STAFF LAFEBER-LAN 247 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), 6-240

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1 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF LAFEBER-LAN 247 LAFE8ER Beth A, GIn Statl Nurse (Post Ane8lIle8Ia care Unit-Box 67) PCU3C Mayo, 3169 l.8yiand TrlU, Woodbury 55125, , LAFFERTY Patar R, Med Fel Spac (Redlology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), UHosp, 110 Ca~&OI1 Pky, Apt 210, Mlnnatonka 55343, ; LA Fl.!UR DaryIe A, Jr Lab Tach (Plant Pathology) 495 Bor H( ), 1627 Ca~ St, Apt 4, Laudardala 55108, LA FOND Nicholas P, CIin InaII' (Fam Practice & CommunIty HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), PWB, Lc1ng I-Bka Family PractIclI, 1665 W Wayzata 1IIYd, Box 783, Long Lake 55356, ( ),lafonOO1@ LA FORTUNE Kalharlna 0, 0lIIce Spec (Univ Counsafing &Consulting 5erv) 301 Eddy H ( ), ( ), ,lafOrOO1@ LA FRANCE susan C, Laboratory Mgr (H EIactronauro DiagnlJslIca.. ag) Bx 183 Mayo ( ), B-564 ~ayo ( ), Br8conwood Rd, Mlnnatonka 55391, ; IaIraOO.l@ LAGAARD Sheldon M, Clln Prof (Orthopaedic SUrg), OrthopedIc Associal8s Ltd, SouthdaJe MedIcal Bldg, 8545 Franca Ave S, edina 55435, ( ), 5709 Schaefir Rd, Edina 55438, 1agaa001@ LAGACE EmtIy A, PhyaIcIan (Fam Practice & CommunIty HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), AssIstant Professor PWB, 1661 Wallasiay Ave, St Paul 55105, LAOALYDabra M, Per DIam - Gsn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, 8719 Pheasant Run ClrcIa, Woodbury 55125,lagaIOO1@ LAOANISV, Assistant Professor (Praventlve SClances) MOOS T ( ), ( ),1aganOO1@ LAGER Judith A, 0lIIce Spac (Talecommunicallo 5arvicas) Sta Univ Av sa ( ), ( ), l034.08kdala Ave, StPaul5511~, ,lagerOO1@ LAQESON Anna 0, Sr 0lIIca Ass! (Stu AtIrs Bud & Hr) 110wm&Ollli ( ),lages001@ LA GRAHQE Karen L, Par DIam - Gsn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, Shadow Creek Rd, Mapia Grove 55311, , IagraOO3@ LAHRS PamaIa J, Prin 5acratary (Treasury OperatIons/lnsurance, Unlv) 301 Mor H ( ), L.AHTl CatherIna A, Research Assistant (Food SClanca &NutrIlIon (Che)) 242 FSC N( ), LAHTI Marie F, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Fae Mgmt..()lllca) Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), 323 EChisholm St, Duluth ,, fax: LAHTI Matlhaw T, Sr Lab Tach (SUrgery-Ganaral). Bx 495 Mayo ( ), B22 0 VCCRC, th Ave S E, Apt 2, Monneapolis 55414, ,iahtiOO4@ L.AHTl Patricla J, Dept Admin, Bill (DIagnostic RedIoIogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), C205 Mayo, 8301 Washbum Ave S, Bloomington 55431, ,1ahtiOO1@ LAI ChrIstophar C, Med Fel Spec (Surgery-Ganaral) Bx 1Mayo ( ), PW B, 2129 SCuddar St, St Paul 55108, LA! Lan, Teaching ASSistant (Food Svcs) Food 0 B,IaixxOO3@ LA! SonIa H, Research Assistant (Physics & Astronomy, Sch of) 260 Phya ( ), 1901 Roselawn Ave W, St Paul 55113, , slal@ LA! Wan-lin, Teaching AssIstant (Statistics, SCh Of-Adm) 270 Vin H( ), wenlln@ umnstal.stalumn.~ LAl8LY Shawn W, Research AssIstant (Medicina) Bx 192 Mayo ( ), ( ),1037 Cramwell Ave, Apt 3, St Paul 55114, , IaIbIOOl@ LAIDLYPaul R, Systams Analyst (U S 0 A Forest 5erv) 338 NC For ( ), 4198 Sylvia Lana S St Paul 55126, , laidloo1@ maroon, LAING BrIan M, Coordinator (EpidamloIogy) S 2nd St ( ), lh Ava S Eo Minneapolis 55414, ,laing@, fax: ~15 LAING Jeannlna C, GIn Statl Nurse (H OPD-Medlcina) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), P W B, 1535 Natchez S, Golden VaHey 55416, ,lalng002@ LAING Robert L, AssIstant Professor (Rastorative SCiences) Moos T, 400 Ford Rd, Apt.302, St louis Park 55426, ,1alngOO4@. LAINSBURY Andrew 0, Admin Fellow (CLA Studant Aced SUppl Svcs) B18 Joh H( ), lains002@ LAIRD Ch~stophar J, R_rch AssIstant (Health. Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo, 0310 Mayo, lairdoo3@ LAIRD Joanna S, Exec Ass! (Inat of Inti StudIes & Programs) 50A Nich H( ), ( ), 9979 Arcola Ct N, Stillwatar 55082, , lalrdoo2@, tax: 612~ LAITINEN lois J, Word Proc Spac (PsychIatry) Bx 95 Mayo ( ), 0697 Mayo ( ), 1998 Brewster St, Apt209, St Paul 55108, , lallioo1@ LA JEUNESSE Thomes A, Instructor (UMO-<:omposltlon) 420 H Duluth ( ),131 Wavarley Place, Duluth 55803, LAKATUA David J, AssIstant Professor (Lab Medlcina & Pathology), St Paul Ramsay Medical Cantar, 640 Jack&Ol1 St, St Paul 55101, ( ),1 Eastview Lana, 51 Paul 55127, , lakatoo1@ LAKE Kathlaen 0, AssIs1ant Professor (Coliaga of Pharmaey-Insll' Ganaral), Abbott Northwestam Hospital, 800 E26th St, Sulta ~, Minneapolis 55407,lakexOO4@ LAKE Paul J, Med Ctr M&O Mach (Facililiali Mgmt-Adm) Bx 59 Mayo ( ), Bl17 Moos T, lakex001@ LAKE RandalfA, Assoclata Professor (Speech-Communication) 460 Fol H, lakexli05@ LAKIN K Cha~ie, Res Assoc (Inst 01 Comm Integration) 214 PI H( ), ( ), th Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414, , Iakin001@ LA L1BEATE Patricia J, Supply Proc SUpv (H Oper Rm/Ancillary Support 5erv) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), U Hosp ( ), IallbOO1@ LA UBERTE Patricia M, Professor (UMD-Muslc) 231 H Duluth ( ), ( ),5095 Parson PoInt Rd, Duluth 55803, LALIBERTE Staphania S, Accounta Ass! (Medlcina-UMO) 253 Med Duluth ( ~ 1315 E6th St, Duluth 55804, LALiCH Michael J, Dir (Camp/Col Laval) (UMD-NRRI-Admlnlstration) 375C NRRI Duluth ( ), ( ), 4704 london Rd, Duluth 55804, , p-w1i&011, fax: LALLY Catha~ T, Lacturer (AE5-Human Ecology) 290 Me NH( ), 1250 Blair Ave, St Paul55104,laI1yOO1@ LALLY Judy, Prin 5acratary (Diagnostic Radiology) Bx 282 Mayo ( ), U Hosp,lhomp051@ LALLY Maureen K, Exec 5acratary (Health SCI Public AfI) Bx 735 Mayo ( ), A395 Mayo, LAM Hin K, Research ASSistant (Urban & Rgni Atlairs, Ctr For) 10H HHCtr ( ), POBox 14052, Minneapolis 55414, , lamxxoll@ LAM Hong, Sr Lab Tach (Bio Process Tach Inst) 240 Gor L ( ), 317 Sn H, Normandale Blvd, Bloomington 55437, , lamxxoo6@ LAM Kok-Teng, Research Spacialist (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res) Mayo, 415 Erie StS E, Apt 206, Mlnnaapolis 55414, kok1aoo1@ LAM Luke KT, Non Uriiv Statl (Medicinal Chemistry) HS Un~ F, 2233 University Ave W, St Paul 55114, ( ), 7 ~ngs Farm Lana, North Oaks 55127, ,IamxxOO2@, fax: LAM Robert E, Med Fel Spac (Fam Practica & Community HIth) Wash Av SE ( ), W Laurel Ave, Minneapolis 55403, , LAM Tlirance T, Research AssIstant (Elactrlcal Engl.-tng) EEfCSC;I, 1530S 6th St Apt C2304, Minneapolis 55454, , 1amxx te.umn.idu Wi Tyler Q, Jr uaar 5arv Spec (Epidamlology) S 2nd St,, fax: LAM Uyan T, Undargra Res Ass! II (Chemistry) 5mIlh H, 4452 W78lh, Apt 101, Edina 55435, , LAM YuaMIng C, Teaching AssIstant (Machanical~ 125 Mach E, 614 Huron Blvd, Apl201, MInnaapoIIs 55414, , LAMANSKY Imng M, PrIn Lab Tach (H Kidney 1llaIysIs, Adult) Bx 805 Mayo ( ), C223 Mayo, th St E, Invw Grove Hta 55076, 455'3502, IamanOOl@ LAMAR Kavin J, Cook (UMD-Food & Vending Svcs) 269.K SCDuluth ( ) LAMB CoIIaan M, Med Tach Spac (Hosp Laba-Cham) Bx 188 Mayo ( ), L267 Mayo, LAMlI Jo Ann F, AdI Ass! Prot (Agronomy & Plant Ganatics) 411 Bor H( ), 411 Hayes H, 2182 Woodbridge Way, Woodbury 55125, , 1ambx002@ LAMB John A, Assoclata Prot8UQl' (SoH SCI) 439 Bor H( ), 235 SolIs ( ), 2182 Woodbrtdga Way, Woodbury 55125, , LAMB Lana J, Jr SCIantist (Microbiology) Bx 196 Mayo ( ~ Moos T, 1782 Laurel Ave St Paul 55104, ,lambxOO4@ L.AM8AIlDO Brian P, CIIn (nsll' (Fam Practice & CommunIty HIth), Southside Cclmmunlty Clinic, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, ( ), 3204 Columbus Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, 1amba001@ LAMBE JannItar L, Teaching AssIstam (JoumaJIsm & Mass Comm, Sch of) 111 Mur H ( ),2610 SnaIIng Curve, Apt 17, Roseville 55113, ,1amba010@ LAMBERT KathIaen E, Prin Acct SpfSupv (Accounting 5arvicas) S 2nd St ( ),4106 Sylvia Lana, Shoreview 55126, ,lambaOO4@, fez: LAMBERT Laura J, Research AssIstant (Geography), 220 Marahall Ave, SUIta 4, 51 Paul 55102,IambeOO9@ LAMBERT Mary Ann, Oln Nurse Spac (Eye, Ent NeuroIogy-llB) PCtJ6B Mayo ( ), LAMBERT Rita R, CltIlce Ass! (Bookstores) 290 Wmson H( ), 5164 St Moritz Dr, F~lay 55421, O,lambaOO6@ LAMBERT Robert F, Prot Emar (Elactrlcal ~)5-131 E EfCSCI ( ), ( ), 2503 SnaIIIng Curve, St Paul 55113, , IambaOOl@ LAMBERTON AbigaIl, Non Univ Stat! (Civil EngInaarIng) 614 Soc SCI, 138Montrose Place, St Paul 55104, , Iamba012@ LAMBRECHT Judith Johnson, Professor (\/oe & Tach EducatIon) 420 AVo Tach ( ) (CurricukJm & Instruction) 146C Pelk H( ) 1766 CM St, St Paul , , JIamtJrec@maroo.Tc.Umn.Edu L.AMIIIlOS John A, CIIn Assoc Prot (Family Practice & CommunIty Health). AtItIatad Medical Cantar, 101 Willmar Ave SW, WIllmar 58201, (23HI371) LAMBUS EIvirra F, Tamp/Casl Employ (UMD-Bookslora) 175 K S C Duluth ( ) LAMECKER Douglas 0, Hosp M &0 Mach (H Malnt & Opar) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), 1amacOO1@ LA MERE Thomes 0, Prin Buyer (Purchasing) S2nd 51 ( ), 4722 Walden Dr, Eagan 55122, , t-lame@, tax: L.AMlN Margaret E, Prin Accountant (MedlcaJ SchooI-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), o,vra H( ), LAMISON Mary F, Prot Emer (MN Ext 5erv-Mgmt Opar) Transit Ave, 51 Paul 55113, IamisOO1@ LAMKE Unda L, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Inti Ag Prog) 51 CLA Off ( ), 2018 Memory Ct, NSt Paul 55109, m-2649,lamkeoo1@ LAMKIN Christophar, Jr Lab Tach (Epidemiology) S2nd St , lamkloo4@ LAMKIN Katharina J M, Operations SUpv (Fee Mgmt Zona 3-HeaIlh SCI) Bx 59 Mayo ( ), Bl17 Moos T ( ),IamkIOO2@ LAMKIN Richard G, Police OlIIcar (Police lllipl) Pol 0 B ( ), On Guard Inc, th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), lamkioo3@ LAMKIN Sharon L, Assoc Admin (Into & Decision SCiences) 395 HHHCtr ( ), slamkln@ LAMMERS Raymond J, Professor (Humanities-UMM) l05b HFA Morris ( ), 405 E3rd St, M~s 58267, , lammerr)@ LAMMI Robert M, Instructor (Pharmacy Practica), Anoka Metro Reg Traatmanl Ctr, th Ava N, Anoka 55303, ( ), th Ave NW, Coon Rapids 55433, Iammi002@ LAMON Richard P, AssIstant Professor (Fam Pr8Ctice & Community HIth), St Paul Ramsay Medical Canter, Dept of Emergency MedIcal, 640 Jack&Ol1 St, St Paul 55101, ( ), lamonoo1@ LA MONO Staphan J, InStructor (Pharmacy Practice), The Upjohn Co, Pharmacy SCIances Ualson, 4573 River Bend Place, savege 55378, ( ), I8monOO2@ LAMONICA Carolyn A, Med Fal Spac (Medlcina) Bx 264 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 1609 Plaasant St, Apt 101, Lauderdala 55108, , LAMONT Patricia J, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Financial Systems Support) S 2nd St ( ), LA MOTT Eric E, Teaching AssIstant (KlnasIoIogy. & Laisure StudieS) 110 Cooke H( ), 6724 Amherst Lane, Eden Prairie 55346, , LAMPE Johanna W, Lacturer (Food SCIence & NutrIlIon (Che) 168 F SC N( ), ( ), LAMPE Mary B, Assoc Prof Emar (Klnaslology & Laisure Studies) 110 Cooke H, 2705 Xenwood Ave, Minneapolis 55416, ,lampeOO1@ LAMPE PaulO, Res Assoc (Glnatics &Call Biology) 250 Bio SCI ( ), ( ), , p1ampe@ LAMPE William I, Sr Genaral Mech (Frederick R Weisman M Museum) 200 Weisman Art ( ), ( ), rd Ave S,. Minneapolis 55407, , lampeoo3@, fax: LAMPELLA Tyler J, Teaching ASSistant (UMD-BIoIogy) 211 L SCI Duluth ( ), LAMPHERE Karen M, Finance Mgr, Hosp (H Admissions) Bx 709 Mayo ( ), PW B, LAMPLAND Eric 0, Exec Asst (University Networking ServiceS) 130 Und H( ), ( ),880 Osceola Ave, St Paul 55105, , lamploo1@ LAMPMAN Thomas C, Paintar (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), th Ave N W, New B~hlon 55112,1ampmOO2@ LAMPRECHT Elden G, Adj Prof (Praventlve SCIences) Moos T,lamprOO1@ LAMSON Catharine H, 0lIIce Spec (Medlcina) Bx 138 Mayo ( ), th St SE, th Ave S, Richfield 55423,Iams0002@., fax: LAMSON Gary L, Oln Asst Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), PW B, Albert Lea Reg Medicel Group, 210 "l St Mary, Albert Laa 58007, IamsoOO1@ LAMSON Lola K, Operating Rm Gsn (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, lams0003@ LAN Chang-Jen, Research AssIstant (Civil Engineering) 7800 elv E( ), 1015C 29th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ,!lu LAN Kevin, Undargra Tch Asst II (Housing Services) 139 Smith H, Rosalinda Dr, Potomac MO 20854, , IanxOOO4@

2 248 LAN-LAPHAM STAFF LAN Labao, Res Assoc (Geology & Geophysics) 108Pilla H ), ( ), th 51 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, , 1anxx002@,1ax: & LAN Ma, Research Assistant (Industrial Relations Ctr) 909 Soc SCi ( ), ( ),2392 Larpenteur Ave, Apt 1B, LauderdaJe 55113, &U-3314, maxxxoo6@, fax: LAN Tse-Hua, R_rch Assis1ant (ElectrIcal ~) EEIC Sci ( ), th Ave 5 E, ApI 902, Minneapolis 55414, , IanxxOO4@ LANCASTER Nancy 0, Instruelor (Music) 213 Ferg H, 1anca000@ LANCASTER Thomas 5, Professor (Music) 100 Ferg H( ), 1971 Gal'den Ave, FaIOOll Heights 55113, 646-3n3,lanca001@ LANCTOT C8roI A, Bldg & Grds Wkr 2 (UMe-PIant 5vcs) 119 Me Call HCrookston, 720 N Main, Crookston 56716, LAND CynlhIa M, Sr Secretary (Human Resources-Tops) 232 Mar H( ), (Ole of Human Resources)( ), ( ~ ~463 Holton 51, 51 Paul land@ LAND Di8na M, Word Proc 5pec (Psychlatry) Bx 95 Mayo ( , Mayo,landxOO2@ LAND Signe E, Teaching Assistant (EJdenslon Classes) 207 Und H( ), 2408B lyndale Ave 5, Minneapolis 55405, , IandxOO3@ 'LANDA Mark H, Program Dir (English As A 5econd Language) 101 Kia Ct ( ), ( ), 1707Tatum 51 N, ApI 4, FaIOOll Heights 55113, ,landa001@ LANDE Della C, 0tIice Assl (University Bookstores) 100 And H ( ), 1530 N Timber Ridge N Eo Fridley 55432, , IandeOO6@ LANDE JetIrey 0, Teaching Assistant (5tatistics, Sch Of Adm) 270 Yin H, 72213th Ave 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, ,1and8005@ LANDERGAN Elaine M, Nurse Mgr (NUrsing ResourceOtlice) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), Jl ll0uhasp, 4645 France Ave 5, Minneepolis 55410, , LANDIN-8OH8OT Deborah, 5upp1mt Employee (UMD-Commun SCiences & Disorders) 19 Mon H Duluth ( ), ( ),215 N1st Ave E, Duluth 55602, ( X246), 2008 E9th 51, Duluth 55812, LANDIS Dorothy J, SocIal Wkr, Prin (H Social Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), C-351 Mayo ( ), LANDIS George H, Assistant Professor (Surgery-Gennll Bx 122 Mayo ( ), Moos T, ,IandiOO4@ LANDIS MeIodee A, Lacturer (Curriculum & Instruction) 370 Peik H, IandiOO5@ LANDMAN James H, Grad SChool Fellow (English Language & Ut) 205 UncI H ( ), 1912 Duponl Ave 5, Apt 303, hlinneapolis 55403, an-2901, IandmOOl@ l.ando Hany A, ProIesIor (Epidemiology) S 2nd 51 (624-1Bn), 492 Montrose Lane, SI Paul 55116, ,Iando@., lax: LANDON-LANE John S, Teaching Assistant (Economies) 1035 Mgml/Econ,Iand007O@ LANDRETH Russell 0, Hasp Cuslodian 1 (H EnvironmentaJ 5erv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Cl89 Mayo, LANDRmt Deborah A, Pharmacy Tach (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), ( ), Holcombe S\, Stilwatar 55082, , curtioo9@ LANDSMAN Gordon S, CIIn Assl Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), Twin CIty Laser Clinics, 2545 Chil:agO Ave 5, Sufte 205, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), 5940 SI Croix Ave Golden Valley 55422, ,1andsOO3@ LANDSMAN Maury S,,5r Attorney (Law Sch Inslr) 190 Law ( ). ( ), rd Ave S Mimeapolis 55406, ,1andsOO1@, lax: LANIlSTIlOM'Peler B, Psychiatric AasI (Unit 8O-Adult Psychiatry) PCU61 Mayo,landsllOIl@ LANE Ann K, Teaching Assistant (Sch of Mathematics) 127 Vin H, At 2, Box 484, Hammond 55991, ,1aneOOO5@ LANE Ann W, Research Assistant (1liostaIIstics) Bx 303 Mayo ( ), A443 Mayo ( ), ( ), 29 River Terrace Ct, Minneapolls 55414, 371~732, LANE e.therine A, 0U1pe ClInic AasI (Dentistry-CIinical Prog) Moos T ( ), 9505 Teakwood Lane N, Mepie Grow 55369, IanexOO6@ LANE Cynthia M, Research Assistant (Pharmacology) Mlrd H( ), Moos T, 180 WLarpenteur, ApI 210: St Paul , ,lanex007@ LANE Cynthia P, Research AssI&tant (Entomology) 219 Hodson H, ,, LANE David A, Chair (W/Fac Rank) & Professor (5tat, Sch Of-Theoretical 5tat) On Leave LANE Deborah A, Asl Chid care Tch (Univl!rS1ty Child Care Canter) Childcare ( ), lanexol0@ LANE DoraJee R, Assoc Admin (TechnOIogy,lns! Of-S5S) 128 UncI H( ), 2202 Helimark Ave N, Oakdale 55128, ng-0517,lanexoo9@ LANE Douglas J, Clin Assl Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd 51, Duluth LANE Ellen R, Sr Secretary (Law Sch In~ 441 Law ( ), 2823 Robbins 51, MIMeapolis 55410,lanexOO8@ LANE James l, Hosp M & 0 Mach (H MaJnt & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), Cl12 Mayo ( ), Finmore SI, Elk RivW 55330, , lanexoo2@ LANE Kimberly A, Clin Instr (Fam PractIce & Community HIth) Bx 381' Mayo ( ), PWB, Riverside Family Physicians, th Ave S, 5u~e 813, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), LANE Kris E, Teaching Assistant (HisIOlY) 614 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), 1aneX003@ LANE Laurie l, MedICIln Lab Tach (Hoep Labs-Blood Bank) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 0293 Mayo, 'h SI NE, ApI 7, Fridley , LANE Michael J, Dept Director (UMD-Glenaheen), Glansheen, 3300 London Rd, Duluth 55804, ( ) LANE Oksana P, Research Assistant (Water & Env Ctr-UMD) 300 NRRI Duluth, 1420 Cantennial Dr, Apt 230, Roseville 55113, LANE Thomas J, Associate Professor (Art Department) 70 Art B ( ), Ianex001@ LANE Timothy F, Clin Ass! Prof (Fam PractIce & Community HIth), Rice Street Clinic, 1008 Rice S\, 51 Paul 55117, ( ),lanex012@ LANE WlIIiam H, Teaching AssIs1ant (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 200 Hodson H, Ianex014@ LANG Benjamin J, Non Unlv StaIf (MN Crop Improve Assn) C I (625-n88),1angx004@ LANG Catherine H, Clin Asst Prof (Medicine~ 81 Paul Ramsey Medical Canter, 640 Jackson 51, 51 Peul55101, ( ),langxOO8@ LANG David l, Iron Worker (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), PIutD 51 NE, Wyoming 55092, IangxOO9@ LANG J A, Prin Collect Rep (Bursar) 140Wmson H( ), tjang@vmt, LANG John P, Asst SCientist (Ag Eng) 18 Ag Eng ( ), { ), 1528 Arundel S\, 51 Paul 55117, , LANG Stena J, Nurse AnestIleIIst (Cardiopulmonary servicea) Bx 294 Mayo, langx001@ LANGAGER James H, Clin AasI Prof (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Dulutll ClInic, 400 E3rd 51, Duluth LANGAN Patrick J, InatrucllIr (Health Mgmt & PolIcy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), C309 Mayo, 8432 Alexander Ct, Eden PrUIe , 1angIOO1@ LANGAMO Debra l,~aasl4-h (UMI)-Outdoor~) 121 Sp HC Duluth ( ) LANGAIClN Rosemary B, Sr Lab Tach (RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), V64 Mayo ( ), LAJtlc.ttN Volker M, Adn'*l Fellow (German, SCIIIdInavIan & Dutch) 231 FoI H( ), L.ANCIDON CraIg E, Gen Stall Nur18 (Unn 50) PCU5D Mayo, n41 DeIevtew Dr, Brooklyn Park , L.ANCIDON Ilona M, NurIlng Sta Tach (C8rdIov8lIcUIar 8urgJProgr C8re-6C) PCU6C Mayo ( ), UHoep,1angdOO1@ LANGE AJex J, ReS AsIoc (Blochemiatry-Med Sch) Mlrd H ( ), AssI&tant 1'rllfIIea', 1595 VIncent St, Falcon HeIghts LANGE Amy 5, Adjlnstr (NurIIng, Sch Of-Prog & Res~ Women's Health care Asaoclates, 1455 W lake St, SuItlI307, MInneepoIIs ' (827~1),1ange014@ LANGE Cheryt M, AsIoc Educ Spec (Educational Psychology) 353 Ell H ( ),1ang8OO3@ LANGE II Cleaton C, ~ Spec:ifIIst (1lIocl*IIIatry-cBS) 358 Gar l ( ), LANGE Dele l, ProIeaaor (Education, College Of-Adm) 104 Bu. H( ), (Curriculum & InstruclIan), Magnolia 51 NW, COOll Rapids 55448, ,lIIange@, lax: LANGE David W, Student Laborer (Plant Path) C Rl, 4081 VIrginia Ave, ShorevIew 55126, , LANGE DougIu A, Jr SClentIat (Plant Path) 495 Bar H( ),1ange01S@ LANGE Gall A,,Gen Stall Nurse (Bone Marrow TranaplInt-Adult-4B) PCU48 Mayo,langeOO5@ LANGE Kathryn E, Dept DinIclor (Pharmacy Student AllOle) H5 Unlt F( ), th Ave 5, MInneapoIa 55406,1angeOO1@ LANGE Thomas H, ~ Assistant (PecIa\Ilca) Bx 508 Mayo ( ~ 2370 VC C RC, UoI&NDClRF FrecleI'Ick G, Assistant ProfeSSOl' (NluoIogy), HennepIn County MedIcal Canter, Dept 01 Neurology, Rm 623, 701 Park Ave 5, MIMeapoIIa 55415, ( I,1angeOO2@ LANGENDORF Gary C, Bldg & GIlls Wkr 3 (FacIItIea Mgmt-Adm) 307 ShopII B ( ), 1630 S 8lh St, Minneapolis 55454, , L.AIlGEM'I!LD Dean T, ~ Aasistanl (Underplnd'Space Clr) 738 CIv E( ), 217W NebreskaAve, Apt 319, 51 Paul 55111, 4ll9-2652, 1ange021@ LANOEM'ELD Diane M, Program Aal\4 H (MN Ext8erv-lllatricta), Dakola Co Ext Ole, Ih 51 W. FarmingIlln 55024, ( ), diangenieid@rne.umn.ldi L.AIlGEM'I!LD K8Ien l,~assistant (EducatIonIl Psychology) 214 PI H, 2807 Hayes 51 N Eo Minnelpolls 5541', ,1ange022@ LANGER Debra A, Sr Lab AtlIIndant (Hasp Laba-Surg Path)Sx 76 Mayo ( ), C422 Mayo, 1184 RMdoIpIl AWl, St Paul 55105, , LANGER EIIane B, Gen StaIf Nurse (Ontdogy-Maaonic 3) PCUm3 Mayo ( ), Mas can Ctr, LANGER Kanln, Hoep CuetodIan 3 (H EnvIronmenteI 5erv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ~ UHasp, LANGER 1Aon8rd, ~ (RadIology) Bx292 Mayo. 1235V."'-.Apt 710, MInneapolIs I85O,1ange015@ LANGHORIT Glenn 0, ~ AssocIate (UMD-PIInetIrIum, MAIwIlrIh) 150 M WAP DuIulh (728-71~ 1462 HIllqIRd.Mooee lake 55787, , UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA I.ANQLAIS TImolhy Eo ~ AsaIatant (Mech8nIclII ~) 125 Mach E, 3404 Emerson Ave S, Apt 303, MmIapolIa55406, , L.ANOL E Diane, T~ Spec:laIlat (UMD-Educ:ation) 120 Man H Dukdh ( ), 2328 Nanticoke, Duluth 55811, LANGlEE-TWIQHT MaryjO 5, Sr User 8erv Spec (UMD-Inlormation ServiclIIa) 15 DAd BDukdh ( ), ( ), 2034 CoIumbua Ave, Du1ut , , miangiee@d.uini.ldi L.ANOL Y Brent R, PrIn secreiary (Urologic Surgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ), D596 Mayo Ridgemount Ave, MmeIl:lnka 55305, langioo4@ LANGLEY Unda K, Natl Res 5erv FeHow (Paychiatry) 310 Ell H( ), 3622 SherIdan. Ave N, MInneapolis 55412, , rtck8oo4@., LANGLEY VIvIan A, Assistant Coach (AtI\IIIIca, Women's InteIIg) 235 BFA B ( ). ( ), 8917 Knox Ave 5, Richtleld 55423, , langloo1@maroon.te.umn.ldi LANGUE Mridula C, SClenIiIt (Therapeulic Radiology) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), Ml0Mu can Ctr ( ), 2885 Patton Rd, ~ 55113, ( ), Alder 51 NW, COOll Rapids 55448, , IangIOO3@ I.ANQR John 0, MedJClin Lab Tach (H Cardiovascular Prog-Card CatII Lab) Bx 815 Mayo ( ), UHoep, 1150Edmund Ave, 51 Paul 55104, ,1angrOO1@ LANGSETH Carol A, NUlr Educ AasI (MES-College of Human Ecology), NobleS Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, 10lh S\, WorthIngton 56187, ( ) LANGSETH Kendall 0, Ext Educ & Instr (ME5-Distrlcta), Freeborn Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, Sufte 222, 411 5~, Albert Lea 56007, ( ). 8191ll8ckmer; Albert Lea 560Q7, , klallgll8lh@mes.umn.ldi LANGSEllt Rodney N,an Asat Prof (MedIcIne-UMD) 141 Med DuIulh, Dukdh Cllnic-Lakealde, 4621 ESUperIor s\, Dululh LANGSETMO Use A, Assistant Professor (Sch 01 Mathematics) 105ViII H( ), 2845 France Ave N, Robblnedale 55422, ,1angsOO5@ LANGWORTHY SusMne M, lnatruetor (SoclaJ Work, Sch of), 3489 WuIIilgllln Dr, Eagan ( ~ lannon James B, AasI Prof Emer (0be\lIlrics & ~), Mpla 0bJGyrI ConauItantJ, 3388 QakdaIe Ave N, SuItlI409, RobblnedaIe 55422, ( ), LANO Michael D. CIn AasI Prof (Fam PractIce & CommunIty HIth), Park NIcOlet Medical C8ntIIr, 1335 E10lh Ave, Shakopee 55379, ( ), 656 Stonebrooke Dr, Shakopee 55379, LANPHIER DomInic A, TeacI*lgAssistant (Sch 01 Mathematics) Yin H( ), 255 UncI H, 1721 University Ave 5 E, MinneepoIlI55414, , IanphOO1@ LANSKY Ellen R, Teachlng Asais1anI (Composition & CommunlcatIon) 306 UncI H ( ), ( ), th AveS, Minneapolis 55407, IanskOOl@ LANTTO J9YC8 M, 0fIIce Supv (DentIstry AdmkI) Moos T (628-(l633). ( ), IanttOOl@maroon.te.limn fix: , pager: LANTZ Mark 5, Med FeI Spec (Anesthesiology) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), 8615 Mayo, 2740 Idaho Ave 5, 51 louis Park 55426, IantzOOl@ LANvK Christine M, AI:ocJWIting Supv (Human Ecology, College Of-Adm) 46 Me NH( ), 5447 EBnlnner Pass, Fridley 55432, , lanyk@mall.che.umn.ldi LAO ljiiibethl, SrFood 5erv WIlt (H Station 5ervIce) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), U Hoep (626-S854~ LAPAKKO Dao'id V, l.8ciurw ( x1enalon Clesaes~ 4149 Grand Ave5, MInneapoIIa 55409, LA PENTA Dlqul, R.-ch Assistant ~y) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 935 Mayo, , LAPHAM sandra l, Ad! lnatr (NurIlng. Sch Of-Prog & Res), Abbolt ~ HoapltaI, Station 65, 800 E28th atchicigo, MInneepoIIs 55407, ( ~ aphaOO1@

3 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF LAPIC-LARSON 249 LAI'IC SlIphen K, T8IChing Assistant (SCIl 01 MII/Iematics) 105 YIn H( ), , LA PLANTE Anlhany J, Sr Lab Tech (EJectrical ~ 4-171, E E/C SCi ( ), 3300 FnImont Ave S, Apt 305, Minneapolis 55408, 8Z1.uT4 LA POlIIrE Mary K, Sr s.ecr-y (Urban & Rgnl AIIIrs, Ctr For) 330 HHHCtr (62$-6550), stSt, WhilIlIllllr lab 55110, , ', lax: LAPORTE David C, Professor (Biochemis1ry-Med Sdl) MIrd H( ), ( ),3020 ~ St, RoeevIIe &-1771, david-l@, fax: >2163 LAPP Cheryl A, Inslructor (NIning, Sdl Of-Prog & Rea) HS Unit F ( ), ( ), ngford Dr. EdIna 55436, , LAfIIII ViclorilI R, Jr Scientist (Therapeutic Radiology) Bx 367 Mayo ( ), wr8 H , LAIWEJuInila A, ResNrdl Assistant (EducaUonIl Psychology) 350 Ell H, , LAliDv Deborah l, Adj Inslr (Nursing, Sdl OI-Prog aresl, 4020Minnelllnka Blvd Suite 300, St Loula PIIrk 55416, ( ),1ardyOO1@ LAREAU DonlIId E, AssIstant Professor (~SCiences) Moos T(65400). CenlIr1niII Lakes Medical Ctr, 7373 Fr8llC8 Ave S, Suile 502, EdIna 55435, ( ), 5612 KeIogg Place, Edina 55421" , LARGAESPAIlA Carmen l, Assoc Editor (HHH Inst PubI AlIrs-Adrn) 209 H H HCtr ( IliophyslcaI Journ8I, RosewoodOle Plaza, Suile 103S WCounty Rd B, SI PaIil55113, ( r8nge Ave E. St Paul 55106, LAJIQE Jesse M, PlpefitIer (Facilities Mgmt.Adrn) Me SmilIl H( Lawn 0aIe Lane N, DayIon 55327, 421-G135,1argeOO1@ ~ Grayson E, Assl SCientist (UMO-Archaeometry Laboratory) 214 R L B llwih ( ) I,AIlKA EdnUld A, Sr Scientist (Chemistry) 298 Kolt H ( ), ( ), 1arlaI@ ciwnsiri.c:hem.urnn.8du LAIIION John C, Post-Doc-Assoc (Genetics &. Call 1IloIogy) 250 Blo SCi ( ) SE61h SI, MmeapolIs55414,8Z1-9673,1arkiOO6@ IlWllOl\.tc.umn.8du LAIIICIlLeo K, Non Univ Stall (U 5 0 A Forest 8erv) NCFor ( ), 1180 DeIawara Ave. W St Pa1i155116, ,1arkiOOS@ LAIlION MarIlla G, Gan Stall Nurse (P8dIatrIcs-7A) PCU7A Mayo ( ), LAIlNTZ F Kinley, Professor (Statis1ics. Sdl Of-Adrn) 352 CLA 011 ( ), Pro1essor ( ), 420 Old Farm Rd, Shoreview 55126, 462-G624, taiiocca Robert. Vet Med Assistant (Vet T-'*'9 Hoep Clinic) 305 Vel Tell Has ( ( ),5460 Landmark Circle, McluncIlMaw 55112, ,IarocOO2@ maroorltc.umn.eckj LA ROCIE L.-O. Instructor (Pharmacy Pndce1 Fairview SoulhdaIe HospitaJ,Pharmacy, 6401 Fr8IlC8 Ave 5, Edina 55435, ( , LA Roque WIIIam R, Associate Dir (Ctr 01 Amf1t Indian & Minority HfthJ Bx 293 Mayo ( ), wre H( ), Laroq(lOl@*j, Fax LARSEN Brian 0, Med Fe! SJM!C (Medicine) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), C336 Mayo, VAM8dical Canter, OneVel8rana Dr, Minneapolis 55417, (72S-2OOOX«31), 12721, Sable Dr, Burnsville 55337, LARSEN ciinsten P, ResNrdl Assistant (UMO-WaI8r & ErNrn, CtrfRvMlg Aoct) 1,04 N R R I DululII ( ), 1626 warren Ave, Duluth 55611, LARSEN Illlve A, Prin U_ Srv Spc (1lislribul8d ~ 8ervice$) 152 Shep Lab ( ) Bucher Ave. Shomiew da/@ fax: S-6817 LARSEN Inna V, Jr Sciantisl (Physlology) MIrd H, VAMedical Canter. Brain SCiences Ctr (11 B), One Vel8rana Dr, Minneapolis ( X5546), h Ave NE. Columbia HIs 55421, , efimooo2@, lax: LARSEN Jay R, Jr U_8erv SJM!C (Human Ecology, College Of-Adm) 316 Me NH(624-Q39), ( ),40 27th Ave 5 E. ApI 3. Minneapolis 55414, , LARSEN JetIrey A, Research Assistant (Physics & Astronomy) 356 Phys ( ), 63&-9535, LARSEN JenniIer E, ~ Employea (Technology, Ins! ) 250 Bio SCi ( ). LARSEN Jill M, Bhs Pharmacist (Boynton-Phatmacy) W120 Boyn H5 ( ), LARSEN John W, CIin Assl Prol (Farn Practice & Community HIth) Bx 361 Mayo,larseOl4@ LARSEN Julie. CIin Assl Prof (Pharmacy Practice) Medical Ar1s Bldg, Suite 1149, 825 N«:oIlel Mal, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 1arse013@ LARSEN Karen l, Exec Assl (Padiatrics) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), P WB. 428 Honestloe Dr, St Paul ,1atseOO8@, lax: LARSEN Lori J. Par Diem - Gsn (NLning Floal Pool) Bx 603 Mayo th 51 NE. Blaine 55434,latseOO5@ LARSEN Philip 0, Prolessor (Plant Path) 495 Bor H( ), 210 Slak H, 1310 NUIS8IY HII Lane Arden Hills 55112, , phii@, lax: >9726 LARSEN Robert E, Pl1ysicIan (Boynton-Gen Med Clinic) Boyn H5 ( ), CIin Assl Prof (Farn Practice & Community HIth), IarseOOl@ LARSEN Russell H, Assis1ant Professor (Anesthesiology) Bx 294 Mayo ( ). C596 Mayo,,LARSEN TII\8 B, Resaarch Assistant (Geology & Geophysics) 108 Pins H, line@ LARSON AJice A, Plo1essor (Vel Pa1hobioIogy) 235F An SCi/Y M( ), ( ), IarsoOl1@,lax: LARSON Allan 0, Dir (Camp/COl Level) (UMe-&temal Relations) WH Crookston ( ), (261-M37), 106 Tudor Ct, Crookston 56716, i.arson Ann L; Cardio-Pulm SJM!C (Cardiopulmonary Services) Bx 21,7 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, , 1ars0027@ LARSON Anne E, CIin Instr (Medicinal Chemistry), Abbol1 Northwestem Hospital. 800 E28th St, Minneapolis 55407, ( ).1arso096@ LARSON Aniath M, Assl Librarian (UMM-utJrary. Rodney Briggs) 240 RBI.ill Morris ( ), 405 E5th 51, Apt 10, Morris 56267, ,, fax: LARSON Barbara J, Teaching Specialist (Education-UMM) 315 Bellm Morris ( ), 76 HFA, 3 Sunnyslope Rd. Morris 56267, , LARSON Bart W, Assistant Plo1essor (Radiology), VA MadicaI center. One Vel8rana Dr, Nue Med 115, Minneapolis 55417,1arso094@ LARSON Beverty K, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Faci1it18s Mgmt-Adm) 202 Shops B (624-22ll8),1arso033@ LARSON BradJey T, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice). Cub Pharmacy 627, Robert St. W 51 Palil55118, ( ),1343 W18th St, Hastings 55033, larsol112@ LARSON Br8nt G. Ext EduC & Assl Prof (ME8-Oistricts). FiIImont Co Ext Ole. Masonic Bldg, 112 Main 51, Box 318, Preston ( ). 217 Chatlield Ave NW, Praston 55965, lax: LARSON C Robert, Assisiant Plo1essor (Health Mgml & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ). C309 Mayo. Hamilton Associates, 120 S 6th St, Suite Minneapolis ( ), 2165 Draper Ave, St Paul arsoOO3@ LARSON C8RJl A, Prin~(Student FIIl8IlCiaI AId, Ole 01)210 Fraser H( ), th Ave 5. Un118, Minneapolls 55407, , c-lars@vmbpcs.umn.8du,lax: ,584 LARSON C8RJl 0, Aaaoc Admin (Boynton-DentaI 1,04 Boyn HS ( ). 1arso019@ LARSON Cary G, Ext EduC & Inslr (MN Ext Serv-Di&rictlI), StaaIlI Co Ext 0Ic, County Admllllstnltloll Annex. 580 Dunnell Dr, Box 890, Owatonna ( ) St PaIiI Rd, Owatonna 55080, 45&3378, darson@ mes.umn.8du LARSON CalII'yn E, Exec ~ (8urgery-GanerII ex 195 Mayo ( P WB( ), 1arso051@ LARSON ChirIolIIl, Undergra Ras AsslII (ChemIstry) 139 SmilIl H( ) nd St 5, Apt A809, MinnaIIpoIs *003@ LARSON Ctwis A, Wonl Ploc SJM!C (Educational Psychology) 206E au H( ) Hickory HiD, Eagan , darson@. fax: LARSON Chrlatophar J, Jr SCientist (0I'aI SCiences) Moos T ( MarilIn ReI. RoeevIIe ,, lax: LARSON Corrine K, Temp/CasI Employ (UMM-HeIIth ServIce) C.A Gay Morris (589-al7O). ( ) LARSON Curtis l, Prof Emer lag EngJ, 2232 Ferris Lane, RoaevIIe 55113, , LARSON Daniel A, Aaaistant Plo1essor (1liagnoItic/SIa SCI) Moos T, LARSON Daniel E, Pl1ysicIan (Boynton-MentaI Health) Boyn H S( ),1arsoOO1@ LARSON David.J, Aa8l SCientist (HorticuIluraI SCience) 162 AIdar H( ). ( ), 1,171, Parlutdge Dr. WhIte Br T~ 55110, , LARSON Deln J. Accounts SJM!C (PrInting SeMcas) 19l1E P 5 B ( ( ).745 Broadway, HarmlOI1d W154015,laraol07@ LARSON Denis P, Exec Assl (PIRhasing) nd St ( ( ), ( HampeIint Ave N. Brooldyn Par1I 55445, , d-lars@ LARSON DannIs G, PainlIr (Faci1it18s Mgmt-Adrn) 200 Shops B ( ), 1arso076@ LARSON Dennis l, Reaearch Associa18 (MedIcinal CIlemistry) HS Unit F ( ) ( ). F& MPIlarmacy Earle Brown Dr. Brooklyn Cantllr 55430, ( ), Owatonna Circle NE, Anoka 55304, , LARSON 0IrW J. Accounts SJM!C (Sumrlw Session) 135 Joh H(lI24-4OOO), ( ), 258 Selby Ave. Apt 400. St Pa1i155102, 1anlOlI77@ LARSON DIane M. Srsec:r-y (Ilabbage tnst For HiIlllry 01 Ploc) 103Wa LIl ( ), Iars@ LARSON DonlIId M. Aaaoc Prof Emer (MecIIcN-UMD14276 Emerson ReI. DululII ~ lanroll1@maroon.lC.umn.eckJ LARSON Dorothy M, Prin s.ecr-y (Fac Mgml-Zone 6-Il) 16 Arch ( th Ave NE, Apt 312, St Anthony , 1anlo021@maroon.lC.umn.8du LARSON I:lcJIVaa c. Bldg agrds WIer 3 (Housing Services-San1or Hal) san H,Iarso074@ LARSON Emily l, Sr Accountant (HHH lnst PubI Atlra-Adrn) 300 HHHCtr ( ), eiarson@ LARSON &ltj, Jr~ (Fac Mgmt-Tech Const/GrolnII) 21,1 0 Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), LARSON &It W, Grad School FeIow (Sociology) 909 Soc SCi ( ), 1350 CIlarIes Ave, St PaIil55104, , LARSON Gary w, T-'*'9Assislanl. (8peecIl-Cornmun)46l! Fol H( Jade Lane, Eagan 55122, , LARSON Gerald E, Associa18 Pro/lISSOr (Fam Practice. & Corm1unIly Hllh1 Cambridge CInic, W7th Ave, Cambridge 55008, ( ), Cypress, Cambridge &-1552 LARSON Gregg A, <*laa8l Prof (ReslllratIve SCiences) Moos T ( ). ( ), 952 CooyTrail. St Pa1i155123, , LARSON HattIe M, Sr s.ecr-y (Medical SChooI-Adrn) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), wr8 H( ),1aIso081@ LARSON James E, Bldg I Grds Wkr 3 (FaciIlI8s Mgml-Adm) 200 Shops B, 8101 Wayzata Blvd, Golden VIIIIet 55426, ,1arso035@ maroon.ic.uim.8du LARSON.lR Jamas E, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Fac Mgmt-Zone 1-81 Paul) 200 Shops B ( ), 1105 Galtier St, St Pa1i155117, , LARSON Jamas 5, TempfCasl Employ (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( P WB. 1arao151@gold.te.umn.8du LARSON James W. Prin Accountant (Atx:o\lnting Services) 653D nd St( th Terraca NW, New Brighton 55112, j-larsl@vml.spcs.umn.8du LARSON Janice M, Prin s.ecr-y (Newoaurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), D429 Mayo ( ). LARSON Jean M, CImty Prog Assoc(MN LandscapeAr!lonlllm). MN Landscape Arboretum Ar!lonIlIm Dr. Box 39. Chanhassen 55317, ( OXX527), 6173 County Rd 6. Prir)ceton 55371, , larsoo! LARSON JeaMie T, Assistant Plo1essor (Dermatology) Bx 96 Mayo ( P WB( ), ( ). 1arso014@ LARSON Jerome 0, SrCmp err Op Mgr (1lislribul8d Computing 8ervice$) 11, Fol H ( ) th Ave 5. Minneapolis 55407, LARSON Joseph, Assl Farm An All (AE8-NW E8-CrookstIon), NWExperiment Station. Crookston 56716, (26HI614) LARSON Judith E, Non Univ StatI (U 5 0 A Forest 8erv) N C For (& ), 1arao116@ LARSON Juiie A, Teaching AssIstant (UM~ &Mental Health) Ad B Duluth (7~7985), 1913 E3rd St, Apt 2, Duluth 55612, LARSON Juliel, ShortTarm Employ (ME8-Collage of Human Ecoiogy). SwiIt Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, POBox 305, Benson 56215, ( ) LARSON Karen M. Gan Stall Nurse (NIning Float Pool), 2318 ArtIU St NE, Minneapolis lla-4323,Iarso053@rr* LARSON KatIvyn M, Accounts SJM!C (UMO-NRRI-Adminislration) 357 NRR I DululII ( lax: LARSON l.avome l, Food 8erv Wkr (H Main Food ServIce) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, LARSON Lea M, Resean:h Assistant (Physical Med & RehalJiIitalion) nd St, LARSON UncIa M. CoordinalDr (UMD-Alhletics, IntereoIIegiate) 170Sp HCDululII ( ). 301 Osakis St, DululII LARSON Loren J, an Assl Prof (Anesthesiolllgy) Bx 294 Mayo, AJIlISlhasioIogy, P A, kda/e Ave N. Apt 309. Robbinsdale 55422, (~711), HoIdridgeRdW, Wayzata , Iarso034@maroon.Ic.""',8du LARSON Lori A, Prin sec:r-y (law Sdllnstr) 285 Law, Iarso069@maroon.Ic.UIM.8du LARSON Lori A. Sr 0tIIce Assl (Univ Counseling & Consulting 8erv) 130 UIud CF( ), OmsfCora Project, 2520 Broadway Dr. RIll 130, Laud 55113, 5087 Sunnyside Rd. Mounds VllIw 55112, , Iarsol~.Ic.""',8du LARSON MJodi. Sr Sec:r8lIwy (GeognIphy).414 Soc SCi ( O),1arso036@ LARSON Margaret C, SociaJ Wkr, Prin (CUHce-Aduft MedIcaI), Comm Univ Health Care Ctr IIIoomington Ave 5, Minneapolis 55404, (627-4n4)

4 250 LARSON-LAUNDERGAN STAFF LARSON Marian 0, Prof Emer (ME8-CoIIege of Education), 1512 Transit Ave, St Paul 55113, , LARSON Mary C, Rasearch Assistant (Ins! of Child Dev) 134A Ch Dev ( ), 8031 Haye$ 81 NE, Minneapoli$ 55432, LARSON Mary E, PrIn Lab Tech (Vet Pathobiology) 205 Vet S ( ), ( ), lanlo029@, fax: LARSON Mary J, Gen Stat! Nurse (CBrdiovascular SUrg/Progr ~ PCU6C Mayo(~), ,Iarso045@ LARSON Marya 0, Sr Data Entry apr (Ole oflhe Regill1rar-8tu Contact) 150 Wm~ H( ), , ~l5o@ LARSON Melanie A, Bldg & Grels Wkr 3 (FaclIities Mgmt-Adm) 2 Nich H( ), 5676 Brandlwood Ct, WhIte Bear Lake 55110, ,lar$ LARSON Michele l, Exee 5ecretary (UMD-EngIi$h) 410 H Duluth (72&-8228), 5029 IdleWild St. Duluth 55804, LARSON Michelle A, Sr Secretary (H SocIal Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), C-351Mayo, ~141@ LARSON Muree l, Cmnty Prog Am (P$ychoIogy) N218 Ell H( ), 1839 Portland Ave, 81 Paul 55104, ,larso023@ LARSON Nancy A, Word Proc Spec (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ), th Ave NE, 81 Anthony 55418, , LARSON Nels E, Assoc Director, Umhc (H Rn Dlr8ClOr$) Bx 704 Mayo ( ), PWB, 2930 Medicine Ridge Rd, Plymouth 55441, , LARSON Pamela A, Gen Stat! Nurse (NurIling Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, 3037 Kentucky Ave S, 81 Louis Park 55426, , auran002@ LARSON Patricia Jar!, Med Tech Spec (Ho$p Lab$-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), C285 Mayo ( ), ~ LARSON Paul E, PrIn Data En! apr (C811 Biology &Neuroanatomy) Jac H( ), ( ), 7381 Jeck$on St NE, Fridley 55432, , paul@$ LARSON Paul H, Assistant Prole$SOl' (Lab Medicine & Pathology), North Memorial Medical Canter, 3300 Oskdale Ave N, Golden Valley 55422, ( ), 7500 Winnetka Heights Dr, Golden Valley 55427, ,1arso092@. LARSON Paull, Prof Emer (MN Ext 5erv-Educ Dev SV$l), 1221 Frankie Lane, Mora 55051, , ~114@ LARSON Paul N, C1in Prof Emsr (0bstatI1cs & Gynecology), Paul Larson Ob-Gyn ClInic, 8517 Dr'ew Ave S, Minneapolis 55435, ( ), 5708 SBlake Rd, Edina 55438, , IarsollO@ LARSON Rand J, InstnJctor (Pharmacy Practica), Johnson Street Phannacy, 2847 Johnson 81 N E, Minneapolis 55418, ( ), 5840 Oxford St, Shoreview 55126, ,larsolO8@ LARSON Raymond L, Ventilation Mech (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ),1315 Hilo Ave, Oakdale 55128, , ~ LARSON Richard E, CIin Assoc Prof (Surgery-General), SUrgicalCon$U1tants PA, Soulhdele Med Bldg, SUite 210, 8545 S France Ave, Edina 55435, ( ), 4820 Bywood 81 W Minneapoli$ 55438, , Iarso093@ LARSON Robert l, Sr Ca$hfFood AllIe (UMe-Food 5ervice) 512 Fd serv Crookston LARSON Roger A, Prof Emsr (General CoI~Ins!-Bu$ Studie$/Law) 240 Ap H( ), 9441 Riverview Ave, Bloomington 55425, , LARSON Roger J, Ext Educ & Prof (ME5-Di$llicl$), Pro!e$SOl', Chippewa Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, Montevideo 56285, (~1), th Ave SW, Montevideo 56285, , LARSON Ruby J, A$$t Sclentillt (Medicine) Bx 91 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 795 WCounty Rd F, Shoreview 55126, ,larsol39@ LARSON Sara E, Otlica Spec (Envrn & Occupational Health) Univ Av se ( ),larso038@ LARSON Sharon K, Non Univ Stat! (Military SCience (Army Rotc») 108 Armory ( ), ( ),larso137@ LARSON Sheryl A, Rfi Fellow (educational Psychology) 214B PI H( ), 2503 County Rd H, 81 Paul 55112, 7ll4-8413,1arso072@, fax: LARSON Stephanie K, Student Pars Wkr (MBA Cambe-Central) 295 H HHCtr ( ), larse022@ LARSON Tammy J, Prln Sectetary (Vet Pathobiology) 301A Vet S( ),t-lanl@, lex: LARSON Terry W, Malnt & Opar Mech (Fee Mgmt-Mech Malnt) Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ),368 Hwy 81 E, Two Harbors 55616, LARSON Thomas 0, Oir (Camp/Col Laveij (R8$lorative ScIences) Moos T ( ), ( ),9943 Kell Ave S, BloomIngton 55437, ,, fax: LARSON Timothy 0, Assistant Proleslior (Forest Producl$) 108 Kaul L ( ~ 2718 Hamtille Ave N, St Paul 55113, , tinon@ LARSON Tom A, Dspl Director (Phannacy Practical, VA Medical Cantar, One Veterails Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X3110~ DucklakeTraii, Eden Prairie 55348,1arso098@ LARSON Verna, Laundry Worker (Laundry Servicas) PB ( ), Elmcr8st Ave, Hugo 55038, 1aIso057@ LARSON Vickie L, Sr Med Tech/CJln (Hosp Lab$-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo (82&-5910), U HO$p, lars0052@ LARSON Virgil, Sr Appllc Progr (SUrgery-General) Bx 732 Mayo ( ), 318 VCR C, 2270 Carter Ave, St Paul 55108, ,1arso071@, fax: , pager: LARSON Vtrglnia L, Ubrary ~ 3 (Art HIslllry) 107 JOn8$ H( ), lars0037@ LARSON Wendy K, Cart SUrg Tech (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo, larsolo3@ LARSON Wendy S, Edttor (Graduete. School-Admin) 322 Joh H( ),Iarso085@. LARSON William L, Anistant ProIfisor (Pharmacy Practica), Clinical Phannacy Advantage, 5701 Green Valley Dr, Minneapolls 55437,larso089@ LARSON William R, Assistant Professor (Re$torative Sclence$) Moos T, 3844 A$hbury Rd, Eagan 55122, 888-&C84,IarsoOO7@ LARSON-VON HELLWIG Margaret, PrIn Dets Pr Tech (UMM-Ubrary, Rodney Briggs) RBlib Morri$ ( ), 204.E 9th St. Box 532, Mon1a , margaret@caa.rm.umn.edll, fax: LARSSON Alison J, Rfiearch Assistant (food Scl & Nutrilion)225 FSC N( ), 248 A B L M S,larn001@ LARTER J_ M, Nati Rfi 5erv FelloW (Nur8Ing, Sch O1-Prog & Rfi) HSUnit F.( ), Daltoo Ave NE, M0ntlce1Io 55362, , LARVINSON Gary A, Rfi Plot Tech (Ag Eng) 213 Ag Eng, send PlaIn R_arch Farm, POBox 344, Becker 55308, ( ), 231 Metn SI, Apt 2, Elk River 55330, ,1arvIOO1@ LASHER Deborah G, Sr A8$ Nurse CIIn (Medicine) Bx 108 Mayo ( ), 154A Moos T ( ),1810 Oekvlew Ln N, Plymouth 55441, la$heoo1@ LASKEY Joan l, Par DIarn - GIn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, Ia$keD01@ LASKIN Rosalind L, Instructor (Music) 238 Ferg H ( ),515 SLaxlngton Pky, Apt 601, 81 Paul 55116, , laskioo1@maroor! LASLETT Barbara R, Prole$SOl' (Sociology) 909 Soc Scl ( ), 494 Ford H ( ~ ( ), 2533 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 55405, LAILETT SII'Ih H, Teeching Assistant(~ StudIeI) 104SCOtt H( ), 1308 PowdlIrhom Terr, Apt 105, MlMeIpoIIs 55407, , LA8LET MattIMw W, Sr Sectetary (NursIng Admlnlllritlon) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, 4625 Nic01iet Ave S, ApI 3, MinneapoIIa 55409, 822..c:l39,1IalIOO1@ LAINER Josaph M, Med Fel Spec(Medicine) Bx 278 Mayo ( ), 337 VCR C, 4432 Abbott. Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, ,lasniOO1@ LAIOFF Sue A, CoordIna1llr (IliIIbIIty 8ervIces) 12 Joh H( ), ( ), 1asoIOO2@ LA88 Barbara A, Non Univ Stat! (PadIatrIcs) Bx 712 Mayo ( ), PWB, Univ AvS E, L.uaxOO1@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu LAlI8EGAIlD James P, Sr 5ecretary (HHH Ins! PubI AlIrs-Adm) 230 HHHCtr ( ), 730 FaIrvtew Ave"N, Apt 7, St Paul 55104, , LASUR Robert B, CIIn Assl Prof (Medicine) Bx 194 Mayo, Drs Prof Bldg, SUIs 855, 280 NSmIth, St Paul55102,1assaOO1@ LASSLE PatrIcIa A, Teeching AsslstInt (ArchItecbn) 110 Arch, 8817 W35th St. Apt 104, St LouIs Park 55426, ,IasIIOO1@ LA88IIAN DIane 0, Program Dir(Ctr For AppI A8$ Exchange) 118 UPrMs( ), (~),l225lasaleaves,apt2301, MInneapoIs 55403, ,18JImOO1@ LA88IIAN Frank M, Professor (Ot01aryngoIogy) Bx 398 Mayo ( ~ (PhysIcal Med & RehabiIlItIon) PWB( ), (Comm DIsorders~ , 1assmOO2@, lax: LAST Julie A, Research AsslstInt (ChemIcal Eng & Met SCi) 95 Amund H, 1170 EngIawood Ave, 81 Paul56104,1astx001@ LATCHAW Richard E, Professor (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), ( Chuewood Dr, Eden PraIrIe 55344, , IItchOOl@ LATENIIRE88E SUsen, PrIn Sectetary (Envrn & OCCUpatIonal HaaIth) Bx 807 Mayo (628-4l9OO), 1260 Mayo, th Ave S E, Minneapolis , suelet@maii.eoh.umn.~, lex: LATIWI MIchael E, Teeching Assistant (StratagIc MMagement) 835 MgmtJEcon ( ), UndergrI Res AsslI, 1548 Hegue Ave 81 Paul 55104, ,1athIOO1@ LATHIlOP Alan K, Professor (Ubrary-Coll & ""-vetions)826 Berry 81(627"'199),121 WlIShington Ave S, ApI 814, Minneapolis 55401,, a-ia1h@vml.spcs.uim.~ LAT1IlOP AIIord A, Assoc Admin (Ubrary-Pub 5erv & Branch) 70 Ferg H( ), th AveS, MinneIpoIIs55406, , a-lathl@ LA_ laurie A, Med/Cllll Lab Tech (Hasp LabI-Illood Bank) Bx 188 Mayo, IatImOOl@ LA TOUR Carmelle Y, Sr 5ecretary (UMD-Educ & Human Svc Prof-Adm) 113Boll HDuluth ( ) LAn-ARt Dome M, MId Fel Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 110 WGrant St. Apll5G, MInneIpoIII55403, IattlIOOl@ LATlBlELL CIIlnen M, InstructIlr (UMD-Meth & StstIs1Ics) 108 HHDuluth ( ), 209 Engr B LATlBlELLJosaph J, ProIIIssor (Scl & Meth-UMM) On Lfive 94/95 LATTERY KevIn, Teeching Assistant (Philosophy) 355 Ford H( ), ( ), 822~70, LAm EIIzab8th l, Cmnty Prog Assoc (PediIlIlcs) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), 0115 Mayo 1817 Bohland Ave, 81 Paul55116,1IttaOO2@ LAm ElIot M, C1ln Assoc Prof (MedIcIne), Intamal MecIIcInf ChIcago Ave, Minneapolis 55404, ( ),IIttsOO3@ LAm 5andar M, AssocIatII Professor (Gen CoI-IIlIl-Psydl/Soc SCi) 154 Ap H( ), 1539 Grand Ave, St Pi1u155105, ( ), IattsOOl@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LATVALA CarrIe J, Otlica Spec (AdmlssIona-Processing) 240 wmson H ( ), th Ave S, MlnneapoIIs 55417, LATZIG Darren L, Med/Cllll Lab Tech (Hosp ~) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, Hanover Lane, Apple Valley 55124, LAU Kevin 0, Electro Sys Spec (H BlomedIcaI ~) Bx 183 Mayo,IauxxOO4@ LAU Lynn M, Prln Lab Tech (Medicine) Bx 192 Mayo ( ), 188VC RC GarlIeId Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , IauXXOO1@ LAU Manhol, Med Fe! Spec(0bstatI1cs & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, th Ave SE, ApI E, Minneapolis 55414,331"'717,IauxxOO3@ LAU Metthew Y, ResearcIl AnIstant (EcU:ationaJ PaydIoIogy) 350 Ell H( ), 6ll3O N Sheridan Rd, ApI 575, ChIcago IL 80826,;umn.~ LAU NIna, Teaching Assistant (PIydlology) N218 Ell H( ), 4438 Timber HI Dr, SUgar Land TX 77479, ,1auxxOO5@.. liiiii'! LAU Patrick, ResearcIl Asslstant (Corilputer ScIence} E E/C Scl ( ); P41Uon 81 SE, Apt 301, Minneapolis 55414, , LAUBE Herbert H, Assistant Professor (Fam Practica & Community Hlth) 1300S 2nd 81 ( ), ( ), Creekside Family PhyslcIans, Methodist HcxIpItaI, 8600 Excalsior Blvd, 81 louis Park 55426, ( ), 4008 Cedarwood Rd, St LouIs Park 55416, 927"'746, laubeoo3@ LAUBE KetMa l, PrIn Lab Tech (Vet DIagnostIc MedIcine) 244 Vet 0 L ( ), , LAU8ER8HEIMER Charles M, Pipeftltar (FaclIItIes Mgmt-Adm) Shops B, 1aubeOO1@ LAUDENBACH Philene T, Short Term Employ (UMD-Bookstora) 175 KSC Duluth ( ), 1816Jatlerson SI, Apt 13, Duluth LAUDERT Martha -A, GardenlIr (HortIcultural ScIence) 305 Alder H(824-3OlIO), 370 Gm H, LAUDON Robert T, Prof Emer (Music), th Ave S E, MlnneapoJls 55414, , LAUER Florian I, Prolelaor (Horticultural ScIence) 338 Alder H( ), 1738 Tatum St. 81 Paul 55113, ,IauerOO2@ LAUERGerald A, Exec Assl (Energy Management-Admin) 200 Shops B( ), Portland Ave, BumsvIIe 55308, , LAUER James l, Sr PublIc HIlh Spec (Envlronmental HaaIth & 8aIety) Wl40 Boyn HS ( ), LAUER Janelle l, Sr Lab TeCh (Lab MedIcine & Pathology) Moos T ( ), 1auerOO7@ LAUER Joan M, GIn Stat! Nurse (OncoIogy-Masonk: 3) PCUm3 Mayo, Mas Can Ctr, 1729 Rome Ave, 81 Paul 55118, , laueroo3@ LAUER Suzanne R, Gen Stat! Nurse (H Home HaaIth) Bx 722 Mayo, 1263 Thomas Ave, 81 Paul.55104, , LAUFERS SlaVe C, Info Sys AnfProg OSD-Managernent 8ervk:es) Bx 507 Mayo ( ), R568 Ch RC, 405 SheIanl Pky, ApI 204,81 LouII Park 55426, ,lauleOO1@ LAUGtlUN Betty A, Prin Lab Tech (0bstatI1cs &. Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 809 Curlew, 81 Paul 55114, ( ), 1481 Henry Lane, Maplewood 55119,1atqlOO1@ LAUM8 MIcheeI 0, NurIling Sta Tech (PedIatrics-5A) PCUSA Mayo ( ),. > LAUllEYERJamn A, Laciturer (UMD-CtrFor Econ Ed) 110 SB EDuluth ( ), ~N-O 0 T, 1123 Mesaba Ave, Duluth 55811, ( ), 1722 Morningside Ave, Duluth 55803, , lex: I.AlINDEIICWI J Clark, ProIellsor (UMD-SoclOJogy/AnthropoIogy) 228 CIna Duluth ( ), ( ),1956 Woodhaven Lane, Duluth 55803, ,

5 UN.IVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF LAUNDERGAN-LEATHERBERRY 251 LAUNDEROAN Jean A, Exec Secretary (UMD-Industrlal ~) 176 Engr B Duluth ( ), 1956 Woodhaven Lana, Duluth 55803, , LAUNER CynthIa A, Res Fellow (Biostatistlc8) Unlv Av se ( ), 3415 Harriet Ava S, Mlnneapolls SS406, , cyndi@ ' LAURINO sandra J, Physician (Family Practic:e & Comm Health) Bx 381 Mayo, Instructor6-240 PW B, SOl NState SI, Waseca S6093, ( D), LAURITZEN Herbert, Clln Assoc Prof Emer (Madlclne), Park Nicollet MedIcal center, 2001 BIalsdeII Ava, Minneapolis SS404, ( ), laurloo2@ LAURITZEN Karen E, ConlroIIer (Business 5ervices-Adm) 626D 1300 S2nd St( ), LAURSEN Slaven B, Asst DBan (Nat Reaourc&s, College Of-Adm) 250 Nal Rea Ad ( ), 1480 Park SI, Apt 317, WhIte Bear Lake 55110, ,, fax:612~7 LAUSCHER cethleen, Prin secretary (Chamk:al Eng & Mat SCi) 151 Amund H( ), LAUTER M David, Asst Prof Emer (Fam Practice &COmmunity HIth), 12 Hospital Dr, York 03909, ( ),lauteOO1@ LA VAW Cheryl A, Bldg &Grels Wkr 2 (HousIng 5erv1ces-BaIIey HalQ Ba H( ), ( ) 1625 WMinnehaha, Apt 309, St Paul 55104, IavalOO3@ LA VAW Gloria, SrBldg &Grd Wkr (Housing 5ervIces-Coms1ock Hall) B-5 COm H( ), ( ),1676Sherburne, St Paul 55104, , IavalOO4@ LA VALLEUR June, AssIstant Professor (Obstetrics & Gynecology) Bx 39S Mayo ( ), Moos T( ), University SpaclaIlsts, th Ava S, Suite 804, Minneapolis SS4S4, (376-76S0),lavaIOO1@ LAVECCHIA omelia, Lecturer (French & italian) 280 Fol H( ), ( ), th Ava SE, Minneapolis 55414,lavecOO1@, fax: LA VELLE Verna M, Sr Secretary (General, Counsel, Ole of) 32S Mor H( ), 1757 Thomas Ava, Apt 4, St Paul 55104, , IavalOO1@ LAVEZZI Tracy E, Research AssIstant (Astronomy) 244 Phys ( ), th St S E MInneapoIls 55414, , IavazOO2@, LA VlGNE Pamela A, Editor (Unlv Relations) 6 Mar H( ), , p1avlgne@,, fax: LAVIK Kristine V, Ole Sup Spec Exec (H Horne Health) Bx 722Mayo ( ), VOSsbOO1@ LA VlUA Sigrid G, Prin Lab Tech (Medicine) Bx 166 Mayo ( ), V4SS VFWC RC, ,laviIOO1@ LAVIN Patrick R, Program Dir (Acad CounsaIIng-lntelIg AthQ 226 BFA B ( ), 203 Birnamwood Dr, Burnsville 55337,~, IavinOOS@ LAVINE Howard G, Taaching Assistant (Psychology) N331 Ell H( ), 1avin002@, LAVINE Lance A, Professor (Architecture) 110 Arch ( ), ( ), ( ), 33SO Humboldt Ava S, Minneapolis SS406, , 'IavinOO1@ LA VINE Sylvia N, Gen Staff Nurse (Pedlatrics-7A) Bx 66 Mayo ( ),165 Luce Une Ridge, Maple Plain SS3S9, IavinOO3@ LAVOIE Jane 0, Sr SCientist'(OphthaImoIogy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PWB, 2127 Iglehart Ave, St Paul '55104, , lav0i002@ LA VOlE Matthew P, Asst SCientist (GenetIcs & Cell Biology) 250 Bio SCi ( ), 1466 Almond Ava, St Paul 55108, ,lavoie@ LA VONE Janice A, Short Term Employ (Student Flnanclal Aid, Ole of) 210 Freser H, j-lavo@ LAW Andrew, Admin,Fellow (Inst of Ind StudIes & Programs) 106 Nich H( ), ( ), IawxxOOS@ LAW Cynthla'M, 0fIk:a Spec (H CornmunIca1ions Ctr) Bx 5 Mayo ( ), A-399 Mayo,1I10 S Me Knight Rd, M~ 55119, , lawxxoo6@ LAW Devallna, Research Assistant (Phallllllceutk:s) HS Unn F( ), th Ave SE, Apt F, MlnneepoIis 55414, , lawxxoo2@ LAW PIng Y, AssocIate Professor (Pharmacology) Mlrd H( ), Moos T ( ), IawxxOO1@, fax: LAWAL Beverly A, Sr Food 5erv Wkr (H Stadon, 5ervice) Bx 64 Mayo, lawajoo2@ LAWAL Jamie A, Gen Staff Nurse (Neonatal Intensive Csre-3C) PCU3C Mayo, IawalOO1@ LAWIEN Nancy K, Food Serv inkr (UMD-Food & Vending Svcs) 270 K S C Duluth, S990 BIrch PoInt Rd, Ssglnaw 55779, LAWRENCE Adrienne R, Word Proc Spec (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res) HSUnn F ( ),2163 Margaret Sl, St Paul 55119, , LAWRENCE Carol A, Cmnty Prog Spec (General Col~Adm) 109 Ap H( ), ( ), ( ), IawreOll@ LAWRENCE Damon M, Electronics Tech (H Automadon Systems) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), Cl65-1 Mayo, WyomIng Ava S, Bloomington 55438, 941"5381l,1awreOO6@ LAWRENCE Donald B, Prof Emer (Plant Biology) 220 BIo SCi ( ), (Ecology, Evolution & Bahavior), th Ava S, MInnaapoh SS406, , LAWRENCE ErIc 0, Research Assistant (PoIltlcaJ SCIence) 1414Soc ScI ( ), rd Ate S, Apt A21, Minneapolis SS404, , LAWRENCE Gecflrey F, Research Assistant (Aslronorny) 146 Phys ( ), ( ), LAWRENCE Gloria J, Prin 8ecretary (Human Ecology, College Of-Adm) 32 Me N H( ), ( ), S22 Baaver Oem Dr, Ceder 55011, , LAWRENCE Kerlna M, Admissions Interv (H ContraetsJPatient Rep) Bx 709 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, Iawre012@ LAWRENCE Lynn S, Sr Vet Tech (Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) 300 Vet Tch HOI ( ), 5720 Longfellow Ava, Minneapolis 55417, , LAWRENCE Muriel, Exec 8ecretary (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 3SO VCR C ( ), IawreOD4@ LAWRENCE Pareena G, Assistant Professor (Soc SCl-UMM) 109 Cern MorriS ( ) LAWRENCE Palricla M, Reap Ther Pract (Cardiopulmonary ServIces) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, IawraOO9@ LAWRENCE Peggy L, Food Oper Mgr (Food Svcs) EB C EC ( ), Iohnxool@ LAWRENCE Terri K, Outpa Clinic Asst (H OPD-Pedlatrlce) Bx 66 Mayo ( ), th Lane NW, Coon Raplds 55433, , LAWRENCE SCIWlLAU Ca1herIne R, Research Assistant (Child DevaIopmant, Ins! of) Ch Dev, 26 River Terrace Ct, Mlnneapolls 55414, , lawre002@ LAWRENZ Frances P, Professor (Currlculum & Instructlon) 3S6 PeIk H( ), 4711 Fowell Dr, Minneapolis SS406, S1,1qh6157@ LAWROW Susan A, Gen Staff Nurse (4C-MedicaI Intensive cere) PCU4C Mayo, JawroOC)l@ LAWSON C8roIe A, Asst Educ Spec (Disability 5ervIces) 30 Nlch H( ), ( ),80 Oak SI, Mahtomedi 55115, , IawsollOl@ LAWSON FIorella, Operations Supv (Fac Mgmt-Zone 2-West Bank) 307 Shops B ( ), 181 And H, 621 Newton Ava N, Minneapolis 55411, IawsoOO3@ LAWSON Mary B, Teechlng SpeclaHst (UMD-Management Studies) 110 SB EDuluth, St Louis Co Social 5ervIces, Stall DevaIopment, 320 W2nd St, Suite 404, Duluth SS802, ( ), 6266 Homestead Rd, Duluth SS804, S25-4SS2 LAWSON StephanIe A, Sr0fIIce Supv (SCh of Mathemallcs) 127 YIn H( ), 5133 Oakland Ava S, Minneapols 55417, ,lawsoOO4@, fax: LAWSON Wendy A, AppIIcadons Prog (Surgery-6anerel) Bx 166 Mayo ( ), PWB,lawsoOOS@ LAWTHER ChrIs E, Assistant Professor (PravantIva SCiences) 6-S38 Moos T ( ), 3700 Fremont N, Minneapolis 55412, ( ), IawthOO1@ LAXSON Devld D; AssocIate Professor (Medicine) Bx S06 Mayo ( ), 290 VCR C, IaxsoOO1@ LAY DonaJd P, Prolassor (Law SchooI-Instructlon) 344 Law ( ), ( ), Federal Bldg, SuIte sao, 316 N Robert Sl, St Paul 55101, ( ), 17 Eagle Ridge Rd, North Oaks 55127, ,layxxOO1@ LAY Mary M, Prolassor (Rhetoric) 201 Hckr H ( ); ( ),1150 Skillman Ava W, Rosevile 55113, , mmlay@ LAYER James M, CIIn Asst Prof (Ophthalmology), Edina Eye ClInIc, 3938 WSOIh Sl, EdIna 55424, ( ),4121 Monterey Ava S, Edina 55416, , layeroo1@ LAYESE MIegue F, Jr SCientist (SoIl SCi) 439 Bor H( ), 1515 Hythe St, St Paul 55106, S, LAYLAND PhyllIs L, Da1a Entry Supv (BiostatIslIcs) Univ Av se ( ), laylaool@ LAYLAND Roxanne M, 'Accounts Spec (MN Ext Serv-AdmInIs1ralIon) 415 Col H( ), ( ),9 Shepherd Ct, Clrcle Pines 55014, , LAYMAN Thomas E, CIIn Asst Prof (F8I1l Practice & Communny HIth), MedIcal Arts Bldg, Suite 502, 625 NIooIIet Mall, Minneapalis SS402, ( ), 962S Upton CIrcle, BloomIngton 55431, , laymaool@, LAYTON EdwIn T, Prolassor (SCience & Technology, Hlstof) 125 Mech E( ), 2816 Webster AveS, Stlouis Park 55416, , LAZAIIUS WIIIam 1', AssocIate ProfesSor (Ag & ApplIed Econ}217C CLA Off ( ), S63S Knkerry Ct S, ShorevIew 55126, wiazerus@, fax: LAZDA-cAZERS Rasma I, Teaching Assistant (Garmen, SCSndInavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H ( ), , lazdaool@ LAZERINE NaIl G, Nursing Asst (Cardiovascular SurgJProgr Care-8C) PCU6C Mayo, 121 Washington Ava S, Apt 1205, Minneapolis 55401, , LE Chap T, Prolassor (Iliostallsdcs) Bx 303 Mayo ( ), A46S Mayo ( ), chap@ LE Dec 0, Hosp M &0 Mech (H Malnt & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), C-l07 Mayo ( ), LouisIana Ava S, BIoomlngton 55438, ,IexxxOO3@ LE DInh Ba;Research Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mal SCQ 86 Amund H( ), 1515 S4th St, Ap! E806, MInneapoIls SS4S4, , LE Gosy Gnoh 0, Assoc Admin (Ole of AdmIsslona-AdmIn) 240 Wmson H( ), LE HUng Q, Grad School Trelnes (IntnI Studies, 1na1 of) 214 Soc SCi ( ), th St S E, Apt loll, MfnneapoIIs 55414, , ' IeXXX012@ LE Mul 0, Research AssIstant (Geography) 414 Soc SCi ( ),' 410 Bleg H, th Ave S E, Apt 302, MlnneapaIis 55414, , LE Thanh T, Teaching AssIstant (Economics) 1035 MgmtfEcon ( ~ 18014th SI, Apt F305, MInneapolis SS4S4, 332~11, IexxxOO6@ LE Toan A, Undergre Tch Asst II (Summer Session) 514 YIn H, LE Trung Q, Food 5erv Wkr (H cefeteria) Bx 64 Mayo ( ), C26S Mayo ( ), L.ouisIana Ave S, Bloomington 55438, , IeXXXOll@ LE Tuen A, Lab Attendant (BIochemls1ry-Med SCh) 4 22S MIrd H( ), IexxxOl3@ LE Van B, Ubrary Asst 1 (MlnItex) MWL ( ), ( ), Iexxx007@ maroon lc LEA Amy J, Gen Staff Nurse (Eye, En! Neurology-6B) PCU6B Mayo, , matheoo7@ LEACH Carol M, Exec Secretary (Diagnostic/Surgical SCi) Moos T ( ), st Place N, Maple Grove '55369, ,, fax: LEACH Terry W, General Malnt Spy (Boynton-Maintenance) 104 Boyn HS( ), st Place N, Maple Grove 55369, , LEACH-RUDAWSKJ MaryJ, Teaching Assistant (English Language & Ut) 207 Und H( ), 66S SChlfsky Rd, Shoreview 55126, , LEADON Eugene J, Ubrery Asst 2 (Ubrary-Pub serv & Branch) M WL ( ), ( ), S440 S Grand Ava, MInneapolis 55419, , LEAF Donn S, Clln Asst Prof (Lab Medicine & Pathology), St Johns Hospital, 1407 W4th, Red Wing 5S066, ( ), 901 Central Ava, Red Wing SS066, LEAF Thomas A, Clln Asst Prof (Fam Practice & Communny HIth) Bx 361 Mayo, North Branch Clinic, 7th &Oak, North Branch SSOS6, ( ) POBox 452, North Branch SSOS6, , leafxoo6@ LEAF llmothy, Research Assistant (Chamlcal Eng & Mat SCi) 62 Amund H( ), 337 Sn H, , LeafxOO3@maroon.Te.Umn.Edu LEAF ASP Jonathan P, Clln Instr (Fam Prectlos & COmmunity HIth), 3366 Oakdale Ava N, Robbinsdale 55422, ( ), IeafaOO1@ LEAHY Judith M, Exec Asst (HHH Inst Publ Aflrs-Adm) 230 HHHCtr ( ), 296 Macslestar SI, St Paul 55105, , jleahy@, fax: LEAHY Michael H, Prin1.ab Mechlnst (Mechanlcsl Engineering) 171 Mech E( ), th St N, Oakdale 55126, m -5140, leahyoos@ maroon, pager: LEAHY Patrick F, senior Eh&S Tech (Environmental Health &safety) Unlv Av se ( ),1372 SChaffer Ava, St Paul 55116, , IeahyOO3@ LEAK Vance G, SCientist (UMD-Cartd/Mlnerals Duluth Revolving) 145 NRRI Duluth ( ), ( ), 7948 SNajl Rd, South Range WI LEAKE Ann F, Teaching Specialist (English As A second Language) 190 Kia Ct ( ), S23 Blrcherest Dr, River Falls WI S4022, , leakeod1@ LEAKE Larry W, Assistant Professor (UMC-Agricultural Mgmt)HIH B Crookston ( ), Crookston Municipal Airport, Hwy 75, Crookston 56716, (281-6S10X8114), 3SS S Broadway, CrookslOO 56716, 261-6SS1,lleake@ LEAMAN Jeff, B, Operadons Supv (Fae Mgmt-Zone 3-Health SCQ Bx 59 Mayo ( ), Bl17 Moos T, 5630 Logan Ave N,Mlnneapolls 5S430, Ieernaool@ LEAMAN Karan M, Adj Instr (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res), Hennepin County Medical center Crisis Home Program, 701 Park Ava S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ),leamaOO2@ LEARY Eleanor A, Student Resident Adv (HOUSing services-bailey Hall) Ba H( ), leary002@ LEARY Robert J, Pro! Emer (MN Ext Serv-Mgmt Opar), Rt 2, Box 8, La center 56057, , learyoo3@ LEARY Rolfe A, Associate Professor (N centrel Exp SIS) 527 NC For ( ), ( ), 1362 WIowa Ava, St Paul 55108, , learyoo1@ LEASE Eleanor M, Sr Secretary (Animal SCience) 203 Pat H( ), nd St N, Hugo SS038, , LEASE JR M Harry, Professor (UMD-PoIltIcaI SCience) 304 Cina Duluth ( ), ( ), 2320 Harvard Ave, Duluth 55803, 72"';2153, pol@), fax: LEATHERBERRY Eari C, SCientist (U SDA Forest Serv) 513 NC For ( ), ( ), leathoo3@

6 252 LEATHERMAN-LEE STAFF LEATHEIIIWl J8rnes W, Assistant Professor (Medlclne), Hennepin County Medical center, 701 Park Ave S, M"lnneapolis 56415, ( ), 2211 W49th St. MtnneapoIIs LEATHERS Ruth A, Asst Acad Advisor (UMD-Science ~ Eng, ColI of Adm) 140 Engr B Duluth ( ) LEAVELL Sheila J, Sr AnalyslfProgr (Epidemiology) S 2nd St ( ), th St. Coraville IA 52241, , LE8AHN FIIIIICIlI18 H, Cmnty Prog Spec (MedicIne), VAMedIcal center; RnNrch S8rvlce (151), One V8lerans Dr, Minneapolis 56417, (725-2OOOX4185),2281 Edgcumbe Rd, St Paul 55116,lI9().3700,1eblIhOO1@ LEBIEN Tucker W, ProIes8or (Lab MedicIne & Palhology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Owre H, POBox 8155, St Paul 55108, , IebieOOl@ LE'BLANC Joan M, B1dg &GIds Wkr 3 {Housing 8eMces-Frontier HaU) B202 PI H, 1ebla003@ LEBLANC Lany P, B1dg & GIds Wkr 3 (Facillties Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, 782 Burr St. St Paul 55101, ,IebIaOO2@ LE BLANC Lan G, Instructor (Pharmacy Praetlc8), Lake Elmo Pharmacy, S1lIIwa1llr Blvd N, Lake Elmo 55042, ( ), 1ebla005@ LE BLANC Paula R, PrIn 8ecretary (UMD-AlhIetics, lnlercoiiegiate) 179 Sp HC Duluth ( ~ 1108 Aimee Dr, Proctor 55810, , LE BLANC Rosemary C, C8rt MedIcal Asst (CUHce-AduIt MedIcal) C UHC C ( ), 1ebla001@ LE ION Karen M, FacIIltIes Plan (Facillties Mgmt-Planning & Prog) 100 Shops B( ), 745 Osceola Ave, St Paul 55105, , IebonOOl@ LEBOW AIyson S, Cmnty Prog Assoc (Payc:hlatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), B690 Mayo, tebowool@ LEBOW Boyd S, RnNrch Assistant (PaydloIogy) 425 Ell H ( ~ tebowoo3@ LEBOW Steven S, CIIn Asst Prof (Neurology), Noran NeuroIoglcaI Clinic, 910 E 28th St. SuIte 210, Minneapolis 56404, ( ), 808 NTyrol TraH, Golden Valley 56416, tebowoo4@ LEBOWSKJ Barbara M, Prin 8ecralary (H Nutrition AdmIn) ex 64 Mayo ( ), e-265 Mayo,lebowOO2@ LE CHEVAUER Mark A, lcemakar (Sports Fee/Golf Course Main! Ctr) 226 BFA B ( ), ( ), ( ),1echeOO1@ LECK Patrk:iil G, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (MES-Illstricls~ KandIyohI Co Ext Ole, 905 W Utchlield Ave, Box 977, WiMmar 58201, ( ), LECKEY W1IIam B, Spec Rev Tech (Hasp Labs-srt) ex 198 Mayo, UHasp, leckeoo1@ LE CLAIR Margaret A, Prln 8ecralary (Illstributed Computing Sarvices) 152 Shep Lab ( ), LE CLAIRE Gary D, Info Sys Opr SUpv (ISD-Computer Sarvices) Bx 507 Mayo ( ) R150 Ch Re( ),1ecIa002@ edu LE CLAIRE Michele M, R_rch Assistant (Medicine) ex 101 Mayo ( ), PW B leciaoo3@ LECUYER-KOICH Anne M, Gen Stat! Nurse (Hasp Labs-Blood Bank) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), P WB, 1020 Terraoa Lane, S St Paul ,1ecuyOO1@ LECY Gregory G, AssIstant Professor (Diagnos1lc/Surglca ScI) MOos T ( ),1ecyxOO1@ LECY Mk:haeI A, Phys Therapy Ass1 (H PhyslcaI Therapy) Bx 108 Mayo, Ch RC, 5716CedaJ' Lane, MinneIllnka 55345,IecyxOO2@ LEDDER Char1es T, CIin Instr. (Family PraetIc8 & Communlly Health) ex 381 Mayo ( ), P WB, France Ave Family PhysicIana, 7250 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina 55435, ( ) IeddeOOl@ LEDDIGE lleen E, Child care Workar (UMe-Busineas, Div 01) R HCrookston ( ),114"" S Broadway, Crookston 58716, LEDERER Amy S, Prln Data Pr Tech (Central Computing S8rvlces) 100 Laud C F( ), 3305 Fremont Ave S, Apt 13, MInneapoIIa 55408, IaderOOl@ LEDERLE Frank.A, Associate ProIes8or (Medicine) Bx 194 Mayo, VAMedical C8ntar, Internal Medlclne (1110), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 56417, ( ),1edarOO2@ LEDGER JR Kevin J, Teaclling~ (Chemical Eng & Mat ScI) 37 Amuncl H(lI ) 1015 Essex St S E, Apt 210, Mlnr)eapolIs 56414, , IedgeOOl@ LE DOUX Arthur G, Lab Anml care Tee (Medical Sch Admin) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), P WB ( ), ( ),1edouOO1@ LE DOUX Susanne L, 01ftce Asst (Technology, Inst OI-S88) 138 lind H( ), 1edouOO2@ LEORAYUnda E, Ad] Ass1 Prof. (NIM'Iing, Sch OI-Prog & Res) HS Unit F, sara 7th L.avel, 525 Portland Ave S, Rm 712, MInneapoIIa 56415, ( ), Iedra001@ LE DIIC Annette L, Supplmt Employee (MedIcInal Chemistry) HS Untt F, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, LE DIIC STONE carol, Temp/Call Employ (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), 237 DVCC RC,ledueOO1@ LEE Agnes S, Ubrary Asst 3 (MInltBx) M WL ( ),leexx05O@ LEE Angela M, Teaching Ilsaistant (Geography) 414 Soc Sci ( ), 3954 Lake Curve, Robbinsdale 56422, 1eexx024@ LEE Barbara J, Acad Retired (Employee Banetlta) Olinda TraN, Manne St Crolx 55047, , LEE Bokyaun, ~ Asalstant (AnImal SCIence) 130 Hckr H( ), ( ), th Ave S E, Apt B, Minneapolis 56414, , IeexxOn@ LEE Bong-Soo, Assistant ProIes8or (Mgmt, C L carlson Sch OI-Adm) 747 Mgml/EOoni ), LEE Byung A, Instructor (Pharmacy PraetIc8), United Hospilal, Pharmaceutical SarvIoes, 333 N Smith Ave, St Paul 55102, ( ), 1515 E4th St, Apt 1807, Minneapolis 55454, , Ieexx097@ LEE Chaimun, Teechlng Assistant (Sociology) 909 Soc ScI ( ), 1048A 27th Ave S E, Minneapolis 56414,leexx035@ UE Chee S, Teaching Asalstant (MechanIcal Engineering) 125 Mech E ( ),leexx056@ LEE Chengwei, Teaching Assistant (Sch of Malharnatics) 105 Vln H( ), 354 Und H, 1631 canst, Apt 4, Lauderdale 55108, , leexx135@ LEE Chi Fung, R_rch AssIstant (CIvIl Engineering) 122 Clv E, 1eexx037@ LEE Chi S, Teaching Assistant (ChemIstry) 138 Smith H( ), 388 Kolt H, 1530 S 8lh St, Apt C2508, MinneapoliS 55454,1eexx124@ LEE ChiaoChlh Y, PaychoIogIst (BoynIon-MantaJ Health) Boyn HS ( ), 1eexx013@ LEE ChII1-Hao, R~ Assistant (Pharmaoology) Mird H( ), 4-2!12 Owre H, 1015 Essex St S E, Apt 320, MInn88poIIa 55414, , IeexxllO@ LEE Chln-Chuan, Professor (JoumaJIam & Maaa Comm, Sch of) 111 Mur H( ~ ( ) 516 MllI1trOSe Lane, St Paul 55116, , Ieexx010@,lax: LEE Choung-Saop, Research AssIstant (ClInIcal & Population Sciences) 385 An ScI/V M( ), 1187 Raleigh SI, St Paul 55108, , leexx081@ LEE Chung K, AssoCiate ProIes8or (TllarapeutIc Radiology) Bll 494 Mayo ( ), U Hasp ( ), 7031 Kenmare Dr, Bloomlng\lln 55438, , IeexxOO6@ LEE CIulg-Te, VIsIt Assoc Prof (Machanical EngIneRlg) 125 M8ch E, 1642 Eustis St, Apt 9, I..auderdsIe 55108, ,1eexx083@ LEE CIainI Y, Ass1 LIbrarlan (Law Ubrary)12O Law ( ); LEE ClaudIa, Med FeI Spec (MedIcine) Bx 264 Mayo ~), C338 Mayo,leexx04O@ maroon.te.umn.eclu LEE Daryl E, Teaching AssIstant (Cultural Studies &CompIratIve LIt) 350 FoI H( ), 1 Jones H (624-8Oll9), LEE DevkI A, AssIstant To (CIII BIoI & NeuroIrlatomy) Jee H( ), Instructor ( ), lh Ave S, IIloorr*Igton 55425, ,1eexxOO7@ LEE David A, Instructor (RadIoklgy) Bx 292 Mayo (82&6004),772 Curlew St, St Paul 55114, leexx088@ LEE Debra M, Prin Lab Tech (Vet PalhobIology) 155 An SclfV M( ), 3520 Minnehaha Ave S, MInneapoIIa 55408, , IeellJl059@ LEE Daokheon, Teaching AssIstant (Accounting) 645 MgmlIEoon ( ), RnNrchAssistallt 93R BIeg H, l035b 29th Ave S E, Minneapolis 56414, , LEE Danlk, Teaching AssIstant (EJectricaI ~) E EfC ScI ( ), Univ of MInn, 1158Ter H, 417 WaJnul St S E, Minneapolis 55455, , huatxoo1@ LEE Dia Y, Outpa ClInIc Ass1 (CUHCe-Adutt Medical) C UH C C( ),1925 Clear Ave, St Paul55119,1yxxxOO1@ LEE E Bruoa, ProIes8or (EIecIrIcaI engineering) EEfC ScI ( ), ( ),1705 InnIbrudc Pky, ColumbIa HIs 55421, , LEE Eon S80n J, R-ehAssIstant (Agronomy & Plant GenetIcs) 411 Bor H( ), 313 Hayes H, 1304 Gibbs, St Paul 55108, , 1IIaxx021@ LEE GratIa G, Prin 8ecIetary (American Studies) 104 SColI H( ), 7834 Morgan Ave S, RJchtleId 55423, ,1eexx047@, lax: LEE Gywlgho, Assistant Professor (EJectricaI ~) EEfC Sci ( ), nd Ave N, Plymouth 55447, 1eexx133@ LEE Hakbee, Teaching AssIstant (Statiatics, Sch OI-Adm) 1250 CLA 0tI ( ),2250 Midland Grove Rd, Apt 109, RoeevIIe55113, , hajcbaool@ LEE Heeyeon, VIsIt Prof (Geography) 414 Soc ScI 1611 Pleasant SI,Apt 201,I.auden!BlB 55108, , IeellJl12O@ LEE Heeyoung, Research AssIstant (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & Rae) HS Unit F ( ), 2150 WiIaon Ave, Apt 126, St Paul 55119, , 1eexx027@ LEE Hon Cheung, Professor (PhysIology) MIrd H( ), Lyon. L ( ), leexxoo3@ LEE Hslen-Hwe H, CIin Ass1 Prof (Neurology), St Paul Ramsey MedIcal C8ntar, 640 Jackeon St, St Paul 55101, (221$~ 4812 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis 55422, ,1Iexx094@ LEE Hyoo K, Sr Lab Tech (MedIcIne) ex 194 Mayo ( ), Moos T,Ieexx022@ LEE Ignatius K, Assistant Professor (ReStorative SCIences) MOos T( ), 4820 QuInwood ~, Plymouth 55442, , laexxoo8@ LEE Jacquallne J, PrIn Accl Sp/Supv (Vet PalhobIoIogy) 295N An ScIfV M( ), 205 Vet S, th Ave S, MInneapolIs 55408, ,Ieexx079@,1ax: LEE Jamee J, VentIIatlon Mech (Fee Mgmt-Zone 1-81 Paul) 200 Shops B(824-22J8), 5929 Ashcroft Ave, EdIna 55424, , 1eexx149@ LEE JR J8rnes T, Aeaoclata Professor (SUrgery-QInaraI, VA MadIcaJ Csntlir, One VeteranI Dr, Mlnnaapolla 56417, ( ), IeejrOOl@ LEE Jang-Harn, Poet'!)oc Auoc(CIII BIology & NliII'oanalIlmy) Jac H( ), 1350 Coech Rd, Apt 119, StPaul55108,1eexx057@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LEE Jennifer L, Grad School FelloW (Chamistry) J2 Smith H( ), biiunoo1@ LEE Jlhwan, Teaching AssIstant (UMO-Charnlstry) 248 Chern Duluth ( ), 310 E5th St, DuIulh55805, LEE Jing-HueI, Poet-DocAssoc (R8dioIogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), C203 Mayo ( ), LEE John H, R~ AssIstant (DarmaloIogy) ex 98 Mayo ( ),1aelll1025@ LEE Jong Y, Res Assoc (MedIcIne) Bx 738 Mayo ( ), P WB, 1eexx154@ LEE Joo.Sanil, Teaching AssIstant (EJectricaI EngIneerIng) E EfC ScI ( ), 1530 S 6th St, Apt C2105, MInneapolIs 55454, 1eexx0000 LEE Jooinn, Professor (Soc SCHJMM) 145C SC MorrIs ( ), ( ), 104 E1stSt, Morris 58267, LEE JOsephine D, Assistant Professor (EnglIsh Language & LIt) 207 UncI H( ), LEE Julie Y, Ass1 SCientist (PadIatrtc8) Bx 490 Mayo ( ), 252 DVC C RC, 4820 Quinwood Lane, Plymouth 55442, , LEE Jun-Yong, Teaching AssIstant (Computer SCIence) EEfC ScI, th Ave S E, ApI D, Minneapolis 56414, , jiee@ LEE Jung M, V1stt Prof {HortIcuI\uraI SCIenoej 326 AIdar H ( ~ 1611 Pleasant SI, Apt 113, L.auderdaJe 55108, , IeelQll'5@ LEE Junsoo, Teaching AsaIstant (Summar SaSslon) EEfC ScI ( ), Unlv 01 Mlnn, El09 BaH, 1458 CIaveIand Ave N, St Paul 55108, i', LEE KIng Teek, ~ AssIstant (Chemical Eng & Mat ScI) 71 Amuncl H ( ), 1405 Como Ave S E, Apt 7, MInneapolIs 56414, , LEE Karen J, Non Univ Stall (U S DAFontst Sarv) 408 NC For (li49-5ooo), IeellJll58@ LEE Kathleen A, 0CCupa l11erapiat (H OCCupational Therapy) ex 388 Mayo, 108 Ch RC! LEE KImberly M, Sr Lab Tech (OeneticI & CIII BIology) 250 Bio ScI ( ), mansaoo1@ LEE Kwang-Hyun, VIsIt Ass1 Prof (Orlhopaadic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, 1831 Carl St, Apt 5,I..auderdsIe 55108, , Ieexxl44@ LEE Kyung-Eun, AssIstant (DesIgn HousIng & Apparel) 240 Me N H ( ~ ( }, 1180 CushIng CIrcle, Apt 117, St Paul 55108, ,1eexx138@ LEE UncIa J, Gen Stall Nurse (Bone Marrow Transplant-Adutt-4B) PCU4B Mayo ( ), leexx036@ LEE linda K, Teaching AssIstant (Classical & Near Eastern StudIes) 331 FoI H( ), LEE Maria-luisa, Associate ProIes8or (Humanltles-UMM) 213 cam MorrIs ( ) LEE Marlo R, PrIn Stu Para Wkr (Student FInancIal AId, Ofcof) 210"'- H( ~ ( ),, lax: LEE Marjorie G, PrIn 8ecretary (0IIlce of Budget & FInanoe) 338A MOl' H( ), 6227 Bloomington Ave S, RJchtleId 55423, , LEE Maeja, Food Oper Mgr (Food Svcs) EBC E C ( ), Apt 301C, 2324 EOld Shakopee Rd Bloomington 55425, ,leexx039@,lax: 812-« LEE MalInda J, Poet-Doc Assoc (MedIcInal ChemIstry) 139 Smith H( ), 3538 AkIrich Ave N, Minneapolis 56412, , 1eexx138@ LEE MalIssa A, Med FBI Spec (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), A882 Mayo, 4829 York Ave S, Minneapolis 56410,1eexx113@ LEE M~Young, R~ AssIstant (DesIgn HousIng & Apparel) 240 Me NH( ), ( ), 1415 NCIaveIand Ave, Apt 1, St Paul 55108,leexxlO8@

7 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LEE Mlchael H, Teaching Asalstanl (Computer 8c:lence) EEIC Sci, lh St SE, Mh!1l8IPOl1s 55414, , LEE Muriel, Sr Data Entry Cpr (Graduate 8chooI-Admtn) 309 Joh LEE Myoung C, Associate Prolassor (Neurology) Bx295Mayo( ),12-144PWB,12OO Orono 08f<s Or, Long Lake 55358, LEE Myung J, Gao Staff Num (4D-Slcu) PCU4D Mayo, 7597 SprIngbrook Lane, Woodbury 55125, , LEE Nemyong, Taechlng As8Istant (SCh of Math8ml1lcs) 107 Vin H( ), LEE Nancy M, Profasaor (PharmaCOlogy) Mird H(fl26.6S14), ( ), LEE Otto I, Ext Educ & Prof Ret (ME8-D1stricts), Assoc Prof Erner, Lake of The Woods Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, POBox 598, IIaudette 56623, ( ), 3183rd Ave S E; Box 301, Baudette 58623, , LEE Patti J, Gardener (AE8-N C1I1 ES-Grand Raplda) 50S NC For ( ), Ieexx029@ LEE Patar J, Med Record Clerk (H MSdical Records) Bx 801 Mayo, PWB, 2329 S9th SI. Apt 303, Minneapolis 55408,.872-1l838, LEE Randy J, Teaching Specialist (UMD-Music Lasson FMs) 231 HDuluth ( ), 131 E WInona SI. Duluth SS803, LEE Richard L, Rasearch Assistant (Info Tech Ole, Clr1soo SCh-Adm) 330 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ), ,leexxI3O@ LEE Robert M, Med Fel Spec (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, S34S Pleasant Ave S, MinneapolIS 55419, , Ieexx073@ LEE Ruth A, Ass! Mat Mgmt Spc (Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) 394 Vet Tch Hos ( ), S93S Odell Ave N, StiIIwatar SS082, 439-&38, Ieexx028@, fax: LEE SIng-ChuI, Teaching Assistant (Speech-Communicallon) 480 Fol H, 208 NIch H, POBox 14231, Minneapolis 5541~, , Ieexx02O@ LEE SIok-Yong, Post-Doc Assoc (Psychiatry) Bx 392 Mayo ( ), 880 Diehl H( ), ~l85,leexxl38@ LEE Sherry, Teaching Assistant (Gan Coll-Ss Altv &Couns) 58 Ap H( ), Ieexx085@ LEE Sondra A, Nuraa Anesltletlst (C8rdIopuImonary sarvtcas) Bx 294 Mayo ( , ( ), 1eexx034@ LEE Sung-Kyu, Post-Doc Assoc (Clyll & Minerai.EngiF*f1ng) 80 Amund H( ), th NW, Seattle WA 98177, S,Ieexx084@, fax: LEE SUean J, PrIn Stu Pars Wkr (Aced Counaaling-lnteIIg AthII280 BFA B (62S.fl888), IeexxOll@ LEE Taa Y, AaBistanl Profasaor (Environmental Health & safaty) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1240 Mayo ( ), 806 WCounty Rd D, Apt 230, New IlrlghIon 55112, 636-S007,leexx121@ LEE Tas-Young, Teechlng Assistant (Inl1 of Languages & LIt) 142 Kia Ct ( ), th Ave SE, Apt A, MlnnaapoIIs 55414, IeexxlO6@ LEE Tahirlh V, AssocIate Professor (Law Sell Ins1r) 285 Law ( ), S89 Uncoln Aya, St Paul 55102, IaaxxOS8@ LEE Tall 0, Grad School Fallow (SUpport Svcs & OparatIons-Adm) 220 Bio SCi, , LEE Thomas M, Undargra Ras Asat II (Music, Sell of) 100 Ferg H, 3328 NIcoIIat Ave, Apt 109, MlnIl8IPOlls SS408, ,leexxI31@ LEE Thomas S, AssocIate Professor (Elactrlcal Engineering) EEtc Sci ( ), th Ave N, Plymouth 55442; , IaaxxOO6@ LEE Yang, Exae Ass1 (ABianfPacIIIc AmarIcan Lrc) 308 Wa Ub ( ), Ieexx048@ LEE Wanda R, PrIn Acct Sp/SUpv (Prof DaY & Conference Svc) 237 NCC E( ), ( ),, fax: LEE Wei-Wei, Research AaBistanl (ChemIcal Eng & Mat SCi) 54 Amurid H( ),1227 Ray Place, St Paul 55108, , ~7@ LEE Wondra W, Res.Fallow (BIosta1Is1Ics) Unlv Ay sa ( ), wondra@ LEE Wonhi, Rasaarch AaBistanl (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 2855 Rice St. Apt 1~, RosaYille 55113, , leexxl LEE Yen-Jen, Teaching AssIstaI1t (Compular Science) EEIC Sci, 1227 SE4th St. Apt 302, Mlnll8lPOlls 55414, LEE Yong-Hwan, Pre-Doc Ass! (Blochemls1ry-Med SCh) Mird H( ), LEEBAW wayne F, CIIn Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIlh), 8490 Excellslor Blvd SuIte Wl01 Minneapolis 55426, ( S),18ebaOO1@ LEEK Joseph H, C1ln Prof (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Miller-Owen Medlcel center, S02 E 2nd St, Duluth SS80S LEEMHUIS Andrew J, Clln Prof (NeuIology), Medical Arts Bldg, SuIte 1535, 825 Nicollet Mall, Mlilneapclls SS402, ( ), 4715 Framont Ave S, Mlnll8lPOlls 55409, 624-4S28,la8mhOO1@ LEERHOFF Michelle M, 0lfIca Am(UnIversIly Bookstores) 100 And H( ), IaarhOOl@ LEE-RUDE Marie B, Ext Educ & Prof (ME8-DIstr1cIs), ~ Stata UniverIIty, Ext Youth IssU8ll Educator, SocIaI8c:lence 109, Marshall 58258, (S31-81S9), At 2, Box 5, Granite Falls 56241, , LEES Christopher J, Ass! SCIentis1 (Otolaryngology) 278 Uons Res ( ), 373S Blaisdell, Minneapolis 55409, , LEE8 David C, CIIn Assoc Prof (Obstetrics & Gynecology), Oxboro Clinic, 800 W96lh St S, Minneapolis SS420, ( ), 4628 Drexal Ave S, Minneapolis 55424, , Ie8sxOO4@ LEES Jack R, Ass! Prof Erner (Obstetrics & GynecoIogy~ 7 Ponds Edge Rd, Sunftsh Lake 55075, 4S5-2S22, LEES Jennifer L, Ubrary Ass! 2 (Mlnltex) M WL ( ), ,1easx001@ LEES Mason R, Jr SCIentis1 (1liocham1s1ry-Med Sch) Mlrd H( ), Moos T ( ),4SS.fl118, LEESON Kenneth R, Ass! Lab MachIns1 (Physics & As1ronorny, SCh of) 148 Phys ( ), 4974 N210th St, Form Lake SS02S,188soOO1@ LEET Arabella I, Med Fat Spec (0r1h0paedlc Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 3SO VCR C, 1100 Douglas Ave, MInIl8lPOlIs 55403, LEETE Allison J, Short Term Employ (Horticultural Science) 30S Alder H,1aateOO1@ LEEZER Denise M, Lab Serv Coord (Physics & As1ronorny) 148 Phys ( ), 8013 ChIcago Aye S, Minll8lPOlls 55417,ll88-4OS4,laazeOO1@ LEFEBVRE M.thewJ, Teaching As8Istant (Theatre Arts & Dance) 208 Mdb H ( ), 261 Aurora AYe, St Paul 55103, , LEFEBVRE Peul A, Pnlfesaor (Genettcs & C8II Biology) 250 BIo Sci ( ), pata@ LEFEVER Mark R, Research AaBis1ant (Blo Process Tach Inst) 240 Gar L,1afavOO1@ LEFF RObert 0, C1ln Assoc Prof (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med DUluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd SI. Duluth 5580S LEFFERT Nancy H, Post Doctoral Fellow (Inl1 of Child DaY) 204 Bu H( ), , nleffert@ LEFTO Edward R, 0lIIca Spec (0r1h0paedlc Surg) BXl33Mayo(827.fl8S8), UnlvAysa, Murray St. St Paul55118,1eftoOO2@ LEFTO Harry C, AppIIcattonsProg (SCh of MaIhamatICa) 105 Vin H( ), S833 35th Ave S, M~ 55417, ,1e1toOO1@ LEFTO MaIgarel R, DentaJ Ass! (Dentts1ry-CIlnlcel Prog) Moos T(82S-S110),1eflllOO4@ LEFTO Michelle L, PrIn S8cretary (NeUrology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ), laflooo3@ LE CWIE DavId Il, Ass! SCIentis1 (Agronomy & Plant GenelIcs)411 BorH(82S-1784), 101 Cr Res ( ), 1883 Albert St N, Falcon Heights 55113, ,18garOO1@ LEGER James R, AssocIatlI Profasaor (Electrical EngIF*f1ng) EetC Sci ( ), ( ), Ave N, Plymouth 55447, , LEGG DIanne C, Sr Ubrary Spec (Ubrary-Pub S8rY & Branch) MWL( ), ( ),326 4th St N E, MInneepoIIs 55413, ,, fax: 612.&9353 LEGGE Gotdon E, Profasaor (Psychology) N218 Ell H( ), LEGLER Gretchen T, Grad School Fallow (CLA Grant Match) 306 UncI H( ), ( ), S98 UncoIn Ave, Apt 201, St Paul 55102, afgtl@ LEGLER Janet G, Gao Staff Nuraa (same Day Admlsslons.flD) PCU8B Ma~ ( ), 5955 Country Club Rd, Excellslor 55331, , 18glaC101@ LEQRANO Bryan R, Sr S8cretary (Mpls Student Unions) 220 CM U( ), , legrandb@s1uaff.s1u.umn.adu LEQRANO Usa N, Crnnty Prog Spec (Psychology) NS19 EllH( ),IegraOO2@ LEORO JafIrey W, AssIstaI1t Professor (PoIIlical 8c:lence) 1425 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), 114SAshIand Ave, StPaul55104,legro@ poiisci.umn.ellu LEHMAN Carol J, Med Tech Spec (H ClIrdioYUcuIar Prog-Card C8th Lab) Bx 815 Mayo (626-SS3S), U Hosp, 1917Franklin Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414,1aI\maOOS@ LEHMAN DanIel E, PrIn Eng Ass! (Telecommunications S8rYIoss) 30 Talacorn B ( ), 926 Deercreek Pky, Balla Plaine S801',, pager: LEHIIAN Debra A, Ole Sup Spec Pr S(Hosp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), B203 Mayo, IahmaOO2@, fax: LEHMAN MIchella L, Word Proc Spec (Res & Tech Tms Adm, Ole of) Wash Ay S ( ), LEHMAN SUean M, Teaching SpacIaIII1 (Lab Medicine &Pathology) Bx 198 Mayo, Mayo Clinic, Dept oflab MedIcIne, St SW, Roches18r SS90S, ( ),1ahmaOO6@ LEHMANN James D, CIIn Ass! Prof (Medlcina), LakeYiew ClInic, 424 WHwy, Waconia 55387, ( ), St. WaoonIa 55387, , LEHMANN Sharon L, Gao Staff NUFII (4D-S1cu) PCU4D Mayo ( ), 1ehma006@ LEHMBERQ Stanford E, Profasaor (HHH Inst Publ Alfra) 814 Soc Sci ( ), ( ),2300 S WIllow Lane,Mlnnaapolla 55418, , IahmbOO1@ LEIlN uea M, Research AssIstaI1t (1011 of Child Dev) 162 Ch DaY ( ), 2SOO BIaIadeII Ave S, Apt 311, Minneapolis 55404, Iahnx001@ LEHNEN Laura C, Teaching Assistant (CEE Roch88W Ctr) 107 Jonaa H, 1eIln8OO2@ LEHNERT Michael W, Assistant Profesaor (Denilstry-Clinical Prog), Meadowbrook Ole Bldg, Ste WS02, 8490 excelsior Blvd, St louis Park 55426, ( ), IehneOO3@ STAFF LEE-L.EINO 253 LEHNERTZ Mlchaal J, Med/Clln Lab Tach (Hosp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 3-55S Mayo, IehneOO1@ LEHR camilla A, Research AssiStant (Educational Psychology) 3SO ER H( ), Iahrx001@ LEHRKE Curtis 0, Spy Dig Equip Srv (Computer & Info sans) 100 Laud C F(82lHl896), N Heights Dr, Coon Rapids 55433, , lahrk001@ LEHTl Peggy J, Assoc Admin (CEE-Communlcetlon Svcs) Oak St SE. ( ), 120 Sylvan Lane NE, Fridley 55432, IehtlOO1@, fax: LEI Ung, Reseaich Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 40 Amund H( ), ( ), 2039 Knapp AYe, Suite E-2, St Paul 55108, ( ),1435 NCleveland Ave, Apt 5, St Paul 55105, , 1eixx001@ LEI Yenyoung, Research As8Istant (ChemIstry) 139 Smlth H, IelxxOO2@ LEIBBRAND Wilbur A, Assoc Prof Emer (UMW Veterinary Technology), At 1, Box 26F, Waterville S8096, , IelbbOO1@ LEIDER Lloyd L, Clln Assoc Prof (Orthopaedlc Surg), Lowry Med Arts Bldg, SuIte 737, 3SO St Peter St, St Paul 55102, ( ),1348 Goose Lake Rd, White Baar Lake 55110, , IeIdeOO2@ LEIDING Stacy L, Data Proc Tech 2(Animal Science) 101 Hekr H( ), 9818 CrastvIew Dr, St Joseph 58374, fingeoo1@ LEIER Darrell J, Clln Assoc Prof (MediclO8-UMD) 141 Med DUluth, East Range ClInic, Aurora ( ) LEIFELD Charles F, Ext Educ & AlSo Prof (ME8-DIstr1cIs), Washington Co Ext Ole, 1825 Curve Crest Blvd, Stillwater SS062, ( ), 319 Edgewood Ave N, Stillws18r SS062, cieifaid@ LEIFERMAN Michele L, Teechlng Assistant (Educational Psychology) 2500 au H( ), 2190 Pascal St N, Apt 301, RosaYiIIe 55113, 1e1le002@ LEIFERMANN Laurie J, Sr Data Entry Opr (History) 814 Soc Sci ( ), ( ),430 W Mandota Rd, Apt los, W5t Paul 55118, , IelfeOO3@ LEIGH Dorothy J, Gan Staff Num (Eye, Ent Naurology-8B) PCU6B Mayo ( ), 3S08 48th Aye S, Mlnneapclls 55408, , IelghOO3@ LEIGH Terry, Gao Staff NUFII (Bone Marrow Transplant-AduR-4B) PCU4B Mayo,1e1gh001@ LEIGHTON Kim, Medical Rae Tech (H Medical Records Info) Bx 601 Mayo ( ), P W B, 8027 White Or. PrIor Lake 55372, , LEIK RObert K, Professor (Sociology) 1074 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), 2403 S 9th St. Mlnnaapolls 5S408, , rieik@ LEIKlKH Marina, ProductIon SUpv (Addressing & Mailing) 175B PSB, 1elk1OO1@ LEIKNES Tor Ova, Research Assistant (CMI Engineering) 843 Cly E ( ), 1236 Ray Place, St Paul 55108, ,lelkOOO1@ LEINES Deaann R, Ext Educ &Ass1 Prof (ME8-D1strictsl, Red Lake Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, Red Lake Falls 58750, ( ), P o Box 155A, Red Lake Falls 56750, , LEINFELDER Mary V, Child Cara Teachr (University Child care canter) Chlldcare ( ),809 Portland, Apt 3, St Paul 55104, IelnIOO1@ LEININGER Christopher S, Teaching AaBistant (Hls1Ory) 614 Soc Sci, 2198 W159th Aye, Crown Point IN 48307, , IelnlOO3@ LEININGER Larry A, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), lh St S E, Minneapolis 55414, , Ieln1OO1@ LEINO Jennifer L, Research Assistant (SocIal Work, Sch of) 400 Ford H,lI98-33OS, 1ain0002@

8 254 LEINo-LE ROY STAFF LEINO RIChanl L, Sr Res Assoc (Mediclne-UMD). 203 Med Dul!Jlh ( ), ( ), 1052 Chesler Park Dr, Duluth 55812, , LEINO WaJter B, Clin Assoc Prof (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Ely Medlcel center, 224 E Chapmen, Ely 55731, ( ) LEITNER Arnlram, Research AssIstant (MechanIcel~) 125 Mech E( ), ( ), cedar Lake Rd, ApI 117, Minnetonke 55305, ,1eIlnOO2@ LEITNER HeIge, Associete Professor (Geography) 414 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), 2248 S8rgent Ave, St Peul55105, , LEJCHER JennifIIr A, Ai:countlng SUpv (Dentis1ry-Clini ProgJ Moos T ( ), IejchOOl@meroon.ll:.umn.edli LEKANDER Bedty J, COn Nurse Spec (4C-MedIcelIntenslve cere) PCU4C Meyo (825-a411), Il333 Meyo ( ), ( ), th St N, StIIIwa1er 55082, ,, peger: LEKHAKlIL Somjintene, AsSI SCIentist (Soil ScIence) 135 Cr Res ( ), 3059 County Ad 115, St Cloud 56301, ,1e!cheOO1@. LELAND Nency L, AssIstant Professor (Health Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Meyo (~), A365 Meyo ( ),, lex: LELAND Peull, R_rch AssIstant (Animal ScIence) 120 Pet H, 4340 WBroedway, Robbinsdele 55422, ,1e1anOO3@ LELCHUK Louis S, Prin llectetary (Philoeophy of SCi, MN Ctr For) 309 Ford H( ), 200 W 40th St, MinneapoIls 55409, ,1elchOO1@ LEMASTER Larry A, con Asst Prof (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic-LakesIde, 4821 ESuperior St, Duluth LE MAY Helen M, Psychiatrlc Asst (Unit 6O-Adutt Psychiatry) PCU61 Meyo ( ). lemayoo1@ LE MAY Usa A, Rsch Nurse Ciln (Medicine) Bx 508 Meyo ( ), 259 VCR C, 1159 Autumn SI, Roseville 55113, gradeool@ LE MAY W8ncIIea, Exec llectetary (UNITE) 114 Und H( ), 7660 WCounty Ad F, Shor8Yiew 55126, , 1emay002@, lex: LEMIIERG Joel 0, Non Univ Stell (U S 0 AForest 8erv)508 NC For( ),lembeOO1@ LE MIEUX Dee E, Ole Sup Spec El!ec (H Human Resources) Bx 500 Mayo ( ), 411 Boyn H S,, lex: LEMIRE Connie 0, 01IIce Supy (Stu AtIrs Info Systems) 260 WInson H( ), ( ), LEMIRE Janell M, Teaching SpecIalist (UMD-Music Suzuki Progarm) 231 HDuluth ( ), 525 N58th Ave E, Duluth 55804, LEMKE David L, Prtn Acct, Hasp (H FlnanclaI Reporting &BudgelIng) Bx 704 Mayo ( ), P WB, 7500 Chippewa Trail,.Chanhassen 55317, , LEMKE Dawn M, Csrdlo-Pulm Spec (Cardiopulmonaly Services) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, IemkeOO1@ LEMKE lofy, Lecturer (Humanilies-tJMM) 104 Hum Morris (~~ ( ),210 E6th SI, Morris 58267, LEMKE Todd 0, Sr Lab Tech (Human Genetics,. Inat of) Bx 206 Meyo ( ), Moos T, Ieml< LEMME Gary 0, Head, Branch Station (AES-West Central Es-MorrIs), ProIllssor (Soil SCi), W C8ntral ExperinBlt Station, State Hwy 329, Box 471, Morris 58267, ( ), All, Box 60, Morris 58267, , lemme@, lex: LEMMENES Ann E, Histology Tech (Hasp Labs-Surg Path) Bx 76 Mayo ( ), 159 Jac H( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, ,IemmeOO2@ LEMMEIlMAHH James E, Sr Hasp Gen Mech (H Main! & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), C107 Mayo ( ), IemrneOO1@ LEMOINE John, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3(FacIIIlIe8 Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), 4532 HarrIet Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, 1emoiOO1@ LEMONS Douglas M, Lecturer (Anthropokigy) 226 Cina Duluth ( ), (72&-7551),915 E 1s1 St, Duluth 55805, ( ), Al3,Box 92 1, Wentworth WI 54874, LEMU Abebe N, Hasp CustodIan 3 (H Environmental Serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ),. A102 Meyo, 1530 S 6th St, Apt 606, Minneapolis 55454, IemuxOO1@ LENANDER 0 David, Ubrary Mgr 1 (BlomedlcaI Ubrary) Diehl H( ), 293 Selby Ave, St Paul 55102, , d-lena@ LENARDS Nishele 0, Rad TIler Spec (H Radlatlon Therapy) Bx 494 Mayo, 1264 Ironwood Lane, ApI 6, Eagan 55123, ,1enarOO2@ LENART Susan L, Sr 01IIce Supv (Bursar) 107 Cot H( ), th SI NW,Apl6, New IlrtglIton 55112, LENARZ John R, Farm Animal Attn (AES-West Cantral E8-MorrIS), WC8ntral Exp Station, State Hwy 329, Morris 58267, 404 W7th St, Morris 58267, LENDING Diane C, Teaching AssIstant onto & Declsion ScIences) 395 HHHClr( ), 2425 E Franklin Ave, Apt 307, MInneapolis 55406, , LENERS Batty J, Prin Secretary (PedIatrlcs) Bx 4M Mayo ( ), 421Maa Can Ctr, 3515 Johnson St NE; Minneapolis 55418, , 1enefOO1@ L'ENFANT Julie C, Teechfng Aaslatant (Art History) Jones H, 1435 Hampehlnt Ave S, ApI 217 SI Louis Park 55426, ,IenfaOO1@. LENGNICK Sonja L, Legal Proj Asst (Law SCh Instr) 285 Law ( ), 1982 Grand Ave, ApI 206, SI Peul55105, ,1engnOO1@ LENHART Nancy R, Ext Educ & PIof (ME8-D1strtcts) ( ), car-co Ext Ole, 609 W1at SI, Waconia 55367, ( ), 8885 Hallmark Dr, Edan Prairie 55344, , LENNANDER Unda J, Gen Stall Nurse (Bone Marrow TranspIant AduIt-4B) PCU48 Meyo, IennaOO2@ LENNON Michael A, AssocIate Professor (Naval ScIence (Naval Role)) 203 Armory ( ), th Ave N, PlymOuth 55441,1ennoOO1@. LENNON Shari, Cmnty Prog Assoc (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), D204 Mayo ( ), 8263 Magda Dr, Maple Grove 55369, , 1enn0002@, pager LENT Lynne M, Research Asalst8nt (PedIatrtcs) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), 0375 Mayo, 8739 Eliot VJew Rd, SI Louis Park 55426, ,. IentxOO2@maroon.ll:.u"!".edu LENT Sendra M, Nurse PractilIonr (MedicIne) Bx 192 Mayo ( ), VCR C ( ), ( ), 1entxOO1@ LENTON Petricia A, Dental HygIenIst lpr-tive SCiences) Moos T, 2437 Sheldon St N, Roseville 55113, ,lentoOlll@ LENTZ Unda S, GIn Stall Nurse (4C-MedIca1 Intanslve Care) PCU4C Mayo,lentZOO2@ LENTZ RIChanl 0, Clln Prof (Psychlatry~ Park Nioollet MedIcel cenier, 2001 BIaIadeII Ave S, Minneapolis 55404, ( ~ IentzOO4@ LENTZ Teresa M, Nursing Asst (Eye, En! Neurology-6B) PCU5B Mayo, 1entzOO1@ LENTZ Ursula M, Teeching Aaslatant (German, Scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H( ), lantzoo3@ LENVIK Todd R, Prin Lab Tech (MedIclne) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), P WB, 7512 Dupont Ave S, RiclIfieId 55423, ,lenvlllOl@ LENWAY SlefanIe A, Aasocla1e Professor (S1nlegIc Management) 835 MgmtfEoon ( ), ( ), fix: LENZ George J, Landscape Gardnr (AES-LandIceIle' Ntxntum)( ), MN. Landecepe Arboretum, 3875 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, ~ 55317,1enzxOO1@ '-' LEHZMEIER Rosa A, Prtn llectetary (Journalism & MaslI Comm, Sell of) 111 Mur H( ), 4842 JetIer80n St NE, ColumbIa HIs 55421, O,IenzmOO1@ LED Perry H, Aasocla1e Professor (Aerospace Eng & Mechank:I) 107 Aker H(~), ( ).3241 Holmes Ave, MInI\8apOIiS , LEOIIANIlUNG E1IendI, ~ Assistent (EJectrk:aI EngI~ EE/C SCI ( ), ( ~ LEON ArtI1\lr s, Professor (l(inesioiogy &I..eIsuI1t StudIee) 112 CQoke, H( ), ( ), 5828 Glen AVfi, Mlnnelonka 55345, , LEON Gloria R, Professor (Psychology) N438C Ett H( ), 5828 Glen Ave, MInnetonka 55345, ,IeonxOO3@ L on RobertII T, Aasocla1e Professor (CIvIl EngiMnlg)282 CIv E( ), ( ), 158 Woodridge Lane, Uno Lakes 55014, 4lI8-8748,IeonxOO1@ LEON SemueI H, COn Asst PIof (Fam "'-ctice & CommunIty HIth), DIgea1Ive Heelthcare, 2545 ChIc:8go Ave S, MInneepolI$ 55404, ( ~ LEONARD AmoId S, ClIn Prof (Surgery-General) Bx 82 Mayo ( ), P WB, Riverside Prof Bldg, SuIte. 606, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), 5212 CoIonIatDr, Minneapolis 55416, , LEONARD Barbera J, Aasocla1e Professor (NursIng, SeIlOf-PrOg & Ree) HS Unit F ( ), 2230 FaIrlnowIt Ave, St Paul 55105, ,1eona001@ LEONARD BellIna A, Poet-Docloral Fellow (BlOIoglc8I Procell Tech lnat) 240 Gar L ( ~ 326 Sn H, 2015 E42nd St, Mlnne8poII55407, biellnanl@ rno( LEONARD Donna M, Aseoc Admin (Fie Mgmt-OIIIoe) Ad B Duklltl (726,.8261), ( ), 912 Bong Blvd, Duluth 55811, 727-s«T, LEONARD GInII A, Sr 8ecIetary(AthIeticI, Men's Inll:Ig) 227 Fb Comj) ( ), Pennock Ave, Apt 210, Apple Valley 55124,1eona009@ LEONARD Jane E, EdIlIlr (CLA Student Aced SupptSvI:s) 105 Joh H( ),1eonaOO8@. LEONARD Kurt, Non Univ Stell (Plant Peth) 2 C R L( ),883 NBIrch Lane, Shotevtew S22, LEONARD linda K, Non UnIv Stell (Council of RelIgIous Advlsors~ th Ave S, MInneapolIs 55404, ( ) LEONARD Lonttta L, Sr Food Serv Wkr (FOod Serv-UMM) Food S C Morris ( X613O), IlO8 Park Ave, Morris 58287, LEONARD Myer S, Proteesor (lli8gnoe1lc/su SCi) Moos T ( ),825 S 8th St, Suite 260, MInneapolis 55404, ( ), 1340 Fairlawn Way, Golden Valley 55416,1eonaOO4@, tu: , pager: LEONARD Stanley A, ClIn Prof (PedIatrlcs), 233 SmIth Ave N, Sl"PauI55102, ( ), 1041 Colby Ave, St Peul 55116, 1eona013@ ISlIWID Susan A, Sr L8b Tech (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ~ J112 DIehl H, , LEONARD 1'ImothyW, Pholo Lab Tech (Mk:roI*iIogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 953 Mayo, llalade11Ave S,IlIooIl*lg1on 55420, , LEONARD WIIIam G, AdpIil Fellow ICLA Language Ctr) 51 FoI H (82S-77~ ( ), ( ), 175 Golden Veiw Dr, Long Lake 55356,, lex: LEONE Barbera A, Aaslstant Proteesor (Fam "'-ctice & Community HIth), St Paul Ramsey MedIcal C8ntlIr, Family MedIcIne Dept, 640 JICIcson St, St PBuI55101,( O), 1eoneOO5@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LEONE John P, Med Fel Spec (Surgery-GinnI) Bx 1 Meyo ( ), P WB, LEONE Joline A, Res Plot Tech (Fonest Resources), North Central Exp Station, 1861 Hwy 169 E, Grand Rapids 55744, ( ) LEONE MJ, Prtn llectetary (UMD-Academic Adm) Ad B Duluth (726,.7_ 1005 Glen Place Dr, Duluth 55806, LEONG Sharon L, Prtn llectetary (Lab MedIcine & Pathology) Bx 76 Mayo ( ), C448 Mayo, 1995 SIoux Blvd, New 8Iightlln 55112, ,, tu: LEONHARD! BrIan 0, Bldg & Grds Wkr 1 (Fie Mgmt-Zone 2 West Bank) 200 Shops B,6129 Ryan Ave, EdIna 55424,ll ,1eonhOO2@. LEONfO SI1ekhtman, Ree Assoc (TheorlIticaI Physics InSI) 148 Phys ( ), 1eonIOO1@ LEOPOLD Doreen G, Assoclate Proteesor (Chemlslry) 139 SmIth H( ), ( ), 2118 Folweli Ave, St Paul 55108, ,!im; LEOPOLD Kenneth R, Assoclate Professor (Chemistry) 139 SmIth H( ), 2118 FoIweI Ave, St Paul 55108, ,1deOpoId@, tax: LE PAGE Garrett R, Prtn Lab Tech (Phannaoology) Mini H( ), Owre H, 4120 VIncent Ave S, MInneepoIIs 55410, , LEPINlIKI Allen M, DentIst (MN Clinlcel Dental Res Ctr) Moos T,1epk1OO1@. LEPINSKI Penny W, AssIstant Proteesor (Pharmacy Prac1Ioe) HS Unit F, United Hospital, Dept of Pharmacy, 333 NSmIth' Ave, MinIleapoIis 55102, (22O-8879),1epln()02@ LEPLEY Marvin G, Aseoc Prof Emer (PhysIc:aI Med & Rehabilitation), 332 Park Lane, SSt Paul 55075,451.l1335,IepIeOO1@ LEPPA Frank B, EIecIIIcIan (FIClIItI8s Mgmt-Adm) Ad BDuluth (7' ), B40 CIna ( ), 4722 Anderson Rd, Duluth LEPPANEN FrandneA, Gen Stell Nurse (H OPD-Wound HealIng) Bx 86 Mayo ( ), D450 Mayo ( ), ( ), 4909 Gar1Iefd Ave s, MinneaPolIS 55409,lI ,leppaOO1@ maroon.ll:.umn,edu LEPI' R Tammy S, TeecI*lg Aaslatant (Speech-CommunIc)460 FoI H ( ~ 829 W8eks Ave S E, MImll8poIII55414, 82$-3676, LEPPERT Richard 0, ChU(WfFac Rank) (Cullural Studies & Comperative Ut) 350 FoI H ( ), Professor, 2212 ItInboIdt Ave S, MInneapolIs 55405, , 1eppeOO1@. LEPPIK 110 E, Protestor (NewoIogy) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), EpIIepey ClInIcal Rsch Program, 5775 'Nayzata Blvd, SuIte 255, St I.ouIl! Park 55418, ( ), LEPPINK H8foId B, CIn Assoc Prof Emer (MedIclne-UMD) 141 Med DuIuth,SI louis County Health Dept, 222 ESuperIor St, Duluth 55805, ( ) LEQVE.Ann M, Cmnty Prog Assoc (Psyd1oIogy) N531 Ett H (~ th Ave S; MlnneapoIIs 55406, ,IeqveOO1@ LEIlACHStephen F, ExecutIve Chef (Food Svcs) 118Food 0 B( ), 2158 Juliet Ave, St Paul 55105, , LERMAN Nina E, Ree Assoc (PhysIcs & Astronomy, Sell of) 148 Phys( ), 433 Wa lib, 2807 S 8th St, Apt 4, MInneapolIs 55454, , LEIlOUX Nell R, AssIstantProtessor (HumanitIes-UMM) M105C HFAMorris ( ),122 S 0rIIg0n Ave, MorrIs 58287, LE ROY Bonnie S, Program Dlr (Human Gen8tics, Inst of) Bx 485 Mayo ( ), Moos T, ,,lex: LE ROY Stephen F, Protesaor (FInance) 735 Mgmt/EOon (624'5051~ 501 Theodore WIrth PIty ApI 309, Golden Valley 55422, ,1Iefoy@

9 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF LESCH-LEWIS 255 LESCH Chrlstee L, TeaOOlng Assistant (Speech-Communication) 208 Mdb H( ), RIrIg c, LESCHER TIna M, Short Term Employ (Medicine) axle:! MlYO ( ), VCR C. LESCHlNSKY Brett W, Undef:gl'll Res Asst II (Forest R~s) 115 Gm H, Irving AVI, Burnsville 55337, eschOO3@ LESKE CorinI L, Undefgrl Tch AlIt II (Women's StudieS) Ford H, 3fl66 Grlll'ld Ave S, Apt 204, Minneapolis 55409, Iesk8OO4@ LESKE GIry W, AsSOCiIte Professor (VOC Tech Educ) R350 Vo Tech ( ), ( ),135 Glen Creek Rd, Fridley 55432, 57H1917, 1e8keOO2@ LESKE Korin L, Asst SCIentist (Anlmel SCienolI) 2 Pet H( ), ( ), (62$-1n5), th line NE. Blllne 55434, , LESKE VlierII L, Med/Clfn lib Tech (H libs-hiv) Bx 198 Mlyo( ), 1$-138 PWB, 9401 Polk St NE, Apt 316, Biline 55434, , LESKELA Judlth R. PrIn Acct Sp/Supv (MN Ext 8erv.Adll1Inl8tI'lItIon) 415 Col H( ), 1697 Van Buren Ave, St Paul 55104, , I-ESKELA Susan M, SOCIal Wkr, PrIn (H SOCIal Work) ex 161 MlYO ( ), C645 Mayo ( ) Aldrich Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, , IeskllOO3@ LESUE Magnus C, OlIIcer Rotc (Naval SCIence (Navel Rotc}} 203 Armory ( ), ( ), 2000 W , St Plul55116, , LESMEISTER Wayne R, Farm Animal Attn (AES-West central ES-MorrIs), Wcenlrll Experiment Station, Sta1a Hwy 329, Box 471, MorrIs 58267, ( ), Rt " Box 998, Morris 58267, 589-3llO9 LE8NlEWSKI Paul W, Accoun18 Spec (H third Perty FoIlowup) Bx 602 Mayo ( ) PW B, LESTER.aruce R, Assistant ~fessor (lib Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), 6-159D Jae H( ),1714 Crystal Ave, Arden Hills 55112, , b1ester@, lex: LESTER Margaret L, Therepy AlIt (H Rehab) Bx 106 Mayo, 61h FIr Ch R C Rose Place, Roseville 55113, , IasteOO3@ LETHES Louise M, A880C Ubrarlan (Ag & Applied Econ) 232 CLA Off ( ),1240 Me lian Ave St Plul55106, n6-5569, agecon@ LETOURNEAU C8roI M, Quallmprv Coord (H Quality Support 8erv) Bx 725 Mayo ( ), ~1 Mayo, leiouoo3@ LE TOURNEAU Donald R, l.icturer (SocIal Work, Sc:h 01) S86 Me NH( ). (Extension. CIIIsse8), 611 W'24111 St, Apt 2, Mlnneapotis , LETOURNEAU GIry A. Grad SChool Fellow (Gennan, 8candlnevlan & Dutch} 231 Fol H (62S,935(l) LE TOURNEAU Kimberly J, Sr 0IIIce AlIt (Bookstores) 290 Wmson H Zircon line N, Plymouth 55447, , IelouOO6@ LETOURNEAU Paul C, ProIassor (cell BIol & NeuroenakXny) Jac H ( ) Owre H( } LETSON Robert D, AsSOCiIte Professor (0phlhaImbI0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PWB( ); 406 Prospect Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , IetsoOOl@ LETT David G. Teac:hlng AssI8l1nt (Rhetoric} 201 Hckr H( ), 1728 lilond Ave, St Paul LETTENST1IOM Dean R, Professor (UMD-Art) 317 H Dulu1h ( ), (7~5}, 8476 S Range una Rd, SRinge WI 54874, , LEUER Ross H, R_rc:h Asslstlnt (Mechanicll EnglneerIng) 125 Mec:h E( ) County Rd 47, Plymouth 55446, , IeuefOOl@ LEUNG Benjamin S, Prolasaor (0b8tlItrfcs & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), (AnImal SCience) Moos T, 6076 OlInger 1IIvd, Edina 55438, , IeungOOl@ LEUNG Eleanor L, Gen SlIt! Nurse (Eye, En! Neurology-8B) PCU6B Mayo ( ). ieungoo4@ LEUNG Kal M, Med Fe! Spec (lib MIdIcIne & Pa1hoIogy) ex 609 MlYO ( } Mayo, 1530 S61h St, Apt C1002, MInneapolIa , leungoos@ LEUNG Kenne1h H, Researc:h AssIstent (Mechanicll EngIneerIng) 125 Mec:h E( ). Teaching Assistant 252 SCC Ave N, PIymou1h 55441, , IeungOO6@ LEUNG Nal-Chung C, AssIstant ProIasaor (Mllhematicl, Sc:h 01) 127 VIn H( ), leungoo7@ LEUNG Suzanne S, Researc:h AssIstant (Pharmaceutics} HSUnit F( ), , ieung002@ LEUNING Melisse G, Accooots Spec (Vet Medlclne-Dean's 0IIIce} 480 Vet Too Hos ( ),1988 Brewstar St, Apll02, 81 Paul 55108, LEUTHARD DIVId F, Farm EquIp Oper (AES-West centrll ES-MorrIs), Wcentral Experlment SII. Stale Hwy 329, ~ 58267, ( ~ 1081st Ave S, Box 162. Chokio 58221, LEUTHOLD John M, Researc:h AssI81Int (carl8on Entrepreneurial ChaIr) 1235 Mgmt/ECOn ( ), 2880 James Ave S, Apt 302, Mlnneapotis 55406, , 1euthOO2@ LEVAR II Vonne L, Instr:uetor (UMD-Cpnrnun SCIences & Disorders} 13 Moo HDuIu1h ( ), ( ) LEVAY YOUNG Brett K, Res Assoc (Surgery-Gell8l'llq Bx 120 Mayo ( ) PWB( ), 3514 SunrIse Dr W, Minnetonka brett@, lax: LEVEILLE Michael A, PrIn Lab Mactlins1 (ElectricII EngIneerIng) E E/C SCi ( ), 2091 Hazelwood Ave. Meplewood 55109, no-oosa, IevelOOl@ LEVEIUEE Raymond J. Non Univ StaJI (MediclI SChooI-Adm) Bx 394 MlYO ( }, D508 Mayo ( }, VAMedIcal C8ntllr. Urology 8ectIon (112D}, One V~ Dr. Minneapolis (725-2OOOX3461). 111 MlII'QUetIe Ave S. Apt 2007, Minneapolis 55401, LEVENTER Amy. Rea Assoc (Geology & Geophysics) 220 Pills H( ) St W, Bloomington 55438, , 1evenOO4@ LEIIENTHAL C8cIllI T. Gen SlIt! Nurse (Diagnostic Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo, ievlnoo1@ LEVERENTZ Stephen B, ClIn AlIt Prol (Ophthalmology} Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PW e, 6533 Drew Ave S, EdIne 55435, ( ), LEVERTY Mary B, Sr Accoun1ant (Design Ctr Amer Urban Lndscp) St SE ( ).Iev8r002@,lax: LEVICKY Restlslev. Researc:h Assistant (Chemicll Eng & Mat Sci) 55 Amund H( ) , IevlcOO1@ LEVILLE Christopher D,~ Aselltent (Ane81heslology} ax 294 Mayo ( ), 8515 Mayo, 333 SE 61h 81, Aplll0, Minneapotis 55414,3' ,levllOO2@ LEVIN Evgeniy M, Post-Doc Assoc (Aerospace Eng & MechenIcs) 107 A1eer H( ) W 3O'h St, Apt 209, 81 LouIs Park , Ievin014@ LEVIN Ilene F. Assistant Prolasaor (UMD-Finance & Mgmt Inlo Sci) 21 SB EDuIu1h ( ). ( ), LEVIN Jane S, Psychologls1 (Univ Counseling & Consulting serv) 200 Eddy H( ), 1evIn@ LEVIN John D, Gred School Fellow (HHH Inst Publ AIIrs} 300 H HH Ctr, rd Ave S, Apt 3. Minneapolis 55406, LEVIN Raglne A, Research AssIs1anl (Epldemlology) S2nd St ( ), 982 CrQmwell Ave, 81 Paul 55114, IevIn@ LEVINE Allen S, ProIasaor (MedIcIne} Bx 393 Mayo, Program DIr (Dl8IbIlI1les Stds, Inst For), V AMedIcal center. One )/e1erans Dr, Minneapolis (72S-2OOOX2805). allenl@. LEVINE Amy E, SOCIal Wkr, PrIn (CUHce-Adu~ MedIcaI} C UHCC(627-4n4). Community U Health care Ctr, 2001 Bloomington Ave S. MlnneapoIIa 55404, (627-4n4}, IevlnOO7@ LEVINE Amy K. Sr Grant/Cont Adm (Res & Tech Tms Adm. Ole 01) Wash Av S ( ,).,068 UncoIn Ave, 81 Paul 55105, LEVINE C8rI L, TeadIlng Assistant (English linguage & Ut) 306 LInd H( ) Thomas Ave N. Minneapolis 55412, c1evine@ LEVIHI! GonIon L, Head (W/Fac Rank) (UMD-Geography} 329 CIne Dulu1h ( ), (UMD-Intl Stud R AJwor1h Jr) ( ), ( WKent Rd. DuIu1h 55812, LEVINE How8rd M, Clln Assoc Prol (Obs1etrlcs & Gynecology~ MedIcal Ar1s Bldg. Suite 920, 625 NIoolIet MaR. MInneIpolIs 5S402, ( ), Ave N, Plymouth 55442, , LEVINE Jimmy 5, Med Fe! Spec (Medicine) Bx 38 Mayo ( } PWB Vicki Lane, Mendota HeIghts levInOO5@ LEVINE KarIn R. Teaching Asalstant (Curriculum & Instruction) 1508 Palk H( ), ( ) 5418 Mayview Rd, Mlnnetllnka 55345, , LEVINE Robbie H. 0IIIce Spec (Ole 01 The Reglstrer-lleconls) 150 Wmson H( ), LEVINE S8muel C, AsSOCiIte ProIassor (Ot01aryngoIogy} Bx 396 Mayo ( ), PW B ( }. levinoo1@, lax: ' LEYIH8 RichIrd A, Professor (Ag & Applied Econ)' 217F CLA Off ( ), , rlevlns@ LEVISON Deborah, AssIstent Professor (HHH Inst Pub! AtIrs} 266 HHHCtr ( ), 2017 Milwaukee Ave. Minneapolis 55404, ,, lex: LEVfTAN A1exlll'lder A, ClIn Assoc Prol (Fam PractIce & CommunIty HI1h). Mpts Medical SpecIaIlstB. SOD Osbornt Rd N E, SlIl15, Fridley 55432, ( ) Long Lake Rd, New IlrIghlon LEVfTAN BorIs M, Prolasaor (Sc:h 01 MIthematIca} 127 VIn H( ), 110W Und H SE, Apt 612, Minneapolis 55414, LEVITAN Judl1h A, Med Fe! Spec (Obs1etr1cs & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, leviioo4@ LEVfTAN Lee J, Assistant Prolessor (Envm & OCCupationel Health} ax 807 Mayo, t t55 Mayo, LEVlTOV Alexander B. Asalstant Prolessor (Medicine). centrallntemal Med Assoc, 570 Asbury St, Sulle 203, 81 Paul 55104, ( ), 1157 Cr8stvtew Ct, Maplewood 55119, LEVITT David G, ProIasaor(PhysloIogy) Mird H( ). 535 Grlll'ld HOI, SI Paul 55102, , ievtlool@, lex: LEVITT JohiII, ProIasaor (Medicine) Bx 1 Mayo, Park NIoolIet MedIcal center, 2001 Blaisdell Ave, Minneapolis 55404, ( ),198 Malcolm Ave SE, MInneapoIIa 5541"', , IevllOO6@ LEVITT Leon. ~ Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat Scl) 38 Amund H( ), 933 Herillge Ct, Vadneia HeIghts 55127, , 1evI1OO7@ LEVITT 8eymour H, Head (W/Fae Rank) (TheI'lIpeutIc RIdIoIogy) Bx 436 Mayo ( ), ProIasaor M-28 Mas cen Ctr, Ievl1OO2@ LEVY Davkl A. Med Fe! Spec (Medicine} Bx 284 Mayo ( ). C338 Mayo. 380 S lexington Pky, Apl312, 81 Paul , levyxoo4@ LEVY EDen J. S1udent Sr Off Asst (Student Ananclal Ald. Ole 01) 207 Und H, 1evyx005@ LEVY Michael, Clin Prol (MedIcIne), Park Nicollet Medical center, 3609 Park Nicollet Blvd, St Louis Park 55416, ( ), IevyxOO3@ LEVY Robert J, Professor (liw Sc:h Instr) 330 liw ( ),1201 Yale Place, Apt 1002, Minneapolis 55403, levyxool@ LEVY Silvio V, Dlr (Camp/CoIl1vel) (Geometry Ctr) 503 t nd St ( ), 1727 Marin Ave, Berkeley CA 94707, , Ievy@ LEVY Stuart A, Sr Sys SoItw Prog (Geometry Ctr) 5th'Flr 1300 S2nd St ( ), rd Ave S Minneapolis 55406, , slevy@ LEVY Sue E, Non Unlv Stall (UMD-Suppor1lve Svcs Prog) 106 K SCDulu1h ( ), Tempts Israel, 1602 E2nd St, DuIU1h 55812, ( ), 300 W MIOOigan, Apt 1003, DuIu1h SS802, LEVY U H, Oir (Camp/Colllvel) (UMD-Chancellor's Ole-Adm) 510 DAd B DuIu1h ( ),...05 Me Culloch, DuIu1h 5S804, ,,lax: LEVY HASKELL Susan B, Prln User Srv Spc (Supercomputer Inst) C C( }, LEW Jodi E, Grad Sc:hool Tl'lIlnee (Plant BloIogy) 220 Blo Sci ( ), 2328 Priscilla St, St Paul 55108, , 1ewxll0000 LEW William D, Res Fellow (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 269 Mayo ( ), 376 Ch R C, 726 DecoI'lIh line, Mendota Heights 55120, , lewxxool@, lax: LEWANDOWSKI Scott W, Instructor (Sci & Math-UMM) 243 SC Morris ( ). 405 E5111 SI, Apt 3, Morris 56267, , swl@ LEWELLEN Frances L, Ubrary Asst 3 (UbI'lIry central Tech serv) MWL ( ). LEWER Brian D, Farm Animal Attn (AES-Sou1hem ES-Waseca). Sou1hem Experiment Station, h St, Waseca 58093, ( ) LEWER Gregory S, Clin Instr (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, central likes Medical center. Crosby LEWIS Amy J, PrIn Acct Sp/Supv (H Third Perty FoIlowup) Bx 704 Mayo ( ), PWB, 1351 Carling Dr, Apt 242,81 Paul 55108, LEWIS Angela C, Genel'lll (Temp) NE (H Auxiliary Support) Bx 48 Mayo ( ), 8252 Mayo, , LEWIS Anthony J, Jr Appllc Prog (Psychology) N445 Ell H( ), 327 Univsrslty Ave SEApt 306, Minneapolis 55414, , 1ewis059@ LEWIS Belinda S, Jr Scientist (Medicine) Bx 434 Mayo ( ), C378 Mayo ( ), lenisool@ LEWIS Bemard J, Res Assoc (Forest Resources) 4th Floor NC For ( ),22 Raymond Place, Apt 1, St Paul 55114, , Iewls061@ LEWIS Beverly J, Temp/cesl Emj)lOy (Pediatrics) Bx 288 Mayo ( ), 203 VCR C, 2n2 W River Pky, Minneapolis 55406, ,bjl@ LEWIS Beverly R, Med Fel Spec (Psychiatry) ax 393 Mayo ( ), A682 Mayo ( }, Iewis053@. LEWIS Carta L, Phys Therapist (H Physical Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo, Iewls028@ LEWIS Charles R, TeaOOing Assistant (Gen Coll-inst-Writing) 355 Ford H( }, lewls019@ LEWIS Christine G, General (Temp) Ex (H OPD-Emergency serv), sexual Assau~ Resource serv, 525 Portland Ave, 7111 Ar, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), Iewis054@ LEWIS Connie J, Sr Payroll Spec (PayrOll servicls) S2nd St ( ), lewls049@ LEWIS Danlelle E, Non Unlv Stili (Y MC A) Univ Av 58 ( ), Iewis038@ '1'

10 256 LEWIs-LICHTBLAU STAFF LEWIS o.r8i R, Pro'-sor (Educational I'syI:Idlgy) 275 Peik H( ). 138C Bu H ( ), 5716 Dln:anl.ane,Edina 55436, ll5,Iewisl104@maroo.Il:.UII\II.8lkl LEWIS DixIe L, GInSlaf Nurse (MediceI 8chooI-Adm) PCU7B Mayo,Iewis029@ LEWIS Douglas E, Prolessor (PhIlosophy) 305 Ford H( ), 159 Malcc*n Ave S E, MmeapoIis55414,1ewIsOO2@ maroon.1l:.uii\ii.8lkl LEWIS Eizabelh M, Per Diem - Gsn (NInlng FIolIt Pool) ax 6113 Mayo( l, ( ), LEWIS F Bruce, CIn Pro! (MedIcIne), Doc:as Prof Bldg, SuiIIl 750, 280 SmiIh Ave N, St PIU 55102, ( ), 2115 ELI!Ie ofthe IsIlIs IlIvd MinneIpOlis 55405, IewIsOI3@ maroon.\ LEWIS Georgeanna I, Teeching Assislanl (EngII&h Language & Ul)2I17Unc1 H( ), ( ),657 FIIinnounl Ave, St PIU 55105, LEWIS.II Glenn M, CIn Pro! (Payd1ialry), Abbott Hor1h1..IBm HoIpilIIl, IIehlMonII HeaIIh Services, 8lIlI E28lh &QIicago Ave, MinneIpOlis (li ), IBwls046@ LEWIS Jack L, PI'ol8ssor (Orthopeedic Surg) ax 289 Mayo ( ), 372 Ch R C, 71 MId 0lIks lane. RoseviIe 55113, 1ewIsIlO1@ LEWIS James J, Ext EcU:aior (MESQlIege of Education) 340 Col H( ), ~ 757 Ashland Ave, St P1U , jibwis@,1ax: 612-e LEWIS JosepI1ine, Hasp Cuslodlan 3 (H Environm8ntal SeMces) ax 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, 1347 OllIe St N. St PIU lewls032@ LEWIS Karen B, I.8clunlr (InduslriaI Relations CIr). I.arllon Allen Weishair &Co, MN Wuld Trade CIr, SuiIIl8llll, 3D E7lh St, StPIU55101, (228-&71), 1BwIs047@meroon.Il:.UII\II.8lkl LEWIS Ka\I8In T, GIn S1a1l Nurse (H 0Pll-Emg 1liIonl8rs) ax 88 Mayo,I8wIs014@ ' LEWIS K8ndra G, Sr Data Enlry Opr (AdmIssions-Pnx240 Wmson H ( ), ~ (625-2OO8).1BwiSll82@ LEWIS Linda A. Med Tech Spec (Hosp I..abs-Chem) ax 198 Mayo (62Il-5059),...19 Grimes Ave S, Edina ewIs034@ maroon, LEWIS Marsha L, Assistant Prolessor (NInlng, SCh OI-Prog & Res) HSUnit F (624-7ll94), lewisoo3@ LEWIS Michael S. Res Fellow (Forest Re8cuI:es) 325B GIn H( ), 333D Berwood Ctw, Vadnais ~ 55127, , 18wIs017@ \ LEWIS Pamela K, Sr Hasp Cs Tech (H Oper Rm/Ancilary SupportServ) Bx 700 Mayo, 1ewts02O@ LEWIS Pel8r A. Teechilg SpeI:iIIIIst (CEE Roches\Ilr CIr), Roches\Ilr CEE CenIBr, Ih Ave S E, Roches\Ilr 55904, ( ), Ih St NE. Roches\Ilr 55906, LEWIS Randal A. Med Fe! Spec (0rIhap8edic Surg) ax 4 Mayo ( ), P WB, 6387 JunelIu lane N, M8pIe Grove 553lI9,IewiI052@ LEWIS Robert D. SrHasp Cs Tech (H Oper Rm/Ancilary Support 5erv) ax 700 Mayo, U Hasp, LEWIS Samuel R, Dir (Camp/Col1.8veI) (Ole of The Regislrw'-Adn*I)"150 Wmson H ( ), ( ), LEWIS Sunnyl, Asst SCientist (Dennatllklgy) ax 98 Mayo ( ), 250 Diehl H( ), (625-li625), 9501 w.sttmn Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55444, LEWIS Tami G,I.8clunlr(U~ Mgml) 109 HII BCrooksIIln ( ), 718 3nI Aw NE, ApI 10, CrooksIIln 56716, LEWIS Teresa M, Non ljniv Slaf(U S 0 A Forest Serv) NCFor ( ), I8Wis05O@ LEWIS Teresa M,'AdIMl Fellow (CIa, 0lIceof Exl8maI Relations) UncI H ( ), 19 Joh H, 116 Rose Ave W, St PIU55117,lIlwiSlI6lIO\ii.8lkl LEWIS TheodonI, ~ Prolessor (VOC Tech Educ) 425M VO Tech ( ), 1381 C8Itfonlla -Ave W. Falcon Heights 55108, 659-{Jl59, LEWIS Trislia A. Ext Educ & Inslr (ME5-DisIrIcta), Renville Co Ext Ole. 500 EDe PuB Ave, Ollvia ( ). 102 N13th Ave, Apl4A. Ollvia 56277, LEWIS VICky J. Teaching Assislant (CurrIculum & 1nstrUclion) 1508 Peik H,1ewis051@ LEWISON JudithT, Exec Asst (Adm Info. Svcs-Adm) S 2nd St( ), Ih Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, LEWND Le Ann R. Sr AccounllInt (NewtJIogy) ax 295 Mayo (62H842), P WB, , LEllAU 8eI1amin J. Assistant (Psychlalry) Bx 393 Mayo. 56 Clarence Ave S E, ApI 3, MiMeapoh exauOO1@ LEY C8ssandra A. Nursing S1a Tech (Pediatrics-7A) PeU7A Mayo ( ), leyxxoo2@ LEY Eugene S, Associat8 Prolessor (UM~.Phy Educ &Recr) 110 Sp HC Duluth ( ). ( ), LEYASiEYER Archibald I. Assoc Prof (English Lang & Lit) 2117 UncI H( ), ( ). Faculty Dir (Prog For Indv ~ College) 207 Lind H Cedar Heights TtdS. Hastings ~ yasOO2@ LEYASMEYEII Edith D. Dean (PublIc He8Ilh, SCh OI-Adm) Bx 197 Mayo ( ), A304 Mayo. fax: 612~1 LEYHE Susan M. Gen Slall Nurse (Neonatal Inl8n$Ive Csre-3C) PCU3C Mayo. 1eyheOO1@ L'HERAlA.T5andra A. Hasp FII18I1C8 Supv (H, Accls Payable) ax 518 Mayo ( ). 553, Boyn H S,, fax: 612-e U Anita G. Exec Secretary (H Patient LeamIng CenIer) ax 6113 Mayo ( ). B-364 Mayo, U BaiIian, Res Assoc (AES-N Cb1 ES-GnInd Rapids), North C8ntraJ Exp Station, 1861 Hwy 169 E. GrInd Rapids 557 ( ), 1805 Fraser, Dr. Grand Rapids bliiian@. fax: U ChaJv:hun. Teaching AssiStant (SCh 01 Mathematics) 127 Vm H( ), ixxx027@ U Changfen, Research Assislant (Lab Medicine & Pat/loIogy) ax 609 Mayo.1xxx033@ U Chao-YIIl. Admin Fellow (Nursing, SCh OI-Prog & Res) HS Unit F ( ) lh Ave, ApI MinnllapoIis 55414, U Ching-Yuan, Research Assislant (Pharmaceutics) HSUnIt F ( ). U Danwei. Teaching Assisiant (UMO'ChemiStJy) 246 Chern Duluth, 517 N18lh Ave E, Duluth 55612, U Ding, Research Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), 76 KoIt H,IiXXl1028@ U Falai. Research'l\ssistant!All Eng).108 Ag Eng, 1297 Afield Place. StPIU 55108, ixxilo44@ ' U FuIiao, Research Assistant (MpIs) U SIor N, Asbury St, RosevIIe 55113, , U FlJI*19, Teechilg Asslsl8nt (Socioklgy) 909 Soc SCi ( ), 1IxxxOO7@ U GuiyI&l, Posl-Doc Assoc (Medicine) ax 188,Mayo ( ), 488 VF WC RC.1Ixxx051@ U Haizhang, Research Asslstant (Mechanical Engnnlg) 125 Mech E ( ), 239 Elect E, Ave SE. MInneapoIii 55414, , U Hongyu, Research Assistant IEJecIrtcaI Engnnlg)4-174 E E/C ScI ( ). ljniv of Mlnn, EE/C SCi, 200 Union StS E, Minneapolis U HuI-Chen, Research Assislant (Food SCi & NulrllIan (Agr)) 111 F Sc N( ), th Ave S ~ ApI 607, MInneapolis ,, U Jimkl, Teaching Assistant (Compuler SCience) EE/C ScI, 425 Erie StS E, Minneapolis 55414, U Jill, Research Assistant (EIeclrIcaI ~),4-174 E E/C ScI ( ), 42513lh Ave S E, ApI 1005, MImeapoIis 55414, xxx053@ U John C, Med Fe! Spec (8lI'gery-GeneraJi ax 1 Mayo ( ) PW B,Ixxx032@ U Jun, Posl-Doc Assoc (Psydlia\fy) ax 295 Mayo ( ) Moos T,IixXx039@ U June F, Assistant Pro!Ilssor (UMD-AccountIng) 134 S BE Duluth ( ), ( ). jli@ U Keqiang, Post-Doc Assoc (ChemistIy) K-17 SmiIh H( ). 76 KoIt H, 320 7th SI S E, ApI 312, Minneapolis 55414, 1xxx057@ U U. Teaching Assistant (Chemislry), 139 SmIth H ( ), 1ixxx017@ U Maocheng, Research Assistant (Mechanical ~mdac) 125 Mech E( ) thAve S E, ApI F, MInneapolls , U ~, Res Assoc (Genetics & Cell Biology) 250 BiD ScI (624,3799). ( ), 1188 Fifield Ave, St PIU mingaool@ U Ming, Research Assislant (BiochamIstry-M SCh)380 Lyon L( ), 518 Ontario SI S E, MInneapolls 55414, , mi@ U Ming Ding, Research Assislant (Human Genetics, Inst 01) ax 208 Mayo ( ) Moos T( ),1239 Afield Ave, 51 Paul 55108, U Mirlg-Swl, Assistant ProIlISsor (SCi & ~M) 6 Sc Morris ( ), 302 South St, ApI 101, Morris 56267, U MinIan, Research Asslsl8nt (Forest Products) 3D2 Kauf L( ),rnnIaOO1@ U Nanbo, Teactitng Assistant (UMD-Physics) 371 MWAH Duluth ( ). 517N,l8th Ave E, DuIllIh 55812, 724-1ll85 U PIU H, Professor (HortIcl*nI SCience) 288 Alder H( ),1128 Amble Dr; St Paul, fax: 612.Q U Ping, Research Assislant (Chemical Eng & Mat ScI) 78 AmInI H( ), ( ).1225 Gibbs Ave, St Paul ixxx03D@ U Cluanzhi, Res Assoc (ear-- CenIer) Bx 198 Mayo ( ) Jac H( ) th StSE, ApI 104, Minneapolis U Renhao, Research Assistant (Bloctlemislry-<:BS) 140 Gar L ( ). U RIcanIo A. Med Fe! Spec (Medicine) Bx 284 Mayo ( ). ~ Mayo,1Ixxx021@ U Shibin, Posl-Doctonll Fellow (ECology, Evdution & Behavlor) 100 El:oIogJ ( ). 1xxx045@maroon.1l:.umri.8du U SlUle, Teechilg Assistant (Economics) 1035 ~ ( ), 2033 Knapp Ave. ApI Wl, St PIU , U Song, Assistant To(AII8l Management, Ole 01) 311A Mar H( ),1198 Afield Ave, 51 PIU 55018, ,1xxx056@ U Tao-Yuan, Research Assistant (Inst of Inti S1udies & Programs) HS Unit F ( ), 42513lh Ave S E. ApI Minneapolis 55414, U W81, Posl-Doc Assoc (MedIcIne) ax 108 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), th Ave S E, MinneIpOlis Hl014. U Wemng, Res Fellow (Fisheries & Wildlife) 200 Hodson H( ), 2384 Larpenteur Ave. ApI 10, St Paul55113,ll44-83lI4, weirnioo2@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA U Wuyi, Post-Doc Assoc (PlIannacoIogy) MIrd H( ),,3,229 0wnI H, 801 University Ave S E, Apt 4, t.linneapois 55414,1xllxOll5@ U Xiang Bing. Research Assislanl (ChemicalEng & Mat ScI) 85 Amund H( , 2280 P!Isc:IIa St, Apt 5. StPaul55108, ,1Ixxx03lI@ U XiaoIi, Resean:h Assistant (BioslItistics) ax 303 Mayo ( ), TeacNng Assistant A48lI U XinnIn, Prin Lab Tech (Physldogy) MInl H( ), Lyon L, 2044 Brews8" St, ApllB, St Paul 55108, ,1ixxx02O@ U Yaoli, tnstructor (0t0IIfyng0klg,) ax 396 Mayo (82S-4689),,6-323 P WB,Ixxx035@ U YIIllI J. Post-Doc Assoc(NluosuIgery)410 Lions Res ( ), ( ),1IxxxlIm@ U Yuan, Research Assistant (Chemistry) 139 SmiIh H (~786), 463B KoI H (625-3lI48), IixxxOll@ U Yuet, Grad School Fellow (EIeclrIcaI ~ EE/C ScI th St, ApI cmo, Minneapolis ~ U Z Jane,R~Assislanl(I'lllIm-*&) 3,120 H S Unit F ( ), Iixxxll42@ U ZhitImn. Assistant Professor ~,. 5c:ienI:e) E E/C ScI ( ), IixxxIlO4@ UA~ Bettt, Associat8 Prolessor (Nursing. SCh OI-Prog & Res) HS Unit F (~4), lh Ave S. Minneepolis 55417, 1iahoOO1@meroon.~ LWOlOVA Julia I, TeacNng Assistant (SCh of Mathematics) 127 VIIl H( ), 263 UncI H, IiakhOlIl@meroon.Il:.UII\II.8lkl LIANG ~ W. Teaching SpeciaIst(Mgmt, CL C8r1son SChOl-Adm) B37 MgrnIIEcon(~ ljniv of Minri, B37 MgmtJEcon, I Ave S. Minneapolis 55455,1iangl105@ LIANG TIIlll S, TeacNng Assistant (Compueer SCience) EE/C ScI ( ), I Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , 1iangOlI4@maroo, UAO Chen-Fu,TeMhing Assistant (Mechri:aI ~)125 M8c:tl E, 42513lh Ave S E, Apt 501. Minneapolis 55414, 378-3l37,1I8oxOOll@ UAO Ji.Chia, AssocilIlII Prolessor (AnesIheslologt ax 294 Mayo ( ), C5lI8 Mayo, 1999 WShryer Ave, St PIU 55113; liaoxlJ01@n& UAO Jill, Teaching Assistant (SCh of Mathematicsll27 ViII H( ), 350 UncI H, UAO Pal-Ung. R.-n:h Assistant (MedIcinal ChemislJy) HS UnIt F( ), th Ave S E, ApI F, MinneIpOlis 55414, ~169. Jiaox(lll7@maroon.\ UAO Yklen, AssiIllInt (A8nlepIloe Eng & Mechanics) 204 Ak8rH ( ), 1173 FiIeId Ave, ApI 5-3. St Paul 55108, 844-~ IiaoxOO4@maroon.Il:.UII\II.8lkl LIBBY Karin J, Sr Med Tech/CIIn (Hosp labs-~ Micro) ax 198 Mayo ( ), A205 Mayo ( ), m T_ Dr, 51 Paul 55113, ,IibbtOO1@ L8EIIIIAN AnalDlt. ProIessor(German, Scandina ian & DutchI'231 FoI H( ), ( ), 312 se,mcu PIece S E, MinneIpOlis 55414, , L&R1USRonald L, I.8clunlr (AllIer Indian S1udies) 102 SCotttf (626-Oll89), ( ), U800N Norma T, Prin SecnItary (HIslory) 814 soc SCi ( ). 1IlooOO1@ ' LI8RA Dennis E, IrlSInlClDr (Social Work, SCh 01) 400 Ford H MerTII St, RoseviIe 55113, UBSU lamiem H, Hasp CuItodiaA 3 (H EnWonmentaI5erv) ax 55 Mayo,IIlsuOO1@ U CATA Vincent J, Res Assoc (IIiochemIstJy-eBS)258 Gar L ( ), LJCHTa.AU LeonanI, Res Assoc (PIlarn.coIogy) 3,249M1rdH( ), 174AVCRC ( ), 5712 ScIIaeIer ReI, EdIna 55436,,1ax: 612.Q4-7178

