Course Outcomes Social Studies Component

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1 Course Social Studies Component # Course Applicable Standards Description SWBAT analyze the construction of society through the development of language, religion, tradition, governmental structures and economics..2 PO 2 2. PO 5 5. PO Describe how farming methods led to development of cultures 2. PO Construct charts & narratives using historical data 2.. PO 2 Interpret historical data displayed in graphs, tables & charts 2. PO 3 (creating historical (timelines) 5. PO Explain how trade promoted economic growth throughout world regions 2 SWBAT compare and contrast the impact of historical conflicts in shaping early civilizations 2. PO PO 2 (transitions from one empire to another) 4.2 PO 2 Factors that cause regions and places to change (climate, topography) 3 SWBAT analyze the impact of the geographical features and the application of technology that shaped the ancient world 2.2 PO 3 Describe importance of river valleys in the development of ancient civilizations: a d 4 SWBAT compare and contrast monotheistic and polytheistic traditions and belief and their impact on the formation of both ancient and modern societies. 2.2 PO PO 3a 2.2 PO 3b 2.2 PO PO 5 Describe religious traditions that helped shape the culture

2 2.2 PO 0a 5 SWBAT explain the contributions of historical figures to scientific and cultural advances 2.2, PO 9(c) 2.2, PO 4,5,6 4., PO., PO 5, 2., PO 5 3. PO, PO4 6 SWBAT analyze the evolution of Christianity/Catholicism birth to reformation 2., PO 4 2., PO 7 2. PO 3 2.2, PO 6, PO 9(a)., PO 5, 7.3, PO 7 SWBAT analyze how artifacts reveal aspects of history.. PO 5, 8 Impact of cultural and scientific contributions to society Describe the Catholic Church s role in the following activities during the Middle Ages Crusades, Inquisition, education, government, spread of Christianity Difference between primary and secondary sources. PO 5, 6 and 8 8 SWBAT locate the modern countries of ancient civilizations. 3., PO, PO 4 Daily Geography SWBAT analyze charts/graphs for 0 minutes per day; answer questions related to weekly topics 2

3 Literature Component Description of Standards Assessments/Projects 6 8.RH. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources; Scavenger Hunt and Primary/Secondary Sources Worksheet Reading of Examples of Primary Source and Secondary Source Students to bring in one example of each and present to class their findings RH 2 Reading of historical novel, Crispin and Sign of the Beaver by Grade 6/5 respectively Language Arts teacher will be teaching historical narrative Social Studies reinforcement activities 6.8 RH.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; Oct. (Ancient Mesopotamia) Students read translation of laws of Hammurabi Class Discussion and Formal Essay 6.8 RH.3 Identify key steps in a text s description of process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, mummification process) 6.8 RH4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies (e.g. theocracy, dictatorship, republic, monarchy, democracy, anarchy, etc.) February March. Ancient Egypt Student mummification of bananas; review and writing of process as activity Through vocabulary centers, quizzes, word walls, and frequent utilization in class, terms are learned. Ancient Indian Research Paper 6 8 RH5. Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, and/or causally). Claudette Colvin Civil Rights Text Analysis Paper 3

4 6 8 RH.6 Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author s point of view Creation of Website re Author s Point of View (Note High Degree of Engagement previous year) 6.8 RH RH 7 Continued Integrate visual information (charts, graphs, paragraphs) with other information in print and digital texts Students will create climate graphs and analyze photographs to investigate the various types of climate in Ecuador and the interactions between climate and human culture. Will integrate their graph into a short story about climate 6.8 RH.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text Formal debate during Greek unit. 6.8 RH9. Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic. Creation of student website 6 8 RH0 By the end of Grade 8, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 6 8 text complexity band independently and proficiently Ongoing 4

