NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018

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1 NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 The Hillsborough County Robotics NXT/EV3 mat was designed by the Elementary Science and Mathematics Team NXT/EV3 Rulebook Competition Values: Treat people with respect and kindness. People from your own teams as well as people from other teams, judging staff and volunteers. Build onto other people s ideas. Engineers work as teams in order to make improvements on designs or programming. In the spirit of innovation, if you are not breaking any rules, there are no wrong or unethical strategies, only allowable and reversible strategies. NXT/EV3 Team: The team must be coached by the individual that was awarded the materials. The team must be made up of eight 4th and/or 5th grade students or a combination of those two grades. Teams will be scored in two division depending on the type of Lego robot kit used: NXT or EV3 Field: The Field is where the NXT/EV3 Robotics competition takes place. It consists of the Hillsborough County created NXT/EV3 mat, dual locked to the table, where the mission models are arranged on top. The field mat and the pieces needed to compete are part of the Field Setup Kit that are shared with school sites. The instructions for building the mission models are in the Robotics Icon. Robot: The robot is defined as the main body containing the NXT/EV3 controller (the brick) and any currently installed parts or attachments. Strategic Objects: Mission: Strategic objects are allowed and defined as team supplied objects other than the robot. Strategic items must come from the current year s Field Supply Kit, or from and NXT/EV3 kit. You may use a strategic object by hand to prepare or aim a robot in Base. An active robot may use a strategic object anywhere. A mission is something that the robot can try to do on the field to score points. The robot may work on more than one mission at a time. Missions may be tried in any order, alone or in groups, retried when possible and allowed, or skipped. NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 1

2 Points are given if the required results are still visible on the field at the END of the match, unless the judge deems otherwise. Match: Students will be given five minutes to solve two STEM problems prior to coming to the board. Teams will be given one minute (1:00) at the Field to check the setup of mission pieces and prepare their robot for the match. For three minutes (3:00) the robot tries to get as many points as it can by achieving mission results. The timer never pauses during a match. There will be two rounds; each one is a unique chance for the NXT/EV3 Team to get the best score. Only the best score from the two rounds will count. Between rounds the team MAY have a chance to go back to the pit table and make some final adjustments and work on programs as needed, but this time may be limited depending on the final schedule of events. Equipment: This rule pertains to all that you bring to the match. Software: Everything you compete with on the robot must be made of LEGO elements in the original factory condition. You are restricted to using Lego pieces that are found in the NXT/EV3 kits. Only three motors are allowed to be used within the match at any time. Objects functioning as remote controls are not allowed within the competition. Within one match you may not switch out complete robots, however between rounds you may use an alternate NXT/EV3 brick if problems persist with the original. The robot must be programmed using Lego Mindstorms, NXT/EV3 software. Text Based and/or outside software is not allowed. Wireless Signals: For the safety of your robotics programming, only USB cables are allowed in order to download programs. All wireless and blue tooth devices need to be turned off. Bluetooth must be switched off at all times. Base: Base is an imaginary prism formed by vertical walls that rise from the perimeter of the Base area, including the inside surface of the border walls. Base is a VOLUME- not area. Base is the place for the robot to be prepared, started from, and serviced if needed. NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 2

3 There will be a table near the Base that serves as an extension of Base for students to use. All items that are eligible for scoring must end in the Base or on the table extending the Base for judges to award points. A container MAY be supplied by the judges for this purpose. Judges Rulings and Questions: All judges rulings are final. Judges will always rule in favor of the students to benefit the scoring. Students are encouraged to problem solve creatively. If a rule is not specifically stated students are free to come up with any solutions. If a school asks a question about a mission strategy during the year, the question and answer will shared in the Robotics Icon. If a Detail is not mentioned Assuming you have read all the missions, rules, and Q & A carefully If no particular method is required, than any method is ok. If something is not required, then you don t have to do it. If there s no restriction against something, then it s allowed. There are not hidden requirements or restrictions. Variability: As you build and program, keep in mind that our suppliers, donors, and volunteers make every effort to ensure that all fields are correct and identical, but you expect some variability, such as: Texture/ bumps in the mat itself Waviness in the mat itself Flaws in the border walls Texture of the table Variety in lighting conditions Pre-Match Preparation: Match Procedures Teams will be called to solve the math and science challenge problem. Students will be allowed to bring their STEM notebooks, robot and any materials they are using for competition. Teams will be given five minutes (5:00) to solve the problems. Students will then transition directly to the competition mat. Students will have one minute (1:00) to organize their materials, check the mat for accuracy and prepare their robot for competition. Students will compete using the mission models supplied by the judges. NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 3