11 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LICHTER JOhn, Teaching As8istant (Ecology, EvoIulIon &Behavior) 100 Ecology (62S-5627), LICHTY RIchard W, Head (W/Fac Rank) (UMO-Economlcs) 185 S B E Duluth ( ), ( ), 7522 Barrs Lake Rd, DUluth 5S803, , LIDDELL Beaulln L, R_h Aaalatant (Flaheriea & WlkIIIle) 200 HodaOn H( ), ( ), ( ~ 1840Arundel St, Apt 34, St Paul 55117, , bll@ UDDELL Judy A, Sr Lab Tech (C8H Biology & Neuroanatomy) Jac H(62s-2978),, UDDIARD Lawrence A, R-.-ch Aaaodate (um-stiy NetworkIng 5ervices) 130 UncI H. ( ), 42 Luverne Ave, Minneapolis 55419, , UDlCKER Joanne C, Gen Stefl Nurse (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo ( ), lidicoo1@ UDST~ Donna J, Med Word Proc Spc (H Word Processing) Bx 800 Mayo ( ), P W B, 778 SLexington Pky, St Paul 55118, , IkIsIOOl@ LID BrIan M, Admin Fellow (English Lang & Ut) 207 UncI H(NatR~ Admin) 135 Nat Res Ad, LlebxOO2@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu LID C8roI M, PrIn 5ecrelary (Statistics, SCh OI-Adm) 352 CLA 011 (62s-7030), (62s-5728),, fax: UE8ELER C8roI L, Ass1 SCIentist (Pediatrics) Bx 298 Mayo ( ), 835 Mayo, 4128 Xerxes Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, ,liebs003@ UEBENOW Susan J, Prin S8cretsry (Fac Mgmt-ZOII8 l:st Paul) 200 Shops B ( ), UEBHARD Wayne 0, CIIn Asst Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), Sundance Medical Clinic, 323 Naumkoeg St, Box 9, Shakopee 55379, ( ) UEBL Rebacce A, Gen Stafl Nurse (4C-Medical Intensive C8ni).PCU4C Mayo,lieblOO1@ UEIIO Jack L, C11n Assoc Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), ERPhysIcians Pa, 7900 Xerxes Ave S, SuIte 740, Bloomington 55431, ( ), 5729 Kemrich Dr, EdIna 55439, , IleboOOl@ UEDER Chefyt L, Word Proc Spec (MN Ext Serv-Elfuc Dev Syst) 405 Col H( ), 200 E Roselawn Ave, Maplewood 55117, ,, lax: S-2207 UEFFRING Mark V, Student Custodlal Wk (HousIng 5ervIces-Territorial Hall) 8117 cen H, N7847 Hwy 149, Fond Du Lac WI LIEN C8rIa K, Sr 0tIlce Asst (Mpls Student Unions) 328 CM U( ),IienC@,lax: s-2915 UEN Dennis K, lib Spec/C SUbr (Ubrary-Pub Serv & Branch) MWL( ), ( ),3149 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55407, ,, fax: LIEN Jerry G, PrIn Lab Tech (UMD-NrrI, CoIeraine-Cartd Revolving), CoieraIne Resesrch Laboralory, POBox 188, Coleraine 55722, (24s-22OO), 330 NE1st Ave, Box 527,'COhasset 55721, UEN Richard J, C1ln Ass1 Prof (Pediatrlcs~ 1514 N Laxlngton Pky, St Paul 55117, LIEN Ronald 0, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), United & ChIldren's Hospitals, 333 N Smith' Ave, St Paul 55102, ( ), IlenXOO2@ UENER Irvin E, Prof Emer (BIochemlstry-eBS) 359 Gar L ( ), 1888 CofIman, Apt 318, St Paul 55108, , liened01@, lax: UEPOLD Michael J, Ext Edue a Asso Prof (MES-DIstrlcts), La Sueur Co Ext OIc, 88 SPark, La center 58057, ( ), mliepold@ UEPOLD Theodore L, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Dlatricts), Mc Leod Co Ext Ole, 840 century Ave, Hutchinson 55350, ( ), tiiepold@ uer Douglas J, Aocounts Spec (Chemical Eng a Mat SCI) 151 Amund H( ), 381 NoItIngham Dr, Circle Pines 55014, , IIerxOOl@, lax: Lim Randy, Distribution Wkr (H Ars/Distrlbutlon) Bx 517 Mayo ( ), nd St W, Lakeville 55044,1IetzOO1@ L1mKE MargaretR, Lpn (Unit 70) PCU7D Mayo ( ), 1ietz002@ UEVAN Hsrrlet C, Sr SCientist (MierobloIogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 3928 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, , lieve001@ L1EVANO Rodrigo J, Dean (Busn & Econ-UMD) 104 SB EDuluth ( ), Prolessor ( ), POBox 3247, DuIulh LIFSON Alan R, AssocIats Prolessor (Epidemiology) S2nd St (62s-2187), 3905 W48th St, Edina 55424, lifsooo1@ LIGHT Paul C, Prolessor (HHH lnat Pub! AfIrs) 300 HHHCtr ( ), 3939 York Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, LIGHTFOOT Peggy L, Par DIem - GIn (Nursing Roat Pool) Bx 603 Mayo,lightOO4@ LIGHTNER Babette, Teaching SpecIalist (Extension ClasseS) 100 Ferg H ( ), ,light002@ LIKELY SCott C, Sr Lab Tech (Medlclne) Bx 738 Mayo( ), PW B, , IlI<eI001@ L1LENFELD Usa R, Teaching Assistant (Psychoklgy) 447 Ell H(82s-2546), 4525 Bryant Ave S, Apt 2, Mlnneapolls 55409, , liienoo1@ LILJA David J, Assistant Prolessor (Electrical Engineering) E EfC Sel (62s-5007). ( ),, lax: s-4583 L1WA Delores P, Food Oper Mgr (Food Svcs) Bx 802 Mayo ( ), PW B, HljeOO1@ ULJA GPatrick, C1ln Assoc Prof (Fain Practice a Community HIth), North Memorial Medical center, 3300 Oakdale Ave N, Robblnsdale 55422, ( ), IlijaOO3@ L1WEBERQ JOhn J, Teaching Assistant (Computer SCiance) EEfC Sel ( ), LILJEDAHL Ina M, Cmnty Prog Spec (Epidemiology) S 2nd SI, 2209 Phelps Rd, Uno Lakes 55038, ( ),IlIjeOO2@ UWEMARK William F, Chair (WfFac Renk) (Diagnostic/Surgical Sel) 7-194A Moos T (62fl-0903), Prolessor ( , th Ave N, Plymouth 55447, ,lIjeOO1@, fax: LILLA Edward G, Short Term Employ (Horticultural SCience) 338 Alder H, liliaoo1@ ULLEBERQ Janet M, Prin Food Cpr Mgr (HOUSing servicas-eornstoek HalQ Com H ( ), ( ), lh Lane N E, Circle Pines 55014, 7llO-1047,1Iie002@ L1LLEHEI James P, AssocIats Prolessor (Medicine), Aspen Medical Group, 1020 Bandana Blvd W, St Paul 55108, ( ~ 1075 Douglas Rd, Mendota Heights 55118,1I11eOO5@ L1LLEODDEN Jo H, 0lIice Supv (Vet MId Stu Allrs) 460 vet Tch HOI ( ),1304 St ClaIr Ave, Apt 302, St Psul55105, , lilieoo1@ LILLEY Karen L, Ext Edue &Asso Prof (MN Ext serv-educ Dev Syat) 405 Col H( ), 2079 Dudley Ave, St Paul 55108, , klliey@, fax: s-2207 L1LUE Richard C, Hosp CustodIan 3 (H Environmental S8rv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, th Ave N E, Fridley 55432, v-< L1LLIEFORS Michael S, Copy Ctr EquIp Op (Printing services) Kolt H(62s-1092), 8-1 JOh H, IHIIOO2@ ULLIQREN Lesley L, Assoc Prog DIr (UMD-Upward BoundfVlslon Quest), th Ave SE, Suite 101, MlnneepoIls 55414, ( ), , HIIIOO4@ L1LL1QREN Patricia S, Instrue:\Ol' (Family Sodal SCience) 290 Mc N H(62S-1900),1lIIlOO5@ L1LLQUIST Janet M, Medical Rec Tech (H Medical Racordslnfo) Bx 801 Mayo ( ~ 1385G PW B, th Place N, ChamplIn 55316, , UM Jeeyoung, Resean:h Assistant (Psychology) N453 EltH ( ), IImxxOO3@ UM JoaIln P, Resean:h Aasistsnt (Surgery-Gener8l) Bx 42 Mayo (62S-5870), V157 V FWC RC(82$-7911), 42513th Ave S E, Apt 1508, Minneapolis 55414, , joalin@ UM Ming K, Sr Sys Soltw Prog (Teiecornmunicatlons 5ervices) Univ Av se ( ), UM Tian-Hoe, Teaching ~nt (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 76 Amund H(62s-6322), limxxoo8@ UM TOh-Eng, ClIn 0phthaIm0I (Restorative SCIences) Moos T ( ), ( ), 4590 SCottTraI, Eagan 55122, , 11mxx UM Youngsook. Teaching Assistant (Design Housing &.Apparel) 240 Mc N H( ), ( ), LIMA Ann R, ApplIcatIonS Prog (UMD-Water a Envrn, CtrfRvlvng Acx:t) 350A N R R I Duluth ( ), ( ), 1880 SThorsen Rd, Brule WI 54820, , UMAS Constantinos J, Professor (Medicine) Bx 19 Mayo (82$-2454), 237 Mayo, 300 Natchez Ave S, Golden Valley 55416, ,limas001@ U.-EIlISJutie M, GInStsII Nurse (Oncology-Masonic 3) PCUm3 Mayo, Mas Can Ctr, , UMBERT Andrew, Research Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 78 Amund H, 159 Oakwood Dr, New BrIghton 55112, , IimbeOO1@, ' LIME Devld W, Res Assoc (Forest Resources) 115 Gm H( ), th Ave NE, WyomIng 55092, , limex001@ UME Stephen 0, Res Fellow (Forest Resources) 220D Gm H( ), 113 PrimrOse Ct, Vadnais HeIghts 55127, , sdlime@ UMTHOMPlION SoD Y, Early Childhood Spec (UMC-Management. DIv of) R HCrookston ( ), ( X34O), 3110 Chestnut SI, Grand Forks NO 58201, UN Bin, Res Assoc (Physics & Astronomy) 148 Phys ( ), th St S E, MinneapoliS 55414, , UN Changmel, Post-Doc Assoc (Math & 11$ App, lnat For) 514 YIn H( ),1015 Essex St S E, Apt 218, Minneapolis 55414, , UN Chlen-U, R-.-ch Aasistsnt (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 88 Amund H( ), th Ave S E, Apt 705, Minneapolis 55414, , lax: UN Chowhong, Teaching Assistant (Educational Psychology) 324 Bu H( ), Admin Fellow (E!IUC Student AfIaIrs OIC), th Ave S E, Apt 905, Minneepolls 55414, ,linxx022@ UN Gaoleng, Res Fellow (Vet Pathobiology) 238 Vet S, l008d 27th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , UN Her H, Res Assoc (Madlclne) Bx 286 Mayo ( ), ( ),1762 Roxanna Lane, New BrIghton 55112, Unxx001@ UN Hung-Chih, Resean:h Assistant (Educational PaychOlogy) 5 PI H( ), th Ave S E, Apt C, Minneapolis 55414, , IlnxxOO5@ LIN Jizhen, lnatnic:tor (Otolaryngology) Bx 398 Mayo ( ), 278 lions Res, 427 4th St SE, Apt 201, MInneapolIs 55414, , IlnxxOO4@ UN Jyh-Chemg, Post-Doc Assoc (Therspeutlc Radiology) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), Kl19 Diehl H( ), 1lnxx017@ UN Kevin A, Med Fe! Spec (Medicine) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 1400 Laurel Ave, Apt W1702, Minneapolis 55403, Iinxx028@ UN Kuo-Chih, Research AssIstsnt (Plant Pathology) 495 Bar H( ), 408 Stak H, th Ave SE, Apt C, Minneapolis 55414, , UN u-ehan, Research AssIstsnt (Epidemiology) S2nd St, 42513thAve S E, Apt 1307, Minneapolis 55414, rmxxol3@ STAFF LICHTER-LIND 257 UN Meei-Uh, Post-Doc AS80C (Lab Medicine a Pathology) Bx 609 Msyo (62s-4800), S-245 Moos. T. IInxx023@ LIN Naiguo, Sr Res Assoc (Physics & Astronomy) 476 Phys ( ),, fax: UN Shu-Yzng, Teaching Assistsnt (Statistics, Sch Of-Adm) 460 Vin H, th Ave S E, Apt F, Minneapolis 55414, , Iinxx028@ LIN Sping, Assoc Prof Emer (Neurology), 1785 Fairview Ave N, Falcon Heights 55113, , LIN Tsang-Puu, Teaching Assistsnt (Computer Science) EE/C Sel ( ), 22081st Ave S, Apt 9, Minneapolis 55404, 87ll-4073, tiin@ LIN Wenchin, Research Assistant (St Anthony Fis Hydraulic Lab) 367 HL ( ), 1021 C29th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , IInxx015@ LIN Wenna, Sr Lab Tech (H-Bmt-Stem C8IQ Bx 803 Mayo ( ), A410 Mayo, 2044 Brewster St, Apt 18, St Paul 55108, , linxx008@ LIN Ysyun, Research Assistant (Eiectrlcsl Engineering) EE/C Sel (82S-1002), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, , Iinxx016@ LIN Yu-Chun, Jr Lab Tech (Pharmacology.) Mlrd H( ),linxx029@ LIN Zhong-Heng, Research Assistant (Ph~slcs a Astronomy) 148 Phys ( ), th Ave S E, Apt F, Minneapolis 55414, , zlin@ LIN Zlhui, Teaching Assistsnt (UMD-Math & Statistics) 108 H H Duluth ( ), 1223 E 8th St, Duluth 55805, , LIN Zongyu, Research Specialist (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mech E, th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , Iinxx03O@ LIN Zuxusn, Research Assistsnt (Chemical Eng a Mst ScQ 103 Amund H(82s-3429), zxlin@ L1NAFELTER Georgine T, Sr Secretary (Acad Counseling-Intcllg AthQ 280 BFA B (62S-1544), (62s-8888), UNAMAN Susan N, Sr 0lIica Supv (Medicine) Bx 136 Mayo ( ), 0418 Mayo,linamOO1@ LINARES Miguel, Ubrary Asst 2(Library central Tech Serv) 1700 MWL (82)4343), IinarOO1@ LINCK Richard W, Protessor (cell Biology a Neurosnatomy) Jac H( ), Owre H( ), 1782 Morgan Rd, Long Lake 55358, ,, fax: L1NCKELMANN Markus, Associate Profes8Of (Sch of Mathematics) 105 Vin H(62s-8553), LINCOLN Linda M, Teaching Assistsnt (English Language & Ut) 207 Und H (62S-9811), IincoOO2@ LINCOLN Pamela E, Nurse Practitionr (UMD-Health services) 242 H S Duluth ( ) L1NCOURT Joanna B, Teaching Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), linc0008@ LIND Darlene J, Exec secretary (UMD-Sodology/Anthropology) 228 Cina Duluth ( ), ( ),8014 Old Mllier Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55812, , socanth@ UNO Donald, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Fac Mgmt-Zone 6-1T) 200 Shops B, IindxOO5@ LIND Dorian J, Nutr Edue Asst (ME5-eo11ege of Human Ecology), Anoka Co Ext Olc, Activities Ctr 550 Bunker Blvd N W, Anoka 55304, (75S-1280), th Lane NW, Anoka 55303, , lindxoo9@ LIND Gregory L, Mgr of User serv (Res atech Trns Adm, Olcof) Wssh Av S ( ), N th SI, Ellsworth WI 54011, , LIND JR Richard C, Resesrch Aasistant (Aerospace Eng amechanics) 107 Aker H (62s-&OOO), (82s-6561), 622 4th St S E, Minnespolis 55414, , rick@ LIND Robert E, Teschlng Assistsnt (Medicinal Chemistry) HS Un~ F( ), 534 Snelling Ave N, Apt 1, St Paul 55104, 84s-3974, IlndxOO6@

12 258 L1NDALL-L1NS STAFF LINDAU; AmoId W, Ad; Prof (C8IIIlIoIogy & Neuroanalllmy) Jac H, LINDBECK Dale R, Prin Lab Machinst (Mechanical EngIneering) 125Mach E( ), nd St, White Baar Lake 55110, , LINDBERG EVOIIIl8 C, Prln 8ecrelary (Art Department) 208 Art, fax: LINDBERG GaB A, Ollice Spec (Hosp RacIio Paging 8ys\8m) ax 5 Mavo ( ), A-399 Mayo, LINDBERG Grace M, Sr 8ys\8m Analyst (S1udent F1nanclal Aid, Ole of) 210 Fraser H( ), rd Ave N, New Hope 55427, g-lind@ vml.spcs.umn.adu, LINDBERG John H, Del Serv.Drivw (Plant 8ervices-Ground) 241 DAd B lli(iuth ( ), 2217 Venice St, Proctor 55810, 62~ LINDBERG linda L, Sr Lab Tach (UMD-Cartd/Minerals Duluth FlavoIVIng) 235 NR RI Duluth ( ), POBox3643, Duluth LINDBERG Lome, 8eclrician (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, IlndllOO5@ LINDBERG Philip 0, Commun Supp Spec (University Networking Services) 130 LInd H ( ), ( ), phll@unelumn.adu LINDBERG Sendra J, HiStology Tach (Hosp Labs-Surg Path) Bx 76 Mayo ( ), Jac H, tindboo6@ LINDBERG Susan M, Gen Stall Nurse (pedi8trics-sa) PCUSAMayo ( ), 755-f342, hlnneoo1@ LINDBERG Vern W, Associate Professor (Chemistry) 179 SIlep Lab, tanlont Ave, 81 Paul 55105, ~106,llndbOf7@. LINDBERG Vernon L, Clln Assoc Prof (Ophthalmology), 4056 Hunters HII Way, Minnetonka 55345, LINDBERG Wendy L, Gen 8tallNurse (PadiatrlCS-5A) PCUSA Mayo ( ), Rt 3, Box 130, Norlh Branch 55056, , IIndbl102@ LINDBERG Winstlln R, Clin Prof (Ophthalmology), I St 8, MlrineapoIls 55403, ( ), IIndb015@ LINDBLAD 8andra A, TemptCasl Employ (MedIcine), VA Medical Center, One V-.ns Dr, Minneapolis 55417,1IndbOO8@ LINDBLOM Maurice L, Physician (Fam PractIce & Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), Assistant Professor Wash Av SE, 5219 Malibu Dr, Edina 55436,lIndbOO1@ L1NOEBORG Loretta J, Temp/CBsI Employ (University Bookstores) 290 Wmson H, 398 Centennial Dr, Roeevllle 55113, , 1inde012@ L1NDEKE UncIa L, AssIstant Professor (NUt'8lng, SCh Of-Prog & Res) H8 Unit F( ), 1656 Dodd Rd, Mendota Heights 55118, IindeOOl@ L1NDEKE Richard R, AssocIate Professor (UMD-Industrial Engineering) 176 Engr B Duluth ( ), ( ), r1indekl@d.umn.adu L1NDEUENJ_ M, Ollice 8upv (Ole of The Registrar-Stu Contact) 202 Fraser H( ), j-ilnd@vml.spcs.umn.adu LINDELL Robert E, CIin Assoc Prof (Medicine), 730 Stewart Lane, 8 81 Paul 55075, LINDELL Sendra G, InstructOr (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res), Twin CIty Ob-Gyn, 3480 Laxington Ave N, Shoreview 55126, ( ), 1822 FaIrmoUnt Ave, St Paul 55105, , 1inde014@ LINDEMAN CynthIa J, Asst SCientist (Vet Diagnostic Madicine) 244 Vel DL ( ), ( ), ( ),1660 Iglehart Ave, St Paul 55104, , tindeoo4@ LINDEMANN Becky J, Admissions Interv (Clinical Programs) Moos T ( ),1IndeOO6@ LINDEMANN Charles E, Clln Assoc Prof Emer (Medicine), 6617 Southcrest Dr, Edina 55435, , LINDEN BradIay C, R_rch AssIstant (Surgery) Bx 495 Mayo ( ), 452 VCR C, IIndeD10@ LINDEN Daniiis R, SCientist (Soil SClence-AE8) 170 Bor H( ), Associate Professor (SolI SCi), 1565 Gershwln, Oakdale 55128, , dlinden@nxl.soiis.umn.adu, lax: 612~2206 LINDENBERG Sheila M, Teaching AsaI8IanI (UMD-Gecklgy) 229 Ii H Duluth ( ), ( ),214 N15th Ave E, Upper LaveI, Duluth 55802, L1NDENSMITH Chris A, Research Assistant. (Physics & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), LINOER Judi D, Asaoc ConI Educ Spec (Extenaion Classes) 200 Wes H( ), 1inde002@ LINDGREN Anne W, Prof Emer (Social Work) 400 Ford H, 7250 lewis Ridge Pky, Apt 205, Edina 55439, , Barbara J, MadfClin Lab Tach (Hosp Labs-Surg Path) Bx 76 Mayo ( ), Jac H, 366 Thomas Ave, Uno Lakes 55014, , IlndgOO6@ LINDGREN Bemard W, Professor (Stetiatics, SCh Of-Adm) 270 Vln H(8~, ( ), Sherwood P1aoa, Apt 107, Minnetonka 55305, , bernie@stat.umn.adu LINDGREN Bruce R, Res Fallow (BIostatistics) Bx 303 Mayo ( ), A454 Mayo ( ), Heywood Ct,APPlB Vallay 55124, IIndgOO1@ LINDGREN Charles D, Teaching AssIstanI (Mark8ling & Logistics Mgmt) 1235 MgrntfEcon ( ), 3845 Grand Ave 8, Apt 4, MlMeapclls 55409, , IIndg013@go1d.te.urnn.8du LINDGREN Dawn M, 0lIIce Spec (Sociology) 909 Soc SCi ( ), ( ),l0374Ba1sam Lane, Eden Prairte 55347, IIndgn1n@soc.umn.adu lax: LINDGREN Palricia, AnalystfProg (Adm Inlo 8vcs-Financlal Apps Dev) nd ~ ( ),4498 Owasso Blvd, RosevI1Ie 55113, 481-o1n,lHind@vml.spcs.umn.adu LINDGREN Pauta G, Res Fellow (lllostatistics) Unlv Av 58 ( ), pauta@ blueox.ccbr.umn.adu, fax: LINDGREN Russell C, Clin Assoc Prof Emer (Madlclne), 7250 LewIs Ridge Pky, Apt 205, Edina 55439, , LINDH Jana M, Jr SCientist (Lab MadicIne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), 330 DV C C RC ( ), 866 Hadley Lane N, ClakdaIe 55128, , LINDHOLM Jane 8, ASsistant Professor (Dermatology), 7205 University Ave NE, FrId~y 55432, ( ), IIndhOO5@ LINDHOLM Uncia K, Coordinator (Journalism & Mass Comm, SCh of) 111 Mur H( ), IIndhOO1@ LINDHOLM Martha A, Sr User Serv Spec (HOUsing & Food 8ervices) 210 P8 B ( ), 835 Como Ave, Apt 6, 81 Paul ,marty@ sso.finop.umn.adu LINDIG SuZ8nne K, Gen 8ta11 Nurse (4C-Madlcal Intensive CIre) PCU4C Mayo, IIndIOOl@ LINDLEY Ronald D, Teaching Specialist (Edueetional Pofocy & Adm) 275 Peik H, Central Jr High SchocI, 715 Elm St, A1exandrai56308, ( ), IindIOO2@.L1NDLEY Tory R, SUpplmt Employlle (AthI8IIcs, Women's IntciIg) 120 Fb Comp ( ), IInd1OO1@ LINDMAN Lance A, Printing EslIm8tr (PrInting 8ervices) 102 P8 B ( ), ( ), th Lane NE, CIrcle Pines 55014,1IndmOO5@ LINOMAN Peter A, Lecturer (Art D8parlment) 206 Art B ( ), 618 3rd Ave N E, MInne8pcIIs 55413, LINDMARK Ronald D, Dir R8Iirad (N Central Exp Sta), 1140 Amble Dr, Arden Hilla 55112, LINDNER Barbara L, Lpn (OncokIgy-GynfBalgn Mad-7C) PCU7C Mayo, 907 Western Ave N,St Paul55117, LINDNER Paul M, AnalyatJProg (DistrIluted Computing 8ervices) 152 SIlep Lab ( ), 1115 WFranklin Ave, Apt 203, Minneapolis , lindner@boombox.micro.umn.adu LINDOO Susan J, Assoc ConI Educ Spec (Extenaion CIasses-CEWfCompIeat Scho) 206 Wes H( ), , silndocl@ mall.c88.umn.adu UNDOR Connie A, Teaching AsaI8IanI (ArchIIecIIn) 110 Arch ( ), 184 Kent St, Apt 5, St Paul 65102, 292-0&02, Hnd0003@ utidollfeil..,..,assoc Admln (Biomedical library) 314 Diehl H( ), ( ), rn-hnci@m8roon,te.umn.adu UNDOIlFER Randy R, Uthogr8pher (PrInting 8erv1c1s) 102 P8 B ( ), ( ), 427 JudIth, RosevIlle 55113, ,lIndol102@ LINDOW Lynn E, T8aching AsaI8IanI (Kinesiology & Laisln StudIes) 202 NorrIs H, Shore Lane, Eden Pralrle 65348, , lindooo4@ UNIlQUI8TConrad M, Sr Lab Serv Coord (0rth0paadIc Surg) Bx 289 Mayo ( ), 306 Ch RC ( ), 581 Esther Lane, Woodbury 55125, ,IIndqOO4@, lax: LINDQUIST CynthIa M, Nursing Sta Tech (Nursing Float Pool) ax 803 Mayo, 810 oak 81 8 E, Apt 2-1 MInneapolIs 55414, 37~,1IndqOO3@ LINIlQUIST Damian J, Research Assistant (An:hIlllclure) 110 Arch ( ), th Ave 8 E, Minneapolis 55414, ,lIndqOl3@ LINIlQUIST David M, Exec Asst (Res &Tach Trns Adm, Ole of) Wash Av 8 ( ),P o Box 1316, Monticello 55382, davld@ ortta.umn.adu LINDQUIST J8Mt M, CIin Asst Prof (Fam Practice &CommunIty HIth), Adams ClInIc, 2229 E3rd Ave Hibbing 55748, ( ). LINIlQUlST Jean M, Prin 8ecrelary (Biological SCi, ColIega Of-Adm) 123 Sn H( ), IIndqOl1@maroon.tI:.umn.adu LINDQUIST Kathleen A, Sr Payroll Spec (Payroll.8ervIcIs) nd St ( ), k-llnd@ vml.spcs.umn.adu LINDQUIST Marlene L, Exec 8ecrelary (UroIogk: Surgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ), A590 Mayo ( ), 5580 Donegal Dr, ShorevIew 55126, 49O-527O,1IndqOO6@rnaroo.te.umn.adu LINIlQUIST P8lJ1cIa M, Med Tach Spec (Hosp Labs-PuImonary Function) ax 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, 322 W25th St, MinneapcIIa 55404, 67G-9873,1IndqOO7@ LINDQUIST Ruth A, Associate Professor (NursIng, SCh Of-Prog & Res) H 8 Unn F ( $), ( ), 1indqOO2@ L111DQU18T Stephen C, Teaching SpecIalist (SCh of Mathematics) 115 YIn H( ), 4826 Aldrich Ave 8, Mlnrieapolis 55409, , IIndqOOl@ LINIlSAY Brooke E, Assistant (HHH Inst PubI AIIra) 130HHHCtr ( ),1842 Franklin Ave 8 E, Apt 2, MInne8pcIIs 55414, 378-D405, LINIlSAY Jon W, Research AssIstant (Machanlcal EngInen1g) 125 Mach E, 1720 WLarpanteur Ave, Apt lj, Falcon tleights 65113, , lindaoo8@ LINDSAY Robert, Prof Emer (MassComm & Inli RelatiOns) 11 Hillside Court, 81 Paul 55106, UndaOO1@maroon.Tc.Urnn.Edu IJND8AY Susan A, Word Proc Spec (Theoretical PhyaIca Inst) 431 Phys ( ), IIndsOll@ UND-8CHU8TER Karen K, Exec 8ecrelary (HHH Inst PubI AIIra) 235 HHHCtr, 5550 Pleasant Ave, MInn8apolis li5419, achuaoo4@ LINDSTROM Alan L, AsaI8IanI (Lab MedIcIne & Pathology) ax 609 Mayo ( ), D242Mayo,4 Pine Tree Dr, Apt 110, Arden HIllS 55112, ,lIndaOO2@ UNDSTIIOII Carole M, Exec Secrelary (Art HIslary) 107 Jones H(~, ( ), , L1NOSlROM Heather J, Short Term Employ (Art Department) 208 Art B( ), goratool@ UNOSlROM.Mary M, Gan StafI Nurse (Neonatel Inten8Ive Care-3C) PCU3C Mayo, 1IndaOO7@ LINDSTROM Paul, Asst SCIentIst (Medicine) Bx 506 Mayo ( ), 293 DVCC RC ( ), 12908emInary Ave, St Paul 55104, ,IIndaOO8@~.te.umn.adu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LINDSTROM Richard L, CIIn Prof {Ophthalmology) ax 493 Mayo ( ), ~252 PWB ( ), VAMadIcaI Center, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), IIndsOO9@maroon.te.urnn.adu LINDT Gayta J, Research AssIstant (Design Ctr. Amer Urban Lndscp) 110 Arch ( ), LINE Joanne,M, Sr AdmIn DIIiIctDr (UMD-Library) 248 L Duluth ( ), ( ),2006 SW8n Lake Rd, Duluth 55811, , j-line@ vml.spcs.umn.adu, lax: L1NO Louis, AssIstant Profess«(Pharmacy Practice), Hennepin COUnty MadIcaI Center, 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), CardInal Creek Rd, Eden PrairIe 65348, IIngxOO2@ LING Shu Fen, Teaching SpaclaIIat (UniversIty ~Adm) 107 Armory ( ), HngxOO3@ L1NO Wenhua, Teaching AssIstant (CIvH Engineering) 122 Civ E, 1178 FitleldAve, Apt Nol, St Paul 55106, , mg30001@ msi.umn.adu LINOCHENG JIan, ProIlIaaor (Horticultural SCience) 305 Alder H( ), IIngcOOl@ goid.te.umn.adu. LlNGENGary R, Nursing Asst~ PCU5A Mayo, 830 N H8zaI St, Apt 204, St Paul 55119, ,IingeOO1@ UNGITZ Erwin A, Prin Lab MachInst (MechanIcal ~) 17.1 Mach E( ), 463 Ashland Ave, St PauI55102, L1NGRE.N Kathy A, Crnnty Prog Spec (Epidemiology) nd 81 ( ), st 51, CIoqu8I55720, ll8,1IngnIn@ eplvax.epl.umn.adu LINK Marijo, Gin Stall Nurse (H OPD-Padlalrlcs) ax 88 Mayo ( ), ord Ct, Eden Prairie 55347, ,1InkxOO2@ LINKE Kathet1ne M, Gen StafI Nurse.(PadiatrIc8-5A) PCUSA Mayo ( ), Van Buran Court, IIIaIne 55434,lInkeOlll@ UNKERT Gary L, SCIentIst (Agronomy & Plant Genetics)411 Bor H( ), Agr 8 H, ,lInkel102@m8rolin.te.umn.adu UNKERT Gerald H, PIpalltter (Construction Admin) 200 Shops B ( ), Dodd Blvd, Rosemount 55068, ,1lnkeOO3@ LJNKLEnER~ J, Mad Record Clerk (H Film FIle Serv) Bx 601 Mayo, 984 Lexington Pky N, St Paul 55103, ,lIl*lOlIl@ LINN James G,1'roIessor (AI*naI SCience) 101 Hckr H( ), ( ), 2642 Suzanne CIrcle, W88ar Lake Twn 55110, ,,Iax: LINN Michael D, Profess«(UMD-ComposItlon) 433 HDuIyth (728-a525), (72&8131), 2432 JeIIerson $t, Duluth 55812, , comp@ d.urnn.adu LINNE Jean J, AsaI8IanI ProIlIaaor (Lab MedIcIne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), D142 Mayo, Hy!MM, EdIne 55439, , linneoo1@ LINNEA Rae l, Vet Mad AssIstant (Clinical & Population SCIenoas) 225 Vet Tch Hos ( ) 21n Knapp 81, Apt 5, St Paul 55106, 8470S283, L1NNER John H, CIin Prof (8wgefy-GeneraJ) Metro Mad Ole Bldg, Suile 1014, Ih St, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), 4816 Moorland Ave, EdIna 55424, ,1innIOO3@ L1NNER Karen L, SuppImt Employee (Urblil & RgnIAIIalrs, Ctr For) 330 HHHCtr ( ), ,, lax: L1NNES-ROB1NSON Sarah p. Exec Asst (urbail & RgnIAllaIrs, Ctr For) 330 HHHCtr ( ), th Ave 8, M"1IVl88pOIs 55409, , linquist Karen L, Sr 0ftIca Supv (Ole of Human Resources) 232 Mor H( ), ( ), 450 LIJerty St NE, FrldIay 55432, , llnqulst@mallbox.tnaii.umn.adu, lax: L1NS Jeanne M, 0CCupa TherapIst (H Oocupalional Therapy) Bx 106Mayo,liIIsxOO2@

13 UNIVER~ITY OF MINNESOTA UNSTROM Elizabeth J, Research Assl~ (MechanIcal Engineering) 125 Mech E( ), Teachlng AssIs1anl ( ), UHTIN Danlet P, Asst Acad Advisor (CLA Student Acad Suppt Svcs) 114 Joh H( ), 832 W County Rd 82, Roseville 55113, , UNTON David A, Ubrary Asst 2 (Mlnitex) S33 0 M WL ( ), , IIntoOO1@ UNZIE Bradley M, Physician (Medicine), Hannepln County Medical center, 701 Park Ave S Mtnneapolis 55415, ( ), 4500 Cedar Lake Rd, Apt 4, St Louis Park 55416, IInzle@ UNZIE Brian L, Grad SChool Trainee (Res In ling, Percpln &Cog Ctr) 205 Ell H ( ), 4500 Cedar Lake Rd, Apt 4, St Louis Park 55416, 377~13O, IInzlOO2@ UONEnI Peter A, Accounts Spec (H Third Party FoHowup) Bx 602 Mayo, lioneoo1@ LJOU Jia-Jer, Research Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat ScI) 67 AmuOO H, th Ave S E, Apt 905, Minneapolis 55414, , jlajeoo1@ LJOU Lllpemg, Teaching Assis1anl (Summer Sesaion) 127 Vln H( ), 129 Elect E, IiouxOO2@ LJOU Yuh-Huey, Research Assistant (Food SCi & NutrttIan) 225 FSC N ( ~ 320 AB L MS, 1231 Raymond Ave, St Paul 55108, , 1Ioux001@ UOW Jelh-San, Res Assoc (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo, C205 Mayo, VAMedical center, Pet Imaging 8ectIon, l1p, One Veterans Dr, ' Minneapolis 55417, ( X4769),,iax: UPlATOU EIIssavet, Res Assoc (Gray Freshwater BioIlnst), Gray Freshwater BIOI Institute, County Ad 15 & 19, Box 100, Navarre 55392, (471~76), IIp1a001@, fax: UPIC Paul M, Research Asslstent (Chemical Eng & Mat SCO 95 AmuOO H( ), 570 W SaOOhurst-Or. Apt 223, Roseville 55113, lipicoo1@ UPOWITZ Alan J, Professor (small Animal Clin SC0432VetTch Hos ( ), ( ),523 Suzanne Ave, Shoreview 55126, , IipowOOl@ LIPPERT Lucinde C, Gao Stall Nurse (OncoIogy-Gyn/Benign Med-7C) PCU7C Meyo, lWl StW, Minneapolis 55437,llppeOO1@ UPPINCOTT Gall M, Teaching Assistant (Rhetoric) 201 Hckr H( ),lIppIOO2@ UPPITT NICHOLS Mary, Assoc 088n (Mgmt, C L cerllloo Sch Of-Adm) 230 Mgml/Econ ( ), Professor (Strategic Management) ( ), 3526 Skycroft Dr, Minneapolis 55416, , IipplOOl@,lax: 612~ UPPMAN David A, Pre-Doc Asst (PharmacolOgy) Mlrd H( ), Moos T, Uppman@ UPS Roger C, Associ8te Professor (UMD-English) 412 H Duluth ( ),1405 VermlHon Rd, Duluth 55812, UPSCOMB John 0, Professor (BIochemlstry-Med Sch) Mlrd H( ), Owre H ( ), White Pine Dr, Weyzata 55391, , UpscOO1@, fax:, 612~ UPSET David M, Assoclete Professor (Anthropology) 290C Ford H (~7), IlpseOO1@ UPSKY Sanford, Professor (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), ( ), 425 5th St SE, Mlnneepolls 55414, 331~190,llpsk001@ UPTOCK James J, Sr Perking Attn (Parking ServIces) 17 Pol 0 B ( ), ( ), 5650 Polk St NE, Fridley 55432, HptoOO1@ USBERQ WIlliam N, Clin Instr (Family Practice & community Health) Bx 361 Mayo (624-~), PWB, North MemorIeI Medical center, Oakdale Med Bldg, Suite 604, 3300 Oakdale Ave N, MinneepoIls 55422, ( ), lisbe001@ U8ET David a. 0fIica Spec (Telecommunications ServlceslSte Univ Av Se ( ), Hset002@ L1SKIEWICZ Unda M, 8ecretarIa1 Asst (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth ( ),1510 E5th St, Duluth 55812, L1SS Kenneth A, Admin Fellow (CLA Student Acad Suppt Svcs) 215 Ford H ( ~ 1929 Fremont Ave S, Apt 7, Minneapolis 55403, 377~165, IissxOO2@ L1SS1CK Lara A, Research Assistant (Journalism & Mass Comm, Sch of) 111 Mur H( ), , carls064@ UST James F, Prof School Fellow (MicrobiolOgy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 1405 Mayo,Iistx002@ USTON Stephen L, CDn Assoc Prof (Fern Prectlce & Community HIth), 310 Smith Ave N, Suite 120, St Paul 55102, (227~1), UstoOO1@ L1STUL Michel W, Sgt of Pollee (Pollee Dept) 143 T SB ( ), LITCHFIELD Connie 0, Assoc AdmIn (TelecommunICations Services) UnIY Av sa (62ll-6666), ( ); e-llte@, pager: LITMAN Theodor J, Professor (Heelth Mgrnt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), C309 Mayo ( ),3301 Gettysburg Ave S, St louis Perk 55426, ,11tmaOO1@ UTMAN Tracy E, Techn Consultent (UMD-Achievement Ctr-Wrec) 193 KSCDuluth ( ), LITMAN ZELLE Deborah R, Teaching AssIstant (Educational Psychology) 204 au H, 2163 Scheller Ave, St Peul 55116, , litmaoo3@ LITSHEIM James E, Engtneer/Arch (Tech Support Archit~re)25 Shops B( ), 1ItshOO2@ UTTERER Lynn A, ScIentist (Vet PethobioIogy) 295 An SCiJV M( ), 1699 Selby, Apt 4, St Paul 55104, ~121,1ltleOO1@ LITTLE Ann M, Gen Stall Nurse (Pedlatrlci-sA) PCU5A Mayo ( ), IIttlOO5@ LITTLE JameS W, Professor Emerltus (Diegnostlc/Surglcal SCiences) On Lave Through 06/1996 LITTLE Jane A, Instructor (Medicine) ex 266 Mayo (62~151), 405C Mas cen Ctr( ), ( ),littIOO2@ LITTLE Pamela C, Instructor (Sociel Work, Sch of), 103 EStele, Suite 611, M8IlOO CIty 50401, ( ) LITTLECREEK Russell J, SocieI Wkr, Sr (CUHCe-Adult Medical), 20011l1oomlngton Ave S Minneapolis 55404, ( ), 1lttIOO7@ L1TTLEFlEI:D cerol M, Gao Stall Nurse (Rehab 4) PCUR4 Mayo, IIttlOO4@ LITTLEFIELD Sharon E, Teaching AssIstent (M History) 107 Jones H( ), IlttIOll@ LITTLEFIELD-ENRIGHT Holly A, Teechlng Assls1anl (Composition &CommunIcatIon) UOO H, 92tl-0465,I/ttIOO9@ LITTLEJOHN Nancy K, Sr UII8I" Serv Spec (Adm Info Svcs-Customer Assistance) S2nd St ( ), LITTMAN Benjamin, AnalystJProg (central Computing Services) 100 Laud C F( ), 76 Clarence Ave SE, Minneepolls 55414, ,, lax: , pager: LITTMAN Walter, Professor (Inst For Math & Its Applications) 127 Vin H( ), 76 Clarence Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , unmen@ LITTON Amy L, Research AssIstent (Pharmacology) Mlrd H( ), LITTRELL Linda J, Sr Secretary (Ag & Applied Econ) 317 CLA 011 ( ),11ttrOO1@ LITWAK Jane M, Teaching Assistant (Educetional Psychology) 211 au H(~), 37 SIdney Place, Minneepolis 55414, , litwaoo1@ LITZ Craig E, Assistant Professor (Lab MedIcine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), Iltzx001@ L1U Aimln, Res Assoc (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H( ), ( ), , UU Ilerl&mIn Y. Regents Professor (Mechanical EngIneng) l30a Mach E ( ~ 1 Deep Lake Ad N, North Oaks 55127, , b1iu@ L1U Chlen-LJang, Teaching AssIstent (Computer SClenoe) ex 807 Mayo ( ), Mayo, UU Chuen-Fen, Rasearch AssIstant (Institute For Health Svca Res) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), Mayo, UU Chun-Jo, Prof Emer (InS! Of Languages & Lit) 102 Fol H( ), 1IuxxOO2@ maroon.te.umn,edu UU Dan, Teaching AssIs1ant (Envtronmentel Health & Safety) 125 Mach E( ), 306 Elect E, 331~,lIuxx06O@ UU Dao8henll, Asst SCIentIat (MadIcine), VA MedlcaI Center, Research 8ectIon (151), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X2903), 1IwCx0000 UU Dequn, PoIt-Doc Assoc (Plant Palhology) 495 Bor H( ), 303 Stak H, , liuxx014@maroon.te.umn.eclu UU Dengyun, Professor (Theoretical PhysIcs Inst) 148 Phys ( ). UU Fueen, Pre-Doc Asst (BIochemIstry-CBS) 140 Gor L ( ), UU Hang Ung, Vi8It Res Fellow (Educational PoIlcy & Adm) 275 PaIk H( ), 515 5th St S E, Apt 3, Minneapolis 55414, , Iluxx053@ UU HongjIan, Pr1n Lab Tech (ChemIstry) 139 SmIth H( ), 456B KoIt H( ), 2034 Knapp Ave, St Paul 55108, , hllu@ UU Hslen-Chlng, PoIt-Doc Assoc (Pharmacology) MJrd H( ), Owre H, th Ave S E, Apt F, Minneapolis 55414, , UU Hsifen G, Research AssIstant (Underground Space Ctr) 122 CIv E, , Kuxx039@ UU Hut, Teaching Assistant (UMO-Chemlstry) 246 Chern Duluth ( ~ 517N 16th Ave E, Duluth 55812, UU Huhlu C, Teaching AssIs1ant (Educational PsycholOgy) 206 au H( ), liuxx049@ UU Hung-Wen, Professor (ChemIstry) 139 Smith H( ),74 KoIt H( ), 1308 SkIRman Ave W, Roseville 55113,lIu@ L1U Hwa.Jen, Gred School Fellow (SocIology) 909 Soc SCI ( ) UU Isaac N, AssIs1ant Professor (PreventIve SCiences) Moos T ( ),1654 Howell St N, FeJcon Helgh1a 55113, , Huxx059@ UU JIa, R-m AssIstent (Phermaceutlcs) H S Unit F( ), Uuxx013@ UU Jian J, Teaching AssIstant (EJectrIcal Englneerlng) EE/C SCi ( ), th Ave SE, Apt F, Minneepolls 55414, ,IIuxx037@ ' UU Jian VI, Teaching AssIstent(Geography) 414 Soc SCI ( ), th Circle, Brooklyn Center 55429, 56ll-6474,1luxx028@, UU JIe, Rasearch AssIs1anl (BIOlogicaI Process Tech lnat) 240 Gor L ( ) UU Jun, R-m AssIs1ant (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), Huxx055@ UU Kei-Ping, Rasearch AssIstent (Electrical Eng) EE/C SCi ( ), kalp1oo1@ UU Kangsheng, Res Fellow (M Depar1ment) 208 Arl B ( ), ( ), Huxx045@ UU Kristin K, Teaching Assistant (English As A Second Language) 190 Kia Ct( ), , UU Un, Sr Lab Tech (Vet PathobIoIogy) 137F Vet S( ), 1971 Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, ( ), 555 Harriet Ave, Apt 901, ShorevIew 55126, , Iluxx062@ UU Louise P, Teeching AssIstent (Archnecture) 110 Arch ( ), , Iluxx047@ STAFF L1NSTROM-L1U 259 L1U Pelxln, Dental Fellow (Preventive SCIences) Moos T ( ), ( ), pelxioo1@ L1U Pocheng, Research Assistant (Lab Medicine & Palhology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, th Ava S E, Apt C, Minneepolls 55414, uuxx03o@ L1U Q1an, Teaching Asslstent (UMD-ChemIstry) 246 Chem Duluth ( ) L1U Q1ng, Grad SChool Trainee (Political SCIence) 1414 Soc SCi, 2620 Cedar Ave S, Apt 8, Minneapolis 55407, 721~, nuxx068@ LIU Q1nqin, Assistant PrQfessor (UMD-BioIogy) 211 L SCi Duluth ( ), ( ) UU Ruilong, Post-Doc Assoc (Soil SCience) Bor H ( ), 533 Soils ( ), 962 Germain Ct St Paul 55106, Iluxx05O@ UU Shi-Ping, Research AssIstant (Gray Freshweter BIOI 11181) 122 CIv E, Gray Fteshweter Biollnst, County Road 15 & 19, Box 100. Nevarre 55392, ( ), th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, liuxxol2@ UU Terrence H, Med Fel Spec (Surgery-General) Bx 42 Mayo ( ), PWB, 3000 W River Ro, Apt 305, Minneapolis 55406, ,, L1U TlQing, Teaching Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), L1U X1angdong, Research AssIstant (BiochemIstry-Med Sch) 140 Gor L, th Ave S E, Apt B, Mlnnepolls 55414, , liuxx057@ LIU Xieo, Res Assoc (CIvil Engineerlng) 122 CIY E ( ), ( ), ( ),1193 Raleigh St, St Paul 55108, liuxxol1@ L1U Xing-Ping, Post-Doc Assoc (Madlcinal Chemistry) HS Unit F( ), 4141th Ave SE, Apt 0102, Minneapolis 55414, 331~, liuxx051@ L1U Xiuwu, Teaching Assis1anl (Composition & Communication) 306 UOO H( ), 1255 Fifleld Place, St Paul 55108, ,iiuxxOl5@ UU Yanping, Research Assistant (Soil SCO 8427 Bor H( ), 1205 Ray Place, St Paul 55108, ,lIuxx031@ L1U Yao-Ql J, Research Assistant (Aerospece Eng & Mechanics) 107 Aker Ii ( ), , liuxxol0@ L1U YI, Research Assistant (Illochemlstry-Med SCh} Mlrd H( ), Owre H, th Ave S E, Apt 607, Minneepolls 55414, , liuxx024@ L1U Yihan, Research Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 117 AmuOO H( ), , L1U Ying, Prof School Fellow (St Anthony As HydraUlic Lab) 367 H L( ), liuxx056@ L1U Ying, Research Assistant (UMD-BIOIogy) 108 HHDuluth (7~251), 517 N 16th Ave E, Duluth 55812, UU Yuxlu, Res Assoc (Pharmacology), VA Medlcel Center, Research Sarvice, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X2840), 5315 Minnehaha Ave, Apt 204, Minneapolis 55417, liuxxoo9@ UU Zheng, Teaching Assistant (Economics) 1035 Mgml/Econ ( ), 1173 Fifield Ave, Apt 8-2, St Paul 55108, ,lluxx021@ L1U Zheru, Research Assistant (Blochemlstry-Med Sch) Mlrd H( ), Owre H, th Ave S E, Apt B, Minneapolis 55414, , Iluxx035@ L1U Zhlhua" Vlsn Prof (Forest Products) 203 Kauf L( ), ( ),ll005thStSE, Minneapolis 55414, , Iluxx054@ L1U Zhuangyl, Assistant Professor (UMD-Meth & Statistics) 108 H H Duluth ( ), 352 MWA H, 1707 Woodbury Lane, Duluth,55603, " L1U Zill, Pre-Doc Asst (Res In Lmg, Percptn & Cog Ctr) 205 Elt H( ), ( ),, ( ), UU Zlwel. Research Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H ( ), liuxxol7@

14 260 L1U-LOMELI-ORTEQA STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UU Zongyu, Research SpecIalist (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mech E, UUDAHL 8andra L, Gen Stall Nurse (Neonatal IntanslYe C8nl-3C) PCU3C Mayo, L1UKKONEN Barbara W, Ext Educ & Asso Prof (ME8-CoIIege of AgricU1Iura), Bwsr Ext Ole, 394 S Lake Ave, Rm!lOS, Duluth 55802, ( ), 4828 Woodland Ave, Duluth 55803, bilukkonen@ L1UKKONEN Robert J, Asst SCientist (UMD-Chemlstry) 403 Chem Duluth ( ), ( ), , LIUPAKKA JII F, Sr DabI Eniry Opr (UMD-Business Ole) Ad B Duluth ( ), 306 2nd St, 8()x 234, carllon 55718, LIVDAHL C8roII, Med Tech Spec (Hasp Labs-Dieg Micro) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), B209 Mayo ( ),4708 Terracewood Dr, Bloomington 55437, , HvdaOOl@ LIVELY Aileen L, SrUser serv Spec (Ole of The Registrar-Reglstralion) 8-25 Fraser H( ), nol Edgewood Dr NE, Mounds View 55112, , LIVELY Richard S, SCientist (Geological Survey, MN) 104 2fl42 Unlv Av W( ), 501 Shep Lab, nol Edgewood Dr, Mounds View 55112, , L1V1NQSTON Cynthia J, Assoc Dev 0lIicer (MN Medical Foundalion) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), PWB, , livin002@ LMNGSTON Dale A, senior EMS Tech (Environmenta1 HeaIIh &sefety) Unlv Av se ( ), 903 6th Ave W, Shakopee 55379, , LIVINGSTON Dennis M, Professor (Biochemistry-Med SClI) 4-225'MIrd H( ), Dwra H( ), th Ave NW, New IlrighIon 55112, , HvinOO1@ LIVINGSTON Diaoo M, Sr Accounts Asst (Computer & Info SeM) 100 Laud CF( ), h St NW, Apt 106, New Brighton 55112, , LIVINQSTON ElliS N, Prof Emer (UMD-HIstory), Rt 2, 8()x 284, iberia MO 65488, , HvinOO5@ LIVINGSTON Marlis J, Jr cashier (UMD-8Qokstora) 175 KSC Duluth ( ), 1905 WKent Rd, Duluth 55812, LIVINGSTON Suzar)ne M, Aast SCientist (Agronomy & Plant Genetica) 513 8Qr H ( ),3305 Shepherd HiHs Dr, Bloomington 55431, ,, fax: L1VON-SHRAGG Cynthia 0, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Medicine) Bx 194Mayo ( ), th St SE, LJUNGKULL Jon E, Lab Machinist (E1eclrica1 Engineering) E EJC Sci ( ), 107 Elect E, 5250 Bald Eagle Blvd E, White Bear Lake 55110, , IjungOOl@ LLERENA Jose M, Instructor (RadklIogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), HeraOOl@ LLEWELLYN Marti R, Cmnty HIth Coord (Biostatistics) Univ Av se ( ), LLORENlI James L, Aasociata Professor (HHH Inst Pub! AtIrs) 241 HHHCtr ( ), th Ave SE, Apt 9, Minneapolis 55414, , jliorens@ LLOYD Anna S, Teeching SpeciaIlst (UMD-EngHsh) 410 H H Duluth ( ) LLOYD Cheri J, Sr L.aborar (Laundry 8ervicas) P B ( ), LLOYD Kathleen L, Sr 8ecralary (HorlIcu1tura1 Science) 305 Alder H( ), ( ),781 Glenwood Ave E, Big Lake 55309,11oydOO2@ LLOYD Kimcherle, Teaching Aaslsta/Il (Music, Sch of) 100 Ferg H, th ",ve SE, Minneapolis 55414, 379-n94,11oydOO4@ LO Chlh-Yang, Research Assistant (Food Sci & Nutrition) 225 FSc N, IoxxxOO4@ LO David S, Lacturar (Electrical ~) E E/C Sci ( ), 2313 ExpIorar Ct, Burnsville 55337, , IoxxxOO1@ LO Joeephine N, Physician (Anesthesiology) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), Assistant Professor 8512 Mayo, 2317 Byrnes Rd, Minnetonka 55305; IoxxxOO2@ LO Yuet K, Assistant Professor (Inst of Languages & Lit) 184 Kia Ct (~1), th. 'St S E, Minneapo1ls 55414, ,1oxxxOO5@ LOBACK Verla M, Sr Food Serv Wkr (H Stalion service) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), klbacool@ LOBAN Cherles, Psychologist,Hasp (CUHCe-AduR Medical) C U HC C (627~), Ioben001@ LOBAS Jetlray G, Instructor (Pedialrlca) Bx 391 ~ayo, PWB, Hennepin County MadIcal Center, Dept of Pediatrics, 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55415, ( ),lobasOO1@ LOBERG Kathy, Nursing Asst (H Endoscopy) Bx 88 Mayo, PW B, loberoo1@ LOBERG Mary M, Prln Secretary (Bursar) 140 Wmson H( ), m-iobe@ LOBLE Rachel P, Grad School Felow (French & Italian) 260 Fol H( ), 3316 Hackberry, Bismarck NO 58501, , IobIeOOl@ LOCATI Branda J, Undergra Res Aast II (ME8-Systamwlde Support) WH Duluth, P0 8()x 3197, Duluth LOCH Seata, Teaching AssIstant (EngJIsh As A S8cond Language) 190 Kia Ct, IochxOOl@ LOCH Deb A, Research Aaslsta/Il (Or1hopaedic Surg) ( ), Hennipen County Medical Ctr, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), IochxOO2@ LOCH John J, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Loch Pharmacy Inc, th St W, Rosemount 55068, ( l, DIernond Path W; Apple Valley 55124, LOCH Suzanne Y, Teeching Assistanl{General College) 369 Ap H( ), Portland Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, chova001@' LOCHNER-WRIGHT Cheryl B, Student Para Wkr (intamaliona1 Study &Travel) 102 Nich H ( ), ( ), IochnOOl@ maroon.te.umn:edu LOCK Pater W, Prof Emer (French & italian), 2887 James Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, , lockx001@ LOCKE Janette M, Sr Secretary (Bell Museum of Nat Hist) 300 Bell Mus ( ), th Ave N, Apt 328, Minneapolis 55430, 1ockeOO2@, fax: n7 L.OCKE Murray S, Clin Assoc Prof (Psychiatry), 1660 SHwy 100, Suite 143, Minneapolls 55418, locked03@ LOCKHART Benham E, Professor (Plant Path) 495 8Qr H( ), 301 Crstn L, 2208 Hendon Ave, St Paul 55108, ,IockhOO2@ LOCKHART Deborah l, Sr Data Entry Opr (Boynton-Patienl Accounting) W275 Boyn HS ( ), IockhOO4@ LOCKHART Kay M, Associalll Professor (Architectura),331 2nd Ave N, Minneapolis 55401, ( ), 73 8eymour Ave SE, Minneapolls 55414, , IockhOO5@ LOCKHART Kimba1l J, Non Univ Stall (French & Italian) 260 Fol H, LOCKMAN Lawrance A, Aasociata Professor (Neurology) Bx 488 Mayo ( ), P WB, 5247 Clinton Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , IockrnOOl@, fax: , pager: ~ LOCKREM Michael L, Exec Asst.{A1hIetics, Women's IntelIg) 220 BFA B ( ), ( ), 4825 Taylor St NE, Columbia HIs 55421, , IockrOO1@ LOCKWOOD John F, Res Fellow (Vet PathotliolollY) 295 An ScifY M ( ), 691 W Wheelock Pky, St Paul 55117, 487-G402, IockwOOl@.LOCY Douglas J, Coordlnator (Athletics, Men's InteHg) 120 Fb Camp ( ), Lacturer (Kinesiology & Leisure StudIea), 735 Iowa Ave W, St Paul 55117, ,1ocyxOO1@. LODAHL Arlene E, 8Qokstore SUpY (UMD-Bookstora) 175 K S C Duluth ( ), LODGE KeIth B, Aaslsta/Il ProI8ssor (UMD-aIemicII ~ 231 Engr B Duluth ( ),44 Mimeapolis Ave, Duluth 55803, <4,, fax: LODGE TImothy P, Professor (ChemIstry) 139 SmIth H( ), ( ), 1783 James Ave S, MlnneapolIs 55403, m-2341, Iodge@ LOEB Barbara E, T88chIng SpeclaHst (Theatre ArIII & Denoe) 106 NorrIs H, 4832 York Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, n, kmlbxoo1@ LOEFFLER BrIan H, Research Assistant (Ag & ApplIed Econ) 240 CLA 011 ( ), ( ), ( ),4159 ShIrae Lane S,. Shoravlew 55126, ,1oefIOO8@ LOEFFLER Dorothy F, Prin Secretary (RestoratIve Sciences) Moos T ( ), ( ~ IoetlOO4@. LOEFFLER Dorothy R, Professor (Unlv CounselIng &ConsuttIng8erv) 204 Eddy H ( ), ( ),151 Norman Ridge Dr, BloomIngton ~7, , Ioetller@, fax: LOEFFLER Rodney J, DeplAast Dir (Music) 100 Ferg H( ), ( ), 5725 Olinger Rd, EdIna 55436, , IoetIOOl@ LOEFFLER.Traceyanne M, Teeching Assistant (MES-CoIIege of EducatIon) 204A Cooke H ( ), 3542 G8rfIeld Ave S, Apt 3, Minneapolis 55408, 827-G191,1oetIOO3@ LOEHR Rodney C, I'rof Emer (History), 8106 Highwood Dr, Apt Y321, Bloomington 55438, LOEB D8nIeI J, Aaslsta/Il Professor (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo, 1oeax001@ LOE8CH Mark A,' D1itnbution Wkr (Hasp ShIpplngJ Bx 517 Mayo ( ), C175 Mayo, LOEWEN ~ R, Research AssIstant (Inst of ChlId Dev) 2140 Ch Dev ( ), rd Ave S, Apt 8, Minneapolis 55408, , IoewlIOOl@ LOEWEN8ON Karen M, GenStatl Nurse (NeonataJ InllInsIve Care-3C) PCU3C Mayo, 1oeweOO2@ LOEWENSON Petllr R, CIIn Instr (Pediatrics), Hennepin County MadicaI C8nl8r, Dept of Pada, Mallcode 887B, 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis { ), LOEWEN8ON Ruth B, Aasoc Pro! Emer (Neurology), (Sch of PublIc HeaIIh), 3320 Loulslana Ave S, Apt 408, St LouIs Park 55426, , LOFF ErIc T, Teaching Assistant (Mgml, CL Carlson Sch Of-Adm) 845 MgrntfEcon, Iotlx001@ UlI'GIlEN John A, Prof Emer (Entomology), 3848 York Ave S, MInneapoIls 55410, , UlI'GIlEN KrIstine P, Per DIem Gsn (Nursing FJoet Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, Lowell St N W, Elk River 5533ll, ,109OO1@ LOF8NElI8 Karen G, Assistant Professor (Lab MedIcIne & PalI1oIogy) Bx 808 Mayo ( ), PW8, 451. R8tIecUon Rd, Apple Valley 55124, , 1oIsnOO1@, fix: UlFJHUS Patrice R, Sr Acc:ounts Asst {llenlin'y-ciinicai Prog)4-108 Moos T ( ), (824-9llll6), 195 E5th SL Apt 408. St Paul 55101, , LOFTUS Jane H, Nursing Sta Tech (Oncology-Maeonic 3) PCUm3Mayo ( ), LOGAN Dale A, SrAuto MechanIc (UMM-Transp & Mech Svca)9 Cam MorrIs ( ), At 1, Box 38, Starbuck 56381, LOGAN DameI1 T, Student0IIl0e Asst (Adm Info Svca-Data Acoeas) ( ), 1059 DaylOll Ave, St Paul 55104, , d-ioga@, fax: LOGAN George M, AaslatlInl ProI8ssor {MedIcIne), SlPsul Rameey MadIcal canter, 640 Jackson SL St Paul 55101, ( ),1729 Maple Lane, Roseville 55113, ,, fax: , pager: LOGAN Jean M, Acc:ounts Aast (H BlUing) Bx 802 Mayo, PW B, loganoo8@ LOGAN Krlsti K, Taachlng AssIstant (Psychology) N-218 ER H, 729 8th Ave S E, Apt 14, Minneapolis 55414; 331-n89, LOGAN Lualne, Prln Stu Para Wkr (Admissions & FinanclaI Aid-UMM) 105 Behm MorrIs ( ), LOGEL Berbers A, CIln Aast Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), P WB, 3007 Harbor Lane, PIyrnouth 55441, { ),IogetOO2@ LOGEUN Alvin A, Telecom Engineer (Telecommunicalions 8ervIces) 30 Telecom B ( ), 93311th Ave N W, New BrightOn 55112, , LOGEUN Jan, Prin Secretary (Fac Mgml-Zone 2-West Bank) 200 Shops B ( ), 57 MgmtfEcon ( ), 1ogelOO1@ LOH Horace H, Head (WfFec Rank) (Phannatoiogy) MIrd H( ), Professor ( ), ( ), 2405 DIanna Lane, Uttle Canada 55117, , Iohxx001@ LOHMAN Janica C, S, Med Tech/Clin (Hasp Labs-SrI) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), UHasp th Ave N, PIymouIh 55446, , Iohma001@ LOHMAN Tom, Dig Equip Srv Spa {UMD-Informatlon 8ervIces)178 MWAH Dululh ( ), (7~7973), ( ), 138 Laurle St Duluth 55803, ,lIohman@d.umn.8du LOHMAN WilHam H, Adj Aast Prof (Sch of PIibIic Health) (221-3n1), Ramsey ClInic, 0ccupati0na1 & Eniron Medlclne, 640 Jackson St, St Paul ( ), IohrnaOO3@ LOHR Bruce C, Pharmacy Spec (H inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo ( ), LQHRKE Scott M, Research Aaslsta/Il (MicrobIology) Bx 196'Mayo, 401 4th St S E, Apt 10, Minneapolis 55414, ,1ohrIl001@ LOHSE Kristin.M, Cart MedIca1 Asst (Medical SchooI-Adm) Bx 504 Mayo ( ), Ch R C, 8309 NewtOn Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55444, LOHSTRETER Thomas A, CIIn Aast Prof (Family Practice & Community HeaIIh), Wayzata Family Physicians, 2000 S PIymouIh Rd, Suite 300, PIymouIh 55343, ( ), IohstOOl@ maroon.te; LOIS-8AIlGALLO Ana I, Grad SChcl9I Fellow (Art Department) 208 Art B ( ), , LOIUS Karan S, Aasoc Dean (Educalion, College Of-Adm) 104 Bu H( ), Professor ( ), { ),4301 FramontAve S, Minneapolis 55409, , ktouis@, fax: n LOIZANCE UOneI E, Jr SclentIat (Food Sci & Nutrition) 106 Me N H(824-m8), 1oIzaOO1@ LOKEN Barbara J, Professor (Mgrnt, C L Carlson Sch Of-Adm) 1208 MgmlfEcon ( ), ( ),, fax: LOKEN Keith I, Prof Emer (Vet PathobioIogy), 1845 Garden Ave, St PsUl55113, , LOKEN Kent Q, Taachlng AssIstant (Music) 100 Ferg H, 1028 E27th Ave SE, Minneapolls 55414, lokenoo4@ LOKEN Merle K, Prof Emer (RadklIogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), Dir Retirad C203 Mayo, 1307 Lake Pulaski Rd, ButIalo 55313, , LOKKEN Lynne C, MedfClin Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Immunoiogy) Bx 724 Mayo ( ), PW B, 5840 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , LOLICH Prudence L, NUIr Educ Asst (ME8-Human EcoIogy), St Louis Co Courthouse, 1810 E12th Ave, HIIlbIng 55748, { Xl44~ 408 Opal Lane, HIbbIng 55748, , LOMBARDO Brian P, CIln Instr (Fam Practice & Community HIth), Southslde Community ClInIc, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, ( ), IombaOO1@ LOMEU-ORTEGA Hector E, Teaching Aaslsta/Il (ScIlof Mathematics) 127Vin H( ), IomeIOOl@.

15 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF lomker-loushin 261 LCMlER lriah, Assoc L.Ilrari8n (library C8nIr8l Tech Serv) MWL~, 3815 Noble Ave N, MinneapolIs 55422, , loihclo SA John J, InsIruclllr (Pharmacy PnIcIice~ Pharmacia DeIB:, 1265 Grey Fox Rd, St~55112, ( ) Townview Ave N E, StAnlhony 55418, , IomniOOl@ loililer Harold N, CIin Ass! PIOf (Fern PnIcIice & CommunIty HIlh) ax 381 Mayo ( ), P WB, Mpls MedIcal 5peciaIists lid, 500 Osborne Ad N E, SuIte 115, Fridley 55432, 2120 SPruce Trail, Gc*len VIIlIt1y 55422, (, 1ondeOO1@, fax: LONDON AmoId l, CIin Assoc PIOf (Pediatrics), Aspen MedIcal Group, anIlana IlIvd W, St PU 55106, 1628 Pamela Lane, St Paul 55118, 452-<4110,IondoOO5@ LONDON IIarb8ra A, Assoc AdmIn (Comm DiIonIers) 115 Shev H( ), ( ), 3979 GIemItew Ave, ARlen HIls 55112, ,, lax: LONDON Dana J, SrAdmIn Ilinlclor(~ FiMnciaI AId, Ole oil 120"'-H( (), (62~ LONDON Erving W, Sr Res NurseCIin (Medicine) ax 192 Mayo ( ), VCR C, Place N, Plymoulh 55((2; , IondoOOl@ LONDON Michelle 5, CIin InsIi' (Pedialrics~ Emergency Physicians Oftice, 2525 Chicago Ave 5, MinneapolIs 5540(, (863-68(3), lh Place N, Plymouth 554(7,1ondoOO3@ UlNIJ9N Nathaniel J, CIin PIOf (Psychiatry), MedIcal PIOf-Group Inc, 2901 Metro Dr, MinneapolIs 55(25, (37Q-0517), 3829 Washburn Ave S. MlnneapoIis 55410, 925-<4576,1oncloOlM@ lonercwl JoAnn R, Temp/Casl Employ. (Surgery) ax 99 Mayo (~, M«Mas Can Ctr (~166), 5713 W68lII St, Edina 55439, lm4-7228, LONEY JoyI:e D, Food Oper Mgr (Food 5vcs) 23 Bleg H,1oneyOO1@ LONEY lria E, SrOftice Ass! (Food Svcs) 1(6 ~ C (625-OZ4~ LONEY Nancy A, Food Serv Wkr (Housing SeMces-<:enl8mI Hal) Can H, & , loney! long AnIta G, AI:l:ounlant (Food Svcs) 116 Food ob (624-(176), long Anne 1,.l.8cturer (Social Work, 8c:h of), 1nslnIctor,2301 0Ilver Ave N, MlnneapoIis 55411, ( ~ 2318 Vncent Ave N, MinneapolIs 55411,529-3lM7,1ongx015@ long Betsy E, Ins1JUCIllr (Social Work, 8c:h of) 400 FoRI H, 1852 WSkiIman Ave, Roseville 55113,636-(912, 1ongx019@ long Dlwid l, Non UniY Stall (Plant Path) 6 C R L( ~ 77(9 KnoIwood Dr, Mounds View 55112, (9, long Debra l,outpa CIinlc Ass! (CUHCC-Adull MedIcal), 2001 BloolllllIglOlI, Minneapolis 5540(, (627-<4m),Iongx01(@ long Duane W, Lab Serv CoortI (UMD-ChemicIII EngiMnlg) 231 Engr B Duluth ( ), ( ),5226 Wyon*lg St, Duluth 5560(, , long Jeanne M, Prln 8ecnIIary (PresIdent's OIc-Adm) 202 Mor H( ), ( ), , LONG John M, PIOf Emer (8urgery-QIneraI Bx 359 Mayo ( ~ 311 VCR C, 1ongxOO1@ long l.8sii8 K, Ass! SCientist (lab Medicine & Pathology) ax 609 Mayo (627-<4235), (21 29th SE 506 8I.rnmiI Ave, StPaul 55102, , long lria A, As8islanl ProIesscr (MedIcine), St PU R8mIey MedIcal CentIlr, Dept of Cardioklgy, 640 Jackson St, StPaul 55101, (221-3(62), 1ongx013@ long PatrIcia H, MedfClin lab Tech (Hosp. I..abs-Qlem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ~ 7749 KnoIwood Dr, Mounds V_ 55112,1ongx010@ long~a, Prln Stu PenI Wkr (UMD-HeaIlh Servlce8) H5 Duluth ( ), akB Ave 5 Duluth 55802, LONGBEllA Chris R, Med Fel Spec (0bsteIric8 & Gynecology), Marshfield CIinlc, 2655 County Rd I, Marshfield 54449, (726-(1~ At 5, Box 576l, Chippewa Fals WI 54729, oI,1ongbOO1@ longbella ROBERTS Lani, InstruetDr (Pharmacy PnIcIice), L.onbeIIs Drug, (21 2nd Ave E, 5tap1es 5&479, (994-22(2) longeh Catherine E, Oftice Spec (Ermn & Occupational HeaIIh) Bx 807 Mayo (627-<4151), lh Ave 5, ApI 3, MinneapolIs 55406,,edu lonqeiliione Daniel E, MaInt Equip Oper (Faci11t18s Mgml-Adm) 200Shops B( ), th St N W, ApI 7, New Brighton 55112, 638-<4057, IongeOOl@ LONGINO Helen E, AssociaIe ProIesscr (WDlII8Il'S Studies) 355 FoRI H ( ), (~), hlollgillo@maroon, LONGLEY Kathryn M, Crnnly Prog Ass! (PsychIatry) ax 393 Mayo ( ), Univ Av Se, rd Lane N W, Coon Rapids 55433, (27-88OO, LONGMAN Julie A, Gall Stall Nurse (H CsrdiovascuIar Prog-CanI Csth lab) Bx 815 Mayo, UHasp; IongmOO2@ longmire EIen K, A88i$Iant ProIesscr (Aerospaca Eng & MechanIcs) 107 NuJr H ( ), ( ),3121 Emarscn Ave 5, MinneapolIs 55408, eii! longsdorf Sera B, Sr Data Entry Opr (UMD-Bu8ine8s Ole) 20 Fraser H( ), ( ), s-iong@vm, L.ONQSON Donna M, Sr Data Entry Opr (History) 614 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), 99 E54th St, Apt 4, MimaapoIis 55419, , IongsOO2@ ldnqtine Craig A, R.-ch As8islanl (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), ongtOO2@, fax: ' longtine Kaye A, Oftice Spec (CIinicsJ & PopuIallon Sciences) 385 An ScifV M ( ), 3050 Old Hwy 8, ApI 301, R088YlIe 55113, , tonglool@ LONGWORTH Michael E, lab AnmI Care Tee (~icai 8c:h AdmIn) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), LONGWORTH Patricia l,prln 8ecnIIary (Sutgery-General) Bx 495 Mayo'(~, 452 VCR C, th St, North Branch 55056, , lonie Jessica B, Sr ~ (hlclepelldent 5tudy) 4& Was H( ), ( ), th Ave 5, Minneapolis 55407, 627~ loo Thomas G, CIin Assoc PIOf (Mediclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Mesaba CIinlc, 181( E1(th Ave, Hibbing 557(6, ( ) LOOMIS Lois H, Sr 8Iney Int8rv (Pediatrics) Bx 391 Msyo, 2324 University Ave Sta 201, St Paul 55114, ( j,1oomiOO3@, LOOMIS Maria, Gall 5tal1 Nurse (Nursing F1os1 Pool) ax 603 Mayo, UHasp, 1oomiOO2@ LOONEY Teri K, Asst Prog Dir (Housing Servlce8 UiddklboookHal) 1(2 Mdb H( ) ( ), (625-()536), IooneOOl@ loose Julie A, Ext Educ& In8Ir (MES-Dislricts), Isanti Co Ext Ole, W2nd Ave, CambrIdge 55006, ( ), nd St, Onamia LOOTS Debrah A, Csrdio-Pu1m Spec (Cardiopulmonary SeMce8) Bx 247 Mayo (~ e-559 Mayo, 1795 ViclDria St N, RD88YiIle 55113; IooIsOOl@ LOPAC Lori A, Ext Educ & Instr (MEs-Districls), I18sca Co Ext Ole, Courthouse, 123 N E4th St, Grand Rapids 55744, (327-~ Ave, Hibbing 55746, ,Iopac@ln! LOPATIN Sergei V, Res Assoc (Physics & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), ( ), ( ), th St5 E, MinneapolIs 55414, , LOPER Rodney G, ProI8ssor (UniY Counseling & Consulting Serv) 107 Eddy H(624-(856), Counselor, 2223 Benjamin StN E, MinneapolIs 55418, , ~.ucs.urnn.adu, lax: lopes Jason B, Teaching Assislant (Psychology) N218 Ell H( ),125 Oak Grove, Apt 47, MinneapolIs 55403, ,1opesl101@ lopez AngaI A, Dir (camp/col Level) (UMM,<:ompuIar Clr) 237 SC Morris (5lIU314), ProIesscr (Sci & Math-UM~ 1102 Park Lane, Morris 56267, , fax: lopez Dian R, Assislant Profassor (Sci & M8Ih-UMM) 235 SC Morris ( ), 1102 Park Lane, Morris 56267, ,Iopezdr@ lopez Esdras, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 2801 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 2285 Stawart Ave, ApI 2306, 51 Paul 55116, 69ll-5797,lopezOO5@ lopez Eve N, AdmIn FaIow (Gall CoII-Ss Mv & Cw'ls) 206 Mdb H( ), 120 Mar H, 1opezOO1@ LOPEz RaneIta A, Nutr Educ Ass! (MES-Human Ecology), Ramsay Co ExtServ, 2020 White Baar Ave, SI Paul 55109, (777~156), 687 Kansas, Apt 9, St Paul 55107, ,1clpezOO4@ lopez Sihria l, AdmIn FaIow (lntni Studies, In81 01) 34 FoI H( ), 202B Nich H,IoIHlOOO4@,edu LOPPNOW RaM R, Ext Educ & InsIi' (Ag & Applied &:on) 2(9 ClA 011 (625-19&4), lor8lecki Shannon l, Assoc Director, Umhc (H Markating) ax 605 Mayo ( ), Mayo 2543 Oriole Circle, Red WIng 55066, IorbiOOl@ LORCH Margaret A, Prln lab Tech (BoynIon-laborat S265 Boyn H5 ( ), 3050 Old Hwy8, ApI 227, RoseviIe 55113, JorchOO1@ load candy M, SrCsshiar (Concerts alectures) 105 N MA( ), 1061 Thomas Ave, St Paul 55104,1onlxOO1@ LORENCE Rebekah J, Rsch Nurse ClIn (P8ydliatry) UniY Av Se,IorenOO4@ LORENTZ Brian R, Re8Ml:h Assistant (Electrical ~)4-17~ E EJC Sci ( ), At 1, Box 2801, Wadena 56482, 1oren012@ LORENTZ Carol A, Operating Rm Gsn (H 0perstIng Room) Bx 700 Mayo,IorenOO5@ rnat' LORENTZEN lria 5, 0CCupa Therapist (H OCcupatIonal Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), 666-B Ch RC, 4130 lanith Ave N, Robbinsdale 55(22, , 1orenOO7@ lorenz Janet R, MedfClin Lab Tech (Hasp L.abs-HarnatdDg ax 198 Mayo ( ), UHasp,IoranOO6@ lorenz Karl W, Stu Sup Srv A88t (Agriculture: College of Ag-AdmIn) 277 Cot H( ), lorenz Kerri A, Nursing Sta Tech (Blue 8urgefy (TranspIant)-5C) PCUSC Mayo, UHasp, 729 6th Ave 5 E, ApI 14, Minneapolis 55414, 371l-'l472, 1oren013@ lorenz linda M, Anatystlndct Cst (Res &Tech TmsAdm,OIeoll WashAv5 ( ), lorenzaho-i'oll Cresoencio F, R.-rch As8islanl (ChemIcal Eng & Mat Sci) 69 Amund H ( ),1206 FilieId, St PaI!l55106, & , 1orenOO2@ lorler Carol A, SrCoI8ct Rep (H P8tient Finan Serv) ex 602 Mayo, IorieOOl@ loring Christopher B, Library DiY Heed (I..ibr.-y-PUb Serv & Branch) 11OA 0 MWL ( ), 1680 Por1land Ave, St Paul 55104, ~,, fax: LOIlSCllY Mark l, Post-Doc Assoc (Animal Scienca) 385 An ScifV M(624-(245), ( ), loilsung Tina M, Admin Aide (Disability SeMce8) 12 Joh H( ), 250 NiCh H, 1583 PacIftc St, St Paul 55106, ,1or8ung@, fax: loschy Candace J, Prln 8Iney IntrY (Nursing, 8c:h Of-Prog & Res) fl 5 Unit F, 538ls Bore Rd, StPaul 55117, , ftaheoo5@ losek,ir Joseph D, CIin Instr (Pedililrics~ ClliIdnln's Hasp of StPaul, Emergency Dept, 345 N Smith Ave, 51 Paul 55102, ( ), IosekOlll@ loset1l Kathryn J, A88t SCientist (Animal Scienca) 495 An ScifV M ( ), 15(2Marlon St, Apt 109,51 Paul 55117, , 1osaIOO1@ LOSINSKI Joanne K, Prln Seaetary (MN Ext Serv-Educ Dev Syst) 405 Cot H( ),, lax: t.ostemr Mark R, Farm ArimaI Attn (Animal Scienca) 122 Pet H( ), BC B, 662.e736, IosteOOl@ LOTHNER David C, AssocIatll ProIesscr (U 5 DA Forest Serv) 405 NC For (649-52(9), 1712C Pleasant 51, lsuderdele 55113, IolhnOOl@ LOTT Arthur, Bldg & GreIs Wkr 3 (Facilitias Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B( )"1218 <MM Ave N, Minneepolis 55411, ,1ottxOO1@ LOTT Darcel 0, Gall StaB Nuise (Blue Surgary (TranspIant)-SC) PCUSC Mayo, 2(2( 6th St N, Minneepolis 55411, ,1oI1xOO2@ LOrn David A, Srlab Tech (UMD-Nni, CoIerairlCH:IIrtd Revolving) NR RIDuluth LOrn Nancy E, Short Term Employ (UMD-BookstDre) 175 K 5 C Duluth ( ) Loms Daniel K, As8islanl ProIesscr (Physics & Astronomy, Sell of) Phys (626-77&4), th St 5 E, Minneapolis 5541(, ,1OItis@ LOU Huazhou, Research As8islanl (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mech E( ), 239 ElectE, LOU Jay J, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) ax 434 Mayo ( ), C376 Mayo,louxxOO3@ LOUBRIEl Jennifer l, Teaching Assi81ant (Music) 100 Ferg H, 740 E Rose, St Paul 55106, ,1oub!002@ loud Warren 5, Prof Emer (Sch of MaIhamatics) 127 Vin H( ), 127 Elect E( ), (253 5 Sheridan Ave, Minneapolis 55410, , LOUDEN Beth A, Dept Heed & Dept Mgr (H Environmental Serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Cl69 Mayo, Garratt Ave, AppleVsIay 55124, ( ,1oudeOO1@ LOUDEN Jeanette l, H. R.ConsuItant (Human Resources-Tops) th StSE ( ), 'h 51, 8avage 55378, ,, fax: <4343 LOUGHlIN Melissa J, R.-ch Assi81ant (Geography) 414 Soc Sci ( ), 3548 Dupont Ave 5, Apt 403, Minneapolis 55408, loths Charles F, ProIesscr (Vet PathobioIogy) JOh H( ), 295G An ScifV M( ~ (624-(202),2118 Hendon Ave, 51 Paul 55106, & ,IouI8OO3@ LOUIS Charles W, EJecIril:ian (Facilities Mgmt-Adrn) 202 Shops B( ),1oui8OO4@ louis Kay M, Ext Educ & Assc PIOf (MES-Districts), ScottCo Ext Ole, 123 E181 St, Jordan 55352, ( X158O), 1526 Milpond Ct Cha8lca 55318, , louis Thomas A, Heed (8c:h of Pub HIth) ax 197 Mayo ( ), M&4 MaYo ( ), UniY Av 5E, 4301 Fremont Ave 5, Minnaapolis 55409, ~, Tom@ LOUISEU. Paul T, Teaching Assi81ant (8c:h of Mathem8tics) 107 V.. H( ), 320 Elect E, LOUKES James R, SrGrant/Cont Adm (UMD-Academic Adm) 417 D Ad B Duluth ( ),210 E Anoka St, Duluth 55603, , LOUKS Grace, Gall Stat! Nurse (H OPD-Pediatrics) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), LOUNSBERRY Jane Anne, Exec 8ecnIIary (UMD-Math & Statistics) 106 HHDuluth ( ), ( ), ( ),1215 E7th 51, Duluth 55605, , LOUPE Julia M, Resean:h Assistant (Family Social Scienca) 290 Me N H, , LOUSHIN Michael K, R.-ch Assistant (Anesthesiology) ax 294 Mayo'( ), B(92 Mayo, 627 Oak 51 5 E, MinnnelIpoIis 55414, ,

16 262 LOUWAGIE-LUELF STAFF LOUWAOIE Deborah A, 0CCupa Therapist (H PsychIatrlc Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), D635 Mayo LOVAAS Mark E, Clin lnalr (Surgery.Qlner8J) Bx 122 Mayo ( ), PWB, 2424 W 24th Sf, Minneapolis 55405, 1ovaa001@ rnaroon.te.umn.idu LOVE Cheryl M, Sr Parking Attn (UMD-Parking 8eMces) 2B7 DAd B Duluth ( ), 2338 Drexel Rd, Duluth 55804, LOVE MaMn R, Ophthalmic Tec:h (Boynton-Eya) 2W Boyn H S ( ), IovexOO6@ LOVE Mary K, Program Assoclat8 (Health Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), D-305 Mayo ( ), LOVE PatrIcia W, Research AssIstant (Ag & Applied Econ) 217 (:LA 011 (62lHI270), 2072 Como Ave, St Paul 55106, , weirxoo3@ LOVE Ronald W, CIln Asst Prof (PaychIatry), Arden CounselIng C8nt8r, 2645 Hamtine Ave N, Suite 216, St Paul 55113, ( ), 1ovex002@ LOVE Sherryt M, Sr Food 8erv WIer (UMD-f'ood & Vending Svcs) 270 KSC Duluth ( ), 2967 Alger Rd, Duluth 55804, LOVELACE LIsa L, Teaching Assistant (ComposItion & Communication) 209 Und H ( ), LOVEN Faith C, Associate Professor (UMD-Commun SCiences & Disorders) 223 Boh H Duluth ( ), ( ), ( ),215 Snively Rd, Duluth 55803, ,lIoven@ d.urnn.8du LOVEN Jay A, Reuarch Assiatanl (Electrical Engineering) E E/C ScI ( ), ( ),13300 lachary Lane, Dayton 55327, , LOVEIHlELL MamIe J, Sr Med Tech/Clin (Hasp Labs-Pulmonary Function) Bx 198 Mayo. ( ), UHosP ( ), ) St SE, Minneapolis 55414, ,1ovenOO1@ LOVERIDGE SCott, Assistant Professor'(Ag & Applied Econ) 246 CLA 011 ( ), 1530 Fulham Sf, St Paul 55106, ,1overOO1@ LOVETT KaIhleen D, Ext Educ &Asst Prof (ME8-Distrlcts), rd Ave S E, Rochester 55904, (~), LOVETT Thomas G, LeCturer (Extension Classes) 675 Mgmt{Econ ( ), FlfthSt Towers, Suite 2250, 100 S5th Sf, Minnaapolls 55402, ( ), th Ave S, Richfield 55423, ll66-ll664, LOVGREN KaI1 D, Lab Machinst SpeC (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), st Ave, Forest Lake 55025, , Iovgren@.,lex: LOVRIEN llaula S, Psychiatric Asst (Untt 63-AdoIes/ChiId Psychiatry) PCU63 Meyo, 6036 Evergreen Rd, Mound 55364, ,. LOVRIEN Rex E, Professor (Biochemistry-CBS) 266 Gar L ( &), ( ), 2349 Bourne, St Paul 55106, ,lovrIOO1@ rnaroon.te.umn.8du LOVRO Karen R, Assoc Admin (Recreationel Sports) 106 Cooke H ( ), ( ),246 Woodridge Lane, Uno Lakes 55014, ,, lax: n06 LOVSTED Arlene K, Gen Stat! Nurse (Nul'1lng Roat Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, 3309 E33rd SI, Minneapolis 55406, , IoYstOOl@ LOW Kevin G, Non univ Stat! (U S DA Forest 8erv) 531 NC For ( ), ( ), ( ), 1911 Meadowview Rd, Bloorninton 55425,ll ,, lex: 612~ LOW Robert A, AssIstant Professor (RedIoIogy), St Paul Ramsey MediceI center, Dept of MadicaI Imaging, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), LOW Welter C, Professor (Neurosurgery) 421 Uon8 Res ( ),, lex: LOWE Barbera A, 0fIice Spec (CUHCC-Adutt Medical) C U HC C'(627-4n4), 24 E Diamond Lake Rd, Apt 307, Minneapolis 55419, LOWE Brian T, Sr Stores Clerk (HOUSing 8ervices-Centennial Hall) Ceo H, 1owex002@ LOWE Charlene M, Ubrary Asst2 (Ubrary Pub Serv & Branch) M WL ( ), ( ), ( ), c-iowe@ LOWENORUB John S, Assistant Professor (Methematics, Sch of) 127 Yin H ( ), th St SE, Minneapolis 55414,1owenOO1@ rnaroon, LOWING Sharyl, Accounts Spec (Rea &Tec:h Tms Adm, Ole of) Wash Av S ( ), sharyl@ortta.umn.8du, lex: LOWRY Ann C, CUn ASs! Prof (Surg8fy-General) Bx 450 Mayo ( ), B553 Mayo, Southdele Med Bldg, 'Suite 474, 6545 France Ave S, edina 55435, ( ), 3985 Plymouth Rd, Minnetonka 55343,1owryOO1@ LOWRY Dianne J, Asst SCIentIst (EpldemiOlogy) S2nd St, 6~78,1owryOO5@ LOWRY Jeanette K, Clin Asst Prof (Madiclne), Lowry Medical Assocletes, Southdele Med Bldg, Suite 851, 6545 Frence Ave, Minneapolis 55435, ( ),5512 S Biake Rd, Edina 55438, , LOWRy Paul T, Clin Assoc Prof (Madiclne), Lowry Medical Assocletes, Southdele Med Bldg, Suite 851, 6545 France Ave S, Minneapolis 55435, ( ),5512 SBlake Rd, Edina 55438, , LOWRY PhiUp W, Assiatanl Professor (EpIdemiology) S 2nd St ( ), Iowry@epivax, LOY Char10lle J, Assoc Pro! Emer (UMD-Education), 494 W10th Ave, Apl405, Eugene OR 97401, LOYAS Diane R, Medical Rec Tec:h (H Medical Racords Inlo) Bx 601 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, 4109 C8derwood Rd, St LouIs Park 55416, , LOYD Hiltje B, PrIn Secretary (lliegnostic Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), 4021 Oakland Ave S, Minneapolis 55407,1oydx001@ LOZA John R, Techn Consuilent (Human Resources-Administratlon) th St SE ( ), j-ioze@ LOZANO celso, Bldg & Grds WIer 3 (Facllitiea Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B (624-&64), IozanOO1@ LOZANO Henry L, Phys Therapist (H PhySical Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo, 2458 Crestood Dr, Maplewood 55109, , 1ozanOO2@ LOZIER Vashti M, Reseerch AssIatanl (Inst of Inti Studies & Programs) N663 En H( ), 2191 Como Ave, St Pa , ,lozieOO1@ LOZOWY Debra M, PrJn Secretery (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), C4n. Mayo ( ), LU Bing, Teaching Assiatanl (UMD-Chemistry) 246 Cham Duluth ( ) LU Cheng E, Clln Assoc Prol (O!lllaryngology), Fergus Falls Medical Group, 615 SMil, Fergus Falls 56537, ( ),1202 Mitchell Placa, Fergus Falls LU Erh-Yeng, Research AssIstant (Forest Resources) 78 Gm H, Unlv of Minn, N311 Ba H, 1458 NCleveland Ave, StPeul55106,luxxxOO9@ LU Faith B, Asst Educ Spec (Human Resources-Administration) 102 Kia Ct ( ), bronwoo1@ LU Haisheng, Research Assiatanl (Plant Biology) 220 Bio ScI (625-n4O), luxxxoo2@ LU Hong, Research Assiatanl (BIochemIstry-cBS) 244 Gar L (624-m8), ,1uxxx012@ LU Qing, Med Fel Spec (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 2017 Pillsbury Ave S, Apt 303, Minneapolis , Iuxxx021@1naroon:te.UlM.adu LU True K, Lab Anml Tec:h Spc (MedIcal Sch Admin) Bx 69 M~yo ( ), H130 Diehl H ( ), LU Welzhong, Student Elect Tec:h (St Anthony FIs Hydraulic Lab) 107 Aker H (626-OlI34~ E EfC ScI, 1291 FIfield Place, Falcon HeIghts 55106, , luxxxoo4@ W YueI8ng, Research AssIstant (BIoc:hemIa1J y-cbs) 140 Gar L ( ), LUA MarIe J, Asalstant Professor (Restorative SCIencaa) 9-176A Moos T ( ), ( ), LUBET AJeX J, Assoclat8 Professor (Music) 100 Ferg H( ), AfIIIIatacI Faculty, 375 S S8ratllga, St Paul 55105, ,lubetOO1@ LlIBY James J, Professor (Horticulture! SCIence) 254 Alder H( ), 1416 NPascal St, St Paul 55106, ,1ubyxOO1@rnaroon.te.umn.8du LUCAS Andrew P, AssIstant To (Greduete SChool-Admtn) 306 Joh H( ), lucasod1@ LUCAS Bret R, Research AssIstant (Envrn & OCcupatIonal Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1155 Mayo. 906 Coal SW, AIluquerque NM 67102,242-«117,IucaaOO6@meroon.te.umn.8du LUCAS Julie R, Post Doc Assoc (Neurology) Bx 486 Mayo, ,lucaeOll@ LUCAS Karen L, Sr 8ea'8tary (Ag & ApplIed Econ) 130 CLA 011 ( ), 4900 Portland Ave S, MInneapolIs 55417, ,1ucaa010@ LUCAS Marlene J, 0fIice Supv (Nat Resources, College QI-Adm) 135 Nat Rea Ad ( ), ( ),2205 Acorn Lane, SSt Paul 55075, ,lucasOO6@ LUCAS Randy S, Sr RacIIolog Tec:h (Diagnostic RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo (628-6OO4),1ucasOO4@ LUCAS.IIl Russell V, Professor (Pediatrics) Bx 94 Mayo ( ), 228 VCR C NVictorIa, ShorevIew 55128, ,1ucasOO2@ Sherry A, RadIologIc Tec:h (Diagnostic RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), sefre001@ LUCAS SlIIven F, CIn Asst Prof (Fam Prectica & COmmunIty HIth) SmIIIys PoInt ClInIc RivInkle Ave, Mlnneapolla ~no) Group Health Inc, Pamock Lane, Apple Valley 55124, , LucasOO8@ LUCAS SvetIane, Teaching Assistent (Speech-Communicellon) 480 Fa! H ( ), LUCAS Thomas S, Prtri Prod Supv (Priliting Servtcas) Kott H( ) FairwaY Hils Dr, Eagan 55123, , IucaSOO9@ rnaroon.te.uim.adu LUCE Donald T, Assoc CInfor(Bell Museum d Nat HIst) 300 Ban Mus ( ), ( ), 3845Herr1et Ave S, MInneapolIs 55409, lex: nD4 LUCE.Ill Thomas F, AseIstent Professor (HHH Inst PubI Affre) 281 HHHClr ( ), 5550 Pleasant Ave S, Minneapolls 55419, Uuca@ hhh.umn.adu LUCEY Susan M, Assoclat8 Professor (Art Department) 206 Art B( ); IucayOOl@ LUCIA lori A, 0fIice Asal (UMD-Computer SCIence) 320 HH Duluth ( ), ( ), 8835 Paquaywen Lake Rd, Duluth 55803, , 1Iucla@d.UIlIl.8du LUCIA.Ill Thomaz, Non Univ Staff (Clinical & Population SCiences) 385 An ScI{V '" ( ), 269 Vat TchHos,IucIaOO5@maroon.te.umn,8du. LUCIANA Monica M, Research AssIstant (Psychology) N409 En H( ), 1429 Felrmount Ave, St Paul55105.IucIalI03@ LUCWI LuIsa L, 0fIice AIst (Food Svcs) EBC E C( ), IUCiaOOl@ LUCIUS KrIstine J, SuppImt Employee (S0cloIogy) 909 Soc ScI, 3n.7051,1ucluOO1@ LUCK James R, Teaching SpacIaIIst (Operations & MgmtSCIenca), 111 3rd Ave S, Suite 400, Minneapolis 55401, ( ), 2808 Ceder Lane, IIumsvIIe 55337, IuckxOOl@ LUCK PhIlIp G, Teaching AssIstant (Curriculum & instruction) 145"-H( ), 3343 MlIverton Rd. Shale.- HeIghts Ott 44120, , LlICICE Amold S,.:-rer (Archltecture), LancImerk Towers, 345 St P8tar Sf, Suite 710, St Paul 55102, ( ),1uckeOO1@ maroon UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LlICICE LorI E, Assistant Professor (Electrical EngineerIng) E E/C ScI ( ),1ucke@, fax: LUCKEN Rebecce S, Teaching Assistent (Anthropology) 215 Ford H( ), 238 S Ounlap St, Apt 6, St Paul55105,Iucke002@ LUClCENBACH Julie A, Exec Asst (University Press) rd Av S ( ), 3749 Grand Ave S. Apt 5, Minneapolis 55409, 627-"94, LUClCJNG Charles A, Electrician (Facilities Mgrnt-Adm) 202 Phys PI ( ), ( ), 1380 Vi Idaho Ave, FeJcon HeIghts 55106, , LUClCJNG David L, Asst Prof Emer (SocIaI'Work, Sch of), H4mnepln Co Mental Health Ctr, 525 PortlendAve S, Suite 467, MlnneapoIIs 55415, ( ),IuckiOO2@ LUCUS Jennifer D, Sr Deta Proc Tec:h (EpIdemiology) S2nd St ( ), ( ), LUDEMAN BonnIe C. Nutr Educ Asst (MES-College of Human EcokJgy~ Murray Co Ext Ole, 2648 Broedway Ave, SIeyton 56172, ( ), At 1, Box 41, Tracy LUDENS Michele S, Admin Fellow (CEE CDunseIIng Ahsss) 201 Was H, 8109 MOdem ReI, IlnlokIyn Perk 55428, mludens@ LUDMANN Susan A, Sr Lab Tec:h (GenetIcs & Cell BloIogy) 250 BIo ScI ( ), , LUDVIGSEN Jolene F, Exec Secretary (MedIcIne) Bx 168Mayo ( ~ V462 VFWCRC, LUIlWlG Dennls L, RadIologIc Tec:h (Diagnostic RedloIogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), th Sf, St Cloud 56301,' ,1udwIOO5@ LUDWIG Heidi L, MacIfCIn Lab Tec:h (HosP Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U HosP,IUdwiOO6@rnaroo.te.urnn.8du LUDWJ(J John R, Rea Assoc (UMD-NrrI, Colerafne.Certd RevolvIng~ ColeraIne Minerals Res Lab, POBox 168, ColeraIne 55722, ( ), At 1, Box 185, Deer River 56838, , LUDWIG Kenneth E, Short Term Employ (Real Estata Coordinatllr), Rochester CEE center, 1200 S Broadway, Rochester 55901, ( ) LUDWIG Lorie A, Lpn (PadIatrics-5A) PCUSA Mayo ( ), LUDWIG Terese S; JrSCientIst (Medicine) Bx 266 Mayo ( ), 454 VFWCR C, , LUEBBERS Benjamin P, T-=tIing Assistant (Art Depertment) 206 Art B( ) th St S E, Apt 7, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), 2239 VeIIeyvIew Rd, BaIIefonl8 PA 16623,1uebbOO1@ LUEBKER Coral E, T-=tIingAssistant (ins! of Child Dev)214EChDev( ), 100 1st Ave E, Pine City 55033, , 1uebkOO1@ luedke Eleanore H, 0tIIca Spec (Univ Counseling & Consulting 8erv) 109 Eddy H ( ), B9,1uedke@ mister.ucs.umn.8du LUEDTKE Karen L, Sr Secretery (Urologic Su'gery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ), Mayo, 5017 Newton Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, ~~=~ ~ ~625-14OO), P WB, 3524 Xylon Ave S, St LouIs Perk 55426, 93U786, luedtoo4@ LUEDTKE Mary Jane, Sr Secretery (Law Sch Instr) 333 Law ( ), ( ),, lex: WEill David 0, CIln Asst Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), Railer ClInic, 417 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet 55720, ( ), 1020 SshIman Ave. Cloquet 55720, I.UEHR Ruth Ellen, Adj Instr (Health Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), D355 Mayo, MN Dept of education, 550 C8dar Sf, St Paul 55101, ( ), luehroo1@maroon.( LUELF E1eine L, Outpa ClInIc Asst (H OPo-Wound HealIng) Bx 68 Mayo, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, ,1ueIfOO1@

17 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LUEPKE lori J, Research Assistant (Inslllule For HeaIIh Svcs Res) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), A-32O Mayo, 5836 Pleasant Ave S, Mlnnaapolls 55419, , LUEPQR Russall V, Head (WfFac Rank) (EpIdemiology) S2nd St ( ), Prolaasor (MedIcina) ( ), 4108 Edmund Blvd, Minneapolis 55408, ,, fax: LUESCHEN WIllIam E, Head, Branch St8tion (AES-SW E8-Larnberlorl), Southwest ExperIment St8tion, Lamberton 56152, ( ) LUFKIN KIrk C, Clin Inn(Madlclne-UMD) 141 MId Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 401l'E 3rtI St, Duluth LUFKIN Murray W, C1ln Asst Prof (Ophthalmology), Lufkin Eye Clinic, Doctors Prof Bldg, SUIte 506, 280 Smith Ave N, St Paul 55102, ( ), 1391 Medora Rd, Mendot8 HeIghts 55118, ~15, LUGTU Patrtcla S, PrIn Lab Tech (Pedlatrlcs) Bx 367 Mayo ( ), Owre H( ), LUHMAN John C, Assistant Prefessor (Entomology) 311 Hodson H( ), MN Dept of Agrlcullure, Plant Prol8clIon DivIsion, 90 W Plate Blvd, St Paul 55107, ( ), 410 Groveland Ave, Apt 1901, Mlnneepolls 55403, , IuhmaOO1@ LlIHN Roger 0, con Inslr(Med'ICine-UMD) 141 MIdDuluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rtI St, Duluth LUI C8ther1ne, Teeching SpecIalist (French & italian) 260 Fol H( ), ( ), WI John, Dental Fallow Spec (Preventlve sa.nces) Moos T ( ), ( ), 600 NMe Clurg Ct, Apt 3509A, Chicago IL60611, , 1u1xx000@ LUIKART Sharon, Associate Prefessor (MedIcIne) V AMedical center, HamatoIogJ/0nc0l0gy(111E). One Vlllerans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X4135), 1905 Summlt Ave, St Paul 55105, IuIkaOOl@ WITEN Jerry J, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Facilltiss Mgmt Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), rtI Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, 1u1leOO1@ LUK Kal-Lun A, Undergra Tch Asstl (extension Clasaas) 4 YIn H, LUKANEN Mary A, Exec Secratary (Journalism & Mass comm, Sch 01) 111 Mur H( ), ( ), 4409 Van Buren St N E, Columbia HIs 55421, , IUkanOO1@ LUKAS Karan A, Asst Dlr (camp/col) (AdmIssIons-lntematIonBI Admissions) 240 Wmson H( ), 1883 WSkillman Ave, Roseville 55113, LUKASEWYCZ Ornelan A, AssocIate Prefessor (Medlclne-UMD) 341 Med Duluth ( ), ( ~ 717 Valley Dr, Duluth 55804, , LUKAlIHIN AlexanderV, Associate Profllssor (PhysIology), VA Medical canter, BraIn Sclances Ctr, One Veterans Dr, Mlnneapolls 55417, ( ),3540 Hennepin Ave S, Apt 109, MInnaapoIIs 55408, , lukasoo1@ LUKE DarIelIe G, Phannaclst (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo ( ), ( ), lukex004@ LUKE David B, Assistant Prefessor (english Language & Ut) 207 Und H( ), 5610 Bryant Ave S, MlnnaapoIls 55419, lukex001@ LUKENS L.awls N, SrLab Tech (Plant 1lklIogy) 220 Blo Sci ( ), 2417 Humbcldt Ave S, Apt 2, MlnneepoIls 55405, , luken002@ LUKEN YOUNG Karen N, Dental ASs! Spec (Dentlstry-Cllnlcal Prog) Moos T ( ), LUKERMANN Barbara L. Senior Fallow (HHH Inst Pub! Atlrs) 153 HHHCtr ( ), 2211 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, , lukeroo1@ LUKlNDO Anthony A, Resaarcl) Assistant (Ag Eng) 109 Ag Eng ( ),1201 Frtleld Ave, St Paul 55108, , WKKARILA Jeanne M, Assoc Admin (UMD-Dept of Human Resources) AdB Duluth ( ),713 Bong Blvd, Duluth 55611, , LliKJWlILA Roger W, Jr Lab Tech (UMD-NRRI-Car1d/MlneraIs) 230 NRRI Duluth LUKSAN Shirley W, PrIn Secretary (Laundry servlcas) 101 PB ( ), ( ),7415 Knoll St, Golden Valley 55427, , IUksa001@ LULEWICZ John A, SifelyTech (Environmental Health & Safely) B th St SE ( ), IUlewOO1@ LULICH Jody P, Assistant PrcIessor (Small Animal Clln ScI) 346 Vet Tch Hos ( ), 1305 Cleveland N, FaIocn Heights 55108, IuIlcOOl@ LUM Callann T, Associate PrcIessor (Surgary-GeneraQ Bx 195 Mayo ( ), PWB, Hennepin County Medical canter, Organ Transplantation 8ervIcas, 701 Park Ave S, Mlnnaapolls 55415, ( ),110 Bank St S E, Apt 904, Minneapolis 55414,1umxx002@ LUM Donald L, Clln Asst Prof (Fam PraclIca & Community HIth), 1400 Jetlerson Rd, NorthIIaId 55057, ( ), 1324l.lberty Ct, NorthIIaId LUMRY FMus W, Prof Emer (Chemistry) 1 Smith H( ), 940 Franklin Terrace, Apt 401, Mlnneepolls 55406, , Iumry@, fax: LUNAMarie E, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (HOUsing S8fv1cas-Fronlier Hall) Ter H( ), LUNA Mark, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilltles Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), 1unaxOO2@ LUNAK Deborah J, Gen Stat! Nurse (Neonatal Intans;ve Cara-3C) PCU3C Mayo ( ), 504 1st Ave N W, New Prague 56071, , LUNAK Michal, Reseerch AssIstant (Animal ScIence) 122 Pal H( ), lunakoo2@ LUNA-ROBLEDO carmen, Teaching AssIstant (Mechanical engineering) 460A Mach E ( ),lunarOO1@ LUND ~, Sr Secretary (DentIstry Admin) Moos T ( ), ( ),201 W15th St, Apt 307, Mlnneepolls 55403, , lundx032@maroon.\ LUND camille P, Prin Secretary (Call BIoI & Neuroanatomy) JacH ( ), 3510 Grand Ave, Apt 1, Minneapolis 55408, ,, fax: LUND Carol E, Dept Director (CEE Rochester Ctr) ( ), UnlYof Mlnn Rochester canter, th Ave S E, Rochester 55904, ( ), lundx024@ LUND Deenna M, Ext Educ & ASs! Prof (ME8-DlstriCts), Faribault ce Ext Ole, Courthouse Annax, 412 NNicollet, Bcx 130, Blue Earth ( ), 120 EIlInge PIaoe, Fairmont 58031, , LUND Deette M, Sr Lab Tech (UMD-Archaeometry Laboratory) 214 R L B Duluth ( ) LUND Douglas C, Program Dir (Fam PraclIca & Community HIth) Bx 361 Mayo, P WB, Everest Ave, Apple Valley 55124, LUND elizabeth M, Post-Doctoral Fallow (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 198Mayo ( ), Small Animal Clin ScIence, C303 Vet Tch Hosp, 9357 Jane Ct, L.aka Elmo 55042, LundxOO3@ LUND George W, Clin ASs! Prof (PedIatrlcs), St Louis Park Madlcal canter, 5000 W39th St, St louis Park 55416, ( ), 6409 Indian Hills Rd, Minneapolis 55435, , 1undx019@ LUND Harriet R, 0fIIce Asst (MN landscape Arboretum), MN Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Bcx 39, Chanhassen 55317, lundx021@ LUND Herbert, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3(Facilltles Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ~ ( ~ 938 E Minnehaha, St Paul 55106, , lundx014@ WND Jeanna K, Jr ScIentist, Hsp (H-Bmt-Stant Call) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), A410 Mayo, th Ave S, Mlnnaapolls 55408, , lundx005@ LUND JeMWer C, Pollca 0fIIcar (UMM-PoIIce) 205 Behm Morris ( ), P0 Bcx 214, Cyrus 56323, LUND Joan L. Exec secretary (Speech-Communlcatlon) 480 Fol H( ), ( ),.1719 Stanford Ave, St Paul 55105, WND Kathy L; CIIn Nurse Spec (Untt 6O-Adutt Psychiatry) PCU80 Mayo ( ), B606 Mayo ( ), LUf!lD KrIsti L. Short Term Employ (UMD-Bookstore) 175 K SC Duluth ( ), WND Michele E, Sr Lab Tech (ME8-CoIIege of Agriculture) 495 An ScIJV M ( ), , lundx031@. WND Paul R, C1in Inslr (Fam Practioe & Commll'lity HIth), Emergency Physlclans Prof Assn, 7550 France Ave S, Edina 55435, ( O),lundx02O@ WND Richard 0, LIthographer (PrInting 8ervIcas) 102 P S B ( ), 636 OlIve St, Uno Lakee 55014, ,lundxOO4@ LUND Richard R, CIIn ASs! Prof (Ololaryngology), Southdale Med Bldg, SUIte 341,6545 France Ave S, Minneapolis 55435, ( ), 7203 Gleason Rd, Edina 55435, , lundxol8@ LUND Robert H, Clin Inslr (Madlclne-UMD) 141 MId Duluth, DuIutII ClInic, 400 E3rtI St, Duluth LUND Ronald W, Teechlng SpeclaIist (UMD-Indus &Tech StudIea) 235 V KHDuluth, 1816 Vermilion Rd, Duluth 55803, , rskoglun@ WND Roy V, ASs! VIce Pree Ret (Facllltlss Mgml-Adm), DIr RetInId, 2615 Ottawa Ave, St LouIs Park 55416, LUND Tracy A, Sr Secretary Onst oflnu Studies & Programs) 106 Nich H( ), 2420 Clinton Ave S, Apt E24, MlnneepoIls 55404, , 1undx WND VIckI A, Copy Ctr equip Op (PrInting 8ervIcas) 102 PSB ( ), 33 Soc SCi ( ), 1undx LUND WIIUam J, PrIn Lab Tech (H KId~ DIalysis, Adult) Bx 805 Mayo, 6836 Monroe St N E, Fridley 55432, , Iundx018@ WNDAHL Kendall J, Gen Stat! Nurse (Pediatrlcs-7A) PCU7A Mayo, 7141 lakeview Dr, Uno Lakes 55014, , 1unda001@ LUNDBERG DarIena A, Short Term EmplOy (UMD-Arcliaeometry Laboratory) 249 Chem Duluth, 305 6th Ave, Proctor 55610, LUNDBERG DavId S, 8aIely Tech (FacIIltIss Mgmt-Human Resources) 207 FGMnt ( ) IUndb015@ WNDBERG 'Janet A, MId Tech Spec (Hosp Labs-Blood Bank) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 0297 Mayo, th Ave N, Mlnneepolls 55441, lundboo6@ LUNDBERG Julie I, Sr Secretary (UMD-Health 8ervIcas) HSDuIutII ( ) LUNDBERG KrIstin A, PafaonnaI ASs! (Facilllles Mgmt-Human Resources) 300 Shops B ( ), 1undbOO7@ LUNDBERG Nancy J, Sr Secretary (CLA Student Aced Suppl Svcs) 122 Soc Sci ( ), l~ndboo5@ L~RG Peggy, Sr secratary (UnlY Counseling & ConsultIng 8efv) 301 Eddy H ( ),lundbOll@ LUNDBERG PhlIIIp C, Deslgn/Medla Art (Printing 8ervIcas) 102 PSB ( ), 5700 Code Ave, EdIna 55436, , lundb004@ WNDBLAD Jennifer P, ASs! ConI Educ Spec (ExtensIon Classee) 202 Wes H( ), 3233 Roiling Hills Dr, Eagan 55121, ~undbll@ WNDBLAD Jo Ellen, Program Associate (Extension CIsssas) 202 Wee H( ), efkaIey Ave, St Paul 55105, , 1undbOO2@ LUNDIIUD Philip E, Assoc ConI Educ Spec (ExtensIon CIsssas) 305 Wes H( ), ( ), 1939 Berkeley Ave, St Paul 55105, , IundbOOl@ WNDBOHM Lesley A, Ub Spec/C SUbr (Ubrary Central Tech 8efv) M WL( ), LUNDBORG Gary T, Assistant Prefessor (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), St Paul Ramsey Medical Center, Dept of Ob/Gyn, 640 Jackaon St, Suite 5, St Paul 55101, ( ), lundboo8@ STAFF LUEPKE-LUNDQUIST 263 LUNDBY ChrIstina M, Exec Secretary (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ),1undby@ chemsun.chem.umn.adu, fllx: LUNDE Karen R, Sr Lab Tech (Blochemistry-CBS) 140 Gar L ( ), 2030 Brewster St, Apt 15, St Paul 55108, ,lundeOl4@ LUNDE Rachel S, Cmnty Prog Spec (Psychology) N460 Ett H( ), , riunde@ LUNDEBREK Lyle M, Sr General Mech (UMM-Plant Svcs-GeneraI MaInt.) 3 cam Morris ( ),305 E6th St, MorrIs 56267, LUNDEEN Craig M, Teaching AssIstant (UMD-Chemlstry) 246 Chem Duluth ( ), 1532 E1st St, ~ 2, Duluth 55612, LUNDEEN Timothy P, Short Term Employ (ME8-CoIIege of Human Ecology), 221 SW2nd Ave, Cambridge 55008, ( ) LUNDEEN Varonica T, Gen Stat! Nurse (Pedlatrtcs-5A) PCU5A Mayo, lundeoo8@ LUNDELL Beverly I, Resaarch Assistant (lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 4117 France Ave S, Mlnneepolls 55416, ,lundeOO4@ LUNDELL Dena B, Teaching Assistanl (Gen Coll-lnst-WrIling) Ap H, th Ave S E, Apt 2, Mlnneepolls 55414, , Iunde010@ WNDELL Judy A, Accounts Spec (Recreational Sports) 108 Cooke H( ), ( ), IUndeOO2@ LUNDELL Tracy A, Prln Acct SpJSupv (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Jac H, lundeoo9@ LUNDGREN Allen L, Res Assoc (Forest Resources) 115 Grn H( ), 765 RedwoOd Lana, New Brighton 55112, , alundgre@ LUNDGREN Alston C, Clln ASs! Pref (Fam PraclIca & Community HIth) Bx 361 Mayo, Eden Prairie Family Physicians, 7600 Eden Prelrie fld, Eden Prairie 55347, 8500 Montgomery Ct, Eden Prelrie 55347, ,lundg010@ LUNDGREN Cindy A, Gen Stet! Nurse (Untt 50) PCU5D Mayo, IundgOO3@ LUNDGREN Jan M, Jr User 8efv Spec (Lab MedIcIna & Pathology) Bx 511 Mayo ( ), V371 VF WCRC,, fllx: WNDGREN Jane P, Rsch Nurse CIIn (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), B590 Mayo, lundgoo5@ LUNDGREN John P, Clln ASs! Pref (Fam Praetlca & Community HIth), Shoravlew Family PhysIcians, 4194 N LeXington Ave, St Paul 55126, IUndgOll@ WNDGREN Julie K, Jr ScIentIst (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 206 Mayo ( ), 604 DIehl H, IUndgOO7@ LUNDGREN Melanee A, Outpe COnic ASs! (Dantlstry-Cllnlcal Prog) Bx 150 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), mai@ LUNDGREN Susan A, Gen Stall Nurse (H Cardiovascular Prog-Card cath Lab) Bx 815 Mayo, IUndgOO6@ WNDGREN Thomas S, Prefllssor (Aerospace Eng & Mechanics) 117 Aller H( ), 2425 Sheridan Ave S, Minneapolis 55405, , LUNDHEIM Mark, PrIntng equip Cpr (PrInting services) 102 PSB( ), rtI Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, , IundhOO1@ LUNDIN Philip N, Assistant Coach (Athlstlcs, Men's Intdlg) 270 BFA B ( ),13180 Ferris Ct, Apple Valley 55124, , 1und1OO1@, fllx: LUNDMARK Constance A, Med/Clln Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), lundm002@ LUNDMARK VICkI A, Teechlng Assistant (Sociology) 909 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), ,, fax: LUNDQUIST Ann L, GenStat! Nurse (4D-Stcu) PCU4D Mayo, lunclqoo1@ LUNDQUIST Judy A, Cmnty Prog Spec (Epidemiology) S2nd St ( ),

18 264 LUNDQUIST-LYUBEZNIK STAFF LUHIlQUlST K8IlIn M, Sr Secretary (Operations' Mgmt SoIence) 332 Mgml/Econ ( ), (624-«122), LUNDQUI8T Kalhnln J, Exec Secretary (Mgrrit, C LCSrIson SCh Ol-Adm) 230 Mgmt/Econ (fl25.e2),, fax: LUNDQUIST Per.()lof S, Res Assoc (Agronomy & PIanl GenetIcs) 411 Bor H( ), ( ) 2128 Fry St, Apt 5, RosevIlle 55113, 63&-1554, LUNlIQUIST Robert C, SCIentIst (Envm & OCCupatIonal HeIIlhI2aT 13135th StBE ( ), ( ),303 8th Ave.S, S St Paul 55075, ,Jundq002@ LUNDSTEN K8IlIn M, Prln Secretary (MedIcInal Chemislry) HS Unit F( ), IundsOOl@ LUNDSTROM Edmond F, Assoc Illian (UM~ &Human Svc Prof Adm) 121 Bah H Duluth ( ~ AsaocIate ProI8ssor (UMD-HeeIlh, Phy EduC & Rea) ( ~, fax: I.UN08TRUII LeOnard L, Grad SChool Fellow (FInance) 735 Mgmt/Econ ( ), , LUNDY-DOIIIIEIlT Mnln L, ProI8ssor (Educa1lonal PolIcy & Adm) 275 Pelk H( ) ( ), th T8II'IIClI NW, New BrIghton 55112, magz@ LUNG GMgory Y, Dental Fellow (DlagnosticfSurglc: SCI) Box 150 Mayo, LUNNING Nancy F, Teaching SpecIa/IsI (DesIgn HouSing' AppIreI) 240 Me NH( ), ( ~ 644 SummIt Ave, St Paul 551OS, , LUNNlNQ Robert B, Teaching SpecIa/IsI (Extension CIasies) 240 Me NH( ), lunnioo1@ LUNSETH John B, CIIn Assoc Prof (Surgery-General), Chisago Health 8ervices, NL.ske 1IMl, Chisago CIty 55013,. (257-&COO), AlpIne Ave N, S1IInchtleld 55080, LUNZER Mary M, Aut SCIentIst (MedIcIne) Bx 506 Mayo ( ), 173VC RC,1lmeOO1@ LUNZER Richard G, Aut Prof Emer (PsychIatry), Mental Health ConsuIIInts, 1672HIIcrest Ave, SI Paul 55116, (699-OO18),Iunz8002@ LUD CI, R-m Aaslslanl (Aero 81*8) 107 Aker H( ), ( ),1uoxxOO3@ LUO Danni, R-.:hAsSislanliN\nlng SChool Ol-Adm) HS UnIt F( ),1192 Ray Place Ave, St Paul 551OB, 647~,IuoxxOO1@ LUD ErdIng, Posl-Doc Assoc (Math, Its App, lnat For) 514 YIn H( ), luoxx007@ LUD FeI, R-m AssIatant (Chemistry) Bx G17 Smith H($ ), 77 Ko/l If; 1203 Ray Place, St Paul 551OS, ,1uo@ LUO Kayang, Teeching AsSislanl (UMD-Math, Statistics) lob HH0uIuth ( ), 2121 Jetlerson St, 0uIuth 55812, ,1duo@ LUO Yanshan, R-mAsSislanl (EIeclricaI Engl~) EE./C ScI ( ), ( ),1991 Knapp Ave, AptW-3, StPaul 55108, yangsoo1@ LUO VI, Teaching AsIlstanI (Kinesi0iogy' leisure Studies) 110 Cooke H( ), ( ), 401 6th StS E, Apt 9, Minneapolis 55414, ,luoxxOO4@ LUOMA James A, R-m AssIstant (Underground 81*8 Ctr) 180M Civ E( ), Iuomaool@ LUONG Chay T, Prln Lab Tech (Surgery-Genera Bx 328 Mayo, Moos T, 1630 S 6th St, Apt D2OO7, Mlnneapolla 55454, ,1uongOO2@ LUOTO Alan L, Police OtIicer (UMD-Campus Police) 287 DAd BDuluth ( ) LUPPINO EIalne M, Nursing Sta Tech (Unlt7D) PCU7D Mayo, IupplOOl@ LUPTAK Marlyn K, ClInIcal SpecIa/IsI (Fam Practice & Communlty HIth) Bx 381 MaYO ( ), Wash Av SE ( ), , luptaool@ LUPTON Jeanne T, Prof Emer (Student Allairs-Adm), 2153 WHoyt Ave, SI Paul 551OB, ,luplllOO1@ LURA Lynne R, Exec Secretary (Vet Medicine-Dean's OtIIce) 457.Vet Tell Hoe ( ), I-lura@, fax: WRIE Keith G, Assistant ProI8ssor (Mediclne) ax 506 Mayo ( ), 290 VCR C,Iurte002@ LURIE Nicole, Assistanl ProI8ssor (MedIclne) Bx 729 Mayo (62U905), (Boynton AdmInIs1nIlIon) 'P WB, Hennepin County MsdIcel center, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolla 55415, ( ), lurieoo1@ LUSARDI Barbara A, Jr SCIentist (Geological Survey, MN) 2642 UnlY Av W( ), ( ),326 S 11th St, Hudson Wl54016, , IusarOOl@ WSHINE Frank G, Aut Prof Emer (MedIcIne), 2545 Chicago Ave S, Sulla 510, MInn8apoIIs 55404, ( ), lushioo1@ LUSKIN Mitchell B, Pro1essor (SCh 01 Mathematics) 127 Yin H( ), ( ), th SI W, Minneapolis 55424, ,, fax: LUSHIA Karen B, Teschlng AssIstant(FIllIIch' Italian) 260 Fol H ), ( ),2810 Gar1lald Ave S, Apt 211, MInneapoIla 55408, ,lusnIOO1@, fax: LUSSIER Duane F, Sr cmp Ctr Op Mgr (Adm Info Svcs-Deta Ctr) S 2nd St ( ), 3310 Fillmore St NE, Minneapolis 55418, , LUSSIER Robin W, Distribution WIer (H Warehouse Center) Bx 517 Mayo ( ), lussloo1@ LUSSKY Richard C, Instruetor (PedIatrics), Hennepin County Medical center, D8pt 01 Pedlatrlcs,701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), IusskOOl@ LUST Katherine A, Resesrch AsSistent (Urban, Rgnl AtlalrS, Ctr For) 330 HHHCtr ( ), 2832 NMargaret SI, NSt Pau/55109, m-2922, lustxool@ LUTAREWYCH Michael A, Med FeI Spec (Medicine) Bx 250 Mayo ( ), P W B, , LUTH ThorIlas E, Instructor (Fam PrlIClIce, Community HIIh), 323 Naumkeag St, Shakopee 55379, NShannon Dr, Shakopee 55379, ,luthxool@ LUTHER Catherine A, Teaching AssIstant (Journalism & Mass Comm, SCh 01) 111 Mill' H ( ), 1988 Brews18r St, Apt 207, SI Paul 55108, IutheOOl@ LUTTER Lowell D, Cltn Assoc Prof (Orthopaedic Surg), St Anthony OrthopedIc, 1661 St Anthony Ave, St Paul 55104, ( ),1utIlIOO2@ LUTTER Patrick E, Stu Sup Srv Aut(Food ScI, Nutrillon) 222 FSc N( ), 4216 Valley forge Place, Eagan 55123, , piutter@, fax: LUTTERMAN Mark W, Teaching AssIstant (Economics) 1035 Mgmf/Econ ( ), 3305 Harriet Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, ,,pager: LUTTMERS PhHllp D, Sr Accountant (Food ScI & Nutrillon) 242 FSc N( ), 218 W33rd S~ Minneapolis 55408, , plullmera@ LUTTRELL Korbi A, Sr Hasp Cs Tech (Hasp Cap) Bx 706 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, luttroo1@ LUTZ Hazel A, R_rch'Aaslslanl (Design Housing & Apparel) 32 Me NH( ~ ( ), Rush Creek Dr, Rogers 55374, , lutzxoo7@ LUTZ James, Research AssIstant (Hortic:uIturaI ScIence) 155 Alder H( ), 6410 Norway St NW, Coon Rapids 55433, ,1uIzxOO8@ LUTZ Joel A, Food Oper Mgr (HousIng 5ervIces-Sanfor Hal) san H ( ), 3567 Pierce St.N E, Minneapolis 55418, , 1ulzx0000 LUTZ John P, Instructor (Pharmacy PrlIClIce), Snyder Bros Drug, 2160 SIlver L.ske Rd, New Brighton 55112, lulzxoo6@ LUTZ Martha L, 0tIice Spec (AlleslhesklkJgy) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), 8516 Mayo,lutzxOO3@ LUTZ SheIla M, R-m AssIstant (Agronomy'. Plant GenIlIcs) 411 Bor H, IulzxOOl@ LUTZICE Margaret J, Sr 0tIice Aut(Energy Management-Admln) 200 Shops B( ), lulzkoo2@ WU Thao T, Accounts Aut (Human Genetics, Inst 01) ax 206 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), WX Barbara M, Sr Secretary (PurchasIng) S 2nd Sl ( ), (624-;1319), b-iux@ WX MeIiaaa, Gen Statl Nurse (ljnit5o) PCU6D Mayo, , LYBAIIGER DarriI H, Sr Hasp Carrier (H Dispetch) ax 706 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, POBox 14153, MInneapolis 55414, ,1ybarOO1@ LYBAIlGER Kimberly S, Translator (DIaabIIIty ServIces) 204Bu H, 21 OS 22nll Ave S, MInneapolis 55404, , chomool@ LYIIECK K8IlIn E, Teaching AssIstant (German, SCandlnaYian, Oulch) 205 Fol H( ), I\l Ave SE, Mlilneapons 55414, ,IybecOO3@ LYBECK Rick J, TeechIng AssIstant (ScandInavIan Studies) 205 Fol H( ), th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ,IybecOO2@ LYBIK Mark J, Med Fe! Spec (MeciIcIne) Bx 264 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, IyblkOOl@ LYQIlTMIchaeI G,ShortTerm Employ (Art DeparlnWlt) 206 Art B( ),lyghlOO1@ LYKKEN Davtd'T, Professor (Paychology) 247 Ell H( ), 4600 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, , LYU! TImothy L, Accounta Aut(EIeclrtcaI ~4-174EE./CScI(~), ( ),3845 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55407, , LVIIER IlnInda, Sr Hoap Cs Tech (H Oper Rm/AnclIIary Support 8erv) ax 700 Mayo, Lever St, Apt 5, ClrcIe PInes 55014, , IymelOOl@ LVIlER Mary J, ExecSectetary (CIa, Assoc DlIan, AcademIc Programs) 203 Joh H( ), ( ), th CIrcle NE, BIaJne 55434, , LYN MonI, Survey Interv (HeeIlh SM:sRes, PoIlcy) ax 729 M ( ), P WB, 704 WaaI*Igton Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, 311 Pleaaant Ave, Apt 107, St Pau/55102, , LYNCH Amy, Grad SChool Fellow (HHH InS! Pub! AfIrs) 300 HHHCtr, 117 WGrant, Apt 129, Minneapolis 55403, LYNCH Andrww E, Teal:hIng AsSistent (SpanIsh & PortIlgwM)34 Fol H( ), 58 Fol H ( ), ( ),2610 Fremont Ave S, ApI 206, MInneapolis 55408, ,1ynch010@ LYNCH Davtd E, Exec Aut(Transp Studies, Ctr For) 110 CJy E( ), ( ), diynch@, fax: LYNCH John A, Clln Aut Prof (MedIclne-UMD) 141 Med OuIuth, ProIesaIonal MsdIcel Assoc, CambrIdge LYNCH Joseph G, Red Tl1er Spec (H Redlatlon Therapy) ax 494 Mayo ( ), Ml0 Mas Can Ctr, 6424 Major Ave N, 8rooIdyn center 55429, ,1Ynch012@maroon.te.urnn.adu LYIicH KImberly J, Admin Fellow (Educ Student AIIai's Ole) 207 Und H, MIsslasippI Blvd, Coon RapkIa 55433, , 1ynchOO2@ LYNCH MaryIm, Per DIem - GIn (Nursing FIoaI Pool) ax 803 Mayo, IynchOO5@ LYNCH Maureen A, MsdfCIIn Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Vlrology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ); P WB, LYNCHPeter J, Heed (W/Fac Rank) (llennatdlogy) ax 96 Mayo ( ), Proleasor PWB, 863 Osceola Ave, St Pau/551OS, LYNCH 8andra J, GIn Stall Nurse (Blue Surgery (TranspIanl)-5C) PCUSC Mayo, nd Lena N E, BlaIne 55449,IynchOOII@maroo, LYNCH VIrgInIa A, Sr Survey Int8rY (EpIdemiology) S 2nd St ( ), k Creek CIrcle, VadnaJa HeIghts 55127, ,1ynch013@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LYNG JeraJd H, Teeching Aaslslanl (RestoratIve ScIences) Moos T, rd Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55445, ,1yngxOO1@ meroon, LYNGEN DannIa F,l..ectunlr (Soc Scl-UMM) 109 S S MorrIs, 1601 JetI8rson, AlexandrIa 56308, (762~), 3132 Crestwood Dr NE, AJexandrIa 56308, LYNHAM.Susan A, Prof SChool Trelnee (VOC' Tech Educlillon) 420 Vo Tech, luestam Lena, Eden Pralrie 55347, ,1ynhaOO1@ LYNN Mark E, Teal:hIng AssIstant (Extension CIasus) E E./C ScI, 23 Old County Rd C, UlUe Canada 55117,1ynnxOO5@ LYNN W1U1am S, Teeching AssIstant (Geography) 414 Soc ScI (62!Hl133),1ynnOOO3@ LYNN-MC GILL ShIrley, Sr Secretary (ParkIi1g 8ervices) 216 P S B(67303), ( ~;.urnn.adu LYON Cheryl, Short Term Employ (EpId8mIology) S2nd St(~~ 148 Stieu Lena, ApjJIe vailay 55124,1yonxOO5@ ' LYON EIIzab8th A, Legal Aut(General Counsel, Ole 01) 325 Mar H( ), 3400 US! PIai:e, Apt 1, Minneapolis LYON!"red A, Clin Assoc Prof (Obstetrics, Gynecology), 625 S8th St, MinneapoIIa 55404, ( ); 1235 Yale,,*», Apl.202, MinneapolIs 55403,.1yonxOO4@ LYON JetIray E, InstrucIllr (MedIdne), 400 E3rd St, 0uIuth 55805; 2170 WoocIlaven Lena, 0uIuth 55803, LYON Joyce, AssoclatlI Professor (Art Department) 206 Art B( ), ( ) Harriet Ave S, MinneepoIs 55409, IyonxOOl@maroon.te.urnn.adu. LYONS DaYld W, Inlllruclor (UMD-Geography) 320 Clna Duluth ( ), 1101 E4th St, Duluth LYONS John C, SCIentIst (Tl1erapeulIc RadIology) Bx 494 Mayo (62ll-6761), K119 DIehl K, th Ave S,MInneapoIIs 55407, , LYONS Kathleen M, Med Reoord Clerk (H Medical Records Info) ax 801 Mayo,IyonsOO5@ lii8ioo/ LYONS Mlchliel J, Med FeI Spec (Anesthesiology Bx 294 Mayo ( ), Ins1ruCtIlr 8515 Mayo, ' LYllENMANN Toni J, MedfCIIn Lab Tech (Hoap l.abs-immunology) ax 724 Mayo ( ), PWB,IyI'enOO1@ LYIllNTZIS AnaataaIOS S, Asalstanl Professor (AerOspace Eng & Mecharics) 107 Aller H ( ), ta$os@aem.umn.adu LYSAK Rllbert L, I'roIIIsm' (PhysIcs, Astronomy) 375 PhyS ( ), 3314 E26th St, Minneapolis ~, ,llob@ aurora.spe.umn.adu LYSAKER Herschel H, Assoc Prof. Emer (UMC-Technlcal Studies~ 129 MI St, CroclkstIln 56716, , 1ysakOO2@rnaroo.te.IlIIII1.adu LYSON VIrglnla, Prln Secretary (PedIatrIcs) ax 39 Mayo ( ), C432 Mayo ( ), 507 Ridgewood Ave, Apt 203, Mmeapolis 55403, 671-$88,1ysonOO1@, fax: LYSTlG louise C, AdmIn Fellow (Educ Student AIIai's Ole) 110 WulI H,IystlOO1@go1d.te.umn.adu LYSYJ AnatoI, CIln Assoc Prof (Obstetrics' Gynecology), OBkdale Ob & Gyn Inc, 08kdaIe MsdIcel Bldg,Ste 450, akdIle Ave N, MInne8poIIs 55422, ( ), 4004 Roanoke Cln:Ie, Golden Valley 55422, ,lysyjOO1@ LYTLE LesHe A, AssIstant Professor (EpIdemiology) S 2nd St ( ), ( ),5038 Morgan Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, ,IytIe@epivex.epl.umn.adu, fax: LYUllEZNIK Gennedy, AssoclatlI ProI8ssor (Mathematics, SCh 01) 127 VIII H( ), 236 Mur H, 121 WashlngtIIn Ave S, Apt 1602, MinneapoliS 55401,1yubeOO1@

19 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA M MA Dong, Research Assistant (St AnthoI\y As Hydraulic Lab) 360 Hl ( ), mbxxxoo7@ MA King W, Assistant Professor (Medk:lne), VA MedICal Center, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), 9624 Xerxes Rd S, BloomIngtOn 55431, , maxxxol3@ MA Shuguang, Teaching Aslllstant (UMD-ChemIs1ry) 403 Chem Duluth ( ), 517 N16th Ave E, Duluth 55812, MA We~Hslu, Research Assistent (Computer SCI) EEtC SCI ( ~ S505 Soils, 1000 E$$ex St S E, Apt 1,. Minneapolis 55414, , Wms@CS.Umn.Edu MA Xlaorrilng, Ass! 8cIentIsl (Medtctne) Bx 36 Mayo ( ), P WB, 3200 Emerson Ave S, Apt 7, Minneapolis 55408, , MAACK-MAGNUSSON MArl, Admin AIde (Houlling 8arvices-Terrltorial HaIQ 206 Tar H ( ), MAANUM Jernes I, L.aad Stores Clerk (University Stores) UStor N(624;-5684), 1395 Edmund, St PiluJ 55104, , niunuoo1@, MAAS Brien K, Instructor (Pherrnacy PraciK:e), Cub Pharmacy (639), 8015 Den Rd, Eden Prairie 55344, ( ), msesxoo3@ MAAS Peter H, Sr Stores Clerk (Housing 8arvices-Pionear Hell) PI H( ), msesx001@ MAATTALA Dabble M, Exec Asst (Inst of inti studies & Programs) 20 Nich H( ), ( ), , d-meat@, fax: MA880TT Ann S, Teaching Aslllstant (Gen CoII-lnst-eommendlng Eng) 145 PeIk H ( ),1741 EIeenor Ave, St Peul55116, , MABEE Judith D, Teaching Assistant (Art Department) 204 )\rt B ( ), 7 Berton Ave, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55414, , msbeeoo1@ MACAKOVA Stav0mir8, Fellow (Civil ~ng) 122 Clv E( ), mscak001@ MAC ALPINE Brett I, Teaching Aslllstant (Statistics, Sell Of-Adm) 270 Vln H, Galena Ave W, Rosemount 55068, , mscaloo2@ MACALUSO Cynthia 1,.CoordInator (Mpls) 170B Mor H(~), (624,0006), m1c8loo1@, f~: MACAULAY Mlcheel, CIIn Ass! Prof (Dermstology~ Park Nic01iet Medical Center, 5000 W39th St, Minneapolis 55416, ( ), MACAUlEY Mary K, 0ftIca Spec (Surgery-General). VAMedical Center, Surgical service (112), One Veterans Dr, Mlnne8pOlis 55417, ( X3367), Joppa Ave S, sevege 55378, MAC CARTER Melinda D, Nurlllng Asst (OncoIogy-Mesonlc 3) PCUm3 Meyo, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , maccaoo2@ MACCHIARUlO PetrIcIa A, Aslllstant Professor (DlagnostlcfSurglcal SCI) Moos T ( ), ( ),100 2nd St S E, Apt 401, Minneapolis 55414, ll, mscchoo1@ MAC Donald III Angus W, cmmty Prog Spec (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), 0897 Mayo ( ), 2701 Untv Av SE, Suite 105 ( ), Ave S E, 2nd Floor, Minneapolis , Mecdo014@ MAC DONALD David H, Professor (Plant Path) 495 Bor H( ), 214 Stek H, 890 ContInenteI Dr, New Brighton 55112, , MAC DONALD Elizabeth A, Jrsctenllst (EpIdemiology) 432D 1300 S 2nd St ( ), ( ), 1400 Dakota Ave S, Apt 208, St louis Park 55418, , mscdool3@ MAC DONAlD James A, Dept Asst D1r (Army High Peri Computing Res Ctr) 1100 Wash Av S ( ), MAC DONAlD MeIcolm, PhysIcIan (Fern PraclIce & Communtty HIth), 590 Perk St, SuIte 310, St Peul 55101, ( ), 1580 Grand Ave, Apt D, St Peul55105, , macdo011@ MAC DONALD MergenIt l, Sr Res NIne ClIn (Medlclne)Bx268Mayo( ), PWB ( ), MAC DONALD Suean M, PrIn Accountent (UMD-Athletlcs, IntercoIIegIat8) 170 Sp HC Duluth ( ), ( ),404 N85th Ave W, Duluth 55807, , Hl8Cd@ MACE Patricia D, Accounts Spec (AccounlIng services) S 2nd St ( ), MAC EACHERN Donald G, As8oclal8 ProIes8or (Educational Psychology) 318 Bu H( ), ( ),1717 Brook Ave S E, M~ 55414, , mscea001@ MACECHKO P T, Post-Doc ~ (Dr1hopeedlc Surg) Bx 310 Mayo (625.7~ 262, DIehl H, 4682 Wildwood St,'Eegen 55122, , MACEK Dorion, Lecturer (Prof Dev &Con' Svc) 400 Ford H, (Exl8nslonClWn) Perk Ave S, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), , MACEK Steven H, Teaching Aslllstant (CuIturlll Studies & Comperellve lit) 360 FoI H( ), MAC GREGOR Donald A, Aslllstant ProIes8or (UMe-Managernent, Dlv of) 119 ociw H Crookston ( ~ At 2, Box 254, Red Lake FaDs 56750, , dmsc:greg@ MAC GR GOR Klppen J, Cnmty HIth Coord (SCh of Pub HIth) Bx 807 Mayo ( ~ 1260 Mayo, fax: MAC GRI!OOR Shewn E, Nutr Educ Asat (ME8-CoI1ege of HUman EooIogy), CUB Co Ext Oft, CourthoUse, Box 3000, Weller 58484, ( X289), Rl74, Box 2325, Heckenseck 56452, MAC GREGOR WHIie C, Bldg &Grds WIer 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, maogioo2@ MACH JR JOlIn R, Aslllstant ProIes8or (MedIcIne) VAMedICal Centar, om Veterans Dr Grecc!llG) Mlnne8pOlis 55417, ( ~ ~1@ MACH Thomas R, Instnuctor (Phermscy PraclIce), St Gabriel's Hospltal, 815 S E2nd St; UltIe Falls 56345, ( ), 207 Rtverwood Dr, UltIe Falls 5834'5, MACHADO Jose-luIs, Research Aslllstant (Forest Resources) 115 am H( ),, fax: MACHELEDT Nelll, CIIn Ass! Prof (Fern PraclIce & Community HIth), East Main ClInIc ltd, 850 E Main St, Anoia! 55303, ( ), 720 RIver Lane, Anoka 55303, mscheoo2@.machen Sherry A, Research Aslllstanl (Psychology), Indian Health Board, 1315 E24th St Minneapolis 55404, ( ), rnacheoo3@ MACHMEIER Roger E, Prof mer (Ag Eng), Neal Ave, lindstrom 55045, MACHON R08lyn G, Vet Mad As8oclal8 (SmslI Animal CIIn SCI) 307C Vet Tch Hoe ( ), Teechlng Aslllstant ( ), th Ave S,, Minneapolis 55408, , msc:hoool@ MACIAS-HOWARD Anlla M, Cnmty Prog Spec (Generlll CoI~Adm) 40 Ap H ( ), MACIEJ A11se M, Supplmt Employee (Dermstology) Bx 68 Meyo ( ), P WB, Bluebird StNw, Andover 55304, , MACIEJEWSKI Mallhew l, Research Aslllstant (Medical SchooI-Adm) Bx 729.Mayo ( ), D330 P WB, 225 Dak Grove St, Apt 206, Minneapolis 55403, mecje002@ MACIJOWSKY carrie A, Research Aslllstant (SolI SCi) 439 Bor H( ), 1720 WL.arpenteur Ave, Apt 3C, Falcon HeIghts 55113, , MACINT08H ljnda B, Sr Mad TechfCIIn -(0bIletIfcs &GynIcdogy) Bx 248 Mayo ( ), McIOI T, 809 CurIaw St, St Peul 55114, ( ), 4048 Abboll Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, maciioo1@ MACK Anthony M, Research Aslllstant (PhysIcs & Astronomy) Sll Phys ( ), MACK Clnda M, SrCollect Rep (H Pall8nl FinIn 8erv) Bx704 Mayo (82&-1991J, 2-135PWB, MACK EIIsebeth C, Short T"", Employ (Plant Path) CRl, MACK JennIfer R, TeacI*Ig Aslllstant (Astronomy) 358 Phys, macfclloo7@ MACK lori M, Word Proc Spec(EducalIonaI Psychology) 227R Bu H( ), msckxoo4@ MACK RoI*1 C, L.ecturer (ExlIInsIon Classn) 110 Atl:h (624-7_ Mac Donald & Meek AIchItlIclII, GraIn ExchInge Bldg, Ste 712, <400 4th Ave S, MlrnapoIIs 55415, ( ), , MACKAY DoneId G, Rea AIaoc (Forest Resources) 115 am H (82&-1205~ dmsckey@ MACKEHTHUN James E, TeacI*Ig SpecIalIst (ChemiIlry) 139 SmIth H( ), 727 UnIver1Ity Ave S E, Apt 4, MInneepoIIs 55414, , MACICENZIE n-~, ProIes8or (Psychiatry) Bx 329 Mayo ( ), B804 Mayo, MAC ICI!NZE Wenen D, Regents Prof mer (Art Deparlmant), th St N, StIIweter 55082, m-479, MAcKI!Rml Alan l, Inilructor (Pharmacy PraclIce),Targel Phermscy T-881, 1300 EStele Hwy 55, ButIaIo 55313, ( ), nd St NE, MontIceIo 553lI2, , meckeoll@ MAcIcERIIAN VIcky l, Non ljniy StafI (Agronomy & Plant GenIiIcI) 411 Bor H( ), A403A Hayes H, 1824 EuMII St, i..auderdile 55113, 845-n53, MACKEY Elan J, Med/Clln Lab T4ich (Hosp, L.abe-8Iood 1lInk) Bx 188 Mayo (82&-5387), ll2li7 Mayo, MACKEY ~ l, JrSCIentIal (Hor1kluIturaI SCIenoI) 306 Alder H( ), mackeoo9@ MACKEY Sandra J, L.ab serv Coord (1lklIogIcaI SCI, CoIege OI-Adm) 123 Sn H( ), 147 BIo SCI, MAClO.IN KevIn D, R-roAsaIstant (1lIochemIalry-M Sell) MIrd H( ), 103HIIcreet, No 4, l.alni NE 68745, mscldool@ MACLEAA James F, Prof mer (UMD-HIatory) 253 ABAH DuIulh, 100 EIzebath St, Apt 302, Duluth 55803, MACLEAY JennIfer M, Vet Mad Aslllstant (CIIntcaI & PopulatIon SCleral)225 VetTch Hoe ( ), ( ),818 Fairview Ave N, St Paul 55104, , macleoo7@ MAC LEIIIt A1w!nNI, Professor (EnglIsh Language & lit) 207 lind H(8254l32), ( ),4141 AIdrtch Ave S, MlnneepoIis 55409, , MAC LENNAN HIney F, Cmnly Prog Asat (EpIdernIcqy) 3OlI13Ol1 S2nd St ( ), MAC LEOD CharlottII M, Aslllstant Professor '(Medlclne-UMD) 352 Med DuIulh ( ), 810 N27th Ave W, DuIulh 55808, MAC -.unjudith A, Gen StafI NIne (PedIat1fcI.5A) PCU5A Mayo, mscmlool@ MAC NAIl cerrte J, ~ Aslllstant (NeuRJlOgy) MIrd H(_2848~ lyon l, 3009James Ave S, MlnneapoIIa 55408, , MACOOL DenIeI J,Jr 8cIentIsl (MedIcIne) Bx 286 Mayo ( ), McIOI T( ), 9 WhItlI BIrch Rd, Tumemlle NJ 08012, MAC08KO ChIts, ProIes8or (ChemIcal Eng & Met SCI) 151 Amund H( ), ( ),123 Prall St, MInneepoIls 55419, , STAFF MA-MADDY 265 MAC 8ITH1OH Gearod P, As8oclal8 ProIes8or (Aeroapece Eng &MechenIcs) 107 Aker H, MACY Jenet M, Assoc Prcif (Fern SOC SCI) 282 Me NH( ), 550 RarIg C ( & ), , MeeyxOOl@ MACY-LEWISJane A, TeacI*Ig Aslllstant (SOCIal Work, Sell of) 400 Ford H, 5 wtnone St, ChatfIeld 55973, MADAMANCHI Nageswara R, Poet-Doc Assoc (BIochemlstry-ess) 140 Gor l ( ), 1000 WCounty Rd D, Apt 108, New~55112, , MADAMANCHI Narayanernma, Jr SCIentIal (MES-CoIIege of AgricuItln) 513 Hodson H ( ),1000 WCounty Rd D, Apt 106, New Brighton 55112, , msdemoo2@ ' MAllARAS-KEllYKeri J, Phermecy As8oclal8 (Phermecy PraclIce) HS Unlt F, St Paul Remsey MedlcaI Centar, ClInical Phermscy Dapl, 840 Jeckson St, St Peul55101, ( ), msderoo2@ MAIIOAUS Micheel A, Aslllstant ProIes8or (Surgery-General) Bx 207 Mayo ( ), 247 DVC C RC ( ), msddeool@ MADDEN Joan E, Aslllstant Professor (0bIletIfcs &Gynecology) ( ), Group Health Inc, 2220 RIverlllde, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), MAIlOEN Kathryn A, Teaching Assistent (Extension Classes) 207 lind H( ), , MADDEN Mark J, Aslllstant ProIes8or (DIagnostIcfSurglcal SCI) Moos T, 136 Bridge Ave, DeIenO 55328, ( ), 804 Northwood Dr, DelanO 55328, , MADDEN Mary Jane, Aslllstant Professor (Health Mgrnt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), A268 Mayo, Lawrenz Madden & AIaoc, DrganJzetlonal Consultants, 368 Prior Ave N, St Peul 55104, (64S-4481~ 1468 MIssisslppI RIver Blvd S, St Paul 55118, , msddeool@ MADDEN Mavis, Accounts Spec (Laundry 8ervices) loop B( ), ( ), 2318 Untty Ave N, Golden Valley 55422, , MAIlOEN Micheel T, SCIentIal (Lab Medtclne & PethOIogy) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), P W B ( ), iiadoen Pimete l, Hosp Custodien 3 (H Environmental 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo, A102 Mayo, MAIlOEN Patrlcle l, Accounts Spec (MN Landscape AIboretum), MN Landscape Arboretum, 3875 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhassen 55317, ( OX12O), MADDEN Wllllem A, Prof mer (EnglIsh Language & Ul)207A Und H, 1688Cof1man, Apt 11'9, St Peul 55108, , meddeoo7@ MADDIX Jacqueline M, Ole Sup Spec Pr S (CUHce-AduIt MedIcal) C UHC C(827-4n4), ( X305), MADDOCK James W, As8oclal8 ProIes8or (Fernlly SOCIal SCIenoI) 290 Me NH( ), (Sell of PublIc Health) ( ), jmsddock@ MADDOCK Robet1 P, Med Fel Spec (Anes\heSIOIogy) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), 8515 Mayo, 525 HerrIet Ave, Apt 1214, ShorevIew 55128,' MADDOX Melitta K,AdJ Instr (Nursing, Sell Of-Prog & Res), VAMedIcal center, GnJco.llG, One Veterans Dr, MlnneapoIIs 55417, ( ~ 550 SummIt Ave, St Peul55102, , MADDUX Margaret l, Aslllstant ProIes8or (Thealre Ariis & Dance) 180 Norris H( ), ( ),751 GoodrIch Ave, St Paul 55105, , MADDY Jane E, AssocIate Professor (UMD-Psychology &- Mental Health) 320 Boh H Duluth ( ), ( ),424 HawthOme Rd, Duluth 55812, , MADDY Michael M, C11n Ass! Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth ClInIc, 400 E3rd St, Duluth 55805

20 266 MADER-MAISON. STAFF MADER Brian T, ResearcIt AssIst8nt (Gray Freshwatllr 1IioIInst), Gray FI8Shwatllr IIioIlnst, County Ads 15 and 19, Navana 56392, ~3, MAIlHOK Thelma C, Assistant Professor. (MedicIne) ( ), Metropolitan MedIcal Ole Bldg, Ih St,SuIle.M-60, MlnneapoIIs 55404, ( ), madhoool@ MADISON Debra J, Sr Data Proc Tech (MN Ext 5erv-Educ Dev SysI) 475 Cot H( ),,fax: MADISON MIchael T, AsaIstant Professor (RadIology) ax 292 Mayo ( ), J2-451 U Hosp,, MADISON Roxanne L, PrIn Secretary (MNExt SlIrv-Ecluc Dev Syst) 405 Cot H( ),, fax: / IIAIlLCltI-KAY Illane J, AssiStant Professor (Fam Practice &CommunIty HIth), St Paul Ramsey MedIcal Cenler, 840Jackson St, StPaul 55101, 2019 Kenwood1'ky, Mir1neapo11s 55405, madiooo1@ IIAIlLCltI-KAY RIchanl C, A8slstant Professor (MedIcIne) ax 508 Mayo ( ), 290 VCR C St Paul Ramsey MedIcal C8n1er, c.diology-spr, 840Jack8on St, St Paul 55101, ( ), MADOFF Robert D, CIIn Asst Prof (~ax 450 Mayo ( ), B553 Mayo, Colon &RactalSUrgery AsJoc, 1731 MadicaI Arls Bldg, 825 Nicollet Mil, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 1778 Irving Ave 5, Minneapols 55403, , madofool@ MADIlZAK C8zary J, Post-Doc Assoc (Soil SCience) 248 Bor H( ), madrzool@ MADSEN AtOwI, Bldg &Grds Wier3(Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 3117 Shops II ( ), MADSEN Cheryl C, Accounts Spec (Irial of Child Dev) 158 Ch Dev ( ), madseoo7@ MADSEN. Cheryl J, Sr Para Doc AnIs1 (Human Rasoun:es AdminlstralIon) St SE ( ), MADSEN Judy 5,.Stu Sup SI'Y Assoc (Ole of TI!e Registrar-Stu Contact) 150 WInson H.( ~ (825-S333) MADSEN Luke, ~ SlIrv Spec (Inventory 5ervk:e8) nd 5t ( ), ( ), m-mads@ MA08EN Marilyn E, Sr Otlioe Supv (Computer SCience) EEfC ScI ( ), ( ),,tax: 812~72. MA08EN Romola L, PrIn Secretary (Lab Medicina & Pathology) ax 107 Mayo(~ H5 UnR F, MADSON David J, Daveloprnant 0lItcer (MN Medical FoundatIon) ax 806 Mayo ( ), Co517 Mayo ( ) st Ave S, Minnaapolis55407, , mad80001@ MADSON Wayne C, Painlar (COnstruction Admin) 200 Shops B(825-$8&), rnadsooo5@ MAEDER Edward C, CIIn Prof (0bst8tr1cs & Gynecology~ Park NlcolIet MedIcal eem.r, 5000 W39lh St, StLouis Park 55418, ( ), 8153 Artie Way, EcIna 55438, , IIl8lICIeOO2@ MAEDER John M, ReMaI'Ch AssIstant (Physics & As\rOnoIlIy) 148 Phys, , ]ohnm@ MAEHUNG Nancy E, Sr Accounts Ass! (1looIcstDnIs) 290 Wmson H( ),,tax: , MAQAARD JII L, Otlioe Spec(Fac:iIIly Support-EIevalo Shop) Sb Shops B( ), magaaoo1@, tax: MAGDALENE SUzanne C, R-.rchAsaIstant (Geology &Gaophy$/cS) 2000 Pills H( ), ( ), 1072 JesaIe, St Paul 55101, n8-3984, MAGDALENE ~ A, Assoc EdItor (Stu AlIrs Comm & Publ) 110 WInson H( ), 3807 GarIield Ave 5, Apt 5, Minnaapolls 55409, , MAGEE BaatrIce B, Sr ScIentIst (Genetics & can Biology) 250 Bill ScI (825-4~ 784 UncoIn Ave, St Paul 55105, , bebe@.., fax: MAGEE Paul T, DIan (Biological ScI, College Of-Adm) 123 Sn H ( ~ 784 UncoIn Ave, 51 Paul 55105, , magee@ MAGILL Marsha L, DaveIopment 0lItcer (MN Medical Foundation) Bx 193 Mayo ( ), P WB( ),16721 Chambome~, Eden PrairIe , , magiiool@ MAGISTAD Balh M, R-.rch Assistant (Famly SoclaJ SCience) 290 Me NH, 1538 Huron St N, St Paul 55108, MAGLER Tracy J, Prin Secretary (Diagnostic Radiology) Bx292Mayo (fl28.88ll8), J2494 U Hosp, magi8oo1@ MAGNER DIana R, Ext Educ & Ass! Prol (ME5-Districts), Rosaau Co Ext Ole, 308 canter Stw, Roseau 56751, ( ) MAGNET Douglas F, Nursing Sta Tech (Unlt 5D) PCUSD Mayo ( ), UHosp, 382 Plerca St N, Apt 2, St Paul 55104, magnad02@ MAGNEY Jean E, Asslstant Professor (C811 Biology & Neuroanatomy) Jac H( ) Oak Ridge Lana, Minnetonka 55343, MAGNISON Kristina A, omce Spec (Fam Practica &CommunRy tilth) Bx 381 Mayo, P WB, magnioo1@ MAGNONI Gradela M, Teaching AsaIstant (JOurnalism & Mass Comm, SCh 01)111 Mur H ( ),5137 Bryant Ave 5, MinnaapoUs 55419, , MAGNUS Kate, Undargra Tell Ass! II (ClA. Student Acad Suppt Svcs) 205 Joh H( ), 2818 Girard Ave 5, Apt 204, Minneapolis 55408, , MAGNUS Laurie J, Ext Educ & Ass! Prof (ME5-DlstriCls), Brown Co Ext Ole, 300 2nd Ave 5 W, Sleepy Eye 58085, ( ), 105 Southdale St5 w, Sleepy Eye!i8OII5, , MAGNUS Patricia A, Rehab 5etv Mgr (H Rahab 5aMces) Bx 106 Mayo, magnu011@ MAGNUS Volker, Ras Assoc (Hortlcultural SCience) 328 AIdar H( ), 2400 ' Larpenteur, Apt 10, St Pa\ll55113, , magnu017@ MAGNUSON Connl. J, Lacturar (Extanslon ClaSSllS) 388 Me NH, Ave 5, MinneapQIis 55404, , magnuoo1@ MAGNUSON Diana L, AssIstant (History) 614 Soc SCI, 4139 Arlhur St NE, Columbia HIs 55414, magnuoo9@ MAGNUSON Douglas R, Teaching Aaslstant (ME5-Prograrn Stall &Org Davl) 388 Me NH ( ), Ave 5, Mlnnaapblis 55404, / , MAGNUSON Ellsworth, Bldg & Greis WIer 3 (FaciIiliH Mgritt Adm) 307 Shops B, Robinson Dr, Apt 205, Coon RapIds 55433, magnuoo8@ MAGNUSON Kaye E, Operating Rm Gsn (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo, , ma9"'jol6@ - MAGNUSON Nancy P, Sr Secretary (UMD-Physics) 371 MWAH Duluth ( ), ( ),1751 carver Ave, Duluth 55803, 7~, MAGNUSON Toni R, MedFllI Spec (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), B-805 Mayo ( ) VAMedical Canter; One V Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), magnuoo4@. MAGNUSON Vincent R, Assistant To (UMD-Chemlstry) 134 C/llIIII DuIulh ( ), ( ), 1751 carver Ave, Duluth 55803, 7~,, lax: MAGNUSON-IWITiNSON JoAnn, R-.rch Assistant (1.anclsc:aIMI ArchIlaCtura) 125 Arch, 959 W.ks Ave 5 E, Minnaapolis 55414, 378-'1849, MA\1NUSSON Deanna L, Dapt Iliraclor (E1Iucalion, eoa.g. Of-Adm) 104 Bu H( ) Assoc ConI Educ Spec ( ), 3742 W Sunrise Dr, Minnetonka 55345, , magnusso@maiibox.maii.umn.8clj MAGIIATTEN AndI'llW G, UncMrgra R.!Ut II (Anthropology) 215 Ford H, 2180 lanzibar LaI1lI N PIymoulh 55447, , magraoo3@ IlAGRAW RIchanl M, Professor (PaychIa1ry) ax 3lIs Mayo ( ), A882 Mayo, 8221 HlIIaIdII Rd, EcIna 55438, , magraool@ IIAQ8AM Dannts G, Sr flholilgrap/1li (UMC-Media~) 118 KLIl Crookston ( ), 115 E9th St, Crookston 56718, IIAQ8AM JoitMIn A, JrScilIntlst (Plant Pathology) 411 Bor H( ), 37 Cr AIls, 1010 Union St, NorthlIeId 55057, , magsaoo1@ MAGUIllE Joeaph D, ResearcIt Assistant (PhannacoIogy) MIrd H( ), MAHABADY FOfOUllh G, Sr Hosp.Cs Tech (Hosp Csp) ax 708 Mayo, mahabool@ IIAHAIl!O Maya, '*-ell AsaIstant (Food ScI & NutrItion) 288 ABLM5 ( ), IWWlEVAN GopaIakrlshnan, ReMarch Assistant (CIYII ~ In CIv E ( ~ ( ),415 Erie St 5 E, Apt 302, Minneapols 55414, , mahadoo2@ IWIAI CharIotlII E, SrSecretary (CEE & 8urnnMIr 8lII8Ion-UMD) 19 5 BE Duluth ( ), 302 W F8IIlUtSt, Duluth 55803, cmahai@d.umn.~ IWW.JoIln M, PoIIcII 0fIIcer (PoIca Dapt) 102 T S B( ), IIAIfANEY J8IllllS E. AIls Assoc (IllocIwnlstry-SCh) MIrd If ( ), Lyon L, mahanoo1@ MAHAPATRA Nihar R, '*-ellaaslstant (EIllctrIcaI ~"'178 E EfCScI, MAHAPATRA 5an*an, Post-Doc Assoc (ChemIstry) H-18 5mIth H( ), ), 708 UnMII8tty Ave SE, Apt 22, MImaapoIis 55414, IWWlA.I Nlstar R, Prln LabTech (H KIcIIwy DIaIyaIs, AdIM) ax 805 Mayo, 1442 Cloud Dr, 1lIalnlI55489, , maharoo1@ MAHER Jay,JrScilIntlst (FiIhlIriIIlI & WIidIIr.) 109 Hodson H ( ~' ( ), 2819 Pleasant Ave, Apt 2, MImaapoIis 55408, , jay@. tinsandfur.lw.urnn.8clj MAHER Lynn M, ResearcIt Aaalatant 1fI1Mr1a1 & WIkIIta)2OO Hodson H, , Jem@ tlnaandiur.lw.umn.8clj, tax: MAHER Patrick J, Prof Enw(Ex18nslon CiasIM), lh St S,IlenIon 58215; IlAHESWAIlAN 8amulII K, Professor(Vlll PalhobIoiogy} 205 Vlll 5 ( ), 1858 DaiIwoodAve N, RosevIIlI55113, 84N1241, 1IAHJOU8~, EnvIron HIth Spec (EnvIronrr8ltaI Health &5aIllly) 31 DAd B Duluth ( ), ( ), rd Ave 5 E, MInMapoiII55414, IIAHLIIEIlG G, Teaching AssIstant (UMD-Clwnistry) 248 Chern Duluth, 1507 Woodland Ave, Duluth MAHLER MichaaI B, UndlIrgta AIls Ass! II (lnterfacial Eng, Clr For) 151 Amund H, lh Ave 5, Fargo ND 58103, 23U258, mahlaoo2@ ll MAHLER Susan 5, Gen Stall NurH (Unlt 5D) PCU5D Mayo, 5327 Emaraon Ave 5, Minneapolis 55419, , mahlcioo1@ IlIA*UD KhaIid, DIr8cIor (Univ-WldlI) (MlldIcinll), AIIociII8 Professor (Fam Practice & Cornmunlty HIth), North MemoriII MedIcal C8nter, Medical DIr8cIor, 3300 Oakdale Ave N, RobbInadaIe 55422, ( ), 8801 SouIhcnst Dr, Edina 55435, IlIA*UD RubIna A, ~ Spec (Parking ServiclIs) 218 P5 B( ), mahmuool@ 1WNCE-11tClMA8 KathIrtne A, T4ISching AIIlstant (PIychology) 231 FoI H( ), 1482Albert St N, StPaul 55108, , MAHON DIana M, ex.c Aut(UnIveI1IIy ServiclIs Adn*l~ SuppInIt ErnpIoyM, UnIvof MInn, FlIght ServiclIs, Anoka County Mport, 8891 AllpOrt Rd, MinnlIapolIa 55449, ( ), 1801 NInnllbruck Dr, MinnaapoIIa 55432, mahonoo2@ IIAHClNEY Debra K, Food 5erv WIer (Food 5erv-UMM) Food 5 C Morris ( ), At 2, Box 118, MoirIs 58267, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MAHONEY JR John R, Asslstant Professor (~ax 495 Mayo ( ), ( ), ( ), Alps Mcu1taln Rd, Sand Lak , mahonool@ MAHONEY Margaret A, Otlioe Spec (FaciIiIIeI Mgmt-Human R_)200 Shops B ( ), 320 4lh St5 E, Apt 1, Minneapolis 55414, IWIONEY RolMIrt D, Main! EIeclrk:ian (UMM PIant Svca-BIdg T~ cam Morris (589-81~ St Hwy 27 W, Kansington 58343, IWIC)NEY Thomas W, AdmIn Dnctor (UMM-AcadIlmIc A1IaInI-Adm) 235 C5 MorrIs ( ), (CEE MorrIs Clr~MM), (AIls &Tech Tms ACm, Ole ~ At 1, Box 67, Hancock 58244, rnahonayt@caa.mra.umn.8clj MAHOWALD J8IllllS A, Hosp Pharmacy AIls (H Inpatient Phermacy) ax 811 Mayo ( ), D147 Mayo, lhStNW, Apt 302, NIIw Bnghton 55112, , mat-004@ MAHOWALD Manln L, Professor (MedIcIIw), VA Medical Center, m.umatoiogy Ofc, 111 R, 0l1Il Vlllllrarts Dr, Mimlapolis 55417, (725-2OOOX419O), 130 OtIs Ave, St Paul 55104, ,, fax: , pagr. 812~ MAHOWALD Mark W, AIIociII8 ProIeIlIor (NwoIogy), Henr!lII*I County MedIcal C8nlar, 101 Park Ave S, Mimlapolis 55415, ( ),, fax: MAHOWALD ShllrrIe A, AIIlstant To (Dasign Housing &ApparllI) 240 Me NH(824-n21), ,, fax: nas MAHIlE Patricia 5, Gen Stall Ntnll (Unit 83-AdoIesfChild Paychialry) PCU as Mayo, , IIAIAK Abdul, DantaI Fellow Spec (Praventive 5cillnoes) Moos T ( ), maiakoo1@ IIAIDEN Jeaninll M, omce Supv (Army High ParI Computing AllsClr) WashAvS ( ), (826-81~ 2388 HIIwood Dr, Maplewood 55119, , ~ ahpcrc.umn.edij, fax: MAIEII RolMIrt 5, R. Assoc (Army High ParI Computing R. Clr) Wash Av 5 ( ), MAIEII Wallar J, Professor (CIvil Enllk-ing) 148 CIv E( ), ( ), 19 EPleasant Lake Rd, StPaul 55127, , maierool@, fax: n50 IIAIJALA Diana L, R-.:h AsaIstant (PadIatrics) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), Dl15 Mayo MAINE Mary A, Gen Stall NurIIl (Oncoiogy-Gyn~ Med-7C) PCU7C Mayo, MAINES Brant H, AssIstant (S1 Anthony FIs HydraUnc Lab) HL( ), ( ), Ave 5, Mimlapolis 55408, mans@ MAINES Jean Z, ResearcIt AsaIstant (I,ab Medlclna & Pathology) ax 809 Mayo ( ), Jae H, lhAve 5,Minneapolis , MAINWARING 8nlnda 5, T4ISching Assistant (AnlhropolOgy) 215 Fonf H( ), MAJNZ Kannalh A, sr Farm Anmi Tech (AES-RClS8I1'ICUIl), IloslImount Exp.rtmant Station, lh Stw, RoslImount 55088, ( ), Englewood Ct; Farmington 55024, , kmalnz@ C, ProIessor (UMD-EngIlsh) 413 HDuluth ( ), ( ), 2135 Woodand Ave, Duluth 55803, jmaloio@d.urnn.ed\j MAI8EL RolMIrt H, AIIociII8 ProIessor (0tllIaryng0I0gy) Bx 398 Mayo ( ), ( ), HanMpin County MedIcal C8n1er, 701 Park Ave, Mlnnaapoils 55415, ( ~ 6721 WMtmoraIand LaI1lI, St Louis Park 55428, , MAISON sany, Lacturar (Famly SoclaJ sa.nce~ Baker Ct; SuRa 440, 821 Raymond Ave, StPaul 55114, ( ); 233 GlcIason Lake Rd, Wayzata 55391,

21 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF MAISTER-MANARY 267 MAlSTER ~ard H, Assistant Professor (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo, Mineep, 5n5 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis 55416, ( ), MAI'l'LAND lan, Assoclata Professor (Strategic Managemant) 668 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ),2366 Chllcombe Ave, St Paul 55106, MAITRA Ashek P, Professor (Statistlcs, SCh Of-Adm) 270 YIn H( ), ( ), th St S, Apt 323, Minneapolis 55406, , MAIWllRM Allison A, Word ProC Spec (Civil Engineering) 122 Clv E ( ), ( ), 1766 Alta Vista Dr, Rossville 55113, , maiwuool@ MAJ RLE Tracy S, Sr secretary (UMD-NRRI-eartd/Bioproduets) 358 N R R I Duluth ( ), 2822 Morris Thomas Rd, Duluth 55811, MAJESKI Michael S, Non Unlv Stall (U SDA Forest Serv) 312 NC For ( ), majesoo1@ MAJIlI Jayanth, Resaarch Assistant (Computer SCienos) EE/C SCi, 1530 S6th St, Apt C2309, Minneapolis 55454, , majhloo1@ MAJKOWSKI Kenneth 'E, Assistant Profe.ssor (Pharmacy Practice), Pharmacla Deltac, 1265 Gray Fox Rd, St Paul 55112, ( ), majkooo1@, fax: 612-« MAJUMDAR Blswaroop, Res Assoc (Chemical Eng & Mat SCi) 167 Amund H( ), ~), 1530 S6th St, Apt.Cl203, Minneapolis 55454, , majumool@ MAJUMDAR Mayukh, Resaarch Assistant (Electrical EnglllMring) E E/C SCI, MAKAROVA Falna, Teaching Assistant (VOC Tech Educ) 210L Vo Tech ( ), makaroo1@ MAKEDONSKY Bonnie M, Food Serv Wkr (Food Svcs) Bx 602 Mayo (624-ll452), n CM U, th Ave NW, Coon Rapids 55433, , makadoo1@ MAKELA Steven L, 0IIlce Spec (Pharmacy Prectlce) HS Un~ F ( ), ( ) s-make@ MAKEPEACE carol M, Jr Scientlst (Therepeutlc Radiology) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), K128 Dishl H ( ), Holyoke Ct, Apple Vallay 55124, , makepoo1@ MAKER Charlas C, Vet Mad Assistant (Clinical & Population SCiences) 225 Vet Tch Hos ( ) ( ), MAKHOLM Cralg R, Vending Route Spv (Food Svcs) 150 Food 0 B ( ), ( ), rd Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , makhooo1@ MAKI Bryan C, GIn Stall Nurse (Padlatrlc Intensive care-4e) PCU 4E Mayo, maklxoo6@ MAKI Pauline M, Teaching Assistant (Psychology) 205 ~ H( ), ( ), 3440 Dupont Ave s, Apt202, Minneapolis 55406, makl@ luf1ie.psych.umn.adu MAKI Roy K, Asst Finance Dlr (H Financial Systems Mgmt) Bx 704 Mayo ( ), maklxoo2@faccsmtp.umhc.umn.adu MAKI Russell W, Cmnty Prog Spec (Epidemiology) S2nd St, 5641Hwy 84, Chisholm 55719, n, mliklxoo5@ MAKI Wilbur R, Professor (Ag & Applied Eoon) 248H CLA 011 ( ), 4520 OXford Ave, Minneapolis 55436, 926-m9, maklxool@ MAKINEN Unda A, Interior Deslgn,H (Hospital Facilities 0IIlce) Bx 723 Mayo ( ), 536 Boyn HS( ),1815 Como Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, maklnool@ rnaroon.te.umn.adu MAKINEN Ruth H, Ubrary DiY Head (BIomadIcsI library) 325A DIehl H ( ), Assoc librarian, 162 DrIln Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414, r-maki@ vml.spcs.umn.adu MAKKI Slamak, Teaching Assistant (Elactrlcsl 'Enginaarlng) E E/C SCi ( ), , MAKKY Be~anty H, Food Serv Wkr (H cafeteria) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), C265 Mayo ( ), 3552 Harriet Ave S, M~neapolis 55408, makkyoo2@. MAKKY Vicky L, Med/Clin Lab Tech (Hoap. Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 5005 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , makkyoo1@ MAKKYLA Carol A, Prin secretary (Chemistry) 139 Sm~ H( ), Yz Ave NE, Minneapolis 55418, , makkyla@ chemsun.chem.uinn.adu, lex: 612~7541 MAKOWSKE Kim D, 0IIlce Spec (Res &Tech Tms Adm, Ofc 01) Wash Av S (624~), klm@ortta.umn.adu MAKOWSKI P~a A, Nurse AnesthatIst (Cardiopulmonary ServIces) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), Mayo, 4505 Grace S~ Whlta Bear Lake 55110,' , makowoo2@ MALA Martina, Teaching Assistant (German,, scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H( ), 1 Jones H, malaxool@ MALABY Elizabeth G, Research Asalstant (HHH Inst Pub! AIIrs) 10 HHH Ctr, 2632 Pillsbury Ave, Minneapolis 55408, malaboo1@ MALAFARINA Kstryna M, Grad School Fellow (Mgmt-Phd Programs) 1235 MgmI/Econ, 20 Magnolia Lane, Plymouth 55441, , malaioo1@ MALAKQWSKY Jennner J, Prin secretary (Vet Pathoblology) 295K An SCifV M( ),1997 Montana Ave E, St Paul 55119, n2-1l389, malakool@ MALANDRA Ge~ H, Dept Assoc Dlr (Prof DaY & Conferenos Svc) 214 NCC E( ), ( ),4555 Wild canyon Dr, Woodbury 55125, , gmalandr@pdcs.cee.umn.adu, fax: MALANDRA William W, Chair fnffac Rank) (Classlcsl & Near Eastem Studies) 330 Fol H ( ), ( ),4555 Wild Canyon Dr, Woodbury 55125, , malanoo1@ MALAQUE ~stina D, Accounts AsS! (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), C205 Mayo, malaqool@ MALARKEY Kenneth T, Temp/casl Employ (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PWB, 2750 Orchard Ave N, Golden Valley , malaroo1@go1d.te.umn.adu MALDONADO BMn A, Res Assoc (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Moos T, rd Ave S, Apt 310, Minneapolis 55404, , bemajays@ bmae:mlcro.umn.adu MALDONADO George, Asalstant Professor (Envm & OCCupstional Hea~) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1114 Mayo ( ), gmaldo@ mall.eoh.umn.adu, fax: 61~~. MALECHA John, 0IIlce Spec (Law Sch AdmIn) 290 Law ( ), ( ), maiacool@ MALEN Peter L, Research Assistant (Psychology) N-216 E~ H( ), ( ),1370 AJmond Ave, St Paul 55106, , malenoo1@, lex: MALERICH J Anthony, Clln Assoc Prof (Fam Practice & Commun~ H~), Family Pr8ctItIoners, th St S, Cottage Grove 55016, ( ), 2158 Charhon Rd, St Psul55118, , malaroo2@maroon.~.umn.adu MALERICH Kay M, Med/Clin Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Blood Bank) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), D293 Mayo, 6175 Dallas Lane N, Ptymouth , maleroo1@ MALETTA GIbe J, Assistant ProfeSSM (Psychiatry), VA Madlcsl canter, One Veterans Dr, Grace (11M), Minneapolis 55417, ( ), malatoo1@ MALEWICZ Berbare, Res Assoc (Harmel Institute), Hormallnstltute, th Ave N E, Austin 55912, ( ), brnalewlc@ MALEY Mlcheel P, Teaching Assistant (Computer SCience) E E/C Sci ( ), ( ), maley@umn-cs.cs.umn.adu MALOET Angela V, Sr Accountant (EmplOyee Benefits) th St SE ( ), a-malg@vml.spcs.umn.adu MALIIOTRA Blmal K, Rasearch Assistant (Pharmaceutics) HS Un~ F( ), rd Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, , malhooo1@ MAUK Javed M, C1In Instr (Obstatrlcs & Gynecology), st Ave NE, Spring Lake Pk 55432, ( ), 8 SpI1ng Marsh Lane, North Oaks 55127, , maiikoo4@ MAUK RajnlSh P, Reaaarch Assistant (Oral SCienoss) Moos T ( ~ ( ), 1530 S 6th St, Apt Cl906, MinneapoliS 55454, , maiikoo3@ MAULAY Grace P, Dept AsS! Dlr (Res &Tech Tms Adm, Ole 01) Wash Av S ( ), Meadow Lane W, Minnetonka 55305, , grac8@ortta.umn.adu MAUNKA Kay L, GIn Stell Nurse (4C-Medlcsl Intensive cars) PCU4C Mayo ( ), malin002@ MAUNOWSKI Donna M, GIn Stall Nurse (Nurse RacruItmant) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), 7250 Mlnneweahta Pky, ExcelsIor 55331, , mallnoo3@ MAUNOWIKY MykoIa, PIiarm Sectn Supv (H Inpatlant Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo ( ), Asalstant Professor (Hoap Pharmacy) Dl69 Mayo mallnoo1@ MALKIN VladimIr M, Vi~ Prof (Math & Its App, Inst For) 514 YIn H, th Ave SE, Apt 15, MtnnaapoIIs 55414, maiklool@go1d.te.\ltn.adu MALLAMACI Michael P, Pra-Doc AsS! (Chemlcsl Eng & Mat Sci) 73 Amund H( ), 493 Shep Lab, nd St N E, Minneapolis 55413, , maiiam@, lex: 612~7248 MALLAND Pamala K, NUIr Educ Asst (MES-Collega 01 H~ Ecology), 11th St & Washington Ave, MontavIdeO 56265, ( ), At 1, Box 79, HancoCk 56244, , pmalland@mes.umn.adu MALLER Michalle M, Accounts Spec (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), 296 VCR C, 301 St Anthony Ave S E, Apt lc, Minneapolis 55414, maiieoo2@ MALLERY James S, Med Fel Spec (Madlclne) Bx 36 Mayo ( ), PWB, 4837 Pleasant Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, , mahaoo4@ MALLEY Dorothy E, Accounts Asst (Ole of HUm811 Resources) th St SE ( ),8562 S Maplabrook Circle, Brooklyn Park 55445, , d-mau@ vml.spcs.umn.adu MAWK Prabhat K, Post-Doc Assoc (1lIochem1stry-<:BS) 166 Gar L ( ), mallloo2@ MALLON Laurel G, DeveIopmant 0IIIcsr (Pharmacy, CoIIega Of-Adm) HS Un~ F ( ), 4517 GerrIsonLane, Edina 55424, , mailooo1@,fax: 612~2359 MALLORY 5andra L, Teaching Assistant (Summer SessIon) 110 Arch, mallooo3@ MALLOY Margaret A, Teaching Assistant (German, 5candlnavlen & Dutch) 231 Fol H, 3322 Blaisdell Ave S, Apt 104, Minneapolis 55408, , mallooo2@ MALLOY Maureen A, General (Temp) Ex (H OPD-E1Il8fllllI1CY Serv) Bx 98 Mayo, mallooo4@. MALMllERO John S, Dept Director (ExtensIon Classes) 180 Wes H( ), Assistant Professor, UndercllII S~ Minneapolis 55433, , niaimbool@. MALME Patricia L, Exae Secratary (AE5-NW E5-Crookston), NWExpartment Station, Crookston 58716, ( ), 1205 Pine St, Crookston 58716, , fax: MALMOIlEN Jodi L, Admin Fellow (~bl ScIanca) 1414 Soc Sci ( ), jodim@ MALMO Timothy E, Instructor (Pharmacy PrectIce), Clancy Drug, 3948 W50th St, Edina 55424, ( ), 8806 LsngIord Dr, Edina 55424, majmooo1@ MALMQUIST ca~ P, Professor (SocIology) 909 Soc Sci ( ), ( ),5010 Bruce Ave S, Edina 55424, 92ll-6654, malmqoo1@ MALMQUIST Valarla J, Ext Edue & Prof (ME5-DlstrtcIs), Isanti Co Ext Ole,.221 SW2nd Ave, cambridge 55008, ( ), At 2, Box 510 Mora 55051, vmalmqulst@mes.umn.adu MALO John W, Clln Asst Prof (Obstetrlcs & Gynecology), Reproducllve ~ Associates, 380 Sherman St, Apt 350, St Psul55102, ( ), maiox002@ MALONE Daniel P, Mad Fel Spec (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), U Hoap, 8032 York Ave S, EdIna 55410, , rnaionoo4@ MALONE Denies M, Jr SCientIst, Hap (H-Bmt-Stam C81Q Bx 480 Mayo ( ), PW B, malonoo8@ MALONE EM D, Teaching Assistant (ClInk:aI & Population SCiences) 225 Vet Tch Has ( ) Vet Med AssocIate ( ),1414 Brede Ave, St Paul 55106, maionool@.malone James K, Asst ScIentIst (Vet Pathoblology) 205G Vet S ( ), ( ), Rice Lake Circle, Maple Grove 55369, , MALONE Mark J, Mad Fel Spec (M8dIclne) Bx 264 Mayo ( ), P WB, , malonoo6@ MALONE Mary K, Med Rae Dept Supv (H FIlm File SIrv) Bx 801 Mayo ( ), PWB, maionoo2@ MALONE Michael D, Research Assistant (HHH Inst Pub! AIIrs) 209 HHHCtr ( ), ( ), maian010@ MALONEY Haliia J, Admin Fellow (Stet) 400 Ford H,732 N 13th St, Esthervilia IA 51334, , maion012@ MALONEY Irena Y, 0IIlce Assi (Stu Atlalrs-UMM) 201 Behm Morris ( ), ( ), 705 ImpaMI Dr, Apt 205, Morris 56287, , maloneyi@caa.mrs.umn.adu MALONEY Jill A, Jr ScIentIst (l'hann8ceullcs) H5 Un~ F( ), malonoo5@ MALOS Robert P, User Serv Spec (Adm Info Svcs-Deta Access) S 2nd St ( ), 2420 Dupont Ave S, Apt 104, Minneapolis 55405, 3n-8205, malosoo1@ MALOSKY James S, AssocIate ProfeSSM (UMD-Hea~, Phy Educ &'Recr) 290 Sp HC Duluth ( ), Coach, 1044 Chester Park Dr, Duluth 55812, M~LSOM Sharena F, ~ Surg Tech (H Operating Room) Bx700 Mayo, malsooo1@ MALTERER Thomas J, Program Dlr (UMD-Cartd/Bloproduets Revolving) 229 N R RI Duluth ( ), ( ),2201 VermlUlon Rd, Duluth 55803, MALVEY Erika-Nell, Resaarch AssIstant (Madlclne) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), Owra H, 4329 Beard Ave, Minneapolis 55410, malveoo1@ MALVlCK Dean K, Res Fellow (Plant Path) 495 Bar H ( ), ( ), ( ),1635 Eldridge Ave W, Apt 4, Rossville 55113, deanm@ pucclnl.m.umn.adu ',MALYCraig C, Sr Res Plot Tech (UMD-Cartd/Bloproduets RevolvIng) N R R I Duluth ( ), 6939 Hwy 5, Floodwood MAUER Gary L, Professor (SoIl Sci) 439 Bar H ( ), 401 SoIls, 1903 Tatum, St Psul ,, lax: ' MAMADOU NDIeye, Res Fellow (AnImal ScIanca) 120 Pet H, mamadoo1@ MAMASSIAN Pascal J, Resaarch Assistant (PsychologYJ N218 ~ H ( ), ( ), pascal@eye.psych.umn.adu MAMMEL Mark C, AsSOC\lte ProfeSSM (Padiatrlcs~ Chiklrena HospIta~ 345 ~ Ave N, Room 2100, St Paul 55102, ( ), 1323 Hillcrest, St Paul 55116, n, mamm8001@ MAMO Martha, Resaarch AssIstant (SolI Sci) 166 Bar H( ), th St S, Apt 1803, Minneapolis 55406, , mamoxool@ MAN Ssmuth, Food Serv Wkr (H Maln Food Servlcs) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), manxxoo1@ MANAHAN William D, PhysIcian (Fam PrectIce & Commun~ H~), Asalstal)l Professor, Waseca, Family Prectlce canter, 501 NS_ St, Waseca 58093, ( ),124 Ridgely Rd, Mankato 58001, , UNARY DOOs R, Lecturer (UMD-Theatre) 153 M PAC Duluth ( ), 2125 W7th St, Duluth 55806, 727~70,

