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1 Niagara Falls City School District English Language Arts Packet 3: Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. Read unfamiliar texts to collect data, facts, and ideas Read and understand written directions Locate information in a text that is needed to solve a problem Identify main ideas and supporting details in informational texts Grade 5 This pdf file contains items aligned to the CCLS that can be used for both test prep and to assess student proficiency in the major clusters/standards that are going to appear on the New York State assessments. The use of these items is totally up to the discretion of individual teachers, and therefore is optional. Tasks are bundled by standard and the level of rigor is indicated on each. The intent is not to create a mock assessment but rather to provide resources from the item banks so that teachers will have easily accessible items to use for instructional purposes.

2 1. Read the sentence. Garret sent an message to his friend. Which of the following is most like this activity? A) writing a letter B) making a phone call C) looking at a website D) playing a video game 2. Read this excerpt from a history textbook. Comprehension Check 1. Why did the Aztecs use floating gardens? 2. How are these floating gardens constructed? Write about another Aztec invention that you find unique. Be sure to support your response with text details. Which feature is included primarily for the purpose of emphasis? A) black line B) italicized text C) boldfaced text D) numbered lines The First American Ball Game by Jack Myers, Ph.D. 1 In the century after Columbus, Spanish explorers came to the New World of Central America and Mexico. Their records show their surprise at finding a civilization already centuries old. People living in great cities were fed by expert farmers who guided water to their fields by canals. 2 The Spanish were turned off by some of the Maya and Aztec Indian customs, but there was one custom they recorded with amazement and respect. It was a fast-paced ball game played on a special court. 2

3 3 The ball was usually just a little smaller than today s soccer ball, but a lot harder and heavier because it was solid rubber. Two teams of up to six players kept the ball in motion by striking it with their hips. 4 One of the Spanish leaders, Cortés, was so impressed that he took two teams of Indian players back to Spain to show off the game. So in 1528, Europeans saw a ball game that had been played in America, probably for more than three thousand years. A Game with Bounce 5 A German visitor to the Spanish court wrote a report about the ball game. He commented on the speed of the game and the athletic skill of the players. What he thought was the really big deal was the ball itself. It bounced. 6 Europeans played ball games with leather balls filled with straw. The Europeans thought they were smarter than the Indians. Yet the Indians were showing Europeans a real rubber ball for the first time. 7 In studying the Maya and Aztecs, today s archeologists have given a lot of attention to the ball game. It seems to have played an important role in people s lives. Every town had a ball court. One city had thirteen. Some courts even had carefully laid stone floors and rows of seats for spectators. 8 Design of the courts seems to have changed over the centuries. A later design included stone rings mounted high up on the court s side wall. Making Rubber 9 One archeologist, Dr. Dorothy Hosler, and her student Michael Tarkanian asked an interesting question: where did the Maya get the rubber that made the game possible? The early Spanish explorers had wondered about that, too, and described how the balls were made from the sap of Castilla trees. 10 After reading the ancient records, Dr. Hosler and Michael wondered if they could make rubber balls as the Maya had made them. They went to Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico, in search of Castilla trees. 11 They were surprised to find farmers still doing just what the explorers had described four hundred years ago. The farmers slashed the bark of the trees and collected the white, gooey sap. Then the farmers crushed a morning-glory vine and added its juice to the sap. After a few minutes of stirring, a mass of rubber floated to the surface. And the rubber could be formed into a bouncy ball. The First American Ball Game text by Jack Myers, illustration by Gary Undercuffler, from Highlights, December 2002, copyright 2002 by Highlights for Children, Inc. Used by permission. 3

4 3. Based on the passage, what element of the Indian ball game did the Europeans find most interesting? A) the number of players on a team B) the rules of the game C) the construction of the courts D) the material used to make the ball 4. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following statements is most likely true? A) The Europeans tried to make rubber balls that could bounce. B) The Europeans adopted many of the Mayan customs. C) The Europeans played ball games with the Maya for many years. D) The Europeans encouraged the Indians to play with balls made of leather and straw. 5. With which statement would the author most likely agree? A) Traveling is most exciting when discovering a new place. B) People from different cultures can learn from one another. C) Mastering a new skill is a very difficult task. D) Customs usually change after many years. 6. Based on the information in the passage, which sentence best expresses the idea that the ball game was important to the Maya and Aztecs? A) They made rubber to construct game balls. B) They allowed the Europeans to watch their game. C) They built well-crafted courts in all of their towns. D) They traveled to Spain to share the techniques of their game. 7. What piece of information about Spanish explorers can be learned from the passage? A) why they wanted to explore Central America and Mexico B) which Maya and Aztec customs they did not like C) when they first explored Central America and Mexico D) whether they played sports with the Maya and Aztecs Mystery in the Desert 1 In a quiet corner of southern Peru is the small town of Nazca. Just outside this desert town is a dry, rocky plain called the Pampa de San José. This remote place is the site of a great mystery. 2 No streams or rivers pass through the pampa. There are no flowers or trees there, but the pampa is filled with creatures. You would not see them if you walked through the plain, and you would not hear them if you stopped to listen. If, however, you were to fly over the pampa, you would see a variety of creatures including a monkey, a spider, a lizard, a toad, an iguana, and several unusual birds. 3 They are not living creatures. They are huge pictures called geoglyphs. There are small ones, medium ones, and large ones. Some geoglyphs are as long as 5,000 feet. That is almost as big as 17 football fields! 4 Due to little rain and rare winds, the geoglyphs have lasted for more then 2,000 years. Scientists say they were made between the years 200 B.C. and about 800 A.D. They were created by the ancient Nazca people. That is why they are called the Nazca Lines. 4

