Introduction. We inherit our first fear-based patterns in childhood from our parents, caregivers and teachers.

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2 Introduction We consistently feel and express two emotions: love and fear. All other emotions are derivatives of either one or the other. For example, if you feel happy, excited or joyful you are in a loving state. If you feel angry, miserable or sad you are in a fearful state. We inherit our first fear-based patterns in childhood from our parents, caregivers and teachers. In addition to that, we are burdened with the fears of our ancestors, culture, the media and the circumstances of our daily lives. Each week you will receive a Fear Less + Love More workbook designed to help you let go of your fear and create a more love-filled and courageous life. The exercises are meant to help you lighten and brighten your daily energy. When coming from a state of love you have a confident and positive vibration. Your life force becomes irresistible and the Universe responds to your plans. Throughout the course, your goal is to track your fearful thoughts, words, actions and energy. The insight and awareness you gain will help you overcome and release your blocks to living a more bold and courageous life. To track your fears, you can either carry a mini notebook with you throughout the day or record your fears on your phone. Each mantra and exercise in the 30-day course is designed to help you make subtle shifts in consciousness, increase your level of courage and take your life in a new energetic 2

3 direction. Some of the themes and topics throughout this course will be repeated in order to help you begin to feel a genuine shift in your emotions and attitude. Don t dismiss the exercises and mantras because they seem too simple. Simple doesn t mean easy. You need to make a commitment to the work involved. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. Commit to the work involved. Track your fears. Be willing to make the changes you need in order to fear less and love more. When you do, your heart opens and you become more aware of the opportunities, blessings and miracles all around you. 3

4 Morning Meditation Day 1: I courageously notice my fear. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the following mantra. I lean into my fear today. As your fear surfaces, breathe into it, feel it and allow it to pass like a cloud on a sunny day. Put your mantra on an index card or sticky note and place it in prominent areas in your home. Put your mantra in your phone and set it as a reminder throughout your day. This is one way to retrain your mind and change your life. You are taking your power back. The time and effort you put into your daily practice will make a profound difference. Throughout your day, track any fear that comes up. For example, when you are nervous at work, become anxious after an argument, feel uncomfortable after a shopping spree or experience anxiety while paying bills. Awareness is the first step toward change. As you become more aware, you ll notice what words, images, people or events trigger your fear. You ll notice what sets you off or causes you to overreact emotionally. Evening Practice Day 1: Take the time you need to review the events of your day. Answer the questions below. 4

5 1. What causes you to be afraid? 2. What thoughts and stories trigger your fear? 3. What people and events trigger your fear? 4. How do you act when you re afraid? 5

6 5. How does your body react to fear? We all react to fear differently. Your fear-based patterns may be to attack, procrastinate, gossip, play small, argue, become jealous or close your heart and mind. Two of the negative patterns or behaviors I witnessed in myself today were: Don t judge yourself for any behaviors. Instead praise yourself for your willingness and commitment to doing this work. Write down any thoughts or insights in the space below that you have about today. Evening mantra: I am not my fear. I am safe. Reflect on this mantra as you fall asleep. Breathe in: I am not: (breathe out) my fear. 6

7 Morning Meditation Day 2: I am willing to be free. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the following mantra. I focus on love today. Put your mantra on an index card or sticky note and place it in prominent areas in your home. Put your mantra on your phone and set it as a reminder throughout your day. Today, when fear comes up, remind yourself that you can choose to be free from fear, doubt, worry and scarcity. Choose to replace any fearful thoughts with more positive thoughts. When you are fearful, shift your attention from a place of fear to a place of love. Learn to exchange one for the other. Be open to changing your perception and seeing things differently. Focus on your talents, skills and gifts. Where are they needed today? How can you use them to help yourself and others? Focusing on love with a willingness to serve will put you in the flow of abundance and goodness. Notice the good all around you. Notice what is right in your world. As you set yourself free from fear, you create the space to feel the joy of simply being alive. You create an inner haven of safety and peace. The energy that surrounds you is magnetic and you continue to attract exactly what you need into your life. 7

8 Evening practice: Day 2: Take the time you need to review the events of your day and answer the questions below: 1. What made you feel alive today? 2. How did you use your gifts and talents? 3. What abundance were you aware of? 4. What triggered your fear and how did you react? 8

9 5. How can you react differently? For example, you can choose to be grateful, to breathe or to pause before you respond. Without judgment, write down your fears that came. Write down any insights you have about fear. Evening mantra: I focus on the love that surrounds me. Reflect on this mantra as you fall asleep. Breathe in: I focus: (breathe out) on love. 9