22 2&8 MANCINI-SAMUELSON-MARCOTTE STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IIMCN...IEI SON GIna J.""-dI _ MKathleen. Ext Educ &Asso Prof...JohnC.~(~& IIANTYH PaItIc* W. Sr Res Assoc (PsydiaIryI Assislanl\Ct8*IrY) 139 8mIlh H( ), ~Support)475FCofH. 1nIlrIIl*In)336 PeIk H( ), 205 Windsor Bx 393 Mayo. YAMecIcaI C8nlIr. One v-.. li ~ ( ), ( ~ IlIIllIIlllU" Cl, StP8lII55112, 83S-042lI.1IIIIlIlIIlO1@ Dr. Rese8rth 8ervice. 151, MlnneIpolis IIAHClU NicoIIIla E, Med F8l Spec mes.ulm.eclu _te.uiilil.ql ( ).IIIII1lyOO1@n*oon.te.umnipl (AlllSlh8liology) Bx 294 Mayo (li24-s99lii MANIAS Dawn A, SCientist (Bio Proc:eIs Tech... PaItIc* J. ar-(univ-wlde) (HIlh MAO GlangzIBl, Post-Ooc Assoc (QBllicaI Eng Mayo,~tc.umn.eclu Insl) 240 Gar L( ), Jonquil AWl. Sd-SpeclII Ploga) Bx 351 Mayo (824-$100), & Mat SCI) 90Anu1d H(62Sai84~ 409lJrMnily IIAHCU80 MIria L, PI1n llecr8l8ry (CmlcuUn & I.8luIviIe 55044, maniaoo1@maroon.te.umn.eclu ~ (Lab MedIc:Ine & PaIhclIogyI8-305 P W AWl 8 E, Apt 20, MlnneIpolis , 1n$lrUcIiOn) 145 PeIk H~~ ma:diol@ IIANlOH John C. CIin Assoc Prof (Farn Practice & B. nwnlili2@miroonumn.eclu maroon.te.umn.e ComnUliIy HlIh), 3837 Chow8n AWl S....11lamuE, Bldg & Gnls WIlr 1 (FlIC MAO Maochen, TllIICIing AsIislInl (Housing 1WID.W8ndyA, JrSCientist (Clinical & Minn8apoIis 55410, 922.,'3134 Mgml-Zone 5-ClA) 200 ShOpsB YClI1l AWl, servas-f1qiliier Hal)Fran H.(826-71l12), Population SCiIncIs) 225 YetTell 1loI ) IIANlOH Patricia A, Sr Survey InIIrY St P8lII55106, nwiiii011@ St8 E, Apt 3. MlnneIpolis , NW. AndcMr 55304, 421-&7. (Epidemloklgy) nd. St,~ Chow8n goki.te.umn.eclu AWl 8, Minneapolis ,'3134. WiIIrd G, I'Iof8I8or(InstIlule For MAPES Kathryn C. TllIICIing AsIislInl (ExtIInsion IlIANDA P8lII A, Resean:h Assislanl (AES-RtnI maroon.te.umn.eclu HeIIlh Svcs Res) Bx 729 Mayo ~151), aa-)207lild R, 4424 '"-Ie AWl 8. Socic*Jgy) 84aA 01 ~1403N IIANlOH RosemaIy Y, Rsch Nurse CIn P WB(~13), IIdawn AWl. ' MInn8IpoIis ~ rnapesoo2@ CIeVlIIInd. StP8lII m.kiiili02@ (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ) U Ediila55435, ~-mg@ HolIp ( ), ( ), III8lIioOO2@l MAPES Mw1eI J. WonII'IocSpec (AlJon& PIII1I IIANDAL Aleda L, G8n Stall Nurse (Bone IWlOUS D8IIne C. CIn Assoc Prof (PIychiatJy) Gen8IIca) 411 Bar H(625-Q11~ 255 Windsor MMowT,...~PCU48Mayo, IIANIVEL Juan C; Assoda18 ProflIssor (lab Bx 393 Mayo, 4010 W85Ih St, ,... New ~ 55112, 631-«118, Medicine & PaIIl*Jgy) Bx 78 Mayo ( ). MInn8IpoIis ( ), IIBIDIOO3@ ItANDAl. Robert W. Med F8l Spec (MecIcIne) Bx C444 Mayo ( ). ( ), 880 W IIAt'L B KldherIne. PlogrIm IlIr (HumIn 294 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 1IlRIIIlI01@ County Rd I. ShomIew IWlOUS James C.Resean:h Aalslant E:cc*lgy. College Of-Adm) 32 Me NH(ll ), (FiIhIrIeS & WIIcIIfII) 200 Hodson H( ), (824-42~ 1IlIIlII@c:he1.che.wm.edU IlIANDAVA PrlIS8d Y. TllIICIing AsIislInl MAN.IUI.A GopIIraj. Jr SCientist (Plant 8IoIogy) 163 BedIml St, MInn8IpoIis , MAPS.Icln8lh8rl. AssislanlI'lof8l8or (A8rospece Eng &MecIwIIc:s) 107".H 220 Bio Sci ( ).1IIlIl1lOI1@ jclll@iilsllldlur.iw.uiilil.ql, (lu)-physics)371 MWAH III*JlIl (728-81~ (625-8OOll), ~.te.uiilil.ql IIMlI PImela K, Sr 0Ilce AlIt(IlMO-IJberII ( ), IIANIlEL JIck S. ~(ErMn & MANKEY James C, CIln Assoc Prof Emer Arls-Sa) 118 Clna DWuIh ( ), ( ) IIAPS10N RclIllIId W. 0p8IaIIcns Supv(F.-. 0cc:up.a0nIl H8IIIII) Bx Bt11 Mayo ( ), (Medicine~ ~ 1rlt8mists. 718 W53rd St, IIAIISER.Y A, VIdeo~ (Umr-TV Mallllglllllentl200 Shaps BIll ). 200 Php 1280 MByo. 110BankSt8 E, Apt 1702,, MiMelIpolis 55419, 5517 WoocIcnIllt Dr. PI, ,. MapIlOO1@nwoon.Tc.Umn.EIlI MinneepoIs 55414, jnwldlii@ Minneapolis 55424, lllIIlkeOll2@ Production) 590 RIrlg C ( ), IIAQUIEIRA SlIvie B,""-dI As8IslBnl (AgnlIlOmy &PIIllI Genetics) 411 Bar H MANDEL SheIdan L, CIn Prof (DennaloIogyI, 552 IIAHLET Helen, Bldg &Gnls WIlr 3 (FlICIItIes IIAIISER MIchael P. ""-diaalslant (8lIW194~ :m Hayes H, IIlI9lIlO2@ Medical Arts IlIdg, MlnneIpolis 55402, 2828 Mgrnt-Adm) 202 Shops B~ 435 Me (KineIic*lgy & I.8lIln SludIes) 114Cooke H; EIumharn IlIvd, Minneepalis maieoo6@ Knight RdS. St Paul 55119, , ( ~ h AWl 8 E, Apt 104. MinneIpoIis ""AIEl LA PaItIc* C. CIn Ass! Prof (fllll Practice & ConmnIy /Ilh~ StJohn's HospIIaI, IIANIlELL J8nice L, I..eclunlr (SociII WClI1l) Me N MANLET Ru\h8m, Bldg &Gnls Wkr 3 (FaclIities IIANlIFlELD J S\ephM, PolIt-Doc Assoc En8gency M!Pitt-Adm) 200 Shops B( ), manieoo1@ Dept, 1575 Beem AWl. Maplewood H, 1455 Asl1IInd, St P8lII55104, mendioo8@ (Psychology) 221 8lH(826-1_ ( ), (232-~ mniloo1@ 1lIIIllOIl.te.UIIlIl.Ql IIIANLOYE.IR CIwles H. CIn AlIt Prof IIANIlELL11lamu M. ShOO T8IllIEmpkly IIANlIFlELD PellIr H. AIIlIlIC ConI Educ Spec (StKgery-Genera, Lowry MecIcaI Arts Bldg, 350 IIAIWI GregoryJ. Bldg & Gnls WIlr 3 (AlhIIlIcs, (CEE DIVlIloprnnOle) 328 wes H (624-~ (Prinling5ervlces) 40 C MU (62S-3971~747 Yen St PellIr St, SWle St Paul 55102, ( ) Men's InlclIg) 42 StCen ( ) Tyler St 8unln. StP8lII lI8-2OO9.1IIlIIldeOO3@ 214 w.-s Rd. fioiewlie Osceola Ave, St Paul IIIIIIoOO2@ NE, Minneepalis 55418, 78HI289. mnhli01@ 1IWlICl!l.te.umn.eclu _ Connie. AsIOCiRI ~ (MedIc:Ine) IWIDLER Lama J, DenlaI Asst Spec MANN Henry J. Assoda18 To (PllannlICy PnIeIlce) IIARALACltDevid M, TllIICIing Assislenl ~ Plog)8-S38 Moos T , Bx 738 Mayo ( ), P WB HS Unit F( ). Assoda18 ProfesIor, (Geography) 414 Soc SCI (ll25-1~ (62S-808O), 1lIIIdOO1@rn1roon.te.UIIlIl.Ql ( ~ 5124 NewlIln AWl 8. MInn88poIIs lii8niioo1@rn1roon.te.uiilil.ql ll2O..1548, nwlsldlll2@ IWIDT KaI8n 8.1nslructIlr (PllannlICy Practice~ I MANN Kent R, Professor (ChemIslry) 139 Smith H IlARATSOS MIchael p.~(inst of QIiId MemorilII HolIpibII, P!Iafmacy Dept, ( ). 190 KoIt H WlIIcIon PIlICe, Dev) 205 Ch De'I (ll24-1l127). ( ). 32 OrIn D8IMuI, C8mbrldge 55008, (fl8t.15oll),. IIANSICE Patricia J, Exec AlIt(Des9I, HousIng Arden Hils 55112, 4lI l1IIlIl@ AWl 8 E, MinnelIpoIIs &ApperIl) 288 Me NH( n 1198WRopI IWIDT RichenI E, AssisIent 0lIIaI Dr. ShomIew 55128, , I'Iof8I8or MANN Mafy T. Medical Leb Tech (HolIp IIARCEr Albert, Post-Ooc Assoc (Ecclnon*:s) (PllannlICy Practice~.,...RIversIde Medical mensidi01@rn1roon.tumn.eclu Lebs-l1llllUlOlogy) Bx 724 Mayo (628.,'3100), 1035 MgmtJ&:on, FedIIlII A8sIrVlI Benk, CIr. PIItimlICy Dept, 2450 RIverside AWl P WB, 1618 WPine St, S1lIwaler55062, IIANlIOURI AIel, Sr HolIp C.Tech (HolIp Cip) Bx ""-di Dept, 25C1...AWl. MlnneIpolis MmIIpolIa ( ), 3339ShIphIrd , IIIlIIlIlXOO5@mte.UIIlIl.Ql 708 Mayo.IIIlIIl8llOO1@rn1roon.te.umn.eclu ( ), 1lWaIOlI1@ Hils ClrcIe, BklomiIl9tllll MANN Michele L. G8n StalNurse (PedIetrtcs-7AI IIAInEL GGIry. Del SIlY IllIver(F8CIilIes maroon.te.umn.eclu, fu: PCU7A Mayo lIl AWl N. PIymoulh Mgrnt-Adm) 200 Shops B.1IIlIIlIIIOO3@ IIARCH S8Ivatont T. ~ (Info &Decision 612~,JIlIllIr l maroon.te.umn.1ciu SCiences) 395 HHHClr( ), SIlIlIIl:h@ 1WEl!S... A, Sludent Pers Wkr (MgInl, Sell MANN Sara H. Prill SeaelIiry(Underground IIANTELL Robert A, Resean:h Assistent Of,lJnCII98d Plog) 322 JohH (625-I3lI4~ Spece CIr) 790 CIv E, ITllIIlIlllOO4@ (NunIng, Sell Of-Pnlg &Res) Bu H IIARCHAND AnlhDny L. PUnber (FaclIities, fu:, lax: 812-G4-G293 IIrenRon St, St P8lII m&5, manloo1@ Mgml-Adm) 200 ShapsB~, goki.te.uiilil.ql MANN SheIdan E, Instructor (PhlIrmaCy Practice~ Bcu1deIyCnIekT-.Maple GnMI IIAM'IlEDN Rebecca L, Prod Coor U~ KMart Pharmacy Omaha AWl N. S1lIwaler IIANiEu. SuIlIn C. Assislenl~ 424-IlO17, (UnMnily "'-) rd Av 8 ( ), 55062, ( ), 1818WPine St, StiIwatBt (MechenlcIII EngIr-*'9):m Mec:h E ( ~ IIARCHAND RclIllIId J. Pm Res Shop Fnn (Tech maniioo1@nwoon.te.uiilil.ql 55082, , mannxollli@ maneel101@maroon.te.uiilil.ql Shops) 18 Sheplib( ), ( ). 457 IIAHGAHAlI Fbiza R:~Assistent IIANTEUFEL Leurie L. TllIICIing Aalslant ERoeIIer St, WSt P8lII55118, (IIOogicaI Proc:eIs Tech Insl) 240 Gar L MANN Stacey J. 0lIice Spec (\JnIvenlily S1ores) U (PsychoIogy)N331 EI H(62SQ38), 4172 Swnmil ~te.uiilil.ql ( ), 228 Sn H lhSt, Apt 0-401I, SIor S ( ~ 7333 G8IIIIgher Dr, Apt While BeIrlaIca IIARCHAND Miarn M, ~(Rhelorlc) MinnellpdiS 55454, , IlIlIIllJIIlO8@ 201 EdIna m'57.11llIIIIlXOO8@, lax: HcIa' H(624;(J72O), 28lJdow AWl. St P8lII55108, 812~1700 IIANTBIFFEL ChrlstDpl.-J. AnIIyBtIProg IllIIdlOO1@m8nm.te.umn.edU IIAJIGAUCI( YindIIna M. Resean:h AsIislant IIANNEIlING GiIlertJ, Professor (Food Sci & (Housing & Food 5ervicesI1l1l1E P 8 B( J (Forest ResooRes) 90 Gm H( ). IIARCtlEL Mary Ann,""-dI AssistBnl NulrltiDn) 116 FSc N( ).(625-e727). chisl,,fa:81u (EducatlonII ~ 78Hi136. ~.te.uiilil.ql 227 Bu H( ), NFaniewAWl,S! Paul 55113, IIANTHEI GIIiI M. AcoolnsSpec(H BaIg) Bx PI H, 55 NGriggs St, StP8lII , MANGAN C8IherIne A, Accowds Spec(CEE 602 Mayo ( ~ P WB, IIlIIl\IlOO3@ IIl8IdIOO3@manlte.Ulllll.Ql Roc:heS* Clr), Rochesler CEE C8nlIr Ih MANNEY D, Bldg & Gnls Wkr 3 Ave 8 E, Rochesler ( ), IIARCHE8E RclIllIId T. I'Iof8I8or (UMM-PIant Svcs-CuslDcIiaICam Morris IIANTHEI MeIiIIsa A, Srllecr8l8ry (UMD-InlIlrdl8clplil-JPn -) 2118 Clna DWuIh ( ), At 3. Box 32, Morris 56287, ~ lpg,/pnlgrcllnt«:)pcu8b (72&8507), ( ), 5788 N22llIh St, Forest MANGAN EIen Y, NurSing Sla Tech IIANNHE. CIrole I. Assislanl~ Mayo(62ll-38ll9), UHoIp, 4709 CedlIr laica 55025; 4&W812, IlllIn:Ms@ua.d.umn.eclu (Drx:olDg) Masonic 3) Bx 286 Mayo, mengeoo4@ (PsJchoklgJ~ Bocc 1'sJdlDklgicaI.5ervIces, laica ReI, St Louis '"-Ie 55418, IlIIIlIhOO8@ IIARCHEI11 John J. Prill Res Shop Fnn Gavwnment CIr. SWle A509. MinIleepoIis maroon.te.uiilil.ql (EIecn:eI~4-174 EE/C Sci MANGAN RichIrd F. Police 0Ilcer (PofIce Deplj ( ~ IIAIIT1l&UJII) Pol DB( ), mengeoo2@ C8rofJn L. PI1n SeaelIiry(UnIY.(62S-2ll82),107 E E/C Sci, AbIlI St NE, 1leI8lions) 8 Mor H(ll24-a188). c:mdi8i@ IIIeine ~187. men:hoo6@ MANNE EIzabeIh 8. R--m AssIsbmt (Food IWQPUIlIVerUIa S. ~ Assislenl Sci &Nulrition) 225 FSc N( ), 938 W IIAII11IEY...C. ""-diassistent (Food Sci IIARCNAKnw.. A, G8n SIdNIne(4O-Slcu) (Chen*:aI Eng &Mat SCI) 92 AnInI H(ll2S-0908) Hwt 36. ROSIYlIe 55113, mennlo12@ ( ), ( mengloo1@ ljl* & NulrIIlon) 118 FSc N ( ~ lill8.ai43, PClMD Mayo.IIl8RMlO2@n_OllILtc.umn.eclu 1I\lIIOllIl.lC.1ax:612-e28-168l1, JIlIllIr. 1IIlIIlIhOO7@maroon.te.umn.edU IIANIlIE Janice C. Ext Educ &Inslr (MN Ext IIAIIClCELDII*Il S. Exec AlIt(DIe9tClr Alner 612-a!H1!i06 SerY-Disricls), HennepIn Co Ext Ole, 1525 IIAII11IEY MIria E, A4 AlIt Prof (NunIng, Sell, UrbiIi lj1dsq)) lh St$E ( ), IIANQNI Stacey L. Undefgra Tell Asst (aa, Glenwood AWl, MinIleepoIis (37~ Of-Pnlg & Res~ 814 EChnl St, MinIleepoIis 1840 SeIbt AWl, Apl8, StP8lII Honors PMsion).115 Joh H( rd th AWl 8, Mlnn8IIpDIIs llI ~ AWl S. '1IlIfdcOlI1@meroon.te.UIIlIl.Ql St NW. BuIaIo55313, 88U56O.IIIII9IOO1@ jrnennie@mes.uiilil.ql MlnneIpolis ,1IIlIIllhOO5@ IIARCOnEs..en E, ~ libtech (HolIp,. IIAINIIG Bonnie L, Exec SeaelIiry ~Bx 198"'( ~ IIANGNUSOIII AllIn G. Sr ~/Ardl(Tech (EpiclertlUogJ) nd St( ), IIANTlS Honw T. Prof Emer (PhJIlc8 & UHilsp. 1IlIfIloflO1~.te.UIIlIl.Ql SlIpport MechenicaI ~ 200 Shaps B ( ~ lh AWl NW, Coon Rapids AsInlnomJI371. PlIfI (li24-901~ 1888Collman, IIARCOnE Todd p. Non UniYSId(Cooper8IiVlI (62!Hl171~ 958 Osceola AWl. St P8lII , ~edU. Apt:tm.StP8lII55108, ,-etOO2@ can..- MinIsIrIes) 104 K8 C III*JlIl( ), , lc.umn.eclu lax: «115, lax: P DBox 3128, DuIuIh 558lI3,

23 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF MARCUCCI-MARSHALL 269 MARCUCCI Ntcholas J, Lecturer (Extansion Ctaaees-CEW/Complea1 Scho), Wold ArchileCla Inc, 6 W5th St, St Paul 55102, (227 m3), 1516 ChelmslordSt, St Peul551 06, marcuoo7@ goid.te.umn.adu MARCUS AIfrad A, Professor (Stratagic Mgrnt Research Ctr) 845 MgmtfEcon ( ), ( ), 2820 Monterey Pky, St LouIs Perk 55416, , amarcua@caom.umn.adu,fax: MARCUS Julie 0, Instructor (MadIcIne), Hennepin County MadicaI Center, IntarnaI MadIcIne, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), marcuoo8@ MARCUS LeslIe S, Instructor (Social Work, Sell of) 400 Ford H, 450 Ford Rd, Apt 121, Minneapolis 55426, , marcuoo5@ MARCUS PhIlip, CDn Asst Prof (Obstetrics & Qynecology), SouthdaIe Mad Bldg, Suite 234, 6545 Franca Ave S, Edina 55435, ( ), cambridge Ct, MinnetOnka 55305, marcuoo4@ MARCUS Robert J, Exec Asst (Athletica, Men's Intcilg) 210A BFA B ( ), ( ), marcuoo2@ MARCY T1motby P, Teaching Assistant (ChemIstry) 139 Smith H( ), 6660 Honey Rock Rd, Three lakes WI 54582, rnarcyoo2@ goid.te.umn.adu MARDEN Albert, Professor (Sell of Mathematics) 328 Vin H( ), 1421 ERiver Rd,. MInneapoIIa 55414, am@geon).umn.adu MARDEN Susan A, Jr lab Tech (Asheries & }'IlIdI1fe) 200 Hodson H, mardeool@ goid.te.umn.adu MARDOCK Lori L, Library Asst 2 (St Paul C8mpus Ubrariea) Cent Ub (624-n36), , I-rnard@vml.spcs.umn.adu MARECAUX Marte-Laure, Teechlng Assistant (Women's Studies) 250 Fol H( ), 2722 Harriet Ave S, MInneapolIs 55408, , maracoo1@ MARECK Daniel G, PhysicIan (Medical Sell AdmIn) Bx 81 Mayo ( ), Assistant Professor PW B, 5958 Hlghview Place, Shorevtew 55128, , marecoo2@ MARECK Susan G, Post-Doc Assoc (Neurosurgery) Bx 731 Mayo ( ), P WB,5958 Hlghview Place, Shoreview 55128, , MARESH Ann S, Gen Stall Nurse (4D-Sicu) PCU4D Mayo, maresoo1@ MARFIZ Kathleen M, Admin AIde (Housing 8arvIcas-MiddIebrook HalQ 142 Mdb H( ) MARGET Donna M, Lecturer (Social Work, sch of) 400 Ford H, (ExtensIon CIassea), 1432 larch Lane, Plymouth 55441, O,.margeOO1@ MARGHERI Annallsa, Teaching Assistant (French & italian) 260 Fol H ( ), ( ), nd St S, Apt Al05, Minneapolis 55454, marghoo1@ MARGO Kathi J, Cmnty Prog Asst (Industrial RelatIOns Clr) 537 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ), , kmargo@csom.umn.adu, fax: n47 MARGO Terrence P, PrOject Manager (Facilities Mgmt-Projecl DevaIopment) 100 Shops B ( ), ( ),17360 W66th 8tCIrcle, Eden Prelrie 55346, , margooo3@ MARGOLIS Kansn L, Assistant Professor (Madicine), Hennepin County MadlcaI eantar, Oept of Madlclne (814), 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), margooo6@ MARGOLIS Marice K, Phys TherapIst (H Physlcal Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), marg0007@ MARGOLIS Michael E, Med Fel Spec (Orthopaadic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo, 2285 Stawart Ave, Apt 1116, St Paul 55116, 698-5n5, rnargooo2@ MAIlGOUS Randy S, Inlo Sys~ (H FInancIal 8ystems Mgmt) Bx 704 Mayo ( ), PWB, margo(l(ls@ Iaccamtp.umhc.umn.adu MAIlGOUS Robert H, Professor (Otolaryngology) Bx 283 Mayo ( ), PW B, margoool@ MARGOT Susan T, Patient fin Rp,Sr (H COntracts/patient Rep) Bx 709 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, rnargooo4@ MARIASH cary N, Professor (Madicine) Bx 91 Mayo ( ), Moos T, th Ave N W, New Brighton 55112, , marlasc@ epx.cis.umn.adu, lax: , pager: MARIE Eva, Spec Rev Tech (Hosp labs-sri) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, shlrtoo1@ MARIEoCl.AlRE Spojda F, Teaching Assistant (French & Italian) 260 Fol H( ), mar1eoo2@go1d.te.umn.adu MARINEW William A, Assistant Professor (Madlclne), Hennepin County Madicalcanter, 701 Perk Ave, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), marlnoo5@maroon.te:umn.adu MARINI John J, Professor (Medicine), St Paul Ramsay Madical Center, Pulmonary & Crltlcal cera Mad, 640 Jackson St, Rm 3571, St Paul , ( ), martn002@, lax: , pager: 612~ MARINI Margeret M, Professor (S0cloIogy) 909 Soc Sci ( ), ( ),2641 Sunset Blvd Minneapolis 55416, marlnoo1@ MARION Donald J, Assistant Professor (llbrary-eoll & Preservations) 108 Wa Ub ( ), ( ), d-mari@ vml.spcs.umn.adu, fax: MARITSCH Marvin G, Copy Clr Equip Op (PrInting sarvices) 33 Soc Sci ( ), maritool@ MARK Aaron L, CDn Assoc Prof (Medicine), Doctors Diagnostic cantar, 2219 ChIcago Ave, Minneapolis 55404, ( ~ 5815 Indiana Ave N, Minneapolis 55429, markxoo6@ MARK Dan, NurSing Sta Tech (4G-Madical Intanalve Care) PCU4C Mayo, th Ave N W, Coon Rapids 55433, , markx007@ MARK Merta S, Clln Prof (Fam Practloe& Community HIth), Johnson St Clinic, 2904 Johnson St N E, Minneapolis 55418, (520-n2O), Union Terrace Way, Plymouth 55441, markxoo5@ MARK Petar M, Clin Assoc Prof (Obstetrics & Gynecology), Group Health Inc, Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka 55305, markxoo4@ MAIlK E Christine N, Research ~nt (FisherIes & WIldlife) Hodson H, 1610 Wisconsin Ave, Superior WI 54880, , marke010@ MARKELL Jeanne E, AssocIate To (Ag, For & Home Ee, Inat-Adm) 201 Col H(624-4n7), Professor (MN Ext sarv-mgmt Opar) ( ), Covtngton Rd, MInnetonka 55345, , rilarkell@mallbox.mall.umn:adu, lax: MARKER carolyn J, Oept Director (Info Systems, cae, Ole of) 302 Wes H( ), 1049 Portiand Ave, St Paul 55104, , cmarker@ mall.cee.umn.adu, fax: ~1 MARKER John C, Assocista Professor (Rastoretive Sciences) Moos T ( ), ( ), Southdale Madical Bldg, 6545 France Ave S, Edina 55435, ( ), 1049 Portland Ave, St Paul 55104, , markeod1@ MARKER Lori A, Outpa Clinic Asst (H OPD-Otolaryngology) Bx 396 Mayo, , markeoo4@ MARKER Paul H, Asat Sclentlst (PadIatrics) Bx 94 Mayo ( ), VCCRC, markeoo6@ maroon.te.umn.eciu MARKERT Mary A, Temp/C8sl Employ (Medicine) VA Madicel Center, Pulmonary (llln), One Vatarans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, (725-2OOOX4411), mark8oo9@ MARKEY Vernon K, Lacturar (UMG-Management, Div of) 130 Cow HCrookston ( ), 115 C C MARKHAM Anna-Virginia, Gen Stall Nurse (cardiovascular Surg/Progr cara-8c) PCU6C Mayo, markh002@ MARKHAM Eulie, Prln Secretary (UMD-Watar & Envrn, Clr/Rvlvng Acct)430 N R R) Duluth ( ), NRRI, 5013 Mitler Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811, ( ), 1716 Stuart Ct, Duluth 55603, , emarkharn@sage.nrrl.umn.adu, lax: MARKHAM SUsan J, Assoc Vice Pres (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 250 Shops B ( , markhool@ MARKHART III Albert H, AssocIate Professor (HorticulIuraI Sc:Ience) 258 Alder H(624-n05), 4593 Shady Lane, WhIle Bear Laka 55110, , amarkhar@, fax: MARKLEY Michelle J, Re_rch Assistant (Geology &GeophysIcs) 106 Pills H, mark0049@ goid.te.umn.adu MARKLUND David R, lab 8erv COord (UMD-Chemistry) 311 Chem Duluth ( ), 3;36 Maple Lane, Duluth 55810, MARKO Margo J, Program Dev Spec (Nursing Professional 8ervIces) Bx 603 Mayo, 4m London Lane, Eagan 55122, , markooo4@ MARKO WIlliam J, Sr 8ys SoItw Prog (UMD-Telephone 8vcs) 176 MWAH Duluth ( ), ( ), , wmarko@ d.umn.adu, fax: MARKOFF Roxanne K, Temp/Casl Employ (Univ Counseling &Consulting 8erv) 200 Eddy H ( ), 117 Arthur Ave 8 E, Minneapolis 55414, , markociol@ MARKOVIC Nina, Teaching ~nt (Physics & Aatronomy) 148 Phys ( ), markooo6@ mareon.te.umn.adu MARKOVICH SR sandy M, Prln Lab Tech (UMD-Nrrt, CoIeralne-Cartd Revolving), Coleraine MlneraJs Res lab, POBox 166, ColeraIne 55722, ( ), 203 County Rd 59, Bovey 55709, MARKOWITZ Dorothy J, Dtetltlan, 8r (H 8tatlon 8ervice) Bx 64 Mayo ( ), G-265 Mayo ( ),1670 Ridgewood Lane 8, Roseville 55113, , markooo2@ MARKS Florance C, Adj Instr (Nursing, Sell Of-Prog & Res), HennepIn County Medicel Centar Nursing Administration 642-N, 70; Park Ave, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), 3424 Silver Lake Rd N E, 8t Anthony 55418, 7lll1-O137, marksoo3@ MARKS M David, Assistant Professor (Genetics & C8l1 Biology) 250 BIo Sci ( ), (62<j.36()7), 279 Oakwood Dr, Shoreview 55112, 488-n36,. markeoo4@marqon.te.umn.adu MARKUS DavId T, Undergra Res Asat II (EJectricaI Eriglneenng) E EfC Sci (62s.33OO), 1609 Pleasant 81, Apt 112, 8t Paul 55106, , markuoo5@gold.te.umn.adu MARKUS Fredric H, Teaching Assistant (Geography) 414 SOc Sci ( ), 630 Cedar Ave 8, SuIte 1804, Minneapolis 55454, ( ) 2449 Pilsbury Ave 8, Apt 6, Minneapolis 55404, , markuoo4@ MARKUS Lawrence, Regents Prof Enier (Sell of Mathematics) 127 YIn H(628-n98), 125 Elect E, 1235 Yale Place, Apt 1010, MlnneapoIIs.55403, , markuoo3@ MARKUSON Wendy L, Prln Secretary (Madiclne) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), 102 VCR C, 730 Kemaston Dr, Fridley 55432, marku002@ MARKWARDT Holly J, Coordinator (Admissions-Minority Recruitment) 240 Wmson H ( ), ( ), , markwoo1@ MARUNG Karal'Ann R, PrOfessor (Art History) 107 Jones H( ),19208 latst, Apt 1301, Minneapolis 55454, marl1oo1@ MARLOW Andrew J, Radio Station Mgr (Madia Resouroes, Unlv) 550 Rang C ( ), ( ), Minnetonka Blvd, Hopkins 55305, , amartow@maroon.ti:.umn.adu, fax: MARLOWE Christine, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Envlronmental8ervicea) Bx 55 Mayo, 1519 Penn Ava N, Minneapolis 55411, , mart0002@ MARMORST1!IN Jack A, Teechlng Assistant (Composition & Communicetlon) 306 Und H ( ), 1266 St A1bens St, St Paul 55117, , marmoool@ MARMORSTEIN Naomi R, Rasearch Assistant (Psychology) N218 Ell H, 2200 Blaisdell Ave S, Apt 203, Minneapolis 55404, , marm0002@ MARN Michael, Otllce Spec (H OPD-Emergency 8erv) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), PW B, michaoll@ MAROLF Chad 0, Non Unlv Stall (Council of Religious Advisors), Inti Students Inc, th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414,( ), maroloo1@ MAROTTA Diane E, Pre-Doc Asst (Biochemistry-Mad Sell) MIrd H, marotoo2@go1d.te.umn.adu MAROUSHEK Slacene R, Med Fel Spec (Padlstrics) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), PW B, MARPLE Virgil A, Professor (Mechanical engineering) 142A Mech E( ), ( ), 7625 County Rd 11, Maple Plain 55359, , marploo1@ MARQUARDT cathleen A, Jr Sclentlst (Surgery) Bx 495 Mayo ( ), 458 VCR C ( ) marqu005@ MARQUARDT James M, ClIn Instr (Pediatrics) Bx 391 Mayo,141561stAveNE,SprtnglakaPk 55432, ( ),1500 Duluth, St Paul 55106, n4-7993, marquoo9@ MARQUEZ Jose L, Student Pers Wkr (Admissions & Anancial Ald-UMM) 139 Behm Morris ( ), ( ),530 E4th St, Morris 58287, , marquejl@ caa.mrs.umn.adu MARQUIT Doris G, Lacturar (Women's Studies) 487 Ford H, 228 Und H, 3512 W22nd St, Minneapolis 55416, , marquoo1@ MARQUIT Erwin, Professor (Physics & Astronomy) 148 Phys ( ), ( ), 3512 W22rid St, Minneapolis 55416, ,, lax: MARRINAN Daniel W, Short Term Employ (Epidemiology) nd St ( ), manioo1@maroon.te.umn.eclu MARRONE Denise J, Otllce Spec (Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) 305 Vet Tch Hos ( ), 1962 Laurel, St Paul 55104, marr0002@ MARRS Lynn M, Grad School Fellow (Social Work, Sch of) 12 MeN H ( ~ Argon St N W, Andovar55304, marrsOO1@ MARS Debora 0, OUlpa Clinic Asst (Dentistry-Clinical prog) Moos T ( ), "marsxoo2@ MARSDEN Richard K, Sr Academic AdvIsor (Aced Counsellng-Intellg AthQ 2808 BFA B ( ), r-mars@maroonac.umn.adu MARSH Amanda 0, Nati Res 8erv Fellow (Madicinal Chemistry) Ii SUnn F( ) 509 6th St S E, Minneapolis 55414, , marshol6@ MARSH Frederick H, Research Assistant (HHH Inst Pub! Allrs) 130 HHHClr, 1523 WIndemera Dr N E, Fridley 55421, , marsh011@ MARSH Julie A, Med Fe! Spec (Lab Medicine & Pathoiogy), Hennepin County Medicel Center, Oept of Pathology, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, marsh029@ MARSH Kimberly A, Teaching Assistant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanica) lotaker H, 622 4th St SE, Apt 101, Minneapolis 55414, marsh@aem.umn.adu MARSH Lauren J, Teaching Assistant (Composition &Comrnunication) 306 Und H ( ),95 S Lexington Pky, Apt 306, St Paul 55105, , marshol6@ MARSH Lois J, Cmnty Prog Asst (Unlv Counseling & Consulting 8erv) 109 Eddy H, 3007 Humboldt Ave N, Minneapolis 55411, , marsh022@ MARSH Petar G, Rasearch Assistant (Chemicel Eng & Mat Sci) 91 Amund H( ), 365 Shep Lab, marsh02o@maroon.te.umn.8du MARSH William E, Assocista Professor (Clinical & Population SCiences) 365 An ScifV M ( ), 206 Australian Ave, LillIe Cenada 55117, , wemarsh@vx.cis.umn.adu MARSHAK Marvin L, Head (W/Fac Rank) (Physics & Astronomy) 145 Phys ( ), Professor, 2855 Ottawa Ava S, Mlnneapolla 55416, inarshak@mnhepl.hep.umn.adu, lax: MARSHALL Byron K, Professor (History) 614 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), marshoo4@, lax: MARSHALL Donald G, Professor (lawsell Instr) 448 Law ( ), 4801 Wooddale Ave, Edina 55424, , marshoo3@

24 270 MARSHALL-MARZAHNSTAFF MARSHALL James W. AIhIelIc Trailer (AlhIetIc8, Men's IqJ 144 BFA B( ). Lecturer (Kinalology & LeisIn Sludlef) ( ), 1414 WShryer,AWl, RoseviHe55113; , MAR8HALL John F. Instructor (Fam PracIlc:e & Community HIth), 7675 Madison St NE. Fridley 55432,9 Tamarisk Rd,Dellwood 55110, , MAR8HALL John W, EngIneer, Hasp(H ~S8rv)Bx702Mayo( O), A103 Mayo, MAR8HALL Judith L. Assoctata ProIessor, (Preventiva Sdences) Moos T( ), MARSttAl.L Karen L. Gen Stall Nursa(Bone Marrow Transplant-Aduk-4B) PCU4B Mayo. MAR8HALL Kathy M, Asaistant To (EducatIonal Polley & Adm) 116 UPress ( ), ( ) lh StW, BurnsvIlle 55337, , MAR8HALL Leo W, PrIn Eng Asst (TalecornnuIicatI5ervIces) 30Talacom B ( ), 1004 Quaen AWl, MInneapolIs 55411, ,, pager: MAR8HALL Mark J, Development Oft!cer (MN. MadicaI Foundation) Bx 193 Mayo ( ), 535 Diehl H( ), 6340 Wilryan AWl, EdIna 55439, , MAR8HAu. Todd W, Asaistant Pro!eesor (PraventiWl Sdences) Moos T ( ), ( ), 1782 Por1Iand Ava, StPaul 55104, , MARSHlK Lynn C, Med Racords Admin (Vet Teaching Hasp Clinic) 211 Vet S ( ), Juniper St NW, Coon Rapids 55448, , MARSH-WILLIAMS Pamela R, CoonIIna1or (ela Student Acad SupptSvcs) 114 Joh H( ), ( ), MARSOLEK KerryE, PrIn Accl SpfSupv (Res & Tech Tms Adm, Ole of) Wash Av S ( ), kerry@ortta.umn.adu MARSOLEK MelIssa M, Otlloa Spec (TaIacommunicaIIo 5ervIces)Ste Unlv Av se ( ), rnarsooo1@ MARSTON Douglas B, LecIut8r (Educational Psychology) 250 au H( ), Special Education Service Clr, 254 Upton AWl S, Minneapolis 55405, ( ). marst001@ MARTEL Stacia L, Gen Stall NurSe (Blue StKgery (Transplant)-5C) PCU 5C Mayo, marte!l12@ MARTELL GaB M, Gen Stall Nursa (Post Anasthesla care Unit-Box 67) Bx 67 Mayo ( ), 3210 UttoaP ( ), 1554 Hague Ava, St Paul 55104, , marte010@ MARTELL Lori E, Gen Stall NIne (H Home HaaIth) Bx 722 Mayo ( ) Wash Av SE, MARTELL Mark S. Sr SCIentist (Raplor C8nter) 100G RaptClr( ),( ),1795 Long LakeRd, New Brighton 55112, ,, lax: MAimN Bomle M, Area Mgr Food Srv (Housing 5ervices-AdmIn) 0.27 Com H( ), , MARTEN GonIon C, Adj Prof (Agronomy & Plant GenetIcs) 411 Bor.H ( ), mar1eoo5@ MARTEN Lynette J, Assoc Admin (MN Ext, 6erv-Educ Dev Sys1) 405 Col H( ),, fax: 612.e MARTENS Angela M, R~ Asaistant (Inst On Comm Intllgra1lon) 5 PI H, 4309 Minnetonka 1lIvd, Apt 106, StLouI8 Park 55416, ,. MARTENS DanIel C, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (ME8-DiSlricts), Benton Co Ext Ole, 531 Dewey St, Bx 0247, Foley 56329, ( X221)., lax: MARTENS Judith D, PrIn S8crelary (Soil Sc:l) 439 BorH ( ), S229 Soils, rnarteoo3@ MARTENS Leslie V, ProIessor <Pr-ttiva SCiences) Moos T ( ),ll45-llO19, MARTENSON Diana M, Ext Educ & Asso Prof (MEs-Program Stall &erg DevaI) 146 CLA 011 ( ), ( ), drnartenson@ MARTI James J, Post-Doc Assoc (Mechanical Engineering) 271 Mech E ( ), ( ), th Ava S E, Minneapolis 55414, MARTIN Amy M, Student Pans Wkr (UMD-HousIng) 175 LS HDuluth ( ) MARTIN Andrew N, LebAnmI Care Tec (Medical SCh Admin) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), P WB MARTIN Bernadette M, 0Utpe ClInlc Asst (DentiS1ryoOinlcal prog) Moos T ( ), MARTIN Bonita E,. Mat Mgmt Spec (Hoep Purchasing) Bx 517 Mayo ( ), V C C RC(62lI-4607), MARTIN Brent L, Instructor (Restorative SCiences), 812 Memorial Dr, Apt 1711, cambridge MA02139 MARTIN carol J, Instructor (PedIalrics) Bx 391 Mayo, Park Nicollet Medical canter, C8r1son ClInic, Twelve oaksc8nter Dr, Mlnnetonks 55305, ( ), MARTIN oanlel D, Teaching AssIstant (Sociology) 909 Soc Sci ( ), 56 MgmlIEoon ( ), th Ave N, Crysta/55426, , MARTIN oavld H, Teaching AssIstant (Composition & Communication) 306 lind H ( ), MARTIN Dawn L, Instructor (Padia1rIcs), Hennepin County Medical C8nter, 701 Park Ava, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), rnatlf071@ MARTIN Deborah G, Teaching AssIstant (Geography) 414 Soc Sci ( ), 2097 Como Ava, Apt 2, StPaul 55108, mar1i05o@ MARTIN Donna M, cmnty Prog Asst (MN Ext 5erv-DiSlricts), Pine Co Ext Ole, 105 Are Monument Rd, Box ~70, Hinckley 55037, l384-$156), At I, Box 230-A, Hinckley 55037, MAIl1'IN Elsie V, Prin Secretary (CuIlInI Studies & Comparative lk) 350 Fol H( ), ( ), rd Ava N, Brooklyn C8nter 55429, 535-1llli3,, fax: d228 MARTIN III.Ernest E, Associate ProIessor (Restorative Sciences) Moos T ( ), ( ), Medical Arts Bldg, Suite 431, 825 NIcottet Man, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 7005 Comanche Ct, Edina 55435, rnartlo17@ MARTI" Frank B, Associate ProIessor (Slatistlcs, SCh Of-Adm) 352 CLA 011 ( ), ( ), 726 Uncoin Ava, St Paul 55105, ,, lax: 612.Q MARTIN HW, Prin Stu Pans Wkr (Educ Student AlIalrs Ole) 110WulI H( ), 35583rd SI N E, Minneapolis 55418, marti067@ MARTIN JR Harold E, Bldg & Grds V't'kr 3 (UMD-Houslng (lake Superior HaH)) 270 K S C Duluth, 224 S Arlington, Duluth 55611, MARTIN Harriet R, Exec Secretary (Human GenetIcs, lnat 01) Bx 206 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( )., lax: MARTIN Helen M, Gan Stall Nursa (Oncology-GynfBenlgn Med-7C) PCU7C Mayo, 80 BedIonl Rd, Pleasantvtlle NY 10570, mar1i028@ MARTIN Jean M, Program AssocIate (Prof Dev & Conlerenoe Svc) 214 NC C E( ), ( ), ( ),91 NPrior AWl, Apt 3, St Paul 55104,, lax: &-1632 MARTIN Judith A, AssocIate ProIessor (Urban & Rgnl AtIairs, Clr For) 414 Soc Sci ), (Geography) ( ), 14 Grova St, Minneapolis 55401, ,1II8I'li054@ MARTIN Lori M, Otlloa Spec (Ole 01 Human Resources) th StSE ( ),,1ax: MARTIN louisa A, Lecturer (Al:counting) 645 Mgrn!/ECOri ( ), (624-$06), martt062@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESoTA IIARTIN MarIan L. Assoc Prog Dir (executive MARTINI MargaretC, Res Assoc (Food Sci & DeWlIopmant Clr) 260 HHHClr ( ), 3720 NutrItion (Agr)) 148 Me NH( ) th Urb8ndaIe Lane N, Plymouth 55446, , MAR11N Michael V, Assoc Dean (AgrIculture, CoiIege 01 Ag Admin) 220 Col H( ), (Ag & ApplIed Econ), 2600 Wexford C1, New Brighton 55112, , AWl S, Minneapolis 55406, rnatlf010@ MARTIN-MORAN MAngeles, Teaching AssIstant (Spanish &Porlullu-) 34 Fell H( ). MARTlJtNEAU Sydney S. ~ Spec (Ole IIARTIN Michelle K, R-oo AssIstant (lab. 01 HumanR_) th St SE Medidne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( t), ( ), S'IlI8I1@vm1.spcs, 0242 Mayo, MARTINSON Barbara E. Asaistant ProIessor IWlTIN Nancy L. Admin Aidl! (Stu ~liis Info (DesIgn HousIng & ApplnI)'240 Me NH Sys1lIm8) 260 Wmson H( ), n-mar1@ ( ),llrnarllnIon@ch.urm.adu MARTINSON Dawn R, Student Pans Wkr MAR'TlNNeaI P, ProIessor (Agronomy &.PIant (UMD-Houslng) 175 LS HDuluth ( ) Genedc8) 411 Bor H( ), 1665 WCounty MAR'nNSON Edward E. ClIn Asst Prof Rd C2, Roseville 55113, , martloo7@ (MedIclne-UMD) 141 Mad Duluth, Duluth ClInIc.,lax: 612.e rd SI E. Duluth 55605, ( ) IWlTIN Patrlc:k J, Haz Met DIsp Spec (EnvilOllmental HaaIth & Safety) W-126 Boyn HS ( ), IWlTIN Pater B, Student Otlloa Asst (Univ CouneeIIng & ConsultIng S8rv) 105 Joh H ( ), Dilnegal Dr, Woodbury 55126, , MARTINSON EJmer J, PhysIcian (Surgery) ax 98 Mayo (625'8166). M44 Mas Can Clr ( ) Pheasant Rd, ExcelIlor 55331, , MARTINsoN RonakI, Med ~ CIer1l (H Film File 5erv) Bx 601 Mayo, rnarti042@ ft1i! IWlTIN Pater L. Teaching SpecIalIst (Extension MARTONIK Karen A, Null' Educ Asst Clasus) 240 Me NH( ), ( ), (MEs-Human Ecology), HennepIn Co Ext orc Rome Ava, St Paul 55116, marti085@ 1525 Glenwood Ava N. MinneIpoIIi 55405, ( ), MARTIII RachaeI E. LecIut8r (Independent Study) MAJlTONIK Kathleen M, ReMarchAssi8lanl 906 E2nd St, SUperior 54660, ( ) (GenetIcs &can IlioIogy) 250 BIo SCi, th IWlTIN Rich, Med Fe! Spec(PhysIcal Med & AWl S E, Apt D, Minneapolis 55414, prlibooo1@ RehablIlation) Bx 297 Mayo, 3908 SherIdan AWl S, Minneapolis 55410, mar1i078@ MARTONIK Richard L. Sr Lab Tech (Psychology) N369 Ek H, AWl S E. Apt D, MinneapoliS 55414, IIARTIN Richard R, Prcitessor martooo1@ (Comm Disorders). 115 Shev H( ), 1620 Rose Hln CIrcle, LaudenIaIe 55106, , martloo2@ MAIlTUIWIO Susan M, Sr Secretary; lax: 612.Q4'7566 (UMD-NRRI-Admillstratklh) NR RI Duluth ( ) IIARTIN Robert W, Teachklg AssIstant (PolItical Sclenoe) 1414 Soc Sci ( ). ( ). MARlY Gayla S, EdItor (Inst 01 Inti StudIes &, fax: Programs) 149 Nlch H( ), ( ). 1518JelIerson St NE. MIrqapoIIa 55413, IIARTIN Roger B, Professor (Landscape, fax: ArchItecture) 125 Arch ( ), Martin & PIlz Assodal8s Inc, 1409 WIiIow St, MiIVleapoIIS 55403, ( ) th AWl S, Minneapolis MARlY John T, Stage Mgr Nor1hrp (MusIc) , , Ferg H, , MARTIN Susan M, Par MARTZ Howard D, AssIe1anl Professor DIem - Gsn (Nursing F10al (UMD-Com~)451ABAHDuIuth Pool) ax 603 Mayo, marl1072@ ( ),2132 E 5th St, Duluth MARULASIDDAPPA SInIh, Rawch Asaislanl IIARTIN SusIe J, As1 ChId care Tch (UnIvarsily (Vet PathobIoIogy)247L Vet S ( ), 1172 ChikI care C8nter) 6C Chlldcare ( ), FlfteId AWl, Apt 54, St Paul 55108, ,. MARTIN Thomas R, CIIn Asst Prof (Medlclne), St MARUYAMA GeolInIy M, Dir (c.mpfcoilewli) PauI~LId,17ExchangeStW, (AppI Res/EduclionaIImpr, Clr) 105 au H SuIte 400, SI Paul ( ), rnartlo51@ ( ), ProIessor ( ); 1517 Goodrich Ava, St Paul 55105, , geoimar@ IWlTIN Todd C; R-oo Asaistant, lax: (MIcrobiolOgy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 945 MARVlNJ8IlI88 A, Mayo, 1029 Chatawor1h Sr SCIentIat (Geology & St N, St Paul, 55103, Geophysics) 277 ShepLeb ( ), , ( ), ( ), th AWl S. IWlTIN WlIIam P, Prof Emer (Soil Sc:l), 8436 N Minneapolis 55406, marvioo1@ 81eezewood Plaoe, Tucson AZ 85704, , MARVIN Nick W, cart MedIcal Asst MARTlN-IJERKNES Kris1Ine, Instructor (Social (CUHCC-Aduk Medical) C UHC C ( ). work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, 5541 Morgan Ava S, 1l18IVtOO4@maro:tl:.umn.adu Minneapolis 55419, , marti08o@ MARVIN R PaUl, Prof Emer (VOC Tech Educ) 320L Vo Tech, 5~15 Obertin CIrde, Fridley 55432, MARTINEZ Blanca C, SCIentIst (Ag Eng) 303 Ag , Eng ( ), ( ),6951 E River Rd, MARVIN William P, Grad School Fallow (English Fr1dIey~, , rnar1i021@ Language & Lit) 207 Lk1d H( ) th, lax: 612.Q AWl S E. Minneapolis 55414, marvooo1@ MARTINEZ JR Domingo,' Hasp Custodian 3 (H EnvtronmentaI 5erv) ax 55 Mayo ( ), IIARX o,orge D, ProIessor (AES-NW ES-Crookston) 206 Ag RC Crookston, NW MARTINEZ MlchaeI B, ResNrch AssIstant ExperIment Station, Crookston 56716, ( ). (~BS) 14OGor L(824.Ql1), 401 JelIeraon A~, Crookston 56716, , fax: MARTINEZ JR RIIlIOIl, Hasp Custodian 3 (H MARX JR John A, Rawch Asaistant(Envrn & EnvtronmentaI5erv) ax 55 Mayo (62lI-495O). OocupatIonal Heailh) Bx 807 Maylt(--, A-102 Mayo, rnarti028@n*,edu 1155 Mayo, marx)oo1@maroon:tl:.uim.adu MAR'TlNEZ RonakI L. AssocIate Professor (French & 1taHan) 260 Fell H( ),. ( ), 2440 Stevena AWl S, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55404, martioo1@, lax: 612.Q MARTINEZ SUsan L. Otlloa Spec (Tecb Support Admkl)200 ShopaB ( ), rnar1i069@ MARTINEZ-HEIlIlERA Jorge I, R_h. AssIstant (Chemical Eng & Met Sc:l) 92 Amund H ( ) Nawadaha 1lIvd, Minneapolis 55406, ,,edu MARXEN Carol E, AssIstant Professor (Educatlon-UMM) 20GB Edu MorrIs, 907 Vlkk1g St, Alexandria 56306, , marxence@, lax: MARZ Patricia A, Nursing Sta Tech (NInIng F10al Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, marzx001@ MARZAHN Ranee H, Ext Educ & Instr (ME8-Dislrlcls), Waseca Co Ext Ole, 300 NState St, Suite 1, Waseca ( ) th AWl S E, Waseca IdIlm8n@

25 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF MASCHHOFF-MATTKE 271 MASCtlHDI'l' Laroy H, Non Unlv Stall (COuncil of Religious, Ad Isors), 2060 Kelly Dr, Minneapolis 55427, ( ), MA8CHKA ~h K, Asslstsn1 Coach (Athletfcs, Women's IntcIIg) 250 BFA 8, MASC01TI KrIstin M, Med Fel Spec (Lab Medicine &PalhoIogy), Hennepin County Medical Center,701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), MASCUCH Jamie A, Vat Med Assistant (Smsll Animal CHn Sci) 317 Vat Tch Has ( ), ( ), MA8HAYEKHI VahId R, R_rch Assistsn1 (Computer ScIence) EE/C Sci ( ), 1409 Como Ave SE, Apt 6, Mirlne8po1is 55414, , ' ' MASICA Mark G, Prln Prod Supv (PrInting 5ervices) PSB ( ), Crocus SI NW Cedar 55011, , ' MASIEE Aimee M, Undergra Res Asst II (Art HIstory) 107 Jones H, MASLAHt<A Michael T, R_rch Assistant (AnImal ScIence) 130 Hckr H ( ~ ( ), 1231 Rose VIsta Ct, Apt 6, Roseville 55113, , masla001@ MAILER Doneld S, Assistant Professor (MedIcIne), V AMedical Center, Hospital Based Home Care, One Valerans Dr, Rm l1f, MInnespoIIs 55417, ( ),1535 E River Terrace, Minnespolls 55414, , MASLDNKOWSKJ Robert R, Med Fel Spec (ObstetrIcs & GyneooIogy) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, POBox 42, Chippewa Falls WI 54729, maslooo2@ MASLOW Kathleen H, GIn Stell Nurse (Pedlatrics-5A) PCUSA Mayo, rnasiooo3@ MASON Carol A, Research Asslstanl (english Language & LIt) 207 Wnd H( ), rnss0n007@ MASON Charlene K, Dept Director (Library-Automatad System) M WL ( ),2140 Pennsylvania Ave N, Golden Valley 55427, , c-maso@, fax: MASON Christopher G, Research Asslstanl (Astronomy) Phys ( ), Univ of Minn, Phys, 116 Church,SI SE, Minneapolis 55455, mas0n0l4@ MASON Darran E, Grad SChool Fellow (Aerospace Eng & Mechenlcs) 105 Aker H ( ), MASON Gale P, R_rch Assistant (lnsi of Infl Studies &Programs) th SI SE. ( ), , mason010@ MASON HE, Professor (Philosophy) 335 Ford H ( ),2143 Folwell Ave, SI Paul 55108, , MASON Jessica J, C8rt Surg Tech (H Operaflng _ Room) Bx 700 Mayo, 5701 central Ave NE, Apt 4 Fridley 55432, , mason012@ MASON Keith, GIn Stall Nurse (Blue Surgery (Transplan1)-5C) PCUSC Mayo, th SI E, Inver Grove Hgt 55077, masonoo5@ MASON l.esiee G, Exec Asst (MN Ext Serv-Adminlstration) 260E Cof H( ), Imason@mes.umn.edU, fax: MASON Marilyn J, Asslstant Professor (Family SocIal ScIence), 1409 Willow SI, SuIta 201, MInn8SpoIIs 55403, ( ), masonoll@, fax: MASON Stephenie, Exec Assl (Geometry CIT) S 2nd SI ( ), ( ), rnsson@ IIASOOD Moeen A, Med Fel Spec (Neurology) Bx 285 Mayo ( ), P WB, MASOUO oaems T, Rel88rch Assistanl (Computer ScIence) E E/C Sci, MASRI Mohammed T, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), PWB, ' rnssrloo1@ MASSE MIfY Aflce, GIn Stall Nurse (4C-Medicll Intensive Care) PCU4C Mayo, mass8oo3@ MASSEE Joseph S, Clln Ass! Prof (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), oakdale MedlcaI Bldg, Ste 601, 3386 Oakdale Ave N, MInnespoIIs 55422, ( ), 6381 Hazeltine Blvd, excelsior 55331, , MASSEE Joseph S, Clln Assl Prof (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), oakdale Medical Bldg, Ste 601, 3386 oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale 55422, ( ), MASSICOTTE Chrlstlene, Vat Med Asslstsnt (Small Animal Clln Sci) 317 Vat Tch Has ( ), ( )" ( ), 1043 Argyle, SI Paul 55103, , massioo2@ MASSIE I:lise 0, Cmnty Prog Asst (Psychiatry) Bx 301 Mayo ( ), D604 Mayo, nd SI S, Apt A903, Minneapolls 55454, , MASSMAN M Nancy, Adj Inslr (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog &Res), United HospitsI, 333 NSmith Ave SI Paul 55102, ( ), 2335 Ellis Ave, St Paul 55114, , msssmoo2@ MASSMANN Richard L, Prof Emer (Music), 1131 Angelo Dr, Minneapolis 55422, , MASSMANH Susan B, Admin Fellow (CLA Student Aced Suppt SVCS) 205 Joh H( ), MASSY Zlad A, VISit Prof (Medicine), Hennepin County Medicll Center, Dept of Mediclne-Nephrology,701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), massyoo1@ MAST David J, Clin Inslr(Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Dututh MASTBAUM Laonard I, Clln Assoc Prof (Medicine), Endol::rine & DIabetes Assoc, 710 E 24th SI, Suite 206, MlnnespoIls 55404, ( ) 105 FlorIda Ct, Golden Valley 55426, rnsstboo1@ MASTEN Ann S, AssocIa1e ProIea8or (Ins! of Child Dav) 202 Ch Dav ( ), 660 SPrIor Ave, SI Paul 55116, , amastsn@ MASTEY Michael A, Student 0IIice Ass! (Agriculture, College of Ag-Admin) 277 Col H ( ), Pine Ad NE, Foley 56329, 367,2377, MASUR Ba~ B, GIn Stall Nurse (Family Practicl & 90mm Health) Bx 381 Mayo, PWB, 3809 Ewing Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, , rnssuroo1@ MATA Beth A, C8rt MedlcaI ~(M8dlcIne), Riverskle Prof Bldg, SuItlt 804, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), , rnstaxoo2@ MATA Carol A, Gen Stall Nurse (PedIatrlcs-5A) PCU5A Mayo, mataxoo1@ MATAS Arthur J, ProIea8or (Surgery-General) Bx 328 Mayo ( ), Moos T, matasoo1@ MATCZVNSKJ Cyan A, Exec Ass! (Human Resources-Tops) th St SE ( ), d-matc@ MATEJ Vladislav, Research SpecIaIst (SocIal Work, Sch of) 386 Mc N tl ( ), matejoo2@ MATERA CorInth A, Teaching Assistant (Student Flnanclel Aid, OIc of) 207 UncI H( ), 2817 Garfield Ave S, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55408, , MATHEIS Judy G, 0IIice Supv (Medicine) Bx 434 Mayo ( ), C378 Mayo ( ), MATHENY Barbara L, Aocounts Spec (Bookstores) 290 Wmson H( ), th SI S, Cottage Grove 55016, , MATHENY Laura S, Sr Lab Tech (Insl For Disabllilles Studies) Unlv Av Sa ( ), 716 4th SI S E, Apt 10, Minneapolis 55414, MATHER Cindy K, Admin FelloW (FOod ScIence & Nutrition (Che) 316 Mc NH( ), 3713 Foss Rd, Apt 12, SI Anthony 55421, , MATHER J'1ee A, Ubr Bookbinder (BIndery) 160A PSB(626-(303), N lh SI, River Falls WI 54022, , MATHERS John E, Clin Pro! (Mediclne-UMD) 141 Med DUluth, Northland Medicll Center, 1000 E 1sl SI, Suite 204, Duluth 55605, ( ) MATHESON John H, ProIea8or (Law Sch Inslr) 428 Law (62S-3879~ ( ), th Ave S' PIymoulh 55447, , rnslheoo1@ MATIfEW PdIalh G, Teaching Assistant (Music) 100 Ferg H, 714 4th SI S E, Minneapolis 55414, malheoo9@ MAlllEWS Laura G, Spec Rev Tech (Hosp L.abs-OutrNch) Bx 198 Mayo (62U014), UHosp,371711th Ave SiMlnneapolls 55407, , MATHEWS MIIY Jo, Medical Lab Tech (Hosp labs-venipuncture) Bx 198 Mayo, 3428 Harriet Ave S, Apt 5, Minneapo/lI55408, , MAl1lEWS MICh8Il C, Asslstsnt Profassor (Cell Biology & Nauroanalomy) Bx 740 Mayo ( ), A'ZT5 Mayo ( ), f117 3rd SI N E, Mlnnespolls 55413, , rnslheoo2@ MAlllEWS Patrlcil E, 0IIice Spec (H OPD-Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, mslheoo6@ MATHEWSON HaalhIr J, 0IIice Spec (CEE.communicltion SVCS) Oak SI SE ( ), ( ), mslhioll@, fax: MATHIAS Rld<ay M, Bldg & Grds WIer 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), rnsthi004@ MATHIOWETZ Virgll, Associate Prolassor (Klneslology & Lel8uta Studlas) 224 Cooke H, College of St CItherIne, 2004 Randolph Ave, St Paul 55105, ( ), 2128 Ann Arbor St, SI Paul 55104,ll , mslhloo3@, MATHIS IIonnle F, Teaching SpecieHsI (Theatre Alta & Dance) 106 Norris H, 528 Hennepin Ave, ' Suite 305, Mlnnespolls 55403, ( ), MATHISEN COllen M, Ina1IuclDr (Pharmacy Practica), Snyder Drug, 2830 W66th St, Richfield 55423, (8-2473), rnslhlo10@ MATHISON Russell 0, Res Fellow (AE5-N CtrI E5-Grand Replds), NCentral Experiment Station, 1861 Hwy 1811 E, Grand RepldS 55744, ( ) th Ave NE, GrandRapids 55744, MATHUR Ambika, Assistant Professor (Oral ScIences) Moos T ( ),amathur@ MATKIN III John T, OIIicer-Rotc (NaVal Sciance (Naval Rotc)) 203 Armory ( ), ( ), MAnACK MIIY K, Ext Educ & Inslr (MES-Distrlcts), Lake Co Ext Ole, Coutlhouse, 601 3rd Ave, Two Harbors 55616, ( ), MATLAPUDI A/1II1ayUIu U, Sr Lab Tech (Fisheries & WIldIIfa) 200 Hodson H, N Prairie WlIdIIfa RICh Group, Route 1, Box 96C, James10Wn 56401, matlaoo2@ MATOHQ() AIbart B, Grad SChool Fellow (HisIory) 614 Soc Sci, 20281lr8wstllr SI, Apt 4, SI Paul 55106, MAl1lOSS AonaId P, Assl Dlr (camp/col) (AdmIssIons-Data ReportIng) 260 Wrnson H ( ),486 Frontenec Place, SI Paul 55104, , MATSCH Chartes L, ProIea8or (UMD-GaoIogy) 215 H H DLiluth ( ), ( ),1931 DunedIn Ave, Dututh 55603, , geoi@, fax: MATSEN Mark W, Post-Doc Assoc (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci) 197 Amund H( ), IlJl\ MATSON Bonnie B, SrLab Attendent (MIcrObloIogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), Moos T, MATSON CIndy R, PM Secretary (Pediatrics) Bx 296 Mayo ( ), 850 Mayo, matsooo4@,1ax:, MATSON Diane M, Teaching Assistanl (Aocountlng) 645 Mgml/Eoon ( ), 672 Josephine Place, SI Paul 55116, , matsooo6@ MATSON Jo Ann M, Asslstsnt To (Psychology) N218 Ell H( ), 32 River Terrace Ct, MtnneepoIls 55414, , matsooo5@ MATSON Larry 0, Painter (Construction Admin) 200 Shops B, , matso010@ MATSON Rid< H, Supplmt EmplOyee (NIlrIing career DaveIopment) Bx 603 Mayo, 5032 Edlnbrook Lane, Edina 55438, , mataooll@ MATSON Thomas C, Med Fel Spec (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), C-205 Mayo, , matsooo9@ MATSUDA Yoshtnorl, Non Unlv Stall (Plant Path) 8CR L( ), ( ),2172 Como Ave. St Paul 55108, , rnatsuoo4@ MATSUURA GlorIa M, Assoc Educ Spec(Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & Res) HSUnit F( ), Adj Inslr ( ), Ave NW, New BrIghton 55112, , matsuoo5@ MATTA John J, SClentIst (lliochemiatry-med Sch) Mird H ( ), Lyon L, 3517 VIvian Ave, ShorevIew 55128, , jjm@ MATTA Shannon G, Asslstant Professor (Medicine), MpIs Medicll Reseerch Fdn, 914 S 8th St, Msc-D3; Minneapolis 55404, ( ), ,, fax: MArn lara R, Teaching Assistant (MuaIc) 100 Ferg H, 330 Oak Grove SI, Apt 319. Minn8apoIis 55403, , MArnN Amy E, T88chlng AssIstant (Speech-Communicltion) 460 Fol H( ), MAmsoN Mark R, Ass! ScientIst (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 138 Cr Res ( ), 415 Glenwood Ave, Roseville 55113, ,\l MATTHEES Michelle M, SrParking Attn (Parking Services) 17 Pol 0 B ( ), ( ), 1116 Ashland, Apt 4, St Paul 55104, ,, MATTHEIS Mark 0, Sr Stores Clerk (Education-UMM) HCMorrIs, 305 E1Sl St, Morris 56287, MATTHES Karen l,jr User Serv Spec (MN Ext Sarv-Educ Dav Syst) 405 Col H( ), ,, fax: MATTHEWS Andrew J, Med Fel (Surgery-GeneraJ) Bx 1 Mayo ( ), PW B, ' MATTHEWS Darlene A, Med Word Proc Spc (H Word ProceSSing) Bx 600 Mayo ( ), 1-365A PW B, 4931 Vlnoant Ave N, MInnespoIIs 55430, , MATTHEWS Julie A, PM Acct SpJSupv (Army High Perf ComputIng Res CIT) Waah Av S ( ), 1710 Shumway Ave, FaribauM 55021,, fax: MATTHEWS Michele A, Teaching Asslstsnt (Insl of Child Dav) 190 Ch Dav ( ), matth013@ MATTHEWS.Mike H, Teaching SpecIalist (Educational Polley & Adm) 275 PeIIl H, Decio Jr/Sr High School, 206 EMaIn, Declo 83323, ( ), POBox 306, Declo , , MATTHIAE Jonalhen B, Carpenter (ConstructIon Admin) 200 Shops B ( ), 825 WMontana Ave, St Paul 55117, , matlh010@ MATTHIES Dawn R, GIn Stall Nurse (Bone Marrow Transplanl-Adult-4B) PCU4B MayO, , matlholll@ MATTHYS ElaIne M, Sr Lab Tech (Vat DIagnostic Medicine) 244 Vet 0 L ( ), 3624 Roosevelt St N E, 51 Anthony 55418, matthoo3@ MArn Pemela 0, 0IIice Spec (Educ Student Atlalrs Ole) 110 WuII H( ), p-matt@ MArnLA John M, Construction Lbr (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 ShOps B( ), 7363 Norllng Ave S W, Cokato 55321, , matlioo5@ MArnSON DaborahA, Sr Electron Tech (H Biomedical EngIneerIiIg) Bx 163 Mayo ( ), C124-2 Meyo (626'5754), 2210 NDale SI, Apt 4, Roseville 55113, MATTKE Tedd W, Research Assistant(St Anthony Fls HydrauHc Lab), Mattke ~ng Inc, 78 WMain SI, Anoka 55303, ( ), 4418 Chowen Ave N, Minneapolis 55422, ,

26 272 MATTLIN-MC ADAMS $TAFF MATTUl M8rgInll B, Cmnty Prog Assoc: (ExtensIon Clasaa-CEW{CompIeet SCho) 206 we. H( ), 2141 Park Ave, While Bear L8ke MATTOCKS TIlerM8 M, Fi8caI Mgr U Pres (UnlversIIy ~) rd Av S ( ), MAlTOON MIry Am. ProI8s8or (PsydloIogy). 940 Franklin T, Apl404,MInne8poIIs ' IlAnoxDIiniel J. Lab Anml Can Tee (MedIcal SCh Adrnkl) Bx 89 Mayo (82~189). (827-<4397), MAnoX S8ndra R. Post-J)octorll Fellow. (Pharmacology) Mini H( ), 825 DlehI H, MAmIJohn P, Sr Res Assoc: (BIostatistIcs) Univ Av Be ( ),781 WCculty Rd B, RosevIIe 55113, , jo/1ihil@, lax: 812~ MATTlIIN HIney 0:GIIn SlalI N...(N... Rec:ruilmInt) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), (& ). POBox Maple Grove MATT80N AIen J, Prin Eng Asst (Tech Support Records) 50 Shops B ( Lambert Ave NE, St Michael , mattsoo8@ MATT80N Andrew Joeeph H. R-.dI AssIstant (1llocheIIIilbyoas) 140 Gar L, mattaol8@ MATT80N CnIig N, AssIstant ProI8s8or (Pharmacy PrIclicI). St Marys HoIpIlaI, Pharmacy 8erv1c1s nd St SW. Rochester MATT80N Doma L, Sr Data Entry Cpr (Food Svcs) Food 0 B , ( ) Lambert Ave, St Michael 55378, , MATT80N GIIil M. PIpelItIer (Fac:IIiliIa Mgmt-AdmI2OO Shops B ( ) CoIorIIdo Ave N. Brooldyn Park 55443, MATT80N KIlt L, Med Fe! Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Meyoi ), C338 Mayo, , MATT80N MIrvln P, AI80ciata ProI8s8or (UMC-AgriculIInI Mgmt) 101 Own HCrookston ( ~ 815 8!h St w, Crookston 58718, , MATT80N PIIIleIa J, Sr Iloo!lstoIe Mgr (UMD-8ooIcItanI) 175 K SCDululIl ( ). 770 OlIve St, DIInvw CO 80220, pmailion@, fiilc: MATT80N PeIIrE, HoIp M &0 Mech (H Malnt & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), Co112 Mayo. 1lII\ MATT80N RIc:Iwd A, Athlelic Eqp Mgr (Athletics, Men's IntdIg) 110 Fb Comp ( ), MATT80N Roger A, CIn Asst Prof (MlIdIcIn&-UM~ MedlcaI Arta Bldg. SuIte Duluth ( ) MATULIS llunintas.~assistant (BlochemIstry'C 289 Gar L ( ), ( ), , metuiool@ 1l1lII' MATVUV KonItIntIn,...AsIoc (TMntlcal Physic:s 1nst1415 Phys ( ~~ MA'TWYCHUIt AlIna K, ReMaR:h AssIstant (Psycllology) N218 Bt H( ), 510 Orange AveW, St PIlII55117, , matwyoo1@ MATZ JuIiI A, cert MedIcal Asst (Boyn\lln-NurSln Boyn H S, 728 8th St S E, MinneIpoIIs ( ), 1374 C08ch Rd, ApI 307, St Paul55108,ll matzxool@ MATZKE EIz8beth A, Sr Lab Tech (Ptant BIoklgy) 220 BIo Sd ( ). 1850Walnut St, ApI 3, St Paul 55113, , rnatzidlo2@ MAUER SMic:haeI. ProIeaaor (PadIaIrica) Bx 491 Mayo ( ), Moos T W52nd SI, MinneIpoIII55410, -.:&932,...002@ KonrIcl. Profeaaar (PtlyIk:s & Aatronomy) 48 Phys ( ~ 1820 E Conatance Dr, Goldan Valley 55422, , maunbiigel"' MAUPIN Paul J. Coordinator (Facilities Mgrnt) On Medical Laave Thru 6/30/95. MAURER Evan M, Adj Prof (Art History) 107 Jones H, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, rd Ave S, Mlnneapofts 55404, ( ), maureoo5@ MAURER Mary Anne N, Sr Data Proc Tech (Adm Into Svcs-Data Clr) S 2nd St ( ), MAURER Maureen L. Prin Secretary (Army High Perl Computing Res Clr) 1100 Wash Av S ( OS), lax: MAURER Steven T, Research Assistant (Psychology) Nl08 Ett H ( ), th Lane NW, Coon Aapids 55448, maureoo1@ MAUR~R Wayne W. Research Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat Seij 117 Amund H ( ), 6 Smith H( ), ( ), , MAURICE Glenda A, Professor (MUSic) 256 Ferg H( ),12517 Cedar Lake Rd. Mlnne10nka 55305, maurioo2@ MAURICIO FIorelle, Temp/Cast Employ (Iloyn1on-Nursing) Boyn H S, 2425 County Rd Co2, Apt 201. Roseville 55113, maurloo3@l MAURIEL JR John J, Associate Proteasor (Stratagic Mgmt Research Clr) 873 Mgrnt/Econ ( ), ( ). ( ), 8566 France Ave S. Edina , jmaurlel@ MAURINE Patricia M, Gen Staff Nurse (H cardiovascular Prog-Card C8thLab) Bx 815 Mayo ( ). mauri004@ MAURO Marlo J. Teaching Speciali51 (Educational Psychology) 204 Bu H (824-1OS7), maurooo1@ MAUS Duwayne G. Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Faclll1lea Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B (82~), th Ave S. Minneapolis 55417, , mausxoo1@ MAUS Mary A, Teaching Assistant (German. scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H( ), ( ),2188 Penn Ava S, Minneapolis 55405, , mausxoo3@ MAUS Patricia K, Admin Director (U~D-Ubrary) 375 L Duluth ( ), 1930 WKent Rd, Duluth 55812, MAVRAKIS Paul H. Research Assistant (Fisheries & WiIdft1e) 200 Hodson H( ), 505 Harriet Ave, Apt 1406, ShOreview , phm@finsa! MAVUDURU Ramakrishna, Teaching Assistant (Computer Science) E EfC Sci ( ), 1530 S8th St, ApI C601, Minneapolis 55454, ~717, MAXAM SR David E, Sr Scientist (Physics & Astronomy. SCh of) 146 Phys (~), Tand Ac, 1828 Laurel Ave, St Paul 55104, , ~INER Madeline E, Dapt Director (UMM-ehancellor's Ofo-Adm) 312 Behm Morris ( ). R11, Box 67, Hancock 58244, , MAXEY Kathy H, Cart Surg Tech (H Ambulatory Surgery) Bx 88 Mayo ( ) PW B. MAXSON Kimberlee B, Undergra Res Aast II (FISheries & Wildlife) 200 Hodson H, 2223 Woodbridge Way, Woodbury , MAXSON Tanya N, Data Entry Supv (Surgery-General) Bx 280 Mayo ( ), Co278 Mayo. maxsooo3@maroon.te.umn.8du MAXWEll. Edward G. Social Work Supv (H Social Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ),.C351 Mayo ( ), maxwe002@ MAXWEll. Robert E, Pro1essor (Neurosurgery) Bx 98 Mayo ( ) Mayo, maxweool@, fax: MAXWEll. WStephen, MhfSoc 8erv Supv (CUHce-Adutt Medical) Bx 85 Meyo ( ), C UHCC( X287), maxweoo3@ MAY Chad M, Sr Lab Tech (Human GenetIcs. In51 of) Bx 206 Mayo ( ), Moos T , mayxx010@ MAY Dennis M, Non Univ Staff (N Central Exp Sta) NCFor ( ). mayxxoo8@ MAY ElaIne Tyler, ChaIr(WfFac Rank) (Amerk:an StudIes) 104 ScottH ( ), ( ),88 Arthur Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414, , MAY GeorgIana. AssIstant Professor (Plant BIoklgy) 774 BIo Sd ( ), ( ), MAY JlA K. Ex1 Educ & AsS! Prof (ME8-OIstrlc1s), Hubbard Co Ex1 Ole, Courthouse, 301 Court St, Park RIpIds 58470, ( ), 210 Riverside Ave, Park Rapids 58470,, lax: MAY Joseph E. Sg1 of PolICe (PolIce Dapt) 143 T S B ( ), mayxxoo8@maroon.te.umn.8du MAY Lary L, Asaociata ProI8s8or (AmerIcan Studies) 211 Scott H( ), ( ),88 Arthur Ave SE, MinneapOlIs 55414, mayxxool@ MAY Marte 0, Med Fe! Spec (Payl:hlatry) Bx 393 Meyo ( ). A-882 Mayo ( ), MAY Susan M, Gen Staff Nurse (H OPO-Post AnesthesIa) Bx 88 Mayo ( ). mayxxoo3@ MAY Thomas C, Poa1-DoctoraI FellOw (Medical SCh Admin) UnIv Av Be ( ), ( ), rd Ave S E. Minneapolis 55414, MAYASlCH Patrick J, Copy Clr Equip Op (PrInting 8erv1c1s) B5 Mar H( ). mayaaoo1@ MAYIERG Donald M, C1in Prof (Psychiatry), 2545 Chicago Ave, Suite 414, Minneapolis 55404,. ( ),1235 Yale Place, ApI 209, Minneapolia 55403, 37lHl575, maybeoo1@ MAYBERRY KathymJ, Nutr Educ Asst (ME8-CoI1ege of Human Ecology), Watonwan Co Ex1 Ole, Courthouse. Box 88, St James 58081, ( ~ R12. Box 158. St James 58081, MAYE Monica T, Teaching SpecialIst (Art Department) ~ Art B. mayaxool@ MAYE Thomas, Hasp Protect Ofcr (H Protection 8erv) Bxlooo Mayo ( ), C137 Mayo. mayax002@ MAYEll Daniel W, Sr C8ah/Food AIde (Food SVCS) 148 DIn C( ), 3700 Vincent Ave N, Minneapolis 55412, mayar004@ MAYER Danlse A, R~ Assistant (ljmd-bioiogy) 209 LSd Duluth ( ), 5428 Hammond Ave, Superior WI 54880, MAYER Jane F, MedfClin Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo UHasp, ( ),4138 Salem Ave S. St Louis Park 55418, MAYER Margare1 A, AnaIystIProg (Vet Teaching HoIp Clinic) 325E Vel Tch Has ( ), 89 ~ Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, MAYER Megan E, Sr Survey Interv (EpidemIology) S2nd St ( ), 2304 HarrIet Ave S, Minneapolis 55405, mayar@epivax.epi.umn.8du, lax: MAYER Michael J. R~ AssIstant (Chemistry) 139 smith H( ), 407 7th St S E, ApI 201, Minneapolis 55414, , mayeroo5@ MAYER Randall R, R~ Assistant (EpIdemIology) S2nd St ( ),135 NRuasell Ave, Amei IA , ,. MAYER Thomas R, CIin Asst Prof (Fam Practice & CommunIty HIth), 3007 Harbor Lane, Plymouth 55441,3845 Humboldt Dr, HootIngtn Bell CA MAYEIlCHAK Richard E,C11n Asst Prof (Fam PrIclicI &Commuillty HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), PWB, Mercy Hospital Health One, 4050 Coon Rapids Blvd, Coon Raplda Sheldon Rd, Duluth 55804, mayaroo3@. MAYERS Ava M.BIdg & Grds WIer 3 (Facltl1les Mgrnt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), mayaroll7@ MAYHEW Ann E, AssIstant To (Net Resources. CoIIIge Of-Adm) 235 Nat Res Ad ( ),, fax: ~1 MAYHEWJane M, Sr Sacretary (Mgrnt, CL eartaon SCh Of-Adm) 230 Mgm1fEcon ( ), 875 St CIalrAve, Apl2, St PIlII551 OS UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MAYKOSKI Thomas J, Sr Stores Clerk (Dantlatry-Cllnlcal Prog) Moos T ( ), MAoYLONE Regina M. Prin Secretary (Mgmt, SCh Of, Undergrad Prog) 290 HH HC1r ( ), pahlxoo3@ MAYNARD Kelly C, Sr Sacretary (CLA Student Aced Suppt Svcs) 108 Joh H( ), ( )~ 2554 Gar1ieId Ave S, ApI 205. Minneapolis 55405, , maynooo2@ MAYIlARD Roy C, CIin Instr (Pediatrics), 2545 ChIcago Ave S, SuIte 512, MInneapolis 55404, ( ), maynaoo1@ MAYNES Mary J,ProI8s8or (History) 814 Soc Sd ( ),1886 Laurel Ave, St Paul 55104, MAYO Ada. Lecturer Onst of Languages &Ut) 190 Kia Ct ( ), ( ), Crown Hill Lane, Minnetonka 55305, mayoxoo2@. MAYO David J, ProI8s8or (UMD-PhlIosophy) 305 AB AIi Duluth ( ). ( ), 528 N 20th Ave E, Duluth 55812, MAYO Kevin H, Associa18 ProI8s8or (Biochemistry-Med SCh) Mini H ( ), Jac H, mayoxool@ MAYOR LOI'llIl A, Teaching AssIstant (Frederick R Weisman Art Museum) 206 Mdb H( ), 1000 WFranklin Ave, Apl308. Minn8apoIIs MAYORAL Jaime L, Mad Fe! (Surgery-General) Bx450Mayo(825-14OO),ll-looPWB,7239. Oliver Ave S:Rlchfleld 55423, , mayoroo1@ MAYPOLE DonakI E, ProI8s8or (UMD-SociaI Work) 214 Soh HDuluth ( ), dmaypoie@ d.umn.adu MAYR Christopher R, Assoc: Dav 0tIIcer (ExtamaJ AlIs, carlson Sch-Adm) 230 Mgm1/Econ ( ), 371 HH HClr ( ),, lax: MAYRAND Robert R, CIin Instr (Pediatrics), Aspen Medical Group, 1850 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109, ( ), mayraool@ MAYS Gary 0, Into Sys Network (ISD-Computer Servicas) 8x.507 Mayo ( ), Rl50 Ch RC ( ), 9189 GokI8nrod Lane, MapIe'Grove 55369, , maysxool@ MAYS Sally 0, AlhleticTrainer (Athletics, Woman's Intcllg) 250 BFA B ( ), 2799 Rustic Place, ApI 215, utliec8neda 55117, , MAnHERIAN Maryem, Sr Data Entry Cpr (Disbursement Services) S 2nd St ( ); MAZHAR Abdur R, Mad FeI Spec (NeuroIogy), St Paul Ramsey MedIcal CenI8r, Neurology Clinic. 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), 809 Osk St S E. ApI 1-8, Minneapolis 55414, MAZHAIlY Aram, Undergra Res Asst II (Chemistry) 139 Smith H, Knox Dr, Burnsville mezilaoo2@ MAZUlLO Mark. Teaching Assistant (Student Rnancial Aid, Ole of) 210 F rasw H, mazuloo1@ MAZUR Rosalie T. Sr Secretary (SCh of PublIc Health) Bx 197 Mayo, A302 Mayo,r-mazu@ MAZZITELl.O WIlliam F, CIin Ass1 Prof (MadIcIne) Central Mad Bldg, SuIte 300, 393 Dunlap St N. St Paul 55104, ( ), RIcher Trail, Hastings 55033, , mazzlool@ MAZZONE Noel S, Assistant C08ch (AthIetIca, Men's Intellg) 220D Fb Comp (82~), 8130 ShadyvIew Lane, Maple Grove 55311, , MAZZONI JR Tim L, ProI8s8or (Educa1ionII Policy & Adm) 245A PliIk H( ). ( ), rd Ave NW, New BrightIlln , mazzoool@ Me ADAMS Brian 0, R-.dI Assistant (Can BioI &Neuroanatomy) ~135 Jee H( ), mcadeoo2@. Me ADAMS Toby V. Res FeIIow(HorlicuIluraI Science) 305 Alder H ( ~ th Ave S Minneapolis 55407, , mcadaoo3@

27 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IE ARE DiIne M. Sr 8ecrwlary (Ag & ApplIed Econ)217 Q.A01~4),498 9lllh Ave NE, IlIIlne IEAUaTER IleI1y L. Nulr Educ Asst ~ El:oklgy), Cass Co Ext Ole, Ccu1houIe, POBox 3llOO, Walker 58484, ( ), IEAUaTER Davld W, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (UN Ext Serw-&U: OW Syst) 405 Col H ( ), 822 8uImiit Ave, MimlIapolis 55403, ,, lax: 612.Q IE AUaTERJohn B, GnId SChool FeIow (IntnI SIudiII, InIt 01) 350 FoI H (li24-8ol111), 28lIO 1511I I've S, MimlIapolis IEAUaTERs-nJ. Gen SlaIf Nurse (4C-MedIcaI1nlInIIV8e-)PCU4C Mayo, IEALPIE Davld G, an Asst ProI (Fam PnIcIice & Comnuily HIIh), Mlnn HeaIIh P A-WllCldluy, 832S CIty centre Dr, WllCldluy 55125, (731-Gll59) IEALPIE Gen8 teve M, Exec S8cr8lary (llloiogicai SCi; CoIege OI-Adm) 123 Sn H ( ),27ll8 DeIwood St N, RosevlIe 55113, IE ANDREWS IleI1y J, Ext Educ & InsIr (MES-Dlslricls), SColI Co Ext 0Ic, 123E 1stSt, JonIIn 55352, ( ), Aberdeen Ave, JonIIn 55352, , bmcludrews@ IEAIINCH Davld C, TllICI*1g Assi8Ianl (Ff8IICh & IlalIan) 2110 FoI H( ), ( ),500 E 1511I St, Apl&' MlnneapoIis 55404, , AIlEE QIclIa l, Prln 8ecrwlary (Malh &lis App,InItFor) 514 Yin H(lI ), 4138 '...,Dr NEo Columbia HIs 55421, , IEARTHUR CynlhIa L. Ext Educ & Asso Prof (4-H YouIh DlIvelopment C8nlar) 340 Col H ( ), 1295 JuIilIl, StPU 55105, ,,lax:612.q IEAUlD...N. TllICI*1g,Assi8Ianl (CuIbnI SludIes & ComperatIve Ul) 350 FoI H (82~, I Ave N Eo MlnneapoIis 5541&, , IE AllOY... Leo H, Dir (WfFlC Rank) (KirlISioIagy & Lai8ure SIudies)203 Cooka H ( ), IEIIAIN Douglas J, Sr BooksIora Mgr (\A'lIV8nlly Bcx*Rlres)7StC8n ( ), 1940 Gardan Lane, WhllII ~ Lake 55110, , IIC BANE l.ili'ie A, CoonIinatar(~) S 2nd St, Imc:Ilane@ IE IIEAN AIalrandIr M, ProI8saor (HeaIIh Mgmt & PolIcy) ax97 Mayo ( ), C309 Mayo ( ), 24512lll Ave N, Hopkins 55343, 93M501 IEIIEAN Anne J, USocial Worker (Filii PnIcIice & Comnuily Itlh), Famly PncIlce, FMC Bldg, 1300S 2nd St, MInnaapoIis 55454, ( ), mciieaoo1@ IE8EE... James L. Waaaca,(Crook IllY Dir (UMC-AgricuIlur Mgml) 109..BCnlokSIon ( ), Pn*saor, IE"John W, Assi8Ianl Pn*saor (MedIcIne), StPU Ramaey Medical CIntar, CInIiokIgy-Spr, 640 Jacbon'St, St PU 55101, ( ), IE" Marijo W, Crnnty PIog Asaoc (Educational P8yI:hc*lgy) 103PI H ( ), ( ), 911 Hal Ave, WStPU 55118, 457'-138, J, ~roh Assi8Ianl (Plant, Path) 495 Bor H (82!Hl2OO), 1618 EustIs, Apl2, St PU 55108, IE IRIIlE Rosanne B, Psych FeIow Spec (Nuoaurgary) ax 731 Mayo ( ), &-100 P WB, IE"Snh E, Prof Emer (Rhalorlc), 1261 CIeV8Iand Ave, ApllA, StPU".edu IEeM LoIIIa M, Sr Food S8rv Wkr (H Station SIMce) ax 84 Mayo, mccaabol@ A, PaIIant Fin Rap (H Admissions) ax 709Mayo ( ), UHosp. (626eIlI5),, lax: 61U25-8l154 Me em Robert Eo Pn*saor(HisIDry) 523 Soc SCi ( ), ( O), Ave S Eo Minneapols 55414, , rrnccaa@ vml.spcs.umn~ Me CASEJames N, SUpv Med Phoklgr (Lab Medicine & PaIhokIgy) 3-162Jac H( ), 6218 Unity Ave N, ~ CInlar 55429, , Me CABE Kevin A, AssoclaIe Pn*saor(Mgmt. C LClIrlson SCh 0I-Adm)845 MgmlJEcon ( ), Me CABE Mark R, DupI EquIp Oper (DupIIcIJlIng Serv-UMM) 140 CS MorrIs ( ), Me CABE's-tT, AlII Prof Emer (Fam PnIcIice & Comnuily Itlh), 4833 HamIIlDn ReI, Minn8Ionka 55345, ,1llCCIbOO4@ Me CABE Suzanne L. IJndllrgra RIB AlII n (AnIhropQIogy) 215 FonI H, 700 3rd StS, MInnaapoIls 55415, 810 UnlV8nIIy Ave S Eo Minneapais55414, ,1IICCIIbOO6@ ' Me CABE Tracy J, Prln AaJ. SpISupv (\A'lIV8nlly Stores) U Stor N, Me CAFFERTY Charles, an Prof~), 977 SummIt Ave, StPU55105, (227-«189), IECAFFERTY KaIhIeIn J, Oper Room Lpn (H ArnbuIaIory Swgery) ax 88 Mayo (62ll-6343) P WB, Me CAFFERY John 0, Med Fe! (OlDlaIyngalogy) ax396mayo~ &-240PWB,l616 Rose HI! CirdB, 1.audardaIlI55108, , IECAFFREY Davld J, Asst SCianllIl (Fam Practice & Comnuily HIIh) ax 381 Mayo ( ), WIsh Av SE ( ), 1232 Albemarle St, Apl2, StPU55117, 48lI-3362,, lax: 612.e Me CAHILL Mark P, Mgr AppI Sys/Plog (Dis1ributIld ~ SIrvlcea)l52Shap Lab ( ), lh Ave S Eo MimlIapolis 55414, , rnpm@, lax: Me CAIN John W, L8cIInr (Plant Path) 495 Bor H( ), 108ACrIln L HamIIn8 AYlI N, Sl PU 55108, Me CALL Brian P, Assi8Ianl ProIIIssor (InduIlriaI ReIa1ions Cb) 537 MgmlJEcon ( ),. MCCALL CherIda, Adj an Pnlc:apD' (NIning, SCh OI-Prog & RIB), 1381 Palace Ave, St Paul 55105, Me CALL Judy I,Buyer (\A'lIV8nlly Boc*8lIlnlS) 290 WrnIon H( ), 4710 Debra Lane, St Paul 55126, Me CALL Todd W, Sr secr.tary (MiniIex) M WL ( ), ( ), 5184 LongvIew Dr Mounds View 55112, , t-mcca@ Me CALLUM BonnIe J, Exec Asst (DenIiIlry Admin) Moos T ( ), ( ), 1670 WOOdgalII Lana, Eagan 55122, rnccaioo2@ Me CALLUII1 BnInl 0,"-dI AIaIatant (Plant PaIhokIgy)408 Bor H( ), 408 Stak H ( ), 1184 Mac KubIn. Apll0l, StPU 55117, Me CALLUII1 Dennis K, AIIislInlProIIIssor (Pharmacy PncIlce), FloctlIStBr MeIhodilIl HospilaI, Pharmacy Dept, 201 Wcar.St, FloctlIStBr 55901, ( ), lax: IE CALLUM Thomas R, Asst Educ Spec (Spanish & 1'orlugwM)34 FoI H ( ), 2028 Nich H, , rnccaioo8@ Me CALLUM BEATTY Krista L. Asaoc Prog Dir (Housing 8ervices-BaiIey Hal) Sa H( ), ( ), Me CAIIIIRIDGE c.ieton S, Sr Hasp Canlar (H Dispe1I:h) ax 517 Mayo (fl26.34oo), U Hasp, rd Ave S, MinneapolIs 55408, , Me CAllY Curtis B, CIn Asst Prof (Fam PnIcIice & Comnuily HIIh), FridIIIy MadIcII CInlar, 7675 MadIson St N Eo FridIIIy 55432, ( ), Me CANCE W8ndy G, GerwlII (Temp) Ex (C8rcIiclplArnon SIrvlcea) ax 247 Mayo ( ), Crnnty Prog Spec, 7609 EdIrIIlorolqI Way, Edina 55435, 835-4lIll9, mccanoo1@ IECAIIN Georga L. AaIl Prof Emer (Fam Practice &Comnuily HIlh) MichaaI Ave, HIIlIilgs 55033, IE CAIIN MarganIl G, InItructllr (Pharmacy Practice), HennepIn County Medical CIntar, 701 Park AveS, MlnneipaIs 55415, ( ), IE CAIIN Mark T. AaIl SclanlIst (PlldIalrics) ax 391 Mayo (ll24-69il3), P WB, 4084 a.yl ReI, Eagan 55122, _7890, mlmcciill@ liecaiin PalrIcta J, AeaeM:h AIIislInl(EIMn & 0CCUpd0naI HIaIII) Bx 8111 Mayo ( lI), 1140 Mayo, lh Pl.- N, Maple Grove 55389, IECAMEL MaIcah A, ain Prof (OphtllallllOklgtl, IdIT_, SuIla 4900, MInneapoIIa 55402, ( ), 1520 WIV8rIy...MInnaapoIa 55403, , Me CANNON CIroI S, Asaoc Admin (Admissions & Financial AId-U~.Bahm MorrIs ( ), IIICCII1IICI@ca IECANNON Rogar S, DapI DinIc:U (IJMM-Acadanic AtIaIrs-Mm)231 C SManis (5llN45lI), Cant Educ Spec(CEE MorrIs Clr~ (01.- CoIagIaIa SUppol1), At 1, Box 292, MorrIs 56287, , _1OI1@, lax: Me CAIlRON John 0, Lab S8rv Coord (ChanDlryIl39 SmIIh H(ll246tOI, 351 SCi C B, ~ IE~VaIInda L. 0Ulpa CInic Asst (H 0f'D.Sl.IvarYIax88.Mayo (62ll-6343) U Hosp ( ), 1IICl* Me CAlmlYaam.a J. RlBFeIow (UMD-CartdJIlIo RevoIvlng) NR R I Dl*IlII, 5881 IlIfgquIat ReI, Dl*lh IECAlmlYCharles A, ProIIIssor (SCh 01 MaIhamallcs)l27 Vln H( ), ~ IE CAlmlYQlIiItIane M, TllICI*1g Assi8Ianl. (Compular SCiInoe)308 LnI H( ), , IECAlmlYCIanI K, Med Fe! Spec(0r1h0paedIc Surg) ax 492 Mayo, 350 VCR C,IIICCIICl28@ IIC CAlmlY Davld A, Pn*saor ~)12OMoI'I HDl*lh ( ), 5881 BeIvquIal ReI, Dl*lh55804, IE CAlmlY...B, Aaaociaet ProIIIssor (Lab MedIciI8 &I'aIlclIolwI Bx 809 Mayo ( ), & wnI H( ), h Ave S, MimlIapolis 55408, 729-OlI53, -od1@ IE CAlmlY Jualln S, ReaeIR:h AIIislanl(HeaIIh M!Pnt & PolIcy) ax97 Mayo ( ), C386 Mayo, Me CAlmlYIildlI M, TllICI*1g Assistant (GeognIphy) 414 Soc SCi ( ), mccai1h@ Me CAlmlY MictllIlII T. ~ (Facilities. Mgmt-Adm)202 Phya PI ( ), mccarol9@ IECAlmlY NIl H, Undarg RIB Asst N-U ~ Cb) S 2nd St( ), 1831 T...St, Fatoon HIiFlS 55113, , niii@giom.umn.e IECAlmlY Pamala R, CoonIinatar, (EpIdIliliololWl S 2nd St( ), (626-7lI24), 5..Farm Cln:kt, St""55127, , IECAlmlYT_C. fl'oat.doc*lr1i FeIow (InatIUa For HaaIlh S- Rea) ax 729 Mayo (li ), D-33O Mayo, mcca0104@ Me CARTY Davld L. an Asaoc Prof (RestoIa1ive Sciancaa)8-450 Moos T ( ), ( ), Melro Il8nlaI, 261 NE Hwy 10,Illaine 55434, ( ), lh Ave NEo East 1111he , IE CARTY JanniIar K, Sr Vet Tach (Vet TllICI*1g Hosp CInic) 334 Vet Tell Hos ( ), 73O-lIlI85, Me CLAIN Lora 0,0IIIci Spec (Ole 01 The RegiIlrar-Slu eom.ctjl50wrnion H( ), IEa.AIWlAIl Nancy J, Non UnIv SlaIf (U S 0 A FonlSt Slrv)525 NC For ( ), ( ), Me CLARY s... K, ProIIIssor (Music) 188 F8rg H (fi24.42ii8), ( ), mcclaool@ STAFF MC AFEE-MC COMB 273 Me CLASKEY Marilyn H, I..IIrarian (St PU Campus LiIraries)84 cent LiI ( ), ( ),2693 Kelly Ave, Excalsior 55331, 47H1372, rn-mcci@vml.spt;, lax: Me CLEARY Dean P, VIOl Chancellor (UMC-Buslness Ole) 121 Set HCrookston ( ), At 2, Box 288, CnlokSIon 58716, Me CLEARY Monica J, Adj Instr (NlnIng, SCh OI-Prog & Res), Group HeaIIh Inc, 205 S Wabasha St, StPU 55118, ( ), 525. Staples A... Mendota HIiFlS 55118, , Me CLEES JacquelIne K, CoordInator (Educational Policy & Adm) 116 UPI-. ( ), ( ), rncciioo1@ Me CLELLAN DiaN 0, Student Pws Wkr(HeaIIh Mgmt & PolIcy) ax 97 Mayo (62"'5159), D383 Mayo, mccieoo5@ lie CLELLAN Judith R, 0tIIca SUpv, Hasp (Hasp Labs-BIood Bank) ax 198 Mayo ( ), ( , Me CLELLAN MIlkR, Prln Lab Tach (PlldIalrics) ax 296 Mayo ( ), 640 Mayo, 811 Nor1h Oak Dr, Vadnais Heighls 55127, ,, lax: Me CLELLAN Michaal J, Exec-Asst (Agronomy & Plant Genatics)411 Bor H( ): 3D Cr Res,' 7801 Eastwood Ad, Mounds VilIw 55112, 788-e506, IE CLELI.AND DlIIl R, CoordInator (UM~),~,3300London Ad, DuIuIh ( ), 517 N20lh Ave Eo DuIuIh 55812, Me CLELLAND Jerry H, ~ ProIIIssor (VocTach Educ)325 Vo Tach ( ), 1385 W Roselawn, R0sevl1Ie 55113, mccleoo2@ Me CLODEN Karen F, Student Pws Wkr (Student Financial Aid, Ole 01) 120 Fra.- H( ), ( ), Me CLUN Tracy N, UbrIry Asst 1 (ColIaclions & "'-vitions)826 Berry St ( ), 323 Russel live N, MlnneapoIis 55405, , l-mccll@vml.spt; Me CLUNG Chrlstopher 0, TllICI*1g Assi8Ianl (Chemistry) 139 Smith H(lI ), mociuoo7@ Me CLURE Bud A, AssociaIII ProIIIssor (UMlH'sychology & MenlaI HeaIh)334 Bah H DuIuIh (72&-8198),, fax: 21&-72&-7030 Me CLURE J Trenton, Inslrudor (CInicaI & Population Sciences) 225 Vet Tell Hos ( ) ( ),2417 eornrncr-iih Ave, St Paul 55108, , Me CLURE John P, 5enior Fellow (Inst For Math & Its Applications) 514 Yin H ( ), Me CLURE Robart C. Prof Emer (Law SCh Instr), 1225 La Salle Ave, Apll607, MmeapoIis 55403, , Me CLUSKE TlIIlOlhy R, UbrIry Mgr 1 (\jbiiiy-pub S8rv & Branch) MWL ( ), ( ), 2143 Roblyn A... St PlIW 55104, ,I-mccl@ Me COLD Gerald R, an Asst Prof (OtlIIaryngoIogy, 343 ArbIan Dr, Pensacola FL 32508,74U402 liecollaii BonnIe S, Med Tach Spec (Hasp Labs-HamaIoIogy) ax 198Mayo ( ), U Hosp, Me CClWSTEIl Robart J, Assoc Dean (Medical SchooI-Adm) Bx 33 Mayo ( ), Associate ProIIIssor wnI H, 6704 Brittany Rd, Edina 55435, , mcooioo1@maroon.ti:.uim.lldu Me COLLUM David G, CIn Asst Prof (Fam PnIcIice & Community HIlh), Chanhassen Medicaf CenIar, 470 W781h St, Box 423, CIIanhassen 55317, ( ), 2048 TIII1berwood Dr, CIIanhassen 55317, , mcx:oioo3@,lldu Me COMAS Cindy A, Sr SCientist (ErwIn & 0CCupalI0naJ HeaIIh) lh St SE ( ), ( ), mccomoo3@ Meea-R Car1ar, Sr Asaoc Dir, Urnhc (H Admin Council) ax 7!TT Mayo ( ), 8317 Mayo ( ), mocornoo2@, lax:

28 274 MC COMBER IV-MC DONALD STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Me COMIER IV Alfred J, PrIn Stu Pers WIlr (UMD-RecreationaJ Sports) 125 Sp HC Duluth (72W888), ( ) Me COMIER James S, OIIIcer-Roll: (Naval SCIence (Naval Role)) 203 Armory (~, ( ), Herald CIrcle, Apple Valley Me COMBS RegIna J, Taachlng SpeclaJIst (Joumalsm & M88S Comm, SCh of) 202 Mur H ( Me COteELL Amy S, APPHcatIona Prog (Adm Info Svl:s-AcadamIc Apps DeY) S 2nd SI 2008 Dupont Ave S, Apt 4, Minneapolis 55405, , Me CONNELL C8menln, ClIn Aast Prof (Fam PracIIce &CornrJulity HIth), 2716 Upper Afton Rd Maplewood 55119, ( ), mcconoo2@ Me COteELL John W, AIlSOCi8tll ProI8eaor (Fam Practice & Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), 310 Bell Mus, 28 Gr8enway Gables, MInne8poIIs 55403, , mcconli01@ Me CONNELL KIm S, ClIn Aast Prof (Ped1alrlc8), MpIs ChIIdr-. MedIcal center, DewllopmeIotaI & Rehab SsrvIces, 2525 Chicago AveS, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), mcconoo3@ Me CONNEU. Scott R, AIlSOCi8tll ProI8eaor ' (InstiluIlI On Comm Integration) 102 PI H ( ), (624-«l65), srncconnell@,1ax: Me CORD James P, Clin Aast Prof (PedI8trIcs), SI Paul ChlIdem's ClInic, 345 Smith Ave N, St Paul 55102,2239 Como Ave, St P8U155106, Me CORISON Danl8I 0, M8In1 &Oper Mech (Fac Mgmt-Mech MainI) Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), 5320 NTIscher Rd, DuIu\Il55804, Me CORlSON Mary Eo Food 8efv WIer (UMD-Food &Vending Svcs) 270 K S C DuIulh ( ),~ NTischer Rd, Duluth 55804, Me CORMICK AJon V, AIlSOCi8tll ProI8eaor. (Chemical Eng & M81 SCI) 151 Amund H ( ), rnccorrnic@, fax: Me CORMICK DanIel P, Med FeI Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), e-338 Mayo, 4319 Bryanl Ave S, Apt 21, Minneapolis 55409, Me CORMICK Diane J, NaU Res Ssrv Fellow (NUrsing, SCh Of-Prog &Res) PCU59 Mayo, 5120 Queen Ave S, Mlnne8polIs 55410, , Me CORMICK Eleen R, Teaching AsaIs18nl (Educational Psychology) 206 Bu H( ), 1773 WSkillman, Rosevme55113, , mccoroo4@ Me CORMICK James P, Lacturar (Ex1llnslon Classes-M88I8rs/BuS Tax), DeIoltIe & Touche, Norwes1 Clr, Sulta 4300, 90 S 7111 St. Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 6135 Barkshlre Lane N, PIymoulh 55446, , mccoroo&@ Me CORMICK Kelly C, Taaching AsaIs18nl (Englisli As A8econd Language) 190 Kia C1. lill6-6245, Me CORMICK MonetIlI M, Sr0tIIce Aast (MN Ext Ssrv-Educ Dev Syst) 20 Col H( ),1619 Carl St. Apt 10, St Paul 55106, ,, Me CORMICK Nancy K, Ubrary Mgr 2 (Law Ubrary) 15GB Law ( ), ( ), Me CORMICK Rlch8rd W, AIlSOCi8tll ProI8eaor (German, SCsndInavl8n & DuICh) 231 Fol H ( ), ( ), 71 Melbourne Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , rnccorillil@ Me CORMICK Robert L, Attorney (Student Legal Svcs, UnIv) 160 WB U( ), lllccclfoo2@ Me CORMICK T8f8S8 M, CmntY Prog Assoc (HHH 1n81 Pub! Allrs-Adm) 246 HHHClr ( ), 1820 Ivan Way, St P8Ul55116, , mccor013@ Me CORMICK Wendy R, Sr Secretary (1n81 of Child Dev) 206 Ch Dey ( ), mccoroo5@ Me CORRISTON Joy, Lacturar (Anthropology) 215 Ford H( ), h St S E, Minneapolis 55414, Me COSKY Connie L. 0tIIce Spec (FacllIlIes Mgmt-Purchaslng)200 Shops B( ), 1583 Hansack Ava NE, St Michael 55376, , Me COURT Kevin G, OperaUons Supv (Fac Mgrnt-Zone 2-WeS1 Bank) 200 Shops B ( ), 57A Mgml/EOOll, th Ave S, ApI 209, Minneapolis 55404, ~, mocouool@ Me COWAN Jacqueline S, Vel Med AssocIate (Clinical & Populalion ScIences) 225 Vel Tell Hos ( ), ( ), POBox433, Tohasket. WA 96655, ,111CCClWOO1@ Me COY Angela M, Gen Stat! NurH (H PlI1Ienl Learning center) Bx 66 Mayo ( ), M204 Mas Can Clr, 1463 WIowa, Falcon Heights , mccoyoo2@ Me COY Brenda M, P'8rs Doc AnIyst H(H Human Resources) Bx 703 Mayo ( ), mccoyoo4@ Me COY Charles E, InS1rUCtllr (Fam PracUce & Community HIth), Park Nicolet MedIcal center, 5000 W39th St. St louis Park 55416, ( ), th Ave N, PIymoulh 55441, , rn0c0y007@ Me COY Claire W, AIlSOCi8tll ProI8eaor (MUsic, Soh of) 231 HDuluth ( ) Illrchcres1 Dr, While Bear Lake 55110, fl, rnocoyool@ Me COY Harry G, AIlSOCi8tll ProI8eaor (PIlarmacy PracUce), Medlox Laboratories, 402 WCoun1y Rd 0, St Paul 55112, ( ),1lICCOyl106@ Me COY Matthew 0, Med F8I Spec (Lab Medicine & Palhology), Hennepin CoIJ'lty Medical center, 701 Park Ava S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), 1631 PorUand Ave, ApI B, SI Paul 55104, 64~723, Me COY P8l1y L, Prln Secretary (Boynlon AdminlS1r8lion) W328 Boyn HS ( ),; Me COY Randy J, Med Fe! Spec (MedIclne) ax 264 Mayo ( ), C336 Mayo,llIQ:Oyl106@ Me COY Thomas, Data Proc Tech 2 (ISD-Computer Ssrvlcas) Bx 507 Mayo ( ) Rl60 Ch R C, Me CRACKEN JR JamesC, Grad School Fellow (Finance) 735 Mgrnl/Econ ( ), St S, Apt M3406, Minneapolis 55454, , Me CRACKEN Mary Jo, ClIn NUI'1Ie Spec (H OPD-Pedlatrlcs) Bx 66 Mayo ( ), P WB( ),, fax: , pager: Me CRACKEN-HUNT UndB, Direclllr (Univ Wkle) (Project Developmenl) 400 Shops B( ), ( ), 1017 Ravinil Trail, Golden Valley 55416, 3n-5952, mccra001@ Me CRADY Julie A, Sr0tIIce Aast (ChemI81ry) 115 Smith H( ), ( ),694 Uncoln Ava, SI Paul 55105, mccrady@ Me CRANEY Jacquelyn 0, Lpn (Eye, En1 Neurology-6B) PCU58 Mayo (626:30521, mccraoo3@ Me CREA Jason S, Jr SCientIst (UMD-BloIogy) 211 L SCi Duluth ( ), 5107 WyomIng SI, Duluth 55804, , ] Me CREADY Ssman1ha A, Program Associate (Medical Educalion, Com) Wash Ay SE ( ), ( ),60 64th Way NE, Minneapolis 55432, , mccreoo5@ Me CREARY Cha~es B, Clln As81 Prof (Fam Practice & Communl1y HIth), PlIot CIty Health center, 1349 Penn Ave N, MInneapolis 55411, ( ), Me CREARY MI~am K, Clln Assoc Prof (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), 640 Lowry Medical Arts Bldg, 350 St Peter SI, St P8Ul55102, ( ), m0cre007@ Me CREE Marjorie H, Hosp CustodIan 3 (H Environmen181 Ssrv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, 871-n47, mocreool@ Me CUE Michael P, Med Fe! Spec (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), D429 Mayo, 2775 Laxinglon Ava N, Apt 2111, RosevIIe 55113, , Me CUE Stephen A, ClIn AssocProf (ObstetrIcs & GyneooIogy), Metro Ob & Gyn, P A, Gallery Prof Bldg, SuIte 622,17 Exchange St W, StPaul ( ),\lu Me cw.ey Wendy L. 0CCupa Therapls1 (H PsychIatrIc Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo, mcculoo5@, fax: Me CULLOCH MK, CIIn Inn(MedIcIne), 625 S 8lh St. SuIte 206, MInneapolIs 55404, ( ), liicci* Me CULLOCH Patrtcta J, Gen Stet! Nurse (Unit 62-Adull PsychIatry, AI:ute) PCU62 Mayo, mccufoo2@ Me CtlLLOCH Troy J, Sr Aoct, Hasp (H Financial Repor1Ing &Budgeting) Bx 704 Mayo ( ) P WB( ), 5269 Greenlleld Ava, Moundsvlew55112, , mccu1oo7@ Me CULLOUGH 8ryan K, Res Plot Tech (PIai11 Pathology) 495 Bor H( ), 4 Cr serv ( ), h Lane NW, Coon.RapIds 55433, , Me CULLOUGH C888andra B, TempfCasl Employ (UnIv Counseling & Consul\ing 8efv) 22 Eddy H ( ), , rnccuioo6@ Me CULLOUGH J JelIrey, ProI8eaor (Lab MedIcIne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), ~42 Mayo ( ), mccuiool@,lax: Oll17 Me CtILLOUGH NtcoIe V, R_rch AsaIs18nl (Envm & Oocupalional Health) Bx 607 Mayo ( ), 1155 Mayo, varsoool@ Me CUNE ChrIs, Grad School Trainee (PIan1 IlloIogy) 220 Blo ScI ( ), 2062 Como Ave, StPaul 55106, , mccunolll@ Me ClINE Comella 0, Prof Emer (Unly CounselIng & ConsuflIng 8efv), 500W Coumy Rd B, Apt Cl34, Rosevilie 55113, , mccunoo2@ Me CURDY Ronald C, AIlSOCi8tll Profes_ (MusIc) 100 Ferg H ( ~ mocurool@,. Me CUSKER M8I1h8 L. AsaIs18nl Profess«(MedIcIne), HennepIn CoIJ'lty Medical center, Dlv ofgeriatric MedIcIne, 701 Park Ava S, MInnlI8poIIs 55415, ( ), 793 Millwood Ava RosevtIIe 55113, mccusool@ Me CUTCIlEON Barbara A, Teaching SpeciaIIs1 (UMD-Music Lesson F_) 231 HDuluth ( ), ( ) Me CUTCHEON Malcolm L. Dlr (camp/col L.ev8I) (UMD-Health SsrvIces) 104 HS DuIu1Il ( ) CIIn Assoc Prof (Madlc:IneoUMD), 3121 Minnesota Ava,ll'*'th 55802, , mmccutch@ Me CUTCHEON Rebecca M, Prln Acct Sp/Supv (I~ SsrvIces) S 2nd SI ( ) 4427 Slater Rd, Eagan 55122, b-mccu@ Me CUTCHEON Ruth S, Nurse Pr8cIIUonr (UMD-Health seryices) HS Duluth ( ) Me DANIELS II EdIson P, Med Fe! Spec (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), B590 MaYO, 294 Cherry Hili TreH, MedIna 55116, , modanool@ Me DERMOTT Candioe C, Exec Secretary ~).9-m HS Unit F ( ), ( ), , mcdeioo2@ Me DERMOTT Helen B, Assoc Com Edue Spec (CEE Rochester Clr), Univ of Minn ROChester center, 655 3blh Ave S Eo Rochester 55904, ( ), nd Ava NEo Roches1er 55906, 252-G134, moderoo5@ Me DERMOTT Madonna K, Adj In81r (Nuralng, SCh Of-Prog & Res) HS UnR F, 1587 DunI8p St N, St Paul 55106, mcderoo6@ Me DERMOTT RIch8nl P, Prof Emer (Comm DIsorders) 115 Shev H( ), 461 Laurel Ava, Apt W3, St P8Ul55102, , Me DONAQH AMI L. Fac Project Coord (Fac Mgm1-Zone 2-We81 Bank) 200 Shops B ( ), 57 MgmtfEcon, modon036@ Me DONALD Andrew 0, Bldg & Grds WIer 3 (Fac Mgmt-eustodlal) L ouiulh ( ) Me DONALD JR Angus W, Lecturer (HIS1Ory) 614 Soc ScI ( ), l1l Ave S E, MInne8polIs 55414, , m0d0n012@, fax: Me DONALD Anne M, Cmn1y Prog Aast (MES-Collage ofeducation) 340 Col H( ) ( i, m0d0n013@ Me DONALD Barbara J, PrIn Secretary (Surgery-General) Bx 90 Mayo ( ), C261 Mayo ( ), 3110 AI1hur SI NE, MlnnespoHs 55418, , m0d0n017@, lax: 61' Me DONALD Charles L..1nstrucIor (Music), WestrIdge Dr, Eden Preirle 55344, ! Me DONALD DanIel J, Teaching Assistent (KInesiology & leisure StudIes) 204B Cooke H ( ),1391 SImpson St. St Paul 55106, , modon032@ Me DONALD Danny E, PrIn Eng Aast (TeIecommunlcaUons SsrvIces) 30 Telecom B ( ), Hummingbird St NW, Coon RapIds 55433,7~, modon039@, pager: llll29 Me DONALDDebra Eo Exec Secretary (In81of Child Dev) 104 Ch Dev ( ), lIvw Ava N, Brooklyn Park 55444, ,, lax: Me DONALD Dome M, Sr AltlIndant (UMD-Glenst.n), GlensMM, 3300 London Rd,. DuIu1h 55804, ( ), 213 N22nd Ave W, Duluth 55606, Me DONALD Evelyn P, Prof Emer(MES-CoIIege of Human EcoIogy~ 1792 ~ Ave, RosevIIe 55113, , mcdon031@ Me DONALD Kenneth M, AssIstant Professor (Medicine) Bx 506 Mayo ( ), 290 VCR C ( ), modonoo3@ Me DONALD UlIIan M, R-oo AsaIs18nl (Voc & Tech EdUClUon) 420ft Vo Tech ( ), 5163 EllIot Ave S, MInne8poIis 55417, , Me DONALDUnda L. Assoc AdmIn (Geological Swvey, MN) UnIv Ay W(627"'792), I-modo@mal' Me DONALD Usa K, Pharm8cy Spec (H ~ PIlarmacy) Bx 611 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo ( ), 1410 c.rting Dr, Apt 106, St Paul 55106, , rncdon029@ Me DONALD Marsha B, Coordlnetor (EpIdemiology) S 2nd St ( ), 6566 Franoe Ava S,Apt 1106, Mlnneapolls 55435, mcdon027@ Me DONALD Mary A, Stores/Del Supv (DenU81ry-CIinlcal Prog) Moos T ( ), 1730 WLarpenIeur Ava, ApI'3-D, Falcon Heights 55113, , mcdon04o@ Me DONALD Michael 0, Med Fe! Spec (Surgery-General) Bx 195 Mayo, , Me DONALD Michael E, Direclllr (Univ-Wkle) (UMD-Chemic8l Engr B Duluth ( ), (MN Sea Grant InS1) 206 WH ( ),2305 E5th St. Duluth 55812, 4352 Turner Rd, Duluth 55803, Me DONALD Michael P, Research AsaIs18nl (Res In Lrng, Parcptn & Cog Ctr) N216 Ell H( ) ( ), modonoll@, lax: Me DONALD Mike P, Bldg & Grds Supv (Sports Facllities/1lIerman Complex) 141 BFA B (li ), 12651le1monl Lane, RosevIIe 55113, "modon015@ Me DONALD P81rida W, PrIn Secretary (Aerospace StudIes (AFROTC)) 3 Armory ( ), ( ), 1650 Feronia Ave, St Paul 55104, , m0d0n016@ Me DONALD Philip S, Exec Aast (FacIII1y SUpport-Admin) Hvy Equip Yd ( ), 1398 Midway Pky, StPaul 55106, , Me DONALD Robert B, Lecturer (SCh of Public Health-Adm), DeIoltIe &Touche, One Flnancl8I Plaza, 210 6\h St S, MInne8poIIs 55402, ( ), Me DONALD Robert J, Cook (UMD-Food & Vending SVCS) 270 KS C Duluth, 4209 Crescent Dr, Duluth 55603, Me DONALD Robert P, Bldg & Grds WIer 3 (FaclH1les Mgrn1-Adm) 307 Shops B( ), 3349 Blaisdell, Apt 1, Minneapolis 55406, , m0d0n019@maroon.ic.umn.8du

29 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Me DONALD StephanIe K, Finance Mgr, Hasp (H ThIrd Party FoIlowup) Bx 802 Mayo ( ), P WB, mcdon010@ Iac:camtp.umhc.umn.adu Me DONALD SIeve P, Maint Palntar (Fee Mgmt-Palnt Maint) Ad BDuluth ( ), (728-ll262), 1710WPage St, Duluth 55811, Me DONALD Steven A, Gan Stall Nurse (PacIatric IntanslveC8re-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ), 3117 Colfax Ava S, Apt 7, Minneapolis 55408, rncdonoo6@ Me DONALD HARRIS Evatte L, PrIn 8acral8ry (Ag & ApplIed Econ) 231CLA 011 ( ), (82&-1222), lh Ava S, Minnaapolis 55407, , e-harr@vml.spcs.umn.adu Me DONELL III Charles 0, Research Assistant (Malhemallcs, SCh of) 107 YIn H( ), 353 Und H, durward@math.umn.adu Me DON~LL James E, Audit Mgr (Audits, Dept of) S2nd St ( ), 4372 Reiland Lane, ShorevIew 55126, , j-mcdo@ Me DONNELL Patricia J, Assoc Curator (Frad8rick RWeisman Art Museum) 200 Weisman Art ( ), ( ), mcdonoo4@, fax: Me DONOUGH George A, Ophthalmic Tecli (0plhaIm0I0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), Me DOIJGAL( Dennis N, Research Assistant (Plant Pathl 145 Nat Res Ad, 2203 Doswell Ava, St Paul 55106, I11CdouOO3@ Me DOUGALL Su88l'l B, Gen Stall Nurse (OncoIogy-Gyn/Benllln Mad-7C) PCU7C Mayo, Apt 305, 7659 UnNerslly Ave NE, SprIng Lake Prk 55432, , mcdouool@ Me DOWELL EaI1 E, Professor (Rhetoric) 201 Hckr H( ), 7009 W83rd St, BIoomlnglon 55436, , mcdowool@ MC DOWELL BROCK Julia, Teaching Assistant (Paychologyl N216 Ell H( , 3216 Bryant Ave S, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55408, , mcdowoo2@ MC DUFF 8amuel C, Bldg &GreIs Wkr 3 (Fae Mgmt-eustodlal) Ad BDuluth ( ), ( ), 4465 KaI1 Lane, Apt 3, Duluth Me DUFFIE Denne Y, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-DlstrIcts) 300 Col H, mcdutiie@ Me EACHRAN Mike W, Instructor (Pharmacy Preetlcal, Pharmacy Corp of AmerIca, 5155 E RIvw Rd, Sulta 404, Fridley 55421, ( ), Ava, Big Lake 55309, , mceacool@ Me ELFRESH Edward C, As80cIate Professor (0I1h0paadIc Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, VA MadlcaI center, Dept of Orthopaedics, One V_ans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, (725-2OOOX3834), mosifool@ Me ELHONE Michael J,Prlntng Prod Frmn (PtIntlng 8ervlcesl 102 PS B ( ),16931 Concord SI NW, Elk River 55330, , mcelhoo1@ Me ELROY Jetlrey L, Research Assistant (Agronomy & Plant Geneticsl 411 Bor H, 303 Heyes H, 2370 Laxlngton Ave S, Apt 319, Mandota Heights 55120, 6lI8-6696, mceifool@ Me ELWEE-sTEVENS Kathleen A, Accountant (C8ntrsI Computing 8ervtoss1 100 Laud C F ( I,, fax: Me ELYEA David C, PoIlce 0tIIcer (Police Deptl 117T S B ( ), ( ), mcelyool@, fax: , pager: lI-0196 Me ENIIOE Paul J, Lacturer (Journalism & Mess Comm, SCh of) 111 Mur H( ),. mosnrllol@ Me ENI'YIlE EI1c, Research Assistant (Food SCi & NutI1lIonl 225 F SC N( , , mcentool@ Me EVILYSusan K, Research Assistant (StrategIc Mgmt &Drg) 635 MgrnlfEcon ( ), (StrategIc Management) th St ( ), (MBA-Summer session), th Ava 5, Minneapolis 55417, , I1lC8YiOOl@ MC EVILYJR WIlliam J, Teaching Assistant (Strategic Mgmt Research CIr) 635 MgmlJEcon, th AvaS, MInneapolis 55417, , bmcevlly@csorn.spcs.unin.adu MC EVOY Chal1ene E, Med Fel (Medicine), VA Medical center, Pulmonary/CrttIcaI Caie, 1 Veterans Dr, Mlnneapolls 55417, (725-2OOOX4400), mc1waoo1@ Me EVOY Mary A, Associate Professor (Educational Psychology) 215 PI H(~78191, 1468 Ashland AYe, St Paul 55104, mary@ MC EWAN Reed F, Jr SCientIst (Geology & Geophyslca) 106 Pills H( ), 306 Shep Lab, 53 Arthur Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414, , mcewaoo1@ MC FADDEN Julia S, Teaching Assistant (Extension Classes) 110 Arcll ( , 3851 Russell Ava N, Minneapolis 55412, , MC FAOOEN Mary C, Nutr Srv Asso D1r (H Nutrition Admin) Bx 84 Mayo (~1), C265 Mayo (~19), MC FALLS Edward 0, AssI8tant Professor (Medicine), VAMedIcel center, One V-.ns Dr, MinneapOlis 55417, (725-2OOOX3684), mcf8iool@ MC FARLAN sera C, SCientIst (BIochemts1ry-M SCh) MIrd H( ), 2151 Bayard Ave, SI Paul 55116, , mcfaioo3@ MC FARLAND CarolineM, Nutr Srv Spv Hosp (H Main Food 8ervIos) Bx 64 Mayo ( , U Hasp ( ), mcfaroo2@ Me FARLAND KelIh N, Dean Retired (Human Eccklgy, College Of-Adm), Prof Emer, endeen Rd, St Paul 55112, Me FARLAND Unda S, PrIn 8acral8ry (HHH In81 Publ Atfrs.Adm) 225 HHHCtr, 1611 E32nd St, Minneapolis 55407, mcfaroo1@ mbrollll.te.umn.adu MC FARLAND Robert L, As8OcIal8 Professor (UMD-Math & StatIstics) 106 HHDuIulh ( ), ( ), Me FARLANIl Neville E, Research SpecIalIst (SocIal Work,SCh of) 388 Me N H( ), mcfaroo7@ MC GANN Nancy E, PrIn Accl SpfSupv (UMD-Sch Med Adnilnlstrallon) 133 Med DuIulh ( ), 341 Hawkins St, Duluth 55811, , MC GARRY Jennifer L, Gan StatI Nurse (Bone Marrow Transplant AduIt-481 PCU4B Mayo, 1405 Lockout SI, Stillw_ 55062, , mcgarool@ MC GAUGHEY Kerry L, Med Fel Spec (Therepeutlc Radiology) Bx 484 Mayo ( ), Mas can Ctr, mcgauoo3@ MC GAUGHEY PatI1ck T, Sr 8acral8ry (PadiatrIcs) Bx391 Mayo(~2589), PWB, Greenbrier Rd, Apt 101, Minnetonka 55305, mcgauoo2@ MC GAULEY Kevin J, Sr Survey IntIlrv (Health Srvcs Res & Policy) Bx 729 Mayo ( , 704 Washington Ava SE, Minneapolls 55414, ( ), 8146lh St S E, Apt22,MInneapoIIs 55414, , mcgauoo1@ Me GEACHIE Robert E, ClIn lnatr (Medlclne-UMDI 141 Med Duluth, DuIulh ClInIc, 400 E3rd SI, Duluth MC GEARY Unda J, Patient Rela Rep (H PatIent Relations) Bx 49 Mayo, mcgeaool@ Me GEARY Margo R, Med Lagal Corresp (H Medical Reoords Info) Bx 601 Mayo (~), PWB, 8325 WRondeau, Fores1 Lake 55025, , mcgeaoo3@ MC GEE carlos A, Admin Ass1 (Athletics, Men's InteNgl206 BFA B ( ), (~I, mcgeeool@ Me GEE D'arcy A, Sr Hosp Cs Tech (H Ambulatory Surgery) Bx 68 Mayo, rncgeeoo2@ MC GEE OoroIhy A, Pl1n 8acral8ry (Diagnostic Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), J2-341 U HOI!!, mcgeeoo4@ Me GEE Gloria M, CoordInetor (SocIal Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H( ), ( ), ( ), mcgeeoo3@ Me GEE JannIfar J, Teeclilng Asslstant (Speech-Cornnu1I) 480 Fol H (~76731, 414 5th Ave SE, MInneapolIs 55414, , Me GEE J(mwI A, Non Unlv Stall (Pedlatrlca) Bx 712 Mayo ( ), PWB, mcgeaoo6@ Me QEHEE RIchard P, DIr (Camp/Col Lave~ (Geometry Ctr) S2nd St (~), Professor (SCh of Malhemallcs) 127 Yin H ( ), Me QHEE Kathleen M, Teaching Asslstant (Muaicl 100 Ferg H ( ), ( ), mcgheool@ Me QHEE WtIIIam E, Cmnty Prog Assi (UMD-Upward BoundfVlslon Queat), th Ave SE, SuIl8101, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), mcgheoo2@ Me OlE WIIIam R, ElectrIcIan (FacIlIlIes Mgmt-Adm) ~ Shope B( ), 8-18 Arcll ( ), ( ), mcgieool@ Me GILL Gal E, Jr SCIentIst (Fores1 Resources) 115 Gm H( ), ( ), gmcglll@ Me QILL James R, Assistant Professor (Restorative SCIenoss) Moos T ( ), (~), 1421 EwaYzata Blvd, Wayzete ( ),4330 Niagara Lane, Plymouth 55446, , mcgilool@ Me GILL Kathleen L, PrIn 8acral8ry (0pIIthUn0I0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, mcgiloo3@ MC OINLEY AntoInette 0, PrIn Accl Sp/Supv (Urban &Rgni AtIairs, Ctr For) 330 HH HCtr ( ),590 Desnoyer, St Paul 55104, , mcginoo3@, fax: Me GINLEY SheIla A, Stu Sup Srv Ass1 (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), P WB ( ), Me GINN AndnIw L, CIIn Assi Prof (Medicine), C8rdloYascuIar.Consultants, 3368 Clakd8Ie Ave N, Sulta 550, Minneapolis 55422, ( ), mcginoo8@ Me GINN Ann F, Med FBI Spec (Lab Medicine & PaIhoIogyl Bx 809 Mayo ( I, 0242 Mayo, mcginoo5@ MC GINN TIler-. M, Jr SCientIst (Pharmacology) MInl H ( ), mcginoo7@ Me QINNIS Barbara C, Assistant Professor (UMM-Ubrary, Rodney BrIggs) 220 RBUb Morrts ( ), 552 E 5th SI, Morrts 56267, , Me QINNIS LauI18 G, CoordInator (Transp StudieI, Ctr For) 110 CIv E( ), (~1 077), th SI, Lake Elmo 55042, 77ll-0582, mcginool@ Me QINNIS Paul W, ClIn Assi Prof Etner (Fam Preetlca &Communlty Hlthl, 400 SWisconsin, Hudson 54016, ( ) MC oinnny MIcIIael J, Gen Stall Nurse (0rth0paedk:s-7B) PCU7B Mayo, mcglnoll4@ Me GLASSON Laura, Research SpecIalist (Educallonal PaychoIogy) 102 PlH ( ), th St SE, Apt2B, Minneapolis 55414, , Me OLAVE PhIlIp B, Professor (Medicine) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), C PWB, mcgiaool@ Me OLENNEN Ronald C, Asslstant Professor (Lab MedtcIne &Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), ( ), 6805 Blackfoot Pass, EdIna 55439, , mcgieool@ Me QLYNN MIcIIael J, HRConsultant (Human Resoun:es-Tops) th 51 SE ( ), m-mcgl@. Me QLYNN Patsy A, Mgr AppI Systprog (Adm Info Svcs-Adm) S2nd 51 ( ), JHIlClII@vml.spcs.umn.adu Me OONIGAL MlcIlaeI 0, Assistanl Professor (Surgery.Qlneraf), St Paul Ramsey Medlcsl Centar, Dept of Swgery, 640 Jackson St, SI Paul 55101, ( ), megonool@ MC GOUGH David A, Coordinator (General CoIlege-Adm) BOA ApIi (~7349),5600 Woodstock Ave, Golden Valley 55422, , d-mcgo@ STAFF MC DONALD-MC GUIRE 275 Me QOUQH E1IzabeIh A, L.eclInr (H Bone Marrow Transplant) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C547 Mayo (~2800), 1370 C8rIIng Dr, Apt 205, St Paul 55106, , mcgouoo1@, fax: Me GOVERN Nancy A, Short Term Employ (Public Health, SCh Of-Adml Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1155 Mayo ( ), mcgovoo3@ MC GOVERN Patricia M, AssIstant Professor (Envrn &. Occupational Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( , Mayo, pmcg@, fax: Me GOVERN Paul G, As8OcIal8 Professor (Epklemlology) S2nd St ( ), ( ), , rncgovem@, fax: l15 Me GOWAN Kalher1ne K, Sr PayroI Spec (Payrol 8ervtoss) S2nd SI (624-45llli), k-rncgo@vrnl.spcs.umn.adu Me GOWAN Maren I, Teaching Assistant (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res) HSUnit F, 1197 Hawthorne Ave, StPaul55106, , mcgowoo3@ MC QIlAOE Ctare T, Medical Lab Tech (Hosp labs-venipuncture) Bx 198 Mayo, 2249 DelIrtdge Ave, St Paul 55119, , rncgraoo3@. MC QllAIL Daniel E, Med FBI (MedIcIne) ~ 250 Mayo ( ), !, WB, mcgraoll@ MC QllATH Eugenia A, Gen StatI NIII88 (UnIt 62 Adult Psychiatry, Acute) PCU62 Mayo. ( , mcgraoo5@ Me GIlATH Gary L, Vice Chanc8Ior (Stu Aflalrs-UMM) 309 Bellm Morrts ( ), 401 College Ave, MorI1s 56267, , mcgralhg@cea.mrs.umn.adu Me QIlATH PatrIcia J, Gan Sl8tI NIII88 (Eye, En! Neurology-6B) PCU8B Mayo, mcgraoo4@ MCOIlAW-sCHIICHMAN Davld I, MhfSoc serv Supv (CUHce-Adult MedIcal) CUHCC. ( ),2001 Bloomington Ave, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), mcgraoo9@ Me GREGOR Byron C, CIn Ass1 Prof (MedIcIne), Mankelo ClinIc, 501 Holy Lane, MankatD 56001, ( I, kw00d Dr, Mankato 56001, MC GREGOR James E, Program AsIocIate (Extension Classes-Neighborhood Prog) 201 wes H( ), (82S-6555), 4747 ~ Rd, Golden Valley 55422, mcgreool@ Me GREW C8roIyn A, Sr Med TechfCIln (Obstetrics &GyneocIogy) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), P WB, mcgreoo2@ Me GREW Julia L, Ext Educ & Instr (ME8-DislrIclsI, WrIght CO Ext serv, Cour1houIe, 10 2nd SI NW, BulIalo 55313, ( ), County Rd 45, Clearwater 55320, , jmcgrew@mes.umn.adu, fax: MC OUCKIN Sharon M, Sr Food 8erv Wkr (Food 8ervIces) 77 C MU( ) Me QUE Matt, Professor (Psychology) N-218 Ell H(62S-B;105), 1916W2181 St, Minneapolis 55405, , MC QUIRE Brendan M, Med FBI Spec (Medicine) Bx38 Mayo ( ), PhysIcIan PWB ( ), In&tructor, 3140 ~ Ave S, Apt 426, Minneapolis 55418, , rnc:gwoo3@ MCQUIRE James P,lnstructor(Muslc) 118Ferg H( ), 229 Van Brunt SI, Mankato 56001, , mcguloo1@ MC QUIRE Kathryn A, Research AssIslanl (Psychology) 468 EllH ( ), 7225 GarlIeId Ava 5, Rlchtleld 55423, , mcguioo7@ Me QUIRE Kay E, Exec Ass! (Art Museum, UnIv) 200 Weisman Art ( ), ( ), ( ),2092 C8rroII Ave, St Paul 55104, , mcgulo12@ Me QUIRE Kevin T, AssIstant Professor (POlitical SCienceI 1414 Soc SCi ( ), ( ), kmcgulre@pollscl.umn.adu MC QUIRE Usa A, LibraIy Ass12 (lllomadicai Ubraryl 325 DIehl H (~1), ( ), majewoo1@ MC GUIRE MaI1ys A, lib SpecfC S Libr (St Paul campus LIbraries) 83 Cent lib ( ),. ( ), m-mcgu@vml.spcs.umn.adu

30 276 Me GUIRE-Me LEOD STAFF Me GUIRE Shannon M, Prln S8cmIry (H PatIent leimklg C8nlerI Bx 803 tmyo, M204 Mea CIn Clr, Me GUIlE W8mIn A, AsIlstanl P!oIlIsecir (ThnpeutIcR8iIIc*Jgy) Bx 4Q4 Mayo, Me GUIliWl Robbie T, I.AIcbnr (UMC-M8nIIgImInl, DIY 01) 130 Dow H Crookston ( ), 'IIlCgUfra@ mali.crk,umn.eclu Me HALE Kerri K, Med/Cllll Lab Tech (HoIp LaIJI.Chem) Bx 188 Mayo ( ), 3-S55 U Hoep, 2ll8O NOXford, Apt 131, RoIIvIIe 56113, , 1IICllIIl102@ma.tC.umn.eclu Me HALE IilIchIeI W, GI'Id SChool Traille (lliocheiilisbrcbs) 274 Gor L, 4320 ar.nhaven Ct, VadnIIa HeIghls 56127, , mlke-m@ Me IIUQIl Lol* E, Cmnty Prog AaIoc (SUrgery-Gener8l) Bx 186 tmyo ( ), P WB( ), mchugoo1@ rnaroon;tc.umn.1du Me IIUQIl RichIrd B, Prof Emer (Sdllill'ubllc H8IIlIl) Bx 197 Mayo ( ). M48 Mayo ( ), 1888 Coftinan St, Apt 233, St Paul 56108,845-38lI5 Me IIUQIl Sue A, AsIlstanl ProIesD'("'-tive SClences) Moos T (82M121~ mc:i-.goo3@ Me IlUTCHIION SImueI K. CIn AaIoc Prof (FlIIII PraclIce &CommunIty Hllh), At 1, Box 199, St Pet8r58082 MeINDOO JIlIn M. Exec 8ecr8lIIry (immigration History Res Clr) 826 Berry St( ),, fill: Me INIlOO Kerty B. Exec 8ec:relBry (French & ltaran) 280 FoI.H ( ), ( ), , Me INNES P8meIa F, Res Fellow (FiIherIes & WlIdIIIe) 200 HodiIon H( ), ( ), 2149 Temple Ct, St Paul , pim@ finsandfw.fw.umn.ldi Me imre Sne, LectUrer (COmpoIItion & CommunlcalIon) 308 LkxI H, , Me INTOSH EIUb8lIIJ, I.AIcbnr (H8IIlIl Mgmt & PoIlcy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ). D355 Mayo. Model CIties HiIIth eem.r Inc. 430 NIlIle St, 51 Paul 56103, ( ), th Ave, MinneIpoII , mcinioo1@, fu: Me INTOSHGerIId A, AaIoc COnt Educ Spec (Inlt of IntlStudiII &1'rogrIms) 108 NIch H ( ). ( ), 50 4th Ave N, UnIt ea. Minneapolis 55401, mcinioo2@, llix: 812 Me INTOSH GonIon e, AIIiItIInt ProIItsIM (SCI & MatIl-UMM) 110 M R.e ~( ) , mdi'ilogc@cu.nn.umn.ldi Me INTOSHJoIiph e. GanIenIr (F... Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shope B ( ~ 745 VlIIley View Dr, RIver Fall WI S4022, -..a2t8, Me IVOR RSCOtt, AIIoclIIlll ProIesD'(Lab MedIcIne.ll'llhology) Bx 208 Mayo.'487), 4-14OA Moos T.'435), 37i15 GIInhurst AveS 51 Lo!IIB Pwk ,, mclvooo1@ maroon.ic.umn.1du Me ATOM CIwleI E, AIIlstlInt ProIesD' (PublIc HeIIIh. SCh 01) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1110 Mayo, 1399 Raymond Ave, St Paul 56108, 64&-7088, Me JUNION KathIeIn S, Med Tech Spec (HoIp Labs-MoIec:ulIr DiIg) Bx 198 Mayo (824-84iI5), Mayo, DrtItwood line, Apple VlIIley 56124, , Me KANE DiIne L, Pharmac:lst (H InpelIenl Pharmacy) Bx 811 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo, 14410WeIinglan Rd, WIyzata 55391, Me KA8Y KathIeIn A, Gen St8lI Nine (PalfIalrlcs.5A) PCUSA Mayo ( ), Me KAY Anne M, Med/CI1n Lab Tech (Hoep Labs-llllllUlOlogy) Bx 724 Mayo ( ), P WB. Me KAY DougIIs N, Bldg & GrdI WIer 3 (FacIIties Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shope B ( ~ mclcay( Me KAY Gary J, Cmnty Prog AaIoc (Boynton-Gen Med ClInic) 329 Boyn HS ( /1), County 27 Blvd, Pine Island 55983, , Me KAY Gerald R, Prof ERler (MN Ext 8erv-Mgmt Oper) 405 Cot H, 2231 Hendon Ave, 51 Paul 56108, , mclcay007@maroon.ic.umn.ldi Me KAY Gordon E, Bldg & Gnls WIer 3 (FacIIties Mgmt-Adm) 220 Shops B ( ), Me KAY Larry L, Professor (Food SCI & NulrttIon) 283 F SC N( ), 1479 FuIham St, 51 Paul 56108, 64&-5803, Me KAY Roderick e, Paychlalrtc Asst (H ParIdng 8erv) Bx1000 Mayo ( ). Hoep RlIII1P, Me KEE Amy F, ReHafCh AsIlstanl(InslIlute For Health Svcs Ras) Bx 197 Mayo ( ~ 0322 Mayo, 43 S EMain St, SuIta 405, MInneepoIIa 56414, ( ), 4819 Columbus Ave S, Minneapolis ~17, , schwa03o@ Me KEE Christina M, Exee 8acr8liry (Urban & Rgnl AtIairs, Clr For) 330 H H HCtr ( ), 4804 Nic01iet Ave S, Apt 4, MInnaapIoIIa 55409,, lax: Me KEE David e, elln Inslr (Madiclna-UMO) 141 Med Duluth, Northland MedIc8J eem.r, 1000 E 1It St, Duluth Me KEE SaIIye, Assistant Professor(EducatIonal PsyclloIogy) 249A Bu H ( ), mckee001@ Me KEE Thomas P, Hasp Protect 0Icr (H Protection 8erv) Bxl000 Mayo Goodrich, 51 Paul 56101, , rnckeeoo4@ Me KEEHEN Dabfa A, Res Fellow (Surgery-Genaral) Bx 280 Mayo ( ), C257 Mayo Me KEEHEN John D, ReHafCh AsIlstanl (Food SCI & Nutrttion) 225 F SC N( ), 1745 Marion SI, Apt 17, RosevHle 56113, Me KEEVER Barbara J, Sr Cuhler (UMD-KIrby Student C8ntar) 170 KS e Duluth ( ), 407 Kelly Circle, Duluth 55811, Me KEEVER Donald E, Ubrary Asst 1 (UMD-ubrary) 160 H S Ub Duluth ( ), 407 Kelly Circle, 0uIuth 55811, Me KEEVER Patrick J, ProIItsIM (8mII MImI! CIIn SCI) A353 Val Tell Hos ( ), 2101 Draper Ct, Roseville 56113, OO, Me KEEVER Robert P, Bldg & Grds WIer 3 (UMD-Housing (Griggs Hall)) 103 LS HDuluth ( ), 529 N12th Ave W, Duluth 55808, Me KENDALL Vanessa J, CoordInatllr (Educ Student Atlairs Ole) 40 WuIIlf ( ), Me KENNA Jamas L, elln Prof (MedIclne), OncologIc Consultants. P A, 910 E28lh St, SuItII 450, Minneapolis 56404, ( O) au.. Ave S, Mlnnaapolls 56405, , mckenoo8@ Me KENNA Kayin P, Eny Svcs SUpy, H(H Envtronmantal 8arv) Bx 56 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo ( ), mcken010@ Me KENNA Nancy B, Exee Secretary (UMD-AuxlIlary Sycs-Adm) 289 K Se DuIuIh ( ~ 1402 elill Ave, 0uIuth 55811, , Me KENNA Robert W, Professor (Lab Medlclne & Pa1hoIogy), candlelight line,0ii1as TX Me KENNA Thomas e, Fellow (Inat of Inti Studies & Programs) 174 Kia Ct, mcken012@ Me KENNELL Thomas M, AaIlstant Protesaor (Pharmacy, College Of-Adm) H S Unit F ( ), 1545 WHoyt Ave. Falcon tteigllll 56108,64&-7023, mckanoo1@ Me KENZIE Bruce A, Sr Lab Tech (Human Genetics, lnat 01) Bx 208 Mayo ( ), Moos T( ), 770 CIIarIes Ave, St Paul 56104, , Me KENZIE Uncia L. Prin Acct SpfSupv (MN Ext 8erv Adminlstratlon) 250 Cot H( ), 1497 N SImpson SI, 51 Paul 56108, ,, lax: Me KENZIE Myron e, lj1liity Worker (0pIratI0na &Construction Adm) 200 Shope B, mcken011@ Me KERCHER Douglas E, Heat Control Spec (Fee Mgmt-Heat Control) Ad B 0uIuth ( ), ( ),1815 EIleen Ave, 0uIuth 56803, , Me ICEIINAN SIuIrt, Res AaIoc (CIwnIcal Eng & MIl SCI) 20t Anu1d H( ), 491 Shep Lab.7942) , IluIrlm@, llix: Me KEVlTT 8usIn K, CluIIImprY COord (H 0UIIlIy SUpport SIrv) Bx 725 Mayo, 1801,IeIIenan Ave. 51 Paul mck8v001@ IIC IC.-N AndnIw W, Med FeI Spec (MedIclna) Bx 2711 Mayo (824-Oll89), vee Re. Me JudIIh B, Instructor (UMD-SupporlIve Svcs Prog) L138 L0uIuth ( ) Me ICINLEY 0abnI L, inf0rmatlonai Rep (Envm & 00cupatI0naI HeIIlh) lIl 51 SE ( ), (627~ mcklnot3@ Me ICINLEY OavtnM, Sr Med Tech/Clln (Hasp. LabI-lmnu1ology Bx 724 Mayo ( ), P WB ( ~ 5015 Gnrd Ave S. MlnneIpoIIa 56419, , mctclnoil6@ MC KINNELL Robelt G, ProIesD'(Genatlcs & C&II BIology) 250 BIo SCI ( ), (82~ 2124 WHoyt Ave, St P1U156108, 64&-3890, Me ICNEY 0 Frri, ProIesD'(IleIl MUI8UIll 01 Nat Hlstj100 Ecology ~ ( ), 4393 Arden VIew Ct, Arden His 56112, Me KINNEY JIe e, Prln Acct SpfSupv (PhysIcII Med & RehIbIIIta1lon) Bx 297 Mayo ~12), 500 Boyn HS, Me ICNEY PauI'J, ljinryasst 2 (Llbrary-Pub Serv & 8rIncII)108 Wa LII ( ), lIl St E, MlnneIpoIIa 56408, IHftCId@ YIIl1.spca.umn.1DI, llix: IIC ICNtEY Ron! D, Gen St8lINIne(Mining Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo Russell Ave N, MmIapoIa 5541" , mckinoo5@ Me KINNEY WRIchanIIon, Taaching AIIlstant (HiItIOry) 814 Soc SCI, 1050 A27th Ave S E, MlnnaapolIs 56414, mctclnoil6@ Me KJtINON MIchaaI M, UIer 8erv Spec (cars.vtoesc8ntar) 190 H H HClr ( ), ( ),445 W Morton St, St Paul 56107, rncidnoo3@manxiuumn.ldi, fu: Me ICINNON 8tlIpIM\n 0, Non UnIv St8lI (Geology &GeophyIIcs), 708 S 3nI St, SuIta 310, MInnIapolIa ( ~ 941 Lake Lucy Rd ~ 55317, , mckin014@ Me KITTQICK DanIII M, Prln Food Opr Mgr (HouIInlI S8It10es 8anfonI Hal) san H( ) 5825 Glen Ave. MInnelDnIca 56345, Me IOlIQHT Dale H. Teaching AIIlstant (Info & DaclIlon SClences) 395 HHHCtr (627~ 2818 WlIIllim Ave, RoIIvIIe 56n3, , mdcnioo1@maroon.uumn.eclu Me IOIIQIlT Marilyn S, Teaching SpecIIIIst (SofIII Work, SCh 01) 400 Ford H, mcknioo3@ Me ICNITE SCott, AlIt SCIanIIIt (MedIcIne) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), vee Re ( ) Bryant Ave S, MInneapoIIa 55409, Me KOIlC!Y KavIn J, Sr GranIfCont Adm (~ & Tech Tme Adm, Ole 01) 20t t1clo Wah Ay S ( ),1474 Mnond Ave, St Paul 56108, , kevfn@ortia.umn.eclu Me LACHLAN ca.. J, I.AIcbnr (l.1nl1depel_lnlldeillentnt Study), NWCollage of CI*opracIIc, 2801 W84Ih St, IIloomlllgton 56431, (B-47m aan.u Ave S, Apple VlIIley 56124, , mdacoo3@ Me LAIN Fay M, Nulr Educ AlIt (MESOHuman Ecoklgy), Hennepin Co Ext Ole Glenwood Ave, MinneapoIIa ( ), 2135 N6lh St, MiInIapoIIa , ImclIIn@ Me LANDIIOROUGH Lynne A, Post-Doceonl Fellow (MIcnlbIoIogyI Bx 198 Mayo ( ). 83S Mayo, I0e0la Ave, Apl2Ot, 51 Paul lI9-9123, Me LANE"..w. Nulr Educ Asst (MES:ColIage of Human EooIogy), IlaIca CoExt Ole, CculIIcue, 1234th St NE, Grand Rapids ( ), ~ Rw Rd, Apt ES, Grand Rapids 55744, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Me LANE Kathertne M, T-'*'II A88IstIInt (Ext8nIIon 0.-)100 r=.v H, , Me LANE Kathryn. A88IstIInt Professor (UMD-ChemIstry) 246 QIam Duluth ( ) Me LAU(HJN BrIan E, Teaching A8sIstanl (UMD-ChemIstry) 246 QIam Duluth, Me LAUOILIN DaYid J, ProIesD'(Plant BIology) 220 BIo SCI ( ). ( ) ERIver T...-, MInnaapoIIs 56414, , davem@ wagner.cb8.umn.eclu Me LAUGHLIN John E, ~ AssIstant (AgronOmy & Plant GenelIcs) 411 Bor H ( ), 1IlClallOO5@mir.Ic.umn.lDI Me LAUGILIN John p. EIadro Sys Spec (H 8tarIIzer MaInIerwIoe) Bx 163Mayo ( ). A-185 Mayo. 380 londin,,*-, St Paul 56119, , 1l' Me laugt\linljoeepin M. N!Jlr Educ Asst (ME&CoIlege of Human EcoIogy), KoochIc:hi1g. Co Ext Of!:,CculIIcue~, Inti Fals (2lI3-8282j Me LAUGHLIN LuIe, Oapt Asst DIr (HousIng 8erv1ces-Adm1n) G2 Com H( ), ( ), Me LAUGHLIN MIchael H, CIII1 Asst Prof (Fam PraclIce & Comnu1Ity IWI~ North MamorlaI MedIcal eem.r, 0akdIIe MedIcal Bldg. SIll 509, IIldaIe Ave N, MlnneIpoIIa 55422,. ( ), 1IICIiIllOll3@n.Il:.umn.eclu Me LAURIN Mary 0, Med...Spec (MedIcIna) Bx 508 Mayo, 290 VCRe, IIIIIIauOO8@ rnaroon.ic.umn.1du Me~ ~ J, AssIstant ProIItsIM (\..Ilrary-fklI &Pr-.vallolls) MWL (82...) th Ave S, MInneapolIs 55417, a-mde@vm1.ipCS.umn.1DI Me LEAN Gary. GanaraI MaIntSpy(HouIInlI s.vtoes-fronller HIlI) Fron H ( ~ Me LEAN Gary N. ProIII8Ior (VOC Tech Educ) 420 Vo Tech ( ~ 2295 GonIon Ave, 51 Paul 56108,, llix: Me LEAN Heather E, ljinry Asst 2. (UMD-Ubrary) 212 LRe 0uIuth ( ). 522 E 11th St, Duluth 568ll , hrndaan@ fill: Me LEAN J_L, Hal Res 8erv Fellow (Nlnlng, SCh 0f.Pr0g &~ 222 ESuperIor St, Duluth 55802,( ~ 2505 Jean Duluth Rd, Duluth 55812, rnetaaoo8@ lie LEAN MIchaaI K, InfonnallonaI Rep (MN sea Grant lnat) 302 1&18 Cleveland ( ). ( ), 1700 Ff8lIlOIlt, St Paul , , Me LEAN PAIlK8 Jud, AsIlstanl ProIesIor (industrial Relallons Clr) 564 Mgmt/EcOn ( ), , jiarki@ceom.umn.ldi Me LEWN DanIel S. CIn Instr (PacIalrtcs~ UnIty Prof Bldg, SuIta 200, 500 Oliborna Rd NE, FJ:IdIeY 56432, ~.Ic.umn.lDI Me LEWNTom! J. Gen SlafI NIne(NeonalaI Intan8lve e-3c) PCU3C Mayo, mcieioo2@ Me LEMORE EJIzabIlh A, Teaching AesIstant (RheIoriC) 350 FoI H, 332 Hckr H, McLamOOt@ Me LENNAN AndnIw M, AIIoclIIlll ProIesD' (EoonomIcs) 1Ot5 Mgmt/Econ ( ), 330t 32nd Ave NE, 51 Anthony 56418, ,, fill: Me LEOO Bruce M, Oapt 0InIctDr (UMD-AthIellcs, 1ntanlOIlegIste) 170 Sp HeDuluth (728-81~ _ E1ltSt,Duluth 56812, Iilc LEODJ_ O. AIIIstant ProIesD'. (SocklIogy) 909 Soc SCI ( ), mciioollt@ Me LEOD Jean F, Prln Food Opr Mgr (HouIInlI 8enloes-SanfonI HIlI) san H, mcieooli4@ LEoo Laura E, RIRM:h AsIlstanl (Urban & RgnI Allal.., Clr Forl210 Ford H.330.H HHClr ClInton Ave S. ApI E5, MiInIapoIIa 56404, , Me LEOD Lorna J, Sr0..Aast (Ole of The R8gIItrar-Stu COnIact) 110 wmson H( ), 1215 S E 4th St, Apt"~ , Me LEOO Mary A, Teaching AsIlstanl (Filheries & WIIcIIIe) 200 HodiIon H( ), 1407 Wynne Ave, St Paul 56108, 84lH8Ot, mcieooo7@

31 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Me LEOD RobIn G, Teaching As8Islanl (Univ CounselIng & ConeuIlIng S8rv) 129 Bu H ( ), Me LERHON Terri L, R-mAaelat8nt (ChemIstry) 139 SrnlIII H( ), 8039 Red 0811 Dr, Moundsview 55112, rncterool@ Me LEIlIWl Larry 0, ProIessor (Phyalcs & Astronomy) 431 Phys ( ), ( ), ( ), 2524 CoIfu Ave S, MInneapoIIa 55405, , mcien' Me LOON I.Inda K, AIIClCial8 ProIessor (0phlhIIm0I0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), 374 Uona Res ( ),1818 Howell Ave, Falcon HeIghts 55113, , mciooool@ Me LOON Steven C, ProIessor (can Iliol &. Nauroanatomy) Jac H( ), 1818 Howell Ave, Falcon HeIghts 55113, , Me MAHAN Debra J, Pltn 8acraI8ry (UMD-HouIlng) 188 LSH Quluth ( ), ( ), 218 Mygatl Ave, Duluth 55803, , Me MAHON CItrIe M, AdmIn AIde (Coricertl & L.ecturll) 108 NMA( ), 84 S Avon St, ApI 2, St Paul 65105, , memahl105@ Me MAHON Gall E, GIn Stat! Nursa (cardiovascular SurgJProgr CIra-«:) PCUBC Mayo ( ), Me MAHON John E, CIIn Aaat Prof (Orthopaedic SUrg), OrthopaedIc ConsuIlanta, 2600 EFranklin, Minneapolis 55408, 620 Wantworth Ave W, Mandata HeIghts 65118, mcmahoo2@ Me MAHON Petar 0, Instructor (Pharmacy PractIca), K Mart Pharmacy, 5830 Earta Brown Dr Brooklyn Center 55430, ( ), 7700 Upton Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55444, mcmahool@ Me MA* Marlyn K, Accounta Spec (UMD-Tweed MUIeUIlI) 310 TMADuluth ( ), 1820 Minneapolis Ave, DuIutIl55803, 72W827,, fax: Me MANUS Dartana M, EllIe Aaat (Purchulng) S 2nd St ( ), ( ), St W, LakevIlle 56044, , d-mcma@, fax: Me MASTER Robert B, AIIClCial8 ProIessor (Gaography) 414 Soc SCI (82s;8883~ ( ), th Ave S, MInnaapolIa 55408, Me MEHlMEN Ellzaballt G, Sr 8acraI8ry (Oparallons & Mgml8clance) 332 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ), mcmanool@ Me MlCIlAEL WIllIam, Ophlhalmc Technol (0phlhIIm0I0gy) Bx 483 Mayo ( ), P WB( ), 5117 W48th St; Edina 55438, mcmicoo2@. Me MILLAH Kennatll 0, Commun Supp Spec (UMD-Talephona Svca) 178 MWAH Duluth ( ), ( ),4828 Martin Rd,Duluth 55803, , Me MILLAN 8eamus L, Poat DocIIlraI Fellow (Lab Medlclna & pathology) Bx 511 Mayo (1l ), V388 VFWC RC, , Me M1WAH Trella 0, As8Islanl CoacII (Athlallcs, Wornen'slntcllg) 250F BFA B( ), ( ), Me MOORE Daryl A, Stu Sup Srv Aaat (Admlaslons-Mlnority Recrultment) 240 Wmaon H (828:-0582), nd Ava S; Mlnnaapolls 55407, Me MULLEN MIclieIe L, Sr 8acraI8ry (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, th Ave S, MInnaapoIIs 55407, mcmuloo1@ Me MURROUQH Sharon M, 0lIIca Spec (Acad SupporlfStu Ufe.UMD) 18 0 Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), a-mcmu@ vml.apca.umn.adu IIC MURRY Petar H, ProIessor (Machanlcal ~) 1308 Mech E(1l ), 819 W 53rd ~ Minneapolis 55418, , rncmurry@vx.c1s.umn.adu Me NAB Duncan, AIIClCial8 ProIessor (Mualc) 288 Farg H( ), 5050 RuaaeII Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, , mcnabool@ Me HAIRY SCott L, As8Islanl ProIessor (Paychlatry), Abboll NorII1MaI8m, 3033 Excelsior BlVd, Sulla 300, Minneapolis 55418, ( ), mcnajool@ Me HALL Milas A, Teaching Asslitant (Sociology) 1108 Soc SCI ( ), 624 SIb St NE, Minneapolis 55413, mcnaioo2@ Me HALLY Sheila J, ProIessor (Claaalcal & Near EaaI8m Studlas) 331 FoI H(1l ),. (1l ), 124 Badford Ave S E, Mlnnaapolls 55414, mcnaiool@ Me twwla Ann M, Pharmacy AaaocIaI8 (Pharmacy PractIca), St Paul Ramsay Medical cantar, ClInical Pharmacy, 840 Jadcaon St, St Paul 55101, ( ), 1851 Summit Ave, St Paul Park 55071, , mcnamoo8@ Me IWWlA carter M, CoordInatgr (SuparComputar lnat) 2079 SCC ( ), mcnam007@ Me IWWlA EJlzabelh A, Lab S8rv Coord (UMD-BloIogy) 211 LSCI Duluth ( ), ( ) Me twwia Garard M, Teaching As8Islanl.(Mgml Phd Programs) 835 MgmtJEcon ( ) RIMIICh Aaalatant (StratagIc Managamant) ( ), Me IWWlAJohn J, CIln Inatr (PadIatrIca), 810 E 28th SI, Sulla 130, Minneapolis 55404, ( ) 5208 Knob HIlICt, Mlnnatllnka 55343, ,, fax: Me IWWlA Paul E, RIMIICh As8Islanl (Ag & Applied Econ) 31ec CLA Otl ( ),1307 N Avon, St Paul 65117, , mcnamool@ Me IWWlA Slaven T, SClanlial (HorlIcu/turaI 8cIance), MN Landacapa Arbor8Un, 3875 Arboratum Dr, Box 39, ChanhaaIen 55317, ( ),8104 Nan:lIauI St, VIcllJrta 55388, , Me NARON Toni A, ProIessor (EngIIah Languaga & Ut) 207 UOO H(1l25-888O), 3512 Holmaa Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, mcnarool@ Me HAmN Ann H, Cmnty Prog AaIoc (Paychlatry) Bx 383 Mayo ( ), C590 Mayo 1973 Tatum St, AoeevlIIa 55113, , Me HAUOHT Donald C, ProIessor (Ec:lllogy, Evolution & Bahavlor) 100 Ec:lllogy (1l ), 4804 Trillium Lana S, EdIna 55435, IlIcnaUOO1@, fax: 812.e24-8m Me HAUOtITON Kavln J, NurIIng Sta Tech (Eye, En! Neurology-8B) PCU8A Mayo ( ), U Hoap, , mcnauoo3@. Me HAUOHTON Michael J, Exac Aaat (Ole 01 Human RaIlOUl'Cll) th St SE ( ~ ( ), 423 S8aratIlga St, St Paul 55105, m-rncna@, fax: Me HAUOHTON MIchaIa M, Jr SClanlial (Pedlatrlca) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), VCC RC, mcnau004@ Me NEARNEY MatlMw A, Res Plot Tech (Agronomy & Plant GanatIca) 411 Bor H (1l ), 37 Cr S8rv, 814 N13th Ave E, Duluth 55805, , Me NEELY Nichola L, OftIcar RolC (Naval 8cIance (Naval Rotc)) 203 Armory ( ), (1l ),.847 Cleveland Ave S, ApI 10, StPaul 55118, Me NEFF Clayton V, Raaaan:h Aaalatant (Chemlatry) 139 Smith H( ), 2408 S 9th St, Minneapolis 55408, , mcnati@ Me NEIL Kennatll J, RIMIICh As8Islanl (HortIcultural 8cIance) 320 Alder H( ), ( ),1188 Ray Placa, St Paul 55108, , Me NEIL Mary Ann, Program Mgr, Hoap (Ufe Support Program-PaIa) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C370 Mayo, Me NEILL Brian R, Ext Educ & Inatr (ME8-Dlalrlcls), Swtfl Co Ext orc. Courthouse, Box 305, Benson 56215, ( ) Me NEILL John A, Clin Aaat Prof (0phlhaIm0I0gy) Lowry Med Arta Bldg, SuIla 240, 350 St Petar St, St Paul 65102, ( ), 1932 Baachwood Ave, St Paul 55118, , mcnaloo5@ Me NEILLY Donna M, Oparatlng Rm Gsn (H 0paralIng Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), Me HELLYJanet A, Adj lnalr (NUrsing, Sch Of Prog & Res~ Fairview SouthdaIa HoapIlaI, OrlhopedIca/NlUrOlCl8l1Cll, 8401 Franca Ave S, EdIna 55435, ( ), 8010 W108lh St, 8Ioomlngtlln 55438, , mcnaioo2@ Me NULTV Suaan E, Raaaan:h As8Islanl (Envrn & OCCUpational Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1120 Mayo, 872 Raymond Ave, ApI 10, St Paul 55114, , Me PARTLIH Thareaa K, Instructor (SocIal Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, 1025 St Paul Ava, St Paul 55118, , mcparoo2@ Me PARTLIN Thomaa H, C11n AaIoc Prof (Neurology), Neurologic Conaullanta, 1880 UnIverslIy Ave, SuIla 440, St Paul 55104, ( ), 12 E08ks Rd, North Oaks 55127, , mcparool@,fax: Me PHAIL MIchaaI S, Teaching As8Islanl (Archllactura) 110 Arch ( ),2414 Girard Ava S, MInnaapolIa 55405, , Me PHEE MelanIa A, fiahrch Aaelat8nt (Epklamlology) S 2nd St ( ), , mcphaoll5@maroo, Me PHEE Michael L, Jr.SClanlial (Neurosurgary) 421 Uona Res ( ), ( ), 1880 County Rd H2, WhII8 Bear Laka 55110, , mcphaoo2@ Me PHEE NIcholas F, Aaelat8nt ProfaSaor (SCI & Malh-UMM) 245 SC MorrIe ( ), 911 Nevada Ave, MorrIe 56287, , mcphee@ cda.mns.umn.adu Me PHERSON SCott W, RII AaIoc (Ophthalmology) 310 Uona RII( ), Ave S, MInnaapoIIa 55417, , Me QUAID KImberly I, OphthalmIc Tech (H OPD-Ophthalmology) Bx 88 Mayo, P WB, th Ave S, ApI 1, Mlnnaapolla 55407, , mcquloo3@ Me QUARRIE DonakI G, ProIessor (Surgery.Qanaral), VAMedIcal Center, One Vaterans Dr, MInnaapoIIa 55417, ( ), 8625 Mohawk TraU, EdIna 55438, , mcqua001@, fax: , pagar: Me QUAY DavId B, Bldg & Grda Wkr 1 (Roaamount Raaaan:h eam.r), Roaemount RIMIICh C8n18r, Babcock Ave, Roaamount 55088, ( ), 878 Kay Ave, St Paul 55118, , rncquaoo2@ Me RAE Janet F, Phys lharapiat (H Physical Therapy) Bx 108 Mayo ( ), Ch RC,, fax: 812.e Me RAE SCott E, Teaching Aaalatant (UMD-Malh & StalIaticI) 108 HHDuluth ( ), Me ROBERTI P Davtd, kttk Tech (Humanlllaa-UMM) 117 HF AMorris (588.e289), Rl2, Box 175, Starbuck 58381, , Me 1lOlIERT1l RonakI E, Non Unlv Stall (U S 0 A Foraat 8arV) 523 NC For ( ), mcrobool@ Me ROIERTS Thomaa B, ConI Educ Spec (UMM-Acadamk: Aflalra.Adm) 228 CS Morrie ( ), (CEE Morris Ctr-llMM) ( ), 530 E4th St, MorrIe 56287, ,, fax: Me SHERRY Cynthia M, Sr UMed Technol (Surgery-Genaral) Bx 808 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 8878 TImber Craa1 Dr, Maple Grove 55311, , cynlhla@ Me SWIQQEH Petar L, RII AaIoc (Earth SCI) 108 PIlla H(827"'788), 1880 Ciu1 SI, St Paul 55113, , mcawiool@ Me TAVI8H DonakI, ProIessor (S0cloIogy) 908 Soc SCI ( ), Me TIGUE Kavln T, Instructor (SocIal Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, mctigoo2@ Me YAY Dawn 0, PrIn 8acretary (Police Dept) 111 TS B( ), mcvayool@ Me YAY Ellen M, Ad] Inatr (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & RII), SalvatIon Anny Harbor Ughta, 1010 CurrIe Ave, Box 50130, Mlnneapolla 55403, ( ), PO Box 425, Monticello 55362, , mcvay002@ STAFF Me LEOD-MEDBERY 277 Me VEIGH Gary E, As8Islanl ProIessor (Medlclna) Bx741 Mayo( ), 2-229PWB ( ), mcveloo2@, fax: Me VEY Donald V, Non Univ Stat! (Plant Path) 4 C R L( ), 1788 UndIg St, Falcon Haighls 55113, , Me VEY Gary, ProIessor (UMC-AgrIcuIluniI Mgmt) Hm BCrookaton ( ), ( ), N WExperIment Station, CrooksIon 58718, ( ), Rtl, Box 27, Beltrami 58517, , fax: Me VEY VIclorIa E, PrIn 8acraI8ry (Boynton-Mental Haallh) Boyn HS ( ), mcvayool@ Me WATERS Shirtay A, Bldg & Grels Wkr 3 (UMe-Food 8arvIce) Fd S8rv CrooksIon ( ),201 FIaher Ava, ApI 14, CrooksIon 58718, Me WIWAMS Dean R, AaIoc ConI Educ Spec (Haallh Mgmt & Polley) Bx 87 Mayo ( ), D380 Mayo, mcwima@ Me W1LUAMS Robert L, TaechIng Aalllstant (MuaIc, SCh of) 100 Ferg H, nd Ava S, Apt 101, Mlnneapolla 55404, mcwiioo3@ MEAD Dawn M, RalllllfCh AasIslant (Mgmt. C L Carlson SCh Of-Adm) 845 Mgmt/Econ ( ), 83L BIeg H, 1820 S 111 SI, Apt 1807, Mlnnaapolls 55454, , MEAD Mary E, Pub RelatIons Rap (Pedlalrlca) Bx 484 Mayo ( ), B-548 Mayo, 5305 KaIIogg Ava, Edina 55424, , meadxoo2@ MEADOW Mary Jo, Lacturer (IndapendaIll Study) 45 WII H( ), 1220 Highland Ave, Manketo 58001, MEADOWS Artana M, Laboratory Mgr (Hoap Laba-Venlpunctur8) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 3-355J Mayo, th Ava S, WhlI8 Baar Laka 55110, rnaedooo3@ MEADOWS Esperanza, Hoap Lab Tech 2 (Hoap Laba-Venlpunctur8) Bx 188 Mayo ( ), (CUHCC-Adull Medical) 3-555H UHoap ( ), Garden VIew Dr, Apple Vallay 55337, , rnaadoool@ MEAGHER JR Robert L, RIIAaIoc (Entomology) 219 Hodson H, 4883 GIorgIa Lana, WhII8 Bear Laka 55110, , rnaaghoo2@ MEAGHER Suaan E, Sr 8acraI8ry (Inll 01 Inti Studlas & Programs) 108 Nich H( ), ( ), rnaaghoo1@ MEAH Anwar, Sr 8acraI8ry (Garman, SCandinavian & Dutch) 205 Fol H( ), 2540 Humboldt Ava S, MInnaapoIIs 55405, , a-maah@, fax: 812.e MEANS John R, Head CoacII (AlhIalIcs, Man's IntclIg) 270 BFA B(1l ), (Sports FIC/GoIf Coursa C1ubhouae), 3812 Moccaain Ct, BurnsvIlle 55337, , rnaanloo1@ MEANY Philip K, Aaaoclata ProIessor (UMD-Art) 317 HDuluth ( ), ( ),5872 N Shora Dr, Duluth 55804, , prnaany@ MEATH Terrence W, Mgr Sya Softw Prg (Adm Info Svcs-Network Oparalions) S 2nd St ( ), 2535 HaY8r1On Rd, Mandota Helghls 55120, ,, fax: 812.e MECH LDavtd, Adj Prof (Flaherlaa & W1k1l1fa) 540 NC For ( ~ PIasaant SI, St Paul 55113, mechxoo2@ MECHTEL Chartae F, U... serv Spec (Adm Inlo Svcs-Natwork 0peralI0ns} S 2nd St ( ), c-mech@vml.spc6.umn.adu MECKLENBURG Fred E, ClIn AlItProf (0bstelrIc:s & GynacoIogy) ( ), Kalaar Permanante Health Plan, Sunset Hilla Rd, Raaton 22080, ( ), 2408 LalIah Ct, Dunn Loring VA 22027, 848.e288 MEDAL DonakI R, Sr Cmp Ctr Op Mgr (UMe-Acadamic Aflalra.Adm) 118 Dow H CrooksIon ( X432), ( X458),801 N3rd St, Grand Forks NO 58102, , MEDBERY Julie, Exec Alii (MN Ext S8rv-Admlnl8tration) 248 Col H( ), 1m cart St, Lauderdale 55113, , jmedbary@