4 You MAY NOT: o Take the missions apart o Lock or attach the missions to the robot with the exception of items in Base o Touch or retrieve mission models out of Base STEM Challenge: Student teams will be called to the STEM Challenge area. Here they will receive a confidential math and science problem. They will be given five minutes to solve these challenges. Both correct solutions may be used for points on the field. Students will be asked to solve the problems on the paper provided. They will take their answer directly to the competition table when time is called, and these papers will be collected after each round. Starting from this work area until the end of the competition round, coaches will not have contact with their teams. Start and Restart: For the match start and all restarts, the entire robot, including the attachments must fit COMPLETELY in Base. For the match start, the judge checks that things are in proper starting position, then signals your readiness to the announcer. The announcers, will say, Ready, set, LEGO! At that time the clock will start with the three minutes (3:00) and students are to start their robot. Touch Penalties: This rule is enforced when students touch the robot outside of Base, once the match has started. If students decide to touch the robot outside of Base they will receive a touch penalty. Once any part of the robot crosses the surface of the Base, the robot may be retrieved. Failure and Loss: Anything that happens on the field outside of Base stays that way for the remainder of the match, unless the robot changes it. Objects moved/ left outside Base are not replaced or moved out of the way by hand. Damage and chaos caused by an active robot are not repaired or reset by hand. Cargo the robot loses contact with is left wherever it comes to rest. The robot can ruin its own opportunity to accomplish tasks, and can even spoil previous results. NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 4

5 All scoring takes place at the end of the match, where components rest, unless stated in the mission. Model/ Mission Damage: Students will have one minute (1:00) prior to the start of the match to examine the board for any obvious damage. Model/Mission damage is not repaired during the match. Any model damage obviously due to poor set up or lack of maintenance is treated with the benefit of doubt. Reversible Accidents: When things such as a sleeve, table bump, or illegal action disturb the field in any way, the judge physically reverses the change if he or she feels that it s easy. If the change is too hard to undo... o If the accident was the team s fault, negative scoring effects stand, and positive scoring effects do not. o If the accident was not the team s fault, the team gets the benefit of the doubt on all scoring related questions. IN/Touching The object is in, completely in, touching, or bordering. Out means the object is completely out of the area. Any amount of direct contact counts as touching. Students will always be scored with the benefit of doubt. Scoring Unless a specific method is required and stated within the mission description, the score will be assessed Based on the conditions at the exact time the match ends only. Points are not given nor taken away for results produced after the match ends (once time is up). After the round: At the time of the match end, the signal and time will be called. If the robot is still running the judge will then stop the robot at that time. No one is allowed to touch anything on the field. Any pieces students want scored must be IN Base on the mat, or on the extension table provided. The judge will note the ending position of the robot, then ask the team to take their robot and any remaining pieces from the field before scoring. The judge will also collect the STEM problem challenge paper. Data is marked on a scoring sheet. The scores are tallied by a computer. NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 5

6 Beginning in Base: Field Setup/ Mission Descriptions and Scoring At the beginning of the match the following items should be loose in Base: 4 Lego Mini-figures Remaining Relational Geosolids (hemisphere, large cube, large triangular prism, hexagonal prism) 12 red, 12 blue, 12 green, and 12 yellow connecting color tiles 10 red, 10 yellow, 10 green and 10 blue colored centimeter cubes 10 Small Solar Panels (foam green color tiles) 4 New Trackers (foam tan rhombus pattern blocks) Defining the HAEST Science Lab and HCTM Mathematics University Throughout the match, any reference to the Science Lab and the Math University are defined by the four squares making up each area on the mat: HAEST Science Lab HCTM Mathematics University NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 6

