMMIa fcmm W rtactkal MMHW "Nuralnf," «111, K«4 «*, New Ut r How going at PJaStSr. HAND-DETAILED PARK LANE TWO TROUSER SUITS PRICE-SLASHED TO ALL OUR STYLE MANOR TWO TROUSER SUITS NOW PRICE-SLASHED TO ALL ROCHESTER TAILORED 1 STYLE MANOR TOPCOATS k NOW PRICE-SLASHED TO ENTIRE STOCK MEN'S SUITS AND COATS Now get all the clothes you want and save a bundle! Everything goes in this big blast. We're loaded! October-to-December heat did it! SELL FAST-that's the order. So you get our best pickings of all time. Don't wait! Such a good thing can't last long! NO CHAM! FOR ANY ALTERATIONS 3 MONTHS TO PAY with no down payment EXCLUSIVE WITH THE QUALITY SHOP TEL RE SHOP FRIDAY TILL 900 P. M. 65 IROAD ST. 1 i-r

8 flbnltjr, fan. 10, W57 Air Force Seeks School Personnel MCW TORK City-Qualified toaentr* and school administrators far elementary, junior high ad hlfta school* are belnt sought by th» Air Forc«ererseu r«ruit- MOt branch, 11 East 16th ft. Joba win b* at dependents' school* in Europe, North Africa, Far Bast, Axorca, Philippines, Oreenland, Iceland and Saudi Ara- Ma. Th» student* an children of RED BANK REGISTER American military and civilian personnel. The duty tour is 12 months with salaries ranging from 14,525 to H,S90. Round trip transportation ia provided ai well as living quarters or housing allowances, and foreign pay differentials where applicable. Requirements include American citizenship, a minimum nf two years' teaching experience and age limits ot 23 to 40 for women and 23 to 50 for men. No problem (Iodine tanant* when you BdvartiM Th«VUtittmt war Adv«rtiMnt. Ettabiuhed a Quarter o) a Century "STGLASS FOR YOUR HOME? CALL RED BANK AIL WORK GUARANTEED W«Carry a Complete Line of WINDOW «uss run *HASS MAMD AUTO LASS MIRRORS WJM TOPS POR DISKS AND PUtNITUM MIUORS MSILVMD JAIOUJJIS AUTO GLASS INSTALLED WH1LE-U-WAIT MORRIS PLATE GLASS CO. 10 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK OUI ONLY PIACI Of NIMH. A Cant**. *f Tweeds, Blacks. Solids «*) By 1» hi Rwry Re* 3t.M Grant Patent To H. T. Friis WASHINGTON, D. C Harold T. Frils of Rumaon, N. J., ta tht recipient of a U. B. patent, entitled "Transmitting And Receiving; Circuits For Wave Transmission Systems." This invention pertaina to Impruvementa in electronic apparitus for locating an object and measuring the distance to it. Such a system is known aa "radar," and s operation is bated upon the principle that ultra-high frequency radio wavea travel at a definite peed and are reflected from object* that they encounter. The outgoing wave* are transmitted In plusea from a generator to an antenna from which they are radiated through apace. These wavt pulsea are reflected from an object that they atrike and are picked up by a receiver associated with the antenna. The elapaed time between the emission of each transmitted wave pulse and the arrival of the corresponding return pula* at the observation point la deter mined by suitable device* and provide* the desired measure of the distance to the object Mr. Frila' invention may parhap* be beat described by lilting some of the advantages attributed to K uid then ching briefly the method by which h* achieves uch ends. Thus, it Insures that the receiver in the system I* protected from the neceasarlly high voltage* of the outgoing pulse* or signal wavea. alao Insures that the atenuatlen of the tranimlaslon path between the pulse* generator and the antenna I* low during transmitting period*. In addition, it provide* that the Incoming pulaes or signal wave* arc transmitted to the receiver with minimum low during receiving period*. Mr. Frila accomplishes the** desirable aim* by a simple and compact arrangement for connecting th* outgoing generator and tha Incoming pulse or signal wave receiver to tha antenna. In other word*, the design la (uch that tht receiver I* disconnected from tht antenna during each transmitting Interval and I* reconnected to at tht and of inch period and maintained so connected during tha ucceedlng pulse or llgntl rtctlv- Ing interval. This patent ha* been assigned to Bell Telephone laboratories Inc. Wkea la doubt akevt kew te Mi awant** houmkol* (oof's, eotn row oroklun with The Beglster's elsmlle* a«s. Aanrtlssmat. LOANS M Watch**, 4* BAIL'S - «* " A ttruu ON RRY MMONftMTIM AT TNI *I«N«L CORFt tcnci CINTfR- FORT MOKMOUTH-tleutCoI. Leo V. Merle. Jr.. chief of the loaisties divialoa at th* Signal Corp* Engineering laboratories, la probably Baa Francisco'* greate*t booster outside it* own Chamber of Commerce, but Mbnmouth County, N. J., get* the No. 3 pot in hi* heart. LI*** Cot lee T. Marie, it. CoL Mtrle, born la th* Pacific Coast matropolla, (rsw up and went to school there, acquired hi* tast* for Bn* foods there, met and married his wife, Virginia, there, and played there as a movie "extra" with *ueh Hollywood star* aa Myrna Loy, Warner Baxter, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and others. That was when th* colon*! was a teenager. Dining at San Francisco's famous restaurants gave the colonel his love for line foods, and be has been "chef-ing" a* a hobby aver *lne*. HI* "ptece-do-reilstanct- it veal scalloplnl, but he can do anything with an egg that ha* ever been tried on atove or rang*. H* does hi* acalloplnl this way: Pound* squares of veal to tenderness "beyond compart, powders them with Parmeslan cheese, browns them In olive oil (with a dash of garlic), dropa In a bouillon cube or two, eovera pot and lets contents simmer, finally adding a cup of Vln Rose. He would like to have some sour dough French bread to go with the scallopinl, but can't get it around these parts. He first grew to love the bread in San Francisco. In France 's known as "the poor man's bread," usually found along the left bank of Perl*. Th* Marl** live on th* post. Their three boy*, Leo, 18; John 10 and Junes, T, go to school In Monmouth county. Leo is a freshman at Monmouth college; John attends Memorial school, Eatontown, and James goes to Steelman school there. CoL Merle attended the University of Oregon, and worked for tha Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company flve yean; did some selling of real estat*, and JANUARY CLEARANCE of Christie* Vretlwr* Winery Nape. Cal. H* saw the Orient by shipping as a eadet aboard the President Madison, visiting Shanghai, Hongkong, Japan, the Philippines and Hawaii. He graduated from the Basic Airborne school at th* agt M, and was divisional signs) officer of th* IM Airborne division at Fort Bragg. Ha hold* the Bronte Star medal with Oak Leaf Hi* great grandfather, Ma). Gen. Patrick Edward Connor, ounded Fort Douglas, Utah. Mrs. Merle had two distinguished uncles, Maj. Gen. James A. Code, who was once deputy chief signal officer, and Adm. Reginald Nicholson. At for Fort Monmouth, Col. Merit says: "'s a wonderful poet with strong tradition and Dm people, both military and civilian. We are very happy here." Blueberry Acreage Show* Big Inereaae TRENTON, N. J. Blueberry acreage In New Jersey ha* nearly quadrupled In the laat 12 yean, a recently completed survey of the industry reveals. The study was made by the New Jersey Crop reporting service, a co-operative agency of th* New Jersey ani United States Department* of Agriculture. According to Gordon O. Butler, agricultural statistician, th* blueberry Industry now rank* dose to applet and peaehea in value as on* of tht three most important fruit enterprises In the state. A total of»,au acre* of blueberries was grown In New Jeney in UM. In 1M4, the year the last survey was made, only 1,6(4 acres were grown. During the same 12- year period, the number of growers has Increased more than three tunes from IM to IMS. Burlington county leads the state In blueberry production with 1,0(0 acret or more than one-half of th* total In MM. Atlantic county rank* second with 1,(20 acres. Together these two counties account for 90 per cent of New Jersey** blueberry Industry. Acid oil* containing a high proportion of organic matter, which predominate In certain sections of these counties, make Ideal condition! for growing this Increasingly Im portant fruit crop. Agricultural Group SeU Meeting Date TRENTON Th* new Jersey Agricultural society will hold its annual meeting at Trenton, May 15, according to an announcement from Lester Collins of Moore*- town, president Th* society Is the oldest farm organisation In the United States, having celebrated s ITSth anniversary laat year. In co-operation with the State Department of Agriculture and tha State Agricultural extension service, the society wtll sponsor New Jersey Farmer* Week Jan , when 40 farm organisations (tag* educational meetings in Trenton. Dollar 1* a word which came from "thaler," a town known a* Thai in Bohemia. A legitimate coin made In that town was the origin of the "dollar." The first us* of the word was about IMS. MJUKNOWTZ AM farm of Ufa Casualty. Rre IN BIT** BeV Bed Baak, M. J. V W A RomUer Boat rtsiitfl fwol cmtal Get Rambler that set the eoaat-to-eout MIES PER neord, 32 mile* per gallon with overdrive. Pay the lowtat priee. GALLON CM highest male value. B«mart. Switeh to Rambler, V-8 or 6. CsilsCsiH MAICM Um4 La FrediHish Sales i Service Amtrimm I M m Jfesss «_*<»/» 4a 117 MiaamHi If. M leak IroavJ ft. TO START YOUR Red Baak Huds«, he CHRISTMAS CLUB! I9S7 Christmas Club and have the necessary funds to get a gift for everyone on your Christines list next Christmas. Come NO ENTRANCE FEES MO SERVICE CHABGE8 NO EXTRAS-.-. ERCHMTS there's still time.. ICEHBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HDIANK PAIR HAVIN Classified Display Pays Dividends MAPLE BEDROOM Luxurious TwMdSs Luscious Postal Wool CninchilMS *39 Rtfj. 4f.»S THREE MAJOR PIECES NEW ENGLAND SOLID ROCK MAPLE, Car Coats I all wool flooeo or tweed nd c r i «p poplin with quilted plaid or alpaca linings, doublo broaitod with togglt closings. 20 to 40% off it $4.98 -*t E.1V,. nvif ni a *vi*i UJMVN Mbik Trimmed Coon H Pavllkt $ 59 Rta. 71S0 THIS LOW PtlCI INAILB YOU TO HAW THI NMOOM Of YOUR CHOICI RI9HT NOW. Tou must com* In and tea tha qualltj Regularly $249 'center Guided end Dust Proof Construction. STOREWIDE CLEARANCES OF DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR 24 Broad St. Red Bank Your visit to our store will surprise and delight you... there ara many sprnals! 1 Highway 35 IMIDDLETOWN fkom HI c

9 Hawking, Jacobson Again Head Heart Fund Drive UOMO MUUVCtl Her the second consacirtrr* year, Mayer John H. Hawkins at Shrewsbury ind Robert Jacobeon of Ruason, U amateur golf chametoa, rill b«co-chairmen of Moanouth county's annual Heart fund Irlve, Dr. William J. Koch, preellent of the Monmouth county Heart association, announced to- Jay. Dr. Koch uld Mayor IJawWn* Hid Mr. Jacobaon did auch an outstanding job In heading the Sxlve whkh raiaed a record mount laat year that tha board ot directors of tha aaanetahan voted unanimovety to nqaeat hem to direct the 1967 drive." He aaid both men accepted readily. The Monmouth County Heart association, a chapter of the Americai) Heart aaaociauon, will conduct IU annual fund-raising drive from Tab. l-». Tha camp t n will reach a peak oik Heart Sunday, Fab. 14, with a door-todoor collection conducted by hundred! of local Heart fund volunteer*. l**t yaar, stifhtly more than 140,000 waa collected for tha Heart fund la Monmouth county, major portion beta* retained here and la tha etate to mpport local heart program*. Monmouth county ie coneldered a leading center In trie flght against heart aiseaaaa with two recognlitd clinlci at Monmouth Memorial and ntmn hoaphala. Mayor Hawkina and Mr. Jacobeon are both affiliated with Amu that are membeti of the New Tork ' Stock Exchange. Mayor Hawktaa haa served aa vice prertdent and secretary of Ammott, Baker and comany white Mr. Ja- ie a partner in the firm of Benjamin Jacobeon and Sons Recently worn m far hia third term aa mayor of Bhrewebury, Mr. Hawkina haa devoted much of hie time to cirie and charttable work. He ie a past preeino.1 specialist in kmg-dlstance moving ANDERSON BROS. he. OOust I1*S» M««imi«St. M ta* TIL Rl WMMMIHan niwnif tolas M. ilk t of the Had Bank Uona club end. '-<. haa eerred ea international oouneeior of tha Uon*. Mr. Jacobaon laat year (ueeeaafully de- Royal H. Hmtae, principal, has announced that mid4erms will fended the etate amateur golf take place Jan. If, IT, and IS. at 42 Weat at. maioaehlp he won in MM. The testa, prepared by the eubject teachers, will be approxibility for sales, advertising; and He assumed overall responsi- Ria welfare activities include k en the Federation of Jewlah Phllanthropiaa and tha Antimately 75 minute* in length. promotion Jan. 1, according to Tests scheduled for Jan. IS are Defamation league. world history, literature, distributive education. English 1. 2,». John G. Banta, Curvon president. The eo-chalrmen, upon accepting the Md to head the 4; Fitnch 1, 2, I; Spanish 1, 2. drive I; Latin J, J. 3. and bookkeeping; again, atated tha purpoae of thejan. IT, economics, general snath, Is to support the modem living, V. \ History 1 's research, lay and and 2, and Jan. IS, algebra 1 and professional education and com-2munity service program*. general science, Moloajy. physic* plane geometry, trigonometry, Their Joint statement follows: and chemistry. "Wo an arm* to ham been selected to bead the Heart fund drive ssmsjsi wa taiak the haart la the leading New Shrewsbury threat to the nation's health, and deserves the support of ths people of our community and our nation. But equally Important, Is toe health field that the people In this community and In N*W SHREWBBURr The borough potlc* force became a communities throughout the four-man organization last Thurs country, must know more about day night, when the mayor and council conlrmed th«appointment of Patrolman Fred Gam- "The heart diaeaaee accounted for more deaths but year than brant, 27, Organ Grove rd., Wayside. all other causes of death combined. Moreover, one In every M Mr. Garrabrant wa* the success- person* la ths United State* suffere from a heart or cardiovascular ailment. With the stakes so high, each of ua haa the responsibility to serve our Heart association actively as a volunteer, i< possible, and certainly as a con' Bon of Mr. and Mr*. William Banta waa formerly associated trlbutor in the forthcoming drive. C. Garrabrant, Green drove rd., with the General Electric company, Bridgeport, Conn., as ad- the new patrolman attended Ioca "Reaeareh Is the primary wear schools and graduated from Asbury Park high achool in He blanket*, heating pads and vaporvertising specialist for automatic pon In the attack on the heart problem. An average of 40 perentered the Air Force in 1M0 and, izers. Previously, he held various cent of all fund* raised by Heart after basic training, waa atatloned marketing positions for General associations throughout tbs coun- at Denver, Colo. Electric In Syracuse, Fort Wayne try hurt year waa to and Schenectady. scientists and scientmio i rerch. He recalls that he formed part during the Korean conflict and Guard for Ik* He waa recalled to active duty In addition, Mayor Hawkina of th* military guard when Preel served overaeaa aa a combat engineer company commander. Die- and Mr. Jaeobaon pointed out. dent and Mrs, Elsenhower visited the Monmouth County Heart aaaociamon waa given a $5,000 grant to Lehigh university to complete there. Before leaving service, Mr. charged aa a captain, he returned Oarrabrant bald tha rank of staff by tha atate aaaociatlon to carry hia education and wa* graduated, s e r g e a n t...,..': out reaeareh on a mechanical a member of Phi Beta Kappa, in New Shrewsbury formed Hi heart being conatructed by the June, regular police departaaoat in IMS county group at Monmouth Me- with ths Mrlag af Jit. James In October of laat year, Mr. morial hospital's heart clinic. The money retained in the county la spent to provide druga, nuralng care, dlagnaaea, hoapttal beda and other needa for patienta who cannot afford to pay for them. Church School Building Readied KEYPORT The planning committee of the commission on education ot St Jdhn'e Methodlit church ia making arrangement! to transfer the church achool from lta pnaent quarters to the ctw building on Florence ave. Church achool will be conducted on a tbree-aeaaion baala beginning Feb. 1. Nursery, primary and grammar achool age group* will meet at *:80 and 11 a. m. Sundays. The high achool and adult department! will have evening seaalona. The new aehedule will make possible a more effective program of Chriatlan education, oaurck leader* aaid.... ThiWoraen's Society of Chrlawiu have lta meeting of thi new year Tuaaday night 7 ov. Jfonaan R, Rilay, paator, win discuss "Tha Church at Work.' He will outline church accomplishments of recent yean and deacrlbe future plana. Omcera of varloua church organisertlona will attend the meeting. Member! of the aenlor youth fellowship made their annual trip to New Tork laat week In tha church-owned bua. Cathedrala and other placet of Interest were vietted. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Keldlngar, counaellora, ware chaperon**..' Mr* to aanrtlsa In Tha leg'stw. Wei LI Never StadVaU Prepare for The nearly 1,000 students of Red Bask high school Kill start busy period of preparing for mid-term examination* this week- Adds Policeman ful candidate among several whs took examination* recently eon' ducted by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police His starting pay is U,W0 a year. Herring, last year, A built the department up by hiring patrolman Robert Cartrlght and putting Special Officer William Brown, Jr., on full-time duty. Mr. Brown's age barred him from appoln ment to the regular force, state law setting a lower age limit. Patrolman Garrabrant, husband of the former Marlene Johnaon o Sallna, Kan*., told newsmen that he plans to build a new home on Hope rd. See* Early Change Mayor J. Lester Rlgby, who serves as temporary police chief, told newamen Thursday that he hope* to place the department fully In police hand* as aeon as Mslb:-;, "perhaps this year.'* State law haa that where there ia no chief, the mayor shall hold that office. also rules that a police officer must have been employed by hli municipality two year* before he can be appointed chief. Under theae rules, Bgt. Herring could be eligible for iuch appointment next summer, was explained. To Perfarni Stabat Mater Tfas 'Monmouth Civic choru and Metropolitan opera tenor Howard Jarratt will present Antonin Dvorak's religious cantata, hybrid varieties. "Stabat Mater" Jan. SO, In the The ISM corn-growing ' champion, E. Gilbert Taylor of Chea- Long Branch senior high school auditorium. ter,, attained hia record The performance will begin at bushels per acre, using New Jersey No.» hybrid corn. Clifford»:J0 p. m. WBBun Gordon Pagdm will direct the chorus and a profes- place winner in the E. Snyder of Plttatown, second 100-Buahel sional symphony orchestra, of 84 pieces. ''. Mr. Jarratt performed with tjv chorus in their earlier presentation of Mendelssohn'* "Elijah.' He haa aung ths leading role in the Metropolitan opera road company production of "Der Fiedennaus," and had the lead ta the production of "My Darling Aids," Of bis singing, ths critic of Muatea! America said, "Mr. Jarratt sang his arias with notable Ichateai skill. Wa oratorio skating wholly in great jnsaner." Ths New Tork Tims* musk crimes wrote. "Mr. Jarratt, haa a voice of fine natural qasttty and, in the noar future, he May beeome one of the greatest tenor* in ths land." Mr. Jarratt has bean soloist wkh many leading orchestras and symphony groups and sang torto* with Bethlehem choir and ths New Tork Oratorio society. '. Hurricane* affect a larger street but tornacaws are the nftst 4es> tractive of sb storms. Banta Heads Curvon Sales Robert H. Banta haa beea appointed sales manager of tha Curvon corporation, manufacturers af pram robe*, carriage seta and crib blanket*, with headquarters Bebert H. Banta Banta.married the former Mlas Norrna C. Zawadikl of Belmar. They are living at M Salem la., tattle Silver. Com Crop Tops All Records TRENTON-New Jersey's field corn crop broke all records In IBM with a 61-buahel per acre average yield which boosted total production to more than twice the previous year's figure. According to the New Jersey Crop reporting sen-ice, the per acre yield la the highest ever recorded in the state. compares with a national average for MM of 45 bushels per acre. In all. New Jersey farmers produced 12,033,000 bushel* of corn during the peat aeaaon on planting* totaling 188,000 acre*. The 1955 crop of 5,454,000 bushels waa produced on 202,000 acre*. Good growing weather was one ot the most important factors behind the record-breaking IMS corn crop. Favorable weather, however. was not the only reason for reeorda made by Individual New Jersey grower* who topped the high ; atato; average by many biuhele. There la good Indication that these farmera were aided by their use of New Jersey-developed Corn club contest, grew another New Jersey variety, No. 0, and produced bushels per acre. Store For Rent DIAL KM Nswipopcf Imiiwss Located ea ba*y highway near aeveral largo deve*- efaaeajte. TraMe" storo located In unit CsJ IU GET AHEAD WITH A BILL CLEANUP RED BANK REGISTER Thunday, jag. io, EAST ORANCEMILL END SHOPS JANUARY CLEARANCE STORE IC A I C WIDE DALE The Biggest Sale in Our History! 132 YARDS DRAPERY & SLIPCOVER FABRICS SAVE" V2 -! EVERY YARD ON SALE AT LOWEST PRICES! 30" SLIPCOVERS & DRAPERYFABRICS CURTAIN DEPT. CAFE CURTAINS MNM IMCLUDID T 98 Pair FORTISAN VtryfiM 1 59 IfAUHfUL COLORS yd. WITH MITAUIC 1J9, Rtfl Bog )00 YARDS BARK CLOTH 1.25 PRINT and SOLIDS 1 4T 1 wmo-vai f* YARDS FAMOUS MARI BONDED SATEEN Everglaze CHINTZ 100»*tsmi 21 M M C«*sn Vat 69 c 1.49 ANTIQUE SATIN PRINTS 40" WIDE SOME HAND PRINTS 98 1Rog. to 4.95 CUSTOM MADE SLIPCOVERS SOFA& CQ.50 CHAIR DVis. An Seta frrerloeked a «Cushions o Talon Zlppen Inclue>d Tea, moat people never readu that the ui of heat due to Interior atorm windows can be easily. Call ua today to tad oat how eaetly yon can have the sbvlan of retained heat by laatelun the teest eommnatieb aluminum alarm windows oa year beme. ALCOA ALUMINUM IAVU NIL UP TO J0% MU> STOMN* NO DOWN PAYMENT HJMINAm CHANMOVM 3 YIARS TO PAY ATLANTIC GLASS CO. GLASS AMD UlRKOM IM BVIRI I U I TOU CAN BRBAS" 21 MAM AVINUI e»r. Wklts kt 4 Maple Ave. RIB BANM W. RM Mak 4-3I40,Ofw«AM Day SajMnhry H ITUIT to.! «*., H»y.»l (4N) MLSMlSI M. MUtatt » flat ths cash ye* bbk -Tata make only sss payment awntklf {stead el Mveral... ksr* UMTS ass* left over lor your family each saontk, Thouawe* ef people have settsn a rmh Slil, MthetriimllybudfM. in* with a BIH dean. Vp Lean her*, res sense the SMB«1 (ASM M 1 TW» Pheae Btiajf KIAI. tnt... give s Uw simple fa*m... Ihaa com* in by appointment for cask is a Witf/a ttip to the eavel Or, if yen prefer, you s»y writ* at some In for yew loan. You'll And aetting e loan her* a frieaaly matter,.. because Btmricut Met to say "Yet!" whan yea atk lei a ban, Why net phone... unite... or com* ia sew? v^ffw^f* flh VFff^^W H Hvvf Nf yovr I IU C*S*U*MM Am, *MI H....PRaesect S-llH OMN IVIN4MO* IV AlfWNTMiNT *HONI»O» IVIMINO MOUM Um sab M MMWI a] <1 Maarikf ka llww IN. im, M ALL SALES HNAL... NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS MILL END 137-B BROAD ST.. RED BANK OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. NOTE No affiliation with any othar ttorei on tha Janay Shore with similar names. Be lure you are in an East Orange Mill End Shop OTHIR STORU: IAST ORANM MORRISTOWN PAIR LAWN

10 lo-thuwday, Imn. 10, 1957 RED BANK REGISTER George W. Bray, Former Assessor, Died Monday Geerge W. Br«y, 7«, ed Bank uieiior from 1919 until his retirement two years ago, a former member of the Red Bank board of education and former county and state Republican leader, died Monday night at the Westgate nursing home, Eatontown, where he had been a patient a month and a half. Mr. Bray lived at 114 Maple ave., Red Bank. ward of education, Mr. Bray ith Alaton W. Beekman and the ate Fred Brown, also board members, led the opposition In IMS to a proposal to buy the ract at Harding rd. and Spring st. aa the future building site of a new Red Bank high school. A proposal to buy the land later w»s defeated by borough voters. Always active In Republican iffaira, Mr. Bray was former chairman of the county and state Republican committees. A charber and past president id Bank Lions club, he George W. Braj Mr. Bray waa born In Phalanx, on of the late Jamei and Ida Smith Bray and moved to Red Bank a* a boy. For four yeara he worked for the Enaley M. Mor ri* grocery (tore on Broad st. Red Bank, and later opened his own business on East Front at. During the eight years he operated the store, Mr. Bray expanded the business until at one time he operated a fleet of IT trucks. He sold the business to Russell Hendrlckson of Fair Haven and moved to 7 Broad St., where h< opened the Motor Vehicle license bureau. Later Mr. Bray opened an insurance business in conjunction with the bureau. He operated the Insurance business until 1954 when he sold out to his partner, William B. Garrison, Jr. In 1919, Mr. Bray waa appointed Red Bank assessor by the late Mayor Arthur A. Patterson. He held office until his retirement from public life In 1985 winning, every election by substantial majorities. A veteran of two terms on th emb Re [Deaths in Red Bank and Vicinity er m >f the Red Ba Instituted the Lions annual Christmas visit to the State Home for Boye at Jamesturg. He also was a former district governor of the state association of Lioni clubi, a member of the Red Bank Presbyterian church and an exempt member of the Navenink Hook and Ladder company of the Red Bank fire department. As a sportsman, Mr. Bray's interests leaned to sailing in the summer and lceboatlng In the winter. He was a former president of the Monmouth Boat club and a former rice commodore of he North Shrewsbury Ice Boat ind Yacht club. His sailboat Llndy was at one time a frequent prize winner in the 24-foot knockabout class. Of his two class A iceboats, Bncwgoose and Daisy, he latter was among the best n the country and once recorded 11 straight wins. Surviving arc his wife, Maude Applegate Bray; a sister, Mrs. Katherine E. Harrle, Peters place, Red Bank, and a brother, Joseph Bray of Throekmorton ave., a retired Red Bank police captain. The funeral will be held this afternoon at I o'clock at the Worden funeral home with Rev. Charles S. Webster, pastor of the Red Bank Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial will be In Fair View cemetery. Firemen led by Chief Everett Brower held service! last night at the funeral home with Rev. Roger J. Squire, department chaplain, officiating. MBS. ALBEBT 8. WHITE. ML WORCESTER, Mass. Mrs. Christine Spencer White, wife of Albert 8. White, Jr., of this place, died Thursday at her home here. The funeral was held Monday in Worchester. Mrs. White is a former resident of Fair Haven and Shrewsbury, having made her home on 10«West End ave., Shrewsbury, until last August, when the family moved to Massachusetts. She mi a member of the evening department of the Red Bank Woman's club, having served aa its publicity chairman and in several other capacities. She also was a member of the Fair Haven auxiliary of Riverview hospital and the Fair Haven Parent-Teacher association. She was a registered nurse, having graduated from the St Vincent's hospital school of nursing in Worcheeter. Besides her husband, who until his transfer to Worchester d * th tn ^P" 1 Surviving, besides her daugh- r, are a son, John Moore Sum- >w, Jr,, with whom she made ier home in Ocean Grove, and our grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday lorning at the Worden funeral OD19 with Rev. Charles 8. Webter, pastor of the Red Bank 'resbyterian church, officiating, iurial was in Prospect Hill cemeiry, Caldwell, with Rev. Mr. Webster officiating at the committal. til h was employed iri tne was empoy corps engineering laboratories at Fort Monmouth, Mrs. White is survived by a son, Thomas Spencer White, a freshman at Worchester, Maes., high school, and two sisters, Miss Claire Spencer nd Ml** May Spencer, both of Worchester. METZDOBr FUNEBAl RUM8ON The funeral of Charles E. Metxdorf, 61, of 90 Weet Fiver rd., this place, who died New Tears day while visiting friends In the Bronx, was held Friday afternoon at the Worden funeral home with Rev. Jesse W. Stttt, pastor of the Village Presbyterian church, New York city, officiating. Burial was In Fair View cemetery. Bearers were William Muhs, Arthur Erlcson, Joseph Duryea, Benjamin Sutherland, George Fisher and Dennis K. Byrne. Mr. MeUdorf, a resident of Rumaon SO years, li survived only by a brother, William J. MeUdorf, Stamford, Conn. H. Laurence Scott & Son PUNIRAL HO Ml Servieo Surpassing two Kl CHURCH ST. IELFORD, N. J. HIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP Mrs. WaltM B. Van Brack!* MATAWAN Mrs. Mamie M. Van Brackle, «0, wife of Walter B. Van Brackle, S40 Wilson ave., died unexpectedly Wednesday Jen. 2, at home. She was born In New York city and was the daughter of the lau Robert and Rose Baylor Thomas. She had lived In Matawan 20 years and was a m m ber of the Order of Eastern Btar, Blrlus chapter 123, of Matawan. Surviving, besides her husband, are three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Hitman, Snow Hill, Md.; Mrs. Marie DeSlato, Somerville, and Miss Sharon Ann Van Brackle, at home; two brothers, Robert Thomas, South River, and Otto Wessner, Plant City, Fie.; a alater, Mrs. Rose Bchmldt, New York city; four grandchildren, and three great-gandchlldren. The funeral was held Saturday at the Day funeral home, Keyport, with Rev. Albert D. Curry of the Matawan Methodist church officiating. Cremation was In Rose hill crematory> Linden. VANKECBENVVNEBAI. The /uneral of WaRer C. Van- Keuren, 72, of 15 Throekmorton ave., Red Bank, who died Wednesday morning of last week al Riverview hospital, was held Saturday afternoon at the Worden funeral liome with Rev. Carroll M. Burck, rector emeritus of Old Christ Episcopal church, Shrewsbury, officiating. Burial waa In Fair View cemetery. Bearers were Charles L. Blair, Theodore E. Nestler, Herbert T. North, Jr, Marion W Woodruff, Emerson F. YoiUtgei and Samuel Craig. Masonic services were heli Friday night at the funeral home with Eugene Magee as worshipful master and Donald Dukes chaplain. Mr. VanKeuren Is survived by Ms wife, Alice V. Carhart Van- Keuren; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Shaw, California, and two brothen, Benjamin VanKeuren, Eatontown, and Valentin* VanKeuren, Virginia. WILLIAM H. WEBB EATONTOWN William H. Vebb, 78, died Friday night at Ms home, 83 Corlies ave., after a long Illness. Mr. Webb was born in Livlrigiton, England, son of the late arry and Elizabeth Webb, and had been a resident of Eatontown seven years. Prior to his retirement, he was employed as machinist by the New York nd New Haven railroad. Surviving are his wife, Ella Cameron Webb; three sons, Haien Webb, Eatontown; Farrell H. Webb, Manchester, Conn., and Lionel Webb, UntonviUe, Conn.; live daughters, Mrs. Hazel Grant, Watervllle, lit., Mrs. Livinia ournard and Mrs. Thelma Haugh, Manchester, Conn.; Mrs. Ada Novelll, Glastonbury, Conn, and Mrs. Shirley Moule, Amston, Conn.; a sister, Mrs. Amy Howard, Berkeley, C'al., 13 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday it the Braun funeral home with Rev. Alan H. Tongue, rector of St. James Memorial Episcopal church, officiating, Burial was in Woodbine cemetery, Oceanport Worden Funeral Home HARRY C. F. JAMES A. RED BANK ROBERT F. M H FRONT STRUT RID IANK "Over Forty Yam of Dapondabla, Economical Swvica" The Adams Memorial Home Successor to Mount Memorial Homo FUNERAL DIRICTOM 110 N. J. THE fuperbl HOmE Of PERSOnflL SERVICE WILLIAM S. ANDERSON Hudson Ave. Red Bank PHONE RED BANK ROBERT A. BRAUN "HOME FOB rcmebals* One of the country's most modern funeral homes with a complete); homelike atmonphcrr. FfJNEKAL OF MM. HEALT The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Healy, who died last Thursday at her home, 5 Shrewsbury ave., was held Monday morning at St James Catholic church. A solemn high requiem mass was offered by Migr. Emmett A. Monahan, pastor. Burial was in Mt. Olivet cemetery, under the direction of the John E. Day funeral home. Msgr. also officiated at prayers at the cemetery. Bearers were James Kaney, Thomas Welstead, Edward Murphy, Frederick L. Jones, Charles Preston and Harry Jackson, Sr. The Rosary was recited Sunday night at the funeral home by the Altar and Rosary society, of which the deceased was a golden anniversary member; St. James court, Catholic Daughters of America; Knights of Columbus, and the Holy Name, St. Vincent depaul and Ushers societies. Mrs. Healy waa the widow of Thomas Healy. She is survived by a son artd two daughters, Edward T. Healy, Harding rd., and Misses Martina and Ella Healy, living at home. Also surviving are three grandchildren, Edward T. Healy, Jr., Shrewsbury; Mrs. George Zimmerman, Menlo Park Terrace, Metuchen, and Mrs. Albert Vanderhoff, Battle Creek, Mich., and six great grandchildren. KLMORE R. SCOTT Word has been received here of the death Saturday of Elmore R Scott of 107 Wilkinson ave., Jersey City. He was a former Red Bank resident and was employed for many yeajs by Wilfred Mullln of Lincroft, former owner of Meadow View farm, Holmdel. Mr. Scott had moved to Jersey City three years ago. He belonged to Friendship lodge No. 44, F. * A. M., Jersey City. Mr. Scott is survived by his wife, Helen M. Scott of Jersey City; four sisters, Betty French of Hartford, Conn., and Lucy Jackson, Laura Taylor and Mahalia Harris, all of Powhatan, Va.; four brothers, John W. Scott WALTEH J. SCHERMOND Walter J. Schermond, husband of Mrs. Helen C. D, Schermond of 48 Fifth ave., Highlands, died at hi* home yesterday morning. He was born in Hoboken, son of the late Mr. and Mri. Frederick Schermond. Mr. Schermond had lived In this area nine years. He was a dockmaster for 32 years at Federal Shipping and Drydock, Kearny. More recently, he was employed by Alexander F. Bshrs, a marine contractor. In addition to his wife, Mr. Schermond is survived by three sons, Walter J. Schermond, Jr., of Pitman, John F. Schermond of Lorraine, O, and Martin W. Schermond of Highlands; four daughters, Mrs. Thomas Leckle and Mrs. James McAllister of Arlington, Mrs. John P. Condon of Atlantic Highlands and Mrs. Nell Tantum of Oakhurst; a brother, Frederick Schermond of Haabrouck Heights; a sister, Mrs. Raymond Dougherty of Hoboken; 16 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday at 8:30 a. m. at the John P. Condon funeral home, Atlantic Highlands, and at 9:30 at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Highlands, where a solemn high mass of requiem will be offered. Interment will be In Holy Mrs. E. C Reed Dies at 72 NEW SHREWSBURY A requiem mass was offered in St Dorothea's Catholic church, Eatontown, yesterday for Mrs. Margretta L. Reed, 72, of Sycamore ave., who died Sunday at Riverview hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Reed waa born In Newark, daughter of the late John and Mary Hardt Dunphy. She was retired after 30 years' service as clerk of this borough and Shrewsbury township. Mrs. Reed waa an active member of St. Dorothea's, a former secretary of St. James Parent- Teacher association and a member of Court St James, Catholic Daughters of America, and of the Rosary and Altar society at St. Dorothea's. She and her husband, Edwin C. Reed, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Apr. 34. Beildes her husband, she U survived by six ions, Robert Read of Shrewsbury, Donald Reed of Oceanport, Paul Reed of Woodbridge, Conn., Jerome of New York city, Vincent Reed of the U. S. Air Force in Africa, and Jean S. Reed of Fair Haven; two daughters, Mrs. Fred Innocent! of New York city and Slstnr M«*y Margarctta of Georgian Court college, aud 12 grandchildren. Interment, under the direction of the William S. Anderson funeral home, was in St. Rose of Lima cemetery. of Powhatan, Va., Ollie K. Scott Name cemetery, Jeriey City. Stanley Vreeland Dies; Former Police Chief PORT MONMOUTH Stanley Vreeland, 87, of 83 Monmouth ave., died Saturday night at his home. Mr. Vreeland was a fanner chief of police of Bradley Beach. He belonged to the Port Monmouth first aid aquad, waa an exempt member of the Bradley Beach fire department arid a member of Sttamfltters' union local 174, Jersey City. He waa born In Newark, son of the late William and Muni* Vanderhof Vreeland, and had lived here four yeara. There are no surviving near relatives. The funeral wae held Tuesday at the Scott funeral heme, Belford, with Rev William Ttlley of the Atlantic Highlands Pres. byterian church officiating. Burial was In Arlington cemetery, Arlington, N. J. MISS MARY JANE JONES KFJANSBURG-MissMary Jan. Jones, 81, of 21 Johnson lam here, died Monday at the homi of her niece, Mrs. Lois Johnson Alexander dr., River Plata. Shi was born In Haverstraw, N. Y. and was a daughter of the lati Noble and Eliza Jane Tanner Jones. She was a member of the Keansburg Methodist church. She Is survived by a ".inter, Mrs. Armenia Compton, Keansburg. The funeral will be held today at 1:30 p. m. at the Bedle funeral home in Keyport, with Rev. Otto C. F. Jelke, of the Keansburg Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Green Grove cemetery, Keyport MBS. MAM G. SUMBOW FAIR HAVEN Mrs. Male Crumpton Sumrow, 72, died early Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anita Bllxabeth, wife of Jamei F. Stomtwr, 137 Grange ave., this place. Mrs. Sumrow was born In Danville, Va., daughter of the late Joseph R. and Edwlna Robinson Crumpton. A resident of 126 Stockton ave., Ocean Grove, the p»st eight years, Mrs. Sumrow was 1 taken ill a month ago while visiting her son-in-law and daughter. Her husband, John Moore Sumrow, died In Mrs. Sum row was a member of the Caldwell First Presbyterian church. 1M BKOAD HRKET EATONTOWN S4SU FORMERLY O».*A»T OKAMOB dedicated to INTEGRITY To terva reverently... with dignity and beauty always, and offering the utmost in consideration. At no time dots creed or price make any difference In th* high standards we hava upheld and shall continue to uphold In our sarvie* and responsibility to th* community. John E. Day Funeral Home S RivmMt Aveout hen* ft-9332 Red talk Keypori Branch-Ill Maple PL, Non-Sectarian Telephone of Richmond, Vs., Clarence P. Scott of Lexington, Ky., and German Scott of Riverhead, L. I. The funeral was held yesterday from Murray's "A Temple of Service," Jersey City. Interment was in New York Bay cemetery. MRS. JOHN COSTANZO WAYSIDE Mrs. Antonietta Costanio died Saturday at her home on Green Grove rd., here, after a long Illness. Mrs. Costanzo was born In aly, daughter of the late Carmelo and Antonietta Pecoraro, and had been a resident of Wayside four yean. She was a member of St Dorothea's Catholta church, Eatontown. Surviving are her husband. John Costanzo; two sons, Salvatore Costanzo, Wayside, and Carmelo Costanzo, New Rochelle, N. Y,; three brothers, Salvators Pecoraro, Bronx; John Pecoraro, Long Island, and Jerome Pecoraro, Brooklyn, and a half-brother, Carmelo Pecoraro, Brooklyn, A high requiem mass was offered Tuesday at St Dorothea's church by Rev. Frederick J. Child, pastor. Burial, under the irectlon of the Braun funeral home, was In Mt Carmel cemetery, We«t Long Branch. JOSEPH J. VECE KEANSBURG Joseph J. ece, 72, of 198 Main St., died Sunday in Riverview hospital after a long illness. He waa born in aly, son of the late John and Rosa Panico Vece. Mr. Vece had lived in Keansburg eight years, during which time he was owner and operator of the J. J. confeettonery and stationery store at the Main st address. Surviving are his wife. Agues WUlman Vece; a sister, Mrs. Alphomtna Mataasino, In aly, and a niece, Misa Josephine Matosslno, Keansburg. A high mass of requiem was offered at St Ann'i Catholic church yesterday by Rev. Edward A. Corrigan. Burial waa in Mt Olivet cemetery under the direction of the Ryan funeral home. DEAN FtNEBAt FAIR HAVEN - The funeral of Harry T. Dean, 84, of 29 Second st, who died Sunday of last week at Riverview hospital, was held Wednesday of last week at the Worden funeral home with Rev. Walter T. Gandek, paetor of the Fair Haven Methodist church, officiating. Burial was In Fair View cemetery. Bearers were Carl Becker, Elwood Scbenck, Gllson Thorns, William Danowitz, John Mikulchlk and Stanley Parker. Mr. Dean la survived hy two daughters, Mrs. Edna D. Thorns and Miss Jane Dear, living at home; three sons, Harry Dean, Eatontown; Charles Dean, Fair Haven, and Leonard Dean, Pinckney rd., Red Bank, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. MRS. CAROLINE TALLMAN FAIR HAVEN Mrs. Caroline Tallman, 91, of 259 Third st, widow of William R. Tallman, died Saturday at the Westwood nursing home, Long Branch. She had been In ill health some time and seriously 111 for two days before her death. Mrs. Tallman was born at Wayside, the daughter of the late Joseph and Content King. She was a member of the Oakhurst Methodist church and of Pride of Monmouth council, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Red Bank. Surviving are a sister. Miss Matilda King, Asbury Park; two daughter*, Mrs. William G. Presley and Mrs, Reuben J. Morris, Long Branch; two sons, William R. Tallman, Fair Haven, and Harry Tallman, Lodi; 14 grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday at 11 a. m. at the Woolley funeral home, Long Branch, with Rev, Champion Goldy of the Oakhurst Methodist church, officiating. Burial was in Bay View cemetery, Leonardo. J. RICHARD CONNORS WANAMASSA J. Richard Connors, 42, died of a heart attack Thursday at his home, 1127 Darlene ave. He was to have been married next Saturday to Miss Frances Mernin. He was born in Long Branch, son of the late William and Nora Connors. His mother died Dec. 14. He was a communicant of Star of the Sea Catholic church, Long Branch, and a member of its Holy Name society and Ushers society. Mr. Connors was a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and of Catholic War Veterans post S13, Long Branch. He was an Army veteran of World War He had lived in Long Branch most sf his life, moving to Wanamaisa three months ago. Surviving are two brothers, Edward Connors, Sea Bright, and Nicholas Connors, Long Branch; three sisters, Mrs. Harold Ryan, Rumson; Mrs. Joseph Herrman, Haddonfleld, and Mrs. George Melsereau, Hlaleah, Fla A high requiem man was offered Monday in Star of the Sea church by Rev. Leo Cox. Burial was in Mt. Carmel cemetery. West Long Branch, Under the direction of the Woolley funeral home. Church Women To Serve Suppers NEW SHREWSBURY The Ladies' Aid society of the Reformed church, meeting Tuesday night in the church cottage, made plans to serve two suppers in White hall, the church recreation building. The first will be served tonight at the church's annual "family night supper" observance with Mrs. William Wellner as chairman. The society will serve the second supper Jan. 25 for delegates attending the district Christian Endeavor society meeting in White hall. Mrs. William Macintosh and Mrs. Alfred Herbert will be chairmen. Mra. Catherine Ganson, New Shrewsbury director of welfare, introduced the speaker. Miss Ruth Zerbo of the public health nursing staff of the Monmouth County Organisation for Social Service. Miss Zerbe explained the program carried on in the New Shrewsbury health center and showed pictures of tfce M.C.O.S.8. nursing program carried on throughout the county. Mra. Evald Erlckson, Mra. Harry EeteUe, Sr., Mrs. Martin Dwy. er and Miss Esther Crelin were hoateases at the coffee hour which concluded the meeting. The next sewiun will be Feb. s at the cottage. CHURCH NEWS PRESBYTERIAN Rumson Sunday Is Seminary Sunday, a day set apart to mark the responsibility of the church for adequate training o* s leadership. The sermon at 9:30 and 11 a. m. services will be delivered by the seminary assistant of our church, Barrett Rudd, a aenlor at Prince* ton Theological seminary, with the pastor, Rev. A. Kenneth Magner, Jr., assisting in parts of worship. At the»:s0 service Mrs. Gordon MacLean, Jr., assistant organist, will play aa prelude "Toccata In D" by Bach. Her offertory selection will be "Antiphon Three." At the 11 o'clock service John H. Watson, 3d, minister of music, will play "Three Voluntaries," "Adagio from a Quartet" and "Sixth Couplet." Church school at *:S0 a. m. In Fellowship hall. A Church-hour nursery is provided at both services in ths nursery area of Fellowship hall. The junior high Westminster fellowship will meet at ( p. m. in the lounge and the senior high Westminster fellowship at 7:30. Youth recreation night will re- Taylor W. Hance, Ex-Postmaster HOLMDEL Taylor W. Hance, 71, of Main St., postmaster here from me until 1959, when he retired, died Tuesday at his home. Mr. Hance was born in Holmdel and was a son of the Ute John W. and Julia Taylor Hance. He was a member of the Holmdel fire company and Junior Order United American Mechanics of Eatontown. He is survived by hia wife, Louise Applegate Hance; a daughter, Mrs. George D. Schanck, Holmdel; a sister, Miss Carolyn Hance, Red Bank, and two grandchildren. The funeral will be tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the Holmdel Reformed church, with Rev. A. A. Burkhardt officiating. Burial will be in Holmdel cemetery under direction of the Bedle funeral home. DEATH NOTICE WHITE WORl K» 1KK, Maaa. la talt city. J»n. J. Chrietine V. (Spencer) Whit, of US Hay wood «U«r. snd 100 Wast Sod ive, Shrewatmry. M. J. wife o! Albm S. White and daughter of Ua late Thorn. J. nd Agnoa K. (Keiley) apaneer. Funeral lloadar at e.:li a. m. from Callahan Brother. funeraj iioma. 34 Trurabull at., follow** br uianii hick m m of nouini in St. StwhM's church «t». m. OUiac fcouri feturti«y ind tiunear from t to i»<! 7 to 10 i>. m. Burial la at. Jena's canetwr. Kppr heavan. IN MEMOMAM WrUdajr t* Ummj la H.rr, aad Juile BuMia. IN MEMOtUAM. In loving nenory of Joaa Whelea, who entered into Sternal Seat. Jan. l»50. At home ia the Beautiful Mils o< 60s, In the vill.y of reet 10 fair; Sena say whan our work oa earth With'joy"we ihall avast kin tketa, loving wife. Agnaa and ~ " Card el Thaahs Th* family oc the 1st* Gragorf Figaro, wiihta to taanji >U aitstbbrs of th. lire company, lint al4. pallbum. thoaa who aaat towen ana pirltuil bouquati and at) thaw was la any way IMad us In aw hour of ofmvaaunt. Mr.. Jowpklae njw aa4 IWB, Advartiitmant. NOTICE Th, following is a copy of aa Ordi> naivea that waa introduced at a rag* ularlr held meetinc of the Townahi» C i t t f th T h i f Middl arr he m Committaa of tha J nc of the Township» 1U7 Towna» of Middl.- d d ume tomorrow at 7:30 p, m. under adult leadership in the auditorium of Fellowship hall. Crafts, games and dancing are planned until 9:30 p. m. for young people of Junior through senior high age. Members of the prayer group gather in the lounge Tuesday at 10 a. m. There will be a meeting of the teachers and staff of the junior department of the church school at 8 p. rn. Tuesday in the lounge. The January meeting of the board of trustees will be held in room 4 Tuesday at t p. m. Rev. Mr. Magner will conduct the adult Bible clais in the lounge Tuesday at» p. m. Circle meetings of the Women's association will be held nest Wednesday. Circle one will meet at 1 p. m. at Mrs. Charles Callman's home, Circle dr., Rumson, and Circle two at the home of Mrs. Ernst Thelmer, MS Avenue of Two Rivers. Circle three will meet at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Howard Lancaster, 66 Woodland dr., Fair Haven, and circle four at Mrs. Orandln Haramell's home, 7< East River rd., Rumson. The adult inquirers' group led by Rev. Mr. Magner, will meet In room *ne next Wednesday at MBS. EMMA JAHN RUMSON MM. Emma Jahn 01, widow ; Charles Jahn, died Thursday night at the home of her grandson, William D, Cromey, 15 Park ave., Rumson. Mrs. Jahn was born in New York city, daughter of the late David and Catherine Banks Vreeland, and had been a resident of this area more than 35 years. She was a member of the Rumaon 'Presbyterian church, Order of the Eastern Star of Red Bank and Charity Council of Amaranth, Red Bank. Surviving, besides Mr. Cromey, are two other grandsons, Walter D. Cromey, this place, and Charles Cromey, North Arlington; a granddaughter, Mrs. William Acker, Fair Haven, ten greatgrandchildren and 17 great-great- MRB. HAROLD A. SMITH POINT PLF.A8ANT BEACH Mrs. Abigail Denman Smith, wife of Humid A. Smith of 201 Parkway here, and mother of H. Donman Smith of Little Silver, died Monday at Point Pleasant hospital after a long illness. She was born in Newark and had lived in Irvington far many years before moving to Point Pleasant Beach 12 years ago, Mra. Smith was a member of the Contemporary and Lyric clubs of Nnwnrk. Tn addition to IHT liimlwnd and son, (the is survived by anothur H O lh B grandchildren. The funeral was held Friday night at the Adams memorial home with Rev. A. Kenneth Magner, pastor of the Rumson Presbyterian ehurch, officiating. Burial waa In Mt divert cemetery, Maspeth, L. I. Eastern Star and Amaranth services also were held Friday night at the funeral home. LEONARD C. BELLEZZA Leonard C. Belleua, 76, of 111 Seeley ave., Keansburg, died at his home last night after a short Ulness. He was born In Barl, aly, ton of the late Mr. and Mrs. Constantino Bellexza. A resident of this area 60 years, Mr, Belleua had engaged In numerous huslnesa enterprises, Including the L. C. Bellezza Ice company, Keansburg, He was a communicant of St. Ann's Catholic church, Keansburg. Mr. Bellezza is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dolores Bella Bellezza at home, and a nephew, Joseph Mazzattl of Brooklyn. A high mass of requiem will be offered Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Ann's Catholic church, with Rev. Edward A. Corrigan officiating. Interment MBS. THOMAS 0O8TBJXO MroDLETOWN Mrs. Ida Marie Costello, 73, of «J 73d at., Brooklyn, mother of Richard J. Costello, M West River rd., Rumson, died Tuesday morning at the Ivy House nursing home here, where she had been a patient three weeks. Mrs. Costello waa born ki New York cky, and had been a reeldent of Brooklyn moat of her life. She was a member of Our Lady of the Angela Catholic church. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Surviving besides Richard J. Costello, are her husband, Thomas Costello; another ton, Francis Costello, Bloomnetd; a sister, Mrs. Thomas Jennings. Boonton, three grandchildren and a great-grandchild. The funeral will be held tomorrow at Our Lady 'of the Angels church. Burial, will be In Long Island National oemetery. Local arrangements were in charge of ths Warden funeral home. Committaa of tha Township of Middl. town on January», 1U7, and paaaad Drat raiding and waa laid orar for further coiutderation upon aatond and final ptaaage to a aioatiaf of tha said Townahip Committaa to ba hold at tha Committaa Mtatingt Booms la tha Middlotown Townahip Hall, at State Highway Route and Kincs Ulsh. way. Mlddletown. N. 1.. oa Wadm.aday. January SJ, 19(7, at 1:10 o'clock P. M.. at which tlma all paraona htar. aated will ba glvaa an opportunity to ba hoard. Dated: January I. 1SI7. HOW AM) W. ROBERTS, TownahiD Clark. AN OBDIMANCB CONCBMllNG CON- SUMPTION AND POSSBSSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEV2RAGBI BY MINORS IN PUBLIC PLACES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MIDDLE- TOWN. BE IT ORDAINED ny tha Townahls CommittM of tha Townahip of Mlddlatown. in tho County of Monmouth and Stat* of New Janay, aa follow.: Soction 1. ahall ba unlawful for any pcraon under tha ace of 21 : to eoniumo or to have in hia oi poaaaaiion any alcoholic bavenme in or upon any public atraat, highway, park. footway, or' othar public or auaai-publlc place within the Townahip of Mlddlatown. Section 2. ihall ba unlawful for any ptraon undar Ihe *aga of*2t yeara to conaume or to hava in hia or her posaeaiion any alcoholic beverage while in a motor vehicle on an/ public itreet or highway, or while in a motor vehicle in any public place or quaalpublic place in the Townahip of MMdletown. Section I. Any panon violating any of tha provlilona of this ordinance, hall upon conviction thereof, be aub- Joct to a Ane nut emending Fifty (150.00) Dollan, Section 4. If any action of this ordinanaca la declared invalid, it ahall not he held to!n»elle>te or t«impair the validity, force oi fleot of any othar aaetlon of thii ordinance. Section (. Thla ordinance akah take affect upon a paaaaga sad pub. wfut for 21 je«r. >r her ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Little Silver Services Sunday Include Church school at 9:30 a. m., and, also at 0:30 a, m., morning prayer and sermon by Rev. Theodore B. A. LeVan, rector. llcatlon according to la*. y son, Homer O. Bmlth of n Hrt; a daughter, Mm, Lllinti tiurt of Springfield; fleven gt'tndchllrlren and a grent-irnindchlm. Tim funeral wn«hold yp.itonlny afternoon from Haward'n funeral homo, livington. Interment was in Clintln cwr-tory, Trvlntfon. will be In Mount Olivet rente- funeral horns. tery, under the direction of the Ryan funersl home, Kennsburg. GKORGE~H7 HATHAWAY SHREWSBURY Oeorgs H, Hathaway, 89, died Tuesday at Uarden State Manor nursing home, Holmdel. Surviving am Mi wife, Ckiu Gardner Ilatliaway, Shrewsbury; three dttughurs, Mrs. Edith M«rrlck, Shrewsbury; Mra. Christopher Vnndni'Ki'odf, Oarlleld, and Mrs. Loda Loliacn of Keyport. Thn fiitifrnl will he held tomorrow HI 10 a. HI. at thn Rcrile MBS. JOSEPHINE BELL B L B B R O N-Mri. Joiephlne Bell, M, of Overbrook ave., thli place, widow of Albert W. Bell, died Friday night at Westwood Nursing home, Long Branch, after long Illness. Mrs. Bell was born In Fair Haven, daughter of the late Ellaa H. and Eleanor Longstreet Lewis, and was a resident of Fair Haven all her life until a year ago when she moved to Elberon. She was a member of the Fair Haven Methodist church and of Fidillty council, Daughters of Liberty, of Fair Haven. Surviving Is a daughter, Mri. William Wagner, Fair Haven. The funeral waa held Sunday night at the Adama memorial home with Rev. Champion Ooldy, pastor of the Oakhurst Methodist church, officiating. Burial waa In West Long Branch cemetery. The Daughters of Liberty alto held services Sunday night at the OLD CHRIST EPISCOPAL Shrewsbury Tomorrow at 7:JO a. m., a service of Holy Eucharist will be conducted. Services Sunday include Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m.; Church school at 11 a. m., and, also at 11 a. m., Morning prayer and sermon by Rev. Theodore E. A. LeVan, rector. A service of Holy Eucharist will he held Wednesday at 9 a. m. and the Mother's club will meet at 8:11 p. m. in the parish house. Liquor Store Moves LONG BRANCH-Tucker's liquor atore has moved into a newly remodeled modern store at 141 Broadway, One of the features of the new atore, Jerry Tucker, proprietor, said, Is a self-service department There is a frse parking lot In the rear of the store for the convenience of the liquor store customers and for patrons of Tucker's Corset shop. The Corset shop at 139 Broadway If now In the process of expanding and will utilize space vacated by the liquor store. MONUMENTS Your Expnuiatt of True Remembranc* No other act of a normal man's Ufa gives him more complete soul satisfaction than the building of. a Memorial to his loved one* who have gone on. Our select Bane Memorials bear the Oulld mark oi approval, your guarantee of a finer Memorial at no extra eoit Visit our showroom and ice our displays of these certified memorials. JOHN VAN KIRK ft*. imfc RJ.D. In f. stotj ta* funeral home, Keyport, Burial will bs In Rose fini cemetery, Matawan, "/ NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Education of ths Borouih o.' Red Bank, aollcita bldi (or a Modal CJ-S c-whee) drlvs Willya Jeep, 4-cyllnder motor, all itaal construction body equipped *l>a bait-top directional Ilihta and heater. Blda are to be submitted to tlia Sec. r»i»rv nf the hosrd of Education I'uul A Vrmng 51 llranlh Avenue, Hod Rank, N, J., on or before January 22, iar,7 b,l<hi the hvura of» A. M. and 4 P. M, ;,i>ticiii('!u,<>na are on file in tha office of tha.secretary at tha above ad* rirniih and cnrlax mny ba procured during the above houra, The Hoard raiervaa the right to ra- Jeot any and nil blda and to waive immaterial formalltiea. lnt.ili January «.> ". PAUL A. YOUNO, ffecretary, Sad Bank Board of Education. DISTINCTIVE ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS Perfection of Material and Workmanship la Beautiful New Designs Our memorials are manufactured by skilled artisans In our well equipped plant at West Long Branch. LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. Inc. Wall St. Tel. LO West Long Branch uiwmwmwr, l mmmmmmm-mm! mmm*mmummmw,i BRANCH OFFICE and DISPLAY MONMOUTH MONUMENT CO. HBAOUEN'S (JOHXRB H1UHWAV M MIDDLETOWK, N. J. RED BANK

11 Garden Club Starts Sessions ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Members of the Garden dub held their *rat meeting or the New Tear at the nre hoiue Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Chuiee Johnion, president, conducted the busineu iea- ion. A luncheon (or members and guests will be held at the workshop meeting next Thursd»y afternoon at the Are home. ni reported that Christmas wreaths were made for patlenti at the Fort Monmouth hospital. Attending were Mrs. Philip Dtnkelberf, Mrs, Frank Groener, Mrs. Edmund Hartcorn, Mrs. Rudolph Hein, Mrs. Alfred Hendrickton, Mrs. Alfred Kirchner, Mn. Elbert Mason, Mn. Hugo Palme, Mrs. Henry Reith, Mn. Nelson Roberts, Mn. Harriet Ruf, Mrs. Waldron P. Smith, Mrs. Fred Wetter, Mrs. Frederick Wlnslow, Mrs. Thomas Gould, Mn. B. G. Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth Neill, Mn. Bernard Barrett, Mn. Jack Wetler, Mrs. Richard E. Wetat, Mrs. A. J. Sickles, Mrs. Anthony Fiola, Mrs. Walter Thompsen and Mn. Chapman. New Shrewsbury's Republican Governing Body Credit Firm Forms Out NEWARK A total of Monmouth county business firms will receive financial qufstionaires during this month from j Dun and Bradstieet, Inc., a mer-j ehantile agency, When returned with financial statements, they will establish commercial credit ratings for Dun and Bradstreet has announced it will contact all of the! 2,( businesses listed in every community within the United States. Thi» includes a total of 45,3S«North and Central New Jersey businessmen. Asbury Park tops the list of j county requests with 968 while I Red Bank is next with 513. Long Branch has 500. RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jan. 10, No problem Andinir tenants wh»n you advertise TK» R«Ktst«r way. Adv*r. ti Mort-your-Dollar ' fc^ I RIMOVEO fverythinft THAT RATTLID... IT U. RUN QUIET NOW! This is a pretty drastir way to keep a. rar quirt. We'd rather find out what's wrong and make it right, and let you have ynur car hack Intact, ready for mih-s of smooth, quint performance JOHNNY I HATTY'S TEXACO STATION 423 Shrtwitary Aw. Me) tmk 4-U40 to delight the senses ot our moat confirmed trencher- Open till P. M. MONDAY Corned JSj*?' ***' *** TUESDAY BoiOora *rled CaUkea. Cera WEDNESDAY"" aurbraton with PoUte Dampllaa THURSDAY Boiled Booi with Horseradish Sanra FRIDAY aa Oratls Vruh Lobster Ntwbars Sblih Kabab with Rice Sblih DAY SUNDAY Strved sett Back, Beast esaea AH eaotrioa sad rolls bakad dallf Is ear own kitchen. Wit nan mt&ai& ftjsr Here it the all-rapublican governing body of Naw and Philip H. Mayer, Jr., and Borough Clark Walter Canfield. Shrewsbury «it gatharad lor araaniijtlon Uit Thursday Mr. Meyer replaced council's lone Democrat, Colette night. Seated in tha foreground, left to right ara Councilman M. Epps. Going in for a now term was Mr. Littlo, who has Clarenca Untarberg, Mayor J. Letter Rigby, Council Protidont Harbart L. WillaM, 3d, and Couneilwoman Mn. M. Alieo Holdon. Standing aro lereugh Attornoy Milton been in office since the borough was separated from Shrewsbury township in Mayor Rigby started his third consecutive term, second as a Republican. A. Maumer, Councilman Francis P. Littlo, Honry S. Glaim Cain Marks 30 Years with Bell NEWARK John M. Cain, 113 Harrison ave., Fair Haven, a staff supervisor, in the New Jersey Bell Telephone company's plant headquarters in Newark, will mark his 80th year of telephone service tomorrow at a lunchen In the company's headquarters dining room. Raymond J. Smith, assistant general plant manager, will present Mr. Cain New Jersey Bell's gold service emblem. Active in Fair Haven civic affalra, Mr. Cain is a member of the auxiliary police, deputy director of Civil Defense, a member of Boy Scout troop 128 committee and Civil Defense consultant on the staff of the Monmouth County Civil Defense and Disaster Control coordinator. He also Is a member of "540 Broad" council, H. G. McCully chapter, Telephone Pioneers of America, Mr. Cain helped develop New Jersey's attack warning plan with the New Jersey office of Civil Defense, and maintains llasion between the telephone company and the state Civil Defense director. He is a member of the General Defense Coordinating committee. In 1955, he was named operations officer on the state director's rubuc NOTICE School Yoar IMT-iaU School District ef lea Bright. N, J tt -MM.I7-»»Ml (Actual) (Istlnated) (Estimated) Total ATwase OaHr aoutces or KEVENUE CURMNT EXPENSE (A) TOTAL CUBMBTT WUOMB J<LMy* MPAIM * mepl»c«ient._ ^ ^ CAPITAL OUTLAY Appropriation, of Balance <C> TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAT. i.g.-o, 1M4-57 U57.51 (Actual) (Antlcipatod) (Anticipated) = M im!?!j Wn '«.«. ~ M1S.M M». l M44.ll" _ :, 1, M.OO l,74».o0 John U. Cste and was present at the atomle explosion In Las Vegao, Nev., In the spring of that year. MEW MEMBER CLIFFWOOD - Mrs. Mary Montecalvo, a new member, w«i welcomed at a meetlnc of the auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wan' Guadalcanal post laat week at the post home here. Mrs. Frances Hobby was named chairman of the new "secret pal" group. Arrangements also were made for members to attend a district meeting Jan. 80 at the Harold Daley peat home in Asbury Park. The next meeting -will be Jan. IT at tha peat boms hare. Fathers, Sons Receive Sunday HIGHLANDS Holy Name Sunday will be observed at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic church with a father and son corporate Holy Communion at the 8 o'clock mass. The Communion intention will be "For the Blessings of God Upon the Holy Name Movement." A breakfast and meeting will follow In the parish hall. New members who have Joined the so- recent magazine drive conducted by high school students. Aa a ciety during the past year will reward, their junior class dm register at the meeting for a re-foception of new members. canceled. the 1D56-ST year have been The new officers will be Installed in the church Sunday at Honored were Judy McLaugh- 4 p. m. Rev. Joseph J. Donnelly, pastor, will conduct the Installation. Members to be installed will be Percy McDonald, president; Howard Monahan, vice president; Michael J. Monahan, J. Jr., treasurer, and Robert Peterson, secretary. The reception of new members will be held following installation. New members will ba received Into the society by Father Donnelly. IS H. S. Juniors Honored by Class Fifteen members of the junior class at Red Bank high school were honored by the class this week for special achievement. The IS each sold more than 125 worth of magazines In the lin, Ando Merendi, Elizabeth Gardner, Sandy Anderson, Beverly Browne, Gary Willie, Diane Garruto, Betty Gill, Robert Graves, Joan Hammer, Ann Iaelln, John Kachel, Petti Helper, Sus Maroney and Pat Squire. add-a-room mtra ifmkt? Ut m am a MW NMR. Olv«yaw family tha ipaca it fttfl woks ft.ail TYKS Masonry i Additions Piumblng-Heattng Booting-Sldlng Modem Kltohea Parck Bnelesnres Modem Bathreoaa flsisj WlllSKIWf fisftft favjeassfea) fssw IMSBW BBBBMBB\SBS WW> Baaajajfj W yajvaa; BBBjaaaaa; avfjvw* IW I*' * Iflf price*. hicjhmf work- Mflffclf). CaN now for frta NO CASH NEEDED! Firat payment MAY T L ; 5 Yrs. To Pay MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO HIGHWAT 35 AT HEAOOON' RED BANK jout )KNER MIDDLETQWN PROSPECT new "OH"in smoooth ====== rvu. AmofBunoN BALANCC onurf Au4k Few Ott.r lhijmsms Iwtruotlon Sopenleanri Other ~ llo.h DMTBI0T1 4S.41 t S1S.40 Wrier sad Power... HB.I1,o sad Toleswph *4.tO AatMtiMl S.I.HM - * H " Hfc itr "" ) 411 M - W to^""izzzzzzr. j;ii txaonoos jrutjst! Studeat AitUMei,. AfMetlca.. tl.oo Otter fepaneie Ixod OharsM! VylU on m.,, 11, Isounuwo (ProBlani and/or Parents).... M1.17 Vonalon ContrnVutlom to SUI. and County Funds odal soeuritj Board's Contribution eclal Beesriti Admin Charsa 1.11 (A) TOTAL CTJWWNT EXPENSK... H6.H0.07 REPAIRS AND RXrLACEMINTS Oontractod torrlcas I I,l7*.lt Oflleo and Otfcor aviolpmotit"".".'.'.'.'.'"'.' atsstiitorv* JGQuiNii'inl *#tm»»»ito» 8i00 ~ VBTOTAL Host ef A end B) CAPITAL OUTLAY (BUDOBT) Furmtura and aulpment (C) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAT.OTAL BXPBNDITURBB (AP?KOPBIAT1ON8) ' A to F Int. TINO APPaontu. NI io, mil TAL TAL HPJMDlTUras AND BALANOB8 10, 1154 Apvrepri. tioai 1SSS-IT , SS0.00 SSI.00 S , , , , * 1, to.oa 71.0* li.too.on ,00 t ,00 f 3,500,00 10, S.00 10,00 LUMUTT TO ( ) TOTAL BJBPAM * MWACT- dltaraa APPHOPBIATIONS Apenprlatisu 1117-IS t!».«« SI Tt.00 15, , IS , , f 1, ( S I I Tha eonplata Budrat will ba nvailtbla (or examination ny tha public.. thii homa i4 rha H«r»t*ry No. 8 Oibornt Mact, batman tha houn of JlOO P, M. and lido P. M. from Moniijj. January b7 to Monday, January, (Bliln.d) TO8, W. GARLAND JH., Secretary of the Board i>( Education 141.U Ichool Dlatrlet o( 8M Brl(ht. 1 ' THE RIGHT MAN TO DO ANYTHING...i$ easytofindin the, Yellow Pages Gardener. Roofer e Contractor e Furniture Reflnisher you name it you'll find the man you want la tha YELLOW PAGES of your pnona book NEW JERSEY BELL loephont COMPANY with on A/fNewNotion in Motion! loka rour ftnt haart-iifling run la Amarica'i Nunbar Ona food Car and tha milaa whiipar by w qui«uy and afiartkiily "*^S" only your ayw tau you that you'ra on tha mova. Navar bafoia hava powar, rida and handling baan in such " ^ pariaot bolonoa with aach othar. Hat.i rood-hugging hah and langth io pradialy eonbouad that cornan magically ohangato eurvat... and OUTVM to itralghtawaya. With Fontiao'i tsduiiva Strato-Straak powar and iti pwicct running mat*, Strato-Hlght Hydra-Mano, you mjoy tha stcurity of comtant and instant command of tha most modarn pariormanca team on th* road-cradltd in a L«val-Lina Rid* (not floats you along like* a laai on a mill pond. And ifi ail yours proved as no othar car in hiitory-by a ruggad 100,000-Mil«Marathon Te.t Run! Doaen't Ibis suggast that now'a a wandarhilttmatocom* in and i*a what you'va batn mimlng? RASSAS BROTHERS 395 Ireod Slr»Mt R«d Icmh, N«w J«mty \

12 :>. 12 TTmrwUy, Jan. 10, 1957 RED BANK REGISTER "HOLIDAY" FASHION SHOW FRIDAY JANUARY 3:30 P.M. Misses'17.98 Woshoblo MMIT MISSIS. StaUMlM, SM Bwik tttra Foathor-Nyl DrtsM* SPECIAL! 10,00 A special purchase brings this group ot famous Feether-Nyl dressei... the washable favorites that every woman loves at a laving of over 1/31. a Fluffy-soft fabric needs no ironing! Can be washed and dried in automatic machinal to 25^ White Stag Sportswarmef Jackets Pastalt and dark shades to woar through Spring! Discontinued MTTIK MS. fnmt Hm, SM awk Mriy Styles! BERKSHIRE Stockings 1.00 pr MiO,OI' s rricod Mitses' Sweaters CLASSIC supovm CLASSIC CARDIOANS I* NOW to 17.30! A collection of fashion-wise, weather-wise jackals in water-repellent poplins... yours at a saving of 33 1/3%! Choose from a large group of ityles... some Thermostag-lined for added insulation! Not ovary style in avery color, but an excellent group for everyone. Sizes,10 t* 18. MOULARLY US TO 1.*S A PAIR! DMSSMAKIR SWRATIRS SPOimWIU. SlraH rinr,»»4 tfk arty 51 Gauge, 15 Denier with Plain or Dtrk SMK including orlom, fur blendi and bulky-knits Stretch Laca with Kantrun construction for longer waar Tint, Taupa or Touch of Sold '/» to I I; thort, medium or tall A tramandaut scoop of hlgherpricod twaatan... in tho fibras you want and leva! Net all lisat in aach ttyla, but a good tolaction for avaryona. 34 to 40. OMUY, Strait FMw u4 Atkvry WIU, Skwt Fkwr, i SWik wily Fine Imported Chlno Tea 'N' Toast Stft Cup and plat Luxury "Fur-look" 4 stta for 4.S Fina tramlucant china cupt and toa platas for informal «nter< taining or bridgo partial. Golden wheat decoration. Coats in Orion and Dynel! a * kalaa a Cwnplatoly mcfiipfcejf.. Hmn#tjsly vnvnil Special/ Values to 10.50! WooUined Leather Gloves Now 5a>00 Women's toft eapatkin glovot for dress, eitutl wear or driving. Choose these warmly lined gloves for younalf and for your family. You'll want lavaral pain! Many colon. Sixai 6'/i to I. CHIN*, SMWHI rt**t am* 3.75 Aluminum 1-Qt. Saucepan and Cover 1.98 Famous Mirro waterless cookware in a handy saucepan for many uses. Super-thick aluminum for low-heat cooking. H0U*IWAm«, imri Ftair l Ak Park loys' to Wash 'N 1 Woar Jackon Cotton end Oecron jackets with fleecy Orion pile lining. Completely washable... they drip dry and never need ironing. Siiei S to 20. OVt' SHOP, SMW* tint, i n Thete are the tame coatt we've bean sailing all season for nearly one hundred dollars! Sixes 6 to 16 in the,group. COATS, SM»4 Wt r, I Men's White and Fancy Dress Shirts FAMOUS LABELS! FINE BROADCLOTHS! SOME DACRONS-AND-COTTONS Reg Sale. 2,65 Reg Solo,3.00 Reg Sole 3.t5 Reg Sole 3.35 Rng Sole 4.35 Reg Solo 5.95 Don't mill this opportunity to save on some of our top thirts, Your favorite collar styles and cuff types in the group. Not every style in every sixe. ai^yu, %w%*\ rimr ««....,.,^.,.. MSN'S SHOP, SITMI Fl»r M* Atkatf Park i

13 Of ta* tfclags we tfclak. aajr er 4* Lblttb TBITHT Iblt FAIB to all eosmeneir ft WIU MM GOODWILL a«4 BETTCB nuendshipgt 4 WIU be BENEFICIAL to ah by Ratal? Iatenatfoaal RED BANK REGISTER Thursdsy, Jan. 10, 19S7 IS Winter on the Navesink Action for Crossing Removal Launched Mayor George A. Gray Monday i mouth, Oakland and Chestnut at, night iet in action hla prevtoualy announced plan to try to eliminate tome of Red Bank'i grade enuring* with itau fund. Appropriated for the purpose. At th» mayor's requeit, council Initurcted Borough Attorney Samuel Carotenuto to Inveitlgate the availability of fund* far the purpom and begin procedure. Mayor Gray, repeating detail! of an objective ha announced during hu campaign for election and in hla inaugural New Tear'a Day meaaage. Mid the ttat«makei 12 million available annually to the public utility coramlulon for grade crowing elimination on other than lute road*. He admitted that the taak of obtaining men a project for Red Bank difficult, but added that nothing can be accomplished until a start ia made. Ha suggested that the attorney have unlimited authority to pro-' Mayor Dray hai laid, la that a ceed In the matter and aaked that I petition be presented to the P.U.C. he bear In mind the poaaible availability of fund* for the purpose from other lourcei. The mayor has luted the Mon- Preof that last waek's cold spell had s advocates ara pictured abeva. In top photo, Morgan O'lrian of 6 Hudton «vo., left, and August Sehwaart of I I Hudson ave. a p. paar intarastad as Stava Skitloek of Canter, ffwmbwq, ttabt through a holt in tha ice for an aal. A larga oal which Skisloclc had just caught is in tha foraground. In bottom photo, Don Asay of Littla Silvar is saatad in his Icaboat, Wta-Hopa, hoping for strong winds. Icoboat davotaas wara handicappad by lack of wind ovar tha weakand. New Shrewsbury Council Becomes All GOP Again NEW SHREWSBURY The governing body here again became all-republican last Thursday night for the fint time in five rears. was in 1962 that the 0.0*. lost control, with aa election weep of four Democrat* two of whom later became Republican*. Mayor J. Lester Rlgby, who headed the 18S2 Democratic ticket, Thursday wa* (worn In for hi* third term, second aa O. O. P. leader. Starting service waa Councilman PhUlp H. Meyer, Jr., Riverdale ave., replacing Oofatto M. Epp*, Cherry it, laat of tha Democrat**. Begin* 8d Term Beginning hi* third term on the governing body was Republican Councilman Francl* P. Little, Newman Spring* rd. Arthur A. Krlckson, Hope rd., Democratic councilman for one term, waa not in this year's lineup. He served last year aa planning board secretary. Appointed to that lob thl* year was Jamas F. Corcoran, Branford circle. Mr, Epp* accepted appointment to membership on the pllnnlng board. He later told a newsman that be is "considering running for council again this year." The reorganisation seating opened with a prayer by Rev. Robert J. Rung*, pastor of th* Mew Shrewsbury Reformed church, who ww appointed a* a member of the local board of assistance, aa waa CouncUwomen Mrs. M. Alice Holden, Shafto Corner*. Milton A. Mauiner, Pair Haven, reappolnted a* borough attorney, administered th* oath of office to the mayor, two councilman, and other* on th* borough»tan\ snoat of whom were reappolnted. Thai* Included Walter L. Canfield, Wayside rd., borough clerk and Improvement searcher, and Mr*. Ruth B. Crawford, th* collector, a* treasurer and tax searcher. After individual ceremonies to awear to top official*, the oath waa taken from a group of IT appointee* who attended the ass- km. Mayor Rlgby announced aa bis council administrative committees the following, with the flrst named being chairmen: Council Committees Police and Civil Defense Clarence K. Unterberg. Meyer and Henry i. Olelm; ore and water Little, Holden and Olelm; finance-little, Unterberg and Herbert Wlllett, Sd; *tr*4te and light* Meyer, Olelm and Wlllett; sanitation and health Olelm, Holden and Wlllett; building and sonlng Willett and Meyer; public asalatance Holden and Unterberg; parks, playgrounda and recreation Holden and Mayer, and public relations, Wlllett, Unterberg and Little. In the appointment*, a major Chang* wa* replacement of Walter N. Cobb, operator ct a Wayside well-drilling builne**, with Marvin E. Schaefer, Asbury Park lawyer, a* magistrate. Mr. Unterberg said thli waa prompted by population growth that had made the job more complex. Confirmed a* a new police patrolman was Fred Oarrabrant, 27, Oreen Urove rd., who was top man In a recent examination conducted by the New Jersey Association or Chief* of Police here HI* salary will b* $3,800 a year. Also confirmed were th* may- 3 or 1 * other appointment*. They follow: Other Appointment* Henry F. Labrecque, engineer; JaaSfh.J. Seaman, auditor; r neet Miltbrunnar, road supervisor; John Oiborn and Martin E. Anderson, building Inspector*; Mrs. Walter N. Cobb, municipal court clerk; Dr. Gordon R. Smith, police physician; Holme* O. Paul- Un, Civil Defence director; Arthur Phillip!, deputy Civil Defense director. Mr. HUtbrunner and Emerson E. Platto, member! board of adjustment; Elisabeth Hubbard, secretary board of adjustment; Councilman Meyer, Mr. Epp* and Charles W. Johnson, members planning board; Mr. Corcoran secretary planning board; Couneilwoman Holden and Rev. Mr. Runge, members local board of asslatance. Councilwoman > Holden, School Board Preildent Gordon W. Bartie, Jan* O. Lose, Raymond J. Adklns, Richard Charllna, Peter P. Cook*, William & Miller, Richard. 1 Morris and Ansom Peckham, members recreation commission. Capt J. Carlton Maher, Fire Marshal VaaDyks Dickson, A. W. Handy, Harold England and Victor CalandriaUo, are police of the Tlnton Falla nre company. Chang** were Mr. Johnson replacing Thomas X. Bhafto on the planning board, Mr. Corcoran going In for Mr. Erickaon aa planning board secretary, and Mr. Platto taking the place of Jack Delaney on the adjustment board. Bet up waa Interest of six per cent for uncooected taxes and eight per cent an tax lien*. Following reorganisation, there was a brief business meeting at which moat attention was paid to study of road* in the developments. Want Baad Bond* wa* decided that prior to the aooeptanoe of road* In Sw mlng River Acre*, the owner must supply a performance bond. Retarding Falrfleld, Mr. Willett aald roads in section on* were found In good condition, but that repair work la necessary on Cloverdsle rd., Fairflald dr. and Homestead dr, In section two. The vote here was for acceptance, based on completion of the needed repairs. Mayor Rlgby urged counctlmen to complete their budget studies preparatory to a private budget meeting Thursday, Jan. IT. Mr. Unterbarg reported that from Nov. 2S through Dee. SI, police here have driven 8,883 mile! and have responded to three accident* and seven emergencies. He *ald there were 84 trefllc violations registered and M motor vehicle arreiu mad*. Without elaboration he alio reported "seven crime*." Mrs. HoWin said the welfare board spent 11,748 of s 1«H appropriation up to the end of tha year, but has a carry-over case load that Indicate! need for another MOO before the end cl March. She ww assured that she could get funds she want* through the temporary budget. was decided to contribute $28 for a trophy for the Shore Firemen's Bowling league'* 1987 tour nament. The league, world'* lark»t, liai IS] teams, I* now entering s 30th year. crossing* a* thoae which he would leek to eliminate. The itatute under which P.U.C. action la authorized permit* three method! of elimination of. dangerous crossing!. One Is by overpassing of the roadway or track, the second by re-routing of the road, and third, relocation of tha track!. The railroad, it the P.U.C. orders creasing elimination, la to pay IB per cent of the coat while the atate pays 86 per cent. The mayor has said he does not know whether the state's entire 12 million appropriation would permit completion of the work needed here. Mayor Gray said In his Inaugural message that he ha* not mentioned replacement of the railroad station because that would be a necessity If tha crossing* are eliminated. The procedure requirement, describing the existing altuatlon and asking s correction. The P.U.C. then would chedule a hearing on the application. Mayor, Three Councilmen Take Oaths of Office SHREWSBURY-Mayor John H. Hawkins and Councilman William W. Curdt, Abram A. Banborn and Bernard B. White pronounced their oath* of office at a borough reorganisation meeting Thursday night The mayor, who is beginning his third term, welcomed the councilmen and predicted that n- "l Slave a happy and prosperous new year." He also extended "best wishes for the new year" to the public and told of his appreciation for the resident*' understanding. Mr. Curdt also extended seacon's greetings and promised to "leave no atone* unturned to prove worthy of the confidence" placed In htm by the voter*. He aid he "earnestly hope*" other member* of council will help him enact hi* campaign platform. Mr. Curdt succeeds Harold R. McCormlck, having defeated him in laat spring's primary election. waa hie first meeting. Graham Is T-iiirttsnt Councilman Sanborn waa elected in November to fill an unexplred term caused by the resignation of George I» Blelltx, who moved from taw tersmush. Councilman Whltlr wir elected to a full term In November. He earlier had been appointed by Mayor Hawkins to fill a vacancy caused by tha resignation of David W. Russell, who also moved from the borough. Councilman Robert R. Graham wa* re-elected council pr*»ldent Council committee*, th* chairman named flrat in each instance, will be: police, Mr. Graham, Mr. White and Councilman Edgar W. Heller, Jr.; roads, Mr. White, Councilman Jams* W. Bly and Mr. Graham; finance, Mr. Heller, Mr. Sanborn and Mr. Curdt; sanitation and welfare, Mr. Curdt, Mr. Heller and Mr. Sanborn; fire, Mr. Bly, Mr. Graham and Mr. White, and utilities, Mr. Sanborn, Mr. Bly and Mr. Curdt, The utilities committee is new thl* year, Mayor Hawkins explained. Emmou* Head* C. D. Mayor Hawkins reappolnted all borough all borough official* and appointed David L. Emmons director of the Civil Defense and Disaster Control committee. The poet ha* been vacant for eom* time. Reappolnted were Mra. Ortrude C VanVllet, clerk, municipal assessment Marcher and assistant traffic violation* clerk; Mr*. Isabel R. Parker, treasurer, official tax Marcher, traffic violation* Clark and clerk of the magistrate'* court; Leon Reussllle, attorney; John W. Parker, auperlntendent of streets; Otis R. Seaman, engineer; Dr. C. C. Comb*, keeper of the pond*; Howard G. Strauss aad Charles I. Hensler, three-year members of the sonlng board of adjustment; Lester Mc- Knlght, board of health member, and' Francl* P. Dtucker, J. Robert Bagurton, Mayor Hawkins and Councilman White, planning board member*. In other business, council named Merchant* Trust company of Red Bank, Monmouth County National bank of Red Bank, Freehold Trust company and Allenhwst National National bank aa official depositories. $8*0 Fire Loo* Council will continue to meet the flrst and third Tuesdays at 8 p. m. in the school auditorium each month, except July and Auguat For th* two month* mentioned, meeting* will be confined to but tho flrst Tuesday. The report of Ella H. King, over**er of the poor and director of welfare, nhowed that but $7.10 wa* ipent In 1988 for relief order*. Council had appropriated $280 for that department. Ex-Chief Frank Curie y reported that the Hose company aniwered SB call* in 1888 and conducted three drill*. He estimated th* total loss by fir* wa* $8,000. So Dog Lowe* Th* dog account submitted by Mr*. VanVllet ihowed a balanca of $l,24t.82. Only $5 was paid out due to dog damages laat year. The account ihowed a $ balance ai of Dec. 31, 1(55, and re celpu of $ for 1866 for licenses. Th* expenses Included $84.54, license*; $188, Dr. Comb* $88.50, state department of health and $48.10, dog census. At the recommendation of Councilman Graham, Edward Hounihan was appointed a special police officer for the next six months. Mra. Oscar Newman waa appointed school traffic officer. Councilman Bly reported the borough still Is experiencing a de lay In receiving! American La- France fire truck. He aald the manufacturers claim a design change is the reason for the de Plan Riverview Drive Hospital Campaign Goal Is $1,500,000 A total sum of I1.5000O0 will needed to erect the new proposed wing at Riverview hospital, was announced today by the board of governors. The amount aa been carefully estimated by he building committee and the architect W. James Taylor. At he same time, the general campaign chairman, J. Raymond De- Ridder, Indicated that funds totaling $331,300 were in hand or anticipated during the campaign rom the Ford Foundation and bequests from Individual!. A campaign for $1,170,000 in contributions from the public to complete the building fund of Riverview being organized under Mr. DeRldder's leadership. The sum will be sought from Individuals and business Arms in the hospital service ares. The propoeed live-story wing will add 78 new beds to the ex- Riverview hospital building fund campaign chairman, J. Raymond DeRidder, points to architect's drawing of tho proposed now $1,500,000 wing as ha and President Jamas S. Parka* examine deteils of tha structure, which is to include 7» additional bads. A sum of $331,300 from tho Ford Foundation and bequeits from individuals is in hand or anticipated shortly, thus requiring a campaign for $1,170,000 in contributions from tha public U Per Cent of Taxes Councilman Heller, reading the treasurer's report, commended the high amount of taxes collected in 1M«8S.8 per cent. Mayor Hawkins announced that arrangement! are being made to meet with LltUe Silver and Red Bank officials next week to discuss mutual drainage problems. Borough Attorney Reussllle recommended a delay In introducing a "no all night parking" ordinance until approval of the proposed law ii received from the county and state. He said the state already advised him that the proper hour* of enforcement are from 2 to S a. m., rather than the 2 to 8 a. m. suggested. The attorney said the ordinance proposed here wa* the saeae.aa that in tor* in Littla BiiWr, but the tato apo advissd that it would not be proper to exempt doctor* from the law'a proviaion*. Council voted to donate $25 to the Shore Firemen'! Bowling league after receiving a. request from Fred S. Morris, chairman of the league'* prlxe fund committee. Mayor Hawkins referred to Councilman Graham an Invitation to lunch at Lulgl'a at noon today with member! of the Monmouth County Safety council. Alien Address Reports Due NEWAKK-AU alien* in New Jersey, who have not yet filled out alien address report form*, today were urged to do *o before Jan. 31 at the nearest immigration Service office or local post office. The announcement was made by H. L. Hardln, district director of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service. He pointed out that the law require* all non-citizens, except persons in diplomatic status, United Nation* and Mexican National contract labores, to report their address to the government each January. "The parent or legal guardian of alien children under 14 yeara of age muit fill out the address report form for such children In order to comply with the law," Mr. Hardln said. The Immigration official aald 85,000 alien* have already filled out address reports. He eitimated that 190,000 such report* will be filled out In the state before the end of the month. Engineer Requested Restriction Clause MIDDLETOWN-vrh* resolution reappolnting Craig Flnnegan aa township engineer for 1MT contain* a paragraph, Inserted at Mr. Finnegan'a requeit, which bar* him from serving any private developer in a major subdivision in the townahlp. The engineer had been criticized tor acting aa engineer for some developer!. Officials had announced aeveral months ago that Mr, Finnegan had stopped accepting such work. The tact that Mr. Finnegan requeated that tha reatrictlve clause be added waa Inadvertently omitted from last week's Register story. NOTICE or ANNUAL MEETING MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Tha annual maatlns of tha mamhara of tha Malnatar Federal Savlnsi and Loan Amxlatlon (or tha eleetlon of directors to nil axlitlnff vacancies and fur the transaction of tuch olhar bua- Ineta as may ba neeeiiarjr, will ba held at tha offlea of tha AitoeUtlom, H Monmuuth atrtat. Rail Bank New Jersey, on Wednesday January 16th lest. at 11:00 o'clock P M. Raymond H. Hurliy, Secretary Advertl lament. Typewriter larfaliie. All makaa naw aa* racondltlonad Alin adding machines, Low at SJ30.6O. Guarantied Liberal trade-in allowanc*. Kaiy tarmi. Berplflo'i, 101 Mon mouth at. Kf. C-H4SI Nut t» Carl, ton theater.--advertlumtnt. Oceanport Acts to Have Water Conditions Corrected OCEANPORT The mayor and council last Thursday night, on a motion by Councilman Franklin Ingram, voted to write the state asking that partial payment of funds due the Eastern Engineer- Ing company for s work in dredging Oceanport creek be held up until alleged condition* resulting from the dredging be corrected to the borough's satisfaction. The action came after council heard J. Orrin Sickles of Dwyane st. say that Hince the dredging there is no water at all along the edges of the creek at low tide and very little water even at full high tide. Usually, said Mr. Sickles, a mub bank extend* 40 or 10 fset Into the creek. Mr. Sickles also complained about the condition nf Riddle ave. as the result of a break several months ago in the dam used to contain material dredged from the river. About the mud banks, Mr. Sickle! told council a representative of the Department of Navigation visited his home last week, told Mra. Sickles "it's a terrible condition" and asked what borough council is doing about. Mayor Edward C. Wilson replied the borough ia still looking Into and that a committee headed by Former Councilman Clinton W. Wood Is work- Ing on the matter. 8treet Flooded Riddle ave., said Mr. Sickles, waa flooded with slit and water when the dam broke. The dredging company, he added, put In some sand and gravel, but that has now mixed with the mud and is a "beautiful mess." As a temporary relief, council agreed to have the road scraped and, if necessary, to put down some more gravel. Meanwhile, the state will be aaked to hold up partial payment to the dredging company until the condition* are satisfactorily corrected. Councilman Harry S. Koch agreed to "go along" with tho motion, but suggested Mr. Wood and hi* committee be contacted first to determine what Is being done about the matters. Introduced on first reading waa an ordinance maklrar unlawful for a person under 21 yeara of age to have in hli possession any alcoholic beverage in or upon any public street or other public or quasi public place. The ordinance also would make it unlawful for anyone under 21 to consume or have in his possession any alcoholic beverage In a motor vehicle on any public atreet or while in a motor vehicle in any public or quasi public place in the borough. Contract Rescinded Council adopted a resolution rescinding the award of a contract to Michael J. Palumbo, who wa* the loweit bidder for alteration* and addition* to the playground building in Portaupeck. The resolution states that Mr. Palumbo has failed to execute the contract and that the mayor and council have, aince awarding the contract, deemed advisable to make certain changes in the plans and specifications. Asked if council would hold Mr. Palumbo's deposit, mad* as a guarantee that the work would be done, Mr. Ingram explained that while the deposit could be held by the borough, it will be returned to Mr. Palumbo In view of the fact! that the contractor waa once a member of the playground committee, that aa a m»mh#r h» did a great deal of voluntary work on the play' ground and that illness Is the leason for hli failure to do the work. Council received the annual report of Thomas N. Rosa, building Inspector, showing thst In 1158, building permits were Issued for construction totaling $813,420. Permits were lasued a* follow* 84 new houses, $730,000; 18 new garagei, $39,825, and 33 alterations and repair*, $42,215. wa* Mr. Ross's final report He resigned aa of Dec. 31 because of a Hatch act stipulation that no federal employee ma;' hold municipal office. Mainstay Gains $750,000 In Assets in Past Year The Malmtay Federal Saving* and Loan association wound up the year 1958 with substantial gains In savings, home mortgages outstanding and new customers. The year will go down in the association's records as the best In the post-war period. Thomas Cook, president, In releasing the association's annual report said, "One Important measure of thii progress was an Increase in total assets o( over $760,000 during the year, This gain represented not only greater use of our services by our established customers, but also an increase In the number of saveri uilng our facilities," Assets now total $8,355, During the year the association enrolled 197 new members and made loan! to 208 families, aggregating over $1,900,000. Mr. Cook also reported that the past year has been conspicuous for "extremely Intense competition for the savers' dollar," and also there WM a "large demand for home mortgage loam, In spite of which the association was able to accommodate their applicants." Reserves were Increased over $86,000 and now represent 6,88 per cent of asacts. Dividends amount- Ing to $158,000 were paid or credited to members' accounts at th«rate of three per cent per annum. Each memher la Innurcd up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, an Instrumentality of the U. S. government. Mr, Cook further stated that "the association would continue to terve the community'* need for thrift and home ownership as everyone Is aware of the fact that the purchase of a new home sets off an economic chain reaction which remit! in widespread purchase! of goods and service that benefit! all segment! of tlv community. Another fact which has been helpful to the home buyer Is the open-end mortgage which the association uies as enable! the owner to secure additional advances at a later date at the original mortgage Interest rate for a variety of purposes, Including adding to or Improving his home, thereby making it more convenient and less expensive. These objectives were formulated 125 years ago by the founders of the first savings and loan association In a Philadelphia suburb.' The detailed financial statement as of Dec. 31, 1958, appears else where In this Issue. Officers of the association in addition to Mr Cook, are: Fred D. Wikofr, chairman of the board; Dr. Theodore A. Doremus, and Stewart Cook, vice presidents; Raymond H. Hurley, executive vice president and secretary; William T. Jones, treasurer; Victor Batter and Mra. Lola P. Oryaon, assistant secretaries and Benjamin A. Parker, assistant treasurer. Directors are Fred D. WikolT, Thomas Cook, Stewart Cook, E. Allaire Cornwell, Dr, Theodore A. Doremui, Thomas P. Doremui, John Clnlon, William T. Jones, Victor Hatter and Clyde K. Bwannell. lstlng structure and will bring the capacity of the hospital to 183 patients. An important feature of the plan to augment nursing units at the hoapital is a largo new pediatrics department, which will contain beds and cribs as well as a solarium playroom for the youngsters. Included in the plans will be enlarged surgical and obstetrical facilities as well as expanded laboratory, X-ray, pharmacy and central aupply departments. Included in tha proposed building program Is an enlarged accident department and a new emergency entrance to accommodate the increasing number of emergency patients. Detailed architectural drawings of the expansion project at tha hospital are being procewed and will be made public as soon aa they are completed during the next few weeks. JCP&L Completes Another Step in $900,000 Project ASBURY PARK Electric service facilities are being expanded at a total cost of more than $900,000 by the Jersey Central Power at Light company In are area which Includes Highlands, Atlantic Highlands, Sea Bright, Rumson, Fair Haven and Little Silver. With the completion last week of a $170,000 project between Sea Bright and Atlantic Highland*. J.C.PaVL. can now serve ctutomera in that area from two directions, from Belford or from Long.. Branch. Transmission facilities of 1B87 at a cost of approximateformerly ended at Highlands, with >y $180,000. distribution lines serving custom to customer requirements. will stop down transmission to 4,800 volte for distribution in the Rumion-Fan- Haven area, now served by distribution line* from Red Bank. Little Silver Substation The final phase of the over-all project will be the construction.- a 34.5-kiIovolt line from Red Bank to a new substation In tho Little Silver area. This work, now under construction, is expected to be completed in the latter part ers south of that point to Sea Bright. The first phase of that project, a new transmission line between Long Branch and Sea Blight, and a new substation at Sea Bright, was completed In 1954 at a cost of more than $150,000. Scheduled for completion In late 1957 at a cost of more than $425,000 is a 34,500-volt transmission line between Red Bank and Sea Bright, giving the area a third source of power. A new substation in the Rumson area will bring the source of power closer In addition to overhead trans minion and distribution line* and the new substation!, the project also Includes two submarine cable crowing* under the Shrewsbury river, one between Highlands and Highland Beach, and another between Rumson and Bea Bright Robert H. Sims, superintendent of the local electric company"* coast division, said this work la being done to stay ahead of the rapidly increasing electric requirements of the area which baa been growing at an annual rate of approximately 15 per cent $102,485 Received to Date In Church Building Fund Pay, Spending Soar Here NEW YORK cn? Newest figures Just in throw the first light available on the amount of business growth in Monmouth county during the past year. Income and apending on tha part of local residents are shown to be running at a high level with the economic strength revealed best in the volume of business done by local retell stores. The figures revealed by the Standard Rate and Data service are based on a nation-wide survey conducted until July 1, 19M. le the first comprehensive estimate running to that point, Standard Rate and Data Service said. Locally, it ahowi there has been overall progress making for good retail business despite declines on several front*. In the 12 months ending July 1, the cash registers In Monmouth county stores Jingled to the tune of $$71,488,000, according to the survey. compares with $384,- IM.000, during the 1955 calendar year. Economist! have been Impressed generally by the fact that business volume has been increasing even though there has been a decline In automobiles, housing and agriculture, the Rate and Data Service says. Can Absorb Setback* According to the U, S. Chamber of Commerce, it Is due to the "better balanced diversity of our economy." We are now able to absorb major setbacks In two or three Important Industries at one time and yet have a healthy end condition, they say. In Monmouth county, apendable income the amount lift after tax deductions reached a total of $500,031,000 in the 12-month period, according to the Rate and Data Service. was more than the $477,848,000 earned In the 1955 calendar year. Apportioned equally among the estimated 79,730 local families, the earnings provided a net spending capacity of $8,272 per family. The economy Is expected to remain at a high level In the foraeeable future because, aa the Chamber of Commerce sees, "Both buslnees and government know better how to handle their affairs so aa to reduce the chances and magnitudes of recession." Democratic Women To Elect Officers The Monmouth County Women's Democratic club will meet Saturday at 1:30 p. m. at Union hall, Broad and Mechanic sta. Nomination! of orncers to be elected are: Mrs. William Beam of Long Branch, for her second term af second vice preildent; and Mrs. Harold Coatello, Matawan, for her first term aa financial uecretary. Mrs. Ann Hughe* of Delmar, chairman of the auditing committee, will give her annual report SHREWSBURY- The bulldtes; fund campaign total of the Presbyterian church has passed tha $100,000 mark toward the goal of $125,000. This was announced today by Rev. Arthur S. Joice. pastor of the church, who stated that $102,- 485 In cash and pledges had been received and more ia coming la daily. The purpose of the campaign ia to raise funds for the construction of a new educational-fellowship building to car* for the need* of a rapidly growing congregation and Sunday church school. The new building will Include a fellowship hall for use as aa auditorium, dining room and gymnasium. There will be a scout room, church office, pastor's study, craft room and classroom! to provide for over 400 Sunday church school pupil* at a single session when coupled with existing lacilitie*. The building la to be constructed on land acquired a few yeara ago from the Van Visit estate and will face Sycamore ave. To point up the need for the faculties, Rev. Mr. Joice announced that a net gain of 80 new church members was realised In 1958, an Increase of one-third In church membership, and that Sunday-school enrollment haa Increased by a similar proportion. la planned that the construction of the new building will begin In early spring. Albert O. Morhart of Gooseneck Point, Oceanport, 1* chairman of the building planning committee. Church Plans To Make Survey FAIR HAVEN Rev. Charlea L. Wood, vicar of the Chapel of the Holy Communion, ha* announced plans for a religious *urvey of the community to be conducted next week. The survey will start next Thursday and will be conducted with the co-operation of tha Philadelphia Divinity school. Student! from the seminary, employed by the chapel, will ring doorbell* throughout the boroufb asking the number of resldento In the house and the religious preference of the family. The survey i* expected to be completed within a week. Directing the student! at work will be Father Wood, together with Ivar Lundgaard, ohalrmaa of the chapel planning committee. The planning committee propoese to use the Information obtained to estimate potential future growth of the chapel congregation. CAR SKIDS, HITS POLK Mrs. Nora Botwln, 78 Woodbine ave., Little Silver, suffered cut* of the lower lip and left knee Monday when the car Ih* was driving ikldded on Spring St.. near Elm pi., and struck a pole. Mrs. Botwin wa* treated si Riverview hoepltail. Blase Parma. Applicative tor blnigu and reel* R«eaiiafi may ba obtained at the ilh prlnllns of Tha SMllier. Wa nave all ntaeiaarr forma an aas*. Call Rg 1-00!!. Advirtitaaeei