32 278 MEDDAUGH-MELSA STAFF IEIlOAUGIl Lyme E, Gen8I1II (Temp) Ex (ChIld FImIIy lifeprogr8m) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C244 Mayo ( ), IIE!lG'AIIDEN Lyme E, Oftlce Supv (Agronomy & PIInt GInelIcs) 411 Bar H ( ), 302 HIyMH, 1319 HewIll Ave, Apl2, 81 Paul 55104, IIEDILLJIneI e, PrIn Acct SpJSupv (FIn8ncIII Sysl8mI Supporl)29513OO S2nd 81( ), 3817 FIIIlllilglDn ReI, MInnetDnka 55305, ,}omlIdI@vml IIEDIN KmIbIrIy T, Accooota Spec(H Rehab _S8rv) Bx 108 Mayo ( ), 783 Mayo, 2208 E34lh St, MInneIpoIIs 56407, ,, Jr SCIenlIst (Food SCi & NuIrIlIon) 5 FBe N( ), 2208 E34lh St, MInneIpoIIs 56407, tmeciin@ IIEDINA Angela M, MecI Fel Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Mayo, P WB, 2885 C8nt8M1eRd, LIlIle CInlIdI55117, rnedinoo2@ MEDLOCK ClIo G, Sr Data Entry Spv 1St Paul Compullng SIrviclIIl) 50 Col H ( ~ 8 Nor H ( ),, fu:o IIEDOW MIlcheII A, MecI Fe! Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Mayo, P WB, rnedowool@ IIEDVEC Peggy l, Gen Stall NIne (Neonatal InIIlnIlIY8 e-3c) PCU3C Mayo ( ), MEEIIEN Glen D, Professor (StatIsticI, SCI! Of-Adm) 270 ViII H( ), 2243 FoIweI, 81 Paul 55108, , gien@ IIIEEIWI EdwInI J. Prof Emer (CIwnIslry) 287 KoIl H ( ~ 1580 Not1hrop St, 81 Paul 6ljlO8, , meeiilioo2@ MEEIL Paul E, Regents Prof Emer (PsydloIogy) HZ18 Ell H ( ~ hvk8019@, fu: 812..f2&.2079 MEEK UIdI K, Jr CuhIer(UMD-IlookstonI) 175 K Se DuIulh (72&-7288), 5478 WAnow!lelId Rd, HermIIllown.11,72N824 MEEIlERHeIwy e, ClnA880C Prof (0bsl8lrIcs & Gynecology), MedIc8I ArIa Bldg, SuII8 411, 625 NlcoIet MIl, MInneIpoIIs 55402, ( ), 4800 WIlfanI Way, EdIna 55435, li2u87i, IIEEKER lin B, Crnnly Prog AlIt (Gc-AdmillillllduiI) h Av SE (827-41~ ez MEEKS UIdI M,InIlrui:tur (Soc:iII Work, SCI! of) 400 FunI H, H8nnIpin Co FIII1Ily SIrviclIIl, He8Ilh SIrviclIIlIlklg (li55), 525 Purll8nd, Mi1neIpuiIs 55415; ( ), rneekaoo2@ --.cengeriidine P,SrAccul.rlllInl (AccuunlIng SIrviclIIl) S 2nd 81 ( ~ 8105 Hyde Ave S, CUIlIIge GnMl 55018, , -*002@ MEe.EN K8IIh M, PrIn Eng ~ (Teiec:ummunIcatI SIrviclIIl) 30 Telecam B ( ), 8105 Hyde Ave S, CUIlIIge GnMl 55018, , -*001@ 1IllII' IIEEIlOVICH GIry G, UncIergra Tell AlIt II (1lIuchemiIlry-C 122A Sn H( ), (624-77~ 1219CIeveiIIld Ave S, stpaul 55118, , IIEI!Il8CHAERT SIlIII, Crnnty Prog Spec (HHH Ins! PubI AIrs-Adm) 225 HHHClr (825-13m , IIHIllIE KeIhnIe e, Teaching AIIIstlInt (ela HunuI1I DIviIlun) 814 Sue SCi (62~ ( ~ MEGA MaIlMw M, ~ AsIiIlant 125Arch, 1830 WI..IIpenllu Ave, Apl204, Falcun HeIghts 55113, ,1IIIgIXOO1@ IIEGARD Rubert 0, Professor (EcuIogy, EvuiutIun & BIIhaviUI) 100 EcuIogy ( ), 1438 Hythe St, 81 Paul 55108, , _GASAm l, CIn AlIt Prof (0bsl8lrIcs & Gynecology), Group HNIth Inc Coma Ave, 81 Paul 55108, ( ), rneguoo1@ MEGER Leon A, Sr OIIlce Asst (MN Ext Setv-Educ Dev Syst) 405 Col H( ), th 81 W, Vfebster 55088, ,1eu@ MEGER Sue M, Exee Secretary (1Iius1allstIcs) Univ Av Be ( ), megerool@. MEGGITT Mark 0, Hosp Custodian 3 (H EnvtronmentaI Setv) Bx 55 Maya, , megglool@ MEGLITSCH Toni A, Asst SCientIst (0rlh0paedIc Sw"g) Bx 310 Maya ( ), 280 DIehl H, rnegliool@ MEHDI Abbas S, Lecturer (Ext8nIIon etaa.s) 835 Mgmt/ECUll ( ), 8170 ConconI HI. Lane, Minnetonka 55345, , mehdiool@ MEHLE Susan, Admin Fellow PnlllrlacIIl Eng, Ctr For) 179 Shep Lab ( ), , MEIIRA Raj E, Rasaarell AIIIstlInt (Ch/ldrel), Youth and Families) 405 Col H( ), MEHRETAB Balay K, Hosp Custudian 3 (H Environmental Setv) Bx 55 Maya ( ), A102 Maya, 1084 Dale St N, Apl4, 81 Paul 55117, MEHTA Anuj, ~ AssistlInt (Food SCi & NutI1lIon) 225 FSo N ( ~ 288 ABL MS, 1287 Barclay Blvd, Bu1IaJo IL 80089, mehtaoo2@ MEHTA Monika, Teaching AssistlInt (Cultural Studies & Comparative lit) 350 Ful H ( ~ Univ of Mlnn, 350 Fol H, 9 PIeaaant St, Minneapolis 55455, , rnehtaolll@ MEHTA Prayati 0, Undergra Too AlIt I (SCI! of Mathematics) 127 Vln H ( ), rnehtaoil3@ MEl Yauping, Research AssistlInt (MechanlcaI Engi.-ing) 125 Mech E, maixxool@ MEICHES Robert K, elln AlIt Prof (Fam PractIce &Community HIth) Bx 381 Maya ( ), P WB, Falrvlaw Hasp/H88llhC8Al Svce, 815 Riverside Prof Bldg, 2450~ Ava, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), WIng laka 01:, Minnetonka 55345, meichoo2@ MEIER CUlIeen l, Stu Sup Srv AlIt (Extanalon el8_) 101 Wes H ( ~ CHI18ie@ vml lpcs MEIER Jeanine D, Sr Lab Tech (Pedlalr1C8) Bx 298 Maya ( ), 835 Mayo, 559-U78,, fu: MEIER Kristina l, Teaching AssIstant (Fuwt Resources) 39 Gm H, 23 SIdney Place, Minneapolis 55414, , meieroo3@ MEIER Manfred J, Prof Emer (Neurosurgery), (Psychiatry), 1201 Yale Place, Apll307, Minneapolis 55403, , meierool@,lax: 812..f2&.4102 MEIER Pelar B, Assistant PruIasa' (MedIcIne) Bx 194 Maya, V AMadlcaI C8nlIIr, GI SectIon (1110), One Vetarans Dr, MInneapuIIa 55417, (725-2OOOX4107), 1497 Falrmounl Ave, 81 Paul 55105, ll , MEIER n-s J, Reuarch AssIstant (FII/larIea &WildHIe) 200 Hodson H ( ~ 540 Ne For MEIER Todd M, Pharmacy AsIociale (Pharmacy PractIce), Unltad Hospital, Pharmacy Dapt, 333 smith Ave N, 81 Paul 55102, ( ), th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414; , MEIERANT Paul 0, Coordlnalor (AdmI~ra1 RecruIlment) 240 Wrnaon H ( ), ( ), 700 8th 81 S E, Apl2, Minneapolis 55414, , 1IlIier010@ MEllfACK Mary l, Art UIJr SIIde/Ph (Art History) 107 Jones H ( ), melhaoo2@ MEIHAK Lois A, Med/CUn Lab Tech (Vet Taaching Hasp CliniC) 325C Vet Tell Hoa ( ), rd 81 N, FunIst laka 55025, , MEILAHN S8rah W, Nursing SIa Tech (Eye, En! Naurology~) PCU5B Maya ( ), Bx803 Maya, ' IEIN ChrlIIopher J, EIeclru S18 Spec (Fac Mjpnt-8Iac) 200 Shopa B( ),. ( ), IEIN Lorl A, Sysl8mI Analyst (Human ~Tope) th St SE ( ), IEINI«IER Ethel M, Lab AnInI C8nl Tee (MedIcal SCI! Admin) Bx 89 Mayo ( ), P WB( ), 1925 Woroas1ar Ave, 81 Paul 55118, , mainiool@ IEINICE Marlyn H, Post-Duc A880C (PedIatrics) Bx 298 Mayo(~ 840 Maya, malnkoo1@ IEItlT8Joyce P, SCIentIst (Ge010gIcaI Survey; MN) 2842 UnIv Av W( ), ( ), IEItlT8 Paul D, Research AIIIstlInt (Agronomy & PllntGlnellcs)411 Bar H( ), 313HIyM H~ Dackar Rd, CurvaIlIs OR MEISEL SI8van B, AssIstant PruIasa' (PIwmacy PractIce), Fantew SouthdaIe HospItal, 8401 FrInce Ave S, EdIna 55435, ( ), IEI8EIItDEIl JR Donald K, Teaching AsIiIlant (EngIIh Language & lit) 207.Und H ( ), IEI8lCE Jttt e, PruIasa' (AnImal SCiance) l;lo Hckr H( j, ( ), maiskool@ _1lI8NER DavId l, Sr S8c:r8taIy (Cu1tur81 StudIes &ClImparative lit)350 Ful'H ( ), (824-8Oll9),l809laur81 Ave, 81 Paul 55104, , maiaaoo1@,fu: r0228 IEIS8NER GerIld D, Paint8r (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) l05'fuud 0 B( ), 40 S Luella St, 81 Paul 55119, 739-a44, IEIS8NER Roger J, Extc AlIt (Hur1k:ultura1 SCiance) 305 Alder H( ~ 175 Hr G ( ), Louislana Ct W, Champlin 55318, ,, pager: IEISTER Jon P, ExtcAllt(IT ExtamaI RelatIons) 105 Wa lib ( ), 1987 Grand Ave, ApI 102, 81 Paul 55105, , malster@ IEDlEL JR Gaurge 0, AaIIslant Profassor (Aarulpace Eng & Mechank:a) 107 Akar H, 3021 James Ave S, Apl9, Minneapolis 55408, , IE.llA John e, Research AIIIstlInt (EiectrIcaI ~ EEtC SCi ( ), (825-28li8), Ave S E, Apl303, MInneapolIs 55414, , majia@ IEKClNNEN EyIau J, Research AssIstant (SUII SCiance) 438 Bar H (825-~ ( ), - leland CIr1er T, TeacI*Ig AsIiIlant (Anwican StudIes) 104 SCUll H~ 405F lind H ( ), ( ), st Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, , maianoll2@ IEUND James A, Dept DIr8cIor (Ole 01 Human ~) Ih 81 SE (827.,4037), 1884 MIIwuod Ave W, 81 Paul 55113, ,, fu: Robby l, Gen StatI Nurse (Post. AneIIhIIIa C8nl UnIt-Ilax 87) Bx 87 Maya, ~209 UHasp, 1575 au.-. Place, Apl8, BillIngs MT 59105, IELIO Rodney, Lead ll\hographer (PrIntIng SIrviclIIl) 102 P SB( ), Michael St, Mcu1d8 VIew 55112, , maibuool@ IEUY Bemetla A, AdinkI DIr8cIor (1Iuyntan-Studen1_)N321 Buyn HS ( ), e-9 Norlh VIIage, AmhenIt MA 01002,' IEUYJennIfer M, TeacI*Ig AIIIstlInt (MInIng, SCI! Of-Prog & Rea~ EpIIepey Clinical Rea Pragr8m. Dept 01 NeuIlIIogy, 5775 Wayzata Blvd, SuII8 255, MInneapolIs 55418, (827-44m IE.CHEIl Barry S, EmpIIIenef CounlI (Ole 01.HI--. ReIourcea) Ih 81 SE (827-10\58), b-mlic@vml.lpcs IELCHER Frank, Nun UnIv Stall (GeoIugIcaI Survey, MN) UnIv Av W( , Ave S E, MInneapoIIa 55414, , UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MELCHER James P, Teachk1g AssistlInt (PuIIIIcaI SCiance) 1414 Sue SCi ( ~ 1853 M8IIhaII Ave, Apl2, St Paul , jmaiclier@ MELCO CynthIa K, Sr S8c:r8taIy (Tranap StudIes, Ctr Fur) 110 Civ E ( ), , IELDAHL Harriet E, Prof'Emer (MN Ext S8rv-Mgmt Opar), 1103 MIaouri Ave, DuIu1h 5581 to , MElENDEZ Patricia H, Grad SchuuI Trainee (Res In Lmg, Percptn & Cog C1r) 2140 Ch Dev ( ), IELENIlEZ Wanda I, TempfCaal Employ (Medicine), V A MedIcal center, HIsIopatI!oIogy SectIon, OneV-.- Dr, Milneapalia 55417, (725-2OOOX2487), IELGAAIlD WIIIam A, Sr Storea/D81 Spv (RacraatIonaI Sports) 101 Cuuk8 H(828-~ Giader Blvd, 1ildatruIlI55045, , IElJCKAnn E, MecI FeI Spec(0phIhaImuI0gy) Bx 493 Maya(~ P WB, 2501 irving Ava S, MInneapoIs 55405, maiicoo1@ MELIN Lae Am J. AlIt DIr (C8mpfCul) (New Student Programs 0tlIce) 324 emu ( ), ( ), Ave S, MInneapolIs 55407, 722-&445, MEIJN ~l, Ext Educ & Prof (MES-Distrlcts), Norman Co Ext Ole, 101 W3rd Ava, Ada 58510, ( ), 804 E5th Ave, Ada 58510, MElIUS Jeanne M, Gen StatI NIna (H OPO-Emargancy S8rv) Bx 710 Maya, t Ave S. Minneapolis 55417, maiiuool@ IELLEM Karan J. WlIIll Pruc Spec (SUII SCi) 438 Bar H( ), h Ave Ct, Anoka , knmlile( MELLENCAMP Martha A, AsIociale PruIasa' (ClinIcal & Papulation SCIencas) 225 Vet Tell Has ( ), (62~ 3815 WIIIamsburg Ct, Woodbury 55125, , maiiaoo2@, fu: lH1241. MELLER Jane E, Crnnty Prog A880C (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), C508 Maya, IELLER WIlliam H, AsIiIlant Professor (Psychiatry) Bl393 Mayo ( ~ A-8lI2 Maya, maiieolil@11ll11' MEl IESMOEII Krlstln A, Teachk1g Asalatant (Art History) 107 Jones H ( ), 4929 L~ Ave S, Mlnneapolis55408,lI23-85ll9, maiiaoo5@ ~ CynthIa G, Gen Slatl NIna (H OPD-Masonlc Day HuIp) Bx 88 Mayo ( ~ Ml32 Mas Can Clr ( ~ maiigoo2@ IELLGREN Nancy e. PrIn PholllgrIpher (BIomadIcaI Grapl1ic CUrnm) Bx 711 Maya ( ), MEWNGEN DannIs R,lalnIryWorkat (LatnIry 8ervIcasj.l00 P B (~281 E HaskaI, W 81 Paul , maiioo3@ IELLOM C8roI G, Spec Rev Tech (Hasp LabII-SrI) Bx 198 Mayo, UHasp. 854 SlIyker, 81 Paul 55107, , maiiooo2@ MELNGAILIS ZInra M, T8achlng AssIstant' (PsydloIogy) N218E1t H, 2008 GrMd Ave, ApI 104,81 Paul 55105, , maingoo1@. ~ICHUK Vadim I, Res A880C (UMD-Archaeumatry LaboratiaIy) 138 MecI DuIulh ( ), 402 Chern (72&-7294); vmeinich@ MElNYK Dean l, AssIstant PruIasa' (AnesthesIuIogy Bx 294 Mayo, V AMedIcal center, Anesthllllla 1121., One Vetarans Dr, MlnneapoIIs 55417, (725-2OOOX3193), 1215 E Balsam TraI~ Eagan 55123, ,, fu: , pager: 81z..&4O.0591 IELIlOSE Marc R, C8nIIo-PI*n Spec (C8nlIopuImonary SIrviclIIl) Bx 247 Maya ( ),.C559 Mayo ( ),895 23rd Ave S E, Mlnneapolla 55414, , mairuoo2@ IEUIACIIon M, AsIiIlant Professor (UMC-TechnIcaI StudIes) 147A Dow H A Crookston ( ), 404 Johnson Place, Crookston 58718,

33 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MELlER Patricia A, PrIti Data Ent Dpr (AdInlsslons-Computer S8rvlces) 220 Wmson H ( ), MELTON Jamas, Sh8et Metal WrklIr (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, maltooo2@ MELTON Michele A, Resaarch Assistant (HHH Inst PubI' AIIrs)3OO HH HCtr MELTON Rebecca A, Resaarch Assistant (Entomology) 219 Hodson H, Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , rnettooo3@ MELVIN Richard G, Teaching Assistant (Plant 8101) 220 BIo ScI ( ),1536 Fulham Sl, Sl Paul 55108, , malvi002@ MELZER Joyce R, Assoc Admin (Pediatrics) Bx.391 Mayo ( ), PWB, 3235 James Ave N, Minneapolis 55412, malz8001@ MEMBREZ Gregory A, MusiCian (Social Work, Sch OI/Cily Songs) 400 Fol H, 1544 Arona St, St Paul 55108, , mambrool@ MENAKER S1uart A, Clin Asst Prof (Fam practice &Communily filth), 900 Main St, Farmington 55024; ( ) MENAHTEAU Dario, Professor (AE5-Human Ecology) 86 CLA 011 ( ), 2711 Sheldon Sl, Roseville 55113, , menanoo1@ MENARD Russeli R, Professor (History) 614 Soc ScI ( ), ( ),1822 Stanford Ave, St Paul , , menaroo1@ MENART James A, Grad School Fellow (Mechanical Enginearlng) 125 Mech E( ), 346 Elect E, rd Ave N E, Apt 201, Minneapolis 55418, manaroo2@. MENCHACA Hector J, Post-Doc Assoc (Surgery-GeneraQ Bx 373 Mayo ( ), 100 VCR C ( ), 2870 Aglen Ave, Roseville 55113, , manchoo1@. MENDELSOHN Nancy J, Clln Inslr (Pedialrics) Bx 391 Meyo, 153 Concord St, St Paul 55107, ( ), , mand8oo5@ MENDENHALL Wendy L, Accounts Spec (Qphlhalmoklgy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PW B, wampe001@ MENDEZ Ana M, Word Proc Spec (Envrn & OCCUpetlonel Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 212 On! St SE, Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , MENDEZ Mario F, Associate Professor (Neurology), St Peul Ramsey Medical canter, Dept of Neurology, 640 Jackson St, St Peul 55101, ( ), 775 Osceola Ave, St P.ul 55105, MENDIOLA John R, Post-Doc AS80C (Vet Pe1hobiology) 295 An SclJV M( ), ( ), 5532 Jamas Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , MENOIS Charyl L, Exec Secretary (Mechanical Enginearlng) 125 Mech E( ), 1700 carl St Lauderdale55113,~,goIdstel@, fax: MENDOZA Doris A, Hosp Lab Tech 2 (Hosp Labs-Clutpetlenl) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), PW B, 161 Sunllower Lane, Uno Lakes 55014, mand0005@ MENDOZA Ellen M, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Fllcili1i8s Mgm1-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ),1631 Charles Ave, Apt 102, Sl Paul 55104, MENDOZA Wiliiam, Research Assistant (Kinesiology & Leisure Studies) 111 Cooke H ( ), ( ),7101 Grey lkluirrelrd, Uno Lakes 55014, , mendooo6@ MENDZELA sally J, Cmnty Prog Asst (Psychology) Eli H, mandz001@ MENEFEE Derrick L, Sr 0IIice Asst (H Protection Ssrv) Bxlooo Mayo, 2015 Steven Ave S, Apt 3, Minneapolis 55414, , meneloo2@ ' MENEFEE Sally J, Exec Secretary (TheorelicaJ Physics Insl) 146 Phys ( ), 535 Shep Lab 695 Ions Lane, Roseville 55113, menelee@ MENENDEZ Juan C, Instructor (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), D429 Mayo, 900 Washing10n Ave S E Apt 410, Minneapolis 55414, , menenoo1@ MENIER Bruce S, Undergra Tch Asst II (MuaJc, Sch 01) 100 Ferg H, 1526 Xerxes AYe N, ' Minneapolis 55411, , menieoo1@ MENKE Henry J, Assistant Professor (Preven1IvIl ScIences) Moos T ( ), 8SOO Penn Ave S, SuRe 302, Bloomington 55431, ( ), MENKE MORIN Penny, Gen StaIl Nurse (Unii 59-Ob Newborn BIrthing) PCU59 Mayo ( ) ( ),12104 Jellerson St N E, Blaine 55434, , menk8003@ MENKEN Rebecca V, Admin AIde (C811 Blol & Neurosnalomy) Jec H( ), ( ),, fax: MENNING Palrick M, Grad School Fellow (Vel Pa1l10biology) Mlrd H, 3255 Coachman Rd, Apt 215, Eagen 55121, , manniool@ maroon.te.umn,edu MENDN Ellzabe1h K, Student 0IIice Asst (PrInting sarvices) 201 Jones H, manonool@ MENON Ravi S, Non Univ Stall (Lab Medicine & Pa1hology) Bx 198Meyo ( ), Moos T, Sl S, Cottage Grove 55016, , MENOm Alessandro, Professor (Epidemiology) S2nd Sl ( ), ( ),1920 S1st St, Apt 1707, Minneapolis 55454, , MENS Laurs F, Teaching Assistant (Currtculum & Instruction) 1508 Peik H, Ave N, Maple Grove 55369, , mensx001@ MENSAH Petar S, Teaching Specialist (Afro-Amarican & AIrIcan Studies) 808 Soc ScI ( ), (MuaJc) 125 Ferg H( ), 759 WCounty Rd C, Roseville 55113, manse001@ MENSEN Margeret L, Cook (HousIng Ssrvicas-Comstock HaA) Klich Com H( ), 1697 Charles Ave, St Paul 55104, , MENSER Daniel H, Clin Assoc Prof (Res1onllive Sciences)1l-45O Moos T ( ), ( ), 150 Greenwood Ave, Hector 55342, ( ), P obox 547, Hector 55342, , menseool@ MENSHEHA NicholasM, Clin Asst Prof (Obstetrics & Gynecology), Park Nic01iet Clinic, 7901 Xerxes, Bloomington 55404, ( ), 7330 HaJImoon Dr, MInneapolis 55427, , manshoo1@ MENSINGUnda L, Gen Stall Nurse (Nursing Aoat Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, mansi002@ MENTE Petar L, Professor (OrthopaedIC Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, 2613 Lowry Ave N E, St An1hony 55418, , mant8001@ MENZ JR Richard W, A1I11et1c Eqp Mgr (UMD-A1I1Ietics, Intercollegleta) 170 Sp HC Dulu1h ( ), ( ), DuIu1h 55811, ( ),2021 Appalachian, DuIu1h MENZE Edwin F, Prof Emar (German, scandinavian & Dutch), 2222 Folw8Il St, St Paul MENZEL Mary J, Ubrary Asst 3 (UMD-Ubrary) 206 L DuIu1h ( ), 5 EAnoka Sl, DuIu1h 55603,, lex: MERCER Teresa A, Nursing Ass1 (H OPD-Orthopaedics) Bx 68 Mayo, Fillmore Sl N E, Blaine 55434, , marceoo2@ MERCER-SASS Palricla L, Exec 5acretery (Medical Sch Admin) Bx 351 Meyo (626-1t60), B305 PWB, marceoo1@maroon,, fax: MERCHLEWICZ Charto11e J, Ex1 Educ & Inslr (MES-Dislricls), Meeker Co Ex1 Ole, 305 NSibley Ave, Box sa2, Utehlield 55355, ( ), 309 W 6th St, L1ichlield 55355, MERGEN John C, Grad School Fellow (Astronomy) 356 Phys ( ), 7420 C8der Ave S, Apt 7, Richfield 55423, , mergeoo1@.mergler Connie C, Food Ssrv Wkr (Housing sarvicas-pioneer Hall) Pi H, mergloo1@ MERICA Rebecca R, Ned Res Ssrv Fellow (MicrobloIogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 1060 Mayo, 2283 Hillside Ave, St Paul 55106, mericool@ MERING Clay W,Teachlng Assistant (Geography) 414 Soc ScI ( ), 2120 Minnehaha Ave S, Minneapolis 55404, , marinoo1@ MERKEL III John C, Teaching Assistant (Sch of Mathemalics) 127 YIn H( ), mark8001@ MERKEL Undaey K, Vel Med Assistant (Vel Teaching HoIp) Vel Tch Hoe ( ), 1217 Oxford St, HopkinS 55343, , makeloo2@ MERKLE HeIImut, Res Assoc (Radiology) 127B C MRR( ), AssIstant ProIessor ( ) markioo2@ MERKLE Jona1hIn ~Gred School Fellow (Food ScI & Nu1rItIon (Agr) 132 FSc N( ), ( ), rd Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ,, lex: MERU Jennifllr A, Nursing Sta Tech (Bone Marrow Transplant-Adull-4B) PCU4B Meyo ( ), 2300 EFranklin Ave, Apt 405, ~inneapolls 55406, , mari1oo1@. MERLO An1onIo M, AssIstant ProIessor (Economlcs) 917 Mgm1/Econ ( ), 100 2nd St S E, Apt 803, Minneapolis 55414, , MERNER Thomas B, CIin Asst Prof (Radiology), Rice County Hospital, 631 S E1st St, farlbeuli 55021,808 71h Ave SW, Faribeuli 55021, MERONUCK Richerd A, Professor (Plant Path) 216 Stak H( ), 4695 Kevin Lane, Shoreview 55126, , rtehm@ MERRELL David J,I'foI Emar (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 icoiogy ( ), 1511 Chelmsford Sl, St Paul 55106, , MERRELL James H, Non Unlv Stall (History) 614 Soc ScI ( ), marraoo2@ MERRIAM Jill M, Assoc Admin (AcademIc A1laJrs-Adm) 232 Mar H( ), Lane, Coon Rapids 55433, , jmarriem@ MERRIAM JR Lawrence C, Prof Emar (Foresl Resources~ 3930 NWElizabeth Place, Corvallis OR 97330, , marriol5@. MERRICK WltIIam G, Clin AS80C Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Dulu1h, Nor1hland Medical 0IIice Ctr, 1000 E1st Sl, Sulie 403, DuIu1h 55805, ( ). MERRIER Palricla A, Prolessor (UMD-Anance & MgmllnloScI) 21 SB EDulu1h ( ), ( ), 2720 ExhlbIlIon Dr, DuIu1h 55811, , elm: pmarrier MERRIGAN Rosemarte, Instrue10r (Social Work, Sch 01) 400 Ford H, marrlol3@ MERRILL Barbera E, Assoc ConI Edue Spec (Inlo Systama, cae, Ole 01) 302 Wes H( ), 4046 Xerxes Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, MERRILL Grant N, Resaarch AssIstant. (ChemIs1ry) 139 SmIth H( ), 299 Koll H, MERRILL Ks1hIe.I A, Gen Stall Nurse (Nursing FIoa1 PooQ Bx 603 Mayo ( ), 301 St Anthony Ave, Apt 2J, Minneapolis 55414, , marrioo3@ MERRILL Pelricla A, Progrern AssocIate (EducationaJ Paychology) 15 PI H( ), ( ), marrloo8@ MERRILL Robert 0, C1in Asst Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), Sl Petar State Hospital, 100 Freeman Dr, St Petar 58082, ( ) MERRILL Susan L, Nurse Mgr Assl (Padlatrics-5A) PCUSA Meyo ( ), U Hosp, marrioo8@ MERRIMAN Janina L, Instructor (Pharmacy PraclIce), 800 E281h Sl, Minneapolis 55407, ( ), 8655 Twin Lakes Crossing, Eden Prairie 55347, marri012@ MERRIN Susan K, Accountant (UMF/Devel Assoc Vp) S 2nd SI ( ), marri019@ STAFF.MELSER-MESSENGER 279 MERRm Douglas, Lacturar (UMD-SocioIogy/Anthropology) 226 Cfna Duluth ( ), ( ),1200 Atworth Bldg, Dulu1h 55802, ( ), 435 Leicester Ave, Dulu1h 55803, MERRm Ivan L, Sr 0IIice Asst (Addressing & Mailing) 190 PSB ( ), 2926 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis 55408, , marrioo4@ MERRIWEATHER Eugene, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Environmantal sarv) Bx 55 Meyo, A102 Mayo, MERSCH Donald P, C1in Assoc Prof (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Mesaba Clinic, 1814 E Ave, Hibbing 55746, ( ) MERSOL Joseph V, Post-Doc Assoc (Biochemistry-Med Scti) Lyon L ( ), Mlrd H ( OO~ jvm@ MERSY David J, Assistant Professor (Fern Practice & Communily HIth), St Paul Ramsey Medical canter, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), 3139 Lafaye1te Ridge Rd, Wayzata 55391, , marsyoo1@ fax: , pager: MERTENS Ann C, Assistant Professor (Pediatrics) Bx 422 Mayo ( ), Sta S2nd Sl, MERTENS Diane M, Gen Sta1l Nurse (Neonatal Intensive care-3c) PCU3C Meyo, mar18oo2@ MERTENS01'rD Unda G, Nurse Mgr (Neonatal Intensive Care-3C) PCU3C Mayo ( ), mar18oo1@ MERTON Christopher A, Teaching Assistant (Physics & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), ( ),2232 certer Ave, Apt 13, St Paul 55106, , martooo1@ MERWIN Jack C, Prof Emar (EducallonaJ Psychology) 210H Bu H( ), 210 Wildwood Bey Dr, Mah10madi 55115, , merwi001@ MERYHEW Nancy L, AssocIeta Professor (Medicine) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), Moos T, maryh001@ MERZ Amalia M, Prod Coor U Preas (External Alls, carlson Sch-Adm) 230 Mgml/Econ, 3447 Garlleld Ave S, Apt 203, Minneapolis 55408, , MERZ Barbara E, DIe1Ilian, Sr (H Station S8rvlce) Bx 64 Mayo ( ), e-265 Meyo ( ), 2000 Sharon Ave S E, Apt 22; Minneapolis 55414, , merzxoo2@, pager: MERZ Melanie B, Nurs Monllor Tech (Cardiovascular Surg!progr Cere-8C) PCU6C Meyo, 4612 Csdar Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, , marzxoo3@ MESAD Salah M, Med Fel Spec (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo, PWB, h Ave SE, Apt 202, Minneapolis 55414, , masadoo1@ MESCE Karen A, Associate Professor (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), ( ), ( ),1416 Edgcumbe Rd, St Peui55116, , mesceool@ MESCHER Matthew F, Professor (Lab Medicine & Pa1hology) Bx 724 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), ( ), 1705 Hunter Dr, Medina 55391, , meschool@ MESFlN Astar, Sr Lab Attendant (Chemistry) 139 Smilh H ( ), ( ), mesfin@, fax: MESICK Petar J, Admin Fellow (St Paul Student Ctr) 42Stcan ( ), 3000 Highview Lane, Mound 55364, masicool@ MESLOW Jenny M, Stu Sup Srv Assoc (Health Sci Special Progs) Moos T ( ), masiooo1@ MESNA Gregory T, Med Fei Spec (Surgery-General)Bx 1 Mayo ( ), PW B, mesna001@ MESNA Robert W, Accounta Spec (BIosta1is1ics) Univ Av sa ( ),10617 Douglas Dr, Brooklyn Perk 55443, , bob-m@, fax: MESSENGER Micheel A, Clln AS80C Prof (Surgery-General), 385 Laxi(lglon Pky N, St Paul 55104, ( ), masseoo5@

34 280 MESSENGER-MI STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IIESSENGEIl Pamela J, S1udent Asst GInIn (UN IETZOER ThomasG, NaIl Res Serv FeIow...HowMI J, CIk1 Prof Emer IEYER~M, Asst ScienlIIl (MedcNIBx Landsc:ape AItlonIlum), MN Landsc:ape (Medil:NI Chemistry) H5 lint F ( ) (MdcN-UMD) 141 MIld IluUh. DI*ltIl 508 May8( ~ 335 YCRC~ ArbonIIum, 3675 Arbor8lum Dr, Box 39, 144 6lh Ave NE, MinneIpoIs 55413, 627-l187O, CIniI>WIIt, 432SamAve.1lI*llh 55807, IrrlngIon CUI Dr, CoUnIIus Ott 4322ll, ~ 55317, , messeoo4@ lli243i02t ~te.liilii..ficl nwoon.te.wnn.ficli METZNER Karl W, Tec:hn ConIullant (UIw SdI IEYERJtrt F, T-'*'II AIIiIlInl (EJectrIcII IEYER Thomas A, AssocillII ProI'8llIIor IESSEJ6ER PIlyIIs E, Assistant To (InInI Sludent Aid) 210 Mur H( ), liilll5 NW Er1gII-'1g)4-174 E EIC SCi (li25-33oo), 333 (ARHB:bn) 110 AR:ll ( ), 3252nd Ave Studies, Inst01) 214 Soc SCi ( ), Cornelius Pas Rd, HIIIboro OR COUnty lid A, HudIon WI 54018, , N, un.poiis ( lI), 2104 fi8iiilill ( ), HIghland Ave, ~, Ave S. un.poiis55405, "" 55391, IlllSI8!102@ METZNER Kurt W, Inslr Emer (SdI 01 PuIIlIc...C. GIn S1III NIne lh RadIalion meyeroo3@ l11iilloii.te.wnn.ficli HeIIIh), Horizon Hiantare Inc, 2300 NMayfIlr T1WIpy) Bx 494 Mayo (li2li-87lio), UHoIp IEYER Thomas L. MIld Fel Spec: (MedIc:inB) Bx IESSER'CynlhiII C. Res FeIowlAo & ApplIed Rd, Suile 550, MiIwauIule 53228, (257-3ll81), """"_Lte.lIIlII..fICl 284 Mayo, PWB,...,.o22@ Econ) 118ClA 01( lI), ( ), \IIncenIDr, IIroc*lIeId WI 53045, , 1EYER.IlIlInIy S. PrIn LabTech~ ~, fa: 812-«l lIlllZnOO1@nwoon.1C.UIllII..fIClfa: Bx 91 Mayo ( ), 251 DilIllI H(lI ), "'YarRA,Gr8d Sc:IlooI FeIow~ lessermirivn J. PrIn N;t;t Sp/Sup (PI'InlIng MIctIMIIon St N. HudIon WI 54018, 1'n98ms) 1235 M!PtIEaJn (li ), 408 S8rvIcIs) 102 P 5 B (825-95ClO), 511 LIIc St, Lm IIEUIIER John R, qin Inslr (PediIIIrlcs) Bx 391 ~te.wnn.ficli lh St ( ), Cedllr LaIre lid, Lakes 55014, ,1IHII8IS@. Mayo, f'801( NicoIlII MedicIII <:enlir IEYER JonII D. Non UnIv S1III (U 5 DAFOI8It MIm8lIpolIs 55405, IilcIIOlI5@, fa: &t500 08ks <:enlir Dr, MinneaIka 55405, ( ), SIrvI'l/fl NC For (84N02O), ( ), 3750 Inglewood Ave, St LouiII f'801( 55418, IlESSEJl.DAVlDOW EIIn, AsIoc:IaI PnlIlIsIor ~te.wnn.ficli IEYER 'hginiaa, Food 0pIr19(Food s-) ~1315, (EnglIsh LquIgB & LiI) 'l/fllild H( ),...GIn SIdNlnelH OPD-Ob/Gyn) IlIeg H( ), ftlbwwof7@ ( ), 3430 HunDlldIAve S. MIm8lIpolIs IIEUIIER IildlI M, MIld Fel Spec: p:.n I'l'KIIce & Bx91 Mayo,...,.032@i m3351, ComnuilyHllh)Bx381 Mayo( ), I<ftnC, LabcnIDry US; (H!lIp 825 Wash Av SE, 3750 IngIiIwood Ave S. StLouiII IIIEYEIHMI'MIAN Georga.'" User Serv Spec: MESSING RIIa B, AsIoc:IaI ProI'8llIIor!ehe.CoIgI"e"on) Bx 191Mayo (li ), (ExIImII AIIlI, CIrIIon 55418, ~1315, SCb-Adm)230 M!PtIEaJn (PIwmacoklgy) ~249 MInI H, MIII'Iesola Depl of 3-a8O-A UHoIp (82&-5551), 2290 Long Ave, St ~1743 MInh!iI Ave, StPIIlI55104, leurs Elene F, Res Aaaoc~) Bx PIul55114, , meyer043@ HeIIlb, Div of EIIWiIl"'" HeiiIlIl, ,~ 198 Mayo ( ), een-sts!k17 Mayo ( ), E, MInneapolIs 55458, -.te.umn.ficli (827~ 3020Q18IllWorlh St N. IEYER-JEIIlIEN AndNe L. Per DiIm - GIn ~ 55113, 4lI, fa: IEYER LuIeA, GIn SId NIne (P8cIIBIrIc 1IIlUSOO1@maroon.te.wnn.fIClI (NInlng FIolIt Pool) Bx 6011 Mayo,...,.cM2@ 812..,-5479 InliInIIve PCU4E Mayo, meyer024@ IEUSER BLINCOW F~ T.-:I*1gAaIIlItanI nwoon.te.liilii..ficl MESSING VMIm, ProIessor (SdI 01 (Splinish & PQ1uguese)34 FoI. H~ 2082 IEYER-LAII8ON JidlII A, SIlortT_""'*" MalIlemIIIcs) 127 YIn H( ), 234 Mur H, IEYER Iilda L. EllIIC: secr-y(riidioiogy) Bx Fry 51, R088YIIe 55113, I6lI8OOf@ (PI'InlIng S8rvIcIs) 8 St<:en ( ), 292 Mayo (li ), M49 Mayo, meyer019@,.olo@m1roon.te.liilii..ficl Io1ESStER RoI1liId P, PnlIlIsIor (MedIc:inB) Bx IEUWISSEN... E, 0Iice Spec: (I'hyIloIogy) IIEYERS Cheryl A, Asst IEYER Iilda M, GIn SId NIne lh ClIraI Spec: ~ 108 Mayo ( ), MoolI T. Kldney ~ H( ), "*'WiOlI1@ MIld & ~ AduII) Bx 80S MayO. R8IIlIIJIIl8Ilo Bx 391 Mayo ( q, 725 ~ 1lll/ Ave NE, MIm8lIpolIs 55418, , rnevero34@ 278 CII Ac,1IllIy8ICIlI4@n1C.Ulllll..flCl fa: MESTEMIAUSER Josef A, ProIessor IIEYEIBlIIQ Ileltl A, G8nIqI (T8iI1I) NE (QlIId 812-&! (Educ8IIonIII Paley & Adm) 275 PeIk H, th Family UflI Progr8m) Bx 6011 Mayo ( ),... MIry G, GIn S1III NInelH Home HeeIlIl) IEYERS Colleen M, Asst EGICSpec: (IUnM Ave S. MInneapolIs 55417; , j-mesl@ <:-244 Mayo M8IQng Till N, SWwaIIr Bx 722 Mayo( Wash Av SE,, fa:812.c& , 4»1158, meyriof@...,.ob7@m11aon.te.wnn.ficli (824-t811), 2835 G8rIIId St NE, MIm8lIpolIs IIESTITZ StIIven T, CIk1Inslr (fam I'l'KIIce & 55418, , n..,..lili2@wwolllte.liilii..ficl IEYER MIry H. A8IIiII8nl ProI'8llIIor ~)101.KIBQ(826-18ll5J, Comnuily tiih), GIOup HeiiIIh Inc, 2220 IEYER Alrt'f R, S1udenI Ex secr-y (HortIc:uIUIII SCilInce)3ll5NdtII H( ), IEYERS Donald J, PrIn UserSrv $pc (011: oil1ie Riverside Ave 5. MInneapolIs 55454, ( ), ~ SCiences) MoolI T ( ), UN I..aldIciipe Arbonilum, 3875 ArbonIbn Dr, Regislrw-Regil1rllllon) B25 ~ H_18l1ll), 1IIllSlIOO1~.te.wnn.fIClI ( ), 3148 CaIlOII'lI!lvd W, ApI 804, am-.553i8, ( llll839), th 5292 CIaytDn Dr.1fIple PIIIn N488, IIIESn.JenniIlir, AdmIn AIde (HouIing MiiIneepolIs 55418, 92lI-Ollll8, nfe,woliii@ Ave N, P noulh &41598, meyer023@ ckniy8@maroon.te.liilii..ficl S8rvices-SInIon HII)san H( ), IIEYERS Frederick J,,...WorIi8rp= , laic lever BarbInI J,'Res Aaaoc (t,icrollkiiogy Bx IEYER MIUIIce L. IlIIdIUIIon WIer lh Mll'nl-Adm) 25 Shops B StffWICis IIMI, Mayo (li ), 1030 Mayo, lIlh Ave ~C8MIr)Bx517Mayo. UHDC, 1830 Anoka 55303, ftlbwwofl@ IETCALF Eve-MIria, EducaIIon SpeciIliIit S. MinneIpoIls 55417, ,...,.oao@ liih Ave S E. ~ , ( Dulch) 2115 FoI H nwoon.te.wnn.ficli...,.o41@nwoon.te.wnn.ficli IEYERS GiIJert B, I'nlll'-IlIr(An6Il:In IndIIn ( ), (62&2080), h St5 E, lever C8nlI M, A8slIIlBnI ProI'8llIIor...MerIII p.profemer (fcnit R8sluIles) In:)125 Fruw H( ), (li }, Minneapolis IIlilClIOO3@ ~ ScI) MoolIT 2lI9D Om HIlI24-C728), 1888 COJn6i 51, ApI 111 meyar05o@maroon (82S-8418). Felcon HIIghla 55108, , me,er028@ IEYERS Nclnl6l G, I'IufIaor'(SdI 01 IETCALFMIchMl F. Asst ~(ht 01l1li lever CarrIe J, Sr EdiIlJr (TIV*lgS8rvIcIs) 2lI8 -.te.umn.ficli MalIlemIIIcs) 105YIn H( ), , Studies&~) 149 NicIl H(lI2lI-l873), nd St ( ), CHII 1@...MIchMl R, T.-:I*1gAIaiIlIlnl,.,.oot~ ProtliIMw (HiRlry) ( ), ( ), 231, fa: 812-«l54l841 ~ EngiMnIg)20S Engr BIlI*llh IEYERS Rober1a M. AssiIlBnl PnlIlIsIor 71h St5 E, MIm8lIpolIs 55414, , lever Christina P, LInry Div Heed (Ulraly (72M297), 2102 E5lh 51, ApI 4, IlI*llh (MediCine), ttenn8i*i COUnty MedicIII <:enlir. rnmeblll@i OOILlC...fa: C8ntraJ Tech Serv) 17M0 M WL ( ), IEYER IoIchlIIe L. PIwmKyTech lh InpeIienI ExlBnded cant lliipl, 701 f'801( Ave S. 812~ 2250 Lambert Ave, St PIul55112, , PIwmIcy) Bx 811 Mayo ( ),.Dl47 Mayo, MInneIipoIls 55415, ( ), meyeroll5@ IETCALF PIlyIIs M. T.-:I*1g AsaIstIInl c-meye@vml.spcs...fa: ~ Dr. WocldIuy55125, (Education, CoIIIge OI-Adm) 204 Bu H, POBox IIEYEII Christllpher L. Post-Doc Aaaoc..., IEYERS S8rIh A, T.-:I*1gAsaIstIInl 13038, MInneIipoIls , (PedIatrics), NorIIl MemoriIl MedicIII CInler, IEYER P8Irlcla 0, PrIn SeciNIBry (MechaniclII ~) N108A Ell H(7391), (825-Ql38I, 1IIIIlI:al101@n6oon.1c.umn.fIClI NeOlllllDlogy, lIkdaIe Ave N. Robblnaclale EngiMnIg)238 Mec:h E( ), IlI 55422, ( ), 4802 IETCALF RegInJ.. EdIna Bhd, EdIna JeuliInanl(Pdice DepI) 108 Ave NE. StAnIIIony 55418,...,.053@ IEYERS ~ s.1'loiliiim' (UN Ext T 5 B,, fa: erv-SystamwIde lqipor1)84 ClA01( IEYER Dlieron P, EllIIC: Asst (Geomelry CIr) 5th IIETELKOYA...Teeching Assislanl. IEYER PauIelIe A, T.-:I*1g AIaiIlBnl (History) 1804 HoIywoocI Ct, StPIul55108, $ , fir nd St ( ), lh Ave 5 E, (~Pr8clice) H5 lint F( ), 814 SocSCi ( ), 315WCom H, 9018 W MinMapoIIs 55414, 331'-' diieron@ e-st5 E, MInneapolIs 55414, , :MIl St, MInneIpoII5542lI, ll36-li018, IE1ERSON Genidc,"--dIAssiIlBnl (Mec:hanicaI ~ 125 Mec:h E lever Dewn R, NuIr EGIC Asst(MedIc:inB) Bx IIETROJenniIlir A, Cook (EpkIemIoIogy) Bx 504 IEYER RandII L. "--diasaistiinl (Ar*naI ( ).(lI25-li048), ( ),"""'" 192 Mayo ( ), 150YC RC, nd Mayo ( ), 1328Coec:h lid, Apt 132, St SCilInce) 498 An SrJIY M ( ), ( ), sl.ms1.umn.ficli Ave.~ 55447,...,.oolI@ Paul 55108, li , metroilo1@ 851 Emerald Ct, New~ 55112, , IE1ERSON ~ A, MIld Fel Spec:,.cdl@11111l1011.te.liilii..ficl (Neurology) Bx 285 Mayo (li25-ll8oo), 12-1OQ P lever Ed, Bldg & Gnla WIer 3 (HouIing ME I i Ei6iI«MIrIVn M, AeoluIIll Spec:...RIcIwd A, 0Iice Supv(S1udenI A6lc:III WB, 315 W15lh St. ApI34. MInneIpoII55403, S8iwtees Il8iIey HII) Be H( lJI, (624-07lIlI) AId, Ole 01) 210 ~ (MedicaIScII AdmIn) Bx 89 Mayo (824-0!158), H( ), r-lllllyll@ FOI8It IIIvd, Lot 118, Hugo 55OCl8, lj7o.8715, ftlbwwof"-'te.wnn.ficli f'801( Ave 5, MiIIIleepoIis , , ftlbwwof2@mnan.te.ulm.e 1IIlEYSE"8CIUAG IlonIId, PIlrmg8M'Opr IEYER RIIa S, YIo!l a.aior(umc-acaden*: (PlInling S8rvIcIs)l02.P5 Bl'I25-85OlI), 2217 ieyer EIen C, AdmIn FeIow (InlnI SIudIee,!nit AIaft-Mn)303 S8I HCIllobIDn ( ), IETTY C, T.-:I*1g Asaislanl{Art Sunrt8e 01:, MapIewaod meyaeli01@ of) 214 Soc ScI ( ), ( ), 83N281.,...~,PO1llIl384. CIllobIDn ~208 ~ B(825-lI098), meilyoo1@ 58718, , ~:edu li18iooil.te.wnn.ficli IlEYlIEMBOURG PIul T. PrIn Lab tech lever Ernest L. PrIn Plant Eng (Plant IEYER...Robert H, I..8I:Uw(Iiidilpei.i1 IIETZ Anne K, Sr Parking Alln (Parking S8rvIcIs) ~Gnla,ConsI) 241 DAd B IlI*llh (ljmd-1naler a Envm, GIr for) NR R IIll*lIfI SludrI. IlIIIIbOne, Inc, 1550E79lh St, , 17 Pol 0 B( l6), rnetzxoo4@ ( ),~ ( ), (72lI-8282), 110StPIul Ave, DuIulIl IIIOOInIillllOli (li54-c321), 8131 Kyle Ave N, 1,!18fOlILlC...fIClI 55803, IInloldyn <:enlir 55428, 53S-2lIlI2,~ led Fen6ldO A, AssiIlaiiI~ (MulIIc, IIETZ DeniiiI G, Phys Therapy Asst (H PhyaicaI IEYERGary N. SrScienlIIl (GeoI0gIcaI SIawy. nwoon.te.liilii..ficl SdI01) 21«gH( ), 1MDIlOOI@ T1WIpy) Bx 108 Mayo, Ill8IZllOO5@ MN) UnIv Av W(827"'791) lt "'1loeaIyn L. MIld WonI Ploc Spc (H WonI Ave NE, IIIaine 55434, ~SO "'-Ilng) Bx _ Mayo(l2ll-334ll),. 1-38!iA P led JlB1iIa T, PersonrIlIl Asst (UlralyC8nnI IIETZ IildlIJ, WonI Ploc Spec: (ShliigIc WB, Aw S. MIINIpolII554OlI, AdmIn Serv)453 0 M WL ( ), tmeu@ MaI~i11835M!PtIEaJn (li24-35li8), IEYER Gerwd D. FImI 8M'0pIr 724-QllI8, ~te.wnn.ficli YIIIl.spcs.tnn.fIClI. fa:81~ ( ), 1melz@caom...fIClI (AES-Adminielra)FGMnl_l228),...Sliipl61Ie A, TIIIlIIIlDr (DiIabIIIy IFZZBIQARUle L.1,iIe ~ 1nst(Li18 METZ MIchMl E, PsydloIogIsI (fam I'l'KIIce & ( ), Logerto w , 8enIcII) NC For (lj4nlioo), ~!'roll'-n-bls)bx 6011 Mayo (li2m323), CommuniIy.-tl)1lll).,'J nd St(1500), ,~ C370 Mayo, FMCTech GIr, nd 51, MIm8lIpolIs IEYER Glen E, Grad Sc:IlooI Fellow (PIIIIoeophy)...~ B, T.-:I*1gSpecIIIst. Ueng. ~ AsaIstIInl~ , ( ), 9841 WJlIl*Ill Terrace. 355 Ford H, 2405 Cole Ave 5 Eo Apt A, (UIo&IillMIrIII EngiMnIg) 178 EI9BDuIulIl Sdh H( ), 1237 FiIIId Ave, St PIul IIloorr*1gIDn 5543ll, meizxoo1@ MIm8lIpolIs ,...,.058@ ( ), ( ), 2423 E2nd 51, DuIulIl 55108, ( ), IInll'nI@ 55812, c:hemsun.chem.umn.ficli

35 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MI Pel, ~rch Assistant (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo, 314 Uons Res, 42$ Erie St S E, Apt 207, Minneapolis 55414, , peixxoo2@ MIAHUW Marcus J, Sr Scientist (Medicine) Bx 705 Mayo ( ), t-320 UHosp ( ), th Ave N, PIymouttI55447, , mlanuool@ MICARI Marina, Teaching Assistant (Speech-CommuniCation) A60 Fol H, mlcaroo1@ MICEK Le Ann K, Prln Secretary (Epidemiology) S2nd St ( ), micak@, fax: MICEK Marcy J, Accounts Spec (Graduate SchooI-Admln) 331 Joh H( ),1362 Frankson AWl, St Paul 55106, , rnlcekoo2@ IIICEU Michael J, Med Ctr M&O Mech (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) Bx 59 Mayo ( ), Bl17 Moos T, miceloo1@ MICHAEL Alfred F, Head lw/fac Rank) (Pediatrica) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), Regents Professof 13-1 t8 PWB, michaoo3@ MICHAEL Alganesh A, Hosp Custodian 1 (H Environmental serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, micha017@ MICHAELSON Aaron N, Teaching Assistant (Inst oflengueges & Lit) 190 Kia Ct, Ell H, 1263 Hazelwood St, Apt 303, St Paul 55106, , micha024@ MICHAELSON Kristin E, Prin Secretary (Intrdiscp Stds In Writing, Ctr) 227 Und H( ), michaof3@ MICHAELSON Kristin N, Per Diem - Gao (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, , micha025@. MICHAELSON Margaret A, Rsch Nurse Clin (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), 0429 Mayo, micha014@ MICHAELSON TImothy L, Plumber (Facilities Mgml-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), 155 Mar A ( ),10303 Kahler Ave N E, Monticello 55362, , micha007@ MICHALEK Christian N, Student.Leb Tech (Medicine) Bx 276 Mayo ( ), 367 VCR C 2839 Aglen Ave N, Roseville 55113, , michaol6@ MICHALEK Van N, SCientist (Surgery-General) Bx 290 Mayo ( ), 504 VCR C ( ), 2839AgIen Ave N, Roseville 55113, , micha012@ IIICHALICEK Harry A, captain of Pollee.(UMD-Campus PoliCa) Ad B Duluth ( ), MICHALICEK Kay C, Sr Cashier (UMD-Cashlers) Ad B Duluth ( ) IIICHALICEK Shelley V, Exec Secretary (UMD-Education) 120 Mon H Duluth ( ), IIICHAUKMarcla 0, Exec Asst (Facilities Mgmt-F'lOance) 200 Shops B ( ), , michaq06@ IIICHALOPOULOS Panos G, Professor (Civil EngIneering) 136 Civ E ( ~ ( ), michaoo1@ IIICHALOVA Kira, Post-Doc AS80C (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PW B, micha02o@ MICHAlOWlCZ Bryan S, Assistant Professor (Preventive SCiences) Moos T ( ), michaoo2@ MICHAUD Madonha C, Spec Rev Tech (Hosp Lebs-srt) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), U H08P micha010@ IIICHEALSON Carol A, Program Associate (UMD-lntnI Stds, RAIworth Jr) 106 Clna Duluth ( ), 2701 Hagberg St, Duluth 55811, ,Ints, fax: IIICHEALSON Dale A, Dupl Equip Oper (Duplicating S8rv-lJMM) 140 CSMorris ( ) IIICHEEL Brad A, Research Assistant (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mech E( ), 21 EJect E, Rt 1, Box 505, Cavour SO 57324, , micheol3@ IIICHEEL Craig A, Red Equip Srv Spc (H Radiology Engineering) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), Mayo, miche003@ MICHEL Bernard R, Gred SChool Fellow (Civil engineering) 122 Clv E( ), l00612th Ave S E, Apt 104, Minneapolis 55414, , MICHEL Eduard, Med Fel Spec (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), 4624 Hillsboro Ave N, New Hope 55428, , miche010@ MICHELA Joseph P, Dept Director (UMD-Auxlliary Svcs-Adm) 289 K SC Duluth ( ), ( ),412 Lelcasl8r Ave, Duluth 55803, , MICHELAKIS Evangelos 0, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), C338 Meyo, 8425 City West Pky, Apt 3203, Eden Prairie 5S , micheoll@ MICHEUZZI Lena G, library Aast 2 (UMD-Library) 235 LbuJuth ( ), 1503 N 54th St, Superior WI 54660,, fax: MICHELS John C, Operetlons Supv (Fac Mgmt-Zone 2-West Bank) 57 Mgml/ECOO ( ), ( ), th Lane N W, Coon Rapids 55433, , mlcheoo6@, fax: , peger: MICHELS Margaret E, Accounts Spec (H Cashier's/Pa~ MonI\Oring) Bx 602 Mayo, miche006@ MICHELSON Diane L, Prln Eng Am, (Telecommunications services) 30 Telecom B ( ), micheol8@, pager: MICHE~ Maika E, Lecturar (Design Housing & Apparel) 240 Mc NH( ), , MICHELSON Valerius L, Prof Emar (Architecture), Val Michelson Architect, POBox 14866, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), 28 Arthur Ave S E, Apt 304, Minneapolis 55414, , miche012@ MICHICICH Marjorie K, Research Aasistant (Food Sci & Nutrition) 225 FSc N( ), , michioo1@ MICHLIN Michjl8lL, Education Specialist (Health Sci Dis Adv Prog) Moos T ( ), ( ), 5449 Xerxes Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, , mmichlin@ MICHNEY Todd M, Research AssIstant (Immigration History Res Ctr) 826 Berry St ( ),813 University Ave S E, Apt 1, Mlnneapolsi 55414, MICKELSEN Beveriy, Accounts Spec (Hasp Lebs-Admln) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 0251 Mayo, mickeq04@ MICKELSON Daniel J, Sr Scientist (Leb Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Moos T( ), th Ave N, Apt 127, Brooklyn Canter 55430, , mlckeoo6@ MICKELSON James R, Assistant Professor (Vet Pathoblology) 295J.An Sci/V M( ), ( ),971 WNevada Ave, St Paul 55117, , mick8001@, fax: MICKELSON Kaye C, Med Fel Spec (Obstetrics & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), MoosT, micke010@ MICKELSON Maria A, Lpn (Cardiovascular Surg/Pragr Care-8C) PCU6C Mayo ( ), Skogman Leke Rd, Cambridge 55006, , mickeoll@ MICKELSON Marvin, Jr Leb Tech (PedIatrics) Bx 184 Mayo ( ), 184 P WB, , mickeoo9@ MICKELSON Paul A, Jr Scientist (UMD-BIoIogy) 211 L Sci Duluth ( ), ( ),5218 Glenwood St, Duluth 55804, MICKELSON Paul H, Non Univ Stall (MN Crop Improve Assn) CI ( ), 2234 Milton St N, Roseville 55113, , mlcke002@ MICKELSON Tammy J, Undergra Res Asst II (Chemistry) 139 Smith H, KoR H, th Ave N E, Rochester 55906, , mickeol4@,edu MICKENBERG Julia L, Teaching Assistant (American Studies) 104 SCott H( ), 609 Crook Hom Rd, Southbury CT 08488, , micke003@ MICKLISH Virginia 0, Prin secretary (Stu Allairs-UMM) HC Morris ( ), 312 Manor Apts. Morris 56267, , mlckllvm@ MIDANI Hanl A, Med Fel Spec (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), PW B Park Glen Rd, Apt 147, St Louis Park mldanool@,edu MIDDEN Marshall M, Exec Asst (University Networking S8rvlces) 130 Und H( ), ( ),, fax: , pager: MIDDENDORF Ruasell H, Teaching Assistant (Mechanical EngIneer1ng) 125 Mach E, POBox 56, Freeport 56331, , midde002@ MIDDENDORF Terry L, Counselor (Career S8rv1cas Canter) 190 HHHCtr ( ), 4262 Diamond Dr, Eagan 55122, tmlddendorf@ MIDDLEMISS Francis 0, Non Unlv Stall (MN Crop Improve Aasn) MN Crop Imp ( ),1304 Woodhill Circle, Woodbury 55125, , mlddtoo2@ MI~ Uncia M, Gen Stall Nurse (UnR 50) PCUSD Mayo, , midd1oo1@ MIEDEMA Garrett R, Undergra Res Am II (Astronomy) ceo H, 4418 Estate Dr, Brooklyn Park 55443, , miedeoo1@ MIELKE Deborah K, Clin Am Prof (Faro Practice & Community HIth), St Paul Ramsey Medical Cantar, 640 Jeckson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), 2796 Southlawn Dr, Maplewood 55109, rnielkoo5@ MIELKE Manfred E, Non Unlv Stall (U S 0 A Forest S8rv) 301 NC For ( ), 2853 County Rd H, New Brighton 55112, , mlelkoo2@ MIELKE Marlene A, Non Unlv Stall (Pediatrics) Bx 712 Mayo( ), PWB ( ), 428 Brooks Ave W, Roseville 55113, mielkoo4@ MIELKE Michelle M, cert Surg Tech (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo, lnielkoo3@ MIELKE Steven L,Research Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), 700 University Ave SEApt 401, Minneapolis 55414, MIERA Carla R, Instructor (Social Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, MIERSCH Janell D, Cmnty Prog Spec (Pediatrics), MpIs Blood Pressure Study, 2324 University Ave, Ste 201, St Paul 55114, ( ), 1833 NPark Dr, St Paul 55119, miersoo1@ MIESBAUER John W, Dir Retired (Accounting S8rvices),4249 Pond VIew Dr, White Bear Leke ~110, , miesbool@ IIIESELER James M, General Malnt Spy (MN Lendscape Arboretum) ( ), MN Lendscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhaseen 55317, ( ), 7m Hwy 212, Chaska 55318, ~1, mieseoo1@, pager: MIGAS John J, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, migasool@ MIGLJAZZA Alice T, Sr Secretary (Surgery-General) Bx 379 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ), ( ),810 W River Rd, Apt 9, Champlin 55316, migli002@ MIGLIORI Stephen J, Med Fel (Surgery-General) Bxl Mayo ( ), VFWCRC, 5601 Countryside Rd, Edina 55436, , miglloo3@maroon.« MIGUEL Beth S, Prin Stu Pars Wkr (Asian/Pacific American Lrc) 306 Wa Uti ( ), ( ), migue002@ MIGUEL-PEREZ Marla B, Teaching AssIstant (Sp8nlsh & Portuguese) 34 Fol H( ), migueoo1@ MIHAIUDlS DlmltrIs N, Post-OOC AS80C (Therapeutic Radiology) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), ( ), MIHARA HR, Teaching AssIstant (Economics) 1035 Mgml/ECOO, IIIHM Cheryll, Sr Secretary (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), 5050 Russell Ave N, Minneapolis 55430, , mlhm@, fax: MIKE Deborah J, GIn Stall Nurse (4CoMedlcal Intensive Care) PCU4C Mayo ( ), mlkexool@ MIKEL Nancy M, Ext Educ & Instr (ME8-Districta), Olmsted Co Ext Ole, rd Ave S E, Rochestar 55904, ( ) MIKELDNIs-PARASKOV Victoria M, Professor (Rhetoric) 202 Hckr H, Program Dir (HHH Inst Pub! All-Pol Res) 284 HHHCtr ( ), 2216 FoIweIlSt, Fa Leon Heights 55106, , Vmikel@hhh.Umn.Edu STAFF MI-MILES 281 MIKELSONS Vella H, AasIstant ProfeIior (Psychiatry), 1787 S LexIngton Ave, Mendola Heights MIKESH Verna A, Prof E.- (MN Ext S8rv-Mgmt Oper), 1499 NCleveland Ave, St Paul 55108, , mlkasoo1@ MIKHAILOV Dmitri V, Research Aasistant (Blochelll\stry-Mad SCh) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Jac H( ), mikhaool@ MIKKELSON Kathleen, {3en Stall Nurse (H Home Health) Bx 722 Mayo, , mlkkiool@ MIKKELSON SCott, Teaching AasIstant (UMD-Physlcs) 371 M'WAH Duluth ( ), ( ), ( ),821 Upham Rd, Duluth 55811, MIKKONEN Carolyn M, Resource Nurse (NIning Re8OUroeOfllce)Bx603Mayo~, U Hosp, mikkooo1@ MIKlA Jane A, Sr 5ecrlII8IY (Res &Tech Trna Adm..()fc of) Wash Av S ( ),, fax: MIKULECKY Gary A, Ext Educ & AlIt Prof (ME8-Districts), Wilkin Co Ext Ole. 421 Nebruka Ave, Box 30, Breckenridge 58520, ( ), P obox 256, Lake Park 58554, ,, fax: MIKULSKI Kaleen K, DielitIan, PrIn (H Main Food service) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), C265 Mayo, mikulool@ MILACEK emu C, Lecturer (AccountIng) 623 Mgml/ECOn ( ), ( ), WInona Ststa University, Dept of Aooountinli, WInona 55987, ( ),121 Knopp Valley Dr, WInona 55987, ,,edu MILANE\lE Martin 0, Hasp M &0 Mach (H Malnt & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), , MIlANO Margaret M, PrIn Lab Tech (Boynton-Leboratory) S285 Boyn HS(625-28e8), MIlANOVICH Kara L, Teaching Aasistant (Statistics, Sch Of-Adm) 270Vln H, 2674 N1st St, NSt Paul 55109, m-2567, miianoo3@ MILAVETZ James J, Mad Fel Spec (MedIcine) ax 506 Mayo ( ), 290 VCR C, 110 WGrant, Apt 15G, Minnetonka 55403, mliavoo1@ MILIlIlADT M Ann, Pm Secretary'(Frederick R Weisman Art Museum) 200 Weisman Art ( ), ( ~ miibrool@, fax: MILBRATH CyrH M, Aasoc Prof E.- (UMD-Educ & Human Svc Prof-Adm), 5591 Hwy 194, Hermantown 55811, , mlibroo2@ MILBRATH William A, Prof E.- (MN Ext serv-mgmt Oper), Apt 2E, 200 NMiIsiaIIppi River Blvd, St Paul 55104, , rnlilroo3@l MlLBURH Patricia A, (Lab Madlc:lne & Pathology) Bx511 Mayo (624-8l110), V355V.FWCRC ( ), 810 Thornton St SE, Apt 703, Minneapolis 55414, , Pat@ medlnlq.labrned, fax: MILER Michael J, AasIstant Professor (Restorative SCiences) Moos T ( ), ( ), MILES Andrew J,JrScIentist (Lab MadIcine & Pathology) Bx 107 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 2276 Highland Pky, Apt 208, St Paul 55116, , milesoo6@ MILES Janet, Word Proc Oper (Ntning, SCh Of-Prog & Res) HS Unit F( ), ( ), th Ave S, Apt 7, MlnneapoIIs 55407, mllesoo3@ MILES Pamela J, Accounts Spec (Inat of Inti Studies & Programs) 149 Nlch H( ),. ( ), p-mile@, fax: MILES Patrick 0, Non Univ Stell (U S 0 A Forest serv) 503 NCFor ( ), 1033 Montana Ave W, St Paul 55117, 49H1424, mllesoo2@ MILES S811y M, Exec Secretary (EpIdemic!Iogy) S2nd St ( ), ( ),4101 Thrushwood Lene, MinneIllnka 55345, ,, fax: MILES Steven H, Aasocista ProIeseor (MadlcInt) Bx 194 Mayo, Hennepin County MedIcal center, Geriatric Medicine, 701 Park Ave S, Mlnne8poIIs 55415, ( ),1517 E RIver Rd, MInneapolIs 55414, 340-9m, '

36 282 MILlOtlS-MILLER STAFF MlLJOTlS DomI M, ~ AIIisllInt (Inst For DisabiIitiIll S1udies)222 Ch Dev ( ), ( ),""".edu MlUUS Robert P, ReI As80c (Lab MedIcIne & Pathology) Bx 107 Mayo ( ~ Moos l',( ), th St NW, Apl2, New Ilrighton 55112, , mll1uoo1@, fix: MILLAM Evan L, TeacI*Ig AIIisllInt(Chemislry) 139 SmitII H( ), 1385 Lafond Ave, St Paul 55104,84&3048, MILLAN Rebecca ~, Pharmacy As8ocIat8 (Pharmacy PnIclIoe~ St Paul Ramsey MedIcal C8nlllr, CIInIcII Pharmacy, 640 JlICkson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), mltiaoo3@ MUARb Brent A, Instructor (Pharmacy Pracllce) Walgreen lliug, 4080 WBroadway, RobblnsdaIe 55422, ( ), , rniiaoo2@ MlWRJR Albert J, Olr (camp/col LaveI) (Studant AIIaIrs-Adm) 1300 Mar H (826-81~ (~), B, Non UnIv Stall (Ccu1cII 01 Religious AdviIors) 235 C MU, th Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, ( ), rd Ave S, Apt 326, MInneapoIIa 55404, 8724l297, MH.LER Anrf C, TeacIIIng AIIisllInt (SocIology) 909 SOC Sci Morris ' MIUER Anrf J, Teaching As$Ialant (French & italian) 280 Fol H( ), ( ), 2878 Humboldt Ave S, Apl2118, MImelIpoIIs 55408, milte038@rnl! MILLER Am K, Par Diem - GIn (Nunlng F10at Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, , miiie023@ MIWR Ar1hur D,BIdg & Greis WIer 3 (FaciIlles Mgm!-Adm) 200 Shops B, ndAve NE, COlumbia HIlI 55421, , rniiki043@ MIWR Beth A, ~ Asslatant (Indus1r1af Relations Clr) 537 MgmIIEoon, 85S VIclorIa, Apt 10, St Paul 55105, MILLER a-ty D, As$Ialant To (Graduate SChooI-AdmIn) 302 JaIl H (82s:-9384~ IHnII@ MIWR Bradley N, RnMrch Assiatant (Phannac:oIogy) MIrd H(ll ), 1415 Sycamcn Lane N, Plymouth 55441, , ' MILLER C8roI A, Assodata Professor (American StudiesI2118 SCollH ( ), ( ), mill8l104@ MlWR C8roI J, ReI Fellow (1llostalIslIcs)2OO 2221 Univ Av sa ( ), miiie073@ ' MlWR Char A, TeacIIIng Assistant (EnglIsh Languaga & Ul) 207 UncI H, mlllel83@ MILLER Cheryt A, Jr SClantiS! (1lIochemistry-M SCh) Mlrd H(82s:-2488), Lyon L, MILLER ChrIstIne M,BIdg &GreIs WIer 1 (Housing ~ Hal) PI H, 815 Fairmont St NE, Fridley 55432, , rniiie170@ MIUER ChrIslIopher A, Farm AninlaI Alln (AES-AgricuIlIn) 120 Pal H, 4190 DIamond Dr, Eagan 55122, , rniiie07o@ MlWR ChrIslIopher J, PrIn 8acr8tary (HHH Inst PubI AIIrs-Adm) 263 HHHC1r, mllel55@ MILLER CIfIon A, 0IIlce Aast (Telecommunicalio SIIrvIces) 30Telecom B ( ),2109 AldrIch Ave N,AplB, Minneapolis 55411, , rniiie025@ MIWR Cynthia M, Prin Acct SpfSupv (BIosta1IItIcs) Univ Av sa ( ),, lax: 812-G MILLER Daan E, GradSClhooI Fellow (Physk:a & Astronomy, SCh 01) 148 Phya (824-1~, 7ll9-4808, drniiier@moh' MILLER Daama L, 0IIlce Spec (Envrn & 0ccupali0naI HeaIlh) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), On! St SE, 200 WCounty Rd J, ShoravIew 55126, 483-S857, d1m@ MIWR Daama F, Aast Prog DIr (Sports, Fac/Golf Couraa CIubhouSa) GCh ( ), 1738 PIeeIMlSt, UnIt F, Lauderdale 55113, milieoo1@mafoon.te.uim.adu MILLER Dempsay E, Hosp Custodian 2 (H Environmental 8arv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Mayo, mi1le047@ MILLER Dannls G, Sr AccoIJnlant (Parking SIIrvIces) 300l'S B( ), , mille077@ MILLER DIana K, Rasaarch AIIisllInt (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H, 1720 WLarpenteur, Apt 1L, Falcon Heights 55113, , mihe161@ MILLER Douglas W, SClantiS! (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H( ), A215 Hayes H (82s:-7782), 7780 Lois Lane, Uno Lakes 55014, , mllle035@ MILLER Eldon C, Asst Farm An All (Vet Mad CollegIate Lab Fae) 450 Vet Too Hos ( ), th St E, ROS8IIIClUnt 55088, ( ), 133 Redwood Dr, Apple Valley 55124, , mille038@ MILLER Elizabeth A, Gen Stall Nurse (same Day Admlsst0ns-6D) PCU6D Mayo ( ); 2817 W loath$i, Minneapolis 55431, mllle028@ MIWR Elizabeth E, Sr COllect Rap (MadIclnel Bx 138 Mayo ( ), thStSE, milie017@ MIWR Eric C, Prln Secratary (Dentislry-Cllnlcal Prog) Bx 80 Mayo ( ~ Moos 1', k Grove St, Apt 202, MInn8apoIIs 55400, 874-G786, rniilell8@ MIUER Fletcher A, C1ln Prof (Surgery-General), Doctors Prof Bldg, Suite 345, 280 SmIth Ava N, St Paul 55102, (222~7), 2 Eastview Lane, North Oaks 55127, MIWR Frank C, Professor (Anthropology) 215 Ford H( ), ( ),979 18th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , miieoo5@ MILLER Gerald R, AsS! Dlr (c8mp/col) (Agriculture, College of Ag Admin) 148 CLA Otf ( ), As80c Dean, 400 Harriet Ave, Shoravlew 55128, 481~,lImller@ mes.umn.adu MILLER Gregory S, Plpafittar (ConstructIon Admin) 200 Shops B( ), mllel23@ MILLER HDawes, Clln Prol (Fam Practice & Community HIth), (Madlclna), th Ava S, Suite 813, Minneapolis 55454, (371~), millelo4@ MILLER Harold A, Dean (ContInuing Education & Ext-Adm) 150Wes H( , Professor,, fax: 812oU MILLER Harriet A, DIspatcher (PolIce Dept) 128 l' S B( ), mllle02o@ MIWR Jack W, Prof Erner (PhannaooIogy) Mlrd H(82s:-1845), AcId Ralired, 2111 WHoyt Ave, 51 Paul 55108, , miilerj@, fax: MILLER Jacob H, Lecturer (Extension Classes), 123 Ottawa Ava N, Minneapolis 55422, ( ) 1284 Stanford Ave, St Paul 55109, , millel07@ MILLER James D, Sr SClantis! (GeologIcaI Survey, MN) 2842 Unlv Av W( ), ( ), 1032W Montana Ave, St Paul 55117, , mille066@ MILLER James P, Research AIIisllInt (Psychiatry) Bu H, 1150 Cushing ClreIe, Apt 206, St Paul 55106, , mllle15o@ MILLER James R, Jr SClentist (Oral Sciences) Moos l'( ),734 NVan Buren Way Hopkins 55343, , rniile151@ MILLER Jane L, Admin Fellow (Human Resources-Administration) th St SE ( ), , millel42@ MILLER Janet M, Sr Secratary (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res) HS Unit F ( ), ( ), mille143@maroon.te.wnn.adu MILLER JefIrey S, Assistant Professor (Madlclne) Bx 480 Mayo (82s:-7409), A PW.B, MILLER Joanna L, NeU Res 8arv Fellow (BloIogIcaI~ Tech Inst) 237 Sn H ( ), Honeysuckle Ct, Lakeville 55044, , mllle084@ MIUER John H, Prin Comp Opr Spy (Telecommunlcatlons 8arvlces) Ste Unlv Av sa (82s:-0050), john@ rohlnl.tetecomm.umn.adu -.urjohn M, Teaching Assistant (Clasak* & Near Eaal8m Studies) 107 Fol H, , mlie14o@ -.LEIlJohn W, Instructor (Music), Orchestra Hal, 1111 NIooIIet M81, MinneapolIs 55400,' ( ), 708 UncoIn Ave, St Paul 55105, , mlllel06@mar00n.te.umn.adu -.urjonnye G, Nurse Supv (H OperaUng Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), ( ), mllie074@ IIUER Juli A, Instructor (Pharmacy Pracllce), 5248 Columbus Ave S, Mtnneapolls 55417, MILLEJl Julie P, R~ AIIisllInt (Inst oilnit StudIes & Programs) 214 SOC Sci ( ), th St SE (827-1~ 4521 Orchard Ave N, RoIJIlInsdaIe 55422, , miliel48@ IIUERKart A, Instructor (Fam Pracllce & ComnuIlty HIth), RIvw Valey ClInIc, 7803 Afton Rd, WoodbII'y 55125, ( ~ millelo5@ IIUER Kanneth P, Prof Emer (Southern Exp Ste) ( ), 808 5th Ave S E, Waseca 58093, , KrIs1IIlIe E, As8ocIat8 ProIeisOr (UM~ & Mental Health) 320 Boh H 0uIuth ( ), kmiiier@d.uim.adu, fax: LEIl KrislI A, Teaching SpecIalIst (AcId 8arv-UMM) 104 Hum MorrIs ( ), 86 HFA ( ),859 5th St, Box 237, Hancock 58244, ' MILLER KrlS1Ina R, RnMrch As$Ialant (Gaology & GeophyIIcs) 100 Ecology, , mlllel01@ maroon.te.unin.adu MIWR Lany L, 'Professor (ChemIstry) 139 SmIth H( ), 487 KoIt H, 3504 W22nd St, Minneapolis 55418,1mlIIer@ ~.chem.umn.adu MILLER linda J, elln Aast Prof (Fam Practice &.ComnuIlty HIth), Methodlst"HospItaI, Em8rgency Dept, POBox 650, Minneapolis 55440, mlie115@ MILLER Usa F, Accounta Spec (Pediatrics) Bx 803 Mayo (82s:-9914), C-549 Mayo, 54 S 8th St N, Apl181, Minneapolis 55402, m1le159@ MUER Loren M, R~ AIIisllInt (fisheries & WIIdIf8) 200 Hodson H( ), Imm@ tinsandiur.fw.umn.adu IIILLER Marcia A, R~ As$Ialant (BIochemIs1ry-Mad SCh) Mird H( ), ( ), 8109 DIanne St, LIno Lakes 55014, miie033@ MILLER Marguerfte I, Crnnty Hith Supv (EpldemIology)13OO S 2nd St (825-e979), Moos 1', Apll02, 1304 WMedIcIne Lake Dr, Plymouth 55441, , rniie05o@ MUER MarIlae A, As80c Daan (Nursing, SClhooI OI-Adm) HS Unit F( ), th St N, StPaul 55128, mliieoo8@. MILLER Marlene A, C1n Spy, Amb care (H OPD-Otolaryngolo Bx 86 Mayo ( ), P WB(828-1i925), milie083@ MlUER Mary A,~ Spec (CardIopulmonary 8ervlces) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, rniie04o@ MUER Mary AM, Adj Instr (Nursing, SCIi Of-Prog & Res), VAMedIcal center, One ~ Dr(118A~ MIni1eapoIIs554,17, (725-2OOOX1719), All, Box 70, EIyIlan 58026, , mlliel17@ MILLER MelanIe J, 0IIlce Spec (H Marfletirlg & Planning) Bx 32 Mayo ( ~ G254 Mayo ( ), ( ), th Ave S E, Upr FlOor, MInneapolis 55414, miiie078@.uer MeIlssa M, AS! ChkI Cere Too (Un~ ChIld care Center) ChIdcare ( ), , MJ!.LER Michael R~ AsSt COUnselor (Stu AtlaIrs-UMM) 110M RC Morris ( ), ( ),500 W1011I St, Morris 58287, , MlUER Michael R, Maint EJeclrictan (UMM-Plant s-ilidgtrada8-gener8j) Cam MorrIs MlUER Nancy e, Hd ChkI Cere TcIIr (University ChIld Cere Center) ChiIdcanI ( ), , miiie034@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MILLER 0r1yn W, Sr Planner (Facilities Mgmt-PIanning & Prog) 400 Shops B( ), 1113 Cedar VIew Dr, MinneapolIs 55405, , MlUER Patricia A, AcxxUIls Spec (H ThInI Party FoIIowup) Bx 802 Mayo ( ), P WB, 4051 Beaver Dam Rd, Eagan 55122, , miiie021@ MIWR Paula M, Crnnty Prog Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 192Mayo ( ), 179 VCR C, 400 Luella St N;Apt222, SI Paul 55119, , milie158@ MILLER Pater L, Bldg & GreIs WIer 3 (FaclIIlies Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B( ),1812 SIdIIman Ave W, RosavlIIa55113, , MIWR Raynault A, Aast SCIantist (Food Sci & NUIrltion) 108 FSc N(824-m~2072 Ronald Ave, WhiI8 Bear Laka 55110, , MILLER Rhonda L, Tead*Ig A$sistant (Vet PathobIoIogy)205G Vet S, 1830 Eustis St, Apl8, St Paul 55108, , mliell3@ MILLER Richard F, Food Oper Mgr (Food Svcs) Moos 1'( ), 77C MU, ,, lax: 812oU MILLER Robert F, Head (WfFlID Rank) (Physiology) Mlrd H( ), Professor, 4813 Golf Terrace, EdIna 55424, bob@, lax: MILLER Robert P, CIIfI Aast Prof (Fam PraclIc:e & Community HIth), Personal Health care Ltd, MadIcaI Arts Bldg, SuIte 531, 825 NIoolIet Mal, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), rniielo3@ MILLER Roberta M, 0IIlce Supv (CEE CounteItng) 314 NCC E( ), rmiier@ ' MlWR Roger, Plumber (FaclIItIes Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ~ ( ), th Ave NW, Coon Rapids 55433, , MILLER Rogel' F, TeacI*Ig AIIisllInt (VOC Tech Educ) 425 Vo Tech ( ), MN Dept Employee Relations, 658 Cedar St, St Paul 55155, ( ), 5084 Irondale Rd, Mounds VIew 55112, 7fl8.892O, MIUER Roger P, As8ocIat8 Professor (GeograplIy) 427 SOC Sci ( , 2135 Hoyt Ave W, Faloon HeIghIs 55106, , MILLER Rosalie R, ~ AIIisllInt (Gen CoII-lnstoComp StudiesfStatsl358 Ap H, 2915 PIlgrIm Lane N, Plymouth 55441, millel88@ goid.te.umn.adu ' IIILLJR sari A, Actor Tech (Music) 139 Ferg H, mllie149@ MIWR SCott J, As$Ialant Professor (Pharmacy Pracllce), Walgreens, 1235 E Franklin, Minneapolis ~, ( ), mllle12o@ MILLER Sher8e A, Teaching AssIstant (Theatre Arts & Dance) 208 Mdb H( ), rniiel25@ MILLER Sheree A, TeachingAssistant (Theatre Arts & Dance) 208 Mdb H( ), mlliel39@.' MIWR Shirley M, Library Aast 2 (UMM-LilI1Iry, Rodney BrIggs) 240 RBLIlMorrIs ( ~ MlWR Stephanie G, Aasis1anl T<t(ChemIstry) 135 Smfth '1 ( ), ( ), smlller@ MILLER Stephen P, Aast SCIantist (BlochemIstry-Mad SCh) Mlrd H(825-7t~ Owre H,393 Old Hwy 8, Apt 308, New BrIghton , mliel84@ goid.te.umn.adu MILLER Susan A, Sr tioep CS Tech (Hosp Csp) Bx 708 Mayo, M1WR Susan S, Sr Sclenlist (Agron & Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H( ), 7780 lois Lane, Uno Lakes 55014, , miie055@ rnat'!xl".te.umn.adu MILLER Tammy S, Mad/Clln Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-Chetn) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, 355 Evans Ave NW, Apl304,,Ell RIvw 55330, , MILLER Thomas J, Poel-Doc As80c (EIeclrIcaJ Engineering) EEtC Sci ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417,ljmiIler@ ee.umn.adu

37 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF MILLER-MISTEREK 283 MlL1.ER Thomas W, can Assl Prof (Fam Practice & COmmunity HIth), 81 CroIx Fills Clinic, AdIIms St, Box 739, St CroIx Fls 54024, 125 Cr8scenI Dr, Mason CIty IA MIL1.ER Todd C, Clln Assoc: Prof (Medlcine), AbboII NorthwesI8m HosplIal, Medlcsl 5tall 0tItce, 800 E 28th St, MInneapolls 55408, ( ), 2324 OlIver Ave 5, Mlnnespolls , mille11o@ MILLER TrudI, ProIes8or (PcIIIIcsl SCience) 1414 Soc ScI ( ), 2030 Queen Ave S, MInneapolis 55405, , rnliie010@ MIL1.ER Vslerie J, cert Nurse Prse (BoynIon-Womsn's ClInic) 233A Boyn H5 ( ), ( ), mllie048@ IIIUEJlVsmlta K, 0IIIce Asst (Bookstores) 290 WmIon H, 3930 N E HsyeS St, CoIumbil\ HIS 55421, , MILLER VIcki M, PrIn SecreWy (Lsb Medicine & PsthoIogy) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ),3252 PIelIssni Ave 5, Mlnnespolis 55408, ,, fsx: MIWR VIctor J, TUchlng Asststsnt (Athlelics, Men's IntclIg) 144BFAB (62&-9468), 42513th Ave 5 E, ApI 1307, Minnespolis 55414, , MILLER Wesley J, As80cists Profsssor (MedIclne) Bx 460 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), 996 8nlnner Ave, Roseville 55113, O, MIWRJR WlIIsrd, Asaoc Dean (IT Admin) )05 Ws Ub ( ), Dept Assoc: Dir (Insl For Msth & Ita ApplicsIioM), Profwsor, 4508 Edmund Blvd, Mlnnespolls 55408, , miller@ IIILLER W1H1sm E, Prof_(EntornoIogy) 219 Hodson H ( ), muie014@ IIILLER JR WIllIam H, Asst SCl8ntis1 (PhysIcs & Astronomy, Sch of), SoudlIn Underground MIne, POBox 175, SoudlIn 55762, ( ), 2172 Echo Trail, Ely 55731, IlIUER Wilmar G, Prof_(Chsmlstry) 139 Smith H( ), 56 KoII H, 2732 WRiver Rd, Minnespolis 55408, , wmuier@ MILLER Zondsl R, COn Prof (Nsurology), Doctors Prof Bldg, Sull8415, 280 smith Ave N, 51 Psul 55102, ( ), Lsxington Ct, Apl1Q, WSt Psul55118, MlLLER-cASSIIAN Robsrt M, Med Fsi Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), e-338 Msyo, 3116 Emerson Ave 5, ApI 1, Mlnnespolls 55408, , mi1le041@ MILLER-cLEARY Unds, As80CIsts Profsssor (UMD-EnglIsh) 412 H Duluth ( ), ( ), 407 MsryIsnd Ave, Duluth 55803, ,, fsx: MILLET l(ltty, R8tesrch AssIstsnt (Inst of InU S1udIes & Programa) 350 Fol H( ), th St 5E, MILLETT Dians M, Teschlng SpecisIlsl (Lsb MedIcIne &Psthology) Bx 809 Msyo, m1l1e147@ MILLIGAN LsoIs M, Nursing Sta Tech (Neonstal Intsnslve Csr8-3C) PCU3C Msyo, mlhioo6@, IIILLIGAN JR Robsrt G, Ciln Inslr (Fam Praetlcs &Community HIth) Bx 381 Msyo ( ~ 240 PWB, 1700 NHwy25, Buflaki55313, ( ) th 51 N E, BulIsIo 55313, , miiiioo5@ MUIKAN JefIrey B, Lscturer (Art Depsrtrnenl). 208 Art B ( ), th Ave 5, Mlnnespolls 55404, , millloo3@ msroon,tc, M1WKIN 8nlnt B, AthI4IIIc Trslner (Athlelics, Men's IntelIg) 120Fb Camp ( ), th Ave 5, MlnnespoIis 55407, , mlllioo2@ IIILLIIIAN Nancy 5, Ubrary Assl2 (51 Paul Campus Ubrsries) 55 Cllnl Ub, mlllioll@ IIWNGTON Unds K, Assoc: ACId AdvIsor (MgmI, Sch Of, Undergred Prog) 290 HHHCtr ( ), IllUJHGTOM MDrew, Dental Fellow (Dlagnostic/Sul'llical ScI) Moos T, 810 Thornton 51 5 E, ApI 1003, MlnnespoIls 55414, , MILLIS Disne M, Lscturer (VOC TlIch Educ) 320 Vo Tech, mil1ioo1@ MILLS Andrsw C, T8lIching Assistant (5msU Animsl Clin ScI) A353 Vet Tch Hos ( ), ( ), AIblIns CI, ShorsvIsw 55126, , MILLS Chsrles 0, Res Assoc (Surgery-Genersl) Bx 120 Msyo ( ), AssIstsnt Profsssor B131 PW B ( ), Iinds TrsII, Msrine 51 Croix 55047, , 11l1lis002@ MILLS Ivan W, Resesrch AssIstsnt (Epidsmioiogy) nd St, th St 5 E, ApI 204, MInnespoiIs 55414, , mllls@ MILLS Jsmes E, A~ ACId AdvIsor (CLA 5tudsnt Acad 5uppt Svcs) 122 Soc ScI ( ), MILLS Jsy 0, HAd Cosch (Educa1Ion-UMM) PE A Morris ( ), Lsctursr, 410 Birch Ave, Morris 56287, , mlllsjo@ MILLS Unds J, Assoc: Admin (CEE & Sumrnsr 8esSion-UMD) Ad B Duluth ( ),, fsx: MILLS Uss K, Child Cars TAchr (Unlversity ChlId qare Cllntlir) Chlldcare ( ), 10411th Ave 8, S 51 Paul 55075, , knappoo3@ maroon, MILLS Msrle M, Rsch Nurse ClIn (PedilItrIcs) Bx 39 Msyo (62&-2712), C428 Msyo, ttelvIew Trail, WhIl8 Bur Lske 55110, , MILLS Pamels A, Sr Ubrary Spec (Ubrsry Cllntrsl TlIch Ssrv) 204 Ws Ub (62&-S254~ 1119 Raymond Ave, ApI 3, St Paul 55108, , MILLS Pstrlcls A, Instructor (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), Abbott-NllI1hMSl8m HospItal, Ths Perinstal Ctr, 800 E 26th St, Mlnnespolls 55407, ( ), mills012@ MILLS Rllhdy M, Prin Accountant (5urgery-Gsnerlll) 102M A L G( ), ( ),5517 Logsn Ave N, Mlnnespolls 55430, , MILLSTEIN Robsrta L, Grad Schooi Fellow (5tudent Finsnellli Ald, Ole of) 355 Ford H ( ), MILNE Penny A,. Prin Sscretary (Hasp Lsbl-Admln) Bx 809 Msyo ( ), 0242 Msyo (625-9'171), 7841 Coloredo Ave N, Brooklyn Psrk 55443, , m11neoo1@, fsx: MILSTEIN SImon, Assoclsie Prof888or (Medlctne) Abbott NWHospil8l, 800 E28th St, Minnespolis 55407,2445 Msnchester Dr, Minnsspolls 55422, mll& MILSTEN FIEDLER Marie R, Prin SecreWy (Socioiogy) 909 Soc ScI ( ), ( ), 1558 Vsn Buren, SI Psul 55104, ,, fsx: MILTOM FThomss, Ext Educ & Asso Prof (Fores1 Products) 222 Ksu1 L( ), st Ave N, Msple Grove 55389, , tmiiilln@ MILYAVSKAYA YsIens, R_rchAsslstsnt(Ag Eng) 109 Ag Eng ( ), mllys001@, MIN Bonhong, Asslstsnt Prof888or (Phsrmscology) Mird H( ), Moos T, 1809 PlesAnt 51, Apl314,I.aJdsrdaIe 55108, , minxxoo1@ MINCKE Caroiee, Word Proc Spec (PedilItrIcs) Bx 94 Msyo ( ), U HasP, m1nck001@ MINDAJAO Pstrs A, Sr Food Ssrv Wkr (H Station Ssivice) Bx 84 Msyo, , mlndsoo1@ msroon.te, MINDRUP Ellzsbf\h A, ScIentist (Ophthaimoiogy) Bx 493 Msyo (~, ( ), At 2, Box 180, Boyceville WI 54725, , rnindroo1@ MINER Michsel H, Psychoiogisl (Fsm Praetlcs & COmmunity HIth) Bx 381 Meyo ( ), Assistent Professor, PWB, nd 51, MinerOO1@msroon.Te.Umn.Edu MINER Philip T, Clin Assl Prof (Medlctne-UMD) 141 Med DUluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Duluth MINER Rlchsrd A, Clln Assoc Prof (Psychistry) Bx 393 Mayo, 3400 W66th 51, 5ull8 370, Edinll 55435, ( ), mlner007@ MINER Valerie J, AsSQClsts ProIes8or (english L.snguage & LIt) 207 LInd H( ), ( ), MINER WIIIIsm A, Opersting Rm Gsn (H Ambulstory Surgery) ax 68 Msyo ( ), PW B, MINETTE Jsnet L, PrIn 5ecretary (Sch of Msthsmstlcs) 105 YIn H ( ), 154 County Rd F, River Falls WI 54022, m1netoo1@ msroon, MlNO Monlks J, R-.rch AssIstsnt (Food ScI & Nutrition) 225 F SC N( ), mlngxoo3@ MINO YsqIsng, Resesrch AssIstsnt (Chemicai Eng & Mst Scl) 73 Amund H( ), 485 Shep Lsb, , MINGER MSIk A. Teaching Aesistant (Educ S\udlInI Allan Ole) 1508 PlIik H( ), IIINOO Ksnneth A, Pipet\ltsr Formn (Fsclllties Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B (62&-7885), ( ), (62&-7506), 1329 Monroe N E, MlnnespoIis ,, pager: MINK PIIIllIlII.J, ~ AaIlstant (EpIdsmioiogy) nd 51 (62&-8873), ,,edu MINKE Dsvld J, Bldg &Grds Win 3 (FlICillties Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, 11$1 22nd Ave 5 E, MlnnespoIIs 55414, , mlnksool@ MINNEMA Kstherine A. Gsn Stall Nurss (H OPD-Medlcine) ax 68 Msyo, minneoo3@ IIINNERATM Jesnne M, R-.rch As&lstant (Micr0bloiogy) ax 196 Mayo ( ), 1325 Mayo, 934 Grsnd Ave, ApI 302, 51 Psul551~, IIINNERATM Sharon R, Asst SclenIiSI (Pharrnscology) M1rd H( ), Moos T, 3926 Dale St N, ShorevIew 55126, 48&-9459, MlNNEIlS Dsvld, Gsnerai Maint Spy (AES-Wssl centrsi ES-Morris), WcentrsI ExpsrIment 5tation 5lS1t1 Hwy 329, MorrIs 56287, ( ),1 Maedow Lsne, MorrIs 56287, , MIHNERS Jon 5, R-.rch AssIstsnt (ProductMIy Ctr) Mech E( ),1015 Esssx 51 5 E, ApI 102, MinnespOIls 55414, , minneool@ MINNICK Ann M, Asst Aced AdvIsor (CLA Honors DlvI8lon) 115 Joh H ( ), ( ),2300 Ridge Dr, ApI 116, 81 LouIs Park 55416,,edu MINOR ChrIstopher L, TSlIChlng Asslstsnt (Chemistry) 139 Smith H, 323 7th St 5 E, ApI 201, Minnespolis 55414, , mln0r003@ MINOR PlItrIcIs L, Exec Secnttary (MN Medlcsl Foundstion) ax 193 Msyo ( ), 535 Dishl H.( O), min0f001@, fsx: MINDA Tyrone, Teaching Assistsnt (Klnesioiogy & LsIsurs S1udIes) 110 Cooke H, minoroo4@ MINDA JR WWInston, 5tu Sup Srv Asst (Adrnlssions-General RecruItment) 240 Wmson H, 930 Lyn Wsy, Hstings 55O:P, , w-mlno@ MlNTALAJl Eric R, AI&Istant Prof888or (DIagnostic SurgIcal ScI) Moos T, 3337 York Ave N, Robblnsdaie 55422, , MlNTEN Msris A. Gsn Stat! Nurse (4C-Medicai Intsnslve Cars) PCU4C Mayo (62&-5300), , rnintsool@ MlNml John, Ad! Prof (Ctr For Intsrfsclsl Eng), 179 SIlep Lsb, Eutmsn Kodsk, Analytical Tech DIY, Rm 2112, Bldg 49, Kodsi<, Rochestsr 14652, ( ), MINUH..Andnlw, Temp/CuI Employ (MedIcal Schooi-Adm) Bic 81 Msyo, PW B, 8709 Lskevlew CIrcle, Bloomington 55438, mlnuhln@ MINUK Gsraid Y, Profsssor (MedIcine) Bx 38 Msyo( ),l4-126PWB( ),lll Msrquetl8 Ave, ApI 1303, Mlnnespolls 55401, 35&-9502, MIR Ssjad H, Med Fsi 5pec (Medlctne) Bx 284 Msyo, PWB, 165 Hoover Ave, BentOn Harbor M149022, mlrxxoo1@ MIRA Antonletta, TSSChIng ~stsnt (StaIisIics, Sch Of-Adm) 270 Vln H, mlra@ umnstst.stsl.umn,edu MIRA Neelu K, Cmnty Prog Assoc: (Boynton-Eye) 2W Boyn H5,( ), 3310 Frsmont Ave S, ApI 306, Minnespolls 55408, , MIRA Pedro, Teschlng AssIstsnt (EconomIcs) 1035 MgmIfEcon ( ),l01512th Ave S E, ApI 201, Mlnnespolls 55414, , MIRABITO Judith L, Nurse CIln, Hasp (H Bone Msrrow Trsnsplent) Bx 803 Msyo, 803 CUfIord St. 51 Psul55104, mlrsboo1@ MIRACLE Chestsr L, Assoclsts Profsssor (Sch of Msthemstics) 105 Vln H( ), 4449 Reservoir Blvd, Minnespoils 55421, , mirlicool@ MIRANDA Rocky V, AssocIs18 Profsssor (Arnsrlcsn 5tudles) 105 SCott H ( ), 1117 Rysn Ave W, RosevlIle55113, , MIRELEZ Lsurs A, Sr Dsts Entry Opr (Admlssions-Cornputer 5ervices) 220 Wmson H ( ), mlreloo1@ MIROCHA Chestsr J, Profsssor (Plant Path) 308 5tak H( ), ( ), ( ), 1381 Midway Pky, St Paul 55108, MIRON Jsmes J, Gen Stat! Nurse (Un" 8O-Adu" Psyc/llstry) PCU80 Msyo, 1691 Blslr Ave, St Psul 55104, , MIRRER Louills, Chair (W/Fac RInk) (Spsnlsh & Portuguese) 34 Foi H( ), Chslr (W/Fac Rank), 2817 Lsxlngton Ave N, ApI C, RosevtIIe 55113, MIRSCH Msrl_ A, Nurse Mgr Asst (4D-51cu) PCU4D Msyo ( ), nrirscool@ MISAGE Krlstsn M, Tuching Assistanl (Poiitlclll Science) 1414 Soc ScI ( ), th Ave 5, ApI 2, Mlnnespolis 55407, kmlsage@ MISCHE RIEBEL Theress A, Program Dir (Alumni RsisUons) 501 CM U(62&-4795), ( ), th Ave 5, Mlnnespolls 55407, ,, fsx: 612~167 MISCHINSKI Msureen H, TAchIng Assistant (Unlv Counseling &COnsultlng Ssrv) 208 Bu H. ( ), 104 Eddy H, , mischool@ MISCHO Eric A, Sr Accounts Assl (Ag Exp 5ta-Admln) 220 Cof H ( ), 2211 Doswell Ave, St'Psul55108, , miachoo4@ maroon.te, MISOEN Richerd J, C1in Instr (MedIcinal Chemistry), Wdlow 51 0utrAch Pharmacy, 1375 WIllow 51, Minnespolls 55403, misgeoo3@ MISOEN Robel1ll J, Prin Lsb TlIch (Medicine) Bx 36 Msyo ( ), PWB, 2635 Rics 51, Apt 813, 51 Psul55113, misge002@ MISHLER Lynn, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Fsclllties Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), mlshloo2@, MISHLER WIIiIsm E, AssocIsts Professor (Germsn, Scsndlnavlan & Dutch) 200 Fol H ( ), 127 KIll Ct, 2719 W28th 51, Mlnnespolis 55416, , m1shloo1@ MISKOWIEC Rosemsry R, Exec 5tu Pllrs Wkr (5tudsnl f'lnsnciiii Aid, Ofe of) 210 Frassr H ( ), 6988 Hickory Dr NE, Fridley 55432, , MISKOWIEC Wendy A. Non UniY Stat! (Pedlstrlcs) Bx 712 Msyo ( ), PWB, MI8IlA Dsbssmll8, Post-Doc Assoc (Chemical Eng &Mst ScI) 199 Amund H( ),1216 Rsy Plsce, SI Psul55108, n, mlsrs@ vx.cis,umn,edu MISSLINO Jeffrey R, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Distrlcts), AgrIcutturai 5ervice Csnter, At 2, Box 123, Windorn56101, ( ), POBox 241, Windom 58101, , jmissiing@, fsx: MISSLITZ Donna K, Tuchlng Speciailsl (UMD-Heslth, Phy Educ & Recr) 110 Sp HC Duluth ( ), MlSTEREK 5ussn D,\UI9I' (0pers1ioM & Mgml ScIence) 332 Mgmt/Econ ( ), 309 6th 51 S E, Mlnnespolls 55414, ,

38 284 MISTRY-MOKHASHI STAFF MISTRY B8IIroze 8, L8clum (Food Sci & Nutr1tion) 225 F SC N( ), ( ), mistroo1@ MIT8Y PauIlne, Data Proc Tech 2 (PedIatric:s) nd St( ), , rnilbyoo2@ MITCHELL Alan R, Non Unlv StIli (Law SCh Admin) 412 Law ( ), 3641 St RegIs Dr, WI1itlI Beer L.aI< , , miil:h029@ MrTCIlELL o8nnis P, Telecom~ (TetecommunicalIo 8ervices) 30 Telecom 8 (825,8333), ( ), ( ), mitch017@ MITCHELL Frank 0, L.acl!Jrer (ContinuIng Education & Ext-Adm), St W, St Paul MITCHELL III James E, Professor (Psyd1ia1ry) 8x 393 Mayo ( ), Mayo, mltchool@. MITCHELL James M, Taaching AssIstan1 (Educa1lonal Psyc:holQgy) 206 au H, miich027@ MITCHELL Jo 8, Gen Nurse (Same Day Ad~) PCU6D Mayo (82f»300), 722..Q673, MITCHELLJolIn A, S1udent Pers Wkr (UMC-Management, DIY of) 4 HI 8 Crooks1on (281~), ( ),201 Fanton Ava, Grand Forks NO 56203, MITCHELL Josa11a R, AdmIn Fallow (Curriculum & Ins1ruction) 145 Palk H, ml1ch033@ MITCHELL Ka1hIelIn A, Design/Madia Art (8iomed1ca1 Graphic Comm) ax 711 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), Gamer Ava, Ros8n)ount 55!188, mitchoo3@ MITCHELL l.ilis E, Red TIler Spec (H Radiation Therapy) ax 494 Mayo, mltch019@ MITCHELL l.onllta E, 8acre1ariaJ Asst (MN MadIcaJ Foundation) 8x 193 Mayo ( ),,edu MITCHELL SR Manoal T, Clin Prof Emer (0b81etrics & Gynecology), 8430 PennIylvanIa Rd, Apt 214,1lIoomingIon 55438, , ' MITCHELL Mark G, TeIChing AssIstan1 (Mechanical ~ng) 125 Mech E( ), 1000B 27th Ava 8 E, Minneapolis 55414, , mitchol5@ MITCHELL Martha C, Taaching AsaiI1anl (ChemIcal Eng &Mat SCI) 93 Amund H( ) ( ), th St 8 E, Apt C, Mlr1naapo1is 55414, , miich02o@ MITCHELL Mary J, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (FaciIilIe8 Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops 8 ( ), mitchoo9@ MITCHELL MIcha8I A, Accounts Asst (8tudent AclMllas) 220 C MU( ), 503 8th St 8 E, Apt 3, MinneapoIs 55414, , mitchol8@ MITCHELL Ora Mae R, Cart Nurse Prac: (1Ioynton-Gen Med ClinIc) Boyn H 8 ( ), mitchoi4@ MITCHELL SR Reginald J, Re_rch AssIstan1 pnro Tech ore. Car1son Sch-Adm) 230 Mgmt{Econ, 2318 Londln Lane, Maplewood 55119, , MITCHELL Sc:ott D,Ho8p Cu810dlan 2 (H EnWonmental S8lV) 8x 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, mitchoi2@ MrTCIlELL Shamon M, Env 8vcs Supv, H(H EnWonmental S8lV) 8x 55 Mayo ( ), 8188 Mayo, mitch031@ MITCHELL Sheila A, cnn Instr (Mediclna-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth ClinIc, 400 E3rd St, Duluth MITCHELL 8taphen G, 0IfIce Spec (Mac:phaII center) Mac Ph C, st Ava 8, RlchIIeId 55423, smitciiei@maii.cee.umn.8du MITCHELL Suam K, GIn Nursa (0bstlI1ric8 & Gynecology) 8x 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), 1132 Aston Place, Bumsvilia 55337, , mitchol8@ MITMAN Pamela J, Asaoc AdmIn (Thea1r8 Arts & Dance) 235 Mdb H(825-$12), ( ),2109 Village Lane, 8t Paul 55118, ~, milmaoo1@ MITl'IEA Marius, AssIstan1 Professor (SCh of ' Malhematics) 105 Yin H( ), mitr8oo1@ MITSCH Peter J, Dir (camp/col LavaQ (Medk:al SChool-Adm) 8x 293 Mayo ( ),,3-125 Owre H, ,, fax: MlTSON Eilaen 8, Cmnty HIth 8upv (Epidemiology) nd 8t, 710 E24th 81, 8uite 207, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), MITTAG lucifia M, Exec 8ecratary (Medicine) ax 101 Mayo ( ), PW8, mlttaool@ ".mal Sanjay, Res Assoc (Army High Parf Computing Res Ctr) Wash Av 8 ( ),330 5th Ave 8 E, Apt 302, MlnnespoliS 55414, , mm2808@ MITTELSTEADT John 0, Assistant Professor. (Diagnostic Surgical SCI) Moos T ( ),421 Hemlock Dr, BumsviIIa 55337, mittaool@ MITTLEMAN Rachel, Taachlng AssIstan1 (Educational Psychology) 202 Cooke H ( ) mlttloo2@ Mms Daniel M, Teaching Assistant (PoIIt1caJ SCierice) 1414 Soc SCI ( ), 31912lh Ava 8 E, Minneapolis 55414, , dmitt8@ IIIWA Neena, Sr Sacre18ry (Hosp Labs-Surg Path) 8x 76 Mayo ( ), C422 Mayo ( ), miwaxool@ MIX Devin E, Re_rch A88Ia1anI (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mech E( ), Taaching Assistant, 1926 Shryer Ava W, Roseville 55113, , mlxxxoo2@ MIX Greggory R, Clin Assl Prof (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth. Duluth Clinic rd 8t E. Duluth.55805, ( ) MIX Lorraine M, 8r Parking Attn (Parking 8ervices) 300 T 8 8 ( ), ( ), 942 Western Ava N, 81 Paul 55117, , mixxxool@ MIXER Harry W, Clin Asst Prof Emar (Redlology), 166 Ardmore Dr, Golden Vallay 55422, , mlxeroo1@ MITAKE Milsunobu, Post-Doc Asaoc (El:onomlc8) 1035 MgmtfEcon, miyakool@ MlZA Ingrid V, Ubrary Asst 3 (Law Ubrary) 150A Law ( ), ( ), I-miza@ MIZA Unda C, Prin Sacre1ary (Ole ofthe Reglstrar-Rm SChed) 150 Wmson H( ), MIZE William A, Assis1ant Prolassor (Radiology) 8x 292 Mayo ( ), e-205 Mayo Bruce Ava, Edina 55424, mizexoo1@ MIZEJEWSKI William J, GIn 81a1l Nurse (H Kidney DIalysis, Adutt) Bx 805 Mayo, 4495 Morningside Ave, Vadnais Helghts 55127, mizajog1@ MIZEU David 8, 8r 8ecratary (Ex1ansion C1asses-CEW/Complest SCho) 306 Wes H ( ), ( ), mizeq002@ MIZUKO Mark I, Associate Prolassor (UMD-Commun SClances & DiSOrders) 231 Soh H Duluth ( ), ( ),1804 KanwoocI Ave, Duluth MIZUNO Nancy K, Jr SClantist.(HormeIln8lilu1a), HormeIlnstilUl8, 80116lh Ava N E, Au8lin 55912, ( ),811 2nd Ava NW, Austln 55912, , nkmizuno@ MLODOZTNIEe-GULLAND Susan M, Sr OtIIce Asst (UMD-Acad 8upplf81dt Llle-Adm) Ad 8 Duluth ( ), 119 Marton St, Duluth MLYNAR Juraj, Res Assoc (Forest ProdtJCts) 203 Kauf L ( ), jmlynsr@ MO Jlngplng. Research Assistant (EpIdemiology) nd 8t ( !I), ( ), 2057 Knapp Ave, Apt W-l, St Paul 55108, , MOASSER Bahram, Resaaroh A8slstant (Chemistry) 409 8mith H( ), 110 WGrant 8t, Apt 11 L, Minneapolis 55403, 332-Q477, MOBASHER Bamshad, Assistant Professor (Sci & Math-UMM) 243 SC Morris ( ), 708 Imperial Dr, Apt 324, Morris 56287, moba8har@ MOBECK WILSON Jane C, GIn Nursa (Nursing Float Pool) 8x 603 Mayo, mobecool@ IICl8IUO Lyi1ne J, Gred SChool Fillow, (Psychalogy) N218 Ell H( ), 2000 Dupont Ava 8, Apt 6, Minnaapo/lll55405, 87G-I523, MOIIL YJames L, Post-Doc Asaoc (Lab Medicine & Pathology) ax 724 Mayo ( ), PW8,3236 Yosemite Ava S, St louis Park 55418, MOCKOVAK Anne M, Sf Accountsnt (CIvIl EnglMn1g) 125 CIv E, 83lJ.3018, a-mock@ 'MOCKOYAK Eric F, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Faclllt1a8 Mgmt-Adm) 202 Phy8 PI ( ), 112 &or H, 380 EWheelock Pky, Apt 148, St Psul 55101, , mockoool@ IIOCKU8 Martha 8, Taachlng AsaiI1anl (CuItuI'aI StudIes &ComparatIva LIt) 350 FoI H( ), 1 Jones H, MODE Thomaa E, Exec Asst (Tech Support. AdmIn) 100 Shops 8, PragmallIk, 3933 Ids Ctr, 80 88th St, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), modexoo1@ MODI KuIwant 8, AssIstant ProIesaor (Medicine), HennepIn County Medicel centar, 701 Park Ava 8 MinnaapoIIs 55415, ( ), 9877 Bennett Place, Eden Prairie 55344, modixool@ lll8iooil, MOE Bruce G, Mgr EIac lnat Srv (Chemistry) 139 SmIth H( ), ( ),200 Idaho Ave N, Golden Valley 55427, , moe@, lax: 612.f MOE Caasandra M, Jr Lab Tech (Plant BIology) 220 BIo SCI ( ), ( ), moexjtoo8@ MOE Jon M, GIn Nurse (Cardiovaecular SurgJProgr care-eq PCU8C Mayo, 383 Tesaler CIrcle, Vadnais HaIghts 55127, , moexxoo1@ MOE Ksrine 8, Teaching AssIstan1 (EoonomIc8) 1035 MgmtfEcon ( ), kmoe@ MOE Peter C, Dept Asst Dlr (MN LandIeape ArboreIum), MN Landscape ArboreIum, 3875 ArboreIum Dr, Box 39, CIIenhaaaan 55317, ( OXlI63), 7161 MIrNwa8ht8 Pky, ExceIaIor 55331, , moexxoo4@ MOE WWyatt, AssocIate ProIesaor (Psychiatry), Metro Psychlatrlc As8OcIata8, 825 S8th 81, Suite 708, MmaapoIts 55404, moexxoo5@ MOECKEL Richard 8, ProIesaor (SCh of M~) 127 Yin H( ), 132 Mur H, 870 Edgewater Ava, ShonIvIew 55128, , MOEtIlLE Marianne E, Gred SChool Trainee (VOC & Tech Education) 210 Vo Tech ( ), moehroo1@ MOELLER DennIs 0, Ext Educ & Aseo Prof (MES-DlstrIcts) ( ), WrIght Co Ext Ole, ColI1house, 8ufIaIo 55313, ( ), st~ N, MapIa Grove 55389, , MClELI.ER Frederick M, Tead*lg Assistant (Aaro8pece Eng & MachanIc8) 107 Aker H ( ),425 13th Ava 8 E, Apt 205, MInnaapolts.55414, , moelloo4@ MOEN Catherine E, Exec 8ecratary (PedIatrtC:s) nd 8t( ), ( ), 301 Welnut 8t 8 E, MInnaapolts 55414,1934 Carl St, St Paul55113, MOEN Charles R, LJIe Support lnet (LJIe Support f'rl9am-aci8) 8x 603 Mayo ~2323), C370 Mayo,.-xIIOS@ MOEN J_8,~ AssIstan1 (Compular ScIence) EEtC Sci ( ), 2711 W44th St, MlnnaapoIIs 55410, , moen@ UII1IH:8.C8.UIM.adu. MOEN Kathryn J, Sf StoresClerk (Ilentlslry-CII Prog) Moos T, th Ava N E, SprIng L.aI<8 Pk 55432, moenxoo3@ MOEN Martin H,lnlormatIonaI Rep(MN Ext Serv-Educ Dev 8yst) 405 Col H( ), 1504 St ClaIr Ava, Apt 304, St Paul 55105, ,,1ax: MOEN RIcheIIa N, Cmnty Prog Asaoc (Paychlatry) 8x 393 Mayo ( ), C805 Mayo. MOEN Ronald A, Raaaarch AssIstan1 (F18hertes & WIldlIfe) 200 Hodson H( ), moenx002@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MOEN Steven A, Med FeI Spec (Orlhopaedic Surg) ax 492 Mayo ( ), II-lOOP W8, 2875 Jordan Ava, Apt 118,MInnetonka 55305, , m0enx013@ MOENNING Calhertne H, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-DtstrIcts), Dodge Co Ext ore. POBox 159, Dodge Canter 55927, (374-&4351, Cll108Ilnk1g@ MOERTEL clvtstopher L, CIkI Asst Prof (PedIetrIcs), ChlIdrens Ho8pltal 01 St Pu, 345 N SmIth Ave, St P8ul55102, ~ moirtool@ MOFFETT Kennath L, Aaaoc Dlr 8Iomed (H IllomedIcaI ~ ax 183Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ~ th Ava S, MInneapolis 55417, moiiaool@ MOFFITT GenevIeva J, Prof Emsr (MN Ext S8lV-Mgmt Oper), L.aI<8 Volney Baach Rd,' Box 23 La Canter 58057, , moliioo1@ MOtlAGEN Mary Bath, Prtn ColIact Rap (8Inar) 140Wmson H( ), m-moha@ vml.8pc8.umn.eidu MOHAMED ~.Env Svcs Supv, H(H EnvIronmental Serv) 8x 55 Mayo ( ), CI89 Mayo, 1228 Marquet18 Ave 8, Apt 104, Minnaapolts 55403, 33lJ.4372, rnoiwnoo8@ MOHAMED Mohanled A, Rasaarch AssocIate (AnImal SClenos) 120 Pst H( ),. ( ), mohamoo2@ MOHAMED NazIv A, SfFood S8lV Wkr (H CaIeBla) 8x 64 Mayo, th St, Apt 2112, Minneapolis 55408, rnoham(107@ MOHAN Ned, f'/oie88or (EIactrk:al EngiMnIg) E EtC SCI ( ), ( ), MOHAN Ram V, ~ AsaiI1anl (Army HIgh ParI ComputIng Res Clr) Wash Av 8 ( ), rnoiian@ehpcn.uim.idu IIOHANIlAJ 0, Res Asaoc (I'harmacoIogy) MIrd H( ) Owre H(lI25-9ll97), 514 Hwon Blvd 8 E, Apt 6, MInneepOIis 55414, mohanool@ MOtWITY BanI. P, ~ AssIstan1 (Chemic:aI Eng & Mat SCI) 94 Amund H ( ~ ( ), ( ),1989 Knapp Ava, AptE4, St Paul 55108, , mohanoo2@ MOlIN Carl A, ProIesaor (Forest Raaoun:es) 115 GIn H( ), CIlIClhn@ MOlIN Patrick A, Teaching Asslstant (UMD,Geology) 2248 HHDukIlh ( ~ ( ),405 E8th St, DukIlh 55805, MOIIl Vernon L, MaIr1t Plumber (UMM-PIant 8vcs-ll1dg TI'BlIe8-GenlQI) cam MorrIs; 310 W 5th 81, Morris 56287, IIOIlRIQ David C, Post-Doc Asaoc (Gec*Jgy & Geophyslcs) 108 PIle H( ), 245 CacII St, Mlnnaapclus 55414, MQHIlINQ Herbert, Prof Emsr (Economics~ 1425 E River Rd, MInnaapoIIs 55414, ,, lax: 812-8UG209 IIOHRIIAN DavId E, AssocIate ProIesaor (MadIcIne-UMD) 107 RL 8 DukIlh ( ), (728-llll61), 1722 E 7111 St, DukIlh 55812, IIOHRIIAN Mafvarat E, Asst ScI8ntlst (MecIcIne-UMD) 324 Med DukIlh ( ), ' ( ),1722 E7th St, DuIulh 55812, MOIlS Kathryn J, DeeignJMedia Art (BI0medlcaI GraphIc Comm) 8x 711 Mayo ( ), P W8 ( ), , mohaxoo2@ IIOJAEV VladImIr L, Pre-Doc: Asst (Physioklgy) MIrd H, th Ave, MInnaepolIs 55408, MOJIIEH8AKHSIl RamIn, Rasaarch AsatsIant (Compular ScIence) EEtC Sci, mqdeoo1@ ' IIOKERSKI 8herry A, ChikI Care Worker (UMC-BusIness, DIY of) RHCrookston (281-e285),21 EuclId Ave, Grand fofks NO IIOKHA8Hl Glrtsh S. Studant Attendant (Food Svcs) 125 MechE ( ),708 UnlversilyAva 8 E, Apt 17, Minnaapolts 55414, , mokhaool@

39 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF MOLD-MOONEY 285 MOLD DorIs E, JrU- S8IY Spec (ClInical & PoIlI*tIon 8clenc:lls) 225 VII Tell Has, IIOUIE Jonathan A, StudInt Labonlr (Vel TIIlIching HoIp Clinic) 305 VII Tell Has. ( ),759 Ednuld, $I P11U155104, IIOUIE La Vome K, Exec Asst(LaSch) 421 La(lI ), 1947 GrInd Ave, $I Paul 55105, IIOUIE Luverne J, Farm AnlmII AI1n (V8I T8ecNng HoIp ClInIc) B233 Vel Tell Has (825-Sm~ (82S-87OlI), 759 Ednuld, St PIIUI 55104, 291-7lKl5, IIOUlEN D8nny T, Teed*lg Aaalslanl ~)450FoI H(62&o7811~ IIOLIlEIlIWIER Je8n T, Glln Sta1I Nurse (Pos1 AnestheIia care unt-box 67) Bx 87 ~, IIOLIlEIlIWIER Thomas J, otiice Spec(~ Mail) 70 Col H(82S-8275), ( ), 1919 MeIv8m St, I..audenl* 55113, , IIOLDOW Charles F, PlofeSSOr (Medicine),. VA MedicII C8nl8r, One V Dr, MInne8poIia 55417,~ 3407 $I louis Ave 5, Minrl88pllIIs 55411, rnoldooo2@, lax: & IIOI.ENAAR Kar1 0, CIn Asst Prof (Fam Praclic8 &CormU1IIy HIlh~ cannon Falls ClInIc, 218 W MIl St, C8nnon Fils 55Oll9, ( ) IIOI.ENAAR MicllaeI J, UndIrl1B Res Asst II (CIvil~ 122 Clv E( ),' ( ~ ( ),1&09 5 ETlIImag8 Aft, MinnIIpoIis 55414, :m..7950, rnoienoo2@ IIOI.ENAAR Robert E, CIn Asst Prof (0phlhIIm0kJgy~ cannon Fils ClInIc MIl St W, C8nnon Fils 55Oll9, ( ~ IIOLENDA LindlI M, Pr1n Al:cl SpJSupv (Abnni Relations) 501 CMU( ), (625-91&a ~.1l:.umn.eclJ IIOLETTE Janis C, Sr Food S8IY WIa (H Main Food S8Mce) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), moi8iool@maroon.1l:.umn.eclj IIOUNA Colleen, Gen Sta1I NIne (Nursing FID81 Pool) Bx 603 ~ ( ), 78 EGeorge St, $I Paul 55107, , rnoiinoo4@ IIClIJNA J Emeslo, PnlI8s8or (Surgery-GenlnI BxI82~(825-&811~3410VCCRC (625-8ll99), nd Aft NW, New Ilrighlon 55112, , ndnool@n* IIIDUNA ~ll E, PlofeSSOr (SolI sa) 439 Bar H( ), 2244 Riverwood PIKe, Sf PIIuI 55104, , IIOLIIWlfPaUl 5, PhysldIn (AneslhesioIogy Bx 294 Mayo ( ), AssiIt8nl PlofeSSOr BS25 ~ ( ). MOLINE KarIn L, Jr Lab Tech (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), 2lI98 Como Ave, St Paul : 55108, IIOUNE Lym C, Non Univ Sta1I (PedIalrics) Bx 712~( ~ PWB, , IIOUNE~ J, Non Univ Slal (U 5 0 AFonIst 8erv) 408C NCFor ( ). rnolinoo7@ 1IllII'OOI' MOLINE Sandra L, Assoc LibnIrIan (LInIy-PUb S8IY & Branch) 108 Wa I.Il( ). s-moii@ IIOUrOR DilIne V, Sr AccounllIIlI (0bsleIriIl8 & Gynecology) Bx 395~ ( ~ MoosT, diane@phci.umn.eclj IIOUrOR Nicholas N, Illr (Camp/COl LaveI) (DenlIslry Admin) Moos T ( ) lupont Ave 5. MinnIIpoIis ll2S IIOUrOR Thomas W. ProI8sSor (ClInical & PoIlI*tIon Sciences) 225 VII Tell Has (82S-7244) (li2s-7085), lh StW. Lak8viIe ,492, MOLL Eugene A, Cliri Assoc Prof (ResIoralIve Sciences) MoosT (ll25-04m ( ), 2203 Windsor lake Dr. MinnMDnka 55;lO , IIOLLEN Mich181 C, CIn Inslr (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med DuIulh. Duluth Clinic-l~ MIler Trunk Hwy. Duluth MOLLER James H. ProI8sSor (P8diBIrics) Bx 288 Mayo (62&02790). 203 VCR C, 4818 SheridBn Ave 5. MinnIIpoIis 55410, ,1l1OlIIOO2@ 1IllII'OOI' MOLLER KarInd T. f'nlf8llsw~ Sciences) Moos T (825-S945). 868 AIbogast Rd. 5hanM8w 55128, , moiieool@maroon.1l:.umn.eclj MOLLER SAIlFOIlO Julie C. CIn Asst Prof Emer (Me(Icine-UMO) 141 Med OUkdh, DuIulh Clinic. 400 E3rd Sf, DuIulh 55805, ( ) MOLLNER John M. MaInl PIIn/Sch8d (Fac Mgrnt-Zone 6-IT) 200 Shope B( ), 155 Mar A( ~ , moilnoo1@ MOLONEY DenieI P, Assoc DlI(Camp/COll (CIa, 0lIice 01 The Dean) 208 JaIl H(824-1~ ( ) C8rIson Lake... Eagan ci-moio@vml.spcs.umn.eclj IIOI.ONI Ka1IImI. Teed*lg AasiIlInl (Physics & Aslranomy) 148 Pl1ys ( ), (62&07849) ltl Ave S. Apt 1. Minne8poIs 55408, IIOLSTADJohn A, Design/M8dia Art (MN Ext Serv-Educ Dev Syst) 405 Col H( ). 31 HIIsicle C1. Sf P11U , jnoistad@, lax: 812-e IIOLSTAD Monica M. otiice Spec (Operallons & CanstruclIon Adm) 300 ShalI8 B ( ). MOLUF Lym O. Pr1n Sec:mIry (4-H Youth Development C8nIBr) 340Col H(lI2S-5742). (825-97OO).lmokJI@mes.umn.eclJ, lax: 812-& liolumby Thomas M. Nutr Srv Spy HoIp (H M'" Food S8Mce) Bx 84~ (62&03125) MClIION1' Nrt!nNt M. Sr Accounts Asst (8oyntm-Pharmac W1~ Bown H5 (824-7~ ( ), ( ). rnornonoo2@ 1IllII'OOI'l.Ic.umn.eclJ IIIDIISEN w.ame. Sc:lenIlst (Honnellnstilule~ HormeIInsliIulB, I Ave NE, Austin 55912, ( ), W1911I Ave. Austin 55912, IIIOIIIlIlIOO1@go1d.Ic.umn.eclJ IlONA Joel O. Ilsac OperfTech (Fac Mgrnt-lone 3-Heldlh sal Bx 59 ~ (82~ B117 Moos T. Rll, Box 5-. Z.-nlJrola 55992, 1IlOll8llOO1@ 1IlI/', peger: IIIDIWfAH Robert HR. Gen Sta1I Nurse (Eye, En! NeuroIogy-6B) PCU8B Mayo, 718 Arbogast. 5hanM8w 55128, , monahoo1@ MDIWICH MI1em A, Admin FeIow (ThelIlre Arts a Dance) 208 Mdb H lMdIsh Ave. Minneapolis 55407, monasoo1@ MDMERG ~ O. HRConsuIIanI (Dfc 01 HumIln Resoun:es) IIl Sf SE ( ). IIONCRIEF John F, AS8OCla18 Protesaor (SolI Sd) '439 Bar H ( ~ 1448 WEIdr1dge Ave. RoseviIe , moncroo1@ IIONDALE Brian P, Uncl8rgnI Res Asst II (ChImisIry) 139 Smith H. 515 WedgBwood Lane. PIyrrnlIh l648. moncilioo2@ IIDNDAn DeWl. Del S8IY Driver (Campus Mail) lh Av SE (~ Chicago Ave 5. MinneepoIiS 55407, , mondaool@ IIDNIlIND Anna. Post-Doc Assoc (MicrobiokIgy) BxI98~( ). 1080~.111 ManpIlIB Ave S, Apt MiMeIIpofis 55401, , mondioo1@m1roon.1c.umn. IIDNESTERIO MarlO G. Sr0tIice Asst ~adities Mgrnt-Adm) 100 Shope B(62&07419) MONETTE Madonna A. Prin Accourrlanl (CIa. Accounling & Budg8Is) 209 JaIl H(62&09812). ( ) nd... NW. Ramaey lIHTIClll8@vml.spcs.umn.eclJ, lax: 612-e MONETTETerry L, Food 5erv WIa (Food Services) 77 C MU, 1287 F8IIinglon St, St PaW 55117, rnonetoo1@rrwoon.te.umn.eclj MONGE James J, CIn Prof (Medic*le-UMO) 141 Med Duluth. Duluth ClInIc. 400 E3rd Sf. DuIulh IIONGIN S-J, Research Assislarrl (llioslatistics) Bx 602 ~ Por1land Ave. Upper. St Paul 55104, , mongiool@ IIDNICKEN 08b0rIh R. Adjlnstr (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & Res~ VAMedlc8I C8rrlIr. One V-.ns Dr. Dept 118. Minneapolis 55417, (fl8o.7460), Aaalslanll'lOf8alor (Sch 01 MalIwn8IIcs) 105 YIn H(62Il4I43), monrocj1@ IIClNJNIIlIND Paulo F. Research AssIstant ~ & PIarrl Gerrelics) 413 Hayes H (li2s-571~ 1209 GIbbs Ave, St Paul 55108, ~I@maroon.te.umn.eclJ IIONLEY... M, PIw1Mcy Spec (H 0uIpatierrt Pharmacy) Bx 812 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo ( ), monieool@ maroon.1l:.umn.eclj IIONNIER Conslance J. Prin Buyer (9ookslonIs) 290 Wrnson H(628-1~ monrrioo1@ MClH8MA w..m B, ilir fn/fac Rank) (Mac Lam 1nslIIulB~ (Council 01 ReIgiauS Advisors~ Mac Lam 1nstilullI lh Ave 5 E, MinnIIpoIIs 55414, ( ) J_ Ave 5, MinneIpoII , IIIllIlSIIlOOl@ IIONION Ile\IyL, SrDlIIa Entry Opr (DlIIburs8rrwd SInrioea-Ia') nd St, IIONION IlrIdgIl O. Pa1Ient An Rp.Sr (H ~ Rep) Bx 709~ ( ), II HoIp (62&08685),'15387 Lalley Lane, Eden PIWIe l1ll2. oconncl12@ IIONION Bruce A, '*-diaaalslanl (CIvil EngNnIg) 122 Clv E (824-t047), ( ) LakevIew Ave 5, Minne8poIs NI203. monsool~tl:.umn.eclj IIONION Debra A, Inslructor (NullIng. Sch OI-Prog & Res~ 3480N I.8QlglOn Ave. ShonIviIlw ( ) Sumac Rodge WhitIllIlear L.aIclI IIONION IliIm8L, l'iof8aior (Clm:Wni. Inslruclion) 350 "-II H( ), 740 Rlvw Dr. Apt SF, $I P1U155118,1IIOIIIIlOO1@ 1IllII'OOI'l.1c.umn.eclJ IIONION KrlIlI A, RIch NIne CIn (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), 291 VCR C(825-7ll24) Ih Ave S, , , 1llClIlIOOO4@mIte.umn.eclJ IIONION Margot p. TlIechilg AaiIl8nl (EI*JmOkIgy) 219 Hodson H.( ), 22 LucIow Ave, Sl P11U155108, , ~1c.umn.eclJ IIONION Mark H. CIn Inslr (MecIicInHJMD) 141 Med DuIulh, DuIuIh ClInk:, 400 E3nI St, DuIulh IIONION...J, 0CCupa 11Ilnplst(H 00cuplIII0naI TherIpy) Bx 108 Mayo GrlIenwlIlld Trail. StlIwatIr 55OB2, IIIOIlIOClOIl@mIc.umn.eclJ IIONION PIIUI H. Prof Emer (UMO-8ioIogy) 211 L Sci DuIuIh ~ ( ), 223 WSt Marie St, DuIuIh , piiloilsllri@ d.umn.eclj. lax: IIONION StIMIn J. SrSc:lenIlst (Physics & Asrorromy. Sch 01) 378 Pl1ys ( ~ 4000 WlIow Rd.1lrooIdyn Perk 55443, llOlIIOOll2@rr.Ic.UIlII'IAclu IIONION VemII EIIlne.Progrwn Assoc:iale (MBA ~)296HHHCIr ( ), Ave 5 E, Minn8IIpoIis 55414, --I@csom.umn.eclJ IIONION QEEII18 PatrIcla A, Instruclor (UMO'Fgn LanguIge & LJlBnI1In) NR R IDuIulh ( ). (72$-7951~ 1515 N9lIl Ave E, DuIylh IIONION QEEII18 StIphen O. Asst Sc:lenIlst (UMG-Appi Res &Tech lliv CIr) NR R IDuluth ( ). (72G-4204~ IIONTAOIE 51-. C,...,ee-to (AtIWtics, Women'slmcllg) 250 BFAB (62&o1381~ rnonliioo2@rrwoic.umn.eclj IIONTAHft RolIIla C, Nub' EGlc Asst (ME8-CoIege 01 HumIln EcoIogy~ ~ Co Ext ~ Cour1houIe. 201 NEIllSf, Austin ( ) IIQNT&lO P8mela A, Gen StaINIne (FedIatrIca-5A) PCU5A Mayo. rnomed04@ maroon.te.umn.eclj IIIONTEIl1t AImee J, Pr1n 8ecretBry (0I0luyng0I0gy) Bx 398 Mayo ( ) P WB(825-7~ IIIOIlIIlClO5@ maroon.te.umn.eclj IIONTQOIERY IlarbBra J. Supv Ana1yItIProg (HouIIng & Food Services) 214 P 5 B(~). birb@sso.lnop.umn.eclj IIONTQOIERY CIIk 8. Ext Educ & Asst Prof ~~ Ext ElkJcaeor.1Issislarrl l'iof8aior, 8IInmiCo Ext DIe, l Sf, Il4lrit ( ), 3450 IluchInan 5 W. Il4lrit 56801, C1YOOidgOmlly@ mes.urr'in.eclj IIONTOOIIEIlY Jean A, Assoclalll~ (ThelIlre Arts & Dance) 110 Rarig C (825oe529). ( ). (~rnorrtgoo1@ maroon.1l:.umn.eclj IIONTQOIERY Ka1II A, Soc:iII Wkr. Prin (H SociIII Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), M116 Mas Can C1r ( ).1I1ClllIgOO5@ IIONTOOIIEIlY KayIa J, Child FIIIl Life Sp (Child FIIIIIiIy Ufe Program) Bx 803 Mayo (82S-5988), e-244 Mayo ( ~ 619 PiacII $I N. Sl Paul morrtgooli@marotl:.umn.eclj. IIDNTOOMEIlY Kent L, Asst Sc:lenIlst (UMll-WaIBr & Errvrn, Clr/flvlmg Al:cl) 430 NR R I DuIuIh ( ), BouIdllr L.aIclI Management Area. Nordberg Rd. Duluth 55803, ( ~ 1335 Minnesota Ave. Duluth 558ll2, , krriorrlgom@d.umn.eclj MONTGOMERY Patricia C, AsslIlant PlofeSSOr (Physical Med & RehablIlation) Bx 388 Mayo ( ~ R388A Ch RC( ), 2217.GIenhurst Rd, $I LbuiI PIrk IIONTOOIIEIlY PIIUI J. AIsiIlIrrl~ (R/l8IDrlc) 201 Hclcr H. 52~T_.Apt 401. MinnIIpoIis 55403, 377-G573.1llOIIlIgOO9@. ~Y Rae, Ext Educ &Asstflrof (MN Ext Serv-Educ lliv Sysl) 405 Col H(824-~ fall: 812-e IIONTQOIERY Stacy L, PatiIrrt ReIa Rep ~ Pa1Ient Relations) Bx 49 Mayo ( ), B329 ~. IIONTQOIERY Torrwny J. Admin FeIow (Mpil S1uderrI Unions) 220 C MU( ), nd Ave 5, Apt 175, MinneapoliI55404, MONTIE.Jo K, CoordinatIOr (EaJcationaI Psychology) 111 PI II ( ), ( ~ montioo1@maroon.ti:.umn.eclj IIOtfI'OYA James A, T8IICI*'lI Assi&WIt (F1IIIIiIy Soc:i8l Scienoe) 290 Me N H, jrnonloya@ IIONTDYA Juan De Ilios, HoIpCuIIDdilIn 3 (H ErrvironmenlaI 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Al02 Mayo, lh Ave~. Mi1neapoIs 55408, MOODY Craig 5. Public HIlh Spac (EnvinlnmenI8I HeIdlh &S8feIy) W135 Bown HS( ). ( ), craig@ehs.mic:r.umn.eclj MOODY JUiI A, Assistant f'nlf8llsw (Ph8nnacy Practice), $I PIIUI Ramaey MecIcaI C8nl8r, 840 JackSOn 51, St P11U (221-ll82O). moodyool@maroon.ic.umn.eclj IIDOERS Howard O. Assoclalll ProI8sSor (UMI>Geokigy) 229 HHDuluth (72$-7239). ( ). 1935WKent Rd. DWIh lax: IIOOICERJEA DebIIi, R.-ch AasiIlInl (Cultural Studies & Comperative UI) 350 FoI H ( ) lh Ave S E, Apt 317. MInneapolIs 55414, :m..ll85o. moolc8oo1@ MOON ChuI, Visit Prof (Surgery-Generat Bx 280 ~( ), Moos T.1IlOllIIllOO6@ maroon.1l:.umn.eclj MOON Jay, Assistarrl PlofeSSOr (Electrical ~)4-174EEfCSci(825-~ 7203nI Ave NE, Apt 319. MimeapoIs 55413,331~. MOON Karen. Prin Sea8Wy(Feminist Studies, CIT Fort498 Ford H( ), 253 ~ Ave S. Minneapolis \1OClI1llOO4@ 1IlI/'OOIl.\l:.umn.eclJ MOON Maxwell. Adril Aide (Insl of Languages & Lil) 190 KIll Ct (82~ ( ) MOON Roger 0, ~(Enlllmology) 219 Hodson H( ). (82~ 1031 W NelQsIca, St Paul , rdmqon@i 1IllII'OOI'l.te.umn.eclJ.lax: 812-Q MOONEY 0.-T. Res FeIow (DrIll Sc:iences) Moos T ( ~ lh Ave N. PIyrrnlIh 55447, rnooneoo4@ MOONEY MaIjorie A, SuppI Dfc/Srv Wrk (SuppIllmentaI 0lIice Services) IIl St SE ( ).lIlOOI'IllClO5@.1l:.umn.eclJ IIIOONEY Nancy E. Exac Asst (UMM-N:ad8mic Atlalrs-Adm) 315 Behm MorrIs ( ~ Rl2, Boll 103, Haricock 58244, IlCIOI18YI'I8@ caa.mrs.umn.eoo

40 286 MOONEY-Me LooNE-MORK JR STAFF MOONEY-MC LOONE Anne, CoorcInalor Onat of Child Dev) 1348 Ch Dev ( ), th Ave, Minneepolls 55408, IIOOIWllAN DanIell, Assistant Professor (Lab MedicIne & PalhoIogy) 36 Mayo ( ), Moos T(~, fax: 812~7035 MOORE Clvls1Dph8r L, Exec Secretary (Aerospace Eng & Mechanlca) 107 Aker H ( ), 2624 Dupon1 Ave 5, Apt 1, Minneapolis 55408, , moore@ MOORE Deborah A, Gen S1a1l Nurse (Pedlatric&-7A) PCU7A Mayo ( ), 9781 PDI1lII Dr, Eden PrilrIe 55347, mooreoo9@ MOORE F B, Prof er-(umd-chemis1ry) 248 Chern Duluth ( ). 800 Chlmar Park Dr, Duluth 55812, , chem@ MOORE Fomist G, Prof Ern8r (Inat of Intl S1udies & Programs), (Education, College Of-Adm), Midland Grove Rd, Apt 111, RoeevIIIe 55113, mooie03o@ MOORE GayIen l, 0IIk:8 Spec (Purchaslng) 200 Shops B( ), 3325 Por1Iand Ave 5, Minneapolis 55407, 8X1-35n, mocji'li038@ MOORE Holly J, Library Assi 2 (Law Library) 120 Law ( ), MOORE Jacqueline B, Social Wkr, Prln (H Social Wor1<) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), rnoor802o@ MOORE Jamas 0, DaI Safv Driver (Printing Sarvioea) P 5 B(62&6018), ( ), Ct N, BrooIdyn Park 55445, , 1' MOORE Jamas M, l.8ciurer (ExIansion Classes) 207 Und H( ), 438 Laurel Ave, Apt AS, SI Paul 55102, 227-0D47, moored35@ MOORE Jerome T, Analysl/Prog (MIc:robIoklgy) Bx 198 Mayo ( ). 1438Mayo, , MOORE Joel M. Grad SChool Fellow (Phannaceutics) H5 UnifF ( ), 623 Ontario 51 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, , 1'I1OOI9OO7@maroon.te, MOORE Karen E,,0IIk:8 Spec (Ole ofthe Registrar-5tu Contact) 150 Wmson H, k-moor@ MOORE Kay F, Sr Deta Entry Cpr (Unlver8Ity Press) rdAvS (8X1 1940), moore026@ MOORE Laura A, ~ AasIstant (EducatIonal Paydlology) 207 PI H, 1' @ MOORE Lynn R. Sr AccountanllAg Exp S1a-Admin) 220 Col H( ), ( ), (625-2nSJ, 132 Kentucky Ave S, Golden Valley 55426, MOORE Marion J. NursIng S1a Tech (Cardiovascular SurgJProgr Care-8C) PCU8C Mayo (82&-5300), Ave 5, Minneapolls 55417, mooraoo8@ MOORE MIcllael P, Program Dir (Rls &Tech Tms Adm, 0Ie0l)20111ooWashAv 5( ),130 71~ Way, Frldley55432, , mlke@ MOORE Nan E, Exec Assi (Education, CoIage Of-Adm) 104 Bu H( ). ( ), nrnoore@, fax: 812~7498 MOORE Nancy, Prln Sacratary (Nursing Administration) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), B385 Mayo ( ), m EIowa Ave, St Paul 55108, mooraoo8@ MOORE RiChard B, Prof Emer (EnglIsh L.anguige & Ut), 931 St Paul Ave, St PaUl 55118, , moore029@ MOORE JR RiChard R. Instructor (MedIcine). HennepIn County Medical CIntIlr, 701 Park Ave S Minneapolis 56415, ( ~ 4817 Washburn Ave 5, Minneapolis 55410, , MOORE Roderick0, JrSCientist (Lab Mediclne &. Pa1hology) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), Jac H, 2311 Madison St, Apt 1, MI~neapoIis 55418, 1'I1OOI9014@ MOORE Ruth A, AdmIn Fellow (Pharmacy Practice) H5 Unft F, Unfted Ho8pitaI, 333 N Smfth Ave, St Paul 55102, ( ), t Ave, MlnneapoIls 55417, , mooreoo5@ MOORE Sue 0, Assistant Profassor (0bs18IrIcs & Gynecology). Abbott Nor1hwestllm Ho8pitaI, Perinatal CIntIlr, 800 E St, Minneapolis 55407, (lj o), 1' @ MOORE Timo1hy 0, Resp care Prac,St (Cardiopulmonary SarviCe8) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), e-559 Mayo, St W, Apple Valley 55124, , moore034@ MOORE Tracey 0, Nursing Assi (Orthopaedlcs-7B) PCU7B Mayo, Harvard Ave, Chicago IL 80828, , MOORMAN Marissa J, Gred SChool Fellow (History) 614 Soc SCI, rnoormoll3@ gold.te.umn.eilu MOOS Deborah E, l.8ciurer (UMe-Managemant, Olv 01) 147 Dow HACrookston ( ) - MOOSBRUGQER Stephen C, Lecturer (Extension Classas-Maslers/Bus Tax), L.anon Allen Welshalr & Co, h SI, Suha 1000, Minneapcllis 55402, ( ), 5315 PlMwood Trail, edina 55438, , moosboo1@ MOOSE Maureen L, Trenslator (UMD-Aooess Ctr) 138 LDuluth ( ) MORAL Harvey M, C1in Assi Prof (Surgery-GeneraQ, Meadowbfook Med Bldg, 5te E1 01, 8490 Exoalslor Blvd, 51 LouIs Park 55428, ( ), MORALES DanIel P, C8rpenter (Fac Mgmt-Zona 1 St Paul) 135 Phys PI ( ), moraioo7@ MORALES F1avio A, Assl Educ Spec (Llnguls1lcl) 34 Fol H( ), moraloo5@ MOllALES James O,.Studant Pen! Wkr (Acad Supportf5tu LlIe-UMO) Ad BDululh (7~17), ( ),223 N25l/l Ave E, Duluth 55812, ,lmoralaa@d MOllALES Monica J, Teaching AssIatant (Spanish & Portuguese) 34 FoI H( ), moraloo2@ MORALEZ candatarlo, Operetions Supv (Fae Mgmt Zone 1oS1 PauQ 200 Shops B( ), B54 CLA 011 ( ), ( ), Palm 51 NW, Coon Rapids 55433, moraloo3@ MORAN Antoinette M, AasIstant Professor (Pediatrlcs) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), P W B, Kwel 51, Forest L.aka 55025, , MORAN Antonio M, 5r Food Safv Wkr (Food Services) 17 C MU( ), moranoo9@ MORAN Kelly l, Posl-Doc Assoc (Chamk:aI Eng & Mat SCI) 207 Amund H( ), rn0ran007@ MORAN Kenne1h J, Prin PhoIographar (UMD-ExtemaI Relations-Medla) 3150 Ad B Duluth ( ).130 Laurie St, DuIu1h 55803, MORAN 5and1 M, Sr Lab Tech On&t ofchlid Dev) 58 Ch Dev ( ), moranoo3@ MORAN Thomas C, Engl,.,/An:h (TeCh Support EIec1rIcaI Engineering) 200 Shops B( ), , moranoo4@ MORAN William C, Taaching SpecialIst (Joumalism & Mass Comm, SCh 01) 111 Mur H ( ), moranoo2@ MOllANDI PatricIa J, Prin Secretary (Medical education, ConI) Wash Av 5E,, fax: 812~n88 MORATH Jullanne M, l8ctunlr (Independent study), Abbott Nor1hwestanl Hoepltal, 800 E281h SI, Minneapolis 55407,'( ), 2120 Girard Ave S, Minneapolis 55405, ; m0rat001@ MORAVEC Robert C, C1in Assoc Prof (Fam Practice & Communfty HIIh), HeaIIh East cars Inc, 1450 Energy Park Dr, 3rd Ar, St Paul 55108, ( ), s1 St Ct N, StlUwatar 55062, moravoo1@ MORCOMB Denise C"lnstruetor (SoclaJ Work, SCh 01), Gerard Treatment Programs, Wayzate Blvd, Suha 104, Minnetonka 55305, ( ), , m0rc0001@ MOIlOlClt David H, Gen Stall NurM (Unit 50) PCU50 Mayo, 1270 Larpentaur Ave W, Apt 215, 51 Paul IIClIlDORSKI Delores J, Prin Sacratary (DiagnoeIIcfSur1cal SCI) Moos T ( ~ m0rd0001@ IIOREE-FJERKENSTAD LK, Admin Director (Graduate 5chooI-Admin) 329 Joh H( ), Ikf@llc* IIOIlEHOU8E Lyda A, Sr Secretary (Immigration Hls1llry RIs Ctr) 828 BarTy St (8X1-4208), 3409 QIrard Ave 5, Mlnneapolla 55408, , MClllEl.MD Richard M, Ex1 Educ & Assl Prof (MES-OIs1rlcts), AsaocIate Professor, SI louis Co Ex101c,Cour1house, hAve E, Hlbblng 55748, (282'()102), IIOREU.A8 Vassilios, ~ Assistanl (Mechanlcal Engineering) 125 M8Ch E( ), Ave S E, Apt AI, Minneapolis 55414, 379-n23, IIOIIEN Jl:Jnathan C, DentIst (Boynton-DentaQ 410 Boyn HS ( ), 4940 V1klng Dr, Suha 127, EdN 55435, ( ),11103 Jaekson Dr, Eden PrilrIe 55344, rnoranoo2@ MOREJIO Andres F, 5uppImt Employee (PadiatI1ca) 34 Fol H( ), 202C Nich H, 136 CeclI St 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, morenoo4@ MOREJIO Juan C, Dir (CBmp/Coi Lavel) (5tudant llivertity Inst) 340 C MU( ), ( ~ 8883 Kathryn Ct, Eden Prairie 55344, MOREJIO Paul W, PatIent FIn Rp,Sr (H Contracta(Patient Rap) Bx 709 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ),1I'IOI8IlOO5@ IIORENO-flUNO Carmen, Taachlng Assistant (SpanIsh & Portuguese) 34 FoI H( ), MOIlEY Glenn B, Dept Assoc Dlr (Geological Survey, MN) Unlv Av W( ), Prof8saor (Geology & ~), 2231 Draper Ava, RoeavtIIa 55113, , morayool@ MOIlEY Llndi M, Teaching AssIatant (Educational PaydloIogy)I29 Bu H(62U627), ( , P o Box 13001, Minneapolis 55414, moreyoo2@ goki.te.umn.l\du MOIlEY RVanoe, H9ad (WfFec Rank) (Ag Eng) 213 Ag Eng ( ), Professor (626-n33), 2458 Holton, Rosevilie 55113, , rvmorey@gaia.agang.umn.ed\l, fax: MORF Irene, Accountant (Inat of InIl Studies & Programs) 388 Me NH( ), ( ), morfx001@gold.te.umn.adu MCIRFITT RuMelt C, Teaching AaIlstant (PaydloIogy) N218 Ell H( ), ( ), IIOIIGAN AIle M, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Envtronmental SarviCe8) Bx 55 Mayo ( ); 1315 Olson MamortaI Hwy Apt 33, Minnaapolls 55405, IIOIIGAN Cheryl A, Prln Secretary (1n8t On Comm InlIegration) 212 PI H( ), Ave 5 E, MInnaapoIIs 55414, , morgaoo3@ IIOIIGAN ChrlstlneT, Asaistant To (Urologic SUrgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ), D593 Mayo. m0rga017@ IIOIIGAN CIaranoe E, Professor (Art Department) 208 Art B ( ~ (82W098), 2205 caillomii 51 NE, Minneapolis 55418, morgaoo5@ IIOIIGAN Cynthia l,'grad SChool Fellow (Ag & ApplIed Eoon) 137 CLA OIl, , IIOIIGAN Dennis J, SCIentlst (Medlcine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), VC C RC, 3501 Xenia Ave N, CIystal55422, , morgaoo8@ ' ~ Dennla M, Food Safv Wkr (Housing ~ Hal) nd 51 ( ), n C MU, IIOIIGAN Douglas P, Sr Secretary (H OPo-AduIt Psydllatry) Bx 301 Mayo, P WB. 223 S Cedar, Apt 33, Minneapolis 55454, , morga02o@ IIOIIGAN Francine M, HRLead Co!lsultant (Human RasouIl:8S Adnllllistratlcll"l) St SE (8X1-4372), l-morg@, fax: 'tioilqan Glenda N, Taechlng AssIatant (Political ScIence) 1414 Soc SCI (liue879), 2200 Han18t Ava S, APt tl, Mlnnaapoll , UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IIOIIGAN Jessica K, Admin Fellow (Human Resources Admlnls1ration) 410 Mot H( ), Taachlng Assistant (Anthropology), ETypo Dr NE, Stacy 55079, , morga014@,1ax: 612~1809 MORBAH Jon C, Accounta Assi (H BIlling) Bx 802 Mayo, IIOIIGAN Martin P, AssIatant Coach (A1II1etics, Men's Intcllg) 255 BFA B( ), 4438 Cedar. Laka Rd, Apt 8, 51 LouIs Park 55418, , IIOIIGAN Philip F, Exec Stu Pen! Wkr (Student Anancial Aid, Ole 01) 210 Fraser H( ), 1H", fax: IIOIIGAN SCott C, StudentJr SCl8ntls1 (St An1hony Fails Hydra Lab) 41 Ag Eng, m0rga018@ MORI Naokl, AssIatant ProI8ssor (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 138 Bor H( ), ( ) (626-m3), 1707 Tatum St, Apt 1, St Paul 55113, , MORIARTY carolj, Prln Acct Sp(Supv (Surgery-Genera~ Bx 195 Mayo ( ), P WB( ), rnoriaoo3@ MORIARTY Jamas A, AssIatant ProI8ssor (Neurology) Bx 191 Mayo(82S-4159), P WB( ), ( ), Unlvarsity Neurologists, 4812 C8ntarvllIe Rd, Whlla Bear Lake 55110, (429-1~ moriaoo1@, lax: MORIARTY Susan B, Degrae Prog Advis. (Dentistry-Enroll Mgmt Ole) MOos T. ( ), ( ), 898 Galliar St, St Paul 55117, , MORIQUCHI JudIIh R, Sr Med Tech(Cltn (Hosp Labs-Cham) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp (82I-~910), MORINE Marcia, Taachlng Assistant (DesIgn Housing & Apparel) 240 Me N H( ), 4705 Lyndale Ave 5, Minneapolis 55409, morinoo2@ MORISHITA Lynne, CoorcInalor (Fam PractIce & Communfty HIIh) Bx 25 Mayo, 825 Wash Av SE, morisoo2@ MORISON Undsay M, ~ Assistant (Otolaryngology) 115 Shev H( ), ( ), 121 WashlngtDn Ave 5, Minneapolis 55401, morisool@, fax: MORISSEAU Maria T, Sr Secretary (UMD-Fine Arta, SCh Of-Adm) 212 HDuIutII ( ), 529 Everett St, Duluth , sfa@, fax: MORITA Masaki. ~ SpecIalist (Educational Policy & Adm) 275 Pelk H. Middlebrook HaD, nd Ave 5, MInnaapolIs 55455, MORITOYO TakashI, Pos1-Doc Asaoc (Microbiology) Bx198 Mayo ( ), 1405 Mayo, 5241 LJnooIn Dr, Apt 302, EdIna 55438, , moritllll2@ MORITZ Debora A, R-.:h Asaistant (Fcnst RISOUnl88) 115 Gm H( ), 9291la11y St, Ha8tlngs 55033, , moriioo4@. MORITZ Lurelne J, Bldg &Gnls Wkr 3 (FaciIIlIea Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B( ), rnoriioo3@ MORIWAKI Taro, Pos1-Doc Assoc (ChemIcal Eng & Mat Sel) 189 Amund H( ), ( ), Naw Boston Square, Suha 412,2015 C8ntral Ave, MInnaapolls 55418, moriwoiil@ MORIYA Tatsuml,I>ost-DocAssoc(I'edlatril:s) Bx <491 Mayo ( ), Moos T( ), 2512 Sliver Lane NE, Apt 101, St An1hony 55421, , moriyoo1@ MORIZONO Hirokl, ~ AssIatant (iiiochenlistry-ebs) 140 Gor L( ), ( ), 5424 Newlon Ave 5, Minneapolis 55419, , morlzoo2@ MORIZONO NoI1ko, Prin Lab Tech (QtoIaryngoIogy) Bx 398 Mayo ( ), P WB 5424 Newlon Ave 5, MirJleapoIls 55419, , mol1zoo1@ MORK Bruce, Instructor (UMD-SocIology/AnIIvopoIogy) 212 CIna Duluth ( ), ( ),4131 Cooke St, Duluth 55804, MORK JR Frank E, CIIn Assi Prof (Faro PraclIce & Communfty HIIh). MedIcal Arta Bldg, Suha Nicollet Mal, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 4501 Wooddale Ave, EdIna 55424, , m0rkj001@

41 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA' STAFF MORK-MOSTOLLER 287 MOIlK Margnt T, Gan Staff NUI18 (Blue Surgery (Transplanl~) PCUSC Mayo, 6901 Cadar Laka Rd, SI louis Park 55426, 544-?585, MORKEN Dawnn S, ChIld cara Worker (UMe-Buslness, Div of) RHCrookston ( S~ 1212 Unden Ct, Grandforks NO MORLEY David B, PrIn Stu Para Win (Student FInancial Ald, Ole of) 210 Fraser H( ), MORLEY Jo Ann E, Prln Collect Rap (UMD-BualnessOle) Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), j-mori@ vml.apca.umn.adu MORLEY Peter C, Professor (Pharmacy PraclIce) HSUnn F( ), 2730 County Rd 90 I~ , morteool@ MORLEY Thomas, Prol Emer (PIanI Biology) 220 Blo Sci ( ),1472 WLarpentaur Ava, Apt 10, SI Paul 55113, , morteoo2@ MORHES Joon J, Ubrary Mgr I (Ubrary-Pub serv & Branch) 160 Arch ( ), j-mom@ vml.spc&.umn.adu MOROUKIAN Angela W, Cmnty Prog Spec (Gc-AdmInIatnItion) th Av SE ( ), ( ), 978 SI Clair Ave, SI Paul 55105, , moroullol@maroon,tc.umn.adu MORPHIS Naophytoa 0, Teaching Assistant (Elactrical Engineering) 2'119 EE/C SCI ( ), ( ), Unlv of Minn, 3316 can H 614 Daisware SI S E, Mlnnaapolls 55455, , rnorphool@ MORREIM Patricia A, Ext Educ & Aaao Prof (ME8-DIs1rlcta), Ext Educator, Anoka Co Ext Olc; 550 Bunker Lake Blvd N W, Anoka 55304, ( ),739 08kdw00d Dr, Anoka 55303, ,\j MORREY Michael A, Teaching As_latant (Recreational SpoIls) 400 Cooke H ( ), nd Ava S, Mlnnaapolls 55417, morradol@ MORRill Mark A, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Environmental 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo, morrlol3@ MORRIS Andrew J, Teaching AaaIstant (CompoeItion & Communication) 3O61! Und H ( ), 3250 Gartlald Ava S, Apt 204, Minnaapolis 55408, , 1nont010@ MORRIS Anna L, Teaching Assistant (Social Work, Sch of) 400 Ford H( ), , morrlo14@ MORRIS Anna M, EdItor (CEE-Communlcation Svca) oak St SE( ), rn0rrt012@, tax: MORRIS C Robart, Prcleaaor (Law Sch Inslr) ~ Law ( ), 1200 Kenwood Pky, Minneapolis 55405, ,, tax: 812~2011 MORRIS Dale K, Undrgrd Ta Non-U Stu (Sch 01 Mathematica) 115 YIn H( ), 4104 NW Manorviaw Dr, Rochaatar 55901, 262~775, rnorri032@ MORRIS Dana A, Bldg &Grds Wkr 1 (Fee Mgmt-Zona 4-AtIlIatica) 200 Shops B, l00418th Ava, MinnaapoIIs 5541~,1IKlI'I'Ki42@ MORRIS Darlene S, Sr Ubrary Spec (UMD-Ubrary) 2480 L Duluth ( ), dmorri8@d.umn.adu, tax: 218' MORRIS.l)arryI A, Taachlng Aaalstant (HI8tory-Hiat Day) 609 Soc Sci ( ), morrlol8@ MORRIS Earl W, Head ~(Fac Rank) (DeSign Housing & Apparel) 240 Me NH( ), Prolaaaor (624-97oo~ 1964 Como Ava, 51 Paul 55106, 645-6lI9ll, emorri@cha2.cha.umn.adu MORRIS HIDa F, Short Term Employ (Envrn & 00cupati0na1 Health) Bx 607 Mayo, rn0rrt015@ MORRIS Howard A, Prof Emer (Food Sci & Nulrilion) 264 F SC N( ), 1587 Burton SI, St Paul 55106, , hmorria@ cha2.cha.umrf.adu MORRIS Joe 5, Hosp Custodian 3 (H EnvIronmantaI 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), CI89 Mayo, morri028@ MORRIS John E, Ext Educ & Prol (ME8-DIstrlcta). Proleaaor, Pope Co Ext Olc, Courthouse, Glenwood58334, ( ), At 3, Box 314, Glenwood 58334, , jmorria@ maa.umn.adu MORRIS Kalharlne L, Dept Director (UMD-HaaIth servlcas) 249 HS Duluth (726olI238) MORRIS Michael J, Clln Aaa1 Prof Emer (Fam Practica &Communily HItIl), Famly Practica Madlcal Cant8r, 311 W3rd St,WIlImar 5Il201, ( ),2505 Country Club Dr, WIlmar 58201, , MORRIS Richard A, Aaaoc Prof Emer (UMD-Hlstory) 217 A BAH DuIulh ( ), 345 Lalcaatar Ava, DuIulh 55803, MORRIS Richard J, CDn Aaaoc Prof (Fam Practica & Communny HItIl), Park NlcoIIal MadIcaI Cantar, 5000 W38th SI, Minneapolis 55416, ( ), morrlo33@ MORRIS Theodora L, Aaaoc Prog DIr (Mechanical Englnaering-Camdac) 125 Mach E( ), 231 EIaCl E, , rnon104o@ MORRIS Thomas J, Hosp M & 0 Mach (H Malnt & Opar) Bx 702 Mayo, morrt027@ ' MORRISEAU conrad, ParkIng Monltllr (Pol'lca Tratlic Enlorcamant) 17 Pol 0 B ( ), 1068 Ballacntst Dr, Maplewood 55109, , MORRISEAU Judy L, Laundry Worker (Laundry 8erv1eaa) PB ( ), 1068 BaIIac:r8at Dr, Maplewood 55109, , rnorri028@ MORRISH Wdllam R, Program Dir (Daalgn Ctr Amer Urban Lndacp) th St SE ( ), AaaocIalll Prolaaaor, 1710 Dupont Ava S, Minneapolis 55403, , rnortioo4@, tax: MORRISON Danlal F, Rea Aaaoc (Vet Pathoblology) 205 Vet S ( ), 3430 List Place, Apt 209, MInneapoIIa 55416, morrt048@ MORRISON Daana M, Pub RaIationa Rep (Univ Relations) 6 Mor H( ), 251S'31st Ava S, Minneapolis 55406, 721-«103, dmorria@ mallbox.mall.umn.adu MORRISON llofoihy L, Aaaiatant Proleaaor (UMD-Compoaltlon) no H Duluth ( ), ( ),8515 Grover PoInt Rd, Danbury WI 54830, , dmontao@d.urnn.adu MORRISON Fred L, Proleaaor (Law Sch lnatr) 324 Law ( ), St W, Minneapolis 55409, li , MORRISON J George, Prof Emer (Art Dapartrnant), POBox 150, Grand Portage 55605, morrkl34@ MORRISON Jacolyn A, SIlort Term Employ (Plant Path) CRL( ), 1262 Norton Ava NE, Fridley 55432, jacklm@puccini.crl.umn.adu MORRISON JID P, Accounts Spec (Mk:robIoIogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 1460 Mayo, th St S~, Apt 302, Minnaapolia 55414, , morri041@ MORRISON Robart B, AaaclcIate Prclaaaor (Clinical & Population SCIancaa) 385 An Sci{V M ( ), ( ), morrioo8@ MORRISON Sharon L, Prln sacratary (Padlatrlca) Bx721 Mayo (628'2625), D-115Mayo, MORRISON Sua K, Sr EIaclron Tach (Computer & Inlo 8ervs) 100 Laud CF( ), morri03o@ MORRISON tharaaa N, Spec Rev Tach (Hoap Laba-Srf) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 3-58G-l U Hoap, MORRISON Todd J, Aaa1 Dir (CBmp/COl) (Rea & Tach Tms Adm, Ole of) Wash Av S ( ), 1228 NVIctorIa, St Paul 55117, , todd@ortta.urnn.adu MORRISON VIckI A, AssIstant Proleaaor (Madiclna), VA MadicaI Cant8r, Hamatology/0nc0I0gy(111E), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, (725-2OOOX4135), morrloo2@ MORRISSEAUX Randy C, Bldg & Grda Wkr 3 (Facilnlaa Mgmt-Adrn) Phya PI ( ), Ford H morrloi9@ MORRISIlEY Magan H, Coordina1lll' (Social Work, Sch of) 400 Ford H( ), Lecturer ( ),147 W48th St, Minneapolis 55409, , mmorrl@cha2.cha.umn.adu MORROW John F, User 8erv Spec (CEE Counseling) 314 NCC E( ), ( ), morrooo2@ MORROW Patrice A, Head ~(Flc Rank) (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ),200 caen SI S E, MlnneapalIa 55414, , morrow@acology.acology.urnn.adu, lax: MORSE Bradford J, ~nt Proleaaor (ReatorallY8 SCIancaa) Moos T ( ), ( ), 7205 BrIttany Lana, Inver Grova HIs 55076, 457~, rnoraaoo2@ ' MORSE George W, Proleaaor (Ag & AppIIad Econ) l3o,j CLA 011 ( ~ ~, moi18oo1@, tax: MORSE SllIphan 0, Sr Lab Tach (UMD-Waler & Envrn, Ctr For! NRRI Duluth, Natural Reaourcaa Rea Inst-Umd, 5013 Millar Trunk Hwy, Duluth 5581" ( ), 312 N60th Ava E, Duluth SS804, ~, MORTARI Frank, Rea Aaaoc (Madlcine) 8x 803 Mayo ( ), A497 Mayo ( ), 2375 Whbllald Dr, Woodbury 55125, mortaool@ MORTENSEN Jean I, Bldg &Grda Wkr 1 (FacUnIaa Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B; th Ava S, Minneapolis 5S408, rnortaoo4@ MORTENSEN Robart E, Bldg & Grda Wkr 1 (Fac Mgml-Zona 5-CLA) 200 Shops B (628'8119), 687 Manomln, St Paul 55107, , monalj06@ MORTENSON Karan M, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Mpis Studant Unions) 68 CM U( ), mortaoo5@ MORTENSON Mary P, Llbfary Aaa13 (St Paul C8mpua LIbrarIaa)55 Cant Ub ( ), ( ), 2601 Franca Ava S, Minnaapolls 55418,927-8tJ17,lIHIIOrt@vml.apca.urnn.adu MORTIMER James A, AaaocIalll Professor (NauroIogy) Bx 295 Mayo, VA MadIC8l Cant8r, One Veterans Dr, Grace l1g, MInnaap6IIs 55417, ( ), Apt 210, 7800 Brla10I VllIaga Dr, Illoomingtlln 55438, ~1, mortiool@ MORTIMER Jaylan T, Proleaaor (Sociology) 1014 Soc Sci ( ), DIrac\l)r (UnIv-Wlda), 5124 Emerson Ave S, MinnaapoIIs 55419, mortioo2@ MOIlTIHSEH DanIaI 0, Bldg &GrdaWkr 3 (Facllnlaa Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), 653 Van Buran, St Paul 55104, , mortioo4@ MOR1'INSEN DIanna 0, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Envlronmantal 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo, 653 Van Buren, SI Paul 55104, , mortioo3@ MORTON BlaIse G, AaaocIate Prolessor (Sch 01 MatIlernatica) 127 Vln H( ), HonaywaIl Tach Ctr, Mn , 3680 Tachnology Dr, MlnnaapoIa 55418, ( ), III Marquette. AvaS, Apt 2201, MInnaapoIIs 55401, 338'7517, MORTON John E; Sr SClantiat (Physics,& Astronomy, Sch of) 42 Phya ( ), ( ),838 23rd Ava S E, Minneapolis 55414, , MORTON PanaIopa, AaaocIata Prolaasor (UMD-GaoIogy) 227 HHDuluth ( ), ( ),2618 E5th S~ Duluth 55812, , pmorton@d.umn.adu, tax: 218' MORTON Ronald L, Prclaaaor (UMD-GaoIogy) 224B H H Duluth ( ), R LB ( ),2616 E 5th St, Duluth 55812, , gaoi@d.umn.adu, lax: 218' MORTON Ruth A, Lab AnmI cara Tae (Hormal Inst), HorrnaIlnatIlul8, 60118lh Ava N E, Austin 55912, (437~3), 90918lh Ava N E, Austin 55912,433-8SlI3 MORTON WOllam T, Appflcations Prog (Hormal Inat), HormaIInat, 60118th Ava N E, AuStin ( ), 90517th Ava N E, Austin 55912, MOSCOYICE Ire 5, Prolaasor (Ins1ltula For Haanh Svca Rea) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), moaooool@ MOSCOWlTZ Albert J, Proleaaor (Chemistry) 239 SrnItIl H( ), 191st St S, Apt BI905, Minneapolis 55401, , rnoacowll@ chamaun.cham.umn.adu, tax: '7541 MOSEL DIana M, Sr Rea Nurse Clin (Neurology) Bx295Mayo( ),12-IS3PWB,I03N Blake Rd, Apt 309, Hopkins 55343, , moaaioo2@ MOSEL James A, Lead Stores Clerk (Univarany Stores) UStor N( ), 4139 PIIIabufy Ave S MInnaapoI , , moaaioo4@ MOSELEY Malinda L, R~ Aaalstant (Ganatica & Can BIology) 250 BIo Sci ( ), 325 NWilder SI, Apt 4, SI Paul 55104, , moaaloo1@ MOSELl GIadya M,Sr 0lIIca Aaa1 (UniveI1lty Bookstores) 100 And H ( ),1IlO8aIl103@ MOlENa Gordon L, Bldg &Grda Wkr 2 (Facllnlaa Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, 289 EBernard, WSt Paul 55tt8, 451~7t2, moaanool@ MOSER DanIaI F, Teaching Aaalatant (UMD-Chamlstry) 248 Chem Duluth ( ), 930 Partridge St, Apt 304, Duluth 55811, MOSER DenIse A, Gen Staff NUI18 (Eye, En! Neurology-6B) PCU6B Mayo ( ), moserocll@ MOSER Irena M, Jr SciantIst (UMD-WailIr & Envrn, Ctr For) 416 N R R I Duluth, 5013 MUIar Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811, ( ), 128 N38th Ava E, Duluth MOSER Paula L, Mad/CRn Lab Tach (Hosp Labs-Blood Bank) Bx 198Mayo (~, D293 Mayo, 128 N 38th Ava E, Duluth 55804, 728'4196,ll1088I' MOSES Batty P, Prln Secretary (Fac Mgmt-lona 7-otl Campus) 115 Food 0 B ( ), St11 Russell Ava N, Minnaapolls 55430, moaaaool@ MOSES Lori A, Prln secretary (MadlcIna) Bx 741 Mayo (626-14m P WB ( ), 8968 Tyler SI NE, IlIalna 55434, ,, lax: MOSES SllIvan J, MadIcaI Lab Tach (Hosp labs-venipuncture) Bx 198 Mayo (628'3301), ~H Mayo, 62491llrchWood Rd, Woodbury 55125,736'9711, moaasoo3@ MOSES-ZIRKES Susan J, Raaaarch Assistant (Educational Psychology) 350 Ell H, , mosasoo8@ MOSHIER Bath M, Sr Hoap Csniar (H Patient Escort) Bx 706'Mayo ( ), I~ UHoap, 1240 Conway St, St Paul 55106, , MOSIMANN Robart G, Exec Aaa1 (Unlvar&ny Prass) rd AvS ( ), moaimool@ MOIINIAK Mary C, Rae RevIew AnIyat (H Billing) Bx 602 Mayo, th Ava 5, MinnaapoIIs 55417, MOSKOWITZ Bruce M, Aaaiatant Prclaaaor (Geology &Geophyslca) 106 PIlls H( ), ( ), MOSLEY sean F, Studant UtilIty Wkr (Parking services) 200 Shops B, moaiaool@ MOSS JR Adyr A, Mad Fel Spec (Surgary-GenaraQ Bx 1 Mayo ( ), P WB, 104S Hiawatha Ava, Apt 406, Hopkins 55343, mo&sjoo2@ MOSS David M, Phannaclst (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 81 I Mayo (628'3200), 0147 Mayo, moasxoo2@ MOSS JR Jerome, Professor (VOC & Tach Education) 210 Vo Tach ( ),1868 Cotlmann, Apt 102, SI Paul 55106, , MOSS Lori S, 0lIIca Spec (Madlcine) Bx 192 Mayo (8~, 151 VCR C, moaaxoo5@ MOSSBERG Mary Lou, Sr Hoap Cs T8ch (Hoap Csp) Bx 706 Mayo, U Hosp, moaabool@ MOSSENGREN Randy L, Heavy equip Mach (Fiaal servlc8s Shop) FGMnt ( , MOSSER Thomas J, Teaching Assiatant (Gradualll SchooI-Admin) 100 Farg H, At 1, Box 3, Fortuna NO 58844, , moaaaoo4@ MOSSLER John H, Sr Sclen!i&1 (Geological Survey, MN) UnIv Av W( ), 4716 Kant SI, ShorevieW 55128, moaslool@, lax: MOSTAJO Slbonay M, 0lIIca Aaa1 (MlnIl8x) 5-33 omwl ( ), 2019 Ford Rd, Minnetonka 55305, moslaool@ MOSTOLLER Jeanette F, Exae sacratary (AES-N CtrlE5-Grand Rapids), N CantraJ Experiment Station, 1681 Hwy 189E, Grand Rapids 55744, ( ),710 Walter Ava, Grand Rapids 55744, , lax: 218'