10 Morning Meditation Day 3: I embrace myself with love. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the mantra. I fall deeply in-love with myself. Put your mantra on an index card or sticky note and place it in prominent areas in your home. Put your mantra in your phone and set it as a reminder throughout your day. Only the time and attention you give yourself demonstrates how much you love and admire yourself. Self-love requires that you place yourself at the top of your priority list. Self-nurturing is doing for yourself anything that makes you feel positive, happy and joyful. Put your inner whip away. Stop beating yourself up and learn to be gentle with yourself. Forgive yourself. You are not your mistakes, judgments or stories. You deserve to accept yourself as is. Choose to love yourself without conditions. Affirm yourself with a gentle and kind voice. Think more of yourself. You deserve your own high regard. Spend today in a bubble of self-love. Remember everyone is struggling with being who they are authentically loving beings. As you uncover and release your fears, your innate goodness and courage become clear. When you make a mistake or do something you regret, there is usually a lesson involved. 10

11 Blesson, is a newly coined word, for the blessing in your lesson. Make an intentional effort to find your blesson when you make the wrong decision. When you decide to honor yourself with the love you need and deserve, like the sun, you radiate a glow that touches everything and everyone in your life. Evening Practice Day 3: Review the events at the end of your day and answer the questions below. 1. How did you show yourself love today? 2. What person or event triggered your fear? 3. Did you recognize what was happening? 11

12 4. How did you react? Can you find the blesson? 5. How can you react differently next time? Write down any thoughts or insights that you have about love and fear today. Evening mantra: I am not my fear. I am love. Reflect on your mantra as you fall asleep. Breathe in: I am not: (breathe out) my fear. 12

13 Morning meditation Day 4: My future is bright. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the mantra. I expect the best, all is well. Put your mantra on an index card or sticky note and place it in prominent areas in your home. Put your mantra in your phone and set it as a reminder throughout your day. Most fear is a projection of the future. It s almost second nature for us to predict the worst. The best thing you can do, in order to stay out of your fear of the future, is refuse to listen to or read any negative news in any form. Fear sells; you don t have to buy into it. Most things aren t as grave as you make them out to be. When you really believe this, you can let go of worry, hurry and expectation of the worst-case scenario. What if you believed that everything would turn out great? What if I told you that you have an awesome future? Isn t it just as easy to project the positive? You can choose to believe the best and throughout the day look for proof signs to back it up. We get what we expect in life. You live in an abundant Universe and all that you desire is available. Believe that the best is yet to come. Learn to anticipate your good. Look for joy and take action to create more of it in everything you do. Choose a new and optimistic attitude about your life and future. There are unlimited opportunities. Be flexible and 13

14 open to the unlimited positive choices available to you. You have plenty of options. As far as I know, God or the Universe has not run out of miracles. Choose to live in love and have faith that everything will turn out exactly as it should. You are safe. You are blessed. You can face the future with calm and peace. Evening Practice Day 4: Take the time you need to note the events of your day and answer the questions below. 1. How has fear held you back today? 2. What burdens and blocks do you need to release? 3. How good can you let life get? 14

15 4. How can you make life more fun? 5. How can you demonstrate your abundance and be generous? Write down your thoughts and insights concerning your fear of the future in the space below. Evening mantra: I expect the best. Reflect on your mantra as you fall asleep. Breathe in: I am not: (breathe out) my fear. 15

16 Morning meditation Day 5: I see myself as a capable person. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the mantra. I am going to do great things. Put your mantra on an index card or sticky note and place it in prominent areas in your home. Put your mantra in your phone and set it as a reminder throughout your day. You have to let go of the belief that you re inadequate if you want to live in abundance. Lead with your heart and remain open to the miracles that occur in your life. Unless you re in physical danger, all fearful thoughts are about can t. You create a negative story about your fear of failure. You believe you can t do something before you even attempt it. You hold yourself back by deciding in advance that (fill in the blank) won t work. Choose to turn your I can t into I can. When you believe that you are capable, your self-talk sounds like this, I can learn technology. I can enroll. I can enter. I can finish. I can make it. I can do it. Begin to predict and plan a positive and dynamite future. Fearful thoughts and your lack of faith will only keep you stuck, comfortable and imprisoned. Your thoughts about being inadequate aren t true. Change your thoughts and tell yourself a story about how strong, brilliant and adequate you really are. Convince yourself. 16