14 . Jan RED BASK BECTSTEB 150 Serving ore Petit Jury FREEHOLD The following 150 burg; John F. Carmody, 8*a county residents have been chosen I Bright; George D. Carnei, Matato serve on the petit jury for theiwan; Mrs. Henrietta H. Carpenter, Avon. pcrii^l which began Monday and Raymond Casey, Keansburg; will end Jan, 18: James R. Chambers, Wanamajisa; Henry Adie, West Long Branch; John G, Cherry, West Belmar; Edward Arai, Middletown township; William C. Aaman, Little Sil- Branch"; Mrs. Elizabeth T. Ciofli, Orpgnry Christopher, West Long ver: Mrs. Elisabeth J. Baker, Sea Oakhurst; Michael J. Colwnan, Girt; Mr*. Mary E. Baldassarri, West Long Branch; James Convery, Keansburg; Mrs. Shirley Red Bank; Frank. C. Barren, Holmdel township; Robert M. Cook, Oceanport; James F. Cooper, Sea Girt; Thomas F. Costello, Beattie, Ocean port; Felix J. Bellman, Wanaqriassa; George Bieraack. Keansburg; Edwin J. Bold, lantic township; Edgar F.CottreJl, Avon; Mrs. Loretta Costigan, At- Wanamusa; Hn, Nellie Bond, Union Beaoh; Michael Cuomo, Deal; Stephen M. Boyd, Howell Millstone township; Morris Danley. New Shrewsbury; township; Mrs. Majorie S. Boylp, Michael Monmouth Beach; Benjamin Brown; Asbury Park; Weston R. Buchanan, Middletown township; Mrs. Ruth E. Campbell Matawan; Thomas Canavan, East Keans- I HAVI A FOR A Locotion DRY-CLEANING IUSINESS tmni parklnf ana, modart rental, other "traffic" itacei located In unit C*M Rid Imk a-50*0 D'Antonio, Red Bank; Addiaon S. Davidson, Red Bank; Hn. Marjorie Dennen, Manasquan; Harold H. Doan, Little Silver; Robert E. Donahue, Spring Lake; William A. Dore, Freehold township. Robert W. Edmonstone, Red Bank; Robert Egerton, Man&lapan township; Jacob Eitenman, Long Branch; Mrs. Irma C. Embree, Marlboro township; William T. Etzkorn, Port Monmouth; Joseph E. Finhman, Bradley Beach; Joseph J. Flanagan, As bury Park; Mrs. AJfreda Fowler, Belmar; J, Lester Frake, Middletown township; Mrs. Oh«rlette Frank, Freehold; Robert J. Franklin, Asbury Park; John 8. Gaross, Leonardo; Miss Grace J. George, Spring Lake; WUliam J. Gordon, Farmingdale; Mrs. Mabefl E. Grunkc, Sea Girt; Richard Hampton. Neptune township; Mrs. Christine Hayes, Eatontown; Jack Heit, Roosevelt; Hermon N. Helms, Howell township; Herman R. Hetem, Middletown township. Frank Horan, Highlands; Wilfred D. Howitt, Red Bank; George H. Hutchinson, Long Branch; Prank H. Hyatt, Jr., Long Branch; William Jacobs Asbury Park; Mrs. Gladys E. Jinoch, Red Bank; Andrew W. Johnson, Sea FOR PROVIDING MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT... There h No Substitute for MONEY in the BANK To help you save more, accomplish more ond get ahead financially... to provide money when you need it... a bank is your best ; friend! no 1 In a bank, you establish credit references second to none. In a bank, you con obtain a vast array of services under one roof... Savings Accounts, Checking Accounts, Loans, Safe Deposit Boxes, Financial Guidance. In a bank, your deposits are insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. MONMOUTH COUNTY BANKERS' Ml 0LEMIN8 HOUSE ASSOCIATION Ft. Trvrt C«. Astoiy Park Notional leak one Trad Ce. Astwy * ens' OCM* Grave Tts* esw s.a_.t B>_ f_ TV«Fanners *> Meicaaata Nottonol lank TTM Farman Noriaaal lank mi th..lin. Tin First NoHaaal tank of freaky sack Flnt NatioMl task of Sari* UIM Th«rnohoM Titnt Co. FiaohoM smlst'sle Kesmevfa National tank Kaon irf MMsletewa reach laakiaa. Coateaay ajeaca ifwv wosaoeay raack Wart M TIM Matt*** leak aak Rao task Unit SIhrar Keyswrt IntHiMewa HtW aftlmy Ull Lout Ironch Tka> m -*- v sw rovpiv v Sta Mfkt NaHaaal leak Inducted in Marlboro Township Floyd Wyckoff, left, Marlboro township dark, swears in Leonard Nlvison, center, and Frank Rafcliff as new members of the township committee at fha reorganisation mooting last Thursday in tha township hall. committee mamban. Bright; Fred L. Jones, Red Bank; Mrs. I. Virginia Jones Red Bank; Mrs. Kathryn Jones, Middletown township; JoJin P. Joyce, Monmouth Beach; Joseph Jursa, Marlboro township; Gerald J. Karadbil, Freehold township; Mrs. Rebecca Kaxasic, Asbury Park; Joseph M. Keating, Eatontown; Robert J. Keibley, West Keansburg; Edward KUljanskl. Millstone township; Mrs. Dorothy King, Long Branch; Louis Klappholz, Long Branch; Harry L. Knowles, Upper Freehold town- * Odd J. Knutatat, West Belmar; Mrs. Edna M. Kuhnen, Interlaken; Samuel L. Katt. Sea Girt; Arvld P. Latham, Ocean township; Mrs. Helen I. Lauohly, Glendofla; Harold Lawyer, Long Branch; Bernard C. Layton; Red Bank; Joseph A. Liebesman, Bradley Beach; John Liptak, ManaJapan township; Franeis H. Love, Jr., Rumson; Frank S. Manfredi, Asbury Park; Mrs. Erma Manuttl, Belmar; Willard W. Mc- Elwain, Middletown township; Leo M. Meyers. Manasquan; Harold Mllov, "Asbury Park; Charles Mink off, Ocean township; Louis H. Moersch Asbury Park; Mrs. Belle Moskowitz, Red Bank; J. John J. Detaaeier Lester Mount, R. D. 2, Cream Ridge; William C. Nodding!, Matawan. BAINBRIDGE, Md. Navy Airman John J. Delmeler, son of Mr. Miss Helen Novack, Freehold and Mrs. Frank R. Delmeler of township; Carl Orlando, Long Leonardo, has completed nine Branch; Arthur F. Orr, Port Monmouth; Hiram L. Osborn, R. D. weeks of recruit training at the 1, Asbury Park; George A.. Os-Naval training center here and Is trowskl, Marlboro township; Mrs. Nancy Ottavtano, Long Branch; Mrs. Mary Paternoster, Neptune township; Miss Gloria C. Patten, Adelphla; Luke J. Penta Highlands; August W. Peters, Allentown; W.. Donald Phillips, Allentown; Russell H. Pothemus, Freehold township; Reginald G. Predham, Neptune City; John Price, 'Freehold; Mrs. Betty Pugh, Freehold; Norman Ramsey, Rumson; Paul Riemer, Freehold; John P. Robeon, Little Silver; David Rooney, PtrrinevUle; Thomu Roaney, Freehold. William J. Baker, Freehold; Louis Salttberg, Bradley Beach; David Scharf. Bebnar; Frank Schellack, Highlands; Gregory E. Schilling;, Middletown township; John Schnelderman, Neotune township; Walter R. Scott. Atlantic Highlands; John J. Sheehan, Highlands; Henry J. Sherman, Jr., Long Branch; Morris SDonk. Deal; Wllllaam E. Stockwell, Howell township; Bryan L. Syer, Llncrwft; Harry L. Teicher, Long Branch; Dominic L. Testa, Long Branch; John D. Thompson, R. D. 2 Freehold; Roy Trudel, Nertune townshin; Donald Vlnlk, Deal; Louis F. Vltale, Neptune township; Mrs. Julia V. Warg, Manasquan; Edward M. Walters. Keyport; Samuel Warwick. Kevport; PhiHn Wetzdl, Long Branch; Chester M. Willis, Asbury Park; Mrs. Frances Williams, Cliffwood; Bernard Wolf. Bradley Beach; William A. I Wtoodlntr. Long Branch; Mrs. Elli- beth Woodyard, Neptune township; Alvln Zarin Asbury Park; Howard Zeliff, Sr.', R. D. 1, Engllshtown; Edward W. Zergiebel, Neptune township. Girl Scout Troop 5 Discusses Badges HIGHLANDS Girl Scout troop 5 held s flnt meeting of the new year Thursday night at the borough hall. Members of the troop discussed badges, under the supervision of their leader, Mrs. Richard Laraen, and Mrs. Mahlon Sagurton, assistant leader. The older (rtrls of the troop an helping younger girls earn second class badges. Claire Greene and Linda Levy will be Invested at the meeting next Thursday. Attending were Shannon Bradley, Lorraine Depfer, Patricia McConnell, Ann McGough, Adrlenne Monahan, Jo Ann Monahan, Eileen O'Keefe, Pamela Sohlrger, Margie Biverson, Charlotte Smith and Ruth Anno Yaeger. Mo problem Inalni ttntnti whtn you aittrtlss Ths R* lstar way. A4>srtiisunt. Home on Leave spending 14 days leave with his parents. Having enlisted und«r the Navy's Dennis lucklay was again choian mayor by new high school training program, Airman Delmeler will report to the Naval Air station at Patuxent River, Md., to await orders to report to the Aviation Machinist's Mate school for a course of Instruction. Atomic power will furnish SO per cent of the nation's electricity by ths year 2000 A. D., predicts atomic power executive W. A. Shepherd..Dsaerr Get. *Bn*k* ' Stare at Music Hall KEANSBURG - Miss Harriet Mason, a summer resident bore, temporary stardom in the Radio City Music Hall'a corps de ballet recently in traditional show business fashion. On the eve of a first performance last month, the ballerina w««injured in a fall. After a series of auditions, Mise Mason, a member of the chorus, was given the part. Miss Mason, who lives in Union, spends summers with her aunt, Mrs. Edward J. Davis, at 2 Beacon blvd. Miss Mason is 19 and has been with the Music Hall group only a year. Although she has returned to the corps de ballet's large chorus after her several weeks of stardom, observers believe her performances have marked her for future Important rolea. Psychologist to Give Lecture Series for PTA LITTLE SILVER The parent-eduoation and family Hvtng committee of tha Parent-Teacher aasoslatioa will present Dr. Virginia Seanlan of Long Branch, consulting psychologist, In a series of lectures starting Thursday, Jan. IT, at the school at 8:10 p. m. In tha pro-primary At the flnt meeting, Dr. Beanlan's subject will be "Basic Mechanisms of Behavior." The rest of the series Is aa follows. Jan. SI, "Immaturity in Adults;" Feb. 14, "The Effects of Your Childhood on Your Parenthood," and Feb. 28, "Pre-Teens and Adolescents." Each li^hure will be followed by a question and answer period. Mrs. Joseph Lacy, committee chairman, is In charge. To remove the "clickety clack" caused by trains passing ovsr rail joints, British railways reballast the tracks, weld them together in one mile lengths and lay them In rubber grooves on concrete ties. Htra art tht Reasons why YOU PAY LESS! WB SEBVICB AH Makes as* Modest Oil Bamon with the Heattag diatom. WC SEBV1CE EoUrs rtummng. WB 8BBVIUB All Type* Water raaipa. WB UBVICB AH Makes All CssksMssMfa. USUAL snmei MI YOUR OIL Minim OUR CHARM IS I10.JO TeJ.RU or HOfeneM M441 CRANE PLUMBING 4 HEATING THIS IS THE f JO M FOR 19B7 Styling from dream-cais OlMmsoN-niu year Mercury hu grown bigger in every important dimension. For example, then* it non headroom, leg room, shoulder room, hip room. action from sports cans EISE& KING. UMIHt STOUT I CO. car *«MM eraea iess*h«e 103 IAIT FRONT STRBT M0 IAHK, N. J. N«n>*. H. J.!> <«. N I. rstaraaa. N. J. isaianaimr.inrc STOCKS IONDS SH4WBS AMVt Otis SVSaTWS CUW WOMEN'S FIGURE SKATES.98 Brasss Oflses N. J. tx Pilsriswrg. -Wa. 8 t-12 Split CwvhMt TABS L. L N. J. Mstwalk. Cmm. to* «sator. M. A MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES a steel Arch "OtllOs" StylM (MO Silts) ttohl MRS 1 "WHITI ST NIB, MASMAim UNn_Here ia thefirstdream car you can ewi_ the fint car you can buy with Dream-Csr Deaifit. Hen'i djitinctira, V M t l i h d b b size ftom es^ensive Mt IANK M:30 OrOMIMMsTCWVMITO^ model*. In the Montchir series the itandard engiiw ii a 255-hp Safety-Surge V-8 with a Power-Booster Fan that MTM horsepower other can waste. A 255-hp Safety-Surgs V-8 it itandud in tile Monterey aarie*. A spadil engbe (335-hp) it attilabk at extra coat in Monterey models «)uiph widi Maiidard binsnuwons. Shretcibury Shopt Broad Si. Shrewahury,,1 ON DRESSES. BLOUSES - SWEATERS - SHORTS AND JACKETS If you like exclutiveneit in clothing, than thit it a wonderful opportunity to add distinction to your wardroba in casual clothes. Save 20% now during our January clearanca. Tha early bird will gat the best talte. fion so hurry in. pnee just above small cars Never before hu to much bigness and luxury cott to little. And Mercury introduces features you can't buy at any price in other can. Mercury's new Dream-Car Design it Mercury's alone. 's sleek, daring, clean-cut makes other can look plump and old-fashioned. Mercury's exclusive Floating Ridt it the finest MUNUTM ceavoer B no loneu «vu combination of bump-smothering features ever put you and the road. ', Check the low price tags in our showroom. You'll find you can get a new Big M for little more down or per month than for the lowest price can. And what a lot more you get! i t mw cusuimuim COMIMS M cewmomiw AW sume M OM UHMM t musi MERCURY for 57 Ss Mire Is sss Us slf t.l.vl.l.s h S. "THE ED IUIXIVAN SHOW," luasar s«wl*a. tiot U»i0O, lull.a WCSi, Csuael S. ENGLISH MOTORS Mopl* Av«nu«Phon* Rl Rod l a n k Now Jortoy THE BIG

15 Reveal New Tax Form CAMDEN-geveral million taxpayers who last year M«d their returns on form 1040 arc this year receiving in the mall the simplified punch-card form 1M0A, which makes possible easier preparation and processing; of a return, the Internal Revenue service announced this week. The card form enables the tax payer to provide all pertinent information on his income and exemption status, it was stated, If his Income wss less that 5,000 during 199*. Thia consists of the taxpayer's salary and -wages from which eat before preparing she fens self and to be retalnel by the taxpayer for his records. A new feature of the card form this year, it was announced is the addition of lines making it possible for the taxpayer to compute his own tax from the table provided on the instruction sheet. District Director Chris L. Gross urged taxpayers of this district to make this calculation, rather than have the revenue service do it, so that they may know at once whether they owe additional tax, are due a refund or have exactly fulfllled their tax obligation by withholding tax payments. Last year, approximately 18,- 000,000 taxpayer! who could have used the card form actually used the longer form 1040 in order to calculate their additional tax or tax was withheld, provided he refund before Sling their returns, eturs, had no more than $100 total of the revenue service said. Provision i i other wages, diidd dividends and inter- it est. This also means If his deductible expenses were less than the standard ten per cent calculated as part of the tax table for Incomes up to that figure, tt was said. For these taxpayer* with lesa than 16,000 lncoms. bat with allowable deductions exceeding ten per cent, the refular form 10*0 should be used to obtain * refund r reduce the balance of tax d«a, the revenue service said. Persons who Qualify to use the card form, but who did net re> eelve may obtain a copy from the local office of Internal Revenue service. An Instruction heet accompanies the card form. contains a reproduction of the card, to serve as a sample to All of the Birds QiobooraT ^av tun k > SM, WILD tiao rooo of the form 1040A. with this new feature, will enable them to accomplish th* same purpose with the simplified card form, it was Mother, Baby Cue Course HREWfBUltT - A "Mother and Baby Care" course will be offered by the Bed Cross chapter hart beglnbtac Monday, was announced this week. The course to designed to help new parents before the baby arrives and through the baby's first year," according to the Red Cross. Classes will be conducted at the chapter house, Broad st The time is t p. m. Mrs. Buxanne Krogman, R.N. of West Long Branch, will conduct the six two-hour lessons. A certificate Drill be Issued to those who complete the course. Registration Open For Mother's Claim MANASQUAN Registrations are now open for the new 1967 series of mother's classes which began yesterday at a p. m. at the Manaequsn Health center, 7 Main st The classes are free of charge. Instruction will be given in bearing and films will be shown on human reproduction, nutrition and child guidance. An obstetrician, pediatrician and member of a hospital obstetrical nursing staff will participate in the series. Mrs. Elisabeth T. Morris, R. N, supervisor of public health nursing foi the Monmouth County Organ sation for Social Service, is the instruction for the classes. Moyes Gets Summerfield Citation Eatontown't postmaster Francis E. Bruce, right, presented * citation for devotion to duty to Vincent J. Moyes, signed by Poitmaiter General Arthur E. Summerfield. With them it Mn. Moyas. Mr. Moyet retired Nov. 30 from the postal service) after 37 years. The citation was presented to him in the post office Monday baforo a gathering of coworkers, including Assistant Postmaster Theodora Lowis, Kenneth Sargent, Parcy Dingier, Edmund La bud*, Ralph LaParro, Frank Montano, Frank Osgood, Henry Zabrowski, Anthony Rapolle, Anthony DiDonato, Robert Setdler and Howard Terry. Scout Leaden Discus* Service Project* MIDDLETOWN - The town, ship Girl Scout Leaders' association met recently at Central school, Tlndall rd. Mrs. James Murray, vice president, presided In the absence of Mrs. James Larson, president. Other officers for th«new year are Mrs. James Froellch, recording secretary; Mrs. Harry Williamson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. John Ketchow, treasurer; Mrs. Florence Bathburn, membership chaumsn; Mr*. Thomas M. Griffin, publicity chairman, and Mrs. Raymond Ashman and Mrs. fuctaard Preps, program chairmen. The leaders dlscuaaed atrviee projects and gifts made for parents by the troops before Chrlstmas. New leaders welcomed were Mrs. Edward H. Turner and Mrs. Walter J. Kis. Future meetings will be held at St Mary's parish hall at 12:80 p. m. the first Wednesday of every month. CAIXEBS MEET KOLMDEL - Th* Monmouth County Callers club met Sunday night at th* home of Mr. and Mn. Robert Fellmeui. Kenneth Smith of Fortaupeck was guest caller for the workshop and did a singing call for the group, Plans were made for the continuation of the square dance clinic to be held the second and fourth Wednesday in January, February and March in Mechanic Street school, Red Bank. Quests wen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Mr. and Mn. John Haltama, Oakhurst. RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Ian. 10, 1957 IS J. YANKO ROAD ST. RED IANK CLEARANCE STORE-WIDE REDUCTIONS LADIES 1 HANDBAGS have been 2.95, 5.00 and 5.95 COSTUME JEWELRY have been 1.00 and 2.00 each WOMEN'S HEADWEAR wools, Bortjana fur, jersey., ALL WOOL SCARFS reg. 2.95, plaidi and solid colors Street Floor alut taa Vsoff 1.98 Sale of better blouses 2.99 and 3.99 Won 3.t5 ft 4.95 V**MS < Sizes 10 to 18 and 30 to 40, long and short sleeves AU'WE/kTHE FEEDER Hill WITH»0 U. IA6 "" ' BAIRO-OAVTSON CO., 174 W. MONT ST. Red lank HID* RECEIVED STATE Notice M atrtkr «l»*a that sealed bldi will b* received br th* Moamoatl County Welfare Board foe farlilihint paptr eftpply for on* year'- ltlt. for the MOMBOUUI Count; Walter* Houtt, freehold. New Jermr, aala bm* U be received at th* martins at th* Hon. mouth County Welfare Board to be add at th* Briar Mill WiUare Hoaee juet outride of Freehold, in public at the recular mtttlni on Wtdneodar. January IS. 1M7, at 10:10 A. M. Complete speclfteationt and form of Id for th* tame an on BI* at tht Briar Hill Welfare Horn and alao In the office of th* Ctark of the Board f PrMiiold*n at th* Hall of JUcordt. Freehold. New Jtratr. and eoplei mar be received by protpactlve blddtn «pea application.' Bide mutt bt madt n etatterd proposal nu la the aaaan*r deelcnated taanin aad n* eulrad by t>* speelfleafloaei must be th* *y Welfare Bee**.*** anuet kt accompanied h* «.ssnwal check drawn to th* order at tke Cwntr Troturtr for not lew bbta tea () Mr cent'of tht amott* bm s*4 - > C* accompanied by a lertlscate fro*) j a retponilblt reaponilm* boiulln«bondlm eompaby cor that tber will proylde pravm* a.bwd feme. irtfce bleser le saeceeaful. and be d.liwroi at the Plae* and th* keor above Bltht Is rtetrrtd to reject any or all bids K seamed to th* laumt of th* Honmouth County Welfare Board $ Ur **». Boa,* of th. Moamoata County g CHANfEHY S-4S) SHEKIFTS SALE: By rlrtt* of a wrk of execution to me directed. ' issued out of th* Superior Court of Mew Jerter (Chancery Dtrleloni than will b* expond to aal* at Bottle van. lo'ndly. th* 4ta say of Fabruarr. HIT. between th* aoun of o'clock and 4:10 o'clock <at» o'clock Saetara Standard Tlma) In th* aitamooa of aid day. at th* Court Hew* laths Boroat* of rraefcold, County of Mon. moikstnawilefwy. to attiab a Jade;. m*nt at tail wurt aamaatuw proxlmately ll ALL that tr**t or panel of land and piwnleee. hereinafter particularly deteribod altaat* In th. Senas* et Union Beach, in th* Count* *f Moa. mouth and State of Mew Jen*/: BEING known and detlsnstm asxat No. Four («> In Block Forty-tam (41) at ehowa on "Hap <* Vales BMC. JUrltan Townahlp. Monmouth County New Jtrny. Hither* Heater. C B 'BBOINNINO at a polat In th* eolitherl; Una of Fifth Str**t, dlatant U«en> ty-flte" (76) feet eaittrly from ta; aiterly Una of Fine Str**t, awai«r»d alone tht iouth*rly line of Fifth trait. Said point alia btins the Sorthtait ewner of Lot Wo. Three («); thtae*. eaiteily and alens the eouthtrly lint of Fifth Strttt. tw*ntyflr. (251 feet to the Noruiwetterly eorner of Lot No, Five (5): one hundred (100) fe*t to the Morwwett corner of Lot No. Thlrty-ilx (ID i thence Wut.riy and along tht Northerly lint of No No, Thlrty-ila-ht (li): laence Northerly sad «lon«tl.e Eaetwlr lint ot Lot No. ThrH (i). one hundred (100) feet to Ui. Southerly line of iuh Street, the point and»lac* of ^BINO the same premltee eennyed to Mehard A. Almond aul Dorothy A. Almond, amskaiul and wife, datad No. ember Uth 1156 and r**ord*d No. T*mb*r llth, lilt In t*. Monmout* County Clerk't Offlce in Book 2121 of Mortsas-ei. on page. 411., _.. gel»d ite the property of Richard A Almond and Dorothy A. Almond, hilihand «n<l wlftt and Otntral Klfn. trie Crotllt Corporation, a Corporation of tht State of Nt.v York, taktn In execution at the suit of Ktantburi S«vln«. Mi titn Aiioclatlon. a body corporate of tht Sttt. of New Jerity and b, ^_^0,., Pattd: DM, 17. l»r,«, f^eru. JPiileburxA^rtnn, Altyi. ( linn)», I40. ; S MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINGS - ANB LOAN ASSOCIATION 21 First Mortqaqe Leant 'H*1~f'" ; ': ASSITS Represents our investment In 898 mortgages on improved property, all of which provide for monthly amortisation and Interest payment*. e*r*)p*rti*t Sold on Contract Represents one property, title to which will pass to the purchaser after additional contractual payments have been made. Property Improvement Loans Represents 18 monthly amortized ' loans for the Improvement or repair of property. Street Red Bank, N. J. STATEMENT OF CONDITION AS OF DECEMBER 31, , Investment* and Seeuritiei 445, Represents our Investment In of United States Government Bonds and other securities. Cash on Hand and in tank. Offic* Eauipmont, Lou Depreciation Oofarred Charges Represents prepaid expsase*. 270, , W.I5 LIAMTS S«vingi Accounts...$5,113, Represent* accumulated saving* of 2,M7 members. Loam in Proeaii. Represents undlsbursed portion of loan* authorized for the construction or modernization of homes. Other LiabilitiM... Specific R*i*rv*s Rttervei and Undivided Profits General R.»erv*. $356, , , Undivided Profits 11, , Represents the safety fund of the association. Reserve! for the year were Increased over 1*6,000 after which a dividend at th* rat* of 3 per cent per annum was paid from total net earnings Of ftm Total reserves are *M% of assets. $6,35*^ $6,3*5, HAVE MONEY FOR A DEFINITE PURPOSE INVESTIGATE OUR PLANS FOR REGULAR SAVINGS M0RT9AM LOANS IMPROVIMINT LOANS INSURID SAVINOS CHARTERED AND SUPERVISED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT A dividend at the rate of p nniim was declared 0 «of Dec. 31, 19S6. SAFETY OF YOUR SAVINGS UP TO $10,000. Sale of better dresses 7.oo 14.oo 17.oo Have htm hm fo Wools, crepes, rayons, jerseys and spuns, in sizes 8 to 20, 5 to 15, l2>/ 2 to 24'/ 2. Sale of untrimmed coats values up to Camel hair and wool, tweeds and blacks. Misses', junior and petite sizes. mmmmwmmm. Second Floor LINEN BRIDGE SETS regularly Hemstitched. Five colors MEN'S LEATHER BELTS nationally famous brand Vioft BOYS' & GIRLS' SNOW SUITS were 19.95, now were 16.95, now Nylon and poplin. Sizes 2 to 6x GIRLS 1 JACKETS 1/ u poplin car coats, with and without hood / # Off FOR PRE TEENS ONLY dresses for casual or dressy wear jackets, car coat styles with Borg lining Street Floor 3 0 to 509b off BARGAINS From tht GIFT DEPARTMENT WEST BEND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 4.95 trig-singing kettles 3* bun warmers " copper pitchers 2» one-cup tee kettles aluminum waste baskets 2*" copper cake humidors 4*50.

16 , fan. IB BED BAXK REGISTER March of Dimes Volunteers IVeeded, Hines Says ASBURT PARK The "entirefamily hai keen urged to pitch in nd help flfht polio by voluntetr- 1ns to work for the March of Dimes by Roland J. Hinea, county 1057 March of Dime* campaign director. Mr. Htoea asked all h.c<re»t«d people to telephone or visit March of Dimes headquarters in room ten, 224 Main»t., any weekday between M a, m. and S p. m. "We nov have about *51 volunteer! in Monmouth county," Mr. Hines said, "but we need an absolute minimum of 1,500 if we are to flnith the Job of conquering polio in Monmouth county. Here nd throughout America, thousands of polio patients need help; more technicians must be trained to care for them; and further scientific reiearch has to be financed. If our 1957 drive is to get off the ground, we nirnply must havp more volunteers within the next ten days." Mr. Hints noted that: "There Is a place in the campaign for practically every member of the family teenagers as well as adult*." He urged teenagers to sign up for work on weekends and after school. If a large number of young people respond, he said, a Teens Against Polio unit will be organized. Teens Against Polio (TAP) units were active in hundreds of communities throughout the nation during last year's polio nghting campaign. "TAP" teams report they had a lot of fun In working together, in addition to the satisfaction of MONEY for RENT "taattag Mewey" it an eld, old eipranion mad by our forefather* h t o d ' W and individual mon and woman, marred and tingle Rent Money: To Ivy oil kind's of nwrchandiia... product! and ssrvltes. To fay currant and owrdua bills and tumuuu thorn into 1 obligation. f a t*fimnc* aiitting hntodimnt controch: Auto TV S*t Howiehold Applianctt ami tho lido in ordor to have mailer monthly poytntntti fa Illy what you iwod whk a loan from this offkt and pay lor your awcham «W «om» way yo» pay your Ront... I Month at tfcao but.. i with thli wry r*al iuknmt WHIN YOU COMPUTE THI "KINTAL" PAYMENTS, YOU OWN THI MMCHANDIM 'i Yourt... Not Rented... But Owned! «SO MOO *200, wim vim BELL FINANCE COMPANY in tut num riiuni mi IMKI MiNMti m ntaswn. uinatt«mw uc. in uc. in " Ue. JO uc i, TsUMMMO TetjlSt-itl* Ta),> K MHO M.i M MM gmviwc m nommoum m sujscta. motuux. OCMW eoumm being truly **fiit,» MM Mr. Hines. Mr. Hines explained that volunteers are needed' to assemble collection gits, make telephone calls, address and mail dime cards, help arrange special teens events and a variety of other tasks. The annual March of Dimes will continue through the month. All volunteers who contact this office will be assigned to the various community chairmen, Mr. Hinej said. Smorgasbord Supper For Episcopalians ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Plans for a smorgasbord Thursday, Jan. 24, were made at a meeting of the Women's Guild of St. Andrews Episcopal church Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John L. Opferman, Navesink ave. Mrs. Alvina King, Mrs. Frederick Voorhees and Mrs. Alfred W. Wright, Sr., are la charge of arrangements. Attending were Mrs. Emiel Aufleri, Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Mrs. Jess Clark, Mrs. Walter Behrem, Mrs. GSeorge Anderson, Mrs, Harry Fream, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Mrs. Alvina King, Mrs. Margaret Mohr, Mrs. Gilbert Parker. Mrs. Hubbard Stiles, Mrs. Ada Weeks, Mrs. Robert Weiss, Mrs. Alfred W. Wright, Br, Mrs. Frederick Voorhees, Mrs. Stella Jonei, Mrs. Opferman and Rev. Alan Tongue, vicar. Union Local 301 To Meet Tonight BELFORD A meeting of the executive board of the Amalgamated union, local 301, division on*, of the retail, wholesale department stores International union, affiliated with the A.F.L- C.I.O., will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at Langford's tavern recreation room here. At the group's last meeting Sunday, Dominic Tripodi, union international vice president, discussed Jurisdiction*! rights of the local and methods of organizing. Mayor Thomas Farrell of Sea Bright was elected a trustee of the organization. Joseph Blzzarro of Long Branch waa appointed as an organiser. John Saxon Is president of the local. Ketchikan, Alaska, lies 500 miles closer to the Orient than any part of the continental United States, reports the National Geographic society. RED IANK YOUTH CENTER Insurance Co. Names McCabe NEW YORK CITY Robert W. McCabe of 59 Manor dr., Red Bank, has been appointed to the staff of the Guardian Life Insurance company of America here as assistant agency director. Robert W. MoCafce The announcement was mad* by the board of directors of th* company. A native of Keansburg, Mr. Cabe attended Champlatn college, Plattsburg, N. Y. He entered the insurance business as an agent In 1850 and joined the Guardian's home office staff as an agency assistant in He served In the Navy for two years. Mr. McCabe is a member of the Accident and Health club here and a former member and president of the Leonardo Held club. He is married to the former Vivian Koniecznl of Buffalo, N. T. NEW YEARS PARTY MATAWAN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dernberger of Edgeznere dr. entertained New Years eve at a co-operative supper party at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zwitlik, Cream Ridge; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hunt, Brlelle; Mr. and Mrs. George Doublier, Mr. and Mrs. George Gaskell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dederick, Mr. and Mn, Frank Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. William Rabel, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Kattner and Mr. and Mn. J. Raymond Ketchel. January sale Lfneroft Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Landau have returned from Atlantic City, where they spent the New Year week-end. Sunday gueats of Mr. aad Mrs. Charlie Landau were Lieut. Comdr. and Mrs. Kenneth C Smith end sons Edward and John of Willow Grove, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Fort Lauderdal*, Fla, Charles Toop is a surgical patient in Rlverview hospital. New Years day guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Daniel Vltello were Mrs. Joseph Laplace, Newark; Mrs. Alice Decker, Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fink, Mrs. Flora Roth and Mn. Elizabeth Crowley, Red Bank; Mrs. Sally Mulloney, Keanjburg; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lamken, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conovcr,- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson and Anthony Flasconaro, Lincroft, and Mr. and Mrs. Ptt* Pstersop, Hid die town. Mr. and Mn. John Verntll of Full-field Gardens and Mr. and Mrs. John Balm of Newark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Vernell at Phalanx. Misses Lillian and Florence aim an spending several days with Mr. and Mr*. Barton Chambelaln at Red Bank. Th* first aid squad will collect payer until the last Sunday In March. Members ask residents of Lineroft and Eventt to sav* papers for the next collection. The fire company held a special drill Sunday at Swimming river, Phalanx. Both engines went out an the call and members were given Instructions by Engineer Walter Imlay on the workings of the old and new engines. The drill was held from 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris had their daughter Patricia Lynn baptized Sunday at St. Anthony's Catholic church. Msgr. Salvatore D. Lorenzo performed th* ceremony, Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marchese of Red Bank. Mrs. Morris Is th* former Miss Marilyn Corson. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Stryker left last week fo. Fort Lauderdale, Fla,, where they will spend a month on vacation. Mrs, Nils Olsen, who ha* been visiting with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mn. Wilfred Mullin, has left for her home on Vero, Beach, Fla. Mrs, larvl* Bonn of Hartford, Conn., is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. Wlllard Bonn of Marlu farm. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boylan ana children Shirley and Wayne of Great Lakes Naval training station, I., visited Saturday with Mr. and Mn. Edward Boylan. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colao were Mrs. Lillian Cerhart of Ridefleld, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hughes and children Kathia and Jimmy of Union City and Mrs. Margarette Carr and daughter Ruth of West New York. < Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimon entertained with a New Years ave party at their home. Guests fere Mr, and Mr* Kenneth Tis- Here, Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, Mr. and Mr*. Brail Stewart, Mr. and Mn. Erull Attwart, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lennert, Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Colao and Capt. and Mrs. William McCormlck. of baby needs The Ladles' aid society of th* Community church meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Harry Seylaz on West Front at. Gifts will be exchanged and secret pall revealed. save 20* to 50* F. Howard Lloyd of Matawan, lay preacher, will supply the pulpit at Community church starting Sunday at th* U a. m. worship service. I Elacaluuwr I«(BM Korean Advisory Croup SEOUL Army Maj. Bolt E. Elsenhauer. whose wife Bertha lives at 1M Mitchell dr., Eatontown, N. J., recently was assigned as a depot operations slg Ml asmaer wwi th* Ibtaaa MM-. tary Advisory group here. Maj. Eisenhaucr, son of Mr. and Mil. Scranus EUenhauer, Mount Aetna, Pa., ia a veuran of nearly IS years Army service. He Is a 1»» graduate of Myeritown, Pa., high school. PlmAi llfhumfls AT Fred A. atotbch LEON'S ONE STOP SERVICE With bod waotlmr obtest 's wit* fo moko TOUR HOMI WaWratta. MM. to aw auk - UM ClkvM Allnkanl IE KCBara os #«w trips #jt m potsjblt. That's why ear ONE STOP SERVICE is to successful. Out stop of our offieo or ywofanyowtexribmalntatmmi^^ Ut One Call Do All Dry Ckanlntj Dy«ing Lwmdry Pilow Rtnovaltoii BasslsBBl sf^bsbaksaaiablatamasbl Rfl EBMBV sf^flssbbsb*bsbbklabbissv asausbai KIKJ wnfjninsj * mr WMunin^ vni 1/2 How 9NS( WcMh l-»**l 24-Hour Shot RopaMht} ' Complete Pickup and Delivery Service at No Extra Charge CALL RED BANK SINCE VISIT OUR FUR SALON WHITE ST. RED BANK ALWAYS AMPLE FREE PARKING everything from blankets to booties, while quantities last for dressing: regularly cotton tia thirti, thort or long sleeve _ cotton snip-tide thirti, thort or long sleeves _ ' lirdteye diapers, 27x27, down flannel kitnonot, all colon '., /1.00 hand mad* drattot, *mbroid*r*d... ' craapart with 2 pair lined panti : orlon swatters, tixat I to 3x....,. 2.9J 2.37 nylon twaatar and bootia tat _ ^.2.98 _ flannol-linad crawlart,...2.9i 2.47 famous make tlaapart, brokan lot /3.50 polot, tolidt and jacquartit Thi» tweet, (tbooth and aaaaj new Chevy haa it* own built-in "dollar- " America'* favorite till Hard to believe it, but this big beauty is a bottom-priced Chevrolet "One-Fifty." 's got Body by Fither quality written all over, it And it ha a peppery, aweet-runniac "Blue-Flame" six under the hood to make your gat ttopa few and br between. Like all new Chevies, it brings you a very special aureneas of control. This ia a quality that just can't be measured in dollars and cents. Lots of cars that cost lota more just don't have it Come in and see bow much pleasure we're passing out these days at Chevrolet prices!, 1LJSA Big beauty with small-budget ways t i 's powered by Chevy's famous six for btd: regularly *turdy fittad erib thaati...! ^ i :.' 1.29 _ cotton or plattic quiltad padi, 15x17 49 crib blanker, quiltad, ruffled «dga, J.49.. crib blankat, all dacron : all wool plaid pram rob* tin comforter and pillow tat cotton patch quilt, rufflad adga.-.:... 3,91 for bath: ragularly tarry tow*l and waih cloth tat fluffy cotton racaiving blankatt plattic jar tat 2.91 comb and bruth fat _,29 larga plattic diapar pail _ 3,9.. for ragularly 50-pe. formula k ttarilixar kit aluminum ttariliiar bottla and formula kit 4.0 rubbar bata hot plata / / sola ft* "Ona-flhy" 2-Ooer S*d<M w»h Sody by Usher-one of 90 baauhm new Chevrolet! (or '571 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT Regular or Easy Charge lo 90 days. No service cluiifrt i.. A«dvwn jiti) muni.... and many mora layatta itami, all wondarful bargaint. ftcd IANK COLDWEATHER TOGS Boys' Girls' In/ants'. Snow Suil.i, Coal* and J(wltcts, t All Reduced 20'/,, lo W/ o 20 BROAD ST. RED BANK (hdyfrancht duplay AUJamaui mdmtmk CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. 325 MAPLE AVENUE, RED RANK, N. J. RE *

17 Held (or Action Of Grand Jury HOWELL TOWNSHIP-Daniel C. White, 22, Neptune City, charged with manslaughter for the Dec. 12 (hooting of Harry C. Russell, 21, of n Belshaw ave., Shrewsbury township, while deer bunting-, hu been held /or grand jury action. Ha plaa4ed innocent when arraigned her* before Magistrate John Cavinaug-h and waj released in 12,000 bail. H» tu repreamtsd by William J. O'Hag&n, w Mr, Russril * u UM *>*t d«r htintmc feuitty of Uw season when shot in the cheat Dec. 12. He died two hours later. The two men were in different parties hunting in the woods west of Megill rd., near FarmingdaJe. State police quoted Mr. White as saying he wan hiding in the woodg with some other men when he heard a rustling noiae. They said he told them he mistook the noise for a deer and fired without seeing what he was shooting at. Action I That's what The RBirlit«r c)«saifi«d *d. b*v«been setting foi thtlr aswtlmr* (or over thr««-auart«ra of eanturr. Advortitontnt. Qgfesd PEHDAHEX CARRYFE NSK DRAWER OUTFIT far «ay msm «t s Ktaa> your dmk clsorcd w9f OCttOfl Wltfl ttlit fww Nfldon*! D**k Ma In your JMP lawsr drawer. Ofdi- wry lib fsmtn Jump and y DM fomtn hong In plow. (or full vwbility... you fit* or find WMION Urn- t us show you now to IN ill! In * effict, an id* road, at ham* - And and lila las* «a*** tfyli* Ma. Kefpt ff pofti«wmfft* Win* fcul tttsl, «a«fwa. lro» ladi. othar handle, pionohinflt. Holds 25 f«ndafl«x ctlluud*k Ungin. fold. an.9"«ir«10vi"htgh. (torn in for a HOT MMONStltATfON PHONI HI M MOAO STRUT RIDIANK Service Area for New Power Pool This mip shows the integrated tarvlca «r*i of the Janay Central Power t Light Co. and New Jersey Power and Light Co., the trenimiiiion facilities of which ere linked into a transmission pool serving 325,000 customers in 13 of the itate's counties. between the two firms were strengthened by personnel appointments announced by Charles E. Kohlhepp, president, today. Local managers will administer each of the six new service divisions. 2 Hurt as Car Skida On Snow, Rolls Over PORT MONMOUTH-Two New Monmuuth men wen Injured early Monday when their ear overturned on rt. 36 here, township police reported. Joseph F. Lawless, 49, of ( Sylvia ter., and Charles Wagner,' 13 Sylvia ter., were treated at Rivervlew hospital for cuts and abrasions. Mr. Lawless told police hs was driving east on the highway when another car cut him off. When he veered to avoid the other car, his car skidded on snow on the pavement, struck an embankment and rolled completely over, coming to rest on s wheels,, Tha accident occurred at 1:30 a.'m. Patrolman Frank Gleason investigated. Statement of Condition of the Shadow Jfjzwn SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN. December 31, 1956 ASSETS, Cash '. - I 626, U. S. Government Bonds 1,080, Total Cash and U. S. Bonds., I 1,706,822,70 Federal Home Loan Bank Stock, etc. 357, Firat Mortgage Home Loans 19,321, F. H. A. Improvement Loans 462, Account Loans to Members ' 140, Home Purchase Contracts 108, Real Estate Owned 77, Furniture and Equipment Less Depreciation * 24, Office Building Less Depreciation 150, Deferred Charges ; 21, Other Assets.... 2, TOTAL ASSETS $22,374, LIAimiS AND RESnVIS Members' Saving* Accounts '. 118,253, Advance! from Federal Home Loan Bank 2,313, Loans in Process. 226, Other Liabilities. _ 80,853:64 Deferred Income 65, Reserves 1,435, TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES... 22,374, The savings of each saver In this mutual savings Institution are Insured up to 110, by the Federal Savings * Loan Insurance Corporation, an Instrumentality of the United States Government Shadow < awn SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSN. OPEN 9 A. M. 'TIL 8 P. M. FHI. EVENINGS Iroadway & Norwood Avt. Long Iraneh MEMBERS, Nsw Jsrstr Ssvlms ins LAM LWIUS ' Fidwsl Hams L*» lank»f N.w Ysrk UalM luiss Saviasi " Less LMIM FMbral Savlnss an* Un Unman Cars. taskin's W MICHANIC MO»ANK.N.Jl Just off Broad St., opp. Merchants Trust Co. Bank Opaa Prlstey* TM P.M. Ties Loori Fined For Contempt FREEHOLD Superior Court Judge Howard Ewatt fined Anthony Loori, 57, of 80 Bay ave., Atlantic Highlands, a total of $550 and costs Friday for criminal and civil contempt for fail- Ing to answer a subpoena to testify about the waterfront situation. Loori, who now operates the Pier bar, Ktrst ave., Atlantic Highlands, was formerly a hatch boas at the Leonardo pier. He had pleaded guilty Dec. 7 to contempt for failing to answer the subpoena to appear before the New York-New Jersey Waterfront commission on July 2* of last year. At the Dec.? hearing Judge Ewart continued the case in an effort to give Loori a chance to appear before the bl-state waterfront commission Dec. 12. He said at the time that Loorl's demeanor would be considered when he made his final disposition of the case. Loori made an appearance before the btatate commission, but it was called "contradictory and inconsistent" by Robert A. Pin, assistant counsel to the commission. Leo Knoblauch, Jersey City, attorney for Loori, told the court that his client was cooperative with the commission. However, Mr. Pin outlined several of the inconsistencies he referred to. The commission wanted to know about Loori's losing his Job as a hatch boss at the pier. Judge Ewart said, in finding Loori guilty of criminal contempt, that the court has a duty to uphold "the dignity, power and authority" of the harbor commission. He fined Loori $500 for criminal contempt and $50 for civil contempt. Loori stayed in the county jail for several hours until his fine was paid Friday night. Card Party in New Hall The Triangle club of the Trinity Episcopal church, Red Bank, will sponsor a card party next Thursday night, Jan. IT. at» o'clock In the new parish hall. This is the first activity of the dub on their calendar for 1657, and will be for the benefit of the new pariah house fund. There will be free gifts and refreahments will be served. Mrs, Edward Harburn of Mlddletown chairman, and Mrs. Thomas Perfine of Llncroft are In charge. BIG FABRIC EVENT! NOT JUST A CLEARANCE! WE COMIED THE MARKET FOR REAL VALUES IN FRESH, NEW MID-WINTER AND SPRING FABRICS ESPECIALLY FOR THIS SALE! BUY NOW! SEW NOW! SAVE NOW! SLIPCOVER-DRAPE FABRICS! 00 J49 79 J.98 y<w 48" wide, all washable, fast color, pre-shrunic, all types Lengths are 5 yards to full bolt (50 yds.) size Usually would be 1.49 to 2.98 yd. EVERGLAZED ' CHINTZES y* AQi rat. 79c Wf PRINTS OO* ra«. 1U. 1.3* OT a.w.» I REMNANTS SLIPCOVER DRAPERY I 5 yd. piacas I 00 yd. raf I* 2.9B yd. DECORATOR DENIMS matehmat* strip**, solids. 36" wida many ara eraasa-rastit. BASKIN'S BEST-BUY CUSTOM MADE SLIPCOVERS 2 pes., 4 cushions 3 pcs., 5 cushions CORDUROYS 36" to 42" wide! 20 wanted colors! 88 C Slight seconds. If firat quality would b. 1.2? yd. cotton RomiMRfs * * 50% DRAPERIES to 3 24 yd. A«M $1 yard ft* llatd drapa* WOOLENS 54" to 60" wide All wools and mixtures.-"yd. rat la 3.19 COATINGS, SUITINGS, DRESSWEIGHTS, 54"- 60" 2 n - 3 M. 3 n Y4 aaaally waald ba 3.9M.9S VOatJI, ADVANCE, SIMPLICITY, MODBS ROYALI PATTERNS TRAVRRSI ft CAN RODS. ALL SOBS, ALL TYPBS, LOW PRICBS RED BANK ficcisim TW-fcr Jan, S7-17 Low, Low Prices Plus S&H Green Stamps Allsweet Margarine c tt JL31c Borden's Instant Chocolate tt29c Keebler Saltines X. 27c Nabisco CracktrtSTiIZZ,»«25c Sunshine Clover Leaves *r*t29c Burry Moonlight Mallows?T33c Burry Tiara Cookies *T33c Nabisco Premium Crackers X" 23c Sunshine Lemon Creme 'X^29c HNZ Hamburger or Hot Dog Relish 's stnsatiemll Buy thtw Htinz rslish twins. '-» «r 29c Swanson Beef Pies Is 55< Also turkey and chicken Better BUY Birds Eye! Birds Eye Concentrated Orange Juice Bachcaamtkat IV,aiaMp«N j a iea ta*. 35 Birds Eye Frozen French Fries 2-35 C Birds Eye French Cut Green Beans 2 s 37 C MOKE FROZEN FOOD VALVES Milady Potato Pancakes stt29c Milady Cheese Blintzes 39c roumi mzin Pineapple Skillet Cake 49c Three Time* tin Amount of Chiektn Myers' Chicken Pies,*? 69c Chicken Croquettes "~- 45c LIBBY'S LIBBY'S PROZIN PROZBN BABY PEAS Lima Beans 2 «~»* * 35c»*i.,«*»t«25c ColgmU Ftmlur* Falue* IStM. Vel Fab 32c Super Suds MM»28c Ad Detergent ", 30c Pink Liquid Vel V,r 32c < Ajax Cleanser Florient Deodorant Palmolive w 9 e f Soap 3 M 7..26c 3Z.26c 2 i««mm 2 ^Lt 11 4 :79e 25C 79c 25c 25c Att AdvmrlUtd Fricn Effeciiv Through Smu, Jan. U

18 U-Thmltf. JM 10, W7 Legion Official Now of Freehold TRENTON Jamas J. Ckxtdwin, an administrative officer *t th«new Jersey StaU prison, recently moved te> Freehold, it ml announced by American Legion headquarter! here. Mr. Goodwin I* a member of Konmwrth port. American Legion, Freehold. Ha Is (enlor vice eommaader at the Amerloan Legion and chef da fare of veiture HOT, 40 * t, both In Ifonmouth county. In addition to nil official duuei with tha Legion, Mr. Goodwin serving ai contact representative F the group'i state rehabilitation committee at Marlboro state hospital. He also Is chairman of the Lejion's Monmouth county amphitheater fund committee. Mr. Goodwin is a member of tha Freehold lodge of Elkt. Out Plan. Fwstl Raising Event The Triangle club of Trinity Bpiacopal church will hold a card party Thursday night, Jan. 17, in the parish hall. Proceeds will go toward the club's contribution U the church building fund. Mrs. Edward L. Harburn end Mrs. Thomas F. Perrtns, chairmen, have as their assistants Mrs. George B. Voorhis, Jr., Mn. Calvin Carhart, Mn. Norman F. Slckel* and Mrs. Rolf Ooelline, table prises, and Mn. E. W. Copeland, Mrs. Herbert C. Rudcmsnn and Mrs. Frederick W. Woodward, refreshment!. Tickets mty bs obtained from the chairmen or club members. The club will meet Wednesday st 8:U p. m. st the parish hall. The most equal temperature in the world Is claimed for the Caribbean ssa where the average is 10 degrees. The variation between summer and winter Is six degrees. MOREY LA RUE'S NEW YEAR SPECIALS NOW THRU1 Hi.2ND ANY THRU \ TIES 9- IMHVM D*y*ClMM*] OR ANY SWEATER 1 ANY RUG UP TO 3'XQ* 1 MIRZA CUANID 1 With My V si*** At Oar Bcgmlar Fries. WITH ANY t SUIT» DRESS > COAT i> TROUSERS > SKIRT DRY CUANID AT O»«RMUUR MICl l - 1» SHIRT COLLARS TURNED FREE FREE 141 BROAD STRUT RID RANK Emergency Betpotue During a britf four-day emergency drivs for the Rsd Crmt to tid Hungarian victim! of communism, held Dee , «rocord turn of $3, wat contributed by Fort Monmouth military and civilian personnel, datpita heavy pro-holiday laava. Abovs, Menroo Eimor, Rod lank chairman, county Rad Cross, accapti tha poit'i contribution from Maj. Son. Victor A. Conrad, commander. Looking on, laft to right, era Konnoth K. Huhn, Long Iranch, troop information and aducation officar, driva co-chairman; Col. Royal S. Copoland of tha Signal school, chairman, and axtramo right, John Michaalt, Fort Monmouth Rod Cross field diractor. Tho Hungarian omargoncy contribution brought tho total charitabla donations by Fort Monmouth pononnal distributed during 1956 to $65, Holy Name Men Start Drive To Ban 'Baby DolF Film A campaign against the showing of the motion picture "Baby Doll" in Monmonth county motion picture theaters hss been opened by tha decency and clean literature committee of the Monmouth County Federation of Holy Name societies. Frank Shea, committee chairman, has alerted 30 parish socie- that tha picture may bs scheduled In their conunualties In the near future and to protest s showing. Mr. Shea recommended that the parish societies contact thslr local theater managers and advise them that Catholics are forbidden to witness showings of this film. Hs pointed out that Catholics, under the Legion of Decency pledge, are obligated to itay away from places of amusement which present such Alms as a matter of policy. Condemned The Legion of Decency has rated "Baby Doll" In s class C or condemned classification and has declared the Him "morally repellent both In tha theme and the treatment. dwells almost without variation or relief upon carnal suggestions In action, dialogue and costuming. s unmitigated emphasis on lust and the various scenes of cruelty are degrading and. corruptive. As such k is grievously offensive to Christian and traditional morality and decency." Mr. Shea said "So many, write and speak today as though morality wu something Invented, by Catholics. There is a let of loose thinking and fatuous expression on this* matter of morality In films, books and magazines. Hss Christian America forgotten what moral law is? That has to do with God's Instructions about the right and wrong use of human nature? Moral Anarchy? "A moment's reflection brings home the fact that certain realities of life are Just not projected for public gaze. Certain Intimate realities of life are matters of the strictest privacy, according to the judgment of wise and good men, past and present. There must be a line somewhere and that line must be held at all costs or we will soon be reduced to moral anarchy. This applies particularly to the degrading realities of life. We do not deny that they exist. We question the right of any person to emblazon them across the movie screen for all alike to see. Morality is the same for all men, regardless of color, creed or profession. la not determined by counting heads at a movie house." Mr. Shea concluded by pointing to Uw unanimous decision of the New Jersey Supreme court, which upheld the validity of an "antiburlesque" ordinance pasted in Newark. "Union City," said Mr. Shea, "has since adopted this identical ordinance and it Is our hope that similar action will follow here in Monmouth, where burlesque is regularly presented each summer season." Mn. Edmund Courier Haa Annual Tea SHREWSBURY Mrs, Edmund Courter entertained at her annual postrholiday Christmas tea for mothers and children at her home at 90 Borden st. recently. The table was set in rose and crystal with a winter scene centerpiece. Guests were Mrs. Harry Keller and daughter Judy, Mrs. Harry Greenwood and children Bruce and Donna, Mrs. Robert Dunlap and daughter Barbara, Mrs. William Gregg and children Billy and Diana and Mrs. R. E. Anderson and daughter Sharon. I* Start Aranc4 Foreea Careen NEW BHREW8BUHY Leighton and Roger Willgerodt, tons of Mm. W. J. MoClellan of Peaceful Acres, Sycamore ave., will leave next week to enter the armed lorees. Leighton, who will leave (or hi# assignment as a second lieutenant in the Air Force Jan., was graduated from Red Bank high school and received bachelor of science degree from Rutgers university in June. He will be stationed la Texas. Roger will serve In the Army and his nrtt assignment will be to Fort Oil. He was graduated from Red Bank high school and will start hie Army career Monday. Last summer, both boys toured England, Scotland and Wales. THE BOOK MART WHI7I 5TWJT UD IANK. NX TIL RE 4-M.J MaTlfl* CAMS UNPINft JANUARY STORE-WIDE SALE! COATS DRESSES SKIRTS HOUSES SWEATERS CAR COATS HANDIAGS LINGERIE GIRDLES MAS JEWIUtY Savings from 20% to 40% SHIRLEY SHOPS lflmymt UU OUR 37 MOAD ST. RED IANK PUN MARINE VIEW SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ASSITS First Mortgage Diraet Reduction 33 First Avenue Atlantic Highlands, N. J. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF CONDITION tains ; ; $3,540, Horn* Purchase Contracts 1, Real Estata Ownad 6, Federal Hema Lean Bank Stock.. 64, Unitad Statas Government lends 141, Cash in tanks 336, Offica Building and Equipment, lass dapraciatien 2.00 Other Asiats 5, TOTAL ASSETS $4,103, CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% PER ANNUM Timothy M. Maxion, Jr. Howard W. Roberts Stanley F. Sculthorp William Dannit DECEMBER 31, 1956 OPHCIRS TIMOTHY M. MAXSON, JR. President WILLIAM DENNIS RALPH H. SWEENEY STANLEY F. SCULTHORP MILTON KRUSE HOWARD W. ROBERTS DIRICTORS Harold D. Willett ALITS Member*' Savings Accounts $3,703, Loans in Process. 6, Otnar liabilities 3, Reserves and Undivided Profits.. 390, Vice President Secretary Treasurer TOTAL LIABILITIES $4,103, Assistant Treasurer Counsel Domenick A. Caruso Frederick Kati Frank S. Siegfried Member Fadaral Savings and Loan Iniuranee Corporation Federal Hema Loan lank System CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% PER ANNUM John M. Pillibury Victor E. Grosiinger W. Raymond Van Horn Stanley J. Marek lop Click of the New Car Season WANT TO GET your New Year off to a rollicking start? Want to take the wheel of the car that's winning raves from Coast to Coast and back again? Then take the wheel of a 1957 Buick and try the sparkling-est new performance team in all autodom. We mean the team with the highestpowered V8 engine ever to ginger a Buick - and an advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* Here, with just a judicious touch of foot to treadle, you get response so obediently Instant, so liquid smooth, and so full range in "Drive" that you've never in your life felt anything like it i ^.,..-rbew54ve»'» :. ~. " upl. < 's sports-car going in a full-sized traveler that's sheer delight from styrt to finish. Know what else? Folks like the way this new kind of performance comes dressed in sleek and glamorous styling that's fresher than tomorrow's news. They like the new roominess inside these low-sweep Buicks and die new luxury of their "nested" ride. They Wee the new ease of handling, the new steadiness of cornering, the way stops are always on the level no matter how quickly you use the brakes. Ret is, folks like everything about the newest Buick yet the car that's fast becoming the biggest hit of the new car year and you will, too. Come on in and try it this week. Well have the red carpet out for you. Buick boiut today,fttolundtrd on Rotdmutir, Super md Centwy-eptionsJ el mods* asjm coil en the SpsefaJ. w Big Thrilfs Buick I MflOMOMUl AH KMT NICK Wat I COLONY BUICK INC 163 to 169 MONMOUTH STRUT Rl Classified Display Pays Dividends RID SANK, N. J.

19 Fair Haven School Budget Up, But No Tax Change Seen FAIR HAVEN Th* icbool budget here for th» 1NT-M school morale and efficiency by providing "6 By maintaining teacher year will go up about $85,000, but definite aalary policy that re- service, training and com- Bo substantial chant, e in the taxwards rate (or school purpose* I* fortcut. In other action Thursday night, petence." These facu were mad* known the board raised the salaries of at last Thursday night's meeting Janitors. The new range is $2,*S0 f the board of education. to $3,660. The old range was 12,- Philip H. Roy, a member ot th* board'! finance oommlttee. MidMO.OOO of the 185,000 hike will go toward upplng teachers' salaries. U* 4lM Mid UM tax money * Vf*r tb* proposed badgtt ~ -Is stout th* MB* as (fee lltmt budget Last year, voter* approved a budget osllinc for $26»^iW? to to rakmd by taxation, but $14,000 to $15,009 waa later deducted, he Mr. Roy explained the amount to be raised by taxation for 1M7- M! "within $1*0" of last years budget. 8* did not etts tk* exaet N»MMB*jdget Mai The proposed budget, as releas** by toe board, total* MM, M. Ths 1WMT budget wa SUCHO, plus $1»,000 appropriated from surplus funds In November to meet operating expenses. If r. Roy said there is a good possibility that ths tax rate, a* far as sohool purpose* are concerned, may drop sines there should be more ratable* her* this year. Th* proposed budget wa* introduced and tentatively adopted by the board Dec. IT. Is how In the hands of Earl B. Garrison, ounty superintendent of schools, for approval. Public hearing on th* budget has been scheduled for Jan. 24 while will be officially published Jan. IT. Th* entire teaching budget, according to Mr. Roy, totals 2», Last year, amounted to 1172,000. M Teachers Employed The amount budgeted provides for M teacher* presently employed es well as five addltispal teacher* who art expected to be hired, Mr. Roy said. Hs said all of ths admlnlstratlv* help hi th* school system also would get raises. Figure* In the appropriation* Include current expenses, $328,- M»; repairs and replacements, HUMS; building equipment, $11,- 00, and bonds, notes and Inter- «t, $M4U. State fund* will Jump to 1103, Last year's figure was *!< 000. Appropriations from balances r surptuft*. amount to 146,428. A new tsewhers' salary guide, also tentatively adopted by the board, provtdee higher minimum* and maximum* as well as the placing of teachers on their proper step* m ths schedule. Te CM Raises Fourteen teaohers, now at maximum sautry under th* wsieut guide, wul g*t raises of tootf whu* M teaohen will b* uppsd KM a salanr,---"' ' ' * '' '" Salary W H sr* «a> «U*w*; T*aebsrs wuh son-standard eettlncatlon, «I,*H to ISA* Present ranee, W.000 to fmoo. Bachelor'* degree or equivalent, 13,800 to $6,700. Present rang*. $3,100 to *W00. Master's degrs* or *qulvalant, 14,100 to M.O0O. Present range, U,M0 to ttvnmu On* y*ar abov* master'* level, 14,350 to WJW. Present range, mm to $S,TM. Doctor'* degree, $4,600 to tt> MM. Present range, $4,100 to Mooo. Teachers wtth sub-ttandard certlfleatlon will achieve their maximum salary In 12 annual Increments of $180. The others may reach their maximum by 12 annual Increments of $160 and a $109 raise as the last step. Th* purpos*: of the new salary gum*. according to th* board, "I* to provid* better education for our children In th* following ways: 1 By obtaining and holdln teacher* whs ars ad*q««te!) trained, competent and personal ly desirable. "2 By making possible for teaehsrt to devote full Urn* ah energy to their profession. " By recognising and rewardlag professional service and trainlag gained In this and other sohool systems. "4 By encouraging professional and cultural growth. 700 to $3,300. Lewis Davison, a former employee of the board, was rehlred as a part-time maintenance man at $2,100 per year. Hs will work 0 hours a month, Mrs. Theresa McCUntoek of Long Branch wa* hired as a kindergarten teacher at a salary Of $3*00. Charles E. Howard, supervising principal, reported arrangements lays bean mads to have representatives of the telephone company demonstrate the new dial system this month. Us also told that plans are tolag'mad* her* to form teachers' committee* to work on curriculum study and evaluative procedures. These projects will continue over a long period of time and should make a valuable contribution to the educational prohe added. Leonardo As open meeting will be held Jan. 28 by the Leonardo grade school Parent-Teacher association when members and candidates far the board of education will speak. Letters have been mailed to other P. T. A. group* in the township to attend. Mrs. George MeCooey of Florence ave. entertained at an executive board meeting last Thursday. Present were Mm. Oeorge r Himmel, Mrs. William Lamberson, Mrs. Harry McDonough, Mrs. John Schubel, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. A. M. Blomquist, Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. Otprge Reeck and Mrs. R. W. Oonuch. Andrew Marsh, sir boatswain's mate third class, who Is stationed a* aa*b>y Field, Peneacota, Fla. returned after spending 17 days wtth his parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Andrer- Marsh, Sr, of Highland ve. Mr. and Mis. William Newman of Kelvin ave. Sunday entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell, Sr. of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell, Jr., Miss Marylou Farrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fehn of Kearny and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fehn of this place. Mrs. James K. Alverson and daughter, Miss Ann Alverson, of Monmouth ave., visited Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Alverson of Jersey City Sunday. Mies Jennie Al- Venon of this place spent the week-end m th* Catsklll mountains. Janet Falasky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Palaaky, Leonardville rd., celebrated her eighth birthday at a family party Jan. 3. Alan Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ford, Florence ave., who Is stationed at Fort Dix, has returned to his base after a two w**ss* visit wntrltf* patents.,-mjtrand»w». Jahn Jung* and sotfjohn of Lyndhurstspent Sun- '- --- g^j Wi. Tmton Falls Mis* Kay Predmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Predmore, returned to Wooater State Teach rs colleg* m Ohio after spending the holidays at home. The Ladies' auxiliary of th* Are company will meet in th* lire house Monday night. Mrs. Thomas CalandrleUo, Mrs. John Borden and Mrs. James Brown will be hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rlgby of North Carolina spent the holidays with Mr, Rlgby's* parents, Mayor and Mrs. J. Lester Rlgby. Norman Howard 'Dye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlc Dye, was baptized Sunday at the Methodist church by Rev. Milton F. Le- Compte. Mrs. Dye Is the former, Ruth Halvereon. Miss Dorothy Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, returned to Mary Washington college In frederiduburg, Va., after spending th* holiday* here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rlgby returned to Tucson, Arlx, altar spending the holidays wtth Mr. Rlgby's parents. Mayor and Mrs. J. Lsstor Rlgby. The earliest steamboat was built In Franc* In 1TW. Robert Fulton's "Clermont" began regular service In Th* first transatlantic steamer, "The Oreat Western," made its initial crossing In ltst. Beat the jump in price on all LIGHT BULBS EFFECTIVE FEB. 1ST STOCK UP NOW! FREE DELIVERY I I I I I \ I RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jin. 10, DUNG EVERY ITEM SLASHED-EXTRA SALES HELP-SPECIAL CREDIT Du r SOUD MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE A bear f*r wear. Is this tautnms Bsaaia *et Conalsta of pester or panel bed (full *) Reg Is Believing e^pc MODERN BEDROOM SUITE Bookcase headboard, doable dresser, ehmt, I $' faunps and night table. Reg CHAW, OCCASIONAL C1IMB CONVERTIBLE SOFA SLEEPERS Choice of Lawson or Modern comfortable mattress. $ Reg Look for the Searchlight! Get on our beam, the guiding light to the greatest price smashing furniture wle you've ever»een. Our warehouse is jammed. We must move everything. Come in today for the best selection. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD NOW! PLENTY OF FREE PARKING REMEMBER "THE NAME IS HY RUT THE rwcbs ARE LOW" SPECIAL STORE HOURS THURS., FRI., 10 A.M..10 P.M. SATURDAY, 10 A.M.S P.M. MON., WES., WED., 10 A.M.-9 P.M. SUNDAY, 12 NOON-6 P.M. WHILE THEY LAST! AMERICAN REAUTY INNERSPRING MATTRESSES An v slses. ""~ $1195 This suite was made to for m». 10-year tonstrucuon piarantee. FEATHER PILLOWS END TABUS ML STYLES 3-PC. MOWN UVHKMOM $' 2-PC MODERN SEatONALS Choice of. decorator ( fabrics. In- < nertprlng comit Foam rubber cushion available. Reg R»K. $329 WREWIOE SAVMS on QUALM FURNITURE! 2-PC. KROEHLER LIVING ROOM 8-PC. MAPLE DINING ROOM Y M CfJi't mbtakt Ib-Mur * * BBBBBST BBBBBlft msbbbsbl**j«sbl BBSBBWSBSBBV stssbsbbsl t*k BBB# ny srvt yvi ii RfvTfjr avmi IT imtark*. ChwdilMiawwl $10095 NOTHING DOWN! Reg ' 139 STUDIO COUCHES DOUBLE SIZE Innerspring construction. itrueuoa. ufa by day, abed 44 A > by night Completely eomfortable. Bleeps two. Reg Famous make with fameua guarantee. Umlted sjuanuty. HOUYWOOD BED ENSEMBLE 29 Reg $OQ95 Tabtt and 4 sidt chairs, china or buffer, Z lanips> 129 Reg. UP TO WO YEARS TO PAY! HY'S FREE 3-Pc. Maple SOFA BED LIVING ROOM SUITE Hard wood, honey-toned, maple 119 sofa bed, and two matching 95 chairs. Reg PC. CURVED MODERN SECTIONAL Foam 189 cushions, ul-!! BUNK MAPLE BEDS $ { Complete One-of-a-kind. tra modem, height of style. Scats «. One of our best sellers. TV CHAIRS 7-PC. ARMCHAIR Dinette Set Clumlns ikrome. k»t an< luin mulanl up with nlra Inf. «ale*, 1 arm *69 95 '-. Reg. $ Keg. $10.95 ea. Kosim ALL SIZES Reg. 1/4.95 CASH AOJUSTAILS HOUYWOOD BED FRAMES Reg. $14.95 STREIT SLUMBER CHAIR! advertised, _ adjustable. C Natchlna- Matching 49 Ottoman avsilahle. ROCKERS SWIVEL TivSiiii DESKS ALL FINISHES Reg ladder. { Reg. $ STORAGE FREE DELIVERY FREE INSURANCE FURNITURE STORE ROUTE 35 Ml MILES NORTH OP RRD BANK JERSEY CITY STORE 244 NEWARK AVE. MIDDLETOWN

20 isft-ttuirejar, Jan Woman Fined For Assault lira. Pauline Booker of Shrewsbury ave., charged with easeuh end battery under the tfeorderljr persons act, ni fined tw tnd fiven a M-d«y au»p»n<l«l JaU eentcuea by Kafistrste John V. CrowtU Monday momlnf. The eomplalnt WSJ signed by Mn. Cora Riur of Asbury Park. Mrs. Riser atid Mra. Booker truck her with a handbag, knocked bar down and kicked her an River at, Red Bank, after ah* found Mn. Booker in a car with Mn. Riser's husband, Nathaniol, N*w Tear** night Mn. Rlaar testified that ahe, her sister and a friend cam* to Had Bank that night to look for Mr. Riser. They ipotted hie car, she Mid. parked on Shrewsbury vs., but when their car approached hit car, be drove off. Mn. Rlaar aaid the punued her husband several blocks until he drove Into River at, a dead end atreat He tried to turn around and drive out of the street, the aaid, but ahe blocked Mr. Risers car with her own. Mn. Rlaer said it wasn't until ahe got out of her ear that she aw Mrs. Booker in her husband's ear. She walked to the car, she aaid, aad through the window on the driver's side ordered Mn. Boeker from Mr. Riser's oar. Mn. RED BANK REGISTER Booker, ibe aaid, got out of the car and struck and kicked her. Mrs. Riser's testimony was corroborated by that of her huaband anov one of the women who was in her car with her. Mia. Booker testified that she met Mr. Riser, whom she knew wae married but who had told her that be was separated, about 11:20 that night. He was parked in front of her houie, she added, when she reached home. About the light, Mrs. Booker said, Mrs. Riser used abusive language toward her, approached her and hit her. Mrs. Booker said she only protected henelf. She alto testified that the other two women were engaged in the tuisle, and that Mr. Riser tried to keep hie wife away /ram her. The fight, ahe said, lasted about ten minutes. In finding Mn. Booker guilty, Judge Crowell said there was no evidence except by the defendant henelf that Mn. Riser bad threatened or struck her. Mra. Booker was represented by Thomas J. Smith, Jr., of the firm Parsons, Labraeque, Oansona, and Combs of Red Bank. Henry Abell of Aebury Park represented Mn. Riser and prosecuted the case for tha state. Several cities along the Rhine in Germany have banned juke boxes and vending machines, wanting to retain their old world restaurants' charm. LET US REMODEL YOUR BATHROOM ONE CONTRACTOR-ONE JOB Ma* Wi» H*t»m CottMta Recess W«R Nxfwet ONE PRICE We M l WatasNil We Service! We PLUMBING and HEATING Wfrhej f 117 OAKLAND ST. RID BANK Power Area Managers Above Jack R. McGalliard. left, Point Pleasant, and Robert H. Sims, Little Silver, are, respectively, the new managers of the integrated Jersey Central Fewer A Light and New Jersey Power ft Light Coi. bay division at Key. pert, and coast division at Allenhurtt. Mr. McGalliard was promoted from his post as assistant to the J.C.P.IL.'s superintendent of transmission and distribution, and Mr. Sims from division superintendent in appointments announced today. Other division managers are Jack H. Miller, northern, Dover; Walter E. Gess, western, Phillipsburg; James V. Carvor, central, Morristown, and T. Roland Height, southern, Lakewood. Two Driven Fined 3S After Accidents RUM 8 ON Two persona, charged with careless driving as the result of different accidents on Ridge rd., were lined $36 each by Magistrate Stuart A. Toung, Jr., In traffic court here Monday night. D. Farrlngton, Lexington ave., Fair Haven, was Issued a summons after an accident Dec. S, and E. B. Thorndlke, Naveslnk ave., Rumson, after an accident Dec. 23. Also fined In traffic court were H. Johnson, Newark, speeding, $10; O. F. Saccune, Long Branch, speeding, $8, and W. L. Rathbun, West River rd., Rumson, parking in front of a lira hydrant, $3. KECPEB NOT TO BUN AGAIN ASBURY PARK Councilman Vincent P. Keuper announced Saturday that he would not seek re-election In May to the city council because hie duties as Monmouth county prosecutor make Impossible for him to continue to serve In his city position, Mr. Keuper aerved on council from 1841 te IMS and again from 1M» to the present. County Insurance Agents to Meet LONG BRANCH The Monmouth County Insurance Agents association will have s annual Past Presidents' night meeting at West 'End Manor, Ocean ave., hen, next Thursday at 7 p. m. Quest speaker will be 8. Oage Lewis, general manager of the Fire Insurance Rating Organization of New Jersey. He will speak on the new commercial property policy. Past presidents of the association will be guests of the group. Fire on Chimney Put Out at Fair Haven FAIR HAVEN Borough firemen wer t summoned to the home of Carl Burnslde, 394 River rd, Fair Haven, Saturday night when ivy on the exterior of the chimney caught fire. The blaze was extinguished before could spread to the house. A grass flro in a field on Third st., was extinguished by firemen Sunday. The alarm was turned in by Mrs. Roger Wight, 3» Hance rd. There was no damage. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Keanskrg National Bank EatoBlowa Mrs. L. D. Seely is guest speaker today at the Woman's Society of the Long Branch Baotist church, speaking on "The volunteer Interprets the State Hospital to the Community." Nicholas Marcello is in Florida visiting his father. Mr. and Mrs. George Winning and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Brunt entertained New Years eve. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. James N. Wolcott, Jr., Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cotgreave, Mr. and Mrs. John Diets, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. McGinnesa, Mr. and Mn. Clifford Cadman, Mrs. Mabel Keith and R. F. Gager. Mr. and Mn. Charles Morrell of Plalnaeld and their son Charles, Jr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Winning of South st. Mrs. Eva Falkenburg and son Hsrbtrt of Meadowbrook ave. visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewen, formerly of Eatontown, in Somerville Sunday, Mrs. Raymond Bennett and Mrs. Eva Falkenburg spent Tuesday In New Tork city where they took in a show at Radio City Music hall. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stalker of Campbell dr. spent New Years eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wyman of Middletown. Mrs. SUlke^s father and mother, Mr. and Mn. R. W. Hoke of East Orange, visited Mr. and Mn. Stalker for the New Year weekend. A group of Monmouth county Boy Scout commissioners and their wives went to New York Saturday. First the group went to a Swedish smorgaaabord and then to the play "Damn Yankee." Two buses were chartered. From Eatontown were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Valant of Little Silver entertained a number of local people Saturday. Among those present were Mr. and Mra. James White, Mr. and Mra. Harold Lindemann, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O, Meeks, Mr. and Mn. Anson V. Ransom, Miss Elizabeth Higginson, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Pierce and Rev. Robert Snable. Mra. Robert Hayes has been a patient la Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mn. James Rice and children have returned from a two-week holiday visit with her family In CatonsvUle, Md. Mrs. George Bauerwein of Pine at has been confined home the past week by Influenza. Her mother-in-law, of Trenton, stayed with the Sauerweln family last week. Mr. and Mn. Vincent Cocusa had a number of visitors Nsw Years day, among whom were Miss Monica Lang of Keansburg, Mrs. Madeleine 81ocum and her son Thomas Slocum, August Cocuua, George Sperling and Mr. and Mra. Edward Edwards, all of Long Branch. Mr. and Mn. L. D. Seely have returned from a week's visit with friends in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D. C. J. E, Allen of Broad st recent ly returned from Ft Slocum, N. Y., where he attended the officers' course for the public information school for two months. During the week just past, Sgt and Mrs. Morris W. Robiaaoa of Stirrup lane had house guests from Philadelphia Capt. and Mn. A. W. Drama and their son Freddy, and from Plainfleld, Mr. and Mn. Charles R. Morrell and Mn. Adelaide F. Morrell. They were joined New Yean day by Mr. and Mrs. Koert Johnson of Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, ST., of Throckmorton ave held a family dinner last week for Mr and Mrs. Michael Dietz of Tenafly and Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, Jr., of Stirrup lane. Aaaembly Adopta Miationsuy Plan SHREWSBURY The First Assembly of God church, 30 Henry it., has adopted a missionary, plan for boys and girls. The name of the endeavor Is the Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade. The crusade will be under the direction of Mn. Robert Foley, who also serves aa the crusade secretary. Each child la given a miniature barrel bank in which to save pennies. Every first Sunday of the month the barrels are brought to church and emptied. The monies collected will be used to print ltfoaj materials which will be sent to Africa to help spread the message of God. Last year, the project of the crusade was Asia and the goal of $12,000 set by the national committee was exceeded. This year's goal is 115,000. A stamp album of Africa is given to all members and every month that they bring their barrels they are presented a stamp to paste into it. At the close of the year,, the albums will be given to the children to keep as a token of their faithfulness to missions. Holy Name Plant Sunday Breakfast ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS The Holy Name society of St. Agnes Catholic church will hold a Communion breakfast following S tf'clock mass Sunday In St. Agnes school cafeteria. Donald Miles and John Farrlngton will conduct discussions on nocturnal adoration. James Cullen, chairman, will present nominations for officers. All members are urged to attend both the mass and breakfast SALE MM L $«%7i ic.wm L Ret. $M2I W.M 0 Res. tjsi ISM ) TUCKER'S ConeU Lingerie 139 Broadway Lone Branch THE BRITTON HOUSE Aa UmtX Suewkaa. Reiiaaeaa. aiteataa' tritki. tka eevlreea al CHEAT KILLS MARINE rark. ceavaalartlr auaaalela <a arterial U(hvar * Iraaapartatian a at ta«aawa ttma Inaurins phracy aas kawsaratlai rotlula*u; SOO ft. traat (raataia A 100. waur iraatafa witk a daptk al SOO B. la piarkaaa. JUmallaf Calaaial Staaa * FraaM 10-raan 4walliaf arithla aa ataaapkara al a.uiet Afalt/ aa«ckarauaf laadacapa. Appraiaaa Eauu Valae asi^oo. laapactlaa A lyrtaar partiralara. JOHN R. HUGI. INC.. AGENTS POET RICHMOND, STATEN ISLAND t, N. Y. OI S-0fs«. Mid-Winter Dry Cleaning Sale NOW IS THI TIMITO PRISHIN UP YOUR WINim NOW THRU FEBRUARY 2 WARDROM AND HOUSIHOLD ITIMS W *MlfS W DMSMS m Syria* * Ctvtaia< RWULAR PtrCIS ON All PRY CilANIN* CHECK OVER THIS REMINDER LIST: wc Vsf9SS#el m * Hooked Ra«a (3x1) TREAT YOUR CLOTHES TO OUR THOROUGH SANITONE CLEANING AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE NOW > CASH AND CAKRY SAVES ISM < I I FaonaW.lsW UNION LAUNDRY Oat CUANINO launocmno rur STOKAOf N O ClUNINA 510 UPPEI1I0A0 STRUT, RED IANK Pays to Use Classified Display Keansburg, New Jersey adits Middletown Office Five Corners, Middletown, New Jersey AT THI CLOSI OP BUSINBS MCIMR ft ASSITS Loans and Discounts -$ 5,115, U. S. Government Bonds...- 2,447, Cash and Duo from Banks.. - 1, Municipal Bonds t Middletown Building 135, Keansburg Building 1.00 Keansburg Fixtures 1.00 Federal Reserve Bank Stock 15, OMior Assets _ 16, LIABILITS Deposits $10,256, Common Stock 250, Surplus 250, Undivided Profits 194, Unearned Discount 225, Reserve for Taxes 30, Total Assets..$11,207, Total Litbilitiet f 11,207, OMICIRS J. HAROLD COLLINS Chairman of Board of Directors WILLIAM C. JOHNSON WILLIAM C. JOHNSON, JR. President Cashier THOMAS J. SILMOUR GEORGE PETERSON Vice President Ass't Cashior JOHN KAY Ass't Cashier DIRICTORS J. HAROLD COLLINS THOMAS J. SILMOUR HOWARD W. ROBERTS HENRY F. GEHLHAUS WILLIAM C. JOHNSON 2% Interest Paid On Savings Accounts Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corperefion ns mas mi nan ThUUKtlWlfN FIVE NEW FORD glamour wagons long, low mid loaded with fib/ Leave it to the station wagon leader to make the big news for '571 And what newsl Wagons so big, so full of fine-car prestige that you'll wonder how it can be done at low Ford prices. If your choice is the Country Squire, you'll be proud to pull up at the finest places in this new glamour wagon with its wood-like trim. If your needs call for a 6-pusenger wagon with four doors, you'll love the,new Country Sedan. has almost nine feet of loadspaco nearly a foot more than ever before. There's still another 4-door Country Sedan. has the extra third seat for 9-pastenger room. And, at in all Ford wagoni for '57, you have the new single-control handle which opens both the wrap-around liftgate and tailgate with one motion. And they can't be opened from inside! There's good news, too, about Ford's popular Ranch Wagon. This 6-passenger, 2-door model features Ford's new subdued tones, and smart interiors which defy muddy little shoes and drippy chocolate cones. In the wonderful way that Ford can take a fine thing and make it even finer, the Del Rio Ranch Wagon goes beyond the Ranch Wagon in style, fabrics and trim. Better take a Ford wagon for a spin. You'll agree that for styling it's a sweetheart... for work and power, it's an obedient slave! MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. smmemciafmlssmwr' Iks '17 f«< bfala 4N atfmil ind IMernrtonil rtcordifrom 1 MkiMttr M W,ax> mlm it SoniwvtM, UIMI. fat M.OM niiu, in '57 hffc mttftdnx 107 ind 1M mph rawctinly. TNi M IKIUM IH alt itopi... m SSM ertwmn tut of IH sml A«k for Your FORD STATION WAGON Action Tort Today 90 MonmjuHi Slrttf, Rtd Bank, N. J. Rtd Bank 6-01U

21 Dance Theater At Old Mill TINTON FALLS-A. "Cre«tlv«Dane* Theater" haa been tsub- Uahed at th. Old Mill here. HIM Virginia Johnaon, a wellknown dancer and ehoreoftaph«r, hai Inaugurated the theater. She be eald the dance, ae ah* teaches it, will "develop the creative aide ot the child or the adult, as well ai develop the mind and the body" In addition to being a dancer, Miu Johnson haa done much work ae a choreographer in television and summer stock theater. She also had her own dance studio in California. Last month, Mite Johnson pre- li a former New Shrewsbury rts- sented a lecture-demonstration at Ident, who recently moved to the Old Mill She also did the New York city and now plan* to choreography for "Amanl and the return to thli area. Night Visitors," an OH Mill presentation iaat month. Restoration for claaaea will take place Buoday through Tuesday. Clanei will begin Thursday. Miss Johnson says clasees will be divided into age groups. "The Urn. will be determined by school liiai Johnson ealud her idea a and working hours for the convenience of those attending," she new approach to dance and theater with elaaaea In creative movement, dance technique and workihop pertormanee*." Hubers pen to i4w*» hi The B*(letar. CLEARANCE SALE SUIT $..._ $42.50 COATS Thma suits told regularly for $55 and SftS,»tyl*d beautifully and ere nationally known brand*. Tweedi, assorted, regularly valued at $57.50 $31.10 Gabardines, all wool, regular value $47.50 I44.M tweed eoati, regular value $110 and 112S f $79.M OUTERWEAR Jackets, famous maker, with detachable, scarf type inner collar. Regular $17.95 I13.M WaihabU jacket with quilted lining. Regular $20 $14.50 Nylon "Anti Freeze," nationally advertised at $22.95 $17.50 Tweed suburban coat with lining, was $39.95 $29.50 Imported Irish tweed with lining, tegularvriee $69.95 $49.59 Assorted odd lot of world famous OAKS stales, regular $29.50 $l».s0 SPORTCOATS SWEATERS Assorted lots of imported tweeds. Values up to $46.00 $33.10 Values up to $55.00 $34.50 Orion, regular price $10.00 $7.95 All wool. ski. $1.95 value $ % cashmere, rag. $32.50 $2! JO SLEEVELESS GLOVES All wool, $5.96 value Orion, regular $7.95 * Cashmere, regular $22.50 $6.50 $14.95 Knit, with leather Balm, values up to $8.00 UJO All leather gloves greatly reduced. TABLE TOP SUPER SPECIALS SOCKS 39c SWRATRRS, $11.60 valua $5.95 SWIATMS sleevelest, $7.95 value $3.91 In addition to the above, we have reduced the price of ell but a few price fixed itemi, for quick clearance. New Church Edifice Dedicated First Church of Christ Scientist, Point Pleasant, held dedication services in the ebove building Sunday. Th* structure is prefabricated by the commercial division of United States S>*l Homes and erected by their local dealer, Everett H. Thorn* of Middletown. Service' were held in the building two months after construction wai started. This is the second p'ofabrieated church built in this erea during the past year, the other being located at Pmieton. Mr. Thome states there has been a marked recent increase in the demand for prefabricated commercial type buildings. Gvics, Legislation Program for Woman's Oub 4- Vfrs. H. Oonsnt Spew, chairman of the eivioi and legislation committee of th* evening department of the Red Bank Woman's CIU3J, wu in charge of the program at Monday's club meeting. The speaker w»a William B. Dunklnson, Jr., of Mapiewood, whoae subject was "Racket*, Fraud*, Swindle* and Gyps!" Mrs. Dexter O. Jones, president, announced that a department member, Mrs. Harold Larttud of Fair Haven, haa been named third district chairman ot evening membership* for th* stale federation of Women's dubs, by the state chairman, Mrs. William Nusbaum of HiUsdale. She also wld that she, Mr*. Lartaud and Mr*. George Drake will represent the Red Bank group at an all-day atats conference of state evening membership groups at the Hotel McAlpin Hi New York city Feb. 3. Mrs. Theodore DUger and Mrs. Robert Shelly said plane have been started for the club's Valentine dance Feb. IS at MoHy Pitcher hotel, for the benefit of the club's principal welfare project this year, raising fund* for the Monmouth county unit of New Jersey Association for Mentally Retarded Children. Mr*. R. J. Lawrence and Mm. Carl Ultaelman are in charge of ticket sales. At the club's meeting Jan. 21, the program will be devoted to a panel discussion on mentally retarded children. Speakers will be Edward J. O'Reilly of Red Bank, a former president of the state group; Mrs. O'Reilly, Red Bank; Mrs. WUroa Wllklns, Little Silver, president of the Monmouth county unit, and Mrs. Margaret Mix who teaches the claaw* for mentally retarded children at the Mechanic Street school, Red Bank. The department art* and craft* group will meet tonight at the clubhouse. Th* drama group will meet Wednesday, Jan. 33, at Mrs. Lartaud* home In Fair Haven. The American home department met at the horn* of Mrs. Lewi* E. Connor in Fair Haven Tuesday. A moment's silence honored a club member, Mrs. Albert 8. White, Jr., who died Jan. S at her home in Worcester, Mass. She wa* a former publicity chair- Mrs. B. C. Fantone wa* ohalrmsn of the coffee hour after th* meeting, assisted by Mrs. William 8. Beaty, Mrs. Walter O. Dohrn and Mrs. William Lee. Community Church ElecU Officers BAIT XEAMBBURC-At the annual congregational meeting of the Beyshor* Community church Friday night, trustees were elected'for Uuie year*. Serving for three years i Oeorge T. Spawn, William O. Krack, Robert Warren and Joseph Howard. Serving for two yean will be Edwin Ensign, William Rtscorl, Mrs. Bertha Brunt and Mrs. Georgraa Howard. John Birger, Oscar Telcher, Otto.Strauss and Mr*. June Rascerl win serve for one year. After the business mating th* new board of trustees organised with Mr. Spavea, chairman; Mr. Ensign, vice chairman; Mr. Krack, tnasurer. and Mrs. Howard, secretary. The finance committee consist* of Mr. Krack, Mrs. Rsacorl and Mr. Brunt, and the nominating committee, Mrs. Betty Wollentln, Mrs. Carol Medensoek and Mrs. ReseorL Rev. John P. Bulsr 1* pastor. "CAN YOU robaivbt" ASBURY PARK "Can You Forgive," a play In th* dranauo series, "Another Chance," will be heard Sunday ovsr station WJUC at 7:18 p. m. concerns a woman responsible for almost breaking up a marriage. "Another Chares'" is produced by th* Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation and I* presented by the Woman's auxiliary of th* Diocese of New Jersey. stars actress Peggy Wood, civic leader Cynthia Wedel and clergyman Dr. Thomas Bar- ', rett. CWV Convenes Next Sunday ASBURY PARK-The 11th annual convention ot the Monmouth county chapter, Catholic War Veterans ot America, will be held here Sunday with th* lit. Carmel CWV. post as host. The program of events Includs:»:45 a. m., assembly of colors In front of the l i t Carmel Catholic church, 10 a. m., mass; 11 a. m., registration of delegate* at post home; noon, brunch at Mt. Carmel Catholic school cafeteria; 1:30 p. m., delegates' session at Mt Carmel Catholic school cafeteria, and 77 p. m., dinner at Stage Coach inn, rt. SB, Ocean township. The dinner will be highlighted by the presentation of the annual county commanders' awards to three county men for outstanding accomplishments and leadership In work "For God, For Country and For Home." The recipients will be made public at that time. Th* principal speaker John L. Montgomery, chief probation officer and county adjuster of Monmouth county. Guesta include the state commander of the C.W.V., state president ol the Ladles' auxiliary of the C.W.V., pastor of the Mt. Carmel Catholic church, chaplain of the Monmouth county chapter ot the C.W.V., mayor of Asbury Park, executive director of the C.W.V., president of the Holy Name Federation of Monmouth county, district deputy of the Knights of Columbus, and the county commanders for the American Legion, V.F.W. and tat J.W.V. Carmen F. Palamlbo and Frank P. Orlfloi are co-chairmen for the convention, assisted by Edward Baiano, ticket chairman. Patwa Director Discusses Israel RUMSON Arthur Broza, head of Patwa, discussed the Israel situation at a meeting of the Northern Monmouth county branch, American Association of University Woman, Monday night at the Presbyterian church fellowship hall. The speaker's agency deals with technical and professional people from the United States going Into Israel. Mr. Broxa, manager of Shell Oil company offices In Helta, gave a background on the Israel problem and his own analysis of the situation. The' program was arranged by Mrs. C. M. Bell of Matawan. New member* Introduced were Mrs. Marlon Krouse of Runuon and Mrs. D. F. Marshall of Keyport Mn. C. E. Huge), Jr., of Red Bank and Mrs. H. B. Hick* of Mlddletown were hospitality chair- Plate Presented To Dr. Goldberg LONG BRANCH The board of managers of Munmoiith Memorial hospital School of Nursing presented a gold plate to Dr. Jacob Goldberg of Long Branch, director of the outpatient department and physician to the school of nursing, at s last meeting In recognition of his 14 years' service to th* school. Miss Mildred M. Schmidt, Little Silver, Is director of the school of nursing, and Mrs. Clarence Unterberg, Eatontown, is president of the board of managers. The plaque reads: "To Doctor Jacob Goldberg, In appreciation of hi* devoted service to the school of nuning 1M2 to From th* board of managers, Monmouth Memorial hospital." FOOD 8AM ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS MonmouUi chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a. food sale In the lobby of the Atlantic theater on First ave., Saturday Bale hours will he between 8 a. m. and noon. County Reduces Auto Fatalities TRENTON Monmouth couny had S3 auto deaths In 1958, hree fewer than the year before, it has been announced. The total number of fatalities In the state was 769, an increase of eight over Monmouth ranked fourth highest In the number of auto fatalities, exceeded only by Essex with «6, Bergen with 56 and Middlesex with 85. Hudson county! had 52 deaths. Monmouth'e neighbor to the south, Ocean County, had a decrease ot ten during the past year to 22 as compared to 32 in The most noteworthy achievement In reducing the number of fatalities vu In Middlesex where the number was cut from 73 in 1955 to 85 last year. The biggest Increase was in Essex, which went up from tl to 18. BABY IS BAPTIZED LITTLE SILVER Nancy Ellen Aschettlno, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Mltty" Aschettlno of SO Branch ave., Little Silver, wa* baptized Sunday at St. Anthony's Catholic church by the pastor, Magr, Salvatore DILorenzo. Mr. and Mrs. Dominlck Soldo of 359 Branch ave., Little Silver, were the sponsors. After the ceremony, there was a family dinner at the home of the child's par- P. T. A. to See Valiant Heart' LITTLE SILVER-The Parent- Teacher association will meet next Tuesday to see a Him concerning rheumatic fever, "Valiant Heart," sponsored hy the Monmouth County Heart association. Dr. Donald Llttman of the association will answer questions. Refreshments will be served hy third grade room mothers, Mrs. D. R. Btair, Mrs.. 3. Snedeker and Mrs. C. F. LeClair. Robert Viscount is program chairman. The United States will face & shortage of about 475,000 scientists and engineers by 1165, says the Manufacturing Chemists association. 9x12 RED BANK REGISTER ThundV. Ian. 3, GOING TO NEWARK? BORO BUSES E tew n ALL MERCHANDISE REDUCED 20 * You Talc* MM DISCOUNT OFF Original Tkktt I Grey Kid.kin Cape $110 Uss 20% I Muikrat Back Jackef $187 Uss 20% I Let-Out Muikrat Cap. $187 Ult 20% I Dark Let-Out Muskrat Stole $210 Ult 20% it Light Let-Out Muikrat Stole $210 Uss 20% I Let-Out Muikrat Sling Cap* $220 Uss 20% 5 Muikrat Back Coats, from $242«P-USS 20% 4 Let-Out Muikrat Coatt, from...$495»p-uss 20% I Tip Sheared Raccoon Coat $525 Uss 20% I Tip Sheared Raccoon Coat $550 Uss 20% I Sheared Raccoon Coat, Light Shad* $550 Uss 20% I Sheared Beaver Coat $660 Uss 20% I Grey Penian Coat $770 Uss 20% 4 Mouton Coah $I65«PU» 20% AND MANY OTHRRS COMI IN AND S H THIM ALL HM LAKUD AS TO COUNTRY OP ORIOIN WINTERS FUR SHOP The Horn* of Fine Fun 43 MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK Wool Rugs Florals Ton* en Ten* Tw**dt 27x54 All Wool Throw Rug MS sale! 9x12 Wool Hooked 1 Rug R*f. nm 27" Stair & Hall Runntr Following is a partial list of rollends and rugs. See more In our store! - 12 ft. ReR, _ s»_fc 12 ft. RfJ MIstM fft Mewl 12 ft. Ron Hue Three Ply Twist 12 ft. Red Oreee Three Ply Twist ilS fthllsth Weel Ssuleter Ores* 12a1S'1O" AbMtsJer Smith ^PkTOwH lr» vojfl I WHi 12ilS Ciilistae All Weel Twist Rekje 12x14'e" arete Cettea Velvet Was tq. yd S NOW sq. yd. MS MS MS Ml 1M x12 Oriental Rugs 139,93 Re* Hltl 11x27 All Wool Rug 9x12 Ffcro Rugs Huberts 20 BROAD ST. RED BANK N.J. i r '" THE NAME IS... MAYFAIR "RU* CLtANIRS" For Clean Rugs and Storagt RE LOOK FOR THE MAROON AND GRAY TRUCK i

22 tt Thursday, Jan. 10, 1957 RED BANK REGISTER Services for Churches in Red Bank and Surrounding Communities PRESBYTERIAN Red Bank "Nobody Needs to Be Nobody" will be the sermon topic of Rev. six (Mr». Floyd G. Merlette-Mrs. J. Leonard Covert). 1:30 p. m. Dr. Charlea 8. Webster at the Mrs. Merlette, «4 Ridge rd., Fair be at 8:30 a. m. Sunday. Church be guest speakers Sunday at 11day the sermon by Roger J. 9:30 ar.d 11 e_ m. services Sunday. At both services there will Wednesday at 8 p. m. the an- Haven. school will meet at 8:46 a. m. At m. and 8 p. m. Brig. Kaiser Is Squire will be on the subject, "The dress wui be at 9:16 a. m, and 11 o'clock there will be an ex-thpanded session for church school secretary for the Eastern terri- Can Take Away." The Sunday- city, Friday, Jan. 25, at 10:25 a. m. tion picture "The Happiness of Holy Eucharist wlu be celebrated Territorial Young People's Gift Which no Created Thing Saturday at 7:30 p. m, the mo-the prayer and sarmon at 11 a. m. be a dedication to Almighty God nual congregational and corporate meeting of the church will in connection with Southeast Asia tory, with headquarters in Newschool meets at the same time and 1:30 p. m. The theme is "Yethe New World Society" will be Wednesday at 7:00 and 10:00 a. m. ol the pledges and pledgors for Dr. Carl F. Mueller will be held in the sanctuary, with workshop. Rev. John Crouthamel York city. The corps cadets will Sunday morning, so parents may Shall By My Witnesses." Speakers shown at the Kingdom hall. The preside at the organ console. His Dr. Webster presiding over the will speak on the topic, "Why be featured In the services of the attend one of the church services. will be Dr. Lewis B. Carpenter, educational film is entirely in PILGRIM BAPTIST organ meditation will be "Adagio" congregational meeting and People Do Go to Church" at theday as well. These young people A church-hour nursery provides president of National college for color and will illustrate how Red Bank from vr symphony and "Pastorale" from symphony by Widor, over the corporate meeting. chancel choir will sing under the will provide special music, Bible during the two church services. Mo.; Miss Annie May Pitman, find happiness in their faith and the service Sunday at 11:30 a. m. George W. Grimm, Jr., presiding morning worship service. The in training locally for leadership care for children of pre-schocl age Christian Workers at Kansas City, members throughout the earth Rev. H. L. Morgan will conduct and his postlude will be "Marche direction of Robert A. Ivey, Jr., readings and witnesses. At the Music for the church services is missionary to Sibil, Sarawak, service. The youth choir, conducted by Religieuse," Jongen. minister of music. The ushers 8 p. m. service, the citadel band under direction of John Ferris Borneo; Miss Margaret Marshall, A representative of the Watchtower society will speak on theday-school will meet at 10 a. m. Mrs. Alyee Ford, will sing. SUB- CONGREGATION At the 9:30 service the Junior will be John Crawford, Glenn and Songsters will present musical selections. The young people's Organ Prelude "Adagio," Frank and Includes Tower chimes; co-director of Scott's Run Settlement house, Osage, W. Va. andtheme "Which Charch Did Christ Ned Williams is superintendent BNAI ISRAEL ehoir will sing "Lovely Appear," Bowling, Lieut. John Reeves, Kenneth Miller and Tillman Lane, singing company will render se- Bridge; junior choir anthem at Red Bank Gounod. Ushers will be in charge Mrs. John M. Pearson, chairman Establish?" at p. m. Sunday. The missionary circls will meet of Robert G. Goodman, Jr., assisted by Robert M. Close, Ed- Services at Congregation BnaJ head usher. The deacons' greeting committee will be Francis Other activities of the day in-his Fathers Bench," English; lections at the 11 a. m. service. flrst service, "At Work Besides of section of education and cultivation, "India Today." Those at- Good News of Salvation by Him" Plan for My Life" will be dis- The Watchtower article "The at 8:30 p. m. "What Is Clod's Israel will be conducted by Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon, The guest Swartz, Truman Reeves and Kenclude company meeting at 9:45duet at second service by JClisawin I* Scanlan and Donald Tammany. Norman C. Gardner and speaker will be Dr. 8. Andhll neth Brower. There wljl be two nv; young people's meeting, beth Kohl and Kenneth Shook, Sunday. Scott wlu open the discussion. tending will bring box lunch. will be studied at 7:15 p. m. cussed by members. Mrs, LotUa Robert W. Upson will comprise Feinberg, who is listed in "Who's nurseries during the 8:45 and 116:15 p. m., and street service, 7:16. "Come, Blessed Saviour," Saint- HI8T ASSEMBLY OF GOO Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. regular Evening service is acihadflad ter the welcoming committee. Who" in America as an author a. m. services. Tuesday evening, Lieut. Col. and Saens; offertory-anthem by Junior Red Bank Bible studies will be held at 8 7 o'clock. The evening chair will, and an authority in the field of At the 11 o'clock service the The junior high, senior high and Mrs. Arthur Woodruff, divisional choir at first service, "Praise the Rev, John Deegan will speak Maple ave., 10 St. Mary's pi, and ng. Tower Hill choir will sing "Let education. His prize winning Roger Williams felowships will commander for New Jersey, will Lord." traditional and chancel on "Christ or Chaos" at the 1169 Lincoln st. in Red Bank. The deacons' club win meet All the World In Every Corner books, "Overcoming Anti-Semitism" and "Punishment Without with Southeast Asia workshop. league. This will be a worship "O Lord, We Pray" Drozdov. The ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL meet at 7:30 p. m in connection be guests of the Women's Home choir anthem at second service, a. m. worship service. The church Mondey at 8 p. m. at the hem* Sing," Hugh S. RoberUon, and Bible school for all ages will meet of Mrs. Ned Williams. "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah," Carl F. Mueller. Ushers ard texts in interrellgious and adult leader for the workshop. of the Bible." Col. Woodruff will on Bach's St. Matthew Passion for of Robert Foley, superintendent. Holy Eucharist at 8 a, in and ffust CBUBCH OF ODdlT Crime," are widely used as stand- Mrs. William Beattie will be theservice with the theme, "Baskets chancel choir Is beginning to work at 10 a. m. under the direction Red Bank will be in charge of Michael H. Interracial problems. His topic Mrs. Elmer Cottrelt Is in charge chair the program and Mrs. presentation Palm Sunday. If The topic for discussion will be solemn Eucharist at 9:30 a. m. Daily, assisted by James L. De-wilviaon, 8. Eric Hartten and Albert Him." New members welcomed Sunday league secretary, will bring a spetion who would be Interested In adult class will be meeting under A celebration of Holy tiuchar- The morning services wlu be be: "The Jew as Others See of refreshments. Woodruff, the divisional home there are those In the congrega- "Christ the Willing Healer." The Sunday. Ksyport R. Tebo. Rudolph May and Herman D. Woolley will comprise will be given by Judith Kosakoff, Baker, Keith D. Campbell, Mrs. sented by the Songsters and wom- The blessings on the candles were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O. cial message. Music will be pre-singing, please see Mr. Ferris. the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth 1st will be held at 7 a. m Wed-helnesday.. day school will meet at 11 a. as. Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sun- the welcoming committee. bas mttzvah student, daughter Wllma Creedon, Mra. Glenn A. en of the Home league. Altar flowers for Sunday will Whalen. At 8:30 and 11 a. m. identical of Mr. and Mrs. David Koiakoff Leister, Mrs. Tom Oakes and Mrs. The midweek service at I p. m. be presented by Harold H. Baynton and son, Everett C. Baynton, ice will begin at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Held next Wednesday at 8 p. m. The evening evangelistic serv- A testimonial service will ba ST. PAUL BAPTIST session* of the church school of Middletown. The "Kiddush" Sidney Dull. next Wednesday will be conducted by Mrs. Robert Rlghtmlre. in remembrance of Muriel, their Mr. Deegan will speak on "Obsta- Red Bank (nursery through sixth grade) will be chanted by Alan Klatsky, Choir rehearsals are boys. Sat- at 9 a. m.; cherub, Satur- Thursday is Youth day with ac- will be held in the Westminster a bar mltzvah student, son ofurday daughter and sister, respectively. cles to Joy." Special music will Rev. Walter T. Hawkes win HIGH POINT CHAPEL house. Mr. and Mrs. William Klatsky of day at 10 a. m.; carol, Saturday tivities as follows: Salvation At 8 p. m. Sunday, the.service be furnished by the church preach at Sunday's 11 a, m. service. Church-school is at 10 a. m. Services are held every Sunday Leonsrdo At 7 p. m. the following activities will take place: Junior high will be provided by Harry Welnday at 7:45 p. m. ior legions classes and Crusaders, under direction of Hev. Mr. The Christ's Ambassadors youth Red Bank. Flowers for the pulpit at 11 a. m., and chancel, Wednes- meeting, 4 p. m.; Sunbeams, jun- will consist of a devotional period orchestra and ladies' quintet. Prayer meeting each Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. with visiting ministers. The chapel Is located on department of the church school stein in memory of his parents. The board of trustees will meet 4:30; supper, 5:45; Y. P. singing Squire. Part three of the series group will leave Monday at 7 at 8 p. m. Mountain Hill rd. will meet in the Westminster Scats on the pulpit will be occupied by Jack Winters and Leon fellowship executive board will corps cadets classes and begin- be shown. rally in Perth Amboy. The regu- Monday at 8 p. m. The women's company rehearsal, 6:15 p. m.; on "The Making of the Bible" will p. m. for an area wide youth house; senior high freshman FIRST PENTECOSTAL SPIRITUAL class in the studio, and senior Zuckerman, trustees of the con-meegregation. Memorial prayers will p. m. The annual church busi- Torchbeareri' youth program, < meet at 4:30 p. m.; Methodist Tuesday in the chapel at 8ners' band classes, 8:80, and The Intermediate fellowship will lar Tuesday youth rally at the Long Branch Belford high department in the chapel. church will be canceled for the Rev. Norman B. Nethers will Rev. Phoebe Dalley will eonduct services Sunday at 6 p. m. At 7:30 p. m. the weekly meeting of Westminster senior high vid Ruda, mother of Dr. Arthur at 8 p. m. Next Thursday Boy A service will be conducted on the Wesley fellowship at 9 p. m. be offered for the father of Da-ness meeting will be Wednesday o'clock. youth fellowship at 6:45 p. m. and week. lead the 11 a. m. service Sunday. Rev. Mr. Deegan will continue Sunday-school will start at 9:45. and Tuesday at 2:30 and I p. a. fellowship will be held in Westminster house. Dr. Webster will Morris, fattier of Mri. Mae Gor-old basement at 7:30 p. m. Thelowed by band rehearsal at 8:15. gram, part three of the series on O. Kraut, father of Mr;. MaxScout troop 33 wlu meet in thebroad at. tomorrow at 7:15, fol-sunday will all have as their pro- the studies on the "Great Doctrines of the Bible" during the held at 7:30 p. m. The young MISSION The evangelistic service will be speak on the theme, "Why Wedon, father of Mrs. Maurice Stal- father of the Mausner fam- Jan. 18, at 7:30 p. m. film Is produced by the American Junior Doers will meet Friday, "The Making of the Bible." This Bible study and prayer service people's service will be held at 7:30 Port Monmoutn Are Protestants." At 8 p. m. theberg, Wednesday at 8 p. m. tonight. A Bible study Is held Rev. A. Donald Magaw, pastor; weekly meeting of the TNT club ily, father of Michael Bilbersteln, The Men's Brotherhood dinner HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN Bible society. The ladles' prayer service will every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Lawrence Wise. Sunday school superintendent will be held in Westminster mother of Mri. Harry Roman, meeting will be held Wednesday, Red Bank be held at the church today at The youth choir will meet for house. mother of Mrs. Charles Komar Jan. 30, at «:45 p. m. Gerald Higgons, president of the N. J. Bap-followed Sunday by children's of the pastor's wife, Mrs. John Highlands The matlna at 8:30 a. m. will be 1:30 p. m. under the direction ST. ANDREW EPISCOPAL rehearsal Sunday at 6 p. m. In Monday at S p. m., monthly and mother of Frank Siegfried. the music room with Mr. Ferris. meeting of the board of trustees Junior Sabbath services will be tist Laymen's organization, will be choir practice In the church at Deegan. At 9 a. m. the third Sunday of Spiritualist Services In Westminster house, with held at 8:15 a. m. under the direction of Mrs. Julia Segall. Adult FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST also. guest speaker. (.15. Sunday-school will meet at This choir will begin work on At the recent meeting of theeach month, Holy Eucharist and 9:45 a. m. with classes for adults the music for the annual yoath Women's Missionary council, a sermon. At 9 a. in other Sundays, George W, Grimm, Jr., president, choir festival to be held In Newbundle of clothing for needy morning prayer and sermon TMesey, a P. m. presiding. Sabbath services will be held at York city Feb. 17. SCIENTIST Tuesday at I p. m., monthly 10 a. m. Rabbi Hershon will speak The sacrament of baptism will American Indians was sorted and Church school is at 10 a, m. Holy 15 Hig>land Ava. Runwon Red Bank meeting of the session In theon the portion of the week. Dally be administered at the 11 a. m. Tomorrow the chancel choir made ready for shipment. The HSucharisl at 9:30 a m Wednesdays and Holy Days Rev Alan o i.tisa oot* ffm Jo«rwmmmtwt Combs-DeVoe Memorial room, service* are held at 7:30 p. m. Services In the First Church of service. Interested parents have will rehearse at 8 p. m. Thecouncil meets the first Friday of with the minister presiding. - and Sunday at 8 a. m. Christ Scientist, 211 Broad St., arebeen asked to contact the pastor. Methodist youth fellowship will every month. H. Tongue Is vicar in charge. Tuesday at 8 p. m. the following evening circles of the Wom- school meets at 11 a. m. Wednes- the 11 a. m. service. hall beginning at 7:30 p. m. A.M.E. WOK held 8undays at 11 a. m. Sunday The children's choir will sin* at have a game night in Fellowship an's association will meet: Circle ST. JAMES CATHOLIC day evening testimonial meetings The annual congregational Saturday the junior choir rehearsal is at 9:30 a. m. Rev. Charles E. Bourne will Red Bank even (Mrs. Herbert E. Werner- Red Bank are at 8:15. meeting will be held In the church Mrs. Robert W. Upson), Westminster house; circle eight (Mrs. 10 and 11 o'clock in the churchst., Is open dally from noon to The executive meeting of circle hearsal is at 9:30 a. m. The Zlon Travelers chorus will Sunday masses are at 6, 8, 9. The reading room, 309 Broad at 3 p. m. Sunday. Saturday the junior choir re- deliver the sermon at 11 a. m. FEED Jico v ius P. Noteboom-Mrs. John and 9, 10 and 11 o'cock In the4:30 p. m., Friday evening from A will be held tonight. The Tuesday at 10 a. m. the prayer render the music, directed by Mrs. COMPARE D. Colin), Mrs. Edwin F. Herr, high school auditorium. 7:30 to 9:30, and Sundays from pastor's class will meet next Tuesday night. There will be con-scout troop 17 meeting at 7:30will meet at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Clara G. L F. and study group will meet; BoyConstance Brown, Sunday-school J., 35 Grange ave.. Fair Haven; Confesiions are heard Saturdays 2 to 4 p. m. circle nine (Mrs. William E. from 4 to 6 p. m., and from 7:30 The answer to mankind's great firmation instruction Tuesday for p. m. and Girl Scout leadership Carter is superintendent. Starting. 4.JS Gregg, Jr.-Mrs. John E. Wallace), to 9 p. m. need of purity and regeneration the beginners and Friday for thetraining 9:45 a. m. to 2:30 p. m.; Rev. H. L. Morgan, pastor of Growing Westminster house, and circle Baptisms every Sunday at 1 will be emphasized at Christian second year class. Both sessions volleyball playing in Fellowship Pilgrim Baptist church, and his Super Isqrlng.4.15 p. m. In the church. A baptism Science services this Sunday. are at 4:15 p. m. hall by Wesley group. choir will conduct services for, Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon Boy Scout troop 123 will meet Wednesday there will be a dinner meeting of young adults the Flower club Sunday at 7:30 tomorrow night in the parish at ten (Mrs. James F. Humphreys- Mrs. Thomas McClintock - Miss Louise Julian), Mrs. John M. Rutherford, 144 Kemp ave., Fair Haven. 1:15 p. m., Mrs. Mueller, 25 Fox Hill dr., Little Silver, and circle blank must be obtained from the rectory and filled out before the baptism takes place. BAPTIST Red Bank The leaders' prayer meeting will house. 7:30 p. m. In Fellowship hall. The Novena devotions In honor of shall ascend Into th3 hill of the speaker will be Dr. R. Dean Coddlngton. His topic Is "New De- at 7:30 p. m. Weekly prayer serv- special program Sunday, Jan. 20, Wednesday at 10 a. m. theour Lady of the Miraculous Medal Lord? or who shall stand in his RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF Women's prayer and study group every Monday at 8 p. m. In theholy place? He that hath clean FRIENDS (Quakers) velopments in Medicine Concern- ices are held every Wednesday at will meet in the chapel The af-churchternoon circles of the Women's Religious Instruction, for all hath not lifted up his soul unto The Shrewsbury meeting of Re- Next Thursday the sewing will rehearse Wednesday at 9 p. hands, and a pure heart; who * Shrewsbury Ing Ul All." 8 p. m. The Zlon Travelers chorus association will meet Wednesday parish children attending public vanity, nor sworn-deceitfully." ligious Society of Friends (Quakers).- meets for worship at 11 a as follows: Circle one (Mrs. Jo-schoolf -1 R. Serolco-Mra. William L. 9:30 to 10:90 a. m. In the grammar "Science and Health with Key m. the First day (Sunday), In the is held Saturdays from Selections to be read from group will play volleyball In Fel-mlowship hall Friday, Jan. 18, atday at 8:30 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal Is Fri- Forsyth), 1:30 p. m., Mrs. Fortnights ter., Fair Haven; Eddy Include the following (241: school. to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker meeting house at Broad st and 8 p. m. Sycamore ave., preceded at 10 a The intermediate youth fellowship will have use of Fellowship Red Bank SHAKER-OUAKER "' tohn Kastle- ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC 23-27): "One's slm, a point beyond m. by the First-day school. All Ifrs. Rudolph W, Hay), 1:15 p. -y, Wavesink River Red Bank faith, should be to find the footsteps of Truth, the way to health are welcome. hall facilities Saturday, Jan. 19 at Elder Prankliu C. Moyan, 8 p. m. teacher, will conduct a service of in, Red Bank; circle three (Mm. Masses are celebrated Sunday "METHODIST " There will be reception of members Into church membership Sun- m. Sunday at the church, 15 instruction and guidance at 10 «. Lewis Errickson-Mrs. Kenneth at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 o'clock. and holiness. We should strive Burger) 1:30 p. m., Mrs. Burger, Confessions are beard Saturdays to reach the Horeb height where Highlands Orchard rd. and Alexander dr., from 4:10 to» p. m. and from God Is revealed; and the cornerstone of all spiritual building Is m. Morning service at 11 o'clock Church school meets at 9:30 a. day, Jan. 27, at 11 a, m. There North Bridgt eve. River Plaza; circle four (Mrs. 7:30 to 9 p. m. will be baptisms at 9:30 a. m, Jan. Robert W. Teegarderi-Mrs. Chester B. Locklin) 1:30 p. m., Mrs. Baptisms are at 11:45 a. m. purity." Evening service at 7: Those desiring to unite with Prayer meeting Wednesday at the church, or to present children Sundays. 7:30 p. m. for baptism Jan. 27, will please Tcegarden, 78 Princeton rd., Fair The Miraculous Medal novena is Haven; circle five (Mrs. Carl F. held Mondays at 7:30 p. m. and Mueller-Mrs. Ruth A. Barclay) the perpetual novena to 8t Anthony Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MAPLE AND OAKLAND STS.. RED BANK, N. J. REV. JOHN F. CROUTHAMEL, Patter invites s Friends to Attend A Series of Morning Worship Services Davotod to Practical Christian Living JOT. 13, 20, 27, Fob. 3, 10 or 11 a. m. "Why Fooolo Do «to Chore*" "Why I Short Rood the Mo" "How I ShouM ROMI tho Mo" "Why I Mlovo hi Co*"' "Why t)o4 COR IO Trasto." AND THE SOUTHEAST ASIA WORKSHOP at 7:30 p. m. A study of the Christian Church In Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Welcome to Church "Small anough to know you; larga enough to tarvo you." on "Sacrament" is the Golden Text from Psalms (24:3.4): "Who ST. JAME8 MBMOBIAL EPISCOPAL Eatontown Church school 'a at 9:30 a. m. At 7:30 a. m. the second and fourth Sundays, the Holy Eucharist. At 11 a. m. the first and third Sundays, Holy Eucharist and sermon. At 11 a. tn. tiie second and fourth Sundays, morning prayer and sermon. A nursery Is conducted each Sunday a* 11 a. m In the parish house. Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a, m. Wednesday* and Holy days. Rev Alan H. Tongue Is vicar In charge. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL Naveslnk Epiphany services Sunday will begin with Holy Communion at 8:30 a. m. Church school will meet at 9:30, and parents' and children's service at 10 a. m. There will be Holy Communion and sermon by the rector, Rev. Charles P. Johnson, at 11 a. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Atlantic Highlands Church service and Sundayschool are at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimony service is at 8:15. Reading room hours are 2 to 4 p. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, except holidays. ~METHODIST Navssink Morning service at 9:80. Church school meets at 10:45 a. m. SPEAK EFFECTIVELY. OVERCOME FEAR DEVELOP POISE CONFIDENCE "PREPARE FOR LEADERSHIP' YOU AM isvrrm To Attend a Free Demonstration Meeting of the DALE CARNEGIE COURSE in Eftctiv* SptMng mid Humm RtUliou Red Bank W«d., Jan. 23 0:30 P. M. Rooto No. 31 Asbury Park ii Jan* 28 1:30 P. M. You will tee a class in action and learn whit the Dale Carnegie training can do for you. For literature plume or write DALE CARNEGIE COURSES riovmtfov o»y Wa B* mtmltmfl WIJpw SprlRf Dr., Morrlirom, N. J. JMortM DAU.CARNIOJI TMnss Ms Osle CsrMile 10 C.yrt. will H.I, vra B... e kpsak '»'e*mmmr r r e la.r.m. Vsw latent e D.vtltp StH'CmlMMSt e "Ml" Yunelf ami V.iir lists s Inartvt V.«r Mtmtry e Intrant V.iir Ability to e Win Mtrt Prints e Imprtv* Ytw Ptrsmellty e s>ra»sm k«er LtsHerakls SALVATION ARMY Red Bank Brig, and Mn. Paul Kaiser will METHODIST Red Bank At 9:30 a. m. and 11 a. m. Sun- Full Length Piano Hinge ALUMINUM DOOR All Extruded Combination Storm and Screen Fully Weatherstripped COMPLETE with HARDWARE ALSO IN STOCK MITRED CORNERS (for added strength) RUGGED KICK PLATE (no scuffing) CAST ALUMINUM CORNERS nrairmw IPJ fjn bmhtfo 37"ill" BLAISDELL LUMtO CO. mm. WMUTV MM tsit UMNfTH MUDM AVL U a-uw UD IANK contact the ministers or the church office prior to this date. The inter-conference meeting of Woman's society will be held in the chapel of th Methodist building at 150 Fifth ave., New York p. m. The senior choir will give a JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Red Bank The Theocratic Ministry school will be followed by the service meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Add 10c for pellets Dairy ration 1>% Dairy crunch 16% Fitting ration 14% Hone feed Hog ration 14% Hog ration Sop. 40% Heavy oat* _ Rabbit peuets Big Red dog meal... Big Bed Mb. Mtcult, TRINITY ETISCOFAL Red Bank Holy Eucharist wul be at 6 a, m. Sunday. Holy Eucharist and ad M cat Prices baaed on bag exchange basls-for CASH. ramuzn A UMI HANCE & DAVIS TIL U Now On! *150,000 Inventory Furniture SALE! 3Q* to 60% off J-,... Wt Inventory Time and We Mutt Move $1 EA -ft-ft-ft worth # Bedroom I3U.UUU of nmngroom Rugs Dinettes ftcasjondoiita Tables Bedimj Tremendous Reduction* Now On... SlIP COVERS REDPHOLSTBUNG A Feu Fact* You Should Know About Alan 1 * Policy... j mt nijmif ytmnry MM of tfcff L#w#tt Prices * MOMtovm wotmrys LOTft "MpMtMStery Pscttofy TsssMMsl AsM^sssUlsssjl SSI OJ^tMasssBssaaianua^Mssl ^M ** a^^ Any SolacriM HoM 'IK Wmto. Stoeo 1924 FRSDEUVBtY-PUB S. & H. Green STAMPS THAT 20 MILLION AMIRICAN WOMIN M V M I ALAN'S FURNITURE "Over 60,000 Sali.i/ied Customer*" FACTORY- TO-YOU SHOWROOMS CHELSEA & SO. 7TH AVES. LONG BRANCH (N.«t Is *.allraa«trseki) f OPEN Wodnotdoy ond Friday Nlqhtt 'Til 9:00 %

