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1 FALL SPECIAL JUL July 29, 1944 Price 25c IN/

2 C01018/ ,1 Git Tank you... VICTOR RECORDS for re -instating these PASTOR records in your catalogue of MUSIC AMERICA LOVES BEST Paradidille Joe B Adios f Blossoms B Get Happy 10,.,,,, Schedule July 30th thru August 5th HAMID'S MILLION DOLLAR PIER Atlantic City, N. J. and for REISSUING f DANCE WITH k A DOLLY (i4ith a hole in Her Stocking) August 5th thru 17th ONE-NIGHTERS-BALLROOMS-THEATRES August 18th thru 24th EASTWOOD GARDENS, Detroit, Mich. August 25th thru September 5th ONE NIGHTERS September 6th thru October 3rd Return Engagement -4 Weeks PASTOR ROOSEVELT HOTEL, Washington, D. C. Personal Management: CY SCHRIBMAN Direction: GENERAL AMUSEMENT CORP., Now York, Chicago, Hollywo >cf

3 Vol. 56. No. 31 The World's Fore:noel Anstasemene July 29, 1944 FAIRDOM GIRDS FOR VICTORY Plenty of Pic In Fall Ether Three New York stations plan program skeds as a `Preview of Post -War Tele' NEW YORK, July 22 -The fall locks like the most active video season here since the beginning of the war. The three active tete arge are set to experteleetet Santo war -Imposed lizaltattons. In mcgrandiag, equipment, techniques, scske-up and sets. Dulthea, NBO and 0118 are getting set for the what one tele man calls "'the preview of post-war teleelsion." The boys are trying to ready themselse. for commercial operetton and their ambitious plans reneet The DUMont stuelloe ere going to spend gxd deal of thelr time working over their equipment, trying to streamline it and reduce the lice Of cameras co that they are not so cumbersome. They are trying new ways of mounting the camera and mike to see If It's possible to operate with only the lens and Monter:Op. to the studio. dam Cuff, Les- Mont's New York general manage!, says that their feeling Is that the entailer the Cameras and the fewer booms banging around, the better can be. One theory that they will try is mounting of the camera and mike overhead. The Camera Itself may be placed In a special booth off the floor. And a new studio Is being readied fors September "I preen. Sandey. Tuesday and Wednesday remote the Duatont Wee:slog nights. Dnefont programing will follow Pe peesent pattern with work by Storm (Sur Fan to Ste Plenty on pope I.7) Good Fall for Oaks Forecast Headaches of band leaders arc lightened-jobs and 88 seem better than past NEW YORK. July 22.-It'a going to be a good fan season fee the boys In the bend bus There's more money being Pid, and same of the headaches that bate haunted leaders the put season are slowly being cured. The pattern of the coming fall season Is a funatar one. Banda that performed et hotels Rig year find themselves booked for the same stands foe the comb,/ season. Theater dstea are a little confessed In some spots due to long run holdover pictures, but ono by one, double bookings are being ellen:nand. and Dedually the future becomes clearer, to the point test most orks today hare rather definite shed ahead for the days before snow Moe toe -Teemed dough for dated for the big - better bands, Is not aiwayl balanced be turreted publicity for the show cue 'pets orks play to keep up their pmtine-radio wires are few and far be. teem But even here a ray of tight &tires thna. Bands do get On the air. and words are being made by Deere and Independent companies-and just around the well-known corner there seems to be some kind of a solution of the record ben that has kept so many nvoes from waxing for to these many moons. A solution to the record problem would possibly be the most welcome (Su NAMS BANDS 81tT on page 25) No Spirit of Defeat Mingled With Sorror of Circus Folks Author of armee Books and THE Haig Ord Orman fire is still smoldering. It Is smoldering In the ores of cement people. still atateng and clued at what they saw. 'The look will go out of their rye, In time, but it is reared Into their memories foresee. The proud banners of The Orestest Shoe oo Earth are trampled In the Charred ruins of the foremast tragedy eve: to befall the outdoor amusement world. Its trumpets are silent, ground Into the dust. The Cr. still burins In the plight of the Big One, to the Winds of authorities. Sons Of 1ta officials are charged with manslaughter-with responsibility for Inadequate safety mos.-lees What comes of this will all be written into court procedure. It well all be there-all except the ache In the hearts of troupern and that rernembenr.g look in their eyes, Ctrens people know that there was no Intentional lack of vigilance where safe - ism, concerned. But they know, too. that the beet of Intent Is not always sufficient In the swift onslaught of misfortune. They remember the saying that Fall Road Big; UBO Has 90 Shows Booked Guild has Top Plans By Bob Francis NEW YORK. July 22.-While tho beat and general rummer doldrums have belted hefty body blow, all signs point to a fall rood renalessoce shish locks to add up to a play crop as good or better than hat year, Of course, many plans are still merely a glint in a producers eye, but there are enough fairly dentine commitments already to signpost both the road and Broadway for what can two out to bo a banner sea Not counting all the "Ifs and wheels," the United Booking Office already has some 60 productions on its ledgers for a fell About a third of these ere ekedded ix Broadway after a test unveiling. The rest are duo to trek. 80. It appears that Increasing traneporta- Con dielculties and travel prtoritios to the contrary, the hintertend to due to get Its full share of lire shows The Mau/erns plan to send out the (Sc. Bookings In.:Mutt Top on page 30) Fly Beverly Kelley Magazine Article,' and Radio Publicity Director of Itingling Show the streets of hell are paved with good Intentions and they hare remembered It fence they etared into the open maw of hell while helping to carry the bodies of children from the Mace that had been a happy haven of re -eke -betters a few momenta-or a thowanel yeers-haforre. The Diet thought of show people from time Immemorial never has bun for Its own. Always the guest has had nest consideration when disaster `truck. That is why May Rover. British wild animal (Sec Circus People Sure on page 46) Niteries Plan Better $$ and Acts for Fall Ops Are Optimistic Again By Bill Smith NEW YORK. Jealy 22,-Three months ago right club opt, In New York. anyway, were running around like Benny - Penny in the nursery rhymes, =taming that the sky wee falling down. Budneva they all agreed. would not only be lousy on account of the cabaret tax, but what ones worse, would never ptck up. Many a spot, seeing what It conaidered to be the wetting on the wall, cut out its taxable talent, tried to buy Cheaper acts. etashed operating ex - pence% to the bone. or, In tome caste, called it quite and hung out a "axed for the Summer" sign. But all that was three months ago. Today the tame gloomy owners ars not only looking at their books with smiles on their ram but what is better. are planning to spend & lot of folding money for talent when the leaves fail. On Broadway, Lou Walter's Latin quarter is spending a week for acts. or about the same It paid for talent in Last summer, Weiner said, nitery bet was terrific. But that be attaibuted to sue eetal causes. The gee restrictions and traveling deff.eulthe kept people In town. So, era -toad of large going -sway week -end parties, cuatomers jammed intents. When the 30 per cent tax went Into effect April I, grosses naturally dropped. April his et the spot was off 70 per cent es compared with Apra Walter Sees Big Fall The fait outlook. according to Walter, Is excellent. The only fly In the business ointment that he can zee is the (See Clubs Nike Budgets on page 24) In This Issue Is Van& thew -..2s Omer.] ova -, flan!, nea:ce falt 3 451; Food Themes Main to Fore Third wartime year sees numbers swell - Pearl Harbor dated enlistment CINCINNATI. July 22, -.More agrcultural isire on this continent hare joined the "Pood-Pigtee-for-Treedoca" parade thee season than have been on the rolls since The great majority of the odd State, district and county annuals that draw 60, people then their gates yearly well be held In this third year or World War The enlistments for maintenance of public merge which began on the day of Pearl Kerber have constantly swelled until now practically only the plane In military use or those affected by peen - Mr local conditions will not in '44 be show windows of the nation to reflect Its produce output, to bolster every phis:* of the war effort, to educate In conservation of wee nee -estates and to entertain the multitudes who annually crave the surcease of the grandstand shows, tracks and midways. With the food theme are slanted pen -lotto and military features. Including cosrib.tt shows, displays of!halting equipment and eceranumat exhalent which give a glimpse into future lining. War -aid effort, will Include aides of War Bonds and Stamps, for which fans hare been UM:tally Waded by the Teessury Department In Washtneton: Victory Cleedana, Red Cron work and blood donations. food preservation claws. niondo-austaining cab:bets. emergency relief -fund eaten& entertainment of armed foxes, protracted youth activt- Ilea. educational presentations of army, navy, marine cups and WACS. WAVE3 and SPARS and running the gamut of (Sc. /tartrate Ss -ell Roster on pope Si) All Regulars Back on Fall Network Air Time Tight on Senior Nets NEW YORK, July New shows, public service spot' and sponsors looking for a good six see going to forego the pleads of a seg on the senior arse. unless there see a lot of cancellations ahead, which doesn't seem possible now, The fall Itne-up of snows will be different In a number et ease, but the 5100 sponsors will be paying the bills end the bills will be in the time round numbers.. a little up here and there. On the junior nets, the Blue and 34/3S. there's still choice time available, and since few emu:wrap-1s left the ale, the fall changes are more to the form of a changing approach to programing rather than a changing aeg 2Ine-up, Of the NBC summer replacements which seem to bo catching on and which may land a permanent phice in the ether line-up. Alan Young, Harry Savoy and Charlotte Greenwood reem the most likely to bat out the 'summer racattona Only Berry envoy, however, seems to hare his summer sponsor on the hock etwise o rarosl 3441 lioarease st Chet 25 ta 1.4. cer ('1' Rid arkaus. 54.4s (15-1, )4441' era ReaChboir Ram le C ".1 Ads o.p t enc) t.ji IN, Ze41 F1:n at 1513 Redo. Ada 20 C54.4 >14,,.5.44 SI _4541.ndlene... O. 1 Carelaall TO r,,,..tr_a 11/... Idwi, F (Rail reto TO en -d :; iftel..,...t,...11v:. m5,04ows ILI: A ftealeal 31 ran ermdzicon ke M 4 roe IAA read ewe's. hirow Ice tolerates IS ) itemeos a3 tune 544 Vr recede Ocoee. ii Re t.,reart. Se /Galan Sea5* Ie for she the RgRoara...aULOrtne. :5 ours eimilmati 1 The parade back, ("*.1., Roaraerara, Rabe, Ow rear at the moment. anted ala matter law 4, 1327Lfit orno, 4:4444: tr-arr as et Mar,* stems August 13. with Horne and Alien CoWeltit st battoasel feenone OCO4NIAL (Ste Tali Shads Ste on page 5)

4 4 GENERAL NEWS Markova, Dolin Prove Concert- Terp Pull Again NEW YORK, July 22.-M heretofore reported. the ballet has been cutting Reef an Important Mice of alsowblz cash and kudos. There is nothing Odd about a sellout any more when the tulle -end - tighten get together on a stage. How - ern, when two artists, even such top performers as Alicia Merkora and Anton Donn, pack the Leeteohn Stadium to the tune of 22,003 customers for a duo Concert dance program. It goes a long way to prove the entree:ate and twirls ere completely in the groom with mass aumences. Their single appearance at the stadium had the ballotomelnes hanging by their eyebrows from the coiononea for the biggest turnout so far this rummer. In spite of the fact that the evening got off to slow start, It built successfully for a conclusion which brought (See MAIMOVA. DOW, on page Id) "Minneapolis Aqua Follies" (Reemord Thursday factifti9. July 21) Per the second straight year. Al Sheehan. WCCO radio caw. has a winner In his 1944 Aqua Follies, again the top - Melt attraction of the annual Minns. &polls Aquatscanial. Altho Points is Sire years old. this is Sheehan's second Vox as production chief and be has cooe:ed himself with even more glory than In 1049 with this preserremiton. As In pest year. reales was staged in the seat amphitheater In Theodore Wirth Lake at eels western edge of the city Preview to the two -boor thole Presented by night -year -Old Dianne mem,. MInneepolia product. National anthem, sung by Penny Perry., accompanied by 12 -piece Water reuses ark directed by Verne Rooney. opened. Dare Barry, mime -croft last year. is back We mason, and Is better than ever. Pint production number. Summertime. has 10 -girl deuce line on stage for some excellent steps created by John stage production director. Costonna; to excellent and girls are Twin City tops with looks and ability. The home-bred 34 -girl water ballet (Miner - ally of )thanesota en:dents directed by Helen Storm takes to water for number tilled Tenpo-De Aquas Sapenotas. Local water ballet in a few short years has iwootne one of the best In the nation. Their precision swimming to something worth seeing. Best of the numbers Is the chain swimming. First diving event from the three and Svc -meter springboarda on both elder of the pool was presented by Patty Fair - brother, Marton Mandleid. Dareo.hy Ziegler WI Clan. Al Greene. Charlie Diehl and 16.year.old Whitey Han. Three Carroll Stater,. Minneapolis oce, cantata who got their start at Curly's night club here three years ago and have since gone plane to radio. are back Brame for the Ironies. Their Old Gray Bennet In swing and and Thou Great, Bees &etitled Dyes got big hand. Cid Casale, Minya.= diver, take, over fora few minutes of comedy patter with Barry to big applause. Glaris Catlen, /011W star. wee In the pool foe her initial appearance. The gal hen tooks, ability and form galore. Memory Last. second production nurober was on comedy aide. Pattclpet:mg is Use 10 -girt line, dressed in various Gay '00. costumes. and mall barbershop quartet aroging oldie.. Number Is climaxed by Liboosti Trio, father - son -daughter xylophone act- Brother and rater do acme comic dance stem While dad handles xylophone. Winds up In a fast litterbug turn that has sad: - gram In the Melee. Act ban to beg cdf. Second diving act from the two high towers brings gum from the audience. a, Jimmy Patterson. June Brett.. Patty Paerbrother, Marten Mansitild, Dorothy Ziegler, Earl Clark. Al (Hewn. Charlie Diehl and Whitey Clark peforce their stints. Barry takers spotlight to himself for his mimicry baled as The World Todol. His Impersonations got big hand. Funniest act on the hill wan Larry Orlimid. water clown, lively and breathtaking. Does a drunk on a divine tower. Griswold% act gets better and more thrilling each serer. tiprorslous applause. Prochletton number ferotnna the wear ballet on turf boards end is highlighted GI's OK Billboard WASHINGTON, July 22. -The army announced last Wednesday (10) that among the 180 magazines which it has okayed for distribution to troops without scrutiny, was The Billboard. BD was the only showbiz trade paper included In the Est, which was the result of n surrey conducted since last April among the soldiers Its 17 army posts. An actual sampling poll among scene Ole was conducted to compile this list and this ram - piing was combined with en Analysis of sales In post exchanges as well as 'a study of the subsertptiona taken out for and by the Ors overseas. While 01 interest In The SWbonfd might have surprised the general public, It was rso surprise to amusement Industry Itself. eines U30 -C81 units and special stroke Officers report haling seen BB wherever they bare been sent to entertain. The army announcement was just official moos/om! of The Btilboarda standing with showbiz troops here and abroad. Quiz Bar for Teen Canteen PORT WORTH. July 22.-A quiz bar has been Inaugurated as a weekly feature far the Teen Canteen, maintained for high school &Indents. Each Friday night IOW, will conduct a mute from the soft drink bar at the canteen. Cash prizes will be offered for right answers. Thom who are gassed will be taken from the dance floor between dances where Juke box mak to enjoyed. Ocrealonally the canteen hires an Orchestra. The canteen le sponsored by leading business and professional men and women as solution to the juvenile delinquency problem. The Billboard July 29, 1914 Ina Claire Wins Tax Appeal On Biz Deductions HOLLYWOOD, July Performers Are getting their first break In the tax situetion here now that Catliornia Ciro milt Court of Appetite has ruled that taxpayer' hare the right to deduct from their returns expenses *huh were Incurred %Mlle On business trips. Decision was handed down when Ina Cleft* filed on appeal, after U. S. tax court refused deduction actress had made for captures while away from home. Amount was M.090 and was deducted from 1039 return. Reault of deeniort of appeal court is expected to hare widespread tette* in showbiz, for new ruling would allow actors, directors. producers and execs to deduct their traveling cape:lace while on Maine% trips. Ivory Ticklers Big Mex Stuff VICCICO CITY, July 22. -There's a big demand In Mexico for piano thumpers. Every cabaret, cocktail lounge and restaurant has one, and they are running the jukes a close second for popularity. Moat tunes played aro popular Amer -- can numbers mixed in with the beat of the Spanish ditties. CBC Shifts Three TORONTO. July f. 0. Walker. former prairie representative for the CBC. bas been put in charge of the coy - potation's Dominion net. James Pinny succeeds him as prairie rep. At the same time Ernest Morgan was moved to Toronto from his job as program director on the Coast to the newly created poaition of supervisor of exchange programa WCFLProgramLabor'sExample On how To Reach an Audience CHICAGO. July 22. -Labor organiranon' in this area will have a now chance to bring their public re/alf one xr.esnagee to radio listeners by means of a series of programs now being planned by WCPL, local India owned by the Chicago PedentOon of Lebec. AFL. Station hopes to start sometime In September a wean ball hour dramatic aeries In which APL locals will be able to show how their activated prom the contention that "tabor's gains are America's gains." Unique but understandable point of the entire scheme. however, la that because WCTL is owned by the Chicago redeem. lion of Labor, and therefore API. all the way, the CIO will not be given time during the series. Sick -off of the plan will be a special hour's program on Labor Day. Tor this opus, whtsh will use a large dramatic cast and Dili -elm Orchestra, Studs Terkel. who is climbing to popularity here after a long tenure in Detroit radio, and Lon Schofield, president of the Radio Writers' by Lu Cel11s, exotic dancer. Her gyrations very good. Big band. Alter she leaves stage. water ballet turns surfboards Into froze. Was Callus and partner, 'Howard Crane, do prectrion swimming to glee club's offering of A -:or. Very good. Cid Canals% diving matinee turn the pool Into a riot with their comedy. All the divers, men said women, take part. In this One. Finale is salute to the armed forms. Penny Perry warbles floodatoet, Soldier, followed by White Chrtrtmae, a, Muter -ma tree lights go on all over Map tra prayer for the war's end and the boys' return by yuletide. Barry then does monoleg on navy's part in war, end a dozen or more sailors attired In whites Ohne jumping OS the two high towers into the water. Thearle-DuMetel Artworks d t play winds It up. Pre= hod barely 4,000 In stands because Of chilly Weather. Jack Weinberg. Guild, Imes written a history of labor In America from Use 17th century to dale. Script Tomenta the thesis that, as well as figheing for its own slim, organized Mho' hae crusaded for free education. women's suffrage and many other social advantages. Howard Keegan, Wert:it manager. hopes that the format of the show a-ui point Out to API. locals here the publicrelationa merits of a labor program that holds listener intereat with topnotch drama. After the Initial program, other AFL ores, such as bakers, painters and bricklayers, will be given chance to present their histories In the same manner. According to present plans. WCFL will echoic the time and the unions will pay production costs for the serico. Radio leaders here Mow the planned WCPL aeries es another step toward the goal line whkh will be crowd when all labor organizations realise that to get time on the sir and retain listener toter - eat they Walt have proerams that are equal to. or better than. existing commercial &hinge, STOCK TICKETS One PHI.rh T.n Rae, 00 rat, so% Roe:,,,, ROLLE /3.000 EACH, m NO N. ilnibe Tat-. tai". 'S P E C I A L PRINTED $011 or MACHINE 100,000 it $22.00 ELLIOTT TICKET CO I " reed elver le Ortblie4 our d4,41.111,1, ethbolrbb Ingo Rut W.7 To OH Yr.. TICKETS le 10 WSW b.:, We imill low na,rwroisary ii,'. In pntiln, the, to THE TOLEDO TICKET COMP&HY Taal. (Tkagt Cltp1 2. Ohl* Billboard Caseys NEW YORK. July V. -Behind the stellar short-stopping of Joe CUM of The Billboard and the *upset third basting of Harty Schrader of The Billboard, neither of whom made more than three mom" per inning, the trade press pulse:isms overwhelmed the NBC ringers by the lopodeled score of before A entering mob In Yankee Stadiums today. Winning run woe driven In by iron -man Joe Cside In the second Inning when the score was two - one. Schrader threw John Royal, NBC v..p... out at Wirt base In the lirat Inning. Steaming into second base on sensational steal in the first half of Use first. Schrader was critically injured and :vaned to Polyclinic Hospital by way of Toots Shoe but not before he had put the trade team In a position to maks a Oreleon finish by committiog two errors, thus Stlowir.g seven unearned runs for NBC. neteral others also played 021 the trade team. Paid attendance: 6. Club Booker Finds Spiders OK for $$ CHICAGO, July 22. -,Ames A. Roberta booker and personal manager here. has just rounded out a year of adding a speakers' bureau to his list of activttlet. which glees him the dlatinction of being the first club date booker to special. n.3 In the handling of "'waken and lecturers. Roberta entered the field because of the demand for this type of talent for dinnens and luncheons. In less than a year's time. this new department has been responatbie for 15 per cent of the total tautness of the office. receiving anywhere from $100 to to a date. depending on the celebrity and the occasion. It also has *Semi Inc: agents an opportunity to secure speakers for their special aoeounta. Calves stable now Include. king Mauna foreign editor of Thr Chimps Tines: Preston Bradley. Arch Ward and Bob Becker, of The Chicago Tribune: AI Wynkoop, humorist; Art Below, Me - page Dodd Brown, Sufi Itengalee. Dr. Gerhard Schachter, "Private Leland Simpson, James IC. Thompson. P. Harold Orman and Dr. James C. Holtenbeck. In addition, Roberta also Us been offering Upton Close In this territory. Newark Stage Door Canteen Closed for Summer Fix -Up NEW YORK. July The Newark (N. J.) Stage Door Canteen will ewe Sunday (23) for the root Of the summer for re-deconstion and repairs whkh include the inatellation of ventilluon al's rem. Canteen has been open just over R year and has served uniformed men. The American Theater Wing plans to reopen the basement bistro early in September. Long, New Yorker, July 31 yorac. July Johnny Long and ork go into Hotel New Yorker hero July M. and not July 21 as was typographically mix -stated in Long's ad in last week's Issue. ICKET anallivcd MAT - PAD - Stem e.oueom SOCKS- RESTAURANT CI1ECK% -SALES 500AS ANO All ALLIED FORPAS j 409 tar6yctte ST., N.Y.C. as W WASHINGTON ST., Chic up 6 16 CHESTNUT ST.. Pall.., SPECIAL POINTED Oath sltft Order. Prkw: , , ,000..., Sal 70, , conoo ' , boo obspsw pek.14. STOCK ROLL TICKETS ONt, KCAL $.55 ten notts 1.00 flf.ty ROLLS ROLLS EACH.0.r.on D..,44 N. C. 0 D. 0.h"

5 July 29, 191,1 RADIO Communications fo 1554 Broadway, New York 19, N The Billboard Fall Skeels Set With Regulars India May Be Sock Market Come Peace 100 KW Station To Help NEW YORK. July 22.-Most algntficant development In the hittory ci.radki in the Par and Middle Seat, according to Art Feldman, Blue newscaster just returned from India. London and Algiers, is the erection by the All -India Radio Corporation and the British Ministry of Information of a 100.CCO-watt station to New Delhi. Tilts station. Sant Feldman, is currently bealadcutiog only psychologteal warfare propaganda, but the trade thinks that It may be the forerunner of 'Menai» broadcasting development In radio -backward India and a oonreepeent market for American techniques and seta. India at present is served by the most rudimentary of radio equipment. Feldman said. He told of the prevailing initiation In which no telephone lines are available and all relays have to be ac co:i:attend for as abort Mato:ion as 25 cones by towpower short -ware transmitters. With the coming of American troops to the country, attempts were made to Install an American forces network alentiar to the one In operation In Fontanel, but it was nixed by the Indian Nationals who bold alt but two key pasta (news director end chief =glover) All-Indla Radio. One low -power eta - non was Installed to New Delhi, none anywhere else_ However, the new OCO-watter: It it felt, represents not only a subatantial step in Improving the wartime India radio problem. but is also said to bare tremendous post-war poselbill. Several radio men queried, said that the big station at New Delhi there, particularly If BBC goes commercial in '46, will have something to sell. American seta, at cheap prism- can bo sold to the Indiana, and American know -bow will be In great demand. Following this saculd tome the demand for Amerlean neeductc One figure In the trade said: "There Editorial Dangerous Silence war; several months ago Nathan TV Straus, new owner of WaiCA. New York, Announced that he would follow a policy of airing centroverstal tunes, within certain Warta - Cone, many segments of the radio industry jumped On him and predicted the day when the crackpots, enemies of the nation end an assortment of pleaders for special sautes would make of WMCA sounding board for then Ideas.!aad Straus at that tame: "We will try to maker reasonably certain that purely partisan attacks will not go unanswered and that no one wall make statements over our station that are detrimental to the national welfare." On July 7 a akeelded speech by New York State Senator Predate R. Cotsdrat was censored on the grounds that It was a purely part!. aan attack on the adminlatration trotted of an =petted patriotic oration. It also. said MICA, slurred ease of our allies. Immed!stele. that section of the pines which seems to wall for a chance to lath out at radio andice liberal thinking, seized upon the Incident to make political oral Moines, capital. Telling its reader, that this act represented typical radio operation under the Deal -dominated FCC, Hearit's Nee, York Journst-Ameracen implied that the only tellable source of information In the countsy was the newspaper, and men ao different a.per as the reed Nese York Tfritea suit that Strain was In the wrong. The political implicsuana of the case do not concern us here. What does concern the industry Is the fact that those who oeigthally attacked Straus on the grounds that be would not monitor lots material, ate now strangely, almost vindictively silent. To the radio Industry, then, an III turn la being done by its own members. For when a man stands on his right* as a station owner. and when be carries out his Mated policy in a manner that Is, in gee - ern], agreed upon by all the Industry. he deserves the support of his colleagues. And even mote than that, by Its brooking silence radio Is allowing Itself, thru WMCA, to be slandered, reviled and bell up as a horrible example to the reading publte. By closing tight its att.:noes vociferous mouth, the Industry allows to be cuffed, beaten and slashed its most vaunted posismaton the freedom to determine, within reasonable bounds, what will go on the an. If the industry continues to hide In Its corner, what Mr. Straus calls -the vesture groups that are trying to stifle our (radical) freedom." wilt become again and again hoarsethreated in their slanders against radio. WHOA is a New York India But web& too, can be attacked. And the longer the Clenee oa WMCA. the greater the nets vulnerability to the., &me attacks. Precedents are dangerous things. Chi Sees Shift From Packages To Net Staff Talent Shows amemacp" July ee_seeto and outlasts Me Mira May de Socio on page g) here seem to be etopfdtd the buying of package shown from talent bookers. AceordIng to one of the best-known book- CBS Prexy Visiting ers In town, three Instance, occurred In the past two weeks which Indicate that U. S. for Conference nets and station, are compeinng sponsors to WO staff talent already on the net's On Psycho Warfare and stations' pay roll. Accoadlng to this same booker there Is a possibility that weatencomo. July 21.-Returning to uniese this trend is reversed talent ofttere the United Statce for what he described here wilt Boon be Wiling no theirs at all as a "very short" stay, Witham 8. Paley, to redba thief of radio, psychotogtail warfare dl- Rule 12A of APRA. pat.sto in says 'Men, fanaf3a, arrived by plane from that nets and atationa can riot handle eteias Saturday (221, directly follow.. talent, but it mid nothing about packir.g a trip of trapeetion thruout the areas aging of chows by thews sane sonnies. ao et the Normandy Pet:denote occupied by the more la entirely permissible and open Allied troops. Mr. Paley, who la on and above board. Its prthelpal Implleakeys of absence to the Mee of War In- then Is that eventually there might be no formation Rota his position as president such ttline here as the *ethnic of talent Of the Columbia Broadcasting System, tomato by booker*. Unless ATHA chanam laid that while here he will Confer in Its nine. any bookers here, there le little Washington with Mends of OM and the that can be done to change existing con - War Department &boat further plans for dittoes- In Hollywood the Antra Menthe funetioning of his section of the age's' Oulid has been tumor enough. be- Parthologtcal warfare octant/alien. cause Of Its affmatton with Semen Actors' Paley likewise declined to make any Comment on post-war broadcasting In the United Slates or the plans of CBS Gil HOLLYWOOD, July 22-New Frank to this field. Paley doubted If It was arts for Dough' Morgan show for Maawen Hone will tee Proper for him to comment, In his pre.- off Anatol 31. Fermat of alter is due ent rates, on his company's future at - to be mulled next week at Benton A: Unties., and suggested that such!nip:tries be directed to Paul W, Rester. Mexico City. Dewiest when Morgan planes to from CMS executive eicemealdent, who Is In No details of show have yet been set Marge of the company during his kale cot ansence. New CBS War Correspondent HOLLYWOOD, July 22 -TI,, lien:era CAS staff announcer, Its, been made as. Want to WebleT Edwards, network cogreel:ore:lent In Honolulu, Liemert will be given rank of war eorreapoodent for the web In the Pacific Area. Comes Up Out of Texas for Pepper HOLLYWOOD. July 22.-Sumnwr replacement for the Al Pearce show will be Doris jar Dough. which tees off from here August 6. Show was originated Dv Orville Ander. aon and has been featured on a Texas network for several years. Anderson arrived here July 24 to net up tbs alma. Show will bo bank -rolled by De. Pepper. Guild, to present such a mere. Here the Faitertalners' Management Ateocia- Hon Is not that strong. Mast tree Staff In One of the Mint:env. Cases here, sponoor war writing to tire a variety package show suggested by a hooter, but station said that if a staff next:nen was not used the time could not be pure -based. At a net Just about the same thing happened. 'The logical and tmdenstenttable theories of the stations and nets atoms to be this: If we package our staff talent we don't have to pay It much more then salary foe commercial work. But, on the other hand. we' can charge the sponsor foe talent, and the difference will look good In the bank. Morgan Back on Maxwell Aug. 31 but It Ls expected that plenty of top talent will be included In the line-up so as to cut Mergan's burden. White no one will get star bluing except Morgan, there will be plenty of aseletents on hand to be stare the show sforen't bog down. Whether half hour Calltft will be devoted to type of comedy Morgan treed on Maxwell House last Lesson or not will be decided upon at matins neat weed, Senior Nets Really Tight Savoy catching on with two others getting audiences; Sunday battle best (Corif(nucd from page 3) returning to CBS on that day. Frank amine treks hack on the following ens, August 16. Neales for the fall that precede the B. & A_ return are the Cudahy Packing Company allow, Tina wed Tim, which bows In August 7, foe a crone the -]ward 1111M from 3:15 to 320 and the KC Jamboree featuring Curley Bradley, cowboy singes over NBC. And on the Sinatra day (16) Jack Carson returns to his (Miler time, PSo to 10 psi. The end of August bees Kay Ryser back on the air In the same slot sa before, and the Darla -Hate/ Sealte shin. dig puthing Edward Everett Horton OS his summer ap:o. They're looking for a story :dant to change the Joan Davis man -chasing character but they're worried that Joan. without a man to chase. may not be so plushy on the Hooperett calk Starts In September With August out of the way, the parade back really starts. Henry Aldrich slips in September I. a little &bead of advents skeds_ Stenor of the Terns abilts to Saturday, September 1. On the third. The Great Gridersleere lightens up Sunday's NBC evening; Edgar Bergen brings back the inns wooden -head, Charlie. The Lux Radio Theater is studded back the following night. Lockheed's Man Named X (holding down part of the Lux Theater Urns for the sumerwr) hasn't caught on enough yet to assure Its betrae shifted to another net spot, altho CBS hopes to hold the Lockheed account and expects that X may catch Itself an audience. reheat./ will drop Its sock The Doctor Plea*, on the 0th for Thia Zs sty Bear Truth or Consequences is set for Sop - (ember 0 with Ralph Edwards without current draft worries. information Please gets back On NBC on the 11th. Columbia Present, Corwin, CBS use suetainer, bows off September 5. and will be replaced by the Wrigley bank -rotted Sere. tor To the Front on the 12th. This la a shift from a Friday to a Tuesday sheer and la no doubt made because Corwin (See Mt. SEEDS SET on page 14) CAB Goes After Producer Agent "Membership" Biz NEW YORK. July 22-The Co -Operative Aanslyals of Broadcasting organize. tech thts week Upped off the reason why program producer. and talent agents have been receiving build-up reclines en the erg. The co-op org that makes available the Crossley ratings hsa deeided to sell the releases In the form of "meratheratitor to Indio producers and agents. at the rate of 175 a month. If the company buying the services; does both producing and rapping of talent it will Keit them 5100, It's something new for the CAB to sell its services but ONITC. Allen. general manager of the group, did not think this shift In policy was sroethy of * news release, "It's Just." said Allen, 'an expry:salon of our meters.' The Hooper orgartlaatlen, en the other hand, has always sold producers or any. one desiring the Hooperatings, the emir - Ice. setting a errors that wee In line with the earning power of the auberribing organization. Au exec of CAB explained that since Hooper win In the surrey bustares. the figures naturally hare al - 'rare been for *ale.

6 6 RADIO The Billboard Iltly Democratic Convention Scoop Show Nets & Indies Land Firsts Radio reporters prove that the other fellow still can be beaten getting news By Cy Wagner CHICAGO. July 22.-"I think radio has done a marvelous Job of covering this convention." These words, spoken by Senator Sam Jackson. of Indlens, permanent chairman of the 1944 Democratic National Convention, auminarined all the praise voiced here by statesmen and lay esemers for the wart done by the radio Industry Of the Melted States In Its all - embracing description of the convention. With special pre -convention broadcasts from the Stevens Hotel. convention bead - quarters, and With later programs from the Stevens and from the Chleeze Sta. ditto, the hell In which the delegates met, radio. Icemen:4 to trade and neutral leaders, did a job equaled only by Its Coverage of the Invasion. Radio executives claimed the Industry did a better job cowling the Democratic Convention than was done during the broadcasts of the Republican confab here a few weeks ago. Proof of this, they say. wet indicated by the weeps scored by all nets and some independents. The weeps and "firsts" came so fast that before the convention was over it became apparent that more than ever before, radio peened its superiority as a news cltssetrath-atieg agent. With eta *betty to reach the public with news Tucker than the newepapern radio, Of ootirse. has an Inherent advantage. But the way In which the Industry used this advantage was the beet Indication of the work done by radio's news and special events men. One cave. Lneoleir.g a news beat.cored by the Cowles stations, itrarr. WNEX and DSO. es a good example. On Tueaday (IS) at 930 p.m. the Cowles staff was able to interview Dick Mitchell, Demo - Mettle candidate for governor of Iowa. Mitchell described in oseenee the speech he intended to use in placing Henry W. Withers name before the convention for the rice.presidenttal nomination. At legit 24 hours later thee Informal.ton was given to the wire serrices by CBS. The wire serrices, not having the Informs - lean before. then used It for the Mat time. The Mutual "Seat" More Radio Tubes For Rest of 1914 WASILINGTON, July 22.-At least. 100 and possibly 200 per Dent more radio tubes for civilian use will be manufac lured and distributed In the last half of 1044 than In the nest half according to figures released Thursday (20) by the NAIL. Between 3.3 and 40 per cent of the sharply lecreesed production is expected to be shipped in July and August, Now It's "Real" Stories NEW YORE, July 22.-Mutual preens July 31 a now see called Real Stories From Rost Life (3.3:15 p.m. EWT.), featuring drarreatheations of Merits from Real Story meg. Show originates tram WOR. New York, and Is being backed by 11111rnan Periodicals, pubs of Real Story. Radio adaptations will be done by Prank Dalum, with Jock McGregor handling the producing chore until Joe Rip. ley returns from vacation two weeks after the prom. Jean Ilarstone to Kudner NEW VOW. July 22.-Jean Harseone, until recently assistant director of network promote= for NBC. baa joined the public»lat.:or-a staff of Arthur Kudner, The. Last Lessor) Miss ifaratene organized and directed the national campaign for NBC's Parade of Stars. Settee joining NBC, she wan for eight years an account executive for the McCann -Dickaon Agency. Mutual hid a case that waa CHICAGO. July 22.-One of the best Len. oft, cupp,,,...ife el the late rev.. radio Jobe done at. the 1944 Democratic mond Clipper, Interviewed Represents- National ConventIon said many of the tire Mary Norton and Secretary of Labor politicians at the Stevens Hotel. conven- Pe'ld" cowered o'n the one broadcast show. The and used wire Informsservices Blue 'ton headquarters, Network's sat the work of the tine gathered there In later stories. crew under the direct:en These are just exempted and many more e' G. could be cited.or al: the nets-nbc, of much importance now le what wan CBS, Mutual and Blue. done by Blue. But the plan behind It. the Johnstone plan, Is of Importance Jelst a few other examples. hawsers-, now and pants a way to successful spa - prove conclusively that radio reached all events operation In the future. new bepottellee as a news gathering Johnetenees plan based upon a theory Medium during and a few day. before the of developing a newsman's individual convention. Tor one ahoy. CBS can take ultra, ratty and expression and having a bow, Oee of the most Important Maw- an expert for every conceivable fact of Bons discussed before the convention a major news event will be used at the Started was whether or not President peace table and for every other itn- Hneweelt was going to block Henry Wal- portent news event In the future. John. lace. Raellsing this and discovering stone even sees It as the' plan of opens - where Sauter Jackson was going to read teen at come later date, of a crew of the contents of a letter from Roosevelt newsmen who will room the country as answering this question. CBS mere U. a smooth -working team presenting a der the direction of Special Features Tee aeries of analytical, descriptive epeeist rector Paul White. arranged to be there events seems. when Jackson read the letter at a press In Jclanstone's crew at the Stevens conference. Neither Jacesson nor the and the eeeeeto Stadium, convention newsmen knew that Bill Slocum had hail, were Baukbage, William Hillman. run a line and a mike Into the room. Leen Henderson. Henry Teetee, Clete When Jackson started to reed the letter Roberta. Ray Hetes Waiter Kiernan. John Daly aholed the mike In front of Martin Agronaky, Bryson Rain. Patricia his fere, and the news went out to Douzhezty. Earl Godwin, and Harry nation. When Henry Wallace arrived in Wismar. Baukhape treated farm angles: town. CBS and NBC scored a joint beat. Hillman. foreign affairs; Henderson. do - They had mterephows at his first press mottle you Roberta the eervece- Oenferenee, to the chagrin of the news- mane viewpoint: Taylor, interviews: One Dem. Conclave Scoop on pope 8) Kiernan, human Interest sidelights; God - Midwestern Commentators Bypassed at Conventions Despite Ability, Says Borroff Newsmen Point to Swell Job by Mutual's Brickhouse CHICAGO, July 22.-One fact brought out by the radio coverage of the 1944 National Dana, etlo Convention, to the opinion of Ed Demote vice-prealdent In charge of Blue Network's Central Dl - vision, was melees mistake of not using more Midwestern commentators and newsmen. liorreff told The Billboard that up to now radio has not made a strong enough effort to develop men whom, reactions to news events reflect the hddweefrrn mind and the Midwestern approach to problems of national and International Important*. Borroff admitted that men trained In Washington hare much to add to a national convention. But ho also Mated that surely the nets should realize many highly competent newsmen are at work to the Midwest and should be sued more extensively than they have to date. Borroff said he felt some of the Midwest's top newspapermen should hare been given a chance to cover the Chow by radio. "Why is It," he said. 'that for' every news event of major importance we move In a staff of Ea -stern expellee Surely we could nod trained out here." Peoria Man Steps Out Proving that Derrodes theory was mound was the work done for Mutual by Jack kickbouse. a product of Pootts. ILL. and Chicago radio. Brickhoure And the job Of being the co-ordinating commentator for Mutual. His was the job of vocally tying together the efforts of Blue's Crew -Type of Coverage e Gets Okay From Convention Johnny Johnstone builds rounded news staff for Chi and gives it its own head to do a job-result is coverage that makes politicos like it and makes listeners listen to Blue Washington perconalitime Bente, summaries: Agroteaky, analysts and Intervetere: Wenner. color; Patricia Dougherty, women'. orgies, and Rash. vocal co-ordinating. This way, every possible angle was covered and there was no Overlapping of purpose on the part of anyone. Johnstone said the same theory could be applied at any major special events *hew, whether It be a conference or a catastrophe. Of course, there might bet bo the need to cover as many angles. but the mime Wale theory could be. applied. An excellent example of the theory being put Into practice was the work of Clete Roberta. Roberta had lived with fighting servicemen for the past 16 months as a war correspondent In the Southwest Pacific. He, the net rerusorad, would be well-equipped to glee a serviceman's reaction to Important Issues being discussed at the convenuon. Tats he did, with excellent results, *ay the Blue praisers. Roberta' work was also a proof of the soundneas of Jobnatone's then:ice that commentators should be allowed to express their own individual personalities Instead or being confined to the dictate* of a news and speciel features director. Roberta roomed the floor dressed In a use correspondent's uniform. He wan given freedom of expression and many times, so many listener, have said, he got In some pence leafing quecuona that might have been asked by a ooldlee returned from Vass wars. other Mutual ansayiate. Metres were the Specialized assignments. He was the emsee. Expertenced newsmen. even those of competing nets, admitted that Brickhouse did ono of the top radio jobs at the convention. He gave his reactions. He described the scene, as well as acting emate. Using the ettdwesien approaches all the way. BrIekhouee managed to keep his work simple and understandable, cosmopolitan radio row agreed. And Brickhouse has never been assigned to the Senate Press -Radio Gallery, Admitting that nothing could be done a late data to get the etletweetern newsmen more Into the convention radio picture, Boretef concluded with the etatement that much could, and should. be done In the future: Ile said there would be many more Important radio news assignments in the future and that something ought to be done to hare the Midwest better represented. He firmly stated that be. anyway, would continue to work towards that end. Pa the Editor Says Film a Muston Shows Claims Convention Proves It CHICAGO. July 22,-Yoe many Ware, believes Al Butterfield, Petite News editor who was In charge of the newsreel crew sheeting film for NIIC's telt- Neaten coverage of the Democratic Convention, thlertdon's best coverage of news will be done on film. With a crew of nine men using Ave cameras, Butterfield shot free of film per convention day far VeriNT. NBC's television statleo. Doing this. Butterfield teamed much Hut will, he thinks., be applicable to television new, shows Of the future. ButterfHld said he thought HIM cameras will be used for television at least until electronic camera, weighing only a few pounds are developed. This. be W- heves, because only with small lumens can a complete job covering all amities be done. A few beery cameras, even with telescopic lens. would not, he belle es, be able to completely cover something like a political convention. libt men. with cameras were able to catch every important event at the convention no matter when It took place. Editing Important The freedom which can be exercised In the editing of ftlm. believes Butterfield, make* film camerae beat suited for news coverage. it would be almost Imp -eatable, for example, to use a battery of televise:in camerae under the direction of one man and have nothing mewed. Ile would have to we what was being caught by all his cameras at once and then would have to cut In the right cameras at the right time-an almost Impouthle teak. But with film the best parts can be picked out in the cutting room and smooth - running, all.embreetrig show put together, The 10&& of time taken to 'Mrs. develop and edit film slid not bother Butterfield. Only 10 hours after ahoottng time NBC (See Films Mess Says Ed On page 14)

7 July The Itillhocrtyl RADIO 7 with pride or,j6 f.wtts owst.' VOA L S1A110%.PgfAS CMhtit4(1. 91A110IIS 104S5.91VE/ Uri PieB01 IlOiBAL 9L0t0 SEVLi11 1$t Dtt.L11011.R0 A CALI J ICA k PADIO E.01I0R0 E0 f &VAL 90111LS %ELM 907E0 ft wria follouing are excerpts from The Billboard of July 22, 1944: "ln announcing its Seventh Annual Radio Station Promotion Survey, The Billboard said: 'It's the promotional intelligence back of what you're doing and how you present it that will stir the committee to vote.'" "WLW came down in front by virtue of over-all promotional excellence; both in appearance and content it was the superlative. It used a duo -three -pronged approach; program and audience, dealer and merchandising, agency and client. Showmanship and savvy were superb all the way." "When it came to dealer promotion, WLW was way ahead of the field. This was point -of -sale promotion with a bang." "The same intelligence was applied to the agency and client promotion." "WLW simply sees its duty and does it with eclat, thoroness and dispatch." WLW HONOR LIST 1936 VARIETY C;terNon for Prosra,v rig:et ofi'ets Stereo" 1931 VARIETY -Spoc:al Award far Proptorn Orc2htot:IvStornA" 1939 VARIETY -Award for Nationally ErpfoY.d Stellate' 1940 BILLBOARD "Owsron&ny AthJevernont in Radio P.,611tIty and Exp..allotien" FOSTER PEABODY AWARD "For Owlsta.-ding Meritarfaut Public Service 1941 BILLBOARD "OotdandJny Athlevewenl In Podia Pubtlely end Emplaitotlen" 1941 VARIETY "for Pceriollc leerdevuhlp" 1942 VARIETY "For Pro..eitni Ramer Undervlendlno al War mtg...," /1110 I. tiv PONT AWARD "lot Outtiond.,no Pubqc Strait*" 1943 VARIETY "Incrividvaf Ert!erpthr on War Issuer 1944 BILLBOARD "Ovri.aneng PkrEtrk Oelot.tone' 1944 BILLBOARD omelet Statier. Pre.. e1ion Aware" CND...it was Charles.Munn who said: "Compliments are like perfume; to be inhaled, not swallowed". So we shall not permit our pride to drift into a feeling of complacency over something achieved... rather must we accept the honor as an inspiration, and a challenge. WLW The Nation's erchatullne-able Station D Of THE POLLY COEPORATiC

8 I 8 RADIO The Billboard July 29, 1944 BBC Life Made Hazardous Thru Nazi Buzz Bombs NEW YORK. July Buzz bombe have bladed BSc broadcasters to a point where the Naltl'a new robot. have seriously interfered with the corporation's perannel eked, eyerataa ow/taloa& and borne airing techntques. according to Jack Itooley, BBC's New York senior program operation" manager, jtut returned front a fire months' stay In London. Henley mild that the "secret" weapon haw upset liked, to a point where working skeds have gone up as muds as five hours and Mit all outside recording work. Altho the BBC does not contemplate moving out of the bombing area, Hooley did point to one Instance when a robot hit one of the buildings while a Crechodoreklan communique was being picesered. The bomb hit two stories above, blew qua over the department, destroyed the seript and Injured the staff. A new news report we. brought In from a bask Pngltsh department. translated and broad - Mat by a pause covered announcer. No work con be done out -of -Coon, Rooky :std. becture Southern England L considered a front -lino area and the same security regulations against live shows in the open air prevail as In Noemandy. The length of the alerts, eenietimes ere Or six hours, he said, has ugeot working eked" to a point where It may take 16 hours to do en eight -hour job. Glass has become a weapon. and when an alert enuoda, all personnel must move to a nr.ccurity- errs where crowding prohibit.. fast enieleint work. Despite all teem handicape. Hooky said, 6 montils, Blue Precuts Home Show Aug. 19 for Chef Boy-Ar-Dee CHICAGO. July 22.-Blue Network will start a new home ecoramtat show on the complete net August 10. Program. to be epostwired by Chef Boy-ArDer. will feature Bethert Kerney on Saturdays from to 1043 a.m. (CWT) and will orlgtnate In Chicago. The AteJunkin Agency. Chicago. will handle the show. Reptet to the West Coast will be aired at 120 p.m. "Light of the World" Staff Increased by Dr. Clinchy NEW YORK. July e. Everett n. Clinchy, proxy of the National Conference of Chrtalarte and Jews. ha been sr -Hefted to fill the gap in the clerical ad - views, board for the CBS Light of the World show left by the recent death of Dr. James Moffett. Light, a drarnatined version of the Bible, Le under the supervision of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergymen - Brookes 4 for Musicraft NEW YORK. July 32.-Joan Brooks. OBS singer, has fulfilled one waxing eommitetent for Music:Me with whom aba has just signed a long-term contract. Banked by Jerry Shtick and orle Mies Brooks recorded Someday. Somewhere; What a Difference a Day Made. If you Were the Only Gra tri the World and Seven Day, a Week. BBC Is gin doing an tnersfon coverage job that bee received a great drat of piano from the public and even some from the press. IIOOPEItitTINGS Dem Conclave Scoop Show (Continued front page 6) wiper and wire service:nets reprevented. After this conference one news photographer said, OA he looked nt Ids prints, "Where the hell Is Wallace? All I Can see are marophonea." First Reworded Conferenee WLS. local Blue affiliate. claimed a radio filet, too. They were able to hare a wire recorder present at a press Conference conducted by Mrs. Charica a party leader. This. WLS officials and heads of company which made Ute recorder, claim was the first time a press conference tax ever been recorded. When the news of revolt In Oernuiny Dashed across the country. Jack Brick - Souse. of Mutual. bet -airs the firat radio announcer ere: to address a national convention. OrabbIng a dispatch carry. leg the news, he rushed to the platform and read It to the crowd at the Stadium. Senator Jackson proved again and again he knew the Important part recta was playing la the oanventlam. At one time when the gallery audiense was booing, he used hie gavel to restore order and said. 'I know you hare the American tight of expressing your feeling'. But let us not forget that you are not the only ones following this convention. An audience of millions are liatening to It in their homes. Consider that they are anxious to have this convention proceed. Let's give them a chance." The fact that a major press conference was recorded and re -broadcast for the first time. plus the beats cored by OBS and NBC when they beoadcast nationally the first press conferences of such BASED UPON PROCRAMS THAT MADE THE 'FIRST FIFTEEN" DURING THE FIRST 6 MONTHS OF AND 111E RELATIVE STANDING OF EACH SHOW EVERY TIME IT WAS RATED. The programs are listed In order of their combined ratinfn for the year. Bob Hope, who achieved more Grata than any other broadcast, le No. I. Plbber MeOee and Mo :Ie. who held down the No. 2 slot In moot ratings, actuelly do. Mg better than a "two" average. Is wand. Eddie Cantor, who made the ratings only once end then only as No 13, Is the final program listed, No. 21. WI 113. FEL FM lilt MAIL APR. An. MO HAY LYE BM PROGRAM IS 3D IS Bob Hope Fibber McGee 8c Molly Aldrich Family Charlie McCarthy Joan Davis Ec Jack Haley Lux Radio Theater Bing Crotby Jack Benny Frank Morgan & Fanny Brice District Attorney Abbott & Costello Screen Guild Take It or Leave It Waller Winchall Kay Kyscr (First Hour) Fred Allan Your Hit Parade Rod Skelton Charlotte Greenwood Hildegardo Eddie Cantor S I II, El ' S S Vacat3on.-i U t7 3.0 Si Ds o 0 -Vacation 0 C r3 8 d 6 2,.4 ll X rt 7 to X 0 Z 0 o ed.1 o m 1 11 Vacation Vacation 7 6 Vacation Not on air In show rated. VACATION Indicate, that the program was off the air for - ledicates the program was not on the sir at this time. the summer or for Mars. indicates that the program for this period did not make the "Pint Fifteen." Healy Heads New Tele Dep't for A. & S. Lyons HOLLYWOOD, July 22.-New television department is being formed at A. Se S. Lyons Agency, headed by Prank Healy, former RHO radio contact. Healy. who take* over the new post, will also front for the radio department at the agency end arrange package deals for Lyons's clients, Healy was recently given discharge from armed forces. major Importance. caused much Interesting speculation among the radio. press and the essitticlar-s at the convention. Some seemed to feel that from now on radio would hare a better chance of broadcasting from Important press con. terencm. Others turned thumbs down on the idea. D. Harold McGrath. supervttor of the Senate Press.ltadto Oaliery. sad radio would nett: be present at presidential or senatorial conferences. For one thing, he said, much of such conferences are off the record. And for another, a politician or states:nen without a radio personality would bo at a decided disadvantage. Those who thought that some day the people of America would hare a mato ringside at all major press conferences. Laid that it could be done and might bring about a day Ira which the man who know how to ooneuct a prima conferenc4 with radio produetton technique might be the rivet fnfluential. They saw a future day with cues and many mikes being used at press conferences. They raw a day wherein a man holding a press conference would have to come prepared to answer any question, for there would be no "off the mord." This, It was said would being about more careful speaking on the part of our lenders. This. they sal& would be good for the country. Heavy "Language" Coverage Even as some at the convention Were tetnattlng about the work done by American radio. others commented about the large representation from the foreign - language preen and radio both from this country ar.d front abroad. Arrangements made under the directions of atariaa Olson. former asststant creed foreign language division, resulted in the accommodation of 45 representativre of domestic foreign language stations. There were 73 from foreign language papers In this country and about It representative's from papers and network's undo the United States. BBC and CHO had a staff on hand, So did Reuters: Tasa. the Russian news service; the Chinese newer reervices and two Stock. holm papers. According to Otter'. the dispatches from foreign newapipermen "souls undoubtedly be broadcast by staljecu then home country. The opinions of the 76 newsmen from foreign language papers In thla country undoubtedly would, be said, be uullsed by QWI ar.d other abort -ware stations for propaganda and news broadcasts to foreign countries. Officially recognising the excellent work done by radio and the press at this convention and in the peat, the Democrats put Into their platform a plank favoring freedom of expression and communication. "We bellere." read the plank, "Us the world right of all men to write, send end publish neat at uniform communication rates end without Interference by governmental or private tnor.opoly and that right should be protected by treaty." RCA VICTOR and Oar Record Comasr.et this 3x5 VISUAL record of tote e:ts of war Ito polioih.s. plu. old favorites. Ireluties lead sheets trd tyres of choeus S.,nrics free. 1 8roiolorly TuNE.DEx Pryor York 19TUNE N". tolott.<.a for YWANE WO nt MAMA zrinit n,shillit, '4441lieneitia. Utters 50_ e a. a "` far sew t.tit P Dee 'SOTO SERVI01.16a W. 411 rt. Y. 1

9 July 29, 1914 The Billboard RADIO 9 No Time To Sell, 80 Wise Station Ops Just Visit NEW TORIf, July Agency men around tears are registeang pleasant surprise at the actions of some of the top slitters execs In the biz now making faits on the trade. Seems these men are corning in fora chit and chat. and act - mg as the they had something to bell, even two they haven't. As one agency man put It: "It's novel expertence, thou days, to have a station CXeC come by for a hello.' Mostly the boys, now that time le at premium. Inhere see. We know they haven't an) - thusg to sell but we also know that Use boom lan't going to last forever." Which Is put why many stotion owner, operator and commercial manager it making * long end arduous trip that means nothing tinancially. These 'NV" they're to the matter class, have long mernorlos. They cannot forget the de's when they chased all over town to sign a contract. for spot announcement They slap cannot forget the days when they wooed and bowed to agency time buyers. Now that they've got hold of bonanza, they cannot get rid at those old 1:13,2122* They Piet gab about old times and the good days when Mae was time atonable. Also they talk about how sorry they are that they can't handle the!vastness and pass along info and Leo about what la sealable In the town. He form of life insumnos that Hale buyers like, especially these days when meet station operators tit at home and take orders Instead of selling. Only :MOH, as one agency guy put It, "Is tort enough statical" aren't doing it. When the balloon breaks they're gonna %sonde: why they hare no friends." HOLLYWOOD. July 22.-FOrmat or the Old Geld show has been set according to J. Walter Thompson Agency, Andy Russell staying on the air as a reetind lieutenant. WFIL Dr. I. Q., D. D. OMAHA. July 22.-Mars Candy Bus' Dr. I. Q., the off.mike 22- year.old Jimmy MCCtaln. who has Just clewed a ale -week tow at the Paramount Theater hero, has revealed that ho some day will trade his "And box of 24 Milky Ways to that gentleman" forfora pulpit. &lying be hat not found radio work "completely satisfying," McClain disclosed that he hew arranged with his sponsors to commute by plane from Chicago to the scene of each week's Woodcut without Interferring with his studies at Seabury.Weetern Theological Seminary. Evanston, III. McClain hopes to complete his theological cosine In three years and then plans to take over the pastorate of a small church In the Kentucky hills. McClain has been the I. Q. quisrenuter for ate years, having replaced the original quiver, Lew Valentine. Von Zell Lands A. T Hit Parade Slot HOLLYWOOD. Ju:y Harry Von Zell has Waded announcing berth for the summer on the All -Time Bit Parade, with Tommy Dorsey. Show goes beck to its old spot when Jack Denny takes up the time October 8. Von Zell will then step back to the Cantor thew to handle commercials. Murphy a 1 -Shot Crosby HOLLYWOOD. July 22.-Contrary to rumors., no one has been set to replace Ding Crosby on the Kraft show. according to J. Walter Thompson Agency. George Murphy has been penciled in for the August 9 above but he will definitely not be a permanent fixture for the summer. Cantor Just Cantor on Air; `Smile' Tag Out HOLLYWOOD. July 22-When Canter show resumes In the fall, the tag, Thee To Smile, will be dropped and the wirer will be known so the Eddie Cantor Shot. Comic hat new maestro in the person of Leonard Sues, who takes over September 27 in plate of "Cookie" Pah, child. Cantor figures that with Sum's legit experience he abould pram to be one of the beet. INDIA MAY BE SOCKO (Cononued from pope 5) ant ,000 Indlens. Very few of them have radios. However. post-war plans that have been cdfered them will probably raise their Mennen:is of living considerably. Aa their Income rises, a potential market will be created. If?lidless can be put Into their hands and decent prevents given them with a signal like the one which this sic. station has, runt, in Southern Asia will go places. The watter should provide the opening wedge." Feldman also told of a comparatively unpublicised Nazi propaganda station called Radio Metropole (atter the Belgrade OUR) that has been doing one of the smartest of all the European propsgar.da Jobs. This station, he said. has a "make-believe ballroom." Using Martin block's stagee one, two, three and four that has new pop mooed. "almost as soon an listed In The 1312Thaeret Pop Chart" and World News Parade that area very effective technique. Parade takes Allied news rep, picks out lines from there. which used out of ccotexte and along with other phaeked lines, confirm with Nail propaganda. The dubbed Make are then aired and the or hear familiar net voices giving out with the German line. Radio Metropolt also Mane show hacking away et the aims theories. is proud of Billboard's Award! Spot NEW YORK. July 22-The beat clip -sheet writer In the world Ls not supposed to be able CO get spot news Into his org's flack production. That goes without saying, yet NBC's newspaper also alp sheet carried feature about Alex Dreier this put week saying that Adolph Hiner would be asrasstnated before the end of the year, The dip sheet was placed In the mall Friday, July 21. Hunters life sea almost bombed out Friday, July 21. Trade hasn't yet figured out whether Dreier's underground connections tried to make Alegs story look good c: whether he had an!add* track and knew It was going to happen on schedule. KECA Becomes Blue's Aug. 1 HOLLYWOOD, July 22.-Final okay on the Blue Network purchase of Lade C. Anthony's KZCA has been given by the FCC, with the Web taking over active ownership August 1. Green light has also been given by the WW1. and alteration* started thls week on the network's playhouse at. Sunset and Highland_ 9ntll remodeling completed, Blue will operate KECA Dona the Anthony Building. Extensive local advertising centpeten will be undertaken by the network to acct.:slat the publ:o with the fact that the Blue has acquired ownership of the Station. Roche Handling Young Show NEW YORK, July Jack Roche, Young & Rnbiearn producer, Is book from Coast to handle the slim young show for the hot months_ Roche returns in t:me for the tee -oft of Duty's Tavern October 1 over the WESTERN... rm.....c.,,... tomtame TM os I. f,t.1, MI eraio %.,..row ,...O. 1,1.3 a'... 3r, UNION.7...,,,IMP a..., ,...,...,... tip.... "......him I' 3, ?wool,...,...Shr. NE)2(s8 54I=EJ NEWYORK NY If. I 206P 1944 JUL II PM RADIO 514 WF IL= PH ILA= 771 WFIL 500 KC BROADCASTER TO RATE AN AWARD WE IL was PHILADELPHIA'S ONLY 34 THE BILLBOARD SEVENTH ANNUAL RADIO STATION PROVOT CN SURVEY. THE JUDGES) CARLOS FRAN:0 (YOUNG 4 RUB IC AM) L INNEA NELSON ( J W THOMPSON) AND FRANK S1LVERNA IL I BATTEN. BARTON. DURSTINE A OSBORNE) CITED THE STATION FOR DOING "A THOROUGH HOME MARKET PROMOTION." IT WAS AN UNUSUAL CONCENTRATED JOB= LOU FRANKEL RADIO EDITOR. PHILADELPHIA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE RADIO STATION

10 10 R %MO The Billboard July 29, 1944 Award Citation 12 Stations Honor Tabbed Seventh annual kudos and the special station promo Lions that won nods NEW YORK. July 22Twelve of the 111 entries in the Seventh Annual Radio dratlon Promotion Survey stood Ott ao solidly that even tho the judges (Cloths Trance. Young & Rubicam: Linnea Nelson, J. Walter Thompson. and Prank 6U - . Batton, Barton. Durstine fi Osborne) did not vote them one of the 10 general awarda they ell feat that only a special citation for each would justify the job done by the stations. As a matte: of recool, sit the 22 wlnming stattor.s rated arr.ong the nation's top raerchinensers a radio programs. They differ. only to a minor degree. In their promotional intelligence and their follow-thrn. Station Kr, which won its award for rise Bert Job on the Paciffe Coast In Dearly every promotional effort, went beyond the expectations of sponsors and ad agencies. When they promoted the pie Beabid the Rising Sun they staged a jo-ptsu vs. boxer battle on the stage of the RKO theater when the pie was to play and broadcast tt throw by throw. They had Jar..es R. Young. the author, maim '7one:4-the-clock" appearances at shipyards, and In order to arid the promotional job that IMO was doing they staged luncheon at the flan STIMCIT4TO Advertising Club at which Young and the star of the pit. Margo. appeared. This was that extra something-doing a good selling job for the aponsor-end then showing what KPO did to all the adrertlarra In the San Francisco area, And the fact that XPO didn't stop with Ma promotion of commercial programs also added weight to Its bid for promotion honors. There was the series, Brae's To Youth, in whirls not one but 10 youth groups worked with the station lotto a job to tight juvenile delinquency. And there was the Stanford U -11ZPO-N130 summer radio Institute to which the Station worked 100 per cent on eight Individual courses of study and sold the Idea to Be listeners and the Industry as well- EPO Did a Job In every,trparissent XPO did a job. It developed a "arlatature Letter- cam - pater.. It used posters, It developed special campaigns for Its programs and It Made Itself felt in the trade and with the public, Special note should be nude about the feet that KPO's job Ls one heeded by a girl, Helen Murray. mica TIP""ti0t1 manager of the outlet. The second clear channel special eits- Om awarded by judges went to another net owned and operated outlet. WABC, CBS's key station In the East. Jules Dundee. premononal bead of WABC, chore to submit. as evidence of the job WABC has done. just two campaigns-its Fourth War hood and Its Lois January selling Job. The Industry and the Treas. my Department still feel the Impact of the continuous selling of bonds that WABC did in the Fourth (XPO also did top bond -ceiling job with Zddie Cantor and that was part of their presentation) and the Lots January series of articles that seem to have broken Into every one of the slick maga was really Impressive. It's one thing to aeu a program that'a on the air et regular hours and It's a selling job of another color to build up an audience for a fern at a= ern. Station WA= did it not only during the period covered to the Seventh Annual Award but during the precious year as well. It was this continuous effort that Snotiveted the judges to cite WABC for A Tough Job Well Dane to a Rip City. WIICIris Rural Job Third slot among the special citations In the clear chancel division went to WEICCI. Ube**, to doing A Rural Job Enforced Lapses NEW YORK. July 22.-One of the most difficult assignments confronting the judges of The Billboard Seventh Annual Radio Station Promotion Surrey was the necessity of erasing from their mental considerations any knowledge they had of promotional errata that were not listed In the station's entry. Several outlets and at least one key station of regional web missed out on an award because they did not tell the story of some of the geed things they hid done. Undoubtedly much of this was due to wartime man -power problems, But whatever the reason sane outfits missed a prime op partunity to pick a pretty posy. The answer is simple. Let every promotion and publicity man cart new a Me for the next years survey for which plans have already been laid. Then, when entry time comes, they'll not forget to toot their tooter, about something worth tooting abont, to a Crisp, Commercial Fashion. Sloe stations eattatied If they cover their own city and the cities directly around them. but WIICTI proved that It was promotion -wise by doing Ste job in every area where It was lasing down a signal. It tied up window displays In 60 stores In 27 communities and placed lid posters per store-with each poster receiving at least a three-day break. CBS commercial shows rated 7,360 posters to the non -net commercial's Window dirplans were just one medium used to sell the station and its programs. Typical of WriCtre merchandising was the job done by the Byrn Berry program for Babson Bros. Dairy Equipment. )". a different kinds of printed matter, frees a cattle weighing tape to poet cards, wee used to bring the story of Baboon to dairy prospects. WIICU's postscript to the effect that Baboon Is now around -the -year sponsor was hardly necessary-but it did go to prove that merchandising what a station has does pay off-in other ways than thru Billboard citation. Teat of the clear channel special citations went to Station WNYC for Meting New York a Better Radio Town. The station has kept not only New York but all stations interested In public service pro - greening on their toes, and the presentation by it. 8. North for the station gave ample evidence of just what WNYC and its FM affiliate were doing. Six Regional Citations Whereas only four clear channel stations won special awards, there were six in the TOV011/1 clasalfkation that rated salaams, which ranged from that pre - rented to 2CSAL for Its merchandising follow-thru to WHP for Its program promotion. Heading the fist was Station WTIL of Philadelphia. This station always has been noted for doing an extra-point-ofeale-job. Where a normal station use car cards. WPM. loves double spreads In the cars end bases a goodly size of Its promotion not on network programs (al. tho It does use top Blue programs for promotion) but Its local brbiee. Nor this reason the Judges cited WFIL for 17thro Moose Market Promotion. Second among the regional spectate was the award eters to KSAL, Salina, Kato. for Top Merehandistne Forioso. Tans. Here Is a station In the Middle Watt which Is far away from most big centers to have been excused if It didn't do anything extra. Not only did It do more-but Its presentation sold what it did beautifully. It took one programs. Jack Armstrong, and followed thru practically until the judges were eating Wheat:ea-Aired when ad agency men ere sold a product-that's news. One thing the KSAL presentetkm pounded bombe fact little thought of by nets and agency men-is that some stations (where there aren't four net stations In a town) double or triple the national riding of a show. The national ratios of "Reasons Why 99 Jack Armstrong is under 10; the Salina, lion and sold the idea to Socony-Vecuum. Kan., rating is over 20. Proof that merchandising sells, especially If. as In the big network for a presidential sweep- It was a job as thoro as any done by a CAW of KSAL, It follows-thru to pen:u- stakes. Meanse Lt did the job and sold *1%441e. it, the 34 agency cues Instated that KIINT. the "Everything" Station WIBlCs award read: Super Publle Service, )'OR the third regional channel Citation the judges turned to murr, Des the way it will be a -scribed when It Covering a Mayoralty Election, and that's Moines, which submitted a folder for reaches Elliott Stewart., the Otto 9.-p. 01 each type of station promotion and filled the station. each folder full of evidence that KRNT Half and Half Station used everything to sell. The judges stopped at the KatEIC. The final special citation good to CKLW. America's half-and-half station Kansas City. Mo. entry for a unite end a liberal education on how to create and sell a radio station wade -murk. KWIC presents Itself as "the heart of America" and has created a series of characters, each of whom is a giant heart and each of whom has a apeeifte job to do selling KMDO to the advertising fraternity and the public. Naturally, after the study they awarded a citation to IMISC for Outstanding Trade -Mark Promo:Ion, The Cowles' job at WNAX. Yankton, N. D. was well known to the judges, but they left behind their previous knowledge of what the station with "the tallest tower In the world" had done and found in the station's two -fold entry (one devoted to the tower promotion and the other to the Midwest farmer job) ample evidence that the Cowles had taken a elation In the middle of nowhere and made It synononsous with Midwest farm - tog. The citation to WHAX reads: Su. perb Rural Audience Promotion. One of the two local station citations went to WDBM of Superior, Wis.. for Its Job of selling Break fast at Sandi's. It was even a complete Job that the ad agency execs could only use the wade -- Big -Time Promotion in a Small Town Area to describe It-and they did. The second local station to rate kudos was WIIIK Utica, N. Y. This station decided to really cover a hot, mayoralty elec. It happened at 1220 %.v - a. 4-i.. by4; 4. ', -bolt U. S. halt Canada. The citation which reads Prime Promotion on Both Sider of the Border erns given for just that. CKLW. In Detroit, bought Over lines of ad apace to sell Itself. This wasn't as much as WJR spent locally, but since It was ail planned by CKLW without an wilt (WJR had a CBS lilt on its ed budget) It was notable for an Indio station. CKLW worked with Italian - Americans to help bring about a turn of teen:* In Italy. It held post-war plan - nine aesahma for women, which In Detroit answered a need of thinking women, and It landed mere publicity than any other station In the town. Detroit Is town that hasn't had a radio column In five years-so landing free apace is promotional achievement of no mean ellowitsiona. And In Windsor, Canada. It did a typical Canadian job, too-which Is why It's one of the 22 stations which in 1044 have been tabbed the nation's promotion - wise 22. The Seventh Annual Radio Station Promotion Survey has come to an end. In the works now Is the tabbing of the Job being done by ad agencies In the radio program promotion Held, for It takes nets. stations, sponsors and ad sgenctee to make broadcasting the great shownts industry that It Is. MA erx are se wee ss wiwr, en v.11: twos...dont0.4 a rafts aratlic int 00.{.:1 S.{ n,rm f 1St deb RA,..e.J.TTer 4.4T ITala rocti.1/4: %, rc t.,, t 'team

11 July 29, 1941 The Billboard RADIO 11 Promotion Survey Tabs Net Follow-Thru With Affiliates CBS garners 11 awards; NBC and MBS, 3, with Blue moving up with 5 tallies-no veebless station broke into the "top 22" among selling stations NEW 'roam July 22L-In selecting 22 radio stations athievement to audience and trade promotion, the judges to honor for outotanding Seventh Annual Radio Station Promotion Survey of The ihuboartra promotional staffs of the networks with which the tnfezentially top stations paid tribute to the Steven of the 22 honored stetions are emaciated with are associated. casting System. Ave of the broadcasters are alnitated with the the Columbia Breed - with one of the five sharing that affiliation with Mutual. Bite Network, two Miler stations which were tabbed Mutual, in turn, has for top merchandising and audience - sold *tiling ability. The Blue took second Flare among clear -channel outlets with WOWO, Port Wayne, Ind.. and the goo - end slot also among locals with WOIL Newport News, Va. The Denier network. National. ma of them. KPO. pointing Up again the terrific }oh being done by the NBC Pacific Coast network. No unaffiliated station made the top 22, but one Canadian station. CJAT, Trail. B. C. ran ahead of all Canadian entries because of its complete job of adjusting Its program service to the territory which It serves. Not only did CBS nurnerteally run away with the promotional survey, but three CRS -owned stations were cited. two for third place boners, and one, WA130. for doing New York's top promotion job-"a Tough Job in a Big CIty.^ Among NBC's winning three was 4 Arta place In the clear -channel group, which was wen by Its Powel Croeley seinliate. WLW. which beyond the shadow of a judge' doubt rated first place promotion - wise thruaut the nation. As mentioned before. the NBC owned and operated Sin Francisco outlet, rated es doing the best job on the Paola* Coast. The third NBC winner was little WOICV, a basic supplementary station of the network, which Itself and Its network antliation with an Interesting entry entitled, Deem Dicey (for details see 'The Judges and Special Citations" in another section of this Issue of The Billboard), ow made a clean sweep of the entire throe places in the regional channel group and almost Covered the nation with the three awards: the Moat with WFXL, Boston: the Middle West with ROAR, Cleveland, and the Rocky Mountain Region with ILLS, Denver. Of the Columbia stations which rated, seven were baste network. three were supplementary, and one optional, Indicating that all of the owners classes of CRS aftlistes were In there pitching. Just as in the publicity poll, the follow-thru of web stations has been indicated this year by station winners. Just 10 is the promotional follow -the -Ls of the stations tabbed by their entries to the Seventh Annual Radio Station Promotion Surrey. A network continues to be made up of Individual station, from the flea -power Indite to the Owe:hamlet bi-gstee. Unless all variety of broadcasting outlets are to there pitching It isn't hitting on alt watts, and there's no doubt hut that doing a top promotion job is part of perking at per in broadcasting. For Condaciing the Seventh Annul Radio Publicity Survey in Which Radio Editors Voted lifel the Number 2 Slot In the Denver Arra. GENE O'FALLON. XFEL Manager IN BEHALF of Casey and Kitty, Kansan and Aunt Polly... KMBC's trademark family for the Heart of America...KMBC thanks BILLBOARD for its citation as the "Outstanding Trademark Promotion" of in Billboard's 7th Annual Radio Station Promotion Survey. KMBC OF KANSAS CITY SINCE THE BASIC CBS STATION FOR MISSOURI AND KANSAS

12 12 RADIO -TELEVISION The Billboard July 29, 1911 Fall To See Plenty of Air Pix Live Shows To ComeFromAll Programs and techniques to be tested every eve on one or more stations three tltc dramatic shows, Today/ Chndent. Woman in White, and Guiding Light (I to 1:43 p.m. CWT). (Continued porn page 3) Irna'a theories, worked out with the Amer. Ruthrauff & Ryan. WOR and collaboration of Carl Wetter. co-owner IUtO. AU of these will try new stunts of the shows. are built upon the premise Involving two-hour legit reetvals (the that tomorrow's housewives ate not going to be able to watch television shows first will be Jogeneees gee, which will be tenoned to mkt -August), original twohour musicals (Storm's Bows From SO for the peat two months, dming which constantly and still keep a ferrety happy. Bosse. September 7. will be the first expertmente movies Integrated tato live watch a murder trial plot, unfold. she time a studio audience was allowed to 11200W1 to provide timith acke end total hes been trying to make her shows entertaining to hear and to tee. Worth this =tow. and oarren,mcial participating snows, writing and production plan used successfully for television. Miss Phillips M- CBS, Which won't be selling tquipalent, la scathe Its guns on programing and attes she can keep an audience which technlques :ether than equipment. The would only hear a show for a while and MAW pattern Into which the web's work see and hear It for =other while, and will tall Is one of three categories thus everyone-sponsor, net, audience, (I) An attempt to sharpen and Improve mane of the thews they have (Will Audience, 15,000 in 2 Mouths and husband-would bet lumen YOU Remember? and pentane On Trial ere the exropeee given by Manager Tony During there two months the serials Miner); (2) lei that changes for the qua have been geared to please the 15=0 and 'erne, prograantand tele showcase. who have attended the shows In NBC's already Mum used, on which to try Otte studios and the listening audience, too. 8h* has written sequences requiring SC. new Ideate bon on the pert of the cast. She has CBS 11.a. Jive Plana bad the cast work without scripts part In the lint cluatfiratton, the attempt will be to work out the camera. light and production problems. sharpen the fames and liven the talk. Bets hero will also get a big play. In the awed. the never-tconiffective quiz format will get a thorn going over In the hope that a eatable pattern can be worked out. Three variety shows are currently getting a wiles of once or twice monthly airings. They are Ralteretta, CRS Smell Cole and the jive Mt= featuring the recently contracted Una Mai Carlisle. Prom those three experiments, Miner bellevos a workable format can be twitted. The third Chess. the shovels*, will total 43 minutest each week. During that time chances will be given to drains, educettenel &bows. disk pekoes (tor daytime video that doesn't require full visual concentration and women's problem shows like the Letter to Maryvret Af4474 fervent= Thursday night and revtewed elsewhere ha this sec -Uwe Net will continue Ha Thursday and Friday eked. A new lighting arrangement will be treed to an experimental pont= of the studio. an area 30 by 22 feet, where the set-up well be worked over until sates - factory lighttng can be =bleed. Instead of the blue lipstick still In Site thruout most of the country. CBS Ls DTnig a red -brown paste that is said to be a substantial improvement. Combined with a heavy theaters] malue-up, and deep eye -shadow, it has prcduced Wee - the mutts over the Mr. Miner says, and damn: look so eerie to the studio soda - geese. NBC Says Plans Not Definite. But- Altno both Vice-Prealdent John Royal gee tete Mad John Witness have stated that NBC has no dentate fall plans set at WS t0ll, the trade understands that the tentative NBC eked bee ban set as follows: (1) Two esterer.ge a week will be spent In televising special documentary tete news plx. each to T00 between a half and three quarters of an hour. RHO -Plebe will provide the background shots from it files and NBC Wolf will make the spacial material. Paul Mesa, as vide* pie director is said to point the way to more movie snaking by the web. (2) There will be, It is said, one musical chow per week to the hall alined at the long -hair audience. The purpose of the hair Mane trade gays, is the NBC - RCA belief that the upper Immo brackets will be. as before, the Ant to buy seta. The more money, NBC Is said to think, (Se* Maly Piz 10 r011 on page 14) Irna Phillips Tests Her Video Ideas on Radio Studio Audience CHICAGO. July teel.-tbearlea whirls she hopes will eventually give her the secret to the auccoseful daytime television serial of tomorrow are now being put into practice here by!ms Phillips on her of the time. She has used simple orb. The plan has worked perfectly. Contrary to many prevailing expectations the eset required only les usual dally hour of rehearsal, even when they didn't use scripts all the time. The studio audience has been pleased. The actors have been stimulated by the demands of the technique and the presence of a studio audience and hate been giving better than B&IC Plans Not Set CHICAGO. July & IC. Video. only tele =UM here, bas substantial plane In the works for fall psograming. but everything is In the Idea stage now. Until the piens are definitely sat, O'Dea reuses to go out on a lamb with forecasts. usual performances. Letters front Int- =era have attested to the last fact. Commercials are often meant for visual as well as audio Impact and demonistra- Rom of the apemena products have been carried out during the reading of corn - :remises. P.4 Prentiss, master of Ceremonies weaving the three shows together. has had this task, nd, eriye Sibs Phillips. the sponsor (General Milts) has been more than pleased with resent.. Three -Act Play Daily In the days of television eltsa Phillips believes her plan will give the home audience a three -act play daily. To do this the Intends to have her characters used More Interchangeably In the three shows. Therein will Ile the principal eleallesity to a three -act play, and In this ems it will be a three -set play using a small, Inexpensive Cast but losing no dramatic content. Thla fell. It Is planned that the three senate will be broadcast before an an. Mince In one of Chicagon theaters. Then Wes Phillips plans to put her then lee to a more stringent teat_ Carlisle, Sneed & Southern Sons Signed By CBS Tele NEW YORK. July 22.-CRS tele Ills Mined tits Mae Carlisle, singer-planist: the Southern Sees. Negro quartet, and Ray Sneed, sepia dancer, to do a threeweek settee of show, starting July 27. Trado believes that the singing, following on the Mena of Vera Masser* contract. le part of CBS's plena to get ready Correterctel shows for fall tale. Farnsworth To Issue Booklet To Explain Teic to Laymen FORT WAYNE, Ind, Jule The Farnsworth Television & Radio Ccrponsteen will ituue next week a many -colored booklet, The Story of Eteetrontc Vietnam's, which LI supposed to explain video to the man in the street. This Is the book written by Dick Hubbell while ho was still with N. W. Ayer. Jurisdictional Dispute Hits "Process" Experimentation By RKO at Don Lee Video MEW Stops IATSE-Web Says "It's the Unions' Problem" HOLLYWOOD, July 22.-labor dtspute has temporarily halted RICO television activities over the Don Lee atation, WOXAO, but acoording to studio, plans for video expiertmerita will go forward as planned. Trouble started when RHO Wanted to truck equipment to Mount Lee, where telecast station le located, In order to run off some process =Otte MEW, which hen been granted tele jurtadietion In this locality, stepped In when RICO wanted to bring up IATelle prolootiontsta. Latter union agreed to The appointment of call off their men and at the tact minute refused their projectionists permission to run alma Queseen has arisen to the trade as to not what the situation is going to be If 1: shots are to be Included In the general run of live telecasts, as Il5E'd lea, tow projectionists In Its ranks. With MEW having Jurisdictional rights In this area, It is expected that trouble may develop between this union and rstac. which has most of the proemtioneste. Roy Tir.dall, of IBM. comment= on the situation at RICO by saying: "We have no argument with RICO or IATSE. MEW has agreement with Dm Lee ate - Von to do all televillea work. learned of RICO', plans to bring up Ito own technicians, I simply made my position clear," Lewis Allen Webs, Tice -mazy of the Dan Lee web, said: 'hue matter rests between the two unions entirely:. It is expected that the matter can be Ironed out seen, and already Charles B.!honk West Coast television head for RICO, hits gone ahead with plans for a live telecast over WOXAO August 7. Smith had planned to run the process shots before the next telecast so that the new system for using background shots for video could be tried out. As the matter now stands, It looks as the the placers films will have to wan until a later date when UMW and IATSE can lien out Metz dilloculuee. Muggin' Is Nix For Air Vision HOLLYWOOD. July 22. -'lime -tried art of mugging will have to go thru a refining process before many plc leading lights and legit stars stand up under the all-wethg tetette:oh camera video experts here believe. Mannerisms of prominent thenes may look key from the filth row but on a tclevedon screen even mild mugging in a close-up comes ores as something reserved for the Dracula fraternity. According to present star.dards video dramatic tenches believe that the best performers are those who can gel fcrro into their geneses without resorting to odd Delal expressions for added emphases. In close-ups the television camera picks up every movement. Sornettence lilt of the brows becomes a scowl and a alight movement of the lips a leer. Even warbler, will have to tone down the head-twleting grimaces that help tell a tong to 'nude or night club euctomees and revert to a more easiest style In putting their Muff across the video Audience. While meat performers are easy to handle. It Is expected that when the new medium begins to show promise and big names are attracted this trouble will start bons. In the trade believe It will be se decialve a day for troupers as It was when pictures found a voice. ThMe who are playing along with television now will have the aeung formula dean pat when the ble day cornea but relied Incline= of Map:ens from other branches of showbiz may throw the works out of gear. Old-timera will have to learn an cdtitely new set of rules and those who hare played their Characters with the voice without benefit of mugging will be In great demand. Some of the top ether actors who have conftned their acting to spots on comedy shows will have to tone down when they get before the televlaton cameras. Too many of them have grown careless with the passing years and are In the habit of going overboard In the mugging department to got a laugh from the etude* audienoo, Set Post -War Mexican Video NEW YORK, July 22.-Bellevtng Abs. 10o Is duo for teento telovlieen ides Emilio Azcarregs. Mexico's leading radio and movie house ownee. Is here reges- Melte for post-war telerlslon material- Arearrage. who owns the Alameda Theatre and radio stations XEW-XleCe plans to operate tete for the home and theaters. He's talking to equipment menufacture:a, program producers and network,. He wants aporta as theater attractions it possible. First Movie-Tele House WILDWOOD. N. 3., July 22. -William C. Hunt, who reopens Ale newly hunt Inakeee Theater next week, diseases that his house Is the nest motion plc. lure theater in the country to make definite provisions for post -wax bee. When I =non. House era, rebuilt as a result of a fire last year. Hunt di:closed that In addition to projection booths, booths for television were also put up. The resort playhouse also claims a Mat in being the fent movie house In the country to be entirely staffed by women-tram menages' nil the way down to linnet**. Transatlantic Call Changes NEW YORK, July 22.-New producer and new director of the CBS -RUC change show. Trensetlantic Celt, are Robert Miler and Rogers Braaliett, recently amtened by the American outfit. Heifer, who was Norman Coe -wires its. 'latent on the Thts is war scam. succeeds Leon Levine in the producing spot, and Brackett takes John Bakers dfrvetonal Job,

13 July 29, 1944 NBC Television Renewed Thursday UM 8.8:3() 9.9:30 p.m. Style --Opera Newscasting. Sustaining on WNBT!New York). The place of music In the video world has been a gyration mark for some time. Two opera bits (the first live program In some time from NBC) presented the ease of long-hatr mole for the visual air this evening, and It lett missile's este ester. it was before the HBO airing. The reasons are very simple. Only ecrnsunamate opera singers will be able to get by before the video camera. and non* of the threw "stars" of the evening would even pretend to have arrived at the stature of great yet. Both John Haman and Lots Laatman, aro nice youngsters with potential cssera voices. but lima as Rudolph, gave a typically stiff Met performance which was made stiffer by the tele camera. and Miss Eastman was an all -too -healthy Mimi (the neat excerpt was from La Roheme). When the Eastman allmi swooned It was the nicest fern pass seen before the camerae in a tong time. It Just went to prove that new Set of acting and make-up siandiuda will have to be solved before the looker -in start% to believe what he's seeing. Productton wise. the tamer; work was adequate. Adequate Is darned good for today's televlstng. The setting of the scene trim a commentator's reading the 'tory of La Boheme from a book that was legible to the video audience was seri effective, and the garret setting Into which the cameras panned. after a snit ahor. OS the snow-covered roofs of Paris., had nothing of a tele het &tout It. It's disturbing to have the scene In which Mimi and Runuipli's candles both blow out Just as light as when both candles are supposed to be okay, but it was better that way than to have the scene played in a dim half-light, Dim half - Heist is bad on the eyes of the looker-ln today. The credits on what appeared to be a raintature stage, the credtta being on curtains that were pulled up on. after another. were professional, If they heightened the artinclalty of the entire proceedings that was not the fault of the Idea. which can be used time and (Sea NBC TELEVISION on page 14) The Billboard RADIO -TELEVISION 13 TELEVISION REVIEWS Ditillont Television BM( Television, Chicago Reviewed Wednesday (191. 8:15- Reviewed Tuesday 4181, 7 to 8:45 9:45 p.m. Style-Variety sod films. Sus- p.m. Style-News, variety. &attaining on tarring on WARD 1New Yorks. WOKE/. DuMont's recent shown In general and Tonight's allow at WIIKB bit a now tonight's offering In pat ocular brings up high. Program content war. vatted and the question of whether or not anything entertaining. Cast and production staff is being gained In this experimental worked with close co-operation and efperiod of tele. The Lame old production ficlency. Everything went smoothly and mistakes, the identical technical errors with well co-ordinated timing. True, for and the selfsame performers' blunders of a very abort while the station had tech - 15 months ago are repeated week after Weal trouble when a generator went on week at 315 Madison Avenue. the khz and the picture became blurred out of his usual doldrums and keeping and ninety. But that can be attributed a rapid-fire stream of, Both the age:idea and Due:tont staffers if slot funny. have what appear to be convincing alibi, only to the Inferiority of present tele then =wing remarks moving. To Shat equipment and not to station neglect. Buss: A mitt for aretral new questions -Leek of adequate studio apace, &novice of replacements for vital equipment and with real visual Interest. And to several members of the Simon Jr Schuster Gloria Swanson was the headliner of no dough. There's a real acarclty of all the evening. AIM* her contribution these things. publishing staff: Thanks foe being MOTO Imagination should be consisted only of an interview, it was added to the list, than a set of stotewlndow dutnentee. good television entertainment. She la For example, the Charles M. Storm more than telegentc. She la beautifulpotential material lier life has been Major Cause of the Improvement. Agency is dill using a "comic" protestor sank from better talent eleatence. were as erases. Tonight the hackneyed role exciting enough to provide interesting questions that thawed Miss Basis realization that she Is working In a visual was played by Jules Racine in Corneaie aubleet matter for an Interferer. One Hall diti M. He brought entertainers to the thing apparent during this portion of One of them. really nothing screen with the regularity of a cuckoo the show is worthy of special comment, more than a parlor game In which contestants knelt around a table and tried clock. There was a hazy kind of idea behind his capers, based, as near as Could many years on the stage and In the to blow a bell oft Into the others' however. Miss Swanson. In spite of her be gathered, on the battle between longhair and swing mute. The prof tiled roan Harris the gal who Interviewed movies, was a little rem potted than facet has lively movement and real Interest for the viewer. Another, an unsuccessfully 10 control Me students' her during adaptation of an Idea this. Situ Swat:eon's. first tried several yen lot bounce. video appearance. weeks ago, had the contestants pinning Which only goes to With the exception of Robert Tower, Prove that name stns are not always arrows on a map to try to locate MO Follow the Obis baritone, cast began its beat equipped to do a tee Job If they island of Yap. That, too, was fun to pc:torments' of classic numbers and, have no experience before the medium's ogled on by Sam Medoff's piano, went cameras. To be good In television, you taco swing and other modern versions have to be experienced to television. Thrush Eleanor Batters. radio 'stem' Amy Running second to Miss Swanson In Seden. combo zinger Anita Anton and the race for top-ranking honors was Eugene Gernatein, "lawyer by trade, hyp- dancer Bobble Jean Bernhardt came on In quick succession. Of the group Miss notiat by avocation." Bernstein was the Bernhardt made the best appearance. Rest hypnotiat ever to appear on WBEB, Her ballet that changed to an excellent, and Judging by hie work, be ought not toe shuffle would have been wholly en- to be the last. His bypnottang of sabtertaining had the camera Matched her pieta whom he made act like children and split personality patients was eerie Camera work on el s,e-ups of the others and Interest -bolding. The audience was was better than average. Tower enjoyed sitting on the edge of their chum biting a combination of light and camera that their fingernails before he bad finished. made for a clean well-balanced plc. In A special bouquet should be given to the his appearance, both his face and the production staff for their part In Bern- (Src Oullant Television on page 14) (See B&B TELEVISION On page 14) CBS Television Renewed 'Thursday p.m. Style -Variety and Wins. Sustaining on WCI3V/ (New York>. It In with great ley that report Is made that ClOca fete quiz, for the neat time within the memory of the oldest Inhabttant of video row (not to be thrusts! with Allen's Alley) entertained its audience. Credit for this amazing phenomenon goes to QuIrmalurr Ben Feiner. who acted sa lb., he was actually taking an interest In the goings-on; Producer -Writer -Director Prance' Buss and a group of lively contestants. Tb Ur. Inner: A deep bow fog getting ace. On the debit sides It must be said that the problem of how to isilsninate the entrance of particlpanta from In front of the camera, with Its consequent blurred Sonia, has atill to be solved. A new seg. Show Case, in whist' experimental programa will get an airing, started with this scanning. The Arai was Letter To Margaret Otto, a rather talky bit that tried to solve women's problem thru the method of guest experts. It's a good idea, but for no longer than 15 minutes. Vera Massey was on band again with Will You Remember? Her usual song. and talk chow that she rr.aintairsi an evenly entertaining keel. The Oat was (See CBS TELEVISION on pose IC IEJSTER.N...,... A..-...: i.J..."- i...tr ? IVIR..-..., UN1.0-S " ) '..''''.57V.I/III'''FlIitti 44.4;45 lb 1 VAIWCIANFLEST011 I3ROADViz 11S20 MA0'111.1E:1-'564 FTWIKEL L.01) BONRD FOR EDITOR RkDIO `VIERS MID NRD THE TIVE TO P.V4 ARD KS LOUR SItICERE RD ST RA IGO D I 1.L.BOARD VIGKV AlAtIAGER *WI' SIVII JOSVII B TATTVIEVIS Represented Nationally by JOSEPH HERSHEY McGILLVRA, Inc.

14 14 RADIO -TELEVISION The Billboard July 29, Hollywood Tele Plans Center In Par, RKO and Don Lee Net HOLLYWOOD, Jet). 22.-Telecesting in this area will assume greater proportions than ever betore when projected new program ideas We given the green light on fall liked& Leaders In the field here are DOD Le, RICO and Paramount with web activity practtoally at staedstul issrless B. Smith, new tele head for RICO. said that expertrnentation with video at Den Lee WelCAO would be carried on a large scale during the fail. So tar RHO by made two telecasts over the Den Lee station with a third coming up August 7. Smith said elly fall we hope to be into commercial terevlsion." He went on to say that RICO is experiment - :in with new devices which will facilltete the daltvery of oomenerctel plugs. He believes that for the present at least.!tee bank -roiled shows will be the thing as they can be produced much cheaper than dims and would be a better bet for the laden -Wm for that reason. There Is talk here that FCC may relax ban on ecemmercial telecaating by fall. Even it green light isn't Oven, there Is chance to do mrtmr.trelsit television here as long as continuous cape. tenting Le carried on. Smith To Look Oyer N. Y. Smith trains out August 15 for a swing around country to me what television activities are taking plane In Mimeo and New York. WhIle in Manhattan he will discuss recent labor AIMoxitles between MEW and IATSE which bare slowed down RICO expertmentatton. Insomuch as prccesa Mena for video are comet -reed, he stressed that there wes no serious trouble that Oetild not be Irer.ed eve at a conference table. In the fall RICO is going ahead with all types of live television shows. variety and drama getting the top *pots. Studio has excellent facilities for carry - lee CO experiments, with Its own elect company and technical advtaers. Little news of proposed actiettles could be Omani from the Don Lee station W5ICSO. Trader says One of Mutilate late advertiser, is interested in a possible Commercial television program. lists Win neither conflrened nor denied by the Don Lee 'Leen. Harry R. Lubcke, director of video for the web, Issued statement regarding the atstion's position at the present time. He said. -Despite necessary wartime activities W6XAO will continue to carry out Its experiments In program production and technical operation en the same pattern ostabllehed during the pest 14 yeah Of telecesting- Panunount alas Real Plana One of the most extensive video pro - rams for Hollywood Ls planned by Klaus Lendsberg. director of television for Paramount Snedlos. Operating over WeXYZ. Landabent plane two full productions each week utilizing Paramount atoek prayers and top rumen Ile telecasts a half-hour variety show every Wednesday, featuring such performers as Caw Susan Hayward and Allan Ladd. Benny McEvoy. who was recently seen In The Slog of Doctor Wawa. will be the new einem for the weekly video feature. On the same night, Lazdeberg also has what he calls Domestic Mass. Utle is Keep Slim Wilts Jim, and features Jim Davies, Pets - PLENTY PIX IN FALL (Continued from perm 12) the mare likely a teening to opera and Concert music. If the demand can be built, NBC will become, as the trade sees the thing, the listening habit of early wet ownees. Later on, the renescal trend be down, with middle -brow getting the play. end later. much Intel, pre. Contracts are also ruppmedly being Wined to leisure NBC protection arainat ;de in televising sports events. NBC has adopted a new polity of keeping mum about Its future plans. The trade points to the fact that NBC's now Nettle series was announced just one week be - teem Its proem. olmemaly an Impessible time In which to prepare material. build complicated sets and reiwaree the cast. It is also said that this silence is a smart Move. as It gets publicity thru a reverse method, the metbal of arousing curiosity In trade emits. The fall mason shapers up es an meth's one, but Its greatest value, ricks:, row says, is atltl as a dram rehearsal of the real thing. mount studio physical director. This is a 16 -minute ahem, with appeal to ferns. Another feature Ls Tele-Toone a cartoon aerie!, which has been on the air for some time. Cartoon is drawn in front of the cameras and narration is handled On err -stage mike. On Etidays there is a general licaermation program where the video audience is Melted to Meet Unusual People. The program also isles in world events. Landeberg mkt "For instance, U Saipan Is In the news for the week, we will pick up museum lateens dealing with this locality, with narrator to handle explanations. When qumtioned about telerision activities for the fell, the Coast offices of the realm webs had little to say. CBS said they were pleting a waiting game. Only advance made by this network Is amuteition of teterielon transmitter site near Mount Wilson. Spokesman for NBO said. "We feel that when television finally breaks It will break here and not any plsee else. This Is the logical center for the medium." In the meantime NBC la keeping in close touch with aim studios regarding their television plena. CBS TELEVISION (Conftnued from page 13) particularly good in a btt of real dm - Matte work on a phone that called for more than the usual mush that's handed her. CBS had better beware. tho. that they don't ruin a potentially valuable property tbru type casting. The forming Is a good one, but even Shakespeare can get tiresome. feallerefe Is still another that won't bear too much repetition. So little can actually be done In the way of varying Its beep, song% tarp pattern. that It Merle to wear. One suggestion that can be made about this show Ls to ask that the camera stop trying for abets thin the harp. They aren't good. The Inat.-ument's strings produce a fuzzy' effect and dee:0y plc values. Newscaster Er Hones. his maps and the cameramen were In their usual line news fettle, aitho Botha. at pointed out last week, persists In reading his script as tho be were invisible. Two British pax rounded out the two hours. Marty Schrader. NBC TELF:VISION (continued front pope 13) time regain to Introduce lire playa for operas. There's one universal fault of New York television scanning and that is the apparent lack of control men with re - demo fest enough to avoid blank end tubes. Lookers see nix for anywhere from five emends to a half minute. It's bid business. to permit Use audience's attention to wander in the midst of any show and there's nothing as uninterest- Mg as a blank tube. eren tho a voice may be doing Its selling right thru the blankness. The seta were good, the oorttimee not so good. The reason for the latter Ls that apparently the producer. Herbert Gaff. doesn't know yet that light-colored them or blouse attracts the light In such a way that you bare to look thru the reflected dress light to get to the Nee of the performer. Rudolph was dressed in dark clothes and lie came thru the konwoope okay. The lighting was better than most video lighting. altho a baby spot on Miss Eastman's fee* and crosteehting to avoid her fading Into the background would hare contributed plenty. Between La Boheme and the second Operatic bit there was a pause during which some music was played end the miniature curtain mane down with the word "Intermidcon" painted on IL An thterestsslon Is a swell way to loan a video audience. PtgarOel eta from The Barber of So. rale, the second ewe offering, wax better then either Miss Zaatmank MUM or Ilatell's Rudolph. If the Barber didn't quit* come off it was because there weren't enough closet:pa during the barber -hop scene. There's something very Impersonal about bey:geed brocaded chametera that can only be overcome by making them real, and with the exception oe the barber himeelf, the looker -in never got close enongh to see what the other three characters, two men end a girt. really looked like. Even the kids at the end of the scone were dancing dolls, because they were seen from the distance. Credit NBC with no production sainting. With NBC and CM both doing live shows it's going to be fun to watch the competition. Of course It's not understandable why NBC couldn't have picked Monday night when they nortnelly transmit pie to do live shows instead of Thursday when CBS ti scanning a two-hour show. It's cheating present Sunday spot. The day previous to 8 pm. slot September Id. from ea the small video audience. will see rho Thin Man move from N110 Following the opera presentation. NBO to CBS. It's due to hold dialers on brought before the cameras an Interview bit with Don Pardo doing the In- Fridays from 8:30 to 8:55 pm. terview and the Interviewee being the New Dirt erent Sundays? Zealand Mary Margaret McBride. Daisy There'll be plenty different en Sundays; starting September 17. Fannie liseham, Aunt Daisy Down Under. Aunt Daisy was okay on the Interview but Brim minus Prank Morgan takes over Pardo seemed Ill at ease, an uneasiness the 6:30.7 pm, spot on that date for that was heightened by his being out of Maxwell!louse Coffee and is followed focus molt of the time. NBC followed from 7 to 8 p m. by Kate Smith. Kate, the Interview with Its emend set of pie. who will battle Jack Denny when he three from the Democratic convention. manes back to the air October 8. will Since nothing happened the ilia: day have a few under her belt before the of the convention, nothing Worthwhile cempetish stare. Shell have the Pitch to be in Hollywood. Even the the television camera was not able to show much difference before or alter make-up, It was pleas re to zee such a face Smack In front of the camera for 15 mtnutee. Mks Gayer provided a good change of pace following Mies Swan - son's Interview, but In the future she should remember that long piano ccncertos, perfect for radio, are boring for television. In last place. Just about where they belonged, were Jo Wilson and Jim Campbell, news commentators. Ira becoming monotonous to my this over and over again, but maybe if it's said often enough that video newsmen Ought to use maps and chalk talks, the truth will begin to sink In. Cp Wagner. DuMONT TELEVISION (conontlect from pale 13) background were kept in focus, a feat rarely duplicated In these studios. TIntex cement:elate were dragged In by Vieginle Smith as a frumpy gal who wanted to sing but to whom the prof wouldn't teen listen. Trio her belt friend% hadn't told her. Racine did. Her clothes Just weren't right. He followed thru with the suggestion that a 15 -cent box of the dye woulet solve all her troubles. During their Intimate little talk the Tintax label was superimposed over the duo. That's commercial? Pianist Sam Medoff managed to somewhat lighten this white nun's burden with his teilllant keyboard work. He's a genius and cleverly covers performer Ineptness and heighlena talent when It exists. 'Monte -f Me painful minutes were devoted to a beehlekered Andy Clyde plc. Unless films of scene entertainment value are available, It might be advisable to drop them altogether. Dad pig don't improve with age. Puppets have been sued successfully on other shows, but Rutbrauff it Ryan In presenting the talented Frank Parts and his string marilpuleted dells didn't hit that mark. in its show for Lever Brae. the agency had Paris at a disadvantage. When ho appears' In,nude his hands and the puppets are spotlighted. On the tele screen only his legs were In the frame with dancing della. The entire point was mtssed and the net result wasn't a chow. To casual observer U:10 performance was inexcusably bad. The agency's tele director, lee Cooley. explained that It wan Impossible to use two cameras since one wan lot for Sam Cuff's map talk. The one wee trained on the puppets and Its movement was 'Matted by studio space. One camera then went from long :hots to cleee-ups, panned over to Pat Murray and beck to the puppeta. Coneldering the difficulties. It's ruler to understand why the ahow was bad. Phil Tnompsones continuity was pretty ragged and cornratrclal. with Pat Murray at an Fall Skeds Set With Regulars (Continued from pope 5) has bunt an audience for Tuesday 10 to 10:30 pm. Another Wrigley shift brings America es the AO to a Saturday 7:30 showed up In the Plx. It was a acme. Bandwapon against her foe the second too. JOrph Koehler. half of her show and that, too. la solid conspentlon of a Sunday evening. As yet, no top rating show has held Its top B&K TELEVISION rating against another top rated show. but everything has to have first timeand it may happen In 1544-a lot of stein's (ofcrertlinngu4dfrompa. Evidentlyi7e because 13) of many hours of patient rehearsal or because of accurate judgment and Co-or- Another CBS favorite program Report other things have dination during the show they saw to It to the Nation will bo replaced by a show that close-ups were need when necessary, featuring Nelson Eddy, September 20. subjects were always properly I Oh :el and The sponsoring electric light companies no Important action lost beesuse of Insufectent planning. air and also feel that Report to the No. feel a little lightness Is In ceder on the Teed for third plane were June Merrill's Food for Thought and Ann -Mario else. Mel is a great program-for someone payer. June had Frank Were -mom. one Amos and Amity will be re -setting up of the famed Westmore Hollywood makeup artists, do one of his expert Jobe on McGee and Molly, due on the 20th and NBC business September 22, with Fibber the face of a Spar who herself ought Eddie Cantor on the 27th, Bob Burns will be back with Arkansas October 5. on which date Charlie Chen goes back to the moth balls. Leder, that same trontr.g. Abbott and Costello will replace Harry Savoy, who as noted before. soma assured of another spot for the rime sponsors. Jack Benny ends the parade of the stars who have been taking their aura. -nee hiatus October 5. No one is certain when Danny Kayo will take over for West and there are a few odds and ends Watch also seem toe indennite to report In the middle of su.narner. However. It does seem as Dick Ilaymea Is catching on and will be renewed after his 13 weeks which end Sep - 'ember 17. Same is true about Hildegerdea Raleigh Room. There are some quest:ens on how Dedie SfayalicC. who took over Rear the Rand from Ifildegarde Is making out but tbo agency seems satiened to play along with him for the time being. All in all, the fall seems as good as any of the past sr.d It gives every Indication of being lots better. FILMS MUST, SAYS ED Mentioned from page 6) was televising in New York the ammo shot In Chicago. And, said Butterfield. eventually telerislon stations. would have their own planes on which the developing and editing would be done. Later there would be-tele nets and then the flint tnthaporting problem would no longer evict The advantage of film would be soak too, he said, when etattorut desired to reach the maximum audience with a news show. If a news event happened at two In the morning. for example, film could be shot and televised when a larger audience was available. News events during the day could be shot on film and then edited Into a composite. lone show foe the evening audience. The largest now In mend and undoubtedly the largest tomorrow In teeevislon. -You got to think of hitting that largest possible audience," reasoned the Pathe News chief. "The people pay the freight, and you got to are that you glee them good ride for their money." enormous Rinse box pulling out white clothes while explaining to one of the puppet Just what the soap would do. dragged. Cuff was intrord by device of Parts and Mies Murray In interview. The newscaster walked into the frame, met Part., who asked him about the war and moved Into his map talk from the three-way conversation. Everybody concerned Is looking hopefully forward to moving to Dubtont's enlarged studios. It's agreed that If the dhows don't Improve a brand-new set of excuses will be in order. Ward's Marvel.

15 July 29, 1944 The Billboard MUSIC 13 Name Bands Are Set for Fall Cugat Cuts Side E. T. Series To Coast After Mex NEW YORK. July 24.-Earler Copt and his ork tomorrow wind up a writs of traneertption sessions for World Broadcasting. which started July T and during which rnamtro and his crew cut 100 aide; doing as many as 15 settee per day. some days. All the while the band was carrying on with Its Waldorf-Astoria stint and dotrag ita Wednesday Dubonnot radio thew (Wednesday 20, is last ahoy of Dubonnet deal). The Latin-American maestro won't fiddling around. Sessions were dtreceed by Leonard Joy, and many tune* featured Del Comp* vocals and choir. WE transcript:one will be issued tut a Cugat package of minute shown. hre tune& per quarter hour. Deal Calls for Cugat to get an advance big enough to cover Crew's recording time, with a little left over. plus royalty arrangement of 25 per cent of the sale price of the He was there same time In Count Baste NEW YORK, July 22.-Benny Good. is pies beck Into the Lincoln Hotel some time In Holember (date not Man made the rounds of the hotels playing bands last week with his little black actually act): and ]Rankle Cherie, who received book. his Oral break at series to any 'teems or sponsor. Cugat According to Leaders who said the Hotel h protected in hie World contract on any 'ello- to B. 0. he's eyeing severe! men Pennsylvania in New York last peer. goes In back there September 3, following Woody straight commie:else radio deal he may various benne, tantamount to rebuilding hie own outfit. Humorous part land. If maeatroes next regular spa:leered air job is for a giggle sponsor, for of story ems out when at least two ent band. startles August 21. Twest because of the well.known prestige and Herman. Latter follows Les Brows. pres- Instance World series may not be *old leaders went over to Cloocrnan's table about Carle following Kerman, Is that ALT time gained from the spots. It's to any other eiggie maker. and said In effect, that he (Goodman) same band follows Herman on the Old could take anyone he wanted-they had Cugat leaves for Cuba Thursday (27) subs who were pet as rood. Of course. am. and will head from there to Meek*. Cuba -Met Jaunt to primarily a vacauon, the maestro will conduct Mexican Byrn. phony Ork on metre' dates. Original arrangement to take five key sidemen from Ala own bard down to alexleo with him was mud because Ater Musicians. Union wouldn't permit Cugat niustrkers to work dawn there. Bob Dement, lead - era biz manager. will round up the band and have them on the Coast September 1. Bend will play Ciro's and Make pie out there. Won't return Eat Until January of IC.45, James Sets High For Amgon, 11G One In, One Out NEW YORK. July 22.-William Morris band department seems to have a Jinn on It, No sooner dos one member come back Teem a siege of illness than somebody else has to call in the medics. 'Willard Alexander, head of the dept., Just returned from nvemonth Illness. and now Bill Burnham, who handles location*. has been out, sick for the past week. B. Goodman Looks at Orks -New Band?? Band Spot Tour Starts Talk Goodman couldn't see their crossed!insets. Paramount Theater.. which has a commitment from Goodman to play there again. haying done a stint last Westernber. has been talking to the clarinetist about an et:resew:oat to take place either to October or November.!rag definite has been see Noth- J. Dorsey Cuts "Dream" For Deem August Issue HOLLYWOOD, July 22.--Jirnrny Dorsey arid ork waxed Noche Duranda (And So / Dream) for Decca this week. Reeved is set for early -August release. Tutee I. Peer's Southern Musk:. Many Orks Back to Spots They Played Last Season Lifting of record ban would solve final problem of orchestra leaders --theaters, hotels, fill books for fall season with few taps remaining (Continued from page 3) news most ork leaders could hear at the present day. When it conies these will be rejoicing on all asides, became this remains the chief Cranium pain for the name boys. Who'll Be Around It's pretty much of a settled fact as to who is going to be around, now that the draft beard has made up to mind over 28's A look at the coming New York eked, shows repeats for many r.ames that played hotel spots last year at almost the same time. Per example. Vaughn Monroe goes Into the Hotel Commodore September 28 for 10 weeks. Dozen Trumpeters For Two -Month Job NEW YORK, July 22.-Speaking of ciltnculty of keeping sidemen! Tony Pas - thee brass section at Hotel New Yorker has taken an awful beating. No less than 11 (count 'ern) trumpet playere hare been In and out of the section since band has been et the spot paid couple of months. Topper comes when Pastor leases hotel end of July and loses AI Beek, lead trumpet man. who wants to stay In town because his wife is giving birth. Gold show starting October 4. Herman took the show over for the summer starting July 28, for 11 weeks. its the show that Carle got and gale up for the summer. tiny Lombardo comes home to the Rocorrelt Hotel: Johnny Long, who has played the lee shows at the New Yorker for the past couple of years. Marta at that same :mot at the end of July. and will coast Into September. Maria Kratter's hotels, the Ltnecen and Edison, both are tentatively sit. Dean Hudson and Chris Cron, respectively. are there now, and only known returnee Is Basle, who goes Into LInoeles later on to year. Eddy Howard, Midwestern leader who made hie fine entrance into the East this summer. playing Prank Dallee's Terrace Room In Newark. N..1.. come' book Into the payee this fall, and ala0 goes Into the Hotel Biltmore, The above mentioned bends are slated to tore dougb at the places, taking over known that James lost * or there. abouts In Isle six seeks at the Astor ratty thls summer. The Caries. Loop, Mon - roes. et al. are again foxing dough, but ati the peat prove*, it's worth It in OW - fighter Theater Pekes Not Up Speaking of the thosters, according to the bookers, the price of bands halal Jumped much above lest season. That's radically different from last year and the annum before. But bands are getting anywhere from 97,000 up for week's work as a gander at the coming fall list shows-top names get top prices. Hew York Capitol is only theater that lien bookings up to not of the year. Gene,Krupe's new band opened there Thursday (20) and will probably stay two months. He's getting chive to (See NAME BANDS SET on pops 22) CHICAGO. July 23.-The record for a palladil-ws POST war pups one-night stand at Use Aragon ballroom this year was hit by Herr/ James when he- brought his crew here Felder (14). Over terpotens crowded Into the spot. ringing the cash register for approximately *MOW. Fans paid per to bear the leader and virtually turned this swank spot, which has always catered to straight dancing. into hot livery, keeping the maestro to a seeing - Mg mood practically during the entire evening. James was at the Aragon to April. last year. hitting a high for the year at that time. James Booked Back East NEW YORK, July 22.-Harry James is sledded to play Frank Drillers Terrace Krona not later than November 14 of this year. He can go In either that data or the week previous, and stint is for two weeks. He must also play two weeks by May James played the room some time back, but this coming engagement le not an option. but a new corstract that was drawn tip between James and It's understood that It James doesn't play the date by November 14. he will pay Dailey an agreed aunt for each week he misses. Altho unoontirmecl, sum is Sold to be between and $ Dailey wouldn't comment. Same deal Pal for the two weeks coming to Dailey before May, James is also slated to play the Hotel Sherman. Chicago. Winne time this year, alth,o date Ian% known. Cohen Planning Ballroom Chain National hoofery network notion Clle4 chain chitchat in trade-all maybe HOLLYWOOD, July 22.-MatIrlee Cohen, proxy el' the Palladium here, revealed plans this week for a poet -war Coast -to -Coast chain of daneeriers, built and operated along the same hoes as the mammoth Hollywood spot. Naturally. neither materlats nor man power for putting the plan into effect are available at the moment. hut Cohen and the PAIIIIditall dough tam seem to have gone at least a little beyond the dream stage. Mee:rice T. Perrino, Industrial building eoerultant. has been retained by the Palladium Inteneste and will make surrey of ballroom sites In 14 key eltlea in which Cohen plans Palladium carbon copies. Too It will be unqueationably a number of years before any such Ili, Menet chain of ballrooms actually operates, the Palladium's plans are logked upon by the erode in, one more ineicalion of the boom In the ballroom phase of the band bin which can be looked for come V -Day. (Other indieetions of this trend were covered in the "Ballroom Slip Booming" story in the July 1 Issue of The Billboard.) Trade Interest Aroused Trade is also doing some plain and fancy speculating on the reasons for and the ultimate outcome of the Palladium Coast -to -Coast chain -idea, It is an open band -and -music ble secret that one of the moth -sting factors behind the recent purchase of near -by Casino Gardens by Tommy and Jimmy Dome/ and Harry James (Wayne Dillard, formerly operator of the Pacific Square Ballroom. San Diego, Is also In on the deal) was the brand leaders' thew:hese-ton with the short moota the Palladium was dlah- Ing out to top names, considering the kind of businets the spot does Bookers, managers and orkmen are watching with ooruldrrabie interest the effmt of the band leaden:. new, hotter oornpetteh to the Hollywood dancery. Sonny Dunham Is at the Pell...alum now, and will be followed by Henry Busse. Woody Mennen and Stan Kenton, while the line-up articled for the Casino Gardens (name Incidentally will be changed to Colonnades) Ls Charlie Barnett to follow 'Ibmmy Doreey; then Harry James and Jimmy Dorsey. Will Others Compete? U the Palladium operators eventually control 14, or even s few lam, top terpalsoes al key elites, some segment, of the trade figure they may be even tougher on band dough than they have bean In the past. There is some InUaterow gossip to the,sect that the ballroom operattng band leaders may be laying please for chain to compete with any such network set-up by Cohen and Ma Cohorts. No facts, however, to beer out such gossip have yet been divulged. If the Palladium national chain se - Malty develops, and if It Is followed by other Coast -to -Coast ballroom chains, lender -operated or otherwise, there is M- ae emote:so that such hooter, networks would bring about some changes Us the band bee. Independent operates* (even the a number of them hare operated sectional chains In the past. as vrttnesa Cy Shrtbman In New England) will face new and stronger chain compettsh. The booking and management elm, such as Mune Corporation. General Amusement Corporation. William Moeda, Frederick Bros and others world probably take step:, so protect their interests, and Cue time would be had by all.

16 16 Mr SIC The Billboard July 29, 1944 Mr. Operator-KEEP COOL WITH THESE HOT WEATHER NICKEL GETTERS ON FEATURE RECORDS By the Band You'll Hear More in '14 Jul Cempleled 9 Weeks al frank Dailey's TERRACE ROOM EDDY HOWARD AND HIS ORCHESTRA MICE YOU WENT AWAY EDDY HOWARD VOCAL I CAN'T IIELP IT EDDY HOWARD VOCAL Feature Record #1004 Opening July 301h ARACrOk, Chicago FORGET-ME-NOTS IN YOUR EYES EDDY HOWARD VOCAL COME OUT! COME OUT! ROY BAST VOCAL Feature Record Order Your Records Direct From MODERN MUSIC SALES CO. bate:ire Diaribetors to Jake Sox Operators 435 WEST 411h STRUT NEW YORK 19, H. Y. Fitroas1 Direction: W. BIOGIE [MK ExtTufke Minscerretat MUSIC EOPORATION OF AMERICA ON THE STAND nerietes of Orchestras Planing Hotels. A (Wit Club and Ballroom Locations and OneNiottfrrs Ray Benson (Reviewed of Ptonp Room, Ambassador rest limo,. e...tregto THIS band Ls made to order for any Data spot, excelling In danceable music that has become a favortto with the patrons of the Pump Room. Benson olkled at the Stork Club. New York, during his three engagements there with a moditod society style that makee for loop appeal. band world for the first time in its cuter. Present group, which numbs Instrassentotioa Is centered around 13 inrsuniontalltita, counting the trumpet -blowing maestro. dish up a nobtoo- the piano and sax (3) aaattatl, backed by the sat tones of the muted trumpet as sell as skin -boating and bass =goring. Demon at the piano adds r good quently audiences get a break both for cornpliostod brand of mesa and conse- lift to the melodies with his fine keyboard technique. Solis well with the It's the latter factor that's the biggest dancing and listening. custontera Arrangements are handled watt here. Jerome has only ono other by Frank Monk* (bass) and Jack Bad - trumpet player bondo himself. but has deity (tenor sox). Book Inch:deo many four trombones., four reed and three show tunes and Latin American numbers. Interspersed In per:cornmeal are ody out of load horn, backed by elide rhythm. He figurea to get plenty of met. Afro-Cuban laments, mantas and boleros. horns and saxes. It work., and when Library also includes?tench and Span- Lh Repertoire Is an asset as It OCera a net up that pleases all types of dancers. Vocals are dine by Frank Fleming, who handles the show tunas and ballade, and Lon Lewis. who spec:mixes in French and Spanish. Novelty is Elocuon's ability In associating various Vince with people and playing them upon their entrance Into the room. Appearance of group Is smart, and boys have pleasing personolltits Jack Baker. Red Saunders (ilerfetabl at Club De Lisa, Chicago) Dretwatta MD SAUNDERS puts a lot J.- of onttitialaran Into his job, rim and spirlt that is coat eyed to the other members of his band and to the customers as well. Instrumentation, four toed, two brass, and three rhythm, "Stump" Whitlock, good as hot trumpets, also handle* vocals. The ork gets a lot of limp Into hot :runic but manages to make It dame tousle, too. A compiter.t job of playing for the show to this nitory proves the aggregation considerably more than a group of anxious -to -play swing numbers were not neglected in keeping with the spot, but eurreat pop tunes were as well done as Satmdera's originals, I Don't Rome and ft Makes Me alt.c. Playing the Do Lies for tome moatlia, the mk may move to a Loop spot in October. Lorry?Axon. Henry Jerome (Itcrtatorct at Plantation Room, Hota Dtzte, Nana York) HENRY 3ERONIS Ott, which Changed over from CZC:USIVO out-and-out awing acme throe months ago, appear* herded for a commercial spot In the band doom': blare. Jerome Oconee up with a combo that approaches something that spells moots. It's the old story: too much muss:ian's music. no dough; pay more attention to melody and Intoner's untrained con, and the cash register gets a Chance to ring. High spot In the tiventrign perform - *nor la a complete set of oldies. which band does wall. There's nothing spot Uvular about the arrangements. must - clans or leaders born blowing, but when they concootrato on playing dance music the germ of a commercial Idea Is heard. Biggest flaw in the band's present make. up is the look of anothenarumpet, which n' -erns that leader has to help make up tho brass section. 'Shia also means that he plays a good deal of horn. a la other leaders who har.dlo horns, only Jerome Isn't in their class. is he were to add another born he could do Iota playing and concer.trata on frontic.g, giving band roue personality, which It could stand. Vocalists are Bea Abbott, gal who broke into biz short time ago with Doyd Racburn. and Buddy Stewart, who acts ea tho he la making hia aingtcg debut with the band. Latter is loss on the floor in manner of prowentatton but his vole* isn't bad. MU* Abbott Is a cute chick who will Improva with more experience. Her voice is true and pleasant. Show, featuring Dale Roberts, femme comedieno. Is held over, and gal oon- Unttra to draw big hands for her haw- 000tations. Abe hoe talent, but matrix could Mend pruning. Pawl &con. MUSIC GRAPEVINE Arta thordshl. Senate's arranger and musical conductor on radio and record work, will also conduct all The Voice's numbers in litoit'a anchor; Atreefirs... Hob McGraw and ork in fourth season at Broadmom Hotel, Colorado Spring.. Cola... Eddie, Heyman signed to write lyrics to Morton Oould's music for United Artiste' nigh Among the Stars. flout. Bob Crosby, now at the toulno ham at Camp Pendleton, Calif. will take a bond to the South Pacific In September... Lees frown'. boiled. On a Sentimental Journey, due for release by Mayfair Music. Leader collaborated with Bud (Once In Awhile) Green and Ben Homer on the tuna,... Hal Wm - ten ork will have completed 26 weeks at Club Royale, Savannah, Oa, when he doles there September baron Hugo band renewed at 'Patent Potc, Auburdalei, SIM*. for neat of season after winding up a 24 -*seek run there July le..... Sammy Cahn tune, I Begged Her, akodded for acne Rely boonng spot In MOM pie... Dick Byron stepped out of the Drool...ay Mefferd obotrped week to phsehthit for Ronald owauun. kayoed by 4...htt.a. Matt requested numbers en WOV's Hai Country hit Farad* lost week were Chime tells,. 'I'm a Gootokt With Old Clore In My Heart." "Vklelscorta toasty." -Hero San Antonio Rose." '14ashollte Ithres," "toistmhes Stockade gives,"..yesterdey's Tests," "Cleaning My Rills:. "When My Slue Meson Tyres to Cold Again" and "Preeieto jeweil" Bea Abbott, 'toner Reyd Reekvon and Heels Piaci,!howl>, to Henry Jerome.. Lamle Garment, featured tense UMW wan jfeksle. drew 1-A ;Wog. Xaster Ougat paid Val 03man 6200 for lloaday for Stang, slyangeratist. Johnny Richards has addoci thrush Reathta Stevens to his ork which la doing a Little better than breaking evenan accomplishment for an unknown band Martins out in these parts... Fermata, South American music And book pub, going Into Mx as rep for II, & pubs.. Sheet Shensek, ffemt's trumpeter who starts out with his own org In October, p02 have three trombone*, three trumpets; live am, four rhythm and font vocalist "Thrill" for Done/ Tommy Dorsey and ork report to MOM this week for TANS of a Romance. Barry' WoOd Offering a two-week vacation on hie Connecticut tuna to person giving triton:tattoo leading to his signing a lease for a New York City apart - runt. Andy Russell waxed re QvuTo Do?re for Capitol... Jack Austin ork in 1015 week at Child's Paramount Rea. tatiniat, Nevi York. Woody Herman's fawner drurnnsir, Tunisia Carton, has Weed Lew Cosy's ark at Zueses. Hermosa Dosch, Calif.. Lieut. Harry Tot, known In May territory, otseted junet Pus oresion fat A roef 61/01 (WAS abort 75 7ardo fro. the leen reeetil, The besets evidently felt the busk soothing they didn't shoot... Mao Steiner starts recording his originals, "The Como:rem," fee Warntes this weak. }'rams, "Coast to Coast" Red Nom. currently at Downbeat Club, Hear York, Inked for long rim al

17 July 29, 1944 The Billboard MUSIC 17 PART 1 -The Billboard Music Popularity Chart Week En d19-ing1. July 20, SONGS 111T11 MOST RADIO PLUGS Tie foreerbee or the keeling as..r..0 A* WAN of the tower. ottabre el notwtet ;Ion 'hoes se Toek outtele WIZ. WRAY, %%ADC.,4 WORI It. %h Sast week. Pm& the In tee Ile he ea emlleation of a were ".wet seleu.er..sues..7os as Noss an listed alpeatecklly. Couotietim, le bowl erom <eta imartsed hy Ttowriad Seretrea, teal PIMP pm Lane wonted ty rt., blitt..:.1. IN) Sr.0.1 In ban lame-, I.. eses I. tlh. ratio -oz. TITLE PCRLISTIER A Fellow on a Furlough (F) Block Amor (F) Melody Lane An Hour Never Passes Shapiro -Bernstein And So Little Time Lincoln Apple Blossoms in the Rain (F) Southern Come Out, Wherever You Are (F) T B. Harms Every Day of My Life Paramount Going My Way (F) Burke -Van Houton Goodnight. Wherever You Are Shapiro -Bernstein How Many Hearts Have You Broken? Advanced Don't Want To Lovo You Chelsea I Dream of You Embassy 111 Be Seeing You Williamson I'll Get By (F) Berlin Is You Is or Is You Ain't? (F) Leeds It Could Happen To You (F) Famous It Had To Bo You (F) Remick It's a Crying Shame Morris Kentucky BMI Let's Sing a Song About Susie Long Ago (And Far Away) (F) Milkman. Keep Those Bottles Quiet (F) Pretty Kitty Bluo Eyes San Fernando Valley Some Day I'll Meet You Again (F) Some Peaceful Evening Sweet and Lovely (F) Sweet Lorraine Swinging on a Star (F) Time Waits for No Ono (F) Together (F) Too Much in Love (F) Lucky Strike HIT PARADE Harms, Inc. Crawford Feist Sanity -Joy Morris Witmark Campbell-Porgie Feist Mills Burke -Van Houten Remick Crawford Barton 03S, SahadiT, July 22, 9.9:45 p.m. EWT, rrtt..z PC/ TER I. I'll Be Seeing You Williamson 2. Swinging on a Star (F) BurkeVan Housen 3. Long Ago (And Far Away) (F) Crawford 4. Amor (F) Melody Lane 5. I'll Got By (F) Berlin 6. Goodnight, Wherever You Are Shapiro -Bernstein 7. Sweet Lorraine Mills 8. And Then You Kissed Me Miller 9. Milkman. Keep Those Bottles Quiet (F) Feist And the Following Extras: Ddriclown Strutters' Ball. Sweet Georgia Brown. I've Got Rings on My Fingers and Bolls on My Toes, and Dark Eyes. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL SHEET Weir. RENT =LUZ SOMME: Misers: Cable Plano Ca. Boston: H. N. tiornerre to OS. Mese.: Carl?Dee. r, Int.: Oarriblee 1.tqlze, A. C. McClure. ClseInewille Coed beep; Welha Mato Co, Deneere Weas 5rotio Co. Leo Amielebe Mort. M. Putman. ono. Saw Turk City: Dealers' Conic.. Lee.: Ashrey. Memo supply Co.." Mlles Stolle OteP.: Coal Plid.cr. Inc.: Musts bales Corp Phoesat. Ash.: J. J. Newberry. CO. TittehowEllei VeLkson StOtherA Inc. rouses. oit.: Irvin* &YU', 2diesto CO. carte Melee A Prick CO. San AaleaNi Sochern WOO Co. 6am rrameboa: Parade Omit Mane Jobbers. It. leeks: 84. Local Mode Supply Ca. IRAK/LIS HIT PARADE COUNCILS: Rainbow Mune fsbon. Itmsed Radio Iwo. Lehman males Company, Harlem Ds Luse Malls Remo, Rays mum; Inns% /leer a St.ledt weak Bhp, Dasete.Osty Shona Ins.. New York; ttscrarea made rhos. Bernard Mowed CLoy, EstorAterne Drools. Coned Chop. Melody Lon' mune Con, palsy. androcolltan Mute Ahem Wright Singe Shop. C'hetomo; gisysaana Mame gip, cteetnowi ; swath's lien0i4 060p, Athasta: Radio /Mop of Nesters, Newark. N. J. Gents Retard MOO. Ruhererele. TA Bill Gralow. Gratow moved over from Harry Jams. BEST SELLING SHEET MUSIC 'MU cometilatire e. tew4 on weekly Moots weetrol Dorn boerese oar dealers bevercoaut eret deernenoo to to. sheet ors*, RAI." tees c). Pea. (.4-1,0s. I Ite..ss se. ey..1 Rae. be:. tecs rewasals Isealemal harts.. to e)..1,;le. el))) Na--4 In loot rater,..l 'API Oa /1-) boo. en rile. eosokor roarnott NATIONAL test NW - heath West 5114 costa 1. I'LL BE SUING YOU 2 Wilasenson SWINGING OH A STAR IFI Bark* -Van Plasma 2 3. LONG AGO 'AND FAR AWAY) Ill Crawford 4 e. AMOR IF/ Melody Len* 5 S. I'LL CIT BY IF) Rolla S 6. TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE IF) goal* O. I'LL WALK ALONt IFI Km% 6 7. COODNIGHT WHIREVIR YOU ARC Stsepae-Bwasteln 7 9. MILKMAN. KW THOM BOTTLES QUILT in, Fent IT HAD TO IC YOU IF) 6 10 Reel& Other Sheet Mask Reported In Best Selling LIsts by Seetlows EAST: You Atturys Hurt the One You Lose -S...1 lidsr.tc Company; A Follow on a Furlough (Ft...4RWL MIDWEST: Same Day Id Mott 'You Again lit-win:wok. SOUTH: San Fernando VeLley--Mono: Scene Day Ito Mer! You Aeon Fl-Worneek. WEST COAST: How Olue the Nita (F)-Rot:tms. "HARLEM" HIT PARADE YeSeertme tbt of molt sorezier recede In Hulett Is fool as sera erderta keen LW bartme loos work atom tiles...we, teum.i YON nom tea Tole wk. wk. I I. G. I. Jive Louis Jordan...Decca Straighten Up and Fly Right King Colo Trio...Capitol Cherry Red Blues Conti Williams Hit Till Then Mills Brothers...Decca Is You Is or Is You Ain't? (F) Louis Jordan Decca When My Man Comes Home Buddy Johnson...Dacca 95h My Little Brown Book Duke Ellington..Victor I'll Get By (F) Ink Spots Decca Body and Soul Coleman Hawkins Bluebird I Can't Soo for Lookire -King Cole Trio..Capitol 154 NATIONAL AND REGIONAL BEST SELLING RETAM. RECORD SOURCE.: Allem, Coo Prterreplern Nato. Stool, Sax. Cour, Itartendaleas. heinmenghaor 1101:40'11 Re. JO Shop; Loafs PelaS Dry Ctoodie Ore. Boston: The Melody Steep. Beidgeperi. Collar ClIsam Shore Store; Rowland Dry Coeds 0o.; Which. 1/44to Romeo. Boum Mai.: Dembausts Masi. co. chaise,: Comalait Mothers: Rucheon. Rena; Lyon A Healy; Marshall deara-nosbucir Co.; Wu:lasers. Clatleastl: B oat Shop' Clutalorgs. Ina; VP -au mask co.; worlitorra Dearer: Century maw Shop: rho May Cawharsi; Charles E. Wens music 0.. Des Melees: Deridson Record Co.; Dot Metal. MOM Secure. Pelt Werth, Ti..: Xerohlr Cr...' rorneture Co. ReElywoode Mato ROOK Mane City: Idonywoos Stvuos of Moser. iaolisonedlo, Doeltre PROM Rib& leas Angelis! The May Coe:moms Galenite*: Stewart Dry Goode CO. alammla IIM'et SLOT. CO.: Bardnst, ear. HIlerookee. J. B. Bred. toad's Made Noose: Mortals Lanes Co: Broadway Rouse.4 mono Newark. N. J.: O. & R. Record Snow; Radio Mop QC Newark. New Orleans: Laois renewed 0... Inc- New Trek GIFT Crater Wane Steel; Liberty Masse Stop: Cialety Hoak Shop; PabweVa 14=tle OOPS: R. It. Stacy A 1100: Abrahams A Stream. Inc.. Broodway Metydy Slug. Pansdelaila: Dominion Record Cann Ales A. Gettlen; fteghpolal Record Steep. PleObereat Volleyers" Rood_ Ion Teethes. Oft. Melee A?rank Cb. Sa N. 0.1 C. H. EldElbeltaCell MOM Co-: Joseph R. :Nem Co. Inelmoe. Gary's Rtesea &hr.>: Walter D. Mows ACA; Coney Record Co. cateots. AAorlon Co. St, Past, MIlam.: StayfWerot Novrity Co. Salt GLo Cttye Z. C. M. I. Oracalorsono Chap. gas Amboreloe Allem> Plato Co. Washrearetem. D. C.; George', Nadm Westwood. OWE: Mute Shop. - _ A s Hollywood Radio Room, Muting in 0etob-r Joy Daylor adding trombone Charlie Bernet at ToMmy Doreert New York Strand engagement. nay Mosque Theater, Newark. N. J... But Barnet Calls TD "Bose lire Bea% Park, Bridgeport. Conn, after Genet. In acting role In Early TO Bed at and mg to her all -gal orb. bringing the ballroom. Collonarka. for three weekends. Including Saturday swing shift. Earisas City. Mo. August 11..,. Jule Plantatasn Club, Nathrille... Ed Fish- Iterbeet opens at atuehlebach Hotel, Helen, plantat, featured to floor/how at crew to 15.. Lennie Hayton batoned the Myna and Sammy Cohn will dell Banos man returns to Coast this week OW Lee Brown will Plug MI r(denru'r orb In recording melon with Judy Garland... The interctew, clotted by Roger tively called Hone a Good Tram. Rob- York omen. for Deno Wolper's new inualcal tenta- &hart biz trip to rnedertut Elms.' New tunes Tuesday (2S) et the Bata Penney:mite. Ptantst Jett Ctorkaon, Edens and Kay ThompsOn, waxed for bins will publtsh the musk. arranger Frank Comstock and roost - Vegfetd FOJNet.... Jimmie Luneeterd Mare "Ca n teen" fat Gordon Drake will Rote there DM leaven HollywoOd August 3 for aeries 52 Weeks Solid Heaney Dorsey cot tilt mm.0104 tour songs played... Matt PeDionen or one-nighters /which will take them Att.-sfa Company has brought out to New York. emit Carman and orb 9. -Ind up short to caeca bast Into Warne. Sem' shooting at NnIterrat thlt week led e tvel for added Kenos el "Hollywood "Tole Drops Front the Sky." written go Into Hollywood macombo for Canteen."... Calas u A by PelkOnen. Eugene Wellman and It Con I(appen In F.,"-rybixly years engagement... Josh White u p a 10 -week nta at the Potato Held, Corp. Jack Adorns. Mitch Alerts. Art Kase, Bob Chester, %razed "Motheriell "Priree San Ittanstres. real Crash out The S geoid Suborn. La Stet feed. hear Crosby Beetled" "Fare Thee Wen,- "Work as molt of Option plek-up... Vera Andrews Sieten Hymn Singers and Dinah Shore will were "It Could DIVer.- "Lots With the Delkate Ate" Toth', Naer York MCA retepttacht. to Andrews Sisters will sing threw hymns Nippon To Tem" from Parernount's "And and "When I Lau Down and Die DO Ildsetadwasettl for two -weak rotation. the Anrols Sine" threes debt worked eel me. for A WI ReOles' Gene.... Teel*, Wilhelm' owned onotkal With 511tinwspolts Symphony during the ley Sidney lifornheher.!mous Mesta Horded Info Roseland Ballroom, New isnsersime ow WO's "TIM CAT Is Greta." lee featival... Paul Edelen moring.. Otit Steeller. Rader et few Mayfair York, for two week,. while Gate Pearl of Death and House of Fele for Loewe. Chkege. has Vetoed with ale old AL/fOrt and ork remotion. Sand wilt Joshua Johnson. bxeis-woogte plan - partner. pony Cliddors, toe welts Universal... Herb Melds hoe replaced el alternate with Clyde Lucas. alt. cut 10 ride* for World and Deets, 01 doubt...plane renegue' of Perdue Unite/. Which 11 wore his own numbers, soon thrush Bottle Reed with Lorrte Lsrat. slay, Harry James oak on vatation before to be published by Northern Music. and load trombonist Bruce Risks with opening at Tommy Dorsey's Hollywood Rol Pearl, Intertntsaion orgentat at Ara- Vincent Lopez plays One.nlEhtern, Including lielabey Park, Pe.. and Pleas. Ballroom July 23 for hoe week-ea:il.. Amy Ansell. fanner Tommy 'Maker VO gon Ballroom. Chicago, lc ahartng breed. east with Art Kassel over WONIIRO

18 18 MUSIC The Billboard July 29, 1911 Victor's sensational romantic vocalist sings the song that's tops with the doughboys. It's LW Marlene -successor to Mad'moiselle from ArraentiOres and greatest song of World War II. Sure to be a terrific coin -getter. On the reverse Perry sings about tho distaff side of the army in a toe -tapping tune titled First Class Private Mary Brown. Ordor Victor Record No #010,0100/ Sammy Kaye, the Maestro of Swing and Sway, records two numbers that are packed with coin appeal. Better get yours right away. VICTOR Listen fa "The Musk Americo lam 7:30 EWT, Blue Network. RECORD HAWAIIAN SUNSET Voccsi by Many McKenna IF I KNEW THEN NO Vocal by Tommy Ryon EotvrdayL, TtINES par N/CeVELS ARE ON NAB THE AND /RD RECORDS RCA Victor Division Radio Corporation of Americo, Carden, N. J. 6UY MORE WAR BONDSI 1 PART 2 -The Billboani BEST SELLING RETAIL RECORDS Tkie on...mesta. I. lewd en enliti mot. rweleed Iron kenlue rr..0 Pf,.,1 Hem On kr, MAU num rat,. norm. ta Part I.. Awax.m evoratre re tine oweolt, baked!, riot, the siktoval link,. to IS, R. -.td wide( toe RR Howe I. la WM tom. lml Rau to tacit Urge.). Face 1r Filo UrelfaL TillITIOX Laot SM. %%IRA NATIONAL It SUING YOU Ring Croslay-Otoca HIS'S I Love You MI 2 2. SWINGING ON A STAR It: Wog Crests -3.4a 11S97 Came My Way IF) 3 3. I'LL CRT SY Ill Nam lameoolals K.1 s 3449$ Flatbush Flartaglen - 4. ILL RIMING YOU Tommy Dummy-heek Lot% lust Pretend 10 S. G. I. Iltit Lames loofas --Beau 8459 ts You is or Is You Ain't? IFI 4 4. AMOR Ill Meg Crosby-0mm Long Ago larod Fr Awe') IF) - 7. HIS ROCRING NORSt RAN AWAY III - It Had lefty To Notteo-Gagleel So Yea IFI IFS - 8. GOODNIGHT. WINIRIVIR YOU ARt R14 lasegue-owoa 1159$ Lou'r IF) 9 9. LONG ACO (AND FAR AWAY) Ill Statttrog-Capitol III 1 Love Yeu It..i AMOK Andy Rese01--CapItel 156 Day After Icer.vr 1[U% 2 I Ml4. ort 2 lest% I West Orom S -- I $ Other Rrrord Rrpnrtrd in Heat Sailing Lists is, Sections EAST: Len' Aro (Aral tor Awarri at-itaten knoll -Dick Hennes. Owe 2,117; Long Ago (And for Awrel IF) -Bing Crosby, Coma 11606; You A'ways Kai The Oee You Love-P.441s brothers, Daces 78570: III Walk Alone IF t-emeuh pure. Wier MIDWEST: Lerg Ago IArd To, Away) 4F1 -Sher Crosby. paw 14(43; Time Woos fee No One Ill...Helen Fares% Meta SOUTH: Some NY 111 Melt YOU Atekt Ink Sport, Pegg : I'll Get By Il)-ink Soots, Decea 18570; How Blue Ihe Notht IF) - Dick lemmot, Devoe 18604; You A%,ays leurt the One You Love -- M. % Brothers. Docta WEST COAST: t'ii W.; MOW IFS --Martha TIDon, Cachet 157; It Had To B. You (Fs -Betty Hutton. Capnee 155; It Could Happen to You (Fl -ye StattercL toad 15$. MOST PLAYED JEKE BOX FOLK RECORDS *odd Meets Welgvl f -,a The Rillt.orl er-,orer lathes tun week Owe the Prat overdo Mee tube aro rerrn-ly t". unit tornler /WA rre-nlo on wt...it easernerapbe Anon the wko,. nue reruns ales Inca on us oonsarya Iretz.r.e oprestise mum. sag am mensaml inotkest. roamer Lao TU. irk WI Is You Is or Is You Ain't? Louis Jordan Dacca So Long. Pal Al Dexter Okeh Too Late To Worry.. Al Dexter Okeh I Can't Sae for Lookin% King Cole Trio Capitol Soldier's Last Letter... Ernest Tubb Detect Hurry. Hurry Lucky Millinder...Dacca Texas Foy Willing Capitol Cherry Hod Blues... Cootio minium Hit :0=1, =11181M -:=1111M SC- ADVANCE BOOKINGS BLUE BARRON: fikre Moon. Wichla. Kart. Ju 28.Aug 3. FRANICIE CARLE: Palace Theater, CoUrn- Pus. 0.. Aug BENNY CARTER: Retie:row Randevu, Salt Lake City. JoN 31 (2 weeks,. JOY CAYLOR: S)artile Ballroom, WadwoOd. N. /, Eastwood Carder., 0.1r04, luixt2tz.nzit, ;uly 26; Naval A4 Stehon, COrpos Chihli Ter 1.7; Army Ale Field, Marfa, Tex 28: Chant. t,er el Confrere.% II Paio, Tex. 29; Amy, A. r mid AlamOgon10. N. M.. 30; Army Air Fick% Prom, Tee.. 31, JIMMY DORSCY: Dream Cont Vistkio, CAC. Aug. 9: AUdItViUM. San K14.,O; Audloriurn,. Stocklon, GafN,. II; Aud..!oriurn, Sacramento, 12. FREDDIE FISCHER: Waffled "(Teeter. San r,anenco. Aug. 1-14, HORACE HEIDT: Palace Theater, Overland, 11,N 24Aug. 3. WOODY HERMAN: Mron-Clotlar Per. At.,v-oa City. Aug. 6 (wort). ART KASSEL: Lake Cb.A. SPenglIold, Jury *Wu), SAMMY KAYO: State Theater, Harttent Conn, Aug STAN KENTON: Coney Island, Cinc.nruH, Aug I; Nora Park, YaanctIonn ; Buck-.» Lake. 0., joyland Park. Leung,". 4. JOHNNY LONG: MHO Now Yorke., New York. fur 31 -Oct. 7. CLYDE LUCAS: Playground. DoOklen, Aug. trii.:;. P,gCd"?1`' Y '5' P.Lt JIMMY LUNCEfoe0: Sweet Bekaa,. Oak. 1a.4, CoOf. July 10; Auditorium Oakland, Calif. 31; Rreenide Park. Phew,. Aug_ 3.4: Auditorium. TUCtero. Nil., Aug. 5. ASS LYMAN: Oriente; Twin, Chrolgo. lo021)11;alliist.or: C: lane Oak Park.. Ball. rm...aug. 6; labmar. Norfolk GtORG4 PAXTON: Rotelseul Ballroom, Neer York. Aug. &Ott. 2. LOUIS PRIMA: klillionocear Poe. Attarire City. Aug. 9. IAN SAVITT: Gorden Gate Theeter. San Fran:two, Aug 9. JACK TEACARDEN: Toone" Ballroom. Southgate, Cart, Avg. (4 weeks). N. 4 a

19 July 29, 1944 The Billboard MUSIC 19 usegmeters=viaxr=7.-ar-- _ Music Popularity Chart Jy 211, ni9t4 MOST PLAYED JUKE BOX RECORDS Going Strong Raters rtretee4 Deco The IlilThearl reorrewstiees Lea toed Inforedloa ti Swami pato tot elareetare va. k sham 0.4 meets Ihao3 haver ape correacly penalise U. meet ptor ata arttpeaatio peewits pta abooeut the Peke. These mom Kra frees the roamer*. toadish reale, let reeler. errs en aeenard (member. Thee rely welds that an theintolo vemeocie et= thaw ca In U. rule. clear.inpa/enter tern -are buster ct Yens word tea hers cote Stem& lilted matte lb. ode et *Ark me. stator record ma the <thee anitatte nreare:inee of ttae umbel BE SUING YOU (14) -Bleat Crosby Bohn Stott Trottee Orkl.thiera 1137$ (7.ceTeryr Ooesey.Frank S.rtatra, Vora ; Lou:s Prove. Kt 7032;14.4es/ode. Nebo 23291; (1.1.4 Holiday. Commodore C GET BY ( aery lanes (Deck Herren) Geaterregala (Ink Spots. Grecs 18579; The F0,1, Klaa Vona Bluebird 30-(1121; Ian Car. No. H.) 7079; Kitty Cicalas, Deco 23322; 011ie Holiday, Commodore C G. I. DIVE Leak lofd. Decta orrry Mercer, Cacetol 14! I. 4. SWINGING 034 A STAR (101-11Ing Crosby Scott Trotter Ork.1 Otte& ICeay Re Kt 70616; Froddw Slack, Caro:tet 160). S. AMOR (41-.41as Crosby llohn Scort Trotter Orkl Duca IArdr 121:1$1:) IAI Sack Orb). Ceerael 156: Kane, Cute. GO'caTD : &se< Madguara, Hit 8033: Percy Faith, Deco 23344; Wayne King. Voter : Laurence V.7e a, Diu YOU ALWAYS HURT THE ONE YOU LOVE 191-Mth Crete LONG AGO (FAR AWAY e-tielen forrestolek HaTwq ICarna. rata Gee,!Peru (Perry Ccmo, verb ; Jo Staero,d, Capitol 153; The Three Skate., Kt 7045: Gay Lombar6h, Coco.% ; Jan Garber. Ferrule 1CO2; Beg Cabby. Devoe , S. I'LL BE SEEING YOU 181-Yeaany Dorsey tfrank Ssnatrat Wolfe (See NO. 1I 9. LONG AGO I FAR AWAY) 131 -Bing Crotty qt.), Stole Trotter Ork) Detee 1860$ (See No. 7) 10. SAN FIRHANDO VALLEY (191-81eg Crosby (phis Scott Trotter Peel Dweea 115E6 (The Four King Sisters, Eltuot4e ; Johnny Mercer. Capital 150: Johnny Long. Dacca 4437; fon Carttor, Hit MILKMAN, KEEP THOSE BOTTLES QUIET la Na. Mine (Dick) Walters Ork) Gaealtot 151 (Woody Heiman. Dacca 18403: The Four Keel Sister% Bluebird ) AMOK I21-X.0w Cage, (Carmen Caen:km Colombia (Sc. No I'LL WALK ALONE (11.--aamaa Mos Grotto) 151 imary Martin, Dacca 21340: Dinah?ore. Victor ; Louis Prima. Hat 7363) 12. GOODNIGHT. WHEREVER YOU ARE 01/..-Rss Mown D aw Boron's Ork, 7031; Mary Mete, Orrea 23340) II. STRAIGHTEN UP AND FLY RIGHT (61-Aadrews Voters IV% Schoen Ork) Creme 1E406 1Kins Cola Tracy G.Kmo. 154) 14. I LOVE YOU ( a8 Crosby (Kea Scott Troller Ork) Licata Ifnrk Madnvera, Net 7077; Jo Stal fled. Cacuted 153; Perry Cc, -n, V.:tor ; Jan Garber, Feature :07,1 ; W.Ser Evans, Dom, 23337). IS. LONG AGO (FAR AWAY) (21 -Cry Lombards (Tony Cra!s) Ogee* See No. 7) 16. HOW BLUE THE NIGHT (31 -Disk Hayenee ternit NewenAl Oki.Der ea I OOP Cheater, Hit 7088) IT. DON7 SWEETHEART MI I171-Larrninea Welk (Warne MANI) -Dacca 4434 Ohre Baron's Ork, Hit 1050; Tex Grande. Deka* 5005) IS YOU IS OR IS YOU AIN"? t s border Wet/ 116T, AMOR (5) -Andy Russell (Al Sack (sk) Capitol 116 t344 No. 5) Coming Up eerri.e4 Ir.. Tie =wart reeenetattelo lent Inst. and Wed tea lotematlee Ira laa,ipte tote boa oreratorta Arm the Maga hated bays are caboose ka Mg.:attar al eery.!oa wk. 1. PRETTY KITTY BLUE EYES -The Marry Mass dere., C. 1. ilvt-lotieny M ;Pant We:eon Ork) Capitol 141 S. TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE -Johnny Loots (Patti Dugan) Deets 4414 Territorial Favorites With Juke Box Operators The traltolelef Wert* ate Wet.!el as Is ree,..ets to The lit:thnart tree traelt; In videos Witter/ea en tolt,eted cla Tae fa;. rat res, tr, Ill LOVE. LOVE, LOVE -Gres Lombardo Toronto) Deter MEMPHIS GLUES -Harry Eames IS!, Laud Columbia Happy Days Again: Remotes for Hudson & Howard NEW YORK. July 22.-Loat week for torte band leaden) around town was Ilke old-i1mos. so far as remotes are concerned. Due to stand-bys leabininute caocellatter.s. etc.. Dean Hudson et the Ltncoln and Eddy Howard. who departed Prank Dalley's Terrace Room Thursday (20) bad the:n*4re* a windfall. Hudson. who usually gets about flee Pelotas week. got 11 wtre.a. an before I pm. tablets gore the contact men a feast. He had seren MRS and four CBS wires. Eddy Howard was on Mx Hosea Sot- Urday 1151 and 12 times the rest of the week. glring him 18 shots In all. It was Jun Ince the Old Meadowbrook and Olen Leland Casino days before the war when bands got OM 20 wires a vies. Sammy Kaye Recovers; Rejoins Ork July 27 NEW YORK. July 22. -Lost then: days of Sammy Kan', mint at the Capitol Theater. ended Wednesday (10), was done without leader. who wax out 111. Rand vas batoned by Billy WIllisMs. soconat. during Kaye's absence. It was Ofth week for hand. which hod dome hefty biz at the house, reglittering close to lam week. Ork fa oft on vacation until 27th of tilts month. when It goes Into RX0.11oston for a week. It plays New England. then comes into Hotel Astor here August 0. Kayo's feature, -So You Want To Lead a nand.. was dropped during Keye's absence rejoin band in Roston.!Judson Into Lowe's State NEW YORK. July 22. -Dean Hudson's ore tkedded to go into tomes State coyly In August. Band Is currently at Hetet Ltncoln here for an IndednIto stay. Bond cut 15 transcriptions for Langan:nth last week. NEW and ore WONDERFUL releases! Dear Old Pal of Mine Whisper that You Love Me col Whispering Estrellita col COLUMBIA RECORDS NMEMEMER

20 July 29, 1911 PART 3-The Billboard RECORD POSSIBILITIES Thew,sorter std soma as.. ineenedeou of twowslee future mike:wide hits la jobs 4srocuanta (ran caul< railtate* fa tie niall Oti*.aSe X44 1 their Sew. 1,..1 over raced MIA CV P4A4 WM, or 3 Cy. WU* PO4*..*..* Wuhan sod tiros tie iseewent et The itedeeiefs Noels Dews...fit SWINGING ON A STAR...Bing Croc.by (Williams Brother? OuartetJohn Scott Trotter and Ork) Dacca Th4 Is a tyertal teams)* of M4,1, the greener sells and continuos to sett row atter yon. He keks the dev.i on Of Mos C150,4Dif and nines resnuest-i-sitil At...tat nothing-toe anyone 1014 to do wah it. The Williams tocnwn do an assn that's seenetnee to talk about and the entre disking is am, 71,1 should sell well up Into the hundreds of Po:Lands and gamer eneiugh nicktb to pay toe the clinker's Mat land in every iuke hex. BOLERO AT THE SAVOY..Gene Krupa and His Ork Columbia Krupa is hot neon these days end vhirt MV waxln h pro -disk ban there's rough of Krupa In it to carry it right along Into the too dough. *Lee opens end wren the platter Wmost all thy way taw with a wealant reest by Arita O'Day on the vocals. Ston beating by Krupa has abesys been a ftnr artred two and a 1.44 seen hasn't aged thn planet at ell Acmes the!monet and en the witemet.c tunnat'et Ili.: is going to sett, bat COME OUT. COME OUT. Eddy Howard and Ork (Vocal by WHEREVER YOUR ARE... Roy Bast) Feature I003.A Eddy Howard has been fitly solid In the and -Wen for sereenme and this risking she'd servo to do some proffer selling foe hen In Me East when, his been playing lately. Theet's a net rhythm and some sold orchestration In this member and the wxalt. by Roy KW are fee better than the untial band seeshring. While Eddy Howard may reit sei tins, the notes that are on the dak wen-for nickels aed "HE GOT A NEW DECCA RECORD AND HE'S TAKING NO CHANCES!" This coin machine operator may be overdoing it a bit, but DECCA records are precious! Demand has grown because everybody likes the kind of entertainment DECCA deliversnewest tunes, big- name bands, popular vocalists, smart arrangements. And war shortages limit the supply. We've had to "ration" the available supply of DECCA hits. That means you may not get all you need-but you're sure of getting your fair share! So until the war's over make your DECCA records work harder for you. Switch them around from machine to machine and keep all your locations satisfied! DECCA DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION IXECUTIYIONICILSOWISt ilrhit,niwy011a MKT. Duca RECORDS POPULAR, RECORD RELEASES Rom July 20 thru Jaly 27) AMERICAN WALTZ MEMORIES ALBUM Paul Lavelle -.Music:raft 62 A Kiss In the Dark Paul Lavelle Muskref! Always Pace Levelly rihdan.a.af t 297 Beautiful One PM Larahe 1.44, Let Me Cell You Sweetheart Prot Larval* Manakratt 207 Miners' Weitz Paul Lavelle 'Satiate? 296 Remember. PM twat* Mualciatt 295 That Naughty Welts Paul Levan, muskrat t 295 Wonderful Ono Paul Lavelle tatcneratt 214 COME OUT. COME OUT, WVEREVER YOU ARE Eddy Howard _Feature 1003 DANCE WITH A DOLLY (With Evelyn Knight (Camarata Hole in Her Stocking) Ork) Dacca DEAR OLD PAL OF MINE Tommy Tucker (Don Brown) Columbia TOMMY DORSEY. STARMAKER ALBUM Tommy Dorsey..Victor P-150 Everything Happens To Me Tommy Comfy term* Senetral, Vki Little Men With a Candy Cigar...Tawny Dorsey Ile Matfeedi.sirktee t None But the Lonely Heart Tommy Donn (Tommy Dorsey!... Mato Not So Quiet Keene Tommy Dorsey teluddy Ridol Violet Oh! Lock at Me Now re-nnvri Dorsey break Sinatra. Coma Hale,, Pled Pipers) Meter Swing High Torrwre Drew IZrogy (tenant... Swingle' On No(tsW Tommy Doney Victor (Sy Other and M. Stafford) Victor wur You se Mine2 Tommy Dorsey icervue Hainan... Vitt& ESTRELLITA (MY LITTLE Horace Heidt (Fred Lowery) STAR) Columbia FORGET -ME -HOTS IN YOUR EYES Eddy Howard...Feature 1003 GOOD NIGHT, SWEETHEART Kitty Carlisle (Harry Sosnik Ork) Deere I CAN'T HELP rr (IF I LOVE YOU) Eddy Howard. Feature 1004 (OW Pop Record Meese on pop. Mr Lou Marlin -Fred Coots Tune Pubbed by Maestro NEW YORK. July 22 -Lou Martin hos now launched his latest song. What Are You Gcrone Do With All Your Roney? thru his Martin Pubilahing Company MO and J. Fred COMA Collaborated en the tune. The leader who until last month Conducted Use ahoy band at Leon Eddies. Is rehearsing to new 11-ptem outfit. After establishing something of a record with a nine and -a -halt year stay at the 60d Street Vet. Martin yenta to play dance music. He plane to week with the band for a couple of months before taking on lob. In the meantime lice devottrig hts time to the publishing firm. Eddy Howard Will Be Back Writino. Waiter NEW YORK. July 22-Irving Berlin once mid the United States was made Up of I3000,- 000 composers. Here's an example: Walter at Hotel Dime's Plantation Room named Buddy Butler got a bold of Rank SInicn. piano player with Al TenCes band. and WV Oa a t000 Short aid Squatty Sgt. Lee. Mayfair Mune la publlthing. It's BUtIer's first opus. other stint at the same ream later on thin year. Alt ho date hasn't been actually set, it will bn sometime In November, which will mark loader's second appearance In the Root with 224 band. Atter playing Boilers, he's inked far NEW YORK, July 22-Eddy }toward. a New York theater and hotel. latter whose ciek left Frank Dailey's Terrace said to be the BiltenOre. Out. COISCum- Reern Thursday (20). Is Rated to do an- Hon is lacking.