42 288 MOTEVA%E-MULLAN STAFF MOtIYAZI KMnn, Va Route OrNer (Food Svca) 150 Food 0 8 (824-7OOO).1'IllllIIvOO1@ M011EIlWAY Katherine A, AdmllI1IIon8In\l11V (CIInICII f'rc9imi) Moot T ( ), rnolhioo1om-.ll:.umn.lidu M01UY Mary E, OperatIng Am GIn (H OperatIng, Room) ax 700 Mayo, U HoIp, rnolleoo1@ IIOTT Alee A, UN... Supv (Filii PrllCtIce & CoIMUIIIy HIlh) ax 718 Mayo ( ), P W8 (li24-848lii, 1lICIltllOO3@nwll:.1IlIIl.1du MOTT L.-.nce V, RaMn:h AIIiIlInl (HIADry) 814 Sik: ScI, MOTTAHEIlEIl NegIr, Teachi1g AIaIItMt (CullInI S1udIeI & CompntIve ljt)350 Fol H ( ), 2428 E24lII at, ~!l5406, MOTTAZ Jell H, Res FeIDw (DerrnnlkIgy) ax 98 Mayo ( ). 50 Mu ClIn Clr ( )" 8770 Il8InonlI8 iie Trail, Lake Elmo 55042, m-' irz1, maliiioo1@maroon.ll:.umn.lidu. M01TAZ~ 1., CllP'f Clr EquIp Op (PrInIIng SInlceI) P S8~, (l\2h882), 2S84 5Ih Ave E, NSl P1U155019; m-4402, IIICllIaOO2@ IIOTTETDe'Ild J, Med ItIustrIkJr (1IIomedlcIl GrIpNc Commlax 711 Mayo ( , (82W283I, , inottaool@ MOTZKO Pecalla M, DantaI Aut Spec (DIntiII1ry-CInI Prog) MeaT(lI25-S441), IIOUA YII, Ex1 EduC & Inn (MN Ex1 8erv-IllarI!:ls), DIkDIa Co Ex1 ore. FairgroundI, lh Sl N, FIIIIIington 55(12.&, ( ), 847 ~ Ave, Apt 2, St P1u155108, IIClUACIlN'AO Sy Vang, Human Srv Aaaoc (CUHCC-Adult MedIcII) C UHCC ( , MOUCHET JoIn M, I.Jlrary Mgr 1 (Ubrary-Pub serv & 8rMc:hlll0 0 M WL ( ), ( ), BIrdIwocid Cln:le N E, C8cIar 55011, , IIOUUlEN Kaiy 1., MaInt PlanfSchaCI (Fee Mgmt Zana 3-HeaIlh SCI) 8x 51 Mayo ( ), 1500 PacllIc at, St Paul 55108, mouldoo1@ MOULTON L. Gen SId N...(Bone Marrow TranspIanMduIl-481 PCU48 Mayo ( , mouiiool@maroon.ll:.urm.adu MOIA.TON Hope V, NuIr EduC Aut(MESCollage of Human Ecc*Jgy), ChiIa90 Co Ex1 011:, TIIlgII Dr, Nar1h Branch 55058, ( ), Rt 2, Box 1358,1Uh CIty 66089, , ' IIOUNU-TOUlIIl Famaz, ReMaR:h AIaIItMt (EIactItcal EngIrMring) EEJC ScI, mouneoo1@maroon.ll:.umn.lidu IIOUNY'8 DennIs J, Fann AnIrnaI AtIn (AES-Roeemounl) On Lave 94/95 MOUTON MIl:hIlIa, TaacIIIng AaaiIlInt (Women's S1udIeII489 Ford H ( ), ( ), 2201 Grand AveS, MInn8apoIIs 55405, , moutooo1@golcuc.liliil.lidu IIOUW EIizabelh J, Teiching AIaIItMt (UM~I203 Boll Hlll*IIh (728-e242), 1701 Ell1t at, Apt 5, Duluth 55812, MOWIIIlAY Susan 0, Exec Sectetary, (UMD-l.IlnIryI215 HSlib DuIulh ( ), 4308 CIIlbou... Rd, DuIulh 55810, 72&-8007, amowbrlly@d.wnn.1du MOWITT John W, AuoclatI ProItIsa' (Cullural StudIaa" Comp8ralIve LIt) 350 Fol H(824-ll387), ( , (82S-585lI), 2815 Part< Ave, Apt 815, MinneIpclIa 55407, 87G-83&4, mowiioo1@ maroon.ll:.iiliil.lidu ' IIDWI.EII AlbaI1, AaallItant I'roIeID' (~,St Paul RamleyMedlcal eem., 840JacIC8OIl at, St Paul 55101, ( ), 1980 W0Ilunty Rd B. Sf P1u155113, , MOWREY Katherine M, Teachi1g SpaciIIIat (Food SCi & NulrIlIon), Ebenazar-luttlar Hal, 2838 Part< Ave. MInneapoIla 55407, ( ), 7414 W 22nd at,apt 308, Sl louis Part< 55428, , 1TIOIW8OO1@go1d.lI:.umn.adu MOWRYnamG, Taachlng AaallItant (Psydlc*lgy) N218 Ell H( ), 812 Tatum SI St Paul 55104, 84S-1578, roowryool@ MOllNUS KanIn E, Teaching SpaclIlIat(Food SCi & NulrIlIonI, St tmrys ~,1218 2nd 81 S W, Roc/lU1ar 55902, ( ), 11438lh Ave N W, Roc/lU1ar 55901, 282-t707 MOY Devld. Ussr sarv Spec (Stu Alh In10 SylItamaI280 WIl1lOll H( ), ( ), 1314 Hewlll Ave, St Paul 55104, ,, lax: MOYER DavId T, Prfn AI:ct SpISupv, (~S8rYloaaI835C 1300 S 2nd St ( ), 230 DIar Path Ct, SlIIIwalar 55082, ci-rnoye@vml.apca.umn.adu MOYER Yvome S, Med/ClIIILIb Tach (Hoap '1..abI-Chem) ax 198 Mayo (82N2llO), Ave S E, MInneapoIIt 55414, , rrioyero01@maroon.ll:.umn.lldu MOYES Andrew L. Med Fal Spec (OphIhaImoIogylax 493 Mayo ( ), P W8,5708 Meadow I.UII, ParlMIa OH 84152, m0ya001@maroon.1i:.umn.lidu MOYLAN MIchele M, Taaching~ (ComposItIon & CommunIca1IonI308 lind H ( ), , moyiaoo1@ MOYNIlAN JonaI M, R-.n:h~ (Agronomy & PIanl GeneticlII411 Bor H ( , 413 Hayes H( !l), 2330 Hampdan Ave, Apt303,1..IucIInIaIa 55108, ,, lax: MOYNIHAN Tirnolhy J,~ ProItIsa' (MedIcine), St Paul Rarneey MecllcaI eem., Nar1h Bldg. Rm 383, 840 JacIC80Il at,slpaul 55101, (221.mo5), 1381 Woodcr8at, 8IIomIIw 55128, , MOZHOEVVIadlmlr L. Pre-Doc Aut(Phy8Iology) MIrdH, VAMedIcal ceneer, 8rIIa 8clInoeI eem. (118), One V Dr, MlnnelIpoIII 55417, (725-2OOOX5588), Univ 01 MIm, ~255 MInl H, 435 DaIawar8 St S E, MInnIpoIIs55455, WIACHEK John P, Jr SClIInlIIl~ ax 495 Mayo ( ), B-22 0 vee R Co 7301 SNrlnon Dr, EdIna 55439, , IIR(IILA Albarla R, Exec Aut(Vel Medlclne-Daan's 0tIIce) 455 V..Tell HoI ( ,180 80lh line NE, IIIIIne 55434, , 1IlIOIIOO2@maroon.ll:.IIlIIl.Idu, fix: MROaA CyIII P, Sr GenarII Mach (Spona FacfGdI eo... Malnt Clr) GC8 S( ), lIl line NE, MtnneIpoIII55434, , IIlI'OIlOOl@maroon.ll:.umn.lIdu MROZEK 1.80 R, Aulatant ProfIuor (Filii 'PrllCtIce & CommunIty HIIh), RIverIIde MedIcal eem., Emergancy Room, 2450 RJveralde Ave, MInnaapoIIa 55454, ( ), 78 8ImamwoocI Dr, IlumavIIe 55337, , mrozaool@ 1IIIRIOIl.1I:.IIlIIl.adu MROZLA CsroIIna F, TaachIng AaaIatant (Gen ColI-Inat-Commandlng EngI289 ~ H( ), ( , MUALEII Leon M, R-a.AIIllItlint (PhyIlcI & AIl1ronoIny, Scll 01) 147 Phy8 ( ), ( ), Ave 5 E, Mi1nIIpoIIt 55414, , IIUCHOW CIlhy J, Prin Sectetary (Neurology) ax 488 Mayo ( , P W8, IIUCKE EdIth E, Aut Prof EmIl(ExtInIIon aa--cew{complaalscllo), ruoa Ave, EdIna 55424, ,IIlUCICIOO1@ IIUEFFELIIAN Gragory 0, AccounIa Spec (H AcquIIlllona & AlIlIIalionllax 704 Mayo ( ), P W8,g-mulIf@ IIUEFFEUIAN ShIrtey A, Sr s.cnary (Prof Dev & ConflIrance SvcI221 NeeE~ ( ~, fix: IlIUEHLENIWIP Mdla R, ~ AsaIalanl (Food SCi & NutrlIlon (Agr)1122 FBe N( ) 2230 HIIsIde Ava, St PIuI 55108, 84S-7019, muahiool@maroon.\ MUElLSTEDT DIVld V, AIbaetoe WorICIr (ConIl1rucIIon AdmIn)2OO~ 8~, 18821glahar1Ave, St Paul 55104, , MUElJ(EN John F, Sr RadioIog Tach (DIagnoetIC RlIIIIoIOgyl8x 292 M.(82Ml1041, 4100 CambarwaII Or N, EagIn55123, , rnueiic001@...cirolyn M, NaIl Res serv Fellow (MIciobUDgy) ax,198 Mayo ( , 1325 Mayo, 3945 LancalItar Lane, Apt 320, PIymoulh , muailo15@maroon.1i:.umn.1du MUELLER lluial L. AaaIatant ProItIsa' (MlIdIIlN1 ax 108 Mayo ( , Mea T, MUELLER De'Ild L. Jr EngnII (Fac Mgml-Tachnlcal/MachI241 0 Ad 8 DuIutII (728-82ll8), ( ), 4371 Old Hwy 33,' CloquIl56720, dmualilir@d.umn.adu IIJEUIR EIIn M. Exec Aut(FacIItIU MgmI-FlnMoel2OO ~ 8 (828-7G78), 2908 E 80IIi at, MlnnIIpoIII55417, 721.(JCJ87, 1IllJIIllI2Orna.1I:.IIlIIl.lldu MUELLER Julie H, Short TIIm Employ (Art llipnnanl)208 Art 8, rnuaiioo6@ IIlEUER Karan A, Gen 8talf N... (81111 Swgary (T1'IJlIPIInt)-6C PCUSC Mayo,801 RidgIwoOd Ava, Apt ;104. MlnneapoIIa 55408, IIlEUER I.MnIna R, Cook (MN t..andacape ArbonIIum), MN L.anclIImpe Arbor'8lum, 3875 AIbonIlum Dr, Box 311, Chanhauan 55317, ( ), 3386 Me Knight Rd, ChUIca 55318, ,1IIUaI1019@m11Oon.1I:.umn.adu MUELLER I.IlrI A, Sr Sectetary (EoonomIca) 1035 Mgml/ECOIl ( ), muaill23@, maroon.ll:.umn.adu...1.ilri R, Aut Mgr Res Anml (Raptor C8nI8rl100 GRIIpt CIr ( ), ( ), JumIne Trail N, StIIwaIlIr 55082, ) , muaii011@maroon.ll:.umn.adu...margo M, Stu SUp Srv Auoc (011: 01 The ~ooregistrdonl8-25 Fraser H ( ) V~ Lane N, Mapla Grove 55311, , J,ProgrIm DIr (Clr For Ec:on Dw-UMDI150 S 8 EIl'*'lh ( ), UMD ced/mn TICIVlOlogy A-a OIa, 0I00tl Plaza, 8ullI 140, 820 N9lh at, VIrgInla 55792, ( Ella Ave, EveIalh 56734, , rnmuailer@ d.umn.lidu, fix: 21~ IIUILLIIl Mary G, AuocIIt8 ProItIsa' (IlIomadIcII UbrIry) 303 DIaI1I H(628-3lI38), ( ), ( ), 143 8adford 5t S E, MlnnIIpoIII55414, m-rnuail@,lax: Roger 1', an PIrfuIIonIIt ~ ax 2117 Mayo, 3319 EdInbrooIC Ct, ~ ParIC 55443, , mualloo5@ IIUILLIIl Rolf K, I'rogrMI DIr (EIacIrlcaI ~ E EJC SCi ( ), 9707 MannIng Ave N, StIIw8tar 55082, , muaioto@ IIU!UIRVIII 0, ProItIsa' (EducatIonal PoIiey & Adm) 224 PaIkH( ), ( ),3808 MapICIwOOd Dr NE, MInneapolIs 55418,, fix: IIU!UERWIllIam F, Sr libserv Coord (Spaoa 8cIanoeClr) 13ShIplib(lI2&83841, mualloo7@,lax: , pager: 812-6»1827 IMIELIBUIU! GaryT,~ Supv(Sl ~ Slul*ltClr)42 8tcen ( ), ( ), Ave S E, MlnneapoIIa MlchMI R, Med FeI Spec (MlIdIIlNlax 508 Mayo, 290 VCR C, eachWOOd Ave, Sl P1U15511( muaiiol8@, ftwl!'aj. DIr (CI/Ilp/CoI Laval) (UMC-OutnIach122O Sal HCroolcaton ( ), Rt " Box 221, ~ 5lIli42, 838-lI837, MUETZIL...K, AorxuIlII Aut(Umr-Madla Arls & FIm) Ik SlSE ( , (li ), buar018@rnanlon.1i:.umn.lidu...toni L. Non Univ Stall (MN Ex1 llerv-adrmliatlallon), Clay CO Ex1 011:, Cour1hoUa8, Moor1leId (2ll9-502OI IUIAM Robart J, Ex1 EduC & Auo Prof (MES-DIItrIcla), HInnaplII CO Ex1 011:, 1525 Glenwood Ave, ~ 55405, ( ), 1IIIUgIIU@mu.IIlIIl.lldu IIUGGIlluial P, ~ AaailItIIIl (EduC StudIntAlfIh 0fIl) 145 PaIk H, ~ CoIumbul Ave S, MlnneIpoIls 55407,11IlIllll8OO1@ maroon.ll:.umn.adu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IUaQU MonIqua E,Sr Lab Tach (~ax 3lI8 M.( I,1IIIlllIIIOO2@ IIUQGUN Andrew S, TaachIng AssIstant (Ex1IInalon C...I270 YIn H, 1270 L.arpantIlIJ' Ave, Apt 205, St PW 55113, , MUHICIl Tracey K, 0tIIce Spec (Anu1hUioIogyI ax294 Mayo ( ); 8515 Mayo, IURDanlaa L. Undergra Res Aut II (Forast Ruouroas) 115 GIn H, 3112 E85lh, Apl208, Inver Grove HIs 55078, , rnulndlo3@ goid.ll:.umn.adu IIWUMDAR Ashu N, TectIn Consultant (Clr For Inlarfaclal Eng) 179 ShIp Lab, Corporata Rsch Labori1orIes, 3M Clr, 2ll9-1-O1, St P1u155144, ( ),'9l!3Autumn Dr, Woodbury 55125, 73l!-lI038,lIIUjumOO1@go1d.lI:Jlmn.adu IIUKHEIUE SIInchita, Attendant (HouaIng santoas-mlddiabrooic Hal) Mdb H, rnuieheool@ IIUIOlERJI Arijlt, AIaIItMt I'roIeID' (Mgmt. C L c.rt8on Scll Of-AdmI845 MgmIIEcon ( ), ~.cia.uim.lidu, lax: MULALLY AM M,Exec Sscratary (1l11li For HIlh S8rYloaa Raaearchl8x 729 Mayo ( ), 1WOO PW8 ( ), muiaioo1@ MULAlIOZI Maanda, RUNICh AssIlItInt (intni SturlI8a,lnlIt 01) 214 Soc SCi, 1417 L.asaIIa Ave, ~It 55403, mulauoo1@ '-.cally MattMw 8, TaachIng AaailItIIIl (HIatory-lpums) 814 Soc SCi ( ), (li24-28oo); 1500 La SdeAva, Apl823, MiNlaapolIa 55403, , muicaoo2@ IMCAHY Robert S, SrDala Entry Opt' (8IClII1a1Ia1Ic) Univ Av sa ( ), Ins Elm St S E, Apt 301, MInneIpolIa 55414, ,1IllllcIOlI3@nw.1I:.lJmn.lldu MULDER Debra/l, CII1 MedIcal Aut(Family PraIlllce & Comm Health) ax 718 Mayo (8e4-7170I,3-100PW8,1IlUId8OO1@ IMIlOON KaIY P, TaachIng AuIlItanl (EJaclrIcal ErigIneering)4-174 EEJC SCi, 3700 E55th at, MInneapoflS 55417, , muklooo1@ WlIIam P, I'roIeID' (MadIClnIl CMmIll1ry) H5 Unit F ( ~ muidooo2@maroon.ll:.umn.adu 'IU.ANGEII Dale M, ProItIsa' (ArctIItaCbn.,10 1IIctI( ), ( ), MuIIInger SuunICa a AI, 43 MaIn StS E, SuIl8 410, MlnnaapoIia 55414, ( ), 4115lJpton Ave S, MIrIneapoIIS 55410, 92G-5870, rnulitool@ 1IlIIOOIl.1I:.umn.adu 1IUI.FOIlD BaatrIoa A, ClIn Aut Prof (Medlcinel, ~ Health Inc, MadICII OtIIceBldg, th /We S, Mlnr1aapolls 55454, 1778 Montr8II Ave, St Paul 55118, rnuiioocl2@maro.ll:.umn.adu '-.MutEN John R, AdI AutProf (Envm & OocupalIonal Healthlax fii11 Mayo, 3M eo. InCIUIl1riaI Hygiene S8rYloaa, 3M Clr, Bldg 22&-2E-tl2, St Paul 55144, ( ), 8770 'Pertdne Ava N, StIIIwIIIar55082, 43G-005O, 1IlUIlaOO1@maroon.lI:.lIlIIl.adu.-.HAU8EN Robart 0, I'roIeID' (MadIcII1eI, V AM8dIcaI C8nt\lr; One V-ana Dr, MInneapoIia 55417, ( ), 5221 Woodlawn Blvd,. MINMpoIIa 55417, , mulhaoo2@ 1Il8roon.1I:.umn.lIdu -.HERN Brian J, Aut lilnrrlan (1.Jlrary c.dral Tach serv) MWL( ), 2758 AIdrlch Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, , muiheoo1@ ' MULHOI.LAND Susan C, Sr 8cIllnttlIt (UMD-Archaeometry Laboraloryl214 RL B 0IIIuth ( ), 1517 E3rd 5t, DuIulh 55812, ,llmUIhoII@d.urm.adu,fIX: IIIUUEIl Alip M, RUNICh AssilItanl (EIacIrIcaJ,Eng) EEtC SCi, 1408 Forast Lane, St Paul 55112, IIUlKERN AM E, TaachIng AaallItant (EngIlah As ASscond Language) 112 KIa Ct ( , muiiceool@maroon.ll:.iiliil.adu MULLAN John C, Med FaI Spec(~I ax 98 Mayo ( , 0429 Mayo, 20 NE2nd St. Apl804, MInneIpoIiII55413, ,

43 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF MULLAN-MURPHY 289 MULLAN Louise M, AssIstant Professor (Food Sci & Nutrition) 225 FSCN ( ),, fax: MULLANEY Jnl 0, Sr 0lIIce Ass! (Cont Dental Educ) Moos T( ), th Ave S, MlMeapoIis 55407, , MUU.EN Desmond K, Jr User serv Spec (Admissions-eomputer servlce$) 240 Wmson H ( ), ( ), 87~, dmullen@ MULLEN Judith A, Ubrary Ass! 2 (Horrnel lnatitute), HormeIlnstllutll, 80118th Ave N E, AustIn 55912, ( ), 818 Minnie Maddem, Alb8rt Lea 58007, , jamullen@ MULLEN Kathleen A, Rsch Nurse Cli.n (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), 289 VCR C, MuuEN Mary ~, Assistant Professor (UMD-Haallh, Phy Educ & Recr) 113 Sp HC Duluth ( ), ( ), 2312E 8th St, Duluth 55912, MULLEN Patricia A, DIrector (Univ-Wlde) (Equal Opp & Allirmativa ActIon) 419 Mor H( ), MULLEHBACH Mary A, Short Term Employ (Educational Psychology) 129 Bu H, mulleoo2@ MULLER Usa F, Prin Stu Pers Wkr (Tech Leadership, Ctr For Dev) S2nd St ( ), ( ), lisa@ MULLETT Mary A, Scientist (Vet Pathobiology) 212 An ScifV M ( ), ( ), ( ), 4062 Wagon Bridge CIrcle N E, PrIor Lake 55372, MULLlCK Ashim, Grad SChool Fenow (BioIogicel. Process TllCIllnst) 240 Gor L ( ),1415 8th St S E, Apt 203, Minneapolis 55414, MUWGAN Katherine A, Prin Lab Tech (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), VCC RC, th AveS, Minneapolis 55417, ; MUWKtN Julie M, Sr Vet Tech (Medicel SCh AdmIn) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), PWB, MUWN Deweyne L, Pipefitter (Facililllls Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, 4786 SRobert Tran,. Eagan 55123, , muni002@\ MULLIN Douglas J, Undergra Res Asst II (History) 614 Soc Sci, 5817 Elliot Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , mui1lo10@ MULUN Elizabeth C, Gen Stall Nurse (Oncology-Gyn/Benign Med-7C) PCU7C Mayo, 1793 Gramsle Rd, Arden Hills 55112, , muihoo3@ MULLIN JR Gerlkl T, C1In Assoc Prof (Medicine), MadicaI Arts Bldg, Suite 507, 825 Nic01iet Mall, Minneapolls 55402, ( ), 4417 Claremore Dr, Edina 55435, mullioo9@ MUWN Jeri L, 0lIIce Spec (Stu AtIalrs-UMM) 212 Behm Morris ( ), P0 Box 244, Cyrus 58323, MUWNS Colleen W, Teaching Assistant (Art Department) 208 Art B ( ), , MUWNS Lynnette.M, Asaistant Professor (UMe-Technical Studies) 313 seth Crookston ( ), 411 P1easent Ave, Crookston 56716, , MULOVICH David J, Non Unlv Stall(~ campus Ministries), 1153 Jessie St, St Paul 55101, MULROONEY Nen P, Jr Lab Tech (Medicine)Bx 36 Mayo ( ), PWB, "St S E, Apt 5, MiM88po1is 55414, , mulroq03@ MULROONEY Pab1ck S, Teaching Assistant (UMD-Composltion) 420 H Duluth ( ), 606 N18th Ave E, Duluth 5591;1, MULSKl Mic!lael J, Post-Doc Assoc (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci) 186 Amund H( ), 134E 18th St, Apt 204, Minneepoli , , MULVAHILL John E, CIin Asst 'Prof (Psychiatry), Doctors Bldg, Suite 204, 90 S9th St, MlnneapoUs 55402, ( !l), 7470 Ridgeway Rd, Minneapolis 55426, , mulva002@ MULVANEY Thomas J, Jr User serv Spec (UMe-HospitaIlty & Home Econ) 116 Dow H Crookston ( ), 1406Wklman Lane,. Crookston 58716, MULVIHILL DIanne L, Ass! DIr (U-WKle) (Employee Benefits) th St SE ( ), MULVIHILL Joseph A, Non Univ Stall (COuncil of Religious Advisors), Hidden Creek Dr, Andover 55304, ( ), mumoo2@ MULWAFU Wapulumuke 0, Grad SChool Fellow. (Inlnl Studies, Inst of) 280 Soc Sci ( ) MUMFORD Karen G, Research Asaistant (Fisheries &. WikllWe) 200 Hodson H( ), 830 Dover St, Iowa CIty IA 52245, , ~ Ian M, Unclergra Tch Ass! II (OLA Honors DIvision) 115 Joh H ( ), 7517 James Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55444, ~1863, munar002@ MUNDAHL Gay Ann, Gen Stall Nurse (4D-Slcu) PCU4D Mayo, 1325C 58th Ave N, Plymouth 55442, rodgeoo3@ MUNDELL Robert W, Short Term Employ (Printing S8fVic8s) 40 CM U, 247 Van Buren, St Paul 55104, , mundeoo3@ MUNDERLOH Ulrike G, Res Assoc (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), ( ),1892 Pascal St, Falcon Halghts 55113, mundeool@ MUNDINGER Katrina L, Teaching AssIstant (MUSic) 100 Ferg H, nd Ave S, Apt 36, Minneapolis 55403, , mudlnoo1@ MUNDY LOretta J, Med Record Clerk (H Medical Records Info) Bx 801 Mayo ( ), P WB, , mundyoo1@ MUNENE'Peter M, Short Term Employ (Biocbemistry-eBS) 199 Col H ( ), th Ave S, Mlnneapolls 55406, , MUNHOLLANO John K, Professor (History) On Laave 93/94 MUNISAMY Gopinath, Research Assistant (Ag & AppIled Econ) 332 CLA 011 ( ), 1376 Grantham St, St Paul 55108, gopin002@ MUNNEKE Lyle, Clin Assoc Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIlh) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), PWB, Family Practice Medical Center, 311 W3rd St, Wdlmar 58201, ( ), 1217 SW18th SI, Willmar 58201, , munneoo1@ MUNNICH JR Lee W, S8nlor Fellow (HHH Inst Publ Atlrs-Adm) 154 HHHCtr( ), 1149 Cedar voew Dr, Minneapolis 55405, ,, fax: MUNO JR Raymond C, ScIentist (Aerospace Eng & Mechanlcsll07 Aker H( ), ( ),,fax: MUNOS Michell Z, Painter (Construction Admin) 200 Shops B ( ), munosoo1@ MUNOZ-GUESADA Fernando, Research Assistant (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), 3035 N Fairview Ave, Roseville 55113, , MUNRt:> VlctorIa T, Admin Fellow (Unclergrad Res Opportunity Prog) 12 Mor H( ), 1946 Dorothea Ave, St Paul 55116, , MUNSCH Heidi M, Painter (Facllities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, MUNSCH Victor R, Laad Stores Clerk (ChemlstJy) 139 Smith H( ), ( ), 6582 Blackduck Dr S, L1no Lakes 55014, , MUNSELL DIanna J, Prin Acet Sp/Supv (CUHCe-Adutt Medical) C U H CC ( ), munse001@ MUNSHI Ruklyabenu I, Accounts Spec (ChemlstJy) 141 Smith H( ), munshi@ MUNSHI sayyara S, Jr Lab Tech (Epidemiology) S2nd St ( ), 2017 South Cross Dr, Untt 703, Burnsville 55306, munsh002@ MUNSHI Zohra I, Ubrary Asst 2 (Ubrary Cantral Tech serv) M WL ( ), z-muns@ MUNSON Bruce H, Assistant Professor (UMD-Education) 120 Moo HDuluth ( ), ( ), MUNSON Daniel L, Teaching Assistant (Marketing & Logistics Mgmt) 1235 MgmtfEcon ( ), 1732 Leone Ave, St Paul 55106, , MUNSON Eric J, AsaiSlanI Professor (ChemistJy) A-13 Smith H( ), ( ), 10435th St S E, MInneapolis 55414, , munsonej@ MUNSON Karen A, Crnnty HIth Supv (Epidemiology) S2nd St ( ),.5124 Beard Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, ,, fax: MUNSON Norma J,Clin Instr (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res) On Laave 94/95 MUNSON Reed H, Unclergra Tch Asst II (Iliochemistry-eBS) 140 Gor L, loo7a 29th Ave S E, MinneapoIla 55414, , rmunson@ MUNsoN Robert 0, Professor (SolI Sci) 439 Bor H, 2147 Doswell Ave, St Paul 55108, MUNTEAN Rachel A, Sr sec:retary (Medicel Soh Admin) Ste Unlv Av se ( ), 9700 Vincent Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55444, munte002@ MUNTER Robert C, Associate Professor (Soil Sci) 135 Cr Res ( ), ( ),1863 Draper Dr, Roseville 55113, , munteoo1@ MUNTIFERING Craig H, Prin Aoct Sp/Supv (Student FinancIal AId, Ole of) 210 Fraser H ( ), , c-munt@ MUNYAN Bernard A, Hosp M & 0 Mech (H Maint & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), Cl12 Mayo ( ),49 WCook Ave, St Paul 55117, , muny8\101@ MUNZNER Tamara M, Exec Asst (Geometry Ctr) S 2nd St ( ), 3018 Aldrich Ave S, Apt 31, Minneapolis 55408, , MUPPIDI Himedeep R, 'reaching Assistant (inlnl StudIes,lnstof) 214 Soc Sci ( ), MUIIAIWII NOONAN Christine E, cmnty Prog Spec (Omssa Central) 31Q 1901 Unlv Av se ( ), murakoo2@ MURAII Jozef, Post-Doc.Assoc (Madlcine) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), PWB, , muraroo1@ MURCEK Jennifer A, Gred SChool Fellow (Civil Englneft1g) 122 CIv E( ), MURCH Uncia L, Nutr Educ Asst (M~8-CoIIege of Human Ecology), Meeker Co Ext OIe,.305 N SIbley Ave; Box 582, Utchflakl 55355, ( ), rd St, Utchflakl55355,lmurch@ MURDOCH J SCott, Sr Usar serv Spec (Admissions-Dsta ReportIng) 280 Wmson H ( ),7022 W113th SI, Minneapolis 55438, , MURDOCK Gordon R, Curator (Bell Museum of Nat HIst) 300 Bell Mus ( ~ 1489 Hythe St, St Paul 55108, ,1lIIJrdo!101@ MURDYCH Tomas, POst-Doc Assoc (Medicine), V A Medicel Centar, Research Sarvlce (151), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X2920), 1615 S4th St, Apt M3312, Minneapolis 55454, MURET WAGSTAFF Sharcin, Assoc Educ Spec (Pediatrics) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), AsSistant Professor PWB, muratoo1@ MURIE Robin K, Coordlnetor (GIn CoIl-lnst-eommandlng Eng) 233 Ap H( ), 1786 AshIanc:t Ave, St Paul 55104, , rmurie@ MURNANE DeIrdre H, Teaching SpeciaUst (Extension Classes) 108 Norris H, murnaoo1@ MURPHEY Beverly 0, Exec secretary (PsychlatJy) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), A805 Mayo, murph02o@ MURPHY Ann L, Gen Stell Nurse (Cardiovascular SurgJProgr Care-8C) PCU8C Mayo, 3220 Aklrich Ave S, Apt 3, MlnneapoIls 55408, stauloo1@ MURPHY Anne L, Nurse Clin, Hosp (CUHCe-AduIt MedlcaI) C U H CC ( XX261), murph026@l MURPHY Betty M, Aooounts Spec (UMe-Busineas Ole) 121 set HCrookston ( ),407 7th Ave S, Crookston 58716, , MURPHY Charles A, Asbestos Worker (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 202 Phys PI ( ),8283 Lake Blvd, Forest Lake 55025, , murph025@ MURPHY Coley 0, Sr secretary (Acad CounseUng-lntcllg AthI) 280 BFA B ( ), ( ), ,murph03O@ MURPHY David, Malnt P1anfSChed (Fac Mgmt-Zone 7.OfICampus) 200 Shops B ( ), Food 0 B, murph04o@ MURPHY David E, Dept DIrector (M~ Higher Educ Commission) S 2nd St ( ), 132 Birnamwoocl Dr, Burnsville , murph038@, fax: MURPHY Eliu. Per DIem - Gsn (NUrsing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, murph031@ MURPHY Elizabeth M, Cardlo-Pulm Spec (Cardiopulmonary services) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, murphoo9@ MURPHY Evelyn C, Assistant Professor (Fonence) 735 Mgrnl/ECon ( ), carrooo2@ MURPHY Gladys M, Nutr Educ Ass! (MES-Human Ecology), Courthouse, Park RapidS 58470, ( ), Rt 2, Box 5, Menahga 58464, 564'-«45, MURPHY Jane W, Admin Asst (CLA Student Acad Suppt Sves) 30 Joh H( ), Sweetwater Curve, Shorewood 55331, 474-m5, murph002@ MURPHY Joy L, Outpa Clinic Asst (H OPD-Ophthalmology) Bx 86 Mayo (625;4400), ( ), 3442 N EJohnson St, Minneapolis 55418, MURPHY Judi A, Gen Stall Nursa (Untt 70) PCU7D Mayo, murphol3@ MURPHY Julianna, Prin S8cratary (Chemical Eng "Mat Sci) 151 Amund H( ), ( ), jjmurphy@ MURPHY Karen K, Sr Cashier (UMe-Business Ofe) 121 sel HCrookston ( ~ 813 S Hubbard, Crookston 56716, kmurphy@ MURPHY Karen L, Teaching Asaistant (American Studies) 104 SCott H ( ~ 1879 carron Ave St Paul 55104, MURPHY Katharine L, Coordinator (Public Health, Soh Of-Adm) Bx 819 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), th Ave S, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55407, k-murp@ MURPHY Kerry M, Gen Stall Nurse (Unit 50) PCU5D Mayo, 4401 Park Glen Road, Apt 347, St Louis Park 55416, , murph010@ MURPHY Kevin L, CIin Instr (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Duluth MURPHY KeVin M, Research Assistant (Microbiology) Bx 196 Mayo, 1480 Mayo, 2302 Standish St, St Paul 55108, , murph032@ MURPHY Kevin P, Ciln Instr (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd S~ Duluth MURPHY Lisa J, 0IIlce Supv (Special Lrng Oppor, Ole For) 220 Joh H( ), ( ), MURPHY Lois, Cmnty HIth Supv (Epidemiology) Suite S2nd St ( ), 2400 Interiachen Rd, Apt 213A, Spring Park 55364, MURPHY Lynn M, Gen Stell Nurse (Neonatal Intensive Care-3C) PCU3CMayo, th St N, Stillwater 55082, , murphoo6@ MURPHY Mark K, Assistant Professor (Oral Sclences)4-215 Moos T, 5129W98th St, BloomIngton 55437, 482VIxen Rd, Medina 55391, , murphool@ MURPHY Mark W, Research Assistant (BlochemistJy-Med SCh)'4-225 Mlrd H( ), Owra H, th Ave S, MinneapoliS 55407, , murph035@ MURPHY Mary L, Word Proc Spec (NauroIogy) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), MURPHY Mary M, Sr Hosp Carrier (H Patient Escort) Bxlooo Mayo, nd AveS, Minneapolis'55407, , murph021@ MURPHY MlcIIael A, Med Fel Spec (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo, murph012@

44 29O MURPHY-NAEGELI STAFF MURPHYM1cha81 ~. AssOcIate ProIessor (Vet Dl8gnostic Medlc:ine) E303 Vet 0 l ( ), 222lI Cheshire Lane. MouIl(Is VIew murp/loo5@minlo.1c.umn:edu fliurphy PalrIci8 E, Med{Ctin Lab Tech (Hasp, Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ) U Hasp, rntiij) MURPHY Patrick l, L.Ilrary Asst 2 (library-pub serv & Branch) 1100MWl ( ). p-murp@vml.spcs.umn.8du MURPHY Paull, Regents Professor (History) 723 Soc ScI ( ). ( ). 655 Montcalm Place, St Paul ll , rnurphoo3@ MURPHY JR Rich8nI. AssIstant ProIessor (Landscape ArchItecture) 125 Arch ( ), ' MURPHY ROS8lIIIrie W. Exec Secretary (UMM-Academlc Allalrs-Adm) 231 C5 Monts ( ). (eee Monts ClroUMM); mijrphyrw@ lax: MURPHY S8rah J. Short Term ErnpIoy (PublIc Health. Sc:h Of-Adm) Bx 807 Mayo ( ) Mayo lh St5 E, Minneapolis , MURPHY SUsan K, Lpn (Eye. En! NeIwology-8B) PCU8B Mayo. MURPHY VaJarIe A, Sr 0lIICa Asst (UMF/D8Y8l Assoc Vp) nd St ( ), vaierie@ MURRAY Allen B,~Asslstant (Geology & Geophysics) 108 PI1IIIt( ); 781 Osceola. 51 Paul 55105, munoo14@ MURRAY Charles l, Ctin Prof (Fam Practk:e & Community HIlh). Park Nicollet~center, 5000 W39lII 51, St LouIs Park 55418, ( ), 430 Idaho Ave N. Golden Valley, lax: pager: m41 MURRAY Corajayne, Sr Lab Tech (Surgery-Ganaral) Bx 120 Mayo (li ~ M432 Mas can Clr ( ). 885 St Paul Ave. Apt 6. StPaul murra010@ MURRAY Davld M. ProIessor (EpIdemI0Iogy) nd St ( ). ( Oupont Rd. BIoorr*lliton MURRAY Donald A.lIlI8ry Asst 2 (lili8ry-pub 5arv &Branch) MWl ( ) MURRAY HaIIna, CoonIliIator (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bar H( ). Aaaislant Professor 408 ttayes H murra021@' MURRAY James M, Supply Proc SuIw (Hasp Csp) Bx 706 Mayo. 1..c35 Mayo lh St Circle. SliIIwal8r , murraoo7@ ' MURRAY Jean M. Asst Prog Dlr (MN MedIcal Foundation) Bx 193 Mayo (~7), 535 Diehl H( O) lax: MURRAY Jennifllr J. Sr Secretary (Extension C1asses)2OOWes H(825-1~ 1305 Grand Ave. Apt 306. St Paul 55105, nuracl28@ MURRAY Joel J. SCiantist (Medicine) Bx 278 Mayo ( ~387 0 VCC RC Glen Paul Ave. Arden Hie ' murraoo8@ MURRAY John R, Res Assoc (HortIcultInI SCience) 305 AIdlIr H( ). murraoo4@ MURRAY J,* G, Occupa Tharapisl (H Psychiatric Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo. murraol8@ MURRAY Karen 1,.Special Asst (ela Student Aced Suppt Svcs) 220 Joh H( ) Portland Ave, St Paul 55104, MURRAY Kenneth. Bldg & Greis WIer 1 (Fee Mgmt-Zone 5-ClA) 200 Shops B, 1023 While Baar Ave. St Paul murraol9@ MURRAY MJohn, Prof Emer (MadIcIne) Bx 385 Mayo ( ), 283 VC RC. 200 Meadow Lana N. Golden Valley 55422,,lax: MURRAY Marlene A, GIn Stall Nurse (Unit 6O-Adult Psychialry) PCU83 Mayo ( ). MlJAAAYMichele M. Prin Secretary (Fee Mgmt-Zone Campus) 200 Shops B, nd Ave, White B8ar Lake 55110, MURRAY MonIca J. Teaching AssIstant(Muak:) 100 Ferg H, 48h8538. murraol3@, MURRAY sean E. Prin Lab Tech (ChemIs1ry) 138 5mlth H( ). ( ) MURRAY Virginia M. Instructor (UMD-Heallh. Phy Educ & Recr) 110 Sp HCDuluth ( ). ( ),125 W51 Marie 51, DuIu1h MURTAUGH Michael P, Associate Professor (Vet PathobioIogy) 205 Vet 5 ( ), NorthYiew 51, Roseville 55113, murta001@. lax: ' MURTAUGH Robert J, Assistant Professor (Psychiatry), VAMedical center. One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X3519). 692 Woodlawn Ave, 51 Paul ll , murtaoo2@ MUImIA Thomas p. Assoclete ProIessor (Mgmt, C L Carlson Sc:h Of-Adm) 835 Mgml/Econ ( ), MURTHA Todd C. Grad School Fellow (Psychology) N412 Ell I! ( ), th Ave NE. Apt " Minneapolis 55418, ,, murth002@ MURTHY Naveen 5. Sr Lab Tech (Lab MadIcIna & Pathology) Bx 198 Mayo Wl00th 51, Bloomington murthoot@ MURTHY VRama. Professor (Geology & Geophysics) 106 PIUs H( ), ( ), 906 Dartmouth Place 5 E. Minneapolis 55414, lax: MURTHY Venketa K. Clin Asst.Piof (Fam Pracllce & Community HIlh). Sleepy Eye MedIcal Clinic. 5leepy Eye (794-3ll91~ Shore Dr. Sleepy Eye MURTON Gall A. Scientist (Epidemiology) nd 51, Aric 5tudy/Fam11yHeariStudy, Bassett Creek Med Plz. 5te Duluth 51, Golden Valley ( ). murton@, fax: 'MURTY Anuradha K. Grad School Fellow (Finance) 310 Mgrn1JEeon ( ) Cleveland Ave N. Apt 303N. 51 Paul MURZYN Robert E, 5upplml Employee (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bar H ( ). 413 Hayes It ( ), 594 Marshall Ave. 51 Paul murzy002@ MURZYN VICki I. Sr Data Entry Cpr (Cantral Computing 5eryices) 100 Laud C F( ), MUSCIO Gullana p. Associate ProIessor (American Studies) 104 SCott H, musc:lool@ MUSECIt Marjorie K. 0IIice Spec. (0phlhaIm0l0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ). ( ) st Ave 5, Minneapolis 55407, MUSltET David M, 5r Lab Tech (FisherIes & Wildlife) 200 Hodson H. musheoll2@ MUSICH Joanne l, Ext Educ & Asst,Prof (ME5-DlstricIs). 51 LouIs Co Ext Ole. Northland Ole Clr, Suite latst 5, VIrginia ( ). MUSICH Thomas, Prin Lab Tech (UMD-NrrI. CoIeralna-Cartd. Revolving) NR R I Duluth N17th 51, Virginia , trnuslch@ MUSIELEWICZ Alice. NUlI' Srv Spy Hasp (H Station 5arv1ce) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), U Hosp ( ), MUSIER-FORSYTH Karln M, Aaaislant ProIessor (Chemistry) 139 smith It (82~. 457 Kolt H ( ).626 Plnavtew Ct, RosevIlle 55113, musier@chamsun.chem.umn.adu,iax: MUSil Jim. Cmnty Prog Assoc (MedIa Resources. Univ) 550 Rartg C ( ), ( ),2232 Cartar Ave, Apt ",StPaul 55108; MUSKJN Joseph J, Resaarch Aaaislant (Educational Psyc:hoIogy) PI H Brewster 51, Apt 16, St Paul MUSOl,.F Kathy M. EdItor (CEE RochesterClr), Univ of MIM Roc:hIi8ter center, th Ave 5 E, Rochester...~~musoIOOl@, lax: MUSIIEIl Bret J, Taaching Aesl818nl (StattstIcs. Sc:h Of-Adm) 352 CLA 011 ( ). ( ), ( ), MU88ClN Lawrence C, ~ As8IstaiIt (ChemIcal Eng & Met Sd) 93 Amund H( ) 1370 Coach Rd, Apt 209, St Paul , MUSTAPIlA AzIIn, Post-Doc Assoc (Food SCI & Nutrition) 225 FSC N( ). 152 Me NH ( ~ 1710 Wl.arpen\eII', Apt 2F. Falcon Helghls mustaoo2@ MUSTAPHI Rita M, Taaching SpecIaIst (Extenslan ClasIes) 108 NorrII H, 5444 Orchard -Ave N, Crystal 55429, , musta001@ II\I8UIQIl.A S8tIsh K, ~ Asaistant (Astronomy) 358 Phye ( ), th 51, Apt e-810, Minneapolis MUSUllECi Joeephlne A, Aeit UbmIan (St Paul Campus LIlrarIes) 80 Cant LJb ( ), 2808 PleaII8nt Ave 5. Mlnneapols MU1'ctLEA Julie A, PrIn Lab Tech (UMD-NrrI, CoIerUIe-Cartd Revolving) NR R I Duluth. MUTCHLER MarIan B, AccouIll8 Spec (AE5-N ClrI ESQ'and Repids), NCantral Experlment StatIon, 18811twy 188 E, Grand Rapids ( ),8523 R'- Rd. Grand Repids MIIVUNDAIIINA Mutombo, Asaistant Professor (Font8l Producl8) 203 Kauf l ( ). MUWAIID Mary J, PrIn Secretary (Pediatrics) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C548 Mayo ( ). 285 Ironton st. Frldtey muwahool@ MUZIO Paul C, Aaaoc Dlr(Camp/Col) (Army High ParI Computing Res Clr) Wash Av 5 ( ), IIIYAYA Po. Asst Prof Emer (CardIopulmonary 5eMces), 2488 NChUrchII, St Paul 55113, MYERS Dorolhea E. Res Assoc (T1lerapeutIc RadIology) Bx 484 Mayo ( ). l-l08 DIehl H( ), 2885 Patton Rd. Roseville ( OX205).7628 Hampshire Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55428, rnyersoo2@ MYERS EIzabeth. Sbident Pars WIer (EIectrtc:aI ~ E EtC SCI ( ), ( ), 8400 Golden Valy Rd. Apt 206, Golden Valley , e-myer@ MYERS Herry E, CoordInaior (Student ActlvItles) 220 C MU( ). ( ).195 lsi St. Apt Minneapolis harry@ stuaii.slu.umli.adu MYERS JeanatI8, Sr Secretary (Purchasing) nd St (824-~787 NViclorta. Apt 201 St Paul 55104, , j-myer@ MYERS Judith M, Gen Stall Nurse (0Ith0paedIcs-7B) PCU7B Mayo. myersoo8@l MYERS Kathleen M, Asaistant ProIessor (PsychiIlry) Bx 95 Mayo ( ). D809 Mayo,, lax: ' ' MYERS Kenneth W, AsaocIale ProIessor (UMC-Management, DiY of) C C Crookston ( ),206 Minnesota St 5. Crookstori MYERS Larry W. Taaching Aaaislant (VOC Tech Educ) 4a5 Vo Tech Lane. WyomIng myers022@ MYERS Malcolm H, Prof Emer (Art Department) 176 Art B( ), 1715 Ave 5, Minneapolis 55403, , myers017@ MYERS Marcella, Sr Ana/yst/Pro(I. (BIostatistIcs) Univ Av sa(~ marcie@ MYERS RDenlsa, AdmIn FeIow (Gen CoII-Ss Mt & Couns) 40 Ap H (ll ), (fl ) MYERS JA 5emuell,.ProIessor (ItHH Inat Pub! AIIrs) 257 HHHClr( ), myersoo6@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MYERS HI Thomaa T. ail Assoc Prof (Medlclhe-UMD) 141 Med Duluth. Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd'St, Duiuth 5&805 MYERS~ II. A8sIetent ProIessor (RadIolcigy) Bx292 Mayo ( ), C205 Mayo 3780 Y8IIoWslone Lana N, PlymOuth MYHAA OLSON Kathleen A, Ext Educ & Prof (MES-DlstricIs). GoocI1U8Co Ext Ole.. CourthouS8; Room 106, 509 5th St W, Red WIng 55066, ( ),-2285 HallquIst Ave, Red WIng 55066, ~,, lax: 612~<' MYHIllellZa J, MedIcal Rae Tech (H MedIcal Recclrds Info) Bx 80t Mayo ( ), P WB, th St N. PIne SprIngs MYNTTI~, 5enior FeIow (HItH Inst Pub! AIIrs-Adm) 143}1 H It Ctr ( ).1IlYnlIOO1@ MYREN ar-. Prtn Lab Mad*lst(~ Eng & Mechanics) 107 Akttr H( ), 9137 Yetes Bay, Brooklyn PaIk , MYRICK Pamela C, ~ Asaistant (Health < Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo (e25-368o), D355 Mayo, 424 5th 51 5 E, MlnneapoIIs 55414, ; lftyrlcoo1@ MYROHIUK Halyna,lIlI8ry Ass! 3 (immigration History Res Clr) 828 Berry St( ), lii17 Ottawa, Ave, 51 Paul rnyronool@ MY8TEll Jardar,~SpecIaIst (Hor1IcuIIuraI SCIenCe) 305 AIdlIr H(82~ mystlloo3@mllj'! MYSZKOWSKJ R.- A, Instructor (HUIIIInilIee-UMM) 104. Hwn Monts ( ), 12Ii F"(58H25O). 7041mp1r1a1 Dr. Apt 312. Monts N NA Feoung, Non um SIaII(Sc:h 01 MathemIItIcs) 127 YIn It, 1634 EusIls, Apt 2, St Paul551t16, NAAn M~ A, Med Fe! Spec (AtlesthesIoIog Bx 294 M~ ( ), 8515 Mayo Triton Dr, Golden Valley 55422, ?9. naaszool@ NABER Marda A, Ext Educ & Ins1r (MES-l)lstrIcts). HousloIi Co Ext Ole. 419 Foltz Dr. Box"22&, CaIedonIII (72~; At 2, Box 156, Houston 55943, NACHIOll Mark D. Ras.rch Asaistant (ChemIstry) 138 SmIth It ( ), 77 KoIt!l Knoll SI, Minneapolis nachboot@ lii8/ NACIITIWI James A, Info Sys Protldr OSD-Management 5eMces) Bx 507 Mayo ( ), R588 Ch RC, 7156 Upper St W.AppleValley 55124, nachloo2@ maroon.1ccumn.ecll HACHTIHEliiI Chrls\opherJ, Chair (W/F/II) Rank) (OperatIons & Mgmt setence) 332 MgmtIEcon ( ). NADEAU ChrIstina J, 0lIlce SpeC (PhysIcal Med & RehabIItatIon) Bx 297 Mayo ( ). twsu.ltandrlckje,~ Aaaislant (PhyelCs & Astronomy) 352 Phye ( ), th Ave 5. Minneapolis 55407, , nadeaoo3@ lwilau JOm C, Med Fe! Spec (0bs1etrIcs & Gynecology) Bx 395Mayo ( ), Moos T. NADEAU Rich8nI D. Ass! CInIcaI Spec (R8stlntive SCIenc:es) Moos T ( ); (625:-8486),1994 PorUand Ave. St Paul 55104, , nadeailol@ IWlIlEAU KathleenW, Sr Med Tech/ail (Hasp labe,t\urg Path) Bx 76 Mayo ( ). (la!i Madk:Ine & Pathology) Jac H( ), 124 Ar\lmOr8 Dr N; Golden Valley nadreoot@ NAEEM ShahId, Asslstant ProIessor~, EWllutIon &B8havlor) 510 Ecology ( ~ ~l@ NAEGEU Gretd1en K, Sr&neyInterv (EpidemIology) Bx 194 Mayo, P WB O'Brien Rd NE, Brainerd 58401, naegeoo2@

45 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NAFTAUN Arthur, Prof Erner (HHH Inst Pub! AfIrs-Adm), 39 Greenway Gables, Minneapolis , , NAGAN Denis A, Sr Analysl/Progr (BIostatistics) Univ Av sa ( ),.( ), NAGAN Maria C, Undrgrd TaNon-U Stu (SCh of Mathematics) 115 Vin H( ), NAGAOKA Shinichi, Associate Profa$$Ol" (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), 70 Kolt H, NAGARAJA Kakambl V, Professor (Vet. Palhoblology) 3010 Vet 5 ( ), ( ), 2235 Millon St N, Roseville 55113, , nageroo1@,fax: ' NAOASAWA Herbert T, Protassor (Medicinal Chemistry) 8:114 H 5 UnR F( ), V A Medical center, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X4578), 8323 Harriet Ave 5, Richfield 55423, , nagas001@, fax: NAGASHIMA Katsusuke, Non Univ Staff (Chemical Eng &Mat SCI) 98 Amund H( ) 1117 Marquette Ave, ApI 2508, Mlnl18apolls , 337'()o13, nagasoo2@ NAGATA Yasushi, Assistant Professor (Therapeutic Radiology) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), K119 DIehl H, 2859 lexington Ave N, Apt E, Roseville 55113, NAGEL COrinna L, Admin Aide (Housing, Servlces-Centennlal Hall) cen H( ), th Ave 5, 5 St Paul 55075, , nageklo3@ NAGEL Donavan L, Inlo Sys Env Prog (ISD-Computer S&rvIcas) Bx 507 Mayo, Ch R C, nagekllo@ NAGEL Jerry L, Program Dlr (UMC-Chancellor's OIc-Rrtc) 206 sal HCrookston ( ), PO Box 541, Crookston jnagel@ NAGEL Unda M, Student Pers Wkr (CLA Student Aced Suppt Svcs) B18 Joh H( ), nageloo4@ NAGEL Michael J, Dept Asst Dlr (Energy Management-Admin) 200 Shops B ( ), 838 River Lene, Anoka 55303, , m-nage@ NAGEL Peter B, Teaching Assistant (AerosP!lCe Eng & Mechanics) 107 Aker H, 5613 Sf Michael, Mounds Voew 55112, nageloo8@ NAGEL RebeCCa A, Prog Coord, Hosp (Ufa ' Suppprt Program-Bls) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C370 Mayo, nageioo1@ NAGEL Sara L, Asst Aced Advisor (Mgmt, SCh Of, Undergrad prog) 290 HHHCtr ( ). ( ), , NAGELTheodore C, Clin Assoc Prol (Obstetrics & GynecoIogy~ Reproductive Heaith Assn, 360 Sherman 51, SuRe 360, St Paul ( ), nagei007@ NAGEL Trayce L, Outpa Clinic Asst (Dentistry-Clinical Prog) 8:211 Moos T(62!Hl98O), nageloo5@ NAGHASH AboIghasem, Teaching Assistant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanics) 107 Aker H. ( ), 9 Elect E, Unlv 01 Mlnn, 107 Aker H. 110 Union St 5 E. Minneapolis 55455, naghaoo1@ NAGIB Mahmoud G, Clin Asst Prof (Neurosurgery) Bx 98 Mayo, Piper Bldg, SuRe St E, Minneapolis 55407, ( )... naglboo1@ NAGLE Ellen 5, Dept Director (Biomedical Ubrary) 450 DIehl. H( ), 3900 Huntingdon Dr, Minnetonka 55305, , e-nagl@., fax: NAGOllADS Ilgvars J, Clln Assoc Prol (Psychiatry). Southdale Med Bldg, SuRe 689, $545 France Ave 5, Edina 55435, ( ), 5180 Circle Dr, Edina 55439, , nag0b002@ NAGODE Jennifer C, Nati Res sarv Fellow (Medical SchooI-Adm) Bx 293 Meyo ( ),' Owre H, nagodoo1@. NAGY Diedra K, Ext Educ & Asst Prol (MN Ext sarv-educ Dev Syst) 405 Col H( ), 4901 WSunnysiope Rd, Edlna ,, lax: NAHUM Avl, Assistant Prolessor (Medicine), St Paul Ramsey Medical center, Dept 01 Inti Medicine, 840 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, ( ),8600 Kenney Place. Edina 55439, , nahumoo1@ NAIK Rajendra, Research Asalstant (Electrical Engineering) EE/C SCI ( ), 524 Huron Blvd 5 E, ApI 8. Mlnneepolls 55454, najk@ NAIMPALLY Anand A, Assi Bus Dev Spec (UMO-Economlc Dev, CIT For) BE Duluth ( ). (UMO-Economlc Dev, Ctr For),2815 Minnesota Ave, Duluth 55802, , NAIMPALLY KevRa B, Research Assistant (UMO-Economlc Dev, Ctr For) B EDuluth ( ),2615 Minnesota Ave. Duluth 55802, NAIR 5aplhotharan K, Grad School Fellow EE/C SCI ( ). ( ). NAIR Sheila. Admin Fellow (intni StudIes, Inst01) 1414 Soc SCI ( ), ( ), snalr@ NAIRNE Cheryl A. Admin Fellow (MlnorRy AflaIra) Unlv Av sa ( ), 3022 Newton Ave N, Minneapolis 55411, nalmoo1@ NAJARIAN John S. Regents Protassor (Surgery-General) Bx 195 Mayo ( ) PW B ( ), najaroo1@ NAJARIAN Stephen M, ClIn Asst Prol (Fam Practice & CommunRy Hith) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), P WB, Surgery &Oncology Ltd, 17 WExchange St, SuRe 807, St Paul ( ), th Terrace NW, New BrIghton 55112, najar002@,fax: NAJIA TIan, VieR Scholer (Leb Medicine & Pathology) Bx 511 Mayo ( ), V372 VFW C RC( ), 708 University Ave 5 E. ApI 12, Minneapolis 55414, 378:0928, najla001@, fax: NAKAGAKl Kevin N, Assoc ClInical Spec (Preventive Sciences) Moos T ( ), 7-315A P WB (628:5708), ( ) , nekes001@ NAKAMURA Grant Y, Med Fel Spec (Fam Practice & CammunRy Hith) Bx 381 Mayo, Heailheast St Johns, Family Practice Training Prog, 1575 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109, ( ),3268 Alden Pond Lena, Eagan nakam001@ NAKORNCHAI Siriruk, Teaching Asslstant (Preventive SCIences) Moos T ( ), 2333 Priscilla. Apt 7, St Psul55108, , NALBANTOGLU Volkan, Teaching Asalstant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanlca) 107 Aker H ( ), th Ave 5 E. ApI 805, Minneapolis 55414, , naibanl@ NALDER Todd C, Teaching Assistant (Athletics, Men's Intcllg) 120 Fb Camp ( ). 832 NE Adems St, ApI 1, Mlnneepolls 55413, , naideoo1@ NAMMACHER Mark A, Clin Asst Prof (Pediatrics), 6845 Lee Ave N. Brooklyn center ~, ( ), 4711 Cedarwood Rd, MlnneepoIls 55418, , namma001@ NAMTVEDT Klri M, 0ffIca Spec (Ot01aryngoIogy) Bx 396 Mayo ( ), 8:240 PWB ( ) 2301 Glenwood Ave, Mlnneepolls 55405, namtvoo1@ NANDlWADA Lakshmi 5, Post-Doc Asaoc (Pedlatrtcs) 240 Gar L ( ), 328 Sn H, 1360 Terrace Dr. ApI 312. Roseville 55113, nandioo1@ NANGIA V1nod K, AssocIate Protassor (SCI & Math-UMMj 233 SC Morris (589-«311), Univ of N Dakota, Dept 01 PhysIcs, POBox 8008, Grand Forks 58202, 405 E 5th St, Morris 56267, , NANKlVIL Elizabeth P, Teaching Assistant (French & Italian) 280 Fol H( ), MANTELL TImothy J. Protassor (Finance) 735 Mgrnl/Econ ( ) Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, NANTI Sandfa R. Prin 5ecretary (Pharmacology) Mlrd H( ), ( ), 5229 Greenfield Ave. Mounds VIew 55112, nantloo1@ NAPIER Patty A, Exec S&cretery (Ag. For & Horne Ec, Inst-Adm) 201 Col H( ), ( ) Aldrich Ave 5, Minneapolis IWlAN.IO Carkls E. Teaching Assistant (ArchileclIn) 110 Arch ( ), 2062 Marshall Ave, Apt 0, St Paul 55104, , naranoo1@ NARASIMHAN B. Assistant Professor (SCI & Math-UMMj 234 SC Morris ( ), Penn State, DIvIsIon 01 SCI, Erie 16563, naras@ cda.mrs.umn~edu NARAYANAN Babu O. Res Assoc (Math & Its App, lnet For) 514 Vln H( ), naray003@ NARCISSE April L, Exec Asst (Ag, For & Home Ec, lnet-adm) 201 Col H( ), narclsse@ NARR Daniel A, Exec Asst (Construction Admin) 200 Shope B Ulysses St N W. Elk River 55330, 44HJ818. narrx001@ NARUM DIanne M, Short Term Employ (UMO-Booke1lJra) 175 K 5 C Duluth ( ) NARVAEZ llarcli F, Aaalstant Profassor (Educational PaycIloIogy) 150 Palk H(628:7308). narvaez@turtle.peych.umn.adu NASH EJtzabeth H, Assoclat8 Profassor (Thealra Arts & Dence) 247 Mdb H( ), 4504 Oak Dr. EdIna 55424, 925.()093, nashxoo1@.nash Janet A, Gen Staff Nurse (Rehab 4) PCUR4 Mayo, nashxoo2@ NASH Mary E, Exec 5ecretary (UMD-Geoiogy) 229 H HDuluth ( ). ( ),853 Grar1dvlew Ave, DuIulh 55612, , geoi@ fax:.218: NASH Richard G, Clin Asst Prof (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Ladysmith Medical center, LadysmIth NASHWND Anita K, Teaching Specialist (UMO-Muslc Lesson Fees) 231 HDuluth ( ), NASRUDOIN Andl, Teaclling Asalstant (Entomology) 209 Hodson H( ), 1211 Raleigh St, St Paul 55108, , nasruoo1@ NASllAUER Joan I, Head rn/fac Rank) (Landscape Archllectule) 125A Arch ( ). ProIesscir, 10 Eagle Ridge Rd, St Paul 55127, nassa001@ MAST JR Harold N, LIbrary Asst3 (Ll\lrary central Tech Sarv) MWL ( ), 410 Groveland Ave, ApI 803. Minneapolis , , NATALA Gladstone K. Sr Lab Tech (Soli SCI) 465 Bar H( ), Inside AIrIca, Inc, GaRier Plaza, 175 E5t1l St, Ste 114, Box 12, St Paul ( ), 757 Jessamine Ave E, Sf Paul 55108, NATARAJAN ArvInd. Grad SChool Fellow (Chemical Eng &Mat SCi) 240 Gar L ( ), 337 Sn H ( ~ 2054 Brewster St Apt 12, Minneapolis 55108, , nataroo1@ NATER Edward A. AssocIate Profassor (Soli SCI) 439 Bar H( ) , ed.nater@ NAl1l Karl A, Assoclat8 Prolessor (Medicine) Bx 738 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ), th Sf W. StLouIs Park , nathx001@ NATHAN Joseph H, Sanior Fellow (HHH InSt Pub! Atlrs-Adm) 209 HHHCtr ( ), , NATHAN MenIhalll, Protassor (Electrical EngI.-1ng) EEtC SCI ( ) Yale P1_, ApI 1505, Minneapolis , , NATHENSON Aaroh L, CIIn Prol (Ophthalmology), Hennepin County Medical center, Ophthalmology 6248, 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55415, (347-85),4253 Ottawa Ave 5, St louis Park 55418, , natheoo1@ NATION Michael K, ClIn lnatr (Pediatrics), 393 N Dunlap, SuRe 607, St Paul 55104, ( ), 2115 PrincetIln, St Paul 55105,,, fax: NATIONS VIctoria L, Grad School Fellow (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), 1080 Raymond Ave, ApI 3. St Paul 55108, , NAUEN Chartes N, Adj Prof (lew SCh Admin), Opperman Heinl & Paquin, Washington Sq, SuRe 2200, 100 Wulllngton Ave 5, Minneapolis 55401, ( ).2109 Doswell, Sf Psul55108, , nauenoo1@ STAFF NAFTALIN-NEAL 291 NAUERTZ SCot T, Sr Leb Tech (Fisheries & Wlldlne) 200 Hodson H( ), USFW5 Northern Prairie Res, Rtl, Box 96C, Jamestown 56401, ( ), 819 2nd Ave 5 W, Apt 8, Jamestown NO 58401, naueroo1@ NAUGHTON Unda J, Prin Prod Supv (Pmtng, Graphic Arts,PholOCOpy-UMD) 24 0 Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), NAUGHTON Wendy E, Teaching Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), Grad SChool Fellow (Chemistry), NAULT William 0, Bldg &Grds Wkrl (Fee Mgmt-Zone 5-CLA) 200 Shops B. nauroo1@ NAUMAN Janet K, Gen Steff Nurse (Post Anesthasia Care UnR-Box 87) Bx 87 Mayo ( ), UHasp, Isanti St NE, Blaine 55449, 75N1785, naumaoo1@ NAUMANN J David, Associate Protassor (Info & Decision SCiences) 395 H H H CIT ( ), 2602 Cromwell Ct, Minneapolis 55410, ,, lax: 812~ 1318 NAUMANN Keith P, Operations Supv (Fee Mgmt-Zone 3-Heaith SCI) Bx 59 Mayo ( ), BI17 Moos T Kathleen Dr, wst Pau , naumaoo3@, fax: , pager '()o14 NAUMANN Kristin L, Teaching Assistant (Speech-Cornmunlcation) 480 Fol H, naumaoo4@ NAUMANN Peggy R, Prin Secretary (Vet Medlclne-Dean's 0ffIca) 460 Vet Tch Hos ( ),1362 7th St Nw, Apt 8, New BrIghton 55112, , naumaoo2@ NAUS Mary J, Nutr Srv Spy Hasp (H Station sarvlce) Bx 84 M«yo ( ), e-265 Mayo ( ), nausxoo2@ NAUSNER Unda E, Instruc;lor (Social Work, SCh of), -Hennepin Co CammunRy 5ervIcea. A-I500 Government CIT, th 51, Minneapolis ( ). nausnoo2@ NAVANEETHAM Duralswamy, Pre-Doc Asst (Biochemlstry-eBS) 1479 Gar L ( ~ ( ), 2044 Brewster 51, ApI 3. St Paul 55108, , NAVARRETE Jose A. Research Aaalstant (Fonsst Products) 203 Kaul L ( ). ( ), navaroo2@ NAVARRO Con_io, Teaching Assistant (Spanish & Portuguese) 34 Fol H( ), navaroo1@ NAVIN Sandy J, Lecturer (Extension Classes-Masters/Bus Tax), Sunrise Rd N E, Stacy 55079, NAVON Gil, Prolessor (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), 118 C MRR(628:7007). navonoo1@ NAWROCKI Tatiana B, Sr SCIentist (UMO-Water & Envrn, CtrfRvlvng Acct) NRRI Duluth ( ),5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth ( ), 570 S Arrowhead Lene, Moose Lake 55767, , NAYAK Debe C, Grad School Fellow (Civil Engineering) 122 elv E( ) NAYEMArsU Carolyn 5, Program Dir (Aslan/Pacllic American LTc) 308 Wa Ub ( ), nayemoo1@. NAZARIAN Gwen K, Assistant Professor (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ). 3n-8225, nazaroo1@. NAZEER Imran, Med Fe! Spec (Medicine) Bx 736 Mayo ( ), PWB, nazeeoq1@ NDELYSamuel N, Nursing Asst (H OPO-Post Anesthasia) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), ndeiyool@ MOOSI Mankwe M, Exec Secretary'(Pedlatrlcs) Bx 185 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), NEAH Valli M, Sr S&cretary (MN Ext Sarv-Admlnlstrelion) 240 Col H(624-2nl), NEAL Bertha J, Office Spec (Admlsslons-Internationel Admissions) 240 Wmson H( ), b-neal@vrnl.spcs.umn.adu NEAL Jayne A, Gan Stall Nurse (UnR 50) PCU5D Mayo, th Place N, Maple Grove 55389, , nealxoo2@ NEAL Unda R, Cmnty Prog Asst (Epldemioiogy) nd St ( ), 2919 Armour Terrace, Mlnneepolls 55418, nealxoo5@

46 292 NEAL-NELSON STAFF. NEAL Mary E,Res Assoc (Yoc: Tech Educ/G8n Ctr) R460 Vo Tech ( ), Ih Ave 5, Minneapolis 55406, &2, NEALIS Wayne A, Prin Inlo Rep (Facillties Mgmt-Adm) 250 Shops B( ), ( ), NEALY EII8Ibelh A, Sr secretary (E<kJcatlonal Psychology) 129 Bu H( ), NEARY Michael A, Associate ProInsor (Restorative Sdencea) Moos T( ), ( ), Group HeelIIIlnc, 3930 Northwoods Dr, Arden Hills 55112, ( ), lh Lane NE, Circte PInes 55014, rneroon lc NEAlE IIrant, R-.dI AssIstant (RadloIogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), C MR R( ), 1188I8OO1@ NEATON James 0, AslIoclate ProInsor (IlloslatIstIcs) Bx3ll3Mayo (fl28.904o), Unlv Ay sa, !l Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , NECIWl Lance M, Assoc:IaI8 ProInsor (Landscape ArchiIllclure) 125 Arch (~, 1488 HylIIe Sl, St Paul 55108, , NECOECHEA WIIiam C, R-m.Assistant (ChemIstry) 139 SmitII H( ), 409 University Ave 5 E, Apt 7, Minneapolis 55414, , li8c08oo1@ NI!DDERMEYER Usa K, 5tudent Sr S8crelaIy (Educational PolIcy & Adm) 275 Pail< H( ) 203 Bu H( ), 8ll().4831, neddeool@ NEDERLOE CIvIstian E, Analy1t/Prog (Housing & Food 8ervIces) 190E P 5 B( ), 2701 Delaware 515 E, MInneapolis 55414, , NEDERLDE Trw 0, Undergra Res Asst II (History) 814 Soc: Sci, 2701 Delaware St 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, , ned8roo3@ NEDERVELD Andrew N, Teaching Assistant (Philosophy) 355 Ford H(82~74), nedlil1lo1@ NEE Jean E, Teaching AssIstant (SocIology) 909 Soc: $pi (82~), 1 Orfin Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, neexxool@ NEEDHAM 8andra L, Prin Stu Pars WIer (MBA Programs-AdminI) 295 HHHCtr ( ), NEESON Hugh R, Mad Fe! Spec: (RadloIogy) Bx 292 Mayo, 3401 ECsIhoun Pky, Minneapolis 55408, MEET Sharon E, Associate ProInsor (UMe-Technical StudIes) Dow HACrookston (281-&10),101 8th St W, Apt 4, Crookston NEFF Betsy, Gen Stal Nurse (NurWlil Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo ( ). Oftlce Supv U Hasp, 307 EChurchIll, 5tlllwater 55082, , NEFF Kathleen A, Teaching SpecIalist (UMD-Music Prep Woodwinds) 231 HDuluth NEFF Raymond A, ReuarchAssistant (ChemIcal Eng & Mat Sci) 100 Amund H( ), 428 4th St S E, Minneapolis 55414, , neti@, fax: NEFSTEAD ShetyI K, Ext Educ & ASso Prof (4-1'1 Youth Development Cent8r) 340 Col H( ) ( ),8 Lake Knoll Dr, Waseca 58093, , -' NEFSTEAD Wild E, Assoc:IaI8 ProInsor (Ag & Applied Econ) 231 eta 011 ( ), UnIY 01 Minn, 1000 UnIversity Dr 5 W, Waseca 58093, ( X259), 8 Lake ~ Dr, W888C , nelstoo2@ NEOASH AsmeIash, Hasp Custodian 3 (H EnYlronmental Serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Al 02 Mayo, NEOASH Aster K, Hasp Custodian 3 (H EnYlronmentaJ Sllrv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Al 02 Mayo, negasoo2@ NEGASt Tom M, MedIcal Lab Tech (CUHCC-Adult MedIcal) l40f C UHCC ( X241), POBox , Minneapolis 55458, , negasoo3@ NEOUA Joseph P, Assoc:IaI8 ProInsor (PedIa1rics) Bx 484 Mayo ( ), D557 Mayo 4015 EYwgreen Place, ShomIew 55128, NEGRINI Laura L, Pars S8rv Supv (Student FInancIal AId, Ole 01) 120 F~ H( ), ( ),410 Groveland Ave, Apt 205, Minneapolis 55403, negrloo1@ NEHASIL FIor8nce A, Sr 5ecr8Iary (CwrIcuIum & Instruc1lon) 145 Pail< H ( ~ 1880 NIles Ave 51 Paut 55118, , nehaaoo1@ NEHL Philip J, Instructor (PIlannaey PractIce), Cub Pbarmacy, 100 WCounty Rd B, Maplewood 55117, ( ), 118 EGolden La!WLane, ClrcIe PInes 55014, nehlx001@ NEID Staphanie L, Research Assistant (Plant Biology) 220 Blo Sci, 2130 Como Ave, Apt 105, St Psul 55108, , neidxoo1@ NElDERIElSER CIodaugh M, Asst Prof Emer (Ubrary-Pub S8rv & Branch), th Ave S, MinflIlepoIis 55417, , neideool@ NEIL Nancy J, Ext Edue & Asst Prof (ME8-Dlstricls),2700 1st St N, Sub205, St Cloud 58303, ( ), ll94 PaIII1 VIew Dr, sauk Rapids 58379, , NEIL sarah 0, Cmnty Prog Asst (Gc-AdmInIstration) 33 Ap H( ), 1051 Hague Ave, St Paul 55104, 840H297, nelixoo3@ NEILS Unds R, NuIr Educ Asst (MES-Human Ecology), Hennepin Co Ext Ofc, 1525 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis 55405, ( ), 4133 Columbus Ave S, MinneapoIIlI5S407, , lnells@mes.umn.eciu NEIMAN Patricia J, Aseoc: CounRlIMvoc (Gen Coll-Ss AdY &Couns) 84 Ap H( ), p-neim@ NEISCH BeetrIce F, SrFood Serv WIer (HousIng S8fY1ces.MIddIebrook Hall) Mdb H(625:4078), 1547 Marion SI, Apt 108, 51 Paul 55117, 488-4Oll5 nelscoo1@ NEI.WANGER Kurt 0, Oftlce Spec: (Stu AtIrs Bud &Hr) 110 WInson H( ), k-nell@ NEllA John F, Admin Fellow (Housing S8fY1ces.Adr\1in) Com H( ), ( ), nelta001@ NEKOVAR Jan, Assistant Professor (SCh 01 Mathematics) 105 Yin H( ), 333 Mill' H, NEWS JenniIred G, Professor (Humanlties-UMM) 140 HF AMorris ( ), 403 E7th St, MorrIs 58287, neilsjg@ NEWS Melissa A, EnYlron H1th Spec: (EnYIronmentaI Health & 8af8ty) W-I58 Boyn H5 ( ), 1151 Mayo ( ~ mneiis@, fax: 812.u NELMS JR Char1es R, Clln Asst Prof (Otolaryngology), central MedIcII Bldg, Ste SA, 393 Dunlap St N, St Paul 55104, (li ), 15 R~ Rd, 51 Paul 55127, 484-«l55, neimsool@ NELSEN JR DaYid A, Physlcian \Fam Prac1Ice & Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo, Assistant ProInsor, Riverside Unlv Family PractIce, 2815E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis 55408, (333.(1774), ,, fax: , pager: NELSEN Pa1I1d< T, Prfn Lab MIIchfnst (MechanlcaI EI1lJir*rIng) 171 Mech E( ~ QuInlan Ave, 5haler 55074, , nelsaoo3@ NELSEN Roger A, Telecom Supv (Telecommunications s8ry1ces) 42 Telecom B (li2li-8872), 4384 Chowen Ave N, Robbinsdale 55422,, fax: 812.ue-1818,pager: NELSEN ShIlley A, NuIr Educ Asst(M~ 01 Human Ecology), Mille Lacs Co Ext Ole, 835 central Ave N, Mlaca 58353, ( ), POBox 132, Wahkon 58388, , snetsen@ NELSEN Susan A, NuIr Educ Asst (MESoHuInan Ecology) 109 WHDuluth (72lI-751~ St LouII Cq Ext Ole, Washburn HaD, Room 109, 2305 E 5th St Duluth 55812; 5879 S8YIIIe Rd, Duluth 55811, 72H814, snelsanl@mes.umn.edil NELSEN Teresa M, R-.dI Aulsl8nt (Family Social ScIenoe) 290 Me NH,304 1st St NE, BuIIaIo 55313, , nelieoo8@ IiELImuEN Gary L, Professor (IlIocllImIItry) 140 Gar L( ), (824-4I211~ 1514 FuIham, StPaul 55108, , nelseoo2@ NELION Amy J, Non UnIY StaI (Plant Path) C R L ( ), 824 Dayton Ave, Apt 3, St Paul 55104, 29S-8757, neiioi48@ MELlON Andrea C, DewIIopment0lIlcer (IT Ext8mal ReIa1Ions) 107 Und H( ),1851 8argent Ave, St Paul 55105, , sndnss@ MELlON III Andnsw J, Non UnIY 5tal (UMD-~)ROT C Duluth ( ), ( ), POBox 82, Hawthorne WI 54842, MELlON A1wJIew J, Aabestlls WoIker (ConItIuction Adm/II) 200Shope B ( ), nd Ave NW, Remley 55303, , MELlON Angela 0, PhmnIIcy Tech (H Inpstienl I'tIar1Mcy) Bx 811 Mayo, th 51 S E, MInneepoIIs 55414, , nelsollo@ MELlON Ann M, R-m. AsaBtant (EducatIonal PaychoIogy) 115 ShaY H( ), nelso123@ NELSON Anthony, Bldg &Grds WIer 3 (Faclllties Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shopi B (828-OIlIl8~ nels0021@ NELSON BaIbIra J, PraIesaor (HHH lnat Publ AtIrs)l44 HHHCtr(~ (825-C335),3138 Irving Ave 5, Minneapolis , blielsoll@llo' NELIlON BeetrIce M, Exec 5ecr8Iary (HUIIW1IIIes-IJMM) 104 Hum Morris ( ), 311 E8lII Sl, MorrIs 58267, , NELIlON BemIce M, Hasp CustodIIn 3 (H EI1Ytrol-*lS8rv) Bx 55 MByo, neiso077@ NELIlON Beth A, Sr Data Entry Opr (DIsblnemeiIt S8rY1ces) nd 51, NELIlON Beverly 5, Cninty Proil Ass! (H SOCIal Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), C-378 Mayo,, , NELIlON Blake J, Teachlng Assistant (Public HeelIII, SCh Of Adm) 1414 Soc: Sci ( ),. NELIlON Bradley J, Teachlng Assistant (SpanIsh &1'or1uglMM) 34 Fol H( ), 1370 Almond Ave W, StPaul 55108, 842-S18, neiiol59@ NELSON Bradley J, Hasp M &0 Mech (H Malnt & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo (828-S299), Cl07 Mayo ( ), Norway St NW, COOI,l RapIds 56433, NELIlON BrIan 0, Mad Fe! Spec: (Medlclna) Bx SOl! Mayo, 290 VCR C, 9121 Juneau AIcoYf, Woodbury 55125, , neiso017@ NELIlON BrIan L, DeveIopnwIt 0lIlcer (MN MedicII FoundIItIon) Bx 193 Mayo Franoe Ave 5, Apt 248, EdIl1a 55435, (92t-5535), 3888 W8stbury 1ll1ve, Eagan 55123, , NELSON C8rla J, PrIn 5ecr8Iary (DIagnostIc RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo (82lI-8897), J2-489 U Hasp, neisooiil@ma!, lax: &4448 NELSON c.roi A, LIInry AlIt3 (M1nftlIx) S33 0 MWL ( ~ c-neii@nw' NELSON eathirlne A, Prot Emer (MEs-College 01 Educdon), 1051 S Me KnWd Rd, St Paul 55119, , - NELSON Charles A,~ (Inst 01 ChIld DeY) 188 Ch DeY (824'3878), (Psychology) 419 Ell H ( ),1880 StanIonl Ave. St Paut 55105, NELIlON Charles J, C8rpenler (FICIItIes McPnt-Adm) 200 Shops B( ), 2210 E 88th Sl, Bloomlllgton 55425, neiiol54@ NELION QwyI L, Exec 8ecnIlIry (General Couneel, Ole 01) 325 Mar H( ), ClIeIson@ ClaIre C, Adj Inslr (MInIng, SCh Of-flrog & R81~ Hennepln County MedIcal Center, Dept 01 0b,IGyn, 701 PaI1t Ave 5, MInneepoIIs 55415, ( ), NELSON Clarwpe E, Hasp UbsAdmIn (Hasp Labe-IIlood Bank) Bx 188 Mayo ( ), 0215 Mayo ( ), 801 Adams NE, MinneIpoIIs 55413, , neiso074@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NELSON CoIeen R, Assistant Protes (PIlannaey I'tacuce), UnIt8d CIIlknns HospItal, PIlannaey/Pedla1rics, 333 NSnith Ave, StPaul 55102, ( ), 1470 Rocky Lane, Eagan 55122, , neisoi33@ NELSON Craig I, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (F8CiIIties Mgmt-Adm)307 Shops B( ), , NELSON Craig M, R-.dI AssIstant (Landscap8 ArchlI8cIunt) 125 Arch, 87011st Ave 5, Rlchfiekl55423, , neiso084@ NELIlON Cu!1is M, Asst SCientIst (MedIcine) Bx 250 MayO ( ), P WB( ), 4fl4.8110, NELSON Cynthia J, Sr Mad Tech/Clin (Hasp Labs-Coagula1kJn) Bx 188 Mayo ( ), U Hasp ( ), neiso02o@ NELSON 0 Beth, Admin AIde (Educational Psych6IOgy) 102 PI H(828-«142), ( ), 1235 WIdaho, Stfaul55108, , neisolo6@ NELSON Dan, Hasp M& 0 ~ (H Mainl & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo, C112 Mayo, 4920 Moreheed Ave, While.Bear Lake 55110, netso087@ NELSON Daniel P, Asst SCientIst (Medicine), VA MedIcal c:enter, Research 8erYIce (151~ One V-.ns Dr, MinneIpoIIs 55417, ( X2889), 1408 ShekIon 51, St Paut , NELSON DaYid A, ProInsor (0IDIaIyng0I0gy) Bx 398 Mayo ( ), P WB( ), 1471 SIdles Lane, Arden HIls 55112, ,, fax: NELSON David B, Ass! Dir Car~ (C8RlIopuImonary8ervlces) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), e-588 Mayo, 4141 Bassatt Creek Dr, Golden VaHey 55422, neiiolo9@, fax: 812.u4-8113, pager: NELSON DaYId B. Grad School FaIow (StatIstics, SCh Of-Adm) 270 YIn H, , nelso098@ NELSON DaYid M, Asst Dir (Camp/CoIl (MN Ext 8erv-Educ De" Syst) 405 Col H( ), 2838 ~,Isles Dr, Minneapolis 55408, ,, tax: NELSON De Ann L, Cart MedIcal Asst (CUHCe-Adu~ Medical) C UHC C, neiso035@ NELSON Deanne J, Sr 8ecnIlIry (AE8-Southem ES-Waseca)(~ Southern Experinwll Station, th Sl, Waseca 56093, (~411 7th Ave NE,W_58093, NELSON Debra R, Stu Sup SrY Asst (LaW SCh Admin) 285 Law ( ). netso053@ NELSON Dennis G, I.8clurIlr (Extenslon aas-mastars/bus Tax), 135 Mound Ave, Tonka Bay 55331, NELSON Dennie L, ASsociatII PraIesaor (UMD-Economlcs) 185 S BEDuluth ( ), (72l1-7284), 1808 car-ave,'duluth 558lI3, NELSON Dolly M, Gen SId Nurse (Neonatal Int8nslve Care-3C) PCU3C Mayo ( ), (831~, , neisooli5@ MELlON Douglas, Mad Fe! Spec: (Medlclne~ VA MedIcal Center, One v.-- Dr, 1110, MinIl8apoIis 55417, (725-2OIlOX4100), neiiol95@ NELSON Duane W, Prin N:d Sp/SupY (MedIcal SchooI-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), Owre H(82lI-6655), 538 EmI Ave, ShomIew 55128,, fax: 812~ NELIlON EIleen T. Res FaIow (BiostatIstics) UnIY AY sa (ll2li-8049), neisoool@ NELSON Elizabeth J, Assoc:IaI8 Prolessor (UMD-CornmuniCatIo) 489 ABAH Duluth ( ), (7~78), th Ave E, Duluth 55812, , NELSON Eric 0, Research Assistant (Lab MedlcIne & Pathology) Bx 107 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 1430W38thSt, Apt " Minneapolis 55408,ll23-872O, neis0573@

47 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NELSON Eric R, CUn Instr (Ophthalmology) Bx 4nMayo, PW B, 6545 France Ave S, Suite 533, Edina 55410, ( ), 4212 Colfax Ava S, Minneapolis 55409, NELSON Eric S, Ass! Educ Spec (english As A Second Language) 116 Kia Ct ( ), ( ),2622 S Emerson Ave, Minneapolis 55408, 3n-9739, nelsooo6@ NElSON Esther L, Sr Parking Attn (UMD-Perking 5ervtces) Ad B Dullrth ( ) NELSON JR Evan L, Clin Asst Prof (OtoIaJyngoIogy), Mayo Clinic, Dept of, OrI-Hns-WSB, Rochester 55905, ( ), 3239 Fox Hollow Lane S W, Rochester 55902, NELSON Friederike K, Teaching Assistent (Art Department) 208 Art B, 911 Highland Ave, Northfield 55057, , nelso078@; ' NELSON Gay L, Exec Secretary (Info &'Decision 8cIences) 395 HHHCtr ( ),15565 Yalta St N E, Ham Lake 55304, , gn8ison@ NELSON George A, Asst SClentist (AES-West central ES-Morris), WCBntral Expertment Station State Hwy 329, Morris 56267, ( ) NELSON Glen 0, CUn Prof (Surgery-General), Medtronlc Inc, Ms 400, Voce Chairman, 7000 Central Ava NE, Minneapolis 55432, ( ), 500 Tonkawa Rd, Long Lake 55356, , nelso134@ NELSON Gunard A, C1in Assoc Prof Emer (Obst$lricS & GynecOlogy), 6517 Drew Ava S, MinneapOlis 55435, ( ), nelsol35@ NELSON Herbert J, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 230 Phys PI ( ), 952 ' Farrington, St Paul 55117, , nels0063@. NELSON Holly A, O1Iice Spec (CLA Student Acad Suppt Svcs) 30 Joh H( ), nelso068@. maroon, NELSON Irene E, Parking Monitor (UMD-Parklng 5ervioss), Glensheen, 3300 London Rd, Duluth 55804, ( ), 2209 CBtskill St, Duluth ' NELSON J Daniel, Associate Professor (Ophthalmology) ( ), ( ), St Paul, Ramsey Medical CBnter, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), nels0009@ NELSON Jacquelyn M, Med Tech Spec (Hasp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), L221 Mayo, n49 Colfax Ave N, Minneapolis 55444, , NELSONJames L, Associate Professor (UMD-Math & Statistics) 108 HHDuluth ( ), ( ), 3446 Medin Rd, Duluth 55804, NELSON Jane, Ext Educ &"'sstprof (ME5-Districts) ( ), Steele Co Ext Ole. County Administrative Annex, 590 Dunnell Dr, Box 890, Owatonna 55060, ( ), Rtl,Box 44, New Richland 58072, jnelson@mes.umn:ed!j NELSON Janis M, Prin Secretery (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), D429 Mayo ( ~' 2139 N Rosewood Lane, Roseville 55113, , nelso033@maroon,tc,, fix:., NELSON Jann, 01Iice Supv (Fac Mgmt-Zone 801T) 200 Shops B ( ), ( ), j-nelsl@, NELSON Jeffrey L, Del 5erv Drivar (Fac Mgmt-Stock/Del) Ad BDuluth ( ,' ( ), n68 EBriar Lake Dr, Duluth 55803, NELSON Jennifer M, Sr Lab Tech (Madicine)jlx 480 Mayo" PWB, 8180 Middletown Rd, Spring Lake Pk 55432, nels0214@,edu NELSON Joanne T, Gen Staff Nurse (Eye, Ent Neurology-6B) PCU5B Mayo ( ), nels0039@ NELSON Jodi J, Jr SCientist (Food SCi & Nutrition. (Agr)) 106 FSC N(624-7n6), nelsol45@, NELSON Joal I, Professor (Sociology) 1039 Soc SCi ( ), nelsooo4@ NELSON John C, Res Assoc (Chemical Eng & Mat SC~ 98 Amund H( ), 598 Shep Lab, 792 Bartelmy Lane, Maplewood 55119, , nelso010@ NELSON Julie J, Admin Aide (Graduate SChool-Adm) S2nd SI, 1400 S2nd SI, Apt A705, Minneapolis 55454, , NELSON Julie M, Sr Accountant (EpidemIology) S2ndSt, nelsol03@ NELSON Karen J, Prin Secretary (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), Ovml H, Goldenrod St Nw, cambridge 55008, NELSON Karen P, Library Asst 3 (St Paul CBmpus Ubran.s) 80 cent Ub (624-n38), 1615 Watson, St Paul 55116, k-nels@ NELSON Karen S, Sr Secretery (CEE & Summer 5ession-UMD) Ad B Oututh ( ), 11 Brevator Rd, Cloquet 55720, , NELSON Kathleen A, Food Oper Mgr (Food Svcs) 1450 Moos T ( ), n CM U( ), ' th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , nelsol55@ NELSON Kathleen 0, Sr Accounts Asst (UMD-Athletics, Intarcolleglate) 170 Sp HC Duluth ( ), ( ), 112 WCollege St, Duluth 55312, , fax: NELSPN Kathryn M, Med Fe! Spec (Obstlltrlcs & Gynecoiogy) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, NELSON Kathy, Non Univ Staff (Cooperative campus Ministries) 106 K SCOututh ( ), 1015 E 11th St, Duluth 55805, ( ), 2111 E 3rd St, Duluth 55812, NELSON Kenneth 0, Carpenter (Facijlties Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, nels0047@ NELSON Kris S, Program Dir (Urban & Rgni Affairs, Ctr For) 330 HHHCtr ( ), th Ava S, Minneapolis 55406, , nelsol93@ NELSON Kyle 0, Temp/CBsI Employ (Theatre Arts & Dance) 106 Norris H, th Ave S, Apt 3, Minneapolis 55407, nelso029@ NELSON Lee W, Lab Machinist (Geology & Geophysics) 10 Pills H( ), 3656 Conroy _Ct, Inver Grove HIs 55075, , neiso055@ NELSON Leslie K, Non Univ Staff (U S0 A Forest 5erv) 36 Nor H( ), nelsol29@, NELSON Leslie S, Jr Lab Tech (Cliniosl & Population SCiences) D359'vet Tch Has ( ), ( ), nels0210@ gold.te.umn,edu NELSON Unda K, Teaching Specialist (Educational Psychology) 204 Bu H( ), ( ), 5006 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , nelso013@ NELSON Undsey A, Research AssIstant (Surgery) Moos T ( ), , nelsol96@ NELSON Usa 0, Health 5erv Lpn (Boynton-Nursing) Boyn H S, Henna Ave, North Branch 55058, , nels0087@ maroon, NELSON Usa M, Asst Prog D1r (Athletics, Women's Intcllg) 250 BFA B( ), 1874 Hickory Lane, Eagan 55122, , NELSON Margaret J, Short Term Employ (CEE Communication Svcs) Bx 422 Mayo (626-9n4), , nelso05o@ MELSON Mariann L, Ubrary Asst3 (Industrial Relations Ctr) 537 Mgrnl/Econ ( ), 365 Bleg H, 1104 Winnetka Ava N, Golden Valley 55427, , flelson Marie A, PsychOmetric Asst (Univ Counseling &Consulting 5erv) 9 Eddy H ( ), 1890 WHwy 36, Apt 228, St Paul 55113, , nelso076@ NELSON Marilee C, Word Proc' Spec jenvironmental Health & 5efety) W140 Boyn HS ( \, ( ), nelsol89@,edu NELSON Marilyn E, Temp/CBsl Employ (Epidemiology) 1300 S2nd St, 4700 Terrecewood Dr, Bloomington 55437, , nels0091@, NELSON Marilyn H, Sr Secretary (Graduate SChool-Admin) 307 Joh H ( ), (~), 442 Jayne St, St Paul 55119, neiso036@ NELSON Marion J, Prof Emer (Art History) 107 Jones H( ), 719 5th St S E, Apt 4, Minneapolls 55414, , nelsooo7@ NELSON Mark A, Del 5erv Driver (University Stonsa) US10r N( ), 408 Gerald St, 0sc80la WI 54020, , nelso072@ NELSON MarkC, R_rch Assistant (UMD-Water & Envrn, Ctr For) 211 L SCI Duluth NELSON Mark 0, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Chisago Health 5ervioss, Lake Boulevard N, Chisago CIty 55013, ( ) NELSON Mark 0, Non Univ Staff (N CBntrel Exp Sta) 535 NCFor ( ), 2072 Burke Ave E, N 51 Paul 55109, n3-3451, nels0065@ NELSON Martha B, Gen Staff Nurse (Pediatric Intensive C8re-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ), nelso094@ NELSON Milly Jo, Assistant Professor (Radioiogy), VA Mediosl center, One 'Veterans' Dr, Box 114, Minneapolis 55417, nelso13o@ NELSON Maureen M, Med Fel (Medicine), VA Medical center, Dept Gen Int Mad, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55416, ( X2679), murd0002@ NELSON Michael A, Assistant Professor (Pharmacy PractIce), Midway Hospitel, Ph,rmacy, 1700 University Ave, St Paul 55104, ( ), nelso139@. ' NELSON Michael 0, Pr1n Lab Tech (Pediatrics) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), nels0031@ NELSON Michael H, Teaching Assistant (Medicinal Chemistry) HSUnit F( ) 11088th StS E, Apl204, Minneapolis 55414, , neisol63@maroon, NELSON Michael T, 01Iice Spec (Univ Relations) 6Mar H( ), st St W, Minneapolis 55416, , mnelson@, fax: NELSONMindi K, Teaching Specialist (SCi & Math-UMM) 320 SC Morris ( ), 311 'Ii E 9th SI, Morris NELSON Nancy J, Ext Educ & Asso Prof (ME5-D1stricts), Clay Co Ext Ole, th St N, Moorhead 56580, ( ), nnelson@ NELSON Nancy J, Research Assiste~t (Design HousIng & AppareQ 346 Me NH( ), ( ), 2025 Thomas Ava S, Minneapolis 55405, 3n-3548, neisoi61@ NELSON Nancy L, Clin Inslr (Pediatrics), Buffalo. Clinic, 1700 Hwy 25, BufIaio 55313, ( ), st Ava, BIg Lake NELSON Nelsha N, Research Assistant (Inst of Child Dev) 220B Ch Dev ( ), 2328 Priscilla St, St Paul 55108,,umn,edu NELSON Nora, Survey Interviewer (Epidemiology) Bx 197 Map, Moos T, S2nd St, YellbwpIne St NE, Coon Rapids 55433, , NeIso071@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu NELSON Pamela K,Prin Secretary (SCh of Public Health) Bx 197 Mayo ( ), D305 Mayo, NELSON Patricia A, Exec Secretary (Educ;ation-UMM) 200 Edu Morris ( ), Rt 1, Box 20, Hancock 56244, , nelsonpa@ NELSON Patricia 0, Phys Therapy Asst (H Physical Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo PineView Dr, Becker 55308, , nelso2oo@ NELSON Patricia K, Nursing Asst (Bone Marrow Transplant-Adutt-4B) PCU4B Mayo ( ), 1720 Wl40th SI, Burnsville 55337, , nelso128@ NELSON RLynn, Instructor (Social Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, neisol92@ NELSON Rachel A, Crrinty Prog Assoc (CEE-Communioslion Svcs) Oak St SE ( ), 1788 Hennepin Ave S, Apt 9" Minneapolis 55403, , nelso046@, fax: NELSON Ralph K, Lecturer (Architecture) 110 Arch, Umn Architects, 1503 Washinton Ave S, 3rd Ar, Mlnneapolls 55454, ( ), 2671 Humboldt Ava S, Apt 38, Minneapolis 55408, nelsoi43@, fax: STAFF NELSON-NELSON 293 NELSON Randolph A, Sr AnalystfProgr (Adm Info Svcs-Academic Apps Dev) S2nd St ( ), th St, Forest Lake 55025, r-nels@ NELSON Reid E, Teaching Assistant (Klnesioiogy & Laisure Studies) 224 Cooke H, nd St S, Minneapolis 55406, , nelso217@ gold,tc, NELSON Richard R, Clin Asst Prof (Medicine), Mpls CBrdiplogy & Assoc, Minneapolis Heart Institute, 920 E28th St, Sutte 300, Minneapolis 55407, ( ), Shavers Lane, Woodland 55391, nelsol36@maroon.te.umncedu NELSON Robert B, Vios Chancellor (UMC-Student Affairs-Adm) 7 Hill BCrookston ( ), 1021 Groveland Ava, Crookston 56716, , nei$ NELSON Robert B, Ext Educ &Instr (MN Ext 5erv-Disricts), CBrver Co Ext Ole, 809 W1st St, Waconia 55387, ( ), Rt 1, Box 194, New Prague 56071, NELSON Robert 0, Sr Res Assoc (Dermatology) Bx 124 Mayo ( ), PWB( ) ( ), nelsooo5@, fax: NELSON Robert P, Clin Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), 1031 Payne Ave, St Paul 5510!, ( ), 1118 Summ~ Ave, St Paul 55105, , nelso142@ NELSON Robert W, Prin Res Shop Frm (Mechaniosl Engineering) 163 Mech E( ), 509 5th St S E, Minneapolis 55414, ,,edu NELSON Robin L, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Fam Practice & Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), 825 Wash Av SE, 2815 Arthur St N E, Minneapolis 55418, nels0095@,edu NELSON Ron~1d R, Bldg & Grda Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, l20th St, Waseca 56093, nelso06o@ NELSON Ruth 0, Prin Secretary (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, nelso059@ NELSON Ruth E, Sr Secretery (Diagnostic/Surgical SCi) Moos T, r-nels2@ NELSON Sandra L, Gen Staff Nurse (Eye, Ent Neurology-6B) PCU6B Mayo, nelso025@ maroon, NELSON Scott A, Research Assistant (Physics & Astronomy, SCh of) Sb37 Phys ( ~), 920 Rive, Heights Rd, Menomonie WI 54751, nelso09o@ NELSON Sharlene F, Prin Secretary (CLA Student Acad Suppt Svcs) 114 Joh H ( ), sandooo2@maroon,tc, NELSON Stanley R, 5enior Fellow (Health Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo'( ), C309 Mayo, neis0003@ NELSON Stephanie E, Sr Lab Tech (Medicine-UMD) 362 Med Duluth ( ), ( ),1721 E3rd St, Apt 104, Duluth 55812, ' NELSON Staphen R, Dentel Fellow (Diagnostic/Surgical SCi) Moos T ( ), nelso151@ NELSON Steven C, Sr Hosp Cs Tech (Hosp Csp) Bx 706 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, 1555 <:qnway St, Maplewood 55106, n4-3750, nelso052@ NELSON Steven P, Undergra Tch Asstl (SCh of Mathematics) 107 Vin H, 1374 Coach Rd, Apt 107, St Paul 55108, , nelso048@ NELSON Susan K, Clln Instr (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res), NWFamily Physicians, 5502 W Broadway. CrYstal ( ), nelsol46@ maroon.t~.umn,edu NELSON Susan L, Sr Secretary (Extension Classes) 101 Wes H( ), nelso023@ maroon, NELSON Susan M. Par Diem.- Gsn (Nursing Fioat Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, nelso038@, NELSON Sylvia C, Prin Secretary (Extension Classes-CEW/Compleat SCho) 208 Was H ( ), ( ),5801 Glenwood Ave, Apt 109, Golden Valley 55422, , snelson@ NELSON Tamala L, Admin Fellow (Social Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, 998 Ashland, Apt 2, St Paul 55104,22H078

48 294 NELSON-NEWELL STAFF NELSON Taral, Sr S8cnltary (Hasp L.abs-Surg Path) Bx 76 Mayo ( ). C422 Mayo ( ) Essex 51 S E, Apt 102. Minneapolis nei8019o@ NELSON Thomas C. e1in Ass! Prof (Medlclne-UMO) 222 Med Duluth. St Mary's MedicII center. 407 E3rd St, Duluth ( ) NELSON TImoIhy J. EnvIron Hlth Spec! (Asbestos Coordina1llr) 25 Shops B(62S-5052) Hickory Lane. Excelsior neiso03o@. pager: NELSON Todd. Teechlng AssIS18nl (Art Depar1menl) 206 Art B Wentwol:lh Ave. Minneapolis neiso147@. NELSON Todd ii. Research Assislanl (Lab MedIcine &PathoIogyl Bx 609 Mayo Mayo nelso064@maroon tl: liiiifl edu NELSON Travis. Food serv WIer (HousIng ~ HslI) P1'H. nei80201@ NELSON Ursula E, Accounting Supv (Lab MedIcIne &Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ) c H( ). neisol0l@ NELSON Vance E. Csrpenter (FaoiIIlIes Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B Sunnyside Dr. Fanninilton 55024, neiso04o@ NELSON VIc1llria A. Admin Diractor (ParkIng SsrvIces) 300 TS B( ). nelso043@ NELSON VIrgInIa J. Program Associate (Extansion aas--cew/compiea1 SCho) 206 Wes H(62~13). ( lO). nelso044@ NELSON Walace W. Prolassor (S WExp S1a), S WExperiment S1a1lon. POBox 428. L.amber1on 56152, ( ). 404 S Grove, L.amber1on ml NELSON WlIiam B. Med Fe! Spac(Msdlclne) Bx 264 Mayo ( ). C336 Mayo. nelaol53@ NELSON WlIiam J. Waseca Dlv D1reclor (UMW-et1anceIIor's Ole) On Leave Thru 6f94 NELSON-AHONSEN Kathryn J. Assoc Educ Spac (Nursing, Sell Of-Prog &Res) HS Unlt F ( ). ( ). neisol26@. NELSON HAHSDN Teresa M, 0tIlce Supv (Bursar) 20 Fraser H( ).( ). ( ). t-hans@vml.spcs.umn.adu. NELSON-WILUAIIS RobIn J. Cook (Food Sves). 146 Din C ( ). neisol07@ NEMANIC Mary Lou. Admin Fellow (Amarlcan Studies) 104 SCott H ( ~ nemanoo2@ NEMANIC Ronald M, Sr Food serv WIer (Food SYcs) 346 DIn C( ), 5023 Brent Ave. Inver GroVe HIs nemanool@ NEMCEK Michael p. Sr Admin Diractor (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ). A605 Mayo T,.,;n Dak Lane. Robbinsdale' NEIEe Glenn G. CIin Instr (Fam Prac:Iice &. Community Hlth) Bx 381 Mayo. Hart Medical Clinic. 200 Ssndbarg Rd. M0ntlce1Io Barth Dr. Big Lake nemecoo2@ NElEe MarvIn E, Bldg & Grds WIer 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) Bx 59 Mayo ( ). B117 Moos T Csrnden Ave N. Brooklyn center NEMER Frederic O. CIin Ass! Prof.(SUrgary-Genaral) Bx 450 Mayo ( ). B553 Mayo, Colon &RectaJ SUrgsry Assoc. MedIcal Arts Bldg. Suitlll NIcolI8t MaD, Minneapolis ( ) Park Glen Rd. Apt Louis Park NEMEnt Mark L, Sr Lab Tech (FIsherias & Wildllle) 200 HodsOn H( ). ( ). 9 Kaiser Ave. MedIcine Lake 55441, NENNICHTerrance T. Ext Edue & Ass! Prof (MES-Distrlcts).lnstructor. CleeIW81llr Co Ext Ole At 1, Box 18. Begley 56621, ( ). At 2, Box 27, Begley tnennich@ NEHTL Neney J. Research AssislBnl (JoumaIIam &Mess Comm. Sell of) 111 Mur H. NERAYO AlIe E, Teaching Assislanl (Mgmt, CL Carlson Sch Of-Adm) 645 MgmtJEoon rd St, Apt 210. Minneapolis NERAYO Yared, Hasp Custocllan 3 (H Environmental 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo th 5t5. MlnneepoIIs 55454, nerayoo2@ NERENBERG Sidney O. Clin Ass! Prof (Ophthalmology). Medlcel Arts Bldg. Suitll533, 825 Nic01iet Mell. Mlnneepolls (332-mS) Dak10n Ridge Dr. Minnetonka NERESON SaJIy A, Assoc Prog Dir (MBA. Programs) 260 HHHCtr ( ). (~1525~ 6064 James Ave N, BrOoklyn Park 5/i444. NEaING Michael L, Teechlng Assls1anl (Psychology) N863 ER H( ). 530 Slh 51 S E, Apt 5, Minneapolis NERKA Ann Marie. OCCupe TherapIst (H PedIatric Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ). 888 Ch RC ( ),' HERIlESS Wnda R. Gan Stall Nurse (H OPD-Ob/Gyn) Bx' 88 Mayo ( N scandia Trail, Forest Lake , NERNEY Mary E, Assistant To (Health Mgrnt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ). C309 Mayo Hillside Ave, St Paul 55108, nerneoo2@ HERSESIAN William S. CIIn Instr (PadIeIrIc8). SouthdaIe Medical Bldg France Ave. Edina 55435, ( ), nerseoo1@ NPBIT JR Mark E. ProIesaor (PadIatrIcI) Bx 484 Mayo ( ) Mayo Me Cauley Circle. Edine 55439, nesbioo1@ NESBIT Teresa A, outpa Clinic Ass! (H OPO-Masonlc Day Hosp) PCU6A Mayo. NES8m David. A. Emplmnt Rep Hasp (H Human Resources) Bx 500 Mayo ( O).1l8SbIOO2@ NESETH VIVian A. Asst Educ Spac (Flnance-System Wide) Auatln Rd. Owatonne 55060, , n8selool@ NESGODA Lawrence E. Meint &Oper Mech (UMO-AuxUiarySvcs-Adm) 103 LS HDuluth ( ), 5214 Ivanhoe 81, Duluth NESGODA Roberta A, Bldg &Grda WIer 3 (Plent 8ervlcas-Grounds) Ad B Duluth ( ) Ivanhoe St. Duluth NESHEIM Barb J. Prln Secretary (Envm & OccUpational Health) th 5tSE ( ), nesheoo5@ NESHEIM Jeremy C. Research Assislanl (Blochemlstry-Med Sch) MIrd H( ) nd St 5 E, Rochester NESHEIM Robert S, Clln Asst Prof (Mediclne-UMO) 141 Med Duluth. Duluth CIlnIc. 400 E3rd SI, Duluth NESHEIM Tania L. Gan Stat! Nurse (Padiatrlca-5A) PCU5A Mayo. nesheoo4@ NESHEIM VICki J. Phaimacy Tech (H Inpetient PhaI1TlllCj) Bx 611 Mayo(~ 0147Mayo. Cynthia A. MedfClin Lab Tech (Hasp labs-chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ) U Hasp Hackmann Ave NE. Fridley NESS Jean E, Coordinator (Inst On Comm Ihtegretion) 6 PI H( ) W49th 51, Minneapolis 55409, 9? nessxoo8@ NESS Joel R, Sr User serv Spac (UMO-lntonna1lon 8ervIces).178 MWAH Duluth ( ).5321 Tooga51. Duluth NESS John A. AssIstant Prolassor (Otolaryngology)( ). ( , Hennepin County Medlcel Cantar, E.- Nose & Throat Dept. 701 Park Ave S. MInneepoIIs 55415, ( ). NESS UncIa S. PrIn Secretary (Nurslng Resource 0lIIce) Bx 803 Mayo. nessxoo3@ NESS Margaret A. Lab AnmI Cara Tee (Medical llc:hocudm) Bx 88 Mayo ( ) P W B. NESS PatrIcIa A, TeacI*lg Assislanl (Theatre Arts &Dance) 206 Mdb H( ). 421 Cedar Ave. Apt 25. MInneapolisB ~, NEUE Mark J. Sr Commun Tech (Medical Education. Cont) Weill Av SE ( ). RaddIson HoIeI Matrodorne. Suitlll-107, 815 WaaI*lgton Ave S E. MInneIpoIIa Red Fox Dr. Maple Grove nesaeool@! NE88ETH Hans C. TeechIng Assls1anl (IntnI StudIes. Inst 01) 214 SOC ScI ( ), 1 Rw. T_et.Apt 105. MlnneapoIIs 55414, NE88ETH James B. Ext Educ &Instr (MES-OIatrIcta~ 419 MeIn 81, Box 309. Lakatllld 56150, ( ). fii11 MIwaukae. Box LakelIeId jnesselh@ NE8TllIID Carol L, Sr Secretary (Vet MedIclne-Oean's 0tIlce) 440 Vet Tell HoB ( ) JeIIerson 51 NE, SprIng ~ Pk nestroo2@. NESTRUD JR Lloyd W. EIeclrIcien (FacIIltIes Mgrnt-Adm) 25 Shops B( ). ( ), 8080 JeIleraon 51 NE, SprIng Lake Pk fax: pager: NE8VACIL Leon J. Aasla1ant ProIesaor (Fam PractIoI &CommunIty Hlth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ) P WB. Hazel Park Family Medk:al Ctr. 933 Wbll8 Bear Ave. 51 Paul ( ).255 Ncwood Rd. ~ m-l020. NETTEIIERG Jane L, Student Para WIer (~Prog) a.172 Moos T («iu NETTEN Gena M. Teaching SpecleIIst (English As ASecond 1.Inguage) 142 KIa Ct ( ), NET1L Bruno. ProIesaor (Music) 100 Ferg H, UnlvolMIM.l27 MdbH nd Ave S. MInneIpoIIa nettioo4@ NETTLETON Jack L, Mad Fel Spac ('Thei"apeutic Radiolojly) Bx 494 Mayo. netiloo2@ NETZ VInc:ent R. InfoSys AnfProg (H Quality SUpport 8erv) Bx 725 Mayo ( ). C375 Mayo. vince@( NETZKE Glen B. Res Plot Tech (MES-Agriculture) Redwood Co.Ext Ole. Courthouse. POBox46, Redwood Fda ( ). At 1, Box 334. l.ambeilon NETZLEY MIcheeI A, Teeching AssIstant (RhelllrIc) 317CHckr H( ) leu KalherIne M, MedfClln Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-VIroIogyI Eix 198 Mayo ( ) P WB Alden Way. Fridley NEUBARTH BredIay E. Non Univ Slat! (N Cantral Exp S1a) 113 NC For ( ). neube001@ NEUBAtIEIl Joseph J. Ext Educ & Asso Pro! (MES-OIatrIcta). Me Laod Co Ext Ole. 840 Centwy, Ave. Hull:hInson ( ~ 322 Alan SI,. HUlcI*lson 55350, , jneubauer@ NEUDECICER Laura L, Sr Payroll Spac (Payroll 8ervIceI) S2nd St ( ) lh Ave. New Richmond Wl NEUDECICER Michael E, CIin Instr (MedicIne-lJMO) 141 Med Duluth. 209 S 1st81, UttIe Fala NEUENIUIlG Alan W, PrIn Eng Ass! (Telecommunications 8ervIceI) 30 TeIeoom B ( ~ 288 EBulIar Ave. W51 Paul NEUIWITH Todd M, AIhIetic Trainer (EducalIon-tJMM) 135 PECManis (58U440). I.actunIr NEIIIIAN JocIy L, TeacI*lg Assislanl (Psychology) N218 Ell H( ). ( ) UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. NEUMANN CandIos A, Sr Hasp Ca Tech (H Oper Rm/AnclRary'Support 8erv) Bx 700Mayo. budnioo1@ NEUMANN l<ristine K. Jr ScIentIat (EpidemIology) OO52nd81, Broedway, Box 475. New RIchland neumann@ fax: NEUMANN Laura J. Undergra Tell Ass! II (Sociology) 909 SOC SCi, 1815 S 4th 81, Apt M3406. MInneapolis neumeoo8@ NEUIWlNUnda M. PrIn Secretary (S1raIllgIc Mgmt &Organizellon) 832 Mgmt/Eclin ( ) NEUMANN Tem8!JI L, Research Assls1anl (ChamIceI Eng.& Mat ScI), 3M center, 251 1E Paul 5$119. ( ).1lIUll8OO7@ NEUMANN Thomes W. cart Burg Tech (H OperatIng Room) Bx 700 Mayo, neumaoo1@ maroon NEUIWlK-szTAJNER Dianne R. Post-Doc Assoc (Padletrica) Bx 721 Mayo ( ) Mayo 8505 WMe Cauley Tral. EdIna neumel) NEUMEIER CraIg J.leachilg Assls1anl (History) 814 SOC ScI( ~ ( ).1530 S 8th 81, Apt C2302; Minneapolis NEUMEISTER!lUsan J. PrIn Secretary (AthIeIIcs. Women'a 1ntclIg) 250 BFA B( ). neumeoo2@ NEUSE Jonathan L, I.ICtuIw (Art Depar1menl) 206 Art B W43rd St. MInneapolis (925-m79). 532 Yankton College Lane. New BrlghtOn neuaeool@ NEUTZ Debra A. Gen Stall Nurse (PadIetrica-5A) pcusa Mayo Embry Path. 51 Paul NEuwiImt Gerardo o. CIin AssOc Prof (PadI8trICS). (Boynton-CIpp). Allergy AsaocIat8s. Sulte260, 7260 UnIveralty Ave NE. Fridley ( ). NEV~ Marlene A. 0tIlce Spac (Ole 01 The. Registrar-Rm Sched) 150 wmson H( ), 3520 Buchanan N E. MInneapolis N!YEAU bonne C, Acoounls Spac (CEE & SUmmerSesalorHJMOll30 HDuluth ( ) WsHmgton 81, Duluth 55808, NEVEAUX John L, Instructor (Pharmacy PractIoI) 8811'1:dllnvete Blvd. Eden PrarIe NEVELLS Tracy T. Asaoc ProgDir (Housing 8ervIoea-Cantan HslI) can H( ). NEVILLE John F. Lacbnr(Exl8n8lon aas--cewfcompiea1 SCho) 201 Wes H (824-43p), 1430 Spruce PIece. Apt 304. MlnneapoIls l8YilOO2@ NEVINS Thomas E. Professor (PadIatrIcI) Bx 491 Mayo ( ) Moos T. nevinool@ fax: 812-& Nl!VONEN Marvin G. CIin Ass! Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Northland Medk:al Canter E1st81, Sulte 203. Duluth NEWBAUER laurie. PrIn Secretary (Law Sch Instr) 331 Law ( ~ 3088 Camelot CIrcle. Woodbury ; newbaool@ NEW8UIIG EIIzebeth.A. ~ AssIstant (BlochemIstry-Med Sch) Mlrd H( ). 5,114 Qwre H. NEWBY Alonzo M, Ass! Aced Advisor (Aced ~lntl:ilgathi) 295 BFA B( ). fax: 812~7 NEWCOMB David E. Associate ProIesaor (ClvI EngIneerIng) 122 CIv E ( ~ ( ), 'MN Oat, R8search AdmIn & Development, 1400 Gefvels Ave. Maplewood ( ). 18 E 48th 81, Minneapolis newoodol@ maroon.l! NEWELL Kathleen A, Mad{CIIn Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ). -'OO2@ NEWELL Kathleen J. Associate ProIesaor (Preventive SCIenoes) Moos T( ). 725 EmeraklDr. AcllIevIe

49 'UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NEWKJRK-LEDO Lou; Student Pers Wkr '(CEE Counseling) 314 NCC E( ), ( ), NEWMAN Debra l, Cmnty Prog Spec (MN Ext 5erv-Dlstrlcts), Ramsey Co Ext Ole, 2020 White Bear Ave, SI Paul 55109, ( ), 2050 llradieysl, Maplewood 55117, , NEWMAN Douglas.I, Clin InSlr (Medlclne-UMD), Duluth Clin~perior East, st Ave E, SUperior NEWMAN Eric A, Professor (Physiology) Mlrd H( ), 1905 James Ave S, Minneepolls 55403, lax: NEWMAN John A, Professor (Vet Palhoblology) 205 Vet S ( ), 30 WMendota Rd, Inver. Grove H1$ 55077, , newmaoo5@ NEWMAN Usa M, Research AssIstant (1llochemIstryoCBS) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 358 Gar l, 1496 Breda Ave, SI Peul551~, newrnaol5@ NEWMAN Lucille, Prin Accl Sp/Supv (TelecommuntCattons ServIces) 145 Telecom B ( ), newrna012@ NEWMAN Margarel A, Professor (Nuislng, Sell OI-Prog &Res) HSUnn F( ), ( ),269 E5th SI, Apt 511, SI Paul 56101, , newmaool@, lax: NEWMAN Nancy K, Instructor (Fam Praetloe & Communny HIth), Famil1 Medical center, 5 W Lake SI, Minneapolis 55406, ( ), newrna017@ NEWMAN Raymond M, Aaslstant Professor (Fisheries &WIldlife) 120 Hodson H( ), ( ),336 5th 51 N E, Mlnneepolis 55413, , NEWMAN Staven P, Non Univ Stat! (Council of Religious Advisors), 219 EDIamond Lake Rd,, MinneaPoliS 55419, ( ), newmaol8@ NEWQUIST Robert L, Accounts Spec (Extension Classes) 136 Wes H ( ), newquoo1@ maroon, NEW8TIlOM Gary G, Mgr EIec Inst Srv (Tech Shops) Sel ( ),12710 Cedarwood Ct, Dayton 55327, , newstoo2@, fax: NEWSTROM John W; Professor (UMD-Managemenl Studies) 110 SB EDuluth ( ), ( ),1512 Cllt! Ave, Duluth 55611, ,, fax: NEWTON Kay M, Sr Med Tech/Clin (Hasp Labs-Outpalient) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), PWB, 1071 Churchill Place, Shoreview 55126, , newtooo5@ NEWTON Kimbet1y l, GIn Stat! Nurse (Pediatric, Intensive C8ra-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ), ( ), NEWTON Maureen l, GIn Stat! Nurse (PedIalrlcs-5A) PCUSA Mayo, newtooo8@ NEWTON Miriam R, Research Assistant (Plant Pathology) 495 Bar H( ), 414 StakH certer Ave, SI Peul55108, , newt0007@. NEWTON Robert 0, Asst Counsel/Advoc (Gc-Administration) 33A Ap H( ), ( ), 697 Baker Rd, Hudson WI 54016, , newtoool@ NEWTDHSandre K, GIn Stat! Nurse (H Cardiovaacular Prog-Card ceth Lab) Bx 615 Mayo, , newtooo2@ HEY Arthur L, Clln Instr (Surgery-General), Hennepin County Medical center, 701 Park Ave S Minneapolis 55415, ( ), th Ave N Mlnneepolls 55441, , neyxxoo2@ HEY Edward P, Regents Prof Emer (Physics & Astronomy) 358 Phys ( ), neyxxoo4@. HEY Judith A, Assistant Professor (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), Abbott Norlhwestam Hospital, The PerInatal Ctr, 800 E 28th SI, Minneepolls 55407, (86:3-6030), NEYER CIndy S, Assistant Professor (Sci & Math-UMM) 1Sc Morris ( ), 400 Washington Ave, Apt 305, Hancock 56244, , neyerca@caa.mrs.umn.e<lu NG Hui-Fuang, Research Assistant (Ag Eng) 6A Ag Eng ( ), 1458 NCleveland Ave, Apt N.114, SI Paul 55108, , ngxxxoo8@ NG U Voon, Resaarch AssIstant (Chemical Eng & Mal Sel)l 00 Amund H( ), , ngxxxoo3@ NG Yvonne S, Grad School Fellow (Mechanical Engineering) 125 M!lCh E( ), ng@ NGAN Shing-Chung, Teaching AssIstant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanics) 107 Aker H ( ), POBox 13424, MInneepoIIs 55414, , NGO Emily 0, Post-Doc Assoc (Phermacoklgy) Mlrd H( ), Dwre H, ngoxx002@ NGO Nam 0, Teaching AssIstanl (MeChanical Engineering) 125 Mech E'( ), ngoxxoo3@ NGO Sanh T, Sr secretary (Educational Policy & Adm) 275 Peik H ( ), ngoxxool@ NGUYEN Bae H, Med Fel (Otolaryngology) Bx 396 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), 3460 GoIIview Drive, Apt 2107, Eagan 55123, nguye029@ NGUYEN Bachyen, Grad School Fellow (Soclal Work, Sch of) 400 Ford H, 6332 Miller Lane, Edina 55424, nguy8009@ NGUYEN Chlmai, Sys Soflware Prog (ElectrIcal Engineering) E E/C Sel ( ), ( ), NGUYEN Christian H, Research AssIstant (Medicine) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), PW B, th Ave S, Mlnneepolla55406, , nguye042@ NGUYEN Cu N, Ubrary Asst 2(Law Ubrary) 120 Law ( ), nd 51 E, Minneepolls 55408" NGUYEN Dal W, Undergra Tch Asst II (Aced Counseling-intclig Alhl) 260 BFA B ( ), 15154th SI S, Apt E912, Mlnneepolls~, , nguye031@ NGUYEN Dennis T, Otlice Spec (SllIderit FInancial Aid, Ole of) 210 Fraser H( ), nguye041@!" NGUYEN Doen K, StudentSr 011 Asst (Law Sch Admin) 265 Law, th SI S, Apt F608, Minneepolis 55454, , nguyell34@ NGUYEN Don M, Prin secretary d:1ectrlcai Engineering) EEtc Sel ( ), ( ), 200 Union SI S E, MInneepoIIs 55455, th SI S, Apt 3204, Mlnneepolls 55454, nguyeol0@,lax: NGUYEN Due Q, Med Fel Spec (Surgery-General) Bxl Mayo ( ), PWB,lll Marquelle Ave S, Apt 507. MInneapolIs 55401, , NGUYEN Dzung N, Sr Accounts Asst (Exlllnsion' Classes) 136 Wes H (~4-9370), 1515 S4th SI, Apt El304, Mlnneepolls 55454, , NGUYEN Hai V, Prln Lab Tech (H KIdney Dialysis, Adun) Bx 805 Mayo, nguyeoo8@. NGUYEN Hoai T, SoclaI Wkr, Sr (CUHCC-Adult Medical) C U HC C( ), nguyeoo6@ NGUYEN Hung C, Acupuncturist (CUHce-AduR Medical), 2001 Bloomington Ave S, Mlnneepolla 55404, ( ), 2342 N Ferrant Place, Minneapolis 55411, nguye024@ NGUYEN Hung N, Electronics Tech (Otolaryngology) Bx 396 Mayo ( ), PW B, nguyeoo5@ NGUYEN Hung V, Research AssIstanl (Ag Eng) 109 Ag Eng ( ), 2280 PriscIlla SI, Apt 9, SI Paul 55108, , nguyen@ NGUYEN Hung V, Prln Lab Tech (Pedialrlcs) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), PWB,503611th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , nguyell3ll@ NGUYEN Klet A, Post-Doc Assoc (Chemistry) 116 Smith H( ), nguye044@ NGUYEN Kim T, Undergra Tch AssIII (Sell 01 Mathematics),127 Yin H, nguyeoo1@ NGUYEN Loo, CoordIrialor (Admlsslons-M1norIly Recrullmenl) 240 ~ H (6$-8277), 529 S Cleveland Ave, Apt 5, SI Paul 55116, , NGUYEN MarIe T, Human Srv Assoc (CUHce-AdI* MedIcal) C U HC C ( ), NGUYEN Marie-Heng T:Assistant Professor (PharmIcy PractIce), UnIversily Perk Phermacy, DIveralfted 8enItces, 1690 Universny Ave, SI Paul 55104, ( ), , nguye025@ NGUYEN MInh M, Jr SCientIst (Illochemlstry-Med Sch) Mird H( ), 9121 Jackson CIrcle, BlaIne 55434, , nguyell49@ NGUYEN Nha P, Sr Lab Tech (MedicIne) Bx 108 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 1839 Oliver Ave N, Minneapolis 55411, , NGUYEN 0lIInh K, PharmIcy Tech (H Outpalient PharmIcy) ax 611 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo, NGUYEN 08nh T, R-earch AssIstanl (CUHCC-Adull MedIcal) 457 Ford H, 4908 Dayton Ct, Edina 55435, nguyeoo3@ NGUYEN Phuong A, Sr AnaIystJProgr (Sufgery-Gener8l) ~x 359 Mayo ( ), 311 VCR C( ), NGUYEN SInh 0, AnaIystJProg (PedIatrics) Bx 184 Mayo ( ), nguye032@ NGUYEN Slaven C, Undergra Tch Asst II (Physics & Astronomy, Sch of) 146 Phys, 1615 S 4th SI, Ap! M508, MlnneapoIls 55454, , NGUYEN ThIen H, Data Proc Tech 2 (Adm Info Svcs-Operalions) S2nd SI, nguye043@ NGUYENThu Van, Undergra Tch Asst II (SCh 01 M8lhematics) 127 VIII H, thuva001@ NGUYEN Thuy T, Dental Asst (CUHCC-AduR MedIcaf) C U HC C( ), nguya001@ NGUYEN True K, Research AssIstant (Opthalmology) ax 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, th Lane NE, BIa/ne 55434, , nguye033@ NGUYEN Tung T, Lab AnmI cere Tee (Medical Sch Admin) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), PW B nhuyeoo1@ NGUYEN Xuan Y, Student Otlice Asst (Student RnancIaI AId, Ole of) 139Srn1th H, 8817 Kilmer Way, Maple Grove 55369, , nguye045@ NHAN Penny K, Research Assistant (Inlo Tech Ole, C8t1son Sch-Adm) 230 Mgmf/ECon ( ), nhanx001@ NHO Yorlgpn, R-earch AssIfIanl (Industrial Relations CIr) 537 MgrntfEcon ( ), nhoxxoo1@ NHUL Chand8ra, Cook (H Main Food Service) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), nhulxoo2@ NHIIL savy Man, Sr Food 5erv Wkr (H Main Food Service) ax 84 Mayo ( ), nhulxoo3@ NI Wel-MIng, Professor (Malhernellcs, Sell of) 127 VIII H( ), nlxxxool@ NIBBE Jay 0, Lacturer (Exlllnsion Clasaes-Mesters/BUS Tax), Pillsbury Ctr, Suite 1400,2008th 51 S, MInneepoIIs 55402, ( ), nibbeool@ NIBBE Maxine C, Otlice Spec (Urologic Surgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ), D596 Mayo, nlbbeoo2@ NICCUM Pa1rtcIa A, Prtn secretary (8oyI1ton Admlnlslralion) W334 8oyI1 HS ( ), NICCUM Thomas M, Grad School Fellow (Army High Perf CompulIng Res Ctr) 1100 Wash Av S ( ), Prtnceton Ave S, savage 55378, , NICHOL James C, Prof Emer (UMD-Chemlstry) 336 Chern Duluth ( ), 6885 Abbott Rd, Duluth 55803, , jnlchol@,lax: NICHOL KrIstin l,associata Professor (Medicine) V A MedlcaI center, Generalintamal Med (1110), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), nicho014@ STAFF NEWKIRK-LEDO-NICHOLSON 295 NICHOLAS Unda E, Non Univ Stat! (Comm Disorders) 115 Shev H, VA Medical center, Speech Path ServIca, 127A, One Veterans Dr, Minneepolis 55417, ( X4230), 6010 Luigi Circle, Bloomington 55436, , nichooo9@ NICHOLAS S Scott, Clin Assoc Prof (MedicIne),, Medical Arts Bldg, Suite 221, 825 Nicollet MaH, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), nichool6@ NICHOLLS Gretchen S, Research AasIstant (HHH Insl Pub! Allrs) 130 HHHCtr, 125 WGrant SI, ApI 305, Mlnneepolls 55403, , nicho019@ NICHOLLS Thomas H, Associate Professor (N central Exp Sta) 536 NC For ( ), 2160 Draper Ave,!.\oseville 55113, Q2, nichooo2@ NICHOLS Allison K, Student sac Asst (CLA Studenl AcaltSuppl Svcs) 205 Joh H ( ), 3925 Harriet Ave S, Minneepolis 55409, nich002o@ NICHOLS Capper E, Teaching AssIstant (English Language & Ln) 207 Und H, , nichooo8@ NICHOLS Craig J, Stat! Pilot (Flight Services), F1ighl Servicas, 8691 Airport Rd, Mlnneepolls 55449, ( ),14339 Xenia SI N W, Andover 55304, , nicho017@ NICHOLS Dale S, Sclentlsl (U S 0 A Foresl5erv), Ncentral Foresl Exp Sta, 1831 Hwy 169 E, Grand Rapids 55744, ( ), 2201 Hwy 169 S, Apt 111, Grand Rapids 55744, NICHOLS Dan A, Clin Ass! Prof (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PWB, nlchooo6@ NICHOLS Gary E, Clin InSlr (Pediatrics), 08kdale Ped/Adoiesc Consultnts, 3366 Oakdale AveN, Mlnneepolis 55422, ( ), 4602 Edins Blvd, Edina 55424, , nlchool8@ NICHOLS Gina M, GIn Stat! Nurse (Eye, Enl Neurology-8B) PCUSB Mayo, POBox 8836, SI Paul 55108, m-8593, nlchooll@ NICHOLS Joan M, Research Assistant (Forest Resources) 319 Gm H( ), nicho026@ NICHOLS John W, Adj Assl Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 352 Med Duluth ( ), 1230 WKnife River Rd, Two Harbors NICHOLS Jon R, Stu Sup Srv Asst (Ole 01 The RegiSlrer-Registralion) B25 Fraser H ( ), NICHOLS Kendall A, Ext Educ & Assl Prof (ME5-Distrlcts), Courlhousa, Box 457, Wheaton 56296, ( ), nd Ave N, Wheaton 56296, NICHOLS Nancee L, GIn Stat! Nurse (Nursing FIoaI Pool) Bx 603 MayO ( ), n1cho012@ NICHOLS Sharon L, Adj InSIr (Nursing, Sell OI-Prog & Res), Health Partners, 2500 Como Ave, SI Paul 55108, ( ), , n1cho027@ NICHOLS Staphanle J, Jr User Serv Spec (Ole 01 The Registrar-Registration) B25 Fraser H ( ), NICHOLS Thomas J, Res Assoc (Foresl Resources), Cloquet Forestry,center, 175 Univer&ny Rd, Cloquet 55720, ( ), tnlchois@ NICHOLS Thomas 0, Professor (Fam Practice & Community HIth), 911 EMaryland Ave, SI Paul 55106, ( ), 145 Losl Lake Ct, Mahtomedi 55115, , nichool5@ NICHOLSON Morris E, Prof Emer (Chemical Eng & Mal Sel) NPascal Ave, SI Peul55113, ,,edu NICHOLSON Oliver, Assistanl Professor (Classical & Near Eastern Studies) 330 Fol H ( ), ( ),5312 York Ave S, Minneepolis 55410, , classtud@, fax: NICHOLSON Peggy S, Otlice Spec (Univ Counseling & Consulting 5erv) 22 Eddy H ( ), , nichool3@ NICHOLSON William C, Temp/Casl Employ (Unlv Counseling &Consulling Serv) 22 Eddy H ( ), , nich0007@

50 296 NICHOLS WAGNER-NOBBE STAFF NICHOLS WAGNER Michele A, Grad SChool Trainee (Intnl Studies, Inst of) 214 Soc SCi ( ), NICKEL Carol R, Sr S8cratary (Martin Luther King Prog) 19 Joh H(625,2300), NICKEL Paulina, District Director (MES-Districts) 260H Col H( ), SWExperiman1 Station, POBox 428, Lamberton 56152, ( ), Rt 2, Box 276, Mountain Laka 56'159, , NICKELSON Kay M, Nurse elin, Hasp (H Comprehensive C8ncar care Clinic) Bx 806 Mayo ( ), 313 Mas can Ctr ( ), 481 Unden Lane, Uno Lakas 55014, NICKERSON JR Neal C, Pro1assor (Educational Policy & Adm) 275 Pail< H( ), ( ), 4406 Bay Lane, While Baar Laka 55110, NICKLES Kathryn R, Grad SChool Fallow (Mgmt-Phd Programs) 395 H HHCtr ( ), knickles@csom.spcs.umn.adu NICKLES Stave H, Protassor (Law SCh Instr) 442 Law ( ), ( ), th Circle N, Plymouth 55442, , nickl001@ NICKLOW MichaaI K, ElectrIcian (FaCilitias Mgmt-Adm) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), BI17 Moos T, BIua Heron Trail, Rush City 55069, nickloo3@ NICKLOW Robarta A, Nurse Clin, Hosp (H Bone Marrow Transplant) Bx 603 Mayo ( ), nickioo4@. NICOL Lon J, Accounts Spec (Plant Biology) 220 Bio SCi ( ), ( ), 446 Labore Rd, Apt 207,.utIIe canada 55117, Inicol@, lax: NICOL Susan E, Clin Asst Prof (Psychology), HennepinCounty Madical canter, Psychiatry Dept, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), nicoloo5@ NICOLAI Annette C, Sr OfIlce Asst (Fam Practlca 8. Community HIth) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), PW B, nicoklo3@ NICOLAI Richard E, Cmnty prog Spec (Ag Eng) 210 Ag Eng ( ), ( ), At 1, Box 195, Hector 55342, , nicoloo9@ NICOLAI Ruth E, Assoc Admin (Fam PraetIca & CommunityHIth) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ), NICOLAS Angalita C, 0fIlce Spec (Aced Support/Stu Li1&-UMD) Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ),814 N9th Ave E, Duluth 55605, , a-nico@vml.spcs.umn.adu NICOLAY Jack P, Non Univ Stall (CooPerative Campus Ministries), S EChristian Church, th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), NICOLAY JR John E, Lecturer (Operations & Mgmt SCience) 332 Mgml/Econ, 5831 Cadar Lake Rd, Minneapolis 55416, ( ), nicoloo1@ NIDA Todd Y, Mad Fal Spec (Neurosurgery) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), 8590 Ma~o, 7060~" Rd, Edina 55439, nidax001@ NIE Gary J, Vet Mad Associate (Clinical & Population SCiences) 365 An SCi/V M( ), Teaching Assistent 267 Vet Tell Hos, niexx001@ NIEBER John L, Associate Professor (Ag Eng) 203 Ag Eng ( ), nieber@ gaia.agang.umn.adu, lax: NIEBUHR Sheryl L, Assistant Professor (Psychology) N218 Eft H WHwy36, Suita 516, Roseville 55113, ( ), niebuoo1@ NIEDRINGHAUS Robert 0, Clin Assoc Prof (Madicine-UMD) 141 Mad Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Duluth 5s805, ( ) NIEHANS GIclria A, Assistent Professor (Lab Madicine & Pathology), VA Medical center, Laboratory Serv 113A, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), nieh8002@ NIEHANS MichaaI R, Non Univ Stall (PsychiatrY) Bx 393 Mayo, 5401 Gamble Dr, Suite 104, St Louis Park 55416, ( ), nieha001@. NIELSEN Anne I, Prin secretary (H Bone Marrow Transplant) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C-548 Mayo, th Ave N E, CoIumble HIs 55421, nielsoo4@maroon,tc.umn.adu NIELSEN Arvid L, UPharmacist (Pharmacy Practlca), McF-5tw, POBox 55, StlItwater 55D62. ( X2512), rd 5t 5, Collage Grove 55016, ' NIELSEN Brooke L, Student 5ys Soft Pro (central Computing Services) 104 Bu H, b1n@ NIELSEN Janet M, Accounts Spec (PreventIve SCiences) Moos T ( ), 2535 Quincy St N E, Minneapolis 56418, , nlelsoo6@ NIELSEN Jellrey 0, Jr ScIentist (N WExp SIa), N WExperiment Station, Crooks1Dn 56716, ( ), 1509 Alexander Ave, Crookston 56716, lax: ~ NIELSEN Jon S, elin Asst Prof (Obstetrica & Gynecology), Oakdale ObstetricsfGyneooIogy, 3366 Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale 55422, ( ), 6143 Arctic Way, EdIna 55436, , nielsoi2@ NIELSEN Judith K, Distribution Wkr (H Ars/Distribution) Bx 517 Mayo ( ), n~lsoo5@ NII;LSEN Kris L, Clin ParluslonlSt.(Surgery-General) Bx 207 Mayo ( ), 105 ovccrc ( ), nlels007@ NIELSEN Kristine L, Asst ScIentist (EpidemIology) S2nd St ( ),1627 ERIver Terrace, Minneapolis 55414, , nielsoo2@ NIELSEN Lara 0, Admin Fello\v (~I & Preservations) 5 0 MWL ( ), 631 Washington St N E, Minneapolis 55413, nielsol3@ NIELSEN Maureen R, Stu Sup Srv Aaaoc (Ole of The Registrar-Stu Contact) 160 Wmson H ( ),1695 Edgewater St, Arden HHIs m-niel@vml.spcs.umn.adu NIELSEN Skott N,. Clin Instr (Madicine-UMD) 141 Mad Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd 5t, Duluth NIELSEN Soeren U, Post-Doc Assoc (Biochemistry-eBS) 140 Gor L, Univ 01 Mlnn, Ba H, 1458 Cleveland Ave, St Paul 55108, niala02o@ NIELSEN Susan M, Cmnty Prog Spec (MN Landscape Arboretum), MN Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhassen 55317, ( OX144), 7201 Morgan Ave S, Richfield 55423, , niel8011@ NIELSEN Terry A, Sr Radlolog Tech (DiagnostIc Radiology) ax 292 Mayo ( ) at St W, 'Rosamount 55068, , nieisoo3@ NIELSEN Thomas, Non Univ Stall (Adm Inlo Svcs-Financial Apps Dev) nd St, t-nlell@vml.spcs.umn.adu NIELSEN Todd A, Analysl{Prog (Adm Info Svcs-Acedemlc Apps Dev) nd St ( ), , t-niel@vml.spcs.umn.adu NIELSON Unda M, Gen 5tall NU1'18 (Unft 62 Aduft Psychiatry, Acute) PCU62 Mayo, nlelsol6@ NIEMI Earl E, Sr Madia Re Prodr (Umr-TV Production) 580B Rang C( ), ProII SCh Proj Asst, eniemi@ NIEMI Gerald J, Dept Director (UMD-NRRI-ewEj 350 NRRI Duluth ( ), ( ),6165 Taft Rd, Duluth 55803, gnieml@d.urnn.adu, lax: NIEMI L~ K, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), 3112 O'Henry Rd, Brooklyn eantar 55429, niemiool@ NIEMI Randy M, Spec Rev Tech (Hosp~ Bx 196 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, nle!nioo3@. NIEMIER Amy J, Gen Stall NU1'18 (Bonlt Marrow Transplant-Aduft-4B) PCU4B Mayo, , niemioo5@ NI~US Gary L, Undergra Res Ass! II (Otolaryngology) 221 Uons Res ( ), ( ), 1403 SPencer Rd W, St Paul 55106, , nlenhoo1@ NIERENGARTEN Mark E, Head l)n{fac Rank) (UMD-Health, Phy Educ & Recr) 110SpH C Duluth ( ), ( O),1TIIlIerang@ d.umn.adu NIEREHGARTEN Mary E, Assoc EdItlir (Therapeutic Radiology) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), Ml0L Mas can Ctr, mina@zeus.trad.umn.adu NIE8EN ~ J, Exac Ass! (Energy MIImt-LJghtlng Relrollt) 25 Shope B( ), Duluth Ave S E, PrIor Lake 55372, rjnieaan@, lax:. 812.e.2li1l5 NIE8ZN!Il Theresa G. AssIstant Coach (AthIelics, Women's IntcIIg) 221 Cooke H ( ), 1801 Lafond Ave, St Paul 55104, , nteszool@ NIETFELD Stacy A, PM Secr8tary (Lab Madlclne & Pathology) ax 809 Mayo ( ), Owre H. 881 River BIrch ~, Uno Lakas 55014, 48fl atacy@ NIE10 SaJIy N, Dental Fellow (DlagnosticfSurgical SCi) Moos T ( ), nllltoool@,,adu NIEVES AIda I, Sr Secr8tary (Hasp Labs-5urg Path) ax 7~ Mayo ( ), brokaool@. NIEVES Mary H, Suppl 0Ie/Srv Wrk (SuppIamentaI 0fIlce 8aMces) th 5t SE, nleveool@ NIEWOEHNEIl C8therIne B, AaaocIa1ll Professor. (MadIcIne), VA MadIcaI Center, One Veterlll1l Dr (lllg), MmeapoIls 55417, (725-2OOOX4424), NIEWOEHNER Dennis E, ProIlIasor (Madiclne), V A Medical Center, One VelIIans Dr (111N), Mr-poIIs 55417, (725-2OOOX4400), niewoool@ NIGHT1NGALE ~ J, Grad SChool Fallow (IntnI S1IidIes. lnat of) 414 Soc SCI ( ), ~.Ic.umn.adu NIQHTlIIQALE Edmund J, AssIstant Professor (Psydiatry), Ad! Ass! Prof (PsydIoIogy), VA MadIcaI Center, P8ydIoIogy Service (116B), One V Dr, MInneIpoIIa 55417, ( ), cIIa Cl, Mendota ~ , nighioo2@maroon,te.umn.adu, lax: peger: IlIGImNGALE Gerda B, SrSurvey Interv (EpldImIology) nd St ( ), nightool@ NIIlARTTIIllITIY R, OlIn Stall Nuraa (PadIatrtcs-SA) PCUSA Mayo ( ), 64867th Ave N E, Fridley 56432, , nlh8roo1@ NlJHAWAN S8ndeep, Teachk1g AssIstant (A8roIpace Eng & MachInIcs) 1~ Aker H ( ), nljlawan@bora.aern.uma'adu NlJtlAWAN S8ndeep, RaNrch Aaalstant (Aerospace Eng & MachanIca) 107 Ak8l' H ( ), ( ), th Ave 5 E, MlnneIpoIa 55414, , nijhawan@ bora.aern.umn.adu NICIEL HlIIen A,Mad Rae Dept SUpv (H Word ProceIIIng) ax 600 Mayo ( ), B608 13th Ave 5. BloomIngton 55425, , n1k1eoo1@ NlKKOLA Donald G. InatrueIIlI' (SocIal Work, SCh of) 400 Foid H, n1kkooo1@ NIKLASON Mary K, OlIn Stall N...(Unft 70) PCU7D Mayo ( ), Oregon Ave N, CIIIInpIIn 65318, , niidaool@ NIQ.ES ChIrte8 0, Teachk1g AssIstant (PsydIoIogy) N218 Eft H( ), 4817 Oregon Ave N, New Hope 55428, , n1kieoo1@ gokuc.umn.adu NlKNAII JIIIIlIhId, Mad Fat Spec (MadlcIne) Bx 278 Mayo ( ), PWB, VCC R C, GrNnhaven Dr, Apt 249, Burnsville 55337, NIknaOOl@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu NILES H8rlIn B, CoordInatllr (UMD-NrrI, CoIeraIne-Cartd Revolving), CoInine Minerals Res lib, POBox 188, Coleraine 55722, ( ), 1004 NPokegama Ave, Grand Rapids 55744, _2624 NLLEI Nancy S, CWdWukn Spec (C8rdiopulIilona 8aMces) ax 247 Mayo, niiiool@maroon,tc.umn.adu NUEN Bjorn S, AssIstant (PhysIcs & Astronomy) 470 Phys ( ), niilieoo2@ NIIJISI GIna R, Teachk1g AssIstant (VOC Tech Educ) 425K Vo Tech ( ), 3586 Owasso St, Apt 311. St , n, niiaaool@ ~ KevIn K, Non UnIv Stall (U 5 0 A For8st8erv) 631 NCFor ( ), ntmerool@ -.os Kerineth 0; CIIn AsaoC Prof (PsychIatry), 3633 Oak CnIek T~, Vadnais Hta 55127, , UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NIMMO Charlie, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Fac Mgrnt-euatodial) Ad B Duluth ( ), 26-1 A BAH, 3618 Mlnnesota Ave, Duluth 558lI2 NIMS-CARTIR Charyl C, Prin Secretary (MadIcIne) ax 108 Mayo ( ), Moos T, nimsx001@ IIMTZ JRAugust H, AaaocIa1ll ProIlIasor (P0lltlcaI ScIence) 1414 Soc-ScI ( ), ( ), 20 2nd St NE, Apt 901, Minneapolis 55413, animtz@ NIM1Z Lyriette K, 0fIlce Spec (Fam Practice & CommUnity HIth) Wash Av SE ( ), 304 W9th St,Apt6, New RIchrno!Id WI 64017, , nimtz002@ NINNEMANN Melanie S, TeachlrigAssIstant (Music) Ferg H, nlnneoo1@maroon.ic.umn.8du NINS CordeHa N, Nursing SIa Ass! (Bone Marrow Transplant-Aduft-4B) PCU4BMayo, 1021 Filler Ave, St Paul 55104, , ninaxool@ IIPPEAT Susan N, Mad{Cln Lab Tech (Hasp Laba-CoaguIatio) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, nippeool@ NI8IET HBruce, Accounts Spec {Prof Dev & Conterence Svc) 235 NCC E( ), ( ), 5307 Rhode Ialand Ave N, New Hope 55428, , nisbeool@ NISKA PatrlcIaA, Gen Stat! Nurse (H OPtJ.ErnergencyServ) ax 710 Mayo ( ), UHosll, NISKALA Robert L, Food 8erv Wkr (UMD-Food & Vending Svce) 122 RHO CDuluth ( ), 323 Kally elrde Aspanwood, Duluth 55811, 722-n35 NI8IEN ElIzabeth, Prof Emer (French & Italian), 8116th Ave 5 E, MInneapolIs 55414, , nisseoo4@ NISSEN ErIn R, Ternp{Casl Employ (Blochemlatry-Mad SCh) MIrd H(625-24ll6), Lyon L, nisaaoo3@ NlS:SEN Mary G, Aocouids Spec (ChemIcal Eng & Mat SCi) 151 Amund H(62W366), 6541 Hokah Dr Uno Lakes 55014, , mniasen@ marqoi1.te.umn.adu, fax: NISSEN Mary Jo, AaaocIa1ll ProIIissor (Psychology) N218 Eft H( ), 5285 Lochloy Dr, Edina 55436, , nissen@ NITSCHE Johannes C, ProIlIasor (SCh 01 Mathematica) 127 YIn H( ),2765 Dean Pky, MInn8apolIs 55418, nitacoo1@,lax: ~7 NIT8CHE Monlka, Post-Doc Aaaoc (Math & Its App,lnat For) 514 YIn H. nilicoo2@ NITZ Nicole M, RaNrchAssIstant (Inattlute For Health Svce Res) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), D-33O Mayo ( ) Knox Ave 5, Apt 114, Minneapolis 55408, , nltzxool@ NITZAN Ron, Post-Doc Aaaoc (PhysIology) Mird H( ), 4810 Hwy 7, St LouIii Park 55416, ,,adu NRI Ung ung, R8SNfch Assistent (EntomokJgy) 219 Hodson H( ), 2055 Knapp Ave, Apt. E2, St Paul 55108, , niuxxool@ NIVART1lI Sriram $,~ Assistent (Ch8mIcaI. Eng & Met SCi) 102 Amund H ( ), nivirihi@cems.umn.adu NIXON Susan A, Adj Ihlltr (Ntning, SCh 0f.Pr0g & Res), HannepIn County MadIcaI Center, Dept of ob/gyn,701 Park Ave S, MInneapolis ( ), th Ave 5, MInneapoIIs~, , nixonoo2@ NIZIOL Wleslawa K, AssIstant Professor (SCh of Mathematica) 127 YIn H. ( ), nlzlooo1@ NIZNICK Kathteen A, Prin Secretary (Paychlatry) ax 393 Mayo, n1zn1oo1@ NJOKU 1Iaoma, ~ SpaciaIIst (SOCial WOlk, SCh 01) 386 Mc NH, njc* HKQ8I MakhosI, 0fIlce Spec (Burur) 20 FraserH ( ), ( ), ( ), 1622 Carl St, Apt 214, l.iiuderdale 55108, nkosioo1@ NOAKES Susan J, Professor (CIa, Associate Dean, Facufty) 260 Fell H( ), Il98keOOl@ NOBBE June E, Dept DinK:IIlr (Student ActivIlIlls} 256 C MU( ), ( ), june@ stubii.stu.umn.adu

51 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF NOBBS-NORMAN III 297 NOB8S Ter! E, Nurse Clln, Hosp (H ComprehenaIve Cancer Cere Clinic) Bx 806 Mayo Snelling Ave, Apt 307, StPaul 55116, , nobbsool@ NOIII.E Cheryl L, Prln Secrelary (CIe, AssocIate Dean, Faculty) 203 Joh H ( ), c-nobl@ N08LE David W, Professor (American Studies) 3 Scott H( ), ( ), 2089 Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, , nobieoo2@ NOIII.E Gall K, AssocIate Proleasor (Gen CoII-lnat-eomm/Ut,lPhIQ 262 Ap H( ), 2089 Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, , nobieool@meroon.te.urnn.adu NOBLE L.aenne M, Pharmacy Tach (H Inpatient Phannacy) Bx 811 Mayo ( n 0147 Mayo ( ), , erteiool@ NOBLE Mark G, Suppimt Employee (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 220 BIo SCi, nobleoo5@ meroon.te.urnn.adu. NOIII.E Tlmothy R, Deslgn/Madla Art (Umr-Medla Arts & FIlm) Dak 51 SE ( ), ( ),1288 Euatls 51, Apt 1, St Paul 55108, , nobieoo8@ ' NOllUND Beth M, Word Proc Spec (KJoesloIogy & leisure Studies) 202 Cooke H( ), nodlaool@, lax: noo NODLER Kevin R, Prln Acct Sp/Supv (Medicine) Bx 194 Mayo ( ), PW B,l022St Paul Ave, St peul 55118, , k-nocll@ meroon.te.umn.adu, lax: HOE Reymond A, AsaoclaI8 Professor (1ndU81rla1 FWlatIona Ctr) 537 MgmtfEcon ( ),'13815 Dallas Ct, Rosemount 55088, , moe@ csom.umn.adu, lax: NOEL Usa L, Dental Hygienist (MN ClInical Dental Rea Ctr) Moos T ( ), ( ), 3037 Holmes Ave, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55408, noelxool@meroon.te.umn.adu NOIR Patricia L, Prln 5ecretary (Prasident's OIc-Adm) 200 Mor H ( ), 692 Riviera Dr, New IlrIghIon 55112, , noerxool@ meroon.te.umn.adu NOETZEL David M, Profeaaor (Entomology) 226 Hodson H ( ), 1395 WArlington Ave, St Paul 55108, , noetzool@ NOETZELMAN Lane T, H~ Met D1sp Spec (environmental Health & Safety) Wl28 Boyn H5 ( ), , noetzoo2@ NOHEL Tom A, Fellow (Anance) 735 MgmtfEcon, noheioo3@meroon.te.umn.adu NOIlL Jacqueline R, Prln Cashier (UMM-FIll8nce-Adm) 205 Behm MorrIs ( ) Rt " Box 143, Hancock , j-nohl@ vml.spcs.umn.adu NOHL Virginia M, 5ecratartal Asst (UMM-AcIIdemic Services) 223 C 5 Morris. ( ), Rt 2, Box 11A, Hancock , , nohigm@caa.mrs.umn.adu NOHNER-8LACK John G, Gen Stall Nurse (H. "!' Home Health) Bx 722 Mayo (627~), Ont St SE, nohneool@meroon.te.umn.adu NOHRE Sandra L, Research Fellow (Family Practice &Comm Health) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), nd St, 8857 Pine HiIlRd;.. Minneapolis 55438, , nohreoo1@',", ' - NOHRENBERG Gary A, Student Lab Tech "'." (FIsherIes & Wlldllle) 330 H H HCtr, 5837 Bry8i?l Ave N, Brooklyn center 55430, nohreoo3@.'".,._1:-.1 NOIlRENBERG Karen A, ornce Spec (Madlcinsj, Bx 138 Mayo ( ), 0416 Mayo, Idaho Ave 5, PrIor Lake 55372, nohreclo2@ NO.IIMA Dane T, Reaearch Assistant (Cell,. Biology & Neuroanatomy) Jac H( ) Owre H, nojimoo1@meroon.te.umn.adu,.' lax: "' NOLAN James T, C1in Assoc Prof (Fs'll PracticlJ & Community HIth), 261 Rulli St, St Paul 55119, ( ), , nolanoo5@ NOLAN Jennifer A, Crnnty Prog Spec(OmSs. C8nt7aQ Univ Av Se ( ), , noianoo7@ NOLAN JoanneM, Gen Stall Nurse (UnM 70) PCU7D Mayo ( ), noianoo3@ maroon.te.urnn.adu NOLAN Kathleen 5, Sr Sacretary (Cell BIology & Neuroanatomy) Bx 740 Mayo ( ), A275 Mayo, 3560 Pilgrim Lane, Plymouth 55441, , noianoo2@ NOLAND Wayland E, Professor (ChemIstry) 341A Smith H ( ), ( ), 924 FrankJ!n Terrace, Minneapolis , , noiend@ chemsun.chem.umn.adu, lax: NOLDEN Gary L, Photo Lab Tech (Blomadical ' Graphic Comm) Bx 711 Mayo ( l!), PWB, Pannock Ave, Apt 76, Apple Valley 55124, , noideool@ NOUN Kimberly J, Sr Rea'Nura, ClIn (Pharmacology) Bx 392 Mayo ( ), 838 Diehl H, noilnoo1@ NOLL Debra J, Assoc Dev 0lIIcer (ME5-Col1ege 01 education) 340Col H ( ), Jellerson St N E, CoIumbla Hgts , NOLL Jeanene M, Dept Asst Olr (Madical Education, Cont) Wash Av SE ( ), POBox 14029, Minneapolis , noiixoo2@, iax: n88 NOLL Sally L, Professor (Anlmel 5cience) 208 Pet H ( ), 899 Parkvlew Ave, St Paul 55117, , snoll@mea.umn.adu, lax: MOLTE Charles M, Pr~aaor (Theatre Arts & Dance) 228 Mdb H ( ), nomeool@ MOLTING Earl, Dept Director (CEE CounseUng) 314 NC C E( ), , enoiting@ mail.cee.umn.adu, lax: NOON David H, Teaching ASSistant (American Studies) 104 Scott H ( ), 8715 Fair Oaks Rd, Roanoke VA 24019, noonxool@ NOONAN Norma, L.acturer (Independent Study), Augsburg College, 2211 Riverside Ave, Box 107, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), noonaoo2@ NOONAN Thomas P, Clin Asst Prof (Fam Praetica & Community HIth), 360 Sherman Ave, 51 Paul 55102, ( ), noonaoo3@ NOONAN Thomas 5, Chair IW/Fae Rank) (History) 614 SOC SCi ( ), ( ), Rich Rd, Bloomington 55437, , noonaool@ MOORI Mahin, Accounts Spec (Geology & Geophysics) 108 Pills H (62~), 8224 Oxborough Ave, Bloomington 55437, noorklol@ HOOVEN Sherri L, Coordinator (EpIdemiology) nd St ( ), ( ), th Ave 5, Minneapolis , , nooyeclol@gold.te.umn.adu NOPOLA Karen E, Madlcal Rec Tech (H Madlcal Records Inlo) Bx 601 Mayo ( ), P W B, nopoloo1@meroon.te.umn.adu NORAH Steven F, Assistant Proleaaor (Neurology), Noran Neurological Clinic, Pa, 910 E 26th St, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), noranoo1@ NORBACK Bruce A, Clin Assoc Prol (Neurology), Mpls Cli.nic of Neurol, 4225 Golden Valley Rd, Minneapolis , ( ), 8820 WShore Dr, Edina 55435, , norbaool@ NORBERG Arthur L, Associate Proleasor (Compulllr5cience) EE/C SCi ( ), 3n-7916, enorberg@epx.cis.umn.adu,lax: NORBIN Jane A, Ad] InSIr (Nursing, SCh OI-Prog & Res), Ramsey County Public Health, Government center West, 50 WKellogg Blvd, Suite 930, St Paul 55102, ( ), norbiool@ NORBY Laureen B, Sr Sacretary (English Lan~uage & LM) 207 Und H ( ), ( ), 3538 Brunswick Ave N, Crystal , norbyoo1@meroon.te.umn.adu, lax: NORCROSS J Phili.p, Editor (Rea &Tech Tms Adm, Ole 01) Wash Av 5 ( ), 3148 PUisbury Ave 5, Minneapolis 55408, , phil@ortta.umn.adu, lax: NORCROSS Unda R, Sr 5ecretary (Rhetoric) 201 Hekr H ( ), Pillsbury Ave 5, Minneapolis 55406, , kailioo1@ maroon.te.urnn.adu NORCROSS Rosella, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 - (Facilllles Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), 300 Webster S~ St Paul 55102, , norcr002@ NORD Bradley C, Teaching Assistant (VOC & Tech Education) 320 Vo Tech, 1181 Edgcumbe Rd, Apt 615, St Paul 55105, NORD Dee Ann M, Gen Stall Nurse (Bone Marrow TranepIant-AduM-4Il) PCU4A Mayo, , nordxoo8@maioon.te.umn.adu NORD John R; Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Nord's Comer Drug, 12. NJohnson Ave, Fosston ( ~ 212 NGrarun Ave, Fosston , NORD Patrlcla A, NUI8lI Mgr Aaat (CardloY8scu1ar SUrgJProgr C8nt-8C) PCU6C Mayo ( ), Mayo;2951 Me KInley St NE, Minneapolis , , lllli'lixoo4@ma.te.umn.adu NORD WIllIam 5, Aaat 8cIIntiat (5011 5cience) ~ SoIls ( ), 2951 McKinley St NE, MlnlllllpOlls , , nordxoo3@ NORDBERG John M, Heat Control Spec (Fae Mgmt-HaatCOntrol) 2-41 DAd B Duluth ( ), ( ), 206 WAuatln St, Duluth NORDBERG P Michael, Pm Collect Rep (DI'1hopaedk: SUrg), Te 8coIIo8la SpIne Canter, 2737 ChIcago Ave 5, U-2OO, MInnNpoI/I55407, (88$-3358),2615 P8I1c Ave 5, Apt 807, Minneapolis 55407, nonlbool@. NORDEHN Glenn H, ClIn lnatr (Madlclne-UMD),., Mad Duluth, Duluth CIInlc, rd St E, Duluth 55805, ( ) NORDEN Tamara J, Teaching AssIStant (Nursing, SCh OI-Pro!i & Rea) 100 Ferg H, 11OI1leOO4@ NORDENSTRENG Kaarte T, VIaM Prof (Intnl Studies, lnat of) -405 Mur H( ), (fl ~ nordeoo7@go1d.te.umn.adu NORIlGAAIlD Carol D, Adj Inatr (NuraIng, SCh OI-Prog & Rea), HennepIn County Madical Canter 525 Portland Ave 5, M1nneapolla , ( ), -48 Groveland Terraoe, Minneapolis , , nordgool@ NORDGREN Mwy EIen, Nutr Educ Aaat (ME5-Col1ege 01 Human Ecology), POBox9n, Wlnmar 56201, ( ), W1l'l St, Willmar 56201, mnordgren@mea.umn.adu NORDIN Paul G, Research SpecIalist (Forest Resources) 115 Gm H, th Ave 5, Minneapolis 55406, , nordiool@ meroon.te.umn.adu NORDlAND Robert A, C1In Aaaoc Prof (Obstetrics & GynecQlogy), W8ItlIm 0 B & Gyn, Maple St, Waconia 55387, ( ), 9307 Rhoy Ave, Chaska 55318, ,1IOldIOO4@ NORDLJE Paul E, Alit Prof Emer (Lab Madlcine & Pathology), St Josepha HoapltaJ, Dept 01 Pathology, 89 WExchange St, St Paul 55102, (232-3".), nordioo3@ NORDLING Nancy R, Sr 5ecretary (H OPO-AduM Payclllally) Bx 301 Mayo ( ), 3100 PWB n0rd0019@go1d.te.umn.adu NORDLUND emily A, Prin 5ecratary (Obstetrics & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo (62S-0464), Moos T ( ), ( ),360 WCottage Ave, Apt 15, St Paul 55117, g11etoo1@. NORDMEYER Leigh A, OperaItng Rm Gsn (H OperaItng Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, nordmool@ NORDQUIST Dale W, Ext Educ & Aaao Prof (Ag & Applied Econ) 249 CLA 011 ( ), 5926 Fernwood 51, ShorevIew 55126, , dnordquiat@clim.agecon.umn.adu NORDQUIST Lazlle L, Prin ~ccountant (Vet Medlcine-Dean's ornce) -480 Vet Tell Hos ( ),5926 Fernwood 51, Shoreview 55126, I-nord@ NORDQUIST Lynn 0, CIIlnty Prog Asst (HHH Inst Pub! Aflra.Adm) 230 HHH Ctr ( ), 2087 Wellesley Ave, St Paul , nordqoo4@ meroon.te.umn.adu NORDSTROM Carol, Teaching Assistant (Anthropology) 215 Ford H( ), , nordsoo1@maroon.te.urnn.adu NORDSTROM ChrIstopher W, EIec1rlcian (FecHllles Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, nordsoo3@ NORDSTROM Eugene, Carpenter (Faclllllea Mgmt-Adm) 5 ESteam, th Ave N, Andover 55304, , nordsoo2@ NORDSTROM Marit L, Sr Data Entry Cpr (DlsbursementServicas) nd St ( ), nordsoo5@ NORDSTROM Shirley A, Exec Aaat (Burser) 140 Wmson H( ), 5924 Shepard Lane, Champlin 55316, , s-nord@ vml.spcs.umn.adu NORDVALL Neil M, L.aad Stores Clerk (UMD-FOO(I &Vending Svcs) 270 K5 CDuluth ( ), ( ),819 N47th Ave E, Duluth 55804, NOREEN Harriet J, Laboratory Mgr (Hosp Labs-Immunology) Bx 724 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), noreeool@ NORELLI Eli.zabetl1 M, Teaching Assistant (UMD-Compositlon) -420 HDufuth ( ), 1529 E5th 51, Apt 0, Duluth 55812, NOREN George H, Gred School Trainee (BIochemistry-eBS) 140 Gor L ( ), , NOREN Leone M, Accounts Spec (H Cashler'sfPayrnent Monitoring) Bx 602 Meyo ( ), PWB, norenoo3@ NOREN Rebecce J, Sr5ecretary (Madlcal EducatiOn, Cont) Wash Av SE (826-78OO~ NORENBERG Curtis 0, ProIeasor (MN Ext Serv-Educ Dev SyIt) -405 Col H( ), (Voc Tech Educ) ( ), 2585 Fernwood St, Roseville 55113, , cnorenberg@ mes.umn.adu, lax: ~7 NORGREN Patricia L, Mad/Clin Lab Tech (Vet Teaching Hosp Cli.nIc) 325G Vet Tell Hos ( ), 3032 Gettysburg Ave N, New Hope , , norgrool@meroon.te.umn.adu NORHA Vema V, Asst Prof Emer (UMD-Educ & Humen Svc Prof-Adm), 330 WIldwood Dr, Duluth 55811, norhaool@meroon.te.umn.adu NORLAND Ann M, Mad Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 264 Mayo ( ), C-338 Mayo, 52 Groveland Terrace, Apt 215, Minneapolis , 3n 7809, nor1aool@ NORLAND Susan K, Teaelling Specialist (SpanIsh & Portuguese) 34 Fol H( ), ( ), 1950 Yorkshire Ave, 51 Paul 55116, , noriaoo5@ NORlANDER Jaxlne L, Sr Secretary (PIning, Campus Mastar & Real Estalll) 515 Mor H ( ), noriaoo4@ NORLING Usa A, Assistant Professor (History) 614 SOC SCi ( ), ( ), norliool@, lax: NORLING lisa E, Sr Hasp Cs Tech (H Oper Rm/Ancillary Support Serv) Bx 700 Mayo, U Hosp, norii002@ NORLING Nancy A, Assistant ProIeaaor (Diagnostic/Surgical SCi) Moos T (625-00I0O), th Ave N, Plymouth , noriioo3@ NORLING Sharon L, Assistant ProIeasor (Obstetrfcs & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, th Ave 5, Suite 804, Minneapolis 55454, ( ), nor1i005@ NORMAN Bruce 5, Data Proc Tech 2 (Adm Inlo Svcs-Data Ctr) nd St ( ), 5049 Bloomington Ave 5, M'rnneapoIls , , b-norm@vml.spcs.umn.adu NOIlMAN Catherine J, Gen Stall Nurse (Oncology-MasonIc 3) PCUm3 Mayo ( ), 240 N E6th St, Minneapolil55-413, , normaool@ NORMAN David E, Research AssIstant (Army High PerlCompuling ReaCtr) Wash Av 5 ( ), Greenbrier Rd, Apt 114, Minnetonka 55305, , norman@ ahpcrc.umn.adu NORMAN Debra 0, Teeching Assistant (Pharmecy Practice) H5 UnM F ( ), normeoo5@maroon.te.urnn.adu NORMAN Franklin C, CIIn Aaat Prof (MadIcine), Abbott Clinic, Madlcal Arts Bldg, Suite 500, 825 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 4453 Fondell Dr, Edina 55435, , norme007@ NORMAN John A, AlIt ScIentIst (Lab Madlcine & Pethology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), th SE, , norrnaoo4@. lax: , NORMAN III Mark L, C1in Aaat Prof (Fam Practice & Community Hfth), 750 MadicaI Arts, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), nonnaoo9@