23 Fair Haven I>u«to illness in the family of Benjamin F. Warren, Rev. Walter T. Gandek will temporarily ae- umi the leaderihip of the adult Bible clan. Toil claai meeta at 10 a. m. and ends at 10:43 a. m. All grownup* are invited to attend. Bring your children to church school at 1:45 a. m. Sunday, and «i*it ths adult elaaa. Sunday'* discussion was on The Prophet*. Rev. Mr. Gaadek announce! that the' subject of his sermon for Sunday will be "Walk Humbly With Thy God." Mn. Alma Baker, organist and director of the senior choir, announces that the music for Sunday will include: Prelude, "Quiet Meditation" by Sergisson; offertory, "Bethal" by Martin; and anthem, "No On* But The*" by Lsndon. Th* Junior choir sans; Sunday, with Mrs. Gladys Comber direct- Ing. Rev. Mr. Gandek gave a *ermonette to the children entitled Thr** Frogs Sitting on a Limb." Church service and Sundayschool was attended by almost 300 person* Sunday. The birthday of Larry Cuba was celebrated in church school tart week. Pleas* send your church newi to th* publicity committee so that it will appear In The Red Bank Register and the church weekly bulletin which it mailed to all church members and friends of the church. If you have any news or with to have th* church bulletin mailed to you, contact the publicity committee, consisting of Mrs. George W. Curchin and Ray Van Horn. -> Calendar for the church week: study next Wednesday at ft p. m. day from 7 to 7:45 p. m. under OCEANV1EW COMMUNITY Sunday, church school, 9:45 a. m.; to prepare an agenda for the the direction of Miss Frame, fol Drop in, phana ar sand Leonardo adult Sunday-school, 10 a. m.; quarterly buainejs meeting which lowing which the senior choir will zens of the community Interested nursery class, 10:45 a. m.; wor-wilship service, 11 a. m.; Tuesday, Thursday, Jan. 24, at 8 p. m. vited. was amended during 19M to for- be held in Fellowship hall rehearse. New members sre in Rev. Kenneth N. Gamble, Jr. postcard. Ant ask far in the church last Sunday. will bring the message at the "Mutual Fund faldar." Brownie troop 20 at 8:15 p. m.; The board of Trustees will meet Small children may be left at bid any oncer to seek re-election CENTRAL BAPTIST morning worship service at 11 C.O.P. SETS OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, Junior choir at *:30In the pastor's study Monday, Jan. the nursery and story hour In who had already served two con Atlantic Highlands o'clock. Richard Egedy will be MIDDLETOWN The Young p. m.; Thursday, Olrt Scout troop 21, at S p. m. William Jake* will the church house during the 11secutlve terms. As s result, none Sunday-school meets at 9:43 at the organ. EASTERN Republican club will hold a 1 at 1:15 p. m., and senior choir preside. m. service by parents desiring of the incumbents are eligible for a. m. Rev. Harry W. Kraft will Sunday-school meets at 9:45 a "Countryside Estates" open house rehearsal at T-.SO p. m. to attend the worship service. re-election this year. Following speak at the 11 a. m. Sunday ni. There aro classes for all age* gathering at McGuire'* grove at INVESTMENT On Tuesday, Jan. 23, the board The Woman 1 th* meeting, there will be a reception in th* chapel la honor of * Society of Christian Service met Monday in the service and again at 8 o'clock for beginning with the nursery claas. 8 p. m. Monday, th* committee of Deacons will meet at 8 p. m REFORMED the evening gospel service. Evening worship service at 7:80 reported yesterday. COMPANY in ths pastor's study under the Middletown the outgoing officers. o'clock with the pastor bringing parsonage. Various projects for chairmanship of George Hartmann, senior dsaoon. The youth fellowship group will Rev. Frederick Mold, Jr., pastor, will preach on the topic, "Th* the message. 19ST were discussed. The sermon topic will be "We meet at 7 p. m. The Philathea aihi up! More and more peopla 1M MrmmA %» Baal laaak The Friendship club met Tuesday night Futute activities wer* a covered dish supper and work Adult fellowship Is sponsoring Are Chlstlan Citizens, too." The Mid-week prayer and Blbl* DH lutliur ads each lima bitiuu JvSasjai OT«atajaj a^svaat group will meet at the home of Importance of Being Andrew" at sacrament of baptism will be celebrated Sunday on behalf of the hour I* held Wednesdays at 8 p. reiulta eoaa (astar. Aatartlaaflwnt. aassbi Mr*. Elmer Oawler, East Lincoln the 11 a. m. worship service. Mrs. planned. night Jan. 22 Th* supper will be ni. with the pastor in charge. ave., Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer Chsrles B. Gallagher, Jr., organist, will be in charge of the music The. monthly fellowship supper held at t'.ki, after which members child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trlfarl of 41 Reynolds dr. Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. and meeting and Bible study will be was held last night with Mrs. will participate In painting the for the service. The nursery class Lester England In charge. new building. The following committee of the the adult choir will rehearse for pre-school children meets In Gleaner*, the Presbyterian Women's organization of the church, Wednesday at 9:30 p. m. The official board met last nlghf the parish house during the service for the convenience of par- In the church at T:JQ p. m. There will hold its organization meeting was a large attendance and cur- tonight at the horns of s new rent and future problems were taken up. *)*"* All LIZ AMBROSE I»-IM0 SPRING LAKE SALE! January Cltarane* : KNtTWIAR I OAYf.Ml.ri COCKTAIL DMSStS, Shop Early for Best Retwtltn nut* Avgmii 3 turner < Middletown Rev. John E. Bates will preach on the topic, "What People Saw in Jesus" at the 11 o'clock Sunday morning»ervlce. The senior choir will prevent an anthem under the direction of Mrs. George Hartmann, organist. Ushers will be Thomas Morford, Jr., and James Ronaldson. Flowers will be Hi'a will meet at Leeds hall and m. All departments will meet the Jr. Hi's will meet at th* Re-aformed parish house. Westminster fellowship will the church house. Next Monday, at S p. m. themeet at p. m. Sunday in the executive board of the Woman's social room of ths church. All fellowship will meet at the home young people from the seventh of Mrs. Roland Scott Final plans grade through high school will be will be made for th* rummage welcome. sale which will be held at the Boy Scout troop 50 will meet chapel Saturday, Jan., from 10 at 7:30 p. m. Thursday in the a. m. to t p. m. Clothing and other social room with William Deckert, articles for the sale may be left scoutmaster. at the chapel Junior choir rehearsal, directed Teach': s and officers of the by Mrs. William Shoemaker, will church-school will meet in the pastor's study next Tuesday at 8 p. m. under th* leadership of Clement Barlow. After the business meeting plans will be made for a course of study to be eonducted by the pastor for teachers of the church school. Ihe executive committee of the church will meet in the pastor's BAPTIST New Monmouth Bible school will meet Sunday at 8:45 a, m. with classe* for ages. Rev. William E. Bisgrove will speak on "As Was In the Days of Lot" at the worship service at 10:50 a. m. The senior choir will slag "Fight the Good Fight" under the direction of Mrs, Marian Tatem, organist. The pas. tor's choir also sings each Sunday morning. At the evening worship, the pastor will discuss "The Only Voles the Church Is to Hear." The young people will hive charge of music. There will be a community hymn sing after the evening service. Other churches are invited to join in the time of fellowship. The mid-week service of prayer and study is held Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. The senior choir meets for rehearsal at 8:30 p. m.. TluLBykola groups meet at the eh*s ; f Gfi?'school Thursday. The pastoiirohoir rehearse* that day. ' V>,*- # The annsjal' business meeting of th* ohuroh whi be held tonight at p. m. Shrewsbury Worship services Sunday will be at 9:30 and 11 a. m. with Rev. Arthur S. Joice in the pulpit. Music will include the organ prelude by Miss Doris Frame, be held in the social room of the church at» a. m. Saturday. Sunday-school boys and girts between the ages of Dine and 12 will be welcome. Immediately after the junior choir rehearsal, Mrs. Shoemaker will rehearse the primary choir for children seven and eight years old at 9:45 a. m. The chorister* rehearse Wednes- ents who wish to attend worship. The church school will meet st >:30 a. m. in the parish house under the supervision of Karl Helwig. The Junior High Youth fellow, ship will meet at 7 p. m. in the parish house of the Reformed church. The Senior High Youth fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. in.leeds hall. The Men's brotherhood win meet at 8 o'clock tonight In the parish house. The installation of officers will take place at the meeting. The choir will meet for rehearsal at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the church. The Consistory will meet at 8 p. m. next Thursday in the parish house. ALL SAINTS' MEMORIAL ' Locust Holy Communion for the first Sunday after Epiphany will be at 8:30 a. m. Church school will meet at 8:30 a. ra. The parents' and children's service I* at 10 o'clock and the morning 1 prayer and sermon win b*»t 11 a. m. SALE OF FLOOR MODELS UICTWC ft GAS RANGES, : r.. AUTOMATIC CtOTHU DRYERS AUTOMATIC WASHERS POtTAKI TOEVISION SETS TV SETS RADIOS Record Players ALL NATIONALLY KNOWN MAMS NOTE WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP, INC. 46 MONMOUTH ST., PHONE Rl RED BANK V Plenty of Free Parking Space in Rear of Store on White St. OPEN FRIDAY NIUHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK CHURCH NEWS ST. GEORGE EPISCOPAL Rumson Holy Communion will be celebrated in the chantry at B a. m. minister of music, "Andante Canabilc" by Tchaikowsky. Philip Roy, tenor, will ging "The Living Instructions by the rector will be God" by O'Hare. At the 9:30 a. m. at 0:30 and the girls' choir will placed in the church by Mr. and service, the choristers will sing sing at this Sunday service. The Mr». Roland Scott in memory of "The Heavens Ar«Telling" by pre-school department of church Mr. Scott's mother. There will be Beethoven. At the 11 a. m. service, school meets In the guild room a nursery for small children in he primary choir will sing "Our under the direction of Mrs. John the kindergarten room during the Father in Heaven" and the senior Borland, Jr. The lower echod service. choir will sing "Hear My Prayer" meets in the pine room, led by by James. Miss Frame's postlude Mrs. Harry Clayton. The middle Church school will meet at 9:45 will be "How Brightly Beams the school, under the direction of Harrison Woodman, meets in Ralph m. in th* education building Morning Star" by Bach-Schrelner. under the supervision of Clement hall. Sunday church school will be Barlow, director of Christian education". at 9:30 and 11 a. m. The kindergarten and primary departments will give s recital at 10:30 a. m. Robert D. McKee, csrilloneur, The Middletown youth fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. The Sr. and senior departments at will meet at 9:30 and the junior The morning service and ser- 11 mon by the rector will be st 11 a. m. Marshall C. Bush, organist, will give a* the organ prelude, "Fantasy In O Minor" by Bach. The postlude will be "Fugue in O Minor" by Bach. The choir will sing, "O Saviour Sweet" by Bach, and "O love That Casts Out Fear" by Smart. Choir retiimrgals each week sre girls, Wednesday at 4 p. m.; boys, Thursday at 4 p. m, and Saturday at 11 a. m.; men and boys, Friday at 7:30 p. m., and carol choir, Friday at 4 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Eatontown The church will hold its annual meeting Tuesday. In addition to reviewing the church program for IBM and approving a church budget for 1967, the congregation will elect a third of s officers. Two elders and three trus tees will be elected, each for three-year terms. The constitution of the Presbyterian church, U.S.A., chairman, Mrs. Benjamin Van Keuren. The Westminster fellow ship groups will go roller skating at the Asbury Park rink tomorrow with the young people from the Methodist, A.ME. Zlon and Vail Homes Community churches. The cars will av* Eatontown at 7:30 p. m. Member* of th* youth budget committee will complete, the recanvas* of th* youth of the church and the distribution of the youth budget envelope* Saturday. The Westminster fellowship groups will meet In the churchschool room at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. There will be an evening service In the sanctuary at 7:80 p. m. Th* executive committee of the Gleaners will meet at the home of its new president. Mrs. Arthur Pierce of 99 South St., Monday at 7:30 p. m. The executive committee will discuss the proposed budget and program for ' CHAPEL or HOLY COMMUNION EPISCOPAL Fair Haven Services Sunday will Include Holy Communion, Ua.; i second service of Holy Communion tor the chapel school, 9:80 a. m., and the office of morning prayer, 11 o'clock with sermon by the rwear. There will be a meeting of the ry tomorrow at 8:15 p. m. in parish hall. lien's club will meet next Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the parish hall The religious preference survey conducted under the auspices of th* chapel will begin next Thurjdsy with the co-operation of the Philadelphia Divinity school. Holy Communion will be celebrated dally at S» m., and the offices will be read dally, morning and evening, during the survey period Parishioners are welcome to attend thei* services. Rev. Charles L. Wood Is vicar of the chapel. Charles C. Maglll la organist, and Peter Hahn Is Uaanied lay reader. CALVARY BAPTIST Red Bank Rev. John B. Oilchrlst will deliver th* Sunday **rmon at 11 a m. Mrs. Vllma Melbourne wll direct the choirs. Sunday-school wlu begin at»:30 a. m. Rev. Alexander White of the Trinity A.M.S, church in Long Branch will be gutst speaker at 1:10 p. m. Mrs. Delia Frost Is captain. Rsv. Joseph Scott of the Manasquan Baptist church will speak at th* 8 p. m, service, Mrs. Hattie Baskervlll* 1* captain. Mrs. Annie Smith will sponsor a "million-dollar" wedding at 8 o'clock tonight Th* choir will rshaars* tomorrow night Blbl* class and nrs>y*r asrvle* is htid Wednesday METHODIST Atlantic Highlands Rev. Harry B. Zen* will preach on "Christian Courage" Sunday at th* 11 a. m. service. The ser man at the evening service at 7:30 o'clock will be "The Requirement* of Truth," concerning the ninth eommandmtnt. Ohuroh-sohoot will begin at 8:15 a. m. tor grades two through six. All other*, including adult*, men at 9:45 a. m. Youth fellowship will meet In Fellowship hall at 6:80 p. m. The Wesleyan service guild will meet In Fellowship hall next Monday at 8 p. m. The official board will meet in the parsonage Tuesday at 8 p. IK. The senior choir will rehearse Wednesday at 8 p. m. and the primary choir Saturday at 1 p. m. COMMUNITY \ Llncroft F. Howard Lloyd, lay minister, will conduct the service this Sunday at ths 11 a. m. worship service, Miss Evelyn Layton, organist, will lead Hi" cnoir in the anthem, "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Choir practice will be held At th* church at T o'clock tonight. The Ladlrs' Aid society will meet tonight at t p. ID. ul ihe liunie or Mrs, Harry Seytfz. EMBUKY METHODIST Little Silver A meeting of the official board of the church will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sawyer, 76 Silverton ave. Services Sunday include Sunday-school at 9:46 a m. in charge of Mrs. Harold Doan, with Mrs. Harold Warden In charge of the primary department. The nursery and kindergarten classes are held at 11 a. m., with Mr*. Robert Meijer in charge. The sermon topic of Rev. Edmund H. Carlisle at the 11 a. m. service will be "What In Salvation?" Music will include the prelude, "Meditation" by Massanet; introit, "Dlx" by Kocher; anthem by the chancel choir, "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring"; offertory, "Chorus of Happy Spirits" by Gluck, and postlude, "March Maestoso" by Purcell. The Methodist youth fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. in the parsonage with Miss Joyce Welts as the speaker. METHODIST Tlnton Falls Church school will meet at 9:45 a. m. Rev. Milton F. LeCompte will speak on "If the Son Hath Made Thee Free" at the worship service at 10:45 a. m. Sunday. A nursery will be provided during th* service for small children. Norman Howard Dye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arle Dye, was baptized recently by the minister. Forty persons attended a reception given by members of the church for some of the' newer citi- BAPTIST Leonardo Church school classes for all ages meet at 9.49 a. m. The regular worship service will be held at 11 a. m. The pastor will bring the message "Public Enemy Number One." At the evening service at 7:30 o'clock, the pastor will bring the last in the current cries of messages on "Portraits of Christ." The senior Baptist' youth fellowship will meet in the church school Monday at 7 p. m The mid-week service of prayer and Bible study will be held in the church school Wednesday at S p. m. FEDERATED Holmdel "Freedom'* Truth" will be the topic of the sermon given Sunday at the 11 a. m. worship service. Mrs. Howard S. McCormick, organist, will present as prelude "The Guardian Angel" by O Pierce; offertory, "Air" by G. Glordanl, and postlude, "Recesslonal In B Flat" by R. Wilson. Sunday-school services sre held at 9:45 a. m. Monday at l:s0 p. m. the mls- APTIST rtvumnmr Port Monmouth Rev. Ernest W. Zirnmei man, missionary pastor, will bring the message at the Sunday worship service at o'clock at the Bayshore Gun club. Bible HCliool meets at 9:45 a. m. with classes for young and old. Bible study and prayer hour will be tonight st 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mis. Albeit E. Mahoney Vermont ave., Port Mcnmouth. Bible study will be in the third chapter of Colosslans. Hev, Zimmerman will be n charge. PRESBYTERIAN Atlantic Highlands 8cI vices will be held at»:30 and 1 a. m. Sunday. Rev. William Tollcy will deliver a sermon entitled "On Letting Co." Sundayschool will begin at 9:30 a. m. The Westminster fellowship will meet at 6:30 p. m. The choir will rehearse Tuesday at 7:10 p. ni. The Mariners club will have it* monthly meeting Saturday, Jan. lft, at «p. m. Officers for the coming year will be elected. ary. Members of the circle will be called for unexpectedly at slonai"y society will meet at the their homes some morning about manse. The choir will rehearse this afternoon tt 1:30 o'clock. The Intermediate Christian Endeavor society will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. The congregational committee will meet Monday at 8 p. m. METHODIST Keansburg Rev. Otto C. F. Janke will preach on "God's Call to You' Bundsy. The Women's society for Christian Service will meet Monday at 8 p. m. Every Sunday at 7:15 p. m. the Methodist youth fellowship holds s devotions. Monday at 8:45 p. m. the Senior confirmation class meets. Boy Scout troop»1 will meet Tuesday night. The youth choir will rehearse Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. The senior choir rehearses Friday nights. The junior preparatory class will meet Saturday at t a. m. The junior choir will rehearse at 10 a. m. Rev. Mr. Janke recently Installed the officers of the M.Y.F. who are Robert Temmler, president; Raymond Stryker, vice president; Miss Janice Broander, secretary, and David Casey, treasurer.» BAY SHORE COMMUNITY. East Keansburg Rev. John P. Euler will speak on "Pearl of Great Price" at the 11 a. m. worship service Sunday, Mrs. William Rescorl is the director of the choir. Two anthem* will be offered. Church school will meet at 8:80 a. m. Healing service and prayer for the sick t* held Thursdays at 10 a. m. COMMUNITY Port Monmouth Sunday-school classes for all ages will be at 9:30 *. m. The sermon topic at 11 a. m. will be "Heroism ot Real Repentence." "The Call to a Sober Citizenship" will he the pastor's topic at the gospel service at 7:45 p. ni. Prayer meeting will be Wednesday. The topic will be "Meeting the Unexpected Trial* of Life." The Men's Brotherhood will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock. No Nagging Backache Meansa aehea tut pains mar comeon with of ar-mr. tton, emotional upsatiordar today itim and train. And folkawho aat and drink unwlxly aomctlrnf* suffer mild bladder Irritation...with taat raitleai, tinaomforuble faellns. If ynu art mlafrablaand wnrn n.-*. IWMM of UwHdlnuinfnrU, Uuan'i i'ill-.iften htlp by their pain relieving action, by tlieir unolh- Inc alteet lu»» tyaddar Irritation, and by UHiimllddiuretic action through the kldneyi UtitilinK HI Incrraie liw output ot the In mllei lit kidney tubcl. Bo If naulllnl Uekaeht miliei you feel drasmd.otit, ml««n«bl«, with nitlral, nlerp. Iraa nlithu,don'lwalt,lr)r Iloan-aFllla.Kettht same happy rell.r million, hate enjoyed for, over to»iari. Alk lor new, Ut«t, economy alia and sars money, Uet boan's rilli todaj.1 ] CALVARY BAPTIST Long Branch Rev. Paul N. Smith will speak at the 11 a. m. worship eervlce. Rev. and Mrs. Smith will present a vocal duet. Bible school meets at 8:45 «. m. under the direction of Rev. Laurence Lufburrow, superintendent. There will be classes for all ages. The evening evangelistic service will be at 6:30 o'clock. Midweek town, grand services are held Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Long Branch The sermon series on the life of Jesus will be continued at the service ot worship Sunday at 1: a. m. "Prescription For Life" will be the sermon title of Rev. Robert Hugh Reed, pastor, dealing with the preaching, teaching and healing of Jesus. George Roe, organist, will direct the senior choir. A nursery for Children of all ages will be held during the church worship. Church school will meet at 0:45 a. m. under th* direction of Melville Halliday. Gleaners to Hold Father-Son Banquet EATON'TOWN - At a reecnt meeting of circle two of th* Gleaner society of the Presbyterian church at the home of Mrs. Herbert Anthony on Farm lane, was decided to hold a father and ion banquet Jan. 31 in the chapel. Mrs. Walter Manns, Jr., and Mrs. Anthony are cochairmen. Mrs. Benjamin Van- Keuren is in charge of tickets; Mrs. James White, program and decorations, and Mrs. Jeanne Conover, publicity. Circle one is planning a "com* a* you ar* breakfast" in Febru- 8:30 and taken to the church for coffee and breakfast cakes. Also planned is a covered dish supper and game party which will be held by circle three, with Mr*. Kenneth Payseur chairman. Canadian police authorities say that a person on probation coats taxpayers about (80 a year, but a prisoner In jail costs about $3,000 a year, RED BANK REGISTER Masonic Speaker Lewi* M. Parker A "Present Master* Night" ha* en scheduled by the 32d and Templars club of Monmouth county at th* Beau Rivage, Spring Lake, next Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. The affair will honor all present masters and district deputies of the 16th end 17th Masonic districts. Lewis M. Parker of Borden- instructor of the grand lodge of New Jersey, F. ft A. M. will speak. He Is assistant secretsry-treasurer of the Trenton Trust company and vice president of the Peoples building and loan association of Bordentown. WILBUR'S JEWfLIRS SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1883 RED BANK LITTLE SILVER efth (he Chriitmat mowu that IMI alixn you! Th«r* it no batter way to spend il than lo have your old diamond! remounted m a ring - no more latu'ylng an investment. Your gem* will look like new to be enjoyed all ever (fatal Thursday. Ian. 10, $ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RKADINf, ROOM Open Daily 12:00 to 4:30 Fri. Evenings 7:30 to 9:S0 Sundays 2:00 to 4: Broad St. Red Bank COMPLETE ATTEIY SERVICI ticrc M IMT rtsnt STMIT MSJ SSH m-i «*-ets N»HH runt, but will it apt rw whw* y M want f* «*? Tatty More and mar* paa- I* or* fwttinf th*ir wait* «ovbif* into madam vahicla... MUTUAL FUNDS. Oaf MM full itary *f Mutual fund smarting. may fiva yaw on ontwar yau'va bat* Full length, piano hinge combination ALUMINUM R NOW33 No *xirat to buy! Full I 1/16" thick, item chain, daar cloiar, facuriry knob latch, xtrs haavy door»w**p at bottom. INSTALLATION OPTIONAL * rtofl at *h* Wl vat mmt» fr*s» he *tf a»s*m ihewe **>*>*. tk* sss rwa. (Hens***)* la l**a. * *> <*

24 . Ian. 10, 1957 BED BANK REGISTER Key Appointments Made to Link Two Major Electric Utilities ASBURT PARK Charles E. Kohlhepp. president, today announced «Mriei of executive appointments marking the first tage of the Integration of the Jersey Central Power A Light Co. and the New Jersey Power * Light Co. The two firms, subsidiaries of the General Public Utility Orp. of New York, will stand a» he State's second largest source of electric power. They will supply 325,000 customers in an area of M.000 square miles, roughly 43 per cent of the state. A bigger producer is the Publie Service Electric and Gas Co., serving more than a million customer* with both electricity and gas in a l,s00-so,uare mile area In Hen You'll Essssl Cn«illsl«riKi Everymiikj For the Photo Fan! STILL CAMHAS MOV CAMIRAS ntojrcroits ITC. PAGE PHOTO SERVICE lsmtmwathsl. Mlaak RE eiaui ANB> KRVICC antmnm INSTALLED «5K SCRVICt the state's population packed northern counties. Smaller is South Jerseys Atlantic City Electric Co. Borne service comes from the Orange and Rockland Electric Co. of N. J. and the Rockland Electric Co. Lilies In Network Jersey Central and New Jersey Central earlier had harnessed their transmission line* into an Interwoven network for greater efficiency and economy, a company spokesman said today. The same reasons are behind the new executive appointments. By and large, what is being done, it was explained, is to set up executive offices on a divisional basis with responsibility for local operations resting with division managers who will report to vice presidents in charge of departmental activities. The top officers serve both JCPAL and NJP4L. One of these vice presidents, In charge of sales, la Edward J. Ingram, Shrewsbury. Others are Howard B. Allen, Mountain Lakes, public and employee relations; William H. McElwain, Basking- Ridge, engineering and operations; Robert R. Parker. Morris Plains, accounts and finance, and Clyde A. Mullen, Interlaken. Jackson T. Murphy, Little Silver, Is treasurer of the combined firms. Alfred Healey, East Orange, is secretary. Sims Promoted Under the new set-up, Robert H. Sims, Little Silver, has been promoted from superintendent of the JCPAL coast division to division manager with headquarters at Allenhurst. T. Roland Height moved up from superintendent to manager of the southern division (formerly JCPs-L's central division), with headquarters at Lakewood. Jack R. McGalliard, Point Pleasant, former JCP4L assistant to the superintendent of transmission and distribution, will manage the re-established bay division at Keyport. Jack H. Miller will manage the northern division (formerly NJPAL's eastern division) at Dover. Walter E. Gess continues as western division manager at Philllpsburg. Hose Moves Up He placed under the supervision of Vice Presidents McElwain and Mullen the services sf John E. Logan, Interlaken, elevated from JCPAL's manager of power supply to assistant vice president In charge of engineer- Ing and generation for bath firms, and William M. Roes, Little Silwhen your TV needs a friend... CALL RE FOR HAROLDS RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP U W. PROMT ST. RID RANK Mr. Kohlhepp said appointees who will report directly to the president include Frank If. Bunting, Holmdel, and Duncan C. MeMurtrie, Dover, purchasing agents; William E. Liepe, Convent, manager of rates and research, and Leonard Sloan, Spring Lake, former sales executive, who now Is executive assistant to the president. ver, JCPftL's former general superintendent of transmission and distribution to general superintendent of transmission, substations and meter departments for the central, bay, coast and southern divisions. Appointed to the same Job as Mr. Rose's In the northern and western divisions was Roland P. Borden, Dover, former NJPstL general superintendent. Assigned to the same duties covering both companies were Anthony D'Appolito, Long Branch, general storekeeper; William X. McGowen, Elberon, transportation superintendent, and Norman K. Lanterman, Brielle, field assistant for building construction and maintenance. All had been JCPftL men. Put under the supervision of Vice President Allen wen William F. Moses, Morrlstown, NJPftL's former head of customer and employee relations, who became the combined firms' manager of public relations and safety, and Sam A. LaFaso, Interlaken, public information director; Evan B. Strauss, Brtslla, employee relations manager; W. Grant Parry, Mountain Lakes, assistant JCP4L-NJP4L vice president for public relations and area development. Vice President Parker will have under him Ralph O. Hoey, Interlaken, comptroller; Thomas W. Koenlg, Interlakenl systems and methods manager; Howard N. Stem, Dover, customers' accounting supervisor; Joseph Previte, Breton Woods, Insurance and claims supervisor. The'Sates Managers Vice President Ingrlm will have as managers of combined sales force, Fred I. Smith, Neptune, Industrial and commercial sales; George A. Engles, Woodport, residential sales; William R. Kollmayr, Dover, farm sales; Joseph A. Sherry, Hackettstown, sales promotion and advertising; Edgar J. VanDeusen, Mountain Lakes, northern division sales manager; E. Leslie Huse, Mountain Plains, central division; John W. Haynes, Lake Mohawk, western division; Norman W. Foy, wanamassa, bay ftvment Edward M. Ambler, Wanamassa, coast division; George A. Northridge, Jr., southern division. The appointments were made effective Jan. 1 and, in most cases the duties of the appointees are simlllar or related to those the men held with either JCPftL or NJPAL. Mr. Kohlhepp said that In the changes "no mass relocation of personnel is Involved, although some activities may be better administered from more centralised locations, requiring the shift of essential personnel In those Instances." "In any event," he said, "key executives and department heads will maintain dual offices both at the Asbury Park headquarters of JCPftL and the Denvllle central office of NJPAL." The service area covers IS Won mouth, Morris, Ocean, Passale, Somerset, Sussex and Warren. Spani*h Daneer Cannes Ameya Carmen Ameya, internationally famous gypsy dancer, will be seen in two complete programs of her most famous dances as her farewell to the United States after a 15 months' tour, which has broken all records for Spanish companies In this country. With her company, which features Bablcai, Flamenco guitarists, shs will give performances tomorrow and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee at the McCarter theater, Princeton. Silcox Resigns As President KEYPORT W. 8. Wallace, chairman of the board of directors of the Peoples National bank, announced Monday that Us board had accepted the resignation of Evart V. Bilcox, president of the bank, effective Dec. 38. Mr. Silcox has been associated with the Peoples National the paat M yean, and has served U yean as its president A p president will be named at the annual meeting of the board of directors Tuesday. Holmdel Mr. and Mrs. Stanley AUIwell left Tuesday for a tour of the southern states. The executive committee of the township P. T. A. met Thursday at Crawford's Oorner school. Mrs. Frank Barron conducted the meeting. For a card party Feb. M, Mn. Peter Hanclk and Mrs. George Kinkade will be co-chairmen. A membership meeting of the P. T. A. will be held Tuesday at Holmdel school at S p. m. Richard Lentx will speak on "Managing New Jersey Forests for Timber Products and Recrea- tion- Mrs. Robert Voorhees, Mn. Ralph Stewart, Mrs. Joseph Phillips, Mrs. William Pitcher and Mn. John Holmes were hostesses at a meeting ot the Matawan Eastern Star. A meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary of the lire company was held Monday night at the lire were Mts. Taylor Hance and Mn. John Jeffrey. Seaman Apprentice Fred Hanison, son of Mr. and Hu. Fre< Harrison, Jr., has been trans /erred to Norfolk, Va., fron Bainbridge Naval base. Seaman Apprentice Rober Uebenow, son of Mr. and Mrs Edwin Uebenow, who has beer stationed at Bainbridge, Md., hat been transferred to the Great Lakes Naval Training station w Illinois. Mr. and Mm. Foster Tallmai are parent* of a son, born at Fit Mn hospital Friday. The fire company was calto out Saturday to put out a fin caused by the explosion of i television at the home of Mr. an Mn. G. Jones. No one was home at the time. "Freedom's Truth" will be thi counties Burlington, Essex, sermon topic given Sunday a Hunderton, Mercer, Middlesex, the 11 a. m. worship service. Highland.. Miss Carol Fahrer, daughter of Mrs. Helen Fahrer and the late Milton Fahrer, Valley ave., celebrated her 17th birthday Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parker and daughter Robin of Fourth at. recently visited Mrs. Parker's brother-in-law and slater, Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and son Wsyne of Kearny. Mrs. Harold Bull of Huddy ave. celebrated her birthday Sunday. Mrs. Daniel Martin of Highland ave. will entertain members of the "Twenty-club" at home Tuesday night. Mrs. Clara Arbath of Miller st. la a patient at Monmouth Memorial hospital, Long Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Emlel Auflerl of Cornwall st. left Sunday for West Palm Beach, Fla. John Corneliusen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Corneliusen of Barberie ave., celebrated his 14th birthday Dec. 29. Mrs. Helen Fahrer and Mn. Walter Monahan will be hostes at the meeting of the Water Witch Social club Wednesday night at Charlie and Eddie's, 265 Bay ave. Mr. and Mn. Gilbert Parker of Fourth st had as holiday house guest Mrs. Parker's mother, Mrs. Janet McLeod of Jersey City. Edward Bunting, son of Mr, and Mn. Edward Bunting, Washington ave., recently celebrated Ms lfth birthday. The monthly card party of the Ladles' auxiliary of the first aid squad will be held Wednesday night at the first aid building. Fourth and Valley sts. Mrs. Hu. bert E. Ryan, Mrs, Luke Penta and Mn. Walter A. Mewes, president, are in charge of arrangements. Everett Mr. and Mrs. William Wtti. ST., of Seaside Heights spent the holidays with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. VVS'tam Wits, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. WK*, 8r., are leaving Tuesday to tpend two months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Fay and daughter Nancy ot Nutley spent New Tears day with Mr. and Mrs. William Wltx. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wilson, Br., held a family dinner at their home Sunday. Mrs. Charlotte Mehler spent the holiday with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Mehler at Shrewsbury. Headden's Corner Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Harvard st. have recovered from their recent Illnesses. Mr. and Mrs, Mike Jacobs and family of Trenton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bmsley Antonldes of Andover st Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stirrup and family of Watchung, recently visited Mrs. Stirrup's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oaylord Barto of Cooper rd. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corcoran of Harvard st, spent the weekend visiting relatives at Roslyn, L. I. Tie Besittar's <l>uia«a aevertlss. ints asv. nor. nttftra wktek u n on rssitiu geeseem kss what roe fjlwj-» «sa» seesaw * Ever about what a big Value FUEL OIL IS? One of your best bays today 1» fuel oil. Here it clean, dependable heat economically priced. Fuel oil can save you up to 35% in heating costs over the price of gas heat. And, fuel oil it safe, dependable. If you are going to build or buy a new home, insist on oil heat. You'll be glad you did. YOUR RELIABLE LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS OF FUEL OIL AND HEATING EQUIPMENT ARE: J. N. BEERS Rtd lank IMOFMIOI Globe PefroleuHi Red lank Otto Sank, fail. Ol LAWESCOALCO. Rtd lank OsM * Em IM Ofc OIL DELIVERY. INC. Rod Bank WM. A. FLUHR Rtd Rank T#M69 nm OB DIXON OIL CO. Rod Bonk FMIOI Important Notice/ Monmouth Carpet & Cleaning Co. Inc. is starting a new, Aggressive Policy for 1957 We Will NEVER Be Undersold in any type of carpet! You can NOW Buy famous make carpets at Savings of 40 to 60%! No Sacrifice in Quality or Service! No Money Down # 3 Years to Pay ^ - _. _ -, - MON. WID. Ml. f T O f O P E N TUI$ - SUN. THURS - SAT - * TO * 11 TO. M 4 fcy Monmouth Carpet & Cleaning Co. Ine. Highway 35, Oakhurst (iy 2 miles South of Eatontown Circle) Gleaning Plant on Premises PRospect or CApital TMI A tockst mn Step Inside end get the aching feel et lib new OMssjeMle. Settle bsek in the hnurioss Tecb- Style blcrier snd lake a leek sresod. Yoail see OldsmobUe's nuirt Accent Strips blshli htm Ike inside nodi loo... drsstslle new deiiin s»ssi where! Come In! CMM-OUTS s new Golden Rocket 88, wont VI TOVM ALWAY* VNUOMI *T YOUt < aoo tor VourooHl ; ; " THI OOLDKM ROOK.T 88 Lowost-tVlood ookol angina Carl costs much less thsn yoa'd ever guess to step up to the value of an Olds! You get big-car benefits at surprisingly n u l l cost in Oldamobile's beautiful new Golden Rocket 88! And you get a stunning new low-level look that gives you big-car prestige and smart Modern Aoeent Styling. What's more, you'll have the dynamic performance of the great hew Rocket T-400 Engine*... the luxuriously smooth riding qualities of OUsmobile's new Vide-Stanee Chiisii... «u of 195T» most advanced engineering features! So come in, look around, and drive a Golden Rocket 88 now/ J77-I... MH T-40J Cutlns ton** u «N IM«I, l»f/ii«, with I* M I ft*. m»«m.» «* teat. UTYMUlftVSI HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO.-100tN.wmon Springs Rd. Phon. RE JBB^H B^MBLR^P J I Jg RJB^SB^IBIBLF PCarA I si MMm Br m ssaskskssssi u^aaat *m tiisshi A _ ^ a..^m ». _^^7 RNKOVACI, WITH A HALT-HOUR Ot COMIOY. IAT., JAN. 1. NBCTVI I Classified Display Pays Dividend^ I

25 Records Reveal Secret m Of Biggest Corn Yield TOEEHOLD What makes a ion champion? Thl» Is the story of how E.. Gilbert Taylor of Chsstar cam* up with in estimated risld of 1515 bushels an acre in this year'* 100-Buafeel Corn club sponsored by th» extension service. Reviewing the winner 1! praetiess, Dr. John Centric, extension crops specialist it Rutftn university, says that Mr. Taylor produced hi«top yield on a deep, will-drained nh that had been la eod for a number of years. certified eeed, choosing New Jersey No. >. Mr. Snyder applied six torn of cow mature an acre before plow- Ing and 500 pounds of t in the row at planting time. With the help of a pre-emergenc* weed killer he controlled his weeds wtth two ctlhtaattoni. The Hun- There was tie for third place fat the aduk division, with Carl Wtntorf of Trap HIU rd., Whlppany, and Harold Ftrrand, Troy Hills, each having an estimated yield of 144J bushel* an acr«. Mr. Wintorf plowed down two tone of poultry manure and 130 pounds of with 130 pounds of in the row at planting time. He used Connecticut D70 ana planted May 15. A portemergence weed control application with three cultivations succeeefully controlled his weeds. Hts plant population at harvest was 14,146 plants an acre. of pounds. The highest bntterfat production by an individual cow was made by a cow in the r. O. Bus * Son herd, 1mlayetown, with a total of 90.4 pounds. Other high records as compiled by Robert Johnson, P. H. I. A. supervisor, are as follows: terdon county tanner had 1T.H0 Jfcns high herds In butteifat plants an acre. production: Lamb, 40.0; D. T. Newbotd, Colt's Neck, «.«; Frelbergsr, 17.5; Rue * Son, M.3, end Henry Zdaneewie, Smlthburg, I SANDLERJ * WORTH MM Mi I n m HBEBf STOREWIDE 4n flfc ej^ duction: Freiberger, 1,087; Newbold, 1,0*4; Zdaaeewic, M4, Rue k Son, >22, and Lamb, 84». Five high cowi in butterfat production: puction: Rue k Bon, Bo, 90.4: P. D. VanMater, V t Marlboro, M.J; Rue k Son, tt.9; Rue k Son, 8S.0, and R. W. McCann, Belmar, Five high cowi in milk production: Freiberger, 2,04»; Rue k Son, 2,021 and 2,010; Zdaneewie, 1,(96, and Fretberrer, 1M4. Rotate Vegetable Crops Too little Is known about tht effect which certain vegetable crops have on crops which follow them In a rotation. County Agent M. A. Clark says it is well known that cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli will not produce beat yields on fields that grew these Mr. Farrend plowed down an alfalfa sod along with ten tons He applied ten ton* of cow manure an acre before plowing and W-ss on May 30 and applied 500 crops the previous year. The that has lost its color, leaves, generally lea* than the coats of of cow manure. He planted Ohio making bleached-out brown hay planted hi* corn May, using pounds of in theraw.h* same thing is true with some of vitamins and about 20 per cent certified eeed of New Jeney No. topdreesed his corn with an additional 50 pounds of ammonia If you are already following a the vine crops. of its nutrients. hybrid. At planting tine, Mr. Taylor applied 150 pound* of 10- when the corn was SO inches Providing livestock with plenty definite crop rotation, plan to fseuhier an acre in the row. high. of clean fresh water can greatly Include In the rotation a soil or Improve feed efficiency. Nothing y using t, 44) a* a preemer A pro-emergence weed control sod resting crop for one year. puts the brakes on gains more genee spray he w able to control weeds with only one culti- controlled weeds. Mr. Farrand'f main crops will have to be elimi- treatment and three cultivations This wfll mean that one of your than a limited water supply. Increased feed efficiency is vation. plant population was 17,401 at nated or the acreage of the remaining crops reduced to Include generally the result of careful The Morris county corn klnr/i harvest time. management and balanced rations. plant population at hatvet time, this one year in sod. Research at says Or. Oerwlg, wai an amaiinf Hares MgfceettoDH1A Marlboro state farm here in M,SH plants an acre. Monmouth county has proven The M. Uflsk herd, Manalapan, Treating Pepper Seed. Bicycle Safety this to be a paying practice. Corn plants per acre average produced (ho highest average With the serious outbreak of around 11,000 an acre on New pounds of fat per cow In the The same crops can be grown bacterial leaf spot In some pepper Aelds in New Jersey this Tests Saturday Jeney (arms, according to Dr. Monmouth County Dairy Herd in rotation with, the cut only In Osrwig. In general, the aim is Improvement association for December with 40» pounds, while In converting to this sod rota- importation of Southern grown the site of the acreage. paet season, due mainly to the to balanoe fertility of the soli and the number of plants. the Ruper Frciberger hard, Allentown, was highest In milk bly the third year, you may ex for pepper growers to disinfect tion, the Bret, second and possi- plants, is especially Important Runnerup in the adult division was Clifford E. Snyder of Pittstown, a dairy and grmln fanner 1,087 pounds. The cow producing yield. This need not be if you disease. The pepper growing *%c- production with an average of perience a small reduction in their seed for the control of this who grew an estimated the most milk is In the Freiberger herd and produced a total give better csre and culture to will Increase your fertilizer and tlons in other states where the bushels an acre. He, too, grew the smaller acreage. In so doing, you will produce a large yield of high quality product. Insects and soil diseases are usually less destructive in a wel planned rotation. Cutting Feed Waste There is no better way for farmers to cut the cost of livestock than by reducing waste in the use of feeds. Feed costs account for about two-thirds of the total coats of producing moa kinds of livestock, reminds Don aid M. Kntffen, extension ant' HOURS: Mes., Wed., Frl. t> tltt Tata,, nan!.,' at'«sue CARPETING CLEARANCE Rugs, Rd-bb, MscwtinuH MtaK SAYMGSTO 50%! SALE STARTS TODAY Ml BMbsjiOry svetulm at tfttgtrs university. Dome excessive costs run be ut by increased care in the landling of feed, making sure hat it is not wasted by spilling from bint and hoppers, snd that rats, birds and other pests are not supported along with the livestock, sayi County Agent M A. Clark. Protecting feeding troughs rom the wind and rain li a great help in saving protein and grain. Feeding protein in a pelleted form ao that it ia not so easily blown away is good busies*. Feeding high quality forage fill go a long way toward eliminating the cost of grain in caring for breeding stock. The coats of producing high quality hay are seed la not being treated are experiencing greatly reduced yields because of the bacterial leaf spot. 'i not hard to treat seed, according to County Agent M. A. Clark. For each pound of teed to bt treated, dissolve four tablets of bichloride of mercury in a gallon of water at approximately 70 degrees. After the tablets have been dissolved, soak the pepper seed which has been tied in a looss cheesecloth bag for five minutes, after which the seed is washed under the cold water faucet and spread out and dried.., When the seed has dried, use Arawin, one teaspoonful to the pound of aeed. Thoroughly coat the out*m«of tha seed and either plant immediately or store in a cool, dry place until planted. In Monmouth county a day In early February is usually set aside to treat pepper seed. Grow era bring their seed to a central place and have it treated by the extension service. After treatment the seed is taken home snd dried and the Arasan applied before sowing. DOYLE PROMOTED KEARNr Western Electric Kearny works has announced the promotion of Frank X. Doyle, US Rlverbrook, Llncroft, to section chief in accounting. Mr. Doyle, with "Western Electric lines has been a planner of business methods In account Ins; for the past year. He is a member of the Rlverbrook Development association and served three and a half years In the South Pacific during World War Altar. Rosary Society Meets EATONTOWN _ The Altar and Rosary society of 8t. Dorothea's Catholic church met in ths church hall Monday with Mrs. George Sauerwein, presiding. Mrs. Philip Blnaco gave a rial report on the recent bazar, rhich she called "a tremendoix UCCDM" Mrs. Rov Zlihley gave n report on the sale or Christmas cards. Mrs. Vincent O'Mahoney, chairman of the card par- :y and lashlon show which will «held Saturday, Mar. 3. at Memorial school, gave a report of TOgrees on her project. Plans were made for s tricky rsy which wlu be held Monday. Jan. 21. in ths church hall with Mrs. Clifford Cadman in charge. After the meeting, Mr.. Sauerwein held a small reception. Refreshments were served and Rev. J. Frederick Child spoke to the group. Thirty-five members attended. The next meeting will be held Feb. 4, An investiture service wa«held for eight new members, Father Child officiating. SHREWSBURY- Ths bicycle safety committee of the Parent- Teacher association will hold ita second testing program Saturday on the school playground between 1:90 a. m. and 1 p. m. Any child living in Shrewsbury, whether he Is a pupil at the school or not, may participate. Adult bicycle owners also are invited to attend The P.T.A. U assisted by an advisory committee which Includes Police Sgt. Raymond Ma»s and Counctlmen Bernard B. White and Robert R. Graham. P.IA, members working Include Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newman, James Staples, Monroe Marx, Robert Lushman, Walter Bouffard and Patrolmen George Jeffrey snd James Fedorko. PRESIDENT IT YEARS BELFORD Mrs. George Yarnall was elected president of the Women's Republican club for the 37th consecutive year at a bus-' lneas meeting Jan. 3 In the Methodist church rooms. Others reelected were Mrs. Sarah White, first vice president; Mrs. Raymond Williamson, second vice president; Mrs. Pearl White, recording secretary; Mrs. Harry Lohaen, financial secretary, and Mrs. Dora Tarnow, treasurer. Plans were made for a Valentine party and meeting Feb. 7 in the church rooms. Mrs. Mildred Minor, Mrs. Harold Foulka, Mrs. Walter Junle and Mrs. Raymond Williamson will be hostesses. The hostesses at the past meeting were Mrs. T. R. Compton, Mrs. Vivian Messier and Mrs. Alma Johnson. TO ADDRESS ROTARY Taxation" will be the subject of William Johnson, president of the Keansburg bank, when he addresses the Red Bank Rotary club at s luncheon meeting today at 12:15 p. m, at the Molly Pitcher hotel. New Welfare Club Formed LEONARDO The Leonardo United Welfare organization has been formed here with s main objective to aid needy families of the vicinity. The new group la composed of deiegatet of other organizations of the community. s first meeting wai at the Leonardo Field club Dec. 27. when it was decided to hold a benefit dance for a needy family. The event was net for Feb. 2 at the Field club, Monmouth and Ridgewood avea. All proceeds will be donated to the family concerned. Temporary officers, chosen at the meeting, are F. J. Muller, L«eonardo Boya' club, chairman; Edward J. Coughlin, Leonardo Democratic club, treasurer; Chris Elgenrauch, Ocean View Social club, secretary, and Arthur Charles, Leonardo Democratic club, publicity director. Ths group has Invited sll *r-p canizations in the community to I send two delegates to its next meeting at the Field club next i Wednesday at 1 p. m. ' BBs> BsaasaM AUUS TU TOtti! THE NEW RADIOEAR Eytfliss Hiariif AM sbb^g^bsabbriaibbbbi telltiis ittjtlts (il<t SIE AND HEM IT NOW WIGHT L UMSTEIS 41 W. Prmit St. l«tj M WINTER SALE Of MEN'S AND IOYS* CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS TOPCOATS «MM'I Suits and Topcoats fug. S0.00 te SAU 19.M M.10 Man % Spoffcoats Rtg te SAU 23.M f 31 JO For toys SUtURIAN COATS MDUCID 20% RED BANK RET.ISTER Thursday, Isn S 1 Charm Ftuhioiu^ tvnroni KNOWS WHIN Chtwtn romioits RUM A SALE SAVE U MONEY Ladles' Costs, Dresses, Suits, Sportswear aad maternity wear. Charm Fashions adds D) Mor«and mart ptoela tilt lusltttr adt tteh itiue btctuat rttultt eteit falttr. Aavtrtlttmtnt. OUTERWEAR Mon s and Boys Sportshirts COTTON FLANNEL, WASHABLE WOOL, CORDUROY RIDUCID 20% Mon s ana Boys Pajamas SKI AND COTTON FLANNEL RIDUCID 20*/* Men'i and Beys' Outfitttrt Since IROAD ST. D IANK OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P. M. ' MVI U.40 *). T». ALL-WOOL TEXTURED TWEEDS er a fanoas AsMrleaa salu la s kesvy leee.slle tweed. sews s* rett»rlats sal will tl»e year* el vser, Oetetsi Belts. Brews. Cress, 7 55 s*(. SAVI M'i * ALUWOOL 3-PLY TWIST Isdacsd ens-third to Mat yes ss nwreeedsated earset»al««. DaraMs, rul.taat le isetsripts. Oslersi Briar, lead, Ofess, dm, leas. Net erery aeler la sack kite. OFFICIAL LIQUIDATION MUST BE SOLD BY FEB. 1 THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTIM* y M lg' Cress Cottoa- 2't" x 11' arms Saran i't" x ' Cray Emtw»i j' x t'b" Matrla Newilepeiat 3t.00_ I'll" z S'S" B.av.r Twnd {flit j'3- s t" S.nd.lwood Plain 3S.00_,.ss»'1O" a 13' Nuula Twnd : il«.00_ J'lO" x 12' Black * WbIM Tweed 'S" X 10'9" Wool Multi-color '2" x 16' B»l««Tutared I'll" x 10'4" B«lc«8araa 3».00_ ' 4'«" x T'll" salts Twl.t '11" t'8" ROM Tw..d «5.00_ i'u" X }»; Grey Tutue 63.B0.,1'S" x 12' Opal Twiit 4H.00 ft" X 12' Wtttrla Twl.t- K3.00_j«.ee I' x W Cinnamon TwliV *» 12' Ormf Twiit KM^«M *'4" x»' Hentsr TwiaV ' x V Aqua Twlit- 4' s!» Nutria Twli. I' iff Orar Embousd 8».75_4«.SS 11' z 10' Orer Scalatusd S S.SS 12' x tot" ROM Twl. 12' x 12's" ROM Twl.i t ' 14'8" B.I* Mrlaa Twist- 12' 14'5" S.mUlwood Twl.t 1st H4.0 SlB.00_itt.SO 12' 12'B" Nutria Emboiied 20«.00_l 13' x 14't" Clnmmon Twl.l ITt.SS 10'S" IB' Grey Twnd irt" ire x is' Grar Onr Vjioo jio» Twist ll'l" JB" OreirTwIat- ~ - 22«.OO-ltt.SS 1' 12 a 1«'4" Natrla «'4"thtl ~ TwUj * x 18'2" Aana Bealptared!l9o!oo-tseiss ' x 21'T" Sindtlwood Ch«nlll»»J6.00-ltS.SS Hearr, all-wool ktaldad daem btcavm aiamk siamklat siiss oaaaet M effend la all tolora. colon. Gelsn: Irewn, flreea, lud, Masi pr.domla.tlm. t'10" x 16' l.!s«twill tt.»s»'t" X 1»' Or»ir Twnd 1J9.00 f x If Nutria Enboised t> x 11' Grey Embwed f x»' Huntsi Seulptared lbt.oo ' x' 11'10'Bals* Sculptni. w»»».es eeek JUST 34 AU WOOL HAND HOOKED RUGS Stlsetsd top qvalltr. Drastically rtdtwtd baeaata asieitmtnu are brokea and cannot bt filled la. Ordtr Celorc: Grstn, Btlst, Rott, Bint, Black. Oth.r iliti te match. tall 12' Sandalweod Twit x 12' Btltt Twttd 10- Ilvltl-Coler 12' Gray Twli 12' Opal Twl.t 12' Graea T.ltsi 12' BslssBmbesi 12' Harrai U4.60 OS.SS 14'«"_Gr*y Twnd- iio.oo-im.eo 1R- Rn.a Sculptursd 15' Gran Bmbo.Md-^ IB' Gr.y Twl.t H4.00-ltS.St x 16' 8andalwood IK' R.d R.v.ralbi 16' Hunt.r Sculpturad 24B.O0 IB' Or«y Twl.t 199.iiO-l«t.«l 1B'6" P.rchmenl Twist 20'6" B.lss T.xturtd let.tB 9'10" Gold Tw.«d»' 10" Aqua Twl.t 17B.0n-ISS.eS 10" Gny Twnd 16a.O0-ltt,et OH SAU AT IATONTOWH STORI ONLY ludon TIRMS WE PURCHASED A $100,000 INVENTORY OF PLUMBING FIXTURES, STOVES, KITCHEN CABINETS, HEATING BOILERS, ETC. FOR FAST LIQUIDATION - ALL MAKES - ALL MODELS - ALL COLORS American-Standard, Hpphryes, Elger, Briggs & Gerber ClfawAampk pjiic&&: J1410J Ht MlmM OMHM $89.00 Yihes h 25.M1BI. Wo«s WiB (ittieh 8.00, "A" Quality (Steal w Catt Iron Tufc) 7 u MftjUriM f a hin.h A oo $ Value Hot Wafer HeiHitg Svsnm im.mkmmm^ a.uu w»iwtaiii*» * Kitchen Fins 9.50 (imh»to boiur, r^tatiwi, tm* pin <** «mi«t», ciicaittor, Famein Make fc rn#r a 4 CMtr0 l _ ill «, mryhii Rt m M far Values lo AMI. Steel Wall Cabinets »>* '-" '- ' * tffap * * * OOMPLETE PLUMBINQ AND HEATING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1166 D0D6E TRUCK - RACK B6DY - SAORIFIGE 1861 CHEVROUT PANEL TRUGK - WITH PIPE RACKS - SAORIFIOE WE BOUGHT IT CHEAP WE'RE SELLING IT CHEAP SANDLER 4k WORTH \mm OPEN DAILY MONDAY TNROUOH SATURDAY I A. M. TO * P. M. TRILCO TERMINAL TOMS RIVE* 1 NEW JERSEY PHONI: TOMS RIVER

26 . U«. 10,1957 RED BANK REGISTER Council Reluctant to Shave Silverside Park's Bond LITTLE SILVER Council Tuesday night delayed action on request by developer! of Silvertide Park that a S63.O0O street and drainage bond be reduced. Councilman Lewis R. Lowry, aew chairman of the streets committee, aaid Borough Engineer Otii R. Seaman told bim council could aafely reduce the bond! to $15,000 because of the amount of road work tht developer* have completed. He added, however, that he would favor a reduction to 130,000. Councilmen Joseph F. Lord and Arthur L. Cone complained about the muddy condition of streets in Cilvertide Park and Mid reduction in the bond should be contingent on better care of street! Sa the development. Mr. Lowry later expressed hope that businessmen will co-operate with the borough's four4lme»-aweek trash collection. He said most merchants are placing trash ki the rear of their buildings, but he would like to see it 100 per sent that way. Gains; Away? Tell FoUoe Councilman Lord reported that he hag met with Jay Berger, director of Civil Defense and Disaster Control, and that is posalble an alarm system for both Civil Defense and lire alarms will be worked out this year. Councilman Charles W. Stephens reported that ths police made 1,340 calls in IBM and handled 2,351 details. He said there were W first aid calls In the year ad that the two police cars traveled 74,381 miles. Mr. Stephens urged residents who Intend to leave the borough for extended periods to notify the polios department. He said member* of toe department will cheek houses when the owners are away on Vacation* or business trips. Mr. Stephen* also reminded dog owner* that licenses must be obtained at borough hall before the ad of the month. He said *M dogs were licensed here last year. Mr. Stephens also said he again talked to Joeeph C. Irwin, director of the Board of Freeholders, about traffic problem* In the vicinity of the railroad station. Mr. Irwin wsj quoted a* saying the freeholder* are "wrestling" with conditions there, but still have no answer. Mr. Stephens indicated MARVEL HOMES ths solution will be "a major project" which he said will cost "a lot of money." Railroad's Threat The parkins* lot south of the freight house once more was dlscusssd. Th* railroad wrote. In answer to recent protests from the borough, that might have to block off the lot for public use be cause ef Ms poor condition. Mr. Lord said the railroad should keep the lot usable. He said any attempt to close off the lot would "be poor public relation!." Mr. Cone agreed. He said Borough Clerk Fred L. Ayers should write the railroad to remind thai is spending a lot of money to try to convince the public that railroads should get a better tax break in New Jersey, but that the poor condition of the parking lot tends to negate the public relations campaign. A request by Mayor Francis J. Nary of Rumson for financial aid by Little Silver In th* maintenance of Oakes rd. was received. Half that street Is In each borough. The letter wsa referred to the budget committee. At the suggestion of Councilman Cone, council will study a proposal to create an additional building permit fee based on a square foot charge- Mr. Lord asked Borough Attorney Howard W. Roberta to sdvlss what Is ths procedure In other boroughs In the area. In the discussion, mention of a set salary for the building Inspector was proposed. Mr. Robert* said a salary Is a better system of payment than having ths Inspector retain fee* he collect*. Mr. Lowry reported that Mr. Roberts will have an ordinance drafted In Urn* for th* nest meet- Ing which will de*erlb* th* area behind borough hall as recreational. At the suggestion tt Council man Howard L. Ungersr, Mr. Lowry will Investigate the possibility of having an area flooded for skating. One place mentioned was th* borough tennis courts. Benjamin Franklin, other than being a diplomat and printer, was too a auuful athlete. He won many contests in wrestltog, swimming, boating and running. 8 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL OVER 1400 SO. FT. OF LIVING SPACE OAKHURST SPACIOUS BEDROOMS. HCTURI LARGE FAMILY XOOM, COZY SIN. WINDOW, uvnra BOOM, ULTBA NO AREA, BUILT-IN OVEN, POW. MODERN KITCHEN, CEBAM1C TILE DER XOOM. BASEMENT, QUARTER BATH. BANDY LAUNDRY 1OOM. ACRE PLOTS. BUILT-IN OARAGE. OUTSTANDWO COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM $16,750 START '57 IN YOUR OWN HOME OTEN FOR INSPECTION SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 11 A. M. TO S P. M. WEST PARK AVE.. OAKHURST. 100 YARDS EAST OF H'WAY SS THE GARRABRANT AGENCY I* REALTOR I AOEMTS PR S-4IT1 Hie CosjpleWjf Safe TuHndosiw IM Folds! Belford Home Gutted by Fire Firemen of the two Belford companies fight stubborn bits* which gutted new hem* it 469 Church it., lelford, Saturday morning. Fir* Chief William Ait, Sr., estimated demsg* «t $1,000, exclusive of contents of the house. W. F. Arnold, owner, s«id fut* bl*w out and h* went into th* cellar to r*pl«c* it. When ho returned he found the bedroom in flames. Chief Ait said heavy smoke and intense heat made fighting the blase difficult. Firemen were on the scene for two hours. Mr. Arnold lives in New York city and had been using th* Belford horn* as a week-end residence, Chief Att said. New Year's Eve Party at Duttkins' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS A New Tears eve party waa held at the home of Mrs. Alice Duttkln, Mount ave., for her son Alex. A buffet supper was served and dancing took place. Attending were Robert Earle, Peter Donoghue, Jan Jensen, Peter Murray, Larry Johmon, Henry Gregerson, Dennis McMullin, Jack Seeley, Buddy McMullin, Jones, Gene Hurray, Ronald Powles, Jeff Garslson, Harold Davidson, Paul Bor- ky, Bobby Davis, Webb Llnimayer, Sustn Fox, Barbara Brooks, Dorothy Bahrs, Madeline Felddman, Marlon DeCarlo, Marilyn Joslin, Arlene Lucas, Jeanetta Rasmuuen, Fay Novak, Phyllis, Rich, Patricia Bchmedes and Ethel Vide, OPEN HOUSE AT SCHOOL EATONTOWN Ths flteelman Home and School club will have open house (or parents at the school Monday. A cake an* cakeless sale wul be held at the same time for the year's project of a record player for each room and a film library for th* entire school. Save on linen needs during our January WHITE SALE Post Builder Announced NEW YORK CITT-Tfce Arm of B. J. Luearelll and company of Jersey City, general contractors, was low bidder for the construction of a 120-unlt Capehart housing development planned at Fort Monmouth, Ths Register learned yesterday. Their bid was $1,755,000 for the protect. The actual award will be made within a few days, according to the New York district of Army Engineers. The development will be located in the Camp Wood section of the Installation, along Tlnton ave. The site was formerly a training ground for officers, but mobillzstion-type buildings there were recently razed and the train- Ing shifted to the main post. The Army also said there were seven other contracting firms bidding to construct the development. Tsar to CesnpMe Construction Is expected to begin within the next few weeks, the Army «al<i, snd should take «y»ar to complete. The project will provide housing for military personnel at Fort Monmouth. The Army Signal Corps installation is one of a number of posts to receive such a development. Also at Fort Monmouth Is a Wherry housing project, In which military personnel and selected civilian government employees reside. Fined at Riunaon For Dog Violations RUMSON - Three local residents, charged with violating the new borough dog ordinance that went into effect Jan. 1, were lined 3 each by Magistrate Stuart A. Young, Jr., Monday night. was the first offense for each. Fined were V. Shaheen, Ward ave.; Mrs. F. X. O'Connor, West River rd., and Fred Hellmers, Forrest ave. SIZE "D" to "EEE" WIDTHS ONLY! IF YOU'VE IEEN LOOKING FOR A REALLY COMFORTABLE SHOE WITH A SLIM, SMART LOOK, YOU SHOULD VISIT ANGELA'S TODAY. WIDE SELECTION Angela's IMtrMf*A< Real is** R! 4-1*33 CABOTOH. Sturdy, aluminum SNOW SHOVELS Champion and Flexible Flyer SLEDS Classified Display Pays Dividends Carefree Cottons give you a HOLIDAY from work! FASHION SHOW - FRIDAY, JAN. 11 3:30 P.M. - Red Bawi store Coma see hew you can fait* HOL- IDAY from ironing with these beautiful new-season cottons! Choose your favorite* for south now... spring and summer later onl A. Kay Windsor's Laco-frllled Coat Dross in powder blue, mini or navy. 10 to I. Margo Walters "Bands and Bows" in gold, powder or pink. 10 to BUDMT MUSSES, "Tub-Master" by HoderabU evn^b^epw FmUPJ o^by e^^pewev^^^ewfet B^eWs^V SBVV^NVWIHV ^*" T^PSJ «* erf KM way I* ghr* of tfco IUY NOW-PAY LATER Available in Decorator Colon That "Drew Up" Any Bathroom Shatterproof Safe for Children IUY NOW-PAY LATER Easy Charge Budget Plan Lading Door Distributor Overhead Oarage Doers-BecMe Operator* MsderafeM Peldlag Dem rarttttoat Tab-Master relelag Hiding Tab Eacloran* VuU Our Showroom Set Our Displays Overhead Door Products Corp. 4M SHRIWMURY AVINUI, RID IANK, N. J. hi Red Bank 6418: W389 Cannon Pastel Percale Sheets and Cases Add a luxurious note to your bedroom with lovely pastel-colored sheets and eases. Mix them with your white sheets tor unusual effects "xlOI", reg New 4 far 17.1*1 Sole! HMO! 11, reg * for Twin Fitted Sheet, reg for Double Fitted Sheet, reg for S"x3l'/> " Cases, rag. 94c for B.03 FINK AQUA YILLOW RUN LILAC ILUI LINSNt, Sterne) Fleer as* Artery Park Maidenform's "Chansonette" for a youthfully rounded silhouette! The circular stitching rounds you beautifully... spoked-center cups add just the right accentuation for new slim fashions. You'll have a dream-coma-tru* figure in Maidenform's Chansonette bra. Cotton. COHSST SALON, Slreit riser ess As»«ry rsrk,

27 RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jin. 10, Weddings, Engagements and Other Social News of Community Interest December Nuptials Rotemarie Mehm, Thomas S. Price Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chsjie* Mehm of Colt'* Neck have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mlas Rosemarie J. Mehm, to Naval Cadet Thomas Steel* Price, aon of Mayor and Kn. r. Bllaa Price ot Eatontown. Mlw Mehm was) graduated from the Junior college ot Connecticut and la employed by I. C. Iaaaca and company In'New York city. Cadet Price attended Rutgers university. He la stationed at Cony FeM, Pensacota, Fla. Rath Monson, William VanLeer LITTLE SILVER Mr. and Mre. Russell A. Munaon of 183 Rumaoa rd. announce thej engagement of their daughter, Mlaa Ruth Munaon, to William C. Van Leer, aon of Mr. and Mre. Chattel N. Van Leer of 1M Maple ave., Red Bank. The «*>gagement was announced at a family party Chrstmss eve at the) hone of Mr. and lln Munaon. Mary K. Gregory, Dr. George Ratehford LITTLE SILVER-Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Gregory of Woodbine ave. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Kathryn Gregory, to Dr. George Rufus Ratehford, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ratehford of Gastonla, N. C. A September wedding Is planned. Elsie V. Bennett, John Rootiey MATAWAN Mr. and Mri. James J. Bennstt of Fifth st. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Eliie Veronla Bennett to Peter John Rooney, son of Mr. and Mri. Junes E. Rooney of Euclid ave. Miss Bennett is a Matawan high school student. Mr. Rooney attended Matawan high achool and served in the Air Force four years. He is employed by the Precision Engineering and Casting company of Matawan. Dena M. Phy, Leroy A. Keck OCEANPORT Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. E. Lester Phy of Lake ave. of tha engagement of their daughter, Miss Dena M. Phy, to Leroy Allen Keck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Keck of Harrison, N. Y. The engagement waa previously announced as part of the ceremonies conducted during the Ring Hop at The Citadel in Charleston, 8. C. Salvation Army Officers Wed Mr. and Mis. WAYSIDE Mr. and Mre. B. h. Maner of this place announce the marriage of their daughter, MIM Marjorie Maner, to William Burdge, ton of lin, Richard La- Boa of 170 Bridge ave., Red Bank, and Dalton Burdge, Henry ft, Bhrewebury, Dec. 30 at Bhrewabury Presbyterian church. Rev. Arthur S. Joice, paator, officiated. The bride, given In marriage fey her lather, wore a white lace gown, deaigned with a acalloped neckline embroidered on the adgea with aeed pearli, a fitted bodice, long aleevei and a bouffant ballerina-length ikltt She wore a cap of aeed pearl* with a, fingertip length veil and carried a colonial bouquet of white carnation*. Mary C. Smith, Henry F. Clark, 3d LITTLE SILVER Mrs. Mary Hoffmann Smith of Point rd. has her daughter, Miss Mary Corbln Smith, to Henry F. Clark, 3d, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Clark, Jr, also of LKtl* Silver. Miss Smith, also the daughter f MUlard W. Smith of LaJolla, Cal., waa graduated from Villa Bwtg* Mlaa Kay Novlck of Neptune, waa the bride'a only attendant. Her aheath atyled dreee waa orchid stilt, worn with a match- Ing veiled hat. Her flower* were pink carnatloni. William Boyd of Red Bank waa beat man. Lee Rhodea of Matawan waa the uiher. A reception for the Immediate famlhea and members of the bridal party wu held at the horn* of the bridegroom'! father. The couple have returned from wedding trip to Washington, D. C, and North Carolina, and are making their home at T29 Ocean are., Long Branch. The bride is employed at the station hoapital at Fort Monmouth. The bridegroom la employed by the Maxwell Advertising company In Trenton.' Gertrude S. Hohn, Robert A. Dries JERSEY CITY MaJ. and Mrs. Jacob Hohn of Jersey ave., officers In charge of the Salvation Army corps here, have announced plans for the marriage of their His* Berth Mtuuon Mlaa Munson waa graduated from Bad Bank high school and la legal secretary to William E. Beaty, Red Bank, counselor at law... Mr. V*n Leer attended Red Bank high school and served two years In the Army, spending 18 months In Japan. He is employed by Mi* telephone company in Red Bank. Eliie M. Clauten, Ralph LaParre EATONTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clausen of Union ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elila Mary Clau- an, t*> Ralph L. LaParre, ion of Mr. and Mra. Jfcaak LaParre of I*k* ave. Mis* Mary K. Gregory Miss Gregory attended Red Bank high school and la a graduate of the Northfleld School for Girli in East Northtteld, Mail, She Is a senior at Duke unlver sity's school of nursing In Durham, N. C. Dr. Ratehford, a graduate of Duke univeraity's school of medl cine, Is Interning at the University hospital! of Cleveland, O. He Is a member of Kappa Alpha, Phi Chi and Alpha Omega Alpha fraternities. Susan B. Emery, Dudley B. Dumaine NAVESINK Mr. and Mrs. George W. Emery of this place have announced tha engagement of their daughter, Miss Susan Beth Kmery, to Dudley Bradlea Dumaine, aon of Mr. and Mri. Frederic C. Dumaine of Weeton, Masa. Miss Emery was graduated from Rumson high school and Smith college in She spent her Junior year at college abroad, studying at the University of Paris. Mr. Dumaine waa graduated from the Noble and Green- Miss Dena X. lllss Phy was graduated from Rye, N. Y., high school and attended Bucknoil university. She Is employed In the offices of C. F. Borden, real estate and Insurance broker of Shrewsbury. Her fiance attended Rye, N. Y., schools and Is in his senior year at The Citadel, where he is a cadet second lieutenant and a member of the Summers.!! guards. Marjorie L. Raeder, Edward Wathileski JERSEY CITY Mr. and Mn. Harold J. Raeder of Warner ave. announce the engagement of their daughter Mtes Marjorie Loulae Raeder, te Edward Washllski, son of Mrs. Vincent Washlleiki and the late Mr. Washlleskl. At ths R*d Bank Salvation Army citadel on Riverside avo. Monday afternoon, Lieut. Florabel Blair of the Salvation Army staff at Chilllcothe, O., became the bride of Lieut. Leonard Caldwell of the Salvation Army staff at Kearney, Neb. Newton McClements of Norristown, Pa., officiated at the ceremony, aaalsted by Capt. Robert Rlghtmlre of Red Bank. The couple met while participating In Salvation Army activities at the Red Bank citadel during Capt. McClementa' command here. The bride ii the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Harold Blair of Edwards ave., Long Branch, and the bridegroom Is the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell of Bay City, Mich. The bride wore her Salvation Army officer's uniform of navy blue, trimmed with white citation cords. She carried a white Roberta Mack, Walter G. Gares FAIR HAVEN Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Mack of Glllespie ave. Christmas eve announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Roberta Mack, to Walter Q. Gares, son of Mr. and Mn. Bible, with markers of white shattered carnation sprays. The attendants were Lieut. Barbara Ktihl, of the Salvation Army staff at Providence, R. I., formerly of Red Bank, and Rev. Carl Hoppea of Buffalo, N. Y. The maid of honor also wore her officer's uniform with a corsage of red roses. John Olson, Jr., of Rumson and Thomas Lloyd of Red Bank were the ushers. The color bearers were William J. Chadwick and John T. Olson, Sr., both of Rumson. Miaa Betty Rae Beck played nuptial music for the ceremonies, and Mrs. McClements read the Scripture. Mrs. Rlghtmlre sang "Together With Jesus" and "He Leadeth Me." A reception followed with members of the Woman'a Home league as hostesses, directed by Mrs. Flora Beck. Miss Beck played vlbrsharp selections during the reception. Ruth Shea, The Rainmaker Starts at Strand LONG BRANCH "The Rainmaker," recent dramatic and laugh auccess on Broadway, and at present a strong contender for th* Academy Award aa a motion picture, will be given by The PlAvmakera, new professional theater company at the Strand theater as a special play In three preview performances tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday only. The reception rooms were decorated in all white crepe paper streamers. The couple's wedding cake was topped with miniature flffuree of Salvation Army officen In uniform. The bride's mother wore a navy blue suit with a fur stole and a corsage of pink carnations. The bridegroom's mother was dressel in turquoise blue wool, with a corsage of pink carnations. Th* couple will make their home in Kearney, Neb., where they will be stationed. The bride was graduated from Long Branch hi.tii scluiol and I'm.! Army's New York Training; School for Officers. The bridegroom was graduated from Bay City, Mich., high school and Junior college. He also attended Kings college In Delaware, and was graduated from the Salvation Army's training school for officers at Chicago. Edward Kennedy, Jr. KEANSBURG - Mr. and Mre. Vincent Shea of Maplewood ave. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Misa Ruth Shea, to Edward Kennedy Jr son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mlaa Mary C Dnchetne at Clayton, Mo., and la atudent at Monmouth college in West Long Branch. She Is the granddaughter ot Mrs. Richard 8. Hawes of St Louis, Mo., and the late Oliver C. Smith, and f Mrs. William F. Hoffmann of Bast Orange, and the late Mr. Hoffmann. Mr. Clark waa graduated from Bed Bank Catholic high school and attended Holy Cross college nd St Bonaventure university. He served in the Army and Is employed by the Fire Insurance Bating Organisation at Newark. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John W. Campbell of Philadelphia. Pa., and of the late M. and Mrs. Henry F. Clark f Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. Joan E. HarkiM, Bull Burnett* NEW BRUNSWICK Announcement has been mad* by Mr. and Mrs. John N. Harklns of New York ave. of the engagement f the daughter, Miss Joan Elaine Harklns, to Basil H. Burnette, aon of Mrs. Earl Burnett* of Browntown and the late Mr. Burnett*. Mln Harklns was graduated from St. Peter's high school and ths Berkeley Secretarial school at East Orange. She la employed by the Bakellte company at Bound Brook. Mr. Burnett* waa graduated from Matawan high school and Is employed by the B. I. DuPont denemours Photo Products company In Parlin. Mary L. Blahota, Henry M. Koegler BROWNTOWN-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blahota, Jr., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Louis* Blahota, to Henry M. Koegltr, son of Mr. nd Mra Joseph Koegler, Brighton ave., Headden's Corner. Mill Blahota la a graduate of Matawan high school. Mr. Koegler wu graduated from Middletown township high Khool and served In the Air Force. Both are employed by the Singer Manufacturing company of Elisabeth. CMmta ft. Hoha daughter, Lieut Gertrude & Hohn, asslsteat aooer of th* Salvation Army at Leek Haven, Pa., to Lieut Robert A, Dries, officer in charge of th* Salvation Army at Towanda, Pa. The wedding will tak* plao* Saturday at the Salvation Army Citadel at Wllkes Barre, Pa. CoL Albert O. Pepper, principal ef the Salvation Army Training school of New York elty, win officiate. Lieut Hohn was graduated from Oneonta, N. Y., high school In 1981 and received her commission aa a lieutenant at the Salvation Army training school In New Tork city la June, IMS. Lieut Dries Is th* son of MaJ. and Mrs. Henry A. Dries of Plttsburg, Pa., who were formerly In charge of th* Red Bank Salvation army corps. Lieut Dries was graduated from Red Bank high school In 1MB and received his commission as a lieutenant at the Salvation Army training school in N*w York city In UM. Rita Galdiero, Robert Tompa Mrs. Peter Oaldlera of Flnekn«y rd., announces th* engagement of her daughter, Miss Rita Galdiero, to Robert J. Tompa, eon of Mra. Carl Blelow of Spring Lake and Karl Tompa of Newark. Miss Galdiero wae graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school. She attended Pace Institute and Baton Hall college, and Is secretary with Bendlx Aviation corporation. Mr. Tompa was graduated from Bordentown Military academy, Dartmouth college and Montclair State Teacher* college. He did further graduate work at Teachen college, Columbia university, and New York university's law school, He Is working towards his doctorate at Rutgers university and la an instructor at Monmouth college, MTH ANNIVERSARY KEANSBURO Mr. and Mrs. Harold McOIrr ot SI Washington nve. were tendered a party Dec. 28 In celebration of their 2Sth wedding anniversary. Mri, Mc- (flrr Is thi< former Anna Lennon of New York city. The couple have resided In Keansburg jnoit of their married life. ^ HIM Clausen attended Long Branch! Ugh awheel and Is employed by th* Prudential Insurant* company la MMdletown. Mr. LaParre also attended Long Branch high school and Is employed at th* Eatoetown post office. Carol A. Reynolds, Samuel Rabito, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Reynolds of West Front at announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carol A. Reynolds, to Samuel Rabito, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rabtto of Mechanic at Miss Care! A. BayntMs Miss Reynolds, a graduate of Red Bank high echool, Is employed by the telephone company In Red Bank. Mr. Rabito Is a Red Bank high school graduate and served In the armed forces four years. He la employed by General Motors. Miss Susan B. Emery ough school and attended Brown university. He is In the Army, stationed at Fort Dlx. BECKEI EBT KBANSBURO Mlaa Joan Beverly Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becker of WUHs ave. and Harry B. Albert, Sd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Albert, Jr, of Ramsey ave., were married Saturday at St Mark's Episcopal church hen. Rev. Robert A. Blstaro, vtear, officiated at Hi* double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Sidney H*nog wss organist. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a ballerina-length gown of lac* over satin. The full skirt waa deaigned with panels of lace and tulle and her shoulder-length veil f«h from a brocaded crown. She carried a white prayer-book with white rose*. Mrs. Gerald Domery of Matawao, matron of honor, wore a bamerlna-lencth gown of lavender net and tune. She had a matching stole, a sequin tiara and carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses, carnations and lavender nliijaajnlliiiniiiiiii Mist Jean Szymanskl of Morgaastta, th* bridesmaid, wore tti* same atyled gown In Ulac, and her bouquet wu like that of the honor attendant. The Junior bridesmaid, Ann Albert of Keansburg, the bridegroom's sister, wore a floorlength gown of pink net over satin. She had a headpiece of pink flowers and carried a colonial bouquet. William Kehoe of Red Bank was best man. Joseph Tight, Matawan, and George Curran of We*t Keansburg ushered. _A reception followed at the Flamingo restaurant, Keansburg. The bride's mother wore gray silk with a pink hat and ths bridegroom's mother chose blue with a matching hat. The bride's traveling suit was navy blue, with red accessories and a corsage of wlhte roses. The couple win reside on 41 Seeley ave., Keansburg. The bride, a Mlddletown township high school graduate, Is employed by Hanson-VunWInkle- Munnlng in Matawan. The bridegroom, a draftsman for Hanson- VanWInkie-Munnlng, was graduated from CUffslde Park high school. Us* Farme Application! for hlmo and r«ff«niii may bt obtained at tha Job printing rfipartmtnt of Tha Raslitar, Wa have i all jfitaessarr : forma on hand. Call Rgj «-0(fl, Ailver 1-oqEI, Ailvertlimtiit. Miss Marjaria L. Baeder Miss Raeder attended New York university and is employed in the New York Herald Tribune. Mr. Wathileski is a supervisory electronics engineer at Fort Monmouth. He Is a graduate of Cooper Union Institute ot Technology. Faith Feld, Morris Radler LONG BRANCH Mr. and Mrs. David M. Feld of Chelsea ave. have made known the engagement of their daughter. Miss Faith Feld, to Morris Charles Radler, son of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Radley of Maplewood. The announcement was made at a recent dinner for both families at the Feld home. Miss Feld, a Long Branch high school graduate, was graduated from Montclair State Teachers college and Is doing graduate work at the college. She Is fifth grade teacher at River Plaxa achool. Mr. Radler, a graduate of Weequahlc high school, Newark, was also graduated from Montclair State Teachers college and he, too, Is doing graduate work there. In World War he served with the Army In Germany. He la fifth grade teacher at the McKlnley school at Kenllworth. The couple plan to be married May SO at Clinton Manor, Newark. Elaine Erdmann, Dwight Peterson MATAWAN - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erdmann, Jr., of Main st. announce the engagemetnt of their daughter, Miss Elaine Erdmann, to Dwight D. Peteraon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson of Rlchland, Mo. Mlas Erdmann was graduated from Matawan high school and the Berkeley Secretarial school In East Orange. She la employed by the Travelers Insurance company In New York city. Mr, Peterion attended school! In Missouri and Is employed by the Natural Gas company In Missouri. He served In the Navy ffur years. j Miss Roberta Mack Walter H. Dares of North Brunswick. Mlaa Mack waa graduated from Rumson high school and Is a junior at the Middlesex General hospital's school of nursing In New Brunswick. Mr. Gares is stationed with th* Marine corps at Parria Island, S. C. He was graduated from New Brunswick high school and la a member of th* North Brunswick first slid squad. Beatrice D. Daniels, Robert M. Powell Announcement is mad* of the engagement of Miss Beatrice D. Daniels, daughter of Randolph Daniels, Sr., of River at. and the late Mrs. Clara B. Daniels, to Robert M. Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, also of River it. Mlaa Beatrice D. Dandle Mias Daniels, a Red Bank high school graduate, Is employed by Shore Cleanen. Mr, Powell la employed at Marlboro state hospital. DEMOCRATS PLAN DINNER LEONARDO Ths Leonardo Democratic club will meet tomorrow at 8:30 p. m. at the Leonardo Grill hall, Center ave., Edward J. CouKhlin, president, announced. Flans for the dinner dance to be hold Jan. 28 at the Leonardo r Grill hull will ho completed. There will be a two-hour social ajttar the meeting. IMretky Whttaey tarring in tha leading roles of "Th*_ Rainmaker" are Dorothy WhitAey, New Tork actress who appeared opposite Raymond Masaey and ' Jack Palanc* In th* American Shakespeare festival at Stratford, Conn., last summer, and John Norris, well-known Chicago and New York actor who recently played leading rolei In "Dial M for Morder" and "The Lady's Not for Burning." Both artists are considered "very exciting actors" by theater critics. "Th* Rainmaker" self received favorable reviews from the New York papem and ran for two years as a "must see" hit on Broadway. The story of a plain girl brought to life snd love by a traveling rainmaker, who understand! her shyness. In spite of the constant marriage urging* of her father and brothers, Is a combination of laughter and drama seldom found in the theater. Tickets for "The Rainmaker" are available at the Strand theater In Long Branch. Mary S. Higginbotham, Eugene J. Carroll SHREWSBURY, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Higginbotham of this place announce the engagement of their daughter, Mlea Mary 8uxanne Higginbotham,.to Eugene J. Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Carroll of Prospect ave, Little Silver. A summer wedding Is planned. Mlas Higginbotham attended Unullne academy at Klrkland, Mo., and wan graduated from St. Louis university with a bachelor of science degree, majoring In psychology. Mr. Carroll attended Red Bank Catholic high school, Teterboro school of aeronautics and wax graduated from Parks :ollege of aeronautics, where he received a bachelor of science degree. He is employed by the Mc- Donnell Aircraft corporation of St. Louis, Mo., In an engineering lapaclty, and Is dohitf graduate study work In commercial law at St. Louis university, A summer wedding is planned. Miss Bath Kennedy of Chlngsrora ave.. Keyport, A May wedding Is planned. Miss Shea, a Red Bank Catholic high sohool graduate, li employed by the telephone company in Red Bank. Mr. Kennedy also is a Red; Bank Catholic high achool graduate and attended Potomac State college in West Vlrglnla. Hs la employed by I. I, DuPont and company in Parlin, Mre. Bacigalupi Heads Auxiliary LITTLE SILVER Mrs. Joseph Bacigalupl wu elected president of the Ladles' auxiliary of the fire company at th* auxiliary's last meeting In the Are house. Others elected were Mrs. Charles Clarke, vice president; Mrs. Peder Gisleson, secretary, and Mri. Robert Wichmann, treasurer. Plans for the coming year were discussed and the following aides appointed: Kitchen, Mrs. Richard Tetley; delinquent dues, Mrs. Wichmann; sick, Mrs. John Ellison; trustees, Mrs. Donald Wright and Mrs. Paul Robertson; publicity, Mrs. C. Fred Bruno; chaplain, Mn. John Crowed; scrap book, Mrs. Richard Perseon; coffee making on Ore calls, Mrs. Harold Bressler. Mrs. George Darragh, Jr., and Mrs. Harold Tetley; calling, Mrs. Dressier, Mrs. Warren Herbert, Mrs. Harold Tetley and Mrs. Glsle.ion. Others attending were Mrs. Gustav Bergman, Mrs. Thomas Bruno, Mrs. Harry Carter, Mrs. Lilian Lovekln, Mrs. Oliver Marcelll, Mrs. Harold Pace and Mrs. Robert Stout. Hospitality was in charge of Mrs. Crowd), Mrs. Darragh and Mrs. Dressier. Ninth Birthday For Marie Meyer HIGHLANDS - Marie Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Raymond Meyer of Port Monmouth, celebrated her ninth birthday Suntlfly at a dinner at Bahrs* Landing. The table wai decorated with a large birthday cake and patty decorations. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fordlanil, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meyer, Raymond Meyer. Jr., and Mlaaea Avis. Meyer snd Catherine Krelbott. 1

28 g-twwhr. J-. W, t«s7 WO gaftt tecwtm The Sign TelU the Story FMODTDCIO STO«t FIXTURES Clinton F. Elliott «nd hit»i»tar. Mi» Sadia H. Elliott, stationers, poittd tha abova sign on their itora window thu watk to aiplain why thay ara getting raady to (nova out of tho building at 66 Broad it. Mr. tlliott said thara it "only one raaien: I juit can't pay tha rant." A lotttr from.tho building agant, all* poitad on tha window, uisj tha now rant would bo $375 a month. t, WEDDINGS T WAITERS-SCHMIDT TAOOMA. Wash. MaJ. end Mrs. June* R. Walters of thlt city announce the marriage Jan. 1 of their daughter. Miss Janet Marie Waiters, and Gustav Edward Schmidt, Jr., aon o* Mr. and Mrs. Guatav E. Schmidt of Black Point rd., Rtunson. The couple were married at the Oermfask, Mich., Methodist church by Rev. Helen Royce. The bride, escorted by bar fatter, had her filter, Mia* Jo«n Walteri, aa her oniy attendant. Larry Neal of Frultport, Mich., wu best man. The bride won two-piece yellow knitted rait with navy blue accessories and a corsage of violet colored chryuntthemuma. The maid of honor wars plaid luit with beige accessories and a corsage of yellow ohrvmanthemumj. A reception followed at the Germfssk, Mich., Veteran* of Foreign Wan hall. The bride'* mother wore a charcoal colored ensemble with red avooaaaorlef. The bridegroom's mother waa dreiaed in navy blue. Both had corsages of chrysanthemums. Th» ivwmu»i» w>j«j; their home at MB Broadway, Long Branch. The bride ia s itudent at Long Branch high school. The bridegroom was graduated from Rumaon high aohool and ia a sheet metal craftsman. Sanderson to Give Talk at Symposium HDBOKB^-Benjamin.Sanderson of 16 Winding Way, Uttle Silver, a research chemist for National lead company of South Amboy, will present a paper when the American Society for Quality Control holds an all-day aymeal posium at Stevens Institute of Technology Saturday. The symposium Is designed to show chemictj engineers, chemists and production supervisors how others in the same professions use statistical tools to solve problems. Mr. Sanderson'a paiper Is entitled "The Use of Box-Wilson &w ftlrccuo W VldGfNIA APPROACH * Hwe wtm cusses 9h Techniques in i Titanlt Pigment Dr. Kaplan Move* Office Location Dr. Reuben I. Kaplan, chiropractor, announced yesterday that he has moved his office from ltt Broad st, Red Bank, to 10S Maple ave., Red Bank. He began practice here In Dee., A 1950 graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Dr. Kaplan also attended Cornell university and the Columbia College of Chiropractic, Baltimore. He has also practiced in New York city. Elliott Blames Rent For Closing of Store There is a sign on Elliott's stationery store, ai Broad st this week. reads: "After 42 years, we are forced to close. Can not pay 110 per cent rent increase. Stock and fixtures must be sold by Jan. 27." There also is a letter, notifying CJInton 7. Elliott and his lister, Miu Sadie H. Elliott, of the pending rent change. Mr. Elliott told The Register that the only reason he Is going out of business is "I just can't pay tu rent." He said he could be quoted as saying that "I am now looking foi a Job." Time Is Short Time is too short, be said, to consider looking for another location for his business. "We must sell our fixtures and get out by Jan. 27." The stationer said that the Increase would mean that Ms store would be paying the. bulk of the rent for the 6648 Broad st. building, which he formerly shared with the City bakery and which now is to be the new location of Seldln's Quality Jewelers. Mr. Elliott said that in past years his store had depended upon heat "from the bakery's ovens," since there was no central heating :n the building. But the bakery Is closed and the store is now cold. At the time it was announced that the Beldln flrra waa taking over the building, some months ago, Mrs. R V. R. H. Stout, Fair Haven, representing the estate that owns the structure, said a new central heating plant is being installed. Yesterday, Mrs. (tout told The Register that she and her sister, Miss Winifred A. Conover, trustees for the estate of Sara C. Thomas, wanted it known that tbe estate "rented the entire building to Oeldin's," for $600 a month. Rental arrangements for the Elliott store section, she said, were being mads "by Beldm's, not tbe estate." Mrs. Stout said she acted on ths adrlee of her lawyer to rant the building as out unit, and she added she felt Mr. Seldln "had the right" to raise tha rent for the store be cases tbe amount being paid waa "ridiculous rent" for the Broad st location. The estate, said Mrs. Stout, "had to epend seme W.OM to $*,- 000 to recondition the building after the City bakery went bankrupt." That Mrs. Stout added, was for a general clean-up Job Involving removal of "eight trailer loads of trash from the basement, with still more to go," removal of an elevator, Installation of pins paneling and a central heating system. She said Mr. Ssldin bad the bakery ovens removed, She also said last since the bakery closed the Elliotts had paid their rent directly to the estate, at ths sum of $140 a month." She quoted Mr. Elliott be was wnllng "to par MM." Regarding the trash removal, the said the borough bad asked that this be done "at 4 a. m., adding to the problem." The letter to the Elllotti, from Dorothy M. Bryan, of the C. Irving Patterson agency, said her firm was agent for Paul Seldin and that "we hereby give you notice, effective Feb. 1, 1M7, rental of the store premises now occupied by you and known ai 4* Bro-* st. will be $375 per month, water ana beat included, the rent to be paid to this office on and after that date." added that "if you desire to continue occupancy, please advise so arrangements can be made for the drawing of a lease. Unices we hear from you on or before Jan. 16, 1957, we will assume you do not wish to continue occupancy and will vacate same by Feb. L 1MT r Concerning ths heat. Jack Bryan of the Patterson agency claimed "Mr. Elliott refused to permit plumbers to enter his store" to complete the Installation until recently. He also said "Mr. Elliott tried to keep us from placing a toilet In the store." The gas heating unit now Is ready to be turned on, said Mr. Bryan. Expected taefeaee Mr. Elliott said that until now his rent bad been $150. "There ia no time" to look for another location before tha moving date, he said. "So we will have to dispose of our furnishings and I will have to look for a Job." He said be bad expected a rent Increase, but not one so sharp as to force him to dose. Nature of ths business did not warrant continuance at thai high costs ef BieMtwsMsfse, Mr. EUlett Mr. Btldin yesterday explained the situation this way: "Our position in this certainly is not one of malice. We figure it will cost about $728 a month to who had worked for the Hendricksoc * Applegate furniture operate the building. We are asking that the tenant share the cost, and hardware store, East Front since his store will occupy half at (now Kialln's), formed their the frontage space, and tha rental partnership. figure was set up by the agent, not At that time, the only other ourselves. tationery store in town was Tetiv's, founded by the late John T. Over-al Bent Us Tetley sad continued over the "Actually, the building has been rears by his son, MUlard F. Tetsy and later by bis aon, Millard, renting for (400. Now that Improvements are In, the reat is Ir. The Tetley store Is now gain* up to MOO. We teal n enljr iwned and operated by Mrs. fair thai the general east be ana R. Tetley, widow of MUlard shared between Ills ecoassats. We. Tetley, Jr. Jamas F. Hunv had been offered ft» a BMnth few another merchant, fcn Qualifies 1 CLAYTON'S TniMM «Balls Artificial Lima* Iracas Cnitchas SuBiacfart Baltic Hatlary, ate. KINTALS Whaalchain Hospital lads - Walker. Caf tl447m *tww» WXttad has been ana of (ha Broad at. landmarks, having been founded in 1905, w»s then that Miss Elliott, after working for years with the Fred W. Moselle stationery store, and Mr. Elliott, ihreys Is assoclsted with Mrs. retlojr. YOUR CHOICE Your eholeej of Inat important a* your ehoiea of doctor or lawyer. Tew entire stnetare ssajr Grossnger & Hefcr Broad ft Mechanic Su. Bed Bank, N. J. Td. RE FOOTCRAFT S GREATEST SHOE STARTS TOMORROW, FRIDAY, JAN. 11th CARD FABTr TONIGHT SHRBWSBimr Members of the local auxiliary of Riverview hospital will hold a benefit card party tonight at Christ Episcopal parish house on Sycamore eve. Mrs. Martin Man: ia chairman. Chsstsjot children 4JH BARGAINS.' ". BASEMENT 20 GAL PLASTIC TRASH CAN WITH covn Raf. 10.W BtTBT PROOF! S UNBREAKABLE a DBHT PBOOF! ELECTRIC HEATERS Anrla Others CLOSE OUT! asms KARL WICK HAMPERS Pdft MOftMf Of PMHfl TOILET PLASTIC STORM WINDOWS STAINLESS ALL SALES FINAL REGULAR 4.95 REGULAR 7.95 REGULAR PAIRS OF HIGH GRADE WOMEN'S SHOES ALL COLORS AND HEELS SIZES TO 12 AAAA TO C WIDTHS AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER I. MILLER R«9. to TROYUNG R«g. to DELMANETTE R«g. to LAIRD SCHOBER R«g. to MADEMOISELLE..Rt*. to ARSTEP...R«g. 1*12.95 NOW ALL SALES FINAL 5TO Pr. 375 Pairs of Growing Girls' & Women's Flats & Loafers NOW 3 88 «4 88. CHILDREN'S DRESS «< SCHOOL SHOES 88 BOYS' SHOES SIZES TO 4 RETZY CROSS MODERN AGE PEDICRAFT Rḟ695 and 7-95 * r - NOW WOMEN'S Evening SHOES 88 INCLUDING I. MILLER 3 MEN'S SHOES VALUES TO TOP QUALITY CALFSKIN HANDBAGS Vz OFF 9 PfffeT Wf MeflMr p RawaarWaartfcarSHpt STORM WINDOW MATERIAL M" wm* 39* ft 59* m -1 FREE DELIVERY! CHARGE IT1 FOOTCRAFT FINE SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY SINCE BROAD STREET RED BANK T

29 REP BANK REGISTER ' TTwrwhy, Jan. 10, 1957 '99 9muL wktib FRIENDLINESS CONVENIENCE GREEN STAMPS ^ ^. f$&^$^ /ty "^ - PAN- READY Sere S.&H. Green Stamps for Valuable Things for Your Home!...for Fine Gifts! Whole, Half or Quartered Ib. All fresh killed and immediately rushed from finest nearby farms right to your neighborhood Acme Market! All guaranteed top quality. Make flavorful, crisp, golden brown chicken this week-end! Buy a supply for your freezer at this low, low price!». HUNT'S STEWED nun i 9 digttew HUNT'S TOMATO Juice 46-oi. ^ ^ Tomatoes 2 Selected tomatoes, with onions, celery and green peppers! Special value! FARMDALE Peas V IDEAL PINEAPPLE Juice GOOD N' KRISP SWEET Gherkins Cheese Lovers' Favorite 16oi. $100 lei Acme Bake for You Virginia Lee Large ' %: Apple Cake -* 39c Vlrf Me Lee Large Raisin Pie -*49c Virginia Lee Urge Angel Food Cake -«55c Pumpkin Pie -* 49c Cocomt Party Layer 65c Corn Muffins.ft 29c LOUILLA White er Whele Wheer Butter Bread * 25c Pies TROZfN IOODS CMtkw, Tirkiy, imf 4~79 e Lancaster Brand "U. S. Otoim" Bwf Chuck Roast 33 Government graded "U. S. Choice" beef selected by Acme's own super-critical experts. Always tender, juicy, mighty mouthwatering! Oven-Ready Rib Roast %T a?u*» 63c Boneless Cross-Rib Beef Roast» 69c Fresh Ground Beef 3* 98c Corned Beef Brisket 1ST MM» 69c Leicester trtnd Loaf er MMaet I Liverwural ^ fc Lancaster trend Smoked Beef Tongues * HORMEL Country-Style 5Sc 45c Fresh Sausage '^ Scrapple S L 25C it 49C FROSTED FISH FEATVRES Taste 0* Sea Pollock Fillet Toste 0' Sea Fried Fish Sticks Yellow Pike Fillet Silver Boss Fillet FRUITS & VEGETABLES Potatoes U. S. No. 1 -Ib. MAINE 1O&35 bag Mealy, firm, flavorful, perfect cooking. NEW YORK STATE RINDLESS Extra Sharp Cheese 79 C Aged over one year for marvelous flavor! Toste the difference! Imported Bleu Cheese D " bh *85c Muenster Cheese SzSr»55c WisprideCheddar Cheese 6 :, 1 35c SAVE 2 WAYS Dial Soap 2 r r*r "* 25c 2 35c Beardsley MttSMD cowun Pussy Cat Cat Food 3 r 29c Blue Label SHOD»ICKUD Sim L NAIVAIOStm 2 MM** 2 9 C Chicken of Sea Tuna Fish 7^1. cm Peas Our finest quality! Each package equals 2 lbs. of fresh peas In the pod! Meal Broccoli 2.35 C LOW, LOW PRICES HEINZ Baked Beans Mi HEINZ Mustard noc HEINZ Baby Foods * '- 10 4V 99c SEABROOK Spinach M *%... Fancy Mclntosh Apples AIM FLORIDA FRESH YELLOW Corn 4""29 Rushed field fresh in iced cars direct from Florida. AppW 39 Grocer,, Dmiry, Frotied Food Price* E//MI*M Through Wed., Jem. lblht AU Other$ Effective Through Sm., Jmm. I2l* O-CEL-0 SMJI Fwb Mtdhmi Sponges39c WMkSi Lux Toilet Soap 3 3.T26c GREEN STAMPS Lux Bath Soap 22: 25c Swan Soap 3 3T 26c Kraft French Dressings. 23c Pillsbury Sweet Milk Biscuits 2 27c I.M., IAHK Opm Mon. thru Thin. 'HI 9 P. M. Friday *ril 10 P. l. HAVEN Opm Tim. tf[ii Thura. 'til f P. M. FrWa^ 'fb 10 P. M.