21 July The Billboard MUSIC 21 'Husk Popularity Chart POPULAR RECORD MPS Ily 31. If. Orodemker :NWT" Work Ending July 20, 1944 FRANK SINATRA (Victor) "Night and Day"-FT.; V. "The Lamplighter's Serenade"- FT; V. It was lust dye* years ego that Townsy Nestle ',genre, is -4 the fwd vocalist teemed fir a tonola solo odes on the Btu bed label. It was an /MO - CIO oh that has carried on to this day. with Alex Mordant shit creating the orchestral eretings fee Frank Sinatra. Wh's 11.0 records crested Stele ce no Interest in that day. the Noted eestoins now has the chance to clean in on whet was one. only a solid bet. Standee on has own. Sinatra was at hs best In merlons the -pot serene'. confessions contained an Cole Portia's "Night and Day." The tenant* urge is lust es pecreureed in do apteming at tuts later day. Matching the lyocil derlethe hn licsegy Carew:hears inns The LarnpAghter`l Serenade' It's Oath jad,ag all the *41Y. for IN' silky 'francs selling fan<ake state for Was Yoke. Stordahrs mon"( The made bevel are ripe fee so overflew of nkkelis wed. frank Sinatra tatedlles. partiesloly few the everlasting "Right and Day" faveelle. CLAUDE THORNHILL (Columbia) "Moonlight Bay"-FT: VC. "There's a Small Hotel"-FT; VC. AttIre the call to arms eut Mem his career before ho band had a rent thane* DS fetch en, OM t. -issue of Chief Petty WINN Claude Thornhill is bound to Create fresh wawa Of More pronounced entriusialres for the brand of Nam he ever...ed. The full -boded voting of the hutruments, winkled w-th the maestro's own Steinway distinction, creates a sans* of fug safillecton for both tho listening end the dancing. The Nonni,* is svonournect on both sown for Peter Wenrich's prreesniak "Mcienfight Bar." led for Ike Rodgers and Hart rar,thee, "There's a Small Horef, from the "On Your Toes" nuatieal of old. A marked rhythmic beet, moored with the maestro's p and the trumpeter's nordirg rh. Nortes, makes for bightneso In tee ease of t Sm. _" whiro cheteetetisties of the bed we mere &vetoed for 'Then' a Small Mesa" which has Thornhill spreader Ivory etan,tot on the kesbeerd. On both counts. erneeh vocal vertions are angered by the wet:an-tied blends of a mixed cuareet, Tho Snowflakes The music of Claude Thernhill, with In richness ael Is well. adopted for lake boa me, awd weeders shoe% find plenty of encouragermet for tbe "Wont:gat gay" evergreen. THE FOUR TONES (A-1 Records) "I'll Follow You" --F1'; V. "Do, Do Baby"-FT:V. A.'olher MONO:MOO to the 0e0t111/1 fraremay, A.I Records corm to the fore wrh ettrae.,re steel ca,setonits fecd uo by the four Tones, sto:4 mat quartet, Boys Possess few voices, blended well, wnh Wok finding en hich corn - martial order to attract ettention to the new label. It's a cross brhwen rho Miro Brothers and toe Ink Spots in flick lanfvg. rearrview Ilse totter techlansues Of boll, art essinfing Itte laresaruesg 1:1110,0,0$ 10 bank the sob once., and the base sinew talkies out the lyrics. The zooming bass netts of the drew keen the rhythms sharp and pronounced. and nntrut and /women aiegng an the "ay. Yo.' et a ;sealant be"ni of merit with the Fox To -m taking it in food slarde. woble "Do, Do Doti' attarrs the, rhythm exuation. The sterekur of the few Toot. perliestarty for 0111 follow Yen. perks Meth inert let the OM 00 Play. and the mink fps could well tempt the F.:Nobilities of their piatetriss. (Ste Fop Record Rcelegs on page tn) ) C.f.'s Hit "Hit Kit"; Prefer Nickel and Dime Lyric Mags WASHINGTON. July 22,-Lots of raised eyebrows around music biz this week when word came down that Hit Kit (Pop song enlieettona) was being dropped from the army library envies free het and would no longer be sent to soldier, over- dropped. seas. In some quarters Hit had been looked upon as a sure -fine of bultding widespread G. I. Interest In pop niusoc, which might ultimately be reflected in heavy post -wet sheet asks, etc. DeelalOn to drop Kit came about as a result of a combined poll and surrey of soldiers' preferences for tr.sgazines and periodicals. Poll -survey woe conducted by War Department, started April of this year. Army asked soldiers In 17 United Slates posts with total population of 130,000, and 0. l.'s In a number of overuse baste to state their periodical preferences. Also checked taros of masa- Mira at army post exchanges and made a atudy of )4sgaelne Publishers' Also - elation DRUM of subscriptions token out by soldiers. Army claim, that out cf the 28 "pony" editions (lilt Klt was InCludect among these) which were being sent to soldiers cuff wren did not make the new preferential Int ea determined by the poll, and would consequently be Kit was one of the amen. What makes the set-up men arranger Is that while the Kit woe, not included In the preferential hat. six psi. sliteiy ;ahlia/wed. commercial lyric magazine* were. These are Broadcast songs, Ha Parade. Radio Bit Songs, Sing Save, Song Hite end Song Parade, The compilers of the tunes to be In. chided in the Kit, of course, had the run of the publishing field and could pencil In the hit tunes of any publisher. lyric magazines, on the other band, taxis bare contracts anti; individual publiebent or groups of publ(shere and can run In their sheets only the lyrics of tunes controlled by the pube with W130:11 they hove deals. Thus, of arum% means thee the Kit &mold and did have many More (See or Mt Elf! Alf on page 22) STANDARD` RECORDS "TUNES THAT NEVER GROW OLD" FOR THE BEST IN FOLK RECORD REVIEW'S (Hillbilly, Race, Cowboy Songs, Spirituals) By M. 11. Ocodenker CLIFF CARLISLE (Bluebird) "Lonely"-FT; V. "Blue Dreams"-FT; V. Singing in Me tradition of the great outdoors, Cliff Carlisle. Wned try the too tersonns of Little Tommy, makes for rustic ',itches vs the dure.daryins foe Mersey." Accompanied by Wing bass and guitars, and taken at a WOO ADAM 1171 the lostalletrieva to till ak of me when Ern old. "Ohre Dreams," a pleasant drewm song serenade, is taken by Carloiat on Ns own, wth fiddle and pats, providing the accompanavene. and keeping the tempo owe bright, WNW the label creels Canals swth vederie. such *ups**, creels, Susk.w teem she is devoted to the strivelt up-and-down singing, Both odes ohervid silo semes the musk hex cow/item well away from the when locators. Ray Benson To Get 171C At Baker Hotel, Dallas CHICAGO, July 22.-When Ray Benson rick completes its engagement at the Pump tippet time he will add four me. to his unit and play eight weeks at the Piker Hotel. Mlles. Reported pike for band on Dales date to [1,750 per work. Pollowleg the Baker ZerwOn is Inked Mto Roosevelt Hotel, Now Orleans, with it -pier band. LOSIcr b having strtng irrancentelib Matte for his book preparatory to Dallas date. Brown Re -Signed for Penn; Good Pix Dough, No Pix NEW YORK. July 24.-Lea Brown, do - trig good biz at the Hotel Penney:mak will return to some gat sometime next year, exact date not yet eat Ork,which came in July 3. leaves In Auinut to play theaters in Midwest and then bows Into Sherman Hotel. Chicago. November 8. Contract signed today for Feather's Blues NEW YORK, July 22, - With the big cornea the little! Altho come Victor royalty wero way up In nee figures. re:no were In three figures and divided by decimal point, yet. Probably timeliest Victor check bat hail went to Leonard?leather. who wrote bfnah's Mum. Ile got munifteent SUM of from the company. coming Penn stint. Brown, who is under contract to Paramount Pleturea, has collected 516,030 for four weeks and band put In on the 1o.. but never appeared In a pteture. This took place earlier this year. If be Isn't used by November 1. Brown will get 114,000 more. making to all, without doing a lick of work for It. Hone on a two to three-week notice call from the sitidlo. r1 POLKAS Ask ynor torn! Jobber for II complete Standard Record Catalog or write to PH0110 CO. 163 WEST 23rd STREET, n E tu TORN 11 ri De Ltietr-7 / / /,,B,IL,...LoyLuxEr.CAlit,-SSTTIAR U Sd GOING STRONG! Na sons- No BANG 2000",GD 0rO Ma MEV I STAY IN PIE MOOD FOR YOU" cs,,,,,... Sorbs. LIN three ALSO AVAOLAILE livecistasary ML-' end "TOO LATit TO WORRY. TOO TO CRY"now/re No a o se Avg i D AWAY TOO 't era..fltfirtniady. I S TILL RICSOINISA" /101,Af A f. TR X ORANDt. s.d stir Terietalt RIDERS" Lief "MCC USUAL Tomtit DISCOUNT: Paton a Itted I grelool sire re fetal Tar DE LUXE RECORD DISTRIBUTING CO., MIEN I I

22 22 MUSIC The Billboard July 29, 1911 Some Foils like Their "Corn," Others like Their "Swing," II ll's Dille, Sweet or Hot, Whet the EVERYTHINO. "iii11"11!i Ho Pim NOW ON TOUR AND HIS ORCHESTRA ;'IN, op ;.;\ "America's Bigg-er Boadicea.," Persons! Miner:want FREDDIE WILLIANISON CENTRAL BOOKING OFFICE :13 N. Wabs.33 Ana. CHICAGO DiTERS was AN IDEA FOR YOUR NEW CARD II3 1,-ro!t;.a Tr6 to me A.,t, Le -a::, fleltfm, t.i.nr.4 K., 3:0 GO cadowe(. HAMEL, Ir1LY r.ctlye hoof ye *ern lo 'we to Rena CCNTRAIr any rostra& Warns ewe Jar Dank room) CENTRAL ens m ws PM* SHOW PRINTING COMPANY MASON CITY, IOWA WANTED dart, Sass Deumener. 1st and Tenor S." Must be A.1 and otter. Islet July 20. ACE BRIGODE 134 CrInv An. WYOMING IS, OHIO COLORED BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS FERGUSON BROS. AGENCY. INC.,:..1 $.1 n 11 11,11;.4, A - fly Seale'. NVE,flt /110100, BILL BAKER slat rat ft 17,14:14';41:. AL DIMMING'S ATTRACTIONS Song* Oodceors Nov odoar. La. Name turd,. Itlathr.re, Node Naive Bands Many Return (continued peon pope JS) Ork make the Filltmore Hotel starting r,;(1. Horace Ifeldt Sacra*, then Tommy August 14. Earl Hines follows Count Corny. both bards will get front Rine Into the Plantation some time In io 413,000 atralght salary es New 'York October. Freddy Martin continues at theaters mean to play on percentage. the Cocoanut Grove at the Ambassador Theaters thrtleut the rest of the country Hotel, Los Angeles, thra the fall. do, but that', because. for the meet part. they keep Orks A single week. while le James To Make Piz New York bands are to for a hefty stay. While on the West Coast, Harry James Longer Runs will make pig for MOM. going to work soon on Cabbages end winps. However, That hefty stay Is more pronounced today, because the length of run On a liroodway pie Is gradually becoming longer and longer. Wherena, a couple years ago, A three -Week run wu good, today, 10 weeks doesn't create too much of a stir. Consequently. If band gets a break and gore In with a good plc rod a half decent salary, there's a good chance of coming out with some real change. Capitol's two remaloing bands that art act are Jimmy Dorsey end Xavier Cugat but no dates are known. Paramount has Vaughn Monroe cont. lag In August 0. with Mitch Ayrea nod Andrea's Staters opening September 0. Thu wel go as far as the erd of October, when there's A poatibillty that a new Benny Goodman band may take over. Rory has Duke now, with Fred Waring making his first theater appearrve In some years, linguae 1. Rory execs don't know when ahoy will change, sod only ether set date for the plate is Count Baste who comes In around first of the year. Basle played the house year And did a good 'ob. and he's getting a substantial increase over List ;ear's cheek. 8trand has Tommy Tucker corning in August 4, only known booking. Niterice Take Deka New scene on the hor1zoo for bands Is recent change in policy at the Cope - cabana, New York nitery. now playing Mu" Melds. dough at the place, but it's a prestige hooking and a New York spot Abe Lyman follows Fields. opening In September. with (Norge Olson corning on In December. Lyman may do a double at the Strand while In. Fact that booking ls succentul la known, In that Fields is slated to come back next spring. Mho :no other New York nitery epots bare iignified their Intention of using Mafia bands, there'a always the fact that enc. etas in one place starts a trend-end so onlooker. may see name bands vying with each other from nitery spots. Of course, Dave Wolper's Hurricane has used Duke Ellington who is slated to play the place for 10 weeks this fall or winter some time. He owes the repot that time. having moved out this summer when OM fell of due to the 30 per cent tax. And across the street from the Hurricane Is the Zanzibar. which has aigned Cab Calloway. starting early In August. bang over into the fall. Chicago Spots Set In the Chicago area, the Oriental Theater Lao Lee Brown. Lawrence Welk and Clene Krupa for one -week stints ate:ling October 27: Charlie Spivak plays the Chicago Theater week of September 1, then roads Into the Circle, Indianapolis: Palace, Youngstown, 0., and Niece, Columbus, 0. Jerry Wald goes into the Hotel Sherman August 11 to September 7. Leo Brown plays the Inverside,...nukes. October 27 and comes back to Chicago to the Sherman in November. Woody Herman's dates Include the Palace, Cleveland, week of September 24, after which he heads for the Palladium In Hollywood. Bonny DUIlharn, PranIde Carta, Jimmy Dorsey, Stan Kenton, Clyde Ltxas, all appear to the, Midwest during the fall season. Dates Inked on the Coast Palladium has lined up three bands for the fell season. Henry BUSK sep- %ember 2, followed by Woody Herman October 17. Stan Kenton open there November 27. Harry James may play place around January 1. Tommy Dorsey - Harry James' new Calionadee, where T.D. Is now playing wok -ends, has inked Charlie Barnet Harry James end Jimmy Dorsey. aitho date. aren't set an yet. Jan Savitt wilt be playing during the fall at the Palace Hotel, San Pranclaco "I LOVE TO ROLLER MATE" going In August 19. WIll Btln Inffird c4mrara so free team nis cone ajf is "went/sex Sat Mr, 34 reels. is e. R A utt eel? bt ART M. ORVUS, ins stn. Issiireeee acs, Oaln. Lionel Hampton takes stand at Trianon September 27. Eakin. Hawkins goes into the Plantation November 2, white Henry King and Set for Fall; to Old Spots he's slated to make his way back east In the fall. having a contract with Prank Dailey for hie Terrace Room in Novem. ber, and also one with the Hotel Sherman. Chicago, tome time this year. On plc side, Harry Bongo. of Osnerol Amusement Corporation, is stated to do a plo In the fall featuring Will Osbornb band. Freddy Mack Is set to make two pie, one for RHO and the other for Mil - street Lionel Hampton, now out doing Orodidghters. heads Into Hollywoxl some Um* to October to work for Warners. Louts Armstrong, Jimmy Dorsey and Carmen Cavallaro ere also on the WTI lot for Hollywood Canteen. Les Brown is on two-week call from Paramount before November 1, and Tommy Dorsey is slated to do another for MOM. Miami Spot Builds Switching to South. It appears as tho the Miami Frolics Club will become a must spot for bends to play, pay Is high, and already top bands are slated for spot. Spot is booked by General Amusement, which splits commiasions with other agencies handling bands not belonging to (SAC. Clyde Luta,. Jerry Weld, Jack Tease:den, Stan Kenton, Sonny Dunham and Abe Lyman are In Ull the first of the year starting in October. OnnNiters Bette: thru the South. Opening date will be In New Orleans. Up to now Towles has One-nighter altuation thruout the country is bound to be a top coin earner Band Lana making any for tunny bands. Thls la made partially possible thru Harry James's recent 14 - day Jaunt, on which he got $ from 10 one-nighters. He took out from Ilerabey, Pa.. on one night alone. ARA other bands won't make that much on orte-nightent the net to leaders looks like plenty of the long green. Along the same line. college preens which were once a constant source of loot, and which almost dropped out of existence due to the was, may come back in the fell. AIM nothing denniter has been Indicated, there is talk that many ppllaces that used to run dances for the and are now rooming houses for some branch Of the service, may resume as balls In the fall. Back From Ware Band leaders who will come back on the scene tills coming fan Include Rudy Vallee, who was recently discharged!mtn the U. S, Coast Guard. He's going but Into radio. Artie Shaw has been given a discharge from the navy, and will be around with a band. He may do a pie and also a radio show, and at the same time tour theaters, Wormy Mate Ls out of the army and will resume with Bob Hope on the latter's radio show. Fred Waring Is set to do a new radio show, once -a -week. for a new sponsor. And. of course, all bands will get their continued radio coverage from Clexis- Coles Spotlight Band show and remotes from hotels. All In all, band picture this fall, providing disk ban rammed' the 1.trdic, keep orks stepping to make up for the known scarcity of bands A few new ones will make their appearance. for example, George Paxton. who tomes into the Rowland Ballroom In August for a akedded 10 weeks: Johnny Morrie, now drumming with Tony Pastor. and Billie Rogers. gal trumpet player, who Is going Into Pelham Heath Inn In August with a new combo. Transportation problems are rare to come up, along with sidemen being lured away by bigger offers, but for the most part. barala will make plenty of dough this coming fall. Even without record -1. And if the ben Is settled, many top grows of the past will fall by the wayside in bunches. Marie Ilannibrill, secretary to MCA's Harry Moss, vacationing... Robbins has published,very Air song. with music by Peter DeRcoe and lyrics by Lieut. Arthur Kurian. Bandboy to Barn NEW YORK. July =.-Dean Hudson la losing his bandboy, Harvey (Tex) liopsood, who opens at the Village Barn this week. While mint beandboys are teen-egers, nuts about bands, Hopgood is in his 30's. owlets elx feet end did a hillbilly and magic act up till four months ago when he came to town with Fferhert Suit Tests 1909 Copyright Law NEW YORK. July 22.-A second suit testing the 1000 Copyright Law as it refers to mechanical rights of songs composed before the enactment of the law, has been brought In Federal Court. This suit, by the hates of composer Victor Herbert, :mks royalties for PlIgnograph reproductions made by leading record companies In three permeate actions. Complaint alleges that the 1000 law gave writers rights not previously held, and asks compensation on the basis of these rights. Current suit Is based On sang. March of the rot's. Previous, yet untried action, Is on nom. peal Ion Tooland. Nat Towles INighters Set NEW YORK, July 22.-Nat Towles and his 13 -piece Jump band have been signed to a three-year contract by ]toward Stn. nott of OAC. Tho Midwest territorial oak recently toured with Marrs Lewis and has Just cut You Send Me, tmtry, Kansas City Minnie, 1 Would 1/ I Could and duns for Decca. Sinnott has the colored crew wildly booked from August 13 to September 11 Operated as an Indic. Irene Mills and Joe Timmins are set for vocals with the ork that Ls booked for to $000 per on the tour. Prima To Play Frolics NEW YORK, July 22.-Louts Prima ork will open at the Frolics, Itnerni. August 15 for three weeks, moving from there to New Orleans. leader's home city. where a week at the St. Charles Theater has been Inked. Ork will play string of one. nighters en route to Florida. starting at Million -Dollar Pier. Atlantic City, August 9. Two Coca-Cola shots will be done on the road. CAC Lines Up Frolics Orke NEW YORK, July 22.-Frolics Club, SlamL has been set for band engagements from September to Starch. 1045, with General Amusement handling all dates. Clyde Lucas, Jerry Wald, Jack Teagarden, Stan Kenton, Sonny Dunham. Abe Lyman, Jimmy Dorsey. Sammy Kayo and Tommy Tucker all set. OAC sputa commission with MCA On dates for Lyman, Kaye. 'Tucker and TOW garden. CI'S HIT "HIT Kir, fees Pope 21) real lilt tunes than any elm& one of the lyric hoftvic"e:lb'uutedstillthpoe nixed the Kit, and okayed the lyric sheets. And this despite the fact that they got the Kit on the cuff. and have to ante up a nickel, or In most asses a dime for the lyric snags. Opinion around the Alley on the pecutter turn of affairs Is expressed target)* by shoulder -thrum and range from accuaattona that the Kit was badly handled right from acmtch, to fancy es - planation, about how the lyric mess are all dressed up with plir of glamour gal band singers, name leaders. etc., while the Kit was a pretty straight and. some say, deadly dull -looking Job. No salesmanship. Out of the iso mega which the army guys voted onto the preferential Int, almost 50 were comic boas. Maybe what the Kit compilers should have done was make a deal with Superman. or anyway. Dick Tracy. BOB POWER AND HIS ORCHESTRA On feearien wire Uncle Son. fee the duration

23 July 29, 1914 MUSIC -COCKTAIL The Billboard 23.Comnittnicalions to 1564 Broadway. New York 19, N Y. - More Tax Talent Booked; Lounges See Better Biz NEW YORK, July 22.-Tho plague of nontax talent which hit lounge. after April 1 aeoms to have run Its *mime. according to cocktail agents, Spot after spot. they say, has decided to experiment with tax talent In the hope that. the 20 per cent bite won't affect Me ait touch as It was feared. Atnor.g the first to bring back vocals end dancing la the Sta.'regent Hotel. Buffalo. On August 3, management will C5140 Its dance floor and hire a couple Of acts to keep Lou Lang Trio (now cur. The Original One Man Iona WINCE "Moe" MONDI TT. Wader. Pasant Orebatre Now Yen Cry The ROYAL -AIRES IneromentohYocat-Entertaining Trio etnts Situ.. CtIlf. i.e., Tort et sag PIM" ouets vs«dale SISTERS PnIt444114%, Pt. The Crystal Cocktail Lounge. Troy. N. Y., la another place that is bringing the warblers and the canaries beet. The 'Subic Bar. Sohnectady. and Burke's Log Cabin. Utica. and the Elwood Club. Paterson. are other lounges which hare tiled to give most:mere pet music. They have corn* to a dee-talon that music by itself isn't enough. New York epote which ere On a non -tax bats also have plans to bring beck TAX. able talent but prefer to see what the MOLLY CRAFT 43 Versatile Singing Fresh* Pb,acacsnIk /a nemermi freryorhre The OWEN SISTERS The Railer,. Moo Ptannt. PM Telt Wilenned M. J. Sweetheart ei Piano end Song AUDREY THOMAS 1...L anise. "Ottrowly liwnatnil et 4444^ MARIA LOPEZ N. Y. O. DON SEAT Qulateite 4 are. 4n4 a OM Yet. In Mona a -d Pane {111,1,10. THE STEWART TRIO BETTY STF.WART /5.171;ti..:%.v,vvr. Anna 0 ARTIE ItUSSEL and His Orchestra 0.1nta MualcPsorer MtrakEnterlaknanent Raw Verb Via Nero.11* -41 Onsattert Shins In HMI "TINY" DAY Intortaleloy Organise and Accordionist nem), U. AL 0. CM, 0.., Area J J month of August brings with It. Some rent) company. Place la alto Milne a lounges, say agents. are doing so well small rumba combo to spell Lou Lang. with non-taxable talent that they See no neuron fo changing. But there are many others who feel that a little dancing and singing may help customers 'fonds for "metier personal loosen up. representot;on. Write If mall night clubs do a big bin (as mato 1410AI- Ont %,, ope expect) then lounges will not hang tti.e vethactionn. back too long. In any *me trade ex- as w..e Ain Snor. How Vert. IP. N. Y. pects cocktail lounges to do a terrine Misname in the latter part of the year. 2 New Cocktail Rooms Open On South New Jersey Shore iii Chico Wins 8 -Month Date DETROIT, July 22. -Price contract for etght months at the swank PersObecot Club. only sky spot In town, went this week to the Johnny Dl Moo trio. with Jane Palmer. vocalist. The unit played briefly at the same, spot, and subsequently worked the Uptown Orland Terrace Casino. The new contract is on a sliding male. opening for two months at cite neure, followed by a raise. and another raise at the end of fire months. Blue Room Sans Dave NEW YORK, July 23. -The old Dave's Pine Rocca 1n Long Drench. N. J. has p:st had Its face lifted and the word Dore- removed front the marquee. Snot row being run by a couple of real (state lads connected with Clark -Robinson, of New York, have hired AI White (ex -Arrowhead Inn, Saratoga) to produce and re-trage the room. Place hes just hired a couple of new canarles, Bl110 Drake and Jean Campbell, who will deliver betoren dance sets. Reviews Hal Learning and ills Shorelinera (Reviewed at the Preview, Chicago) The Shorelinera are strictly a rhythm group, outlasting of Hal Learning on the elect?* harp: Harold trot, plane. doubling on violin: Prank Whitehead, but, and Weetiy Howe, sultan Matto is subdued, leaning to the melodic aide, with a mood Inspiring touch. Arrangements vary from pops, ballads. old favorites to Latin American tune., and are dialled out In ear -pleating and too tickling apt. Lads all COMO la for neat a0:47 wink. teaming holds the spotlight with his Unusual fingering on the harp. Otvoa plays ticks on the violin, as well as doing a good job on the keyboard. Whitehead's bass pounding shows floe technique and Howe has a neat style in ceiling lily guitar. Combo makes a =art appearanot and are well suited for any spot. Illy work hard. and their playlng and showmen - alp holds attention. Jack Baker. Jimmie Flora (Reamed of Pennsy/rernia Hotel, New York) ATLANTIC CITY. July 21.-'rwo important hotel cocktall rooms were added year at the Penneylvania with a, Aix - Jimmie Flora's trto Is Martine Its fifth thts week to the South Jersey resort able following of friends.. Helve Bohol- teeny. ii:.y Stack. guitar. Here In Atlantic City, the Hotel KnIck- uses work accordion well with Leader Picea whether ho erbocker opened up a holiday room tea- or turns to the plane. luring the Adrian Rollin' Tile, Yelth Lao Flora heard also with playa this Instrument. solorox, but raga not Barrett for sena* At neighboring Wildwood, the WItclarcod Manoror Hotel un- Playing In the Cafe Rouge aa retie. shuttered Its new Surf band this trio kept the dancers going, Room. featuring mainly the Three Aces anda Queen. with rumba. and Viennese waits:ea In the cocktail room of the hotel a muds more verled style was Cocktail Pianist on Air dernonetrated. with many request [lumbers ranging front serral-claallcal to current pops. With Symphony Ork Both Schulman and Mack handle vocals competently when regulations do NEW YORK. July 22. -Charlotte Trio - tine now at the Cocktail Room. Park not prohlittt. I one, Buffalo. has been invited to become a guest pianist with the Buffalo tail rooms, and alt three here showman- The unit la okay for class -spot cock- Symphony when It goes on a Otast-10- ship on the Stand, Flora's frt.:id-winning smile being a decided asset. Coast hook-up August 8. Larry Nixon. A irlane Trio (Reviewed et Terrace Roori, Hotel Dirle, New York) Three -Moon combo, Hammond organ, guitar and accordion, headed by Tbny Lane on the stringed Matrument stirs up plenty of music. There'd no frill, fuse or fury about the playing, just plenty of Iletentible, chords and phrases, and the result is way up In the pay-off tido. Ralph PrInce, accordion: Al Young, organ. and Lane, are competent as soloists and accompantag harmentste on their respective Instruments. Happy feature about the ensemble le the drifting away front filthy stuff to just solid mu - etc that makes a good cocktail louse a better one. Here the trio do more than justice to the room and to themecives. Combo runs the gamut of selections. playing everything. and all well. They play both for isteners at tables, and over the bar which Is set beneath the miusictant. Peyote at (Other end of the room have no trouble hearing. and what they hear is plenty okay. Pala Seeon. OFF TICE CUFF East: ANDREW DUPONT Denims at Dors, Baltimore. August I.... BURST AND O'MALLEY set for the Martinique Club, Wildwood. N. J, Aug ANDO- DEEMS MAJORS start at Park Lane, Buffalo, July KAY ARDEN TRIO now at Jars. Asbury Park, N. J., on a else -wok paper.... SANDY WOLP, ex- CnA lounge per center, now with an advertising agency... OEOROE asnonn starts cocktail stsslons at Aquarium. N. Y. Aug 8... HAL BLACK QUARTET open at Ro-le Room. Newark. Aug BAXTER AND WHITE now current at spot... OENE CEDRIC (ex -Pats Weller) just closed at Panther Room, Chicago, and opens at Lou'a Germantown Lounge, Platte. July 31. BETTY CARPENTER set for Musa Village. Phila. Aug. 1..., BILL PlitRO and the Throe 81:G001211M current at Para Cabln, West Orange. N. J... ODOROIE LOPEZ ork at fillantls. Coney Island... TILE PLAYGIRLS (8) with Mary Mac- Claitahan (ox -Phil Spitalnylat Aquarium, N. Y.... LOUMELL MOROAN at El Rancho, Chester. Pa,.. RAY RATTLES QUARTET current at Park Terrace. Brooklyn... MARS TRIO held over at same spat.. :ITER:LINOS go Into Anchor Bar. Buffalo, July HA- DOODLEItB now working at Olen Park Canna, Williatradown, N. Y... HELEN EVERETT at Imperial Room, Perth Amboy.... KAY DARE and Sonny Mire attll at Calvert's, Cleveland. Chicago: "SCATMAN" CROWTIIMS, piano. Inked to for the Cafe Society... DAVE LACEY (3) la et the Cub...811fPt3ON AND ROBINSON satedded for the Club Silhouette.... THREE NOWA aro at (Ice OFF THE CUFF on me 29) no WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY woos (441.% 1..1 YAM sme.,. MEADE LUX LEWIS Retognieed King of the E-WOODIE PIANO DOC'S COCKTAIL LOUNCM 0,t1 -,,s, rag X0% Arnorica'a Moir ant...1 Initruenentel end Vocal De* LEO & EDDIE 1.10 at tin Haatatoa4 Organ. 1001E at the alvnenend Nonathord. SS CLUB. Powean, N. J. BERNIE HELLER TRIO 29th RECORD OREAKINO WEEK at FAMOUS See. Akron, Ohio MARViiiitlYLER Ooe of tie. Midyear' finest Plano Entertainers RI* Cabana Orb. Cr. kat., III. vox ART TATUM TRIO Plarre-ilese-Oyirar I earrently Deuces. H. Y. C...a be MOW Xed WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY X40 NOW 'Melt CHICAGO MOttvw000 ((.1 r ; air RED AND MIRE CLARK THE MR. AND MRS. OP SONG REQUESTS "YU NAME IT 1KD WE'll PUY Ir. 111TH Witgi COLD FRONT cat, Cheboygan, Mids. Mgt. Frederick Ito. Marsic Corp. MARIA KARSON'S Musicales OVttt 'tams HOTEL Cherense, Woo r Nor hot Another Cocktail Una ger America's Age Satan Sand Mating Music for Danelng and ilitaning Plc. Mg?. Mak Stevens. MCA Stumm Memel, Loth* REG. D. MARSHALL A 0 1 C ONCHISTRAS ATTRACTIONS 56)1 SUSISIt LYW , CALIFORNIA

24 24 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE 4Communicaliona to 1564 Broadway. Now York 19, N. Y. July 29,1944 CLUBS HIKE FALL BUDGETS Nitery Ops Are Optimistic; Big Bucks for Best Acts New York leading clubs plan bigger and better shows with more money paid than ever before-agva reports all clubs closed by tax are planning to reopen from Pe" elections But once they arc out of the Ivey gnaw* should mount to record highs The Zar.lbar Ss another club which seems to feel that It is over the bump. Cart Erb* ups that while business is not all he would like It to be. it is cortelnly not bad. Crosses are up. but unlike the Latin (Matter. net hasn't kept pace. Neverthettse the Tanether alem feels that fall activity will Jump and is spend. tog a week more for talent than It did a year ago. Big Shows on hi. Y. East Side Rut If niter,' bit and plar-s on the Wilt Side look up for the fall. plans den bold a candle to what some of the Last Side spots are plannteg. The Copes. cabana. with nut running into the high four nottres. had Its sad days with the 30 per cent bite. But, as It pointed cot, It has saver cut Its talent coin. A Sophie Tucker. a Joe. S. Lewis or a Bert Wheeler builds budget, Such acts cost anewhere from $7,000 to $3.000, not counting the rest of the east core totes, scores, etc. Yet. so optimistic ta the Cope that for the reel of 1044 It la planning to bring beck not only the Trackers and Leselses for more dough, but its recent name -band booking Le not Just a one-the:ter, but the beginning of new petits-. talent plan taro:yes dough. what 1 It expects to put on the Ulm for 1045 became' terrine In tom. putron. Booking so far In advance to, of course. possible but In showbiz it le Impanel:4M/ Yet the Cope says It is enetertng with Pannte Brim. Prances Linefeed (when back from 13130) and Mat West event Cetherfne Was Great tiedsl. An outhontative source even ad. Mtn -et that Bing Crosby bed been offered by the Cope. tbo It was panted that likelihood of the groaner cowing teat toe a night club date is Cafe Society Uptown ano looks forward to the fall with confidence at Barney Joaeptison'e plate L. accord - Mg to Alm. not Only holding up but le bitter than last year. Josephson. like Donegan, Bates and Cab With Zanzibar NEW YORK, July 22-The new Zen - Mai show set to open August 10 will have Dorothy Donegan. Peg Bathe Slater Tharp* and Tay Canty in addition to Cab Conaway's wk. Spot will be redecorated and an extra wire will be put In. A Mutual wire Is now In. Vrtureeleg wilt be done by Calloway. the Pee Wee Marquette will Intro the'oek Seeder. Ire Carroll's pet will stay On as the mooted Outfit - Doc Marcus's New Nitery Set for Sept. Opening NEW YORK. July 22.-A new night spat L skedded to open In September under the aegis or Dee Marcus (who doesn't know about It yet) and Carl Efts Nitery, an Emt Bide spot, will be celled Doc Marcus's Clinic aid. according to Zeta. will not take reserrattens but 'appointments" Plate will be inn On the lines of the 1$ Club but with more obsemance of the Dorothy Dix rules of decorum. In &denten to Doe Marcus. who will sport an *postai( gown and do gaga and bite of his In medical porton. there will be three or four addittocal eats plus two mull crka. Prow, is tiro a big -name op. Ife. too. sees this fall as a reseed -breaker. In Cafe Society Downtown, however. Joaephgen says his operation is a lot different. The whore bill at his downtown spot doesn't coat him as much as one act (a Jimmy Env* or a Hetet Scott) uptown. Result le that while downtown grosses are smolt», nets are bigger than at the Uptown spot. The Versailless, possibly the west hit of the Zest Side clubs with a blgeshew policy. Is also planotng to unveil limey. sugar talent In the fall. In April. May and June, grows at the Versailles took a shellacking. Expenses were cut to the bone and for the current show spot went In for low budgets. But even with the nut down. Nick Prounte admits talent coat rein around $ Nor the autumn, however, the room expecta to raise its talent budget to $15,000. Dwight Platte will come in, and with him will come addltiorsal acts. D. C Troika To Reopen In Washington Helen Hamilton's Troika is another earualty of the Web tax. On September 6 spot will open with Joe E. Lewis he ace how things work out. If enough cuatosners come in the Troika oat.go beet to names and will again be a big talent buyer. In Chicago, the Cher Pares. operating on the sane buts es the Cope in New York. Is also putting big money up for top talent. And like the ops in New York. Chea management Den that fall biz will be way up. In the Ncetheren Oregon cps had been bit hard by combination of factors. The tax, naturally, took heavy toll. but what hurt almost as badly was the kcal law taming Montt to close at midnight. But recently the latter restriction was lifted perteitting clued to remain open until 220 am. Oregon ops now state they, tar, wet put on those that will run Into big figures. All Spots To Reopen Mitt Shrivel, ACLVA heed, says that there won't be a thin now timed on account at the tax that won't be open In the fall. Performers who have been thrown out of work when the tax shut: tered tuneless are beck in the running. More then sett have gone back sines the 20 per cent figure went Into effect. And before the year is over this figure should grow by leepe end bounds. Agents are also unarlimous In saying (See CLUBS JACK UP 03 page 23) Nantes and Nags NEW YORK. July 32.-Abby Otelbler insists the following Is true and cites himself as the guy It happened to. 'Sterna he :se outride of the RHO Building and the boys In the lobby were all hot end bothered about a hay eater caned Music Hell. Abby. who can tell a hunch If properly sppemethed. put flee bucks on the baste. It paid off $ That same afternoon he went out to the National Biscuit plant to talk showles with the cracker makers out discovered that the guys there were putting thole dough on another careiegit puller called Miss Biscuit. Demister. who was already hunch-cone:liras and by this time was rolling In CAC:A, phoned his favorite bookie and prayed the horse across the board -ftre bucks worth. " wadda ya think hipper -se" exclaims Abby gleefully. -It. paid $16.10 to place 12' to chow." A. C. Earle Sold As Site for Stores ATLANTIC CITY. July 22.-Wernet Bros.' Earle?teeter, originally opened In 1526 at it test IN $1,000,000 ter give the next a do line vaude house. but turned out to be a turkey. wee sold by the movie chien last week to the ticuthwestern Motet Company, whkh pro - pews to ram the building and Immerge the site with new storm House is located away from the Boardwalk on Atlantic Avenue. resort's main bugenees tho:of are. Purchase price was 11115,500. Wareers reopened the home In the spring fee a policy of picture retreats When first opened lit 1026, hoes' played the first -run fleeter) ptus big.ome saude. but with little auccesa. and darkened about a down years ago. Later, hone, WAS leased for legit burlesque and own for grand opera. Most suoteedut leper - stem was two years ago when the army Or forces used the theater os a lecture hall. Earner this month. Warners peddled Its tole Theater building, Philadelphia, to the W. T. Grant chain stems, which will rose the bulldtng to *et up a de. protront store on the site. Blind Dale to Capitol NEW YORK. July 20.-Bffnd Dale. radio show, whiter has been playing the RKO houses In the East, is akedded to come to the Capitol, New York. One package with Arlene Francis will open at tire Metro fleghouse alter Homo Heidi run is ithished. Entertainment Industry Exemption From WMC Rule Covers All Show Business Clubs, Radio, Theater. Remattrants-All Included NEW YORK. July 22.-The exemption of men In the entertainmeht field from the providona of tbe War Man -Power Commission referral 'piton as granted In the New Toth City tree fe of oonetherebte Importance nationialy. Pertain in the July Issue of The Sialboard, the ruling moaner that all men employed in the entertainment industry will not be required to get perentniera from the War Man -Power Commission when they want to change Bone As long es the worker atape In the entertainment field no pertain are required. Workers leaving es. rentiel industry to come to the enter. tainment find mutt go thru the proecribeet routine. Affects All Brioches of industry The additional clatilliration not only Includes all branches of the industry, but what Is equally important takes In everybody who has anything to do with the hurintra, no matter how remote Stagehands, carpenters, set dengue», waiters, bus Dori and kitchen Iletp; In feet. anybody who contributes anything (See tr.duatry escalation on page et) Live Talent Returns to 3 Philly Clubs Nabe Nitery Shows Back PIITLADELPHIA, July 22.-In spite Of poet after -dark bliet ess. end with cool. Ing systems falling In flee of the heat ware, part week marked spurt In rattly activity. As result, this week sees the return of Onorthoves to three nnbe interim, out down originally because Of the federal tax. Torn O'Boyte has returned floonsheme to his Cadillac Tavern, with Dick Thome heeding a chow that takes In the Two Zephyrs, Judy Wilbur and DeFrOtter and Minn. Joe Deftlmone. In buying to Yacht Club. Janke the musical bar pole ley and returns fleorehows to the spot. with Raps and Taps topping the nret rolite. Sun Ray Ometene which also reeked the ficorshown In favor of the muskrat tulles, brines the floorshow poi - ley back, with Agnes Senile returning as enisee. Benjamin Franklin Hotel shutters lta Gorden Teneee August 26 for alterations. reopening September 5. Fall date will find the return of floorshees to the hotel room. management figsiring on bringing In another ice chew. Skaters recently closed an 16 -month run war.. Fronk Palumbo', theater - restaurant, closed for the hot months, Indicated that reopening win be September 4, with name floor policy In force again. City of N. Y. Seizes Clubs in Tax Dispute NEW YORK. July Owners of New York raltoles are huddling with at. tot -rays In an effort to come up with an Knower that will remote the "custodians" new installed in their club. and avoid payment of enable sums claimed due on ocoraiet of city aim tax. Saturday (22), at dinner hour, thanes of the title of New York moved in on n number of leen clubs Including the Stork, Corocabint and La Vlo Penns:ins demanding payment of tennis for alleged thorttem In city tax. When club owners refused to ante up fortheeith. the city technically took over the opinion of the Oulu and Metalled a outodian as representative and protector of the rights of the Municipallty. Big squawk from club owners is that custoduna collect beck. an hour, which owners must pay. Claims come after many weeks auditing niter,. books and, according to city oinciala, are based on law giving eny breakage. ChB,' estimate tax to even cents In collecting from mists:knees. and In past are reported as hating paid city per cent on total Wee The difference between co:teeneo and peyments or breakage, is mid to be boat, for present china. Bill to Stork Is $ , covering sit year. back. Copt cheek Is 330. Last Frontier Books Name Acts for Season LAS VEGAS, Nev.. July Ramona Room of Hotel Last Frontier here Is taking no chance on silent and IA booking well In &draw.. Handled by Maxine Lewis, ode to play the spot Include Ethel Shutta. opening Autust 4; Low, Hite and Stanley; Loris Lee. and Stewart and Let. August le. Mee Lewis will appear on the show opening September t with the Coppy Dori Boys. Harry and Polly Carroll are inked foe October. Dare Apollon and Company and the Duncan Sisters are also anted to play the spot NOM

25 July 29, 7914 Tit.' Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE 25 NIGHT CLUB REVIEWS Grand Terrace, Chicago Talent policy: Dancleg and flcorshows at I1. 1 and 3. Procloction: Vivian A. Taylor. Management: Charles A. Tay'or. Prces: Mtnimum. weekdays, $1.50: Saturdays end Sundays, $2.50. The opening show at the Oland Tr: - rue, dark for past three years, didn't ertila to click with the audience when caught. Tho the entertainers &trived to please they Nicked the pence% that makes good entertainment, which wrus probably due to the quick opening and lack of rehearsals. Headliner Billie Ifelldey failed to dish out In her regular style. Sang two numbers, In My Solitude and No Luce, No NOtAtuy. Cants back for an encore of Do NoutIng Teti Pow Hear From Me and only received a fair applause. Oat appeared as lf she was alaging because she was tin. der contract and was glad when the left the floor. Two Aristocrats, Mulct teem. did a fair ballroom routine but lacked color and rehearsals, which resulted in Many mistaken. Jessie Davis. tapster. however. proved that he wan a good dapper, executing Intricate steps and clever splits, Everett (BAY) Seas added some comedy with his pantomime and clowning in a blackout number. supposedly built around a what happens in a cup plat. Panto was only far and didn't Impress, Two Bits of Sthythen, gal to p duo, did a neat yob of denting. Worked bard and gun the show its badly needed actlon. Mule Haynes, fan dancer, offered a nice fan novelty and then broke Into a het Jungle routine Leonia Johnson. singing guitar. hie warbled I'll Oct By m well as a race number. Lad bowed off to a nice band. Charles Calloway aim came In for come warbling. Did Lovely Way To Spend en Seeming as Use lucking for a pm-slue:son number. Darlings of Rhythm, ork with (See GRAND ferracr on pope 21) Oval Room, Copley Plaza, Boston Teen? policy: Dance band and floor - thaws at 8 and 11:30 I Saturdayl 10 :45). Owner-operater, Hotel Copley Plaza 1 Newton L Smith. rnanagmg direetoe). Publicity: Herbert Frank thershon C,theld Agency). Prices: $2 Mintinunii $1 cover after 10. While quite suitable in general aspect for a plushy atmosphere. the new show at the Copley Plaza, featuring ex -ballet dancer Bernice Parks as a singer, and tap dancer Johnny Mack, le definitely loweoltace entertainment. Billed as "The Pashlon Plate of Song," Mica Parke Is perfectly dresuel for the morn and makes a stunning appearance in highly chi -chi tom. Johnny Mack's stylized taps are flee. Mils Parks reveals at once her training as a dancer. She moves freely and easily about the stage sometimes carrying a bend -mike. She even Indulges In few Triads" that would do credit to a burly queen. But the is overdreseed (green satin Empire period gown, for 1n. seance) both for the torchy nurnbtre she sings and foe her style of deportment, which should be toned down for the Oval Room. recoil, Mies Parks is well equipped. TIM ecilce has good range, from clear so - presto to a low throaty contralto, But also falls into parlando ociessitonally and atm needs come coaching. Pine Mere' voice and personality. however. Follow Me Gots made a good. swingy opener. and Sager Hilt was pretty tenuous. As with Deseret of her nurnisere. It la an overextended production. Another example Is Victory Garden, a miniature production about a pansy government agent. It was both dull and In bad taste. Do It Again was a poor selection for the town's Muskat root. Embraceable You was better, but made overly showy. 0.11% Parka late Percenters Require Licenses In NYC, Says Commish Moss Must take out employment agency permits and commissions for job -getting can't run over 5 per cent-agva says 10 per cent okay for extra services NMI YORK. July Se.-realicemeed fee splittens are In for a flock of headaches once OomentasSoner Paul Wes =tam up with them, it was learned last week. Thom are many per centers running offices in New 'York without an employment agency piper, under the assumption that the taw doesn't apply to them. Among these are Dome of the lege talent agencies. Wheen. It le said. feel that the services they offer nerd not be corona by any New 'York City permit Chief reason for failure to get a Ii - cents hi the difference in conmelmlon permitted. The AOVA freer...hue, for example. says to effect that agents can charge up to 10 per cent Contra/40nm. Mossy office says no mare than 6 per cent can be the Wt.. AOVA sans.the added 6 per cent Is for added scrawl. City Cete of Agents Vincent D. Calends, legal advisor to the Department of Licenses, admitted the bleb spot with a 100 per Bent register In l Wanna Get Maerkd. Here the would give Gertrude Nelsen a run for her money. Arrangement woe swell. Johnny Mack's style la atel In flux; hence ho dances with snatches here and there of Astaire Robinson, Jeck Donohue and other greats. But Ma technic is clean and sure, his routines nicely varied and his style pleasantly unhurried. Routine with drum sticks ens well with audience. Impression of Bill Robinson dancing to Tea Jos Two very neat. All told the show is mttely diverting. the not completely satisfactory. Harry Green's ork competently evpplies tunes, both for show and dancing. Bill Riley. that a drive to bring uulteeested tee epiliters Into the fold Is underway. The that step hen already been taken when Calends requested Mortimer 8. Rosen - that. asseelete mimed for the AOVA. to furnish him with a list of nal:ousted agents. Rosenthal Bald that no agents are issued fmnehtwe without a city 11- cense. lie admitted. however, that there are a number of per centers who do not ham such licenses, explaining that many of Uwe,: got their AOVA fen - clines long before the city required these to have licensee. According to Candi. en tmliceosed agent beetles feting a All sentence or fine, also boa no standing In Court. An act of hie can leave him at any time no Matter what contrasts have been alerted - More then that the act can flatly refine to pay such an agent and the agent Will ham no redeem In a court of Everybody Needs a License! Occasionally a lawyer, voice teacher or peesdnal manager gets Jobs for hie clients. rte some rouon. soya Defends, these people feel they coed no hernia 'If there are any eriseb, they can gap disillustaning theenselete." He also panted out that a Beene, taken out now. the It may avoid futhre penaltke, doean't potect agents for deals in the put. No matter how long en act ties been with an agent, no matter what kind of a paper has been ;Ward. If the agent didn't have a license at the time deal was made the act can walk out and all the agent can do is yell "Eve been robbed." License mile to a year plus 61,000 bond. 0 LIONEL KAYE "THE DAFFY AUCTIONEER" Assisted by KATHLEEN IRELAND * A LAUGH RIOT * Week July 6, 14.1.'6 State, New York City July , State, Hartford, Conn. Week July 27 "NOW" Loew's Capitol, Washington, D. C. It Billy Rose, DIAMOND HORSESHOE lou Walters, LAiIM QUARTER Earl Carroll, HOLLYWOOD REST Thanks For The Offers RETURNING IN NOVEMBER 2 weeks LOEW'S CAPITOL, Waihington, D. C. 4 weeks LOEW'S CAPITOL, NEW YORK CITY TO: JESSE KAYE and Entire Personnel, T.OEW'S STATE, N. V. C. "THANKS A MILLION" Anoreey feasts/vs Alonageroent LAWRENCE GIBBS MILES INCALLS 1250 Broadway, N. V. C. Assoc. 101 MAIM M g IL\ :16,11011K M,16.16,101M : ,\ZIkaagq MIKIKRIMI..167% \11,

26 26 NIGHT CLUBS.VAITHEVIIIE Loew's State, New York (Reviewed Thursday Afternoon, July 17) Current stage show leant strongly on sin lay. Striging. lt It's good, doesn't go so bad, tort if It's mediocre and comes Ia bunches, the mutt la anything but pleasant Top hands went to Irvin2 Caesar (De The. Billboard Mark, on piano). Songwriter proved top teller with pmcucally every number. His nostalgic warbling of some Of his old pope drew good Mitt* 8how- Dlz him beet for ht songwriting. but the public remernbeea fan, for his eallesty Songs. too latter number* won ing what Is easily the beat band he's WM the beet applause. AS a stage attraction. Career knows how to handle ever had. make* the most Of scene 2t1 minutes of uninterrupted music by himself. Fez erre waving delivery. gags Krupa. Unlike many other mks at and bits of business got over with plenty of :log. or show purposes his Rus- Broadway houses, Krupa'a band Is the whole elbow, and he gate a thence to dig sian number (written by him for Willie Into his library and hit pay dirt. Howard) proved the top seller. Caesar's Oct only dons four shows a day, because MOMas 109aminuter, Since You Where Man's Burden, an overlong flag - Waving numb,: can turn out to be Went Away Ls the plc. But in those four good money maker, but not at bta show* Knipe demonstrates that he's Mode. atilt the prime showman he always Was. Coley Worth showed little new mince He's got a flare for the Unexpeetect, both has hat engagement here. His half - musically and otherwise, and when he's addle, Inner Sanctum and Grouches thm, the payees can't oomplain eboot Marx bits are all the same but drew Utters from the hand -sitting crowd. Corn - thing. In many cues. the theater usually leas gage are still on the aged -Us -the - Weed side. Delivery Le good and he Ought to capitalize on It by Investing In some new material. nits with wife (Marcia) were on the blue tide but drew pocks. Ann Lester. a Monett, of the shouter voice athead, maths get somewhere once she decide, what she wants to do. Lungs are good for torelteroos but gel decided to lean heavily on ballads with special arrangements. Borne of the notes were apparently beyond her reach Olympia, Miami (urs...4 wed,,d47artc,...,. July t9) Everytlaing goes on thl, week', bill Seen a Are -enter to a pair of trained monks. As whole, the show Is sans - factory. The Winters Mattel a trio of ferns, hoofers above the ontinary, mlxtrg in Sane acrobatic tauten, earn tavern bows. Manuel,*,era hats pair of welltraired itor.ks, together with two jumping dogs. good patter helps put the act over to nice band. Marton (Maly venues. Thrush Is good looker. +nth plenty of personal charm. Sings oldsters and for moon, Is You 13 or Is You Aral well liked. Dick Leslie Is a comic that the nuatornera were stow learnable up to. Mc - 10=6 should tooth this boy a lat. Drtpenontnon of a scum radio an - (See Olymples. Miami on opposite pore) VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS Capitol, New York (Reviewed Thursday Eren(ny, July 20) In what la probably one of the went favorable clecinastan<ea for any band to hind back Into the Big Time, Gene Krupaa )resent Broadway showing takes place. The drummer man, recently (reed of!merel charge.. and now front- Atte:butte a high take to the film where a band and stood pie appear on the bill. Here, Krupa will play no mean part In the skyward b. o. that's sure to revolt General impreenon, when Informed that bend is only going to do a 25 - minute show, his ork well have e chance to get in its licks. But that toisuoiption Is proven wrong. For, with no other seta to get In the way, the etiatomer. get minor Broadway prextuetten- It's ably paced and staged by Alan Zee, breaking In as Capitol producer. Zee can take a bow for this one. has a touch of the n. c. style. IBC of Chinese revue, a colorful produotion that am evtdetwed by volce breaking two Or Krupa see= morn youthfully con- the revue la Kim, magi. who drew heavy three times, Beet nurr.ber was Bub- %Vous than ever before, and this latter mittinke lila Oriental tricks- Others fa -- Ikhkt after which canary should have trait is cuetorner catching. Whether on elude Peter Chan. who Leta as entree. walked off. Irateed she tame, book to do drums. whieh duties he divides with Joe sings and also doubles on the accordion. some old-time pops which slowed her Dale, or up front clapping his heads or Dots Chinese version of Payer Dolt. down to a mei. stomping around, heal got all eyes on Mel Lange add color to the chow with Dave ApoLion (held over from het bum. The band, made up of top sideman. nurribera seven brass, Ave same, make* a fine appearance and are siocona- their graceful ballroom dancing. Team week) added one new bit to hie routine, a Pour Ink Spot gag with an tilde which nine realms and four rhythm, Add to pllahed dancers. Wang Staters appear got a good reception. Apollonas full that five vocalists, Peggy Mann and the in a smart litterbug -tap routine which routine was reviewed In 11111troard, July Four 0 Helena and there's as many as has plenty of eau. stopping La fast arta people ore the stage at one time. It's well executed. Ṫe Oraysociaa acre loam open the quite a nut for /Crops to carry, counting =were. publicity. etc., but he's Kathryn Lee Char.gas song styling bill. Male is a tall. dark guy and gal to slight blonde who works nicely with getting dos* to pm week, and =duo a good irapreasion. Cal has person. her partner. Team doe, okay with 118 should be here for two months. silty and a fine pair of cbords. Did two numbers that clicked with the audience. standard aero Mts. But white teak la In 25 minutes bond does nine number, four backing vocalists. nee on their Of variety. Show is well balanced and offal, plenty good sel, far as ability I. concerned they tan down where ehowriesnablp a coecomma Change Of pace never varies. rettehing from St. Louts Blum, to an attention thrilotit the entire pa:kim- own. First two demonstrate versattitta, Pacing la fast and Dana toil onos. Changing pace and building up their top authentic -winding rumba version of In*, secrets of Seoefond Yard. bit to better Utrang amokd help. Amer. is sparked by neat Jack Dakar. Fie, White Clip of Dover (emend Week). BM fair. flu Smith. trombone man. Tommy Peterson. who gives the whole trompetetrombotte combo plenty of lift and drive. Between him and Knew on rhythm. band gets up en eat -nine beat, and rstalotains It all the way Ulna Other three tunes are apeetala. Deep Ricer, featuring Peterson, Bolero in the Juntde and cleaner -Upper Drues.Sooyie, they all click. In Bolero, tiny drums to front of each man (an old Krupa MU-. tarn). light up In different Cobant, with stage lights low. Knipe solos on a ton -atom drum with Ida hands. kids In the audterice eat It up, es do adults. tee Its Stet -clam strewmanehtp. Fanttre Ours get* a Snot kicker In BUM. when after a jump band Intro, stage Is blackened. and only Knipe Is spotlighted. Lights throw on the backdrop two huge clearly outlined shadows of Men hitting the bides. Peggy Mann, gal who's been around with plenty of band*, handles both ballads and rhythm tunes welt. Warbling ft Could Happen to You and Had To Re You, she's singer who phrases well and (See Capitol. Here York on ooposite pare) BETTY BRYDEN ENTERTAINMENT BUREAU Specialists in Better Entertainment DETROIT COLUMBUS, 0. Fox Theatre Bldg. Crazed Theatre Bldg. Oriental, Chicago (Reu(essod Friday Afternoon, July 21) "Ted Flo Rim pare Caprice Chinon; all - Chinese revue, end Cordyn and Sawyer as the added attraction Is the triple - threat bill at the Oriental Theater this week. Flo Rao, who only shared 24 minutes of the one hour and 15 -minute samw, does a fine Job, cramming plenty of musk novelties and tinging into that snort space of time. Mule madam was concentrated on the easoclattits of the mneatro, rangers and sidemen. Sammy Skoltick, trumpet, did a good solo of Do Nothtn Till You Hear From Me. Mal Stephan. lead trontbonlat, scored with Melancholy Baby, and Fr:ankle S000tow, tenor sax, drew heavy applause for hie solo work. The Sex section (5) Mao shared the musical booties with an original version of One ("Clock Jump. Flo Rite held the spotlight with bra ptacastice, dishing out a medley of songs he wrote during the past 15 year,, Cordyn and Sawyer, go] duo, who are making their first theater apwaranco Music Hall, New York (Series:ad Thursday Afternoon, July 20) Tilled Sky Ithrt, the bill is good enough own if It does not approach the altitude designated by the title. Opening the stageshow the Munro Hall glee club preeente Richard Rodgers and Came Hammerateln Ira Were On Our Way. An acceptable 0. I. number. Edwin Staff*. 'egoist, did fairly well with It, altho meet of the time Um 01- fectlrenese of HemmersteinS lyrics were Irate due to corammptsaals from the out or weakness In the pubilc-addreas eyetem. Settings and background were dm - MCI* and drew applause. Titled Queen of the Melt, the Rockettea' number was well staged. Assent' bled In huge florist's box, a group of the dancers made a beautiful orchid display, almost as striking u the Anal scene when the entire group aw...emalett to appear as a mass of the expensive flowers draped from the shoulder of the Azure of a women at the rote of the stage. The prectston dances were well received. Wally West, comedian, got II. variety of audience Utter* and some heavier Laughter with We Impersonations of oetebeittea known to radio listeners. Choregrapher Florence Role dared one of herbetter Rena n Poets Pr.)" of (he Dormer, ththallig the Corp, ere Btltet agmented by the Reekettes ballet dress. Ballerina Patricia Bowman drew applause for a competent performance, but the most spontaneoto renting enno for the ensemble work which in amoral owes was quite striking. The Chopin mud* around which the ballet was built was a bit difforeht from previous prowentettorm of the corps de ballet, and prevented opporttmitios vhteh were not neglected by atlas Rogge. The stageshow ran 26 minutes.!oregon Seed. Long linos for owning day performances Larry July 29, 1914 Chicago, Chicago (Rev(rmed Friday La-ening, July 21) Current show Is a thoroly entertain ing bill, headlining the Four Ink Spots, the 8b7rettos and Fred and Elaine Barry aupporaing. Clowns are the Ink Spots, who carry away the honors. Dal Java Jive, ru Get By and Don't Sweetheart Ate. Bill Kenny's ter -or vette wow, with his ever -popular If I Didn't Care. Deek Watson, who handles the blue parts, and deep pattered vetoed' Happy Jones, also tame In for a good share of applause. Audience called for more and bays had to beg off sifter A thank you. Arthur Blake, satirical Impreanoniat. did a fine lob In Imperaonating movie personalities. He also does a good burlesque of Bette Davie, which received plenty of leughs. Lad has technique. Bowed off after three curtain calls. Fred and Magna Barry, terpstera. presented several dance routine* that were well received. Display polish and grace in their neatly executed ballroom numbers. Rated good hand. The Sbrrettos, two men and an orb - Miens blonde, opened. Did well with their comedy and difficult balancing on bikes and unteyelma Cal member is unusually clever, performing many feats here, show-aeopped with their antics and with her partner on the twoodueler. La song patter. Cordyn carries the load a natal *CC that merits attention. with her zany expose:3one and contortionist movements. Sawyer, who playa the and his ork playing The Poet and Peas- Show opens nicely with Lou Breeze fralloht part. also does a graceful cape ant. Number Is dialed out In a classics deuce, finishing with a burlesque touch re. Imo style. Leading OCT with fine by her partner. Team bas a good flare symphony arrangement then breaking for comedy and create plenty of laugh& Into a sharp losing bit. Later In the Bowed off to a heavy applause. chow they do Milkmen Keep Those Bot- Second half of the show featured the tles Qatet, featuring the hot trumpet playing of Porky Pan)co. Homo opened goon. Pie. GOlart Vy Way, now' In Its seventh week. J. B. DOUBLE OR NOTHIKO going into the Cotillion Room following Myrus... PAUL WINCHELL goes into Ltor'a State Atli: KOLMA "oaf/mica, Mandarin" nea err. 411, Week L EON Cr EDDIES. N. Y. Thanks to SOI. Mete... I IC CRAIG ,ff, OE AIRES - (MSS HOTEkS 0.C.ER E MUgVii w OCIRRERTLY coo TOUR OVERSC A. TOM O'NEAL "Staring" of tin. CHICAGO THEATER CiliCaGO Persist itemessetstim PAUL MARS log N. Watth CAitaiN BENNY RESH AND Ills SliOW BAND

27 . 1000, I, July 29, 1944 RKO-Boston, Boston (fterfeved Thuredcy, July 20) For a long time stage arid screen people have been picking up shekels in radio. But just recently the situation has been reversed and legit and vend houses have profited considerably by the booking of radio stars. Blind Date (Blue Network show), which recently played the RKO-Board nhere, was an exempt*. Another Is Jackie Ker.. the Horner of the Aldrich Family program, who went over aocko In a show starring Antal* Cert.'s band. Show Includes. beside Carte's fine band, three cocaine*, guitarist Lee ColUmbo. pert Phyllis Lynne and newcomer Paul Allen. the stock variety act of Dirk and Dot Remy. arid Buster Shaver with his midget dancers. Olive and Oeorge. It adds up to one of the beat all-round bills of variety entertainment seen Hato In a Coon's age Keirs act Marta at a leisurely pace and trullits to a nice finish. His material Ls good and needs only a small amount of editing to make it practically perfect. Delivery is sure and unhurried, nicely balanced for effectiveness'. Femme of act Is kidding of himiel/ as Homer Brown. He then launches Into a skit about how he falls to make headway with his girl because she can thick of nothing but Sinatra. And it's sung to the tune of Holiday for Strings, Fairly brought down the house with: You know Sinatra used to be a waiter. But he didn't have strength enough to peck up the Rise"?Mori ops should see him. Outstanding In the show was Paul Allen, a near alx-toot-three-inch baritone who urea a big warm voice with style and taste. He ought to go places. I Luca You had real feeling. without cent:. mentality, and new piece. I Hod a Talk Wilt the Lord, story of a Bougainville marine, was given honestly. It's a new candidate for place formerly accorded Cornin' In On a Wing and a Prayer. Dick arid Dot Remy and Busier Shaver Exotic -Fritlerite-Dettf * MURRY * PICKFORD Impersonation Novelty Female parteing Star THANKS TO eosfew Ageesy Ha My Solid I...easement and feed Noonan M Cicada. Available for Ingagensent Conleratt. Cr.. el Hotel Cla.ndon, Boston, Mao. ROY DOUGLAS Singing Ventriloquist 7U, Mel oat IN, sr. Yea Orly ONNtOrant N. LIM 15U Weal. N.Y. 19, N.Y. Mental Exercise 215W YORK. July 22.-A couple of the boys at AGVA were arguing about Myrua's membership One Clatmed he's paid up; another lald he's not even a member. One piped in that Myrtus 9v the wire:a of Mental Telepathy) doesn't know himself If he's paid up. or even a member. Mort Rosenthal. legal brains of AOVA. chimed In at this point, "The guy must be a fine mental wizard when be can't tell lf he's e member or not." They Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE 27 Follies, Mexico City (Rerteired July 12) The Poilles, Mexico City's leading twos -day exude house. is packing them In. Average show consists of a dozen acts, line of 12 and good oak music. The the - :tees 1,400 seats are nearly always gilled v hen curtain time arrives. Average price of admish Is 2.50 pesos (5.0 central. This week'a show Is tops. After a couple of peppy numbers by a 12 -piece band. line gives out with a snappy number, followed by aoo American oontor. Ronne, Jacqueline Joyce. It was practically a home -coming for Jacqueline, who recently finished a 27 -week ccessec. utive booking at the same theater. The Jitterbugs, consisting of three couples (Chinese. American and Mexican) just about tear the stage apart with their and his pals soots as usual. The?rankle niny,c,05, dance antica, 'datr and set, were followed by the who rated heavy Ca.-le band seta better oath time It 'Inent piano* apthe circuit. Arrangements have a fresh, with their ringing and playing of clean style; mundane are expert and Negri, several musical Inetrumenta. Blanca Spanish play without breaking the eardrums; heuee down with spitfire, three brought the Carlel piano tinkling gets more and songs. eend Spanish More **Varying. Pk was This Is the Life, and buil:era at opening was solid, tune- half opened with slow number Malty considering the dog days. by the line, followed by 13 minutes of Jilt Riley. top comedy offered by Tin -Tan arid his partner, Marcello. Tin -Tan, youthful zootanoted comic, brings the house down with his Pachuca type (half DigLish-half Orpheum, Los Angeles (Reviewed Tuesday Afternoon, July 25) Bill Robinson, Buck and Bubbles. and Tiny Bradshaw and orchestra are billed In this order here this week. While the show Is packed with steplen talent, there was no push fee *rata at the opener. With deletion of bond number. Rob - Insole cutting down his time, and a general tightening, show should bo pretty eoltd. It aa ait. too closely knit foe the Opener. Bradshaw meths In a coney Island talker fashion and his announcements are repetitious. Musically, the band does fine. Band (six brass, five reed and three rhythm) follows the opening theme with C -Jam Bluer, then hitting out on nottday foe Strings, featuring well -Mended muted brasses, Bradshaw's vocals of After You've Gone ii followed by a neat arrangement of Rhapsody in Prue, the drummer, Uri Walker, putting!n a good beat here. Bradahaw's $ on Chicken Ain't Nothing But a Bird were well received. C -Jam Is handled v.lth lot of antics which the band is unable to follow In later tune rer.ell. tithe Having shot its wad at the outset, band is up a tree. A fast two -mm - tea would have sufficed and left something up the sleeve for later, when It a es needed. Bulk and Bobbles go well: their banter arid plenologs are good. Buck's ivorriryg la chart. It could have been given more prominence. Hefty June Richmond gets off to a slow start on 11.1 Ha Seeing You. Tune is not for her. yet she works herd to put it over. Her Interpretation of an opera singer doing Darktown Strutters' Pall is more up her alley. Hit That Jere. Jeek is It. Jiro Ls strong for her, and brings her back for You Made Me 'ATE You. Mugs effectively and 13 first -tiara entertainer. Rohinron's "symphony snit -abed dance" and eccentric tap, the latter to In An 16th Century Drawing Room, bring down the house. Bo -Jangles Is still a top stepper. His routine as he will do It 40 years from now Is good. II;. banter garners come laughs but it's corny. Opening house well filled. Pin Call of rho Jungle, with Ann Coro. Sam Abbott, CAPITOL, NEW YORK (Continued from opposite pope) Intones nicely. 0-5roters, throe melee and fem. are standard quartet. They look well, do two rhythm tunes and bow (dr to good return,. Vocally, the band le quite adequate, and there's almost relief to be found In the absence of a male stow. Music dished up here is strictly for *bow-and this is a distinct feather In Krupa's cap, for he's one band leader who doesn't do stage stint just repotting what he would do on a dance floorhut it's easily discernible that the bend will do plenty well either on locations or one nlghters. Musically, the arrangement* used were rupee:me, denoting taste, and Krupa Rot plenty out of ballads as well. There'a always a beat thava rockily'. which makes for good dancing. end with the Krupa man to get bet on drums, the band will make plenty of naaala all ways. Paul Some.. Spanish) songs. tua imitations are In the groove, and his take -off of an oper. trite soprano doing Chart Here Dien just about makes Tin -The a nattonal hero. He's In his 20th straight week hem, and there's no end in eight. Anita Muriel, Argentina singer, does a couple of so -SO numbers. Your Ares, Cuban actor, are crowd phasets as they make tough tricks look easf. Padilla, local comic, is on next with a company of fire doing a doctors Cators number that smacks of burlesque. The crowd eats It up. Miry Lou. cute kid Of Id!ran radio. does a bolero and bluest number, Resits Segovia, lanky, dark-haired dancer from South America. handles a couple Of gypsy numbers that rate 100 per cent with the crowd. She's making her debut In Mexico and It looks like she'll be around. line girls clew with snappy dance number, which spotlights them at their beet. Ruddy, juggler, didn't show because of illness, &beat9 are held at 7.30 and 1010 nightly, with an extra 4 p.m. *hew on Sundays. Owners are Cedar Onerra and Americo Mancini; Marcelo Chases is stage director and Rafael Rodriquez handles the dances, Dennis La. -.dry. OLYAIPLA, MAIM (Continued from opposite page) novneer beat bo offers and proves a show -stopper. Beg -off talk is tunny. Chaz Chase, panto -comic who has been around a long time, eats hie way to a hit Lighted matches, cigarettes, paper, flowers and many other hues aeriefy his appetite. Stuff a little on the blue side, a strip -tease bit wows customer,. A Russian donee is a sock close. A great act Ito, Double Indemnity. Biz very good. L. T.!ter:leer. Follow -Up Review LA VIE PARISTENNS. New York: rao tall, dark, exotic Luba, Manna, who doubles in here from Meskan liayride, appearing for supper only, Is definitely click at the spot. Punching out numbers sans mike. MIA Manna demon - *teethe top selling ability. On looks the gal reenters well with the Chair warmers. On delivery else lives tip to her looks. On night caught Tuesday (15) she opened with a throwaway, then fel lowed with hind From Pasadena, I Wanna Man, There Muse Re Someone arid flnithed with a Russian double talking verelon of Moment Dore Tole Me. Where tune calls ter voice the gal shows good pipes. When number demands comic interment:on plus acting ability and bits of huelmews. Mies Melina demonstrates oarvilderable savvy. Whoever wrote canary's material knew his job. OM would be a reek act for any class room. Re11 S-ilth. WESSON Brothers open at Chew Parse. Chi. August JOE E LEWIS starts, at Troika, Washington, September FRANK PAY current at Rio Cabana, Chicago. Comic's West Coast radio deal postponed. Rule B Violations Reported to AGVA NEW YORK, July 22.-Viontioris of rule "5" concerning the 16 per cent M7= where two agents participate hare reached such proportions ant AOVA Is tethering documentary evidence on which to base formal charges when it prevents Its ease to the Artists' Representative Association In the Immediate future. Worst offenders according to well -In. formed sources, are not the anstilika, but the large agencies who at an ARA meeting only a few weeks ago voted unanimously to continue the 10-5 *pit!. But, despite the ail fcr one and one for all voting at the meeting, obaerverice of the regulation la already a dead latter if complaints of higher percentages reentered with the AOVA are any Indication, AOVA, It is understood, feels quite strongly on the matter. It has complied a Song hat wiring names. dates and places. And wren if an agency can worm out of one violation 1t cannot twist out of all, AOVA epokeamen soy. If violation Is proved. an agency may hare lta franchise suspended, a heavy fine asseused and In some cause francristalt may be permanently nicked. GRAND TERRANCE (Continued from payer 23) the exception of one man. played for the floorahow as well as dancing. Inenumen. tattoo: Four reeds. piano, bass. drums, three brass and two trumpet', The Roe of girls appeased In they production numbers!. Co-ordination only fair. Jack Raker, WANTED All kinds of good aces to co ##### vs WII4PI Cr near Dana, to A:e...s THE NITE SPOT Corner Cr...4 ft* sad!hewer Sprees, Dittos. Tess,. /RANK NICK. Owner STANDARD AND NOVELTY ACTS WANTED r, no, rite, 4.c.r rai Thariara /tore,,..1 Wrlub---Yenv-c,. 1,1 RAY S. KNEELAND Ankusenwist looking Service A 11 V A. Tete:31.M 111 Port Item / N. Y. Oautoo Aria wantwl are Cs:abrasion& Tiles ex. 15 SURE TIRE COMIC (OELKTIONS 1rnaa Mootteros Ste.Ainao. $15: 75 Owes Seep area Panel:*,, 810i 300 LISC VIPlAtI0*-1, "01,0" Stuff, $8: MS NO., to. 2 OP /o Forever -era, fgt. Weeerellea. awry -fail Coral faslop141pppoopipo. JULC8 MCCOY / , Lay Island Oft, 2. PP y COMPLETE BALLROOM ACT FOR SALE a,cis fiefs a xso...e..er Kean. tt Neel Ge-wr.a. 1 Tull Pw-r, Itt Nee Arrearrele:. 330 Wert 84.3 New Yes as, ICY. ACTS WANTED 'C't'el. Calatt:44 rtorra Burton Theatrical Offices Lomas Isles. INOIANAPOLI11. IND. Can PLC* Orynnita Venn Onn alerneonri, Matted Oita, COOLOSI Lteonaa WrAl. 8x10 PHOTOS, 100, $ ogria. 53; 100 PoIial Pr,owe. Ube, ea *,10 Snlaroeww,U. Jill Otto. a.' -d Nowa.. Or laritte,raid iron?no Prate. 7Se. Lel ob flews et you eat. Wert. toter. OVERNIGHT STUDIO, 500 Oak. Albany, Wit. DiREer PRESSURE NEWSPAPER MATS HALIT0/4t1 A 3PICIALTV. Qui1.4y-Net Price. GEIGER STEREOTYPE CO. Crephie Arta Bklx- Donnie, 0. YOU CAN ENTERTAIN 'MICK DRAWINGS ton4 PAO PIOTUNC 8,4 101 Ier 0.111,8 BALDA ARTS SERVICE 01Mose. Wts

28 28 The. Billboard GROSSES -NIGHT CLUB-VAUDE July 29, 1914 Strong Bills Hike Grosses For All Broadway Houses srx. YORK. July 221.-Good weather plea strong bills pulled peacttently every exude house on the Steen up from peen - out weeka takes. Only one, the Music Hall. dropped. But seen there the last week of the old bill did handsomely. Radio City Wsdc Hall (6100 teeter bows average ), for the third and float week with Don Cossack Chants,!Wane11 and Hems and Glee Upon 0 Time, took in! as against $ for the second week. Opener brought a near reread high of Gross foe entire run was $342,000. Rory (6.000 seater house average ), for the opener with Duke fleetest ark. Ella Logan, Jerry Loner and Takes ft or Lewee It, got $ Paramount (1,664 seater house average, *Taxa). irtth Jerry Weld ork, Perry Como, Mr. Se'linen. Oxford Boys and And the Angels Sing. took lit 177,000 for the 1=131 week. Capitol (4,677 seats: hooter average, ) counted 858,000 for the fifth and ten week of Sammy Kay es ork. Paul Wlochen. Three Rosa Seises and Trop Girls and a Seace. Opener ass sse 500 followed by $71.400, 678,000 and tructessletly. Current bill Ilea Gene Krttpais ark and Since Yon Went Array. Strand (2.770 mate house average. Heidt Good 34G; `Tars' 64G in Chi CKICA00, July 22.-Teo vaude-plo hoesea here ergot over the top last week. With stand -out crowds paying plenty dough trim the box -Mee. Chicago Theater. (4e00) headline Tara and Spars, plus the teeth week hold -over of the plc Going My Way, drew a strong 064,000 lepot has kept over the 862,000 mark during the entire min of the plc. regardkes of changing the StaReshowa during that period. Current bill, etas - tent the enure Ink 8pota. with Fred and Hattie Barry, Arthur Blake and the abyrettee supporting, and the seventh week run ea the pie, Melted big, the house being Oiled at the beginning of the stow. Herace Heide also drew plenty at the Onsets! (8.200). the house hitting greed 634,660 for the week. New show, heactitning Ted Plo Rite and Caprice Chinota. all -Chinese revue. opened slow, but pecked up during the second show. Bboted hit around op noo for the week. Lena Horne Hits 38G, Teagarden 25G in S. F. SAN FRANCISCO. July Lena Merne, the languorous sepia songatrea. made It tops at the Werftetd (2.680 seats. 48..e.5 -u cents) with a bang-up $38.00Q for neck ending July 17. Supporting act, measured up well. On the tell were Cowell and Barrett, June Edwards and the Radio Rogues, with Al Leona, substituting toe Walt Ronne/. conducting ). with Vincent Lopez ork. the Pltchmera Hal Sherman and Mark Twain. COUreted for the first Monza. Loans State (3.500 mats; house weer. age, ) tallied *37,000 for Dave Apeelon, Remo Vincent, Lois Andrews and While Cliff* 01 Dever. Pirevicein week's take was * Current bill has Dave Aponen. Ann Lester. Coley Worth. feting Caesar and White Cryjs. 30G for Rochester And Sherwood; Near Detroit House High DETROIT. July 22,--Oroes of was rung up by Rochester, playing with Bobby Shetweed'a ork, at Downtown Theater (2,800 seats; house average, ) lest week, setting the wend histerat mark since the house opened, tapping made by Ted Lewis two weeks earlier. Good Night, Sweetheart on lateen. Baldness in town generally On upgrade In nrae-run pie houses, due to Cooler weather. Current &how. Bob CI:mitres bend and Gay Ws Revue started cdf slower and Is expected IQ pees around $24,003. Show appears to appeal to two extrenite-older folks and the young crowd. with In-between crowds not turning out In urial numhers. CNS Barn Dancers Chalk $21,000 at L A. Orphemn LOS ANGELIS, July =,-CBS Barn Dance, with ;smile/ Emmett* and Tex Ritter. drew *21,000 at the Orplieum 1'2403 mates week ended 'Tuesday (18). Figure ti considered god here but much more was expected from this show. Taking off strong opening day, lateen...ye fell, but staged a comeback Saturday n ight. Also on the bill were the Foy Wallin end Riders of the Purple Sage, Carolina Cotton, and Cott-ewer:1d Clark. Plc, The retie,.- Rose of Yerar. Bade charges 08 cents tope. Johnny Richards Ork Does 9C at Bridgeport BRIDOEPORT. Conn.. July 22.-Johnny Richards, making his Mat appear. mice in the East, did fairly well at Please ore Beach Ballroom hero last Sunday (161. drawing 750 persons, sad with adnotsia at grossed SM. Band welt liked. according to Managing Direc. tor Perry Rodman. Moores drew largest crowd of Mums so far at sense spat July O. drawing 1,482 persona for gross of Lyman Good 28G Hub RKO 'BOSTON, July 22. -Abe Lyman didn't tooth by lain ye:lys record of near at the RICO -Boston for the stanza. ended July 10. but conealering everything. ho did okay, with 1125,003 In the Show got. okay reception. Gene Sheldon got top billing and credits. Featured were Rose Blanc, Frankte Connors, Bob Dupont. Sing a Song With Want smear,* helped to spark show. Flicker erns Ghost Catcher, with (even said Johnson. Franke* Carle opened Thursday (20). with Jackie Kelt the Homer of radio's Aldrich Family. featured. Sammy Kaye and ork due July 27. the orcheatra. Plo, Johnny Doesn't Lire Hoe Anynore. Golden Gate erase, rental hit house average of for week ending July IS. with bill tnetuding Jack Tentarderi ar.d hie orchestra, FLOM' Lane. Terry Howard with Ralph Rice Itoblason and Martin. Dick Buckley and the Three TICKETS Wen", Plc, Marine Raiders. SPECIAL PRINTED ROLL TICKETS. 10,000.$ 7.15 OR FOLDED MACHINE TICKETS. 100,000-$22.00 RESERVED SEAT COUPON TICKETS GIFT AND THRIFT BOOKS, SEASON BOOKS AND PASSES STOCK TICKETS FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT Write for lsroplcs and New 'York Offieo-1$64 Breedway. Bryant 1.11:4: NATIONAL TICKET CO. SHAMOKIN. PA. IN SHORT!!ere and There: CAPPY BARRA buys in for fottr weeks at Blue Room of Hotel Roosevelt, New Oaleam, IMLLTE HOLIDAY and Andy Kirk's ork to share the spot with the Mills Brothers at Club PlattlattOn, St Louts. September 1... CAROL JOYCE and Dlck Bunton feting In between dance sees at the Mohawk Cafe, Boston. ELEANOR FRENCH and Johnny Mack go Into the Baker Hotel. Danes. after winding up at the CM* Opera, that city.... PADDY CLIFF at Beverly Hills Country Club. Newport, Ky.... JEAN COLLINS begins at Betel Pier. Atlantic City, August 8 with De Allege's ork... THE HKREOGS Join the Miler Skating Vanities in Montreal September BLAIR AND DZANZ end Jane and Dodge row at the Clover Club. Mane... JULIO AND JEAN TCDELL winding up at Palomar Theater, Seattle. LEN MAYFAIR, ex-ork leader, now a fee apnea with Creative Botertainatent Bureau, Philly.... THE BORDENS at the Continental Club, Chesapeake. O., atter waking most of the season In Want:... HOU IICKSER8 gets a six - week holdover at the Welton Roof. Philly.... ARNAUT BROTHERS begin three - meeker with Charlie Spivak's ork at Clotca,e-o August CY REEVES gees into the Carman. Phtily. August CON - 0E1{00 DANCERS start three-week date July 31 at. Three Sixes Club, Buffalo, September 7. SID TOXACK Into tho Chase Hotel, St. Louis.... PATRICIA KING en the Shell show whtett plays army camps LA VACILTLK Oral opera Mager to appear at the Casino Theater, Toronto, being held over. CUBAN DIAMONDS Into the Clover Club. Los Angeles... TYLER, THORNE AND e113 set for Club Candy. Syracuse, beginning July DAVIE KARR. Betty Hampton. Charlotte Payne. Dolmen Abbott, ROnnie Gilbert sad Peggy Hayden mattered around the country on CSC/ chores k MA. RIX into Slam' Mute's Hollywood, late In August...' LIVIA CHILDS current at Silver Rail Club. Utica. N. Y... FAIRY CUNNINGHAM appearing at Cafe Colombo, Rena. Nev. THE ALBTNS, comedy dance team. Inked for the Trocadero, Reno. Nev... JOAN!HATER. dancer, akedded for the Paramount Theater, New York. starting August 2. EDDIE FOY and Cata at the Club Belvedere. Springfield, BL.. THE CABINKERS Joined Lasktne Hawkins IA Gypsy llarkoff Uses Her Accordion Again NEW YORK, July 22.-Gypay Mutat, whose accordion.pleying d a 7s creme A over after the Clipper creels, Is back working with the groan box. Prerlous appearances since be: accident have been without the instrument. Gal breaks in her new material, with weeeedion, at SteVana. Buffalo, July 24, where she Ls billed as an extra added at - tree -Hon. Byers -Harrington Tour Nrw YORK. July 22.-Frenkle Reeve and Pat Harrington have pulled out of the 61 Club and are now on a tour of their own. Team opera an Indefinite engagement at the 21 Club, lialtimom. August 2, Comic's deal at the 51 Club called for a salary plus percentile. But after Joe White stepped In arid Lou Meyers stepped cut a new arrangement was made. Norman Runs Erie liotme Vitt, pa., July 22, -Columbia ThrOter. Erie's only vaude outlet, is now under management of L. R. Norman. former stock company player and minstrel roan. Norman replaces V. owes now in the army. The L. R. Norman Dtsn-ibisting Company. handling show cards and piper for several years continues operation. Columbia Is a Warner house. Fay to Copa NEW YORK July 22.-ferank Pay wiit n.s Into the Coplcalasta when Bert Wheeler winds up there on or about July 27. He is expected to stay In Praises spot until mid -September when Joe Z. Lewis Is due. Washington. then go to Baltimore and the Middle West... VICTOR VLNCLare at the Clover Club, I.os Angeles.... DARYL HARP* appeartug at the 11 Cortez, RertO, Nee. MARTY i3chra.mal and his ark. featuring Janie KnIght, vocalist, are at Club Willow Beach, Houston. Pa. New this week are BEN ALDERSON'd Vocal - noes trio... At Hotel Henry, In downtown Pittsburgh, GEORGE W12 LS'S Oct keeps the Silver Grill lively. MAR- JORIE LONG dean the vocals. coxontoo DANCERS start a re. turn date at the Three Sixes Club, De - trait, on July KAR CAROLE on USO.... ELLA MAE NORM{ rot for aildweet /game with the Ada Leonard band, beginning August 1 nt the Palace. Celutnbus.... JUNE PRETSSER Joins the Metre -Leonard unit at the Oriental. Chicago, on August BETTY JANE Herer Current at the Henry Orally Hetet. Atlanta. Clubs Jack Up Fall Budgets (Continued from page 24) that fall niters, biz will be territio. But here they draw the line between contmartial cebletts and the so -celled Intimate rooms with a one -act ;alley. The termer, they say, are much more Con- Cerned with tie drawing power of big - name acts. The latter buy one Lot because of a personal following. As ter as the personal following gimmick is concerned, the trade le not optimists. The heavy spenders who Wowed an act front spot to spot are now In the armed serricee. A commercial club Isn't cone crowd with Individual followings as it to wth name rebuts wtb tutorial reputation. And even If such names came high, OPO fret that they pay off a lot better In the long run. Agana say.!weeder. that the big money standard acts sot last year le a of the peat haggle over 00 of But today It en set asks for and the op is paying 1400 It takes tot of arguing to get the difierseace. And frequently If the act. is stubborn It Just dottrel get the Job. This refusal to pay, say foe spatters, la an attempt by opt to control their U- ranus. And if the fan outlook proves as good as the trade believes. the expanse ectining should lift grosses to vary mat is:eatery proportions. So In three enenthe time the wheel has made a complete revolution. Where only few short weeks ago after -dark bit was believed to be atrtctiy from hunger, today ops, looking forward to the fall. rub their hands In anticipation of the terrific big they all expect to have. INDUSTRY EXEMPTION (Continued from page 24) to the operation of a theater or a night club is exempt from the isw. So far thee new interpretation applies only to New York COI area. nut accord. log to Mare Shelree, national administrator of AOVA, seed Mortimer 8 Rosenthal. aemciate counsel, the law stands good chance of being the pattern for the entire State. The AGVA offtehes were largely responsible for presenting fans to the WMC on which the ruling was based. So far as the rest of the country Is concerned each Area will ham to be tackled Individually, said Mulvey. Around Seattle, San Franctece and Detroit, the man -power condition ta critical, The lilting or changing of regulations in these tonne to help showbiz may take lot of doing. Sheivey plaza to make personal tours of these areas and discura the problems of the industry with the verteut war man -power MO dl. rectors. 13,410.1$4,10 ISIS PIUS CLIPt106 I11IE117, Ix. 144, Co..en,11,1;ylerzAt 7. N.Y. Or 4

29 July 29, 19,14 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE 29 ROUTES Acts Units Attractions Taplawailon elf Sywilostat ar-atalaorisrei ty--tetwoc,,, club; 0 -cocktail loungo; 11-1,14: no--nighl c..4; p-entsnevrent park: ro-leachousci :e-ce-teaseant; t-tertata; NYC -New York Coy: Phda-Pn.loWloh:a. Chi -{.(coil, Meat* are tic current week when no date.an glees) A Adams, Joey (Leon & recte'4) NYC. DO Alin's MU. Foursome,tr.dtartio Port Wayne. Dui. P. Andres -s. Loll Ph114 npolen. Este.Bate) NYC. I. Arleen 4 Decals (latterly ttwal Nenrpert, co. Alen*. Original (Kannywesell Pletabargh 34 - Aug. 5. p. Daldirlet & Bristol (R(vertiew) PenasellIta N. J. P. Porter Tree (500 Cafe) Allartle Cley. Darnall. Itaghle (Deamocd Hone:4W NEC. tiserett. Sandra (litter, Dallas, h. &ins The (Chicageo Chi t. asiiy (Watlinol Warsaw, N. Y.. T. Deck. Danny (Nocepandie Room) Crletclerel. De.ent Dreg 117:II T/71 E. DuboCrne. Isnc : :Lien agriugal Benton Barbee. SleAwg. O. Breonl. tren allackstone) Cbl T. Dotard. Debby (Ctlellent Cleveland. no. bloke, Arthur (Dritego) t. Bilticatore, Nen Ilfecoecel Denver. Be. Blaine, Barbara (RI Morocco) Uontstal 1:14 * * THE ANGIE BOND TRIO AM111110A:111ingST Din InatewnenuoVs$4 Ata. Pon. we: Allan Ihrowt. 401 fasessen Ass.. N.Y.C. Pares, BMWs (Palma Bowel CIS. T. Cosa'. Itareld (Captto3 Washington.,troika, gunny easetreato C,weland b. Brown. gram ienniened leaner, VelleUroxl. N. J. h. nrocettaa. Pre (Alpine VlItaget Creveiand. no. Diens tristera (Carlton Washanitco. t. pacer (ter, Junior, afartmb Wens (Curtis lesneet Crarieren. B. C.. us::1 PSC 7. TERRIFIC STILL CO/PIG STRONG ORIGINAL BALDWIN & BRISTOL In Gay Nieto lough Sorority, Address! Pennstnic. N. 1. Durkee Judy 13eing Club) NYC. no Frastorea Mans one Reds Noel Peon NYC. P. Dyed. /WWI Clustrical Lonagel Cleveland. BC. C CaPM Boys (Capitol Loiort) CU. DC. CioNt. LHni tatatel NYC. I. Campos, Chels (La Congo PAY ne. Carlenert Tony (iene R 1064 a) NYC. ne. Cathie. Claw rizawseli Detroit, no. Darlion. Betty Jane Wel NYC!, nc. Corollas of RhAbils, TIM* Mall P1,10) Put -in -nay. 0., no. Chan. Pifer 101Install I. Crush 4:lathe:Ise Lee 'Oriental) Cal, I. Cards, The (04104) De aide, Ore. 23-Artg. 7 b. Ciao,. Fenny (Calvergal Obettland, ne. MIL Paddy (gbrt: Newport. Ky.. ce. Cacoinbue 4 CarrolD (Rid Catonai CiaL ne. CernMay & Parka (ROTO) Baltimore, L Cdffeh Flores (Ti Peet 1111m1. Cette ILa Gene) Chi. h. Crane. atooern (M(p1m' Hartford. Cenn.. Dl. Crane carol 'Ronal) Detroit 24.Aas. 3. ne. crone Chris IRtrenldel 101wankee. t. ElunInthlm. Fairy 1Coloubos Reno No- 4 Curfganis Damon 101 Chteol NYC, F Pare, talato (London Chop Noose) Cteveland, Pate. Frank IMP Cabana) Cht na Pithera.. Bob,_Ther): N. Y. P.:Pcr. inalens) Seer: I seen. Telth.. ne. Pella Lew 1Par.A.merlesn Room) b. Peatatee so (Pao Norfolk, Va. re Pre-scia. Leo (Palo north Vernon. Ind- If:trey Deaner illakeel Darea h. FrieCeddmann. Jerry (PluayAmericart norm) Oat., Gerd (Lotto Q.1srtee) EMI. no. Oathat. John (Alpine vulag) Cleveland. DT. Oarerth (Jetty (Drake( Chi. h. OC.etto dr Raeltards (Bladetswir) Ohl. ft. Those Dynamic Pociorron)tieJ THE TWO G's OICNMA ogyle, Piano NI11/00 Coenetip MANNA Osiitt. Caoterd, 0. MARTY ato lermoweena lso. Pow -..1 Down. CAINE Clifeknd. Oils Censer 8, Lally) (Ansley) Atlanta. h.,orlon. Richard ireloreater Breen) Ohl. h. Creep. Trod (Caws Parcel CIL re. (teen. Walter (ttoyali Balitnere. Rate. Prodelte Maim Quante) Cht, cc. Ilanneleed, Caress, 7Y.talt7 (ref) Sok., Caa. MI -ear Dan 4PanAmeristt Room) MI. h. Harold. Bea (rittmareit Cht. h. Harsh Catherine (Cernan( Inge. t. Itrele & Moro (Palace( Cot',ADDYI. 0.. L. Haerfraten. Pat ill auto Iletssoto. (ezard, tinklern171 Desire; Book -are 4.4. Henry. An Pr Marie (Thrill arms) Piro( rarer: 'Filet Lfriceto. R1., Aug. Herbert. Jack (Continental) Misspeaks Ce iftlined. /ferried Malec., Osramtels. 0.. It4may, BUM Install Cht i. SenI 1r -%{a7 Dill (Deign/all COI. I. s, darta IBM Cabssa) Ohl ne. 31,:nre (RIC0.11esteal rotten. Plopttnt..Twee 1Capltell Washington. t. Itaerios, M 1540 Caret AlturSe Qty, tee. Irmiten. Diet (tobawic Cale) Hato% Be. 11u/icy, Jacquilana riedgritater llyers. PriaWf (21 Club) Ba3tia0001. Da ink St nit IC S:ago) ELI. L Jacks, Three. & Joker (Ougum vggelting. ten. e. Jotter. Kenny (Liggett's Itcyal Palm) Drowns Lak Jr.vy e, Tarr131 Club) Ealtignoto DC. Joenel (listeify) Chi. T..Pirdan Doe (Curlysi Ussneanolls. re,.t.rdart, Linda (Normand% ftocl Cyrntarr net JOyee. Caret (Whys* Cafe) Becton. re, Faits di Webb Oleileisvc: Kansas City. la - K Kifibus. JOIrnif (Park Plano Pt Leal,. h. Knre. Jalunif (Triple Isle) NYC, nc. EiraceChhltaria. )tuweales (Plain, OTC/bank Kay & Karol (Royal) natetraore. Kay teraftotati ((MIMI DaltImere. t. Leon Jor (Rene) Omaha, 'lit: rfewe7r1. Kap. eta Cry NI-An c. S. L yct, Chi. I. pro:oho Rea (Radio Pristra) NVO, Kea:refs, Remy. Uldgeta (Town Ranch) 24Aue. & no Notmts Stored. ClIsta (Otero Oa rind) Deg lire Krtsat. Cecil SEChriby Rendes:tool) Hattles- Two. burn- PC. Met& Paddy Olorseitreest cleedand. ea Lanese At Manners (A:WM) NYC s. "The Mad Auctioneer' hare Loa Trio (Ellayrelint) Therfalo It.!COLAs!, notawant LaVoie. Don. & Culotta (Utah Clantenal Batt , Not trot Ctty Late Cll. D tartila4 Aerial Mitt Tomsk WU, Dainty, pelmets (DI)0.) Bulbs Creek. Mich.. I. Terme & Bernie. (relevanter reset) ChL T. &means Rtion ShanY,e, CM, re. Dance Dentstions (Create' leces RernIte (Zotobiss Cleveland. lir eras. Three (Picougrly) NYC. is t. Darcy, Phil lisubermeei I:teaser/. N. J., DO. LeUesnd d laden* (Pan) North Vernon. Did e. Dale (Oriental( Cal. c 37 -fl. Dare. Kay (Colvergal Cleteland. Do. Davie. lee (Iltpp) ROttenore L Leelle 'Toler. Room) MP. no. LeYbrp, Rai (Zarls) Washlesiton. Theo s1.. Audrey Monaco Orop Maim Cleveland. re. Doge Henry (Copii,cabana1 Theta.. no. De Oren. Ann.Assort Montreal, ne. teat*, Moe (Mate) NYC, c TS)omar..71-asv Deerteg, Roamer, ledrearster Beath) Ott 71. Leen& Weide ton Mix's) Ralibeete. re. fresansylvantat weal Palm,area. PRO. P. Defoe. Al tthe Rock) PUT Creek. Wls. DO. Less,. Ralph FM Tee) Weleanko. ne. Tommy ITtOplo latel NYC. Pe. DeUbtuity. Trine (Picot Lea Anne**. DO. Lindsey. Leifer* es Betty Malec.) Contra- Thornton De We().. Dilly qiisclem bey G. I- (holey Beach. N. J. no. Washeaston, h. Lleif, Stet (Oriental) CM. I. Chorlotte (Park Lew( Buffalo I (The Cow trod) Cityttor-d 0C. Dombry. Ken (Punta% Brotega Park *Mk': Loll,. Starr& llialpreeto Atlantic Caly, ne. Tweedy Bea. & Cindy Moe of Clubsl Meat Cleelland. p. Lost. Mee & Stanley CrIltenote Dept' Lee beniftle. 0. as Don & causative (R le) Barrette. tn. ne. ArgoUs. wo-10 Aug. 9. V Meer, Lorna (Kitty Davis: )41am1, DC. Lynn. ltreby,ploy Morn' LaSalle. EL. De: Done's. The IA12d7'al Whmeeesette 31 -Aug. Valerie. VI iwww)cal Trail) NIT. ne- 3. (Patel Vermilion. Alta, Can.: ne. Valentine IC P WOO IrtIc,(re Lynne. Sherry (Zombie' Cleveland. De. I. SI.A041. 2; Matt) Red Deer ta, M Van Cott. Jeanne (kr Tverace) NYC no Von. COW. (PanAmerican Room( CM. h. DR.. Phil (Brown Onto' Chi cc SP:Heory. Red a:0mm Cirtetand. me_ Won, Andre )011)ereal NEC me. Dubai. Wilfred amo Nonott. )bark D,.010(4 I. suet. derany maple, Italia) maims. T. Deaf. Kathryn. Dancers Merrily /13111) New- Vire k Karr eltioel Baltimore, s. cart. Pry. re. Utiort. Three (The Spots NYC, re. Direeln. Write Mertes Kell MIT* Wow) suraaan. Cifil retnerseal Daltfmort. b. Plttanrtta./19. stare. Reim-. (Gloved! Atbuttle City. no EsPoot, Bob OtItegiblol Ltilsaukce. warim, tonne Moe* NYC. net 14ity, Throttle (Ice Tetraift Ny0. b. E Wiry Waken (Ifiltopele) NYC'. re. lifeeright Zen: We Jest:kb/ere WOO WattenborE. Edveards Brat. Three (Melo NYC t. rezo. ae- (Prineaul Cheyenne. Wyo.. 70 l)crett. Senn 11Mberlal Ronal Perth Amboy, Two Laramie, Aug. 1. t. N. J.. ne. Monty, Linda retread) BYO. I. blowy. (Mani terawire Rom( Chl. b. Morgan. Lunen lit Karelia. Chmeet. P Moro & Theeneell (Dark) Waalunteen. t. Warns Alvies (CUD Aiaternat Chi. no. lidlodow.. Johnny (Chateau( Cleveland. BC. Tfueray. &WY< ill Cabo lesairreet, Mortar Bitten iltich)gsn) Detest. t !Carrell (RIO Cabana) CM. BC. N Nilsson, Walter Itelanrani Detroit. C. Venclien. TM fliolleseane Cleve:sr , 0. 0 &Nell Danny ;Rao Cater -al Chi. no :e. CHIC (Capitol( Wasle.-`orton. t. Owens, Lou (Three Saes) Licirolt 31 -Aug. 5. Page, Corot Ott. Royal' tiontres.1. ft. Page. Joe, h Nora critel11 Sidney. ND W. Anstrana. wear Bops. 73. t. Primes Patty (Ortentall Cir. L Path, Bernree (Cociey Plasas Metes. h. inckfrd. Murray (Rash's Victory licemt freer. Ideas. 00. Inschmen, Tho (31randl NYC. t. Prosser. Jane (Cartel Ptu_a, t. R Rae & Waterfall (Earle) PODo. C. nearell Dan (Aliterty Hartford, Conn.. DC. Ray & Petite indagthawki Cht re. Raymond. Ed Iroiack Circus' toreka. Seattle, Waan., Reed 81Mev. Matto eproler) Ohl. or. ROM Allan (State( Baltimore. P. Rem" The (11.1CO.Rosenni Bettor t Ilachey. Jean Mad Carrell Theater) Hotly - weed. Rienac. Case 1500 Caret Atlantic City, no. Ritter. Men Otariel Wutington. P. Roberta, Cell (biastatial NYC, PC. Roberta Dale (Dine) NYC. P. P.occo, (ChM Parcel MIL re. Welters Sc Bebe 1111pp1 Balthsere. 1 Rogers. flack (Sews Oaks) Alamo litblbts. Tex., no Rogers Nancy (ftswers1 Tear) NYC. no. RonerS Dec (Zombie) Meretaed, Ito -re, mile, Dfamend Iforeethee Revue (Intact,: Cleveland. Rey, Does (lessee's' Toledo 0. DC RUDC1000. /rankle Mose &event) Cleveland. re - Karts Denny When Parse) Chloe. re. lesan Tanis (000 Cafe) atty. BC. Etaloway. Ann (((laic) Baltimore, I. Bauer. Ceen (Code Rumba Ran Ar.tor.le, &Tulle islagers (Oak RDl Outknal Young.. loan 0. no. Beer', Dowse (Trefee Wel NYC. M. Seidel, Paul (171smatekl Erl. Rehm. Primrose :Pisani Meta All Brareo. RDA fluosttel Derfalle, Va, se. ((Rarer- renter, with Olrte a Owego MEDreoatent Beaten. 1. Rhea_ Jac/ (Iceland, NYC. em Weer. Vickie (Tropic Label NYC. re. lerepared, Norma (Pat & Doers Newark. N. J.. csc. retread! NYC. trhyrectos (Clitcago) Vat. 1. Simisson. Dart lc Faint «uve: Sapper CM) Virecater. D. C.: (Wartletdi Dab France/ Aug. 1, t. freelnifit. Sammy (Ortentall Cht :rater_ Al (Rogers' Owner' NYC, re. Watts. EmeDe (Dee's) ilartmcee, K. A dynamic parsonallry H1LDE SIMMONS Cyclone of $e -o r. 1V Bee -a. Pewee at THE MARTINIQUE Wilttiocul, N. 1. Pees sr.: JOE otastw 50 Recede -v.: Plata New Inn City fineolow, Preniele (Oriental) CAL L neltdatres The fottental( CM. Piperee. ura (Dixtel NVC.,T. fitsdiers, The (131smarckl Chi, h. trauflev Twine (Roosevelt1 NYC, h. merten. Harry (Him Battutore. Steiner, Cecile (The Beeei NYC. Dr. St.',..11/4 Al (Pettey Devi 10.:(1. Buddy (DUN) NYC. h. SIR Well Itesseeem's Oleos rows or*.04 KOS OW JACK SHEA Vincent. Villa 1Kle Kat (0kb) Fee Antoci-. YA. Warren. Awsetl (Carla) Clerriand. et - Wayne. CreCy inomanlie Room) Clifetiand. eb Weber, It.% ICalT0111 PhUs. Wert & Looter 11&16Cel Columba/, 0.. White, Paul Quarter( Crt. sc. WISILDer, Sautes ( Quarter) Chi. or. WIUTSON BROS. r.rra Cenwsly Peel snrtiy Vseley Rene. "Prate T(0C Coos, ',woo San Franclace. Danf. Welitans. clmek (Lenr.y'si Clete:fund., De. PG. Wong fa. (Oriental) Cht. Worth, Coley (scat, N-rc. t. Wyatt?* 4. Angelus Manner Home) Cesi. 0. Young attars Nwer=ae, Phila. 1. Una. Audrey (Latin Quarter) MU. ne. Ice Shows Framers. Dosetry. So Tien, (Adorperess BMW) Della.. Plats On to lee (Caster Theater) NYC. LserhY Tetn tee Parade )Tyra ate MUSD Washiongton. OFF THE CUFF (Continued from P: the B RED DUNCAN is nisylng the piano at the Trento.... BARRETT DEEMS TRIO moved into the Pretlow.. JOE. PAULCY AND MARTI' are the iunesters at the Club Sombrero... AMMONS AND JOHNSON drew a holdover at Rao Cabin In the Sky. RABY CU3131INS 131 Opened at the Black Cat... TOMMY TANNER. plane, skedded for Ilartinie list Lounge... CHARLES CHANEY bell over at the Silver Prollec... omtcr LSLANDERii' are being held over at Russell's Slim Bar.. OZZIE OSBORNE at the Club 811. /leucite... LARRY ORADY TRIC Moved into the Bar of Music. WAL. ALCE BRADLEY, Maw, at label's 5131 Lounge... VIC ABBES has been ULU( feted to the cocktail depart/cent al General Amusement Corp:seta= West Coast: WINDY MANONE and combo are being held over at the JU, 011 FLOIlyWOOd Boulevard. Crew now conalsta of Jake Flores. trombone: Howard Robbtos drama: Billy Campbell. pieta): Amens Lynch. ham. and At Gold, eternal... JOE SULLIVAN back at the Elwante ld for a solo spot... SAVANNA CHURCH. ILL has opened at the Swine Club DE. tog Teddy Bunn and Zutty Slagle:on 1101 ao.rompan trnent. Here and There: KENNY JA00ER after 33 weeks at Sportsmen's Club. Indlattapotts. la not at LIggettN Royal Palm. Brown Lake WM... WOODS AND BRAY again at Jack -O -Lantern Lodge. Eagle River. WU. for the 12th waren.... REC34ilt SAN and ork current at Maboltr.er Club. Des Sfetnes. HELKN BRANT current Club Ltele, Norfolk. Va... BILLS YATES at Hotel Syracuse, 13yMMISe... PRANK O'CONNELL now at 44 Club Newark. dickertne for austittning ahote over NBC... MURRAY PICKFORD replaces Frances Renault at RUM'. Vie. tory Room, Pell River. BOGS ROYER. piano. inked for the Turf Club. 001Vretelts...JERRY?COOP and lea Men of Music current at fill Penguin Room. Kenna MT. JEAN HARDY. Mania, goes Into the Prootooll Club. Detroit.. THE LONDONAIREE (4) are at the Jhl Lat. Columbus... AL LACY (4) held over at the Dome Minn.... TONETTES 0) at the KIX Hotel. Qulney.Di... 31IISICHAICCRI (31 are playing at the Bamboo 1100:11 Kenosha.. ANNABELLE HILL. atm:. ing-plantar. Ls at the 505 Club. Detroit... Lit. PALSIORE, sepia pianist. nee et the Eseton. Ittlwaukee... DICE PERRY (1) has been booked Into the Illvelodo country Club. Cohimbla x10 GLOSSY PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS, 100 for $6.25 As Low Cie Se Es. M commute. Photo Post Carets, oths: Wank reads from yo N neghtivft- I. I..C./I,Y0C.N,DOI be Tapered send geed glow pr;dt and SI Cl) tetra fee roakiet negative. Ono as card fee free senwees. omelet* price 141 aesi ordeving snonerene. Prompt. touifews woke lastman-kodek stafewiela Ensae.-tw guwanteed Malmo, Dept. B. 310 E. Washiogtoo Ave.. Bridgeport. Cone.

30 30 The ifillhoord LEGITIMATE Communications to 1564 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. aim July 29, 1944 Bookings Indicate Top Fall Road Travel Aches Won't Cut In Theater Guild and nearly every top stein producer has plans to tour shows (Continued from page 3) petenniel ineseorn Time and Student Prince troupes. A tour ce Gilbert and Sullivan rep. heeded by Floe= Amos and Kathleen Roche, Is also skedded, as Is also a trareltroe Merry Wfdow troupe. Sons o' Fun will road it again and there will be a No. 1 company Ten Latta /*atone. On the Sheabeet schedule. too, is a Oral-elass revival of De Koven's Robin Hood. Everett West may do the tale role. However, It has not yet been decided whether this one will be booked for the read or cone to for a Stern Stay. Road plans for the Fontes are likeolse status quo. Letter depends on willing - Doss of Minas Berto to take to the high med. Max Gordon's fall start begins with The scope -rang of Over 31 at the Cue Theater, Detrcet August 27, and later =ring tt to for a stay at Cbla Harris. His newlea, Which of course, will give the road pre-litrcadway brook. are Ruth Cardona Journey to a Star and The Late George Appley. tante Abbott's oftee announce, that to addition to the No. 2 Kew end Tell a'ampant, currently heeding forth to Chi. and the No. 8 troupe, which Is An - :shin; a Detroit stand prior to heading to' Wsalintton and Baltimore, there wilt be Man company sent out In September, No. 4 troupe will start from New Haven. Coen., head eolith and than west..c.orn is Green" on Shelf Vp to the =cement, Herman 81-ormItn le stymied for a road show. He would send out Ti', Corn fa Green If Mei Berryman, were available. TInkowneerly for a Corn tour, the tatter has signed tip for the lead In the Guild's Saber- Med Heaven. But the Efhtunlin office is keeptne Its noon* Mooed. Hearers might not make the grade. And If It shouldn't-well. Mho D, they easy. has told them to keep Corn wrapped up In cellophane for her. The bockine of Corer Berlin's NO. it Life With Father company for Wooh- Lnaton, as of Angst 13, hits been 0=o -ie.& The opening date Is now set for Boston about Septenvber 1. Seri= will not be settefied with teas than a bangs* troupe and has Veen dickering for certain Eames. He hopes to have the tasting completed within the next few days. Tour will cover New England and then make for the Coast via Phitly and Chi. Some new territory will be covered. Dose Wolper will not concern himself with the hinterland for the present Tere win be no mecca company Of Tenons the Girls. Eventually. ho will more the ahem to CM. but believes he has at haat &rather Stem year In the bag before be has to think *bout that. Lourently. ho Is concerning himself with Mee to the Sect. which Ellie Dowling Is directing for a September 11 vieveilioe at Feed's Theater, Baltimore. Pr011y wilt get tt for two weeks and Batton maybe for three or four more before Sea Corner In. Also. there Is the new musical. Have a Gebd Time on the (See Bookings indteate on opporite pope) New SemiPro Strawhat BOSTON. July 22-Anotber strawhatter has entered the New England snoop - Makes. Ruse Offbatk. Hub radio gabber, has taken over the Omanside Theater. Magnolia, ritzy =miner reseet, and la presenting revivals, settle eembprotoutonal company. Monday. Tuesday. Thursday and Friday n'ohts. No matinee,. Amen! on Youth opened July IT. Goodbye Apo= fellows July 24. Medico Farce Aims At Stem Showing CLEVELAND. July 23.-Zone of Quiet hospital comedy uripted by Dr. Leon Denbo, children's specialist hero, appears likely for fall production on Broadway. Author and chief of local hockey.* were In New York 1St: week. interviewing pro. Miters =ferreted In staging force. Un- &ratted that Mike Todd boc lr.jleie track, Zone of Quiet was presented at Hanna Theater here three years ago by amateur cut Despite Inferior staging and acting. comedy turned away people last two cilia of short run. Since then, Den** baa petalled up the script, and local friends have anted up more than for early production. Denbo has written other plays, but this is Oral to ranch production stage. chaet treats hospital life with a humor - nor twist, the Oat play about mattoos tr. a doesn't emphaalre the serious ova - tones. Heat Let -Up Juices Hub B. 0. BOSTON, July 22.- The weatherman nothing or next to It foe doing their stud on the stage. It's case of is hope and a prayer for future rewards. lart.ortunstriy, both are nebulous, because a certain amount of talent Is a pre.requlatte for a paying job behind the foole-and talent Ia something of which Stan Is woefully abort. On the other band. it falls equalty short from a ruatamer point of view as revive! of the old-fothioned. burlesque The emend stanza of the program Amateur Night. If It were carried out continued the Marko?* and In the rough -house groove of heckling. Delhi paired In the familiar waltz -duo hooks and gags on the perforeelms. It from Lea Spa's/taco, which they have might be has. However. Stars plari made one of the bright spots of Ballet self sa a stralght vaude show with einem Theater productions. Both appeared to Jim McCarty. merely Inkoing the acts was kind to theatersous In the Hub this bate overcome any stage cilalculues and with en occasional wisecrack. Mc0srry, week. So, Three's a Family prospered gave a splendid performance. Finale Incidentally. is one of the few bright at the Colonial. sod the Cambridge Summer Theater grow bopped a couple of Wedding, It teamed them in sequences the most part take themselves emantely was the nloebted duet from Aurora's spots In the proceedings_ The anions for points. In which both excel. atria Monday enough to be petbatle. And It IS bard to nisht's performance was the drat time leer when someone le up there term& Altbo no money was lost on It. Fan - they had done them together In this but just doing It very badly. Ors 47,000 last week was dangerously eountry. The combination was elcoo to So, whatever producer Juice Dram had close to the nut. This week's take rose perfection and deserved the ovation lb to letter than 13,500, with tlx now tfello received. The musical background thruout was furnithed by the PhIlhartionle lag until Aural: 6. At Cambridge, Oh, Say, revival Of 1917 musical by Jerome aymphoty Orchestra under the baton Kern. P. 0. Wodehouse and Ow Dolton. of Antal Dorati. marring Patti Pickens, did One $3260. Drills and Marlow!tare kninedllitedy BOOM actress Mabel Acker maker for the Coast to kin the Ballet "neater. conebtok la The Little Fazes opening which will tour the West Coast for the Monday (24), with Jean Muir following rest of the raoraccoo. Troupe comas east July 31 in a new play by Shiriesed Quinn. in late septointxr for a fail season at (fare's To Os. Several tryouts are to be mode at Cambridge In the next month. Still no denralte bookings for the fall season here, but mare than 25 shows are mentioned to open before the fast week in Octc bet. Markova, Dolin Prove Concert- Terp Pull Again Wedneeaay (19) at the little Mann Theater. could be a good one. A vaudeville (Conrinued from page 4) the pair an ovation, It is possible that show, run on the principle of a glorified the toward-elentimg stops at the ca. Amateur Night, with the customers en - *minified to ears or cheer at will. might delta may bare put them tinder some be acceptable, even if not particularly handicap for tbo Ore. two numbers. In novel summer entertainment, It MAIM any ment, their opener, Grand Pau De also. fa the title impllee. be a epring board Druz from The Steeping Princes*, teemed for Little people and unknown acts to Weer and better thirty. tbetacretse. eeortful on the hits and too carefully Apparently this combination Ls what over.styliod in Markova's monk era Stars nets out to be. Ma lobby slims. it descents. solo, Solaro, preceded may be assumed that the pollee:nem get by an over -long ork Intro, didn't help much either. It Is repetitious and Me - some. However, when Markova soloed The Swan In memory of Porker's, dancing It, Incidentally, for the Orst Unto In New York, thins began to pick Up. Markova Ls exquisite In one of the MAC dife.cult of ballet peke:rot. Terp lovers should bow thanks to Poldne for giving her permission to bring It to life again. the Met. Contrary to previous reports Mortara and Dolbo plan to take a leading part In the B.T.'a autumn terp nests, Later, they will go Into rehouse! foe Billy Rcee'a Seven Ltrely Arts. Bob Prone& `Henry the Eighth' May Be the First of Billy Rose's Operas To Hit Main Stein This Fall "Seven Lively Arts" Opening in No. 2 Slot NEW YORK, July 21.-2t is still a toes -up which of Billy Hosea double entry Ln the fall legit sweepstakes will come to the Stem post Most. However, according to the latest bulletins from the Rose Eke, Henry the Efeerh will bow In early in November and The Sects Lfroly Arts a tow weeks later. Both are classed as Rose tonne opera. torobravy with names, with Henry budgeted at and Arts at $ Casting of the two leading male mice for Henry Is yet undecided. Roan Rath. bone baa been wanted for Cardinal trolley and Charles Laughton for Henry. Laird Cregar, Frederic Search and Claude Rates are aloe peollbtiltrom. Marta Abbe wilt handle the leading fern assignment. Margaret Winder will direct and Robert Edmond Jones will do the acts. Rose is antion0 to get Into reheareri about September 15, and la dickering for a Stem house for It Dow. Arts cast will be beaded by Beatrice Mille. Bert Lahr, Alicia Ma:kora and Anton Donn, Oracle Flea', Richard Haydn. Russell Swann and Sohn Charles Thomas have been spoken of for additional spots, Cole Porter will do the songs and Jay Sommers. Nathaniel Curtis and Norman Corwin the sketches. Igor Stravinsky will mutt= a ballet nod Agnes De Is being bid for the eltoreoraphy. Hidssrel vent stage and eels will be by Nor- Amerleam stripy praise. While most of marks to yeeilliful Ann Matatera Herald. man Bel Geddes. Rehearsals eked to begin October 2 for a Philly opening. No- show the first-nighters, a topical Good the critics found plenty of huge In the vember 6, at flirt Parrett. 7aerteld Theater poem is tentatively get for Decemproval. Strictly a summer -weight comedy, Night. Ladles audience, rel-.17a,red apber 7. the show is good hot -weather entertainment. Nat Greta. Welke Sty, Pally Beady and Money. Money, Money are still definitely on the Reefs production list, but will take back seat until Henry and Aril are main stemmed. Office plans to keep Carmen Jones sticking around at the Broadway Theoter at treat until the end of the year. So It Is tome then likely that the Stem will tee three major Rose productions running concurrently. No "Stars" Shine In New Showcase NEW YORK. July 22.-The notion behind Stars of Tomorrow, which unveiled In mind has mired the boat en both counts. Donee. who La reported to be a Viennese refugee, Is obviously n newcomer to Stem matters. lie nosy be forgiven romething on that account, but be has yet to learn that it takes more than a stage and a matelot to put on a,hoer. Out of some Id numbers on the progtom there might be four or Ova which ovoid hare a chance of building them - germ Into club date or a mud, program. Any of them would need coo - adorable polishing to make the grade. Top of the list would be Chico, a very smart pup, which could develop Into a smart variety act with Improved Islesmanshlp from his router. Young Cathleen Roos ohm" datinct chanting promise and with a little experience would be a mike asset for a good band. Nash Austin, billed as a winner In the John Golden recent talent quest, theme club potaltdiltirs as an inlperionstor. There could be local repots also for Roars Martel and Maria Karoly1 In Viennese or Magyar cabaret& However, It isn't likely that Stars ta going to pot any of them anywhere. Because unless Dena puts some scram and Imagination Into his show, nobody is going to sit thru it long enough to ore 'em. As it is Stars of Tomorrow will hardly set up any new constenot tone H05 Pronets Chi "Gander" Notices Mixed CRICA00. July ea.-harold J. Ken - Metro A Cacao for the Gender, wrilest opened 'Tuesday (II) at the Illacksiceis alter a short tryout elsewhere, reorient mixed netlike, ranging from the veteran Clatals Caionely's Tribune acictuenu re- Calif's List Barn Lights RAN FRANCISCO, July Cantons:la only surviving summer theater opened Its fourth raison Friday (14) at San Mateo with the Piscine Coast premiere of The Sun of Our Tenth, directed by Robert Matins.

31 July 29, 1914 The Billboard LEGITIMATE 81 Routes Dramatic and Musical Stern Legit Buys $146,500 in Fifth NEW YORK, July 22, -Special Treasury Department representative for legit theaters. Dick Baron. this week announced the bond buying tally of legit stow Ms for the Plfth War Loan. Tr. personnel of 3'7 Stem shows and this members of the Association of Theatrical Agents end >Unseen' ribeeribed for a grand total of In bonds. Organized to co-operation with Milton Weintraub, race treasurer of ATAM. the drive included actors. ofnee help. managers and stagehands. 4MadeinHeaven'Due For a Stem Showing BOSTON. July 22.-It seldom happens Six Chi Legit Houses Buck Hot Weather; Biz Holds Up Well CHICAGO, July Me -Despite temperatures ranging In the top Ws, legit honk* aro going along at an excellent clip and at least ark wilt continue right Gum the summer, Oklahoma, which has grossed over In 900 performances, continues a sellout at the Erlanger. At the Harris, Huy and MI, starting Its 63Q week, has felt the offecte of the heat but attil ts hitting around $ and will stick around fora while longer. Tentatively akedded to follow It Is Over 21. School for firldes, In the air-cooled Civic Theater, bas steadily built In the seven weeks It has been running and will close a pronuilale run July 23, moving to the Royal, New York. August I. (names are ter eareest weak wk.. a 'tata are ghee) Dern?. Tenthly ()Viten:II hehford. Pa. early to bed tilaussuar Waebleatco. Ooo lot lbe Gender ilkackunoro Cie), Oeod )hint Ladies Oldtmers) Loa Angeles. Janie Won tfookena 35. Kiss sod Tell Manta) Ctl Kw and Ten usnatert Lataretzat Det.-cet. creebura terlanten Chi. Pasta Zara, In Racrultuekle Inn reelsweil Cast Tomorrow the Wedad 10eary) Sacs gram:leo. West. Seat in Catherine Wee Great trerreat) rhea. Torrid Week Puts Hub Legit on Ropes BOSTON, July 22.-The weather man said it was the worst week (for combined heat and humidity) the Hub ham bad The operetta semen at the Civic Opera Muse (3,600 seats) has been fair. Nero Moon, second Value, did a little better than in its closing week, and :slime the weather bureau began keeping records. Wild/lower, current offering,. Is doing lie might well have been melting his observation for legit!anthem man. drum -beater. that a summer theater try -out play vie Billy Rom has no well, Immediate read plans. to Broadway. It practically never happens that a film company buys one until The Orcist Northern's Uncle Harry, send out No. 2 edition of Carmen which has been sa equally depressed sat It's Impassible to the spielts of the population. after a auccoteful production. So be It, touted by the critics as "heat show In Jones, due to the dlinculty of getting At any rate, both Three's a Family at the Valley Players, who bare been operstleg the Mountain Park Casino Tara - town," didn't live up to tepee:anon.; and together an adequate cast. the Colonial (only operating 'Mown Judging closed Saturday (8) after nine weeks of from Inquiries as to booking, there are. house) and Dark Eyre at the daznbrike ter, Holyoke, fee the past several rime light business. So far nothing is Mated Rose believes, at least 30 good Fourths Summer Theater sweltered and suffered. memo. have set a precedent with Made In to follow it. The Blackstone relighted months to be had out of the above Wheel Family was about at rock bottom with Hoaren bowing Tut...day (25). Tuesday (II) with Oloria Swanson In bell do It depends entiely on hew Stein lows than $7,000 to allow for the week and A Goose for the Gander, and next Monday (171 Zasu Pitt, cornea Into the Bel- Carmen L due to stick around at least big holds up. Prom current Indicate:es. A new comedy by Muriel Roy Bolton. two full stanzas to go. Cambridge did Hollywood ecript welter, Heaven has already been acquired for film production poorly with lees than $3000 in the till. eyn with Rarnsheekla inn. until the nest of next year. At Cambridge next week the Jerome by RK0 and a Broadway production is Yoke of the Turtle is ekedded to open Kern.?, 0. Wodenhouse-Guy Botton mu =Ye Todd is still pondering a road planned. Story has to do with a woman at the Selwyn October 3. Bleat Oh, Day! will be retired, with Patel company of Star and Carter. Latter Pletens starring. The 111:16 Foxes skedded would eventually hole -up permanently who, learning Incorrectly that she has for July 24. fn Ohl. only a short while to live, tries to set her Dorothy 74, Crane and Carlton affairs In order and find a new wife for SO far no late -summer or early -fall The 'Theater Guild, of course. hie tire Leading players Include Orace Brlecombe, her husband. All treated comicelly, of bookings have been made at the local most impreenve road schedule of all. Skeen Beloit. Jean Ouild. Bruce Riley. Shubert offices. But mere than 20 Some of it is null in the tentative Mace course.. BeateSee Newport, Helen Wagner. Peter allows have been Mc:atter/led for Boston and, like previous Guild programs, subject to draatic revisions 1a the Moving lights of Valley Players are Griffith. by IMO October. course Opened Drainns Ans.; leases (Culdwi) '41 1,109 limbic/an Rill Noon has been assigned the chore of buyng sets and costumes for the Me shows which Mc Kith - vine CornellBiran Aherne tresses wilt do reeenen for the bore within the next few weeks. Rep consists of "Barrette of Wrnspole Street," ""The Doughorla..A"tel Street." Mery Who Cerra to Gina" and a MAXI. CM:ken (eery feeder.. M 5,' Plymouth I Reports tire It under $7,000. which wind woe to give it abort 101 even beak. teseard Ceess Waves for Coast to ogre:* No. 2 maven.). Plana rev four to six weeks in L. A. end permanent stand in San Francisco. Onighttirls, Ter ' llyearm1 Clews Seturday Will se or Lesenthal circuit immedlaten for a Menne.* trek. Opens Sunday 1301 In Atlantic City. Leila Ewa has signed for the tour and a Urge cart of the New York east are expected to sign sr' aho. Pic will be released next month hedibewdsy and No 3.14,` Colonel (Marin fleck). Photo Coolidge lawn cast Mondry 131) fee rest by reason of neer health. Mar return to troupe after Labor Our. No replacement setectod as yet. Kiss and MR Miltmotel, 3.11.' Strove at Useree..- directed by hide Royce Landis for the Sterne ford. Ccen., productiers. receved nets hot notion ttwt Cus Sch'rnsee Is co, tiderine a Stern stand fee it. Schlrmer ssoutel like to brining It In fee a pre - holiday run between Thankseerang acrd Crelstmas Ufe With father '39 I-979 (Empire, Running at slight)y better than $9,500. peter IC1Iffnee Day) 'esteem' 11,h," the company Saturday 151 to keep a deft with Uncle Sam's raw. lames Allen will meant ham Troupe 'ea=arens tinted Monday 117) with Dorothy Bernard taking a week's kayo. Elaine trans has been filling In for her. Ruth Harrenond eats 'wowed( hekrugh teaming nest Mondry 124). Milne hens win ata foe Mr also, BROADWAY SHOWLOG Performance Thrill July 22 Opened Pella Plak-Us Old (48th St.) 5-3, '44 11 Sense risk of res6ng the bourse to CnI after Leger Day. Bit part of Jean, played by Bernice Winters, has been.deleted hem the script. Art Mayberry lenies cast July 1291 to take ever stage management of Wert Virginia pageant, Owns Neilsen replaces Searching Wind. TM ' Ifuttont William F. Scheeler will doubt* at technicst director for the Sist$, County PlaYfie.ner. Will do Ns MO], &Wes over each week -end ['very pages aingixsted by Margaret Arlen (WAOCI. Former Cakbrated his 4:11: anniversary en the American state last week. Came here In 1904 to play opsosite Mnn4 MbOlcm Fiske. Tee um. moue. C-27.'44 31 Hkerscseunt) Doing the largest bx of the straight shows- CUM around $14.1:02. Mrs. tisr,reell Hobbs arnves hem Cowl. Tuesday 126S. Coast reports rove Samuel hrongion to pay Lee Shubert and Albert de Ctewv plus percentage for pie rights. Latter hotels an option to tuy the 'refits from RICO at a reported pica ci Richard Crack, Marguerite Lewis, Dort Ilertrinis end Elsa Ryan have been r^c*keict as understudies for HalinveR Hobbes, Claudia Montan, Nkistas Foy. Michael Whitos and Es - tell* Wiermarad. Musicals Cannon lases ' Broadway) Wilfrid Lawson has been wigned be Coty Rose fee the Canfral Wormy re. In Henry VIII. Loosen will sail from London nest menet% follow Hie Cids 4-8, (44th St. Theater) Dorothy Keller. featured dancer, has been out o/ the show since Tuesday 110) with en Infected foot. Terry Keity has been vutelec fee her steps fonview Is expected back in cast Mon. dry 124). tackle Clemon has been Inters:eating hi, n1tt cob to.nine to fel In the Kesler soto soot. Share gal. ken Myles, has been acre:tinted Leyeentedy fee Karen Stevens. Irina Bw900v4 teem. en American citizen Friday Opined Perla Mesta. Itryriee 1.28,' Winter Carden/ )erne H.PeOC discharged from Hospital fee Speehl Saguy Wedeesday after operation on Inprrod knee. Now at borne reempreatirg. Si'. will not be able to work for sonnet months. No perm/rent reptacemerst has been made for her as vet. Cornrsoy treks to Manhattan Beach Sunday 5231 to she %row foe Coast Owed. Lew understudy for Bobby Carla headed a group from Pre shoo" for stint at the Stage Doer Canteen Friday Wilbur Evans honor - posted by liwaruimednd Tuesday 1113). Sang run -hers from stow. Okblesent (St. Rental ' Compeny glen capsule versin, of show fee Cl's at Moduli freed August 041. Ralph Riggs loaves Monday 1241 for vacatlon. Betty Cards en Mare Small program lalue) Sunday The Gehl Drama Group (youngsters Man teepb,4 sect chanting lines of the show/ are rehearsing "etev Few," end "fell of Diewert meet." Lou Palen has left Chl company and h now le Kew York. Richard Robe NV -wed hint Noe Teed. of Venus 10-7.'43 31$ 146th 55.) Batiet, headed by ArIts Alvarez eves to MehlwIl Field Sunday 5231, to en - fetters CI's. Pius Carden ki row a regular on "The CokberCI" mete!. jack Mann has Noshed hatred bill - Mg owl signed to a run-of-theiplay contract, Miriam Hopkins hiss been signed to co-star with Vrefor Joey In Sarnuel Rephselson's "The Perfect Marriage,. which Cheryl Cranford sheds for fall production. %leered FeRks. Tle ' (hrgeriall OOSIS Saturday Talk of Chi efoaning In September, ten Nam 6e. en upc. %Warn Omit. 'attirety Ann McCabe to awn at Semery Club, Detroit, atordey Racy Kwidmari, co-ordwator of Viol/tit musical, la ailing at Doctor's Hasolfai, ICE SHOWS, Mete Off to Ice 6.22.'44 43 ICenter) 5101 betiding 10 el0ocny plus itandees. About for the week. Arthur Wets Is nods, to wed up to to set-to an Ice skating Ask near Prospect Park, firocahn. Rink wilt ta used to teaks straight and comely skaters of whets there Is severe shortage. If ee gets one good comedian out of Ihq n01,00. it W..1 be woes it, ha lay, Bookings Indicate Lucrative Fall Road (Confined Irons opposite page) are. He has signed Lupe Vehm, Jane S./lasers and Eddie WIthers for this On% and expects Leon Leonicloff to do the staging. "Turtle" Starts in Buffalo The Chi company of Vole.: of Ohs Turtle will open a *lit week in Buffalo September 14. Detroit will get it for a two-week stay berate It settles down In Cht October 2. IL. T. Stevens and Hugh Marlowe will have the leadi. Second gal has not yet been cast. The De Liege* Oak, tsii1 sponsor the new Van Denten play, as yet untitled, but will probably not go Into production before late fall or early winter. Van Denten has the prior chore of directing Marna', Bank Amount, which he adapted fee Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammes. st4n. According to *adore from Wolf Kaufe of a reason. flowerer. at the moment It looks fat and full. "Othello" Then Canada Mete, of a certainty. Irids off September 1 for trek thru Canada to the West Coast and bark across country for a full season. Thereafter, the Guild's tentative bookings by calm are as folit tows: novae will get the musket verelem of LitIon, Embeatind Hearers, Ballet Plays. R,betea and a Shakespeare opus, Home end Juliet. Huth Ado About 100th fag ce As You Like it. Ohl sleds to get Jacobs/esti and the Colonel, Mel. to, Cherry Orchard, Ballet Plays and a Shekmpeere opus. Cincinnati calls Ice Oklahoma, Othello. JaboboteskI, Orchard and Ballet. Detroit gets Oklahoma, Othello, Jae:oboe:at Orchard, Rebecca. and Pallet. St. Lcrule is pet for Okla - /soma. Jecohoweld, Orchard, ittbe.-ea, Baffet and Shakespeare. Baltimore gets Jocoboterke Tontorerene the World, Orchard, 50(151 and Shakespeare. Washlna.- ton will see Embezzled Heaven, Orchard. Shakespeare. Rebecca and possibly a new hurry play. Cleveland rates visits from Jaeobotcokt, Othello, Orchard, Rebecca, Ballet and Shakespeare, codshem.o, Othello, Jecobostaki. Orchard, Rebecca and the Ballet akedded for stops In Columbus. Pinny Is down cm the list for Oklahoma, dribr-tted Heaven, Rebecca, Ballet, TOnsarroos the World. Orchard and Sliakee.peare. Just bow the Guild is going to an to this schedule Is something of a Minter, punk_ Some of the offence* like , and Embezzled neaten are definitely pm -Broadway and will have to be sandwtched In before their Stem opening date.. Jecoboareed, from all appear - antes, won't take to the road before spring and. Of Muse the Shakerpeare Job hasn't even been selected as yet. Flowerer, with Tomorrow the World. RebeeCa, and Orchard added to their list 'eta Atm/lean Theater Society and with probably more to come thru the some chewed there should be ample tare for the Oullti's backyard aubecribera. It is a bit early to make any fort of a final tally. There will be the usual subtractions and edditlor.i to the book - Inc wore, but there doesn't seem to be mulch question but that Cho road will get a generous play during 1044 and 1045, ,a--- JACKANN Comedian frotrinnri with "OW TOUCH Of VENUS"' 46th St. Theater Nrw York Clot

32 32 GENERAL The Billboard July 29, 1944 CLOUDS OF sal May 01Pwr Mesonsd Myst-si:E Edda hem ftearttsn and Empty Hand NO reach into Me air. and produce rsucts of smoke -hundreds of them Rob yew hoods fogether, aod Lira your audios ge...,iorr snowlet Swvs rib - bens Ow. to I. fest WE. EIUOY DIE TRILL 1, trints.res:s.rtwet.er rtp..,,,r; sew 74,141..-F-R,...:4,p,.; 1 Norton, La, vtian rd.d.40,0.4.. MAW tar My Imba tau.,..,..,... Mil :sc. tae10r tt. M. C. REGO taboratoves C. J. $ GIRLS WANTED with just a tille excerwoce fo do Strip team:v.1. Top salary. Year -road week. OA Welts or Wire Joseph Allen. EMPRESS THEATRE 0 Sit wr,se.,..d ass, Deets., 26, Mick. d.e11~11,\na \011,\naweallaili WANTED BURLESQUE PEOPLE L.s awed ABE FORD 220 ersetera Su. RosTON, MA55. PTH011 NADard 0051 Magic By Bill Sachs F LIDDIE COCHRAN, now In his MI '."" month overseas' for U130. hopes to g ain the dtattnetion soon of bring the first American pro magician to return to the European Continent eine* the war began. now that he Is Mated to Jmu-nry to the French IncasSon sector to entertain the fighting lads. USO Is giving priority on the Inv -aeon Job to pelformers who have been overseas longest on CSO entertainment Sutlers. And. Ineedentally, the magic cloth will soon be sporting a cigarette lighter made from a 50 calibre machine gun bullet fired from a Plying Futures on a mie. Mon over letrope. which Cochran QM mailed from BILLY MON- ROE. comedy mseleisn, Is back In Jackscoirdle, Pts.. working a few local dates until September. when he will heed out for Percy Abbott's annual magical tete to:eel-ea at Colon, Mich.... MAL B. LIPPINCOTT', alter a long season of ono end two -night stands In the South with a spook opry, recently fibbed several fair dates for the Dena Deal -Ray Shute Agency, St. Louis. Alter a layoff at his wife's home In Lariat*. Mo., last week. Lippincott and Company resumed Monday (24) et the North Vernon (food.) Fair, from whence they move Into PODtAine Perry Peek. Lou:teener, for a three- -meeker. Lippincott Inice that the third COSTUMES P.m,. lad V Kam 1/2 Ord* Cr an ava04,_ PRIM OIFTS. Iowa tee ow &PL.% Mn N.It Corts....res nu.* CircLier's FJLLO THE COSTUMER 230 sum as.. Dem. ft. Seremorm S. N. T. annual magicians' picnic will be held at Fontaine Perry Monday and Tuesday. AtrEtat LZECT. LEE ALLEN ESTES, Safety Pint Magician of the Kentucky Highway Patrol, hastens to report that ho put In note of the happiest days of his life last Thursday (21). when he spent the afternoon and evening with his rtmetiloqulal Idol. Edged' Beegen, In Danville, Ky.. where the latter entertained at Darnell Hospital there. After the show and a dinner at nearby Beaumont ir.n, lemmas Cot its cuisine. the Bsrg returned to a Danville hotel to pitch a party that ran Into the woe =a' hours. 'With you could have been with us," writes the Loot. "This Bergen guy's a swell fellow." Estee Vettetaineel Dam at his home in LcSingt011. NEW MAGIC BOOKS AND TRICKS Purchase Them at the World's Largest Fun Store Iscly's ANTI-GRAVICO N EW. ORIGINAL TOO GOOD TO MISS. YOU'LL, LIRE IT. CAE ANYWHERE...ANY TIME. MYSTIFY YOUR FRIENDS. RUNS M Otyn tae Muleld, In Um Pap,. CIL VAC MY,60 ponvna OP SI sesmeesse. LW 10 di. Peetwid $1.00. FRESH FISH TRICK A LONG STRIP OP PAPER. 0 trr :4 INCHES.. THAT IS PRINTED. "FREON FISH SOLD HERE TODAY.. I. tvw NN rmll plva4 INMS varnpanying Car,/ POUR an4 004% MON& 12 CONIM/IN RCA...th PestaMa OTHER GOOD TRICKS ANT CARD CALLED FOR RISES. Nei lwe se arsematke. Ammo rely PrMs SEMITONE NANDKERCHIEV. Tao LW WHIM Na Ran loll. IRTM OF PLOWER. A NA maws Mega ate et seer TV feel tapst,10* CARD. WATER AND INK TRICK. IN dem NMI MAUR *IA Prim ONINtu OTICK5. odes pakii. WIotla Wm. Oamma wirtliem 5 mews PF,C4 CIO ANETTs FROM NOWHERE. A IM diewsmemkelir MINIMPI in...um re. come 0 v. HAT TR IC K. PH.. of pow m OM Ana IIMITMI INV R10% Pr.:. COMEDY PART. TRICK. P=..M MOP NO MA M111 NM 0,14 Poe. CUP's AND GALL. WM W ad11 Prism DISSOLVE NT CARD. 0, 44/11. "ma le awfrere. Owe ma le 'dankest Pries Imo sigoducirso memos EREINIEF. Per.1.07 sadaelas sms maim of Pim P/Ir PIANDK KFICIIIEF VANISHER. SWE Meer MP* WIN Owe um ewe taw*,.. Peme IMMORTAL CIO AN ATTIE. A /41410 Draft la $ pima aa4 Moo MOW,..Poll. MAGIC cote sox. A...mud Mete ARAN la bee le UM NM In sem,/ Dv PtY.4 CULL. P01, siagfe MILK DROPS A I, SNRIAM maw WU RISME. 47"' NEW 4 ALT TRIOS. Salt vanisms OM MO WWI MO MOW. In MO *IMP P0104 Oet DIM'? WAND. *1... rats sr eitaresta. A.41, geftwasse cola PENCIL TARO NANDKERDNIER 1r PM. A Omer wsiell WM ptaams 0re 'Nos Pai ION CARD. M IslaIslaew M mod ow Wit pile was Wise RADAR PENCIL. SIgrally.=4,41.1 Nab NIIIIIMI NI 942 AO Price REPEATING it 5151 Re...MU We molly PnOasid Pries Reason istairs a ARDS. Ceresmi mesa Ms MO , III senile. PHs ROPE THOU NEON TRICK. A 6,4 ilms, fro, 1 man, Um1, Rea Pr,* SELF CLOSISIO MAYON BOX. TAP, vinially Mow ISMIg Imintk..PH, SIMPLEX OUT MOPE TRICK. 0, 0 the MAL Pas "Au M FRO Arks STEEL BALL AND TOSS TRICK. A tapal 0411 Rev 504 tills Mil. 4 Mb. PH, TN WES TIPS. Sees masons.% Gem et twat Wen SIMI" OW ISM eels INNS IT'S FREE. 0, Jay VMS MA010 LIST. Osesentes Ova 400 lines.. -1 Tritta THE EAGLE MAGIC FACTORY X Coo (The Firsts That Treats You Square) THIRD AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 2. MINN. Vocco and Spitzer Back From Coast NEW YORK. July 22.-Rocoo Vocco. of nee. and Henry Spitzer of Mortis Music. returned from trips to the Coast last weet. Voona, while on the Coast secured 69,11I Alm scores, titles of which were carried In a recent lame of The ernecerd. Spitzer went out about two weeks ago to join Buddy Morris, owner of Morrie Music, about a deal that has been kept hushed, It's said that there's a plc deal Ineolving Morris Music and mailer motion pie firm. but no dealt* were revealed. However. It's known that MOM offered Morris * for his three firma. Morris. Mayfair and Mel - row. within the past year. Deal Wise never consummated. however. Canadian-ASCAP Peace NEW YORE. July 22. -Recent discus - elms between ASCAP and Canadian Per. forming Rights Society ore! certain matters concerning public relations appeared to be nettled lard week. At a special meeting of ASCAPb baud of directors here lost week. counter propeesle arid* by the London Pere's:ening Rights Society ea -teeming Canada, to proposal made formerly by ASCAP were presented and passed on by the directors. A letter la now on its way to London okeytne the counter proposals. Canwelan Performing Rights Society.'u originally net up In 1022, with Canadian feet collected by the Canadian Appeal"' Baird, IVe understood that the present matter between ASCAP and CPRS In no way concerns differenceo Over fees collected. Ky.. Friday night, after which the latter entrained for Cincinnati en route East. from dancer to deceiver. Ho made his initial Midwestern appearance at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. Cilleagoc bee Nat completed a two -month run at the Bismarck Hotel there, and from 100 heads for a fortnight's stand at the Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland.... JOHNNY PLATT, Chicago rabbit hider. Is due in New York July 31 to embark aeon too an ce-shere beer for t1110 Camp Shows.... JACK HERBERT Is currently 'bowing him wares at the Continental Club, Chesapeake. O... AL SHARPE (O. J. Brown), Stationed at titc army sir base, Sioux City, Ia., type -ernes that he caught Clifford's Ohcet Show (Clifford Ackennenn) at the rose July 14. and found it highly eneopabie. "Atter the Mow." writes Bbarpe, went backstage. Pound Clifford shorthended. go I sweated and toiled for it half hour to aid him In packing. It wee worth it, tho. for I spent the next day with his lovely dtughter, Cherie Mar tin, who hod put returned nom a tour with!terry Blackstone_ Ackerman travels with one girl eadstant.".. - TWO MYSTICS headlined the bill at the Tbsvert Thcater, Camden, N. J. last week.... GARVA. with his comedy magic, handless the err -see chores at Nick's Tavern, Miele N. J.... SIR =- WARMS Woe from Indianapolis that he and John Wilson, formerly known as the amt. Darrel. have Just purchased sclera: new iltusiorm, end that he and Wilton will combine magic and mentalism In a 10-Mece wilt for the road,.. CHARLES 1117BEN8. who hold. down a civilian lob with the Navy Department In WeehIngton. postal that megte is morn a4 1ess dormant In the capital, but that Gelit clicked solidly on his recent engagement at the Earle 'Theater there. Ruben* recently did his magic at the Stage Door Canteen In rbilatalphut. Burlesque Notes By Uno ROBBY MORRIS. Joyce Beaten and Lionel Murray are with a unit now In Porto Rico, and Palmer Cote. with another. playing Africa and Italy. All Charles IL Alice' bookings. Charles (PeAnuts) Bohm and Kenra Vinton soon headed for overseas for lame 01150e. Kenny Been= and Jack Markley are on the Victory Ctrcult with USO Unit HOWARD 3.10:41C1OM1fnY, ex -producer and dancer. promoted from a privet* to a non -corn Mom the guest of Pal Brandratlx lest week. JACK BUCK again nanagtng the Globe. Atlentle CIty. Rudy Kahn Is ea. Blatant: Harry Herrington. ex-contle, ticket taken "Judge" Eddie Shafer, *rage manner, and Bernie hitter. supervisor.... MAX 0011EN. manager OS the Mayfair. Dayton, 0., doing similar duties over the summer for the Cltoquot Club, AUnntic City... EDITH MARK - WOOD selling ticket's at leffees Iblou plc house. Philadelphia... JACK HOW. ARD. former burly character straight and quartet singer, now an engineer en an oil ably. HARRY PARROS. owner and ma alter of the Libeety burly stock, San Peencco, keeps hie talent In good cheer by allowing a veer', vacation with pay to those In hie employ one year. Also presents bonuses when business warranu. This happram three Unice In Also et Christmas time Is a Santa to all with gifts ee comb and itarrelundase. Two actors beet Tutettde who came in Just three days before the 15th fared ditto. BENNY (WOP) MOORE closed at the Republic. Ocean View Park, Norfolk, and opened July 21 for two weeks at the Casino. Toronto. White here between DI= EASLR-Y. the dates, he boated "Red" And "Beef" Sabel. "tipsy trluter" vacationing from Cincinnati, where they from out San Prancisco way, now on operate the Stage Door far seems from the wind-up of a two -weeks: at the the Gayety.... MIMIC SCHULTE. Prthireree Country Club, Newport. See straight man. mends hie raceme as was a visitor at the magic desk lest barkeep at Totand's Tavern, Phhhtdel. Friday (21). A little later on. over a phis.... HOWARD. Boston staff heeding bottle of amber and a steak, wo had the aa beet as pressibte to request. from burly pitaatue of hearing from Bert Lemma fans in all the war none, for pictures of of the progress be has made to magic In their favorites. Margie Hart and Ann three abort years. or date he chi:eased OOH* lead. but Evelyn Taylor seems to be the most popular of the newer crop of burly aces.... EDDIE CHESTER. entree, Testing In ltigh Palls. N. Y.. alter a stay at Ernie's, OreenWiCh LOU MEYER at Dorsey Park. Allentown.... CAESAR AND ROSITA appearing at the Cheries Club. Baltimore. HOTEL OLMSTED Cleveland, Ohio FRANK WALKER, Mgr. Home of Pelee* and Hanna Theatre Stars In Cleveland "Hanle ot Shostolk" atawa,l. 1A IA PIN x.01 lcti4s". Ow. Pim. Pr,'. MAIN 4710 WANTED Burlesque Performers 11,0.1, sod 11,...N., Da.," Val. PRESIDENT FOLLIES IL, Nr./.1., 2, OHM E. K OLA N. MV t CHORUS.g.,19.A.ogrolagl.; 111.X.:,,II.;,..v TS/ill= 4, lir61.. $I 10: e.he Ereladma.. MO' Wei i Turner Chi Stevens P. A. Arerivire. Aeli ZE4 pvite. 1 1 O. GUYETTE, are W. 45ta OS. N. V. Ohl ka CHICAGO. July Al Turner, editor ea!me Ltle maearine here for the root fittii#tttattan'a ate yearn, hes been appointed director of arivertnitng and publicity of the Ste- Now Engaging Burlesque People 1! ' ens Reuel, Turner succeeds Peed JOyee.,.. All Lie, toe C., 11,3K.- ii who. In addition to ins advertising Activities, handled tbo wetartainnwnt for 11, Na at Gni., ,5 E. MILTON SEDusTER DOW spate.