7 Science Challenge Question: Before the match students will have five minutes to answer both a science and math question. The solution to the science question will be represented by colored centimeter cubes. After completing the question, when students compete on the board, the cube(s) they select must represent the correct answer(s) to the science question, and will be placed in a 3-D Geosolid of their choice. The 3-D Geosolid and centimeter cubes are part of the items in the Base at the beginning of the match. Delivery of the 3-D Geosolid containing the correct colored centimeter cube(s) will be to the HAEST Science Lab. Students are encouraged to answer both the Math and Science challenge questions before the match begins. Once a solution to the science question has been determined, students will choose color(s) corresponding to the correct answer choice(s). In the Base, students will then place the cube(s) into the 3-D figure of their choice. This figure may remain in the Base until the end of the match, or, may be attempted to be delivered to the Science Lab by the robot. Place the correct colored cube(s) in to a 3-D figure and leave in Base or failed delivery to the Science Lab (10 pts for each correct cube or -5 pts for each incorrect cube) -OR- The Robot delivers a 3-D figure, containing the correct colored cm cube(s) to any of the four squares making up the Science Lab (15 pts for each correct cube or -5 pts for each incorrect cube) Notes: Pictures may not represent an actual solution. If students identify the correct colored cube(s), place in a Geosolid, and either leave in Base, on the table that extends Base, or fail in attempting to deliver to the University they will still receive credit for a correct solution. Two different example solutions NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 7

8 Fraction/Decimal Challenge HCTM Mathematics University: Before the match students will have five minutes to answer both a science and math question. The math question solution will be represented by building a rectangle made of connecting color tiles. After completing the question, when students compete on the board, the tiles they select must represent the correct solution to the math question. The connecting color tiles are part of the items in the Base at the beginning of the match. Delivery of the completed rectangle made with the correct color tiles will be to the HCTM Math University. Students are encouraged to answer both the Math and Science challenge questions before the match begins. Once a solution to the math question has been determined, students will choose the connecting colored tiles needed to create the correct fractional rectangle. In the Base, students will then use the tiles to build the rectangle. This rectangle may remain in the Base until the end of the match, or, may be attempted to be delivered to the Math University by the robot. Different sized rectangles may be created that still contain the correct solution, the more tiles used, the greater the score possibility. Students correctly solve the mathematics problem and create a rectangle using the connecting colored tiles to create the model and leave the model in Base or fail in an attempted deliver to the Math University (10 pts for each correct tile in the rectangle) -OR- The correct model must be delivered to any of the four squares that make up HCTM University. (15 pts for each correct tile in the rectangle) Notes: Pictures may not represent an actual solution. If students correctly create a fractional model and either leave in Base, on the table that extends Base, or fail in attempting to deliver to the University they will still receive credit for a correct solution. Two different example solutions NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 8

9 Citizen Volunteers: Four Lego Mini-figures will begin in the Base. Any Mini-figure is to be delivered to any of the four squares making up the HAEST Science Lab. Any Mini-figure is to be delivered to any of the four squares making up the HCTM Mathematics University. Any Mini-figure is to be delivered to the Highway. Any Mini-figure is to be delivered on to or within the squares containing the Solar Platform. The citizens of Mat City are always involved by volunteering in the community. One citizen is needed to help out with the STEM fair at the HAEST Science Lab and another citizen is needed to help out at the Math Bowl at the HCTM Math University. One citizen is needed to monitor the new Smog Sensors on the Highway, and another citizen is needed to help install the Solar Panels on the new Solar Platform Robot delivers one Mini-figure to the Science Lab. (20 pts) Robot delivers one Mini-figure to the Mathematics University. (20 pts) Robot delivers one Mini-figure to the Highway. (20 pts) Robot delivers one Mini-figure to the Solar Platform. (20 pts) Bonus: Each of the four Mini-figures are successfully delivered to their respective goals. (20 pts) See Mision explanations for descriptions of Science Lab, Math University, Highway, and Solar Platform Planetarium: The planetarium (represented by the hemisphere) begins in Base. Planetarium is delivered to the square on the peninsula created by points (14,7), (12,7), (14,9), & (12,9). Max and Mia would love the citizens of Mat City be able to look at the planets and stars in the night sky. A planetarium would be a wonderful addition to the city, but must be placed clear of the light pollution the busy buildings of the city produce at night. They have picked a nearby peninsula as a good location. The robot must deliver the planetarium to the peninsula. Robot delivers planetarium anywhere in the square created by points (12,7), (12,9), (14,9), & (14,7). (30 pts) NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 9