30 SB-Thursday 10 - Square Dance Giiiic Set EATONTOWN Monday will be the opening nifht far e aerie* Of square dance lesson* which will continue for five weeks and conclude with a general dance Mar. 14. This project wa«arranged by the recreation coma.,j»ion and George Kraasner, a reaident of Eatontown, wma engaced a* callar-inftructor. Mr. Kraaancr haa specialized in teaching folk and aquare dancing and ia experienced in work- Ing with beginners as veil as more advanced group*. He haa hii own collection of recorda and does singing call*, Weatern type calli and New England patter ealli. According to Mr. Krassncr, aquare dancing U one of the country's top recreation activities, having increased in popularity the past few yean. "Perhaps," he added, "it ia so popular beoausp 'country dancing* ia Informal and pure fun. Whtta no great artistic talent it required, it i» more enjoyable when th«ba*ic figures are familiar. Thi«ia the purpose of a local clinic or study course. When you learn how. thin you want to join a square dance club to meet with other such clubs in the neighboring towna." Through th» courtesy of the board of education, the clause* will be held in the Memorial school auditorium between 8 and p. m. There will be room on the dance floor for ten sels ' RED BANK REGISTER SO persons and no new membora will he accepted after the ftrat meeting. In th«t w«y, each member of the class will have a full course of instruction without the necessity of repeating lessons for Inexperienced newcomers. Mrs. L. D. Seely, president of the recreation commission, said if the class proves to be popular, another slx-wcck clinic will be arranged to start the middle of March to continue through April. The expenses of the course are being met by funds contributed to the commission by the recent Community Appeal and there will be no charge except a nominal registration fee. The minimum Age limit is 18. The four classes following Monday's opening night are scheduled to be held Thursdays, Jan. 21 and 31, and Feb. 14 and M. Veller PTA to Hear School Board Head EATONTOWN Kenneth Hampton, president at the board of education, will speak at the Margaret U Vetter P. T. A. meeting next Thursday at the Memorial school auditorium at 8 p. m. The hostesses will be the first grade mothers. At a recent meeting of the executive board, waa decided to hold a winter hop at Memorial school Feb. 1. William Clark, physical instructor at the school, will bt in charge of the dance, which will include novelty dances, square dancing and round dancing. Funds raised by the dance will go toward the year's projects, one of which is to provide white rain slickers for the safety patrol. FRUIT SLICES 69i. SEVEN DELICIOUS FLAVORS BIRNN CANDY 91 BROAD ST. OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL I WINTER CLEARANCE SALE ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE MUST 601 SUIURIAN COATS W**l BMd, SSBM «ttk s**d. Taffl* mil-all «*!. C*r mu. JACKITS WMl-lill*d. Strixd Umti (Card.). C*rdunr-R*var»lbl*, SPORT COATS 1 100*4 ka**rt*d met. 1 I*M» kasened wsel. m*i. IMS If.00 Jf UJt 14.Ml*Jft WJO MM MOW 14.M 17.W «.st S.M I.M 10.W OTHER MDSL REDUCED UP TO MIN'S SUCKS.',;, 'A SKI SWIATIRS OFF ALL OUR SLACKS FROM «.»» TO IO.M A*E NOW REDUCED TO S.SS ALL WOOL IN PULLOVER OR COAT STYLE. *.i. *.M * lo.sf 7.M PULLOVIR SWUTK 100% WOOL. LONO^LEEVKk ]. M & 4. M SPORT SHIRTS nannel I.f. 1.M 2.1 t FOR 4. IN STRIPES d g Ril. <*l '* " rusos. WASHABLE CORDUROY, SOLID COLORS. R>(. 4JI I FOR T. CORDUROY 1-TONE COLORS d IM R»f. Ill * " a FOR». tut. 7.n 5.41 I FOR. R«f. «4.M 3.4t 1 FOR T. SPECIAL SELECTION. VALUES TO T.M 1,31 PAJAMAS * F " " i FLANNEL A SKI TYPE. K«. S.M 3,11 I CORDUROY STRIPES COTTONS AND SILK. I FOR s. ABBEY MEN'S SHOP! RE IROAO ST. i RED BANK jj Frederic B. County Airmen Complete Baeic Course* SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Three Monmouth county, N. J, airmen have completed the first phase of their military training at Lackland Air Force base here, H was course he will qualify for assignment in one of the Air Force's 41 major career fields. assigned to tke 1810th Technical wing, Scott Air Force base, I. Airman Uindla will be assigned John Joseph Foster, M, son of t* 1450th ttud«m squadron, Franela Mr. and Mrs. William A. Foster, E. Warren Air Fore* base, announced this week. 372 Port Monmouth rd.. East Wyo. Keansburg, and Curtis B. l>undin, The enlistee at Lackland undergoes Frederic R. Martin, 31, son of 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. transition from civilian to F. H. Martin, Tlnton ave., Eatontown, completed the basic course and now is taking advanced basic training. On completion of the have completed their first training phase and qualified for specialized training. Airman Foster will be Lundln, 7 Forrest ave., Rumson, prepares graduates for specialized training and on-the-job assignment airman, Basic military training River Plaza Scrap paper will be collected Sunday morning by thefire company and every second Sunday in the month regularly. Discarded Christmas tree* were collected by the firemen Sunday and bumed safely. The company answered a call Saturday to extinguish a brush Are on property owned by Hans Kessler, West Front st. New officers elected in December assumed their duties effective Jan. 1. They are: President, Harold Young; vice president, W. Irwin Hendricks; secretary, Norman Scattergood; corresponding secretary, Vernon Cray; treasurer, Herbert Bradahaw; financial secretary, Albert McBride; chaplain, Russei Tetley; captain, Clifford A. Smith; first lieutenant, William Olsen; second lieutenant, Mr. Gray; en- glneer, Donald Bpafford; Ing engineers, Norman Long, Jr. and Stanley Gtlbertson; fire police, Mr. Young and Willard Emmona; trustees, Charles Mc- LaughUn, Mr. Long and Chris DeFilippo, and executive committee, Mr. Hendricks, Mr. Spafiord and Mr. Tetley. The company will mark its 29th year of service to the community at the annual dinner Jan. 19 at Crystal Brook inn, Eatontown. Mr. Hendricks Is clialrman. Mrs. Thomas R. Wilson of Alexander dr. is a surgical patient at Rlverview hospital. Intermediate Girl Scout troop SO news Includes a Christmas party given Dec. at the flre house where gifts were exchanged and gifts collected for needy children. Mrs. Arthui Munschauer, chairman of the nut sale reported the sale a success and the money raised will help defray th* cost of trooptov camping expenses. Dec. 28 the group went on a historical field I house, at which Una they will celebrate the troop's birthday. A meeting of the Parcnt-Teach- 1 association will be held at the school next Tuesday night The faculty will present the topic Teacher, Your Child arid His Work." Hostesses will be fifth grade mothers. Returning to college this week after spending the holidays with their families were Miss Margaret Ring, who attend* Ohio Wesleyan; Mlsa Cathy Ring, Vermont university, and Miss Mary Searles, Cornell university. A meeting of the River Plaza Woman's club will be held tonight at the home of Mrs.,Aubrey L. Smith on Alexander dr. Assart** hoatatim are Mrs. Elwood Searles and Mrs. Warren DeBrown. Speaker for the nlng will be Jay Barger of Uttle trip arranged by Mrs. Gen A. and M. at Tekarkana, Tex. Hawlsher, chairman. Also on the where he received his bachelor of committee were Mrs. Clifford science degree in chemical engineering In 1M4. Smith, Mrs. Munschauer, Mrs. W. Irwin Hendricks and Mrs. A. Gordon Kidd, Visited were th Twin Lights at Highlands. Old IN Christ Episcopal church, Shrewsbury, and Church of the President!, Elberon. Th* trip credits WMNK go toward the troop's community badge on which they are working. Transportation waa arranged by Mrs. Hendricks. Accompanying the girls were Mrs. Hawlsher, Mrs. Kidd, Mrs. Harold Perry and Mrs. Garfield Adams, assistant leader. Attending were Joyce Goclin, Sharon Hawlsher, Anita Rochelle, Gail Spafford, Annette Zingale, Carole Adams, Barbara Munschauer, Vita Marie Bue, Pamela Hendricks, Cynthia Kidd and Donna Lee Perry. According to the troop leader, Mrs. Barton Rochelle, inveetitui* ceremonies will be held Jen. U at the lira Y«i... for it low it $21.66 Silver on the topic of "Civil Defense." Jeff Bohlnskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bohinski of Davis lane celebrated his eighth birthday Dee. 20 with a party at his home. Guests were Burtis and James) Hainer, William Russell, Bud HomefleM, Blair and Dennis Blnaco, Fred O'Grady, Paul Maker/, George McKlnnon, Jay Fenton and James Bender. Olstowski Promoted By Dow Chemical FREEPORT, Tex. Franciawk Olstowski, a former Matawan resident, ha«been promoted to project leader In the electrochemical engineering department at the Dow Chemical company's Texas division plants here. He has been with Dow since 19M. Mr. Olstowski at the time o his promotion was serving as f research and development engine**. He attended Monmouth JMIOT college at Long Brnnoh Columbia university, and Texas SHERMAN'S far CURTAINS DRAPERIES..SLIP COVERS..LINENS VENETIAN BLINDS i WOVEN WOODS Pirn* RE e-iaw S b ' HMM I Dvceratare I. J St.' Buk MR MONTH WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT COMPLETE *'/i' bitchon INCLUDING built-in r«ng a and ovon... formic* counter topi... link and cabintti. Your ehoie* of knotty pint or birch finish. Why wait! H*r* ii your eh*ne* to add btsuty to your horn*, PLUS many work and ittp laving ftaturti that only a modtrn kitchen luch ai thli can givt you. Stop in, call or writt ui toonl KITCHEN CENTER SPICIAUSTS IN MODIRN KITCHIN NSIONINO Hwy. 3S. O«h HM Rd. RED BANK MIDDLHOWN Free Parking in Hear Open jri. Eve. *til 9 Church Women To Sell Food SHREWSBURY Plans for the annual food sal* of the Women's auxiliary of OM Christ Sptseopal church war* made at a meeting Monday afternoon at the home at If las Lilian Baqust, Bnttonwood. The sal* will be held Apr. I n the pariah house. Mr*. Charles Smith of Deal,was appointed local chairman of the Evergreens. Episcopal home for the aged in Moorattown, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation *f Mra, Robert H. BUbromT^ The mlaetonary allotment waa accepted and Mrs. R. L. Robinson waa appointed to purchase th* artlclm requested. Others attending were Miss Elisabeth Hewitt, Miss Josephine Wlnane, Mrs. Louis Hayward and Mrs. William Huntor. Attlonl That's whit The letlstsf Us*lA>d <! k*n bm «*ttln( for thslr advartlitrs for ovsr Uine-snuten of a Mctnrr. Adr«rtllis>is. 'LilNTott Firemen Elect Officers UNCROFT " Uncroft tire company elected officer* last Thursday night Administrative *(flr*r* elected were George Paoa, preaident; Carl Ro*en, vice *c*aid*nt; Matthew MulUn, treasurer; Robert NisBon, recording saorsmry; Jack Mocfchart, u*cr«*p»na ng s*er«- tary, and John Morgan, (ioaacial secretary ' ' -.». ' (in* office** a** Jack oaptain; fulpb lajrtm, ftrat lieutmaot; George fticma* second lieutenant; Jack Jitckhart, third Uttitenant; Watt*r tmliy, cngia*er; Harold OMfc, Irst assistitti Bmll Stewart, **cond assist- Ut and Larry JfeJMaay, third as- n,:p*m aw»>. H. I U*. ThOM *B " "" I. R. E. to Hear Talk on Cable LITTLE SILVER The lionmouth subjection, Institute of Radio Engineers, vm hear a talk on the tran*-atlanuc telaphon* cable by J. 8. Jack, *f the Aiacrir«n Telephone and T*ktgr*Ph company, next Wednesday night at the fire houie here, LOU. Ha Tartarare: Adolf Braun and Henry Carney; firemen's relief fund, Jack Fowler, Henry Qamey. Adolf Bravan and Ralph LaytoKi departmsfct delegate*, Jack *. KtUf, Jack Fowler, Qeorge luchdil*. and G*Wge Fehr; county deiajate*, Jack Fowl*r, sulptfuytin and Oeorg* RlchdaJa, H«Mt**kl, retiring cap- by the cosapllmenied new president, Mr. Toop, oa the good service rendered \.g th* company during the ; y«*r. Th* catbmtqr mad* a profit of. WOO In th* salt of Christmaa trees.. ''. The company does not bav* its membership, quota flusd aoi announced th* need J»r aouvt members from 17 to IS, and social members in the SS to «0 age group. Three new sirens will W placed at strategic' points, In Brookdale and on Marths and Harvey dr*. The board of tfuatees will meet with the admlniajtratlve officer* next Thursday, JMh. IT, to discus* new equipment needed and th* raising of funds with, activities. Dr. Hausman Moves To 244 Bro«d SL "br. Samuel W. Hautman tomorrow win m*ve his otic* and i*ald*nc*;ta 241 Broad tl Dr. Hauaman has praeticed In Rlvereide Gardens apartment hous* line* the building was opened. He has been living In the Prospect Hill apartment hous*. The house at 244 Broad I* owned by Mrs. Emily Tllton. Dr. Hausman has practiced In Red Bank 40 year*, explain th. desiga of tftt «*». s route, contribution* * (Jl feat participated In tb* ff*]e«t, <***> leas encountered, an*) tm.eabl*'* capabllltlci. He will have saatpie* of cabl* and son* af the osatponenu u**d, sad will pr»siat a U 4-U32 HM tostattation, including seen** iaboard ths H.M.T.8. Monirch, usad to J«y- Ing th* cable. Mr. Jack Is a University of Colored* gt-ad«at* and jotom <he Bell Telephone sy*t*ta <B it haa held hi* present aorttloo w th A.T.AT. line* UM.,He worled aboard th* Monarch during the nnun * 1165 and U4». The weetlng will hs' at». m..and Is ogatk to th* pvtlic, Plul auer, *«Mkity ehakawa, said. Mr. Jack I* assistant general manager of *p*ei*l *s»> *«, Mag Hi* smsmctlon I* jilanning; a line* division, of A.TAT. B* 4Bftsld trt» t* th* RC.A. Frirw- Vfmltr, taa Ufcacatori** In iwmary or Mw**. - " r - : ' Lov* and snarriafjs ar* app*r- ntty her* tastay. Ths» are nsw U muisa saarrisd U <tt*je»s, M*V*tU*) WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE! MATURHM THIS A1OWLOF GARNIT ROSES 1300 D IANK W lra«i St. ti4-712f VICTORY MARKET - RED BANK - 0NN RDAY TUl PH. v -, 21 WEST FRONT ST. DELIVERY TEL NOT BONELESS COINED ER MARKET FFEE95 FREEZER BUYUS GOVT. GRADED FREEZER BUY M f\ STEAK 49 c PRIME SIRLOIN nun 30 Ib. AVER. RIB or SHOULDER UMB CHOPS 69Sg * 1MB 29 FRESH KILLED 3Va Ib. FRYING S-6 Ib. FOWL 35 U. S. CHOICE FRESH RIR SIDE ROAST LOIN PORK 49 c Ib FRESH JERSEY EG G S LEAN SUCED BACON JUNE DAISY OL E O LEAN SHORT RIBS BEEF LEAN STEW LAMB FRESH LEAN CHOP BEEF PEPPERS 4*19 nimtm TOMATOES StaymM Wiiwsap APPLES, BOX FRESH CHUCK XRIB 2Dox. 3Lbs. 3 Lbs. 3 Lbs. 6Lbi. IXTl A lancy WHITE MUSHROOMS 49 c I _ ^s^rjpp jm*f:mi\^nm aswss -.?»issr STEAK59 c Ib ROAST 69 G ib SWEET JUICY TANGERINES SWEET JUICY ORANGES 3 ooz. *,

31 HEP BAXK Thuntoy.!». W n TOMATOlSAUCE HIGHWAY CORN DEL MONTE Reg. 3o»25«SAVE 17c WHOLE KERNEL Reg. 2-29' SAVE 45c oz. cans 12 oz. cans KLEENEX TISSUES BRILLO SOAP PADS FACIAL-200 TO BOX Reg. 2 * 29< SAVE 16c RED BOX-12 PADS Reg. 2 *» 43< SAVE 8c pkgs. pkgs. PRESERVES TUNA FISH STRAWBERRY - OLD VIRGINIA Reg. 29c SAVE 16c BUMBLE BEE - WHITE MEAT Reg. 39< SAVE 17c oz. 12 oz. jars cans PINEAPPLE JUICE LALANI Reg. 29< SAVE 16c 46 oz. cans SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS Buy with Serve with pride GIFTS! Simply CHUCK ROAST luda Cut 1-Top Gov't Grad«of t i You G«t Ttw Full Cut of Chuck No T«nd«r LMD MMt Ramovtd Rib React FIRST 5 RIBS.? )NCH CUT TOP GOVERNMENT GRADCS OF BECF I 65! REB. STYLE Fof#sh Solid Towtr-SkinUfi OVEN-READY OSCAR MAYER PRODUCTS Liver Cheese Cooked Salami Iresh Bologna Botoejira! Frankfurters 3 1 sow fh# pink comlt r#fjist#r ttctipts y«u NN(««with aacli puichom at SAFEWAY. Ixcttang* th*m for th«fnm Olft of your dwkt. ( M full details and st«display at M M Olft tenter of your iwarby SAKWAY. Pit Milk EVAPORATED 6l 85 Howard Johnson'i Frozen Foods FRIED CLAMS 69< CHICKEN CROQUEnES 69c BAKED MACARONI Pahnelivt Soap S ti, bars 24c - Borax Tuna Fish Beefsteaks WM.I.TM H»y On Tlia Hamb lat,ca»]7 C 20< I Oal^WAll llaautaf Rftkiaui f L»f C ftc B OBjQfcBMolB SkVajUPJI ^Off/vOMOJf pmfl PWi V WVW White Rose Tea 14 Ib. pkfl. 41 M bags 43c Cheese Whiz KRAFT ^ Sunshine <Jlrtl«. ^ -29e Nabisco Baker's.. OWC01 i C d* Eariy Oar4m I M V ' Red Cabbage ^Jt; 2^29 < Frandi Cut Haddock FilletsSaUIr Fmm 3 IOM. Green Beans Miracle Whip KRAFT SALAD DRESSING. Spry VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3 Ib. can99«u". 47* 1 SAFEWAY SELLS ONLY THE BEST PRODUCE SHOP SAFEWAY CONVINCE YOURSELF FRESH PINEAPPLE TANGY SWEET DIRECT FROM CUBA PASCAL CELERY CRISP and CRUNCHY ALWAYS REFRESHING stalk19 laraa Fab POPULAR DETERGENT giant Vel IT'S MARVELOUS K)c OFF LABEL Velveeta KRAFT CHEESE SPREAD I Ib pkg 89 C Orange Juice MRDSEYE FROZEN French Fries BIROSEYE FROZEN 33c Swiss Cheese KRAFT SLICED-NATURAL prim m 0>tUr Spwlab tffwtiw tar 10 4n Thurt., Jan. 10th Thrv Sat., Jan. IWi. Alt atkar arum thwilva Ttivn, Frl. t Sat., J M. loht, I I* t 11th. Wa nmrva rlfhl H Knit avaiithlm. NONI KXD TO MAllll. Facial Tissues ANGEl SOFT-300'i Calgonite MECHANICAL DISHWASHING POWDER 20 oz. pkg. Ajax Cleanser NEW FOAMING ACTION 3 IT 35c -IPM Emy tmt* in. ttn fm. 'tt I r.m. n midaym TIL 1O P.M (Kicirr ATUINTIC MI«MLANO»I IE» Umi, 362 INMI Strwt

32 r. j«, u, mi UP IAWK ucmn St. James Women Meet The Rosary and Altar society Of Bt Junes Catholic church held Ha flrst maatlbf of tha new year Monday la the Red Bank Catholic high school auditorium with Xn. Leo Flak preaiding. Membership tu reported at IK and Mrs. William Tiding, ehairroan, reported SlSV.Sl realised (ram the cake sale held tut month. Arinoynrwrmnt ni made th«l the projects for tha coming year will tneluda new vestments (or the church choir and hand-made altar linens. A Day of ReeoUeetlon will be held Feb. I In tha church from 2 to 8 p. m. The ipeaker will be Rev. Hark Churchill, U. at., splritnal director of i t Gabriel's college in Lakswood, operated by the Irlah Christian Brothers. The Day of IUea«ccUM «4H tochsave a holy hour from t to 4 p. m. Refreshments at Monday's meeting were la charge of Mra. Francis McNally, chairman, Mrs. John SUhUmtth, Mra. George L. BleliU, Mri. Arnold Horn and Mrs. Frank Petraltus. JENNIE JENKINS IS LINCROfT Jennie Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jenklni of Manor pfcivy., celebrated her sixth birthday with a party at her home Saturday. Entertainment Included a puppet how. given by Mrs. O. D. Perkins and Mrs. Charles Conover, who showed "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Cinderella." Guests were Becky Johnson, Debbie and Kathy Benson, Carol Martinkat, Barbara Walters Patricia and Ellis Maloney, Barbara Raiser, Ellen Rlke, Nancy Nail, Jackie Mottershead, and Maryanne McCann of Lincroft and Nancy and Margy White of Fair Haven. PARENTS! YOU ARE RESPONSLE Ml THI SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF YOU* CHILMIN PANTS... THI HIST TIACHER HOME... THI NIST SCHOOL FORMATM YIAM All THI MOST IMPORTANT. To f w cklla*e ed«atl«aad IUCH, m u d ui (or a E6UCATION PHOOIUM. locludl.g a lereeis Vehnee._-. aii lor r«r row fcoaat. kjoao,»t lew tkaa HALF THE PRICE ye* ever eveaawd of ponding, For Information PASTE ON 2c POST CARD AND HAIL B«111 EDUCATION DIVISION Red Baak, N. J. ft,,, _.., City _... State _.._ Local Governing Bodies Scored For Laxity in Gaming Controls NEWARK The Legalised Games of Chanca Control commission, in a year-end report released this week, gave sharp criticism to municipal governing bodies for laxity In their handling of local Tha most glaring deficiency," K said, "has been the failure to adequately supervise the conduct of games and the use of tha proceed!." The flve-membsr commission, headed by William E. Lehman, Jr., said, however, that a sevenstata study made showed that New Jersey 1! existing Bingo and Raffias laws "are superior" to those investigated. $tt MUliesi laeesje was estimated that total gross receipts derived from bingo and raffles la UM In Jersey will come to more than 21 million dollars, or about two million a month. All operations reports are not m. But by Dae. 18, Mngo receipts, for a total >1,MO games, cams to f U,lU,«Ot.M, and raffles receipts, for 1,471 raffles, amounted to $6,4M,07B.aI, for tha yaar. Also on ills were reports showing that between Apr. 31, MM, and Dec. 18, UM, bingo receipts totaled fm,73s,4to.87 and raffles receipts $ll,»3,570.»7, for a total S47,»S»,050.6t. The report, sent to Oov. Robert B. Meyner, Senate President Richard R. Stout, Assembly Speaker Elden Mills and members of the legislature, also made these other points: rotate Stressed 1. Short area studies showed a 1» per cent-plus gain in proceeds In tha June 1-Sept. 30. MM, period over summer prooeeda la (H In tha legal bingo and raffles games. This, commission members 1, "convince! us that the mechanical so-called skill games (now banned by the Supreme court) had been drawing off thousands of dollars that otherwise would have gone to qualified charttabla, religious, educational, patriotic or public-spirited organisation!." 2. The commission disagreed with municipal clerks who want the state body to take ever the sols administration of games of chance, saying "enforcement can be accomplished more effectively by conscientious local suthorities." I. Repeated was last year's recommendation that the raffles licensing law be amended "to prohibit entirely the giving of cash prises" for so-called "on-premlse 80/M draw raffles." Noting that only M organisations less than two per cent of those registered applied for this type of license, the commission said some organizations uss the cash provision "as a device or a subterfuge In an attempt to conduct an illegal off-premise cash rams." 4. termed "insafflelent" the IS fee for licenses beeauss of the expense of processing. 6. reported that of W violations hearings, held In the year. resulted In license revocations. Weuld Retain Maximum! I. The commission said finds "no necessity to Increase" the bingo maximum cash prise above tha 11,000 level, as suggested by "a small group," since "only per cent" of the 4,218 active registrants gave away the maximum prise in the year. Similarly, <t recommended no increase In the $5,000 maximum limitation for raffles prtiea sine* only US organisations in ths state awarded such a maximum In MM. 7. ruled that both the owner and renter of buildings to be used for games must be registered with the conimlaslon. The Superior court has acted to back this ruling. I. Responding to players' complaints about "unwarranted duplication!" of bingo boards, ths commission recommended that bingo suppliers "be required to bs approved In the lime manner as raffles equipment suppliers." In Us open criticism of municipal govareing bodies and their failure to adsquataly supervise the games, the commission had this to say: "Wo do not know of one ease where the municipal body has questioned the 'me of proessds. Municipal gotsrnlng bodies should carry out their responsibility In enforcement and administration. "They hesltavte to supervise the conduct of games and to question ths uss of funds which must be devoted to authorized purposes. During this year (IMS), we do not know af any governing body that has conducted hearings for violations of fames of chance laws." In ths study of comparative laws, tha eonunission said it looked Into those of Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Maryland. Also studied was a former law in Msssaitiii sstts and provisions for one in Delaware. The finding Wat that Jersey's gaming laws "are superior." This sort of study la continuing this year, and representatives of 1' states and Canada are m contact with the commission "in anticipation of enacting comparable laws," the report said. Tha document was signed by Mr. Lehman, chairman; Merrltt Lane, Jr., secretary, and Commissioners Leo I. MoQough, George F. Makln and Margaret M. Brapay. Mr. LBBO lives at Moomouth Hills. Mm Ssnenrein To Head Drive EATONTOWN Hn, George Sauerwein, rise at, will conduct the polio drive hers as general chairman for tha third year. Mrs. Saaerwela at a potto mother whoa* daughter (Una was strkken with polio In UM and left with scohosta. Oina la a post petto patient at Monmouth Measerta] hospital and continues t* receive ears and A- aaoelal help thraujb the National Foundation fat Infantile Paralysis. Mra. Sauerwetn states that ths quota wlh bs SUM far the Eat. eatown ana for ear* of sat potto patieals for whom the Salk vaccine came too late. Mrs. Sauerwein Bats her workers: Mr. Saaerwein, chairman, of coin box aad container!;' Mrs, C. Donald Stalker, chairman of March of Dimes cards; Mrs. OsraM Cottar* mothers' a*anh chairman for BaUntoam; Mra. Ansette luaaa, mothers' search ehstrmaa of Elkwooa Park; Herbert Sweet, chairman Bendlx bowling league polio fund; Mro. Stephen Hoffman, literature chairman; Mrs. Oartrade Fair, Blua Crutch day conducted by the American Legtan Auxiliary, and Ernest Graf, postal donations. The) polio dance will bo ham Saturday, Feb. I, at Old Orchard Country dub. with Mr. Sauerwein as chairman. MADLYN umisnvnt 4M PtOinCT AVINUI aid assoelaltoo soet last week at tha fire house when plans ware made for a oakelsas cake sale. The chairman Is Mrs. Harold Cook. Committee sasnbers ars Mrs. John T. XsUr, Mrs. Harry eylaz, Mrs. Matthew Msllla, Mrs. Chester Humlaakl and Mrs. Har- CHARCOAL HtOniD MM STEAK CHARUY AW. Bi averpveahea' -»»»^ ' Umm**kt, Un. CUM*** %*f and Miss Mary C Kstty, Alas at Undios; were Mrs. frank Braun. Mra. Charles Burks, Mrs. Harold Cook, Mrs. Nancy Fehr, Mrs. John y. Kelly, Mrs. John B. Kelly, Mrs. Mlrtisal Mahonay, Mrs. Lawrence MasjiniT Mrs. Matt MuUIn, Mrs. Osscg* luehdala, Miss Madcs ssjtb and Mrs. Wilson. CLUNA'S nun uumt mm.v Brsoa«aw b Dinner eocfc da* CecfcasH iasihwr Leungs onioned ror a "mid-wmter brook." ts RetfandMoy. AM- Indus!** Vacation at $69 (or 2 persons anytime from January 2 Morch 29, swept February Oceonfror* decks, an* storewide Sea Bright Mayor and Mrs. Thomas FarreU of VI* Rlpa had as guests over the Christmas holidays their has returned home from Hazard son-«n-jaw and daughter, Mr. andhospital, whore he was a surgical Mrs. John 8chmttter and children of Teaneck, and their son and daurhter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FarreJl, Jr., and daughter Cathy of this place. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley of patient. Borough Cterk and Mrs. Clarence. Stevens of Center st were visited recently by their son and daughter-in-law, Capt and Mrs. Clarence Btevens and children Ocean ave. entertained Mrs. Stanley's John and Elisabeth-Ann. Capt. parents, Mr, sod Mrs. And-Stevens, who until recently was rew. Btorrer and daughter Grace of West Long Branch Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ryan and children Eddie, Susie and Mary have moved from South at, hen, to their new home In Middletown. David Robinson of New it. has returned home from the New York Medical Center, where he underwent eye surgery. Mrs. John O'Brien of Ocean ave, la a medical patient at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mrs, Arthur O. Aastsen of CLEARANCE s> Thursday. Friday & Saturday reductions 309b- 509b Clean Sweep Sale of Fashions... all from regular stock, at low, low prices! COATS SUITS DRESSES TOPPERS RAINWEAR SPORTSWEAR 113 Broad St. Red Bank Ocean ave. wui leave tomorrow for Florida, where she will vacation at Miami and Fort Pierce. Cyril Smack, Jr., of River it. stationed at mmondorf Ah- Force I, Anchorage, Alaska, now Is assigned to Lux* Air Force base, Heights and Mr. and Mra. Ruasea Scenic, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Earley of Weotvine over tlie bollday!. Stevens also had as guests for Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sonaaff James Welsh and children Amy and Robert of Sea Bright. The Stevens family held a family reunion Sunday, Dec. 30. Un. Robert Norton of Ocean ave. and Mrs. EmUe Beekman of Beach st attended a showing recently of th«movie, "Wide, Wide RETORT Or CONDITION of Tke Monhanti Tout Comptnj of Rid Bank, Monuoutk county. New J > noaober of tha Fodenl Beaervo Sy»t«m. at Ut elou o( buajneu ea Dec.. lttl. psmlahtd la acordam wit* a call made br the Con. s Mrs. Joseph akrmejc, chairman; Mrs..Oeorg* ttu, Mrs. Capp Johnson, Mrs. Wank Krrvae, Mrs. Mlesloner ef Baaklas and luurance Franklin Young and Mrs. John porauant to tae provtaloni of too Re. tiled Statute! of N.w Jemy and theforeman. Fedetal Rewire Bank of thl, diltriet The Ladles' auxiliary of tbs flra strnaat to the proviiloa of th. redoral Reierve Aet. department wm meet neat Wednesday at the Ore house. AMIT8 1. Caak. balaaem with The first aid squad ww meet other bank! Including next Monday night at squad headquarters. reaerve balancat. and ah ane la proem of eelleetloa 4,111, Stephen Rate of Center st left I. United Staiet Gov- this weak for West Palm Beach, raawat obligation!,.'& "^ soeraoteed I. OkUtstloM ef States abj QtjDsjOvVaelS OO*OB>**» I. Corporate etocka (iseluding itoek of Federal Belejve bank)... I. Loam aad dluointl Including IMS everdnfti) T. Bank prenlmi owned... IUT.«t7.8» furniture l,««t.llt. T.41«,TT4.U nd lilutu IU7.U , OUier aaaete 11, TOTAL A8SST8 I.041.IH.80. ^ LUBIUTHtT. Demmd dopmlti of indwlduali, partwr- hip! and satpora-.. U S5* "i»11.7io,il«.m 14 Tlau depmiti of In-, dlvmaali. partaarihip! and eonwrauena 1,110, Dapoalti of United SUUi GOTornmtnt (Including poaul *»» i»si>. ptpoiiu af Statw and political iubdl>li- '"R' S2T.Slt.Sl 1.UM1M1 ivasaftk 1IM7M> POSITS Othw IiakUltlM TOTAL IUTIBB ~~~ flm7f,01».70 UABI1 OAWTAl ACCOtJtlfg. Capital* 1 Us.OOO.vO U- 5R3J"*. 1- ll*,«os.e» 17 Undivided profit 171, BeccryM (and ntln-. eat acceaat for preferred eapltal) AOOO Il,l0«.0t AOCOCNTS , * This haak'a capital eonsliti of Ant preferred itoek wits tout par value ol >l> total rotlrahle valve of 111,100.00; ind common atock with total par value of 1111, MBMUSANDA. Asicli pledged or «ilsned to eecurc llahllltlei aad for other purpotoe...»..* ,100.00, (a) Losat at ihom ahova are after deduction of rcwrvoi of... (k) Bccurltlca ihowa ihove are after deduction of mervei of Wo Kenneth H MeOuo»n, Prccldent, end Alfred G. Gopel. Treasurer, of thl above-named bank do loletnnly iwear that the abuvo ctatemtnt U true, and tkit fulli and correctly represent! the true atata of tha cavcril mattan hara- In contilncd ind lot forth to the bait of our knowledge and belief. KBNNBTH H. HcQUXIN. ALTBEO G. OoVVu TreaiuiK. (18. P. DORBMU8. HARRY C. r. WORDBK, DAVID W. RUSSELL, Director!, lute el New Jerioy, Ceulr el Men Sleuth ee.t Sworn to and be- SIAL fore» thl.»lh dagr ni J.nuirr, HIT, and I herebr certify thai 1 am not «n officer or director of thli bank. Janet a. Icbaildt. Notary Public. Hi Cuuimliilon umrei Oct. as. lain. World* at the North Long Branch school. The picture was shown Arst for the regional eonference of Girt Scouts ka New York city. Mrs. Beekman is the leader of the new Bnnrnfe troop here. Miss Patricia Miller Is coleader. John Thompson of Peninsula ave. has returned home from Monmouth Memorial hospital where h«was a patient. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barley and daughters Dawn, Sheila and Rhonda of Beach st visited Mrs. Russell Earley of Wotxtbury of Center st. had as guests at a New Tears eve party, Mr. and Mrs. Capp Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Keating and Councilman and Mrs. John Carlson. The Ladles' auxiliary of the first aid squad held a Christmas party for members and friends recently when glfti were exchanged and refreshments served. The committee In charge comprised Fla. Mrs. Rare and their children Martha, Wendy and Scents will Join him later this month. The Ladles' auxiliary of the flre department held a Christmas party recently. Mrs. John Bwenson, chairman, wai assisted by a committee comprising Mra. Edgar Altaian, Miss Louise Truax, Mrs. John P. Weir, Mrs. John Oast, Mrs. James Wagner and Mrs. Frank Wallace. Mrs. Walter Covert of Beach st Is visiting har son-ln-uw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baxter and children Robert and Lois of Milwaukee, Wls. Stephen C. Raft of California, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rale of Canter st, add his sister, Miss Suzanne Rate of New Orleans, ~ a,, are horns for the holidays. The Sea, Brifht Lions club wul hold a card pasty for the benefit of the dub's welfare fund Friday. Jan. M, at» p. m. at Harry's Lobster House, Lawrence McCormtck is charms*. The Sea Bright Affiliated- Re publican club met Monday night at Harry's Lobster house, with Assessor Arthur O. Axelsen, vice president. presming. Fair Haven Ths Fair Haven public library, which was started In IMS. by Jane Covant, who has 'been librarian since s lnoeption, will b* U years old In. March, 1MT. She. reports that during 18M there were 278 new members enrolled, s juvenile and 132 adults and during the year there were 17,881 books circulated of which MM wore to juveniles and I.OT to adults. The librarian Is very ipprsclauve of ths patronage to the institution, ths mayor and council, and to those who havs made gifts to ths library. add! asl Mare aad mote people UM BJesliter ado each l»ue beeavae leialti losia falter. Advertlieniest. TMsFii«Stt*Em.8.30 Beau auli MJSi emii US* AI. 2:30 tsiirr aw«nt «,»i tun nn riw nriomt M-WMajaw) a Uartasse) T amtmbb ILVIS PRISLIY "LOVI Ml TINDIR" Ml Net Mvllet TVe ttlmstav OOHTIMUauS TRACY RONRT WAWIR CLAIM TRIVOR "THI MOUNTAIN" MIDGET RAILROAD Ml. mi SAT. ROCK ROCK ROCK Aft to Tmm" tun. MOM.. nil. WID. HAtTS THUMOAY- 'THE KING end FOUR OUEENS" PR»AY SATURDAY THRILLin "INVASION "itnyiars UAA. H PtOMNOW" SUH..MOH..TUH. "HOLD RACK THI. NMHfT" IliCAR HEATERS OPEN ALL YEAR SHOWS NrtHTLY JUUE" plus "HOT SHOTS" MB LAWMSJM 0UVIS* "R1CCA" " UNDU OP JOY'

33 BE BANK UCUm Tbmimi. jam. 1ft DEPENDABLE SPECIALS! Whole or Either Half Regular Style Oven-Ready C.election IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED IN EVERY WAY! Here*, how eaay hi. jti*t ehoow from A*F» wide of "Super-Right" meat.... poultry and wafood. If your choice docn't meuan ap in any way A4P wiu givt you Doublt Your Monty Back! MFs JPvN-llMtfy Ltfs if LM* ImtlM Sarva with Reatt Lamb Am Page Mint Jdry "SUNR.RIGHT" QUALITY FRISH CALAS Pork Shoulders *29 "SUMR.RIGHT" QUALITY Ground Beef -33* ni Mlti MMMI * "SUPIR-RIGHT" RONIUSS "SUPIR-RIGHT" QUALITY Spore Ribs SUNNYFIELD FANCY CREAMERY SALT OR SWEET Fresh Butter -67c 469 Large Egg: Prune Juice *»«-» Apple Sauce Sliced Beets Golden Corn Minute Rice Scotties Pretzels «~-. 2^ 49c Cookies MTtM «43 2^49c "SUPiR-RIGHT" QUALITY Beef 55c Loin Lamb Chops 89 49c BicomtiuEiiiwnn van wi conn vwn MV0I1 1*. 87 "SUPIR-RIGHT" QUALITY COMRINATION CHOPS» STIW Shoulder of Lamb^29 3 Ib. bag. C 2.55 torkt latod Goodtl Apple Pie Crispr. rnlilw r>-,i_l Olnamai Rtlfs Frtsh Fruiff and Fresh Pineapple Fresh Strawberries Fresh Tomatoes FTM wiitan Fanai Iceberg Lettuce HattraltbNM Dairy Values! Wesson Oil ^37c -67c Gerbers 10^99c 6'-89c IZIToiia^s^1 PrlcM affacfhra tftrmtgh Sahirday, Januaiy 12Hi, In Sna«r Markaft anal SaH-Sarvka rtorat. IU4 FrM Wntan Fa 19c Fresh Peas " *' Fna Wiitm Fa. S19c Fresh Cauliflower "29c AaPlmi Froitn Foods I Kraft's SHced Swiss ;; 41 < French Fried P.irt^. 3 U MtlO-Irt MM tawhm SN. Praou ch«.m BMsEyiOraagaJaiM... frm*weh*«ii... ::» awpaf rih Waa i«sharaumriaaisllaab ^.^ *^S1«Half's Piiaapplt MM... 2 S3* SMBI Maf m SaiajJi fincywimroln»hmm IkSS' BfMI BftMS RtfulwCirferFrnwIi Styl* f) tat. 9 WBJB^FWOI BWaJVEil VE V W H K P VRP ViV WEV V M R W AftF bfilhj ^ a>rbl_ le^trtadhillialuimm--^»«-m«banpfcaira Paa Saup BrftiiO'Oal#kiaTnipTi ^r::«* WaHtlbaiTMi cu.^ ^ 7«ilWWIaa^iOlja*lar 85«Dfraaa Pizzarttttt. OaiRkyOiiits^ ; ^ ^ T t? 1 raaiiw* "^ Oalfcifa N-.-* 2115««* **m ONata...;..:.» FlaMdarFllla! OrititBMWalMrtOaoklM NMliok't OriH* Brlak Plly Htliz. a Braaaaaai Baaf Stow... 'JTS1' All Vin#f!# IMilBavaraiai t;;^' JJ^.W Klriuwi'iBaraxSaap...! -» LMahaai Mtai Brttomllk Bittulb Swtat SkarkiM Ttllat Tlnn Sb. O-Oall-0 Val UfiM DatorgMl POP cwrtvatnlntj amj I I M fabriafl»"ftst Oolftto't AD Ajax Oh WHkMmk "" IS* 1 >lm 21* telgato's Yal Suptr Suab Datargaat Lox Tolltt Soap FortolMinrfbith J:?..25«Lix Tallat Saap A&P'S NEWEST MARKET PROSPECT AVE. & CHURCH ST.. LITTLE SILVER FRIE PARKING 121 MONMOUTH ST.. RED BANK HIGHWAY 36. KEANSBURG

34 ,tm,f,mi no IMWK mcmm Challenge of Mental Illness Program Theme MARLBORO "DM Challenge ** Mental Illness" is th«theme Of tht annual midwinter confer- DC* of tht New Jersey Asaocia- Uon of Hospital auxiliaries to be held in the new auditorium at the ftau hospital here Wednesday. This la the flnt time the eonftrence hu been held in a State mental h«pital, and the delegates will have an opportunity to see actual condition! in the hospital a* well aa be to personal contact with doctori and auxiliary volunteen who work directly with mental patient*. To face the challenge of EASY TO OWN VOUR OLA TIM* Mr MUWM m «o*nw tita> n#w GENERAL TUMLISS TN le ln tossy I* sn ey Ike eitra esfclv ef America's Ne. 1 lofel* Tin. We pay Me)»okie far row sneent lint an* t-t-r-e-t-t-h the balance le meet irewr eudset. Cam* In tedey en* 1 ne hew yew Aik eeevt o*r WTWDW HIM McMANUS t FISK, Inc. IT.» AMURY PARK <S/te Mil* Hera* ef Inul Ave.) N S-0M4 PR MM7 OMN iver* "Wit " " ^11 >. M. relay 111 T nation's "number one health problem, mental illness," the meeting h<j been designed to present a picture of developments in clinic*, In psychiatric units in general hospitals, and in state hospitals, with particular attention to the role of auxiliaries. Dr. Daniel Blain, medical director of the American Psychiatric association of Washington. D. C, will speak. Dr. Blain wrote the preface and conclusion for the recent articles in the Saturday Evening Post on the Columbus (Ohio) state hospital. The Marlboro hospital auxiliary will be hostese group (or the conference, which will be attended by about 400 delegate! from 85 member auxiliaries of state units. Mrs. Robert Kuhn of Red Bank is chairman of the local auxiliary's arrangements, assisted by Mrs. J. Berkeley Gordon of Marlboro, tours; Mils Helen Herrmann, Freehold, registration; Mrs. William Jones, Holmdel, decorations; Mrs. Laurence Taylor, Holmdel, public relations; Mrs. Morton Winer, Red Bank, refreshments; Mrs. William Zlllger, Little Silver, invitations; Mrs. James McCosker, West Long Branch, publicity and auxiliary display. Preparations are being completed for the meeting by the auxiliary through the co-operation of the Marlboro hospital staff and personnel, Dr. Gordon, medical director; Herbert O'Connor, business manager; Mn. Elna Anable, director of volunteers and music and recreational therapy, and Percy Clark, occupational therapy director. Mrs. Daniel A. Leary of Orange, chairman of the mental health committee of the state auxiliaries, arranged the program. Morning speakers will be Mrs. Arthur F Ackennan, president, Union rinrv Store For Rtnt IDEAL FOR Stationery Newspoper Uincheonette Typt lusiimss Located on boqr klftwav ear several large developments. "Traffic" store located la unit Cdl REd task t-smo of (ft* turn Jersey Assortstioo tt ttmttl Health; Dr. V. Terrell Davis, director, division of mental health and hospitals, department of institutions and agencies; Dr. Gordon; Mrs. Lewis E. Brooks, Red Bank, president, Marlboro hospital auxiliary, and Mrs. John C. Conklin, president of the state auxiliaries. Dr. Blain will speak at the afternoon session on the subject, "Is a New Era Dawning for the Mentally I?" Raymond P. Sloane, president of the Modern Hospitals Publication company, will conduct a panel in the afternoon on the role of the volunteer in mental hospitals. Participant! will be Mrs. Frank E. Dubel, Jr., of Volunteer Aides, Trenton state hospital; Mrs. John B. Green, Marlboro hospital auxiliary; Mrs, George G. Hennessy, Greystone Park association, Morris Plains, and Mrs. James W. West, Jr. Association of the N. J. Neuro- Psychiatric Institute, Princeton. Dr. Gordon said: " will be an exhilarating experience to have the conference delegates as guests at Marlboro, and we are sure that they in turn will gain insight Into the problems of mental Illnesi by their attendance at the conference." Teenage Council Diacuaaes Plana EATONTOWN The Teenags council met Thursday at th* home of Mrs. Norman TheUord. Those present included Mrs. George Peterson, Mrs. Leon B. Smock, Mrs. John Smock, Mrs. Harold Magathan, John Reuter and William Ram*ay. They studied and approved a constitution which was drawn up by the teenage club the previous week. Members also worked out a budget to submit to the recreation commission. An appeal will be made for local volunteers to help with fencing Instruction and dram* coaching. Formation of a teenage bowling group vu discussed. Hadet Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reya of Haslet-Hohndel rd., were hosts at a New Tsars eve party. Quests enjoyed dancing in the recreation room. Mr*. Paul WIeandt and Miss Helen M. MacNeice of Woodhaven, N. T., were New Tears day guests of Mr and Mrs. Ernest K. Peseux. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cronce and daughter Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cronce and family of Hlghtstown, war* Sunday guests of Ella C. Hyer of Haslet ave. Mr. and Mrs, Henry J. Warnock and son Henry have moved Into their newly-built horn* on Hulet av*. Th* auxiliary of Haslet flr* company will meet next Monday night pars u advertise as Tbe l*cts> ter. Adn " 's not too late to JOIN OUR 1957 CHRISTMAS CLUB No Entrance Fees No Charges for Non-Completion Christmas Clubs From 50 Cents to Twenty Dollars Have a merrier Christmas in 1957 knowing that you have ample funds for gift giving and other holiday needs. Start your Christmas Club at The Monmouth County National Bank. You'll never miss the little bit you put aside each week.. but how quickly it adds up.. u you'll ee when you get your check! ffcmdle of Joy' Eddie Fiihsr and Dobbio Reynolds, who (tar in 'lundle of Joy,' to bo shown it tho Carlton theater Sunday, Monday, Tutsdsy and Wodnoiday. Morgaaville Cub pack M wui visit the Planetarium In New York city Sunday, "'"he trip will be made la cars and tho group will be accompanied by Thomas Kocovsky, Thomas Antisell and Harold Quackenbush. New Tun evs guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bond, Blossom Heights, were Mr. and Mrs. John Rappel, Mr. and Mrs. Al Lovdshl and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mart. Mr. and Mn. A. E. Wellbrook of Keyport, formerly of Marlboro Gardens, entertained the following New Years eve: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kostura, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludemann, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bins;, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MacCary, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burapui, Marlboro Gardens; Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Phelan, Matawan, and Mr. and Mn. Kruett, Scotch Plains. Mr. and Mn. Rocco Dlmeo are occupying their new home at Keyport. Mrs. J. A. Brodniak, president of Robertsvllle Parent-Teacher association; Mrs. Thomas Antisell, president, and Mrs. H. C. Quackenbush, vice president of the Morganville P.T.A, met last week with Mrs. John Tergla, president of Marlboro P.T.A., to discuss plan* for a Joint meeting at which the puj : '- will be Invited to meet the candidates for Feb. 1! school board election. Mrs. Eleanor Perrlne, who has been a hospital patient, is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Selliek of West Keansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rynlewicx, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Antisell and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kocovsky attended the Craftsman's club New Tears eve party at the Masonic templa at Elizabeth. The executive committee of the Morganvllls P.TJL met in the school, with Mrs. Thomas Antisell presiding. Plans for the January meeting, when visual education will be the theme of the meeting, were discussed. A final report on tha Book Fair, held m the school last month, was discussed and tentative plans for another to be held next year were made. Another square dance for the late winter was also considered. Attending were Mn. Joseph Spurgat, Mrs. Charles U Holmes, Mrs. Marie Frei, Mrs. H. C. Quackenbush, Mrs. Fred Man and Robert Sent, principal. Holiday guests at the horn* of CHAKTE NO. MITT UBUtVE DUTUCT MO. I BEPOBT OF CONDITION ef The See Brlskt National Bsak el 8ea Bright, in tie Sttta of New Jersey, st the elom of buiiam o> See. 1151, published In response to cell suds by Comptroller ef the Currenci, under settles., U. i. Statutae. levlted I. Cask. Maaees with other banks, including: reserve balance, sad sees iteeu In protaia ef collection t 4Tt,«ll. I Unite* States Govern. sseat omintions direct and sunnnteed 1,111, I. OUIsntiona of States sal political rab. divisions - ~~. 14, Other bonds, notes debentures S.SSO.O* i. Corporate stock! (Instadias IMOO.OO stock ef federal Beierve bank) _« MoO.IS Loans end diseowts (InelndlM everdrifts _ 7ll,4*c,t4 T ieei im> owne4 a "lls.t0t.t* furniture and natures S se.4t4.e7 11. Other atcets - - _ 7.SS4.11. TOTAL ASIRI 18, * UABi: IS. Oesssnd deposits ef ladlvlduals. partnerships nnd corporation! 81,117, Tlsae deposits of Individuals, partnerships nnd corporations. Deposits of tilted atstss Goierament (Ineludins postal smlnss) 1,O17,IS1.IT I7.1.1.H IS Depaalu ef Mates and political pollteel subdivisions. So* and eeeklar's aaeck*. tc) _.._ 11, TOTAL DBrOSITS... St,l7l,IOI.I> to. Bills pe/sble. redla. eounte, end other liabilities fer borrowed.esl.t* SlTolher 'iiiibtinies""". Ml TOTAL UAUT1U Sl.tll.lll.S* CAPITAL SI Capital oeki Mr. and Mrs. Norman Janwich included Mr. and Mn. Ross Axxarello, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Russo and son Pat Gary, Mr. and Mn. Joseph Maresca and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maresca, and Mrs. Nel lie Maresca, Red Bank; Mrs. Michael Weglari and son Mlchaei, Mr. and Mn. William Stiles and daughter Patty and Mr. and Mn. Fred Weglarx, Old Bridge; Mr. and Mn. Jack Sodcn and children Allen, Karen and Rickey, Engllshtown, and Mr. and Mn. Joseph Wegieri, Sayrevllle. Mr. and Mn. Thomas Kocovsky entertained Mr. and Mn. Walter Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koetura and Mr. and Mn. Edward Lcgisr at a bridge party Saturday night. New Years dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bond of Blossom Heights wsrs Mr. and Mrs. M. Wasfaburne and children Diane, Helen and Gall of Marlboro. Birthday Party For Diane Miller KEANSBURO Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Manning pi., gave a birthday party Saturday for their daughter Plane, who was live yean old Dec. M. Children played games and prise winners were Joyce Paris, Tommy Beatty and Elsie Mae Mathews. Quests were Elena, Joann and Joseph Cappodona, Jimmy, Bonnie Bay, Cheryl and Debra Block, Jimmy and Craig Beatty, John Paris, Darlene and Chris Walling, Evelyn and Kathy Dlgert, and Colleen Carmen, Gene and Garry Scalio, Linda Bell, Joyce Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. James Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Junes T. Block, Mr. and Mn. James 8. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bryne, Mrs. Garry Scalzo and Miss Jerry Bryne. TENTH BIRTHDAY BELFORD A party was given Sunday to celebrate th* tenth birthday of Jane Loftus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Loftus, East End ave. Jane's birthday was Jan. 3. Guests Included Barbara Miller, Joan Gallagher, Deborah Oalvln, Dorothy and Michael Veneskl, Susan O'Shea, Kenneth Dunn*, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Shea, Nutlty; Mrs. Hugh Mae- Kay, Lyndhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patonac, Woodslde, L. I.; Mr. and Mrs. John Veneski, Baby. Ion, L, I.; Andrew Dunns, Hllo, Hawaii; Mrs. Gerald Dunn*, Flat, bush, N. Y., and Mrs. Lillian Oalvln, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Msrksr, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Loftus, Jr., and Peter Dunn*. ActivftitM Cronp Plans Dance The tfetra w a ssrtes of Informal partis* uvder the sp eorship of th* eammanity activities committee of Congregation Bnal Israel w<u be dance Saturday night, Fsb. t, at Molly Pitcher hotel. Pete Galatro'sj orchestra will puy for dancing. A prominent member of the congregation will be honored at a "This Is Your Uf«* program. Irving Diauncnd and Edward Straus er* chairmen of th* event, assisted by Seymour Friedman, Nat Josett and Mrs. Philip Waldman. Mrs. Samuel Witt is ticket chairman. Jack Winters is aommantty aetivitia* committee chairman. Alsa asrving wlil b* Mrs. Norton Kroagelb. Mrs. Malvln Ooodman, Mia, Murray Rosen, Mrs. Edwin Llehtlg, Mrs. William L Klateky, Mrs Samnal Feilshua, Mn. Albert Fink, Mrs. Irving Rubin, Mr*. Samuel Cotenoff, Mrs. Milton Sotemon, Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon, Dr. David Sklar, Drthert Mammen, Israel Breslow, Dr. Lsstsr SwarU, Allen Avchen, David SUbersteln, Harold Goldberg, Louis Ooldfarb and Morris D. Shlpkin. ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP INSTALLATION 4 REPAIRS STOP RULI SNATCHING Irigbton Up Your Homt Wltn GENERAL LAMPS UP IANK WHIT1 STMJT. UP 1AMK U» OUI IASY CHAMH PUN M/GHTy-MAC ONUS EVENT Of THE SAVE $410 In this one«-a-ytar tale of the most desirable Mtghty-Mac styles. Not a stock-reducing sale. Net a clearance. ALL NEW MERCHAN- DISE... planned and tailored in the famous MISHTY-MAC quality manner. Select your jacket from over ten different styles, in sizes from 6 to 20, Huskies from 10 to 16. JOE«RIG uaiimiv s*.s* Sturdy all-wool Mae Molten with tho warm Tinton collar that converts to a hood... slash pockatt... dotaehablo back bait and alasticixtd tides for parfact fit... plus oxtra haavy duty zippar. In gray, siz*s I to' 16. O**a FrMay Ivn Ti f JOt-Ww THE MIGHTY CHRYSLER Most glamorous ear In a gonoraflon Want to pass a car or a truck on tho highway? You don't have to kick tho throttle to the floor. Just touch lightly...and Want to get out in front when the light goes green? Relaxl ZOOM I Count five, then toe the throttle. You'll still be out there alone. JL MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL RIO BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation RED BANK LITTLE SILVER / KEYPORT / ENGLISHTOWN AN OffkM Ope* 4:30 to 1:00 P. M. a* Friday SVIN0) THI COMMUNITY FOR MOM THAN 92 YIARS COUNTS 81 Aaeeu»l«4«ad ar as- Isned tet saeare lleblll- Ues end 'er other pur- I.U4,7t7,7t 170, rawr 1, Beben I. Loakwood bsve-nasied bask, de ood solesulir Mahler ef swear the Directors. Sute! New Jereey, Cetuty ef Me*. Sworn to sad eubserlseel fte- 8BAL fore me this 7th day of Jsnuery. 1117, and I hereer eertlfr that 1 an not an officer er dlresur ef this bank Notary ruelle. ' nplles Aus. XI. 1M7. Mifhtv fat power... but ad^uessy to control, too! That's the performance story of the new 1957 Chrysler. A superb aew sirplsne-type \4 engine that dardops np to SIS horsepower teams with a new TorqueFlito trans- Mission, pushbutton operated. This powerful eomblnslion gives you a ltwe ew bl-velodty getaway from standing starts, great reserve power for psseing when yon need it and velvety smoothness. Yes, this 1957 Chrysler is every bit the streak of a ear it looki to be. Come in and test it for yourself... compare it with any of the other new cars (or power, perfomanoe, comfort and looks. More people than ever before an switching to Chrysler, and that putt as in etoebmt trading position to give yon the best of deals on your old ear. nketnted b the Caiysjar N*w Yerkar Door Hardtop. The dasl besdhshte, aew persnluible la all states, ar* eottsaal eimlpeasstt. MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS W. front Street R«d Bank r

35 INoted Author To Speak Here Dr. 8. Andhtl Flnebcrf, rabbi, ducator and human nl&uoni analyst-author, will»ddreu Congregation Baal Israel at a meeting at the synagogue at t:15 p. m. tomorrow. Hl«topic will be The Jew Other* Bee Him." Community relations consultant on the staff of tht American Jewlah Committee (A.J.C.), Dr. Fineberg has worked for the V. 8. State Department in West Germany and in London, among other places, for toe improvement f human relatiena. during BED BAXK REGISTER Thurtdty, Jan. 10, Sensational Bonus Days... Gelling to know the* KITCHtN GARDEN GRAND UNION PAYS OFF for YoaHOMESTEAD Books Dr. Flneberf hat written, including" "Overcoming- Ai emltism" and "Punishment Without Crime," have been used a* standard works in the study of tht solution of interracial and interreliflous problems. Hit writing* about the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; atom-epy ease, Including t Readers' pigett article, were used by the State Department around the. world kv outlining the cue. At the time Oswald KOMleY* Fascist Union's was growing in power, Dr. FJneberg was ealled to London to deal with the matter. He act up a technique for dealing with rabble-rouser* which he called th» "quarantine treatment." ' ' Former president of the Jewlah Community Relation* Worker*' association, made up of national and local Jewish agencies, he li a member of the board of the National Association of Inttrgroup Relations Officials. Mayor Appoints Planning Board RARITAN TOWNSHIP-leay. or Harry P. Seamen appointed the seven-member planning board Friday night, and it Is expected the board will hold s organisation meeting this month. Appointed were Orvllle Edgecomb, Hazlet, one year; Ml** Janet H. Smith, Pools ave., two yean; Cliffcrd S. Schneider, West Keaneburg,'- three yean, and John Biehor, Haatat, <feur year*. The statute prorlifcifvttor planning, boards alto adit for the selection of three publle official*, one of whom must be the mayor, another a member of the township committee and a publle official. In accordance with' the ttatute, I Mayor Seamen, Commltteeman Anthony Delfeio and Road Superintendent Robert O. Weigand art the three other membtai. The terms of The four members from the general publle are tot to expire in Meteedlng yearn at tint to that their tubtequent four- I jeer term* win continue to come in succeeding years. The committee Introduced an ordinance regulating trailer camp* and limiting the number I to eight. The ordinance follow* the recent application for a trailer camp on Middle rd, between Laurel and Union ave*., which drew a, petition of opposition from 45 residents who claimed tuch a eamp would devaluate their properute. Pa8t«ar Given LINCRdfT A congregational meeting and farewell party wart held last wee* at Lincroft Community church for Rev. Howard Johnson, who it leaving tht church. He was presented a gift from the church, Sunday school I and Ladles' JUeTetclety. Dr. Johaee* and Mrs. Johnson I expressed their' appreciation for the cooperation $at had been shown during hid pastoral earvice here. A new trustee appoint, ed was Kenneth Jones, to replace Rudolph Clcchettl. At the conclusion of the butt- [ atta meeting, refreshments wart I'served. Those present were Mr. and I lira, John Mauser, Mr. and Mr*. Chariot SchwarU, Mr. and Mr*. Donald Hoffman, Mr. and MM. Stanlty StUwtU, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Rowley, Mr. and Mr*. I Kenneth Jonea, Mr. and Mr*. L Charles Conovtr, Mr. and Mr*, [Harry Stylai, Mr*. Jack Slockhart, Mrs. C O. Hayes, Mrs. William Smack, Mln Evelyn Layton, Edward StUwell and Jay Duncan. Ortrov Elected to Colleges' Who's Who Harold J. Ostrov, son of Hn I Rae Ottrov of New Tork, former- I ly of Red Bank, hat betn elected I to membership In tht U6T edition I of "Who's Who In American Col- kges and Universities." Election to the edition I* bated I on outstanding work done on col- I lege campuses, excellence aid tinleerlty In tchelanbip, leadership land activities. To be eligible a I student must' maintain a "B" I average. Mr. Ostror, a Junior at OMaho- Ima City university majoring In.Industrial art* education, I* preel- Idem of BptUon PI Tau honorary I fraternity, a member of tht ttu. I dent ttnate, dean'* honor roll and president of the Induttrltl ArU I club. He la a graduate of Red Bank high ichool. He I* married to the former I Marilyn Lowenberg, daughter of 1 Mr.»ml Mr«. On»(»vo,l.ow«nbcrg I of Hudlsn eve., Red lank. I J on Top Quality Foods SAY! LABELS on Grand Union's Own Brandt GRAND UNION FRUIT COCKTAIL FRESHPAK PORK and BEANS M4VEIETUIAI 2-1 STYLE GRAND UNION em em tfl GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 23 1 GRAND UNION CRUSHED PINEAPPLE FRESHPAK STYLE CORN 227 FRESHPAK CHUNK STYLE TUNA ~ n Here Are a Few of The Additional ems On Which Bonus Stamps Are Available FOODS CANNED FOODS FROZEN FOODS Kitchen Garden Pineapple diunks» ~~35# Freshpak Cut Asparagus Spears "»«.«. 29* Kitchen Garden Cur Corn 2 * *» 31# Sausage Meat Kitchen Garden Whole Kernel Corn 2"~ 31* Freshpak Cherries * - «* *23«Kitchen Garden Peas 3» " 47«Kitchen Garden Elberta Peaches * - & Freshpak Mushrooms»-««<" <»«29# Kitchen Garden Cut Wax Beans 2 ll «-"*39«Grand Union Asparagus Tips "** - 35* Freshpak Tomato Juice Grand Union Green Beans * * Ifc Freshpak fink Salmon Grand Union Lima Beans «"»»'*-*»-*-23# Freshpak Evaporated MHk Grand Union Sweet htttoet* ^'«f 23# Freshpak T«mato Soup 6rand Union Sauerkraut a \;2 *h«25# Freshpak Instant Coffee Grand Union Whole Peeled Apricots --23* Rialto Tomatoes Freshpak Leaf Spinach 2 N ~-*29«Homestead Cut Green Beans SflVe MoiMy On Top Quality Dated -Bached By BondMeaU LEGS OF LAMB GENUINE DOMESTIC REGULAR STYLE DMifatjl ummn^m NH «M SlMrt nputppi^ StHMk. Styia F SMOKED SHOUIDERS > BEEF STEW SAUIWS DOG FOOD Cenfadbw Tomato Paste 10* Tea WflH# Role) Tea Bags Urn. i MEMHJM * * 49 7M. SYRUP AUNTJIMIMA FROZEN FISH «"- c "27# Kitchen Garden Baby Lima Beans 2 - «-- 43# Cod Fillet W5S!!M '* '*-^33, Kitchen Garden Asparagus Saew *fl. H.._ k - { y Jim I«A e.. UN 38, _ Kjtdien Garden Cauliflower 2»*» 47» naaaocn nner ut*ht wn * 3«** 29# French Fried Potatoes ^*-» trt - ; 2 t ***39«Flounder Fillet ««-»"49# Grand Union Chicken Pie 2 l *» t»<9# p L e-ii f tmd Uabe I Ik 2H Grand Union Turkey Pie 2'»-»49. rercn rnier / 2 m-.«m 25, Grand Union Beef Pie 2 l<l ' k H9< Fish Sticks Zu'w»r i& TOP QUALITY This Low Price Pits "TMPLf'S" M Stamps. IMITATION PANCAKE HOUR 2,3 3 FRUHMADI NANCY IYNN FIRM TYPI Butter - 67/ Bread!?." U J 23< CANNON TOWIU o» 4. H', soon On Fresh Produce Mclntosh Apples Sthdai ^ L ^Q> He.orU aft k aft 7'- BIOCCOU Nidstfj VaNty KMnPtOCBS OLD ENGLISH CHEESE; 39 MAFTrtOCMS Otiaiity Male) L*v««BROWN N EGGS WITH TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS MCI aorta CANNON WCHIN towiu in Oft-1 IOOK tlb.l3ei.$«y2» pig. I CANNON COMUfUN NKA'I SMtTI. I 1,2 IOOKI 's Color Stf* OXYDOL CURIAINI tt" - 71". " NOTM I 1 ''- Heinz Tomato Soup 3 " M " 35* Heinz Pickles *-> <*«.*«Heinz Cider Vinegar ranej Unlan Oroctry Price* Hfoctlvt Ttturi., Jan. 10th thru Wee]., Jan. 16ih - Meal, Produce * Dairy Wectlve Trwri., Jan. lolh thru Sat., Jan. 12th. VISIT YOUR TRIPUtS RINMPTION CINTIR AT 712 MAIN STRUT, Rf ANSIURQ). X ofttnar CALGON OPEN FRIDAY TIL f t. M CLOSID ALL DAY MONDAY in. F.F.V. Lemon Thins pka. 0 1 Carolina Irene) Long Grain Rice 16 oi. O< WESSON OIL Coffee **«"-'JM. W Paper «" «"" 25* NfrCal leverages 2^21* FehrUprha.',::;:,.32* li NtsHx h eh 4 ^^ 34' We Rettrve the Riant U limit Quantltita. New Jtrsey Slot* Highway 36, Keansbutg. Optn 'til 9 P. M.tyn.,Tues., Wed. an^h Thursday. Fit 'til 10. Sat. "tflft. \

36 86 Thnndtr. Jan. 10, 1957 Gas Pump Hit, Set Ablaze LITTLE BILVER A gasoline pump at Sandy's service station. Branch and Sycamore «v*«, w««eet afire about 4:19 a. m. Monday when wu hit by a skhding ear driven by Miss Barbara Kuhl, member of the Salvation Army In Providence, R. I. HIM Kuhl, a former Red Bank RED BANK REGISTER resident, was maid of honor later that day at a wedding in the Salvation Army's citadel in Red Bank. She WIK issued a lummona by Patrolman Walter Stearni tor careless driving. Police Chief Fred Zieglir quoted Miss Kuhl as saying that she w»«traveling' south on Branch ave. at about 20 mllea per hour when the car suddenly went out of control. wu snowing at the time. The flre company was called to extinguish tbt blaze. There's real opportunity at BENDIX for SENIOR DRAFTSMEN minimum of 5 yean experience In layout design and the detail! of casting!, ahtct metal, plastics and allied parte, JUNIOR DRAFTSMEN minimum of 1 year experience sr S yeare of drafting in an accredited school. TECHNICAL WRITER Experienced preferred but not neeeistry. Uust have a good knowledge of baale electricity and mechanics. Alto the ability to write clean and concise English for Instruction manuals. BENDIX, a recognized leaderahip in the electronic; Held and the continuing research and development necessary to keep ahead of today"! need In electronics make the Red Bank division of Bendbt aa excellent place to work for anyone interested in be- oming a part of the electronic industry. WRITE OR CALL tho employment manager for further information BENDIX AVIATION CORP. HIGHWAY 38 EATONTOWN d Anniversary For DAR Chapter SHREWSBURY Shrewsbury 'owne chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, marked its 22d anniversary at a meeting Monday at Old Christ Episcopal church parish house here. Mrs. Walter Fullman of Princeton, state society chairman for the D.A.R. museum in Washington, D. and regent of the Princeton D.A.R. chapter, discussed the museum's activities and program. She pointed out that the museum was started in 1890 and told of ita One collection of early American glass, most of which was made in glass factories in South Jersey. Mrs. Fullman alto said that state DAR. chapters are railing funds to restore the gown worn by Mr*. Benjamin Harrison when her husband was inaugurated aa the nation's Ud president Mr!. Duataa Allaire, regent, and Mrs. Daniel B. Olson will be delegates to the national DAR. Mth Continental Congresa in Washington, D. C, the week of Apr. 4. Alternates elected were Mrs. John Wright, Mrs. Harry Martin, Miu Florence Hight and Hn. Horton B. Garrison. The chapter will hold its annual inebt for DA.R.-a p p r o v e d school*, a dessert-bridge and bake ale, Feb. 21 at 1:30 p. m. at Trinity Episcopal church parish hall in Red Bank. Mra. Edwin K. Reed la chairman. A card party for the benefit of Hannah Baldwin society, Children of the American Revolution, which la ponsored by the chapter, will be held Wednesday, Jan. 16, at Mri. Martin'! home in Shrewsbury. Mra. Borden introduced a new member, Mra, Ferdinand A. Straw. A patriotic program will be feaured at the meeting, Monday, Feb. 4,. at 8 p. m., ait the Eplecopal parish house here. Mri. Sherman I. Strong, Mri. Harold C. Hancock and Mis* Margaret Borden will be in charge, The tea table had a large birthday cake, decorated with D.A.R. symbols In patriotic colon, as the centerpiece. Hostessei were Mri. Borden, Mrs. Walter C. OuptU and Mm. Ortrude VinVHet, Helping Circle Elects Officer* COLT'S NECK Officer! were elected at a recent meeting; of the Helping Circle, held at the home of Mra. Everett Matthews. Miei Margaret Sicklei was eohoiteis with her lister. Mri. WU Uam Thompson, Sr., presided. Sleeted were Mra. Charlei El- Hi, president; Mra. Annie Buck, vice president; Mra. John Sherman, secretary; Mri. Warren Gerow, treasurer, and Mra. R. D. Heulltt, chaplain. The circle planned a food sale and clam chewder sale for Tuesday, Feb. S, In the Reformed chaptl. Attending were Mn. Lewis Snyder, Mrs. William Nickau, Mrs. E. C. Fitch, Mrs. Charlei Flock, Mri. A. C. Buck and Mra. Joe Foster. Stern Concert Tonight Ticket! aro told out for tho Isaac Stern concert to bo presented tonight at tho Ctrlton theater, Red Bank. Tho concert by Mr. Starn, a noted violinit, it being sponsored by the Monmouth Arts Foundation, inc., in connection with the Civic Music association. All seat* for the event were told last fall during tho annual tubteription drive. Tho concert it tho tecond in a teriei of four to bo presented hero during tho current teeton. Referred to at a "great mutical artist," Mr. Stern it tho only major violinit whose treining it exclusively American. He hat performed throughout the world. Couple Mark Fiftieth Year LITTLE BILVER Mr. and Mra. Fred Boice of Middletown rd., New Monmouth, marked their 50th wedding anniversary yeeterday at a celebration given in their honor by their eon and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Austin D. Boice of Klng'i rd. tin. Boice ia the former Winifred Austin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mri. Robert Austin of Red Bank. Mr. Bolce la the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ira Boiee of New York city. The couple were married in Red Bank and have lived all their married life in Monmouth county. Mr. Bolce I* retired. Both are member! of the New Monmouth Baptist church. Austin Bolce is the couple'i only child. semi-annimal CLEARANCE SNOWSUITS JACKETS SURCOATS COAT SETS DRESSES PAJAMASAMAS M MOAD ST. cmmrm at savings of 209b- 50*> I'S wtor SKRTS HOUSIS POLO SHRTS 1OYS 1 AND MANY 01 OTHER ITEMS * RnkM tin exmi M)M NHH SUCKS 1OYS' SHRTS MRMUDA SHORTS FUNNEL GOWNS AIMMHMI SIZES 3-oX 7-14 PRE-TEENS CHILDREN'S WEAR OF DISTINCTION M0 IANK, N. JL Pays to Vm Classified Display JANUARY APPLIANCE VALUES! 1 WW MONMOUTH MEATS QUALITY MEATS FROM SELECTED GENUINE STEERS & FRESH KILLED POULTRY 110 Monmouth St. J 92 1 PH:H Bl I JFk Red Bank STEAK ROASTS Ke Fat AddeeVTendc EYE ROUND 69: SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE CROSS RIB TOP SIRLOIN TOP ROUND Prime Cnta-T Inch RIBS of BEEF 49s ruuv TMMMM MM TMM «Will OUT 14 I*, avo. MLUI Ma) MY TO tmct CENTER CUT ROUND STEAK win* MMUINB Lew nd Ifevorful CHUCK GROUND KISH RA0I UUID "A" FRYING CHICKENS 25 The NEW C-E FILTER-FLO WASHER now with... WASH SKIDSI SUM SHIM ^MB CHMB #t RcntNl 9t 9WV mmk speeds, Neimal «i Slew aato speeds er e n eemblaa- Hea te sail tar WMkeik lihrlctl CLEARANCE NEW 1956 UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHER CHOICE LEAN VEAL CHOPS COMBINATION SHOULDER of LAMB 5* 4 US. HUSH, HAN. CHOPPED MIF 4 US. FLAVORFUL SHORT RS MIF 5 US. TOP QUALITY FRANKJURTIRS 1 US. LIAN. SUCK IACON 4 US. WILSON'S SILVUMILL OLIO 3 US. HOMIMAM SAUSAftl MIAT 2 0Or FRISH, LARftl 4 US. MIF UVIR US. N«S PORIFUT 29 Ib GENUINE SPRING LEG of LAMB Ib SWOTS PREMIUM SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS Ib ASSORTID COLD CUTS FRISH MAM KIUJD "A" CAPONS 35^ = T FOWL 27^ HINDQUARTER OF BEEF AVEHAOK WEIGHT 170 LBS. Contains Porterhouse and Nlrloln Ntc«li«, Top Sirloin»nd Top Round Roast or Hteik, Bottom and Ejre Round Koaata, Cube Hteaka, runk Steak, mia, KMaer, Fat ana Bon«a r ib MON., TUBS. * WED. ONLY FOR HINDQUARTERS Custom Cut ^B» y _ and Wrapped MM BT J C M ONLY ' SAW '101* Model 46ON BEG. I7M6 Blr eapaclty. fidljr automatic. HO UMT K B ON CMIMtJI List is ttappsd in &ltsr. Sand ud soip tcum are lutomiticaur lo (IT* you eleuer dotluel 411 MSI WOHMtfUi o Over 50% nondotoet capacity that MM? etheranlocuticel e C-E Aetintor Wishing ArtioB e Water Saver for rail) load* e»» or Cold Rinse* e Full-width luorctcent limp e Extra-Urge openinf (or eiiicr lotdini and «nlo«dia e 5-Year Warranty on ecaled-in tranamlstioa e Yow choice of lovelv C-E Mii-or-Meteb eolon AMHAllt WITH NCMf AUTO/MAC SWS KfTMM SrSTlMI Stt US TODAY/ QUANTITIES GET THEN NOW MOMU MAID Eatontown Television.HWAY!', FATONTOWN 40ptn Daily 9 A. M. to 10 P. M.

37 COLT'S HBCK-LouU Causby Marlboro, Issued summonses IT mftcr hii car was Involved an accident on the Freeholdnton Fall! rd., m fined t35o Atlantic Townibip Magistrate er J. Edwardsen Tuesday, jsby waa fined I20O (or caredrlring, and 1180 (or driving nil* on th«revoked lut. The I were issued by Troop- Raleigh Knapp of the atate > le«barrack* at Wirewebury. KSANBBURG Plans were made (or a rummage aale to be held by the auxiliary of the Veterana of Foreign Wan post and to assist tho men at a dance later in the winter at a meeting Fri- Earl E. Dix, Jr., Freehold, day. Mr*. William Aalbue donated a prize which waa won bypany division of the Garrett Corp., member of the Air Cruisers com- Mri. Loretta Peloae. Mrs. Es-Belmartelle Rita was hostess. The birth- processes in a talk before the discussed manufacturing days and wedding anniversaries Uons club here Tuesday. of some of the member* will b* Mr. Dix laid the Lions his firm celebrated at the meeting Jan. IT. You Can Always Ba Sura of a Hearty Walcoma We cordially Invite you to drop by with your (rltnds and enjoy our gracious hospitality and th* relaxing atmosphere. Good fellowship, good food, good drinks... everything here will make you feel you've found a second home. FULL COURSE LUNCHEONS FROM 1.00 FULL COURSE DINNERS FROM I.SO MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL rtfco Attaatk M MVBMIBt AVL RIO BANK. N. J. MYRON P. KOZICKY AND ASSOCIATIS HIGHWAY 35 EATONTOWN OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PRE-SEASON FERTILIZER SALE* Mb. BM I Mh.Baf g.h.g Beg. HENCE POSTS ~ 45' OVHUTOCKK ON WHIUJAMCWS Talk on IndustryPsychologist Heard by lions Quits Fort Job was organised as Air Ships, Inc., in New York state in 1W0, later moving to East New York and then Clifton. There, he said, more than employ"* made Inflatable blimps. Garrett Corp. took over the company In 1W4 and relocated it at the Monmouth County airport, Wall township, when it produces a variety of ems for aviation and general Industry. These include plastics and fabrics and such products as helicopter floats, life rafts and Hfe Jackets. There are about M0 employees there. William A. Fluhr of the program committee Introduced Mr. Dix. Robert H. Malda, president, conducted the session and led In a moment of silent prayer In memory of George W. Bray, Red Bank's former assessor and past president of the club, who died Monday. Introduced aa guests were Morris E. Tuller, Worcester, Mass., and Ralph Stockdale, Freehold. A letter from th* Salvation Army was read thanking member* for help la manning the Christmas kettle*. Philip B. Bailly reported on the Christmas party th* Lions held for boys at the Jamesburg state home. At its next meeting, th* club Will hear Harvey D. Leuin, West Long Branch, district manager of th* Chamber of Commerce of the U. 8., discuss "What Congress Anticipate* to Do with the Hoover Report at This Session, and What Mean* to the Average Taxpayer." - HER*- JS AN -OPPORTUNITY TO E*WOY REAL SAVINGS ANttMeKELVEY QUALITY. ALL ITEMS FROM? OUrl GULAR STOCK OF NATIONALLY-KNOWN MERCHANDISE!! SEALY NATURAL-REST MATTRESS Designed for healthful sleeping, this truly fine mattress has been reduced for flealy's 7(tb Anniversary. Rwg.$ 9J0 NOW MA' K SnUNw 4Pc - T<3T 3-Pc. LIVING ROOM SUITE HIGH QUALITY CONSTRUCTION $M this full-iiie, two-cuihion tola and two comfortamo matching chain designed^ for contemporary living and covered In tilltmtlio ttain-roiiitant tweed. Only tofa and one chair pictured. An outitanding valuo. All three pieces only MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE eit, Dretier and Mirror, Nito Table and full-die 'anal led. From a famous manufacturer, this suite it built to last. Dovetail construction end center guides on all NOW ovawert, plate glass mirror, all ONLY $156. cases corner blocked and glued. EXTRA-SPECIAL LUXURIOUS RECLINING CHAIR Tor th* altlmat* In comfort, M Mid sit I tali lumrious reclining ehalr. Covtred In dnrabu BoluHu far rnn f wear. NOW $6995 JANUARY CARPET SPECIAL! GULISTAN'S Famotu Btain-re$i$tmt TWEED BROADLOOM No need to worry now about spots and stains, moths or fading. Made of new colorfest "Kromeset" yerns, this marvelous, new eerpet literally sheds steins. See it now in three gorgeous tweed color combinations. R«g $6.95 iq. yd. NOW of Freehold Salesroom* /or Guiiften's Famous Rug$ Made in FT hold And for Fin* Furniture from Amtrica't fieri Utktri 21 WEST MAIN STREET, FREEHOLD, N. J. tore Houn. Monday thru Saturday 1.00 A.M. to 5:JO P.M. \ '* OpM Prlaky* I* P. H-> sq. yd. rt., HILL nicbhold NBAR OVR STORE F»i Wttklr Dtllvirr Within 10 Milts of (tort Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goldeberry, Sr, held open house (or (riends New Years eve. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of South Amboy and Mrs. Thelma FORT MONMOUTH A psy-wilsochologist, with over 15 years ex- John T. Wilson of Oceanport ave. of Keyport visited Mr*. perience in his field, is returning Monday. to "an old and honorable trade" Mrs. Stella Gibson ha* returned taught him many years ago byto her home on Main at. after his father. Vincent L. Migliore of Union ave., Long Branch, personnel relation* officer since 1951, has resigned his position here to enter the butcher business a* partner of Fred Trovate. op»r«t!nj! Fred's market at 89* Broadway, Long Branch. Vincent U MlgUarc At official ceremonies honoring him on his departure, MsJ. Gen. Victor A. Conrad, post commander, presented him with a citation lauding his "outstanding performance" and his "deep personal Interest, initiative and sound Judgment" in inaugurating and implementing a comprehensive employee relations program. holiday dinner guests, Mayor and Mn. Edward C. Wilson, 8r., Mrs. John T. Wilson, this place, and Mn. Raymond B. Barnes, Mr. and Mn. John M. Barne* and daughter Susan of Long Branch. Mn. Florence Schell of the local post office staff is confined Mr. Migliore was graduated (rom St. Peter's preparatory home by illness. school, Jersey City, and (rommiss Sheila Goldsberry, who la Villanova university, where he attending school In Syracuse, N. received hi* BA. and M.S. de-y.grees. He also attended Harvard parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O. spent the holiday with her university, and is a member of Goldsberry, Sr., of Oceanport ave. the New Jersey Psychological association and the American Cath- visiting her son and daughter-in- Mrs. John Biel of Main st Is olic Psychological association. law, Mr. and Mn. Frederick Biel During the last war he served of Milford, Conn. In the Army In military career Douglas Forbes, a student at guidance. Later he became vocational psychologist (or the Veterday at hi* horn* on Oceanport Lehigh university, spent the holian* Administration. He was also ave. employed In the same capacity at Mr. and Mn. Charles Gulllaudeu of Maple ave. entertained re- Beton Hall university (or three years prior to Apr., 1951, when he came to Fort Monmouth. If r. Migliore learned the butcher trads while still a youngster (rom Ms (ather, the late Frank Migliore, cently for Capt. and Mn. Arthur Mason, Miss JoAnn and David Mason, Mn. Margaret Hughes, Master Sergeant and Mrs. Robert Byram and children Barbara, who waa proprietor o( the Tommy and Timmy; Miss Helen Transfer market*, a chain In Jersey City. The (amlly have "mads Katy and Gregory Covert, Mr. Gulllaudeu, Mrs. Grace Covert, their summer home at the shore and Mr*. Floyd Gullladeu and (or more than three decades. son Floyd, Jr., Howard Guillaudeu and Mn. Vtrna Throckmor- Mr. Migliore 1* being succeeded in his position her* by William ton. P. Diviney. (ormerly assistant The Thimble club met yesterday at the home of Mn. Edward civilian 1 training officer since July, C. Wilson, Sr., 274 Oceanport ave, Mr. Dltiney has handled personnel relations (or the Army and ADULT SCHOOL OPENING the Veteran* administration since LONG BRANCH Registration entering Civil Service over nine for the Long Branch Community years ago. He is a graduate ef Adult school la being held tonight Fordham votveralty aa* Fordham and not Thursday night from 7 Law school. He was admitted to to t o'clock at th* Long Branch the New.Tork state bar in 1034high school. The term will begin and practiced law In Long Island City (or ten year*. He and hi* family, consisting of his wife and seven children, will shortly move into their new home In Wans- Red Banker Hit. Hydrant, GeU Summons LITTLE SILVER Wesley A. Hughe* of 18 Willow at, Red Bank, was given a summons (or careless driving after the ear h* was driving struck a Ore hydrant at Branch and Sycamore ave*. about 10:15 p. m. Sunday. Police Chief Fred Zleglar said Hughes told police he was forced off the road by a car coming in the opposite direction. Monmouth Consolidated Water company had to be notlfled. Keaniburg Oncers of Raritan grange were Installed Thursday by Donald Conrow, deputy from Farmingdale, at- Odd FeUows hall, Kayport. The fifth birthday of Grace Malley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malley of Laurel ave., West Xeansburg, was celebrated Tuesday by member* of the family. Dennis Kirchner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kirchner, Hudton ave., West Keansburg, observed his sixth birthday Sunday at a family party. Airman First Class and Hn. Charles W. Curchin of Littl* Rock, Ark., have returned home after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mr*. John W. Kronenberger and family of Main it. A party was given Friday for Joanne Lopes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lopes, for her IMA birthday. Present were Chrittin*, Louise and Peter Kiel*, Tvonn* Fernandez, Kathleen Toung, Patricia Sheppard, Bar- Thomas Coffleld, Bernard Keelan, Ronald Klrwan, Thomas Scabett and John Kitaon. A card party will be held Feb. 14 by the Women's Independent league at St. Mark'* Episcopal pariah hall. Mrs. George Shipley, Mrs. Charles Kovaci, Mrs. Donald Blaiuoci, Mrs. John Hughes, Mn. Peter Raff* and Mn. Albert Harpottllan are co-chairmen. A spring dance will be held in April with Mrs. Marlon Croken as chairman. The plans were made at a meeting Jan. 2 at St. Mark's pariah hall. FBIBNDLY NI0HTER8 MEET. M R I M O N M OUTH Mrj John Powell, Brainard ave., entertained members of the Friendly Nlghters club Monday. Mrs. Alex Saulckl was presented a birthday gift and caks from her secret pal. The next meeting will be at the horn* of Mrs. Helen Thacke, Murray lane, Keansburg. Others attending were Mr*. Frank Bishop, Mm. John J, Malley, Mia. Albert Allen, Mra. Joseph Dorl. Mrs. Russrll Wyckoff, Mia. Raymond Rlohm'dson, Mr*. Giant Metzgpr, Mn. Kenneth Smith, Mr*. Floyd Hotvoll and Mis. Julia Maiuroski. 1 spending the holidays with relative* out of town. Mayor and Mrs. Edward C. Wilson, ST., of Oceanport ave. celebrated their JKh wedding anniversary Dec. SI. Mr. and Mn. Howard McGinty of Matawan visited Mn. McC.lny's mother, Mrs. John T. Wilson, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van- Brackle have returned to their home at 100 Main St. after spending th* holidays with their sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mn. Edward C. Wilson, Jr., of Hlaleab, Fla. Miss Barbara Cornea of Comanche dr. has returned home from Ifonmouth Memorial hospital where she waa a patient the past two weeks. Mrs. Ruth Sullivan and Mrs. Hannah Bennett of Asbury Park recently visited Mrs. Bennett's ulster, Mr*. John T. Wilson of Oceanport ave. Allan Gornee ef Comanche dr. 1* a medical patient in Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mrs. Arthur R. Mason of Maple av*. is visiting her brother and sutor-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanNots, ef Birmingham, Ala. Miss) Juanita Forbes, a student at Allegheny college, Pa, is spending tiie holiday! with her mother, Mn. Eleanor H. Forbes of Oceanport ave. Mr. and Mn. Morton A. Barnes of Sea Girt ave. had a* their Jan. 34 and continue through Mar, 28. pain U sdwtls* la * leg Met. AtfveiUteajeal 21/3 QT. WHISTLIN* TEAKETTLE y R«Mrs) Wars) Rifj. $1.50 $398 3 Stainless steel with eopper bottom. o I J-,, l*h Uaaai wpssj snbsnsnsj* nj n e e* JACOBS HARDWARE Car. Bars** PI. 41 saiewewj Av*. 4VMM Orattfibiu* plp«makm Mlf right tu horoton th«farm or ftnywhera where troublt-free pip* ncrvlec is needed for houii to uwir or houw to septic tink conntetiom, downipouti and othir non-pr«iiur» UMI. Onci Inatftlltd, it'i In for lift. Taptrwtld Coupi Inge prevent )ki, kmp out roots. Orange bun ' tough m*terl»l givei lait* Ing protiitlon agalnit cracki or bnaki due to toil HttUment. Low In «oat, light weight, Mtlly Init tied. G«t perforated trp«for ieptlc tank dla* poinl, foundation dralm, field drainage, L«t us uipplr you with... ORANGEBURG RKV OOT'HtOOP Wt Couple Mark 25th Wedding and Mr. and Mrs. Ivana Voorhees. ant, a daughter Jtwtn, employed Mr. and Mn. Harvey are theaa a secretary for the Bendix parents of five children. Twin Aviation. Katontown. and another daughter Alice, a registered FREEHOLD Mr. and Mrs pirla ; BMty and Barbara, who Nicholas J. Harvey of rt. 34. jwill be graduated from Red nurse on the nursing staff of Vandenburff, wpre tendered a IBank Catholic high school in Kiverview hospital. Alice will become the bride of N'orman F. wedding anniversary dinner j June, a son John, employed by Thursday niglit by their five I Western Electric in Point Pleaa- Schlaack, Jr., Juno 29. children at Country inn. I Attending were Mr. and Mr*. John J. Bennett, Mrs. Margaret Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bublin, Mr. and Mra. Edward Connors, Miss Joan Connors, Ctlt*) Fred Cortright, Mr. ajid Mrs. Harold Kldridge, Mini Madeline Gallagher, Mr. and Mra. William Gallagher, Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Harvey, Mr. and Mm. Henry Harvey, Mrs. Mary Harvey. Mrs. Jane Hawxhurat, Wilfred Hawnhurat, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Kaney, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koeter, Mr. and Mn. Frank Lastella, Robert Martin, Mist Kathy Naughton, Joe Oryll, Mils Joyce Rac, Mr. and Mn. William Rath- mlth, Mr. and Mn. Jame* Reilly, John Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Mr. and Mn. Stanley Richards RED BAMK RECfSTER TW«!*y, I.n 10, DIXON FUEL MtTUtlD DfUVMY RE "" 1 OIL Cofnpony Rod 1lank, N. J. OIL 24 HOUR SIRVICI Kami ef Pearl Htraet >H WMUT eolollieul. BARGAIN ByVOS SAVE 10 to 45?/o PIELDCREST FINE SHEETS & CASES PITTED SHEETS FIELDCREST 10TTOMS AND TOPS MUSLIN TWIN FULL 7 39 PERCALE TWIN 2 79 FULL 299 BUY 6 AND SAVE MORE QUILTED MATTRESS PADS TWIN K5»»*«2.98 ' Fun PILLOW TICK COVERS SANFORIZED Zlppered pink, blue, maize, green and snow whits x x x x x x101.. MUSLIN ; PILLOW CASES 42x x ; 2.19; 2.29: ' ' PERCALE 72x x «101 _ PILLOW CASES 42x31 </i.. ; 45x31'/i.. BUY 6 AND SAVE MORE FIELDCREST HEAVY TURKISH TOWELS Fielderett Royal Velvet towelt, luxuriously woven of fine, combed yarns, leo pink, lemon, mocha, dove grey, blue, furquoiie, mint green, roto petal, peach glew, mots groon, cantaloupe, antique gold, charcoal tnd white. Guaranteed pucksr proof. Regularly BALE Ovonixe both tow.l, 27x54 inehti Hand towel, 16x32 inchot Washcloth, I3'/IXI3'/I inches v. Tub mot, 22x36 inches FIELDCREST 100% ACRILAN BLANKETS Reg " Completely washable, fatt drying, guaranteed mothproof, greatest warmth, stain and soil BUY f AND SAVE MORE resistant, non allergic, mildew proof, uper wear binding. 'S Home Decorator* S 1.M SS 69 SS S lor your convenitnet EASY CHARGE! 45 BROAD STREET SHOP FRIDAY TILL 9 KED BANK The Most Complete Homo Decorating Star* on the Jtrtoy Shore CwtalM Drafwli)! SUpevvan Ba*f>t?«,**( U H

38 M-Thm*f. 1m 10. 1«T BED BASK TOGISTEB Highlands Offered $33,000 State Aid for Bulkhead HIGHLANDS This borough may get»s3,000 in state aid this year to extend bayfront bulkheading. A bulkhead has been built on the shore along Marine pi. and extending into Snug Harbor. Funds were not available (or its completion. At Tuesday night's meeting, borough council heard a letter read from the State Department of Conservation and Economic Development offering $83,000 for shore protection work If the borough will match that figure. Mayor Cornelius J. Guiney, Jr., suggested the continuation of the bulkhead along Snug Harbor ave. Council decided to ask the state to grant an extension on its deadline for acceptance of the offer. The offer was contained in a let- plaints were made by the borough ter dated Dec. 19 which was not of the condition of the old ditch. received until Dec. 27, councilmen said. Acceptance not later The railroad elected to dig a new ditch, Mr. Feldman said, because it coul J do the job by ma- than 30 days after the date of the letter was asked. chine at much less expense than cleaning the old ditch. The old To permit time for the borough ditch, officials agreed, was preferable in that it resulted in less ngineer, Otis Seaman, to survey the situation and estimate the accumulation of water on adjacent work necessary, an extension un- properties. til Feb. S 30 days from the read- Ing of the letter will be asked. The money, the letter explained, la being made available under a coast protection act passed by th» legislature in 19S«. Legal Problem on Road Council asked borough Attorney Benjamin Gruber to obtain 11 legal papers regarding two ten-foot strips of property along an undedicated extension of Locust st. The strips, along each Ide of the 40-foot width of street, are being offered to the borough by the Land and Loan Improvement company of Red Bank. Mr. Gruber explained that a deed to the 40-foot street extension, running several hundred (eet from the present terminus to the Atlantic Highlands boundary, was filed with the borough by Burtis Perry, former owner of the land. The Land and Loan company, which owned the land previously, had set aside the street width and the 20 additional (eet for public use, the attorney aid. The deed kto the side strips now is offered by the Red Bank firm, he said. A problem arises, however, In that John Torok, present owner of the land, has disputed the validity of the borough's right to the property. He claims, councilmen said, that when he purchased ha did not know of the provision for borough use. Mr. Torok operates a trailer park and officials said If the land la borough property, one of the trailers encroaches en it. Mr. Gruber said the titles offered the borough are valid and the searches in order. The search given to Mr. Torok, he added, mentions the 60-foot strip set side for borough use. He sug- gested close examination of searches and other papers, as suggested by the planning board in a recommendation in the matter offered last September. Drainage Complaint Council will ask district engineers of the Central Railroad of New Jersey if corrective action can be taken on a drainage problem on the east side of the railroad right of way. Martin Feldman, owner of property in the area, complained to council for the second tune Tuesday night about the eowlition. He said has existed since the railroad cut a new ditch along the right of way. Councilmen explained that the new ditch was dug when com- Council decided to make a complaint to the New Jersey Natural Gas company on low gas Members of the Greater Red to donate to the refugees may pressure during periods of heavy Bank Junior Chamber of Com-telephonmerce are shown at Camp Kil- him at his home on demand. Councilman Robert G. Diebold said a number of homes mer Sunday as they delivered an- shipment of luggage to were without heat during the re-othecent cold spell because pressure Hungarian refugees arriving dropped and pilot lights went out. He blamed old and Inadequate mains. Bennett Seeks Assembly Seat BELFORD J. Harry Bennett announced Saturday that he Intends to make another try tor election to the state assembly this year. : Mr, Bennett, who ran for the state post unsuccessfully two years ago, also issued a call for unity among the Democrats to make "the party victorious for change." He listed himself as chairman of a new group called the Committee for More Democratic Action and said it will meet at 8:30 p. m. tonight at tht American hotel in Freehold "to organise a Democratic club for men and women of Monmouth county." A Part; Bally Invited to that session were 'all Democratic county committeemen and commltteewomen, former candidates, workers and other Democrats interested in party success. The session, he said, is expected to be addressed by former Attorney Gen. David T. Wllentz and Assemblyman William Kurtz of Middlesex county. Mr. Bennett said the Monmouth gested that the borough accept Democrats should turn out "and the Land and Loan firm deed show our Democratic leaders from with the understanding that it Middlesex county that we mean does not commit self to open business and no fooling around." Ing of the road or installation of He also Issued letters to the press urbtng at this time. stating that it I* his committee's intention to back a strong twoparty system and to "offer strong Council decided, however, to examine every detail of the mat-oppositioter before accepting the deed. to the Republican party" In the coming election. Mayor Guiney said legal suit probably will be taken by Mr. I Action I That's whit Tat Btclita Torok If the borough accepts. ><lsssll*d ads bun been ttttias Co* Former Mayor Frank Hall sug- thiir»dr«rtlitn for over thwquaft tan «f a imitvrr. AanrtlMmsiit. Comes out ot the closet for sewing for work for dining for parlies Samsonite World* Strong*)* Card Tabte WMtr ywfe fcrfftfl» «< rooai» * world's largest home, we've dhcovered you ready me a SamtonNel Kkig-Slte, lt» top h a big 1156 inche* square, Acre's plenty of spread-out room for tewing or work, a glamour table for dining or portietl Strong '*' Sturdyl Samsoniia'i tabular tfeel comtruction h extra ttrongl Stays beavfjfvff Upholstered table top and chain defy tpids, stalni, a damp doth wipei 'em cleanl M i from these Somtonito table and matching hair coloni Metallic Flame, Grey, Tan, CharMWM, AjtfqM While, Coral or G*»en. tread St Rod Bonk Refugee. Still Need Luggage there. Shown, left to right, ara 'eremy Judge, chairman of the appeal for luggage, David Dillon and Frank Manson. The Jaycees have delivered 800 pieces of luggage to Kilmer, but Mr. Judge said many more are needed. He said anyone having luggage of any type, who wishes Wilson dr.. River Plaza, and he will have a Jaycee member pick it up. The shore area la serving as headquarters far the statewide campaign to provide luggage for Hungarian refugees, sponsored by the state Junior Chamber of Commerce In co-operation with church groups and other organizations. The campaign to collect used luggage began In the ahora area, wfcfc* pvrtti* a which were the backbone ef the first shipments to reach Camp KUmer. The purpose of the used-luggage collection is to provide refugees something in which they may carry their belongings to their new homes in the United States. Although the Red Croes, Army and many other agencies «r«providing the refugees clothing and other necessities, until luggage began to arrive at the camp, nearly all refugees carried their belongings in paper bags or cardboard cartons. Red Cross officials at Camp Kilmer have -stated that luggage is the item most needed by the newcomers to our country. The campaign to collect used luggage began Dec., when William C. North ot M Campbell av«., River Plaza, visited Camp KUmer as a member of the Newark Red Cross chapter's public relations ooramkue. After seeing th» Hungarian refugees boarding trains and buses for destinations throughout the United Mates with APPLICATIONS _ i, be BWBosif the project to the state executive committee of the Jayseee and wae tesasediately adopted. The Red Back Jaycees were the first In the state to adopt it as a local project. With Mr. Judge as local chairman, the first shipment of 100 pieces U lug-gags was delivered to Camp KUmer Dec. IS. five, under the leadership of Mrs. Two more shipments, one of more Fred Netxel, received awards: than 100, and the other zaor* than Robert Fisher, denner stripes; ISO suitcases, were delivered the Fred NeUel, assistant denner following Sundays. A large part stripes: Paul Anderson, lion of the luggagt in these shipments badge, and John Cleary, den chief was contributed by residents of cord. Den five received the honor the shore area. The balance, contributed from other points in the flag to keep far one month. state, was sect to a stci&gs point in Red Bank for delivery to Camp Kilmer. An additional JOO ieees ef lugft*> have bees shipped directly from palate la Mew Jersey ss directed by the local eeesmlttse. Mr. Merth, state ehairmau, said: " o Uk we at* helping only a (handful ef the Incoming rafsgees. We are delivering baggag* by tan hundreds, bat Urn ratafees INVITED The Red Bank Recreation Committee invitee written applications from qualified local resident* for the potitioa of Director of: Recreation. Required qualifications include a college degree, pint administrative experience in recreation or an allied field. Applicants should include their age, residence, educational background, experience in recreation and carrent occupation in the written application. Application* should be mailed to " ' MRS. HARRISON ROWE ' Chairman Personnel Committee 14 Silverton Avenue Little Silver, N. J. REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMANDI PLUS FREE PYREX HUNT'S ysffpeaches TOMATOES M! * " " TOMATO SAUCE DEL MONTE LINDEN HOUSE TOILET TISSUE FACIAL TYPE LA ROSA SPAGHETTI CHEER LEADER PEAS CREAM STYLE CORN GREEN CUT BEANS f ACIAL TISSUES GRAPE JELLY TUNA FISH GARY SWEETENED LINDEN HOUSE LINDEN HOUSE BREAST OF CHICKEN CHUNK WHITE MEAT FRESH PRODUCE SHOW WHITi CAULIFLOWER s r 2 5 PUSH FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES SWT FLORIDA TANGERINES 12 «19 C STORE HOURS ONN LATI THURS. & FRI. NltHTS TILL f O'CLOCK. 95 BROAD ST. RED BANK NO. I 33 CHEER LEADER CHEER LEADER SAVE YOUR CASH RE«ST«TAffS CANS lt-ox. CANS MM. or. STLS. JU-OI. ITU. tvtot. CANS SURF BREEZE SILVER DUST BLUE RINSOBLUE LUX LIQUID R1NS0S0AP LUX FLAKES LUX TOILET SOAP LIFEBUOY SOAP SWAN SOAP SPRY I SS.'32c ua. tko c 3%. 26c 3K&29e 3% 25c ls5,3oe NABISCO PREMIUM SALTNES SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS KEEBLER'SSALTMES Nabiscb Chocolate PinwheeU Nabisco RITZ CRACKERS an swfmlsff ty tk» tktmmu. A greater effort I* needed if we are to help significant numbers of these unfortunate people." CUB AWARDS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS At the December meeting of Cub pack #7, the following cubs of den t rfc«luf SQUARE DANCE HMJHTSTOWH COUNTRY CLUB Tuesday, Jan. 15 grave Kami* *«we sejvana aaitct HIM Ift assy ata* ts Inrm «m r as* e> M * «W* ka* ear ata* leas «m ea*. Cease as* Ma * " Sl.M l toe. tea. C MBeaaisr Wavniast Something wonderful happens when SILBERSTEIN'S decorates your home* Having been located hare in Reel lank far over thirty-iix yean, we have succeeded in building a reputetion of which we are very proud. We ere lure that we cen cope with any problem in Draperies, Slipcover* or Furniture that you may have. We have three graduate decorators at your disposal no, charge of course. M. SILBERSTEIN Interior Duigtu CELEIRATIN6 OUR 36TH YEAR» fcuchanrc ST. MO SANK e-17ej ALL WOUM. DONE OW OTJE FMCMIs)M EVISCERATED-PAN READY MMSHLY KILLID-OVIN RIADY ROASTING CHICKENS»-39 c SVMR CURIO MNILin trkit CORNED BEEF * 39' DAVIDSON'S f AM0USPRIMLY GROUND BEEF 3'» 89' KG f'c no. I9C aunt 77. raa. llc OWN! «A no. WC taa. Bio. no. 38:32c 2 at*ra at 3 0% 97c u. FBO. 25c la. na. 25c u. «o. 27c 12 SK: 49c l& 33c 506 PROSPECT AVE. LITTLE SILVER. FANCY DOMISTIC RINDLISS SWISS CHEESE YTMI CHUNK 491 "19" Irand Prexm BROCCOLI CUTS OR FROZEN PEAS 1I0Z. DAVIDSON'S INRICHID WHITE BREAD ' M5e -M I M U R TWIN COUNTY OROCIRS ASIOC. MfMSIRVI THI RIONT TO LIMIT OUANTITIM Of FREE PARK/.*; RMT tf Start b Cw Maw mu Urf ar Parfctag Ut INTRANCI ON LINDIN PLACI