33 July 29, 1944 The Billboard 33 ADAMS --Charles 50. member of the pactfic Coast Showener's Moociatton and in grow business tor more than 25 yearn, at the Veterans' Hospital, Sae:Mile, Calif.. July 15. Services under the dl - :action of the American Legion in Los Angelte, July 17. Burial In Forest Lawn Memortel Park, Olendele, Cant. AICKELIR-Dr. Harn W., 5D. film expert, at his borne in Summit, N. J.. July 10. Survived by his endow and three daughters. Services at Burroughs Funeral Home, Summit, N. J.. July 18. APPLING-W. Dugan, 55, treasurer of Ellis AudItornim. Memphte, at he home In Bartlett. Tenn., July It. During the winter season ho wan In charge of the Auditorium b. o. and In the rummer worked for the Memphis Open Air Theater in the mane capacity. Survived by daughter. two brothers and two sisters. BAIRN-Pvt. Joseph, musician, of Chicopee!fills. Mae*. and formerly with orchestras In Inningneld. Mem.. ktind In action. BARTI.INO-Owerido Lyme Owen, 48. ern -caber of the Owen Staters, %nude and radio singing team. July 14 at BUM* Hospital, Detroit. following a sole-werkle Innen. Her buthand and two children seirvire. Interment In White Chapel Cemetery. Detroit. MANCE-Jefferson J former tab chow operator and builder of circus cars and wagons, following a abort Illness In D. Liberty, Pa.. May 5, Re built L. -none fat Johnny Jor.en and had leered an Outfit to Mike Welsh. About 45 years ago he hod winter quarters In Verona, Pa. and quartered the Mugiran /4 Bement' Howe's Greet London Mown and many other*. Ho was In the transfer business In PItteburgh at the time of his death. Swerved by his son, Marten 8. Masonic services In East Liberty. BORTZ-Leo. head ed. Borth Shaw, as the result of being struck by a truck while pushing two children to safety, In Newport, Ark.. November 9 It has just been learned. Survived by his widow. Stem four brother*. Moe and Sam. New Weir: Jack, ettreneardlos: Louts. Chicago: enter, Marlon and hie mother, Mrs. Max Borth. Loa Angeles. Service* at item -Mein Funeral Chapel, Chicago, with Interment in Weettewn Cemetery there. BRODY-Ann (Ann Bred). flotenteinl. 0). plc and legit actress, In Hotel Plan - ems. New York. July 16. Noted for her mother roles. she celebrated 50 years In showbiz In 1137.?hat theatrical appmrance was at the Children', Theater. New York. In 1887 when the was six_ Her Isla stage role was In 1940 In 'Thee 0/ Tour LVe. Survived by a slater. CHOSTOS-Antbony. 33, member of the Pacific Genet Shorrnenes Asa:elation and a concesdonatre before entering the paratroop derision of the army. In action on Arun> Beath. Italy. &vetted by sister. COOK -Will M., '75, comp-arr. In Harlem Hospital. New York, July 11, niter four -week illness. At 13 be matriculated at Oberlin (0.) Conservatory of Music and won a scholarship there to study violin In Berlin under Josef Joselden. Returning to the States In 1935 he studied under Anton Dvorak. int Punic luab first heord on Broadway In 1898 when he wrote the score for Paul Laurance Dun - bares Cenendy, the Original of the Cakewalk. He organized three orebeetnes, the Memplan Students, the American Syncopated Orchestra and Um Clef Club Orchestra. Among his eenp0 are Handy Lou, Happy Jen and Red, Red Rote. Choral works Include Swing Along. Exhortation, Rain Sang, String Along. Oaten Lovers' Land and an opera, St. Louts 'Orion. Funeral at Rodney Dade Funeral Horne. New York, July 24. Interment in Woodlown Cemetery. Wathington. CterrLl.1-Count Carl IMO Mo-renglIa, 2S. Italian nobternan cemented with time Ability to give More than 2,000 different *Maid efeect*, following heart at - lack In Seattle railroad station July It.. He to bast known for his Porky bound effects In LOOney Tunes cartoons. A cemmander In the Italian navy In World War I. Count Cutelli fled to this country In 1023 when Mussolini attempted to drive Masonic orders from Italy. Ile became an American ettlien, adopting the name Tuno Cute411, for his private III.. After a career In vatide as an Imitator. Cutelli took hie talent to the motion -picture Industry, He recently returned from a ale -month tour of army camp, with a U80 tuft. Survived by his widow, a son, a claugeder and hi* mother In Italy. PeneNZO-WItham (Santom), theater muleteer, at the home of his daughter. Thelma, In Baltimore July O. He was a Partner of Al Deanne, Pittsburgh, acd appeared with the Deanao Brothers and Thelver Doman Slaters and Company. Deenzo Brothers toured with Primrose THE FINAL CURTAIN and Docketader minstrels and RIngling thew. Survived by his widow, Geraldine: daughters, Thelma and tially, and a eon. Thanks?Mee nun I can toll you for the Cecil offerings, ttiogroma,!offers and Cards of inecnene not Fre on Me deans of my husband. Mrs. Edmund C. Drumm DELOFenen-Ittre. tectorene. 72. onetime me:tenet of the thorns of the Metropolitan Opera Company. New York, July 10 at her home in Wildwcod. N..11., following a beer: attack. DE VOL-Herman, 56, musical director and AYM keel pus In Canton. 0.. July 14. He had been a retell:net with Canton Symphony Orchestra, director of pit orks et UMW'S Palace and the Orand Opera Roust, end was prez of the Canton- Man. all:on (0.1 hfuslelanil Pratecttro Ann -elation at the time of hie death. Survived by his widow and aon. Prank. director of Kiln Van Nuys, Calif. DIN121ART-Alan, 48, veteran actor, prneueer and author, at Hollywood Hospital July 17 of a heart aliment Induced by a recent attack of pneumonia. Dinehart, a former Broadway star, left the stage to become a screen actor In 1e31. He studied deur-mee ea a student at the University of Montana and Den played on Broadway In David Befaeoon GO of the Golder. West. After his Mit motion -picture role In Bachelor Affafes, he played In such films as The last end Loose. Two Bright Boys, Everything Happens at Night. saffhfly Honore:de and Girt Trouble. He rens. ntly completed a remedy role In the picture, A Were, a War' and a Marine, soon to be released, and was scheduled to resume work In Austin at RN. Dirnhert was been In St. Paul and had been Identified sith the theater fencer early days of eaten.. Survived by his widow, a son, Mason Alan. and a son by a farmer Meer:ago, Man Jr., now sorting with the army oversees. Services at Forme Lawn Memorial Park. Glendale. Calif. EMM/rn-Michrtel, 60, vaude veteran, 10 Manhattan State Hospital, New York. July 9. Survived by widow and ester. Interment In Retake (N. Ti Cemetery. FIELDS -Jack, 49, circus advance agent. followir.g a heart attack at Essex Hotel, Newark. N. J., July 9. He was World War, I vet and minuet:1g director In charge of promotion of the American Legion Newark Post Circus. Survived by a slater and three brothers In Phitedel. phia. where services were held July 12. GRAHAM -Robert A., 52, Israel of Graham Original Tetra Remblers, rodeo music outfit, followthe a heart attack In Company of Mary Hospital. Chkago, July 11. He had acquired stock and was forming a small circa rodeo when stricken. Survived by het winow, Suet a son, Bob, and daughter, Betty. Services from Beverly Chapel. Cbkago, July 13, with Interment In Oakwood, Cemetery, Chicago. HARMON - George. 46. dwarf Clown with Beaten At:tett:min In Varedergraft, Pa., July 17. He was formerly with Bingeing. Dodson World's Pale and Cetlin is Wtison shots. I la MawrKOut Fritt4 Mrs. Pearl Marrison with 6ereosl areesiny to No Ion FRANK /...d hvgpa.d, OiCK. Fitantsrilic a COST STSRTIOU. HARRIS - Mildred, 41. star of the client screen, at Cedars of Lebanon Mepreal, Hollywood, July 20, She'bcgan her career at 10 Sae a child star for Thomas IL Ince. She played in Universal's first all -talking picture, Melody of Lore. She was the Mat wife of Charlie Chaplin. wham she married It 15. She was the mother of ha first child, who died In infancy. She wee divorced from Chaplin In In /024 The was married in Mexico to Everett McGovern. real estate broker. They were divorced In and she was elven custody of the one son, John. who is now serving In the armed forces. She wes married once again, to William Finekenten In 1e34 In Asheville, N. C. Pictures In which else appeared were Tha Doctor and the Woman, Peas Para - dime, Price of a Good Tine, Lingerie. Wad of a Follies Girl, Power of the Press. No, No. Nanette, Ranch House Mee*, Sid* Street, Lode Tubers, and recently In The Story of Dce.tor Wessell and Here Comes the Water. Prom 1831 to 1041 she made personal -appearance tour in theaters and night clubs thruout the United States, Canada and Europe. During recent years she has appeared In burlesque shows and kern. Services conducted by Pierce A -Others' Hollywood Mortuary. HerleMAN-Robert, 60, band musician. at his aurnmer eibln on Long Lake. Ilerrtson. bitch.. July 8. He resided Its Midland, Mtch, and formerly played on showboats and with the Cole Bros.' Circus. He also operated a More to Mid. lend. Services from his home, with Interment. In Midland Cemetery July 11. JACK -Burt M.. 73, former muck corned:an, of heart disease at hlx hems in Webster Groves, 8t. Louis suburb, June la. Survived by has widow, four none and a slots?. Hornets June ID from %Vobeter Groves Preebylertan Church. with interment In Oak Hill Cemetery. Kirkwood. Mo. JMPRIM-Leeter, 40. for many years associated with the management of the Pay's Theater. Philadelphia, July 13 In that city after an Illness of several years. LA1114-Eugenie. 65. former opera singer, fell or lumped from the window of her apartment In Brooklyn July 17. She had been despondent and In Ill health for the last six weeks since the death of her brother. LANCASTER -John. 68, talent mann er and plc pioneer. In Hollywood July 14. Wan production manager for MOM at one tame during his 45 years it showtria. He metred last year after IS years as Hollywood talent agent. MAYER - Karl. 50. plc director. In London July 3. Boat known for The Cabinet of Dr. Cantr( which he made in Germany In MAY GUY MEE Paoca away on raly 29, foe. in My Heart. Year Hurbeed. TOM MEE MORMON -Mikhail Ilikhallovitch, 61. Vine,. refuter. at his bonne In Minbrook. N. J, July 171. He was the first male ballet dancer to become popular In the U. 8, and appeared let New York In 1910 Paelowan partner. He wag bozo to Moscow and entered the Imperial Ballet School when he was nine. After his appearance with Parlows here he returned to Russia where he had been ballet Master and choregrapher et the Imperial Theater of the late Czar Nicholas. When he canto ALOE to the States in 1924 on a alt -month visa he extended his stay and became a citizen, That year be was featured In the Greentenet Village Polite,. In 1915 ho founded his school of ballet in New York_ In 1930 he presented and ap. peered In The Goldfish, and the next year bit newly reerganteed Ballet Theater offered remelt. Yokes of Spring and a rearranged excerpt from Saran Lake at the Martin Beck Theater, all with elmreemphy by Ifordkan. Last year he conducted dernonstrst1on cleetee In ballet at the Master Institute of United Arts, New York. Surviving are ha widow. Breeds:ern Pontekaym. ballet dancer: their son. Mikball Moralities Jr sergeant In the United States Army, and a brother In 3fornow, MOSKOWITZ-Anna, 80, In her home at Kew Gardens, N. le, after a brief 'Untie. She was the mother of Charles C. v..p. of Loewy, Inc: Harry, bead of Loewn construction department: Arthur, Jenelsh., New York studio rep of 20th -Pox: Martin. also of 201h-rox. and three daughters, Mrs. Maurice Scorn,. Mra. Jack Hartle end Mrs. Reins Snyder. &race at Rivezente Chapel, New York, July 21. NORMIRMO-Ctrarles. 50. formerly with various circuses, July 14 in Chicago. Nerenberg was n brother of Mrs. Carrie Hoene, widow of Rhoda Ronal. He was veteran of World War I and at the cemetery he hid an escort of six veterans, with a military saint* at the grave. Survived by two brother* and flee seder., all of Toledo except Mrs. Royal, who Item In Chicago. Services In Ibledo. PASCARELLA -Trans mliakfain. leader, In Cleveland July 11. Pit band leader, organizer and conductor of pa/- Cart:44 Concert Bend. STODDARD--Oeorge E.. librettist, tee In Cc:an:unity Hospital- Now York. July ID after three-year illness. His works, totaling over 25 musical comedy books and lyrics, included The Isle of Spice: Listen, Lester; Jim Jan Jen', Cheese Rex, Sher - lee. The Rogal Chtf, Go -Go. Marked Model, Just a Mirture and Tern Gonne. Ho wrote the lyrics of songs Mary and At the End of the Road. Stoddard had been out of thowbis for the last 15 years. timing which time he was Pastern rep of Charles Herendeen S. Son, Inc_ Chicaeo, mar:mine nners of Mead unproven the president of which, Freeterkit Herauteen, was co-author with Stoddard of many playa. including The Stope,s. Survived by his widow. Mrs, Violet Stoddard. and a stepson. Nelson C. Roblechon Services In Utica, N. Y, July 21. TABLER-leabril (nee Fargo), wife of Frank C. Tatter, manager of Arcade Airdrome. St. Louie. and mother of Jean Spear, Seattle. W8 ealeaman, In St. Louis this month. She had managed the Extras and lt snhoo theaters In St. Louts. TUCKER- Gabriel (Gebe). 43. veteran elephant man, Instantly killed July 13 at Cbehat1s. Wean., by Lucy. female Indian elephant of the Beatty- Ittneell circus herd. Tucker's bred and cheat wet, trusteed by a blow from Leicyn trunk as preparations were being made to load the elephants at the conclusion of the evening performance. He had been associated with various shows belonging to the Amerneen Circus Corporation and In recent yawns had worked as an amista.nt to Cheerful 121fiN1Orf and Welter McCialre and this mason had been an attaehe of MacDonald. bead bull man of the Beatty -Russell *how. He was a nettle of Indiana. Survived by a brother. Charles, Peru, Ind.. and a ester, leraale, also an elephant unlace. Re. insane rent to Peru for burled. VAN NUT -Ray S., showman for the pest 20 years. In Careen Springs, Ky., July II. Suretred by los widow and a son, Dane. menses. Interment in Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus. Dann his bone. WEISS - Max, 53, member of the Pactfle Coast Showmen's Avocation and ooncessionelre with the West Coast Victory Shows. to Eismath Wain Ore.. June 28. Weiss was in show butinete over 40 yearn Survived by his widow. Eatelle Weiss. Services and cremation in Oregon with the ashes later sent to Lm Angeles for interment In Showmen's Rest, I:Yea-green Cemetery there. Marriages ORANNAN-10:N0--Paul V. 011Mlan, trumpet with Hat Wasson's orchestra. to Dorothy King. nonpro, In flarnanats. July 1. SNAPP=MeGER-Joseph Henry Snapp. nempro, to Mae MeClee, altigen at Matawan. N. J_ July O. STOLTZ-Linn:ION-L. F. etente to Pauline Ler-reno In Belem, Ark_ July 18. Both with Pike Anatherneet Company. Births A daughter. Menu, Zoe. to Me, and Atm. George laltehell June 1. Father Is tenet sax with Hal Wasson' orchestra. A son to Mr. and ears. Charlie Curl July 9 In Philadelphia. Pother Is Orchestra leader at Club Harlem, Atlantic City. A eon to Mr. and Airs. Henry 0. DOwem July 16 at Fitchburg. Male. Pother is president of the New 157knand aection. NAAPPB. end head of the Whalom Part Amusement Company. A daughter, Jolla Dannielle. to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hershfield July 11 In New York. Grandfather la Joe Fields, comedian, Divorces Rand Church front L. C. Church, both Frafedslossats, In Cceundela, S. C.. July 17. Doc R. Marne:di Hull. operator of the Hell of Science on nerdy Bros. -Peal Shows. from hand G. Mill April 14. Joan Mandell from Dick Powell, in Hollywood July 14. Both are movle eters. Jenne War:thews, Brillth 131m and stare star, from John Robert Hale Monroe, In London July 3. Betty Bond, Atm actrent. from Halronl Opulbse In Loa Asapabs July 5.

34 The Billboard CARNIVALS July 29, 1944 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS. Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati BIZ BEATS '43 FIRST HALF Conklin Nears Calgary's Top Froliclaud within 5300 of all -tinter of '41-crowds out till I a.m. at close CALGARY, Alta..ruly At the rword-gabe Calgary Eshibition and Stampede. July Proncland of the Conklin Shoal came within $300 of the all-time midway mark set by the Conk - Una here in Bald President J. W. (Patty) Conklin. The ahoy tot, of fleeciest', tut to 12 railroad cars this year. thrtnacado, managed by Mile Phillips. and the Moot Rocket were the top (others. Before tearing down foe the bop to Regina, Frolic:and was operated at the closing until 1:30 cra. because of waiting crowds. Weather was perfect except for a few high wind. The fair set an attendance record by an Increase of , and piths are already under way for en addl. non to the grandstand and other Intpoaremenus. Regina Figure* Grow REOLVA. Seek., July?Z.-Open:Oa Gaya at Regina Exhantion. July la -22. Upped grosses. as compared with other years. for ProlSoland of the Conklin Shows. President J. W. (Patty) Conklin reported that on the nest day. Ch):dson's Day, adult businesa showed sn increase of icsil per cent. Gross on the second day was ahead 2$ per cent. Severe dust storm on opening day kept down trade from kids. but an increase (Sea Regfna Openers Zoom on page 36) Peaks for Page Bring Up Takes HTTATEICOTON, W, vs.. July 22.-Since their opening the J. J. Page Shows bare set some new gross records this senaon. slid some spots that prevtousty bad been pest her have turned out exoellently. said R. E Savage. Top-ista spota hare Included Johnson City. Tenn: Appalachia. Va. and Harlan. Middlesboro. Hazard and Pinning. Ky. Fleming was the July 4 date and crowds grew nightly. Independence Day and esttaros, giving record revolts, while last week In Paintargle. Ky- over 6.0:0 amusement -hungry patrons milled and spent unttl the gong sounded at I am. Sunday. In Huntington, first spot In this Sate for the show In over Dine yeses, opor.ing brought sand/awry crowds. The help atteatbon, altho good for the first 10 weeks, is on the decline now, but new help is beginning to arrive. CoDoosalon tow baa new cremate nearly every week. Minstrel Show and Hollywood Revue have been taking top honor& In the ride dirtston :t has been the Rtdee-0, Chair - (See Page Reecho Peen On yoga 35) Sutton Chalks Best Still Date DZ KALB, al, July 22.--Oreat Sutton Shows playing Galesburg. El., July 10- I6 chalked the biggest week for a still spot since organization of the snow. Saturday gave Largest gate reeelpts foe any single night, reported Jack Woods. Committee of the yr"? Peet there cooperated fully and support was given by Qty facials. Two new allows added and arrival of more new blue cameo have completed line-up on the midway. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith added their toy shop and Whitey Minnear and fainliy added two oonceadona. /Aleut_ Prank M. Sutton Jr. pee SaffOnai Champ Still on pars 36) ON THE MIDWAY of the Frank Burke Shows before a record Crowd began to gather for the War Show in El Pam, Tex., July 4 these showmen and ars ex - showman got together. Left to right: Corp. Al Sweeney, femser auto race promoter and circus west agent; Harry Gold, ball game operator; Bob Berkshire, coowner of amusement center in El Paso with Pete Keetes; Frank Burke, owner of the Burke Shows: Mn.s Frank Burke; Denver Kid Curley, cigarette gallery operator, and lock Carswell, hoop -la operator. SLA Ups Activity For Fund Raising CHICAGO, July 23.-Showmenb Dr ague of America has active this year in fund mishit in connection with the war effort. Its Red Crew activities, under leadership of J. C. kfccalfery, have already resulted In contributions of nearly this year, and the more recently tnaugirrated Mustering -Out Fund campaign, which has been In grog - teas only a abort time, has brought in more than $3,000, with more coming in every week. President Floyd E. Gooding. who Is directing the Mustering -Out Fund drive, has enlisted co-operation of many leading outdoor showmen and before the campaign Is over a tidy alma will be as - Introit for distribution among League member* in the armed forms whets they return to civilian life. West Coast Registers Banner 4th Trade =OEMS. Ore. July 22.-Playing Buckaroo Days and July 4 Celebration in Klamath Pall. Ore., for the 12th consecutive year, West Coast Victory Shows had the biggest July 4 week In their history. reported Special Agent Di Kemp. Celebration own:natty was headed by (See West Coast 4th Best on page 36) Smith Rings Up 40% Hike Over 15 Weeks; Free Gate Pulls 'Em SCALP LEVU, Pa., July 22.--A 40 - per -cent hike lit grosses marked the 15th week of the *won for the George Clyde /smith Shows in Conemaugh. Pa., July Manager George 0. Smith said that with a free gate attendance bad topped that of other years by far In the tame territory. Shows, rides, and about 40 concert- *lona are transported on 12 trucks and semis. Stns the opening new fronts have been added with moderraalle lighting. Shows and rides are offloo owned and newly painted. Bobby Hoek. show operator and publicity agent. left to join the J. 0. Weer Shows. Staff included George Clyde Smith. owner -manager: Fiance Doswell, secretary: Paul Goodman, sound system: Frank Cede Jr Ice superintendent: Clarence r. Seitz chief electrician, mall and The Billboard sales agent, Shows are ()dental Villa Happy Ware, sr-an-igen Lew Moore, front; Marietta, Sortie Deltas, Bobble Stebina Meet Barnett, Ella Cinders and 10ttle Gordon, dancers. Circus Side Show, Dave Gorman. snar.agem Harry Stewart, front: James Johnston. tickets; Patsy Leo, juglert Mme. Arrnina. mentalist: Elsie, fat girl: Prince Falward. magician: Mrs. Dave Gorman, sword awalloama Coo - Coo, the bird girl, annex. Gay Nineties. (Sea Smith Grosses Up 46 on page 36) BALLYHOO BROS.' CIRCIIATING EXPO A Century of Profit Show By Starr Heart Balm, Tad. July 22, Dear Editor: The personnel of this midway is famous for lie big hcartednese and trust In its fellowmen. Our golden rule Is: "It le more blessed to give than to ro. cells.' When a member of the troupe dim you ears bet two to one that he passed away from an over -enlargement of the heart Our company doctor reported some 60 cases of "sympathetic nervousness- We are believer* in: **There Isn't an aliment that kindness won't cure" Dinner time In the cookhouse almmt always wind* up in a otsrrlot over whose turn it Is to pay the chrelea. Often the cookhouse operator won't take anything because of De Belle our people's willingness to pay for everybody. I have yet to too the bone* refuse an rtnplayee anything that he or she may ask tor. They may not got It, but they are never re - ruled. Big-hearted Pete Ballyhoo is noted for his ktod-heartednous. When he saw one of his bare-footed ride boys looking lorigtngly at a pair of shoes 1n a store window the sight brought tears to his eyes. The scene touched his heart ao strongly that he had to walk away or break down. When I said. "trust In our fellowmen," I was referring to the fact that none of our ooneewdonsiroa are bonded and can leave at any time without bottets, Jas long as (Sea Dalfghoo Bros. on opposite pope) Cavalcade Peek Has Big Leadoff For Aqua's Run MINNEAPOLLS, July linurtarck turned out watt for Al Wegner? Cavalcade of Amusements, July 11-1S, said William B. Naylor, publicity director. Heavy country billing did the trick and crowds were on band nightly. Children's matinee Saturday was one of the beat of the season. Show train was loaded by Sunday afternoon and made the run over the Northern Piscine to Minneapolis, arriving Monday afternoon. Unloading started at daybreak 'Tuesday and practtell:y every wagon and ride was given new paint for the preview showing Thursday, under auspices of the annual Minneapolis Aquatennlal. About 4,500 were at the preview, show and rides did good business and there is a long concession line supervised by A. J. (Whitey) Weiss. Vtsitora here Included Senator William E. Dahiguist. who highly approved the midway which will play his fair at Thief Elver Palls, Minn., next week. Show will then?stake the long jump to North Montana Slate Pelt, Welt Falls, with Billings and Butte to follow. Two big street parades during the AquatennIal celebration are expected to bring big turnouts to the abowgrounds. There Is to bo a big matinee each Saturday of the engage meet Radio and newapapera have blest used extensively. Mrs. Hattie Wagner got plenty of help for the cookhouse for the first time thia season. Several ride men and other workingmen joined here. So far the 'hew has beers lucky as far sir weather is concerned. looting only aim days alters opening at East St. Louts. Conklinites Dig Up Sweet Sum To Aid Muster - Out Fund RDDLIA, Sask., July 22.-While the Conklin Shows were playing Regina Exhibition this week President J. W. (Patty) and Vice -President Frank it, Conklin -want around' the midway of thntr Prollehind Tuesday and In two hdtrrs ra:led over $1,500 for the Mustering -Out Fund of the Showmen's League of America and for the American Red Cosa. -Nearly all of the donors are members of the League and they Jolts In in the opinion that the plan conceited by SLA President Floyd Z. Gooding is moat de - of support," said President Conklin. "The donors felt that they could well afford their contributions and were glad to participate In this movement and there will be no effort to apply pressure to get funds from the rank and faro of our OrgantrAt5011. 'Of the amount contributed. SICCO w1ii go to the MueterIng-Out Fund and $320 will be given to the American Red Croat:* Donors were J. W. (Patty) Conklin. 1130: Prank R. Conklin, $150; Al Kent - (see Frotierood Feeds rune on pore 36) Crash Damage Stalls Alamo on Texas Run ABILISTS, 'Tex., July Movement of the Alamo Fxporallon Shows from Port Worth to Abilene was One or the worst In the history of the show since becoming motorized, reported Ted ChM - err. The truck used to haul the kiddie ride and to pin) the orrice was struck by a Mts. The Crash!vaulted in wrecking the bus and the chow equipment, the oflice being damaged moat Several trucks didn't arrive tin Moloney raght, eo opening VMS pootpsiski until Tuesday. when a good crowd came out. Curly Mayraor has charge of the Feerts Wheel. Mr. and Mn. Jac: Hooka,. (See Crash Belays Alamo on page 36)

35 July 29, 1944 The Billboard CARNIVALS 35 Happyland FROM THE LOTS Otmaso, Meth. Week ended July 15. Location, Fled lot. Auspices, Metropolitan Club Auxifiery. Weather, fair. Buslnem, excellent, Gram here was upped 30 per cent over any previous year's. Show,. rides and coneessions all had a bang-up week and paid Rata admission* were over Al Renton's Side Show topped the shows, with Dr. 0. C. Groteurth's Hall of Selene*. Jerry Gray's Monster Show and the John R. Boyles Caravan of Wonders running close seconds, Nan Rankine entertained *tired women friends from Hennies catione on the show. eta:tine their uncle, Mike. Won' Shown, which were In Lensing. Little Marcia Hymen and Lots Rosenberg tidied Mrs. Rosen several days Saturday afternoon the allow hosted ocphan children, with sod made themselves untfill around the free rules, soft Cookhouse. drinks, custard and popcorn and gifte Mrs. Rosen also had several front concessionaires and each kiddie received a new dollar bill from the nuinagetr.ent. Eddie Jamison, femur Minstrel Show operator with the Johnny J. Jones Lhpoeltion and Beckmann & Geroty Shows. joined here to take charge of the Pin -Up Girt Revile, being arociated with Eddie Miller with that attraction. It is hie Sent venture back into ahow Muiness since his (Recharge from a hospital, where he was treated for Inntriesa received while a member of the Merchant Marine. PAUL 13, SPRAGUE' Mulled, Pa. Week ended July 15. BALLYHOO BROS. Auspices, Veteran of Foreign Wars Port. L000ttos, Leaving perk. Weather, hot. (COntinued from opposite page) Dodson's World's Fair Besmear, fair, they hare an advanced week's privilege Wednesday night was lost because of In the office. Fremont, Neb. Week ended July 15. heavy rain. Priday and Saturday were New arrivals often sender why we Auspices, American Legion Port. Lowe. fah' and Saturday matinee below expectations, eltho heavily advertised In news- the dining ear. Its not because we =In- have two men at the cash register In t101, Moller Park. Weather, rein. Bunk um, mediocre. paper. Einansfolka took advantage of the trust them; nor are they there to watch Monday and Tuesday were lost to rain. lull by repainting end readying for the each other. We trnat everyone. Tito Fair business Wednesday was registered. faire. Jolly Dot Carlson. away from extra man Is merely there to bite the &Rho the show followed Use ticalabon the snow for several weeks, is back and sliver before It is rung up. Hunbands Shows In. Friday night aas Lost because dcing big Monnoes. Leroy Harder la back On this allow treat then wives differently than they do on other shows, Lear. cl rain and threatening weather. Donny and new manager of the rundown, - The afternoon a small tornado struck Fred -Freda Van ni annex attraction In week one of the boys. who hasn't worked about fire mile* front Tremont and Preis - Gilbert Trecey's Circus Side Show. Billy In two yeah (but hie wife hes bad a :dent Dodson decided to keep the Lane arrived from Florida to visit her steady pb), presented her with a new midway closed. DWI/2PM Saturday afternoon and night was fair, but the town frozen master& Walter Langford's Wild providers. They put the comfort of husband, Paul. Invona Bros. joined with trailer home. All of our men are good war too small for the sae of the show. Life Echtbit had a heavy play, feature their families Wore their work. The auspices committee co-operated in being Lady. four -month -old lion cub, We hare what we call the Carniral fiery way. The entrance front dealgood former mascot of }nut Worth an corm. Protective Association. Each member by President Dodson and constructed by Prank Sheppard. chief eleetrician, has pays, 50 cents per week so that they will George (Plnkey) Edgers wee erected for desigr.ed some new Lighting envit. have $13 to their credit at the end of a the Oral time, with Its multiple neon WALTER D. HEALAND. 30 -week season. Benefit No. I: On lights and streamlined effect, In preparation for the stand at Orated Ward. Neb. was the new Wild fife Exhibit. operated by Ray Cramer and George Goldim. On a 30 -minute broedmat over Station ROM& liar Cramer, Slim Curtis, Big Bertha and Marlon Perry were Were:teed and musical background was by Jack Carriptell and the shown band. New England Amusement Company Wants: roe Balsnee et UAW. and South ThS1 Fait feerle Wheel feermsts for +5 IQ, $50.00 per week: extra 11 you can handto wiring. Can the piste capable CluleplAn Panchen. ticket if I know yea. Wne Bellows Pats. Vermont, Inas Weeks lee, Mean. Jury 31 to August 5. FRANK ORGAN SERVICE 494$ Wareland Ave., Naga 41, Mr ;Mews: Pensacola fell Had.11 I could rent. Swey if I kid to enas sou. Try earn. Have used Arbtan RO't1 kg sale, Myers had a joint birthday party, Mrs. Henderson getting. aa a gift from her husband. a *LOCO War Bond. Mr. and Mrs, Ova Forster, who celebrated their 325 wedding anniveraary. received many gifts from show toile and other friends. Bob Parker Incited Eddie BarbOur, Sammy Stein was in and Out almost daily while the above was near Chicago. Evalyri Levine and Gladys Brod wade a two-day shopping trip to the Windy City. Bob and Blanche Heth. who visited Wends In Elkhart, Ind., returned with a new de luxe living trailer. Loretta and Primes Rosen spent their ra- members of her family Se viaitors, including Mr, and Mrs. B. M. Hyman and son, Aaron, and Mrs, LeRoy Hyman. Moline; Ws. Sam Alter and Mrs. May Oar - field. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hyman, Carol Ann and Jimmy, Egin. Gay colors lire spread and repairs are being mode for the taint, which start at Portage, Win H. B. MINE Bantly's All-American Johu H. Marks Co:enviers. Vs. Week ended July 15. Ausyeer-s, American Legion Pon. Loco. or the is entitled to our free medical Moe hileitgerd showounde. Weather, Information. By sending a paid wire. sgottg. flusincvs, good. we refer thews CO good hospital and Monday night opening was =lased due drop letter to the hospital. stientng The Preesont Guide -Teaming was generous with apace. had a good crowd of to transportation Mt:Scuttles. Tuesday tt that the patient is a member and is PAUL BARRON. spender*: also entitled to any medical treatment necessary, providing be baseunkient funds to Wednesday. Thunder a heavy rain about 6 pm. hurt. Friday night *es good and corer the h.:stilton-ration, Smelt No. 3: Saturday. then co-operation at The Ver. Should any member be stranded in any Buckeye State pinkie, there we, the second biggest part of the United Stator!, then he or Matinee of the season.. Saturday night she will be entitled to our free travel Belvidere, Ill. Week ended July 15. there were 11,237 paid *deals/dons. Station WKLY co-operated well. Willie affidavit to the effect that he or the la $TNIKIlIO SIRCHIRR L0116 AND Information. By sending In a sworn -to HARRY NELSON Lotation, Betster's shmegrounds, U.1. piens, Amer -Icon Legion Port. Weather. Lewis. who visited his home In Richmond. Va.. where his wife was LII, re- at the Protective Association's expense Weel15La es. Cane, laws( K. K. without funds. road maps will be mailed DOLL earns. Business, excellent. Paw.. R Move of 82 miles from Morriss Ill.. was ported her much Imprortd. Jack Wilton, co-owner of the Cahn Si Wilson be given free examinations by our Theo* who lire In winter quarters will fut. Senor Eaters Side Show bad top gross for attract:one with the Itidee.o Shows, was a visitor. T. A. (Red) embryo-abow lecturer. WILL be a Weser Is bet 200 re in..1.:. getting tope for the rides. Sandra Lee Schultz, The Billboard salon agent and Nothing is too good for our people. Joined as annex attraction In the Side mailman, continue., active. 0. P. Henry 11157;.tritetiti2.2=1441=12.1 AB Show. Benny Segal joined and took over Joined ets billpoeter Lore-as-aWbetyournayeallit Jake var. nes sad Ballyhoo said: "Tbru the kindner of the Minstrel Show. Ray. Inns, Pop Reny ḢARRY H. WILSON. our people, the funds raised thra the shf=t1l les.- DOW grew dr e.1-e. wet and Red Easel'. eoresslorialres. Joined association wintered the show" seenvrs; here Is' Ill= LAPICSsee Mrs. Gaylor Henderson and Bill MAJOR PRIVILEGE. Ill itelalsktel IL Alamo Exposition cut down, as was planned, Albert Wright, legal adjuster, spent, several days at his Lake Worth cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carpenter, San Antonio. joined. Joo Al - cal sent wife, Babe, home on plane due to her mother undergoing an operation. Semen, with all bad breaks, in 20 per cent ahead of last pearl ṪIM CUSTER. Allen & Nickerson Fostorta, 0. Week ended July 15. L000tton, Foe Pleld. hut pit s. LLL. Weather, hot; showers Wednesday. Business, tatetfeetoiy. lneiosed midway. Short move from Findlay, 0. and everything was ready Monday night. Hot weather Arent retarded attendance but business picked up the latter part of the week. Great Pomace joined with his spiral ball act es free attraction and helped to swell front gate receipt& Two more shows were added. (b -Owner S. W. Nickerson mute business trip to Fort Worth, Tor. Week ended July IS. Auspices, Texas Stare fluted.. Weather, hot. Business, /a tiajectory. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy were nightly victors from Brownwood, where he is stationed In the army. Due to illness at his home, Owen Jones left far a few days. Visitors were Mike Burn* and party. OW Sundown and group. Mr. rind Mrs. Ray Culbertson, operators of tourists' court., at Ibri Worth and Grand Prairie, Vex. and Mrs. Ruby Walrldge and Hope and Billie Bringer. now melding in Port Worth. Joe Murphy and Denny Pugh. former owners of the World of Today Shown, canoe front their ranch to spend the week -end with Manager Jack Ruback. Folulprount has been overhauled for Weet Texas and New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Texas Kidd visited several times. Hypo Denocke entertained his agents at Lake Werth with a itch try and dancing. Martha Rogers, Sophie Muller end Rceentary Ruback will be hos:eves at the second outdoor picnic and danoo at Abner. Show will not be Bucyrus, 0. William (MU) Perry, who left for Pittsburgh to elan his family. was to return to Retest -Me, 0. Mern- Ory's pave: The writer pi.eyed this town a 1th L. J. Heth Shown even year. spa and the snow spent July 4 on railroad tacks when Lorain. 0., which bad been booked, was devastated by a tornado. George Spaulding and Tommy Allen will remember. WALTER B. PDX. closing day he or she is to melte onethird of the amount on deposit or $3 (providing the treasurer still has Iknent No. 2: Shouts' any member become seek during the winter, then he O/ iviac item:ion TENTS Now and Used MEM and TIMING RINK Write for Mee. E. G. EAMPREll TEXT d AWNING CO. 100 VENTRAL Art. ALTON, ILL. Carnival and Concession TENTS Serving the Showmen of the Southwest JOHN M. COLLIN CO. it L KIRK Sr. SHAWNII, OKLA. 61. anweiga. lot spouol d...:ate 14.. sae...eekk..-.leo- len - w Wforsegap g COMPIIIT Yra1 IT MIA Pi Prires are Woad as ne esicskeel net ISO 6., to ausrle sad cetera TARPAULINS- Wareetere, geom. Or 1 JP tt... Mt 0; tilts rt, $11.76; CANVAS wr.7.71'w 44. ww.i.:sweet IMITTION trainee* MICHIGAN SALVAGE. CO. oots 2.22nOtT re, Noon TENTS -BANNERS We ewe Omerse ter sow neest see relent's* ree4ad. Camel Driver terdelso. 0.Henry Tent & Awning Co. 41CI North St. CHICAGO hi, ILL. TENTS CARNIVAL. CONCESSION AND OrtititS Weir. Us and We W.II Try and fie C.. Our. D. M. KERR MFG. CO Creed Aro CHICAGO 21. Kt. 040 Twee Ara. Lain.. Mies. WANTED FOR RIPLEY'S "Believe It or Not" Oddities and Novelty Arts Suitable for Stage Presentation*. Only First (lase Acts With Strong Entertainment Qualities Con.iderel) for This Vaudesilie Tonr. Send Photos-Full Information in First Letter to LER' DUFOUR Suite 909, 10 Rockefeller Plans, New York City. 20 COLEMAN BROS.' SHOWS WANT FOR FAIRS-FAIRS FOR MAC OF SEASON SNOWS - Midget. Ice. Monkey Seq.., Arcade. fat 61.0w, Reptile. Wet Skews Pit er Platform... CONC Caked Steles. Acts lor Side Snow. Cook Noose Hop. Help in an D.p,rf,,,swt,. Girls lee Revise. Pint Par, Mliklinever, N. Y. T1110S. J. COLEMAN This Welk. Pittsfield, Masa.1 Next Week. ab.plro. N. T.

36 36 CARNIN'ALS The Billboard July 29, 1944 Midway Marvels in Post -War Verne Vistas Are Visioned Air transport, robot operation, new materials seen in advanced -age trouping Dy Herman Bandy Manager, Dandy's All-American Shows SOME time ago, John W. Wilson, of the Cetlin & Wtleen :tholes, wrote en ar- Uele toe The ftiithoc-d on Shat he thought was going to be the metaphor In outdoor show bustrocas perhaps 50 years from now, or even sooner. Mr. Reeder, of the World of Mirth Shows, 1243 dubious about this, not only from the standpoint of the cost of materials that was suggested, but elso the cost Of!Wog large show by plane. A3 a carnival owner and tanager. I belieee I shall cut my lot with Mr. and even go bit further. After all. nothing could have been written better and with more trielon than Jules Verney 20,000 Leegnet Under the Sea. People at that time of writing shook their heads per hour, with a cruising range of and said It could not be done. Fulton miles. Budd company has already produced and has in service what It terms with his eleambeat. Edison with the electric lamp, Whitney with the cotton gin. a -flying box ear," which will put it ill 8whincride on Monday because of cold Bell with the telephone and the Wright direct competition with railroad express. water. Norris (Corky) Kellam. of the Brothers with the aeroplane are also Net Nullity at S cents a ton mile. This is Serinicado, was hospitalized with leg a few that people laughed at. They for express. What, then, can one expect infection. Andrei of the Conklin Shows thought It couldn't be done. freight rata to bet There will ho from the Calgary Exhibition In Canadian Lower Rates Coming many other large airplane manufacturing companies making plans to do the day morning and everything except throe Pulite freight service was at 5:43 Mon- But tett take a few facts and figures U Of tatty on transportation of the suns thing. attractions was operating at 2 pm By the time we are ready to transport equivalent of a 40 -ear Wirt -4d show. It Is my thought that Pan-American Air - carnivals by plane, weather reperting. rocket engines A2.3 necessary safety devices will be so far advanced that :Ines are going to cut their passenger what 3000 BINGO 3000 KENO bn W 20..on ee 100 rule sect, Plana to 2 moo sin. ter Gr.,n Lies. oott of 100 ow y ow4. W hoa intobirs. sas s W , orm,. TI'. 1141opros eunin!wl 2000,. Om S al, 100, st.1,000. $0 pm 100. ee:i." nisei. wns Lp If o -tort lloort. In. Ow. M. by 15 It.. to I ewde.a. ner.-oneykel Sills tote magnet on the safety bar contacts 0000 Jack SOp I VIM of 7 nuottonl per 1, ore on the car. This holds the passengers In piece until the ride is over. Then seas. Several parties were given in his two-day viall before bb departure over. M. W.Yayo k Onr4a, 0 GO Pw; %Was. On o% Rod 200 5,000 sawn Thin witow the contact is broken and the magnets St_Se woo honor. Lester L. Brown. co.owner of the 7 NM% pooh of too release the safety bar. which allow. the Side Show and Ohl Show. who returned O,000 row000fteot, "[Not o, people to step out after the ride la finished. 'Thu In Itself would be a much from New Orleans. announced his Mar. 41orof also 05 0'l Illnytyy Ow rtago to Karin allison, dancing teacher, TI,n Mow% /womb color more effective safety measure than the of that city. Several acts hare been ones to use today when the ceatorner added to the Side Show. Joe Drake still can at any time release himself end step hilhdles the inside. Sales representative out while the ride Is in operation. I $23: J. Lebb. $35: Retry Sane*. M Dole. 623: le J. Duff, 125; 8. SOlailan. AC ol Wog.. tw trooc.,e0,- woo eses-e nee ear from No p.m, 41 Worts.057' * oleo. J. IFI. SIMMONS & CO. 19 W. *bon Blyd., Otitacto 1, Nino! NATIONAL SHOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION GREETS YOU You on ol.gibie to member:hip In this fastest growing showmen's organization If you are a shcnymen or affiliated with the amusement business. Oubreorne. in the center of the amusement world. Palace 'Theatre Building, 1564!roadway. New York 19. N. Y. Mostly everyone of the Eastern areuserreet family I7 a member. Arc you, vir;re for Inferreoliee Initiation S10.00 Dam $10.00 Yearly.1:10. AND MRS. HERMAN BASELY rate from 5 cents mile to 1ti or 234 cents a mile. That would be a competitive rate, I believe. among all the lima which are represented by the Air -Transport Assoelation. Henry Kaiser and Howard /Lurks are working on an eirplene that will carry pounds at a speed of 400 miles w e mr.a:111.7 good today will look like child's play. Matter Midway Robot Sa 1 (,halt loon, wfins. UT Ns 4ectlesta watt As for a master robot In the center of Mb wow AO ow* ; 71 $ soft W : 200 wag, the midway to operate all rides that eras, 510 7s; 100 ewes could be feasibly so handled. something some $5 two 100 Ise ewes *Mr -.a..." se WI, w-atlad. similar Is already being done In big railroad yards. One man In tower can H e. I slings -N..1. Gob" TOW", flod-affy al Of 110 se too e4e1a. M well 55. centre! SO different 3yrItehft and place 50 trains on different tracks to tea than one minute's time. Let us take, for Instance, a new ride of tomorrow that will be operated by electricity but will still have the bade engineering of yesterday and today and with ears :nosing on e. track, Web ea the Ridee.O. The one man that Is on the ride for safety pushes a button to the robot. which autonuitically starts the ride. The moment that it starts en Nee - know this has been done. because we heve already had accidents happen that way. New Lighting Certain The length of the ride, with the robot In operation, would depend upon the time set on the chat of the panel on the robot, such as oae minute. two minutes and to forth. There would be no ticket sellers ticket takers but turnstiles such sis are now In operation at various subways, With one slot for the admits - Aden.% and one dot for tax coins, various change booths would be located about the midway. The end of light butbe on midways Is also drawing mere which will mean the end of light sockets, stringers, and require less wiring. I predict that on the show of tomorrow they will be replaced entirely by fluorescent lighting located indtrectly and showing W panorama of the beautiful colors of the r.cw colored plaattes and thus Ovine a more brilliant light with a more stalleng effect than ever. Because fronts will be made of plastics or gardlurt (gardlun will be a metal with chrome -like finish. one -quarter -of -an -inch thick and light as tissue paper but stronger than the toughest steel) they may be built 75 feet or blober and 200 feet or more tong. Sack braces will be made of tetescopie tubing of else same material, so light that ono man will be able to carry the entire bracing for 200 -foot front. Seising' in Operation There is today being used for tannery aircraft purposes a plastic that is stronger than steel. It cannot burn, rot or de - decay. It will not smell nor shrink with moisture changes and resists acids, oils and corrosive vapors, It is light In weight, Mu ability to stand shock and, when placed for pubilo use, It will be Inexpensive. Themfore, if such a Material is available now, what can we ex. peel for the show of tomorrow? To sum it up, it la my contention that a 40 -ear show of tomorrow will be trans. ported 50 per cent cheaper. more 100 per cent fiats:, with a oust to build 1.0 per cent 1w, and operate 40 per oent lower than at percent. This nu been written about the show of tomorrow. What about the shows et the day after tornerrow, REGINA OPENERS ZOOM (Continued from page 34) In this type of bie was shown, particularly on rides. All shows and rides went for a nickel on Kids' Day. noticiand abated the 25 per cent Increase at the main gates and grandstand on the two ant days. A106 Phillips did not operate the PAGE REACHES PEAKS (Continued from pope 34) plane and Terris Wheel. alternating in diffetent weeks Per the fair season rtdes were Oen new paint here. Prank, Dot and James Earle, old frtenda Of the show, arrived in Richrsiortd. Ky., and will stay until Shelbyville (Ky.) Fair, when they will leave, he to Male strrral State fairs and the and non. James, to their borne In Loutsvlte. 1L -a. 011ie Scott, mcther of Mn.a Rune, was a slitter. Mrs. E. Haag. of the former Mighty Haag Show. arrived In company with her grandson. Harry Jr. and will stay until school op ear. Joe J. Malaria, general agent of the L. J. Beth Show's, was a recent visitor. as was Shan Wilcox. Play. land Shows, which day and dated In Lex.. ingtoo. Ky. SUITON'S CHAMP STILL (continued front page 34) and Mrs. Sutton arrived Sunday for a Lucile Noewoed reported the largest sales 01 The Billboard In years_ BIB Norwood, 24 -hour man, has kept equipment running slid, kith* the show is moving weekly in long lumps, not an opening has been lost. Streator. III. the Fourth of July spot, produced a midway packed all day and night with free spenders. CRASH DELAYS ALAMO (Continued from page 34) formerly oh the rood soul now in cafe business, were natters. Mrs. Jim Schenck, wife of General Agent Jim Schencke, Harry Craig Shows, enter. Lined show folks at their Shanghai Amusement Center In Abilene with an after -show dine -and -dance party. Ilypo Klenecke gave his crew an outing at LaY.6 Abilene. as did Joe Alcar. Andy Tetnning and Bob Mayes, electrical department rebuilt the front Nell, which was badly damaged at Port Worth In high winds Thursday evening of tut week. A friend of Albert Wright. Lieu. tenant Mulford. Portland, Ore., was entertained at luncheon July 20. A terrine hest wave In Texas bas to far not curbed attendance and Mistimes continues better than last year's. Fair List A list of fairs and expotllions will be found In the List Section of this tutus WEST COAST 4TH BEST (COntineed from paw 34) Pres:dant 0. D. Mathews, assisted by Dr. Charles num. J..1. Hoskins and others, who made the rodeo a huge LWOW. Show was a part of the Buckaroo Pun Trail presided over by the queen Of the celebration, Business was near capacity from opening day, June 27. After the Fourth the show remained fire days at the location, making two weeks In Klamath Palls. Ocrseral Agent W. T. Jessup booked, billed It and promoted the spot. A. H. Lea. secretary -manager of SWIM: mats County Fair, was a visitor to the rodeo and midway. Show was saddened by the death Of Max John Welts, who died et a Meth attack June 27 in Klamath Palls Iliseynitel. He was 75 seam old and had spent moat of his life as a concessionaire In the East and has been with the show for the past ale years with a radio con - melon. Hie widow left the show foe her home In San Franeleco. Word was re. erred of the death of Anthony Chinks, a former employee of Jack Christenson, and killed In xenon In military service. He was a member of the Pacific Coast showmen', Asa:elation. SMITH GROSSES UP 40% (COattnscd from page 34) Peggy Ewell. niansger, Dale Dv leocdm. Deno Taylor. dancers; Pled Butch, front. Hell Of Science, Jimmy ray. manager: Dick Dunn, front: Dixie Du - eta. nurse; Henrietta, two.headed baby. annex. Necana. African python. Petty manager, Henry Aide:eh, tickets. Rides: Eddie Miller, smpertnter.dent: Perris Wiled, Bob HUI, foreman: Edward Lee Bowles: Chairplane, Markt Thatcher. foreman; Jimmy Styen; Middle Auto. Prances Warner. foreman: Kiddie eh-tiro:one, Pee Wee Code. foreman. 3ani Collier penny ride. Concessions: Ringo. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rockwar Dorothy Pockway, miler; Paul Benner. assistent: Mr. sad MM. Hiram Beat I& Mickey Vogel,, Rix; Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. King. flee; Mr. and Mrs - John Kerschgen. photos: Joe Orlando. cigarette*: Robert HUI. itlahpond: Pop Sells, pen game: Dolores Mse and Mary i.e. ttmlth, pitch-till...elm Jessie Miller. ball game; Porky Miller, darts: Itra. Pudic Dunn Smith. ono. Donald JustiU. three. Midway Cafe, Oita Rogakas, rnanager-ownee Lynn Rainey, griddle; Jimmy Costa. headwaiter; Jack Tracey. cook: Helen Teltne cashier. FROT,ICLAND FEEDS FUND (Continued from page 34) man. $501 Simon Sortn. $30: Al Cohn. 8.50; Charlie Taylor, $30: Ed Clemblis *50; Nick Maltem, 530: Bill Levinaker, 835: Lou Leonard. (i25: Paul Olson, t25; Joe Sidemen, $23: Betty Herman. $25; Mitch Itttasett Herman, 125; Miele Herman. $25; Drillick. $25; P. LIndorer, 25: J. Wesloskl. /25: J. ortnoptker. $23: Ralph Vogel, $23: John May. $25; Ruled' Dean, 125c Sam Osulkey. 1123: A. Allison. s25: T. Abrems. $23: N. Mandriele e25; 8. rotulay. $25: Howard Speer'. $23: <Stereo Carr. $25; Walter MoCluskey. $2.5; Jack Ilse, $23; AiphIe Phillip,, $25: Charlie Lucas, KM: Minnie flenreotas. 623: Alex Maltese. $25: R. J. Speers, $25; Jimmie au: Chaste O'Brien. 925; W. Andreas. *TO: Tony Welters em. C. I. 0. CELEBRATION Isletresmk, News of sow. 01,10, SuMsr. 2.11, SO ,K1.11 Obt reefiod. Gobe. July 01.A.}. 141 ONue Ass C./. bee 11 I (. OteltWW MIAMI VALLEY SHOWS 5, Ne11t ONITibtet DAYTON.OH10 KEITH CHAPMAN WANTS AGENTS Fee Red -Down Jed Raule-Liscule. Address: Cate Iterields S Wells Mews as par teats.

37 hay Thr nillhocrra CARNIVALS 37 JOHN QUINN Owner -Manager RLD MRS. JOHN QUINN Secy.-Treas. VICTOR CANARES Gen. Reprosentoliv PLEASURE E. C. MAY Spode! Agent S WO OF C. OWS BERT BILL POSTELWAITE 36 -Fr. of Rides LEON ELLIOTT Chief fiectriclon H. DROEGE Billposter GEYER Stink Artist Mellen's Lunch C. F. Mellen C. J. McCarthy "MICHIGAN'S LARGEST AND FINEST Crispy Corn and Candy Mr. -Mrs. Van Zile Mr. -Mrs. Pence 3 -Concessions -3 Mr. -Mrs. J. R. Carroll and Dale Sue Third Season With a fine Show Hoop -La J. J. Richards Already Booked for Next Yoor MIDWAY" 4 -Concessions -4 Mr. -Mrs. F. J. Wozniak Strictly for This Show Palmistry Mr. -Mrs. R. F. Keating Predicting Big Things for This Show Color Canto Al Kelly Don Bishop Doing All Right Rotary Merchandisers Mr. -Mrs. Warren Murphy first Seoson and Satisfied 7 -fence scions -2 Danny Corr With It and For It 6 -Concessions -el D. W. Leslie Having a Fine with goo! 5h.,tok, 2 -Concessions -2 Sam Solof Good ',tough To Be With and for S -Concessions -5 Forrest Poole Second Season With This Outstanding Show Photos Mrs. Thelma Elliott Moving a Big Season 5-Contessies-5 st Mr. -Mrs. Wm. Postelwalfe five Years With the Aristocrat of Michigan and sop;,tr.d Frozen Custard and Jewelry Mr. -Mrs. LeRoy Crandell test Wishes to Our Son, Richard, in the Service 3.-Cencessians-3 Happy Adams Swell Show, Swell folks, Swell Season. Pitch.711-U.Win Mrs. A. Trout Toxic, (Agent) WILD LIFE UNBORN REPTILE farm Pennant: George Ankrim Your Name on Hat., Pon....,,, Emblems. Buy More lands De Luxe Bingo Mrs. John Quinn, Owner Jae]. Will.11 o:;,,, }-,.,,,,,, Ernest Abbott Jenr Br.stedrle Silo Promo R. V. Ritz Best Wish*. To AD My friends Tun Heusi. (has. VanArsdale Clod To So With Michigan's Best Ptnytand Arcade K. C. Ries Second Seaton Wit), the lost Parisian Follies french Cosine F. W. Miller Atways Pleasing )(rosy Rob Kompany S. A. Baker With It and Contented Circus Sideshow (has. H. Hodges My Oast Season Pony Ride Mr. -Mrs. R. A. Kelly and Family THE RIDE BOYS With lt and for D. Rein or Shine. Silver streak Harry Whalen Tom Brooks Merry.Go-Round Addo Riker Twin Ferris Wheels Troy Scruggs Till -A -Whirl Ted Arthur Spitfire Art Krause Roltoplane Lloyd French Octopus Earl Gerhart Kiddie Auto; Ernest Barger Miniature?rein Dale Kelly Compliments of (has. A. Lenz Showme n's h...promo Men lire incite correspondence from outstanding attractions for our 1915 tour

38 . FOR 38 CARNIVALS The Billboard July 29, 1944 PENNY PITCH GAMES 14,4 PS Mu WA/. t Joi Pm IrIs6 IS Jut. Poo [ itzs PARK SPECIAL WHEELS 20" In Dlunmi W. Ws own, In Mae omt. SI SOO BINGO GAMES 75P..,.. Cowteot V.,... Oornoim 7.00 I /2 D...'. An Onion. SLACK MFG. CO W. Las is. CHICAGO. ILL. ASTRO FORECASTS AND ANALYSES All Readings Complete for 1944 WORN , Peo SI. *141704,.la Slue CRiose. tat..." , Sot.. titus Wkito Onto. Pentad and AsYy Fuses 00..r.. t.. AO Ilanvlins Ui cs11. F0ar tor 014. No. 1. as pow. Ansinot OW. Senn Ault WWI bane, 1/.6.r Pea., airs Mae. Ram 1.00 NEW DREAM BOOK 150 Pawn, I Sets PIntra... Cloartle ens Path/ Don.. lass.../ In Paw O.on. Owl Stn? ai Pam, a 154. MOW TO WIN AT ANY KIND F SPECULA- TION, W.11 'Hod 214 PACK OF 76 ICIOPTIAN P. T. CARO,. Answers AN Cloonlons. Local 514. Ate Sawa t Fmk =1Z aria Sam- 11. P 1000 *SRO Time PlATior. Roosts, at P... zee mliait Is WRIT7111 IN 7110 STARR. Po4414 Soolds. 15 P Oritalm all 12 A-tb.m. Yam Wen Wrist" SLOG po 100: bi MPH so Tow r. Snow Tow 111 a.kw. iscohnee. C n Or r 1a m cot 00 In /11 Pion. Onlon us P. P. Coln. SIMMONS & CO. 19 Wert pease. SW_ CHICACO Sone fee Vet/4mb P/kst.. AMUSEMENT DEVICES MODERN DESIGN -DISTINCTIVE APPEAL Moon Rocket Sky Dive Carrousels Kiddie Auto Ride ARAN HERSCHELL NORTH TONAWANDA. N. Y. Special Printed TICKETS Coils With Orders DAILY TICK ET CO. COLLINSVILLE. ILL. NO SHORTAGE On 0.0 Son ehine74.16i,n1 BUDDHA PAPERS a pg-r saae...i.tf the 1=4 willies Forma Witte 6. Clamor Ilfainfu tor Pstake P. *abysm, swans, N..1. BALL THROWING GAMES IN -y114.0, Vre.P. Eddillit It" WO : AMA* stri Ail moat of Sem set, omit mot lone % ' mo NW o/int to.4 "tirsiantft, T5l illookio. S. IL. AUoma. Oa STARTING faint IVHDWAY CONFAB Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati W. A. (BOB) nat.lock, general agent M the Johnny.1. Jones Reposition, accompanied by Mrs. Haliock. was in Cincinnati on business July 10. MARTIN au:m=4 BYRNES and ion. Francis. Joined the Green United Shows with corterations. Mrs. Byrnes Ls recovering from a recent operation. MR. AND MRS. ZABROWOSKT, formerly of the Sunflower State Shows. are operating a funbouse in Wichita Palls. Tex.. And mho has a photo gallery and restaurant. TINY AND CORMS ETIOJIMMAN, formerly with Dodson's Showis and Cavalcade Of Amusements. aro operating Dick tregecit'a cookhouse on the fled Allen Shows. IODISE. AND JIMMIE CRAVANNE and Father Everett. World of TbEay Shows, 'Lilted Skeeter and Cleorge McAllen. brauon dates at North Italtnnore, 0. July 24. MRS. ANNIE MAE LUCAS. for the ps,t three seuone with the World of Today Shows. be., taken over management of a beauty shop In Dallas. operating It for Mrs. Walker Melte. she moved to Au.. Tex.. where her husband In stationed in the army. REGISTRATION nd Sethi SectrIty cards WITH about 90 guests present. William B. (Red) Hicks, well-known general tbs., Red, Whits), od oven rho Red, proved that sees/ troupers hare *lace names rt2ent, and SL -4. (Rose)) Rieke celebrated entstay and Slim wont Melt it. their 25th wedding anniversary at their home in Rutherford, N. J. FRANK ZORDA. who has added t's'o WN attract Ilona ons to s o. 2 Side Show on the WHAT over become of lb. two -headed All-American Exposition Shows. reported au/.em mod In genies Ise loratims? good buatnem. Personnel Includes Madame Zelda, Roca Lee. Tiny O'Keefe. Chief With Hoo. Tom Ryan and Brit esmmerus, KIOACIEMKNIT of the L T. Shows at Liberty Avenue and Sutphin Boulevard. Jamaica, L. N. Y. was reported highly successful by members of Moreille Hargrave Post, American Legion. and a War Bond drive held In comseotton went over far beyond expectations. DURINO the Sunset Amusement Company's engagement, in Muscatine. the World of Today Nhows played Rock Island, Ill.. and Slabs were exchanged. ALL THAT WAS LEFT of Al Tcnuint's Side Show and Ed Ferrer -Ws Hawaiian Show after a 96 -mile gale hit the James E. Strates Shows In Rome, N. Y., Jury 12, demolishing eight show tops, numerous concession tents and dealing damage estimated at $10,000. Much canvas was replaced from quarters in Elmira, N. Y. It was the second Street blowdown within a month. $4,000darrugo having been sustained in North Tonawanda, N. Y., week of June 19. oneesatonatrea. on Tivoli Exposition Snow. at Wapeilo. WHAT Is probably the neat midway lending library Is being conducted oh the John H. Marks Shows by Margaret and Lena Harrison. For a fee they are lending out novels and other notion and rnagarinre and have over 400 books. ClMSAL house stoning dawn at 014 Hans b mere readily endured when It dec,n't In. clod. eye key mea- TUE seven -pound nine -ounce daughter, born to Lieut. Johnny J. Jones. Mr pilot, and Mrs. Jones in St. Petersburg. Fla, July 11, and granddaughter of the late Johnny J. Jones and Mrs. Hotly Jones, has been named Andres Marion. GOLDEN WEST SHOWS W1T/1 the Bartoot Shows earlier In Om Owe Deb Ram or CM. Ceess Glom tee the sear n, Mr. and Mrs- 0co5re Lay, are 1.011sols Cootoodom. Sim. W06.1 H,s, Photo operator, and tui Wagner. an' cub...ft.. Taft mt. asy Old CestIOns17e, are et Forest Park, 15 mike et Come Wit. NM Palm Mee% Amos Is. Murk. Oat of Toledo. They will resume Tele- Com Mtn owe ettermod. 1 en Solo. 10 fan fob filkwast. Don't RN*.Ira MM. topossa. Mos. SALE QUICK 1661k roe to los. A6S1.6.1 DISTANT'S 11110WS Ionwistm.flersda Bright Future? ONE of our biggest post-war eureka will be -trying to get ateutoused to competent help,- OatC & Banner Shove. Seen on the Butuet lot were Mr. and Mrs. Duette Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Jose Joedso, Dorothy Lemuel' and Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Hendereon, World of Today Sheers. IF al fkt white-collarrel.tiffs 4,. kip on Han t/. Dan how to eft Ow thew.10 waved She him a 511. it...said aimed salve the peebkis. WINNERS!!! 1014 SIG [LI Fo...P. J.ly Osman. Pank-Whadelcd. Location Roca'at. I et No. 10 N. Dm Ina No are RN Ofteon 161,00 4t.. No. n Oliaaoms Sin Nt. a te.nnot... C40. 7)0.01, ON No. M.nitotto, Tstal Ae0330 rev ot the A11 Oro Inn ELI witrrtri arena.% ropers. Then. are 1.10 kutett wanted te..vas.. In roars. ELI BRIDGE COMPANY IGO Cite 1114,1,1 Jacksonville, o PEANUTS We nate for weer[ shipaar--t OE5C1151/1 vinginia PEANUTS O. gut. 20e ter tot. Racs meat. 55 Rat ette.r with neer. no JOHN B. MORTINSON & CO, 2411 E. Illinois St A110 WANT Grind Shays that do not conflict. Can tow C. -O. Man for Cooldwuse. Can DUI* legitimate Steck Concessiona Foe Sate -3 2$ K.W. Transit:6mM d5: 1 K.W. Timolonner, $ TURNER BROS.' SHOWS Madittn, Li. GAMES Available at Once H.1,1 Settles, Bingo Cord., Shilo., 5060 Pees. Penny Pitches, Poo Pool Ind Tables Complete. S Blocks, Ccopont and Csart.. GAMES -Time Required Peskoll and Trook.. Fan Joints Roll Dewar. what. and Posh. Waterfall Slows. Sings Illstrets. WANTED TO BUY PING FOND SAILS. Now or Used. Catalog If You Are in ne fi,tinerr. BAKER'S GAME SHOP 2907 W. WARREN. DETROIT FOR SALE FAIRBANKS -MORSE DIESEL LICITT PLANT 60 P., 40 KW. Call Ito Seen l'er Route. L C. KHDIRY, Wit CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO, Clinton. Trnn., This Week t Lake City. Tenn.. Week ink 31 SPITFIRE FOR SALE Etta fa OrsLebas Isae.. Stal.,Wand. al RIAU &Or* nes temollos Oa* to minas; Heaps. An set *dam th batter. kat Iccta berm WO Lt.. Cate the [Dm Is MIL 1115cen be own I, soottlaa at Mt. Part. That a. Real lbw. CARR 0171,7. MILLER, 115 onmport, Am. ss. swots. Mks. Tottotoiroi Tenet AL OIPPORD. owtxo-ntanager of Oil - ford Bros.' Miniature Toree-Rteg Circus and Mectienk-al Farm Show. Won reported seriously III In St. Joseph Hospital. Denver. The No. 2 show. managed by FOR SALE 0. B.ILneth. in with Ralph ecm:ide ev!. tram [Idea. Mrs. OLfford to residing In Den - Mr. PLAYTIME SHOWS had fair business In Concord, N. II, in the week ended July 16, reported Jimmy Mitchell. Three nights of rain cut groves. Friday and Saturday were big. Clyde Hipps! has Mx coneetaloas. Ed BRIT COSTIta Perris Wheel. Ply-o-Ptane. Swings. Riddle Auto Ride mod Merry.0o.Round. Show went brck to MassaChUaetts. P. A. NELSON. general agent of the Parade Shows, who reported excellent weather and good bualnem, with shoal never missing a Monday opening. said ride help has been satisfactory. Ride. are Perris Wheel, Merry-Oo-Itound and =sup. Shows have 18 concessions. and Wool tot. Ii...an1,1 ternamem t1. osn be send refer cant OpRist O. W. 'HOPPE.' MOORS at menet& Loath Amine. wont Otnlaf, or writo Sot 770. Oman Coresill0 tor tessenstle. Deolant Ita*Soca. FOR SALE sterlfzi A).6.4,csavele sad Maar WA HENRY PAUL Fomerto W. H. Do711i N. Pot Am PHILACILFHIA, PA. Arcade Mechanic Warded slin Chow Wortlets eto Arta4.1 mom awl set ak0a111 LS. owe JWinA7 J. Joao, gay. a.. Lima, 0116, 24.20t Wax* Ind., 4.17 aeotes.

39 July The Billboard CARNIVALS 39 WHEELS OF ALL KINDS Tfokada-Poddroo-loydowna Complete KENO CloHtts CARNIVAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT TAMES, STRIKERS, ETC. Still Available EVANS' 816 PUSH Write for Certain, H. C. EVANS & CO W. Adams St., Chicago 7 SNOW CONES POPCORN SUPPLIES We line n complete line of S Cone and Popcorn Supplies. Buy pour supplies this year from the aource that give* you all three: Top Quality! Low Prieeal Same Day Se -nice! Price Lists Gladly Sent Upon Request Gold Medal Products Co. 318 E. Third St., Cincinnati 2, 0. goow PRINTING POLITICAL CIRCUS - CARNIVAL AtiTn roma Coma r foralds SWAN Tyra 1.4,,n4 Ise. Rain Owen to A:.0 6,6 WRISt reit ban moon ass MC* LIST CENTRAL Sufis Plesennfieograirr Cf1L IOWA BIG ELI FERRIS WHEEL NO. 12 FOR SALE relas e0011. perfret tresthimi. A1330 mon rcit. a... can br IMO 3.,1.16:3' T, IC 1.0 CH T.,1r. Al., rem letetesucoal Tractor and 20 rt. annl Trolls, to Taal am. on. f -r $1, cul. OM/ and Sock It Pen L C. HOMY, CRESEBtI AMUSEMENT C,,t4.1, Torn.. Ta`r Le. ens. Tins. Wow Jell at. H. F. HARVEY SHOWS Open only to Aaaprat. Pitying Arkantas, attrittateet 1 book Andes and SINaws with men tern. rcosi;on. All Casoes.none open. Clck 9o,00, OM. Hooded% and NI people:wits, lee ;ail year, gat in contact wile, me. All replies: 120 Coleman Si.., Cleveland, Min. WILL PAY SPOT CASH tate Model 7 Car Tillatse or Sete andined 3 Car Whirr, 1.41h or wirhmat trenaporlation. Conaldc. Caterp.tlar Ride, the model. No hark. Wile per rest*. Crescent Amusement Co. Clatter, TIM", Th.ts Week: take City. Tone., Week bay al. WILL BUY FOR CASH Ro'lo-Pla,a or Octockrt; mint bo Vn Inn{ -c fail ox9dition. TURNER IIIROS.1 SHOWS Ft. Msdiaen, Ia. GASOLINE BURNERS AND TANKS Ali Mokos, Ports and Senate I. SCIIORE 119 Chamhein 51. Now York City HARRY ALLEN LINICER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Liniger, Galesville, N. C., formerly of Liniger Bros.' Shows, recently graduated from Harlingen (Tex.) Army AN Field aerial gunnery school, receiving a diploma, pale of aerial gunner's wings and a promotion in grade. His address is Harry Arc,. Lniger, , APO Caro of Postmaster, New York. Mrs. Nehion was tu Quoins tho date In Oaawatocnte, Kan. MIXT boa you see a foramen trying to pat tap a ride Witheet any help, prey' that you don't MI haw and don't atki "Hovers yes doing?" FORMER girl -show operator with Al Wagner, Art Lewis, Ralph Decker. Er.dy Bros. and prank West. and player of club dates In New York, Boston. Chicago, Detrolt, CtON eland sad other Mies. Peggy Murray. member of ton Caravans and AOVA. ts roartou.siy ill at 204 Northeast mond Avenue, htlarni, reported her hu.s.. band, R. 0. (Bob) Murray. VISITING the W. 8. Curl Shows at Golf Manor, Chathinati. were Ott. and Mrs. Lee Becht and children and Mr. and Mrs. Janes Lucas, taking A week's vacation at Lauterbsers Oros% Cinclnnatl. Mr. and Mrs..1. T. Randolph. Otrea's Volted Shows, plaited Harry and HunahLne Lewis. Fritz Loam. agent for Lawton left to pick cherries In tatte.h1gml. TEMC?ETTA. The INNbOard sates agent of Germs', United Shows, reported good business for the Aurora, Ind.. engagement ending July it Prom the front Prod Haynes. with his public address aysteito. is telling about Capt. Dilly hens. low.at. All rides hare new paint. Pop - non, snowball. cotton candy and photo gallery concessions are getting excellent play. New Death Valley Show. owned by Captain semi. is doing okay. WHILE the Sunset Amusement Company was In Muscatine. Is. Mrs. T. M. Henderson, sarauted by Mrs. IL H. Oar - man. Mn. tarty Lemon and Mrs. Torn Fleming. aurpetred Mrs. Robert Congilia with a baby shower at the MustaUno Hotel July 12. thsiow women ettenang were airs. W, 0. Weaver, Maydean Weaver. Col., Marchbank, Mrs. Lucille Bunch. Mrs. Huddle Wagoner. Nedra Kyle. Mrs Jack Thomas, Mr,. Mom Brewer. Mn. Floyd Kyle, Mrs. Louts R,yea, Mrs. Billie Keyes% Mrs. Mary Cunningham, Mr,. Minnie stratum, Arlene Word Wedding IN his fifth season on the staff of the Johnny J. Jones Exposition. now co -owned by E. Lawrence Phillip* and Morris Lipsky. Louts Rosenberg comes up with this one: '"Should American relations with / continue to be friendly after the war and should the Jones abow decide to play that territory. it would be very simple to arrange the owners' names like this: PHILLIPSKY. That ought to please the Rus- sians.- "girst T5hings Tiirst" Our first responsibility is to the men at the Fighting Fronts and our policy of 100% co-operation with Uncle Sam as evidenced by the award of the Army -Navy E pennant for our "all-out" war effort. At this time we regret that it is impossible to accept civilian orders until the end of the war. Then we will be able and happy to take care of your canvas needs. OWE115 E CO. NAVY PHILADELPHIA, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF G0005 CHICAGO. ILL. OCTOPUS ROLLOPLANE FLY -0 -PLANE World's Most Popular Rides EYERLY AIRCRAFT CO., Manufacturers, Salem, Oregon CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO. WANT 3 Big Date-Clinton. Tenn.' Lake Cite, Tenn.t Oak Ridge, Tenn. Biggest U. S. Gov't Project in South. Over 150,000 People Working. With 10 Fain, Cloning Annistlee Day. WANT Independent Strews with own seulement. Circe. Sid. Show. *rusts!. Wildf in, Girl SIore with three Or was Cirtt. WKS bur Girl Show Banner, and Sep. Colored iretti.m... and Aluriciara, Comedian to ',OWL Trombone. Trumpet, Sax, wire Ooc Andante. Saiai,es paid by office. RIDES: Will book or pay Cmin any tate Lek, Roloolsnr. etc's" 711rovrttirl or Whip. Dual loop-oplaso. Rid. Help that can driro semi Irons's, Second Men for Twin Wheola, Ckairplane. II yew drink. den/ answer. CONCISSIONS..111C what you kw,. we can place you. Sell tracaettre Curtard, Novelties, Lead Gallery. Want Penny Arcade, NI Striker. flumpwr, POch T111 We, Hoopla. Rotaries. Seeks Age. WM buy Tripod scab. Address I.. C. MclIF.NIIY. Mgr. Clinton, Tenn, This liveekt Lake City, Tenn., Week July 31: Oak Ridge. Tenn, Aug. 7. Fairs Start A.hmille, N. C., Lan Week in August. THE WORTHY SHOWS, INC. "America's Second Best" Went for Gowauda, N. Y., Firemen's Convention, Week of July 31 to August 5 and for Caledonia, N. Y., Fair, August 8 to 13. Roloplanc, extra Ferris Wheel or any other Ride other than those we hese. Cookhouses, Stock Conon:Ions, high Striker. We, hold fence to fence Contract. Adder -as MARTIE SMMT., Conceal Agent Niagara and Ontario St., Buffalo, N. Y.. Week of July 21 to 29 BISTANY'S GREATER SHOWS WANT ear term Iola In JadcrosOle. Tlevils. *Owen S>-snesa. as... alit nes ore 4a7. stevars Anp.rt er. For tonoe,4 del* filmed, backed. An 'rim e& enekidevra. too mom esenvouto rites' mate W. rau. ZuMnounak- Maws^. Leese. hit GabSeretZs: run. t.,... rat,. raria=ce. 1=461 Went Pen zit Bra -b Milts.1 Woks,* W.. tools3 used relidla ad Awe. MM. noncalltoe, Prat Yew sad Ilito.11-StrLArronit wits Pard. Friary oat of thee. wtmt WtIllsreo. ert la 'ewes sits no. naressa..loe:slatliatz 'L. ato.0- No eblpan Steers or INI.A. roe auto-'10100 Cook How.. nuavirta WW Dia Imo de.i.. MOD., Du It co Xi Own or ate road tote,. Oto$ et owe, Loathe tee the arnrd Sail rrorrsee. TN, Warr 6b1 bow. Also Let L t We - ttst ward twatre 11,..0.' fif,:k rear..1,.. t'l,.3.0.1% i 'NI 1.,...ot to..., =0..24 to lar {gold cem-..den. Writs or etre L. M. OISTARY, fromenilikah toe Imam. ATTENTION, ALL SHOWMEN COMMUNITY AMUSEMENT PARK Across from main entrance to Kentucky State Fair, Aug. 28 to Sept. 4. Hare &peer for Ride. that don't conflict. Shows of all kinds. Country Store, Slum Joint, String Came, III.Striker, Guess Weight and Age. Stock Joints of all kind., N on everything booked. Write F. 1. BENNETT. Amusement Park, Queen Avenue at Central. louhaille 8, Ky.

40 40 CARNIVALS The 11111hoard li11; 29, WHORE THE CROWD IS YOU WILL 591 THE EIOOEST Mr ON THE MIDWAY "KNOCK THEIR BLOCKS OFF" /1%1rn,, popular torlay-it'a hi truthless *tart to let op *MK...re osiance., 11 foot *etc ale aim ficum, S6^ higa *Come art padded * fluky colon * Portable RL'SR TOUR ORDER-TOD 11' Each Came (I Hamm) S Your Choice of 3 figures SI24.50 lltustraird Circular With More Pilaffs on Request FRENCH GAME at NOVELTY MFG. COMPANY 1e37 NORTH 16TH STREIT ISM MILWAUKIL 5, WIS. BET WAR ROADS NOW AFTER THE WAR BUY A NEW REY WAR sramps NOW WHORL In the meantime keep your old rides safe with the original builder's parts. SELLNER MFG. CO. Faribault. Minnesota FLAVORS FOR ICE BALLS, ICE CREAM, FROZEN CUSTARDS AND DRINKS A Oa alive Use M sinner. Ocet,!1.1 Calm. Ottne hen, Vortaa.LIIF 0-40a w1.1 Safatc.CO. TI, bootc,c. WHITS roll BIAPLEB IMO ponces. All Mewl cluermend is Comer, With Pim Eco0 Lou PURITY EXTRACT MFG. CO. 1 c I. annkvj SHOWS TMIU T 2115)11. LFtousins1:11AlisAsurelve. J J. FOR GERMANTOWN KENTUCKY FAIR. HOLM 8-12 AND OALANCL Of MASON. INCLUDING MIDDLE TENNESSEE ORM FAIR, LAWIENEIDURG, REHR, NORTH ALUMNA STATE FAIR. FLORENCE ALABAMA JACKSON COUNTY MN, MARIANNA. FLORIDA BAY COUNTY FAIR. PANAMA CITY RORWA I Lostroure Corarnent of ail kinds, Inctudma Long Rants Gantry. leek term,. an 3 Wt I. RIDES - Wili cook ore or two race Kiedie Rides. WANT Good Shone with own ceonwient. Fat Mew. Lilo co Unborn, Big Snake. Sebum and MO. Smirk, anawlr. WANT R.d hih on all 9.6m. Prete. them who Orhe unite, Place Performem me moskiam for Mn,),.!.. Seism out of Ohm. All rw-plie..). F. SPARK c, Salem, O.. th iv werk ; Newark. 0Itily 3 IAug. 5. BoiliT HE JAPANAZI Taken Itof oboe of tialwre a. Oars Carom ituoing repeat, wipes operated. A Top saumr.e.orter to the t.n. A tut cube tiww that taps all other Dart Ceuta Send 3. stamp ler Illutreted atcoatar. FRANK M. %TLC'', 735 1F-aatt Multi St., not-herter 5, N. 1'. ROYAL EXPOSITION SHOWS WANT In Ian on wt.. veer end ref.able Wheal Coaster that can deers semi, Second Man on ISerrpCc-Round. firm evening for Frozen Custard, Popcorn. Comfy Apotos, unan Cookh11an, of Co., IM cloy kimein, muweati. Ammon POrr.siry, Penny ArCSICIII. MINIM SNOW Rides. Oct:c.o. Cr Ratko-Plans. Adders: Tab week, Veldmts, Ce.1 ht, 21 to Aot S. HouRrI,K Cs. MANACCR, ROYAL EXPOSITION SHOWS. CISSCC. Sedum. wire I. P. Bost, WAN'TED-COOKHOUSE HELP-WANTED JOHNNY J. JONES SHOWS LONG LIST OF FAIRS. HO LOST TIMI. Pinner Celt,het fort de pootry. C.,kcids Mu, _Waters foe Sit Down Crab, Divawasterl. Co. tent WAX. 1(.1c1WO K. Y. SWIM, MACKIE MARTIN, POP EYE WILSCN,GNARLY BRANDT, MAT NIMEAICK. LOUIE WALTON, WM. F. ICURitvi SMITH, Slim LINTrir.y or any of the oadtimets Tab week. Una, 0.: twat week. MP... hid.. III/a fib. WI,. er cane ea. CEO. RIINHARDT. It.nelrickoon. 2.1m. Buddy Chornee, Mrs. Dm:linger. Mrs. Trod* Holman. Anna Mae Tandy and Mrs. Ola Kincstnn. 211w. Gal guest. were Mrs. M:nnle Garman. Mother of K. H. Garar-an, and hts niece. Joan Merge. WORTHY SHOWS doted a successful week In Medina, N. Y. July 15. pinying to one Of the best attendances this ova. son. All rides and above did nearcapulty busineu, said Fey Lewis. Bs - tarts. N. Y.. Also proved a winner. Nightly awarda of War Donde are proving popular. 111 Buffalo That week maniocs were Allied Societies of St. Valentine's Church, with date for Rivereldo Post, Arneritan Legion. to follow. Wilbur Leworthy. son of H. K. Leworthy, badly cut by glass In Batovia, Is Improving. J. A. METTLER, fourth vice-president of the Piscine Coast Showmen's AtoOde- Von. made a hole In one at his Delboa. Oolf Course. San Diego. which has ono:1y course. ropertod A. J. (Mehl Whalen. conceesiouoire. who witneeeed the feet Mettler. accompanied by wee. len. Jimmy Smith and Capt T. MetlOck Lost pllot for Coneedidated Aircraft, lald a perfect ace shot on the yard elgus hole. The San moo //Mots end J. Jetnop & Sons presented Mettler with a aterting silver badge and memhotelier In the Hoie-in-One Club. GLADYS JACOBS, Dyers Bros. Shows. wu surprited with a birthday party on July II given by her husband. Bobby. After Opening her gifts a chicken dinner was served climaxed by a large candle. lighted cake an:mated with the Stars and Stripes. Theme attending were Mr. ARA Mre. Carl BTers Mr. end Mrs. Miller Adams, Mr. and MTS. Glenn L. Ryder. Mr. and NO*. Howard. Punk Mr. end Mn. Whitey Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton EWA, Mr. and Mrs. Slam Griffith. Hr. and Mrs. Freddie Bates. Jack Edwards and Cheater (Code) Wambold. MART gifts were rtestltpd at a baby shower In honor of Mrs. Donald Walker. daughter of AR. and Mx*.?Ake loosen, Jesuit 38 In Flagstaff, Aria.. and given by Omit* McCarthy, Yellowstone &sou. Show members attending Included Mr. and Mr.. Tony Spring. Mr. and Mra. W. U. Dwarf. Mr. and Stre. E. L. Hovezden. Mr. sad Mrs. It W. Heath. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Hall. Mr. and Mm. Zeke Oleamm. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Dupree. Mr. and..l's. Roy Goforth, Mr. and Stre. 0. R. Simmons and family, D.R. and Mee. Charlie McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hurtle:, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Norton. Lois Byers and daughters. Mee. Steve Miller. Mrs. Lore Mlleirml Warren. Christine Slum. Anna Taylor, Tinsley EXey, Junes Glee - 'on, Eddie Moore, ringers &Mt William Wilietta, Bill Pa. -n:. Tom Vaughn end II. Margo. Itefreehments were terve& Pet. Donald Walker Is stationed at Cemp Butner. N. C. 6rattiEN13 BROWS hod the largest trasinoss its their history at the July Colebnetion to Oeceola. Ia., end the deal In Vletne, Ta, woe far above that of lest year, reported Delmar Ilarrtdge. mechanlaiburg. la date was lost due to mix.up about Use of the lot after the chow had pulled In. Report from Ana - mask Le adds that the Notion brothers hero bad good taken done Joining with their barred of fun end candy flora. Sir. and Mrs. Albert Pewter and Mete aro haring their share of business. Harold Grey replaced William Phelps Ss foreman Of Kiddie ride. Bud and Core Whitney and Bob Wheeling. sad/tent aro doing okay with the corn game. Buddy and Harry Whitney purchased the office truck and Will turn It as stook truck. Not Clear TALKER (making an opening on front at a small fairt- "Ladlee and gentlemen, Inside ebbs!nog stretch of canras we have :rake of every dezeription. These are Oink Oink. the hog boy; hull. the elephant -like run: Gee Haw. the mule boy. and Bea Boa. the sheep -halted man." An aged darky in the tip piped up: "Mister, what yo'eul done got In theali? a die de side,.bow or is die de clock barn?' Hilh? MUM at First -of -Mars father viaitot. tin salted: '-acoti. what aro your environmentar 0. C. DUCK Shows In Port Edward. N. Y., Juiy 10-15, bade Mg winner for rides and thaws, while cortocallento Only had a Mir play, reported Roy P. Peugh, press agent. In Yoravine. N. Y. lest week. under auspkes of the fire company, opening was a surplice. with at. Vendome far beyond expeetattoim. The lot. also played by the "how last year, has been enlarged to about trio. Its former else. Recent Arrivals era Mr. and Mrs. Avery Whie:oek. candy floes and two gusto; Mr. and Mrs. John &Mario, with nominee, end Cliff Young, magi. IT Isel semeides that Movneen sato a lot of unbar/at the wind and rt... we have noticed Oat thrr lewo their tent. and rides outside Pt an Medi of weather, elan. In the Side Show with Jimmie Hurd. P. E. KELLY, general agent. reported this roster ter the Eiletany Greater Shows. playing In Florida: Leo M. 13tetany. owner; Mrs. Vi Ithstany. secretary - treasurer: Patty Finnerty, bilationa maneget; P. E. Kelly, general agent: Arthur Carver. superintendent: B. B. Mills, fora man of Merry -Go -Round: Roy Winter, Merman of Cbalrplane: Willie Brown. foreman of Octopus: Willio Terrell, foreman of Perri. Wheel: Roger Crenshaw, foreman of Kiddie AMC /Ma Carver. RIDES WANTED fir PHIL LLHAY'S NEW AMUSEMENT PARK IN TM( HI.A.RT Of TAMPA. FLORIDA, the comospoltws elf), of the South. Solders aa av swd defame workers big. GO in on the grand Awe. Thb Is a omen mane, ap01. No towdowne or harp headache, foe the duration. Can Place good Oen Cowan - SW* Wril Oro whet sou my.. BILL CORBETT P. Tanya I, Fterlfa WANT CONCESSIONS Poo Co.,. ard Snow Cone, Slum forms. Versa Crom wants Agents for OM, Ca-.. and Slam lent. Will book or buy for cash ecoto.plene with ttansportannn; nut be It A -I condition. Second Mon for Rides, top eatery. STANDARD SHOWS Riverton, Wye., week 24th; Thermopolis. Wyo., 31st. 'WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH Various Kiddie Rides it you hem Photo tend h. SOX 0.25S, Ts , OloOnnat121, COto. SECOND-HAND SNOW PROPERTY FOR SALE FICI.DO W. Tulsa. SocHact. lee Cll., OH OIC Huth Sena. LH* IND Wat Hoof an* Dry. 1.; -co oo laktola CP.e. S50.00 LIN TN.* lazolelf VaIantlro Colton. olv, W. Hood end Han., ITY SHOP If Strambaary el, PhnaalsMata, PS. POPCORN SEASON SUPPLY Bast, Cote... Oil, Salt, Con.. Attn..: SOX 417, care The d, 390 Anode Bldg.. Sr. Leo). I. Mo. WILSON FAMOUS SHOWS WANT roamer to TILT ant WHEEL. al. feta Rib Heir. Clocolra. Arm. Sttn-k Poo. We. dale Card, Mwlaetlw. Ill. Rayons Knowing Whereabouts of MONROE 31ePEAK Amur his W.., Hon vied nrot 1,. him R. E. McPEAK Aker* Shane LUMMOX. TIXAS

41 July 29, 1944 Thr 11illhnerrir CARNIVALS 41 high ere dire. free attraction; Ruby De - Sauter, front gate. Constasiona: Patsy IRostana, net; agents, Brahma,. Roalana, Nimund DO Lire. Al Selzer, Mite Alien, Cappy Martin. Sol Adyr and Wayne Willee manager: George thrkirs. one; AI Do Luce, one; Nick Shamahack. two; Mr. and Ides. Mike Bekteras, twn; F. E. Kelly. two; agent, John Kelly; Ray Detainer, one: Mr. and Mrs. ZacchInt two; Greene ye...chola. four; S.5. Mils, one: R. A. Oer. don, diggers.; /Antenna. photo 11212rrYi P. Smithy Martin. front gate. and The BillbOord sales agent. AT a gala birthday party tendered Sit Cask. the penguin girl, on the night of July 15 in the Johnny J. Itenlano Side Show top of the World of Today Shows in Rock /stand. Ito., a buffet dinner was meted In charge of Vannoy Stokes. ober of the Berme Side Show. A huge birthday eake adorned the center table and the guest of honor Was recipient of many gifts, which she opened while perched on a high chair, with assistanbe of Katy Moss, assistant In Red Ounn'a cookhouse. while the gang sing Nappy Birthday. Among those proscnt were Mr. and Mrs. L. O. (Curley) Reynolds and their nephews. Lyle Wells and Jackie Ben - sings; John J. Repine, Louis and James Cheyenne, Jackie Kantell. Mr. and Mrs, Paul BeJano. Harry Leonard. Homer Sharer. 'red Vintr.g; Mona. the alligator girl: Blue Osenbaugh. George Torch. W. J. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willa; &tr. and Mrs. Charles Sthibi. Mr. and bare. W. S. Mess, Mr. and Mrs..1. Fetterman and Helen Fetterman, /male and Dixie O'Dell, Dick. Kabsge, Bob Pottery. Glen West. Oeoreb Hotly. Cecil Renner. Nell Bastado, Ethel McCoy. Pee Wee Parker, Pearl Murrell. J. E. Book and Duke, night seitirs,m an In the Armed Forces T/CORP. CARL I. 1.AUTMER JR.. army or dnanco department. Camp Bcwie, Texarkana, Tex., splint his first furlough In IS month* visiting his father, operator of Carl J. Lauther's Oddities on the Johnny J. Jones ExpoS1- bee% then it played In Youngstown and Akron, 0. boatswain mate, drat clam, t A. E. Er -e imwhord" pens -Burn enjoy1 board and pass ' It along to others The who were an the road:* CORP. ClIARLM S. FORD with Marie's United Shows before entering service, has been overseas for the past 16 months with the Army Air Force its North Africa and Italy. Lila address Ss APO 620, care Of Postanaater. New Fork. SGT. JOSEPH A. MILLS, form= au, abowcacm. is now somewhere in England. and Ernest Wield. Chicago hotel man. who is now a war correspond. one, recently Tar. across Mills at a bomber station. Infield reports that Mills, a member of the Showmen's League, told tim: "Talk about show business! ThLs 15 11:sal xyznirrr EWEN'S BALLEW S 1/c former ride foreman for several years on Byers Bros.' Shows. la to the Southwest Pacific. a SERVING in the South Pacitla area and recently treeteing n promotion to ro.v.y st.arting to get er.citing.- Adr-..., r. IA, A', s4,4 n... so,, ROLL STOCK TattILETS WELDON,WILLIAMS & LICK 2000 PER ROLL FORT 3311% II I'r M, ARK. I ROLL 710 TICAITS 141;1.CT TAX lel4t SIMI. 111, Pea, B ROLLS. 0...e0e ESTARL0.109 PR.:L TAX sea tout. rote MOOT II CO: TtlY 5 a 1'.-5 k: ItiletRID frlar 1 LIP G Rita PtACATZ. twall tennen, ate an o. two St13's. Great tbta ttytte that antra the NI,.1,4 ; braralt. (keys vt0 tatniosi eel ilsonr) per day co Patortay r- 1 in wt. 'MN ,4 day 1 anis% ran, Oratialere. Md. 30',11 J. Caron ors, -I as own*, ratiatint- ONLY CO with (Sr 52 nexus dam In $ travel:el &stela. ten tm lent: slat osopkta. we up +bite. Maths, eta. only $ OUR GREAT "BOUQUET OF LIFE" SHOW really the greatest show or. earth. It's FOLDED TICKETS DAY & NIGHT SERVICE * Absolute Accuracy * Dependable Delivery * Finest Workmanship * Best of Materials * Perfect Packing * Bonded Guerantee CASH WITH ORDER PRICES -SPECIALLY PRINTED -SIZE 1 x $ sow. pritos for any wording d red. For!lib [ hng of wording and eater add 51.0). 1,1r r).ng. of coin,.v.ty,aticl Coo:. No ord., forlaaathan of skindorcolcr. GET ONE OF THESE GREAT SHOWS FOR THE FAIRS, PARKS OR CARNIVALS!AP ATROCITIES In the DEATH MARCH ON BATAAN and THE INVASION earns $ owe at Karam Isla rant: bet., than 12,000.14) verl NCedar rcbt. 1,14.14, ank, and an tea carnifyik. OBIT cc.-r.:irta fra...xxe. 3 eft,. 40 lett bow. 3 'summery ONLY $ Send 10", Ronaloller 04111:1. 0,10 N.- MO. lra, CHAS. T. BURL & (0. -Newark, Ohio ROT OCR I LI.-AMAZING NEW CONBINA11011-MCTRIC FOUNTAINS =;gls,jeallgio.1371t ; Resist oral marten. dear Xeres. Wert moll vietrate r -r- ftwcwre,.411.4t'alleagw.:a gyro.l.f; fofttor basilttrwra Beast grig.r.1%.frea. ROUT 311 to Mow aid aata a.m. rya tsar ovvnemlan. Abe UN. enk. M.1* 10, for Pagetorevn ta vat Jewel Rec. 6 Mfg. Co, 216 -BB W. Kinzie SI., Chicago, III. WABASH 4-H FAIR Aug INDIANA WANTS LECITIMATE CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS W. G. WADE RIDES ROCHESTER 4-H FAIR Aug ARGOS, WINAMAC, RENSSELAER FAIRS TO FOLLOW Can place Ferris Wheel and Merry-Go-Rouncl Foremen. Wire C. D. MURRAY, Carleton, Mich.. July ALLEN & NI(KERSON SHOWS WANT For the following proven money spots-mid:report, this week, followed by Ironton, Portsmouth, O.: Maysville, Ky., then Fifteen Weeks through the South. CONCESSIONS -All get in touch with us. W. (Strawberry) Sallust wants 11011Down, Razala and Six Cat Agentst work every week. SHOWS --Will book any Show except Snake, 25e.e. get your winter's bankroll get in touch with es. If you want to ALLEN Cr NICKERSON SHOWS, S. W. Nickerson, Manager. FAIRS FAIRS Rising Sun. Indiana, 'fug. 15 to 19, American Legion and 141 Club Fair; Jackson County Free Fair, Brownstown, Indiana, Aug. 21 to 26. WANT 2 farce Cook 143.tsys for Trawnst7arts. A.b.,0 Congo. Rarity Photo Cesry. any Sleek Concessions. Skews: All OM% eatery! Atechantleat grid Snake, at 25 pet cent plus tax.. Rats. W.: bad,. Tilt or Octcpus. West to buy factory-tuet Kid A400 REM. must be A -I. Wv'l to buy SOJarokOf or Corn! for Snake. Sw's. we cam one of the strongest draw** Fres Acts er, the toad, Caot. Silly Sell's PcrlomsA-ig Lions. An Maw GEREN'S UNITED SHOWS llerrty, Indlant. holy J. R. EDWARDS SHOWS WANTED WANTED FOR FIREMEN'S JUBILEE WEEK AT WILL1RD, 0., AUGUST 7 TO 12. Shows and Logitimato Colicearions of all idels. Can plate Tilt.a.Whirl, RollmPlane. Experienced Ride Men, come on. Address all mall mid wire. to J. IL EDWARDS SHOWS. Byesville, 0. CITY RIDES WANT,,,,,, co,,,,c,..., or Gab, alto traltirnale Concessions of ell lure,: fro Critti for rout of woven spots in Cexcla and Sown Carolina. all under strong illsgke3 on uptown locations. FOR SALE (UN HOUSE -Portable Allan Henehen R0-1.0 Fun Ham, like new. 60 h. Ire. -1. MINIATURE SPAIN -Geed.w. duvet lorornetiv and two USX. Camelot* With Rack. LICHT PLAN'T-4)'3 K.W. D.C. gasolene plant. In good con6tion. Au of the above priced to refl. Address: JOHN T. TINSLEY. City Rides, 22 E. Court St., Greenville, S. C. WANTED SHOWS 10.11w1, Big Snake, Monkey Show or any Show of merit for 10 weeks of Ohio Fairs, commencing Lucasville Fair, Aug. 2.5; Piketon, 0., Aug. 8.12, HOWARD BROS.' SHOWS (Dome Address) Millfield, Ohio

42 42 CARNIVALS The Billboard July 29, 1944 Showmen's League of America Sharman Holed Chicago CHICAGO. July 22.- Membership appileauotra have been coming In well and epeeist meeting will be held loon to dispose of these and became:bated Mumma. Thcoe on hand are from Earl D. Wagner. Charles J. Russ Oeorge IL Taylor. Zack Terrell. H. L. Watson, Sam Arens, Hayward Berry. Graham P. Davis, Marna J. Healy. Loots FL WOOdruff, Harry Miner, Frank Morrissey, Harry W, Drees, Leland 0. WI: - /Owe. John E Homer, Wllllnm Boneman, Claude R. Dutton. Fred Reed, Manny IC. ICLIne and Clyde Carton and credited to F. E. (Semen& Arthur Homer, MUM, Brown. Jo*.1. Twit/ins, John Miasma E. C. Drumm. C. A. Sonnenberg. Petty Fiver and Andy Markham. Red Cross donation.. received are from Sunset Amusement ConioanY. thru K. If. ennui and Harry Lanion. $111.30: DeIcarian Amusement Contently. MOO; not (Mlleb.) Park, $128: Flint Playland. $25; IL 8. (Curly) Clark, ale: Atwell Lunch Club, IS. Receipts In the Serelormen's Mustering Out Fund are from Marshall L Olsen, SIR J. 0. Burkett, II& Communications came from B. 8, OMIT, Sunset Amusement Company, Henry N. Shelby. Joe J. Pontar.s.?red H. Kresemann, Marshall L. (Been. F. E Cloadieg, Nate Lewis, Harry BernateIn. Bra Deno. Ben R. Troutman and Smile/ Daly. Callen. have Included Ben Block, Paul Inaritigan, A. Medal: Mules Shubb, Texas. Joseph &tortin. now in the auctea. ar4 Chutes Sparks, feeling better after a boleti -a at Rochester, Minn. M foe calla. Erick list atilt Include* Nate (fee SLA on pope n) New Members for Caravans CHICAGO, July 22,-At a special meeting to be Mid soon membership Ronson hand wall be noted upon. Hattie CUleten has originated War Bond club, In which each member may. If ahe desires, make a donation. Each time them Is irufficient lath In the fund Caravans will purchase a War Bond. Up to date two bonds have been bought. reported Alla 'Cady, Applications have come from Mrs. Ned Torn, Mrs. Nora Radtke and Mrs. Pay Luta, sett In by Vivian Ittebby. Anee Wilson and Jeanette Wall. Chair. man Claire &menet reports good progress on award booka. President Pearl Mo. 01ynn. Edna Stenson and Claire Sopener stalted the Cara:cede of Ammements and Henries Bros.' Shows. Dees are now $2 per year. CLUB ACTIVITIES National Showmen's Assn. Palace Theater Building New York of directors. June 23, President David B. Endy, Prat Vice -President Robert K Parker. &gond Vice -President Witham J. NEW YORK. July 22-Harry Kayo Tucker, Secretary Milton 8. Pant and 12 and number of Miller Brae' employees members of the board attended. 'neese have been In. Prank and Max Miller were elected to memberthip: Stanley are back from Hartford. as la Clemens Kunat Harry Stevens, Louts Simpkins, Schmitt. who wrote the Miller Insurance. Other visitors were D. Chisholm, Joseph Peen. Archie Parr, Jack Ormsby, crave. Edward Brown end Micky J. Joe &sew, Joe Lux. Charles Y. Engel, Lukanitach. Lou Romhandler, Victor LeBow, Net* Lights were dimmed end Neville H. Baker, Edward L. Mann, Donald R. Morton, Jerome 8. Oottllers, Joe and Ike Weinberg, Eddie Elkins, Harry members stood In silence in waeisory of Member Charles Adams. Levine, Bits Member Lu. End, Irving Newman. Adam Xxelrzaw. Mating, Sant Solomon. Jimmy Davenport. Charles Davenport lonitach reported that at the Mania funeral there were lame number of cars William P. Korhn, Lester E. Townsend, Charles M. Conners, Daniel J. McNamara, and Trustee Rem Lawrenee. Lew Dufour Is back from the West end many floral wreaths. some from Sam Hurd, Walter Tyaki, Nate Watersr.an, out of tho city. Loiter Been J. W. La- Phil Cook, Ilerpard V. Dougherty and Engineer Matty Blake, formerly of the Mar came with a War Bond for the Ted Lewis. all proposed by Vernon. P. Mike Prudent &sows and who Is back building fund.!tarry Rewlir.s reported Korbm Duke Madisen. by Jimmy Durohum Nate Miller. by J. C. Themes: Jack from the battle tones as engineer of a that George Castello, who had been Ill, tanaport, spent months in a beepital was convalescing. Jim Dunn reported L Oroinspocet by 0. L. (Mike) WflgtIL in Calm. Egypt, after being emiouely Injured about the legs In a ship bombing. had not attended for some time were Anthony Jon Pentlick, J. for the sick connnittee. Members who C. W. Anthony, by Wilbur C. Bluffer; He has been In Ore. Member Sam Solo - T. Thomas, Joe Steinberg. Minton Beech; I. IL Mc- James AL Hurd, Llama Steller, Frederik iron reported that the I. T. flatows, of Coy. Long Beach. and Martin Harday. J. Brown, Larry Idareaatio, Ralph Patrick which he Is agent, will hold their an - Al Mann, recently diecheresel from the Flannigan. Harry Moore and force Frisbee Hoar, by Sam Beaty; Harry W, Hog. aura club jamboree at Mineola Fair. Jimmy Davenport's eon, Jimmy Jr. in army and well known for his guess - Sour -age for 17 weeks at the San Mee and Pltrie Brown, by Robert N. from Port Frances E. Warren. Cheyenne. Franclico World's lealr. Is now superiotencient of concoations In China City. Parker. and George E. Osrlend. by John Wyoming. When the secretary vlaited the Lawrence Create: Shows In Dunnelen. N. J. sergeant -at -arena. requested that mem- elected honorary members_ Downing. John Lenapert and Robert Main and Macy streets. Bob Meyer*, It Murphy, in the armed forces, were he was greeted by Sam and Mrs. Lawrer.co and conversed with these mem- Ills Joe Orb, at. Louis took the Bank bers keep their correct addrewes on The club's Helenas! condition Is!m - bers: Scaly lent:. M. Levine. Joe Harris, B. relate, Louie Light, Jimmy Bonds for the building fund. Retry Night award and earned It Into War proving considerably and collection activities reported from various ehowa are CYBrten. Mr. Ocedie. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Fallon; Tommy Carson. legal ad - Sheffer reported that clubrooms are in- encouraging. Militant Treasurer Wilbur (50e NSA on page 82) spected regularly and will be In readiness for the drat meeting In late fall. International Showmen's Association Maryland Hotel SI. Louis ST. LOUIS. July 22.-Ptee new members, all in New Downs Areueement Park, were elected at the last summer monthly meeting. They are Phil &rafter. Charles W. DeLargy, M. If. (Phento) Jenkins, Edwin S. Marquardt and William W. Steventon. Applications of a number on hand wilt be voted upon at the regular rr.eeting August 3. Rex flow* held a big barbecue party, to which an members of the IA8 and the allaroun Show Wemen's Club were *nether. in Sylvan Beech Park July 11. About 100 attended the gala affair, whirs started at midnight and continued until 5 ann. DICK'S PARAMOUNT SHOWS, INC. WANTS WANTS WANTS SHOWS-flare complete SIDE SHOW ready to work. Want Manager and Acts for same. Liberal pereentage. GIRL SHOW-Mao new outfit; lt1,eral pereentege to rigid party. Want someone who ears stand prosperity. HELP-FERRIS WHEEL FOREMAN. top salary. sure pay, goed working condition:. CMAIRPLANE FOREMAN. Bide help; Semi Drivers preferred. BILLPOSTER, TRUCK MECHANIC. CONCESSIONS-Erosen Centiard. R. E. GILSDORF. Manchester. Coon., July 21 to 29. HENNIES BROS.' SHOWS GUS BETHUNE WANT-Cook, Grill Man sod Withers. Will pay good wage. Write or eotne on. Add rrrrr Care of Slow, per route. Wanted-All American Exposition-Wanted i.crris Wheel Foreman, Rielee-0 Help. Minstrel Show Performers and Musicians, Girl Show Performer... Train Help and Tractor Delver.. Conceseinns all open. Hunteville, Ala., week July 241 Cadwien, Ala., week July 31i Anniston,. Ala., week August 7. FRANK WEST, Manager Pacific Coast Showmen's Assn. $2355 South Grand Ave., at Wilshire Los Angeles LOS ANOELES. July 22.-.Prmident Ted LePoes presided on Monday and Giro on the rostrum were William Mob - day. secretary; wary Pink, Harry liar. Rawlings led the penny parade. ladiee Auxiliary Thirty-three core present at the July 10 meeting when letters were received from President Edith Walpert, Midge Holding and Peggy Balky, who 1$ L72. r e after a long Illr.eas. Door prizes donated by Prances Barth and Helen Smith went to Prat Vice -President Mary Taylor and Treasurer Marie Taft. Peggy Itararnteuen donated lovely article* to the beraar arad Helen Smith gave several (See PCSA OM pope *2) Troupers Hosted at Beach LOS ANOELES. July 22r-Regular Associated Troupers were hosted by Ste Dyer ar4 Harold Long at Oceenalde on the night of July 10 after the closing of attractions. reported Lucille King. lii the pavilion. leaved for the occasion, buffet lunch was served and the bee opened at 10 pm. Refreshments were donated by Jack arid Doren* Dykes. Harold Long and Mel and Ruth Smith, and Sts Dyer and daughter, June Cuthingt, prepared the food. Among the 100 guests Prank and Jean Vses, Mario LeFors, Estelle Rana - corn and Lucille King drove from Los Angeles. Joe and Ethel Krug and Beres and Eddie Harris from National City, iced* and Hort Campbell from Sarix Diego, and Mel and Ruth Smith, Babe sod Monte Miller, Mike and Babe Her. man, Milt and Lillian Nichols, Joe and Emily Mettler. Frank Howard and Ted Sloan from afistion Beach and Ban Diego. Mat Smith as mace Introduced members and urged purchase of War Benda of which many took occasion to purchase their quota. Harold Long donated a bond. which went to Nancy Meyers. Dank Night award of $100 went to a serviceman. A standing rote of thanks was given the haste. Proceeds of the party, about $400, went to a mustering -out fund for memlama of the Troupers In smvice. fila Dyer dlrplayed for the first Urns the new club banner that she had made. a background of red felt with blue lettering and design In railed letters. Members met in the new club hall July 3. New furniture and pictures are In place, bar and snack room are equipped, and Nunes' lounge has new rugs, chairs and tables, reported Helen Ilreinerd Smith, publicity chairman. Estelle Hanscom presided and Maybetle Sennett was welcomed after a trip to Washington to visit her son, Reny Chipman. ar4 his wife. A photo of Jimmy Lynch, In the army nth:heel corps. was presented by Tillie Palmenteer. It was voted on to have a eery:cc flag and es have framed picture of each member on the watts. Miamian, approved 14 new members, and more applications me corn. tag In, Chairman Martha Levine, sick committee, reported L00611 Barrie proved. Lucille Xleg. who his been 111, was present Miami Showmen's Association 236 West Flagler Sire*/ Miami MIAMI. July 22.-At a epeeist mesang NEW --82&11D NEW! "MIDGET" for le or Se Play $12.50 Atd W busy tt a 62.,rantoo , bar n Seabee r.,-cr.ntsamt, csannteet Irish ota.do purehaolu.., 2,1 the 2.41 ant to., Clurl.la t o66 far tarot!. alao f12416 to we, a It rol0 a remittom,,,...ar.1 Othargria C. CI. II.. pi,. meal et kw. $12.50 trtel, If o. ih Pfar. ff, 116 3" ( A11011 DEAL N11 per Abe.. Vol. $12.60 I..Automatlo Valve "Auweau Sun 0 oft Tolo2 V.5.5 ' ,111.rar.1 Csa.ote of I11111ATI or beon P11 lot.$49.50 WEBB DtsTRIBunK6 COMPASY 012 N. 114hipan A... G icso 11, 1 POPCORN and SUPPLIES C. R. FRANK 933 Korth Broadway, St. Louis 2, Mo. Flat Bottom Hot and Cold Drink Paw Cups. SEASONING, CAR. TONS, CONES, SALT. OH- GIASSINE BAGS, VICTORY RAGS, SKEWERS. WANTED FOR MI?iSTREL SHOW JOHNNY J. JONES EXPO. owe. cm. Mat can week. Musicians: vre-roet, sax sect Trovbarse Pleven. IN. loons show for fairs Wire 02 write at cm*. FRED SAWYER Lies, Ohio, this week; Heeds lad, to toilet.. ALL TYPES OF CONCESSIONS For Rent ELKS' BENEFIT WNO.5 5.,,t spill a., 354 A,1. -.r, N. J. Chow Alt.,, Pori A910. C

43 July 29, 1944 The Billboard CARNIVALS 43 SPONSORED EVENTS Veteran, Lodge and Other Organization Fratia'hien Communications to 25 Opera Place. Cincinnati Minn. Aquatennial's Talent Array Bows; CA for Midway 317NNEAPOLLS, July 22.-Minneepollo AquatennIsl got off to a big start Thurs. day night with a proles of Aqua PoRies In Theodore Wirth Park pool. PrativitHa run thru July 30. Al Sheahan. Forltta producer. hat brought In an exoellent array. headed by Gloria Callers. Sup. porting water coat Includes Larry earn - void. Jimmy Patterson. Patty Ter - brother, Marion Mansfield. Dorothy Zleg. Acts in Demand At Trade Shows CHICAGO. July 22,-A growing demand is reported by Midwest bookers for acts for trade and industrial shows,. Many manufacturing firms are using entertain. meet to stimulate morale. In a few Instances entertainment is presented at factortes, but In moat instances special shows are staged In high schools or other auditoriums or at company picnics. Conn Band Inatrument Company, Elkhart. Ind., is staging a MR picnic today and Sunday for Its employees and Is using A large number of verde seta booked thru the WLS Artiste Bureau. The bureau beta contracta for hall a dozen other andustrial picnics thla month and next. In Chicago the fine. burg Company. now wholly in war work, ttagat two or snore company shows a year, engaging a large high-setteel auditorium for the emote. While mart of the talent is drawn from profette0dal In the plant, It frequently brings In outside talent as well. Scores of other Industrial plants In the Chleagoland area and to manufacturing towns!tenant Illinois.. Indiana and Wis. Conan are using snore than the usual number of professional entortalnera at annual planks, and local bookers have their hands full supplying the demand for July ar.d August events. AMERICAN LEGION POST 22 RAPID CITY, S. D. Desires to contact Carnival Com. pang dates available during week September 2. Contact.10I3N C. LAUGHLIN. Poo Adh WANT CARNIVAL for 'AMNION, MO., RACING FESTIVAL Mewela Paek--Leef Week Is Aught, Fire owning races daily -Mock arrows and exhibits. Cs* celentalscrt in tha part of the Me* Leh 01 ra4way sous Sponsorshtp-Cluestee of Cornmeeco Contact R. C. Nf i. Nominee. Misteuri RANTED I PHONE MEN ler, Al Green*. Earl Clark, Charlie Dinh', tacora--on to Victory Carntral. Jury Whitey Hart, Eild Cattalo. June Break and C. E. Perter.rit Hosted Crane. A 24 -girl water chorus Lectl-Old &sq.'s' Menlo la Pair. Aug Is directed by Helen Starr. 0. W. 2dickeL Date Barry Is show errata, and presents Kentucky his mimic act. Others on stage include Louisville -En. Agnes Ca.rntral. Amt W. Carrell Sisters, Blue Network vocalists; J. Smith. 200 Marna brown Meg. Lu Cilia, exotic terpatar. and Llboneti Parts-Mn. Legion Celsbrailon. Aug Trio, xylophone, and a 24 -girl dance lino Massachitsetts directed by Johnny Williams- A 16.voice Brldiewater-Dog Shaw. Aug. 27. Mrs. Ner.le fete club is under direction of Menlo N. Mown. Careen. Vern Booners la-pleco Ork playa for both stage and water numbers. Michigan Other features arranged by the largo Ystataa-not mow. Aug. Q &tan ft Duruk. committee headed by Nell Messick, president. and Torn Hastings, general chatr- Minnesota 1Lic1L man. Include two large parades, daylight Lyrri-Ileaulyirale-al trent. Aug. 13. March today and twilight parades July D. J. Lamphefe. 26; barbershop quartet contort at Lyceum Theater; Future Champions of Via; 19andtra Yawls. IlincesycLU-Aeuatemnial, July Nita Old[. America athletic program: vocal solo content to plet Minneapolis raprosentatires to the Chicago and Musk Festival; Mayors' Day, milking contest and barbecue, July 26; God's Out-of-Dsor Trmple, Interdenominational civic religious service in PowderhOrn Park, July 23; Aqua - tennis] will be concluded with selection of "Queen of the Lakes" to succeed Patty Cerium Viva. Sale of War Honda and Stamps and support of American Red Crites week. as well as full co-operation with all branches of the armed services, will be apmialtlas of the program. which again has for its slogan, "On to Victory." Armed perttlnea statloneel In the city will have marching units in parade,. The c;ly'a midway grounds, oppo,lto the Parads, will have Al Wagner'a OWIL'AGO of A MtMenten Shorts FROM Joplin, Mo.. A. Ralph Good, promoter, reported that the Victory Indoor Circus and Water Carnival there sal have Mrs. Lydia L. Martin as diroctor. Show will be Under personal mantiger:neat of Billie C. Martin. Small unit of Lades has been booked. THE annual Old Homo Week and Per which closed in Hiram. Me.. July 6 alter claying two weeks, had the Pinto Shows on the midway. While 'hero was Ina than one-third of peace. time attendance, crowds did wartime $,nendirur with rides oonceseons and.bows, said Secretary Albert P. Ward. TWO Omaha groups that stared sueerssea with Fourth of July Celebrations thin year hare presented applications to city council fee July events. American Lerion Poet drew over for a greed and Veterans of For - elan Wars Post drew an enthinated 40,000. Thaw teas are for a firs -week period. California San Antulmo-Dog Show. Aug. 20. Me, Joint T. Tasfcc. Conweeticut Danitism-Deg!Maw. Mg. 13. T. E. L. Scoop, Illinois ntegtvtle--honse-coming. Aug John 0, 0:arca. mu:a:tartan-farmers' Pies*. Aug. INIt. niti:netork--plentc. Aug L. L Con one. Jct. wusen. NAT D. RODGERS Cliritrian-liorte Show. Au Paul D. hoe., N. Clark St., Ca-uro. 11l Cisrvm Old &niers' Celebration. Aug. 0. Amen. Cuts -ftc,ldirre 8: Sailor,' neur..50n. Avg. 34, fro Cisyberg. WANTED -CARNIVAL rinalay-roraa-commet a Per. Aug Porten. la lie prowersd 07 1,x41 noetell Cash at Stairaco. Marnaten-Ps1.1 Festiva. Aug Owen ietys,t 11.1 ex0r. eon tem.., ;0. c, strawoot Cam no. mots ate toe IhrtrIng wane. rilr", alr"c Mir W, re earufral for wide wed& taut as n. title. AMU StontTer1;4140DISIOrt Reaction. Aug R. A. F. JR., haw., W. 0. Waves. Indiana Wrownstewn-Soldirre Ilouse-Conusg. July 24. H. Oisust ft. Zotoon. Charlestown -Lien.' Club Celebration. Week :sly 14. Jesse E. Ma. Cloverdale -Mn. Legion Pirax. J to d. Settlers' Celtbr4244. Aug Ton Blatt. Steriden, Ltd. Parmerstara--051 Seltiere Manic. Aux Chas. Z. Shtsm. C rMr, Aug Smith Ures. Iowa Crrsion---Mid-We-st Norte Show. Lag Mo :11- lifertley-4.1t Show, Aug. 3141, Prank W. Inman. rtuszhar. la - Kansas Misisonri Craig -Craig Raursion, Ass July Prost It Neel, Cr:ha-CMS nettlerir Reariloo. July A. It Munro. fleit. Radepb.rrins-Arnual Plen/L Aug. /043. John It0OrrIr-AriemArl Rolfes'... Aqr Dr. P. L. McCormick - St. Lon >02. Axe Tent Sands, 1010 IY.erks reef_ Kim,. Chy. utters -Annual neunitxs. Aug W. J.!Holm. New Jersey matflak.-sttsi.tivia.notienr:retc. anon. New Mexico Eaton -Elks Pkorer Drys. Dadmard. New York Aug. Aug- 142 Arnol1 CamIllua-Pnemcn's CtiebratUnt. Aar Fire for: Eicher freely- 15:0 Act. 20. Any /Alfalfa. R. D. 4 04;t:,. v, Y. Wen 9V(biter-Vire Dept, Ceiebrasion. Aug. 34. North Carolina Newtoo.-Soldiend Iteuntiso. Aug Miss Vrillse sett, nos 404. Roanoke flapids-licuif Fen:val. A.2.f , It. W. 8aPhtilre.. Ohio Akron -Dog Show. Aug.:;. W. F. 14: W. Merkel 81. llyesrlze...liotoe-corruog. July Marla P. Naga Canton -direct Fair. Aug. 1S. George Mar - lo. ancwlunall Meta Donato 1l121-11rereassh Carousal. July Paul J. Seeger, 161: Goodman Ava. Ito,,Y Aug , D. D Lore City-linima-Cernmg. Aug W. B nurson. Mar.onsnd Home.Otatintg. Aug W. 11. Chat:Mak. Stsssrn.n. tlion-dog Show. Aug. SS. We. la.r.e New Bremen-Aunual restival Aug Earl W. Heemkt. Narth Metato-itar-e-Casting. July 24-= ToGirrior" -P1Mreirt.'%; CartisaL Aug. 44. Wm I Bleats Read. City-Reene-Cointag. ra. Aug V. R Tuata Pennsylvania De eaters -Am. logien Carntval. Aug. 14. Lt. J. Alley Clardy. Pen Areat-St. names Glee:at:ea Aar. 341 Jas. P. Oalhwiter. Pit440.taboalb -Clreas-Pletworks Dhplay. JUlti 2 T hos. N. Pact, Resnrin-Dca Show. Aug yr. roan trot, Mit Panda++! at.. Phitanelsata Otp-floldltra lat Aug. 14. J. Sr. llama?. South Dakota Duette-Hoene-Coning. Aug P..0 l'ahrentacher. Desds,4-Days nr nfl allow. Aug. 44. Nell Penintue. Charnter of Ceetmeree. Den Rapids -Cootie Days. Ant. '14. A. J. Anderson. lltolonr4nrcenan's Snorts Day. Aug. II. Floyd Terkenon. Madison -Yankee Doerr.* Days. July Marken -Turtle Day.. Aug Jaak Steen. Sattm-Harvest Pound_ Aug White fltrer-prectler Days. Aug. w. Utah idivale-harvest native. Log. Mitt Canada iramtlt011. Ong -Um -at alb Carnival Jack Port., Thrift Theater. Montreal. qop-otsdlolos (Olem. Mrs. J. A- Ca:urea:a earipb. Oct. WANTED Aug Aug. 3S-24. Complete Carnival, Angint Write or wire MOSE HURST, Secretary, Midwest Horse Show, C.:action, Iowa. NEIHRILLOF THRILLS! 460ST 4 GIRL so, or 4 VIO pit ERN COLOSSAL FEATURING THE ORIGINAL "BREAKAWAY POLE" 120 FEET NO NET Person.: Roprocenr0Ove CHARLES ZEMATER 34 W. Randolph Servos CHICAGO 1,11.t1NOIS MBRION GOOD CONCESSIONS WANTED Some ;coca opening.. left. DEARBORN 3rd ANNUAL RODEO July 29.Atignit 6. 40,000 suirni..ion, in W11.1.1A51 BUDNY, 4903 Schaefer Rood, Dearborn, 311elt. Phone (Detroit) 011egon WANT FOR ST. ROCCO CELEBRATION AUGUST 2 TO 13-WF.ONA PARK, PEN ARGIL, PA. RIDES SIIOR S CONCESSIONS larval celeilwallen is tha fastrien. Yoe Am, ewer Meta. sot 4 Band C4a0c21, No Goa '24, 2..1.s. Win 1.1'.4rn ram cc write: :awes P. riallaasign, Paw% Pare, Pee AM!. PA TOW*. 240.

44 44 Thr Billboard CIRCUSES July 29, 1944 Condoeled by CHARLES WIRTH-Communications to 25 Opera Place. Cincinnati 1 0 RINGLING ROUTE SHAPING UP Quarters Hum For New Tour TI'ho Is To Blame? Or an Act of God? By Pie. Wally Beach While Home on Furlough From Cormis Polk, 1.0., sradlorteld. masa. July 23. -The Plan is to play stadiums Starting next Montlt-fet ar-itsgtliuts:rhat mstixruhck thornl,tarnagliinng remirtcom:tri,i; fireproofing compoundpeople ate upeet, they ame e blame circus. When you stop to thinkth It SARASOTA. FM, July 22.-Prepara- over, the city can be blamed for not ttoris ate being made at the quarters of bring muttons enough to check the the P.Logiing Bros. and Barnum & Batley safety of the big top or keeping a city Ctrcua lime to again take to the road fire truck on the lot. Chem Moine and play In stadiums, Mil parks, fah- didn't want such a catastrophe to hap. grounds, eta. without its top and its pen any more than anyone else did. meaty. Some of the spot& where the show Those people who blame the deems la scheduled to appear are the Robber never atop to think that this dlauter Bowl, Almon; Clovelar.d Stadium, But- will cost -The Greatest Show On Earth" filo Stadium. Univeraity of Detroit Sta. More auras. that It Muted sadness diner end Soldier Feld. Chic -ago. The among the performer, and workingmen. Inc One will use about 60 cars for that the heroic efforts of many of the transportation. Alfred courva Cat act emoleteel saved many tiresi 'We, for win not be In the program. Instance, three employees who were in Opening date is topuoi,g3, set for Nip. the big top at the time the fire started. pert Fuld. University of Cincinnati, Au steered the atenvedthe crowd to the g ust 2 and 3. (See WHO IS TO BLAME on pegs dl) Spokesmen for the circus on Thursday and a carload of canvas flame -proofing compound you en route here from the Stockton Is Another W. It. Reece': Company, Baltimore. It La njelaid to fireproof the Side Show top, Red One for Polack whlett will be the only tent to which the public will be admitted. and all tide. StarortaaiN, Calif.. July The wall to be used by the allow when It Shrine date hem at Civic Memorial Audi. resumes Its tour. The show will also fireproof admits on dressing and horse tone to be used by the personnel. Thte fionproofing compound had not been avallatne to the circus moat thia time. It has passed the Bond of Undemerttere specificatecnas and was recommended by the Bureau of Standards In Washington. Receiver Names Smith Pent section of the etre= train a:need twee from Hartford, Conn shortly after noon on Tuesday and the second and third sections followed shortly thereafter. Tb. Suet had elephants. working ponce - net and cookhouse. Steen& co sating 01 Millennia and private oars. carried executive,' and performing personnel and the third had poles, wagons. etc. Every. body tame bore with the exception tat 33 Mtn, who were left In Hartford, caned as Inquest littnittote. Upon arrival. George W. Smith. general menage:. bad no statement for triqultinn newemen, but said that a conference had been under way during the four -day train ride In which Robert Ringlin,g. prendezt: Pat Veld*. program director. and Roland Butler, general prim representative. had Linseed. Jame, A. Haley, nee -president, wag equally allent about the future of the show, but hinted that there would be no delay macerating work. Ib Hartford all big-top stakes were left to the ground, and all wagons that Were blamed were left there. Including two light plant unit& Smith was appieented general manager of the show by the receiver, Judge Edward 8. Rogan, In Conneotteot. and La accountable only to the reteirer. Executive. Mull Plane P. Bererly Bailey, direetor of the showy radio publicity department, In an Inters:LW with iseiranien, In &peaking for Robert Ttinldino. terse W. S-oittb, and remainder of the executives. and that every Neaps* speed would be employed to place the show on the road: every performer writ construct Site own equip. Meat: the band will remake Its own steeds: aerialists will repair and re - Construct Huh tosses. Ile added: "'Them are many gape that cannot be told, not because we are trying to hide the gaps. but we simply don't know yet ashoes we stead. tentative plan of the circus Is that we Win even go out Mader a main teat of cane 510tH a rotten: fire-prodtrig process has been &seaweed and the cost is within the reach of the circus. As to to the future. the plan now, according to Robert thnsitng. Is to reconstruct the same arena that we will ute when the tour la started again. three In quarters (See ES Rouge Shaping up ors page de) Restrictive Laws Should Not Ban Circus, Avers CFA Head AKRON, July 23. -The Circus Pam' Macciation, raid Torn Oregory, national president, deplores the apparent decision on the pert of write city Melee and other agencies to foster restrictive legislation ss a result of the Ringling fire tragedy in Hartford, Conn. which would put amuses out of bur:mess. "A number Of newspaper clippings Cooing to my desk." he end. "indicate that such action Is contemplated In mine quarters. To enact laws which would ban the Circuit would be a very grave In - puttee to circus managements, creployota and artless and to the American public. The distimtlo and outstanding brand of entertainment offered by the circus ha rtecvmery now, more than ever. as a recreattcn and relaxation outlet for the me:worked millions who are bearing the, brunt of the home -front war production effort," Many Mints L'nfounded "Any claims of negligence on the part of circus *facials are not founded on fact," he declared, 'The circus manage - =lent la More Interested than anyone MK to protecting the Manic and Re property against any such 3cCurance 63 that in Hartford. "Everyone to the circus world, as well as those outside. Is heartsick over this torium July was another red one Catastrophe. TM*, however. hone all for Polack Brea.' Circus- This spot Is such wounds of the heart and mind. I 50 mites from Sacramento. where Polack am burs that cool heads will prevail and appeared for nine eonsecutive years, that the?au will not permit the circus which probably had a great deal to do to be banned. but rather will Insist that with the tremendous business. George It be helped by every measure that will Jackson, recorder of Ben Alt Temple, Mauro the safety of those who want to Sacramento, attended every day. enjoy the thrills of the big top, It was a pleasant engagement from "When one thank* of the thou er,ds every standpoint. The one newspaper, and thousands of circus performances The Stockton /Weed. and Stations KWO and ROOM were moat liberal. Three days In Santa Rom and three In Eureka fol. )owing the local date and the show's California tour is over for this year. Show will then make the tong trek to Seattle. Promotion In Stockton was under di:cotton of Jimmy Rican. Athol To Inspect Tents ALTHOL, Mao. July 22. -To avoid any eltamee of a fire breaking out when Hunt Bros' Circus comfit here July 20, tans will be tams -My intheeted, Piro Chief Ernest L. Smith and. Canvas will be tested aa to lottansmability and calta will be ordered unobstructed at all times, the chief aald. The announcement was made after a conferrnee with relectumu, who Issued the license. WON, HORSE & Canvas Confab Is Set for Ciney CINCINNATI. July 22. -]federal Trade. Gaminlation, Waahington, hu auncuneed that the <dominator:i wilt hold a trade practise* conference with reference to canals covainge In the Netherland Plaits Hotel hero August 2, beginning at 10 Ont. Of Interest to outdoor show bunittai is the Inclusion of the subject, among others, al the safety of the cznyat cover industry's products. especially tents and their so-called fireproof. flameproof or nre-reatstant properties. COMB CIRCUS An Equine and Canine Paradox--Tho Show With a Leal of Gold By Starr Dc Bella, Wheel Hub. Pa. Mend. Miele Grote:. Pa.. for Tuesday July 23, wan billed with our regular stock of paper. which had been trout -tined London Dear Editor: lest the first time in its history the & Bradley Three -Ring Cleave. We drew Won. Horse ea Upp Circus la playing In everyone from the Monday town as well Pennsylvania. During the past week as local patrons. Throe who drove over our route wee In it Circle, with the towns to sec the other show didn't appreciate only two milta apart and with the lset Ottr awitch to MIK town only two miles from Monday's At Cross Circle, Pa oar Wednesday atand. We are Stlerdaytng here, an Intend spot. E.e.owing the drawing power Condon & Marsh country billing, and stand. our Milers again ran Into the of different shows In this locality, the patted Renovate nem.' Az Damon% co-pane:a decided to play each of the Monster HipparO:onse streamers over the burgs under a different title. This was other title beeides, changing the date. easy to do because our wagons are not We drew the crowds front our Moodey lettered. and Ttleadity stands bender, local patrons. We heard some beefing about not Last Monday wo played under the The Condon & Marsh European Circus sweing the advertleed hippopotamus and title. That show had billed the burg polar bears but we Ignored It because aa a country route, eo we used the title. the beefs mere from the same knockens Our bitters merely changed the datee that squawked In the hut two towns. We used King 1.5 Kemp Consolidated and added, "Coming Here." with lampblack. It was a paper-20yma set-up tor Wagon Shows' tale on Thursday and the show, antis we heard some enuswke the Pord Axle Annie's Donner Wild Over not haling the advertised herd of Wen is Circus on Friday. Both titles elephants. That night Manager Upp drew the ehowgoem cram our Maedal. announced that another circus would Tuesday and Wednesday stands, as well be at Circle Center, which was our neat (844 WON, NORSE & 81.P an pegs 47) which have been Moen without any Incident of this kind Caetiring during a performance It acorns that this tragedy was due to a cruet fate, and particularly unfortunate In that the fire started the moment it did. Just a few minutes later and the runway to the cat -act arena would have been removed front the hippodrome track and there woold not have been this barrier to tattalto for so roomy persona." Get U. S. Formula The stand on the part of the Circus Pans' Amoclation to keep the circus go - tog is aacxed by such prominent ta. finential Members as Peat President Melvin D. Hildretb. Wuhington. "After the Iroquois fire in Chicago." said Inidretla 'theaters were not closed, but exits Improved and asteetos curtains authorized. After the train wrecks of a few months ago the radio aignal system was developed. So, too, with the arms,, we should ask that the War Department re. lease to the tent makers its formula for Romeo:ling moms. We should not close the circus, but we should, of course. advocate unprorernent in public pro- LOCU021.` Bad Weather Dogs CB Show; Biz Is Terrific MANKATO, Mann.. July Mt -Despite bed weather and muddy tots Cole Bros. Circus lava been peeking them to and turning 'em away at nearly every Minnesota stand. Late arrival In Virgin:a and terrible condition of lot necessitated canceling of the matinee. Night house was packed. and over turned away, Hibbir.g, with show only half an hem late for the matinee, wee good for two big houses. Bemidji gave the show the first dry lot to nearly two weeba. Capacity holies at the matinee was treated to a thrill when a miniature tornado descended upon the lot 30 minutes after the show got under way. Cookhouse was blown down. and one middleopicce In the menagerie wan ripped Into shreds. When quarter poles to the big top began to rim off the ground, Col. Harry Thome gave the crowd a quiet warning. requesting them to leave the tent orderly and watt outside until the storm had subsided. About half the people walked in an orderly bunion from the tent, while the remainder stayed inside. The fury of the blow was spent In about 10 rein - Weis the people returned. and the performance continued. Night house was capacity. Grand rusts. N. Do wax big. Moorhead, Minn. (Sunday, 16)) was a repetition of Kokomo. Ind.. a year ago. (see Colo Me ft yerrlite on page 47) Spartan Aids in Disaster At Port Chicago, Calif. SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. -In the naval disaster at Port Chicago near here July 17 the spotlight of ettentlon was focused on the outdoor ahoy business La the form of valuable aenstaneo that was given by the net of Spartan Bros.' Ciecua with West Coast Vt.:tore Shows that area playing there. The explosion caused over 350 deaths. Charles Camp. manager of the circus. booked up its light plant and furnished power foe national broadcasts and to light the scene of the disaster and came In for much CO:n=1a In the press and over the Denman merle chains. Camp. aside from performing yeomen service in the midst of the desolation. was Inter iewed over the networke and gave a ind first -band docriptlon of the pketon.