10 Tunnel Challenge: The sphere will begin on a platform built with snap cubes in the square made up of points (6,0), (7,0), (7,1) and (6,1). The platform is built of 8 snap cubes in a square, touching point (6,0) and touching the wall. The tunnel (a 16 oz. Solo plastic cup with the bottom cut out) will be placed centered with the large opening at point (2,11) and with the small opening facing the short side west wall. The cup can be attached to the walls of the board with painter s tape. It should not be taped to the mat to reduce the chance of damage to the mat. The citizens of Mat City need a means of travel through the mountains from their city to a neighboring city. The robot has been called upon to build a tunnel that the citizens can travel through. To complete this mission, the robot must be programmed to push the Geosolid sphere through the tunnel to model to the citizens how the tunnel will work. Robot pushes the sphere completely through the cup (150 pts) -OR- Robot pushes any part of the sphere into the opening of the cup, but not completely through (50 pts) Note: If the sphere goes through the cup, but rolls back inside during the match, full points are still awarded. NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 10

11 Solar Panel Platform: Large Solar Panels (Foam Base-Ten Flats) begin stacked in the square near Base made up of the points (9,1), (9,2), (10,2) and (10,1). Small Solar Panels (Foam Color Tiles) begin in Base The Solar Platform should be built with Snap Cubes and covers the space from points (11,10) to (13,10) and to the north wall of the table. Front View (10 cubes wide) Side View (3 cubes at highest point, 7 cubes deep) Top View (10 cubes wide, 7 cubes deep) Mat City residents are always on the cutting edge of technology, and they demand a new solar panel power station be built for their city. The platform has been constructed, but the solar panels need to be delivered by the robot. The Large Solar Panels (Foam Base-Ten Flats) have been dropped off by a river barge near the HAEST Science Lab and are awaiting delivery. The robot must then collect and deliver them on top of the Solar Platform. Students may also choose to use Small Solar Panels (Foam Color Tiles) instead. These Small Solar Panels begin in Base, and can be delivered to the Solar Platform instead of the Large Panels. The robot should only deliver one type of Solar Panel to the Platform (either large or small not both). Robot delivers each Large Solar Panel on the Solar Platform. (20 pts each) Robot delivers each Small Solar Panel on the Solar Platform. (10 pts each) Bonus: Robot delivers all 10 Solar Panels on top of the Solar Platform as well as a Mini-figure. (50 pts for Large, 25 pts for Small) NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 11

12 Collect and Track the Sea Creatures: 4 new Trackers (Foam Tan Rhombi Pattern Blocks) begin in Base. 3 old Trackers (Foam Blue Rhombi Pattern Blocks) are located on each adult sea creature in the ocean. The citizens of Mat City know that healthy sea life is essential to maintaining the ocean, as well as understanding where the sea creatures, such as whales, dolphins, and fish, migrate to and from. The three adult creatures have returned to the ocean near Mat City, and their trackers (Blue Rhombi) need to be collected to retrieve the data. The work done in the Science Lab has also produced new, smaller trackers (Tan Rhombi) which can now be attached to the sea creatures, including the new baby fish! Robot retrieves each old tracker (Blue Rhombi) from the sea creatures in the ocean and brings back to Base (25 pts each) R Robot delivers each new tracker (Tan Rhombi) from the Base and to a grid square in the ocean containing a sea creature, 2 may be delivered to the square with 2 fish (25 pts each) Bonus: Robot collects all 3 old trackers and delivers all 4 new trackers (50 pts) NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 12