39 Want Ad Section RED BANK REGISTER Sports Thursday, Jan. 10, Bucs Defeat Caseys, 76-47; Rumson Thumps Gulls 0 # Spotting Sports By Hy Cunningham "HOPE TBCT DONT CUT THE NEW OTM TOO MUCH, word* of Athletic Director Jo* Roeatl of Rumson-Valr Haven regional high acbool Friday night when ehatung with friends in Mi matchbox office. Those few wares eaaw at a flaw wha> they esald be deseed aa re4 hot eeal were* 4M to «h* fast «f the regleaal seksel espaaaiea hattl*. W«tfclak «hlt Match Is la the etc ead or third rotud. fast how asaajr MM* leaads la led,, rissslsi te be seea, aad H wu be ap to the pahllc a*. fare the aaal decision win he hsaded ap betwesa tha Mass. Numerous boards of education concentrate an special eth*r lums In n*w schools and new addition* and they sort of forget practical uses of a big, roomy gymnasium. They'll concentrate en a huge library, music room, study hall, rest rooms for teachers, cafeteria, extra classrooms, etc. In the meantime, when all this Is under study, always in mind Is cutting down a spacious gym. Today athletics are a vital part of any curriculum and educators realise this. If sports are not a part of an athlete's education, why do schools compete against each other In sports? Some of th* frills that are planned for schools today ar* needed about aa much as a sports ear would be for driver education. We think boards would be wl*s if thsy listened lets and looked around a tittle nor*., Oa the other head, there are eoasetoameas beard meatben *f ether seasds who plaaaed what they thought might be a good stand gym. A few Heaths later they'll lad te be almost as small as the oa* they dhpesed ef, especially whenaredhothaug^mepackithebsaiihig. Teday, states* bodies are sports adaded aad ateag what etas. IWIewars dossat take very Isagj to aw a gym «* caaacsty wkw two rivals are scheduled to saeet, Red Beak baflt a brand aew gym Just a few yean back aad when Set Beak-Bed Bank CatheUe high schools meet oa ml* eeart, dew* ar* generally dosed shortly after 7 p. m. Bams of th* overflew crowd watt* outside with hopes ef getting la before the varsity game get* under way. In Rumson, there Is talk of nsubmlarion of tb* $1,300,000 plan, which was defeated by the voters of both boroughs. Not having th* opportunity of getting a "look see" at gym plans, ws hav* no Idea of * state. We don't even know If Roaatl's matchbox office would b* enlarged to soapbox sun. All we know Is In the next round, mayb* more fur will fly aa we hav* been told several times by taxpayers that they'll vote "no" again. Maybe If the board did tit expajusea program a chunk at a Urn* we might be am* to see Jast how Mg a aew gym would be for this high school After ad, J** needs a bigger Ulee te handle court officials. His homavthe-wsji was suite crowded Friday night when there was a mlxup In scheduling officials for the night's game. Instead ef two showing up, Gentleman Joe had four en hand. Kidding the athletic director, we told hist If he paid four Instead ef two, we were going to call In the brand MW Taxpayers Protective Association. We never did find out Joe paid four or two, but officials' pay would com* out of the gate, no matter If h* paid two or four. In regional msstlsgs te come, we hep* the regleaal beard will give a Mate mere stlsaaiuafr <ff ah* ef a gym- adom aad a UtUs attesti*. to euttait *am*,,e< the frills. This way we might get a gym mat law wll h»abl* to take a east aad as* bath baskets. Faas wh«watam games trem the aadttorhna are wen aware of this tmaattoa. Along with that, ever sine* the pressnt gym was built back In th* late»'s, the lighting for a basketball court has been mighty poor. And all this Urns nothing has ever been don* to Improv* th* situation. Watching a gams trem the aadltorlam eaa be disgusting for a fan la these days, Fas* wu be eaoentrettng oa watching the gam* sad all of a Sadden a Sack ef stadeats wul hop up te go parehaet oaaiy. This Mte business Is set up Just off the stag* aad abowt la the mtdds* ef the court. seems as this dtuattoa eoum be canceled wall* watting for construction. After all, cage fans pay shooldnt have their view blocked. We tram the auditorium aad was eaa ef the vletuas, so this Is at the word ef a complaining fan. Perhaps parents weald lake men Interest In their athlete* If such Htts* annoyances did not exist Regional played Red Bank Catholic at Rumson Friday, and th* largest crowd to pack this school was oa hand. The gym's stands wen packed and the auditorium was at s capacity te set this nsw attendance mark. Off band w«dost remember spetuag a member af th* regions] board ef education la the ercwd. If then was eae preeeat, we heps he made a note. If then wasat, we hop* the beard wul make a note from this eornsr whan comes te making room la a gymnasium. We think If beard mem- < hen moved arotud a bit at athletic event* aad ether school fanettona, they weald view the smaahea as H Is. Too eftca absent trem athletic evtata. more vtstta ether than beard nights, then Is a chance for practical edocatlon ef what Is happening and what Is needed. Wto knows, maybe well add another round to this ftght when mentioning a i ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS YACHT CLUB HAS A WIDE AWAKE COM1IODORB-D. A. Cameo, commode** ef the Atlantic Highlands yacht dub, was on* of th* busy chairmen ef the dinner given Saturday night for Larry Low, Rumson Star clam sailor, who came back from Australia with a gold medal for winning this sailing class. Commodore Caruso, combined wtth I d Ryan of Long Branch, worked out plans for honoring this outstanding sailor and they were aa successful as Low when it came to putting on a fine show of appreciation, Tto AJi,Y.C In s Infancy as far as yacht ehtbs imils short apaa ef Hfe en location ef th* A. a harbor. Besides eonducting s regattas, this stab went oat after aad received the opportunity of holding th* Olympic finals at sandy Hook last My and August This Is where Low, teamed with Skipper Herb WUUams of Chicago, participated In Olympic trials from where they weat te Australia aad won th* Mg eae. wss men of th* caliber of Commodore Caruso who want to work and mad* this event a successful ons for our American gold medal winner in the Star class. Commodore Caruso and his officsr* turned over every stone when earn* to making th* best sail- Ing far their guests at the trials. With D. A. Caruso worklag again to turn over aaotter stone In the life of a D. A. Ceres* sailor, Larry Low was pleased sad at tto SUM ef tto orowd en hand to pay him homige. la displaying ths appro station of A.H.Y.C., Commodore Caruso presented Low a silver tray as a reminder, more or less, of when these gold medal winners started sailing lor the Olympics. Puddar. g : 4 o Tak* a mlnuts or two for a bit of concentration and just so* IfBurnoftS, s n... O S you can come up with Olympic winners who got their start so near VandanbKg, s to home. Commodore Caruso and his club are to be congratulated 11 S 80 for bringing the Olympic triad and a gold medal winner so close to Saere by Quartan e. was a Job well done. And then, too, Low Is tn bs congratu- 1U4 Bank \l 211 IS tl I for co-operating with the club and bringing ths medal hoi*. toehold Regional 11 > OIBelali Manion, Baeklott, Action Under the Backboarda Despite Rad lank high school's running away with Rad Bank Catholic, 76-47, Tuesday night, thara was plenty of action around tho backboards. Top photo ihowi flying Doug Patten, luc star In top form, about to lay up a two-pointar. In this particular inttanca ha got tho that off for two points. Casay Bill K*nn*dy, right, moves in too lato to stop tha shot. In tho lower photo, Kennedy blocks a Frank Aumack shot attempt. Tha gamo was played at Rad Bank high school's gym bafor* moro than 700 spectators. Patton Paces Red Bank Win FREEHOLD Red Bank high ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS said once they got Into the lead was In the game he picked up school ran Into a btt of first quarter trouble Friday night when the most to me" were words of Low praised his skipper and said "This is a small prise, but means the pressure was really on. Mr. 14 points, eight coming from the Freehold Regional held the Bue-Larreos to a 1M1 period. Coach Lloyd Olympic gold medal winner was been present to receive due Low of Rumson, when the he wished Williams could have BeUon's maohka* then churned up being honored at a testimonial epesd m the mid periods to en-dinneat** th* Bucs to take a vic- In-the-Sky here. Saturday night at Cabintory on Hie Colonials' court. Sailors from all over the East For wildest Freehold it was defeat number Sve, whb* Red Bank sports a four and on* record in arty season play. Doug Patton. aggnaav* Bue guard, w u again the sparkplug ef Red Bank as he paced the offensive wttlt U points. Two other double-ogur* scorers were Grant Jones and Frank Aumack, forwards. Jones hit the cords wttm seven baskets and two fouls for point*, white Aumack dunked m six. twepointera and two foul shots. Red Bank rot off to a first stansa start and led at the half, JS-JO, alter soaring a IM period. In tto third quarter the Bucose warmed up to a score and <en were edged In the fourth, SO- IL Freehold pressed sm during the first session and finally tied the soore, U-JS, early m the second chapter. Reglonel's only lead of th* gam* was at 17-13, when Burgent and ahutser dunked baskets. The Bucs retrieved the lead, only to have the Colonials tie * up again at 30-aH. Red Bank then scored eight points In a row to post a commanding lead at the j0mi. f.... AuMtk, I... Kukel _., Duprx, t. «... Cannlnsham. i Fatten, s Ohriatlsno, g. Arm, s half, Once out front the Buca stayed there. Red Bank's junior varsity came home with a triumph after winning, M-OT, over the Regional reftkd SANK FO F 14 Si FUIHOU) MOIONAL ro r p I^Dg, f _ Surgett, f, Ahutaor, f....» Colentr f,. S O S Griffithi, e».«. «.- «4 8 IS Inane, «. 4 t 11 Olympic Gold Medal Winner Larry Low Honored by Sailors coast paid tribute to Low, who teamed with Herb Williams of Chicago, to sail a Star clue craft to win the only gold medal for an American boat in the recent Olympics In Australia. In honor of Low's achievement, members of his home Atlantic bays and ocean for sailing." Kennedy I 4 Beviequa..-_ «3 1 7 Highlands Yacht club and of the 13-club North Jersey Yacht Rae- Commodore D. A. Caruso of the Goodwyn ^Mt^TaVTl ii.i In// association, Jointly sponsored A.H.Y.C. presented Skipper Low 14 NmUa*hton I 7 tile dinner, a silver tray. glover I 14 CI«rl 0 0 Low teamed with Williams Brief talks also were given by Bftuich 0 0 when the Olympic trials were Paul K. Smart, executive prest Hollywood 0 0 held at Atlantic Highlands and dent of International Star Class ji 0 4 went to Australia with the Chl-Yacht Racing association and a 3! 82 cagoan. Mar "Kathleen" won the trials on the Sandy Hook bay. Sailor Low told of his experiences In the race series in Australia and how at one time winds of 45 m.p.h. existed. He quickly want through race by race and honors. State Senator Richard R. Stout, speaking of the achievement, declared: "World wide attention was drawn to Monmouth county and Atlantic Highlands Yacht club by Low being an Olympic gold medal winner. This I* a great step forward and, because of, attention will be drawn to sailing facilities of the county. We have the rivers. member of U. S. Olympic yachting committee; Don Olsen, Comet Yacht Racing association, and William Robinson, Shrewsbury Sailing and Yacht club. Dale B. Otto, A.H.Y.C, «master of ceremonies. Manasquan Hands lions First Cage Loss, 69-59; Uhrig Stars MIDDLETOWN Mlddletown ted ten points. township high school dropped s Mlddletown picked up 19 onepointers from lane first Snore Conference "A" division cage tut of the season Friday while Manasquan had IS. when Manaaquan caught the Mlddletown's junior varsity Lions In a poor shooting night. dropped a squeaker when the The Big Blue won, -», on the Lions' court. was the first loss for Coach PhH Braun's quintet In six outings. Manaaquan won live encounters and dropped two. Mlddletown trailed most of the game, and was behind at the half, The Lions outscored Manasquan by a point In the third quarter and started to oaten up In the fourth chapter. Their offensive wss slowed down when Sktppy Magee sparked a late drive that put the game on the Ice for th* Blue team. Jerry Barnett was the big gun for the victors by racking up IS points. Lee Neary dropped In 18. Bill Robblm dunked 14 markers for Manaiquan. Out** Unrig w thfl high imn of the contest, scoring 32 points. Bud Falk wu tihe only other Lion eager In dibble figures aa he net- ' In dtlib Blue reserves scored a win. Ronnie Truex led the Lions with 13 tallies. MANASQUAN Fa F P Gilford a 1 7 Barnatt _ Naary 0 I Robhlm I 1 M«KM 4 J 10 Bonban J. Naary let Failema VonOhlin Cuthbarion "lrunntr Uhrltt F.Ik (l'i)onmll Blhaud Waltt LEONARDO 17 li FO o4 r p 1 i I » Scor«hy Quartan Munauiuan >> lh ID 1(1 Leonardo 11 14, 17 IS IS Official! Phlppi and tqttr- Buccaneers Blast Caseys 76-47; Doug Patton Terrific Red Bank Catholic Kips Regional Five Cagey Rally in Third Quarter Wrapt Up Second Meeting, RUMSON-Rumson-FsiT Haven Regional high school Friday appeared as If might avenge an earlier defeat at the hands of Red Bank Catholic and, except for a mlsplay about the middle of the third quarter, the Bulldogs might have had their '.Ictory. The Caseys then came up with a spurt and third quarter rally which enabled them to hand up a 1249 win. The second quarter resulted In a dose battle, with Rumson hold- Ing the upper hand most of the period. Th* Caseys kept peeking away at the cords and by Intermission the count waa knotted, SMS. when Dick Ooodwyn (cored basket with about thro* minutes to play. Excitement of the contest and the turning point of the game happened early In the third session. Ooodwyn who shoot* with the maxkmanahlp of a sharpshooter rifleman, sent the Caseys out front again, 37-38, with a dean shot from the side. Anthony CsntaUce tied up with a pair of Paul* and Reglonal's Dick Langford gave the hotna club the lead for the third time In the game, After Ooodwyn hit with a foul shot J. C. Williams scored from the corner. Goodwyn slipped through another two pointer, BUI Kennedy stole the bau to dribble through for a basket and Goodwyn hit again to give the Caseys the lead at Ed Hover then started the game off to a rout when he sunk a foul. A few seconds later Bob Austin was out of a defensive position and Slover went through again for two points and added a charity shot when fouled on the play Late tn the period Red Bank led, 81-44, when a quick six-point spult brok* th* backs of the Regional players. Mover started tt again with two fouls and then sipped In a flem goal. Tony Bevaequa soared from the side, and the Caseys were well on top, Regional sliced two points off ttiat margin by the end of the period, but the damage was done. The Bulldogs never did get back Into the ball game. Red Bank Catholic picked up ten points In the third quarter and another six in the fourth for its margin of victory. Ooodwyn, who Is an expert at faking when comes to his Jump shot, fired tn U fletd goals, meat of them coming from the corner and two fouls for 30 points. Slover, who Is responsible for setting fire to the Casey jayveea, was responsible for setting lira to the varsity when tho Caseys needed fire. During the tune he flem and six from the foul tine. Cantallce was top scorer for Regional with 31 tallies on five flew goals and 11 fouls. Williams chipped in 15 and Kenny Cousins was credited wtth 12. Stover also sparked the junior vanity to a win over the Regional jayvets. The Little Bulldogs were blanked In the flrst period. When Regional made s first point the score stood si RED BANK CATHOLIC FO F P XVM8ON-FAM HAVEN REGIONAL FG Wllllami Comlni Auatin _ Cantallce Lantford Tharln Romandettl.. Woode Score kr Quarlara Rad Bank Cath F P I IS 4 12 a it ta it notional Offldala Throekmorton. Murptiy. fowling Croup Meets Sunday MIDDLETOWN The Monmouth County Bowling association will meet Sunday at the Mld- Warran. f Gofpantlno. f. dletown Lanes, rt. 30. Tournament entry blanks will be ready for distribution, according to Ed Carcquai, e Bahr, secretary of th* association. Smith, f This pin event, which Is scheduled to open Mar. 30, will be held at the Freehold Bowling aendemy and Belmar Bowing center. The Tetley trophy will be rolled off one day earlier at Freehold. Two squads of eight teams will roll In this event. All entries will be on a first come, first served New rules wul be put In play and listed on entry blanks. Handicapping will be based upon highest average held by an IndlvlduM for the 1B56-M season. If a bowler did not compete for the year mentioned he may use his present average for this year if he has bowled 18 games. Handicapping will also be 100 per cent for the first time.,", 4- Regional Edges Gulls, RUMSON Trailing, 13-8, at the end of the flrst quarter, Rumson- Falr Haven Regional high school posted margins In the next three periods to edge Point Pleasant, 6944, here Tuesday night. Both teams opened their Shore Conference "B" division competition. The ball game ws* deadlocked with about 90 seconds to go. Coach Don Trotter's club then took over when Anthony Cantallce hit with a one hander from the aide to give t«* Bulldog* th* lead, om4. Kenny Cousin* helped to Ice the win whn a two-pointer with 38 seconds to go and a foul shot ended the scoring with Cantallce connecting. Cantallce and Cousin* were the point getters for Regional, netting 33 and 18 points, respectively. J. C. Williams came through with IS. Fred Tharln, Regional's rebound retriever, played a terrific game under the boards and wsa Instrumental In securing ths victory. Point Pleasant forced Regional to a fight all the way. In fact, In the early stages ths Bulldogs were m an uphill struggle. The GuMs hsd a lead early in the second quarter. The Trottermen started to dick late In the period to close the gap to by the half. In the third session Cousins sparked Regional In a rally that finally gavs th* Purple team th* lead, The Gull* stuck Into the fight and with three minutes and 30 seconds to go, held a two-point margin, «M1. Cousins tied it up and Cantalke and Stocum exchanged fouls to knot the gam* at M-all. Rumson took over from that point. Tha Bulldogs had theirflrstperfect nlrht when the junior varsity took th* preliminary tuesle, 4S-40. POINT PLEASANT K., Matthawa F.h.y Van Culan Grutndllnt O'Nall Rtlehart Slocum REGIONAL Williams Coualnl...,«Auitin _.. Cintallio Lanifonl ~..-'. Tharin Woodi. Romandottl ro P 17 SO 0 al Scon *>r Qaarters Point Pl.M.nt Rumion-FalrHavan I Offieiale Lowenberg, Aradalen. Matawan Pokes Jamesburg Five KEYPORT Matawan high school crushed Jamesburg, &3-30, Friday night on St. Joseph's court here. Jamesburg led at the end of the first quarter, 14-10, but then the Huskies came on to post fat margins In mid-period* and then just nipped Jamesburg, (-6, In the last quarter. Matawan's Mg scaring period came In the third when the Huskies chalked up a 23-7 score. Steve Alikas contributed M points in helping to preserve Mstawan's unbeaten court record. Alikas led the third period attack with 15 points. For the night he dunked In a dozen fouls. MATAWAN FO F P Seullr, f. Johnaon, f,.. Btnnott. t."... Alikai f. Gold. I...."..Z...".. Jonaa, f,. Wllllama. c. O'Ntlll, <... Plcurl. g Howard, r Waanef, s _ JAMESBURG [ rnardo, f 0 Handy, f Richard., r 1... Kuhn. ( Lief, g Huekey, s.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' IS KG F J o 11 I 10 Cage Schedule Tomorrow Long Branch at Red Bank Catholic Red Bank at Manasquan. Freehold Regional at Lakewoed. Leonardo at Toms River. Keyport at Bumssn-Falr Haven Regional. Atlantic Highlands at Hoffman. Matawan at Point Pleasant. Ocean City at Central Regional. Saturday Asbury Park vs. Neptune (Convention Hall) il Coach Lloyd Belton's Red Bank high school basketball team wu hotter than a blast furnace Tuesday night when the Buccos put the heat on Red Bank Catholic to trounce the Caseya, 7M7, on the Harding rd. court. Belton's cagerj were sharp la every department as they outplayed the Green and Gold from start to flnlah. The Bucs hustled, dribbled like champions, took rebounds at a three to one clip and passed Ilk* th* N. T. Knickerbockers. Coach BUI "Doc" Creamer"! Caseys had the lead only one* In the gam* and that came right at the start when BUI Nsughton's two fouls put the parochial* out front, 4-2. Patton Terrific Doug Patton was terrific for Red Bank as he led his club to the win over the Intraborough rivals. Patton racked up 23 points by half time, which evened on* game'* production this season. For the night, he wound up with 33 points. Red Bank Catholic hsd only five of 13 men In the scoring column, and Dick Ooodwyn, Casey sharpshooter, could do nothing better than a lone foul shot Against Rumson-Fair Haven Regional last Friday, Goodwyn had a 30-polnt night After breaking away to a M lead In the first quarter, Batten's squad coasted to an lk-11 margin by th* end of th* session. Boo* roar In Point* In th* second quarter, tha Bueean*ers really started pouring hi the point* In rapid fire order shortly after the Caseys *lle«d ths margin to flvs points. At th* half way mark of th* period. Red Bank had a lead. By half time, the Bucs were riding high with a 46-M (core when John Kachel dunked in a rebound for the last basket of th* half. Red Bank's best period wu In this session when outscoring the parochial* Coach Belton's squad opened the third quarter with five straight points on a sit shot by Aumack, a Patton foul and a rebound Up by Kachel. to hlk* tha count to 51-2S. About midway tn the period, tho Buecos had a 6040 lead which was cut down three points on a side shot by George Celre and Goodwyn's only point of the ontabt. Casey* Period Th* Caseys outecorsd Red Bank In th* final quarter, 11-10, but the Green and Gold had to put up with th* reserves in the last sis minutes. After Frank Aumack and Patton tossed In goals to mak* th* count 72-40, Mentor Bslton yanked his varsity eager*. For the fans, turned out to be a dull contest until about th* last minute and a half at which tbn* some sort of a noise bomb was set off in the hallway near the gym. With the Mast being a pretty good one, fans started to leave the stand* to find out If the "Mad Bomber" was her* la Red Bank. Bomb Goes OS Most of the court excitement was In the drawn out Junior vanity struggle. Rsd Bank finally hung up the win, 48-45, with Barry Ayera leading the way with point*. Larry Valant contributed nine to the cause. Ed Slover, wtth 17, and Derry Lynch, wtth 15, were top scorers for ths Cassys. was "victory" night for the Bucoo* all around a* their yearling squad took on Ksyport and cass out on top, Jos Tan- Derwenken paced the Bucs with 18 tallies. RED BANK CATHOLIC Ooodwyn Corcoran Kennedy Bavaequa Nauirhton Clorl Slottr Curelo Bameh.- Ljiieh Kaall Shay Hollywood... Aumaek Kachel Carrico Patlon Chriitiano fl«slla Valant Cunningham... Ayara Duprao RED BANK FG FG F T I l 18. Saore fcy Quarters Rad Bank 18 Z* tn 10 Tl Rad Bank Cath Recreation Doing* Monday. Jan. 14 Boyi' baikttball, high achool gym. "A" diviiion. 7:0* i. m. Dukti vi. Kalinei. 7:45 r. a...loyila vi. Trojam. 8:30 D m., Cy'o I vi. Knlcki WadnMday Boyi' baakalball, hlgk tehoot gym. "B" dlvlaton. 7:00 p. M., Rabtli Royala, 7:4! n. m.. RoguM vi. Catormountt Glrla' Racnatlon 4:30-8:10 p. ai., Rivar Straat gym. Monmouth Aaro club, 7.JO.9:00 p. m. Mtatlng at borough hall. Thuriday Adult baaketball, hlgk chodl gym 7:16 p. m., Rogal'a vi, Hofftnan'i. 8:30 i>. m.. Sal'i va. O-ga Salai. Saturday River Street gym, 1:11. isd a, m. Boya 1 rteraatlon parlos, GARNET GULLS WIN POINT PLEASANT-Psced by a 31-polnt production by BW Matthewg. Point Pleasant whipped Toms River high school, tt-st, la a tilt played here Friday night. Matthews dunked In ten baskeuj and 12 fouls for his point total. Bingo Parma. Application! for bingo tni rame iitni may ba obtained at tho ]ee printing dtpartaunt of The leglatet. Wa hate all neceiaary formi fk *ea*> Call RJC l-001l.~ajvtrtu.masf

40 Splits and Misses By F4UL A- ALBWECHT Well! Hers we go again. With th* holidays In back of us, bowling will once again be in full swing. Along with the new year will come the new season of tournaments. Many of the loops will be starting down that old home stretch and from here on in the bowl- Ing patha will be strewn with splintered pins and teams that couldn't ouile hang on. There will be a few breathing spells along; the way, i such as the Heart fund match between the Red Bank Businessmen'* 1 and the Middletown A leagues. This will be a home and home match with total pins over the six games determining the winners.! This should be a bang up match with the boys of the Middletown I loop favored slightly. However, when it comes down to such a match, ' all involved will be rolling to win, will be in there doing their best to I show how bowling should be done. These boys will be intent on ' making their league, friends and wives proud of them, ao anything i can, and probably will, happen. Which loop you m»y favor, don't i sell it short. On* way you can back your favorite loop is by a do-! nation to the Heart fund. Thit donation may be given to th* pretl- Ident or secretary of either league Jarn»s Cleary, Pat Ambrosia, ' Doug Miller or Paul Albrecht sent directly to the Monmouth Couni ty Heart fund, or presented to the leagues the night of the match. ( Mcke»!! checks or money orders payable to the "Monmouth County, Heart Fund." If you mail a check to me, please address the sn- 'velope to Heart Fund c/of Paul Albrecht, Red Bank Register. If you desire, your name will be announced <n this column. Amounts 1 donated will be omitted, except for the final total. The total amount realized will be published. Once again, John DeFalco has donated a trophy that will be presented to the winning league. This match is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 16 and 17. Lsst season saw the Monmouth County Women's Major league take shape at the Matawan-Keyport Recreation. There were four teams of three gals each and they turned In some One scores. This season the teams are still composed of three gals each, but there are si* teams, all with sponsors. With S» games entered in the record book, all sin teams are still In the race. Of course Larry's Barber shop Is shaving thinga a little close, bring eight games in arrears, but this Is not too big a handicap. Fourth place is a tie between the Matawan-Keyport Recreation and the Jotlne Chinchillas. These two can keep warm with the thought that they are but live games behind the leaders. Pete's, Inc., Is far from bankruptcy on a two-game deficit and third place. Ryan Brothers still has quite a bit of brotherly love with but a ain- ' gte game to overcome. But the team that Is riding the crest ' of th* wave Is Olsen's Boat Works. The way this league to ' progressing, Olsen will have to keep all sails set and an eyo out for squalls as the rest of the loop Is bearing down on him. All team categories are close in this loop. Team average* range from 459 to 481; team high games are 542 to 871, and team high three games start at 1,800 and continue through 1,544. Olsen's leads In two of these three races while second place Ryan Brothers Is the proud owner of the high three games. Individually, there are eight ; gals sporting 160 or better. Maty Smith, Edna Morson and Viv Wll-, son run one-two-three with 168, 167 and 166. Joyce Paris and Amy VanVliet both have 163, while Burt Parcels, Marie Gnlino and Viv - Johannemann weigh in at 160. Mary Smith is still the only gal to crack the 600 circle 614 and also is the one to beet for high single game 237. There is now only one girl who has failed to roll at least one 500 set and she has only rolled 12 games. There are only three girls not in the 200 class and there Is only one girl not up to at least a 140 average (holds 139 to be exact) and but one other below a 158 average (148.) This is the fastest women's loop In the county, At long last, all plans have been completed for the Monmouth county bowling tournament. As voted at the last meeting, Freehold and Belmar will be the sites. The teams will hold forth at Freehold, the doubles and singles at Belmar. There Is one big change this season. This Is a change that we feel will cause a lot of questions, not because of s effect on the tournament, but tweauae the captains and bowlers In general will not read the rules and will assume that things are as they were In the past. The big change Is that last year's averages will be used. For all events team, doubles, singles a bowler's highest average from the * season will be the one he must use. In the past, contestants used their highest average for the doubles and singles event and for the team event used the average they had with that team. Some teams will gain by the new ruling. A man's average may be higher this season than last season, plus the fact that there is no minimum average. Pretisusly, a maximum of M pins per game per man was allowed. This season. there will be no maximum set for the amount of handicap a bowler can use. Another thing to remember Is' that soaamer league averages will not count for this toornaamat. Remember: use your highest average as of last season, excluding summer leagues. The tournament will start Sunday, Mar. 31. Entries will close Feb. 25 AND use last season's average. Also, the Tetley trophy vent will be rolled once again. The Tatiey trophy event will be Saturday night, Mar. 30, and is open to all teams provided the team members all live in the town the team name represents. In other words: Any team that represents Red Bank or represents a business located In Red Bank, must be composed of bowlers who live in Red Bank. Another thing to remember is that this Tetley event is a scratch event, no handicap. This means that each team can use th* highest average men it can find. There will be many bowlers who hsvs questions about this tournament. These questions can best be answered by the members of the tournament committee and by members of the county association. To obtain those answers, it will behoove thes* bowlers to attend the next county meeting which will be at the Middletown Lanes Sunday, starting at 2:30 p. m. This Sunday, all questions will be answered and the application blanks handed out. If you wish to have all your questions answered, first obtain an entry blank and read then ask the officers of the county association to clear up any cloudy points. Above all, remember that your highest average from last season is the one you should Uae excluding summer league averages. Unless you only rolled In a summer league; in which case the summer league average can be used. Above all, read the rules and regulations before filling out the application. The Fair Haven Wednesday Night league Is In the throes of the closest nee In many a moon. Eight games separate the first and last team. Frank's tavern, the defending champ, had been leading until losing eight of their last garnet At the start of hostilities last week, Frank'* had a one game deficit The boys thought they were In when the Fair Havea firemen showed up with only three men two dummys. When the third game was finished, Frank's bowlers were lied with mixed emotions, happiness because they were tied for the lead and sadness because they had dropped two games against two dummys. Kuper's service station felt nothing but sadness. Kuper's had that one game advantage, but faced the hot Shrewsbury dairy quintet. The dairy boys were Intent on climbing out of the cellar and did so by climbing all over the untll-then-happy Kuper's. Fowler's Hardi ware and Willowbrook were both trying to move up but, as Is well understood, only one could be successful. Fowler's moved to within two games of the top and WiUowbrook dropped Into the cellar as Fowler's took the odd one. Even so, WiUowbrook Is still one game closer to the top. Frank's tavern Just minded tho high team gam* the previous wsek when Jack Delanoy threw a split in the tenth frame. This eaused the team to finish with a 1,038, less than a spare behind the league high of 1,045 held by Fowler's Hardware. Charles Dillone led off with a 212. Tony "the Boss" Mellacl bolstered this with a J44. Jack's split held him to 162. John "Secretary" Bills connected for a 223 and Grover Shinn anchored with a 197. Frank's 2,727 still remains as the top threesome. Individually, Gordon Vanhorne Is doing okay. His 257 will be a rough one to beat, but his league high threesome of 629 does not figure to hold UD. John Mazza almost made it last week with a top game of 247. Average-wise, things ars also close. Burt Emmons is the current leader with 180. The next three men Grover Shinn. Wes Crozler and Chum Chandler all sport 17V. Al White is fifth with 178. Glad to see our old partner, Wes Crozler, back in action sgaln and doing so well. The Wayside Thursday night league began the season with a total of li teams. The present standing* effectively reduces this number to five. The 1? teams are still there, but only live have a real chance for tint place. The sixth place Happy S are not too happy showing a ten-game gap up to fifth place and a 14-game gap to first. Monmouth Vacuum has possession of first place, having won three out of every four games for a 36 and record. In second place, two games out. Is Krahnert Bros. Another half game down the ladder Is third place E I W Motor Machine shop. The Sportsman's shop sporting 33 and 15 for a fourth place berth, while fifth place Is occupied hy Pete ti Elds's bar, with St and 16. Here we have five teams that are really putting the heat on the rest of the league, yet show a difference at only four games. This same four-game difference ten- ratet the next six teams: Happy S, Bowl-O-Drome, Nat's Jewelers, Charles and Jack's bar, and the Woodworkers. The last two show 18 wins and the Hsppy S have 23. The Air Cruisers and Premium beer are waging their own private battle, each hoping the other will win. The Air Cruisers have won all of nine games and Premium beer has won seven. Her* we have a loop that Is waging three separate meat) a first place race, a sixth place race and a last place race. In om way, this Is more Interesting than mast leagues. All teams have something to fight for. Thorw Individual prizes are far from decided. Sana Marino has a nice lead In the average picture with 184 to Elmer Smith's 180. Tom IJOPIOH and John Adam* are tied for third with 176. Walt MfAffrr-y Isn't home naf» with his loop leading high game and series, but 267 and 657 will bo tough to top. The taam high game and ssrles ia not a shoo-in either. Pete and Elda's bar is the team that ' l ' ad h» (or tn * " >> >ame trophy with M0. Second plac* Kruh- All We Need b Plenty of Ice At I lie monthly meeting of the North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and Yacht club, Secretary John Darting notified the members that a challenge was In the mail from the Long Branch Ice Boat club requesting a series of racrs between the two clubs for the Class "A" Championship Pennant of America. The local club unanimously voted to accept the challenge when received and placed the matter in the hands of the regatta committee to set the dates and details. Both clubs have had this coveted pennant in their respective possession over more than half a century and there is keen rivalry between them for it. The North Shrewsbury cjub has a registry of nearly a dozen boats qualified to compete in the Class "A" division for the tryouts to select the two craft that will represent Red Bank. The series will be the best two of three races over a triangular course of 20 miles within the time limit of 75 minutes. Commodore John Conover witl get his regatta committee busy right away so as to take advantage of sailing conditions when permissable. was gratifying to the ice yachtsmen that Mayor George Gray, In his Inaugural address, was so rivepotiinded and they anticipate that the mayor and his council wlo be right on the job for taking advantage of what the river means to Red Bank, not only for recreation but also for the nation-wide publicity for our town and also for the commercial advantage that can be gained locally by a greater number of people coming into Red Bank by its front door. Our merchants will profit thereby and who knows but among these newcomers some may decide to live here. Dr. Emery E. WlngerUr of Lorey dr., Fair Haven, was admitted as a new member. The runways leading from the bulkhead to the ice at the club's river front are badly in need ef repairs. President Harold 8. Allen reported that through the courtsy of a former river organization the club will receive enough lumber to build new runways. Club members agreed to do the work without pay. During the evening President Enteritis Brown announced that he has been reading past records of the club, and he found that Irving Hance, former secretary, had been a member 55 years, Fred Wikoff 35 years, Reuben White 43 years, himself 40 yean and Delford Fisher 37. Following the business session members went to the club's dining hall, where they enjoyed ice cream, cake and coffeo, prepared by Past President Stewart Cook, Reuben White and Deltord Fisher. The cakes were homemade and donated through the good wishes of several ladles whose husbands ars club members.,-... Past President Cook gave, a short address, and stated that the repast was in honor of president Allen, who recaotiy announced his marriage. Long Branch Ice - :' Boatmen Elect " Louis A. Mlon has been elected commodore of the Long Branch Ice Boat and Yacht club, which is now occupying its new clubbouse on Patten Point, Pleasure Bay. Robert E. Harris has moved up from secretary. t«vice commodore. Rear Commodore T. Fraser Price has been re-elected. Other officers are Sigurd Lucassen, secretary; Robert D. Brown, recording secretary; John M. Heyer, treasurer; Marshall Van Winkle, 3d, winter fleet captain, and John B. Boland, summer fleet captain. Kenneth Adams has been named chairman for summer activities, and a former commodore, Otto Becker, as chairman of the regatta committee. Warren Ayres and Francis Frame head the ocean racing committee. Frame's yacht Margaret has been named as fleet boat to serve as committee and starting boat for ail ocean races. WAYSIDE THURSDAY LEAGUE STANDINGS Honmouth Vacuum Krahn*rt Broi E. W. Motor Machine Shop The Sportainan'i Shop let* ft Elda'i Bar The Happy Five Bowl.O-Drome Nat'i Jewalera Charlie * Jack'e Bar Woodworker*! Air Cruiieri Premier Beer ; 200 CLUB NIGHT W 9* Vi 18 7 L U'i 15 in , Bill Schuiter 241. Tonr Vicciro 204. Elmer Smith ill, Al Jack Ennli 220. Al Merrill Penta 217. Harry Snider McClintock 21)5, Al Rolland STANDINGS Rosel'a Bar Hoffman'! A. * N Sal'a Tavern O-H Salai MIDTOWN BOWLER STANDINGS Caruio'i Eno S*rv!cint*r.. Frank*! Tav«rn Whit* Home Store Bahri' Reitaurant Jack 1! Cleaner! Middletown Lanee T. t D. Atlantic Homeitend Inn BAYSHORE TAVERN STANDINGS Val'a Tavern Langford'it Bar Frank'! Tavern Recreation Bar Club "75" Loorl'a Bar Leonardo Field Club Jack"! Inn Plul'l Tavern Homeitead Inn Viiian 20S. 202, Rocco S, 200. w » ETTES w ID Walt L 01 1 t L ', it 12 <i LEAGUE W >,t S3 22 "i L is 17 17!A 22 22!, SERIES frank Pinto HI, 212, 2I« CLUB W. Kr.nia 209. G. Harnetl 202, F. Gilbert 201, F. Pinto 212. tut: <'. Schmidt 201, J. Mans 216. A. Wiihart 207, P. Geronlmo 226, J. Hontaldo 204. Shore Firemen's Averages First IS Tay wtori "A" DiviaiM Fior* Corcione Edward Taylor.. liene Wilkin. Thomas Parn Rufui Walling Tony FrHnc*mon Roy Townj e d. Harry Rubley 'lex TuiailiG Joleph Kuffim Andrew Da'e P*ter Ur beln Gene Coientmo Ruiiell Hililiett George Conk Randy Stromber* William Young Kenneth White Al llangler Warren Chandler Steve Pi" Gharlei Howird Walter Gilbert Pat Amvrom Edwird Bahr r'rank LaParn Jack Drum Gilbert Twelvea baiter Clayton. Qdwin Ryan Rnfcert Home Subbr Golino George Moaer 8p*n<*r Morton Alvsh V«dirve*r.. "V M 111** Frank Roberta Ban DeAnglii Donald Houin G D D 37 li li H * Q AVE. lirj a IS 17il John Grandinettl Jouph Baku... Cleary Cheater H*nry Rev. Gerald OlenUna... George FfPfMr ' C. Jacobwi l» Anthony Matovakv 41 Joa Hundertpfund 41 Robert Forbes Tonr Infant! 41 William Frank 34 Nyl* Garriion IS Kenneth Thompion 41 Alex Ro»*l» John Murday 42 Wanner 17 George Wood! George Hoy 38 Ren Van Note John Morey Michiel Cuoccl 42 Donald Hubbird 10 Richard 21 Ruaatll Munion Tom Berton _ 1* William Smith 42 Ted Wilton -. Baa Woolley 14 rd HunlertpAllu!... la D*Ponti AlbWt wslt* 41 X" DMitea ErlM*t H*ra*f 41 Veorg* Pitereon l» Robert Millar " 29 Nicholaa ForneroKo»» Melvin Morrii 42 Ralph Manucca 42 Harry D'Stlo 14 Michael ta.tokai Edward Pugan - 42 William Applegate 3> Franklin Hoil 41 John Aumack I Robert Ormabee 42 Harold Chadwick Henry Allan 42 1 Stuart Blair 21 Dal. Bluer : 10 Dominic Mine 42 William Greener 42 P*t.r Maffei 42 Uroy Ward 17 William Trimble 41 Samuel Bennett 42 Clifford Applint* 22 Dan Wllkim M 1 Dan Wllkim Runell MtCu Auitln Dellett Vincent White Raymond Meglll Chd M Raymond Meglll Chads* Morgan Wilton Dangler Everett Davlion William Warner John Sp*ck.'; SI Dlvlel** Cottr*li..»> ~ 12 Boyl*, Shlakli...^ Georg* Johnion.»,,' **» "42 George Col* «fcje* Leatlr Jonei..^?-*- 41 Claud* BorchermW: >» Edward Archer * 37 John Gilei' 12 Raul Albrwht Dominic Figaro 39 Robert 41 Louil Treblno 28 Am* Iaakien...,;..<..* William Honman...:... Robert Yatman.4..-t-«." B. U. Morrii Karntth Doremui Nwsaan. Cottrail.-... ' ViKMt Moyea,...:.-. Jaek Sloeum _... Charl** Urobertion,. John Bruhl 1 Charl*. Hoffman. _... Kenneth Luker John Vetterl...: 17 Fred Hankim AVE M IB i.ll t.ll 17t.ll AVI. l«5.l I.S5 ITi.JI 17J ' AVE * «171.2, ( S.38 K * CI.10 ISO.S H S Bradley Parker Norman Sicklea 31 Charlea Veron "E" Dlviilra O Edmund Ryan 38 George Darragh 34 William H*rbirt Nick Sannirai 40 Cheiter Dougles 42 Charlea Van Curen Sr 42 JoMph Bicigilupl 42 JoMph Mahoney 22 Gen* Maico 36 Leo O'Connor 42 Chsrlst Johnion Lftwr*n** Mahon*r 39 Frank. Biddla, 42 lohn Cavineii _ Arthur Mancinl 17 Henry Schacbt 13 Carl Roitn _ 39 Jamea Moora : 42 Robert Moil Joaeph Corrigan William Titui 36 Frank Lyoni 36 Neil Corb*t Auguat Colmorgan Raymond Hill Walt*r Horn. Max Whitman William Br.unig Stanley Fowler Clement Somm*r. William Bloom...'. John Fonmin Jotaph Hundntpfund Edward Bloom Michael N*aei AVB ' 169.1* U7.2t llo * "F" Dlviil.n G Herb H.ulbo.key John Joilln Robert Truix William Meyer.. Robert Volmer John Baclgalupl...- Fred 1. Bruno... Successive shutouts tossed by Don I^arsen of the Yankees, Clem Lablne of the Dodgers and John Kucks of the Yankees In Ui«IBM World Series marked the first time that happened since IBM. Phil Mancinl 42 Edwin Volmer 38 Walter Wright.'. 13 Nell Gettll 42 Edmund Blom 20 John Skldmor* Fred Bradley 36 Monroe Marx 18 Jamea Fedorko 16 JnM>ph Strum 41 Lynn Farmhnm 38 Paul WhltBdd 42 Alfred Tounil 41 Walter Goldlng 40 Kenneth Woolley 31 Harry Hover 88 Jamea Roblni 42 Cheiter Suplenakl 40 John DeBruln. Jr. 8» Rumll Cottrell 37 Robert Dmhlgh 41 Joteph Brooke 42 Melvin Scheldt 89 Ralph Huhn 41 Ralph n«to 29 Jamei tfeldlo S9 Nell J*lllff 38 John Hendrlckann 41 "0" DIvlilM 0 Joa*ph Flammla Albert Fanon* Milton Cotyman Stanley Dombroikl 42 Harry Woolley 36 William Addlioa 37 Mervln Francla 12 Ren Van Brjnl 41 Lao Tlltoa Mam Juliana IK William Andaraon 12 Sum Mnua?5 AVC t..1O AVE t.ll * I6I.K nert Bros. Is In the same position for high series with 2,7(7. We are pleased to announce that this league's secretary, Vlnce Romano, Informs us that he is back on his feet once again. However, will be a few months yet before he can return to active kegling. it «asyjvincs. Don't rush. ^ Take Haro4«F*t*re Harvey Walling Wjlliasi H«ttm«Jack Oakle; Rickard Conner Edwin Bry Kay Rouaiell EJiwort* tsoden William Conner Joiei>b Lertrh Ctiarln Walling Frank Emmc-i Robart Morrii G**r>* Morn* Garr Chaeay Donald Sch.ll Arthur Green Jaaiea Cullcn Letter Hurl*y Louie Piicitelli Ern**t Farley Cheater Andaraon t s: t 42 Donald Setinildt 41 "H" Diviiion GI* 42 Harry Saga fmrley. Jams BtnlMtt 17 Ftar Krukovtki RUhaN Thoaapara IT - 41 Andrtw Milllgan Ralph Paraon* Donald MUes a rl Jlkubacr und Tiwmw Hy B tlehard Tko«pa» Joaerti c*pe*t««msttfca* MulHa r G.«*e r*r. Alex Roaa 14 Harry Sickle. I* Warir Johnion 41 loklrt Irona L«n Blumgrcn I* C*orr* Willi 41 Owen Dunfa* 88 Joatph Moor* 36 CHIT Hackman 10 William Foatar 11 John Butler Jack Thompion 1* St*v* Lamberteon Willis* Wood RulMil Tomalno 29 fnd Tllton JoMph How* 14 John Fowl.r 17 Franeia Laubm.llt«r 21 Charlta O'Keefe 28 Fr*d Beyar 2S Walter Mwrbott 18 "I" Dtvlaln Frank Moynahan 38 Monroa 22 Al Tarranova t Ray Kuaava 41 Richard Josiuoa - ' ( iok.x AVI * t.ll S.I1 llt.l lll.l * 1( SS.3S I.H * AVE Haro'd KaJllgaa 41 Paul Wigmt M (iriffth «Henry Zekrowaki 41 Stanley Richard* Lynwood Minton Louii Cierpiil William Curl*r George Marx William FitUrer John Koaelrup Warren Reiahardt Lombardi 14 Ralpk Montedoro 12 Hubert Conovar Charl*a Mayer Bernard Marx William Speakman Richard Wegeman Ea*k Hopkim Robert Scott Robert Rick David Crowell John Ciark Milton Baav.r FrH Wigaar Ralps UParre Jamei Mullaney K "'S*_K»< J**m Eager Earl R*id Eollln Saaaurd... Granvlll. L*M*un* laivraac* Mtnwr Martin Watiel... C. W*tt P*ter GiaUaon Howard Maria... John Morgan O I 17 I K1.2I t * AVB. 1* llt.l* lit Burroughi Hindrkkion Edward Stankiawlei Charlei Conner Daiuel Rantrhlar* U Wyle toy Tikon Harry Browar 41 14J.10 Larry rick Wilbur latem* WHam Boyir tl 1IT. Anthonjr Burdg* J*ta* Boyl* 111,11 Jama* Mlgllacclo I* William Tracker Rolxrt Kirnon Kenneth Watt 41 Roeeo* let*il* Edwin PMerion R. Nlcholle Frank Dmgltr at Eugene Gulovwn Everett Uiiilir, Warren Herbert Andrew Unntrt * Joieph Calao lll.l Gaorga N.iberllne OWL ING SCORES MIDDLETOWN MIXED MAJOR STANDINGS W Baron Coffee Shop 2* Cypraa* Inn 22 Willow Wood Inn t«l. Grandinettl Builder «lddl*town Linn P*ek*s Martin*! Diner _ T. V. Leavy 11 High team iirin Baron Coffe* Shop, High eerie* Rar Bohn. (25: Edna Morion. High taam cam* Baron Coffee Shop. 747 High nrlii Dom Lafayette, 253; Edna Morion, 211. INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES WOMEN G Edna Morion 3* Dot Aaohattins 1* Irene Quadt Ann* Balm*r 36 ton Peloi* lolorei Wall! Dorii Streich I* M»ry Wilier 24 Dot L*avy I* Evelyn Henderion 27 Ann Heggen 36 Ann Peck 86 Grace Kipp 30 Charlotte Miller 30 Bea Spratford 24 Rena Galani 27 Lenor* Gattll 6 P*g Bohn I AVE. 1* *.10 g Nora Vaccarella Betty DeTurn Mary Ann Boalrom. Bonni* Schular Helen Malle... Rlna Caprioni Ginger Galani MEN Dom Lifayetle Anthony Paiandrano 3* Lou Agnime 24 Jack Balm*r '8* Doug Miller 36 John Holinda 30 Don Peck 8* Tom Leavy 86 John Oldenborg 36 Ray Bohn _ 81 Frank Strelch 36 Ed Thorn Bob Oldenborg Lou h Lou Graham Miller Tad Morion BUI Braun Harry Rubley Fred Fread John Robimon Jim Screen Ronnie Aichettino Tony Infanti Ralph Vaecarella * * * RED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Da Falco'a Hardware 32 Crata'a Bcveragei Red Bank Roodnit 21 Red Bank Recreition Monmouth Lumber Co Cryital Bar Arnone'l Texaco Service... 2S' Sal'i Tav*rn Nat'a Jewelen...: Sal'i Birber Shop 23'A 24'A Grllll Comtructlon Co 22^4 I.' » Marx Broi 22 John Danie'i Men'a Shop.. 21 Sherwood*! Sporting Good! Alvlno'i Texaco servle* Progrtaiiv* Life Inmrinr.l 14 O0 SERIES Joa Mmuouane, Jr.. 201, JOO CLUB Jo* Calvir 201, Pat Ambroiia 211. Nell Gettll 112, Tony Canrionl 209. Bob Meiaro 218 Jim fle.ry 208, Phil Manclnl 214. Joe La'iyette 22», Stave Caitellaecio 201. Bill Vandeveld* 207, Lea 8t«v*na 205, Samm Galani 20ft. Jo* Hobko 211, Ed Klilln 204. Fred J. Bruno 210. Rar Pcarca 212. Pete Geronimo 200, High Gam* Jo* Lafayette, 221. High aeriei Joe Menaaopane. Mr., 61)1. High team fame-r-d* Faleo'a Hard ware, 983. High team iiriei. Red Bank Roofing. 2.6*8. RED RANK RECREATION TUESDAY NIGHT LEACUE ~ STANDINGS W L Haneoek'a Radio Service Oil Delivery. Inc 2* Forrar'i Llquon Ranaa Brnthera Ballantlne ft Sona 12 Ronl'a Club M*tr* Red Bank Reglitar U'i 28<4 J. H. K*ll» Co 10<{ I4'i 200 CLUB I). Clementl 211, c. Shinn 121, F. Hancock 203, Tomaino S 1, M. Ferrlgno 111, M. Team hl«h three sjamei Hancock'a Radio. 2,514. team high game Oil Delivery. Inc., «10. High llrlei Mario Tomalnn, High aingl* garni Frank Malta, 286. UNITED WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE STANDINGS W Albertion'i Reitaurint IS Brlte'a Clnneri Atlantic Hlghlanda R*c 28 Uglon 1 21 A. C. Radio and T. V 27 V. J. Tllwrtft 24. J TiKtft La Bella Construction Raiaai Pontlae iiakieire T. V Giuliani Comtructlon Uglsn I IK 11 t MIDDLETOWN "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS Eatontown T. V giu Red Bank Roofing Lafayette 1! Burlew'a 18 Luis-i'" 18 Thor-Balma 17 Maieitlc Amuumenta 17 Berg Agency 12 High team three gam** Red Bank Roofing, 2,8«S. High thra* gaam* John Aichettino Hlaa team Majeitlc Amuumenta High Do ig Millar, lit. 17 IS J.U 14 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Jo* Menitopane, Ed Kill G u kitiii".:.::.:..r::zr." Ed Taylor * Marty Canlo Tost Parii 14 Ed Coitie 1* Fior* Coreion* 10 Doug: Millar John Mar 25 Dan Fornataro.'. * Jack Balmer 32 Mario Ponteearvo 27 Phil Viaco 15 Dom Lafiyette 21 Rocky Neici 33 Tom McDonald 20 Lou Ingriiila 34 Lei Stevena «. 35 Phil Sakowiti 2 John Aichettino 27 Tony Palandrano.. 81 Pat. Ambroiii 14 Tony Caprion.1, ^ 36 John Palaridrafio 16 Jo» Rufllni ; 14 Chubby DeFaiio 28 Ralph Aeerra 81 ",m Galatti Lou Mere....J. '.'.'"!'.'".'.'.".'." I* Jo* Lafayette. Ralph Maizucca Pat Montairna... Dick Mayklah... George Woodi. John Holinda Lan Ed Matuiiftwiki Frank Lafayette Charley Shinn 33 Stev* Slovem 27 Mo* Coucei is Ronnie Quadt Romeo Lerro t Blacki* Rufflnl * Ed Thorn u Anthony Palandrano 14 Jim Screen t Angtlo Murdico... ' 11 Hay Rohn n Nick Grandinettl. 1 Ed Ludwig a Tad calk ::::;! George Sollanek 7 AVE , 18*,17 IS1.S t.2Z t.4 178,23 ^ , S t *3.1 1* *0.1 tlt.s ELECTRONIC CENTER LEAGUE STANDINGS Sport!. ««Nile Flyeri Dynamoton Old Timara Wildcati... Snafui Ramblera... Upnatomi ;. Jeta, ; ti Moonbeama 21'» Champa "" «8 jour mink..::'.::::::::::::: n Shortcircuita. fl Knlghti.'..".'.'.".'. " Flippere,'."* gg 12.'"Z 11 < 27 is 14 ts * 17 so 18 rh team thra* gamei Nlti FIy»ri, ' High* t/am" a"" 1 *!*" 1 '' W * b ' 1 ' High gimi G. Cnrion, 141. ' Flippera Nlghthawka?' w Ht SM"?i t * UJBftS CLUB Vt* 1 Weaaelman -.0 CLUB Frank Rermalat 201, 211; Jo* Yatiko 111, Frank Albtrtion 211, Joa McCoy 201, Ralph Mirrhettl 212. Pat Orlmn 201, Hank Tnrrwglinl ill. Art Cultmlngi 109 I.ARSKN IS HOCKEY FAN NSW YORK (API Don Laraen, only pitcher to hurl a perfect World Series game, Is a frequent visitor to Mndlson Bquarn Oarden when the New York Rangers play. H«often is accompanied by his catcher, Yogi Be lit, another rabid hockey fun, t INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES J. Glrllllami 172. R. Plckeni 17(1, J. Hoiden UiF. A. rietrovlteh lit, E. Faliettl 1*1, E. W*bt> 161. G. Corion * K. Shlbl. 116 R. Caiur 111. J. Panteleo 1*1. R, Cran* 1(1, J. Mc- Hanry 1*1, G. Cirragh 160, K. Sutphen l' () *r. I> -J H ' >rnin<lti ' * 'sylor 111, A. Cardomonl 157. E. Page 116, L Bryan.165, N. Eldridga 114 J Engllih 151. E. W.aiilma» 168. F, buganlll L. gldd.n. 151, E. Hood lit" C. Le.k Ul. B. Murny m, J. Wax's* us, R. Hendr ekion 141, G. Hui.ey 141, O. Rouvell 148. C. Col.mble.ikl 148/ W. Travora 148, C. 9heerer 148, M Lain 146 J. Ervln Hi, F. Patten 141, a Bill B. Koehler 141, A. Popok 14J, Z. PsriylUr Ul. O. Opa.1 lit, R. Norcro«lit, H. Buchanan 111, D. Calabro 1S7, O, Fraderlcke 187, F! Sch.lfir 132,. Vafaldai 112, D. Me. Dirmott I, K, Brtnnan 111, J. Gill ISO, W. Nattram 130. D. Duncan 129. J. Motto 120, T. Mahon 128. J. Kmnedy 128, J. Parker 124, N. Shay 124, F. Elxnat 124. L. Thorn* Ul A'Ford 117 C. Martin 111, N. Clccon* 111, J. Kuenxal 102, WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL LEAGUE, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS STANDINGS Atlantic Highland! Rar IS 16 Tumen'a 31 Ji Koeppel A Sena 82 W. W. Brook "1 Sparkle'a Electric 27 Lynch'e 2i Atlantic Hardwan Albertion'i Rtitaurant. Homeitead Inn A. H, National Romeo'a Ca-ruio Elao... ink 24 Si*. I* 11H i* ir 14 ;.* MATAWAN-KEYFORT LADIES' WEDNESDAY NITE LEAGUE STANDINUS W Natalle'i Dreii Shop Cratc'l Hivirisei 28 Ulrlrliienn Moat Work! Srrott'i Funeril Home 27 Flamlniio Bar Manner! Lunch Martlnl'i Dlmr 24 Matawan-Key Rec. Center 12 EI-Mn-KI 21H BachilaiU'i Tavern!j L ! 'i Bob While Quail TRXNTON-TM KaU Division of Fish and Game, Department of Conservation and CuaoMnic D*v«lopment, t«*iay reniinded hunters or th«mtonded ataaon in New Jersey to Jan. IS on Bob White Quail. The quail population in Southern New Jersey remain* ti an iil-tin high, and there ia dlrwt evidence that thi* crop ia vtatterutmlud by the hunur. UM «ivttion laid. at desinbu that an increased harvest be taken from this species in order to reduce the possible ih effect* that migti, occur to a wlldufe population that exceeds the available food aupply. Commissioner Joseph K. Mc- 1, * * nw.wmi servation and tjrmmtk ment, in ursine lieansed Bwnters to take advantage of the extended season, emphasized there Is an excellent opportunity for many days of first-class sport for thoss who have a food dog and enjoy the thrill of hunting this fine nine bird. was the realisation of the high population of quail' that pronvpted the State Fish and Gam* Council to extend the quail season to Jan. IS. The hunting hours on all lands in the stats ars from onejialf hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset The daily bag limit is seven quail. N* probleaj tndiag Unante 1 advertin Th* Raslatat war. A4v*r- Uaaaaal L firettottts GREATEST SALE! Tub*>d Typ* 6.7O-1S O-15 6.OO Tub»l«a« al* Pries Caeh* ««.OS I7.«O t*m *V70 Piue Ma ant) your riutaew, tiro Al Stan of Poralgn Car Tbw SHARPETIRE COMPANY 101 OAKLAND ST. orr. m. a STATION RE ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. manufacturer of... COaiPUTINS offers carter opportunities for ENGlrlCCrw ' ". - CHALLEHUNO'. AHCNllENTg FOR ET.EC VROMIC AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ON NEWLY CONCEIVED COMPUTER CIR. CUITI.,. DESIGN DRAFTSMEN TOR LAYOUT Or* COMPLEX ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND ASSEMBLIES. ' FIELD ENGINEERS DESIRABLE POSITIONS IN CUSTOMER RELA- TIONS. HELD INSTALLATION AND REPAIR OF COMPUTING EQUIPMENT. MINIMUM TWO YEARS ELECTRONIC SCHOOLING PLUS PRAC- TICAL EXPERIENCE.,. v Al'a enviable poiwon si th* leadlna; sjtnufaettirer ef (anermt surpoa* analoc aomputwa avalla outitandlns opportunltl** la th* short area «utatandln» opportunltin, aalsrlts and btnebtt formerly os*r*4 only la th* natropollttn ar*a. EAI o»eri Is addition to unuiually llbiral benett protrara. an axcluiiv. atoek option plan and. a 100*% tuition r*fund plaa (or those who wlia to untlartoks advanced profmlonal atudl**. CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEWS DAILY AT OUR MAIN PLANT LONG BRANCH AVENUa Ok BIND RESUME TO W. D. POTTER, Dlr. of Peraonnal LONft IRANCH. N. J EEWSSD VJHIEl! k M th* ttwkwt for m *M InflcrlMi ball. If y«u kmw HM whsfmbmrs! *», Mk H «nd#f your «rm m*j mm In Utymir '2.00 TRADE-IN ON SHERWOOD'S SPORTING GOODS HE 64)042 7 BROAD STREET RED BANK

41 Tigers Lose To St. Rose ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Trailing by a mere point after three quarters of play, Coach Boxy Finn's Tlfen were mowed under In the final chapter to loae a fs-49 encounter to St. Rose of Beteiar here Friday night. Th«contest was ntp-and-tuck all the way with only a difference of on* or two point* 'right up uatil the la* halt mtnuu of puy.~w«*> time running out the Purple Hoses led, SU», and then wrapped up the lamie with a foul snot and a basket Atlantic led at the end of the first period, 12-6, and wai out front, 25-24, at the half alter second quarter by the Roses. The Tigers lost the lead after three quarter*, 41-40, and then were outscored, 14-1, In (he final sessions. St. Rose also won t*e junior varsity encounter, Sl-M. Calandrlello led the Tlfen with eight tallies, while Whaten led the winners with 14. Coffcan Eehaad _ Farren Fowere C»rr 21 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS FG at the half. In the second half the Raiders exploded their offensive, scoring a. JW2 third quarter and a lopsided JT-4 final aeaston. Lenny Golden was the spark With la markers. Bob Kennedy wai next with 18. 8OUTR PLAIKFIBLD FG Kerel.. Gorman... Sherman UVeeehia.. Hendenoa _ Ksrr -... Smith -. Miller DaRoea - Nasle 0 Callahan.. ~ 1 Poewiny. 1 KEYFORT O'Rrlftn Kennedy I/>Pre«to' - Almlie Jobtmon...~.._ Lawson Kuth i Oehinegro... Taylor... M.»...«.. Golden 18 FG F T V o it s 0 t 1 18 aa > 74 Seen»r Quarters south Plalnteld... «14 4 I Keroort 14 *0 «T4 Offlclale Hubka, Dataller: Futurity Entries Close Tuesday MONMOtTH PARK Nominations for the US* New Jersey Futurity to be run at Monmouth Park will dose ait midnight Tuttv day. At that time, is expected that owners and breeders In New Jersey will have named practically 4v«ry top broodmare In the state. Although there has been a steady flow of nominations Into the office of General Manager Ed- Ward J. Brennan, since the release of Futurity stake Wanks several weeks ago, many of the leading taxing stables have yet to file their nominations. With New Jersey established aa one of the leading producers of thoroughbred horses, Is expected that this year's total of ' nomination* will set a roeord for the state. Open only to New Jersey foaled two-year-olds, this rich and popular stakes fixture has attracted outstanding fields of competitors in recent years. The Futurity, revived in 1MI as a carry ewer from old Monmouth Park days, has grown annually In prestige' 'and Interest. Important to owners, breeders and tramert, it also has Inoreased materially in value. Today it Is the state's rlohest atak«for New Jersey foaled Juvenile thoroughbreds.. Under the conditions) of the Fu- ; turlty, the produce of mares foaled m New Jersey In 1M7 ar» made eligible on payment of an Initial subscription of flo Tuesday, with a second payment of tjh due Oct. 1, 1(58, and a final WO payment due June 1, lew. Te these accumulating subscription fees, Monmouth Park Jockey club will add 115,000 on the date the race will be run. New Jersey's thoroughbred horse breeders also will share In the final distribution of purse monies. Awards In the amounts of ITW. IMS, $275 and HBO will be made to the breeders of horses finishing Snt, second,, third and fourth, respectively, m this US* stake event for two-year-olds, Lak«wood'a Pinen Whip Neptune, 6845 NEPTUNE Lakewood high chool proved the team to whip In the Shore Conference "A" division cage race Friday when the Pinen knocked off previously unbeaten Neptune, 68-48, on the Filer's home grounds. Jack Ardon, Lakcwood's ace, parked the offensive with 23 points, but he had plenty of assistance from Limy D'ZIo, Jr., and Bob Clark. D'ZIo dunked In 16 points, while Clark tossed In 14 talllee. was the first cir- Joe Culmone set a track record oult win for the Plners and thein 18B0 when he rode 69 winners flfst loss for Wartime. during 40 days at Atlantlo «fm.y. Olympic Gold Medal Winner Honored Cammodora D. A. Caruio. left, of the Atlantic Highland* Yacht club chart with Lawranca E. 'Larry' Lew of Ridge rd., Rum ton, craw member of the only American boat to win a gold medal in tho Olympic! hold at Australia recently. Othen in the photo aro Mn. low and State Senator Richard R. Stout. Mr. Low wai honored at a testimonial dinnar Saturday night»i Cabin-in-tha-Slcy. Mr. Low and Harb Williami of Chicago won tho Star clan tailing event. Huskie Cagers Still Unbeaten MATAWAN Matawan high t( t 4t school kept its unbeaten slate gears kr C)«artere dean Tuesday night by rapping ti. BOM I ia 14 Hoffman of South Amboy, 54-11, Aa. Hlshlaade. 11 Is 11» «t on the court here. Oawila Va» Arsdale eat Ummkers. Xelght Picurl. with IT pomj, sparked the Huskies. He was supported by Wove Altkas, the Raiders Slam bif Hatawan center, who dropped through 15 pomts. The first two periods the dubs S. Plainfield played nip and tuck basketball, XITPOKT Key-port high with Matawan trailing, 11-11, in elm* etulhed up tu fearuh the first period and Hoffman takk>g ao second quarter to straight court encounter of the season IWdar night when the Red tie ttte one, 2HJ. Raiders rolled over South PSatafleld, 7448, here Friday night. the horns and dropped In seven Hourf then took the bull by points to give the Huskies the The visitors had the lead only lead early In the third canto. snee, 2J-J1, In the middle of the Matawan outscored the Gover- second chapter and trailed, IMS, nors, 144, m the third to take a advantage, and a lead the Huskies never relinquished. Matawan's Junior varsity won, HOFFMAN Bloodgood Charaeito Madeline _ '.. 4 La,ke 0 Shults,. -^ 0 Poeteeh 1 Bieks.-. t Inmiin I Bethada» TOF T MATAWAN FG T Alikas - S Scully..._ 0 Williams 1 Johnion 5 Pleurl, 7 O'Nelll 1 Dleti 1 4 I 4 0 FT 6(,Saare br Qwirtara Hafrman I I SI Matawan n 10 U 54 Royals Triumph In T loop Toe River Plaaa Royals flnally hit the win column by edging the HlddMown Lions, 4W», In a rough gams In the Red Bank T. if. C. A. llth-ijth grade league. Joe Maire paced the winners with 14 points and Don Frost scored nine. The rebounding ot Walt Oakden turned the tide. Bob Babooek, with 12. and Rich Matte wttit ten, led the losers' scoring. The fast-breaking Kalines ran to another easy win, defeating the Stow pokes, BUI Bennett, with M points, was high man, aided by Sonny Pennlogton, with IT, and Jton Van Brunt, with 15. Prank Rosa and Bud Gopel each had eight lor the Sow Pokes. In fee junior high league the Fort Wlyne Jrs. romped to a mm-mmthe Flamingos. The Fort Wayne Jrs, a taller team, eleasenated the rebounding under both boards to gain the win. Ken Ruby, with IT points, and Bam Cepalbo, with 14, were standouts for the winners. Bd Wrnrow had 13 markers and Jim Peavey 11' for the Flamingos. A. real thriller developed between the Fair Haven Knicks and the Red Bank Royals, wiwi the Knicks flnally winning Peter Schanok scored 21 points for the winners and controlled the boards. losers with nine pomts. Cubs Inaugurate Gage League LITTLE SILVER The Cub loouta here inaugurated (heir basketbam league at the grammar aeboot taturdavy. Ia oontesu played, the Eagles won over the Blue Devils, 24-16, and the Tigers whipped thi (Hants, 28-i. TO F Jalfw tine Vitt Maronay R, Ayrea Jenaan 0 Butler K. O'tUlltF.. lurlmu Se.nlon Wrisht I, om Tuttla Bob (MMT Uwn Rlekir OUIMJ E. Amu 8>lm<rl..._ uih 8h*rmftn.. MeEvor... Loolllnte. M.rrlll MAIM DIVILfl GIANTS TIOBRS TO T FG ra Adult League Resumes Action One-eided game* were on the program as the Red Bank recreation committee adult basketball league resumed action this week. Hoffman's Army and Navy quintet, led by Ace Cottrell and Dick Hart, trounct-i O-M Sales, m the opening game. In the second contest of the doubteheader. Rogers Bar, paced by Jkn SohuRles and John Kennedy, dumped Sal's Tavern, 81-M. Sal's team was handicapped In the contest, having played the entire contest with only four men. HOFFMAN'S A. * N. TO H.rt 10 Aumick - 4 Lundln 8 Null! CottrtH 11 O-H BALES Bundtrlsnd... Wutu Cordaseo ' M«rl.y Unbinir Sehub Nlchola F0 F T Scare my Quartan Hoffman's AAjN O-M Sail! I 2 I 8 2* ROGBL'8 BAB FO P P Generelli Keyei. 8 0 H Hart Kennedy.» I St Schultiat» I 20 ' SAL'S TAVERN IT 7 81 FO r P Dennis» 2 18 Clarneckl Stawart I» 2 Bjrrne is ~i JI Scare my Quarters Rosol'e Bar IS Sal's Tavern I I Ardon s 42 Points Defeats Lions LAKKWOOD-The Mlddletown township high school's cage squad gave Lakewood a fit Tuesday ntgm before the Plners eked out a 734B victory in "A" division of the Shore Conference circuit. Jack Ardon, Lakewood's sixfoot, eight-inch center, proved too much for the Lions, as the Finer center racked up 42 points. Don Dutch Uhrlg strung along point for point, but his SS points feu seven short of natehlng the Lakewood star. The Lions roared out to a point lead and then played on even, 21-31, terms in the second quarter. Lakewood knotted the game at the end of the third after a 1B-4 session and then outscored Mlddletown, IB-IB, to Ice the issue. Action was fast near the end of the tussle when Unrig and Don 14. TOTAL LIABIUTIX8 111,414, VonOhlen scored baskets to knot the, game at The lead changed hands again before Bill Karjane's Jump shot gave Lakewood s final lead. LEONARDO FG r P Von Ohlen _ Cuthbereon._..... o o 0 Rrunnar _ Uhflf IJ George Hall paced the Jflk «17 Blb«ud 4 1 I LAKIWOOD 11 ii 11 ro rf Ardan '. ~...~ 17 D'ZIo, 2 Clark 0 Groat 2 P Oil J2 I I e 0 «Scare br Quartan Leonardo Lakawoad 11 tl Long Branch Rolls Over Princeton LONG BRANCH-Andy Higgins scored 88 points Friday night to pace Long Branch high school to a victory over Princeton on the court here. The Branchers rolled up the score In mid-periods, with Hfeglns and Bpany VanDyke leading the way. VanDyke contributed 2i markers to the win, while Joe Grulao and Dick Borger tallied 1< and 12 points, respectively. Ceramic Leagues Announce Contest Ceramic Leagues, Inc., with main offices In Newark, this wssk announced plans for the fifth annual ceramic contest for adults and children. Ceramic Leagues Is a non-profit making organisation for the advancement of ceramics as a hobby. Entries will be exhibited and judged at the fifth Eastern Ceramic hobby show In Convention hall, Asbury Park, May 4 to (. Those wishing to participate may obtain entry blanks from Mrs. Loulne Fenn of 57 Bast River rd,, Rurruon, and the league will provide supplies or Instruction If desired. ChlMran'i intrles will be Judged In a special division. Kiwanig Installs 1957 Officers LINCROFT The Ltncroft- Holmdel, Klwanis club held an installation dinner meeting Saturday at Lincroft Inn. Henry Jenke of Pine Beach, lieutenantgovernor of division five, installed the new officers. They are Stanley StMwell, president; Jack Lamken, first vice president; John Portln, second vice president; Daniel Ely, treasurer, and Joseph Ifendres, secretary. IX' rectors are Henry Handleman, Harry Sprung, Robert and Nathan Seigle. IS Correct Attest; Rowely F. Howard Lloyd, Matawan, gave a talk "Americanism." Officers of the past year were retired by Channlng Cktpp, Matawan, past lieutenant-governor. Group Kinging was led by Mr. GRANITE, Okie., (AP) O» borne Hunt and J. B. Reser, hap py over their bag: while duck hunt- F P ing, laid their live ducks on the 1 21 ground. While trying for more Handleman. kills two of Uielr "dead ducks' 4 12 flew away. i 24 Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Sprung, Mr. save te aavertiea la The Basil 1284 and Mrs. Harry Seylax, Mr. andtsr. Advertisement, Mrs. Lamken, Mr. and Mrs. Mendres, Mr. and Mrs. Btilwell, Mr. and Mrs. Portln, Mr. and Mrs. Rowley, Mr. and Mrs. Handleman, Tony Flasconaro, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaul, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. and Din. Jenke and Mr. Clapp. CHARTER NO. am UUKVB DISTRICT NO. I REPORT OF CONDITION at The Vonmouth County National Bank. Red Bank. <4 Red Bant, in the State of New Jareer. at the eloae ot buelnaii on December, 1(51, Publiehed in reaponae to call anada br Comptroller of the Current/, under Section U. 8 Reviled Statute!. ASSETS 1. Calk, balancee with other banki. Includlns balanca, ana eaah eme ia procaia of collection,... 1,011, t. United Statee Government obllsatfoni, direct and I. ObUs-ationa of Statee and political subdlvi. elona 1.141, Other bonds., aotea. and dabanuraa I Corporate stocks <lneludlne- MI.O.Ot stock of Federal Beserve bank) - - t. Loans and dlseounta (Ineludlns U.itO.M overdrafts) 11,411, T. Bank pramlaea ownad 1401, Furniture andnrture.iu0.lll.oi 111, Other aeieta - 111,171.71, TOTAL AS8BT8 _.. 41,I'I,I41.«, Demand deposlte ot Individuals. partnerahlpa and eorporationa : 14. TIBM dapoalta a( individuals. partnerahlpa and earporationa Dapoalts of United Statea Government... Deposita ol States and political aubdlviiioni 1.011, Other daposlta (eartlned tlbad a and cashier's a ohmka. ate.) TOTAL DJ roblts,1«.is1. Other liabilities 117, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. Capital Stock t (c) Common stock. total par - TSI.IM.M 21. Surplus 712, Undivided profile ~ lll.lll.ll 28. Baiarvm - 1, TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS i.it4.iii.u I. TOTAL UABIUTOC8 AND CAPITAL AC- COUNTS I41.5SI.I41.4I MBMOHAND.. Aiieta pladsad or aialined to teetua liabilities and (or other purpoaae I 1.615, I. Georsa L. Blellti, Prasidont of the above-named bank, do solemnly awaar that the above etatement Ii true to the Preildent. ALSTON BHCKXAN. «-., Plraetora... Mate el Now Jeraer. Cenaty ef Mas- Sworn to and' euesarlbed before "a Ale h da* of January, HIT, and t berebr eertlfj that I am not aa aflesr ar director of thla hank. (HEAL) BICHARD SCHMIDT. Notary fable. Hr eommleeloa expire* Mar. tl. lilt Whm yo*i an xtra track for moviira] or for btittnou.. HINT A TRUCK MOM few Cars*(tow Tracks PHIL WALDMAN Car *<? Truck Rental Maple Ava. and W. Front St. RED BANK RM lank svoios Open Dally and Sunday T A. M. to is r. M. Slover Sparks Caseys' Win KETFORT Ed Novcr, the ex plodlns; cace bomb for Red Bank Catholic, was inserted Into another ball game Sunday and lost no time exploding points to ret the Caaeys of? to a victory over St. Mary's of South Amboy on St. Joseph's court here. St. Marys edged the Caseyi in the flrst quarter , but when Coach Bill "Doc" Creamer substituted his junior varsity and part-time varsity ace, St. Mary's feh the eaplosion. Stover's play soon closed the urap as he nrivri his club with nine points. With Tony Bevaequa contributing six points tn the quarter, Red Bank Catholic took the lead at the half, 50-». The Caseys nipped St. Mary's, M, in an old-fashioned scoring second period before Dynamite Slover started hi* exploding tactics in the fourth. Slover poured in sight markers In this session to get the Caseyi off and winning. Slover picked up points. Dick Ooodwyn had 15, Bevaequa 11. Red Bank Catholic's junloi varsity, with Slover dropping 10 points, downed St. Mary's reserves, ST. MARY'S Vlsglen* Larnnrd» Preetava*... ajaaalae. Mullan* Pbllllpa.. Grabor MO Kenned v Goodwyn Kaughton Corcoran Slover Clarl Bauach. F0 BANK CATHOLIC FG Scare ar Qaartero St. Hair's <«A> _ I H Bed Bank Ceta » OaVlale Wolf. - DOWN BUT MOT OUT SEMI- ANNUAL ED BANK REGISTER Tfcrtsite.! >»> l«7- t t ORIGINAL PRICE TAGS ON EVERY GARMENT! SUITS NEVER A CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS Imported and domestics, worsteds, flannels and shetlands rarely found at Hits* prices. REG. 49" AU WOOL WORSTEDS 54* IMPORTED DOMESTICS 59" IMPORTED WORSTEDS 64" IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC REG. CHEVIOTS. WORSTEDS TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS NOW 47* 51* AU WOOL GABARDINE WORSTED AND DOMISTIC TWUDS 59" IMPORTED HARRIS TWEEDS 47 " 74" LUXURIOUS IMPORTED CA»H M ««*MD WOOL 59*0 THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ENTIRE STOCK EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! STORM COATS 43 Genuine mouton collar. Daap pit* lining. Rag MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK Ju$t off Broad Street Tht new Allstate Crusader Policy gives yeu Tfc«Place ft 99 far tkm MMBMB rae ffner neanienj Y«a KMW CUpper Craft Stetson Hats McGregor Sportswear Van Hensm Shirts Alligator Coats Hkkok Belts added auto insurance protection fertures...y*t you still pay Allstate's famous low rates! With own can and mon ipeed, your chanoei of having aa auto accident an trater today than ever befon. And, aa you'd expect, AlUtate hu come through again with the txlru auto insurance protection you need in today'i traffic! Many new, important extra-protection feature! have been added in the great new Albtate Crusader Policy. YeiyouillUpayAlhlalt'ifamouilowralesI What'i more, it'i protection you can really Mint on from the Insurance company founded by Sain. Last year atone, Albtate paid ovtr 100 mttllon dollars to claimi to protect iti policyholden. Proof that, whatever happeni, you're in good ' handt with AlteUte. CHECK n n MANY NIW FEATURES LUTED AT THE JOHTl Then tea or phone your neaittt AUitate Iniurance Company Agent for this vital extraprotection. 's the lafeit buy you'll ever makel HOT* they mrm\ 1h«many xtr«-pret«cf(«)ri H**m* you CMI aja>f wltii AHtTsstt) m The llammy ef emy kevwtam mmaer h arotedis while eltlvint your ar Your imiily Hvln wlui you peottdm avbtn tirivlng ether cars You HI protected whm drtvlm bemaea sr rtirmcsn a As, «MHIOMI cw rm OW h Mitomllieillir C0*tn0tMUIl«eYoustepntsctsdwtiandrMiiinubitKiitieer a fnt nery stnny > rseslr Mill «*«tw Mlstale ciilltloolnjurw a n cg*ime a Ritap toxtni MI MM aptoks Pi»l up to tn per dii for court ippnrinca br atnoml Injury Ismulti Piyi up to W p«r di> when or itolin a fttpeyimot <* ball bond it doubled to $200 limit a Hit trinwortitkn up to IS If ur ii disabled a Piyi torburned ar urirlng a Pan far sn Mndditn dssujfi tohrsi Fiaer reitrictiomm driven ia auto btutosa You km liability protsctim when risisfis ul You are protected when ptihinf a uwirr USH«with My dittfrd ur *;?*, wt tmutm Injury loa>»eii eri Is mobile kssieer Oeith. Orsability Md Medical Piynert nto neuesd \i%tor lihty belt uteri a lost te or ot utility trailers ii mend up to $500 a Piyi up to 200 tor cmhlni snd hjfji a difflita e liability tsjumid bsfore accldmt Is You i n protected «h«n pulling trailer win truck for MnbutlMti reitom Tldi U a brief liiilnt ofthi cvwraffff. Vu Contract la etnulntj only lit tin policy. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. WILDING 36 White Street, Red Bank, New Jeney Ph.: Red Bank mi Red Bank BO I Main Street, Atbury Park, New Jsnsy Ph.: Proipect You'r* In good hands with... i n a u K A N e a a at «H v uoahrsto S T O C K C O M P A N Y P R O T E C T I O N JJj I

42 Rutgers Tomato Leads Others In Selection for High Yields IED tajik U&fllM 42--Tluir«br, J», 10, 1957 FREEHOLD The Rutgers to-] m«to still leadt other varieties selected* for the production of high yield! of tomatoe* by New Jersey grower. There were 71» grower! qualifying for the 195«New Jersey Ten-Ton Tomato club, reports g. H. Nis«lejf, vtger* vegetable specialist In *ummariilng the varieties used y these grower* it wa«found 'that Rutgers -was grown by 10S growers, who grew only the Rogers variety. In addition 111 (rr»w a combination of Rutgers and Garden Slate and ten a combination of Rutgers and Queens. In the e!ub, 193 growers ol the T18 grew one variety only. Of these, 101 grew the Rutgers, 78 Improved Garden State, seven Queens, three Marglobe and two the No. 146.»n unnamed variety of the Campbell Soup company. One hundred and aixty-one growers grew two varieties, a practice recommended for New Jersey growers. With a combination ot two varieties, one a fairly early one and the other later, the picking Mason it lengthened. With the combination planting, the Improved Garden State and Rutgers were used by 121 growers, Garden Mate and Queen* by SO growers and Rutgers and Queens by ten, Southera Pepper Hants The severe infestation of the bacterial leaf spot in aisny pepper fields during /the put season was traced to Southern-grown plants. Where the farmer treated his seed and grew his own plants, as did most of Monmouth county's grower*, there ; was no trouble. Where a grower grew half of his plants and finished the remainder of the planting with Southern plants, bacterial leaf spot spread throughout the entire field. The question of certifying pepper plant* from Georgia under the same rules and restrictions that govern the growing of certified tomato plants waa taken up with Georgia authorities. The latest information is that Georgia cannot begin the proposed pepper plant certification program this coming year because of a lack of personnel. Georgia authorities hope that in WM such a program can be launched for the benefit of New Jersey pepper growers. A number of New Jersey pepper growers will pool their orders, buying the same variety and treating seed with bichloride of mercury as recommended. Seed wilt be sent to a plant farm In Georgia recommended by T. J. Ratdllffe, In eharge of the Georgia plant I peetlon service, and he will keep an eye on the plant* while they are being grown. The Georgia authorities will not be able to certify these plants. However, the grower will know that the plants will be grown from his own treated seed. A pepper grower who win not (row his own plants for next year's planting should be cautious in improving Southern plants grown from seed that h»s not been treated with mercury solution. The chemical weed killer, J. 4, S-T wilt eradicate honeysuckle. But use extreme care, urges the prised to learn that they are rather thin and light. Cheeking further he may discover that these bird* are not eating enough feed. university forester, to avoid getting the chemical on "wanted" vegetation. I* good business to kill all honeysuckle before trees are planted. >irds with dye or legb&nds for hecking purpose* every month, f birds hold their body weight ith normal feed intake from month to month, egg production should remain high. In some eases where an shmh feeding program is followed, it may be necessary to feed pellets in addition. Where both mash and grain ire fed, a poultryman can control body weight by increasing or leereasing the amount ot grain. Bird* in 75 per cent production uring winter should be eating about 12 to 14 pounds of grain r 100. Cheek Birds' Wright The poultryman who checks tody weight of birds may be sur- Poor eaters will first show a eeiease in body weight and then sudden drop in production. According to Richard O. Rice, Lssoclste agricultural agent, 100 >irds in 75 per cent production ihould eat H to 10 pounds of feed day. He suggest* marking a few Tigers Lose To Keyport KEYPORT Jumping off to a 17-» first quarter lesd, Keyport high school continued an offensive which dumped Atlantic Highlands, 83-51, Tuesday nig.1t in a Shore Conference "B" division opener for both clubs. Keyport jumped out to an 8-0 lead early in the first quarter and continued to spread points with an -point margin In the third quarter, wrapping up the issue. Coach Roxy Finn's Tigers were connecting with field goals, but they had a poor night at the foul line. Keyport had 23 one-pointers, while Atlantic Highlands sunk only 11. Ray LoPresto topped thn Raid r*' scoring with 18, with Bob Kennedy and Bob Atari* contributing 14 each. Henry Rung* paced the Tigers with If point* on six goals and four fouls. Atlantic'* Jayvees lost the preliminary encounter, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS KG F P Run*t 6 4 Lan* H.«th I 1)1 Calitndrillo t 4 10 Murrir S O S Bordalls * 0 0 Rippk*»» - 9 Motuy.'.'! ::;..;. 1 1 ««_ is: Society Holds, Fellowship Event FAIR HAVEN The Women's Society for Christian Bervlce of the Methodist church held the monthly fellowship supper last night in the church recreation room. In charge were Mrs. Lester England, Mrs. Luner Brett, Mrs. Barney Egeland and Mrs. George W. Curchin. Plans for the supper and other activities were completed when the society met Monday at the church parsonage on River rd., with Mra Walter T. Oandek as hostess. The unit will hold s second annual birthday party Wednesday night, Jan. M, in the church recreation room, with Mrs. Clifford Grimmer as chairman. Mrs. Curchin, treasurer, presented a financial report for the past six months. Members contributed enough % 3m* WMfe, 8*1 I. Fmknrw Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. White of 11 Washington st., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss E. Jane W. White, lo Sal J. Foderaro, of White Plains, N. Y., son of Mrs, Theresa C l?oderaro of 1202 Sixth ave., Neptune, and the late James C. Foderaio. KEYPORT Ruth 0 Golden O'Brinn Johmon, Oealnetrro... HI T P r> < H 3 1» 4 10 IS 2 4 S 0, 0 0 Atlantic Hi»h., Carport. Seer* kr Quartan t clothing boxes to fill several large sent to Korea for distribution by Methodist missionary workers there. Mrs. Robert Denny was in charge. Also attending were Mrs. J. Phillip Stout, Mrs. Norman Wyckoff, Mrs. Thomas Bmmoni, Mrs. Emily Slier, Mrs. M. Floyd Smith, Mrs. Charles Fugate, Mrs. Katherine WhIUhtsad, Mrs. David Murdock, Mrs. Clara Lockwood, Mrs. Carrie Bennett, Mrs. Arthur Baker and Mrs. Robert Wyckotf. Order Crop Seed Early Don't wait too late to get your forage crop seed for next year, reminds County Agent M. A. Clark Report* from V. S. D. A.'s agri culture marketing service indlcate that aeed supplies are mov ing at a faster rate and at highe prices than a year ago. Relatively low prices for eer- Uin crops in 1955 and drough' in some areas during MM among reason* for smaller seed supplies for 1W7. More forage grasses add legumes are being planted, also, because of the operation of the soli bank. Varieties of grasses and legumes recommended for 1957 are essentially the same as for 1996, according to C. R. Skogley, Rutgers crops specialist. There Is no question, he adds, ef the economy in the use of certified sead of recommended varieties. Certification insures the source, purity, variety and germination of the seed. Use of a recommended variety can. In fact, mean extra dollars In the futner'* pocket. A few cents a pound more for the right variety may be a good investment, as the establishment cost Is only a small part of the whole production eost. The little extra that you pay for certified seed usually Is returned many times over in added yield and increased Hfe of stand. Dehorning Calves 's better to dehorn dairy cattle when they are young but modem ways ef doing the Job make it relatively simple for veterinarian* to dehornveyen mature cattle. Electric or mechanical dehornsrs or chemicals, such as caustic work well w*h immature animals, says Frank A. Wright, extension dairy specialist at Rutgers university. Owner preference determines the method. Horn OB cattle have no practical value, according to the specialist, and horns sometimes eaun fatal injuries to other cattle or their owners. Horns make problems in loose housing set-ups and they give definite advantage to "boss" cows. Poult ry~mi*ung Dr. John O. Huttar, egg marketing specialist of G. L. F., will be the speaker at a poultry meeting, sponsored by the Monmouth county extension service, to be held in the hall of records, freehold. Thursday, Jan. 17, at 8 p. m Dr. Huttar will discuss the current egg situation and egg marketing, as well as describe how the egg market operates. The meeting Is open to the public. Honeysuckle Japanese honeysuckle is dam aging many farm woodlots, warns A. N, Lentz, extension forester at Rutgers university. Woodland owners, especially Christmas tree and locust post producers, sr«letting themselvei In for plenty of trouble if they fall to kill small patches of thli Legion Auxiliary To Fete County Officer* LEONARDO The Ladies' auxiliary of the American Lfgion post S38 will be hostesses at a meeting of county officer* Feb. g at the poet room* on rt. M. Mrs. Henry Metiger Is chairman and her commutes members arc Mrs. Ben Layton, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. Harry Dwight and Mrs. William Dalley. The business meeting was held Monday when plans were mads for a crazy hat party Fib. 18, Mrs. Layton Is chairman. She will be assisted by Mrs. Charles HcConnach, Mrs. Raymond Dwight, Mm. Harry Dwight and Miss Pearl Layton. Mrs. Walter Wood, chairman for the "Blue Crutch" proram reported that $ was received. A veterans' party will be held Mar. 14 at Marlbo-o state hospital. Mrs. Layton is In charge. The fourth annual smorgeibord will b«held May 4. and the second annual past president and past commander's dinner will be held in February. Mr*. Wood is chairman for the dinner. OfReisU Cnbrowskl. Hubia, Central Cagers < Triumph, MIDDLETOWN The basketball team of Central School inaugurated s season in the Bayshore Conference junior high school basketball league last week with a win over Keansburg. Kevin Truex led the victors with eight points, while Felamen and Osuato were high for the losers. This will mark the second year of this five-team league. Participating are Matawan, Keansburg, Union Beach, Raritan town ship and Central. THE SCHEDULE... Jan. ««MsUwaii. Central (H). J.n. «0 Union Baach, Central <H>. Feb. «Kwnrturg. C«lltr»l (Ht.. Feb. RaritBn Townihln, Central (H). Fefc. JS Mitumn. Ontr.l (A). Mtrek I Union BMC*. Ctntwil (U). Local Skater* Pas* Ice Dance Tests ASBURY PARK Pamela HinchcllfTe, 12, and Britt Crosier, 13, of Fair Haven passed their preliminary ice danoe tests conducted by the U. 8. HgMre Skat, taf association SstWsjE at A* Miss E. Jane White Miss White attended Red Bank schools and is a graduate ot Va#- ax college. She is a writer for the Pan-American Coffee bureau. New Tork city, and was formerly social editor of the Long Branch Daily Record. Mr. Federal o attended Long Branch schools, Monmouth Junior college, and the New School for Social Research, New York city. He 1* night city editor of the Reporter Dispatch of Whits Plain*, and was formerly assistant city editor ot the Long Branch Dally Record. (CIV Oratory Contest Jan. 20 Monmouth county Catholic War Veterans will hold the annual oratorical contest at Red Bank Catholic high school auditorium Sunday, Jan. 20, at 4 p. m. The topic of the contest is 'Youth's Views on Juvenile Delinquency." Contestants will be judged as follows: Evidence of sincerity In presentation, 19 points; evidence of original thinking, IS points; subject clarity and correctness, 10 points; speech and delivery, 30 point* and appearance and poise, 10 point*. Catholic high schools participating are Red Bank Catholic high, sponsored by St. James pest. Red Bank; Star of the Sea Academy, sponsored by Long Branch post, and St. Rose high of Belmar, sponsored by Mount Carmel oat, Asbury Park. The board of Judge* are Joan L. Montgomery, chief county probation officer; Mr*. Isabella White, county probation officer; Rev. John Cook, county C.W.V. chaplain; George L. BlelKz, president of Monmouth County National bank, and W. Bernard Carlson, Jr., a member of N. Y. state bar and a counsellor at law. A boy and girls winner will represent the county at a statewide contest in April Chairman ot the contest ii Henry J. Bteleckl, county first vice commander, assisted by Fraaci* P. Little, first vice commander of St, James post, tht host post, and Alfred J. Taipm, sscond vice commander of the New Jersey department. terrible weed tree*, he says. Honeysuckle before planting Is capable of Arrert incident Results in Suit FREEHOLD Mrs. Theresa Sairahan. Highlands, aad her husband, Jean, have flltd a suit seeking IMAON damage* from a Highlands peuosmaa and the borough. Th* MM 1* th* result of an Inident Jan. 4, MM, whan Patrolnun Alfred Horsy arrested Mr. larrahan on charges of violating th* dog control ordlnane*, reslitng arrest and being a disorderly pensn. In th* complaint. Sled for the larraaem by Doant Regan, W*wrk attorney, they eentrad that atrotman Horay pueaei and hit TS. Oarrahan, knocking her down. The complaint further state* that u * result of that, Mr*. Oarrahan susttnd a mlscarrlag*. Sb* te aaklog UM.MQ put- Uvt and M000O eemptnsatory whlls h*r husband to damages, while he asking no,000 for psnsss and less of hit wife's services. Park. Beth skater* passed 'their llmlnary figure teste but ary. They ale now working on their first figure test and brome dance. Wachlel to Display Israel Stamps Martin L. Wachtel of Broad st., Red Bank, will display and discuss his collection of Israeli stamps at a meeting of ths Monmouth County Philatelic society tomorrow night at Red Bank borough hall. Mr. Wachtel ha* divided his collection into four parts: forerunners of Israel, 1900 to 1914; Mandate period, 1914 to 1948; provisional period, 1948, when Israel became a state In s own right, and Israel, the modern state, 194S-UH. grounding large tree* once gets up Into their top limbs. ChrMmss tree* ani smothered and killed. Circles Reveal Future Plant MIDOLBfOWN Circle on* of the Baptist church Is planning a pancake breakfast at the churcn For s project of raising funds In the near future. Circle two sold Christmas decoration* and circle three will hold a cake sale his month. Circle four will sell dun chowder and eirele five has given a card party and plan* are being made for another one, Mr*. George Coolidgs entertained members of clrcl* five Monday. Mrs. Erwing Kehrer also entertained circle three at her home that day. Circle* two and four met at the homes of Mr*. Richard Laakey and Mra. Frank Sax* Tuesday. The members recently took gift* to the Pinehaven nun- Ing home near Toms River. Colt'. Neck The senior youth fellowship of he Reformed church will meet Sunday at the church at 2 p. m. instead of tht evening Sunday meeting. They will attend a special youth fellowship rally In the Reformed church In New Brunswick. 41 r. and Mrs. Henry Hammond, Jr., and family have left for a vacation In Florida. Miss Yvonne Wyli* of Vandenburg Is a surgical patient at Rivervlew hospital. Girl Scout troop 40 made can dlesticko and holders for tlielr parents for Christmas gifts. About 25 scouts participated in the holiday project, The group meett Tuesday alter school in the school. Young peopl* In the area spent the holiday vacation* with their parent* and have returned to college: Mist Sandra Gemmell, HouRhton college, Houghton, N. Y.; Miss Lea F*e Van Note, Rider college, Trenton; Miss Marlanna Ellla and Miss Emilia Smith, Trenton State Teachers collrnp. The Sunday-school of the Reformed church ncnt 6G pahs ul Christmas jockn that had decorated the Christmas true, plus a donation, to th* Wlnntbago Indian mission in Nebraska. \ UTH BIRTHDAY OCEANPORT Russell Hartley was tendered a surprise party on hts 12th birthday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hartley, IS Centennial pi., Portaupeck. Prize* were awarded to Kathy Conley, Bob Flcklord, Fred Kremlns, Janet Swenn, Pamela Del- Vecchio and Walter Dangler. The host entertained with accordion solos, after which refreshments were served. Others present were Ronnie and Cherri Swenn, Barbara VanBrunt, JoAnn Connors, Edward Connors, Miss Joan Hartley, Mrs. Rita Swenn, Mrs. Lydlft VanBrunt, Mrs. Madeline Dangler, Frank Yiech and Mr. and Mrs. Hartley. Club Meets In Long Branch LONG BRANCH Mrs. Walter Johnson of Branchpoint ave. was hostess Tuesday at a meeting of the U.8.G. club of Red Bank. Mrs. Leroy Quackenbush, president, said the Feb. 5 meeting wilt be at the home of Mr*. Margaret T. King on Pinckney rd., Red Bank. The mettlng prize, contributed by Mrs. Ralph Teed, waa presented to Mr*. King. AN INDIRECT RED GAIN Red Russian hope* of wrecking the "capitalistic" economy of the United States have been a conspicuous failure. By Interfering in th* Middle East before and during the Suez affair the Soviets have succeeded, however, In delivering severe blows to the economies of other Western peoples, notable Britain and France. Egypt's Naaser and his program have received open encouragement from the Kremlin. No one doubts that Russia has had a hand In stirring discontent in French area* of North Africa and in the Arab states. Both France and Britain stand to lose prestige from Africa to Southwest Asia through their Suez Intervention, Both are likely to suffer enormous business losses at a time when their economics are none too stable In any case. Thus the Reds have been able to strike an Indirect blow at the economies of the United States and Canada as well. The free world cannot well escape its Impact. Seattle Times. Treated at Rivervievy Persons treated at Rlveniew hospital the pa»t week Included William Balmer, «, of 2T1 Beechwoo* dr., Shrewsbury, cut wrist, put hand through glass door; Barbara Bell, 8, of 133 Linden dr.. Fair Haven, cut chin, fell while riding bicycle; Robert Shoemaker, IS, of Point rd,, Little Silver, cut right eyebrow, (ell while Ice sorting; Anthony Qarruto, 4, of ' Oakland st., Red Bank, cut right Index finger with knife; Katherine Stager, 67, of 12 Charles ave., Keansburg, broken left wrist, fell over dog done; Cheryl Eby, 3, of 27 Melrose ter., Middletown, cut forehead, fell; John Wagg, 11, of 31 Heights tcr., Fair Haven, cut forehead, fell while ice skating; Charles Long, 26, of 70 Manning st., River Plaia, cut left index finger on steel coil; William Stubbs, 29, of 14 Stevens ave., New Shrewsbury, mechanic for Boro buses, cut left thumb on bus engine. Also Joan Young, 8, of 12 Birch wood pi., Leonardo, possible Broken left arm, fell while roller skating; Mae Adams, 105 Stone rd., Union Beach, possible broken left ankl* and wrist, fell; Angelo Seottl, 17, of 13( Shrewsbury aye., Red Beak, eut chin, fell while playing ice hockey S Kevin R. Hackftt, 7, of tssfetlde ave,, Rumson, Injured -Wrehead, fell on " 'Bile* Desch,», of"75 Field Innesink Park, Middletown, eut left palm on car window; Abby Parish, 2, of 23 Borden at.. Shrewsbury, cut chin, struck chin on bathtub; Blanche Greeley, 50, of 41 Campbell ave., Port Monmouth, broken left arm, fell over dog. Also Alice Barrett, 26, of 64-A Florence ave, Leonardo, bruised right hand, caught hand In wash- Ing machine wringer; John Castelllni, 8, of 90 Campbell ave., Middletown, cut left bind with knife; Paul Griffith, Jr., 4, of 557 Cedar ave.. West Long Branch, cut left hand, fell; Ann Stanley, 15, of 15 Hartshorns pi,, Middletown, broken left arm, fell while ice skating; Eva Hodson, 91, of 3D Collins St., Keansburg, possible broken hip, fell; Mary Brusco, 63, of 48 Twilight pi., Keanaburg, cut scalp, fell. Also Wanda Spretn, 24, of 29 DeNormandle ave., Fair Haven, sewing machine needle entered hand; Ralph Sturmfelj, 7, of 80-B Thrpckmorton ave.. Red Bank, eut over left eyebrow, fell while ice skating; Robert Flynn, 17, of 22 Terry lane, New Shrewsbury, Injured right ankle while playing basketball; John Duncan, 8, of 249 Bay ave,, Highlands, cut left knee, fell; Peter DISclullo, 32, of 25 Park pi., Red Bank, cut left thumb with carving knlft; Estelle McLean, 60, of Harmony rd., East Keansburg, cut right thumb on can; Maureen Holohan, 6, of-186 Branch ave., Red Bank, dog bite; Edward Perkins, 2, of 25 Campbell ave., Middletown, cut upper lip, fell against bed; Atto Hanna, 72, of 144 Ocean bivd., Atlantic Highlands, possible broken shoulder, fell while In shower; Bruce Peirlnl, 4, of 99 McLean St., River Plaza, cut upper Up while sleigh riding; Patricia Alvlno, 14, of 31 Harvard rd.. Fair Haven, injured right ankl* while skating; Helen Wlllan, 5T, of Ocean ave., Sea Bright, cut left little finger on razor blade, and Caroline Kluesner, S, of M7 West Front st, Red Bank, cut scalp, telephone fell on head. Sidney Waud's Hands Burned SHREWSBURY Sidney Waud, 16-year-old sop. of Mrs. Alfred N. Beadleston of Sycamore ave., suffered second and third degree burns of both hands Sunday when he carried a biasing Christmas tree from his living room. Assemblyman Beadleston yesterday said he e«p*et* bandages will be remoyed tomorrow from his stepson'* hand on which he suffered" second degree burns. Doctors then will determine what to do about the left hand, which has second and third degree burns. Sidney was scheduled to return Tuesday to hts studies at St. Paul's school. Concord, S. H. Mr, Beadleston said a bulb burst near the bottom of the tree, setting it afire. He likened the heat to that of a flame thrower. The assemblyman said he started to pull the burning tree through the front doer when he tripped on the door step and fell on his back. His stepson Jumped over the tree and pulled the rest of the way. ' ^;: Shrewsbury Hose company %a«called, but the lire had burned itself out and the time Bremen were not needed. Wright Starts Fire Co. Term HATAWK-Mlltoa Wright was Installed as president of the local Ire Company at Thursday night's meeting. Others Installed we're Tommy lyan, secretary; William Paps, nanclal secretary; T. H. Maxson, treasurer; Joseph Bteehnan, captain, and John sodsn, lieutenant. Ths company announced it will old s annual dinner, to pay espect to persons who have iclped ths company through the past year, at Bahrs' landing at 1 p. m. Saturday, Jan. If. Heading the committee art Dick Heldsl and Tommy Ryan, Cite read ImprevesM-t In a review of list year'* eompany activities, top Mention want to Improvements at mremea's pond, Lakeside avs., where some 400 to 100 persons took part In ice skating. Mr. Heidel headed the committee far this project Neighborhood residents helped with ths work and sappllsd equipment. also was reported that Me financial campaign bad been success. - Committees appointed by Mr. Wright ineludsd Jack Sedsn, representative te the Monmouth County Firemen's association; Russell Mount, Paul Soden and Mr. Wright, representatives to ths Middletown township Fireman's Relief association; Herbert Sleh, George Daspreaux and 'Edward Banneld, are police, and Jack Soden, Mr. Heidel, June* ffieelman and Samuel Posten, representatives to the Middletown township "re department WSCS Observe* Two Birthdays. OCEANPORT The birthday* of Mrs. William McCormlek and Mrs. Edward C, Wilson, Sr., vfere celebrated at a meeting of the Woman's Society of CMssiUn Service in the Msthodist : flwrch hall. ' ' i " Members quilted in the morning and a covered dish luncheon was served at noon by Mra Me- Cormlck and Mrs. Perley Riddle, A business meeting followed with Mrs. Charles GutUaudeu presiding. Mrs. George C. D. Hurley led the devotional period. Reports were given by Mrs. Charles Van Brackle, secretary, and Mrs. John B Hulse, treasurer. A tricky tray party will be held on a date to be announced. Others attending were Mrs. Edward M Berry, Sr., Mrs. Charles Walling and Mrs. Stella Gibson. St. Dorothea's Unit Plans Spring Party EATONTOWN The Rosary and Altar society of St. Dorothea's Catholic church will hold a dessert card party Saturday, Mar. 3, at 1:30 p. m. In the Memorial school auditorium here. Casual clothes for spring will be shown by The Clothes Tree of Shrewsbury, with F. Kermit Herdling, one o' the shop's owners, as commentis or. Mr*. Vincent dcpaul O'Mahoney is chairman of social and fashion show activities for the event. Others working Include Mrs. Joseph R. Cassldy, publicity; Mr*. Joseph E.' Faehndrich and Mrs. James M. Hofford, refreshments Mrs. Arthur F. Fenton, tickets. Mrs. James T, Kelleher, prizes and contributions, and Mrs, Michael A. Kondulla, general arrangements. Guild to Hold Joint Supper FAIR HAVEN The junior guild of the Chapel of Holy Communion had its first meeting of the new year Tuesday night in the parish hall. A Joint covered dish supper with the senior guild and the Men's club ot the church will he-hold Sunday night. Mrs. Thomas Blair and Mra. Frank Ekman are co-chairmen. The guild will sponsor the annual card party Friday, Feb. 8, Mrs. Douglas McConnell will be chairman, assisted by Mr*. Richard Cook. Mrs. Bruce Flerlng and Mrs: Ekman were hostesses for the social hour. The next meeting of the guild will be Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 8 p. m. In the parish hall. HKLD "FOR TONNRYLVAMA 8HREWSBURT Magistrate Whitney Crowell yesterday sont Olrai'd K, Ueronl of Brnclloy Beach to county jail to await ii di H I Adult School Opens Feb. 4 The winter semester of tht Red Bank Community Adult school will open at Red Bank hlgl school Feb. 4 and continue for te: Monday nights through Apr. I waa announced today by Wil lard F. Browning, director. Mr. Browning said thers will be S6 courses available, Registration will be held at the high school cafeteria on Monday, Jan, 21 and Monday, Jan, 28 from ' to 9 p. m. Mr. Browning s&ld dur ing the fall term, which ended Dec, 10, more than 700 wers enrolled. Women employees on British railways are regularly given "aid* to beauty" lecturn. ENTERTAINS STUDENTS The Signal Corps bund from Fort Monmouth presented ai hour-long program Tuesday foi Red Bank high school studenl and faculty members. Ths bane directed by Warrant Officer Wll- (red J. Hureau, played march and fantasies. George QlMse wi_. the announcer. Fifty band mem ber* participated. PLANNING BOARD MEETS HOLMDEL The pluvnm. board, in a a brief meeting Tuesday night, received two subdivision applications and referred bo to Us classification committee fi minor corrections. Regulation (He 2 Suits Against Code FREEHOLD Two Superior court suit* have been filed to upset th* Holmdel township soiling ordinance amendment adopted last month increasing th* sis* ef lots In part of tin township. Ths amendment covers about ten per cent of tbs tawaabip, which permitted lets 100 by 160 feet and was upgraded te retain lot* of JO0 by 200 test, er absut an acre. The rest ef th* tewasalp vtously. ere requlremeat pre- The plaintiff* In the twe salts contend that th* procedure «tcd by the township eemaattte* In adopting the aneniment was Improper. They claim th* cede was Introduced at a secret sasetssg of thn committee sad adopted at a private masting. They eenuad th* passage of the ermmaoes aneadmsnt dsprlvcs then ef their rsjhte to th* best «a* of the land. Th* oosaaalttee has ssld th* mendnent was Beaded to bait the wave of plated until a master plan can b» drawn for th* township. Th* first *uit, Sled by Theodore D. Parson*. Red. Bank, was entered by William L. and Maud V. Supervisor Gives Talk At PTA Meeting LINCROFT Miss Hilda Southall, elementary school supervisor of Middletown township, addressed a meeting of the Lincroft- Everett Parent-Teacher association at the Llncroft school Tuesday night She spoke on promotion policies in Middletown township elementary schools. Also discussed were problems peculiar to the Individual child and the roles of the teacher, principal and supervisor in helping the child maintain hi* proper place In his class. William L. Ford was program chairman. Hostesses for the social hour ware flr*t grads room mothers, directed by Mrs. Brian Sword and Mrs. Howard Rlke. Beadleston Gets Important Port TRENTON The Important post of chairman of the Joint appropriations committee fell to Asnmblyman Alfred N. Beadleston (R-Monmouth) a* th* 1967 session of th* legislature opened Tuesday. An assemblyman six years, Mr. Beadleston was selected for what is considered one of the most Important committee chairmanships. One of his first. Jobs will be to preside at hearing* on ths governor's budget recommendation*. Monmouth's othtr Republican assemblyman, Clifton T. Barkolaw, is chairman of th* house's education commutes. He has had wide experience a* counsel to several school districts. ; s SSBBBsTSSBSsl 9 will ef'tte lai* Omtm f» Holm**; DanUl Ely, adsuamnter of th* astete of th* late WUttoj* C. Ely, all ef Holmdel; LMSI «*' RSM Leprt, Nicbotaa P*tru*»ia and Mary T1UI1I, all ef Everett. Tht ether wit was Sled by Edward W. Currie, Matawsn attorney, for Theodore G. Ballsy, Hasfct; Harry S. WllUy. Center* ville, a real estate agent, and the Middle Union Associates, a dsvelopment trm comprised of Harold KrsjBsr, Psseaic, and Bernard Flnefcer*} and Alan J. Wsrks- Clifton. P. T. A. to Have Father'. Night CAST KEANSBURG Paul Ufever, principal of CentrsJ *ch»ot, will b* to* guest speakir Monday night at th* school her*.: The Par*nt>T*aeher association will sponsor rather', night, wd Mr, Ufevsr will speak on The DUfereao* between th* Gradea." Th* executive commute* ef the P.T.A. m*t Monday night *t the school. Attending were Mrs. Joseph Simon, Jr., president; Mrs, Nell McOloley, Mrs. June* Burnett, Mrs. Howard Logaa, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. ; Lawrence Gardner, Mm. John Stacker, Mrs. Sawis. nsign, Mrs. Robert Jervi* ud Mr. Andsrson. Camera News WHAT'S COOKING? With u o m u a darkroom, thi* puatta photo Is devsloptd by flv* minutes of baking. In thai Btw, technique for making print* the beat replace* all the asual photo chemical* and water. Mis* Elva Kresge of th* Blfnat Corp* Engineering LaboratorUs, Fort Monmouth, where th* process wa» perfected, uses asbestos glovss to remov* a ftnlshad. picture. By IRVING DESFOR AT Newsfeatures Corps for further development. Here is the technique presently being used: I've been looking at some photo- A special vinyl plastic is pound graph* which were processed on *n aluminum plate spread without a darkroom, which requlr- evenly to dry te form a coating. ed no developing solution to bring A negative is plucm on top?f out the Image, no hypo to fix it this as in conventional contact and no water to wash it. Yet tho printing. Any negative Is uwble pictures are clear, permanent, but a soft negative gives beat waterproof and certainly stronger results. An exposure it mads by than any of the prints normally turning on a strong ultraviolet made. ' H&ht for about live seconds. Ex- The gimmick that IV. been Pure time is critical but Ii safely looking at I* a new development J ud *«d wlth a llttle "H»rl*nes. of the Army Signal Corps Engi- The light rayi from tha mtrcury neerlng Laboratories at Fort Mon- -arc lamp burn an Invisible Image mouth, N. J. They've come up Into the plastic. Developing the with a new photo sensitive plas- latent image Ii accomplished by tie which Is exposed to ultraviolet baking the plastic at about 820 light and developed in an oven degree* Fahrenheit. Development to bring out ths photographic «vlmal and usually In»v«Image. mlnut** the plastic photograph Is Th* special feature of this new J? 1 * 1 "*, "* " " * rtrt P* 1 «n ftom process which explain* the Army's tn * In * UI b"* 1 "* 1 -, Interest In I* that, In addition The aluminum plate mertly preto its other advantages, this plas- vldea a support for the plastic, tic photo is almost unaffected by distributes the heat well and '* gamma rays whereat normal Alms reusable after stripping th* comand paper* are fogged by nuclear pteted picture. The final print Is radiation stabl d l diti pp radiation. p p a prnt s stable under normal conditions d I ff l normal conditions When 1* mad* available for and affected only by high heat. civilian use, Is a technique The cost of materials Is not prothat can be handled by amateur bibitive. photographer* ualng a sunlamp For commercial and Industrial for exposure and a kitchen oven use. large plastic murals are posas the darkroom. Th* plastic sibl* provided ultraviolet light I* photo* will add a decorative touch mad* the source of light in th* to lamp shades, photo murals, snlargsr. Of court* an oven or covers, table tops and other source of heat would have many other household items. to be in proportion. The process was originally In the future 'll be perfectly discovered by the Ferro Chem- logical to drop In on a nhotoglcal Company of Bedford, Ohio, rapher friend and ask, "Wbat'l and turned over to th* Signal cooking?" Grooming Tricks Must Start Early by VmtX BBOWN AP NemfeaewM Seaaty Miter Tou cant expect your child'* hair to be neat all day, just because you combed and brushed this morning. New young hairs grow In all direction* and err likely to becom* unmanageable unteas brushed Into during th* day. Ltttl* boys (specially an likely to find a nuisance te cop* with cowlick* and stlck-up strand* on top of th* head. Little girls bare th* problem of fly-away bangs, straggly strand* and loot* hanging tnds from ponytall*. On* small wl*p stick mad* of bee's was and castor oil I* easy to handle and may com* In handy for controlling SI*' hair. I* mall and compact and may be carried In th* pocket, to that the Khool-age child may ua* during th* day. doetnt have th* drying effect* of eom* lacquer prays, or laavt knot* that hurt when you try to comb th* hair later. Stroke the little stick ever th* unruly strands and then brush down, Is Ideal (or tucking tray n*ck halrt tidily Into a pony tail and to coax loose strand* Into braids, If a child's hair Is vary fine I* best not to wash it too often. may be controlled easier if an extra day or two elapse* before the next wishing, rather HLICK CHICK... This weu-ffteomed young lady keeps her hair smooth with new solid type hair dressing la a plaatto \ case, a* easy te sue aa a lipstick. lot*. require thst the applications be P ov ' Rid ith th q pp be Rind with the committee two (tradition proceedings, Ho Is weeks before they are heard. anted by Pennsylvania, author!- Board members snld one applltles to answer check chart,. cation Involved a minor (ubdlvls- Mr. Quronl 1«associated with All Ion and th* other waa for a seven- Btyl* Kitchen*, rt S5 hers. lot division of an 11-acr* tract. clean, don't mu*» your hair." Tht Is *asier the** day* to get average Httl* girl Is proud of....._..., k.i -_«K4«- youngster Interested In hslr her chlo appearance, then the *y*ry-day hilr waehing oru hmg shampoo and hair UtUs girls, like their mothers, grooming, because Mom Is more are wearing a variety of hair Interested In her glamor, and style* these day*. You may find hair youngsters like to mimic. Is short and long hair In every routine which some parents Brushing a youngster's g yg yg g y wui help to control U. Th.halr»">«to >«cond natur. for school room colffured In a w l- h.. U k -in..i~.,i.t.»h..*.!.. " Ul «M t0 maintain a band- ety of way*, Today, u a matter Dru*n will (tlmuiat* tnt acaip- b ] k 0M] t & t tt th i ith will (tlmuiat* tnt acaip- y y y, m ]ook( mpt0m]f tor & rtlu mp at tmct, mother* vi* with etch i N l d M th t d l ht b n ]ook( mpt0m]f tor & rtlu mp at tmct, mother* vi* with etch releasing oil* that somehow htlp occasion*. No longer doe* Mom other to produce an unusual hitrto give the hair body and more have to say. "Keep your drtu ityl* for thalr dainty offspring.