5 5 These desert pictures were not drawn in the dirt with sticks, like some pictures made in the sand. They were made by carefully removing rust-colored rocks on the top of the soil. Removing rocks revealed a lighter-colored soil underneath. These lighter-colored lines were used to form the pictures. 6 No one knows for sure why the Nazca Lines were made. Some people think they were part of a giant calendar. They might have helped to know when it was time to plant, water, and harvest their crops. They might have marked the winter and summer solstices, the two times each year the Sun is at its most northern and most southern points. 7 Another theory suggests the Nazca Lines could have been paths for footraces or guides for dance steps. There are many other theories as well. 8 The Nazca Lines must have been extremely important. It took an enormous amount of hard work in the blazing sun to create them. They are still important to the people who live in Nazca today. Drawings of the figures are on the signs and stores all over town. Hotels, restaurants, and stores earn money from people who come to see the geoglyphs. The Nazca people are glad the geoglyphs are in their town. 9 No one knows if we will ever discover why the ancient people of Nazca created the figures in the pampa. Perhaps it will remain a mystery forever. One thing, however, is for sure; the Nazca Lines will always be an important part of the town of Nazca and the people who live there. 5

6 Leaf Huggers 1 A line of bright green leaves moves along a path through the rain forest. It travels along a branch, down a tree trunk, across the ground, and into a hole. Each leaf follows the exact path as the one ahead of it. If you look closely, you will see that the leaves are being carried by ants. 2 What kind of ants are these, and what are they doing with those leaves? They are called leafcutter ants. They use their scissor-like jaws to chew off dime-sized pieces of leaves and carry them back to their nests. 3 The curious thing is that the leafcutter ants don t eat the leaves that they cut. They carry them to their nest, where smaller ants chop and chew them and feed them to a fungus that grows only in their colonies. A fungus is one type of a group of plants that includes molds and yeast. This particular fungus only grows in the nests of leafcutter ants. That s because they feed and take care of it. The fungus needs the leafcutter ants. 4 The ants need the fungus too. They feed it to their larvae (babies), and the adult ants eat the tips of the fungus. Without the fungus, the ants could not survive. Without the ants, the fungus would not live. They depend on each other for survival. 5 Each colony of leafcutter ants has one queen and a variety of different-sized ants. How big the ants grow depends on how much fungus they are fed as larvae. Each ant has a specific job depending on its size. 6 There are soldier ants that protect the colony. There are scouting ants that use a special chemical from their bodies to mark the right types of leaves to cut. The worker ants follow that chemical trail. They cut the leaves that are marked and carry them back to the nest. Smaller ants tend the fungus gardens, care for the larvae, and chop up the leaves. The pieces of leaves are passed on to even smaller ants. They chew the piece of leaf until it finally becomes small enough to feed to the fungus. 7 The most unusual job among the leafcutter ants is that of the guard ants. These tiny ants ride on top of the leaves as they are being taken back to the colony. They protect the worker ants from a type of fly called the phorid fly. The worker ants cannot stop and set down their leaves to defend themselves from the phorid fly. If a phorid fly comes near, the guard ant rears up on its back legs and gapes at the fly, scaring it off. 8 The line of leaves keeps coming and coming. The rain forest is full of plants, insects, and animals that depend upon one another for survival. They are all important, but few are more fascinating than the leafcutter ants and the fungus on which they feed. 6

7 8. The two passages are similar because they both suggest A) the importance of hard work. B) the habits of animals in nature. C) the findings of historians. D) the appreciation of art. 9. Based on the passage, all of the following are probably true except A) tourists ride in planes over the Nazca Lines. B) the Nazca Lines have lasted for many years. C) the Nazca Lines are extremely long. D) animals did not interest the Nazca people. 10. What do the Nazca Lines suggest about the ancient Nazca people? A) They were kind. B) They were creative. C) They were honest. D) They were brave. 11. Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that the ancient Nazca people were farmers? A) You would not see them if you walked through the plain, and you would not hear them if you stopped to listen. B) They were made by carefully removing rust-colored rocks on the top of the soil. C) They might have helped to know when it was time to plant, water, and harvest their crops. D) Hotels, restaurants, and stores earn money from people who come to see the geoglyphs. 12. Based on the passage, which of the following is probably true? A) The Nazca Lines also show pictures of people. B) The townspeople of Nazca respect the Nazca Lines. C) The Nazca Lines will be destroyed over time. D) The townspeople of Nazca will build over the Nazca Lines. 7