52 298 NORMAN-NYLUND STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NORMAN Mary G, Teaching Assistant (CLA Language Ctr) 260 FoI H( ), (Frenc:lI & italian) ( ),812 Uncaln Ave, Apt 101,5t Paul 55102, , fax: «121 NORMAN Norbert J, Public Hith Spec (Environmental Health & safety) 31 DAdO Duluth ( ),2208 Elismore Rd, Duluth 55804, , NORMAN Sharon A, Sr Secretary (Rhetoric) 201 Hckr H( ), ( ),3817 Macalaster Dr NEApI 204, 5tAnthony 55421, , NORMAN WilHam D, Sr S8cretary (Biostetistics) Univ Av sa (626-&88), NORMANDIN Donald, Sr Bldg & Grd Wkr (UMe-PIant Sves) Kis«0 Crookston (281-&493), 188 Bes8ie St, Crookston 58718, NORIWlIlIN Jacqueline A, Prin Secretary (UMe-HospIlaIity & Home Econ) 121 5eI H Crookston (281.a325~ POBox 153, FIsher , NORMANllIN JucIIh M, Teaching Specialist. (Educational Psychology) 227 Ou H, HTC 1ntarmedia1a Dist 287, 1620 Xenium Lane, Plymouth 55441, ( ), normadl4@ NORNES George P, Student PenI Wkr (UMe-Agricultural Mgmt) 4 HiD 0 Crookston ( ), t NW, Box 48, Climax NORRANIlER' Jan M, Post-Doc Assoc (Vet Pathobiology) 205 Vet S ( ), 2317ll1yant Ave S, Apt 4, MInn8apoIls 55405, , norrad01@ NORRBOM Barbara J, Accountant (Bookstores) 290 Wmion H( ), norrboo1@ NORRGARD David 5, Techn Consultant (Ananclal 5ystems Support) ndSt ( ), 1622 ~ Ave, St Paul 55105, , NORRIS Dawn M. Uti! Review Spec (H Quality Support S8rv) Ox 725 Mayo, norrioo7@ NORRIS Diane l, Payroll Rep, Hosp (H Human Resources) Ox 703 Mayo ( ), 2218 Doswell, 5tPaul 55108, , norrioo2@ NORRIS GA, CIin Asst Prof (Medicine-UMO) 141 Med Duluth, Northland Medical Center, 1000 E 1sl 5t. Duluth NORRIS James R, Teeching Assistant (Preventive SCiences) Moos T ( ). (~177), 1498 WLarpenIlIur Ave, Apt 4, 5t Pau/55113, , NORRIS Patricia A, Med Transcription (Boynton-Word ProcesSing) W40 Boyn H5 ( ),740 E16th 5t. ApI 24, Minneapolis floi'i' NORRIS Terri l, Admin Fellow (Educational Policy & Adm) 275 Peik H( ), th St. Apt M3008, Minneepolis 55454, 3$-5944, norri010@ NORRLANDER Ann l, Assistant Professor (Oral SCiences)16-116B Moos T, 1553 Medical Arts Bldg, 825 Nicollet Mall, Mlnne8polls 55402, ( ), , norrioo1@ NORSTEH Margareta R, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Envlronmental8erv) ex 55 Mayo, Af02 Mayo, NORTH Lae A, Police Oftlcer (Police Dept) 90 Pol o0 ( ), northoo4@maroon, NORTHCUTT Klrke C, Cook (Food 5ves) 77 H H HCtr ( ), ( ), northool@ NORTHOUSE Joan M, Med/COn Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-tiematology) Ox 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp. 884-ll370, norlholl3@ NORTHUIS Mark E, Teaching Assistant (Kinesiology & l8i$ire 5tudies) 223 Cooke H ( ), th Ave N, Apt 1101, Plymouth 55447, , n0rth007@. NOR11tWOOD Andrea K, Grad SC:tIooI Fellow (Insl of Child Dev)Ch Dev, 541 E18th 5t. Apt 21, Hastings 55033, ~9704, groleoo1@ NORTON catherine C, Exec Asst (University College-Adm) 107 Anoory ( ), nofidoo3@ NORTON David A, Hosp Lab Tech 3 (Hosp Labs-Autopsy) Ox 609 Mayo ( ), e-127 Mayo, 28,t9 Taylor 5t NE, Minneapolis 55418, , nortoool@maroon.te.umn.ecij NORTON Jim P, Non Unlv Stat! (KinesIology &. Lalsure Studies) 110 Cooke H ( ~ 27 Rec 5p Fac, , NORTON Ronica A, GIn Stat! Nurse (Bone Marrow Transpiant-AduR-40) PCU4A Mayo, nortooo8@ NORTON Tim P, Operations Supv (Fac Mgmt Zone 1-81 Paul) 200 Shops 0 ( ), ( ), ( ), th"'-N, Champlin 55316, NORTROM Karen 0, Ubrary Ass! 1 (Ubrary-Pub sarv & Branch) MWL (ll24-525o), th Lane NW. Coon Rapids 55433, , NORUM Lars E, VlsR Assoc Prof (ElectrIcal Engineering) EE/C SCI ( ), th 515 E, Minneapolis 55414, norum@ NORWICK Susan K, 5r Secretary (HoIp Labs-Chem) Ox 198 Mayo ( ), B203 Mayo ( ), 917 Arbor Ave, MahlomedI , NORWOOD James, AssocIat8 Proleesor (Theatre Arts & Dance) 208 Mdb H( ), (fl ), norwoool@ NOTARANTONIO Uno, Assistant Proleesor (SCh of Mathematics) 127 Vln H( ), 110 UncI H, 2300E FrankOn Ave, Apt 307, MInneepoIIs 55408, , NOTSCH Mary J, Outpa Clinic Ass! (H Urology Cronic) Ox a94 Mayo, A595 Mayo, , notscoo2@ NOTTOM Jalayne, Sr Payroll Spec (PayrQII sarvas) nd St ( ), j-noit@ NOUIS Troy 5, Laborer (MN I.and8cape Arboretum), MN Landscape ArIlor8Ium, Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chan/Iasaen 55317,1008 Gave NE, UtUe Falls 58345, , nouisoo1@ NOVACHECK Tom F, Assistant Professor (Orthopaedic Surg), Gilletle Children', HospItal,. 200 EUniversity Ave, 51 Paul 55101, ( ), 3121 Ecalhoun Pkwy. Minneapolla 55408, , novacoo1@ NOVACK Yvonne C, Cmnty Prog Spec (Mediclne-UMO) 102 Med Duluth (72fl-7235), ( ),1005 Avenue F, Cloquet 55720, NOVAClYK Tim 5, Lead 5DeaClerk (Fac Mgmt Zone 3-Health SC~ Ox 59 Mayo ( ), 0117 Moos T, , novacoo3@ NOVAK Judy M, Assoc Admin (LIbrary central Admin S8rv) 10M WL ( ), Otehipwe Ave N, Stillwater 55082, , NOVAK Karen I, Oftlce 5upv, Hosp (H Urology Cronic) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), A519 Mayo, 88 W Logan, W51 Paul 55118, novak004@ NOVAK Martin, Heed Coach (Athiettcs, Women', Inlcilg) FA0 ( ), 2893 Knox Ave S, Api 516, Minneapolis 55407, , novakoo2@ NOVAK Nancy R, Organlz Dev Spec (H Human R_I OX 500 Mayo ( ), 415 Boyn H 5,1383 Knollwood Lane, Mendota Helghta , novakoo8@ NOVAK Tanya K, Teechlng Spec:lIIat (Human Resources-Administration) 190 KIa Ct ( ), ( ), 847 Ouchanan StNE, MInneapolia 55413, , NOVECK Ira A, Nati Res S8rv FeIow (Inst 01 Chid Dev)22OB Ch Dev ( ), (824-ll502), 2875 Irving Ave S, Apt 32, Minnupolla 55408, , Inoveck@ NOVEK Karl J, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3,Fac 'Mgmt-<:ustodlaQ 241 DAdO 0uIuth ( ), 281 L P 5 ( ), 1620Tyrol St. Duluth NOVO Roberto E, Vet Med AssIs1ant (Small Animal Clin Sci) 318 VetTch Hos ( ), 5460 Landmark Circle, Moundl VIew 55112, , novoxool@ NOVOTNY Nancy A, Oftlce Spec (15D-Management sarvice') ex 507 Mayo ( ), R51D-D Ch RC, novotoo1@ NOWIClO MInIn l, Mad Tech Spec (Hosp.l.abe-OlMI) ex 191 Mayo ( ), L275 Mayo, 3032 Dupont Ave 5, MInneIpoIIa 55408, , NOYD Robert K, R8A8Idl Assistant (Plant Path) 495 Bar H( ), 408 Stak H( ), (62S-a2llO), 1222 G1bbe Ave, ApI So3, St Paul 56108, 848-e5lI4, NOYIIIlIn R, Teaching SpeciaIIat (Extenlkln CluMI) 240 Me NH( ), ( ), 400 SIbley St. 8ub5OQ, St Pau/55101, ( ), 345 NW8b8Iha, Apt 920, -St Pau/55102, , NOZZAREI LA C8roI M, Prin Secretary (PI1yIloIogy) MIrd H( ), nozzaoo1@m1roon, NT1IClLE Andrea R, Data Proc Tech 2 (AnImal ScIence) 101 Hckr H( ), 1108 MonteroIx Dr, ApI 3, Hudlon Wl54018, 38&-0620, ntholool@ NTIEJU110KWU Sunday, R.-ch SpeciaJlst (MedIcinalChemistry) HS Unit F( ) Ave 5, MInneapoIII55454, , NUCCIO Kathleen E, AsaociIIe Prolessor (UMD-SocIaI WorIl) 220 Boll HDuluth (726-7~ 2893 Knock Beach Rd. Evellth 55734, , NUEI8U WlIIIIm F, CIIn Aasoc Prof 'Medicine), DnI MIler NU8IIle Et AI, Medlc8I Ar1I Bldg, SuIta 1047,825 Nicollet Mall, MInneIpoIla 55402, ( ), -odl@ NUGU8E Tadesse 0, Hosp CuS1lldIan 1 (H EnWonrnInteI S8rv) ex 55 Mayo ( ), Mayo, IUIAN-FClRT1ER JaneuI M, Prin Secretary (HaulIng Sllvicel-Admln) Com H ( ~ ~ Ave S, Apl372,1ItmavI1Ie 55337, , riumanool@ NUNN Sharon l, Sr Data Entry Opr (Lab Medicine & PaIIQogy) ex 437 Mayo, 6255 Mayo, NUNNALLY Stave, Prin Lab MachlnS1 (Aerospace Eng & MechanIca) l30a Aker H( ), 1621 W1lIISt. ApI 4, St Paul 55103, IlUMIOOl@ NUtNLa RIchard 0, TeecIWlg AssIs1ant (CIaIicIJ & Near Eastern S1UdIeI) ( ), ( ), th Ave 5 E, Minneepolis 55414, , nunneoo1@maroon.te.umn:edu NUIlIlONEN Markku 0, TeecIWlg Aaslstant (S1IdistIcI, SCh Of-Adm) 270 VIII H, nwhoool@ NUIlIII08VId 5, Reap TIler Pract (H Home HeIlth) ex 722 Mayo ( ), Wash Av SE, nurmiool@ NUS Mary K, Sr Secretary (UMD-Access Ctr) 104 Clna Duluth ( ), 112 WOwatonna St. Duluth 55803, NUSBAUM PhIlIp, l.actinr(surnmir S8sslon) 104 Bu H, MN State Ar1I Board, 432 SummR Ave, St Pau/55102, ( ),1288 JeIIenIon Ave, St Paul 55105, ll8, I1llSbaOOl@ NUIIWl~,UtI RevilIW Spec (H Quality Support Serv) ex 725 Mayo ( ), (626-3:m), 2534 Lynn Ave S, StLouiI Park 55418, , nullll8oo1@ NUlII8AUM Allen, Prof Emer (EIectricaJ EngIMn1g) E E/C Sci ( ), 5541 CInton Ave, MinneapoIII55419, NU81IIWIM ErIc S, Med FeI Spec (NeurOIwgery) ex 98 Mayo ( ), B-59O Mayo, 1400 Laur8l Ave, ApI W-1708, MlnneapollI55403, , nuasboo2@ IlUS'MlLD HeIdI M, Exec Ass! (CIa, Oftlce of1l1e Dean) 208 Joh H( ), nus1roo1@ NUTII8DZE NIIgzar N, Rea Assoc (Forest Producta) 203 Kauf L( ) Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, , nuiiuoo1@ NUTTALL Frank Q, Prof.-(MedIcIne), VA MedIr;aI Center, One V...Dr, MInneapolIa 55417, ( X4424), 1055 CIlI Rd, Eagan 55123, NUTTER KevIn J, 8enIor CouneeIor (Univ CounMIIng &ConaultIng S8rv) 200 Eddy H ( ~ 548 au-ave, ShonIvtlIw 55128, , NUTTER L.oulIe M, AsIIItant Proleaaor (PIIarmacology) MIrd H( ) Owra H( ), nutieoo2@ maroon.te.umn,edu NUTTER Patrick H, Para S8rv 8l4lV (8tIIdent Fmancial AId, Ole of) 120 Fraw H( ), ( ), NWAOBIA Hulnphrey 0, Assoc Admin (H OPD-AmbulatoryC8rll) ex 88 Mayo ( ), 2-:248 P W0, th Ave S, MInneapoIla 55408, , nwaobool@ NWAOlIIA Martha l, Gen Stall Nurse (I'edlatricI-7A) PCU7AMayo ( ), l!455 34th Ave 5. Minneapolis 55408, , nwaoboo2@ NYAFU Rebecca 0, Gen Staff Nuree (NUlling Float Pool) ex 803 Mayo, 288UIIIe John Dr, CifCIe Pinel 55014, nyafiool@ NYAUNDI Gideon K. SrHasp catech (C8rdIopuImonary 5ervlcee) ex 247 Mayo ( ), NY8AKICEN Nancy J, RadIology Asst(DIagnoS1ic RadIology) Ox 282 Mayo, UHosp, 2850 Arthur St NE, MInneepoIIs 55418, , nybekoo1@ NYBERG Jim K, LIbrary Ass! 2 (JcunaIIam & Mass Comm, SCh of) 111 Mur H( ), NYBERG SCotIl, Med FeI Spec (Surgery-GeneraQ ex 1 Mayo ( ), P W0 ( ), ( ), 3521 GIenhurS1 Ave S, St Louis Park 55418,ll , nyberool@ NYE Julie A, Gen Staff Nuree (C8nlIovaacular, SwgJProgr C8re-8C) PCU8C Mayo, ilyexxoo1@ NYEGAARD CunI' W, Ext EdlJc & Prof (MES-OIatrIctlI~ KIttaon Co Ext 0Ic, CourthOuae. Box 389, HallQCk 58728, (843-3lI74~ POBox 434, Hallock 58728, NYFLOT Beverly ~ Gen Staff Nuree (OncoIogy-GynJBenlgn Med-7C) PCU7C Mayo ( ), nyfiooo1@ NYGAARD Beth M, Med Word Proc Spc (H Word Processlng) Ox 600 Mayo, 1-386A P WB, , nygaaool@ NYGAARD Darrell J, Med Record Clerk (H Medical Records) ex 601 Mayo, 130 3rd Ave S E, St Paul , nygaaoo5@ NYGAARD Petricia A, R.-ch AsIIstant (Educational Psychology) 243 Bu H(82&«l87) Cushing CIrcle, ApI 148, St Paul 55108, , nygaaoo2@nw' NYGAARD Robert 0, Sparta Promo Dlr' (UMD-Athletlcl,lntereolIegIate) 182 Sp HC Duluth ( ), (7$8188),5093 Arnold Rd, Duluth 55803, , fax: NYGREN Robert J, Program Dev Spec(H ProtectIon. S8rv) Oxlooo Mayo ( ), nygraool@",, fax: , pager: NYHUS Joyce R, NUIr EdlJc Ass! (ME8-CoIege 01 Human Ecology), RenvlIe Co Ext Ole, RenvlIe Co Ole Bldg, 500 E Depue Ave, 0Uvla 58277, ( ), ~ Borden Ave W, POBox353, BufIakl Lake 55314, , jnytrii@ NYHUS UncIa J, Per DIem - GIn (Nuraing Float Pool) Ox 803 Mayo ( ), nyhusoo1@ NYIIU8 Susan E, Teeching SpaciaIs1 (Gen CoII-InstoCorMlancIIng Eng) 233 Ap H( ), nyhusoo2@ NYLANDER Janice M, Sr Secretary (EnvIronmental HeeIth & 5afety) ex 188 Mayo ( ), W-14O Boyn H5 ( ), ( ), Ave 5, MInneapoIla 55417, , nytanoo1@ NYLANDER Karen M, Gen Stat! Nuree (Eye, Ent NeuroIogy-80) PCU6B Mayo, Wayzata Blvd, Apt 314, Mimetllnka 56305, , eberhool@ NYLEN Michele M, 0fIIce SuPv (UMD-Stat8aman) 118 K5 C Duluih ( ), (72fl-7113), ( ),1128 CheItilr Park Dr, Duluth 55812, NYLEN Thomas M, 8l4lV AnaIyS1/PrOg (UMD-Infonnation 5ervIoes) 178 MWAH Duluth ( ), ( ), 5505 Lavaque Rd, Duluth 55803, , NYLUND Robert E, Prof Emer (HorIiCultInI ScIence), 2210 Midtand Grove Rd, Apt 101, St Paul 55113, nylunoo1@

53 UNIVERSITY OF MINN~SOTA NYMAN John A, AssocIate Professor (inatitute For HeaJIh Svcs Res) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), PWB, 5950 Harnllne Ave, Shoreview 55126, , NYMAN Tarnmie S, Per DIem - Gsn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, nyman002@ NYSTROM 0 Mark, CarcfIO-Pulm Spec (C8rdIopulmonary Services) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, 4840 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan 55122, nystr002@ NYSTROM EJaIne C, CIIn Inll1r(Pharmacy Praetk:e), Snyder Drug, 2930 W861h, Rlchfteld 55423, (..2473),.nystrOO5@. NYSTROM Gene P, AsaocIate Professor (Diagnostic/Surgical SC:I) Moos T ( ), ( ), , nyii1rool@, lax: NYSTROM Norman K, Lecturer (Extenalon Classes-Mesters/Bus Tax), PrIce Waterhouse Fdn, Multlfoods Tower, SUite 3100,33 8lh St S, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), nystroo3@ NYSTROM Robert S, Instructor (Pharmacy Praetk:e)7-115 HSUntt F NYSTROM Tunothy L, Ext Educ & lnalr (MN Ext Serv-DislfiCtS), Steams Co Ext Ole, st $I N, SUite 205, $I Cloud 58303, ( ), o'l Ave N E, sauk Rapids 58301, NYVALL Robert F, Professor (AES-NCtrI Es-Grand Rapids), (Plant Path), N Central Experiment Station, 1981 Hwy 189 E, Grand Rapids 55744, ( ), 1128 Fairgrounds Rd, Grand Rapids 55744, , nyvaloo1@ o OAKES Ellen<:, GIn Staff Nurse (Untt 70) PCU7D Mayo, oakes002@ DAKGRDVE CollIns, Asst Educ Spec (Amer Indian Studies) 102 SCott H( ), ( ), oakgroq1@ oaku.nd I..8wIs J, AssIstant Professor (UMo.Physlcs) 371 MWAH Duluth ( ), ( ),1015 ArrOWhead Rd, Duluth 55811, ~, OAKLAND Nancy A, Prln S8cretary (Housing S8rvices-AdmIn) G20D Com H( ), ( ), oekia001@ OAKMAN SCott A, Research AssIstant (Psychiatry) Bx 392 Mayo ( ), 828 DIehl H( ), oekma001@ OAS Thomas A, CUn Asst Prol (Farn Praetk:e & Community Htth), 990 Lone 0Bk Rd, SUite 120,. Eagan 55121, (87D-8448)..oasxxOO1@ O'BANNON Kim M, Sr S8cretary (CEE-Communication SVCS) Oak St BE ( ), obannoo1@,tax: OBEDA Edward, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities ' Mgrnt-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), 2910 N Asbury, RosevUIe 55113, , obada001@ OBENLAND VIcki, Teaching SpeclaIIst (Education-UMM) 110 Edu MorrIs ( ),271 $h8dy OBkes Rd, G1enwoodS8334, ll OBENLAND Wendy L, Translator (DisabIlity Services) 30 Nlch H( ), ( ), obenlolll@ OBER Robert E, AssocIate Professor (MedlcIn8I Chemistry), 3M Co, 3M Pherm, Bldg 27D-3A-ol, $I Paul 55144, ( ), 804 Thoreau Dr, Burnsville 55337, , obarxoo2@ OBEREMBT 5andra J, Clin Instr (Medicinal Chemistry), Cerernark Inc, 1355 Mendota Hta Rd, SUite 240, Mendota Heigllts 55120, ( ), obereool@ OBERG CherIes N, Lecturer (Inst 01 Child Dev) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), Mayo, 5590 ChrIII1rnsS Lake PoInt, Shorewood 55331, obergool@ OBERG Edward G, Cerdio-Pu!m Spec (cardiopulmonary Services) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), UHosp, 1877 Ashland Ave, St Paul 55104, $ , obergoo2@ OBERG Larry J, Sr RadIo/Tv Best Tee (MedIa Resources, Unlv) 550 Rerig C( ), ( ), obergoo5@, pager: OBERG Neal J, Engi,.nng Asst (UMo.Telephone Svcs) 15 DAd BDulilth ( ), ( ),4830 Jay St, Dulilth 55804, , OBERG Peter J, Prln User Srv $pc (Distrlbuted Computing services) 152 Sh8p Lab ( ~ th Ave S, Mlnn8apoHs 55408, , OBERG Stacy A, Inlormational Rep (UMo.llookstora) 175 K SCl)uIuth ( ), ( ), 4830 JaySt, Duluth 55804,lHlIler@, fax: OBERHAUSER Karen S, Res Assoc (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ), ( ), 2078 SklUman Ave W, Roseville , OBERHEU Jaan A, Gen Staff Nurse (H Opo.SUrgery) Bx 88 Mayo, 0berIt002@ OBEROI Himanshu, PoSt-Doc Assoc (BIochernlstry-eBS) 258 Gor l ( ), 1029 Raymond Ave, Apt 3, St Paul 55114, , OBERSTAR Kim S, GIn Staff Nurse (PedIatriC Intensive care-4e) PCU4E Mayo, obaraool@ OBERSTAR Walter P, Med Record Clerk (H Aim Ale sarv) ax 500 Mayo ( ), 1900 E80th St, Apt 324, Bloomington 55425, , obars002@ OBERTO Mayra G, Grad School Fellow (Vet PathobioIogy) 295 An SC:I/V M, , OBERUC Joan 0, Sr Survey Interv (Epidemiology) S 2nd St, oberuool@ OOlEY Peggy, Sr S8cretary (UMD-ChancelIor's OIC-Adin) Ad B Duluth ( ), ( ), 418WMarbleSt, Duluth 55811, OOlEY Todd L, Lab Serv Coord (UMo.Physlca) 371 M WAH Duluth ( ), 8218 Shipley Rd, saginaw 55n9, EUzabeth C, Sr Food Serv Wkr (H Station sarvioe) Bx 84 Mayo, U Hosp, 1202 Como Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , obixxool@ OBIOLS Francese, Pra-Doc Asst (Ecooomics) 1035 Mgrnt/Econ, obioiool@ OBONYO Marygorret, Research Assistant (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), 1834 Eustis St, Apt 9, Lauderdale 55108, , OBRADOUIC Boma J, Teaching AssIstant (Physics &Astronomy) 148 Phys ( ), th Ave SE, Minneapolis 55455, obradool@. O'BRIEN AMaureen, Head (WJFae Rank) (UMo.Economlcs) 185 SBE Duluth ( ), Proles,sor ( ),3511 ESuperIor St, Duluth 55804, O'BRIEN CeroI B, Wbrery Asst 2 (Ubrary-eoll &!'reservations) 10 Wa Ub ( ), th Ave N E, Columbia HIs 55421, 7l , e-obri@ O'BRIEN Clara M, Dept Diractor (MpIs Student Unions) 220C M U( ), ciar8@, lax: O'BRIEN Darin P, Reeearcll AssIstant (BIochemIstry-Med $ch) Bx 208 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 1843Hayes St, Minneapolis , O'BRIEN Deborah A, GIn Staff Nurse (Oncology-Masonic 3) PCUin3 Mayo, aspenoo1@ O'BRIEN Eleanor M, Sr S8cretary (Neurosurgery) Bx 98 Mayo ( ), Fl09llieh1 H,, O'BRIEN Eryn A, Teaching AssIstant (Psychology) N498 En H( ), ( ), 2414 UncoIn St N E, Minneapolis 55418, , obrieol5@ O'BRIEN George M, Professor (UMo.Fgn. Language & literature) 489 HDuluth ( ), ( ),302 Hawkins St, Duluth 55811, , O'BRIEN Jacqueline 0, PrIn S8cretary (Chemical Eng & Mat SC:I) 151 Amund H( ), ( ), ( ), , obrien@,. O'BRIEN John C, ClIn Asst Prof (Pediatrics), C8ntral PedIatrIcs, 393 N Dunlap, SUite 807, St Paul 55104,( ), 265 MountCurve Blvd, $I Paul 55105, , obrie027@ O'BRIEN John F, Physician Asst (Medicine) Bx 192 Mayo ( ), VCR C Cohansey Blvd, RosevIlle 55113, , obrieoll@maroon.te, O'BRIEN John J, Grad School Fallow (English Language & lit)207 UncI H, obrie039@, O'BRIEN Joseph G, Non Univ Staff (U S 0 A Forast SBIv) 302 NCFor ( ), 2687 Huron. St, R0sevl1Ie 55113, , obrie031@, lax: 812'6t O'BRIEN Kerry L, Crnnty Prog Assoc (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ~ obrie019@ O'BRIEN KImberty A, AdmIn FelkIw (MES-Natural Resources) 380A Col H( ), 4413 Harriet Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, , obrie03o@ O'BRIEN Marla C, Cmnty Prog Spec (General CoII-Adm) 140 Ap H( ), 1322 W32nd St, Apt 101, MInneapoIia 55408, n, m-obrl@ O'BRIEN MatIMw J, Del Serv Driver (campus Mali) th Av BE ( ), 0brie007@ O'BRIEN Maureen K, Ilookstora Supv (Bookstores) 290 WInson H( ), 2239 Talt $I N E, Minneapolis 55418, obrieol3@ O'BRIEN Michael R, L8cturer (Extenalon C1eases-Masters/8U& Tax), Norwest Ctr, Suite 800,55 E 5th St, $I Paul 55101, ( ), obrie028@. O'BRIEN Michelle J, Medical Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-Venipooclure) ax 198 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, 4444 Minnehaha Ave S, Apt 118, Minneapolis 55408, , obrie010@ O'BRIEN Nancy Y, Instructcl!' (SocIal Work, SCh 01) 400 Ford H, obrie029@ O'BRIEN PatrIcia K, Ole SUp Spec Prln (H OPD-Emergency Serv) Bx 710 Mayo ( ), obrieoo8@ O'BRIEN Patrtck J, Med Fel Spec (Radiology), V A Medical Center, Radiology Dept, One Veterans Dr Minneapolis 55417,13950 Pennock Ave, Apple Valley ~124, , obrie017@ O'BRIEN PatrIck J, Lecturer (French & Italian) 260 Fol H( ), obrle032@ O'BRIEN TIm, Res ~Coord (AES-N CtrI Es-Grend Rapids), N CBntraI ExparknentStatlon, 1881 Hwy 189 E, Orand Rapids 55744, ( ) 310 La PraIrIe Ave, Orand Rapida 55744, O'BRIEN Timothy 0, Associate Professor (Vet PathobloIogy) 205 Vet S ( ), 1349 W Idaho St, Falcon Heighta 55108, ,, lax: O'BRIEN WIIIIarn A, Lecturer ($ch 01 Public HeaJIh) ( ), CIIn Prof (Medicine), Riverside Medical Center, th Ave S, Sulte 818, Mlnneapolia 55454, ( ), obrie025@ O'BRIEN-KEHOE Jaan M, AssIstant Professor (History) 814 Soc SC:I ( ), ( ), OBRIT8CH Wesley F, SCientist (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PWB ( Q) obr1tool@ O'BRYAN GThomas, Mtd Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 738 Mayo ( ), PW B, 4820 Fremont Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, obryaoo3@ OBST Jennifer E, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (MN Ext Serv-Educ Dev Syst) 405F Col H( ),1598 Jefferson Ave, $I Paul 55105, ,jobst@ OCAIIB Cynthia M, Non Univ Staff (U S 0 A Forest Serv) 404 NC For ( ), ( ), ( ), 1385 Farrington St, Apt 208, St Paul 55117, ocambool@ OCAMPO AlIcia M, Asst Educ Spec (Spanish & Portuguese) 34 FoI H( ), ocarnpoo1@ OCAMPO Franciaco A, AssIstant Professor (Spanish & PortullI-) 34 Fol H ( ),, lax: 812:825-35'l9 STAFF NYMAN-o'DAY OCEL Tracie L, 0lIi0e Spec (Unlv Communtty Bldg Proj) 340 CMU( ), ooelxoo2@ OCEL Wendy B, Asst Prog Dir (Mgrnt Info System Res Ctr) 355 HHHCtr ( ), wbrown@ OCHES Eric A, Post-Doc Assoc (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 108 Pills H( ), 387 Shap Lab, th Ave S E, Apt 203, MinnealJOlis 05414, , ochesoo1@ OCHS torre A, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 480 Mayo ( ), Instructor PW B, ochsx001@ OCHSNER Shirley M, Asalatent ProIessor (UMW-ehancelior's Ole) On Leave Thru 9/94 OCKENDEN Therese C, Gen Staff Nurse (Medical SChoo~Adm) Bx 504 Mayo ( ), 235 Mas Can Ctr, 1475 Evergreen Lane N, Plymouth , ockenoo1@ O'CONNELL Joanna, AssocIate Professor (Spanish & Portuguase) 34 Fol H ( ), ( ), oconnoo1@ O'CONNELL III John J, Into Sys Proj Ldr (ISO-Management sarvices) Bx 507 Mayo ( ), R560 Ch R C( ), oconn007@ O'CONNELL Justin J, Lecturer (Summer SesaIon) 308 Wnd H, 3201 Bell Lane, StAnthony55418, , oconn015@ O'CONNELL Mery E, AssocIate Professor (Pharmacy Practice), Hennepin County Medical canter, Dept of Pharmacy, 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), oconn010@, lax: , pager: O'CONNELL Susan M. Sr Accountant (Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) 395 Vet Teh Hos ( ),1757 Stanford Ave, $I Paul 55105, ,,fax: n24 O'CONNOR Brigld M, Ole SUp Spec Pr S(H OPD.-Adutt Psychiatry) Bx 301 Mayo ( ) PW B. oconnoo3@maroon, O'CONNOR Colleen E, Sr Secretary (Forast Resources) 115Gm H( ), 201 CofH, O'CONNORColleen M, Research AssIstant (InsliMe For HeaJIh Svos Res) Bx 729 Mayo ( ),0.527 Mayo, 11285thStS E, Mlnnespolis 55414, , oconnol8@ O'CONNOR Daniel P, Sr Accountant (Accounting Services) 655C 1300 S2nd St (828-n48), d-ocon@vml.spcs.umn.8du O'CONNOR DavId J, EIectriclan (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) Ad B Duluth O'CONNOII Elizabeth A, GIn Staff Nul'll8 (Pediatric Intensive Care-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ),1388 Schlettl St, St Paul 55117, , oconnoo8@ O'CONN~ Jody M, Prin Stu Pers Wkr (Aced SupportJStu Ule-UMD) Ad B DuIilth ( ), O'CONNOR Kevin A, Assistant Professor (Psychiatry), Hennepin County Medical canter, Psychiatry Dept, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), oconnoll@ O'CONNOR MGalen, PrIn Acct Sp/Supv (Disbursemenl Services) S 2nd St ( ), fax: O'CONNOR Margaret A, Asst Prof Emer (Fam Practice & Communtty Htth), Lagoon Famny Heatth Care Lagoon Ave, Minneapolis 55408, ( ), oconnoll9@. O'CONNOR Margaret R, Teaching Assistant (Philosophy) 355 Ford H, 2329 S 9th St, Apt 307B, Minneapolis 55406, , oconnoo4@ O'CONNOR Mark T, Teaching Assistant (Electrical Engineering) E EfC SC:I ( ), O'CONNOR CUNNINGHAM Charyl, Outpe Clinic Asst (Orthopaedic SUrgery) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), T CScoliosis SpIne canter, L1-2OO 2737 Chicago A~ S, Minneapolis 55407, (883-4n5), 1030 Farrington, St Paul 55117, , oconnoo5@ O'DAY Darrall, Teaching SpacialIst(UMo.MusIc Prap Woodwinds) 231 HDuluth ( ), 4331 Robinson St, Duluth ss804,

54 3O0 ODDEN-oJA STAFF ODDEN EJizabelh L, Program Asst 4-H (ME8-ColIege 01 EducatiOn) Bx 807 Mayo, ( ), Wilkin Co Ext Ofc, 421 Nebraska Ave, Breckenridge 56520, ( ), O'DEA Robett F, ASsociate Professor (PedIatrics) Bx 468 Mayo (625-96&1), (P~rmacolOgy) Owre H( ), 1655 Stanbridge.Ave, Rossville 55113, , fax: s.8408, pager: O'DEA Thomas J, Dir (H engineering Ssrv) Bx 163Mayo ( ), Bl58 Mayo ( ), 925 Arbogast St. Shoreview 55126, , ODEAN Marilyn J, Assl SCientist (MedicinlHJMD) 324 Med Duluth ( ), ( ),1633 Woodbury Lane, Duluth 55803, ODEAN Patricia M, Teaching Specialist (Ins! of Languages & Lit) 190 KIa Ct, 37 ECou/1Iy Rd C, ApI 204, lillie C8na<la 55117, 481..()742, ODEGAARD Clillonl P, Psychiatric Ass! (Unn 6O-Adull Psychiatry) PCU80 MaYO, ODEGAARD Daniel 0, Associate Professor (Restorative SCiences) Moos T(625-04m, ( ), Medical Arts Bldg, Suite 1001, 825 NicolIeI Mal, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), ODEGARD Robett J, Special Assl (UMF/D8Y8I Assoc Vp) S2nd SI (~4-3333), 2245 Acorn Rd, SI Paul 55113, , fax: O'DELL Usa L, Teaching Assistant (Disabilities SIds, In51 For) Ch Dev ( ), ODENTHAL Usa M, Per Diem - Gsn (Nursing Floal Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, , odeniool@ ODERMANN Maria M, Anelysl/Prog (central Computing Services) 50 Col H ( ), ( ),, fax: ODEWAIIN Stephen C, Sr Res Assoc (Astronomy) 485 Phys ( ), 138 0r1in Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , sco@ OOISHAW Joi L, Research Assistant (Pharmaceutics) HSUnn F( ), , odishoo1@ ODLAND Rna A, Gao Staff Nurse (Same Day Admissions-6D) PCU60 Mayo, odianoo2@ ODLAUG Theron 0, Prof Eme,r (UMD-EIioIogy), 102 EWabasha SI, Duluth 55803, , ODMAN Vvonne E, Prin secretary (Mechanical Engineering) 242 Mech E( ), odmanool@ ODOM Marsha L, Heed (W/Fac Rank) (UMe-Technlcal Studies) 109 CC Crookston ( ),501 Pleasanl, Crookstoil58716, , O'ODNNELL carmen A; Cmnty HIth Assl (Epidemlology) S 2nd S1 ( ), 1-117A Moos T, slAve N E, Columbia HIs 55421, , christlanson@ O'DONNELL Francis P, Hasp Protect Ofcr (H Protection Ssrv) Bxl000 Mayo ( ), Co137 Mayo, odonnoo2@ O'DONNELL Melissa A, Prin Lab Tech (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), 604 Diehl H( ), odonnoo4@ O'DONNELL Nancy J, 0Utpa Clinic Ass! (H OPD-Ob/Gyn) Bx 88 Mayo (62f!-3444), PW B ( ), ( ), rd... NW, Andover 55304, , odonnool@ O'DONNELL Robett C, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Fac Mgml.Qlslodial) 241 DAd B Duluth ( ), 722 N 22nd Ave W, Duluth 55806, O'DONNELL Robin R, Instructor (Pharmacy Praetic8), United Hospital, 333 NSmith Ave, S1 Paul 55102, ( ), odonnoo5@ O'DONOGHUE Kelly J, Asst SCientisl (Biochemislry-Med Sell) Mlrd H( ), Moos T, O'DOUGHERTY TIIIIOhIy M, Teaching Assistant (Mgml, CL carlson Sell Of-Adm) 845MgmtJEcon rd Ave S, Minneapolla 55407, , odougool@ OEGEMA JR Theodore R, Professor (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 310 Mayo ( ), (Biochemislry-Med SCh) 280 Diehl H, 6361 Washington N E, Fridley 55432, , oegernoo1@, fax: OEHLENSCHLAGER Margaret M, Gao Staff Nurse (Pediatrics-SA) PCU5A Mayo ( ), 7545 Spring Lake Rd, Mounds VIew 55112, , OjlhIeOO1@ OEHLERT Gary W, Associate Professor (Statistics, Sell Of-Adm) 352 CLA Off ( ), ( ), 1905 carl SI, SI Paul 55113, 831~ OELKE BreI D, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Dlstricls), Granl Co Ext Ole, 4111s1 SI SE, Box 1099, Elbow Lake 58531, ( ), At 1, Box 29, Barretl56311 OELKE.Ervin A, Dir (W/Fac Rank) (Agronomy & Planl Genetics) 411 Bar H( ), Professor 211 Hayes H( ), 3185 Hairier Ct, Shoreview 55126, , oeikeoo1@, fax: OESTREICH Mary E, Project Manager (FacllItIes Mgml-Project DeveloPment) 400 Shops B ( ), th Circle N, Brooklyn C8rlter 55429, ()ESTREICH Patrick K, Bldg &Greis Wkf 3 (Fac Mgml-Custodial) 241 D Ad B Duluth ( ) OETTING Wdllam S, Res Assoc (Medicine) Bx 485 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), 416 Harschel SI, SI Paul 55104, , blii@ OFFENSTEIN Deborra J, Prin Data Ent Opr (Disbursement Ssrvicas) S 2nd SI ( ), olfenool@ OFSTEHAGE John C, Assistant Professor (Preventive SCiences) MoosT ( ), V A Medical center, One ~aterans Dr, Minneapolis 55406, ( ), 5190 S1 Albans Bay Rd, Greenwood 55331, , oisteool' OF9TEHAGE Rebecca R, Operating Rm Gsn (H Operating Room) Bx 700 MayO, ofste002@ OFTEUE Brad, Asst Ubrarian (Ubrary-Coll & PreservatiOns) M WL ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, , OGAN Eugene, Professor (Anthropology) 219 Ford H( ), oganxoo1@ OGARD Lynn M, Prin Secretary (Agriculture, College of Ag-Admin) 272 Col H( ), 4637 Vork Ave, Minneapolis 55410,~, ogardoo1@, fax: O'GARY Richard H, Exac Assl (Inventory Ssrvicas) S2nd S1 ( ~ ( ), OGATA Katsuhiko, Professor (Mechanical EngIneering) 307 Mech E( ), ogateool@ OGAWA John R, Res Assoc (ChIld DeYekJprnent, Inslol) 176 Ch Dev ( ), Ave.S E, ApI 1, Minneapolis 55414, jogawa@ OGAWA Mina, Teaching Assistant (Art Departmenl) 208 Art B ( ), ogawaool@ OGBONHA.George C,1iccounts Spec(Parking. Sarvicas) 300 T SB ( ), ogbonoo1@ OOBoZO Cheryl L, Hosp Custodian 3 (H Environmental Sarv) Bx 55 Mayo, ogbdzoo2@ OGBOZO Tony Maria J, Sr Food Sarv Wkr (H Station Ssrvica) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), 1~ U Hosp ( ), 438 Pierce St NE, MInn8apoIis 55413, , ogbozool@ OGBURN PhiHip N, Associate ProI8saor. (Smal Animal Clin SCI) 408 Vel Tch Has ( ),. ( ),961 80th Ave, Robetts WI 54023, , ogburoo1@ OGDEN Trina J; Office Spac (Student FInancIal Aid, Ole 01) 210 Fraser H( S),321891st Ave N E, Blaine 55434, , ogdenool@ O'GEAVca\het'ine A, Prin Sacretary (Ins! ofchild Dev) 140Ch Dev( ), h Lane N E, Blaine 55434, , c-ogea@ DOG JoIIe, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Districls), RImsey Co Ext Ole, 2020 WhIte Bear Ave, SI P1u155109, ( ), 826 0Ice0Ia Ave, S1 Paul 55105, ,,fax: 812-m-095ll DOG Mary Jo, SacretariaI Ass! (MN Landscape Arboretum), MN Landacape Arboretum, 3875 Arboretum Dr, Bo)C 39, CI18nhasa155317, ( XX844), 5012 Birch Rd, Minnetonka 55345, , oggxxoo2@ fax: OGILVIE James W, Associate ProI8saor (OrthOpaedIc Swg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, 00LElIIIEE Shailnon J, Spec Rev Tech 1(HasP I.abe-SIf) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U HoIpIl8Is, 515 CIevelInd Ave S, Apt 204, SI Paul 55118, , oglesool@ O'GORIWI Diane L, Gao Staff N...(4D-Sicu).PCU40 Mayo, 5452 Em8nIon Ave N, Brooklyn center 55430, , ogorrnool@ O'GORIWI Sharon K, Ext Educ & Prof (MES-Districls), Becker Co Ext Ole. Ag Sarvica Ctr, 809 8lh S1 S E, DetroIt L.akas 58501, ( ~ 923 PembIna TraI, DetroIt Lakes 58501, , sogdi' O'GRADY SCott M, AsaocIate Professor (Animal SCience) 205G Vet S ( ), 495 An SCiJV M ( ),1715 Garden Lane, WhIte Bear Lake 55110, O'GRADY-sctolEIDER Ann R, Exec Assl (Family Social SCIence) 290 Me NH( ), ( ), OGREN BaIne S, TemP/CaiI Employ (B00kst0re8) 290 Wmson H( ),758 W Hoyt Ave, S1 Paul 55117, , ogrenoo5@ OGREN Gary T; Coordinatllr (Human R_Tops) th S1 SE ( ), ,,.!ale OGREN Mary A, Sr Accountant (CEE & Summer SassIon-UMD) 403 DAd BDuluth ( ), 1525 Skywood Lane, Duluth 55805, ~, OGREN Robett G, TempJCul Employ (UMD-BooksIllre) 175 K SC Duluth ( ), 1525 Skywood Lane, DuIulh 55805, OGREN-DEHN Jennifer J, Sr Sacretafy (MN Ext Sarv-Distrlcls), Ramsey Co Ext Ole, 2020 White Bear Ave, SI Paul 55109, ( ), 1480 Laurel Ave, S1 Paul 55104, ogrenoo2@ OGUNFOLAIII ZaCcheaus 0, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (FacIItieI,MgmI-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), ( ), ogunfool@ OOUN.II Frederick 0, Med/Clln Lab Tech (Hasp Labl-VIroIogy) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), PWB( ),5050 Johnson SI NE, ColumbIa HIs 55421, ogunjool@ 011 Stavtin U, Sr Lab Tech (IIIochemistry-Med Sell) MIrd H, lh Ave NE, Minneapolis 55432, , 0'tWIL0NWlllam J, CIin Ass! Prof (Obsletrics & Gynecology), BemidjI ClInIc, ~ 58801, (751c128O) 0HANNElIIAH Judy T, Lecturer (ExtenSion e.-) 1236 Mgml/ECOll ( ), 0'tWlA Constance J, VoUlIeer SlY Dir (H VOIumeIr Sarv) Bx 48 Mayo ( ),, O'HARE Eugene, Poet-Doc AIIoc (MedlcIne~ VA.MedIcal center, Graw110, One Vater_ Dr, MinneapoIIa 55417, ( X4739), O'HARE Eugene, Poet-Doc AIIoc (Medlclne), VA MedIcal center, R~ llervicfs (151), One V~ Dr, MInneapolis 55417, (725-2OOOlU739), O'HATNICK Joannah L, Prin Sacretary (PaychoIogy) N218 Ell H( ), ( ), 3545 Dupont Ave S, ApI 4, Minneapolis 55408, O'HEARN JImeac, AIIoc Ilir MainI (H Maint & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo ( ), Cl07 Mayo, ' 1788 Shorewood Lane, Mound 55384, ,, fax: , pager: O'HEARN Jerome W, CIIn Ass! Prof (O\oIaryIlgoIogy), Fargo ClinIc, 737 Broadway, Fargo 58133, ( ).. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA O'HEARN Mary K, Ass! Proflimer (MN Ext Sarv-Educ ~v Syst), 622 SE8th Ave, Minneapolis 55414, O'Ha.y Martin, T8aching Assistant (Sell 01 Mathematics) 107 Yin H( ), 358 Lind H, 3279th 51 SE, Minneapolis 55414, heiy@ OHLENIIORF Douglas H, Associate Professor. (Blochemislry-Med Sell) Mird H( ), Moos T (625-5f75), 9397 Olympia Dr, Eden PrairIe 55347, , olwn@.,!ale OHLER Ka1harina, Assoc Admin (Geology & Geophyslca) 1048 PiIis H( ), ( ~,!ale OHLERKING Fred E, Cmnty Prog Assoc (Fam Practice & Community HIlh) S 2nd S1 ( ), OHLSEN Douglas J, Student ParsWkr (Student Fmancial Ald, Ole 01) 210 Fr8$8l' H( ), ( ),101 Glenwood, ApI 115, Mankato , , ohlseoo2@ OHLSEN-READ Jodi, AIIoc EdItor (MN Medical FoundatiOn) Bx 193 Mayo ( ), 535 Diehl H( ),15826 County Rd 40, carver 55315, ohiaeoo1@, fax: OHLSON A11yson N, Accounts Spec (Student Aclivftles) 250 CM U( ), aiyson@ OHMAN Mynda G, Research Assistant (German, SCandinavian & Dutch) 231FOI H ( ), 161 Me BoeI SI, SI Paul 55102, , OHMANN 'Jennifer F, Sr Office Ass! (Sell 01 Public HeaIlh) Bx 819 Mayo ( ), D-305 Mayo ( ), 1870 Fernwood St. ApI 7, StPaul 55108, ohmanoo2@,!ale OHMANN Sarah M, R~ Assistant (HorIlcuIIural SCIence) 305 Alder H k Grove, Apt 308, MinneapolIs 55403, , OHMANS Patricia J, Coordinator (Envm & OocupationaJ Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1230 Mayo, 843Van Buren Ave, SI Paul 55104, ~ OHNSTAD Nancy A, Nrs Staf Dev Inst (Ntning Education Sarvlces) Bx 803 Mayo, ohns1oo1@ OHRN John G, Exec Ass! (Transp Studies, Ctr For) 110 Civ E( ), ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , ohrnxolll@" OHAT Curtis K, Sr Electron Tech (Psychiatry) Bx 392 Mayo ( ),825 Diehl H ( ~ ( ), OHTA Toahiro, Poet-Doc Assoc (Cell BiOlogy & Neuroan$omy) Jac H( ), 1010 Essex SE, Apt 205, Minneapolis 55414, OlEN cary T, Res fellow (EntlimoIogy) 219 Hodson H( ), ( ), rd Lane N E, Ham Lake 55304, , OlEN Danelle M, Prin Sacretafy (Surgery-General) Bx ~ Mayo ( ), 304. VCR C, 49ll-m4. oienl\oo3@ OlEN Gary M, Instructor (Pharmacy Prectice), F & M'Distribu\ors - 89, 7435 France Ave S, Edina 55435, ( ),lIll8-4826, oienxoo4@ OlEN Michael W, DupI EquIp Oper (Printing SarvIces) P S B ( ), , OlEN Wendy L, Unclergra Res AssIIi (Lab Medlclne & Pathology) Bx 198 MayO ( ), B288 Mayo, rd Lane NE, Ham Lake 55304, , OIHUS David A, Pipefi\ter (Energy-Conservaticin) B Shops B ( ), 9313Ranchview Lane N; Maple Grove 55389, , oihusoo1@ OlSTAD Darryld L, Sr Res Plot Tech (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bar H( ), 37 Cr Sarv th SI W, Farminglcn 55024, oistaool@; OJA John A,Photo Lab Tech (BiOmedical Graphic Comm) Bx 711 Mayo ( ), Bl92PWB,'i" OJA Vivien 0, Program Associate (ExtenSion Classes-SpIn Rock MI) 308 was H( ), ( ), :1511 Edward SI NE, $1 Anthony 55418, ,

55 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF OJAKANGAS-OLSON 301 OJAKANQAS Gregory W, Assistant Professor (UMD-GeoIogy) 229 HHDuluth ( ), ( ),1319 Brainerd Ave, Duluth 55811, , o.iakanoas Richard W, Professor (UMD-GeoIogy) 231 HHDuluth ( ), ( ),4244 Emerson Rd, Duluth 55803, , fax: OJALA Todd A,Grad SChool Trainee (Neurosurgery) Mlrd H( ), Lyon L, , OJALA Wendy S, Accounts Spec (Accounting) 845 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ), 7850 Upper Ct W, Apple VaNey 55124, , OJALA William H, Post-Doc Assoc (Lab Medicine & Pa1holOgy) Bx 107 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 2845 Hamllne Ave N, Api 301, Rosevilla 55113, , OoIARIOI Aliyu A, Ole Sup Spec Pr S(Post Anes1hesIa Care Unti-Box 67) Bx 67 Mayo, OJEDA linda, Program Assl4-H (ME8-CoIlege Of Education), Hennepin Co Ext Ole, 1525 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis 55405, ( ), lh Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, , 0011 Obinnaya A, Ubrary Asst 2(Ubrary-Pub Serv & Branch) 40 MWL ( ), 1806 Benjamin St N E, Minneapolis 55416, , o-oji@ OJOYEYI Feyi, Gen S1all Nurse (PedlalJ1cs-5A) PCU5A Mayo ( ), ojoy8001@ OKAFOR Chukwudubem A, Teaching Assistant (Cultural Studies & ComparetlYe Lit) 350 Fol H ( ), 419 Lind H, 1417 La Salle Ave, Api 303, Minneapolis 55403, , okal0001@ OKAQAKI Takeshl, Professor (Lab Medicine & Pa1holOgy) Bx 248 Meyo ( ), Moos T ( ),5317 Mirror Lake Dr, Edina 55436, okage001@ OKAMOTO Grace H, Post-Doc Assoc (Blo Process Tech Inst) 240 Gor L ( ), 322A Sn H( ), 1435 WJas~ine, ApI 109, St Paul 55108, okamoool@ OKANI Lynne M, Accounts Spec (H Cashlar's/payment Monitoring) Bx 602 Mayo; P W8, okanloo1@ OKANLA OIuyamisi K, Cook (H Main.Food ServIce) 8x 84 Mayo ( ), 1540 UHasp, lh Ave S, Minneepolls 55407, , okanioo1@maroon.te.< OKAR David A, Res Assoc (Biochemistry-Mad SCh) Mird H( ), okarx001@, ' O'KEANE Jason F, Undergra Res Asst II (Geological Survey, MN) 2842 Univ Av W, lh Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ,, O'KEEFE Mary L, Prln Secretary (MN Ext Serv-Educ Dev Syst) 405 Col H( ),, fax: O'KEEFE Matthew T, Assistant Professor (Elactrical EngIneering) E E/C SCi ( ), ( ~ 3905 Ziroon Lane N, Plymouth 55446, OKELLO Duncan O. Sr 0trIce Asst (Boynton-Student Insurance) W228 Boyn HS ( ), OKINOW Nancy A, Coordinator (Pediatrics) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), 1775 Lexington Ct, Untt 32, Ulydale 55118, okinoool@, lax: OKJTA David K, Jr SCientist (liioc:hemistry-ess) 140 Gor L ( ~ ( ), ( ), 1059 Montana Ave W, St Paul 55117, oktta001@ OKONQWU Stephen 0, Research Assistant (Urban & Rgnl Allalrs, Ctr For) 420 Vo Tech ( ), lh Ave S E, ApI F, Minneapolis 55414, , okong001@ OKPOSO Michele 0, Instruetor.(Pharmacy Practice), University Park Pharmacy, 1690 Universtty Ave, St Paul 55104, ( ), okposoo2@ OLAKUNLE Kallliaen 0, SrSecretary (Surgery-GeneraQ Bx 195 Mayo ( ), M429 Mas Can Ctr, oiakuoo1@ OLALEYE Omoshol8 W, Mad RecoRI Clerk (H. Medical Records) 8x 601 Mayo, 2300 EFranIdIne Ave, Apt 223, Minneapolis 55406, 371~, 0IaIeOO1@ OLANO PameJil J, Teaching AssIstant (.ntrdiscp SldS In Writing, Ctr) 207 Lind H( ), ( ),991 l20th Lane NW, Coon Rapids 55446,oIanoOO1@ OLDFIELD Sophie E, Teaching AssIstant (Geography) 414 SOC SCi ( ), ( ), 26719lh Ave S, ApI 414, MitlneepolIs 55414, oidfioo1@ OLDHAM James L, Research AssIstant (SoIl SCi) 439 Bar H ( ~ ( ), 1499 N Cleveland Ave, St Paul 55108, , OLDssERG Melissa L, Lab Serv Coord (General Biology Prog) Pl60 Kott H( ), 1350 Cardinal Lane, Chaska 55318, biopnlp@ O'LEARY BarbaraM, Coordinator (Vet Medicine-Dean'sOtrlce) 447 Vet Tch Has ( ),2252 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, , orearoo3@ O'LEARY Ethel I, 0trIce Spec (UMD-Dept of Human RllSOUrces) Ad B Duluth ( ) 3424 Woodland Ave, Duluth 55803, , O'LEARY James J, AS80Clata Professor (Lab Medicine & Patllology) On Medical Leave, 1990 Fairmount Ave, St Paul 55105, O'LEARY Terrance P, Assoclate Professor (Vet DIagnostic Medic!ne) 244 Vet 0 L ( ), 2252 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, oiearoo2@,lax: OLEIN Bonnie M,.ntrcol Alii EquIp (AlhIetIcs, Men's Intcllg) F AB ( ), 1313 Garden Ave, Roseville 55113, , oieinoo1@ 'OLEJNICZAK Debra J, Teaching Assistant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanlcs) 107 Aker H ( ),429 6th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , oiejn002@ OLEJNICZAK Joseph, Research AssIstant (Aero Space) 107 Aker H( ), ( ),429 6lh Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , 0Iejn001@ OLEJNICZAK Lynn A, Phys therapist (H Rehab Servicas) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), PW8, oiejnoo3@, lax: OLEN Robert M, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (ME8-DiS!riClS) 109 WHDuluth ( ), PO Box 3095, Duluth 55803, OLESEN Michael J, Admin Director (Supercomputer 'nat) 2049 SCC ( ), 2292 Long Ave, St Paul 55114, ,, fax: ' OLESON Deborah K, Gen Stall Nurse (Neonatal Inl8nsive Care-3C) PCU3C Mayo ( ), oiasooo1@ OLFELT JoaJ P, Teaching Assistant (General Biology Prog) 220 BIo SCi ( ), lh Ave S, Minneepolls 55406, , oii8iool@ OLHOFT Malinda L, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Dlstrlcts), Douglas Co Ext Ole, Courlhouse, 305 6lh Ave W, Alexandria 56308, ( ), At 1, Box 130, Barrett 58311, OUEN Clarice N, Prof Emer (Flnance-Systarn Wide) 54 CLA 011 ( ), olienoo2@ OLIEN Howard L, AssocIate Counselor (CEE Counseling) 314 N CC E( ),1808 Me Kinley Dr. North1leId 55057, holien@ OLIN Paul S, Associate Protessor (RestoratlYe, Sciences) &-450 Moos T ( ), ( ~ 6900 Harold Ave, Golden Valley 55427, , oiinx001@ OLIN Pele(J, AssocIate Professor (HortIcultural SCience) 305 Alder H( ), MN Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhassen 55317, ( ), 1958 Summer St, Falcon Heights 55113, , oiinx002@ OLINGER Glad H, Accounts Spec (SCh Of Public Heatth) A-310 Mayo ( ),1648 Rosellill Circle, St Paul 55108, oling002@ OLIPHANT Robert A, Counselor (ela Career Development) 345 Fra_H( ), 6056 Olinger Circle, Edina 55436, ~, 0I1ph002@ OLIVE John, LecIurer (English Language & Lit) Und H( ), 212 Mdb H, oiive008@ OLIVE KeI1II A, Professor (Physics & Astronomy) 311 Phys ( ), 2534 Huntington, St Louis Park 55416, , OLIVE Melissa L, Research Assistant (Educa1lon8l Psychology) 218 PI H, OLIVER CurtIs J, Sr MedIa Re Prodr (Umr-KUOM ~) 875 Rang C ( ), 144 Melbourne Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, oiiv8oo6@ OLIVER Richard C, Professor (Preventive SCiencee) On Leave 94/95 OLIVER Scolt R, Heed Coach (UMC AlIIl, Intell) Sports CmpIx CrookstOO ( ), 628 S UncoIn, Crookston 56716, , soiiver@ OLLEN8lIIlQER Jane C, Assoc Dean (UMD-SoclollJgy/AnthropoIogy) 111 Cina Duluth ( ), Professor (UMD-UberaJ Arts, CoIl Of Adm) ( ), 1002 Westbrooka Way, ApI 3 Hopkins 55343, , OUENBURQEfI Mark W, Sr Oa18 Proc Tech (Hasp Labs-Lab Info Servlces) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), C270 Mayo, olienool@ OLLILA Mary." GenStall Nurse (Post AnestheSIa Care Ufttt-Box 67) Bx 67 Mayo, U HQsp, 2060 Flanders Rd, N St Paul 55109, 77Q.8845, oliiiool@ OLMSTEAD Jim G, Sr AnaIys!7Progr (Computer & InfoServs) 50 Col H( ), ( ), 2123'Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55105, ,, lax: OLMSTED J_ I, Admin Fellow (Feminist Studles, Ctr For) 207 Lind H, Xenia Ave N, ChamplIn 55316, , oimstoo1@ OLMSTED Sandra L, Research Assistant (MediclnaI Chemistry) HSUntt F( ) 7072 LyndaJe Ave S, Richfield 55423, , oimsioo3@ OLMSTED Stephen L, Mad Fel Spec (Orthopeedlc Surg) 8x 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, , oimatoo5@ OLNESS Alan E, Non Univ S1all, NCantral SoIl Conserv Res Lab, NIowa Ave, Morris 56287, ( ), POBox 181, Morrls.56287, OLOFINBOBA Olukayode B, Res Fellow (KlnesIoIogyflelsura Stds, SCh Of) 60 Norris H ( ), ( ), , oioft001@, lax: O'LOUQHUN Am M, Coordinator (Institutional Relations) 215 Mer H( ), 5015 Emerson Ave S, MJnneapoIls 55419, , oioughll@ OLSEN Cheryl R, Assistant To (PoIttical SCience) 1414 SOC SCi ( ), coisen@, fax: OLSEN Christine E, Accounts Spec (Art Depertment) 206 Art 8 ( ),1833 W Minnehaha, St Paul 55104, olsen012@, fax: OLSEN Dele W, Professor (UMD-Polttlcal ScJenoe) 304 Clna duluth ( ), ( ), 4615 London Rd, Duluth 55804, , poi@, lax: OLSEN Dee Ann M, Asslstent To (Ole of Human Resouroes) St SE ( ), OLSEN DennIs B, Asst Dlr (Camp/Col) (Mpls Student Unions) 220 C MU( ), denny@ OLSEN Jeflrey 0, Opereting Rm Gsn (H Ambulatory Surgery) Bx 88 Mayo, PW8, oisen017@ OLSEN Joen F, Prln Food Opr Mgr (Food Sves) E 8 CEC( ), 830 Cleveland Ave, Apt 18, New BrIghton 55112, , conrooo2@ OLSEN Kathleen H, Teaching Assistant (VOC & Tech Education) Vo Tech, 2228 Snowshoe Lane, St Paul 55119, oiienoo6@ OLSEN Kristen M, Prin Secretary (Inst For Htth ServIces R-oo) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), D-527 Mayo, oisenoo4@ OLSEN Lara J, Prln Secretary (Dermatology) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), ( ), 4034 Quincy St N E, Columbia Hts 55421, ,0Isen022@ OLSEN MIchael S, Research Assistant (Agronomy'& Plant GenetIca) 411 Bar H (625-m6), 1471 Wynne St, ApI 7, St Paul ~5108, oiaen021@ OLSEN Patricia H, Exec Secretary (Physical Mid &Rehabilttatlon) Bx 297 Mayo ( )" 2-110A PW 8, oisenoi4@ OLSEN Sheryl L, Sr ~retary (Law Sch Admin).333 Law ( ), ( ),620 Washington Ave S E, Apt 7. Minneapolis 55414, , 0Isen016@ OLSEN Steven A, Teaching Assistant (Music) 100 Ferg fl, th St W, Rosemount , OLSEN Susan V, Prin Secretary (CEE Counseling) 314 NCC E( ), ( ), soisen@ OLSEN Tamara S, Ext Educ & Instr (ME8-Distrlcts), Yellow Medicine Co Ext Olc, th Ave, ctark1ield 56223, ( ), Rt 2, Box 106, Tyler 56178, , t.oisen@, OLSEN Thomas C, Clin Assoc Prof (PedIalJ1cs), Mpls Children's Medical Canter, 2525 ChIcagO Ave S, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), 5804 View Lane, Edina 55436, oisen020@ OLSEN William C, Research Assistant (Civil Engineering) 122 Civ E ( ), 534 BfimhaB, st Paul 55116, , oisenoo7@ OLSEWSKI John M, Med Fef Spec (Orlhopaedlc Surg) Bx 492 Mayo, 01sewOO1@ OLSON Amy L. Prin Secretary (SCh of Public Heatth) 8x 197 Mayo ( ), A-302 Mayo, oisonoi7@ OLSON Andrea M, Teaching Assistant. (Psychology) N218 Ett H( ), 0IS00283@ OLSON Ann C, Admin Director (law SCh Admin) 285B Law ( ), 471 Arden Circle, Shoreview 55126, , a-olso@, OLSON Barbara A, Jr User Serv Spec (Adm Info Svcs-Customer Assistance) S2nd St ( ), OLSON Barbara A, Asst Educ Spec (Spanish & Portuguese) 34 Fol H( ), 2028 Nich H, Elaine Ct, Savage 55378, olsonl87@ OLSON Barbara L, Instructor (Social Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H, 0IsonI69@ OLSON Bamadefl M, Exec Secretaty (English Language & Lit) 207 Und H( ), ( ), 2615 FJoIida Ave S, St Louis Park 55428, 0Ison987@ OLSON Barnard A, Research Assistant (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mech E( ), Teaching Assistant, 2 Wren Lane, St Paul 55127, 4jl3-4119,, OLSON Bonnie J, Exec Secretary (0rth0pe8d1c Surg) 8x 492 Mayo 350 VCR C( ) Univ Av SE ( ), St N, NSt Paul 55109, Olsom073@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu OLSON'Bradlay K, Clin Asst Prof (Fam Practice & Community'Htth) ( ), Ave S, Room 400, Minneapolis 55415, ( ), 5012 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , 0Isonl14@ OLSON Brenda J, Gen Slill Nurse (Nursing Float Pool) 8x 603 Mayo ( ), UHasp, 151 Spring Valley Dr, Bloomington 55420, oison072@ OLSON Brent A, Techn Consuttant (Law SCh Student Aid) 285 Law, olsonl38@ OLSON 8urton P, Prof Emer (MN Ext Serv-Distrlcts), 671 Norman Ave, Box 356, Foley 56329, , oison137@ OLSON CAnn, Teaching Assistant (Geography) 414 SOC SCi ( ), 2104 NE 3rd St, Minneapolis 55418, , oison187@ OLSON.Cara L, Sr Hasp Carrier (H Dispatch) Bx 706 Mayo ( ), 1-390UHasp, 501 5th St S E, Minneapolis 55414, oisonl00@ OLSON Carrie Ann S, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Districts). Big Stone Co Ext Ole. 20 S E2nd St, Ortonville 56278, ( ), At 1, Box 122, Clinton 56225, , iax: OLSON Charisse M, Sr Secretary (Minttex) S-33 om WL ( ), ( ), 146 6lh Ave NE Minneapolis 55413, oison17o@

56 302 OLSON-oLSON STAFF OLSON ChrIstina'Y, PrIn S8cretary (tie8iili Mgml & Polley) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), D355 Mayo ( ), OLSON Clyde R, Clln Prof (MedlcIne-UMD) 141 Med Dululh, Dululh CUnic, 400 E3rd St, Dululh OLSON Craig S, Library Asst 3 (Law Ubrary) 120 Law ( ), 4405 COlfax Ave S, MinneapoliS 55409, , OLSON Curtis lo Research Assistant (Mechanical Engine8ring-Cam) 213 Mech E( ), 9401 Polk St NE, Apt 113, Blaine 55434, , OLSON DaidnI A, PrIn Lab Tech (SUrgery-General) Bx 42 Mayo ( ), Fl14 DIehl H, oison044@ OLSON Dale S, AssIstant Professor (UMD-Supportive Svcs Prog) 138 LDululh ( ), Assistant Professor. (UMD-Achievemenl Clr-Advlslng), 625 Spear Ave, Duluth 55803, , OLSON David H, Professor (Family SOclaI SCience) 290 Me NH(62)5289), ( ),42 Raven Rd, Norlh 0lIk , oison010@ OLSON DaYid J, Med/COn Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-Molecular Diag) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), D-210 Mayo ( ), 350 Rollings Hills Dr, Minnetrista 55384, oison074@. maroon, OLSON DaYid J, Electro Sys Spec (Horticultural SCience) 137 Alder H( ), lh Ave, Cushing WI 54006, , ois0n024@., OLSON DaYid J, Sr Data Entry Opr (AdmiSSions-TransIer) 240 Wmson H(62$-2008), OLSON DaYid losr Media Re Prodr(Media Resources, Univ) 550 Rarig C (62!>-7898), '( ),1049 DougIaa Dr, Mendota Heights 55118, , OLSON Dawn M, R_h Assistant (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), oison035@ OLSON.Debra K.lnst!UClOr (EnYm & OCCupational HeeI1h) Bx 97 Mayo (ll2!hl478), C309 Mayo,, lax: OLSON Debra K, GIn Staff Nurse (Pedlatrlca-SA) PCU5A Mayo ( ), ois0n085@. OLSON Diane F, Lacturer (SOclaI Work, ~ 01) 386 Mc NH, (ExtenSIon ClaSses), 1920 Orchard Lane, WhitII Bear Lake 55110, 77D-8699, oison12o@ OLSON Diane lo Admin Ass! 1 Supv (H OPD-Ambulalllry care) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), P WB, Cedar Dr NW, Cedar 550,', , rouncioo3@ OLSON Dianne E, PrIn secretary (Athlelica, Man's InteUg) 200 Fb eomp ( ), ( ),15 Rice Creek Way NE, Fridley 55432, , Donald M, Clin Instr (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo, COn Ass! Prof, Mincep Epilepsy care, 5715 Wayzata 8IYd, Suite 255, Minneapolls 55416, ( , oison088@ OLSON Donald P, Ex! Educ & Prof (AgrlcuItuJ1l, College 01 Ag Admin) 148eLA Off ( ), 7049 SteepIeYlew Rd, Woodbury 55125, 731.a338 doison@mes.lii' OLSON Donna J, Dept Assocbir (Athlelica, Women's IntcIIg) Sta S 2nd St (62~0~8741 Monroe St NE, Fridley 55432, , cklisol@ OLSON Dorothy M, Student Penl WIer (UMD-Amer Indlen Learn Res Clr) 114 Cina Duluth ( ). OLSON Dwight R, Main! carpenter (Fac. Mgml-Gen Cons) 241 DAd BDuluth ( ), LP S ( ), 5719 Eagle Lake Rd, Cromwell 55728, OLSON Edward A, Rasp Ther Praet (CardiOPUfmonary SerYlces) Bx 247 Mayo, UHasp, oison098@ OLSON EIzab8Ih A, Sr SscletalY (MN Medical Foundation) Bx 193 Mayo ( ), 535 DIehl H( ), olsonl32@ OLSON EIzab8Ih lo Rasp Ther PraCl (Cardiopulmonary SerYIces) Bx 247 Mayo (626-<4030), C559 Mayo, oison028@ OLSON Eric C, R-.rch Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat Sco) 104 Amund H( ), ( ), 2157th St NE, Apl302, Minneapolls 55413, , OLSON Eric J, R_arch Assistant (PhysIcs a Astronomy) 145 Phya ( ), 729 8th Ava S E, Apl5, Minneapolis 55414, , oison@ OLSON Eric James C, R_rch AssIstant (Chemistry) 139 Smlth H( ), 70 KoIl H, oison121@ OLSON Eric S, R_arch Assistant (EIel:lrlcaJ Engineering) EE/C SCI,9810 Yalta SI, Blaine 55014, OLSON Eugene A, Elevator Mech (FaclIIties Mgmt-Adm) 200 ShopS B, 5 AJice Ct, S St Paul 55075, , OLSON Gilbert B, Assistant Professor (Phar;macy. Practice), Pes ClInical, 5701 GJ1Ien Va'JI/rt Dr, Minneapolis 55437, ( ), olson11o@ OLSON Gregg, Operations SUpv (Fac Mgml-Zone 3-HeaIlh Sco) 220 Sh An ( ), Bl35 Moos T, OLSON Hardin E, Assistant Professor (Obatelrica &Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), A885 Mayo ( ), ( ), 1128 HoIIybrook Dr Wayzata 55391, , olson118@ OLSON IJ1Ine M, Data Entry SUpv (BIosta1IatIcs) Univ Av Sa ( ), w-@ OLSON James C, ASst Tech Admln (DiagnostIc Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo, oison057@ OLSON JarnesD, LactuJ1lr (ContinuIng EducatIon & Ext-Adm), Best & Flanagan, IDS Ctr, Suite 3500,80 S 8th St, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), DunhiU Rd, Eden Prairie 55344, olsonll3@. OLSON James M, AssocIate ProI8Ia«(SCI & Math-UMM) 130 SC Morrls ( ), 9 Norlh Ct, Morris 56287, , olsonj@ OLSON Janet E, R_arch AssIstant (PedIalrica) S 2nd St ( ), th PIaoe N, Maple Grove 55369, , oiio0281@ OLSON Janice K, Instructor (Nursing, Sch Of-Prog & Res) HS Unit F, 514 Humboklt Ave, St Paul 55107, ( ), , oisonl19@ OLSON Jason S, Asst Farm An All (AnImal SCience) 1 PT RF, POBox , RoseYilIe 55113, , OLSON Jean M, Rsch Nurse CIIn (MedIcIne) Bx 192Mayo(626-M8), VCRC(~7) ( ), oison04o@ OLSON Jennffer L, Jr SCIentist (Pedialrica) Bx 298 Mayo( ), 850 Mayo, 81411th AveS E, Apt 304, Minneapolis 55414, , jiolson@ OLSON J~ D, AssocIate Professor (ClInical & Populetlon SCiences) 495 AnSCIfV M( ), 2205 Kenwood Ct, St Paul 55117, ; oison013@, lax: OLSON Joel K, Teaching Assistant (PolItical Science) 1414 Soc SCI ( ), ( ), 3111 Columbus Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, , joeio@ OLSON John A, Asat Ubrarian (Ubriry-Pub SerY & 8J1Inch) MWL( ), ( ), OLSON John M, Empillenef Couns (Ole 01 Human Resources) th St SE ( ),2780 IreM CIrcle, RoHYIIe 55113, OLSON Jon lo Ext Educ &Instr (MN Ext Sari-Districts), Lac Qui Parle Co Ex! 0Ic, County Courth0u88, Madl80n 56256, ( ), At " Box 48, Madison 56256, OLSON JosIIua R, General (Temp) NE (H Protaelion Sent) Bxl000 Mayo (82lHI178); Bl39 Mayo, OLSON Judith K, Sr Secretary (ela S1!Jdent Acad Suppt Svcs) 214 Joh H( ), olson048@ OLSON Juditli M, Jr SCientIst (FIsherlea & WIldlife) 85 F SC N( ), oiaon084@. OLSON Judy A, AssIstant Professor (Huma~UMM) 104 Hum MorrIs ( ), 106 W5th SI, Morris 56287, OLSON Kathleen A, InfO 6ys Opr Supv (Hasp LabI-Lab Info lleaaa) Bx 198 Mayo ( ~ I OLSON Kathleen A, 0ftIcli Spec (Food SerYIces) 77 C MU ( ), oiean059@ OLSON Kathleen J, Dental Asat (Den\tstry-cunicel Prog) Moos T (828-01~ th Lane N, ~ 85316, olson081@ maroon.le.umn.edii OLSON Kathryn lo Sr user serv Spec (Distributed ComputIng S8rv1ces) 152 Shep Lab (625-1~, lax: 6'2-"'7 OUION KathIyn M, Sr S8cretary (Aerospace Eng & MechanIca) 107 AkeI H ( ), (624-«l84~ OLSON Kay N,~ Mgr (Hosp Laba-Olem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), L-210 Mayo, , oiaon088@ OLSON K8nneth ~, Ext EduC & Asao Prof. (MES-DitlrIcla),l!IlerIMne Co Ext Ole, Govt Clr, Hwy 10. Box 311, Elk R'-55330, ( ), th St, ZImmerman 55398, ,, lax: OLSON K8nneth P, CIn Asat Prof (Farn Praetlce &<:omnmty HIth), Paril NIcalIIt MedlcaI Cen\Ier, 1885 PIIza Dr, Eagan 55122, ( ) Dana Dr,IlI.mevtIIe 55337, olson174@ OLSON Kent D, AssocIate ProIeaIor (Ag & ApplIed Econ) 3160 CLA Off ( ),. kdoiaon@, lax: S<8245 OLSON Kknberly A, Ext Educ & Instr (MES-IlIItrlCla), Martin Co Ext Ole, ttr1 E1sISt, Falrmont 58031, ( ), 310 Lake Ave, Fairmont 58031, OLSON LaurIe A, Nutr Educ Asat (MES-Human Ecology), Norlhland 0ftIcli Clr, 307 1st St S, SUita 114, VIrgInIa 55792, (74&-7120), 6188 Garden Dr, GIIbeIt 65741,IoIaon@mea.umn.edII OLSON Lawrence K, Poat-lloctDral Fellow (MedicIne) Bx 101 Mayo ( ), P WB ( ), 2731 UncoIn St NE, Minneapolis 55418, , OLSON Lee D, MaInt Refrtg Mech (Fac Mgrnt-Relrigeratlon) 241 DAd B Duluth ( ), 15 Cine ( ), 4144 Stockholm Rd, Duluth 55803, OLSON LazIle A, Sr Survey IntaIv (PedIatrics) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), 6lsonlO8@ OLSON Unde G, TempfCasl Employ (Boyn\Ian4en Med CIlnlc) Boyn H S ( ), OLSON Unde K, Sl' Data Entry Opr (UMe-AlhI, Intel) 164 Spor1s CrnpIx Cnloks1on ( ), (UMC-Sludant Alfan.Adm) ( ),903 IIaneIt lit, Cnloks1on 58718, 281~,1oIIon@ mai.ci1l.uim.8\lu OLSON uaa E, DeaignfMedla Art (MN Ext Serv-Educ DeY Syat).cos Col H( ), oi8on178@ OLSON uaa M, Laclurer (Ex1IInaIon ~fbus Tax), PIIablI'y Clr, SUite 1400, 200 S 8th SI, MInneIpoIIs 55402, ( ), 1170 Cushlng CIn:Ie, Apl103, St Paul 55108, oi8onl17@ OLSON Uoyd lo Clln AlIt Prof (Farn Praetlce & ComnulIIy HIlh), StCroIx Fall ClInIc, St CroIx Fils54024, ( ), 219 Day Rd, StCroIx FIs WI 54024, OLSON Uoyd V, Med FeI Spec(Anea1hesIoIogy) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), 8515 Mayo, OLSON Lowell E, Asaoc Pnlf Emer (Uberal Arts, College Of-Adm), 209 Ex8l8r PI8ce, St Paul , klieo@vml.spcs.umn.edii OLSON Lynne M, Program AssocIa1II (CEE & Swnmer SessIon-UMD) 403 DAd BDuluth (728-e298), OLSON Magnus, Pnlf Emer & Heed Retired (ZOology), 0ls0n138@meroon.Tc.Umn.Edu OLSON Margaret A, Sr 8ecNtary (8lomedll:aI Ubrary) 314 Diehl H(828-5llCJ!ll, ( ),9518 gmnean Ave S, fiioomi1gian 55420, , rihliao@yml.spcs.umn.edii OLSON Margaret M, TempfCaal Employ (UMD-Bookstore) 175 K S CDululh ( ), 3415 KoIatad Ava, Dululh 55803, OLSON MargaretR, DenI8I Asat (DllntIstry.Qlnlca1 Prog) Moos T(~ olson018@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OLSON Marianne P, PolIce 0lIIcer (Pollee Dept) 102T S B( , oisonl29@ OLSON Marilyn C, Research Assistant (Pharmacology) MIrll H, 5917 Ewing Ava N, Brooklyn Cen\Ier 55429, , oison022@ OLSON Mark A, Asat Dlr (camp/coil (St P8uI Student Ctr) 42 St Can ( ~ 1707 Tatum Ave, Apl3, StPaul55113, , oiaon034@ OLSON Mark W, AsaIslant Professor (UMD-Paychology & MenllII HeeI1h) 117 Boll H!lI*lth ( ), 914E 1st St, Apl7, Dululh 55805, , OLSON Marsha G, Aa:ounlS Spec (EduCatIon, CoIIegeOl.Adm) 103 BU H(~), olson171@ OLSON Mary A, Ass! SCIentist (Phyaics & Astronomy) 253 Phya ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55407, , oison@ OLSON Mary A, PrIn k;;d SpfSupv (Payl:Natry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), A874 Mayo ( ), 5910 Beachwood Rd, Mound 55384, , oiaon09o@maroon.te.umn.edii OLSON Mary A, Nursing Sta Tech (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), UHasp, olaon139@ OLSON Mary K, PrIn ~ SpfSupy (PedIatrIcs) Bx391 Mayo( ~ PWB, oison075@ OLSON Mary K, R~ AssIstant (HHH Inst Publ AtIra) 10 HHHCtr, , olsonl88@ maroon OLSON Mary K, Accounts Spec (Epidemiology) S 2nd St ( ), ( ),444 Howard St N, St Paul 55119, oisorhn@, lax: OLSON Mary lo Gen S1atl Nurse (Unll80-AduIl PayI:lllatry) PCU80 Mayo, olaon038@ OLSON Matthew C, Grad SChool Fellow (CIvIl EngIneering) 122 CIv E(ll25-S522), 806 8th St, Minneapolis 55414, , olsonl88@ OLSON Michael J, Teachilg Assistant (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & l'lea) 308 UncI H( ), oison062@meroon.te.umn.edii OLSON Myr\aIlG, ClI1nIy Srv Prg Crd (H MarketIng & Planning) Bx 200 Mayo ( ), 551 Boyn HS ( ),1019 N2nd SI, StIIIwatar 55062, OLSON Nancy P, CoonIInatar (Neurosurgery) Bx 98 Mayo ( , D429 Mayo (82&-0483), Mlnneheha PI8ce, Wayzata 55391, , oison055@maroon.1!; OLSON Norma J, Lpn (Same Day Adnilalons-6D) PCU85 ~yo ( ). ( ), olaon06o@ OLSON Patrlcia lo Teachilig Sp8claJist (UMD-Muslc Preparatory Plano) 231 HDululh ( ), 2428 ESuperior St, Duluth 55812, OLSON Paul F, Lab AnmI care Tac (MedIcal Sch AdmIn) Bx 89 Mayo ( ), Nl0 81 H (825:-4042), ( ), , ois0n097@ OLSON!'aula T, Sr R8IIoIog Tech (Diagnostic Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), th Ave NE, Minneapolis 55418, oiaon054@ OLSON Pater J, CIIn Asat Pnlf (Farn Praetlce a Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), P WB, 1008 Rice St, StPU 55117, ( ), ClL80N II Rlo IlookItiar8 SUpv (uniy8rally Bookstores) 290 wmson H, 2775 Laxlngllln Ave N, Apl 201, ROS8YIIe 55113, , r1olson@,lax: ,. pager; 812-«l OLSON RebeCCa A, GIn Stat! Nurse (PedIatrIcs-7A) PCU7A Mayo, 3612 Rhode Island Ava, St louis Paril55428, , ClISOn048@ OLSON Richard G, PlpetIllIIr (Facililles Mgmt Adm) S35 8mIth H( ), olsoncl!i6@ OLSON Robert A, CIin Asat Prof (0bs18lrIca & Gynecology), Pondwood 0tIice Park, 4959 Olson MemortaI Hwy. MInneepoIIa 55422, ( ), 341 Weatwood Dr N, MInneapoII&55422, ,oIsonl18@maroon,

57 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OLSON Robert C, AssIstant Professor (Medicine), St Paul Ramsey Medical center, 640 Jackson St, St Paul ( ), 2840 Glenhurst Ave S. St louis Park OLSON Robert E. Ass1 SdentlSt (Ag Eng) 43 Ag Eng ( ). OLSON Robert M, CIIn Asace Prof (MecllCtne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, MedIcal Arts Bldg. Suite WSuper10r SI, Duluth 55802, (727~) OLSON Roben O. Jr User Sarv Spec (Adm Info Svca-Network Operations) S2nd St (62...,40). OLSON Rob8rt p. Ex! Edue & Aaao Prof (ME5-Dlatrlcta). Dakota CO Ex! Ole th St W, Farmington 55024, ( ) Van Taaael Dr. Stillwater , OLSON Robert T. C1ln Assoc Prof (Fam Practice & COmmunity HIth). canby Medical center. 215 St Olaf Ave N. Canby 56220, ( ).:lOl Pine Ave N. Canby OLSON Robert W, Vend Route DrIver (Food Svcs) Food 0 B ( ),1832 Rome Ave, St Paul 55116, oisooo76@ 0L80N Rodney G. Clin Ass1 Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth. Lakeland FamHy Clinic. 40 W Newton. Rica Lake 54868, ( ) OLSON Roger J. PrIn Lab Machinst (ChemIa1ry) 49 SmIth H( ) Florida Ave S. St louis Park , rolson@ fax: 612~7541 OLSON Ruby L, Acpounting Supv (PlIarmaoolOgy) Mird H( ) Cottonwood St N w. coon Repkls 55433, oisonol9@ OLSON Ruth A. Reap1her Preet (cardlopulmonery Sarvicas) Bx 247 Mayo ( ). ( ) Owasso St, Shoreview oiaon021@ OLSON Sarah K, Nursing Asst (DIagnostic RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ) Foss Rd. St Anthony 55421, oison093@ OLSON Shannon R, Research Assistant (English Language & LIt) 207 Und H( ). 277 Highland Dr. Chaake , oiaon178@ OLSON Sharon K. Sr Data Entry Opr (UMD-Bualneaa Ole) Ad B Duluth ( ) Nicollet SI, Duluth , OLSON Sharon M. Aaaoc Admin (Education, College Of-Adm) 104 Bu H ( ). ( ),1449 Frankson. St Peul551OS 812~741l6 OLSON Sharon V. PrIn Sactetary (UMe-Piant Svcs) Kiser B Crookston ( ). POBox 11. FIsher aoison@ OLSON Sheryl L, Elevator Mach (Fae Mgmt-Zone 1-51 Paul) 300 Shops B ( ), oison177@ OLSON Steven J, Research Assistant (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mach E( ), Teaching Assistant ( ), 2329 Ta~ St N E. Minneapolis atave@ OLSON Theodore A, Prof Emer (Schof Public Health), th Ave S, Minneapolis oisonl35@ OLSON Timothy A. Research Assistant (Phannacology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), Moos T, th Ave S, Minneapolis oIson094@ OLSON Tonia E. Psychomelrlc Ass1 (Psychology) N555 Ell H( ) oison18o@ OLSON Vartck L, Phya Therapist (H Rahab SarvIcas) Bx los Mayo Nolan Ave N, Stillwater oisonl55@ OLSON Virginia S. Grant/COntret Adm (Res & Tech Tms Adm. Ofc of) Wash Av S ( ), 1405 BIalr Rd. Mound 55384, OLSON Wanda W. AssocIata Professor (Design Housing & Apparel) 360 Me NH( ) Rainbow Dr, Fridley , woison@ fax: I OLSON William, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), oison081@ OLSON William G, AssocIeta Professor (Clinical & Population SCIences) A316 Vet Tch Hos ( ) EFront Blvd, Wyoming oisonoo6@ OLSON-HALLOUM Robin K. Stu Sup SlY Aaaoc (Nursing. School Of Adm) 5-180A HSUnit F ( ), oison088@ OLSON KELLER Unda K, Adjlnstr (Nuraing. Sch Of Prog & Res). MN Dept of Health. Public Health Nursing. 717 Delaware St S E, MlnneapoIIa ( ),1640 Sherwood Way. Eagan 55122, , oison173@. OLSON LOY Sandy K. Dlr (C8mp/Col Level) (Stu AtIaIrs-UMM) HC MonI8 (5ll9-tOllO). ( ). At 2. Box 204. Starbuck 56381, OLSON REUTER Alice, Gen Stat! Nurse (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo ( ) U Hosp, olson08o@ OLSSON Eva S. Teaching Aaalstant (EIeetrIcal Engineering) Bx 492 Mayo ( ) nd St S. Apt Ml0. Mlnneapolil OLSSON Steven E. Madfel Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 36 Mayo ( ) PW B EdinbOrough Way. Apt 6311, edina 55435, OLSZEWSKI Loreen, PrIn secretary (Medicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ). 290 VCR C. oiszellol@ OLSZEWSKI Nell E. AaaocIate Professor (Plent Biology) 220 Blo SCI ( ). ( ).1952 Tetum St. 51 Paul ~. neil@ OLVER Pstar J. Prolesaor (Sch ofmathematics) 127 Vin H( ), MlaaisslpplBlvd. COon Rapids , oiver@ OLWELL David H. Teaching Aaalatant (Statiatlce, Sch Of-Adm) 270 Vin H( ). 527 SCI C B Irving Ave N, Brooklyn Park , oiwell@s9.arc.umn,edu O'MAHONY Lauren B. Med Recon:t Clerk (H Medical Recon:ts) Bx 801 Mayo ( ) P WB, th Ave N. Apt 803. Plymouth 55447, omahoool@ O'MALLEY John M, Sprinkler FItter (Cons1ructIoiI Admin) 200 ShOps B (~), 2351 Oak Glen TraM, Stillwater ~16. omalloo3@ O'MALLEY K cassandra, Sr Sactetary (MedIcal School-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), Owre H, omailoo1@ O'MALLEY Mary Kim. Ass1 Dlr car-res (cardiopulmonary Sarvicas) Bx 247 Mayo ( ). C569 Mayo ( ), omailoo2@ O'MARA Maeve, PrIn secretary (Ag & Applied Econ) 249 CLA 011 ( ),1249 Juliet Ave, St Paul 55105, OMDAHL Backy L, Assistant Professor (Speech-Communlcatlon) 480 Fol H( ), O'MEARA Jamie S. Research AssIstant (Educatlonel Paychology) 129 Bu H( ). ornesroo1@ OMEUAN Frank J. EIeetrlcIan (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, omellool@ OMEOGA Ikwuagwu. Nursing Sta Tech (H cardiovascular Prog-Card C8th Lab) ex 815 Mayo ( ) Mayo, 1068 Raymond Ave. Apt 202. St Paul 551 OS. 64& OMEOGA Nduka. Asst Farm An All (Animal Science) 1 Pet H ( ~ 1068 Raymond Ave. Apt 102. St Paul 551 OS , OIIl8OQOOl@ OMm Kathryn. Acoounts Spec (Soil SCl) 439 &or H( ), UIysse8, Elk River , ONCKEN Charyl A. Med Fel (MedIcIne). VA Medical cantar. One Veterans Dr. MInneapolis ( X4432). onckel101@ ONDIGI Benjamin A. Research AssIstant (Educational Policy & Adm) 275 Paik H( ) ( ), 1393 NCleveland Ave. St Paul 551 OS , ONDREY Flank G. Med Fel (Otolaryngology) Bx 396 Mayo ( ) PWB. ondre002@ O'NEAL Michael A. Non Unlv Stat! (Y MC A) 1901 Univ Av 58 (82S-38OO). oneaioo2@ O'NEIL Bemerd L, PhySIcIan (Fam Preetlca & COmmunIty HIth) Bx 718 Mayo ( ), AssIstant Professor PWB. oneiloo2@ O'NEIL conetance E. PrIn secretary (Inti Ag Prog) 43 CLA Off ( ) Owasso SI, Apt 110. Shor8VI8W 55126, O'NEIL James G, PIpefttter (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ). 155 Mar A( ) lanon St NW.lsantl onelioo4@ O'NEIL.LaureI E. 0fIIca Supv (ObstetrIcS & GynecOlogy) ax 395 Mayo ( ) Moos T ( ).688 L.abora Rd. LIttle Canade oneiioo5@ O'NEIL Michael S. Ventilation Mech (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 204 Phys PI ( ). on8iioo7@ O'NEIL Michelle P, Sr Lab Tech (UMD-CartdJBloproducts RevolvIng) 128A NR R I Duluth ( ) Maple Grove Rd. Cloquet O'NEILL Colleen L, Exec Sacratary (Microbiology) Bx 196 Mayo ( ) Mayo th Ave S. Minneapolis coueen@, lax: O'NEILL Judy E, Dept Aaaoc Dlr (Charles Ilabbage 1ns1tlule) 103 Wa Ub ( ). jeo@ O'NEILL KarlIn J. Stat! Nurse (Pediatrics) Bx 484 Mayo ( ). 421 Mas Can Clr ( ), 5309 W64th St, EdIna 55439, , O'NEILL Marian F. L.aed Stores Clerk (UMD-Food & Vending Svcs) 270 K SCDuluth ( ). 211 N34th Ave W, Du1uth ss O'NEILL PetrIcIa K, Sr Sacratary (IIoynton-Word ProceeaIng) W34 Boyn HS ( ), O'NEILL WIlliam M, Exec Ass1 (Construction Admin) 200 Shops B ( ).1472 COmo Ave. St Paul 55106, oneiioo8@ O'NEILL-INGLES Margaret A. Research Assistant (VOC &Tech EducatIon/Osera) 480G Vo Tech ( ) onellol4@. O'NEU-LIGON Margaret E, Teaching Specialist (Ex1anIion CIasaes-CEW/COrnpleat Scho), Walker An canter, EducatIon Dept, Vineland Place, Minneapolis ( ), anelloll@ ONERHEIM James D. Ex! Edue & Asst Prof (ME5-Dlatrlcta). Backer CO Ext Ofc. Ag Sarvlce Clr th StS E. DetroIt Lakes 56501, ( ). ONETO MarguertI8 A. Teaching Aaaistant (Economics) 1035 Mgmt/Econ, , onetoool@ ONG Betty Y, InstrucllJr (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo PWB, Ch~ Hospital. 345 NSmith Ave. St Paul 55102, ( ). ongxxool@ ONG Hang-See. Research Aaaistant (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), B239 Mayo, PO Box Minneapolis 55414, hengsoo1@ ONG Jon. Sr Lab Tech (PedIatrIcS) Bx 29Il Mayo. ONG MarIetta T, Initructor (Pharmacy Practice), HennepIn County Medical canter. Drug Evaluellon Unit, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, 2055 Knapp Ave, Apt El. St Paul 551 OS , ongxxoo5@ ONKEN Amy T. Gen Stat! Nurse (Eye. Ent NeuroIogy-8B) PCU5B Mayo. bergmoo6@ ONKEN David S. Jr SCientIst (SoIl SCI) 470 &or H ( ), 13 20th Ave SW. New BrIghton 55112, onkenoo1@ ONNEN Evelyn E, Sr 0fIIca Asat (Epidemiology) S2nd St, Bassett Creek Med Bldg Ste Duluth St, Golden Valley ( ). onnenoo2@ ONOFRIO JemIfer L, Aaaistant Professor (Humanltles-UMM) 104 Hum MorTis ( ). 131 HFA ( ), onofrljl@ STAFF OLSON-oR 303 ONSTAD Charles A. Non Unlv Stat! (AE5-N CIrI. E5-Gra~d Rapids). NC8ntraI SoIl Conserv Res Lab. N.lowa Ave. MorTis 56267, ( ). At 1. Box 785. Morris ONSTAD Gerald R, Asaoclata Professor (Medicine), Hennepin COunty Medical canter. 701 Park Ave S. Minneapolis ( ) Indian Hills Rd. Edina Q883, onstaool@ ONSTAD Phyllis A. Ext Educ &Aa80 Prof (ME5-Diatrlcta). Winona CO Ex! Ole. 202 W3rd St Winona ( ). 124 Wcenter St. Rollingstone 55969, ONSTOTT Donna R. Student Pr Lab An Te (Vet Pathoblotogy) 295 An SCI/V M ( ). ( ). 540 Perch Lake R~. Hudson WI onsiooo1@ ONUFRAK Helen C. 0fIIca Ass1 (AE5-N CIrI ES-Grand Rapids) 205 NCFor ( ). onutroo1@ OOFUJI Yasuhlsa. Research Assistant (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo, Unlv 01 Minn. 812 can H. 614 Delaware St S E, Minneapolis oofujoo1@ 001 LE Goaygnoh, Assoc Admin (Ole of Admissions-Admin) 240 Wmson H ( ). ( ),ooiIeOO1@ OOSTERHUIS David K, Teaching Assistant (Classical & Near Eaatam Studies) 330 Fol H ( ), ( ). ( ), oostaoo1@ OPATZ Patrick J. Res Assoc (Academic Affairs-Adm) 232 Mor H( ). 309 N tool A th St S. Minneapolis OPAVA Michelle L, Teaching Assistant (UMD-Composillon) 420 H Duluth ( ) E4th St. Duluth OPDAHL Kelly A, Gen Stat! Nurse (Bone Marrow Transplant-Adun"'B) Bx 803 Mayo Baltimore St NE. Blaine , OPELA Julian M, Sr User Serv Spec (UMD-Information Servlcas) 178 M WAH Duluth ( ). ( ),6563 seville Rd. Saginaw 55779, fax: OPGRAND Harold J, Dlr (camp/col L.ave~ (UMC-Media Resources) KUb Crookston ( ). AsSOCiate Professor. 407 Golf Terrace Dr. Crookston , OPHAUG Roben H. Associate Professor (Oral Sciences) Moos T ( ).1556 BrIar Knoll Dr, Arden HMls ophauoo1@, lax: OPHEIM Maribeth, Med Tech Spec (Hosp Labs-Immunology) Bx 724 Mayo, PWB. opheiool@ OPHOVEN Thomas A, Assistant Professor (Madicine). St Paul RamS!y Medical canter. 640 Jackson St. St Paul ( ). ophovoo2@ OPLiNS Joseph J, Gred School Fellow (Civil Engineering) 122 Civ E ( ). HL, OPPENHEIMER David G. Post-Doc Aaaoc (Genetics & call Biology) 250 Bio SCI ( ), oppenoo2@ OPPENHEIMER Jack H. Professor (Medicine) Bx 91 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 4100 Kerry Ct. Minnetonka 55345, , oppenool@. fax: 612~ OPSAHL John A. Associate Professor (MedIcIne). Hennepin County Medical Center, 701 Park Ave S Minneapolis 55415, ( ) Ryan Ave. Edins 55435, , opsahoo1@ OPSAHL Leslie Jo, Ofc Sup Spec Exec (H Marketing & Planning) Bx 200 Mayo ( ), B-390 Mayo ( ), 1491 Poniand Ave, Apt 1 St Paul opsahoo2@ OPSTAD Byron C, Assistant Professor (Pharmacy Practlca). VA Medicel Center, Pharmacy Servlca, One Veterans Dr. Minneapolis ( ). opstaoo1@ OPSTAD Nancy L. Asst SCIentist (Medicine). VA Medical Center, One Veterans Dr. Minneapolis (725-2oooX2905). opsta002@ OR Tsuen W. Research Assistant (Mechanical Engineering) 125 Mach E( ), 235Shep Lab (625-01n), Marion Lane. Apt Minnetonka 55305, ;orxxxool@

58 3O4 ORANDI.,...()STERBERG STAFF 0IlANDI Ahniad, Clin Prof (Urologic SUrgery~ 615. Mil St S. SuItlII25, Fergus Falla 56537, ( ), At 6, Box 228. Fergus F811s ORASKOVICH C8therIne l, Pm S8crelary (UMD-ChanceIIor's Ofc.Adm) Ad BDuluth ( ) ORASKOVICH Vernon A, Ext Educ &Asst Prof (MEs-Dislrlds), Catwr Co Ext Ole. 809 W1stSI. Waconia ( ). 405 C01oniaI CIrcle. Young Amerlca wraskovlch@, lax: ORAVIS John W, Non Unlv Stat! (MIIltary Sclence (Army Rolc»112 Arrooty ( ), ( ) BryantAole S, Burnsvllle 55306, oravloo1@ 0R8UCH M.-tin W, CIin Asst Prof (PIychiatry). Hennepin Co MenIal HealIII Clr, 625 Pot1IIInd Ave MiMe8polis 55415, ( ), 3920 Glenwood Ave. Minneapolis 55422, , orllucool@ 0llCHARD Jacquelyn S. si0liice Asst ~ S8rvices) S 2nd St, th Ave S, South St Paul 55075, 0llCHARD Paul J, AsaI8tanI ProIesaor (Pedla1rics) ax 484 Mayo (62&-231~ 421 Mas Can Clr, , ord1aool@ ORCUTT Lucia M, Ext Educ & Prof (MES-Districts), Staams CO Ext Ofc, 2700 Bldg. Suite 205; stSt N. St Cloud ( ) Kenwood CI, StCloud, lax: ORCUTT 8andra l, Teaching Assls1ant (CBS Inst) 220 Blo Sc:i ( ), orculoo2@ ORDWAY Ellen, Professor (Sci & Math-UMM) 213 Sc MorrIs (5lI9-«106), 915 W4111 St, MorrIs , orehek Jodi A, Student Nur Sta Asst (PedIatric Intensive Care--4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ). ( ), lax: 612.Q O'R ILLy DanneItII E, Ext Educ: & Asst Prof (MN Ext 5erv-Educ Dev Syst) 405 Col H( ). ( ),316 CacII SI S E. Minneapolis lax: O'REILLY Jean Y, Sr Med Tech(Clln (Obstlllrics & Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ) Moos T, 809 CIa18w St, SI Paul 55114, ( ). O'REILLY Mk:hae/ F. ProIessor (Sci & Malh-UMMj 255 Sc MorrIs ( ), At 1. Box' 123, DonneIy 56235, oraiiym@ O'REILLY Rite K, Adj Instr (Nursing. Sch Of-Prog & Res), HennepIn County Madlc:aI Canter. 701 Park Ave S. Minneapolis 55415, ( ) Linden Rd, excelsior l1-O740, O'REILLY 8aIy P, ProIessor'(Mus/c) 200 Ferg H ( ).1225 La Salle Ave, ApI Minneapolis G488, oreiilo4@ OREN Ido. Assistant ProIessor (PoIlIIcaI Sclence) 1414 Soc Sci ( ), (624-41«),1341 Cleveland Ave S, St Paul , OREN Joanne B, PIlys Therapist (H Pediatric Therapy) ax 106 Mayo, 1341 ClevelandAveS. SI Paul 55116, ORESKOVICH Julie A, Asst Scientist (UMO-Car1ll,tMinerals Dulu1h RlMlIvIng) 224 NR R IDuIulh ( ), (72O-4214~ 6827 Hwy 68, Embarrass 55732, OAF James H, ProIesaor (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H (625-a275~ 415 Hayes H ( ).2866 Marion SI. RosevtIe 55113, , ORGAS PalriCia l, MedfClln Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-lIlood Bank) ax 196 Mayo ( ) Mayo, orgasoo1@ ORIANI Rlchard A, ProIesaor (Chemical Eng & Mal ScI) 112 Amund H( ), ( ), ORoIALA Todd W. Exec Asst (UniYenIIIy Press) rd Av S ( ).I-orja@ 0RIWlD PaIAa M. VIslI Assoc Prof (PhysloIogy) MInI H( ). 107 CacII SI S E. Minneapolis 55414, orkanool@ ORKIN Millon, Professor (Dermatology) Bx 88 Mayo ( ). Skin Consultants, oakdale Medical Clr. Suite N08kdaIe Ave. Minneapolis ( ), 2733 Hunlinglon Ave S. Minneapolis 55416, , orldnoo1@. ORLICH Mergatet C. Non Unlv Stat! (UMD-lndus & Tech Studies) 105 VK HDuIulh (72N29O). ( ). 421 Anderson Rd, DuIulh ORLOVA Albina A. lies Assoc (ceo BIology & Neuroanatomy) Jac H( I Owre H. 2 River Terrace CI, ApI 204, Minneapolls 55414,333-70« ORMAN Angela R, Nursing StaTech (Btue Surgery (Transplanl~) PCUSC Mayo ormanool@ 0IlMAZA Sofia M. Sr Res Nurse CIln (Medicine) Bx506 Mayo ( ). 290VC R C, l00613th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , ORMBERG Kathleen M; Med Tech Spec (Hosp Labs-DIag Micro) Bx 199 Mayo ( ), A205 Mayo Pam Ave N. BrooIdyn Park 55« , ormbeoo1@ ORME Pa1rIda M. Ocx;upa Ther8pist (H Paychia1ric: Therapy) B 106 Mayo, onnexool~ ORMSETH Tund A. Instructor (Social Work. Sch 01) 400 Ford H, ORNELAS Denise A. Natl Res Serv Fellow (Nursing. Sch Of-Prog & Res) HS Unit F ( ).2627 HIHvale Trail N, Oskd8le , ORNER Brenda J. Gen Stall Nurse (Unit 70) PCU70 Mayo ( ). omerool@ ORMING Karen l, 0CCupa Therapist (H OCcupalionalTherapy) Bx 106 Mayo. ominoo1@. OROGUN Mar1ls, Exec Secretaty (Fam PraCttoe & COmmunity HIIh) Bx 381 Mayo ( ). 101-E 625 Wash Av SE. O'ROURKE Dennis G. C1in Inalr (Social Work, Sch 01) 400 Ford H Midway Pky, St Paul 55106, 64HI834. O'ROURKE Janis. Non Unlv Stat! (Y MC A) Unlv Av se ( ). orouroo2@ O'ROURKE Kevin J, Supv AnaJyst/Prog (Central COmputing ServIcas) 100 Laud C F ( ), 5551 Regis Dr. Fridley orouroo3@,1ax: 612~. pager: O'ROURKE Mary K. Nurse CIin, Hoap (H Transplant centar) Bx 482 Mayo ( ), P WB. 724 Edgar Ave. St Paul 55117, ORR Catherine M. Teaching AssiatanI (Speec/l-Cornmunlcallon)480 FoI H( ). omcxl104@ ORR Charles A, Research Aasiatant (a.nicai Eng & Mal Sci) 31 Amund H(ll25-05&t), 2405 COle Ave S E. Apt A, t.llnneapola fax: 812.Q ORR Harty T, Professor (Lab MedicIne & Pathology) Bx 206 Mayo ( ), (Human Genetlcs.lnstol) 5-22OA Moos T Luverne Ave S. Minneapolis omodlo2@ ORR Mic:haeI J, Laborer (MN Landsc:ape Arboretum). MN Landscape ArtIareUn, 3875 Arboretum Dr, Box 39. ChanI1aIsen (<<3-2480) Filmore SI N E, MInneapolis 55418, ORR Michelle M. Sr ActountanI (Vet Medlcine-Dean's 0lIIce) 480 Vet Tch Hos ( ) JOhnson St NE, Mimeapolia ORR Peter A. Landscp Malnt Spv (UMM-PIanI SVCS-Adm) 9 cam Morris ( ), POBox DonneHy , onpa@ ORR Terry G, Dentist (U Comm HeaIIh Care Clinic) Moos T ( ), (825-2"58), ' st St W. PrIor Lake 55372, omcxool@ ORTALG-MAQNE FrI/lCXIIs N. ~ Asslstant (EconomIcs) 968 MgrnI/ECXJn ( ) th Ave S E. Api B. Minneapolis ORT~GNE Sondra S, Teaching AssiatanI (French & italian) 260 Fol H( ),, lax: ORTIIERG Janet l, 0CCupa Therapist (H Payc:hIalric Tllerapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ). D635 Mayo ( ). ortbeool@ ORTEN Kyle W. General (Temp) NE (H Auxiliary Support) Bx 48 Mayo, B252 Mayo, 1525 LasaHe Ave. ApI 110. Minneapolis 55403, OATH Theresa B, Med/Clin Lab Tech (Hosp Labs-Immunology) Bx 724 Mayo ( ) P WB; ORTIZ-lIAMlREZ Alberto, Grad School Fellow (Psyc/Ioklgy) N218 Ell H ( ). OI1lz003@ ORTUP Ronald H. DlnlcIor (Unlv-Wlde) (Law Sch Instr) 95 Law ( ), 285 PrescoII Ave, St Paul I1l1OO1@ ORTIIANN Ward A. Spec Rev Tech (Hosp Micro) ax 196 Mayo ( ). A205 Mayo, IhAve NE, Stacy , ClRTOff Robert E. AsaociatlI ProIesaor (Currlculum & Inatruelion) 175 PaIk H( ), 3425 Rodeo Dr. Blaine 55«9, rorton@ ORVILLE Allen M. R~ AssIstant (IlIochemIslJy-Med Sch)4-225 MinI H( ) Pleasant SI, SI Paul 55113, 64Hl805, ORlOFF Jordan H, R-mt Asslstant (EducaIIonaJ Payc:hology) 204 au H( ) nd Ave S. Apt 258, MlnnieaPolIs 55404, , orzoiool@ ORlOLEK Douglas C. Teac:hlng Assistant (MuaIc, Sch 01) 100 Ferg H( ), 2329 S 9Ih SI. ApI 413, Minneapolis 55406, , orzoloo1@ OSAWA Masahlsa. Post Doc Assoc (Chemistry) 139 SmIth H( ). 368 Koll H( ), 310 S E8Ih St, Apt 204, MInneapoHa f20, OSBECK Connie l, SCIentiat (Ecology. EvoIuIIon & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ), 2680 Fawn Lake DrN E,BeIheI55005.( ).1315 Raymond Ave. St Paul 55106, ,, lax: m OSBORN James l, Sr.Lab Tech (Therapeullc Radiology) ax 4904 Mayo ( ). K119 DIeIII H BIoom1n9too Ave s. Mlnneapolls 55417, OSBORN JR John W, Assoc:lalll Professor (Animal Science) 435 An Sci/V M( ), ( ). osboroo3@ OSBORN Joy B. AsaociatlI Professor (Preventive ScIences) Moos T ( ). ( ), OSBORNE Carl A. ProIessor (SmaI Anlmal CHn ScI) C306 Vet Tch Hoe (825-77«). ( ), 2585 COhansay St, RoeevIIe 55113, OSBORNE Janet l., Med Fe! Spec (Obstalrics J. Gynecology) Bx395 Mayo ( ) Moos T. osboroo4@li\ 08IIUIlN.lR Robert H, f'rl9wn Dir (Maclaurin InstIIul8), Mac laurin InstIIul8, Ave S E, MInneapolIe ( ), 1473 Clarmar. RosevtIe 55113, Ibur002@ 0SIIUllNllEN Michael S, PIpetItler (Fac Mgmt-Zone lw) 200 Shops B( ), R174, Box 355, Hackensack 56452, , OIEIO EIZabeIh A. Prtn Lab Tech (MedIcIne) Bil 101 Mayo ( ), '383 0 VCC R C, oseidoo3@ OSEICOWSKY Henry J. CIIn Asst Prof (Psychiatry) 1337 St ClaIr Ave. St Paul 55105, ( ) Skyl:roIt Dr NE, MInneIpoIa 55418, , OSETH Barbare J, Ext Educ & Prof (MES-Dlslricta), Polk CO Ext S8rv1ce, POBox 558, C!ookIIlln 56716, te ), POBox 106, Me InIDIh bosaih@ OSETH Laann L. Med Tech Spec (Hasp 1.D-CyIogeneIIc) Bx 196 Mayo ( ) P WB Desoto St, Maplewood UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 0flG000 Kimberly K,~ Spec (CardIopulmonary S8rvices) ax 247 Mayo ( ). C559 Mayo WCounty Rd 82. Roseville 55113, OSGOOD 8andra G. Lead S1llres ClMk (Faclilies Mgmt Adm) 307 Shops B( ), 5231 X8Ixes Ave S. Minneapolis osgoooo2@ O'SlWlQHNElSY EIleen A, CIn lnstr (Fam Practice & CommuniIy HIIh). St Paullnllamlsts PI, 17 WExChange'St, SuillI7l0. St Paul 55102, ( ), OSIECIO Susan M, Sr Prod ClMk (PrInting S8rvlces) PS B ( ). OIIecOOl@ D8IER Donald V, LibraIy DIY Head (UInry-Pub san. & 8ranc:Il) 110 Wa 1.1I ( ~ ( ).3950 On:hard Ave N. MInneapoIla 55422, , OSIER Jeanette M. 0lIIce Spec (Ubrary Canlr8I Admin Serv) 20 0 M WL ( ), ( ~ oslerool@ OSINSIO Marll A, PoIIt-Doc:IoraI Fellow (Vet PaIhobIoIogy) 295 An SclfVM ( ). OSIOWHEMU CynIhIa S, 0Ulpe ClInic Asst (DentIstry-ClInlcaI Prog) Moos T( ), OSIP Joan M. Gen Stat! Nurse (H OPD-HernophHla CantIlr) ax 713 Mayo ( ) 218Boyn HS. 0SlWI Hendrlk J, Profe-(EIecIrIcaI ~) EEtC SCl( ), ( ) Dakota T,.., EdIna , 08LUN0 CIayb1 R, ProIesaor (UMW-<:\1ince11or's Ole) On Laeve Thru 8f94 " OSLUND John J, Teac:hlng SpecIaIlst (JoumaIIam & Mass Contm, Sch 01) 111 Mur H ( ~ Ave S, MlnneapoIIs 55417, , OSLUND Nancy E, Gen Stat! Nurse (H ~)Il)(88Mayo, 2-248PWB, OSLUNosara A, I'hc*I Lab Tech (DentisIIy-Clinlcal Prog) Moos T (825-11~ (~), ( ), oem1oo1@ OSLUND TllQmas R, Assistant Professor (Landscape ArchItBcbn) 125 Arch (~ osiunoo4@maroon.te.~edu D8IWI Abdull, Med RaconI ClMk (H Word Processing) ax 600 Mayo. OlIlIl8nOOl@ 0S0W8la Cheryt A, InIormatIonaI Rep (UMC-ChanceIlor sofc.flnc) 206 8el H CrooksIlln ( ), At 1, Box 166, Grafton NO OSPINA EnrIque. CIin Prof (Fam Practice &.Comrnunity HIIh), 1~ WCounty Rd E, SI Paul 55112, ( ~ 93 WPIe8sant Lake Rd, Norlh O8lls , oeplnool@ OSTAPCtlUK Mark, LacIunlr (Art!lepII1nBII) 2011 Art B( ). ostapoo1@ rilaroon t1: OSTEN Kelly. Gen Stat! Nurse (OncoIOgy-GynfBenilpl Mad-7C) PCU7C Mayo, 51 Me Andrewa Rd W. ApI 124.BumsviIIe : OSTENBY ~thieen M, CIn Nurse Spec (Oncology-GynfBenilpl Mad-7C) PCU7C Mayo ( ). B338 Mayo, 250 E6Ih St, ApI 407. St ~ 55101, ostanoo3@ OsTENDORF Paula K. Sr 0lIIce Supv (Bookstores) 290 wmson H( ), 1539 Riverside Dr N. Hudson WI 54016, p-os1li@ 0S1D VICki M. 'Med Fe! Spec (Padlatrtea), ~ Pediatric Assoc LId France Ave S. SuIl Edina 55437, (831-«54) Hanover Lane. Eden PnIlrle , OSTEIlIIAUER Joseph B, AaaIatant ProIessor (Res1oratlve ScIences) Moos T( ), ( ), 2519 Buchanan St, MinneapolIs , OS'mIBAUER Ron J, Assoc Prog Dir (RepIor C8nI8r) l00a GRapt Ctr ( ~ 527 1stStS W, Faribau~ 55021, OSWOOl@ OSlERIIEAG Kenneth A, ProIeI8Of (Lab MedicIne & Pathology). At 1, Box 38B, Mentor n-0500,

59 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF OSTERBERG-OWENS TEIl8EJlG Marlha J, R_rch Assistant (Social Work, SCtt 01) 400 Ford H, 4937 Logan Ava S, Minneapolis 55409, , 081EIlllEIIG MaIy A, GIn Stall Nurse (H OPO-Post Anaslha8la) PCU60 Mayo, E_ Way, Edan Pralrla , OSTEReERG Nancy A, R_rch Assistant (FOOd SCi & NutrIIIon) 190 F SC N( ), 638 Holly Ava, St Paul , , oataroo4@ OSTERGAARD Bath E, Pharmacy Assoclata (PhannIcy, Collage Of-Adm) HSUnit F, St Paul Ramsay Madlcal eantar, Clinical Pharmacy, &40 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, ( ), 4221 Bryant Ava S, MInneapolis 55409, , oalaroo8@marolln.te.umn.adu 08TEfllWIP lois A, Accounts Spec (Strataglc Managamant) 837 Mgmt/Econ ( ), ( ), ( ), st Ave E, NSt Paul 55109, m-7133,lost8rkamp@csom.umn.adu OITERLINQ Nancy A, PrIn Secratary (Naval 8cIanca (Naval Rotc)) 203 Armory ( ), 1301 CambrIdga St, Apt 408, Hopkins 55343, , os1aroo5@ OSTERN Robert G, Elactro Sys Spec (Plant 8ervloaI-Bsac) Ad B Duluth ( ),. ( ),4123 EVan Rd, Duluth 55803, , rostem@ua.d.umn.adu OSTGAARD Denial J, R_rch Assistant (Industrial Relations Ctr) 537 Mgmt,lEcon, 3305 Hannapln Ave S, Apt 201, Minneapolis 55408, , ostga001@ OSTHElMER John G, Rasaarch ASSistant (Fisherlas &WIldIIfa) 200 Hodson H( ), Berglund Ava, Chisago CIty 55013, , jgo@llnsandfur.fw.umn.adu 08THUS Slaven A, Prin 8acratary (Extanslon Clasaaa) 200 Wes H( ), POBox 14129, Mlnnaapolls gannaooo4@, fax: O8TINI Ramo, Taachlng Assistant (Psychology) N683 Ell H( ), th Ave SE, Apt 308, Mlnnaapolls 55414, , ostinoo1@ OSTUE Bath J, Short Tarm Employ (Chemistry) Kolt H, ostjioo3@ OSTUE Karen M, Ext Educ & lnalr (MES-D1str1cts) UncoIn Co Ext Ole, 402 NHarold, Box 130, Ivanhoe 56142, ( ). 301Y.I Mc Goudy St, Box 251, Tyler 56178, OSTUEKennath R, Associate Professor (Entomology) 219 HOdson H( ), (824-7<136),3087 Mount Ridge Rd, R088v111e 55113, ,!du, fax: OSTUE Norma S, Asst SCientIst (BiochamIstry-eBS) 174 Gor L ( ), ( ), 3087 Mount Ridge Rd, R088v111e 55113, ostlloo2@ 08tMAN C1artos M, Ubrary Ass! 3 (Ubrary-Pub Ssrv & Branch) MWL( ), ~l.spcs.umn.adu OSTOJA Ewe S, R-rm Assistant (Inst of Child DaY) 214B Ch Dav ( ),2433 Dupont Ava S, Mlnnaapolls 55405, 3n-1252, ostojoo1@ O8TIIANllER Maurtos E, Assoc Pro! Emer (Kineslology & Lalsure Studies), 7500 York Ave, Apt 113, Edina 55435, , ostra001@ OSTREM Carol A, PrIn Aocl Sp{Supv (Interfacla1 Eng, Ctr For) 393 SIlep Lab ( ), ostram@ OSTROFF Chari L. Associate Professor (Industrial Relallons Ctr) 537 Mgml/Econ ( ),4820 Franca Ave S, Edina 55410, oostroti@csorn.umn.adu OSTROM AmoId J, AnalyslfPrOli (U S 0 A Forest Ssrv) 514 NC For ( ), nd St SW, St Paul 55112, , 0str0007@ 0STIl0M Natalie A, Sr User Sarv Spec (DIstributed Computing Sarvlces) 152 Shap Lab ( ), nalalia@boombox.mlcro.umn.adu OSTROM PlItra M, Accounts Spec (H Third Party FoIlowup) Bx 602 Mayo, PWB, ostroooo4@ 08TIl00TCarol A, 0lIIce SUpv (Ctr For IIlllIl1aclal Eng) 179SIlep Lab ( ), rd St NE, MlnnaapoIls 55413, ostrool@ OSTROV Charlas S, elin Ass! Prof (Ophthalmology), MadIcaJ VIsIon center, Apacha Madlcal Bldg, Suite 224, 4001 StInson 1IIvd, Minneapolis 55421, ( ), 1788 Maryland Ave N, Golden Vallay 55427, S44-&459, ostrooo9@ OSTROW Ronald S; Sr Res Assoc (Mlcr0bioiogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 1460 Mayo ( ), OSTRY Mlchaal E, Adj Assoc Prof (U S 0 A ForestSsrv) 437 NCFor ( ), ( ), th Ava N E, Blains 55434, , ostryoo1@ OSTWALD Sharon K, AssocIate Professor (Nuralng, SCtt Of-Prog & Res) HSUnit F ( ), Ad] Prof, 3923 E Peach HoUow ClrcIa, Pearland TX nsm, ostwaool@, fax: OSWALD Dannls L. PaIntar (ConstructIon AdmIn) 200 Shops B, OSWALD Dilll1ll M, Prin Secratary (FInancIal Policy Davelopment) S2nd St ( ),7845 ER'-Rd, Apt 305, Ff1dIay 55432, , C8S88003@mar00n.te.umn.adu OSWALD FradarIck L. R-rm AsaIatant (Psychology) N4M Ell H( ), th St S E, Apt 5, Minneapolis 55414, , oswaoo19@go1d.te.umn.adu OSWALD John 0, Teaching AssIstant (Thaatra Arts & Danca) 2004 Mdb H( ), oswe0010@g01d,te.umn.adu OSWALD John W, L.acturar (IrICIapandlim Study) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), D-305Mayo, 4234 Pleasant Ave, Mlnnaapolls , oswaloo7@maroon.te.uim.adu OSWALD LeslIe J, GIn Stall Nuria (Bone MallllW Tranaplant-Adutt-4B) PCU4B Mayo ( ), 4501 Park Glen Rd, Apt 307, St Louis Park 55416, , oswail106@ OSWALD Ph"lp C, DaveIopment 0tIk:ar (Vat Mad, CoI1ega Of-Adm) 410 Vat Tell Hos( ), ( ),32004 Croft Dr, St Anthony 55418, oswaioo1@ OSWALD Ramona F, R-rm Assistant (AES-Human Ecology) 290 Me NH, 72<l-09lU, oswelooo4@ OSWALD William T, FOOd Ssrv WIer (FOOd Svcs) MoOs T ( ), n C MU, oswaloll@ OTHMAN Omar A, Taaching AssIstant (Educational PsychlllcW) 227A Bu H( ), 2720 Fremont Ava S, MInnaapoIIs 55408, , othma001@ OnEMO Aggray J, Taaching SpaclalIat (Afro-American & AlrIcan StudIes) 1414 Soc SCi ( ),1000 6th St SE, Minnaapolis 55414, otienoo3@ onemo Isaac N, Kidny DIal Tell Sr (H KIdney Dialysis, Adutt) Bx 805 Mayo ( ), C-223 Mayo ( ), otienool@ ons Jack S, SCIentist (AnIm8l ScIence) 30 Pat H ( ), 899 Parkvlaw Ave, St PaUl 55117, , otisx001@ OTIS Mary Ellen M, Sr 8acratary (PoIltIcaI SCIenca) 1414 Soc SCi ( ), ( ), 1051 Como Place, St Paul551~, , maotis@pollscl.pol.umn.adu O'TOOL Ann G, SCIentist (BJochem.Mad SCtt) Mlrd H( ), Lyon L ( ), tti Ave S, MlnnaapoIIs 55408, , otooiool@, tax: OTT Eugana C, Asststant Professor (Family Practtce &Community Health), Family MadIcaI canter, Hennapln County MadIcaI center, 5W Lake St, Minneapolis 55408, (827-9n7), ottxxoo3@, fax: pager: OTT Irena M, Prof Emar (MN Ext Ssrv-Mgmt Oper), 1394 Ardan VIew Dr, St Paul 55112, , ottxxooo4@ OTT Kim A, Inlo Sys Ellv Prog (ISD-Managamant Sarvices) Bx 507 Mayo ( ), R114 Ch RC, palm St NW, Cambrldga 55008, «4-9596, ottxxoo2@ OTT Mark E, Teaching AssIstant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H ( ), 7995 Shagbark ClrcIa, Cross P1eins WI 53528, , ottxxoo6@ om Roger L. Asst Edp Audltor (AucIlts, Dapt of) S 2nd St ( ), r-otte@ vml.spcs.umn.adu OTTERBY Donafcl E, Profassor (Animal SCience) 130 Hckr H(824-O7ll2), 880 Riviera Dr, St Paul 55112, G4, otterool@ OTTlNOER EIIzabath A, Teselling Assistant (Chemtstry) 139 SmIth H, ottinoo1@ maroon.te.uim.adu OTTlNOER Margaral P, Ass! Educ Spec (DlsabIIIty Ssrvlces) 30 Nich H( ), ( ),391 BrImhall St, St Paul 55105, , otlfnoo2@. OTTMAN MattMw J, Sr RadIoIog Tech (DIagnostIc RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), PWB (ll28-flocm), th Ava S, Minneapollt 55408, , ottrna001@ 0T11Wl ShIrIay L. Accounts Spec (Padlatrics) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), PW B, ottmaoo2@ OTTO 8aItlara J, Lactuter (lleslgn Housing & Apparel) 240 Mc NH( ), th St N, Laka Elmo , ottoxoo3@l OTTO DayIa K, PhannIcy Tech (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 811 Mayo ( ), 0520 Mayo, ottoxoo6@ OTTO Danisa M, Accounts Asst (Univarsity Press) rd Av S( ), 13827th St NW, Apt 8, New BrJclh!on 55112, l!3, ottoxoll@ OTTO DIana, GIn Stell Nurse (Padiatric Intensive C8re-4E) PCU4E Mayo, ottoxoo5@ OTTO Duane 0, Landscape Gardnr (~LandIcapa Arboratum), MN Landscape Arboratum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhassen 55317, (<<3-2460X888), 429 W Main St, Waconia 55387, , ottox007@. OTTO Harlay J, Non IInlv Stall (MN Crop Improva Assn) CI (825-n88), 2220 Midland Grove Rd, Apt 205, St Paul 55113, , ottox004@ OTTO Jane M, Social WIer, PrIn (H Social Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), C351 Mayo ( ), ottoxoo1@ OTTO Julana, GIn Stell Nursa (Blue Surgery (Transpla~ PCUSC Mayo, 6616 Klngsview Lana N, MapIa Grove 55389, , ottox002@maroon.te.umn.lldu OTTO Karen A, Cmnty Prog Asst (ME5-eo11ega of HumanEcology), 123 E1stSt, Jordan 55352, ( ), kotto@mes.urnn.adu OTTO Mark P, PrIn 8acratary (4-H Youth DaveIopment eanter) 340 Col H( ), , OTTOSON, KathlIan, Cmn1y Prog Asst (Pharmacy PnIctica), St Paul Ramsay/Wlkf8r Pharm, 518 Humboldt Ava, St Paul 55107, (221-29«),10041 E County Ad 0, Apt 102, St Paul 55109, , ottosoo2@ OTTOSON KaIlh E, Info Sys AnI/Prog (ISD-Managamant Sarvlces) Bx 507 Mayo ( ), R568 Ch R C, Itasca Ave S E, PrIor Laka 55372, n, ottosool@ OTU8USHIN Marllyn C. Malnt Plan/SChad (Fac Mgml-Zona 2 Wast Bank) 200 Shops B ( ), m-otub@ OUJIRI John C, Clln Ass! Prof (Madlclna-UMD) 141 Mad Duluth, Madlcal Associates North, 1625 Maple Lana, Ashland OUJIRllaunIn M, Ass! Counsalor (Stu Allalra-UMM) 235 Bahm Morris ( ), , OUjIrI@caa.mrs.umn.adu DUNSWORT1f MaIanle, Ubrary Asst 3 (librery Csntral Tech Ssrv) M WL ( ), IIHlUIl8@vml.spcs.umn.adu oimtaaphay Noumay, Sr Hosp 'Cs Tech (Hosp esp) Bx 706 Mayo ( ), C175 Mayo, 50<19 4th St N, MlnneapoIla 55430, , outha001@ OUYANCl ",lng, Res8arch Assistant (Mechanical Eng~) 125 Mach E, 518 5th St S E, Apt 1, Minneapolis 55414, , ouyan0004@ maroon.te.urnn.adu OUYANCl TIanhong, TesCf1jng Assistant (Machanlcal EngIneerIng) 125 Mach E( ), 1205 FI1IaId Ava, St Paul 55108, , ouyanoo3@ OVEIW.L ShanI P, Teselling Assistant (Sociology) 909 Soc SCi, ovara001@ OVERBEY TlImlI10Il W, Grad School Fellow (Inst ofchllddav)~i40chdav( ),18311st Ava S, Apt 303, Minneapolis 55403, , ovarb002@maroon.ic.umn.adu OVERBY Shirley A, Exec Sacratary (UMD-Social Work) 220 Boh HDuluth ( ),14.0\5 Fern Ave, Duluth 55805, , sovarby@ d.umn.adu OVERCASH Mary L, Nutr Educ Asst (ME8-Human Ecology), Kand!yohl Co Ext Ole, 905 Wlitchfield, Box 9n, Willmar 56201, ( ), 205 litchfield Ave, Willmar 56201, , movercash@mas.umn.adu OVERDAHL Curtis J, Prof Emar(SoiI SCi) 439 Bor H, 1616 Garden Ave, St Paul 55113, , overdool@ OVEREND Mary J, Mad Tach Spec (Hosp Labs-Spec Hemetology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), 4379 Dart Ave, St Louis Park 55424, , over8001@ OVERKAMP Monica, Nursa Praetltionr (Madlclne) Bx 741 Mayo (828-14n), PW B Black Duck Dr, lino Lakes 55014, overkool@ OVERKAMP Ruth, Nursing Asst (Unn 70) PCU7D Mayo,overk002@ OVERLANDER Joel G, Sr Accountant (Medicine) Bx 288 Mayo ( ), 411 Mas can Ctr, overi001@ ( OVERLIEN Barbara L, Nutr Educ Asst (MES-Human Ecology), Hennapin Co Ext Ofc, 1525 GlenwOOd Ave, Minneapolis 55405, ( ), boverlien@mes,umn.adu OVERMIER J Bruce, Prolessor (Psychology) N258 Ett H( ), ( ), psyjbo@ OVERSON Mollie H, Gen Stall Nursa (Neonatal Intensiv~ Care-3C) PCUSC Mayo, overs0004@ gokuc.umn.adu OVERSTREET III Edward H, Resaarch As8istant (Otolaryngology)" VAMadlcal canter, Neurology (127); One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ),195 E 5th St, Apt 1002, St Paul 55101, , OVERSTREET Karin A, Undargra Res Asstll (Aerospace Eng & Mechanics) 107 Aller H, oversoo3@ OVERTON Janet L, Non Univ Stall (U S0 A Forest Sarv) 36 Nor H(62S-ll221), ( ), 2824WOOdale Dr, Mounds VIIW 55112, 7~, overtoo1@ OVERTON Ronaid P, Non Unlv Stall (U S 0 A Forest Sarv) 311 NC For ( ), 2824 WOOdaie Dr, Mounds V_ 55112, , overt002@ OWEN Amy S, Library Asst 2(St Paul campus libraries), MN Landscaps Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhassen 55317, ( ),8963 Garland Ct, Eden Prairla 55347, , owenxoo3@ OWEN Christopher J, Jr SCientist (UMD-Watar & Envm, Ctr/Rvlvng Acet) 451 NRR I Duluth ( ),1517 ESupsrior St, Apt 4, Duluth 55812, OWEN Gregory M, Lecturer (Indepsndent Study), 1295 Bandana Blvd N, Suite 210, St Paul 55108, ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, , owenxoo4@: tax: OWEN Jann, Sr AnalYSl/Progr (Adm Inlo Svcs-Acedemic Apps Dav) S2nd St ( ), j-owen@vml.spcs.umn.adu OWEN Kelley L, Mad Rec ~ SUpv (H Film Fila Serv) Bx 601 Mayo, 5008 ThOmas ","ve S, Minneapolis 55410, , owenxoo2@ OWEN Mary K, Assistant Professor (Preventive SCiences) Moos T ( ), , owenxool@ OWEN Richard R, Clln Asst Prof (Physical Mad & Rehabititation). Sister Kenny Institute, 800 E26th St, Minnaspolls 55407, (874-«95), 8963 Garland Ct, Eden Prane 55347, 9' , owenxol5@ OWEN-CRUISE Sian E, Assistant Protessor (GIn Coll-lnst-Writlng) 278 Ap H( ), , owencoo1@ OWENS Benjamin P, Clin Prof (Madlcllll-UMD) 141 Mad Duluth, Mesaba Cllnlc, 1814 E 14th St, Hibbing 55746, ( ) OWENS Boone B, Professor (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci) 112 Amund H( ), OW8nsOO3@ OWENS Cheryl T, library Asst (Forestry library) B50 Nat Res Ad ( ), ( ), 3141 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, , C-Owen@vml.Spcs.Umn.EdiJ

60 306 OWENS-PALORANTA STAFF OWENS Cindy, PI18nnacy Tech(H 0Ullldent Pharmacy) Bx 812 Mayo ( ), P W B, th Ave NW, Coon RapIds 55433, , OWENS DIle, R-arch Asaistanl(ChemIcal Eng & Mat 5c:I) 119 Amund H( ), 327 Unlversily Ave 5 EApt 204, Minneapolis 55414, , OWENS Joseph I, AssocIate ProIesaor (PI\IIosoplIy) 381 FonI H( ), owenloo2@ OWENS Katharine, Accounting SUpv (Law SChooI-Adm) 285 Law ( ), 3814 W52nd St, Minneepolls 55410, owensoo8@ OWENS S8ndra E, Prin Data En! Cpr (Adm Info 5vcs-Data Access) nd St(824-&77), 7451 WRiver Rd, Brooklyn PafI< 55444,~, fax:612~1332 OWENS HAYES Venne, Alsl Dean (Law SChooI-Adm) 285 Law ( ), ( ), th Ave 5, MInneapolis 55406, owenaool@, lax: OWNBEY GerakI B, Prof Emer (Plant Biology) Sci ( ),15161 Alton HHIs Dr 5, Alton 55001, , ownbeool@ OWUSU Francis Y, AdmIn Fellow(1ns1 01 Inti StudJes & Programs) 149 Nich H( }, 1312 Gibbs Ave, St Paul 55108, ~, OWUSUOOl@ OXMAN Naomi 5, SociII Wkr, Prin (PsychIatry) Bx 95 Mayo ( ), 0697 Mayo ( ), oxnianoo1@ OXTON Tammy J, Prin 5ecretary (lliologlcai Sci, College Of-Adm) 123 ~ H( ), OZIEK Faryal C,.Prin Lab Tech (SUrgery.Qlneral) Bx 328 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 1809 HennepIn Ave N, Giencoe 55316,ozbeldlOl@ OZEL Oya B, Research AssIs1anl (OpIhaImoIogy) Bx 493 Mayo, P WB, OZMOH EIiZab8Ih A, Ass15clentist (Plant Path) 495 Bar H(825-n89), 108 Crsln L, th Ave. Minneapolis 55407, ,ozmonOO1@ OZOLINS Andrew L, Assls1ant ProIesaor (Pediatrics), StPaul Childrens Hospital, 311 Pleasant Ave, St Paul 55102, ozolloo1@ OZZELLO JR Anthony D, Research AISis1ant (Chemical Eng & Mat 5c:I)89 Amund H( ) rd Ave 5, MlneepoIis 55406, , ozzeuo@cems.ut' p' PAAVAJ.A Jean M, AcCounts Spec (Vat DiagnostiC Medicine) 244 Vet DL( ), 56 WIowa Ave, St Paul 55117, , PABAN SonIa P, R8$ Assoc (PhysIcs & Astronomy, SCh 01) 146 Phys ( ), 673'0958. pabanool@maroon, PACAJ.A James T, PhysicIan (Fam PrlIetice & Community HIIh) Bx 381 Mayo ( ), Assls1ant ProIesaor Wash Av 5E, 2925 Dean Pky, Apt 911, Minn8apoIis 55416, , PACE Davlcl E, AssocIate Professor (4-H Youth Development C8nt8r) 340 Col H( ), 2188 Ferris Lane, RoseviIe 55113, , dpace@ mes.umn.8liu PACK John L, Cmnty Prog Ass1(PoIIce llepl) 102 T 5 B( , Moos T ( ), packx001@, fax: PAClWlD SeIh M, Hasp Prolact Olcr (H Protection S8rY) Bxl000 Mayo ( ), Cl39 Mayo ( ). ~.te.umn.adu PACKER Craig, Associate Professor (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ), 2511 WIIlIIltunAve 5, Minneapolis 55416, packeoo1@maroon.te.umn,edu PACKINEAU ChanteIle L, Prin 5ecretary (Tech SUpport Admin) 25 Shops B (82!Hl171), packi001@ PACKINGHAM Gordon B, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Fae Mgmt-eustodiaQ 241 DAd B Duluth ( ) PACZKOWSKI Karen A, Gen Sta1I Nuraa (Blue SUrgery (Transplant}-5C) PCU5C Mayo, paczkoo1@ PADAMSSEE Shanaz, Researeh AasIatant (Fores1 R8IOUroas) 115 Gm H( ), , PADBERG Christine E, 5r 5ecretary (1l1ealre Arta & Danoa) 110 Rarig C ( ) eIby Ava, Apt " 5t Paul 55104, 641.-s, padbeoo2@ PADDEN Brian E, Teaching Assls1ant (ChemIstry) 139 Smllh H( ), 2616~ St, Racine WI 53405, , PADDOCK DoroIhy L, AocountlI Spec (Dentlstry-Clinical Prog) Moos T ( ), 1589 Payne Ava, St Paul 55101, paddooo3@ PADDOCK Joseph E, Teaching Spec:laIi8l(English Language & Ut) 207 Unci H(625-&366), ( ), 417 E4th 51, UlchlIeId 55355, 693-n05,' PADDOCK Karen J, Prin 5ecretary (Fam PraclIoe & Community HIIh) Bx 381 Mayo ( ),' 825 Wash Av SE ( ), (627.Q3O), paddooo2@ PADOllIIURKETT Uncia. lactunir(1ndepei1dent Study), 2301 Como Ava, SUite 203, St Paul 55108, ( ), PADUA RodOIIo A, PoSt-Doc Assoc (Pharinacology) ~249 Mird H( ), PAEIlLKE Janae J, Laborer (MN Landaeape Arboretum), Landscapa ArboreluIil, 3875 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Minneapolis 55317, paehioo1@ PAETZNICKRyan K, Undetgra Res II (English Language & Ut) 207 Lind H( ), PAGAN Michael A, Assis1ant ProIesScir ' (UMD-Music) 231 HDuluth ( ), (72lH208), ( ), 5414 OllIdey'St, Duluth 55604, ' PAGAN-CAllLO luis A, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 264 Mayo, PW B, 10455Cleveland Ave, Apt 9, St Paul 55116, pagandll2@ PAGANINI Maria F, Chair (W/Fac Rank) (French & Italian) 260 Fa! H( ), ProIesaor ( ),56 Inner Dr, St Paul 55116, , paganool@, fax: PAGE Albert E, Prof Emer (MN Ext 5erv-Mgml Opar), 1526 Golf Course Rd, Grand RapIds PAGE Bonita L, Nursing Sta Assl(4D-SIcu) PCU4D Mayo, pagexoo6@, PAGE Colleen M, Teaching AasIatant (Educ PoUcy &MIn) 207 Unci H( ). pagexoo4@ PAGE Emily, Exec Alsl (AcademIc AlIalrs-<:omputing) 232 Mar H ( ),1503 Branslon St, St Pa,u , , epage@ PAGE Kenneth W, Ubrary Assl2 (\.IIrary C8ntraI Tech S8rY) MWL(625-<t343), 3220 Holmes Ave 5, Minneapolis 55406, ,11, PAGE Linda M, Pharmacy AssocIate (Pharmacy Practice) H5 Unft F( ), 3550 Village Ct, Woodbury 55125, pegexoi3@ PAGE Marjorie J, GIn Stall Nurse (H.OPD-Maeonic Day Hasp) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), P WB,' PAGE Matthew R, Sr Lab Tech (NeUrology) Bx 295 Mayo, 7240 Orchid Lane N, Maple Grove 55311, , PAGE Roger B, Prof Emar (LIberal Arta, College Of Adm) 205 Joh H ( ), Assoc Dean Retired (CLA Honprs Division) 323 SooU H. 222 Melbourne Ava 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, pagexoo2@ PAGE Sharon L, Adj Inslr (Nursing, SCh Of-Prog & Res) H5 Unft F, pagex010@ PAGE SUsan L, Assiatant To (CI8niI1ry)l39 Smllh H( ), 979 Idaho Ave W, St Paul 55117,,tax: PAGE Ted R, Outpa Clinic Assl (H OPD-Float Pool) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), P Vi B, pagexoo5@ ' PAGE TlmoIhy J; Invenl S8rY Spec (1nventoIy 5enIces) nd St( ), th Ave 5, MInne8poIIs 55406, , PAGEL Paul E. Sr~ (Envrn & 0CcupalI0naI Heallh) th St 5E ( ). ( ),9601 AnnapoIls Lane N, Maple Grove,55389, , pageiool@', lax: PAGIIlHAR1' Polly, Teac:l*lg Assiatant (Women's S1udIes) 104 SooU H( ), paganool@ PAGENKOPF Thomas E, CBrdIo-Pulm Spec (Csrdiopuimonary S8rYk:e8) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo (828-6nl), paganoo3@ PAIlL Mark A, TempfCasl Employ (MN Landaeape Arboretum), MN Landscape AtbclreUn,3875 Arboretum Dr, Bx 39, Chanhaaaan 55317, 8056 EIIe Ave, Chanhassan 55317, , pahixoo2@ PAl Vaman M, MgmtTrainee (H AdmIn CounclQ Bx 605 Mayo ( ), UHoep, 3410 \.oglin Ave N, Minneapolis 55412, , pmxoo1@ PAIGE RMIchBeI,'AaaocIa1Ie Professor (ElU:alIonal PoUcy &Adm) 275 PeIk H(82&.7456) ( ),13175 Kerry St, Coon Rapids 55433, ' PAIsNER Hynlan M, an Assoc Prof (OtolaryngoIogy), MpIs Ear Nose &lbroal Clinic, 2211 PafI< Ave S. MInneapoIla 55404, ( ), 22 NWestwood Dr, MInneapolia 55422, 3n-9828 ' PAJAK IUta J, Prin Secretary (Dermatology) Bx 98 Mayo ( ), P WB, th Ave NE,..Apt 5, Minneapolis 55413, pajakool@' PA1CAU18 TeIka, R8SRI'd1 Asalatant (Chamical Eng & Mat 5c:I) 91.!Und H(626-9lI93), pekaioo1@maroon.te.lii1i' PAICIAII,Anthony S, Med Fel Spec (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), P WB,'i.adu PALACE EUesn M, AasIatant Professor (1'IycI1oIclQy) N438A Ell H( ), palaooo1@ PALAHNl\II( Richard J, Heed (W!fac Rank), (AnesIhealoIogy) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), ProIesaor 8515 Mayo, paiahool@ -PALAN David 5, Bldg & Grda Wkr 3(f'ac Mgml Zone 3-HeaIlh 5c:I) 3tJ7 Shops B ( ) I Ave 5 E, Apt 23, Minneapolis 55414, paianoo1@ PALBICKI Michael E, Plpd\Illr (FacIHlIas Mgml-Adm) 200 Shops B( ), ( ), 5517 Bryant Ava 5, Minneapolis 55419, ' paiblool@ma1oon, PALCHE'IIKY Anatoly, R-arch Assls1ant (RadIology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), Mayo, 2900 Douglas Dr N, Apt 311, Crystal paichool@ PALEEN Robert A, Ass1 Tech AdmIn (Diagnostic RadIology) ax 292 Mayo ( ), paieaool@ PALEN Barbera M, 5clentist (Geological SUrvey, MN) 2642 Unlv Av W( ), paianool@ maroon.te.lii1i' PALENIKY JoIIe B, R8SRI'd1 AssIs1anl (8IoalatIatIc8) Bx 197 Mayo \ ), A446 Mayo ( ) Shannon Alcove, WoocItuy , paienoo2@ PALER Uoyd D, AlsIatanl ProIesaor (UMD-lndus &Tech S1udIes) 111 V K HDuluth ( ), ( ). 445 EOxford St, Duluth 55803, PAU08 Leonidaa, Posl-Doc Assoc (Geometry CIr) nd St ( ), 2002 Garlleld Ave S. Apt 23, Minneapolis 55405, , PAUlERT lllane M, Posl-Doctotal Fellow (0r1h0peedIc Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), PW B, 5343 MattartlOm CIrde, Fridley 55442, , PAWR Mark 5, Asaocia1lI ProIesaor (Medicine) ax 736-Mayo ( ), P W B. ( ) Fremont Ave S. MInneapolis 55409, ,' PAUOW Ruth A, Gen Sta1I Nurse (Padlatric Intensive CBre-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ), 1358 Como Ave, St Paul 55108, paiioool@ maroon.te.urnn.adu ' UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PALM Neil M, CIIn Assl ProI (Swgery.Qeneral), ( ), 1t51 James Rd, Mendola HeIghla 55118, , PALM PrisclHa A, Prin 5ecretary (Fam PrlIetice & Community HIIh) nd St ( ) I Ava 5, Apt t, MInnI8poIIs 55404, , palmxoo1@ PALM 5aJIy L, Assls1ant To (Lab Madlclne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), 2634 Monroe StNE,MImespolis 55416, 762-ll588, PALM SooU R, Med FeI Spec (AnesthesIology Bx 294 Mayo ( ), 8515 Mayo, 2925 Dean Pky, Apt 604, Minneapolis ~, PALMBERO Lana R. CIlInly Prog Spec (0phlhaIm0I0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, palmboo1@maroon.te.umn.~ PALMU Barbara 5, TeacI*Ig AaaIstant (PolItIcaI SCIenoe) 1414 Soc ScI( ~ 2479 Bremer St, Rosavlne 55113, PALMER Bradlord K, ~ Assls1ant (Mechanical 125 Mech E(62S-6348), rd Ave 5, Minneapolis 55417, , paimeoo2@,.,., PALMER Debra A, MedfClln Lab Tech(Hosp Labs-8Iood Bank) Bx 198 Mayo ( ). D293 Mayo, 2656 SCollIand Ct. ApI 308, Moundsview 55112, , painleoo9@ PALMER Elisabeth A, R-arch Assistant (Urban &Rgnl A"-Ira, Ctr For) 809 Soc Sci ( ), Unlv Av $e, 2300 HanIet Ave 5, ApI 205 MinnaaP!lilS 55405, , pairneol5@ PALMER Gene A, R-arch AasIatant (MIa'obiology) Bx 196 Mayo ( ),1435 Mayo (624'1179), PALMER Lauri A, PhysicIan (Fam Practice & Community HIIh) Bx 381 Mayo. AssistaJIt Professor P WB, North MemorIal Fam Prac ClInic, 1020 WBroadway, MImIapoIls 56411, ( ), palmed18@maroon.te.lii1i' PALMER Lewis G, Assoc ProI Emer (Mechanical Engineering), 7500 York Aw 5, Apt 711,. Minneapolis 55435, , paimeol1@ PALMER Mary Ann, Sr Acoountanl (EnlllmOklgy) 219 HodSOn H(824-1n6), 2479 Brenner St, RosaviIIe 55113, fl33.814o,1ft1l8lm@ PALMER'Michaal E, Sys SoIIwar8 Prog (As1ronomy) 358 Phys, CBItec L, Pasaden8 CA 91125, , paime017@ PALMER MIlche/I N,~Aaais1ant ( Fam PraClice & Community HIIh) Bx 381 Mayo, P WB, Bell Musaum, 1826 Franklin Ave 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, PUneOl3@ PALMER 0 J, Ass1 Budget DIr (V PAnanoa & Opar) 336A Mor H( ), 2479 Bremer St, Roseville 55113, Palnw@ PALMER Phyllis E, Prill 8ecmary (CLA SludInl Aced SUppl 5vca) 105 Joh H( ), 12167th 5t, Hudeon WI 54016, , paimaoo7@ PALMER Robbie C, Gred Sc:hooI Fellow (Physics & Astronomy, SCh Of) 356 PIIYs, 614 Huron, ApI 202, Minneapolis 55414, , rqbbie@;edu PALMER Wlliiam, MaInt & Oper: Mach (FacIllIIes MQmt~Adm) 200 Shops B( ), 157Mar A (82$-2228), th Ave S,MlnneapolIs 55406, , palrnel104@ PALMIERI Lucio, Research Asaistant (ClvI & Minerai Engi,.,mg) 122 CIv E( ), 3501 Bryant Ave 5, Minneapolis 55406, , palmioo1@ PALMON Fiorentino E, Med Fel Spec (OphlhalmoklQY) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, Mahagony Run. Fort Myers FL palmooo2@ PALMQUIST Julie A,lnstruc1Or (Pharmacy Practice), Unilad & ChiIdnlns HoepilaI, 333 N SrnIlh, St Paul 55102, (220'8851), peimqoo5@ PALMSTROM Chris J, Aasoclal8 ProIesaor (Chemical Eng & M815c:1) 151 Amund H ( ), PALDRANTA Allan G, Prill Acoountant (Ura-sIly Stores) UStar N( ) th Ave, Eden Prairia 55346, , peiorool@

61 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PAMPOSCH Mary S, Post-Doc Assoc (Vet PANOSAALT8I~ARI Angela, Post-ooc PathobIology) 245 Vet S ( ), tIt Assoc (PedIatrics) Bx 484 Mayo ( ), 421 Ave S, MInneapoIIa55408, , Mas can Ctr, 'pampu002@ PAHSHIN Dan, Coordinator (ME8-oean & PAN Bin,'Reuarch Asslstant (Biochemistry-Mad Director) 70 CLA 011 (624-ln3), ProIeasor SCh) 4-225MIrd H ( ), Owre H, (Aaheries & Wildlife), 1021 GoodrIch Ave, St Paul panxxoo4@ 55105, , dpanshln@rnas.lm'i.adu PAN Chuanbin, Rasaarl:h Assistant (ChemIstry) PANTUN Gayle C, PrIn Lab Tech (Yet DiagnOItk: 138 SmIth H( ), 42513lh Ave S E, ApI Medicine) 244 Vet 0 L ( ), ( ), 307, Minneapolis 55414, pan@ Narelssns St Nw, Isanti 55040, , chamsun.cham.umn.adu pantlool@ PAN 080, R-rotl Assistant (Genatlcs & C811 PANZIRONI Jessie S, Sr 0IIIca Aaet Biology) Bx 208 Mayo ( ), Moos T, (Boynton-Word PrOC888lng) W40 Boyn H S daoxxool@ ( ), panzloo2@ PAN G80lang, Teechlng Aaslstant (Chamlatry) PAOLA Chrla, Assoclata Profaaaor (Geology & 139 Smith H( ), gaolaq01@ GeophyaIca) 108 Pills H ( ), cpaoia@ PAN W81hong, Post-Doc Assoc (Neurology) Bx PAPALOIS BasD, Post-Doc Aaaoc 295 Mayo ( ), 604 DiahI H, panxx007@ (Surgary-GeneraQ Bx 280 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 500 Erie St S E, MlnnaapoIIs PAN Xlangyang, R_rch Assistant (ChemICal 55414, , baailool@ Eng & Mat ScI) 116 Amund H ( ), PAPANDONATOs George 0, Rasaarl:h Asslstant 64&-2493, xpan@aklpl.chan.umn.adu (Statistics, SCh OI-Adm) 270 Vln H ( ), PAN Yu, Teechlng Aaslatant (EconomIca) Como Ave S E, Apl9, Minnaapolia 55414, Mgml/Econ ( ), Ave S E, NIl A, ,' MI ~ pan IlMJIII PAPANICOLAOU Susan, Sr S8crllIary (HaaIth ScI...,,xx~ Public At!) Bx 735 Mayo ( ), A395 Mayo. PANCHYSHYN Peter J, Food Slrv Wkr (Housing' 4224 Garfleld Ava S, MInnNpOIIa 55409, S8rvicas-M1dd18brook HalQ 142 Mdb H ( ) papanoo3@ 1716 Brook Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, PAPANIKOLOPOULOS NlkolaOS P, Assistant' , panchoo1@ Profaaaor (Computar SCIanca) EE/C ScI PANDA Jogash C, ruching Assistant (CIvIl ( ),4125 GarflaId Ave S, MInnaapoIIa c C ) 223 Gbba 55409, papanool@ ~.".,-"ng)1 Iv E(, 1 I PAPAS Ann Marie, Sr sacratary Ave, St Paul 55108, , pandaool@ (Sur;ary-Ganeral) Bx 260 Mayo (825,7600), PANDASmrltl R, 0IIIca Spec (Student Ananclal 60 -Cl908 soo "" 11-1 Moos T, 537,papa 1... AId, Ole 011'210 Fraaar H ( ), ( ), PAPE Kathryn A, Raaaan:I1 Assistant (Lab, 1223 GIbba Ave, St Paull, , Medicine & Pathology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), a-pand@ 0242 Mayo, 3862 N Snelling, Arden HUla 55112, PANDEY Rarna S, Prof Emar (SocIal Work, SCh , papax001@ 01) 400 Ford H ( ), ( ), ~ 60tII PAPENFUSS Nancy A, Sr Mad Tech/Clln (Vet Ave NE, Spring Lake Pk 55432, , Teaelling Hosp Clinic) 325G Vet Tell HoI pandaoo1@, lax: ( ), , papanoo1@ PANEK S8ndra L, RadiOlogic Tech, (Boynton-Radiology) W245 Boyn HS( ), PAPERMASTER Thaodor8 C, Clln Assoc Prof 301 Unlvarally Ave S EApI 302, Mlnnaapolla Emar (Pediatrics), Park Nk:olIet MadIcaJ centar, 55414, , panakool"" W39tII St, St louis Park 55416~ ( ), 3815 Joppa Ava, Mlnnaapolla 55416, , PAN.W Joaa A, Nursing Sta Tech (Padlatrlca-7A) PCU7A Mayo, paneloo2@ PAPKE Mary Ann M, Exec S8CIetary (4-H YoutII Davalopmant eantar) 340 COl H ( ), 2201 PANG Mul, Teaching Assistant (UMD-Chamlatry) Farris Lane, RosevHIa 55113, 639-0CI15, 246 Cham DuIutII, 1504 Wraalll Ava, Manhattan mpapka@mas.umn.adu KS PARADISE Jonatllan, A8fOCiata ProIeasor PANG Yu-Hong, Aaet Sclentiat (Entomology) 219 (ClaSSical & Near Eastern StudIaa) 330 Fol H Hodson H ( ), ( ), pangxool@ ( ), ( ),6515 Duluth S1, Minneapolis 55427, , jparadla@ PANGBORN Toni, Mgr Pho1o Servlca (BIomadIcaJ, lax: GraphIc Comm) Moos T ( ),. PARADISE WIlliam R, Assistant ProIeasor (UMe-Managamant, DIY 01) 251 Dow HA PANICAKE Jon A, Assistant To (CLA Student Crookston ( X447j, POBox 411, Acad Suppl SVCl) 30 Joh H ( ), Crookston 56716, pankaoo1@ PARCELLS Barbara A. Sr SICnlS Clark PANICAKE Marcia J, Prolassor (Ubrary-<:oH & (Dantiatry-Cllnlcal Prog) Moos T ( ), Praaarvationa) 5 0 M WL ( ), (624-56llO), ( ),5641 6th St NE, Fridley 55432, m-pank@vml.spca.umn.adu,lax: &6, parcaoo1@ PANKONIN Janat M A, Accounts Spac (Food PARDEY ~ G, AsaliItant ProIeasor (Ag & Svca) 146 Din C ( ), ( ),1433 VI Appllad Econ), 11pn, St Nw, 5tII Ar, CaJlIomIa Ava, Falcon Halghts 55108, ; Washington 20036: pardaqol@ pankooo2@ PANKOW Andrew 0, Clln lnatr (F8Il\ PrllCtice & PARDO Joaa V, Assistant ProIeasor (PsychIatry) Community HIth), St Paul RlII)llly Medical eantar Bx 392 Mayo ( ), 682 DiahI H, V A Family Medicine, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, Madlcal canter, PaychIatry S8rvIca llsa, One ( ), pankooo3@ Vatarans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( , PANKOW Jamas S, Grad School Trainee vapetljvpardo@cs.umn.adu, lax: (EpIdamIoIogy) S2nd SI( ), PARDUHN Ranee A, 0IIIca Supv (JoumaHam & 3631 BaIIantraa Rd, ApI 7, Eagan 55122, Mass Comm, SChol) 111 Mur H ( ), , pankow@aplvax.apl.umn.adu, lax: paiduoo1@ PARENT Jaflrey 0, Food SIrv WIer (H Main Food PANKRATZ Staphan J, Teaching Assistant Slrvlca) Bx 84 Mayo, paranoo4@ (Phyaica & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), t11 St Nw, ApI 306, Naw Bnghton 55112,.PARENTE JR Jamas A, ProIeasor (Garman, , scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H ( ), PANNING warner E, PlpaIlItar (Facliitias Ava N, Plymouth 55447, , Mgmt-Adm) 202 Phys PI ( ), pannloo2@ parenoo1@ PARENTEAO Karan, GIn Stall Nuraa (Bona PANNUNZIO Joe T, AssIstant Coach (AlIIletIcs, Marrow Transpiant-AduR-4B) pcu4a Mayo Man's IntcIIg) 220 Fb Comp ( ), 3401, ( ), parenoo3@ centra Sl, Shoravlaw 55126, , I PARENTI Connie M, Program DIr (Madlclna) Bx pamuool@ '184 Mayo ( ), A PWB ( ), PANONE Joaaph F, PrIn Lab Machlnst(Phyaica & VA MedlcalC8ntar, Daptof Medicine (111), One Astronomy, Sch 01) 146 Phys ( ), Vetarans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), ( ), PARHI Kashab K, Asaociata Professor (Electrical ~) EEfC ScI ( ), ( ~ ( ), 393 Qakwood Dr, New Brighton 55112, parhi@aa.umn.adu PARK Bong Kyun, Raaaan:I1 "sslatant (Clinical & PopulatIon ScIanoaa) 385 An ScI/V M ( ), 1283 GIbbs Ave, St Paul 55108, parkxq26@,adu PARK Chang-Ho, Asslstant Prolaliaor (Ag Eng) 207 Ag Eng (625-5n0), 1664 Roaahlll Circle, LaudardaJa 55108, ~ maroon,te.umn,adu PARK Chongaun, Raaaan:I1 Assiatant (Statialics, SCh OI-Adm) 270A YIn H (~), 1018B Ave S E, MInnaapoIIa 55414, , park@ umnataletalumn.adu PARK 0aWI H, Mad Fal Spec (0phthaIrn0lclgy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PWB, 242 Franklin Ave W, Apl305, M~ 55404, , PARK GaU E, Assistant ProIeasor,(Raatoretlva ScIanoaa) Moos T ( ), ( ), hanieool@rrfaroon.te.lm'i.adu PARK HHaun, Asaociata Prof8Saor (Comput8r, SCIanca) E E/C ScI (825-C002~ hpark@ CI.umn.adu, lax: PARK Hyarang, Taechlng Assiatan1 (Inat of Languages & LIt) 190 KIa Ct, hyarang@ apx.cia.umn.adu PARK HyI M, Pre-Doc Aset (BIochamIatry-Mad SCh) MIrd H, PARK Ian A, Assistant ProIeasor (Restorative S<:Ianca8) Moos T ( ), Hwy 7, SUfte 2H, Minnetonka 55345, ( ), lsoll L1nnar RIdge, Wayzata 55391, , parkxool@ PARK Jamaa, Non Univ Stall (Council 01 ReIlgIoua AdvIaora), 1818 Stavans Ava S, ApI 25, Mlnnaapolla 55403, ( ) PARK Jaonghun, Taeching Assistant (Operations & Mgml SCIanca) 332 MgmlfEoon ( ), 1014 E Ave S E, Mlnnaapolla 55414, 333-n43, parkx015@ PARK Juno H, ProIeasor (Chamletry) 1-1 Smith H ( ), ( ), 425 Erie St S E, ApI 306, Mlnnaapolla 55414, , parkx023@ maroon.te.unin.adu PARK KIhong, Post-Doc Assoc (Computar SCIenCa) E E/C ScI (_7272), '63rd Ave N E, FrtdIay 55432, parkx028@ PARK Kyunghyang, Nursa Mgr (Pedlatrlca-SA) PCUSA Mayo ( ~ A538 Mayo, 1549 Lois Dr, Shoravlaw 55128, , parkx014@ PARK Roger C, ProIeasor (lawsell Inslr) 430 Law ( ), 4949 a.-n Ave S, MlnnaapoIis 55410, , parkxoo3@ PARK RoaamarIa J, Asaociata ProIeasor (VOC Tech Educ) 325L Vo Tech (62$-6287),928, Dartmouth,,-, MlnnaapoIIa 55414, parkxoo2@, lax: PARK SIongho, TeechIng Spaclallat (Ananoa) 735 MgmtfEcon ( ), 1072A Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , apark@ caom.umn.adu PARK song H, Hoap Cuatlldlan 3 (H Envlranmantal SIrv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, parkxol3@ PARK Soon J, Mad Fal Spec (Surgary-Ganaral) Bx 207 Mayo ( ), PW B, 3010 S8ndy Hook Dr, RoaavIIa 55113, , parkx021@ PARK Staphan R, Instructor (Fam PrllCtice & ComnulIIy HIth), Ely MadIcaJ canter, 224 E Chapman, Ely 55731, At 2, Box 4330, Ely 55731, PARK Yong H, Non Univ Stall (Plant Palll) 495 Bor H ( ), 304 Cretn L, parkx025@ PARK Young sao, Post-ooc Assoc (Pediatrics) Bx 491 Mayo, 1609 PIa8aant St, ApI 110, Laudardala 55108, , parkx024@ PARK Young-Kaun, Post-Doc Assoc (Elactrical ~)4-174EE/CScI( ), 1104W CountyRd 0, Apl12O, New Bnghton 55112, n, PARK Young-<lk, Post-Doctoral Fellow (MechanlcaJ EngInaat'ing) 271 Mech E, 1618 Eustis Sl, Apl5B, St Paul 55108, , parkx017@ STAFF PAMPUSCH-PARKER 307 PARKER Bruce A, Assistant ProIeasor (Architactura) 110 Arch ( ), 3212 Humboldt Ava S, Mlnnaapolls 55408, 627-nSO, parl<aq03@ PARKER David L, Assistant Pro~ (SCh of Public HaaIth) Bx 607 Mayo, parkaoo4@ PARKER Deborah A, Exec Sacr8tary (MplS Student Unions) 220 CM U, parkaid@ stuafl.stu.umn.adu PARKER Deborah L, Word Proc Supv (Stu Allra Comm &Publ) 110 Wmson H ( ), d-parkl@ PARKER Ella M, Short Stay Ct Dlr (SIma Day Admlssions-8D) Bx 603 Mayo ( ), B387 Mayo, PARKER Gaty N. ProIeasor (CIvIl EngInaaring) H L ( ), St Anthony Falls Laboratory, Mississippi River &3rd Ava, Mi1neapolis 55414, ( ), parl<aq02@ PARKER JR Jamas W, Studanl Pera Wkr (Studant Ananclal Aid, OIc 01) 210 Fraaar H( ), Ave S E, Mlnnaapolla 55414, , j-parkl@vml.spc:a.umn.adu PARKER Jason P, Ac:counts Spec (Extanalon Clas888) 201 Was H ( ), parkaol4@ maroon.ll:.umn.adu PARKER Jay L, Clln Asat Prof (Madlclna-UMD) 141 Mad Dulutll, Dulutll ClInIc, 400 E3rd Sl, Dulutll PARKER John, Prol Emar (Llbrary-eoH & Praaarvations) ( ), Ac:ad Ratirad, 2348 Slabury Ava, MlnnaapoIls 55408, PARKER Jonatllan A, Assistant ProIaaaor (Oral SCIancas), 6600 Exc:alslor Blvd, Suite 191, St Louis Park 55426, ( ), parka02o@ PARKER Judith G, Exec Aset (Human Resources-Tops) tII St SE ( ), 30 EGoIdan Lake Rd, Circle Plnas 55014, , judlth@ PARKER Karol L, SocIaJ Wkr, PrIn (CUHCC-AduR Madlcal), 2001 Bloomington Ava S, Minnaapofis 55404, (627-4n4X282), parkaol9@ PARKER Laonaid S, Prof Emar (Archll8c:ture), The Leonard Parker Assoc, 430 oak Grove St, Minneapolis 55403, ( ~ 3938 WHriuIll HOI, Minnetonka 55343, , park8001@ PARKER Mary M, Coordilator (MInItax) M WL ( ), ( ), m-parkl@. maroon.te.umn.aclu, lax: PARKER Nldya E, Taechlng Assistant (Educ:8tional Psychology) 275 PaIk H ( ), ( ), st Ava N, Maple Grove 55389, , parke03o@ PARKER Nancy A, Mad Tech Spac(Hoap Labs-Diag Micro) Bx 198Mayo ( ~ A205 Mayo, 7402 Bittersweet Dr, Eden PraJrIf 55344, , parka010@ PARKER Pamela J, Adjlnstr (Nursing, SCh OI-Prog & Res), MN Dept Human S8rv1caa, 444 Lalayetta Rd, St Paul 55155, ( ), st Ave S, Mlnnaapolls 55406, / , park8022@, PARKER Pamela R, Madlcal Rec Tech (Orthopaadlc Surgery) Bx 492 Mayo. parkall28@ PARKER Patricia J, R_rch Assistant (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), P WB ( ), parkaoo6@ PARKER Petrick B, PrIn S8CIetary (Pharmacy Prac:tice) Ii S UnitF( ), ( ) lh Ave S E, Mlnnaapolls 55414, , pharmac:y@ PA,RKER Petsy J, Clln Assoc Prol (Fam Prac:tice & Community HIth) ( ), 1455 WLake Sl, Minneapolis 55408, ( ), 4617 Grand Ava S, Minneapolis 55409, 3n-3868, parkaol8@ PARKER Rhonda M, Sr Hoap Cs Tech (caidiopulmonary SlrvIcaa) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), Sts E, Mlnnaapolls 55414, , parka027@ PARKER Robart L, Short Tarm Employ (Art Daparlmant) 208 Art B, 649 Erie St S E, ApI 2, Minneapolis 55414, , parka028@ PARKER Tarry L, ScIentist (Human Genetics, Illllt 01) Bx 206 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), 3n.a320, parkaoo5@,

62 308 PARKER-PATTERSON STAFF PARKER Tunothy V, O1ficer-Rotc (NavaI5cience (Naval Rotc)) 203 Armory ( ), 202 W62nd St, Apt 203, MtnneapoIis ~19, , PARKER Troy E, Pipe1lttar (Energy Management-steam) 200 Shops B, PARKER W8ndy S, PmS8cretary (Or1Ilopaedic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), ( ), PARKER ARONSON Stacey L, Instructor (Humanltles-UMM) 104 Hum Morris, 306 S Columbia, Morris 56267, aronsosp@ PARKER-FLOHRS Diane L, Sr Collect Rep (Dentistry-elinlcal Prog) Moos T ( ), ( ), parkeql8@ PARKHILL Kenneth L, Research Assistant (St Anthony Falls Hydra Lab) 360 HL ( ), 1306 Fremont Ave, St Paul 55106, parkh002@ PARKHURST Marlene G, PrIn Secreiary (General CoIl-lnstruclional Support) 209 Ap H( ), ( ), 516 Indiana Ave N, Golden Valley 55422, , parkh001@ PARKIN Janet L,.Sr Med Tech/CRn (HasP Labs-5pec HemaIOlogy) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), ( ),706 N 1st St, Apt 634, Minneapolis 55401, , parkioo1@ PARKINSON C8thy M, Exec Secretary (UMD-Development, Ole of) 3150 AD B Duluth (721)-7989), (7; ),415 Kelly Circle, Duluth 55611, , PARKS An"!' M, Teaching Assistant (Gao CoIl-lnst.Writlng) 251 Ap H( ), parksoo5@ PARKS Betsy, Pm Secretary (Medical Education, Cont) WashAv BE ( ), Radisson Hotel, Suite 1-107, 615 Washinglon Ave S E, MiMeapoIis 55414, ( ), 4509 Vallacher Ave, Minneapolis 55416, , parksoo2@ PARKS Janel C, I'lll' DIem - Gsn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, parksoo6@ PARKS Karen E, Student Pers Wltr (Student Rnancial Aid, Ole of) 210 Fraser H( ), 2015 Riverside Ave, Apt 306, Minneapolis 55454, 371>-0429,, lex: PARKS Trecy 0, Gao Stall Nurse (Neonatal Intensive PCU3C Mayo ( ), Zanzibar Lane N, Plymouth 55447, , parksool@ PARK-8KINNER Audrey M, Clln InSlr (Medicine-UMo) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth ernie, 400 E3rd St,~ PARLWIENTClaudie A, Associate Professor (Ag & Applied Eoon) 218 CLA 0tI ( ), ( ), 2618 S7th SI, Minneapolis 55454, , PARUGE Francine N, Undergra Tch Ass! II (CLA Student Aced Suppt Svcs) 8-18 Joh H( ), 2404 E22nd SI, Apt I,Minneapolis 55406, ,parusOO1@mar' PARUN Cathy H, PrIn Secretary (Genn8n, scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H( ), parti002@. PARUN Micheel G, Sr Hosp Gan Mech (H Maint & Oper) Bx 702 Mayo, partioo3@ PARUM Nancy A, Sr Secretary (Physics & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), 972 Fairmount Ave, St Paul 55105, , ann@ PARNELL Carolyn M, Asst Dir (Camp/Col) (Telecommunicatlons services) Sta Univ Av se ( ), ( ),721.-&,, lax: , pager: PAROD John 0, C1in Assoc Prol (Fam PractIce & Community HIth), ( ), parodool@ PARR ElizebeIh J, Lpn (Blue Surgefy (Transplant)-5C) PCUSC Mayo, 678 Clearbrook Lane, Vadniis Heights 55127, , parrx001@ PARR Terence J, Res Assoc (Army High Perl Computing Res Ctr) 1100 Wash II. 5 ( ), ( ),5517 Pleasant Ave, Minneapolis 55419, , PARRAN Leslie S, Clin Nurse Spec (Bone MIrrow TranSpiant-Adutt-4B) Bx 60S Mayo ( ), U Hoap, PARRISH Todd B, Reseat'ch Assistant (Radiology) Bx 292'Mayo ( ), 4500 CoIIIil Ave S, MinneapoRs 55401, , pantsh@ PARROW Janice A, Prio Vet Tech (Vet TeecI1lnll Hosp) 334 Vel Tch Hos ( ), ( ), Ave S, MinneapoliS 554C!7, parroool@ PARRY Garath J, Professor (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), P WB, perryool@ PARRY Unda E, Assistant Professor (UMD-Management Studies) 110 SB EDuluth (7~), (72&-7531),1213WoodrichClrde, Duluth 55611, ,, lex: PARS Ingrtd W, Teaching Assistant (Anthropology) 215 Ford H, , parsx001@ PARSHALL Jonathan B, EXec Asst (Res &Tech TmsAdm,OIcof) Wesh'AvS ( ),1294 Cleveland Ave S, St Paul 55118, , jparshal@csorn.umn.8du PARSONS Ann M, Research AsslstarIt (ceu Biology & Neuroanatomy) Jac H( ) 552.()842,, lex: PARSONS Janet G, Clln Asst Prof (Restoretive SCience$) Moos T ( ), 3882 Windtree Dr, Eagan 55123, parsooo3@. PARSONS Jonathan A, Professor (ceu BioI & Neuroanatomy) Jac H( ), 68 W Golden Lake Rd, Circle Pines 55014, , PARSONS Leonard F, Instructor (Fam PractIce & Community HIth) ( ), Minnetonka Clinic Family Phys, 3432 SHwy 101, Minnetonka 55345, ( ), 2912 Mumlord Rd, Brooklyn center 55430, 566-ll2S9, PARSONS selena A, Sr S8crebjry (Prof Dev & Conlerence Svc) 212 NCCE( , ( ), PARTHASARATHY Girlja, Research AssiStant (Mechanical Engineering) 7 Mech E( ), ( ),4295 sandstone Dr, Eagan 55122, 451>-0154, PARTIN ElsbeIh A, Research AssiStant (Microbiology) Bx 196 Mayo, 407 7th St SE, Apt 114, Minneapolis 55414, parti002@ PARTYKA ALEXANDER Patricia A, Gao Stall Nurse (Una 70) PCU70 Mayo, partyool@ PARUK James 0, Sr Lab Tech (Rsheries & Wildlne) 200 Hodson H, paruk001@ PARVEY Rita M, Dental Asst (Oentistry.etlnical Prog) Moos T (62~, 8531 SouIhpond Trail, Champlin.55316, parveoo1@ PASCHAUDES Harry 0, ResearcIl AssIstant (Preventive SCiences) MOos T ( ), ( ),2300 EFranklin Ave, Apt 413A, Minneapolis 55406, , paschoo1@ PASCHALL-ZIMIEL David W, Res Fellow (Lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 511 Mayo ( ), V388A V FWC R C, Grenoble Ave, Lakevllie 55044, ,davldl@., lex: PASCHKE Kathryn L, PrIn Secretary (Raptor Canter) 100 GRapt Ctr ( , ( ), PASCHKE Roger P, Assoc Vice Pres trrbqurer's OIc) 301 Mor H( ), ( ), Paschke@mailbox.Mail.Umn.Edu PASCOE David A, Research AssIstant (UMD-Biology) 211 L Sci Duluth ( ), ( ), 1036 Arrowhead Rd, Duluth 55611, PASEK JR George T, Elevator Mach (Facilities Mgrnt-Adm) 105 Shops B ( ), 1526 Crawfqrd Ave, Faloon Heights 55113, 846,1313,,edu, PASH sendra J, Radiologic Tech (Diagnostic RadiOlogy) Bx 292 Mayo, Cedar HHls Blvd Apl312, Minnetonka 55343, , pashx001@ PAIH'lllema L, Exec Secretary (Preventive SCiences) Moos T ( ), 3676 Wldgean Way, St Paul 55123, , dpash@ PAlIN RIta J, Asst ScientIst (Horticuttural SCIenoe) 320Ak:Ier H, 1263 RIIeId PIece, 'St Paul 55106, , PA8IUK JoIn ~. Coordinalor (PublIc Health, Sch OI-Adm) Bx 197 Mayo (624-a15), D305 Mayo, PAlIlCET Jetl, Bldg & GreIs Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) :lo7 Shops B ( ), 395 Van Pyke, St P8Ul55119, paskeoo2@ PASKETT Du_, Sr Parking Attn (Perklng S8rv1ces) 17 Pol 0 B ( ), ( ), paakeool@ PASQUAU Matteo, ResearcIl AssIstant (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 105 Amund H( ), 700w EldrIdge Ave, Rosevilie 55113, pesqooo3@, lax: PAIIE Alexia M, Supplmt Employee (Physiology) C RL, PASSEJl1 Chriitlne M, Med/C1in Lab Tech (Hosp ~) Bx 198 Mayo, , PAS8EIllflI Sl8fano, Res Assoc (CI1emlcal Eng & Mat SCI) 191 Amund H ( ), ( ), WLarpenteur, ApI IF, St Paul 55113, , passe002@ PAS8I CraIg H, Teaching SpecialIst (CEE & Summer SesaIon) Moo H, 5215 London Rd, DuIuIh 55804, , Tdd: PASSOW KeIth W, FaciRtles Supv (Fac Mgmt-Zone 6-ll) 200 Shops B ( ); , PASTARR Ethel L, AD] Instr (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & Res), HennepIn County Medical Center Dept 01 ObfGyn, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ),1815 WChestnut Ave,. MinneapoliS 55405, pastaool@ PAST1KA J_ M, Exec Asst (UMD-Tweed M_GIlt Shop) 310A T M A Duluth ( ), ( ) PASTOR John, Sr Res Assoc (UMD-Water & Envrn, Ctr(Rvlvng Acct) 451A N R R I Duluth ( ), Ad) ~ Prof (Ecology, Evolullon & Behavior), 3006 E1st St, Duluth 55612, jpastor@ PASTOR III John 0, Pharmacy Spec (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 811 Mayo ( ), 0189 Mayo,, fax: , pager: PASTOIlIU8 John C, ern Instr (Fam Practice & Cornnu1lty HIth), Coon RapIds Medical Canter, 9055 Sprtngbrook Dr, Coon Rapids 55433, ( ), PASZEK Adam A, Post-Doc Assoc (Vet PathobIoIogy) 295 An ScifV M ( ), ( ), ( ), , pazek001@ PASZKlEWlCZ ERI8betIl J, Med Fel Spec (SUrgery-OIneraI) Bx 1 Mayo ( ), PW B, 1180 Cushing CIrde, ApI 106, 5t Peul 55106, , paszkool@ PATANICAR Suhas V, Professor (Mechanical ~) 2~ Mech E ( ), 7846 Ithece Lane N, Maple Grove 55311, , PATCH Snh K, Post-Doc Assoc (Math & Its App,Inst For) 514 YIn H( ), , PATCHIN Torn L, Electrician (FaclIltIes Mgmt-Adm) 25 Shops B, th St SE,.MInne8polis 55455, ( ), pe1choo1@ PATE Alexa 0, Lecturer (Engish Language & Lit) 207 Und H( ), patexoo1@ PATEL Annette M, Ext Educ &Asst Prof (MES-DIetrIcts), Chippewa County Courthoute, 818 N 11th, Montavldeo 58285, ( ), th St,Box 878, ClarklIeId PATEL Olvyesh, Mad FBI Spec (Anesthesiology) Bx 294 Mayo ( ), 8515 Mayo, 2590 Herttage Rd, Mendola HaIghts 55120,pateIOO7@ goid.ic.urnn.8du PATEL Maqboolehmed S, Res Asioc (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), Mayo ( ), PATELICE Richard L, Sr Lab Tech (UMD-NRRl-CertdfMinarals) 375 NR RI Duluth, 5028 Raid Rd, Duluth 55803, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PATENAUDE DanleI P, Student Pars Wltr (Student Rnanci81 Aid, Ole of) 210 Fraser H. ( ), d-pate@vrnl.spcs.umn.8du PATENAUDE Deanna L, Crnnty Prog Asst (Arts & SCiences Rsvp) 107 CCCrookston (281-82S6), 1110 N Broadway, Crookston 58718, , PATERUNI Marte Go Post-Doctorsl Fellow (Medicinal Chemistry) HS Un~ F( ) ,,lax: PATEr Urmll, Med FeI Spec (Medicine) Bx 264 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 2300 EFranklin Ave, Minneapolis 55408, , pal8dlil2@ PATH Eric M, Jr Lab Tech (810 Prooess Tech Inst) 240Gor L, 400 S8Iby Ave, Apt 214, St Paul , PATH J~ine A, Gao Stall Nurse (4C-MedlcaI Intensive Cera) PCU4C Mayo ( ), 1754 LydilPAve W, Roseville 55113, , PATH Mary A, Gao StallNursli (HosP Labs-IlIood Bank) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 5-~ 00 PWB; 2106 St Clair Ave, StP8Ul55105, , PATHAK Praveen A, Research Assistant (51n1t11gic Management) 837 MgmtjEoon ( ),1530 S.6Ih St, Apt e-l006, Min.poIis 55454, , paihaoo1@ PATHAJ(J8John C, PrIn Data PrTech (Boynton-Mis) Boyn H S.( ), 3252 Girard, Ave S, Apt 104, Minneapols 55408', jpathakis@ PATHlIlANA Marte S, ResearcIl AssiStant (Plant BIology) 616 BIo Sci ( ), pathioo1@ PATKA Kathleen M, Sr Secretary (Preventive ScIences) Moos T ( ), patka001@ maroon PATNJ.HOPF Deepika N, Research Assistant (Food SCi & Nutrition (Agr)) 122 F SC N( ) VA Medical Center, Research 15t, One Vetar8ns Dr, Minneapolis li5417, ( )(2825), th Ave S, Minnaapolis 55417, , patnioo1@ PATNOE Thomas G, CIln InSlr (Medicine-UMo) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth CIinlc, 400 E3rd St, 0uIuth PATRIAS John M, Clin Ass! Prof, Anoka Metro Reg Treatment Cir,:l:lOO 4th Ave N, Anoka t Wisconsin Ave N, New Hope 55427, , PATRICK Darby L, Research AssiStant (FlShetIes & WlldIiIe) 200 Hodson H( ), 1740 W Larpenteur, Apt 10, Falcon HeIghts 55113, , PATRIN Robert H, Sr Stores Clerk (Aerospace Studies (AF ROTC)) 15 Armory ( ), 4506 GBsoo Ave, Edina 55424, , patrioo4@ PATRONAS Elaine M, SrSecretary (UMD-Housing) 103 L SH0uIuth ( ) PATStATZI Elanl, Teaching Assistant (Restorative Sciences) Moos T ( ), ( BedIllrd St SE, ApI 1, Minneapolis 55414, , PATTEE James J, Assistant Professor (Fam Prectice & Community HIth) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), Wash AvSE, North Ridge Cera Canter, 5430 Boone Ave Ni Minneapolis 55428, ( ), pat\lloo5@ PA'iTEM Marshalle8n S, Pm Lab Tech (Medicine) Bx738 Mayo ( ), PWB, 8731 N Brook Circla, Brooklyn Park 55428, , patte012@ PAtTEN Sharon K, S8nior Fellow (Urban &Rgni AtI8Irs, Ctr.For)158 HH H Ctr( ), 5707 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, 661>-2676, paiilloo4@ PAtTEN Sonia E, Res Assoc (Fam Practice & CoInrnunity HIth) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), AssIstant Professor PWB ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, pettel)02@, lex: PATTERSON Caitlin A, Teaching Assistant (American Studies) 104 Soott H( ), 3450 Dupont Ave S, Apt 206, Mtnneapolis 55406, 825f4898, patte017@ PATTERSON Carrie J, Scientist (Geological Survey, MN) 2642 Unlv Av W( ), 8919 W 280Ih St, NorthfIekl55057, , patteol8@, fax: V8