43 Tha Lawlsy Agency on rt. SO, MMdMown, la celebrating lti 3Jth anniversary. Shown at th«offlee, left to right, are Joeeph 8. I*n«, John T. Lawley, Jr., and 3. Robert Henaler. The nrm wai founded by the late John T, Lawley, who helped form the Monmouth County Board of Realtor! nd became the organization'! flrit president. Twenty yeara later, in MM, Mat. Lawley, Jr., wai Installed a* president ot that board. He ha* been with the Ltnrley Agency Mark* 25th Year agency alnce 1930, following graduation from Rutgers university, and doe*! work for the Veteran* Adminiatratlon and many corporations. He did a considerable amount of appraisal work for the Mew Jersey Highway Authority. The agency I* engaged in Insurance a* well «s real estate. * growth Is evidenced by the office buiuung, which started as one room of 150 square feet and li new 1,450 square feet. Mr. Hensler and Mr. Lang are associated with llr. Lawley in the sale of residential properties, llr. Lang, a resident of River rd., Rumion, ha* been in the real estate business eight year*. Mr. Hensler, a resident of Osprey lane, Rumaon, opened the Hearth, a Shrewsbury restaurant, which he subsequently sold. Also asiociated with the sgeney In a sales capacity t«mrs. Margaret L. Gunkel of Red Hill rd., Mlddletown. Plymouth Homes to Hold Prize Contest 8 Realty Sales Made LITTLE SILVER Elwood A. Armstrong, local realtor, reports eight recent real estate transaction*. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley, formerly of Livingston, and vice president of Fidelity Union Trust company, New Jersey's largest banking institution, have purchased a long, low, rambling ranch home on Winding way, corner of Bernard ter., built by Malmone Brothers. The house Is the largest built by Malmone Brothers in the R-2 zone of the development. The original plan for the layout was changed by meeting with Carmelo Maimone, Mr. and Mrs. Ashley and Mr. Armstrong. The house consists ot an entrance foyer leading to four twin sized bedrooms and 2H bath*, 22-foot living room with buih-in book (helves and brick fireplace. hae a 20-foot pine paneled den and two-car garage attached. Mr. and Mra. Ashley are living in their new home. Four Leto In Bvmsoa Walter Schneider, president of V. and 8. builders, have purchased two ltt acre plots from Mr, and Mr*. Eugene Allen Bush, Jr. On* plot front* on Sailer* way and th* ether plot \ cjjoetter building two Jsrg* colonial hem** for spring occupancy. Mra. Edna Parker of Rumson has purchased through ths Armstrong agency a building plot on the south side of Parkway ter., adjoining Rumson Country club from Rum iron park Estates. Mr. and Mn. Ells Ross of Little Silver Point rd. have purchased a building plot on the west side of Park ter. from Rumson Park Estate*. The above two building plots consist of over an acre. Both transaction* were in co-operation with th* William H. Hlntelmenn (firm), Ridge rd. realtors. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boland, Jr., have sold their seven-room, twobath ranch home on Meredith dr. to Ur. and Mn. Kenneth Tall- MM, ftiswii ** CfcarMt*, W, C, Mr. Taltoao has beta associated with the Kaeco company in New York city several years as sales manager for its Eaatern division. Mr. and Mrs. Boland are residing in Southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Rassas of 105 Park ave., Shrewsbury, have sold their home through the Armstrong agency to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Pignataro, formerly of East Orange. The split level, consisting of six large rooms and bath, is on a shrubbed corner phot. Mr. and Mn. Raasa* are residing on Bath ave., Long Branch. Twe in Bed Hank Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Holmes have sold their colonial home on the east side of Hudson ave. to Mr. and Mra. Paul Silver, formerly of Drummond ave., Red Bank. Sine* 1922 RAY STILLMAN FOR INSURANCE RED BANK Stata Highway 35 Shrewsbury, N. J. Mr, mi KM. in their netr custom-built home in Oak lawn EstaUs, Fair Haven. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Russo ot 14 Bank it., Red Bank, ha* been purchased hy Mrs. Bessie Drisdull. This house features three bedrooms, one bath, living room, dining room, family room and kitchen. Mr. Ruaso, a local businessman in the trucking line, ha* moved to a new home on 21 SUverwhlte rd., LitUa Silver. Mrs. Driaduil is em- General orid KCD BANK WASM Thursday,! " S7-4S ployed by th* Federal Pacific Electric company, Newark. 8b* will commute to Newark by rall The U. S. government gets about 54 million dollar* in royalties a year from about HO mniion dollar*' worth ot mineral* mined oa federal land. John V. Crow.ll. Jr. Sam I. I«Y"' 0 "' Jr * A $8,000 prize contest, with a Plymouth custom built Cape Cod hell home (shown above) as first prize, will be launched this weekend. This was announced by Korman Ltbmui, president of Plymouth Homes, Inc., rt. 22, Hillaide, sponsors of the contest. The contest, which is open to anyone, does not require the purchase of anything. offers 537 other prlies. The contest requires entrants to Former Zobel Estate Sold RUM8ON Mr. and Mrs. James A. Leftwich of 5 Rurason rd., Rumson, have sold their residence to Mr. and Mr*. Otto B. Perl of Nayesink ave., Rumson. Formerly the estate of th* late Henry L. Zobel, the property is located on the northeast corner of Rumson rd., and Waterman ve, with ISO feet on Rumson rd., 180 feet on Waterman ave. and 80 feet on Lincoln ave. The plot of approximately % of an acre Is landscaped and planted with many had* trees, shrub* and hedges. The sale waa negotiated through th«hlnugh Agency here. The frame dwelling contains a reception hall, a large living; room with wood burning fireplace, muaie room, dining room with bay window, pantry, kitchen with electric dishwasher, bathroom laundry and open veranda on the ground floor; six bedroom*, two and one-half bathrooms on the second floor and three bedroomsand bathroom on the third floor. There Is a full basement with trophy room, toilet and the vapor oll-flred heating unit The threeear garage ha* access to Lincoln v*. and there la a dog house with fenced runway. Ur. and Mrs. Leftwich have purchased property In La Jolla, Cal., and have staved there. Ur. and Mrs. David E. Johmon, formerly of Baauon, and now of Cleerwater, Ma., have sold their formef homo on Oyster bay dr., and Washington ave., Rumson, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Craig of The Vista, suddutown. The residence, which we* built by Mr. Johnson in 1863, Is of Cape Cod colonial design and contain* a center ball, living room with Mseati to the screened porch on the Ojnter bay side, a sedar paneled kitchen with dining area, bedroom. Wad bathroom, utility room tot laundry and heating unit and an attached garage on the ground floor and three bedrooms and bathroom upstair*. The heat la gaa-flred hot water baseboard. This property was formerly a part of the estate of the late Christian F. Felgenspan and was purchaasd in 1951 by Mr. and Mrs. Johnson through the Mlnugh *#«ney. Ur. Craig, before retirement, wu connected with the law enforcement department of the New Jersey Fish and Game commission.. Ur. and Mrs. Dayton Beguelln of 5*1 Cast Wth at.. New York elty, have purchased the waterfront home of Mr. and Mr». William S. Garrison,'Jr., on Locust Point rd., Locuit. Th* frame dwelling consists of a reception hall, living room, din- Ing room, kitchen and screened porch on the ground floor; three bedrooms and tiled bathroom on the second floor with a stairway to the attic above. There Is a full beiement under the tiouie and the heating system 1» oil (lied hot Water. The split-rail fenced and landscaped plot ha* a width of 110 feet on Locuit Point rd., and extend* back to Clayplt creek. complete a statement ot 50 word* their own home*." or less, beginning, "I would like to own a Plymouth Custom Built Home because....." "The contest," Mr. Libman said, "marks the beginning ot our second decade in the shell home building business in New Jersey, during which we built more than 7,500 homes. Primarily, we decided on this dramatic way to gain the attention of lot owners and families planning to build Mrs. Irwin F. Cortelyou, sales associate of the Minugh agency, negotiated the transaction, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison acquired this property in I960 from Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacLaughlin through the Minugh agency, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Colye have purchased the property of Sgt and Mr*. Budd Olsen, at 28 Shadow Lake dr., River Plaza- Located on the south side of Shadow Lake dr., between Hubbard ave., and Newman St., the cottage of Cape Cod colonial design was built in 1M9 by Frank Manson, builder, and was sold at that time to Sgt. and Mrs. Olsen by the Minugh agency. The dwelling contains a living room with wood burning fireplace, a family kitchen, two bedrooms and tiled bathroom. There I* a full basement with oil-tired circulating hot air heat and a stairway to the expansion attic. The house is completely Insulated and all the closet* are cedar lined. Mr. and Mrs. Colye will take possession this month. Mr. Minugh has sold two vacant lots on the west side of Stateslr pi., Mlddletown, to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mission of 106 W. Washington ave., Atlantic Highlands, and a vacant 2.13 acre wooded plot on Naveslnk ave., Navesink, near All Saints Episcopal church to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schilling. These sales were made through the William 8. Garrison, Jr., agency ot Red Bank. Recent Sales by MeCue Agency RUMSON-The Joseph G. Mc- Cue Agency, announce* the sal* of the sixteen rooms, three-story and basement haul* on one landscaped acre, located on the southeast corner ot Rumson rd. and Waterman ave., Including a 50- foot plot facing on Lincoln ave., on which there is a two-car garage, was sold by the same agency In 1953 for the estate of the late Mrs. Henry L. Zobel to Mr. and Mrs. James. A. Leftwich,' of New Hope, Pa., who made considerable Improvement* In the property. waa sold by them to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Perl, of Navesink ave., Rumion, and now has been resold by the McCu* agency to Or, and Mra. Daniel McCoy Winters, presently residing at 34 Ridge road, Rumion, with offices in 2T5 Spring it., Red Bank. After his graduation from Dartmouth, Or, Wintera took his courses at Columbia College of Physicians * Burgeons, graduating in He interned In St. Vincent's hospital, New York city, for two yeara and then wu In residence at New York Orthopedic hospital, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. The doctor and his wife have three children and they intend to occupy their new home upon completion of the redecorating work. Also, the McCue Agency has Just completed the following ales of dwellings In Monmouth Beach. Frame residence on the corner of River ave, and Robblns it., for Dr. Frederick C. Peteri, of. The contest dose* midnight Feb. 28. Entry blank* and official rules are available at any of the 13 Plymouth custom built home* offices throughout the state. The office In this exes I* located at 416 Broad St., Shrewsbury. Independent judge*, chosen by Advertising Distributors of America, New York city, will select winners on the basis of sincerity, originality, and aptness of thought. Haplewood, to Joseph B. Boyle. Plot I* highly landscaped and has a frontage of 140 feet on River ave., and the residence contain* nine room* and two baths. The residence belonging to Mrs. Dorothy C. Foster, of Littleton, Mass., and her brother. Rev. Walter M. Clarke, of Reedley, Cal., has been sold to John P. Hamilton, of Newark. Th* property 1* on th* north aid* of Johnson it, on a large plot, with Colonial residence of (even room* and bath. Robert L. Thornton, of Rumson, purchased the home,of Mrs. Lydla A. Hyer, on River rd., near Club Circle, on a plot of over one acre extending to the South Shrewsbury river. The frame residence contains fourteen rooms and four bath*. After the completion ot many improvement* the new owner* will make their year round home. Browns Sell to Colonel Travis FAIR HAVEN The stately Colonial residence located on the south aide of River rd. opposite Grange *q., near Hance rd., built and owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown, ha* been purchased by Col. and Mr*. Harrison G. Travis of Atlantic Highlands. W. Raymond Van Horn of the Ray Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven realtors, was the broker effecting the transaction. The attractive residence Is set well back from the road on half acre landscaped plot planted with large trees and shrubs of a wide variety, such as holly, buttonwood, maples, yew and numerous other evergreen*. On the flrst floor of the residence Is a wide center hall lead Ing from the front entrance to a rear garden porch and patio. The living room, 21 feet by 20 feet, with fireplace and the JO-foot din- Ing room are on either aide of the center h*h. From the dining room one enters a breakfast room and the formica kitchen. Two sets of stain lead to the second floor, where five bedrooms and three tiled baths are situated Other feature* Include a tiled powder room, recreation room with fireplace, basement and a two-car garage with lavatory and shower. Mr. Brown I* publisher of The Red Bank Register. Col. Travis la retired, a West Point graduate, has seen active service In the Infantry and Signal Corps In both World War I and World War, and was a professor at the United State* Military Academy for several year*. Col. and Mrs. Travis have four sons; William, a graduate of West Point and Battalion Commander In Germany at the present time: J'rry, a graduate of Notre Dame and a Flight Commander In the Air Force In Washington, D. C.; Thomas, a medical student at Dartmouth college, and Timothy, a student at Braden*' preparatory school at Cornell In New York. pars to advwtlm la The slitw. d M t l t SB MOML AT ANY mmovtn HOMES SHOWMOMI EASY TO ENTER! NOTHING TO BUYI Grand prize in this easy-to-do contest ii magnificent Plymouth Cuttom Built Cape Cod shell home. A prize anyone would love to win! And there are 366 other chances to win valuable prizes refrigeriton. TV sen, washers, dish washers, air conditioners, Sperti Sun Lamps, and other valuable and useful household appliances... plus 171 other valuable prizes. Get the official entry blank and instructions at any Plymouth Homes office. Independent judges, chosen by Advertising Distributors of America, New York City, will select winners. HERE'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO: I. Go to My Plymouth Custom Built Homes office-addresses an Hsted at the bottom of this announce- S. Ask for the official entry blank and rules for the Plymouth Homes S O Prize Contest. a. You will aho be given literature describing Plymouth Homes, and the amazing money-saving Plymouth Homes Custom Building Plan to help you compete IUCCCISfully in this contest. 4. While you are there, see the model Cape Cod home. Ask all to* questions you want! 5. Take the literature hone and read it. Then, is SO words or less nnhh this statement: I WOULD LIKE TO OWN A PLYMOUTH "CUSTOM-BUILT* HOME BECAUSE... Mail it to P.O. Bos 273, New York 46, New York by midnight, February 21, HINTS TO HELP YOU WIN: The Plymouth Homes Custom Building Plan save* you $3,000 to $5,000 ia building a home. Th* Plymouth Plan takes care of all details, including mortgage nnsneint. is the only company of its kind with its own mortiage department... no worry about "tight money." You can own a Plymouth Custom Built Home for as Mule at $49 a month, and you don't need a down payment. That makes Plymoutb the home for ntry budget! You can be sure you're getting best value for your money, because Plymouth Homes, Inc. is New Jersey's largest builder of shell homes, and hss sn outstanding reputation. This company has built more than 7,500 homes during its 10 yean of home building, and it gives a written guiranlte of quality and satisfaction with every home, GET OFFICIAL ENTRY BUNK AND RULES AT ANY OFFICE OF Plymouth; Homes HOURS: WesMsys, 10 i. in. to I p. m. Sit * Sun., 10 JO s. m. to 5 JO p. ut. RED BANK MOAD ST. (ROUTI») CORNM NIWMAN WRINGS ROAD PHONI: RID IANR 4VS911 Othtf Office)*: HlttilMi r*w*jmin, LMI, Rsjfcwiy, But BftuHwIck, CONTBT CLOHS IBMUtlY tt, 1W VALUABLE 11W HYMOUTH CUSTOM BUILT CAP! C00 HOME! th«winner tfotlrtt lh«r Plym«yt HsBssIs*! MfsB asstlm sslllasusst issvas. is'wif w*9 win wfvw ntf Jailor values*mm Cape Cos). YOU CAN "UICHASI A PtYMOOTH CUSTOM OUT MOMI DURINO THICONTIST, AND SHOULD YOU WIN FIRST PRIZI. YOU CAN Ilia TO Rl- CVI A CASH AWARD MUAl TO THI COST OF THI PIRST PRIZI. ss i*jnre

44 Giordano Lauds Legal Aid Work SHftXWtBURY-Countr Judge John C. (Mortem praised tha work ef U» Legal Aid society of If onmouth county, and particularly iu lay membera. at thi monthly meeting of the board of dlrecto> i at tha badewbrook TuMday Igtit. Breaking on behalf of th«judiciary of th«county. Judge Giordano Hid they aincerely appreetata that the Legal Aid aoctcty rcpraaenta "a tremendoua civic understanding of a citizen'! duty." Ha aaid this la particularly trua In the caw of tha member* of the aociety who are not lawyers. "I know of no organisation," Judge Giordano addad, "that can do a> much good aa the Legal AM for a penon In a precarioua financial ettuatton" to help that Individual" obtain tha full beneflta of the eonttitution of tha United States and tha itat* of Maw Jeraey." Tha county'i aenior judge declared that tha work of tha aoelety la keeping cotnmunlem out of thla country by making available to every paraon living In tha country tha right to tha full protection afforded by tha conetltutlon. Ha praiaed tha work ef Hugh F. Dugan, director of tha aoelety, and retired Supreme Court Justict Htnry E. Atkereon, Jr., resident. Thieves Fail In Safe Job U R U ULVXrV- Polica are eontiiming an taveatlgetion of a "brealrtng and enuring" at Little BUrer Lumbar aoaaaany, Sycamore are. In wtateh an untucceeeful attempt waa made to open a heavy oaee aafe. According to Police Chief Fred Ziaglar, tha lumber company'* owner, Paul Bragar, dlaeoverad the entry Sunday morning whan ha found that a aide door had bout forced open, me chief addad t.hut tool* from the company's tack were need to knock the combination off the aa/e and to try to punch a hole into it. Nothing but the safe waa touched, Chief Zleglai aaid. He added that atate polica from the Shrewsbury barrack* and County Detective Merritt Kant are aatiatinf In U» Inveetlaration. Red Bank police are Investigating an apparent attempt to enter the Blaiadell Lumber company on Bridge ava. Monday night According t» Deputy Chief Oaorge H. Clayton, attempt* wera made to Jlnuni* opan a window. The window waa raiaad about on* Inch, but further effort* to eatar the building wera uniueeaaaful. Mayor Bines' Reviled Ticket Is Filed ASBURY PARK Mayor Roland J. Hlnee thla waak announcod hi* flva-man ticket for etty council. On tt, besides the mayor, are David L. Oraena, William B. "Butch" Bruno, Joseph Mall and Dr. Loranxo W. Harris. When Mayor Ktoao ntaai the nama* Monday, Mr. MaU's tiama did not appear. In Ma place then was Edward R. English. Tha following day, Mr. English aaid he wu withdrawing hla election petition. Of tha eandldataa, Mayor Hlnea aaid: "I hive tha Utmost confidence In their ability to help me carry on a progreeelve program for our city for the next four yean." Tha election ii in Kay. Tha mayor, Mr. Bruno and Mr. Melt are Republican!. The other two are Democrat*. Party label* are not utad in election* for commission form of government. Main, Vermont and New Hampshire are eomtdered to have the hetviert population of people over M. Clubwomen Hear English Student HATAWAN-MIM Hilary Barge** of Morton, Surrey, England, a student at Douglass oou*r*, spoke at tha International relation* program given at a meeting of the Woman's dub Monday at Trinity Iptaeopal church pariah hall. Tha English girl, who has lived in the United State* tor two years while her father la employed here by a banking Arm, compared life la America with that of England. Members contributed 110 to the fund whtoh the Mate M e n t i o n of Women'* dubs nee eetamlahed to restate the "Deserted Village of AilaJn." They also oontrlbuted 110 to the Bed Croat for Hungarian relief. Individual members contributed another 110. Mrs. Cnarle* Ruff laid tha Christmas welfare program included filling 14 food baskets for local needy and fluing IB bag* with gift* for man and women patient* at Mariboro state hospital. Winner* of tha exterior home decoration eonteet sponsored at Chriatmai for Matawan residents' were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erdmann. Brat; Mr. and Mr*. Cyra* P. Rosa, lecond, and Mrs. Wlnaton C. Schaifer, third. Member* were asked to partlclpat* aa donora in the community Mood bank program which the McBvalnt aknanek Veterans of Foreign Wan post i* aponaoring. OU painting Instruction! will be given at the art group meeting Monday at the home of Mr*. Renulaer L. Carton. The next dub meeting will be Jan. 21. CLUB ELECTS MRS. BIEBSACH KEAN8BURG Mrs. Oaorge Bleraach, 8r, waa elected president of tha Pariah Houii club at St. Mark'a Epiecopal church ball Monday. Mra. John Nlchol* was elected vie* preauaat; Mrs. George Bteraaeh, Jr., aeoratary, Mr*. Robert Krayi. treasurer. Mra. WUIhun Went* and Mrs. Bleraach, ST., are on tha Joint committee. Mra. Blersaeh, Jr., waa hostess. Mrs. Oamar Brakefleld win be hostess at the Jan. 21 matting. HKMne Processfor dewing VENETIAN BUHDS T«N,C«* «w*11*wt» Mr. Slst Happy CM iw MOMMOUTH VBCTIAN BUND CLEANBS 111 I. Unr M. RSBBSM I*MM Independent Co. Eleett Officers Independent Engine company of Mechanic it. recently elected if* officer! far They arc, left to right, Albert T. MacDontld, deputy chief; John ftanoveie, vica pveiident; Eugene J. sttenon, captain; W. Albert Doremut, pretident and engineer; Donald Patterson, second lieutenant; John Hand, first lieutenant; Edward Pleeolia, secretary; Frank Sola, assistant chief, and Herbert Chameroy, deputy chief. Fair Haven Dads Set Skating Party #AIR HAVEN Dads of Fair Haven, Inc., will bold its aecond annual akatlng party at McCarter'a pond, off Fair Haven rd.. Saturday afternoon, atartlng at 2 o'clock. The (vent, open to all local reeldenta, will feature a aeriea of 11 akatlng racea for boy* and girls In age groups from six to years. Prlsee will go to winners of the first three places. Another event will be a tug-ofwar on skate* between the East Fair Haven "Polar Bear*" and the Wart Fair Haven "Eaklmos," each team made up of IS high achool boys. Hot chocolate and cookie* will b* aerved after, the event. Dada will provide muiic for family skating under tha atara from T to 8:80 p. m. Refreahmenta are to be served all evening. Aadatlng th* youngster** fathers with arrangements are the Fair Haven lira company and tha drat aid aquad. Should the weather be unfavorable and the event! canceled, tha announcement will be made by a loud apaaker truck that will patrol the itraeta Saturday morning. Bnai Brith Plant Sunday Breakfast Lox and bagela will compete with la Bookbinder, Jewlah humorlat and New York night club entertainer, aa tha main attraction of a Bnai Brith memberahlp braakfart Sunday at 10 a. m. at Pataraon'a reitaurant on Shrewsbury av*. Sam Cotanoff, vice prealdent and membership chairman of the Red Bank lodge, said the affair waa open without charge to anyone interested In learning about Bnai Brith acuvltlea or meeting member*. Mr. Bookbinder, himself an active Ban Brith, baa appeared before lodge*, cluba and congregation* throughout tha eaat, in addition to hi* work In New York. Tha current memberahip drive by the two-year-old local ledge follow* Bnai Brith'a 113th anniveraary, celebrated in November. Founded in IMS, it ia th* oldeat and largeat Jewiah aervice organisation in the world. Through it* varioua departments, Mr. Cotenoff aaid, "Bnai Brith flghta bigotry and discrimination, develop* pride In their ethical and cultural background among youngiter* of collage and pro-college age and foston free-world concept* of human right* and liberty." s time for JANUARY SALE! Savt From 20 to 50% COATS SUITS ACCESSORIES GOLDIN'S %M svalftmsvbia* * B^sk MEN'S SHOP COMIft MOAD t MICHANIC RED IANK USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Matawan Mr. and Mra Paul Praatl entertained at a party at their home, 27 Main St., New Teara eve. Quest* ware Mr. and Mr*. Philip Iannon* and daughter Maria, Platnneld; Mr. and Mra. Anthony Pelletl and diughter Carol Ann and Mr*. Agatha Cappuccl, Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mr*. Frank Barberio and children Joan and John, Little Silver; Mia* France* Preati, Red Bank; Louie Brlgilo, Long Branch, and Jamea Antrim, Keyport. Mr*. R. L. Cartan entertained the Thursday Afternoon Bridge club at luncheon at her homa on Main st. Prise winnere were Mrs. Joaepb Baler, Mrs. Richard Erdmann, Jr., and Mrs. Paul A. Egan. Mr*, Edmund C. Sajor and Infant son William of Los Angalei, Cal., arrived Friday by plane at Idle-wild airport. Mrs. Sajor, the former Mia* Edith Waamuth, will pend a month with her parent*, Mr, and Mra. William Waamuth, Miriam dr. Mr. and Mr*. Russell A. G. Staler have returned to their home on Edgemere dr. after attending the funeral of Mra. Stetler'i mother, Mr*. Thomai A. Stetler, Middlebury, Pa. Mr. and Mrs Frank Artelll, 30 Gerard ave., entertained Saturday at a party in celebration of the seventh birthday of their daughter June, Guest* were Mr. and Mrs. Faul Preitl and aon Paul, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Pat Longo and sons Jamea and Pat, Jr., Alice Van Meerbeke and Linda, Patricia and Ann Artelll, all of Matawan, and Mra. Joieph Artelll and aon Joieph, Jr., Keyport. Radioman Seaman Fred Haaeman, Jr., haa returned to tha Boston Navy yard after apendlng a five-day leave with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haaeman, Oak *t. Haaeman ha* completed an aaatgnment in Cuba and the Brltiah West Indlea and to awaiting reassignment Th* annual meeting of the fire department will be held Saturday at tha Haley Hoae company, Main at A buffet aupper will be aerved by the Ladies' auxiliary. Mra Ralph Herriek entertained at luncheon Monday at her home on Main at. Her guest* were Mri. R. L. Cartan, president of the Matawan Woman* club, and Miis Hilary Burgess, aophomore attending DouglaM college. New Brunawlck. Mlaa Burgeu Is an English student and waa gueat peaker at the meeting sponsored by the international relation* department. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Delbasco and daughters Dorothy and Carol ha, returned to their home after spending the holidaya in Bermuda at the Elbow Beach Surf club. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Pengel have returned to their homa on Valley dr., after spending the holidaya in Florida. Their daughter Jane, who accompanied them, has returned to complete her senior year at Ohio Wealeyan unlveriity. Patten Installs Demo Officers KEANSBURO-Installation of the Democratic elub officer* will be held tomorrow at I p. m. at the Flamingo ballroom by Edward J. Patten, N. J. secretary of state. Other guests expected are Paul Kiernan, Democratic atate committeeman; Mra. Katharine Elkua White, state commttteewoman; John W. Applegate, county Democratic chairman; Mr*. O. J, Fier*t, vica chairman of county Democratic committee; John A. PetlUo, aaaistant prosecutor, and Mra Viola Horan, president of the Monmouth County Women'* club. A social hour and dancing will be held. Mra. Angelo Battone la chairman of arrangements, aasilted by Mra Harry Hill, Mrs, Jack Klnaella, Mra. Frank Boden, Mra. George Cameron, Mra. Eliza Kauffman, Mrs. Roie Scott, Mr*. Arline Rusaomano, Mr*. Catherine Baldwin and Mra. Harry Norman. The public la Invited. *» * Mraar TAILE PADS Beit woikounahlp. Mads of gtauloe plastic. All colon. GLOW AWNIN* * SHAM CO. 117 W. Frost St. lulukllmi AT NATS JEWELERS OHM STOCK rwci 0*Mn Deity 1*:M to *:W Frl. Evenings T:W to t:» Sundays 1:00to1:00 Kit Broad St Red Bank NeUco to I BBTATBI to Croatian to Pn**al g*uh nlu tk«crier ( BDWABD tricot of tht otiato of tat Mid B. Cera* (alaa know* M M*l*a B. kfilugaal. doeoatod. aotltt hortky «t»ia to tk* anditac* of tam **M*a*d to pnaoat t* tkt ml* Ea*s*irlM* tholr Isfms aadir **tk wukla sis ataathi from tkis d*u. DM**: Dottmbor IStk. llll. EDNA M. BOYLE Ul-S* ~ tm.u aaonasoutm COUNTY - ' tkt a**** of SB WARD arroaat* *f tks Ceaaty a.^-^to.-m.t; Admlnuftiatrl* ef tha " ' PUroBOtTri Port Monmoulh Eugenie Werner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Werner of Collina ave., waa given a party Thuraday for her seventh birthday. Attending were Kileen Franeta, Janice, Barbara and Jean Hanvey, Barbara Lee Hofman, Denise Thompson, Joyce Winter and Judith Werner. Mr. and Mr*. Roswell Newman and family will leave Saturday to vlalt Mr. and Mra. Robert Newman and family of Hollywood.) Fla., for two weeks. ) Thomas, Arthur and Vincent 1 Harney, Bray ave., viaitad Mra. Anna Harney of Perth Amboy over the week-end. Mrs. Harney was a guest of Mr. and Mra Arthur Harney last week. The third birthday of Margaret Heinke, daughter of Mr. and Mra Richard Heinke of Campbell ave., waa obaerved Thuraday by tha family, Mr. and Mra Jamea Mc- Ardle of New York were recant holiday guests of Mr. and Mra Heinke. Jamea Froelich, Main st., entertained recently for amateur radio operatora: Mr. and Mr*. John Wilton and Mr. and Mra. Walter Komuski, Cliffwood Beach, and Mr. and Mra. Robert Secley, this place. Dr. Leonard Genova of Red Bank, another member who was unable to attend, contacted the group by radio. Tha seventh birthday of Gerard Tarabokia, aon of Mr. and Mr*, Raymond Tarabokia of Sunset ave., w u celebrated recently. Attending were Jane Fttigerald, Diane and David Poling, Charle* Johnson, Chri* Nelson, Melanle and Harry Deutsche and Loretta and Frank Paradise. Dennla Horning, aon of Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge Horning, Qrace ave., observed hia seventh birthday Monday at a family party. Mr. and Mra. H. P. Hannafay, Campbell ave., recently visited Mr. and Mr*. George Muller and daughters of West Hempatead, L. I,, Keveral days. The ninth birthday or Marie Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Raymond Meyer, Main it, was celebrated Monday by members of the family. MT Maims NOT A MKONTINUID MTTttN mi rrrcv OwM«W* N)*et«*ar AAsr Sera. IKnim.Ijijk*. 1 Silic Fwlii 1 Snit Spun 1 ion Spies 1 IvRer IM isornflmom. ftfulll '$&"»" SsacMI ANTI-TASNIM oanr AVOBOWO sal atoaur JEWELERS tote* tk* *eu Ana teneie*. utlu li r**lten «f sal* u tk* said Atalalstntrla tk*lr «l*l*u wrier eatk witala *i* awatki free* Uli Mtssrs. Qulnn, Doramu*. HeCuo * Bumoll, 71 Broad St.. Bod Bank. N. J. Attoraen. I1T.I4 Netic* t* Creenere topreeeal XSTATafoF nuntc. U*BKIHK- MAN, DBCBA8BD. ruwaa* M «a«eher *f BDWABD C. BBOBOa. larngate *f «ae OMJr nt Mcaaioatli. tkl* tn *«*. en tk* appliistlea *f tkt aaienlaaet. Deretkea Iriakawa *ele eaenmu at «a* eiut* tt tke **M Tn4 C. L. Briataaa. aeeesw*. aotiee li keiakr fire, t* U. cr*4ltora < iam a*mu*4 t* reseat to tte sal* sale sxentrts: tketr elalu naer aatk witkla (Is»*Us fred l i I, Ctort* Wtotoa. Et*.. t/o Moamouth Couaty Welfare Botrd. Atteraw. I1T. MONMOUTM COUNTY UBaOOAT COURT ata_** A^. a^^jia^-^ A^ BB^u Claiaw AfaiaM BsUI* BtTATB OF KIDA B. ITBUMAN, MMIld MMIld Pnnoaat ta tk* eieer *f BDWABD C. BROSOX. SarneaM st tk* Ceeatr at ktnaiobtk. tkl* 4>r ***. tk* rallmtlaa ef tk* 4«m***^. Bah- I V K I n m t *f tk* 4«m***^. Bah nmtn *f tk* ld B g t i * rallmtlaa ef tk* 4«**. In V»B K*«rea, K nmtn *f tk* stat* of tk. ssl4 Mlda B. gteeia**, 4*eMud. nolk. h«n»r sw*a t» tk«tlt t I4 4 * M 4 te t tkl 4*eMud. nolk. h«n» ratltert at»ai4 4*<** U ld l t»r*m»t UI to Ut Mi* Mi* monitor thtlr tltlmt aadar *atk within tbt minus frwa Uli ditt Dtttd: Dttemhir 14th. Ull. BENJAMIN VAN EXURSN. Ill South Btrttt Kttentowa. N. J. Danlsl S. Wslgu* Xt«.. 17 Broa* St.. Rod Bank. N. 1. Attorney NOTKC OF UTTLIMBNT OF ACCOUNT BSTATS Of ratmcia ANN DOK- OHUC, MINOR. N»T(M is h*te»r»lv*a Aat' tm < w a U V ta* sukierlker.. anardiaa *t UM estate af ul4 Hlsor, will k* a«4lt*4. and ttati* kr the SurfecaU ef tk* County of Monmout?sn4 Mportod for Mttlanmt to Tko MonnMtk Coun. tr C*nrt. Probst* DITIO*. O* FrMsr th* elsbttt d tt M*rck. A. D i» 7 at lift o'elock A. M.. at At toantr Court Houu Monumont lad Court Btrests Froskol*. Now Jens*. *t wklsk tins. wtlmtlon will k* aiiias tor tk* allowtae* *( CouslMion* snd CoonHl Mown. AppltejU. Cornwall a Htrtmtn, Attornty* at Law, *«Broad Rtmt. Re* Bask. N. t. 111.** MONMOUTH COUNTY SURBOCATB'I COURT N*nt» u Crsalton to Pmmt Claim Arsbut Bsuts BTATK Or PtnOt TOAINO. DI- OEASID. ryraoant t* t>* M4*r of BDWABD oc MonmoatV this dir m*4*. ea ths appllestlob of tk* undonlint*. Bllta Tomalno. AJmlaiitiatrix of tk* stuts M ths said P«t«Tomaino. 4*ts***d> notlot la henkr su» to tko sroiitari of Mid deeoue* ta proton to tk* sold Adulnlitratrlx tkslr elstat «*4*r oslk within six Biontki froat this dau. Dtttd: D*e*eib«r ITU.!»«. LLEN TOMAINO, Uwt* St.. -» _^Bstoatow«. N. I. Akrsmofr A Prlet. 14 Monmoutfe St.. Bed Bank. H. J. AMamers MOAD ST. RID IANK 2*» Broadway Long Branch MONMOUTH COUNTY aumogatrs COURT Notlu Is Crsaltw* to Prwoot Clalaw Atalatt Isut* ESTATE or BI41B A. BEBBLAND, P«ri«snt'to tbs offer of EDWARD C BBOEGE. Bwrosot* of th* Countr of Munisoath. this dsr msdt. on tks abptlottlon «f tkt undonttnos*. Carol LOUIM RUIH I»IO oxseutrli of ths osuto of tkt seld Msl* A. Bsttland. deetasod notlfo htrtbr slvtn to th* orotlton of ul* loeosssd to present to tko tsld Bolt Eieeatrta. tkoir elslmt vnatt Mth wtthin tlx aoaths trea thlt Dttsd! Dtttarttr 17U CAROL 1AUUB KUSULL. Srsanoro A»e., 8ki*wtktti». H. J. Appltfst*. Rtassllle. Comwtll I1T.I4 UOlMtML TO UiAWtVUXa. JOK* BENNETTS LANE. AND A POR- TION OF THS ROAD J*OM COLTS VBCK THAT IMTBBUBCTS TMB BUAO t«om MOLMDBL TO UGAMVILLK, IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF HOLMDEL. COUNTY OF HUNMUUTH AND gf ATX Of «W B* it oraaiaa* ky tke Mara *a* Townaklp "immhtn of Ik* TowMhl* 1. Thot tho roadt or port!*** of road*, mort pehkaiarly dmtrtkod as lollowa. koroia. bo *ad tk* aomo art karoky raoalo* ** Buhli* ttxoou. roadt or klskwayt-. a. Tkat parti** of *o old nod from Hetedel ta LatdtrUI*. rt«- Biaer KsM *ad Wott. lyiac aort*.- rly_ojt tfc*_pr***at.;*a* &Jrtti rtur k. Tkat sonira. Irlsaj aertkl f tk ead treat siem*! I* (N ti k. Tkat sonira. Irlsaj aertk «rl» ef tkt read treat siem*! I* it4 Baak (NSWSHB tsiia** Boa4).»f aa mu r**4 t»»«lse M*rU an4 kmk aa4 le*4lm frsa* Celt'* Meek I* saiat wker* launest* tae em lead. tnm ete**l u UadivlH*. brine * trnkaam, 4I*7»M la IjaftkT.. AH ef aa ejd m i l t m e* Jeka l t t ' l kkk 5r«Ua4wlll.. k free* Jeka If. T Beewt W. Ceek. I. ill*. raeehej Mane 1. I! ia Beek 144 tl Dees* fer Me*- awatk C*n*tf^aae 441. aad tka n*d raaalae; metk a*4 Bntk I* **t f*ra> ie deed fiea* Aaaia Crsee. at *l«. t* Ba*M*is*i* firm Ceapsa/. 4*U4 l«a* IS. lilt t*4 reeereei Urn,. ill! la Seek Hit *c 0H4a far M***»i«tk Ceaatr. tea* *. aa4 Mm Be** as^^ t* ia iied er.» all. t* *1*4 r*knsn M 1 I! iltatoa s*4 «tf* u Wiltia** BrMra k» Ut4 4***4 A.rH lilt. r*eara*4 Aarll IT. fill, Beek 141 at Deed* rer kaaan Ct * kl l W. 14. l Bk 141 at eed* rer kaaa Cwatr. >*(* * kelbt *l*e»- aaraiitlr *a estenslra. tt tke Rolasti u LM4*TIHS i**4. Tk* r***e ar parties* tt ntit kelbi 4M>*r*4 m M kr Ikii r4la*m* lit te tk* Nartk at Me reae fr«a Hela4*l U Be* Bank (N*»- aisb SurlBsi BaeJ) **4 ar* all «BBrae*4 wltkui ta* laad* vtti \t H.nrl*tU»t. Cross. wl*o«*; 4«Mrik*4 ia ds*i fr«a Sara Weea M*CMisa«ii, widow, sae ike BUMBM* r«rs» Co*»»«nr to Hearr Cre** tm HsariltU M. Crae*. k«*kaa4 aa* wife, d*u4 Jaaauy. lilt and near*** la Be* till t D * fer Mm- Jaaauy. lilt and Bee* till tt D**** vsm% r Mm- Stat* tt Now Jtney, PUBLIC NOTICB tko TowBSkl* of Boka4*l. Md Doowktr ITtk. 1HI taa tkat **M ordlisimi will ko Ukos SB for tutthor sonstdtratlob for *n»l sstssst tt a rotultr aiostl** of tk* TowaoMp CoBMBlttM.a* tk* TwBiwkip of Rotai- 4*1. to ko k*m st tt* TownoklB HaH, Crawford's Comer. Hokadsl T*wnskip, MoMBoatk Coantr. N. 1.. oa Tkurl- *a? aftoratob. Pokraarr t4tk. HIT at lilt r. M. or as toon tkenafter *i aid aukor «aa ko natks* at wklok tlaio an* plaao sll portont IntorBtU* thsnla will ko *!»B en osportaaltr to as ktard tonttmtne; tk* smas. Dstod? H*had*lTK ) n fjte. IT. lt«4. DAMBL S. r"~ ltl.14 Oerk. Township of H. Woiinoidait. Jutur 14 l»»7. M!< r. M.v In tlw Boar* BOOBM 1* tk* Rsll of Boeords. rrothold. New jtrtt tt wtikh tint MI4 n*»l«tioa will ost b t4 t4 MI hrt held «14 NOTICE NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN tk*t th* followinc I* a traa topy of a rtiolutlon introduced at tht rtgaltr mtotlnc of th* Board of Chottn Frstkbldtrs of th* County of Monmouth, kom on W*inMd*y. January I. HIT. and pa nod tint roadiog and wat laid ovtr for tecond tndflr.ll ptimg* to a mtotlnc ef thli Boar* to ba htla on Wtdnttd.y. January 14 l»»7. tt I* jt which time l»--... bt.nad snd a pumie hotring hold uion tk* M*M *B*I tk* ttatt eo«oldtrod on final pomase, " By order of tko Botr* of Cboaoa 2^Id.t r '..^W- f A.»rt V. "" mvino... Cl«rk, *f tk* Board. Mr. Shomian offer*, tk* following molutloa tb* rnoro* IU tdoptl BE IT RESOLVBD kr thi Botl* of Chootn rrooholdtrt that boglnnlnc Jtnuiry I, ill? the Mlary of tho Road Supenrlior tk*ll * «* * tt tk* um of (T.loa.t* por ytar: nat th* Mlary of th* Cltrk of th* Board of IWioldirs *h*11 B* fiit* at tht turn of ** per years That the kttt Mlary of tach momkt of tho County Board of BteUonl hall bo «iod at tk* na of 11, M BS**IT 'RBBOLVED that Mid Ml arte* ahall bt In lltu of all ft** or other tomptnmtlob and *h*ll kt pal* In oaual otml-"on«ily IntUllmtnt* " tkt County Trttturtr. Srfondod by Mr. Voorhtti an* adwitod OB roll tad ky thi followir* In tht *n1ra*tlv*t Mtton. Vo*rk*M. Grottlngtr, Woolloy, Shtrmi* and Dlnstor Irwln. In tht BoeatWi: Noa*..ll Attoratrt. Countll mootln* to k sews Hill. Monday. at 1:10 P. kt.. at w offor will bt eonn ldd hlh NOTICE OROUOH Or RIO BANK An ofor of Thru Hunditd Fiftr Dollars (1150.0(1) hts botn netiv** B7 th* Boroush of Rtd Baak tar a 1*1 forntrlr atttsstd to Prsnk Brodol, sltuttt on thi louth tldt of Sunttt ATtiuii, Had Bank, Now Jtrttr. and kavlns t froatast of approilaiittlr foot on tha tout* ildt of guntot Annul and bains about till f*tt In dopth snd known M Ut 111 In Wotk 14 on tho Rod Bank Borousk Ts» M*P. Th* Baroiifh hss tpprsrod ssid offar, but sukitet to final approval w Tojottlon te B* mas* «t a Bdro«sk Countll mootln* to ko kold at th* Bor- Hll M d. Jamiarr. HIT. which mtotlns said offor will bt eonnraiod or rtlottod. pro>ldtd no hlshsr bid thin Thru Hunoroa nttr Doiltn (M.OO) or botttr ttrmt kt thtn offtrtd. ProtnetlTt bmdtn n t r mall writton bldi for itm proptrtr dlrattad to tko Benwk Clerk, Borough Hall. Rtd Bank, Now Jsrttr, *l»lns th* namt and tddross of tks klddsr and thi amount hid. or tnr kiddtr mtr krlns kit bid In wriuns at tsid mtotlnt, or km orally. Tho sroptrtr ' ko sold and any hid ctiptod li an* (hall bo tuklott to tht Borous~h't Zonlnp; Ordlnanot and any othtr ordlnaneti lawi and regulations, local ttatt or fedtral affottlnt th* uit of laid proptrtr and to tuoh a stat* of faeti it an atounts lurvtr mar thow, Datodi January I. 1167, AMY t. SHINN. Kotouih Otork. Borouah of Rtd Bank, Bweesk Hall, R*4 Bank. N. I. NOTICB NOTICE 18 HBMBV GIVEN that tk* (ollowlne* U a tr»t eon ef a rt«. olatioa lntroduetd at tae nnktr mwtlnf of tko Botrd of Chottn Frotholdtri of tht County of MonBiouth, k*m on WoSBudtr. Janusn I. HIT, and pasttd nrit r*adlnf sa* was laid o»lr for stcond and (Inal paiiast to a mtttlns of tkit BooN to»o MS OB Wodnttdajr. Jtnutry 1* HIT. at tit) P U._ In tko Board Rooait la tk* Hall of Rccordi. Fnohold. N*w Jtrttr. at which time laid roiolotlon will asalk k* n*4 *ad a public ktariat hold upon tho BUBO and tk* asm* eoatldtrtd n rlntl paisas*. By ofdor of tk* Board of Chora rrtoholdtn tt tk* County of Menmouth (t * tttlne hold January 1, " >7 IRVtNO 8. BENNBTT, Clark of tho Botrd Mr. Grotilnnr. far Dlnttor Irwln, o(lor*4 tht following: rotohitlos and or** lti adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED tkat tho talsrr sf tht moaktrt of tk* Board of Ckotsa Frtoholdon of U t County of Mo*. mouth. *oglw<4r«iaasarr I, UIT th.ll ko tkt *um of IS.Ma.PW rotr, said salary to bt In lieu of all fit* or ttfctr *omptn**tlon* an* thtp bo *tl4 la oaoal monthly InoUllaitnti by th* Socondtd ky Mr. Woolloy aad adopt** OB roll tam ky tht MlowUe ' S'tk..BimatlTjiJllMW. V««. k*m Oroaslagsr^ Woolloy. Sk*rM*a aad Dlrwtor Irwln. la tks aasstlvai MOB*. ll.t STATE Or NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OT STATE CERTIFICATE OT DISSOLUTION To ill A* whim tk*** prtttatt mtr IOBM. Ortttlng: WHEREAS atptart ta mr satltfaction, by duly authantleattd rocord of tht pronedlngi for tht voluntary dlitolutlon thereof kr tk* unanlmtot esnsont of all of U«tto.khold.ri, tv potltsd In mr oirlct, thtt DtVREE CO1. PpRATION, a eorpor- tlon of this Butt. oot prlatli " ~ tot A. Vreelaad kolno tho agent Uort- In and In tharfo thereof, upon whom procmi may bt **rr*4) hti tomplm with tho rs*«lr*m*att of Tttla 14 Cor. poratloar Oinatal. of Rtvlwd: SUtutK et Nt» Jtrity. pcallmiatry te tht. ulnc of thla CtrtlntaU of Dlitolutlon. NOW THBRBFORB I. thi Socrotary of Bute of tht SUt* of Ntw Jimr. Do Htroby Cortlfy that tkl Mid <*rporatlob did. on tht olghlmtith d*y *t Dteombor. UK Sit In my office duly nsutt* and alttttod lontont In writ- Ing to tht dlmtlatlia af Ml* torpor*- tlon nocuto* ky all tkt stockholder* thiroof. which Mid tonint and the ncord of tho prototdlngi tfortatld art now on fllo In my Mid oflict it prorldt* by law. IN TESTIMOHY WHERB- OK I havt htriunto a*t my hand and affixed ay snlelal <BtAU ual. tt Trtnlon thli Elghtnnth d*y of Dectmber A D. *«o tnoutand nine hundrtd and flftr-ilx. BDWARb J. PATTEN, Mill BowtUry of SUt*. AaalalotraUr. Riekar* X. Burke. Cot... t Lsw, STATE Or MBW JtRHV o. Onotiaei WUBRBAS, aesesrs t* aw aatl*- l k l tk«ls*l*i n i l*i n vaiaaurr l* teotlo*. ky i*\i letkiailmtad t* leamii *t all tk* *l**kk*u*n. *t- PMita* kt Mr *4a**. tkat Minst* C*-. LT a MrporatlMj» tkkj *uu, ( WkM0 tatt oor riatlfal * t*.ah«*t*a Ctrllti Areas*, la tk* TOWBBSIB MBptaas. Gtwr of Mismissk. tut* *OI*7toMr (WlUlaai O. Jbitses kolas tk* *«oat_usr«u»bf la *k*rgo _iow naaarou. i, ta* SMi«ury ot Bute of tko SUU ot Nor D* Hertky C*rttfy tkat tk* Matin 41*. *a th* twtati **t of Uaoombor UH. ale la my *< t:t * duly *UMU* aad atte Is wrltlaf to tko *l*t3sr sat Ml4 d *- to tk aa* tk* ll SU la mr * altssli* *** amtotwkra r* «f tko pro- *a tl* la (SEAL) at*l. tt Trtatte thla twtaty- *tv«nth dty *f DMtmVtr. A. D.. «i* thovwnd Blot k* STATE Or MEW JgRSEY DEPARTMENT OT STATE CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To an te wk«a ***** pmaat* aur OrettlB*: XBBR I WHBBBAS a m i* fmtlm. kydjily abtk*a«of tke primlwsm t*r «K^elrpritf^^ff; to mr sstls- Utttad rotord,_j. a ra prlaclpal Brood fstrt*t. Bank Couaty of Monatovth. SUU "' Now Janty (Thomas P. Doramm ktlng tk* *ltat tkortjnjb* I* ekargt tatrtlaary to tk* IHUIBI O4 ^^ f SUU ot tke SUt* of Mow Do Hanky Certify tktt^ui^ti trtlff tk k Ul leireurr w J*r*tr. **I4 *orof DMosakor. Ull. tit duly oiteutod *o* M l writlag t* Ik* dll d tk it (a mf at- M M u* * - li hih So* duly oiteutod *o* M M u* * Mat la writlag t* Ik* dlttolatioa which said MBMnt aad tk* rater* at tks prtttodltn trorttold or* BBW:SB al* n ^^^o1^&«op. I kavo horoto tot my hand an* *SU** mr oavwl (SEAL) M*I. it Tnaton. tkls twntytovoatk dtr of Doetmbor. A. C, an* tkoutana Bin ku»- drod «nd afty-tlx. EDWARD J. PATTEN, Socroury of Suto. ods ompany^.a corp<*rst)on e thlt Statt. whoso prhtelpsr dl*et'hl : iltaattd at ho t* Chuck Strtot. In tha Borough of Uttl* Silver Coutty of Monaieiith, BUM af Ntw Jtrtoy (Htrry MONMOUTH COUNTY DOCKET NO. M-4*M. B By virtu* of tho STATE Or NEW ieruy, DgPARTMENT OP STATS CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION T* all to whom UM* troont* ms " i l l o i i ; ' ' ' '- wsbtsutlt t httlok. by 4"nly si of tk* proeotdl**! dlltl tkof kiouco lo korofcr *i'*a that tk* *< oobbts of tk* sbkasrik*!, "-^if^" ml tk* *ttat* of salt! Butaiii wtl k«su4lto4 an* sutot kr tae iarrasst. tt tk* Cosatr of Mouuwk **4 toported for oouloawat ta Tk* MMatoBtk Coaatr Coart. Prskat* Diviata. *a Friao. ta* daktk 4*v *f r**raaiir. A D-, IMT. at till o^slook A. M.. st tk* C**atr C**ti IHU, M****Mat *t4 Oo*rt Strooto rnok*m, Mow Jorotr. st wki«k Us** eapltsatioa wul k* d a** (or U* SOWOBM tt *****tt*si«u ' ad eoaassi tots. STATE or NEW JERSEY * DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ' CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To all to whom thott prttontt may tome. Orattlng: WHEJIEA8, tppttrt to my MtUfaction, ky duly aiithentleittd rteerd t tk* proeoodlaai f*f tb* VtMuBtiry dlttolutlon thertof by tm.uninlmoui coneint of all th* ttoekhold4rs, dt- 5 ulted my oflco. tkst Blltonatrt oldiae Coraoany^ a comdrstlon ot Groan Mac tho ignt th«r*l* *nd In chartt thtroof. upon wrlem prosots may b* nrv*d). hit emptied with tko rtqulrtmtntl of Title tl, CarpoMtlont, Oonenl. of Bovlotd SUtuttt «f New J*Mtr. prollralntrr t* the imtiaaj at tki* CntMeat* of DlaMlWm. MOW THEREFOR. I. tht SomUry ( SUU of th* SUU of Now Jemr. Do Honor Cortlfy that tk* MM tor- oratlan dl*. on Mo twrnty-siventh day if Deeombtr. i*i*. ajt In mr of- ( * s duly *neau* ** atttotod MB- Mm la writing to thi dlttolutlou of Mid corporation. OXMBU* ky att the tuckholdtn thenof. i»;k f i*l**««- tent tnd tht near* of Uis proeoodlmt atnratald art sow on *l* ta ay Mid fle* at prorldtd ky law. TN TESTIMONY WHERE- OF I htv* htret* Mt my hand and i l n i my. asielal (SEAL) Mai at Tnnton tkls twoaty- MTanth day ot Dtttmotr. A. D.. ono thousand Bla* k«b- 4rod an* Sfty-trr.. EDWARD J. PATTEN. IJl.ol Sorwtary of gut*.. COURT Or NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION JtV Jtr»y -Cht.»*r, Dii'doSTiudt ta tkt 10th day of Dtjtmkfr. llll, I* a el»ll_tetlon whtroln li ike a elrll tetlon wktroln Ro» Slug tk* plaintiff and you are tk* oviadtbt. r*e ar* htrtby r**nlr*4 to antwtr tk* oomplaint af tho plalotlr? OB or btforo tho Uth lay ef Foonory. lll(. Vy Mntni B *niwtr on Partont. L*kr***e*> CsBstn* * Combt pltlntirt aturtty. whott addnaa I* No. Wstlast t I I* 4 I* yonranrwor aa* preof *i Mrna*. In tfupllttto with CM Clerk»»h» SnMrlor Court. SUM ***** A n n, * WflvOVI, *T9W *W?ftfl9t n l ' ftvvw^ttsab^s^ wuk the rah* of slru prattu* sad ^fae^^v *f Fa). Tht ohioet of Ml* aatlan la t* *W tala W««mtnt *f ilvora* BttWM* tko ttlil KltlntlrT sad f*s. - ' Ttatont T>wmiBt» il'tmi. PARSONS. LABRECOUX. CAtTMNA a COMB*. ;.,,. 11 Wall*** Mrewl., ' ate* Bask. M«w Jtrtty. appmt* t«my sau*; ly MtkMtlMU* r**m. ^-'"ftv^mis isttaito-!. * of tk* proeotdl**! for tha voluntary dlssolatlon tkortof ky tht anonlmt** tonttnt of all tk* *t«khl4 potlttd la my offlct, that Bitat orpwmtloi'af..«. a oonwmtlm'af thli State, whom pclntipal ornct it litutted at No Broad gtroot. In IB*' Borough of Rod Sank County of Motimooth. Mite af Now Jonoy (Lovlt BI. pratla balbg thi tgont tatrtln and In chtrg* Ihtrtof upon whom PTMHI may b* Mr.vod). hat eompthtd wltk. th* rskjulr*. Bttntl of Title 14. C*rpn*ti*h*: Otrtrat of Rovl*** lututti of Ntw Jar. Mr M*Hnin«r/t* tk* IMOBI *f Skit Certlllclti of Blnolullon MOW THEREFORR' t, tk* StertUry ef State of the SUlt of N»» Jtnty, Po Htnbr Certify.thai, tht Mid cor- MnitloB. did an th* ttlrty.lrtt day of Dttfatbtr Ull. HI* In SUP eslte * duly eitcuttd ind attttu* tonitnt IK writ- Ins to the dltiohltka *f Ml* «tfmf»- tlon e»«utoj by ill tk* ttotkhirldtn thtrtof which M><< lonitnt ind the ncord of tho pt*c**4l*n oftnitll trt now on lit In my asmt pro- "'* to A v Tas«iari' wnaw. I»*» htnto Mt my kind ind SEAL tfflne* my *Melal *MI.» Trtntan. this tktity.tirm'dsy ot Dotsrakor A. D. ono tkoumb* is* hundred and rifty-ilir EbWARD J. pafrln, BoeraUry of But*. Wh«I* douht aktut baw t* MU nw*ht*d houtthold soodt, toltl yon proklm* with Tk* RogltUl't tlimlfad. 4*. A4»orUMmt»t. i

45 W.&CS. Gives Special Program BATONTOWN When the Woman's Society far Christian Service met Tuesday at the Methodiat church, devotiona wen led by lira. Russell Sheeta and Hra. Fred Bornemann ni in charge of the program, "Wand in My Comaiuntty." Participating were Mrs. Charlea Dowen, president, Mra. Elliott WUlitta, Mrs. Arden Miller, Mra. John Dittz, Sr., Hrs. Raymond Bennett, Mra. George Davis, Mrs. Ohaiiea Falkenburg and Mra. Venn Frailer. Member* were asked to spend a few minutes la prayer each day at noon. The boll room of the church will be painted by Mrs. Russell Sheets and Mra. On Ralatoo. The study group is to meet at Mrs. George B. Whitneld'a The World Day of Prayer will be held Mar. «at the Presbyterian oburch. Those from the Methodist church serving on tha committee will be Mra. Letter Whitt»td, Mra. WUlU, Mra. Bornesnann and Mrs. Dowen. A committee to view kitchenwars which may be offered later to the memberahlp includes Mrs. Watt, Mra. Francis Bruce. Mrs. George WhIUJeld and Mra. Haymood Bennett They will meet Jan. IT at tha horns of Mrs. Dowsn OB Maple ave. Tha society will serve supper at church night, Jan. 30, at which tlma sandwiches, coffee and cake win be available at p. m. Mra. Raymond Bennett will supervise tha project The data of the annual dinner haa bam set for Apr. K at 6:10 p. m. The place and program will be planned by Mrs. Bornemann, Mra. Dowen and Mra. George B. WliiUUM. Tha gift list will be compiled by Mrs. Arden MUler and aba, Ernest Schanck. On the nominating committee are Mra. L. D. Seely, Mra. Lester Whltfleld and Mra. Ward Demarest Hostesses were Mra. Stanley Van Brunt. Mrs. George B. Whltfleld and Mrs. Claude Melons. Belfoitf,' Joseph Hanaar waa elected president of tha Scouting building association Jan. S at the scout build- Ing. Others elected were E. E. flabaua, Brat vies president; Erllng Srioson, second vice preallarjrs Mrs. Mra GMgsr. treasurer and William Sefcik, chairman of construction. On the house committee are lira. Ernest Elgrim, Mra. Luther Walling, Mra. William Sefcik and Mra. Joseph Han- Mr. Plans for finishing the plumbing, tiling the floor and connecting the atove were dlacuwed. haa been reported that $580 waa collected during the drive for the building. A farewell party wss given for William Skillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Skillman, Main at., New Tears eve before he left for Lackland Air Force base, Tex., to begin hi* basic training. Cueets included Mr. and Mra. Parks En- tice and sons of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deeaser, Jr., Red Bank, Misses Sue Mueller, Judith Scott, Terry Donovan, Gail Pitman, and Tom Donovan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roia an<l family of Harrison spent New Tears with the Bklllman family. Luther Walling, Jr., Railroad ave., left last week for training in the IT. S. Air Force at Lackland, Tex. Mn. Laura Lingo, Morrkt ave., haa returned horns after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis of Richmond HIU, N. T. The third birthday of Kevin Patrick, son of Mr. and Mn. Martin Patrick, Summit ave., was celebrated recently by relatives. Present were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Sehwarta, Susan, Karen and Peter Campbell of Livingston, and Mrs. Margaret Patrick and Joseph Larsen of East Keeneburjr. William Boyle, son of Mr. and Mn. Thomas Boyle, Summit ave, celebrated his l*h birthday Friday. Present were James and Richard Meglnley and Marfaret and Patricia Boyle. Tha first meeting of the Belford Neighborhood association for Scouts will be held tonight at S o'clock at tha scout building. Mrs. Thomas Boyle will preside, Beverly Oakley, daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Oakley, 7th st, celebrated her ninth birthday Saturday at a party. Present were Bonnie and Donald Helnecke, Cynthia Flther, Kathleen Patrick, rubuc NOTICE tmfce it hanky nv«u the Iwml»ot.n at the Moot District of the Bereuk at Red Bank, In th. Countr of MoMoiitk aad But. of N«r J»r- Mr. Uwt Pwfelic Mnilni will fc* k*m»t «* Bed Bank Hlsh School, Hardine: Seal, freei I < datk until o'clock P. H.. on the etealmr <H January 14, ISIT. for tho parpom at ortuctlac a Fubll. Horlna on tfi» fohowing Budget far the seksol year A COST at tao propomd kud*ot will k«on Ala. ant opt* to th, public betweenttke ao»rs ef» A. H. and I t. M.. horn Jaaaary ITU to January Sttk. l«ir, at tka Sterotari'a OIBe.. A4mltilrtr.U»«BviMins, 14 Brmnch BsaMeat Average DaUy lareaamat Add: AJ)Jt TUWOB Puplli Boe'd Total Average Daily. Enrottamt BUDGET STATEMENT 9I*MI Year IMT-iass Ssaeel Dtalrl.t el Had Bask lo-il 1010-IT (Actaal) (Estimated) 1I57-5S (Estimstad) SOURCES OF REVENUE 1O-ST 17-BS (AeMal) (Aatte CURRENT EXPENSE Elpated) (Anticipated) L of lalame "*tss**m * * im t.Ut.Dt 7O,7»S.OO 11,105.88' U 100,1)1.70 J4J ,810.00, 1, S00.00 C) TOTAL OATITAL OUTLAY. met tiwel, Levy PEST SERVICE topmtuuea ot Um JD) TOTAL DEBT t 14,007.(0 I 4I.UI.I0 41, raw ^aa }.;?{- t 10, I i M7I. ».8«0.7l IDUOn nix AnVOPlUATIOM BALANCE JULY 1, 1MI FOB 1I.10. AMOUNT OF DISTMOTB UAB1UTT TO WIMP FOJt ' Otaer <Rspenses... «. tmtnotloa r»»er> - " ' IBml. VeeatlMial) I1O.711J4 8,87«.4» 1»7IOI8 1»,I 1, H fbed Ckanyaei Water and Fowtr. and Tolaarapk -^ AOUTIUMI I A HaaHk Sanieo) Iataniue"(rir«js! rrasiieaia aad/ec BsiDloieaa... eeisl letwkr Asstla. Ohsne (A) TOTAL OUIUNT SXraHOEJ <B) TOTAL MTAIBI AND RBKACUBNTi Ml) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY. APPROPRUTIONS XxptixMtunt AppraprlaUeas Appre*riatlons l*lt-m ^ - mi-n tto.oo 9 IOO.OO 11,1( , , , , , , , ,4»4 J.M» »4ll S.M4.4I 11.0*0.71 4,44f.O0 1, I.0I1.47 1, H , T4. DkBT SERVICE ltissiiillea ef Bends and N 3tea I?I'????? OUMsWT onratwo APFDO- MIATION BALANCM JVNC 10 'onutent KXPBNHI 101,4(1.11 REPAW a RBVLACCMENT C.10 -^TAL OUTLAY»a,lii.74 IEXV1OE ,447,04 fot, DITURBS AND 0, , sai.iii.oo I.7JO.OO 11,100,00 14, , tl , , il.141.0e 00, , , , , *7.10 1, , , ( , , , , , , , M , , a.too.oe , , lt.llt (0 0J7t.1l HI.IT ,( , $ 1,1( , ,(11.(1 11, , , ,( , ,( ioo.oo ioo.oo ioo.oo 10, , I B 11, ltl.ll. Volunteer Fireman Serves 40 Years William L. Mount ii thown racsivino, a clock radio, givan in honor of hit complation of 40 yaari 1 tarvica at volunfsar member of Atlantic Hio,hland( Hoto company No. I. Fira Chiaf Elmer Gawlay mada tho pratantation. Councilman Evaratt C. Curry, left, wai toaitmaitar. Hanry Rich, right, wat chairman of tho dinnar, hald Thuriday night at tho fira houio. 6 Agriculture Vital Segment Of N. J. Economy 9 : Meyner TRENTON, (AP)-Gov. Robert B. Meyner wants tha 1WT state Pamela and Raymond Stryker, tegmatura to remember that despite Increasing Industrialisation Douglas Garrett and Jacqueline and Kathleen Oakley. "agriculture remains a vital segment of th«new Jersey economy." Mr. and Mn. Otto Hacker and famhy spent tha past two weeks Meyner told the Legislature In In Florida. They visited Mr. and his third annual message this lln. Nicholas Hacker of St Petersburg and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zoloboaky and family of Miami, formerly of Belford. week, that "wtth tho exception of eggs and milk, the returns for most New Jersey crops were improved last year." He aam Urn value of the state's WM crops waa estimated at 375 million dou*is, and added: "Mon than one-third of tha total area of the state U In farm use and more than 80,000 workers are employed in agricultural activities. "Farmland values and costs ot production In New Jersey are among tha niftiest In the nation. These factors demand efficient operation in tenns of high yields, which account for the state's rank as number one la gross income per acre $188. The governor urged the Legislature to give "careful consideration" to the petition of a statewide committee of livestock breeders for "a better and more complete diagnostic laboratory service." right AgeJast Disease He said tb«state Department of Agriculture baa been "tint to act" against "a continual threat of Insect aad disease invasion." Meyner added: 1. "Since I960 the percentage of cattle In our brueeboabi program haa risen from SO per cent to M per cent By Apr. 1, 1958 sh herds must have been tested." 2. The timely use of emergency funds accounted» MM for the eradication of the white fringe beetle... a peat even more destructive than the Japanese beetle." 3. "lost year, In co-operation wtth federal authorities, the department of agriculture checked th* typay moth by spraying over 50,000 acres of woodland. This spraying will continue in 1957." 4. "A prime factor in the development of our poultry Industry hss been in blood testing of breeding stock. Some 960,000 tests are made each year. Today pouttry is our leading farm Industry, accounting for more than 181 mollon dollars of income last year." 5. "Prompt action haa curtailed the spread of vesicular exanthema among our hog population." The governor said the agriculture department has expanded s marketing services to tain care of problems caused by the state's "ui'ossi'oada position" in toe nation. He aam: "Last year the division of markets assisted in the movement of S40 million eggi, onethird of our entire production. Other marketing aetlvttlea Included the tnapeeuon and grading of boot 160,000 tons of tomatoes, tour times the tonnage of 1986, and 54 million pounds of aaparatus." "Since grades determine prices," Heyner added, "these services are of real benefit to the grower*." Heyner said the state Is making attempts to "alleviate the plight of milk producers... to Insure a fair return to them and, at the same time, to protect the consumer." He said: "MS* producer! believe that the.beat method is to get a Sfparate federal ma* markettng area estamlahed In New Jersey. On recommendation of the governor's mhk oommhtee and other interested parties, the V. S, Secretary of Agriculture held informal hearings m Vvw Jersey in " hearings beron In June of last year and every effort has been made to expedite tne proceedings and to obtain a fair order for New Jersey producers." Tho governor said the rural advisory committee appointed by him 'lisa extensive plans for integrating farm activity with the over-all development of the state.' He sajd the committee's prograin "will be treated In the budget masmga" to be delivered to the Legislature Feb. M, Wharton Tract Meyner also told the Legislature the state land use committee set up kn 1984 haa been working hard on long-range planning for the Wharton tract In South Jersey, "With specialist! from many flem»," Meyner said, "the committee has projected a program for this tract of timber production, watershed development, hunting and Ashing and other forma of recreation, and ttia preservation of historic altes." Meyner said that in recent years the state haa acquired 104,000 acres of land, including the Wharton tract He said thla increased state-owned parks and forests to 181,000 acres, in addition to 82,500 acres devoted to fish and game preserves. "But the mere acquisition of land la not enough," Meyner said. " must be put to full use by the public. "Since 1954, after mere than a decade of neglect, the state has corrected deferred maintenance, so that our public parks today are in the beat condition they have ever been. "The improvement program will be completed over a four-year period at a cost of three million Council Set for Reassessment LITTLE SILVER Money will be appropriated In this year's municipal budget for thla borough's reassessment. Councilman Joseph F. Lord made that disclosure at Tuesday's council meeting after Hearing Harvey Leeds of 71 Laurel dr. describe inequalities In tax aa< lessmenta In his neighborhood. Mr. Leads said his house, worth about $1«,000-*1T,000, la assemed for $3,250. He said three other homes near his, valued about S22, ,000, are assessed lower than his and that one house of the same value ss his own has a S350 lower assessment. Councilman Lord asked If Mr. Leeds thought anyone is "trying to pull anything funny." Mr. Leeds answered "No." Mr. Lord then aaid council haa "every intention of going ahead with the reassessment" program it has been discussing the past several months. Councilman Charles W. Stephens asked Mr. Leeds If he directed questions to the assessor and he got satisfactory or unaattofactory replies. Mr. Leeds said ha spoke to tha assessor and waa "completely satisfied" with the treatment accorded him. Mr. Leeds also said he did not want to appear as complaining about the assessments on his neighbors' homes. 2 Rnmsonians' Wills Probated FREEHOLD The wills of Peter S. Olunco and Thomas Anderson, both of Rumson, were among those filed for probate the past weak in the offlce ot Surrogate Edward C. Broege. Mr. Olunco, who died Dec 31, left hla estate to his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J* Olunco. Mr. Anderson, who died Dec. 18, left his estate to hla son, Robert T. Anderson. Charles J. Oeyer of Middletown, who died Dec, 33, left his estate to Ml widow, aa did John V. D. Fortnan of Howell township, who died Dae. 35. Frank Waastrom of Keansburg, who died Dec. 18, left his estate to bit daughters, Frances Whit ford and Edith W. McKean. Eleanor VanBrakle of Matawan, who died Oct. 3, left her estate to three nieces, Elizabeth, Eleanor and Dorothy Ryder. Departments Plan Various Meetings MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE A series of department activities for members ot the Middletown Woman'a club were announced when the club met recently at the home of Mrs. Karl Meyer on But ler lane. Members of the American home department vlitted the Koos furniture store In Sea Girt yesterday, ihe garden department will meet Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the home of the chairman, Mra. W. Irving Matthews on Holland rd. The literature department will meet Jan. 34 at the home of Mrs, Wylle O. Pats on Butler lane. Mrs. Arthur A, Overgaard of Fords, vice president of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's clubs, will apeak at the Fob 8 meeting at Mi'H, Put«'a homo. Mra. Edward Jacobs waa named welfare department chairman. Mrs. Harold OeMIng, parliamentarian, represented the club Monday at a district masting for club parliamentarians. East Keansburg Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Helnold have returned home after having spent three weeks with M% and Mrs. Edward Eurek and daughter Joyce of Omaha, Neb. A triple birthday party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Heinold and thel granddaughter Joyce, who was one year old, during their visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ruasell Watson of Cranford were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Helnold. Mr. and Mr*. John Birger, Cedar ave., celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary and Mr. Blrger's birthday Jan. 6 with members ot the family. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanderson, Joan and Bobble Sanderson and Jack Davidson, Hillside; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hubert and family, Leonardo, and John Birger, Jr. New officers, elected recently by the parents' auxiliary, presided at a meeting Jan. 2. Mrs. Joseph Howard ia the new president; Mrs. Harry Ackerman, vice president; Mrs. George Maxwell, treasurer, and Mrs. George Cor bey, secretary. A card party ii scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 24 and proceeds will go toward th< annual Blue and Gold dinner to be held in February in the first aid hall. Also present at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGarry and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight McKenna. The blood's ability to clot is Intricate and vital mechanism that prevents us from.bleeding death when we are hurt ' h Activity Center ' Mans Discussed ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS rogress in the effort to obtain community center here was re- [M>rted after a meeting of a»pecial committee of the Atlantic Highlands Lions cluh and representatives of local organizations. Another meeting haa been scheduled for next Tuesday at 8 p. m. Jerry R. Rich, Lior.r. c'.uh [iff sident, expressed satisfaction with the results of the first moctine. He said a community center ii badly needed. Attending were representatives of local Boy Scout, Cub, Explorer and Sea Scout group*, Atlantic Highlands Home Owners association, flre department auxiliary, Atlantic Highlands Garden club, and Llona club. Possibilities of completing the building at the municipal yacht harbor, known aa the Sea Scout building, were discussed. Mr. Rich aald the building was erected several years ago for the Sea Scouts. s completion for community acivltles use would not impair the Sea Scouts' rights to normal use of the building, he added. The representativea all expressid Interest and willingness to cooperate in plans for a center, Mr. Rich said. Cub Scout pack 22 and the Home Owners association reported immediate need for meeting facilities, he said. The Lions club committee, thn president said, is empowered to Investigate means of financing a community center project. The groups represented have a combined membership of <K)0. Parents of children who would benefit from the building would be willing, Mr. Rich felt, to support the program. Cost of completion of the Sea Scout building was estimated at {5,000. Edmund Blom, skipper of Sea Explorer ship No. B, said he would favor community use of the building if assured his group would not be denied s vested rights in the building. He said the ship's activities require frequent use of the building, sometimes through entire week-ends, and equipment storage requires con slderable space. When a borough referendum providing for municipal completion and use of the building was offered to borough voters a year ago be opposed because he understood the Sea Scouts would lose the building, Mr. Blom explained. Mra. Nelson Roberts of the flre department auxiliary asked whether location at the yacht harbor of a center to be used by young people waa advisable. Mr. Rich said all the questions raised would be given further consideration. RETURNS TO ENDICOTT SEA BRIGHT Miss Virginia VanDuzer, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frank VanDuzer of 492 Ocean ave., returned to Endtcott junior college in Beverly, Mass, last Thursday after completing her Internship In conjunction with her studies. She Is a member of the freshman class. During December all students aro placed by the college foi four weeks, training In the profession of their choice. Returns to Dirt* Airman Cart K. NAVESINK - Airman third class Carl Russel Blomgren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Blomgren of Monmouth ave., spent the Christmas holidays at home with his family after completing baaic raining at Lackland Air Force base, San Antonio, Tex. Airman Blomgren will continue his training at Norton Air Force base in San Bernadlno, Cal. CHURCH NEWS KEFORMKD New Shrewsbury How Pays to Be a Christian" will' be the title of the sermon by Rev. Robert W. Rung* at the 11 a. m. service. Sunday. Ushers are William Cook, William Nye, Elmer Ralph and Howard Hurley. The church nursery will be supervised by Mra. Steven Greeley. Family worship will be held al 9:30 a. m. The theme of the service will be the temptations of Jesus with tha sermon by th pastor entitled, "Testing Loyalties." Harry Ingalla, church school superintendent, will assist In the service. Christian Endeavor will meet next Monday night In the church at 7:15 p, m. for worship an study. The Missionary aoclet. meets In the cottage at ( o'clock next Monday night. Speaker will be Edmund Goerke of the Shrewsbury Friends Meeting. Mr. Goerke will apeak on social service opport unit ie«in the community. The Men's club will meet next Wednesday night at t o'clock in the cottage. William Wellner will preside. REFORMED Colt's Neck Rev. Ella F. delattre will deliver a Communion Sunday message, "Christ's Invitation," at the 11 a. m. service. The senior choir will sing, under the direction of Mra. delattre. "O Brother Man" and "O Lamb of God." Miss Bet ty Ellis will be at the organ con sole. Sunday-school will meet at 9:45 a. m. The adult Bible class will meet at the same tlma. Tha lease time Bible school will meet at 2 p. m. In the church. The Junior yoath feirowahl will mest tomorrow at 7 p. m. New Monmoutl Members of the Preabyterlasi Couples club of Atlantic Highlands were entertained Friday by the Christian Couples club of tho Baptist church. Rrv. and Mrs. William Btigrove and Mr. aad Mrs. Jack Hilbert were in charge cf games and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gulino. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WilHain. son and Mr and Mr«. Walter unle were hostesses. A venison dinner in planner! for the February meeting. There will be flection ot officers. A film will be shown st the March meeting. Barbara Ranch, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. J. Francis Rauch, New Monmouth rd., celebrated her tenth birthday on Jar.. 1 at a par- :y. RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jan. 10, Guests were Donna and Sd- Po«t, Judith Hudson, Carol Olsen, Diane Eigenrauch, Lynns Wllll, Pamela and Debbie Linga. Mrs. Dennis Lingo and Mrs. Rosa Rauch. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carotenuto and son Sean, Morford lane, spent the week-end skiing at Kiameaha, lake in New York state. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM Open Dally 12:00 to 4:30 Fri. Eveninga 7:80 to 9:30 Sundays 2:00 to 4: Broad St Red If you can count you can paint Quite a satis, tying way to spend January evenings. Imaglne'. Paints are mixed, ready to apply. Each color is numbered. Picture* are in outline, with each color ares, numbered. Tou dab the paint on Ua correspondingly numbered space. You watch a lovely, lively oil painting unfold before your eyes, good enough to frune. If you're especially creative, you can alter colors or design to please yourself. We've a, good variety of these "Paint by - Number" seta.. many subjects. Including animal*, flowers, landscapes, seascapes and historical scenes. Only 1.S9 to S.9S for absorbing fun, and something to show proudly when you're done! ONCE A YEAR SALE! ONCE A YEAR THE FAIR RUNS A SPORT COAT SALE THAT REALLY IS A SALE- COATS FROM OUR OWN STOCK, NORMALLY PRICED FAR BELOW RETAIL LEVELS.. A Group of DontMric TwMds and SI*tfcMds ft* $39. t. $40. * J 9 A Group of Hand WOVM Shttknds and Unlvtrsrry Typa Twatdt * OTHER EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS Inttlwd Tw«*jd and Harris Tw««d Topcoat* Rtf I* $». Toojlocoafs, Rtvtrsibk Togajos, Zlpout Unor Surcoati Rtf. 2MI t* $ i.00 Jfatr "The University Shop On The Highway" FOR MIN AND IOYS Route 33 Freehold, N. J. FRtMheM itiffihi.thiihilhll.iim

46 r.1m.w,m7 HP BAMK MEGICTH Board Adopts New Pay Guide i A MW l*v*top salary guide pro- Jksteg maxlsnuni salarie* of $4,200 sr a teaoher with a bachelor'* and $6,500 tor a teacher a master's degree were by th* Red Bank board at education Tueeday night. Th* saw gmjd* which provide* BBlnknvm salaries of $4,800 for a kacnaior's degree and $4,100 for a aster's degree with.ttie maxlsjmana being reached in steps, wiu rsplac* the board* present lt-atop salary guide which sets SMiimwni of $5,826 and 5,SJ8 and minimum* of $1,460 and , respectively. Under th«n«w Mid*, teachen ww nertv* nine aanuai mennwnte of $200 each and four tooretnente of $160 each. Th* new guide wasn't adopted without vocal expressions of opposition from teaehen and Parant-Teacher association members auk*. On* of th* chief epokeessen for higher salaries for teachen waa Leon Roeenfeld, president at the River Stnet P. T. A., who asked what happen* to th* sur flu* carried by th* board from year to year. Edmund J. Canaana, board president, replied the board feels K I* good bustae** to tarry a surplus, Waate Surplus Used Mr. Rooenfekl asked why some tt the surplus cant be used to gtv* teacher* an increase. He said money Is allocated for schools and then "we read that Inferior teachers hav* to be hired, and We can't reconcile ouraelvea to the fact that we have this surplus and Mist hen Inferior teacher*." Mr. Oansona countered with "I don't think we hin inferior teacher*. Mr. RoaenMd apparently wai referring to board action eerveral Moths ago In granting to Dr. M. Cfngg Hrbb*. superintendent of sahoots, permjsoton to temporarl- I* lower requlnmente for teacher ejkndidatos If n ary to ~ taaohing vacancies. In answer to a quest ton by Mr. RostnfeM about the amount af surplus on hand, Paul Young, secretary to the board, said the oard baa a total surplus of 8JU5,6Q*J1, of which $47,822JS hat tsen d*dk*tod for specific pur ass**, leaving an undsdteated suryksi of $1O8,488J1 Cites <HasalUatiea' Mr. Rosenfetd asked, "Why wa bav* that surplus did ws subject ouraarras to the humiliation *»d degradation of glaring head- Maes that w* had to hire tochers Mt up to tha standard* to which we had been accustomed?" Reuben Taylor also questioned the board about teachen' Mlariee, sating If th* number of teachen wh* have left Red Bank school! far other poetuooe la due vo the taw aalarie* bxf>- paid hen. Dr. Xlbbs replied "definitely.'' He Mod that 12 of th* teachen who Mt th* system last year gave low salaries ben a* their reasons. Th* board listened to sll argmbut had 1HU* to say In lfonoiouui county and R«d Bank will lag below the state level.. This is a problem for the oomluntty. cannot be solved by letharry. apathy or complacency. The Dften rvpwted tatement that this 1* a crlets elaewhere 1* IO solution to the problem.. Some ommunitte* an tackling the probien now before too much amage 1» done. Th* crisis will disappear when an adequate plan put Into operation. Teachen, lawyers, doctor*, en- Ineen, etc., are dedicated to heir respective profeesiona. This loe* not mew that teacher* hnuld be expected to subsidize he educational program. Neither Iocs rt mean that teachen must lubsldlse their salary through narriaga, living at home In the family, or an extra Job. Teaching will become a part-time >ob, ana that will b* disastrous. Till* is a oomm unity responsibility. The community must decide what kind of en educational prognm rt wants and then rt must plan the necessary step* to ftakt. Program Devoted To Mission Study An all-day program, devoted to ilsalon study, was held Tuesday it th* Red Bank Methodist Fellowship hall by th* United Bank. Th* morning sessions wen id on th* work of miselone in South East Asia. In th* afternoon, there fas a forum on mission work done for migrant workers in this tate. Mrs. Henry J. Palmar of Locust and lira. Raymond Grant of Westfleld reviewed books on the role of the mtulon and th* church South Bait Aala. Mrs. Grant, howed a Sim on the subject. Mr*. Hubert M. Farrow, Sr., of Red Bank.was hostess at the morning session. "Mission Field, U.S.A." was the theme of the afternoon muting, and Mn. Albert E. Newman, Sr., of Red Bank, chairman ot the migrant workers projects of the Red Bank group, presided. Mn. R. E. Lawrence of Westfleld, explained tha role that ehurchwomen may play In providing assistance to mi- ;rant worker*. Mrs. Charlea R. StiUwagon ot Little Btlvw, representing th* county P.T.A., explained the program carried on In ths fields of education and health for migrant workers and their chlldnn. Mrs. Eugene Erlckson ot Freehold, told of Bible (chools held during tha summer months for migrant worker*. She eald a Bible school program of thla type Is badly needed In the Freehold ana. Serving as ushers were Mn. Everett Thome, Mn. William Wormley, Mra. Francis Swart* and Mrs. C. V. Ramsey. Presiding tt the tea tables wen Mrs. Roger J. Squire and Mr*. Swart*. Mn. Fred Bsyd, president of th* Red Bank unit, extended an invitation to the World Day of Prayer observances, Mar. 8, and annual May Fellowship day, May Th* saw salary sohedvuk* was adapted altar a avmtnuto axeeu- Ufa session, doting wheeh, accordt f to Mr. Oaoaoaa, th* diacuiatan. cantered primarily around S*g«jpj*etofaBiariej. Th* board WaHlTit HMMMtK should be teown that with th* adoption of (ft* now salary aohadule, every taashar m the system wllbtput a hie or her proper step on th* gala*, meaning that every teaoher w»l got a rmlee n«*t «wr «* tstwten *M0 and $1,078. Mr. Canaba* said tt may be necessary t> adopt a new aohedul* next MiVbut m * mmnum * "** we hav* adopted a wry (ait *" Mar to th* adoption of tt* aw salary guide, tim, following atatemant was raid by Mia. Ell* absth A. XeUsy. a member of the kdgh aoboo) faculty, and a parasam apokaaman for tha teehen ajat critic of board policy and euoa In aatary matters: In makang this statement we Not the rwponstbumy of our M4 their leawsenlsitves th* heard of edueation-wtth th* foltawing fasts: W* an agnad that a sound * I program for youth I* for th* welfare of the _ _ Wow Jersey ConstKution- Arttole TOI, Secaon.ry, Pjar._l- itarbr state* that U «tnr tar Hie state, and it* sub Sriatons. to support a»r MdamdaDt system of free. ' ' istlod for ah ohhdren i th* age* of flv» wars and ira. W* are ajroeithat the of adueatloa accept* these wv^.wedonotb.u-rv.that i a move hi the ouoo, H doe* not go far restore* th«inum^sr ttjsjt wer* m operation,"so (16 stopstomaxlr th* prof*a*loiisl aalteh*dul* ««,600 minimum $ V A : B mailmum, $4,400 mln a»um-<i,s00 M A. maximum ateva, adjusunante on proper altotwo adjuetmenta. giissirr Monmouth oauntycai mtt imlatt itself from th* rest ot the atotoor from the nation. An taatt agreement on the part pi Sards of education to maintain a law minimum and maximum ww **rlously interfere with the asrraal flow of teaehen, TQood teachers will notbe ted to thla area, nor wkj they.. W* wlu become a veetlfcule ar* not dealing with hypo- " Ml oass*. Th* children an Tlwy must be educated for rt satiety, a highly industrlalsa«*tjr*wnqulns eom- ' for th* professions. Stu- vhu flnd tt increasingly dr t ts> fain admission into colji. A poorljr prepared stud ent,4 b i handicapped through lack f proper preparation. A ataff I* bultt up over * pel jf years. No Industry would tx osjplacent about a rapid turn v*r In personnel, nor would be sausfled with poorly train personnel. i* too costly. A profmmlonal staff must b bulh with a gnat doal of selectlv ' T""*": ** Impoasibl* under t$tq PMg**w pmn< N#w J#i***#y built tty. ta* lags Gentility Keynotes Spring Styles Crash Results In Jail Term MTODUriOWN-A Port onnouth man was ssntonosd to a total of 100 daya in county Jail on three oounte by Magistrate W. Oilbart Manaon Sunday a* a resukt of an aootdant on TladaH rd. Saturday night. Police sam th* man, Arthur l/aher, Furi HuuuwuUi' rd., waa tnvolv*d in a one-car accident C:38 p. m., and was treated at Rlvervtaiw haspttoi for minor injuries. He pleaded guuty to a charge of taking th* car without th* owner'a permission and waa sentenced to SO days, in default of 1100 fne, on that charge. Th* complainant waa th* owner of th* ', SSmmett Thornton, Port Monmouth rd. Usher waa sentenced to an additional 60 days on a charge of driving without a license and ten more day* for oarelee* driving, Fined by Magistrate Manson last night for traffic violation* war* Kenneth Gtnderaoo, 348 Shrewsbury av«., Red Bank, caretea* driving, $10; Pad M. Hughe* MHtbura, speeding-, $15; Frank W. Strickland, Waetwood, speeding:, $15, and Jeau A. Hen, Cranford, speeding, $10. Potto, reported thai IT driver* paid fine* totaling»x74 through th* vtolavuona.burwu during to* put week. P. T. A. Hears Dr. Gross NBW MONMOUTH-Dr. Mason W. dross, provost and professor ef philosophy at Rutgers university, was guest speaker Tuesday night at th* ousting of th* Fairview Parent-Teacher association In Central school. Dr. Ore** discussed "Aims of Education" and enumerated several goal*: tc Jettrmine a child's basic vocational ability; to train a child In social values, and to arouie and develop In a child sense of Importance and values of patriotism, language, music, poetry, art and biography. Dr. Gross stated that In IMS there will be twice as many college students as today. H* advised parent* to aid children In their education plans, but warned them not to Influence them too strongly. Mra. H. T. Halnea, program chairman, Introduced the guest Mrs. R. R. Cook, president, conducted the business meeting. Par ente were urged to attend a meet Ing at tthe Leonardo grade school Jan. 28 to hear the candidates foi the board of education, A motion waa paaaed to pu chase a sound projector for thi school. The money was raised through the Falrvlew Fun fair November. Mrs. Louis* Burni' second grade morning class won the fathers' night award for th* class having th* most fathers present Ml** Eileen Foreman's third grade morning clan won the attendance banner for the moat parents present. Mothers of the third grade pupils were hosteaaei The next meeting will be Fe 13. Found* ' day will be oh nerved and mitmhern of the board of education will apeak.. New Joreey program, and New Inland's kiwi bird fllghtlcu, tallsai. But, a foui pound kiwi can lay a one-pouni PABTT DRESS... BraaeU destgaa a Hack Ms- AFTEBNOON COSTUME... Larkspur bbj* printsaa silk dance dree* with easy, fall skirt and all- «d *Uk surah dree* aad Httt* Jacket of hand. ver tacked Jacket of white chiffon. loomed wool, tram the Ham* Caraegto esueeuoa, by DOROTHY BOB Associated Press Women's Editor An *a*y, gentle look dietlngulshea spring fashion*, as proviewed by New York designer*. There'* no straining for effect, no exaggerated Un«*>, no unnatural oontortlona of waistline or bustlln*. Instead the new clothe* for spring fit easily and loosely, permitting freedom of movement and comfortable pote*. often has bent amid that no woman can look pretty if she is uncomfort&bln in her clothe*, and this year fashion deelgnem agree. So skirts, while slim, have room enough for walking and Jackets, while slender, hav* no nipped watarte or built-up busts. The way to look smart this apring, seema, I* to look natural and at case., Butts are almost uniformly lender in line, with brief jackets and skirts that give freedom of movement by means of panels, peg-tops or tunics. Th* bolero, the box Jacket, th* blound-back jacket and th* cap* are all In the picture. Dress** (or street wear usually have elim lines also, but for*afternoon and party wear there are plenty of full skirts not th* exaggerated kind that require layer* of crinolines, but softly gathered or flared shirts that are easy TUNIC SKIRT... Thi* salt has brief Jacket, tunic skirt, designed by Add* Simpson. and flattering to wear. Dres*-and-Jack*t costume* continue a* a favorite of American women, while ensemble* of fulllength coat or cape and co-ordinated dree* also are Important Fabrics ar* feather-weight, often draped, alway* soft and ometlme* floating. Colon ar* lighter in ton*, with many tender pastels In th* spring; lineup. 's a season for ths gentlewomaa. Schaefer Fines 9 Drivers $167 WAT8IDB Magistrate Marvin C. Schaefer held court here for th* first tima last night «nd heard nine motor vehicle cases. He fined Byron Brown of Fort Monmouth a total of 885; for reckless driving, $38; disorderly conduct, $10, and no driver's cenee, $10. William L. Edwards, Jr., of Plalnfleld waa fined $10 for a stop street violation and $25 tor falling to appear ta court aa scheduled. Everett Stain of Metuchen paid $1S for speeding on parkway. Fine* of $10 each wer* paid by Oerard S. Corbo of Neptune and Wllll* Arn Hudson of Reevym, careless driving, Peter Athans of Aabury Park, falling to signal on turning, and Ben Marana of Newark, unregistered vehicle. Mr. Corbo pleaded not guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and th* magistrate ejrretd. In Mr. Hudson's complaint, a summons for reckless driving was amended to careless driving. Fine* of $8 each were paid by Edna Bcfaaek ot Deal, stop street violation, and Theodore Hunter of Lake/wood, carets driving. WEDDINGS MosKowrrz-anrDER NEWARK Mils Sonla Moskowltx, 1034 North ave., Elisabeth, became th* bride of Ralph O. Binder, son of Urs. AIM Binder, 42 Locust ave., West Long Branch, and ths late Mr. Binder, Sunday night at the Avon, Avon ave. Rabbi M. P. Telts of Elisabeth performed th* double-ring ceremony, assisted by Cantor Roeenbery of Naw Tork and th* Oscar Julius choir. The bride won a white velvet floor length gown trimmed with alian lace and teed pearls. She carried a Bible topped with white orchids. Mlsa Gloria Schutxman waa maid of honor. Two nephews of the bridegroom served as ring; bearer*. They were Kenneth Oruber, Intorlaken, and Ronald Xaraale, Wanamassa. Th* best man was Gerald B. Levin*, Long; Branch. Ths couple will reside at 100.South Pier rd., Narragnsett, R. L, after a wedding trip to Florida. The bridegroom Is supervisor of visual aide at th* University of Rhode Island. RUMSON A meeting of the still-forming Taxpayers' Protec ;ive association will be held Sunday at 10 a. m, at the home of Dr. Marcel Golay of Ridge rd. 8even persona, sympathetic with the alms of the organization, are expected to gather and name officers, the first step In formalizing the group. Twenty persons reportedly met at the home of Mrs, John Borland of Ridge rd. Friday night to choose officers, but no on* was named. Th* "loosely-knit" group, which is opposed to th* $1,200,000 Rumsos-Falr Haven regional high school expansion program, hopes to come up' with an alternative to the proposal. Mrs. Borland yesterday named two other Rumson residents who will attend the meeting. They are Donald L. Lauri* et 99 Binghan ave. and Thomas Daly of TO :>&t River rd. The Register contacted both men and they said they would attend* the meeting. Dr. Golay, also contacted, said the melting would be held at his horn*. To Bow Out Meanwhile, Mrs. Borland said that when the group names * officers, she expects to step out Teachers to Choose 'Good Citiien' Red Bank high school teachers are voting this w**k to choose a "good cvtuen" representative from among Ka femal* student population, Th* poll I* being taken In eon- Junction with the Monmouth county chapter of the Daughters of th* American Revolution, who yearly aponsor a "good crttxen" in local high school*. The seniors elect three top girls, and the faculty will do the final choosing, also by election Olrla nominated for the honor are Anne Cornwall, Patricia Downs and Peggy Freer. The faculty has been asked to vote for one girl on the basla of patriotism, leadership, loyalty and other outstanding American qualities. VATS 88 TO CBOWELL BHREWSBURT Richard Doelger, Jr., of Broad et. was fined $8 this week by Magistrate Whitney Crowell for Improper parking. Paying fines of $10 each to the violation* clerk were J. L. Scalaplln, Kennsburg, Improper pausing; Walter BertelHon, Neptune, speeding, and Oscar ('. Lamcm, Laurenct Harbor, and Ralph A, Nappl, Holmdel, careless driving. There are 18 species of huml U d i in th* United State*. Taxpayers 9 Group to Meet from th* actlv* role she has taken Ṡhe said the group will seek a charter after th* officers are elected. Mrs. Borland said a public meeting of the organisation will be held In the near future. Asked how ah* arrived at th* 20O-per*oti figure which ah* ha* claimed belong to th* group, Mr*. Borland aald that is th* number of persons who contributed money to her to help defeat th* referendum. Building Decreases By $520,000 SHREWSBURY-Th* report Of J. Robert Sagurton, building Inspector, read at Thursday's reorganisation meeting of th* mayor and council showed a decrees* of $820,000 In building In 1988 from th* 19SS figure. In all, 82 permits wer* Issued for estimated construction ot $818,043. Ths permit* wan for new residences, $172,600; tore* new business**, $81,500; 40 accassorlw and alterations to residences, $44,8*2, and five accessories and alterations to business buildlngi. $16,000., HOMES FOR AMERICANS A TWO-FAMILY house In modern style, this plan providos a two-bedroom apartment on the first floor and a complete one-bedroom apartment with s own living room, kitchen and bath upstairs. Tha exterior appearance ts that of a single family house. Thla Is plan H-480AP by the Homograf Co., Bast Eight Mile Rd., East Detroit, Mlob. The bouse covers 1,1(8 squaxa fg«t, oontaina 31,033 cubic et. 1 I OBITUARIES MBS. MARGARET CONOVER Mrs. Mugart>. W. Conover, 80, died last night at her home at 84 Wallace at. She was the widow of J. Holme* Conover. Mrs. Conover was born at 'rawford'a Corner, daughter of th* late John J. and Gertrude 8chenck Bray Been, and had been a resident in this vicinity all her life. Prior to her retirement 12 years ago, Mrs. Conover wa* a teacher more than 20 years in the Mlddlatown township school system She was a member of Monmouth chapter, Daughter! of the American Revolution, and tha Holm del Reformed church. Surviving are one son, Joseph K. Conover, Madfcon;. a brother, John J. Been, Los Angela*. Cat; three sisters, Mrs. Howard Tin< dall, Mlddletown; Miss Gertrude A. Been, Salem, Mass., and Mn. Joseph Owens, Old Bridge, and two grandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Adam* memorial home. Rev. A. A. Burkhardt, pastor of the Holmdel Reformed church, wml officiate Burial will be at th* Holmdel cemetery. MRS. ANDBKW C TAYLOR LONG BRANCH Mr*. Ella G. Taylor, 88,»S Grant av*, BJatontown, died Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital after a long illneu. She was born In Savannah, G*., daughter of the late Robert and Jennie Flaming, and had been a resident ot Batontown for $8 yean. Mn. Taylor wa* a member ef th* A. M. E. ZIOB church, Blossom of Maxwell Grave, Rosewood chapter of Red Bank, and Mary Hifhtower council of Aabury Park. Surviving ar* her husband, Andrew C. Taylor; a daughter, Mrs. Doris Green, East Orange a sister, Mrs. Hattle Marshall, Newark, and three grandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the A. M. E. Zlon church, Eatontown. Rev. John B. Klrby will officiate. Burial ww be at White Ridge cemetery. The Braua funeral horn* is in charge of arrangements. MRS. FRANCES SCALZO A high mass of requiem wi offend in Bt Anthony** Catholic church Monday for Mrs. Fiances Scalio, 48, of 168 Catharine St., who died Thursday at Monmouth Manorial hospital after a long Illness.. Born In New Tork city, Mrs. Scalio waa a daughter of Charles and Louise Nenrec Baccellato. An operator for John Savage Clothier, of Red Bank, Mn. Scalio waa a member of St An-' thony's Catholle church. Beside* her parents, she is survived by her husband, Ralph Scalio; four brothers, Ralph Baccellato of Red Bank, Charles Baccellato, at home, Joseph Baccellato of Little Sliver and William Baccellato of River Plaza, and a alster, Mra. Charles Nicollettl, Red Bank. The Rosary was netted Sunday night Kt the William 8. Anderson funeral home. Interment waa in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Stout Selected Majority Leader TRENTON Monmouth eoun' ty 1 * Sen. Rlchar* R. Stout ' named senate majority leader Tuesday whan the 18S7 ot th* legislature opened here. The designation automatlcall; places htm a* chairman of the judiciary committee, which ratal on gubernatorial appointments. He succeeds Sen. Albert McGay (R-Burllngton) who became thi new senate prealdent. Stout alec falls In line for McOay's posl next year. The first sslf-starter on an automobile appeared on a Cadillac In Regional School Budget $466,015 PERSONALS Mrs. Adolf Mattoccia, 84 Leigh ton ave, is a medical patient at Hazard Memorial Hospital, Long Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ten-ill of 23 Wai at. are parents of a daughter born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Clark of Harding rd., left by car Monday for West Palm Beach, Fie., whan they plan to remain until May aa usual. George Ruppel, who lives en highway SB, near Red Bank, left Monday by ear for his annual stay at Daytona Beach, Fla Mr. and Mrs. John H. Anderson of Grant pi., are (pending several weeks near Denver, Col., where they formerly resided for several yean. They are making the trip by motor. J. Harold Holmea of Wallace St., ha* arrived In Miami, Fla., when he will spend the balance of the winter. Mr. and Mra. Arthur C. Rycrson of Peters pi., arc in Florida for their annual aojourn. After a motor trip In Florida, they will be guests at the Hotel Ames in St. Petersburg for a month or two. Harry McQueen, who resides with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson, is at St Petersburg for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Bosko of 80 Reekie** pi., ar* parents of a on, born Monday at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coreale, Jr. ot Bellalrc, Tex., an parents of a daughter, Car* Nsnn, born Monday tn Houston, Tex. The couple ar* also parent* of % son, Ray Conale, Id. Mr. Coreale is th* son of Mr. and Mr*. Ray Core*!* of Manor dr.. Red Bank. Mr. and Mn. Robinson Wordward of 7 McLaren st an parents of a daughter, born Monday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Adrian Woodward, son of Mr. and Mn. Adrian Woodward of 28 East WeiUlde av*., celebrated hi* 18th birthday with a party recently. Adrian, who la called "Woody," Is a junior at Red Bank high school. Mrs. John J. Splllane ef Stand- Ish rd.. Little Silver, returned home yesterday from Rlvervlew hospital, when she waa a surgical patient. Kathy Stirnwelss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stlrnweiss of 140 Maple ave., yesterday celebrated her sixth birthday. Ralph Edwards, Jr., 110 Sunset ave., and Mrs. Arthur Trotter, 81 South Clinton pi., arc medical patient* at Riverview hospital. Patrick Sanelli, Newman Springs rd., and Mrs. Michael Conry, 18 Washington st, are surgical patients. LETTERS FROM OUR READERS HEROISM ON RIVER ROAD Fair Haven, N. J. Jan. 7,1907. To the Editor: Somewhere in your forthooming edition of Th* Red Bank Register, I hope you can flnd a pot for my letter to you, a* I'm sure WIN be greatly appreciated by moat resident* of Fair Haven. Last Saturday evening about 7 o'clock, just as we were nnlshlng dinner with our guests, Mr. and Mrs. Amorino DeUVecohio of 27 Pemberton ave., Oceanport, we heard the crash ot automobile* on River rd. just down a few door* from our house. Mr. DeUVecohio and I ran out of the house only to see an automobile lying on Ha side, bunting into flame*. WhUe I ran back to get our coats, "Dell," as we all know him, took off down the street to answer the screams of a woman trapped inside the car. Assisted by «man known only to u* aa "Mr. Duncan from Red Bank," they pulled Mn. Florence Gaul of River rd. and her daughter Maureen to safety only a split second before the gas tank blew up. Living directly across the street from the Are house, t have a great deal of respect for the speed In which the On company and the first aid squad usually go Into action, but in thle case stopping to get the apparatus out of the fire house woula have been fatal If tt weren't for these two heroic men. On behalf of our neighborhood along River rd. I wovna like to take K upon myself to say thanks to Mr. DeUVecohio and Mr. Duncan, "wherever you are," ai Jimmy Durante would say, and wish the Gan family a very speedy recovery. ShR Coakley. 888 River Rd., Fair Haven. RUMSON-Th* proposed MOT- HS budget of the Rumson-Fair Haven regional high school board of education totaling 8*68,018 was made known yesterday. Dr. John F. Kinney, Jr., high school principal, released the figure* which show an increase of 1139, over the 1S58-8? budget. The board tentatively adopted the budget at it* Dec. 27 meeting, but did not release to th* public, pending th* approval of Earl B. Garrison, Monmouth county superintendent of school*. A public hearing on ths budget has been echeduled for th* board's next regular meeting. Jan, 22. Dr. Kinney listed four items as being "primarily responsible" for the budget Increase: 1. The salary appropriation of the administrative officers, teachers, secretaries, janitors and cafe* teria manager which jumped $51,728. This flgun includes 824,- 800 for th* employment of five new teachers and a total of 827,- 128 represented salary increment*. School Debt Service 2. An additional 848,8(8 was included in th* school's debt service to pay for the preaent high school and the proposed addition. 8. A total of $25,000 wa* provided for th* purchase of equipment for the addition. 4. Included in the maintenance category waa $10,000 for the repair of Borden atadlum, which wa* described a* being In "poor" condition. Other Increase*, amounting to $(,400.10, "represent the normal Increase in expenses Incurred In the operation of a 505-pupU senior high school," Dr. Kinney said. Th* amount to be raised by taxation In the budget is , an increase of $122, Average Dally. Eanllneat Dr. Kinney pointed out that taxes for current expenses will be raised on an estimated basis of average dally enrollment tor 1( About 55 per cent of th*** tax** wul be raised in Rumson whil* 45 per cent will be raised In Fair Haven. Repairs and replacements, capital outlay and debt service ar* based on the average assessed valuation for th* past three years. Rumson's share here will be 80 per cent while Fair Haven's will be 40 per cent, Dr. Kinney said. Tax money need tor current expenses Is set at 8245,0M.», against a figure of $207,1(0.92 for 1( Repairs snd replacement, capital outlay and debt service tax money total $178,323.17, a boost of 884, over the last budget Other Revenue* Other revenues are expected to come from *tate aid and tuition. The state aid revenue anticipated total* 842,885.84, divided between 838, for current expenses and 83,7(1.88 for debt service. State aid to the 19M-87 budget Included $23,932.M In current expense* and $8,sl5J0 la debt eervice. Tuition revenue la expected to bring In $2,000. No such monty waa anticipated last year. Highlight* of the budget Include: Administration, a rise from $20,700 to $23,800. This Included a salary of 89,500 tor Dr. Kinney. Supervision dropped from $ to $9,800. Instruction, th* biggest Jump, went from $139,500 to fm0,i7s. This Included teachers' saiariu, which run $188,375 tn tha budget against $127,900 last year. Operation Got* Vp Operation, including such items as janitors' salaries, fuel and telephone-telegraph, Increased from $24,120 to $28,825. Co-ordinate activities an listed for $7,170 In the budget, against $8,704 last year. This Include* medical and dental inspectors' salaries and other health expenses. Fixed charges were upped from 118,380 to $29,100. Athletics, which totaled $8,000 In the 1(56-57 budget, wa* raised to $9,200 this time. Transportation has also gone up, from 88,150 to $11,500. Other fixed charges, such aa pensions and insurance, ro*a from W to $(,000. Maintenance wa* fixed at $82,- 000, against $U,150 last year. Capital outlay, from to $26,500-the boost being tor furniture and equipment for the proposed addition. Debt service totaled $^1,616 la thi* budget, as 'compared with. $78,280 last year. Redemption on serial bonds was upped from $58> 000 to $70,000 while the Interest on bonds figure jumped from $23,250 to $51,615. Speaks to Clubwomen LITTLE 8ILVER Peter B. Rledel, New Tork Interior decorator, gave talk at a meeting of the Little Silver Woman's club yesterday, tn a program arranged by the American home department chairman, Mra. A. S. Wad*. Sr. HI* topic waa "How to Redecorate on a Budget" Mn. Frank Anderson waa hostess chairman; Mn. George Wagner, Jr., social chairman, and Mn. George Howland did the floral arrangements. Zeichner Fines Three Violator. HIQHLAMDS-Maglrtrat* Irving D. Zeichner Monday night fined Chris Anthopulo*, Collins ave., Port Monmouth,- $25, charged with driving a motor va> hid* without a driver's license. Others fined war* Oeorg* Maxon, 270 Ooean av*., Sea Bright $28, careless driving, and Evil Marcottl, 848th A.C.W., $30, leaving tha ac*n«et an accident Special for the Month of Jnniy COLD WAVE $ 8 45 Inctades Individual hair styling to suit your penanalhy. HAIR Mimi, MY AND UMUSS We have solved your hair problem with a eealp treatment that eendlhen* your hair back to normal. SflCIAL SCALP TUATMINT $4.71 COMPLETE WITH HAIR STYLING Td. RE for Appolntmtnt MARY J. ROSE BEAUTY SALON 74 MONMOUTH ST. RID IANK