13 Delivering Tree Saplings to the Forest: 10 Saplings (Foam Base-Ten Rods) begin in the Mat City Port near the ocean, stacked in 5 rows of 2 in the square made up of points (13,5), (14,5), (13,6) and (14,6) (stacked near the corner containing the palm tree). The Forest consists of a large rectangle made up from points (2,7), (2,10), (6,10), and (6,7). The citizens of Mat City are aware that they use wood in many of their products, and would like to plant new tree saplings to replenish some of the trees they have cut down in the forest. The Saplings (Foam Base-Ten Rods) have been delivered by a ship to the port in Mat City. The robot must retrieve the Saplings and deliver them to the Forest. Watch out for existing trees in the Forest! Robot retrieves and delivers Tree Saplings to the rectangle encompassing the Forest (20 pts each) Bonus: Robot delivers all 10 of the Tree Saplings to the Forest (20 pts) NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 13

14 Highway Smog Sensor: The smog sensor (small cylinder) begins match play on the yellow truck bed near point (20, 4). The Highway consists of any of the dark gray streets marked in the city section of the mat. As traffic increases in Mat City so does the smog pollution. In order to monitor the smog levels of Mat City, a sensor needs to be installed near the Highway. The robot is needed to retrieve and deliver the smog sensor (small cylinder) to the Highway. The Smog Sensor should be on any portion of the Highway. The robot may also move one of the Lego Mini-figures to the Highway to work with the sensor. Watch out for traffic! Robot retrieves and delivers the smog sensor (small cylinder) to any portion of the Highway (60 pts) Bonus: Robot delivers the smog sensor and a Lego Mini-figure to the same grid square on the Highway. (20 pts) Two different examples showing the smog sensor on the highway, and a Mini-figure in the same grid square NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 14

15 Mat City Obstacles: Location on the board: The Water Tower consists of the cone stacked on top of the large cylinder centered on the point (8,7) near the rivers. The Ancient Mayan Pyramids consist of the square pyramid located at point (6,6) and the triangular pyramid located at point (7,6). The Downtown High-rise Buildings consist of the small cube, small square prism, rectangular prism, and small triangular prism Geosolids located on the shadows near the Science Lab as shown in the picture: The Water Tower is need to store water during the evening for use during the day by the citizens of Mat City. The Ancient Mayan Pyramids were built by the Mayans who occupied the same area many centuries ago. In order to attract young professionals to move to Mat City, new state-of-the-art high-rise towers for citizens to work and live in near the bustling downtown area. Avoid destroying any of these Mat City obstacles during your mission! Your team will be rewarded with points for all structures still standing intact on their starting positions at the end of the match. Water Tower is still standing intact at end of match. (20 pts) Each pyramid is still in place at the end of match. (15 pts each) Each High-Rise is still in place at the end of the match (10 pts each) NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 15

16 Touch Penalties: Locations on the board: People are located at each of the following coordinates: (14,2), (19,1), & (9,8) Dogs are located on the dog beach at the following coordinates: (13,7) & (14,7) Trees are located at the following coordinates: (2,8), (2,9) & (6, 7) Cars are located at the following coordinates: (16,1) & (23,4) Touch penalties are assessed by the judge every time the team touches the robot outside of the Base. The Judge will pull a touch penalty starting with cars, then trees, then dogs, then people working from west to east using the x-coordinate People, trees, dogs, and cars still standing at end of match. (5 pts each) Humanitarian Bonus: All people are still standing at end of match. (15 pts) Final Position: Water consists of any blue markings on the mat such as the rivers or ocean. The ocean consists of any of the squares making up the Mat Ocean in the northeast section of the table. All wheels, treads, and any other part of the robot touching the mat must all be touching the ocean. The Mat City parking is made up of the grey squares contained in the rectangle made up of points (15,1), (15,4), (20,4) and (20,1). All wheels, treads, and any other part of the robot touching the mat must all be parked in these squares. Mission Description: At mission ending, defined by the sound of the timer alarm, the robot must end (be stopped) in one of three scoring positions: completely in the ocean, touching water, or completely in the Mat City parking lot. Robot ends the match touching water (15 pts) -OR- Robot ends the match completely in the ocean (all wheels/treads, etc. are in the ocean) (30 pts) -OR- Robot ends the match completely in Mat City parking lot (all wheels/treads, etc. are in the parking lot) (45 pts) NXT/EV3 Challenge 2018 Page 16

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