45 July 29, 1944 The 11111hoardi CIRCUSES 45 DRESSING ROOM GOSSIP Cole Bros. Joe Meeker is new in charge of the privilege car and, dote; a /swell lob. The "Sun Tanners" have been out in full force lately. Bob Porter takes the honors on the men** eide and Ells Linton on the women's. The event of the week was the birthday anniveraary of Mrs. Harry McParton. She gave a party between shows and served ice cream and cake. I missed the he cream. Mr. Mac got ahead of me. New addlern to the Antalek perch act ti Ruth Flanagan. To the Mayman All Troupe, Tio Horace Laird end Harold Voice are writing a book aided. My Life with Caroline or the Tragedy on Daisy Hill. Sweeney to the only Arabtan Irishman in the Arab troupe. Wedding annivercaries. Paul and Ruth Nelson, Out and Rita Tallfatio, Hanna and Otto (Blebltng. I think Jos Frodgint is going into the excavation business the way he has been making Jimmie Reiffenach, Teen:ale Hodirtni and yours truly dig the center ring Oled to hear that Jimmie Mooney likes army life. Prank Alabama Campbell has au guersaing in the Maus- Ing room due to the amount of mall he receives and answers. Freeman took a Eying trip to Peru over the week -end and it was nice seeing again Etta Hodglal. Fred end Loin Young. Nick Carter. Spud Cline, and other Peru folks. Cocky Plunkett le making strides in the trampoline act. He to now dashing with sixty awing -backs and topping that off with a double. Beene of the Pavlovas In the end ring need a net, a meehruste arid Insurance. With the good rood George Dam is serving In the ceekbouse. Ina going to be tough race as to who gets the nag. Mr. Mac is out In front at Present. but Freeman looks for a photo finish and dor.l. count me out of the running. Had a visit it Grand Parke with Lee Seeman. Ira Milieus, and Leonard Aylesworth-we went beck yonder. Letters from Mickey Orimm; Frank A. Piniako. CFA of Butte. Monti from England a letter from the Australian Wallaby,: Ted Bowman. and much delayed mail from Freeman Jr. FREDDIE FREEMAN. Beatty -Russell The show', 17th week and the event was the July 4 party. which was staged In the big top between shows A speeta Megrim was a feature and the winners follow: Men's arena dash, Dick Andersen and Bernie Plaareky tied for first. Buddy Richards, second. Women's arena dash. Menge tecialanne fire% Esther Foca- :ante. second; Mara Bennett, third. Three-legged race. teams of Richards and Richards, first: Crouch and Crouch. second; Anderson and Tematante. third. Ladles' egg and spoon race. Mltzt Eleeter, ftrat; Loren. second; Pennle alcklosky, third. The ester -thole was on the old-time muck, pattern (very old). Cola Crouch sang La Cockaeocea. The clown department cams up with a barbershop quartet. They fthlahed with Take Me Our to rite Batt Game. The ballet girls. Concha. Mitzi. Jean. Kay, Butch. Mileage. Mara and Dick Anderson presented a la conga routtar. The' Sunrise and Sunset troupe staged an speckle massacre. Eke. and 110 represented- the Ktd Show and are swell entertainers. Walking delegate from the Ramdoodie Club. Red Larkin. was billed to sing but ran of the tent. Menge. Eden:ante closed the festivities with some beautiful tongs. Oracle and Curtiss Genders made a flying trip to Spokane to Mitt Tufty, who will aeon be moved from his naval train. tog stetter, in Idaho. War Bond show* were given at Salem end three In Pon - :Lad. Ore, A.pedal show was given at the Swan Island Shipyards during the lunch hour, with employees present. Those airing their S4CTICeS In these 1.110we were Skyeagle, 81 Otis, Oua Lind, Lyle Chappell. Jack and Martha Joyce. Cenche end Betty Eicalante. Clyde Beatty. Al Fleet with chimps, Mickey and Minnie Mae McDonald with elephant group, Walt atathle, Alva Evans. Brow 10 and the writer. under direction of BIB Antos. Vtaltots to the Mow were Captain and Sirs. Ralph Hoge. Walter and Pauline NchenedeL Jim McNichols. Joan Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Pleebiant. Dr. Ana Bet - tents*, Lieut. Col. Leslie Rudy; Mike IkKillop, who did a yeoman's ;eh in getting laundry done for the gang; Paul Pcnderria and many others whose names were not received. Received letters from CPA Bob Zimmerman. Idly Compton. Richard Brandon. Donald Mercke. Ted Bowman, Sgt. Patrick J. McCarthy. FA Brooks and CFA Bill Montague. Believe It oe Not Department.-As a preview of the July 4 celebration. Kay Borsht:) leased clown alley and dtd the Jump off the firehouse and made the crsxy number as Popeye. At the evening performance the girls Joined to the clown mien hers during their spare moments: ire fact. the last walk -around was completely feminine. There rosy come a day when lady downy win predominate in clown alley-dick LEWIS. Arthur Bros. Eighteenth week of the season. Mitt Carl has a wonderful cookhouse, The row cook is Jack Coleman. and Shorty (Holam Baker Le headwaiter. The La Pouts left the thew. Kenneth Waite Lae added some new clown numbers. One of the beet la his horse race. Dora Ouiterea is doing a good Job of dinging. She use tome beautiful Spanlah costumes, sent to her from Mexico. The Moores finally caught up with the show after having motor trouble with their truck. Never saw no many Cheers on show at One tath-orace Black. Orate Orton. Grace FM:hum. Grace Hanneford and the writer. Borne one will have to tie a string on Mr. Coe's finger so he will remember to drive blew:re to the next town. Ruben Olsen celebrated his birthday anniversary. The largest present that he received was five Cats on his trailer coming tato town. Show has quite a few service flag*. Anita Clear's brother. Able Pins, Is :n Italy: Bernice Dean's husband. Frank, Is In Prance; Acerados have two soma In the service. Bobby is in England and Arthur is in camp at Fe. tam Fermin Oleva has a son overseas; the Sugarbrowns haves son In Africa; Jimmy Woods' son, Allen. is in Alaska; Dwight Moore's brother. Bonny. la to camp at San Carlos. Calif.: the Eanelantes have two brothers In the service. Most perfect lot of Diss season was in Ibitmett. Idaho. The Stebrand carnival wee 20 miles front Arthur's Mow and quite a few of the personnel ORACIE HANNEFOleD. Cole Has Good Play At Grand Forks, N.D. ORAND FORKS, N. D.. July 22.-Cole Bros' Circus came Into the Red Riser Valley July 16. the first circus to hit this Northern town in six years, and pulled away with *het appeared to be almost capacity earnings. Coming here from Bemidji. Minn.. where good crowds were reported, the show started at a p.m. After the night performance Lee Nor. man, a former trouper, entertained teeeral of the ahow personnel at the weekly Elks' lodge open house. Norman is now operating a funeral business, Bill Kimball. a former performer, was another guest on the lot and with Norman followed the thow to Moorhead. Many Fans, Showmen Visit Mills Show in Chicagoland CHICAGO, July 22.-Milis Boas' Cir. mut, which prayed a number of walls In the Chtcsgeland area a few weeks ago. canto back Into the terrltore last week. playing Geneva. Lyons and Laming. all within 40 -mile radius of Chicago. Mores eight -day stay in Wisconsin was profitable, attendance being good at all atanda according to Jack Mills, one of the show's owners. At one stand three shows were given. Snell: Ma at Lyons was poor. due In part to location of the lot scone distance from town The Mills brothers mac, 17,201 In four nights last week. One tetrord many visitors at Lyons. Spencer night was lost due to rain. President Huntley. elephant man at Brookfield A. B, alma announced from the arena Zoo, and Mrs. Huntley spent the day that prattle would enable the erg to on the lot. Huntley formerly owned the send a Christmas box to every member chow', elephant. Burma. and at night of the armed force3 from Lynchburg who he and his were worked the bull. is oversews. Act3 were used at two hospital shore and performers were enter - Dr. Otto Schlock. phyatelan at Oak Forest. and Mn.s Sehleak renewed old acquaintance, on the show. Dr. lachlack formerly lathed afterward. Willisms wilt stage a show for the Chamber n^xt wax with the Odium show. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Shipley. retired circuit troupers. attended the night show. Other Miters were Mr. and Mrs. George ewe, who operate a marionette circus: Ben aerie. former Weiss performer now chief stew. fidt Sorry.. and in transport smite; Burt L. Wilson and John Hreelriand, circus collectors. Chicago; Charlie Zernater, Chicago locktng agent: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clerk, and H. L. Patterson, circus fans, of ARTHUR (SLIM) 911TC1172.to an oldtimer, underwent a serious operation at Cowlitz County Hoepttai, Kelso, Waah. UNDER THE 'MARQUEE Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati 1, 0. RAINCOATS and boots see standstd equip - meet. VISITING the Dailey chow is Appleton. Wia.. was Art Miller. C. HAWKS, fan of Cattle Creek, N. T., visited Bela -Barnes at Clayton, N. To and showed his circus IT tvfn the yew knock on weed-roull still carry seat plonk. THREE performances were given by Dud E. Anderson at Itughe. N. D, July IC. Dia was capacity.?red KURD, insistent to Walter De - Tune on the Royal American &beet. la in a Davenport, Is.. hoapital recovering from mastoid operation, MAGICIAN Hart Cartwright, formerly with Robbing Bros., Downie Bros. and ham Dock shows, is located In Macon. Oa, doing war work. WHIN ewe pushers are mad at each ether they wryer fall to think of the wisiteds of falls Kasten sod go rya* hanging. CHIC YALE. Zeke Lamont and Rube Curtis. clowns signed eontratts with the Shrine Circus. Houston. November Curtly well arrive a week ahead of show to work the streets. D. M. MULLIOAN and the Frank Kindler& gave an informal party at the Kindler home for Con and Winnte Colleen% Joan Mien and Eddie Wore:eerier when the Cole show was in St. Cloud. Minn. BUSINESS Ia very good, reports Bud Anderson. At Stephen, Minn. July 9 show had two filled matinees. and aide show handled over people. Show was billed there for one performance. Grafton, N. D. followed with three shows, all packed houses. ONE In every town: The Tforter-eld Wire. wed say Hal turn a cartwheel, Aiwa who the other natives believe sisetild be wee a skein. DON CAN/MLA. 0S-year-3bl performer with Bailey Bros.. boasts of 71 years in show bustritcsa. When circus was et (Hen Palle. N. Y. he and other members of the show vested the grave of big Bautelle in the Union Cemetery at and - eon CONCESSION operator at Indoor elr- CUSS*. PAM y. Ia doing police work at the National Fireworks Company. Whitman,?UM U. saw Wallace Bros. at Otouceeter. Max, Hunt Bros. at Brockton. and the Big Ono at Beaton arden. JOE LEWIS, clown cop. writes that he's been keeping busy with indoor and outdoor dates for Ernie Young and Tom Packs. He will play the PltabUrgh Pollee Circus this Weak for 'Tom Parke. On Au - most 14 he will start a fair route for Bernet -Carruthers. YEARS age: TaliOng te a with.. was eon - althea poor showreanship. Those was alwsas nosiest srlowril who beloved yew were unettvcong the Met* of the trade. L. RAY CHOLISFM ;satiated the emu. they or the Pinckneyville, D1., 14ir on collections of conersolona and the centval. Mrs. Myrtle MoSpaelden Shows were on the midway. She has eeven more tens on a circuit. 'the Ray Shute - Dina Deal Agency furnished the free nets. FLYING Valentines and Ming Vol. satires. managed by Fred and George (Sze UNDER 71tt MARQUIS on page It) In the Armed Forces RA.NDALL 0. lianiach, H. A. I/o at U. S. timid Hospital, Corona. Calif. fernier undo:standar for the itiondln- Indilm act, is caring for the wounded as they come Deem the Pacific and other areas. The act, la oa the road for the duration. SOaffenelfERE In England. 80. A. M., (Little Red) Hanards eacted Trcver's Circus and was shown around the lot by Manager Johnson. Ito said it appeared to be about the same aa any one -ring circus in the States Camas Is green and white striped. and hes a ridge pole. that rigging es hung on. Snow tmvele by truck, making short overnight jumps playing on* to three-day stench. 'Trap seats about 1,600. Prime are from two to flee shilliage foe box seals. Sgt. Redford& took In two performalscee and raw a full house at each. Ile also met Rinks. formerly with Hagenbeck show in the States. Show runs two hours and has a good performance at Lynchburg Show LYNCHBURG Va., July 22-The Ate - tor Chamber of Commerce circus, directed by Edwin N. Williams. played to TUCKER DUCK has gone to war, so we will be unable to supply you with Tucker Products and the Quick Service you have been accustomed to in the past, But There's a brighter day coming when you and other Americans will enjoy the comfort and pleasant relaxation of Tucker Products. LAWN CHAIRS YACHT CHAIRS TENTS CANVAS SPECIALTIES COTS TUCKER DUCK & RUBBER CO. rr. SMITH. ARK. ACTS WANTED try i-otev. Cacules sr. -5 Cr ERNIE YOUNG AGENCY 155 N. CLARK ST. CHICAGO I. ILL SPANGLES TIGHTS effllb. us W. 12 IT. I. T. C..1r"1. 4/-"5:=1;e7"1:

46 July 46 CIRCUSES The Billboard, Circus People Sure No Lack Of Safety Vigilance Entered Into Hartford Fire Disaster Fireproofing Materials for Canvas Long Sought (COMIssued from page 3) traner, broke up a fight between the big cats to the steel arena while canvas Carried overhead and then drove every animal into the delivery nuts before thinking about her own prolthement 'That Is why Merle Evens, an American mut:maim kept his band en the platform even after tt was afire and not a man Copped playing untll the leader gave the signet -10 seconds before a quarter pole carne crashing Into the stand. dead center. That is why performers. ushers, Candy butchers, ticket sellers, prop mon and those of all departments, high and low. white and black. men and women Of many blood 'trains but all troupers. saved hundreds who otherwise would have bean lost, and why they then honied the emergency flratald units with un- *noting utort to earn the menmendation of the city of Itartterd and of the Amer - Han Red Cress. In previous disasters the circus lost its own people and Ha own animals and reckoned ft as a hazard of outdoor show but:peas and dried Its tears and smiled and atruek up the band. But this time there Is no loss oe circus life and the show people, while suffering far greater shock and geld' In this 'sleepless nightmare than ever they experienced In disaster entirely their own. are beginning to wor.der if this pleasing has a paean core. Will people ask, they wonder, why no Circus life was lost In the holocaust? Familiar With Premises And yet it is no more surprising that WANTED 611 Posters and Henn. Oren shah. Good 03notritited. I f trouble. Writ or Wr.te COLUMBUS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING CO. 7;$ Octal. Attie COtUat OHIO WANTED re eremeas Tex&Ivate Pea V. Pet 140erlar. title Gnaw. bet le teat erne tat. MICKEY DALES Molten Ina. Oates Mew Rpm. 11. Y.. July 27; ***wee. is and 29: 11.19~. Ad, 31 and 3.1. I RINGLING DISASTER Char peg trere et Or ruta. et the Lanktrle.. Saner "Pk Tee- *Ms , at 119, Ooh iris at hi Team Men ROBERT D. GOOD isso Tway Wow AtteerrOww. PA. %WED HIGH WIRE WALKERS Lief Of Gaels. Lena Season. Write VOX D245, Cane ani, Clacinnall 1, OW*. CAN PLACE =nines mr4":i.fid;**t"ft'_ ft.m6r.:win.4.1"ser eg."4ber. F. L MCI MID SOW (RCM Box eCxr..,11. "Twelve Years of Trouping" (9,mr:**, hairy and roce. tr.ric CaLana. tflto ftvtannr.,t , Pocket oft*. eletheno.e. 1:9attratatt Ate. 52.3% 190:913. Mere tblieoi A. MORTON SMITH rialeseini. Tens FOR SALE cane 3Vteeeet,,ram, rellakresatriedi Theura.".. ft VERNE SOLILES Ow roma swab. Winer OwarSen Penh lel. the show people were able to save them - Neves at the lase than it la strange if aorneone can get out of a burritos build - log with which he is familiar while a stranger to the promises. In the event of sudden panic, may cot be able to get out at all. There It little cooshert In the fact that the percentage of Ilvos lost is unusually tow In comparison with historic coy, lineations. Nor Is there much balm In the knowledge that the circus hes correspondence to prove that ever since the present mu:gement took charge under the presidency of Robert Ringling It has been trying to secure materials with which to fireproof its canvas. Therm ma. tertals have not torn available In wartime to noneseential industries, and so the circus writ along as It has done for the past 00 years during which It e.evez had a fire that took the lives of its guests. There was only one chance In tens of thousands that 1t an. would have, but that chance was dated JUly Nothing that is dense cow can bring back the lives of those who died at Hare - ford, or craw from outdoor annals its worst catastrophe. Rut safer equipment and Increased vigilance wail Insure against recurrence of the disaster when the circus Is able to Ilft Itself from the ashes and go forward. Learn the Hard Way Hotel,, theaters and other buildings were not fircpcooted until Ines had been!oat by Ore. Safety measures and de. %ices for track and highway, ter ahlp and plane and car were not forthcoming until life had been spent to indicate their necessity-until the lesson had been learned the herd way. Recently a radio program recorded the laughter of children at the circus. to that this bit of lighthcartednera might eerre as a welcome change -of -pace In an =ming of oar news. The circus people to whore minds the Hartford Ore still mriolders will bear the echo of that terrible afternoon until the end of time, but In the tapestry of circus afternoons tbru all the years there has been laughter, too, and happiriesa. And there is no losing It from the all-over picture thy more than it is possible to erase the horror of one afternoon. And mweibly thee ta why there le no spirit of defeat mingled with sorrow In the hearts of circus people even in their Meekest hour. Defeatism never has been part of the American formula and It 13 unknown In the history of the circus, RB ROUTE SHAPING UP (co,sossed from page 44) we will make an arena exactly Ilk* the ono we are to use. We will all to able to tell better when that is finished. Ais it Is, we are Just groping around in something that Is Mend new to all of Ue Its probably the plan of the circus to hare all-cated seats In the future. That can't possibly Mme about this year; there isn't time or do we have the equipment." Hartford Office Opened HARTFORD, Conn.. July 22e-The RInglIng circus this week opened an of. floe 1=0 to serve as a point for handling claims and problems connected with the show, but not directly under the domain of the recently appointed ;metre:. Judge Edward S. Rogin. This oinoe will be maintained Indefinitely, attests no permanent staff has yet been appointed. Temporarily Herbert Duval. legal =Meteor of the Circus, and Roland Butler, press chief. are in charge, but a local personage with legal background will be added shortly. One of the items handled In this orifice Is the refunding of money on advance ticket sake for the night performance of July 6, canceled by the matinee disaster. Practeoally all holders of ouch ta.reewenwr. iter.ere. srrr- tickete are turning them In to The Host - feed Timm Fire Victims Relief Fund. which in turn receive, their cash value from the circus. No effort will be made to attempt rotunda for the fatal matt - nee, but 112 all probability the circus will turn over to the relief fund a lump sum equivalent to the afternoon's take. Property as Exhibits The show quit Hartford with dramatic audelenneas. While legal handicaps. oblig. tag the stay of the circus were being cleared away Tepidly Ital. Thureday and Intelay. a sudden announcement by State Consmissfoner of Pollee Hickey Friday afternoon that neither equipment nor personnel would be allowed to quit Hartford until he had completed his inquiry, temporarily stalled matters. However, an order from the receiver, Judge Rope, permitting the MMus to pull out was issued late Friday afternoon and the =nu train, In three ItCtZt1tt). quit Hartford early Saturday (IS) morn. Ins en route for Sarasota. Practically everything was carried along except the charred remains of the Mg top and is few objects Of equipment held ea exhibits for Inquiries under way. Ober Leaves Staff Prsattcally all performers and person. itel of the circus left with the train. All are being paid full salaries. A small staff remains on the lot here with what little remains of the big top and burned equipment. Roland Butler and Lent: Allen, of the press staff, were temporarily making their headquarters at the Hord Hotel. Hal Leer, of the press staff, handed In his resignation a few days ago. James A. Haley. rtes-prealdant and so - tire head of the circus since it went on tour, left for Sarasota. Robert RinglIng Went. to Sermons to help reorganize the show. Resotion of the publto and press In Hartford and thruout the East while not condoning any faults or laxities which might be charged against the EttemlIng eireue. or any tent allow. seems to be that fault 1193 primarily with the State and municipal lawmakers and lawenforoement Metals. Demand rigorous mule:ions be strictly enforced. The lateat death count In the fire is lea. The Hartford. Conn.. Circus Pure Vie - time Fund. to be administered thru the American Red Cross and sponsored by The Hartford Tfnes, has reorteccl a tremendous response. On July 17 It stood at Hearing le Continued rim YORK. July 1:1,-Judge Merman B. Yellin, In Hartford police court Wednesday cannoned the cases of James A. Haley, George W. Smith. Leonard Ayinewomit, David Illenctineed and Edward Versteeg until August 11. All Ore circus rtly,.tt were placed under Arrest on technical charges of manslaughter as a result of the deaths in the Ore and all are Out On ball. TOM was postponed at the request of Prosecutor James P. Kennedy and Attorney William L. Haddon. cour.sel for the circus. Attorney Redden *resumed to peat bonds Murtha.). (20) insuring appearance of 33 circus erephoyom set the COT - one -.'s Inquest into the disaster. These employees are named In the coroner's warrants fawned Monday. All are cited to appear In the coroner's Inquest which le expected to continuo until the second. week In Att.-Int, Mayor Names Inquiry Board HARTFORD, Conn.. July 22.-Mayor William Mortensen recently anoonneed the appointment of a Ove-member board of Inquiry to Investigate the acts of ctty officers and employees, before. during. and after the Ringling etre= tiro of July 6. "In making Its report," the mayor stated, "the board must keep In mind that 00 mita:nem Is too harsh, no law too binding. no supervision too rigorous when we have the protection of human life at Make." Yoltowing an order of the beard of police commisabootre. 14 downtown 10 - cal theaters will have continuous fire and police protection. The Hartford theaterenon, represented by Warner Hem. Hartford theaters. IL 54. Loewe. ),UsP Allyn, and mew's Poll New England theaters contributed checks amettititing to Si g= for the circus Piro Victims Fund. Ringling circus Ore Mauna, when they appear in national nowneela will be omitted In an local oho/rings, was the official etaternent Issued by Hartford theatennen. "We'd rather run the rink Of boring businest and take crittelem from a theme= people, rather than hurt the feeliora of ft single patron.' said theater. men who definitely "consider It bad taste" to keep biteging up the subject of the nee in Hartford. The 'limiting train rolled out of town morning of July LS, bound for Um. 29, 1944 sots, Fla. States Attorney H. M. Al. corn Jr. raid 32 Menus employees had been directed to remain in town foe further questioning and Coroner Healy mid that the inquiry would be continued next week. Permiesion for the circus to move Its physical properties was granted by Suntans: Court Judge J02313 H. King in Willimantic after the circus had put up n bond and other assets totaling The plan approved by Judge King provided that the eltmui deposit 4380,000 to cash with the receiver appointed br the Superior Court, Edward. S. RogLis, and assign to him four lia.sursince pollelm oovertem property to an extent of 6125,000 as well ea public liability insurance Issued by Lloydeof London. The plans were worked out by a committee of the Hartford County Bar A clatton. representing lawyers with claims against the circus and the counsel for Ringling circus. It will enable the circus to become a going concern within a month and halt the loss from waiting bees. The show Is capable of earning ,000 In a normal year. Law mitts totaling more than a mullion dollars hare already been flied here. WHO IS TO BLAME (Continued from page sif) warm% exits and shored those who weren't In a hurry to leave. Peanuts and Pocketbooks One women refused to hare the grandstand and had to be knocked unconsclous and was cent= out. After another woman was showed outside she Insisted up= going back Into the blazing tent to get her pocketbook-and then there were some WIA0 high school boys who attempted to get back into the big top to get bags of peanuts they claimed they had loft there. Mont of the women and children kliled weren't burned to death. They were trampled to death and left to be cremated. What happened to the men to the auchence7 Instead of trying to help the women and children out heat they trampled over them In their mad dentng efforts to reach the outelde. If the people hart only listened to thou, employees who vainly tried e0 prevent panic, re -any of those who :net death might 0111 be living today. As the fire spread rapidly Merle Evans and his band played on valiantly Its an effort to subdue the panic.stricken crowd. Like captain would stick with the *hip, so did Evans and his band un ill the teat pole crushed then the bend. stand, foretop musicians to Jump to the ground, only to begin playing until the whole thing was over with. Credit DUI, Performers Newspapers haven't Oren any credit to the performer, who Lock up colleen= and turned the proceeds over to the city of Hartford to help pay for care of the injured and burying the unidentified deed. Altho much has been said, I think that people who blamed the circus foe the tragedy and attempted to get their adrateelon price refuoded In sight of the atilhernouldering ruins where many human beings had paid the adionston rite with their nets only a for minutes before, should thank God they tame Out of that Inferno stile nutted of worrying over the money they paid for admission. These who want to sue the circus over a tiny /match should also thank Clod on trended knees Inatead of throwing lawsulta at the show already =Tering terrific Ices. The cirrus la an American institution. always Mu been, and always will be, For yearn end years the aim of the circus has been to Chase women away, to cheer people with amazing stall of anlallate. acrobats. animal trainers, and therms. Do you want to Mime an orgerization that hos been the delight of children and grown-ups for many years for a catastrophe that was an act of God? Let's continua to welcome eircuaea. May they appear bigger and better than ever, with gayety, laughter and wonenment FA Tait Resigns From PCSA LOS ANOFIX11. July 22.-Edaln Tait. who was secretary of the S. L. Cronin Circus and well known for hie show operations In the Orient, tendered hie resignation as treasurer of the Pulite Coast Showmen's Association here July 10. Tait asked to be excused beostint Of the pressure of personal thlailleall.

47 July ,14 The Billboard CIRCUSES - 47 The Corral Communications to 2S Opera Place Cincinnati rxcelle-sr weather conditions favored the two-day Ponoks (Atte ) Sternpede, which drew 10,000 persona. Main winners were: Saddle. Cam Lens:Wee Frank Brown and Jack Lauder (tie), Henry Waiters: etinek wagon. Theo Them all-round cowboy, Cam tonadrile. THRF2-day Remus] rodeo which ended night of July 4 aponuored by South Tacoma (Weah.) Xisranie Club and Ponce Benefit Amociation fur benefit of a boys' club and presented by Tacoma Rodeo As. seclation drew ithaut customers for the five -performance affair. Tickets sold at 42 and WINNERS at the Meek D'amond (Alia.) Stampede were: Saddle, Norman Stemma Chet Baldwin, Lone Breeze, sia Begley; calf roping. Jack Cochlea. Cecil Bushart, Eddie Holloway; steer riding, Roy Thomson, Ralph Thomson. Jack Cook. Harry Thomson; bareback. Ralph Thomson, Henry Holloway.Joe Kootenay; wild hone race, Chet Baldwin, Bob Matlock; cow milking. Jack Cochlan. More than persona attended. Arena dl - Teeter was Bob Carey. FINAL winner, of the two-day Kinetic Club Rodeo at Swift Current. Sask.. were: Saddle. Jerry Myer*, Ernest Emery, Cliff Oleon, Stan Dnlabough; calf roping. Padgett Berry, Pete Jehnke, Al Galataneau, Prod Gladstone; bareback. Johnny Hagen, George Eaton. Alain Dunfocet Jine Barrett; stew riding, Harold Johnson, Stewart Wine. Harold Perrin. Harwood Potter; books: trophy for beet saddle brook rider. Gerry Myets; best all-round cowboy. Psdgett Berry. AT LEAST persona attended the Prat annual Blackfoot Indian Stampede at Gleichen. Alta- Reeulta were: Brook saddle. Itiel Sotway, Art Galarreau. Mel Nehon; calf roping. Steve Brilletherd. Torn Puke, John Solway; bareback. Ralph Thomson. Gordon Akins, John Solway; mete riding, Homer Evans. Cliff Vecdergriff, Mel Nelson; boys' steer riding, Weyman Ifeelaatets. Thomas Jerry, Cecil Crowfoot; wild cow milking. John Solway, Marcel Weasel Head. FINALISTS at the two-day Macleod (Alta.) Stampede. which attracted more than persona, were: Saddle. Muff Doan. Prank Duos. Norman Sterna, Rex French; calf roping, Floyd Patera, Charlie Irene. Jack Cochin). Vie Andrew': steer decorating, Norman Boater, Harold Denier, Willie Head,Roy Baird, steer riding. Ralph Thomson. Muff Doan. Jack =non; bare. back brook, Muff Dorm, Lyle Doan (tied), Jack Ellison; wild cow milking. Charlie Irene, Bill Mounkes. Arena manager tea Herman Linder. A RECORD crowd attended the stem - pole held near Biggar. Sask. Proceeds win be used for war work. Winners were: Saddle, S. Fisher; R. Olibertron and Don Dewar, tied; bareback. Pin Bridge. R. Citlbertrob, Jack Noyee; steer riding, Ken Leedley. R. Gilbertaon, John Trutchre: calf myths, Web Whitcomb, M. Sayers, Inn Bridge; cow milking. Web Whiteomb, Danny Mitchell, Calgary Red; wild horse race. S. Flatter. Calgary Red; junior steer riding, Rob Regal. Herold Watson. nob &obit; best bucking home Calgary Red. OKLAHOMA TODD and his Frontier Round -Up will be featured at the third annual rodeo staged by the Dearborn (Inch Junior Chamber of Commerce July 20 -August 6 under chairmuaship of Jarmo Edward& Attractions booked Include Jinx Holgtand's trained horses; CONS/STINTLY JUNI CLOTHiS TAILORED TO PERIECTION Or A MASTIR CRAFTSMAN RODEO BEN'S WESTERN RANCHWEAR Taman Theo.~ the Nation for Its Ceslinens. Stolieg. Sump Fit and Flawless Vs'orki,soshio. RODEO BEN the Voett rashcee to Ditscrtesine.ng Bofors in Western Wei, Ben The Rodeo Tailor 3200 WISP COLUMBIA AVE. PHILADELPHIA A. Buck and Rose Steele. high-school horse act; Tun DoolitUe and his Pine Center Gang. WJR ork; Homer Harris. cowboy Clown. Toughy Grant. Clay Lewis and Joe and Rose Florets, riders. Victor Horowitz is bringing in lets rides for the occasion. building it into a carnival attraction as well. Enlarged stadium will seat 6,000. Advertising has teem doubled. TOTEM Ranch Rodeo, held in Maple Shade, N. J., July 16, had to be called, off during the first half of the show due to rain. which lasted thruout the day, making It Impossible to continue. Heenta held before the rain and winners judged for the day were In the following: Bareback riding, Allele Clemins, Tex Collins; bronk riding, Red Holden, Walt Burke; Brahma bull and steer riding. Frank Beatty. Tex Brown. Best bucking horse of the day was Rumboogie. with Red Holden riding Stock was furnished by the Weateott Mae W Ranch, blariton. N. J. Trick and fancy ropers. Charles Lamont and Jack Westeott, HIGHEST point contestant& In the National Rodeo AasoCiattoo as of July 10: Louis Brooks 1,521 points; Howard Brown, 743; Ken Roberta, 701; Vie Schwartz. 611; Bill McMeekin, 6.57; Fuzzy Garner. 636: Fred BrdekT, 031; Clyde Burk. 623: Bill Ransack. 618; Homer Pettigrew, 802; Bill Linderman, 570; Jimmie Schumacher, 551; Paul Gould. 453; Gerald Roberta, 491: Dud Sptilsbury, 479; Ike Tacker.452; lick Griffith. 435; Sonny Edwards, 427; Slam Whaley. 424; Stick Sorrell+, 422; Manuel Eros. 403; Hugh BS:TZYtt, 403; Howard McCeory, 386; Dub Phillip', 377. Bareback Riding -Howard Brown, 749; Louis Brooks, 509; Jimmie Schumacher, 376; Hank Mills, 268. Stank Riding - Louis Brooks, 995; Fred Bactaky, 531; %no Schwa:U. 531; Bill McItteken, 477; Whitey Stewart, 3E3. Dull Riding -ankle Griffith, 433; Ken Roberta, 426: Furry Garner, 381; 'Dodd Whatley, 343. Calf Roping -Clyde Bunk. 623; Homer Pettigrew, 476: Sonny Edwards, 427: Buck Berretta 907. Steer Wrestling -Howard McCrofT, 38e; Dub Phillips, 377; Hugh Bennett. 9$3; Bud Spilsbury City Acquires Newfield Park, Bridgeport, Conn. BILIDOEPORT, Conn, July 21. -City Odell left Dailey Bets. and am now In Groom, Tex. Bette Leonard, the writer, hu acquired Newfield Park hero thru the and husband. went to Piedmont, Kan.. foreclosure of taxes for five years. The then to Dewey, Okla, for the rodeo property, a part of the Sara Grant estate, Is assessed at 643,815. The city ac- there. quired It foe a claim of 611,000. The started to believe that they were part of park has been sports landmark for the buate.ess. many years. Once the home of the local Yesterday at Wheel Circle. Pe., we?altera League Baseball Club, It has played under our own title. The people been used for boxing =eche% and Midget auto races. Por the plat couple of week still wanted to See a circus. 00 in the fire towns we played during the years It has been used by circuses and the betters and squawkers came In carnivals. Last show to play spot was chorea. The Crowd that gathered the ItIllgIllIg ahoy the letter part of In front or the marquee was so Lute June. that we knew it would be necessary to Fire two night shows to handle lt. We COLE BIZ IS 'TERRIFIC strewed 'ern to the ring banks for the tint performance. After seeing the erst (continued from page 4f) two acts and after recognizing our performance as the one they had seen all The lot was a quagmire, &Rho two performances were given to turnsweye. week. the crowd started to went out Over people were turned away at and long before one fourth of the ahow the two shows. Wagons were mired had been given the state were empty. dawn to the beds, and show nanny got The bootee imtneelletely threw open the off the lot at 8.15 the following morning. doors to these holding tickets out to Performers worked eholader to shoulder front and again we strewed them to with wokinvnen all night. Two caterpillars were used to get each wagon 00 was the flea time In circus history that the curb'. We honestly believe that this the lot, and Eugene Scott's elephants a show played to two turnaway houses worked In mud to their bellies and gave only one performance. Before assisting the caterpillars. Show arrived late In St, Cloud, but was greeted neater were again empty. Manager LIPP the last half of the 'show was over the by a dry lot and thmaar.rts of town - people, who had waited for the show train. Matinee was canceled, and night house was peeked, with an estimated turned away. Show Is clicking in this territory, and getting -well afternetters from all newspapers. News of the RInglIng disaster east a gloom over the entire Cole personnel. and over 100 telegrams were exchanged between performer* of the. shows.. litette Are pregauttons ere being taken by the show, with 80 smell fire tatingulthers placed at advantageous points In the big tap each day, and four Meek tank trucks puked around the tent. fully manned. during rich performance. No emoting Is allowed In the beg top at any time, and employees. as well as customers are obeying the ruins to the letter. WON, HORSE R UPP (continued from page 44) IA local patrons. At both stands we turned 'ern away. We again had the same knockers and better, to contend with. but you'll nod them In every town. By then we were getting aoeuetorned to the walls anal gnashing of teeth and we Wallace Will Co -Operate As to Safety Measures conoonn, N. II. July 22. -Ralph Class eon. manager of Wallace Bros.' Circus, which played here July 14 and was booked for appearances at Conway and Berlin this seek, has assured officials of the various Mks of co-operation to the fullest extent In the matter of fire prevention and safety measures. The Concord board of aldermen pruned a resolution requiring more exits than hare been maintained In the past The city government of Keene has also taken up the matter of safety and advised the management of both Wallace Bros. and Halley Bros., both of which hare obtained tentative dates for that city. LACONIA. N. H-. July 22. -Fire Chief Arthur W. Spring was standing by with adequate protection against fire at Wallace Bros.' Circus'. which played here July 16. He ordered that there be emceearette smoking and Inspected the tents to assure himself that them were plenty of exits. Fire -fighting equipment and personnel from the central nee station also stood by for any emergency. Notes From Bette Leonard WICHITA, Kan_ July &afield. formerly with Russell Bros.. slatted Jay Gauld'a Circus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Le - Vine. Hunt Bros.' Circus, have three eon* In the service. Harry Jr.. recently married, Is stationed at Colorado Springs. Coto.; Julian is attendinr, airplane machinists school at Header Field. Illboxl. Miss, and Charles will boon report foe active duty. PtIll Wirth has joined tins Hunt show. Freda LaVelds, Monroe Bros' Circus, has etght brothers In the service. The Dailey show wits In a blowdown at Pairfleid. Ia., rind darr.agt was estimated at Bob Parkinson, Decatur, Ill., visited the Dailey show at Sedans. Mo. Dr. L. R. Sample spent the day on the Cole lot at Jamestown. N. Y. guest of Mahlon (Alabama) Campbell. Jimmy and Nina ar.r.ouncod that from this date on matinees would be given, aa he believes an afternoon performance won't be a knock to the night show. Callfrala DIreke-Redwood Acres Rodeo. Aug Colorado Beuider-For Wow Days Palo,. Aug. 14. terry Mallet. Puette--ntaig l'ar Rodeo. Aug. 24-8,,,,e. reenk H. Wens. goer1=.4 Trait 11.cuattp. Ass. it Dew If- Dario. Idaho Deuter-Orrago Trail Btamorge. Aug Saul It. Clark. Cal/In-elf Aug[ P. E. Narrate. Prrtgon-Pre.f.r.n Night!Ude.% Aug dos Montana Billings-Itadieed Fair nude,. Aug IL I.. Mum Oroit Pelts -Fair Rodeo. Aug Dan P. Thurber. New Mexico La Vessa-ts-glto Oyu -toys' Rermlen. Aug J. 'tangy BMW,. Toeurmart-Onenfts Posse Balm. Mg U. W. kteuuy Ṅew York Reebeuer-Orous Relee. July Bryant 0. Parson,. 1E3 COrranalore Pegkeay. Oklahoma r...rtm-coaration rodeo. Aug. 44. Art AshlIne. OrPft011 lacetiant.-jantres Beech Reim leaf Mukley. Texas neen'oci Rodeo. Mg. 74. Al - Ilya D. Me, Waco-114.gr Clots Rodeo. Wolf 1623 II. 10th Aug Ralph Utah Ler-ommy Pair Retro. Aug Y.. ersokum Trementen-Treeseeten Rodeo. Ast_ 17.le. Kletet Kerr. Wyoming Chermos-lereatli,r Darr et:tens:dn. Is -1i. Debt. D. num/oral. :ev Bud E. Anderson's Circus WANTS s;eg, Show Acts of all kirds. Can toe mod Feerly Troupe for big alto COass Acts of all kind. Weal Levan. wrests 2 good Rolexes: doing businew. Need Suit Ma, for big leo, Workmen. too Day: go,* on. See velure The Biltbesed. VISO EMPRESSIO OF SUD AMERICAREIKO-Y--CUBA A A I rt, TrtIrce Carton -I,a,s. Mu). Cttol fv-us. CASA. as itas.444sn at, Suns 04, Oftleago, III, U. A. A. [Lamm Roo.. Cuss. L. SIMS IN. al Ira PILg likautarn , U. O. A. WANTED Billposters and lithographers, also Musicians. Long season. DAILEY BROS.' CIRCUS.1. e'er Route "Firechief" Flameproofing COMPOUND. Renders Cants& Fire, Water, Weather and Rot Resittant. Now available without priority in 50 -gallon drum.. Colors: White, Blue and Olise Drab. Exclusise Distributors to Outdoor Show Trade. UNITED STATES TEST & AWNING CO W. HURON ST CHICAGO 12. ILL GIRL AERIAL PERFORMERS Write at corr to PEACIIES O'NEIL', Care GEO. A. DAMID, 10 Rockefeller Masa, Radio City, New York. N. Y.

48 as The Billboard RKS.RESORTS.POOLS Concluded by WILLIAM J. SACHS-Communicallorts to 2$ Opera Place, Cincinnati I. 0. July 29, 1944 N. E. MEET PULLS THRONG Fun Reigns at 1 -Day Session Swaps, deals between ops only biz discussed-good ents, social confabs PITCHSVRO, Mess., July The 16th annual endstinthser meettritx New ler.gland SeelOn ed Nationals elation of Amusement Parks. Poole and Beacbes held at Windom Park hero Tuesday (18) was one of the largest gatherings in the history of the organ!. cation, with registrunts from all parts Of New Prigland, from as far south as Baltimore and as far west as Chicago. The meetings were primarily social get-togethers, the only business dia. cussed being swaps and deals between park owners, ride operators and concesgiensineo. Good cats and outdoor fun Were ttrgelt the order of the day. Whale= Park rnsnagere.ent and pertain:met went all out to provide a good time, with ererythir.g the park bed to Oder being "on the house." At the luncbeon erasion, Henry 0. Bowers, president of the New England Seetion and heed of the Whitloot Park Amusement Company, received the word that he had put become the father of a boy. Prom then on Bowen was busy pasting out (See Throng at N. P. NKr on page 80) Toledo Funspots Up 15% Over '43 TOLEDO. July 22. -Attendance at To. 'ado's two major perks.. Walbridge and illow Beach, Is nmning about 15 per cent ahead of 1943, the managements has. suarnsunted. At Boman Park, 16 rents east of TO - kelp. On U. 3. /tante 20. business is off 25 per cent, due pretrpally to the tight. ening of gas rationing. Only one ride, the lierry-oceltoemit is operating this season. The roller rink and coomenons have been dotng a fan Saturday, Sunday and holiday his. Elitch Fire Origin Remains a Mystery DMVE't, Jul) 23.-Origin of the disesteem ore which destroyed the Old MiU tide at Each's Gardens here. July 10, with the loos of six lives, still remains a mystery. Pile, polite and milltery autborttlen have petard with the district attorney :n prontng the fire. Astiatant fire Chief Patrick J. Boyne saki the compbgenesie of the destruction may pre - Vent the cause from being known. District Attorney James T. Burke mid that the (Ed Mlii bad been inspected by city 1M...hornIts on eeters1 oteastons and passed as conforming to nee regulations. A. B, Ourtign klitch's monster. said be is peattlee the dense of the flee wasn't de:ectine wiring because the wiring was Impacted in the spring. He also pointed one that there was IOUs wiring in the Old Mal. *We didn't burn much electricity; be said. -Dim lighting was put Of the entertainment There were a few spotlights." Outlier also stated that there was Mamma/no material among the dn.- Numerous Chi Operations Prove Kiddieland Idea Sound Venture CHICAGO. July 22.-The kiedielmd park idea, while far from new, still offers exeepttoral open -reuniting to operators who are welling to start small and grow. For years much spots have been suocesefully operated on the outakirts of large cities. but there still aro hundreds of locations tbruout the country' that could be developed into paying bust - Ernie*. Chi Spots Secoossiel Chicago taus 10 or 12 kiddielands, moat Of them clean and eucoesenn enterprises. One or two spots have made the intstske of letting greed get the beat of their judgment and have run afoul of the taw for allowing Cameo which were adjudged of a harmful nature. But, aside Been these minor ereceptiona, COStage's kidelielands are of a high calther, with nothing of sa object enable nature and everything Conducted on a busnceagure bans. A number of the spots Maned as mere pony tracks. located on main highways traversed by thousands d motorists. Or dually they added a Miniature Train, a Merry-Oo-Ronad and other rem along with refrealtmett stands. Clicking on Coast A man who had conducted a store near Chicago lerdelteland for years made a watt to toe Angeles. lie end his wife liked the West Coast so well that they decided they would like to live there. Casting about for some business to ern, gage in. he remembered the kw:eland back imam. Visioning the possibilities In kidazeland in a Loa Angeles suburb, Ocean Beach Near 19.13's Total Gross NEW LONDON, Conn. July 22.--Gots1 weather over the last week -end brough gross receipts at Ocean Beach Park tore close to 660,000. with still half the sum met to go. Ocean Beach is near the gross total for the season of 1043 Fourth of July week -end attendance futures were and receipt* were The leanonn big suttees bas been the upstairs restaurant to the Oarre build - the, managed by Athena and Chris he bought a piece of property, returned to Chicago. sold his business, bought Miniature Train and a couple of other rides and shipped thorn to I.. A. It was already mid -season, so the man decided to open before he bad his Mika pot his rides Into operation and has built up highly profitable business. Weather, Contests Aid Toronto Spot TORONTO, July 23.-Sunnyalcie Beach tam week had Its biggest biz so tar this year. Perfect weather the past two weeks has beckoned thousands to the park and conceston cash roisters hare been ringing merrily, with rides and other attractions getting like play. Two preliminary beauty contents hare been s drawing card. First week (20.30) had three contestants chosen nightly for the "Mies Was Worker of finals which took place at Toronto Police 6P1 Annual Meld Day at SunnyakIe last Saturday (15). Last week (3.7) preltmenartes for the "Miss Toronto* contest were held. Each evening three winners were selected and awarded 640. ism and $15, Plaids come Up on Toronto Pollee Day at the Canadian National ErbIbition here. Compe- A. (Booby) Obadal, continue* to chalk up good businews. A new funnouse and general ride* have been line-up, with the entire perk and all riding dertees repainted during the peak prnwai weeks. The Moon Rocket, feature ride. to titions between military forme will be additional to the pollee garnet, with the local Mummies and Detroit policemen competing, Inclemency Crabs Biz in N. Y. Area NSW YORK. July 22., --Storm warnings and threatening skies kept down attendance at meat of the beaches and amuse. meat perks In the New York area last Sunday (16), in spite of the continued heat ware which has been upping attendance records et all outdoor spots for nearly a month. Sundays attendance at Coney Island and the Rockaway's. 604,010, was not ALr from normal but outlying spots Awn as Orchard Bosch, with , and Jones Beach only 30,023. were harder hit. Violent storms broke In late afternoon, Ternvekes. They are paying the city plus 10 per cent on all over f30,- sending crowds borne early Beninese le tope this season, la spite of the handicap of admisaion charge to the beach as well as a parking charge. City Manager Edward S. Henkle tried to get the beech board to ditch the ad - minion fee at night but felled because of the opposition of Ezekiel Spitz. Storm sewers at Coney Island were overtaxed by the downpour and Surf Avenue, the main stern. was flooded. Coney Island's only de luxe hotel. the Half Moon, hes been taken over by the nary to be used as a convalescent stollen. CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. By Uno LUNA PARE -- Harold J. Greenberg, tom pl ains neee,sitnieel investigation who portrays Hitter In the sketch et Ordered nickel plain sodas and toe cream lessalota Opera House, has figures to cents and dime hot dogs. Fifteen pro. prove he has born hung 637 times up to July and still lives to tell the tale. Talkers outside, to be different, proclaim the show se being "nousyn with the result that the crowds fleck In to verify the "boost.',.. Joe Jacobs and Bernie Williams leave returned to Abe 8esidn's pan,. Harry Bernick, talker, boa left the circus for the Opera House... piers- Tbe only thing In the Sets that would catch fire was the curtains against bedsit Darla doubles as checkroom girl the beck wall, he added. (itch's eatplcejees declared that Inflanuniele sec. Pates Is her featured customer.. and general manicurist Manager Phil tiers of the *testacy were speared with Charles Rich. circus attendant, has written the lerlos. and James H. Muller, the a patented fireprcoftng liquid material. Manager Guenter said that no plans music. of two new ditties, We're On Our have been made for rebuilding the concesennt le Fired.... Louis Sperling and Hyman Way to Tokio and When the but Shot No difference in attendance at elitehle Baron, 5115?Ake Wolf, have the weight hoe been noted by oelcials and there boa scale concession on tile midway. been no lessening re cuatomers at the Daniel P. Weoley. OPA heed, laid down other rides **nominee ta the perk. the law *bout MO prime last week when yr...kora of rooming houses and 42 limn dries, shoe repair alloys and other cone munity services were fined for Violettoos Of OPA regulations July lotenual revenue spots were busy July 15 advising all shows and exhibits. where en admission fee prevails, to establish stabilized prices and out out januning In ceder for an easier determination of the total 20 per cent tax additions. Which Tarty precipitate a general meeting of all ouch ops so that definite prices will prevail an around. STEEPLECHASE PARK-For the nest time in the history of the park, and that dates back 40 years, there is no music bersuae, as rnsilefternent explains, of labor shortage_ M a consequence, ballroom has no dancing, and members of old -Unto fife and drum corps whirls off (8e 00NiT ISLAND, N. P.. on pope 00 Excelsior Tops '43 10%; on Par With Record '42 EXCELSIOR. Minn., July 22,-Despite record rainfall thus far this year, Et. celstor Park, 20 miles front Minneapolis. Is celebrating Ile 20th season with business 10 per cent better titan for the same period In 1043 and on par with 1042, the record year. Since the set up. with only a pony ride. Ito opened On Sunday and grossed 6185 on the ponies elem. Since that Unto he has park began daily operation, May 10, business bee been good. Work nighte has, been off, while week -end business Ma Mon big. The ballroom operates on Pot - days. Saturdays and holidays only. Excelsior management is headed tip by Joe Collhan and Fred W. Clapp. Rudy Shogran is ballroom oneriano-r, booker and publicity man. Charles Sampson is in charge of refrethinenua Employees number 103. Park operates 10 rides. a tun/louse, two other walk-thrus, 18 games, two arcades, five refreshment.bands and one reetan. (See Prechter Topping '43 on page ($8) San Antone Victory Augments, Repaints; Biz Continues Nifty SAN ANTONIO. July 2/.-Victory Park here. under the management of managed by Wbitle Beloit. A. Miler his built a new kiddie ride and Installed it In one of the permanent buildings. New free acts every two weeks and a 8100 War Bond giveaway every Thursday night keep the crowds coming. Mrs. Cleo Oraves, owner of" the cookhouse, suffered a bad fall and is under a physician's care. During her &Memo* her husband. John Graves, ts In charge. Inhale IleLvence, co: merlon operator, and his wife motored to Corpus menu. Ter, to vialt Bleekle& father who suffered an accident recently. Whine Jacobs, reasisted by Judie Jacobs. Is operating flee concesennu st Victory, white Dave!Revel...a added two more lest seek. making a total of eight he is now operating here. Cincy Coney Talks Post -War Planning CINCINNATI. July ust the management of Coney Wand here Is developing en extensive post-war njanntrig pee - gnus came to light. Wednesday (12) when Paul CL nal, nationally known architect, conferred with Edward L. Schott, Coney president ant general manager. Hill hes been working on designs for remodeling the Steamer Island Queen and considerable now cocustruotion at the park. Schott disclosed. It is planned to enlarge and streamline the Island Pricers at a coat of _about 67,50,VA. A new Roller Coaster, larger and longer than etcher of those now St Coney, will be built, and Moonlit, Osrdens ballroom will get a new front In addition to other Improrements. The bathhotue at the swim pool will be enlarged and there will be many replace - relents to catch up with obaolescence. The entire program, as tratatively planned, will involve an outlay of nearly Schott pointed out that, due to war canditione. Coney, for the first time since the present company has been In operation. hes not built any new amusement device during the pail two years It hid previously beeo the policy to provide at Least one new rids each MUM.

49 'July 29, 1944 The Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS 49 Chronic Kickers Plague AC, Ops, Hamad Plaint ATLANTIC CITY, July 22-A counteroffenaive was launched last week on the City Commlueon-Chamber of Commerce drive for improving the "tone of the Boardwalk." George A. /timid, president of limald's Million -Dollar Pier, chalice that the pier properties-ma and Freak P. Grasetea Steel Pier. are the victims of ehronto kickers and municipal authorities acting on their eomplainta. 'If every That. Dick and Harry can OXnplatn and interfere with the operation of our business and what we do inside of our Instil...allots for which we pay a large license fee to operate. plus paying tremendous taxes," Haredd wrote in let. ter to the Chamber of Commerce "maybe It Is about time the piers began to complain about the conduct of other Bettina. tean.s. "It See= that anyone wbo has a grtee. ance or a complaint to file about anything either or both piers do, Munedlately we ma summoned by come of. Octal or a sergeant or a policeman and told that we cameo: do this and that and the other." Ilsenters letter prompted a clertfication by the Chamber of Commerce of ita dries to eliminete Boardwalk noises and tone up the wooden way In general. Disclaim. lag any intention on the part of the Chamber to meddle or interfere with "anyone's business provided it la legitimate bustneat" the Chamber declared that "In a general way, we are certainly for avoiding noisy Oleo on the Boardwalk." The action of the Chamber followed a recant meeting of the board of directors, at which time It wee charged that the tone of the beach and Boardwalk was being allowed to deteriorate. It area also charged that there was too much nudity permitted on the Boardwalk and streeta, too much nate and brae distasteful ahoy*. Lift Out -of -Bounds Order at Va. Beach VIRGINIA BEACH. Va.. July 22-An out-of-bounds order banning army and navy personnel from this resort ranee June 28 was lifted last week. The order. which resulted tram a water shortage at the more stifled FiVarth Of July week - cod servicemen crowds. Ocean View, net affected by the water shortage and consequently not placed under service ban. benefited with an unusually heavy uniformed patronage. The Norfolk public works departmeet pushed oonstruotton of additional pipe lines to Virginia Beech. enlisiting the aid of 15 C.rnaan prisoners of war, and by the week -end had improved the situation to the point that army and navy olliclais retied the ban. Some squawks were heard during the ban by reason of the feet that while all enlisted men were barred from the beach, Officers were permitted to visit the exclusive Caviller Beach Club, now operated for theca Roy Staton Reopens Okla. City Funspot OKLAHOMA crry. July 22--,IMMerglake Park has reopened after two years Of &beano* of such entertainment team Okla/locus City. due to lack of manpower. Roy :Raton Is Springlake opt:ream 'oy Cowan and band provide musk for dancing at the perk's Casten. Yor the Urine being park will operate only three Mehra a week. The rides are also In operalloc, in - eluding the big RsBer Coaster. Soft drinks art sold. but no beer. Swim pool is also in operatten. Swimming Pool Manager FREE AT ONCE Outdoor or Indoor Pool Write or Wire T. J. QUINCY 365 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. Atlantic City. fly Maurits Orodenke ATLANTIC CITY July Kt.-Louis St. John, general manager of Oentral Pier. has Installed Open-air entertainerwnt for the first time. An attractive Pan- Arnerican patio on tile aeon end of the pier has been set up for the showing of A Fte.rfa, unit featuring girls, music. dancing, color and gaiety a la Latin America. Shows are continuous from 7;13 p.m. to midnight, with admissions at 50 cens and a half price for children and servicemen. First move by the rotort's new planning commission was a reeotalmendatsoa that Immediate steps be taken to halt erosion along the beach front Of the Inlet section. It la estimated the work will cost , with the Slate con. I.:Outing half. Frank P. Gravatt'a Steel Pier has returned the Modem Minstrels, directed by Frank Knott, to Its Mato Hall programs. Daddy Dares Children's Playhouse. presenting an an -pave cast, la another pier feature to return recently. Prank Gray -ate has booked in a steady parade of name at:rat:ions for his Steel Intr. inctuding Abbott and Costello, Fart Carroll's Vanities Ray Klmsers Salute From Bewail, Perry Corno, Marton Hut - (Ste ATLANTIC CITY on page SS) Fons Lake, Detroit, 65%Under Peace Par DETROIT. July 22.-Puma Lake Park, suburban miniature, Is being operated MI& season by the owner. Stanley J. Form, for the first time In four years. Miller L. Crowder, Who leased the park!sat Osman. is elated to go Into the army. and Mrs. Crowder, who were Men:art. seer, is now in Florida. Font reports business about 65 per cent under the peacetime here! of four years ego. the last year for which he has accurate records. He attributes much of It to the leasing out of the property during that time. Business, however. is running ahead of 1043, with Fourth of July ahmehag a alight improvement over the last Fourth_ Lack of arty form of publio transportation within two or three miles, and the laration, about four miles from the city Matta, have hampered this play spot under gasoline rationing. Fool is acting as manager himself. with Mn_ Millie Do Witt misnaming the bathhouse and restaurant. Tat dance hall Se cloned this lesion. No rides are in operation here this year. Installation of new rides and concessions are planned for post-war, Fens asp. Posireva at Kent Lake. operated by Mawr P. Cote. on Grand River Road. 34 miles northwest of Detroit, has picked up 35 per cent over last season. sets re. fleets consistent growth during the past three years. Cots rays. Mrs. Cote. Is resident manager, while her husband manages the Rolteldrorne Park In Detrott's west side. Biz Solid for Lewiston Unit In 91h Week at Edgewater name T, July 21.--Ittny Iewlatonn Pont Show is now In Its ninth work at Repeater Park here to good business. Attraction is located opposite the pa - and free -act stage and draws from entirerk petronage. Front Is!lathed in newpictorial paintings and neon. in nab* cities, signs, with an open lobby. and performance Is prtoented on elevated stages. Prevent ineudes the following: Axel. accordion: Do -fie and Plnliesda' Cartes, puncture -proof man; Prise) the Wonder Dog and Kitty Le-; Rene?Andra, mentalist; Laurtilo man with the revolving head; Pat Ryan, human pincushion; Micelle. flexible lady; Carl Davenport, midget strong man: Jo FM - mind*, Ore Worker; La Roans, sword swallower; the Kalus, Hawaiian musical act: Tiny Cowan, fat boy; Orson Mc- Daniel*, mole -faced woman. In the annex are Geraldine, allteator girl: Billie Rorke, OnWp, wasted by Mrs. Lewiston, who directs the snake ace Revised Bulletin 'F" Gives Data To Dope Depreciation WASHINGTON. July 22.-The recited Bulletin "le," recently released by the Treasury Department, supersedes Bulletin -r, retired January and Deere - Motion Studita, published January and contain& information and staustical data relating to the determination of de. 6 -fictions for depreciation and obsoleaevict, from which taxpayers and their counsel rosy obtain the beat available Indication of bureau practice and the trend and tendency of official opinion in the administration of pertinent may: - Mons of the Internal Revenue Code and corresponding or similar provtatents of prior Revenue Acts. It does not commit the department to any Interpretation of the law which has not been formally approved end pro. mitigated by the Secretary of the Treas. ury. Taxpayers and Meer; of the bureau are cautioned against reaching conchs - gloms in any case solely on information contained herein end should base their Judgment on the application of all pertinent provisions of the law, regulation, and other Treasury dectsions to all the facts 10 any particular case. The estimated useful tires and rates of depreciation Indicated in this bulirtin are based on averaces and are not prescribed for use in any particular cam. They are set forth vilely m a guide or starting point from which correct rates Whalom Nears Its 1939 Attractiveness FITCHBI7RO. Mats. Bey 22.-Whalom Perk. where the 16th annual midsummer meeting of the New England Section of NAAPPB wee held Tuesday MD, la an attractive play spat on the shore of beautiful Lek* Whalom. Park Is not quite so Impressive as It vas prior to the hurricane of which leveled meat of Its grove of towering pine', leaving put enough standing to glee an Inkling of Its former beauty. However. new trees hare been planted. Punspot Is owned by the Fitchburg Trolley Limes arid is acilvety managed by Harold D. Gilmore. veteran park Min, who also hes several rides at Pleasure Beach. Bridgeport, Conn. Whelom is well laid out and all rides ar.d buildings are of solid construction and neatly painted In uniform color scheme of white and green, Major butldtrge are a large ballroom, roller skating rink, bowling alley and Penny Arcade. Rides are the Comet Coaster, Dodgem, Custer Car, Alr-Places, Blur, Whip, LoopoPlane. Pretest, Caterpillar and Merry - Go -Round. There also is a small kiddie - land. An unusual feature is its summer theater. with a resident stork company putting on a season of Broadway plays. Of frame construction, the theater Is extremely well snits and embodies many unique archtteeturel features. Two bethhouses serve the beautiful bathing beech. Red CedaS swim and lifesaving courses are wen attended. Name bands are featured In the ballroom every Matsday, when available. Local arks provide music on Fridays rind Saturdays. Roller skating Is popular and the Whalom Skaters' Club stages en annual Roller tomes, which tours rinks may be determined In the light of the experience of the property under coasideration and all Other pertinent evidence. Amtuement Parks Arnueement pork structures are gm - orally frame buildings, while both wood end stn.: are used foe the equipment. A 22,year average life Is considered Tea - portable. Lives of the principal items are indicated as follows, with average useful life given In yeast: Boat ride, IS: boats (power end row). 10; canoe -41c 15; caterpillars. 8: outer (Sot Der /3 Dope on page 10) CAPT. ANDERSON end his ANIMAL CIRCUS 222 extend sincerest thanks to BILL MILLER and BILLY JACKSON for a very plesosrit summer se...en at tuna PARK, CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. Pool Operators... Yew root o a conoeueery tralitvt-ce, Cweebt, isederlsw sod 04/fOnate teedusth Daly Syd/ Ar0Ounelowntt yakri 1:01 ststioas. KM/ feu Mot..0.1 of Ingspent)va Redo 500t Aeoeue0inWerts Is &dyer - /me sox Poor? Redo Is fondant weirder to sere Wining ItutsrCIP. Sell your 1/m: Via ilwx00,wws Ride Spot Ann:arum...Mi. roe the eitem news Redo see our Pre* Sae/ ksn TIff OLD RILIt.Slt CIRCUS HARRY DeDIO well. SADIE ALICE at LUNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND, N. Y., far the Sena. te , , Nnse MIRIAM STILL AUTOMATIC CON. TirsuOui Mow 'REIM Tug rinse tvgit CUSTARD MACH. BUILT seio Cue. ISM, D. If Is COLsust Wtt Drerr.,.. to. Busse. New Inlematioal frozen 'Custard Mach. Co M., at.. TN. Tseacs 4766, Istat, 5. lat. FOR SALE rr.vst ARCAT,e. casideuts PENVY P17/11 sel 'enema; STrlD10 [suet la Stares IsUat KKASOMA81.0. Wyv. f rartvuldiry. sox 501. The /664 Illowtoss, Yee* CC C. T. GOOD USED RIDES Or Have You Any To Sell? BERTHA GREENBURC Kele' timbrity,1401s1.6 Broadvay,New Yi'e PARK CONCESSIONAIRE WANTS LOCATIONS OR WILL BUY SMALL PARK Will pined 6 or R legitimate Came COneeSloltal in an estalilished park or resort for the 1915 season. 20 year.' experience. Ilea of reference. BOX , The Billboard, Cincinnati 1, 0. NOW PIA) ING THIRD BIG MONTH B. FASSIO'S Staff is as follows: Harry Lewiston. comer -manager: Rob Lewiston, resident manager, Johann&!Litt/tr. cashier; "HITLER AT THE END OF A ROPE Hamlet Itenrieh and Rimer McDanlede, LUNA PARK OMR* NOM. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y. eeket setters: Tole Gress, ticket taker: 10 A.ttAN R.!ONG M y, -IN FRANKLIN, Gen. MO. 10 Dd Thwoot, attendant. eibmolommolzegeosom...n6.wmweewbwmwm.1111

50 SO The billboard FA IRS.EEPOSITIONS Communications to 25 Opera Place.. Cincinnati I, 0. July 29, 1911 Class A Exhibs Go to Gate Highs Regina Takes Up at Opener Grandstand, mutuels figures in lead -13-C revue, Frolicland arc pullers REGINA. Sask. July 22.--Pigurea for the first two days et Regina Exhibition July chewed a 25 per cent tncreaft at main gate and grandstand. Parl-mutuela were up 40 per cent on the!oat day and ed per cent on the seoar.d. Ltrutock entrift were down slightly. but UHTe were tncrearess In hear,* and light home chases. Other exhiblu were up. Judges enthused about the excellent quality of stock. On the opener. Stole' Day. President J. W. (Patty) CoetkiIn of reported adult busing:se up 1C0 per cent. On the wand day there was a 25 per cent 1CLTZIOC. A /*Tele dust storm Oa the dm day cut Into kids' biz on the midway. but slight homage was shown, especially on rides. Run from Calgary to Regina VIA the CPR was in freight service. owing to war travel restrictions. Show ft -rived here at 645 em. Monday and, except for three attrartions, everything eras going strong by 2 pm. D. C. Coleman. chairman. and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, officially opened the fate after hating been made an honorary Indian chief to ceremony on the grounds, Barnes - Carruthers graodatand show was more popular than ever. Calgary Gain Totals 18,328 New attendance top starts improvements for '45-B -C has record grandstand EIATJZIARY. Ala. July 22, --Attendance On the last day of Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, July 10-15, vet an alltime high and the gate record for the week was sheltered by Saturday night's grandstand crowd was biggest in history'. Preparations are already under way for huger and improved tale in Grandstand now testa and, owing to the tremendcus d. -mend for afternoon and night tickets this 7Uf. en adell"on wat be built to the stand. Conklin shows- FroLeland reported a terrific week. Escept for a few heavy *VAL weather was perfect aftelway operated until 1-30 am, at the cletaltig because of dense crowds. The 12 -car show came within $300 of the all-ttrr.e record for Calgary Exhibition Mt by the Corileiins in 1041, raid Preniek-nt J, W. (Petty) Conklin, Will Clear Puyallup Plant PUYALLUP. Wash, July 22.-Things look brighter for resumption of Western Washington Pale here in It was bean off the books Moos Pearl Harbor. Army engineers in Seattle have antimmood a call for bids to remove 307 barrack. and other building used 'until recently to house American -born Japes before bring sent to relocation grentere. S. S. Bartel. secretary -manager of the fair assoclatton. mild that Litho bids were to be opened by the army late In July, this would not provide Untie In which 10 prepare the plant for fair this fall. B -C,Unit Flies From Calgary To Edmonton for Troop Show EDMONTON, Alta., July 23.-Thru efforts of Brig. Ora. Dale V. either. of the Alaskan Wing. Army Transport Commind, end Peed It. Kresamann, general representative of Barnes -Carruthers, atrangernenta were perfected July 18 In Calgary. Alta. by which entertainment was furnished for American and Canadian troops and their families stationed In Edmonton last Sunday afternoon In the arena on Edmonton Exhibition grounds. Accompanied by Spectral Officer John W. Carrager, Special Services Department, three C47 transports were flown to Calgary Sunday morning and picked up the company of 40 people and their baggage. ceetumee. Kays and two crates with the Pallenberg bears and all of Pallenberra props.,edmonton was reached to One hour and five mtnutea and the show went on at 3:30 p.m.. alter the entire group heel been guests of Brigadier General Oeffney In the sergeants' meal ball. These perforate?* took part In the show, which wee mitnessed by aver of the combined troops: Pallenberra Educated Beam Tten Tal Lot Troupe, Eight Lucky Girls; Marilyn Foster, prima donna: Civets WIttich. contralto: Ten Mann Singers; fay Cervorie, musical director: Three Limbereites; Irene Vermillion and her company, consisting of Ohio State May Resume for '45 COLUMBUS, 0, July 22.-Ohio State Pair here may be resumed next year. said State Agricultural Director John T. Brown. He Is also chairman of a ecenrnittee seeking a new sate for the State Fairgrounds and said the spots under conalderetton had been narrowed to "only a few." He *sorted that once the site Was acquired It would not be necessary to watt until all buildings are completed before holding a fair. "The fair could be held In tents If neceftary." he said. The State Pair was dlsoontintied after army air forces took over the present grounds. It since hee been proposed to acquire new grounds because of the neighborhood congestion In the present area, Hermit Dart and Lyn Dural:: tester Harding enlaced the show and Fred H. Kreeernenn handled details with the Army Transport Control. After the performance the entire company were guests at the officers' rums, enptaned at 7:48 p.m. and were flown to Regina. where they arrived at p.m, to appear at Regina Exhibition. which followed Calgary Exhibition. This was the first tints that an entire unit used planes, especially for moving trunks, boxes, props and animals, such as bears. Kressmann belleres the Idea Ilea great feasibility av a means of t:anspoctallon atter the war. Peters Will Succeed Van Atta at Carthage CINCINNATI. July Clarence A, Peters, business man and horse fancier, was elected secretary of Hamilton County Agricultural Society July 10 at a nweurtg of the board of directors called by Former Doe. Myers Y. Cooper, president Peters, who will also be manager of the Carthage Fair, succeeds D. R. Van Atta, who hie been secretary eight years and resigned Ixcatift of pressure of business and lack of man power In kits own enterprises. lie wilt remain member of the Poona and chairman of the speed committee. Peters, Owner of Weatrtdde PArrad had been in charge of the fair*. show horse department many years and will *till hate charge Of that department. Van Atta. who has been secretary since the death of D. L. Sampson and has been a member of the board about 20 years arid one time Its president, reported that about 85 per cent of exhibit apace for the '44 fair had been reserved and all concession apace sold. Allentown Spending $20,000 ALLMTOWN, Pa.. July 22.-In a policy of keeping twndtng, shrubbery and roadways fn Ursa -cleft condition, Secretary M. H. Beery geld Allentown Pair Assoelatton was making about $20,000 worth of Improvements which are expected to be completed before Labor Day. Alterations are being made In the hotel on one corner of the ground'. Roadbed. are be. Ins: treated with natural asphalt. The half -mite track Is being conditioned. Be - aides five regular employee*, a doxen or more men are In painting arid carpenter work. AGRICULTURAL FRONT Condensed Date From June Summary by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Feed the three months Waded Jan - D Isere i I. 1044, the first three months of the current feeding year, disappearance of feed grains was the greatest on record :or that period. Disappearance of feeds was also high during the next three months but at a slightly lower rate than In the January -March period a year earlier. Present indlcationa are that feed disappearance is continuing at a relatively bleb rste compared with an average of former years, but slightly lees than at MU time Ira &Ancient supplies of feed gralna are In the country as is whole to carry thru until new -crop grain to obtainable altho II while not able to completely settsfy de - mend, are in a relatively better position trill that of feed grains, A bright spot In the feed picture Is the prevent prospect for crops, pastures and range*. The estrerne dryness of laat fall and early winter was followed by an unusually wet Pehimary. March and April. Altho cool weather delayed good growth during March and April, warm weather and the favorable race -attire conditions In recent weeks over moat of the country are expected to produce good grazing and Ky. State Moves To Downs Plant Noted race truck is new site-extended horse show and Jones midway are set LOUISVILLE. July 22.-Headquarters of Kentucky State Pair board have been moved from the fairgrounds to Churchill Downs racing plant, where the 1044 fair will be held, said President =tot: Robertson. He also announced that the Horse Show would run six days Instead of four es in the pest. Show will close with the grand championship 510,000 flue -gaited &twice. P. W. Curran. Lou:settle, was named chairmen of the advisory committee to the H0130 Snow management, and George fiwthebread. Lancaster, was made emcee std announcer. These Judges were announced: Claude Pemberton. Elirabethtown: W. 0. reenact!. She:bins. Mu; Thomas M. Wilson, Bowling Green; Via Robertson. Hardinsburg; Harder Murray, Woodburn; Beagles 39. Davis, Lexington, and Ool. N. Butler &too*, Wirth Knox, Joh J. inner; Exposition will be on the midway agates Hillbilly Show Grosses Zoom CHICAGO, July lb:11y shows booked by the WlS Artiatie Bureau are *coming to new highs at faire thls year, reported tad Kurtso. who said the bureau would have a tremendous year. Up to July 3. he said, 213 contracts had been algried es against 161 at. the manic time Ian year. The hillbilly group that played North Dakota State Patr, Minot, grossed In a one -der appearance, matinee and night. At Botttneau, N. D. the one.day grime was $3,000 and at Jamestown $ "Growth of the popularity or hillbilly abgaws Is astonishing," said Kurtne. "The Befriend for shows continues to Increase and ere:yeller* they drew record crowds," Jamboree Tops Own Record at Opening CINCITNNATL July 22.-WLW Promotions. Inc.. Boone County Jamboree ha* started the season with new records, Two years ego It set a new mark for opening day at Bartholomew County Patr, Columbus. Ind., with a gross of * Last Sunday this was topped at the COlumbus opener by a take of 02, Director Bill McCloskey Bald that prospects are that the Jamboree will go to new highs this seaftn. Okla. City Tightens Gate OKLAHOMA CITY. July 22.-A big mall -order businem and adoption of the "Everybody Pays" policy mark prepare - Lions for the '44 Oklahoma State Fair here. said Secretary -Manager Ralph T. Hemphill. About 100,000 bargaln.price tickets at 40 cents are on tale until forage. In additien, prospects for crops have Improved conelderably. July 3t. One ticket ;Amite to outside gate or efternoon grandstand and two Late -spring milk and butterfat prices will admit to night grandstand. Because to farmers averaged higher than year of the tax being paid. they are not accepted fur box teats. Regular prices are they are not evenly distributed. It le expected that by October 1 stocks of feed were not ogee: by the higher prices and to be 00 cents afternoons and $1 at night: cruller, Sharp Increases In feed prima grains will be at the lowest level for trust government payment*. The milk -feed children, 35 cents. Manager Hemphill date Woe Supplies of feed for ratio In May was 1.27 as compared with said even members of the ItalOCIa. next year, of course, depend mainly upon 120 a year eorlier: white the butterfat - tient must buy tickets this year. production tbts year. By-product feed feed ratios were 23.1 end 24.7 respectfully. }foveae:, it Is likely that milk- the grandstand shows, and the Royal Barnes Carruthers will again prevent productlan oonttnure about the same as last year or slightly above, and supplies, (5ft Agricultural Front on pegs 53) American Shows will be on the midway.

51 July 29, 1911 The Billboard P RKS-RESORTS-POOLS 51 4, a 4eilUcted has keft tkte Oteatest Seas6ft ipt the 4146vc4 tke 74#nusemettt Packs We have supplied, weekly, since Memorial Day, 29 Amusement Parks successfully in spite of numerous obstacles. We are now prepared for what we expect to be the best fairs season since KEEP BUYING BONDS * KEEP PUSHING FOR VICTORY It is with a great deal of pleasure that we welcome back to the fold the following fairs: VERMONT STATE FAIR, Rutland MAINE STATE FAIR, Skowhegan SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC, FAIR HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CELEBRATION BANGOR, Maine ESSEX JUNCTION, Vermont COBLESKILL, New York ALTAMONT, New York CORTLAND, New York LITTLE VALLEY, New York ERIE COUNTY FAIR, Hamburg, N. Y. GREAT BLOOMSBURG FAIR, Bloomsburg, Pa. THE GREAT FREDERICK FAIR, Frederick, Md. SOUTHSIDE FAIR, Petersburg, Va. LOCKPORT, New York DELAWARE STATE FAIR, Harrington, Del. FLEMINGTON FAIR, Flemington, N. J. (And Many Others) {Watch for the biggest event in the oast, featuring the Grand Circuit Harness Racing, NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR Trenton, N. J., week of September 10th. Plus one of the biggest grandstand stage shows in the east. la"4.1aa Faithfully serving American and Canadian fairs for over 22 years. GEORGE A. HAMID, INC. HAMID'S MILLION DOLLAR PIER ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. 10 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, NEW YORK, N. Y. NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR TRENTON. N. J. WHITE CITY PARK WORCESTER. MASS.

52 52 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard filly COMEBACKS SWELL ROSTER More Set To Go Than Since '41 Some big and many small. er annuals back in lineattraction bills strong (Conttnued from pope 3) gerrattment and civilian agencim for victory and post-war plants. Big patriotic revues for grendatanda free seta and midway attractions hare naturally been to Unprecedented demand and bookers hare extended themselves to provide for this market. PrOfesslanal and labor man -power shortage* appear to have been overcome In large measure and acme pretoothaui properties ere bitted. The Mee of Degense Transportatten's green light for travel OS show companies and individual acts rang - Mad the demand for thee* adjuncts by falr.goers. who themselves and their forebears have advanced the valuation Of the fair Induetry for mots than 100 yews. In Drydneks for Duration Bull In government tiro and not WANTED Carnival or a number of Rides for Fair--Anatist Good Cornivol Twee of 20,000 PopuiatIon SOUTHEAST MISSOURI DISTRICT FAIR ASSOCIATION Gape Girardeau. Mo. HERMAN %V. KEI.I.ER. See. WANTED FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY BIGGEST FAIR CARNIVAL-Cavosolom, Bleep. Leg draw. 'air crowds seater new large Army Saw. Start's" week Aug, list. WIRE-WRITE- Methane veer awl terms. Ir. W. SiltessaN C. et C. Cadres. Stftbury. Nebr. CARNIVAL WANTED Labelle Co. Free Fair August 29 to Septrnsher 1 WIRE' WRITE TELEPHONE Joe A. Carpenter. Oswego. Kan. Only Fair Within 40 -Mile Radius. 10 Mlles From Kansas Ordnance Plant. ars IllamW it JEAN. V nor WHAT IT TAKES/ available for fairs thla year are the plants. or portions of thorn. of the State fairs In Sprin,gfield, 111.: Indianapolis. Des Moines. Detroit; Sedalia, 1,1o: byre - ruse: Raleign. H, Ot Coluntbue, Salem, Ore.: Nashville. Dallas; Richmond. Vs, and Temps. Ma. Other major plants still In Dominion use are thew of the Canadian National IAhlbl lion, Toronto: Central Canada Iethebillon. Ottawa, and VILICOUrtt (B. al rehlbluon. The creek free fair lord4 atich., has been deferred again because of war conditions with a strong local slant. Brockton (Massa Pair, called off last year, will be revived and all plans for it are about sat. Bangor (Me.) State Pair will cane back GU* year. Some buildings of Matra States Expoattlon Springfield. mass_ will not be released by the government In time to provide for '44 fair. -originally we rented the major part of the grounds and buildings to the War Department as quertermaster depot." said ESE General Manager Charles A. Nash. "This depot Is still occupying the pantiles. "At a somewhat later date the various State buildings. with thejunlor Achievement Building and New England Orange Building. were rented to the War Department foe use by a military police battalion for training purpose*. These particular buildings have now been vacated and the contracts thereon mina:ed. However, this la only a mall part of our physical layout and until the major portion of the grounds and buildings are released by the quarts' - master there Is Do chance of an exposition." Slaters Are Set To Co Among larger tan that are all set for '44 are Alabama State Pair. Birmingham: Mobile (Ala.) Gulf Coast Mr;!hinters County Pale Dothan. Ala: Arkansas Livestock Show. Little Rock: Colorado State Pair. Pueblo: Danbury 'Conn.) Pair: Harrington (Del.) Fein held suceresfully this week; Southeastern World's Pale Atlanta: Fachange Club Milt Augusta. Oar Tenths Stale Pair. kaeon: Western Idaho State Pair. Boise. and Eastern Idaho State Pair. Blackfoot; Du Quoin GUI State Pair, end these in Kankakee. Olney and Taylors:11e as tepeeset:dative of a long list scheduled. Anderson (Ind.) Pre* Pair, which again broke records July 34. apparently Is profiting by the fact that the State Fair In Indianapolis has lapsed during the war. The fairs In 7itunine arid La Porto have been kept going and are among the many auccesstut Hoosier annuals that never faltered. kneels roster, also has held up and only hero and there have any fairs Of consequence dropped out. Dee Moines State Pair will be in abeyance for the duration but North Iowa Pair. Mason City. Is In the running. The two Ina. jars In Rama& the State Pair. Thltshtn- SOn. and Kansas Free Pair, Topeka. hare been leaders In wartime presentation and export augmented displays and entertainment features this year. Kentucky State Mr. boutsville. among the comebacks this year. Altbo the regular grounds are still in military use, the teeing plant at noted Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby, has been obtained and *Meals are work - trig on layouts for full-fledged State annual. There will be more elaborate offerings at Louisiana State Pair. Shreveport. where there has been no lapse since the war began. Bangor Pair slew comes book In Maine sad numerous' HIS ACT 'NSW'S EVE RY1300Y. A MARVEL F I NE SHOYV 5E1.0eN! others are elated. Including bkowhegati Pair. Cumberland and Frederick. Md. continue to go along. altho llagersunni 13 marking Unto for the duration. More Heady In Michigan Figures are up In atichtgan on the number of :velvets, altho the Detroit btato Fair and Ionia FTCO Pair are still ceumalttes. Such annuals as those in Hillsdale. Saginaw and Traverse City are prepping for another big period. Mlnnosota State Per. St. Paul. Is another that has continued uninterrupted. slain Of necessity hampered by war conditions. The Gopher State boards again contribute a long list of alma Including hand -bra like Rochester and Owatonna - After much Internal turmoil Mimisaippl State Path Jackson, continues and fairs are again carded for Meridian and Tupelo. Rapidly coming to the fore and no doubt aided by the lapse of the State Pair In &delta. Ozark Empire District Tate, Springfield. Mo.. I. again on the topic The creek North Montka State Pair Great Bina, and Midland Empire Pair, Billings, Mont.. will again hare major exhibits and attractions. Nebraska State Pair. Lincoln. again heads pretentious roll of annuals for which data have been set. Ak-bar-Ben will have ICe livestock show In Omaha. Keene and Plymouth are among these set In New Hampthire and In New Jersey the Trenton State Pair and Flemington Pair are shit going streets. New Mexico Stitt* Pair Alburenserque. continuer it.' development and Is progressing, despite handicaps in carrying out eaten:11on plane. New York's lilt la Impreastr again, with healthy County annuals hated of the type at Altamont. which observes Its 00th anniversary: Genlverneur. Hamburg and Mineola. Among the Tar - heel regulars swill be Ooldabore, Greensboro. Reeky Mount and WItion, N. C. Among North Dakota fairs those In Fes - lenders. Cando and Dietitian and the Minot State Pair went ores Ohio Seeking New Site site State Pale. COlumbUs, which will not be resumed until a oammission Snotty decides Upon a new location. the old plant still betng In military usage. About n Buckeye boards have lined up their annuals. including the well know, In Dayton, Wapakoneta and Lancaster. Among a dawn carded In oaariana are the sturdy State Pair in Oklahoma City and Free State Pair in Muskogee. Tubs will bold a stock show only. Tn Perensyl vents. the York In t e r -Ste te. Allentown and Bloomsburg fairs again will lead the van of the 43 to to het& Reading antinues to abeyance. In Allentown the board La making improrentents to the time of $20.000, to be completed by Labor Day. Charles W, Swayer. Rending. secretary of the State association. believes all Penney faire will do well and that displays of produce will be Urger than ever. Dariy flare in Red Lion and Selinsgrove more than lived up to expectations. South Carotins State Pete Oolurztbill. only Stater active In that recta of the Atlantic Coast, gore on again wins all contracts made. Among the dceen and hau others will be those In Anderson, Florence, Orangeburg and Spartanburg. Santa Dakota State Pair still sticks In Huron and Mitchell Corn Palace wilt try to top Its all-time record of '43. Chattanooga and Lawrenceburg. Tenn.. carry on with a doom more, but the State Pair In Nashville and the Knoxville Pair are al' for the duration Texas falls have been hard hit, cancel SWELL ACT 5E1 DEN! Fair List A list of fairs and expedition, will be found In the List Section of this lassie. tenons following that of tho State Pair in Dallas, which may be able to reettme In '43. Continuo Unbroken RUM Utah State In Salt Lake City will be more pretentious' this year and half a more of county events are prepping. In Vermont the usual annuals In Rutland and Marx Junction are set. New ground. In Richmond. Va., must be lined up before Virginia State Pair can be held again, as the old plant I104 been put. to other use.. Denville. Petersburg. Staunton and Suffolk are ready for '44. A half dozen In Went Virginia will be lead MT by ALarlIngton Path Wisconsin State Pale Milwaukee, will continue its unbroken run. With one of the heaviest schedules In the nation. Badger exec* are going In 'strong for exhibit; and attractions and at least one, Monroe County Mr, Tomak will present a canbet show by the 76th Divnem Camp McCoy. Among the 73 -odd fair. aura to open are those In Chippewa ram, La Cross and Superior. Western Canada Class A and B nits bad unusual 'success this Beason. both as to attendance and receipt.. some high marks being broken or tied In Brandon, Calgary. Regina and Baakatoou. DI Eastern Canada good prospects are in eight for Leamington and Lindsay. Ont., and Quebec City and Sherbrooke. Que. KNOX COUNTY FAIR C1fIlle. ILLINOIS AUGUST 7 TH41) Itt. Oats fil*nerf and ttetteset Now Cononaleno fee I taaannottnt Ka. &HAW PIG. and sore, 114trotat CARL L. MORGAN. Sup4. of 04.$ , S3 S. Woad OH. Clataibadd. Ill. WANT CARNIVAL CASS CO. AGRI. FAIR Sal Oonotort. SINS. Al. rd. -drat,. el ill Viol. HARRY S. IOBOTSON, Sea, Deantaa. Saha. Fair Secretaries- Celebration committees: can furn1.4 a -a ItHt of A, fed Ha. Ctait1 enrol Elan. TrI.I. I'S witty Yea- WAXT' GROPER to ROSE ATTRACTIONS 34 raw ado., Stela. ST. LOUIS I. MO. Dar lotehtt OiraiNat 4774 Yall. POI 141 vr,sxren A GOOD CARNIVAL V.v. Cant... Cr. To olo Femurs. EVEN FOR PERFORMER5V SaPt. 7.44). eco..tant ottint LEONARD W. ISLILLINII, Switzerland County Fair Fairtirtv. Ind. August September 1.2 The Only free fair In Southern Li ROY ROIL. Seen APO eteca. FEW WEEKS STILL OPEN! CM Ltd.'. MEN wading polo.at for do..sir Nth data, P. peon% ad '.11 Halo 1. pops., Gr. yea talon otwolltlaq to 1.4 alto. It's pod poldilaty Iw rout Of.114/1141N7 scoriae GAL Of TNt aitteostela CINCINNATI I, OHIO COMIDIT 1144 BY TIM 177AT NAIL eve as Etta.. PO% a TOL'AY

53 !or 29, 19 f The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS 53 Around the Grounds 12XADF.P., Is.-At the 1944 Elkeeke Fair there will be horse racing on two afterneona and the Twin River Shows will be on the midway. MEXICO cirr.-m government la erecting a building here to be used solely for exhibition purposes- Annual Industrial 'hew and almnra events will be booked there, starting In FIXIEIMMEN. N. 17.-The 1944 Wells County Free Fair had receipts about 30 per cent higher than ever before. mid E. W. Vancura. zecretary. A total of 62,100 In premiums woo paid during the four days. ST. JAMES, Minm-State Draft Home Show and State 4-H Colt Club 8how will be held In oonproactlen with the 1044 Watonwan County Fair here because State Tsar barrio are In use for war work. Secretary Hubert 1L noon mid there would be large entrtos rind that they were confined to Mine -emote -owned horses. PLYMOUTH. N. IL-Mrs. William J. Neal. acting secretary of Plymouth Fair Amortation, said substantial Increases In all premiums at the 1944 fair hod been voted by director.. epee:al attention was gtven to increases for boys' and erte 4.11 Club work find for groups and bobby Mimeo Acts have been booked for afternoon and night performances. FrinutottD'r, Ia. - Humboldt County Mr will be reopened this year after being eloped for the past two yeora because of the war. said Walter N. Crissey, weerettry. Grandstand and other buildinga are being repaired. There will be free Eta and bone racing. First Humboldt County Pair vraa bed for one day in It continued each year in Dakota City until 1800, when It WAS moved to Humboldt. TOMAH. Wis.-Two f tatures of Monroe County Fair will be Iterates racing oat Sunday and a combat show Taierelay afternoon presented by the 76th TY-a:sten from Camp McCoy. moues are to be built on the grounds and a demonstration of their capture will be a highlight. Available Immediately FTL-T text TTatteTtlow. Jost dost1 -SHAW Stanorte, CUM*. HA,IMOND'S ESKIMO TROUPE Pen. Adam: floors. Nebeasas RITA and DUNK HIGH WISE ACTS Trio tlikeleseswe Ow. 0.4 et All ',mud. Mar ANHOTIA losemosatloo goat OR wen.elk a THeftstullar and henna* di* fi roincto. :Cow tontins film fan foithelag et roes ceithe*uoiss. eta. C.* TT* iine rd. Clet.,...1 1, 0.11 Sf. Louis County Fair PROCTOR. NUNN. WANT RIDES ANO SHOWS FOR AUCIJST 24.27, 1444 Write A. I. SUNDQUIST, Set. Proctor. Minn. WANT CARNIVAL HENDERSON COUNTY FAIR IMMUNISER ?;.141.rcrItOorn4Occ.I.H. radius. 111:1 sootush A A L PH SLITLC R PromPATA. ITI. FOR SALE 2 KEENEY'S FORTUNE $ EACH 2 MO'S '41 DERBY S EACH Send I', down. ashore C. 0. D. AUTOMAIK COIN MACHINE ( Peodrei St. New 011,, I). La. WANTED resedaland Attoeilons - Rome - Used - Oahu Alta HUNTSVILLE. ALA. September 6 Thnnigh 9 HAIM DICKSON. Ser. SECRETARIES OF FAIRS. PICNICS. ETC., CONTACT HARVEY THOMAS AGENCY for talv.1 r orr, Ar,I A S'1,1 -.1,- HARVEY THOMAS, 1U N. Sun St.. ChIcam. Poen.. Dzsrbun *OM el Kerne** WAsta--Acts,, EvArtaLATT, 1.1TMATT. On Tuesday, Army Day, every man In uniform will be admitted free at main gate and grandstand. Hodge: State Shows will be on the midway. AGRICULTURAL FRONT (continued from pope 50) feed ratios will be more farerable than last year thruout moot of while butterfat -feed robots will become more favorable during the loot half of tali. HOW dairy production payments announced by the War Food Administration reduce milk paymento 15 cents per cwt and butterfat 2 cents per pound during meat of the summer. The May - August rates are 35 to 65 cents for whole milk and 6 cont, for butterfat. Bolt from September, 1044, turn March payments will be Increased 26 cents per hundredweight on milk And 4 cents Per pound on butterfat. Coder WFA authorization Increasing mks quotas of fluid cream, fluid milk by-products, and ice cream during May and June, civil:ono will get more of these products. The meararth were designed to facilitate full Utilization of nutlet - pled larger -than -usual seasonal increases In milk production. Civilian sup - pilot of butter and American cheese were expected to be larger during May and June of Sala year than year earlier and aloe larger than in the first quarter of Allocations were 120 million pounds of theme. as compared with 00 million pounds In the Drat quarter, and 432 million pounds of butter, as compared with 410 million pounds In the first quarter. Evaporated and condensed milk allocations remain unchanged. Total production of manufactured dairy products, milk equivalent bast:, made a greater percentage Increase from February to March this year than at any time since This was a result of norre-than-sessonal Increase In milk production In that period. plus limitations On fluid milk and cream math which presented the usual emiedicaal Increase In sales of those products. Poultry ond Eggs Laig production In the first third of 1044 was 9 per cent larger than the previous record of a year ago, and 66 per cent above the 10 -year average. The LC10, peak has yawed and a maims - Mg decline has started which will cutminote In the seseonal low point In November. The late winter and early seeing rate of culling of laying!leeks WU unusually low, but a considerable Increase over last year la expected by early summer. Increases are anticipated us egg prices during the summer -fall period this year over the ranee period last year. The War Food Acieniontration has authorized Hs agents buying current - receipt eggs to pay 27 oents per dozen Instead of 319 cents as formerly presided. Supplies of both poultry and eggs have been at record levels thus far In Farm maces for chickens in mid -May were 24.4 cents per pound live weight, compared with 24.7 cents a year ago. Average feed oasts to farm poultry rations on May 15 were 13 per cent more 1..an on May 15, There were ,000 chicks and young chicken* of tins year's hatching on farms May i. about ty, per cent lees than a ye, earlier but 33 per cent above the 10:1-9ez. average. Indications are however. that there will be a much smaller batch So - fleck replacement purpose* In the May - July period this year than bat, Livestock Heavy receipts of hogs for slaughter late April caused hog prices of support - a -eight range to drop to support levet, at most markets. Large daily carry-orers of unsold hogs at principal markets were cornir.on with a weak demand for at support priors. Consequently corn oven were made up of hogs in the aup port peke :tinge so that soots and butcher bogs lighter than or heavier than support weights suffered large price dls coantri, 'To remedy this, good and choice butcher hogs weighing 180 to 200 pound, were Included In the support price program beeinning May 15. Hog prices are not likely to improve until most of last fall's 48 million pig crop has been morketed, altho the freeing of pork from ration points will Increase the demand for hegs. lane marketing* are anticipated thru September 30. when the support price will be lowered from to at Chicago. rind will apply to good and choice botcher bogs wieshing 200 to 240 pounds for 180 to 240 If the emergency support price extension remains In (fleet that long) Instead of the 200 to 770pound weight range supported for the largest part of %.6., THE WLW BOONE COUNTY JAMBOREE Continues to break all attendance records This famous No. 1 Rural Show smashed the opening day record at the Columbus, Incii ono Fair in 1942-and then smashed it again in * * * Now Booking for 1945 Fairs: WLW on PARADE WLW JAMBORETTES JAMBOREE WLW IC3 :UVT Write, wire or phone Mgr. Bill McCloskey OrVISION Of hit CIOSLEY COMIA1/01,1 Phone CHerry WEST NINTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO ARE YOU Best READY FOR THE FAIRS? Money -Making Grind Store "HIT-A-JAP DART GAME" Op heads painted on Sepeseloord. cut the thee as token. can be worked all the ways liter bscoons ee, wgel, Fl 1,,(1 low mod black it, can44seck garre with Dana 'Likes 50 11Cd to Hirsh a Arb backgrcond of Crimes. Has revue', a real MOOCT mater, SET OF FIFTY - $25.00 PLASTIC VEIN $ DARTS 0 GROSS CORK OAlifkr MEN, GET HIP SHOOT A JAF. 1.,11 lte i.g.,,e, otombe on back of each hp. The is only for those who love cork guns. WE HAW -NON: (mister', Beware. 1SS per set of Ray Oake3 Original PLEASE DO NOT SEND for SAMPLES. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. RAY OAKES, P. 0. Box -106, Brookfield, Illinois BLOOMSBURG FAIR Pennsylvania's Big County Fair SEPTEMBER , 1944 Attendance In ,000 THREE RIG SPECIAL DAYS Tuesday -Friday - Children's Days. Soltinlay - Thrill Day. Coed Space Open for Refreshment and Merchandise Concessions. Shows and Rider - JAMES E. STRAITS CARL FLECKS STINT Supt. Concessions, Bloomsburg, Pa. ATTENTION, CONCESSIONAIRES Waste scales Mast sad Can net Moro Legitimate Concession. [octet Since. NIAGARA COUNTY FAIR, LOCKPORT, N. Y. WIN 31 TO AUGUST 5-6 DAYS AND 6 NITES tisrsie. Sig Reese sod Ada - Hollywood Heil Delve.. - Hone Reefed.

54 54 The Billboard RINKS AND SKATERS Communications In 2S Opera Place. Cincinnati Pro Confabs Set by RSROA DETROIT, July 22-Registration of. first were established this week for the three Profesaionale Confect:sem being sponsored this summer by the RSIIOA. a rd first announced in Last week's Issue Of The Blriboent. Eastern Cor.ference WOO York July 21-Atigust registratime are being taken by Joseph P. Seifert. Bay Ridge Rtnk. 041 find Street, Or Victor J. Brown, New Dreamland Arena, 986 Preillighuyeen Avenue. Newark. N. J. Registrattoes for the Western Conference (Redondo. Wash., August 50-56). are being taken by W. J. Betts. Redondo Rink, or William T. Brown. Southgate Rolterdroine teth Avenue. Seattle 6, Wash. An added feature of the West. ern Conference will be ocean bathing, the rink being on the shore of Puget Sound. Registration for the Central Conference (Detroit, September 6-9), is being handled by Marjorie Martin 31cLauchlen, head professional, at Arena Panama 6193 Woodward Avenue. Detroit. 53 Take ARSA Tests At Bridgeport Spot EiRIDOEPORT, Coon., July 22 -FIT ty. three took prodelency tone at Ho/lands Bkatcland here July 15, with 24 taking the test In figure and 20 In dance, with all but one passing the former class and 14 In the latter. All had been trained by Math and BM Holland. the rink own. en, during the past severs] months and In the latter weeks they were aasistesrl by Paul Von Oomner, former national champion toe skates of Hungary and now se -tor pro at the Akron (0.) Ice Ctub during the winter. Amateur /toner Skating Association ni Ices who or -dated were Melt Her. ri von. Newark. N. J.: Ozzie Nelson. Oreat Neck. I. r, N. Y., and Alfred Me- Cillough, Now Yak. to a Wet to: Judges, Tristreasa Ltocl, Donald Decker and Win Ormehowsky were pasted rod qtaltbeel. No "Czar" Needed By Industry, Says Secretary of Ops By W. Schmitz Secretary, United Rink Operators F/XLABETH, N. J., July 22.-I hare been following the articles in The SW. board by Mr. &Serino with reference to -mar" for the roller-skating industry. I ant at a Ices to understand why he ball or rooting picture Industries. Before I wont into the roller-skating bw.1- r.rea I Used to be In the moving picture business; and the only reason that the moving picture Industry had a so-called "mar" was because of the fact that COMA year. ago the churches were boycotting moving picture theaters because of the type of picture. which were being shown. Naturally. the motion picture theater operator had no control over this situation because the pictures were med. its Hollywood. He had no choice as to pictures he wanted to chow, Pictures were sold at that time on the basis of the entire output of a company. Tor instance, If a theater owner vented to show a picture mode by Paramount he had to thaw all pictures nude by Paramount. The disagreement between the moving picture todustry and the churches was finally settled by agreeing on a man who was to rcrlaw each picture before It arse relesied and who had a tight to cut out any scenes which he saw M. This certainly does riot apply to the rink business. Any man who knows 1101, to conduct hie rink Ina proper manner WHEELS of NEW MAPLE The Finest- Clear Hard Maple Wo Have Seen No. 87S " Dia. x 1 1/4" 2 Pc. Bushing No. 87D 17S"xl" Dance Bushing No. 87F 23Vxl1/4" Figure Bushing No. 86CBF 23/s"x11/4" Figure No Sleeve frephreensant-no. deorinerj ALSO LONG -WEARING FIBRE WHEELS No. 78 Regular 2" or 21'16" Dia.-2 Pc. Bushing No. 78S Special 2" Dia. x 1" Wide -2 Pc. Bushing PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO W. LAKE ST. CHICAGO 24, ILL, SKATNON.ASCAP HAMMOND ORGAN AND NOVACHORD RECAtRDS ne 040 Os. Orstnirl IAo fee sinew I twenso Lwow N..* Frew manda wow All 641 tv WartIls VOA,. V o. namilt LosIs /144 Wen. cm's grolarn rii ON ay RD 641 LW. D4,44 TocloNt AO WS Vmn Taw AN About Toe Om. sum Macias ,. Potaie. Two Presto Raw no 11.4% Val NW Fran ille Wm,. sr.* Hormt Germ Awn Loati Am <AN IPW Awl, UPAO Rearms * My 440%101 loprol octet: Dens: 00,111 Aro Anmlw One" of Yee * it.,. PI vet,rote 6.'4 fa, n, To Chew Prot. Tee.e Mare weeeei, $1.40 tsar, ,16,4, etas P11114)4 an ' [,de. Tol. SerNsfoetien Guaranteed or Your Money Rf underf SIKATIV TWINS. Y. 0. Box 261. llolverne. Y. July 29, ,4 and the one who ignores conventional ethics will eventually Wind up behind the eight ball. Give& Plug for ARSA The last article by the aforementioned gentleman certainty dote not contain anything c000tructiee. Instead, he throes tacrizqrmia at different operators. When he says land 1 quote): "We furniah own buildings. our time and itlianft without hope of profit" I wonder if Mr, &Skein is trying to kid the skaters or has nothing else to do, It lus bed the fiat In mind. then he should be 195 by 366 feet, with daylight skylight advised that The Blifboard Is not read on o fire-acto plot. It was La operation by the 'skaters but by the rink operators, Ice the part tire years. moat of whom are too intelligent to gobble up such nonsense. Locality after the war by the orirmel A new rink will be Valle In the same The reason I have not wrillon more group. Ralph achaurniceffel, prealtrent articles is bemuse I am. contrary to the eteternerit made by Mr. Sefierino. trying hard to =like money. That's what I am needs a "Clear" to tell him how to run his business. I believe that most rink operators, regard:ow of whether they are members of en &meta:ion or not, are doing all tight. I believe that If htr. Seifert= would pay more attention to Ms own business Instead of writing articles which, In my humble opinion. are rink operators feel the same way. If IV. In busir.ess for and I believe that all quite often Insults to the Intelligence of Berezina is riot In business to make is :Ink operator, he would have no need money and never hopes to mike any. as for any "PAL" he writes, my suggesticn to him is to Join a noble movement, composed en- Not Like the Mocks Host certainly the roller-atting host. nets cannot be compared with the base- tirely of amateurs and known as the Amateur Roller Skating Association. pole governing body over all amateur railer skating and the only mastication In this sport recognised by the Anti and ASC. New Recreation Bldg. Spot NEW WATERFORD, 5, 8., July 23.-A rem -rational Center plar.r.ed for New Waterford, N. S.. by Oregoe X Geuther, On a site recently purchased. includes as rink for roller skating in summer and ice skating In winter. There will also be o theater for films and stagealnaws; dance hill equipped with television palm garden restaurant and a gymnasium. P. Oregon one of the sponsors, now operated the Majestic Theater In Now Waterford. The now building will be of brick sad adjoins the post *Moe. Fire Destroys Park Bldg. OMAHA. July 22.-Krut Rink here. operated by William, 0. Christianson. wan.enwtroyed by fire that razed the onestory frame structure In Krug Park. Buitellr.g originally had been used ea ballroom but later wee turned into a rink. The rink had been recently reopened. Chrintieneon reported be lost about 230 pairs of skates and estimeted damage at 44,000. There woe no insurance carried except on the organ. ARIL1A GARDENS. Detroit, will reopen with a full fall schedule September 8. wording to Manager Fred A. Murtin, THEA 146DONALD, ofilm manager of the RSROA. has returned from a vocation :spent with her Ester and family at Gull Lake, Mich. ASA DOLSEN'S Ace High Rink at Janesville. one of the largest In Whew - Bin. IA In operation Sunday afternoons and nightly except Tuce4sy and Thursday. Latter nights aro available for parties. JACK ST. TIERRA veteran skater who Invented a widely used roller-skate attachment. has Invented a new attachment for Lee skates. St.?Sarre boa been In the lee and roller-skating neide for 31 years, having played vaude and rinks all over the country. Lest act with which he was connected before retiring from the skating end was the Interr-atIonal Three. composed of St. Meet. Prank rack and Martin Miner. FRANK HOLTZCLAW. operator of Prank's Rink. Boise. Idaho. became the nest R.5110A member in Idaho, by actien of the national board last week. Other new members approved are J. Harper Spencer of the Pilot (Mich.) nark Rollercade. and Maurice P. and Esther L. Whitney, of Rex Rink, Lowell. MALL John S. Free, of the Circus Oar - dens Rink, Toledo. sad H. A. Westland. of Coliseum Rink, Greensburg. Pa, have also applied for Ft9ROA normberahlp. title 1.**ral I tut. Emote, St. Pleas DetsotoiUe PO'd Pads...it.. to r461 Wirt,?4, 1.% s. NW vlattd. 4,-44ova. 4I0 OP ft/amen ste114144k sweeassalw ST. MARA close 11.1)244 OAK LAWN, ILL. Phony CAA LaA fan Cincy Rollatorinin Sold for $100,000 CINCINNATI. July =-Western Flollatotturn In the Western realdenum seetion of Cincinnati has been sold for 6100,000 as a site for the Sidney -Thomas Corporation, paper product's concern. Building Is concrete, with maple ricer and general =ringer: Otto Schaurnloof. fel. vice-pros:dent. and Edward Kerber. treasurer. Johnny Schroder, mania. has joined the Don Becker band In Louisville. This leaves the Serie:Inc Rolleedrome and Noe. wood Rink as tho only spots In Ctrs- Cinnatt r.-frnr order M-91 4) (-""fro:o me for the duration, BUT ME STILL GOT A EMT EGG FOR THE SMART OPERATORS who plan ahead" April 7th white duok went on the "out list for the duration" -- that fine whit. duok that goes into those HYDE ROLLER SHOES but we looked ahead and built a reserve of man. ufaotured shoes. So, if YOU look ahead now, too, and plan for your Ghrietzas needs you won't have to worry too =oh about our dwindling stockpile. Rerember, white leather went out two years ago so send us your order today and don't get naught *on the Joe for the duration" like our poor white &Kik. Got your order* in today! CAMB ATHLETIC SHOE CO. OCR, MASSACH U6E-ITS

55 July 29, Thr Billboard RINKS AND SKATERS 53 Amber Light on for Industry Trouble Ahead Seen in Skate Campaign on to solve what is declared hefty problem open to all in business IIy Victor J. Brown First President of the Roller Skating Rink Operators' A. n. and President of Dreamland Arena, Newark. N. J. rriterks trouble ahead! Not the kind A that you can Lay your finger on. like poor In the checkroom or bad rhythm In the organiat. mete can be corrected In your own rink. The trouble that I can see erects the entire industry. It must be fought by the tattle Industry. for It can brine back the vicious cycles that have plagued roller skating since It became something more than sidewalk sport. The trouble that I see is to the.sate. To clearly understand our newest plague it Is necessary to look at a pano. rams of roller skating since the first states were Invented. Original roller skates were wheels sttsched to some sort of a plate that neither permitted nor produced an edge. It is noticeable that the publac of those days did not take to roller skating. Why? Because the eery thing that gives a skater a thrill was, lacking In the first skates-leaning. circles (edges) and effortleas glide. During the 18th century a half hour's et:sting was as tiring as four hours' walking add with no additional thrills. Plimpton Appealed to Paille Roller dating did not amount to any. thing socially or economically until the advent os the Plimpton date in the Both century. Here was something that appealed to the public -n date with action; in fact. practically the same skate we have today. except that in those dery there was action In the skates and no one had thought of the Idea of tightening The First Best Skate QUALITY R1(14110SON BALLBEARIN SIM ft Ittom , Ave. Chko1o, ht The Best Skate Today Mo.321 DOSTUSS ROOK DODO with law wow owe/..4 law moo, Gnus. ml woo col, =7,11, par O. IN 6 col. mmoiners Oda. leder. holm.. C. 0. D. OA DAR Wan% MOO as.., 1, la.. c,... prow1i'ac 4.nee 010 ATTENTION , a 11,4441. SOf Es. U. S. Mon! Scala Wotr000t Chou Cmilores. sofo tof town on sonason. Ja4444a loto a 10, an. 704 Ea.; %1 gal Is. Rob wo Sean. was Self... Ulla. Old 0456 Ma. nwoo6 rano. WA. ISO MO Woo 45 Ia.; 1000 Ha. 3f 14. Nalohalo Ann Oat* grwoos Ca ,440 with of*ar. le Freya R RESLER NOW YORK S the action bolt to the point of taking the action out of the skate. Don't think that thus Is the only groat boom roller skating has over had. After the Plimpton skate wan brought out skating was popular, too. In /set, it was more popular then than It to now. Where we skate to In a session now, they skated aa many as 5,000 then. What tined the booms in those day.? 1. Bed operation of rinks. 2. Lack of acenethmg to Interest the dater after ho bad learned to straight skate. Today we can and have 07t bad operation and we hare the finest oat -up of skate denote and figure skating Sn the world. but we can still lose. The re. turn to sidewalk skates is the greatest enemy skating has ever faced. I know that many of you will shrug you: aheaddors and ray, "So what?" I know most of you are making more money than you ever made in your Mee and you are entirely convinced that as long as the RSROA keeps skating before the public (Ls a major sport you will continue to go to the bank every day with a goodalsed "bundle." I wish I were as sure 53 you 170. Keep Dancers on "Action" About four years ago Perry D. Rawson called my attention to the Infiltration of the tight skate and the fake skating. We discueed the matter at length and wondered h.,w to fight It It looked like a tough fight, because ell the figure-skatlag champioris were on the tight skate and Fred Bergin and Bob Martin were going around the country *dotting skaters to tighten up the action and do a better!cep or a better "axle.' The worst put was that they were getting what they thought were mutts. Perry and I agreed that the only course to pursue was to try and keep the dancers mu "action" and hope thrit Ilerrein. Martin and Company would prove to themselves that they were on the wrong track. Two sat» elapsed and Fred Berg::: reported to me and to the board of con. that of the RBROA that he was makuits prose:ea but Met he bad not been ab:o to put all the piece* of the Jigsaw purale together. lie was continuing to work on lt, however, and he said at that time that he was sure Perry B. Rawson woe ritht, but that It was going to take rent tune to prove It as far as Ileum akattne; was concerned. Brian made a couple of attempts to show figure skaters that instead of cos-ermr up their bad body potations by tightening the skate, they should try learning to control their bodies and Leave tho skate action flexible. Be couldn't go too far at that time, however, because he did not have all the answers for threes, loops, brackets, sous* and Jumps that were raterssary to prom to skaters who were carrying off gold medals by the carload that they woe wrong. We bad to wait. Problem for All Industry This spring?red Bergin reported that he was ready to answer all the questiorsa of the figure skater* but that the plague had become so widespread that it would now take very great effort to stamp it out. Perry Rawson bad been ready and waiting for four years. Re was even carrying on a one-man campaign for the dancers alone. Bergin and Rawson boils asked me to help and I agreed to lend ell the support poteilble to get the skater* of Amrriets back on roller skates and off of sidewalk skates. It isn't only a problem 66 far as champions are concerned. If It were, we could train new champions and forget about the old. That would be may. The problem is saturating the entire Industry and It belongs on the shoulders of 1. Skate manufacturers. 2. Idink operators. 3. Skaterooni employees. 4. Profeealonala and all amateurs who would like o Pin the cruzade for preservation of the sport. The education that will keep roll= Boo 06011M41 :Cow I. 00.o 4. e.a,e 'off oaia nrotred. We lame terozhoo towage Tau Ito. wo ban nastained for so 5o n Doalfor boor Alnl an want, 461 rats Ia nopar 70o Imi 16 be toll flono. skating where It belongs must be tar - reaching enough to affect those who JACK ADAMS walk into rinks foe the first Mae. They 1471 NOW. Rai. liwot. It. Y. are usually handed a skate that us much too tight and whose action hole is ro small that the truck bangs agalnat the action bolt and Wile the flexibility. We tell them that they are In for three bows of enjoyment and they find that they are In for three hours of labor. They have really got to want to learn to skate to go thru that. Do yeti know that only one out of flee of thorn return? What business could stand a turnover like that? None-and roller skating is no exception. Support of AU Is Needed Sty hobby has always been the government angle of rotor skating, as wit - :awed by my years of work 773 president of the RSROA and member of the board Of control. I have given all that up to put my efforts into thla campaign. Ina going to confine myself to getting rid of the sidewalk skate as vigorously as I worked to promulgate good skatir.g and good rink operation, and I am going to oak for the support of every rink operator, not only those who are members of the RSROA but every rink operator, regardless of affiliation. Perry D. Rewton's book on skits, dancing on a flexible action Ls already on the market. Fred Dentin It ono on figure skating that Is bound to revolu. tionire this branch of the sport. The figure teats are being revised so that the docks will clear for the final campaign to preserve roller dating as sport long after thoeo of Uis who are now in it are gone. I want to see the flexible, narrow skate that is now known as the steam skate. on figure asters as well as dancers. I want to see the same skates with clamps on them In the skew room so that our new crop will get three hour, of enjoy - me= instead of labor. That's going to be my Job, foe Rawson will take care of the dancers and Wrath will take care of the figure skaters. When we ray flexible we don't mean dangling. D don't want to see the industry return to the days of cut rubbers. That would. be Jul sa bad at the tight skate. Our goal Is In between these two. Pro Schools in Campaign I know that I have the support of the REMOA. for men such as Bill Brown. Its preside. t, Pred Itartir, its secretory, and the membership as a whole are too progressive to turn their hocks on anything as important and crident as this. In fact, I know that Brown. thru his heed professional, Irene Dagg. Is working along the lame lines. I want the,tippcqt of the entire Industry so that we may get the Job done that much more quickly. The profeelonal schools Of the RBROA will be dedicated to the campaign this year. Attend them. Bring all your arguments with you and when go home make up your mend to Join the mused*. The Eastern School at Osy Blades In New York City Is on July 31 -August 5. The Western School at Redondo. Wash. Is on August 21-2a and the Midwestern School at Arena Outten', Detroit, is on September 69. Berea the motto: No more sidewalk skates! 'Mtn data are for skootingi flexible skates are for.1k ,21 Don't be a skooter. be a skater! Back to roller abates! ATLANTIC CITY (Coo:I.:sod from page 49) ton and Victor Mature in the cone guard's Tars and Spars revue. Among the bands lined up are Tommy Tudor. Sammy Kaye, Trommr Dorsey, Gene Krupa, Olen Gray and return engagements fee Bob Cheater. Kerry James and?rankle Chris. Stark Wilson, Philadelphia theatrical press agent and theater menages, Ia back again handling the publicity arm elver. tieing for liarrild's pier. Louise Atterbury to featured with the outdocc circus at Steel Pier's Ocean Stadium. At ntar-by cow mi, the city -upon. anted orchestra of 20 esteeeat led by J. Fret Winne, Is playing to capacity audiences nightly at the Oman City Muste Pler, For a third week -end In a row, the resort entertained a crowd of holiday proportions --Saturday and Sunday (15-161, when tented here was estimated at The July molests are running almost twice as groat as last year. REWOODING All White, Hardest Grade of Rock Maple FRANCIS J. BALDWIN Manufacturer of!lard Maple Whoa. REWOODING EXCLUSIVELY-NO RETAIL FRANCIS J. BALDWIN 240 S. Diamond St. Ravenna, Ohio Established February, 1930 SOMETHING NEW FOR ROLLER RINKS.. CLEVER ADVERT/SING A genuine, acetate Cede, Wood Reseda Pin wet, roans* 04 loner tonk-15, men end w Cal be used as prim. ghee- milt & sold. Cedar Weed beeved be to bran hest!" keg Me and physkai own.. Price $30 Per Gross 21". Deport Order. MILLER CREATIONS Causer; 0t72 Llr.,act a... deleave 14, iw. L. SOLOMON WANTED CASH PORTABLE ROLLER RINK COMPLETELY EQUIPPED IN GOOD CONDITION 3575 PERSHING AVENUE SAN DIEGO 1, CALIFORNIA

56 56 The Billboard ROADSHOW FILMS Communications to 155 North Clark Street. Chicago 1. DI. ROADSHOWMEN COMPLETE 16-6 st-"ii The taws. selesticri In the waist Pro*lora aitned et reasonable tarot. Lowest rental rd large seiectron yvmamma loo-exctusiyi-100 F. w,.... _ c.,...1 are Wortar7.! Oulu Sue If Arm AtomIrl Pease i 5." Terns w'''. In Hue% Loll, r.7." AMA urn a 4 reword Sannd 7 mean. $.,,,fly Nuttily Ittstakrtes WM% The Ape rain ea...1 as IsisirIw Mk(' tstso, stems. lion OrlOao OMM Robe Myths, -- - Ideal Pictures Corp. 211 East 8th Street CHICAGO 5, ILLINOIS WE PAY YOU Fon RUNNING COMMERCIAL PICTURES New 16mm. Sound Film Catalog and List of Equipment Will Be Ready August 1.5 Arc You on Our Mailing List? SWANK MOTION PICTURES Att. RAY SWANK 614 II. Skiftier, St. Louit 5, Mimi WORTH DOUBLE THE PRICE Peso AU Grace Kcdodulost (Lends WALTZ OF THE FLOWIA TeoI. nearar near who Tr.H.171COWEIRI Leo Metal Mole ete tentarnuart WINTER AAAA 111Y TWO *EEL& ta aetarral sad ertirtelve re bleser Dewar wail wall teruteni wean d lgal. matt JIEFIERSOR SIONFICIE -CLOSEVG OUT- E0F.n...5 Fnksrl'LtICBAgr 110= eta If ITIPRISES 16 NH RELIGIOUS. SUBJECTS a' MM. 11,-tod 11 P-r-ostors. OTTO MARBA01, ;rth Am. It Y. City PORTABLE SOUND! leases eery. Prro4scrrORa AT OJP.A. Celli KO PRIOR* 11.1 TN.,* eft rue svelte ST- KEW YORK IA U.S. Uses 16mm. Films in Mobile InformationUnit Two New Faces LONDON, July 22 -The Arne:kin govennaent Is using if cam DIMA. attest:;; thill:44 to nu the gaps In Intellectual and cultural smarms In Europe Mused by years of enemy occupation. These aline are part of the equipment of the ant mobilo emergency Arne:teen information tenter. which Is being demonstrated by the Moo of War Infer:nation at the Maneheater Central Library. The demonstration, which opened TUN - day (18) Will continua until August 1. Those mobile units may prove In many Int:news the only organized source of tralortr.ation during the first days of rehabilitation and may serve all a fotandatton for permanent libraries end information antes, t0 bo established In European key elttee and areas. Eorno unite have been designed for Germany. Each unit Is composed prontanly of data from American sources and will contain. in addition to ICintn. alma and projectors. pamphlets. background CO - maps. chart& government dectimeats and reference books and radio solpte- Those will provide the answers to Inquiries shoat the United Stater. the vow. wartime advances and dtscoverlot In the ecommic and social rehabilitation acids and the war alms of the United Nettons. Nationwide Bally For Overseas Films CHICAGO. July 22.-PIrst national magazine publishers to to -operate with the War Activities Committee In publicizing the motion picture Industrfa 16mm. gift film program is the Curtis Publishing Company, according to a report from the WAC. which Mao revealed that 10 days after the first Anted troops landed to Normandy. the men were Seeing some of the gilt films_ In sddttton to a featured article to the August 12 Issue of The Saturday Erent,tp Port II:us:rated with war zone photographa. the Curtis company is pringting and distributing lobby posters to some 16,000 theaters. These potters will accent the fact that CU= are sent to war tong arourel the world and tell bow film: from the home front reach the battle fronts thru the army ovtesears motion picture service. A SpeCIA1 advertutng campaign will be run In daily newspapers, urging the public to read The Post Mary by Pete Martin. and the OKE REEL A hburie (Waned la boretirer OVAL. New. et tba Woes Se awn ry. Curtis Menpany will swat Aniereaus also feature the Me wow) tallueen anted try pm lemon. eft program on its radio program, TM LisfenIng Post. '""7041- A T 14 MIS OF LIVERTer. " forejena Jive cort onto. retio sae The report of film showings on the am( tof 'ramp the IsSoroon Normandy beachhead Was made to the rt the eaten Ar Arend.. tcro. tint WAC by Col. S. L. Munson, chief of the A army's pictorial eertiee. Just returned RENTALSS" S ere en: $7ab"" 511pe e ē ak from overawe, Munron mid that troops 1.67, their first movie June 10. less than MOCULL'S rserv:14,:;:v. two weeks after the historic Invation, The picture was Columbiaa technicolor musical, Cover Obt. dlnco the overseas motion piemze Derck* had been building up a Slim stock for offend months prior to D.Day. It Ls expected that pteturos sill be OY-10. whenever milltarily possible, ones the three -a -week pattern which prevails else - New and event Releases (Running Times Aro Approximate) In Slout Roster July REPERTOIRE -TENT SHOWS Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati GLADiVIN. abola. July 22.-Oart Whyte) joined the L. Verne Stout Players tent Mow here last week on Mann relieving Ora Stout and giving the latter more time for her accordion specialties. This mark. Whytea fifth time with the Stout ahow. R. R. Brewer loft the Mew last Battu, day night (LS) to return to California. lie has been replaced by Harold Hansen. Mee, Guy Stanley was stricken Ill here early last week and rushed to Glaewin Respite], where she remained thruout the run bore for treatment. Stout shoves repertoire thin season Includes Toby Goes To Washington, Sir Hopkins, Leta Get a Dttoree. Pirtof Perkin' Monony, Unemerfect WSJc sad Gating Genies Garter. The cast Includes Jack Marco and Tess Roberts, leads; Bobby Brown, jute; Ere. lyn Thomas. Ingenue; Hansen. heavies; Guy and Emily Stanley, general bunt:less, and Verne and Ora Stout. OOMOdy. Amarillo Pans Big For Sadler's Troupe Orr WADI MA Moist to yembore Ole ,3- moots. Ttso GorAls." Carnora rtims-l.,-steett-tkme,.- frietaet at Cmeo. Roolmfors. Att. Ikea far L.'. SASE LIM THE ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS, Mary E. Fluhrer 30S 4413 ITN-a...xi lay Cantle Ito.. In %kr:n C. SIXTH DAYEAFOnT. IA. Z E NITH New W..t cone erre ltny,tbf, rnetv,ii picture record of the flrat violent eruption of the ar.elent 16mm. Sound -on -Film Rental Service for Wisconsin Only LATEST FEATURES. COMEDIES, W kft NEWS THE PHOTOART HOUSE 814 Ni. Fiankinton Ace. Milwankee 3, WI.. AMARILLO, Tex.. July Ilert Doris, formerly a partner of Rutty Sadler, Is back on the Sadler tent Mow. HIM time as bookkeeper and ticket man. relteving Mrs. Harley Sadler, who is taklog a twit -earned sle-allon Sadler tenter played to sae every night hare last week, with biz on two of the nights of tunisway ea:leer. A near cloudburst struck Tueeday night (Il) just after the show, and heavy rains hit ageln Thursday morning, Dut It felled to crab business. Connie Mundae worked ur-detr a hand.. cap here last week, bothered by a coo of the otel-time shinglea. Pvt. Ray (lbedie) Manley and 'Ate, Madeline, were frequent visitors on the lot hero. Ray Is Instructor on engtrm at the local flying Reid. The Manley"' formerly trouped with the limb Walters Show out of Fort Scott, Kan. Jeannie Layne. Jimmy Van, Mere Darling and Jimmy Corners bad birthdays last week. the foursoene celebrating It with a party on-atage Monday night of last week (10). Ray and DaIreel:r.0 Manley and Don CorteX, ex -trumpeter with the &tiller show band, were guests. Don ts now with the Aatatztx OM Orchestra here. Tics Aearitto Globe devoted two column -3 of Ea family page to a description of the show and a meomon of the cast after the opening here. MULE T. CONLEY. volcano sloes Vivid scenes are atr:wn of the havoc Wreaked by molten lava as It brings down buildings, buries a whole city And causes Inhabitants to start life anew In other clue.. THE PRISONER OF ZENDA, reeved by Picterial illnut. Inc. Bated on the novel by Anthony Hope. this Rim combines adventure and romance. Ronald Colman end Madeleine Carroll play the leveng others In We cast are C. Aubrey Smith and David Riven. Running time, 101 minutes. Bahb, Evans Launch Dallas Tent Stock DALLAS. July 22. -Wayne Babb, lure teed, and Chaska Evans. reams% both formerly with the Madcap Players hare. have organized n rep group for an IndennIte engagement under moms on Port Worth Avenue here, just beyond Roth's. as the Wayne Rabb Players, new group opened to a capacity house WM. day night of last week (10) with Tad./ Ann. Odering this week Is Why Wives Worry. Babb and Evens have surrounded thenuelves with a capable cant of rep and stock players. Including Betty O'Connor, Irene Bryant. Mack Long. Georgia Burkett. Gayland Watson, Cimeo Van Winkle and Uncle Remit*, Troupe Is doiog one bill a week. with the Weal press :mid In its midge of the earrings to date.. EVERYTHING MUST GO 15CM Mow Defeo, ProMMOM : Rrna 35A141. Tame V.V... $10.00 tods; Ist Tall", Prom,. Mokosk too 'Wm; Jussito N. Cartoon. for un M. &Ant Itstoirook Wanes Feee Moue : thee Short Sulems me mot: R.I.* ft. Woof-, Case. $4.00 nee. Can nu Isle IM of Soared emullttou. $65.00 ems: Snarl.le SHUN. Steneeansles rnru Taros.. $4.00 ems. Let v, Maw okos meter, mu Meet. W. Km. ta* Immo{ oupsly In mostry. Da our nits Way you buy. SI,IPSON'S FILMS WYST ALS XANORIA, OHIO 16 MM. SOUND FILMS FOR SALE Oomelete Featenn one Istellui OAHU. an... Osumi Pre/Mims tw Oaah galas. RENTALS CoruslOM Itersna Ammar, Wide softly Allen I. weilort emumilo to My 5i me On,. Also tom ProMotem mallabto on low aloha Write foe Lists and Detslis HARRIS HOME MOVIE LIBRARY. I., II, V C 16mm. Sound Programs Far 1 n Po $5 3IMS1 Week GOOD PICTURIll GOOD PRINTS! COUPLET! WITH SHORTS YOUR SATISFACTION CliARANT1to Wolfe for Lilt MORGAN FILMS th PFAU, REELS AND CANS 1400 FL Illee--4Men4tnatton Ew Set 105 et. SIre..0urelnaven 1.0o EL au 400 It. re-0a-4natlan 5.00 DM. Sets ABBE FILMS N4ry::2971NA.YV. Will Pay $25.00 Sound features and Shorts COLORED PERFORMERS AND MUSICIANS ion lit.nret.ve slum SALARIES START AT $30.00 AND UP TO A WEEK Kee oneannue rinntree 1 Sun( se Wen ToUreo. Prowl ond Markets. a,. Went SIAM iii111.4tir. Purr. R.M. Si. ed , also Girls fee In. One d 5ll Otto -not troolnuml. You m yew Moms Mee. Mt MI21...sore, coolasouus m rloreos quarter, Eat irr4 OHO WINO you MAMA TAO oat.15cm. Yoe molt/ 1159 abets sir.'. Lai DAVID S. BELL, Owner Fargo Follies Home Office -115 E. Rogers St. Valdosta. Ca.

57 ,u4041w July 29, 1944 CLASSIFIED RATE 10e a Word Minimum $2 Cash With Copy Forms Clow Thursday for FOilooing Week'li haste ACTS, SONGS & PARODIES new: woxotoovz nor : /5 alum Sow.. Poo111, $10.00: $ rartatso.m. 4.1ab" Suet ; regolang amers1 perforower. $7.00. Now back raaranior. $owta/ mamba Emma X34atoa0t. :541 30th Rd.. Waal Cu, 3. N. T. TOR A 1112/2/ NOVELTY ACT E11 Triel Dosarlora Ka: Pkvra. CADANt Boa. An ann... osakna, uo. GA0,13. PAK COMEDY NERBER.4. TOR rotlo, Mald CM. Pad 1107e41*. Bet 4101, 4/ PeokIwar, Nt. York LX I1 OP RP.1, PM0d tom. Sr Ihottawa C ;03 "" "25(478.1`4.7.;:g; landit.vm Colkot.loo L wtaal llevetwol stuott: WRITTEN ; SONGS RECORDED. 13,120; MOO& $0.00 op. Pum arm:aimed& Ilemp21. Crab 10B Woad tal 24r. York 1. BELL PL4CITOT7, RELIORWS CARD& COAT It op Solt 30e. tatoramtkaa free. MING groan TOO Ilmarloa MUSICAL 5ETTElet; 250. MAUR mraplele oxen wanted: arr. /0.000 Prune', ot0.7. mmk =oda lama>, ittaytyl.tae 1drike.d. 60 '<MA Tem hootor Ell. Ern, V New York 1. AGENTS do DISTRIBUTORS AGENTS -PHOTOS ON START% GOINO MEE No : t: $ 2.00 &.mut ,US amwaso- ac.asala. 1e4a4f4f.n1e4n4t AG2.vos-aisLi. FACTORS* , Ltaef gftet reaft 0096 Bab for?s. to r1v ItTprofft dark* soft twor. flaroe, 50c., doom, # flack , SI) Wroftedssim Rai, Wor T. N. T. air5 A. 0 - BELL 1ITAPX113 TABLE -111 (THE ritatsla Matta W41210.). $1.00 or for :3.4.44z $ for $3.00). tga atts MarArtkat TstrtG! rat Cod., AO c0e $4.40 for 120 Um. Vise LICIallr44414triilla a 31111a. IV Nn Tat 30 aratta AND 7111:114 X1:::4, M./rails:11 'I' besall Wend. labiroattne Oro. 2traatre atm. $ wr taawbp Dwrost.t.,sa.1. 25e. c 02, 434 W. 2 ablsa arm 2so ila44- an/9. 44, 10$ (14)mi:ors KCVO,' vir.er. or COLO. AOENTIS, NEWS STANDS. NOVELTIES ND Mo. 4 Peot Carl Ik.s. 75 tor Ctear Patella aelltna Noratir Tom...a... atone Bona Illuati Saracam. Woo. Dtoror I. C lloio J amelakdan. JIM 2014, Inismoll AVIS:RIM, DART OAST =40 GAL. Nreetal Jitsfk. 1141e, 7 to 0. MOO ; ateti1;44,00 hundred. Bugg ANIMALS, BIRDS, PETS BEAD NIcc,31-4C.101 FOR 20311ERS. TAIL002, P ALE. ABOUT 2 YRS, witrrt Boa X.44en ter We.00 ttsatr5 Carron! Aka. Particulars Dee , la* not. my Wok alld Oka 44434, R. $1.00. Wad., 332$ W. Pace, Los *wk , nt.otnuyeattirlar.ftlattadir 0012* 1111 S, dells FOR IIALE-01031D "RYAN AN' 11AL SHOW2; CAR x BuOICLICTIL CORICC1WNt WIGS 11 rammeh. mar atom: WILL (MIL TOR TIONTT TROESANT CA= 110. Nother sad &ashler with 4 Irm. soak.. -11ool Hum Gly Maas no bro ftx 44 r0/44 Card oarap1me 140$. loot* 334 0(434 St, 81. tinny oral rnt KOMI. Rome heralcd. NOW a Groot. MW10 inn*, Ola. 00A0A0. ororttra In botj DEXONITIIATORS - MANE. OVICESIEND role 441.Z.oTHE MOST Dnt MTh HALT -TON 17CK rr EtktcrIrcl. Ruck m,_ Cotta :,1f1/1. = t Coot 3/4.2 Wel. Real all meal w.11t =Zs (at taal Awl M.4344 X15444 ftkollind s...irt "I Wok s ts. rods- to la 32 Weans Wt. Mart <opt ewsw heti ad balm. To. It 0001 ne Tnen two 11 1 ATA24._ one..3,ww eta. wolf& Boa bows to Loaf u4 atort dtassursace. (14rneT, Iltst4pls 04 licrtahre, 234;..e.arlortat COM stow 034 T wan oll god 10s1.a Wand' am Ivo Lorser, stddeot. Jalkles- 8robva 4301St/ Wow. Chamleal. A. /McCaw Faro, 1104 Art. Knee r3' Ilkoekwa,!no Ina Oorpan_ 1044$ OM Awn attractko. Yea.v4 ate Forote roe 1104 Talict flow Verger. All ma. DISTRIPW70115 WANTIM MOS. on..4 &44rtz.POweet. Iltrow Dro.dtbe yow WAYS TO MONET. TN DOME OR c!,1.c order Al ilftwro trotbro a06 %1 a taw Mabry Rm. 046 Rektasca. ear and lta.or.a Nmeltr OwaracO., 130 'IT;: 6=1:2"srSo =."4'.;(pet'lailtitie.. ;Xi 1,n6176. frctentatte aatt 51.. IOW Torrat R40taaa11le. Kraltakr. Plemarn Are.. Memo FOR SALT TREE M.T. 5,34111CN DITINO rou BOTAT1031. $Ilt 04: I Chid, 1t0 l',); ,4/l ,0434, E112.1; $0041 aratinryl cars BIBLES, artl 41114: M Med, WWI 11.0$ atm. 60o rot T. MAWR Iftrollaban, 04/1444. so I COIN.OPERATED RXTRA MONET TOR TOL. artt. 50 roll MACHINES, SECONDHAND rarlalau ant Ittra,le Talmo (Toter.. aoretarnt. 4) =.01. kat v:3 Pp illrhlk rel(ators 1004 madtly. Sawn). no o - Tema/ Rrectal after, netts Ortativeg Caod / Eloks. N. T. EZE-PLY Erman,' 10110,171OIATIN1LkilARES %Waal AM 4,xtballe r.bhre 1.. ran w. 00o lima worm sod LW room rods ductrot at4 erroltrot by wolfed pyres hoe. Mr awl volatere. Apptiro TM :{11th or Walt Faro eat ew er bcos prowerl Sample. 16e: 6roiat. $.1344Wroa. 311 Tarry $4. e6 A164 31<tdcs4a..30. FARE 454 BELLER-EILLROACTI W e. motertmes, 100! flasaL 10)'. pr o111. Canftwors.' wactte. :Se B. au /1. Mo. 1.2S2.10 TROP 14167C0e Alf JTMIING INCA l ,Vitna o Meet III thwasol lata) PrA4lti ( La Palo. Tr144 GOLD TITLE FETIEL.11T - V , Mery paft Premww ; at 0.o., Aaram, Reattirot Owtm. BrIlVekt, tatrodro troanowej)(144 L403011, to welt III $0.00 No O. Alto!onto. 111=4116=. two. Cift. $ nt0a HANOWRIFFI101 IIIARTR. THE LATEST $3 Par Gro00,1 11. R. loop10015 Wibm /17 E D TO GET-HYTE88ITT * Y, lo Iroso. Prkod toropatistro; 317. W., tr Mo I4T0B3lATION-H00V To LorATX MOST ART wine mile In C t WIkea" Calawo T, XL KEY r11901; STA a1 OCTTE/71 - Rad *04110 oral:124n 000$0.l& Xar ram nate. An we (O a. N. Y. %unto pacris - AT r1n )to0c13 SIX acems are eff. Put MISS. tag trolk.a. 40 Suck MOO irks. Kw/1.. two. BIAGI CA.. Denim 4. Va "MAIL ORDER TRADE. DIXF,TORY" TELLS >cm IIOn, to 107.n.4.0, e4-0, Re 1911 Pstilldter, P. 0. baz Caotort4 Ot.10. RARE.SELLENSATIONAL xr.w CLEANER, Pelath rad ViLkkon.1 race...alma WA,. fee do. wil ta!herat... H. ts.c.teceds Bad. cas.ip 0. IR RERIMANDLSE DEALS. 2. W. a. TICKETS AAA Oaf "Vadat, Mee." am milh ' 44.4 tor eft 4crall.tatC ft 1200 M. /Lids* Chl. taro 01. I& 1CFZICAN 3t1(r1sta IMAXe - THE LAST crow le the osil. $3.00, : %ablest mnolt of :5 for 00e. 0, rk... P1(117 1.x or GLAMOCR (MLA, 1100EL9.T8, &atm Cat& Carla, tarm axavlsiont, with riga. U.t /rook Carom*, N. OM& bent,. Ps..12 PLAIN WOOD REARM TO WRITE IN Nos 1401,14. 21o: 100. itt. 00. Wk.. Om 112. Br46rr Cans 004TWAR PR WILL PAT Wrsonize WWI= TOR MTN., LYRTEN - Pt.t.11 Coaccoota Dirteraer &- 113roalt7 I Rem ustforstr. arobauotarly. pota ( conoredero. T. Earonet. Mat. sp. 141w. Mk& woilaia.,1101firrol. AI Baal.% 1:41 N. REAL LITE MEXICAN READ L 70 ArOttral caurtyra LINE *row Wattle& Rub 4100 lrefistaatti Eet 10 Maraes.am ro.t. te.delbatore T.".?"1*. 11/1a 11110, rEif arraauit A:;fe. ma% 47441aii sole tka 43 34~ lot wombs et lanotra Carle am awn. wilh OWL. ram ssiol rroisits Nat Broadway. New York. WIN TEE. wantuom AN -MAXIS TCNNY S keet l'artf MAWS% 0 wanow 13.e. Avay 2/..2e, wampla Assay wohlats, 13.1.ggaariEUZ4ntiel,P,.,1" SALE TEALNED BABOON AND PIC 011ateta Anhui. Grotral Panty. N1. to. To. GIANT RATS,. WEIGH DP TO 20 LAS. r. Tads. rya Rats VaritaiLa gratoktgallt.op:.e1:11 era `,17. $±0.00; $20.00:.0. 0;11rwa oatmew ; tude roar m Xt. SI 1341amo_. gaiffla, Wan In 11, N. 3.10K TIEL3TERY n ARA:ITEM. CLANsi 1915 model Rea Pate BRIO. Wile, loofa. Gswanteed Mum &mods, IL NU.. Tau. LITE SNARES FOR SALE - PFrot Or Alt / vria2n41,,;,,,v, 1401,twas. 8. C. LLAMA& GlIANA00 VITT: TA)113 PART 1.3i4.1olLa.Putralinktil=azip R Now MEXICAN RLACR SPIDER MONKEYS. film ,11, wick dmen. Ca. mortr WNW. RaptIlo ltrowtro. Lawdo. Truk mrssirrrte rnsizt-porro wogs Nr.ir tali MD* So 001 $ Pr.rt b A. Raseffa. Mare Cr17. r$ntak araxixr uaraw TALKER. $ Ea, pia TM.. Raw* Pawn... Ennalrt, htr 6103 RbOv Roaluari knob tread. $ lama law* 404der. from1e, $711.00; flamachla, tr 4,411, ; (brat AMtae Mak, ; rok, 93000;.044.Pheamot.a. 11 rod1101, Call Dyck. mud. Antoals of who, Odd* 111r4 Rom 5126 Gcant Meow. Mt. MItb. ispretal POR VETS TAME , 33 AO: or) tee 1freVsn reomans. Wadrst oatra o; r W$500 Oo en1 IftatiSUbtu LW* The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER EINTS 57 WAstrico so BUY RATTLESNAKES - WILL Moot. ao =414#4142,14 11rowable..86.1".Oatte a. calk alt BIOS 7CLL on. win= AND Jari,=%4.1.01, 41,4a ar,?lw.* 02. Ificaors:+tia. Mk& BUSLNESS OPPORTUNITIES 0111:11EXY ItAxnrz - INSTALL BIG EATING Ran. eats , 8 443,0& Jealskal, Salcaanca. N. Y EARN MONET AT HOME( THOLIIA.V00 Raw HOP/ An t.a7 Rsaaa r90 =0 "liered Wmarr o1- teas bon e. amour. FM North Noorsear. C14. *AM /MR PI I ONOCILIN1 nom or LATE Rada now:40p1,..01 Wan Row. ma.a rntly eciirons, Approro 00. AR avadliam Tow ut Resume. Env. 331,0 :gnu row be S4r4 mum for fo-lans. Will okra! Nato Too bro fort T. Coon. ut EIMER EGER SOPT DRINK. Pt:RR...El:II A5, torah farm.11811r3/ Lfar. Notama. Rosa Ow. ilas =41113 RESTA& STEADYC4COME. TNTRT.- InvortIow u=a TortIan4 14. Ottero. & Z. 74. MADE $24.000: tarn TRAC71rAL $.- ketch* licimork Irma "0.celem" Xsartle. Otelo mar RANK CORTEME 7tWEI.X1 0I211 C01.0:1 fad Pp: Liam, Rawly assr.7.2:44. Cf.1 gt." eacatttl. Ifanell1e c4a dg. PLEXIOLASS ACTO DASD TRAYS, $10011: Beektle Rt w now.* I 2 Iss riwitt :.1 40att4t trot Atablo row Pletnra : tf AV.P;ftetrajim Talbeff Sebs.flarr * ,32,0440. lt. r. stved Xica. 113-$10"1 CON. IMAORT Morr.wry Ao.fseDAT 7..12C8 044, Neat toed rem armal tows "4"Mb. NV. (Tab. CatAm, Lanka kft-ate THIlog twattleal Illtrof abr. 15 arms e Moms sa0 r011 water I.S.eahn.,. ocll, Dettric cturerm1k , Goa gest Ordartent. Slmas. 0a2 sat bart144 ssian 4011(141 was. 11r0i0.e4 foroalfar Loan 314 Bodrow. 413,000 welt or P111 roade for.3.0 v4las Mal, fret Pinball (1.34e1 Jar., 1 after Dwnr tool amo.tc el health. Mawt Ell. wrr. Ma Sankt% Groff Way, Kamm *).20s Be. PLO( START MAIL Miura 11130CE431-.PLE5TY.4 Matt 9025s e, Deal etoettcwtolm.fa s Hs, Thrown TWENTT rortrotwr ILWCORN 7 fat. Smog at...l.04.1xl MAO- 1.1 cznanrrrx AND C.13TDT TETDINO MA - 001, --All Mkt* 1bl Issas et (5030 Lem opontra. 4/ rfatsal.). Purls la.149. What taro yes to 31St learo Tom& 4730 N , 4T.raf ALI. RES tr.-71TE CANDI' 74716X1S, 1,0ar arlo,_ Stan, W.W.II& 2$0 P.,etm radon..1.4air CooP , Oat Palk. IR att13 ARCADE MACHINES (tauter. row la may Oka,. 10 Itas. AIZ=TA.SermV Batettar Prstalre. *PO CLLR TAOTICT. A.3, / (MA.. FWD ,17, re30.2 taarkhof. $ Owlet. swum tea. Wlerwars Arawww pittatunr. Xis KERMIT mcvnqs - 8E Err 011 o.,o. sup; Baader. Lon *OW. 4414ar-141 Me 4.. inns 1W ram, P.n. rt;"oar Crts.aor. 114; 001 latr reenter, 1133: :1:00! h Bak 1,13. Itorea %wally Co., 4102 Remo N. Y. V WOW SALE --St WATeXAOLE, $ ; 10* Wer-x..or. s185.00; 23, Sar.E.cle. /MAC War.X.m.l. me WWI, relent. Man eloas Molina 11k4 144etalutry 4 dear, VENISS M KM sa s.sas. Welt* tr. Ted Tloaarretart 300 thmalla R. X. 1.. Kul r1, la FOR BALE -PENNY NORTUWERTIOIN 01( Milver K ; Somme or CetewAnk Illorkla, $ Albert a. WA 1916 N. Rose 811. Balk:nem II. Md. TOR SALE -ONE, MILLIS 44 O. T.. $ COIN r KA!RIM, NEW OR rt.& One or a kmenttp. AwsVan 0., 230 Palen, m.o. X Ch. N.J. STAMP TENEORP, 1.1X r NET% tra sr.; your twortp, TN (Won wralticilerj 7toStro. 01.0$: Closet rear. Pam; Mr. $ : Rome AM,...! w 0. =.$.111, thaz IMIlaw, Pow And.), WsuRota aro*. EH Nonlig Salta 03,4; Ali elms AdA was. Ottawa If 144 Wro..fuly DOH t twat he Ina Brow. Illtbarop. TKEWA.13 V*.,o.ttso. oszsir. sae.."37 R.61 :OR W l TOW3112.?Arm 761 ""`"1.109r1. n:r1o, (eir 141 ittn."ata...crilmi,xigt::::%.1.x., ;am, /'OR SALE =Biel 5771 Wwtort Zusin %obit, 14.,y301rmars; e a4 ~Boma nice baw Mfr. Amt. RM. 336 Aolum Cav tgentlia-panora14-423tarktlo fi Lar it isse.strlosig., mathlo. 4.2 Slaw WNW kalls rit.toaart a. we role Msatr.-MILLtiewra EC *AO: , Homo. $73.00; Owen Thole 'rm : 314's Track. #12.00, 3,0.11Mom Cleamia, : 11 Zeirdats tale mama 41(010 tr4:i 17:4 t4ve 4%thi.008.1:41 sato perk. Op Iso anolica. 1. Ryas Boa 124. Camatro MX 0ALE-20 NORTH INDIfTEXX PEtiM = : 10 Ihriky Ww 43 Nowt, 17' with &mato, W why, I And Al, Craft Itorowy I3o0a,111. OM Zaraa, ; Wertrwro 1001 Iroara 130 Wrott orob. Trona. Moak C6, Mrort[bst. Alt O R NAL ,4,4 4afILLS % hailinflo0.36;st Super Om. - 3 PM Grow Rwalr, pta, latt.01 Inbar WOO xgrwesnerbx11w. 21Dansti S Van Otlk EltVE ;LAY BALL.a.-7.1&E Ile he ea. I ao 40 TIZT:14Prot,7241).;,-11 tn44rovittar-ilip;.46 14' LS EILSATIll.VAL AC ,E CAN cacrolat wroctl. $300; 1)Thter 114$120; dem Met. 3143: Wt. %tom MAR Nonni Ot, ansroos 3. N. T. mass un.l2 rlact kr..ar Knew attg Ptil= got nrec;:toolietlirasiv-4.671r0.4#411. CoropaW. Zama COL )04444a. : 3ALLT.GRAHOSTANI). 349,50; Havtlawar sts odd. rk at. STP 31c 1) Gall Co& w. T.& /4!.. 4..a.CTI11.0V 4,1% :tem.1;4 ND-a0=4V tti.11=.0x Crowe Am, Kaisaia. I 1444/ Mlle. _334. sow, 11000, CHINA Debra/. s Mat Crourfal. Brew Iront. Ca. KAYO V.LT EMO. littri C44.03 WOG Jo% $03,nermr Ctrkea am gatx.:.rttm A1.41;..fr Nr.17.0*. $113, RECONEHIONED C.s2Lrxicrr A7ID Res jir Toodroc =Maw Wow It aorafnaatta.0124rolaw, ) Sterow. SCALE T1CZir %X rocore ws iss.s. si2 so. i t= 118(4 W. Tbotapica 413 Crontbro &ad, 1143-intsles Taw 433:41;14 CLEAN *7m 011(1 ('070031' Irby mem* ArArIrm,_ km, Pea04101 soapa. Dor4111m. 11:202 WesClif ram Ran D. sg,faf4bauteclealtslotra11004%.1404,..,:,,,, ( K.. tsporotity Op Ororo, 145: *0,11 Taw IlerlIso...745: 0010: AMI.J1kr Crafts. Noma estmels, M Aateelnke II3163 C517. as Bea 4104; Castro Tallrod. 173: Dato 0Ot.!MT ek T.I4 avr. rrsr /11 l$3. 060$133 depot% Plow Norelty Tottro ca. lbbnem. 1, N. T. 203 earott E 61 Wn.44 TL AT ONCX WANTED NATIONAL. wrosr.st, Row. 4t Natty VW TWIN! X.,Etne atm Porte, C.1.%E.A. 2.0, 1(4 Mos. AB. Box 144, Oak Tad. ILL, Phew DAM * al 1111a0044 Walt not 211,tetford. trorotwatala 2Ocat Crow441 Nweki. It CLODS TARGET storm CON. TAtNC4r1 ART Ft W. Il'orklrlot B. n. 80_ small MACHINES- Ptah, $14.30 crot: 02000,..%. Ira deed(. StwelA &OE K Torot, ; 10,34r 0ro.00, $32.14: Wars.. ( :4. TR moo: 017. epla, Blow tbarnittaltfti: J"" Itsorokt C6. Bytwerot 3... T. -ArrrtAt Si.00 tatill: 100 Adowst PaS , rows 511 $4,00: 100 St!tn ; /wr C.ale.ms Canoe TwoRalf. 442 WM New Tort.