63 UNiVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF PATTERSON-PEARSON 309 PATTERSON Darrell M, Translator (UMD-Accesa Clr-Inc) 104 Clna Dululh ( ), ( ), 1916 Kenwood Ave, Duluth 55811, 72&-1494 PATTERSON Eugene, Hosp Custodian 3 (H EnvironmenlaI 8ervlces) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, patteoll@ PATTERSON JIU M, Program AssocIate (Exlen$iOn CIaa&as) 322 Wes H(62S-0566), 2976 PAUL John D, Teaching Assiatent (Music) 100 Ferg H, St Paul 55107, 222.fl626, paulxoo4@ PAUL Kathleen A, Sr secretary (Journalism & Mass Comm, Sch of) 111 Mur H ( ~ 3710 E34th St, Apt 4, Minneapolis 55406, ,. PAUL Theodore J, Maint Pa/nler (UMC-PIanl PAUURUD Eiruoe E, Research A88Istant.(PIant Path) 495 Bor H (625-17~ 402 Stak H ( ), ( ), 2041 N Park Dr, Apt 3, St Paul 55119, 731-l)274, pauls023@ PAULU Burlon, PI'llf Emer (Umr lnstrucliqnal Media) 540 Rarig C, Dlr Retired, 5005 Wentworth Ave, MlnneIpoIIa lim19, , pauluoo1@ Gallier, Roseville 55113, patt8oo9@, SYCS) Kiser B CrookSflln (261.f510X326), maroon.ll:.urm.edi! (26H510X327), 324 WJohnson Ave, Warren PAURUS JeIIrey J, Gen Stefl Nurse (Nursing Float PATTERSON Joan M, AssocIate Prolesacr Poof) Bx 603 Mayo, 4225 Xerxes Ave S, (HaaIlh Mgml &Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), PAULAHA Cadence E, Teaching Specldst Minneapolla 55410, , pauruoo1@ 0375 Mayo ( ), 616 3rd Ave SE, (Biological ScI, Coltege Of-Adm) 123Sn H MinneaPOlis 55414, 331~, jasu@ ( ), ( ), , pauiaoo2@ PAURUS VickIe L, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (MN Ext, fax: 612.f24-592O S8rv-Olstriels), E0ll8r TaB Co Ext Ole, 222 2nd PATTERSON lewis 0, Prin Lab Machlnst PAULAK Phyllis F, Food Sarv Wkr (HousIng Ave S E, Parham 56573, ( ), Rtl, Box (MechanIcal E"liineartng) 171 Mech E( ), S8rvtces-Centennial Hall) can H. pauiaoo1@ 191, 8ebeka patte015@ PAUTZ David E, Asslstant ProIeesor (Medlclne) PATTERSON Marlene M, Hosp Cuatodlan 3 (H PAULE WHllam J, elin Aaaoc PI'llf (Medicine), Bx 194 Mayo, 5701 LOng Bralee Trail, edina Environrnentll Sarv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), Medical Arts Bldg, SUite 629, 625 NIcoIIel Mall, 55439, 92NIOO1, pau! patteol6@ Minneapolis 55402, ( ),4410 SDupont PAlIZA Mary E, Research Assiatent (Lab PATTERSON Mary M, Sr Hosp carrier (H Ave,Minneapolis 55409, , pauleoo3@ MedIcine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Diapatch) Bx 706 Mayo (~), U ' 6-143Jee H, 6375 Hyde Ave S, Cotl8ge Grove Hosp, PAUUNG Melody I" Exec 8ecretary (German, 55016, , PATTERSON Molly A, Teaching Assistent (GIn SCandlnavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H( ), PAVEK Eugene J, Mal Mgrnt Spec (Aeroepace CoII-lnat Writing) 140 Ap H( ), ~12O, ( ), at Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, Studies (AF ROTC» 15 Artootry ( ), paui1oo1@ Glen Gary Ct, Roeerncult 55068, 432.f124, PATTERSON Nancy Jo, Instructor (Social Work, PAULSEN Anlhooy P, R.-rch AsiIstant pavekoo3@ Sch of) 400 Ford H, patl8024@ (Community integration, lnat On) 101 PI H, 301 PAVEK lain L, Crnnty Prog Spec (MedIclne) Bx Shalard Pky, Apt 316, St LouIs Park 55426, 192 Mayo ( ), 179 VCR C ( ), PATTERSON Richard j, Assistant Professor , pavek002@maroon.ic.umn.ldu (Radiology), Mpis ~ Medical canter, 2525 PAULSEN DeIorIlIE, Sr Med tech/cin (Hosp PAVEK Todd J, SclentIsl (MedIclne) Bx 506 Mayo ChIcago Ave, Minneapolis 55404, patte019@ Lebs-outpalienl) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), ( ), 237 D VC C RC ( ), PWB, nd Way, Apple Valley 55124, ( ), PATTERSON Robert P, Professor (Phyalcal Med 432.f157, PAVLAK Jq.1ne J. Gen StafI Nurse & RehalJltIfation) Bx 297 Mayo ( ), R371 PAULSEN Karen L, 0fIIce SUpv (Orlhopaedlc (PedIlIlrics-6A) PCUSA Mayo, 3253 Benjamin SI, Ch RC, 3761 Foss Rd, Minneapolis 55421, Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, MInneapoIIa 55416, cartsol9@ , pall8oo1@, fax: pauis013@ 612~7192 PATTERSON Steven R, Mgr Appl Sys/Prog (UMD-Adm Data Prooesslng) 15 0 Ad B DuIulh ( ), ( ~ 4122 Colorado St, Dululh 55804, ~ATTERSON Yvonne G, Stu Sup Srv Aast (Aced SupporlfStu LJfe.UMD) Ad B DuIulh ' PAULSEN Palricia K, Prin 8ecretary (AmerIcan Indian Lrc) 125 FrasM H( ), pauis010@ PAULSEN Paula M, GIn Stefl Nurse (4D-SIcu) PCU4D Mayo-(fl ), U Hosp, 3973 Woodridge Ct, Vandals ~ 55127, pauis012@ PAVLEK James L, Crnnty Prog Spec (EpldemIoIogy) S2nd St ( ), pavtek@eplvax.ep! PAVUIlIS Ioannis, Research Asslstant (Computer Sclence) EEtcScI ( ), th Ave S E, Apl206, MInneIpolIs 55414, , ( ),1217 E10th St, Duluth 55805, PAULSEN 5andy K, 0Ifi0e Spec (Fam Practice & PAVLIK Heather A, Med Record Clerk (H Aim File , Community HIlh) BX 361 Mayo ( ), sen) Bx 801 Mayo (fl26.8oo4~ rd Ave S, PATTON C8cilla, Clin Nurse Spec (Surgery-GeneraQ Bx 495 Mayo ( ), 450 VCR C, 2217 E Lake of The Isles, Minneapolis 55405, pattooo2@ PW B ( ), paulsoo6@ PAULSEN Ther8sa A, 0Ccupa Therapist (H OCcupatIOnal Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo, pauls022@ Apt 107, MInne8poIIs 55404, , PAVlIK Karan M, Accounla Spec (Bursar) B-1 Fraser H( ), rd Ave S, PATTON Christopher 0, Mid Record Clerk (H PAULSON Charlene A, Exec 8ecretary Minneapolla 55406, , k-pavl@ Medical Records) Bx 801 Mayo ( ), (UMD-Theatre) 141 M PAC DuIulh ( ), 2..coo PW B (fl ), kanneg12@ ( ), PAVL18 Amy M, cmnty Prog AsS! (Inat of Inti PAULSON David A, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 Studles & Pnlgrams) 50 Nich H( ), PATTON Mary S, Prin 8ecretary (Ophthalmology) (UMD-Houslng (Griggs Haft» 103 L SH DuIulh pavlloo1@, fax: 612~ Bx 493 ",ayo ( ), PWB, 726 6th (7~) PAVUSH C8roI L, Gen Stefl Nurse (H Horne St SE, Minneapolis 55414, pattooo1@ PAULSON David A, Asst Prot Emer (MedicIne), Health) Bx 722 Mayo, Coltege of St Calherine, cambridge Reg Human Sarv Clr, 1253Hwy 293, 2004 Randolph, St Paul 55105, ( ), PAlULA Aeron, Assistent Professor Cambridge 55006, (6ll9-2121X419~ paulsol5@ pavlloo2@maroon.ic.umn.ldu (UMD-FNlance & Mgmt Into ScI) 21ASBE Duluth PAVlOIKJ Nancy K, Food Opar SUpv(Food ( ) PAULSON David E, Ubrary AsS! 3 (Mlnltex) 8-33 SVCS) 146 DIn C ( ), (62S-1238), PATULLO Mlchaal T, Teaching Assistant o MWL ( ), ( ), d-paul@ (UMD-GeoIogy) 229 HH Duluth ( ),, fax: 612~1873 PAVLOU OInnIa, Research Assistant (Lab ( ) PAULSONDougIaa M, Non Univ Stefl MedicIne & Pathology) Bx 206 Mayo ( ), PATWARDHAN Anlruddha P, Teaching AssIsl8nt (Cooperative campus Mlnlstriee) 106 KSC Moos T ( ), , ranla@ (UMD-Chemlstry) 246 Chem Duluth ( ), 1701 Kenwood, Apt 206, DulUth 55811, 72&-1075 Duluth ( ), Lutheran Campua Ministry, 315 W St Marte St, DuIulh 55603, ( ), PAVLOVYCH Kraaulaky A, Teaching Assistant PATYRA Marek J, Assistent Professor ' 6417 P$lre St, Duluth 55607, (UMD-CI1emls1ry) 246 Chern Duluth, 817 N19th (UMD-Computer EnglneerIng) 271 MWAH PAULSON Karl L, Teaching Assistent Ave E, Duluth 55812, Duluth ( ), (726-(1147), mpatyra@, fax: PATZLAFF Jason S, Research Asslstant (Biochemlstry-Med Sch) Mlrd H( ), 2919 Colfax Ave S, Apt 309, Minneapolis 55406, (Ubrary-Pub 8erv & Brench) 100 Ferg H ( ), , paulaol6@ PAULSON Lerry E, Packer Helper (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) Como RFee ( ), 561 Blair Ave,St Paul 55103, paulaoo7@ PAVLOW8IO CynthIa S, Student Para Wkr (CEE CounselIng-AhaaaJ 201 Wes H( ), PAWLACYK Laura'S, Student Para WIlr (Student FJnancial Ald, Ole of) 210 Fraser H( ), PAUGH Jerry M, Coordinator (MN Medical PAWLAK StephanIe J, Sr 8ecretary (Graduate Foundation) Bx 193 Mayo ( ), 535 Diehl PAULSON Muta G, Prin Acct SpfSupv Ontl Ag SChool-Admln) 313 JoIl H( ),1683 Ross H( ), 922.f117, fax: 612.f PAUGH Oya C, 0Ifi0e Spec (Envtronmental Health & 8efety) W173 Boyn HS( ), (~), ,, fax: 612.f PAUL DareI E, Grad School Fellow (Political Sclence) 1414 Soc ScI ( ), ( ), 3905 Lancaster Lane N, Apt 216, Plymouth PAUL Helen W, Cmnty Srv Prg Crd (H Marketing & P1aMIng) Bx 200 Mayo ( ), 548 Boyn H 5, paulxoo2@maroon.ic.umn.ldu PAUL JacquelIne A, ~rch Assistant (Surgery) Bx 120 Mayo ( ), 150 PWB, paulxoo6@ Prog) 51 CLA 011 ( ), ( ), 1192 Pike Lake Dr, New Brighton 55112, ,, fax: 612~111 PAULSON Palricia J, AdmiSSiOns Interv (ClinIcal Program.) Moos T ( ), ( ), (624.f400), PAULSON Ralph K, Del Sarv Driver (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 202 Phys PI ( ), ( ), 1576 Osceola Ave, St Paul 55105, pauiaoo2@ PAULSON Susan G, Sr Stores Clerk (Dentistry-Clinical Prog) Moos T ( ). ( ), PAULSON Thomas M, Teaching Assistant (Mechanical engineering) 125 Mech E( ), , paulsoo5@ Ave, St Paul 55106, , pawta001@ PAWlOWICZ Tllomaa J, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (UMD-Food & Vending SYCS) 270 K SC DulUth ( ), 4539 Emerson Rd, Dululh 55603, PAWLOW8KJ Mam- A, Teaching Assiatent (Art DapaI1rnent) 206 Art B, POBox 14718, Minneapolla 55414, pawtooo2@ PAXTON Todd S, Teaching Assistent (KlneaIoIogy/Lei8Ure S1ds, Sch) 110 Cooke H; PAYER Travis J, 0Ifi0e Spec (Aced Counseling-Intcllg A1hI) 280 BFA B ( ), ( ), payenoo1@ PAYNE Betty J, Sr 0Ifi0e Am (UMM-Finance-Adm) 110 CSMorris ( ), Rt2, Box 57B, Starbuck 56381, PAYNE Daniel A, Malnt carpenter (UMM-Plant ' SVcs-General Maint.) 3 cam Morris ( ) PAYNE Elizabeth E, elin AsS! Prot (Fam Practice & Community HIlh), Qakdale Medical Bldg, Ste 307,3366 oakdale Ave N, Minneapolis 55422, ( ), payneoo5@ PAYNE Jason A, Research Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat ScI) 108 Amund H( ), 940 Franklin Te~ce, Apt 306, Minneapolis 55406, , payne014@ PAYNE Margare1 L, Sr Media Ra Prodr (UMM-Ubrary, Rodney BrIggs) 35 H FA Morris ( ), ( ),206 E3rd, MorrIs 56287, , PAYNE Mary Jo A, Teaching Assistant (Music, Sch of) 100 Ferg H, 2640 Kentucky Ave S, St Louis Park 55426, , payneoo6@ PAYNE Nathaniel R, Clin Asst Prof (PadialrIcs), 2545 Chicago Ave S, Suite 512, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), payneoo6@ PAYNE Shirley, Accounts Spec (Fleet SarvIces Veh) 115 Hoi B ( ), payneoo4@. PAYNE Tap R, AssocIate Professor (Humanllies-UMM) 104 Hum Morris, 206 E3rd, Morris NM 56267, , paynetr@ PAYNE William 0, AssocIate Professor (Surgery-General) Bx 110 Mayo ( ), PW B, 1774 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis 55403, , PAYNE WiHlam E, Assistent ProIesacr (UMD-Theatre) 141 MPAC Duluth ( ), 4420 Robinson St, Dululh 55804, ~1512 PAYNE III William K, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Orthopaedic SUrg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, PAYNICK Janica E, Teaching Assistant (English Lenguage & LIt) 207 Und H, paynloo1@ PAZANDAK carol H, Assoc Prof Emer (Psychology) N-58,2 ER H( ), 1361 S Prtor Ave, St Paul 55116, pazanoo1@ PAZANDAK Paul N, Teaching Assistant (Computer ScIence) EEtC ScI ( ), 881.f496, PAZDERNIK Dave L, Research Assistant (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H ( ),1181 Raymond Ave, St Paul 55106, , PAZDERNIK Kenneth J; Ext Educ & Prof (MES-Dlstricls), Norman Co Ext Ole, 101 W3rd Ave, Ada 56510, ( ), kpazdernlk@ PAZHAYANNUR Parasuram V, R_rch Asslstent (Mechanical EnglneMng) 125 Mech E (626-m4), 708 University Ave SE, Apt 1. Minneapolis 55414, , pazha001@ PEACOCK Thomas D, Associate Prolesacr (UMD-EducatlOn) 132 Mon HDuluth, ( ) PEAKE Rosemary A, 0Ifi0e SUpv, Hosp (H SocIal Work) Bx 181 Mayo ( ), C351 Mayo, peak8001@ PEARCE Me Gregor R, Research ASsIstant (Daslgn Housing & AppareQ Bx 197 Mayo (~), 1150 Mayo ( ), 2173 Marshall Ave, St Paul 55104, , pearcoo1@ PEARCE Susanne, Clln AsS! Prof (Med'lCine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 3rd St E, Duluth S5805, (722~) PEARCE TImothy A, Non Univ Stall (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 407 Ecology, PEARLRichard W, Lecturer (Curriculum & Instruction) 150 Palk H, 2573 Bittersweet Lane, Maplewood 55109, m.f291, paarloo3@ PEARLSON Michalle A, Jr SclentiSl (Pedlalrics) Bx 464 Mayo (624.f126), 417 Mas Can Clr, , pearioo1@ PEARO Dabra K, GIn Stafl Nurse (PbstetrIcs & ' Gynecology) Bx 395 Mayo ( ), l..coo PW B( ), 2590 Innsbruck Ct, New Brighlon 55112, , pearoool@ PEARSON Charles E, Med Fe! Spec (PsychIatry) Bx 393 Mayo, Hennepin County Medical canter, Psychiatry Dept, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415,

64 310 PEARSON-PENCE STAFF PEARSON Cheryl, S8crBllIrial Asst (UMD-Sch Med Admlnislration) 133 Med Duluth ( ), 1321 E1stSt, Apll, DuIulh 55805, 72lI-5685 PEARSON Darren'N, Research AssIstant (EIecIricaI~) EEfC SCI ( ) Cole Ave S E, Mfnneapolfs 55414, , PEARSON DavId J, ClIn Asst Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Mild Duluth, Cambridge CIlnlc, 626 S W7111 Ave, C8mbridge 5S008,.( ), PEARSON Donnli D, TeacIllng Asslstant (VOC Ted1 Educ) 350 Vo Ted1( ), ( ), GlendaJe Ave S E, Prior Lake 55372, 447~, pearsoo4@maroon.te.umn.eciu PEARSON Donna L, Tele S~ Proc Tee (TeIecommunIcatio 8ervIces) Ste Unlv Av se ( ), p&ii' PEARSON FrIIIlC8I N, Gen Stall NUI1I8 (Bone Marrow Transplant-Adu~-4B) PCU4B Mayo ( ), 1228 Edgc:umbe Rd, SI Paul 55105, , PEARSON Janel L, Exee Secratary (Health Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), A3fI7 Mayo, pearsoi4@ PEARSON Janice M, Prin ACCl Sp/SupY (PhysIology) fl.255 Mlrd H(~7), 1818 Walnut St, laudenlala 55113, ~13, l'earson John A, Mgr of Usar sarv (C8ntraI :omputing S8lvices) 100 laud C F( ),, fax: 612~ PEARSON JudIIIl G, Sr Bookstonl Mgr (UMD-Bookstonl) 175 KS C Duluth ( ), ( ), 2622 Hutchinson Rd, DuIulh 55811, PEARSON Kailh C, Instructor (PIIarmacy Practice), Pamida Pharmacy, 1101 E37111 SI, Hibbing 55746, ( ) PEARSON Kelly L, Prin secretary (Madical SchooI-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), Owra H( ), 2529 Dupont Ave S, Apl3, Minneapolis 55405, pearsol1@ PEARSON Kim A, AnalystfProg(DIstributed Computing S8lvices) 152 Shep lab( ), 1804 Stanford Ave, 81 Paul 55105, , PeARSON MardelIa B, Social Wkr, Sr (Human Resoun:es-&p) 103A StSE ( ), Ave 8, Minneapolis 55408, , PEARSON Richard C, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), 2442 Rice St, AplI46, 81 Paul 55113, peersoo8@ PEARSONRoger F, ResearCh As8Istant (Envm & OCCupellonal Health) Bx 807 MByQ ( ), 1140 Mayo (ll ), (82U828) Ave 8 E, Apl2, Minneepolls 55414, , PEARSON Ruame R, Prin Stu Pars Wkr (Student financial Aid, Qfc 01) 210 Fraser H(824-1~), ( ), JonquR 81 NW, Coon Rapids 55433, , PEARSON 8endra L, User servspec (Bursar) B-1 Frasar H(~. s-kokk@ PEARSON sera R, Teec:lring 8peciallst (Theatre Arts & Dence) 108 Norris H, pearsol8@ PEARSON Susan R, Jr Cashier (UMD-Bookstonl) 175 K8 C DuIuIIl, 3627 GrsysolOn Rd, Dululll 55804, PEARSON VaIInda I, Research AssIstant (NUrsing, SCh OI-Prog & Res) H8 Un~ F ( ), 14071llalr Ave, 81 Paul 55104, PEART Richard D, Prin labted1 (UMD-Nrri, CoIaraine-Carld RavolvIng), CoIaralne.MineraIs Res lab. POBox 168, CoIaraine 55722, ( ), 1401 County Rd 333, Bovey 55709, PEARTHREE Steven J, Stu Sup Srv Asst (Pharmacy Student All Ole) H8 Unn F ( ), PEASE VIrgInia H, Teaching Asslstant (VOC Ted1 Educ) 210 VO Tec:Il, 7501 W84111 St, Bloomington 55438, , PEASLEE Ernest M, ClIn Assoc Prof (Medicine-UMD) 141 Med DuluIIl, Dululll Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Dululll PEASLEY John R, Rasearch AssIstant Onlo Tec:Il Ole, C8rison SCh-Adm) 330 Mgmt/Econ ( ),4505 Nalllan Lane, Apl309, PIymoultI 55442,551-D267,jpeaslay@csom.umn.adIi PEASLEY Steva 0, Malnt & Oper Med1 (Facillllas Mgmt-Adm) 204 Phys PI ( ), pea8loo1@ PECH Irene V, Mad Fe! Spec (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), P WB, 810 Thomlon 81 8 E, Aplll01, Minneapolis 55414, , PECHACEK.Patrick L, Teaching SpactaIIst (Exlenslon Classes) 537 Mgml/Econ, One Financial Plaza, 81a 400, th St, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), pechaoo2@ PECHENUK Vrialiy, Teechlng AssIstant (Mechanlcel Engineering) 125 Med1 E( ), 1000 Mount Curve Ave, Minneapolis 55403, , PECHMAN Robert J, Research AssIstant (Chemical Eng & MaI'SCi) 111 Amund H ( ), 28 River Terrsce Ct, MInneapolis 554)4, 336-f598, PECK Janice A, Assistant Professor (8peech-Communication) 460 FoI H( ), ( ), PECK Joann J, Research Asslstant (Ctr For Research In Marketing) 1235 MgmtJEcon ( ), 908 WCounty Rd D, Apl131, New Brighton 55t12, , peckxoo2@ PECK Nancy L, Operating Rm Gsn (H OperatIng Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), 4227 Wexford Way, Eagan 55122, beckeoo8@ PECKHAM Bruce B L, As8Istant Professor (UMD-Msth & Stetistics) 108 HHDuluth ( ), ( ),2530 E8th 81, Dululll 55812, , PECKHAM Kalllryn Lenz E, Asslstant ProIasaor (UMD-Math & 8tatistics) 108 HHDuluth ( ), ( ), PEDELTV Mark H, 'Assistant Professor (Soc SCI-UMM) 109 Cam Morris ( ) PEDERSEN Andrea K, Ole Sup Spec Ex 8 (Nursing Education services) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), B364 Mayo, stamsool@. PEDERSEN Bradley W, AssocIala ProIeseor (Horlicu~ral SCIence) 305 Alder H(824-53OO), Unlv 01 Mlnn, 1000 University Dr 8 W, Waseca 56093, ( ), Circle NE, Waseca 56093, PEDERSEN C811ler1ne 0, Suppf Ofc/Srv Wrk (8upplamenlal 0fIice S8rvk:es), TWScolIosis 8pine C8nter, Orthopaedic Dept, 2737 Chicago Ave S, U-2OO, Minneapolis 55445, ( ), PEDERSEN Dariene E, 0IIlce Spec (Army High Parf Computing Res Ctr) 1100 Wash Av 8 ( ), ( ), pederol3@ PEDERSEN David C, Psychlatrk: Asst (Unn 63-Adolas/Child Psychiatry) PCU63 Mayo, pedeioi2@maroon.le.umn.eciu. PEDERSEN David K, Grad School.Fellow (PhiiOsOphy) 355 Ford H, 1800WL.arpemaur Ave, Apt 14, Falcon Heights 55113, , PEDERSEN Dean T, Ext Educ & Instr (ME8-DiStJicts), Renville Co Ext Ole, County 0IIlce Bldg, 500 EDe Pus Ave, 0IIvla 56277, ( ), dpedersen@mes.umn.adu PEDERSEN IliaM E, 8r Payroll Spec (PsyroIl services) nd St ( ), 5837 Bloomington Ave 8, Mlnneapolls 55477, PEDERSEN Holly M, Sr Payroll Spec (PsyroIl services) 545 1~ 8 2nd 81 ( ), PEDERSEN Paul A, Undergra Tch Asst II (SChol MaIIlematics) 107 Vin H, 3M Ctr, Bldg , 81 Paul 55119, ( ), peder021@ maroon.\c.umn.adu PEDERSEN-RANDALL Paula J, Teed1lng SpecJeIlst (UMD-Psychology & Mental HeaIIIl) 322 Boll HDululll ( ), 275 Jay Cooke Rd, Esko 55733, PEDERSON Csroi J, Asslstant Professor (Nursing, SCh OI-Prog & Rea) H8 unnf ( ), rd Ave NW, New Brighton 55112, , pederoo1@maroon.ic.umn.eciu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PEDERSON DIane E, Prin S8Cretary (MadIcInaI PEKA Richard N, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facllitlas ChemIstryJ H8 Unit F( ),2108 Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shope B( ), pekaxoo2@ Como Ave 8 E, Mlnneapolls 55414, , maroon.\ pederoo6@maroon.te.urnn.adu PEKUROVSKAYA Lyudmlla A, Research PEDERSON Glenn D, Profassor (Ag & AppIIad Assistant (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI)112Amund H Econ) 218 Cl.A Off ( ), paderoo3@ ( ), 8201 W3CM St, Apl201, St Louis Park 55426, , pekuroo2@. PEDERSON J_ A, Sr Secretary (Nursing, School Of-Adm) HS ~ F ( ), PEKUROVSKIY MikhaJ L, Research AssIstant (ChemIceI Eng & Mal SCI) 112 Amund H PEDERSON Jayne L, 0fIIce Spec (H Transplant ( ), 8201 W3CMSt, St louis Park 55428, CenIer) Bx 462 Mayo ( ), P WB, ll3o-9'08, pekuroo1@maroon.ic.umn.adu 8208 GoodrIch Rd, IlIoomIngton 55437, PELLEGRINI John J, Post-Doc A1Isoc pacieroo8@maroo.te.urm.eciu (PhysIology) MIrd Ii( ), ( ) PEDERSON Jonalllan E, CIn Prof (0phthaIrnakigy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PELLER Janat D, SCIentIst (PedIatrics) Bx 490 P WB, Hennepln County Medical C8ntaf, Dept 01. Mayo ( ), 252 DVC C RC ( ), Ophth8IrnoIogy,701 Park Ave, Minneapolis ( ),2152 Cottonwood Trail, Long Lake ( ), pedar018@ 55358, 47s.0394, peieoo4@ PEDERSON Patrick A, Undergra Rea Asst II PELLETIER Joseph G, Student 0IIlce Asst (BiologIcal Process Tec:Illnst) 139 smith H, Univ (Bookstores) 100 And H, paiiaoo5@ of Mtnn, 202E Com H, 210 Deleware 81 8 E, maroon.\ Minneapolis 55455, , peder023@ ~ER Juli M, Jr lab TlIc:I1 (Soil SCI) 135 Cr maroon.te.umn.eciu Rea ( ), 515 EGrant St, Apl704, PEDERSON SSndra E, TeedlIng Spei:lallst (CEE Mlnneepoiis 55408, , paliaoo3@ & Summer 8easIon-UMD) 317 HDulu11l. maroon.te.umn.eciu ( ), , Cloquet 55720, 876-3m PELLETIER R_ W, C1In Assoc Prof PEDEJlION Tammy J, Exec SecratarY (Madical (Ophthalmology), Lowry MId Arta Bldg, Suite 240 SchooI-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), St Peter 81, 81 Paul 55102, ( ), 1088 Owra H, 7227 Chlcego Ave 8, Richfield 55423, Lombard Ave, St Paul 55105, , pederoo4@ PEDOE DanIaI, Prof Emer (Sch 01 MaIIlematics), PELLETT Harold M, ~ (HorlIcuIturaJ Ave 8 E, MInneapoIIa 55414, , SCIence), MN L.andscep8 ArtJoratum, 3875 padoeool@ Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhessen 55317, PEDRO-UM Judy K, As8Istant Professor ( X735), 1450 Game Farm Rd N, Moui1d ~ SCIences) Moos T, 7292 Upper 55384, , PtIt!P02@ 138th St, AppIa Valley 55124, , PEWZZER GIuseppe, ReaAssoc(1'hysiokJgy) IImxxOOl@maroon.IC.umn.ecIu MIrd H, As8Istant ProIeseor, VAMedical PEE8LE8 TImothy C, Instruclor Csntar, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, OJMD-Communlcelion) 469 ABAH Duluth, All ( )(4215), 3028 GarIIald Ave, Minneapolis Box 29, County Rd 158, WIllow River 55795, 55408, peiii001@maroon.te.umn.eciu,fax: PEEL MIcheeI 0, R_rch Asslstant (Agronomy PELOQUIN Allen B, PaintIlr (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) & PIanlGenatlca) 411 Bor H( ), Shope B( ),1546 Ballantyne Lane N Hayes H, 1277 Gibbs, St P1U155108, , E, Spring lake Pk 55432, pe/oqoo2@ peeixoo1@ PEGORS Donna W, Astoc Prof Emer (Music), PELOQUIN James J, Asst Golf Crs Mnt (SpoIls 1802 Wallace Ave, DuIuIIl55803, , FsC/Golf Cour'se MaInt Ctr) GC8 8 ( ), pegorool@maroon.te.umn.eciu G Ch, UndercllftSt NW, Andover 55304, PEl PIng, MedfClln lab Tec:Il (MedICine), VA , peioqool@maroon.ic.umn.adu MedicalCsntar, R88Nrch8ervk;e 151, One PELOQUIN Jill M,Srlab Tec:Il (Medclne) Bx480 Veterans Dr, Minneepolla 55417, Mayo ( ), P WB, 2615 NPascal ( X2879), Ih Ave 8 E, Apl B, St, ApllOE, RoseviIIa 55113, , MInneapoIIa 55414, , pelxx001@ peioqoo3@maroon.\c.umn.eciu PELTIEIl Skye J, Sr 0IIk:8 Asst (MaIIl & Its Aflp, PEICKERT Gerlid L, Sr Parking Alln (Parking Ins! For) 514 YIn H( ), 2830 Donnan Ave 8ervIces) 17 Pol 0 B( ), ( ), 8, MlnneapOlls 55408, PELTO Charies, RadloIogIc Ted1(Diagnostic PEIFER Richard W, EducatIon SpecialIst (General Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo (ll28-slo4), 1855 IIloIogy Prog) PI80 Koll H( ), rwpeliar@ l.arpenteur Ave, Apl17, Falcon Heights 55113,, fax:., , pe~@maroon.ic.umn.eciu PEIFFER Timothy J,Sr 8ye Soflw Prog PELTO Janet A, Asst Counselor (CEE (UntveraIty NetworkIng S8lvices) 130 Und H Counseling) 314 NC C E( ), jpe/tll@ ( ~ ( ), 3830 Sheridan Ave N, Minneapolis 55412, , pei1ier@ PELTONEN Joanne K, CoordInator (CLA cs.umn.eckl Language Ctr) 52 Fol H( ), 2124 Como PEIKERT Ceri F, Asaoclale Professor (Fam Ave, Apl301, 81 Paul 55108, , Practice & Community HIth), DocIllrs Clink; Ltd, 1218 E Ave, Fonlat lake 55025, , PELTZER Brenda L, cart Medical Asst (Family PractIce & Comm Health) ex 381 Mayo, P PEllE CraIg J, As8Istant Profassor (Medicine), WB, 728 C8se Ave, Apl2, St Paul 55108, HennepIn County Medical Csntar, Dept of Intarnal ,P81tz001@ MedIclne, 701 Park Ave 8.Minneapolis 55415, PEIWlTLE Robin, VISit Scholar (Ins! For MaIIl & ( ), peineoo2@ Its AppIicalions) 514 YIn H( ), 7132 PEINE Pa1rIck J, Non UnIv Stall (Nat Resources Amherst Ave, Unlveralty City MO 63130, AdmIn-AE8) 113 NC For ( ), pelneoo1@ , PENA AnnIa C, Med FeI Spec (Aneslhealoiogy) PEI8ERTMarg-'1lI M, Sr C8shIar (Bureer) Bx 294 Meyo ( ), C598 Mayo, And H( ), ( ),2840 Margaret St, MepIawood 55119, , m-pais@ PINA Fernando A, Non UnIv 8tall (Orthopeedic Surg) Bx 289 Mayo ( ), R311 Ch RC PEJT80 Dana L, ExeCStu P8ra Wkr (Student ( ), ( ), 32 Inner Dr, Apl H-14, St FInancIal Ald, Ole 01) 120 Frasar H( ), Paul 55118, 69G-9431, penaxoo2@ ( ), ( ), WIlIamIts NW, Ramsey 55303, PENAS Lee M, Gen Stall Nurse (Cardlovascular PEKA MIIcheII, Bldg & GreIs Wkr 3 (Facilities SwgJPrOgr C8ns-8C) pcli6c Mayo, penesool@ Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shope B( ),3854 Dupont Ave N, MInneapoIIa 55412, , PENAl Unda K, Gen Stall NUI1I8 (Padlatrlcs-7A) pekaxoo3@maroon.te.uiiiii.adu PCU7AMayo, PEKA NorlI8rl, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (Facilltlas PENCE Thomas V, As8Istant ProIeasor Mgmt-Mm) ex 59 Mayo ( ), B117 Moos (MedIcIne), C8rd1o-Rena1lnlamista;801 NIcoiIal T, 2623 Western Ave, R088VIIIa 55113, Mall, 8ults 300, MInneepoIIs 55402, penceool@ maroon.\

65 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF PENDROY-PETERS 311 PENDROY TheraI M, Sr S8crelary (Restorative SCIences) Moos T ( ), th Ave 5, Rlchtleld 55423, , PENG HLI8IllIn, lecturer (SOCIology) 909 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), pengxoo5@. PENG Shaomln, R_rch A8Ilslanl (EIecIrIcal Engineering) E E/C Sci ( ), pengxoo2@ PENG Shengjl, RHHfCh Assistant (CIYD ~) 122 CIv E( ), ( ), 2047 Knapp Ave, Apt El,St Paul 55108, , PENoID Nancy L, O1lIceSpec (Envrn & 0CCupaII0na1 Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1210 Mayo, 137lla1es, St Paul 55106, , PENN Donna P, Taachlng AssIstant (Educa1lonal Paychology) 204 Bu H (82~, , PENN Jean N, Sr 01lIce SUpv (Bookstores) 290 Wmson H( ), (82&-5549),1040 Lynda Dr N'E, Fridlay 55432, , J-penn@ vrnl.spcs.umn.adu, lax: PENN Jellray R, Aaa1 Prof EmIr (Fam Prac:tk:e & Community HIth), 510 Orange Ave W, St Paul 55117, 4ll8-O905 PENN Mischa, Asaociata Prolaasor (Anthropology) 234 Ford H( ), Warwick, StPaul55118, , pennxool@ PENNEL Christina, Gen Stall NU1'$8 (PedIatrIc Intenllve C8re-4E) PCU 4E Mayo, renneoo3@ PEHNELL Chrlllopher A, AIllItantPrclesaor (~ Medicine &Palhology) Bx 88 Mayo ( ), Jac H( ), ~ Watarladge Terrace, Mendola Heights 55120, PENNER Barbara G, ~rch Alsiatant (F~I Resourcea) 115 Gm H( ), ( ~ penneoo2@ PENNEY ChriI1Ine A, RHHfCh AaIiItant (Forest R8IOUrcea) 110 Gm H( ), 3425 Bryant Ave 5, Minneapolis 55408, ~, penneoo3@ PENNINGS Richard W, Rel88rch Aaa1l11l1nt (Civil Engineering) 295B CIv E ( ),411 WMain, POBox 97, Balsam Lake WI 54810, , pennioo3@ PENNY C8roIyn, Pharmaclsl (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 811 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo ARlen V_ Ct, Arden Hila 55112, , PENROD Joan 0, ~rch Allistant (lnllltule For Health Svcs Rea) Bx 393 Mayo ( , D-527Mayo, 2,105 Girard Ave 5 5, MInneaPOlis 55405, , PENROD SllIven 0, Prolaasor (Law Sch InSlr) H H HCtr ( ), 2105.Girard Ave 5, MInneIpolla 55405, , penrod@ PENROSE Helen M, Program Asaociata (Exl8nIion CisaIea) 202 Wea H( ,4), ,, lax: PENSINGER Amy M, Nurling Sta Tech (OIlcoIQgy-Masonic 3) PCUm3 Mayo, 3540 Emerson Ave S,Apt 202, MinneapoDs , PENTEL Paul R, Asaociata Prolaasor (Medlc:ine), (PhannacoIogy), HennepIn County MadicaI center Dept of MedicIne, 701 Perk Ave 5, Minneapolla 55415, ( ), panteool@ PENUELA SIlvIa, R_rch Alsistant (Plant Path) 495 Bor H, 412 Stak H, 1458 Cleveland Ave N,. Box 329N, St Paul 55108, PEOT Barbara A, Tela Svc PrO<: Tee (TeklcOmmunicatlonl 5ervlces) Ste UnIv Av sa ( ), PEPER George T, lecturer (Sci & Math-UMM) SC MorrII (5llW3OO), th Ave NE, Willmar 58201, PEPER Jody L, Prill 5ecretery (Chemical Eng & Mat Scl) 151 Amund H( ), ( ), th St NW, Apt 14, N~ BrtghtOn 55112, , paperool@ PEPIN Robert 0, Prolaasor (Physics & AIIronomy) 148PhyI ( ), Dir (cerhpfcol Level) 421 Shep ~ ( ), 8730 Willow Lene, Brooklyn Center 55430, paplnoo1@,lax: PEPPER Bernice, 01lIce Spec (CEE Duluth Ctr-GeneraQ Ad B Duluth ( ), PEPPER Dawn M, GIn Stell Nurse (Rehab 4). PCUR4 Mayo ( ), peppeool@ PEPPER Gerald L, Head (WfFac Rank) (UMD-Communicatlon)469 ABAH Duluth ( ), ( ), , gpapper@ PERALA Donald A, Non UnIv Stall (N CantrIi Exp Sta), 8ilO8 SUnny Beach Rd, Grand Rapldl 55744, , lax: PERALA TImothy J, Soltw Stall Spec (UMD-Intonnatlon ~) 178 MWAH Duluth ( ), Instructor (CEE Duluth Ctrl, 1901 Rice Lake Rd, Duluth 55811, , tperala@, lax: PERALEZ EIther, Dir (camp/col LeveQ (Gen CoII-Ss Admin) 48 Ap H( ), ( ), paraloo1@ PERCIAVALLE V1ncenzo, Prolaasor (PhyIioIogy) Mlrd H( ), percioo3@ PERCICH Jamea A, Prolaasor (Plant Path) 495 Bot H ( O~ 318 SIak H ( ~ 8140 Rhode IllisndOrcte 5, IlklomIngtlln 55438, PERCY MaryB, H.R. Mgr (H Human Resources) Bx 500 Mayo ( ), 407 Boyn H5, parcyoo1@ PEREIRA Donald L, Asslatant Prolaasor (Rsherles &WIldlife) 200 Hodson H( ), ( ), MN DNR, Region 8 Flsher1ea Ral88rch,12OO Warner Rd, St Paul 55106, ( ), PERENTESIS JOhn P, Allill1llnt Prolaasor (Pedlatrics) Bx 204 Mayo ( ), 0557 Mayo ( ), , parenool@, lax: PEREZ Diane M, PrIn 5ecretary (lab Medicine & Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), Moos T, 11839Gladlola 51 NW, Coon RapidS 55433, , parezoo2@ PEREZ Francisco G, Sr 01lIce Aaa1 (University Stores) UStor N( ), 2901 Talmage Ave 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), 1835Eldridge Ave, Apt 6, Rosavllle 55113, , PERIAWlDlam T, Prclesaor (EIecIrIcal Engineering) EEtC Sci (825-«133), ( ) Tamarac Ave, EdIna 55438, ,,lax: PERIC" Sanja, Gr8!lSChool Fellow (St Anthony RI HydraUlic Lab) 378 H L( ), , PERILLO C8ther1ne A, Reaearch AssIstant (SolI Sdence) 439 Bar H( ), 1404 Raymond Ave, Apt 9, St Paul 55108, 8#-5158, PERKINS Bruce W, Teaching AssIstant (Mulic) 100 Farg H( ), 1847 Randolph Ave, Apt 303, 51 Paul 55105, , parld002@ PERKINS GerilYnn A, Student Para Wkr (Agriculture, College of Ag-Admln) 320 Vo Tech ( ), ( ), parkloo7@ PERKINS Kathleen A, Teaching AssIstant (EnglIsh Language & Ut) 207 Wild H( ), 2100 N Irving Ave, Minneapolis 55411, parkloo2@ PERKINS SheIla R, Head Coach (Educatlon-UMM) 2250 PE CMorrIs ( ), 414 Michael Ct, Onaislka WI 54850, parldnar@ PERLEBERQ carmen M, Sr S8crelary (Hon'neI Institute), HormaIlnllltule, 80116th Ave N E, Austin 56912, ( ), th St NW, Apt 4, Austin 55912, , periaool@ PERLMUTTER CherIe R, Assoc VICe Pras (Health SCIences-Adm) 432 Mar H( ), 8074 Kentucky Ave 5, Minll8fPOlis 55438, ,, lax: PERLMUTTER David 0, Teaching Alliltent (JoumaHsm & Mals Comm, Sch of) 111 Mur H ( ), parimoo1@ PERMAN VIctor, Assoc Dean (Vet PathobIoIogy) 443 Vet Too HOI ( ), 1724 WSklIIman Ave, ROI8vi1le 55113, , parmaool@ PERMUTH PenIna 0, JrSClentiII (Food SCI & NutrttIon) 248 A BLM5 (~4-1295), Jamea Ave, BurnsvIlle 55337, , parrnuoo1@, PERNIEL Dawn P, PrIn S8crelary (H Bone Marrow Tranaplant) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), C550 Mayo, PERRI Robert T, Asaociata Prelesaor (Medicine), V A MadicaI Center, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X4135), parrloo3@ PERRIN Karl J, Health 5erv Lpn (Boynton-NursIng) 3WBoyn H5 ( ), th St, Box 223, North Branch 55058, parrioo5@ PERRIS DougIaa P, Student Jr App Prog (call Biology & Nauroanatomy) 152Shep Lab, 8351 SI CroIx Trail N, StIIIweter 55082, , PERRIZO Gregory B, Food Opar Mgr (Housing S8rvicas-Sanlor Hall) San H( ), ( ),3238 Lyndale Ave 5, MInneapoliI 55408, , PERRO Dennis A, Dsta PrO<: Tech 2 (TeklcOmmunlcations'5ervlces) 30 Telacom B ( ), ( ), 5379 l80th SIW, Farmington 55024, , penooo4@ PERRON Margaret M, Program Asaociata (Health Mgmt &Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ), Mayo, 841 ManomIn Ave, St Paul 55107, , PERRON PhIlip T, Bldg & Grda Wkr 3 (FacDllIes Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ); th Ave NW, New Brighton 55112, , PERRONE CatherIne A, R_rch Alaistanl (Call Biology & Nauroanatomy) Jac H( ) 401 Charles Ave, St Paul 55103, , parrooo2@ PEIlRoNE TheraI L, AI8ocI8te Prelesaor (Lab MedIcIne & Pathology) Bx 78 Mayo ( ), C443 Mayo, parrcool@ PERRY Charles H, Research Alliltent (Forest Raeoun:es) 115 Gm H ( ~ 1897 NFry, Apt 12, Falcon HeIghla 55113, , PERRY Cheryl L, Prolaasor (EpIdemiology) nd St ( ),1201 Yale Place, Apt 910, Minneapolis 55403, parry@ PERRY DaIHs K, Aaa1 Dir (C8rnp/CoQ (Univ GounsaIlng & ConsultIng Serv) 109 Eddy H ( ). (Paychology) ( ), 4310 Tyrol Crest, Golden Velkly 55418, , parry@, lax: PERRY Danlel J, R8I88rch Allistant (Foreal R_) 115 Gm H( ), E6th 51, Apt 8, MInneapoliI 55414, , parryoo8@. PERRY ElIzabeth H, PhysicIan (Lab Medicine & Palhology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), 0211 Mayo, 823 Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55105, , peny001@, lax: 812~ PERRY Ethan F, Sr ~ Tech (Rlheries & Wlldlne) 200 Hodson H, PERRY Jamea A, Proleaaor (Forest ReaoUrcea) 115 Gm H ( ), (Plant BIology) (824-34;00), ( ~ 307 Edgewood, StilIwstat' 55082, PERRY Julia N, Grad SChool Trainee (PaychoIogyj N218 Ell H, 8224 Beard Road, BloomIngton 55431, , parry012@ PERRY Leo E, EIeclronics Tech (Human Ecology, College Of-Adm) 55 Me N H( ~ 2095 Dolle Dr, Apt 202, WhIte Bear Lake 55110, , PERRY Melinda L, GIn Stall Nurse (Pedtatrics-5A) PCUSA Mayo, parryoo8@ PERRY Paul C..leCturer (Extension Cisasas-Mall1llrl/Bua Tex), Coopers & Lybrand, 850 3rd Ave 5, Minneapolis 55402,15187 Boulder PoInte Rd, Eden Prairie 55347, parryoo9@ PERRY 5 Lee, Exec 5ecretary (Human Ecology, CIg Of-Adm) 37 Me NH( ~ 2268 Spruce Place, White Bear Lake 55110, m-7575, PERRY SIma, GIn Stall Nurse (Nursing Floal Pool) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), 7710 Penn Ave 5, Apt 203, MInneapoIiI55423, , parryoo4@ PERRY HOUTS ThomaI 0, L.Ibrary Alit 2(L.Ibrary Central Tech 5erv) MWL( ), at Ave 5, MinneapoDs 55408, I-parr@ PERSING Melisaa L, Ext Educ & lnetr (ME5-Districts), Traverse Co Ext Ole, Cou~, Box 457, Whea1a158298, ( ) 402 3rd 51 N, Wheaton 58298, ~7, PERSON Henry B, Alsocia1e Prolaasor (UMD-F1nance & Mgmt Inlc Scl) 2t 5 BEDuluth ( ), ( ), 4~ Glendale St, Duluth 55804, ,, lax: PERSON Howard A, Ext Educ &Also Prof (MES-Districts), Pennington Co Ext Ole, Courthoul8, Box 818, ThIel River Fla 58701, ( ), RI 2, Box 22OA, Thiel River Fla 58701, , PERSON Mark A, AIIiatant Prolaasor (Geology & GeophyIics) 108 Pills H, mparson@ PERSON PatlIr E, Clin Aaa1 Prel (Medicina-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd SI, Duluth PERSON Richard A, Maint EquIp Oper (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), Hvy EquIp' Yd, th Ave NE, Stenchtleld 55060, pers0002@maroon.ll;.umn,edu PERSONS Edgar A, Prelesaor (Voc Tech Educ) 320B Vo Tech ( ), 2182 Doswell Ave, 51 Paul 55108, , persoool@ PERSOON Jane M, Instructor (Nurling, Sch Of-Prog & Rea), Children'l Hospltallnc, 345 N Smith Ave, 51 Paul 55102, ( ), 741 EHoyt Ave, 51 Paul 55108, parsooo4@ PERTlLE Terence L, Research A8Ilslanl (Vet Pathoblology) 113 Vet 5 ( ), ( ), th Ave N, Maple Grove 55389,, lax: PERUN Gwendolyn C, Asaociata Professor (Continuing Education & Ext-Adm) 150 Well H ( ), Macphail Center For The ArtI,1128 Laaalle Ave, Minneapolll 55403, ( ), 1909 Franklin 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, , PERUSSE Carol A, Admin Director (Rea & Tech Tms Adm, Ole of) Weah Av 5 ( ), ( ), PESCHEL Kalama, Phys Therapist (Boynton-Physical Med & Rehab) Boyn H5 ( ), ( ), 6830 WIllow Lena, MinneapoDs 55430, , peschoo3@; PESCHKEN Stanley F, Distl1but1on Wkr (Hasp Shipping) Bx 517 Mayo ( ), Cl27 Mayo, 6685 NCortiawn Circle, MInneapolis 55428, , PESEK Carole 0, Med/Clin Lab Tech (Hasp labs-cham) Bx 198 Mayo (~), C297 Mayo, 769 Wncoln Ave, 51 Paul 55105, , PESEK 5andra 0, Aaa1 Fmance Dir (H Patient Rnan san) Bx 802 Mayo ( ), pasekoo2@. PESKIN Robert A, Taachlng Aaaiatarit (Music) 100 Farg H, 2048 Wncoln Ave, St Paul 55105, , PESKORZ Joseph J, Hasp M& 0 Mach (H Malnt & Opar) Bx 702 Mayo, peakoool@ PESSOA-llRANDAO Luisa M, Teaching A..istant (Statistics..Sch Of-Adm) 270 YIn H, Ipb@ PESTER Todd A, Rel88rch Allistant (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 &li' H(825-m8), 200 Hayes H, th 51 Ct, AppkI Valley 55124, , PETEK Tereaa M, Exec Stu Pera Wkr (CEE Counaaling) 314 NCC E( ), fllel8k@ PETERMAN Carol N, Prln Secretary (Medicina-UMD) 352 Med Duluth ( ), 4525 Paabody 51, Duluth 55804, , cpeterme@ d.umn.adu PETERMEIER Michael H, Mgr satety/5ecur (H Prctaction Serv) Bxlooo Mayo ( ~" pater064@ PETERS Disne M, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Peters SnydfIr Drug, 321 NJelIerson, Wadena 58482, ( )

66 312 PETERS-PETERSON STAFF PETERS DonaJd C, Assl VIce Pres (Boynton Admlnislrallon) W334 Boyn HS, 1438 Danube Rd N, Fridley 55432, , PETERS Eugene l, Asst SclentIst (AE8-NW E8-Crookston), NW ExperIment Station, Crookston 56718, ( X488), 220 7th SI E, Crookston PETERS Gordon, Adj Asst Prol (UMD-SocioIogy/AnlhropoIogy) 228 Cina Duluth ( ), 200 RL B ( ), Federal Bldg, 515 WIst SI, Duluth 55801, ( ) PETERS Gregory A, Mel! Fel Spec (Radiology) ex 292 Mayo, 1797 Iglehart, SI Paul 55104, PETERS Gregory K, CIn Instr (Family Practice & CommunIlyHealth), Shorevtew Family PhysIcians, 4194 NLexington AWl, Shorevtew 55128, ( ), PETERS Greta J, Crnnly Prog Asst (ME8-CoIIege 01 Education), Dakota CO.Ext Ole, Fairgrounds, Ih St W, Farmington 55024, ( ), th St E, Inver Grove Hts 55078, , PETERS o-mioiyn C, Crnnly Prog Assoc (Dtsabllilies Slds, Inst FOf) Univ Av 58, Suftv 152, 2331 UnIwnIly AWl S E, MInneapoHs 55414, (827-45«1), 10S27101st Place N, Maple Grove 55389, PETERS JetIrey R, Res Fellow (MedIclne) Bx 192 Mayo (82<4-7679), 17<4-AVCR C th Ave N, Crystal 55427, , pelefoo8@ PETERS Jennifer M, GIn Stat! Nurse (4D-S1cu) PCU4D Mayo, 5438 Township Dr, Whlle Beer Lake 55110, 429-8lI22, souceool@ PETERS John W, Ext Educ & Instr (ME5-Dl8tricts) Pine CO Ext Ole, 105 Fire Monument Rd, Box 370 Hinckley 55037, ( ), At 2, Box 484, PIne CIty 55083, PETERS Kathleen A, Assoc Dev 0lIIcer (Raptor center) G Rapt Ctr (82<4-1203), peter022@ PETERS Robin M, GIn Stat! Nurse (Bone Marrow Transplant-AduIl-4B) PCU4A Mayo, 4932 Green Valley Rd, Minnetonka 55345, , PETERS 581ly E, Lpn (Eye, Ent NeuroIogy-8B) PCU6B Mayo, 82<4-8544; peter083@ PETERS SCott J, Teaching As8Istanl (HHH Inst Publ AIIrs) 130 H H HCtr (825-()142), ( ), 4018 CIoIax Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, 822-ll733, PETERS Teresa l, Vet Tech (Vet Tead*lg Hosp Clinic) 305 Vet Tell Hos ( ), ( ), 892.(l32(l, pel8f23o@ PETERS Terrence R,.UliRly Worker (Parking 58rvices) 4 St Ramp, 808 ElmSI, Anoka 55303, , PETERS Timothy J, PrIn Amt SpfSupv (Minitex) MWL( ), I-pete@ PETERSEN Anita H, Exec 8ecI8tary (SpanIsh & Portuguese) 34 FoI H(82)5858), ( ~ th Ave SE, MInneapolIs 55414, , peter036@ PETERSEN Anne C, Voce~ (Graduate 8choOI-Admin) Dean & Profes8Or (Inst 01 Child Dev) On Leeve 94/95 PETERSEN Cindy M, Ext Educ & Prol (ME8-DIstrIctlI), Me Lead CO ExtOle, 840 centuiy Ave, Suile B, Hutchinson 55350, ( ), 1313 Ravenwood CIn:le, Waconia 55387, , PETERSEN Daniel J, Nursing Sta Tech (Nursing FIoeI Pool) Bx li03 Mayo ( ), 1325 TIler Lene, Arden HtIIs 55112, pel8r212@ PETERSEN David l, AdmissIOns 1nt8rV (H Admissions) Bx 709 Mayo ( ), P W B, rd Pky N, Brooklyn Park 55443, , PETERSEN Deborah W, As8Istanl Profes8Or (Sch 01 Public Heellh) Bx em Mayo, peterol3@ PETERSEN DIane l, Sr Med Tech/Clln (Hosp Lebs-Oulr8ech) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), B203 Mayo, 1121 Westbury Path, Eagan 55123, , PETERSEN Gerald P, Medicel libtech (Hasp LetJs..Oulpallenl) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), PWB, 4818 GeorgIa Ave N, Crystal 55428, 53>5574, PETERSEN Harlan D, Assistant Prolellsor (Foreet Products) 203 Kaul L( ), 854 Cannon Ave, Shoreview 55128, , peter018@ PETERSEN Jean E, Prin Cashier (Alumni Relations) 501 C M U (82<4-2323), ( ), peter025@ PETERSEN Joan S, Admin AIde (Ololaryngology) Bx 398 Mayo (82)2410), ' W B, pelet'096@l PETERSEN Marsha M, ilidg &Grds Wkr 1 (AE8-SW ES-Lamberlon), SWExpar1rnenl Sta, Lemberton 58152, ( ) PETERSEN Michael J, Assistant ProI8ssor (Restorative Scleroces) Mooe T ( ), 3200 HilldaJe Ave N E, StAnthclnjl55418, pelllloo2@ PETERSEN Phyllis A, Editor (MN Ext 8erv-Educ Dev Syst) 405 COl H( ), 7852 Glenda Ct, Apple Valley 55124, 891-1~7, ppel8tsiil@, lax: PETERSEN Taml L, Prin Secretary (Pedlalrics) Bx 391 Mayo (82)1471), 13-1AOPWB,pel8f057@. PETERSEN TerllS8 A, R,-searell Asslstant (Biostatistics) Bx 197 Mayo (82<4-9670), M48 Mayo ( ), 2188 Maple Lene, Maplewood 55109, pel8r086@ PETERSEN.Timothy W, Teeching Assistant (Aerospace Eng & Meohanics) 107 Aker H (62)6000), ( ),2527 El40th St, Rosemounl55088; , peter04o@ PETERSEN William E, Clln Assoc PrOf (Medicine), Abbott Northwestern Hospital, 800 E 28th St, Minneapolis 55407, ( ), 7704 Pondwood Dr, Minneapolis 55439, , peter14o@. PETERSEN William 0, Laborer (AE8-SW E8-Lamberlon), (Charles Babbage Instilutll), SW Experiment Sta, Lemberton 58152, ( ) PETERSEN PERLMAN Deborah S, AssocIata Professor (UMD-Communicellon) 489 A BAH Duluth ( ), ( ) PETERSEN SlEKERTGlenna, Teaching AsIlstant (Sociology) 909 Soc SCI (82~, 4390 Mackey Ave S, Edina 55424, , peter170@ PETERSON Alan l,clln Assoc Prol (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Mad Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Duluth 55605, ( ) PETERSON Alison, Mad Fe! Spec (Fam Practice & Community HIlh), River Valley CIinlc, 8451 SE PoInt Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove 55018, ( ), pel8r220@ PETERSON Allan G, Prol Emer (Entomology), RI 3, Box 143, Aitkin 58431, PETERSON Amy L, Mad Tech Spec (Hasp Lebs-V1ro1ogy) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 1>148 PW B, PETERSON Andrea A, Teechlng AsIlstant (Art Department) 208 Art B ( ), pel8f087@ PETERSON Ann Marie, Prin 8ecnltary (Orthopaedic Surg), T C SCoIloshi SpIr)e center, 2737 Chlcego Ave S, U-2OO, Minneapolis 55407, ( ), nd SI W, Apt 105, St LouI8 Park 55428, PETERSON Anna L, Police 0lIIcer (UM~ POlice) 287 DAd B Duluth ( ), apeteral@ d.umn.adu PETERSON Barbara V, Nu1r Educ Asst (ME8-Human Ecology), Morrison CO Ext Ole, County Government Ctr, Ave SE, Ullle Falls 58345, ( XI61), At 2, Box 45, Staples 58479, PETERSON Bath A, Sr Accounts Asst (UMD-Outdoor Program) 121 Sp HCDuluth ' ( ), 4907 Glendale SI, DuIulh PETERSON Blake D, Ext Educ & Prol Ret (ME8-Col1ege 01 Agriculture) 128 Pat H (82)9757), At 1, Box 273, CIearllrook 58834, PETERSON Bradley J, Clin Instr (AnesthesIology) Bx 294 Mayo, Medicel Anesthesia lid, 8490 Excelsior Blvd, Minneapolis 55428, ( ), pel8r071@ PETERSON Brooks R, Research AsIlstant (Addressing &Mailing) h SI SE ( ), peter047@ PETERSON Bruce A, Professor (Medlclne) Bx 286 Mayo (82<4-5631), 504 Mas can Ctr, 3828 Zenith Ave S, Mlnnaapolls 55410, , PETEJl80H Carla A, SuppIml Employee (EpldenioIogy) S 2nd St (82<4-1884), ( ), H11lada1e Dr, Chippewa Falls 54729, , PETEJl80H Carol B, Crnnly Prog Assoc (Psychlatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ), Univ Av se ( ), ( ), pel8ri81@ PETEJl80H Charlene M, SCIentist (Oral ScIences) Mooe T (82<4-517~), 4425 Holm.Oak Lene N, 08kdaJe 55128, , ijeter069@, lax: PETEJl80H Charles R, CIn Asst PrOf (Medicine) ( ), Park NIcoIl8l MedIcal center, 5000 W 39th St, StLouI8 Park 55418, ( ), 5900 S JoeephIne Ave, Edina 55438, peterl33@ PETERSON Chartolte l, CoordInator (ME8-CoIIege othuman EaIlogy), Swlfl CO Ext Ole, Courthouse, Benson 58215, ( ) PETERSON Cham A, Sr 0tIice ~ (Academic Attalrs-Adm) 232 Mar H( ), (82s-0051), PETERSON ChlpF, CoordInator (IntnI Studies, Inst 01) 104 Nich H ( ). (82<4-4525),1711 I.klcoIn Ave, St Paul 55105, c-pete@,lax: 812'-'1730 PETERSON ChrIstian J,.PrIn Amt Sp/Supv (Pedletrlcs) Bx 391 Mayo ( ), PW B,4238 Meghan Lene, Eagan 55122, pel8r095@ PETEJl80H ChrIstian M, CIn Asst PrOf (~MD) 141 Med Duluth, St Marys HoepllaJ, 407 E3rd St, Duluth PETEJl80H Chrlsllna A, Med Records DIr (H MedIcal Records) Bx 801 Mayo ( ), PW B, N 55th St, Clek Park Hts ~, peter073@ PETERSON Christopher D, Accounts Spec (MN Ext 8erv'AdmlnlstralIon) 415 Col H, 3100 Girard Ave S. Apl305, Mlnneepolls 55408, 82<4-0490, PETEJl80H COlIeeo P, Fl.-rch Asslstanl (Industrial ReIallons Clr) 537 MgmtJEcon, PETEJl80H CorrIne B, Assoc Editor (Preventivll 8cIences) Moos T ( ),10938 FIlmore St NE, Illalne 55434, ,, lax: 812.Q PETERSON Craig, Admin Fellow pnst 01 InU Studies & Programa) 149 NICtt H( ), 50 Groveland Terrace. Apt 105. Minneapolis , PETERSON CraIg J, Med Fel Spec (Leb Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Pinehurst Dr, Burnsville 55337, , pel8r114@ PETERSON Dana l,teechlng Asslstanl (english Language & LIt) 207 lind H, 729 8th Ave S E, Apt 13. Mlnneapolls 55414, , pel8f051@ PETERSON Daniel J,~ (PIning, Campus Mastllr & Real Estata) 515 Mar H (82<4-5289~ 1000 WFranklIn Ave. Apt 328, Minneapolis PETERSON Darla 1<', Exec 8ecI8tary (UMM-AcademIc Attalrs-Adm) 315 Behm Morris ( ), 300 South St, Apt 308. Morris 58287, , d1l8l8'@vm', lax: 812.Q5.151;! PETERSON Darlene M, Bldg & GreIs Wkr 3 (UMD-Housing (Bumtskle Hall)) 103 L 5 H DuIulh ( ), 501 E41h St, Apt A, lluiuth 55605, 7274!tf18 PETEJl80H David C, Bldg &Grds Wkr 1 (AnImal ScIenoe) 200 Shops B, nd Ave S, E, Minneapolis 55414, 379-Il255, pel8r213@ PETEJl80H Dawri C, TranaIatDr (UMD-Acce8s Clr) 139 L (218-72B-lJ'29), ( ), ( Tty) PETEJl80H Dawn l, Teaching As8Istanl (UMD-ChemIstry) 248 Chern Duluth, 2002 AdiRlndack St, Duluth 558", PETERSON Dean M, Fl.-rch Asslstant (UMD-GeoIogy) 229 H H DuIulh ( ), (72<4-1872),117 ClrtIsIe Ave, Duluth 55803, 72< PETERSON Derun, Grad School Fellow (Gradua1e School-Adm) 814 Soc ScI, 333 Fredericks Rd, Johnson CIty NY 13790, , pel8r247@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PETERSON DonaJd C, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Fergus Falls Reg T*"",nt Ctr, 1st & Union Ave, Box 157, Fergus Fals 58537, ( ) PETERSON Donna C, DIrector (Univ-Wlde) (1nstIlulIonaI Relations) 215 Mar H (82<4-9022), (82<4-2855), lllh-Ave S. Minneapolis 55408, , PETERSON Donna M, PrIn Secretary (UMD-Houslng) 149 L SH Duluth ( ), ( ), 124 Waverly Place, Duluth 55803, , PETElisoN Donna N, Sr Scienllsl(Envm & ClccupalIonaI Health) th SI SE ( ), ( ), 2438 N Pascal, RosevIIe 55113, , PETERSON Douglas A, Asslstanl Profes8Or (MedIclne), VA MedIcal eantiir (11Cl), One V8letaM Dr, Minneapolis 55417, (72)2000), P0 Box 24201, Minneapolis 55424, pel8r221@ PETERSON Owight H, Instructor (SocIal Work, Sch 01) 400 Ford H, 2234 SpnlC8 Place, While Beer Leke 55110, m.«fl.5, pel8r215@ Ea~ A, Profes8Or (Physics & Astronomy) 354A Phys ( ), Tower-8oudan Sl8l8 Park, POBox 175, Soudan 55782, ( ), 3141 Dean Ct, Apt 501, Minneapolis 55418,, lax: < ' PETERSON Eari J, Physician (Faro Practice & Communtly HIlh) BX 381 Mayo (82<4-2822),.&-240 l'wb, PETERSON Elwood, Gardener (UMM-Plant S~rounda-General) Cam Morrta ( ), ( ),107 South St, Morrls 582e7, PETERSON Evan H, CIIn Asst Pfol (Fam Practice &Community HIth), At 5, Box 57<4-241, KerrvIlle TX 78028, PETERSON Frederlck W, Prolessor (Humanllles-UMMj 5 HFAMorrls ( ), petilrsfwocaa PETERSON Gall B, AssocIata Proleesor (Psychology) N210A Ell H( ), petilroo4@, lax: PETERSON Gan} F, Asslstanl Proleasor (Lab MedIcIne & Pathology) ( ),730 S7th St, Minneapolis 55415, ( ),pel8rI36@ PETERSON Gary E, Lead SlDres Clerk (Universily SlDres) UStor N( ), 2818 Buchanan St H E, Mlnne8polis 55418, , pel8r088@ PETERSON GalY M,CIn Iilstr (Medk:ine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Skyline MedIcal center, 2900 PIedmont Ave, Duluth 55811, gpelin2@ Gerald J, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Leke Region ~, 712 SCascade, Fergus Fals 58537, ( ) PETE~ GerakI R, Hosp Custodian 3 (H EnvirOnmel1ial8erv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), 102 Mayo, PETERSON Grace C, AsS! PrOf Err!er(U~D-Malh & S1aIlstics), 101 Artavia St, Duluth 55811, , pel8r18l1@ PETERSON Gregory J, CIn Assoc PrQI (MedlcIne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Gateway Family Hea1th CNnIc, SHwy 81, Moose Lake 55787, ( ) PETEJl80H Harvey l, Asaodal8 Profes8Or (UMC-Agricullural Mgml) UTO CCrookston ( ), PETEJl80H Heidi A, Per lllem GanINursing F10at Pool) Bx 8Il3 Mayo, peter055@ PETERSON Helen M, Sr 0tIIce AsSl (DIsburaement 8ervIces) S2ndS1 (82<4-9582),727 Sherburne, St Paul 55104, PETERSON Helen S, Short Term Employ (EpIdemIology), 1823Universily Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, ( ), POBox 14084, MInnaapoIIs 55414, ; peter152@ PETEJl80H Holger I, Phys 1l1er Asst (H PhyslcaI Therapy~ Bx 108 Mayo, 19208JeMl Path, lakeville 55044, , peterl83@ PETERSON James L, Lead SlDres Clerk (UMD-Food & Vending 8vl:a) 270 K SC Duluth ( ),8701 VlI1land, DuIulh 55810,

67 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF PETERSON-PETTER 313 PETERSON James R, Attorney (law SCh Admin) 95 Law ( ), maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Janet 0, SChool Nurse (UMQ-Health 5ervIces) HS 0u1u1h ( ) PETERSON Jerome, Bldg & Greis Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), 1226, Marqu811a Ave, Apt 312, Mlnnaapolis 55403, , pe18r027@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Jerrold M, Prolassor (UMQ-EconomIcs)'115 S B E Oululh ( ), ( ),354 Kenilworth Ave, 0uIu1h 55803, 7~7"jpeterso@d.umn.adu PETERSON John A, Fac ProjaCl Coord (Fac Mgmt-Zona 6-1T) 200 Shops B ( ), '16 Arch ( ), th St N, Oakdale 55128, , peter219@maroon.1c.umn.adu, lax: , pager: PETERSON John E, 0ftIce Spec (H OPD-Emergency serv) Bx 710 Mayo, pe18r054@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON John W, Prof Emer (MN Ex1 S8rv-Mgmt Oper), Courthouse, 400 Ct, Box 62, Gaylord 55334, ( ), 95 E High AYfI, At 2, Box 26, Gaylord 55334, , peter169@ maroon,1c.umn.adu PETERSON John W, Accountant (CIa, Accountilg &BudgetS) 214 Joh H( ),1285 Robin Lana, New Brighlon 55112, j-pe18@ vml.spcs.umn.adu PETERSON Jory H, Program Assoclata (CEE & Summer sesslon-umd) Ad B Dululh ( ),354 Kenllworth, Dululh 55803, , jpe18rs6@d.umn.adu PETERSON JudI1h, Gan StatlNursa (CUHCe-AduIl MadlcaQ Bx 85 C U H CC ( ), ( XX242), peterl35@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Judith L, Admin Director (Public Health, SCh Of-Adm) Bx 197 Mayo ( ), A308 Mayo ( ),8515 Olympia St, Golden Valley 55427, ~,jpetarso@, mallbox.illau.umn.adu,fax: PETERSON JudI1h R, Accounts Spec (Otolaryngology) Bx 283 Mayo ( ), PWB, peter05o@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Judy E, Ole Sup SpecPrin (H Human Rasources) Bx 500 Mayo ( ), 411 BoynH S ( ), pelarl02@maroon.1c.umn.adu, fax: PETERSON Karen A, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (TelecommunicatIOns S8rv1cas) Sta Unlv AV,se (624.()567), ( ), k-pe181@ vml.spcs,umn.adu PETERSON Karen H, Gan Statl Nurse (Bone Marrow Transpiant-AduR-4B) PCU4B Mayo ( ), peterl60@marooll.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Karen J, Sr Cashier (MN Land$Cllpe Arboretum), MN Land$Cllpe Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Box 39, Chanhassan 55317, ( ), peterl44@ PETERSON Karen L, Oper Room Lpn (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo, petar099@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Kathlaen A, Bldg & Greis Wkr 3 (Housing S8rv1cas-Balley Hall) sa H( ), ( ), pe18r024@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Kathlaen F, $I' Academic Advisor,(Biological SCI Sldnt Svcs) 223 Sn H( ), kilthlep@molbio,cbs.umn.adu PETERSON Keith, Pipeflttar (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 202 Phys PI ( ), 9116 Por1land Ave S, Bloomington 55420, pe18r035@ PETERSON K1lndra, Assistant Professor (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), P WB, peteroi4@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Keven L, InstructOr (Pharmacy Practlca), Kmar1 #3760, 1001 Hwy 23, Bypass N, Marshall 56256, ( ), Box 44, Cottonwood 56229, 4231S43 PETERSON Kevin A, Physlcilln (Fam Practlca & CommunRy HIth) Bx 361 Mayo, Assistant ProIassOr PWB, Hazel Park Family PractIca, 933 Whlta Baar Ave, St Paul 55106, ( ),2074 SChatIer Ave.. St Paul 55116, , pe18r223@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Kevin T, Teaching Assistant (Summer session) 306 Lind H( ), ( ), petar029@maroon,1c.umn.adu PETERSON Kevin W, Teaching SpecIalist (UMQ-Muslc Suzuki Progarm) 231 H Dululh ( ) PETERSON Kristin M, Lpn (Nursing Floet Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, 433 S 7th St. AplI602, Mlnnaapolls 55415, pe18r061@ maroon.1c.umn,adu PETERSON Kristina K, Jr Cashier (UMQ-Food & Vending Svcs) 270 K SC 0uIu1h ( ), 5252 Fish Lake Rd, Dululh 55803, PETERSON Laslle R, Exec secretary (UMQ-Sch Mad Administration) 109 Mad Duluth ( ), 4268 Luzerne Rd, DuIu1h 55803, , 1I8I@ d.umn.adu, fax: PETERSON Linda G, StudenfOftlce Asst (UMD-Cornmun ScienceS & Dlsordera) 175 K SC Dululh ( ), 3706 E4th St, DuIu1h 55804, PETERSON linda M, Nurse Mgr (Unll7D) PCU7D Mayo ( ), th Ave N, Maple Grove 55369, , petar044@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Lisa K, 0ftIce SUpv (Chemiatry) 115 smith H( ), ( ), Round Laka Blvd, Anoka 55304, pe18rson@ chemsun.chem.umn.adu, lax: PETERSON lisa M, Cmnty' Prog Spec (AnImal Science) 126 Pal H( ), 185 ECounty.Rd B2, Apll08, Little Canada 55117, 787.Q571, pe18r157@rnaroon.1c.umn.adu ~RSON Lon B, COn Instr (Fam PractIca & CommunRy HIth), 1120 lilac Ct, Heatinga PETERSON Lori A, Admin Fellow (Student Financial AId, Ofc 01) 210 Fraser H, 1574 Lakewood Dr, Maplewood 55119, m.fls39, petar232@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Margaret L, Gan Statl Nurse (Orthopaadlcs-7B) PCU7B Mayo ( ), 1700 Four Oaks Rd, Apl331, Eagan 55121, pe18rll3@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Mark A, Sr Parking Attn (H Parklng ~rv) Bxl000 Mayo ( ), ( ),1816 Eustis St, St Paul 55113, , petar048@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Mark S, Scientist (Madlcina) Bx 276 Mayo ( ), VCCRC, 550 Glacier Lana N, Plymouth 55447, , petar026@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Mary E, Sr Accountant (Cell Bioi & Nauroanatomy) Jac H( ), pelarl07@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Mary J, NQO Unlv Statl (U S 0 A Forast S8rv) 435 NCFor ( ), pelarl01@ rnaroon.1c.umn.adu, lax: PETERSON Mary Jo, Anance Mgr, Hosp (H "Contracts/Patient Rep) Bx 709 Mayo (62f1.8542), peter048@1accsrillp.umhc.umn.adu PETERSON Marr1lee L, Lpn (Unll7D) PCU7D Mayo, peter070@maroon.1c.l!/m.adu PETERSON Michael 0, Program DIr (Dentistry-ellnlcaf Prog) Moos T ( ), ( ), 9309 Ruslell Ave S, BloomIngton 55431, , petaroo5@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON MIchaal R, Instructor (Social Work, SCh 01), Path, 2324 UnlversRy Ave, SUIta 101, St Paul 55108, (641-G455), 2206 Doswell Ave, St Paul 55108, , pe18r147@ PETERSON Michelle L, Operating Rm Gsn (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo, petar243@ PETERSON Michon M, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Madlcina) Bx 194 Mayo ( ), th St SE, pelarlo9@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Molly B,Admin As8l1 Supv (Diagnostic RadIOlogy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), J2-494 UHosp, petar098@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Nancy J, Bhs NII'S8 (Boynton-Nursing) Boyn HS( ), peteril6o@ PETERSON Nancy J. Nutr Educ As8l (MN Ex1 serv-districls), Dakota Co Ex1 Ole, th St W, Farmington 55024, ( ), 4175 ' Strawberry Lane, Eagan 55123, , npetarson@mes.umn.adu PETERSON Nancy Jo, Stu Sup Srv Asst (Ole of The Registrar-Rm Schad) 150 Wmson H ( ),4510 Rhode Island Ave N, Apl4, New Hope 55428, , n-peta@ vml,spcs.umn.adu PETERSON OIIYf1r H, C1ln Assoc Prof (ObstetrIcs &Gynecology), Paul Larson Clinic, 6517 Drew Ava S, Mlnnaapolls 55435, ( ), 30 Park Lana, Mlnnaapolis 55416, pelar141@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Palrlca, Library Asst 2 (Ubrary-Pub serv & Branch) 65 0 MWL ( ), th Ave $, Minneapois 55404, p-pete@ vml.spcs.umn.adu PETERSON Paul R, Sr EJeclron Tech (ChemIcaf Eng & Mat SCQ 151 AmInI H( ), 1047 Thomas Ave, st PaUl , petar09o@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON PhIlp I(, ProIeasor (Madlclne), Hennepin Co/lnlY ~ ClIntar, Dept of MadIclne (8858), 701 Park AYfI S, Minnaapolis 55415, ( ), 4822 RuaaaIl Ave S, MinneapoIIa 55410, , pelarl37@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Polly J, Cook (Houalng servtcea-eornst Hal) Com H( ), (624-4ll771, 2801 Irving Ave N,~1nneapoIls , pet8r069@rnaroo.1c.umn.adu PETERION Randolph K, Mad Fe! Spec (Lab MadIclne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 1375 Barkeley Ave, St Paul 55105, , pel8i155@1naroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Rebecca L, Reeaarch Aasistant (AES-Human Ecology) 240 Me N H ( ), peter111@maroon.ll:.umn.adu PETERSON Read A, Farm Animal Attn (AE8-West centr8i ES-Morris), Wcentr8I Exp Sta, Stata Hwy 329, Morris 56267, 537 3rd St. Hancock 56244, PETERSON RIta A, Teachlng Assistant (Music) 100 Ferg H, k Grove St. Apl815, MinneapoIIa 55403, , petar211@ " maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Robert A, Asslstant ProIeasor (MadIclne), HennepIn County MadIcaf Canter, 701 Park Ave, MInneapoIls 55415, ( ), PETERSON Robert A, Teac'hlng Asslstant (English Langualle & Lll) 207 lind H( ), 3164th Ave N E, MInneapolls 55413, , peter231@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERION Robert H, Sr Scientist (Agronomy & Plant GenetIcs) 409 Hayes H( ), ( ),2121 Doswell Ave,St Paul 55108, peter078@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Roland L, ProIasaor (Vee Tech Educ) 320M Vo Tech ( ), ( ), 235 craigilro<ik Way, FrldIay 55432, , peter015@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON I'lonald J, CIIn Assoc Pro! (Obst8trics &Gynecology), ProIeaalonal Ctr, Sultli 3250, 3250 W86th St, EdinlI5s435, ( ), 4617 Woocldale Ave, Edlna 55424, pe18r134@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Ronda K, Lacturar (Educa1lon-UMM) PECMorris ( ), 705V1 Columbia, Morris.56267, PETERSON Rulh J, Prin Aooountant (MIcnlbIoIogy) ex 196 Mayo ( ), 1460 Mayo, th PIaos Il, Maple Grove ~11, , ruth@ienll.mecl.umn.adu, fax: PETERSON S8cha Z, R-..chAsslstant (Urban & Rlini AlIalrs, Ctr For) 10 H H HCtr ( ), th St SE ( ), 3721 Grand AYfI S, Apl3, MinneapoIIa 55409, , petar224@maroon.1c.umn.adu, lax:, PETERSON Sandra L, Aasoclata Professor (PhIIOaophy) 355 Ford H( ), ( ), peteroo9@maioon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON SharI L, Asslstant ProIasaor (Vee Tech Educ) 325R Vo Tech ( ), 2356 Surntar Ave S, St Louis Park 55426, , petaroo7@maroon.!e.umn.adu" " PETERSON ShiIIa A, Gao Statl Nurse (Eye, En! Naurology-8B) PCUSS Mayo ( ), PETERSON.IR Sherwood E, lnatruetor (Pharmacy Prectioe), Pine IsI8nd HeaIlhmarl Pharrncy, 119 S Main St. PIne Isla\ld 55963, ( ), PETERSON Susanne M, CounaeIor (CEE Counaellng) 314 NC CE( ), apetarao@ ma1i.ose.umn.adu PETERION Tanya M, Accounts As8l (Blostaliallca) Univ Av se ( ), 3745 Union Terrace Lane, Plymouth 55441, , petlll218@rnaroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Tent L, Asslstant (Urban & Rgnl AtIainI, Ctr For) 1414 Soc Sci ( ), petar238@goid.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Terry, Painter (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), RIver Crest Dr, Rogers 55374, , petar081@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Terry M, Clin As8l Prof (Fern Practlca &CommunRy HIth), NeW London Madlcal ClInic, 205 N Mai~ St, New London 56273, ( ), Noith Shore Dr, SpIcer 56288, , petar217@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON Wayne G, Teaching Assistant (Computer ScIence) EEJC Sci, th St S E, MinneapoliS 55414, , pe18r130@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PE"fERSON Wil1lern C, Assoclata Prolassor (UMe-Technical StudIes) 243 Dow HA Crookston ( ), 512 5th Ave NE, Crookston 58716, , bpetarso@mallbox.mail.umn.adu PETERSON Wlilis L, Professor (Ag & AppIIad Eoon) 337E CLA 0tI ( ), ( ), 500 Constanea Blvd N E, Anoka 55:lO4, petar02o@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON-IlICKEY Melanie M, Ass! Counsel/Advoc (Gao CoIl-Ss Adv &Couns) 140 Ap H( ), 868 HopweIl lanlt, Apple Valley 55124, , m-pe181@maroon.1c.umn.adu PETERSON-NORDBY Kathy A, Gao Statl Nurse (Cardiovascular Su'lllprogr Cara-8C) PCU6C Mayo, pe18r084@maroon.1c.ullm.adu PETERSON-YANOSNESS GIenyce, Ex1 Educ & Prof (ME8-Dlstricts), La Sueur CO Ex1 Ole, Courthouse, 86 SPark Ave, La Canter 56057, ( ), 602 2nd Sf. Cleveland 58017, , gpeterson-vangsness@mes.umn.adu PETERSSEN Lars H, Lecturer (Arch1taclure) 110 Arch ( ), ( ), peter145@ maroon.1c.umn.adu, fax: PETERZEN Judith G, Gan Statl Nurse (H Patient Learning Center) Bx 603 Mayo ( ), 205 Mas Can Ctr ( ), pe18rlo4@ maroon.1c.umn.adu ' PETRAS Kathleen M, Temp/Casl Employ (UMQ-Bookstore) 175 KSCDululh ( ), PETRI Rhonda M, R_arch AssIstant (Urban & Rgnl Atlalrs, Ctr For) 275 Pelk H( ), 1228 Edgcumbe Rd, St Paul 55105, , petrioo5@maroon.ti:.umn.adu,lax: PETRICH BonIta L, 0ftIce Spec (Concerts & Lectures) 109 NM A( ), b-petr@ vml.spcs.umn.adu, fax: PETRIE Mary B, Admin Fellow (Mpis Student Unions) 232 Mer H( ), petriool@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETRIKAT Susan L, Sr secretary (Art History) 107 Jonas H( ), petrioo2@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETRINI Mario A, C1ln Assoc Prof (ObstetrIcs & Gynecology), Park Nicollet Madlcal Canter, 5000 W39th St, St Louis Park 55416, ( ), 8657 Pina Hili Rd, Minnaapolls 55436, , petrioo4@ PETROFSKY Keith E, R_arch Assistant (Food Sci & Nutrlllon) FSc N( ), 246 AB L MS St S E, Newton KS 67114, PETROPOULOS Wendy L, Teaching Assistant (Economics) 1035 Mgml/Eoon, petr0007@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETROSKE Lee M, PipefIttar (FacUi1les Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), th AYfI N E, Fridley 55432, , petrooo2@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETROSKI Kris A, Phys Therapy As8l (H Pediatric Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo, 418 WSt Croix Ave, Stillwater 55062, , petrooo5@ maroon.1c.umn.adu, fax: PETR08KJ Renee M, Sr Vet Tech (Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) V339 Vat Tch Hos ( ), , pe!rooo3@rnaroon.1c.umn.adu PETROVICH Brian 0, Program Asst4-H ' (ME8-Dlstricts), Carver Co Ex1 Ole, 609 W1st St, Waoonla 55367, ( ), 4712 Zenith Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, PETRUCONIS Michael S, 'teaching Asslstant (Music) 100 Ferg H, st Ave S, Apt W22, Mlnnaapolis 55404, , petruoo2@ maroon.1c.umn.adu PETRY Roger W, User S8rv Spec (UMQ-lnfOrmation 5ervIces) 176 MWAH Dutulh ( ), Instructor (CEE Dutulh Ctr) ( ) 8143 Paquaywan Laka Rd, DuIu1h 55803, , rpetry@d.umn.adu PETRYSZVN Gregory'M, Sr secretary (Accounting) 645 Mgml/Eoon ( ), ( ), 6128 Bloomington Ave S, Mlnnaapolis 55423, , gpetryszyn@caom.umn.adu PETTER Jullbeth A, Gao StatlNurse (Post Anesthesia Care Unn-Box 67) Bx 67 Mayo, th Ave N, Apt 120, Plymouth 55441, pettaool@ maroon.1c.umn.adu '

68 314 PETTERSEN-PHIPPS-VONAS STAFF PETTERSEN ErIc W, Nursing Ass! (Eye, En! ~) PCU58 Mayo, 2030W County Rd D. 51 Paul 55112, 836-ll105, PETTIQIlEW Elei'yI L, TeaChlng SpecIalIst (UMD-Music PlepntoIy Strings) 231 H Duluth ( ). 4m RobInson, Duluth 55804, PETTIQIlEW.II James E, Professor (Animal Science) 385E An Sd(V M(824-S340), 5223 Bald Eagle BIwl W. WhIl8 Bear Lake 55110, 42t1-4823, pettioo1@, fax: 812-e2S-1210 PETT1NGILL John. Taachlng Assistant (Vac Tech Educ) 420 Vo Tech ( ) Harriet Ave 5, MInnaapolIs 5S409, pettioo2@ PETTIT Nicole M, LIbrary Ass! 1 (LIbr8ry-CoII & ~.ati011s) MWL ( ). PETTIT P8trlcia M. Mad Fa! Spec (QbaI8trIcI & Gynecology) ax 395 Mayo ( ) Moos T WJessamine, Apt Paul , pettioo4@ PETTIT Paul J, PhIrmacIIt (H inpatient Phannac:y) ex811 Mayo ( ). ( ), 1578 Hamline Ave N.St Paul , PETTIT TqId L, EIectrIdan (Fee Mgmt-Tc EIaclrIc) 200 Shops a, 4155 ()akland Ave 5, Minneapolis 55407, , pet1loo5@ PETTY MIcIlaal G. RICh Nursa Clin (Surgery-General ex 207 Mayo ( ). 347 Dvee RC, 7245 OlIver Ave S, RIchIIald 55423, pettyool@ PETZEL Robert A, Assistant Professor (Madiclne) vamadlcai C8ntlIr. One V Dr. MinnaapOIII55417, (72S-2104~ 4821 E Lake Harriet Pky. MlnnaapoIIs 5S409, , PETZEL Sue V. CnsItng Psych Phd (H ~Ith PsycholOgy) ax 395 Mayo ( ~ P W a ( ) E Lake Harriet Pky. MInneapOlIs 5S409. petzaool@ PETZOLD Iilda R, ProIeIsor (Computar Science) E E/C Scl ( ), pebold@es.umn.adu PEUSCItDLD Dawn M. R~ AaaIItant (PsycholOgy)N475 Ell H , peuacool@ PEW Tad L, LandIcap8 Gardnr (AES-landscape t.rtloreium). MN LandIcap8 t.rbcn\iliii, 3675 Arbor8tum Dr. Box 39, ~ ( OX38l. pewxxool@ PEYLA Barbara A, (II 5 DAFqresISllrv) 113 NC For ( ).1944 Walnut St, St Paul 55113, , PEYLA a-ga F. Non Unlv Stall (AES-N CtrI E5-Grand R~) llen C For (tl ) Walnul St, St Paul 55113, payiaool@ PFAFF Jeanne L, R_rd1 AaaIItant (Envm & 0CCupatI0AaI HaaJth) ex 807 Mayo ( ), 1220 Mayo ( ).1720 Marton St, Apt 3, RoteViIa platloo3@ PFAFFENDOIlF DanaJee M, 0tIice Spec (H VoIuAtllar Sllrv) ex 48 Mayo ( ~ B252 Mayo. plailoo1@ PFAHNKUCK Hans-OIaf, Professor (Geology & GecphysioI) 108 PiIIlI H( ) Bourne Ave, 51 Paul , pfannool@, fax: PFAflll David G, Ext Educ &Ass! PIOf (ME5-DII1rictI), La Sueur Co Ext Ofc Perl<, La Center ( ). R12, Box 134, La 5ueur lill5-892o PFEFFER AIfrad J,Bldg & Grill Wkr 3 (F,e Mgmt-Zone 3-HaaIlIt SCI) 307 Shops B( ) R14, Box 288, Mora 55051, , piailool@ msroon.te.urnn.adu PFEFFER Barbara L, Ass! CounBalor (CLA ea...devalopment) 345 Fr_ H( ), pia1ioo5@ ' PFEFFER Randy P, Bldg &Grill Wkr 3 (FlIClIities Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B( ). piailoo2@ msroon.te.umn.adu PFEIFER J Darren. Malnt &Oper SUpv (St Paul 5tudent Ctr) can ( ), pfeifoo3@ PFEIFER Mary R, Dental HygIenIst.(PraventIve Sclences) Moos T, 3885 Granada Way N. OBkdale 55128, 77G-7ll94, piaitoo7@ PFEIFFER Cherri R, Prln N:d SpJSupv (Mechanical Engineering) E E/C Scl ( ), 804 Larkspur Ct, Shakopee , pleiller@cs.umn.adu. fax: PFEIFFER Julia L, Mad/CUn Lab Tech (H Cardiology Progrsm Mgmt) Bx 198 Mayo ( ) UHasp, pieifoo4@ msroon.te.umn.adu PFEIFFER Micheli W,~ AaaIItant (Mechanical Engineering) 125 MechE, 1712 a Pleasant St, 51 Paul 55113, , pfelfoo5@ PFENDER EmIl, Professor (Mechanical Engineering) 244 Mech E( ). ( ). ( ), 1947 Bidwell St, W51 Paul , pfender@. fax: \ PFISTER Daryl R, Mad Fa! Spec (Ophthalmology) ex 493 Mayo ( ). &-240 P W a, 141~ earling Dr, Apt 210, 51 Paul PFISTERER Emily A, R~ Asslstant (Comm Disorders) 115 5he.H(624-M93). 813 Unlvel'lity Ave 5 EApt 104, Minneapolis , PFLAUM Ann M, AIIOC Dean (ContinuIng Education & Ext-Adm) 150 Wes H ( ~ ( ), 2725 DeerhIl Rd. Long l.8k , pfisuoo1@, fax: PFLAUM Douglas D, Clln In8tr (Family PractIce & Communily HaalIh) Bx 361 Mayo(624-2lI22) PWB. Lake Cily ClInic P, A. 30SS WashingtOn 51, Lake Cily 55041, ( ). pflau002@ PFLEGER Francis L, Professor (Plant Path) 495 Bar H ( ), rw8lI Rd, Marlne francisp@pucclni.cri.umn.adu, fax: 812-e2S-9728 PFLEGHAAR Kathleen M, AaaIItant Professor (Obstetrics &Gynecology). Abbott-Northwaa1em Hospi1al. The Perinstal Ctr, 800 E28l/ISt, MInnaapofis 55407, ( ). pftegoo2@ PFLUG Irving J. Prolessor (Food Scl & Nutrition) 585 5hep Lab ( ), (SCh of PublIc Health). 10 EOsks Rd, 51 Paul 55127, , pfiugoo1@ PFLUM Teena R. Nurse Prac, Hasp. (CUHce-AduK Madical) C UHCC( ), ( XX250),2OO1 EIIoomlngIlln Ave 5, Minneapolis 55404, ( XX25O) Vincent Ave 5, Minneapolis G-8018, PFUNDSTEIN Jsmes M, TaaChlng AaaIItant (Classicll & Near Eastern StudIes) 108 FoI H (62)6672), ( ) Clair "ve,stpaul 55105, , jmptund@ PFUTZENREUTER Richard H.Assac VIca Pres (Oftlce 01 Budget & Flnsnce) 338 Mer H ( ), 688 HayenhlU Rd. Eagan 55123, 6874t71, PHADNIS Neelima V, Resaardl AaaIItant (Pharmsceu1lcs) &-125 H5 UnIt F( ), phadnoo1@msroon.te.urnn.adu PlIAIR Craig a, "ssoclate Professor (Restora1lve Sciences) Moos T( ). (tl ). 400 WydoWn Circle W, New Ilrigh10Ii 55112,!l , phalroo1@ PHAM Alex T, 51Udent Jr App Prog (Neurosurgery) Mlnl'H ( ), PHAM Ky X, 5r 0Illce Ass! (1llochernII1Iy SCh) Mlrd H( ) Lyon L ( ). kxp@ddt.bkx:hem.umn.adu, fax: ~ PHAM Unh T, Tech Conllllt, Hap (CUHce-Adult Madlcal) C UHCC( ) th 5, Apt E308, Minneapolis phamxoo4@ PHAM Minh Cheng, Cmniy Prog Ass! (H Socill Work) C UHCC ( ), 1827 La Salle Ave. Apt 201, Minnaapolls phamxoo2@ PHAM Nhihs T, 5r Oftlce Ass! (DentiI1IY-ellnicll Prog) Moos T(tl25-398O). phamxoo3@ PHAM Phuong-True T, POSl-Dac Assac (Medicinal Chemistry) &,125 H5 Unit F( ) th St 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, phemxool@ PHAM Quan V, Undsrgra TcirAss! II. (Asian/PaCifiC Amerlcsn Lrc) 139 SmIth H, th "ve 5, Minneapolis PHA118In!lra D. Sr Lab Tech (PaychoIOgy) N218 Ell H(825-8lIIlO), IWSlIr St, Apt 201, 51 Paul 55108, , phamxoo8@ ~ T. Info Sys AP(Prog 05D-Managament 8eMces)ex 607 Mayo ( ). R555 CII RC S Spruce St, R1ver Fall WI 54022, PtlAN HIen N, Non Unlv Stall (U 5 DA Forest Sllrv) 631 NC For ( ). pflanxool@ PtlAN MaI'gatet M. 0lIce.Supv (Ctr For Interfaclal Eng) 393 Shep Lab ( ). ( ). PtlAN Tu AntI. Student Lab Al\lllId (8lochemII1ry-Mad SCh) 4 YIn H rd Ave N Brooldyn eantar 55429, 5flO.889O. phanxoo4@. I'IWfnIANIVClNQ CI\IntIay. Bldg & GrIll Wkr 3 (FacIItIas Mgmt-Adm)., Shops B ( ) Regan! Ave N. RobblnIdale 55422, PtWU8 Merl< W. Auoc:IIl8 Protesaor (Art DapeI1ment) 208 Art a ( ), ( ).' PHELAN Andrew p. Envtron HItIi Spec (EnvIronmental HaaJth &Safety) W140Boyn H5 ( ~ ( ), 2325 MInnaapolIs Ave. MInnaapoIIs , phalaoo1@ casaandra.dahi.umn.adu. fax: , pager: 812' PHELEY AIfrad M. AaIIItant Professor (MadIcIne) ItInnepiICounty MadIclIICenlar. Dept of MedIcIne,701 Perl< A..5, Adabec 814, MInnaapoIIs 55415, ( ~ 8840 Eagle Lake Dr. Maple Grove , phaleool@ fix: PItELN Mary J. NUllIng ReciuIt8r (Nurse RecruIImant) Bx 803 Mayo ( ), phaipoo1@ma!' PItELN Na'tIIen J, HoIpltal Csrr1ar (H Protaction SIN)exlDOO Mayo ( ). Cl39 Mayo. PIEN CIvIslopher,.Dental Fellow Spec (PreventIve ScIences) Moos T ( ), ( ~ 3904 W234tII St, Torrance CA 90505,,...anne E, Taacf*lg AsailItIInt (Women's StudIes) 489 Ford H( ), 3452 Elliot Ave 5, MInnaapoIIs , pfllbbocis@ PHII8S.IIClIfIord M. CIn AaoC Prof (Surgery-aenno. 0Xb0r0 ClinIc, 800 W98th St, ~55420, (815«152) lipton Ad 5 MInneaPoII& , phibboo2@ PHIFER Pamela J, LIbrary Ass! 2 (MlnI18x) S33 0 MWL( ). phif8oo1@1na1-..te.umn.adu PIlFER Paul R, Taacf*lg Asais1ant (GenetlcI & ClllIIlIoIogy) 508 Soc SCI Grand "ve S. MlnneapoIis «104, phtfeoo2@. PHI.IRRT.Famboanl J, Bldg &GrIll WIer 3 (Fee Mgmt-Zone 2-west Bank) 200 Shops B, ~ Jan M. AccounllInt (East Allan StudIes) 192 KIa Cl ( ~ ( ), th Ave 5. Minneapolis 55417, , j-phii@ vml.spcs.urnn.adu, fax: 612'-~ PHIUPH David A, ClphtfIPnc TechI10I (~ Bx 493 Mayo ( ). &-~4O P W B Arona St, Falcon Height , ll44-oll64. philioo4@ PHILJIIP GaJy. CBrpenler (FacIIllIes Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B( ). 18 Arch, 800 River VIeW Dr, UnIt 800, MontIcalIo lI424. PHIJIIlI Jayne H. Taacf*lg AaaIItant (CIauIcaJ & Near Eas1IIm StudIes) 330 FoI H( ), JItlILIIIIY James K~ InstrUCIllr (Pharmai:y PractIce~ 877 Goodrtch. St Paul 55105, JIIIIJPION WlIIard 0, Assac PIOf Emer (Coritinuing EduCation & Ext-Adm) th St, SI Paul phiiool@ PHlLU'81imy Oyama, Taacf*lg AIIlstlnt (EnglIsh As A8econd Language) Bx 58 KIa Ct, 1937 Bryant Ave 5. Apt 20, MmaapOIIS G phlii013@maroon.te.umn,adu PIIUJP8 BrIan, SCiantIIt (Lab Medicine & Pathology) ex 511 Mayo ( ), V384 VFW C RC, 31'9-4200, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PHILLIPS Csrfa R. ProIesIor (HI$IDIy) 814 Soc Scl (82&-1798), ( ), pi*ioo2@ PHIWPS Cynthia J, ~'~(HealtII Mgmt & Policy) ex97 Mayo ( ). D355 Mayo, PHIWPS Darla M. 0tIice Spec(0bstelrIc8 & Gynacoklgy) ex 395 Mayo (826-3ll38) Moos T ( ),.17@maroon.te.urnn.adu fax: &-0885 PHWPS Diane M, Gen StIll Nursa (NursIng Resource 0ftIce) ax803 Mayo ( ), ( ). PHIWPS FradarlCk c. SCiantIIt (HoI'mallnatlluti8) Honnallnltitule, 80116l11 Ave NE.Austin 55812, ( ). RI 2, Box 288A, AuatIn 55812, PHUIPS Gregg D, Res Assac (Surgery-GeneraI ex 120 Mayo ( ), P W B ( ). phllloo3@maroon.te.urnn.adu PHWPS James A, ~ Assls1ant (Chemistry) 139 SmIth H( ). phiiioo9@ ~,J_ A, Assac Educ Spec(BicklgicaI Scl, CoUeile Of-Adm) H( ),.121 BloScl BradaAve, 51 Paul janep@rnoibio.cbi.umn.adu, fax: PHUIPS Joan G; GeilerIl (T-.p) Ex (H 0PD-0r1h0p8adIc) ex88 Mayo ( ). PW B OlInda Trail. IJndI1rOm phiioo7@n! PiaWPS KarlIn L, ~ ~(Fontst ~) 115GmH(624-42lIO).1508Can11ald A~. 51 Paul li PHIWPS Kavin S. Taacf*lg Assls1ant(CIusicII & Near Eastern StudIes)109 FoI H( ), 8 Trenton Lane. Sal,.. MO PHIWPS Leurs L, Sr Editor (Stu AIlrI eomm & PubI) 110 wmson H( ),1-phII@ vrnl.spcs.urnn.adu PHUIPS IildaL, Sr HoIpca Tech (HoIpcap) ex708 Mayo ( ) UHasp, phiijql8@maroon.te.urnn.adu PHlWPS Marl< B. Res Assac (Gaolnetry Ctr) nd 51 (82ll-6327) nd Ave S. Minneapolis , mbp@ geom.umn.adu. PHWPS Mary Lyn J;PrIn 5acmary. (ME5-D1strlctl). Hennapil1 Co Ext Ofc Glenwood Ave. ~1nnaapollll ( ), mphiiiips@mas.umn.adu PHIWPS MIcIlaal J. Adj Ass! PIOf (Forest R_), MN Dept of Natural RellOUll:8l, DivIsion 01 Forestry. 500 Lafayette Rd. Box 44. St Paul 55155, ( ), 1340 GIan Rd, Newport 55055, PHIWPS Richard E, Professor (Ecology. EvoIu1ion & Bahevior) 100 Ecology (824-~ (Animal Science) ( a phiiool@ PHlWPS ROIIald L, Regents Professor (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bar H ( ), ( ).819 TangIewood Dr. 8hore'Ilew , phiii(105@,fax: 812-e-1288 PHWPS Ronald W. Cook (HousIng S8rvicas-Cent8n HeI) Mdb H( ) Thomas Ave, 51 Paul , phii018@ PHIWPS Rosalia M, Mad Tech Spec (HoIp Laba-CytogeneIi) ex198 Mayo (fl ~ P WB Rldga Cl, Eagan PHIWPS Veronika D. PrIn Lab T8ch (MedIcInal ChemIstry) H5 UnIt F( ),1517 Por1Iand Ave, Apt B, 51 Paul 55104, dolyxool@ PHUIPSJR WIIIam D. PIof8Iaol' (HIRlIy) 814 Soc Scl ( ), ( ), phiiioll4@ PHILSON 5lB/lhen B, Sr SCiantIIt (Chemllltry) 139 SmIth H( ), 5174 Kolt H(~4) Borealis Lane N E, Columbia H1I ,phiIson@nmr.cham.umn.adu, fax: 612-e PltN'EY Margaret Y. AIsiItInt PIOfessor (CurrlcuIum" Instruction) 150 PeIk H( ). 740 Chefokes Ave, St PaiA 55107, phmey@. maroon.te.urnn.adu. fax: PHlPP5-YONAS &pan R. Lecturer (Inat of ChId Dev~ 821 Raymond Ave,SUiIB 100, 51 PIIll55114 ( ), 1596Vincent St, 51Paul 55108, , phlppoo2@maroon.te.urnn.adu

69 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PHUMPIU Paul F, Research Asslstant (Forest Resources) 217 CLA 011 (825-8n4), ( ), th Ave SE, Apt 2Ql, Minneapolis 55414, , PHYLE Kathleen, GIn Nurse (Bone Marrow Transpiant-AduR-4B) PCU4A Mayo ( ), 1208 Marshall Ave, St Pau,155104, , PI Soo-Young,CllnAsst Prol (Mediclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic, 400 E3rd St, Duluth PIANTA Robert C, VisR Prol (Inst 01 Child Dev) 178 Ch Dev ( ), 522 Montrose Lane, St Paul 55118, , PICHE Mary M, Per Diem - Gsn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, pk:heoo4@ PICHLER Rupert, Research FellOW (Austrten Studies) 314 Soc SCI ( ), pichloo3@ PlCHNER Unda J, Sr Data, Entry Spv (Psychology) N523 ER H (62&-7224), Iplchner@, fax: 612~ PICK Anne 0, proiessor (Inst 01 Child DeY) 170 Ch Dev ( ), 2261 Folwell St, 51 Paul 55108, , PICK JR Herbert L, Professor (Inst 01 Child Dev) 206B Ch Dev ( ), 2261 Folwell S~ St Paul 55108, , PICKENS Michelle M, Gen Stall Nurse (Pediatrics::7A) PCU7A Mayo ( ), plck8004@ PICKERING Dacia A, Research Assistant (Chemistry) 139 SmRh H, 1300 Grand St N E; Apt 3, Minneapolis 55413, picke002@ PICKERING Marget'y G, Prln 8ecretary (Psychology) N218 ER H ( ), pickq005@ PICKERT Evelyn V, Word Proc Spec (Clinical & Population SCiences) 225 Vet Tch Has (825-n55) 1741 Maple Cl, Falcon Heights 55113, ; plckeod6@ PICKERT Robert A, Assistant Professor (KinesIOlogy & leisure S1Udles) 223A Cocke H' ( ),1741 Maple Cl, Falcon Heights 55113, plckeod1@ PICKVANCE Elizabeth A, Mid Fel Spec (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C ( ), 700 Douglas Ave, Apt 208, Mlnneepolls 55403, 3n-1620, pickvoo1@ PIECHOWSKI Martha H, Sr secretary (Horticul1uraI SCience) 305 Alder H( ), 1375 Bradiey St, St Peu155101, , m-piee@ PIEHL Berbera L, Ext Educ &Prol (ME8-Distrtcts) ChIsego Co Ext Ole, Tanger Dr, North Branch 55056, ( ), Edstrom Circle, North Branch 55056, , bplehl@ PIEL Frank L, Plumber (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B ( ), Keystone Aye, Harris SS032, , pielx001@ PIEMONTE Kurt M, Teachlng Asststant (Geography) 414 Soc SCI ( ), piemoool@ PIEPER Bonnie L, Teaching Assistant (Art Department) 208 Art B ( ), p1epe0d3@ PIEPER Patricia A, Research Assistant (Chemistry) 139 SmRh H ( ), Grad SChool Trainee (Blochemlstry-eBS) 76 KoR H, 3082 Lydia Cl, Roseville 55113, , IshaUOO1@ PIEPER Roxanne M, Research Assistant (Urban & Rgnl Allalrs, Clr For) S 2nd S~ 122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 522, Mlnneepolls 55404, ( ), , p1ep8oo4@ PIEPHO Bruce M, Sr User serv Spec (Stu A1lrs InlO Systams) 260 Wm80ll H ( ), ( ), PI~CH Claus A, Associate Professor (FInancial Oper-System WIde), Abbott Northwestern HospRal, 800 E28th St, Minneapolis 55407, ( ), 6930 W1Uor# Lene, Minneapolis p1era001@ PIERCE Albert F, Mgr Sys SoItw Prg (Adm InlO Svcs-Technical Support) S2nd St ( ), Angela L, Assoc Dev 01Iicer (Cia, 01Iice 01 External ReIa1ions) 225 Joh H( ), ( ), pierc010@ PIERCE Ann C, Gen Stall Nurse (UnR 62-AduR Psychiatry, Acute) PCU64 Mayo ( ), th St N, Apt 1, Mlnneepolls 55411, piercoo7@ PIERCE Bessie L, Sr Lab Tech (EpIdemIOlogy) S2nd St, 710 E St, SuRe 308, Minneapolis 55404, ( ), pierce@ PIERCE Brian L, Assistant Profelsor (Preventive SCIences) Moos T ( ). piercool@ PIERCE Catherine A, Lab Anml Care Tee (Medical Sch Admin) Bx 69 Mayo (628-lI760), 116C Lyon L ( ), 1339 E3rd St, St Paul 55106, n , PIERCE ca1hertne L, Research AssIstant (Industrial Relltions C1r) 537 MgmtJEcon, PIERCE Douglas W, Gen Stall Nurse (4D-Slcu) PCU4D Mayo, plercoo8@ PIERCE Forrest 0, Grad School Fellow (Mualc) 100 Ferg H, 940 Franklin Terrace, Apt 307, Minneapolis PIERCE Jennifer L, Assistant Professor (Sociology) 909 Soc SCI ( ), pierc012@ PIERCE Jon L, Head (WfFec Rank) (UMD-Management Studies) 110 SB EDuluth ( ), Professor (CEE &Summer. Session-UMD) ( ),, lax: PIERCE Kathleen R, Prin 8ecretary (Construction Admin) 200 Shops B ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, 722-$93, plercoo9@ PIERCE KeRh R, Professor (UMD-eornputer Science) 320 HH Duluth ( ), ( ), 4302 Robinson S~ Duluth 55804, , PIERCE JR Ralph G, Leb Anml Care Tee (Medical Sch Admin) Bx 69 Mayo ( ), PWB 1339 E3rd St, 51 Paul 55106, n4-0510, plerc002@ PIERCE Susan L, Research Assistant (Child Development, Inst of) 214E Ch Dev ( ), 1288 Fifield Ave, 51 Plul55106, p1ercoo5@ PIERPONT Gordon L, Associate Professor (Medicine), V A Medical canter, Dept 01 Cardiology, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X3662),482 Beyvtew Dr, 51 Paul 55113, , p1erp002@ PIERPONT Mary Bla M, AsSOCista Professor (Pedlstrlcs) Bx 94 Meyo ( ), 220 VCR C ( ), pierpoo1@, lax: PIERRE Dlei J, Teaching Assistant (Technology, Inst OI-S88) E E/C SCI ( ), 1157 Filleid A'M!, Apt 3,51 Paul 55108, , PIERRE Rebecca J, Teaching Assistant (English Lenguage & LR) 207 Und H ( ), PIERRO Candyce L, Exee 8ecretary (Mpls) 160 Mor H ( ), ( ), c-pler@, fax: PIERRO Daniel J, Res FellOW (Mpis) 170 Mor H ( ), ( ), pierroo1@, fax: PIERROT Magenta, Teaching Assistant (Art History) 107 Jones H ( ), pierroo2@ PIERSKALLA Anne M, GIn Stall Nurse (4D-Slcu) PCU4D Meyo, plersoo7@ PIERSKALLA Chad 0, Undergra Res Asst II (Forest Resources) 115 Grn H, Sth Ave, Avon 56310, , p1ersoi4@ PIERSON Bruce S, Hosp CuSlOdlan 2 (H Environmental serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo. piers002@ PIERSON Bryce A, Research Asslstant (Chemical Eng & Mat SCI) 120 Amund H(625-a803), 490 Meyo ( ), ( ), 22 Raymond Place, Apt 9, St Paul 55114, , pleraoo5@ PIERSON Gerald L, Asst SCientist (HorticuRural Science) 327 Alder H( ), 6264 W1nne1ka Ave N, Brool!lyn Park , plersoo4@, fax: 612~ PIERSON John L, Mllnt & Oper Mech (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 202 Shops B (624-22llll), Sumter Ave N, Champlin 55316, , plersoo6@ PIERSON Katherine A, Teaching Asslstant (History) 814 Soc SCI, PIERSON Use K, Research Assistant (Lab Mediclne & Pe1hology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 4208 W1O2nd S~ Bloomington 55437, , PIERSON~ J, GIn Nurse (Oncology-Masonic 3) PCUm3 Mayo, Mas can Clr, pieraool@ PIERSON Mary M, GIn Stall Nurse (Bone Marrow Transpiant-AduR-4B) PCU4B Mayo, PIERSON Peter L, Cmn1y Prog Spec (EpIdemI0Iogy) S 2nd St ( ), 7321 Kanppl Leke Rd, Cotton 55724, p1erson@ PIERZINA Debra L, PrIn Secretary (Technology. Inst OI-88S) 106 Und H( ), plerz001@ PlETRUSZEWSKJ Carrie J, Prln Secretary (A1I11et1ca, Men's Intellg) 226 BFA B ( ), ( ), Ave N, S 51 Paul 55075, ,, PIETSCH Donna L, Prln Accountant (Housing ServIces-Admin) G20 Com H( ), donna@ PIETTE Beth M, UllI Review Spec (H QualRy Support 8erv) Bx 725 Mayo ( ), G-356 Mayo, pietlool@ PIETZ Raymond E, ~Im Spec (Cardiopulmonary ServIces) Bx 247 Mayo, C559 Mayo, empire Trail, Farmington 55024, pielz001@ PIGNOI.ET LouIs'H, Pro!eBBor (Chemistry) 139 SmRh H'( ), 271 KoR H( ), , PlHLSTROM Bruce L, Professor (Preventive SCIences) Moos T ( ), ( ), ( ), St NW, New Brighton , bplhls@ PlHLSTROM Jacquellne B, ~Istant Professor (PharmaCy PractIce), Methodist HospRaI, Dept 01 Pharmacy, 8500 Excelslor Blvd, St louis Park 55426, ( ), pihlaoo2@ PlILOLA Mariene R, Secretarial Asst (Bookstores) 290 Wmson H, piiioool@ PIJOAN Carlos, Professor (Clinical & Population SCIences) 385 An SClfV M( ),226 E Owasso Lene, ShorevIew 55126, 481-a820, p1joa001@ PlJUT Eleanor M, Exec Stu Para Wkr (Student FInancial Aid, Ole of) 210 Fraser H( ), PlJUT Paula M, Non Univ Stall (U S 0 A Forest 8erv) 524 NCFor ( ), pijutoo1@ PIKE Charles A, Asslstant Professor (AlTo-AmerIcan & African Studies) 876 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), p1kex001@ PIKE Dan C, Sr Data Proc Tech (ISD-eomputer services) Bx 507 Mayo ( ), ( ), plkexoo2@ PlLARBKJ Jo.Enyn L, Admin Aide (Mediclne) Bx 250 Meyo ( ), PWB( ), piiar002@ PlLARBKJ Susan M, PrIn Stu Pers Wkr (Housing servtce&-admin) 62 Com H ( ), p1larod1@ ' PILATE SCott R, Cmn1y Prog Asal (Gc-Admlnlslration) Av SE ( ),1232 CieveIand Ave S. 51 Paul 55116,. 69U688, PILGER Debra L, Research Assistant (Envrn & Occupational Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ), 1220 Mayo, 926 EFranklin Terrace, Mlnneepolls 55407, 338-4nl, p11geod1@ PILGRAM Bonnie L, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (FacilRies Mgmt-Adm) Bx 59 Mayo ( ), BI17 Moos T, p1lgroll1@ PlUPEI Olga, Rehab Asst (H Rehab) Bx 106 Mayo, pilipoo1@ PlUOS Gladys J, SCIentIst (Blochemistry-Med Sch) Mlrd H( ), pllki002@ PlU08 Simon J, Heed (WfFec Rank) (Blochemistry-Med Sch) Mlrd H ( ), Professor, PILLAI Karnalesh M, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 284 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo HerRage Dr, Mendota Heights 55120, pllla001@ ' STAFF PHUMPIU-PIOSKE 315 PlLLlNGER Berbara'B, Program Dlr (AcademIc A1lairs-Honors) 308 Wa Ub ( ), Professor (Educational Policy & Adm), 117 Maple HIli Rd, Hopkins 55343, , pirlool@ PILLOTE Katherine E, Med Fel Spec (Mediclne) Bx 264 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, p111ooo1@ PILON Anthony R, Research Assistant (Aerospace Eng' & Mechanics) 107 Aker H ( ),9249th Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414, PlMEIfTEL Bien E. Techn Consullanl (SocIOlogy) 1014 Soc Sci ( ), Lecturer, p1mand01@, PlMLEY Vanetia M, Teaching Asststant (EnglIsh Language & LR) 209 Und H( ), (Composition & Communication), pimieool@ PIMITONE Kevin R, Research Assistant (Mediclne) Bx 36 Mayo ( ), PWB 615 FuRon St S E, MlnneepoIIs 55414, , plmstoo1@ PINC Corrine, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), plncx001@ PINCH Berbara M, Prin Lab Tech (Dermatology) Bx 96 Mayo ( ), 251 Diehl H( ), NStanebridge Trail, Stillwater 55082, ' , pinchoo1@ PINCUS MRchell, Clio Assoc Prof (Obstatrics & Gynecology), 90 S9th ~ Suite 403, Mlnneepoll$ 55402, ( ), 7211 Schey Dr, Edina 55439, , PINE carol L, Teaching SpecIeIIst (Journalism & Mass Comm, Sch of) 111 Mur H( ), PIne & Partners, 677 Falrmount Ave, St Paul 55105, ( ), p1nex001@ PINE Donald A. C1in Assoc Prof (Fern Practice & CommunRy HRh), Park NIcoiIel Medical Center, 5000 W39th SI; St louis Park 55416, ( ), pineda@ PINEDA Edgar A, Temp/C8sI Employ (Surgery-General) Bx 207 Mayo ( ), 241 ovc C RC ( ), 260 Stonebrldge Blvd, St Paul 55105, , pinedool@ PlNELES Ann, Prln Stu Pera Wkr (Technology, Inst OI-SSS) 128 Und H ( ). p1neioo1@ PINEUR Darla L, Occupa TherapIst (H Psychiatric Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo (~), D835 Meyo, Fremont Lane, Zimmerman 55398, ' pineu001@ PING Vu, VisR Scholar (English Language & LR) 207 Lind H, 1235 Ray Place Ave, St Paul 55108, PINK VIctoria R, Nurse Mgr (Boynton-Nursing) W322 Boyn HS( ), pinkxoo2@ PINKE Lori A, Research Assistant (Urologic Surgery) Bx 394 Mayo (!l ), G-137 Diehl H, 7203rd Ave NE, Apt 207, Minneapolis 55413, , pinkeod1@ PINKHAM Kim S, Sr UMed TechnOI (Pedletrlcs) Bx 491 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), 5024 Clover Rldge, Edina 55438, , p1nkhoo1@"lax: PINNISCH Russel M, Research AsSistant (Agronomy & Plant GenetIcs) 19Bor H ( ) 48S-2963, pinni001@ PINOLA Gall T, Accountant (Facilities Mgmt Project Dev Acctng) 100 ShOps B ( ) , PINT John F, Sr System Analyst (Res &Teeh Trns Adm, Ole of) Wash Av S ( ),8564 Holland Ave, Apple Valley , PINTADO MR, Associate Professor (Oral Sciences) Moos T ( ), ( ), th Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , pinte001@, lex: 612~2851 PINTHER-EVANS ca1l1y A, Cmnty Prog Spec (Medicine), VA Medical C8ntar, GI SectIon, 1110 One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X4886), st Ave S, Mlnneepolls 55417, , pinthoo1@ PINZ Usa M, Sr secretary (Bone Marrow Transplant-Adutt-4B) PCU4B Mayo ( ), ( ), plnzx001@ PIOSKE Elaine R, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (Res &Tech Trns Adm-Olc of) Wssh Av S ( ) Tyler St N E, Blaine 55434, ,

70 316 PIOSKE-POINTER STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PIOSICE Gregg A, Prin GrInIs AccI (Res &Tech Trns Adm, Ole of) 201 I loll Wash Av 5 ( ) Tyler St NE, Blaine 55434, PIOSICE LUYlori 5. Child C8nl Teachr (UnIv8rslly ChIld C8nl C8nler) ChlIdcare ( ), WIlder Dr, Apl327, Eden Praitie PIOTOUT FIorInce M. Vet Med A88islBnt (Vet PathobIology)205 VetTch Hos ( ), 3219 Buchanan St NE, MInneepOIiI ploloof, PI011tOWlIKA Joanna, Asslstanl ~ (Chemistry) 139 smith H, pioljoo4@ PIOTROWSKI AndmI, Asslstanl ~ (An:hil8c:llI'e) 110 Arch ( ). ( ), pioiiool@ PIOTROWSKI KeIth A, Jr L8b Tech (SOlI8c:Ience) 442 Bor H( ). S428 SolIs ( ), th Ave NE. MinneIpolIs , piolroo3@ PIOTROWSKII.aIn K, Actor Tech (UMD-Theatre Production) 141 MPAC Duluth ( ), 2019 W4th St, Duluth PIPER.Ill DonIId A. AssiataIlI ~ (flllllily Praetlce &CommunIIy Health), Famly PractitIoners PI, th St 5. Cottage Grove ( ), plperoo2@ PIPER Jane ", Accounts Spec (SocI.aJ work, Sch of) 400 Ford H( ), 7665 NShcn ClrcIe N, FOt8SI Lake p1peroo5@ PIPER Joyce L. ~ Asslstanl (UN Ext 8erv-8ystemwtde SUpport) 290 Me N H ( ). ( ),912 8th St, Box 38. ClarkfteId 56223, , mesneool@ PIPER Kathleen M, omce SUpv (Acad SupporlIStu Ufe-UMD) 104 DAd BDuIulh ( ); 525 N20th Ave E. DuIulh 55812, 72S PIPER RaIpII A. PlOI EmeI' C8Ie AnIgon. ApI MOl. Laguna HIllS CA , p1peroo3@ PIPKIN John F. Word Proc Spec (Info & DecIsIon SCiences) 330 MgmtfEcon (620W534). ( ) th Ave 5. Minneapolis fax: PIIIENIIE Jacques M. Med Fel Spec (SUrgery.Qnnl) Bx 423 Mayo (62fl.1999), P WB.3131 Exclel8Ior Blvd; Apl705. Minneapolis 55416, 92H915. pirenool@ PlRI ArIiss T. Prill AccI SpfSupv (EducatlonaI PsydloIogy) N H( ). pirixool@ PIRIE James D, Res Fellow (ChemIcal Eng & Mat SCi) lsi Amund H( ), ( ). 4 PIne Tree Dr. Apt 314. Arden Hills 55112, , PIRIE PhyllIs l, Prolessor (EpIdemiology) nd St ( ), 4511 Chatswol1h St N, Sh<imtew 55126, , pirie@, fax: 612.c PIRIUS Don E, R~ A88islBnt (Geography) 414 Soc SCi ( ) E Mayn8nI Dr. ApI t Paul , plriuoo1@ PlRKOLA Claudia M, Food 8erv WIer (UMD-Food &Vanding Svcs) 270 K5 C Duluth ( ), 925 E2nd St, DuIulh 5Ii805 PlANER Mark A. ~ A88islBnt (Cell BIoI & Neul'll8n8lllmy) Jac H( ). 4-1 I2 Owre H. PISER TIII10lhy M. Grad SchOOl Tra1n88, (Ph8rm8COklgy) MIrd H(62fl.7049) Owre H( ) th Ave NE. Fridley pisarool@ PISTUUCA Christine l, Prill 8ecreI8ry (Ole 01 V Pres Arts SCi & Eng) 12 Mar H( ), (62fl.183O). piatuoo2@ PlTHAVALA Yazdi K. ~ A88islBnt (~) H5 Unit F( ), th St, ApI CISlO, Minneapolis 55454, PITfEY MahIon, Acad Retired (Gener8J College) 220 Ap H( ), (62U703). m-pitn@ PITSTICK Jana Lee. 0IIice Spec (Greduata 8chooI-AdIr*I) 322 Joh H ( ). pitstool@ PITT DaVid G, ProIasaor (L8ndsc8pe ArchiIIlcIure) 125 Arch ( ). 997 W Lydia Dr, Roseville pittxool@ PITT Helan K, Assoc Directllr. Umhc (Ii 'Admin Council) Bx 805 Mayo ( ) Mayo ( ) Brun8Wlck Ave 5. 5tlouis Park 55416, pillxoo2@ PITT Jeanetta B, Ext Educ &PlOI (MES-D1strlCta). AllkJn Co Ext Ole, CouI1houI8, 209 2nd St NW. AItkin ( ). At 1. Box 330. AItkIn 56431,, fax: 21 B PITT William G, Associata ProIessor (Oral SCiences) lb-212 Moos T ( ), , PITTON Dabra E. Asst Educ Spec (Ole 01 Human RlSOUlC8s) th St 5E pi\ PITTS Gilbert R, R~ As8Istant (AnImal 8c:Ience) 495J An SCifV M, , pittsool'@ PITZELE Chal1es E, CAn Assoc PlOI (PedIatrIcs) Bx 391 Mayo. 232 EWentworth Ave. 5t Paul ( ), L8xingtlln Ave. ApI 33 Ulydale 55116, pltzel104@ PITZEN Mary L, Exec Secretary (L8b Medicine & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo (62fl.348O), L238 Mayo ( ), pltz8002@ PITZER Nancy. Prin 8ecreI8ry (St Paul S\udeI)I C1r) 42 St cen ( ), (82S-8785~ th Ave 5 E. Minneapolis PITZER Ronald L, Assistant ProIessor (MN Ext 8erv-8ys18mw1de SUpport) 92 CLA 011 ( ) th Ave 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, ,, fax: 612~748 PITZL GaraJd A. Instructor (Fam PraclIce & Community HIth), Sliver Lake ClinIc, 39005tinson Blvd. Mlnneapolls ( ) Birchwood St, Shoreview pitziool@ PlTZL Gerald R, Prolessor (~414 Soc SCi, 1412 Fairmount Ave. StPaul 55105, , P1VA Ronald J. NonUniv St8tI (U 5 DAFOt8SI 8erv) 507B NC For ( ), ( ). PIXLER Judy C. Sr Data Entry Opr (H Word Procassing) Bx 600 Mayo (62fl.5557) A P W B, plxieool@ PlZlNGER Ronald J, CAn A8SI PlOI (fam PraclIce &ComllUliIy HIth), 5t Paul GaalroInllllology Ltd, 400 GaJery Bldg, 17 WExch8ngI St,St Paul ( ). p1z1noo1@ PIZZUTO David T, Med Fel Spec (Anesthesiology) Bx 294 MayO ( ). In8\IUCIOI' 8515 Mayo, p1zzuoo1@ PLADSEN Helen J, Payroll8erv Mgr (Payroll Services)54513OO 52nd St( ), h-pied@ PLADSEN Karen M. AppIIcatIOn8 Prog (MN Ctr For Survey RasJMcSr) Univ Av 58 (627-t287), ( ),74 NCIIvIIland Ave, 5t Paul 55104, piadaoo1@ PLAGEIWlH Pater GW, ProIessor (Micr0bloiogy) Bx 199 Mayo ( ), 1435 Mayo, 1955 Cleveland Ave N. St Paul 55113, , piageool@ PLAOER Douglas A, ~ SpecI8lIat (BiochemlsIry-CBS) 140 Gar L ( ), , piageoo2@ PLAISANCE Kathryn l, 8clInttIt(Agronomy & PI8nt Genetics) 411 Bor H( ).1988 SUmmer St, Faloon HeIghts , piaisoo2@ PLAISANCE Lucinda L, Edl\Ill' (C8nlr8I " Computing 8ervIces) 100 Laud C F( ). fax: fl.8353 P\..AM( DavId W. Jr SCiIntIat (H0rtlcu1turaI 8c:Ience) 305 Alder H. piankoo1@ PLANTE Mary M. Exec Secretary (UMD-ChemicII engineering) 231 Engr B DuIulh ( ). 100 Elizabeth St. ApI 218, Duluth PLANTE Robert J, A8SI SClentist (Padiatrlc8) Bx 391 Mayo ( ) PWB Drake St NW. Coon RapkIs 5Ii448, , pianioo2@ PLANTZ Bridgid M. Sr Parldng Attn (ParkIng S8Mca1) 300 T 5 B ( ), ( ), 54U880, piantool@ PLA8CH John p. EJevator Mech (FlICiIltIes MtP'M-Adm) 200 Shops B( ), pii8coc)1@ PLASTER Uoyd R. UtIIty Worker (Parking servtcae) 4 St Ramp ( ). ( ) Sharklan. St Paul ~" pi8stoo1@ PLAl1l David R, Supv Maet L8b (AnImal Sdence) 36 ABLM5 ( ) Richmond Ave, ShorIvIIw 55126, , piathool@ PLAl1l Mary M. Med/ClIn Lab Tech (Vet Teachlng Hoap ClInIc) 325G Vet Tell Hos ( ), 3418 Richmond Ave. ShorIvIIw piathoo2@ PLAntE David A, Accountant (facilities MtP'M-Project Dav Alx:lng) 100 Shops B (624-t5Oll), 1345 HIghI8nd Rd. S1IIIwaI8r PLAn Alexander B. Teachlng AsslsI8nt (Mualc) 100 Ferg H. PLAnKar8n E, Program A8S14-H (MES-CoIIege 01 EducatIon), 421 Nebraaka Ave. Breckenridge ( ) PLAnRuaiell J.Teachlng A88islBnt (Mualc) 100 Ferg H( ), ( ).2514 GIrard Ave 5. ApI2, MInneIpolls , PLAUNT,cI8ud1a J. SrDtlIce A8SI (UMD-Health servtcae) H 5 Duluth ( ) PLEASANT8 C8rol N. ClIn A8SI PlOI (Paychlatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ). SuII8 229N, 2550 UniverIIly Ave W. St Paul 55114, ( ). PLEI8INER Llnd8 J. Prln Sec:nItIry (Lab Medlcln8 & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Jac H, PUIS John T. Non Univ St8tI (CouncIl 01 RaIlgiouS AdvIsor1), UnIvenlty LulhenJn Chapel UnIver8lty Ave 5 E, MlnnlI8poIIs ( ) thAve 5 E, Minne8poIls piesaoo2@ IUS8ELChrIstopher R. TaecI*Ig Assistant (CIvI Enginaer1ng) 177 Clv E. 861 Overton Dr. Fridley 55432, ples8oo1@. ' PLEVA![ MattMw F. Teachlng A88islBnt (U~&~)1~HHDuIulh ~1). 102 MilcheIl Cin:lI. Duluth 55811, PUAM John O. Sr User 8erv Spec (Math &Its App. Inst For) 514 YIn H( ), p11am@ PUCE WIII8m A. AI8ocI8I8 ~ (EIeclrIcal EngIMnIg)4-174 EE/C SCi ( ), 2601 KenzIe Terraca, ApI 508, St Anthony , piioaool@ PLIHAI. Jane, AI8ocI8I8 ~ (VOC Tech Educ) R-48O Vo Tech ( ), ( ), th Ave 5. MInne8poIs 5Ii piitlaool@ PLIHAL ThQrnas l, InstruelIlr (Pharmacy PraclIce) RidgIvlIw MedIcalCenl8r Maple St, WICXlIlla ( X544O) Sprtng VaJirt Rd. Waconia PLOEGER Nrrt M. TeechIng As*18nt (Art DepIIr1ment) 208 Art B( ), th Ave 5, MInne8poIs pioegool@ PLOETZ Catherine M. Program A8aoclaI8 (Prof Dav &Conference Svc) 218 N CC E(62fl.2259), 3104 PennaylvanIa Ave 5. St LouI8 Park 55426,, fax: JOLOI8)N JaIIrey 5. omce Spec (BoynlDn-81uden 1n8InncI)W228 Boyn H 5 ( ), 4350 TrentIln ~. Plymouth 55442,.,. I'I.o-DN Jannlfer l,operating Am Gsn (H OperatIng Room) Bx 700 MaYo (62fl.5343). U Hoap. piombool@ ~ P8lrlcla A. AcccMIl\I Spec(Ilookalllrae) 290 Wrnaon H(62fl.7856), piolnoo1@ PLOTNI«lFF Gregory A. Ins1nlC\Or (MedIcIne) ax 741 Mayo P W B( ), C UHC C (627 4n4). 1317Dougla8 Ave, Minneapolis 5Ii403, PloInOO2@maro!ln.Te.Umn.Edu PLOUFF Jeen A. GIn St8tJ NIne(Nursing Flo8I Pool) Bx 803 Mayo, piouioo1@".edu PLOUFF Robert T, Clln lnatr (Family Praetlce& CQmnulIty Health), Mpia ~ Medical centar, 2525 Chicago Ave 5, MlnMspoIls 5Ii404, ( ) th Ave 5. Minneapolis piouioo2@ PLOWIIAH EmIy T, User Serv Spec (Independent Sludy) 38W8a H(62fl.8884),,plulwl Darrln p. FlIght InstrucllJr (U~8 0f0.Adm) HII B Crookston. Box 197. Angela MT PLUlWl Roll8t1 E, AssiIlIInI~ (Pharmacy ~), VA MedIcal C8n18r. Ph8rm8Cy 8eMeIs, One VIl8nIn8 Dr, MInn88POIIS ( ) BlaIsdelI Ave S, Rk:hIIeId , piuhaclo2@ PL'*I Donald C. Dept DireclIlr (Vet TeechIng Hoap ClInIc) 305 VII Tch Hos ( ), ( ). dcpiurnll@, fax: PLw.o Margaret A. InstruelIlr (Nursing, Sch OI-Pnlg & Rae) H5 UnIt F ( ). ( ), 2249 C8ae A... StPaul piumbool@ PI.UNKETT Rober\, Prof EmeI' (~Eng & Mech8nIcs) 107 AkIw H(825-«lOO), ( ), lv20 6 1stSt, Apt MInne8pOIis5li fax: 61U PLUlGTT YDI8nda. Crnnty Prog A8SI (Medlcln8) Bx 288 Mayo ( ) P WB, PWI1I RagIne M. Med Fel Spec (Surgary-Gener8lBxI Mayo(625-14OO) P W StClaIr Ave. St Paul li " PlZM KevIn J. R8a.rch A88islBnt (Chemistry) 421 SIIIIlh H( ), Ave 5 E, Apt 305, M1nneapols , pizakoo1@ POCRAS Rachel E, Program As8OQI8I8 (AlumnI RaI8IIOn8l501 C MU( ), (62fl.25Il2), POlII!STA Barbera l, TempfCasI Employ (Dis8blIIty Services) 30 NIch H(62fl.I346), podesoo2@ I'ODuzwA catherine N. TeechIng A88islBnt (UMD-BioIogy) 211'l SCi DuIulh. 6023VI London Ail; DuIulh 55804, 52S-8226 PODGORSKI Joaeph F. P\peftII8r (Fac MgmI Zone 7.01f C8qlus) 200 Shops B ( ), th Ave 5. 5 St Paul5li075. POE ChrIstIne R. Assoc Bb:Spec(NursIng, Sch Of-Pnlg& Res) H5 UnIt F ( ), poexxoo2@ POE Donald p. ProIes8or (UMD-Chemlatry) 333 CheIII Dutulh ( ), 2616 E3nl St, DuIulh 21B ' POEHLER SUsan J. SrSecrIIary (MN Ext serv,systemwide SUpporIl64 CLA 011,( ) 1230 Rose Vista Ct, Apt 9. St Paul POGATEHNIK DavId p. AsalsIsntProlessor (Ph8nn8Cy Praetlce), VA MedIcal C8n18r th St N. StCloud ( ) POGOREUlKIH AIexls E, Head (W{Fac Rank) (UMD-HI8Iory) 285 ABAKDuIulh ( ), ( , , POHL EIldI8 A, Lecturer (eee MorrIs Ctr-UMM). UnIver8lty 01 Wisconsin. AI25E Ames Bldg. RIvw F , 151 D8nfortl\ Ave N. Red Wing ~ PCltL Jamea M. Bldg & GnIs SUpv (UMD-Iwxll*y Svl:&-Adm) 270K 5 CDuluth (7~160), ( ), 4804 W7th St, Duluth 5Ii807,,.fax: POHLANDT-Me COIIIIICl( Hel8na, Teachlng AsslItant (HisIllry) 880 Soc SC:I ( ) lh Ave 5. MInn88poIis 55406, potiiaoo1@ PCIIlUIANL8lI'Ie 5. Prill Lab Tech (MedICIne) Bx, 101Mayo ( ),, P WB( ), pohimoo2@ POHI.OD SUsan M. Prill SecrIIary (Ag &Applied EGan) 218 CLA 011 ( ), 1856 L8kIwood Dr Maplewood pohioool@ POKTIUA James F, As8oc.Prof EmeI' (Physical Med & Reh8blIIlalIon) th Ave N, Plymouth , pohliool@ PQIHTER TonIsha R. Sr 8ecreI8ry (MgmI, C i. C8J1son Sch OI-Adm) 230 Mgmt/Econ ( ), Pann Ave N, MInn88poIis lyon8ooll@ 1

71 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA StAFF POIRIER-PORTILLO 317 POIRIER Robef1a R, Adj Instr (Nursing, Sch Of-Prog & Res), St Paul RIIOII8Y Medical center, Dept of ObfGyn, 640 Jackson St, StPaul 55101, ( ), POITOUT VIncent, Post-Doc Assoc (MedicIna) Bx 101 Mayo ( ), PWB, 3219 Buchanan St N E, Minneapolla 55418, , poitooo1@ POKOM Thomas J, ClIn Asst Prol (Padiatrk:8) Bx 391 Mayo, St Johns Hospital, 1575 Beam Ave,. Maplawood 55109, ( ), pokoroo2@ POLACHEK Usa A, Gen Stall Nurse (Padiatric Int8nsIve C8ra-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ), poiacoo1@ PQLAKIEWICZ Leonard A, Assoc Prof (Inst Langs & Uta) (Slav &cent AsIan Langs & Uta) 251 Ell H( ), ( ), , PoIakool@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu POLANSKI John B, Ass1 SClantist (Envrn & Occupational Health) St SE ( ), ( ),399 Elchenwald, St Paul 55106, , poianool@ POLESKY H8I1leI1 F, Protassor (Lab MadIctne & Pathology), MamorIaI Blood C8ntllr of Mpls, 2304 Park Ave, Minneapolis 55404, ( ): 4270 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis 55422, , poi8soo1@ POLEY BrOoks J, CRn Asst Prof (OpII1hatmology), BrOOks Poley Eye AssocIa1as, Medical Arts Bldg, SuIte 1820, 82S NIcoIIat Mall, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 2 Greenway Gables, Mlnnaapolla, 554Q3: O, POLQA Kathleen A, ClIn Instr (Pllyslcal Med & Rehabilitation) Bx 388 Mayo, Ch RC, 2122 Stantord Ave, St Paul 551OS, , poigaool@ POUAC Gaorgeta, Jr SclanlJst (Pharmacology) Mlrd H( ), ( ),14 Hay Camp Rd, North Oaks 55112, poilaoo2@ POUAC Mary K,Pa1ient Raia Rep (PedIatrlci)8x 712 Mayo (824-S83ll), PW B, poilaoo3@. POUCH Janet, PrIn 8ecre1ary (PsychIatry) BlI: 393 Mayo ( ), C60S Mayo ( ), 6113 St.Johns, Edina 55424, poilcoo2@ maroon.te.umn,edu POLICOFF Ivan M, Associate Pro1essor (General CoIIege-ScIancas) 140 Ap H( ), 4360 " Reiland Lane, Sl Paul 55126, , poiicool@ POLINCHOCK Jeflray S, Lecturer (Extension Cla8888-Mastenl/Bus Tax), Lu~ Beslkof lapidus & Co, 2501 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis 5540S, ( ),1262 BlaIr Ave, St Paul 55104, , poitnoo3@ POLING Mery E, Admin Ass11 Supv (H' PatIent Finan serv) Bx 602 Mayo ( ), 2-13SP W B, poiinoo1@ POLING Ronald A, Associate Protessor (Physlcs & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), Cornell University, Wilson Labora1ory, l1haca 14653, ( ),4945 EHIot Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, , POLJ8TER Barbara H,Prin Survey Intrv (Inst On Comm Integrstion) 214C PI H( ), 1741 Glenview Ave, Arden Hills 55112, 633'SS07, POLLA Dennis L, AssocIate Pro1essor (MICro8Ie<:t Lab/Res & Edu, Ctr For) EE/C SCi ( ), Dlr (C8mP/Col Level) ( ),,lax: S-4S63, peger: D-6164 POLLACK Kathy, Exec secretary (Gray Freshwater Biollnst), Gray Freshwater Biolinst, County Rds 15 & 19, Navarre 55392, ( ). '1 poilaoo4@ " POLLARD Jodia B, Food S8rV Wkr (H Main Food.8erVice) Bx 64 Mayo, 792 Charles Ave, St Paul', 55104, , poiiaoo3@" POLLARJ Lynette M, L.eoturer (ArchItectUre) 110 ' Arch ( ), 2116 Dupont Ave S, Apt 1, Minneapolia 5540S, 879-&127, poiiaool@ POLLEY Ka1hI, Program AssocIate (Math & ItS App, Inst For) 514 Vln H( ), poilay@ POLLEY Paul C, Systems Analyst (Student financial AId, Ole 01) 210 Fraser H( ), POLLDCK C8roI H, Accoun1ant (Cia, Accounting & Budgeta) 2S6 Eft H( ), AveS MInnepoIIa 55406, , poilooo2@ POLLOCK Paula J, Sr User 8erv Spec (UMD-Inlormation S8rv1cas) 15 0 Ad B DUluth ( ), ( ),2401 E5111 St, Duluth 55812, ,,lax: POLLOCK Stacy B, Sr Lab Tech (Vet D1ag Medk:lne) 244 Vet DL, MN Poultry Testing Laboratory, 2323 S 1st St, Box 126, Willmar 58201, ( ), 816 S W 4111 St, Willmar 58201, , POLLOCK Susan M, Nursing Sta Tech (Lab MedIcine & Pa1hology) Bx 437 Mayo ( ), G2SS ~ayo, Ave S, Mllv1aepoIIs 55406, n, poiiooo1@ POLLOCK Susen M, Sr otiice Ass1 (Inst On Commlntegratlon) 102 PI H(62~, 2020 E Franklin Ave, Apt 3, Minneapolis 55404, poi1ooo6@ POLLOCK Susan M, Jr SclentIat(~ &cell BIolOgy) 250 Bio SCi ( ), 2OS4 Brewster Ave, Apt 16, Sl Paul 55108, , poilooo8@ POLLOCK Thomas J, Assoc Coot Educ Spec (CEE & Summar sesslon-umd) 19 SB EDuluth ( ), 1816 Valhalla Dr, Duluth 55811, , BITNET: tpoiiock@mutt POLLY Shirley M, Post-Doc Assoc (Lab Medicine & Pa1hology) Bx 724 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), poilyoo2@ POLSON Kathleen L., Sr 8ecre1ary IUbrery central Admin S8rV) MWL( ), th St S E, Apt 9. Minneapolis 55414, poisooo3@maroon.te.umn.edll POLUHA Patricia C, Spch PatIloIogIat (H Speech Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), 607 Ch RC ( ), 8621 Emerson Ave S, Rtch1lekl 55423, 866-0S34, poiuhoo1@ POLUNOVSKY VItaly A, Res Assoc (Medicine) Bx 278 Mayo ( ), 337 VCR C ( ), 3460 P11g\1m Lane N, Plymouth 55441, , poiunool@maroon, POLVlRonllyn B, Non Unlv Stall (PhysIology), VA Medical C8ntllr, Brain Sclenoes Ctr (11B), One Veterens Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), poivioo1@maroon.\ POLYAKOV Valery R, VIsit Asst Prof (UMD-Chamlstry) 246 Chern DUluth ( ), 1320 Stadium Dr, Apt H308, Duluth 55812, 728-n29 POLZER Philip L, Res Fellow (UMD-Nat Rarc Res Inst-Adm) 430 NRR IDuluth, S090 London Rd. Duluth 5S804, POLZIN David J, Pro1essor (Small Animal Clin SCi)C325 Vet Tch Hos(82S-42S4), Ave S, Minneapolis 5S406, polzioo1@. POLZIN S8ndra K, PrinVet Tech (Vet Teaching Hosp ClInIC) 38SA Vet Tch Hos ( ), Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, poizioo2@ POMATA Gianna, Assocleta Professor (History) 614 Soc SCi ( ), ( ),4023 Vincent Ave S, Minneapolis , pornaioo1@ POMEROY Benjamin S, Prof Emer (Vet Pathoblology) 301FVet S ( ), 1443 Raymond Ave, St Paul 55108, , porner002@, lax: POMEROY Claire, Assistant Professor (Medicine). V AMedical center, Research (151), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( X4185), 4632 Gar1leld Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, , porneroos@ POMEROY Kem A, SCientist (Vet Diagnostic Medicine) 244 Vet D L ( ), ( ) Ulac Lane, Mend0t8 Heights 55118, pomeroo1@ POMIJE Marte K, Resaarch Assistant (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ), 170 Kolt H, 146S0 Guthrie Ave, Apple Valley 55124, pornijool@ POMMER Deborlih F, Sr Date EntrY Opr (Ole of The Registrar-Records) 150 WmsOn H( ) ( ),1125 Parkwood Lane, Stillwater 55062, POMONIS James D, Grad SChool Fellow (Vet Pathoblology) Mlrd H, , PoMROY-PETRY Deborah L, Res Plot Tech (UMD-W8ter & Envrn, Ctr For) 320 NRRI Duluth ( ), ( ), 8143 Paquaywan Lake Rd, Duluth 5S803, , dpomroyp@, lax: PONCE AlIcIa M, Post-Doc Assoc (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), PW B. ponceool@ PONEUS VIctor S, Resaarth Assistant (HHH Inst Publ AtIrs) 300 HHHCtr, 2214 High Ridge Trail, Madison Wi 53713, pqnelool@ PONG TirIQ-CIun, AssocIa1a Pro1essor (Computer ScIence) EEtC SCi ( ), (82S-4OO2), PONGCO Pana T, 0Utpa ClInIC Asst (H OPD-Medlclne) Bx 86 Mayo, , PONTO BrIan 0, Asslstant To (Pediatrics) Bx 712. Mayo ( ), PWB, 4S6O ctl1l Ridge Ct, Eagan 55123, , pontoool@ POOCH Allan C, Golf era Maln Spv (Sports Fac/Golf Course MaIn1 C1r) GCS S ( ), 1988 Herschel St, Rosevitle 55113, , poochool@ POOCH Jean F, UnemplymtfPlce Sp (Ole 01 Human ResouroeB) St SE ( ), POOLE Marshall S, Professor (Speech-CommurPtion) 460 Fol H( ), mspooie@ POOLE Rebecca L, Taachlng Assletant. (English Language & Lit) 207 lind H( ), 39 Jack80n Rd, Crenston RI 02920, pooieoo3@ POOLE-GOOl.lIIIEE DIanne R, Gan Stall Nurse (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, 4326 Rustic Place, ShorevIew 55126, , pooleool@ POOH WaI-SIng, Rasaarcll Asslstant (Mechanical EngIneM1ng) 125 Mech E( ), poonooo2@ POONAWALA Mustafa H, Teaching'Assistant (Computer SCianoe) E E/CSCi, Unlv of Mlnn, E EtC SCi, 200 Union St S E, Mlnneapolla 554SS POOR Robert J, Pro1essor (Art HlslOly) 8 Jones H ( ), poorxool@ POORTVUET Karen 0, Sr Lab Tech (H Bone Marrow Transplant) Bx 603 Mayo ( ). CS24 Mayo ( ), Ave S, Minneapolis , karen@, lax: , pegar: POPA Elena 0, Non Unlv Stall (PadI8tr1cs) Bx 712 Mayo ( ), PWB, Unlv Av SE, PopaxOO2@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu POPA Stephen N, Hosp Custodian 3 (H EnvtronmentaI 8erv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo, 23S Malnzer, WSt Paul 55118, , popaxool@ POPADIUK Pater, CRn Asst Prol (Obstatrlcs & GynecolOgy), 6120 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn canter 55429, ( ) cevell Ave S, St louis Park 55428, , popad001@ POPAUSKY ElIzabeth M, Taachlng Assistant (French & italian) 260-Fol H( ), ( ). popaiool@ POPE Beckl L, End Tech (H Electroneuro Dtagnos1Ica-Eeg) Bx 183 Mayoj ), PWB, 92S Ave N. SSt Paul 55075, POPE PrIaciIIa G, Ubrery Asst '3 (Ubrery-Pub serv & Branch) 15 Wa Ub ( ). ( ), POPKIN Michael K, Professor (Psychlstry), Hennepin County MadIcaI canter, Dept 01 Psychiatry Adabec 844, 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 55415, ( ~ popkioo1@ POPOVIC Jovan, Exec Asst (Gaometry Ctr~ SOD t300 S 2nd St, popovl102@ POPP KImberly K. Gen Sial Nurse (Pediatrlcs-7A) PCU7A Mayo, GreenbrIer Rd, Apt 302, Minnetonka 5530S, , poppxool@, POPPE Clndy S, Sr S8cretary (Stu AlIalrs-UMM) 201 Bahm Morris (S89-808S), Rtl. Box 67, Morris 56287, POPPE Cyndle F, GIn Stall Nurse (OncoIogy-MasonlC 3) PCUm3 Mayo ( ), Mas cen Ctr, 785 lakeview Ave, StPaul 55117, poppeo( POPPE Steven R, Res Plot Coord (AE8-West central ES-MorrIs), Wcentrel Experiment Station State Hwy 329, MorrIs 56287, ( ), Rtl, Box 67. Morris 56287, POPPELE Richard E, Professor (Phyelology) Mlrd H( ), Program Dir ( ), 97 Arthur Ava SE, Minneapolis 55414, ,, lax: POPPER Samuel H, Prol Emer (Educational Policy & Adm) 275 Pall< H( ), 1225 Le 8afIe Ave, Apt 1507, Minneapolis 55403, POPPLER Patricia C, Instructor (Sociel Work, Sch 01)400 Ford H, 640 Jackson, St Paul 55101, ( ), POPTlC Diana E, Par DIem - Gsn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, poptiool@ PORCHER Joan P, Teaching SpecIalist (Food SCi & Nutrition), St Joseph Hospital, NutrllIon servlcas, 89 WExchange St, St Paul 55102, ( ), porchoo1@ PORISCH Katherine A, Teaching SpeclafIS1 (Lab Medicine & Pa1hology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), Moos T. 420 Wadgewood Lane. Plymouth 55441, porisoo1@ PORT Cynthia L, Resesrch Assistant (Psychology) Eft H, portxool@ PORT NICholas L, Resaarcll Assistant (PhysiOlogy) Mlrd H( ), VA Medical center, Brain SIcances Ctr, One Vet8rans Dr, Minneapolis 5540S, ( ), 3322 E26111 St, Minneapolis 55406, , por1@,lax: PORTA Carolyn M, NaU Res serv Fellow (Nursing, Sch Of-Prog & Res) HSUnit F, Sunset Circle, Eden Prairie 55346, , PORTELA Ana, Visit Res Fellow (Lab Medlclne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo.( ), Lyon L, 520 Huron Blvd S E, Mlnnaapolls 55414, , porte( PORTER Allen W, Instructor (Pharmacy Practlca), Cub Pharmacy, Rlvardale Dr, MInneapolIa 55126, (421-ooes), PORTER Chari M, Non Unlv Stell (Fratarnlty. Purch Assn) 124 NIch H( ), porte010@. PORTER David H, Sr Res Assoc (AStronomy) 349 Phys ( ), ( ), ( ),9200 Norwood Lane N, Maple Grove 55389, , PORTER Janice E, Stu Sup Srv Asst (Music) 1008 Ferg H( ), ( ),j-pot1@ PORTER Kathleen, Exec 8ecre1ary (Psychology) N-218 Eft H ), portaoo3@ PORTER Ka1llryn L, Nrs Stal Dev Inst (Nursing Education servlcas) Bx 603 Mayo ( ), 8359 Mayo, PORTER Luella, Bldg & GrIls Wkr 3 (Fee Mgint-Custodlal) AdB Duluth ( ) PORTER Mary E, Assistant Professor (cell Biology & Neuroanatomy)4-13S JacH ( ) ( ),2151 Dudlay Ave, St Paul 55108,,lax: PORTER Mary JO, Sr AppIIC Progr (Epidemiology) S2nd S1( O), ( ),, lax: PORTER Philip W, Professor (Geography).43S Soc SCi ( ), 86 Arthur Ave S E, Mlnneapoils 55414, , porter@ PORTER Priscilla T, Med Fel Spec (Lab Medicine & Pa1hology) Bx 609 Mayo, portaoo8@ PORTER Raymond A, Ras Assoc (AE8-N CtrI ES-Grand Rapids). Ncentral experiment Station, 1861 Hwy 169 E, Grand Replds 55721, ( ) 230S Sylvia St, Grand Replds 55744, , raportar@ PORTER Stephania L, Research Assistant (Family Praetlca & Comm HaaI1h) ax 381 Mayo, P WB, 325 Harvard St S E, Minneapolis 55414, , PORTER Stephen B, Teechlng Asslstant (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ),2154 Juliat Ave, St Palll551OS, , p0rte007@ PORTlLl.A William, Clin Assoc Prol (Medlcina-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth ClinIC, 400 E 3rd St, Duluth 5580S PORTILLO Carlos H. Ubrery Asst 1(Mlnltax) 8-33 OM W L ( ), ( ),( ), 5429 Penn Ave S, M1nneepolls 5;5419, ,

72 318 PORTNOY-PREM STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PORll«)y Richard. AIaoc D1r(ClmpfCol) (CIa, Accounting & Budg8Is) 209 Joh H( ). ( ) Vincent A" S. MlnnMpoIIs PORTOQIIEllE PhIlp S. ProIesa«(MedIcinal Chemtstry)IHll H SUn~ F( ). ( ).17 Orlole Lane. St PIIul lax: POR11I Jody B. Ad! Inn (NIning. Sc:h OI-Prog & Res). Abbott NorIhwes1em Ho8pItaI.llOO E2llth 81. MInneapolIs (llfl3.3837). portuoo2@ POIlTUKALJAH Janice; Sr Secretary (Electrical EngIneerlng) E E/C SCI ( ). (ll25-33oo). PORTWOOD Chetoensff R. Gen Stall NIne (Oncc*lgy-Masoni 3) PClJm3 Mayo. Mas can Ctr I<nQIIwood Dr. Moundl VIew 55112, PORTWOOD Michael J. RetNrCh Aasls1ant (Fam Pradice & CommunIty HIth) Bx381 Mayo ( Bel Mus portooll@ PORTZ Paul E, LacturaI' (Accounting) 847 MgmtJEcon ( ) Avanti Dr. Mendota Heights 55118, POSALAKY loitan. AasocIate ProIesa«(Lab Medicine & Pathology). St Paul RM1Iey MedIcal centar. 840 Jackson S1, 81 PIIul ( ). posajool@ POS8ERGH niomas A. AssIs1ant ProIesa«(Aerospace Eng & Mechanlc8) 107 Akar H ( ).956 Nordic A" N. SUIwa1IIr POSCH Tamara M. PharmaCy AasocIate (Pharmacy Pradice). Unltad Ho8pItaI. 333 N Smith A". St Paul ( ). POSEY Edward W. AssIs1ant ProIassor (Psydtiatry). VAMedlcaI centar. One V~ Dr. MInneapoIs S,2OOOX4010). 2llOlI W Highland Dr. BumsvIIIe ll9o-q08, POSS Pel8r E, AasIsIant To (Vet MedlcIn8-Dean's 0Ill0a) 447 Vet Tch HoB ( ) Lawler Baach Rd. Willmar S-S83lI. possxool@ POST ConnIe J. Sr Accountant (Plant Path) 495 Bor H( ) S8minary Dr. New Brighton , conntep@ pucc; POST DonlIhea y. Sr Secretary (Prof Dev & eom- Svc) 235 NC C E( ), po$ POST Howard A. Short Term Employ (Forest Resoun:esl21OD om H( llIh A" N E, Blaine postxoo7@. POST KathIean A. Accounts Spec(Indapandent Studyl45 wes H( ). kpost@, POST Kristine J. Gen Stall Nunl8 (C8rdIovascuIar Surg/Plogr C8ra-8C) PClJ6C ~ayo. postxoo5@ POST Pet8r J. Aasls1ant ProIesa«(Pharmacy Pradicel. St Mary's HospItal, Pharmacy S8Mcas nd St S W. Rochestei' ( ) POST Thomas R. ProIesa«(Cuntc:ulum & In1l1rUCtlon1175C Pelk H( ) L.akebrook Dr. St Paul 55112, postxool@ POSTIQO EIzab8lI1 M. Sr 8ecratary (Ag & Applied Econ) 248 CI.A 011 (62S.Q2II5) Arona A". Falcon HaIgIrts 55113, POSTLEWAITE MonIca l, Temp/Casl Employ (Ophthalmology) Bx 493 Mayo ( ) P WB. POSTON Lawrenca M. PhysIcian (Fam Pradice & Community Hlthl Bx 381 Mayo ( Afsiatant ProIassot8-240 P WB. HazaI PaIlc Family MedlcaI Ctr. 933 While Bear A". St Paul ( ~ 9724 Rich Rd. BloomIngton POST WHITE Janice E, Asslatant ProIassor (Nursklg. Sc:h 0f..Pr0g & Rasl6-101 HS Unit F ( Kanwood Pky. MInneapolIs fax: POTAMI AnIon R. Assoc VIce Pm (Res & Tech TITllI Adm. Ole of) Wash Av S ( ). ( ).401 SlitS1, Apt Minneapolis arpotarni@ ortta.umn.8du. lax: POTEK Arnold S. Clln Ass! Prof (Fam Pradice & CommunIty HIth) Bx 381,Mayo ( ) P WB( ). Ramsey ClInIc. 0sca0Ia Branch. 301 RIvw St. 0sca0Ia ( At 1. Box 20. Drassar WI pollikool@ POTEMPA Mamie A. R_rch AaiIstant (Archltectura) 110 Arch poiiimool@ POTHOVEN Stevan A. ReuirchAsIIaIant (FI8herias &WHdilfe1200 Hodson H( ) Eustis Sf, Apt 14. StPaul POTISH Roger A. Profass«(Therapeutic RadloIogy) Bx 494 Mayo ( ), U Hasp, polisool@mll{ POTRATZ Wayne E. Chair (W/FIC Rank) (Arl Departmant) 208 Arl B( ). ProIvasor ( ). ( ). potraool@ POnEII Gordon S. AssIatant Profass«(Accounting) 845 Mgml/ECClII ( ). gpol\8r@caom, POTTER John D. Assoc D1r(CampfColl (Epidamlology) S2nd St ( ). Profass«. POnEII Kamala l, Util Review Spec (H Pra Admissions C8rtif1catlon) Bx 725 Mayo ( ) C354 Mayo ( ) Blue JayWay. ApI 203. Eagan potta010@ POTTER Karen p. Studant PlIra Wkr (Mgmt, Sc:h 01. Undergrad Prog) 290 HHHCtr ( (824-6ll77). kpotter@c8om.umn.8du W. Cmnty Prog Aaat (FraderIck R weisman Arl Musaum) 200 w.iiman Arl ( ( ) WIIoW St; Apt 3. Minneapolis poltaclo4@ POnEII MIchaIIe A. Taechlng AssIatant '(G8nnan. Scandinavian &Dutch) 205 Fill H( ( ).334 C8ci1 St S E. MInneepoIIs , POnEII Nancy l, Taechlng AssIatant (Woman" Studias)355 Ford H, nyquiool@ POTTHOFF sandra J. AssIstant ProIvasor (HaaIth Mgmt & Policy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ). C309 Mayo ( ), th A"S. MImaapoIIs POTTS Jerome F. Clln Aaat Prof (Fam Pradice & CommunIty HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ) PWB. Family Madk:aI C8nfIIr. 5 WLab St. Minneapolis (627,9758). poliaool@ lax: pager: 612~13 POTTS Lastar N. Grounds Sllpt (FacllIty Support-L.andcara12OO Shops B( ). ( ), pottsoo2@m8roon.le.umn.adu POTVIN Amy W. BookI1llra (UnlveRIty BookSlOraS) llse S BIt St ( , ( ) POUDRIER Almira F. Teaching AsiIstant (Classlc:al & Near Eastam Studlas) 331 FoI H ( ) SprIng Valley lid. BurtIngton WI poudfool@ POUGIALES JOan l, Teaching AssIatant (Rhetoric) 201 Hckr H(824-34:'5l.'poUgIOO2@ POUOIALES Kalina M. Gen Stall NIne (Un~ 62 Adult PsydlJatry. Acute) PCU62 Mayo. pougiool@ POUILLYMarc J. Ta8chIng AsIIaIant (As1ronOmy) 358 PIIys ( ) Cole A"S Eo Minneapolis man:@ as! POULIOT Kathryn M. AdmIn Aasll Supv (H R8hab Ssrv) Bx 86 Mayo ( ). pouiool@ PDUR. L Marian B. ProflI8Q' (Sc:h 01 MathematiclIll27 Vln H( ). ( ) Kaston S1, St Paul pcllji8oo1@. POWELL Chartane y. Exac Secretary (lntnl Studias. Ins! pi) 214 Soc SCI ( ). ( ). poweioo4@ POWELL Christine B. Crnnty Prog Spec (Padlatrlcs) Bx 286 Mayo ( ), 215 VCR C( ) Glanhunt A" S. 8avage poweloo3@ POWELL Janet Y. 0fIIce Spec (Ole 01 T1le Regis1rar-8t Paul) 130 COl H( poweloo2@ POWELL JInIfer l, RetNrCh AsIIaIant (ChIld PRAlRE Mltry A. SrAccclInant (Alhl8lIcs, Men', llevlilapmanl, Ins! of) 214 Ch Dev ( ~ 309 InIClIg) 282 BFA B( ), 48ll114th A"S. 8Ih StS E, Apt 207. MtnneapoIIs 55414, Minneapolis ll prairool@ powei( POWELL John A. Profeaior (Law Sc:h Inslr) 285 I'llAIIPOLINI M8IW. Ass Fellow (Aaroapace Eng Law ( poweloo8@ & Mechanics) 107 AI<. H( ), ( ). POWELL Karen A. Exac Secretary (Derma1ologyI prampool@ Bx 98 Mayo (~) P WB, PIlANQE Cynthia M. Execsac:r.y (Lab Madiclne & Pathology) Bx 86.Mayo (fi25-4e59), POWELL KevIn l, RllI8arch AsIIaIant(Forast Owre H( ). prangool@ ProductsI203 Kauf L( ). 535 W llanchnt Dr. Apt 3!l3. RosevlIIe ll9-7flOl1 PIWI8CHKE H~. InI1nJctor (SocIal Wolle, Sc:h of) 400 Ford H S/81dan A" S. POWELL KImbet1y A. Sr0fIIce Aaat (MN Ex1 MinnaapoIIs pransoo2@ S8rY-Educ Dev Sysf) 405B Col H. kpoweil@ 812-e ' PRASAD 8adrt N. RllI8arch AsIIaIant (Lab POWELL Laura M. TIachIng AsIIaIant MedIclne & Pathology) Bx 511 Mayo (62lI-287n (Joumdsm & MaasComm, Sc:h of) 111 Mur H...l86H S UnitF. 1015e-StS E, ApI 315. ( ) poomilo11@ Minneapolis , bprased@ lax: POWELL Mark M. Aaat DIr (CampfColl (Stu AtIrs PRASAD Govinda S. Poat-Doc AIaoc Info SystIImaI280 wmaon H( ) (IlIochamIatry-Med Sc:h MlrII H( ). Gleason Rd. EdIna a343. m-powe@ Moos T I AileS E, ApI 13, 81~-82lI-1754 MInneapoIj' prasaoo3@ POWELL MlcheIIe M T... - -."...- nt PIlAlIAD Shiv A. RllI8arch AssIatant (SodoIogy) 909 Soc SCI ( ). poweiool@ (~ ax 198 Mayo /MLmfO). H26 P,---..,.' POWELL Noel A. TIachIng AsIIaIant (Chamlstry) WB ClInton A"S. ApI 3, MInneIpoIIs 139 SmIth H(82~3820 Macalas1ar Dr. Apt 205 St """"'" PIIA8l(A KathIean A. Sr Med Reo Adn*l (H. ~. _.,..powe... MedIcal RacordIlnIolllx 801 Mayo (62&6llllO), 2-4OOBc O@maroon POWER David V. Med Fe! Spec(Fam Practice & P WB. ~1llER P8uI l, Pllst-DacliaraI Fellow CommunIty HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ). li-24o (PhaJmacoIogy) MInl H (62Il-6539~ P WB., fill: Moos T lrad18y St, 81 Paul J438. P()WERSJay p. Rasearch AsIIaIant (Chamlatry) PRATT.lR David E, Sr 0lIca Aaat (MES-Colege 139 SmIth H A"S E, Minneapolis of AgrlcuIturall99 Col H( O)...a powera@... POWERS Michael D. Aaat SClantIs1 (Medicinal PRATT DougIu C. ProIassot (PIanlIlkJlogy) 220. Chemtstry) HS Unit F( ) Bio st:i ( ) Peabody Tral N. CleveIInd St N.~lc E.MlrNapoIis edu l184l140. SCandia pratt@ PRATT Helen M. Gen StaI NIne (Nursklg FIoal POWERI SheIla M. PrIn Stu PlIra Wkr (Student Pool) ax 603 Mayo FIahar Lane. WriIte Bw FInancIal Ald. Ole of) 21C1Fraa11 H( ll5). Lab praiioo3@. POWElis Thomas J. Rasearch AssIstant (Pl1yIIcS PRATT Judith A. Sr 0fIIce Aaat (UnIvIraIty"'-I & Astronomy. Sc:h of) 147 PhyI ( ) rd Av S ( ), EJect E, poweroo3@ PRATT LasIIe. CIln Assoc PlOI (Dbal8lrIcs & POWLESS RobaI1 E.1:Iead (W/FIC Rank) GynecoIogyI. PaIlc NIcoI8l MIdlcaI center. 84lIO (UMD-Amer I~ S1UdIeaI209 Boll HDuluth excelsior Blvd, Sta E-111. MInna8poIs ( ). ProflI8Q' ( WyomIng ( ). St, c... 55lI PRATT Unda D. PrIn S8cnlary (f'liclia81ci1 ax POYORENA Randy J. Undargra Res Ass! II 721 Mayo ( ). ~115 Mayo. pra1ioo2@ (Int8rlac:laI Eng. Ctr For) 179 Shep Lab. ~ 23nI A"S E, MInneapolis poyorool@ PRATT Scott l,adn*l Fellow (ClA StudantAcad Suppt Svcsl8-18Joh H( pratoli06@ POZNIAK Irene. Sr Data Proc Tech (Unlv Film &' VIdeoll th St SE ( ) th St PRAU8 Barbara A, CInnty Prog Aaat(PsydlIatry) NE, Fr1dIey ot104,Ipozniak@Bx393M( I&Gu-43OO lax: ljndan Hlfts ayo. Blvd. Apt 3, MImeapoIls -"" POZZA ChrIstopher 1:1. Med Fe! Spec (RadfoIogy) ax 292 Mayo (~195~ J2-489 UHasp.. PRAWER Ste"" E, CIln AIaoc P!or pozzaool@ (DannstlIIogy~ AIaoc SkIn <:ant SpeclIIIsts PIlAIHU AnIIa. POI1-Doc Assoc (Oral SClencasI '.Univeralty Ave NE, Fr1dIey ( ), Moos T ( ~ ( ) WFranklin Ave. St LouiI PaIlc ( ). 1040A 27th A"S E. Minneapolis 54lI praiillool@ PRA'tuRAslooHi ~ ~ AaIiI1anl PRADA Marlo. Dept DiracIor (UMC-Studant (Fisharlas & WIldlife) 200 HodIIon H. prayuoo1@ Aflalra-Adm) 110,Bede HCnlokallln ( ). P o Box 433. Cnlokallln ,PREOKSftOTJ E. AsaociatlI ProIassot (Ffwnch & 1tallsn1280 Fa! H (fi24-6li24~ ( ), PIlADT S8rah J. Teaching Spec:ldst (Ins! of I.8/1QUlIlI88 & LIt) 190,KIa Ct ( ). PRElIER Jacqualyn K, PrIn Lab Tech (Vet ( An SdfV M( ~ 1216 lax: ~N Margarat Sf, St Paul $8. kurigoo1@ PIlAETORIUS LaurIe A. Gen Stall Nurse (POI1 ~ AnastheaIa cars UnIt-Box 87) Bx 87 ~ayo. PRIlNER Jacqualyn K. PrIn Lab Tech (Vet pr8moo1@ PathobIoIogy) 295 An SdfV M(62...,271~ PRAGER S1lpphen. PlOI EmIr (Q1emIatry) 139 prainool@ SmIth H( ). S173 KoIt H NDunlap PREISLER David F. Ex1 Educ & Aaat PlOI St, St Paul prageool@,', (MES-D1s1rictaI. RICe Co Ex1 Ole, CouIthouse, 2183rd St NW. Fa1beuIt ( ), ~ PRAHL Andra E. Assoc Adn*l (Accountlngl845C.' NStsta A". La C8nfIIr dpraisiar@ Mgmt/ con ( ). ajyon@csom.umn.8du. lax: & PRELL RIv EHan. AasocIate ProI8aaor (Arnertcan PRAHL Julie B. Sr 8ecIetary (Vet Taechlng Hasp S1UdIea) 203 Scott H( ) GIaItuat CIInic)C243 Vet Tch HoB ( ) NDale A" S. St louis PaIlc 55418, praillol@ S1, ShonM8w prahloo2@ PREll Konald A. PhylIiciIn lsurgaly) ax 395 PRAHL Susan A. Exec 8ecr8lary (Psychology) Mayo ( ). A687 Mayo. 4flO6 &myside 105 Bt H( ~ prahiool@ Rd. Edina pramxoo2@