5 Social Studies Unit Detail Grade 6 U n i t Essential Question Unit Goal Unit Description Assessments /Projects Course Outcome # Description of Standards Why is History Important? (Week Estimated 4 days) Mini Unit: Relevance of History SWBAT contribute to a group activity about why people study history. SWBAT understand and recall concepts of time. Powerpoint project SWB answering questions about the relevance of history. Paraphrasing Project SWBAT paraphrase captions of history into their own words. SWBAT then illustrate a drawing to connect to their newly paraphrased caption. NCSS Standard 2: Time, Continuity, and Change (4) That learning about the past requies the interpretation of sources provides the potential for a more balanced interpretive record of the past. 2 Economics (Week 2 five days) Mini Unit: First Unit Re Economics SWBAT analyze a supply and demand graph (online Discovering the Past textbook). SWBAT definitively identify three types of economic systems market, command and traditional. NCSS Standards Production, Distribution and Consumption How markets bring buyers and sellers together to exchange goods and services 3 Students will be able to compare and contrast how early American civilizations adapted to their environments. Estimated # of Days: 5 (August September 4) (Mayans, Incans and Aztecs) Exploration of the Mayans, Incas, Mogollon, Anasazi, Hohokam and Mound Builders. SWBAT compare and contrast how early American civilizations adapted to their environments Students will be building projects such as a Mississippi Mound, cliff dwelling (Anasazi), poster (culture of their choice), Powerpoint, or IMovie (completed at home) Creation of Historical timeline Creation of thematic map and graph SWBAT answer comprehension questions from their KidsDiscover curriculum magazine. Unit Test, 3, 7, 8. PO 3 Construct Timeline of a historical era.2. PO. Describe the characteristics of hunting and gathering societies in the Americas..2 PO 2. Describe how farming methods and domestication of animals led to the development of cultures and civilizations from hunting and gathering societies..2. PO 3. Describe the cultures of the Mogollon, Ancestral Puebloans (Anasazi), and Hohokam: a. location, agriculture, housing, arts, and trade networks b. how these cultures adapted to and altered their environment 4..5 Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts Identify how factors such as river/coastal civilizations and trade influenced the location, distribution, and interrelationships of economic 5

6 activities over time and in different regions 4 How did river valley societies harness nature? Estimated # of Days: 5 (Sept. 5 0/5) Mesopotamia SWBAT identify importance of civilizations SWBAT develop an understanding of how river systems allowed farming to happen for the first time in human history. SWBAT develop an understanding of a food surplus and how human energy could be released to do other things. After several simulations ( 2 days), students will write an informational essay as to why food shortages were a problem for prehistoric man and how the problem was solved., 3, PO 3. Describe importance of river valleys in the development of ancient civilizations a d. Visual creation of housing, location and trade networks of Mesopotamia project,3, PO 3 Describe importance of river valleys in the development of ancient civilizations a d Intentionally Left Blank 6

7 U n i t Essential Question Unit Goal Unit Description Assessments /Projects Course Outcome # Description of Standards 5 How did ancient religions differ from each other? How were they similar? Estimated # of Days: (20 days) (October 5 November 20 ) Please note: Literature Week (October 23 30) Homeless Bird Note: Switched Ancient India and Middle Ages Units Ancient India: Origins of World Religions Students will learn about Hinduism, the third largest religion, in comparison to other world religions to better appreciate their own. Literature: short story Tech Tools:PBS, History Channel SWBAT compare and contrast world religions to each other and modern religions. Students will answer comprehension questions on Ancient India, and the book Homeless Bird, about modern day culture may be used Multi Religion Brochure designed and constructed., 2, 4, 6, 7 and PO 5. Describe the religious traditions that helped shape the culture of the following ancient civilizations: a. Sumeria, India (i.e., polytheism) b. Egypt (i.e., belief in an afterlife) c. China (i.e., ancestor worship) d. Middle East (i.e., monotheism) 2.2 PO 3. Describe the importance of the following river valleys in the development of ancient civilizations: d. Indus India Connect with: Strand 4 Concept, 2, 4, 5 PO. Describe aspects (e.g., geographic origins, founders and their teachings, traditions, customs, beliefs) of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Connect with: Strand 4 Concept 2, 4 6 Literature and Social Studies: Research Paper on Ancient India Ancient Indian Research Paper 6 8 RH RH.2 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources to support their analysis of that document. Determine the central ideas or information of 7

8 primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. Examples are: analysis of maps, illustrations, and photographs. Essential Question Unit Goal Unit Description Assessments/Project Course Outcome # Standard Description 7 Describe the Catholic Church s role in the spread of Christianity Estimated # of Days: (three weeks) (November 20 December 9) See Above Ancient Middle Ages: Renaissance and Reformation Ancient Middle Ages Continued SWBAT describe the Catholic Church s role in the following activities: Crusades, Inquisition and spread of Christianity. SWBAT describe how the Renaissance was a time of renewal and advancement in Europe. IPad Movie Topic: Crusades and spread of Christianity (Research based) See Above, 2, 6, 8 See Above 2.4 PO 4. Describe the Catholic Church s role in the following activities during the Middle Ages: a. Crusades b. Inquisition c. education d. government e. spread of Christianity 2.4 PO 5. Describe the transition from feudalism to nationalism at the end of the Middle Ages. PO 6. Describe the trade routes that established the exchange of goods (e.g., silk, salt, spices, gold) Renaissance and Reformation 2.4 PO. Describe how the Renaissance was a time of renewal and advancement in Europe: a. rebirth of Greek and Roman ideas b. new ideas and products PO 2. Describe the contributions or accomplishments of the following individuals during the Renaissance and Reformation: a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Michelangelo c. Gutenberg d. Martin Luther Connect with: Strand 3 Concept 8 China (Three Weeks January 3 January 23) Ancient China: Different Ways of Thinking SWBAT describe philosophies and ideas from Ancient china that influence our world today Chinese New Years Party Comprehension Questions / Curriculum Magazine, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, c. Describe importance of the following river valley Huang He China c. Describe religious traditions (ancestor worship) 8