58 58 CIASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Billboard 77N HAND-OPERATIll D , 24 DROp FOR sair-reandrintoned PA1,..q._ 20 ettow zornmitr.xr, ALL 1: N74, 11.4KR RK MONET CLLNICALLY Pine. Mon.. XIIY sod Rog.the4 eon; tkosin :1741:11:: ammo rt.., $ No vontrinot 10 w,:nvo eabloot Itsternes PM to roll mein: Dos b.. Nora ]100. totoor tome. Cootie. lanagoilena Motors. Rooto ant nook. r4 cont. 1C4 'Irja.tVit.ti.L` A. C. 110 Tab. Clots, Polts. Juka. Plow. Leonia LeRoy Penton, LookOrre, 14. X o34 Taashanta JorMod Annum. Co FDA 40 en silaa. D. O. 110 VOX. t tam AWN disbars Pot. N. J. Corot P.a Ink, $ WHERE TO OBTAIN RAM: 1300E1.170, itx.itg MiAlOtts - AI WVR 04.1 wirit 41, H , 434 W. Jaws.. p"."%i". 7 YEA AU.. PC3I1 FOLK. Mona but1 to Noweitt. erher 2,-e roan Dan Wet* liva od nook goal as nat ,;1rr now , now Antie work* Hatrwood. CatiL 300, _ ; FOR SALS-TWO ILASIV4 OR1414ANOEAD1 DLL eto. 1) Seed suns. ankh Taco , $ew ea. d400-cr : Wt. t2cd. bens& wc tcrts MONA. an602c assa Rena Alt Rahn. LAI4 1= aluttc12. W. J. Hvorting No ma. _peon Mode Oa MAGICAL A P PAR ATCS N. W. IA Walla Tea rot W VL TWO MILLS OWL , Ont.: loot Nwhen eneh: Two Spat $30.00 en4g; Too Mersa.. 430,00 tot: : tho.11= A. J. Cosiown, 104. Lalsa W A hrte D - DAYAL ItAstrtit MACHINEA. Cat o..so, Boni Ho t o ho 40.1.ANT.1 SC.1 4 to lei nen.. Scab Oh. 713 N way. St. Loom 0. MA 239 WANTED FOOT CAED MACHIN/26. SMALL* netal. with two enagtouner... ant4. tat wo 14 *Ka Alas Poll Clow ta 'hat G.t.4, $133. WE IRATE POR APPROXIMATELY 100 cogas 134 Lon 1.4,n; Own. Totters.0 Own tereta: 73 an n4. run Dna asd Onsins. scs Jar.. ipan. Poniont an Oohs ao4 is bi an 80.ro 440 NO 4.11WA tin PIN owls. TN of CHM A.-1, 06, ono 0.34 OW ob11.7 rot. Alm :3 )4214 and onta/f dollitgra0 1hCeys. These OOP nanagdo to tharging eacdmol.amla am Wet:4o , Ado 111.1=Mat 341,341 0=4. Manta. 14. $40t Ase Wm\ 2 22/.134. LI/12 N1W F.ACH: 2 4 neelkot gooditint nob: 2 Inn bia on, 1.0.0$40 tor tooth: A., or. Alt ons, nth. 1 IN Po.. C. 111,1. A.. walkout conthl ; I Mow Petewnerr 10,1164 entles Tto Soh. NW new, 4: Mo. nut l_e-2.oin odic Tolhe Aeresenesta Tagoars.4 St, W.. Como 5. a POALL STAR COMM' PLOT*. 17 PLAT : 2 WM nor 425,000. i115.00; I Watn. Tawny. H tlwiveosia Amon.. Ch oce06 Ara, Irmlistaso. Ala. IS SOCICOLA DIAL.A.TricE WALL.114/ Ye! 7 ton.131* Digl *T,. Bor Bono It out.. $ tang nano t Warn ( , Man. fork% Ilea D. J. 40rxtrunrr AND nivt )01GC ter 2111b ant 3:110. PterhIn es,h. Comploot Cosolnd Aro* r...rnthog. DONel Ont Ben 110: 01, LA aggi COSTUMES. UNIFORMS. WARDROBES f SIX [713 -c -s. 23-1Y... Coen,. Ce. 1,4 Cora Ir.. oath $ at (.."5.4414t*ltal..1. Mks COMXTAkT ,.. ILICGPADS OM. 14. flooran foon.ra,.1-., Lonewrotobes. 04,0144. Mertroed 1042 with entr...w., 37, 16..ett:ive.1S11 geftalt. 244 Mb A... 1 X. T. THIT-AT-TRICIA , , fiheas. Crane Polo Arcosorpo, =Is's. ERN 0:013e. Co. 64 Morons Am. FORMULAS & PLANS rolurrus - zetrrntra 43PARAIgT212) nekent tae*le fa. 11t Kr. Crit., IN; 11 theso. 41 roar AnoPow aso. :Toldlo Noe Artansarn, FOR SALE SECOND-HAND GOODS 111X..0..(.00.3.]0.. ht Mod or noaocnn0o1d n Ilarsegamuwhola G 110 *4. ftwoote 11 AND 1$ ri MODEL APTOMATIC 33.01,1(Monne retsil Trott to $ 9540: H ana H Dow , sod Ihranel Conarnattna Pen on.. sha or4 oroorlact. It., WIllat4St. 7,1Z 1141.'n=3,1:474...'!"14,..'&15 Mrs Man. Perom n to7.11 LimanMottats of 42 mgi. Poen. sa I The P. E. Solea CA. Ilth ard Hyatt eastbridh. 1 PARA? MINIMEADINO, PC, 15,37114 SwatA Oratiooloor,42barottor JEV$10:7: PITTEM INCA P $4.,rrucrit &tots. Caob CaNneg. Boas Reflex Pon Poor Ettert'v. 4e, C O. Box :M4 3 I. SU Thwalt. t14t 433. Marko. fl. c-.6.1 MOH CLAM AGT.N7 rort CE MA010 N. Y JCIPILINO HOOPs. BALI -4, PLATES AND atinino&or morom 0.14u.th e, floodol Pens.4 Bo,. Free Uos. tonton la West not Southwal 401 Poe.. BARGAIN LOT.rrwr.x74 wx1-1, AN30 D Muir, P. 0. rot 131. Tab Tegnocovatita b 003. Too aalon ant on ROd Parsohkta en Cant 44. 4a0 to re..o. roorinsiiga. rass... Sisk all 1r, I/MP RE 30E-11 AT 0'4(T -000D MIIRCITAN. Dot kn. Nen 111,1 Ms.4 men terao. 1%4=reit 403"10e0"Zol$211ar *Luke. 434, anla eft.. Bolltoo, Deih. 3h'erin ItOwarda 2/14 Nookgal. Ara, pohs I Dern& 3Ork mos. 4 El. -Oa Poker PA. ELF,TEN Y1W: tateicein.:n170. Pra AtitootoSo Marra PArsIS41.- AU. (MIL nanprs A N711) roz JA1r.171,1:01. WAWA. Wes..Kuno Tr.,. itsztr,"131irni,... P10. Wes. Marta M work Wnto Datc41. D : 1.. Arnim 22. Colle'ls CV... I. JIGGLJUGGLING ING 3004A4PLATE21. BOOM DOORS ,11INX LONG -SAMNA. 11TH A R CA Dr MEclIANIC WANTRD - 71A8 row testa Eon sea Chou Corn Atkobenaats. $112. t ang fors; 0 dos urn. $1).34. 1'2x Potato Cab 31.02,0.. ud l'''ahpilt Cu "[lore." ProoT A0a44, 210 C. Omens. TO,305. AM 173. Ceti*: Cond. Pots. MO..414 Meat. Datut Per. STS. Ovecrie HaeJko Mow Met. h Nona Moo a. Cb.. En 414, roc. WA ITHELLA. DOCULE Presort Ovum Prrfect erne:wee. T3440N tower IL 104,27 0.3* Roe Man. es F0. set 0. Minos Cus1416rs. FOR SALE -SECOND. HA ND SHOW PROPERTY It Pinked r P , G abralwa Fla ms:cults warcra---11:44: L1141tAltf. bus InOnstatalkes e1wort..13 ar MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, POE OCT(`X SALE - COMMETS BOOTH tenons] bon Mona rovolpeorit toe 400 rat O... OM 40,0.0 Vargitre4a1s..07 4watfoa. ACCESSORIES Merl SOpNJ CA. 13/6 & Weer\ Ara. Cake.. Ope/rikwn let rraill error week. II5hva fa a band rad Orr waders. Wisf? el EA7L IAL PICItC1 ARROW POP IALC--3NOW BALL OCTIRT, COM waltil t. Tort nth:. Tar61. CaDion._= elm vett peen, 'Too o r4 bona FRO Trar. CLo. Roo. Dososl if tabss 8. Boo Cheioastl I. 40 tee. Bne 47.3ehniaNic.471r.r. A... N..w.,12.0. ron CArt7,30 11rAertit.". Seed tr 1wit.,r Matto PIS ZANY h.1:117r2 HAMMOND ortriass WANTED - ror.14-worla A II oat L. [monk oralol N 17calo Art, eviz Mod. shies _pod. raft. ard teems. Worh. Cltnien Dorm Wu..a.1=.11. See 16. B111bread. Merles. 0. ;1174.6, CigagoVZ t1. 8" C'"'" L , W.Ig2 u wczo nes POR ILILE-WICTILFITAII BAND 010 AN. esfisfiji, Bert $ with Tienea: Ark. erl Cwt R. D. PERSONALS F013 PAIE-OAIR OP r0wres 0 A:4 WITH Wnth'4ANTZD3t1:- FJCPTIRIENCICD PHONOGRAPH nent Metes.. 11$ Aram. MYL GILT belt 846 nertft UR? OP 33)4) (43 Aignotassa :4t deo nots.10. Stoat -.4 Mn $ Chokettia W. T.. waft IRATE 0.1 HEW CA.: (10,0001 CAL Al Araesnalow Ft* tr. NOP 004 nnk or son Can Ikohoot Lagen. inn. Mr*, 1520 P&1.'A El.. Poets.. CAUL MODERN ASTERICAN MADS, arw. 10 Hods SonrIes. 10e. Nero two W Howell Aunt. Prods 6, M. rtarnosnem.111zatxr 161A121. TICNT AND ainteo. N. Y. 102,0 14/18. SOCND PNA ON 131/ ) Itin. of Ole r ,00; Trot, $33.00; Tenn Ire 1.:.e.mins e. 4k ( ;4.4. s;; New Oak Gorealot.Z.,00. Ildsger. Usits Shwa Per Ikon la AMEN? AND 100:40 311, /0, )114. Foot.. or HELP WANTED n 0EirrAlet=hiT2i4=841.--irt 8.r8C.a. Moro Carrion BOXF243 AND WIWATLXIGI-ALL wrterrns.44 wean ra6 iba ans.= sr.4 itgotroarool.,. rn otrot...4 eets.sressak sad WM* Al ears Ma C-01. RITIloari. C I. torxrrtc entx OPLIUTED 20 - STA It BRAM AND $ US..S.-1:7=4., Ponang Mon moan, :2n sna rnv non Ago knoest. la.yerta-fas werrol woo ts gnat.. lb. P. K. Asko Oa.. Oth w1 Brat baud *Mao MestIons. flood.1.m.4 In...MO. Ant. as 44, Wt As. Bet 0111, Tha 1, calucle.-orr roil TART P AP17 RIO. Ere4 nolo. An root4et4 nis pennell Lana roa too, loy.41. Jahn Darr, 06 Dern Buffalo, N. T. DRzwrals AND rgr442 rax 108!SORT doh Iran di.t tor orrt. 42 P. 1744,3k1144 Drat letter. R. Kane, Jsasee, 111,0011 MANAGIOR FOR 7130 RINK- Mut to monk. aohre none: stk. to re oaf/ skate. Goal grolut. WW2 wart foe ret+o 00. No War go. Hob. Bart 0134, 1411 f7. 1..a.1 1. O. P1t1s CAN PLACE AND P to filienhew and awl. Eons. Okra /tr. Lad Per=C'. Moak Zus. was-rct, nnirmarrcr-laor ton eetto one Areal.411e Chwo. Aft trolaid WM Sea., 1111 puke. tneema. waterso-unaeram 42 OA DIUIT = MO. 1.1 restiarterots ora Trnottor.trel Tot De 31e4 Grit. a., 414 pre orrk to BUM Othre TIM Warr MIL Poe 643. labs& SW 29,1944 A BRAN) NEW 11.I.037E47E71 CATA1MX.C1 of lairolreadirs, an, moult irv, Vo Noel-. 11.oroork Foroael, 11.1.i.o. raw. 19.,e0, crigtolg. Lon: Pier. rolevartn, elroptohor chute.3 11,.. Larne( rock. ttratraied cola -Non, 304 Adam LAI I 1111e1 at.. ( a013: A33WER QULSTIONS. CALL NAMES Profroi0a ne:re431. Apt..1 tertrun. Lend.. Lk ao10: too 4440.A.1. nenlool. Cho &Thom Esi Wesseadrircie. P. O. Mr III. Tubs LARGR PEOPMSION A L MA010 CATA :143. Mot MAI W. 426 ft.. New Ton Y. oracrry 3400E NEW CAT*. lea are aro O, 0.1., 13e e.j. ikok Wain aral trig* nsterb Siollo at M.D. 3'. O. 1:46 1/ WtiettlmLattat Mango. Leo Awake aax VENTEILOOMIIT riot2444t-2m AND LARD. Hornba root Pew. 3,1404 ) Tani Mresei Am. Mr sower. CALL 2 MG walluittottp Aar IttrstoNti- Cb/ner Dadt fir Nth her. sou ha V Mona oo,tarro Water o 21111a.re ( egarlgoa LenTel-Los. Tbergoe Ys rioo ArOda Cbg th Aunt C. MISCELLANEOUS 3 NOW PALL 01-1/1773, t.,,t 3O731- Anis 4, $500 lobes; 041 & Moro Aga N31. O VNI7ION FOR SALF.-.22 LONG ntrr.):. ropcons POR. RALE TO CONCESSION URN rev net of fltrolart.,-... noon Dont, AVOW.. PS / lltilplingoodistotr. Seed anall dens& 13. I. Malte4. In.. (Knob 0. own we T4. rvaanattbs. 1. J. V.., ELT %ANT OF tartns, Po.; Man er Penal, anita or =103, Herat Aa.e0t0. Posofshan9tW ANNTI'LlteART MAL& YEAR - CROT113 AV* not 31wea. 141Ai. Fres Nt. Cecil nenar IAA 013. It teas. masa START NOW / e31i WM. 4:Car op; Pt. An. Pon Worth 4, Tn. ao termetore rarroorrens..4%11cetorre MO to 14.N. gonttridtt. sber Mega woven... No este... Stab wasea. wet4 le mkt eratidesce. Des / , W. 13th at. N.. Ton_ :1124 An. 0or.4 to re err he hot Cuts(] 1. se 12 4:108. two& wk. -Was woke shat TM -MOWN!, oventing et ouretwil Mt= Woersr reafsvrlibs.. thria=...eoret t1ew hoover sal JobTar. INITL IL 264 rim,0.1. LEAD TENOR SAEOPEONX 0000 LOOMNO % bet.. C. O. 11. AS344.2"Thaael"Cberes. &On Panties.ENcLr C44 TloMIA. rod claw boot.. No ran ruels. Gowtono Moo he Ler,,e6l rteeossemi. C Mt W. 47th.114 ekes edam. MITent Aellaratsv. rrsiro 1. CR." New'kelt (0810 OR *TRIP 1173 PAXTON corj,w izzn ts.hd= PZIPiNNTix.AD- WALDEMAR WATCH CHAINS ALTO 1tAX MAR WANTED rent won. 4/4144Ao. Rhfontanol 0.01n.s, sties so,a Poe ten doom flin0/406 Ps. Nee Oa 501,4 bar was We.. S. Us Plow howl , _, sash. 1ghtposnta tentolt CcF71:40 ANC, WELDING Torres -a. stow grogs Croterwe nl r4.4 Work Meter Wee.* tibn On, aoks 1T3.02,..L.V.,j=egIag1oa nth, Mai. We" Compan, Kant Write 4414 Tense An., Cot- 1101, Benda )a* 100. W. Mon. Dos... Ora. tivann. Tet. s 20 ratstettp me( tarn17. $1 73. Of r.1t1:. lemir.gb jrziankftici, Aztr) =Ai:strut aolo ("WS Tkoiton awl Ear Meow. 100 for 14 Err dm. _...171"11,0871 at 2 P1,36s Art Satt oa. Osh,...ZUtfosWee cow. hoot 4104vonoil AM. Isere 2(. In A (1:]020( E.wythbt et. of WA. Onaa. W i CIRCUS FTER PI0Trit1311-0N1 Or T111 esararanotsees. net Mer. lfotee Mg krs, Urdt0.1 NewIty toreterts. Ranh lariat rehr...14 taken 00 many Portrait. $414/L : g nit. A oksw. to $ No/ babe nth snort MID 00. ceder. lear. Abort Aroma he sae r. OrenaltieseWe WARIER-101UNG t..avy OR TOONO MAN IlgoLtra. Caen 7040 sa08ampla:18, 4 TIMMS, 30012e74: :17:ND TOr21) IN TOM 411?ayottrh Hot. T.022 WWI for e..1.44, Lorg.v..r0f4r,oi. 3 F.eAt.t.nied..,A Ad monks Cern.. Troller, ot nes Mot F1:, D. Hann II, lows P ,11 IN GM vi=uptot 0.4a. enr ul NUM.. CsrTga: 41.40artate.. MAD o. Brian , Owe. moo 11101'0 94,00 1eti 4174a- Trgant"S'Illt4 Ift 1 ab, 11. ALL 31121).1 POPCORN MACHTNI:2 -. BURCH. 3,0tr, cm.%oefor rtig=0},,,"'" lernert, Teas. toolot Wert Rohm Cao.16-51Z.114,-Lan..104 AU. ATAILA Frrrir INSTRUCIIONS PRINTING retrk 37...gloso 4.o. Earn An., O rion. irsohar Sksen. Penn.. enen. tl Iva for NW a t ne ROOKS & CARTOONS t. w eek Ma 1350 nantor or anppiyr of enws oo tnt see bank Let, $00 tn. 4:10..ALlit. Tr, ==4.r K AM - THOPPE OP 14 MARNI2ET.21. Hereat AT 244 LT ,41tgyiLr Theso.. trt.r.0 ottarola 3 Yeatelkortal Flelf ,0. IlidM e. ids Thown. $00 6Dron-1, 31. lino NI fault,lownera. Esa. avelt...id galtton. tomb an ( (,- sawf4., $1 "41.7X,12`.! 17,11:4" W.42. SEXO trtahp FOR OM EAT72IT tar Ass senk. a. net,. Iftra , Ravel rcn rt. ads sr Ors% Tanta. Hon, Mee Leos Mona , flt. 1..o /C1. rhino Co.. floanet. /Csa r-ists EDNEY 114 ANT PROWW-CALT. conrn tito I 4 ron 4ThiairThr-ri- N M. Of..no re vs, en i rs/ Aos Mote, More Y.* P...D. 9.. stop oo; 4 I'd tho per; Pinfookeol (f.r. WM , es-, Nan. Pot 311, San ett.16.4 K.Mr low. 041/L W. X $10 W. C... Dot. COT. Rat. rrieltwie:4"igt17"ilts=" re=re5ritim, On& x Mak : 1 Alas 8110 rowers wilts 1,411 atm 114,L04.1ALAT, rt140 EASTLT Ntr OffICILLT hotti,rtrntintes. lidera Ronloc.. fi riuctxt--rv.ozwe CI`STARD A eteslr.g. ee OW la A mo-ir. Becold70 24, Pa X tor a Al fa not Woe st Rorke 01. Pon. 1. Cifeot kat /111 Tony ova tor N. Pn.e.tooto Cook el../ega Pon A6torre Pat Gab. talls. walker l'ovor. 413 W. rtee. 11.1(0810H. ="6.ona 213 P.M Pg. WM& T. Owed rers, NALPl. 10:0. 011alts Taut. Toeerne ALL RINDS JOE PRVITING it.trrra awl Metro., to Peke Usk oargrani. Ilktiror Vnaine, $33$ Kora. est, 4, Ma OVALSTY PRINTING POSTPAID R.r1 Toitestooda nal 330 6% TOorkows, 33.35: 200 a (wt Prtetzfte. ma act. Ashee111, N. C DitAwren. AND Mein 11.41s1. 70,1 rot no Alm coining. I.. rkewor.s :47Vill - 25r , men 144,41.

59 July 29, 1944 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 59 pocklre STAM /1. 00; Rea ; ZA roopst t.t.` /NO,. Morel TOMMIE - 'tarn agar moor!. Trio, toiler. 0/.06: 116" Slot SAAR.. $ s BM. 2 de.. ter IR 03. tt * PotoaL 2. a.. unit rsn ear - Chcedar. Prow, Warm tit MUM ewe raw wr semer bort. et , Moo00.. retina C. Ouiderr. 144 NA Row, Now Tot IN FTATIONEST. BC/114116rE1 011 VERAONAL-60 Maria and SO Embower. 4 IA,.. Prtdith 61. X... silt Mt... kimt. wa.1 Bane, Ila. PlloTO 610P7TS SAKTI. BOOK, GATE r Brate '7 r4 ItalLtete 1.at0(141 WINDOW C PICTORIAL DrAP:Nn with ale Ram,: tenth,. r with (1.0. C.ndrala. teorth. leatichtms, etc., 14122, * drot; rairlat. ('elan: 23.. Beta, , tan ; 047, * /..,1010,4 rovyritd. Mammal.. OPP, Ss doom: 6110, 1/0.10 Min; 8 macro! 1arkm. As/ ; aucirtol month i * CAIID6-142, ONE COLOK, * s0.441.shbrearot. 1 /3 boa.. bah UAW. C. O. 1/1, time moo C. 0. D. N.0 -Art PM. Prames, 1024.Lmt..Motiog than. Taw 'raw/341 i$.2 rusk WInito. Penn, 21. II. am/ 2t TOCR NAME. ADDRESS PRINTED PRACTICALLY N iLLR,Borr/15 nams.r4 310too. t4s2". Set eeta Ice sawn I. 1.rol with new P. 3.5 Una KO. 410 olw. WAXTED TO BUY Rate Sala Ediewt00 Prow, Du 2.4. rottnr.-0, Inelohm. eon assay *Morn with 4. Loll V. W, P,O La, % with costr. 1,000 IPITINTAS CA11100 MINTED. RAILED A Holk-a.Shits IRWIN 109 W. Mlle, am& 2.1 IT AND CANDY TFXDB64:1 11A. 011a. towield, 1. oats pt, with n0/ Arantt.14.1 an nal. Kw Pow Fad Clay Ilthorl. Ilichowed 10. Va. Tt,IN1I1.IL LEO's, PIA ND NEW. IIT10 A. Ashlars! Anr. t?ise, lit EISE nate rn 3" ford 3 ISA.' TO. 1( A LL 20 Yearal 1411:311/ idotialleailes Co a. W. 17th, ety. 3CTI101 milrlito'n IN MOVIES OR P teate told.wo 0100* 11s0selara "n* 14*= tak 1111, Afterenes Atoka, gess. sour Att. IOC* FAVORITE IICTCRE POST_Ao11 leo 11.00,911, 611 were 44. Lot 11A00ERWITA. /91.0. BOND LETTER.,Lta.r.46t.gir.i.0,Lor 10 roltr. Ow welt; ors. Trak. AM' MMwi X. Wed, : Ut. ogloots, WSW Won, ltutrt owe OR. 1310; 010, AdDrrid, Ptilahhars At. Newark 3, N. J. EANDIAN 0,7 Cr? FILM 111) NEW 011 woad Ord CwGnlro. Jahn LW, 44 Mss , Bettor Breit" Mich. VI: MP. CA/ISSAS - BLS? 2.9 sryinx. Dewy Ara. Mtrier, h. T. Oee2 laa. ashroa14 Door dearer, routrart oil tcoth. SFR? 60_ 11440Uftl booth wheel. lent ulnitoss stets -at. crilvers 1.AU Tie esisten Ake 0.0 A. unirry. iklo Giro m. Wawa es.0,1 =now Men far mat. Bem 1 ttl. Ilen W Rot North 15/40. PHOTO SUPPLIES ,0t1a. Chtmtro ,20 DEVELOPING.PRINTING 3 FOR 10. P STI:Itto 111'1LT IN ONE TlIGITY FOOT ItERIT.GrtROVNG. ONE Talleivar:1". ID= Alt, Etwthowlel Poets Nat rens awe othrr 1136e. crwrt. Lash La% So, ro. ne. ECM/20M, , an24: I D %EDP.P / SCALES RANTED -ANT BAKE, ANT NES. ACT NOW -DIRKS raeglt accn CRTNICAIA...gate to In, direct from faruo. Cwt. Way Vattrow Graen Chao Probarth sae., Des. 36, Ortr.lt Ann. Clerelard 1, ct. rito=sre.e.giemer 04,41.L.wttlb= eat Isis -Wi." i 2111, : : Dike dlasekti.0 8 S err Dem A. 103 strnar.p. -ritzsa arcists so 14:, 16.10: 00 Ir. 4423: arr sq., 00.20; Bs.. 24 Part SA, Itroatha N. T. 11 P. P. PROW DATING -1 ti ik-, so.; $$.00; 1r MIS; S ) , Sat. Sava 41,7 dada(:,."the &oast acme.. Paso Serder, 001 W Bt. Nee Ts). D. P. P. -I y", 81.08: 11", 81.00: ; 8", MAO. 4.3 MN; Out.110. Ersalabi =.(aaers 14. W.. Wale D. C. F PATRIOTIC AX?,...11r1V D.I. 140:, % 5 ST as: 4.4, UT, %1,1;1 241, e00. ING WTI: 441k rii.111":41.1,""veg; ftwaa Pnall Am, Bt. ante -7--tALE NA CAMERA. Is 4 5 Low Mel 2 ea 047 awl ob: artata)4:31vo,reeil /1.. tuer TILMIRT VOR 2 It al it limaird leamtedta Ea.114 ediair. sad el radars.: 3400 tar al aum14,1, No Dab elararrab. Ow joky Mats thew LE. Classimr. Poll Rear, N. Teat T. itn4.44.tqlexiltrabcfrived..r.szimapan. NNE ase mat armee Mee er Giaaraarls at era thew slihaed rtsa. ebraitak &Ma fee newt IN* It6.3=aa. Masslau qa Warp. aral Ow. yes Nr, dart 1,04 BM : rww& ado isegashi'viiiizz ROI& N. Ted 11. NEW NAIIPPL ANTI IllteT IN% Parse AO rbe A ent T8:4.1 TATTOO NACIIININI. litterialr-lee Ton hia-t rar 1thwanor,.40- MM11/ft W m ar TATT (WITCO, ANTI orrioam 0en.1 the 11110,6,1 111.rs1ure. Abe ,1 0101/Sns Ing 04.1)0, mom, *51 R. Mats. Chfroo. for tototodsonma.310 TAT LATEST DESIENs. Witt ba. (let litase.ntal L-4 fa ante toihr. Za. nta..e. 125 I.rl 1. if;.2.1, bet,y. WM.Paw earntruom/4m. awl prini. Eittarr311om en Kath 511 SA. Al Mich Nita. G. RANTED TO SET PROS lianctactce3:1t ALI DIae00 ta peamilly Last Rata moroili.. fre ian1 mr-ur roar.. /redo Narealh :4".44o.a!14C Ci.uto.on C. Me d**, 14i4 tr:t 441,, est 0.4._Rt4ors. yew 14.2 Yuba. 104 SCENERY AND BANNERS WANTED -PORTABLE 14) th Pb.,, P0.044 liabsser, 11.0 I/wg Cooks. Sew tw Is Tao& gni P St.. S. Coe WA, ism ATTRACTIVE POTO POLDERS P.INT CARNIVAL AND rimers nale3rxma - New 1044 gawk o.7).. der' lk othed. Weil. kw Podthely en Csatnn4ngs...4. : ( WANTED -SLACK WIRE OLITIT. BERT RE Nat POW by.11,144 rommtnth am4 no too. 3:14 K. Raleol At., 0,er" /22 Y sood einnit lee 04141_ wort Atm. Imam N. 146 SA, MIlwathie A, VM Satar. hare Rood. ASO , N. T..tat WANTED -AY ALL Mt= PORTA RLE CA FOR 141.E -ALL 01Tot0u1= IL dm Elattszetlilelantata. elms Itawaa. ( writs J.,moilits, ; q 3Ka.8y et NI1 ism. Moto weld. TATTOOING SUPPLIES AMR& Puna ; % Mil beet\ WI* A0 -TED COED marts: 111,0011, $ Primo. Indian Imam ;0744 enrwsuare 0. D. with 011WEBAr, ELECTRIC TRANATOENER. 2 TAT. Royal Arnow awl Slain. A. L. So.thear, 104,a No-tims : laud Snit., calms, 401 IL Broofway. 14eproc11. Va. )11151%. traltat Sartre IL wag Raper, 11 Ckatiara Sewn% WA NTED TO RUT -NO VELY Cuff EDT tho C.A41.26 Smut. 34 C. Now Tad ety. at.3. ITALY NEW I TED 1600: ccrrnr.rs. NO3f1elt tbilal=41zr1',gliotit.ese e ;ot7errre 367,41.4:71a4M44 a Dart wasarign-10'.12 soh Li 01111IE OR NU est"g= untgartr.7.4,ingn14:/vilm 000 ""S'401441r4:1= 41111r:i Pastartir C0 tin c1=- - si-;4 =AM. tea DING IOTO OETTITS chume-m.r. $1503 mikado. Seth. drew In wed am Wm. Da latrt hal P. D. 0. Cornea Ca, Dal N. Chnisal Am, Mew) and hopeful, graduated from P. 8. *00 at, At Liberty -Advertisements the age of 14. and twat gifted with ILitcsjr4r. 171lierx typewriter by C. Echtffman, wbo b temilta Se a Word. Minimum $1. fatal With Copy. C Mg Merman the why and whereto, tit Or! =46 ""Bolwa=r00.4 Ralt4er the keys.. Mrs. George E. Moore tar,tpkieze.1 Ohne. Kends), menuillat of the 190r10 Disardiat. Circus 8611e Show. underwent a mince. i2iimtt 10 to operation In New York HosplUsl There eea-irsa ras uu,...i. Is4 up the b now convalescing. Ruth. Zendal COLORED PEOPLE A.810$ meae1 deer77fa- =Ss Malice POstrtne grreamnr.. letkatri "Min*" JACK twisil riati Rol.. Aaek segioly D. P.P. OrsIts wormer roma. tnt.r:b...ifts /mot "Juana" Jock. 4T1/1 & Daastara. C10.8 ALL NS& NIS MAGICIANS WRITER - NINE TEAII1C EXPERIENCE. dastor, 0.00 WIT. Pao. Bra Billsasrd. tisrlstimil 1, 0 1,29 MUSICIANS AOMON PLAzez.zyrRA.tanAlll:it; -risie.nrit = % I ERB 11= ,11.01-=Ntoran. was" emessolir. bade et with twa4l'476k0 6416=7: &try IiremahrtLiC=111 1C4e1. WNW. DIteill11181 DOUBLING usithaba. manta east.,,reseriseete. Dd. reasseried 4410 writ b.d /001das, 449 Jae* An.. Ister.4. D. N. T so..' rintre.. Nare awls..11 Draw at be. bus On tweisr.aerles. W adi = Hove! ort regrl7.4--a.,:ttu",1,14..11lt se. T1/04 Mum esreass , In Nentwwwl. Ike.g...4 w..... PlatIL.A.VID 23., ORCIAN-PREPOL Blasts Ruh :41mt 1. Are 211, raper Ali Nletota 220D ri=o. cr AO NOM Am. fhb. R.s 15. La.3 OTAINO EAR KA11-41e. 25 TEARS OLD, _ at 444,0, 44S EWA ntriarrti. Dm. Ilea& Cl... TENORMA3-1 II sr, remit, RELL -LA MAIL" Ttrn waincux - Len? ABTIA0 Oh. autratrod. rail 04,. rns r:.,1 Oz. MAI* ,, cano Orden harden 10w Dr. Co. Prts. Won. enteria, A., ext. haer Coakriam 020 yho.ti /. ri- 10T 00: x1: Co. EXPER T t me& /Me Wrowhetstr. Rea. et O ra Bas now Th ord. earthman MISCELLANEOUS THrttrere WAX -READ WELL. AND PARE. taloa. Ontt assort Al) to 41w sill cco- ;Wm.& , Az. arm Rot romps 1(1 "WA.L.1 40 Pot cft. Kr. Wm. 131 N. tut" Lenny" Si. TRCIIPITP IF, rietom, lateriencen. teod rms.. Thy ^go: JAM what. - an/ dr 94,4 No "rt...e Irr sow. 15F44, Italmo, 4:0 Cabin Aro. Nettrw. ins Yartteire AND PIANO -TOGETHER Sri17917 pry area OeD teo 001,0. A4I4n0. Daidaa. llama , PARKS AND FAIRS RINK'S circts AT/tAr7104, j)*Z..Wit.in'aaW.Lri,";01.:gfl.: : IR I. Ghat.. WI, 101 E. IL OILY AIT1121.T1oN3-n1i12L -minas Ladle Ohotw, reatorp.4= Owed, Acrobat. Itarliagt A Awl., awl, POLE ACT ILEA1.-1, 1.11:12.NG KUM ININ Iry rea41.11y Peeler The wool Taraa, linelneall 1. 0 nr20 1t11e r3 DI ATORED AT Pnit an X. T. Tow. TM rerres nee /derma lira 041, , n a. a GVITARIAT.--ALLCTRIC, 21,.tr. NEAT Ar. Drat. D I E1Re11.1.rt ACT WANT* TO toca/11 ( merrnasawrostre8=4; Gat GSA , Pwrautent fra tire sea. at tar ool, nynta nla re. a W11 se. tr41 mos sr MI nne Oar 041, T1V0TINIA4VIIER14 NTT,. el.1'11 OTEHATGAD. 'Matt wwiwth="6":74.aii O. re.* Tt o4. Clart.rott I. WON 1101 M. Ter, jtr-r":. " m AmRO. 1ry writ O PTAT.tiltrING P1.ATI0GI14 ritarnx Acr- 11,041toNfl onclaht.f-lehtcrarhavt. (1X& WILI1-4 It n P. eati,...00: Veiny Oartee C... 82D MU IsstO sea isaar Ar.11.,Y en Wilt. KIM Dtbol0 Rod eisda 140.1, 1504 Basra Anttnessy. rui wows IMard. 144, Ds.. AdIlata sa.rarsem, to Vd., 41. tarditera aaairradlw rthstan. ADM 1414 Maim Der.. Itkir. Ta.N. ru. 27:3 4. 1aL TEE ficteries..- Porn oirrrnrocr rang Lfrnaloan TVA , l'01.* Ine Ns. Rwt 4) 144 Dosala 1(..hr4aN K. 11th. Cladimatl L..12 PIANO PLAYERS P/ANIBTOSUANtAT-TOVNE LAPT. Praxes ass turcla 51.0:.r. In lbestreal NIP flat pcalitra al a repot. We place. Du d. e0e4ia11. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS a.. ALL MANA111:101 IN ramtne 10 tams TM 004 0s:1, T. 1/011 Pelee,. F1,. offer, on tat MA orlosal wesiatoltim-.4 14,s660 eriabrst 100 1,01 se/n. whi. water err ar.1 icall now awl Rao The art 110.oatat 5.4 a., uk. One Oar = t mart. arts et ra.1 Oar. o.,1...jowl imam. write. /LIMA NUM RSP 10. Sorb 14, 11Ohnoril, T. 4/711.0 RALKINO: orr000ft itarrlatallenen. 3o. Tree. Tine Om. Sm. An., CONew, 111. TEAM I007SIE OCITAIL oath Shah To4.1. 7)7 4x Choate oas sees.. Are 29. TyIre, Art. Palary. by IrT3 CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. (Confirmed from page 48) <Ivied the Stand ton the Boarelwant before Bteeplechme WOO IWO employed in rufous spots elsewhere on the premiers. S /LNEOCA.-Iteinch Brothers. WIlllam 0. and Harry C.. own the Parkway Ode, with Jamie Rowe; master mechanic. and Anthony Perko. assistant. Caahler Harold Heppe- At their Bug lido, Raymond Young( 1s operator. and Harry Oool, Cubist.. Marne Belal. man. real estate agent, out of the basw pita! but ore day. sotd a Ancona/lead Bay home for Joe Kaufman and Bert Derby planning to add 15 DOW ean and remodel and tenethen from 100 fete to 1113 feet their new ride, Pun In Use Dal t-... Mum; 18porty) Kaufman. co-operating with dad. Joe. coon to Joto Uncle Sent.... Beirnour Wolfe. former barker for Murray. now a staff sergeant , and Murray Lester Learnt, another barker, 14 private, also overseas.... Norman Kaufman. Joe's other heir asaialant, whose husband, Hugh Poseur. exhibited whales and ubsrigii Ln condom *bows up to ntrae )ears ago 01er0 imbed away. Is In dolly attendance at the hospital.... Replaying until bar return la Doc Pewter. talker. now an astrologer.... tautens Kraus, ride operator, has been appainted pinnent Ot the Blardl Gras Committee.. Tom Hamm.. photos with Wide World Bert. Ice of AIMOCille<1 Press. took shots at Tina's and Va11rt1s.00: Lunt that had Vile on exhibition for geneml rede gravure publicity.... Rennond Wagner back 00 talker at the Mammoth, Brouns Buy Stanton Weldi, Utica, Mich.; Make Changes UTICA. Mob.. Jut;212,-With the death of Stanton Welsh, former owner of Stanton Wash Park hem, the *nine. meat spot hat been acquired by Mr. and Mra. Myron Bram of Buffalo, who are changing the name of the funspot to Ullea. Amusement Park. The 14 -acre amusement resort Is located eight Mina from the Chryaler tank plant on the Kale Memorial Highway about 20 miles from Detroit. The new cement will &wattling the sale of beer 011 the 11/ with the former beer garden being converted Into community center Ing free dace. Ins. Prey bettang in the Clinton RIM Ls also featured. New Detroit Zoo Director DETROIT, July 12, --John T. WAIL who hail nianagod Din Detroit Zoo EMS It opened In 1520, IS (I. Urns October 1. He will tenant es consultant at Wary of ee.200. Prank 0. Stennis. with the WO since 1920, tin last several years ea assistant to 11111ms has been upped by the city oontrniselon to the post of directer at salary of No replacement for Itclatiln old post fa planned.

60 Xir. 60 The Billboard July 29, 1944 MAIL ON HAND AT CIN(INN.\TI OFFICE Opera Place. Cincinnati ralart-ga. ay. Parcel Post Coserr, Reba P. Amara, P.M. Ell r... P.onsmu,.. b'm IPM). 174 RDA. :wk. rcikz it 141. leaks% t' (...r) o PRICE.!ha. Itmd rweese. nes Abairse (kg, Csae.a. It 1. r a0 (MarsAtor, Data Parsemn, Ho% H. Intr , ("Lander, Hebei IIMIIIINAN. Pols CHAPMAN, Larsrow.111a.,.% It IL ram. lbeas rgrxxstc. 0...i. Kama 0.a. W. '..15.t. 1C1 Huy'', M. C,..Dila...i., pla..."'. PCLICNNIZ. Itskt. W ('''a, Joe Z. V.ArT...'1;.C. Plume,. Ilmssi AUXN. rid 4 Tom. J.11Yert 1. Pa,. Mx ZION, Arent (1" )4rEsslm CI.10. )11.'y Uth'''' 1."6".1::!::: AIR Ramat Viet. Mn. IDOL COnrrem, RAD Aim. AC..1. Der Oak. Rte. GALt-anneat. *wows. r- C. cruet, tee M. A111, W. A/ATVIIMI, Pent Peobrut. Prank Asa Carel/ma EA M. Atersms. Poe CsOrts, Um DAD 1I.arlet, Anti.", Z...J...s,44,:, Coke,. Vex n.r.itue Uslalier, Mn Vindele L1E1 11Elt LIST Because of the serious paper shortage, letters, etc., will be advertised in this list only one time. If you are having mad addressed to you in our cam, look for your name EACH WEEK. Mall Is listed according to the office of The Billboard where It is held. Cincinnati, New York, Chicago and St. Louis. To be listed in following week's issue mail must reach New York, Chicago or St. Louis office by Wednesday morning, or Cincinnati office by Thursday morning. Notice, Selective Servicemen! The names of man in this list who have Selective Service mail at any offico of The Billboard are set in capital letters. w.f..* lot W1LK TALON. Z (been rays, II., 7 Illarr A. WILLIA101. 1)mar1 MEI, PAW at rlatt Darssi A. Moot Csreya Mt_ PA.,. L'aitra WILLIAMS, tr,..i. Hemp, G. *TAMIL. Frarlsol I"Zsard ITOODIIIIIIE hala C. MILLIAMS. Itiarass Plswily,/aralt Upsets, L Wooly. WM.. Marls,. Pws WIIIIssmi, Tate. Dram /MA N SPERM% Rata Y..1.,, Oasts B. fr...4 Itebe. will. 7r., Cey. Bad twee, WA. astros,!draw Masa, ArkSlY.5.01Nkl. Alt.."' R/iy **11.4,13N, Man 15.5s , eytyy.s, 1,55* II. Jake Mts. MIN.., Lori T /1st Along, T. A. MILUON Pat Brno el11:101, If e1.in W..., itkiael YileNCOVIAT. Pant Vt(1.10N, lawnr...e. ea.11u1 611)n, IIAnrcsi X..1 MX0. Jose:k Prretra WINNING, Clarke Josses Slaw. Juk law Bator, Lwa Meru or. Janie R. wings., D AN. Allot; /Iran.% WIALI-A.A E. ),:r.-... Peer If. Ctartata, Mr. Vaal. Akssukr la r.)44airll. flank Itv,.terikst. Lsit, sorles. Te..site Itaatelt0 MAIL ON HAND AT 111:10s,.14.. Las 1.`arscs NEW YORK OFFICE Musson, Ae, Broadway. aciimeils. IT... Odds Now York 19. N. Y. aqua. fhs. Luna Rol S A. 00, Hefts Weer, GARLAND, 161,16, Prert. AThr,larr, NO. Anomed.. GP 31. Cel.n.e,T1,... AD-ot C. JOHNSON. Imes wut,,,,,,e. p.a.. &Brim Itmals ROINICallet. Pme Mat Arr. BIB WIftlan A,anrent, hsa Cella. Erma.seat..seat.PER. Jams. r.c.,,nt ernittre, )31,berr na Len On. flutist. neat 3OHNIITON. ('.12 CI'MslIsr. Daum ltorkw11, K W Ḍ. STI.VER, Jaws 0 Ali (Nutt I.A.twnec, MSc. tslbelt. Era. Rad hew, Allbas Lansaw, Gra. A. Ar.$4 laws Edo. kremer. Hselss4.1.. R. H. Ift;n1k4..1.scla erx.,0 Ulm 7,0, RODEN. Thaw Ts Geese Motet. Glare E. ArAt. 15_.1iir C..aly. Wy Atin.E. Male 14Yoleet. Isom 14. nt ea. Mlemal Tsr Clod. llosr, se7 1.0 Ann,. Part. MOTET?. (later. Jes I Rat 1 batty, WO., taut, n.n TAYLOR. 6,nem IfeD Mho, is B. Dm Mrs. kl su hoot.. Jamas. LesCstr. Nedra! ARWOOD. Vest* Cere4o. Ma CcSass Mrs PAM Sawa (Nees LiCfntrf Y. orlasta Irels 7:1;rat /ila 0. 'Amid AM Jaw. Ma. Tawas.r."'''. " "" "U''''' 3"'" 10,4121. Tlweet Perma H. Onatlfas h.. ii.n.,... TAILOR. Man KO,Vely Lelltsraw, Ikr.ftt Asada R. CORWIN, &maid ORMIL Tbm Jews. lords Melfette, Mra HAn 0. BEEERA Res, E. G. 11,0..., Gladys 4.14,k aws. Tapp" roaty i. LanyJ Weems (shorn., Hoer, g5yy Tarim. Ranier.' BILIArti. Ma ToArrkk Jaws. Pall.1cessay ostars, Elm Rwskelsla Ilea Ceol.r. Haw. Tr'3.M rft '11A HeZettirla 1.'./... /". CM. 7!"-Yilt W"11.* Lna. Ladd Trask ter Clads@ 11.3ssr, Timid* ridt.e, Lel* Warm Gerr) Mm 71,( TirSo Dem.. Ii.dr Alen WIN. Mal Palate. 1tart ( N. Rant Jomern. Freak When LAND.. rat.,..tat :*y...,,,,,,.. "c'::, ,:u17" Nar14 7u 1411tre ewe). rtassis 0 Oat Labaa, fea0. Ma. ra.we!a ULT.., 111=lksg T. E Jan Crate. Al GRANT, Claml C11.14 REIM,may )4,4*-Issta Our*. II CM, Haas COX. lobo Wm. Hr.*. MUD Kasor.21. Illt.li,y. ramr. 41..e. L'W 'a':.0 ZIN41*1 rf101 Cwt (MI,. Bet C,..., a... Toe P0..* Aktarrler DisLard 2114 mo ikk*" E. """YELL.Pe'l COURTNEY, MIleIrt.'-'7,. alarlic CRAITTORD. '',... Vk,Ork Kaattims. Itarths UALLICK. M. um.en. PA LIIERINCL or...a.7"."'ire1.va7 J. 10:111111T,, We. A estem X. Caw'. Jot D. Z. home 3. HansaYl CT.T.T.Cit ID. Prokelek KAYNK, run Hasten. Wm A Pas A.criseU"es 4 ats1211,8*j"owt Its. TM.", W'wE*8"..C',...".: n.2 As': Md.., SARICAN CIIISLJP. Kent firms. Mr ate brmilo Ins Tr.lraleer RI'Min.L. J.. na..11/44c- F. North. Etrssaln LOW W. Dear Ow.. AND... B olter. Tr. MA RCN AND. PA tone, Tuve* R, TIM., Prrl.. (we...t. Al m...4* panes Pion Cooks We. W. H. Man Hrsolotia elly, Jana If. rr.a. 1. 1,..t,.. n...v.. It.. it...n. T. IL Sara., Lets Crosier, E. C. HALL, LORI, K My. Mkt...! 1'. StaRiON. st r1w. MI (YDraorTI. Its&Du I Reorslienes) ('). Tinton Los Wes. Tatra% CUM H. IN".11c11Yril..3" , Ws. Mr er. ILIRNICS. MM. Lot& 11rn WieZil.t. neat 0.1.'5. AO.. ltrlas. J Is Trini.31.7'=1'..e1 :rm"..6.:,,.612,. Few, H'127 Jew la. It... ire. T. 0...tata. NI.. Kreasorr, Main X. DS intrall. Ms P.n, c. R. a. 'Daman We Deltalper. rad vishim. Thorsee J. ONWeinr. Rat 00asaa. itqu. ISKNEDT. is am MARTIN, c.rstra Parer. IL IjeWlqUitra.e. k"." Turstuka. Pacd I4I/44c 344. Itsherde NAM V. Reno,?ran D. Add. liars. 1.<4 1ml Met.. Ir. II. Prears. S. P. Read... Matew ree Issaarset, Asktlycey III.,'.. _rmtkr S.M.% D. Dvsse C.J. ematess c. HANNIBAL, A. Ifersart MARTIN. Medea Prate. M. pi,.. rnrstre, L.1.4 Suter, J. A. CaastreAsek, Jack A6,.10, 1. 1:00.2, TM R. 0 Pray, cre... R. 3.11,:0311C. 0,...14 Mr.. Din DAIL, r..2. Hasson Joke Kaska NrIesm larsoes. K. S. DAXON. Dr.! Steno. a... Kew., Prsall It...,,, Iti-a7 rcnur. Jam Ustts, MIS. 0. MOH.= SMITH, Raba. Meowed, Woven(.., hot Knee. Brats..1wIt. Ws. Mslara, Pl. SMITH. Us /r. P.sner, r anrc.. Noses HAIIN. Deniti H ICT Pik mast. Rieta,41 Mrg."'L.:]; V. L. Hamel.. Maw L. 1. KIL Mean rrviencecnte.. L.'7.2!711 1(.1"..".";'.j)::1::,", V. Ilottser, Joks l'ir'ln/4'',,;7.,,,c.:11.1j4,,,,,,,u4 flrav"dasenas IL. &tout. TM Rim Iss*Aylo., 1Y.Sts R. X IIAIOR Its041, L. H. 14:416.1 um"r1.411.alat'":0;...si.b...11,/,'"imrs,p.. rrirroe-rr:klika,.t.,r-baclree,l" 1607,171AArTrwr:t.17). : 1141IXRWOOD r..e... E4,1* tor.dan...;,;,.,,.1: Essl C. V C=i, int.e 1. H."... il Mr r,14 Elreall. Tate Cora. s Marion. Ito Jars. Woe T. HAltels. Itair.er..1 KU*, Vault I:Dar Tab.., OW. PINCELE.T.,..., 11( Dwael TAN CAMP. Twine A Cans Ilis brae P.D. earns Deign 12Mbsel NrsAwat. Pat If. Arita, lea mak hosnr cuter Drackften WChM Dan. Dorsal HART, Her Or. RINO IT MEEKLINE, Inca.,.11...k. se.,.../ Laos Marmr HART, Wes. **71csne otritnrrr. u.kai Tee ID"...8C:ILL... (T :0,ANn...73:,...,..7. 7, A. Kart seek. DAM (PrIslaelli Ira. Mr... /b.! KING, Mei Toes Promf, Ma Chet.: Do. YACERN, Ifsrop n't*, )).44, Ireton. Cierron VirairA. DWI., Xre Ire. W=.3 flry. A. rotnatart. Twalut w.st.n. 11. NSW*. 1W.. t... enteard hest...1::.11.imes5111 Dloard rommer.s Pow 1.6i"n'il3 Wad , Baca, A Ileaml151.,.., RIOT, Iltels Ȧyfreg Sd."."'"'Ittela, re.:eitt," R, '''''T J. Reasr: Teksd., Wiff7 K. 8COTIELD, 3tros.. ZXTftelt A1b.'t AEI...v... Imes. Deno D. H... 30, 8.,..i. KNAPP, Jee.oe Y. Ilwtee T,,II. Juan lker5500yry. Had Dann Geo. KNIGHT, 1,..rool kol Hut. WAGNER. l'ac...4' K"'"' 1." Merry, At A PRI:SION. 3. Meet D., Thed. J. E AU. ISRalso. Joses Hansa tear Rua *. 1wWrit. Dank Hem. R.. 1. KYIncfsa. nota"" 1 VbstaSa Iter4Ith Ds. name &discern 34.6 WAORAN. C...s Mid HAIM. Kea Kr... fit.. Prostea. Urs. Prod Lama Al. MM.. Roy W44, r.a Ill MAIL ON HAND AT rtx.e.,,. '' A. raz.at HAINES Laitorny. N. Post lertol'111rd 11, MM. (21. IInd rn.r. It.r2,4 xii, )014..n.p.6721.z-. wauctu. 14 Re set slo. =Wel. Rsn'itra. Del.! Leen. Heaton illalk" Jots Pristraelo. Ww. LAM*,Items. 5. ) C. X poi dubs, Pones ',Arm 3..0 I10. CIIICAGO OFFICE Marls 14seasm Prelk r... wo.. ma. I. 'mole...r,... HAW, CM. 701 WALSKIL Math. 155 No, Clark St "" "'*elArs18' II. Poste. IWO. Ma. PRAM, Mat Albs Dohs., Tin. it C.CK. Wea. Ind 1011., IL, Ys Ice ,**) ,111. IX Loam. Al mare.. cer' is ItyliAr. (-termer:. Wall. Oltins Latarat, Prser.), ily,1 COW Inn, Doti Jean re...w. nos SHEA. tra. Mater n_ )(sae. Iller H.ty, Mn..,,,k, pyoyalyky. Jraarts, sio4osers J. LsrID, X. 110/.. Vfoein IL,,,,,,,.%.,. la se, WasTalL_Teta 3. agetaarsur, Ihtlsaus, IlIssmar,,,,,,......,,,,A, Jr Less-, II/W.11 Illertar, Penny KCNAS JR.. WARD, de C. MmEa A. lee a Inn. sanrinprr X. re... A. WARD. Remo\ ItOrISCS. Oa/ i A Mahms14. 1D4.1...,,,m A!' DICRERBON. Heron!Daly rv-e assn. ITIZTZ" wj'"b C. Reseira.. hake... SITOKRIAKI:R. Manstsa M. Ally*. P. ry,,,,,,,, M.. JetsIIRNIMIX. Wm. tionded. I. W. Licnael-mn. &sink. Moto Tread C. Jae Mance WARD., Me. A ct.elth"t" Ow.c.i.b.W.41:. nm.eik."7...7";,,t., 1... ximi-r.a. 1.v...s, RAOLAnNuDi., 0Awel. J. K.). In''IL Dmam J ka IIIIII...ETIstal Etorw RAI, Tee MITCHELL Lar. Tan. To%row3.6. WARPIKLD tart,... imk... X' flastrta irsiews RANDALL, Bermak bursa inn. IINNNEAST, Lit -t?.: LI/T, Knorr MITCHELL Nkk MASI P. MA. 12'4.1 DttteD,. PSI 'ielliel" ' re '""" Wwww. Gw.ozi..,,, 74. =3,.zr,.. Praak Wm, flmel. ID. Ist,r. Pot "'V.'" 1. R DI. Xra. rocis.;. MITI JAY*A5 Wm. 3412,Mtl, 11.4 rua. Clam. Altr.r/oa, LIAM *MM. Resat A. m.lr 1 L DODSON, Mote lierne , ICY. AIL 38:11e.,21. 15ncery. F. P. klwara Damp Wean 3. A. sr r.:,..., y. t,..., W. II.m.3e, 3.. Jo, W.orr, &hag( c Ilmels. "1 Lop". Atattl-) MVNAIIAN A. PIKAMILAt, Roots Martasa Dorn itcrar., ca.', WKATKIL Gm 311. Matto neon WeItor t...tfe., Traatie nevus Certo 2,tKcr,,,,:c..34art,c11. rp..or17a.4 P"' Don. X.. A IIIILR. 3..e. T. t...1., My Morahan. Jab. REEVES, 3.. MAIL ON HAND AT Arthur island Mu. Henn wwerrin... IL TAIVISkr* IT. H. DOWLLL, Clams, m11,, LEWIS. Wok Kidder lima. non. IICID. AIM. nassn, sum ST. LOUIS OFFICE Ser. K. ċum. )10NKOR. era Jolla II. 11.4". DrIIMaAl. TA irr.r.a. 31note tzwis. w. 12tam /1.41. Mrs Ilatther Sun, /kit W.Dan Mrs 390 Arcade Bldg.. t. 1.0.oes DM Hard 41arriso Moron /Ann 8. Rat Dm R. N.M.. IDE: Jess Wd*Or, JdanK ANAN, DCNATANT. 141Mrn".."' Lltilo Dar Rae. Mts.. ICU Mild. M.. J. A.511%. CHM St. Louis I M Lien Aterasdat HAW. W. Calel M.o. Annie Dank Welassaasefter" MGM. ted DCNCAN. Lamer o.,,..,., j,, """ Li-tia, Cart It'er:Se,RVeArn Mu. Prstes_17.1 Cut xu.lawarrom.. Carte:err. Minn LaDDSAW. it... GI.. Anon Iftersas, Arno Isqs, 314 IfoltEr.4. Rai Itcro H. (MTN Rol r.4... arrntes. TlinatAl Th... Mrs Don HOLT. Theone lt,r2.is Pow. Deas Wis. Iantorib, Cairn I Dem 3.II II4XID. Illr terra. Lt.': R ,1.41).".t 10100/44. Irml limn "*Coaut i WWWi""J" DrItrlese. Erma 11,24araa. W. P. Dm A. P. Dess.t. Ms Dot H..,m. ru,,,,,, Mina. Lea CiarIle Sweat Odesir. lye. Geo Donn IL PI. stormy+..r.. Prod RiCliAltni, 3... MUTH, tylle InkDraft lesl. Coo. fag. ILA. mos w..., 1... Perasead Ressras. Aeceu.s tuen0!.,,snir... %UM*. 'km 1:01(1 W121T, Cb.. IrCor' s.s.yrunfotatme L..0, r...:M7 R. W.*. Jed.. Daff,, IL 1' /TWOODe. W. C. sr. KIaittn, Nemo, )1 t H. O..' HORR151(5:11.'a 4(01 Lc. a...a Albert H OWER. f"...y H. Luptilow. se.t.t. r.rni.1, 71.. RICIIARDSON, PISITMLI, Ultia*".", WrAraftEINsneM1KIEt' so E."'", MW YU-Sweat...N:1f clic") Cana Dont. Ms Aloe II edlle. Uri, ( La2, 1.12 J. 0. Jae WINTON, S'.. Polar, learn. loser, CALLADUKR, Moans Coe. T. II CDSDK/ IL 21.4 IA.11N711521, Mew RIC RA RIMON. SNIDER. Ds wan Pruello toaa. Era. nom:da R. Mlle Wsder DedwarilA 1 0 W. Hoorn -M. 31ORT011. e.,ft«. Mow' W. wravi.'irirs.orrlegn. SPENCER. tl.srla Calm30, Urn tonne. Iha le, nat... E. 77. T Jas. 74).1. l'inr... RILL'S'. Van E. ColLYKRON lea, TAU. Harold 1,...4 Itarite. Ersse P. lariust...ad WICIDDEN, Boat 111:111AN. Mv.,...st Table d.A...d. New.. lers IL G. ligitint illy 5511,;41 lint K. stehil11., MET, W. Al).. HOLLER. Gene Leta imams V.starl, Ir.! n14,01,..an,loa. Ai.A isr. clawab.11. rrster 1U4C Esidord X Ito... W. W. r,..)anter WHITS. ssr7r... E. WARNOCK. Tessob.11, AL Melt Lae Inn GYM. Wean.% 4'. T. Indio. HMI 1wses Mem, gfp.z..ii Whitt.. MOW.. Wm JAL Ines. es14. 3 T. Wet rilln MA c...,t_ Ittrolurt, Mn. BD aorrom, It..rrt IIMIts. Itss. Wrfla Lams es. L See. r&:, cart tareime..1 to XrClnalsia. ADaSte, Ws. TWA Mesh.% COW ATEA*. Re.. VD.No. Alsba F. '5,1w:a Vth.. J. P.. Hnne Wert. Ws 2.:, ItlitGa, 2.1,2. P. SOO WIMV P. Ja Ana., X.,:.),.I I ITSIARIltf, r:744,,. ream ItUl ROBERTSON JR, 'WITTY. roes. IL WILKK, 'Roo.. law. 1:v1.-1 Lee Iirroa. A II KTRTZD. nws MON. Red K 1" 11,e3"*":11..E" MO N MO D. now ,14ma lieu Jorti Rasa l'sbla %Valises, "Irlosi4 1. aeww. Swore *VW 1.e , T. )1sCRICADT. NaRACOLE, m/dor.% lost, 110CR. Musket Caw, WITLesa. (Wean Aleas lea.* Cern, Ton C TIGAN, That J. JACKSON. Mewl Maeda Y. 14,Att Fahowaa ackse.n. 'Mgr Ilenoli/o. Mane en...4.1, camori.r. MM. n.asfs Windy, rant. 11. TAIRCLOTIL(3121) JANCRON, Seat* 314DANIEL. Wrs. A. EXCELSIOR TOPPING '43 last ertek.cod raw IntrOductton Or Cone41, Itre./..irs TAW.. JAMAS. Iran Masco Lao :C.a. Um 7.41% DOW 00071prissoe4-6tr shooting gaitrry. A. I. zwrzworrederktx. 31,Linalepoutu...con,.4 xnu.tele, (Con Untied Item page 48) Regular gallery's opening has been bald W. st. Payl Roan RI,HOLAR, IMO.' lea rant. John Row has the popcorn and Up bedtime Of tack of ammunition, but Comte, *Icon VA CL,ONSR, rarrreson,thm M.G... Men 131,i candy conceagen: nolden Ar Lamont Coltman reported spprovsi for arnmuni- CARROLL. OressIte D. it.. or... Abler" Naalt Amerfras operate LSO apswthcat contests:ton. Wm but been received from Wasbington P.M.s..41 &nerd lay, Pat Mee ammo, rina.le Corn Tuar.y 7O11 /owe, C -a Psi 4,l'^1"(.' (t»1 Fourth of July business Was 20 per and gallery Is duo to open within a week Cann Lode r, J cemn. Iln CAarnt. Icts Miss. Won C. nano. Mer.10W. reogrosr. Iwo. cent ahead of hast 'rat and on par with or 10 Ulm Jr that of Doeoratfon Day opening aired' has begun to promote CA.11310KNT. lea Forearea. Nan 12/clig=t; SetraNRT ram.% C. Perrson. Jon Stelissaaork Jabs ". Menstss. MIA 73^w f Mr was also exer1irnt. Pic*: bookings its annual Mao 11.1nnesota contail CATET, Mel W. (360) Ada I. are on a par with a year ego. akcdded for Auguas 111.

61 July 29, 1944 The Billboard LISTS 61 Alabama AttaIla-Stowan Co. Pan Aura. Sept la ti IL Lourdon. nghsn,a -Alabama Bute Pair. Oct Ban H. Wnto n% Centre. Da..Cherokee Co. Pan Aun. OR C. Tatum. Counland-Logrer.or Co. Yale Assn. Oct C. C. Horton. Dothso-klmason 00. Hair. Oet. 3* -Noe. 4. L. J. LuissfOrd- Oorence-North Ala. State Pair. SApt C. IL Jackson. Hs marine-mosison Co. Fair Man. ElapL 44. Marta Dickson_ Mcbile-3(ohln Golf Coast Fan. Sept Urnteong.7-0entrol Ala. State Pole. OM L..7. Lansford. Arkansas ArktGelphts-Clark Co. Pan. Oct_ 6.7. George 8. Essai. Blytherilie-Stiselesippl Co. Pair Aun. Sept. 14.0cl. 1. J. MA: Brooka. ClIntoa.-Van Buren Co. Fair A.m. Oct Mrs. Er -no 0. natter. Des Am -Profile Co. Ltarstock Show. Sept. C. J. Ruler. lc Dorado-Unke Co. Unnock Ann. Oct MM. Ulan. Rock-Arkonsas inestock Show Yde urn Oct X. s. etstott-cloy Co. Pan Ann. Oct. 14. V. C. Wrieht, I.:exert-Nevada Co. Tale Ann. Week of Oot. P. 0. C. Murray. Colorado Podas-Coideado State Pan. Aug. 11 -Sept. I. Frank H. Means Ride-Oardeld Co. Pan Ann. Sept P. Brown. Ilmky Tord-Arkansas Volley Pair A Rodeo. Sept Cod Itsnlee. &Alin -turn Co. Fan. Ann Inn B. Puha Connecticut Berlin -Berlin Orange ran. dept. II. Janet Ths-meon. 235 White Bt. Hanford. Danbury -Danbury Fall, bet. 14 Itintatren. George to. fteetua Onsken-Ocahen Agri. Soc. West W. Blakeslee. Sept. 4. Mrs Ctialord AgrL Soc. Sept 17. Marta Orlorold. Itiorthbe0-4taretnton Agri. Soc. Ott Pall Mamba RFD 2, Torrington. Conn. Iforth Haelo-Negth Hann Pate. SOUL 1-9. Mrs. Wintry Brandt. Nutichtown-Norstch Orange Pan. Sept Mn We:a P. BrownIne. Going, Pate. Sept. 0. Mrs, y You Ncrwleh, Coon. Rocky 111 -Rocky Hill Orange hr Dor441:7 B. Hetrick. Grafand Springs-ntaSsrd Fair. Sept. :4 - Oct. 1. C. D. Benton. West Hartford -W. Hartford Country Tate. Sept A. What. Delaware & Sussex Co. TUT. Idly 34- M, P-rnest Florida Onotollte-Core.mualty Pair. Ott. 31 -Nov. 4. II. F. Zetrover. Martsania--Jacuon Co. Mr. Week of Oct. la J trus Ġeorgia Allurna-stin. LOOM Tilt & Llreanxk Snow. Want P. H Williams. Anuicita-etunew Co. Pala week Oct. O. C.oton. Allanta-.10Sohutheastern Wades Ti!./ liofte O. Mk* Benton. Autuna-Excharge Club Tata Oct J. D. Cheek. lisn,trides-decatur Co. Fair. On Uri B AWL Carrollton --Carroll Co. Pala Oct Float J. Seamy. to,inan--dselgo Co. Ave Legion Yale. Oct R. T. Ragan. Enermen-Lthedon Pala On I. T. Nara. Htmerold-Den 3115 CO. Fats. Oct. -. 3tomer 1A steno. latcoo-ouroa Mato TR. Oct Sofa Jordan. Motee-mtddle Oa. gond Pale. Late Sent. or early 001. P. J. Ihnehtata Ilaneheater-Td-Co, Mar Anti Oct treny Winn. tlentersellte-wondneton CO. Pair. Oct. 9-14, 0. 9, Cnarrcan. Idaho let,...-wateun Idaho Slane Tata Aug!land. 4. Prank Keenan. E...ey-Cuals Co. Yon. Aug :11 11 Clark. Elatifosb-Latent 74.3to Slott An. Sept Mrs. Ruth Ilse:toot. Illinois. Albirn-Ildwards 0o. Pair Ann. Sept 14. Loy L Thrad. Ando-Mercer Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. M-SePt. 1. John W. 3/eltord. Arles -Anna nut. Ant J. Y. Sort's. Ashley-wannington Co. Pair Assn. July harry T. Mon. Clan Co. Fair Assn. Ray J. IL Kamm. Lrg.ton-Prartt2111 Co. Fah% J.dy 31 -Aug. 4. Cl... B. Notoo. Moomegton-McLean 0o. pan. Aug Paul V. Curets. TigaVorel-Stark Co. Ara Cshiblt At Horn Sher. All. 31. W. C. Moen., 15:16141sOrt-Larrerxe Cm Pair Asia. MC I Oroas Browastoro-Payetto Co. Tate Assn. 841, , Loula A. Tudor, CvOlbeadge-Illency Co, Pair Autn. All , IL Z. Weelsoch, te Do. Fan Man. Lot , Mat x44. Chaelettors-Coleo CO. Tilt Mem Jolt , ROM. R. Blackford o115-47o CloOrn State Pate. Sept X Strong. Fahttory-leanbury Falr. Aug atone H. solver. rnrileed-waiynenl Co. Pan Assn. Aura Fan B USner C C* ty-taynose i Pe. City Fin Man. Jody Edwin IL *Wynn, Oreerup-Consbedand Co. Pan. Aug. :PM. W. E. Prouron. Oridny -1,,tastional X P. A. rata Sept. 74. CI:fiord Roth. Harrlature-Saline Co. A$rL Aans, July 24-3$. Mrs. D. Pearson. Ilenry-Sfutholl-Indoom Male. Sept R. II. 3.14r-ier, Spariand. Incluetry--112dutry Horn Show A Livestock Tata Aug LI. P. Sullivan. 7Conkokeo--3Caninakee Co. Tale Ann P. R. Itenrokht. Knox/tin-KO= CO. Tilt. AV the I.. JAMMU. OaSsstlats FAIR DATES Aug. LalenstO-Leraystts Iran Ann. Ant Clua. Clagsfly. T IX laylarosat Co. Tsar. Aug A. D. Yonne. Unollet-Logan Co. Pate Ans. Aug alabgt F. Layento. Mat110-irtlaR--son Co. Fan Ana. Aug. 39- Ism 3. Ray Mil ter. Unulholl-Clork Co. Mr. Aug H. R. Surlselsereer. 1daro4-Orundr Co. Air Ann. Sept. 14. W. Carter. Mentre-Mento Corrunuraty Pala Sept. 64. C. D. Thompson. atendon- MrnfonAelseas Co. Pair Alan. Ave drey Wright. Mendota --Mendota Agri. Hair. Sept CIllturt J. Truckenbrod. Milford-lroosOU Co. Agri lam Aug A. L. Illuon. literino-wratedds Co. Fate Assn. Aug V. M. Dearthese. Mount Carmel -Mc runnel Pale Assn. Aug. 7.11, E. Ouy Plynx Went Soleil. Dl. 3(041. Stertin.g-Troals Co, Pala, Aste. 14. Wallin I. Manny. Watt Vernon -Mount Vernon Pala RM Joe Itugule. NnivtlEe-Washlneten Co. Par. Sept Arnold B. Rowar..d. Oirorn.Crosford Co. Pale Afs4 Sept B. Price. Oney-Rocelsn3 Co. Ale Mrs. Sep_ W. H. Blvalu. Oreeon-Crelo Co. Fate. Sept X D. Landers. Onsmo.1.a 8111 Co. Jr. Fair. Aug Edmond If. Orme. Pads-21gs? Co. AIL Arm. A P. P , Co. Plitt Alan. Aug C- T. Steger. Petersburg -Vented Co. Air!. lily. Aug. 36-8e51. L Lloyd W. Chalcroft. Peoilan-Ltdaeston Co. Pole Ann. Aut Leonard Bellsiret, Sounerolo Pro:fetus-Bureau Co. Pstr, Aug wads. Sluts_ Ro.r.allo-Schweler Co. Llrretork Show Ann. Aut V. A. Omen. Senn. Morton Co. AIL Pala Aug eP4. 3. W. R. Hancock- Sondslob--Sondotch Fair Assn_ Sept R. Brady. ghwer_:ntern--showneetern Pale Aran. Sept C. L Oldham. Snor...cret-lifeadersoo Co. Pale Attn. Sept. 64. Ralph % TasturvI110-42M14115n Co. Tan. lily CnIord C. Kanter. Vonna-JohrUices Co. Pali. Aug George Oral. War:en-Warren An. Aut J. W. Ittrandson. Indiana AuMna-Dekelb On. Pale Ann_ Leal 'reek In Sept.yno A. Mora Noonsale. -L.ourtlle Pan Ann. July 31.Aug, 5. Alper' O. Deer. Borma-Berion Co. Pall. At, Lends:11 Lost an, Earl Pule. Ind. Sourtun-n...orbors Pale Asia. Sept P. B. OnSt. Car ermlason Co. Pole Ann. Aug. 22- K. V. N. Asbury. Hermes, In& Centerel7A...vayme Co Tres Pala Aug Tont MeConthes. COrmertt11:,.-Aritta CO. Tree Pale. Ave. 1St& J. /1 WASS,- Cougarso-IllarrJ Co. Aerl. Ann. Aug D. Z. Warnock. Corydon -Horn.= Co. Agra. Soo. Avg Dr. L B. Wolfe. Crown Peent-Ltke Co. Agri_ floa Aug J. M. Meter, iltthirt-4-h Club Pair. Aug C. W. Judd, Patryiew-thstiverlend Co. Pan Aun. Aug. 38.8ept. 3. LeRoy Rose, R. 1 Bennington. Pronkfeet-Clinton Co. Pitt Man. Mg Ross A. Hoiltday. cieshen-itehnt Co. Pan Aun. Aug. 14. lobo P. Start. Ittdx.m1oI1,415ate, 4.21 Club Tsar. Sept 34. (1.1, Capte1.1. Xe.,dall.131- Kendallville Pala Aug U. C. Wenn. Kenn:sod-Neu-toe CO. fair. Sept. 64. A. U. &huh_ La Posno-La Porto Co. Pair Mao. Aug Junto A. Terry. Laslanteaurg-Doartorn Co. Mr. Aug. PS - Pi Ham. Loynd -put -Con Co..Pair Ann. July ken_ n 'Pon Jr. Morgle-Muncte Pala July 311 -Aug. 4. A. 0. Nontelt. New Ilethet-Matey Co. Tan. Avg Harry ttobetta Wastrakar. Ind. Now Castle-Itany Co Club Aug W North Vervon--genatneo Co. Pan Aun. July S. 8. Berkshire. Orecod-Ripley Co. Fan. Avg L. ronlelea_ Poolond-lay Co. Pan Ann. Aug Often lanespele, Princeton-Cohno Co Pale Ann. Att Sept 2. Chat A. Steele. 6-mo0ion-4.w Co. Van. Aut. 214ep4. 1. Wry 11. Bannr. RAllerter-.Fulron Os. 4 -it Pair Ann. SAL Trod Rankin. Rocaroad H L. Hare& Aug. kport -li en-en 00. Tar A. July Roc1.131e-Parke Os. Pear Ann. Earl 0. Swarm. Aug IT...theille-Rum Co. ARL Asem Z. Pingo. July 33 -Aug. Salem -Waal. CO. Farmers A Merchants Tres Fair. Ant V ShellTvIlle-cihenY Co. nu Assn. Aug Harry Meths. Spencer-0sta Co. AIL Pale. Aug Mildred Duna. Sozman-Motrtvin Legion Fair. Sept 4.9. E. W. Homey. Terre Ilaute--Vito Os. Pan. Aug K. J. Acre.. 1V/bash-Wabash Co. Draft /lona Ann. AM W. K. Delaplone Wortaw-Kostnesko Co. Pale Ann. Aug. 2 -!UM hert M. Bretons, Winaatao-Pulaakt Co Club to Comm. raft Ann. Aug Wm. Andresa Iowa Ackley -Pour -County Yale. Nov Jo. w. Coble. Adel -Matsui Co. Pale. Act Rorer W. le:mbar& Albin-teraros Co. Aryl. Sc.,. Aye Crac 0. Oresolee. Ai:ovo-Korauth Co. Tate. Aug. 30 -Sept. 1. A. L Brown, Al:orn -Butter Co. Acrl. Alan. Ave D. D. Showed. Alta --Buns VW& Co. Tan. Aug. 23 -Sept. 1. O. A. Soderratal- Ai1ande.-Casa Co. 441 Tan. Aug. 91-5rM-1. Omar J. Raub. Audubon-Aulubon County Pan. Sept , A. B. Jensen, Avoca-Pottawattamlo Co. Tilt Ann It. P. MelCMIty. BeorE..e -Boone Co. Atd. Assn. Ate C. Judd. Burlinttem--Trtsfinno Tata Aut A. 4. Widen. Cedar ruptda-4-h Aug D. Moore. Cer-tery1114--Aonan, noes 0o. Pan. Ant Al IL Panne. Central City-/Arn Co. Tan. Ave T. w. Lawls. Coluak,ia Jurtion-Louts Co. Pala Aur. rata. IL 14. Duman. Coon Rsplds-Pour-County Pan. Aug Sept, 2, Joe King. Cresco-Howard On. Fan. Aug C. C. Nichols. Decorara-Wizonthlek Co. ML Asia. Avg Loco R. SM.% Crum. 31. Derby -Derby DOI. Tun. Awe ILtorts. 0. W. Des Moines. --Polk Co. 441 Fair. Aug Deo S. Oardner. Donnell:on-Leo On. Pale &sm. July Carroll /..Redano. Eagle ureter-emle. Orme DUI.tualor Alt. Aug C. Prey. Eldoa-Wopello 0o. Pair Ate L. W. rloro-llardla Co. Fan. Aug W. Mori Xterler-Ellader rate. Aug X Seifert- Eatitetateare-POo Alto ran. Aug H. E. BA.D1=et. Ettlueta1131-Eraftlet. Co. Agri, Show. Ave M. A. Bantam Ponds -Pocahontas Co. Agri Soc. Aug B. P. Blab.?. Port Bahr ter Co Tan. Aug Magri& A. Cumbell. Onner-Itexoek Co. sot. BOO. Aug U. H. Wollenberg r.eld. la. Ornate:it-Adair Co. Ill! Aura. Aor It. W. Cruoka. Ortant Mt. Aug. 21.-=. Ray Paano. Mu gndy Center-Orundy Co. Hair. Mr , C. S. Macy. Outhen Onttgl-CIUtS014, Co. Pan. <krt. 1$. 21. IL L. Bronson. lux:*. --Mew Co. Pan Ann. Aug J. It. Prod:Wok:on. Itangion-HranklIn On, Tan Assn, Aug Onen D. Croy -Won. Hart3R-0111elen Co Boa'. Aug Frank W. Vuosn. Prtmehea, fit Ir.4epeneleaps-Buchtnan Co. Pair Aim. Aug IL 0. ORta. Indtancla--Warren CO. Pala Mg E. H. Mean. Kensouvus-Van Durr154.1fetton Co. Pala Aug Ar5hur J. Seem, Xr.orsrle--Mteloo Co. Pan Alan. Aut A. C. Milner. Loriroor-Lorienor Agri Pate Ann. Ave Clyde U. Thompson. Mateerti-Male Co. Pan Ann. Aug D. IL Knot. alanceseater-delaware Co `. Ant E. W. WIltiana. Itanuo-Colhoun Co. Pala [Pot. 14. Bata 5 Mots. Ma.Okets--Jackson Co. Yale. Week of Ave. 35, L. 8. Ulm lforthslitown-centrol Iowa Tan. Aug, 21- S ept. 1, torte A Prue. Mute City-leceth Iowa Pale. Seri. 14. Handl X Palmer ,a1 V.5.11e7-Harrows Co. Pala Aug. 31. M. Peed 0. liakm.. Stonttoello--Jonaa 00. hit A5415 Aug Rota Moult. plassant-henry CO. Fat?. kor n 0. natter, Mereillo-W.Xelbury Co. rain Sept. 14. Rebenly. Nan:us-We Yon, Pan Alm- Aug Norton Nimes. Na1.10m1-Clayton Co. Tat,. Arm srL 1. P. L. Lam Oarrnettlo. Is. Nevada-Stcry Co rate Ann. Aug anon Z. Mandan. BYO 2. Aosta. to. Northunpl-Weeth Co. Tale SOt. Aug , Courtegy Lawyer. Manly. la. Onera-atonons. Co. Pan Ann. Avg Halad J. McNeal. Orocee Clty-Nisux Co. Agri. Sce. Aug. 34- :5 Gerd: Van Stesland Pore- NeltrEall Co. Pea AtelL Aug Max Kett. Onolcou-Soullern lo. Pon Aun. Aug. 14-1e. Clyde A. Hamm New Rhona. Ia. Posts Agri. Al.. Sept A. 8. Sag Sm Co. Pan Ann. trpt Ray DrUattl. Dtb1e7--Osog Co. Ltiestocg Mow, 6 -pt 1- It. S. D. RobIroott. /42:01 Lako-Dict.noon Co. 4-U Club Congress. Sept I.. 8, Iterndricka Tipton -.Cedar Co. Pair Agra. Aug_ 2441: C. S. Main. Vlnlob-flernon 00. Pals. Aar Keith liters. Witenoo-State 4-31 Club EsTo. Sept E. 6. Fatal. Wankon-Allonator Co. Pan. Sept- 54. A. M. Monserod. 'tonnes Perry. La_ Webster Cuy-Hatnnton Os. Pan. Aug. :H. Sept. 1. LL Lyls, West Llberty-Wut lased, Hair. Aug_ 3124, Jay L. Duman. West Cnon.-Fayette On. Pan. AU' W Da LIEtt. What Cbter-Kookok Co. Pan. Ave E. P Kassa. atm] Kaa. Pree Pon Ann. An , Pan Roberson. Lyon Co. Tor. tirpi. L. M. Fair Ann. July 34-Z. O. Ac Oranges Pair. Oct Mee. Ina Ceteratnnt-Auleara Ha-WashiogiOn Co, Banner Pair. &VC D. Cann Lena bettestile-north Central Kan. Tree Tata Aug ept. 1 Homer A1kLre. 13,108,-1Wche3 Co. Pate Ann. Ilept Prank lo HIM Parrrproo-:y. Orange Pair. Bed. 7,4. Mrs. Orace M. Onderroxt. EN, Rap1M-.44anball Co. Pate Autt. &VG 24-n. Doh lleltuen. Nohler-Buhler Comm. Pair A.u.n. Oct J. A. Johnson. Imeerso-gostern 03.1e7 Co. Fan. Sept_ 14. Plo5t0111. Call /TnnffInei.C. FLU% 3117 St-hog. 4* Conernaer-Internata Pair. Aug. 31-Bopt. 2. :or-, R. Thounnta. Cony. -Thomas Co. Filr Ann. Aug J. P. 30u13. CeurAux--CberOltee Co. An'. Letters Pros Pala Ana OCIOptr Ostgettalt CA -nosy Illpdries-Coosky Springs Pan Aun R. H. Line. CO,DCO Grovo.-Starrle Co Pan, Avg Walter 0. Scott. Delphos -Ottawa On. Far Ann. AVg. =-Ml. J. S. Olds. Dtehten-Sear Co. nu Pate. Aug C. J. Van Fen DoLettC.t. x.r...ty-.8onthgett Fair Ann Sept. 84. IlMemnam-Arehison Cm Tale Ann. Ave C. J. 1141Mn7. Predonts-Wilson Co. 441 Fair. Aug. 13. Steered Recakar. Gardner -Johnson Co. Pres Mr Assn. he -M Dale Baker. Olano-Cloal Co. Tale. Sect 0-3. R. M. Or etc...suet -Rios a Co. Free Pall M.. Ate_ W. A. Stewart. Hatolettarber Co. Tau Ann- Aug. 31-3L J. U. Mole- Tinsman:le. Communty Pan Ann. Sepi W. T. Ilowers. H llsborro-marton Co. Pan Man.OM- 34. Dr. L. 0. Jaeger. Iterteol-777.G0. halt lam Sept IniPticeLnsomer. n-itseasa &Ate Tan. Bey. 17.1*. S. M. Ittchell. Independeoce.--leontecoury Co. Porn Pala Aug Met. Waym Tarot. Inman -Inman Cceomunity Pair. Oct Wm. J. Brun. 2:14. -Allen Co. Fan Man. Sept Harald F. Solink Jandlon Ctty-Ocary Co ChM Show. Aug. 30,54p1. 1. Paul S. 41s.n. Liberal -Annual Pon le Rime Wet Week of Oct. I. Auburn C. LIXOL s,.."-(1111.tawn. Can.;11/1 Man. Aug. 31. Nendesha--Nrodesba Junme Fair. Sept M. X. T. &urea Oswego -Lobate CO. Free Pan. Aug Roy New. CO.:go-Franklin Co. Tale. Auk 31 -Sept, 1. FL Thtu.spost C.D. Tate. Aug. M. Dwteht Padon. Rieloomns- Richt:odd Pro Pan Alan. Ant. 1145, John 11 Itmckees Rush Censer -Rush Co. Pur Ann. Ave. 2O - Sett Peterson Sal,. -8.1ln! Co. 4./1 Pan. Aug. 30 -Sept H. N. Eller. Sedan--CLawauetia Co. Fres Tale. Oct. 6 Cm I AeLaraM, Ef01..1 C , Co. An Men Jousts L Torrand ftylsan Or00to--831ran Grote Pan. Sept Hildbert. TilaYer-TagYee HoconConnog Menlo A Fan - Sept gcameh. Tooesecene-Lenewootth Os. Fair Ann. =64. Henry Oe!b KantoTrns Yale. Sept sfsuneo W. Jetta.- Wokeenel-Tirego Co. Free Pan. Aug. 22.:13. TAW H. Calloway. Wasetleld-Wakefield. Tree Pala Ott. 54. Jos Season Jr. Wnhlogton-Wandattoc. Co. Pale Ann. Sept A. C. Potakens. Weemore.-Nemalta Co. Frt. Pair. Aug Howard V. Bitty. west Mineral -Mineral DLit. Piet Pan. Sept. 64. loto Hine. Kentucky Alesentrla-aleundyta Pan. Kept J. N. maw, 2Caoporl. Ky. ltrodhead-brodbead Pale. Ave W. 0. Vadon. Ilarros./Pre-Metter Co. Isla Ray : nun B Buster. London -Laurel Co. Tan. Aug Amer. Lontsvnle lasorek.111 Doran -Kentucky btato Yule. Aut. 21.8ept. 4 John. C. Webrlrf Stelbyealo-abelbry OA. Fate Mon Week a /My U. T. U.

62 OtL 62 LISTS The Billboard July 29, 1944 Somersat-Polinti Co Ten Aram Aug, 2,17-8ept 1. wrens Tbusu. DpungC11-Witrom_mort co. Pair. Aug. 17. IS. Chas B. Montgomery. Louisiana Stircrepolt-Loolsbno Mats Init. Oct W. YL IDeselL Maisie Banger-Frangot Stale Pet. July 30 -Am. 3. Jut btorarl Cocalelp.CorwIsIs ActL Assn. Sept Leon IL Arm Cumberlar.4--SParobertspl rennet( Club. Aug nark o. Vrtlx.z, R. 1, Poet- Dores-Paserott-Ttscatapla Valley Pair. Aug hunk A. hreor. Parrinagton-Ranalln Co. Arn. Soc. Sept. 1/41. Prank E. Kerr:tom Lltelthelg-LnettEdd Penang Cub. Oct Teem 11slosa. Klesiz&-Prpetwrg Taft Myron Kira Ocutsaga-00gbatn Taft Ana. AOC 743. Deng W. Pottle. 103 Cruz SC.. Portland. LeoUtnn-JUsetrosecults Agri nog. Sept. 44. W. B. Itaradec. Aubarg, Me. Stachlaa-Wisalnangton Co. Agri got. SO Muted W. Onsib. Hereington. North Watertunti-Worara Pair As.. Mot Baton. Skoohman-Sitorbetan State Pal,. Aug. 13. lg. Carlon Z. Zama& O ases Parn--071ord Ca. Agri. Itke Mambo C s, Topahans-Topeham Fair. Olt, Samuel Woodward, 1170 l 114, Kleigne-Windior Air. Aug. 2) M. R. Itakwa. Maryland Cumbrlaziel-Curabeeland P.M An.. Aug Carl rennin, hederitk-hrdarta Per. Sept Ouy K. Matter. MAnentebgnellbit Alenn4rin-Douglu Co. late Aar.. svsg. =- 24 IL ti. Theses et. Amstar -Ants Ow Agri. See Aug C. A. sliklabons. At-,biton.tbeirt Co. Pet Au,,. Aug. 744/. J. O. Anderson. Arting,su-Sitsler Co. Alit. Aus. Sept Louis 1(13. Austin-Uoirer Co. Tan. Aug P. J. )101Lgod IirL-t...arsrater Co, A{:3.Soc. July P. Darn Co. MM. Ann. Ael C. It. Welch_ Daudetto-Lake at the Aborts Co. Pair Ann. Aug. 34. Jolla Cluk. IteromS-Wasizington Co. Amt. Sot. Aug. a -g.?red 1.esemers, 81711waver. Wen, DsuaiLli-lietteuto Co. ram Ann July 31. Am 3. Mrs. Mal Padete, Ao1va7. Bled fidand-rettrille Co. Mel. Ben. Sete. U- M. Paul Kolbe. Mug Ilartb-Furibeall Co. Per Ann. Sept B. trdahl, Mot- Minn. ltiralnerd-crow Wang Co. Pair Ann. AUg D. C. WlIkins. Calobnia-Itouston Co. Agrl. got. Aug. 31. Mpt Zirnmerhatt. Cambridge -Caen Co. Agri. Bee. gept O. Carlson. CarAT-Yellow Meeietee Co. Per Mau. Aug Kenutth Knutson. Laken --Bata Co. Pan. Aug (bocce W. Necks. Ft Riser-tCserhorne CO. Age. Assn. Aug Z. X. Slogs. Pa/moot-Martin Co. Agri. 674 &Pt It. N. troebko, Paribealr-limo Co. Pair. Aug. 10 -IL- J. Henry Adams. Parsention-Dakota Co. AgrL Aug. tt 11. H. I.. Larsen. Fergus Palle -Otter Tel Co. Pan Assn. AUg Scut. Harmon. Clarchin Ctip-Inue Barth Co Aga. Coe. Aug A. D. MCOotwunk. OienmSO4-Pope 110. Amt. got. Sept J. A. Leseclant 111Ingford-3.1. Aut. Son , C. Grand Moats-Ooot 0.. Agri. Soc. Sept R. imploy. Mrs. X. L. 010e0. Brut,. hroetton Pair. Sept hank Clued Itas--1unes CO. Agri. Assn. Aug. It letnesisn trannis wal9ra, Cmononmcn Aml Sept, He000o Co. Apt Ann. Aug A semen, 0. I. Raney. 0:ert Itecntron-riarrn-econ Fair Ann. Hibbing -St Loci Ce. Pule Assn. Au Sett Mang J. Carroll. J. C. McCann. Orcrntled-Pratenn Co. Agsg. Son Sept. 11- Itookrna-Renneptn (to. Amt. Ann. Aug Whitman B. We:a. Mee Chums. long Lake. Minn. ffeeth-lbsin Age. floe. Aug. 72. Hoerr 8. Itlieninion-Mclood Co. Ag31. Aun. Sept, Tuner Croton Olmon. 110,110glort illtusrtlial-ltenene Clenow- / scesots-jukson Oo. Pelt Ann. Aug =my Pan. Dept. IS lamer O. Olds Acton C. Oman. futon, Jordan -Stott Co. Pelt. SepL Kerber. Stencliebt-3.1arshbeed Age eonzs' 0. Walt. &PM Harate C. IC.ace. Karon-OxIge sttnpvtteld-tituntand Ant. Bon gen. 14. Willard A. Mtn Cheltit. Maas_ mkans. Co. Fait. Log A. La Csenc-te Sundt Co. Fan Assn. Aug. 11. Xtrinompt0D-4-/mee-Coonty!Ur. &pt W. J. Baker. /Min L. Banner. Wee toremert Co. Agri. Sm. Aug - S pencor-goenter Yale, Sept. 24. R. P , D. T. Sumant. Natiredge. LISMIcot-Nottrano Minn. Dan. Mr /LUZ. Aug. 34. Mithigglin Morin Dahl. Long hullo -Todd On Pale. Menem-AM:sou Ce=-unliy 7alr. Oct &row. Clue X. Monroe. Aeletec.-Lernwee Co. Pair. 8rp P. Waronla-Farmerei Co -Op. Amt. :foe. Mg. Johr-siewn-limun Co. Agri. Son. Sept, a1ph J. Crete_ Kennels Ore!. Manna-W.1cm Cu. AgeL On_ Aug Keern,t elo Co, Apl. Assn. 3/1- Clyde X. Kelsey. 8e A. Wileon Wow* -Wawa Co. Pal:. Aso Judge Xlmbell-Kimball Co. Pair. Au Ve41 LoonBelton. It. Wheaton-Tranme Co. AUL Ann. MPL 7- Lech -Ch to CO. Agri. Soc. Aug A. W. Vye. (MIA C. Wober. What. 33ror LAko-g4arnuy Co. Ta:r Ann. Aug. Leselleu-Darnen 00. Age. Son. neve Rom.!Seeman Court noun. Paul Temile. SL Paul. Lincob-Lancaster Co. Agri. Sm. Sept Willinar--Kandlyoti Co. Pals Ann. Sept- 13- B. P. P , STD I. 16. Wm. 0. Ponnosn. Lir.cotn-Neb Stet* Pair de Ingo. Sept. Worthington -Nobles. Co, Pal, Man. Aug S.J. /41111e A. Rohs- McCort -Meet Willow Co, Pair. Aug Itumbrot000thse Co. Pair Man. Aug L. Thetc.roon 77. Cborsio W. Freeman oe Co. Agri. Bon Ang. =- Sept. 1. Z. J. Moore. M LowlaUlippl n -Kearney Co.Agri. got. Am., Jackg03-11ankin co Negro Pair. Sept Munn Peterson. R (1. I. X D. *tamps. IsOlthell--Scotts Mott Co. Agri. San Sept. 12. Itupora-Wthtter Co. lestr Ana. Sept Ibroill Loangbasn. A. IL Mort. Neligh-Mbiops Co. Pale. Sept John Porest-gtott Ce, Ooketel Pal:. Oct D. Menet. /951n. Neb. A. N. War, Neams-Nelholla Co. Pau. Aug Wm. Railemirst-Coplish Co. rate Loon. Oet A.?Wit/up. R. 5.!X11. Fortim-KePti ha. co. rat/. Sept Jackson -Mtn. Negro Slob Pale. Ott L. Z. Turner. Mona. Ned. II. IL Young. nog W. Jacksan. NorthPlatte-Lincoln Co. Agri, Ann. Aug. J scksorri-mtnin1901 Scabs fur. Oct Stra. 0. II. Corti!. Torty 'Wuhan Oakland -Port Os Pau. Mg IL. Latrol--Sooth Octal. Tab. OcL It. II. Walton. Lyon.. lten. Jelbas4. Omosta-Polk On. Pate Assn. Aug New Albany -Union Co. nat. Sept Louts A. Koren. Shelby. Neb. B. D. James. Cenaha.--M-Bar-Bein Linstoek BMW. Oct. Setamorol-gebastopol Pale. Sept J. J. isaatace. It. Anthony. Orleans-Hat:se On. /Mot. Pale. Aug Tuiw1w Ala. Per ft St -0w. Week w. A. Lonnewspe. M gam 76 James 11 Cerny. Towner Mr -Pawnee Co. Tale. Oct. 34. Teem City -Tame Negro Pair Ann. Oct. David W. Otboco R. J. Ptura. Puce -Pierce Co. Amt. Bor. Aug A. 1'. Ootlantse. idbmouri Bain Pees1-1Loward Co. Age. See tlept. S11. csittorr.ss-sissioss Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 11. Sept. I. Toby Ladtmann. Cap. Olrardeau-Southeui Us. MIL Pate. Aug Iluguan W Renee. Cuusheirestge-Ma. Legion Mr Ann- Ott. 44. Hang IL Igallonre. Kat-du-Clark Co. Agri. Assn. Airg_ e Oniony. Itsntinele -Webster Co. Pair. Aug Claude 720I5. Mrrtce--Auere21 Co. Per Assn. Aug. 11-1g. Ileac C Moberly--ILszZolph Os. Per. Aug J. C. Patterson. PeTrptLe-Ferry Co. Au. &W. 94. Morn J. IL SObilug. Nebraska Aelleigtere-WashIngton Co. Amt. Poe. Aug. 84Cethn. benr336-dielge Co. nit. SepL J. Strielleobeet. Beware. Seward Co. Pair. Aug (1511 A. Hardin ,e -SpatIm.-.1 he* rein Aug ma. moo, Staston-igiantun 0o. AML Me. MM httne X Toe". &CC 1LT i;;,--rtd.piter Cm. Pale. Lot. nat... /toy Vibeln, flyratun-otoe W. Agri. Non. Aug J. P. Start. Teturneb-.Joltesson Co. Mil sox_ Mg Z. Lang. Withou-lbenders Co. Am!. Soc. Aug It J. 1104(000. Oneorterth. PreiDla Itame-Pubis Item, rile Aug Dr. A. L.?fervenh. Walth:11-Thunton Os, Pal:. Aug. 11-6epL 3. 8pritu4e39-Dent impits Dist Per. Aug. A11rod D. Ranh. 1:-10. O. D. Boyd. Waterloo-Oostlas Co. Pair. Sept IL Unionollb-Patnam. Os. YAM. Sept Moroi White. Wayne -War=e Co. Putt. Aug D. Ilerrington. Montana X. Von Delgtnt. Wevieng Water -Cap Co. Age. Soc. Aug. Zroplre Putt. Aug , 2141 Paul T. P0040,1. It L. /.non. 'tenth -Robelm2 Co. Tote. Aug It. Mienbtery. Orme pane -North?fonts,. State Ter, Aug D. P. Thurber. Mitts Cily-Dastern Montana Pale. Sept. 14. Wre. Potnf-Cuming Co. Per. Aug g. Nevada rko-like, Co. Ter. Sett 14. Rayiten demon. New Hampshire C/ w.cama 'tatty Pat.. Aug Ltichnell- liteecer Co. Agft. Su. Aug D. E. Murphy. Duni 14.10n. A Mulish. Lucerne -Rock Co. Fab. Aug. if10. Albert 1. Al:rgan -Allegan, Co. Agri. Sec. Sept Chrtstemum. Wm. A. Shepard. W. DeLano. Ustaton-Lac ma Pub Co. Pats. Sept It C. 141( 11.n, Conte Sandeith-itandwien Pot. M.o. Ott. Annetta -Armada Apt. Sol. Aug Col/ T. Mock. Mthut-Arthur Co. Mel. Sot- 21 -Sept. It. Mr.. Mabel Monne- K. Banclatch. 31:hroonel CCD-ALS WO CO. Agel. Ann. Job 2. ley.] P. Strom. cionecommt. Hopkinton Pall. Sept Ii.,. Dar efon-uerrxton Community Per. Oct. M-70. E. A. ltutoreth. Aurora-11arilltem Co. / Sot. Aug old R. Coasts X. Soper. Mankato -Blue Barth 1. Ton. Devreeid-neerned Fen. Men. Slept Co. Agri. Mc. Mot. 33Aands-Xcoeta Co. Palo A.U.n Aug. =- guthitt-wheeler Co Walter IL Haedt. Pale Ann. Aug W. C.?Carrel. AM 1, Neyntorst Chu Parts, 3,13e.h. Marshall -Lye's Co. Agri Otto Y. Ratner. Keenw-Cceenrw Ter Mon. rep: WS. Curl -Ara Pal, Am Ca5 P. Mentor. Sept. 14. P. Isanett-lteek Co. Agri. J. Meade. tax. Aut Item W. Adams, ftarsztay. N. H. Ousireolta-Cass Os. Pau Ann. Aug,. :s.n. Arthur A. Weber. Lancuper-Lohnstm Mir Ann. Sept. 24. ltolbt.-storrtson Os. Amt. Men. Aug Beale Run R. =below. Dooraglat Co.?Mr. Aug J. al CA:143 litaggftion. Ourorm=o-Itt. Josevb Co rate Men. Sept. Cmatke Pinstleld-Plautleld Agri FLU Mat. Mr. A,Co. Tale' Ann. Sept KeumerlIng. R. 1. Colon. Staden-.Webster CO. Agri. Asen. Aug. = Wm. Omood Carl 1(010110,,. 1. Chartotte-Zeton Oz Age. Su Aug 32- R. Andrews. Plrawat13-Plyrawath Pair. Sept W. 3L- Co. Agri. See. Aug. 24. Vining In/strum. Eng. I. Hess it Kerte 11:ropLeld-Knox CO. Aril. Soc. And J. Neat Mortelth. N. U. COlgweer-BrarseS Co 441 Two. Sept Mceris-Stoceng Co. Pale. P. L Stoup ROthw5.1,T-liocbtiter Tan. Sept Itetbh Cordon B. Sebtakatin Sept r8001 Greet. DOGnelly. Ins& DeMseport-Mmtilll Co. Taft Ann. Sept. 34. X,. Carps Coverselle-Couprell Age. Soc. Oe. 6. Nerle--Iraterd Co. Agri. An.. Sept. 74. J. CedrIt COntreer. New Jersey D. W DeptsP.?Les. Jo110 Annul. Perk 10.14, n. Broken now-cs/ter CO. Age. Eloe. Au Cromell-Creurrel Apt Sot. Aug. 39 -Sept m -Brown Co. A.get. Ste Aug P. CI, Ricnardaso. Plemington-Penslegten Art hie AM Len Paul Ibba, Wm. A. LInclemarm. Central City--1Lteriek Os. Per Assts. Sept Man.: X X. Ant._ Trenton -New Jung Stem Pair. Sept Powlemillo-leowlerrCle Arrl, Am. Aug, 3-3. Noethome-XoochkUng Os. Age. Ass Aug. Maar Manson Laltrevn. Cloatells--tre. Clus Os. Mel. Ike. Sept C. W. Dray. Cnserco-Dawto Co. Pan. One Wee, 80t1 C. ItoCarry. Peet tsion. Owatonna Sire. Co. Agrl. Assn. Aug Wilners. New Mexico OnonwIlle-Orotnollle Agri ChM igc 4.11 Pate. C. A. 778a.4.7. CP-ambers-Holl Co. Age. MP. Dept. 14. Aug Jima O. Taybc, Wm. W. nurse, AlDowrea.-New menet. Btu. Pate Tenet Lakee--Crele Wing Co. Age_ Sot. Aug. Clay Center -Clay CO. Age. Son Sept cL 1. Leon 11 norms. Coon Lapsed C. A. 313Loted. Kint-Oceo,s Op, Amt. Doc lean J. Brehm_ New York Sept., 114. W. IL Marian. PC:seer-Casa Co. Agri, Son Aag P. Colueskus-Ptatta Co. Aga Sue. Aug. ItiSept. Real Sun Co. Lel. SU. Aug, 14. P. IL Sonnet* Myer -Can 00. AUL Ann. Mg. 23-M. Concord -Dixon Co. Agri. Bee Aug. 30.6etiL Mum, I. Bob Idea. Anne-An00 PAIL Ati Rau O. W. CI,. Os, Amt. Soc. Homer Tram. 1. Roy E. Johnson. Altarem1-Albatty-illthentelady 0o. Pale sty" Moe_ :M- N. Plpiestato-P.pestent Co. Agri. nor. Aug. 20-1I1L Ito, Y. Pe -.71S. H. R. Ket5e/. 30. R. P. Aralerson_ Crone-4M1ne Co. Fell ttenta- Angerm-Allegan CO. Agri. Soc. Aol Don Mirm-Iron Ce. Ain- floe. Aug Preston -InZnere Co. Tale. Aug CM*. Itarry 0, MM. L. 1. InCluttl. Robe. L Jewell- Stambaugh. 30ch. Dbace-Oratkes 00. Free Pau. Sept_ 44. K. Inlet. Oulbertiem-Hlterusxk Co. Agri. Cu- Atig. Avcr.-Oor.. no. Vali 10ee41012 Nis trtin Cult Jena tlbteb. J ame' 0. Peet. Princeton-311lb Lan 0. Mel. Soc. Aug. Dertd er Co. Per. Att Ma-gtaratoga Co. Mn? Aug. Jackson -Jackson 0o. Mn. Ss.. Aug. = R. C. A:batman. Rtchard C. Zell:neer. 31.8ept. 3. Albert OtgrlsOn. Sept 7. Ulnae Illreb. Prior -01. /eon Co. Par Ann. Aug Deshler--"Inutr Co. Mel. Sot. Aug Mel. Sot. Aug Kasomatos-Italunatoo Pre. Pair. Sept. =- A J e J. ocly Byron. Neb farLnan Makable/um. Hod take Palls -1).d Co. Tat,. Ace. 12. Durintut-n.alto. ner Rowel -Met! Co. PR Cub ISM. Aug. Z-34_ 6 T. Ionia. Co, Ant. gee Sept. 74. Math-gteution Co. Mel. M Sept J. gnome Zutarran. VI I:, Pacte K. S. Redwood Tall,.-Redsmod Co. Met. See. Sept. F.008-ciosper Co. Apt Foe. ttept Kuno-Berth Pair. W. A. Mutt Aug. =elem. X. X- Morgan. IL 11.erna0t. F.'', *0070. Aug L. 1. Mel. Rnehowier-Cliestect Ce Agri. Assn. Aug. 10. Ramey WabOtt. R. R. 3. Ontsenntle. Lbsits-Pentibr Os. Agri. Bon Scpt Dristo)-Ontario Co. Apt Coc. IL A. C. Curran. July 30Aug. 0. C Illogutiga-Cuaogea CO. Fel Man. Mg. 23- cub ce,7-ceen.egn CO. Agrt ten Men Janito D. Dunn Cacongalma. Aug Tilitory Jetlemon (to. Fair. 117g X. D Curoseere. J. Brookteid-Mommet CO. Amt. Ckotge W. Leeson. North Isramcb. thpt Maxon -tut.. On. Fate. Ang Jay 0. Nlitte, hemen. Nob Ramosnd n B ane Charles -Winona Co. Pelt A51ft. Alt. Trar.k1L-..-PrenklIn Co. Agri. Sow Aug Davin Calobtue-CaLedonta Pate. Aug, R. 11. DIzon. 0. H. tiorloy- /Ostten Pall Ann. Nor. 3. C.,*?red A. Roberts. Cpl St. Clood-Denton Co. Agri Aug Ergoaneth. C. It. Varner. Pleneet-Neutheest Neb. 441 Per. All. 1- c..nizilfrg-aunbridge Valley Agri. Boe. Kaahollle-reashottlo Met. Son Oct u_ C. W. Wine. 4. 4P. J. Inalt00. Moan?Mtn John W. Romp. Saint Juses-Wotonorsa Co. Agrl. Ann. AW. Punteten-Nacco Co. Pals Attn. AMU [Teat -..1,,u'uden...blis Co. Amt. Soc. Sept tlorway-dlatasors Co. Tem Tate. Sept Ransoms. IL IL Block. Wm.Cobleiktll-CoblecklI1 hank.1, igoltaan, :met Mountain. Sant Panl-ItInenega /Rata Pain Aug. 36. Oeneves-PIllmoro Co. Pate Ann. Aug Agri. Sot. Sept. 14]t- Phseett-Preacestt Agri. thee. Sept. 4. D. 11 Sept. 4. Raymond A. L. Mn Wray Drake. Wm.IL Cu. Saint Polo -NSeollet Co. Agri Me. Aug. 34- Gorden-Snerldan Co. Pah% Aug. 90 -Sept. 1. Cortland -Cortland Co. Mrt Son Arc. 29- Rithmonm11el-1)ithanond Agit. Ann. Sept IL George B. Coma. 8tpt. 3. Harry 11. Tanner. Vern Vanua. St. Vincent 81. Vincent Melon Indus:. Ann, Orant-Perkln 02. Pate Man. Aug Dundee -Dundee Tate SagInaw-Sagbaw Pale. Mpg, Carom* R. naroden. Sauk Centre-Steorne Ca. Aga. Mn Aug. 17- Haresoo-Siou Co. Agrl. Son Aut Sept L C. Ward Ann. Sept W. K. Canea4y. 1404,14. Mts. Loons A Ilmuntr. Illesslooky-Dscliat tt APL gloce. Aug, 13 J. A. Semenhaft. Duntlek--Chatinutua Co. Agrl. Otto. Sept. Woyne C. 0011! Clarence B. Prentla. Btalopee-tkott Co. Amt. See. 0- C. Cab. Aug, Ilartloglon-Cedar Co. Per Assn. Sept. 14. Ikalwart-iftatiltig Age. line_ Dept R. T. Schumadstr. Elmira-Chn--cm CO. Met. Ike Atli Col. Z. J. 11.0e17e11.. MM. R. Crawford, ltisrion--st.rray N. Ward KIr.3ty. Moneheads. N. Y. Co. Agri. See. Aug. 93. Itastsma-Mlana Clo. A111. 8cc. Aug Ponno-Moongoentry Co. MO ?nom* CIty-Northissesterm Pan. Aug. Sept 3. W. IL Lrebena. PIMA Minn. Onytarf ard Rothaepet, Trine 1BIt N. V. 30.8ept. I. *Mel 1LBgttPstu- T1.1.1 num Palls-Pentillaglos 00. APL Sec I1e11tiegforel-M2 OuLfe CO. Aire. Atm, Sen. Ocarefneur-001Mtrnente Jun A. P. Merge. hit. Aug. 74. Frank Dee. Sill A. 1)0444 MlR1lM1011g Two ISarbom-Lok* Co. Mal. Mo. Aug. TS - Roldtege-Phelps 00. Agri Sw_ Aug W.. Ron0. OD. Ages. boo. Log. Abdul F. Johnson. Punk. Neb. A11135-AltkIn Co. Aget Mt. Aug P. Teer-4.inects Co.' Per Ann. J. C. Nowtee. Mtg Ilumtoldt-RIthardson C,. Mel. Me. Sept. yens S. Segletes. Ilewesek-lientock IAA* Agsl. Roc. Smt L Ir Wettest Attbert 4tLWa. -1Iteeterm 00. Pelt. Mg Obrin C. 2, Oseinus. Y. V1sindb-Wabutia Co. Per Ann. Aug. 10. Imperial -Chaos On. Per Lon, Aug r1UM O. KOMI. Uttle Valley-Crittuaupu Co. AgrL SOO. Any. 12. Omesz IL M. (Whir. rs-eieps. I. J. W. witum.

63 July 29, 1944 The 11111board LISTS 63 l00nor0-n1 % Co. Torr. July 31.Aug. 5, P. E. Pease. Lowellle-Leade Co. Agrl. Sot. Aug Mril L. Seynour, RFD 1, Turtn, N. Y. 2utono-Trookllm Co. Aga Sot. Aug B. Kelley. milontown-oraoco Co. Pair Mart Aug Alan C. Madden. Mineola, Mineola Fair. Sept Trod D. Baldwin. Nannt-Rennelaer Co. Aga Std. Aug. 0.13, Harry M. Pockmut E. Snodatic. 21. Y. Norelch-Chenarne Co. Agri. Soc. Wen. Aug. 31. Lester D. Sutliff Jr. Owego-Tioga 0o. Agrt Sot. Aug Chu.. T. &mons. Palmyra -Palmyra Colon Mr1. roc. Sept W. My Corner.. Porui Tan Voter Co. Axel. 50c. Week Aug, ver Wileox. Firtinebeca-Matelwas Co. Ada Son Week Aug. 25 P. Winne. sonny Craok,--Moly Creek Tar. Log wm. J. Potter Jr. fkr-,ghtrattro-lrontrotser Co. Agri. Soo. &pt Carl W. Latinos. Truer.anatmrg-Mnon Agrl. Boa Oct loorinto Proton. Vernon li.. -Vernon Agri. Soc. &pt Chas. Warren. Sherrill. N. T. Walion-Delaware Co. Pair. Aug Paul 0. Willname. Watorloo-ekneca Co. Agri. Sot. Aug. I3-14. /rank Story. Write Poira-Westanner Co. Aget. Sepconvelt. 34r1York. C. A. McAllister, Hotel Neve North Carolina Mranlia-Bunecerbe Co. D1t1. Font &pl. {- 16. L W. Pearson. D urham -Am. Legion Parham M. Pont Seco nd tent: to Mt Mel J. Thompson. V-eaboro-Cetfax Prot ran. Sept. 7-). M-Seld-F-senarrea Agri. Iron. Dept.3230 or CRC 2-7. George R. Ivey. Tstrissont-Palrecont Parr Mon. Sept Jack ituffineo. Mikkoro-Wbyna Co, Agri. floe. Oct W. C. Denmark. Oroonsboro-Ocknobaro?Mr. Ott Nor. roan T. Chanalatin, Rocky Mount. N. 0. Greenville -Pitt Co. Fait Mt. Lethon. Oct A. J. Orgy &well Pi. Roa.d. Norfolk. Vo. Rentlerron.-Vanct Co. Coldred Pair. Oct 37. BrOoks Harkin,. LltiretOn-Litneton Pate. Get T. IL Walker. Lotisoorg-Trankl. Oe. Tan. Oct 2-7. A. U. Plealng. Moons -Rocky Mount Taff Aux. Sept Mra Noonan Y. Chaselalin. Ilorth.ree.--Tereon Co. Tan Amu. Sept R. L. Perrino, Tntorr -12.ireenrobe 0o. Pair. Oct Hoir ard V. Clarkin. &Roe. 71. C. W5:oanton-kketin Co. Fon. Week of Sect 22. W. X Mann. W.:rte.-Wilson Co. Ton. Oct W. R. Minn. Ohio AsMand-Ashland 00. Ada Son 8e J sgass S. Atterboit Athena -Athens Co. Me Ann. Aug P. 41. Caldwell. St. 1, Prost. O. Althlea-AtrIta Tat:. Sept Carl B Arr. BM lowagri. Aust Soot C. E. Lawton. Bono!ontame--Logan Co. Mil. Sot Cart C. KUL IleiRthe-Setrethe Ind Art Sec SoPO Z. 0. Koehhelsor. Boree.-Cuyobrwa Co. Agri. Sol. Aug WG1 X. Krona. Burton -Omagh Co. Apt Sm. Soot Chas. A. Riley M. Zarin-Pronn Co. Apt Soc. Aug. 31 -Sept. 1. Wm. ZS Pryor. 11:ndlo77--Hanceele,CO3 Aril. Bee. Sett Orton Crake, Jeneea, 0. Tremont -Sandusky Co. Aga Bon &PI Russell 11. Hall. - 0anitionls-Oall:s Co. Aga. fin. Sept John N. itniroak. Otormonen-Broon Co. Tan, Oct Wen. If Warner. Oreonnlle-Marko Co.?Mr. Aug Trani Rt.itaod, Itocabarg. 0. Harrtlron..Butier Cu,. Aga Sae. Sept W Coorsan, Steen Mlle. 0. Ktekrv:Ilo.Deflanco Co. Pair. Aug Howard Stockman. Parrott. 0. & Maeda- Pronknn Co. Agal. Boo. Aug. IS.17. Men A. Alder..leirrora-AsTratala Co. Aga Soe. Aug E. W. Lento -en. Kenton-lfardna Co. Agri. Mo. Sept D. B. Robb:non- Laroostsir-Patrilell Co. Aerl Std. ON Rumen W. All, It. R. 1. Baltimore. 0. Lairinon-Warrell CO. Fur Sept. 1/-23. Jain T. German. 11abli k44 Co. Ant Bor. Sept Sloolotr, Hanoverton, 0 Hocking Co. Junior Tall. Sept Wilartn, Entetprtoe. 0. Loadan-Madhon Co. Aut. Soo Alkof ?red M. Out, fern. 0. Lotanille-Sekto CO. M01. Son Aug A. 8. MOUlton. M1Connela03le-11orm4 Co. Mel. 8n.. boot &611h. State 2. Maneneld-/tichland CO. Aga OM. Sept R. D. Mak. Marietta-.Vtandaglon Co. Agri. Mao. Sept. 14. L. Z. APPH. Marlon-Morion Co Agri. Soo. Aug. 23.5ept. 2. Paul D. Illebet. ItsrporlaB-Volou Co. Agri. SOC. CO: H. A. Taylor. ) Modina 00. Ant Soc. Sept 7.0. Paul M. Jones. Iliddleport-Metis Co. AdT1. Soc. Aug. 30- &M. 1. Chas. Rs410rd Jr.. Altnersville, trarg-Ro0nios Co. Awl. Soo. &pt It C. kagodon. ktot;ellee-wilitams Co. Agri. Soc. Sept X R. ThOmpaml. lisont Cilleul-Morror Co. Aga boo. &Pt 7.2. A. A, Monter. Mitint Vernon -Knox Co. Aga Son Sept. Henry O. Rkhrds. Natoleon-Henry Co. Agri. itleo. &pt Jaw.ea D. Murray. &wort -1.4atog Co. Agrt Sot. Aug ,91-2. S. C. Cohan:n, K. I, Manville. 0, Nortalk-tfuenes Co. Agri, Soc. Aug. 294$191. I. Mrs. Minds Cray.. Otd Waohlngton-Otiernsey Co. Apt Soo. Sept. 9/-29. Dr. Maras L ISuthry. Catt - bridge, 0. Ben 0. Harman. Mall. 0. Iknitlineld-Jertefoon Co. Pont. Sent W. Z. Rase, R. D. 1. itaylor.d. 0. Sinyrna-T11-Co. Ind. Agri. Soo. Sept, H. ct Monelle Tifric.--St011a Co. Afirt. Sot. Aug C. 8. Baker. To:odo-.Litas Co. Ara Soo Sept C7ms. Otso-n, Ill Michican St. Troy-211am' Co. Aga Soo. Aug IL O. Mier. Upper flandusly-wyondot C. Agri. Soo Sept Ron A. Winter, Ortana--Chantrnagn Co. Alit. tke. Aug. 7.11, John W. To&r. Von Wert -Van Wert CO. Age. sot. &ff X. E. &Mete,. W.oakonek- Ashalzo Co. Ma Boo. Aug. 27. Sopt. 1. Hoary Kahn. Warren -Trumbull Co. Alit Son Aug ractaidi It Baker. wrabingten C. R... -Payette Co. API. SOC. July Prank E. Ell's. Warneco--Talton Co. Aga 804. Sept H. E. Schra7. Weliirnion--Loraln Co. Agri. Bor. Aug Clair WinnInetco-.Chalon Co. AgrL Boo. Aug :4045 iten4t. woo:w n* Cr. Apri. Sco. Aug. RI - :root 1. &nob Schumacher. Worster-Wayne CO. Agri. Sot. Sept W. J. Mai Xeols-Oromte Co. Agri. Soc. Aug Ides. J. Ron. tiryscan. Zanenilk-Irosklogurn Co Mel Aug Pert D. Clint New Concord, 0. Oklahoma Cadia-Haertaon Co. Agit Mut Sort Anadarko-cablo Co. Pair Mtn. Soot Lance H. Barger. Tnn. M. Miran. Caldwell -N01& Co. Agri. Sot. Sot& rtfrtff-ilef Ter Co. Free Pon. Sent J. X. Wellembaw. Lolo Pettargericti. Canfield--braheedot Co. Aga Sot &M Marte./.-HIStor Co. Free Pan. Sept R. newer. Central Toot,. Tonnistown- W. N Canton-Stark Co. Al?!. Boo. Sept Ed Monet -.1rnittlogron Co. Pro* Fair Mtn. lkot. fl VI4lsom J. IL Pork_ Carrollton -Carroll Co. Aga Sot TLC/. PgIrstorr-MaJor Co. Pros Tan. Soot Leonard Merge, Harlem flortrdo. 0. W. B. Manly. Pei truo. Merman - lir min. Co. ARS. 11/4, Ilydro-Hydro Distrtot Tart &pt Moto toot Clnoveo A. Prins. R Tenon. Callna-Mereor CO. Agri. Boo. Aug V. 74tml-Ottawa Co. Free Palr. Aux P. Archer. It. A. Ilerkey. Corbocker-Ornhoctoo Co- Agri. &O. Ott. 5-7, Morkogeo-Olishema Rte Stale Taut Ott. C. V. Croy, Dryden. 0. I.S. Ethel Murray Simonds. Croten-Araelford Ind, Mel. Bon Oklahoma Ply-Oklartorna Wide?Mr A Expo. Sept &It &pi Relish T. Iterophill. Cleft H. Pokey. Ornteresug. 0. Paula Jolley -Clan -to 0o. ilea Parr. Plea or Dayton -Montgomery CO. Pair. tkot R. room) week to 8e7.1. Russell Fem.. C. Hanka. Delaware--Delavne Oct Agrl. iloe. Sept. 1/- Tulta-TUlaa Stale Pair 482otl Show ocnyl. Oct Wm. B. Way. 73. John Wagetor. W000kii-llemirele Co. Tree 701r Mon. Sopt. Delphos -Allen Co. Aga Soc. Aug Art 0. Walthorst. Do.et--.Tutesraw. Co. Amt. ISM. &DI d1 W. F. Lott. Oregon Con:/-Ctackamas Co. Pak. Aug. 11.8e J. P. Telford, Jrnningf Lodge. Ore. Condon--0121larn Co. P.m &Pc I.O Loarnev-Loks CO. An X A Myrtle n Co. Pair. &pt L. reatte. North Portland-R.1ov Tat Stook flhow-olno 1.11 Club.. Ott nommen. Portland. Ontario -Malheur CO. Tan. Aug, X. Brook. iteirnotd--dentrios Co. Pan Ann. Sept. 34-2o C. L. CoRgroso. Tyth 1:allow-Warta Co. Pair. Sept Foyel 1.. Mein , Ore. Pennsylvania Allonlown--Alleutown Fan. Sept I _ H. Boa17. Bearer ikrings-deavor Crimmunny Tau. Sept Kenneth H. Boyer. Bodrood-11edf0rd Tau Ann. Aug A. C. Mime. Riormsburg-11300rnibarg Pale Ana. Sept, Harry 31 Comer; Butler-nu:ler Pair 4 Zap. Aug , C. M. Minor, Centro r0rage IlertomP. Al Omer* Oo- FIR. Aug MM ri More. Lt+: Cortunoolly Fair. &pt Pm. W. York. 0,0kpo,E.0rof TOrmilttp rtttf J. D. Jotner. Althea. Dayton -Maw% Agri. Ann. Aug M. E. Manor. Delinatia-Comenuntly Tarr. Oct N. H. Wit.or. Ephrata-Parnirrit Day Ms. Sept Ira Z. Parnacht. TIourtosto-P.ortown FaZr. Aug Wm..1. Cron. Ford Cny-Aviv CO. Pan Waiter H. B-erner. 00. Aga Soo. &Pt Rowe burgess. Grata-Orata Par Mot Sept R. Klinger. Oreourburg-Harrold Ccorununtly Talr. Aug J. 11. Silvie Jr. Ranoiet-roren Part Tres Pain &p A. P. Korn. Raeford - Unfold Apt. Soc. Sept Knot: Retains. Hatfind-Monteconirey Co. 71r. Soot 1.1. Ed &Ann% Hollnayiburg-Community Farm Brow. Oa Merin ltresaler. lionessine-wayno Do Agri. Sm. &pi R. W. Orimmen. Ottaira-Pullaarn CO. Aga Son Oct. Indiana -Indiana Oa. Palr. Aug. 91 -Sept I Ms. L. bricamor. Mrs.. flertha E. Jones. 0,,,,.$1,_cie=.ont Co. Agri. Soe. Aug. II - Jonnetratoorea-Jenner Pan. Aug. 248e J. IC rrikno. A. 0. Lope. Joanna Pri, rosin:lc-paulding CO. *Pt Boo. Sept Rutteown-Xutetowes Pair Assn. Aug Carl Lookbuf. Illirove A. r. mut, Plkeion-Tika Co. Ara. Sot. Aug Ltnrpotsr-Communtty Pair. &pt or Prank li. Cooper Wayne D. Rentrohler. P1sin Ctly-flatn Chi Ind. Agrl. Soc. Aot. Laurelton-Colon Co. Won Hod Pair. Sept 2.7. H. ft Post hank Snyder. Flar.raion-rtand.rith Ind. Ma Son 8m,4.. Lehighloo-Lehighton Pstg. &pt Pant P. Houninon. It. Mori. linttwood-ricbwool lad. Agel. fret. July Dana O. Lowe. R. 3, Marystille. 0 El. Comonllo-Irknuoat Co. Agri. BOO SoP Wm. It. Ihstehor Jr. fibc.ty--sheiby COMEn. Street Pair Mo. 15e Carl L. Wenn. 8,-*.iry-f4relby 0o. Aga See. Sept L1go0ier-L10e41ter Valley Pair A464. M.A. George P. Barb. LIneavIlle-Community Font. & C. Lance. Lltns--Community Show Man. Ott 5-7. W.. C. Young. Look Ifaren-Cnoton Co. Pair, Sept IL Cocky Hayes. 31c0comlndug-Fulien Oq Pant Sopt W. Union. Ifechanicskorg--Orangera Male) Fink, Aug. 37-8ep1. 1. Roy Rttinrine, Iletcet-Moresr Central Agri. Soc. Aug J. P. Orr Hall-.Clinion Co. Mango Fair. Soot rook. J. Rex Havre. Morgan --Morten Co. Pak. Aug ,74. Mount Joy -141, My Cowoonne Exhibit. 011tacel T Oct Mrs. Dorothy Kendra. Xurray-Salt Meant F.eiwont-oleatant Valley Orange Ton. Lake Co. Tatr. Aug Sept =gene V. Heeler. Meant L. Bello. Runk Ctah, New ISentleheso-Portnera-llerchants. Nop trab Co. All Aun. Pair. Sept. 14. Jf44141 Aug Howard. 1,sag4n Stuart. 040na-Ocion Lricsto24 Bbnu. Neerfourdlind-Ontroe.hrebe Tan Man. Aug. Nov X. J. TX:noted. 31-6e Henry 0. 0c.epr. Oreontarr. Northamrcon-Twin Couoty Palo. Salt Lake Cll ls Stole Pair. Sept 2-1. Sept 11- Sheldon It Browner. I4. &Ct. 8. Feeble. Cottord-Corninuarty Pon. Tre-cncon- Box Elder Os. Parr. Aug Oct Both /Cm Kerr. L. Bust. Pleasant Valley-Spriesdold Pot. Show. Nor. Vermont Roy H. Oleaseann. Pon Ro763-Juantra Co. Amt. Son Sept 4.9. J. 11. Book. Shankfrillo-eltony Peek &tutor Parr. Sept TANI (kiwi. &Anambra's-Sunk urdty Pon. Bola Telford S. Berkey. S toneboro--stamboro Pan. Am. 31 -Sept. 1. WaItee B. Parker. Ticga-llocra Valley nu Ann. Sept Carl It Torroat 7:poems-Forest Co. Pan Asa. Sent Mrs. Ida r. Cilyssos-Ottawa Cominmalty Tale, &pt Moe Orirdo. Waterfood-Watericod Ton Ann. Not Ray J. Salmon. Vratieburx-Wattrburg Aut Son Aug Sept 2. )1. IC /furrow,. Wen Alexander -VI, AlasarGer Palm. Soot, Pau: Room. Wind reidgo-ksrichill Agrl. Aos. Aug Mod Cannatwll Vonore Crook -Northern Co. nu. Ckt, Howard P. Pox, Loyntore. York -York Interratato Parr. Sept Samuel B. Lewis. South Carolina Andorran -Anderson Pair NoT. 4. J. A. 2111cliett Rooman-Boannem Community Tarr. Noe George W. 0(12,,. Branacci-Ilampior Co. An. Thentortetng week. W. F. Hoginth. Control -Picker. Co. Palr. Oct Max Perry. Chester --Chewer Co. Colored Tan Mr. Ott Wont... Johnson. CotamMa-elouth Carolina Slate Pan. Oct Paul V. Moore. Onseintra-S. C. Stale Peered ran. Oct. 23. Mt. Honey D. Penn. Ploconto-Poo Doe Pair Min. Oct 31.Nor. 4. Wm. B. hernial. OreetwIlle-OrmenIle Co. Pain Mt C. A Hoboes Bard,. Oreahans-Inaltnocash Co. An Man. Aug A, R. L.m. Meonwood--Orreowood Co. Pan. Oct Hillatoro-Wealoington Co. Tan. Aug. 31. E. B. Sondem. &pt. 2. Mrs. LOOP 4. hasty. Orsogebufg--Croardeturg Co. Pair Mart Oa J. M. Itatheo. IC.nrstem-Williontarng Co. Tan. &pt H. C. crroeced. Orangetiure-Orangeborg Co. Palmed Pei. Oct W. O. Lewis. Oa incs-lin. Carmel Parr. Oct An. drew Saxon. Stout 11.44,-12$cfpt fin/141 Tatr Mon. Aug Al Halvenon Spartanteng-Soortanturg Co. Tan. Oct. O- ld D. C Todd. South Dakota Poor Lake -hovel Co. Ton. Sept Peed Seeder. Mrivrburg-Potter Co. Pair. Sept rne, J, POmmegli. IParon -South Dakota Stale Fair. Sept 44. P. L. Ratner. 311terw11- -Corn Palace PositraL Sept. ts-ss Corn Pan* Committee. Ocrida-eorily Co Pan Mom Aug P. Schataxelt. Parket-Turner Co. raft. Lan work In Aug. J Tennessee Alexandsla--DeKRM Co. lair. Aug op2 3. Rob Roy. Carthage Carthage Aga Ann. Aug W. 15. ROCifison. Cbottanom&-llhattanoota.lit.11ton Oa. In. termite Pak. Sept aka. Maude IL Atwood. CO24rnb so1e Toll. Week Avg. 31. George L. &chino. Onlattn-Suconar Co. Pat. Assn. Aug Edw, V. Anitony. liarilman-roone Co. Mann:on Pair. Sept W. 33. Stout RooLlogden Carroll Co. Pan. Sept I. P.. Waters. Huntundto-Carroll Co. Colored Pan. Oct W. A. Cox. Laurerweborg-Lawrenecburg Co. Post Sept. 1E47. Dr. IL R. Bray. Letanon-Wilson Oa. Pau. Sept A. W. McCartney. Losengton-Hendorion Oa. Colored Fair. Brut. n - u, C. C. Bond. 11,111nenh3a-Wormn 00. Pal, A.M. Sp P. J. WInkut Iturfrembona-Mid-State Mimed Pair. Aug Mt latnaa It. Patton.. Traey C117 Orunly Co. Pon Aun, Aug. 17. II. W. 11. Pun. Trenton--eitnson Co. Pair. Sept_ , John K. Wade. Texas Ciorelearta-Cornevia 7.1vealor12 k Apt. dam, non ItoOt. O. Dillard Loonord---Loctmed Tan. &tn IL Ii. Illankbor. Palesunr-Ate. Arian Co. Tan. Mt Miner Jr. 1.4«1l21a Pane-Wlehlta Co. Tan. Sept et. W. Kolght. Utah TarmIngion-Darts Co_ Tan. Aug. DO - Lore Nkbole. Heber City -Warmth Co. Air ME / Mrs. Manilla Patterson. Kmsa-Wanteh Po P0.11. Mr , Logaio-Cache Co. An A Rode. Aug N. J. Crookston. Manti-dtanpeta CO. Palr. Aug I. Rudolph Rope. tu,1 00cuu Co. Tan, Aug T. C. 14fOoft Erre: Junctloo-Chaiuntenn Valley Kopf.. Arn. In -Sect. X It X- Mary. ILartland-liartiand Pant Avg Run Perry. Itullood--Rutland Tan. &Pt BII1122 B. rotten Virginia AbIng6m-flouthweat Va. Per. Arm. 21-=. O. V. Booker. Cnntwom-Yarrners' Pair Man. Sept 7-9. Leonard Mullins. hannite-danville Pan Arra. Oct C. L. Booth. Zmroria - Tannorrn An. Oct Carnet Keller -Matern Store Per Assn. Aug. 31- Rept. 2. J. %Moo Mane_ 1.oray--Va6e Co Pan. Aug. 21 -Born. 2. Afro* 1'1".1. LonchbOTO-Leglon Agr1. Tan ""L X3" " dares. at Sept. 25 W.Slur r. ply. Lynthborg-Lynohlurg Anl. Pan Also. Aug. ',It. L. H. &rodeo. Ulnarma-Itanasan Palr hub. Sept 4. Ja1te4 la. Baatics. Itorttranno- Hooey Co. An Ania. belt. 1{ B. Hernlley. Pmerstrarg-Southalde Va. Pale. Oct X. Rtnard Zama Staunton -Staunton Pint Sept C. Z. Ralston. Soffelk-Tidewater Pau Mao. Oa C. Holman_ WrneSsrook-Sbenandoalt Co. Pon Men. Sept Frank IC navel. Washington Spokane -Spokane Co Oct. &II. J. B. T. Marina. West Virgiala Martntora-Poceintnias Co. Pan. Aug. &pi. 2. Teed C Mint. New 114fe-Nov llogn. Ton. Aut C. P. Hylton. R. 1. Boa lk Inintmon. Peterstorg-Tri-Ce. Tall. Aug C. L. Wiener Bult04--Brax.on Co. Parr Aun. Sept Lark Morrison. WISTOIMILM AntltO-Mothide Co Club Roend-09. Aug fro V. Clo0do11 Alhom-Ata Mut Aug, Theo. S. Woffalat Sara:co-Sauk Co. Twit AO( B. &boy. Beaver Dana -Dodge Co. Pair Ms. Scot. 7. 'berme Knauss. Suntier-Sumber Co. Pk. Nov. 7-11, J. Cliff Drown. 1Klek Rion Tallo-Jae.kson Co. Aga Bee. Volon-Onton Co.Pair Assn, Oct M. C. Not W D Bean. Page. Jon...me, i7 81comtngton-Ilkomtanon Pals. Soot Walterboro-Colletoo Co. Pan Assu. Work of Oct. 2. X , R. J. Mks. Cedariourg-Otaukee Co. AM. Soo Aug H. P. Km. Thierrivilb, WIs Chillon-elaluecat Co. Agri. Man T. Henry Week Talla-Neethern Wit histrirt Pelt. Aug A. I.. Putnam. Crandon -Point Co Agri Bert Aug. 29. e.at. 3. H. id Ritter. RFD. Argonne, Wk. Dat)nogroin-Lnarrette Co. Atli 0804 nuc atteo. July r. r. stgoxs.o. (Su LIST on p044 77)

64 64 The Billboard MERMANDISE Communications to 155 North Cleric Street, Chicago I ill July 29, BIG FAIR SEASON STARTING More Spots Than Usual Pre4eason signs suggest big trade for concessionaires but nu] se. is still short CHICAGO. July 22. -With mere than LOCO State. dtstrtet end county fairs pie. paring to get under way In the next two months. concessionaires. both on orga mired carnivals and of the home Evora. are reported busy stocking up on merchandise to cope with the unsually large play that seems In the offing. Of course, carnivals' can't hold Crowds when Jape Pluvlua acts up. but experience so far this season la that lush spending crowds are throngtng midways In many case* desptte down.. pours. This pro -fate season experience points the way to fair attendance of unpreoortented proportions. and despite (Sc. Fair 502-e01 Storied on pope 61) 1 MERCHANDISE TRENDS CIIICA00, July 22. -Reports on met- 0mnd:to outlet,. during the Drat weak td July suggest that trade has become practically comsat for the season. There was a drop In Wes just before and during the holiday. Many retail outlets nport that the buying public is already Interested In fail merchandise. Dan Eradstreet reported retail sales generally to be up 0 to 12 per cent over a year ago for the week following July 4. The wholesale markets In New York were still reported to have a good number of buyers, many of them returning to follow-up previous purchased. Fuze are reported to be attracting much atteotion. The specialty trade la giving much attention to the announced ohm which VIPS will follow to returning to the manufacturer of Meth= goods. A few specialty Ite=m in the first list of 124 Items are Included. The program presumably started July 15, and each week for a certain period will rind new oteps toweled making civilian goods from now CONCESSIONAIRES! NOVELTY STORES! ORDER NOW! HERE ARE SOME OF OUR FAST -SELLING ITEMS/ No fad, Wklto and Bade Male sod Neer/ with hesofemede lettering of Rolled Gold Math Wee m Stealth &leer belt. Aithillable with -Meeker.. "Sweetheart" o...w Q. Noteifetheog $9.00 Doz. N, Reored Cold Mated Locket Crease Neu mem., el Peed with Inelgaie end wise Week. Sweetheier 3R0 *Wilt" ingerlpikthe able Dog.' No. 494-Cotholoo kilotkee of Pearl Bon nod H.,.t MN Woo Work of Rolled Cold rime en Steellog Saw boa..14ettee.".!,sibter." ''Switet M ser' et.*wife halteldeorts areaeblo $6.00 Dos,, NECK CHAINS * ANKLETS No, Odet Commit. Cold RI,Leeltli5 LodeC Pt..., igreellot en. the 0.14 Plaid NOCII Case... 43Ce. ow. Rae* Lathe{ n ann 055, assns 111,10 eels used Kea Chain. taaee. css. ONDIE TODAY! IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS 18" Sterling Silver Neck Chains $ 5.40 Dna. 18" Cold Plated Sterling Saber Neck Chains 6.00 " 18" Gold Filled on Sterling Silver Neck Chains 7.20 Sterling Silser Anklets. Carded 6.75 Cold Plated Sterling Sillier Anklet., Carded 7.20 Cold Filled on Sterling Sitter Anklet*, Carded 9.50 No. 709-Ificht Identification Braeelet No dt-ilium Identification Bracelet No easy Identification Bracelet /3 Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. ---Semi For Catalog! THE\ /) /? 1265 BROADWAY CONCESSIONAIRES AND CHURCH BAZAARS We hove 0 complete line of STUFFED TOYS ITOR NEW YORK, N1), Y. NO. 791 IOR IMMIOIATE DILIVrRY RUSH BEARS PANDAS FUR DOGS DOLLS AND NOVELTIES Oc,,,,r. We -le In lkobt'll MAYFAIR MERCHANDISE CO. lo *.. PRODUCTS"-P":.7.1'sal.%.740 It tea on. August 15 to to be the big date, and small plants will be favored in the now plans. Huge Demands Predicted James H. Carmine, vice-president In charge of merchandising for Philo, oorporation, predicted that sales of durable goods will leap to about 114,500, n the flat post-wor year. Since 1041 there bas been a -virtual semis" In the field of rultos, refrigerators. automobiles. air conditioners and other durable goods. but particularly In the electrical appliance field. This demand will be emphasized as soon an msnufecture Is resumed. and thou:4 guarantee an era of good business for the Industry. Carmine estimated that there will be a backlog of demand for radios of to ,0:0 seta, which compares with the industry's peak production of 11,000,000 units in Demands for refrigerators and air oonditloocra will be proportion. stet,' high. also. Carmine, speaking be members of the appliance industry in the Ptirniture Club of America at the furniture Mart here In Chicago, added that It will take months men to stock dtattlbutom and dealers with their de monde for durable goods, Gadget* Patented A number of nevelty gadgets have been patented, and their appearance In the novelty merchandise Bold will be of tote-a:at to distributors. oasis -tent with the big future of the poet -war era. manufacture of these items will create huge demand* In consumer outlets. Among tome of the Items released by the patent's office are non-skid tee -cream dishes, which have nuut-tn cones in the center with the gob of MO cream conveniently placed on top; a new type of match which Is windproof so that the match head, which is placed on a the -proof cone. Is Inserted 1st a cigarette and when the cigarette Is tubed against a surface It becomes self -lighted; with the popularity of leg make-up comes another item which makes ultdelsi searria for legal and a baby bottle, built-in with a thermometer that reghters "too cotd," (See Merchandise Venda on page 12) Model Makers Form Trade Group; Plan Educational Set -Up MILWAUKEE. July 22. -About 123 rep. remota:ives of firma making models of airplanes. boats and trains met hero recently and formed a,trade saeociation to be known is the Model Indiuttry Association. This was the fourth annual convention for the group. end the 'cover:taut t bits already given official room. Litton to their prrxhicla ea being of the es.sential war industries, ea -ceding to leaders In the trade. The delegates discussed plans for a big educational program which will ernpbselee the posalbtlitlen of using models In schools. Trade leaders said the government had used these models to train into In the services, which was sure proof that schools could use them for the same purpose. It was reported that schools and clubs thruout the country have become Interested In models as an educational hobby. Trade member*. are very engin:tains about plans for the peat -war petted and ray that the new cegeolzatton will begin ID acquaint the country to the many uses of model plata, boats and other devices. Find Jeweler Guilty For Boosting Prices MINNEAPOLIS, July 22, -The first criminal Information filed on the sale of luxury Items was made heir by OPA against a jewelry firm. aoat.1 Boum. president and treasurer of Morris Credit Stuvlere, pleaded guilty in the Dittstet Federal Court. OPA charged that Denten was telling his Swiss movement watches over ceiling In December and January, and that In some cases prices had been boosted to as much as 42$ shove OPA regulations. Before eentence'm paned the case will to referred to probation officers for further Investigation. RED HOT BINGO SPECIALS! #700 WAS setae. NOW $ 1.25 ONLY I Fa. NEW LOW PRICE ON BRAND NEW, POPULAR METALLIC -FINISH SMOKERS 22" High! Worth $3.50! Price drastically cut for clearance! Order NOW while limited supply is still available! ' A FEW MORE OF OUR MANY OUTSTANDING VALUES I I Pe. Boxed fluty Stied St, Des. $15.00 Sins -On Cans Dog VegeteOla Both Dee ai.p Leddte /Glebe., Stools Dog assoned Cookie lets Df rte. Laing Sete Doz S Pg. Knife Set Dos k,c t.nmat Set Dol NOW ONLY $1.35 Morey other items too numerous to mention. Send for deieriptive bulletin A cotologwo. All the above mentiored rnere/misdleo for immediate shipment Depelit With Oder, &flan. C. 0. D. If I/ Cm Ile Ned Getty Has It. Tell lie Yen. Needg. YOUR DEPENDABLE SOURCE OF SUPPLY TELL IT TO e 1132 S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO Ea.

65 , ly 29, 1944 The Billboard MERCHANDISE 65 RING WHITE STONE NG ALOEMENT, WEDDING AND NOVELTY A dhailay of thew sine/ nal null* see elm.. Nnenoitooto Oethory. Mut miortooet of Um fe/1 Now*. Oa. 14 ooch Num <adored. Is sees W weer bit nointen. a0/1/404 1/3 DI- PONT. W. Ph/ /wee O. 0. D. Pandaot Hurl Y Stu* SD*, iifelandthip" Rios. dandllo4 44 *ached Wien.1.44 nart1.1illez MN Terypot the nert" MORN 40. W4411.1t $235 /. WddIng 11,1. Cho!ca at iluelina 1/ K. R. 0. P. hi , - Au otet.aa Teeetal. EARRINGS sir 105. Ilnininto-4. Dote. Cleo%.4 Q. tering Stellits ord. He. $ DC. While ilwo 114, Wee Odle ell It'tlin $12" CY/. gibe 14,0 Cont. Menai. 0.doe No RI -I,...Kt to re,/ ototo foe win month $L MID CONTINENT JEWELRY (0. 1C04,/ N. WIN",,,,,, RSON, IOWA BINGO SUPPLIES NEW SUMMER PRICES Writ. r Wire for Catalog JOHN A. ROBERTS & CO. 235 Halley St. Newark, N. I. ORDER F51011 OUR 1944 CATI oatales Ploody Soo, Ten ;.T1. r..1i1wai bate & tared the sea. it./ of ma 1011 alih In..,soli np-10.1t.a.,1,tolo 1944 {acid./ Cc/n/teta Ills at wires that aye Caoth Jethow /Ad earill Is huh CATALCA: fiteg. INIEEDIAT6 9R1PNENT. H.MJ. FUR CO. usais W IL. New Yea. 4 BINGO SPECIALS * CARDS 'TRANSPARENT MARKERS ITYIEr Pr itta:rttrt DalriD031 INDUSENE3. 1., 1. DaY1011 I OHIO EXPANSION WATCH BANDS!: 1; rilly+ to FIrlt,I Sti-,r, LS P hiein. /14,104 hthe/. 11.1_00 NA: IRS Gwen 70% Erarral Ti. Or 11.1;4. rr.., rovall ev 0. PAGE DISTRIBUTING SERVICE /Nie Pww illtooklyii hi. Dallas Show Tops **** " " With Buyers and Biz FALL SPECIAL DALLAS. July 22, The Ides that subatitute materials In novelty and gift care& were about the only merchandise Obtainable for milers of gift cares was ouoptetely dispelled here at the fait exhibit& of the 10th Allied Gilt and SOUVENIRS Novelty Show, held at the Adonalus. Hotel July 3.7, The fall show, Circled by W. H. Johnson, opened with more than 130 exhibitors, displaying somo 000 lines of widely diversitted merchandise. The exhibits et merchandise, prosented by manatacturere, distributors and We& companies, were so extenalre that the abowletge were apnea out over the maln ballroom, Parlors D, R and P of the mezzanine floor, and onto the entire r.,,enth, eighth, ninth, tenth and eletentla floors of the hotel. W. H. Johnson. show chairman, said "The wild buying in search of goods to meet customer demand noted up to six month, ego, had disappeared from the Tall gift show." Diatuasing the current trend In gift buying Johnson said: "The Mums stuff Is out. Buyers have found the public don't want It. so they are waiting patiently for the quality articles to appear again, Instead of buying with their eyes closed." Popular priced Items in es:chime and military leseelry predominated the display of jewelry eections. Gift hems for men In the serrice were widely displayed. They Included mach Items as bilffolds, money belts, military sets, letter cases, pbcto botdere, cigarette Caste. fountain pen sets, herder/1, tobacco pouches, and utility end ft2r/falgh bap. Running concurrent with the Allied show was the Dallas Gift Show held nt the Baker hotel. afore than 100 exhibitors occupied the merrantne and three floors of the Baker. rzosliens crowd., attended the entire floe -day allowing, according to Pred Donetti director of exhibits for the Dahill 4.110w. Dates for the spring shows have not been ached -,red. LITHOGRAPHED IN BEAUTIFUL ((ACRE! WAR PLANE PIC. TURES 514,45 iire-,4 4,, 54Ato BIG PROFIT FOR JOBBERS...mu. Ow gas 5.110na itc44 flan. teday. Theotoodt of mocha mot ara Narebig it/ Sam. INN ALL hael at et Nom ado, MIN r.t are ra. ordains I.,:a1.0,71 A Deplete tietroattra *I V. W. printed 14 Male writ lidelare. MN mon inn larvaalleas. Pa 'Atom la en sti.esethe 4.0.1t tadayler os ataita s,,araiyeg ta a gangs {Ripley boa at thortraboil. PRICE TO STORES. $3.60 IITTINTION1 JOtIOCAIS A 013TRIOUTORIN R 204 I0, 51Miol MOH.. and arawthy :.,tt TODAY. Thia Itae. 14 fed tahar Mid 4.4.ran,r gnfroellato D51he71 D. B. BOBBINS AG CO. Ina W IR. YEW YORK II, N. Y. BIG PROFIT SPECIALTIES! Complete. Line of... - Fet,tain Paw - Litntat - Ptattre No.iitiea - PoLee Chip. - OraNai - Hand..,.v, (NW/ 4nd tedice I - Patrtaller - Pled:/,n Pekoe *miry C1.4* ee W!of List Oere 200 OWN , haws CWft. GORDON MFG. CO. Deed. O. 410 CIE it Toni 40, N. Y. FINE WATCHES MINI Cr LADIES' Ard Novelty lawery. Wit:4144 Only. MARLENE SALES 105 N. Cilek St. Chirac. 2, 10. No. No. JB -1 Sweetheart Double Hart PONT PM With Lithe P51.1 Slid. locket At tothed. Cold Plated, tare, In Cite Whits Sate. Toe. Can go Had Willi Any Intlinla tietind. Per Dor.. $16.50 Vt"""'"'"= ****** ==ff.,... No. 46X15 Crud PM. MOWN of Pearl Cootset, G04,1 Groin Attached to P0i. Sopped With Any Detirn Branch of SoniktIoNeata. 14 Kt. Cold Plated. Lath la CM Plash Lea. Per Dos.. $6.00 SALT AND PEPPER SETS Siker Plated, Metal Falterer hrthh, Gem/real Dope,. NI. 39X17 1./1 of Pits No. 19XIS Pate et Fewmatada Ne. 39X15 Paw of Dot Huth Na 39X16 - Set II Tea Pe4t. KNEEN 21/4.2'4... Each Pair to a Roe. Per Dee. Sch. $7.80 WW.e.Mor..." SEA SHELL RELIGIOUS FRAMES. Metaled Shades LARGE 4 ' METAL Rot ROUND COMPACTS S ALL AROUND ZIPPER WALLETS, Morocco Iasi NATURAL Sill* HORN ASH TRAY P0.45TIC HORSE ON CLASS ASH TRAY CLOTH YACHT CAPS. port' Vier WOOD LEAF TRAY, 4La Inches LAfIte W000 LEAF TRAY IMAM 7 SO 16X97P PEARL COLO PLATED ON STIRLING LOCK1T, Conteht With Cade and sisnsitc iti7i Mt SKATING PINS LARCE ABALONE CRUCIFIX SHILL LAMP tried( KING CONCH SHELL LAMP With Ceveiftx SCALLOP SHELL LAND, With flow ass or missnuls Send fur iffurerated /eider of Other Souvenir and OW Hints 25'. Deposit With Order, Balance C. 0. D. Goldfarb Novelty Company "TEES HOUSE OF SERVICE" EAST 17TH ST, NEW YORK 3, D. Y. MERCHANDISE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CAREFULLY SELECTED BINGO ASSORTMENTS Many Hr... Ilan" --Many Hod TO Cod It,...--4'raci.CAI-Nort4-1, Orseand. ORDER A SPECIAL DEAL -BE CONVINCED --$ $50.00, $ UNITS GLASSWARE SLUM GIVE AWAYS NOVELTIES Orr 100 Peeler* Items. In. Ow 100 Red Hot Serie/ './Ilot Ruby. Wm, aloes. 1, to Poe Gras, Net. Lets, TOY, Hat G:ter. CfLI Moratlino Not 1Soor..ta, /NA Cantle MOWN. CIT.I,P4 fnakaa, t $17.00 Fienty Now, Popelae In Done/. FY/n atom. Rooadoee Pease Ks/em, Order by AwriNewita, Ȯdte by A HeNa0Pala. LYPION. CANN Key MOH., $ $ $75.00 $ $ $ Revettee. Tema. Pnnenta Unita Units LIMITED STOCKS STILL AVAILABLE Irreden, Or Itro-4elaare, Gallery. Way Pat." Waft 14!01. Li/WM. Totalst M.i:eo-so Onto.. tra,ty Ootoe OWN/. T.../lo Hosea. FraNy 41/Nod Tato/ 110a. fur nlreoti, eavie litalt-dory WRITE FOR LIRTS-PLAOR FOR SAMPLE UNITS. 1311Iate 14', DEPOSIT WITH ALL ORDIRS. DALONCIE SHIPPED O IMPORTANT T COOL F4400 UNT,P97.7 ar4das.i Y ou r 116Mr PREMIUM SUPPLY CORP. 11E 3333 LINDELL BLVD.,ST.LOUIS 3.MO. rtl *AR. toi,4 t. otth. Nsur Nr44,5.45 Illuslralecl. Place LiStS Otkl loo Items CHARLES r.)emee MFG. CO. iis.e.walnut ST. MIL WA UK EE.12,.W1E. &WI

66 66 MERCHANDISE FRINGED PILLOW TOPS Size 20"x20" -; mnnn-.a.4. -,,,1414,4! fill41\ JUST HELLO!) Dew rens *we UN0) SWee., We %I tent STILE :1210 MADE of RAYON SATIN and TAFFETA $5.25 a dozen In Cron Lots Sample Doren $6.00 a dozen Deposit 2S% - Balance C. 0. 1). Marie in dlr.-the, contrasting colors In ent of the following verses: Mother, Sweetheart, Slater, Wife. Mother and Drul, Friendship, Forget Me Not, Remember Me. Cod Bless One Home. Pillow Tope eastalso hr furnished of any Branch of the See' Hee. LEROCK PRODUCTS CORP. 55 E. 11th St., New York 3.. N. Y. FAIR SEASON STARTED (Continued from paps 64) merchandise shortages. help and other (omelet:piece wartime headaches, cones, nonaires are set to glee fair -goers plenty of attractive merchandise to take away from their midway stands. Increased number of fairs that are operating this year also affords more opportunity to the concessionaires. Tho trnele Sam still la using a number of tho State plants, a few more of the State annuals will be operating Mt year as against last. Big Increase In added starters this year to dominated by the county groups. Largely thru public de. mand and the example of success set by the fairs lot that class operated In '43. scores of boards voted hut winter to get Into the game skein. Most of them felt that by permitting lapses they hod been orerlooktint a signifleant period for operation and an opportunity to do their bit for wartime morale. Sponsored events auspices are following the same cue and probably more than double the 1043 doings. Minnesota again heads the 1044 year fair list with approximately AS fairs scheduled. Ohio has 83, Wisconsin 73. Nebraska 71, Iowa 63. Illinois 62. Pennsylvania 57. Kansas b3 and Indiana 44. Ontario heads the Canadian province alit with 27 events atedded. with Quebec at 19 and Saskatchewan with 12 following. isco List Section this issue for complete fair list.) Shipping Troubles Shortage of paperboard and containers Is having its effect on ahipments of goods to concesetonatreis. A survey of Merchandise houses here reveals that firms are licking this problem, but that buyers can do much to stitere It by returning cartons to suppliers no that more goods can be &hipped In them. Supply of merchandise. however, La better than would normally be expected to times like these. Of course, concessionaires don't hare the wide variety of lowpriced Items to choosefro:!, but wirtiin0 substitutes crammed full of eye -appeal nye still to be found. With the Proil.. SHINE IN THE &Imo LUMINOUS FLOWERS Sy Olow vt Oosearela Der. re.o1 narnitan stith tw 4 00 Mr,!LW* neolnd tor4o1s with Dr o. llsoloos tour SO.4.10 c". s Goerahel Dud 2 TB 0., Oaridenl. dte ta. co,,ras ObeWiel4 (CwW0e) 4.00 Dos. tniw Osoesnla 4000*.. Demi , Der. Tr 10. Tao Rom 940 Drs_ Her Dors $ IN Lugano. elareenia sob -000o. Orotot Roo 01.4 CrocroteS, 4.00 On. Tr.sto Roses (Dort Doserololt D.. Also Assorlousof of Luminous Nell. glous figures -Write for Circular. ya Deo,' t, n4.1.' C O., e.o.m. a. Y. Nile Glow Products Co. 100 W. 4015X,...,,,,, 1.P%.444P4 10. N. Y. PLASTIC CHARMS l.r year Ilurn Prise. Se, IgeW.d oat /Wm WI We owwwwre ewe <nu.. owe Ws to we thieiee I. M -N OS ow tewere Giro. w H. - Ur. Mows,. 1.0 a. lore. ree ,.46 oodr 11 CO.& ithowle le VA.& 110, SAMUEL EPPY & CO. m met fee, it. n. r. At rtiortts, MAGIC RACES ale ed. Kee Ile, t,, iu lust. RIG PROFITS rw Nn. to low nnanil. pre.. ttsmols trra BARKLEY COMPANY Omen Ha Pima DR00011 S. VA. The Billboard July I e11114-adeekao Shaer Own. Bodelkili. Complete with 7 C.karms. Spestsi. $135. lodhrldvelly basal $1.30 AtIsW.Askl it Heavy 'Action Shrew Identification Braeciet-Spetlal $4.50. Per Dos. $ Ste rling Insignia RMS. tech $1.13 Sterling buirnta Ring. Locket Top. Ltda 2.00 $1912-C.orgeees 3Slone far Cngs in snorted (otos. An outstendwg value! Per Desert Pura TUCKER-LOWENTHAL CO. 5 S. Wabash Are. Chicago 3, Illinois Midwest Merchandise Co., Kansas City, Mo., Specials Note -Rend every line of this ad as there ore many new Items fitted Mo e-seik. Wesel Si... Red Saki.,01/1 Tinseled Heed. Qr. $27.00 Ma arili. demote, Asstd. Oakes- Oro Na est -cww. Pore., aka Weighty 2 PO- Oossawslo, rya No ter Bobs. Asstd. Shames and COOPit. OLitks Pr. on Card. C, No ,0. PA WhOn. L9. Viols, Tel $1.hk-4 Prom *eche et Darritsals C.,... oe4 for Ilitrwenvni ar. 11.0, po op- Gino, 14. Sete, 1341a9 Incises, Buutrlut Artist's Sketching', Set of II In Envelope. Doi. Sett 1.50 Na,as--Pact.etic 04 N snot 1'n/n os, cadet 4Ith 3 Pewee Ours.ee out allnolne MOM Iwo Oro No. 391-flase Ball Hem LOKI ChM Seam es Above. Coll on Cod. Cm. I. IS Mo ar Jewelry, laws P011,0.4. Le. Aueesment. Rob on C.N. Or o Ma Charipti Spoor,. Pot Illw.1.1 Ills 3 Petsots. Do No. Lotst-51, try Itersoe Pine TiWee Job 1.01, Ala ours Mu 0011ro. Do Ho. L91S--SlIk Tope Only tot Pillows, 5.,,. OocriPtens et AS..., 22 Inalsot sq mod. &hot daises. Real Intomedlate. Gee Na L930--lasasen Dolt. Pure Wt., White Only, S Inch. Cm no. Loazg--ftwesel 1.100M 111-ni 2uott Ore. In Carla% N. Leas Sold. Pee eleo. we. Billw-Illuelal Anvoko Rash 1111,.. Aswtoset. 12 Ore.. la Keels lee TS 'Pim Na. BB2w.airar Section C.. Flag Holden. Coopkto With 446 flag. Cm Na Betel Kit loth Newillee Toreed. echoers. RM. Oro oese new. ten S. NMI., 20hir depott.. We ham on hand tee im-evcse M`hory 00.-scrts I,. N 41, Psisnor iteisery. Welt. No co. Ito. Co,. s MIDWEST MERCHANDISE CO. L FOX TAILS IN STOCK! PItchnuan, CarnIsal and Fab Workers, hem II last are the well-known NMI Pm Tells yesi'v been leading to grab apt Cash in Ills...on volt. these Carpet, busl2mt, genoma Fur lea fail. velliw they Last. Tall. come with two straws cold. rorith or welhout "tonic say:ne cards. 10 Il to autos, motorcycles, bicycles, carol, ertc. Send for fete peke Int, or send tot rite onset. of 5 'orbs.. tos. Stook goings lot.. bettor torts your order for Immediate 01pronts! H. M. J. FUR CO.. ISO W. 28th ST., NEW YORK CITY 1, N. Y. This four colored HONOR ROLL Aimedamed framed, stands on table ce hangs On wall. Eery 5014.er. lopes. Moro et WAG a prospect ta-rrer. $4.50 per doses. Seed 75 Cents: will mall you a Israel* pot roma, COA:0 Nt PILLOW TOPS, end $7.00 Dozen. ARMY PINNANTS, $12.00 err Hundred. Houlherehlels. Dog Chaim and Handmade WOODEN COMPACTS AND CICARIITTI CAM SOUVENIRS OF ALL KINDS. 2.1,. DEPOSIT WITH ORDER. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. WORLD ADV. NOVELTY CO. 122 t.2stoi STRICT. NEW YORK 10, H. Y. PHONE: CRAMIRCY 5-2t74 ATTENTION! GADGET WORKERS STAINLESS STEEL SPIRAL SLICERS On Ausull 1st rr, Sta.'s:4ss Stoat I.psin whit be I eady-e.rit in taro for the 1511 ler sm., (slay Sligo guaranteed to week without Do.Gnit Ce adttrst."4. 505ewvt properly cc -der, sod securers welded. $10.00 per gross. Cvsn1.1y ernes on request. Deposit of S1 Y. r-' grow required-bolarde C. 0 D. Send YOur meet ticity. W. A. CLEMONS 1474 N. WOODRUFF MILWAUKEE 11, WIS.