73 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF PREMER~PUDWILL. 319 PREIIER Robert F, AssoclaIll Protessor (Orthopaedic Surg), VAMedical center, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), 1956 cedar lake Pky, MinneepOlls PRENEVOST KatherIne A, Gen Stall Nurse (4D-S1cu) PCU40 Mayo ( ), PRENTICE Pr8nes C, Ph8lTl\8Cisl (H lopslient Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo ( ), 0147 Mayo, 5009 W60th SI, EdIn , , PRENTICE S8ndr8 L, Gen Stall Nurse (UnM70) PCU70 Mayo, PRESCHER MeUnds A, Word Proc Oper. (Grsdu8tlI SChool-Adm) S 2nd St ( ), ( ),2130 Como Ave, Apl301, St Psul 55108, 64&-8967, prescoo3@ PRESCOTT Edward C, Protessor (Economics) 1160 Mgml{Econ ( ), (340-n62),, fax: PRESCOTT Francine J, Med T8dl Spec: (Hosp labs-dl8g Micro) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), A205 Mayo Friendship Lana, Burnsville 55337, , presc002@ PRESSEUER SussMa K, Per DIem - GIn. (Nurslng F108t Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, press001@ PRESTEGARD Christine A, Prln secretary (PrthopsedIc Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, 1945 Fremont Ave S, Apt 3, Minneapolis 55403, 3n-3814., PRESTON Duane A, Protessor (Horticultural Sc:lenc:e), Ares Ext Ole, Hwy 2 E, Box 301, E Grand Forks 56721, ( ), 1006 Jen\8s Ave S E, EGrand Forlts 56721, n3-1417, dpreston@, fax: 218-n PRESTON Lydill L, Nursing Sta Asst (Psdi8Irics-5A) PCUSA Mayo, 1785 C8rroII Ave, Apt 4, St Paul 55104, prestoo3@ PRESTONSlaven W, Instructor (Ph8rmscy Practice), Felk's Woodlend Pharmacy Inc, 1 C81v8ry Rd, DulUltl S5803, ( ), 3 Calvary Rd, Apt 0, OuiUltl S5803, PRESTON.Sussn G, Hosp labs Admin lhosp labs-admln) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), 0251 Mayo, prestoo2@ PRESTRIDGE Dan S, Program Dir (Bioc:hemistry-eBS) 247 Gor L( ), Educ:stlon SpecIalist ( ), 2161 Sprlngside Dr, St Paul 55119, PRETASKY Karen E, Med/Clin labt8dl (H. EIec:lroneuro Dl8gncslics-Eeg) Bx 183 Mayo ( ), P WB, preta001@ PRETZEL Harold, EJec:triclsn (F8dIllies Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B(825:3498), S37 SmMh H, PREUS James B, AS$OC Pro! Emsr (PsycholOgy),. ABet VIce Pras Ret (Stu A1Irs Info Syst8mS), 5 Buena Ventura P1sce, S8nt8 Fe NM 87505, ll2g-7238, PREVEI David A, Adj Assoo Prof (Comm DiSOfderll), W70th SI, Eden PraIrie 55344, ( ), PREWITT lain, Assistant Professor (Radiology) MpIs Chiklrens Medical center, 2525 Chlcsgo Ave, MlnneepOlls 55404, prewiool@ PREZZAVENTO Bruce A, Lacturer (ChemtS1ry) 267 Kolt H ( ~ Ivan Court N, Forest lake 55025, prezz@ PRIBYL Janet M, Prln Stu Pers Wkr (UMD-ear_ Srvs) Ad BDuluth ( ), 2610 W6th SI, Duluth 55806, ,, fax: PRIBYL Julie A, Prln lai! T8dl (lab Medicine &. Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), Owre H( ), ( ),6050 Chasewood Pky, Apt 204, Minnetonke 55343, , rehm8001@ PRICE Csndlce S, Psydlla Soc Worker (Boynton-Ment8l He8IIh) 4th fir Boyn HS ( ), ( ), m 5676, prlceoo2@ PRICE Don8Id K, Bldg &Greis Wkr 3 (Facilities Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B( ), 783 Case Ave, St Paul 55106, priceoo8@ PRICE Keren S, Asaoc ConI Educ; Spec (Epidemiology) S 2nd St ( ), 4852 Vincent Ave S, MinneepOlls 55410, , PRICE Krys K, Sr 8ec:retary (Indutll18l ReIationI Ctr) 537 Mgml{ECClrl ( ), I St S, Cottage Grove 55018, , kprice@ PRICE Lynda A, R-m Assistant (General CoI~la-Ac8d AtIrs/Fac Well) 240 Ap H( ), 1583 Bohland Ave, 51 Paul 55116, , prlceoo1@ PRICE JR Richard ft, Prln lab't8dl (Vet Pathobiology) 295 An SclJV M( ), 1151 S Oak Park Ava, Apt B, Oak Park IL 60302, rplce@ PRICE Richard M, Asslstant Professor (Political SCience) 1414 Soc SCI ( ), priceol5@ PRICE Rlch8id W, Head IW/Fac Aenk) (Neurology) Bx 295 Mayo ( ), Program Oir P WB( ), Protessor, PRICE Tamara L, Sr Acc:ounts ABet (Med1c81 SChooI-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ), Owre H, th Ave N, IlIOokIyn Park 55428, , PRICE WlIIlam J, Asaoc Pro! Emer (Univ Film & Video), Asst Dir Retired, 5555 Dupont Ave N, Brooklyn Csntsr 55430, , priceol3@ PRICHARD Alexander 1<, Sr lab T8dl (Fisherles & Wildlife) 200 Hodson H, prlchool@ PRIDE DorIs S, Pub Relatlons Rep (UMD-Ext8maI Relations,MedIa) Ad BDuIuIh ( ), ( ),675 Ridgewood Ad, DulUlII55804, , PRIDGEN Darrell M, Hosp Prol8cl 0Icr (Ii Protection serv) Bxl000 Mayo, prkigool@ ~RIELOZWY Elizabeth P, Te8dl1ng Assistant (Music) 100 Ferg H PRIEISLER Gary L, HOBP.M & 0 M8dl (H Maint & Dper) Bx 702 Mayo, Cl17 Mayo, ~ PRIEST Jellrey S, Research Assistant (Educational PsycholOgy) 350 Ell H( ), 209 PI H, 250 E 6th St, Apt 835, St Paul 55101, PRIEST John R, AsslstaIlt Professor (PedI8lrIca), 345 NSmMh Ave, 51 Paul 55102, ( ), 1926 E River Terrace, MlnneepOlIs 55414, , prlesoo8@ PRIEST Owen P, Research AssIstant (ChemlS1ry) 139 SmMh H( ), Univ ofminn, 139 SmMh H, 207 P1aassnt St S E, Minne8poIls 55455, PRIESTER Joy M, Bldg & Glds Wkr 3 (F8dIllies Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B( ), prlesoo3@ PRIETO Karen M, Gen Stall Nurse (H Sports/Hand/Low Back) Bx 492 Mayo, VC C RC, , PRIQGE Unds M, C8rt Nurse Prac: (Boynton Women s CUnlc) 233A Boyn HS ( ), 1498 TieI:ney Ct, HastingS 55033, , priggool@ PRIGGE Michael J, Jr Sclenlist (GenetIcs & C8lI BiolOgy) 250 Blo Sci (62~, At 2, Box 112, W Concord 55985, PRIKRY Karel L, Professor (Sch 01 Mathem8tlcsj ~ Vln H( ), prtkroo1@ PRINCE OianeK, OtIIce Spec: (AlhIetIcs, Men's Intcllg) Mar A( ), 6031 Riverview T_ NE, Minneapolis 55432, , prlncoo2@ PRINCE Gregory S, Research AssIstant (MedIeval Studies, Ctr For) 304 Wa Lib ( ), PRINCE Hugh C, Non UnIv Stall (Geography) 414 Soc Sci ( ), 1685 Prlnceton Ave, St Paul 55105, 69B-3m, prtncoo1@meroon, PRINCE James T, AsaocProl Emer (Microbiology), 416 3rd Ave NE, Osseo 55369, 425-2nO, prliic:006@m& PRINCE Julie K, Exec 8ec:retary(~ Eng & Mat SCi) 151 Amund H( ), prlnce@, fax: PRINCE Karen E, Exec Secretary (Csntral Computing servlce~) 100 laud C F( ), PIlINCU Laura A, Stf>irtdng Attn (Parking 8erVtceI) 300T8 "(12&-7275), ( ),4587 GIenbroc* AV, N, Oakdale 55128, prtng002@!lul PRINGLI ~ S, SUpply Proc Supv ~ lwrytces) Bx 247 Mayo i826-4ci3o), c&59~, 278 Johnson Pky, St Paul 65108, 7t4-4844; prtngoo3@ PRIIIGU! RoIIIrt O,IIIdg &Grds Wkr 3 ~Fae Mgmt-ZOne 5-eLA) 100Shops B, prtngoo5@ rneroon.te.umii,1dii PRimJohn R, Asaoc Dir(Csmp/Col) (OIC 01 AclrnIsalcd-AdmIn) 240 WInson H( ), 838-5W, PRIOR O'IM, 51' AnaJyatJProgr (Adm Info Svc:a-FinIoclIIA/lP8 Dev) S 2nd St ( ), 81812rid Ave NOW, New BrlghtQn 65112, PRITCIwal KrletI8n H, Natt IlH Serv Fellow (MIcI'obIoIDgy)SX 196 Mayo ( ), 1460 Mayo, d Ave S, Richfield 55423, PRITCHEtT HaIin M, LIlJrsry ABet 2 (Ubrary C8ntraI T8dlgelY) 108 Wa Lib ( ), ( ), PIUVETTI! ColIIIln A, Pm Stu Pers Wkr (Studant FinIncIaI AId, ) 21 0 Frsasr H( ), PROI8T John R, ScIentI8t (AE8-N Ctr1 Es-Grar\d RapIde) 538 HC For ( ), , PROI8T Laura K, Aset l.ibrarl8n (Ubrsry-Pub Serv & BrancII) 10 Fwg H( a), 4933 VIncent Ave 8. Mlnilllpolls 55410, J.prob@ vml.apca.umn.adu PROI8T \.OUII ~. MId F8I Spec: (Ophtll8lmo1ogy) Bx 493 Mayo \8B-44OO) P WB, PROCHA8KA Joan M, AS$OC AdmIn (RhetOric) 201 Haler H(~ 819 H8teh Ave, St Paul 65103, PROCHIlIEWlCZ-NAKAYAMA Ewe, Res Assoc: (B~ Sch)4-225 Mtrd Ii ( ), prochool@n* PRODGEIl... K, CIer Supv, Ambul (H OPO-Op/ltlllllmCI ax 88 Mayo, 1881 HeU SI, ShoravIew 55121, , prodgoo1@,edu JIR()I)'H()fIIM Margaret, Sr Res Nurse Clin (Ntuology) ax ~ Mayo (~9900), P W B, prodh!101@n* PRDEIL AnII8 M, C8rt Surg T8dl (H Operating Room) ax ~OO Mayo, proehool@ li18i' PROELL Duane J, Program Dir (Recreational Sports) 101 Cooke H( ), (62s-e800), BaImOnt Ad, Minnetonka 55305, , proelool@n* I'ROltAIKA Joseph R, ProIlIs8or (MecIIclne-UMD) 109 RLB Duluth ( ), ( ), (72Wll23), 2730 E 8th SI, Duluth 55812, , ], fax: PROKOP John F, ABet Dir (U-Wide) (U S 0 A Forest Ssrv) 412 NC For ( ), 1357 Raymond Ave, St P , , prokoool@n* PROK08CH IIrlai\ G. CIIn Inetr(Fam Pr8ctice & Cornn1II1Ity...St Francis Rag MIdlc:8I center, S2$ W5th Ave, Shakopee 5537$, ( ),' 2800 Grand Ave S; Apt 313, MinneapoliS ss40a, , PROKon T1nlOlhY L, Admin Aide (HOU8i1lll ~ H81)C8nH ( ), PROMIILOW baniel E, Post-Dbo Assoo (EcolOgy, EvalutI(In &Ilehavior) 203 Ecology ( ), t824-48~", promioot@gold.ic.'!"' PIlCIMO MIchala A, Resesrch Assl8lanl (CherIlI8trYl139 SmIth H( ), 380 K~ H. 2 AJvert.,... Ct, Apt 103, Mll\neapolis~14, pi' PR<IPP ~ J, Sr 8ec:retary (Geology & Beop/lyIIlllI) 1b1 PIII8 H( ), ( ), 9933 Jernaca Ct N, Mahlllmedi 55115, propjloo10mar00n PROPP LAfnC 1ll 0, Irt81NC:\Or (Phermscy Practice), AncIb Metro Rag Treatment Cir, PharInacy, th Ave N, Anoka 5530t ( ) PR08lcJ IIrlai\ A, Student Bd & GId Wkr (Student Finand8J AId, 0Ic: 01) 120 Fraser H( ), (62"'-), Apt 107, 1019 University Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, I PROSPER Felipe, Med Fe! Spec: (MedIclne) Bx 460 Mayo ( ), P W B, prospoo2@ PROUDFOOt Glenn A, Sr lab T8dl (F18herles & Wildlife) 200 Hodson H, proudool@ PROULX Krl8la B, Ubrery ABet 2 (UMC-MedIa Resources) KLib Crook8ton ( ), 121 Adams SI, Crookston 56716, , kprouix@ PROUTY Chrlslien, Sr lab T8dl (Epldemlology) S 2nd St, 1257 PaIaI:e Ave, St Psul 55105, , PROUTY jo M, CoordInator (Ag & ApplIed Econ) 218H CLA 011 ( ), 2295 Doswell Ave, St Paul 55108,, fax: PROUTY Mlchaef W, Non UnIv Stall (N Csntral.exp Sta) 403 NC For (84&-5278), ,, fax: PROUTY Robert W, Res Fellow (Ins! 01Comm Integration) PI H( ), 2295 DosweIi Ave, St P8Ul65108, , prouioo4@ PROUTY Susanne M, ABet ScIentist (Vet P8thDbioIogy) 129 Vet S ( ~ proutoo5@, fax: PROVENCHER Mary Lee A, Cmnty Prog ABet (ME8-Program Stall & Org Devl), Meeker Co Ext Ofe, 305 NSibley Ave, Box ~, UtchIIeId 55355, ( ), th St, UtchIIeId 55365, PROVO Curtis M, Plumber (F8CllMIes Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shope B( ), provoool@ PROVO Michele L, PrIn Acc:ountsnt (Dermatology) Bx 98 Mayo ( ), P W B ( ), PROVOIT oivld A, Med Fel Spec: (Surgery-General) Bx 42 Mayo ( ), 11-1~ PW B, 3475Go1fv1ew Dr, Apt 334, Eagan 55123, , PROWE DIetheIm M, Lacturer (IntnI Studies, Inst 01) 214 Soc Sci, PRUITT Grace 0, Medical lab T8dl (CUHCC-AduM MedIc8Q l40f C UHCC (827-4n4X241), PRUm Ronald C, AssoclaIll Professor (Statistics, SCh Of-Adm) YIn H( ), (625-lI048), PRUSAK Usa S, C1in Instr (Mediclne-UMO), Rudie & AssoclaIlls Ltd, MedIcal Arts Bldg, SuMe330, 324 WSuperiorSt, Duluth 55802, (722-$113) PRYCE Douglas J, Med Fel Spec: (Medlclne)Bx 264 Mayo ( ), C338 Mayo, 1926 Fremont Ave S, Apt 2, Minneapolis 55403, , pryceoo1@ PRYOR Jon L, Assistant Professor (UrolOgic Surgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ), D-695 Mayo, ( ), pryorool@ PRYOR laurie E, Teaching Assistant (Spe8dl-Comrnunlc8tlon) 460 Fol H( ), ( ), 931~181, pryoroo3@ PRYOR Michie! P, Med Fel Spec: (Pedlalric:8), 910 E 26th St, Suite 325, MtnneepoIls 55404, ( ), PRYTZ MlchaeI G, Acc:ounts Spec (M8dlanIcal engineering) 125 Mech E( ), prytzool@ PRYTZ Michelle K, Acc:ounts Spec: (UniverSIty Prass) rd Av S ( ),1380 Terrace Dr, Apt 308, Rosavlile 55113, prytz@ PU Yong-Ren, Teac:hirig AssIstant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanics) 107 AJ<er H( ), PUCEL Barbara T, Admin DIractor (VOC Tech EduC) 210 Vo Tech ( ), 2630 "lath St NW, St Paul 55112, , bpucei@ PUCEL Da ld J, Prolessor (VOC T8dl EduC) 425F Vo Tech ( ), ( ), th St N W, New Brighton 55112, , puceiool@ PUCKETT Jason M, T88chlng Assl8tant (UMD-Meth &Statistk:s) 108 HHDuluth ( ),1012 E 7th St, Duluth 55805, PUDWILLMark L, Mad Fe! Spec: (lab Medicine & PatllolOgy) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 695 ECaillomia Ave, St Paul 55108, nl-3217, pudwl001@

74 320 PUELSTON-atJINLAN STAFF. I'UEl..mlN Iilda K, Opntlng Rm GIn (H OperatIng Room) ax 7oo'Mayo (fl i, PUEtm DavId l, Teac:hlng A88IIlant (SIudent FIn8nclIl AId, Ole 01) 2071Jnd H(ll2S-9811), nd Ave S, MinneIpoIl , &5430, PUERTO SIfIhT, GIn StatI NUIlI8(4O-SIcu) PCU40 Mayo ( ), 1238 WHwy 98, Arden Hils 55112, , PUETTIIANN KJeua J, AsMtanl PloI888M (FOI'8It R8solmIs) 115 am H(lI ), 1134 Auum St, RoIevIIe 55113,, tax: ! PUGH B8Ih M, PhylI TheraPY CIn (H Ac:ute Ther8py) Bx 108 Mayo, Ch RC, PUGH Krlstin B; PrIn Accounlanl (PrlnIIng S8Mce1) 112 P S B(825-95llO), (ll2s-1818), 'hunderBay ReI, UllIe C8nacIa , PUQU8I Ann H, Instruclor (Social Work, SCh 01), Lakevlew MemorlIl HoepItaI, 919 WAnderson SI, StilIwatIr 55082, ( ), pugiioo1@. PIlI David Y, Prol8uor(MechanIcII EngiMwIng) 1301).Medl E(ll2S-2537), (Il25-088O). dyhpui@, tax: 812-e:l PUK~ E, Med Fe! Spec(0phlhUn0I0gy) Bx 493 Mayo ( ), P WB, 8104 Russell Ave S, MInneIpolIa 55410, puiooloo1@ PULFORD Arthur F,\lM'lIr (UMD-SocIology/Anllvopology) 229 Cina Duluth ( ), ( ), Feder8I PIlson C8mp, Dulutll55814, ( ~ 4835 Anderson Rd, Duluth 55811, 722-llO82 PULFORD GlorIa J, Cmmy Prog A88t (MN Ext serv-dla1rlcls~ NorlhlInd 0IIice Clr SuiIlI114, 3071st81 S,VIrgInIa 65792, ( PI/UCIlA8El(SIIelIey M, Med Tech Spec: (Hosp Labs-Blood BInk) BIt 198 Mayo ( ), D293 Mayo ( ),880 River Blrch Place, Uno Lakes 55014, , puikrool@ PIIUEJI MIch8el M, PIofeaaor (ClInIcal & PopulItIon SdIncIs) 225 Vet Tell Hos ( ) 5S3O Peterson Rd, While Beer l..8ke55127, , PIJLLING eath8rine M, Teaching A88IIlant (FI'8llCh & 1tIII8n1280 Fol H( ), ( ),3229 AldrIch Ave S, MInc1eepoIIs 5S408, ,, fax: PULLING ChrIIIlopher C, R-a. AstlstanI (IlIoslalIslIcsJax 303 Mayo ( ), A45S Mayo ( ), 3340 Lelgh1lln Rd N, Hibbing 55748, PULLIHG FredarIck G; Data PIoc Tech 2 (TaIeclOmnu1IcalIs S8Mce1) 3OT.-comB (62&0000), ( , 4338 VIncant Ave N,. Minneapolla 55412, , puii(103@. PULSI»HEJl J D, TllIIchlng AasIstlInt (American StudiII) 104 SColt H( I, ( Ol, ~ CheIyl F, PrIn Secretary (Fac, Mgmt Zone 5-ClA) 200 Shope B ( ), 1855 Bec:la1Wt Ave, AtlItn H/IIlI55112, 01JlllIlII@ 111III' PUMPER Karen M, Sr Data Entry Opr (AdrnIaaIona-Com S8Mce1) 220 wmaon H (825-SlI49), 1855 Beckman Ave, Arden PUIMOY RMIthael, Tu Bsac Oper/Tech (~)2OOShope B( ), 202 PhylI PI, PumroOO2@m8roon.Tc.Urnn.Edu, pager: 812-t8ll-32ll4 PUN WIng H, S1udInt SpRc Tech I(HosP Laba-SrI) ax 198 Mayo ( ), UHoap 401 9th 81 S E, ApI los, Mtnneapolla 55414, , PUNCOCIWI JudIIh M, TllIIchilg Spec;iIIlst (Educ8lIonal Psychology) 210E Bu H( ), (82~, fax: PUNDT Usa l, A8st ScIantist(~) 420 uona Rea ( ), ( ), pundiool@ PURCELL David l, Grad School Trainee (Envrn & 0CCupeti0naI H8IIIIl) ax 807 Mayo (828-OllOO), 1155 Mayo, AnIhony Ave, Apl3B, Minneapolis 55414, 872-Q924, ~ PURCELL Palricia A, Life Support Inst (Lile Support Program-Bls) Bx 603 Mayo ( ),. C370 Mayo B Clemson Dr, Eagan )341. PURDIE James l, Alit Prof ErrIer (Radiology), P.0 Box 458, Foresl Lake 5S025, PURDY Dwighl H, Prolesaor (HUIIl8I1lllea-UMMj 224 Hum Morris (~), 1104 Park Lane, MorrIs 58267, , purdydh@. caa.mra.umn,edu PURDY Jeanne, Lecturer (Hurnanltlea-UMM) 104 Hum MorrIs ( ), 1104 Park Lane, Morrta PUII1 Amltab K:Mad Fel Spec (Medldne) Bx 278 Mayo ( ), 337 DVCC RC, 805 S Madison Ave, La Grange IL , purixoo1@maroon, PUllPLE Richard L, Proles_ (PhyaIoIogy) 8-25S Mlrd H( ), Dept Assoc D1r, e3 BartOn Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , purplool@, fax: PURRINGTON Jennffer l, Per Dlem GIn (Nursing FIoaI Pool) ax 603 Mayo, 110 WGrant SI, 'Alp 33E, Minneapolis 5S403, punlool@ PURSLEY Amanda L, Gen StatI Nurse (Eye, En! NeuroIogy~B) PCU6B Mayo, puraiool@, fax: PURVEY Marla A. Prln Secretary (Medk:lne) ax 91 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), PUSARI Debra L, Exec S1u Para Wkr (Student FInancial AId, Ole 01) 210 Free«H( ), 1833 James Ave, SI Pau155105, , PUSEY Anne E, Prolel$Ol' (Ecology, Evolution & Behavior) 100 Ecology ( ), 2511 Washburn Ave S, Minneapolis 55410, puseyoo1@ PUSKALA David B. Acc:oUnta Spec (Parklrig services) 216 ':' S B ( ~ 3505 HflIIap 81, While Bear Lake 55110, , puakeoo1@ PUTMAN Matthew D, Aaalstant ProIes_ (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 DVCC RC, 5208 L.arade Lane, EdIna 55438, , Pll'TBEVO Neelima V, Research A8a1stant (Electrical Engineering) CIv E PUUMAU Ricard R, Clln Assoc Prof (Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Puumala ClInic, 40 S 12th S~ Cloquel PYKA Yvette T. Home Health AIde (H Home, Health) Bx 722 Msyo ( ), ( ~ th Way NE. Fridley 55432, pykaxool@ PYKKONEN Je1lrey l, Pharmacy Asaoctate (Pharmacy PractIca) HS UnR F, ChIldren's HospllaJ, Phannacy Dept, 2525 ChIcago Ave S, Minneapolis 5S404, ( ). pykkooo1@ PYLE Richard l, Assol:la'- PloI888M (PaychIatry) Bx 393 Meyo ( ), pytexool@ PYIJ(A Wesley J, Eng Recorda Supv (Tech Support Records) 50 Shope B( ), 4216 Clark Circle, 81 Paul , pyikaool@. PYLWAS Grants, Teaching AaaIatant (VOC Tech Educ) Vo Tech th 81 E,lnvw Grove HIs , PYNE Jonathan T. Aaaoc Dev otiicer (MN Medical Foundation) Bx 193 Mayo( Oj; 535 Diehl H, CcrI, 6750 France Ave S, SuIte 248, Edina 55435, ( ), nd Ave N. Minneapolis , pyneldlo2@ PYNE Thomas H, Radiologic Tech (Boynton-Radiology) W245 Boyn HS ( ), 3125 University Ave S E, Mlnneapolla 55414, PYNN Mary F, Mjlnatr (Nursing, SCh OI-Prog & Res), SI Joseph's HoapIIaI, 89 WExchange S~ 81 Paul 55102, ( ), pynnxool@ QI Xlyu, ProIes_ (PolIllCal ScIence) 1233 Soc SCI ( ) th 81W. Minneapolis 5S Q QI Yong-Chang, VIall Prof (PhyaIca & Astronomy) 148 PhylI( , qlxxxoo4@ QIN 1.Jhong. Post-Doc Asaoc (Chemical Eng & Met ScI) G4 SmIth H( ), qlnxxool@ QIN Yuan, R-a.A8aIalant (Illoa1atillllca) Bx 197 Mayo ( ), A480 Mayo, 1985 Knapp Ave, Apt W 2, St Paul 55108, qinxxoo2( QIU Songgang, ~ A8aIalant (MechanIcal ~) 281 Medl E( ). ( ), th Ave S E, ApI D, MInneapoIIa 55414, , QU Lu. R-a. A8aIaIant (MarketIng & LogIstIca MgmI) 1235 MgmtfEcon ( ), th 81( ), th Ave S, ApI 4, MInneapoIIa 5S ,1qu@ QU YIngzhe, Teaching A88IIlant (Chemical Eng & Mat ScI) 111 Amund H( ), 1287 Gibbs Ave, 81 Paul 55108, , yzqu@ QUACft Hung The, Sr ScIei1tial (Paychlatry) Bx 393 Mayo, VAMlIdlcaI Center, R_rell liervice (lsi). One Vetarana Dr, MinneapoIla 65417, ( X2907I, nl Ave S, Minneapolla 5S408, QUADAY James W, CIn Instr (Fam Practice & CommunIty HIIh), 81 John's HospItal, 18751leaJil Ave, SuiIlI101, Maplewood 55109, , QUADE Mary C, DanI8I HJllIenlet (EloynIon-Denta1) 428 Boyn HS( ), QUADUNQ Henley S, ~ A88IIlant (PhyaIct & Astronomy, SCh 01) 148 PhylI ( ), 205 Elect E, hquadlin@ 111III' QUALJCl( JoIeIih c. PIpeft\tlIr (FaclIlties MgmI-Adm) 200 Shope B, qualiool@ QUALLE SColt l, Teac:Nng Asalatant (AocountIng) 845 MgmtJEcon (824-e5ll8), th Ave N, Plymouth 65447, , quatiool@ QUAIl ElIeen E, A88t UIlrarten (immigration HIatory Rea Clr) 1700 MWL(~75), th Ave S, Mlnneapolla~, , e-qum@vml.apca.umn;edu QUAIl Jean K, DIr (W!Fac Rank) (SocIal Work, SCh 01) 400 Ford H( ), ProIea_ (824-Q88), 3942 York Ave S,Minneapolis 55410, , fax: QUAIl MIchael S, Teac:NngA8aIstant (Mechanical ~ 12510lech E ( ~ QUAIl SOnya J, 0IIice Spec(T.-communlcatlona servtcea) S1e Univ Av se ( ), ( ), 2329 T8I'lflartaI Rd. 81 Paul , QUAIl Tamil, can Burg Tech (H Operating Room) ax 700 Mayo, quamxoo3@\ QUAN Klan T,.Sr ~ (Bloatatillllca) Univ Av se ( ), kien@ QUAN Slu-Fun l, U...serv Spec (llioatatlatlcs) UnIv AV'se ( ), aiu@ QUAN Toan D, Clln Inatr (ResIIlrative SCIenoaa) Moos T (~), 5909 Portland Ave S, MInneapolIa 55417,' , quenxocl3@ QUAN TulcIIenh, Undergra Rea A8st \I (1lioIogIcaJ Prooeaa Tech Ina\) 240 Oor l, qua~. au.u.eck DebOrah S. CIn A88t Prof Emer (FInancIal Oper~ WIde), Shriner's HoapIIaJ, 2025 ERIver Rd. MInnaapoIIa 55414, ( ), QUANDT Ilclnna J, Vet Med AsaocIata (SmaH AnknaI can ScI) 310C Vet Tell Hos ( n I Teac:Nng A8aJstant (ll2s-7744), 9121 ~uneau Alcove, Woodluy 65126, , quandoo1@ QUANDT Shelley R, SrVet Tech (Vat Teaching HosP Clnlcf249 Vet Tell Hoe ( ~ 856 Englewood Ave, ApI 7, St Paul 55104, , QUARIERQ Jane A, GIn StatI Nurse (Neonatal InlanaIve car.3c)pctj3cmayo, 2001 Toledo Ave N, Gc*Ian Valley 55422, , quirbool@marooh.lic.umn.adu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA QUARTEY MoHa K, I'rin.UII Tech (Otolaryngology) Bx 398 Mayo ( ~ 835 Mayo, 2338 Hampden Ave, 81 Pau155114, QUAST EmUIe J, Ubrary A88t 2 (Ubrary Central Tech serv) MWL( ), 1819 Talmage Ave S E, Mlnneapolla 55414, e-quaa@, tax: QUAST JO!l'J E, ClIn A88t Prof (PhyaIcaJ Med & RehaIJlJiletlon), VA MedIcel center, One V... Dr, ~ 117, Minneapolis 55417, ( ~ 290 CImarron Rd, Apple Valley , QUATSOE Allison C, Accounta Spec (Nursing, School OI-Adm) HS Unit F( ). QUE DebraJ. Bha NUIlI8 (Iloynton-N1A'Iing) Boyn HS ( ), ( ), ( , 1084 Shryer Ave W, Rosevile 56113,..-s173, QUE JR ~, ProIaaor (Chemistry) S13 SmIth H( ), ( ). ( ), '1084 Shryer AV8 W. Rosevile s173, Jqve(,tax: 812_7541 QUE Nanette Loida S. Reeearch AssIstant (ChemIstry) Bx M-5 SIIIlIh H ( ), 78 KoIt H, QUE88EMANN AIoyaIua J, Asaoctate PloI888M (Pharmacology) MInI H( ), 1584 FuIham 81, 81 Paul 55108, , quebbool@ '. QUEEN Janel M,I?ePt A88t Dir (Technology, Inst 0I-8SS) 50 Und H( ), ( Ol., tax: l1-O261 QUEEN UOyd P, Res Asaoc (Foraat R8solmIs) 220C Grn H( ),~ rnet' QUEK Soo-Khoon, Reeearch AaaIatant (SocIal Work. SCh 01) 400 Ford H, 820 Essex 81 S E. ApI I, Minneapolis 55414, , quekxool@ fax: QUESN!L.Llona J, Sr AdmIn ~ (Astronomy) 358 Phy8 ( ), iqulia@ fax: QUICK David J, Spec ReV Tech (Hoap Laba-SrI). Bx 198 Mayo(~ UHoap, dquick@ QUICK Janice R, T&ql/Caal Employ (Epidemiology) Sbi S2nd S1, QUICK Jenniler A, Accountant (BkJchemiatry-CllS) 140 Oor L( ), ( ), nd StW, Apple V., 55124, 432..() QUICK Karin K, A88IIlant ProfeaaM(Surnnw SessIon) Moos T (ll2s-8418~ quicldlo3@ QUICK Maureen C, GInStall Nurse (NIA'Iing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo ( ), qulcidi04@ QUICKEL Rober1 R, Med Fe! (Surgery-Genlnl) Bxl Mayo(lj25-1~ 11 1ooPWB, QUicKER David H, Grad School Fellow (PhyaIca & Astronomy~ SCh 01) 147 Phya ( ), 205 Elect E, 515 4th StS E, ApI 304, Minneapolla 55414, QUIE Paul G,~ ProIaaor (PadIatrIca) ax 298 Mayo ( ), 881).1 Mayo, 2154 Commonwealth Ave, StPaul56108, ,, fax: QUIC,UY Lawrence, C8rpenter (Fac Mgrnt-Zone 3-HealIh ScI) BIt 59 Mayo (ll24-29oo). B117 Moos T, QUIQLEY Timothy G, A88IIlant Profeaor (Archltacture) 110 Arch ( ), h Ave S, Minneapolis 55417, qulgiool@ QUINE Ber1 E, pm Lab MechInst(Tech Shopa) 18 Shep Lab ( ), th Ave N, Maple Grove 55389, , qihool@ acilnlan David J, Ext Educ & A8st Prof (MES-DlstrIctlI), Mower Co Ext Ole, CourIhouae, 201 NE1st 8t, AulltIn 55912,( ),1808 6th Ave S W, AuaIIn 55912, , QUINLAN Deldra A, Reeearch AasIstlInt(SocIal Work, SCh 01) 400 Ford H, , QUINLAN Dennis l, CIn A88t Prof (Reatoratlve Sclences)S-450 Moos T~, (~, POBox371, Maple Lake 55358, ,

75 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF QUINLAN-RAHMAN 321 I QUINI.AH Robert B. Ext Educ & Asso Prof (ME8-Dlslricls). E Polk Co Ext Ofe. MUnicipal Bldg. Box 69. Me Intosh (563-2~. Rt 1. Me Intosh rquinlan@ QUINN James A, R_rch Assistant (Inslitule For He8lIh Svcs Res) Bx 729 Mayo PW Hwy 7. Ap1209. St I.Duls ParlC &-0978, QUINN Judith H. Instructor (Pharmacy Practice). St Francis Regional Med Ctr. 325 W5th Ave. Shakopea ( ). 816 Tyrol Lane. Shakopee QUINN Ka1h1een M. 0tItca $pac (TeIeQommunlcations SIrvlces) Sta Unlv Av sa ( ), ( ). k-quln@ QUINN Margie K, Outpa Clinic Assl (H Urology ClinIc) Bx 394 Mayo ( ). A588 Mayo ( ), ( ).488 Brookwood Dr. Hudson WI 54018, , qulnnoo2@ QUINN Robert M, Rasaarch Assistant (ForeSt Rasources) 115 Gm H( ) Kasion St. St Paul qulnnoo1@ QUN! Teresa E, ClIn Assoc Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth), W SIde Community Health ClInlc, 153 Concord St. St Paul 55107, ( ), ' QUINN Thomas p. Exec Assl (UniverSIty Stores) US1llr N( ) Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55105, , t-quln@ QUINN Velvalasha L. 0tItca $pac (Extansion CtasaaI) 101 Was H( ), quinnoo7@ QUINlUO Elizabeth P, Assistant Profassor (UMD-Education) 120 Moo H Duluth ( ), ( ) QUINTON Chartotte A, Rsch Nurse Clin (EpIdemIology), 710 E24th St. SUI1e 302, MinneapoIls 55404, (33&-5212), quintoo3@ QUIRAM Paul J, AssIstant Professor (1llagnoa1IcJSur1caJ Sel). 338 WBroadway. Box 518, PlalnvIew ( ). All. Box 405. Elgin qulraool@ QUIRIN EIsabet, Grad SChool Fallow (Women's, Studies) 469 Ford H( , qu1rioo1@ QUIRING Slaven R. Sr Ras Plot Tech (AE8-SW ES-L.amberton). SWExperiment Station, POBox 428. Lamber10n 56152, ( ). Al2. Box 195, Lambar10n 56152, QUIRK Mary R. Assl Scientist (Madicine) Bx 250 Mayo ( ), PW 8 ( ). quirkool@ QUIRT SUsan C, Word Proc $pac (Madicine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ). 292 VCR C. quirtoo1@ QUITU EI8Ine S, Quallmprv Coord (H Quality SUpport S8rY) Bx 725 Mayo ( ). C-260 Mayo ( ) qui1eool@ QURESHI Amber A. Assl Sclenti81 (Pediatrics) Bx 391 Mayo, PWB, quresoo1@ R IlAAII David E, con Prof (SUrgely-General). Park NIooHet MedIcal center Exoelsior Blvd. Sta 200. St louis Park 55416, ( ). raabxoo2@ IlAAII UFrank J, Dentist (MN Clinical Dentel Ras C1r) Moos T ( ), ( ) Rhode Island Circle, Bloomington 55438, raabloo1@ IlAAII Unda S, Res Assoc (Urologic SUrgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ). G-l42 Diehl H( ) Rhode Island Circle. Bloomington 55438, , raabxoo4@ IlAAII Raymond L, Profassor (UMD-Economlcs) 165 SB EDuluth ( ), ( ).504 KanlIworth Ave, Duluth 55603, rraabl@ RAAIE Wlnlited A. Associate Professor (Neu'oIogy) Bx 295 Mayo ( ). VA M8dIcaJ center, Neurology (127). One Vaterans Dr. Minneapolis ( X4702). 692 Falnnount Ave, St Paul raabeool@, fax: RAASCH Daniel L. Sr 0tItca Assl (Addresslng & MalUng) 190 PS B. raascoo3@ RAASCH Jane M. Prln 8ecratary (Ilist For HIth servlcas Research) Bx 729 Mayo (~), PWB, raascoo1@, fax: RAATS Jozef M. Post-Doc Assoc (Human Genetics. In81 of) Bx 208 Mayo ( ), Moos T, raatsoo1@ RAATZ Susan. Sr ScientlS1 (Medk:i1e) Bx 504 Mayo ( ). 251 Mea Can Ctr, RAATZ Wliliam A, Gred SChool Fellow (CIvIl Engineering) 122 CIv E( ) CharIas Ava, St Paul 55104, IIAIIAS David L, Head. Branch Station (AES-N C1rI E8-Grand Rapids), NC8nlral ~ Sta, 1861 Hwy 169 E, Grand Rapids ( ) 215 SW12th Ave. Grand RapIdt IlA8AS Wendy M. Short Term Employ (Music, Sch of) 115 Joh H( ). ReMarch AasIS1ant (Psychology) th St S E. Ap1309. Mlnnaapolls :m, rabaaoo1@ maroon RABB David D. Instructor (Sodal Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H th Ave S. MInneapolIs 55408, rabbxool@ RABBE 8illeye A, Ext Educ & Assl Prof (MES-DiS1rlclB). 104 Courthouaa, 201 Lake Ave, Fairmont ( ), All. Box71A, Fslrmont 5elIal , brabba@, RASE Brian K, Undergra Res AsslII (Educa1ionaI Psychology) 204 Bu H, 2011 Cro8by Rd, Wayzata 55391, rabaxoo4@ RASE K1mmeM, Med Fel $pac (Lab MedicIne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ). rabaxoo3@ RABE Wendy I. Prln Lab TacII (Dann8tDlogy) Bx 98 Mayo, 251 Diehf H Xaon St NW. Andover 55304, , rabaxoo1@, RABE III William H. Med Fel $pac (Pediatrics), Coon Rapids Medical Canter, 9OS5 SprIngbrook Dr, Coon Rapids ( ), Ave NW. Ap1 ~. Coon Rapids rabaioo1@ RABER Berdine A. AasOc AdmIn (UbrIIy CantrsI Admin SIrv) MWL( ), 701 Wheaton, Rosavilfe 55113, ,1Haba@ vml.spcs.umn.8du RABIE K Ann. C1inInstr (Nursing. SCh Of-Prog & Res). Hennepin County Medical Center, Nurse-Midwife Unn. 25K. 701 Park Ave S, Minneapolis ( , 2330 Commonweshh Ave, St Pau 55108, rableoo2@ RABIE Sleglriad p. Clln 1nS1r (Fern Practice & Community HIth). Fridlay Plaza ClInIc, 6341 University Ave NE. Fridley 55432, ( ). rabieoo1@ RABINOWITZ Allan H. Teaching SpacIaIIS1 (Gen CoIl-1n81-WrItIng) 241 Ap H( ). rablnoo3@ RABINOWITZ Unda S. Assoc Educ $pac (Nursing. SCh Of-Prog & Res) HSUnit F ( ). ( ),l181545thAveN. Plymouth RABINOWITZ Paula. ASSOClata Proleas«(English Language & Ut) 207 lind H( ). ( ). rabinoo1@ IlABOLD Dennis L, Bldg &Grda Wkr 3 (Ptan1 S8rvlces-Grounds) 241 DAd B Duluth ( ) Medin Rd, Duluth RACE Dale M, Hasd coach (UMO-Athlellca. Intercollegiate) 170 Sp HCDuluth ( ).424 WC1avela"l!, Duluth RACH Thomas W, Maint carpen1er (UMM-PIant Svcs-General Maint.) 3cam Moms ( ),RACH Timothy C, Farm Animal Attn (AES-W8S1 cantral ES-MorrIs). WCantrsI, ExPartment Station State Hwy 329. Box 471, Moms 56267, ( ), Rt 1. Box 996, Moms RACHAC Carol L, Assoc Admin (Finance) 735 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ). crachac@ csom.umn.adu RACHEL Janet M. Adv Resp Therap (H Respiratory Therapy) Bx 247 Mayo, racheool@ RADATZ Charles A, CrMty Prog $pac (MES-College of AgrICuItura). WInona Co Ext Ole, 202 W3rd St, WInona ( ), 380 E Main St, Box 725. l.8wis1dn IWlCUFF TIlIany A, Grad SChool Fellow (Inatitu1II For Health S1Ica R_) ex 729 Mayo, ( ). D330 Mayo, IWIClFFE Belty L, Crnnty Prog Assoc (HHH 1nS1 Pub! AbAdm) 209 HHHCtr ( ), ( ).808 Carta Lane. Utlle Canada 551 OIl. 4ll4-5878, IWlCUFFE Edward B, Proleas«(En1omoIogy) 219 Hodson H( ). ( ),808 Carta Lane. Utlle Canada 55101l, raddool@, lax: RADDATZ LorIne M. JrSclenIIat (Animal SCIance) 120.PatH( ), 130 HeIer H, 190 W Latpentuar Ave, Apt loll, St Paul 55117, RADDATZ VIrgI T. Farm Anlmat Attn (AES-W8S1 C8nlral ES-MorrIa). WCantrsI Exp Station.Stata Hwy 329. Box 471, Moms 56267, All. Box 100. Wheaton 56296, RADECll D.vld J, laid Stllrea Clark (CIinIcaJ ProgfIms) Moos T ( ). ( ), RADICK Gina M, Dental Aaal(~I Prog) Moos T ( ), radacool@ IlADEIIACHER Peggy G. PrIn Acct Sp/SUpv (Lab MedicIne & Pathology) 8x 609 Mayo ( ) Jac H. RADEMAKER Jodi S. Sr Lab Tech (Ophthalmology) Bx 493,Mayo ( ), P WB,..7864,IlIdamOO2@ IWIEIl Dale E, Nuraing Aaa1 (Post AnesthasIa Care Unlt-Box 67) ex 67 MayO, th St N. Minneapolis '2810, raderool@ RADFI Joael M, Post Doc Assoc (Human Genetics. lnat of) ex 208 Mayo ( ). Sl42 Mooa T, radliool@ IWlFOIlD DanIel W, Sr EngIneer/Arch (Tech SUpport MacIIanicaI~ 25 Shops B ( ),2210 Arthur St NE. Apt 2. MInrleapoh 55418, , radlooo2@ IWlFOllD JR James E, AssIstant Professor (MedIcIne) ex 288 Mayo ( ), 509 Mea Can Ctr ( ), 4065 TI88brook Dr, W1naton Salam NC 27108, rbdloool@ RADHAKRI8HNA Balkrlshna, Teaching SpaclaU81 (Aooounting) 645 MgmtfEcon (824-«lO2). ( ) lax: IWItWlJltSHNAH Ramaswamy. Post-Doc Assoc (1lIochemIatry-Mad SCh)4-225 Mini H( ). 708 UnvIversity Ave S E, Ap13. Minneapolls 55414, 376-n47, radhaool@ RADICH WIIIam M, ReMarch AssIstant (Electrk:al EngiMnlg) 5-147D E EtC Set ( ). ( ).1030 FaIU Ct. Apt 241. Hopkins IW)lIIEC!lY John C. UndergnI Tch Aaa111 (lliochemiatryocbs)14o Gor L, lax: RADIlHIC CLUSlCEY Holly A. Exec Assl (Concer1I & Lacturea) 10li NM A ( ). ( ).2016 Marshall Ave, St Paul radiaool@ IWlICEAlan Q, ClIn Prof(FIIIIl Practice & CornnuIity HIth), WIllmar Raglonal TIlI8lmen1 Ctr, 1550 WHwy 71, Box 1128, WIllmar 56201, ( ) IWIICE Glenda. GIn Stall Nurse (Unit 5D) PCU5D Mayo, 815 VermlIIon, HastInga 55033, 43NI350. radkeclol@ RADLOFF Martane A, Non UnlY Stall (SoU SCi), 439 Bor H( ). RADLOFF Toni K, Nuraing Assl (H 0f>D-0b/Gyn) Bx 86 Mayo, PWB, th 51 E, Jotdan 55352, radioool@ RADOITA Kathryn S, Teac:hlng AasIS1ant (RUS8Ian & Eaa1 Euro StudIes) 253 Ell H ( ), ( ),16088 Creakwood Rd. PrIor Lake 55372, radosoo1@ RADTKE Jody L, Aal ChId Care Tch (University ChIld Care e-')chlidcare ( ), RADTKE urida K, Sr 8ecratary (Medk:lne) Bx 480 Mayo ( ) PWB ( ), radlkoo1@. lax: RAE Bonnie J. PrIn 8ecratary (Animal SCIance) 101 Hckr H( ), raaxxool@. lax: RAE SIndra Y. Therap ActIv Ldr (H PaychIatrIc Therapy) Bx 108 Mayo, raaxx002@ RAEIlEL Shelley B, Pharrnadst (H Inpatient Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo, raabaool@ RAEBURN Marshall D. Oparaliona Supv (Fac Mgmt-Zone 3-HeaItII SCi) 220 Sh An ( ), Moos T, raebuool@ RAETH Glee. Ext Educ & Prof (ME8-Dlslricls), C8rIton Co Ext Ole, C8rIton CIvIc Ctr, Box 307, C8rIton 55718, ( ), 2008 CarIaon Rd, Barnum 55707, RAFFE Mare R. Prol8ssor (llmall AnlmaI CIn SCi) C311 Vet Too Hos ( ), ( ) r0nd81e Rd, Mounds VIew ra1leclo1@ RAFFEL Madeleine, Prln 8ecratary (Dentistry-CUnIcaJ Prog) Moos T ( ), ralleoo2@ RAFFO SUsan K, Undargra Res Aaa111 (University Prase) ( ), 2037 UnIYersity Ave SE, Minneapolis 55455, ( ). 2$17 33rd Ave S. Minneapolis ~, ratlooo1@ RABER Amy R, Ext Educ &Instr (ME8-Dlslricls). Yellow Madicine Co Ext Ole, l00410th Ave. Box 128, CIarklleId 56223, POBox 45, MlIan 56262, RAGHAVAN Aparna, Teaching AssIstant (Economics) 1035 MgmI/Econ ( ), 2117 Hoyt Ava. St Paul 55108, , raghaool@ RAQO Jamas V. Rasaarch AasIS1ant (Microbiology) Bx 196 Mayo. ragoxoo1@ RAGSDALE Oavid W. Proleas«(Entomology) 219 Hodson H(624-6n1), ( ), ragsdoo1@ RAHA Debopam, Research Assistant (MechanIcal Engineering) 125 Mech E(626-m4), 1530 S6th St. Apt Cl005, Minneapolis rahaxool@ IlAHA Soumyendu, Grad SChool FeIow (Ecology. Evolution & Behavior) 780P CIv E( ); ( ) Cart SI, Ap110, St Paul '1095 IlAHAM Rebecca A. Teaching AssIstant (Gerinan. SCandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H( ). 209 Fol H RAHEJA Gloria Goodwin. ChaIr (wffac'rank) (Anthropology) 215 Ford H( ). AssocIate Profassor sergent Ave. St Paul 55105, , rahejoo1@ RAHIL Tayyab, Research AssIstant (Animal SCience) 495 An SelfV M( ), ( ) 2089 carter Ave, St Paul 55108, , rahiioo1@ RAHIM! AbdoIIah, AssIstant Prolassor (Diagnoslic/Surg1caJ Set) Moos T ( ) th Ave N, Plymouth ( ) Ambarwood Dr. Woodbury rahlmoo1@, pager: IlAHKOLA KatharIne A, Med Tech $pac (Hosp Labs-Chem)Bx 198 Mayo (fl ) U Hosp. r8hkooo1@ RAHM Paul V, Gan Stall Nuraa (H OPD-Emargency S8rY) Bx 86 Mayo. rahmxool@ RAHM Robert L, CoordInator (S1udent ActIvities) 256C MU( ). ~4-5101), 2828 Jordan Ave. Ap1125. MInnetonka rahmx002@ 'RAHMAN Carolyn R. 0tItca $pac (Fern Practice & Community HIth) Wash Av SE ( ). ( ), rahmaoo5@ RAHMAN'Lynn H. Operating Rm Gsn (H Operating Room) 8x 700 Mayo, rahmaoo4@ RAHMAN Philip J, Data Proc Tech 2 (H Oper Rm/Ancillary SUpport S8rv) Bx 700 Mayo ( ) UHosp ( ). ( ) th Ave S. Minneapolis 55417, rahmaoo2@ RAHMAN Yueh-Erh, Head (WfFac Rank) (Pharmaceutics) HSUnn F( ), Profeasor ( ), ( ). 902 Dar1mouth Place S E. MinneapoliS rahmaool@, lax:

76 322 RAI-RAO STAFF RAI~ K, In8trul:lDr (SCi & Malh-UMM) 4 SC Mon1s ( ), ( ), ado South St, Api 103. Mon1s 58267, , 1'IiS@ cda./ RAlCII John J,CInAss! Prof (1.8b MedIcIne & Pathology), F~ Southd8Ie HOIPftal France AYe S. MInn88poIIa (92~152), RAICHE Rebecca 0, Student Pers Wkr (BIological SCI Stllnt SvcB) 223 Sn H( ) , RALll8opoldo. Prof8ssor (Mediclne), VA MedIc8I center, Renal S8clIon lllj. One V8tIIrIns Dr. MInne8poIIs 55417, ( ) ELake 01 The Isles Blvd. MInneepoII , , r1ijxool@ RAILE CheIyl A, Gen Stall Nine (MedIcal Sdlool-Adm) Bx 504 Mayo (82~1 04), 235 Mas can Ctr ( ralleoo3@ RAILE Gerhard K, Non Unlv StafI (N C8nlrII Exp Sta) 502 NCFor ( ), ( ). ( ).; RAINE PatrlcIaJ, Teaching AssIstant (Music) 100 Farg H ( ). ralneoo2@ RAINS-.IOHNlION SUsan, Stu Sup Srv Ass! (Agrlcunura. COllege 01 Ag-AdmIn) 199 Col H ( ). ( ), lh AYe S, Minneapolis 55417, , sralns-johnson@ RAtTER Kathleen A, Accounts'Spec (1.8b Medlc:lne & Pathology) Bx 609 Mayo ( ), Jac H, raiieool@ RAJAQDPAL 8 S. Res As80c (Oral SCiences) Moos T ( ), 708 UnIvefsIIy AYe S E, Apt 8. MInneapolIs , rajagoo1@ RAJALA SCbtt ~ Jr SCIentist (Mediclne) 8x 192 Mayo (82&-7113). 150 VCR C President Dr NE. Blaine 55434, , rajaloo2@ RAJAH Geeta, Me<! Fel Spec (Neurology) 8x 295 Mayo (825-9llO(l), PWB, 824 Helnel Dr. ROS8 ftia , rajanoo1@; RAJANAYAGAM Vasanlhakumar. Post-Doc As80c (RadiolOgy) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), 8215 Mayo ( ), rajanoo2@ IlAJPUT Hussain J. Admin Fellow (ela Studal1t Acad Suppl SvcB) au H( ), 818 Joh H,; RAJU RaghavInplRaI, Post Doc As80c (BIochamistry-eSS) 140 Gar L ( ), fewst8r St, Apt 17, St Paul , RALEIGH Rolla M. Gen Stall Nurse (PedIatrlcs-5A) PCU5A Mayo, 2614 E Hwy 13, BumavIIIa 55337, rajaiool@ RAWS HaIan. Assistant Pmlessor (UMD-EducallOn) 230 Mon H DuIulh ( ), ( ). RALSTON C8tharIne M. Sr Sacratary (0r1h0paadic Surg) Bx 492 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C( ) crutcoo3@ iw.ston DonaJd F, Non Univ Stall (Agronomy & P1antGanellcs)411 &or H( ). 103 WRL, 1818 MarTiI St, St Paul 55108, rajstool@ RALSTON PaulaIte 0, AnaIy8t/Prog (General CoI-Ore) 109 Ap H( ). p-rajs@ RALSTON VicIorIa N, Taachlng AssIstant (Art Dapar1manl) 208 Art B E28th St, Minneapolis 55408, neait1lo1@. RAMACHAHDAAN sampath. Post-Doc As80c (Biochamls1Jy-Me<! SCh) MIrd H( ), Lyon L ( ), 2600 Bryant AYe, Apt 200, Minneapolis 55408, , sr@ RAMACHER Philip E, Non Univ Stat! (MN Crop Improve Asan) C I (82)n88), 304 Mil AYe N E. Watertown 55388, 95>2387. ~1@ RAMALINQAM SubbIah, Professor (Mechanical EngI.-Ing)215 Mach E(82)4017), ( ), ramanlol@ IlAMAIIUlll1tY Sundar. Research Assistant (Chamical Eng & Mat SCI) 101 Amund H ( ),414 ErIe St, Api 10, Minneapolis 55414, , sundar@ RAMANATHAN Vanehiswaraiyer, Res Assoc (St Anthony As Hydraulic Lab) HL ( ).708 University Ave S E. Api " MInneapolis 55414, RAMASWAMY Ranee, Teaching SpeclaUsI (Ex1ansion Classas) 108Norris H. ramasool@ RAMBEL Milinda A, Asst SCIentist (Fam PraclIca &Community HIth) Bx 381 Mayo ( ) PW B, 6125 Wentworth AYe. MlnneapoUs 55419, , RAMBERG Cindy, Sr Data Proc Tech (Adm Info Svcs-Data Ctr) S2nd SI ( ), RAMBERG Richard P, EIaclrician (Facility Support) 25 Shops B ( ), ( ) th Ave S. Minneapolis 55408, rambaoo1@ RAMEL Kathlaan J, Exac Ass! (EpldamioIogy) S2nd St ( ), ( ), ramel@, lax: RAMER Timothy J, Physician (Fam PraclIca & Community HIth), Rlvarslda FamIly Pracllce, 2815 Franklin AYe E, Minneapolis 55408, ( ), rameroo1@ RAMES MeUsa A, Teaching SpaclaJlst (SCI & Math-UMM) 412 SC Morrts ( ) RAMIREZ-LASSEPAS Manuel, AssocIate Professor (Neurotogy), St Paul Ramsay Medical center, 640 Jackson SI, Suita St Paul 55101, ( ), 7929 Argenta TraH W, In_ Grove His 55On, , ramlroo2@ RAMlOW Harvey A, UtiI Review Spec (Tach Support Structural Engl.-tng) 25 Shops B (62)8353),1352 Brada Ava, St Paul , ramiooo1@ RAMM Carl G, Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (FacllIlies Mgmt Adm) 307 Shops B ( ) Washburn Ave, Minneapolis rammx001@ RAMNARAINE Margaret L, PrIn I.8b Tech (Orthopaedic Surg) Bx 299 Mayo (~), 358A Ch RC( ), 3200 Park AYe S. Lower Minneapolis 55407, ramnaoo1@, lax: RAMNARINE Andra S, Spec Rev Tech (Hosp Labs-Srl) Bx 198 Mayq ( ) UHosp 8592 yalta St, Circ:le Pines >1384, ramnaoo2@ RAMOLAE Michael 0, Project Manager (Parking 8arvk:es) 300 T S 8 ( ), 408 9th 51 S E. Minneapolis 55414, , ramolool@ IlAMOS-GARCIA Luis A. AssIstant Professor (Spanish & Portuguasa) 34 FoI H( ), Iar&mOSg@ RAMOSGASCON Antonio, Professor (Spanish & Portuguasa) 50 Fol H( ), th St S E, Apt 203, Minneapolis rarnosoo1@ RAMPADARAT Sharon A. Nursing Asst (H SportsfHand/Low Back) PCUSC Mayo, rampaoo1@ RAMQUIST Amy C, Research AssI8tant (Forest Resources) 115 Gm H, 17&HWy 81 E. Two Harbors , ramquoo2@ RAMSAY Norma K, Professor (PadIalrIca) Bx 388 Mayo (828-2n8), D-58O Mayo, 4507 Edins Blvd. Edina , ramsaool@, lax: &-2815, pager: IlAMSOELL Barbara J, Sr User 8arv Spec (Student financial Aid, Ole of) 120 Frasartl ( ). ( ) Dayton Rd, Oayton 55327, ramadoo2@ RAMSDELL Glan R, Med Ctr MlO Mach (Facllitias Mgmt,Adm) 8x 59 Mayo ( ), 8117 Moos T, th PIaca N E, Minnaepolis 55432, , RAMSEUR Jean M, Prin Sacratary (MN Ext sarv-educ Dav Syst) 405 Col H(62)9251), ramsaq07@, lax: >2207 RAMSEY Danny L. Taachlng AsaIatant (ChamiS1ry) 139 Smith H( ). 480 KoIt H Knox Ave S, Apt 308, RIch!IaId 55423, RAMSEY Gall A, Student Para Wkr (Mgmt, Soh 01, Undargrad Prog) 230 MgmlfEcon IWIIIY James W. Prof8ssor (Mechanical ~ng) 125Mach E( ), 2125 UnIty AYe N, GoIdan Valley jwramiey@, lax: IWIIIYMRichard. Sr Food 8arv Wkr (Food SvcB) 1300 S 2nd St (82~), n C M U, ramsaci02@ 'IWIIIYMargaret A, Teaching Assistant (Mark8ltng & LogIstIcs Mgmt) 1235 MgmtfEcOn ( ) Unlly AYe N. GoIdan Vatlay ~ , IWIIIYMarkG, Asbetos Abata Lbr (Facllillas Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, ramseoo4@ IWIIIY l1lomas E, AsaIatant Prolessor (Pharmacy Practlca), VAMedlcaI Canter, Pharmacy 8arvica (119), th St N, St Cloud ( ). ramsaoo5@,edu RAMSTAD Palrtcia G, PrIn Sacratary (UMe-Technical Studies) 109 CCCrookston ( ), RAND Danlal R. Teaching AsaIatant (MachanlcaI EngIMnlg) 125 Mach E( ) th St NW. Rochaatar 55901, , randxoo3@ RAND 8andra S. Assoc AdrnIil(4-H Youth Davalopmant Canter) 340 Col H(82)8148). ( ), 103 Canterbury Rd, Cirela Pines RAND TImothy M, Gall'Stat! Nurse (OncoIogy-Maaonlc 3) PCUm3 May0.( ). Mas can Ctr, 240 N E 8th St, Minneapolis 55413, RANDALL Bryan L, Res Fellow (IIioatatlstlcs) Unlv Av sa ( ). 581 Gramsla Rd. Shoravlaw 55128, bryan@ I* lax: &-9054 RANDALL Data L, Sr Stores/Del Spv (ChemIstry) 139 SmIth H(~, 255 NoI1hStar Lane. CIn:la PInes randall@ IlAHIlALL David, Gre<! School Fellow (History) 814 SOC SCi lh AYe S, Apt 9. Minneapolis randaol1@ IIANDALL Dabbia A, NonUniv Stat! (Small Animal Clln SCi) B358 VetTch Hos ( ), (825-n44), 1288 Hazalwood St, Apt 308, St Paul n randaol4@maroon.ll; RANDALL DIana L, Res FsIIow (M8dical Sdlool-Adm) 8x 33 Mayo ( ), Owra H, RANDALL Gyles W. Prof8ssor (AE8-Southam E8-Waaaca) ( ). Southam Experiment Station, lh St, Waseca ( ) RANDALL Jean L, Nutt Educ Ass! (ME8-Human Ec:oIogy). Ramsay CO Ext Ole, 2020 Whlta Bear Ava. SI Paul 55109, (7n-6158), 8480 Jamaca Ave N. StIIIwatar jrandall@, lax: 812-m~ RANDALL Lloyd A, Sr Farm Anml Tach (Animal SCiancs), Rosamount ExparImant Station, Swine ~ Unit, lh SI W, Rosamount ( ), lh St W, Box 194, Lakavtlia randaoo8@ RANDALL BR MIchaaI W. Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (FacIItiaI Mgmt-Adm) 307 Shops B, randaoo4@ RANDALL Philip S. CIIn Ass! Prof (Obs1alrlcs 4 GynacoIogy). CIlcboro CInIca. 800 W98th St, BloomIngton 55420, ( ), 4838 casoo Ava S, EdIna 55424, randaoo5@ RANDALL Robart D. Res Assoc (lliochamistry-med Soh) Mlrd H ( ~ (82)8100).985 Beacon Lane. AppIa Valley RANDALL Ronald M. ornca Spec (Qrthopaadlc Sutg). Sulta LJ.2OO, 2737 ChIcsgo Ave S. MInneapolI (883..m5), nd Lane N,IlrookIyn Park randa010@ RANDOLPIt ElaIne K. Sr Aooountant (Ins! oilnu StudIes & Programs) 149 Nlch H (82~, (824-$80),1039 W8dgWood Lane N, Eagan IlIIld@ RANDOLPIt Kevin S, Grad School Tralnaa (Envrn & Oocupatlonal Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ) Mayo GabIar AYe S E, 8ull8Jo n-4890, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA RANDOLPH Norman J, Rehab Ass! (H Rehab) Bx 108 Mayo ( ), randoool@ maroon, RANEK Janella M. Cmnty Prog Spec (MN Ext 8arv-DIstrtcls), Hennepin Co Ext Ole. 701 Dacatur Ave N, Sulta 105. MInneapolI , ( ), RANEY Jeanne M, Research AsaiSlant (Communication ~ NIh) 115 Shav H( ), raneyool@ IWIQAN Asha, Teaching AssIstant (CEE Rochestar Ctr), Rocha8tar CEE canter S Broadway, Rochastar 55904, nd AYe N. Plymouth RAHGARAMAHWAII Kannan. Post-Doc As80c (Chemistry) 18 Smith H(82)0575). 814 Huron Blvd S 1:, Apt 8. MInneapoIls 55414, rangsoo2@ RANGEL Barbara J. LpnSuparvlsor (Boynton-Nursing) :M Boyn HS ( ). rangaool@ RANGEL DaniaIta L, Teaching Assistant (Music;) 100Farg H, 91520lh AYe S, Apt 103. MInnaapoIIs 55404, , rangeoo2@ IlANOIAH ~yam R, Research AsaIatant (Aerospace Eng & Mechanics) 107 Akar H, 415 ErIe SI S E, Apt 108. Minneapolis rangioql@. RAHGRAJ S!Jnll, Instructor (UMC.Man&garnant, D1vol) 110 Fd sarv Crookston (281-&03) rd Ava NE, Apt 1. Crookston 58718, srangraj@ RANHEIM PhHIIp J, CIln Ass! Prof (Madk:ine). Park NIcoIlat MadIcsI C8nlar W39th St, Sl louis Park ( ; 884 Oriola Lane. Chaska 55318, ranhaoo3@ RANIERI C8nneIa A. Nuraing Sta Tech (CardiovaSCUlar SurgJProgr C8ra-8C) PCU8C Mayo, 9514 Orleans Lane. Maple Glove raniaoo1@ RANK Brian H, AssIstant Prolassor (Madk:ine). Hennepin County MaiIIcaI C8nlar. 701 Park AYe S Minneapolis 55415, ( ). rankxoo4@ RANK Douglas J. Sr HOep C8n1et (H DiIpatl:h) Bx 517 Mayo, U Hosp Ridge Dr. Apt 13. St Louis Park 55418, 52>1244. ranlcxoo2@ RANK Jetlary M, AsaocIata Prof8ssor (Medicina) Bx 38 Mayo ( ) PWB. raooool@ RANKIN Alexandra M. Research AssIstant (Physiology) MIrd H( ) Lyon L, RANKIN Stephan E. Research AsaIatant (Chamlcal Eng & Mat SCi) 128 Amund H ( ). 8158th St S E. Apt " MInneapoIls 55414,33';'574,; RANKIN William J, Teaching Assistant (ComposItIon & CommunIcatIon) 308 lind H ( ), RANNIKKO AnssI A, Malnt Painter (Fac Mgmt Palnt MaInt) Ad 8 Duluth ( ). ( ) RANUM Laura PW, AssIatant Professor (Neurotogy) Bx 208 Mayo ( ). >220 Moos T ( ). ( ) Carter AYe, St Paul , ranumool@. lax: RANZ WIlliam E, Prof Emer (CIIamlcaI Eng & Mat SCi) (625-07'79), 8412 Aspen Rd, EdIna , RAO Akshay R, AsaocIata Professor (Markaling & logistics Mgmt) 1251 MgmtJEoon ( ). ( ), 8132 Tatagraph Rd, 8IoomInglon 55438, lax: RAO Gundu HR. ProIesiOr (1.8b Madk:lne & PathllIogy) Bx 609 Mayo ( ) VC C RC ( ) Hyland Creak Rd S. Bloomington 55437, raoxxool@ maroqil.te.umn.adu. lax: >0817 RAO Nagaraja P, Post-Doc Assoc (MachanlcaI Engineering) 125 Mach E«(l26.{)285). ( ).;.umn.adu RAO Ram M, Research AssIstant (AaIo Spaoa) 107 Akar H, Univ 01 MInn. 107 Akar H. 110 Union St S E, Mlnneapoll raoxxoo2@ RAO Subba M. Med Fe! Spec (PaychIatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ). A882 Mayo, raoxx011@

77 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA RAO Venkateswara K, ProfeSsor (Medicine), Hennepin County Medical center, Dept of,internal MedIcIne, 701 Park Ava S. Minneapolis 55415, ( ), th Ava N, Plymouth 55447, , RAPACZ Mary L, C!"ntY HIth Coord (BIOstatistics) UniY Av se ( ), 635 Jellerson Ava, 81 Paul 55102, RAPOPORT Leonard A, Inll1lUClOr (Continuing Educallon & Ext-Adm), IDSCtr. Sufte S 8th S1,Mlnneapoils s540t ( ),4242 VaIIeyvlew Rd, Edina 55424, , rapopool@ ' IWPJR George R, Professor (UMD-AR:haaometry Laboratory) 206 R L B Duluth ( ), DIr fwffac Rank) ( ) BraInard Ava. Duluth 55811, RAPP Pater F. General Dlr, Hosp (H Admin Council) Bx 502 Mayo ( ) Mayo, rappxoo2@ RAPSON Ralph. Prof Emer (An:hltecture). Ralph Rapson Associates Inc, 409 Cedar Ave S. MlnneIpoIis ( ), 1seymour Ave S E. MInneepoIIs 55414, , raps0002@ RARICK Davld L, Associate Professor (Speech-<;ommunk:alion) 480 Fol H( ~ raricool@ RARICK John 0, Prin Survey Intrv (Neurology) Bx 389 Mayo. 5n5 Wayzata 1lIvd. Suile 255, St Louis Park 55416, (62'7-4477X347) NE2nd 81, Minneapolis rarlcoo2@ RASCH Davld B. General Main! Spy (Housing S8rvk:as-SBnford HalQ sen H( ) Sunset. Bumavllle raschoo2@ RASCHICK R Michael. Assistant Professor (UMD-SoclaJ Work) 216 Bah HDuluth ( ). 831 E4th SI, Apl501, Outulh SSllOS RASCHKE Windy S, Library Ass! 1 (Ubrary-Pub serv & Branch) 1100M W L ( ). m N Hamline Ava. Apt 512. St Paul w-ra~ RASK C8roIyn A, Crnnty Prog Assoc (Ololaryngology) ax 396 Mayo ( ), PWB ( ) rd Ava N. Golden Valley raskxoo2@ RASK Jeanie a. C1er Supv, Ambul (H OPD-OloIaryngology) Bx 68 Mayo ( ) PWa. raskx001@ RASKIN Marla. Pharmacy Tach (H Inpatient Phannacy),Bx611 Mayo ( ) Woodvlew 81 W, Eagan raski002@ RASKlND Leo J. Prof Emer (Law SCh Instr) 316 Law (& ). ( ). rasldool@ IlA8IIUSSEH AndanI H. Taaching Asalatant (Civil Engineering) 637 CIv E (627~90). 364 H L, 746 Tatum S1, Apt 2, St Paul ,;lax:612.q RASMUSSEN Davld p. Otlicer Rotc (Naval SCIence (NaVal Rotc») 203 Armory ( ), ( ),73 Riverside Dr, River Falls WI >5161, rasll1u02o@gokl, IWIMUSSEN Deborah K, Survey Interv (Psychology) N506 Ell H ( ) Fremont Ava S. Apt 2. MinneapolIS S5408, 627-l1726, RASMUSSEN Debra L, GIn Stall Nurse (Pedlatrlcs-7A) PCU7A Mayo. 281 Hwy 83. BaldwIn WI rasmuoo7@, RASMUSSEN Erica S, Teaelling AsaIatant (Art Department) 206 Art a( ), 1381 searle 81 St'Paut 55101, n4-0272, rasmu016@. IWIMUSSEN Jank:8 R, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (ME8-Distrlcts). Ramsay Co Ext Ole While Bear Ava. St Paul (7n-8156), 1254 Thomas Ava. 81 Paul 55104, 64$ lax: 612-m-0959 RASMUSSEN Lowell. C, Ilir (camp/col LavaQ (UMM.flIant SVCS-Adm) 9 cam Morrts ( ), RASMUSSEN Margaret L, Exec Secretary (Geography) 414A Soc sa ( ). ( ) 4725 EIIioll Ava S,.Minneapolls 5S455, rn-raam@ vml.spcs.umn.adu, fax: RASMUSSEN Marilyn J. Sr AdmIn DIr8clor (Vat Medlcine-Dean's Otlk:a) 460B Vat Tell HoI ( ).2964 Frederick Pky. 81 Paul RASMUSSEN Maxine K. Lactur8r (UMe-Tachnical StudIea) 301 Sel HCrookaton ( X268).687 De Mere Ava. SuiIe Grand Forks ( ) RASMUSSEN Rodney J, Ubrary Aaat 3 (LIlrary central Tech serv) 30 0 MWL(~. r-rasm@yml.spcs.umn.adu. RASMUSSEN Susan D. Srsecratay (Psycl1lalry) ax 392 Mayo ( ). 680 DIehlH ( ). RASMUSSEN wayne L, Mgr Sys Softw PIg (Bioslati8tics) Unlv Av se (826-8l!98), 2964 Frederick Pky. Maplewood wayne@ 812-« RA8MUSSEN Wyayn R. 0CCUpa T1leraplit (H Psycl1ialrlc Therapy) ax 108 Mayo, th Ava N. Maple Grova rasmuoo4@ RASMUSSON DonaIdC. Professor (~y & Plant Ganelk:a)410 Bor H( (825.o2so) 2112 Folw8lI 81,.81 Paul 55108, rasmu002@ RASMUSSON Jay B. TeacI1Ing AIIlatant (Curriculum & InstruelIon) '45 Pall H. 910 Eliot Ava, Minneapolis SS404. ( ), 2305 Woodbridge C1i'cie. RoaavtIe 55113, RASSMUSSl!N Mary A, GIn S1atl NIne(Unit 63-AdoIes/ChIId Psychiatry) PClJ83 Mayo. RAST TImothy J. Sr LabTach (Mlcr0bIoIogy) ax 196 Mayo ( ). 825 Mayo ( raalx001@ RASTAM Lannarl O. AasoclaI8~ (EpId8mIoIogy) S 2nd 81 ( ) GIoucI1es1ar Dr, Edina rastaoo1@ RASTOGI Mukul, ReseaIlIh Aaalalant (EIactrk:aI Englne«lng) EEfC 8c:l ( ). 524 Huron Blvd S E. Apla. MlnneapoIIa RATAJCZAK Kelly L, Oftlce SUpv, Hoap (H Opar Rm/AncHlary Support S8rv) ax 700 Mayo ( ) U Hoap, ratajoo1@ RAnt Ann L,.Sr S8Cratary (Food sa & Nulrition) 565 Shep Lab ( ). 217 Ridgewood Ave. Apt 101. Minneapolis G rathx001@ RAnt Carol J, PrIntng Prod Ass! (PrInting services) 102 PSB ( ), rathxoo2@. ". RAnt RJohn, Prof Emer (Auslr1an Studies) 314 Soc sa ( ) th Ava s. Apt 130. Minneapolis 55417, /dlxoo3@<lu RAntBUN Michael W. TeacI1Ing Aaalalant (Art Department) 208 Art B WArmour T..--. Minneapolis , rathboo3@ RAntBUN William B. Asaoclata Prol8Iaor (Ophthalmology) 328 Uona 1W( ). (626-0n5) aIcmera Rd. BloomIngton 55438, rathboo1@ RATIlBURN Robert C, Prof Emer (General Coll-lnstruc1lonalSupporl) 140 Ap H Chllcombe Ava, St Pliul ralhboo2@ RAntE Daryl. Accounts Spec (Fee Mgmt-Olllce) 241 D Ad B Duluth ( ). ( ), RATIlJeN Candace M, R-m AsalStanl (Food Sci & Nutrition) 306 Ag Eng ( ~ ( ). ralhjoo1@ RAntKE David M. R_arch AaIIstant (Forest Resources) 11$ Gm H( ). rathkool@ RAntKE Delores J. Sr Food SIrv Wkr (Food serv-umm) F09d S CMorrIs ( ). 517 E 8th St, Morris 56287, RAntKE104ark 101, Clln Instr (Macilcine-uMD) 141 Med Duluth, Duluth Clinic. 400 E3rt! S1, Duluth RAntMELL Rof1er1 J, Grad School Fellow (Music) 100 Ferg H, (Extension OU-). 18 Inner Dr. Apt M-l0. StPaUl55116, rathmool@ RATHS Davld J. Floor Anlsher (UMM-Plant Svcs-Custodial-GeneraQ cam MorrIs ( ). 5181st St. Hancock 56241, RATLIFI4:RAlN Jetlrey A, Asalstant Professor (Soc SCl-UMM) 127 S SMorrts ( ), th 81 N. Il8nIon & , ratlltlj@ RATZ CraIg A, Prin Lab Tach (SUrgery-GeneraQ ax 242 Mayo ( ), MOO8 T th Ava S.Mtnneapoh ralzxool@ RAU KimberlyJ. Student 011 Spec (Ball Museum 01 Nat HIst) 814 Soc sa ( ). rauxx001@ RAIlE Lee M. Exac Secratary (GeOmetry Ctr) S2nd81(626-~ ( ). RAUENHOIl8T Jene M. Teaching Assistant (EducatiONIl Paychology) 129 Bu H Girard Ave S, MinneIpoIIa ravenoo3@ RAUENHOIlSI' John M. CNn Ass! Prof (PsychIatry). S1IIpoInt CIInIo SIoar't Place. SuiIe 140. Maplewood ( ), rauenoo1@ RAUMA John G. Prol8slor (An:hltecture) 110 An:h ( ), ( ) fax: RAUNEIIAA TaIstD M. VIsIl Prof (Machank:al ~ 125 Mach E(825-Q32). 434 Elect E ( ). RAUP PhIlp M, Prof Emer (Ag & Applied Econ) 337ACLA 011 ( ) Fulham St, St Paul raupxoo1@. lax: RAU8CtI Ch8rIalI M. Dept DIrec\llr (St Paul S1ultenI Ctr) 42 Stcan ( ). ( ), 308 EMlnnehIha PIer. Minneapolls;, fax: RAuscH Robert J. Teaching Asalstant (KMaIology & L.aIsura Studies) 420 ~e H ( ~ 897 Edmund Ava. St Paul 55104, rausc:ool@ RAU8CtIVIrna L, Prof Emer (Lab Medlclne & PathoIogy) Fremont Ava S, MlnrieapoIls , RAU8CHENllORFER Ruth p. Ubrary Asst 2 (Minilex) MWL( ). ( ) Kempatcln Dr. Woodbury RAU8CHENfELS DIane J. InI1rUdlJr (UMQ.EducalIon) 246 Mon HDuluth ( ) l1n:hwood Dr. Proctor RAUSCHER H MIchael, Non Unlv Stall (U SDA Fom1 SIrv). USDA Forestry Sc:lances Lab Hwy 1119 Eo GraI)d RapIas 55744, ( ) RAVADA S1vakumar. Research AsalStanl (Army Hpc ResearcI1 Cant8I) 1100 Waah Av S E 23rd S1, Apl2, ~ 55404, , RAVENICRAFT sue A, Med Fel Spec (Medicine). 81 Paul Ramaey MadicaI center. Pulmonary & CrIlk:al en. 840 JackIon S1, 81 Paul (221,3135~ pager: RAYm Harold G. CIIn Prof (Dermatology), Amer Nati Bank 1lIdil. S1e 2108, 81 Paul 55101, ( ).235 Mount Curve Blvd. 5t Paul 55105, ravtlool@ RAVlV ManIla L, Admin Fellow (ReligioUs S1udIelI). BnalSrllh HlIleI Unlverslly Ava S E Minneapolla ~) raviyoo1@ RAWATEPrabhu D. Professor (UMW-ChancalIor's Ole) On Leave Thru 6/94 RAWLEIGIt Jclyl:e M. Nati Res serv Fellow (PhInnacoIogy) ax 392 Mayo (82H301), Diehl H (624-44Oll~ 1575 a Clamaon Dr, Eagan 55122, RAWSON Margarat, Prin Secretary (UMFfDeveI Aaaoc Vp) S 2nd 81 ( ) nd Ave S. Minneapolis rbwioool@ RAY GIeMH. TempfCaeI Employ (Art Department) 206 Art a WOOdhilf Terrace. Minnetllnka , rayxxoo2@. RAY J_ D. Maint C8rpanter (Fae Mgrnt-Key Shop) 241 DAd a Duluth ( ), L PS ( ).74 Juntunen Rd. EsliQ RAY Marie A, Med FeI(Surgery-General) Bx 1 Mayo ( ). STAFF RAo-REASON 323 RAY Sourav. R~ AsaIatant (Mgrnt-Phd Programs) 1235 MgrntfEcon ( ) th St (627~) rayxoo25@ goid.ic.umn.adu RAY Stephan E. R~ AsaIstant (Army Hpc R_arch canter) 107 Aker H( ), ( ),965 WHwy 38. Apl205. RoaavtIe 55113, ray@sl.arc.umn.adu RAY TImothy. Eleclronica Tach (UMM-Ubrary, Rodney Briggs) 35 H F A MorrIs ( ). (Soc ScI,UMM). Al1, Barratl raytj@ RAYBURN Judy A, Associate Professor (Mgml, C L Ca~aon SCh Of-Adm) 819 MgrntfEc:on ( ). jraybum@csom.umn.eclu RAYOOR Dona L, PrIn AQcl SpfSUpv (Vat Taaelling Hoap ClInic) 305 Vet Tell HOI (625-n65), 687 WCalilomia Ava. St Paul raygooo3@ RAYOOR Lance J. Sr RadIofTv BcstTee (Umr-TV Produclion) 630 Rarig C ( ). ( ) Mounds VIew Dr. Mounds VIeW rayg0002@ RAYOOR Sharon J, Sr Secretary (Law SCh Instr) 190 Law ( ), ( ).raygoOO1@ RAYMONO Chrlstopher S. Jr Sdenlist (MedIcine) Bx 508 Mayo ( ). 293 DVCCRC Grimes Ava. Edina raymoocm@ RAYMOND Joanne L, AsaIatant Professor (Pharmacy Prectk:a). Hennepin County Medic81 center,701 Park Ava S. MinneapolII 55415, raymooo8@ RAYMOND John D, SCientist (Genatk:a &can Biology) 250 BIo sa ( ). 330 Milwood Ave, Roseville john-r@ RAYMOND Margaret P, Instructor (Social Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H. raym0007@ RAYMOND Nancy C, AsaIstant Professor (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo ( ~ C694 Mayo Unlv Av SE. RaymoOO2@ RAYMOND Rodney M, Prin S1u Para Wkr (UMD-Recrealional Sports) 121 Sp HC Duluth ( ), ( ).524 WWInona, Duluth RAYNES Shirley. Exec Ass! (Student Atlalra-Adm) 100 Mor H( ). s-rayn@ RAYSON Davld T. Teaching AsaIstant (Hiatory) 614 Soc sa, 4429 Oakland Ava. MInneapolIs 55407, RAYSON Debby E. TampfCasl Employ (DisabIlIly services) 30 Nich H( ). ( ). ( ), 132 E Demont Ava. Apt 119. UllIe canada '552 RE Malinda, CoordInator (ME8-ColIege of Human Ecology) 250 Col H. Crow Wing Co Ext Ole. County servk:a Bldg, 322 Laurel SI, Bralnerd 56401,( ), rexxx001@ READ Stevan L, Teaching Aaalalant (VOC &Tach Education) 320 Vo Tach ( ).'( ) County Rd 40. C8rvar READY Anna D, Lecturer (English Language & Lit) 207 Und H. 916 S8th S1, StiIweI8r S , REAGAN Bryan T. Hosp CustodIan 3 (H Environmental Serv) Bx 55 Mayo. A102 Mayo, reagaool@ REALMUTD.George M, Associate Prolesaor ' (Psychiatry) Bx 95 Mayo ( ). (H Paychiatric cara) D808 Mayo ( ), raajmoo1@ REANEY Susan E, Ass! SCientist (Lab MedIcine & Palhology)Bx 437 Mayo ( ). G255 Mayo; REARDON Kenneth M. VIsIl Ass! Prof (HHH tnal Pub! Atlrs-Adm) 139 HH HClr(ll ), 721 S. Elm Blvd. Chal!1pa!gn IL , raard004@ REARDON Richard. Prin MedIa ResPr (Umr-TV Produclion) 560C Rarig C( ). reardon@ REASON Connie S, Nursing Ass! (UnIlSD) PCU5D Mayo. '047 S1evana Ave S. Apt 204. Minneapolis S reasoool@

78 324 REAVE-REICHTER STAFF REAVE Charlel, Undergra Too As8t II (Cl,\ Honons DivIIlon) 115 Joh H( ), 2037 WIIII8ms Ave 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, , r88veoo1@m1roon.te.umn.lidu, REBEAU Julie H, Prin S8crelary (Ex1lImaI AIls, C8rIson SCh-Adm) 230 Mgmt/El:on ( ~ 3505 An:hillIct Ave, Minneapolis 55418, jrebeau@caom.umn.lidu REBECK K8nI M, Per Diem GIn (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Mayo, rebicool@ ' REBEL 8aIbara 5, Gen 5tall N...(Bone Marrow TFIJIIPI8nt-Adu~'(B) PCU48 Mayo, ,IlIbeIOO2@m8roon.te.umn.lIdu RE8ELEIN Bob, TIIChIng AaIlatant (Economics) 1035 Mgmt/El:on ( ), 3lI32 43RI Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, ,IlIbelOO1@ REIILING TnICI A, Exec S8c:lwtary (Food SCi & NutrilIon) 225 FSC N(824-2'787), ( ), nd Ave NEo Apt 304, Fridley 55432, , RECH NorrIta A, Med ReconII Adn*l (Blo5tatIslIcs) UnIv Av se ( ), nonila@blueox.ccbr.umn.1du RECH PImlIIa M, Prin secr.tary (Malh & Its App, lnat For) 514 YIn H( ), rec:h@ Ima.umn.lIdu, lax: RECHTZIGEL oen.l, AaIoc AdmIn (Mlcr0bioiogy) ( ), 31184lh St S E, Minne8poII$ 55414, RECKIN M.-k Eo GenerII. (Temp) NE (H Medicsl Reconla Info) 110 An:tl ( ), rd Ave N, ~ Hope 55428, , nici<iool@ RE~ Dawn C, R-.c:h AasIstant (Nunlng, Sc:h Of.llrog & RII) HS Unit F ( ~ 2220 Pacat, Apt 305, RosevtIIe , recldoo2@m8roon.te.umn.1du RI;CKLJNQ WcartlDn, Med Fel Spec (ClI1hopaecIc Slq) Bx 482 Mayo ( ), 350 VCR C, 3545 HcJ!mII Ave S, MInneIIpoIis 55408, , RECTER E ReglnIId, Med Fel Spec (UroIoglc Surgery)Bx394MaYO(825-1~ "-l00pwb, I8CIeOOl@maroon.Ic.UI!"Uldu. REctoR SdyJ. Gen Stilll NlI'S8 (PedIatrlc Intanslve CIr&-4E) PCU4E Mayo,I8ClllOO2@ maroon.te.umn.lidu RECTOR ThornII 5, Sr Res AaIoc (MedIc:In8) Bx 508 Mayo (~, 281 VCR C, rectoool~ 1l18IOOll.Ic.umn.lIdu REDA Falma A, Clln As8t Prol (P8ydIIalry~ 8400 Barrie Rd, SWt8 1705, Edina 56435, ( ), redaxool@ma1oon.ic.umn.lidu REDD SCott D, Program As8t 4-H (MN Ext serv-lllstrk:ts), RImsey Co Ext Ole, 2020 White Bear Ave, 51 Paul $109, ( ), 83023rd Ave 5 Eo MImIepolla 55414, , SI8dd@, lax: 812 m-0959 REDDA HIiII A, Bldg &Gnla Wkr 1 (Fee Mgmt-Zone 1-5t P8lA) 200 5IIopI B, th Ave NEo Apt " MInnIIpollI55421, , REDDAN J8mes R, Tead*lgAstIstanl (Statistics, Sc:h OI-AdmI270 Mlrd H, 10313VIrginIa Rd, BIoomInglan 55438, 9: , reddaoo2@ golcuc.umn.lidu. REDDY Pratap i<, PI'ogram Dlr (Urologic SUrgery) Bx 394 Mayo ( ),~ A597 Mayo, 5810 Hyl8ndGreens Dr, BIoornIIIgIon 55437, REDDY SUCI* K, Poet-Doc Aaoc (Vet PathobIcJIoOy) 247J Vet 5 ( ), ( ), 2026ar-.St. Apt 15, St Paul 55108, 847.(811,, lax: ' REDDY ThornII K, SrGIaIIbIoww (Tec:h ShopS) Kolt H( ~ reddyoo3@, lax: RED HOllIE JohnO,I'rllfesDo (UMD-Amer 1ndiar1 StudIes) 209 Boll HllI*IIh ( ),, fall: REDIEHS ~ J, GrlId SChool Felow (PhIlosophy) ~ Ford H, I8dIlIOlIl@ REDIG Patrlclc T, As80cIata ProI8lIs«(Small AnlmaI Clln Sci) 100 G RIpt CIr ( ), , REDING DsvId A, Dets Proc: Tec:h 2 (TelcIcornrru1k:8 8eMcII)30 Telecom B ( ), ( ),1lICllnOO3@ ll18iooll.te.urnn.edii REDING Msrk T, Med Fsl Spec (MedIcIne) Bx 284 Msyo ( ), C338 Mayo, redinoli2@ REDISKE Rysn T, JI User 5erv Spec (IlIomedIc:II Ubrary) 274 Diehl H( ~ ( ), ( ), 52112th Ave 5 Eo MInneIpoIII55414, , REDLEAF Paul D, Cltn Prol (MedIc:hI~ 8 Peninsula Rd, DeItwood 55110, REDMON J Bruos, Assistant ~ (MedIclne) Bx 101 Msyo( ), 8-134PWB( Oj 5124 Newloll'Ave 5, MInne8poIls 55419, , REDMON M8ria I, Med Fel Spec{MadIclne) Bx 284 Mayo ( ),' C338 Mayo, 1205 HIIWlhome Ave, Apt 218, MinneIpoIIB 55403, , redmooo3@ REDMOND PatrIclc M, LecIurllr (DesIgn HouH1g. & AppsreI) 240 Me NH( ), (li2~ PatrIclc Redmond Dsslgn, Attn PslJlc:lc M Redmond, POBox75430, StPaul 55175, ( ), 6' , redmooo2@ REECE Clive F, Assistant ~ (SolI Sci) li38 Bor H( ), (624-47~ 1420 FI'Il1Qon Ave, Sf Paul 55108, , clive.l8808@ REED Ann M, Mslnt PIan/SChed (Fee Mgmt Zone 5-CLA) 200 Shops B, 9037 Je1IenIon St N Eo Blaine 55434, , 1eedx027@ REED Beverly J, PrIn 5ecretary (AthItllcs, Man's InteIlg) 270 BFAB( ), 550ll DrchIrd Ave N, Crystal 55429, , reedxoo6@ REED Cs1herine C, Lecturer (Entomology) 219 Hodson H ( ), ( ), 2215 DosweJI. Ave, 51 Paul 55108, , re&dx012@ '. REED Delbert P, Ubrary As8t 3 (BiorTIedlc8l Ubrary) 325 Diehl H.. l382 WMInnehaha AYe, SI Paul 55104, , reedxol3@ REED DIanne 0, Assoc Admin (MN LnIIc8pe Arboretum), MN Landscape Artx:nIum, 3875 Arb!Jretum Dr, Box 39, ChanhasIen 55817, ( ), 6839 Empll8 Lane N; Maple Grove 55311, , walke03o@meroon.te.umn.edir REED GMn, Prin 5ecretary (FOOGSCi &,.utridon) 225 FSC N( ), ( O),18lICIldlO4@ REED Holly A, 5r 5ecretary (Pedlatrtcs) Bx 281 Mayo ( ), P WB, re&dxl!06@ REED HoIty J, MedIcal Lab Tec:h (Hosp Labs-outpetlent) ex 188 Mayo ( ), P WB, reedxoo8@ REED Judith E, Gen Stall N...(1'edIatrIc8-5A) PCUSA Mayo ( ),1488 RlYlera Ave 5, Lalceland 55043, , re&dx015@ REED Krts M, Gen Stall NlI'S8 (HlIoMtaI Intan1IYe C8re-3C) PCU3C Mayo,lMdx028@ gold.te.umn.edii REED Lynn D, Teaching Asslstarit (PllysIcB & As1ronomy) 15 Phys ( ), reedx010@ REED Marie-Gabrlelle J, qrad SChool FeIow (Inst 01 ChIld Dev) 134A Ch Dev (82t-334~ ( ), lh Ave S, MInneepoIIs 55407, 825-D355, reedx02o@ll18iooll.te.umn.~ REED Murray K, CUn Assoc Prol (Inst 01 ChIld Dev), ~ Child Guldanoe CIlnIc, 919 Lafond Ave, Sf Paul , ( ), 32~7 WOwaes.o 1IlYd, 51 Psul55126, , reeiixoa3o REED Nancy V, Nurse Supv (Lab Medll:lne & Ps1hoIogy) Bx 437 Msyo ( ), U Hosp,.,edx014@ REED Perry l, Teaching AstIstanlICl'lemlsiryl 0-12 Smith H( ), 270 KIllt H,I8ICIXOO3@ 1l18IOOll.te.umn.edII REED Pstar J, Assoc Dean (CIa, Assoc DellI, Academic Programs) 203 Joh H( ), st Ave 5, MIm\eapOIIS 55408, , rtedx001@inaroon;te.umn.lidu REED RIchard L, Assoclata ProI8lIs«(F"" PrIlC1lC8 & Community HIlh) Bx 381 Mayo.. (827,(299); Wash Av SE. rseclxci22@ REED Rita A, 5tudent Sr S8c:lwtary (Post Anesthesia Care U~-Box 87) Bx87 Mayo ( ), 3403 Holmes Ave 5, MInneapolls 55408, ,'j, 0lIlce Spec(Umr-lnst Medls C8mpus 8eM!lI)1;752 MOoIT(lI ), l04226lhave 5 Eo MInnII8poIlI55414, IIIID-AIIAIII Cynlhia l, Word Proc: Spec (ClInIcII &PqlulIllon ScIences) 225 Vet Too HoB (82W77t) stAve NW, Coon Rapids 55433, , REED«lNll'ACE JIMnlta J, Aaoc PrO! Emei' (MES-Oalege of EdUca\lOn) 340 Col H, 2482 Lake Georve Dr NW, cedar 55011, , REEDER DsvId H, ~ Asslstant (ChemIcal Eng & Met Sci) 137 Anuld H( ), 317 llmilh H( ), 2891 GIorgIa Ave 5,5tlouis PIrk"55425, ,18lIdOO88@ REIDER Donald l, Non UniY Sta1l (National 8c:IlcIIlIlIlIc Prsss) 820 Rarlg C( ), REIDER MarosIIe I, 0peraIIng Rms Oil (H 0peraIIng Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), UHosp, rsedeoo4@ REED!R NIchoIu l, TeacI*lg AsslBlant (IIhIIoscjphJ) 355 Ford H( ), ), REED!R RichII'd F, Ext Educ & Asst Prof (MN Ext S8rv-Educ Dev 5yat) 415F Col H( ), 15 CnJcus AYe, 51 Paul 55102, , IlEEDlITROM C8nlIIMJ, Sr0lIIce As8t (&o,nldit-medicai Reoords) Nl00 Boyn H 5 ( ~ o-rseci@vml.lilcli.umn.edii IIEIDITROM DaIlI F, Exec Asst (HIth SCI-SpecIaI PrlIgs) HSUnIt F ( ~ D275Mayo, 3080 L,,*Ct. R~ 55113, ; IlEEDY Gerald E, NunIng As8t (Eye, En! NNdogy-8B) PCU5B Mayo, rsedyoo2@ IlII/ REEDY Judy A, Food serv Ncr (H cafeteria) Bx 84 Mayo, rsedyoo1@maroon.ic.umn.edii IIEEI Kent A, Env HygIene Ofcr (EnYlronmental HeIfIIl &SIr.ty) Wl55 Boyn H5 ( ), 1520 "..., St; St Paul 55108, 84S-7454,lcre&s@ CIIII8I1drlI.dIIh&.umn.lldu IlIE8EAmyJ, R-.:h Asalstant (IllochernIalIy140 Oor l, 982 CromweI Ave 51 Paul 55114, rseseo! REESE CurlIB D, R-.c:h Asslstant (Hor1IclAnI SCIence) 305 Alder H, 2812 SlIver Lane Rd, Apt ",St AnIhony 55421, 781.(828, IlIE8E Douglas C, AsaIstant To (Elb:dorHJMM)l30 PECMorrIs ( ), HIIId Coec:h, TeacI*lg Speclallst, 809 P8Ik Ave, MorrIs 58287, ,1M88dc@ RIE8E GlorIa J, Cmnty Prog As8t (ME~ 01 Human EcoIogy~ SCott Co Ext Ole, 123 E1st St. JordBn 55352, ( ), rseseoo8@ N, Acoolna Spec (EpIdemIology) nd St ( ), th St NW Maple Lake ll5s58, "',18IIIe@,.,lax: 812-e rzMattMw C,~Res As8t II (owospioe Eng &MechMIos) 107 Alcer H, 808 lllh St SE, MInneapolIs 55414, ,! ' IlI!VE Kd1erfI1e K, Lacttnr(FfVI1Ch & 1taIIaIl) 210 Fol H( ),I8lMIOO1@ _.te.umn.lidu MEVE MIn:het 5, EdIlor (Summer SessIon) 135 "'" H( ), ( ), 20 2nd St NE, Apt.,MInneepoIIs55413,.827-D488, reeveoo4@ IIIEVEI FranII D, Rehab Asst (H Rehab) Bx 108 Mayo, III!EVULaursnoe H, AdmkI Fellow (CLAS1udlInt ACId ~ Svcs)98 Om H(825-D298), , Jean F, Ae80CIalI PioIwsor (MIdIcIne-UMD) 813 Med DuIutIl ( ), ~1), ( ), 2129 SusaexAve, DuIutIl 55803, ,1Ix: IIICIAL PhIlP J, ProI &.CinIor (Bell MuseUm of Nat HIatDry) 100 EcxlIclD ( ), , AegIIlOl@maroon.Tc.Umn.Edu IIIQAL RoneId R, AsaoclatIs To (UMD-Mslh & StatIs1Ics) 108,H HDuIutIl ( ~ ProIes8or (7l!6-8747), 2129 Susaex Ave, DuIulh 55803, , UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA REGAN Charles P, Tead*lg Asslatant (Geology &Geophysics) 108 PIIs H, 713 4th Sf NE, Minneapolis 55413, , reganoo5@ REGAN Jsmes K, Med Fel Spec (Medicine) Bx 284 Msyo, P WB, IS! E.1leIleYlew St. Apt 203, WInons 55987, rsgenool@, REGAN Kste, Prin ~ InlrY (Envrn & QccupetlonaI HeaIlh) Bx 807 Mayo ( ~ rsg& REGAH Paul A, FelowtHttH lnat Pub! AlIrs-Adml 180 HHHCtr( ). 111 Marquet\ll Ave 5, Apt 2801; Minneapolis 55401, , REGAN Sharon K, Mad/CIII Lab Tec:h (Hosp Labs-Blood Bank) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), D293 Mayo, reganoo2@ REGARD Monique M, Med Fel Spec (0bsl8trics & GyneooIOgy) Bx 3lI5 Mayo ( ), MOoI T, 2432 Hurnbolcll Ave 5,MInneapolIs 58405, REQEL.MANN warren Eo AsaoclatIs~ ipedlatrtcs) Bx 742 Mayo ( ), 411 VCR C ( ), UniY 01 Mm, Bx 742 Mayo, 420 Delaware Sf 5 E, MInneIIpoIis 55455, rsgsiool@ REGENOLD RiJnIId G, EJectrtcIan (Facilties Mgmt-Adm) 202 Phys PI ( ), 1831 Spruce Ct. White Bear Lake 55110, rsgenoo2@ REOHIER Kathleen M, GenerII(Temp) NE (H FIm Ale serv) Bx 801 Mayo ( ), , IlEHA Joyce F, Prin 8ecretary (0Ilh0paedIc Slq) Bx 492 ~, ~ VCR C, UnIv Av SE, (824-8l1l18),l\ehax@OOl@ma1oon.Te.UIIIIl.Edu REHDER ca/8y D, Prin Lab:Tec:h (PedIalrlcs) Bx 288 Mayo, rshdeool@ REHDER C8nnen l, TeacI*lg SpecIalist (ChemIstry) 1-8 SinIlh H ( ), , REHER Keith E, Sr Lab Tec:h (Pharmacy PractIr:e) H5 UnIt F( ), 2730 Benjarnn Sf N E, MmeapoIIs 55418, ,l8herOO1@ ' REHM GeorOl! w, ~ (Soli Sci) 438 Bor H (62S-821O), 2al SOiIB ( ), 8050 SImyside ReI. Mounds VIew 55112, , rshmxoli1@.maroon.te umn edu " REHM Kelly, Poet-Doctoral Fellow (Lab MedIc:hI & Pathology) Bx 511 Mayo ( ), 8242 Mayo (72!i-2000X5533~ , kelly@,lax: REIIMAHN RoneId E, CIn As8t Prof (Fam PraclIos &ComnUIity HIlh), Family MedIc:hI ClInIc, 3980 Coon RapIds 1IlYd, Sta 100, Coon Rapids 55433, (422~ Argon Sf NW, Andover 55304, 1' Edgar, ~(Schof~) 127 YIn H( ), 1981 ERlYar Rd,. Minneapolis 55414, ,I8Ich@ REICH Pstar B, ProI8lIs«(Forest ResolmIs) 115 Gm H( ), 4787 Lalce Ave N, WhI\Is ee. Lake 55110, , pnilch@ men:ury.iors8lry.umn.lidu REICH Sharonl, As8t o.n (law SChool Deens Ole) 381 Law ( ), ( ). relchoo2@, lax: REICH S-M,Gen Sta1l NIne (4D-Slcu) PCU4D Mayo ( ~ reichoo5@, REICHERT John A, AsaoclatIs ~ (0bs1strIcs &~~ PaJ:k NIcoIIel MedIcal ~,5OOO W39th St. Minneapolis 55418, \ l, 5000 W39th St, Minneapolis 55343, , retchoo8@maroon.te.umn.lidu I!ElCHERT Michelle B, TeacI*lg AaIlatant (Frenetl &italian) 260 Fol H( ), 5445 Smetana Dr, Apt 2208, Minnetllnlca 55343, , REICHLE Joe Eo I'rllfesDo (Comm Otsorders) 115 Shev H ( ), 108 PI H( ), REJCHTER 8aIbara A, Hosp e-d PIanr (HDspItaI FacIIilles ~ Bx 723 Mayo ( ), N525 Boyn H5, HopkkIs Rd, BIoominglDn 55420,1lIlchOOt@ REICHmI R~ Eo Clln Instr (MedlcinlHlMD) 141 Med Duluth. DuIutt\ ClInic, 400 E3rd 51, Duluth 55805

79 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA REICKS Mark A, Ext Educ & Inn(ME8-Dlstrlcts), Wadena Co Ext OIc. Cow1tIouae, 415 SJetIetson Wadena 56482; ( ). REICKS Marla M, Assistant Professor (Food SCI &Nutrition) 162 F Be N( ). mreicks@ che2; fax: REfCOSl(y Donald C, Adj Facully (SoIl SCI). N Central Soil Conserv Res Lab. NIowa Ave. Morris ( ). 408 Birch Ave. Morris REIC08KY Joan E. Instructor. (Soc SCi-UMM) 14 Cam Morris (58H194). 408 Birch Ave, MorrIs REID Arthur. Cmnty Prog Asat (SocIal Work. SCh OI/City Songs) 400 F6rd H, th Ave N, BrookJyn Park , reidxoo9@ REID Barbera. Chair (W/Fac Rank) (Tl1eatra Arts & Dance) 238 Mdb H(625-0nO). ( ) Folwell Aya. St Paul 55108, raidx001@ REID KeMath H. Patient Fin Rp,Sr (H ContractsfPatlent Rap) Bx 602 Mayo P W B, raklxoo5@ REID Kanneth J. ProfeSllOf' (Civil Engineering) 184 Ciy E( ) W Highwood Dr. EdIna rakfxoo2@ REID Usa M. Pharm 8ecln Supy (H Oulpelient Pharmacy) Bx 611 Mayo j62ll-32oo), 0147 Mayo, 912 Banton St, Anoka , REID Lynn K, Hasp Custodian 3 (H EnvIronmantel Services) Bx 55 Mayo ( ). A102 Mayo, tuttiool@ REID Philip J. Post-Doc Asaoc (Chemistry) 139 Smith H( ). B70E Koll H( ), raidx007@ REID Ronald J. Hasp Custodian 3 (H environmental Serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ). A102 Mayo. reldxq04@ REIERSON Shir1ey A, Prin Stu Pers Wkr (UMD-Health ServIces) H S DuJuth ( ) REIF ChrIstopher J. AssIstant ProIesIor (Fam Practice & Community HIth), St Paul Ramsay MadicaI Cantar. 840 Jackson St. St Paul 55101, ( ), railxoo4@ REIF Robert W. C1in Prof (Fam Practice & Community HIth). SI Johns Hospital, 1575 Beam Ave. Maplewood 55109, ( ). railxoo3@ REIF 8aIly A. Prin Lab Tech (SurgeIy.Qlnelal) Bx 120 Mayo SShore Blvd. Whil8 Bear Lake , REIFF MiChael I. AssIstant Prof8saor (PediatrlCe). School Years ClInics ChlcagO Ave S. Minneapolis ( ). 615 ParkvIew Terrace. Golden Valley reitloo1@. REINE Cathy J. Hosp Custodian 3 (H Envtronmantal Serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), A102 Mayo. reiheool@ REIK John W, Assistant Pro"1lIOf' (MBA-5umrnar session) 735 MgrntfEcon ( ). First IlIll\It Systems. CredIt &Training Dept. 120 S 6th St, Minneapolis 55402, ( ). raikxool@ REILANO Michael J. Sr 8ecretary (Surgery-GeneraQ Bx 42 Mayo (62~92), V 157 VFWC RC( ) Creek Park Lane. Frklley , ralie001@ REILING Janet. Dental C1in Supv (CUHce-AduIt Medical) C U HC C(627-4n4). raltiolll@ REILLY Bernard E. Asaociate ProfellOr (Oral Sciances) Moos T ( ). 8323rd Ave SE, Minneapolis 55414, reilloo1@, RElU.Y Daniel R. Sr Opereting Eng (Plant Services-Heating Plant) Ad B Duluth ( ). HP ( ), 4759 Anderson Rd, Hermantown REILLY Unda F. Stu Sup Srv Asaoc (Medlcsl SchooI-Adm) Bx 293 Mayo ( ) Owre H( ), , rell1oo2@ REILLY Lynne M. Sr Parking Atin (UMD-Parking Services) Ad B Duluth ( ) REILLY Mary K. 0tIiee Spec (H Transplant C8ntar) Bx 482 Mayo ( ) PW B. rellloo3@ REILLY Maureen T. enlnty Prog Spec(HHH lnat Pub! A1Irs-Adm) 230 HH HCtr ( ), rellloo8@ REIMERS Richard E. Bldg &Grds Wkr 1 (UMM-Plant SYCS-CustodIaI-GCam MontI (58H08O) REIMRINGER Alice E, Non Unlv Stall (Hid Res0urt88 Admln-AES) 526 NC For ( ), raimrooi@ REINA Ramon I, LaCturtlr (SodeJ Work, SCh 01) 400 Ford H, WeatrIdge Dr, Edan PraIrIe REINARDY James R, LecIunIr (SodeJ Work, SCh of) 400 Ford H( ), ( ) Cole Ave S E. Minneapolis 55414, , ralnaoo4@ REINAIITZ'JoIm J, Med Fef Spec (LIb MedIcIne & Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), 0242 Mayo, 1240 UnooIn Ave;St Paul 55105, 859-OllO5 relnsoo2@ REINBERG Mira, Teaching SpeciaJIst (Ciasalcal & Near Eastern StudIes) 330 FOI H( ), 2307 France Ave S. St Louts Park 55416, REINBERG Yuri. AssIstantProle8s4lr (Urologic Surgery) Bx 45 Mayo (624-9&79). (I'edIalrtca) C514 Mayo ( ). 910 E2lllh St, Suite 400, MinneepOlis 55404, ( ) Franoe Ave. S, SI louis Park 55416, ralnbool@ REINECCIUS Gary A, ProIesIor (Food Sci & NutrItIon) 147 F Be N( ), 2249 carter Ave St Paul 55108, , gar8in@ REINECCIUS Kriatin M, Reaearch AseI8lanI (Food SCI & Nutrition) 225 FBe N( ) Pond Ave. Maplewood & niinaoo7@ REINEKE AlIce F. Sr Med TechfCIin (Hasp Lab8-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo' ( ) U Hasp Arden VIew Ct, SI Paul reineoo4@ REINEMANN Molly E. MedIcal Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-V8Illpunctu(e) Bx,l98 Mayo ( ), 3-555H U Hosp. REINER Victor S, AseIstant ProleAor (S!:h of Mathemetlcs) 127 Vm H(~ 233 Mur H, 2701 Sunset Blvd. Minneapolis 55416, , ' REINHARD Stray, Profe88Or (ChemlcaI Eng &,Mat SCi) 151 Amund H, th St SE, MInneapolIs REINHARDT Barbera J, Med/ClIn Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Chem) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), U Hasp BeJmoraIla(le, Edan PraIrie REINHARDT EIizab8th L, Reaearch AseIstant ~plderniology) S2nd St (628-W8), , REINHARDT Margaret A, Asst SClentIst (EpkfemIoIogy) 300 lsoo S2nd St (62ll-8206), 2482B Holy Name Dr. Wayzata REINHART De Anne C. Gen Stall NurlIe (UnIt 6D-Adult Psychiatry) PCU61 Mayo, 348ll16th Ave S. Minneapolis ,2837, rainiloo3@ REINHART ElIzabeth A, Instructor (NIning; SCh OI Prog & Res), 3480 LexIngIon Ava N, R0sevl1Ie (4~), 523 HeIneI Dr, RosevtIe 55113, n; ralnh007@ REINtWIT Jennifer L, Sr Vet Tech (Vet Teaching. Hosp Clinic) Seicu Vet Too Hoe ( ), REINHART Julie M. Teaching AseIstant (Educational Psychology) 210 Bu H. rainh012@ REINHART Todd A. Post-Doc Assoc (Micr0bloiogy) Bx 196 Mayo ( ), 1480 Mayo, , rainhoo6@, lex: REIHHILLER Noell W, AseIstant ProIesIor (UMD-Education) 130 Man H lli*jth ( ), ( ),920 E 4th St, Duluth 55805, REINITZ Patricia D. Sr 8ecretary (S~rgery-GeneraQ Bx 1.95 Mayo ( ). 157 VFWCRC ( ) lh Ave S. Minneapolis reiniool@ REINKE J_A, Teaching SpeciaJIst (Lab Medicine " Pathology), Abbolt Nclfu-tem Hospital, LaboraIOfy E2lIlh St et Chicago, Minneapolis ( ), 5165 Eastwood Rd. Mounds VIew 55112, reinkoo3@ REINKE P81rtcIe H, Grad School Trainee (Envm & 0CCupeti0naI Health) Bx 807 Mayo ( ) Mayo, 8722 Ironwood Trail N; Laka Bmci 55042, 77D reinkoo4@ REIIIONG Mar8ha L, Prin 8ecretary (SCh of PubIc Health) Bx 197 Mayo ( ), A302 Mayo ( ), reinkool@ REIN8IIOEH Heney L, Aselstant ProfelllOf' (~Bx808 Mayo ( ) Moos T ( ), reln8001@ REI8 Roberto. ProIesaor (Speniah & l'ortt!9uese) 34 FoI H( ). ( ), rreis@ YX.da.urnn.edU REllER Sandra B. Gen Staff Num (C8nllovuI:Uar SurgfProgr Care-eC) PCU6C Mayo. rei8aoo1@ REISH Ortt, Med Fef Spec (Pedlatl1cl) Bx 404 Mayo ( ), PWB, 301 SheIard Pky, Apll42, St louis Park relsh002@ IIEI8HUS DIane L, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice). Target, Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka ( ), raiahoo1@ REJIMAH Daniel 0, Asaociate ProfesllOf' (CiaaaIcaI &Near Eestam StudIes) 330 Fol H ( ), rei8moo2@ REl8MAN Judith E, As80ciata Profe88Or (Physlcsl Med & RahabIIitation) Bx 388 Mayo ( ), m Ch R C, 4235 Alden Dr, Edina i855, rei8mool@ RElSIIAN Leon, Prof Emer (General CoII-In81ructio Support) 240 Ap H Collman St, Apl308, StPaul 551 oe. 847-$ns, REISS Ira L, ProIesIor(Soclology) 1031 Soc SCi ( ),5932 Medlclne Lake Rd. Minneapolis , relssoo1@. lax: 812~ REIT'E Ann M, AseIstant To (Physlcal Med & RehebIIltation) Bx 297 Mayo ( ). 500 Boyn HS, 3815 Drew Ava S, Minneapolis , rail8oo1@ REfTlElER Douglas J, Sys Software Prog (COrnpulIer SCienoe) EEfC SCi ( ), 1057 Evarett Ct, Apl9, SI Paul 55108, reltm001@ REITZ Howard D. Sr Sys Softw Prog (central Computing ServIce8) 50 Col H(624-mOl Pascal St N, RosevtIe 55113, Ihow@ vm1.spca.umn;edu, lax: 612~ pager: REITZEL Paul L, Non Univ Stall (U S 0 AForesl Serv) 115 NC For ( ), Itasca Ave, Foratt Lake 55025, raltz001@ RE.ITO Pater A, ProIesIor (SCh of Mathematics) 430 YIn H( ), 1539 E RIvw Terrace. Minneapolis 55414, ', rejto@ IIEKOWJennlfer K. Dental Asat Spec (~Prog)6-538 Moos T ( ). RELf Susan J, CIIn Inn(Medlcine-UMD) 141 Med DulUth, Duluth ClInic. 400 E 3rd St. Puluth RELOPEZ Coronedo G. Bldg & GrdS Wkr 3 (FacllItiee Mgmt Adm) 307 Shope B ( ). raiopool@ RELOPEZ usa M, Studant Off Spec (UMF/TeIemarketIng) 2nd fit 1300S 2nd SI ( ), raiopoo2@ RELOPEZ Roee M, Sr System Analyst (Oan CoIl-Ss AdmIn) 220 Ap H( ), relopoo3@. REM Lola E, Word Proc Spec (Student Legal Svcs, UnIv) 180 WB U( ). ramxx001@ REMAI'EDf Gary J. Asslstent ProIesllOf' (Pedlatl1cl) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), 0138 Mayo Youth & AIds Projecla, 428 Clak Grove St, MtnneapoIIs 55403, 5448 Richmond Curve. MInneIpoIIa 55410, i'emafoo1@ 1lEMlNlK00A Tanya, Profe88Or (Music, SCh 01) 218 Ferg H( ) Dupont Ave S, MInneIpoIIa 55409, nool@ REMICK Rusaell C, Maint &Oper Mech (AE8-NW E8-CrookatDn), NW Expertmant Stetion. Crookaton 56718, ( ). At 1, Box 309. Red Lake Falls 56750, STAFF REICKS-RENSCH 325 R!,MINGTOH John. Profe88Or (Industrial Raiations Ctr) 437 MgrntfEcon ( ), ( ), REMINGTON Kethleen R. VoInteer Siv Coor (H Volunteer Serv) Bx 48 Mayo ( ), B252 Mayo, 208 Locust SI E, StiIIwatar 55082, remln002@' REMLEY Kent B. Assistant ProIesIor (Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), J2-447 UHasp. ( ). rarnleoo1@ REMMEL Rory P, Asaociate Profe88Or (MedIcinal Chamlstry) HSUnit F( ), ( ),2374 Bourne Ave. SI Paul 55108, rammeool@ REMNEK Miranda Beaven, Asaociate ProIesIor (Ubrary-Coll & Presarvetions) 50 MWL ( ), ( ),IIH'emn@,1ax: 612.Q REMOLE Wdliam 0, C1in As80c Prof (Mediclne~.8048 Telegraph Rd. BloomIngton 55438, ( ), ramoioo2@ REMUS Katherine E. Gen Staff Nur.. (Biue Surgery (TranspIent}-SC) PCUSC Mayo, remusoo1@, REN Rang. Admin Fellow (Boynton-QuaIity Asaur) Bx 729 Mayo ( ), D330 Mayo. "88 Fiflekf Ave. Apt 8-2, St Paul , REN YUhe. Post-Doc As80c (Army High ParI Computing Res Ctr) Wash Ay S ( ) th St S E. Apt 111, MInneapolis RENAUD Armand A. Prof Emer (French & Italian) 260 Fol H( ), 3712 Edmund Blvd, Minneapolis , ranauooi@ RENDAHL Robert E. Hosp Custodian-3 (H Environmental Serv) Bx 55 Mayo ( ), 3350 Fremont Ave S. MInneepoHs 55408, r8l)deoo1@ RENEAU Jeffrey K, Profe88Or (AnImal SCience) 101 Hckr H( ). 136 County Rd E, Houlton WI , raneaoo1@ RENERO Juan M, Teaching Asslstent (Economics) 1035 MgrntfEcon ( ) E 29th Aye SE, Minneapolis 55414, , fax: RENFROW Jenet M, Nurse Supv (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ), renkoo1@ RENGACHARY Setti S. ProIesIor lheurosurgery) 8x 96 Mayo ( ), B590 Mayo ( ). renga002@ RENGEL Gail J. Nurse Cll1l, Hasp (Diegnostlc Rediology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ) Mayo ( ).1049 Goodrich Ave, Apt 7. St Paul 55105, rangeoo1@ RENGO Ryan E. Reeearch AssIstant (UMD-Meth &Statistics) 108 HH DuJuth ( ) RENIER Colleen M, Applications Prog (MedicJne..UMD) 276 Med Duluth ( ), ( ), Diy of Med Edue & Ree. The Duluth Clinic. 400 E3rd SI, Duluth 55805, ( ). 426 N 17th Ave E. Duluth 55812, RENIER Hugh P, Clin Inn (Fern Practice & Community HIth), Duluth CInlo-Lakeskfe, 4821 E Superior SI. Duluth ( ) RENHAKER Thorllas 0, Prin Acct Sp/Supv (H BIllIng) Bx 602 Mayo ( ) PWB, 11265Kentucky Ave N, Champlin , , RENNER David A. Maint PIan/ScheCl (Fac Mgmt Zone 1-st PauQ 202 Phys PI ( ), 6102 Lad Pky, Minneapolis renneoo1@ RENNER. Kimberly A. Jr SClentIst (Biochernistry-Med SCh) M~ H( ) ~ H ClIIting Dr, Apt 213. St Paul , RENNER Matthew K, Reaearch AssIstant (Chamlstry) M-12 Slnlth H( ) ranne002@ RENNINGER Selins M. Teaching Assistant (Unlv Counseling &Consulting Serv) 114 Joh H ( ), rennioo1@ RENNOLET Charles L, Lacturar (Extension Classes) EE/C SCi, rannooo2@ RENSCH Scott E, Dental Fellow (DentIstry Admin) Moos T (~), th St W. Rosemount n. renscoo1@

80 326 RENSTROM-RICHARDS STAFF RENITIlOII8c:01I C. lnatruetor (Pharmacy ~). C8pltoI Drug,.2007 E County Rd E. WhltitBearI.8k ( ), ~1@. maroon.te.uilil.d RENZ GIry L,~A8sIsl8nl (MpIs) 170 Mor H( IlEPESH LiIIn A, Aaat DeIn (Medlcine-UMD) 205 Med Duluth (726-88llOl. AAod8llI ProI86sor ( ) CIII Ave, DuIulh 55811,, Iu: IlEPESHVIncent J, AaslstIIll Coach (UMD-AlhIelics, 1nlIlrcoIIegltI) 288 Sp HC' DuIulh ( ). ( ) CIIlI Ave, Dululh REPIN8ICI Robert A. A8sIsl8nl ProI86sor. (UMD-Art) 317 IiDuluth ( ), 3S7 ABAH ( ) E 4lh St, DuluIIl55805, 72U248., lax: REPKA Tanya L, AsIistant ProI8esor (MedIcine), Hennepin County MedIcal center, 701 Park Ave, MlnneIIpoIIs 55415, ( ).!8Pka001@ " RERD Mary Eo L.eclurer (UMe-Technical S1udles) 244 Dow HACroc*aton ( ) Ilve Sf, Grand Forlls ND RESCH D8vId J. Ext Educ & Instr (MES-Oislric1s), 8c:01I Co Ext ore. 1231stSt Eo Jordan 55352, ( ), lh SI, Glencoe ,, lax: _ RESCH KeIy A, Sr Otllce Aaat (OrthopaedIc SUrg) \JIW Av se ( ), 111 N13th Sf, Apt M08, MlnneIIpoIIs 55403, , IlESCHICE Mar1t p. Teaching AsIistant (Human R8sources Admillillbatlan) 207 LInd H, 425 Wa Lib, IlESCIONOAkto, ProI8esor (Hasp Pharmacy) 9-m HS Unit F ( ). ( ) SquarllI.8k8 TIlIlI. StIIwater 55082, Iu: RE8EIIIUll Am M. Prln 8acI'8laIy (HouaIng 8eMcas-Adril)82 Com H( ). rasemoo1@. RESENDEZ Mary J. Non Univ SIal (N CBntraI Exp Sta) 507 NC For ( ). ~ RElIENIlEZ Robert. SClen1Ist (N CBntraI Exp SIa) 328 NC For ( ).887 Ohio St, St Paul , RESIQ 8c:01I G, Jr Lab Tach (Psychla1ry) H101 DIahI H(826-«lO1) e.yard. St Paul 55118, , R~ Mlch8aI D. Aasoc Prof (SCh of Pub HIth) ex!17 Mayo ( ), (Padia1rtcs) D138 Mayo ( ). C-313Mayo th St W. MlnnaapoIis 55418, ResnIOO1@ REIHl( Ernesto R. Post-Doc Aasoc (Human GanelIcs. Inat of) MIrd H, th Ava S E. Apt E. Mi1neapoIIs , REST Elan B. AaaIstanl ProI8esor (Dermatology) ex 98 Mayo (~) P WB Duckwood TraI, Woodbury 55125,..-002@ REST Jamas R. ProI8esor (Educational Paychology) 208A Bu H( ), (824-Sl83), 18SlxOO1@ IlETNONINQRUM Debbie S, Post-Doc AsIoc (MIcrobiology) ex 198 Mayo ( ). 935 Mayo, C/O Naarudin Raleigh St, SI Paul IlETTIG Kathryn K, ProI8esor (Family SocIal SCIenciI) 290 Me NH( ) kmede ~. Whila Bear I.8k , 42&85Q0. kretti@ 812~ RETTKE Alan D, 0parall0nS Sup\I (Fac Mgmt-Zone 5-CLA) 2 NIch H(8U,8553), th Ave S. MlnnaapoIis lIkOO1@, pager: 812'-'1788 RETZELen-F. Rae AsIoc (cea IIkllogy & Neuroana1Ilmy) Jac H( ll). 910 Linwood Ave. St Paul , emes1@. tax: 812~ RETZER Edward B, Sr RadIofTv BeatTac (UMlMudIo VIauI Svca) 175 L Duluth ( ) 24 Iloh H. 202f WlIconIln Ave. SUperior WI 54880, ,.-.tzar@d.umn.adu, lax: RETZLAFF Beverly D, PrIn secratafy (Padia1rtcs) Bx 803 Mayo ( ). B285 Mayo ( ), 3039 Humboldt Ave S, MInneapoIIa ratzioo1@ REULAND William J, Instructor (SocIal WQrk..8cllI 01). Community Sarvicas, HIth 8ervIcaa 1Iklg, 11th L.ev8I, 525 Portland Ave, Mlnneapalla ( ). REUSS SCott A, Research AsIistant (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 411 Bar'H(825-a759). 3~ Hayes H, 1619 ca~ SI, Apt 9, SI Paul 55108, , REUTELER David M, Data Proc Tach 1 (Geology & Geophysics) 2092 SCC ( ). r8udt@. krissy.msi.umn.adu, lax: REUTER Gary S, Scientist (EntornalolWI219 Hodson H ( ), ( ), raulaoo1@ REUTZEL Thomas J, Instructor (Pharmacy Practice), Minneapolis Haart lnatttule, CBrdiolhonlclc Transplantation. 920 E28th SI, Minneapolis 55407, ( ). rautzoo1@ REVELS Michelle L, Grad SchOOl Fellow (HHH Inst Publ AIIrs) 300 HHHClr, 1901 Minnehaha Ava S, Apt 207 Minneapalla REVIER Michael. Bldg & Grds Wkr 3 (FacIIllles Mgrnt-Adm) 220 Sh An ( ), ( i. mlr@ma.umn.adu. REWEY Richard M, Copy Clr Equip Op (Pril)tIng 8arVices) Bx 800 Mayo ( ) Mayo ( ).1049 E3rd, SI Paul 55108, , REY Bridget A, Research AaaIstanl (EducatIonal PsyChology) 204 Bu H( ), reyxx001@ REYER Rebecca L, PrIn 8ecreIary (Inst of Intt Studies & Programs) 20 Nich H( ), ( ), REYERSON Kathryn L, Prolesaor (H1IIblry) 814 Soc SCi ( ), ( ). reyer001@ REYES AngaIita, Aaaocie1Il Prolesaor (Women's Studies) 474 Ford H( ). (CounCIl of Refigious Advisors) ( ), rayeaoo1@. REYE9 JR OCtavio B, PoIlca Oftlcer (PolIce Dept) Pol DB ( ), reyesoo2@ REYNARD Michael P, R~ AsIistant (ChemiCal Eng & Mat SCI) 150 AnUId H (82&-7827), ( ), reynaoo1@ REYNELDS Daniel W, MIl! FBI Spac (SUrgery-oa-aJ) Bx 1 Mayo (8250,7400) P WB Marshall Ava, Apt 1, St Paul REYNHOUT James K, Visit Prof (Vet PathobioIogy) 295N An SCi(V M( ), ( ), llex SI N W, Coon Rapida 55448, REYNISDOmK Gudrun, Studant Sr Bacratary (EpldenJioIogy) S 2nd St ( ). ( ), REYNOLDS David G, Prolassor (SUrgery-General) ex 87 Mayo ( ), B140 PWB.110 Bank S E, Apt 504. Minneapolis ~ REYNOLDS Elizabeth, 0perBtlng RIll GIn (H Operating Room) Bx 700 Mayo ( ). 305 Pennsylvania Ave S. Golden v*" 55428, , REYNOLDS Hany A, Instniclor (SocIal WoI1c. SCh of). Anoka County Govt Clr, rd Ave. Anoka 55303, ( ) th SI NW. Bu1Ialo 55313, REYNOLDS Hugh W. SClen1Ist (UMD-Cartd/Bioproducls RevolvIng) 311 NRRI Dululh ( ) and I.8k8 or, Hibbing 55746,~128 REYNOLDS Judith L, Exac 8emIary (DIIIbIlutad. Computing 8arvIcas) 152 Shep Lab ( ). (82&-1300), REYNOLDS Lee, Word Proc Oper (ComputlIr 8clance) E E/C SCi( )'1lIY"l1017@ REYNOLDS Lori A. Gen Stall NunMI (CardiovasaJlar Surg/Progre-«:)PCU8C Mayo, reynooo7@ REYNOLDS Michele A, Aaaislant Profeaac!r (Rastoraliva llcienc8a) Moos T~, reynooo1@ IlEYIIOLIlI PIuIa. TeacI*Ig AsIistant (JoImIIIsm & Maaa Comm. SCh of) 111 Mur H, 3Z11la1montAve Eo Apt 1. 8eaIlle WA ~38, re,n0018@ IlEYIIOLIlI T1IomIa J. TeacI*Ig SpeclalIst (GIn CcJI.lnst-Wrlltng) 140 Ap H( ), REYNClLIII VIfOIlIca A, Teacl1Ing AsIistant (a.amiiiby) 139 SrnIlh H( ) th St, BayIIde NY , reynooo8@ IlEYIIOLIlI warren L, Prof Emer (CIMlrntatry) 139 SrnIlh H( ). 173 Kolt H Eustia St, St Paul lIY" llezeiikj NIchoIaa J. Wonl Proc"Spac (SocIal ~ork, 8ch of) 400 Ford H(824-Q88). ( ). IlHAIIE FrIIlk S, AaaociatII Prolesaor (MedIcIne) ex 421 Mayo{ ) Mayo , llw* Iu: IlHAIIE Janet C, InelI' Emar (LIlrary cantral AdmIn Serv), Aaat IJltnirIan, 1885 Daytlln Ave, St PaU rhamaoo2@ RtlEE8 D8vId J, AlII Aaat Prof (Phyalca & AstnlnOmy). The BaJckan LInry & Muaaum, 3537 lenl1h Ave S, MinnIlIpoIia WRus1Ic lodllll Ave. MInneapoIIa S , rheasilo1@.1iileimierger MarguM!la M. Teaching ~ (Health Mgmt & PolIcy) ex 97 Mayo (825-a88O). D355 Mayo. rhainoo1@ RHO SIngkyu.1nd SchOOl Fallow pnto & DlIcIaIDn 8clancas) 395 HHHClr ( ), RHQADES lola K. Nutr Educ Aaat (ME8-CoIlage of HunWl EcoIogy), Ramaay Co ExtOle WIitIa Baar Ave. St Paul ( ), 495 MarIhaII Ave. SI Paul,55102, 222~, ~.umn-' IltlClADUTodd J.AaIlalant Prolesaor (An:NIIIclUnI) 110 Anlh ( ). 908l.aure1 Ave. StPaul ~74, rlioadoo1@ RHOo\Il8 June K. PrIn 8acnIlary (MN Ext SIrv-Educ Dev.Syat) 405 Col H( ) AapIIIWOOd 1'Iazs, Woodbury 55125, jrhoada@ tax: RHOIlII FeIshal. Ext Educ & Instr (Mes-DIs1rIcta) StW. Farmington (408I2).1!IodeOO8@ IlHClDEs JaM M. Gen Stall Nurse (Post AnlIa1hesla CanI UnIt-Box 87) ex 87 Mayo ( ), 5057 ~ Ave S. MInneapoIls IIHODE8Mark C. Med F8l (0lIalarYng0I0gy) ex 398 Mayo ( ), P WB; 5057 Xerxaa Ave S. MlnnaapolIs!i &5058. rhodeoo2@. IIHODE8 Roger W, CIn A6aoc Prof (Obstetrlcs & o,necaogy). CarIaon OlIk:e, Twelve 08ks c.ntar Dr. MInnelllnka (54G-8925), IlHOIlE8 Suzanne R. Ji-u-s-v Spac ~8ervIcaa)240WrnaonH ( ) kdaIe Ave. Apt 203. WSt PaU rllodaoo7@, IlItClOUI NIlson l, Aaaoc:lala Prolesaor (IlIagnaIllcJSu SCI) Moos T ( ). ( ll) Aal'Mnd Ave. St Piul a189. rhoduoo1@ RHODY Shalla S. PrIn Caahier (Bursar) 101A And H( ), RHCILL Arnold O. AaatProf Emar (RadIology). 528 JIIIIlyn ClnlIe. MInrieapgIs RHONE'" M, Sr 8emIary(MIlA' ClImba-CInlral)295 HHHClr ( ). RHONE VIrgIl G. AabeslllsWol1cat (FacIIItIaa Mgrnt-Adm) 200 ~ B, r!lonioo1@ IlHUIIE D8vId J. AaaIatant Proleaaor (MedIcine). ttannipln County MedIcal c.ntar. Dept of MadIcInI.701 S Park Ave. MInMapolIs (347~). RIAIlCiIoN Lucy w. Sr 8ecrIlary (ExIanaIon allll.~ Plog)201 Wes H ( ).,lax: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA R~ UncIa J. Otllce Spac(Dlabur88m8nl samcaa) S 2nd St ( ). ( ); 218 Xerxes Ave N. MlnneIpoIis , RIBEIRO GIraldo S, ~ AsIistant (Aerolpaca Eng & MechanIcs) 107 A/IM H ( ). ( ) th Ave S E, Apt C Minneapolis gradooo2@ RICCI Mary M, GIn Stall Nurse (4C-MedIcaI Intanaiva care)pcu4c Mayo. riccioo2@ RICE EdwIn G, ClIn Aaat Prof (Dermatology), Park NIcollet Medical CBnIar W39th St, St l.ouis Park 55418, rlcexoo8@ RICE Gloria L, Prln Acct SpI6upv (Adm Info Svca-Adm) S2nd St ( ). RICE James A, Adj lilatr (HeaI1h Mgmt & PolIcy) Bx 97 Mayo ( ). C309 Mayo th Ave N, Minneapolis ( ) Was1lJII Lane. Plymouth 55446, ricaxoo4@ RICE John G. Prolassor (Gq'aphy) 452 Soc SCi ( ),4220 Crock«Ave. MInneapolis , RICE Kathryn L, AsIistant ProI8esor(~, VAMedical C8nter. Nnonary (111N). One V.- Dr. Minneapolis 55417, ( X44OO), RICE Kwang H, Hosp CustodIan 3 (H EnvtronmentaJ 8ervIcaa) ex 55 Mayo ( ) SlIver Lane. St Anthony ricexoo8@ meroon, RICE Staphan M. AdmIn IllrecIor (PacI8Irlcs) ex 484 Mayo ( ) T-a Lane. Burnsville 55337, , ricexoo3@ RICE Tamara J. Jr Lab Tech (Fiaheries &WiIdIllI). Rocky MountaIn ArsanaI. Bldg 813. c:ornn.ce City 80022, ( ) RJCtl Kathlaen M, Lpn (Oncology.Qynfllenilln Med-7C) PCU7C Mayo. rlc:hxoo5@ RJCtl StIlphen S, Pro'-(Lab MedIcine & Pa1hoIogy) Bx 208 Mayo ( ) Moos T, 2286 Goodrich Ave. St Paul rich@ RJCtl TImothy A. ParsonneI Consult (FacIIItIaa Mgmt-Human Resouroas) 200 Shopa B ( ), richxoo7@ RICtIARD Byron M, Teaching Speclallat (Theatr8 Arts & Dance) 158f4onts H( ). ( ) Lyndala Ave S. Minnaapolis richaoo1@ RICHARDS Barbara J. Nursing SIa Tach (Neonatal Intanaiva Care-3C) PCU3C Mayo Golden Valley Rd. Golden VIIItiIy RICHARDS Carl. Res Aasoc (UMD-Watar & Envrn. Clr/Rvlvng Acct)451 NRRIDuluth ( ), ( ) E4th SI, Duluth crichani@d.umn.adu RICHAROS CIIartes A, ~ AaaIatant (Computar 8clance)4-192 EE/C SCi ( ) Como Ave S ~ Apt 12, Minnaapolis , RICHARDS David H. Fac Project'Coord (Fac Mgmt-Zona7-<l11C8mpus) 115 Food 0 B ( ), ( ).2880 Irvlng Ave S, Minnaapolis rkiha047@ RICIWlD8 ~ E. AaaIstanl Prolassor (PoItiCaI ~) 1414 Soc SCi ( ), ( ). 2~ Cectl SI S Eo MirIneapolIa richards@ poilaci.umn.adu RICHARDS Jeame Eo Teaching SpeciaJIat (Aced S-V-UMM) 79 HF AMorris (589-Q41) W 4th St, Morris , rtcharja@ RICHARDS Jodi M. ~Malatant (Educational ~ 259 Bu H, richa049@ RICHARDS John R. Aaat SClen1Ist (Surgery-General) ex 120 Mayo (828-28ll3) P WB( ).1770 RacIne Ave S. St CroIx Baach lI21. john@ R1CHAIlDS Maiy-Ama, L.eclurer (UMe-TachnicaI StudIes) 110 CCCroc*aton ( ll). 302 Dow H,501 WI;lobert St, CIooblDn 58718, RICHARDS MIchaaI L, Teachilg AsIistant (Mechanical EngIMnlg) 125 Mach E( ). 218 EIecl E, richa019@

81 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF RICHAROS-RIIPPA 327 RICHARDS Paul D, Palnl8r,(Facililles Mgmt-Adm) 106 Food 0 B ( ), ( ),13997 Wellington Dr, Eden PraIrie 55344, , richaoi2@meroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDS Rebecca C, Research Assistant (Educational Psychology) 6 PI H ( ), , eslneoo1@maroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDS Rebecca F, Teechlng Assistsnt (Theatns Arts &Danes) 206 Mdb H( ), richa035@rnaroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDS Richard J, Assocl8le Professor (Humanllies-UMM) 104 Hum Morris ( )" 1006 W4th St, Morris 56267, , rlcharrj@ css,mrs,umn,edu RICHARDS Rosalind J, Non Univ Sisti (Plant Pslh) C R L ( ), rlchsoo6@ msroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDS Ruth H, Asst Prol Emer (UMD-HeaIlh, Phy Educ& Reer), 1810 Dunedin Ave, Duluth RICHARDS Susan A, Acoounting Supv (Medicine) Bx 194Mayo ( ), th St SE, 8365 WlOOlh St, Bloomington 55438, , richaoi6@maroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDS Thomas C, Teechlng SpecIalist (English As ASscond Language) 190 Kia Ct ( ), 5933 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis 5541'9, rlchaq02@maroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDSON Amy L, Research Assistant (Educational Psychology) 204 PI H, 3104 Montsrey AveS, St louis Park 55418, , richa061@go1d,tc, RICHARDSON Antona M, Aced Retired (Continuing Education & Ext-Adm), 317 Owssso Blvd S, Roseville 55113, , rlcha048@,edu RICHARDSON Beverly J, Med/Clln Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Surg Path) Bx 78 Mayo ( ), Jac H, rlcha048@meroon,tc,umn,edu RICHARDSON Brent E, Med Fe! (Otolaryngology) Bx 396 Mayo ( ), PWB, th Ave NE, FrIdI8y 55432, 571.Q671, richaoo6@ ' RICHARDSON Bruce W, Asslslsnt Protessor (Fam Practics & Community HIth), Westview Clinic 158 E Emerson Ave, WStPaul55118, (457'6531), 2 Windy HHI Ct, Sunfish Lake 55077, , richa03o@msroon,tc, RICHARDSON Devle! W, Ext Educ, & Asst Prol (Ag & Applied Econ) 249 CLA 011 ( ), 1326 CPach Rd, Apt 231, St Paul 55106, wynn@ RICHARDSON Eric B, Research Assistant (Lab Medicine & Palhology) Bx 198 Mayo, 3201 E53rd St, Minneapolis 55417, rlcheoll@ RICHARDSON Gall D, Prln Acct Sp/Supv, (Surgery-General) Bx 195 Mayo ( ), PW B ( ), g-ricl'il@, lax: RICHARDSON Gregg M, Assoc Ubrsrlan (St Paul Csmpus Ubrsrles) Csnt Ub ( ), ( ), RICHARDSON Jennelle D, Grad School Fellow (Phannacology) Mlrd H( ), 16-2ll8 Moos T, th Ave 5 E, Apt E, MlnnespollS 55414, , RICHARDSON Jessie F, Asst Prol Emer (BlomedIcal Ubrsry), Assoc Ubrarian, 3725 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis 55409, , richa036@ RICHARDSON Klrk L, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Fscililies Mgr!)l-Adm) 307 Shops B ( ), lh StN, Forest Lake 55025, rlchs022@ RICHARDSON Nancy, Clln InSlr (Fam Prectic8 & Communtty HIth) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), PWB, Butlalo Fsmlly Care Center, 303 CsUln Sf; liox 186, Butlalo 55313, ( ), rlchaoo6@ RICHARDSON Paul T, Mad Fel Spec (Psychiatry) Bx 393 Mayo, rlche025@ RICHARDSON Ronald L, Sr Food SeN Wkr (H Calelerla) Bx 84 Mayo ( ), C265 Mayo, 1401 Portisnd Ave S, Apt Al01, Minneapolis 55404, richaoi8@ RICHARDSON Shauna R, Jr Scientist (PhannacoIogy) Mird H ( ), Owre H, 4061 Balhel Dr, Apt 29, 5t Paul 55112, , RICHARDSON Thomas K, Research Assistant (Educational Psychology) N520 Ell H ( ), 218 PI H, 175 ECounty Rd 82, Suite 302, LillIe Csneda 55117, ( ), 1185 WBrooks, Roseville 55113, , rlchaoi3@ RICHARDSON TImothy I, Teaching Asslstsnt (Chemistry) 139 smith H( ), 760 Mount Curve Blvd, Apt 402, St Paul 55116, , rlcha034@ RICHARDSON Vema K, 0tIlce Spec (UMD-KIrby Student Csnter) 1341< SC Duluth ( ), ( ),1356 Quail Ave, Cloquet 55"20 RICHARDT Mary M, AdmIn DIreCtOr (lloynton-laborslory) S285 Boyn HS( ),, rlcha023@, lax: pager: RICHERT Nancy K, 0tIlce Spec (Stu Aflrs Bud & Hr) 110 Wmson H ( ), n-rich@ RICHMOND TImothy B, AsSOC oev 0IIIcer (CIa, 0tIlce 01 Extsmal Relations) 225 Joh H( ) ( ),17426 Horseshoe Way, lakeville 55044, rlchmoo3@ RICHTER Bonnie M, Nurse Mgr (H OPD-Masonlc Day Hosp) Bx 86 Mayo ( ), Ml07 Mas Csn Ctr ( ), rlchloo2@ RICHTER Cynthia M, Teaching Assistant (AmerIcan Studies) 104 Scott H, richtoo6@ RICHTER Dsvid A, Teaching Assistant (Sch 01 Mathematics) Vln H( ), 318 Elect E, 1601 Franklin Ave S E, Minneapolis 55414, , rlchtoo7@ RICHTER Hans 0, Post-Doc Assoc (Physiology) Mlrd H, Va Medical CsnIIlr, BraIn SCIences Csntsr (11B), One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), , richtoo8@' RICHTER Janel K, Prln secretary (Otolaryngology) Bx 396 Mayo ( ), PW B, rlchtoo3@ RICHTER Jetlrey S, Teaching Assistant (General COllege) 140 Ap H( ), richtoll@ RICHTER Kenneth J, Associate Pro1essor (Disgnostic/Surglesl Sci) Moos T ( ), VA Medlesl Csntar (160), One Vatersns Dr, Minneapolis 55417, ( ), rlchtoo1@ RICHTER Marcel K, Protessor (Economics) 1035 Mgml/Econ ( ), ( ), , RICHTER Mildred P, 5r secretary (Greduate Schoo~Admln) 316 Joh H ( ),. rich1oo5@ RICHTER Wsyne H, Associate Pro1essor (Sch 01 Mathematics) 127 Vln H ( ), , RICHTERKESStNG ErIn A, Teaching AssIstant (SocIal Work, Sch 01) 215 Ford H, 220 EFranklin Ave, Apt 201, Minneapolis 55404, RICHTMAN Ann C, Teaching Specialist (CEE & 5ummer Sesslon-UMD)469 A BAH Duluth, 1022 Clough Ave, Superior Wi 54880, RICK Janelie D, R_rch AssIstant (EpIdemiology) nd St ( ),,edu RICK Joseph W, Psychia1rlc Asst (UnR 62 AduR Psychialry, Acuts) PCU82 Mayo ( ), 8695 scandia Trsil N, Forest Lake 55025: ,, RICKARD James D, Jr Lab Tech (Entomology) 219 Hodson H( ), 3314 Dupont Ave N, Mlnnespolis 55412, rlckaoo7@ RICKARD Michael D, ElectrIcIsn (Fae Mgmt-Te Electrle) 25 Shops B, rd Lane NW, Andover 55304, , rlckaoo6@,edu RICKARD Pat, Exec secretary (IT Admin) 105 Wa Ub ( ),, lax: RICKARD Robert N, Sr Redioklg Tech (lliagnoatic Radiology) Bx 292 Mayo ( ), UHasp ( ), ( ), rlckaoo3@ RICKE ANSON Gean, Med/Clln Lab Tech (Hasp Labs-Virology) Bx 198 Mayo ( ), PWB, 4520 Dupont Ave S, Mlnneapofis 55409, rlckeoo2@ RICKER Beverly J, Instructor (PedialrIcs) Bx 391 Mayo, PWB, 200 Univerlily Ave, St Paul 55101, ( ), RICKERS SusanR, Admin Fellow (Social Work, Sch 01) 400 Ford H( ), , ricke005@lj9ld,tc.umn,edu RICKETTS F1aunsn, Lecturer (Sch 01 Mathematics) 127 YIn H, Nonnandsle Community College, 9700 France Ave S, Bloomington 55431, ( ), , R1CKGAIIN Ralph L, Prln Res Hsil Dir (Housing Servlces-AdmIn) 82 Com H( ), ( ), 3536 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis 55408, , ralph@hs.tlnop.umn,edu RICKMAN Steven R, Research Assistant (Chem Eng Mat Sci) 107 Aker H, 907 Dal1moUlh Pises S E, Minneapolis 55414, , rlckrnoo1@ RICO Vanesaa D, Sr Med Rec Admin (H Medical Records Into) Bx 601 Mayo, 1481 St Clair Ave, St Paul 55106, RlCORD II8rberlI A, Sr Sscretary (UMe-Student AtIalr8-Adm) 109 Set HCrooka1on ( ), ( ), , bricord@niail.crk.umn,edu RIDER Jolene N, Prln secretary (Athletics, Women's Intcilg) 245 BFA B ( ), th Ave S, MlnnespollS 55407, , rideroo3@ RIDER Paul E, R-oo Asalstant (Physics & As1rOnOmy) 148Phys ( ), th Ave 5 E, Minneapolis 55414, , riderool@ RIDGEWAY Sh8ron A, R-oo Asslslsnt (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & Res) HSUnR F ( ), ( ), PO liox 125, Monticello 55362, , rkigeoo2@ RIDGEWELL AlIce M, Sr 0tIlce Asst (UMD-Booka1ore) 175 K S C Duluth ( ), RIDGWAYlee A, Accounta Spec (Food Svcs) 116 Food 0 B ( ), rldgwoo2@ RIDGWAY Unds D, Prln Sscretary. (Surgery-General) Bx 280 Mayo ( ), Moos T ( ), , ridgwoo1@ ' RIDLEY David J, ClIn InSlr (Medicine), Midway Internal MedIcIne, 1690 University Ave, Suite 570: St Paul 55104, ( ), r1d1eoo1@ RIEBE Osvld J, Teaching AssIstsnt (Aerospace Eng & MechanIcs) 107 Aker H( ), 36 Elect E( ), 4938 HarrIe1 Ave, Minneapolis 55409, , riebeoo2@ RIE. Marsha L, Exec Asst (Graduate sdiooj.admln) 321 Joh H( ), th AYe S, Minneapolis 55407, , rlebeoo1@ RIE.R Tammy K, Teeching Assistant (UMD-Blology) 211 LSci Duluth ( ), 1512 E5th St, Duluth 55812, RIECK Kellh, Student Deta Pro Tee (Dlstrlbu1ed Computing ServIces) E E/C Sci ( ), RIECK Parry P, Asst Farm An All (AE8-Soulhem E8-Wasecs), Southern Experiment Station, Wasecs 58093, ( ). RIEDEL ErIc, Teaching Asalstsnt (Political Science) 1414 Soc Sci ( ), ( ), 4515 Wentworth Ave 5, Minneapolis 55409, , RIEDEL Johannes, Prot Emer (Music), 454 Frontsnac Pisce, St Paul 55104, , rledeoo3@ RIEDEL Laurel W, Instructor (Nursing, Sch OI-Prog & Res) HS UnR F, 5133 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 55419, , riedeoo6@ RIEDEL Midlelle M, Sr Photographer (Vet Med CollegIate Lab Fec) 432 Vet 5 ( ), 2301 Henna Ave N, Oekdale 55128, , RIEDINGER Lonna J, Stu Sup 5rv Assoc (CLA Student Aced Suppl Svcs) 214 Joh H ( ), RIEDL John T, AssIstsnt Professor (Computer Science) E E/C Sci ( ),1340 CsIiIomia Ave W, Falcon HeIgh1S 55106, ,, lax: RIEDL Kevin J, Teeching Asalsllnt (Marketing & LogIstics Mgmt) 1235 Mgml/Econ ( ), 309 8th St 5 E, Apt 211, Minneapolis 55414, RIEDL Maureen S, Posl-Doc Assoc (CsII Biology & Neuroanatomy) Jac H( ), 1340 CsII1om1a Ave W, Falcon HeightS 55106, , riedioo3@ RIEGER Helen A, Prln Secretary (Amer Indian StudIee) 102 Scott H (82~1338), (Chicano Studies) ( ), riegeoo2@ RIEGERT JR Lao W, Teaching Asslstant (German, Scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H ( ), 2085 Dotta Dr, Apt 403, White Bear Lake 55110, , riegeool@ maroon,tc; RIEHL Charles, SheetMetal Wrker (FacHlties Mgmt-Adm) 403 Shops B ( ), ( ), rlehioo3@ RIEHLE TImothy H, Gred School Fellow (PhysIcs & Astronomy) 146 Phys ( ), 328 6th Ave S E, Apt 305, Minneapolis 55414, , rlehlool@ RIEKEN Stephanie D, R-OO.Assistant (ArchiteclUre) 110 Arch, , rlek8001@ RIEMENSCHNEIDER Don E, Ad! Assoc Prot (Forest Resources), Foreatry ScIencea Lab, 5985 Hwy K, Rhlnelandsr 54501, ( ), 2880 Bible Csmp Rd, Rhinelander WI RIEMER Richard L, Jr ScIentIst (Blochemlslry-eBS) 140 Gar L ( ), rlemeoo1@ RIEMER Steven C, Res FeUow (Orsl ScIencea) Moos T ( ), th Ave S, Minneapolis 55406, , rtemeoo3@ RIEMERSMA Georgann, Sr Acoountant (UMF/Osvel Assoc Vp) S 2nd St ( ), vsndeoi4@ RIENDEAU Jo Ann C, Sr Deta Entry Cpr (OIC 01 The Registrar-Stu Contact) 150Wmson H, 2857 Marien St, Roseville 55113, rtendool@, maroon, RIEPE Heidi R, Resesrch Assistant (Food Sci & Nutrition (Agr)) 225 FSc N( ), 1784 PortIsnd Ave, Apt 2, St Paul 55104, , rlepeoo1@ RIEPE Laura A, Occupa Therapist (H OCCupational Therapy) Bx 106 Mayo ( ), 426 Ch R C, 1299 Grand Ave, Apt 306, 5t Paul 55105, rlepe002@ RIERSON Susan R, Jr Lab Tech (Vet Diag Medicine) 244 Vet DL, MN Poultry Testing Laborstory, 2323 S 1st St, Willmar 58201, 611 S W 6th 5t, WiDmar 58201, , riersool@ RIESGRAF Ellzabslh A, Clin Instr (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Csntrsl MN Health Plan, th St N, 51 Cloud RIESLAND Unda J, Bldg &Grds Wkr 3 (Fac Mgmt-Custodiaij 241 DAd B Duluth ( ) RIESS Laslie E, C1ln Asst Prof (Medlclne-UMD) 141 Med Duluth, Raiter Clinic, 417 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet RIESS Nancy A, Pharrnacls1 (H Outpatient Pharmacy) Bx 612 Mayo, rieasoo2@ RIES-STANSBURY Terri L, Prln Secretsry (Nursing Resouroe 0tIIce) Bx 603 Mayo, 3474 Coachmsn Rd, Eagan 55122, , riessool@ RIFLEMAN Robert C, Gen Sisti Nurse (4D-S1cu) PCU4D Mayo, W U5 Hwy 10, Prescott Wi 54021, rlfieoo1@ RIGAS Constsntine J, Clln Asst Prot (Psychialry), 3550 Deephaven Ave, Deephaven 55391, rlgssoo1@ RIGERT Chrlstine L, Gan StatlNurse (Nursing Float Pool) Bx 603 Msyo, 4019 Pleasant AVe S, Minnespolls 55409, , rigerool@ maroon, RIOOI Gloria M, Sr 0tIIce Asst Onst ollnu StudIes & Programs) 149 Nich H ( ), ( ), 410 6th 5t 5 E, Apt 210, Minneapolis 55414, , rlggioo1@ RIGGS Karen B, Program Dtr (Alumni Relations) 501 C M U( ), 615 2nd Ave S, Suite 925, Minneapolis 55402, ( ), 5843 Lake Curve Lane, Brooklyn Csnter 55429, , rlggsoo3@maroon, RIGGS Michasl R, Ad! Asst Prof (Vet Palhoblology) 204 Vet S, MH DNR Section 01 WlldlWe,5OO La1eyelle Rd, 5t Paul 55155, ( ), Pilar Ad N, ScandIa 55073, , rlggsoo1@ RIGGS William J, Lacturer(Soc Scl-UMM)109 Cam Morris ( X8200) RIGNELL Richerd D, Sr Crnp Ctr Op Mgr (Csntral Computing Services) 50 Col H( ), ( ), RIIPPA Tlmo R, Ubrary Asst 2 (Immigration Hlslary Res C1r) 826 Barry St ( ),1511 E Rose Ave, Apt 12, St Paul 55106, , rllppoo1@,lax: o

82 328 RIKALA-RIVERS STAFF RlKALA.kif M, C8pl of Pollee (PolIce Depl) 111B T5 B( ), RILEY BrigId E, Cmnty Prog Asst (NeuroIogy), VA Medical C8nlBr, One Veterans Dr,Grecc 11.0, MlflIl8IIlOlia 55417, ( X3331), 3015 E 45lh S1, MInneapoIls 55408, , rlleyoo8@ IULri Carollo Nutr Educ Asst (MES-CclIfege of Human EIDogy), Crow Wing Co Ext Ole, County SeMce Bldg, 322 launil S1, IIr8Ilwd 58401, ( ), He 88, Box 480, MerrIIIeld 56485, RILEY DInIeI N, AsaI8lant ProIessM (Fern Prectice Community HIlh~ Brooklyn Park Medical C8nlBr, th Ave N"Brooklyn Park 55443, ( ),118 Ex8I8r",-,51 Paul 55104, RILEY o.nna M, Sr Accountant (MN Landscape Arbol'8lum), MN Landscape Arbol'8lum, 3875 Arbol'8lum Dr, Box 39, ChInhassen 55317, ( X7~ 3612 W88th S1, BIoomingtlln 55431, RILEY Don8Id E, EnII8llld-Rotc (Aerospace SludIes (AF ROTC)) 3 Nrooly ( ), ( ), th Ave NE, FrtdIey 55432, ,, Itt 812~ RILEY Don8Id R, Assoc VIce PIllS (Ac8demIc AtlIIrs-Computin 8 Mol' H( ), ( ), ( ), 82121dy1wood Lane, EdIna 55436, , drriiey@, Itt RILEY John O. CIn Prof (0phlhUn0Iagy), 4001 N E5tinl1on Blvd Sta U18, MInneIpoIIa 55421, ( ), RILEY JucIIlh K, Prtn 5ecr8tIry lumm.qianceiior's Ofo.Adm) 11 EckI Morris ( ), 508 E8th S1, Apt 8. Morris 58267, , RILEY Kathryn, ProIessor (UMD-ComposItion) 420 HDutulh ( ), ( ). kriiey@ RILEY Pamela e, SociII Wkr, Prtn (H SociII Work) 8x 181 Mayo ( ), C373 Mayo (82&-0128), 484 WWinona S1, 51 Paul 55107, riliyoo3@ RILEY SheIla A, Prtn 5ecr8tIry (He8Ilh Mgmt PoIIcy)8x 97 Mayo ( ), D305 Mayo, th Ave 5 E, MinneIpoIIs 55414, , RILEY ThomIs R, EIectrtcian (FacIIItielI Mgmt-Adm) 200 Shops B, Drew Ave 5, BklomInglon 55431, , rtieyol8@ RILEY VIclor A, Teachlng AssistInt (CEE RocIlestlIr C1r), 3660 Tec:hnoklgy Dr, Minneapolis 55418,( ), RILEY-8A11STE Menjlwe, Per DlIin GIn (Nursing Float Pool) 8x 803 Mayo, rlleyoo8@ RlMARCIK JuIee L. Teachlng Assistant (EnglIsh As A5ec:oncI Language) 112 KIa Ct, rimaiool@ RIMESTAD Martin L. Clln Asst Prof (FlIlII Prectice Community HIlh) Bx 361 Mayo ( ), PW B, 424 RlveraIcIe, Amery WI 54001, , RINARD Peggy J. SCience Writer (He8Ilh Sd Public All) 8x 735 Mayo ( ), A395 Mayo, 4489 EV8lgl8Ill Dr, VacIn8Is HeIghts 55127, , R/lIIIAL DlI ld A, Reseatch AssIstant (0lemlcaI Eng Mil Sc:l) 118 AmuncI H( ) RINDAL JelIn, U ClIn Nurse Spec (5ulgely-6lnetlll) 8x 42 Msyo ( ) P WB, 158 Mouncls Blvd, Sf Paul 55106, n4-2129,, pager: RlNDAL VicIde L. Prtn 5ecr8tIry (UMD-SuppoltM Sves Prog) 136 LDutulh (728-71~ (UMD-Accns Clrl. 612 N40th Ave W Duluth 55807, , RINDE C8roIlI A, Sr 0lIlce Asst (Iloyn\Iln-MedI Reconls) Nl00 Boyn H5 ( ~ ( ), 4969 Stawelt Ave, WhIte Beer Lak , RIHEIWIT GenIIcI 0, DIr (ClIlIIp/Coll8vel) (Mgmt, SCh 01, ~ Prog) 290 HHHCtr ( ), ( ), , grinehalt@, Itt612.c RlNEtWlT...5, AssIstant PIofessor (Psychology) N218 8t H, llnehoo3@ RINEHART JiU 5, Research Asslstant (PecIIatlIcs) Bx 721 Mayo ( ), 2368 DoawIII Ave, Sf Paul 55108, , rinehoo1@ RINEHART Peggy M, SCience Writer (PedIatrlcS) Bx 721 MayQ ( ), 115 Mayo, 2368 Doswell Ave, Sf Paul 55106, , RIMERSON Andrew R, Nunslng SII Tech (4D-Sl<:u) PCU40 Mayo, rtneloo1@,,rines Howalcl W, Ad) Prof (Agronomy' Plant Genetics) 411 Bor H( ), 4292 Nancy Place, Sholaview 55126, , rtnesolll@ RINES Kenneth J, Unclrgnl Ta Non-U Stu (SCh of MlIlhemaUcs) 115 Vin H ( ~ 4292 Nancy Place, 5hon1v1ew 55126, , rhiaoo2@ RING Shil1ey J, Sr Electron Tech (PhyIlcs Astronomy, SCh of) 148 Phys ( ), RING ThomIs E, Colp of Pollee (Pollee D8pal1ment) Pol 0 B ( O),rtngx002@ RINGOAHL DeborIh R, Assoc Educ Spec (Nuralng, SCh Of Prog' Ras) H5 Un" F ( ), ( ), rlngciool@ RlNGDAL Diane M, Mld/Clln Lab Tech (H Cardiovascular Prog-Card Calh Lab) Bx 508 Mayo ( ), 335 VeRe ( ), 4334 WBIcome Ave N, Crys1aI rtngcioo2@ RINGER Janice E, Asat DIr saa (UMIHlealth 5alvices) 158 H5 Duluth ( ) RlNGHAND Mic<hBe1 J, Gen Stall Nurae (4D-SIcu) PCU4D Mayo, 3343 Coachman ReI; Apl204, Eagan 55121, rlnghoo1@ RlHoaulST Elling J, Asst Sdentiat (IIIoklgIcaI Process Tech Inat) 240 Got L( ). ( ), th Ave S. MInnIIapoIIa 55417, , RINGS Ble1 5. Teaching AssislBlIlIVIII Pa1hobloIogy) 205 Vet 5 (82W748), VIII MId AssociatlJ E-230 Vet 0 L( ), ( ), 373'OlcI Hwy 8, Apt 204, New Brighton 55112, , RINGSAK Baverty A, Proglam AssociatlJ (Prof Oev & Conferenc8 5vc) 206 NeeE( ), 107 BIrchwoocI Ave, WhI1a Beer Lak ,, Itt RINGSRED Chris P, Instruclot (UMD-lncIus Tech 5tuc1ias) 113 VKHDUulh ( ), 6888 WIIlanch ReI, DuIulh55803, RINGSRED John N, Prolassor (UMo.lncIus Tech Stuclies) 109 VKHDuluth ( ), ( ), 111 Marton S1, DuIulh 55803, RINGSRUD Karen M, AsslItant PIofessor (Lab MedIcine Pathology) Bx 809 Mayo ( ), Mayo, 1948 Drew Ave 5, Mlnn8IpalIs 55416, , RlNOWELSKI EUzabe1h M, LIlrIly Mgr 1 (M1nI1ax) MWL( ), HIng@ RINlK Chlis1lne, Assoc Univ Allomey (ae-aj CounsaI, Ole of) 325 Mor H( ),I1nIk@ RiNKER Ruth M, Asat DIrcar_ (CalcIlopuImonar 8elvIcas) Bx 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo ( ).5816 Grass Lake T8lf8C8, MinnMpolIs 55418, liith@cps.umhc.umn.aciu, Itt RINKLEFF Josaph H, Jr Lab Tech (AES-AglIcuIIur8) 218 Hodson H( ), ( ), RINNHOUISBrt A, Teac:hing Assistant IMuaIc) 100 Farg H, Reseatch AasIatanI, lllh S1, Apl334. MJnneapoIls 55404, ; RIORDAN"-F, Raa-chAaIIItBnt (Malhama1ica, SCh of) 127 YIn H,Fmc Technology Canter, nd 51, MInn8IpoIIs 55454, ( ), liorcian@geom.umn_ RIOS Ana Marta L. Reseatch AsaIalant (Hiatory-Gracl Accls) 614 Soc Sd (S24-781a ( ),19 27th Ave S E, Apl13, Minneapolis 55414, RIOS AnI1a M, Exec Asst (AcedImlc Ahilt-Adm) 410 Mor H( ), (fi2s.2385~ (828-OO51~ 3314 Dupont Ave N, MImaapoIs rloe@, fax: RlOS IEtITEZ MBl1B, MId Fe! (Sulgery-Gena\'Bl) Bx42Mayo(825-14OO), PW B, 2015 C8l*IIAve NE, Apt 312, MInneapoIta 55418, 7' , IlIOUIlEUHD Nelly E, Teathing Aaatatant (Gen ~ Mol. Couns) 27 Ap H ( ), RIOUX DImlI F, PoIt-DocAssoc(~ Eng MIt Sc:l) 202 AlIUlCl H( ), ( ), 2706 HumbolcIt Ave 5, Apt 301, Mlnneapolta 55408, 871.e773, rtouxool@m1roon.te.umn.aclu, Itt61U RIPICEN John F. Prof Emar (CIvil Engineering), 3701 Illyant Ave 5, Apt 501, Minneapolis 55409, 827.f674,lIpkaOO1@ RIPLEY.fIETZOLDT Mary Lou, Asst Sdantlat (Lab MedIcine. Pathology) 8x 198 Mayo ( ), L Msyo ( ),4113 E50th 51, MlnneapolIs 55417, , petzolclt@ IlI'PDebra A. Sr Hosp CarrIar (H Patient EllCOlt) 8x 706 Mayo, rippx002@ RIPP Lany B, Hosp CustocIIan 3 (H EnvIronmental 5elv) Bx 55 MaYo, A102 Mayo, rtppxoo1@ RlPPIEllClEll Coral G, 0lIlce Spec (UMD-FlnIndaI CoIlectiona) Ad B Duluth ( ).2142 Mace ReI, IluIulh 55804, RIPPE Steven J, Cmnty Prog Spec (GC'Admlulsllllllon) 2722 Unlv Av sa (627-41~! RIPPlE EdwalcI G, ~(PhanneceU1lCS) &-1270 HSUnit F~. 2N Mallard ReI, NClllIt 0Iks 55127, , rippiool@, Itt IlIP8lN CynthIa M. TampfGaI Employ (FlIlII Prectice CommunIly HIlh) 200 S25 Wash Av SE ( ), RISCH AncInIa M, Accounts Spec (Danna1lllogy) 8x 98 Mayo ( ), PW B, rlchx010@ RISCH MBl1t L. 0lIlce Spec (StucIant Anancial AIel, Ole of) 210 Fl88Irtl, 231 HIghvIew Lane, Long Lak , , rtschool@ IlIIDAILJack M, AsaIstant PIofessor (CUnIcaI PqUalIon SCIencles) 225 Vet TCh HoI ( ) (825-~ , rtadaoo:l@ IlIIDAHLJeannItIe S, PhyslcIan (8ovnIDn-IntIIm MIdCIlnIc) W351 Boyn H5 ( ~ 6474 Tile Lane. Hugo 55036, IlI8DON DaYlcl R, Taacl*lg SpeclaJlat (UMD-MusIc Leason ~) 231 HDuIulh ( ),6733 Hwy agIoaw IlI8DON Kenneth e, AssociatlJ Prolassor (UMD-ComposItion) 420 HIluIulh ( ), ( ),131 Waverly ",-, Duluth 55803, , ktiedon@ci.wm.aciu RIIHER DlI ld W. Na1I Rea 5elv Fellow (MedlcaI SchcoI-Adm) 8x 293 Mayo ( ), Owre H, 614 Pol1IancI Ave. Apl83, Sf Paul 55102, III8KU ~ T, Assistant PIofessor (EcIucaIIon-UMM) EckI Morris ( ), ClnIgon Ave, Mon1s , riskumt@ caa.mra umn edu RISTAU Eric A, Sdentiat (Ajp'onomy Plant GeneIIca) 411 Bcr H( ), 105A Hay&a H, 1,844 BaJll1l Ave, 51 Pm 55118, , ris1* III8TOW NIncy J, MedJCIn lab Tech (Hosp ~) Bx 186 Mayo ( ), U Hosp, IlISTRClII Carl E, AabeslDs Workir (Construc:lton AdmiI) 201 HoI B( ), th 51 E,, I.-Grove HIs 55077, RITa.DND DIana L. Assoc AdmiI (Entomology) 219 HocIIon H( ) New Brighton ReI Aldan HIls 55112, 83N067,lk1Ic@ IlIT!NCIUIl E Russel, Aasocl8llB Prof8SSOl (RIIlIcllogy) 8x 282 Mayo (82&-0131), Mayo, 8713 Wood CI1I CIrcle. Bloomington fax: , pagar: IlIIINOUIl KlIs1an A, Sr Stlns CIalk (D8nIIatry.Qnlc Prog) Mcoa T ( ), 1lrTMEEIl'!R TInake, Aasocl8llB Professor (UMo-w-n's SludIes) 488 ABAH DuIulh ( ~ 473H ( ), trlimeas@ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA RITTENOUR Jean M, Prtn 5ecr8tIry (BkIg O1IIcIal's 0fIIcal 1425 Univ Av sa ( ) Hayaa Sf NE, Minneapolis 55421, , lit18oo6@ RITTENOUR Virginia A, Assoc AdmIn' (MecIIclne) Bx 192 Mayo ( ), 182 VeRe, rltiaoo7@ ' RITTER BalbBra A, Gen Stall Nurse (PecIIatric Intensive Care-4E) PCU4E Mayo ( ). RITTER CIanI L. Sr SCIentist (Lab MedIcIne Pathology), VAMldical CantlIr, One V... Dr (151B), Minneepolis 55417, (725-2OOOX55~ 4108 Sheridan Ave 5. MInneapoIls 55410, , RlTTER Frank J, InstruclDr (NeurcIogy), 310 N 8mIlh Ave, Suite 300, 51 Paul ( ), 1690 Neal Ave N, StiIIwa1Ier55062, , RITTER Gail., t>harmacy Tech (H Inpatient Phannacy) Bx 611 Mayo, 0147 Mayo, 732 E18th S1, MiIlr!88polls 55404, ,lI1tltOO2@ RITTER Mindy J, Gen Stall Nuraa (4D-Slcu) PCU40 Mayo, ,lIItaOO5@ RITTER 5hanln L. CanliO-Puim Spec (c.diopuimonary8elvlcas) 8x 247 Mayo ( ), C559 Mayo, rtit8oo6@ ' RITTERLING Marcia K, Prtn Acct SpfSupY (Fcnst Rasoun:as) 115 Gm H( ),11lI'ItI8I1@ RITTS Grahlllll 0, ClIn Instr (MedIcIne-UMO) 141 MId Dufulh, Nol1hlancI Medical CantlIr, 1000e 1st S1, SUI1a 404, Duluth RITZ T_ L, Assoc AdmIa (ForlIst Procb:ts) 203 Kauf L( ), ~, 659 PIne Valley Trail, HucIson WI 54016, b1tz@, Itt RITZER Mary F, TlBi1Ing CoolcI (TlBi1Ing 5aMcas) nd 51 ( ), 1423 RincIclph Ave, 51 Paul 55105, ,1IHIIz@ RfTZINGER Patricia A, Sr RaclIolog Tech (~ RedioIogy) 8x212 Mayo, t0680 Southshore Dr, Plymouth 55441, ritzlool@ RJTZtNQER JUEU. LeiBa M, Sr DIta Entry Opr (BiOs1atis1lcs) Unlv Av sa ( ~ , ritzioll2@maroo.te.umn.1ciu RIVARD ca1heline T, MldRecolcl CIalk (H MedIcal Reconls) 8x801 Mayo, ~ RIVARD JamesJ, Asst Sdentiat (MedIcine) Bx 108 Mayo ( ), Mcoa T ( ~ 1801 Hague Ave, 51 Paul 55104, RIVARD Kathlean 5, Child CanI TlIIIChr (UnIverai1y ChIk1 Care CanI8ll ChilcIc:aIll ( ), 1261 NClllIt Ct, New Bltghlon 55112, , RIVARD MIChael A, l.eciww (All Dapal1mIntJ 206 All B( ), S38 Dayton Ave, 51 Paul 55104, , RIVENESS MyI1e I, Sr SecllIlary (FacIi1las Mgrnt-Admln Support) 100 SIiops B( ); t1020washinglon 51 NE, IlIaIne 55434, , RIVERA DanIal R, Bldg & Onls Wkr 3 (FacIIIIas Mgmt-Admj 57A MgmlfEcon ( ). ( ), RIVERA Natalia, ShortTIlm Employ (MuaIc) 100 Ferg H, 106 DlamoncI Lak8 ReI W, Apt 1, MlhiIaapoIis 55419, 827~, riveloo7@ RIVERS elizabeth A, Asst Prof Emar (PhyaicaI MId RehllbllltatlQn), 51 Paul RamMy MedIcal Canter, Bum C8nlBr, 640 JacksonS1, Sf Paul 55101, ( ~ r1vel1lo8@, Itt ~,pagar: RIVERS Erik e, Hosp Lab Tech 2 (PedIa1rIca~ 2324 University Ave, SuIla 201, Sf Paul 55114, (627"15),.1776 HoIIIln 51 N, Falcon HeIghts 55113, , RIVERS Lollliel M, Gen Stall Nurse (H OPD-Ernergency 5elv) Bx 710 Mayo, claiexoll4@ rharoon.te.umn.aciu RIVEIlS William J, VII MId AssociatlJ (Smal AnImal elin ScI) C339 VII TCh HoI (S ~ Taechlng Assistant (825-n44), ( ), riyaroo1@

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