9 Intentionally Blank U n i t Essential Question Unit Goal Unit Description Assessments/Project s Course Outcome # Description of Standards 9 Mini Unit on Economics (January 30 February 4) Personal Finance SWBAT determine how scarcity, opportunity costs and trade offs influence decision making. SWBAT explain how interest is the price paid to borrow money. Monthly Income Spending Plan SWBAT research, interview others, calculate and compose a monthly spending income sheet. Outcome 3 5. PO Identify how limited resource and unlimited human wants cause people to choose some things and give up others PO 2. Explain how interest is the price paid to borrow money. 0 Why are hieroglyphics and pyramids of Ancient Egypt important to us today? (Four weeks (approx)) (February 5 March 5) Ancient Egypt: Technologies from the Ancient Word SWBAT to understand ancient civilizations and comprehend why ancient societies are important to us Students will be completing project based historical artifacts such as sarcophagi, epulets, printing tablets, cartouches and mummification process Ipad Movie: Egyptian News Reporter Project (Research based) Giant Historical Timeline, 4, 5, 7, 4, 5, PO 2. Determine how the following factors influenced groups of people to develop into civilizations in Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, and China: a. farming methods b. domestication of animals c. division of lab or d. geographic factors Connect with: Strand 4 Concept 2, 4,6 Strand 5 Concept 2. PO 3 (creating historical (timelines) 2.. PO 4. Compare the forms of of following ancient civilizations: b. Egypt theocracy PO 5. Describe the religious traditions that helped shape the culture of the following ancient civilizations: b. Egypt (i.e., belief in an afterlife) 9

10 PO 6. Analyze the impact of cultural and scientific contributions of ancient civilizations on later civilizations: b. Egypt (i.e., mummification, hieroglyphs, papyrus) PO 4. Identify how factors such as river/coastal civilizations and trade influenced the location, distribution, and interrelationships of economic activities over time and in different regions. Connect with: Strand 2 Concept 2, 3, 4 PO 5. Identify cultural norms that influence different social, political, and economic activities of men and women. Connect with: Strand 2 Concept 2 Greece (four weeks) Ancient Greece The birth of a new civilization SWBAT describe the development of the government of Greece SWBAT identify the roles and contributions of significant individuals in Greek society SWBAT describe scientific and cultural advancements and compare them to today s society Ancient Greek Festival a. SWBAT will be able to select from 20 projects what they would like to design and develop for the Ancient Greek Festival,2,3,7,8 2.2.PO 7. Describe the development of the following types of government and citizenship in ancient Greece: b. democracy or c. republics/empires d. Connect with: e. Strand 3, Concept 5 f. PO 8. Describe scientific and cultural advancements g. (e.g. networks of roads, aqueducts, art and architecture, literature and theatre, mathematics, philosophy) in ancient civilizations. h. Connect with: Strand 4 Concept 2,4,5 i. Strand 5 Concept 2 j. 2.6 PO 9 Identify the foles and contributions of individuals in the following ancient civilizations: k. a. Greece and Greek empires (i.e. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripides, Percles, Homer, Alexander the Great 0

11 U n i t Intentionally Blank Essential Question Unit Goal Unit Description Assessments/Project s Outcome # Description of Standards 2 What happened to lead to the Demise of the Ancient Roman Civilization? Estimated time: (one month) What happened to lead to the Demise of the Ancient Roman Civilization? (Three Four Weeks) Ancient Rome : The Demise of Civilization Ancient Rome: The Demise of Civilization SWBAT describe events leading to the fall of Rome and the rise of Christianity. SWBAT debate the social role of a soldier versus a governmental citizen Students will answer comprehension questions. Mime Play related to Roman persecution of Christians,2,4,5, 6,7,8, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 PO 0. Describe the transition from the Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire: a. decline and fall of the Roman Empire b. Empire split in eastern and western regions c. capital moved to Byzantium/ Constantinople d. Germanic invasions 3 How did Oriental Trade encourage exploration? What was Oriental Trade? Estimated time: (one month) Medieval Africa and Europe: Oriental Traders? SWBAT analyze how oriental trade encouraged exploration ad the exchange of goods and ideas. Students will read Crispin and answer comprehension questions.,2,3,5,7,8

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