8 The Curious History of Kaleidoscopes 1 Imagine holding a slender tube to your eye. You see jewel-colored shapes form a unique pattern inside. Rotate the tube and the colors make a new pattern. Each time the tube turns, the patterns change. 2 That is what Sir David Brewster of Scotland first saw in Brewster was a scientist who experimented with light and mirrors. He called his amazing tube a kaleidoscope. The name is made from three Greek words. They mean beautiful forms to see. 3 Brewster s first tube was made of brass. It held bits of colored glass in what he called object cases. The kaleidoscope soon appeared in scientific catalogs. It was quickly copied and sold in stores. It became one of the most popular toys for adults and children. It was so popular that in Europe, two hundred thousand kaleidoscopes were sold in three months. 4 At first, only colored glass was used to make the patterns. Later, other materials were added. They included feathers, ribbons, and lace. Viewers could choose from a variety of materials to look at through their kaleidoscopes. 5 In the early 1870s, an American named Charles G. Bush made kaleidoscopes with larger tubes. He attached them on wooden stands to make them easy to use. His object cases included richly colored hand-blown glass. 6 When movies and televisions were invented, kaleidoscopes were almost forgotten. Soon they were made from nothing more than cardboard and plastic. The old wooden kaleidoscopes began to disappear. 8

9 7 Things changed during the 1970s. Many people grew tired of modern toys. They made old-fashioned toys by hand. Some historians call this The Crafts Movement. 8 Some of the people in The Crafts Movement wanted to create kaleidoscopes. They needed the wooden styles to see how they were made. At first, none could be found. Where were all those kaleidoscopes that were once so popular? It seems many of them had been taken apart. Later, wooden models were found. 9 Interesting changes happened to the kaleidoscope during this time. The first kaleidoscope makers focused their work on the outside beauty of the tubes and stands. Modern makers focused their work on the patterns viewed inside the tube. They had a wider variety of materials to use. Some of them used prisms* in place of mirrors. 10 The tubes changed, too. Eggs, a vase, and even a balloon were used instead of tubes. Some tubes were made of clear plastic instead of wood. 11 Sizes also changed. The smallest kaleidoscopes were small enough to wear as jewelry. The largest one was made from a grain silo. It was large enough for twenty people to stand inside the tube. 12 Today people continue to enjoy kaleidoscopes. The size and the variety of materials used to make them is still changing. The original wooden ones have become old favorites. Whether old or new, kaleidoscopes remain beautiful forms to see. *prisms: a triangular piece of cut glass used to break up white light into its basic colors 13. There is enough information in the passage to conclude that kaleidoscopes A) are not as popular as they were in the past. B) became smaller so they would be easy to carry. C) will not be used much in future generations. D) can be constructed in many different ways. 14. Which statement best summarizes the information in the passage? A) Kaleidoscopes have remained popular throughout the centuries. B) Materials used to create kaleidoscopes have changed throughout history. C) People have enjoyed kaleidoscopes since they were invented in the 1800s. D) Many craftsmen have made improvements to the kaleidoscope over time. 15. After reading the passage, the reader knows that A) kaleidoscopes were popular toys for children in Europe. B) The Crafts Movement brought an end to old-fashioned toys. C) kaleidoscopes work by using light and mirrors to create patterns. D) the first kaleidoscopes were made from wood and were very large. 9

10 16. Which set of words and phrases makes the best notes for the information in Paragraph 5? A) Charles Bush, 1870s, made large kaleidoscopes, easy to use, colorful glass B) 1870s, American Charles G. Bush, large tubes, wooden stands, hand-blown glass C) American Charles G. Bush, during 1800s, easy stands, colored glass, hand-blown D) C. Bush in 1870s, bigger tubes, wooden stands, object cases, blown colored glass 17. Which of the following sentences supports the idea that the author likes kaleidoscopes? A) When movies and televisions were invented, kaleidoscopes were almost forgotten. B) Modern makers focused their work on the patterns viewed inside the tube. C) The smallest kaleidoscopes were small enough to wear as jewelry. D) Whether old or new, kaleidoscopes remain beautiful forms to see. 18. For which task would an index be most helpful? A) finding where to look for a subtopic B) figuring out what a certain chapter is about C) getting a summary of what the book is about D) learning the total number of pages of a book 19. Read the paragraph below. Drew and Maggie knew their mother had a busy day. They decided to give her a break from making dinner. They found a simple recipe for which they had all the ingredients. Then they started to fix their mother a special surprise. From the information given in this paragraph, the reader can tell that the action most likely takes place in A) a store. B) a kitchen. C) an office building. D) a backyard. 20. Which heading from a magazine article titled Cartoons would most likely contain information about drawing cartoons? A) Cartoons of the Past B) Talking Animals C) The Rise of Super Heroes D) Could You Be a Cartoonist? 10

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