47 Committee Gets Protest On Delay of Subdivision 1ODDLETOWN A. complaint that approval of a development map had bean delayed by the objection of one man the chairman of the towuahip recreation commisiion wu voiced to the town- hip committee yetterday. Charles T. Bruno, Red Bank, the developer, eeld the planning board wae ready to act on hii map Monday night when (i. Paul Kennedy objected on frounde that the commission wanted a portion of the property other than the on* the ownere offered for recreation purposes. Mr. Bruno, a Red Bank council member and chairman of iti parks and playgrounds committee, said he had had considerable experience with playground development and believed the plot offered was the better one tor th«purpose. Ho asked whether the recreation chairman was empowered by ordinance to hold up approval of fubdlviilon plans. OpUlemAeked Commttteeman J. Crawford Compton eald Mr. Bruno's protest raised a legal question at to the discretionary powers or the plannine board beyond those given by ordinance. At Mr. Compton's suggestion, the committee requested an opinion by Township Attorney Lawrence A. Carton, Jr. Mr. Compton pointed out, however, that as a township agency, the planning board would be guided in lte decisions by the wishes and advice of other township bodies. was suggested that Mr. Bruno, meanwhile, resubmlt hie map and work the problem out with the punning board. Mr. Bruno said hs withdrew the map Monday night after he learned the board was not going to approve Hs Indicated he would make a new application. Mr. Bruno said, however, that approval of the map has been awaited since last May and the builders are anxious to get the project started. He said the planning board returned hie first map and he submitted it to Community Planning Associates, the township's consultants. They made recommendations of changes, all of which were embodied In the new map, Mr. Bruno said. He said he offered seven acres for recreation purposes with an agreement that If drainage or any other factor were not right he would correct it Mr. Bruno and Anthony J. Piccola, Shrewsbury, are partners in Jayvee Building, Inc. They propose to build on 65 lots ori an 4-acre plot on Crawford rd. near Everett They own two adjoining tracts of lit and acres, or a total of 109 acres. A minor subdivision on the smaller tract, on which Mr. Bruno said hs and Mr. Piccola intend to buud for themselves, was approved. Boad Complaint A. complaint by residents ol Marvin rd., between Swartxel dr. Mid Park ave, of the condition r the road was referred to the road committee and committee as a whole for Investigation. A delegation of a doten residents attended the meeting and Mrs. Carl H. WU1 presented a petition with SI eignatures asking township action. Commltteeman J. Crawford Compton said was not a township road and the township therefore cannot repair He agreed, ' however, that the road la next to impassable and officiate decided to see what action might be possible. Mrs. Mill said the builder had agreed to Improve the road, but hadn't done so. Township Engineer Craig Finnegin, she eald, once told her that the township would fls the road when there were six houses erected on She said there now are ten homes there. Two ordinances recommended by the planning board were ordered drawn for action at the aext committee meeting. One would bar approval of subdivision maps calling for roads with cul-de-sacs (dead ends with turn-around*) more than 600 feet long. Dead-end roads as long as 1,400 feet now are permitted. The second ordinance Is to make public water supply to proposed developments a prerequisite lor map approval. Not Mrs. Louis Geraten, South Lake dr., Shadowlake Estates, asked why that developer's bond bad been released before South Lake dr. was repaired. Commltteemas John T. Lawley said the release was voted, subject to approval of the mayor and township engineer. Approval has not bean given and the bond was not released, ho aid. Provision for repair of the road, however, had been made In the resolution, which provided that the developer was to post 2,000 for the purpose, he said. A request by Wllmort Park residents for repair of street Intersections and erection of "children at play" signs was referred to Mr. Lawley for study and report. The request petition bore U sign* turea. The Sunny Acres Civic association asked in Utter what was to be dons with 15,000 of the surety bond of the area's developers, Evergreen Construction company, which was withheld by the committee. The committee ordered that the township engineer be asked to stipulate what has to be done by the builders before the bond is released, and that the attorney advise as to whether the bond requirements oover any drainage other than that af roads. license Transfer Transfer of the liquor license of the Leonardo Held elub from the Leonardo Field club. Inc., to Mrs. Bmma Wolfe and Mrs. Esther B. Marsh was approved. Andrew Marsh Is steward and chairman of the board of directors of ths Field club. Mr. Lawley said he would offer a resolution at the committee's next meeting, Jan. 23, adopting the official nnme of Cherry Tree Farm rd, for the road running from rt 15 at Cherry Tree farm to New Menmouth. The road has been known by various name*, including Kejrport-New MonnsNth rd. County Banks Elect Officers Many National banks in the county organised for 1967 Tuesday, with only the People's National bank of Keyport reporting a, change in leadership. Them, Manuel Gale succeeds Evart,V. Sllcox, who retired as president. Red Bank's two banks will have meetings of their stockholders Tuesday, Jan. zt. The Merchant* Trust will meet at 4 p. m. in s Fair Haven branch. The Monmouth County National will meet at s main office In Red Bask at 10 a. m. air. Gale, a member of ths board of directors of the People's National bank of Keyport seven years, was elected t» succeed the retiring Mr. Stlcox, who was with the bank for M years and s president the past U years. The new president had been vice chairman of the board the pest elx yean. Other officers ere Harold W. Walling, vies preel. dent In charge of operations and chairman of the board of directors; Harold F. Weber, assistant vice president; Harry F. Roberta, assistant cashier, and Melrln PhUo, attorney. The directors are George O. Downes, Mr. Gale, John J. Haley, Mr. Phllo, Harry P. Seamen, Harry B. Thomas, William S. Wallace and Mr. Walling. Sea Brlcfct National All oncers of ths Sea Bright National bank were re-elected. They were Ira D. Emery, president; George G. Ivlns, vies president, and Robert S. Lockwood, vice president and cashier. The board of directors remains the same. Re-elected were Mr. Emery, Mr. Ivlne, Mr. Lockwood, William T. Bandies* and William Fehlhaber. Attaatle Hlghlasida National James B. VanMater was reelected president and trust offlcer of the Atlantic Highlands Nattonal bank, and the six-man board of directors was re-elected. Other officers are P. M. Maxson, Jr., vice president, cashier and assistant trust officer; J. Joseph McVey, assistant vies prel Ident, and John J. Kosak, assistant cashier. Franklin E. Crawford was elected to the new post of second assistant cashier. On the board of directors are Mr. VanMater, Mrs. -Maxson, Weeber W. Brook, Joseph P. Dender, John M. PUlsbury and Howard W. Roberts. Keansburg National William C. Johnson was elected president of the Keansburg National bank and J. Harold Collins was re-elected chairman of the board of directors. Also re-elected were Thomas J. Gllmour, vies president; William C. Johnson, Jr., cashier; John Kay, assistant cashier; George Peterson, assistant cashier, and Mr. CoUtos, Howard W. Roberts and Henry Gehlhaus, directors. Farmers and Merchants Charles C. Schock, Sr., was reelected chairman of the board of directors and Joseph Baler was re-elected president whsn the Fanners and Merchants National bank of Matawan hold its annual meeting Tuesday. Others re-elected were Jacob Wyckoff, vice chairman of the board; Charles C. Schock, Jr., vice president; J. Donald Miller, cashier and vice president, and LaVerne W. Loop, assli cashier. Also on the board an Mr. Schoek, Jr., Mr. Baler, Fred M. Burlew, William G. Fitspatrick, Joseph A. Dernbsrger and Ross W. Meghan. Matawan Bank The officers and directors of the MaUwan bank were re-elected Tuesday, with Frank Beldler again named chairman of the bwrtud MUton F. SUve-on, Charles A. Mandeville is vie* president and cashier. Other members of the board are Mrs. Stevenson, Mr. Mandeville. Erwin E. Augensteln, John A. Bauer, John B. Becker, John O. Bennett Feter J. Rollo. Spafford W. Schanck and Adie D. Sennits. HadaiMh Holds Membership Event About 300 members attended thei annual paid-up membership meeting of the Red Bank Jewtah Community esnter on Rlverslde ave. Honored guests cluded the ohapter foundortlta. Harry Roman of Shrewsbury, past prestdenu, ltf, mwaus charter members and members who obtained more than five new members In Mrs. Harry Madansky, life membership chairman and herself an honorary life member, said life memberships had been purchased for Mrs. Max Leon, Mrs. Vktor Selgel and Mrs. Murray Rosen. Ths program included aa original skit, "Our Fair Ladles," - Uolpatmg ware Mrs. Arthur H. Hershon, ohapuln, Mrs. Edward Straus and Mrs. Sheldon Stern. Bayihore Woman Ceti Research Chemist Post NEW TORK-Miss Prlscllla A. Marek, 24 East ave, Atlantic Highlands, has been appointed a research chemist for Bhulton, Inc., toiletries and Pharmaceuticals Brtn here, Sabbat J. Strtenss, toiletries research director of the firm announced. Before Joining the Arm, Miss Marek was a chemistry Instructor at Barnard college. She Is graduate of Douglass college, received her master's degree from Smith college and took additional graduate work at Pennsylvania SUte university. BACK AT FARRAGT NAVBfllNK-DavId C. Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs, John B. Foster of Serpentine dr., returned Sunday to his studies at Admiral Farragut academy, Pine Beach. Mo iifotlm lading twwits when you s4vertlw Tka KetUter wwr< Adtev tlsaent, T BUILT-IN OVEN c**t WITH SURFACE UNITS PHILCC* 159" «fff ABrtMMtK PfNX# ELECTRIC RANGE ROASH1 MITCH 42" American SINK 54" WITH IUILWN AMAM PAIL HAMILTON AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER SRViei AND MSTALUD COMPUTE ic Percolator 1 3 " IEDBANKBECISTEI Tfcirsdsy. fa. 10, MANY ONE and FEW OF A KIND-SOME AS-IS ALL MECHANICALLY PERFECT - FULLY GUARANTEED! HURRY... HURRY... HURRY! 88 FAMOUS IENDIX Dialamatic Washer WESTINGHOUSE DELUXE 4 P A S S HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC WASHER 139" My Auto. Dtfux. REFRIG. 135 CROSS-TOP FREEZER Admiralll c. u N0RGE Airto.CkrthesDryerl5o F" 11 ** WASHER ADMIRAL HIGH FIDELITY Whirlpool DRYER I Q Q L i s o t e Phono. RCA PORTABLE Rt* J V 21" DELUXE MAGNAVOX WOOD CANIT, TWO SrlAKMS CONSOLE TV 186" TINGHOUSE 11 CU. FT. Upright FREEZER 1" CUSTOM-IUILT CANET SUOINft DOORS DELUXE AS RANGE 78" HOTPOINT UNDER-COUNTER 4 4}f)88 Deluxe Dishwasher \So " HOTPOINT 198" ONSOLE TV 248" EFRIGERATOR CU. FT. AUTO. DEFROST 159" ilco REf RIG. 54* S RANGE NORGE 14 CU. FT. AUTOMATIC DEFROST 88 2O" APARTMENT SIZE OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P. M. 25 Monmouth Street, Red Bank ASBURY PARK LONG BRANCH KEYPORT FREEHOLD itohsriyer IORKNTOWN TRENTON LAKEWOOD I DOWN ^ PAYMENT TO ALL nucu run IUVICS WAMANTV AND MUVIRY YEARS TO PAY

48 RED BANK REGISTER 48 Thureday, J.n. 10, 1957 KB INK tecistel CU»3iriE0 RATES IBTM CWS4I WOWOj UUmmm Ctwft: SIM Deuble BaU for Double Special. Blind sds. using Tk* Register e P 0 Box I6c sxtra Rigbt to classify, edit «reject any advertisement is reserved by The Register. Ws will not o* responsible for errors unless tney are detected before the eecond Insertion No cancellations will bs sccepted er cbsnges made In edvertisemente ens bout after receipt at office DEADLINE! Rest Estete: Tuesdsy Neee. Clssetnea Displsyi Wednesday N< AU Other.. P M Wednesday. Call Glutufied Red Bank (V0013 FOftftAlZ FOE TUI BEST DEAL la street aiatba. contact Braack Supply Service. Broadmeadow Farm, Rao Bank. RE OFFICE SUPPLIES Ribbon! and carbon percr Typewritere and adding Biackinaa eola rented and rapairad. Sarpieo'a. 101 Monmoulh at. nait to Carltnr. theater RE POffSAlX BROWN LET-OUT muskrat fur coat. In very good condition. Worn only a few time, for.ale reasonable, ait. 18 Inquire 211 Church.t.. Balford, any time after 7:30 P. M.* 28' SHULTZ HOUSE TRAILER. 1*48. Can b» imn at Shadow lawn Trailer Park lot #82 HiithlaiMli Call AT i-2807-w_ after 6:8 P. M/ REMEMBER John L. H.ndrirk, OD'I Old Wagon Farm for tht boat in apple* and peaches durinf th* harvekt Hiion. Rout* 15. MiddUtown. PORTAULE TYPEWRITERS All makes, Naw and reconditioned AJ- o adding marhloei Guaranteed Kair budget Until Serpico'i. 101 Monmouth at Ri «-04»6 N«ut to Carlton theater. WEAR UNAPP Aarotrod ihoat for com. fort, quality and long Mrvleo- Mad* with built-in arehee and cuihion inner»ol«priced from $».»& *nd ftp. Call C. J. Clayton. *U) t-7k)4 LOST AND FOUND LOST Female beagie, 'Snuffy.. three yean, house p.t. Vicinity Lincroft. aear Garden Stata. Bapt rawsrd. RE * j^ost Thursday, Jan. 8. between armory and itntion, t»rty Hold watch, approximately V»""«wilk narrow black leather atrap. Liberal_reward. Pleate_call_RU_:L I.'«l- LOST Psifcuuuk No. 4,1172 on Mnnmnut* County National Bunk. Bed Bank. Tinier please return to above b 'AN BELTS AND PULLEYS for alectrie aaatora in etoek. Douglaa Electric Co.. la Saet Front at. Phone RE 8-011». TOPSO1L Manure. Lave loada. Still delivered at winter ratal Conrad nith Nursery EA 9.-U20 Please tall ivenlngs. LOST Pmabook No hi.ui. Finder pleaia return to MonmouUi County National bank, Red. Bank. LOST- Female Airedale, named 'Jinx. Monday P. M. wenrini collar, with ton license ar.4 complete Identification fa*. Reward. Call W. Thomaa. Locu.t Point rd. AT 1_-O032: Ei)ST Lady'a Bold wnstwatch with gold anake chain bracelet. Bed Bank Dec. 1» or Dec. 15. Rhineitona bracelet at Holy Cross church. Ram- "n, Jan J J._RU_UM»J',,.. EOST^Lady's wrl.twatch. "Glysine," on eitjior Broad or Monmouth at. Monday Jan. 7. Finder ple.k return. RE «4.393 HOSPITAL BEDS Wheel ahaira. Rent or buy Now or naad. RE i Free delivery Solth Jaraey Surgical Supply Co., East Front St. Red Bank. NEW Aril) USED office equipment. Chtlre, daaki. transfers, atorat* and fllina; cabinet, typtwriter ublei and houaehold ware at unlimited savings. All excellent buya Ralph Moecl. 29» Vsshlngton at.. Ksyport. Kg l-llll. LOST Mala beagls. L«st leen wearin, red collar snd drawn* ehaln. Children'a pet. Reward. Call RE»18B. TRUSSES. BELTS, alaatla itoeklntt, artificial llmbt bracaa and ate. Peraonal flttinsa kr qualiaed m»la and amali fitters. Alto carry complete line of aiekroom neeeaiitles lneladinc cauai, arutcbea and rental ema Clay. ton Suralfal t&mlet. RE *-th*. FOR SALE BENT A PIANO Find out bsfor* you buy If 7our child I*.dsptabl* by srd'o.r.r.'"." 4.^. rysr ~ ErSTS yo-'pu'rcham M T off«at TustlBg Pisno Co.. Monmouth tt wttsiv of Stein..,. Chlckerlng Boamer. Everett *nd --- lltssr. and sloae woven cedar picket fence*. Bold and *r*et*d. No «karge fo V,"" timatse. Used I o n rail* 40e fir*. place wood Ckarl*» T. Lwnard. BE CorJKS bllbvout gm6p8incl«lr fa«tlon Bro»el»t.. Shrawibury, No* and uiad bleyelae, Repalra and partfe it0rm"tfind6ws and iemn.»«eta IO"x55tt": one let I0-X4SV,'. IS par let: wood etorm door. 12%"x 'l-raerean door. IHe'iJl*. both for IS: panel door. 2l'x80-, 14: b«by car-?iabr German imports, I JO: baijinet to four dlnini; room «h«ir; walnut. 1 each: boy', hleyclt.!6'. If. awive desk chair, blond 8: lawn "awtrjl" blade 15 Call Vi^t. AT l-osoi WE BWf AND SELL ANYTHING. Contents of hornet, atom, ei- Utel, cellar., attlet. china, Ulanware, antlqu.a. art objecta and all brlc-a-brac. RUK'I. K Bait Front at. RE 1»*. FREEZER bwkees For your lood health and enjoyment, we offer our atrctully aelactad meat and freeie foode Credit up to al»rnontha.ok. Villas* Food. Hlcbwar, Ml i- 0»4. 0. vulcanising eur SeUy Your car tied up only mlnuts. lo put leaner* en while we neap roar tires No ehtnre for losnw service Mount Tir* Service. 11 Maoto ewe. Red Bank. Phone Rt d TOUR ru*nitubb Repaired, renniihed or rebuilt, for Immediate atteotloa, nil BE f Alk for Mr. Wllma er itop In at our bop, tl Pearl at. Bed Bank. 1 (JOT Brats snd milk lie pottery^ bee w»r.'" B *V"- " Honey Be* flowers. 411 Brosd at.. RE ttfeh plan and p,tar Tampa.'Fall" Tin. "o«kras ry_ See our selertlpa. Brat, popular artuta. All spaodi. «s_ «nd _.Hi5lBAt6M Arib w.,h^rt.. aondiuoned. ronniahod. Guarsnteed. money ky madsrnlslag your bouss yourself. We are equipped to supply you with all tk* material* uctstary. Small montkly payments ansngsd on purchase ef any material*. Hare ar* some ef tk* joe* you can doi Attle Insulation, application of tll.bosrd In kitchen er bath finish your basement or attle Into a playroom bedroom oi den. ComptaU lie* of lumber mill, work, kardwar*. paint, wall fcosrd, rooftne, aiding, plywood, doors, winslows insulstloa «te Free estlmstes an your needs. Amsrlctn Lumber el Building Supply, Hl«hway 15 st Heed- Hen's Comer. Mtddistown. BE»-444«, BASE ftmb and out-of-print books, maps and priota, old and tn* klndlnct. limited and nrst odluen.. Free search aarylc. China aad Glass Shop, Bed Bank. WIRE rfcncing Sellini retail a< wholesale prices. We have in stock, fence wire, wioll wire, border wire. chicken wire. etc. late, and potts. Also cedar poet and nil fineing. 12 per a*etion Myron P. Koiicky ai Aaaoatatea Hilhway 8^8* ton town. USED LUNCHEONETTE, restaurant tor* equipment. Fountaina. Bain Marie grlddlei, illeeri. coltee urna, salad section. *a.h regl.teti largest In New Jsriey. We buy for ee.h. Immedlau ramoral. Kal'i. 17 South Main at. Nentgna. PR t-ttio. FIREPLACE WOOD - Alao All dirt, vravel aand and bulldozer service, Chsrlea hnbbt. Ml B-088B-M. CORNET In good condition. reasonable offer accepted. Call RE or RE I-OI54-W. WE GIVE GOOD trada-ini on your old furniture at %«have *n outiet (or i. Call S»«rl» Furniture Utlbway 6 RE ^joaea a_/, ey ^^aea>^ i>^ WHEELCHAIRS. S. HOSPITAL BEDS for rent or eale by week or month. Call Clayton Surgical Service, RE i-l',h. CUSTOM LAMP SHADES Silk fabric, parchment, libra arlais. Lamps wirsd and mounted, Hile Steiner Studio, 104 Shrewsbury ava. RE -6B. LARGE WASHING MACHINE Kenmor«. wringer-»1yle. Very good condition like new Price 150. Inquire 147 Bridie eve.. Red Bank. Call RE f-3066-j. CONSOLE ZENITH TELEVISION in.,cyll«i.t_i:.,i,jiili»i.._at_l-lj. STRAW. HAY corn and cow manure. Deliveries made on all. KE 7-01»S-M-2. _ WASHING MACHINE WrinMr-type. Excellent condition. Price I2&. Call PR 4-2SSo._ USED CONSOLE etwins: machine. In good condition Plea.e call after 4 P. M.. HI V or inquire 12 Honey mye. Atlantic Highland. FURNACE Bryant. 100,000 B.T.U. ga.-forced hot air heating unit. Uaed Excellent condition. R.»«onable._ Phone AT_1-O4»2. HIGH "CHAIR, crib and ma«re«, double bed and dreaaer oentional bin nddment. of china and glau. Phone RE «-l»u-w.*_ U. S KOYLON FOAM RUBBER aingle mittren frame and -u.tom tailored linen cover: Thorderaon 12-watt Hl-Ki ampliner. EA a e L. z?i. 2 -'--l_ OUTGROWN AND unused auita. dre«- ae. gown. etc.. size D to 12. Infant girl', clothing, chri.tening dreaa, et«six-foot o»k wardrobe « apartment refrigerator, trunk, round table, braaa and copper, picturea, framee lampe. etc. Reaaonable.. RE -J425-R. _ (TB~V"ACUUM CLEANER 112. mahotany bedroom iet three-piece. IS»: fur coat and fur jacket tile each -Vied building materiel, antiqu. 8'xB'' atained glait entrance door: «re-,taca window nhutterl. window ae»h, ^aah' atand. *" cast Iron pine, 2 pipe. Call IX> «Jl504. ONE-BAG MORTARMIXER Good condition, reannnable AT ahlngton at.. I [ISSE8. BELT WOOD Fireplace, stovs. Whitney 1-412* mornings. Whltnsy «-438l sveni ningt. VIui AN ANTIQUE u> be real fun mu.l be a bargain! Have you been to Soho HouieT You'll be intrigued and pleated with the ttock and the tab.. Shop open evening, after 6, Saturday after 1, and all d.y Sunday. RE f- 37U or 74 Shrewsbury ave.. Red Bank. WE BUY ANYTHING and everything and give the best prices. Csll Furniture. "' ' and Svarta Highway 15. RE STERLING AND Siiverpl.te Shopping Service Flstwsr* *nd hollowsrs. Nstionnlly famous brands at a saving. Bstty Johnson. MO Call bstween «snd 9 P. M. APPLES Wlnesap, Golden Dalle lous. Red Delicious, Bed Ronss and Macoun, We will gift ahlp vis express In boxes or half bushelt, Bucklin Fruit Farm and nursery. Phalanx rd., Phalanx. Near Llncroft. RE WATER SOFTENERS Using Dowex high capacity water softening retin. Baay inttallation for do it yourielf. Only 8t complete. Water Conditionerint. EA DISPOSING OF EARLY American pine reproduction.. Table., hutches, cobb!er» benches, etc. Some antique.. Would make nice Chrittmat gift. FR 8-«l IS., ANTIQUE OPPORWNlfY^*inT"oTd authentic George Washington type de.k. Three drawers in eseh pedestal. Large enter dnwer. side shelve, on top. Excellent condition. Owner tieedt room, For full detail., phon* Frank Fri.cia. Church tt. Rumson RU 1' VACUUM CLEANERS Rebuilt Guar anteed to clean a. efficiently aa new ones or your money refunded. EA Mill. USE THAT CHRISTMAS CHECK for aoeneihing the whole family can uee. A beautiful Stelnwty baby grand, in perfect condition Reduced for quick sale. ll.too. RE I-428T. AFRICAN VIOLETS Hundred. of"th. best Tsrletles, superb foliage, profutt blooms. OreenhouM at 121 W**t End ave.. Long Branch, OLBTBTf UPHOLSTERY SUPPLIES.oldTHali. Fabric, twlnea, cotton batting, foam rubber, webbing, ticks, muslin, braiding, etc. Furniture polilhts snd cleaner.. EaMmatea (iven on reupholrter- Ing. Eaiy charge. Glgllo's Upholstering Shop, 41 Fourth eve.. Losg Braneh m H»4 SHEARED BEAVER fur eoats. (2), site Excellent condition 1300 site Tory good condition F*nU!y_movin«_Sout!L_ RE lj.79j,.m 16* RADIAL SKIL SAW With I h. p. motor. Like new. MI SCARAB RINGS and earring. juatln Cameo on onyx. Lava Bisque cemeo. Imported Christmas cards and Advsnt calendars reduced. Hapi Coolie costs in red snd blsek. The Gift Bex, 7 Whsrf sve. Two doors from Ol< Union house THREE ROOMS of furniture left t ll l t Lik f HREE ROOMS of fu >»ll on con.lgnment. (28a. Originally I860. t Clifi S t A niture left Like new, for Owner moved Lff Frit *z»9. Originally I860. Owner move* to California. Swarts A Laff Fumiturs Hlghwsy 86. Opposite Middlstown Firs Co. RE «-jh18. Open until i H I COME AND LOOK at our good used furniture batement department. Tel- vition S. two good vat stoves, 129 each: electric atovt lit oil and gas stove 119. two gas heaters, (heat four room.) «> each, good refrigerator l<9. two rug.. Ill each: bedroom set. complete l i t up at Swarti A Left Furniture. Highway 15. Oppo.lte Middletown Fire Co. RE ( Open unflneeh. and Isrgs mirror. Z5' ALUMINUM. 1(61. threevoim Trave.Ho. 11,160. or will rent to couple at t«0 per month. Located at Houde Trailer Court, Highway WWftNGHOUSB BtJSCTRIC STOVE 31* Magic Chef gaa range. S' modern tub with ehowsr, bisln and toilet. All with fixtures. Also steel showsr. Daybed. chain, stenographer's desk. BA After 5 P. M.. PR E 8617 AIRFOAM BY THE YARD Foam rubber chair cushlona 11.2* snd up. Foamart, rt. 16, Eatontown. SOPBR GA"fcr~RANGieV :: Slx burners, two oven., automatic timer, new eondition,_rej-35l4.m, 48" YOUNGSTOWN deluxe sink, deep bowl with wood csbinet and fixture. 140: Philco 9 cu. ft. refrlger. ator $40, Unlverssl wrlngsr *«. two-speed with pump and timer. 125, or all three ems for Kenmore, four-burner gas range All per. feet condition RE S-4I1I-R. BOY'S ICE SliATia Practically new m,n RE «-77«2, Oil OS E-1M as. *HJ.UV, "** "- -- SINGER TREADLE sewing m.ehln Good >..dltlon_h0. RE I-I889-M. LARGE SLIDING DOOR 12 feet high, 14 feet wide: five-piece wooder 150. smsll painted, three drawer chest 110. overstuffed chairs IS walnut bureau 20. cedar cheat 8 amall rocker. washstand 110 metal top kitchen ubls small desk and chsir 180, studio couch»16. Burdge * Son. (next to Steinbach parting lot) 14 Clay it.. Red Bank Open Friday_evenlnga. buispiece SOLID MAPLE bedroom suite mahogany bedroom suit, with twin beds «ve-i.lece Csts line sprsy bedroom suits three piece chsrcotl bedroom suite five-piece coral mahogany bedroom aulte 1275 Hollywood single beds, complete with boxsprings snd mat. tresses snd tufted hesd board each: mahogany csdar ehsit 150. Burdxe * Son. (nsxt to Stelnbtch s psrtinir lot) 24 Clay St.. Bed Bank. Open Friday evenings. SINGLE PEDESTAL DESK ISO. doubls pedeiul typswriter desk 186 secretsrlal desk 170. double pedestal executive desk 180. oak double pedestal dssks ISO. Burdgs * Son. (next to Steinbach'. parking lot) 24 Clay St.. Red Bank.Open FridayjsYenJngs. HAY~FOR~SALE Mixed. Call KB M. fhree~real BARGAINS! S4-plece solid nickel silver (Simon * Rogers) flatware with initial "L" on each piece plus storage cass. ill. and cover IJ0 solid mahogany teawagon. opens to full sl«csrd tabls 80 All In good condition. Csll Saturday. LO J. _ FIVE-PIECE DINING ROOM SET Tshle and chair.. Blond in color, maroon color leather covered Bests Call MI _ Prie*_»S».* ilazlebrook COAL fuel oil. 14c per g«l Frank B. Lawe.. 15 Newman Spring, rd. RE FOLDING CARRIAGE, erlb. baielnet assorted be*y clothee. Colonial rug Dreis fsctory outlet material, yard goods, lippers. buttons, trimmings and lacs.. Csll Frldar._RB W. WILL SACRIFICE black Perslsn lsmb coat. Call between 1 and 9 P. M. Capitol_I-S1M.. GRAY PRINCETON mutation stole Nsver worn, RE DTOMTTtC TSTASHBR TWO y*ars old. Must be used on cement floor. Does not bolt down.. Needs slight rest^r7er._jba.juhij^-1_ TMINK DYED muskrat coat, llw Asking 176 KE I-O822-M BABIES AND CHILDREN photographed In your home. Vslsntins dsy special, Feb x10 sllverton* portrait of sll your children, plus 8x10 gift portrait of th* baby. Two, 8x10's for only Jack N* Jill Home Studios, Red Bsnk. RE I-40. 1X18 AMERICAN Oriental ruts. Ix eellent condition. Matching divan and chair, down en.hloned. Mahogany bedroom suite. Including double bed, bos sprints and msttreia. BU mrr6mi5t^r8i mrwurmr6mic5\t8i.. 42; ten straight raiori. oak bed, desk, kitchen set 15, Florence, two. burner oil stovs. Mlsc*llaneoui artide., books, dishes, ie up. 1S8 Port Monmouth rd.^port Manmmth.* OA8TR<rcbNVERTIBLES Pair, lee tlonal tofa bed., blue good con dltlon. attractive, comfortable. W bought them originally for Ask Ing I12S. Call svsnings. between I and 8 P. M. Kg J.' EXCEPTIONAL BUYB Two ma. hocany leather top etep tables, mahogany leather top coffee tsbls, brass fireplace gate, bridge table and four chairs, mahogany leather top drum table. All In good condition. RX THREE ROOMS OF furniture. Reasonable. 70 Campbell ave.. Port Monmouth. ANTIQUE SHOP Pine cheita. thre and four-drawer eheets: ov.l msrble top table., lisa 27x11: rugs. «x«; gold frame mirrori. cutfflais. china, brie a-brae House shutters sll sites rest' *nabl*i Nssr Port Monmouth nrekousa. Main at. Open dally. Sunda».* NEW BABY CARRIAGES - From stroller, from Alio srlbi. plsyysrdl msttrsasss. stc. Save money at the Red Bank Carriage Shop I ft* Fronts st,. Bed Bsnk/ BlMNANTS OF LINOLEUM Beit grade at S9c u), yd. >xl2 rug. 7.(8 At Swart. A Left Furniture. Highway 16. (Opposite Middletown Fire Co.) RE Open evenlngs_untll 8 _ TWO DUO-THERM kerosene More htateri In good condition. Telephone LO «-04«9.< OPPORTUNITY SHOP ANTIQUES Stt of six flddlebaek cane sested shaks. tlgar maple wuud. Mm»le Mncoin rocker cherry Happlewhlte lamp tabls ons drawer: mahogany dropleaf table, six l e u lean eight: upholetered platform rocker, medium die Iron.tone pitcher and bowl >et of 12 fine china tea eupi and saucers, wine colored bend hsnd psinted yellow ru.e.. Lot. f cut colored and - patterned glai., br!e-a-br*c. dolls, toy*, jewelry. We buy anil»>!!. The Matthew*. 115 Broadway Keypurl. KE 7-)4efi. w-esrinnhouse'kkfuiabrator Good eondlllnn <ll. RU 1.2O3B. Call after 4 P. M, MAHOGANY UEH-~rlprlng and I'M)',; 1'itr.e hair m.ttre.k. All inetal heil, k'xi Kiiririic, mhhoirany tleik, rhnir. 'liirlit Uble. V site metal hid till, I,,,, prlng If,. Will.ell all for If.n nr will tall^eimrately. (all KE «-l»05 after 1 KM. or K.luritay. TWIN BEDROOM SET Maple: Vltchen tet. convertible sofa, ssven.plece dinette set nil heater, dreeaer. cheat, playpen, wardrobe, mahogany bedroom set folding cot beds two-piece living room set. combination coal stove, EA».1«7«. FOLEY LAWN MOWER shsrvsiier. Model M-4. Equipment and customer. Marbletop wsshstsnd snd matching droaear. Williams oil burner irun-tyne. EA H. BARY CARRIAGS^Whltney. Large six* Complete. Excellent condition, 2S. RE «-7050.* NEW YEAR Bigger and better Sofa had , cedar chest 19.50, three-pieea living room net 189, bed., complete 112, clothe, tree 12.76, kitchen closet 19.,Mi, Ironing board 11.76, bstii- Inett 14.75, bird esge , etc Rusclli, 28 F. Front it. YOU'LL BE PROUD OF THESE! Light mapla, ssvsn-pisce dinette let, like nsw. Corner elosst 1126, mshogsny dresser snd mirror 12*.50. mahogany Duncsn Phfys dlnstte rlotet 149, Chlppendsls motif lovs sest 119, Admlrsl TV US.50. Ruecllc, 25 E. Front st. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE I29.S0, mahngrnr Duncan Phyfa dropleaf table I2B, teawagon,in pine, : mnl>le cheat 119.(0, round oak tavile 110, small mahognny rocker 18.60, mahogany Hnston rocker 12(1.6(1, ii.clla, 2S R. Front at. HILVBH H)X "'HTOLE' "~l,lkv~new. Kra.iMmbly pricail. UK t-4j9. ANTIQUB SOI'-A Mahiigany. ui.lioinlered. about.even feet IDK. excellent rotiiluion. Have moved to smaller house, llarunln at I7H. Csn be seen by appointment, RU ' 9EVBN-PIECE~WALNUT Queen Am dining room sst, five eheirs. buffet, server, chins closst. table. Good condition 125. RE I-SS17-R. < Wll llnm st.' QUAUTY LAMPS AND 8HADI Sal* of showroom samplss and discontinued numbers at fsr bslow cost. May he seen at factory dally until I P. M. Saturdays until 1 P. M. Tower Craftsman, Inc., IDS Chestnut st,, Rsd Bank. ODIN BEAUTYRANGB Four burn. rs. rsgulsr oven roaster ovsn anc 1 broiler. Excellent condition. RB 8' 4<98.R. KEROSENE FLOOR FURNACE Wit 276-gsl. tank Bsst offer. MI I IA92-J sftsr 7 P. M. 1 GERMAN ARMY CARBINE 121." drawer spool cabinet, uisful for stamp coin, collections of smsll smi, 17: mshogany psdestal drop-leaf table, about 1840, Spring et, RE J.' COMBINATION GAS and coal stnvs, whits enamel good condition Ryaer. 13 Psrker ave.. Little Silver. RB H-04I9-W.' COMBINATION WASH TUB, right, hsnd. HO. SE 2-17«0-R. DUNCAN PHYFE sol. with sllpcovtr, 185. Two matching club chslrs with sllprovsra f 10 esch. Roek mspli dinette, 140. Studio couch 110. RE I FIREPLACB SALE Solid brass, ssven pieces with draw screen, reduced to 114.»5. Was , Wood holder , now Hnu.ewe.rea, tnya and many other Kerne on isle st "RHHIW", 176 Broad St., (opiio.lts Acme) RE -700S. OFFICE FUBNITURB - 8lx-drsws typewriter ile.k, I2fl: three olflct Hrmchnlr., n e.cli: omire table ao"xdfl". 11(1: four-.helf hookrase, All good condition. Quartered oak. Safe about I high. RE between 9 A. >. Aid 4 P. M. rtm %AUL TELEVISION for 149. Guaranteed 10 days, includes radio and record player. Sounds craxy but it's true. Two left. Hi Fi's from Get» k H.tamp, at "Rainbow", 176 Broad at., (opposite Acms) RB ( SEPTIC TANKS cesspools laterals, dry walls: pumplnaj and eaildiag. jsc.i, Peri trading aa "Aliaatie Ceeepool Service." Ssrewsbery dr. Bum- BU 1-19U BABY'S CRIB and cheat. French provincial furniture, beautiful condition. Two year. old. Purchase pries Asking 175. Girl's ics akstes. cili C. libs r.iw. Call AU 1-127S-M.' WASHING MACHINE Dsluxs. Keiimore, wringer type lergest aiss. Timer and electric pump to empty. Large wringer. Excellent condition, 160. RE t IMPERIAL COUCH end chair. Good condition. Call after I P. M. RS I-12S9-M. POUR PIECES OF luggage. Navy blue Vmry good condition. Call AT I-16H4.' GIRL'S WHITE skoe Ice akst.a, siss, like new. Lady's whitefigure lee jkatea. siaa 14*. Price 15 each. Aleo girl'e blue wool coat pre-teen I. RB MINK COAT, lisa Phone BB TWIN BEDS, springs asifmattrees, 119 each. 1x9 rug with psd, 110. Punlsp tabls ssw, motor and stand Dunlsp tabls, motor and stand, 125. Tir*-800xl5, blsekwall, 18. Tire, 7l0x 15. whltswall. HO. HI SACRIFICE Lesving town, must Mil squsre yds bslge wool cerpetlng; ilso two rooms of modern furnltur*. RE RUG. 9x12. domestic, oriental pattern. Gulistsn. made by Karagheusian, f 100, worth doubls, a bsauty. Can be aeen at Carpet Center, 19 East Front at.. Red Bank.' -JL "CLEANING and kullalm aeptit tanks dry and (ravel walls aad drains Tractor work dlub digglng etc 19 Peach in New Shrew.- kary Berough Phon* BE C. H Wilson, INCOMB~TAS~BXTUBNB prepare* completely by competent statistician Individual kusinsss or fsrm. Thorough kackground on tax law requirement: compliance for maximum legal refund or ssving assured. Businsss eaubll.bed In thla area for six years. References furnishsd. Your home or mine. Marsry Trovato. MI jgh^~wnnl!by^ Cemtrsctlai Ce Tra*t*r hesvr duty rototimrg and roury mewlm Recoaditlonlng and aow lawns skrues Ball? ssrsiff* ffvsu GAB AND KEBO8ENE combination stovs, vsry good condition. Inquire 4 Third street, Bumson._ KITCHEN TABLE, white: two ehalra, red with same. Excellent condition, nil for 118. C.n be seen Saturday ky appolntmsnt. Phons RUmson * LTBBARiTTAilLErpedMMi. makogany over ISO yesrs old. ISO; alao antique mshogsny eonsole table, 150; snother mshogsny console, 110. Caa ke seen by appointment, phon* BUgwon * BEDROOM SUITE Three-piece limed oak. double bed: four-piece mahogany, double bed; four-piece, twin beds, mahogany. All with aprings and mat, tressss. By appolntmsnt only. PR 4< S451_after_l_P.JI: ^ REFRIGERATOR Westlnghoute ' eu. ft. Door opsns from left. Runs Ilka nsw 140, Also rsfrigsrator for 1U. RE s Red Bank Cold Storage. IS Herbert M FREEZER~OWNERS Fill your freeser with prim* meats and vsgetablea guaranteed to your aatl.factlon. Free delivery. Financing available. Re* Rank Cold Storage, 15 Herbert St. RE I-I904.' CABINET CRAZY SALE st Strauss. Back In action again, metal kltehon cabinets, aingle and double'door utility cabinets, bss* tables with eolorful Formica tops. all popular alses rsgularly Bella from up, our prices start from Limited supply. Ho dealers. Strauss Auto Stores, White strsst, Red Bsnk only. MUSKRAT COAT, sl» 10, young man's eport coat, slss 17, axesllent condition. Insulation bats, window sersens. Csll RE l-lllt-j. Aftsr P. M.«WHITE KITCHEN RANG* Burns coal and wood. In excellent eondltlon EA 3-0H0-J. STANDARD EK BU.slns trumpet, per, feet condition, reasonabls. RE -47I7. PAINT SPRAYER "Speedy", two cylinders, maintains 40 Iba pressure, plently of hole, vseuum and prosurs un. Motor not Included. Used by home owner. Cost over 170, asking 140 RE BATTERY CHARGER Six volt, uset one winter, four amp sist, 18. RE g POKTABLJT RADIO, mouton fur coat, rsln coat and hst nsvy blus, both sise 15. Clothing, Mlssss snd girls various alsss all good condition. Ma hosany dining table with alx chairs. BU J two NEW TtfcBS McCrsary Supreme. beat brand alae 1:50 1:70-11 original price 130. Will ssll for IK. KE R. G-E WASHER pump styls. perfe condition, very reaeonakte. Call RE f CLUB CHAIR, coffee table. Two ruga, domestic oriental. Kitchen stt. All In good condition, will accept reasonabi* offer. RE or BE t-4019-j, BUSINESS NOTICES AIR CONDITIONING STORAGE-We will store and service your air conditioner for tk* winter. You may alao kava your unit stared In your own home. All handling of units Insured Nlletor Air Conditioning Starag* ex Service. Call RE J.' DRESSMAKING. altarintand all type* of sewing done. 74 Rlvsrbrook svs.. Llncroft TtE I-17I9-J. CESSPOOLS snd septic tanks cleaned. Low rstee. Michael L. Mahoney Un Lo rat* erolt. RE IOI5» VAOUtal CLEANERT repaired. *n> make Aim Eltetrls Shop White FIRST SECOND and third mortgai** placed and purckased BB-fiuaae* your property and get needed cask, plus reduced monthly payments. If you own any type of propsrtr aad deel re mortgage asal.tanee of any kind, call us for Taimsdlsu aad eonfideatla service JnssU i Kurts lttft Broad at. Newark. N. J. (Suite 101). Opea daily. I to I. Market Mon. day and Wedneedey evenloa-e aatll BULLDOZER SERVICE excavating. land elearlsg. drivewaye built and repaired, nil dirt sand gravsl. top soil and cinders Trees aad stumps removed Grading and eeedlag af lawn*. " -418*. _.CK'S CABINET SHOP 4lt Rlv*t rd. Fair Haven. Furniture r*»alth*< and repaired and wood work ef all ice BE.-714I-J. OIL LAMPS eonv«rt*d far etsetrla. y. Limps rewired. Bring your'e In today. Harold's Radio and Electrle 8k*p, Wast Front su Red Bank. Phons BX ( BUILDING CONTRACTOR New construction sltsratlons. rspslrs Herbert Elaenraueh. RE 4-H01. WE LOAN YOU tins, no ehsrg. while your* ar* being recapped. Meant ^ ^ ^ K, UdBank. CARPET LAYING Repairing Wall-towall cariwt Install** Bug* bouad and repaired Call Baynton's. Brosd st BB S-H7I. ELECTRIC MOTOR rsbulldlng Is our business Csll us fsr quick ssrvle*. Douglas ElMtrls Co. East Prant st. Bed Bans. Phone BE I-OUI. FLOOR WAXING-Call RB 4-J41I. Superior Floor Waalag Co Prlvat* hom«s our spscialty our speci BRAND D PR1MERANO "Tk* Usrpenter." Ex p*ri*nc*d alteration and rapalr work dons oatsld* snd Inside, Also esblnst work. Phone BE 1-9 k Phone BE 1-9ji I. SPOOL AND SEPTIC CESSPOOL AND SEPTIC lank aontraetor Cssspools dug and clssnsd. Septic tsnks snd drains installsd: 21 yesrs' cxper»nce Howard Tllton. 10 Cental at Bumson Phon* BU 1-««1I. HOOVER CLKANERS repaired^ brashes rsbristleu. Allen Eleeerle Shot I" White.t BE DANCE CLASSES-Bsllst, toe up. Music, accordion, guitar, piano, clarlnst trumpet sax. violin Davis Studios, 12 Norwood ave,, Long Branch LO ELECTRICAL WORK By hour er contract. No Jeb too big or tee mall. For prompt ser-lce. esll tk* A. H. Blsctrle Co., Mill* ate. Part Monmouth. KB PA1NTBR DECORATOR aad pspsrhsngsr. intsrlor and *xt*rl*r yssre aiixrlsne* Kstlmato* sbssrfully giver. Louis Cassan 441 Hbrewabury ave. Bail Bank. Phon* RB 4-OUI-J CARHDRKTORH AND msgnstoe ~ built Quick fastory workmanship. DouglaB Klecult Co Baal Front >t. Red Bank Rt FOK KXPKRT CAnPET and linoleum installation, 24 yesrs sxpsrlsnes. Cal _KE «.sa«4. _ CESSPOOLS CLEANED and built i asptil tanks cleaned and Installed, drains Installed. Tslephons any tin* day or night. RU Harvty 0. Tllton. 17 rbalsad an., Siumsoo, nonas 1POT DB1V1NO lastructloa*. Leers la safety t* drive safely. Look far tk* ear witk two stearin* wkeels. Pioneers Is. auto drlvlast lnstractt*ns since till. Easy Metkvd. Aut* Driver Tralainc Sceeel, Cast Frost M. BC 4141 or LO 1-tO GENERAL CONTRACTOR aal eeaepaols aleaned: carting and gradisig, top aoll manurs fill dirt, elndera. gravel and ssnd Estimates given. Phone BE «1444 Oscar Becker 47 Second et Pair Havea HAVE THAT old fur coat remodeled now. Consult Amy C Owens. *I7 Union sv... Velferd KE I-20I9-J. Prices rsasonable All work guaraa- Swing capes. Stoles. ^ A. a" m ^M^-.-Ai-ia. CHAIR CANING aad rusk wwk Wll. kur Ivlns West Sine*, a n RE I.4HI-R 14-HOl'B BBBVICB *a tk* rapalr f radio* aad electrlcsl appll. anna. Harold's Badlo and Bectrie Shop, W.,t Frost tt.. Red Bsnk. Phone BB raultutu COnTstACTO Intarior and exterior Painting aad psparkanging. Call C. aad N. BE l-aoi*-j ar BE I-9I71-/. BOOFINO, RAIN PIPES, gutters, roofs repaired. New roofs. Bain plpea and roof guttere cleaned, repsirsd, rsplscsd. Drain til* and dry well* Installed to solvs your drainage problem.. Setlefeetloa guarantees. Free Inspection and sstlm.ts fsr prompt ssrvles. Call R. Gibson, MI PAINTING-DECORATING Rsdecorats your apartment and be ksppyl Estimates eheer'ally glvsn. Imparts) Painting Co. LO 1-600* or writ*. P. O. Box 117, Lose Branch.. WARM AIB HEATi: T Cenplste heating systems Installed lilt. Repair, to warm sir furnaces. Duct work, all kinds. Cold air returns. Sheet metal work. Let us modernise your present ksatlng plant. Bertolette. KE I-1H1-R. IUIMEI0 OffOWVHITI MAiOB OIL CO. will kav* available for lease in tie near future, a modera two-bay service atation. Excellent locetion Active volumes For sppolntmsnt. EA or write "Oil," Box 511. Bed Bank. BAY STILLMAN. REALTOR Business snd investsaent properties. Developent acreage throughout fast growing Monmouth county Consult Ray Stillmen State Hltrbwsy 15. Shrewsbury. RE 4.51U. Drive-in parkin FOR LEASE New. modern toksy setvies station. Branchport ave. and Atlantic ava. Long Branch, For information phor.«eiiiiul!, 4-:7CD. i>> write W V. LaForge 451 Foreet ave.. We.tfield,_N. J. MODERN. TWO-BAY servlcs atation for lease Yesr round business. Good locstlon Bu.ines. and residentisl support. Phone PR Af- PiCsfAtl~LlQUOR STORE snd bar. Nst over 116,000. Perking area: I2S.900 cash needed. Good term.. Csll RE >-50«5 evsningt." PAYING RETAIL BUSINESS In Bed Bank for sal* Too old to carry on. Small cs.h investment. Balance out of profits Write. "P. B. B.." Box 611. Bed Bank." FOB SALE Income property. Store. witk four beeutlful windows aad apartments. Two minutes from Bed Bank onrt. 16. corner Pins,St. For information, call RX M. If no answer csll sveninfs. HELP WAMTID SALESGIRL WANTED ae drug clerk. Full or part-time. Experience preferred *Apply Dell's Pharmacy. 598 River rd.. Fair Havsn. RB A PERON LREADY ki i HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN For TV servise calls. Soms sxperleace required. A-C radio and TV t i l Shrewsbury ava. BX '471" «-47>a. "-AVOM- AVOW CALLING" - For sal** and service, call district maaagcr. RB I- >3PBRKNCiD~TV BEPAIRMAN-Iasid* snc. outsids work. Top pay. Harold's Radio and Eisetrle Skop. W. Front j. l-.lll._., GENERAL HOUSEWORKER Light cooking csre for two children, no kesvy cleaning Sleep in beautiful new rancb kome. Would like couple. Man can kav* out.ids employment. CspUol START THE NEW YEAR in your own businsss. Avon cosmstie salss rsprssentstlv.. needed in Portaupeck. Rumson Rsd Bank. Middlstown. Long Branch, Shrewsbury,' West Long Brsnch. Montaouth Beach, Deal and Allenhur.t. For furthsr intormstion, sill district managsr at RE l-_470q. _ CABBTAKBB.' GARDENER Year round position to live on estats nsar Red Bank Furnishsd spartmsnt and and sll utilitiss. Should hsvt knowledge of operation of power equipment, flower gardens and lawn maintenance and general utility work, including occasional driving and household chores Would prsfcr wife who can eook or wait or do genera! housework, kut must kav* excellent refersnes and sxpsrisnee. Plsaae state expected Urtirw salary. Writs, "Caretaker T.K.L,/LBqx_S 1 ljud^bank. STENOGRAPHER*-Writs." ststing age. siperisncs if any and aalary expected PHILIP CAHPO - Masonry,.tone, krick work and general contracting. Llttls and big jobs. Twsnty-Cve years xpsrlwms. Leonardville rd. Belford Phone KB 4-.I45. " ford Phon. KB i AlNTWt, AHO PAINTING AND DECORATING Interlor and exterior: also papsrktnst' I. Formica eountsr tops. Twenty years xperlme* Free sstlmstes. BX ^. MOYAN DOES 8IGM work on saything anywhere Art work. Oil paintings Theatrical so*n*ry. Photos colored. Truck lettering Highsst rat. Ing federal Civil Service EeUbllched 41 yean Bad Bask. North Bridgs a»* KE I.I4W (TEW HOMtS. garsges. sltsretltms. repalrs. Bsst quality work. For an Mtlmate. call C. A. Stone BE I-8IH. TOP 8OIL. MANURE Large leads dsllvsred at wlnurrate*.conrad Smith Narsery BA Plsaa* call evenings INTING by day or eotttraet, Aleo paparhanglng. Eatlmet** cheerfully in Herman Thoresen. AT J. f tre* trimmlnst and temov*!. rot** sst snd serial wwk don*. Full Insur. anee eoverag* en equipment aad prep- «rty damage. BB KOLBDA CONSTBUCT1ON CO, a*. Gsasral soatraiung. Buildlag, remodsllng. Plnaaeln* arranged. BE <.IH7.H. r. O. Bss 41. Be. Bsnk. a*rtlc t)s; yoar eall C GUARAhTstajii TELEVUION *r within tw* fceun frogs yoar eal A. C. Badle and Television Company. Armand A. Crapl. owner til fhtewsbury ave. BE LANDSCAPE DESIGN aad pleating. Pin* lawn*, akade trees, dlstlneuve ple»un». I. H. Baytkt, landscape Dsslgn snd planung. BB itloni. kltckea csblnst work Bessonsble prices, J. A. Hsrrlwn BB SEPTiO fants^areeespeeu clesaeei. Alto dry wells, dram* Installsd Batlma ond PAIN ho. Osar Haves PAPBH repeirlng. W i tlmatse glva*. Oesar Bscksr, 47 d t Yalr H U iuj APBRHANGINQ. geaeral use repeirlng. Mark grade wsrk At aaw* price* KaUkllskad tt. f t ( l tdl tse glva*. Osar Bscksr, st. Yalr Haves U i- TING PAPBRHANGINQ. Mk d j geaeral k At reasoaaw* price* KaUkllskd tt. Beat af returnee* (real law ataadlai customsrs ar* available. William Sehaekt. IS Tsatb St. West Beaaskura. KE I-1HQ4 SERVICB WHIUI TOU WAIT lt> due* serrlce eosrgss by bringing your radl* er tal*vl*r*n **s In for repairs. A. C Radl* snd Tsl.Tlslo* Company Armand A Crupi owner. t th* Oras to have that Intsrlor work dons Bsst of material at winter rat**. W. waak and paint kltshsni. uks of< old paper, pat new up. Rooms redecorated and cleaned. Jack Hieks RE er RB I-IT^J, (JAkO'ffcrIUT6~BROS. Bulldtrt. All type* of work. Betlmste, given. MI incoml fax RETURNS "prspsred^w former internal rsvmue agent. Frank Blake 41 Bait Washington svs.. Atlentlcjilghlendt. ATI(- 14._ REUABLBTELBVISfON SERVICB Estakllshsd 12 years. Day or nlgkt an4 Sunday Lewest prlc**. Antenna* ln.ull*d_hi cqmplsts._rb_lv11j0,_ NEED A NEW ROOF T Repsln. gutters and Isadsrs. Call far free cat!- mat*. No obligation. Tkree year, to pay H, J. Sksrmsn Roofing Co. LO PAimta-Interior. yesr. sx isne*. Clean, sokar *nd r*lli_._. Just call Rl C-9114, Prompt, efficient Btrvics assured Priest reatonabls. Slss of Job Immatsrlsl. Bsst mttsrlsl PAINTING. DECORATING, paperhang- Ing. Interior and *xt*rior. Work gusrantaed, nrst-elass. Frss sstimatee. Call svenlng.. RE 4-0S74-J. Leo Dselsurlen. 104 WhIU rd.. Llttls Sllv*r. ^ ^ ^^ PRUNING Shrubs, fruit trsss. vinee. ovorsrssns prunsd. Trs* moviner. Gaorgs J. Wldly. Landscape and flsrdsnlng 8*rvlcs. EA I-0I1I-M svtnlngta OARPBNTBR All types of cabinet*. sltsratlons. rsmodsllsg, etc. Ke*sonsbls. AT 1-llll-W, P^Rft^a»VlCB^Su^0pr»I All dsy Saturday and Bunday, R CAX>am'ta9r=^lWld<nii7Tlt«ratloM cabinets. No Jeb too small. Bstlmatss ehasrfully glvsn. Call otto S lohm. KE 4-OMjM ASON CONTRACTOR Plsstsrlnsj, foundations, fireplace., stone and bruk work. AT TYPING DONE AT HOME win pick- UP snd deliver. AT 1-OrlNI.R. MATAWAN Boarding home for elderly Isdlsa, Good food, sunny room 1160 monthly. _MA_1.2275J. mcbma~t*ax~bbrvice By"an sxperlsucsd tax socountant at your hfrm_ A B «* fwt. a eft D«kl nes^tkss sadjj I av muchktfhnub8e^ant*tb7 P.H.N.A. of Rumson, Ssa Bright and Pair Hsven. Would consider part-time. Car furnishsd. BU MEN Immediate openings. Full and pert-time. Writs, "Immediate Open- Ingi," Bex ill. Bed_Bank. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER One day _a week!_call evenlngs._re_6-(124. DENTAL ASSISTANT Red Bank. No axpsrlsncs n*c*ssary. Woman 85 to 41 yeara of ege only. Kindly atate education, ago and phone number. Write. "R, P. C" BOX 611. Red Bank. MANAO DISPLAY MANAGER One of ns tion'a Usadlne; rs*dy-to-w*ar ehalns offer* *xe*ll*nt c*rscr opportunity. See Mr, Hemstreet at Lsrnsr Skopi, 81 an-adjt^bed^bsnk, A _ K. _, WOMAN To dean one day a week. Tussd.y or Thursday. C.H RU after I P. M. LADTSS'-NBMrArtY MONEY t-sell plastics and novsltisa on the "Home Psrty" plan. Car essential. EA I- 0»91 0»91,^ SECRETARY Typing, soms dictation. Gsncrat offle* routine.. Some knowledge of bookkeeping desirable. Pleasant working conditions. Liberal employe* benefit* Apply Canterbury Knitters Ltd.. Locust st.. Ksyport. INSURANCE AGENCY Sxpwitnced perton to do any or sll phasss of tnsurnncs agsney work, including rat- Ing, accountlnc filing and typing. Starting salary depends on experience. ~" ' i. P. O. Box 828. Red Bank. ACCOUNTANT Genersl. for ioduatrlal eoncern. Some pukjie accounting *xp*rlcnee desired. Knowledg* of cost. Liberal employe* benefit.. Pleasant worklnar condition!. Write, "Accountant," Box 111, Red Bank. ROUTB SALESMAN For laundry and claaninej rout*. Excellent opportunity for sggresslvs young man Becking long range employment. Full benefits. Apply between I and P. M. Star Cleaners 4k Launderers, MyrU* ay*.. Long Branch. MyrUo ave.. RXAL E3TA ALE^ L ESTATE SALESMAN Openlnar In an s.tsbllshed real estate stsney for a person, sxpcrlenced In selling or handiln* people, desiring to msks reel *t*t* a profession, Thli openlny; glva. an excellent opportunity for idvsneement and a joe witk a good fatsr*. We offer sxtenslv* advertlt- IVJSI and good drsvrlng sccount. Csll Red Bank 4-J27I forjnoointmeni. XABIBNCED typltt - stenographer. Fsmlll.r gensral office work. Inquire Doyl* Packing Co., Ill Bmnchport ave.^lpna; Branch. BBTOIED WOMAN Wanting home and small salary in *xehangc for eart of on* child of working mother. Writ* _"R. W.." Box 511. Rsd Bank. ADVBRTISfNG SALESMAN Weekly newspaper. Local, are*. Some exp*rlcnee Writ*, "Advertising;," Box 111. Red Bank. A PERSON ALREADY working in Newark or New York, to pick up an envelope at Newark airport at 5:46 P M daily and deliver to Bed Bank. RE GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK- Full-time. References. Csll R«t AN UNUSUAL WOMAN with car, for opportunity in nsw uncrowded field. 24 working hours srrsngsd to fix your schedule. No books, cosmetic, or perty plsns. RE I-I0I9-J. If no snswer. RE t GRADE A TRUCK meohsnics snd engine builders. Muat havs own tools. Union acale. Feetery branch. White Motor Co., 10* Murray St., Newerk. TWO-ROOM FURNISHED aosrtamal far cc'iplo. 04 West aergss pi. Bad Baak fwo BOOMS Uafuraiahod, Kara bath with ether parson All utilities Included: 155. Nesr railroad station BaT 4-465t et RB L4HI-J. STUDIO APARTMENT Combination living room and bedroom, full kitchen private katk. completely fajrnieked. All utilities supplied Will rant ky week or month RU fcv»stde~motel~tt«,.pertments Rooms by th* week. Include all utilities Foot of Cooper's Bridge, Bed Bank. WETiAVE^BlAUTIFULLY furnished partmsntb. including all utllltlsa, Ths right pries for tk* right party, Ssa Bright Badminton * Squash Racket elub. BU or BI t-0014 sfur I P. M. UNFURNISHED FIVE ROOMS and hath oil hot water heat. Located at Chestnut st Bsd Bank Call Lewis Lumber Co. PR TWIN GABLES Elversids sv*., Bed Bsnk. Tkree and four rooms, unfurnlsksd slevstor, koat dock. t*rrace on rivsr. RE I->I99. APABTMENTB Furniiked er unfarnishsd. Two room* and bath, 116. Three rooms and bnth, ill. H>et and kot water aupplled. Apply to Apartment 7. Main tt., Ocetnport, er call LO»-16ll. auvckfllont APAKTMJENT Fully furnishsd. Suitable for business couple. Bedroom, living room, complete kitchen batk. Private entrance. Overlooking river. Two blocks from railroad station. No pet*: I a month year around RE l-2gll. LEONARDO Three-room furnished apartment Suitable for buslns.. person. Prlvat* entrance. AT RED BANK Unfurnl.h.d Attrsctlvs nvs-room garden apartment aecond Duor. U>. Mo ckildrca under ID. Kxcellent location. Gibson v e i i u i n»v**»wbvia usjarexvaa ay'ver t *>t RIVERFRONT APARTMENT - Fully furnlthtd Sultshls for buslns.l coupls. Bsdroom living room. Complete kitchen, bstb. Two blocks from Red Bank atstlon P.ivats entrance. No psts: 171 moattv Year round. BE I UNFURNISHED 1% -room apartment. _ll5_d*r_month_kb_ TWO-BEDBOOM FUBNISHBD apartment. Two mile* from Bed Bank, on river. Rent can b* paid by parttime services. Car needed. RE t FOUR-BOOM Second-loor. Furnisbed or uiuturniehed. Excellent location. BB for further detail.. MatRbM FUtKISHBD "apartmsnt. Private sntrancs. Iret leor, bsth, kltchsn. dinstts snd bedroom. On highway 16. bus line. Call RE «*4»l FUBNISHED APARTMENT Two rooms. Living room-k*droom combir.aii&r,. kitchen anal private Beth. All utilitiea. KE W. LONG BRANCH Furnlaked apartments TWD and tarss rooms. Excellent locstion. Yearly reatal. Service men welcome. Csll LO days: LO evealags aad week- HiRNISHBD APARTMKNT WI.*W wih ekan her levels- apartmeat ia Bad Bank witk another tons. Convenient to Red Bank center. Referencas exeksaged. Phone RB for ntawnt.' UNFURNUH TURNUHBD Tkree-room, keated apartment. Jaet decorated, witk priv*u kath and eatrance. Centrally lecated. Convenient U ah suse* aael skopplng. Inquire at 7* Mesmsutk i» 4 B k i,_»«4bj!nk. BUEINsSS WOMAN will share ettrac tiv* apartment witk reaaad buslneee woman On bu* line, Besses'^kle. BB ' 0241 THBEB-BOOM FuXNlSnamt apartmsnt. Llvinc room, bedroem. kitchen snd batk. All utilities included. Privet* entrance Suitabl* for soaple. lnqulrs at 117 Peart St., led Baak. Available now. TOR8* ROOM* FURNT8HBD spartmsnt. All utilitiss. Coatplet*. Adulu B*H_Frent tt.jladjank. FURNISHED Tkree rooms sad katk. All utllltlee. Print* eatraace. Adults. AT tl Hlghlsnd APABTktBNT Furnlehed or unfurnished. Host, water. Newly decorated. Located * Maple ave. Inquire Harding rd. RB I FOUR-ROOM APARTMENt-U Bel-' ford Partly furnished. Nesr stores, schools buses. CsH Dorothy Swart* of Swartt Furniture. BE I-I4. ABE YOU LOOKING for an spartment 50 and up? Call Dorotay Swarts, RE 1-84(5. FOUB-ROOM FURNISHBD apartment. Businssa couple preferred. He pet*. RBJjjll 5 TWO LARGE ROOMS Cosneletely fuml.hed Bedroom snd klteten. Large closets privsts katk. Warm. Plenty hot wster. One or two. Third floor. Conveniently located sa Peters pi Rent Include, utllitie*. RB I after noon ties*.* FURNISKBD~O111 UftrtfRNISHa 5~=- Three-room apartment. Pint near. Near Red Bank railroad station. All utilitiss. Furnished. 191: uafumlahsd Call RE or RB I-4I9I-J. ROOMS ONI BLOCK OPT Brett) at. liatlle rooms. Clean anl comfortable. I enabl* - preferred. e i-28» HREE i fltree ROOMS AND BATH Beautl fully furnished. Opposits kus stop. AJIutilltiss. HI l^llll ATLANTIC HIGHLAND'S Furaithtd, three-room apartment. Prlvst* bsth. modern kitchen Two bloeke to transportation and shopping, Utilitiss Included in rsnt. Csll A t 1-J74I sftsr 8 P. M. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-If.., due plsx furnishsd apartmsnts. flnt Door. Modsrn bat? and kitchen. Fine residential section. I Third avs. AT J UNFURtllSHED Three rooms. On riverfront. Hest. hot snd cold wster furnishsd at 175 a month. Coupls preferred. No pete. 114 Hodmen pi., RedJIank REJW)«8_4. FURNISHED APARTMENT Three large roomi. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, leparate bathroom and aeparata entrancs. Centrally located Moun, 120 Wllion sve.. Port Monmouth. KE ' UNFURNtSHttb - Three ~ina bsth. Hsat. hot watsr and electric supplisd Bent ressonabl* Idsal for businsss coupls. Csll KE «-i«e8.«attractive Three-room and bath furnishsd apartment. Separate entrance. Convenient location. Now avail, able BU FIVE BOOMS Unfurnished. Central part of Fair Have*. Raseonakl* rsnt. RE d-5818.* UNlVRNISKEETAPARTllKMt - Suit, able for young couple. Overlooking b*y_. AT W. LARGErONE~ROOM=NeVr bus~s"nd ststlon. Privets entrance. Lavatory, shower, refrigerator twin beds, Urge clossts Suitabl* for light houaskssplng for two psopls or buelnssi couple. Parking Fefcreaees exchanged. RE J.' FOUR BOOMS AND BATH Electric, gas and hast fvrntshsd. Wsltsr J. Coons. 7th avs.. Atlantic Higklands. AT J, TWO I-ROOM APABTMENT8 On* iurnishsd. one unfurnished. Conveniently located. All utllltlee cuppllsd._re_lt2299.j_«r_re 1^8281. 'FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED' spsrtment, Privats entrance 16 Third svs., Atlsntlc Highland!. CRJEtARYGensral offlcs work. Ineluding shortlaand. Pleasant work, iner condition!. Flv*-dsy w**k. Pkon* KB oc KB 1-tlH. robbman For Mfdaleeex county outerwesr shop. Practical *xp*rlenc*. plu* ability to Instruct k*tp on section work required. Excellent opportunity for right msn. Writs, ' Foreman." Box 111. Bed Bank. SALESMAN Real esuts. Bxcsllsnt opportunity, well established firm. Writ*. Saleeman," Box 111, Bed Bank!'Al"' t luona.»thte8 HtlWR-Llv. Im Own room snd kath. Steady position for rehskl* ilrv Refsrencs. required. Call OOOK-GBNSRAL HOUSEWORKER Fond of children. Other help kept. Own room and batk. Steady position. References required. Csll KB O-I WOMAN Part-time. Two or tkree ranlng* n w**k. Introdue* Peggy Newton eoemttlei. No sxpsrlsnes neessssry. Eaay, pleasant, pays well, No collecting or delivering. Car helpful. Call MI l-llll. 0 to 12 A. M. WOMAN Over. for customer ssrvlc* work. Exceptional opportunity In local businsss Permitting flexible kours. Far Intsrview. call BA :11-11 AM.. a:io-7:io P. M. except Saturday. * SECRETARY To work In real si- UU-lnsurance office, I A. M.-S P. M.. fiv* days per weak. Please eontact Ruaedl M. Bsrus. 800 River rd., Fair Hsven. RE MAN. EXPERIENCED-For operation of hydraulic rubber molding press. Pay will b«baaed on production ability SUt* experience. Writ*. Mr. R P 0. Box 112. Rsd Bsnk.' LBV0liaiPAlRllANVs7a: tlon* and holidays with pay. Apply tn psrson Xatontnwn T*lsvislon. 50 Highway 18. Batontown. BA for appointment. FURNISHED, MODERN and clean spartment. Large combination llvlng-b*droom kitchen and bath. Stsam beet, hot water, utilities. Parking lot and laundromat. Beasonsbls. year round, 17 Collins St.. Keansburg. KE TOR COLORED Furnlaked. Three rooms and batk. Hsst and kot wster supplied Adult* preferred. Respon slbls party. RB 4-8O08 after 7 P. M. BLFROMoTrMmouU Funilshed. Two large rooms and katk. Sleara heat. Nice for 01 couple. Near kui. stole* snd laundromat. IB WolfklU avs.. Ocesnport. SA I BA BRIGHT Vary attractive Ihreeroom furnished apartment. Yearly renul: 190 month, including utilities. Phone,SE OARAGE APARTMKNT Ia country estste area, containing two bed. rooms, bath, living room, dining room, d*n and kitchen snd ons*csr garage. Priced at 1125 monthly, unfurnished. Willlsm H. Hlntelmann (Firm). ReeltoM^Rumeon. RU_l-0l00. THREE-BOOM FURNISHED apsrtment 170 a month. Including all utilitiss AT l-olll. APARTMENTS"t=~Uniunilska<l. «S5r rooms, sur.porch. ISO monthly. Unfurnished two rooa«. Ml monthly. Two furnished 1% room*, utllltlee. * monthly. Unfurnished, tire* roams, utilitiss 186 montkly. Dennis K. Byrns. B*altor-Insuror, 8 West Riv*r rd. RU SPACIOUS FOUR-BEDROOM (ante *partjn*nt with two baths, on b**utiful estste. Extra Isrgs living room. Two-ear gang*. Grotlnds maintained by ownsr Convenient location: 1121 a month. Ray Stlllman. Shrewsbury. RB POUR-ROOM, UNFURNISHED apart, msnt. Privet* horn*, print* entrance. Utilities Included In rent. EA lqislw i% ROOMS Newly decorated. Furnished or unfurnished. Hot water, showsr. refrigerator. Feneed-ln yard for children; 110 per month, plus utilitiss. Inquire 88 Vsll.y st.. High l UfLAl HOUSBKBBTBR' - fiood Job. good hom* for th* right M>*aon, Liv* In. EA HALE Factory work, 40-hour week. Apply Robin Wendy, 17 Wall St., Red Bank, A PERSON WHO IS now commuting to Baltimore, to carry a smsll pickage dally^ Ri_«.ll»l. WOMAN For cleaning houae three dare a wssk. Mondsy. Wednesday nd Friday, from 9 to 2. Cnll RE ALL-AROUND CARPsWTR^Experlenced. Steady. Call KE 7-J4-W or KE I-1I01-R aft*r_l_p. M. MAN H*ndy with tools. Three bedroom annrtment on riverfront estate available free In SXCIWMS for services. Car.ri*eder!. RE 8-flll, YOUNG EADY Totraln srdsntsl^st slstant Local girl only. Must typ*. R*esnt high school grsdubts considered, Wonderful opportunity. RE for Intsrview appointment. YOUNG" MAN Interested In learning the butcher trade. KE l-lodl or KE (M8JL2-M. _ MEN Foreman laundry 1120, Bl'- weekly. two year, high school, three yeart experience in mndernly equipped laundry. Five-day, 40-hour week. Liberal vacation, sick Issve snd holidsy sllowsncs, Quarters avsllshls at minimum diants Hnsplttl snd medics! Insurance plsns. Regular annual Incream In salary, Apply, Personnsl Director. N. J, But* HuspHsl, Marleon, 'LANTIC HIGHLANDS Furnished or unfurnished spartment. Bed-litting room kitchen, light cooking only. Full bathroom, private entrance. All utllitie. Included. Suitable for butinsss woman or eoupls only, Syer. AT M. FURNISHED STUDIO apartment.... Shrewsbury rivsr. Single or bu.lnsss coupls: 175 a month, Utilitiss Included. _RU I-077I-M. FOUR-ROOM UNFURNISHED spsrt msnt, For further information, call Joseph Seats. 134 Bodmsn pi,, " " Bank RB_l-0884 JjODERN. THREE-ROOM, furnianea apartment nsar trtnaportatlon and shopping. Psrklng space, Adults. No peti, Htst and hot wntsr furnlsksd; 190 monthly. RB 1-50 H-/. Csll af. t«r * P. M INRBD BANK Furnlahsd on first floor. Bed-slttlng room and full kltehsn, Prlvat* bath and front and rear sntrsnes: 111 a month. Utilities Included, Alio spsrtment. for slngls msn. vsry rss.onahls. Rstss givsn in perion, RE 8-689J. LoVBLTFURNiSHBD gentleman's ef 1 - flelency garage apartmsnt with nsw electric kitchen, Complete batlt, automatic gas hsat Garage. Complete privacy Near all facllltlss and Fort Monmnttth, Rent ir>0 per month, Call LO J. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Five-room, furnished apartmsnt. Utilities. Rsnt 1100 a month. Thrss-room furnishsd apartment. 171, Studio apartment, light housekeeping, furnished, InO a mon». Excellent location. Proapertllv., AT rat* Gentleman Gang* available BB l-lllt * Wailace st FURNISHED ROOMS Botk slngls aad doable. Parking. Kitchen privilegea If dteirad Near tutlntee center. Yet th* bett resident section^ Man only. Apply U7 Maple avs.. Bed Baak *r RE FtlBNlSHtb Boost-In prlvsu home oa acre* oft Garden SUt* Parkway, slot* to Fort Moamwtk. Cleat, lt comfortable. Bent reaseaabla. tokxs^o MOTEL-Ascemaiodstios. by tka wssk or month. Beeeoseble winter rate* Family aceummodatloaa avallakls. AT 1-17*0., FURNISHED ROOM With private Vatk and entrance. Located at Pstsrs pi Red Bank, ee* or eali Mr. Coup! AO radl* snd teltvlsloa. ill Shrew.bury ave. EB NiCELY lurklsheb single aad doubls rooms with complete keusskeeping privileges. Privsts entranee and gang* Parkin* spaee. Pl*trty *f keat and not wster. Coupls. child welcome t l Mortord pi. BB NEWLY DECORATED front rooen. star, nlshsd. In a sice houss. Iansr- Ing mattress. 27 Spring at.. M*,'ISHED ROOMS witk et without kltck** privileges. Homey atmosphere. Plenty of kot water, final* or double, tall at 171 Meehenlc St., Bed Bsak or RB Infant welcome,' FUBNISSSD~ROOM il~wat*rly pi. Red Bank.' HOMELIKE PROMT ROOM Breakfast. if desired, to business pereon. or two houseksepine; rooms, rteeoaabl* to right party, or will akar* witk aldtrly person. References required. RB I-H-M.' LIGHT' HOUSSatUePllffl BOOH Suitabl* for two. Hot snd sold water In room. On* Meek frog* Bread Inquire 11 Peters pj.. Red Baok. Jt Centrally" locate! la desirable neighborhood. Call BB I- FTJ'RKTSBD ROOM Bind* psrson er couple Near bus Us* aad ecfcool. Bouti at.jb*d_bank. IDEAL FURNISHED ROOM Business couple or msn. Nsw home. 441 Branch ave.. Little Silver.' ROOM In private horn*. Gsntlemsn r <*rr*d. Raferencst exekangtd. KE I-1S74 aiter I P. M., or iaquir* 80 8nyd*r m,, K*anaburg. RED BANK One large bedroom, double bed: one medium bedroom, single bsd. Bright, estafortakl*. In residential neighborhood. Ideal tor kusinsss peopls. teachers er norses. Apply In person. 14 E. Bergs* pi, ket I d 1 P. ". e-room and katk for one Person. AU utilities. eluded Private sntrtnee. Kitchen rlvllegos, Alao perch, 14* a auntk. RB i, NICELY fumlsbsd room! Seasonable. Short block from bui- Iness district and all but Una*. Peter, pi.. Red Bank. ONE OR TWO housekeepine: reseat. Urge Warn, comfortably furnished for one or two, Second floor, seml-prlvate batb, Ctoso to bus. ins... transportation, yst re.ldentisl. IE. WARM, nicely furniihsd room In private horns, Adjacent to knth whh shower. On th* bus line. Gentleman preferred. 411 Hlvsr rd. fair Hsvsn or call BB 1-1*11 J, FURtnsffW~ROOM Clean, it 6»k- _l*tid.t^. Red Bank.' HEATtD BOOMS Near bus lint anl railroad station, dulet ^sek.rd H< railroad mat. Psek.rd»vs.. Red Baak.. Quiet OT'loa ouse, N. Bridge AUTOMOBILES DOBS TOUR OA1I Mesr aardt D* yeur wheels shlnmyt Let ut eerrect tk* troukle Savu yew tires, latest Bear axle and trams tralgkteaiag qulpeaut. Fk Vaa iyill*. l«west Praas.. Bed Baak, west ef Map), an., pu! tn buudlag..atk for Ja O«i own kuuelu. Phon. RB Mil Phons, neutk u DODGE AND Plyaieutk passsagm Dodge jobratetl trueka, aath< service, modsrn tsrvlet suuea 1 Vaa Srekle. 141 West Front St.. Bank. w*m ef Mapl* sre Pk*ae HIOHBBT PRICES far your eld ear. We kuy. w* tall, ws trade. Coast Auto Sals* In*. 14* Monmeutk at. Red Bank. IBB I-H FORD RANCH WAGON V-l Fordomatls, radio and keater, wkltsi wall tins, twe-ton* finish, 11,100 mil**. Ons ownsr. Call aftec t P. M. Rlf 11I IM 1916 PLYMOUTH four-door B*lv*d*n, V.I. radio aad kaatir. 117 Hala St.. Bslford BUICK, BrvIBRA DynaSow, Ira. maculate. On* ownsr. Law mil*. age. Serviced regularly ky desler. RB , Evsnlngs. RB 4-. ltli "DO"DGa; FOUR-DOOR"SEDAN In good condition. Any reasonable Oder accept*!. RB et BB 04-W.. ^ IV~CA"D1IXAC BBDAN D*VHIC, fournloor hard-top. Mountain lau> rel and white. Immaculate: 14,111. BU IsMl PACKARD Slx.eyllnier. f*ur> door esdan. Black, immaculate In. aids and out. Excellent.running con. dltlon. Perfect tires, heater snd up. hol.tsry; Call BA I-01-M after I_P. M.' FORD CONVERTIBLE flood running condition. Must ssll, Isav- Ing for ssrvics. Csll RB bs. twssn 6 snd 7 P. M/ ' 1911 ~T>5l)CiF7 DUMP TRUCK ThraT yard body (lood condition. Phone ME I;I158 after_5 P. M._^ _ 1151 OLDSMOBILB SUPER, foiirdoor ssdsn. Hydrsmatle, power ststrlng snd brskss, tinted (lass. 11- volt hattsrr. twin speaker radio, heat. sr dafrostsri 11,000 milts. On* ewn. sr.(^ixc*llent condition: 11,111. KB