67 July 29, 1944 The Billboard 'MERCHANDISE 67 SENSATIONAL -OFFER- Nem. Arantiftl ()NIX nrccs to for only rte. MonSteed of 1)3onstonts inn 4e4s11 Ire IS. 1 1). A.sort.4 GOOD LUCK it'ilatilsp, INA ICNIAS. 8TON108, ml rte. to heantlin1 tntostay r.elk Mau MOtoo, Barulat and Largo, siasql 414 " ONYX" tags 25 0 ( I WORTH A DOLLAR! 708/1CR.4, DTSTRIIWT0114, CONCFS ISIONM.R174-.1(te to c, -`.n so2 ca 4141 L 2..s ender 100i $18 GR. 1/3 dip.. Wino C. 0. D. Da. thnectit Cwelee Cash slth Orden CANDIDATE RING OUT SOON1 FACTORY ASSOCIATES., NICK 500C FIFTH AVI. N. Y. FUR COATS IACK IITS-C KU0 aits L0001 avdeodat a Sr.w 1046 onetstso6,4 r. a r.e ,j. Mang:. text. DistIne. aszetkv. ft. 6,1 LOWEST pro, ltarn"9"1" -FACTORY TR& MONICT Ir. mum mew avast O oopiss fors S.,n, era. solshbon. Band TODAY gat a., hees IlEyroso.d Csttslog and Pete. Usk It's J'$ L. S. ANGELL & CO. 1"1111''" 014 W. 271s K f 0 1 AftkicAo 3 UMPINe %CANS 4, Pee L.b. 0000/ 4.50 Par Par 100 Rawer cor Novelty Ilaa /.., bona, SS OS per with )A radar. nanor C, IL D. NATIONAL CYCLE & NOVELTY CO Saes P.M EL. DIAL 14, L.. Anal. Cann LADIES' FULL FASHION HOSE 40 a..at 7s Denim Moot Snow. ttorsdo 01. wont% of a *soy top, goad* Rayon 111w. Aces t., 0'. Doc. peals. lsteet Ousts f 0.,c. Polo; foe Wool. Dorm add 28$ FAILS CITY SRC. CO. COX 005 MIME ALBANY, IND. ti &nits! electtron campaigns in the cal:v. o note of Loneliness will be added to many a midway by of car/spays% pennants, badges. buttons. bumper earths, etc. Old reliable& Ilko Hawaiian leis, plaster animal*, fax tali., yachting caps. piaster plaques. Wiled% ash trays. ete. are to be had as is rattery of U. s. made gum. Lucite dresser seta, compacts, Identification braceleta, whiteatorie 'leis. framed pictures, cigarette Chottl. OW. will flash many stands. While bingo operators aren't panning to flash as many household appliancea as In peacetime. still they ere finding suitable substitutes In lunch kits, decanter and lee. tea seta, RIrtas coffee makers, book..er.ds, mixing -bowl WO. powder boxes, aunglass into. etc. Idea of framing an entire stand with variations of or.o type item has proved suectuful for many ooncautonctrta who are adapting wartime products to such apeciallzed uses_ Luminous flowers are now artilable In many different styles and are a swell flash to attract nighttime patronage. In addition to gar. dental, roses, sunflowers and other corsage car:rhea, glow -to -the -dark pictures, statues, crucifixes, etc.. are 'used 10 round out the Oath on the stands. sted, white and blue Sterna are still pull. log Wong, too. Service flags ar.d banners, swagger etteks. batons tired along with hunting knives and other similar WO clicking. Stands using a south sea island motif with sea -shell brooches. pins, , ash trays. CATTIOft3, etc - are still going nheng. Jewelry Ms/Ida hare wide variety of items to display ranging from wedding and engagement rings to various types of attractive mind jewelry. As always experienced coracesaionaires are maintaining that Its tho stand with a flash that Will get the big play, and old-timers are taking advantage of every opportunity to Peke Melt joints the focal point on the midway for fair -gars that throng thorn. TUE REM, NIcCOY $3.95 Eith In Lets of IA Of *coo each ship. toms. 1141L:il Ictet. II rad'. Prato I. F Vel:ts onto halt anew 0.0.t,. en rosalt Is fell. Tell whether to.hip fee44j1 cc extents. Mow* Joie TREASCRK CHEST la the Oast we-wit/on et St's bott.d ocee: hot off u. rett104 Sod nwir to to, 90 Intiabhal 10en.1 pactues. M.1 Isles In setts ttgr.tzg ff.at 00 SOW,' aryl dewier. It's -3,2403 of trent. '111>6. fun snl arre rev Lira GO -ORDER 'TODAY: DO IT NOW. 720 asitknors Amt. HOWARD CO. KA116,413 CITY 0, MO. $ SPECIALS TINS WM( ONLY Lots 0. &Se Wogs ty p.c... ow RAO O Lights,* Mister, An AIMla 11 0 Trosswintnt 6SWIR40 Caws. Assoned Hong 7.00 JeAto ItustlowSOots 1idly O vtoles.'" Pig 0 Tomo lieko Throes Snaltorts Otos $3.44 *0.7,...,4 000 of,* LION; tuna Citto 1.4a44 A 1:3Deporn t4 ith Orafr,: 8011,14,t 5 C D. An Pricaa F. 0. B. Detroit. 0 / Border Novelty Co. 400 Woodward /two Dwell a KWIL MikleaMils For ANY type of MILITARY SUPPLIES Writ for Ova Fre. Cornplota MANHATTAN GLOVE & NOTION CO. 27 OACHARD ST. NtW70-FIC CITY WALLETS anon.* laztave Wattwo. 210/. Wallow, a war Ana 2 war wound ow/ cirri Arks *Vat., VOW, Walvis. Wm. Math.. lesenediat sensory on all Orden. Send 010 Off 1.,O4o aolianoson SUPREME LEATHER PRODUCTS 17 Wert 200 IL MEW YORK 11, It, Y. FOOTBALL BUTTONS and PENNANTS HAVE STOCK FOR ALL MAJOR TEAMS Alto Can Make Up Special Orders MILITARY PENNANTS STILL GOING OVER RIO BIGGEST NUMBER OF THE SEASON FOR BALL CAWS. PARADES, STOCK leattys CAN MARE HPICIA1. PENNANTS 508 PARKS, VONVINT1ONS SEND $1.00 FOR SAMPLES OF PENNANTS DEWEY & ROOSEVELT CAMPAIGN BUTTONS so tiro, $3 per /2 IN. PLAQUES -PIN UP GIRLS; PATRIOTIC, RELIGIOUS SCENES, $24.00 Gross S IN. PLAQUES -SPECIAL CLOSE OUT PRICE PATRIOTIC, RELIGIOUS SCENES, $ LIGNE FUG BUTTONS WITH INSCRIPTION "LONG MAY IT WAVE," $ Yacht Mats on. CIn ISt.dto. Mlitto/y (lumen. Ogsorles Half are. TO 1..:,... Otvi Al,",',. *tuna Pim Ise Hau i Oro. an -was 5540 al Caro. Awsll 8.54 Ow. SO In. Pwnant Saki LAT. Lela GAO Oro. wow.% In..55 Asselry...ICAO to 1100 Ore. 3!r II. C4nts4 ISKOE, Csenls aura s 22130/040 T1.441 NOM 114M104*4453 ova Awl are wrap KIM & 916 ARCH STREET Gr. 44 Lino Con Ilettono K17 AwAnt Atosa n. AWY Iluilaos Ribbon Of all /Or atom. CIOFFI PFMADELPRIA, PA. NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS ITEM. BIGGEST CAMPAIGN NUMBER IN YEARS. You Leather Elephant or Donkey Will Sell on Sight Good for Drug, Cigar or Souvenir Stores, also NownIlands and Streettlarn. Send $1.00 for Dozers Sample's Prattitaltl. $10.80 per gross KIM & CIOFFI 916 ARCH ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PREPARE FOR THE FAIRS! 77 FOX FUR 1 TAILS very.s al!..n 35 aa. Toth 12 inch. Ea. 10e IS Inch. Ea e rxt"9 15c e"' 20c Loreto W1. Sobtef 0. 'IS1., A 5,teed *adds Cu 11140/2144). PPR** 0,41.0 an lo 100 lets. Si,., oarga, oosto4 dna sot IntIsds 1+141/o. All no-st co-.. :104.15h Ls, add tatul attend. Two dnfosent cn tun IN. 10,1 sot for 4 sanotro I 04 pay it011ad01. tiefwitt 011. Osslaitly *NW. NO CATALOG CARNIVAL NOV. CO., INC. 30 West 3d Sr., New York. N. Y. LOOK OYER OUR LINE OF DE LUXE SCOTTIES of Real Furin Asst. Colors mean Oerall o. $3.00 Each SLUM ANIMALS Small Standing and SIG:ng Dog, cats, Otocht Cross. Hat Sands, AosOrtod Snappy Sayiner. $2.00 pal 100. S -all Hawaiian UN. A10rtte1 COIOgl, $1.50 Cr.,.. Wo Idorsoforforo An Attwortitad Slim, AT LONG LAST 1c and 10c "Good 'n Fresh" Candy AGAIN AVAILABLE TO LIVE DISTRIBUTORS 104 «mow,. sw. 0,54 As.% Oar Ont. Am t 120 Coned Mom, Coed *WI. 654 IN. Np etuaeo. turtt Ps. Ni 100 Deusn Sags and 100 Boom. II, O. 0. D.1. Plea*. Teonnt Vol o Caes Wens 0./ese, Wet. for Fut/ Deodts. CASTERLINE BROS., 2030 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago CATALOG FREE Toys Lucite Dresser Sett Metal Compacts Giftware Novelties Salcsboards DIVERS PRODUCTS COMPANY 610 Nerth Water Street Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin

68 68 MERCHANDISE The Billboard July 29, 1944 BIG CATALOGS SHOW TRENDS FREE-IBM'S 1944 CATALOG -FREE With an Order Selected From This CONCESSIONAIRES' PRICE LIST American -Made Slum taint r1i,t Dow Pin Pisiric Tnisribir. Lead Pencils, F.11 Length Oran Illemer. 10 tn. Won Pack. Bea Wn.re Neal Wedding /Used CM $ Ball Game Merchandise C,.. iir Car Tails yr! Comic Cud. Per 100 $4.50 9;12-' Foe TON oat Mabee Tiits. Per /1S- tea Talks w/ Paean. Ti... Per /15" Fes Yeah. Per 100 Yacht Caps, lank, S'it Bingo Merchandise Each Plairre Charm* with Teisteb Transfer Itttorm.90 Wood frame Cials Tray, 9.17 $1.00 Comic Hat Rands. Per Stratum.* Canesolo. 6 Peck Ctn.... 2,16 Con.. Pennants. 11,Sialli In..75 Stoneware Cookie jar. 6 Peck Ctn l'.4" Cook Buttons. Pee Gold Stan-. Minot, 11:14 /n "' Conk Outten!. Per Wood Mat. Rack, Weinet or Menlo Minot Meese. Ilmks 4.50 Vacuum Type Class Coffee Maher Monkey Mirror, 2 i,inillei le Drip Type Casts Coffee Metier.95 Par. Cadges, ended. Pea flosta. 4.Purr Ref. 5c Colored Tin Calm. Po Colored Venn's. Wood Tram, " 1.10 Priem I. 0. IL Tenn Stmt.. C. 0. D. Orders Mast Si Accompanied by 25% Deposit. tleadreds of Other Articles of Wanted Mcechandise" Ale Shawn in Our Latest 1144 Cstalod-Write to Your Copy Today. LEVIN BROS. slim Terre Haute, Indiana Fyn JEWEL MILITARY STYLE WRIST WATCH Yellow Cold Rolled Top Stainless Steel Back Thh Watch Is An Dreeptionally Thin Model That Will 5.2 Very Past. ORDIR NOW WHILI THIY LAST. $2 'vs 25% Deposit Balance C. 0. D. (ith 2% Discount With Full Remittance MARLENE SALES 105 N. Clark St. Chicago 2, Ill. CHARWOOD JEWELRY Gremlin.) Aromatic Red Cedar..10 Distinct Styles. iland.painted and Some Plain. Heavily Lacquered. Lustrotts 2!! Extra Special Feature 1!.' Large Deluxe Cedarwood Heart With Black Silk Ribbon. $1.70 Per Doz. SAME with 18" CLEAR PLASTIC CHAIN at Slightly Richer Price. "If It's Cedarwood Jewelry You Want, See Us First" McLEAN SPECIALTIES 2"8,,E,.t.`..7,Tkt"" Dieribairots for the Burgess Vibro-tool-- Inetroves on Wood, Meta?, Pfoith and Gross, ;7-50 ea. DYNAMIC SUMMER PACKAGES BOX CANDY (2.90 PER DOZ. AND UP) for OPERATORS -FM RS--PARKS--CONCESSIONS Tatty liekic(efeleofiredints;cp.sillty, Aereeflnit ordeq re. defreere NOW. Plu.. vet y.. - WRITE Ill,, Circa Isr end M. List. WIRE GOLDWYN COMPANY 731 PLYMOUTH CT..-- CHICAGO S. Ill Mdse. Trade Watchin0. Cue More prominence given to jewelry, furs and watches in all the big books CHICAGO, July 22. -The fall and win. ter catalogs of the four big general ittall order firms here. recently put into the insult. bare attracted wide attention In bullnesa and in the speclatty marrcharsdim trade. When raerchnadtse Lbw, ages began to be felt early In the war the mall order catalom were watched We. Cully to see Whit effect the lack of good.. bad en MO. firms that hale such atu. pendous buying power. Because the catalogs mutt anticipate supply as well am climand some ntoothe ahead. they were also is -Wheel by manufacturers, johtcrs and retail outleht in all parts of the country to net what would be offered in the catalogs and also what eirp:entuona would be made about thortntres. When the catalogs began to Inter the malls here recently the Onancts1 pages of newspapers and trade papers ot all kinds began to hrtatle 'nth reports and ar.alyses of what the big books chow about merchandise. While the catalogs feature staple consumer goods, yet they are also a vnitable variety store of specialty items. Each of the catalogs presenta all the popular gadgets and smaller firms In the specialty fled can get a broad general view of what public may be buying. The nears. Roebuck it Company catalog apparently was ready for the mails first and newspapers published rather complete reports ma what was missing train the catalog tbis Demon as well as what it would feature. Thlt week the Chicago papers were reporting that all tour of the big mall order houaea had their fall and shift catalogs ready and that some definite inerehanglise trends were indialted by the arrangement and contents of the hooks. Catalogs Analysed The aprelaity trade W.ts attracted by the report that the r.tle Montgomery Ward catalog of 030 pans gives a boat WILSON "WALKIES THOSE SELF -WALK - 1.1'G 31INIATLIRES They teolk an their own powers The sweeltearts of the toy wrorld--the old Mn as kern for them as rho younelirs. Ton (arrant charatters--pincuin. COUCH - DOT. RIO CROSS NURSE, SAILOR SOY. Little RIO RIDING N000, PA Cr MA RUN. HITS, CLOWN. MAMMY and aid SANTA CLAUS. Fallest netted out. We could not begin to fa C11 lest maven -ye in in time Me...In. Any pair yea orliti, 51,00: any for. charade,,, The com P1111 set.1 10 chairmnrs. $4.00. Cross Mrce-to de.mere imply. $ An quote. lions mean delivered to you. door. CIT YOUR ORDERS SICRIE--Ner told osits.44 tho U. S. prom. WILSON "WALKIES" 12 Wil.on Bldg., Crestline, Ohio 11. OENUINt FUR COATS JACKETS AND (HURTS! 121% ft.{ Quiirrl Bcoo. :1,11 L., LOWEST PRICES 1 n:1, r11_enno. MIntGettea, Pnwro, NU.. 1. /A woe /Vtflf? twux n yftict ro,owel ITN,....,(ato NT pd. WA 30Oad PUP 00.. Own. P.R.11 3"BEST SELLERS" GENUINE LEATHER TIGHTWAD GENUINE LEATHER COIN PURSE Smallest modern billfold, equally liked by men and women for carrying paper currency in suits, slacks or in pocket books. Wit! be in great demand for ration to kens. Thoy arrive In assorted colon. GENUINE LEATHER CIGARETTE CASES with PICTURE MAW Com. i.e atioried Wore, end mounted on 2 cola deploy cards. R. A. GUTHMAN & CO. el) D. 11(15011 IIVO. (11(150 4, 111 s ikeirtlfrol Pew of P ik Weal in atitterd tyles and colors. A M.'s t valuet Prr Des TUCKER-LOWENTHAL CO. S S. Wabash Are., Wogs 3, III. FUNNY BUSINESS NOVELTY FUN CARDS hlren ot Wier.aim ye. Penchi re. NATIONA vita Of LTY SUPPLY 00. Dm solt--.lo TrYli Worm. NmastAtst. Pews, Amadeu. rut Meade. WrO. tobly. need 1. Oeihit

69 July 29, 1944 The Billboard 'AtIlERCIIANDISE 69 MANC 1 NCORPORATIO BARGAINS Prise Booth -Concessionaire 1. 1V MOTHER OF PEARL NOVELTY PINS asalson Cop. gullet. Torpedo. All I0%411. A Doren $230 $30 a Cross LAPEL PINS Stiftlog 3.^1ef. Ail,Mrillary. Math*. $18'15 $18 a Il?ross SENO FOR LIST Of ITtfAS NOW RIDUCID FOR QUICK SALE- Caah With Ordini-11.tonro C. 0. D. NANCO Inc. 221 Fourth Asc.. Nrw i.rk 3, N. Y. LUCKY DOGGIE PIN ti LUCKY ENGINE LEATHER oub eli aro ri! on to.11.1til fief. bo :001 et r40.4 altractit:f ircire're fn rim. N for ova maw per gross Send Cl. &woks. Can be Lad *Ideas liatso at efortal ro-a ragsfirist hrttne aid OrANTITY Tarsti, vrnto In. nets1 Pfloo- 11AT FLUID:III-MAN N. Fun', Ill Ch:teet. 22, 111. RAZOR DDLIEIE EDGE SINGIE EDGE JOBBERS -DISTRIBUTORS- AOENTS 'xi sat elmool la Iv air/ to offer rnencese Imo of yam...luting owls :W.I. FAN - MTV dee OFFICIAL ,a4 II, a3.7 foot../hos. hoe. alu Sr. a untie w writs for MIDLAND SALES ti DIST. CO. 757 W. 7171h SOW , BLADES ItANTED-ALL KINDS OF BALLOONS as..atiar.peke.. tura Scot.nyho o TILICTION. NOVELTY D2C-If yap tout Owlet, too III trw. Can too ant 1t 7.0." Ira M.O.. To 18* markst a Una DIN STOND, Cernswissassmi au,. Res Leo e. Darer, to jewelry and wrist watches by offering plenty of Items and also hodicating a decided trend to quality *Metes. Fur coots are also offered In the higher brackets 'The catalog offers water:co up to $800 end diamond rinza up to Thla is regarded u something novel In P. book that Is ibtaige.ed for vast market based on economic buying. A nunlber of eleetrleal gadgets ore tr.issing In the -new book. The Ward book seems to above the most definite peso to self higher prieed pmts. Sears planned their book ao that whele fect3oos could be left out if mere-handl,* supplies suddenly disappeared. Chicago Mall Order and Spiegel coca - blood their Chrlstmws gift goods In the regular fall and winter catalog. Too special gift aupplernenta may be leaned later If goods become available, It 13 reported. The Spiegel book attracted attention because It offers more furs. Jewc:ry and watches than In previous logs. All the Mg homes are making Important post-war plans, and some of them In the retail =net field. Melte-Wog a general optlenrn for the future. Still Hearing Reports of Furniture Market Results CHICAGO. July 22, -The reverberationa from the meat furniture market here still show that It was not a great success. Mariner, some Important busineas was done. and Chkago this week had cleared the way for the Democratic convent:on. Tho wholesale houses Isere are also getilng ready for the thousands of buyers no will continue to come into the city after the second political conrention Is over Government Offlcht:a bad asked that tight-ate:a and people on ordinary bull. nue should stay away from the city Until the conventton ended. Wholesale houses here to most linos report that shertagee will be In evidence more than Met. Also a good deal of attention In being paid to plane Of WTH to remove restrictions on materials and It liar been rioted that some retell buyers are holding Up their purchaats to see what happens. JOKES & TRICKS ME FAD IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY APICIALA Dote, 0 -oat 1notaln7 Poodors, Aetna Amy not 7yat. We, 40' p Fy/ C Weat DID.% for Romer, Na F'100. Chen. Ohlolo Het PrOoe. O., Area lull Porter. TM, Lausr fake ileotirt0o, Yoko Thovvraf V. GOP. 0 Oven 1.1 Cent* Os Tem DIrly Joie, toter Puue GO 1.45 Ph., Tool the Peony nolo, Outset. It 040 II Cefhe.10 a_so 0,. $ Pm., pima, Fin It aunw Lew.' Om*. They WI 0040" Gower 044 WM 3 Pills Pilla, lilt In Pio Gn404 Lac,../ TAO. GO o507 G00% Roti Stow 73WW ',,.NWaldo TKO. ILO% wow GIOUnts. to Fenny DeshOorett. Lane Olcts P ttnoow LOG titrrettoo Cloven ,,, 4416 good nth Wet orate. anew. O. 0. D. F.3 Cf.,. I nun C000e 2 ON. HARRY SCHWAMM. 4.1Trt I lorourrniuttr-joob. ^ leht0 41- NM Yto1 Car GENUINE AROMATIC CEDAR WOOD JEWELRY FOR ENGRAVING Arsoard 65 dal' iir-rts see Lucite Hones With Mt el, booths, $ SOe ; S1 so $10 MILLER CREATIONS Offtnet 028 Itheasole /1.O. Coteeoo 30, In. /10( Lincoln A,.., , Phenol L.oteln 4300 Rebuilders Same 1112 MILITARY WATCHES In Me4.7 OtoIlno P. Tye... (.; sortment. for be.noi013 $10 smossri N ZUSSMAN'S 007 W. COW An.. Pllila 99. Pe. am no C00RAVINO JIWALRY Sere, P., him, 4.0tOtl... Oent.r Onaint ro 1oorno Sown JACK # CO. 007 FON Ao... N, Y. C. HEADQUARTERS WOOD FRAMES -UNUSUAL VALUE 0441 or o06 /In'th Tothres new 1336 et Wee.**.evel rwie, mottoes or mossotani. bo eratoio mlif 0. loo op, M Not ,11{ N N futon patanloff co1on4set J0,0,4 sm. ane nom. new rah #cro. 5:7 Size Only 60c Each 8:10 Sire Only 85c Each Largo 12:15 Sire N es OM/ In 1486, 0,Of a -44,0111-o *how 1W44 or b.000rui ea:. 4,4 Price only each FOR FAST SELLING PHOTO FRAMES. MODERN -CRAFT soot, Style Leatherette Beautiful - licheare - Rich Ithonianorl ulth.511 mewl scow. Re Named were, 4 sm IN 4 MOWER/1.001T FRANCO tosionol hewn, ~eh,.to4k4. Cnok of Ansero. Ble an4 {WT. OelfoIold Owe* InstoOol. Single notable $ 6.75 dz. E 6.90 dz. 5:7 8,60 dz do. 8: dx dz. WRITS FOR OUR MONEY -SAVING CATALOG F411.0:041 nosh. Los:Memo. Word Fromm, 044 P0oia4 Mad rr rw, WM PM% 114wa5. DAN 23.. Deverk Win Onlim-nalsmo D RAVENSWOOD AVE_ Q.711EINHARDT & CO. CHICAGO 40. ILL. A BIG SELLING LINE Of BOOKENDS AT RARE POPULAR PRICES ( inri &gas runpuertro, tea:wally 'enoef."%fe.."4, scumonir..114 bfat4inf at If Do4 Who, The ofee/nel thoefois tomo weeo nedo Or of enamel tatet. Alm to kr70434%. Wool to Oto do.,. par. oatee X /40,14,.4 tut!, orns, t On le* to Ude 4.. mfrs. I palm Ono dor. stnigini 2:4.tIty.414. bot nay bo softe4 4-ofe l enne.mot PRICE $18.00 PER DOZ. PAIRS Pocked 1 /6 &et Coln PO romiter Is mem. T0e. dee. nay t, *weird smc.ug.11..,rc.sria G IT! A 5231 & 233,.4103 K Runts.. wolfhound* In bronze finish & K I2110n Dull. We carry a tremendous assortment of GIFT GOODS, ranging in price from no $90.00 per cloton, Set K of fully ittcnitfated price ilst, will be mailed to any to -sonar on application X SOUTH MARKET ST. CHICAGO 6. ILL CIGARETTE LIGHTER AND BILLFOLD COMBINATION Hen, It Is! The bay 00 lta year! A beautiful J sestet evicean;ca roof claret's!ismer and allicaler calf %fete and Cs -k sasd,. buck goo. el kegler bi'fold-berh lee araf $ roe deren. Sot is backed in Indeelduet sill trowi. A,w. -.l1 Meet IteM... Sad yo.o ceder is today. Rated Uwe.4010tH cps accord. eihers C. 0. O. 254 deeoolt eon ceder. LOCKET cenunw mohior marl. god on sterling locket baud In aurae..., picture Irene ant. Aga ref Ony MARLENE SALES Des. 105 N. Clark St. Chiraxo 2.III. Fast Selling Illogic 't'orelty of the 'Year AIVIT GRAVICO arstitabwed ben* tun of Witte It Void UPS:DE DOWN. Maw Povids. Matches ore.. we pushedrill NOT YET POUR OUT VA'ATER No lion towron. r0 votive, res. anat.,* 0.0, 60 >I GREATEST WAYM' DIFf1116 TRICK EVU INVDITED 1.1.4gk CMS boa It on aight-earrifie aelia-big mom. Magic. Nendly Stn..,, Jobbers, send for sample and poticutar: fad refund on first fee, ISELY'S MAGIC STUDIO 1715 EUCLID AVE. ClIVELAHD IS. OHIO

70 70 MERCHANDISE The Billboard July 29, CARNIVAL AND PARK SPECIALS Our buyers have scoured the markets for merchandise CARNIVAL SPECIALS U. S. MADE SLUM Per Coe. Per Cr.,. Hawaiian Leis. Med. Slr $ 4.00 Paper Flag lows 5.90 Medium Ws Plaster Dogs, lie Red. WM* aw4 Mos Tissue tea Felt Wisecrack Pariah.95 Spotted Tao with Comic Cards. Per Grebe Paper Sleeks 1.00 gumbo Ns Tells wetle Coml. Cards. [evened Wedding!hip 1 00 Per Mullis Flags on Stith' 1.15 %Visite or 111 Yesilal Cepa. Des...., 1.90 Aram/A Shaped Cane Uglier Selig.. Plaster Dogs Duel., Its Pee Cu. I361 OM Plastic TAlntMe 1.20 U.S. Weighted Dar's. Des Cloth /lag Sows to 7 Imes Neop.La Hoepo. Des Lad Pencils 1.05 I leek HMIS. 06I..65 Hornerous Mirror Polders 2.95 Knife Reck Prop. Pm Miner Mere.. Seeks 4.50 Sluoling Corks. Per Comic Softens. P.r Marto Elentorn. Pee BINGO SPECIALS POoder Pulls 3.00 Lunch KPH. Emit $,gs jumbo 14.fr.0, Pea -Oil, 4.00 II Po, Flee King Cooking Ser. leek....s5 ASSORTED IMPORTED Llerver Bettie DOS Sails. Dos Con Coif. Make.. tack 1.50 SLUM Straw Hera and Ride. Dor Pe. Fee King Alleing Bowl Id. Eat\ Cross for $9.50 Order hem this ad. All prices F. 0. B. Indianapolis. No order shipped C. 0. D. without 25% deposit. KIPP BROS., S. Meridian Street, Indianapolis 4, Ind. LOWS inthe.,park t 610 -ART LUMINOUS PICTURES A NOW 1, P-rersifril wren,, rr I 1 rn-1:-, ri r 11::11(!1 flrtcrt. 1 11: 1.i1 r1.'.1-. I Polebt radius. $7.80 PER DOZEN No Order Lott than Two Dozen ASSORTED SAMPLES tr. Oro. WI. Prdsr Nee Ywk ORE. OrTAILS Or OTHER ATAD.MON PRODUCTS UPON REQUEST, gmbnvfovwrad Solely by MADISON MILTS, 303 NA' Ave., New York 10, N. Y. Erma; mod 1313 presents st.um-jokes AND NOVELTIES An.r.terrr W-0 lei*a or. Tana See..e Dela Pill. $2.00 Du Pies.. Ins , ets1s11stos Prom Flows 1.71 D.C. 111W Ilwas. law 1.55 An. stone Pswart 3.250r. Canneee Rau 1.S4110., Cool. WII Le11. (Awl Coy* 16rizes6-1s: t.661:16r 0 P.es,l SAO G,. TAM U Ct r. Jotkof Punks 2.76 Or. Trio Seep P00.111P. 40 Dr Or. Opnts Ten Weis Pose, 3.00 P00 61/ A Saucer WA.. &ran Card Tr Ord Ds OP. f.'s Mau. 60 Os Or. Woe Perrier/ reesnes Bleat Sender Speer Pla. (6, Du. 76 D W. twinge M mates Above..s ;10 Wall Meows fse Donelsta Price L'lt er loci. Triter end Mails 11111nus11: BROADWAY. NEW YORK STY SALESCARDS You Can gre any Pip of SearstAld Den 1ci We are the largest Safescard MANUFACTURERS and terry the bluest stork in tae wand. You can get tum, 0/.1 EA, fact sersicer awl lowest fleas from us Mweye. And you ten Alin ger special cards nude to your own special OWEN lust toll us whet. FUNID.RAISINO TYPE Off -CUT CAAOS NOW AVAJLABLE 104 FRATERNAL AND CAMPAIGN DRIVES epni. a0 a.1..!trta colt toe. Ye', wt. pleat" 10 41,101,..01 N ttitts beret Solo, ebartwe pet 145 be, ast.cos Ustus 66.64rofs ft mats 11.5 it toast. Welt* rum sew W. H. BRADY COMPANY Ilarsufacturers EAU CHAIR[ WISCONSIN Seine.. Ptak coy, Jose:5 Owds, Fr.w.6.1 ROC.; Owe. STUFFED TOYS and DOLLS DOGS - HASS CATS - ELEPHANTS - LONG /UR - SHORT /UR PLUSH, LTC. DOLL WITH ANO WITHOUT MOVING EYES - ALL COMPLETE LINE OF PRIMIUM MERCHANDISE. WRITS FOR LIST. WISCONSIN DELUXE 902 N. THIND IT. CO. PAILWAUKtI 11. WIC C. E. D. Says Surplus No Real Worry; Only 2 Mos. Retail Sales NEW YORK. July 22. -The Committee for Zee:Mona:0 Development Lotted a statement this week that may be of comfort 03 tome merchandise circles that here been distressed about government surpluses. It may be especially encouraging to small manufacturing firma that have contemplated making artteles and yet base feared that governmer.t goods would glut the market for many months to come. The CED estimates that In spite of the great volume of gosernnwat surplus goods. It will now equal only about two months of the total volume of sale ream_!arty parsing thru retail stores. The organization estimates that surplus goods probably will not exceed value. &Rho some estimates have placed the total at about ST , which hss been said to equal the total annual product:on of civilian goods for one year in this country. The CEO takes an encouraging view on moat angles of the government eutplua quasuoo, saying that even the carom plants will not be the sartous problem to tautness that many had anticipated. The CED has recommended that no merchandise stocks be froren for long period& but on the other bend that dumping and cutting of prices be avoided by timing the rehriulng of the government goods on the market, 31 AMERICAN LEIS, Gross $ AMERICAN LEIS (large). Gross $6.50 We cury a cornc'e,e bre of Platt.< S.. n, Glesswwo. M 1 I 51a -o, Buttons. Al SILen free, SI 25 U. up. Canes, Sateen. Swaggers. Hat 061,96. Baseballs, Felt Hats. Waiters, tombs, P...vrcenelo AFountain LEIS and 4 00e.;611, jr..,i of Beige and Cernivel hiwctund,se. SLUM. GLASSWARE AND LEATHER COOGd. M. GERBER, INC. Undoes...fling 5/regimen's Supply Nom 5,-)5 Market It.. Pirlieskiphia, Pc. NOVELTIES ' GORDON'S co.. Dole, CuIval Waled Ow.. Fes Tole It'...00 DieNown3 14.N.Haw Good LW/ dwarf (toe esn 0.04) / 164- Oct.&.isone (P ) 2!Is 0o.le *viten, Sand. ( ) Omen Otar. F OWn,.. $ 2.00 An.. R r s.75 SAO Pelt Hale NO. U.S. 1Creee 01001) *WOW Pelt, Ps w if dat.73 LSO WM. CeN, Oroltslf D66.1n. Wan All (Yders. GORDON, NOVELTY Coe ON.% Darn SE Oefosa.111 3,0a tiro. t.,54 new c.r 0.11 et f u r /WIWI, Jailat Lugo ,...1 for tons na p.6.60spied COATS. $14-60 ws. 441 Coneys! Solo.' FolImh. Ili res ; Oon.rt.ffl Ranters; Oen. no Stores ream Op... Fe», s. AU Los.. NW., Nom 3 Wes It Cot 660.0t04. *sod ter Cr.. cfasoll and pelt rentol. WestK EOM ea. AE F 1 ER FUR Ne160w WOR 5,000 ITEMS AT FACTORY PRICES nta. 7..y !... Fol21.7 Drew. T06.1 Apatasso Antoz.til. florodos, In, Strerhardies sad tome otter 11,ms. Write tor lin. BLAKE SUPPLY CO. LITTLL nook. ARK. ASTOUNDING BUYS Offered Subject Prior Safe ETCHING VALUES TO REDUCE STO(X DOLL. SPACIAL. R ea ci 2.50 s I EA asyw SLEEPY DOLL. Sue Nom n11a 0010$ $100 SANK LLLLL HONE. Woes so. IIe04. Ilawc161 Olt e TOILET WATER Leas $2.00 Vol... Toy $1.00 SET. Poison Te1lf4 Wake. Veer awns ssi-a liesof GROSS SETS DESK SIT. recrital Pon o. SLIM DOMIN 00 tttttt HUNTING KNIFE. Ire ste Mal Reors omen. roe In isenror sheus. PLAO SOW PINS. An essealest A.0,460 Freo Noon< maw POCKET LICHT/RS EN Cl MOLDIER& a card E17S OASIS. COOS{ RAIOR m. Ks. Factory rs BLADES MAXON BLADES Eder. n. Finels DOUBLE [DOE SHAVING ee DENTAL CRAMS. In , NO ALCOHOL. Pint.s P Of., or POMADE / earl P Os. CUL SOTTLIS 11111T.AID STRIPS, II to fool. Ada...10 CROSS PACXAQS EMCEE 11/ based SANITARY MILTS. *Seel 1140 Ono.. SPICIAL OAST PARTS.t 1weTer /2 61../.. 2. GROS* TOOTH warn sot. Ins..071:14111"54V44""li.. PTaarKitt.SeA. 10, ORts ASPIRIN EXTRA SewiLIU.110 OCR11111"5 F 1E tease t4 1.1 M (1114unt +w we I CO onselsosel...lot POCKET A Mew. let. tt Into. IV. twine to OROS* OR TUCK 00Millii.oroce.oniesv Sem. us st $ CARDS HAIR PINS. OWNS HAIR PINS. 1.0,nae 1.00 Posta.ss,a,0041n., roumos NICOLE T 11,,,,, RS. An Cure 10 GROse 6.50 ISTIr IIVWDOL. A es:00er. thssis Wen...CARTON 114 PISCES $900 SUFFSRI, LartO's Weer_ SHOE POLISH. I, TO.. GROSS 4.00 MEWS tRY. Flom. lory If.cri VW loss one re; oozew Po WYO Soros, Sled. Ton66.U. P10. a Vona/I ,, Orack. Put". 0,00.1. Cenn601. DOA* 11.6,416 *wrens Whlu A Wows; Amon Drew, Lelower Towner. F;01 00, so Gr. LeL PER OR NW. th is s4.. Pew ftwouo WIN it! orders. ILLS SALES CO 901 [ROADWAY. Is... Verb. II, T. 1.01(00 towest PNCSO INIMOSISAIRM ;EXTRA SPECIAL HICHEST QUALITY - MONEY OAOK GUARANTEE REPLODINO MATORRS - *WA Poem P Des. to Attroc , Om 12 micas I- Miniature Pedtem. 144 P ao146 $5.95oss SXPLOOINO DOOK MATCHES. Peeled Dal $4.10 Gross Soft Pskee In Owt.1116 Lets On All Woe. WATCH FOR OUR 3 BRA 1D NEW NUAISSAS NEXT WICK ERNIE'S ENTERPRISES 7/5 PINE 11T. ST. LOUIS I, MO. PILLOW TOPS If rt11.!.1.1 Ayr -1r.,rnt 11 ce-ct 0a!,,.:110ta Kann 1.2. fr. I. 011$-.1 1ets!rf r._..; Ifs 11.c -t1 I. acaus. 0:!.00 AWED DISTRIBUTING COMPANY TN 2. V -RD. ARS IOU 0A14111/ mow sitcom011tntr SAIMPT wait! FOR DTA - SAVE ELECTRIC CORP., Tele4.5,01.1.

71 July The Billboard MIT.IICTIAN'DISE 71 I Attention! Direct -Positive PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTO MIRRORS GLASS FRAMES Including Patriotic Design's NOW IN STOCK Sixes From 1!::x2 to BelO Santo Day Shipment While Stock 1s Available. Send jar Circular AUTOMATIC MIRROR CO. 133 Nlercer St., New York City LUMINOUS FLOWERS GLOW IN THE DARK: Nes Tann= sag lewd adeetka g t= troa4wrcrlet... Dago beans sad chealhe. Oseterelait Oddest iterterflia ear. aad Cakes of ewer aname Oro Ira for 1/ \. / LUMINOUS PINS HALE NOVELTY CO. Dept.8 :Aid 1.1s k t. arosstyn 29. N.Y. CHAIRS Many Stylia PROMPT SHIPMINT We Con Stilt Slap, But Don't Delay. ADIRONDACK CHAIR CO Broadway NEW YORK, N. Y. Deer. 5 Coenee 26th Sr. RED HOT SMASH HIT Ia,,. y...c... It t.7..., :.t. -0 All 0.7 Le -1- S.., D,.::n SCHwAIONI'll PAN S Yrk* 14...i... II i rr.2.u. re:vat bplmas. W11,1,1 s.i F.,,14. fail a+ses orol Tenels. Alornied en ort.d.of--aeolls facer.} disdlay card for a snyth lilt Won AS V.I.. P.N., Nat Seat, ItcA Pauders, Ansks Toll 11.11,244. Net Pep..' Don. Stall Pluto and Pony lien* %MI Art tbalfta *Opt. A. ornailnd Nam tor Adams tad Mesa. so 105 item oes Clardr ,21S0 SP. poly 651 in 0.1. SW. VI AO total, 20 Card to ans. only SRI to ea,. ICI sax ck. Will as,. O. 0. o. -Send Bere,,,I. HARRY SCHWAMM 217 C. Nj"InIA'ret..0.11"."1"threnrbwYeet Cloy Last and Testament of Adolph Hitler (Comentat lent Peens Is 2 seerswith wet 616 -sit". Tr:, Ira Wag yeses. nut. A Ierrilla sett*. Ilas,( i Sam - Hog. asr, rsn eel elrt anise. Ibfan;.., rov,aeol. W, DU ivast... Tenet. comma. as gorilla *cow JAY -JAY CO SUN, At/d, WROOKLYN 24, 11 V Campaign Buttons Are Casualties WASHINGTON, July Attention has been drawn to the proirabllity that the famous campaign button will bo among the war Casualties this year. The oontralttem axe giving much loo to this prospect In raising the el,eation of what the campaign will be like It the buttons ore Tokair.g. A radio commentator recently tried to stir up a tr.loor contiovenual Issue. saying that one button manufacturer In Chica,,o.a -as already making buttons with the Cogan -I want Iteosevelt." When matertale for such buttons ore known to be Very SCADOO. 8aucettons have been made that Pupor Welt be wed for making buttons scrod yet buttons cannot be Uteri without A pin, end wits for pins cannot be had. WPB officials say they bare no Idea of prohibiting campaign button but they "-11 not release any TcatrIeted raster:ale to make such products. Restrictions are on such materna, as Copper. celluloid. braes and all other materials Wed In easenthd war production. Most firms formerly engaged la making campaign buttons hero long since been converted to making essential war products. flowerer, they hare the eight to use any Idle stock of restricted materials to make buttons if they can obtain V.PB ap proval. But, with all these obstacles, it appears a orrtainty that fatbories will not be able to produce the raillions of but - eons ordinarily treed in a hot Poll: eat Campaign like tb.o coming one promises to be. In the former prostdential campaigns the merchandise trade sold many noway buttons. Neeanaidr igct. Big Pay Business We Hers You f,toblistrosiody Route of Dealer Customers Ralla soot swkrxr sondes rot' , e et 200 tongset -at dolly rocustlan too. rot creel. to roar tuatitt wart/ma of tetr...1:1a trla0 et 55 syyt 10f, Too or, to 112% memoom..0 kap catttal B.at b Hut. A tartans went ter Nallenal A44,, ten hr. rout 44.out. Ae,4 tar tar t-alet T<v teranntaay In waukal MLA:.. of Yua Stan A.:1...0 h.. PAS C- 4t4le4ti0o. WRITC TODAY! ViCriLD'S PRODUCTS CO..Dtpl.81,5peattr, Ind.,41- STARTS YOU U. IN BUSINESS olluxa revs row sits icon WOOL INTBRNI Un&NG "Isnos Una on e et ONLY a'rutlno nolevear restteolly westrwted $7 lyou MAKE Ott laid Mottles corks-tbil. RAW he $1.00 I S5 907 ar:nd $1.00 to BLnit1 fr,0.. ono of a nerelot T..I.-1.Trre- Coat only tee oftet to croknaer. PHILIP'S NACKWEAR 00. Writ St. Oma. MAJ. Noe Vert 10,N. V. CATALOG' courtx-rn LINE VIITX Plaster, Canes and Leis lerr Yktrey NW* PUS ta sny goat tole.awl Iheoptr. 2 Woes, t OS r "CS abat fts.11 1,64 SCUM,. {TV's. e! mutt:soot $3.02 per new-.: dt.go sad Deptett 2:1 C. O. D. Neva UNGER SUPPLY CO. Oil HARRISON CHICAGO 7. ILL SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES ICsg00 Mtn. ArasstStd r I 1.,tatrere CM. S.A. In ant.. tunt c tvt fecesgrectar. Wank.tsoak Ata.mtnte 11*.-122na, coot nantltatn. Mos. FRANK BONOMO nor 45. STA. A BROOKLYN 0 N V COMIC CARDS 0.le 96 Ord... Fliort..11 In so Iti ,...sn. va ortsal00.. Allfat 10, =Cam Secs red fee mo.10 sores ;Ana WO., M M CARD CO * Worm Son Tensaw s. Calif AS low as 30c From to Is' in.he Ott IMMEDIATE DELIVERY The, newest "Ritri" Lighter. A brand new number, modern. Ireandined, loaded salt!' sale. appeal. Comes in 3 colors, mounted one doten`on a very attractive four. color varniahnell dirplay card. The usual "Rita" quality is incorporated into this lighter. Soiling price 39 rents. This i a Ti.:R El 1 Fl f; number: Price $2.50 Doz. 1 to 10 Gems Lots 1"'" tore or m>eo $ "' Cron HIT CASH WITH ORDER STUART NOVELTY CO. 166 E. Jefferson Ave. Detroit 26, Mkh. Special Close -Out Sale of CRUCIFIXES Gilt Finished. All -Metal Figure Mounted on Beautiful GENUINE -WALNUT CROSS B.vee voth Ns eel lard a chance to art ft no sorb cotuanttoi barge. 'Mew en G.4 nog akillt117 dulgoot 054 Desalt/LSO tabs liallsos youn dam n.. AMUR, IsIstk4 tor as wore as $10.00 esds rear [Olt 00.1I to, as 500 nub. You an la HU Desnatal thaw nat. 'rao Cron I. of (land eteuet St..% 0,0* 0a.ss rot --an cm:gan aut taut real.: to Wad eat Its ta-ual!ul moss Isabatuld L4S4 11 L3qM1 To meal extras to delttato atluttakiled al.l lawns free arias es teatarea. Aa littracure SYI ndnatit tehaleo to tux,. SUPPLY LOAITCD-AUSI4 YOUR *ROM Mena vat en Use re -minim earl or nen ad CAIrsen'a lams' tmenu 0.111,2b,tatell. 210 tore,oboe w..0:411 IS OWL No hut/. CsKiNtes 11.escro Is ftmholcht Imes 6 -tie oullzt stutool. Nol o sde rme -cam ran pea steer foe rhobi Glam.:G.1s to sect lase. Feu! 2A7. dote to.0th waft., to:sots D.. V. O. D. airazo. SALE PRICES! 4." Mich. oily 30c asch. 5" nip. only 41 *sat. 'V Hick at* SO< cock. ICr*1110, one, 5k sack. 12" nigh. say 61. each. IS- 1111%, Only toe tack. Coed 21: NO-. Sal. C P.O.S. 01kads. 11 C ILLINOIS MERCHANDISE MART, Dip,. ALAI 5" OAROOKS CHICA00 10, ILLINOIS Creators of Colorful, Comical GREETING CARDS JOKE CARDS JOKE NOVELTIES SINCE 1935 Creston oh "Yes Can't Tak It \Urfa Yee." "lb Mon In Eserz Wornsn't We," Atrito On Healsh.. `To Pritreing OM. "To My Boson* friends- and OPient of 011tors. YOU SEE THEM, YOU BUY THEM Laugh with "THE MARCY LINE" 4.14te lot Desils. 'lasts tha Setoras Letterhead. MARCY MFG. CO., INC. 138 W. 17th St., New York "SOMETIME% NEW UNDER TILE SUN"... With Lots of FLASH! NOVELTY WALL PLAQUES DwaflI P1.104 CanlontUot ) CtolANtakr Des.;,44 In P141 Grades a 5 Steen 3 tosen.les Saner and Wave - Soldier end Wee MID. Shpt.: St'. Dos. $ Pain. Priest bp, Pb.. At1/mIlet Oisstiy Boo. Crop. AfanofnrIuml by S-13'16. W14/. III/e Long, POWELL PLAX CO., 1798 Madison Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. WANED FLOWERS P10. S-LL.se CINeSYMI $50.00 to. 1000; me 100 0,. 7-4.oe SO co po, Sao ;or 100 Na. 00 -Lora Row is, 1000; SSC PM 100 MOUNTAIN LAUSIL--In Season--StanIn4 Oct. 14. DO LA. Ooloo ; 35 Lb. Cut... $4.00. PACPAREO POLIAG2-11Ye Cortan. mouth ter DOS Flews, MOD. sand foe PA. Lilt St AK /Mete; AA4 itando awns. KOK Oceoelt, salsas, D. 111.&NIK GALLO, Importer & Manufacturer 1425 LOCUST ST. ST. LOUIS

72 72 MERCHANDISE The Billboard July 29, 1944 JOE END 7c-,tis CARNIVAL AND FAIR MERCHANDISE for BINGO - WHEELS FLASH Sput Delivery tois Faro E /10 woodta,nch Ca /3 11 Pr Lbw; fleltary /13 Le* /14 3,811 Levine. CA /16 a.m.. Ca /10 Aman OreCels. Cs /1 3 P Pon Table anus Ca /10 6 Pr Welt Oeei Diu Cs /12 Am , 734 /0/ ,6 RAMA / Wets is t &MA 544 CA /23 P1 Punts. Cl / Sae. II". Cs /1 3.P4, Oniwee 3.W. Ca 45 30)3 1400serctis Wng Caw Ct ) 4 Caoesai Rowan *OA 342. Otiose Solid Omar Sets. Ca /13?sone *sr Cr /20 LocrIlter Ts/r15 Sou. Za ase w eir I Loather 519, / Tsselel NU. Cs /23 ran Tewhe Weir Cr /27 88,111 leselose Soler Cl O 0i26 Dail Wacti Drs.**, /30 4 -Pc. Ludla War Cr Let. Twin SAW. Ca /34 0in* P /35 0..Py OYU. Ca /40 le% (3 OissIb110 lloyemel. Ia / ,434 TAO KOOK Ls. 123 :0/ aellellr 5013 Ca.,. 1.41i 100itletwel3eseile /188/0740 Linere /14 Cre-linallee Telen Metal Lyres. Ite ,0 / Ono TON Ca /20 WLano.twee, *Woe Dodoo IIa 4.00 '00/25 3.,44 Plecnpows. Ca / Tobtro (30 Sane Onnirs Len. ge / Pletsn1Prerisn Or i :3/23 wan/ PaIla. ON la i00/ Pp", 11, ,. P41. Pend% ,115w Guar ita oo pa 7 sox Suet% la. 12,:0 100/ L Per Sot MP*. PM.Ittoti kiroein.e illy0y. PM DO 100/22 3./w. M vary sow. ea ZS 100/834-P, ar7 Sets, GRIND STORE ITEMS Flashy Qualty 10/1 Masa Plates lera-eo. Or /11 P ty Pict,* Prwc, Or. P / Irmo. *144.08, to Or 3.00 IMMO Perfaree Or /14 Salon asew wants. es.28 00/21 Z.0.. Watiaa eau. *veer Or. $0131 latania Oar Omer. Or /12 P.1,44 Tres. Itiven With 12012, un Cure 140 WI* teeirenette lieser ha lett / / Pen /tau, /5 lava Platen FYY,Yst. a Ea /11 Carted py /2 788,111N5.4Ptaiws ,3 lire rod. Ptaquft. 14,w4. Or /0 flemil art waft Iteseer /0 nt so5 Plaster. Or /2 AcIl. Owes Ihwer OY. 70 IW/ 4 Maul Tie Madam Ga sees c-: 5c1Op Or Moil Me,* OP.*. Yes WIEN *AO B O Orkeawa KiNGObolaa. Oenled MOilt banistbell My drag, Or r/ 140 Kea Oases; Owese cr /10 111,Aly Key , 0.00 $0/11 Or= PIA Kry 100/2 lstssrella WeOns. Dun /14 Noon are Weed Oen*. AM Tnata /37 (.1/8.6 *Mews ISIn /36 A.N , /311 Mawr 003.1sid Or IlreOws. Owle /31 Peer nee on like. Or..70 eoii Nielea Lapel &Mow CW* /17 Mnirity 11aadaweel.dil New. Oi COO 260 Deemer OW, , by Wm. $. Up ".4. streamed Cervely. JERRY GOTTLIEB, INC 928 Broadway Bot. 21,8 dm/ 22.1 I. Inc He.mf er New Tort MERCHANDISE TRENDS (Continued porn perm $4) "too hot," or "safe temperatures for nursing. Future markets hold optimistic opportunities for these and other gedgete 90/ Pe.M set /4a wave Tram /47 *New Ilee/ 300 1/0/4t P4033 Rowe Cum /49 UMW 1Pre4ers. Ia (10 10" an4 16. Os- er Illas. Ca /3 Oiumiree Genie slaw% Ca /1 Olonbea Obi that vrtu be manufectured when the big PI, scrods the seas is completed. Analnemo men are beginning to get ready for 11,0 "all clear signal nom, howewr. Juvenile Buying Younp America, In its Fourth Annual Survey on Tcesib, reached a large number of students in forming a survey of those products *00: were bought by teenage dollars. /become durable goods are difficult to purchase under present we: - Urn* oussituens. the survey snowed that most of the spendable th.cose to the jitterbug bracket was used for movies, candy. soft drinks, books and other mailable Stoma but that a large pert Of the money was being put Into savings until the tosn-egers can buy those goods that they would rather have. Students are buyers. and the survey showed that In per cent oemee radios; 348 per oent owned phonographs; 333 pee Cent Owned typewriters; 033 per cent bleyden 70.2 per cent cameras, and 92 per cent fountain pens. The majority of the students questioned In the survey ex. peeled to buy new ntembandiso after the war. The survey also revealed that juvenile buyers are brand tome -tons, most of them ask their parents to buy certain brands of merchandise they hive main 1.4- lert:ird. The parents. according to the returns of the survey, please their kids by complying with their requests. Super Skyways Proposed EatImeted to provide employment for i.a0 persons. post -tear construct -Lon of bansoontinental chain of airway/i and al:pats was proposed by Maury Maverick, chairman of Smaller War Planta Corporation. The plan proposed that each State have a commlasion to pro. treote alt traffic. and that nine caper highways shonid be planned. Air trentportsuon expects glgant:e zdtaneed. ben. entitle all phases of Ae..ericau Business Turnovers Two years of war have rem many MUSICAL POWDER BOX Plastic tempos:rat comes M snorted Arts Desai.eas colas e0id haprred wrf, rt...64'145n top SaYbyle $3.50; 10 for $ RONDE-SPENCER CO W. MADISON STREET CHICAGO G. ILLINOIS COMM \ %.17071E DEAL 11sazr iltyynic. All patimel In en st0ac-p ter (5 00a A LSSGEE SALES tol 5. 04noi St. GI1417INNATI, 0. cbanges so established and new bust - rimers. The Department of Commerce has announced thist In the two years after the attack at Pearl Harbor, a total of 1.073,000 Iniaineab oencenta cloud shoe. while at the name time new biuthrm enterprisers opened [bele doom In the sense puled businesses were reorganized or bower:red to $10. ferent owners. The authers making the survey of business turnovers pointed out. that. In the two yearn p7100 to Pearl Harbor business dlscontlnueoces totaled nre-atxths of thew In the post -Pear! Harbor year. Only In 1942 and the neat quarter of 1943 did busieras Macon - Matrices exceed the pre-war ere. Also. a large part of the turnover during the war was In the small busines neld. Sweep of current Vastness claimed. Rating* for Scarce Goods A full nut of 124 +scarce consumer goods was disciated by government giving then "preferential treatment' der %TB's program for limittd civinau production to begin August 15. Although offletala pointed out that the list wee subject to cheese. some a the items deemed by WPB to be scaree enough to warrant Increased production were ketch. enware, knives and forks. heating pads. lunch boxes guns And vacuum bottles. Typewriters. moving picture projection equipment, meths mechinea and other complicated Itenris were also Included In the list. However. such connive's; goods as washing =Chines and refrigerators were not hated. since most an of the heavier nests were left out. This step made by WPB Is what Chan - men Donald NCIA013 described as "Industrial prepare...lens for peace." South of the Border A preeidential decree In Sleek* City recently lure plated coatrel of licensing of almost all foreiers corni0 nie4 opemt. Jag!a Mexico Into the bands or the Meat. can foreign office. This will be a big boon to Mexico. entice In the future all foreign companies Operating in Mexico moot base 61 per cent Mexican money In the enterprise, holding at beat only 42 per cent of the capital. The decree takers In all hiclustrial enterprises, farming. forestry and real estate operations'. Mexico's monetary circulation haa reached an all -high peek. and figures.how that or.e reeson Is due to the Increased CtUlOttrit of exports. Imports from the U. S. have also snereseed and future prospects are that lira/cob buying power W1U expand with Its Industry and total national wealth. Stocking Up Surpluses Report,' in Cherago say that the big stores and particularly the mall -order hoverer ere now getting in stocks of apeelsity Items bought from the government trurpluesee In big quantities. Reports aar that news anteing In their warehouses are In big qunottnes sod the indications are that such merchandise will be featured aa apeciele In adsietising and also to tbe man -order trade. dowse advert:a. trig 0$ these speclaittera bas already appeared In the Chicago eneespapens. Other epee:attlee are for the farm trade. Present report* are that these gorerlunent rurptua Items will soon be a big feature in the advertising and promotions of tzeny eetall outlet*. The Real Issue An Interesting sidelight on the world money conference in New Rampant -0 may be seen In the fact that Finance, o publication for bankers and Amanda' houses. <Woks nearly seven peeve to explaining In $.b -c terms of the real tunnel facing the conference. It Is lignincant that this report made especially for financial leaders is written in alnapie tetras. It /azurite that the real hen. at 1110 conference t0 whether the United litetes will deelde for world trade to buy goods from Other notions as well as eel] to them, or whether it will try to lso. Isle Itself. It says that even the man on the street must bo deeply Interested in the conference because when the money exchange rate varies over 2 per cent in any country. It affects the wages the workers get and the prime he must pay for any merchandise Ise must. buy. Flag Amendment The War Production Board tuned Order Its amendment form June 24 which glues a priority of AA -5 on all orders for the manufacture of *rectal. religious.,signal and service flag,. The ameadment vetll also permit limited pro. chbetion of nornensential types of flags such a. 'advertising and theatrical nags and banner*. The order contalna nit of the types of that are entitled to the. AA -A Flatware Specials SILVER PLATED ON STEEL BASE ( $10.00 $ Wars e Sate. itee MAO ere Sewer on 0104 sse: Mtn KnIcss, Ports. 73. And beep 403c41. Pc surscilre Ast CHROME -PLATED ON STEEL BASE es Zs fin friendship Ring sr... a stirlint ptra. }WA. cola I pop Alen of trhletr.,, f.o. err, rope. sp,,/ foam $*00; Pp Oex PLASTIC EARRINGS MIA ,10:a.:le in Ivo, 'Viet, (4 olustr,.. 81:01 11,4 cvlen. Its.: 11/ w pet er. as wen- Ortkr *me /re 014,1c sawha11, el. 304; Or. Pr., WOO. JUG -VALUE SPECIAL Tortem Num. itrh[41. o trt1113 Marc,isjg *1018 mired Arecic. 0050r Odor W MIMI. Pv Oneea O: Daft Pentaind on Ondon, Yee 6011 W1000c1s, Only. (letdcl 6<-4 0, Ihnvert. 115/.tY DI 51N11!VI MST MADISON ST.,CSUCA60 6 BINGO SUPPLIES Bingo Cograi Burnt in Wooden Balls! Plastic Markers! Regular Special* --7 Colon! Speciale..-10 Colors! 31;iligelY ! Bond ! Speeleas 5 -Up, 7 -Lip to Pad! SEND 1011 CATALOOI Me:chandler :Nee well Come., Porn... MORRIS MANDEI.L 171 W AL fly. 1/0,1 /1, INDIAN ART -CRAFT Exquiively de51gncd HAND - BEADED LEATHER IIELTS. Urn. ited supply. Immediate delivery. Miniature Moccasin and Sombrero Lapel Novelty; 2 dozen to display. Instributorn wanted. INDIAN & WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS 522 N. Main St.. Pueblo, Coln. Slop DISTINCTION t..sm tasasy by 12.1.ne diaeit hon. rt/lable New lock Natio./ mancera. Loll ;','Zi :.:117.7antr7::117. All i...85 seater, beatitilvin lined. Eao ornaesy beak 08 3 days if not satisfied. WWI, NOW law GUI flit lila ttttt ed Caletog a n II PrIce * WANTED ANDREW PAUL, Dept W It. N. Y. I

73 July 29, 1941 The Billboard /tierchandise 73 Fast Selling Money Making EARRINGS for Pierced Ears All Ear Wires STERLING SILVER, GOLD PLATED C T.450 -DROP CROSS. Andhor, Var. Plena $3.60 De.., as above with 'ewe,. $4.S0 Dos. :642--PIARL DROPS, atsert<cl. raun4. Tar sold 51,11 shapes. Chattandasa 011,01. $4.25 Dos. it Zi 643-IRAND 141W $ Rhinos:our In Poln14 air with Nati center. 6 (oleo $12.00 Dos h10016 with thee tram 1far. sacker or beast, $5.50 Des. 700-Sone as.aloe wit% Owe! nano. $6.50 Dos. swzireelreelt LOOK IT. Blee1168 toil etroes nom leek 1. hitt...0 at Pori WO. plea p54 eot. 01 told1$.00 WIn roetou m144 tech In Sarin cox. Arcommodertiens fee Itaredried Jobbers. SYD GOLDFARB 1133 Broadway New York 10, N. Y. If It's RINGS See Us We apechares0 la those NORD 70 Off /terns, o tow of which Mao Ito below...a.wt,as sere. Mts. Inv, Pew On. Id) $ Sin/le:4 0150OMIS.. me), Ord sisert.e. dierw :FM so. Mts. PUP Loess CalMae 6am41404 Drew& rrertnert *roe we ONO $060-41sellns 01110, mili. MVO cruse moo are Pi Id yellas Wye. MIO. WWI MOPS cease Moo and Ale steam asea-r.p.p. *WI liff=toe Mau.sar.7".b.mdri I'saimirk."47, ewer amesesm Ammo& pry 7.10 KatTb..-PLO.P.1==easeld ao lassed I Ills% veil eke to-wl 0.50 Wring Karl A4 isahi.;4:42.50 Mee wee Seas orah 7 IsnInant slonlyno1 Oa. erds arousal. ran,.1.4 raw ten (10 0,1111ant Knyllsted Kama aninad NON MWhlry camp and amt.., here un ria KL WWI YON only meolwo nionnuld me* Coult 340 nal,rw et ,01, Lin, '5 D.pUt 1111,114 as Ali C Oran. FIFTH AVE. JEREL CO. 544 Filth AM. ON*. D.C., Neu Tort 17. N. Y. Jobbers' Specials -Save $$ METRO Fully a warnaila Pcakat LIONteta deo.: COLO AAAAA 0 tunolo *0/101 L' $ ra de Pes.legustl Ores., penny, 1st.: tre alli F/de $24-00 &M. PREPAID MONARCH PRODUCTS CO. 141 r...n-we , Mae., Popular Items Animated Animals Clalmtd to do about ecerytb.ing but talk back to the kiddies. Novel Products, Chicago, has a toy on the market that leading educators hare Interred wholeheartedly as `rho tor for children. These delichtful, educational toy Animates, which have leg% heads and ear, co arranged that they can be moved to innumerable positions, are cor.structed of solid hardwood and are practically in cestnscuble. No wonder children lore their action and parents their protractioni Modeled In three etyica of animals, Animates are loeuered with A high fin - come In vinous colors and are guaranteed to amuse children for many hours. They are packed Individually In an sttractive two-co:or box. Santa 1. Corning Novelty buyers already stocking up on Ott Items for the Christmas rush are not overlooking Universal Toy Ai Novelty Company' novel wall plaques. This Chicago firm has a *ample.* Line of distinctive wall decorations to A great variety Of subjects. Applications of rayon and wool have been applied to produce the rich. velvety appearance of ruffles, std the subjects. ir.cludteg puppies. Mother Goose characters, horses and Iamb*. are retied in a bold. colorful relief against the natural wood finish background. These different wall decorations will meet popular approval whereva they are put on the buying counter. Sweets for the Vint nit cans, lint served Is what Gold. wen Company, Chicago, easier:.{ for lea delicious assortments of box candy. They are accepting order. for de.lrery now. and true buyers ore taking advantage of Mocking up on three dynamic stammer packages of tasty, quality candy. The At.. tractive pettssii3 1111/ Waal for operators, fair.. parka and concessions. and it Is small wonder that they arc to such demand. Goldwyn also has an illuatasted circular of the variety of assortments they are offering, and It it repotted to bo "one sweet DOC." IOLOKre.' $1.00 Du. "PLCDOC," 10.'123- {0.00 Dos. 0-s0t." Dw. 01. TSTANDING SERVICE BANNERS eel Mae M er elaulgoll POMO* Mowry: AU WPM NI INMAN Ite0011 SOO warrollail 01411, 1=1"8dad Mara MA 1/111/1452 IS joniai 1$ Sere briter. M meter eye Ireusen err r 1014 pre awn haw Olt* ROW Swum (.'.rally is. $2 Mil Order Special v.. PS Monet Vslull /lot Molter -Back Guarantsel YOu 114, laanimpip 10,1 Wwuas M am -arc If eel Wale 61..4, rel.,. oniee.el tee ta/led1,4 pl4. COnaM. TON dent arena! 48 HOER SERVICE In e. CAM. blow, Air rm., Gout 0-v4. Moe. meet Illy/n an4 Wan. 1 to 4 Kra. 4".11". $1.10 Doe. yuarauo,.31 met. Main 45 Oahe, *Mom neaten ete oly See.. onul anlornom: OVER 20 Reaut.h.o, Mob P stennly Doouley Include "OLD 01.0diV.I. -IMP 'UN ri.r. INC,".I.1 and dines tad nvseera 14 IIN: r(5mallnd MONET PACK ou AAAAAAAAAA AMA In farad tee awes won nest rotor-- erieet In non) Onsmo nauo ahem reuird. 1.7,4*. eon** 00" per 00. Sloe eo011 from 5 %"b us to ''. Coed for 70(451 nroend NAM of /*bee will be I fee you. tanyonner.o '' Oct 17-y10. $4.00 Oot. slobres. NNW fee sorted &Ors. 1/ WMti Oesee. Dr-ro C F. O. 11., N. Y. HARRY REITER 143 WEST 20TH STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. 6 Smart Colors Clear i&ion Mirror NEW! POWDER LEATHER COMPACT Sesechon of 6 mew cony In smooth ce Morocco gran leatlw 3.50 indan In chime e, with eke, v:sori. fa, Owned mere., Complete w.th Wash.. is Dowdy, pull. Sample DOZ. $2.50 $ir' Frame* for the "0. 0." 1 Beautiful picture frames for the ono and orly* are being offered by Empire 100 V2 N. Wilson A.. Motion Picture &men Company. Brooklyn. A perfect setting for o chertabed MID CONTINENT JEWELRY CO. jelierwrol, Iowa photograph. those frames are nude of attractive imitation leather. are neatly rs " ~1~ mlnaimehnialbliallanawillalle fin:stied and come Ina variety of colors with anappy saddle stitching. The manu. factures Urge that buyer* send in their orders early. for the.. Photometon frames are in great demand with servicemen and their sweethearts at home. Plans for Biggest Gift Trade Start NM YORK, July 22-A big adrertis. ing agency here has made surrey of nearly retail outlets to determine what plane they are making new for sell. ins gift merchandise for the Chttstrau holiday period. The retail outlets report by a big majoisty that, they plan their Chriatmas proatottona this year to taut before Thanksgiving. This means that they will do their buying much Culler this year. Another important development In the gift field lis the pad in merchandising Circled to start promoting gift Items for serrkernen over.seas as early as August this year. It to recalled that sales of gift met. chsodise for men overseaa started emir last year and that it boomed the gift trade cont.ti. erably. With 6,000,000 men overseas this year. sales of gift items for this trade are expected to reach heights never dreamed of before. Many of the gift hold $15' they are not planning gift merchandise catalogs this year intestate of the paper shortage, but If paper becomm oval/able in time they May yet plan gift booklett. A big Item at the present Um, is pack. aging for gilt mereb.itnanc. CEDAR CHESTS FILLED or EMPTY - WRITE FOR CIRCULAR Open Account 1.1a,,is to WellRated Finns, 8336 Wildentere Ave., $ CROYDON CO. Detroit ts, Michigan.e..1 I 00.1 Via Mlia.\\Nal IhNialisN I a WW\ Na/ WIMNIAO. ' CARNIVAL CONCESSIONAIRES ALUMINUM MILK BOTTLES --PRE-WAR PRICE A* ralea Each MIES SLUM, ITO. 11. Omer Ilresso de* $10.10 Cre. owe Mee Mao ore Arms Orr 4.10 Oro. Weeene maw 1.05 on. Oise, MAW LAMINe Onsonito Omo Oro. lead haat 1.25 On. 51. Mann...s WM, AMAMI OM 12. FNMA herr.. COO 100 Oen* Nat Duds Mtwara COO OK. I2.400 Ana Caine Figure. 04 Crwer INN 160 Oro. AM Teri (00 or. 11.1*. 5/14 140die /Kasai lbw. a 0.,,,e. a ta0 Ds.) 0., Ike red KM New Om PAM. Derr. ire (Tree Pelf... Iltorml Kr Cerro On. Luis ga Peres Key ChM*, Me. Nerd Pre Ws. ST. rehab NMI,... A4.00 OM. Ter WO/ S..:. Gee. ye" dorm P.M, D0.00 Po. 30" Pewo Maw* Pros Dee Corny L/ as. Floe Soar& Pneula ILO PO Dr. COIN 4 TI. Set 0.00 Coe. 24" Elmnant..., '. Toy VistOws...00.,00 two. id^ Ram% "'" D''' TM iltiom e ALUMINUMWatlela. Pan Co Or. PINT 012E MILK Ocr/La 0 0,1.00 LA. FS... 0,10,11 With All C trews -All Crin N hp. ACME NOVELTY CO. 712 S. LOS ANGELES STREET LOS ANGELES 14. CALIF.

74 74 M ER CIULNDISE The Billboard July (LOSING OUT BELOW COST OUR INVENTORY OF MILITARY III8M111 MERCHANDISE Plastic Eagle Cap Oritatarvits, 7'errw Type, per [teary Sterling Silver Coast Guard Rings, per dos Heavy Cold Plated on Sterling Army & Air Corp* Rings, par doz Heavy Sterling Air Corps Dual Photo Rings. per dog No. OD65 British Green Rayon Shins, per doz Money Belts 18 Dos. ZeIon Cloth Belts, doe Dos. Leather Money Belts, doz..75 Single Campaign Dare for Army, all with safety catch. African. A.hitle, Victory. American German Occupational, Mexican Border. doz..60 Double Army Campaign Bars, Detente with Vt.-tory. dor..75 Ready to Mail Peat Canis for Anny & Air Corp.. 50 Cards to hoe, per gr. boxes 4.50 Ifonieuife Kits, Emory, on hand 30 dos, per dog.35 Sewing Kit. -Army No. 49, Roll Type, doz.75 No. 25. Box Type, doz 1.00 Button Polidiing Kits in Metal Box. dos Military Embroidered Mir. rocs -each in mailing ens -elope. Signal (Airy', Med. feel. Engineer, Quartermaster, per gross 9.00 Naval Rate*, on blue wool. embroidered, Chief Petty Officer only. All Brandies of Service, per doz Deposit With C. 0. D. Orders Unless Rated Concerns. CENTURY SALES COMPANY 33 17th Street New York 3. N. Y. C.Dotn4 tat, for Eh% P0145 that Fleet Boles Sorts**, Pee FAA.3 -SS Scotty Dog tercel 0440 le oe aerates Combs In Goat 7.50 Cotes 'oast CGS Comas ' 7.50 Croft Mecum tack la a Us, 4S Otiit onor. A Cad MAN ball game ANA 24,41 Drees trate' Te Cross Cornet Hat Bands Par M TUAKINes 1.25 Crest Rad. WWI* and Blue Dem Pitts 1.50 Cross Morse leeks -Vargo Ckl Carers, 1000 ea a tartan Pm M. MOH Animal Auortmesch Cross Wedding Ring 1.25 Cross Weed Crumb Tom of $4.80 a Cross: Tie Wee. bah on a Card. SSTS C...'; Bullet Preens. $4.00 Cron: Reel Dowd; at Pea Semi 410W Homy laalracsod Picts"' /Carom Sinistated tastier, 4.30 Cross Sand foe Ovr New Sommer and Fall Circular Bulletin :36 25 Drees!, W.tb Cache, launders ManutadvrIngb Novelty Co Alaate.drt. Wheat...km DANNaitora and Earle., ROM ,141. Tort. Car-rt. Gilt,. Doll.. Plush AnIrnalt, `n, -err. HsIs. Paton. Dscotetkatt. 706 Irank 0,ri A, Wrst C6rtalsod 13, 0. Tr Irpkene. Clieny pin HEADQUARTERS FOR Affroativ, Ca,t.mtNifeTY Stmt.( 3 RkIne Populor priced. stone and ether type. In Seabed taker and Bracelets, God F.144 IdentIllca. Anklets, Non Bratelets 1Writs Lockett, oft. Simulated Watch Bane, to Knits tar. Itrecsiets, Rie loselas Neck. Pearls. laars. $ I DO tit 3503 attokw*. mast In Rand. 141M411 smarm beam. NAM paw* Ournata. toll tao.nit Tan- smutilm in pouf 1,4 aa-4 no tnet111 Nalattian. Tanta, Damn. ant Ratan. O. 0.O. IRVING SACKS, INC AN.. DAN. N. no. Tart. N. Y. Long -Term. Plans For Luggage Biz NrW YORK. July 22. -The luggage In. durtry anticipates a gradual prugtam of relaxing restriction over the second hail of the year, according to manufacturers in the field. Tor several weeks now It has been evident that restriction* will be removed 6A soon as possible, and there are even hopes of better conditiona In the leather market, according to some leaders. manufacturers of luggage goods are planning for post-war trade with caution and expect to reach an annual volume of Mamma totaling about S100, , one leader Mated. An official of Buxton, inc..11sted flee factors which the trade most consider during the coming year. They were: Flee Factors I. Estabitsbment of effective co-operation between industry Frptetentatlias and government officials In order to ob. into the maximum share of materials which can be freed Dun relocation of controls. when these controls are no longer noctea*ry to the war effort. 2. Careful scrutiny of the procedure adopted for disposal of surplus materials effecting the Industry and the availability of much materials to remit/da. Wen. 3. Preparation to absorb the largest possible number of ex-servicernen es the labor market ewe and demobilization sets In. Asserting that there are many sections of the Industry where factory operations can be adapted to physically handtmoned parsons. Mr. Connelly urges no iitufampers to formulate arid put Into Immediate practice a definite plan "to absorb more than its share of those who are handicapped, particularly those who have been handicapped in the sera -Ice of their country." 4. Co-operation with retailers In main tanning COnsarratlte inventories of "ersatz' model luggage and leather goods In order to sivele financial and selling atfocruitleo arising from unwieldy stocks of unsalabie goodis as better quality riser. chandue becomes available for distribution. 5. Desiring suitable means of preparing for the buyer's market by ooncrete postwar planning Instead of -past-war dreanilag." Suggests PostWor Plans Post-war planning by the luggage and leather goods Industry. Mr. Connelly said, thould Include: (I) 8tandardizsMon of sizes In luggage based on surreys to determine consumer needs and we: for specified types of luggage. (2) Eventual establishment of standard price lines foe luggage In order to reach the broadest potable market for such products. (3) Retail store surveys acid educsuonal campaigns designed to stimulate the turnover of luggage and leather goods. (4) Establishment of inventory policies by retailers relating minimum stocks of luggage and leather goods carried by in. dividual atoms to their volume of bust. nesa. (5) Study of consumer buying habita with a view to thlroducfmg the use of thatallment credit systems as a means of Inducing increased purchases of high priced fine luggage and leather goods. [Cosmetic Gadgets For Spraying NEW YORK, July 22. -The emernetio field may become a gadget fled If :teen predictions come true. An industrial designer has already announced an idea, to be made of plastic, which will make It pooslble to spray DOartleth3S on the akin. Oadgete for using hand lotions and lipetteks have been on the market for some LIMO and have been a boon to the trade. The dosigner of the new gadget predict., that It will be practical for Lions, skin fresheners, leg make-up. per. fume, hand lotions, hate lotions and oth. er cosmetic products. He also predicts that many oa.metiao will then be Mitred In liquid form because the gadget will make them to con. verient to use. The gadget will use gas pressure In order to supply the force needed to spray the cosmetic. No atcpa toward the manufacture of the gadget have been made as Mdse. Stocks Hold While Others Dip WA8111NOTON, July al. -Retail and whole:woo stocks Increased &lightly 2:2 May. Department of Commerce reported here. The value of goods delivered by manufacturers In May totaled WACO. which was &lightly above the value for April. However. general Inventerlal Of general merchandise have declined steadily In the first flee months of 1044 to the low. eat level athoe the middle of The department mid that the value of stocks held by all manufacturing firma had been cut by almost ,000. and the prediction was made that the decline would continue In all Brim for the next few months. The decline In manufacturers' inventories was offset by the rise In &Make!mid 2 THE FIRM THAT HAMMERS PRICES 2 SPECIALS FOR CARNIVAL OPERATORS Cm IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF FOLLOWING FAST SELLING GOODS FOR SCALE/ MN, OUESSYOUR1101, BALL GAME OPERATORS 400 -Polk. Dog $ C.Ci.. tens g 0 W1aaillbarrow 9.60 Cr Scotty Dogs 9.60 Cr. oft yi 9.60 Cr. 304-Oog C. Umbrage 9.60 C mM" 9.606r. Ovid. tea L Cal 9A06r. Ito 10 Goss leer/ 9.00 Cr. E -s Cask Hat lends 1.75 C Ps Comte fat) Plata. OldKtOE repo, Oath Platter Dog SIMS Key Chile, WM C 4.40 Cr..90 Cr Cr Ca. chi NOW IN STOCK -46 ligno CAMPAIGN BUTTONS WANT ROOSEVELT AGAIN '" and.diwey TOR PRISIDENT. TNT'S( BUTTONS HAVE PHOTOGRAPH OF CANDIDATES. $20.00 Pt. M. SZ.35 Pm C. CLOTH R.W.U. SOW 'LACS..$1.25 Cr. /lag Bottom 2-59 C Paper R.W.U. Nags.85 C.. ALSO ON HAND Ail. SIZES OF AMERICAN FLAGS-. Buy Has VICTORY. 50,,, DEPOSIT ALL ORDERS, BALANCE C. 0. D. Do Nell Write /or Lists or Catalogue HAMMER BROS.' NOV. CO. 111 PARK ROW. NEW YORK 7, N. Y. EN THE FIRM THAT HAMMERS PRICES STREET PlIOTOGRAPREIM-IT'S NOT A SECRET Pr...maw ta rnstnti tan Othy, Ma. oat wane THEY WASS KtY STONE MOUNTS. Rame-tor oat HZ ass mom" let mammon 1,0 YOU saes "at 00 TOY watt to Ito brat at 330 Mat...doing..? Tee ta Unclad up *Ills KETITONI MOUNTS. The sari..., mai'pa and mortimns ea.ina OLOA NA Kean moss soon au a dm.* NO SHOW' ACK OF STOOK AT THE KIVITONE. ors*, we Pneractlp. SONSINitaa. m..nu W 1e6fon Cut Inv 0.4 Mani moon. and Wean to Pa 4 to OM*. 3µY HI aua 1.014,1 and is. /nal& Nos Meat li. Irodes7 KEYSTONE FERROTYPE CO. phinds&rtri rao wholesalers and retailers, and the Department of Commerce report showed that as a result the total value of but4- nem staxks was ,000 higher at the end of Stray as compared with the figure of a year ago, NEW RINGS 1501 Derr' Shawl tura. Hank,any Am c7 roe. a tuittese4 149 dmisna. 10 K. 64 AO K Oantrne Atetnrst. OM.,. Tama, O, -.Inc Ooal 111,11 Ian I1110). anal. Mr.( bullp ,u0o madntn gm. 10 K K SWEETHEART Diamond Ring Sets 10.K. Oold Mounting 1101arnonal Wint.P4 Noll $430 anc41, t.tymtsna Encorerrent t idrgnet Whitt I =44. 04Po* EV were parmituna Ft -a. a -own: Wmtelne Nina Ilamutgul Des, Mower7 ess. tw Um above Maus" Oa funiiiii/a4 %Oen "Rued% for en awn. wow owes st 404 tae set O Aararnand DI.. w ar *Ire, lmitre ard noneatirme 5535 Far Keane' Only. SUPER JEWELRY MIG. CO. 44 AAA, N. Na. van a, N. T. 14Karat GOLD Wedclin BDnd DIAMONDS Diamartes has* Tin, 4661M thilir61 =tan 0...wrissupzAt I Cop` MslOt1a Deakin fires aaoala* searw imigas mru " ilatluttel=6,-"iricr;:017) NaNN4 co No JON No *air OW at $ ifledrrr".0 eat oat ORJed Pear ewe sab ao at ewe. u""""sicetarm. Me, vita 8"*b ar.14 MIS ft, mime. fees taattaso. lacutify alto vire vantn1 ILLINOIS IMERCHANDIUJAM 600 N. Deartnie n aptn 22A ibuintrt, mml Tratrk sated arct-d. att nlatt ASA IMMANNent SOL ft -1 tnitlr ace Ina o.1e.0n.r1e4.14 Ni Ns Mtn Iltnerain1 d.t 0 reatad,nd, 6:1 Tri-fe no AtIlvl rtsw. Me &Ka. SlInialav YU" 444. rt. Writ. for fratt nralfc. A too. coo.. DNA. 14 KM& lit

75 July 29, 1944 The Billboard MERCHANDISE T3 DIAMOND RING SETS 10K 04)4 Maoutp I Dlarneed Ineeiwront Rine en' 3 Demme Weave., Dlarreed 3 DINTraft4 Wel4neTrrlre rna"l s Ellamend II..wernent 5:40 wee 01A5mAll lateming NI.i >KSAM RR= YOU 55W CATALOG TEATTIIING DIAMOND 51:1011 A CONTI-UR zrwrc.rt. HIELER-LEVINE $7 emu, WWwts MEDICINE MEN w -l. i.e.., he pricey en Do quallte T.51 lee w.11. WI., Tahlyta, Napa, M.N.. Melt',,, M. earyt yla care at law ram. The HOUSE OF DEPENDABILITY CkinsensTesde U rna kof Ira, a you pods UNITUI0 art *us ty f-wilf. 10Mut 21. Nem A.alaet Woes nroaoilota IN I. essiss URANCE CARRITO r.ta IT..roil 00 JUT WAR 110NOS CELTONSA MEDICINE CO. CINCINNATI. 0. tb. FAST SELLING JEWELRY Feel. igewicif 1/41011 er Loden. If wi,t,.., FOR PiNORAVERti. 1'1155. MILITARY prsorre. raciiiron oxs,reel.14313, Munn $04. tarring., rr- S.d $ $2000 It. MAJESTIC READ & NOV. ( ITO. Arv-. NEW TONE 15. N. T. SORRY! No now AgeniC Teed. Ice,,..,TL-70.triarau,it STAR PCNOS Cr SAVINGS STA.:PS. AMERICAN CHEWING PRODUCTS CORP. 4th and Hr. Memel Am. NIWARK 4, H. I. "PIN-UP GIRLS 12 COlIe TIV I, 13 c4,1, oltai Cull" dyy-rly..1, TAY4 at..1 Itrat.rr1 n ey31,:hany. Nyll Actt 111.A0151. T15,13.0. lobtsov b aportalyy to rash I. 00 red 5. GOOD tient tant2a ara ruc;iiy mkt Int. NONE riir.e. P. I.EWIS I& CO. Ifs C, 32n1 NEW CITY 10?.Asleep? 11/401.(4.44 Thwesitt ` AU 14 1 Way MIMI.,.eat man. I.LENBECK MFG. SoRiplo 10f Wesel for prtus _...,._;za. WIRE 551 N.VanIn... St V/ FA TA V , D.,. F. at SZc" P -A -P -E -R M -E -N 1 NAVE FoR $LL S III WW1 Keen, 13.c We Muy. WY11 IT WIND SO MUFF A SON 1411 ow* at. Danes IS. Tema Notes From Supply Houses Harry Hefter reposte that he was able to obtain a new supply of rayon and Ms &rein making Maipments within 48 hours after Orders are recoiled. The gnu oar - nee a complete line of patriotic and service Drunter& Mike Abram& H. M. J. Put Company. reports that tate:onto of present condi- Gone, the preparation of the firm's 1043 catalog has been delayed. However, this catalog la esprcted to be ready aeon. In the meantime. customers are making Use or the 1044 catalog. The catalog all contain a line of fur coats. Ache% and scarfs. Te firm of Joseph Horn Company. Chicago, recently received the following letter from Rfilgt. Gilmer M. Hall, now with the armed foma overseas: 'Recently while glancing through an old copy of The Billboard which I found a.ightly weather-beaten In the jungle on tins Pacific Wand. i ran across your ad of 'Pin -Up' pictures sod would like to know what kind of arrangements could be made for me to act as the agent for them to the se:glee:nen In this area, "Would you kindly send me samples and price ILIA and Rive me the dope on the act -up? Defog here in a jungle where there are no women at all and being many months In between times when one is peen. selling them 'Ptn-1.7p Mantes should be a gold mine. "I actild appreciate It a great deal If you would send samples and price Eats." CANES Oak, Cog Had. Inwedlefe d. :1,40e cog. N. Y. Case loll el 5 tress eetiy. ZIKEL RESNICK 1145 Asbury Arc. Asbury P, N. I. Pipes For Pitehmen Hy Bill 13 ker Communications lo 25 Opera Place. Cincinnati. 1 THIltirt NO CtILINC se waters,. FRANK I.. SULLIVAN... pipes from Milwaukee that be Is getting sat for fairs_ and that he'd like to read pipes here from the old-timers (Ed note: 8o would we,) ARC YOU persared fee the postwar fakes? STANLEY NALDRCPT. ts getting a looknwe at tin Mayo Clime. Rochester. Minn. After that hell bead for a stand in the Twin Cities locale. THOMAS BARROWS... Is working Providence with everlasting plants. PAPIR SHORTAGE has helped so.1. folks to de ennwer errike towels. BF2311T ()OLDEN. pipes from Eurnips. Mich.. that he's making connections with a =all platform show. YOU can hen) et an alr-condirkeisd slot*... on the His. TOM RESHEDY. met Ole Olson in La Crosse. Wis. and reports that Ellis will work with him on fair dates. -I hope =Its sells the cutter tools for GO cents instead or IS cents as he did a years ago," Kennedy add& 'DONT CUT YOUR FINGER elfh on old grater -. gee year Mood le Ifie Red Cron." Heard Mrs of hones fres Ow linchen gadgeteer.. It IL DAWSON.. former pitchmsn and now manager o' Jobbers' Supply Company, Chattanoega recently cut up jackpot. with Doe J. P. Padgett Doc Bob StotIth. C. A Ncle.oulithertle; M. S. Sparks. socks. and A. L. cx,i OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT Tho mon and women of The OAK RUBBER Company are proud to have received the Army -Navy Production Award... and pledge themselves to continue to deserve this fine recognition. qtie OAK RUBBER Co RAVENNA,OH10. 'ONE CUSTOMER ALONE' SOLD $80, worth of our Merchandise last year. GIFT SHOPS SOUVENIR SHOPS BEACH CONCESSIONERS CAMP WORKERS Cct Wise to these Fast -Selling KILLER DIVERS Our 1945 Catalog now on the Press. Send for your copy. Complete Stock of jewelers' Findings, Escrows, Brooch Pins. Complete Line of Costume. Jewelry. J. A. WHYTE & SON Atonaltecteters and Direct Importers LITTI.E RIVER, MIAMI, FI.A. Cahlo Addreass Seashell King. Get PRINTING FOR A FEW PENNIES THIS NEW EASY WAY AOIECTI-RALSISMICII fleas Ty NT Inner wereauits. Sesiewe eel w4reemsal ewe.0 swiewhale fink.ow betas. bareao. sales ream amwewewseee UMW sere Owl the actual eel.4 mew An wheel tessmenien. Ne entwine. hanedlasa a/3.ml 1.ve reel Lags LIM., Nyo Ma. 7.1 fee woltet e.entel. ene ran clay.. So were. Sel ease rraseurine se own Rush tans for fog went: Wire to wy1t,,11:1 RED DUKKATOR CO. 15 R. Mind IL. lawt. ST. C at THEBECKER LINE IS BETTER fee peels 1.11 ma Mee 51s04. Teeks. Llr.W.ree, Lao ei &lift W. atu au, rollnyi Parksty 03 1)4. thatid. for wa.tl 551,1.1,551,1.1,reeet Mehl: /Rena sworn WO. HECICFM CHEMICAL CO. itmeinii / 238 MAIN STREET CINCINNATI. O. lobo Welk. Ire13 76: Ze elrijn IHENDERS a ; a.ew. ail CI35. Wood Lam act : as owe. flatfees. wow. Iseea: Lege. 170,$5, WIlls les, Hoelles. creek 1.1 : LOGO Innetest Lae.. nowt wee. Nodes Sinew ITsaafo 6.1 w were. Hie Nee Modem law MAL t5./mwown Mt al84. or morn lee et":ee : COO. teeth: 1,000, 7 % ear!, Wm -Wm terided. newels a. MR. Ileaer Gala tow Morn... SUM R. M WORKS. OM& 0.3. Woolen.. Wet MEDICINE MEN =its hawses.= PRODUCT* LA SoliRTORIMI we twkr fees,.. Wiekwks estates at Team. Ott Salm 13~ ve. Low emit own.. Ma-orelono. res.n.onio. 117 C. $5,1414tt. CMS SUE WAR SOROS FOR =la

76 esiwil.-1ryin. 76 THERCITAA'DISE The Billboard July 29, 1944 "Chip -Diamond" Rings In 10K and 14K Gold Mountings Unlimited Quantities ez:tew..94.e.! No X Gold.cr No K Goad No K Cold - - No K Oro chip diamond solitaire. 3r chip diamond wedding ring. 10K and 11K gold mountings. sots. Individually or in Other styles available. (State your but:sett) HARRY PAKULA & CO. 5 N. Wabash Ace. Chicogo Z. III "BIG SHOT" Automatic PISTOL Pre -Tested for LONG SERVICE "PIE SHOT" PISTOL 11 designed for long wear. In actual latesrann tests...bic SHOT" PISTOL was rapidly toed S00,003 tan in 200 minutes on an sutoinstk inachine. At the end of this Nolte tat.big SHOT^ PISTOL VI1,11 found to b's in perfect automatic firing condition without low etch N laa sharp report of firing P.M'S', * Automatic * Realistic * Sturdily Constructed * Colorful * Actually Shoots -BIG SHOT" Automatic PISTOL is shoot ly constnectog. Realkeically daripied with a weri-thaid Damn alai ful, decors/ire handl*. fully automatic and soulpfrld with liglar.errusb trigger. 't16 SHOT" PISTOL actually works, shooting match alien, etc., ly for 120 inchss, rattle a 0..0 OutI.ke report. RICHARD APPEL, INC. $2.64 Doz. PAin.Older:Cln. of 6 Dn. Pad 1 Ds:. to Boor.. 6 Doz. to Ctn. 1/3 Dep., Rat. C. 0. D. F. 0. B., N. Y. SAMPLE, }Or NUWSPY110a; FAMOUS ELECTRIC ENGRAVING PENCIL tarn...4 la IaMCnI.A gnat earn 7 water.awes sows. w kaw.,_des.015jot NU* eamaautal tassrelt. adign ami se anntozow= stra qg Ku". Goat. rek.o.wau weed Fe. a saute ro 1a -/act who adman *Mom beat der aft, an keg 417.1$ dna aria tly ha. P Col 1..) ENO* ripsaw Ow/. loauftwoof Men %WS., ass.. reel., ewe. Wonn, wilow. 0 telbi, utritettiskl 113 hatta. Pan ta ten, ran 0101 ONDER 110W. JEWELRY sae AAAAA s -W ewe ha, ire Ian 00 de haves TiforeTnal to t,erntw en nwrin,iire 5welns. all ew.,_for code awe au1 mactal lama mews. 2.u. eradiate st ems. 12Lana-,1 pane and yr co almost riard.ladr 1".0 5.L1.11A Yael. T4g. 41."*.d"- vyn P. o,rs R. E. STAFFORD /ASA N biltaloian NY. BROIENAPOLIS B. MO. ENGRAVERS, DEMONSTRATORS ORDER NOW -Your supply of identification Bracelet", Mother Pim, Tie Holders, Rings, Engra.ing Marhines and other Item.. Write for 'irholesahe Circular, AMERICAN JEWELRY CO. 19 Washington St.. PIaINrIUq Marsaehuseas JOBBERS -DEALERS --OPERATORS QUICK SELLING SUMMER DEALS Box Candy -Jar Candy.--X-OFORIel Corn -Peanuts Just the Right Deals for Fast Action ir,u, Today /Or Circular and Price PREMIUM SALES CO IUCLID SM. CLIVILAND J. OHIO CI 5<v k king. All were waiting for the tobacco markets to open In Osorgla. ITS SETT(R to be need front weak than flied fyna if. Choctaw Show By E. F. Bannon IN THE old day. of Tiled there were several shows operated under the Choctaw title. One Of the Wt. -lest Of these and one that alto made money was owned and operated by Robert ICk+o Deb) Ping. who believed In carrying top performers and at ono limo toted a 1221eca band. Pin= attended to the buoinem end and left lecturing and office work to others. Dr. M. 7, Dodge. a graduate In medicine, wee one of the cleverest the chow had. Dedgo was a man of striking appearance and led a parade of inuaklans and performers thru town at every stand, Ito was a better-thanaverage clarinetist, Tom Bryant. Dick Vander. the Burleys. Diamond Brothers and other good performers were at one time oe another with the allow. Northern New Hampshire and Vermont were established territory for the show. After notching with mod, Flagg was a Ds:thin for a while of Al Croft. $ riclo promoter Its the early days of traveling flying horses. Dodge 'pent his last days In a 8Ciaton medical Institute where he lectured for a time on various anatomic.: curiosities. Pitchdona Five Years Ago Joe Purcell piped from Bentley. OVA. that the J. & J. Show was going thru the State with the following roster: Dot Heed, John Brown, Marie Brown. Genets Brown, Polly Purcell, Bobby Joe Purcell. Martin and Lets Stevenson.... Al Sears was marking time around Newark, N. Dolly McCormkk and her father worked kitchen gadgets In H. L. Orem. store In Newark, N. J... George Sanders, with auto polish. and Chief Grey Cloud, herbs, in Franklin, Ind... Bob Posey with needles; 0. Drown. Jew. city, and Joe COntl, slase-cuttealk. were In the Merchants' nhibit Stall at the Pronalln, fad. PaIrgrounds... Stanley Naldrett wan to Appleton. Wt... Mohammed Ashtat had lotto In Springfield. /doss... Robert Harrell reported Social Security ;dotes tagging In Shelby, William 8ulllyan, advance for Weeds Chautauqua Show thru Korth - ern New York. reported Spotty bit due Donald Leblond headed for San Francisco front Denver.. Earl 23:41610 was In Angola, Ind., with nor. 'Wee Nielson Edwards reported good taken to the that,... Able Harisock, Glen Troberg Harry Halberstadt. Clyde Hidwell and Cordon Queen were In At - :antic City, with Kelly Dustin... Albert Martin reported gosd takes In SatatbiTzt Indiana. That'. an. Events for TwoWeeks July 1120 nines -Hato P.110, RO:OOOF tga..-wood River. Nosse-Comlia, :41).-aceanutown rral Ileasai-Comte; Chaantotowa. Lhasa* Ctiab Celebration. sirk of July 14, CieverdsH. Leit Plev.k A.V..-Lcoatn, 'natal a11hn.-../.113.nrapsan. tlattoolol, July ig. 15euriton. 7-30, Cuba. Otd flelttnal Twunton. 21-2P. Kerman Cloy. 01St la stew. StOne, July 32.2T. Labiate:rt. Old dettirral illearantin July O oelsester. 1teden O. -Bytes -Me. Narr.e-Ceedne North Indust.. Hosne-Cowitre PA.-Randenan_ Vol. yure Dim C. -aeration. 2S-3). Pittsburgh. Cream D Yankee needle Day; 23.e1. wrrat-.prir.e. Rodeo. Ma. 1wilso NU restive WY0-Chnnt. Frontlet. Days, July 31.Augsal S ILL.-Culas. Soldiers * nuttone neunon. 34. Illoravtge. How...-comow Parnarrabart. 004 Attlirse Pinsk, L. ANea CentlYa. 44. WD.--Citee I0. e0in, Carols:. LtIC31.-Jackson. Dog Wane, 11 N. Y. -Cannata. Pterweelis Celebration W. inhaler. irsremenht Cekbralloa Canton. Street rile. 1-5 Toledo. Plrirsten's Carnival, 14. Aare_ at. Reno'. Carstleta, 243. Shade Iens Is Sather riar. S. La.,-Deadated. Days of 'TI. I NOVELTY STORES! C., rems...seed Tse Gem 011ted Heart Q. LoWels wur Onto et Iwienis. On '00 showeva Mauna la"?1, Chair, leorricisiuty bend.1204 Net Lociset as nom on eke. lire Slane " Mask Onalc a; ra, :502 -Wm. Lola. a ," ea v artv 1, Yeat INn issued of C1.11n, 'y baud N.1. 10" Oold-Plated en Somas Oil... Naga Ctu,es On, Doe. 15' FINE RIO OW oor RCIED KAPIRVIDS: tat *00 and Pea. *ON 04 On ROLLED GOLD PLATO %CPC and GOLD PLATED ON STailtaho WIRER. Teach eiftweu Treneranas Wet- P.tes lairs% Par 04r. IIS 0.0,1. Oats,* 0. 0, 0. FERO FOR CATALOGUE! RD TRADING COMPANY Cr a...1,n. n 114t2>n Ile. 262 taro, T, --w10.11 THE WAR IS ALL OVER BUT THE FIGHTING and we are still with it 1.00`7a. Some day the fighting will also be over. At that time we wet return to who manufacture of Signet Jewelry rod Heresies. We hope our old customer, and friend. lea stop at oar plant and visit with us whenever they rte in or near our,.cinlry. EDWI H. MORSE & CO. 9t County St. Attleboro. Mass. WE LEAD -- OTHERS FOLLOW VETERANS, BIG NONEYL OUTSIDE WORN rtttimie art.g:gzre 1411 oar 101.:asta he Manna 6.4 smite 77.\'Mae saduhuwea. HOT SP iston issce sr.1 tr.ter anato.f, ertelont. trent en-4re wen's_ Jon ant soy acev gee* slay testa Mrs Ilempact honk Yore eon & 6aNya. C.a P.c.<ta N.N.6464 Kau cet.facaras.. Speeld L-,0.-avonniu atwites. Para wt. Ewa 316 to 140 daily Mfee Lows' Pacor.les 1W. YORAM' SERVICE MAGAZINE ,r IL 2.141, nor N. Y. 13, N. Y. ammic CAPTURED! %IA 11,77;1;TILAciliarePAV t/mta1414. betaaarillooress luass LYS. 5 saes. 1oe seder. $4.00 Ora.: ris.0 106o P. P. ATLAS. $50 Mentacenry at.. Oreothn, N. V. MILLIONS we.*.444 Wien Lav lene mem gon son NOW. 'Ti,. ARROW CURTAIN ROD GUIDE A...n»wit! lakrj amen 2 ttsigr aotr. tc glad le Ira. 61 ai s,...1.1t, moo, CHARLES UFERT In nab ear Shea 1013 PLASTER isrh Mean Flacon Ls mem otleo. In se 6610Nta , Ilcachoa, 00,01' stirs1110., his. sant, She.. at, 16st toe a. de, n00,-,. an! 1, ecr_ oe. Prat ',VA Cl l,. ; Vans*, ant. o dna ace., sar.1. rnalttaar-o: Learre.tan, 1 to dosselt. halsrro O. O. D. D. IOURETTIN7 304 WM ,00 New Veit 10, N. Y. iii IP ZCIALS b00'' BINGO 3000' Colors OewhM Nita ad 'NM, nista new - Lat66.1* - NLAC K as REV MAORI:RE %art. - flaw am.. roam. fic new C OSH SIMI ENE nails want PrWeedSpeoblesatet Cmeewit awf&egos ut.nom SCIIIILMAK'S tsiwtso.siv.

77 July 29, 1944 The Billboard MERCHANDISE 77 OPA Again Warns On Watch Prices WADDINGTON, July Officials of the OPA continue to warn the merchan. due trade of price dodging end other unfelt trade practices on Batas iratehea. There practices bare been growing for g months end repeated warnings L'210 been issued. In a recent statement, OPA officials sald that watches of the cheapest kind hare been dressed in fancy caeca and made to look like expensive watches and are then offered at fantastic. prices. Such practices have been observed chiefly In New York and other large cities. OPA threat:gators found the same watch being offered at fire different Won, ranging from the right price to five times the off:clot ceiling price. Officials explained that Until the war the market wee served by economy watcher Made to this country and also watches made In Switzerland. Because, the supply of American -Made watches more plentt. flu than the Swiss watcher, the result was a deluge on The market of Swim. made watches. After the ban on Amer - lean watches. Importers flooded the market with dernanda on Swim watches, which complicated tire distribution prob. km. The Salta government has two stopped exporting watches to the trade. Paperboard Placed On Allotment Basis Beginning Aug. 7 WASHINOTON, July 220 -Paperboard so necessary for cartons and shipping tows for merchandise. win go under the allotment system with the issuance Of mised regulation amending order No , WPD announced here. After August 7 everyone except jobbers Or malt users must the a report with WPB to order to reorder ablpatetates. The report requires infortriatton on the ton. nage of products made front paperboard Coring the first quarter of 1914, defining the products and estimating the propceecl third quarter production. form the bull These repot- will for the authorization system for the fourth quarter commencing October probably to be alestlar to order PsPerbosid, as defined In the amended ceder. tneldtdm all grades of paperboard Clusifted under WP13.91e. captions r ----CEDAR CHESTS WITH CHOCOLATES Cedar Citrat-Celserd. gtme flpiilot. attract/4o Wein. in...mu. Of on.e.tr...rot ors! IN. Prat Nor Omeatot on:, I. Clonta nor york.41 ot.. ',henna ebonies* or sou 2th Ite. eagttfel tetra $31.50 Per Dor. In 1/2 Or. lob, $30.50 Per Dor. Sales Board Operators chmas. Oml Ian Ae4Sow 22 Attenealm Amara Oro ssest-p, sink" l th 2 7k. (Sonatarmaadosoitot anew, 12 I lb.!es..cer rbomeales pnoodled Leatarrete stauhru Mew. e. Far 44Ices oi Nora glans Nino In Per Des1---Jobt,-.. writs Ior plena STUFFED FRUIT DEAL 044a ance as abase,. Isissfred Penn 'utatiostot Chocolates Saws cams as Past Alen I lb. Clessiatan et Rseffei Pedl Del st, nn P.. I. An Prieto P..t 11 EARL PRODUCTS CO sw sc. tell. Ars ensue cc.* (btu 289,000, except preesbeard. homogeneous and hard premed board.. insulating building bowels and certain solid sulphite and sulphate grades. The paperbosnl order No it,es not control contatnerboard as de - Sired In order No Jobbers who handle paperboard for resale as ouch, whether after further fabrication or not, and small were of Icsa than fire tons a quarter, It was pointed out, are exempt from acceptance requirements. The order also exempts any paperboard In transit at midnight on August don and after August 7. delivery of paperboard by a supplier to prohibited unless the order In accompanied by a certificate stating that the purchaser has filed the required WPB fern: or, In the case Of &Jobber, that he accrpta It merely for resale: or, in the cane of airmail user, that he win not use In excess of flee tons a quarter. A further Important feature Ls that inventory restrictions were Increased from 30 to 40 dare supply. More Lumber for Army's Big Needs WASHINGTON. July 22.-Rsdlo and phonograph cabinet's, toys. woodenware and other norcatees will hare to go on the shelf far the duration U Certain graded' of lumber are used for their manufacture. WPB has hatted a ban of certain types of white oak, Idaho white pine, spew*. ponderosa pine. cuss: pine, white fir and red cypress to the making of 24 different civilian products, which coined merchandise circles to seek unre,rtcted lumber In subsututo foe their items. The prohibited lumber is urgently needed for war wee, WPB explained. and Dtrecilon No. 9 to order No. L-333 is Jolt another attempt to allot all vital materiels to the tort demands required In the big pushes -ore: there." LIST (Cearstrthed from pare 63) Do Pore --Brown Co. Pall. Um- Any Ws, S Pilaus,. Dur4,d-rehlitt 00. Junior PAN. Same T. A. Parker. Stele!...er-Ve.sa Co. APL Ore. Aug. Kamen ishannes. Rau Claire -tag Clercs 00. Pair. Aug Chow A. DitT Plicherg-Wateveth Co, Agri. f3se. Sept Chas. A. Jahr. Elleaorth-Pierce 00. Mr Atm. Sept. La II. 0. Sealant, creynolds/447 Assn. Mtg L. It. Peed de Lac-Pood du Lao Co. Pair Assess Sept J. It Xoltta?fir...d.sh-rairlar.fm.Tir,Pair Assn. Sept. 7- Oalesvait-Trenspealstra Zts. Pair. Sept P. IL Wrath. 0.5' leg.la-orawford 0o. Parr. Sept Leoteo M. Feldmann. Mason au Chien Ocku.-Oreese Co. Tooth Mr. A2g item7 J. Ansonia. Cremators -Burnett 0o. Pair Awn. Mg. Ms. M. Ray 0. L.30seco. Cerra Wee -Omen tale.f -tor PAN. Aug. 1e.20. A. 0. Carew. stessond.--fit. Crest 4-1f Club Fair. Aug N. R 10-actson, Tetyward-Ranyer Os. Pals Ara. Aug. 31.J. Tr_ Walker. Iron ItIver-Bayttele. Os. Page. Sept R..7. HOlte Whebhutft. W171. J ahrovillo-rock Co. 4 -It Patr. Aug ft. T. Otmles. J efferton-jegerhon Co. P.N. Aug Cordon Matter. LA Creme -La Crease Sate Pair Awn. Aug Joseph J. truth. Lady's-29,-4MA Co. Pair. Aug T. J. Mallang. tononster-errant Os. Agri. Mo. Sept. it -14. 'too A 1f q... Lodl-Ledl VM00 AATT. Poe Robert Mts. LusL emburg-rerminee Co. Yale. Sept Jutiu Cohn. Manilmeso-Stabiterrnie Co. Pair. Aug , Omer" W. Kiel. Marte,id.-Central Wts. Mate Fair Man. Aug It. R. WL.libms Stmuseo-Mmeau Co. Apt. else- Aug Manly 80.M. leelinrd-tettor Co. Co -Op. Youth Parr. Mig m1 Si Eamon. ILON0-AMland Co. l'oc'h Pals. Au idle JotorMen. Ashisbn. Wu. Mossmenle-Oserm Co. Fair. Mg. :7-70. IL L. Pierce. Merrill-Lute:an Co. edit PaIr. Ans Omer A. MR Inivesuree-Wtsecostri Rate Pair. Aug. les 27. Wet T, Marriott. State Pau Put. 3411wantee-Mnsautee Co. *pt. Ike. Dm Mal -Must Tam Ma. MU. Mineral PoPit-Cleuchwestem Wis. Pair Al.,. Slot 1-4 C. I. Winn Ifondors-nudido Co. ARL 13oe. Aug J. V. Whelan, Moorro--Green Os. Pan. Aug 44. W. R. nauetre. tirr:tonle-c2411. Co. Apt roe- Aug Mated lesetstead. OsIttestv-Wmzebeto Co. rear at 3txre. 2.4Stpt. 1.?agile 0. groves Avg ,o--rrtre Co. Agrl. Coe- Sept J. it, 'BUNCO. PreIN14.1. Mil. Pliscouth-Ellubmias Co. Apt Ants W. IL EidrIdge. lure late-itarros Co. Pale. Aug N- 01Mertacs. Portage-Cotumbla Oa, PM Pair. Mg O. curim. Rhinelander -Oneitia Co. J. M. Rod. Pair. Ar.g. Rithland Canter -Richland Co. Agri. see. Seat R. J. Otehasaur. Rosholt-Reetott Pres Comannuty Par. Sept Ruud Wrolatad. Saint Coors Tott CO. Pair floe. Aug W. R. VisIsa. &sane -Iron Co. ltalt Mtn. Sept Ign Edward Skala, 1i. I. Dos 204. tturtry. 6C)11.10Y? M14 Co. Yale Assn. Aug Mteharl Dotes. Shawario-8tawaato O0. Aga 5oL Sept Lot.. W. Cattatt 81,ner-Watlelngten Oa. Pate. Aug. 3:1.-2' Staltstsy. West Itend, Opsener-Westturn Co. Jr. Pale. Aug W. IL Daugherty. 10J -Dane Co. Zr. Tale. Ant.3-1. Pr. Aug M t Tentah-Storroe Co. /Mr Assn- Jab:.20.Aug. 1. Paul R. Rose- -DECAL TRANSFERS- By Jerome Rose Decal Co. FLASH B-29 AIRPLANE, the Plane That Bombed Japan.$6.00 per 100 PEEK A BOO DECALS, eight new double side girl decals in beautiful poses $6.00 per 100 JUST OUT -Beautiful Decal of Thomas E. Dewey sot in a beautiful V with inscription "On To Victory" $6.00per 100 IUST OUT -Beautiful Decal of President Roosevelt set in a beautiful V with inscription "On To Victory" $6.00 per 100 Srniee Decaaee small size, suitable for Compacts, rig. Includes Sig. nal Corps and Maritime Service $15.00 per 100 Souvenir Ribbon Deesla of your city 1000 for $23.00 State Name* On petal, 154"x8". Just Out Uncle Sant', Peace Terms, lame size, $6.00 per 100 Service Decal*, all branches of service. aloe 4"x I", includes Signal Corp, and Maritime Service $6.00 per 100 Comic and Patriotic Decal., large variety, size 4"x4", $6.00 per 100 Fighting Airplane Decals. 20 leading Combat Pinar., Interceptor., Pursuit and many styles Bomb. ern. Special $6.00 per 100 Large U. S. Flag, 4"a31.1z". Special at $3.00 per 100 V Decal with United States, Rue. ninn, Englieb, (:hinene Flags $6.00 per 100 many city names, plus Mexico. Alaska, etc. $3.00 per 100 Cocktail Decal. for Glasses, Cigarette Cases. Compacts. Forniture, etc. $3.00 per 100. or $20.00 per 1000 blot out -Large V Decal with General MaeArthur in center. with reading below. "On to Victory" $6.00 per 100 BEAUTIFUL DECALS Of CITIES IN HUT COLORS, S6.00 PER 100 New Terk City Morn' 8444h. Flo7.4a Ccloesdo Minneapolis. Minnesota Sanaa gmbet. Ca1.fernis Ocaan Pork, Catifoenla Potions San Frantitto. Caliharraa Washington. 0. C. Wagon to Laredo. Taws San Diego, Calfonals Los Ageles Ceilfiva:s Tijuana. Meeks Len, 114mh, C41.1ernts CaLforni NEW TERRIFIC SELLER - "Quiet" Wolf At Work, riemiliftli Illustrated Comic, Just Out $6.00 per 100 By Sending Da $7.50 We Shall Send You Complete Sample Uric, PILLOW TOPS DfCat TRANSFIAS AND JEROME ROSE DECAL CO AND Att. SCFMIN VILIVNIRS 233 West lth Street PROMS WORK MADE re3 ORDER In, Angelea, California MADE 70 ORDER COM11/11VDO KNIVES HUNTING Sala err. ens =sleet noar-tho Co-ontMo `M. aleri try os 61,1 11,-..ing to Lula. Mara 6,214 Moo /.1tY, 71. "al ". o14'-. ItoOttse 177 Nod oleo. vuor tree LT (1, v00.4. sett/tot von cuss etanbed SA watt MANO0 - ISIS [MM e - Sirf.S0 tialltn1.[ HURTING am co LAO motto Marrow Lon wath Ordle; Dams Leto 20'. wan Pt,.. gals-ee C BIRMINGHAM KNIFE COMPANY 1 ASS Iltsanoth Avesta Intersharn T. Ala SHELL JEWELRY *Mal Bones onny E0. It At.L Won and IMOrs. Sta00 Wee tee.. Ratan. Ow S1.114 to. Shab Ash Tray to Pt, 0.s. Wooe, F. 0 IL Wrru tee Pelee Lim. RUSS RENAUD NOVELTY R API. MIAMI MI, PLS..

78 711 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard July 29, Continental SLUM u4o I IMPI Non (IMP) n MUll (IMP) Om SPAM rush 21:,2" /1... a t Ia. CAS Or ws suowsl IMP I , 710S --W.,.4 MI* P, nu. A+/n r M41 MAO LOOM F-ef?Zt OWAY.dirl:etie.411,41444.r 0.47vg SgAltiltR CATALOG NOW ALADY - WAITE FOR COPY CLASS Craor, 415 Ton Or I,. 4, T' : or. No Ono., Cesamor Celan 5.a0 Or. $ Juke Man _., saaa--aoun tenor. rt. it or 4.40 or Me0Iew 0.00 Or..544-sa5 inane tie i zoo Or gagra-topeake. M. t DI at. NOVELTIES a/000--sausa mows Or ttese Genoa MAU.,!r -SC M Up. Monk awe /4.100 INK Thar PIM I /mon Rein Hose Nit wow Pons.. 11/0 G. 1a storsim Mau urs tan 5.71 Qr. 110 on Lon OP.) lsrt--vrtte saw, kw w us-combowel Comen Nan. nee at , Twat Nat 311 o a (IMP) G nano Wiry 5/14.0) At Or. tats WW* Or l5146 Mna Mune 1.75 la. RINGO ITEMS sa4--tairtn. Itosolok. nen goers HZ= 55. T ST. Mill CFF 3,611JIS. PEANUTS gusset roonwo P Rost. fl&x ,4 Wu.Searm-ti Mut I Sr,. V. C lie L to Heeniqvatters tee CIRCUS, CARNIVAL AND PARK BUYERS CHUNK.E.NLT PRODUCTS COMPANY non.4417 Woo Ono.. Inn Oneo.s.: 0d( Pa. Phuneon 22. Pa. BAR Z RANCH no sr.- Peden Will Wewt Won with node. n00 An... notoonne Mart Sew. Cnooty norn.w ). Troons On. Nora/.7r..2 ea Ilmorboar 00050S Par :Cowan eta/.lit 2.5s, 7: rerk.ror. Prez,.sts ,=.7. intrinos taw CHAS. KYLE CM. J. L. WOnoro. R. F. O. 11. Inn N.Y. /Own Tem 4402 P ale, Aden.. CHAO. 01LL 104!Ann Am.. Noe Own. WANTED for FOLLYV CHARLESTON. S. C. 1117sober Ann noon Aho p tor Mont We town* =8.1:!1.!4,.2.dhuridartr fow sr Aft now& 4ase en I will non ova /an Tont hoe ) ent Is town ART O. IL Polk Owen IL O. Colon Orege...-Rocloe Co. Agri. Soo. WPC g all A. Polley, Rochester. Wis. Viroqua -Vernon Co. Agn. Ann. Sept Oren 0. Jahunon. Weussis-Wmensin Tan 4 3D A. Klefer. 7vantantoo-)4ationelto Cu, Assn. Soot Chu. Ks 1314wr7r , Wutoons-Wattlhara Co 1411 AWL Aug N. Mfrstatektr. W, Contral Burottl. Co. 741r. Aug Sept. 2. R. E. Krause. Weu1ile e74, Co. AWL Ann W. P. ruing. Wevalwego.-54..pa0a Co. Alt). Aut. Sept. Sept Pratt Rattner. WIlmot -W. Kenosha Co. Pale, Aug X. V. Ryall. WI,. Wyoming u0000 Co. ralt. Aug Pet, :toren. Pour:1-541 Tsar. Approg. Aug V. A. ALIJA. Canada ALBERTA ads -Olds Pstr. Avg J. A. WalIcer. Red )her-tles Deer Aut. Soc. Aug D. W. Robornoo. Vegre.124-VegtesSle Rehm Assn July 31. Aug. 2. J Verrain,,-Verronlon , 5. C. IfeCkbott colrsenta Aroulteng-Itnetee Pros -vela! Exhn.. Sept Rat Innen. (Atillvant -.ChtIlls seg. Agri. Ann. Sept S EL Barton. Cgortrdato-Cloredalt Tait. Sept T. W. Ottre. R. R. 3, New Wesuntront, Inr.rousro-Wthdoogurro Agrl. Ann. Sept. 1-2, N. M. Itsmoks. Ladynonh-Ladratoltn Agrt Assn. Sept Mo. C. ))471:41/ Lsoirlef Pralno-Lang l.7 Arl. AS Sept R. Freeman. 1111ngre. Ibluco Oterge-PlInce tieorgo Atel. Astra. Aug , T. B. Canter, Saangehttea-esanIttton Agol. SOC. Snit 4. B.0. Stoddard. &nth nunnny-11 Tlurrnhy Aga Aron. tlev.., Itta. J. C. DeLingor. NOVA SCOT)..'. Brag nfoor-c4/57 Arr1. 54O C. Z. Clustol.n. 2014tgovater-Lunen0Ur3 Co. Wm :9. W. J. Croolo. Cardan! , ran. Sept. 15.=. Yrrd L Aona0o113 Co Doeald Whito. MNn. Sept Stutemodahon-Italltag Co. Kahn. Sept (13).. North 804.n17 -C404 HMO= Co.!Wu. Amt. S.& as. 14u4.a. N. Sydney, C5pe Detton. Otford-Cuntortund CO. Uhrs. Sept Claude Thornp.on tou Co. & N. (Mahone? Rohn - S ept J..7. Ross. Trtmo---Truro Pau. Sept W. It. WIndlor-WInnot-Ettlen. Att Chat Dottfas. Plareentb. 27 S. Yarmentls-Yannouth Co. Atli. See. Sept. 1. L. Czteby. ONTARIO A/ , Lanark A30. Avg lgra. J. X Ketly. AtnprecAmpetor A/11. Soc. Aug W. IL IforAy- Anamor-ltoabontOM Agri. Oen SePt X. R a0. A. -Lege-Aylmer Actl. Son Sept IL R. tut:throe/. octlerelo-bellestle Art. Coo. (1, Z. S. CaSedontiMtedonta Astl. Boo. Oct W. B. Hudspeth_ Col:to.m006-.Nottawania AI Croat N =Rs. Sept Bort:horde. Orosden-Catoden Agri grrot H. J. Frown Cluths21an-Durham Agit Soc. 6m W tram -L.05 Agri_ Soc. Sept W =mu: m Talr Ornith. Tort Can.dtatt Lkohesd 1:32a3. Aug W. WoLter flenth Waterloo APL Sot Sept..21:, Itobt_ X. Cosran. Ratrov-cmc:. <nee swan Altt SOO L. Cops:Sgt. Emer..-/Ceciora Aga. Bat An; O. Solna Klognessa-KIngston P. A. OCorOwy. Dud, Atrl. Soo. flopl 25.=. llet Lansgerwm-Lanodowno Soc. Sept S. C. X. Mos. Loamongteo-tensamtton Act. Bee. Bret Moors Mkt,. Ltodloy.-findsay Comm) gum. Sept. 1046, B. L. IgeLeses. 31.K6llar--1t1Cellar A4o). Sot. Sept st. Itarkham-iLarthant Pale. Oct. 5-7, R. 17 mode 1014C:1, P.01. See. Belt Rohl. 0. Inabatt Nispscee-Lavesse Apt Son Seat George T rt. Ohavasen--na N1.0:012 Attl. Soo. BeTt /. Joseph O. UM. Ottlama-South Ont ACA. See. Sept E. W. Webber. Ostumbus. Oat Perth--Sooth Looser. A4t1. Boa. Sept Awl Pewt-DonP010 Perry AgfL So.. Sept. 2 =4 4. B. D. Wenn. Ileortre-S. Rentrav Awl. Sot , 27 n P il Rithonest -Carleton Co. Apt Doe. Sept St_ E. Multen, Irracoon-Ridgetcern Agel. Pee. Ott 34. R. W. Croon. / Woolworth Atft. BOP. Ott D. T. P. Martin. 8he4el4. Blincoe-Koefolt Co. fair. Oct learn): 7 Por.4. opelvgnold-s, Dotcheater A01. Bog. Intl g. Ward 8nallort ord Attl. Soc. rapt, rt. 0. Italvroond. 81ra1620y-Strat1re7 Atr1. fste. rept J e Thorold-Thotold Agit. Soc. Sett Dare Crstlet. Allanburg Ont, Vankleek Vnkleek 1113 MI). Soc. SW& e.4. J. L. Compton. Wet:and-We:1.nd CO. Attl. Pee A. A Woodbridge -Woodbridge Agri Sot Oct Ova. Wallago. rgtace. 13)WARD Chattoltenen-Porenclal Zahn. An.. Aug J. W QUESTA Anna C2110-Staoste A.01. Sot Aug. :4. 74 M. 11, Come. Halley, no,. Aytnar-O.U00ng CO. AgrL Soc., DI,. A. Sept It. K. Mel. Ikatord-Illostrouol Agrt. Sat Aug. 31.8e Pool 0. Roy. Brome-Brome Co. Attl. Bee. Sept George Ar 312Cla7, Knowlton. Qtr, CLateso-Chapeau Ate) Ken., Dir. It. No.:. Sept ,101 COOL adtoottml-chacootteal Art. Soe. Aug fggon Ihnlats. Cooluldre-Compeon Co. Agri. Bor. Ns. 1. Aug Aug. Otstoeht Cirnbr-Otasiby (tort. Son. of 80.20,4 Co. Sept 7-5, J. J. II. Pairs. 21anists ne10 Co. Agri See. D1.4. B. Sept , Into. Joann. Rlchtbeedg-idthmullel Co. Ay). Sot- Aug. 1'. 10, W. It. Sler:Me. lic8erra1-gbaberra3 P11t. Aug J. ix Ibll7. daitt 001m1r--Porinear ANA. Pee. Dlr. 17 Aug J. A_ , Case. Stoll Hyselotte-St. 8y4.001t.7.5 Reg. tors. Aug Atphanse Denneves ased1e-43115oryllb4 Pal.. Soot W. Rodent. Sterbtorno-Sherbrono Pak e NOM/ W. Prim. V: Arthatasta Ant. Sot Atm Phl:Ime Ora -41r. Waterloo-- freed Os. Agri. Ste. Aug It R. Sacbards SASICATCITEWAN North Itattkford-7100th IlatC0ord Art Sec. r. fhlht- Aug PrInee Albert -PYLON. Albert Aut. Soo. Avg Cordon U. C0c4-11A.kfloon-Sankaloon 15, Itts. 1.etla Wolin PEANUTS RAW JUMBOS IN THE SNELL $18.00 PER 100 M. ROASTED, $21.00 PER 100 LBS. Parked in 90 -Pound Container*. Prin.. F. 0. R. SL Lonlo. On new etrenuittn payment with order. We do not hay, any other kind of Peanuts, nor do we have Popcorn. Prunty Seed & Grain Co. 620 North 2.1 St., St. Loeb* 2, Mo. 'In Our 70th Year" LOT MAN WANTED AT ONCE 1) M, 17111/".. Lawrence Greater Shows Yon. Int nits; 130s.ress. Pool.. non. FOR SALE -FANS ,11 Corrogor Mod.l. IS Int : Tntsels now Hahn 6 fem : :ghee rims Kent bk. 472.%4. Amen norm anent amts ,01:.7 lbw, banbt R bone. Iht Ter : 144W Mow Depoet ronnitel C & H ELECTRIC 414 Win.11.-nau MILWA1J522. WIL COLORED PERFORMERS AND MUSICIANS FOR IIEDICINI: snow SALARIES START AT AND UP TO $40.00 A WEEK 0, own" *Pow to Won Inalut ang Cotton IllattOlL VW Lecturn o Ilanter. awn , en Con C4451o ), n Wu. Owl tesnme... Vol nt pc..? moray NW- Mo 0414 f.v441. r.1 Ku ono Ow whirs yen Tao Vow peony INe no I DAVID S. SELL, Owner Fargo Farkas Horn. Office E. Rogers St. Valdosta. Ca. SLA Red Cross Contributions CHICAGO, July :33 to the Red Cross fund of trio atoo-rnenls League of AT now total Contributions received alneo last report are: Sunset Amusement Company $11130 Delgarlan AnInPernent COntpalny 10000?lint Park. nat Flint FIstyland, Flint Park (Curly) Clark 1003 Addl. from Ray?damn Bryon AddL from Atwell Luncheon Club COO 'rots) CONCESSIONS WANTED Limited Openings for Legitimate Coo...liens OF ALL KI1404 for the following fair,: MUNCIE. IND. LA PORTE, IND. LOUISVILLE, KY. HUNTSVILLE, ALA. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ATLANTA. CA. MONTGOMERY, ALA. LAUREL, MISS. DOTHAN, ALA. We hold on.ciukr. C all above named fairs. Aticire** MORRIS LIPSKY, Cnneca*Ion Mgr. CAN PLACE talented Civil for nor Girl Resue. Want to bear from theao doing Spctiaitirs and Chltstanding Team. Can place Male Singer. Salaries paid from office. USEFUL noel reliable Ride Help wanted. Sleeping tor apportion. dationa. No penny to arise. Openings for Cone-n*1ms Help. Can place Bingo Goner anti Aldo lirip. Want to hear from per* formers and useful People in all departatents. JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION LIMA, OHIO, JULY 23 TO 29. WILL CONTRACT LARGE CARNIVAL for 2 Week. SopIrrwbor or October foe (V) JUBILEE C.0'4 1.0re an5nont nr stow AC TICY L 0 t. Ladtm* Ault Sayers P. Ct. Chattetroo, S. C. WANTED Cantina Coup), at once har modern Gab Stand, Columbia Amusement Part. Wenderful propputen foe soter, collage meets weeks. Wire Pen maliattly. SAM WEINTROUB Wort Cennthio. S. C. WANTED!! TM -it1.41 Stat.1.0 jerks Whorl and Sleert- Opernw. Top nlory. N. DOL. *ARIAN, ssos N. Moltke ft. Mama% 00, P70451 Doentito 7144

79 dasnora.e. : Poollms. July 29, 1944 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR 79 Carnival Routes lltestre are for ewrrtwt week.hen se. Sates are ann. In sere. Instanter genial; asoll(0.r relate ra Bated.) AMP.: <Fain Xlmbertcos. Fa. 24 -Aug. 5. memo: Lubbock. Trot Mtn, Peed: e. N. Y. & Nickerson. arida!sport, O.; /rontoo 31 -Ant. 3. AE.Anurlion Expo.: HusitsitEss aerleden 31-Aut. S. Arocs.ca14,n Eng. ( ): Oarr,id 031 Aivarhon Model' )101Ira. Os. Amalie: :cocoas. Tex. A 8.: Oreat Falls. S. C.: Sumter 31 -Aug. 3. b. & V.: 01(5,00 C1t7. Pa. Badger Stale: Sparla. WM : (Matt) Tomah 21 -Aug. 1. Dakrra United: (lair) Logansport, Ind.: theadastle. Aug s7ir4ta Atl-Amercan: (Petri Harris -tarn. MI.: Newport News. Vs Mt. 3. Brou: Toledo. Ohto. CHAS. A. LENZ "The Showman's insurance Man" 1338 INSURANCE EXCHANGE CHICAGO, Ili- " = = = = = _0( PIONEER VICTORY SHOWS Troy. Ps. Prty 310 to Asigtof 511i Want Isgitirnato Corwer.610no Woos. Ride Help. Comma:xi Agents. gionselonal Free Act. Fait picretirles and toreniftetio have few Opin dates. Mover: MICKEY PIRCH.L, Tovernds, Pstim. Ith work. WANTED TO RUT Seven Car Till -a -Whirl V.',IN a w.im,vt tranownshan. W111 pug cuts. WIre C..1. BENNETT /4/141 Ws -latter HMI Oterolf, Mech. WANTED Orwrie Rkfoes at woo. Mote 860-3/0 owekey and worm Also Candor or Tidkor Man to tam foe Lions In 0<wripic Park now. eight laws starting In September. with Wald of Mirth Sheets,. Address: EARL PURTLE OLYMPIC PARK IRVINGTON, N. R. C. Lewis Circus Shows il'ant Re Cream. ft 11,* Toni. mist Stec. 7.4talrs. ruler Wake Jesns. A.; C. n' that. d.,neabut_ WIll trx-a C.ld Phew00 toe Ihr+0 a Mat Ride: h., own trantasels- Con why, asks or name ws , Oartr... anti' J.I/ 25: 1.411w *7 to 31. (Wow* Ni iiuta PHONEMEN Boat Tkaiss--elsontra 'KITED 31Ell WORKERS' LOCAL fl331 DANCE.ill) Cirdirallair. Ikon S.M. Oes , alta Paelps Si.. Yessesstra, 0. WANT CARNIVAL Aucun DATES rso..1.13rt.oer. Ths Tarim AU Mrs Orttl. R. t.. tact, More 068, Wormnibali Dayalager, AI: (/iff) Darlington, Wu. Btarira Mrs: Ottenttran, YP Beefs Old a141c. Harrodsburg. Ky.: Ilsoln &MDR Spring. 31 -Aug. 3. Smyrna artied: Manville. 01. gustante Oster: Msnandlna. Plsk, 24 -Ant. S. 802ott'S Orratte: CrYstol Pao Suited Light& Saws: HetlIdaysatug. Pa. Buck, 0. C.: Auburn. N. Y. Buckeye Matt: Wutonsitt Rapids, Wm.; (Pair) Portage. Aug nurftbs. Oakhrld, N. Y. Stinting: Irani Tayloreellle, EL, 34.23; Min P aiebury, Aug Byers New Beaten. Tn. Calrornia Am. Co.: Pintas, Colt Caput Bros.: Ma. Okla. Casty. B. J.: (Tani LloyamIr.ster. Sask. Con ; 17.1,1 Vcreenton, Alta ; Main VegrevII:o 31 -Aug. 2, 017Mtade of Ans.: Mmorapolia, MM..; mist Ron Isalls, Aug & ConvellsvIlls. r.. Cranes, itrionte: Trey. 0. Chrkttah. 0g0:311 W.:?Moon Ctty. PI, 37-81: Cubs, Aug Coleman nros Pitts Maas; Kistitoio N. T. 31 -Aug. Colley, J..1. Hobart. Okla, Conklin: 1Pain Saskatoon, Soak.. Can.: Win - Wow. Mon Aug. 3 OontirotHal- Claremont, N. II. CoorintyJmon: Dothan. MA; Pentate.O, Flu. 31 -Aug. S. Crafts 30 Big: Sacrustnto Calif. Craig. Harry: Tulsa. 011a. Crescent Am. Co.: CnInton, Tern.: Lat. City 31 -Aug. 5. Cumberland Volley: Pulaski. Tenn. Conntrighimato: Lancasur, 0. Curl. W. 8.: istreet rill, Betesvglo Ind.; Maui Hagerstown 31,00_ 3. D elum Am.: )0 Palls. Masa: Chloilitt 31 -Aug. 3. Denton. J. J.: Sweetwater'. Tern. MeV* Paramount: Manchester. Conn.; Midge- Dr31.Aut. itiela Baud: S. tofauda. Okla. Dula Sett: Postyiltie. Ind. Dobson'. 1.1=11.44: Ternthont '0Wortita flositzgr. Neb.;!atoll 31 -Ant. 3. Dumont: Manisiabort. W. Va. filera (Orator: llagooltia. Di:toque =- Aug. Eddies Expo.; (Pala ProdOnta. Po; Hasty (trove. Avg Tahrants. J. R.: )garcone00711e. 0. Kite: Manhattan. Kan. IN -Cy A Pfeil- Lowe:. Non. Expo. at Hone: (Denning Road 8 Okla. Anil Wash D. C.: WoodltOck, Va Men- United: Cicero ; Riverside 31 -Mg. 19. Primes. ionn: Oalesburg. III. 76 -Aug. 0. Oarderi Suitt: Main M111058/13, Pa. Oentoeh & Sparks: Parts. Ten*. Orrrfess United: Lttitrty, Oo:d Medal: (Pain Rockport, Ind.; 1Palt) DoinsoLle 31 -Aug. S. (Warn West: Ironton. Minn.: 8. St. Paul 31- asaeghlortsjar: ll'alr1 'Werth Vernon. Tni. boding. P. Am 'No, t Colt: Cle-roland. O.: No. 2: Matt) Washington C : : aloent-ooming) prams:own, Ind; No. 4-!Steelton litcrchanis Carnival) Coltimana. 0. Grady, Ke1114: Attalie, Ala Orem Settory reeliac. 711 Greeter Onlord: HrownfieNt, Trr. Green Victory: 0-attenbtrg. N. J., 34-3?. Orofl Ociled: Concord. Colif. Orubents ramose: Ptaytrst PiiIi.4.3Cu Iota , PAC,. Tex. floppy Attn.: Crestline, 0.; 4P1fr) Plan Otty. Ant 14. MINI.: Hastings, Mt. 14. Hennies Brea.: Port for -In.?Arch. Hezty. Le. 81Ms 110a51(9ra. Md. Henson & Johneion: Pilate!). Mo. link L. J.: Richmond. Ky.; Sometsti, Aug. Jtows. Johnny J.. Rep,: Lima. 0.: Mott) 14,0015. Ind. 31 -Ant. S. :min aerates: BrIdgrpoet, O.; Weirton, W. Va. 32 -Aug. 5. 'orlon!! 9.31dway: Prase:. Wet ; Belie - ant Itat. I-1. Kona W. C.: StInchesier. Va.; Front Royal 31 -Aug. Kirkman& town!. J.: Dot Palest1ne 0, Lo4.44 Am. Co.: TeribiLy. Mau.; Lowet 31- Avg. S. Ls:renew Oreattr: York. Pa: Lebanon 31- Avg. NeXte.John: Donnellson. 1a. Moat 72ssnrir DeWitt. Art. Markt- llsood lett Rittman& Vs.. W4007 of Mirth: Arthur Irmo Freedom. Wyo : Matti P ollr, Idaho. 30 -Avg. IL Mentacti: Woe Oak Moires Modern: West Trrre Haute. 1n4. Mtur4 CUT: Tartars City. Ill. New England Jiro. 0o; 114ti10we >alio VI.; Lee. Most. 31 -Avg. S. Pate. J..1 Moreb.e0L Xy. Posed*: Channto. 1Can.: la 31 -Aug 3 TrYiers All litare: Bristol. Va.: Ervin, Term. 31 -bag. 3. Pike Am. Co.: Charity. Mo Moon Victory: Towanda. Pa; Troy 31 -Any. 9. play:snel Am. Co.- Flatten. Ky. & 8. An. Co.: ftwidalsito. N. 0. Rents Am. Co.: Boontglilt. Art. pod Ither snag) 011bett Plains. Mao, Con ; [Pain Swan River 11.23; Tin Mos. Art. Reid Ktrig: Tupper Lake. If Y. lterri:ma Se Welt. neutral. alpin, 34.34; Man. nomen POW. :Inters aerator. frairt Bellevtilt. Marie. Ma 31 -Ant. S. llogen & : Cariboo.. Mt0. Royal Fop).: ir1. 0.., 24-Aut. IL Royal Amcricon: Eisehoygan, Wis., Modtion, Aug Royal Oars Oa Ploretew Schafer A Wrigley. Lufkin, Ti..; Nacogdo" clts 31 -Aug. /- Scott repo.: Oat Hilt W. Va.: Staley 3: - Aug. F. S Zealty ay: ltattrar. Wla. flitotintl: Taker. Oro. 11::k CU): Itmaings, N. Y. agar& OSOCISS C1.344: Mkt Frecdoni, Pa <tater: Polka. IE.; Ottawa. 31 -Aug. S. Sparks, J. P.. lislcso. O.; 144straak 11-Ita fliandord: ateerton, W7o.; Thom-woo:4 :1 - Aug. 5. Stephen's: Monroe. Ia.; Now VIrgla Aug. 3. Strattt, Jana, E: Behruenuty, N. Y. Sturnbi. Orion Torne, Ark. Sunflower &eta: Lenin. ; Oberlin 31 Aug. 6. Sunset Am. Co.: Croton. (Tafr) 10 - elands. Aug Moult Volt: Cell- gal Beach. Va. ' T. 3.1 train Anthony. Han WashIngton. Ia.: Kaholui, No. Aug. 1. Torncr Sem.: root Madison. Ia. United LIMIty: MO Vittery: Hempstead N. T.. 21.Aut Virginia Orestes: Oil Alf. Md.. 24-Aut. 3. Wad*. W. 0.: 34oaroo. Mich. Wade. W. 0, No. 2: Car:do% Mkt11 Wabs:!,, 156., Aug Wade. FL T.: Fronr. Mich. Walton Moo: Princtton, ICI. INrd, John 11.: Hitters. Wu. Weer, J. C.) , rs. West Coast Vision 7; 314tahteg.. 0,,.. 244o Coctuillo Aut. 14. Wren -a!!'arms: Chitiltothe, Wolfe Am. Ca.: Lyons.. Oa., VIdana 311 -Aug. S. Wonder City: Benstobla, 3E04 Batmvv- 7 Aug. S. Wand of MOO.: Bath. Ms. World el : ECOtnt, Sikh. World of Today: Snoingibed. 11. Worthy: Ouffa.M. N. Y Cloaraa-da 11. Aug. S. Zsochinl: Hycidman. Pa.: Handcock, Me., Au; 14. Ztlter, C. le, Waited- Lamar. Cilo, 21 -Aug, 5 Circus Routes Anderson. Bud Z.: Tatty C::7, N. D.. 71: Jaw-oat:ran 36; Idteley 21; Askay 23 ton 23: Mandan 30. Arthur Pros : Matlfook Moho, 23: 26; Maltd City 31; totem. Utah. 24; 11:t ham, 31: Silt Lebo City 30 -Aug. 1. B1,..:noting Mauena, 14. Y ,0113 Clide-RusieB Bros.: Del:Inghlr. wain, 31-21; Everitt Seattle 23 - Mg. 3. Bond Bros.: New 31071an4, To. 33; 1r':::::0: Dower 37: Birdsboto 211. Cole Bros.: Omaha, Nth. 3443: :I <Wand Island 27; Hastinge 20: McCook Lien -rep Colo. 31 -Aux, 3; Pueblo 4: Colorado 111P 6. Hunt rin Egsros.: Lynn. Mau : Medford ; Athol 21; Easthampton :3. Keay. Al. Dow; Crawford. Nth. 35- Lust, Wyo. 3e: Torargion 21: Mitchel:. Nob., 34; 00, Lewis. FL 0.: Loraiton. COIL HMI Brea: MID. Mich. 23: Clitises Starve 37; Eaton Rspits 23; Alb:on 1:3 81. Johr..4 It; toots, Mg. 1: Oreenalle 2 Sparta 3; Promuct 4; Mt Rapids S. Polsok Bran: tont*. Calif ; Seattle Wash., Aug ns Bros and Barnum & Slaty: Atrors. 0. itut. 4. Seils*SterIlag: thilltrotbe, Mo.. 23: Brook(ted 24; sheibma Parts 2E; Bowltrg Oren: 21: TanMilla 3o. Wallace Bros: Elias N T., 75: Rome, 27; Syractwe 71-23; Rochester 31 -Aug. I. Misc. Routes I Barrett. Roy <Pals) Vtruil=a2. Alta- con. Red Deer ; ipalri 7egte Mg. 3; antrl Slatere. J09. Band (Pan) Harrteirtni. De), 34-24; (Palo Lockport, N. Y. 31 -Ant o110 Teat Shoo. Pall tooncla. Tenn, 29. Pechter's. Monty,. AnInsals- Harrisburg. IC ; Enhota, Mo., Aug, 3-4. Brownie's reatsua Mow: IforrimanDL V Curtis. Rohe (Ponte arson Pittsburgh Daniel, It A: Buffalo N. Y Harry LINO WhIcheater. Va, 2441: Trent Royal 3: -Aug, 3. Payeairat, Air Meld. Pmotte. Tra., M: Alt Meld,!kg iliartaga 27; Tortola*. N. M Long. Loot,: Harlon. Ky, 26-23; ARA Tenn.. 31: ItionvIlle, Asg Rieton's Dogs: Mane:eater, Tenn Russell. Sam: Akron, 0., 24-34; Cleveland ladler. Harley, Show: Perryton, Terk ; Canadian 3741: Pampa 31-Ast 3. Troia Cattle King. arorge M. Bowes' Fine Island. N. N.Y. 34-M; 11Aux. LOSFOO. Oro., 10; Ontario 21: Coldseit, dollidaho Aug. 1: Mountain Home 2: Wen. s. 4, ^-- PHOTO OPERATORS lrnrnaclioto Dralvory en following: raper-! 1/.: " x <rrons-04 *orlon! Colors and Patriotic. Per M..$37.50 Leatheretteslli". Per C $ Sins!, with Celluloid. A Doz 4.20 Doubles. A Doz 6.00 hipped Mirror, Glass Frame. - 2x3. A Dog x4. A Doz. L A Dot x7. A Doz x10. A Doz Enlargers Up to 5x7-1 W' $ " Visualizers Up to " F ,4" 20.4)0 BENSON CAMERA CO. 166 BOWERY NEW YORK 12, N. Y. BOBBY PINS -HAIR PINS 1Ar811.4 & Maly 1. Pacaass 0.r eta. Qs...0 Witted et No Rees FOUNTAIN PENS raw, , 004 Moto Po:,. Gem /mew nano re.. -on 00. M on.. $1 SO. OinOn 099, to S12.00 On. BLAI)ES $6.50 'M. Pint ten. on tones Moo Yom, p.otet 20/So Ni not, R. wean I. Ur 23 ;Ana Illee4 toll ter000t te 1/3 8p 01s. Writs tss I.e. list of alaws brava ICE SALES CO., Dell. 1, Buffalo, N. Y. BAH Z RANCH RODEO Wean. few won Pizen ntelt 32.09t2elos. Slaolneti et WeansWe, other wiltarni Ann..band Msena tr. Reiwitlier Pub Nasmai. T., Minim '1211. Wont to Or. Boo W166 tn mitt. rillhishowl. fern ratsacaceht. eraetekee, shah AD 0011, retro W 164 esp.-tali rook Rhea. Ctoktoote. 411 miss OR attosslass (sr, ',amiss. gm.. CHARLES KYLE 04 Aram Am Raw Hones A GUARANTEED FIRE -PROOF COMPOUND A,,,,..1 by (*5 litan1 a Panlah aa4 Arrnals in New Took (its son New Trsrk fiat(. We ha,. I ha rosvola /a totting I. totalssikus CAA...wit', Cs. be..at 54 rissslria 4e tonna, stratastra :'d nori coi wort. NEptk NO rf.$)gp-..niogrr NO rusarr. an., 10011"0, 001 Otno , "OM kyr nue-nre tontroltnn Rol lisinginnt. All ceder. prosualy samhted to tta full voiewti*oli low to spas. Md. don ri-t maim- or Lam 10 aro war. COL he saut 1. natrais CS Isurnt form. Writs or win, for vern-siira TOM FORI.ER (Scenic Studio) Expert on Fire Hazards 112 MOT STIR.. Raw YORK CITY PHONIC' LO , JOHN FRANCIS SHOWS WANT re* 3 W1:11K5 or rienlewl IOWA ratn.a. *MARTINO AIKIP AND A BONETifAKINn lent -r1 f1p :1100 r.t7c. conepsegfilint TOAT itosk t.r0...-x Wrrn (MP: OrTrIT1 AND 'Mo.:SPO N. toss rtr.te0oalh, to..0 to. to RIP): Hrt.P initt At.r, p115(0 Anontes: 0 &&&&& IMO. ILL.. JULV so To Ana. 6 <UP