17 When you try something for the first time, repeat, I am capable. When someone says it can t be done, repeat, I am capable. When you don t think you can take another step, repeat, I am capable. Evening practice Day 5: Review the events of your day and take time to answer the questions below. 1. Who challenged you today? What fear was triggered? 2. Did you find a way to shift out of fear? 3. What feelings, emotions and reactions did you experience? 17

18 4. What can you do to change your emotional state from negative to positive? For example, you can take a walk, listen to music or write in your journal. 5. What is one thing that you want to do but are too afraid? What holds you back? List the strengths and abilities that have helped you succeed in the past in the space below. Evening mantra: I own my brilliance. Reflect on your mantra as you fall asleep. Breathe in: I am not: (breathe out) my fear. 18

19 Morning meditation Day 6: I make the decision to feel good today. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the mantra. I look for reasons to feel good. Put your mantra on an index card or sticky note and place it in prominent areas in your home. Put your mantra in your phone and set it as a reminder throughout your day. Recognize how you feel at the start of your day. One of the reasons it s good to sit and be quiet is because it allows you to get in touch with your feelings and emotions. There is always a negative thought behind a fear-based state. When you are upset, ask yourself, What am I thinking? Worrying is using your imagination to create something that you don t want. Remind yourself that you can choose to think differently. There are other ways of looking at life. Learn to shift your thinking from it can t be done, to it can be done and immediately release any fear, worry and doubt. It s highly probable that things will work out just fine. Nothing is more important than you feeling good. There is always a positive thought behind a love-based state. The better you feel, the better your life flows. Make a decision to feel good, grateful, inspired and happy. When you feel good, you do good, and you attract more good to you. It doesn t get any better than that. You are 19

20 surrounded by possibilities. You are capable and worthy of receiving. Believe that the Universe is abundant, willing to provide and plotting to do you good today. Go forward. Be persistent. Refuse to give in or give up. Small steps lead to big changes. Continue firmly, steadily, and persistently until your success appears. Evening Practice Day 6: Take the time you need to note the events of your day and answer the questions below. 1. What were your dominant fear thoughts? 2. What caused you to come from a place of fear? 3. Were you able to shift out of your fearful state? 20

21 4. How would your life be different if you believed that you have the courage and wisdom to get through anything? 5. What small incremental things can you do to remove your doubt and frustration in order to feel good? Write down any thoughts or insights that you have about choosing positive emotions. Evening mantra: I choose to end my day feeling peaceful. Repeat it before you fall asleep. Breathe in: I choose: (breathe out) to feel good. 21

22 Morning meditation Day 7: I have a profound greatness. For one minute, sit in a comfortable space and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and silently repeat the mantra. I am loved. Your profound greatness has been covered up with your fear, shame and irrational beliefs. Your self-rejection comes from feeling unworthy. There is never a reason to do something differently in order to be loved. Your greatness doesn t come from a special degree, a special client, a special relationship, a big home or an expensive car. Your worthiness comes from your Divine connection and your Divine legacy. Your true nature is love. You have the power to create a life of love by thinking with love, speaking with love and doing everything in a loving manner. You have nothing to fear; you have the power to move mountains. Love allows you to move into a grander and bigger experience of who you really are. Your ego or fearful self has you convinced that you are what you have, what you do and what others believe you to be. When you come from love or your higher self, you know that you are a spiritual being. Energetically, you are connected to everyone and everything. 22

23 When you come from love, you are joyful, creative and kind. People feel energized by your presence. The right jobs and the right people appear. Others want to be around you. The world is working on your behalf. When you believe in the power of love and use it for a higher purpose, life becomes clear. It is from this place where the impossible becomes possible. You provide a space where things happen at the right time and in the right way. Evening practice Day 7: At the end of the day, take the time you need to note the events of your day. Answer the questions below. 1. Where do you lack a self-loving attitude? 2. What issues are stopping you from healing and moving forward? 3. In what ways do you dishonor yourself? 23

24 4. What can you resolve and release in order to reclaim your power? 5. What actions can you take that honor you? This may include getting professional help, hiring a coach, or joining a support group. Write down any thoughts or insights in the space below that you have concerning your unwillingness to claim your power and greatness. Evening mantra: I am beautiful, strong, and energetic. Repeat it before you fall asleep. Breathe in: I own: (breathe out) my power. 24

25 Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I m honored to be your teacher and guide. Tess Marshall xo I would love to connect with you. The Bold Life Facebook fan page Twitter 25

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