49 ** UHiUB «li* MHIM ftnt* about parkiog problems. Gaeohne bi I h h t U about par built-in h p to th«change td h dl. fvttuut Affectionate pats. eonomr built g purse. This henay tudor hu dual range hydraaaatie anal U priced to Mil. Stop in todav and ax the niw to your eeeoael ear nacda. Mauriee Schwarts ft Rant. Direet factory dealer. Chryller, Plymouth. Internationa! truck! Th«building with the red front.' 141 Wait Front at., RE e- em. Open eyeninge. ETiTTLTMOUTH Red eonvartlbla. Good condition. Very reasonable. T«l*~FOiU> MAINUNB 1U*IO and "eater. M "85 FONTIAC Four-door sedan. ydramatlc, radio, heater. I«a than lt.ooi Bailee; 11,130. Owner. JtC 4-74IO. 1»51 PACEABD Four-door sedan. Fully equipped. Excellent condition. Seasonable KE l-0*5t after 5 P. M. ^5V"CAi>LAC COUPf-JI.800. RU I.1I58-W. Call after! regal blue four-door offere you the eaae ef power steering. Safety of power brakes, comfort of power seat. The convenience of power windows. Genuine wire wheele and white wall tlree enhance it's appearance. Stop foday. lee en* drive the «neat of the fine cars. Maurice Schwarts ft Sons. Direct factory dealer. Chrysler, Plymouth. International trucks. The building with the red front. Ill Weat front at. RB «-01«7. Open evenings. RIMGB UMKIU. Natural hunters Ae Luettgens._Whitn«y_«jL45O7. BEAUTIFUL GREAT DANE pi!:>i>iei. Brindle end fawn. Almost ready for iw homa._»u_l-184». COOD HOME WANTED Best olf.r accepted for Belgium Shepherd. E.\- jllenl welen_dog. RU 1-03SI-M.' MINIATURE PINSCHER PUPPIES Beautiful dark brown. Inotulitted, AKC registered Stud lervice. Moun s Kennels 120 Wilson ave.. Port Monmouth. KE 8-14H9.' OLLJi^Two years old. Fein air, spared Will (Ive away to rood lome. frl-«i»lur. LO G-1US-J. MINIATURE PINSCHER Ten weeks old. Red. Vary tir.y. (2',i Ibs.l, isle 130. Opposite lira house. Holmdel list DODGE four-door sedan. Looking for clean, economical transportation? Thia ia the answer. ie mechanically alean sad reedy te roll. Drivs it today Mauriee fteewarta ft Sons. Direet (factory dealer. Chrysler. «r» >»t> ; International trueks. The building wltb the red front.»«1 W. Front at.* "" OK* eveelnge. till BUICK t«for hardtop. This super ritlara la a stunning green with a eream top. You will thrill to tha pertoraaence at ita irtball V-8 angina asd dynaiow drive. Turn on tka radio. Jit back and rota* hi tha aafem and comfort o( a heavy car at slightly.wore than avail oar priee. Hsurlca gchwarts ft Sena. Direct teeter, dealer. Chrysler. Plymouth. International trueks. Tha building with the red front. 141 Wast Front St.. RE a Open eedan esakee the Ideal car to put the ehildren In the rear eeat and nlal. with the safety of two doors. is n ene owner ear with only 19.SM Bailee en. Tires are in excellent condu >tion e««l the car is priced Maurice teh«arts ft facterr eealer. Chrysler, n r to eell Sons. Diraet proverbial di hea and equ ll Kro: r h..t.r-iiu~»ii.'.nd;hydr S. matle Stop today. See. drive. 'Sauri'ee Sehwart. * Sons. Direct fae. lory dealer. Chryiler, Plymouth. International trucks. The building with the "d front. HI West Front at.,»- «-07»7. Open eyemings. "tle» alfcncurs Monterey four-d excellent eon..iuon l««rca!lbmj=ut^ l»6l CADIUAC Btcellent eon Mm «.«00»«four new tlr «aw bettary. adult drivers, t* 1 AiftB _ T Wb'M h6bhbti w~mneaga. MOO C b s«.n Full" iiulbpad MOO. Can be s weekends 444 Prospect avenue. Little (liver, 5Ir gal. gas. Will «KB T54*** reasonable sed Cars, uses Tlil Piymouth «o«-door sedai lturiebsker eedan, 1(511 Buick Mudabakar aadan, 1M"? ulc *. *" 1S50 Chevrolet tudor, 1150 Ford tu d 111" B«Sot» four-deor. Maurle. it ft dea 1S50 Chevro dor 111" B«Sot» four-deor. Maurle. Srh'warts ft 8ona. Direct factory deal ed «' " the Bmnll so to make a ea complete. is «tjn»lng red ^ top ana has t.9»i mil"»»'«j you ars InUteated In an a matt new JhrridLnr!4, HE «-M«7. Oiien evatnwt!f-^rsoto llen Hidlo condition, KE 5» 4 1»4» Stnd W ol-andar. GhM»nditio. dependable performance, new hrakea. rtr.1., Rad rll AT 1HI VOWX. CONVWTIBLB Perfect condition, low mlle- te. OM owner. Dynaftsw. two entra enow tires. Foamtei washable upholiterv. IU«I-»7I». lilt OHSVROt* 1 four-door sedan. Radio heater elaan. good running wndhi.nltm.lls0 SWdebaaar Cora, andei Starlight eeupe. radio, heater, slean motor overhauled, newly painted tuns perfect.»275. JI5I HenlJ 1. tudor eadsn. radio. hf*tw. fleu.» tor overhaidai. parfeet tkrougholtt. SO. AtS&H'a Oarage «orner Ave D and Leopardvaie rd.. Leonardo. SITUATIONS WANTED UUAMJt WOMAN vukaa to. nd ehlldrea In her none for working mother. Witt hoard them if desired! ReasoaaWa rate* 117 H» l* ave. 4^IOL "amtt PAriBUMti Maw la the time te h»e that interior work dona Beat el matsrlal at winter rater We wash and paint kluhens. take, off ell paper, pat new up?»"" "decera ted end cleaned Jaek Hicks. Rat l-;to9 or RB l-ttli-1. BtPErlltNcBb TYPIST would Ilka work to do in own home. Call HC rk I-4050.W.' Hat OF CAht given to your c I h f kin mt In ll CAht given to your. home for working mother it* In my Call MI tjivims TOIJNO MAN.»0 Married, child. wouh Ilka a Job as l ki tl it* one a shoe l child. wouh Ilka a Job as a shoe aaleaman or making nrat-elaes plssa ales Ezverleneed, With a large fol lowing. RU l-»0»«. '»a*wrt» P «T alterations, of eablnets. t UK a AND attloa elasnad. flat.h.. executive part-time employment one or two days per week or mornings or afternoons. He ehehlna. Vlclnl^.* HI 5^1445.' BUSINW SCHOOL graduate like to do typtng In own home. Call E timl' flno Monthly sutenenta msda out and mailed. All son. of typing, advertislkg circulars mailed, telephone servl«e. at home. Very reasonable rates. Call MA l-46»».' onable rates. Call MA l46««, OMlPQ: OR~Si"NGLE Wish steady positloaa ia private home. Man. Butler-houseman: woman excellent enok-housekocker. Reterences. Write. 'Couple.'J BoxJll^RedJank,' CAHUIN1NG SERVICE Lawns, gar. dens, hedges eared for by hour or contract. Experienced. George J. Wldly. Landscape and Cardenlng Ser vice ftas-oslb-m evenings* WILL OAKE lor CHILD in my own home days or futl-tlms. lieellent ouer's u n In nice home Large MI s-07.4.' TuTTedr wli..._ jiii u ('tin*.' WORK WANTUfi Wan and chain saw IS per hour. HI PArlT-tlllfe MOTHER'S h.lp.r-rurei willing to do Ironing, thorn snytalng to help the mother to have daya «IT away. Complete «are of Infant, and ehildren Kieellent eurrent references. Dependable. Hi * MISCELLANEOUS WUX 01V» AWAV-81. weeks old t JiP./wuhM. IM Dataallen). XA PtTS-UVEfTOCK UAL EfTATE RM HWT LODGE OB afbttng roeaa aeaflame in midtown Call RE for apjointment. tflce SPACE 6.00(1 aq ft ef airconditioned floor epsce On street door Ideally located an (rood at., Eed Bank Municipal perking lot at Suitable lor nhyeiclans e>r proeesionci offires For information call Mr Scbulls KE 1-1*. After f P. KE 1-I77U. ;OTTAGE ON ESTATE Sycamore ave. Shrewsbury Five rooms, pine ineied interior. Tiled bath. Garage. REJS-122_«or_RE 8^1575. BROAD ST.. BED BANK Firet floor. Office sn-!no»i for >hjr«prirtn 1229 or RE GOFF DOG FOODS Meal, kibbled, samples tie postpaid. Chihuahua stud service We wholesale cages for mice hamsters, birds Dale's Pet Supply 'Highway 34. Colt's Neck. R. D. 1, 'raahold Whitnej^e^JSI* WE~HAVE _ BEAUTIFUL Chihuahuai, AKC registereil. Ideal gifts. e«neclally for cbudren. Very friendly. thorowhbrede. Also registered fur stud. rabbit., BE *' n * POT*faS Boier type. CalTiffi UtTBKS ih «l rgreed, with papers. Wonderful houae pets. Will sell ressonabla to anyone who can furnish good home. AT 6T5&D~Rin"Ilfif~H6SS«Saddle an tm Mt h goo horse UK. Muat MM MA M. >ATS Two Saddle have a good»atst Reasonable. goed mllklnl goats. Call HO t BOATS MBBCUBY the Boat powerful name in eathoarda. Salaa aervics, wlbtcrita- Uoo of all makes. Marina auppllet. l t i d Flbsrflas. Bowling Bson Bos'.. Bnajson. hoatiu hl»aur hoatiu f wrthlu J ' l OAT «UPP -- --_ aeeds nndsr one roof. Even _ for the boetataa Haw lereey't l"gert geartae M»plf aoeee. The Boat- ua'ashep. 14 Wharf ava BE Open week-dire» to «. ' MONMOtlTH BEACH Sis-room fur. niehed cottagi with electric waaher end 21" TV. Available February to June ft 195 per month. Writ*. J. W. Healey. 110 Riveraida Drive. Kew York. N_yr LONG BRANCH Office. Front. Wag ner building 104 Broadway About 12x35. Contact Wagner Market. «3 Iwyette at. Newark Market S1X-HOOM DUPLEX Newly decorated Three bedroome. dining room, living room modern kitchen, two modern bnthrrmmn; gnrns*. «4 Harding rd Inquire <2 Harding rd. Ready for occupancy JalL_ 1. RE «-14O7. YEARLY LEASE Little Silver cottage. Five rooms. Two bedrooms, Basement. Gartge. Close to schools, buies and shopping. Unfurnished; SH5 per month Hall Bros. Realtors. RE 4-76S4 HU River j;d. Fair Haven. fjnfurr7fshet> Six-room csttaga. Hot wuter circulator oil heat; twocar garage; 1100 monthly. Unfurnished; six rooms; one-car garage targe plot monthly. Unfurniehed, nve-room bungalow, attached gerage, aunporch monthly. Unfurnished, newly modernised bungalow baseboard heat. (araa.f HOD monthly. Dannie K. Byrne Realtor.lnsuror. e West Rivt rd. RU , Uoo of all makes palnta raaia and Flbsrflas. alia, aaaaa ft supplies Bau a Bport She*.»l «River d * WPPUEBAll Open waek-dtra» to a. OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS All makes. Authoriaed Evinrude Sain ft Service Baa the new 1»B7 Una of Efinruda outboard motors. Tha Boat- ' Sh 24 Whf ve RE 5780 Efinruda man's Sho ll5t l 24 Wharf ave. RE f TrVOOb-WSSY on nilmssy on play A safe, able little sailboat for the whole family. Deposit will hold for spring delivery New and used Thompson. H. J. WUsoa, Boatworks. 479 Atlantis ave.. Long Branch. U> i«4«wahted Spinning surf caating out. at. For attention, state price Write. "Surf." log 811. Bed Bank.' TWO BOATS New. Cuetoen built TWO BOATS New. Cue 18'x7" beam. One with hardtop, ma hrwany ahelter. one open hull. Cnn be powered with either Inboard or onei or two large irolboerds. Conalderabl. dlaeount If taken now. New Jersey Yacht galee, Point Pleasant S~C Sfi*itSTBEBiNG CLASS"-C Sfe&JtSTEERING iceboat Marconi. Mew aails. Runners like new. Aaking MOO. Clais A Sternsteerlmr Iceboat, new Balls, two seta ranaeri. Asking RB «-0»7«-M after» P.. tv 6pttf shrt too h. P. mot excellent condition. Reasonable IK or ask to see the "Lisa. M Mihsn's Br*tw«rks_Monmout!i_Beach. "WANT~Tb BUILD a reeln* boat? 1 have plans complete frame. a rord have plans eomplete frame, 10 h P. motor and many accessories to offer anyone Interested In building S or l»l eu. in.. ISV 'nh»mpion hydroplane. S. Call RU WANTED OLD IVBMITUBE. antunes. china, glassware, art objects and brlc-abrae Immediate enah for jnything and everythfng Knell's. 2 a Esst Front st Phone RE «-l S. /.MtlQtJUS Weetkervsnes marine fcooka of New Jersjr. lamps wood coverings fnrnitare Estataa purrhaeed and appraised Phone RE I-I00S. Tha Hudson Shop Inc. OLt> DOLLS TOYS Also furniture, ehlnn and glass Jewelry All typee of Miejaee. The Opportunity Shop Antiques. Ill Broadway. Eoyport KE T PiANOS Highest prims paid H. Tenaer 10* Main at.: Ukewood or Laheweed a-llll. OLD BBIC-A-BBAC Furniture kinds of antiqeei. ejfltek ehlna. jrlasa. Jewelry, hooka 4 ptimtingi fine llnena and any miscellaneous items. Alice RIDERS From Mlidletown to New ark Eaat Orange. Harrison or Irv Infton, RE I-Om-W, COINS Proof sets: gold, eommemorattva half dollars, rue dates, early 0. S.:! sumps. Get top pritas a the shore's only full time end com plete coin shop. Monmouth Stamp and Coin shop. «Monmouth s' '" ' - town hall) Rt M. ABSOLUTELY TOLL VALUE paid for old guns, powder «askt. antlausa. at glais. all ealntlnga «ae furniture etc. Friedman Galleries M South Main st. Aebory Park PR 4-tl4t or LO «.500«-B, STEINWAT Or other good make o piano for rectory. State make and price to "Piano." Box 511. Red Bank. VBTBRAN WANTS to buy old-faih loned house shutters, marbletop tables. washstandt. small deak, pictures, frames ou lamps. Look in your attics, barns etc. Write. 11 Main si. Port Monmouth. KB «1H9J." WANTED Spinning surf easting out fit For - attention, state price. Write "Buff," Bet 611. Bed Bsnk/_ D18OARDED REFRIGERATORS, wash Ing machines, stoves, etc. Removed free Other furniture small charge. M '-Oil" TO BUY Used adding machine. M H"i ANTIQUES Guaranteed bast pricsa. Dolls.,guns, china, eutglass. liver. Jewelry ''furniture brass. Monmouth county books clocks and figurines. Beta felling, eall Gilman. 12 Spring st RE «-4«lt-J., REAL ESTATE WANTED ATTENTION ROVE OWNERS Ha»j ro«thought ef selling four homst There are ver. many people in thia section woo need and ean afford to buy home. Let OS sell your home or nainesa property. Cheffin Agency KhwaV "all EA»-llll.,DAM/ AfJKrJcV-More clients than liatlngsl Rioe Immediate buyere for Bed Bank through Ramaon area) ta 5,OI» range For quick «- suite, efleient Mrvloe free priee esti- Us. RB I-I0M H Eaat Bergen AIR CONDITIONED OFFICES Single or iniu. Available March or Arril. RE ( or write. P. O. Bon 111 Red B.nt SIX-ROOM HOUSE Three bedrooms, two iiatfirooma. Venetian biinda. electric range, full basement. Choice location. RK «.»927. ADAMS AGENCY Two-bedroom. Cape Cod Red Bank area. Furnished unfurnished monthly, plus utilities. Immeeinte occupancy. RK C 5D9M 1«East Bemen pi. "24-hou i ^ y. RK C "24-hour ne^e.^ ^ RUMSON^-Corner pioti Frame dwell in? with livintr and dininfr rooms kitchen, pantry, three bedrooms, bath, Two-eur trnratre Basement with laun dry; SI 10 a month on lease. Joseph G. McCue Agency. Realtors, RU RUMSON Beautifully.Hunted on estate. Living room, dininei room, kitchen, four bedrooms, bath, poreh. Garage apace fer two ears. Steam oil heat. Available Al>rH 1, HIT; IU0 a month. Joseph O. MoCue Agency, Realtora RU , THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW with ttle bath Garage and water Included. Tnnvenlently located; f76 per month, References reqslred. SE S12D per montli. R«d BsnV home, three bedrooms, two batha. SH0 ne month Riverfront home, larare living room, three hedrooma. two bethi 1190 monthly. Schsnck Agency. Linden p. BE8-O.197. RANCH HOMF Six months. Three bedrooms unfurnished, lltr). Fou bedroomi. two bnrha, furni.hed, five months. ZS. Also choice aitmm* rental.. Ella Wiltshire Anncy Real tors 5 Wharf sve. RE ( K4I Ocean ave. SE i_Open 7 days. SIX.ROOM HOUSE In Bed Bsnk, Call RB «-05!t between * A. M. and 4 P. M." SEB OUR LIST OF ten rentals In the classified displsy aeetion. Walker «Walker, Realtor!. Hlirhway IS, ShrewsAuTr. RB ( Open 7*dayi, STORE FOR RENT 14' front. ««Monmouth st.( Red Bank. RB ( WE HAVE HOMES for rent htki Bank and surrounding area, rang. Ing from ISC to 1140 per month Call us for appointment and fi information about these homes, Red, den Agency. Ml Maple ave.. cornel Bergen pi RE»-566D. EATONTOWN -Three-room bunajaw- Full cellar, automatic heat: Vi-acre land. Immediate occupancy.. A >- 0»82J'nft«T HP. M ' s Eroeroi station, next to postofflce Rent 12 a month, ' LO I-IMS-M. FURNISHED BUNOAlyOvV four.ks" 1 Hii Wt j.w "»' nonth, plus lor«utilities._ru 1.0SSI. SMALL BUNGALOW Pretty ention on farm, edge Midi., village. Near railroad station sni bus. One bedroom, kitchen, bath, ing room with fireplace, small porch. Oil heal. Sent 171 per moath, MI 5-^161^ EB PLAZA 8 Shadow take dr. Three-bedroom Cape Cod Tils bau. full teller, automatic heat:»l»0 per month. Convfnient to sehefri, atore. Fort and railroad atation. Immediate lioaneiision. Call EE 6-:<42«-J. RIV T ITS Chapel Hill rd. Middletawn. mont*. ^CaJI_AT_J-H62-W, FIVETROOM RANCH Large panele kitchen. ImmBdiate occupancy: 111 per month Garage apartment, o estate, in Rumion Applebrook, cozy, five-room ranch, fireplace in living room, garage. Runtson nine-room home, three bath. I27S. Thompson ft Lefferts. Inc.. 90 White et.. Red Bank. BE 6-4U». SEVEN-BOOM: unl.rnlihed houat Three bedroqen., Completely remodeled. Near bus Fort Monmouth and_sehoo]a_ l25 EA 3-05f B. OR W^LL SELL HouaeTFeuri and bath; garage. large lot llhli, Rent 70 month. Muit hnv*. reference KE H CANAL ST.. RED BAMKWVC room bungalow, furnished Suitable ^"! *' ne1 * p * <>111 * or eou ' > e. RE «2 B^!? BUNGAWW Pour rooma and bath. East K e a b K E «2SI4M KE «-2)l4-M,' Enet Keam EAST KBANS1URG Fl*e-raom house All papered walls, clean and mod ern. Gas heat, hot water bath an shower. Three bedroom.. Available Feb. 1. Re -" ave. KB «- WANTED TO RENT KING F LOOKING FOH A furnished houe rent. Three bedroom* for at lea«1 h L d f use to Salea?eerrUe. Atlalie ft tens Agen.y. BE t-l._ thaa llatlnga We have nr buyers In IKi.OOO Man Liet yew home with a. for action Russell M Boms Agency. 119 r 4. Fair Haven RE I-4BM. JED We have seod lously seeking hi tngs NttKbEb We have «o» prnspeeta anxiously seeking home in the Rumson-Red Bank area. A eall to as today eould mean a sale for yon tomorrow Prompt attention. RE Hall Bros. Realtors 111 Rivet rd. Fair Haven. ; IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? We have many eerloua clients in any urice range over 111,000. Kindly call ua. We will give you active, courteoua service Thompson A Lefferts, 19 Whi t RK O 14 hour* serie White at day. Thompson A Lefferts, RK Open 14 hour* NEW LISTINGS We have many serious proapscts for home in the Rumaon-Fsir Haven-Little Sllvsr area. Prompt and courteous sarviee. Csll A. Fred Maffao. William S. Garrison. RB THREE-BEDROOM RANCH On approximately one-acre woodeu plot. Basement and garage. Near Pennsylvania railroad stop; 1111, ,000 range. Write. F. Schalltr 730 So. nth St.. Newark. State partlculare. HOUSE IN LEONARDO Near atstion. Kindly state price, number of rooms and type hist, Write. "Leonardo." Box 811. R»d Bank.' HOUSE Kour rooms, near Red Bank. Purchaser request, information concerning taxe. slie of property, age of building, locution and price, No agents. Write to N. Htlllvagon. 2»l>5 Lakowood rrl. Pitlrit Pl.nwnnt EXECUTIVE SEEKING a tile home for lane family. A-l nelirubnrhnod. Six bedrooms, Handy to Garden Stale Parkway, flood cash position. Will act promptly on rlirht proposition. Reply' held In strictest confidence. Write, "Executive," Box 811. Red Bank,. ee bedroom* for t e«1 six months. Large grounds prefer nbly near water, Call_U> J-J054.' UNFURNISHED Ground "jlobr Three or four-room apartment, in Re< Bank or vicinity. RE 8-54H-J." FURNISHED APARTMENT Near hi t Fi fl If SHD APA hopping center. slbie. Referenc ATME nter. First floor If es. RE t-ltlo-m. T Nea floor If Dos tlom INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE CONSULT RAY STILLMAN for Industrial real estate and buiineie op portunltles throughout fast growin Monmouth eounty OIRes. State High, way 95 Shrewsbury. RE l-llll. Drive In parking OFFICE FORWENT tn canter town Call KE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOUR-BEDROOM ranch style. Mew. Immediate occupancy Two baths, fireplace: two.csr garage: lareja basement. Corner of Edison ays, and Stratford rd.. Mew Shrewsbury; flo, RU or RE a.ltll, MAR COX AGENCY, realtors end Inaurors. Balee yearly and summer rentils. Cemnanehe dr. Peruupeea. Phone LO 4-141)1. PAIR HAVEN Rumaon area. Waterfront, Colonial. Split-level and ranch bomea. See our sea la elaitlfled dlldlar aeetion. Hall Bros, of Fair Havsn, Realtors. M 4-74M. T>, UAVIUHD-R..I... vaie nroaer Reslrlentlal airaage, farms nnd commercial propertits. Ea* tats apiirtiaals Linings eollelted ' West Front at.. Red Bsnk. RB man nr RK mil PLOT Llncroft, lai)' front by 200' deep, 3la mill, from Red Hank center Bouutlful. rcbtrlotsii lesliienllal nrlkhharhood A-l none. Price , DUTCH" fioloniatt^r Little Silver, Neni- school. Living room, flnplace; full dining room, three hedroom. bath, lavatory, automatic heat, Shideii plol. 118,000, (is Hchanck Agency I Lin Jlon pi. BB e-0l»7. HEAL tstate PtM M U UAL EfTATE FOR MLE.REAL EfTATE POt 1AIX UAL EfTATE FOR fale faul B. ITRTKEE. Eealter. rsrms and fans estate*. State Highway ii. HolmdeL Mono Whitaer SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENTS on claasifted display iiagea. Weart- Neaseth Agency, 101 Weet Jront at. RE t U. a. STET.L ROMES Wide enolce ef plena. i>,400 to 110,000. Model, Red HIM rd.. Middletown, Saturday tad Sunday afternoon. Everett H. Theme. UTTLE SILVER Dutch Colonial. Near aehoo! and bus. Six rooms and bath, eunporeh. laundry and lavatory in full basement Lot 7(xlO4. Reaeonably priced Telephone RE for ap- Highway 16. lihrewabury, since 1111 Large and competent stall to larve you. Complete listinga of homes (all prices), farms, estates, watsrfront, acreage, buainessete throughout Mon< mouth county. Consult Ray Stillman. State Highway 15. Shrewsbury. RE Drive-in parking CORNER BUSlNESS-pHOPrJlTY and Avs-room house with aanporch breexeway : two-ear garage In excellent condition On rt. and Church at. Belford. Priced tow for euiek sale. Call KE after 4 P, M. LOT BO'ilBO 1 In Middletown. Coi venient location on hue lino Near Red Bank.Prlce RE «-5«51. THltBE-BEDROOM Old weltbault hone, in excellent raaidantial area. Centrally loaated for schools churches, trains, buses, shopping, etc. Shady ear* nsr lot. eoiuo; KE 7-142* between and S P. M IVi ACRES HAift8HOXSB~Wo5Pi= Sloping, southerly aipoeure, river rifhti. Reatrirtad area. View e< NiveBink river. Ideal location for country living, boating. Hading. Cal MI for appointment. FAIR HAVEN RANCH HOME Near school and church. Living room, fireplace; modern kitchen, three bedroomi. automatic heat, playroom in basement; (20,300. G. S. gchanck Agency Inaurors. 8 Linden pi Phone RE C-03»7~ THIS.SPUt-LEVEL UoUt exclusive locstlon. Living room 14x82 ftreplacs: three bedrooms, two tiled baths. recreation room, lavatory. Two-ear garage: , Schanck Agency Realtor-Ineuror. Linden»l. BE I. Oil hea ave F FAIR"H F FAIR HAVEN River rd. Kauaehoolt aad shopping. For aulek eels. Ill,- SOO. Six rooms. All Improvements. Oil heat. Conetaaee Smith. 14 Maple Fair Kaven. RE I-UOI. R"HAV15N Hance rd New ranci Four bedrooms. Us bathi. Art place. Reduced price 120,000. ConsUnce Smith. 14 Maple ave. Fair Haven RE TREES Spscrto breathe. Enjoy trees and privacy, Nearly three acres on high ground, amid lovely trcei. Close to rt, 35. Fine modernised home. One bedroom down and line bedroom up, p]us two batha. Lovely large, modern kitchen spacious (Ins living room Oil heat and nice cellar, Fine porch' Do not miss this rare bargain; lu',100, Russell M Boras Realtors. 600 Rive rd.. Fair Haven RE I-45H FlftBLY LOCAtEI>-"tn""Fa 1 i, Having Superior In construction Two stories. Really delightful overii.e living room with lovely fireplace massive dining room, large kitchen plus powder room three lovely large bedreobii and lovely tiled bath. Full seller. Oil heat. Thres-car garage an,l very deep lot; I,000. Bussell M. Boru. Realtor,i «00 Biver rt.. Fa! 6"*Jf»flS - ~ JlLVER _ Colonial. In top eonditlon, Lovely living room, fire, place; dining room, modern tiled kitch. e». ftmitt reom. three large bedroomi, tiled bath. Completely finished base ment. Rumpus room, workshop At Uched garage. Landscaped plot Bnek barbecue. Fine, quiet residen tial neighborhood. Asking 111,000 Rtiasjll M Borus Realtors 100 Rive M.j_F»lr Hsyen RE (1-453! BOATMAN'S PARADISE "FacTnUTi wide of deep naviiable water makes sn Ideal setting tor thi two.year-old Cone Cod. Livinr room, dining room, modern kitchen, four bedrooms, tiled bath. Screened porch. A' Hot water oil heat. Asking 2S,«0. Russell - M. Borui. f«hors^l90 River rd.. Fair Haven. ilmhsp«w=m«l«l,..1y eared for apllt.level with three' lovely hed reoma and two tiled baths A kmchen te make you drool. Reereatloh room llxll. Fully equipped laundry Full bisement Twe-car garage; ? " M orul - "ealtors. aot.rivei abi"jsa5 B J 4 ta,.,-----tlfflnlty i.plot Brook large trees. Six-room bangalow. Bath. Brenlace. screene porch cellar, oil heat. Garage: Minugh Agency. Rumson rd. Phone RUMs'oK-Tw..famlly houae with IWi ro»mi and bath downstairs, hot water heat. oil-ared Two-ear garage. Urge plot 150x95. Taxes ll»0. Pries 2.S0*.- John L Minugh Agency, Rumion Td. Phone R" rsatl^maar pa T rochl."l Kh^. inir room, flrepiact; dlnlnr room. aer«an*>d porch, kitchen, four bcdroomi J»o b«thr Hot wattr. oi!.flr*d hcat M00. John M.nurh Amner, Ruinipi- rd Phone RU RUWSOW Runchtr K«ar parochial efcool. Unr» JWInf-Hininr room. CMlar-iMnalMl flr*pl.e. wall. MrMn»4 poreh. modern kitchen. Ifiandrr three bmlrnom*. hath. hmt«tj atfle: hot water SI Minuirh Anncr. Bnmion *1 Phore RU l-fl?n., NAVES1NK RIVERFRONT Eetatt are*; lst>.foot riverfront ate, An> prokimatej- three aerei. 8fx-rt>om cot- Ure. two UtU hot air I! heat. lira. Place. Outttuitdlnca tie-din* renovatlon: IJ7.R0O..Mlnuvh AWner. Xmn. on rd Phone BtT LOTH RUMSON WATERFRONT Practical! new wmt* Oane Cod Colonial near Parochial school and ocean Smart cedar paneled fcitchen-dintnc room, Hvinf room erreened porch four bedrortmi. two tiled bnthi. hot water Ixmehnnrd timt irai-llred Garage: l?r. R90 MllsUft. Avancy. Rqnaon rri. RU RUMSON Center hall. Colonial. In mrochlel school district. Living room 15'xSO 1 nwolace: dining room, sunraom. lavatory, breakfast room, spa. elouii kitchen rfowniitiilri. Four b*>droomt two tiled baths upstairs. Hot water oil h*at Two-car irarage, Corner plot: 11*1)00. Mlnu.h Agency, Rnimon rrl. Phone RU 1-071H. KCCIPTIONAL BUY Two-bedroom bungnlow Oil hent. automatic hot water, full i*e!!ar. Large livlnff room. nreplar*. CTeen. Renidentliil Nentune City Must tell. Asking Pro! "eft evenings and week-ends. LITTLE SILVER RANCHER Vary sonvenlent te shopping and achools. Three bedrooms, living room with (replace, dining room, and large ultra modern kitchen,wlth built-in braakfaat nook and dlihwashar. Spacious basement; expandable attic. By appointment only. RE M. Pf>RT MONMOUTH Lovely rottare, Perfect for young or retired couple, All electric. Living room, bedroom, tile bath kitchen with dlnlnir space, unroll; ahed* tree*. Lot ifto'vloo'. Reasonable, Phone K_EJMWOI.W. SIX-ROOM HOUSE Near Parkway. Two tile baths fireplace cedar-hned floset. Two-ear gsrsce Full eetlsr. Extra Vrg. lot. Call RE I-I2I7 after» PL'M.» _ Two-RFjrmooM RANCH HOME OverTooVIng lake nt * Lake dr. Prlc, fit! Hl)fl. EA S.0«««-W. betwec» and ' P. M,' INCOME PROPERTY In nice residential psrt of Red Bank, Three ipartmsnts renting for 92 a ll per month, Aaklng price I17.S00, Generous purchase money mortgage to reliable buyer. A fine buy. Call RE Real Estate Associates, Realtors-Insuron, M Harding rd. RE «-SS«4. IN BEAUTIFUL Silver White Oardem, Little Silver, New homea, three and four bedrooms, 111 to 2Va hnths. Large plota. Ons slid two-car garages; 123,000 to litmooi 8% mortgages arranged. Open for Inspection, SehwartB Agency, Realtors, Newmaa.Springs rd. RE l-il, K'AVESINK RIVER ROAD e>tata ares. ('hoire builriinv iilot* available. Select area for gracious living. Minimum niae 2 '.a acres. Priced from I7.«OI>. Inlpection hy calling Schwartz Aifenry. Renltors, Newman Slirinjfa ril. UE 6-312!. LOOKING FOR THAT fourth bedroom? ltabliehed Fair Haven neiehkorhoo^. Tv.o fall bath.-., high and dry baeement, oil heat, brick fireplace and attached Enrage, Reasonable price of 817,500, Inspection by calling Schwartz Agaacy, Realtors, Newman Springs rd, RE , QUIET LITTLE SILVER location. Four large bedrooms, ten full balha, fireplace, lull cellar; attached garage. Several extma, light traffic street. Askinir lirire ef Inspection by calling Schwsrtt Agency, Realtors, Newman Springs rd. RE 4-S12I. STBlWSBURV borhood. living r*om. kitchen, two btdrooma. i. dining room,. oil heat, full cellar and one-car attached irarage. On a corner lot. Alking $13,800. Call Mun>h/ A Schweera. RE fc-lul. DEAD &D BtRUlT Two-etorr home in very fine neighborhood. Formal dining room. Ift bedrooms, full rcllir; two-car garaara; roomy backyard. Full porch. Low t*xaa. Good condition. Convenient to ahoppin? and achooli. Exceptloi.iI buy at l.f.voo. C»U now. Murphy 4 Schwen. RE « PINK PANMLXU PLAYROOM 1 H bathe Dead end etreet, in excellent neighborhood. Feature thle flue. two-atory Coloninl, alno Us three bedroome. dining roerta. fireplace; patio, workshop and garage. A fine example of good livirw A.kintr $ Call now. Murphy A 11*1 FIVK.HOOM COTTAGE Nioly Iovillaice. I^irue sh»fif tr#fs. Near srhool, Prict f 1 (l.«li)0. I-iank B. UWM, Brok«r. 15 Ntwniaa Srrinir* rd KE «- 2 M 7 Tt. * MIDDLETOWN - 3', acre*. Thrwbpilr<)om houte. 1 'i buths. laive livittl' roi.m (Jinint room r.i1rh#n»ntl recrratirm rniim Kull reliar. nulnm;itir wanher. refi'iktrnlor, etertrir Muve rri<~»» J1 K.sof. lmm«'lihtc r>ccupbticy Ml ^ «ns4-m THRBK-ACRE ESTATK "-"in" wem «f"ftiti,t. Pl»nty of «v»rsmecn». RPCI rancli home, m»t buck from ronr), mir- '«>i!*i<j«!i by post atd rail f?r;-f. At tractive in aid ut. K-vlm room fnr ch!rircti to play, in a;idi' ' * n ; i!i n-* bimliooms: I2fi.00() for quick %*]*. Rny H Stillman Shrtw-bury RE d-.i 111. MINIATURE" FARM - "fciirht»ri-m. tnohtly tillnhle. Several huiiilteit ftct road fronleskf; hid* treei Story and a half home. Living room, kitchtn, two bedrooms and bath. Kncloied porch. Lai'K. b#droom uptilaim Full r«llnr. rhirkan hnuiei for 2,000 hin.i.' Barn. Cond area. Low t*)iei. Pries 122,0 00 Ray Stiilmnn Shrewsbury. RK fi-ill I. _ NEW HOME On lh. beautiful Na'v#- Nink river..split-level wiih knotty pine den. xpa.iaiv«view. Tull ahhtlc treei, Urge plot. Immediate occupancy; 137,000 Kay Stillman, Shrewibury. RE K IROB RUMPUS ROOM Three bedrnomi, two bat hi, «eji«r; two-eir irare, Over l,i of fin acre. An un- ^.usl hoime in a auction which would definitely be considered choice. Asking Call now. Mu«>hy ft Sehweera. RB t-4ml. VBRmO>rr Ejteluilve- Wonderful view of Shrawtbury river. Large entrance hall, apacloui living room with firtplace, large dining room, Futu ramie kitchen, break fait area, large paneled den with fireplace, two bedroome bath with each: alio extra powder room, laundry fully equipped. Second floor, two large bedroomi with bath, lante atorage *p*ce Overslie two-car irarage. attached. Hot water, baseboard heat. Excefttlonnlly Urn* basement Shown by appointment only. Call Groealngur A Keller. TUAor». Broad and Mechanic its RE RED BANK- Excellent condition and location. Llvinir room and dinlnfr room kilrhen three bedrooms bath. AilcEnt? $13.r>00. Grossintzer A Heller, Realton. Broad and Mechanic sts. RK «-2t00. MinmETO _ - JLLAGE Ranch houie. Convenient location. Livintr room, fireplace: dining room, modern kitchen, three bed room t. two bathi full haflement many ex t run. Asking S27,fl()O GroSHtntrer A rlell«r. Realtors, Broad and Mechanic iti. RE j &tr. (IS W. aro very helpful ClmrlM Shrodei, Real Estate Agency. 214 Main it. K*annburg DAD CAN TAKE'THE CAR~The children can wslk to school if you purchime thla three-hedroom ranrh home. Modern kitehen. stove, automatic washer and refrinerator. Attached vnr»i7«. Eniv payment: $12,500. EIln WtlUhlrt* AgfTiey. Renitnrs f, Wharf nve RE R Ocenn ave. SB 2<O0A4. Open'7 daya. HOME OK JR, EXECUTIVE who has been transferred Thre* ttert-room ranch. Llvlnit room with firepince; nttrchetl pnrnire. Mnny i*strns Hntimr rni,t f 100. A!>Vin«r SK.OOfl. EK Wiltshir* Adfnrv. Rpnltori " Whnrf SE'2-ft0O4. Opnn'7 Anyn, RITMRON ROAD 1'onr h^roftirih 2 ',{ baths Walk to Holy O O M "^hnnl nd bra<*hen Tnw texes. THenl fnr irth* fftmilv ABktnir t2:>.0nn Klta Wiltihir. Afftiney v Renitnra & Wharf v»/ RE «-^3O Ocean ave. SE Own^T diva EXPECT*TO RE TNVIED when ymi move Into thin ultra modern Shrewsbury rnnch nlttmtcrt on nlmont one acre with old trm*. Ruilt hy nrrhu«vf. See tority: fzfr.rno. Elt<t WiltsM'-- A<r»npv. Realtors 5 Wharf nv«he l-»10« Ocean ave, SE Open 7 days, THOMPSON AGENCY. REALTORS River Oaki, Fair Haven. Attractive il.t-room ranch. Tile bath, fireplace, full cellar. Mahognnv paneled gams room. Laundry worknht>p. Attached naraae: S.0, Enst Front St. RE « THOMPSON AGENCY. REALTORS Modern Colonial, Nicely located In Fair Haven, Living roam, dining room.*uuhen two bedrooms, bath. Expansion attic: hot water oil heat. Black-top drive Corner plot. 100x160. Plaster walls: 114, East Kront st^rb C-0700.* _ THOMPSON AGENCY. REALTORS Uttle Sliver ranch. Fine, location. Living room, dining room, kitchen, three bed room it, two baths. Land* seeped plot. 100x200. Double garage. Screened porch. Full cellar; East Front st RE «-07OO.' THOMPSON AGENCY. REALTORS" Older home, set on knoll, surrounded by shad* trees. Full acre, split-rsil fence. Six rooms, two baths, hot water oil beat. Small pine paneled vain* room, laundry, cellar. Double ** rage; t.soo. 81 East Front it. RE 0700." THOMPSON AGENCY. REALTORS Compact Cape Cod. in'excellent condition. Shrewebury locution Four bedrooms 1»4 baths. Plot 7RxM5. Plaster walls concrete drive Radiant heat. Onp-cur jrerafre: lift, East Front wt. RE t-07pp.* FAIR RAVEN Modern flve-room Cape Cod Colonial. Tiled bath, electric ranee, stainless steel sink, electric dishwasher, aluminum combination storm sash and screens; hot water heat, oil-fired. Full, dry cellar. Expansion attic. Attached garage. Corner plot, lpoxl&o, neur bin and Khooi. Reduced to Minuith Agency 'Rumion rd Phone RU 1* 07 U. FAIR HAVEN Two-atory home. excellent condition. Living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, sun room, three bedrooms, dry basement; garage: oil heat. Immediate ponsesslon, Only $15,500, Stanley K. Downs. Realtor, Shrewibury; RK RUMSON RANCH Practically new. Top location. Three bedrooms, den, 1% baths; low taxes. Huge trees. Unusual. Asking 2«,5OO. Stanley K. Downs, Realtor, Shrewsbury. RB MODDBN I'i-BTORY On bulkheads* waterfront. Five spacious rooms. Two beautiful baths. Dry basement. Two-car garage. Lovely landscaping. Many extras go with this very desirable Rwnion home. See this unusual buy today: f , Htanlev K. Downs, Realtor Shrewsbury. RE « FIVE.ROOM COTTAGE Two bed roomi, bmement, ncreeneri porch. Hot water heat, Oarnire. Fair Hnven IncKtlon. Walking distance tn BKOHping center, school and bun; Bnynton A Boynton. Realtm-n 8 Drummnnd pi.. Red Bank, Phone RE 6- ARTISTS RETREAT Entirely hidden from road, in natural woodland itttinir. Chai-ming and cnmfortsbl* oneitoi-y cottage, overlook inn Isrge fsst running trout brook. Large living: room, fireplace; kitchen, break ft it nook, spacious entrance hill: two bedrooms : guest apartment and workshop; outdoor shurflebourd. Two miles bridle path.. Excellent condition; «411,110(1, R«y Stillman. Shrewibury. RE fi-,m11. _ HOLMDEL AREA Three-bedroom ranch. In secluded farm area. Living room with fireplace dining area, small kitchen, two baths, delirhtful patio; cellar; two-car range; 1Mr acres; Ray Stillman Shrewsbury. RE g-stli. NEW RANCH" HOME With extra Urge rooms. Convenient to station, or "an river and shops. Foyer, fireplace, dlnina! room, three bedroom*, two tile bathn. Priced tn sell. One of be»t buve. R«y Stillman, Shrewsbury, RE. <-5H1. FIVE-VGAR-OLD COLONIAL Quiet Fair Haven location. Flre >l«ce, four bedrooms two bathi, tihsemeut. laundry ttibn, Attached unrmg*; flh,- 000, Roynton A Boynton. Realtors. H li in mm on il pi. H«d Hunk Phone RK ft-4u0~re 6-I6ni. REMODELED CARRIAGE HOUSE Monmuuth Beach, Near ocean and yacht bailn. Beamed celling llvlnir and dining room fireplace: maid's room, bath Three bedroomi, 214 baths. Laundry room. Two-ear attached carafe. Screened porch ; patio. Boynton A Hoynton, Realtors, H Drummond pl,. Red Bank. Phone BK fljlho KB OHAHMINQ RANCH HOMJC Amid tall trees. Spacious rooms. Living room, natielid firenlace wsll with ookihies Din log room pine kitchen, three bedrooms, I H bat hi, hnsement, screened imrch, Top Fair Hnven locamun Boyhton k Hnynton Reaitom, 1 Drummond pi. Phnne RE 6-41 MO- RE 6-Uil... FIVE ACKEH^-Colt'i* Neck. Victorian, seven-room residence amid tilt Iraea Three bedniomn. Rrtll-fencing Uerage, Outbuildings; $30,000. ll'.yn ton A Boyntoit Realtors, Hi urnmond pi. Red Rank, Phone RE 4IW0 xic i-naz, COtJNTRY PRIVACY With tornmuteih convenience. S7 arrim. with large pond bronk. Ln rfra farmhoune on knoll, with shade treis; overionk* fountrynide. Excellent barn; 149,000 Ray Stillman Shrewsbury. RE «-filll. MIDDLETOvVN Seclude^ amall country house and va-rsve nn mor* than ten acres. Large shade trees and brook. Hill slope has about 900 feet on dend end dirt road. Farm country Three miles to town and railroad itntion, Priced low at Ray Stillman. Shrewsbury. RB , RIVER OAKS Rnnch, Five years old. Three bedrooms and hath, livintr room with fireplace, din in* room, kitchen, flninheri bssement. workshop and Intindry with paneled frame room. Lot lfloxloft. Approximately 1 ',i hlockn to school and hut line. Aik- Inr 120,300. RE fi-2193-m. SHREWSBURY RANCH Thres bedrooms Hvinjr mom with fireplace. Enclosed porch; attached garage. Oil heat plaster walls Full? landscnptd. Fine location nnd neighborhood. Owner triinrtf erred Will Herein reasonable offer _Call RE 6-4O7-R.^ TWO-BEDROOM Caps Cod. Ocru pancy Feb 1 or looner Atikintr $12, Dnvis la,, River PI ma, or " RB'K.56H2-R, RUMSON Housa for successful mftii. Are you looking for a fine home? This one, on a beautiful. 1 *i acres, was built hy its owner to be the best of its kind. offers home environment thnt approaches the idcnl. Rlaven fabulous rooms with five baths and all new equipment throughout. for maximum economy, alone with outstanding comfort and liveability. Ask to DC«this ex* c«ll«nt home tomorrow. Price *12B,00D. Walksr A Walker, F-vltorn. Hitfhway i:,t Shrewkbut-y,. fi Open 1 dsys. M1DDLKTOWN Attractiv*. splitlevel. Situaletl <HI % of an ati'e, Featuring four btdraomi and recreation area. This Is just the bom* for today's growing family: $17,900. Wslker A Walkef, Realtors, Highway 35, 8hrews> bury. RE Open 7 days. LITTLE S1LVBR Spacious, three-bedroom ranch en!4- acre property, with one-car attached sarhffe and breeseway. Excellent area. Close; to schools and stores. Priced light at 121,000, Walker A Walker, Realtors, Hitch, way 15, Shrewsbury. RK , Open 7 days. SHREWSBURY New ranch. Recently. completid. Located among Shrewsbury's finest homea. Three bedrooms, living room with.replace and one-car attached garage: I21.:.",O. Walker A Walker, Realtors, Highway 35, Shrewsbury. RE Open 7 days- THIS IS IT I Dock your bo#t in your own private lagoon, and walk ten fetepa to a large aeretned porch, then into this fabulous liv* ing room, approximately 27x36 feet, with massive fireplace. Also, there are three bedrooms and two baths. efficient kitchen, Hot water oil heat. Two-car garage. Regulation sii* tennis court. All in excellent condition. Over one acre of land. Do not delay seeingthia Una home offered at 110,900, Walker 4 Walker. Realtors. Highway 3fi. Shrewsbury. RE Open T 4ayg. n MiftMtetown. Just painted inside and out. Attached garage. Two bedrooms, oil heat, full cellar, Near torei and route 36. Not in development. Mortgage arranged; 5S per month carrying charge, includes taxes and Insurance. E, R, Snyder * Co., 195 First avs,, Atlantic Highlands. AT Call now. Other llatinga deaired. FAIR HAVEN See tl.ii attractive three-bedroom ranchar in biau* tiful River Oaks, located on >«acre corner lot. Spacioui living room with fireplace, picture window In dining room, ceramic tilt hath, Lovely kitchen with Formica counters, ranire and Frieridaire dishwasher included, The 'H'*2i' lamtroom will deli*tit all tha family: Jill, Laurel dr. RE M n p room, TV room. \nrg% ki d itunrnnm three baths h* I'M full i LITTLE- STCVKR ThreebedroolirC^ lonial, 1 Vi tile bathe, livintr room with fltepiacs, dining room full basement Attached israite, Seven years old. Lovely landscaping; $19,800 Williwm S. (.M-rUon. KB 6-0H04. FAIR HAVKN COU)NIAL %.«r«, well laiidienped vroundk. Throe tarica bedroomii,!'s tit* bit hi. spacioue living room with flraplnct, tilnfng room, many extra-, Including Hen Enclosed porrh, full baiometit. Reduced to $.1,300 WillUm S. Garrlson. 77 Broad at. RE MIDDLETOWN ~ New ranch horn* Three bedrooms living room, A\n-> Inff rnom deluxe kitchen, tile bath full ba»fment: attached Kara*. Kxcellent flnanrlug; 14.«0n. William S, (.arrlson RE 8-0»;rn 24-hour iervlw. FIVE-ROOM HOUHK~Two bedrooms living mom dlnettti. kitchen, bith Full hrimemenl Storm wlnriciwn und dip«r,. l*»t NO'slOir, Csll KE fi-ssrn.j. LAKKFRONT FAIR HAVEN - Small home at least I&0 yenrs om, ^ettlnir for antlriues. Plcturej windnw, r«nornmlr view nf durkn and Ice ukateri, Two bedrooms, two baths. full and den. carpet and drspei: t'irt.imn^ William 8, Garriion. 77 Broad at. KB *-0H5A> 1 reliar ii<>w h 1 i)0'xl9.~«* Ti LAI { KKI> BANK BARGAIN I lu-ih*nt ml ; m-ea. City newer. Two-a[ Hrtmrril ' hnme. Easily cnnvertible tn four bful- roonrin two bathe, iptrioug I. itch*-it. ftia,tmik«to everything. I'r*?seni nr- rmjcfciiicitt hue I wo n «rtiii«fit» fur tn-! come conwiouai purchaser Rar» tmr- ' KRin cither wny Askintr f IS, "<)(). I Open, to rchitonabic offer. First offering Call now. Won't lest.. Adam- Anenry KK S-SOSS 16 nt fierg»r "24-hour»ervire." SHREWSBURY SPECIAL! Lovely. r*wlar«, full reliar. iill«r wail*. 01! Rt. Convenient neighborhood. "Value galore: 4/J0O. Adams Agency, RE 509N. Iff East Bergen pi. "Open 7_jiays and evening!." LITTLE saver MUPRKMBI Lovely Lhtre-he<tr<M>m rnncher, ipiicinun y»r. >,.«> mtw dining room, livirig room, fireplace: hnokmiee. queen-. fl kitchen two halhn: twn-rnr trnraxe. Center hall rlnncti galore, recreation rnom laundry room. Uncbalrmi at I2 4.O00. Free to look, th an Rpiiointmtnt Call now, A. I unit AKenry. KE fi-.'ififlh. KHIT Bergen _plfc "2 4-hour >ervice." RUMSON FBATURE!--Lov«ly, sevevyear-old prawlinif rancher. f*ilar. two btthn, dsn, three bed room*: three-. varsire Spnrious living room, dining room. MajCRtic tree-la den grounds Walking diitmnr* to Holy 1 M»rhool. Aftkins 145,000. Unparellet view unrl Incut ion. CHI! fur Hlijinintment now. Adam«Agency K hour Re>rvire>." IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! - - 'Executive Colonial nplit, l^twly, fnir Hiven, Towering till treer. Three bedroomr, cellar, recreation room, platter wills, two baths, laundry; twn-rnr!te>rattt>. Twoflr«pld<-e>n.Mwny vrtluerl festuree Select neighborhood River ights: ISA.50u. Call now. Innp-vt nt your convenience Adum- Aitfncy. RK lofth. IS Eait Rergen I>1. "24-hour ^vire." TWO ACRES Houet On hah eurfuced road. Convefiient to Red Rank. Cnmnletelr new down- tairi: unfinished uintnlm. Phone rlt BED BANK RCdfTCI Thur^ty. J.n. 10, 1957 M Real EitalB for Sale THOMPSON and LEFFERTS, INC. RE RENTALS Five-room ranch, rare paneled kit* then, immediata occupancy, 1110 NT muntti. ( irigi spsrtment on estate in Rueasea Applebrook - Cosy G-roon rsne I, flreplare in living room, larage. lilt. Hum son Nine-room horns, I baths, 1275 PLOT 100x130, Rumion Snitnhle for sve or two homes. Near Holy Cinm»chi>o]. Rim route Swimminjr. boatin«_ RU I.flfl52-J or RU 1-lRHO-R.' SPL-LftVBL SACRIFICE! Lovely Cdnnial split. Three bedrooms unfinished fourth alt purpose room, recreation room, dining roim laundry. Trees. Unpsrallel at 115,1*00, A.inm* Aiencjr. RE 8-5U9H. East Bergen pi, "24-hour service." t U ACRES House of fi ve rooms and bath. Two-car raraire. rhicken coons; H-acr* ot evergreens. WH 4S47. SHREWSBURY BOROUGH Colonial ranch, on 1 'i acreti. Colonial charm, yet mndfled to meet today's h If her atandard of living, A few of the featured are an nvmized nanny living room, dinette and streamlined kitchen, three large bedrooms and bath, space tor additional fourth bedroom nnd hit tli.!.re**e<-awt-pt pine panelfkf glinm-in porch and many lovely features left to your delight. Yes. ami for only (11^.900, Klwnod A Armstrong Airency, Realtor. Pinckn«y id RB *-85f)(,. KAIR HAVEN RANCH Six laftre room s, H uge plat, Th ree be<t - ronmi and HU bath full dining room and a hand? homemaker'i kitchen. Large Hvinir room with brick fireplace. Attached garnire. Tnapcetlon invited. Aiklnff HN,»O0. Rlwood A. Armutronjr Airency, Realtor. Plnckner rd. RE_fi-3 SOB, HOT COLONIAL In a fine Little Silver area Thie six-room emaculate Colonial will not last at the price it is listed at, Three large bedrooms and We bath, large living room with wood-burning fireplace, full dining room, epacioue kitchen wilii Lit* countertop. sunny porch: attached fa rag*. Ahov«all. an 100x100 corner plot with beautiful treea and only asking $19,- #00. R'wnod A Armstrong Agency, Reajtor., >!'^"ZZJ&. B K " 3S. J» TAIR HAVBK Deep wooded plot with babbling brook. Seven large roomi. Four bedroonna, two til* batha. living room with bay window and I OK-burning fireplace spacious kitchen and GE dishwasher. Family dining room, full reliar. steam oil hent. Screened porch: attached two-car u&- ruffe Combination storm aaeb. screens and ' awnings. Asking only Z».r.O0. El wood A Armstrong Agency. Resltor Plnrkney rd. RE «-350r>. MOST FOR THE MONEY In a new house. River view ranch. 13.\2I livini room, large kitchen with table top range and wall oven, Three large bedroomi dlninr room; attached usrao-e; porch full iry cellar. Hot water oil heal. Taxes 80. Very reasonable financing. A bargain st SIS, 290. BIwood A. Armstrong Agency. Realtor Pinckney rd. RE f-3,-,05. FOUR BEDROOMS Nice neighborhood reasonable price. Cape Cor], owner-built home: corner lot. 243x163, with lots of privacy Huge kitchen, den. two baths, enclosed breezewny, full cellar: oversiied garage. Uvinu room, dlniiik room, baieboard hot wnter gas heat. Taxes A buy at $15,900, BIwood A, Armstrong Aitenry. Realtor. Pinckney rd. RE IDEAL TOR GROWING FAMILY Little Silver Caps Cod Colonial. Three bedrooms and a lame playroom, which could be converted into a double bedroom. Two tiled bathi utility kitchen, dining room IB' living rnom. Lot «0xll0 Taxes $172. Priced st 18,500. Blwood A. Armstrong Agency, ltssltor. Pinckney rd. RE e-3sois. SHREWSBURY RANCH Living loom with fireplace, three bedrooms, snelosed porch; plot 7e"xl»7'. Owner anxloue to eell at 117,700, Redden Aganey, 301 Maple are., corner Bergen pi. RE i-sita. UTTLE HLVBt COLONIAL Two bedrooms and bath, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; second bath, bedroom and den on aecond floor. Full cellar. Aaklng 111,500, Redden Agency, 101 Mai»l* ave., corner Btrgin cl. RE Lit«0. TWO AND ONE-HALF ACRE* In the mort (. li-aljle eriata a ret of Middietown An opportunity to owa a lovely ail* for your home of the future. Priced at 16,000. A STARTER For young married couple interesud ia owning a lovely home. Built in till snd in excellent condition. Two'bed* room ranch with 2 unfinished rooms ia expnnaion attic. Hone fully insulated. Screen and itorm sanri throughout. Well Undririinrtl lot. Patio. Taxea»0. Asking l:t.7i>() PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Three bedroom*. 2 til«bathe. 22-foot living room, dining room full cellar* redaar lined rlnseu, home in excellent condition. Price) f 17,500. FOR YOUNG EXECUTIVE Colonist in Little Silver. Thrae badrooms, 1 '/j bathi, fireplace in living room. Recreation room in fall cellar. Barbecue pit on ihnded patio. Low taxes. Aaking 119,009. TIRED? Of city living 7 Noisy and lusty stieem? Neitflibore bit* thing ttowa your neck? Your answer: New/ raneh 5 mi lei from Red Rank center. Thre* hedrooms, l ',, hsthh, Living and din* ing roomi. Kitchen with wall oven. Lnrge full cellar. Two-car attached nge. Call for inspection. Price 21,- COLONIAL-RIVER OAKS Many charming; features In this I- bedroom horn* reduced in price for action. I j rife living room, den, lua, mum mill powder room on flrst floor. Playroom in cellar. Two-car attaehec garage, Asking priee I THOMPSON and LEFFERTS, INC. SO White St. Call RE t-4131 Red Bank, N. J. OPEN 34 HOURS A DAT LITTUt 8ILVBR RANCH In excellent condition, Sunken living room with fireplace, throe bedrooms, two baths. Knotty pine kitchen and paneled dining room. Two porches. Two-car garage. Split-rail fence. Host desirable neighborhood. Only Ml.SOU. Redden Agency, 301 Maple ave., corner Bergen pi, RI t-sato. SUM86N~BbAlP-6ne~of ~the" older reiidencei that is well maintained. on a plot TixIdO fret. containa four bedrooma and two bathe on the second floor: two bedrooms and bath on the third floor: and living room, lavatory dining rouin. kitchen and laundry on the nrat floor. Equipped with nil-hurning vapor heat. Onecar uarnge Only two blocka from the paroehui school. Offered at William H Hinlelmann {Firm) Real tore RU I-OI0U THE MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, RED BANK Bl Bread Street, Beet leak. New Jersey NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS The regular annual meeting of the shareholders ol The Monmonth County National Rank, Red Bank, will be held at s main office at No. 3 Broad rtlreet, In the Rorouih of Red Bank, County of Monmouth. State of N»w Jersey on Tuesday. Jsnuary 2^, at 111:00 o'clock A. M. (Eaitern Standard Time), for the purpose of election of directors and for tha transaction of aueh other business es troperly may come before aald meeting or any ad Journment thereof. In aecdrdsnes with the By-Laws, the Board of Directors has fixed 30 o'clock P. M. (Eautern Slsndard Time! on Jsnusry Z as ths record dste for tha determination of shareholders ntltterl to notice of, and to vote at, such meeting By order of tha Board nf Directors. Dated: Had Bank, N. ),. December 20, me. JAMES VAN PKI.T Cashlsr. When la denies abaut kew te aell ejnwaited hsueehold geoda. solve four problem wltb The Reglster'a elaselned ads. Advertisement WEART-NEMETH AGENCY 102 W. FRONT ST. (Ample Parkinf) RED BANK HOUR SERVICE MIDDLETOWN Higaway property. 2 Vi acrea with eight reom house. An excellent businesi opportunity. Priced for fait sale at I17,DOQ. I.INCROKT Two-bedroom semi-bun- KHIOW with large expansion attic. Living room, full dining room, kitchen and bath, baiement and two-xar garage. Must sell, asking price Vliiee RED BANK Income property, good location. Three apartments renting at < 1280 monthly. Pries IlI.OOo. LINCKOtT Wooded plot 115x1*1. New i.foot rancher, custom built. Living room with fireplace, three bedrooma 1 % baths, full basement and two-car garage. Priee Ili.OOe mortgage available at 5%, WALKER & WALKER Red Bank OCEANPORT Atmoit n«v split. levfll. L*rg«living room, din in* to*m, thrtt b«4reomi and til* btth aid lavatorr. Rteraation room and pacioui kitchen with eoimttr-top rent* and built-in ovtn. Alao, a full.** Owmr traii.ftrr«d. SM todijr it 119,750. RUMSON Thrto-btdroom ranch with largt jaloutit tnfloitd porch and xpaimioi. attic. Taxti Convoniant to all achuoli, bua and baiehti. A good aii* G. I, 4^fc (ft mortgaft can b* tratiafcrred. Trict $18,600. SKKW-SBUHV Like flndins #10.- U Y. lo b* a bit to buy tola f<",o00 nine-room horn* for only ia juat like Andinff 110,000. Owner *u«h*nly hn> to laav* ar«t> and haa wrltttu off th«coit or many *- trm, HDch fit costly ihruhbcry and wlmminu \mv\. There tr«four luxuriou» h«d rnnmi xn rl two ti ltd bath*. Inry* century r>m trfsn ihatte tha yard. Rtsally «tint hnma that you ihould ttt*e without, rlflny. tltjmmln Kumtr urta, Capa Cod with four bed roomi and two batha. Ther* la a aiiaablt llvinff and dlnln* room kitchvn arid rttlar, on a lot IOO HO, with flnt old trtti. N«ar but and t,*hchti In Holy Trout Pariah. Tax** I13K. Aaklng flf.,500. WALKER & WALKER Realtors Highway 35 Shrewsbury KeH B.nk Open 7 deyt.

50 no 19S7 EiMt /or Sola ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, INC. lfeamouth County's Oldest Real Estate Firm 199 Broad Street REd Bank IMMEDIATE ACCESSIBLE OCCUPANCY Almost naw ranch home, reception hall. Spaeioue living room with pine paneled, full sis. dinink room, pine kitch.n with electric range. Thr«. Una btdroom., til. bath. Full baxment light and dry. g.raga. N.»r.chool...hoppir>g and town, and looted on a bu. line. 122,000. CONVENIENT LOCATION Comrsratlvely new two-story home In Fair Havtn, expansive lot. Large living room with rlreplac dining room, kiteh.n. Three good slsed bedrooms with tkree batha. Attractive den. on. or attached lar.gc. MCTI? ii>plianc ineluded in.all. An unusual bur at 121,- 00. BRAND NEW HOME LITTLE SILVER Ml. < a spaciously attractive four-bedroom hou»«. nice plot of ground. Living room, dining room, kitchen. Four good bedrooma and two bath.. A real eeuntrr type location, convenient to eehoole aad stores. SUBSTANTIAL HOME-»1»,»00 location, throe-bedroom house In Little Silver. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, full baa.m.nt, moderate Una, one car attached garage- Aa ezeelleat hurl TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE BED BANK Tha W a mellowed home, perfect for family or bu»lne» couple. Cloee to none, bus Una,,MI. FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL Beautifully landseeped almost new oolonl.l hoaa. with four bedrooms,» J4 batha. Charming living room with replsca. dining room, kltchan with range. Comfortable den, porch, full site basement, one ear attached garage.. Only 111,900. RANCH HOME GOOD LOT ' Attractive living room witk Ireplaee. full sise dining roosa. kitchen, all ejlsctric. Four bedrooms, one kath. partly flalshod came room, full be*.- awnt. On. car atuehed garage, attic, patio. Modest price, OLDER HOME CAPE COD Wholesome living rooaa with replace, kitchen, with refrigerator and tore. Two bedrooma, ona bath. Largo un room, expansion attic for two more bedrooms. Kite street In Shrewskiry. IH.710. GRACEFUL RANCHER This is sn snasnally appealing; splitlevel home In Shrewsbury, eie.ll.nt sonditlon. Large lot. beautiful grounds. Living room, dining araa, kitchen. Three bedrooms, two batha. Laundry room, tremendous gamoroom, good else baaement, two-car attached ga-, raga. Weaker aad dryer Included In \ gala of this moderately priced home. ^ 110,800. NEW THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE A perfect kouee In Red Bsak, «w. Traditional living room, dialog room, kltch.n. Three bedrooms aad one bath up.talra. Splendid gameroom, full baaoment. on. ear attached garage, exc«lbat location LOW SOWN PAYMENT Almost aaw bungalow, living room, dining room, modern UUkaaTlawjidrr. Two bedroom., tile bath. il.lm down. 70. par month para mortgage aid ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY. INC. 199 Broad Street REd Bank tf-3450 MIDDLETOWN REALTY CO. Gill and Kirwan Bid. Highway No. 35 Middletown, N. J. OPEN WEEK-ENDS MI STAR LISTINGS MIDDLETOWN BARGAINS "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" e e e Four delightful none. Living room with flreplace, large kltehen. Two bedroom, and bath. Attached garage and full Mllar. Completalr redecorated. Immcdlata oceupaner, Auume G.l. 4% mortgage. FULL PBICI 110,000 J-8TORY CONVENTIONAL" a e Livig Living rom, room, dining room, kith kitchen, 1 tt bath.. bth Three bed room.. Full c.llar. ndicaped. Plaater wall.. Property.l.e 7Zx.S0. Owner forc.d to move to Florida for health and will take back lit mortgage. Reduced from 111,, son to t,600, ASSUME i%% Ql MORTGAGE 1 a... ipllt-l.vel. 1'hr.e bedroom, all on upper l.v.l. Large living room, dining and kltehen, 1 % bath., rteraatlon room. Fully landscaped with trie.. Raduc.d for quick aal. from I17.S00 to S,BOO. No cloalng enata. WJRRr, HURRY, HURRY" Two-rear-old ranch, corner at, to.v.rythlng. Three bedrooms, living room, kltch.n, 2-car garage. Thla horn. wa. V.A. a t at 116,(110. Proilurtlve liuytr paid 11,200 down payment, lo.t hi. Job, you c.n auum. hi. eontr.m for You tlan.far 70fl. from Mi pocket te roura with your Ign.tur*. Msd Estsu fsr SmU RAY VAN HORN AGENCY A Fine Name in Real Estate Fair Haven, N. J. RENTALS One bedroom, modern garden apartment furni.hed per month. Colonial bungalow. Six rooms, 2 batha, garage, Riverfront 10-room home. 2% batba, DAVE GARROWAY SAYS: "Save 20% on the Homeowner. Policy." We are agent, for thie packaged poliey, ae well a. for all other kind, of insurance. EXCELLENT QUAMTT I1MO0. Aeklng." Thraa-bedroom cu.tom built ranch houaa. G-E hot water haat. Plaster walli. Fireplace. Screened porch. Storm window., Large plot, brook. Owner transferred. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 2 BLOCKS MOO. Attractive 4-bedroom kome. Two bath, oil heat. Landscaped plot. Owner transferred to Florida. Muat Mil, NEW YEAR'S BARGAINS Uauallr real eatate la ".low" for faw woeka around the holldera and tranaforrtd and out-of-town ownars getting "ankioua 11 for a Bale often sell at lower than "market." We have a few «uch "fcuie." RIVER OAK8 Four-badroom rancher. MagntfUcnt traei. high and dm. BaaeaBoat, gameroom. Fireplace. Oarage. Aaklng 121,700. Owner g building a larger House. RIVER VIEW. HALF ACRE Brick aad shingle. Me ocmter kail mack kouae. Two tiled batha, «bedroom., 11 cloeeul Knotty pin. dan. Two-car garag.. Formica kltch.n, Hotpoint wall even. IJ BROOK AND TREES IM.OOt and XU acra.1 A v.ry low price for thli eecludsd. well-located allroom koma. Porch, all haat, many xtraa. HALF ACRE PAST OF OLD ESTATE lzt.101. Delightful spllt-l.v.1. 1 year old. Seven rooms, I tiled baths, den, birch Formica kltchea. washer, dryer, wall even. Two-car gang.. Dry basement. FAIR HAVEN 11,109. Almost naw, i Canter kail. Four-bedroom colonial. Formica kitchen, dishwasher. Panalad dan. 14-foot living room, flreplace. Hot water oil haat. Plaster walla. Dry baaamant, 2- ear garage. Half acre. Owner treneterred. TALL EVERGREENS * HOLLY A.king, Shr.w.bury River. Acre plot. Doek,.ton. bulkhead. Bightroom reeldence. 2H tiled bathe, Formica kltchan, G-E dlahwaiher, Anderson range. Two unplaced l-ear garage. RAY VAN HORN Fair Haven'a Fint Realtor. 804 River Rd. RE RE Owner Builder RE Leaving for Florida MUST SELL By Appointment Only REDUCED IHUWSBURT 4a Shadow Break rd. Three-year-old house, builder's aarllce. Threa bad rooms, two batha are* tear. Two bedrooms, ona unialshad bath aeeand Boor. All krlek and atone, nicely landscaped. All tloeeta cadar lined. Flnlahed baaement. Can be ranted witk laaaa and option to buy. Investment pnparty la Ocaanport. Und.caped wat.rfrt.nt pnparty. Threa inouma on throe acrea of ground. All ranted. Ona kouaa furnlelma. Property Include, three-ear etaimta, Mperate garage, cottage, raom far threa additional kouaet, waterfront ha. Just been dredged. Deep ekananl aaw dock. OCEAMPORT 1 Pambarton».. Jkrea-badroom konat. complataly fnrnlahad. Xantal a month. J. LESTER RIGBY ASSOCIATES 658 Tinton Avenue New Shrewsbury RE Real Estate and Insurance EA Charming Shrewsbury ranch home Living room, dining room, three bedrooma, tiled bath, modern kitchen. Enclosed porch, and itnrm aa.h, attach.d gang.. Taxes and heating cu.l.!». Asking JlS.uOO. Country horn, by a fait running brook In Colt'. Nick. Nina acree. Living loam, dining room extra large kitchen, two bedrooma and den or third bedroom. Enclosed front porch, larg. patio to, Full cellar, double ga rage. MOO. Hence Park home In N.w Shrewsbury. Pin. pan.led living room, kltehen, bedrooms and bath. Full cellar, attachsd garage, flagstone ptllo, storm and aer..n.. A.king 118,SOO. Mttl. Hllv.r Uraclous > <>!,,nl«l horns. All room. ar. l.rg.. Efficient flreplace In 19x21 living room, full dining rnom, three bedrooms, tiled hath. walk-in, full cellar and lavatory, Excsll.nt location JW SIM* for Ms LAWLEY AGENCY JSTH REALTORS REd Bank ANNIVERSARY' SELECTIONS ON THE NAVESINK Beautifully Mt modern ranch home. Unparalleled 10-mile view. Sunken living room with greplace and VIEW, dining room with VIEW. Master bedroom with VIEW, two additional bedroome. Patio with VIEW. Oil haat, 2- car garage. Boat houea-ahop. High terraced S-acre plot, deep water. A.king 117,000. SPRAWLING COLONIAL This gracious home ha. an appeal seldom found In newer homos. Lovely ahadad acre setting of hug. buttonwood trees and English ivy. Tha living room I. ov.r 10' long, includee Dan, butler', pantry, powder room. Four bedroom., 2 bathe. Oil heat, t-ear garage. Truly aultable for a larga family. Asking 127,500. NEED MORE SPACE? tzt.eoo would never build suck a roomy home today. This t-story colonial home In Little Silver Is truly adaptsd to a larga family, ret it la compact. Living room with flreplace, dining room, eunporeh, tile kitchen, tile powder room. Three bedrooms, 1 tile bath. Msnr attractlva extrae. WALK-IN HEARTH That', right, the le that big. Thie truly striking new ranch home I. of conv.ntional architecture, but extraordinary. One full wall of the living room Is a hearth including both fir.plae. and charcoal grill. Heavy baame apan the celling. Kitchen cablneta are of double thick California redwood topped with ceramic tile. Included are den, S bedroome with full wall eloaets end 1 tile baths. Worth every bit of ISS.OOO. BRICK * FRAME RANCHER So' long. * large rooma. Two tile batha. Den. Oil heat, t-ear garage. Wall oven and counter top range, riot Ui'ilSO'. Top value at 114,000, SHREWSBURY Cute Cape Cod, I years old. Situated in line neighborhood. Three bedrooma. tile bath. Fireplace. Finished baaemant with built-in bar. Oil heart, garage. Excellent area for children. Asking TWO-STORY RESIDENCE Seven room., bath, conveniently located in Fair Haven, Fireplace, baaament. garage, oil heat. Perfect condition. Immediate oeeupaney. Asking S,SOO. For Dependability and Quality Harry A. Kearney & Co. REALTOR CONVENTIONAL OLDER HOME In Rad Bwk 1S,5OO Six twt/irt. *u' Iwti-iiaf aerate. Convenient location to schools, shopping, bus, etc, yet good neighborhood. OUTSTANDING TOP VALUE I16,N0 FULL ACRE... Waterfront... Four-bedroom, BRAND NEW ranch. Large living room,.. Finest sf kltehene witk wall oven, pine aakinsts, Hi batha, garage. CHARMING DECOR... Low laxes. LIVE IN A HOLIDAY HOUSE YEAR ROUND 126,500 California style three-bedroom ranch, with unusual appointments. Ultra modern living room, dining araa which pan., onto largo tagatona porch (glaaaad ev screened). Quite dlflarant kitehen, room for H bath. Atuehed garage. Ona acra, with finest of trass. Lovely Shrewsbury location. DISTINCTION NEED NOT BE EXPENSIVE ISO.O0O Century old... Little Silver, an. cat waterfront area. Enormoua living room witk anplaee. dining; room, charming kitchen, bath rat floor. Three bedrooms * bath second floor. Urge lot. Attached garage. Harry A. Kearney & Co. Rt 35, Middletown MI Marie Cox Agency 98 Comanche Drive, PorUupeck LOng Branch PORTAUPECK Ranch atyla koma with attached garage. Three bedrooms, large living room, ceramic tila bath. Hot water oil fired heat, electric range, automatic waahar. Urge caraar lot In excellent location, low taxes, lf, Attractlva riverfront home 111,100. LONG BRANCH Two-story home In convenient nice nsldentlsl location, a homo witk much charm for nice family. Three bedroom., extra large living room, dining room, kitchen, cellar, garage and largo lot beautifully ahrubbed, Marie Cox Agency 98 Comanche Drive, Portaupeck LOng Branch FAIR VICW SCHOOL LOCALS Ideal for growing family. Six-room cottage. Hot water circulator oil heat. Datachad overhead doored, l-car garage. Reduced to 111,500. RIGHT OF WAY TO RIVER Sturdy built dwelling. Full cellar. Fir., plae.. Hot water circulator oil heat. Ampl. grounds. Anxious to relocate. A.king 115,000. PRIME WATERFRONT High elevation, exe.ll.nt. soil. Ample acreage for privacy, Must sell. Asking 110,000. i FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL DENNIS K. BYRNE Realtors Insurers 8 West River Road Rumaon, New Jersey Telephone: KUrnson Mssi Etstsfsrisls HALL REALTORS BROS. 813 River Road RE of Fair Haven OWNER SAYS SELL! Barn rad colonial. Three bedroom baths, extra lavatery. la'xl.' living room with flreplace. room. den. Side porch, breftkfait room. B.e.ment, attached garage. Hot water heat. % acre plot. 121,000 for cjul.k.-i.. "LARGE FAMILY" COLONIAL Center kail plan. Four bedroom., two tilod baths. French doors load from dining room to kriek terrace. Ultra modem klteh.a with dinette. Tiled powder room. ig'xto* paneled etudy, flreplaee. Flnlahad rumpus room in baaemant. Attacked garag. and saaall barn. Many axtraa. Owaar traneferrad. H.,100. RETIREMENT COTTAGE 100'ilSO' Plot. Full dining room. Two bedrooma with tiled kath. Expansion attic. Full, dry kaaament. Hot water, oil trad heat. Attached garage. Quiet side street. Include, diskwashar, electric range, and weaker. Owner must sail tkia month. Only LITTLE SILVER COLONIAL. Shaded eora.r plot. Throe bedrooms, tiled kath. Bay window, colonial flr.- plaea, full dining room, tiled kltehen. Enclasad alda porch. Full basement. Attached garage. Well built. Huge evargraaa tree., choice location. Low uxei. Ill,soo. RUMSON RIVERFRONT e Baautiful view oa all eidee. Excellent bulkhead. Naw 41-ft. dock. 110-ft. on Shrewsbury Rivsr witk 7-ft. of water at low tide. Easy to bay A ocean. Property affords unusually aafa anchorage during bad weather. Sturdy home contains «rooms, areplaee. I baths. G.«apace beater. Studio * tool (had on promises. A me.t anuiual opportunity at 111,100. FAIR HAVEN FOUR BEDROOMS Living room, (.replace, dining ream. Sun porch. Full baeement, hot water oil. Two-car garage. Excellent repair. Wa have key. 111,100. UNUSUAL BUY. SMALL RUMSON LOT. 11,700. Magnificent n.w colonial. Four bod. rooms (spaca for a k), huge beautiful kltehen with built-in atove, freesar, refrigerator, diskwashar. living room kaa door, opening tremendous terrace. Paneled dat with traplaca, Vlaw of the river and river rights. Call for appalatment Ellen S. Hazelton 16 West River Road Rumaon, N. J. RUmaon W. P. SCOTT BUILDER i OWNER 74 MONMOUTH STREET RE RED BANK NEW HOUSES ON LEWIS LANE FAIR HAVEN RE &37S4 UNDOI CONSTRUCTION toady for eoeapaa.y Dssambsr 1st. select your ewa decorations, law bedrooms, two tile bathe, master bedroom with bath. Uvlsg roam witk replace, through hall, knotty pine dm with areplaee. full dining room, lane kltakea. roradea eeuotere. linoleum leor. electric rang, and dlaawashar. aihauet faa. hot water baasboard circulating heat powder roam en aret loor. Larse porch, two-ear garage, full eellar. Laadeeapee) with driveway. The Meistrich Agency 97 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. RE FAIR HAVEN tu,wo Colonial la excellent condition. Extra l.rg. building lot and hot water heat- Ins syatem. Priced to sail. Immediate occupancy. FAIR HAVEN»ll,600 Colonial three bedrooms, living room, dining room and modern kltch.n. Oil flrad. WHITE OR COLORED RED BANK $1%MO Lovely naw thrse-hadroom, epllt-uv.1 horn, with mod.rn kltehen, recreation room, homo laundry and attached garage. Convanlant location, kuilt with V.A. approval. FOR RENT Three rooms, vary clean, furnished. lit. monthly, boat Included. HAROLD A. MEISTRICH JACK CORCORAN, Sales Mgr. CALL NOW RE HOUR SERVICE ROLAND PIERSON AGENCY 77 Broad St. Red Bank, N. J. RE SHREWSBURY Thm-bsdroom horns, full cellar, larga lot. Til. bath, <!«Hil«klUlien, all newly decorated. Near shopping center. Asking 114,000. LINOROFT Large thr«c-b.droom ranch kome in wooded area. Dining room, keautlful kitchen, laundry, so-ft. parlor, full cellar. Two-car attached garage, patio. Lot about *e acre. Mora property may ba had If desired. A vary good buy st 121,000. MIDDLETOWN Two-b.droom home, Ideal for couple with no children. Hou.. In condition. Full c.llar, I ear attached garage about I acre, nice re.ld.ntlal ar... A.king 111,100. INDUSTRIAL UOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE t INSURANCE MORTGAGES Msst Etsts fsr Ms Roliton Waterbury OFFERS CHARMING OLD COLONIAL FARM HOUSE located on mora than an acre of land. 14-foot living room ha. beamed ceiling «nd flrapiae., full dining room also with beamed eeiling and enormous fireplace, attractive den, separate TV room, larfa homey kitchen, full bath downstairs. Five bedrooms and two up. Decorated In beautiful taste. Oversixad two-c.r attached garage. 140,000. CENTURY OLD COLONIAL located on lake front on % wooded, landscaped acre. Picture windowe in botb living room and den overlook aerene water view. Modern kitehen with pine cabinet.. Two bedrooms, two bathe. Quiet dead-end etrect In choice Fair Haven neighborhood. Convenient to transportation RUMSON WATERFRONT. Threo-rearold Cape Cod. containing 4 bedrooaia and 1 baths. Separate entrance hall. Living room has pleture window overlooking tha watar. Larga pine paneled kltchaa with plenty of eahlnota. Laada of closeta. Attached garage and hard top drive. I.100. TWO-STORY COLONIAL on well landecapad corner lot in Little Silver, Living room with bay window and fireplace, full dining room, tile kitchen. I kadrooms and tile bath. Haa plaater walla, enclowd porch, full basement, oil eteam beat, etorm windowe, 1 car attacked garage with klack top drive. Tile kome le In excellent conditloa. Immediate oeeupaney. 111,800. FAIR RAVEN COLONIAL. Larga living room witk I exposures, dining room has eorner cupboard, t bedrooms and tile bath. Full eellar. Garag.. Only 115,501. Roliton Waterbury REALTORS-INSUROR MORTGAGES APPRAISALS 16 Wert Front Street RE BERG VETERANS Up to months to pay 1218 DOWN $63 PER MONTH 10 to 4* day. free from Payments After Closing An older homo and what a buy 111 Four bedrooms, full dining room, larga kltch.n with pantry, threa porches (ons encloud and heated), full baasment. oil hot water haat. pleatered wall., g.rag., etorm wlndowa and screens and a large completely landscaped lot. Immediate possession, 110,990 FULL PRICE NON-VETS $1,700 DOWN Monmouth County Office THE BERG AGENCY "Pcrgonallzed Service" Middletown Reuta 15 Middletown, N. J. Dally Sat.-Sun MOVE RIGHT IN In Middletown. Attractlva three-badroom ranch, featuring flnlsh.d reerratlon basement, tile kath, hot water heat. On large tot. Mortgage aeaumptlon available. An eiceptlon.l bur at H4,f00. Tomaito Bertagna Agency 1355 Oak Tree Road Iaelin, New Jersey Liberty AYRES-TRUFOLO AGENCY DESIRABLE SHREWSBURY THREE- BEDROOM RANCH HOME, wtib full ba.em.nt on approximately H acra. In quiet neighborhood, convenient to sll facilities. This is worth your earllnt consideration at 114,000. rtvavyear-old CAPE COD IN FAIR HAVEN. Two bedroom* with expanalon attic aultable for two bedrooma and kath, full bawmant, attached garage. Corner property on two lota Ideal location I14,TI«. AYRES-TRUFOLO AGENCY OPEN EVENINGS Little Silver RE Joseph G. MeCue Agency REALTORS 30 Ridge Road RUmson "THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OVER TEARS EXPERIENCE 11 RUMSON. Corner plot 50x111 with additional 40x100 rear. Frame dwelling with living 4 dining rooms, kltchan, pantry. Three bedroom., b.tli. Twocar garage. Basement with laundry. Low tex.a. For..le llf,4to. For rent 110 on I..M. RUMSON. Attractlva new rancher. Ons landscaped acre under largs with aeeeu to th. river. Large rooms, center hall, living 4 dining room., modern wall ovened kitchen. Three kedrooma, t tiled bathe. Ideal area for family seeking to avoid and noise and haiard. of UalHo.trots. Ill,ISO. RUMSON. English Stratford d.slgn, Brick, stucco, timber, extra heavy I.I. i,i»r»ui. nh.wlih.l-. Four!I«<1- rooms, 4 tiled baths, living room, dining room, dsn, brsakfs.t area I picture window), bawnent, laundry, t-ear garage. Over 1 la seres, Subject offer. 141,100. RUMSON. Brick * frame. Nntled beneath giant oaks * dogwood. Canter hall, living t dining room., mod.rn kitchen with breakfaat bar, dan, Thrse bedrooms, I tiled baths. Second Boor bedroom * tiled bath (space for I more bedrooms t bath). Full basement with 2-ear garage, laundry ft space recreation room, 48,00 n, The Register's clanifird advertisements have mom readers, which means more re.ulls. Advertisement. MONMOUTH OOUNTra LEAOINa RENTAL REALTORS RUMSON Carriage house. Six bedroome, two batha. Available February 1st. tleo. per month. MIDDLETOWN Ranch. Three h.drooms, one bath per month. Year'. leam. RED BANK Two-.tory. Three bedrooma, on. bath per month. NEW SHREWSBURY Cape Cod. Two bedrooms, one bath, 1110 per month. EATONTOWN Cape Cod. Three b.droom., one bath per month. LITTLE SILVER Cue Cod. N.wly decorated. Two bedrooma, one bath per month. RED BANK Three bedrooms, one nd one-half bathe par month. FAIR HAVEN Three bedroom., two bath.. 11(0. per month. RED BANK Prof.aslon.l oflc. and home. Four bedrooms, ene bath per month. SHREWSBURY Ranch. Throe bedroom, one and one-half kath per month. SHREWSBURY Ranch. Living room, dining araa. den. kitchen, thrse bedrooms, two baths per month. SHREWSBURY Bungalow. Two bedrooms, one bath. Furnished per month. LITTLE SILVER - Apartment. Four roam and bath. Heat furniahed. 7(. per month. Available until June 10, HIT only. Help Wanted ENGINEER Hoover Electronics A Baltimore company subsidiary of a SO ysar old International electrical napllaneo manufacturing company. Engaged in long range growth with a eubetantlal backlog of induetrlal aad Government contracts. We offer top pay and outatsnding promotional opportunities to engincr. in the following «.ld.. SPECIALIZED TEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRONIC RANGING EQUIPMENT RADIO NAVIGATIONAL AIDS INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS COMPUTING EQUIPMENT MISSILE GUIDANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTATION TELEMETRY CALL C. B. BARNES MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL Red Bank Monday, January 14 and Tuesday, January 15 or write Personnel Director Hoover Electronics Company 1440 Woodland Baltimore, Maryland Wa naed an Intelligent, ambitious young man to SS to learn handling and soiling of retell wall and door tile. Experience helpful, but not eixntiat. Apply In pereon Mr. Wolfson, Jaaeo Tils Co., Highway li, Eatontown, opposite Bendlx. MEN Due to our larga expanalon program. we need additional rapramntatlves in this ana. We offer a career opportunity with annual aarnlnga bctwora 16,000 and and rapeat buelnoss m u m steadily Increasing income. Sales experience la not necessary but apeclal consideration will be given to rout, men and man with direct sales experience* Thorough training with 171 weakly salary training period. Apply In person at Standard Foods Corporation of Naw Jaraey, 701 Tenth Ave., Belmar. Hon., Tuee., Wed., J.n a.m. 4 p.m. Biuinew Notice* Faralture. UpheteLry. Slip Cover. Cu.tom REl'PHOLSTERY SLIP COVERS. DRAPES Largest Selection of 1«S4 Fabrlea Call LO I-03S0 or t-oiss ALAN'S UPHOLSTERY 70 South Seventh Avenue LOng Branch Monmouth County's Largeet Reupkalstery Factory WE GIVE 8 4 H STAMPS WED. 4 FRI. NITES 'TIL LITTLE SILVER Lumber & Supply Co. Charges per day ALUMINUM UDDERS TO RENT 24 FT FT " PORTABLE SAW 4.00 FLOOR SANDER 5.00 Y 4 " DRILL 1.50 //' DRILL 2.00 HAND PLANER 5.00 CHAIN SAW 7.50 HEAVY BELT SANDER LIGHT BELT SANDER VIBRATOR SANDER 2.00 DISC SANDER 3.00 POST HOLE DIGGER 1.00 Little Silver Lumber Tool Rental Dept. Sycamore Ave. At the Railroad Little Silver ' RE HOME TELEVISION SERVICE 8«rvlce call. I!.v5, Plus parts, Wa off.r th. All.nhur.t Nationsl Dank K«sy Chan. Plan. Call EA 's «aey to op.n a charge account h.r>. Antenna Installation and npalra. Fait s.rvle. until 10 P. M. snd Builday.^ Vtsd 4UUH for Mm ED SULLIVAN'S A. I SAFE BUYS NEW LOW 1957 PRICES '49 Ford Custom 2-dr '50 Ford Custom 4-dr '51 Austin Sedan 350. '51 Studebaker Coupe 350. '52 Buick "Special" 2-dr Ara only Guaranteed '52 Pontiac Convert. Hydra '53 Pontiac 4 dr. Sedan 795. '53 Ford Custom 4-dr '53 Chrysler Hardtop 895. '53 Monterey 4-dr. Sedan 995. '53 Mercury Su. Wagon, Ovar Drive. WALKER & WALKER Realtors '53 Ford Country Squirt Fordoaaatle. Highway 35 Shrewsbury Red Bank '55 Ford Custom 2-dr Open 7 days. '55 Ford Fairlane 4-dr Fordomatic. '54 Mercury Sun Valley Mercomatie. '54 Monterey Hardtop M.rcomatlc. '55 Monterey 4-dr. Sedan Moreomatle. '55 Ford Country Squire Dealers of Quality Used Can Station W a c o n, F H t l '56 Ford Victoria, FOM, in Red Bank for 27 Yean Power Steering. '56 Ford Convert. FOM, Power Steering. '56 Mercury Executive'Cars. Fully Powered. Low MUeag.. ENGLISH AGENCIES Representing 'Ford Product! let 52 Tears Ifonmouth Street Oppoflt* Ctrlton Theater Used bar Lot Open W««Jrtajra'Ul»:00 RED BANK Auto Imports NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. Apartmentt RE MSST RED BANK 2-BEDROOM DELUXE APT Four spacious room.,. In a beautiful, new garden apartment; huge kitchen with latent equipment; faw mlnutee from the Parkw.y and aenter of shopping: free parting.' MADISON GARDENS llt-ut South Street REd Bank I-7S Biuinett Opportunitie$ TRICO TERMINAL CLOSEOUT SALE PLYWOOD (damag.d) %" «'*»' 10c psr aq. ft par sheet, V Plywood 4'JS' so per sq. ft. I2.S0 par sheet. %" Plywood 4' 8' 7c per.a. ft per eheet. USED AND NEW LUMBER 2"xl"xt'. 2">4"'x8 > ehnthlng. Heavy timber. Practically free. BEAUTIFULLY MANUFACTURED OAK FLOORING lie per bd. ft. ASBESTOS SIDING discontinued color per bundle. ROOF SHINGLES discontinue color p.r bundle. ENTRANCE DOORS slightly taper f.ct I8.B0 each. INSIDE FLUSH DOORS damaged 4.95 each. BRING YOUR TRUCK- BRING MONEY Toms River Open Sat. till 6 P. M. The Register's classified advertisements have more readers, which means more result*, Someonn has what you want or will buy what you have to sell, Advertisement. U-d Amiss fsr Mm Did You Know. «You Can Get a On«-Year Guarantee on a Used Car And as You Know, New Automobiles for 90 Day*.. INQUIRE HOWLAND B.JONES MOTOR COMPANY Used Car Dept. For Further Particulars HOWLAND B. JONES Motor Company 100 Newman Spring* Road RE BUT WHBRB REPUTATION AMD X OUR PROTECTION ' ARE PARAMOUNT. -OPEN BVEMINOar CIRCLE CHEVROLET WEEKLY! COMPANY SPECIALS! 1956 AUSIUi-HStVLEY Miles. PLAN YOUR FUTURE 1953 Chev. Bel-Air 1953 AUSTIN HEALEY CAN YOU QUALIFY FOR A 2-dr. 2-tone green 1953 MG TD MARK 795. MAN'S JOB? only $ full price 1953 HILLMAN SEDAN Buick Special 2-dr. 2-tone gray only $ full pric Thi* is your chance to own a fine OK used car and save a lot of cash! 19S6 Chev. 210, 2-dr. new ca guarantee. ' 1954 Chev, Bel-Air 4-dr. lik* v new. \ 1953 Chev'*. We have several. > 1955 Ford Victoria cpe. lota o] extras Chev Bel-Air hardtop verl clean DeSoto V-8, 4-dr. a beauty!] 1951 Ford, we have two. This Is only a partial lilting ef j our One stock of used cars frail m» UP I STOP! at the volume dealer I day for a deal you can't BEAT! CIRCLE CHEVROLET! 325 Maple Ave. Red Ban] Open Evenings 9 P. M. New Phone RE 6-38( GMAC TERMS First Birthday TRICO TERMINAL For Prize Winner KKANHBimO A tint Wrtfcda 1 Main St. Tom. River, N. J. party for Patricia Ann Olikl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rlcrf ard Olikl, Compton avi., was htl [ Saturday. Attending were Jane Cameron, Edward Baxter, Mr, Patrick Carroll, Barbara and Daniel Carroll, Patriok Carroty Mr. and Mrg, George Cameron, ' Patricia Ann won a contest a : Little Miss New Year in tha Bit Idoa magailn* contest for Ne»l Jerewy and New York. Bhe wlf be presented an award Sunday i her home. Of persong 95 and over In thi U. 8., 83 per cent are living oil wclal a*futity and other benefits! 30 per <$nt are a til I at Work. i

51 Offil IMITE TIL IK Store-Wide CLEARANCE 100% ALL WOOL AS LOW AS COATS 25. Value* to 69.98! COATS Orion DyiMl 79.91! COATS Jwt Value* to ! Nationally Advertised SUITS Fully Lined Tweeds,» Solids, many colon to choose from. Misses, Haljs end Briefs Reg ! AS LOW AS 84 At Uw At DRESSES All from Regular Stock-Misses & Junior* V*«I* JI.9S1 SPORTSWEAR: All Sizes All from regular Stock Skirts,!*..».! Sweaters,-<^r, nti Blouses, Leather Jackets H RAINCOATS Values to 27.98! Nationally Advertised Ml WMl «MM A* Low As As Low As As LAW AS 25 As Low As As Law As 11 KNIT DRESSES 5' Reg ! o to not ^aw Nt) RarflWfk N* or wt our UY-AWAY PUN i WuU WED. TO 16 Sunday* 12 to 6 Ampte Frt* Parking Rt. JB M mite Ntrtk tf Aitwry Clrclt} Av«. lltwhtr, Atlwry Pwh Ask County, State To Survey Sea Wall BEA BRIGHT The boroufh Tuesday night decided to uk both th«date and county "iminediateiy io undertake a survey at the North and South Beach sea walls" to determine what protective work needs to be done her*. The request wti in the form of a resolution that hid been uked by Mayor Thomas Farrell New Years day and wsa adopted unanimously. took note that the state and county have been building a South Beach sea wall, but said that part of the South Beach "remains unprotected, endangering the live* and property of our citixens." This refers to stretches of the beach where no wall has been provided for under the current 1690,000 llonmottth Beach- Sea Bright program. Irwta b Away Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, who recently said there was little chance of adding to the program In 1W7, could not bs reached for comment on the resolution yesterday. His office said he was "In North Carolina on a hunting trip." Tbs resolution said the state, oounty and borough "some ten years ago constructed a sea wall on the North Beach at a cost of $700,000," and that this wall "has been steadily deteriorating in certain localities." expressed the governing body's opinion that if this continue* the wall loon J "will not afford the protection! originally intended," and aaked I that the wall "be reconstructed or repaired and restored to its original protective statui." Mayor Thomas Farrell said, ; with council's agreement, that in order to get the necessary work done the borough 1* In a financial position to contribute up to about tan par cent et the money involved. Suggested was that the stats pay half and ths county 40 per cent However, Councilman Walter Johnson, recalling last year'a talk about the posalblhue. for federal aid in program! like this, aaked the statui of an eronion bill put through Congrtst lut year by Rep. James C. Auchlncioea (R. id Diet. N. J.) Ne Aparaarlatlea Yet That was the MB providing for U. 8. aid for protective installstiona on certain private lands adjacent to or Important to the security of publicly owned shore properties. was brought out that federal appropriations have not yet been made to implement the legislation. But, in the hope Washington money may be brought into the local picture, the matter is to be called to the attention of Mr. Auchincloss. Councilman Charles Ellenbergsr said that In making an approach to ths stats for a continuation of the eea wall on ths Booth Beach and the upshore re pairs, he would not want to of' fend the authorities by attempting to >et up a local formula for payment of the cost. Mayor Farrell and the othera agreed with this view, but said the storm hazard here remains a "moat serious one" that must be met In standing ready to help pay the cost, conienaus was that Sea Bright Is "giving a break" to the county. Such cost would be fi nanced in bonda. Councilman Neila Jacobten, street chairman, aald he has been making contacts, personally and by mail, with property owners on Center at. to aee if they would be willing to have their sevenfoot aidewajk cut back to flva feet in the projected sidewalk rebuilding program. Work for Boronrh Some he talked to previously had renewed sections of the walk and he aaid he was asked if the borough would stand the cost of putting in new curbing at those locations if they agreed to the cutback> Council viewed, auch a suggestion as reasonable and authorized such assurance. Thia would not affect the walk and curbing that the borough would rublic NOTICE Notice Is livm to MM tntll vottrs of tha School District of Hum son-fair Havta IWclonal Huh School. In thi Count? irf MonmouUi and Slut* of N«w JKH) that a public hsarlng will t» t»m >i th«hliih School. RWga Road. Rumaon. N. J.. at 8:00 o'clock P. M., on Tuaaday»»nin«. January 22, 1»!S7. for the purpose of adopting Uia followlna bud,«t for th. Khool n«r UDCET STATEMENT School Ynr ISS7-IMS Scats) DMrisi el Ruaasea-Falr Have* Resleaal Hisa Stkeel IUS5-&I (Actual) (Eatlmatstl) (Estimated) (7-121 (».IM (1-12) Rsslasnt Awase Daily fnrotlmsnt... 4T0.I 4*0 s Add: A.D.E. Tuition «.,.. I R«c.<< Total Average Pally EnroMment SOURCES OF REVENUE 4S< S 1S6I-5T 1D57-5S (Aetuall (Anticipated) (Anticipated) CURRENT EXPENSE Appropriation of Balanee *t IO».»7 t Local Tax Uvy ". 11.J5O ,l»0.»l J45,05«.l«State, Aid._... 2a,9a2.l» ' IM4J..1 TuiUon TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE 2, (A) REPAIRS * REPLACEMENTS Local Tax Levy (B) TOTAL REPAIRS * REPLACEMENTS CAPITAL OUTLAY Local Tax Levy... (C) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY DMT SERVICE Local Tax Ltvy State Aid Miscellaneous Revenue (D) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE I 7s,JS0.«0 TOTAL REVENUE ALL ACCOUNTS >32«,»2S.*0 RBPU9CTS FULL APPROPRIATiM! BALANCE JULY INCLUDES CERTIFIED AMOUNT OF DISTRICT'S LIABILITY TO TEACHERS PENSION FUND FOR VETERANS, CURRENT EXfENSt Admlnlatratloai Eleetiona Salaries Lefal Fees or Audit Feea Other Expeniea Instmrtion Supervisory: Salaries (EMI. Vocational) Other Expeniea Instruction Proper: Salaries I Ext I. Vocational) Textbooks Suppllas - Audio Viaual Aide (Ciunty Unit Aisesiments) Other Expenses Operations: Salaries Supplies Fuel..., Usht. Water and Power Telephone and Telegraph Other Kxnentes... Co-ordinate Actlvitiea: (Attendance a Health Service) gslariea Clinic Bxpeniea Other Expenses Auxiliary Agenciei: Libraries Tranaportatlon Cafeteria! Attiletlee Fixed Charges: Iniurance (Premiuma and/or Paymente) Pension Contributions to State * County Funds 8oelel Security Besrd'a AfP " " 1ATI0NS Expenditures * Contribution - «, Social Security Admin. Charge ,00 1, I Apprnpria-. Appropria tiom tinna itoo.oo, ) tno.oo ll.uo.oo 14, , ,100.00, B.0O 1, , , , , no 1, HOO.OO lt.ioo.oo Ho.fin 1.2SO.0O (, IBS, S100l>«1, ,( , ,1100.on 1, s I0A.0I t 2,14.1)0 l,< flO.nO , , g , , ,»S0.00 t,nl».bo JH.OO t.lo.tll) S4.00 i.;oo.oo 8.J0O (A) TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE... I 4.ilt.l7 tjll,lj»»o t28d.ioo.00 REPAIRS * REPLACEMENTS Materials Educational Equipment Office St Other Equipment Janitors' Equipment Other Bxpennea (B) TOTAL REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS SUBTOTAL (Sum erf» and B)... CAPITAL OUTLAY (BUDGET) Furniture and aviuipment (C) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE Rodemptlnn of Bonds and Notea.. Intereat (D) TOTAL BBBT RFJHVICE I 4, soo.oo I 11, I14I.27S.I0 $ ,500,00 soo.oo soo.oo I S2.0OO.O0 IS17.I00.00 I IMOO.OO I 21, t I I 70, ,24 2S I.I t 7H.2SO.OO till,his.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES < APPROPRIATION*) Sum of A to F Inr t 7.1H (1.52»,90 CURRENT OPERATING APPROPB1A." TION BALANCER JUNE 10 IM«: CURRENT EXPBNSF, tll.4x4.44 TOTAL BALANCED JUNE SI), SI... til TOTAL EXPENDITURES AN0 BALANCES JJ^S»yj IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS July I, ltf» la Jans SO. IN* VKMUVT *irtwor?7,atlnn». JULY I. IMS REVENUE!!: BONDS OR NOTES AUTHORIZED 1)71, I TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUES AND BEGINNING BALANCE IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION EXPENDITURES: (PURCHASE OK BUILDING) I7HO NEW SITES (Purchase of BulMInf) 1710,000,00 TOTAL IMPROVEMENT AUTHORISATION EXPENDITURES UNaWPENI)F.U IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS lunh 30, I»B«: TOTAL EXPENDITURE* AND UNO INC BALANCE The complete budget will na available for examination hy the iiuhlic at the Reeretary'l n*re, In the With Kehnnl, RM(«Road, Rnmtiin, N J h». fxeen the houtl of «:00 A. M. an<! SlOft P, M. each arhnni fl>y from Thurai)ar. January ) 1157 to Tueaday. January 22. '.957. EATHIcr WKBB. Sucralary Rosril of Kdui-allon of Runmon-Falr Haven Reflonal Ml,.. HW ""', tm BBMUMI wlwrs they* s«tvatatraiiv* wark done. There, in the general project, the borough would make the netallation and assess owners [or the cost. Mr. Johnson disputed action by Borough Clerk Clarence Stevena to go againat his expressed wishes and take money out of the nrs committee appropriation! in the year-end transfers prior to payment of all 1»M flre bills. Used waa WOO in the transfers. Mr. Johnson aaid he had aaked hat some 1600 in Bra department uppllea not be put on order unit Dec. 7. Now, with the moneyout of the account, there ia not enough left there to permit payment of thit bill with the listed i»m balance. Termed Beuttne Matin Mr. Stevens, who is the collector-treasurer aald it ia customary at the end of the year for :ranafera of money to be made rom one account to another and :hat there ia enough cash in reacrvs to make ra-tranafera and adjustments, before March, to balance out the flre account. Mayor FsrreU also said that exercise of this procedure would arrange the accounts so that the flre bill "would not nhow aa a 1W7 expenditure." He did recall, however, that Mr. Johnaon had instructed Mr. Btevens on the way he wanted hia account handled. Councils flre committee was asked to look into the drafting of an ordinance that would permit the underground installation of gasoline tanks up to 750 gallons each on properties of boat rental and service businusea along the Shrewsbury river. Councilman Bam L. Diggle, Jr., recalled that it was specified in an ordinance last year that installation of x&soline tanka waa prohlhitpd here following an ap- The National Guard, after 800 years of waiting, has s flrst plication by ths Shore Gas andwoman member. The New York <M Co. Air National Guard swore in Mayor Farrell aald that the ap-ca.ptplication called for a huge inville, Me. She Is a nurse veter- Norma Parsons of Waterstallation of a type considered an from Korea and African campaigns. by council to bs dangerous while the 750-gaJlon tanks would be used merely to aupply river craft. Hs said that ordinance could bs amended "at any time: Magistrate Asks Raise A request for a raise In salary to $800 a year was asked in a letter from Magistrate John P. Weir, who also recommended that the violations clerk, Police Chief Bert Boyer get $200. The magistrate cited an Increasing work load that came to 4H caaea In the local court last year. Council questioned Chief Boyer'a designation as violations clerk, saying he had not been officially appointed to the post. The request waa held over for a special caucus on the budget, set for Friday night, Jan.. A letter was received from Donald J.Pappa, : lawyer representing George Regan, questioning; the propriety of the borough charging Mr. Reegan Interest on a lot which the borough had found to be non-existent. Mr. Stevens said the matter had been straightened out amicably this week. \ Mayor Farrell aaid that council can act at s next meeting, Jan. 32, to ask for bids for the removal of condemned buildings from the South Beach lands of Steven J. O'Connor and the Oceanfront Development Co. Granted was an extenaion to Mar. 1 for the removal of a condemned structure on the land of Pasquale A. Long. Will Honor Mayor Mr. Jacobsen referred to the New Years proclamation of Mayor Farrell, calling for more public effort to support the Air Force Ground Observer corps. He aaid that an officer from the Air Force would attend the Jan. 22 meeting 10 express the service's ppreciatlon for the mayor's gesture. At the recommendation of Mr. Eilenberger, the beach committee is to start a full study of the municipal beach ordinance, aimed at modernizing the measure. Put ofl until the budget meeting was a request by Mr. Stevena for clarification on what to do about police salaries. The borough last year gave the police a ten per cent bonus. The mayor said that the salary should now revert to the standard level and would be subject to adjustment, retroactive to Jan. 1, If either a continued bonus or ralae waa decided on. HOSPITAL PATIENTS Among the surgical patients at Rlverview hospital this week are Gerald Brooks, 301 Garfleld ct., Long Branch; Mario Carvalho, 14 East Shore St., Keansburg; Mrs. Frances, 64 St. George pi., Key port; Mra. Ward Coles, 118 Bilvcrton ave., Little Silver; Mrs. Armenia Compton, 38 Johnson lane; Keansburg; Atto Hanna, 144 Ocean blvd, Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. Otto Hauser, 244 Ocean ave., Sea Bright; Miles Kelly, 25 Vermont ave., Port Monmouth; Mrs. Helen Klnney, Navesink River rd., Mlddletown; Mrs. Clarence Lovelace, 55 Fulton it., Key port; Thomas Masaey, 1(2 Middle rd., Key port; Edward Mlllan, Phalanx rd., Llncroft; Mrs. John Morris, R.D.I, Freehold; Michael Maun. 120 Wllaon ave., Port Monmouth; Mrs. Joseph Pryor, 52 Chestnut at., Fair Haven; William Telgen, 15 Church St., Belford; Charles Toop, Main rd., Llncroft; Mrs. Charles Welnkapp, 1 Hamilton ave., Leonardo; Mra. Rhys Willama, Moutaln Hill rd., Middletown; Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Alexander dr., River Plaza; William Wood 11 Caret ave., Port Monmouth. Medical patients include Miss Helen Barbnto, 7} Third at., Wast Keansburg; Richard Coppell, Harmony ave., Keansburg; Mrs. Ml chael Hanley, 23 Colllnaon dr., Port Monmouth; Mra, James Gleaaon, 24 Compton ave., West Keansburg; Mrs. Eva Hodaon, Collins at., Kesnaburg; Joaeph Hollenbei'ger, 1 Beach at., 8ca Bright; Mra. Robert MacKenzle, KM Palmer ave., Middletown; Louis Mandello, 199 rt. 35, Middletown; Mrs, Kenneth Newton, 71 Sea Breece way, Keansburg; Mrs. Henry Otl, 7 Highland ave., Rumson; Htlnrich Schucsaler, 324 Front at., Union Beach; Henil Werlcmann, River rd,, Rumson; Miss rvnnne Wylie, R.D.I, Freehold, and Mra. William Ztmmnrman, 121 Maple ave., Belford. Spanish women are trained to pit and stuff olives at the rate ot about one Jar a minute. Board Employs Two Teachers The board of education Tuesday night approved the employment, of two teachers, one a new teacher to the local system, and the other a former local teacher who retired two years ago. They will replacp Mrs. Ediih Fcrelli. second gi~m<le teacher at the River Street school who Is resigning becaum her husband la being transferred to Germany, and Mrs. Edna Accardo, River Street kindergarten teacher, who was granted a maternity leave of absence. Hired to replace them were Mra. Margaret M. Karp of Philadelphia, who holds a bachelor of icience degree from Beaver college and who will receive a salary of f3,i90 per year, and Misa Helen Egan, who retired two years ago. The board also approved a request for retirement by Edward Murphy, who recently completed 30 years aa custodian In the local school system. About Mr. Murphy, Dr. M. Gregg Hlbbs, superintendent of schools, said "In my 2D years' experience, he is one of the finest custodians I have ever seen." The board approved a new salnrv of $6.5t5 for the poaition of director of physical education and athletic director. Formerly the physical education instructor received salary of M.12S plus»460 for his dutlea as athletic director. The board recently removed the position of athletic director from the extra-pay for extrawork plan because the post ia administrative. RED BANK REGISTER Tkm*4*r, m, to, l*»7-51 DISCOUNT HOUSE 42 WHITE ST. RED IANK (METWt&M BEAKS ft LKON'H) The Store That Is DIFFEREST CHATHAM BATHROOM SCALES OPEN EVERY DAY 11»o ft FRIDAY TILL All tint quality Merchandise Money Cheerfully Refunded For Fast Results Use CUssiffed Dhplay FRED ASTAIRE ASIURY PARK 702 COOKMAN AVINUI Ovsr Milaa Ska* Stars PftasiMet I-SSOS FOR PARENTS! Fred Aslaire's original dance routines will leach your child grace, poise and self confidence, at no greater cost than ordinary lessons. Find out for yourself how easy girts and boys learn In dance with professional teachers. Tap Idle* Acrobtk WINTI* CLAIMS NOW 'ORMIN* RED IANK 7 MOAD sunn ' Nsar Fraat Street REal Baajk 1*11 FOR EVERYONE! Have you checked your dancing lately* Fred Astairt's will do it for you free. Call your nearest studio for a free trial lesson. See how simple it can he to do the Chacha, Mnmbo, and all other popular dances.., even if you have never danced before. TMtMtjt Ctauts, Adult OKMPI *> ITMCTLV NIVATI LlttONt ASTAIRE DANCE STUDIOS ASMMY PARK-at* RID tank WINTER CLEARANCE SAVE UP TO 507 ins ULISTAN sroxiury MASLAND HlftHTSTOWN «HRTH Rl 4*4941 The ; WEAVE SHOP '' S07 IROAD ST. SHRIWSIURY, MONMOUTH COUNTY* LEAPING CARPET STORK ' ' '/ 200 Yard! South sf R. R. on Broad Slrsat Ne Parklag airsklsm ' / Olh.r tnrti in Nfrw Hrumwick anil HatlrionAtlri, N,,T. and Ijincaititr, Ta * A >*</'.«* > 9x12 R U G S BALANCES OF ROLLS» TWIST TEXTURED SCULPTURED NO DOWN PAYMENT TO 0O PlVtJe PAY

52 UOSTEB M-Thund>. Jan. 10, 195T Scouts Have Busy Program '{EANSBURG Member! of jy Scout troop SI held a holiday tarty at a recent meeting at the choc!. Game: were in charge of Michael Ro«ko. Troop member!' mother* serving refrtshmenu wer. lira. Jotepb Adayih, MM. Vincent Cilll, Mr. William Gnig, Mrs. Charles Hansen, Mrs. Ueorf. Haessner and MK, Olga Dosko. Troop commlttt men and memben on Chriitmas day visited their scoutmaiters and assistant scoutmasters to give Uiem gifts at their respective homes. Honored were Mr. Rcsko and Joseph Oriswinski. Participating were Vincent Cilli, Philip Cummings, Charles Hansen and George Rocssner, scout committee members; nd Vincent Cilll, Jr., Philip Cumntlngs, Jr., Charles Hansen, Jr., James Jarvis, Paul Moroney, George Roessner, Jr., Frank Barricelli and Roy Bernhardt, troop Members. George Griswinski, junior assistant scoutmaster, and flvs troop members. Charles Adaysh, Vincent Cilli, Jr., William Greig, Paul Moroney and George Roes- ner, Jr., made a 31-mile hike to Farmingdale Dec 39. The group had planned to walk to Camp Houseman, hut hecaum of weather conditions that day, could aot complete their trip. Bicycle Safety Film Shown to PTA HIGHLANDS A film on bicycle safety was shown at a meeting of th» Parent-Teacher association of th. grammar school Thursday night In th. school auditorium. Mrs. Theodore R, Hermans, Ing afreement and order will be sjresid.nt, said a Founder*' dayheld Tuesday through Saturday, progtam will be preemted at th. meting Thursday, Feb. T, with Ifr. Hermans hi charge. Refreshments war. serv*d In th. school cafeteria. They were applied by second and third mothers, who were hoegrade teases. Shrewsbury** Official Family Reorgani Pictured at Thursday night's reorganization meeting of the Shrewsbury mayor and council ire, loft to right, Edgar W. Heller, Jr., Abrem A. Stnborn and James W. Bly, councilman; Ortrude C. VanVliet, borough clerk; John H. Hawkins, mayor, ond Robert R. Graham, Bernard I. White and William W. Curdt, councilman. Mr. Curdt, Mr. Sanborn and Mr. White later were adminittered their oathi of office by Mn. VanVliet, who alto helped induct Mayor Hawkins to hit third term. Potato Growers Question Set nubehold-a referendum to determine whstlwr potato producers In New Jersey favor the of a proposed market- Marvin A. Clark, otanmouth county agricultural agent, announced thle wttk. The yrograa. autttfrliea grade, atos, qualhy add maturity regulation* on the handling of Irish potatoes grown in New Jersey. Ballots and voting Inductio have been maiud to all potato growers of record, Ifr. Clark said. He urged any grower who felled to receive a ballot by matt to contact him. Voting will be by mall. To be eligible for oountlng, ballots must be received by the referendum agent not later than soon Saturday, h. said. Any producer who harvested and marketed potatoes in the IN* crop year (Jan. 1, ltttnov. 1, 1IM> may participate In th* referendum, according to the aa< nounceount. Holiday Activities! corporate Communion for thefor nine week* of recruit training. guild was marked Sunday and For St. Mark's Guild followed by breakfast In the parish house. RUHSOK Members of the guild of St. Mark's Episcopal church, Keanaburg, held their Eight Area Residents I HAW A Christmas dinner party recently Are Navy Enlistees at the Colony restaurant here. Tile dinner also marked the birthday* of two members, Miss Ellen Bank area residents were among ASBURY PARK- Eight Red ltfnessl*i**%il V. Broander and Mrs. Virginia the IS men enlisted in the U. S. Hersog. Navy through the recruiting offlcs here during December, ac- KM A "Secret pals" were revealed and new "pals" selected. A social hour cording to Chief Petty Officer followed the dinner at th* home Arland N. Xldder, recruiter In DRY-CLEANING of Mn. Sarah M. Broander and charge of the Asbury Park recruiting office. Hiss Broander on Oak Mil rd., USINESS Wddletown. Attending were Rev. Enlistees Include Kent Pitkln, and Mrs. Robert A. Blnaro, Mrs. 30 East Bergen pi., and Charles Lola V. Horn, Mrs. Gwendolyn Eddowes, Jr., Red Bank; Douglas Paved parking area, m**> Coppell, Mn. Lyila Snyder, Mrs. J. Dorsey, 174 Fair Haven rd. Cite F. Ahern, Miss Margaret Fair Haven; Albert Curtis* Vunk, eet rental, other "trame" C. Snyder and Miss Oarola 41 Broad at,, Eatontown, and Ernest T. Tomaini, Ja>:k Sullivan, Wollyung. stores located la uatt. The guild received Communion William Roberts >md Alfred Dee. SO, followed by breakfast in the church hall with Mrs. CoppeU as hostess. The monthly Acerra, Long Branch. All were assigned to the Naval training center, Balnbrldge, Md., C»J IU leak MOM Meeting Held For Junior Girls HIGHLANDS Members of the Junior Girls Friendly of the St. Andrews Episcopal church met Thuraday At the parish hall with their leader, Mrs. Alfred W. Wright, Sr. Aft»r the meeting, games were played and there was dancing. Attending were Gloria Crawley, president; Barbara Lornek, vice president; Katie Gauthier, secretary, Maureen Colton, Diane Davidson, Diane Gauthier, Sandra Kornek, Leona Gauthier, Sharon Ifaxson, Mary Halvorsen, Linda Gauthier, Sharon Lee and Anna Seminisky. far (m fa. the S«SMHMT 1957 OtMR YOUI COMTOUI^OOL HOW! BuUt anywhere MgrnUeu of water table J ESTIMATES FREE BROCHURE sw #1. ASJUIV Mil H*s*ff i-tltt HERE IT IS! ALLEN'S SHOE SALE HUNDREDS OF PAIRS MEN'S AND WOMEN'S QUALITY FOOTWEAR FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK GREATLY REDUCED JOHN B ALLEN CO. 93 BROAD ST. RED BANK TIL NEAR POST OFFICE to SST* asaan eaase at erst, Others den* aa>v* B)SQBB*S thojr want to watt "wvebif.* natu they esa ; up to 110,000 U Insured by an agency of the United Mates Oorera- Rt D BANh SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 10 Broad Strrrt Prd BanV Nr* Jrr\i-y stsaeay tars Masr 3% Also, ownsr-operators, renter* and landlord* who received potatoes ea rent (or their land on which th* potatoes were frown are deantd as producer* for th. referendum, Mr. Clark explained. He further staled business units, such as partnerships, father-eon partnerships, corporation*, estate* and firms may cast one wte-sut each separate bustnest entttf I* entitled to a balles, Mr. Clerk a«m under th* provmona of the AfrteuHiiral MarkeUnf Aireement aot, the Secretary of AgrsniHar* may lasua th* order ear/ If tw*4hlr4i of th* growers, emher by number or velum* of their production, vet- In*; la tli* referendum favor the profram. The act I* the basic authority under which federal marketing ejresmenta and orders are leaned by th* secretary. Mr. Clark pointed out th* order doe* not Include speoiae trad*, SUM, quality or maturity refutation*. merely sets up th* framework within which the marketmf committee of local growers and handlers and the eecretary operate In recommending and laming spselfle regular tlone and In adminmarlng other fjesbsm*laslj**sul nt MlA tjtsmt^ssultjm BPB^*TVISBV**ISBB1 ^SK Ulfa BTs^U^s^a^sslsiai A big sale, with items of all kinds in men's furnishings and sportswear at substantial savings. The idea is to clear our stocks of odd lots, broken sixes, discontinued items, an occasional soiled article. All merchandise from our regular stock, but not all our stock is reduced. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. tomorrow. Hope you'll... take advantage of the opportunity. Some sample values are outlined below. < Semi-annual clearance sale of men's ready-to-wear clothing and shoes is now in progress. Whlta broadcloth and batiste shirts, were 3.95 to , 3/8.75 White oxford button-down shirts, were , 3/8.75 CLEARANCE SALE! 20% to 50% off On Selected Croup of Blouses, Slacks, Shorts, Skirts and Giftwares from Regular Stock. An Sale* Tina!. No Credit*, Refund* or Cxchangs* COUNTRY STORE 112 Fair Haven Road Fair Haven Colored and white-on-whlte shirts, were 3.95 to '.2.9? TO 5.99 Silk repp and better ties, were 2.50 to 5.00 ; 1.69, 3/5.00 Spun nylon argyle and nylon and wool rib hose, were , Irish linen hemstitch handkerchiefs, were.75 4/1.00 Piped broadcloth and fancy pajamas, were 3.95 to to 4.99 Imported pima cotton boxer shorts, were , Combed cotton T-shirts, nylon reinforced neck, were , Swiss rib athletic shirts and knit briefs, were /2J5 Imported fabric sport shirts, were 4.95 to TO 9.99 Car coatt and imported Loden coats, were to ! # Reversible and mid-weight jackets, were to f«19.75 Hi-bulk orlon sweaters, were 6.95 and Olid 6.99 Open a Kridtl 90-day charge account. Pay V) February 10, Vi March 10, V) Apr. 10. This h Our Mid'Winter Qetrance. The Country Store Will Be Closed During the Month of February. Reopening in March with «New Spring line. A. SEARS



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