80 80 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard July 29, 1944 PEPPERS ALL STATE SHOWS WANT Minstrel Show with or without tromportation. Moo Fat Show and Working World. Will fornioli outfits to worthwhile rho., Want Talkers and Grinders for beautiful Animal Show. Man to handle Snake Show. Can place Legitimate Concesoiono. Good opportunity for Hoopla. Cane Rack, Bumper. Scales and Age, Noseltics and Glass Store. Want Agents for Grind Stores. Want sober, reliable Ride Help; top salaries. Good treatment and congenial working conditions. We do not carry a work chop. Want to buy for cash: Tiltql.Whirl and Octopus. Must Ise in first class working condition. Want Free Act. Prefer Aerial or High Pole Aet. Want good Painter who is also capable Builder. Long Season South. Proven Territory. Get With the Show That Showmanship Built. BRISTOL VIRGINIA, This Week' ERWIN, TENN., Next Week. J0101 f flt10 c".. IF 1.9AM /D..u.".14:00111, 143/ mo 4w. Avg oretott 1 111C. Can place ore or two more Grind Sheen with own transportation for two 10 -rowing fairs and celetratens: Hastings, Mich:gan. Free Fir (Aug. 1 to 51: Wap.e Homecoming. Wayne. Mids. (A.g. 7 to 121; Northville Rodeo. Northville, Mids. 16 to 201 ; Tweets Canty tx,, Caro. Mich.,Aug. 21 to 20 ; Northswereen Mich. Fair, Travono City (Aug. 29 to Sept. II; A;regan Cearnly Fair, Anew, Mids. eked. 11 to 161. Win book er buy FIy-o-Plano, Spitfire, Rocket, Edde Janus and Eddie Kilt* can place for Uri Reese several yea..thha and attractwe Gob. Al Borten wents for Side Show. Freak to feature. NaseaY and Werknfi Arta. Wit can Waco Concessions that work for stock. Want Taken. Crude... Concesaion Agents. Cswasmen. Herp Mat can diva Semis. PONTIAC, ItlICIIIGAN. until July 29; then per route. Fred Allen Shows Want FOR FAIRPORT, N. T., AUGUST 3 TO 12. A SUBURB OF ROCHESTER, City liall Location, Main Street, in Center of City With Plenty of Moneyed People To Draw From-Combined Waterloo, N. V., Fair and Firemen's Celebration, Aug. IS to 18 to Follow. Vied Ice en -.4s Wound. 13.g Labor Day toot and Saline St., Syracuse, N. V to be announced in Isles isws. Can wag. two up.to-date Bottle Ball Carries..ar, Stock Gird Stores, Custard, ice Cream. WaiIiin. etc. Con salete Of&SIe Man and Wire to hand* Cosk Muse and Caen. Dendatepositen or we book up -to -dale Cook Noose foe base* of season. Wo haw* I ration. Can place aeon Bingo with capable donators: percentage or fist rata Can use toter. relable Hein to Wile Beauty aterryco.atound and. other Itdes, Also fee We Shawl and Pit Shows, BALOWINSVILI.T. N. Y.. THIS WEEK AeTs..HWIGHIRJTS WANT NOVGELTYI WANT ATWOOD STADIUM, Flint, Mich. THRONG AT N. E. MEET (COnflaticet from pope 41) cigars, while Harold Olitnore, Whams% manager, masted by Waiter Quinn. of the park staff, and DI La Venture. Manager of the roller rink, took over the job of handling the visitors. Luncheon was served in the polo grove. The evening feature woe a real New England clam bake and lobster dinner served In the ballroom. Speeches were taboo but brief remarks were made by Colonel DOndel of Camp i7ceens, Harry A. Aekle7, Fred Markey and Bowen. George Hamld wound up the dinner talks with $ brief speech of congratulation and the presentation to Bowes of two War Bond.. one from the staa and personnel of Whalen Park and the other from rr.err.- berm of the NAAPPB, with the proviati that they be used In educating DowenS new-born son not to follow In his fathers footsteps. Fred Markey, secretary of the New England &velem. wa.s In charge of registrations and acted as toastmaster at the epeakers' table. In a brief report to the dinner guests, he eddied that membership of the organisation was at present largest to lta hiatory. Those Present Reglairattono: Henry O. Bowen. Harold D. 011enere, Walter Quinn. Ruth Penniman, Francis Davis, M. MCShreriy, J. Prank Glirnore. Barney Williams, John WIRlanas. Mr. and Mrs, Erl La Venture. Ernilto Masers, Dot:Unit ftimarth. Andrew Stone. John Bregoll Harold Rost. P. A. MelOttrick. JOhn B. Aubuchon, 0. Duggan. W. E. Aubuchon. Joseph Moleghan. Mrs. Moynihan. Mr. and Mrs, P. J. Heating, W. B. Bros -n. George Page. Mrs. Young. Mrs. Callahan, Mrs. Howard. Mrs Agnes Rennin. all of Vfhalom Park, Fitchburg, Maas.; Mr. and airs. A. W. InNtdow, International Stutoseope Co.. Long Island City. N. Y. John J. Carlin and John L. Campbell. Baltimore; IL P. Schnuck. Philadelphia Toboggan Co.. Philadelphia: WifErna Marquette. Mr. and Mrs, Shales Bamford, Elr. and Mrs. Dlward Tracy. Mrs. Y. E. Ifuhba, VITtan Anti!, Ilernure Smrelt. Joseph Krt-ten, L. D. PollialtMr. L. D. Pelle:eller Jr., Mountain Park. Holyoke, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Y3I YMegran. Mr. and Mrs. B. Louckcs, Lake Pearl. Wrentham. Man.; Mr. and Mrs. ltd Carroll, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stosin. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigger. Mr. and Mrs. William fitarnean, Henry Marllnellt. Jesse M. Hutchinson. Riverside Park. Agawam, Mita.; Vernon Keenan. Coney Wand, N. Y$ P. P. Ttrche, Ocorge T. Hoyt CO.: W. St. C. Jones. William D. Derry CO.; RitareU Jones, Paul Denial,. Al Martin. Lena Heaney, Mr. and Mra. George A. Harold, William E. Bubb:, MelsIn Brooke, Ted Wolfram. New York: MI: Cliadu, Phil Pullotto, John T. Clare, Paul & Honey, ON ward 1.4:3. William Wear, Charlest Hrocalon. John Harwood. Charles trigt gin, A, S. Davis, Crescent Park. Riverside, R. I.; Mr. and Stn. Y. 5, Markey, Pred Markey Jr, William Markey, Salisbury Brach. Mass: Mrs. Barney Willi.s.ens, Corrine Williams, Margaret Rarebits!, PM* Viand Park. Manchester, N. IL: Mr. end Mrs. Daniel Y. Sauer. Aeushnot Park. New Bedford, Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur AUGUST 4, 5 AND 6. Many Dates Follow. Wire or call JOHN DiROS SHOWS, Durant Hotel, Flint, 311ch. Clemonton Park. N, Marty Acsloy, Harold Bradley. Isittanurgn:.11 KN K1 I la s.1006,n MIlik.1 KW I I 6.7% 711M OK W." WiL.\11.1KILI s.ft.'11 1",.',..rk T"'". Wilson.&tin Heck 00n FOR SALE-MERRY-GO-ROUND n.: Ilarry Prince. M. Loft:curt, Lincoln Park, N. Dartmouth. Mass.; Cc:ooel Donelel. Ceasap Derena, Masa; 0 peek* 2.Abresat. Teo and Side. ailsgeed for snot hat season.willfor soli $1,2C C. 8. Bradley. Orange Crush Co.;, Harold Small amount of repairs woodwd. 0 Huebner Chicago: Stun Hanald, Whit* city Park. We:meter. Mass.; Mr. end F' 0 UNIVERS tl SALES. Ben Morrison. Mgr. 313 F. 1INIRSON AUL DETROIT 16. MICH. Phone: CAdiriae r A. Revere 8'1414 KIDDIE AIDES ACCEPTED ON DIAL, OR Writ BUT. INA and Oscar B AND V SHOWS WANT for Archbald. Pon.. wok )sly 310: else fee Wyman.. Valley Filernee's Comma" haste* Pres. teed Stoma Pon Coon, BlntO. Wrest Girl. Snake and Animal Stews with outfits Can Olaeo Octocsn rid Tit, alto roma 6-1 Are wants Man and Wife for Stork Stem that art able to drive track. Can dace Ride Mdp. DICKSON CITY, PM*, Witte Of IULY 24TH. -A. M. P. SHOWS "JUG G Y" KIMBERTON, PA.. THIS WEEK THROUGH AUGUST 5 RANT INT'0'e floritae Allay. Coo Tour Ate MA 84rfler. e1ao1 Pin TOMO.!eras Grow. Nralta, of 10i must sort. Wale/ 10-taale.r. 111,14 v tri.n.. We/ 1.ko Poi*, 'WILL BOOK co Plat RIM. Intronwed In nee Act ler nwie ISartl!.ers Fara An Addepret AITTNOPIT M. PODIOUINIKI, liorikoleo. Pa. DEPRECIATION DOPE (Continued from paps 43) Am. 15; derbies, IS: Mg dippers. 15; grand stands (concrete or steal). 30: (wood). 15: harness. saddler, and robes, 10; bathhouses riortek, concrete or masonry), 33; Incinerators, 10; laundry plants. 16; steel lockers. 12; ofd milts, 15; organs and pianos, 10: pargions (We - proof). 40; (frame), 30; pergolas, 15: amusement Mere. 33; swimming pools. Irk mootera 16; kiddy elides. IS; arm sol eel wings, 15; tanks (steel). 30; (wood) 20' Parts wheels, 16. and whips 8. Furniture and Fixtures While the life of the property wed In this 13111l0t16 Is not limited by leases, the ordinary codspostto life considered reasonable for the OSOLS In the furniture and oxturts a000unt Teals from 10 to 14 years. Item lives ore given as follows In average useful life years: Oar:senators. 10: chars. 10; extractors (electric, fruit juices), 6; kitchen equip. went, to; mirrors. 20: misers. 7; refrigeratton (new type), 20; serving oars, 12: allyervrato. 6; silver polishing and cleaning equipment, 10; sterilizers and wash. Lag tanks, 10; tables, IS; toasters Woe. trlel, 6: trays. 10; coffee Urns, 13. and waffle Irons (electric) 6. 1 MADAWASKA, ME. July 31 to August 5 Want Shows, Stock C.oneesalons, hides Help in All Departments, Coons On. po Ferris Wheel Operator., 0 10 ELI WHEEL apt Is Up p --..r. Do, In Ties. FN. AU and * NAME TeAR OWNS/40NY $ 1111,11 toe WNW. 1.!1.51. Odor OA IL le all atool 0oo4 b.,. at eel of " Pus, -O la CW.1,2,1. 1.Mwar 60.th..from U,. city. Will to opnatloi VII O Nowerier 10. O UNIVERSAL SALES 0 sax C...terfroon Aro. Optre.1.20/ NW, r ,,a, IL M1101:1010\11\14\4. MID'S FAIR LIGHTS 1500 wets rear.sa Sea Lights lean te used re, ' WW1 bow. laola and re-- tset WO*, 14.00; tees aseent hat miarestaur=s. imam salsa W4 IOWA Bond 0OU.V. lesectly Are mama ItROWNS Aw.. N. Y. rivet WANTED CARNIVAL WITN MOTO AND CONCLFSIOR5 eon BENTON COUNTY FAIR N UM Wes or tam altaale BUR Omossean Dea.val, see, CAROLINA SIMMONS WANTS :argon Agent s fee 51, Mo. Bakken; Conceal -ncestion Hen. Address: Can WONDER CITY SHOWS Sorutobic Meslesippl, 11tH weeki lateral* nest: Wra Mato to follow. AT LIBERTY An orcrfrooret Senn es Parnare. Arttes, i'vws wartln, Rater, redatu, lohartri,o. &Jan VON bat Urea J01111 I, navies Cronin@ Over are Wane moll lore W. S.o.th at. tle..rfum, Ind. CONCESSIONS AND TENT SNOWS Of A., K.,/ or for WATTASHA COUNTY STREET FAIR AUGUST If Inure/:ad Oath te WM* OLCM NOLL Carman or C,,11,1 C0,1114.., wnna. Mime. CARNIVAL WANTED By Ike Roy D. Crave, PO)! 1194 ei the V. F. W., Pond... N. Y., son In Aucat or Scpferrl bet. Write PAUL It LaRRAKT, kfirgan's Men', Slep. P4t541,... N. Y. SUNFLOWER STATE SHOWS WANT rerusx ea unnp-oa f=. ww. win Woisy Lo""tis. en open race tom torts bar rot lift.ax Wien 0. A. ooksc. Lorwra. Nano C OberlIn. Kew., Ave. i 150. WANTED Truck Bow, curskto. or Nicks. no or MO Of 14a/c0. H. I,. WYSE wanes*, Wee

81 July 29, 1944 The 11111borrrd GENERAL OUTDOOR RI Ring ling Circus Opens in Akron Bowl August 4 CINCINNATI- July 24.-The RinglIng anus will reopen in the Rubber Howl. Akron, Auxin*. 4. This is the latest statement from the manaxement In Sanusott. where equipment is being readied for performances without a big top. Planned opening foe NIppert Pled. University of Cincinnati. August 2 and 3, was canceled when it developed that this alto was In reodentlal -A" district and that a permit could not be D- oted under the restrictive soning laws. Circus Is expected to leave Sarasota July 29. BeetIver's Bond Increased HARTFORD, Conn, July 22.-In view of the /tingling additional available as - seta, bend of the receiver, Judge Edward S. Flogtn, war ordered Increased from to by Super!or Court Judge Jahn H. King. Regarding assets of the circus outside of Connecticut, the receiver will be furnished quarterly statements by the circus. Attorney Robert P. Butler. chair. man of a Hartford bar committee appointed to confer with circuit officials. states that the arerage annual profits of the circus In normal times is 'the circus. to conserve good will of the public which It considers all Impeetant. is planning to get aside all profits to meet dunes arising Doerr the Ore. As attorneys far tonne claimants hold that the city to jointly rebponalble with the circus, there le a pounditty that after a few test cases to fettle this and ocher legal aspects an arrangement Will be made between city and circus to set. tie claims on an agreed pegeentege basis established by the teat cores. Suits in which the city of Hartford la named as co-defendant with the circus total American Carnivals Association, Inc. Hy Max Cohen ROCHESTER. N. V, July 22.-A4 eeptance of a membership application from the John McKee Showa, filed by Owner John McKee, brings membership to ICH ',Siltation was continued with a re.vlait to Holman's Rides. at Barnard, N. Y.. July 7, when three rides were op - ozone under atagateei of volunteer fire, Men. C. k V. Sham% a non-member, was exhibiting jointly. with a free act but no gate. Owner Lewis Holman and Mr. and Mrs. Sprague extended catirteslea Tore have been received 33 personnel memberships from the Worthy Shows. erireated then efforts of :Sienese; Mettle Smith. Standings In the annual person. rot membership race: James E.!heated Stows, Ill; J. J. Kirkwood Shows. 34: Worthy Shows, 33; Merge Clyde Smith Stoma, 26. Because of conotteireble agitation In Congress to Increase allowance of gasoline to A and B Do:ADO:dent In the East Coast area expeetattona are that such a move may be possible within the next 60 days. Ita to Pool,' Brag. -Prat Shows. Mighty ftheoirey Midway, J. C. Weer Shows and 0. C. Buck Shows are planned - There has been coeuriderable cotreaponeleoce regarding ammunition for abnottng galleries particularly as to mailability of Form W. P , Those kerns should be secured from the nearest office of the War Production Board and forwarded to the Recreation Section. Of floe of Civilian Requirements. SPITFIRE FOREMAN.., lasi-,,77 wt. J. F. SPARKS SHOWS sew.; Oslo. tub soak WANTED AS new. foot, in.r.wis. inset.. Mks, MOUND (1TY SHOWS 'woo Coe. Freight Trouping OK; Grosses Up, Declares Conklin REOLNA, Bark., July 22.-"WhIle show leg the Brandon Cehtbition, July 9.7 with only a 12 -ear show we came very close to breaking the all -tine midway record. At Calgary Lthibition and /stampede hot week we came within 000 of out own record established In 1941," said Prealdent J. W, (Patty) Conklin, bete with the Conklin Shows. Frollciand. "In spite of the fact that we are extremely abort of labor n every departntent, Including the staff, we believe we are creating something In show business that bee never been done before and we are much indebted for this truocesa to our loyal help. -We are this year moving in freight aervio0 instead of by special train and. as a result, we aro compelled to move on the first convenient freight that can handle us, and in roost caste the show doeer.1 arrive at a very decent hour. Flowerer, In spite of conditions, we arrived in Resgtros at 5:43 am. from Calgary and had a big Kiddies- Day. I am happy to say that, with the exception of one attraction, we had everything operating at 2 pia. on opening day and we hat an increase on the midway of 100 per cent Ẇe are carrying this year ale of our best riding devotes and. In my opinion, tilts is the finest glow that has ever played these Western Canada fairs. Ererything that we have le framed to do capacity buorowt and In most cases we are operating every night until after I sm. and In Calgary the oftlefais were good enough to allow its to operate until 1:15 a.m. on Sunday. The show le loaded each week on time and we bare It be organized that we can easlly be loaded by 6 a.m., even tho we do ant start taking It down until after midnight." UNDER THE MARQUEE (Continued Irma pope 45) ValenUrie, have been playing the Tom Packs 'Thrill Circus dates. The Valentines had a two weeks' vacation, spend. tag it at the Bert Doss Circus. Park, Bloomington, 211., anti rejoined Packs at PittsbW$lr. V:INN PARTELLO. who was with Cole Bros.' Circus for several years. has beets on a tour of Senitbeastern cities on the fifth War Loan drive. He and other ParatTvolters have been dtsolaying tom bat equipment and making parachute pimps Parte]." was injured when he hit a bad ground wind and was thrown Into a parked auto. He hen recovered and Is awaiting overseas shipment. "WITH the fines?" asked native. "Yagf Yeahl. answers swatting tuns.. wan. '"Good Meg. ain't If?" conrinund the cuffs*. "My son got Ira, It 10 can ago as a boy and ain't don. a lick 04 work sinio. JOHN ID, WIXOM, owner of Wixom Wild Animal Farm. Mukwonego. was severely clawed July 17 by a Booms. occident happened with* he was working Ids lions. The lioness that clawed him wan a new addition to the group. Six 'reek* ago he was severely clawed by a female leopard. Ben Davenport, Owner of Miley Bros,: drank recently obtained several animals for his Menagerie from Wixom. RECENT visitors to the office of A. Morton Smith editor of The Dail, Oalneaville, Tex. were Don Bra - sheer, owner -manager Globe BrOa.'Clrenv: Frank (Doc) Bluer*, Oklahoma City. femur civets p. a.: Sgt, Francis Hohendel, son of Waiter flohendel, pub. tither of White Tops, who Li atationed at Camp HOWZO, TeX: Joe wore. clown. Wichita rants. 'Teo. and Jack Penmen. Felt Worth, formerly with circuses. AT bertioeu ',uteri's musks( last week a 'mignon was pawed magnifies nut Inc group, winch ;Winn mend the stake 'n' chain waren for pastswor Nanning, be trio peered as mat and reeiterre gab we burg to slay. DOC WADDFISo on a lecturing trip up Jackson, Mich. way. Infos: "Ran Into Ruby Orton-la resident of Jackson. Met C. If. resit. chief billposter foe John QuInn's World of Pleionire tholes Palmer Kellogg, of Cal Stewart hooking fame, has a Wits near Jackson. WI a typical granger. A group of circus fans nom Lamang, headed by Ray Buhl, Hamid, Gravatt Talk Joint Operation of Piers in Atlantic City NEW YORK. July 22. -Rumors having been rife in Atlantic Car Ude week about a reported deal between Ourge A. Harold. operated. of MtilionDolice Pier. and Fnink P. Graved. president of Steel Pier. by which Ha:111d would acquire Sleet Pier in exchange for the ilamteltiontrolled race track and plant of New Jersey State Pair. Trenton, Hamid said here yes. terday: -We bare been conferring considerably In reference to some arrangement for the joint operation of both piers. Mr. Grarate, head of Steel Pte.?, has offered a very liberal proposition for the sale of Steel Pier, which is under consideratlon. However, so far at a trade Involving the race track Is concerned, this is completely out. If a (WA Is COnsurornated eventually there might be some exchange of racetrack Mock involved, but no trade. Trenton fairgrounds aro not for role to or for exchange with anyone." Hamlet!eft New York yesterday for At. labile City and Trenton. St. Louis ST July 22.-Wililain R. (Bill) Snapp, owner of Bnappa Greater Shows, was among other visitors to The BIN - board office when he drone from Oatiton. Ill,. where the allow was plisytng. He reported a big season to dale. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Month were stetter" on Monday, en route from Chicago to Leesville, Le., where he has been mann:ong Play. laud Park for C. A. (Curley') Vernon for the past two years. Ile reported good business. E J4. Gray, of E. R. Gray Attractions, Evansville. Lod, spent several days here visittng friends while playing fairs to Southern Illinois. where he IA featuring Betty TTltoa. spiral globe rolling act, who accompanied him. Harry Coulson, ooncessionaire with the. All American tggstakttron Shows. spent sereml days bore nett. Lug retattvra and friends, Paul Hanoi..gin. for the past two seasons with Rm. rates Bros: Shows,but now in a tom. Ineletal venture In Wert Texas. passed Unto en route to Chicago and the North on a buying trip. Rex Howe, manager of Sylvan Beach Perk, entertained members of the International Association of Showmen and other outdoor showtoik with a midnight barbecue Tuesday. About 100 attracted, the party starting at midnight and continuing until 3 a.m. L. B. (Sarney) Lamb, ride and. allow operator with Rogers Greater Shows, was in on a buying mission. Chester I. (Heavy) Levin, Mid. wed Merchandise Company. spent several days here, en route stein New York to Kansas City. Dane LaeloMan, former part owner of the Lachman -Carron SbOwe and for several years located In Lake Charles. La.. where he is Operating a cigar sad novelty gland, stopped doer several days, en route from Chicago to Lake Charits, Velum' rides and concession continue On the Grand and LaCiede location, but busineaa has fallen off conaidershly in recent weeks. came and gave me a surprise at the V. F. W. clubrooms fa Jackson's entrarba. My next top to Winona Lake. Ind, hurtles 10." Badger State Shows W.1NT FOR WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA FAIRS: IIIIOWS--13b. Moe. *Mae. re M Ina. fee. taks at..w or we can Minim site Mosslen. 11/.)40itla Tara 'nom wan COO IfOLIILN folleobilt Ilan: Dwane Lear% Waren* 1st Jane.. Toe woo. Gpierrilk ar4 Meer kinr Fels. Otbre rein awl Meantime ta hulk.. *loots eases Wmf-k. Marren Sparta. Wk.. own arty tit Venda WI.. I ran. JOT Upor oar Asp,. FAIR AND CELEBRATION COMMITTEES IOWA AND ILLINOIS :croon Agents he Retidoon, Owe. lkockatli ceebrafion or fair dates. Rides, 'Pawl and COnCeSSIOIYA. Write or wire Frank Ratterfeld BLACKHAWK SHOWS rd Mo. Rock Wend, 14 WANTED TO JOIN AT ONCE' sac.., reliable 9,11 Pother that CJn drive FAO sedan totlyery; she reeve, miler,* foreman for Allan Hermann Little Beauty aterroceoito.rd. Teo Wanes pad. ArSdnis: OSCAR BLOOM Cold Madam Show Reckport. CYGNET ANNUAL 11031ECOMEVG Sportiosed by Cygnet Volunteer F.renten AUGUST 8 to 12 IncImicr Want Thews sod Cenceaslows. M. K. MARTIN BOX WANTED FOR BEERS -BARNES CIRCUS loch ter taxi 53 I rts:,. Cr,, ;,1 71. k1:70 0 I 1:67rg r,,,k a...v.?! S. ara$17:857 [at 1St 'age Sr.,,. new Pert Call as. FRED BURNS Contact me at once. tort year addresa Salary MOO. W.d send ticket. JIMMY BROWN Milner Hotel HEW NAVIN. CONN. DYER'S GREATER SHOWS WY. few tome Peciar lei A...aLt 3.0. &WI fen wawa,. MAO'. Its tong Atwr Us u. lei Inds liars ay. Wry, arm (up, Sri. Illaq,4t04., W. 044C 1/0101,1% It.., asly acnicaugust Ord: lasehlusd Owerw. Winewsin. Aut. 44. WANTED TO BUY No. 5 Eli Ferris Wheel Priced Mpg fie cash. E. A. BODAI1T nit WI SCOTT 'Kamilla wise. BLUE AND MONA Come on back so Chicago at per week net, no elecluction. Have good winter deal pending now cvet7hoclys Contact me mctliatcly If you need money to come bonne 011. RAY Suite , Hotel Sherman BRYDON ZACCHINI SHOWS Chirngn. ill. Playing the Cream of Seal Dates Wilts a Circuit of 0...titan/ling rake. We Mare Durham, IC C., III COW44 Tale. WE WANT Freels Winer% Merry -Co -Rowed and KidCus Ride wish or without franinorfation Fun W.A.. liknon Lin., Walk nits, CA 9,0M, kinborn or any lacer teas. gr,a4f. Good PgrOseltars Want Pock COmeulona el any thud, especially ILego. fee goad fair route. Have oren;ng Grab lee batinx of atiaatn. Mn. CIPMIAA ZAgghtni vraros Arms. re, any kud Ot Store. DeCVT WAIT. Willi'. Ideas'. horn: ping south. ZACCHINI SHOWS, &RUN XACCI11/11, Mr.% S. D. Mitt. Casual Arent. This week. aireesau, Pat wit* ve leer JO to tegfewst_f. Mooed,. Me.

82 82 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard July 29, 1944 NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR, TRENTON, N. J. STARTING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ID. TO 16 INCL. 7 MC DAYS AND NIGHTS Choice space being sold now for all legitimate Merchandise Concessions. Address CETLIN & WILSON SHOWS u per route. All Eating and Drinking Stands, address HARRY LA BREQUE, Manager, N. J. State Fair, Trenton, N. J e e-PO-P e-o-e-e----- EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO, VICTORY CELEBRATION WEEK JULY 31 WANT itry-e-planra Whip. TM-a-V.7,W and Statere. WANT Silodrows, am House, Glass HOMO and Celnd Stews el merit. WANT %..v Cols fee Domaine Amos and yea,ng. Heiser" C.a. foe Posing Show. Thew we NOT enalertionati Shows, but real attraetiora. WANT Foremen for Merry.Ce-Roses1 and Octopus. WANT &SOW Cemamt Waking Men an all depormenta CAN PLACE REAL LADY OR GENTLEMAN TALKER FOR PARADISE REVUE. Can place red?* Wry and all kgitirrtate 10c Merehandne Genceisces. also ball Camas. ELEVEN MAJOR FAIRS AFTER THE N. I. STATE FAIR * * -Or -I( AU Address CEDAR & WILSON SHOWS THIS WEEK. CONNELLSVILLE, PA. P.S.-Ted Williams Wants Coolthouiso Help.!Hackle, Answer. Want --I. J. Hefh Shows --Want 4 FOR PROVEN ROUTE OF FAIRS, STARTING AUGUST 14, CARTHAGE, TENN..a.. CONCESSIONS-Opening for samara legitimate Stock Cencesdons. Age. Rake. Custard. jewelry. Wrote's. String Carr*. lash Striker, etc. This,haw earnea only leptimete Cenowilans. SNOWS-Masi:Lam and Chinn Cris for Mineral Show. Salary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * L,fe Show" O'.rt :4- tuneon "-euttrint-f "Ink4Yranreo andiviotfkalltrdesseri,a; nn oho sober and tan *Ivo semis INTIRESTIO IN HEARING FROM SENSAT:ONAL AND SUCH -CLASS FREE ACT FOR OUR FAIRS, BCGINNING AT CARTHAGE, TE.Nal..1E WA etre lonneels contract. Were...Wry Hie, Aortal Flying Act.) it Address all correepontleneo to L. J. HEIM snows. Richmond, Ky., this week; Somerset, next week. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ROYAL AMERICAN SHOWS CAN PLACE RIDE MEN, CANVASME.N AND TRAIN RIDEE0 FOR SALE With Privilege of Bootleg en the Show If Se Desired. We Hare the Bost Reale of State Fain. Re0.441 for settles I. Old Aortae. of We. 1,1.1ress SHEBOYGAN, WIS., until JULY 301 then MADISON, WIS. ELKHART COUNTY FAIR GOSHEN, INDIANA, AUGUST 1 TO S WANTED-Rox.o-Piaes, Pun' Mraje MrettY Car. Wails:Tiru ccr,cralmr airy oases kgai-am Sec-. war, net trar,4-t0.and Cmcl Coin. Address: W. G. WADE SHOWS MONROL MICHIGAN, THIS WEEK WALLACE BROS.' SHOWS WANT Foreman Little Bes,ly. Leads on one sea./. No Marbling or extra work. Second hates on Tat. Heap on Si R.des. Come on. long semen south. Can place Bingo. Custerd. Bel C.o.., Rah Peed. Dads. Cork Carley. BY,KW, Coca-Cola, Scales. 10c Stock Concesvona 10 So/them Fairs and long semen In Its. South. WALLACE BROS.' SHOWS, Princeton, Ky.. this week. J. C. WEER SHOWS CAN PLACE FOR 12 CHOICE FAIRS conictssials: c.00kkka., Scats. Aso or any 10c Cencessere. SHOWS: Will Maw Monkey Show or Wild Life Show fa Lehner of 504,1C0. I Wilt furnish wagons Also Penny Arcade. WILL PLACE OCTOPUS AND FURNISH WAGON FOR OUR FAIRS. ROCKET FORMAN, MERRY -CO -ROUND FOREMAN AND GENERAL RIDE HELP. Arley Bradford ars plane Train Help of WI kinds. Far Winters wants Percentage Agoras. Can piece Electrician. Moines; ALTOONA. PA., fah swear CUMSHILAND. MD., ant week. STA (Conffnued from page 42) Hirsch. In Veterans' Hospital, Hines, III: William J. Coultry and ft N. Adams. Letters to Nato Hirsch should be addreasmi Ward 0.301, Veteran.' Hospital. Hine.. Ill. Other Cellars Included Mr. and Mrs. Maury Brod, Ur. and Mrs. Charles Levine. Charles J. Mlle,. Joe Murphy, Bob Parker. Charles Bohdan. David oldies% M. J. Dootan, Maurice Hanauer, Julius Wagrar, Max Brantmail, Charles H. Hall, Sam 1Goom, Al Carsity. Sue Weatmorelancl, Sam Aldrich. Johnny Green, John Meyers. J. Moeller. Floyd It, Matter. Ray Oakes, Whitey Whet... Bill Meyer.. L H. Bergman, Jut.% 0. Butket Al Cheerier. Fred Donnelly, A. McDowell, Ben Kaplan. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vollmer and 3,11ra Roluon, T. Dwight People and L. L. Sheen. Secretary Joseph Streibich visited the Al IlsysInges Shows In gcnitla Beloit, Royal American Shows In Kenosha and Buckeye State Shows In North Chicago, Ladies' Auxiliary President Phoebe Ca.sky and her baby Lynne, plan to visit Henntee Bros.' Shows and the Mighty Shocaley and others. Peat President Primes. Keller visited the Royal American Shaw* rind lientates Pam? Shows on which aro many members and friends. When Here Page *Whetted a biruidny July 15 at the Cher Paree those who ictned her were Mrs. Lena Schlossberg.?Ans. Ida Creme, Mrs. Kenny and Mrs. Robert Miller for dinner and floorshow. Letters have come from Myrtle Hutt Mrs. Virginia Halstead and Dorothy Eihereley. Past President Mna Al Latta la male - Mg her husband In hie inuicese at Lanolin, Bathhouse downtown. Pant President NEra. Al Millar Is recuperating alter a serliyua Blom& First Vice President Ann Doolan and family aro 011 vacation this month. NSA (Continued iron pax 43) Muter, -Dada- King. Member Wechter and William Van Horn. The same night on the Healer's Acme Shows In East Rutherford, N. J. Harry Heller was busy but found Urna to be courtemu, and there members were met: ruinegan. Mockweltz and Prank &hilts!! who la recovering from a sedans throat Opera - MOO. The sc-cretary at Coney Wand also =serried with a number of members, lecludrig SmItty, of the Wagner Mammoth tilde Show, Where the N.S.A. Jamboree will be held August 10. Other "Infra Included Rockaway's Play - land and a chat with Manager Hicks. OR again to Long Beach and a "tilt to Benny Merton, who has a kiddie park at the resort and Is doing capacity: Charles Gerard Show,. playing New York lots. Johnny Cltear, Truplards and Lyman Truesdale got together for a chat. and I. & T. Shows at Ninetythird Street and Rockaway Boularud. Brooklyn, where were teen life member and part, owner Phil Taser. hey Trebtsh, Carl Wilson, Htny Stumm-an. Rocco Truplano and others. At another meeting of the eligibility committee Chairman Jack Lich:tr. Prod Murray and Arthur Campfleld panned these applicants: Angelo Lmigo, epongored try Edward mama. and the following. sponsored by President Oscar B.ick: Ell Court, John Pante, Stewart P. Eckert Morrie A. IleCOWita. Theodore Mall - hot Waltred W. Prost. Joseph &blase and Callera R. Rogers. Preeldent Buck In leading In the membership drive with Rosa Manning has 11 and Harry Rosen 8. Total to data Is 90. Wonder Cily Shows WANT cteteso.: Pastor,. Snow Conn, Diggers. Elms*. Good prepoolimm foe Arcade. Want Agents for Percentage Show with oars equ'amret. owpaelalir CM Show. Will buy Slew Tom. Garde Honer. eel in touch with me. Place as Flat Rid*. Haw plenty Ride Help. you book Chair Plane and store mine. Want Machine and Electrician. Shorty Shell and Hal. answer, Address: lot KARL Senatobla MB.kslppl, tale weeks Iliatenale, name. and Hein., Ask.. next. PATSY ROSANIA WANTS Agents for Grind Storm and other Games. Those joining now will hasty pref. erenco this winter. We play all defense towns and the heat fairs on the East Coast. Wire Fernandina, Flo., for two winks. SUNSET AMUSEMENT CO. WANTS Ferris and Merry Help that Drive Semis, Independent Shows for long list of Fairs. Diggers open. Creston, Iowa, this week; Indianola Fair, next. FOR SALE 1941 and 1042 STATION WAGONS Far., owning. Pensutha No 010,10, le Noon eumis ROHIFORD MOTOR SALES, Rockford, Midi. Wanfed-AGENTS-Wanled En.denred Cted Stews No tear clown no tat 1.0. Permanent park. Will ftimian indeg warfare. 505 of no. Alt persons knowing JAMES SIVEITZER contact at once. Can Tropical Amassment Park Key West, Grad Precceltion. FUNLAND PARK JACKSONVILLE, N. C. Ride Helm wheel, Who, Chalr-o-Plane, Dodgem Dalt Ca-ne, Penny Oliva and other Aped.. A few Mere legitimate Coneesslow No tow downs; all sown work; mod Wades. JOE E. KAUS, Mgr. PAN-AMERICAN SHOWS WANT Sober Rids Nola on ill, Tilt, Loop and Charplane. Preference to fatale delving trucks. lop Wanes jack Item, went. to heat frown his ad Horace% Can place Con. melon Acrnts on Skeen Storrs and Liali Canes. Writ. I. R. STRAYER Riverside Amusement Park Andersen, Ind. PCSA IContlaved /role page 42) WANT TALKERS Jan of home -canned apricots, with a premise Of morn. Edith Bullock Is In Must Be what. Gals for Bally and Meilen% charge Of having the hand -made quilt All winter In California. Can always sae top Completed for the barrier. Wekranlog their eons home from Overcroct sere. Novelty Working Acts. leo were Elsie Suter and Manilla Hendrickson, Mabelle Bennett. who returned A. J. BUDD, WEST COAST SHOWS from a visit to her eon, Harry Chipman. Hanelleld, Oregon and wife In Yakima. Waals.. reported their Circus Cnfe a success. Ruby *irk - eadall la beck after FOR SALE n long absence. Hos:eases at the next meeting will be Dorothy Enfield and Mainelle Bennett esaers rands fern Mat. Alb saws Oeer worth of War Bonds were ;=. bought by the auxiliary and parent al'ai.60, relate lila': 0-Sh-Oloa-vrtuabr: lodge. The auxiliary hopes to reach the Tarn- aw ,003 mark by January 1. Members are sated to send In remipts so the ilsealle, Owl/nail' Hip Som Top. Saw mono" auxiliary will receive Credit for any War "ini ". 14^ Maas. I"... "4. ". Londe purchased. acueriumn, K. T.

83 July 29, 1941 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR 83 POPCORN AND PEANUT SUPPLIES MACHINES BAGS BOXES WE HAVE CORN YELLOW ONLY Per 100 Lbs Seed Crop-to Sack Lot., $18.75 Per 100 Lbs. FOR Our Warehouse All Orders Sarbiect To Poor Se& Certified Cheek w Money Orde era Alt New Accounta. No C. 0. D. R*RITE nuke WIRE Trademark SALES AND MFG. CO. 305 W. StIt Street Los Angeles 1 t. California 0. C. BUCK SHOWS Can place for following outstanding Fairs: Lockport, Gouverneur, Lowville, Malone, Fonda, Altamont, all New York, and Great Barrington, Mass.-Grind Concessions, Pony Ridc. Grind Shows. Address 0. C. BUCK SHOWS, Auburn, N. Y, t. ROGERS GREATER SHOWS WANT For ten weeks of Fairs. Rolloplsne, Octopus, Spitfire,' Show. with own tranaponatinn, legitimate Concessions. Will plate Dependable Ride Men who Del.n Semis. Mark Williams wants Side Show People. week, Bent -sill.% 1114 next week, Charleston,!IL This ON ACCOUNT OF ENLARGING SHOW For Circuit of Fairs, ran place Foremen for two new Rides, Ride Help and Help In all Departments. Show out all winter, best treatment and highest salaries paid by my show. Place Ticket Sellers and Csinasnien, Freaks or Working Act, for Side Show, Girls for Girl Show. All address DODSON'S WORLD'S FAIR SHOWS IfeIIns, Neb., thin a.rek; Si, Inarpla, Mo.. nett week. JOHNNY J. DENTON SHOWS WANT ate.e.ealcne all Want. Nem%!INV.. et...wt. C.xat.e..4r teat nun to ate, teed> Flare law w two Irkenia. Watt Rate Beth Top Wanes Ittaltle Unary. Ian Iturhalt elem. no..,.. Want GUI Al... Storer, epore. Troanelne with re anthem ewnyeernt. Want ere.cre Flat RM. etch Wletblvetatkva. Witt luy owl Pio. Tom in rot crealkn,.tan Obt to., Ramon ant <Lew AWO Ne--asera. Alm 50 ICTA rsmereme, mut ',sr red, Want P.m! Took ants ra. D. T. Tale aremerrars an North raaritna and cleteli, tone rue.s -n Mtn Ia Aepiennley (),(ra,. (1.1 to sewn erne ea. I wee wrens In bend of Teuneogn dim.* nine. then tomb t.rr Ulm All &Munn. JOHOINT J. DROFFOX SNOWS. nowleater, Trn., this meta sawn la w ennin, WANTED AT ONCE TWO CAPABLE. STOCK STORE AGENTS FOR BEST CONCESSION PARK IN AMERICA Contnet CHARLES LEWIS, OCEANYIEW PARK NORFOLK, N'IRCINIA WANTED TO BUY OR BOOK Two -Alan -pat Little Beauty MerryCo-Round, Ferris Wheel, null 5 or 6 other good Rides for route of the best of Ohio and Indiana fairs. Want to porehase 3 or 4 stationary Rides for Amusement Park. G. D. KINCAID, Joyland Park, Lexington, Ky. 9th Annual WESTMORELAND HOMESTEADS COMMUNITY FREE FAIR My 31Ang. S. Hen -alt. Penna. Ines. Mt. Pleasant=. Pon Act', Sand Concert.. Displays. BEAM'S ATTRACTIONS on the Midway woe... Wire M. A.4111,10.4, CrettlUttir. Pa.. for some. The FIREMEN'S CC LGORATION. w. th Ft!! Atts. Funeeeka and the gluing away of over 5:000 At ISLAIMILLF, PA. f.:.'owa. PLAYLAND SHOWS Want Ftctot, Candy P.O.,. Strong Came. Prentrer and Cool Store, of e;i kinds. (dde Wheeler. eeme on WANT Plde Help and Truck Dr4trs beck or Ley Del I.qPlarw. Adriresat SHAN WILCOX , KY.. Oh week' Apealashle. Va, malt week.. EXPOSITION AT HOME SHOWS CAN PLACE FOR BALANCE OF SEASON Any Show mat does not roneget wide or without own outfox Rem corsgeo ovtf,t for Colonso minsessi. Will gm, D»d w0000tto... Wanted-Gists for Posing Show, Freaks fee Side Sheer, Help in el departments. Top talents and Coed treatment. CONCESSIONS: Candy Apptet, French,.Lod, Custard, Bingo, Arnericen Sfrng Cane, csstnes Pins, Hoopla and any Geoid Stan that works. for stock. took or buy for cash Roll-o-Ptane. Tilt -a -Whirl or Oslora.n. Rido Help that droves semis. Top salaries. Address: Betteling Road and Oklalserea Aga» Wothksgtora D. C.. loll 24.14; Woodstok, Va., Lucy t. S. rain to fsdlerr, Headed stems. AMERICAN LEGION CELEBRATION CA)111RIDGE, MD., AUGUST 7 TO 12 Wanted at once anti for balance of seasont Photo Caller,, Ball Games, lloop.la, Cigarette Gallery., Coca-Cola, American Palmistry and High Striker. Will sell exclunive on Popcorn and Candy Apple.. Long season. Going South. Address VIRGINIA GREATER SHOWS Bei Air, }Tory land, Until AuCslI 5. KAY AND ERIC proient THE SKYLETTES Supreme &brainlike of the Air - Tops In Armin( Acrobatics 100 Fe. Pleasing and Thrilling 100 Ft. Personal Rapti:so:11141NQ, (FURIES ZIMATER. 54 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1, M. SCOTT EXPOSITION SHOWS WANT Ter 0.4c Hill, W. Va.; IlletkNy, W. Va, and Num., sot Season RA* Help that drive semi. capable Lot Mart Mrastrel SA.scian and Chorus Carts. all tap safar:es. Have brawling Linbcen Show: canctele. W.1I ten aver to Web,* Peet, Creel Shows with or w.rher..t cu/fits. Have min Animal Show. need Manager. Harry Wegio wants Agents for Buckets, Skim Skinos. cht Cats and Whorl. Homy Chagenan wants Agents and Help an Cseicen:ons, Wined. Rauslo 0.)Irte. ClOttleSCt,R. Swinger. Lewis. cane on Storting 7/unwell. Aue.nt 14, we have 14 of the best fain. Cart n es.ch wan us. Oak HI% W. Va- tbei week: Berkley. W. Va., to fellow. J. J. PAGE SHOWS WANT for SHELBY COUNTY FAIR, Shelbysille, Ky. All next week, legitimate Concessions of all kinds except Corn Canso and Cookhouse. WANT Minicsans And Rerfonners foe Colored Mnstrel Plow. Can YAW* twrassygelting Grind Snorers wan a witticsit own *stints: also Costs for Girt Skew. Have cant:date new outfit for Atli/tie Sow for capablo oaken. WANT experienced Rlde Men for titenyco00und. rerrin Wlne.t, Rldee.0, Chan:dire ar4 Kiddie R-bes. ()wiry foe ussfut Show People in aft fined. Everybody address J. J. PACE SHOWS, Morehead, Ky., thin week: Shelby County Fair, Shelbyville, Ky., next week. JONES GREATER SHOWS WANT For Weirton, W. Va., Firemen's Festival, week July 31; New Martinsville Celebration to follow. Want Penny Arcade, Hoopla, Ball Game, String Deets, FInh Pond. Candy Floss, Scale., Guess Age, Jewelry, High Striker. Can plat, worthwhile Show with own egadpmenl. Addre-ts PETE JONES, McClure Hotel, Wheeling, W. Va. GEORGE CLYDE SMITH SHOWS WANT Rail Games, Dna Pond, Bumper Darts, Candy Floss, Cigarette Shooting Gallery, Devil', Bowling Alley. String Game, Penny Arcade. Want War Show, Crime Show, Monkey Show, Girl Show. Want to buy Octopus, Little Beauty MerryGmllouswl. Want Ticket Sellers for Shown, Help for Ferris Wheel and Clusienplane, Address n11 communications to GEORGE CLYDE SMITH SHOWS, Ea.t Freedom, Pa., this week; Indiana, Pa., next week.

84 84 The Billboard COIN MAMMIES July 29, 1944 Conducted by WALTER W. HURD. Communications to 155 N. Clark St.. Chicago I Ill WAR JOB MUST COME FIRST Mfrs. Hail WPB Plan But New Mchs. Still Up to Uncle Sam Must await official release of spot authorization plan flue August 15: finny ready to co -operate --plan part of WPB program which begun July 15 By Waller W. Hurd CHICA00. July 22 -The coin machine manufacturing Industry shoves a strong!berman= to continue Its marvelous levied to producing war goods, at least until Germany milepost_ This was the unanimous reaction to the news hat week that the War Production Board planned to release Its "taint authorization" plan In the near future. and this plan would provide for manufacturers to apply for permits to return to dollen production of goods made before the war. News of the plan attracted attention because It listed WP13 orders L -21-a and in group of about 10 L and M orders applying to various trades and prestecta. Order L-alos stopped the manufacture of Juke boxed. amusement machtnes and parts back in 1042 and plated a similar ban on the making of rending mach's." ar.6 parts. Began July 10 The fart that the new plan would specifically list the two orders applying to coin machines was considered aignintant, Newspapers began to report detail. of the reconversion program by dribbles early In the week of July 10. By July 14 newspapers In all pare of the country were publishing some &ants of various parts of the "spot autbortzanon" plan which had been decided on by WPB ollictals but had not yet appeared Moine:al :ann. Due to the rush of getting this information to the July 22 issue of The Billboard, some coalsason wax cussed by summating that new =in machines could be made by August 15_ Manufacturers became deeply Inter - /Wed in the pasalbilltios Of the plan and expressed the readiness to co-operate Maly with the government In it, pro - en edictal details are Issued. The WPS industry Advisory Committee for the cola machine trade Is carefully cooaidertng reports and expects to be called into consultation by WPB nfecials before the final form of the plan la Issued. /Herniae,. Mast Wait Manufacturer* agree that the actual Manufacturer of new coin machines is AM long way off, and that the new WPB pled Is chiefly interesting breams It thaws the coin machine Industry will receive full consideration among the Drat Industrlo to receive Wel in returning to eznitan bur:mesa again. 'The plan la Mao regarded as an Indication of wee policy toward the trade, that It Indicates a gradual return to civilian production. The tentative plan will provide meatus for each manufacturing Arm to apply for perecilmien t0 mamma the manufacture of coin machines and pasta on its own merits. There ts no indication as to how soon such applacanons would be acted on and the opinion prevails here that little action. could be expected before Germany collapses, Reports on the proposed plan did not corer many detailed questions. so The "Wheeled blued the following bulletin July Da outlining the information that was sivallabie up to that time: Special Bulletin The news of the 'spot authorization" plan which the War Production Board is - Mee July 14 calls for careful meanders - Sion by the corn machine manufacturing industry. tesee The Billboard. July 22, page 011. Juat as the manufacturing industry Obtained onicial favor by the way it rallied to the war production program, so It may win favor again by supporting the new program. In the new plan WPB In *Beet will say: 'You can help to get out one or more of these 125 urgently needed articles and we will help you get to making your peacetime products." The proposed plan seems to Include the following provlatonsl 1. Manufacturer will apply to regional WPD offter for permit to resume mann. facture of coin machines; application will give Important data celled for as to labor, machinery, materials, etc. 2. WPD will ask what manufacturer Can make of the 125 urgent items needed by publics If you can make one or more. WPB will help get alerted on these as aril as the manufacture of your original product. 5. If a manufactureer refuses to try one of the urgent civilian Items, then WPB may refuse permission to make any civilian goods if a firm can't make any ot the Moth= goods, WPB will &till (See arpne IfAlL With M opt. pope) Here's List of 125 Critical Products Civilians Need Now WASHINOTON, July 22.-The big civilian production prorrarn. planned by the War Production Board and scheduled to begin August 15, contains the following hat of ante" which are urgently needed by the civilian population. The list will be known as &butyl B in the program when It is tamed. Stanufac. turera that apply for permission to return to making their former products will be requested to make one or more of these Items if equipped to do eo. Borne items on the preferred list are In general categories and are to be replaced with specitto 1Lstlitgs of the more Important Hems within each group. These general groups are: Cooking and hesung appliances. Cooking utensils of glees. aluminum, enamelware and staintota WWI. both commercial and domestic_ Coramerelat cooking and heating electric appliances. Other cosrunerelm electric appliances. Lighting dukes and supplies. Commercial food preparation nod 'erring fixtures. equipment and oppa =CAI. Builders' hardware. Kitchen utensils. O15c-o supplies. Editorial When Coin Machines? By Walter W. Hurd TIDE coin Machthe manufacturing Indu,try win win another crown to ate record for supporting the war effort. Manufacturers were practautly unanimous to their ructions to reports of the prcpcned "spot authorisation" plan whereby they may apply for permission to resume manufacture of oath machines. The manufacturers want to continue making war goods. In fact, many of them lasts only recently taken new orders. and they will continue doing a good job which has won them finial approval In the past. Newspapers began to report some. thing of the new WPB civilian production program by July 10. and the real stew), appeared In newspapers all Our the country July 14. It was on this date that financial newspapers in New York mentioned that ootn machine* were included In the release of 70 different orders on which restrictions may be removed. There was some evidence of confusion In releasing the dory of the plan, because one weekly news magazine apparently omitted on entire section of its regular lame Mesita* St did not get full details in time. Due to an error In the headline* Of the &Wry as =blithest In The Billboard July 15, undue excitement was caused In the coin machine trade. - The news reports of What LI called the spot authorization plan Indicated that WEI simply has the idea under consideration and that It LI the three sections of the proposed plan have been drawn up on paper but hare not been neural WPB is planning to baste the official form oo that applications by manufacturers may be filed beginning as early as Atria:A 15. still possible that the leaders of the armed forces may insist on delaying the plan. The unolticial repute of the plan are deeply interesting to the coin machine trade for two reasons at least: 1. It is very significant that the Mat list of 10 WPB order,. which are scheduled for early removal of restrictions, should Include both orders that have banned the menu. facture of coin machines and parts since April, The order may be taken as a definite indtration of how WPB plane to start the manufacture of civilian goods. incinding coin =- alma*, in the future. There will be no grand rush to start the maltuluture of coin machines and parts because the order will provide that each manufacturer will apply for a permit oil his own merits and qualification'. Three applications may not be passed on for some time yet, probably not before the ootlapse of Germany. The proposal will 01,11 the manufacturing IndUatre another big opportunity to rally to the support of the nation and help government =Seals approach civilian production again by gradual steps. Photographic equipment and stetsaorler PlumbLng nature fitting!! and Whs. and sanitary ware. Other Items Are, Ashcans, Baby units. Bath tubs. Infante' enameled bath tuba Bed springs (box, coil and flat. and metal crib spring4). Metal bedsteads. Bicycles. Cast iron and stret boilers. Range bolters. r.00r (farm) breeders. goods, Churchaopeners. Clothes p. Coffee pots. :CeCoC:r:ma:alembl.r4s.bseunnkaarattionrsd.":41awa" Diaper cans and palls. Dier-er polls. Irinnerwarn Unaware and hollow Dishpans. Double boilers. Blued xteel drip pant. Dust pans. Egebeatena Enamell "rare Other kitchen Mena foec. Sena (domestic end commem Mahan; equipment and supplies. Ylashlight eases. Household table flatware. Floor finishing and maintenance maa chirtm-y. Yorks (bay, manure and spading). Pour sifters. Fountain pens. Trying pima, Funnels. Garbage cans.?trap:ace grates - Term grease guns. Gutters (Including downspouts and *Tier sheet metal rain goods). Wire garment hangers. Hand and electric hair clippers., Hammes hardware. Electric space beaters Unit heaters and sentliatont. Electric heating pads. Hot plates. Ironing boards. Electric and gasoline Covered kettles. Plat reek lamps. Kerosene mantel!amps. Caroline pressure lanterns. Tubular lanterns. Wick lanterca. Commercial laundry machinery (tha dueling dry clouting and pressing). Hand -power lawn mowers. Lunch boxes. Marking detiter Innerspring mattresses. meters. Model airplane motors for war trans - stop handles. Mop wringers. Motion -picture projection equip:1.am. Poultry netting. Pans and buckets. Mechanical mills. Wood -eased pencils. Pen nibs. Percolators Pickaxe". Common and safety pins. Bobby and hair pins. Infants' play pens. Pot mothers. Was and safe deposit boxer. Medium and small saucepans. Laboratory scales and balance& Map -lace ecoerne. Domestic +rowing machines. shelving. sawn arms (shotguns). Insecticide spray guns. Window and roller shades. (Sea Lin of Product or, pogo CT)

85 July 29, 1944 The Billboard COIN MACIIINES 85 Mfrs. Hail WPB Plan But New 31chs. Still Up to Uncle Sam Must await official release of spot authorization plan due August 15; firms ready to co -operate --plan part of WPB program which began July 15 (Continued from opposite plpc) cenader spplaatxm to make eons ma - 4. It la assumed that few coin machine plants are equipped to make the urgent drillers goods, but they' should show a allingaess-for It la thca attitude plus the arm's war record that will win condelerei lea. 5. The propened plan Is to be issued a Metal form by August 15. Coin machine manufacturers should follow It earefally sand apply as soon as the plan ready. Applleations can be made by tetter but be sure to follow requests for dsta. 6. Apparently the plan, when Bread all pave the way for any manufacturer to apply for permission to make cola maehinos. The fret report suggests that moult Arms will be favored. Labor supply will also be Important. Urgent Civilian Needs Coln machine manufacturers were aspecially Interested to that part of the 'vet authorization" program which calls for the production of 125 urgently ended civilian articles, because WPU has :equated that all firms wishing to re - Ralph J. Mills now chairman of board - Herbert S. appointed president CHICAGO, July 22-)4111* Industries, Inc., here announced this past week the election of new effaces resulting from the vacancy In the executive act -up crested by the death of Fred L. Mille July 5. Ralph J. Mills, former executive vice. president of the company, war elected RALPH MILLS HERBERT MILLS chairman of the board. while Ilechert armee company treasurer. was appointed Nesident. Other executives to be erected $0 key positions were: Hayden R. Mills, Inanare:: E. W. Donohue, executive ace- Nes:dent: Gordon B. MEL vice -prod - dent, and Oeotge D. Kasten, secretary and continum Both Ralph end Herbert Mills joined the comptely In 1022 after having eta:sea:4 Notre Demo University, University ee Illinois end University of StIthtgan. relipatively, Ralph J. ems appointed executive vice-preeldent In charge of Mae In 1929, while Herbert S. became general factories manager the same year in elation to his Males as treasure:. follows: July 15-A relazatton on aluminum and magnesium so that these metals may be substituted for other scarce materials wherever potelble. July 22-Permisauce to spend up to 65,000 monthly to make exeerimental models. also provisions for obtaining ma. teas% to make model& July 20-Plan for drrne to place unrated orders for =whine toe% and other equipment, tinder ecriain rest:lc:tone. August 15-On or about this date the "spot authorisation". plan Is to be ready so that manufacturers may apply for per:aim:ion to rank* coat mathinee or whatever product they formerly made. This la the plan In andel form which the trade Is %salting for, but It la seen as a progressive plan which may extend over many months, Eastern Coinmen's Comments NEW YORK, July 22.-WPB's "spot authorization plaza," scheduled to be released erect/ally by August 15, was Waled by Eastern coin machine menaufscturere ass a sign of a deffotte breok In the restrict:0mi Imposed on the Industry shoo April, Discuaing details of the plan. Bill Rab. kin, president of International Mato - Kept heel, says he believes tats plan la by way of easing industry Into civilian productlea. "I most tarrnetly urge," Rabkla seressed, "that all cola manateetoren bend backwards In their efforts, to meet WPD's requests for production tam making their forme: products must Ant consider the poottbility of making one or more of the 125 Items. The list of 125 Items is published elsewhere In this Issue and will be carefully studied by all manufacturing 11.nr_s. On the whole, the "spot authorinstton" plan well be only a part of a progreasive program started by the WPB TOorntly, the first atop realty tweinuing oe the 125 urgently needed Items. In July 16. The program runs somewhat as our own case, we are engaged In 100 per cent war work and so long as the gottenment wants us to continue this way, continue we will. However, 11 government demanda taper off. It stereo to me that Mills Elects WPB has left us room for at least partial resumption of coin machine production.' R. Z. Greene, Rowe Manufacturing Corporation president, says his firm is New Officers committed to full war production and Intends to continue so tong as oontraola hold out. Greene adds that WPIrs plan Is intereeting and Is probably the (rat sign of a return to normalcy on the borne front. But be emphasises that coin mutilate manufacturers would do well to continue en war production until Uncle Sam calls a halt. Max Levine, bead of Seeenttfle Machine, odds his rotce to thew who find eractuseernent in WPWs announcement. "Other Industries may not Come Out wholeheartedly for WPB's plan," he observed, "but the Coln machine Industry eboutd not only express approval, It It should be thankful that It is being Included In the general order. I wish to erupleasize." Levine said, "that we on the win manta manufacturing end should respond wholeheartedly to help turn out the Eat of products moat needed. 1 know that Selene:fa will even the now we aro on full government work. Only after we have fully esttaled our war work requirements and WPB's Rat shall we oak that we may resume production of oota machines." Dip Glaaegold, of Du Orerder, were that a!owning up process has been starter,. Ile rays he can weeenstand that WPB cannot relax floodgetes over night. especially while the nation still Is at war. '-rho proposed spot authoeleation pan," ho observed while 'pointing out that Du Ganta is On full we: productan, "is probably a very ingenious way for the government to keep ono hand on the firing Ina while the other gradually relaxes the restraint on civillen produce Leon." - George Power, hitherto widely known as a dist:tin:tor but who Ls understood to Marc menutaaturing plans in mind. is enorber EAblern cotta meebtne epokeeman who la Inclined to regard the spot Authorization plan with optimism. Pongee reiterates that Its the drat good news the industry bas had glue Apr11, He feels the plan, even with its qualifl- Catl^nl should bo encouraging not only to the manufacturers but to the entire Industry. News Highlights of the Week MRCA00-Manufacturere ball WPB Spot Authorteatlois Man but We unanimous in purpose to continue Rao record In turning out war goods es long as Uncle Sam needs their services. Await ofincial release of program due August 15. Trade thankful that industry was included In the first lint of 10 trade bans which will be relaxed. Ready to help produce one or more of 125 critical ClvtUen Items if possible. WASHINGTON.-Clgarette manufacturers ordered to cut purebasol of flue -cured tobacco to 74 per cent. Smoke:" warned that shortage of favorite brands will coatitlite. /to rationing of cigarette pisoens 51anufactiners of 10 -cent brands ask subsidy from OPA. FOND DU LAC, Wia-A municipal Judge bore decided July 17 that Not =chaos and ticket Jars are not gambling mechbus per ee. DelLIVAUKEZ-Larense report here shows serlmas effect of recent unfavorable State Supreme Court decision on amuse7nent goatee. City revenue drops as only 590 location permits issued this fiscal year compared with 2,000 permits last year. Number of ops drop from 93 to 15. TACOWIL--Semi-annual tax report those 930 pin games licensed la city, 48 diggers and 24 target guns. Areal(' machines not included. Twenty-six operators 1h/eased. CHICA00.-In In two-week period, government placed 125 new war orders with Chicago ache. Some went to coin machine manufacturers..,. Mina Indusiens elect Ralph Mills chairman of the board and Herbert SHUs president. FORT WORTZ-Pert Worth and Dellaa rote on dry bone August S. An Arks anus county voice co sense Issue August 1. LIDNIXE.T.-British eotnmen carry on derpito fact that no new equipment hoe come into Smiles ports 113" P1'401 on coin machthet and parts hold fleas Play each. FRANKFORT. KY. --State bans sale of beer In roadhouses. CHICAGO.-Trade giving serious COnaidsratiOn to helping returning vent get started In coin biz, COIN IEN YOU KNOW New York: HARRY PRIER has peened Dore Lowy production of "Shoot -a -Bazooka." a powers:ton game.... IRVIN() PODD. eoowner with Jack Rosenblum. of Smokers Service. Inc.. Brooklyn. is now In charge of sales and distribution... GEORGE OSIER, formerly with Kings County Cigarette Serelee, now operates his own router In Brooklyn under Deane Cigarette Service. esavt RODOINS. fowscr Slatelb. set SAM KRESSBERC. arse iceberg's Islet's rep., an now tinsoeing motes., LOUIS USN, sw pervisorr of routes for Vann Gannet* Sankt, has bees arced manages of!ito firm by Mrs. Vassar. who lock over when her husband died.... "Flat Trainer," a new fame slanted at arcades and maknont parks, s/u be demon - shoed std eahltali.d at 2 C.olainess Manhattan. by GEORGE PONSte. DAVID LEAR, of Universe] Ctearetto Service, was caught In conference with cigarette biggles... HARRY xostra. H. dr K. Cigarette Vending. has notified his stops that machine patrons must bo rational Just as everybody also in the burleys.... GEORGE OROSS, of the American Auto Cdtporatton cigarette vendee. Is puutng machines an his stops In outlying territory.., An "'Award of Merit" la the form of a MR:74 tablet bee been presented to International Mato - mope by the U. S. Treasury In recognition of a record War Bond subscription by employees of the firm... American Coin Machines, Newark, N. J. reports that It cold Its recently acquired rrande route In Newport News. Vs. W. F. LONG, of the Majestic Amusement Company. was opened in the office of the Albena Sales Company buying phonographs for Long's route to Goldsboro, 8. C... HARRY SLSKIND. of Molter Automata Witte, and CHARLES BECKER. of Union Automatic, are back after a brat vacation.... Out-ot-toreners caught In action at Atlantic Distributing offices Included JAMES HALEY. Middletown, N. 2- and DICK PEWLS, Calve:set Venders. ARany, N. Y. Also seen were SAM KRAI!FR. Interboro Music; Ate DOUGLAS. BEN ciorrum. Majntlo Cofftpany, and ARTHUR HERMAN, Bolo Automata Muer DIP GLASSOOLD, Du Orenicr exec, snapped at the New 'trek offices of the firm In confab with local closrette opt. Richmond: vizitce along Goin alechthe Row was A. 0. WAGSTAFF of Wagstaff Arnuremyna In Crewe. who la en isalatant tiro chief attached to the army... DAN WERTZ, Werth Supply Company. trays tho tired machine Market is excellent, Ho Nits the medians faster then be can renovate them to his sbop... Local Mall Big program, with HOWARD HAMRICK as patter boy, Ls heavily radio Whale/Ian first class attenettne Nary Radio School at Chicago, T/SOY. HOWARD C. ROBINSON, somewhere In laignrull. is the Magee: man In his octet 'uremia; to a picture cent her former pluntng Phil BMWs record of I Don't Wont To Lore You... LOUIS HOFF- MAN, former chief mechanic at the Maynor DIstrthiltIng Ceeepony Is now a boas recently... ZAP BACCTOALUPO, WIgington Amusement Company. roturned from a North Carolina trip. STAN GOODMAN. former branch manager for timers here, now at the Moen* ate* In New York, vatted for several days.... HARRY PALMER. music operator. recently contracted for several boxes at Camp Mesrio. Md..., With the addition of Muslcraft to his line, LF.ON OARY now dart -lee In stock mom than 23 labels, somewhat of a record for Wu territory. Also adding MIls1Craft this week were ELEANOR MORRIS of the Corley Record Company and SANDY MARTIN of Wetter D. Mom. Detroit: ISIDOR EDELMAN, who recently Opened his second 'tore on Qtrand River Avenue Under the name of Edelman Gan Amuseroattes Company, has left for an entire summer's naltlen. to :ram In the fall. His nephew. HENRY EZIELaULY, Is running the budireas in the meantime. FRANK ALLUVOT, who formerly had a cola machine business In his own name on East Davison Arrove, ta Dow *root - lag es Prank's Music Company, at 1543 East MeNahols Road.,.. MAY msna.. TON has been appointed publicity Mire - tor for the Brilliant Musa Company. He has lust returned from a buying trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. HARRY GOLDMAN of the Motor City Mune Company reports the bulk of the company's time is being spent on Rock - Ole cervlee for the territory now, with the organization% own route operation taking a back seat... JOSEPH MIL- LIANT of the IlieUllar.t Mina Company Is et tending the Wholesale Musa Show In Chicago... WORRY KAPLAN, asks manager of the Brilliant Musa Company, has returned from a trip Chris Ohlo. AteeRT (SHINE, WEINtR, former man. are, of the Demi Dlitaleating Company for Oetroot, has been promoted to FCC. In the marine corps, eel h srstiemd at Oyu/saki*, Calif. BIN OKUM also had promoted fo PIC In the rane-4 Mpg, San Oleco. Ct44, lies a formes lase bee operator here. MRS. HILDA IACOSS has been nested manatee of Oa mord department of the BmIttant Most: Company. tae iseteeds her brother. JACK CLADSTONI, who 14. certify kit the ortanisaften tee California. MR. and MRS. ELMER TIMMER.W.AN of Arnsizornte.t Sates were called home because of their daughter's Illness ALFRED J011/130X.$51ITH 10 active head of the Johnson Smith Company, national ettstrthutors of vending machines and many specialty produeta now that his son. PAUL astrru, president of the company, is In war research week.... (Soo Colitxten late Know on pope 87)

86 86 COIN MACHINES The Billboard OlITSTBDING OP IRE UST MONEY -MAKING ARCIDE 1 PIIOTOMATIC - Latest Model. ---Serial No. PHDS I SKTVIGHTE:12 1 SELECTORSCOPE 1 di0erchen SKILL JUMP S KEENEY ANTUAIRCRAFT 2 ACE BOMBERS 1 SCIENTIFIC UPRIGHT BASEBALL 1 SCIENTIFIC upnrcrrr BASKET BALL 1 FOOTEASE VITALIZER tathiews Lo/oat) 1 FOOTEASE VITALIZER (tmakm Modal) 1 CHICAGO COIN HOCKEY S BALLY RAPID FIRES 2 SEE -BURG SHOOT -THE. CHUTES S DRIVEMOBILES 1 KEENEY SUBMARINE 5 CHICKEN SAMS (0a es :a JAPS) I EXHIBIT KISSOMETER 1 BRAND NEW EXIIIB1T NVIIATSISlitectillms on Eta-ds I KICKER & CATCHER 1 EVAN'S PLAYBALL Lena OWN) I EVAN'S SUPER BOMBER 1 LOVE PILOT-Motoecupo MIMI LOT ONLY $ You Can Always Depend on Joe Ash- AllWays" ACTIVE AMUSEMENT MACHINES CO. 900 NORM trantlin PHILADDIPHIA 23, 01, PHONE MARKET 2656 OPERATOR DRAFTED beriewiem tetatt_gr eselms h ere stet was to Mks OW et irdexteed n 0111H5cto. t set ettryttilmtk'z iwy, lea 9M. It-,.01 &ell meet* teme.09 dn5 aloes PHONOGRAPHS Was/ , , 412, Twin 12. Roct1tio.-4 Illasiors. I pith onset,. beno. semclbw a Soor, 1 mks, ertaraws. tem. PPIMtesIMON MOW Do Lone coat Surnionts-11 Coyo allocklendser an/ It newt. illaprfteel ISO Talmo tee Aeon. P at. N 11,ts41 oo4 R.111/ acre Mete Tea 's era Para owner Moen, Ikon& Sososses Reading liochhei a U me m II. 54 bee 25 Naar Ilaester. Good sup114, of minty to Os with tha Waning Torn Thooli. SOO Cork Poo.. lestration. Hock. 04 /col. Cr. 104* 040nollekt, &hoe Toletnono, Mrs -411 lottoortmois. ter..a.nw. Alley Diatributing Co. JMtli 0. ALLY Vinaterall. lanicont: iwo.conuaor WEATHER PROOF NIBS. 15.0a,ose. inne Pm IIINOLC.CONDUCTOR (es Abort) Por Crown Machine Co. :us N. Reareth An L1.. ma. SALESBOARDS CLOSE OCT PRICE 1000 noir itn-tion 1.. a,$o, etitt, 009 ton/ 13e regs. 1.0 JOHN BAKER CO. T11 PLYMOUTH OT. OHICA00. ILL. NOW AVAILABLE Ittrst-ca StotiLask on an typso ran otnlini ilsests.-e:cooko, C...Yr. It.. a Wok. non ot mimeo, him.e otociftims m flat letter. Tra to ar ROY WILSON 1001 Wtr4He Sea , T Trade Tops Fifth War Bond Quota Ahead of Schedule CHICAGO. July 22. -With another week to go to tho current Fifth War Loan Bond Drive, the industry eiready is m- owed of topping the $12,000,000 quote which was set by them before the driver got under way. Averages ranging from 100 per cent to 240 per cent were reported by can machine manufacturers and ecems say the response was greater than anticipated_ Bete to Chicago. RockOis Manufacturing CorporaUon reported their company had purchased in excels Of In War Bonds which represented 240 per cent of their quota. Sing:Tole contributions were equal to 140 per cent of their quota, buying bonds which totaled 678,000 or 8125 per employee. Bally scald they had already topped their 8110,003 quota and that the dote of the drive *would pee them well above that Clgure. MennwhIle, Serburrs Bruce Jager reported the company had equaled the quota of per cent. Reports from Wurlitzer showed the retell idore and executive division chalked up sales M 120 per cent. while the plant at North Tonawanda N. Y.. hit 103 per cent and was expected to go higher during the last week. In De Ita/b, Tn.. Wur- Wirer bas already bit :as per cent of the required goal Milts Industries say they are well over their quota of $ having collected so far. Jennings were also expected to top their quota. ea was Stoner. J. R. Keeney Corporation. D. Gottlieb it Company: Clenco, Inc.: Chicago Coln Machine Corporation: International Mutostepa Reel. FOR GUARANTEED JENNINGS EQUIPMENT BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY 1700 WASHINGTON BLVD_ CHICAGO 12. ILLINOIS Inc.: Exhibit Supply. Buckley, Watling Manufacturing Company and Perrno Products. In putting the Fifth War Loan Drive over the top, many companies In the Indust. -y used good promotional stunts. LUllA Industries. for example, erillsted its WOW's (Women Ordnance Workers). IRS or whom were designated *Metal Minutes Men by the Treasury DePartcner.t. Majority of the plants staged some Miad Of campaign to,maitre the success of the drive and the maul: from reports received Is impressive. Eastern Drive New York Coin manufacturers without exception went well beyond their ruth War Loon quotas, lb each instance doing even better than In tho /Worth War Loan when many records were set. Bill Rabkln. International htutoscopo prexy says that a quota was exceeded almost 100 per cent by employcea. beating the total reached in the Fourth War Lean for which the Treasury awarded International a bronze tablet, aeons Stedman, who supervised the Fifth War Loan drive for both Rowe Manufacturing and Rowo Cigarette Sere. ice rays that both these Witte` quotas of were rurpaased by about f0 per Cent. Ito adds that practically ail!notary, once and servtce employees of Rowe subscribed and Individual allotmenta were to core., of the relatively LIyJt totals attained In the FOurTh War IrOtu Du Grenlerls Mee is on record with similar story. Final figures arc not In yet. says the dm but advances totals Indicate the Du Orenter's employees went innathingly over the top and comfortably topped a quota, also at 110.CC0. Max Levine. Stier:Uric Machinery Corporation proxy and old-timo trade lead- = says he is eery proud of the way In which the arm's employees responded to Fifth War Loan appeals. All the arm's =10:gem bought bonds as per schedule and the firm over-aubscribed It quota of by 05 per cent. HELP! HELP! HELP! We can use ten Mechanic.. Prefer all around men that know the bust. ness from top to bottom. from amplifiers to pin games and free play consoles, to rebuilding slots, Please give complete detail% including other qualification% such as if you are familiar with refrigeration, etc. Al -0 two Route Men. Cult be good all around hustlers. able to hold business we have and pick up :sew business. Must also he able to service pin Kamer, free play conoofes, Mills, Sceborg and Wuriiiter phonographs. Our equipment is the Ilea. We furnish everything. We pay top wages, and the right men here plenty of chance. for AdVntlee. anent. We want men that want to settle in the Garden Spot of the U. S. A. Living conditions ideal, rents reasonable, food prices moderate. We will pay transportation. Give all details in first letter. Applicants must stand rigid investigation. All replies strictly confidential. Please do not telephone. BILL FREY, INC. P. 0. BOX 4141, NAM 25, FLORIDA "WANT A MECHANIC Experieneed Mechanic wanted for Wurlitme-Secburg equipment. also Pin Ball Machines,. No booze hounds or "fly by night". Real opportunity now and after the, war. Write frilly, giving draft.lauding, reference, etc. All details in strict confidence, Good living condition: clean.ready town: good aebools and churches. BOX D.247. The Billboard, Cincinnati I, Ohio. ANOTHER WEEK NEARER VICTORY!..._ KED BRIM IT CLOSER -BUT HOKE WAR BONDS INTERNATIONAL MUTOSCOPE CORPORATION Picini &mode lisostwortsrs Mono lesnoloctotes of Piwoontue ant eneno Iwo. can Orono., s. *1,44-01 ELEVENTH STREET LONG ISLAND CITY. NEW YORK July 29, 1944 Sailor Needs Help CHICAGO. July 22. -News Of how the cone mschlne trade has helped the rnen of World War II even reaches the wide expanses of the seven seas, It moons at indicated by a letter received by The Billboard from it yoeman second elms aboard the aircraft =titer Ticonderoga. "This Is one of those letters that a guy doesn't know bow to begin. Well, anyway here gobs," he write,. "The captain of this giant car rter of UM Ticonderoga has put the in charge of entertainment and I am trying to do everything peolible to help keep the fellows happy. We've got a big job to do out here and the longer we slay away from the good old U. S. A. the tougher It gets. "'That's why I am asking you to do us a favor. I would appreciate it If you would run a abort column In your magazine asking the people of the coin machine In. dustry to write ma If they have any equipment that would to of help In entertaining the fellows looking for Rut about anything. Pin games. scales. arcade 017,Chilte.5, In fact anything that we might be able to tao ots this ship for our smokers. -Let me know If you can do this for ate. Thank., for your Urr.o and I'll be looking for a reply one of these days. Sincerely, JOHN HELOT:11ST. Y2/c USER. c/o Fleet Post 05o0, New York. N. Y." Sooner Novelty Co. Occupy New Biz Site OKLA1103SA CITY, July 22,-800ricr Novelty Company, coin machine dim. tributors, who also maintain a branch la Little P.ock, Ark.. have moved their business quarters In this city to a new alto on West Second Street. T. O. Wolfe. an official of the company. reports that Drees Distributing Company have rented 5100 square feet of spec* In the new businms site for their operation& Sooner has experienced incremed LC. Welty In their line, and the new quarters wilt provide ample apses for showrooms. repair r.licp and ern,: force. Ready For Locaiionsl 25 itsetbes. Red 0 Ilia. Late S 'SS Track Ti, HI Hands S lareangs Fast Vireo aiews Para Rare S Clab Bells tram Lucky Stars Pao Saratoga. Comb. Rafts Paces Rats. tees!, Rea* SLOTS 20 Milting Rolstop Se front Veedors ' leanings Vklory Clad. Sc leaningssiket CAW Mae Q.T.. Cell. New, Ic WU. Q.T.. Elba, Cratchea Colorable Bell, 5c WIN Roll's Eye, Coos, Neck. Sc :03 ISollit fro. Coot. Heck. 25c S Chrome Vest PocketMeters ROY ilegevnis CO MARYLAND AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD. 50,000 WINCHESTER.22 CARTRIDGES E.B. CAPS/ hei.-isd In Barvc-tDocr. Will gall to finest beidee. Address BOX see, The 51111w4rd 155 N. Clark St.. Cartage 1, III.

87 July 29, The Billboard COIN MACHINES 87 BARGAINS GUNS II Dell, Rapid Prat, 1.05 $ I $ CONSOLES 2 3w4re PreCm, Clash Pay. Item Clean,g $ Mower Rentomy Claes * Arrows Trma 7Inw (WI I Keeney Truce Tins (1037) I Arniro , 4 CeIn, 2 01(1664 Owen SLOTS Mills Dame WIN. 104 Play, K.A $$50.00: itch Mills Area Isy Mats W115 taw. Da I Do V.1 Oman ion, Irw Tr E4 3 Machines In One. Very Clean J.P., Cmerry Real, Tem Clean Mill, Dim Play, With Bar Watling J.P. Ocuromma. 14 Pay Cw'r4 3-6 Pm Jen.,4e50 VICIAWIS. 24, 2.4 pa,, Vera Clean. Llae Aim MIN CIS., Caen lama an, 2.4 P. A en, teen 5030 W Mn4a , 54, 24 Pat, Rain $ Illmwtos 0,14 Aware, Co. IswItue. 0., Moto MS Walling , /004, Pay. tech SO Q.T.. All To CM, Caen lama 51pereav /. 24 Par. Iwo watery Gmeoamt. zoo PIN BALLS sew.' Pt, OM MarAlma. Mostty Fme Pin. &arm Pateola. Mum 0411 In "wowi chase sans Lau VENDERS 60 et More Pownri 614 MetnInet. Mostly lnarrwt, Newel VI4 Ono Ail Ales lloworal tamp SW. To Cl. Mote A. on.. of an In Polon. Send a Wynn or 1 ora. Aelanoe D.. s. $'V Orel. WAYNE SALES CO. C. H. HANK.!tier. 616 E. 31nin St.. Ger...milk, Ohio Phone 791 ORDER NOW! READY FOR LOCATION! turo N... go ,1 120 Wurtrue WWI 11eass. go Same Orsw. Ea Doing Mow Reaewwlap, C Ise InNelkaw Wan Ism. AA esebesi1nlaseins tn IH.641 Stew 10444ry Orlon alwaaws. Von Ow.. (a, $ elle. PA1 alpealans In Can: mu. Now. R. 1$ &sebum A suadm P.I.U.w RA Oran/ Pleur ART Cogs 0114a ra Cierree RA se Ann Proof alothoolamo fir Arobsee Ro. Rs. 1 01,14ate AUwI noel% awl lalanniewe oo S lle Moe Won Mow Roam )67.1. wee, AP., L4614 M.M tad ITo u. Olub Maa4le. Ulr Row. P.O let /.4r:nottcrte; Cl.ffirt4 30 Pawling wane New Hot Ifteink. aite.a.tnee. Fee par Lea Th Wailing /es. LAM Rm. ILA Wat114 'Wane IMAM, LIM Xma, te It w Iverw Want Per 100 Pi 'o deposit. balance C. 0. D., F. 0. B. Mizaboth, N. J. R01AL DISTRIBUTORS 409 No. Broad Street Elizabelh. N. J. AIME Phoee: Elizabeth S0H.ES BOARDS Eloaros, $O Pas- $ Istaln Beres.76 Moo Put Take.as Loth10 C U.* Win Ana.70 awl Put A Tale Ice 100 ol '.) Porn In Plot, 'w MAW (In 1001).00 DICE MACHINES Ct11/ )014. COLOR OAMg, IIILD, SCAT MY SHAME SPACIAL RAW. Triangle Fireworks Co. are 5. W. t Ann Rd. MIAMI 30, ILA. FOR GUARANTEED BAKERS PACERS PACAS RACES and SERVICE BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY 1700 WASHINGTON BLVD. CHICAGO 17, ILLINOIS Potential Coin Mch. Locations Seen in Future Airpark Plans post V -day tiler Is oonoerned. In viea- Ing these plane for elaborate "airparka" It Is Been that there will be a definite place for mum kinds of coin -operated machined In each air -stop. Development Needed Aceccelthe to the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. the United States is In much the same position. airwtse, It was during the advent of the autemobile In the early part of the century. The contention Is made that thews:ids of potential automobile owners held oft purchase of cars until paved roads ap- COINNIEN YOU KNOW (Conti:sued from page 45) MAX MOORE of Tratrigle Amusement Game] and his family are back from a brief vacation trip to Mackinac. RCS - SELL WAGNER of the Wagner Music Company is dispoeicg of some or his aur. pine music equipment. HARRY.7. warm, cons machine epee. ator here. reeentiy married louts Mc- Dowell. of Harriaburg. III, who formerly had a singing and wiggling novelty *et on the Blue Network. Chicago: Vacation time boa hit the Cb'cago coin trade... DAVE GOTTLIEB. president of D. Gottlieb & Company, left for Texas to renew aoquaintancea on his old stamping grounds... HERD JONES and BERT PERKINS. at Daily, were also getting *way from It all for a while.... NEWPORT MUSIC COMPANY, headed by 1.0:13 Koren, has changed Its name and moved to a new spot. Pirm la cow known as Ace Music Company and is set up In larger quarters on West Chicago Avenue. HARRY MARCUS COMPANY has EARL a :outman out then the Rocky Mountain States to see how local distrlba and operators are faring. "Ainuaentent Goes to War Is the theme of the Lion Manufacturing Company (Dally) exhibit at the Army Service Forces War Weapons Show now on In Burnham Park on Chttago's lake front. Front and center In the display le a Daily Rapid Fire gun that's now being Used to train stried waist gunners for the armed forces. News of the appointment of new of. ricers by alias industries cracked the financial pages of all the papers In town this past week... I., D. meconancric. music operator from Greenville, N. C., In town Over the week -end.... orouos QUINLAN. from Pittsburgh. In town... JOIIN DICKSON. Jennings distributor from Ilateaville. Ind.. visitor et the JeunInge factory...also a Jenninge visitor was RAY VOLMER. factory rep from Logarsaport. WIXCEL here from Indlanapolls... Every week It seems a fresh rumor about another firm entering the Juke box manufacturing biz matte the rounds,... C. PARKS from Seattle nia.ktnz the rounds. with HANK MASER and JOE IIART from San Francisco... That party of Out-of-town common reported at the /AtIn Quarter Iasi, week was tossed by IRVING OVITZ and OSCAR SCHULTZ. of Automatic Colo.. BILL FREY. or Miami. visiting... JACK HARDEN down from Walworth (Fontana). WU., buying equipment for a new arcade he's Instalting In connec- Heti With his boat and Other retort esp. cessions. II 10c 0443 Woe taiglos. C CHICAGO, Jury 22. -The snowball Cell. Now CA.,...eN, Sin peered thruout the counthy easing the I jack, OeautlEul. CH, De, 1,U,. started by Henry.7. Kaiser. the boat headache of Miring on dirt roads. 3,, S PrIeW, Writ, builder, when he recently announced his The comparison la obvious. Countleas II /, Mows iowat. Rebuilt post -sear plena foe the building of thousand' of potential aircraft purchae. Lam Now. Cl/, KA. T f S air terminals from Coast to COOAL, thus era will welt until adequate landing and I25e HAN BA. Fronts. Rebuilt creating potential corn machine Imations MIng-maintenance facilities ore provided tete Now, 0)4. KA, 3/ Mill, la oath, is steadily growing; the potentialities ire becoming more ooncrete as before they venture Into the air lanes. I Keeney Two Way, 5.25 Write by governmental end civic Tam lielts Writ. authorities Keeney Fear Way, 5. 0'5125 WId other aeronautical org planners In 1014 there were but 300 miles of 2.50 Mills Glob DOE Rebuilt LA, outline steps of progrevion and convenience for privste airman owners. extensive dente.; was done only with a snored roads In Now York State alone and Now, CA, CM, DO Wilt. The Aeronauttcal Chamber of Commercel poet -war plans indicate a similar traversing the Intermittent dirt road great Ion of time and convenience In I Se. IN, 25e Orig. Chrome,, OP, KA, CM. 1410, Soplela Wril 5e 14.11s ewe 0,em interest for the future of private ale - connections ) h.ef. 3/ I s ruturdy craft operation. Their welfare program It will therefore be neteasary for ale - lo.,bo Saudi, F.P., In Flee Skap 1117ee 4.50 entalis the suggested building of thousands of.altparks' In the Immediate In the plane being made to serene the MONOGRAMS AND WAIL BOXES craft manufacturers to take an Interest Mt 14m poet -war years to accommodate all per - air tourist of the future. Without the World's. Yletory Model, 2 or SO eons who will wish to own arid fly their co -Operation of the airplane manufacturer. air terrrjnal Sod nitpick builders Worilfste VIclory1A Wlo $ Individual plums. A valorem a presentday eirnelds by the chamber has revealed cannot cecupiete their plans for answer - ISetbura 0102 Hite., Ceneeseted that of the estimated 2,000 airfield, now Ins the verde of all Men Mopping for wartiras 411's. light Up Cab, Mors Thrones of Music available to private plane owners. many :miaow:auto:. and &orrice. If the coun weg [ovary. R.C of them are of questionable umfulnees Ireams Mmter, Wabmt Flalals Insofar so servicing the needs of the Doelrela.4 ' try la flooded with family type planes soon after V -day without semee rhea - Ulm being readied, the trend will point toward a letdown of aircraft tales. Coln Maeltinea Fit In As In the plans being formulated by other recognized builders, such sa Kane: end Fireatone, who intends extending gm station faellities thruout the country, much thought should be given by the "eirpark" Operators to creating pre - (See POtentUa Coln If RM., 0 up596 00) WPB Advisor Group Held 764 Meetings WASHINGTON. July 2:Z. -Called for consultation on many wide -spread problems endue from the war effort, the duatry advisory committees of WPD held 674 meetings during the Dist six months Of The oorsunitteca Include more than 8,000 business men and women who corns from ell parts of the country and represent vtrtually every phase of United States Industry in WP/3 jurudiction. Slay was the pealed of greatest committee activity with 130 meetings being held. 'Mere were 136 meetings In January, 134 In February. 130 in March. 119 In April, and 101 in June. In determining the representause character of the commit:eta, WPB officials sald, comideretion Is given to the size of the companies. geographical theta-rgion of the industry, percentage of membership in trade groups, eutous segment& of particular Industries such as types of products, degree of integration and other pertinent fact... Bert Lane Back in Distrib Biz Again NEW YORK. July 22. -Bert Lane, who formerly headed Seaboard Sales, Inc, In New York as exclusite agents for WACO. Ine_. and International Mutoscope, has come back to the Industry hero as World Wide Dtitributors at th Avenue. According to Lane. World Wide Distributors will act as the Eastern ageney for Liberator. dere:lee:1 as 'legal shooting game revamp- and Shoot -a -Bazooka, the latter a conversion of Chicken Sam. Jail Bird. etc. Lane adds that he has also amassed a large stock of used &gulpment. Since 1042 when wartime reetricuorts ctirbed the Manufacture cf coin machines, Lane has been aupervlaing the war production of Fleming Manufacturing Zs Englacoring Corporation, New Judge for Slot Case NEWPORT, Ky. July Circult Judge.1. W. Turner, of Newcastle. has been named as a soirvial Judge to bear the slot machine eases here Urns Judge John 1.. Vest dioquannrct himerif to hear the cued. The suits Involving the machines were Meet last fall and Isms attracted some Interest. Judge Vest disqualified himseif because he said co two OCCAZ10125 he bad seen slot meehines on the premiss of some of the location Involved. On one Occaelon ho had seen slot machined at s meeting of a local bar association and on another occasion at a meeting of a fraternal ceder. -MARKEPP VALUES MB II SLOT MACHINES AND CONSOLES I so, um, alas. Frowts. Now Cabl.. I Amt, Slerle Mak. LA. New, CH, OP, KA. 3 5 Payout... Write Rochots Inonat. 20 Ite4o..1 ISO 00 I1-Wim Daromailcs. 5;10/ Seenum wireleee WsHootatka, W52Z AR(LDE EQUIPMENT IChltaIn Ail Star Markey $ Deism Weetern 5e1.5ai Ran, Rea441 Ice IWenIlIk Sothic Nook* Submarine Can Smburg Snoot the Chute Royale Low (Soy Sules I 4,.06 Low Ate.iwn Stales Ratko!, To, On., Pi O. S9.20 FIVE BALI PIN OAHU ABC Bowler n0.22en1 $ Ale Grans ils1er, ' Air?Nee, Tea Hawk IContest por1Peeedo 4750 Comm Torn Stretellnee Ten Con Club Mutiang I Notostotte 52.50VENDERvietery IU tit Candy Ise $37.50 Natlawoil Comfy Elm Adams Dwaine Gem Mishima with Stand I All ectli-ent then.m.01,7 05e elmoug. KW 4100atit weer. I BUY WAR BOOS WITH FEY MONEY I'll pay cash for anything in Coin -Op d Machines. ISEND IN YOUR LIST TODAY. 1 MN The Markepp Company I Z.: :R!WI C1,1101.it Are. C:F.e..nd i H.1, NM IMIM SLOT MACHINE REPAIRS Expert 'Workmanship All Machines Thoroughly Over. hauled, Repainted and Rebuffed. Our Price Mb, Jennings and Pace. ISO.00 Plus Parts. 10 -Day Service. Suggest That You Ship By Railway Expres., peep.td. AUTOMATIC COIN MACHINE CORP. 315 GA4sIntil St.. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALESBOARDS aluaa 10.oln7 114ar00-24 Haw , MeMs Arne Profit Poke Def. $17.00 $ Deuele rum J.P. C10.r*, J.P. Swelmets J.P. Mrs R twins NIA hue AO Jambe Orme T6145. IMF J.P. Jumbo Ten RN?Inn. ra.te ison 1413.P. Tau C1U0Sm AP. Net OM Amen lw Ileowese Na. /MI (Ma, 50 ao 5144 Play, Cowards wr Your Momy 5401, DELUXE SALES CO (ARAM MINN. I

88 88 COIN MACHINES The Billboard July 29, 1944 Hawaii Expects To Become Hub Of Pacific Post -War Coin Biz UslUntw-, qirio ::,` ii '-5,A osrii. SID.;. u :. 7:1L:),'" MI& ,.4 none Me. =4:47;w4 --- $51111C.,t!'i.--. DP./11 1,, IliZZIMIN ass,coe I ,.0 1 $ '''''''''''''''''''' : '.4:: o IV oo ' :::: ': ::::::: :::: : 44*0 IY:0.:i ilwttli iill; 1 iiiiiiiiii ii ".* -.! 1 ".!..001,...: a. fffittf....,e1 : me... -w HOT..-11 has FM smog..el Ft we4n flow, Ir the b 'Aran orocr 040 TAKCS IMe FATS OUT, A..1. P eu.se Ornietiiies AVER/int PROF IT GARDNER & CO ARCHER CHICAGO 411. Le, THANKS... and more! To our many friends for their splendid co-operation when times were "tough." It takes that kind. of co-operation and support to force us to do the impossible at times and bring you the tops in salcsboards... that is our goal now POST WAR PLANS... are In the minds of all energetic companies. We arc no exception. We have on our POST WAR drawing board many new and outstanding ideas, designs, color schemes that will take your breath away because they arc so different and unusual, and you can bet they will command the top spots wherever you may spot them. NOW SELECTING... jobbers and distributors thruout the country to handle our outstanding line of post war salcaboards on exclusive franchise basis with 100% co-operation. If you're interested, write EXCEL MFG. COMPANY 1033 W. Lake Street Chicago. Illinois "EXCEL salesboarde are EXCELlent" FOR SALE CONSOLES I 4.Acev Wetly Club Bob Tisileso tally Hi -Mss/ Wag Fees Paco Reeds. 44 Melee Keep lea flying k Pao* Reek, Lel* Meads lessisce fast l'inglas. P.P MUSIC I lese;sre Totalizer,. CI Sestsiess 1 Wsil.sc Big Came, C.C (treys $ OTS 1 Conceit Cued Reg 3 Sc 114. h..ts, Fe SL e. Annan $1,...d 4 Sc Cher., Itettuitt c Cheery Belt Ix. Rebuilt R.C. Matte ligethanlim. In keel ,4r ChM Cabinet% Ilk. Mew Ambolm 1 25c knifings Came '40 Menet,. Reeleliiht 5400,00 1 k Q.T.. Slue '40 %sp.'s 4 Closes@ Vest Peach, Xt., Stets S 12 -Retard I Malt Sevilla Bah Wert:sem 1 k COM Casstshas Suite Ken $ A PIN GAMES 15 12Reone S Gwent c Wien. Beets etteik Malt Imeveve efff.41enee Equipment in FirstClass Condition SHREVEPORT NOVELTY COMPANY 414 Crorket Street E- L Smeller, Jr. Phone 5903 or 'sport, Louisiana HONOLULU, July 22. -When peace drink renders. Since tourist trade n. comas to the Pacific tilts group of Viands well as an increased population will bo everts to be the hub of all businme ono of the main buying p.owers of postwar Hewett. ootn-operated equipment will which the United Statm will control In the TAU expanses of tho Far Dat. find a hugs market. Reports Indicate Commercially. Honolulu seemsuker to that many West Coast distributors are become the Manhattan Transfer Of the already laying the groundwork for exports to Hawaii, and the number of such Picitsc, a trams -shipment point In the Cow 02 Vette between the Aniette-sA, the firma should increase as vletery In the Orient and Australasia. With faster And Pacific drawn nearer. lower mat air and oteamahlp travel In Three and many other signs seem to prospect, the Wanda may also eapett Indicate that after the war the people more tourists thisa ever before. Applications for air serice to the mainland have able, except En color and features, from of Hawaii will be largely Indtstingui,h- been made to the elvu aeronautics board those to be found on Main Street In a by two local etrilnes, as well as by several typical Midwest town. '1O cnainisect mainland airlines. Americans who hare thought of these With the huge in, --ease to tourist trawl people as being predominantly foreign, which is expected during the post-war It may be news that they represent a )ears, coin machine exports from the higher proportion of natlet-born hearkens than the poputstleas of New York, States will also increase. Po: three years prior to Pearl Harbor, Import of min. Slassachimetis or California. operated machines by Burin was /seedily Increasing. Figures foe IOU show the valued amount of American exports In this line totaled In export ECTIFIERS REBUILT - figures of American manufacturers remalned about the same with the valued ainsurit, totaling In the lost year for which there are complete figures. they show Hawalla Importa of coin -operated equipment WAS %WOOS at Hawaii has always been regarded &P an ideal vsosuon spot by Americana, and peacetime resort owners bare will find an ever-inc:ming number of mainlanders spending their free Rene in the land of the hula. A great future Is peen for the coin -operated phonograph. With all major compar.tee maintaining record. Mg studios on the West oast, Hawaii will find Its supply and delivery of late numbers of morels apeeded tip. Venders are also expected to go well, especially Ft. Worth, Dallas To Vote on Local Wet, Dry Issue August 5 PORT WORTH. July 22. -August 5 has been set for the local prohibition election to be held here and In Dallas. An towns and einem in Tarrant County, of which Ant Worth la the county seat, will alto decide whether or not this section will go dry. Campaigns supporting both aides of the question are being given a good deal Of publicity. Observers say the drys grim to be spending the most tams and money in an effort to swing the election their way. While the other faction asserts then there me not enough representative Totem to give the election a fair try. the drys, In radio talks, say there are enough priests to decide the question. Of course, triers are a good number of termer votera now serving In the armed forced. and it is thla number which observers say may swing the balance In favor of the drys. Prohibition was voted down two years ago by a margin of 2 to 3. It has been estimated that the majority of persona signing a recent petition. requesting the election. aro drys. Should prohibition win In this &melon, It would be a severe blow to the better coin machine.,pots since most of them are In taverns. Closing of the taverns would hurt, beyond estimate, the coin inn/lain* business and coinmen aro hopeful the election will be decided the way It was two years ago. WE WAN! TO BUY -PIN GAMES IS I Paa Teel, Pe.so F ',use saippese Penn. MONIORI* 11 eis CO eival-azier AS. CO SICIPO011er tea co LI1CRT1 1, SM PLYINO es.co ma Paniong taco YOUR seas FIVII.TON.TWINTY KNOCKOUT OENCO 0... IL SACO VIOTONY TOPIO JuNCILIC WESTW1/ DO PS MI MELROSE VENDING COMPANY II,,,e 41. /at reexiae, Cant Send Us Your Worn -Out Rectifiers We will rchuiltl, clean and magi as serviceable as new ones, Detach nil reed - /1. -re from the. fransbrrrier. be' tore shipping. $2.50 EACH In Canada $8.50 Celtere RECENT VENDING SALES 779 Bank St. Ottawa. Made HARRY MARCUS CO. BIG W ERIE ST.. CHICAGO. ILL. pmnatinivirsary SPECIAL SALEIp 0 LANIPS--TERES--ZIP CORD 0 LAMPS C. Wasu-$1$. MOs, 0V, , 40 Wait 1120 Is a C.A./. tad, 7e. A ALL MINIATURE Ontell-41). SO. 51. I / Pot Del, 404. NOW ZIP RUSIIIIR 4 XTKIIIION CORO ft. t Re. 1. Pr IL 21,0. 3 AMP.. $ AMP. PLUO Plate, Po $ 6, VA 30 AMP. PLUG Petra. Pee MALI A /SMALL PLUGS. Psr TUBA IN 11CW PACKCO L ISO M,ty 1/a Dalarco , P.O.O. N.Y. ARCADE RUI.11 CO. IL 541 W. tun twee NEW YORK CITY It Wstues oleo 1110Kikila

89 July 29, 1914 The' Billboard MUSIC MACHINES 89 Revenue From Juke Box Strong Point In Ky. Court Case LOVIESVILLE, July 22.-The records of the eoort of apps*!* here contain unique teetrinony to the value of coin machines regaurents and similar 1o:otters. The record shows that purchaser or a restaurant brought cult aeathst the origteal owner, alleging that income from the reataurant, had been represented as more than It actually earned. The court decided In favor of the or -leftist owner and In enumerating the m - em' for ouch a decree mentioned the fact that changes In the coin machines In the restaurant, and Lao In the operator servicing the location, had played a pert In the drop in earnings. It wax almost like saying that to Orange operators and to Preempt the regular coin machine err -rice bad caused tee total earnings of the restaurant to lall The Court decree wild that "the eel - fence further show* the Matntiffa to have changed the phonograph and removed the Mots whereby It could be prayed from each booth in the restaurant. Alto that they replaced amusement machines with ones furnished by a die-!trent cotapany than had supplied de. Rodents. The phonograph and three road:toes had produced a constderabio ;coat to defendants when they operated the business... The buyers treated this prop. eny se their own lifter discovering the alleged Redolent repreoentation, changed the phonograph and amusement machines and even made a payment Of $40 en the note " Wurlitzer Michigan Distrib Office Opens DETROIT. July 22.-Opening of the Mw WurlItzer thstrthoting hredquerters at the Martin DtetribeOleg Company hero' recently attracted a good number of local common and outoif-town Tuatara. Martin Salerielefer heads the distal) firm and acted as heat for the gathering. AsestIng him were bas staff: Ruth Martin, tookkeepen Ted Parker, salesman; Pearl Bluestein. secretary; Bill Sager, mechanic: core. Schoen, serviceman, and Douglas Wickbam. mechanic. Among the out-of-town mots were Jim Broyles, Ben Holsinger and Ed Wits. Ore. of the Rudolph lehnittrer Company North Tonawanda die:meet Art Olsen, bead of Perm* Products, Chicago, end Ben Loreto. of Eagle Coto MathIne Company, Cbtcst'O. Lack of Juke Parts Still Ops Headache BALTIMORE. July 22` --The radio tube 'neuters La still critical and juke opt are finding it difficult to effect necessary repairs. Many Jukes here are now Idle for lack of ports. Juke coo say the outlook is still gloomy In spite of the recently announced "Mirth Plan." Donald M. Nelson, OMB thetrinan end author of the plan, has listed 100 eustonser items which could be put into production within a month adopted. Among these Items are see. oat If which would be of aid to op., but the present shortage of repair puts. 1. so ortical that ops did not receive much et a 'Eft" from the recent announce mint. - City Studies License Fees EILVERTON. Ore.. July 22,-The city ecucen here recently decided to invesugate what other clues are doing Meet licensing coin machines and to noun especially about fete charged. A meeting will be celled to consider the ripen* when tuvestigations are made. Thu Is taken to mean that the oeunell wilt consider increastng scene of the tat rates already to effect- Pinball tames ere already licensed at, $10 per Per and a similar fee Is charged on pool tablet but other types of coin Machines in hot Mowed at prate:at. Coin Gal Now Navy Scouts' Pin -Up Girl DES MOINES, July 22,-Ofecial plromp girl for the navy scouts and raider* at Fort Pierce. Ma, Is blonde aorta Leech - man, a member of the odes staff of the Record shop here, operated by the 8uperlor Sales Company. Miss Leachman was the winner of the pin-up title front 199 entries received at the Fort, Dos Moines navy num. Rarr.On Thomas. who was a school -churn of Mat losehmen, entered her preitoe In the contest unbeknown to her. He had obtained her picture out of the Dee Moines newspaper. The pin-up girl 16 a blue-eyed blonde, 6 feet 3 Inches tall. weighlrsit 110 pounds and her major Interests are swimming, dancing and music. The latter expiates why she sells records for the Superior Sales Company at their record shop, the likes to hear good =Pre. Her good looks brought her before the movie camerae recently when a motion picture company produced a WAC picture at net Do Mottles and the was given one of the pens. Ark. County Votes on Dry Issue August 1 SfORRILTON, Ark.. July 22.-August 1 la the dare act for a local option election in Conway County of which this city is the county seat. Originally the election was set for May 9, but non -petitioner, for the election appeeted the county court election ruling to the State Supreme Court. In a decision handed down today by the State Supreme Caine., Judge Olen Fullerton upheld the first ruling of the local county court and set the election for Aunot 1. Chi Op Evolves Own System For Picking Click Disks Three years' experimentation prove value of plan in chosing records that firm's location patrons want to hear-route men prove sleepers can be boosted into hits CHICAGO. July 21,-Three year* of experimentation on the part of Sammy Patent and the employees of Century Move Company here bare resulted In an almost "sure -Ore" method of keeping firma plumes stocked full of dieks that patrons want to lust. While the firm LOU national guldee to help plot Its buying course. It has gone a step further In pinning down record likes and dislikes of each spot In which It has a Juke. The efitem Is simplicity 'teeif. On a large blackboard at the Century headquarter* are laded the 24 disks appearing In most Century boxes. The rest of the chars is divided into 12 columns. one for each route, Balto Ops Want Fewer Hillbilly; More Pop Records IIALTLMOFtE, July 22,-Hlino111y disks have been most popular here, but juke opt say the eraser:es are overdoing It and hare been putting too many of them on the market. While the supply of hillbilly nurnocra is ample. other popular records are bard to get and some opa have found it necessary to delre into their stock. of old -tame favorites to round out their juke box programs. Shortly alter the outbreak of the war the hillbilly craze swept this emusso and only jukes which supplied a goodly number of such tumor received any play. However, now that the crate has quieted down somewhat. the public ta askrog for other tunes to break the monotony of hillbilly waxers. Ops Beating Headaches by Using Oldies and Folk Disks CHICAGO. July 22-Old favorites, folk records, both hilibniles and disks by colored bands, end the pro:meta of the anther record companies. ate help- Ing local music box operators to keep the: machine, loaded. Alweat every box In this area hit One or more such standbys as Sepia the Wotan Sterdutt. I o'clock Jump, Dancing to the Dark cc Body end Soul. to mention only a few. These are numbers which were waxed Wore the Petrillo bin, not new westerns, but they rate as highly with Jute box mote:none tie smelt of the newest diaks. Noleitiless are just as much In demand In mono locations as a Sinatra tune In a toelnege hangout. AI Dexter's SO Long Pal has, for weeks, been one of the highest ranking records In the folk tune category. Seidler's Last Letter, by Pinto Tubb, is also accounting for plenty of nickels- Pew. If any, juke boxes are found without one or more hiltiee. Mks by colored artists are proving money nutkers In strictly white lora- Cons. This Includes not only the old stand -bye such as Duke Penne:on, Cab Calloway and the ethic Brother*, but such comparative newcomers to the fold as Lucky MIlltnder, Louts Jordan (whose 0 / Jim is hot right now) and the King Cole 'Trio, especially the latter's Sfrefgefert lip and fly Right. Of the smeller companies, record* nude under the lilt label arc moat often to be found In the upper brackets of popularity. Art Kaeatl's Pony Kitty Sloe ryes and I'm /n Lore With Someone: Louis Pelmets Mime Ott a Furloo" and Is My Baby Slue Tonight?: the Three Suns' flow Many Hearts Hare TOY EtrO/O717, stile they haven't attained the popularity of a disk by Crosby ee One of the Dorsey& they have won acceptance by the inmate -hungry crowd. Operator' eay one reason for the emotes of this company's moots is that they are Wu - ally released before any of the major companies get around to Witting their versions of the tome tune. OPENING OF MARTIN DISTRIBUTING COMPANY in Detroit, new Win, oriel distributing headquarters for Michigan, attracted a good crowd of out-oftown coinenco who were snapped here with Martin BaIcnslefer and his staff. plus an additional column for the grand totals. As tech route man comes tn. he writes down the number of times each record on the list has been played at the location on hie route. Thus Amor may hare been played 47 tlmas On route one: 83 threes on room two, etc. The total number of time* the record was played on all motes is shown at the right band aide of the chart. The Hat is up to the minute, since every route man makes entries each time he comes In from sereicing the machines for which be Is responsible. Strangely enough the chart sometimes above that little publiol red tunes get the highest score, according to Sammy Palate. manager. Rook, 111,n "Sell^ Tames It is potable for servthemelt to help `put over" a number, espeeially one that is still cotrageratively eitiem by Getting the attendants at a location to Intern to a number a couple of times. then set the machine Do It will play that tune a few Unita after he has left. Then when customers come In and ask what tune is good, the attendants frequently suggest the number they hive nut beard. The chart each week cootie's about 10 or 15 of the moat popular selections current on the radio, In movies or those that are getting a lot of advertising. It alga contains several summaful standards. Century has a library of about 400 or 500 old tunes which have proved well worth a second MM. Palargt reveals. These are listed on the cintrt to determine the play they are getting and almost invariably they rink high. "One reason for the themes or the old tunes," Palaggi elates. -is that at present there Is a shortage of top-notch bands. Many of the better band Paden are either In the services or hare broken up their groups. Some of those who are ear. toesig on do not hers 10 good personnel as were In the original bandit tithe* the older numbers were recorded by top ordamtras, the public still likes to hear them." Availability a Factor The selection of popular tunes depends In part oa what records are obtainable. Sometimes a record which to In great demand Isn't available at the time the public most wants It. A case In point ta Malloy floats, which, when It first became popular. could be obtained only on OM label. Demand was far vaster than the supply, with the result that operators were unable to 1111 requests for the number when tt was meet sought after. By the time the tune had been recorded by other oompastles. demand had some - whet subsided. Pliant UM that In order to gel speedier delivery his company picks up records directly from distributors, thus saving two or three days In tome cases. Thla period of time means a great deal when a record Is at Its peak of popularity. he declared. Employees Sampled In picking tunes to put on the joke boxes Palaggl said If there is any doubt OS to the probable success of a number, It is tried out on the men In the shop. If meat of them like it. We 'en." since that taste is about the same as the general public's. thasineea is extremely satisfactory at present, Patent says. He rood he bad seen customers at some of the locattora put the lest nickel or dime la their pockets Into the Dike box because they wanted to bear a certain number. Many people, too, who bate not been jute box customers are 10a1112OLOg to get the habtt, ho declared. One reason for this trend. of course, Is the feet that most people now hose more to spend than they hare had In the peat.

90 90 MUSIC MACHINES The Billboard July 29, 1944 POPULAR RECORD REVIEWS (Continued from page :1) TINY BRADSHAW (Regis) -Straighten Up rind Fly Right"-FT. VC. "Bradshaw Bounce"-FT. It's a smeared and screaming reproduction of the Harlem -styled rhythm.* cd Tiny Bradahlere that marks his disk debut on this label Sounding moat of the way as II the band was cutting In a boiler factory, with a lot of muddled musks trying to paws out as powerhoine. these Initial sides bear little well for both the leader and the label In the bounce tempo, the King Cole favorite, Straighten Up and Fly Right, has Tiny cutting to with Calloway -inspired vocal. while his original genelper. Bradshaw Hamm, is the camel:dense% riff -ridden Opus. not done too well. But 122 different types of completely wired Adaptor. permit the me of available tube. In glare of those now 'scarce or entirely out of the market. No need to re -wire eel...- Convert your present stock of glow moving tube,. into types that are uneibtalre. able or hard.to-gel Write for Descriptive Folder 1 t to N...44o IC H V SPECIAL I # 6 PANORAMS WITTE MILLS I / SOLO-VUE CONVERSIONS 0 i FOR THE LOT 1 / / f EACH / I \ I BALTIMORE Wr:. fig.01 a mi. ''' Ati Wittio 1 of. i sk iorii 1 s. %.,,,,,,... - to 140 ve.t4t.rotai. '...4 sear On the sheers. el the soes's eseehery up De Hearin war.. mndc Opt mem lied saw. V.Strilshlen U and My Clear." arriiiiiiory sines tho I Tiny Arad. tale`, pecan. plots -ring. Popular Album Iles iews TOMMY DORSEY. STARMAKER (Victor) There is no denying that the Done), camp has created many a star on the misdeal surfaces. and there can be no shyness In the maestro deserving the sobriquet. It gives the record comper/ plenty of excuse to dust Off a batch Of oldies. put them up In an attraeuve package, and make for something that makes for effective peddling. Apart from the starting side, which has leameny solo. log on the slip horn for Axel Sic:chairs hymnal arrangement for Ithelkovsky's None But the Lonely Heart, each of the remaining seven sides serve as show - carers for his illiastrtous alumni. CZI0410 Haines Is ever cuddlessome for the arrivrty wordage of WW You Stilt be Mine; Prank einetra 'aeons out foe :rewrites Nap. pees To Me, Joining with the Ptrd Pipers foe Oh! Look at gie Now; Jo Stafford is the svelte eongbtrd for Little Nan With a Candy Cigar, and then gets in the groove with 8y Oliva for his Swinging On Nothin'; trumpet ace Zlggy Inman has his inning with Swing High, and Buddy Rich beats the drums for Not SO Quiet,Inerist. There's plenty In this package for the merehandising, and the sides can sere the phone op* well, but one can't help but worder why the slight in ignoring Jack Lecnard. BENNY GOODMAN SEXTET (Columbia) For the hot jam dlekophiles, there's a weicome mat out fm. Columbia's re -Issues Of theme oollectore Items. As a matte: of fact. Benny Goodman had a band tilm.selt In the selecting for this set. and there Is more musical :nest peeked away to this package than one can r.ormally digest Different units comprise the sex. lit for the different numbers, with Cloodnum always pacing the way with his pied pipering for truth Illustrloua swing -Ines as the late Cheri!, Christian for the guitar pickings: the piano magic of Count Bute, Fletcher Henderson and Johnny Guarnieri; the vibes of Lionel Shampton; Coots* Williams's trumpet and Osaitie Auld's tenor sax; Artie Bern. stein's bass walking, and the drucanas. ties of Nick retool. Harry Jager and DAY!. Tough. The selections, all desired ones, take In Rae Room, Air Mau Special, Fly. fog Home (whith Cootie Williams rots:nett for his band's theme song). I Found a New Baby, Poor Butterfly, Grand Stem, The Wang Wang Rate and As Long as I Lim It also makes for a royal holiday for the awing fans ganging around the juke boxes. POTENTIAL COIN RICH. (Continued from page 87) arranged placement for win -operated de. vire* such as food vender* and music Ind amusement machines. With the post-war autotat and Slier being concerned primarily with the speed In which he can go plates, hell likewise be interested the etneter.el of serrice fecintles. In order to aervtee the post-war sub ist and air enthusiast adequately the very anent coin -operated machinery will has* to be at that disposal at every ooncetvnble atop -over made on a motor or air trip. There is no doubt but what operators of super highway gasoline service stations and super sir terminals and pacts will find themselves In direct competition with each other. AA will the Manufacturers of automobiles and airplanes, as they all at the same time work together. The possibilltke for coin machine location* to each of thew poet -war services stations and terminals Is unlimited and should take much thought by ooln machine manufacturers and distributors as well as by operators In making plans toe the future, I WANT PHONOGR %MIS Will Pay These Prirs I. 0. ie. Toe,. city s0* os SOO $ VOGUE mane SOO E COLONEL S atm % F J. HERYNEK JR SAN reanoisco. CALIF. POPULAR. RECORD RELEASES (Continued from page 20) OL' MAN RIVER Cozy Colo's AU Stars Savoy 512 SALUTE TO FATS Johnny Guarniori's All Star Savoy 511 SINCE YOU WENT AWAY Eddy Howard..Feature 1004 SINCE YOU WENT AWAY Jerry Weld (Ginnie Powell) Decca 4446 SMOKE ON THE WATER Red Foley Decca 8102 'TAINT YOURS Una Mae Carlisle.Bescon 7170 THESE FOOLISH THINGS Kitty Carlisle (Harry Sosnik (RE('tIND ME OF YOU) Grit) Decca THESE FOOLISH THINGS Johnny Guarnierl's All Star (REMIND ME OF YOU) Savoy 511 THERE'S A BLUE STAR SHIN- ING BRIGHT Red Foley Deceit 6102 TWO HEAVENS Jerry Wald (Dick Merrick) Decca 4446 WHISPERING Horace Heidi (Fred Lowery) Columbia WHISPER THAT YOU LOVE ME. Tommy Tucker (Don Brown) Columbia WITHOUT A SWEETHEART... Evelyn Knight (Camitrata Ork) Decca WITHOUT YOU. BABY Una Mao Carlisle.. Beacon 7170 WRAP YOUR TROUBLES IN Cozy Cole's All Stars DREAMS Savoy 512 MOVIE MACHINE REVIEWS Program 1173 Assembled and released by Scaruttes Distribu t t ng COrporation Of America. Ina. Release dale July /7. TILL GLENN MILL= MODERNAIRES, four men and n girl, turn In smooth perforinettoo of Do Nothin' Ta You Hear From Me. One of the men does the major share of the singing. Night club setting. (Ben K. Blake). Amor, currently very popular. is sung effectively by BILLIE JOYCE. with ERNIE FIORITO'S ORCHESTRA. The MIL- Ohio. Setting is a bus station, switch - DRED RAY DANCERS (8) appear briefly. leg to a rural scene. (R. C. K. reiseut). Setting is a garden. (Triumph Films), CAROLINE AYREZ sings On Time. She's a defense worker who wants a man who comes to work on time. A war plant lunchroom is the setting. (Inflows reissue). Fit Be Seeing You, another very pops:. tar tune, Is sung by DALE IIELMON'T, an attractive girl with an excellent blues voice. Accompaniment is by RAY SI. RAMA'S ORCHESTRA. Bandstand settler. (Ben K. Blake). Pin -Up Polka Is sung by CARROTS. HOOD, who sentare as a soldier singing about his pin.up girl. Scene is the front of an art shop. with a group of **Mier/ admiring the pictured. THE zurrriu4- AIRES are also featured. (floundles). hilt the Rood to Dreamland to sung by TICE TAILOR MAIDS (31 and trynnz BARRETT. Setting is a girth* dortnitory. There's also a chortle of six spas. (It. C. M. The Chisel Song Is the =me sort of nonsense as The Hut Song and makes for amusing entertainment. Sung by THE KING'S MEN 14). It starts sesiouely with a pianist playing Bach arid switched to the group. In Hith century costumes, swinging the same number. COLLINS AND purr= a Jitterbug team, dance, (N. C. M. reissue). LA VILLA TULLOS, a colored harplet. Is excellent In Swance Swing, She playa The Old folks At Home, as written, then In awing time. (Soundlee). Program 1174 Assembled and released by Soundlev Distributing Corporation of America, Inc. Reknit date July 24. Marine's Hymn Is sung by a male therm, against a background of shots &bowing the marines In action from their founding to the present. (0. W. I.). JERRY WAYNE sines And So Little Time. Setting Is a railroad station, with numerous couples bidding one another goodbye. (Tritire.ph Pilots). When I Grow Tao Old To Dream Is played by JOHNNY LONG AND HIS OR - =writs, with BOB uottarom doing the vocals. The band Rena In on the chorus. Bandstand setting. (Mimic reissue). Gypsy Camp For features some spirited le by GEORGE SIOOILOPY8 RUSSIAN lintsiiilaika ORCIlitsTRA and singer CLAUDIA CO.tALLT. The KAUA- I/WI' DANCERS, two girls and a men. appear briefly. (Triumph ROW hired on a Cloud to a song about cowboy turned aviator. DAVID BROOKS Is the ex -cowboy. Shots of Americus planes In action ate Totem Into the reel. (Soundical. Rom Come You Do Me Like You Do Is capably handled by singer ROBERTA HOLLYWOOD and WILL BRADLEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA..Bandatand setting. (Triumph Films). BUDDY ROGERS, MARILYN MAX. WELL (now featured In the :novice and on Bing Crosby's radio program) and an uniclentined male trio sing Dreoessville, Rhapsody of Lore. with HILDA ROG- ERS, is disileurulahed chiefly for tome rather tierce lyric*. Night club setting, (Soundies). Program 1175 Astembied and released by Soundies Distributing Corporation of America, Inc, Reteaae date July SI, Take Me Back to Tulsa to played by SPADE COOLLY AND HIS 'NESTERS DANCE OANO, an outfit which add' eine to hill -billy numbers. TEX WILLIAMa doe* the singing. Ranch house setting. (R. C. IL). ANN PARKER, a blonde eyeful, pmes The $64 Quenion which is what to do with your mousy-epend It or Invest It Scene is a radio quiz program. (Bounden). Are You Happy, Amen, Is played and rung by JOHNNY MESSNER AND HIS ORCIITS3TRA and art unidentified girl. Setting is a picnic. (Mimeo retain). THE THREE SCES, playing organ, sc. cordion and guitar, make an excellent number of Tie, Taco. Little In the way of netting, but It's not missed. (Sound - lee). Would You fora Big Red Apple? etas JOE REICHMAN AND IlLe ORCHESTRA and singers LOTS LANd and HAL DER - WIN. Bandstand setting. (R. C. Mt REG KEHOS AND HIS MARIMBA QUEENS play Study in Brown. Group ts composed of six maritabah. a bass a:a rnsraects. Number Is well chosen. (Ben K. Blake). When Aly Sugar Walks Down the Street is played by the DIXIELAND JAZZ BAND and sung by LINDA KEENS Setting is a night club, with a switch to the dressing rooms. Pour girls dance (Minoco). BILLIE HAYWOOD and CLIFF Abe LEN sing I Can't Dance, to the wean. panirnent of Alion'a piano. Song con cerna a party that's to be given for a group of "eats.' (R. C. It). -OPERATORS- Writs Us Foe Record List Largo st:odlon of good standerrh-hii P037-50,74 late aoonise. RECORD SERVICE CO SIIU.sU IT. LOUIS 20, MO.

91 July 29, 1944 The Billboard 311:SIC 31:1('HINES 91 AMERICAN FOLK TUNES Cowboy and Hillbilly Torsos And Toneatern All Communications Its 155 N. Clark St., Chicago 1, 111. Cpl. SheRunner Writes Cpl. Ben Shelhemer Jr.. swags:her pow in the army. writes from Spokane, where be is now stationed. that he met a cumber of wellknown entertainera on his way to the Coast. "Visited with Slim Bryant and his Wildcats, KORA," ho says, "also Hank Penny and His Boys. Lee Morgan. and the Happy Valley Okla, all of WLW, and on my stop -over in Chicago visited with Judie and Julie Janes. my to -writers on When It's Twilight in Merrery Valley, and most of the Batiemal Barn Dance gang. Two swell coups out here are Clyde and Slim Copeland on 1CFPY and the Ranch House Ramblers, with Norms J. Miller on %VIM: both groups very popular. Happy Clayman is out here playing night clubs with his steel guitar." Mt. 11,000,000 In Bonds Roy Acuff and his 5.-noky Mountain Boys of the Grand Ole Opry, wal.f, volunteered to make a sae bond tour for the Alabama War Aetivitlea Committee and the War Finance Committee and In three appearances turned in more than S1.00O.000 In bonds. Because of radio commitment* the tour was limited to three Alabama towns, but Acuff is planning a second bond trek. Spike's "Depredation Album" Spike Jones writes that he's in the midst of completing plans for a "34u - Oral Depreciation Album" to be recorded after the war, when priorities enable him to gather enough metal musical Instruments-Le, weabboarda, auto ra- &Atom. 011mb:ea. etc. He toys It will contain A Goose to the SeNet Moot, Schtibert's Reltntshret Symphony, and a writs of Songs You'd Like to Forget. Sounds as If It should be a dot! Eastern Notes Hoosier Hot Shots. find -timing It in the Postern States area this season, started off July 10 at Brendera Manor Perk, near Baltimore. showed at Sleepy Hollow Ranch near Quakertown. Pa., July 23, with Indian Echo Cave Park writer but also Is rapidly gaining rececnation as a Western poet. Sce the July near Harrisburg, Pa, inked in for Au. rat 0. Dates set by the Jolly Joyce Issue of Desert magazine for his descriptive Cacti. Agency, Philadelphia, which also announces the booking of Reg Kehoe'a all gui marimba band July SO at Branders Manor Park near Baltimore. Jack Howard. Philadelphia publisher cd cowboy songs, reports that he is getting a lot of attention for ills Blue Ranger In Canada. where Hank, the yodeling ranger, is featuring the Wastren billed on a theater tour. The Fire Company Carnival at Mill - Pa featured hill -billy acts each night of the festival, ended July 7, Becket In by the Jimmy Tyson Agency. pbtte,se:phie, the attractions included IRO litre and his Harmony Rangers, Smiling Dare. Sleepy Hollow Boys and the 70.r. Ridge Rarnbler& The Horn Kobblees made a two-day stand in Easton, Pa, July 18 and 10 SALE-MUSIC-SALE Iruclitzer 41'a with Stands. LIKE NEW. Elora been in storage 2 years. $ /3 deposit, haltusem C. 0. D. PEARL ENTERPRISES 260 N. Clint..n Avenue Trenton 9. N. J. RECORD DISCS ten 1, seel all other WwtiU.. Comm romadturnot. 1 MO make rev 4.. moo ellirmidoes Val,.t.rar.ter. them to som eatheactmo. moo 8134 ter to r.t. att Olt art G0 JOIERIS $206 oemeo as. AMARILLO. TRY** at the Moose Auditorium, presenting two allows nightly. Steckel's Dixteland Band Is preaented for the square and round dancing featured at The Paints near Phillipsburg. N. J. And In the lame town, the New Det.litgh Cats presents Brownie's Old timers for the old-fashioned dancing on Friday nights. Tarn Endicott. operator of the Dude Ranch in Atlantic City on the Boardwalk. the only resort niterr with West. ern entertainment, puts his show on the radio wrery night at 11:15 via Station WYPO. The new Western show at the Dude Ranch headlines Tex Cooper, Anglin cowboy of rodeo fame. rimester Tattle to Class Del Rio Publication has Seeepted Lacey McDowell and Al HaIgerson's new song, more Little Stera. Jim Boyd, who had a hand In writing the new cowboy tong, Stitt By Your Pony, is opening a summer engagement for Interstate Theaters to Texas. Pearl Clark, Seattle song writer, reporta that Crate Waters' recording of We'll Rare a Rodeo in Tokio reached the high spot on the Western all request Camerano Chuck Wagon Jamboree, KVI, Tacoma. In leas than three weeks. Buck RILChef as The Old Tine Wrang- Im, fa the tonouncer and record -spinner on this Mx -a -week recorded program. Mary Lou, vocalist, and her Keystone Rambler*, cowboy band, recently played Malibu Dude Ranch at Milford. PA_ and Morton Park Pool, Morton. Pa., to big crowds, according to George A. Zerbey. manager of the Ramblers. "Watch Sari Smith, owner and operator of Morton Park Pool. to do big things with square dancing in the near future?' says Zerbey. B. Feldman of London has contracted to publish Kelly Music Publicatione catlike:31z England. Kelly Publications has accepted Will There Ahoom Be Nemertes, by Bill Boyd. Kehl Ra-Faun and Mille Ferrell. with release date akedded for November. Waldo O'Neal, of original Pistol Parkin' Mama fame, is net only a good lyric International and Foreign Record Hits of the Month Mote'!fere are the most impute/r international and forers ressordinfo of the pact month. Similar Ids tell be ptstrilthed to MS ReCtIOM once every month.) INTERNATIONAL RECORD. INGSI Sicilian Polka. Ohio Polka, Pretzel Render Serenade, The Merry Chest from Chatham Square, Tick rock Serenade, Cuckoo Waits. FOREIGN RECORDINGS; Czechoslovakian. Vaponten SI Der - calker, Chudy item no arc, priori, Cerny Kris. V elflo ling pods. Croaliatt-Serbian, bum Te Monter, Mores Neer* Mores, Derciirlee Maio, Spremte Se Sprernte CeinIct. German, Knekuck Candler, Kornblumenblau, Spanliche Dorfistusik. Greek, 0 Resins, Ali Sr Masi, Eta Milan.you, Sr,uag. matarhis Al. Frisis. Hebrew-Jewi,h, Mein riddliehe Name. Drill Re. hin's Sigma, Nit Gedaiget; bog, bog. Zog. Es Mir, Hunt/oriel,. Volt nekrm egy igen knives Barn ttttt bold.4blakos Kies1 Mao. Italian, 11 falser de Gallo E lo Collins, Annetta the Ye. In Fretta, Vial. Fiorito. Norwegian, Den Cantle Palaro, Goode Norge, Den Glade Try. der. Polish, Prysylepka Polka. Koeho) I Zfl, Ulanski Camp, Mn!,, Mega Flour, Taker, MIS. larso Macrae. Russian Ukranian. Oehi Charnya, Dee Chary Solosej. Scandinavian, Mango. Dina Bla Ogon, Elide Skogar. Swedish, Tens - ten Blois.4, Vaken, Earleken, tycoon ooh Liners Cang; Very, I cr, Welcome Swanson. -IR COIN?nGflAPH NEEDLE THAT LICKS TH 1 1 RIME TROUBLES 'A NEW MEMBER OF AN OLD FAMILY Here is a better coin phonograph needle for present operating conditions at no advance in price. Ask your Decca, RCA Victor or Columbia record distributor for the descriptive bulletin about Permo Point Round. perm0 INCORPORATED 6419 RAVENSWOOD AVE. CHICAGO 26, ILLINOIS MUSICAL. MOVIES Here is a profitable business of interest to all operators-for SOli:XD1F3 mean, "money in the cash box." They're thrilled. packed, professionally made film... with the greatest names in show business working for you! 'You owe Ir to yourself to learn what real money -making ehannela this fame of annuesment AO Mat In &IT fay opens up. 111(44101 ty My sot State Write Today for Particulars SOUNDIES DISTRIBUTING CORP. OF AMERICA, Inc. jog W. laektori Siva. CHICAGO 6, ILLINOIS We Pay Spot Cash FOR YOUR USED RECORDS No Shipment Too Big... None Too Small Pvtatal '**Icileitly i'ace. Paaa s. Wire Collect How Many You Have WE PAY THE FREIGHT J. F. BARD 414 South Franklin Stier! Chicago 7, Illinois

92 92.GTENDLING MACHINES The Billboard July 29, 1944 Small Cig Manufacturers Ask Subsidy Aid From OPA Extinction threatens 11111feeS petition is granted to cover increased cost burden of taxes and price ceilings - smoker would get cheaper park, too LOUISVILLE. July dies]] e manufacturers. herd hit by high taxes and price celitithe hare petitioned the Office of Price Administration for a etthaidy, It is enthounced by T. V. Hartnett, president of Brown-Wiliternson Tobacco Corporation. Itanufacturers of economy brands. now paring $3.60 per thousand In Interned revenue tax. are asking for a subsidy of 04 oents to el per thousand to cover Icereased costa already recognized by OPA. The petition Is important to smokers because they would be eele to buy cigarettes at 10 cents a package phis State taxes. It Ls also of serious omumuence to the so-called big four of the cigarette Industry. because while they cogent In adrertising and sitstribullve competition among tberraelves. the healthful pries. competition In the main has been supplied by the small menufacturas. The question eats:rally Arleta: If companies as well &tab:idled as Axton-Flr her and Brown-Willteenson are forted out Of competition by a war -enforced price policy, who will minter the courage to venture into the Industry against the Mg four? Appeoxlmetely 50 menulseturces do 90 per cent of the tobacco business to the United States, With their owlet aneminting &mustily to 52,250,000,000. Of this amount $ In sales as accounted for by the big four-araerican Tobacco Company. R. J. Itoyao:ds 'ro- Philip lucop Mon COmPany. Liggett & Mrs ye is. Less than 10 per tent of the reasnufaeturgra thus have more theta 76 per cent of the tenth= btuinese. These firms have spent entillons of dellans annually to In. pointtheir trade -marks on the consumers minds In the last 25 years This, In turn. has Sorted smaller manufacturers to build their sales volume on smoking and chewing tobacco and the economy brand cigarettes. Noce of the pla\\ \7116.\\in.\\11 MI6) 0 POP PooPtak.' C.s.,uto caned -.a rub enee7-mater. alvallabn ilviar; Pre,'..its 11,,,b.1. stew I.Y. ale to, Be', Be,one $5.95 Ea.: Ct. of big four pushes an economy brand. which enviously must sell en a earrowee easagin of profit than standard brands. Dcbuted In 1932 Ten -cent cigarette* made their Hest appearance In 1e32, Big four companies lost little time cutting their Floes to meet the new competition. Since 1033 the price of cigarettes has been cut n minimum of 53 cents per Utourand teas than they were prior to the advent of the lower priced anrokes. If the smell manufacturers were to raise the price of their produces, which would steno to to the obvious course to follow. they would be worse off than they are now. because tales volume would Immediately slump to a degree that would more than offset the gain from the phs Wettest% OPA tensed the predicament or the small enanufactwera In September, 1063, and authorized a boost of 30 cents per thousand or three-ftfthe of a cent per package far eccaomy brands. Priem on standard brands wore not raised. Thts narrowed the price gap between the two daises of cigarettes and the result has been 60 per cent drop in &leo volume (Sod Ask Subsidy Aid on pro, Die Noe) Cigs Tighter As WFA Cuts Mfrs. Quotas OPA Delays Auctions WASHINGTON. Stay 22.-CIes for MTV - "an consumption are genie to become!';btu.. It was learned today following an announcement by the War rood Administration. In a note to nanufeeturere, VITA said that tag makers would be allowed only 74 per cent of the quantity of tobacco used by them for manufacturing purism& In the year ended June 30. Charles E. Gage, WA tobacco head. geld the current tobacco crop had been estimated by the Department of Magma - Cure at pounds. Of this amount 482,000e106 pounds would go for domestic toeft10071$00, white the remain.. log pounds would be aliorested to the armed forms. United Kingdom, other alliee and friendly patterns. However, ainee the government estimate cos the tobacco crop has been made. geed mins In tobacco *teas have caused the trade to declare the crop may bit a high figure of 930.Oldetes pounds. In spite of good crop for olga &Aliens will WU find It hard to purchase their favorite brand, bemuse. of the crowing needs of the erased forces and reelections placed on manufacturers by COUNTER REEL GAMES Yorke... It DivIdar MAY P11-plIsol (00.4,), It Dtviole Motel O.S0 4 Mar..0. It Toot. P.0- OS are.. Mel> tilonous. II Tow On. enn. aa.p0 APPOsso Itattoo. It TA P.O.. Pook et, Spots. to Teton P.O., Om Syn Tat,. Torten P.O.. CI' ttlattpos). It DI Imo Noel Wipe (I It Ohlep MPol. Cat Its Vogl PeoltIA. Orin Nato Pot P0114 Si, $4.50 Weer aut. VOW Itotte.Powl SAS WANTED 0 the WPA. wm. PAY FOLLOWING rims White this wee melee, on. CIPOTtje3 lotare Oadvora OMB:re Governor Areal! and Senator F. D. Smith, tie Mot P Tarim Mine Om., in oa CUT Oagll.tr-re It.to of South Carolina, flayed the OPA today renews Twessen for felling to Inform tobacco men of new ROA/ Loch garan 550 Iceiling prices for the seasonal tobacco V.o.er 111Patts 5.00 Victer NOM Wu 750 I0auction which was ocheduted to start July 24. All Boosol000 um too lo outlet woo. al RettI eereletik el, k -c tsgs. 0 Reports trencrate that OPA may piece Mayo Clinic, Army Medics Okay Cigs CHICAGO. July 22. -The Journal of the American Medical Association published whet may be regarded the last nerd In medical evidence for and against cigarettes. The authors of the ernele represent the army's medical corps as well as the Mayo Clink% They tabulated aelentlese evidence from many sources to ehow actual effects of amok - nag cigarettes. Moot of the Mete made were beard on enneking two elgerettee at ono Writ. The Injurious results reports are to mild to the eternal wee= that the Aril evidence may be taken as favorable for cigarettes tf smoked in moderate quantities. The testa show that there was a alight Ir.creme In the pulse rate and *Sao of the metabolism rate. nest or the effects lasted only s few minutes In the SvPrhge person. The doctors do warn. brrnmvor. that persona who are afflicted with vascular alirr.ents, such as constricted arteries. should avoid =eking. So much has been said in medical circles about smoking cigarettes that tills report wet= to be the 5051 word. Many newspapers vibe -snot the report because of Its apparent vtnaleation of the cigarette. Gvt. Develops Water - Proof Match for'gi'g CHICAGO, July 22.-A match has been developed that is practically foolproof as well as waterproof. Credit for the "strike anywhere" match, as the War Deputment describes te due the guatermester Corps, the Bureau of Standatcts and a trio of match manufacturers. Their problems was mainly to develop Mitch to meet the needs Of Yankee soldiers stationed In warm humid Artta Of the South Peelle:and also for military use in various parts of the glebe. The result Wen development of a coating which whed applied to a match not only makes It waterpoor for several beams, but resistant CO high humidity indefinitely and even to a moderato amount of abrueson. The coating. applied to a match for more than Wee -quarters of Its length. to a wee compound with an extremely high melting point. Aces:I.-Mug to the War Department It was developed with a view toward Its application to matches as part of the mettle: product:ea process without the addition of new or special equipment. Cig Sales Barred to Minors; Police Move To Arrest Violators BETHLEFIEld. Pa., July 22.-ThD city la currently conducting an intecallted campaign to step the tale of cies to minors which the pollee have chanced. Owners of stores and other buaineea cites where clg venders are located will be bed responsible U minors purchase elms from the machines. Merges have been made that some ateee owners have been ceiling tip across the counter to mthems. One ease was reported in which an owner wan selling individual Olga to minors for a cent each. Vending Machines Gaining Favor With Theatergoers ST. JOHN. N, B.. July =.-With theaters dclnif exceptionally heavy business thruout the Eastern provtnees. merchen. diso vending macninee In entrances and lobbies are receleing heavy play. D1111. culty has been experienced, however, In obtaining enough candy, gum and peanuts to keep the machines stocked. In Halifax. N. S., the city council continues to oppose merchandise renders to local theaters. This Is the only community In the toroolnees, hewerer. where such a ban is In effect. loss to Halifax 0 a ailing prke at 30 cents for tobacco Large Solution of New owl Used this Tear;tobecoe men are asking a cell. Machines in Stock. Soul for Campion, bat pound. In this connection, Govrerrun Art. IInt of from 41 cents to 45 ante per all aeld In a telegram to Cheater Bowles. 1/3 &Toth, Balance C. 0. P. Meanie of the OPA: Marvin Jones, war theater owners Is formidable, u an the food admintstrator. and Fred Vinson. theaters there ate doing turneway RAKE COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE economic stablization director. am butinees. and patrons have plenty of 2014 Maratt ho.000 using every resource at my command to reentry to spend in rending machines. help the farmers get fair price for Lots] merchants are believed to be back PIIILADUPHOA I PA their tobacco." of the ban on vending OattlgOti. Rise in Sugar Quota Aid to Ice Cream Ops CHICAGO. July Dn.-Inc:eared auger quotas foe industrial users Iota benefited Ice cream reeding maehloo operators mere than soft drink or beverage venders, it is reported. Beverage manufacturers report n slight Inereesse In output, but field tire manpower shortage his left them with mote sugar than labor. 'rho candy titolthail Is slightly better than before the sugar Increase, and has been further helped by!leger supplies of corn sirup. Constant demand by the military and war plants has prevented any eppeeetable Increase In the onontint of candy *reliable for &Maims, according to Philip Gott, president of the Nntional Oonfec ttor.ere Association. Industrial users at present are allotted a quota Of 80 per cent of the amount of sugar used In the oorrospooding periods of The sneer fa allocated quarterly by the Once of Price Admlnietration. the percentage depending on the amount cf sugar areilsblo Thus the 80 per emit quota probably will remelts In orsoct. at!coat until the end of the present quarter. September 30, shim If additional anpplles become available the quota can be raised. An Increased allotment of milk solids and the &moist of frozen fruit from rationing were further aids to the lee cream situation. Ice cream nisnufaeturera, however, expect that their supplies of milk wilds will be cut wen. PENNY COUNTERS CAST ALUMINUM $1.25 re. PaaCti. POST PAID Whits They Lostl MARBLES qm Agate - At Borte4 Colo Case of , $15.75 Barrel of 50, Full CAA Will. Onese, P. 0.Y. how, TOR R 2047 A - SO. 68 PHILA. 42, PA. PLASTIC CHARMS lor row Viir.11Ing Machines est an". riles as ion...a...n..4...err CNAINI Rea -.rout As tare e..'4 Ow [Woe wa kriaq 1340 for To.* 1,44 14,100 MOM 1.14 Can. ass. a. Way SAMUEL EPPY & CO. 1/ It. owe/ root t M. T. 6 CIGARETTE VENDING %MACHINES Ira U.011owion al ON. Oleo. M4 On, aucanno with Flow so A rent. Coovito a aro pork,. Mao level, Iat W.I.:. I, eto],call.,. Zor- ATA*03. Tema: 16 Bonk order, unto, C- O. P. wore C012$4[1ettl ttgin. WU. Poona A Bt Canty nu Marts,. 140 ACTOR IT. NEWARK S, N. J.,MASCO PEANUTS FOR SALE ban Y._ /1.13t. Prows:ea In IS,.. rein tbit ve onto at Ivo err p.m,* were In ern. tot w.r"fintio ON/ Kw 0,1 66%6E4 no eater ten,,,f4 ties sus WI 6-tettel prat -As tam tvors te=tcd. Speci alty Sales Co. AORTIC e. O.

93 July 29, 1944 The 11Inboard VENDING MACHINES New Gum Brands on Market But Ops Find Supplies Tight CHICAGO. July 22.-According to a recent trade report there are some 23 wands of gum on the market. and while Ile), seem to be gaining popular appeal ea store cour.tere. only a few vending opt have been able to offer It In their machines as supplies of these new brands are so amen. However. with the better known brands of chewing gum being sent overseas to the armed forces. what might be con - aimed as a business trend Is the entry tom the gum manufacturing field of new eceripanles. It is, however, problernetteal whether or not they will be able to stand up under competition in tire portiere period when Wrigley, Beech-Nut and other large manufacturers resume civilian estribuuces. Since Wrigley and Beech-Nut have been sending their entire outputs to the armed!mu even the supply of "new' guns for n 'chines has bean tight. The new gum manufacturers have been unable to keep op with the counter demand for chewing gum left by the withdrawal of the top gum firms. There seems to be little reps foe the 'waders until the new trends can take up the slack =rated by the mayor manufacturers. Servicemen Appreciative Oum. like cies, has men an Increased dutand as more Is sent overseas to the armed forces, but letters received by the napr companies from werricensen Indicate the boys really do appreciate the ungmlted supply they have been getting. Letters which say. -Mae heat Le something to contend with and we can't drink =rush water to keep our mouths motet stile we work. That is where gum plays an important part with us. It dorm the one thing water alone can't do. The medlars appreciate It and one stick lass along time." are typical of ones written by men to service. A flier In England wrote, "Well chew It over Berlin' Money nuns nine hue to combat, but chew. ASKS SUBSIDY AID (Continued from oppmffe page) of the diaper brands despite an overall Increase in CoanumptIon. Standard brands, on the other hand, bare gained all tbat the economy brands lost, plus tae Seezeoto shown by the industry as a Mule. At the time of the price Increase leonotray brands accounted far 10 per ern: of cigarette Wm volume. They now bare about 3 per cent. Many Satan Firms Close!lemma small manufacturers have gone eat of business since the Bret of this you. One roman for this Is the greatly trereued cost of tobacco; leaf prices In 1143 were approximately double the tact -'30 average met. Decreased &alas iigoe made it necemary to spend more I aloney for advertising and selling costa. IA is now claimed that the price of each essonomy brand of Cigarettes barely tonna Ora Standard brand manufacturers have been able to rise above the problem of %tressed coats because their sales volume kiss Mum to greatly In the last few yeara. If OPA elsould grant the subsidy which Be small manufacturer* seek. prices OS consumers would revert to the pre-war level of 10 cents A package, plus State tax Thirty-two States now have excise tam on cigarettes. Thus. &Hite taxpayers weruid be footing the bill for the tubeldy. It is argued that the lower price to the *steamer would more than offset the east of the subsidy. Local rice4papent have detoted a great deal of spice to arguments In favor of he sulastdy, claiming that nunufsc. term of the cheaper clgarettee. tome of shoot are located in Louisville, are entitled to 00nAtrIffatiOri at the present lime In order to survive. WILL BUY e *radium rnne rrltrdn attrvalauttlf V.0 eller ce Crimea Mud rot ens arm of 117.tot. 00 AAA-refl. MACK POSTE.[, *TAO N. *W44 Asw Olikaa Ze, all. Mg gum la really appreciated_ Anything you can spare helps." However, the Of is not *lobe In his praise of the gum trlanufboltrera. A store owner recently wrote. -We certainly went to commend and congratulate you on the attitude you are taking in favor of the boys overseas. If it taxes your factory and they ask for It, please send it to HIM and we will help you build a new one." War Plants Require Drink Vending Melts. Of Larger Capacity LOS AN012,E8, July 22.-Tnreatigatfon has shown that eon drink vending machines mere do not have auftrctent can't:1y to serve workers In large menu. fracturing planta without having thorn lose tnne-oft from their jobs. Large plants surveyed in this area were: Douglas Al:craft. Santa Monica; North Arnertratt Aviation Company. In. eireced. rod Lockheed. A. 'sinker In the Dsuirlaa plant said the severs' vending machines located In the plant were almost always empty and that there was a good deal of lost motion In trying to find a machine which was filled. At the Lockheed plant the vending machines are operated by an employee organization, the profits of the take being put In a general fund. Here, too, the story was the same. No drinks for thirsty workers, and all because the machined would not hold enough bottlee. Much the tame story was learned at the North American Aviation Company, where one worker told of bow machines were emptied In a few minutes after having bent filled. The set-up there will not permit an employee roving absent the plant In quest of a machino which will dispense the wanted antic. Still other plants will not allow vend - Mg machine& which put out bottles. on the ground that beverage bottles around the plant present a safety hazard. When it was suggested that A vender of the paper cup type be tried It was a surprise to them that such a machine Was avail. able. All this adds up to the fact that menu. facturcrs must design a machine of huge asperity and also one which will put out paper cups rather than bottles. Candy also remained on the hard -to - get list here, and most workers wore not depending on the venders to supply them with the wanted sweets. WFA May Cut Cocoa Quota of Civilians WASHINGTON. July V.-Further cuts in civilian quotas of cocoa may be neces. Lary as a remit of heavy Increases Ill Mill - Lary consumption and shortages of shipping space!ann the two main cocas - producing areas to the United States. AMMO stocks are being maintained at fairly tusb levels. Recording to a survey Just completed by the War Pond Administration. It is reported that civtiten allocations may Do cut below the present figure of 70 per cent of 1041 use% On July 1. when cocoa allocations were CM from 80 per cent, W7A *Metals were uncertain u to whether el./sites node would have to be further reduced this year. At present, with matters' COMAItolltton reaching record levels, it la certain that the taw es.ser.nal Urea cannot be Increased and probably will Do curtailed furtherin At present the government Is aegotistin. with Brasil for purchase of Its current cocoa crop. It in understood that an agreement between the two countries la now ready for signature'. It Is be - Timed Bruin= producers will receiee higher prices under the new contract than they have been getting. Large amounts of Brazilian cocoa are already panting IMO tlita country. end no break In these shipments is expected before conclusion of the new agreement. Estimate '44 Peanut TZLI.telTg".',7,-."11:".::,-IT:ornithr: voted to the growth of peanuts which le Crop Will Be Off 37% about ad per cent of the total ground used to RICHMOND, Va., July 22.-A drop of 18 Crops for the years 1042 and 1049 per cent in the natter:a peanut crop for were the peaks In peanut growth but 1244 has been unmated by the Depart this year's crop win seek the 1041 level MORSE TELEGRAPH and CANDYMAN One o I greatest achievements in the line of communications was developed by Samuel F.B. Morse when, in 1844 he perfected telegraphy, the life line of the world. OuGrenier, too, in its own field of Auto. motic Vending, hos perfected, for Post War delivery, truly groat Merchandising Vendors. Although we're busy helping to win a war right now and can only offer you service and repoin for your present equipment, wo think you ought to kiow that we hare the most dependable merchandisers waiting for the production `go ohood' in 194?. The 'CHALLENGER',s de5;ened m 'mho, isant yin uonl in reerchorefunrf cigarettes: The `CANDYMAN' is drupfrd In Petty, what oar mon1 in terrchanclisin reusd.,! Arthur H. DuGRENIER Inc. IS Hale Street Haverhill, Mass. CIGARETTE & CANDY MACHINES U -NEED -A MODEL COLUMNS - 15 COLUMNS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY-WRITES fromar.41 NATIONAL 9-30 (9 Cols.) $60.00 DuGRENIER "W" (9 Cols.) DuGRENIER "S" (7 Cols.) Beautifully Refinished - Mechanically Perfect: 0.140, 11.1tma C All ltspkwetnear PARTS and MIRRORS Avadalao for Above Machines. Ware for Catalegl UNEEDA VENDING SERVICE SCHOLES STREET, BROOKLYN 6, N. Y. YOU NEED THIS+ Just off the press-no cost to you. Our now booklet on the taro and handling of all vending machine candies. It helps turn Ions into profit. Write for your copy today-no obligation. PAN CONFECTIONS 345 W. ERIE STREET CHICAGO 10, ILL.

94 n 4 LP 4r4 4114X, MA* ".74"4 %Ira if l,c t ham 90 /0 Li 7 le,111111w IPA. 111:1% NE 1: IGO) /. if FAIRS TO BOOST ARCADE BIZ Both Local and Traveling Operators Expect Big Play Carnival arcade owners look forward to biggest dates of the year-some local ops seeking concession space, too-park and city spots continue to get big play CHICAGO. July 22.-Both operators of arcades, on traveling shows as well as opa with stay-at-home city locations hare their eyes on the odd State, district and county fain that will get under way in the next two months. Carnival arcade operators naturally look to the fairs for the Went takes of the 'rayon, but this year Indications are that many local ops have been contracting with neer-by fair secretaries fee commuters space. Pact that arcades hare been doing such phenomenal business in the amusement parks as well as in city location make cps feel that it might be wise to put whatever equipment they can obtain out on the fairgrounds. since all indications point to the fact that fairgoers will be plenty amusement minded this year. Pair secretaries, too, evidently don't mind this more since one of their major headaches this year be rounding up of enough amusement attractions. Crowds that come fair -wards will also boost play on all local locations in communities where fairs are herd. Minnesota heads the 1944 fair 1131 with approximately 05 athoduled. Onto will have 83: Wisconsin, 73: Nebraska, 71; lows. 83; IllMots. 02: Pennsylvania, 67; Kenna..53, and Indiana. 44. Ontario. Canada, heads the men:zees with 27 eeheduled events. while the others Will bold 31. Aroade Dix Tops With few exceptions news from the arcade front has bean good sad there is sections of the country report more bin than can be bandied. Last week Baltimore arcades reported gains in the play of their locations. Eve.. ning play in amides was heavy and weekend play was way above average. In Detroit the Walled Lake Amusement arcades were proving a valuable wartime attracuon. A Penny Arcade. ununlany large foe a park the else of Walled Istria was getting a big play. The arcade has about 100 assorted machines, a few types, such as 'new machines. operated in batwtes. Strength teeters are a good draw. A very ltraportant part of the Arcade is the battery of six ekes ball alleys. A shooting gallery, mule up of Air Raider*, Sky Fighters. Rapid Fires and similar games has proved most popular. Dallas ops say arcades are faring better than last year. During week -ends serviceman help swell crowds that keep all downtown spots full from Friday thru reason to believe It will continue to Climb for the rest of the summer season. Orly Cleveland and Buffalo have Sunday. Two new arcades are getting reported a drop in big, while all other almost capacity biz, with 2tach us GRANT opei,,&44. R.24i4ext Polditie Papeh FAST DEPENDABLE PAPER QUALITY TESTED CHEMICALS ORDER NOW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POSITYPE DIVISION DEPT. A GRANT PHOTO PRODUCTS DETROIT AVE. CLEVELAND 7, OHIO of servicemen as customers, indicating the part these arcades play in prodding wholesome amusement for members of the armed :mom. Increases of from 15 to 25 per cent have been reported by arcade cps In Minneapolis. Most summer vacationers are spending Melt time In town ibis year and aro turning to arcades far needed amusement Slot weather in Sett Lake area has hit most business, but arcades there are experiencing the best gessoes In years. Both city and lake region locations for arcades hare been given a big play, with the crowds Mena -sing each week. And now with State. county and district fairs in prospect arcade ape are happy at the prospect of big big this Keaton. More local fairs have been planned this year than In some time. Largely then public demand and the examine of success set by the fairs In other cities and towns, soared of boards voted last winter to get into the game again. Most of them felt that by permitting lapses they had been overlooking a significant period for operation and an opportunity to do their bit for wartinao morale. Sponsored events auspices are following the 15&1210 cue and probably more than double the 1943 doings will be held this year. Arcade bin Is In for an alt -time high this aranrn and all ops in these areas are girding for the Increase. Coin Biz Future in Frozen Food Venders NEW YORK.July22,-Cfee of coin Operated Tendon in the frozen food Industry In the post-war pertod Is seen In the Interest espresso1 by 6,000 food locker plant operators threscut the country when queried on plans for future opera. tier, by the Edson General Eectrio Appliance Company. Twenty-four per cent or operators revealed that they are aware of new trends in the food proceeding industry, according to P. P. Duggan, manager of the refrigeration sales dlvis'on of 0. IL Of operators questioned 782 per cent slated that they now process and package from foods, and 6813 per cent asserted that they sold their packaged processed foods to the consumer, and 80 per Cent of the total expressed an intention of selling directly to the consumer after the war. Questioned as to the kinds of food to be sold a great percentage answered meat vegetables and frills, and many admitted their plans included expansion of distribution facilities for these products.. The reaction thorn by the plant operators offers conclusive evidence to food dealers. Duggan asserted, that there will be highly competitive market sources for frozen foods. Much of the present uncertainty about the future of frozen foods, he said, is due to poor merchandieing displays In retail outlets before the war. Duggan predicted that the ecannsercial lines of branded from foods would expand after the war to offer greater selections of products. He stated that ho knew of one meat packer Mors' who planned on spending several million dollars promoting meat products The wartime Innovation introduced by government agencies as well as by the army and navy, to avoid waste and improve the national diet as well as the emphads on correct food processing and packaging stressed by those agencies, has aroused the interact of food locker operators thrums! the country; their plans definitely have a place for coin -operated rending machines to be located In retail me:enfold:sing centers for the dispensing of food products. California Cig Supplier Forms Wholesale Company PASADEIA. Calif., July 22.-Arch forme: owner of the Riddell Company, has formed a new concern to be known as Harmony Cigarette leer vice. The new company will cater to the wholesale purchase and sale of tobacco and candy es formerly the Riddell Company was not able to get enough supplies of cigarettes and candy. Race Track Arcade Biz Hot in Canada ST. J N. D. July 22.-Coln machine ops in this area here started to oath In on the popularity or hone racing by setting up of Arcades at!met or the larger tracks here. Ope report the now spots have proved popular with the race track patrons and that all machines hate been receiving heavy play. The race track arcades have been equipped with pins. shooting games, Jukes, merchandise venders and In nose toots slots. Poe the moat part theao arcades are only open on the days races are beld, but In come cares tracks are part of an amusement park act -up. Thole located In amusement parka are open every day. Horse racing in the list few years his come Into Its own, and many tracks which had not presented programs In some time are featuring racing this cm - eon. flowerer. harness racing seems to have the most popular appeal. regular running races being held as an added attraction. GLAMOUR GIRL 2 FOR Sc (ARD VENDOR leallate-simple f COISTIUCH( Ste' IS AVAII.Aett FOR THIS MACH11,11. 40:vUr Node Or01) DiFFTRINT MUTOSCOet NOVELTY CARD SEND FOR Cs... axe aeertm alelouese Cu& so COMPLETE thneth this ablor, te ftwrlyes s tergriu'r. LIBRARY rum ha 104 ta441:1 aa p r1 r-4) 5t4 ace at the We/UM. 's'..tt View.isxve.xere e ONLY A FEW LW,.Ith Am., me use Glawar Gilts 1.1 TAM. Nova Out rants. Yeadat mot sob Mt 1000 cue rune 1..* at t7a senses.t a rear ec r!'1, cur. R. t. Utter ord.. NOW any supplies you need. GRANDMOTHER PREDICTION CARDS, GYPSY PALMIST CARDS, LOVE LITTERS, PALMISTRY LITTERS, HOROSCOPE CARDS, WIZARD PEN CARDS, etc.... Shaw Films, Select -a -Vac Earns, ate... Send for catalogue and prices SEND FOR LIST OF NEW AND FACTORY RECONDITIONED FINNY ARCADE EQUIPMENT-STILL AVAIL- ABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. INTERNATIONAL M UTOSCOPE CORPORATION Wm. 'Writ, Pfty4ent Prosy Arcade Ileadquaelen Slate IPS. et PhatortI.c and Other lames, Cein Opeured iquip.." ELEVENTH STREET LONG ISLAND. CITY 1. N. Y.

95 July 29, 1914 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES 95 ENGLISH COINMEN CARRY ON Games May Be Old But Still Get Play; Distribs Are Active All games five years old or more, but ingenuity of British coiumen keep them going -prices hold firm and parts in big demand-plionos catch on CHICAGO, July 22. -Despite the blitz, shortages of man power, equipment and other wartime headaches, the English common continue to carry On. No new machines have entered English ports since the fall of Hundreds of operators, servicemen and distributors are in the armed for. tee or in vital war work. Operators homes, business headquarters and locations have been bombed out. The blackout arid liquor shortage have hit min play. Ingenuity of colnreen to change play appeal and keep as much equipment as poseible in operation has tern taxed to the limit. Yet, all them headaches and countless more have been mst and overcome. Fourteen weeks after the war began. she Sailboard chlulkhatt a report from Its Lorideo correspondent on the harmdlam effects the declaration of war had had on L015 ooln biz. At that time everything seemed ur.certain and a few peratmlete even prophesied the extraction of the amusement machine business for the duration -but the moo of experience and vision at that time declared their confidence to the future and were certain that ways and means would be found 01 ending a way out of their dtir.culties. The pages of The World's Fair, English trade paper. In the past months are the best moat of how correct this prediction proved to be. Such familiar pre-war ChRibuting name* as Chicago Antoinette Utoli-too Supply. Sampson Novelty Company, Scott Supply Company. Paramount, Coin -Operated Machine Supply CorallranY, British American Novelty Company,..eten. brie Automatics, Walter Pearce, Cephant Automatic and Oliver Whales continue to offer to buy and sell a wide variety of all types of equipment every week. In the "want to buy" category. yin games and slots are the most wanted It seems. Lo the -for gale- Ilstinge me to be found a wide variety of germ., &Iota arcade machine., venders, melee and even an Occasional phonograph or two. Puts, of course, ere In great dmitangi. Prices Hold Firm Prima of game*. as Shown itis the box to the adjoining columns. have held up tell when compared to their age and Original U. ft, market price. It must be remembered. however, that English prices on U. S. machines always were 90 to 50 Pe: cent higher because of the 25 per cent ad valorem duty pita shipping and inane/thee coats which tacked on another 115 Or so per game. To these two Cost factors. the distributors margin of profit had to be added. Consequently. In vice of the fact that no new or Med equipment hiss been brought Into the lintlah pales since fall of 1030, the fact that a Chicago Coln Tun King which eriginelly cold In the U. 8 for when It was fleet put on the market In April of 1038, is currently bringing 050 to England is not urasoual shoe the game undoubtedly brought 6110 to 8125 new originally. Slot machines, however. fluctuate from 140 to 1300 depending on Modition, model and else of coin. One Jennings Little Duke triple jackpot mode: "like new" was recently offered for Can. -four times what It originally sold lot In the U. 8. In fact, the price altuation an coin Machines In England appears to subteen - Late One of the argument' put forth by the min machine Industry before the Moe of Price Administration when mil - big prices were tint discussed to Meshleeton. Members of the Industry op-.0." 1 Pr pries ceilings on the grounds that 4 left alone, value* or machine would Won end their own leve: since &Wiles would not pay more foe them than they Mold get; and operators, knowing the earning potettiellties of each machine. would refuse to pay more than they hie's/ the machine multi earn for them. Despite this argument and many others (Ste ENGLISH COWMEN on pogo 96) Trade Plans To Help Set Up Returning Vets in Coin Business CHICAGO, July 22. -When the big program of getting millions of veterans back to work or settled in business gets under way In full swing, the Coln machine Industry will be in the front ranks along with the other industries. Early In the year, firma began to announce plans and goals for this job. Many skgar.irations in the trade and individual seeder* have expressed the strong pv7. pate of the industry to do everything possible, even though the industry is comparatively =all, to help veterans go What Coin Machines Bring in England To arena at Pie original Sordish mks perm on pones below must be added 25 per owit /Or duly, Ond opprorimoreig ifs Jo* Irefant and Insurance. Ortsisal Pint Carnet Yrsehlee Maker U.8. Peke Merareed English tike SKI HI Genoa It RUN Chico -in REPLAY ChIcoin PAYDAYS Buckley I RACES Stones HOOPS Genco TURF KIND ChIcain e AUTO DERBY... Genoa JUNGLE Genco Buckley SILYElt FLASH...Genco SPARKS Oreetchen TOTEM PIN Pierce GOLD AWARD...Genco AIRPORT tote !COOS TALLY -HO Cetko nrzorearn gene* BOZO SWING Chicola MAIMS. Chicoin Bt'SfPER Belly Govt. Sets Up Export Aid for Small Business WASHINGTON, July 22 -With the majority of coin machine menufeclurers as well as Bast end West Coast distributors planning export Dunces" after the war, they looked with Interest here to plane of the government to set up a foreign trade division within the smaller War Rants Ca-Watt:in, Present plans would have experts of export and import lines head the new government agency. Under the new program, known as the SWPC, areal manufacturers seeking to exploit foreign markets for their goods but lacking experience or capital to go Into export trade, would be put In Ouch with experienced export merchants by this agency. Th0 latter, working on a commission or fee baste, would handle the produucers' firma abroad. Proponents of the plan contend that the foreign trade bureau will not con - Met with the activities of the foreign trade bureau of the Department of Commerce, but would supplement that agency. Slots and Ticket jars Sport Shorts Are Needed, Says Dist. LOG ANOMES. July 22.-WIl11am It el-sepel Jr., manager of Badger Sales CGmitanY, Is Interested In making 16mm. pictures depicting the "Do's" and "Don't's" of golf ar4 other sports. While much of the expansion in the field Is art for poet -war days. the production likely to get under way any day. Himself an ardent gaiter, Heppel has dimmers:1 the matter of appearing In these Tootles with Olin A. Dutra, pro at the Wilshire Country Club, acid Ifedlyri Akin, who has showered herself with golfing honor'. The professional golfers have indicated their willingness to appear In the pictures. They have also discussed the field with Heppe). Hamad believes that films depicting devialn pros cm the link* will have a ready market In movie machines on location In golf clubs. Each flint running approximately three minutes, would feature a. epeclal profeasional on a pertletiler phase of the game. 'These Minn would ho placed en a machine foe a couple of weeks and then be moved to another locker room at mom other club. The film would run a circuit. "Pros have told me that they believe that It would make teaching golf easter.' Rappel *514. "the golfers would want to tee their special pros In action. Those golfers hitting difficulty on a special Are Not Gambling shot would readily be a prospect for a run of the fllm." According to plans as outlined by Per Se, Judge Holds Heppe', the pictures would be shot outdoors and In color. Narration would be POND DU LAC, vo,.. July 22.-A by a golf professional. municipal judge here decided July 17 Clolf is only one of the sports for that slot ir.scialnes and ticket Jars are which lieppel entkipates making plc - not gambling per as. The ruling was three Since Reef la closer home to him. made In denying a State motion to it will serve as a starter, have two slot machines and ticket Jar destroyed. The miehines had been picked up by State liquor agents, and In those Mitt slot :madness ham been the cam was filed by the State. held to be gambling devices. but In my According to the oourt. -In none of opinion, It was the circumstances and the Waco rain eases cited do I and an the purposes for which the machines express ruling that Cot machines ere were used that determined the court's gambling deviem per do. It la true that decision to hold them gambling derient.' settled In civilian life again. The government lam only recently made plans to help veterans by the thou. sands to get Into sore kind of business for themselves. The coin machine industry immediately lauded this plan because the ownership and servicing of coin machines has long been recognised as an independent bugbear. of many theta -ands of men. BefOre the WAX, the Industry as a whole was giving employment to more than 100,000 people, according to trade estimates. The poet -war outlook sing. gems the possibility of doubling the business end personnel of the tncluetty in two or three yeam. This suggest, the real Job that the tn. dustry may be able to do In helping relocate veterans, Several firms in the industry have already made plans that will appeal to veterans who want to Invest In their own bualnem. Some of them are accepting bonds In prepayment for machines, in keepte.g wtth the prao. Uce that has been adopted Lo other ta. dustrta. Ample kinancing Ample financing facilities will alto be available for any ire:scan" who want to set up their own private business. One of the largest ffnancing cot:apatite. in the country has complete plants drawn up for financing the purchase of music, rending and Limiter types of machine*. The Confidence of this firm and the summit 'of the business of the men in It is Muds evidence of bow veterans may make good to the operation of such machines. The financing of purchase, of amusement machines. such es pin bail gamer., has long been done thus local distributing arau, and this prattle* will be continued after the war. With such ample finances available, in addition to the loans which the govern. meat expects to make to veterans, men discharged from the service. should be able to establish a real budnesa with these machine*. Predictions have been made that as many OA two million veterans will be set up In some kind of pd. rate business through loans by the government. Suggestions made by business and government leader revornmend that the veterans go into some kind of retail hustn.rds. Among the suggestions made by seen publieations as the United Stales New are that veteran" go into such retail stoma Al grocery, radio, general stores. repair shops, restaurants, and Milne stations. The coin machine industry will welcome curb. developments ara If Veterans do not go Into the oohs machine business Itself, coin machines still will be en Important aid to thorn ta MOM of these types of retall stores. Retail Store Field The big field for the use of coin machined Is in locating them In retail sures. Moat types of retell stores can well Use one or more coin machines of some kind. It has been known for many years that Machine. placed en retail stores help pay rent, wages acd many other costa, and that they can be had by the ownent as such stores without any threatrnent In the machines. Thus, the coin machine Industry will not only be helping veterans get eats's. liaised in the industry Itself, but the Industry will be helping still more thou. sands of veterans succeed in the retail biatinega whtch they may enter. The coin machine trade will welcome back many thousands of men who were In the twatisesa before they entered the armed services. but It expects also to welcome tato its ineinberthip still more thousands of veterans who never knew aoything about the Industry except that 'Wry patronized the mu -nines. The Industry le carefully following all the plans made by the business and the Vuvernment to get veterans settled In civilian We again as noon as pootbie. It will take advantage of any suggestions that may be made from Hole to time. (Sec TRADE PLANS 07 page 102)

96 96 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard July 29, ENGLISH COINNIEN (Continued from page RS) MPR-423 was put Into effect. Falgliall experience In keeping old games alive also to proof of the durabil- Otoiva.116.1%."%gaMaNit.N ahlim'ann,,NilahNicwioamiiMlop AtICADE,IACRESES AND bupplils % WI STILL HAVE THE LAROIST ASSORTMENT OP FACTORY' MUM ARCADE $ MACHINES IN STOCKI MOST Aset acairmuur REPAINTED UPI, NEWS 4 milurbit11107k7r.orboom Cres7:i Ira (DM 2 Cola,. 64+, e4,0$ Libwilarl r Penner* 3E ity of equipment when given proper Rattly 0 Italia ' Caotnaor Way TOM* E prone core. In the pre-war days, the trade was Rum ailmis row to regard the Ille of game ss 0 alllif illeft.11 newer AO g35,00 Mow, Ilawel Use Cron, eseeserse.. twee. 0 three to six weeks. Yet In Engiand all 0 ritrioas,..lf =en_..21*--sto games now functioning are et least fire Ann.tmc FotrruNE TELLING 2 years old end some of 20 and older sing tr,...0 0Mart 111E1.00 Clmkrs Whorl a r tages still got daily play. IDROlUlty of 1111 Mow Oro Fasnlot (Fn amews. Ft. elm r am.rdes Rms Eaoalt latoup Maur iota. lewd am Migliah common In reccentrung old fleendfstshe ONO Orte %Mmes. went et Lem, L., games to give them new play appear hie saaswims Cams. One 1E "." 3" ". e."'wo ,110 elf also oontributod much to the industry's Olen Millaboarm rtnalt Wiiirig gam r 0A L OMMOM emote, (Pereetvg health. We or frames In giand netleus-0-eleue atartittm 411.0,117 Odom to0.00 neatly was prolonged as much as pes- ;Wit SW 0011w Was* ass.00 sible own tn pre-war days because of Waltit. Mantham team &nu._ slain AMUSEMENT higher corta and the longer period of sh. massiees Female ( / Mbter..lritattur-Iletem 5s.00 Ciwasior Pollard flow <it Plawn1 $100 0 tlme necemary to amortise the Invest- Claris ansear w Pollan, Football 12 Flamm) = leg tilvier 1164o Chtwoo Oche Mcoar, 2,0.00 tr.ent In a game ainoe English pins bare Peeve w Mead Mon OW penny play (equivalent to 2 cents Sas Warw. Ilelleelates 11010:40 Owe MAYO aresicata lisknotaln Oilmen, View Pall OtertaMallatia4arne. am NNW. ktlalt 13"4 0 tec:leals). Peases Veur Wee Ilteml Parts In Demand coonatio. amts Ante niel eleasere 12 Phipps) 1NLo6 O we, MaMmels ahottage of new equipment his natslukeeees Oise Dace Nati PasINANIIN aridly put a premium on parts or 0 Illhateseem LlfCaCereerh COUNTER 'Mom* heeeine am -sparer as they are dubbed by the Dog a a.11.e. Plotalt1 It.4. WNW. Bbd. FIN. IMatotme 1.ftnrty MAW o t 110$ ti commen. 813ctee to fit ADP coin A RAW 1M Dont Orlp Illaratim Athanot Itroetw, Maw tau ciliates are brirsgtng $2 each while vim - wee Ilt. Os% /Mot C450.41, ene Melt pieta chutes go for $10. Weet.nehouse Hoot (ewees AO sw VENDING R M eras pes 2Z.bO se:10 0 Am rectifiers are being offered for $6.32 with Motweepe Cwd Vwelort. F1.0, 11110e...t35.00 Preen UN IR al. Mar larger rectifiers bringing around $11, oo KNISH ow Renck.. Flow Sam as tre. It Transformers range around $7.50. Pin MOW Ord Veneer. 3 SIGN $0.00 Isiiilarolta, Mew :g table bulbs are $10 a hundred or $80 a BOWLING 0 Rom Ten WA* SCALES I, thousand, Phonograph needles of the Inhibit "wine *5i woe VW' INN 11 as cus play type bring SI each; UM per 100 a &MUM 70Mollmt 02_60 Foto. Otto Wades and e300 for Soo. which la the maximum O O. 22 Wet Waten5111.M. Lot... lo...,,, Ponwono. Sitemel. az:. lictoraltle or allotownws "Cad %remelt se Mills Ponwith. Lam DIN a number aold a customer. Needle. guar Veal* BASEBALL AND BASKETBALL ALM vo entering 0,000 plays go for ed apiece. $ 1,11, / PARTS Serous' of the fact that =leash stores Wteloro Mow 1.01% T. Coln ChM.. Ni.n 14 w Br. Co..$1 sa A ratra0 amom. eaten, Fronk* Pear,. sme Bunten, Goys. Re-._ e.66 V, 710es at 8 o'clock during the week and aruntnu ItantureA1111,011A new O mer Balls re lettarwas, Ia. day Sunday. shopkeepers long ago V.a M,...!- --, a... SS..75 A1 all ponmed the idea of putting vending tr` -_ Ire& _. Conaffet Price sot of Parts and Srppliss Just OH the Preset r inacteines in front of their stores to take 0 ts Cash oefamr With AU 0-,..-r Full Amount With Orders Under it $ core of the after -boor trade. As a re. 40 MIKE MUNVES W. 3lth St.. N. Y. C. A (2 Block* From Penn. Station) 5 l'ilinalikikiklik-tzamlanknowiklimazailkiinimilik4l.niotinini.n.11.7 AMERICAS man PIN GAME REVAMPS IlewS a mar obi MEer OM Itabikellit Oa gamma We witt rem= mow eid Mae IMM a me woe Mat Magma eel sabot ow same. 1/e ITV* ter eirissimi niir Now fir Wilt. mrt. ++.,-nrr. %V. I... (e ia asesestark aslant It al* strand 100 cr.." lee reek. w Ned* dim Lonna 1 web tor retomaisa. We nom lel tolie.105 ettwome meet Ow erreatei ilteto71 ARROW loadtimal MOLD OVEN..L.,MOR lamely) SALLY 0[NTT HOME MU?. 44 tawm rota il...tai REAville It nia TOP tam anew, ICELAND (MIMI etito Soils/ nilialilla rrestiesi JOLLY 1140 MC tam) re A Jon (TT g ( Itamhomos 1 5 HOOT *TOP CO ***** 10a $ swat 1E150 (Play Still O /tan/11c MR. Cella' THRILLER W WII MAJOR ON DECK TINE OUT IV...Owl FLEET PALO I MoC41) TRUr (Coaromm) PI MAU laterditt Foch F. O. B. St. larnic. me...an 1,4 g. I st-,...ktels tow,..1.!. ar. tale yls.stin teams Ire,er reirl. r4.. - V. P. DISTRIBUTING ( OLIVE ST. spy.,, ST. LOUIS 3. MO ) BELL CONSOLES SENSATIONAL NEW CLUB CONSOLE Location Tested at Proven Cash Payout Positive Action Attractive Design Public. Acceptance No Service Problems Three be and Ono 25e Two Sc and Two 25e-Fratore Phew Phone or Welts- for Details and Beautiful Display Photo BALLY CARBONATED DRINK VENDERS (Cope) Th...17 Reconditioned -Equipment Complete (only 22 left), ['eked for Quirk Sale $450." 3 Mr Mill. Bine Fronts Condition) $ Se Watling Rolatop (like New) E S0 1 Sr Mills Atraorilinam (like New) I Sc Mills War Eagle (Erellem Condition) Well, for Special Pate or. Ms foam lot Tomos 1;3 Deposit: Balance C. 0. D. NEW! "TIZieT,IYE"s And On Stand+ $ $ MEI AUTOMATIC PRODS. CO W. CHICAGO AVE. (Humboldt 3200) CHICAGO 22, ILL ault, demand for vending machines has always bean high In the British Isles and aeverei home manufacturers Old a Dovetailing busir.eas These machines Con to bring good pries ainoe the war 4noko. Engtich pubs, too. have limited hours Opening from II son, to 230 p in, and from 8-30 to 11 pan. daily. As result moat coin machine* are In arcades. 13rig ooinmen has. developed many arcade machines of their own, as a mutt. One reason. too, for the popularity of arcades has been tiro tolerant attitude of English authorities toward skiil awards. Most popular of these is cigamts. In rack some got. of the mint coder typo have been convened to dispense c:gareta instead of candy. Cranes. too, base been big bits with English eons patrons Completely equipped meanies are being offered on the Dogfish market for Mono. Catch On Ileeatate Cl the many difficulties confronting the operation of automatic phediegraphs the Exuritsh Induatry :tally start gluing theirs a play Until shortly before the war. Short Wears which pubs are open don't give phonos much chance for big takes. Another reason was that machines seat to the Liles had to be reconverted mechanically to take care or the fact that English cur rent operates on 220 volts as against 110 in the U. S. and current is 53 cycle!netted of 60. Duty on pholoos was one third of the ad valorem value and average op aleo had to shell out about 450 in licenses to use copyrighted Despite all these reatrietione, however. phoned started to click In end early Export statlettes show ISO phoned valued at $34,711 exported to England from January to September, Others went over In 1904 but exact figures eren't available Moot, It wasn't mull 1939 that the Department of Commerce began 44ParatIng phonograph export atatiatics from other coin -operated machines That phonos are clicking In England, boteetef, la reflected by the high prices they now bring when they become available an the used machines market. A Wuriltzer COD trt00111 with a 2 -penny slot demands an outlay of $2,000 while a Wurntrer 1100 model with one end two penny slots brings $ In advertising Rockets 20 -record machine ono dtatrib terns It "gilt -edge security." That tbo Wurlither Matra) Ur Midland, Welter Pearce and 8, J. Wright, have their eyes on the post-war market, Is evidenced by their Meatstss to the trade asking customers to muter with them now ars that they may hare precedence over other Moen when machine* are &Tellable. While common in the II. 8, have hod plenty of trouble mince Pearl Harbor. atilt It appears' that when the Cross and palms are awarded at Ual Mal war -ATTENTION, CANADA - We ore in o position to take, rare of your Coln Machine requirement. In the melee Gerd. Wire, write Or phone 011 MUSIC 2 Reckon '40 Supers, (0455 $365.0) 1 39 Roallola, Standard Rermfml with Oul.aTom Saleator /ablate 0000's, (SRC, Each S9S.03 I "pew-, 9100, (SRC, Walnut Rentals Imperial 20. Hideaway euekky Renletc I Sentong Veer., RC Seehrog Cal31. loch Welinxer 616's, Oct Werlitrir Vntary Modch. Ode I War -Maio Vittosy RC Mos Do Re MI Seeburg Wireless Organ 3Pdre77. Loch Packard WAR BORN. {Soh CONSOLES 1011,4.4y Kentucky Club,. [sea..ill5.00 I 116 Track Tunes jumbo Pussies. Free Play% Lich , 14n4s, Cernbanatlens, leek I Pico Saratoga, Combination, La I Pace ggg(g P.O ce Tem P.O., tack Benlah Parks, P.O.. Eat lc Slack Paces Race,. tech I Slow Moon, I Milt Itle Callopng Csonume. lace Track Odds, Daily Derehie. Nck pet. Leo ARCAOf tquipmder AND SCALPS Frsitcopar $ I Supreme XIlay Pekoe D. Ten HAM... Cads Skeetraturtio as.o9 1 2 Rspid IIlN, bah 225.0) Till Cerneer ITS.150 Slap On HP tatting Practice Wootrrn Bevebea XS - Palm et the Hand Coed Vendee 40-01) Cedar of Eyes, Card Vender 40-0) Astonled iteatrit Karen, Tease Magma, Each trip Model Plorternalls /19060 NEW BOWtA Watting Tenn Mona 111/.0o 1 3 Mme Lo trey States, Lech Nathres1 le Bev keit,. tate FEATURES "; 2 WellEtrow Vendom. NOV MM. Ott. ownwituto menowatase, uo to 11 wimlsont. cam (olt. Wit 00-0tri VW*, fa. 1.10mesee eale WON.,151,01 plot, we, Non 7 FL POICE awn UM 1114o 04 U Pieter. VorIers. Uss rust TIMM nwina--ospe are venele--eneol Fele% oraells. it into Is 05,304 Ni. and 1 Used at Vre4.to INN Onew latw'rot. tom. Meta/ eatenoti:, Inattt fr., owl Wrath*. Sew It. mg, Nch--erworl $ *awn Oen Counts. (Used) WANTID PHONOGRAPHS ALL MAIM & MODELS otra,ir With All Ordro-Sslam CLEVELAND COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE 2021 PROSF1CT AVE GILMAN IS, O. Phones PRenport SEP:BURG RAY -0 -RITE GUNS etga:,r, , ce 150. sad tim L..11 wish r0.-3 Om. $ Each ::At.: Aug; KF.F`iTT lirl11tarri11: 7IAL1.T CONK 417 AND RALLY 111'LL 1:1111.1t Te /3 Cowan. 11.1ans D..B NOVELTY 4. CO., INC,. taoa IDOL $T. LOUIS, No, Mame Owtm SERIES TIP TICKETS 120 SiTitS Daly Ilambad Tickets, tarp Stock. Prim Richt, IMPERIAL NOVELTY CO. P. 0. Boa OS LA CROSSI, WIS. to conursen who have met and overcome the biggest obstactee, the Plignah Coln - men will deserve the medals No better example of the -nerer-say-die` spirit that's so characteristic of the Industry It to be found than In the tilaittorg In which the English coltimen bare muscle by their Industry end kept It going cur - log times when diffiettitles TM 40 arrsl- Ingly unsunnounenhie. ; I

97 July 29, 1914 The TM:board AMUSEMENT MACHINES 97 WANTED TO BUY! We need for resale purpose, 75 KEENEY TWIN SUPER BELL, convertible, free play to cash payout models. Can also use 50 KEENEY SINGLE SUPER BELLS, convertible, free play to cash payout models. Machines must be complete and in working order. Quote lowest price for quick action! Write BILL FREY, INC, P. 0. Box 4141 Miami 25, Pedal Phone Bill Frey Person to Person Mittel Wire BILL FREY, INC. 140 N. W. 1st Street Miami, Florida THEY'RE ALL ORIGINALS Completely Overhauled and Refinished Se SliIls Blue Front... -$ c Mills Blue Front e Mills Bloc Fromm Se Mills Brown Fronts e Mills Brown Fronts e Mills Brown Front Se Mills Chromes (Silver & Gold) e :dills Chromes (Slim' & Cold) $ c Stills Chromes (Silver & Gold) Se Mills BOOM c Mill. Bona Jennings Club Bells 375,00 50e Jennings Club Bell PARTS FOR MILLS MACHINES Knee Action $7.50 Facalator Clara 8.50 Nickel Slide 3.50 ABT Coln Chutes (F.P.) Standard Handles 2.00 Coln Chutes (MIlls Vest (All Chrome, like New) Pocket) 3 50 Club Handles 4.00 Reward Card. (2-5 & VI) Reel Strip.. :236 & Main Clock Gears. Complete 3.00 Per Set 1.00 Cash Boxes 2.00 Jackpot Glasses 1.00 Springs -Complete Stock for All Heel Glass (Set of 3. ) 1.05 Mills Machin.* We Are Equipped to Fill Orders for SLOTS. CONSOLES. PHONO- GRAPHS - ARCADE EQU PMENT - SAI.ESBOARDS. All Make. and Models. Let Us Know Your Requirement.. EXPERT REPAIRS ST FACTORY -TRAINED MECHANICS... AT NOMINAL COST WE PM HIGHEST (ASH PRICES FOR All (011tOPERATED E0i1DMENT SOUTHWEST AMUSEMENT COMPANY 1712 FIELD ST. Central 4484 DALLAS 1. TEXAS WASHBURN SPECIALS! ONE BALI. FREE PLAY Lornmerts Thsoabeedi P ImSto; Deets. '41 club Trophy) Fortran Peek Record. Cemv. Shoe Crain Dark Honer 1041 grnhans Retold Time 2k 542T Roll'I-. Trios toter SLOTS and CONSOLES Royal Firth Sups, Beth Royal On.. Fool Be le Tlvo Seth ItOlotto Sr. Sal atoga; Jumbo Parade". C.P lucky Leta. Poor1 Rerts Turf Champs We Carry a Complete Line of Refinished 5e, e Slot Marhines Grey FrMs War fogies iv/untie, Melon tells Chrome[ 5 Snc Original Sneer Cheery Beth Chrome. Slue Fronts Semen Still Sc only Standard Johnsen Mona-, Counters Brown fronts We will PeY his hest Mkt; to HAH Thr<4 ISHII, Four kilo Ilene head...it,. Keeney Super Belle, tomb* Parades tie. and Leto PonetraPP Vink er wna w your enrnplvir Int. Cash waiting. CHARLES E. WASHBURN 1511 WEST PICO BEA D. 1.0S ANGELES 15, CALIF. Telop1,-er nrowithe 3404 JAR TICKETS TIP BOOKS We Manufacture a Complete Love RED, WHITE AND BLUE, COMBINATION. AND BINGO TICKETS WRITE 115 FOR PRIM MUNCIE NOVELTY CO S. Walnut St., Muncie. led. PANORAMS AS GOOD AS NEW. $ EACH. OWL MINT MAChINE COMPANY 215 Columbus Avenue (Kenmore 2610) Boston 16, Massachusetts Kentucky Bans Sale of Beer In Roadhouses FRANKFORT. Ky.. July 22. -Cola machtue buathesa la some Icestlona thruout the Sento was expected to' drop off coneiderably because of a recent order Issued by the commissioner of alcoholic beverage control, banning the sale of beer in roadhouses. In a Mier addressed to all retell beer licensees. Beverage OntranlatIoner Charles P. Brown Jr.. sold: "Any place of [Nalnme commonly known as a roadhouse (as used In atattites) Is hereby &toed as being any publlo place outside an Incorporated city or town patronised by the public for purposes of amusement. such as dancing, the playing of tousle. juke Nikes, pinball rintachlnea, slot machines. or games of any *inch but does not Include bona Ode restatiranta. grocery stores. general stem* alltug sta. Gem or other establishments where no form of 4112.U.S214ML la pernutted." Brown said this new rulhag would be rtgldly enforced. The 1644 act forbids the sale of beer on pamper used as a recall ;sickest liquor atom. dant* hall or roadhouse outside Incorporated chins or town except in counties which contains a city which maintains a county peas Press Joins Crusade Against Phony Clubs LNDIANAPOLIIL July 22. -After delve 621ituat gaming deviceo In phony club, had been carried on for aonle welts, slot innehlnra went finally men. honed In casual way. It appears that lot of 00-CILII clubs 1511T bean organind here and have been wing rontotto, dicer games and other gaming devices to finance the bualness. A local newspaper lolr.ed In the erth wade and hated a number of the clubs that were under InvestigatIon. and among those elute sassed as P21.541f. were athletic clubs and co -called plebs - Inc clubs. An aftermath of the campaign against the club* was an alleged by local operators to keep ouulde pirtles from corning Into the city. Newspapers bald that the 'borne boys" had charged that outatdent were furnishing the gaming equipment for meet of the club. under Inveshgatton. LIST OF PRODUCTS (Continued font pave 46) /Shovels. Sofa beds and studio couches. Staples and staplers. Household steel wool. Stokers. Straitens. Carpet sweepers. Hot-water storage tank& Water tanks. Tapissealing machines. Teakettles. Ilousehold thermometers. Taft pumps. Tool handles. House trailers. Typewriters. Umbrella/ Utility baskets. Vacuum bottles. Domestic and Industrtal vacuum cleaners. Itousehold galvanized wash Wilms.. Domestic washtub.. Water heaters (all types). Hot water generators. SPECIAL NOTICE Ow trainee road se.1.eratn, N.. D. M. %oncost, her at been mended cell, the Dula cede Ike/dm (bandy for We raft too man. then GU WV it Mr, a Onenenta on DIXIE COIN MACHINE COMPANY 012 Porn,. arr..: NEW OftLPANS, LA. FOR SALE 54 WO, tancreom o..,...,.,. to Stet tit as Lk. Hank Oemsemee. PG Iwo a. Pew Cement. Itelos OWN, SW 7PS0 s; mum Q.T., tetra al. x.00to Mrth Pour Moth Wen* Write Mr pewee to MM. and Monte." MachInse and On Cabinets. General Novelty Co. 520 N. 1Jo Steven bellwausilt S. WIS. * * * WE CAN REBUILD YOUR OLD SCALES AND MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE NEW WAILING MFG. CO W. Fulton St. CHICAGO 44. ILL IN. CIOL,nenn fl, "WATLING:TT C1 METAL TUBES (OPA CEILING PRICE) $1 30 EACH MINIMUM ORDER 10 TUBES Send Supplier's Certificate and Check in Full With Order! * GUARANTEED DELIVERY WITHIN 48 HOURS::: GEORGE PONSER CO. 763 Sold 11th St Rework, N. J. SPECIALS OM WWI,* I IssaSe.Wort) Pun Rom; Mann CalMnie) I Urn; oat so SO 1 aline lion, Wenn.* POKen Tenn Sown str.s0 If Wenn., Venom Teller (Nefre INIermt /09.50 I K.. ewe* Seale 1140 i Irma Seale (1141 Red) banen So. If tell rennhed Clout ateennanve aeose...thereare ti 4,104151%. Enterprise Novelty Co Nen II:reen ALGION. MICHIGAN Make me an offer 2 Jotter Clan al* Woiltar P0.wn I ewe Kiss 1 MK/ sja Low A4141M SNOWS Canoed Phone I PlItne dun, G. E. MOODY Pares Pslas. Mom.

98 98 AMUSEMENT MA cnnies The Rillhoarti July 29, 1944 FISCO FISCO THE SELECTION!..s(-0 PIN GAMES SLOTS.iiii;:71'. MUSIC Cmli Ckno CAtel.cd I.4 log Scrapcd_ finish end Work- Cower Clow, Z log Oideif..au ttttt d , ouse Clow iii Ile Cool $94.50 DA,. I UD Mr, Sky Clesn) Wray News Front (040e) = laide Syeadrim, Re- Apemen Come* 8 twill,t9447 Clean) Wanirl La. aebolle SA" Ode PPeedM 1014 :': ileenbmdke. Re ItaiMl ProArst kw mow enlor floe-teetwoati atreawilf4r, fidv-a1. CO Stw COW Co.,... Dei..eca O 110M Ree trynt Tram Vim [sod r9s0.1erj" Lei 11/4416 a trainee De AV NM* , Vktor, Lion H of I ft I N G N D C R 3 Iloilo Hop nr," 7.,, %L.0LtPtig* itulp.nr Q.T. Merin - Ciem lergiewaire to Neel Swims Mai Ooroweer OCR) 1104e 4011 Q.T ( Loader '0 7 ".. OA. (Wie7 Clean) CALUIN Pee Diet ,10.4 Sp, Cone. of 5240 Sive Prost'Crib Moil 574 Japs neer Skate 01041es pM tin HI Step CavoeraHvy raszo OnitsW relies O.N War gegle. 3-0 P.O. le.3.60 a FrOlit MIllnk Devele 00W;; ; jamis".1477tie ara. 2.4 ilea SO Q.T. /MAW CAN Ste nevem ' tea 91,e4a C Asabei 3240 Lee s.re = W.W.I lkellee, Innt tat, owe Sl-S0 0nocas X1.50 tehilialisc7ie 7 the le One Imo Pew OW Call A Deer , ,4 Mel *WW1 TWIN VIVA the Meier 0 Renmn Mold (Dm) Oro -Toe MOPS "5 lotepeopp Gebel Veleelea 5s.so 6; See" Cerel Cewlii SAN troop% (Viol / -wed Pelt ii. IF FISCO SELLS IT-FISCO GUARANTEES IT! NOW "KLAN P."' I'd III. TOP PR EIS FOR YOUR GAMES Neat..aholeihie" teeter: MIMS: 04- Waft Hero YOU Cot To Wit wroo or Wi10 0.4,.. 6abat. WMn,417771,15. Wire and Condition! Top Price, Fair riii Armes? Osaliwal ii FISC SALES COMPANY Monument Sq.. Haverhill, Mass. AUTOMATIC COIN SAYS BUY MORE BONDS! ink MCA. WNW Oar Pwlen Clean for lend =era. 11 mom Coue Orem rer MOM. nn Attadweed Swum P.O rev Mill. 14, 104. ni. 809 l co. 54 asaloota fee MN IheArea moon se tem 200 Onlb MAW. We none 840.taaspot Weems de Mille mwe.110 Cedes* Germ roe HIM.50 Aware Ore. tip s /1. lar Mina ee Feet era Orem kr HMI Clam lee 11 11e/te I:0 W-elltar s.04).e.o.vtanowd WIlh 2417A0.11) 504, Vila. MI 7x. it..% x) , Motu, OvaraineM) CONSOLIS rianopiet 00.'1, Sow. SW Wek...1,.., Of,*. 1:rill Nan& /dee Mow, awn OW Tall 1.h.--ba, free Pla7 J.-,4* PaevellMe P 0.9 (OM/ Ji.Nie Peel, P.O. err.,.1 kr. p).91:1100"4 Ake, C efa Pm*. Seek Je. Watt. 54,70 tire see Mild Omaha Ilielaiway Sewn DWI. Gee C4! r veer *mod if Orton V. P. tern. j...olng. Otnimei Seek Pave Oe wry Ow} M Star Attraction (OW lean0m ) Speet A C Ear POO/1T* <4.1 Metered V. P Moe Cl ) Ohroom V. P areas, Dei $ 4010 Free Mei Plenacie fer Nor44:14 'IC 'SO Taa Oxtriees. Low/ Se Ptaallcs Ice / s. La* Slides. CMA PinkUM RN per L.ea0 rr PH , 70.1s Awe. F eft. ca. :04 O la RR tin Geese Om MNs 5.75 ewe gee ter mini 3.00 IMMO Pmeram St /ewe 1041 away 4.mos $21:70nt grilialm srs 1Zr / COW 509 Genesee SOW& A rem 41 Claneolee Deivinen owe 41 pewee. oreweee..91 / sewn rad 70, P.O.. eownownel Reale airdweere sar Fkiblee eroritoo We (Jail Mild P.O.. Yeet_ awn Wei 144. IA lieelines Rafolise N am eel Deem SEgfillIG PLASTIC WALLO-MATIC 50 Play E. $ SEEBUIIC BAROMATIC 5r WI REPAIR MILLS SLOT CLOCKS -SEND THIN IN AD ewer Feemweetrenert awe refin:44/ 11.7 opeele. W4t. TERM!.1,1 Dewed TAM fren sell NA )4 I (Maw. 11Manal Q. 0. D. ritnn./1 & SUPPLY CO. a t altic. 611 MACHINES W. Fullerton Are. (Phone CAPitol 8244) Chicago / JA/FRE JA/FRE JA/ERE JA/FRI MANS "JOlf ASPWINEST RECONDITIONED IQUIPMINT" "You Can Always Depend on lie Ash All -Ways" ACTIVE AMUSEMENT MACHINES COMPANY. 11'1.41(1.1:: ST PHILADELPHIA 23. PA. 0 S C A N D I vi G Tacoma Collects From 1002 Mchs TACOMA. Wash., July 23. -The annual report of the city clerk here on revenue dmired from coin machines gave soma Interesting data about the rerreiber 02 machines In this city. The city Menae fee had, boon patd on rnsealcies. A big majority of these machines. totaling 930. were the standard pinball machines which. swooning to the State Supremo Court, Ores thy player an opportunity to reap reward by akillful operation. Thle statement apparently referred to s decision by the State high court which undertook to enstingulah between gm:rang devices and pinball games In order to determine the payment of the State Us Of the machines operating here, the tax report shows 48 to be digger ntchines and 24 are known al1 ray target guns. The city clerk reported that the above totals do not Include machines that are known SO sraides. The City charges art oocupational fee of $250 a year on operators who have more than fire machines. The tax records Dhow there are 20 operators who pay this oecupations fee in the city. With the data furnished by the tax OfSele, some comparieons have been made Ii to the number of taxable machines on the bards of population. The 1940 census gave persons In the city hn-.its. This would give s ratio of ono taxable machine per 100 persona. Since this City te the capital of the Mate, at the end ad each Mod year the State tax commission also releases Interesting reports on coin machines all over the State, and not only do the majority of cities collect taxes on machines but the State itself collects' percentage of groaa play of all amusemant machines upending In Washington. British Coin Machine Association Revived CIIICA00. July The Automatic' Machine Operators Society. according to weed received hero this week, Is back In action agsto. Organisation was the leading British coin machine association prior to the war. Many of the leading firma are taktng an active part In bringing the emeanization back to Ille. It 2141:11., and fortber members are responding by putting their dues on the line. W. 0. Omen of Itritlah Amertean Novelty Ccmpitny, Ltd_ Is reported heeling the reorgenleatlen drive and D. nrenner le secretary. FOR S1LE vete eke et lee tad 041 thii nos (44 eedgerme. wide* we eired : 1 breed nry. now, awned Milli 10e Bat : 3 he wow/ ; 1 10# 110se Pmeit ; 1 04 Mode See fdre ew Si Illoe 17,4,0 frilotabed,.d arid eienl ; 1 54 Toot / elttice odd se a? : 1 JennOsg t.f C55,1; 1 MAIN* 14 Idol (UM,.14130:3 Jrnedue encenememi. 1. perfect &8m. 4 Aeitmeatk DV. trde we; 1 Mille Cerier44 411'401, Tae.; 2 new Cv052a : 1 An Hember Cane , ' , Mute. Say nark. 1 /Le dostwalt Jane* 004 nrewkre. ene toe pato; I Eedrit fldetwallenr. prefect nevedrin; t P4et111. DeLivie Phoney:Mk 1elaM4det7 werdwriairg.0114) 4. talent; Toe Dom Cerred Ter PeLeora. 00TH AI. Meows, Reelordlgo. 241 Means. Moo aoreire Nivell, 2401 Dun Taw a ada,.70 fur 5,0/ or Xarter. 1 Blahs for I/ fir heinfe. Denver InstrIbuilng Co AMP42.00 BL INVER 2. COLO. (awry 4500) FOR SALE 1 Sellp 7r redo f584$ Reel/ /Pe A Chkeim QOM Seth ilb liadde Ited Ce10een11441 amt s ft 4 /maw% a lidert, CloWleli tom 145,09 I lip *Jo lana Paw /415. Wee Bade 1/ ,050411,, Mew tee 125.0$ 1 Mew el Deem% Sad,* 0 0. D. IDEAL MUSIC COMPANY a. su A , P * 2uicfr Schaal Me.a.a VOLUME PROFITS TEN $5.00 WINNERS fiye 01., hit. i2.711 This board a SUM THICK will. 65 votwed matt 1184 ItoItt--Averopo Front ,4,0 f1%77111:117v, TI7 $ LC SALES CO. 855 PEARL STREET BEAUMONT, TEXAS RADIO TUBES FOR THE COIN MACHINE TRADE Yob. Offered to Comoro.. PA tact , 4L / Olen)? / / Boats.06 el C Sired 21/115.7:112's Cortilltere/ /13 Deposit. lictance C. 0. D. PHONO-ELECTRONIC SUPPLY CO TC1040 ROAD. PHILA. 41. PA. SCOTT-CROSSE CO. Formerly Keystone Vending Co. The East's Leading Distributor P/41tAD1LPHIA, PA. JULY SPECIALS FIVE BALL 500 FREE PLAY PIN CARES We Are Sold Out of Fllgkors end ['oder, WHAT KIND ARE YOU INTERESTED MI All ef thew 124,4k me A.1 M40.411h54,,5:400,10V.7 u.oikerall. and dwaild. Dario is EXTRA SPECIAL 10 lee M14.1 PAN LA* Me., 11/ Wend New All Electric Lela M40 PopeAMM Pewee 111.4Altee. MOO W VIM N 15w7 for NM* Meth ef all Sail.' Mille Meta.* lied 500,15 f Ours M. Les40. Pew*: Peentlin 012$

99 July 29, 191 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES 99 INTERNATIONAL FEATURES ONE LOT OF SLOT 19 1:14001r *. All Morin Hoary' pi, Ken: ariono1 K 4.e 1.4 enty. u wows, INU$10 1 Swot., *goal Wvriimar incurs, P.K. &MOO L %Pollute 400 R la MartniaMearlanif NIMeroltM LLM.Ina CM1,41. ARCADE Emn Tog Stain. 1,..0 S Minn Imo Owl MM. Paria.5141 Sao CONSOLES 1 noolnya Bob Tall. P.P. S e.94* Panne. L.I1-, F.P nrnbe Plow*, CP TM. P.O SLOTS 384 Walling Negritos 164 Janalnia VENOORS 10 DV P , RAS Ou Orwler V Deal OmorMA L54 IS Aeons Peron V54951, R.palatei 404 Pleballt. Inn IPSO , ,50 LannaMe Mal.ell... D5.00 morba Up $ PIN CANES blow.%...$ SOArty Palo Tema,*..., WARTED FOR EXPORT PURPOSES MUSIO AND SLOTS. SEND UST AND PRICES. Twain 11, CiaanN WIlh All Oen.. for Illorrown Oa Coot WIN Orin far Emort. FOREIGN INQUIRIES INVITED 180 GREEN. Min Planmar International Coln Nadine Distributors :115 Pr747.4<t Ars, C Fie Main I4 Inn Fronts, (1.H., D.P., 3/6 P.O :se flu. Fant., 0.11., 3/6 P.O.. LW. Nee I tee We CNN, LIM Raw, 0.H., D.P, 2/4 P.O rafts IS SW) Ann 0, AlToal L04 Naar. 395,000 to War EWAN A.11, EA P.O. $ annoy Ian /6 P.O.. Man RY 5104, A X00.00 STAN, J.P. 3/5 P.O. Waillnw Mow F.Ken/ Pat $ Pd1I Mill. MAO Sees (Mod gamin%) Owen SINN Steal Sara Mille Swel Sena Daa Sare Moan fee PAIN ht P..1. SATER Otaht. 111,1..u1 FOR SALE 2 Reglad, Corninani4s, in Period Cenalltian, U.44 Lou Than 6 a/4min to. 1 Ktfillty Ale RMS.% Late , Perfect Working Outer NATIONAL MUSIC CO. FOR SALE 13 SCIENTIFIC POKER TABLES le /1.1 Cael toon. PrIm, $100 CO fob SAVIN ROCK ARCADE,. INC Ileach St, Woe' Maven, C0nri FOR SALE MONICKER VICTORY cticx 1)430 '42 HOME RUN CHICAGO COIN HOCKEY Balance C. 0. D FORD VENDING MACHINES 117 Long Scat% 04 Ote...1,14, L. I., N. Y Unconditionally GrincertitecelfW 2 MILLS C.L1TUN GOLD. 10c PLAY SLOTS, EACH _ Depctr, neirs,re C. 0. D. General Coin Machine Co. :27 N. IOTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Wat,,, R9Oto TOP , 21( ,4..# AMSpec, t I 4 Play mint VeniNn. y Twin sem *wow, 0.4 TYIt414. Clam Pm 4P, a An 34.4th1e4, tina /3 V$55 PAW, tior,..,a C. 0. D /0200 Underwood Vending Comnnny Milw'kee Loses 75% In Coin Mch. Fees by high Court Decree 2417,W2it7KEZ.. July T80 State Supreme Court deasion oumesrlog pinball machines and the attitude of DOtriCt Attorney James J. Kerwin, here hove cut Applications for Amusement denote. City Clerk Walter A. Mein reported recently. Kleln raid permits for 000 premises have been psued this ye -or As eampared with at this period a year WO. 1.feenses are tuned on devioes Ruch as ray guns, ohl ball, etc, and Teem beneves that 0000 are being used on pinball games. Only 15 dtatributore licenses have been Levied thta )717 conspsreel with 35 :sat year, according to Klein. In 5 warning to Ow:AWL Klein strewed the planiao: "For machines only that are not In violation of the Supreme Court declaims and rulings of the distnetcourt." Klein stated that the ohne pieces the respernibility on tae operators, since applications do not specify the type CE flets50 On which Drente is to be used. Population Increase Boosts Coin Biz for West, So. West Areas WASHINGTON, July 22, --One of the rtasor-a that coin his is up In the West and Southwest section of the 'United States sad Indicated here when the Census Bureau released estimates on population Increases thruout the country. According to the Census Bureau. the $10/)11: of the West sod Southwest Increased by during the period from April 1, to July Slow - ever, the States of the Northeastern Seaboard and the Middle West Scot 2,000,000. The Mtn:4W enclude the M In the army And navy. :anon In a little more than three years, New Tork lost 620,030. The bureau puts Illinois down for a net population lore or a figure about equal to the Roth of Masons, Its the slime perfect. The interesting TeVeTIA1 Of the weetward and southward trend was a gain of 226,002 in the population of the Distrtet of Columbia. reflecting the fat. teeing of government clvtl service pay roils. and Undoubtedly Maryland's gain or 300,724 portly reflect the government ercp:oyecs commuting to Wrachington, Ge.ar!O WHAT HAVE YOU IO1RADE OR SELL! IR 114I. F10,411y, Vgly Clean Cos Iron lit Sr War EMM. 3/4 P Iwo Mar pug Centro Men Penn Db.* II 004 Wan Pookat D1110-4/1 HAW P0* Dolma Ractela m$ Tanen D eny itiag PA Pt *PM/ 4.broattr IanTina.P.0, Veal 719.4, P.P angle Car -4. P.O /48 TL *wink, Cu.. P.P P leow Rama. Won* [ote. Part ftors1 fin,. P.O ClAarella XV Emil Pamfe 4450 lawns 4050 lilt Ufa SD* ta4 no $4.39 Amu* Um Jap Mama 260 Mahn ' Attantain enianast , LAM CHAS. IIARIIIS 2173 La Rd., Comtlerte NU. Ofi/a i Tel, Yalla.v.a.n PIN GAME IIIIROAINS: 2 Varier, ta $ Yen- Mil, 14, Fifty Omni, , La Canp wow Ct. 15A arat arcoia Analmi Spina Coviin Oman Part Amain fa 0011.* 0l 8114 JULES CIN, 1100 IF<May. Alt.my. N. Y. FOR SALE epolo.,p1 A04 Droot. Doan. esoo , Now PLC,. rot.. arm. Also a Iry lam 0o. ow./ 21.1 ND Tan 1547 Tann. WALKER SALES CO. AI TALLEY RT. AOHLVILLII, N. C. Boa 117, WACO, TEX. ARCADE EQUIPMENT -GUNS -MISCELLANEOUS NEW Si/PRIME OUN ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNS K EENEY SUISMARINE TEXAS LEAGUER. REGULAR VIEW-0.SCOPIS LATE EXH. DOME TOy DIGGERS MILLS MAIN CLOCK CEAPL PEERLESS GR.ANOMA HOROSCOPE NEW lc BULLDOG COIN CHUTES PHOTO CELLS, SIESURC & BALLY TOMMY GUN SUPREME WAIL ROLL, NEW CHICAGO CO IN HOCKEY le A.13.T. COEN CHUTES BAIL? RAPID FIRES. PERFECT BUCKLEY TREAS. roland DIGGER BATTING PRACTICE manic SHOOT THE CHUTES NOW Sc F.P. COIN CHUTES 3, AP CONVERTED CHICKEN SAM 149.5C SLOTS - ONE BALLS - CONSOLES TURF KINGS $ c COLUMBIA CIG. REELS $ , F P 9450 JUMBO PARADE, F. P. -LATE HEAD SPORT SPECIALS MILLS OWLS 7930 SANTA ANITA HI HINDS -A DERBY WAIL BIG GAME -CASH JUMBO PARIOE, C. P. -LATE HEAD JENN. 4-00I0 MUM RACER -5c XVY CIGAROLAS-1IXE NEW RED HEAD TRACK TIME XV CIGAROLAS-PERFECT EVANS JUNGLE CAMP-CASS WE REPAIR I BAIL AND 5 BALL MOTORS, OPEN TYPE, $5.00; SEALED TYPE. S1230 PIN AIR CIRCUS $ DUPLEX O 10 PARADE BROADCAST KNOCK OUT GUN CLUB LEOIONNAIRC W BOAT TEN SPOT WILD PINE CHIEF CANES - NEW AND USED HOP ATTENTION It CA01.5 SOUADNON. 0., '41 MAJORS MONICKER SANTA PC. Rye, *0034 PRODUCTION. Rev 'Ai RUN.., PARATROOPER, NN PIN UP GIRL, Raw f413ARDIER, e ta CHIEF B OECO ARIZONA, JEEP LO ZA0 CLEO S INANCRI LA RCS MR. 0/ Rai TOPIC... $.1.$0 TEXAS MUSTANG FOUR MIDWAT, Rot. 2E050 WILL PAY $50.00 FOR ETCH. WEST WIND. SUN SIAM. DO STARS AND DOWSE PLAY. $15.00 FOR I.44 DM AND FLICKIRS. SEND LIST OF ALL OTHER GAMES AND ARCADE EQUIPMENT YOU HAVE TO SELL CASH WAITtriGi ONEHALF DEPOSIT WITH ORISESS. RALANCE C. 0. D. OR SIGHT DRAFT. EMPIRE COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE CHROME COIN CO WEST NORTH AVENUE MILWAUKEE 8, WISCONSIN * Write, Wire or Phone * A T L S F R B E S A U E ATLAS MEN 2912 W. NORTH AVE CHICAGO 47. ILLINOIS Ffienci H rieku easwoutioad PARTS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS: PLEASE ORDER BY PART NI IIRER nrian /Imam $.40 no wt N.50 55/.--Par9.4 Paintu 11nes Terse Dart NeSta tw.2.4, P4rftetam Oman. Ot Lam Mr Rap! FM anal AN Rep Ono Teet CO.'., Ulla Fop Cilawns let ef ,/h no -APR Wanes Mitt Emanow Than Mfda Rwa (Mann AO in Clan Swing K... A11140 *740 Ann Swing ;Hi $16-oantact Samoan *Wry Pftet lale-pton4514nti.eed say-aaira [MAIO /1.10 Paw.. InWarior RAD 4.76 PILOOPPOI [WM, BIN.65 PIPN/.,,..Pet1e Kit 7.76 WRITE FOR comrc-rx PARTS LIST p45tlella...$ Wen. Soper CWiii /... SWAM. P.O Bally 100. INN POOP, Toln Ina* Twin Inn Sew Ows TART. JP, ' Hy 014it1er MIN Se CM, SRN, Pvt. Re4tit ,o awe. P.O Ili Cia..m, P A44a Mom. F.P Criltnn Heflin Snot Too Way to Team Oun Rohr II17!. r1o-44 total. Olgaraila, Model XVV 4a7944 P..^. P.c., " ,4. P.P.. LW* Nam% the CON /3 Damn Wm. Oen, ILT" ill /A NOVELTY COMPANY NEW MIDWAY MILLS MAIN CLOCK OtArt, CLOCK USED SLOT STANDS NEW GOLD AWARDS LOTS OF 10 $ WorIltrar 61. DC Ina IA. 4ep van , K.a Ovann Sun Jon, Le Soy Son S n.. LP LI Lr= N. WESTERN AYE. PHONE ARMitage 5005 CHICAGO 47 A met.!atlas AUTOMATIC MUSIC CO CASS AVE- DETROIT OrlictsiATLAS NOVCSTS CO., 2200 EIETH AVE. PITTSBURG 19

100 100 AMVSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard July Are You Interested in Additional Income? START YOUR OWN ROUTE OF COIN OPERATED "SOLO -111E" Moving Pitinre 31a(hines Full or Spare Time! PRICE ONLY S Write for Complete Information! GEORGE PONSER CO. DEPT. B. 763 S. 18TH STREET NEWARK. N. 1. MECHANIC WANTED Eapar4nced. lint Caws AV Around Ms - (hawk fir. Musk les sod PM Sall Gas.. Mott be Draft lamest orooriod wan. Saw, per smelt. Ramey week for eon. smeatielis worker adososevont1..- good tante cc.. MK AMUSEMENT CO bal./ars Ara-.-gotaso 16. New yawl, HIGHEST CASH PRICES USED SLOW; CONSOLES BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY 1700 WASHINGTON BLVD. CHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS mono CENTRAL OHIO OUALITY BUYS Immo" "THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY" Sc KITE FRONTS, tale, Knee Action, C. H. $ c BLUE FRONTS, WO. Knee Action, C. H EXTRAORDINARY, LATE, Knees, C. H Sc CHERRY BELL, 3/10 P. 0., (ale, Knees, C. H c CHROME BELL Original, 3/5 P. 0., 6.1 Write 25c WAR EAGLE, safe, Knees, C. H., 3/5 P. O c WAR EAGLE, 3/5 P. 0., Knees, C H c MILLS CLUB CONSOLES, 3/5 P. 0., Drill Proof Write 240 JENNINGS SILVER CHIEFS, 3/5, JENNINGS CLUB CHIEF, 3/5, Al c CHROME BELLS, Original, Late, Al Write 40 LOCKED BOX STANDS, Keys, Bars COIUMBIAS, Cig. Reels or fn:il HEAVY SAFES, Double Arl DOUBLE SAFE -2 Doors, Al CONSOI ES SO JUMBO PARADES, C. P., L410, New Finish $ IS JUMBO PARADES, F. P.. Very Clean SUPERBELLS, Corrodible, f. P., A DAILY CLUB BELLS, Cenb. f. P.C. P., Coln Hull KEENEY KENTUCKY CLUBS, 7 Coin, Al WATLING BIG GAMES, C. P., Al, Clean c SILVER MOON TOTALIZERS, F. P., Like New Sc BOBTAIL TOTALIZER. F. P., Like New c JENNINGS BOBTAIL TOTALIZER, F. P., Like New Sc PACE SARATOGA Sr., Very (lean MILLS 4 -BELLS, Very (lean, 6.1 Write 2 BALLY 41 DERBIES, One Ball F. P., like New BALLY CLUB TROPHIES, Ole Bel F. P.. Like New BALLY PIMLICOS, One Ball F. P PIN BALL FREE PLAYS ZONOIES MAJORS ' COO. NOWLERS MIAMI 5EACH SHOW RORY VICTORY STRATOLINER SILVER SKATES SPORT PARADE ISOLAWAY ZIO ZED HOROSCOPE ALL AMERICAN SKY RAY tp CERTIFIED DEPOSIT WITH ORDER. Woolf Solomon ARCADE EQUIPMENT SEEBURG SHOOT THE CHUTES $ BALLY RAPID FIRE $ WESTERN DELUXE BASEBALL $ WESTERHAUS - 5 BALL Revamp INVASION $ SEA HAWKS $52.50 SPOT POOLS SPOT A CARD WORLD SERIESKOsnr MILLS OWL 10,40 MILLS ' SPARKS' 3540 CENTRAL OHIO COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE 514 S. HIGH ST., COLUMBUS Phones ADavns ADarns G. I. JOE A CONVERSION FOR JUNGLE Only $9.50 Comp/ere Here It e practical and profilobloctowertion Nut you can Puke yourself. No rnathan a-ces Pittiosary. Consort yow od p.tners now Into this popular and Co'ortul moner. matt. All nu/ tiorldoxf to con-ontto "NEW GAME APPEARANCE" to your old games. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. Mtm05ate enipment gutrintestl. r dram III Writ* for our convict* list of Pin Game Convereieee VICTORY GAMES SOUTHPORT AVENUE CHICAGO 14. ILLINOIS. "America's Pin Game Cosarersion Headquarters" FOR SALE (her 100 Leto Pin Bulir-Rearly for Locorion--Pricrel To 5.41 Quickly ARIZONA STREAMLINER SHANGRI.LA SKY CIIIEF KEEP 'EM FLYING KNOCKOUT INVASION VICTORY GRAND CANYON LIBERTY TOPIC and Ea./ ethers KEENEY AIR RAIDER PERISCOPE CONVERTED CHICKEN SAM So. 10r. 21e *We Moots S4 Melon Sell 51 Chan, 5,0 SAN Grand Hatlooals WRITE US YOUR Pittlin--WE PROBABLY HAVE THE MACHINE YOU WANT. WANTED -70t7 Totiot-Mwtic of All KMOt. LAVOIE & HILLMAN 175 East 51aln St. (Phnnn F011 Ri,ct ) Fall niter, Mass. f *1 o....* the les** Piston, of Ito Iliseaboaro-tha 0,,.. A, gaoaauga.gi co,,,,,,ow 8.,./gaud Cliwwa tee the Follooms, " " Wwwtod Int "111 Hawse-.1I4 74wn" Nrom-044 into ,,r "Mr. CtOT4. NNaNyoll Ifte ,... to "WS " ii nownwd "OotliNe. owarwod Imo "A=tsw. "Powwow*" No/wont Inm "Ow um Two. "Ovornottrom rt Imo "Roar aped 1.1. "PeeCrancro" 00.o Myr. 4I WM "Prods loa4or. -set.trunnia orTgni. "PRIM. fftw000" owo-nol S -to "AntLAIneNdt" "CM bit Leodn, T *.0eerbat. `TT... Ron 'SO" ft...pm NM "Ttlalle Mari.11111,11 MAN. ftsarnted "WIN" rorn"yod MM "PastwrIno" PAIN "Sowinowta" "Ishil:t Zo.Olio" rawnloa In.,..440,-. Only S6.00 E3. F. 0. B. We Phila. Rove Plintk hewn. 75c Each Write, wire, phone your order: * CRISCOM STRUT GLICKMAN INDUSTRIES PHILADELPHIA. PA. REVAMP YOUR OWN PIN GAMES : * REAL BUYS! N For Immediate Delivery I MILLS FOUR BELLS MRLS 250 BROWN FRONTS ,cof. K-44 A.1 'o. C II. 6 MILLS 250 BLUE FRONTS NUS irk BROWN FRONTS ~. 1(^e 0 11r,. G.N. 4 MILLS 100 BLUE FRONTS ,11Ineol. A:11,1, C.N. 6 MILLS Sc GLITTERED 0. T.'s B d G Sc VEST POCKETS JUMBO PARADES. F. P PACES REELS PACES RACES RED ARROW BALLY VICTORY, F. P BALLY GOLD CUPS. F. P BALLY RAPID FIRE GUNS )17191GS FAST TIMES SHEFFLER LOBOY SCALES WATLING SCALE -Mirror JENNINGS FOUR STAR SLOTS ORGAN TYPE SPEAKERS War Eagle Gold Glittered Casi. figs (lop d bottom). Per se I 1 S1EBURG MD, R. C. E. S. 1 SEEBURG CADET, R. C. E. S. 1 SEEBURG MAJOR, R. C. E. S. I SEEBURG ROLLAWAY, R. C. 2 MODERNIZED WUR1112ERS I WUR. COUNTER MODEL "61" 2 WUR. COUNTER MOOEL "41" I WUR. TWIN 12 UNIT In Wtl: Cab I(<4.44 Anse,. 1 WURLITIER 600 WURLITIER ROCK.OLA '39 DELUXE 1 ROCKOLA MONARCH 2 MILLS EMPRESS 4 MILLS THRONES OF MUSIC IF WHAT YOU WANT IA NOT LISTED. Lypirrg US. A WE NAVE A STOOK OP ALL TTTTT or virnoinci MA0011n15. WRITE FOR PRICES Torsos: Crtilmt Dasotlf, 5.1 C.0 D STERLING NOVELTY CO Broadsy, twines. 20. Ks. "7t ABM Wtiril tis11 n D NtsSELL 005 iflesei.e- -Thou is Ito stisfaufe lot c2u4i1ifti Quality Products Will Last for the Duration D. GO'FFLIEB & CO. CHICAGO TICKETS RIO. WHITT 6 BLUE ISons...n. vcfc.1 and slavied n floes' Bel5125=bAITBATI lava?* tottitnatp5n-yiertir in -1.11%) f, , etc.' sitato-ticars-roirsitrocsr -fm.itera6r - WRITC7b*Wif*I7*Tet ITIT-A146-ratt SAMPLE TICKETS Pk am your re0oireenault. WILNER SALES CO. 715 N. it/ ST.. MUNCIE, WANT TO BUY KEENEY SUPER BELLS MILLS EMPRESS HIGHEST PRICES PAID for JENNINGS 4 -STAR CHIEF aholovy Pin Nano, Osnoslot. VA. SW Sand w yes, lid. WO two MIL ortrw: ATLAS NOVELTY CO N. Wwtorn A... CH ICA00 47, ILL Nev! ARNIM*. M-6

101 noel lv 29, 1944 The nil:board AMUSEMENT MACHINES 101 Ils SLOTS mitis-onings-watun6-paa FaCONO/TIONIO-Ovorontead by Out 45 Years of Expo/ions WRIT( for PRICf5 2 50c GOLD WAR EAGLES 3 Sc GOLD CHROMES 7 10e COLD CHROMES 9 25c GOLD CHROMES 2 Sc SILVER CHROMES 5 10e SILVER CHROMES 8 25e SILVER CHROMES 2 tie BROWN FRONTS 4 I Or FURORS FRONTS 12 25e DROWN FRONTS 3 Se BLUE FRONTS S 10e DIVE FRONTS 8 23e BUIE FRONTS All atm Mora,tot INN Ilros NON. dab oat Dr:1 Proof. 12 Se Q. T.'. Originally Blue Made Glitter Gold $ e Q. T.'s, Same as Above a 5e JENNINGS FOUR STARS 4 25c JENN/NGS FOUR STARS 6 Se '6 ATIING ROL.A.TOPS 2 Me Rperusc ROL.A.TOPS 2 25c Vi ATLING ROL.A.TOPS 4 Se PACE COMETS 6 10e PACE COMETS 1 Se.25e PACE COMET Comb NNW 2 10eJENNINGS CLUB BELLS WON) 2 25eJENNINGS CLUB BELLS (0101ao1 MotioN MILLS JACK 15 THE BOX STANDS. New, $ Used. $ all twos of COn tits440aa. Tell 00 ofkas yea 904. SICKING, INC. Iall CoNr) Pot,oxy Will Pay $100 (ash for 0 0 wurlifzer Skeeballs Genco Bankrolls P', u5 $15.00 for Crating 0, tonorto, WAIN Parades, F.P AA Raiders Sty Clftel V11.11 P r10,421 Cigarette, If DN. Nowt Slots /tlog haunt. Patna Coln $ 1.8siet lha Pales Kaaary Submartnim r-.. tessoen. De stakii,i Memo CNN K , or 0 '1 boo.1 WOO Order C.O.D. 4 $S & W (0111 MACHINE EXCHANGE 0 :416 C,.n4 Chat Aro.. 13c08e00 1. IMO, 0 Phase: CLItatcl aNk\ MN kl%.\.\.\.\\.70a.ins, ID.1 Di} FOR SALE &BALL FREE PLAY 15 Boll, Boxes Cu 200 $ IN Aorsicam Ono, P.nollso, LIN BIN MUSIC ltr Wall.04 VW seam. ta Lou Aro Stnele ( RCADE Cre44 Tan Bolles Gen. / Avon Tinos L ee. (whom' VS0.00 PARTS AU Pans 10 Ton awns Parts re en Wwiti 5, 10 NH Cols Date SUMP fw Waretiv. st4 M, $te..00. WANT TO BET cmwo 01:44 Neetivy Nokia' on4,to )N1. Ay, A atl parts ter morahift. 1 / , Morton 0, 0. D. AUTOMAIK MUSIC & SUPPEY ( OT A3 Tow 6SC7GT Now Available TUBE RADIO TUBES FOR THE COIN MACHINE TRADE Irsees Offered le Comoros, Mkt 04.1y at OPA Rat all Pricrst lits I- 104 own MIN por Tube VOW *1..'. Met rn Pp,. ter Tuts , Paw man) Pr. so Tuba ANY, No. num Prim a / A IAN , rs 1.40 se ' " T ergo o ii., 1h t F in it LSO T DO ) IV cis so t2as , TAT I ' A NU , " ': CD III noter se T R. 0111, ABLNIT n T, :g * sei / re ersot no ITSS 10 ao Spoo x Ts AS $ 37 ill is Write for Oar T.sice.)Inntlily Tube Inventory Release IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. INN po'010441s ononn-rnlp I III 1. asarerm go fovapo D Nowt... 0,. 464/5634 NO P, 19144,0.0 6 So. At each tow f,,,,, olvoln 2si.10u44 II01ss Mum ,,,,...4.p..., 5.0,. 30 tonnes 4. Tel 046. *se an 11=24, R. yew 0.40 sho Np000rao eortskru, NIII oo rocolot toot000., of floplator's or 0.to 044)0004. o,,,,,... in 111 WA/ elftbnivo.1,01 too No MINI...,.1.91,40t of TS lobo.. confroet /NNW Nato "060 Imluen7 'Oar ' FEATURES OF OUR SERVICE All In cony eon fonoanion.n4 40 to" AA In , ow A NM 24 Nu, NOW tot We *AN oitow MN" maialuaus et Not prat. taw. wt Wave 0'.o. Or, fo. No 16441t ova NW rows 314 Inoo 0130hAsS. CAP haw It NotoN wtro IS 411 )1.2 1,41114ifi. NO IN ar0 fat no Nor 35%,...okooto.0003 INI NNW Is with OAT.% 43)4. W. R. BURTT (THE COIN 1110t MAN) 436 N. TERRACE DR. W ILIIITA 8, KANSAS 'web? 04,2411.n I orn0n11/ uniar No NntleOta of LINNL1N /4 Nona N 045 I ant farniw. ION* On Intl 11W. t, DI 'fl 244iff/M /M IDEAL'S COMBINATION NEW REBUILT SALE COMBINATION No. M.00 1 STREUP AMLINER PIN GIRL Jahr 1 MIDWAY the 3 COMBINATION No. 2 I PRODUCTION I TORPEDO PATROL 15444" or EAGLE SQUADRON I MIDWAY toe Ma* it ANTE') TO BUY `'.:.: `1,'',.1"1 07,,:iir,Fritro rnt" 5V DOVISLE PLAY BROADCAST WEST WINO CROSS LINE 2040 DO IL MI C1C IA WUPLIT PHONOGRAPH Tames, 1 is Sawa a 0. D. IDEAL NOVELTY C rho. 8.A s1 5, St Louis 3 1 me JAR DEAL TICKETS 7836 Tip Combination 2050 and 1950 Red -White -Blue Standard Printing -Protected Numbers -Banded With Tape. Distsibutors and Operators. write for special prices. A B C NOVELTY COMPANY Mtmulathrrers Phon0 No MAIN GEARS Muncie. Indiana FOR wenn-ler AND SEEBURG PHONOGRAPHS..... Nes OratION NONNI. 10r Worfatwr NONobel Proto9411P1a ass flbro mote Nan. 41 PnbOolo , oorinatithlo ,441 ONLY NV. s. 06/1101o4 490 Mow, sum. or not No. near tau - lama (.14 &COM O. O. D...01,00.91 V. 0. B. Las Ansistas. E. T. "TAPE MILNIC COMPANY ( ) 1701 W. PICO ) 1.04 s , CALIF. FRANK O'BRIEN'S ANNIVERSARY SALE FIVE BALLS FOUR ACES $ KNOCKOUTS DEFENSE (Genre) BELLE HOP BIG GIME HOROSCOPE ATTENTION PARADISE 3930 GOLD STAR FIVE4s.oriE SKYLINE RED HOT TILAPE2E ONE BALLS LONG SHOT, P. 0 $ SI'ORT SPECIALS RECORD TIMES SPORTSMAN THOROBRED LONGACRES CONSOLES SUN RAY $ CLUB DELIS SUPER BELLS SLOTS Emmy slot refinished -all morn ports replaced -guarantied per. fort machines are 31.5 Mynery Payout.. PACE COMETS. 3/5- $ PACE COMETS 5-10e Mills Roman Heads - Se Mill* War Enalew--.5e. Mill* Warr Eagles -10e Mills Wnr Eagles -25e War Eat:Ira-50e Mill. Blue Fronts -5e Mills Blue Fronts -10e Mills Blue Front * B14013 Front c s Brown Fronts-I0e Milks Brown Fronts -25e Mills Cherry lielis-2se Jennings..STAR CHIEF- Sc (All BLUES, BROWN AND CHERRY BELLS ARE. SINGLE JACKPOTS AND HAVE CLUB HANDLES) MUSIC WURLITZERS Rockola Commandos Rockola Premier* SEEBURG Victor MILLS PARTS ESCALATORS -Sr 40 CLOCKS (Brew Gran) $ JACK POTS JACKPOT GLASS 1.00 ESCALATOR CLASS REEL CLASS (Set of 3) Main Operating Spa, Handle Springs Clock Springs.25 ESCALATOR SPRINGS.25 SLIDE SPR/NGS.25 FINGER SPRINGS.13 AWARD CARDS. 3'3.20 MAIN CLOCK GEARS 3.50 (11 you need a Stills pert write us, we hare If) All DARTS CASH WITH ORDER. EOM MINT SOci Deposit BitaNe E. 0. D. WE ARE WEIRESALERS AND Sill FOR RESALE OILY. ACME AMUSEMENT CO. 16- I 8 Fairmount DALLAS 4, TEX. (Phone Central 3938)

102 REPLACEMENTS 102 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard July 29, 1944 LET MONARCH BE YOUR GUIDE TO VALUE! Letty Law *owl Dew any 1a Tod wt T 0101 Wow COW 214 floolosia corot000 moat* Paw Paw AozatwNW.. T atukoo Onadat M111. Paw Poems AUTOMATIC PAYOUT CONDOLES Paw Aro** Paro06 Lassa /459 Pa4.04, Sewn t aw '41 iscrorlaliaprs,os Awns k K w.. ' '40 riacarcallap Paw..., Dow $ Pmer..14ebeat Jannlnq Derby, 4500 guilt 7Asfoso Pact $4, Uwe 6.11.' P.O.. 476, SKI. 54 A 254. Own P.O Keeney lope P.P. 4 P.O loll /0400 K ,00 Paw etwo, ' Paw Payday , WNW We Wales, arttail2 seessie r.0 Ooroso iho0.1.2 owe W1. Rwtow./ r1y1ra Tel Pike., R Flying 01, $ ya1 Rey, -pad Wood., Oand rdsr P RweernA / P4/ AO Porto , Crw To ,1110 6, III., CARCO Atsonov -545, Crost Awed Cast e ar ,00 5 -BALL PIN GAMES Pear Rate SW ActeetWA Wawa A $ UP ClOTTitta A $80.00 WON Kw, mod Nor 01ol COIN Flys Ten vd way OS Mow RIO 05, e. Woo, '41 S.u W2!wide = , , TACO ?Jan Wed Hee% Pod Owe 04, $ ,00 Taw OX141Orr fill /neo K nockoff $ KII2NCY Tarn,' WIO Pt*, WOK Tot, Calo , Inn Copp. a Pact. MOWN Ilany OW.. TWA 61 BO 0:44 Hcoa. /NIL Nests, WO AWL Rebdit Paw Retie Twin Torn 64 A trd Cal.' 04.44, Oweantend defect no Camay Mos. 61, $ COI : DOI aeon OW $ ; Me11 PAO aro. rousu, 101 Pay. Club 4, toos Asiko. Orin Pew( $ stab Fax DOWD " , P.O.. 5f.$43000; ; W Front Wes P.O.. 0, New Awry DIX Moods. 440K 700 IN * Ow Skt. $22.G0 1 MM. Q.T. $ Asa Q. W. T P*, 4412 *Una szo 6, missed Isar in WRITS IC* N ALL COIN MACHINC 5001 NNNNN NOT / maw D. co Cowl MONARCH COIN MACHINE CO PI 14111,115 df ( eoceco FACTORY REBUILT AND REFINISHED ALL MILLS SLOTS DRILLPROOF WITH KNEE ACTION AND CLUB HANDLE. CASTINGS AND CABINETS LIKE NEW -MECHANISMS GUARANTEED PERFECT. BLUE FRONTS CLUB CONSOLES GOLD CHROME 51 $ BELLS SW / $00.00 till I S 1 W: nor BOYS 10 5,001o clowo 0.7. _Is tot ews Lent D.P. 54 Artairod 004 Ccslao Q.T * r;*. P n P...n. * * -* War:WO Q.T C.A.K.A Q.T Wow Peon , also Use Nos a z Knal Onnow OW , zse awe, 5111, 0,..cf;,:,;;4: '1,6;4 WI Attie.% Cidt Nand* K.A / , JENNINGS CHIEFS U04'14".5100" 54 t itit.:g I 6274s1=' ,7:13 PACE COMETS WATLING CAILLE WNW. 6.P...$»4.0 ROL-A-TOPS 641 D PO. NW $50.00 All kr $5.00 Id A 7.107Wt...$ log a -is rcst.,c DJ , All 50, Ise 34I 'Mot... 17$4'1 IVSt ILL, 24 Fowl Wele.nelle ACCISSSOBIES ).711.1'.9 50 WM* 84t 47, Po: A CONSOLES-PAYTABLES ktv$ Pace. Raw., Op KIM na0.00 Read War Welk Anna , , Au ,05 Ada/ law ,444 P ee Two ,00 Few '.7. Ow 6041, * situ no Oft , Or MOO , Lew liosd Pews 1441, $0.00 Jack 1. Ket tafl LW Now * ki, E064c TRAM: Ifs Oases' O. 0. D. W,I.. WW Tool. TWIN PORTS SALES COMPANY 230 LAKE AVENUE. SO. DULUTH 2, MINN. Parts SKEE BALL ALLEY Repairing We far W0411/14 Mee Dal ,1 Arta notice Ansa, 1L.:10 Mar. cosmetic Casa's, Mmes. itartres. 003 VG )00. If roar *nen Dees oirrtat...rt or r0520: J. M. SEIDEL, 741 E. 42nd Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. C ECONOMY'S REPUTATION IS NATIONWIDE! WE SUPPLY THE (NMI INDUSTRY WISH PARTS AND SUPPLIES GENUINE SEEBURG AND BALLY GUN LAMPS IN LOTS OF e EACH Write For Special Price In Lots Of UM BALLY MOTORS FOR RAPID FIRES Smolt Os/notify On Eland-Wrire Immediorefy for Pthet RESISTORS FOR CHICKEN SAMS, EACH $ /2, 15, 25, 40 WATT LAMPS TO CASE, $9.500 INCLUDING FEDERAL TAX, PER CASE 10 WATT LAMPS TO CASE, INCLUDING $14,15 FEDERAL TAX. PER CASE NEW MAPLE BALLS FOR SKEE ALLEYS AND PLAY BALLS For 14 Ft. 5k..' 3$j, 10, 85.50; 100 For 9 Ft. Skew Alley, VA. 10, For Play Ball, and Roll In the, Barrel. 10, 84.25t [1 PHOTO ELECTRIC SELLS - ALL TYPES FOR RAY GUNS FOR UTAH RELAY USED IN BALLY'S DEFENDER, SKY BAFFLE. RAPID $7.50 FIRE AND CONVOY -While the Supply 1.a.t., Each.. TERMS -1/3 Deposit With Or,ler, Balance C. 0. D. WRITE FOR PRICE' UST OF PARTS, SUPPLIES, TUBES, FUSES, WIRE, ttc., ETC. ECONOMY SUPPLY COMPANY 615 TENTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY (Phonc BRyant ) 0 TRADE PLANS (colttonsod from pep 95) Much interest is shown fn the fact that the Department of Commerce 0511 Issue several booklets covering =sat business er.terprteett, which may appeal to veterans. There Is a pcosthility that or.e of the booklets may describe the opportunities fn the coin machine trade. MonniactUrtng Orme win alto publish lesileta and suggesuoms srbtch will old veterans to gel. back Into louslumf. Electrical Training a Help An important factor is that the mechanical and electrical training given to minlons of men by the armed forcer will DO a decided advantage to them to owning and servicing oohs machines. Test: - roomy of the Importance being attached to the booklets which the Department of Commerce will Issue I. suggested by the following erutorial which appeared In the Watl Street Jennie, July 11: "It to well that the Department of Commerce Li preparing A sults of booklets Intended to advise veterans of tab war on the eatablithuserst and management of business enterprlsee. Congress has already provided for 7, rtlaranty of Loans to released wry:co who wish to venture into manufacturing or merchandising on then- own secant. Many. probably most of them. se.li need sound thstruction and plenty of -The mortality rate among new business ventures to blob even In average pesos Ceara. A guaranteed loan will make It possibto for $ man to try our. 515 csopselty for small tandems M1125,34 - meat but will not of Melt do more for hlm than that. It will not teach him the Ins and outs of the business he so - tears, nor make hfrn a starer buyer. nor sharpen his Judgment of locations nor enable him to select =alined employee. On these heads the Department should be able to Ore him some useful hints. "It hi to be hoped that Use booklets strike a sane balance between persica= and pollyannatun and that. above all. they speak frankly of the risks Involved. both those attaching to the particular bus/nesa under discussion and thoie /500 to all er.treproneurs 'They.Mould inform the OM/ once launched upon the eompeutivo waters ORDER NOW WHILE THEY LAST! COCl.Cal, Idashblea, Cadsonisc E. N... Ce..dw1I to ,1. Vendors, SIM a 194 L411, DeelrIcally Oporated, ,10 Ca y $ C.44.4/ Reek.Ofa Playowler, LIke Now, Inc44:o5 2 6., Wows and 1 w.,n Sea $310,50 20 RockOls Kneen. 14collaolcass are Wood new, dablereti and wee Insd foe musk. tads AIROPOINT MEOW. Per Cwt 5.50 Prey.. Ships, 20 51r1pt to -1 Cant Par 1000 Cards Tzsg FULL LINE OF PIN OASIS ALWAYS IN MCA -WRITE US YOUR RI. QUIREMENESIII 1/3 Dt-posIt. licartco D. P. 0. D. Patiodelphts. WILL BUY WURUTZER P12, 312, 112 * DAVID ROSEN* 855 NORTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA 23, PA. STEVENSON 9943 FOR SALE 2 CUFFS FORTUNE $ EACH 2 BAIT'S '41 DERBY $ EACH Send I' dews, balaw. C AUTOMATIC COIN MACHINE CO. 809 rasa,. Sr. New Carla.., 03. LA of local trade they must expect to be on their own. Customers wilt prrerps tend to favor tho ex -service man over other setters, esprefally if he netts the others' canna tint he cannot safely bank Upon such protenuaeo."

103 115 July 29, 1944 The Billboard AYIUSEMENT macumrs 103 BLOCK SPECIALS!!! "DUO" REGISTERED KEY LOCKS Protest Yoe, Cash Bases! We rogniet year key ne..b4r sad no one wt.. In SOO roll., ears buy het. onth your hey numb.. Lot, of IS Lots of SO Lots of 100 NEW GUARDIAN SERVICE KIT No Each SlitNIMPD KIT No Each 70e loch 6Se Lob 60. Rath tabove Pikes Aro for Standard L4.0. IMOD: Long Barron, Ilk tack tetra/ NEEDLES! HERB Our Fasted Selling Nendiet 50c LAC!! Lott of 25-4.te Each Loft of 1 C c tech Ono of the TONE DARTS 'mei, Cie EACH Lots of e Lath Wo oho hove PIRMO POINTS ISe Sash. Any Quantity! Send for Complete Catalog of Porte and Sa Om! FOR A LUCKY FEW! A Safe, SpeedLHANDeiviek For Madling PHONOGRAPHS, PIN GAMES AND OTHER COIN OPERATED EQUIPMENT Hardwood frame, 56 Inches Nigh. No Curved Handles. Cross -member Orip, 5ur- Steody-Sufe. Ratchet Dock. for Tightening Strop, Two - Way Tension. 14 Foot Heavy. Duty Webb Strop. 24 Inch Steel Goes Up and Down Steps. 5 Inch Wheels. Rubber Tiros. $32.50 Sorry! Only One to a Customer. MILLS C100( GEARS W4n...0 Swifts u Ilkootaff. Owtnr 350 S owle Each BLOCK MARBLE CO. 1.T,LAcTeTini., GET IT FROM BLOCK -THEY HAVE IT IN STOCK! WHILE THEY LAST! nnoul.1,11 S.Ww plate iller to. NOM cos unk Owe. Gooned retator erre, peers...woo ref IonstOn: tiro do; O2-. Write ter Tree des4riptlre folder In fell ioror H. C. EVANS & CO., CLOSING OUT AFRICAN GOLF The IDEAL COUNTER GAiNfIll NO SLOT -NO TAXI A rotroa Dannorw ler top ONO end onowntskin wow fr onwir ALSO AVAILAILIt HI -LO CI4UCXLUCK MIAMI COLOR GAME MONTE CANLO.C.ROWN ANCHOR W. ADAMS STRUT CHICAGO 7. ILL 2Se Cold TWO, lacked', Hand Load SeWat Eagle Late $ Cheny Pay e W. A Okat Pont 3.5. CH., $575" IftWp.2F.C2Afil4Ast 2.4C, LAN; Se w *met, JP, 1St* M W. I. El.s..* trent. 3-5, CH. 2Sic Canto Grand Prim J.P. S SeCog Bonus Mystery, 3.5, I.P e W. E. Woe Front, 3.5. Gk. 2$c Pace Bantam f. P Crook/len Columbia. Clam Se W a front, 3-5. CM, IX Walling Twin J.D ,.-4. Lite $ In Gees, Free Play 70 OD Se W. E. BA.. Front, 3-5. G/4-, Jennings Ggsrola. Sc Target Skill 17,50 Sc W. F ChM front, 34. CPL. Pikes Pt,* Darby Oar. Se. C.onsolo Stant Top Sc W. F. 01..re Front, 34. CH,. Wising! 24 APFrtermaols WorIltzor P IS PI-doespopts All Abow W. 4. Inv* fronts Completely Wurlitter IS Phonograph Overhauled. New Paint. 'will ZeIne Fhcnash V, W05 Ordor McGUIRE SALES CO 210 WARTBURG PLACE DUBUQUE, IOWA "no Year, of Serrice" SHOP MECHANICS rc-. mote 44/044.= Istothania iikrtmut Man WSW wilds. ms4244 otaretuniting sad Peva: stasoacr. 1,1s assortilared to apol brew MA AS* MOJA miscias. 4:4 me cob tml istras 2240 "ritrittakaama 455=1".440arnjr#1 draft star eirfir5 WAS am= Ind' TUE GENERAL VENDING SERVICE CO. 074 N. GAY SS MD. MILWAUKEE SPECIAL BUYS! SLOTS aloe IOW. 5e : ; /Se New wooden cabinets. repainted tatt...rs. <tub handle.. tornputrly oversuund and rebeitt w.15 new reel stfies., new avrafd cards and all worn pans replaced. Down Fronts, Se ; 10c..$154.50; ISc New wood*n eabenets, slob handle.. Conat be 100 Nem new. A ispet 4.0i /040.0 Mill. (",t7,,,,,1 Cold Chrome and Mills (Selo:nal Ch... Appeorant eon:len* MohsoleaDy polo?. St ; 10c ; 1St Mint OrigInet Soree, St ; 10e ; 2Se 5, CONSOLES inwes.aused. Cowled sol C(44,44 2onflnio Liberty Doll, P slant Ts, Lets Mt. Vont Toe Dray Day. Ms Tap PsInte *a Moot ,1171,3rcl...::::70, *7 ItrOokr CMS Refory iseeenner sun Tr0e Mr. Md ta., Has. yr.ity 61,1 Pteld. 450% CsWasIl OrWittIo. Delly Deubls au. Sere Moe to... 7 On. Nt Row* Tract Tleo. Woo,01 Faellor. arto 7 C P -of Perm arty Loot Own* PM Patent *La tam/ R., K.). Treat. nos maw sow, S:Ifr Woes , /4 11 Owns Paton 2340 Pau SarateM ONE BALLS oweeenrsee, Cnot1i4 And C Frtana OrwrInskt le Lou 1 GIS , 1,54 Ply 4. Part , ttimedeon sevessso Poster* * s10 Ina 004'. eenvf.tr/ renr4noened we eon SWIM to Willa, le selernal rat" enroll rens ST0f...0 (1544 Redd Tone Ran* i4 Illblos P500 POT II Ran/ Warta Pool Jew rats IllOr $540 MUSIC How 400 We'll's*, (War 0 t% Sir Su FIVE BALLS Onwholod, env.. se,4 Otewe4 All A4505, /1 1= Awine.... a a.5.7. AP Cow Atlartlasn 4440 IMO llo ChM Saba* ISIs So 1510 SI. TWO :swer OroaMew Csoallo D efrae Maw) Dow., (0,00.) D ols 2040 Coto 0030 Dwillloy I no CIANArl Ina. Ten A Temoil. P ew Marrow% MAO Goo Grid so.. H ION Nat Sass J4nru Mew Charroa 5150 Paton* Is.ront en Red. WOW Mao IIII10 lbws Gum, E0 Con lust SOMA Dap G O Ow; Ilaworsel G &W SUN, Ms Sumo 5540 Mnfleosy Mar AMMON Iltrstellar... Mow lila US* Trott MOD 4440 Tlow LIP 1110 Ton Toss Illefinnil TOO Tads Ma 4540 Very WOWS trim WI iisss Anwned. ROW two woos 145 woman, Rowse* Count. tooeu4 *w ows. Centol New Sodom, Wo Roost* Ornood MOMS, 4340 Mw TraninoLSW /3 Depotit--Balance C. 0. D. State Distributor for 5ocburg Phonographs and Accessories Mu, Address Mail to Milwaukee 8, Wis. COIN MACHINE COMPANY 3130 W. Lisbon Avenue Milwaukee. Wis. PARTS FOR MILLS SLOTS In Lour 55 es Ore Woe Clan; Own. Coottioto otth Ileatets and Sc n$ Awl en 1 Cheri Pailnrt Cols $3.40: $2.75 Pr Get.45: Prone C re Asa 40; Plods., Pealed aos Crooned COO root DIN, 1 Cowry Pow,. Pr SO 7.50; 5411 Pareut Dle., 11.1k, 1, 5 A 3 Pr SO 7.50; Dna Phi* Pr let.25; 45 Coal Fooros Ss UPS POW Mold Ord es Sow. Foot twat 2.00: Coln Soo Corn 245; Tot Pocket IMIn CA a0 or. new ern P/76Ji Tuinel Illss (.1t1. It.pier> Coo 3.75; stntorn Oleo dna 54.10e41114 ern.2: Mr Wool Per 5oe Cleok Clan Oceanic% Ireeketo 4 MOW. ft/ MAI Caen 4.55: Ark Dowd Oleo to 4..mba Pao*/ ern 1401 TIP 014,. I P.,4. Con 3401 We MM All Tow 0 Sonny. and 00,40 Pante fir Wu. 1/ ; Atesnoanr Att 04ert. SICKING, INC CENTRAL PARKWAY, CINCINNATI 14, 0. ADO LOOKS foetal Pawed PoslOni oto. testa. WA on new north.. and Vet revise& rowt **now, 010ar ACC LOCK.; WOW Made oollofs 40 Stasi ead Roo. N. DM Cart Metal Wed. Cooler Pal Cele Illaresfott 4 Prenot Roped or In ookor tot doors. WI WS inanaartwers or tne ACC LOCK. ter woo. sok Gong onnpaorp.an.., to In HO tbrton CHICAGO LOCK CO.

104 104 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard July 29, OLIVE'S SPECIALS THIS WEEK FIV0 GALL FRC( PLAT DooWY Atum Al. Fen. $0.00 All P A0 AtWow* ALARM Coara (Now WOW (OW WOW SARA DUD FLAW Plea Tr Gobs $1.00 Cold Ilw O Cl.) Intros =slow MAO All=111r MAWS (ON St/N) WWII Moat Ropier $0.00 Ira Nowt 5760 Pow Ito Skew) LA ,73 Dos Sly 161 4, WAN, DO 410 $730 Won Prods sow 2760 Soot Pool OW Ord GO 00 Stratolloor 4760 Svossollwr COW/ Too Gor Twr 111vI00w V assd/ow Grew VW% ODA Us P rows Prtal4s140 Lawn O WN *sold Fro Pns.Ver RAW Otto N 40 FL Lrows. Poe F1., 204. Isnot In DA. W.4 Crew. OWL C.O.D. OLIVE NOVELTY ( LUCAS AV C. ST. LOUIS 8. NO. IF Wolverine Specials SLOTS 2 WILLS 111 ORIGINAL "7 WA OW twod Oo)y Pre WWI Cows $ MILLS 214 WAR MILLS FRONT. SA MILLS II Q.T... NOS Ordon. 64 Prole Illus Prow Orot, LOW 164 Paw 114 Sawn Itoluro. OW. 54 OWL SIN SWAN, Ro Latase Cort CONSOLES I Awe (3041 OM Ma NAN Ww11001 Mg Owe I.P I 1 USW Weiss 11110, W. P.O INN MISC. I Maws 041.wo Slorlollp Lao Noe $1 Z060 :: ::..."-,,,...:..r...,,,,,-. 1;::::! BMW ProWstd. P.O irlft=s,. Rot.. MW PRI DWI : 1 LltwOrdl, kw. MAO = % I Sally 11.1,4.0., Zor Dowd end Crostran Coottir Ww lo W0r1048 OW, 0044 Lasts. Rue Terms -1 3 down. balance, sighs draft. WOLVERINE SALES ( Indian,' As..., N. W. Grand Rapids 4, Mieh. Phnnr PIN. 64 Flu _.... ss 48 co a.0 Dena Fwd. O. H.. td Ply C.110 PONCorers sod SW, MLaw.. WM 7600 I SSW Porallel, 54 Ploy NM (1.T.. Is Play RAW Sid MINN Oaf OA RIIrd4n PIO NM DosbIs 5*. Too 0001 Moo Pro Wools e.0 $ , SRN 1520 I Gwolt 3-of47 fielow t tido c lersirs. 214 Pup vuo Werod i144 All GO 00 M.01,1 Sowed le 414 Irdes4wle..07 Podw. Morn far LosUr. Tow: 0401 WIA Otelr. C. W. FAIRBANKS 1141 t. 0...d t Non. Old* On, Sr% of Ittelw FOR GUARANTEED MILLS EQUIPMENT BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY 1700 WASHINGTON MVO. CHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS 4' TIMELY! RED HOT!!! CONVERSION UNIT FOR CHICKEN SAMS, JAILBIRDS AND CONVERTED JAPS AND HITLERS! "SHOOT -A -BAZOOKA" Tho Only C 210n That Completely Changes Oyer oho Own as Wel as the Target -With New invasion Background Stone, In 12 Vivid Cohan, Ittres IS. tank -Swint 11.1'0 Isklog the country by Itotw-Opot s tots r...wins fest foldnd wormy by with IA., word In Sestet Wapoo Ivir7400 woos to tho.2.144' C v n nd shoot at tho tank! WELCOMI BACK BERT LANE! Wo Aro Proud To An tow Ano&ntnwnt of WORLD WIDE DISTRIBUTORS 61$ An.. N.Y.C. As rrelutiert Eastern 111:1". Acvntz JOT "ShootstBasooka" 1/. Deposit;.()./).. BE FIRST IN YOUR TERRITORY! ORDER "SHOOT -A -BAZOOKA" TODAYI FR:111:11J DIST G CO. MIIIIMMMEMIIW t1. A NTW YORK 19. N Y. L S8520 p m.nssiswirsilnkmmernsisnismilwrommm memmswim1p. di WUR,LITZER-ROCK-OLA-SEEBURG ra USED PARTS -GUARANTEED A -I CONDITION r r 412 erases WrOur Rat. INGO. In,.., p :Swim, Wiwi fs-cant Room Rw.044 Irowtom ewer, sos SININ Wow, $ Frew (Vows. Oro. W.) $11.4 WWII.. Wow O 00 ttsok.4314 Illwarrs, botb.w Ilen, CoSis CANA TAMAN. Metro 10,00 0.n0 TrInO *Giotto fo Sto olin $.4 Amorlir Irt TA "t" m."" A * , Tobso OMR Ito 24 VIWItsw Moos.73 &wee A P...1w. 7 law I Somas moose (Teowle ) Sow... I to Gros. W./ I' WorlItsw Coo DN.. vet0 RAU o Clew, All WW1 160 Vfolloefillwo New VOWNtof we. DN. Arate Glow Vinotur WS Ift41 Twutrow 160 WW1 111,1W7 TV.V11. Ow/4W a." AO g NEW ACCESSORIES r 1...s-Cee. Bo4-Pro0s Owdreaw Or WON, I.05 Tranleseert fa All Wothlros OA O 5 FIN:WM Woo 11.1 Pon. Caw SW. 2 We* ZIP Ord. AftWold. Pr rt ' fr Tr* AIWA Good 1111 MA.. 4. r Wm leirow Two of SlasAloo.. AO PAL a" 1 0 Shosakses. 0""" a"11"" ,, 0 OMM (314<tiou W.. AO Inth Rortirs..7 wok W. AS N. Souse/1.10 Inon ;00 0 r Rernro. Ay W. As P.S. linuten. 12 Inch... A so Coed vph. 4$ Penne ter 7 oo 10 DSO NO Veit as 1441,01 $ IR.. 0 s ors. Owd. TA. Osn., 411.0' Volt-... ISIS Plow 11.arte Cent }to ell 7 RFD. Cr*. TA. Os.. SO VIII Roy Intl. Wawa sun E WE HAVE THI TUBIS YOU LAMED, INCLUDINO NO ITEMS, STRAIGHT 0 SALES -NO MINIMUM ORDER IREOUIREDI Depoilt required with all orders! $0 ALBENA SALES CO. 581"th LONGACRE AVE S-8334 $ ,1101\WILIIMIVIWILIWIOLIILIIMNIMIMNAMI.\\NLILNAMOOKWIL.11671A1 SIMON SALES WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL TYPES 01 ARCADE EQUIPMENT IT'rite for Compeer LIAO Consoles Stook of All DO es and (4strnaw not... WeltI 152 W St, Nrw York IR, N. Y. Phone Pennsylvania g Phonograph Mechanic Wanted ILYTerlowed hineturny warted ft. PIn Cr* fade. C.4sd salary and Doing condi. t.ons. ertfeento and en's. env, WHEBY MUSIC SERVICE IICKLIY. W. VA. -SHONE 4120 P OA /A SALESBOARD OPERATORS Nrt V. ee.e. If.. Sett* e. Oral 1.04 Prodwad. Ne fibgny t1,11, 0:n pan!.11h oval of to owl bard playtru 4-4-CT1pIPtV;1 trit 't,..a. ti.,31:4 '4'11 p.' 1'4. t it11 4 ;A: 43.11A') 'T L..4..top ^a 43;. IVA. ; cuansv-wm Th10. SOUTHERN 1200 Noir... $54 Try la $ st: $ B C S so Lan Sao on ewe Dr141*Pr4fIa S $1.69 Net Each In LAM el 100 w Rine. Wlil Pilot 11.7 Orr. Tao 10o1re I. Plr of -Sod...te Doecults WV. All Ceow. 812 cunoll IT.. CLNIRA. N. Y. MACHINES IN A.1 CONDITION 111/1011 TO OPERATE And. fof Sol SNAPPY SKY ILLAZIR TIN SPOT CINCO TOWIRS ' JUNGLE KOMI RUN CAPT. K PC ) ZIG ZAC LEGIONNAIRE v01ili SPIN UP RS. WI SHOW BOAT ARCINTINS VICTORY TEXAS MUSTANG PARADIS I 700 WORLITZ1R. MVS1C $49.00 Sta.1 Si Deposit. l'ilync C. 0. D.. P Cantata Majestic Vending (o. 511 MICKLt STRUT, CAMDEN. N. J. Ttl: Cstnettn x..01.es, AND cohsouss wears $500,00 NI Hansa, Oweb 541/411.. F.P ::":"" " Wp.r tor J.M. Prod.. P.O StantoP11.11s. r. -. ""C.) P F.P sow, Sent Pro Rwle SW 0stro, r.r. P.O , onl. "0" Tnerso PIN AND CONS St P1Oes Iltows Firm $ cunsu wet lolls Orly S.D. Protow (WIWI * Toe., y Owe Wsow TN. MIN Twos 111.disow 75 CO NOM been Too* 60 A.11.0 Boyd m Cnre0 1014/ so** Pfe BO 00 RI due SLOTS AND RADIO St Q. T... 14,04 $ No 51, 7: IFS O1.7 C$R7 30 R7 IIU4 SF A S COO BATTISTA TURCO!, AND SONS wueu.../fw 160. Hare limited Quantity.22 REMINGTON SHORTS 1/ interrillevi. cantor( FAIRGROUNDS 7106 C m4.0 tn. NIS._

105 July 29, 1914 The: Billlmerrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES 105 BARGAINS COPISOLCS!,1..4.,111It O a a.ly Slows Poi D A,,r P P RWaa Liberty OM. O.P got M. Front. Case.l. 6511*. O.M. A.A.. L.I. Alm OW Wrlie Pro., 5.14 Ovro T101 LI. Noe...$ , a... rk4;0: s'.4i O IN % War 54414, 01104, rirsai K.A Ow 30.,* 151. FIOMO. WO14 too Pr RH. 010API1TTE MAW/IRIS That Canr. SW 704 F.. New 1411 AI.. to letattlea. 0. (Urdu, 0..04n, 11 0o1. $ OoGtlfsW 0,1e.0bOo o.ori.ke W M.O , A OM.. MP ra lanneet-apok. II M.N. LA. N CAI ,114-A.P.O. IC 1184$, LI. / Clal RR. Pro Lt. Kw?. 10 Cal ,4. 110, DELL *TARO* on , I , Mat I W. OalrOM f. Two im tr.* Om $ar MUSIC, Snaurs NI411 Tone $ Shwa 2 IleshAns Cowen $ WorlUar 1500 WI R.1.04 $ li (Moak or 0.. Too). 1,40/ 01. $18.50 Nino WIN 52s.04.$4.50 WviiusWei Au. 4 Wl Molnar Oar Sas. L. Plat Tyor (V. 71.) IlocOla WOO 11010, $ W /...Cna WIN $2.60 Rat , TYPO ARCIAOIC 5.01 Rap. II , Oats 1.44/ IMAM.. Wilt 4001 /1 pa olla...i cam %WI W1th 4300 h M m.o P //5 ALL PLAT , S ala 00,4 0. St iii ii...u. Aiwisko May Atalse ROW Cawby , tan Sao AseeatIne Foot Sena.. 20, Sly Ray Mona Rap Paw Own Reece iloosebard. Foirosien Spat P.R La. VIM S.., le.% Pe., MAO Win Sass Mow / 04, rt.a./. LII /60 Am Teta. Mint., aotot V /11.50 Wm Aft 5a041.0 tkoarattard Ta MI In Olet, ISO D. MEYERS COIN MACHINE CO. 231 Waiter iiireee. Avow% Valltanstn loto.-o 420 FOR SALE a 580 DeLvce growlers ID O Ptay Act) % Play Atm model II Rot1.0Ie Rao Pnoleed Ram, 11..am $ S. A Mania e44044 WM. Ma.. Pl. name O , SaNw WANTED 265 POW Mar 46,10. LANCE J. HARRIS tty RORTI4..A" ST.. RARLINGCN. 1. Sereto84, P.O. $ O J(t i, Skin Past Reels, P.O (ttnoy Triete Entry Keeney K ky Cketr Keeney Trask Team 9950 Keeney Pastime teak Salo Stands IS.., Er Leeks) , Sale Stroh. No Locke Cr Ran 4.00 Okapi Mtlal Safe Stanch me Tone Colvinnt. NOW orno Tone Columns Used UNITED AMUSEMENT COMPANY.1410 MAIN MIST. KANSAS CITY 2. MO. RUBBER BALLS For Peltertnat-Faubutlen 6 Map Comm,IELROY BALL CO. 6 N. AUSTIN AVE NOR. N "META, FELLAS- I'M BACK IN ACTION! I'm back on 10th Ave. and ready to serve you even better than in the good old Scebord. Sales days!" WE'VE JUST BEEN APPOINTED EXCLUSIVE EASTERN SALES AGENTS FOR "LD3ERATOR" Designed by!darr Willionu The most *emotional revamp Iinciting Damn ever mode! Leval Everywhere -A 31oney.Maker E. eryl. here! $395.AA ORDER TODAY! E DELIVY "SHOOT-A-BAZOOKA" A red hot ronveminn unit for Chicken SAITO, Jnilbirift. rte. Completely cleanse. over the run aa yarn RA. And iii- Cludee new Invasion background Scene.. $423 COMPLETE (0.1'/IENSMV LIT!IMM Nova o tremeasfoui stook of the tins, used equ;pment of oll typos, rseondi. Holed by factory trained exports -ovary ono sold on a nion.itybetk gularcieefee. Writ* for senspiete prim uuorldwlbe New rile Some 8Ej- LANE JONES SALES CONSOLES 4 NEW JUMBO PARADES, In Origfral Crates, (ash Pay, Each '41 MODEL EVANS GALLOPING DOMINOS, Moue Cabinal, Lilt New. Each '41 MODEL!VANS BANGTAILS. Nom Mind. Like New, Ws PACES REELS, Cash Pay, Each WATLING BIG GAME, (ash Pay 2 RED ARROW PACE RACES, 30 Pay, Rebuilt, Each iftillings SILVER HOOK, Cash Pey SLOTS 30 MILLS BROWN ROM, 25c. EACH $ MILLS BROWN FRONTS, Ilk. EACH MILLS BROWN FRONTS, 5c. EACH MILLS BLUE FRONTS, 25c. EACH MILLS BLUE FRONTS, 10c. EACH HILLS BLUE FRONTS, Sc. EACH MILLS GOLD CHROMES, St. 2/5 PAYOUT WRITE 5 MILLS 601D CHROMES, 10c, 2/5 PAYOUT WRITE 5 MILLS GOLD CHROMES, 25c, 2/5 PAYOUT WRITE TI o21.. IP aro! WOO Iftroll San.0001, 01114,04,44 and nr Ca.', 0o00.1 av roc , o.aulnl.n In 10 NEW COLUMBIA GOLD AWARD BELLS IN ORIGINAL SHIPPING BOXES. CAN BE CONVERTED TO It, Sc, Ilk OR 25c PLAY, EACH $ BOX WE STANDS FOR MILLS MACHINES. EACH RD CIIITIPICO WITH ALL 0/10C111_ ALL IS 5ueLL207 TO PRIOR SALE -10 WC ARC UNAOLL 70 FILL WL WILL / PRo... JONES SALES COMPANY 31.33,15 MOORE STREET I'hone BRISTOL, VA,TE.NN. j\+wei GET IE,11 'WHILE THEY'RE HO'Ilkwop r AUGUST SPECIALSR PliONOS 12 Res. Solberg in Universal Lifii.Up Carina $ Rea. Seellaseg With Mehl I fone. E -S-, R.C. Wurt. 616 Cotes. Liee.Up WIll /5 Demo Wurl. C.M. Wort 600 Rotary Milk Tbrone I SLOTS AND CONSOLES I 2 Millt Sc Chem Dell, 3'5 P.O Sone Is. Nine Se Cold Chron.. 2/S P.O, C.H., Solel Se Purr *mei, Fatiery Reba" Isee.. Cabinet I Weer MOOR LP. Teenier Mille St Orange Q.T I CLTNS Seeburie awed ISeeburg CoitlieA San, Jam $ AnR tr, V0.1.4 Movk Cse.Aell..Perfeet Cende.A, He Tutioa. IxtelkAi few SOvirea- $24 95 leek. Pa140.1 Port, Each K.Rry Wall Lot al 5 In AufomalicEquipmenIto. I Eastern Pa., MA.. Del So. N. 1. I a 919 No. Broad SI., Phi/adelphia 23, Pa. imn ememe um own Every Game Guaranteed Shipped In Now Cartoon All11110,...11ooke 818;1%0000 Tve,"inz Alt C4rsva ,0210,, seesaws $1:704:24.:11i ' , Plam ,80 Move D ar.. Mak.) P1.4(.1% Nem also r SWAT Pow Raw Hant p t14.p I : 7.1* Zam014 ( Mall. LII. N W W, Will Par Cub. Any Otto. 1,71cton 54" ".04%.41:* IRVING SEES CO Tv. Milos -A. 7. Wt. ( ) FOR SALE 23 PANORAMS AT $ EACH BOX D Itillboaril, Cincinnati 1, 0. itkigiinvionnocwwww1006.n FOR SALLE! 0 Widitaxes S Mils towns S A Wo111TOO 400K limbers Rv.. 3.Wee lob wm Our MI T A ES AMMUNITION 40 0 Winlitier Starr., HI To.,. SOO, (SRC Claw of.11 Lraf 1111 A Waitaki RockOle Mater, ffit MAKE OFFER Miriam, , boot with M.o PEERLESS VENDING MACHINE CO $ 01 wudirin 500K, Illobiell1 A WurPlior 24 w.,11..., 24. Buckley System. War 2) e ig namenetit.11.whie 220 W. 41. St. 754,17;/ N. Y. 0 Seeereag Anovisaile WkeStes Whew See berg Waneenetki. Wireless. 24 MI Sediure Seleeroonties. 30.WIre OA etnek.0/4 1. Ds Luse Dlel.a.Tone tat Nebo,. Slrollers wit% 20 Si?. Doe. 0 & Teabwre Con, Yield. Cab, Wireless ' 1/3 deposit. balance C. D. D., F. 0. B. Neu, York. E g DAVE e nutv, Whofe.are Only / r L. %,I VI I th AYE., M. Y. C. LORGAOLE I el I L\NI..1.1\\\\11,\W E Wil,70,1 L.\\1 b. Ift71\\\\\I I M k. I LIMN Mil BELLS gretawl genaltion Koch % D. HOWE a; GLICK 1030 VO Ilarwron. ley.

106 / AMUSEMENT MACHINES IMPliftegnMinir. MUSIC %PITIES 4 ACCESSORIES I EACH WURLITZER $ E WURID/ER WURLIVIER WURIAZER VICTORY KEYBOARD WURCITIER WURLITIER W1.11 TWELVE WURITIER M11.15 PAMORAMS SOLO.VUES WALL BOXES -PARTS as W 4100 Wean D.rAloo LIE. -Up. CHooto 1050 DOHA, u fl HI Wool tiv from 72 Named tie 500. Pee lot el e roe Weelluen Arneltekeni fee $1.0 Shrlitaars Andilindei tee Worliwee 04urtee MOO WAD 4104 Sileallo's /00 L Ileatir Newel er a RECORDS N rattle. Poo:ssr $12.00 AU Mdse. Subfeet to P,I0f Saler 50: Certified Dep.. Dal. C. 0. D. Or SteNt Draft. I4 AMERICAN 4 COIN MACHINE COMPANY Elisabeth Ave, Hewett. I, N. J. Pbeded Wareetv AiLlIkaulkillukiedulkilkik PARTS -SUPPLIES 1111 Von 1195r Pr Hundrld 5540 II AO rime Per Nendree Amp. ilie t I MAN 2.5o0 11le, and MI, 20. *S. 40 Amp / PH TITLE STRIPS (Neil 9,4440) Pr. lit 4 es>?moo No el nor la SC7. 5Z3. 80, 2A4G, rebel ar Honest Inereissible lo...ere, but enr beef edapetee fee nuking tea thsogo tow te twin Hut mire* na theme In II. emplifien SC7 ea Ifl A4C to I Saebare Gun,, le to SO I e0erg Musk, 5V ee L7 to 7A A5 126 SI to SU4G ISebare llernel ee 5X4 Ileven 1 $1.50 Each $3.50 Each Twee hee been tried ald pewee, theeceurlde ea/1.u.. ore. W. greirentele a4kl.ttbn. Aberdelelv re none. anyone 444onek Ohs Carry these trenek hit,0.44.e04 ireunemeeit Ask Us for List Available Records HERMITAGE MUSIC CO. 416A Bro.s4w4y. NJ1hvtIle 3. Tann. WILI. TRADE THE FOLLOWING FOR BALLY TURF KINGS WURLIT2F F.VANS DOMINOS wttle I.P. and Two -14o Cebbeittl BUCKLEY TRACK ODDS La AA of MmleN Prieto Walker Amusement Co O Street SAVANNAH, CA /211L001( THIS O Wurfluer Well Sm.. He. 120, DOA: 1 OpootHoll o O.T $ el4, file HU we : 2 Ss.. Preen ,1 1 pante PM, *HI, I.N. DM now, sate ON.: ape P.P /1 derne *.l ( M ACE ALIS 27 Weed 954,11 W Thr Billboard July "COIN MACHINES OF MERIT 51 THE FOLLOWING EOUIPME.NT IS TIM CLEANEST AND FINEST YOUR MONEY CAN BUY! EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED RE. CIARDLESS OF PRICE OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED! ALL MACHINES COMPLETELY CHECKED AND' IN A.1 OPERATING CONDITION! HARRY ROSENTHAL, Mon.iiger 0010 PLAY PIN OASIS PLAY PIN PLAY PIN 0/11405 Ale Beeler Ille-ear. $4440 ea HM $ 4180 Auentera 60,00 ONtfaar 4410 Sentry ( ) Otte Samna Herm PIvo Mal. 60,:0. 45,00 4, S.. AA 50 JulHo Blear 35: ills Chief A...WA 114 Si Laurier ig:n ::" TI I.W Poo DE1-50 MolooPIP 7550 LI,* Up 3050 hose.so O wn Tern 4050 Lel Of II treat roses , g0.50 Near.. ' Oran, g1.2a lereedeart 0.50 Nene% Ildredouser / Son000tt Moro le..i 1.24 (Lou M Cow Cl lirerklee Sew SU Ometrair /114 44,50 Ilhamer , ,..,.. A. 0 Po, A043991A tvoo Up L ao Den*., og-kr ( R.) o) **AO O 114, 49,150 Plop/o Trlo.roth Double 0o4ore... AD 60 P (800V61.116m) 715,5E Turf Cednip, Nos Rent Over PoHytt?lit-lili =LI Rod YrOrm f leshy -One IteNeeme 4E010 Willtir fleet Natalia Wow Fop, DIDoonO Ocoee Yacht CU ARCADE touipm511t Pete. Noels J P arma. Seam* SoPaU5s4, eon*. P.P. & P.O Al. ANN** P.m Jr.. P.O AMR Ow (Breen) Seraley Watt Odd, Lau Medd Wens 14I40 Went Sandme reel 4*... (65.50 P andende Oen Same/ Pram IH.P X Raidler (EmOrterver o.Wap low Boll, SLOTS SO reenbell. i P MIllo n Head SUS CO O 1 RIP CooroVen. (Eo 51 / 2 NNW ) 7046 Min's, Prue Prent Mine IMER PAIII, 54 Cr ( ).11/0.4on Mine ,.. ehrond.... W.1%4 ALA 1.5. Aop Ise PolutPly Memos& Somedaarre (Ilea) P4111 Sella Milla 54 Vain Petkote MITI. 10e Mos Mt Oenem. V.P MIN 184 Needs IFoot EvUo (HOU I.. F.P Oierderlas drained. 44 SINN Moen Omer , Seel, Co -b ,1, Pea Tina, F.P sennatto ley Arreatemill Jambe Parader. V.P. Lan* Mad SINN' NOM n.64 P.O fwd i Itentuay Club "Iderto 244 Few liar Chid PaeM Redo. Warn Ca.V.s II,:t At 44040o Paces Peola, Orneench front If oodor flund Ilaile Pews, Ceente ONO Ana,/ ECM ,9. A 'ft II NB: 1/0 Owen% Mod Ilaciericar.r 0.44t C Co Draft , Yee, SAPi. P. 0. S. P11111SURON. PA. AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT CO. "COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE" 1308 FIFTH AVENUE CALL PHONES: GRAM 1373 PITTsBUtecit 19. PA. kleite,iotete4triangle: Only TRIANGLE effort 'roc All Meese sly1r1 of perrlee likkort foe peerempe delivery. An anee,;,,e, itlisranteod. Ord4o free. TA mete todayi You need Ihese 'Tickets to Profit" 1 IZ..7 LA - TA - DO 17 R81. TI's.`"m ete"\ :WARNING HEWS IT'S Mad singles or sonde , [1 11 ttreard In Owe at a rims/mall die fef enc. M WHO (21 PICK -WIN Rte. Wh17..t.bos.:1 Atm Tkiitts BIG 3 Da lasfell growing firm--11rere's a reason (3) TRIANGLE Red %poi , e TRIANGLE B17291 Send for I ire* ( Samples TRIANGLE MANUFACTURING CO..117 HENNT.PIN AVE. MINNEAPOLIS (1), MINN.. ( The Hest Huy Today: VICTORY NEEDLE JO2 Otir 1.reiusive Use by :5-K.r:-: Needle. Company) PURE OSMIUM TIP STF.EI. SHAFT PRE.WAR QUALITY FINE TONE QUALITY NOTICE: ::"ZI,.`.(Yo:::;',0,1;irt 0(511 CRAW. RISK YOUR ORDERS ONLY 35c Itclto SPECT AL PRICES TN LARGER QUANTITIES ATLANTIC DISTRIBUTING CO. Distributor& /or Seeburg Product and Plaastiehl Nnedlet k.:7:83 Tenth Avenue N.,. York 18. N. IL:, I ,,, Tr Proo IMP DRAPED MAW $9.90 WHILE T/11Y LAST! NU* $ BRAND 14119/ wil,..0. $ Y. -1n Spans. 14 C Geri a Pak SAO Too ALPHA P.P Teo 5101*. M.S , SAO 7,of file" Ueed Chanel. endue. grant Lees Yea.a. a... Re." f Meerhand1Ws Itte. blenn/aaniarde Poo Pool vi000ppl ,1 t elli READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOKYO / FOR DA 4001,10111LIE $ XLir-A-FoP CO FOR 53/10M75, / win Onto,. Isfm A sow$ DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Co DIV CHICAGO e1adio TUBES1 FOR THE # COIN MACHINE # 0 'robot olfettd to toeturrot Rs... only A Rata Pekes) $ I! 3Q r, II' 5LIG 1.00 r, II' 6D /I 6F J IF 6N7GT 1.60 FA' 1.30 * 6L6c "" "5 * t SL76T 1.35 FA r 5 6v6c-r , t I t i. ) Depoiit, Baia:ten C. 0. P. or F. 0. B. Newark I CLINTON MUSIC CO Clinton Avenue EihNVIAN Newark, N. J. %wood PROJECTION CAMPS PANORANI 500 i $8.00 Each 700 Wet. MITCHELL NOVELTY CO W $l Am 4, WI, MECHANIC WANTED 1,, Ceperleneed. T. Rep., Ander 1oe.4rer.L AtPrn Rea Ouner. Rep 0.4 tea. Peernaneni wafte ; r Bute also" 1r;, btu., Mat rwenn usenneesatken. SPORTLAND ARCADE ; P O. BOX 94 OCEAN PASS OAL1F. FOR GUARANTEED PACE EQUIPMENT BAKER NOVELTY COMPANY 1700 WASHINGTON BLVD. CHICAGO 12. ILLINOIS P. PA

107 4s July 29, 1944 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES 107 A Proven Money -Maker On Location! SUPREME SKEEROLL * Full Width Legs Are a Definite Part of the Cabinet Itself. * Gorgeous, Folly BlumGrated Ten Color Backboard. * Unique, Original. New Typo Scoring Pockets. * Backboard and Legs Are Easily Rentosed When in Transport*. lion. * TruoSkM Bowling Action. * SUPREME ENTERPRISES 00 -BUY FROH THE OLD RELIABLE MODERN AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE SEW LOCATION SUPERIOR AVE., CLEVELAND, rnic SALL rill PLAY *WWI... $25.00 On De Stumm e&-vnjapll... $ Pua% n CC...60n firtont sot/ Brow Froe.lon $0.00 Rod ,00 TtAIllor r Ileir Torinilo Ty KIM N104 Sollr $01"1 SECA CI SLOTS L.. W * ey , Port /1C SALL* 044 Sunlit. Fr. PIA, P.0, new. OA. Pre., V..41% Prow , 0.P , 2.14, tee., Dm Slant 767 $5765 CNN% Oar, Fla, Too rot Thue, Cts. Parwal Ilettosety 01.0, Coats Payout 011, w17 SON 3750 J,70.6 Piesdo, Fr. Play Atte. letton. FN. P167 $0,50 lab Tall. Fr. Play 0050 Pm*. 04woll SAN, More Pt $43.00 rata ow no, 044. DOnw Pia? sn-no PN,66 04,41, 10.6, Penn, Mal IA, le) x.4144, * Quarter, CIwmto $ ,1 BRA P.O.. truememoribil Plot oo Reel. 2.4 Paloct , Met 4AM% Vie Nye Cot00* DANN RIAthiro. LOA fuel 7040 STANDS 30 SAN a $ gee 00, ,0* We Ore, Loco 4050 SPECIAL ALL-TIME LOW PRICE RED, WHITE, BLUE JAR TICKETS 0.14 floor, Per Sot INA Loll 7,40-410,, Welty Sloe, J.. LAINIA. 0.T. $ i(05...rofr Wnle. IR.. Jo, 4. C.4110,4t so-siss, w4.4. a Mho We.. 5 lo a BAD., , 1//4:,,e A SI. WIND A gull Sal Polor vewt L6A4N. 54 or, CorrOin0.4.,.51, Jar LeCAN Jr.., Oard, 54 or Csevolnslon...n 44, LAWN J6.441 Cord. 54 or DEALS PROFIT IS 000ILIID-IF (0 IN *ROBS 0RICC8 WRITS. BINGO Ste Name Pw INt Per tots trap -onto, 71(64,6 RI CAW for Jos ral Do ainoo 11,,,,..., otos Jacape, 0.64 for Jor o' De Alno, 1( Joao.% Gird ter 44. V $ TWIG 5111 J for 4w d Da nlo 60we54 RIM Judge, Ibis 1.44 Sall elms In FAN, Dot coo JAGS POT CAROM MOARDS E,04 SO 0441,104or,.1440 Pot...ARN4 $1.00 te $16.!Z ilogt--lirne we Above-Furobdwd , fweektog Awl.% JACKPOT 110AR05 tr., wo,e-.pay to $3.017 Own.15a sot $1.00 $10.00 $75.00 LPICIAL roma ON /12114 TA41, 060.W SLUE JAR TAYS.. In Or. Loh $ We 0.57 Ct.orAtto Lin. flowrotowle. 54 to A Pone, Velr/w lot Our C Prtot LOU tw, 500, Oretor,, SANK* O. 0. D. HENRY WEISS 110 N. 31ST STREET, BELLEVILLE, ILL. FOR SALE -COMPLETE ROUTE Phonographs, Slot 51achlnea, Coca.Cola Vending Machine at large.! Gunner, Sch001 to Urillai States. Doing wonderful business. For full Information write, wires call BILL NEWTON.1904 Bareclons Avenue Phone 662M Ft. Myers, Fla. Y.,Inur- Floor Samples, Rehuills and Slightly Used Slot.Thsehines Equipped 'With Special Discs and neeiz OFFERED FOR RESALE ONLY 11 Sc Brown Fronts c Blue Front Se!Helots c Brown trams. 3.a.00Up 4 Se Cherry e Blue Fronts Up 6 So Blue Fronts c Bloc Fronts... Write 1 10c Melon c Parr CA:amok e Original Chrome Write 1 23e Pace Console Columbia Bells. Check Separator Keeney ForsoWay Super Bell, '0.rd, 1 Mills Three -Bell, 5/10/23c W's.le 19 Galloping Dominos, Cash. 39, Dark Cab. ' Galloping Dominos, Ch. Sep., Dark Cols Galloping Dominos, (:ash, Light Cab Gold Chrome Veat Pockets, Se Play Vest Pockets, Blue and Gold. Se Play GaL Dorn., Ch. Sep., Light Cab Mills Four Bell, , Orig. Style New Cab. Write 1 Mills Four 13e11, Original Style Head Write 2 Mills Four Bell, Write 9 Sc Mills Jumbo Parade, F1' Se Paces Races, Blk. Cab., Painted Brown Se Paces Race*, JP, Brown Cab., : Se Paces Races, Brown Cab., : Super Bello, 5125c.'lay Jennings Cigarolas Comb., Derby $ Kentucky I Club Trophy I 1 Santa.5.11ta SUPPLIES LW. MorttinedstAral Mot Pot Oat Mlle Fro Sell Cat.+04, Rh" 5,000 IL 2.W4N *NM 06, I 2 remeteres. Lull 6t Pre F L AM sosf-full CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS IN THE FORM OF POST,Er: OFFICE, EXPRESS, TELEGRAPH MONEY 060(5 OR CERTIFIED CHICK. If We As Ts F111 raft onsw Ws YON Mao 60,A4 rd To. OR,..it emmi.jr. MOSELE' VENDING WIACRINE EN.. INC. 00 BROAD , A. DAT , adirnew MACHINES WITH SPECIAL DISCS AND REELS -WRITE for PRICES - Ail Ater< hundil Is For Relolo Only 10 Ifttlerta OoNtro,dn, 24 MON 104 tow. Vet,te 14 'ISO Wuellizer Wall St.] 5 111,1, Le. Arr. to Mil, IS Jurnb4 PA I4 sot CNN,. $ BA., Fro011 C. 204 NI, P Swam aclelor41. Free OW el Crentrewe 04 CReerr Salo, BON 04 IA, r OW., Son (/.001wown De 07,4 Cormole, ID! NOWT SOK WAR., 104 N.41 OweeNo TM* Tleor W MrllaSi hart. Pars00. ONN 154 Omen I Pow Row Red Arrow 04 hereto PENA* parr. 0A.-wo45 Do,,Ireoe. J.P. Or,...0. Serf. OA Rear Pe7 IL :It FULL CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS IN THE FORM air OF POST OFFICE, EXPRESS OR TELEGRAPH MONET ORDER. "PE MOSEI,E)r A3112SE3IENTS, INC. "'" SW.!.,'"-i.;',":,''''. vs YOU ORDER 'EM...and WE CAN SHIP,/ i4cur1 IIU ILEss IL A M IPS. for all Games, Music and Wall Boxes MATCHLESS ELECTRIC CO. 564 HISS I411190tPW St CSICAGO Itt IL.9 " IT'S POWERFUL! IT'S DIFFERENT! IT'S GOT PLAYER APPEAL! "JITTER CUBE" lc OR Sc DICE GAME LIGHTNING FAST MONEY-MAKER! AMERICAN AUTOMATICS le.cs1;on toted ft. ever G e4seriss! Tar any or S0 can 04 carried en s car 404 you cart Opterde '100 velt/owt Amy notkanical trouble. II 11 olsolutety trouble-p.*1! 74.0 COO say Big% 0o law, two pale. threw or few of a kind. 1,11irr Cubes" N 16.41,44 4 to 'sent. Tun take from 1114 operation Of 4 %unite will $N. cso a good Idea of 044 age 0.k..f 100 or meet seall. $36.0 FOR 4 UNITS Spscity vet4thrr you wsnt Ic or Sc Oat*. 1/3 Dep.; Ref. C. 0. D.. F. 0. B., N. F. EI-MONT, 2 L. I., N. Y.

108 108 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The. Billboard July 29, 1944 CONVERTED FROM STARS * * * WE ARE ALSO REVAMPING GRAND CANYON from DOUBLE PLAY SANTA FE from WEST WIND SEE YOUR DISTRIBUTOR NOW OR WRITE DIRECT ARIZONA from SUN BEAM MIDWAY from ZOMBIE BRAZIL horn DO -RE -MI Ye' II Gel and H:'d the Play lh GI -es Revamped the UNITED Wall UNITED 3IANUF1CTURING COMPANY N. WESTERN AVENUE CHICAGO for coin machine information VOICE SHAY JOMM RYAN IAN (1 MILLS NOVELTY COMPANY 4100 Fuller1eN Aye., Chicago, III. FAST BUCKS -5c PLAY $8.20 PROFIT DEUCER-10c PLAY ;16.40 PROFIT ONLY/ 434 HOLES FOR QUICK PLAY V NOTES -25c PLAY $41.00 PROFIT BUCK -A -POP -51 PLAY $84.00 PROFIT WRITE TODAY FOR NEW CIRCULAR NC -441 HARLICH MFG. CO W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO 111 IL 11/101S JENNINGS PER 6 (ENT POST-WAR PRIORITY PLAN Gives You A PRIORITY NUMBER for Delivery of First New Machines Produced! Pays You on Additional SIX PER CENT INTEREST on Your War Bonds! Asks You To Help SMASH THE ENEMY by Buying More Bonds! REQUIRES NO RISK, Obligation or Contract on Your Part! WRITE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS TODAY! 0. D. JENNINGS & COMPANY WEST LAKE STREET CHICAGO 24. ILL. NATION:U. VALUES -PHONOGRAPHS Rock.012 Super*, ' Roek.Ola Monarrh $ Rork-Ola )1asterx. ' liockola Imperial, 20 Roek4)La Deluxe Dial Record Wnriiirer Vletor' Model With Adapter Wurlitrer Glti Litcup RockOla Standard Throne Rock-Ola and Bar Boom for 910 Models, Egolo $20.00 CONSOLES AND 1 -BALL FREE PLAYS 75,1,05nod S$411rA ItRpoWFprorM II Nam K000, Ke.tocke C0.0 C,Wo Ti.9I.. zoo CO F.P rase comes Sidon A..co W600.1 neuter. si m. lbw , $ LAM, ,,, Not ;N: $ :16, 11,loway 04,O) :77ti.3: , Wor ,1 IM Litorty Attraction CIAO Ton Slit cvwew :110: WOO K...Pre ALSO OP SO , au Few Nom ltaety EIS* i, Olo P Ti,.. Marta WOW Ovalle Fat _30 My Ow / Pol AM P vast SeteoliNg 10y 111Cio , ,00 /11,0 Sie sy ARCADE EQUIPMENT CC: 00K I" Hoag, Prank.) II: HI DIY I( noes/ Al Y Writ K..., I p.bo P.O. Tiop Vo Jac AmSAlowstt ( t. ol T Owooll.. 040areo C. 0. D I. 0. R ,p, N ATI 0 NAL C01\ IIACIIIIr FACIIANGI' 14111) Y OLVD. 'PS... sucsiess.sm 6466* CHICAGO Complete OVERHAULING AND REBUILDING (i Gl*NS - BALLY GUNS 525" plus part.; F Chicago. All types of amplifiers repaired. Work done, by merhanics of 15 years' experience. All work guar/mien& We bare Ray Gun parts in stork. 411 T..prz of TI'BE ADAPTORS in anew*. Wrier tor prior. MANOR ELECTRIC & APPLIANCE COMPANY 3236 SOUTHPORT AVE. CHICAGO N015 4

109 July 29, 1914 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHLNES 109 ORIGINAL JAR -O' -DO 0 N A R 0' D ORIGINAL "IAR-VDO" RED, WHITE, BLUE TICKETS Ile the following whit.) and Available the te a bend). 11 dessred. COMBINATION BOUTS (In the following a ( assd 516. SYMBOL TIMM 3000 Lutki Stars Letles Cr Cent.. and 2590 Treater: flalsnee Spinning RasIs or New Reels Spinno.g Reels or New Peels 2100 Take-aTip -- also 1050 tire. DANGLING DOCKET REFILLS fln She following.1:c.) An 00streent of cards to be e nd wnh the.00.., well is Dego. leer. Ccgarettel. C.nds. Coca.Cels. Cherries. (10.. or can be mode up to :fur spetititstions. C.rch able either sh or withoet lackpot. NUMERAL TICKETS I In the f6tlowing Lae. but (erten!: not. feint our eftiewely EwPwLar /slotted Do" dials lin "Cestabout. easel. cseety boxes, vanity cases, Noel boxes.. etc I as roll as a selection of pad 6011 strrowarod In oriel and satiety of wry atteseries lackpot casdll Over three hundred chtforcint nureber.-archindividusay Out new low peke slat sent be emir/ lint upon rquecti ORIGINAL JAR.0.-DO THE JAR GAME WITH A "MILLION -DOLLAR" NAME!! UNIVERSAL'S ORIGINAL "JAR-CY-DO" ORIGINAL 'fo OUR DEAR CUSTOMERS: WC PROUDLY IlleCICW THE OLO FAVORITES AND REPEAT THE NEWER ADOITIOW TO OUri ORIGINAL.JAlt G. 00, FAMILY IR CORDIAL AND GRATEFUL COMPLIANCE TO THE WINO 01700C117/1 FOR INFORHATION AND OXTAILS AE TO EXACTLY WHAT GoNSIET3 Cr E110 CHARLEY ORIGINAL JARO'-DO 'Ewe too Ise CAW - Teull r1,6 Ina IVY ( IttAIILST DISTISIOUTOR (0.040 le Ithe1 Tees N ,:set et IS for Pays Oct (AMA!) WW1/ (301u61 II (WWW044) TWes le $170 TRAM. et EH Psys Oat (ActuaJ) Prowl (*Mud) $ lose UNIVERSAL MANUFACTURLNG CO. 40S E. 8th St., Kansas City 6, Mo. "WE MANUFACTURE ONLY" ORIGINAL JAR -O' -DO EAGLE PHONOGRAPH REPLACEMENT PLASTICS available at -RIGHT- PRICES! WURLITZER 7110 Teo C.5,wan ee Lowe elors EGO Teo Oween se Loner Siew NO Lents woe 0.00 SINICT IC. 150 Ow.* (Tablet. el eww swwww (Red Only) *664 Clear Tranrpervnt Plastic Windows for your Wurlitrer 850 Program Holder. $514 Per Set rrife tor Price LW ROCKOLA "VfO".47r.1.14":1.4.'.6":711:no SEEBURG Plant Also Available REPLACEMENT PLASTICS 101. rill Other Phonograph.' EAGLE COIN MACHINE CO. 350 S. SI Wat Chic.9e 3, I,. REAL VALUES Ohre Pant., KA.. D.P.. liirele 1 1St Pace Wed Iowa, Jac/PAZI:4 ibb..ot.."1 1 Wallies 1104.e.Tice. RA Papaw CIAO Inc mu. Front. IlielleJeta.04. Oristate?Nan 1 04 Pea Alt SW. 3-5 Pwww W jai.. iett Clew Pelt IS Play Lew Newel. LAW &RIG WR E0.00 Al... ageziont: Noe otos siosiiets W. new V " a Illet Nbwhows es dentesmunas All...cm.,..c,...0c.,,,,, new111 by vsnunt weenants.: rnecnanscera we (000. crorn ese11. wow subs sow 0. WO wed% 1:01 Ye Lableeta...at en L'woweesy uretwl. elea.ed 5.,:ow.f. 4.4 nusew we and WI nwansaften uttwea ape hibilweer. We are throcceur r0 rale ev1 ann. 10..tsa rrrien. Uwe 1/ lite..19 and Rteanuels pleaseim, n1 1' 13,,,yot OtwowW4Uva J. A W. COLN MACHINE CO. "I* Litter. ItCurc;;I:". WI' ROTOR TABLES e.g...mew war wiles 1060 ease to uld Same et 'risk dna. Icol,,10, wb147. net? lierwrs..1 watt ro fthtelae. canaducats. SWwwwelly nail 15 vaneonly ONLY A 11W LUT NATIONAL NOVELTY COMPANY ISO ROAD L. I. N. Y. 0 N J A 0' D 0 The Most Thorough and Cornpron "CHICKEN SA.U"-Chonge.usee "JAP" Ray Guns $1793 "SHOOT THE JAP" 119." RAY-0-LITE GUNS 1/3 Deposit, Balance C. D. D. An:nuance and performance (WWI 10 a bland FOR Machine. Factory.tratrod mechanics - extort oabinet milkers ate se ir Nut swwwe Gun Iseves CY! *op 5orburif "CHICKEN 5.&IRIS1 perfwt 4oNGilkes ARNOIIWATIARIC thonw awsto end tested. and cat4tars finished in acre blue Dame with acr Our -jeo Ray Caa-4 assess frioncis wih awry opereter because they look and perform!sky new snd make money reel ligen (he start. 5end us yeur Certified CnOck 60 $ to we C. 0. D. charges or S!..0 CO went your order--datance Of $ C. 0. D. BALLY RAPID FIRE GUNS WE REBUILD RECONDITION REFINISH For $49." F.O.R. CHICAGO MADE TO WORK AND LOOK LIKE NEW AT ihcrorr?ramo SPECIALISTS 2051 Tube* MC Tubes 2.35 PHOTO ELECTRIC CELLS (CE :23) 2.S0 (For Chicken Santa and Jan Cum) :928 PHOTO ELECTRIC CELLS 3.50 (Non -Directional) Toggle Switeho All orders must be rittentrion101 wills!signed Con:unser.' certificate -Tr 265. RE -BUILD- Your old run down "CHICKEN IA li Ln I R 0S " and WE RE -CONDITION- csoanvesrt" M anthdem" into "SHOOT RE -FINISH- THE JAP" Ray Guns. MACHINES COMPLETELY PAINTED TO LOOK LIKE NEWT for $59.50 F. O. B. Chicago Chicago Novelty Company, Inc Newport Avenue Chicago. III. IL'Ils\k7ONCIL LNIANISMIsIlEILIOIS h711010CIIMILNOKILIIIi" The Most Thorough and Complete "CHICKEN SAAF'--Change-Orer to "JAP" Ray Guns $ $119." "SHOOT THE JAP RAY-0-LITE GUNS 111' 1/3 Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. p441700arivce and performance..4 to a breed new machines rectory -trebled neschenice.-, *veer r oahinist makers sae 1011 Dui *wry re.corsolitionad Seebag "CHICK(N SAM" Rey I,4 Cuts teen* Our shoo 01 prow tordition. A00,14109=tutleichCabtes--evvy pert le isocolyppv cf*cked and Waled. and 64.0-cets fincsmxtin 5e8d Mutt tacos.. with black trim. O Our 'kr Rs: CW, make mends wfth every operetke because awe look and perform bk. A new end make money riht from the start. Send us 5900 Certified Check for was C. O. D. chews or `$60.00 se% your tecter-batance of $ C. O. D. Just Out -Ready for Delivery PA' Newly des1stneei Modern Rifle. Fite all Sectors Ray Camp Chicken Sam, "Shoot the tap," Chute., Convicts and other Sreborg Conversion.. Not a Rebuilt. Only Each. 4 COIN MACHINE EQUIPMENT CO., INC Roscoe St. DIVersey 3433 Chicago 13, Illinois r' THE MAY -BELL tt ryuy" A Console for Your Better Locations Now 90% Mechanical 0A 5 NO10 Those FliFfs- 3 htickess and Quarter - Nickels and 2 q.cuters -cc & 4 Pealed Nitkeis. Write foe Down... and Fro. HOW go on arato0atkall: with of coin for,,eh seicetkni pined- r0 $ I Alter selection Fs mad.. any additiwwt col... Invited are rejected. g j SAM MAY INDUSTRIES & I 2000 N. Oakley Arc. Humboldt 5497 Chicago 47. III. d,46741: \ 711\11041~ ~6.11sIlk IF WANTED CONSOLES MILLS THREE BELLS AND KEENEY SUPER BELLS "All Models" sttc Lonect Prices and Full Prtheellin In Flnt Lotter. MAY GAMES CO. 977 COLDON CATS AVE.. SAN FRANCISCO 2. CALIF I $

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