Clancy was a found ing mem ber of the

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1 October, DELTA CHAPTER The APInion LOUISIANA S CHANGING POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Clancy DuBos is the chair man, ed i tor and co-owner of Gam bit Com mu ni - ca tions, Inc., and the po lit i cal col um - nist for Gambit Weekly newspaper in New Or leans. He also is the on-air political commentator for WWL-TV (Eye wit ness News Chan nel 4) in New Or leans and a li censed at tor ney. Clancy and his wife Margo have owned Gambit since 1991, and he has been an at tor ney since Prior to 1991, Clancy was the full-time, on-air political reporter and analyst for WDSU-TV (NBC) in New Or leans for nearly 10 years, then at WVUE-TV (Fox 8) through Au gust 2007, and re - cently joined WWL-TV (CBS) as the station s on-air political analyst. He be - gan his jour nal ism ca reer as a po lit i cal reporter for The Times-Picayune ( ). Gambit Communications publishes Gambit Weekly (Louisiana s larg est weekly news pa per), and the on-line Best of New Or leans web site ( Clancy has had a lim ited civil law practice since graduating from Loyola Law School in He is of coun - sel at the law firm of Berrigan, Litch - field, Schonekas, Mann, Traina & Bolner, LLC, in New Or leans. He clerked for Chief Jus tice Pascal Calogero of the Lou i si ana Su preme Court after graduating from law school. As a jour nal ist, he has earned news writ ing awards from the Press Club of New Or - leans, the Lou - isiana Press Association, the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and the As so ci ated Press Association of Louisiana and Mississippi. He also has ap peared on nu - merous network radio and television political talk shows, including Washing ton Week in Re view, NPR, The To day Show and Date line NBC. Clancy was a found ing mem ber of the Board of Di rec tors of KIDsmART, a non-profit arts education organization serv ing in ner-city youth in New Or - leans. He is a mem ber of the board of the New Orleans Metropolitan Conven tion and Vis i tors Bu reau, and he serves on the board of di rec tors at Holy Cross High School. Clancy is a grad u ate of Holy Cross High School in New Or leans, the Uni ver sity of New Or leans (B.A. His - tory, 1976) and Loyola Uni ver sity School of Law (J.D., Magna Cum Laude, Law Re view, 1993). He and Margo have two sons, Brandin (25) and Will (14). Tuesday, November 13, th Annual Greater New Orleans Joint Energy Association Luncheon in association with PLANO LOUISIANA S CHANGING POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Clancy DuBos Gambit Communications Royal Sonesta Hotel Grand Ballroom, 1st Floor 300 Bourbon St. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Register online at or Barbara Edmonds Info at Advance reservation required 2007 API Delta Chap ter

2 2007 API Officers EXECUTIVE BOARD Chair Bernadette Alaniz Integrated Production Services Office: /Cell: Fax: st Vice Chair Jan Catalano ORX Resources Education Office: /Cell: Fax nd Vice Chair Ken Meyers Energy Partners, Ltd. Office: /Cell: Fax: rd Vice Chair Steve White Woodside Energy Office: /Cell: Secretary Barbara Edmonds Energy Partners, Ltd. Membership Office: /Cell: Fax: Treasurer Doug Tymkiw Ernest & Young Office: /Cell: Fax: COMMITTEE CHAIRS Education Cathy Vaughn BCM Foundation Office: /Cell: Fax: Education Jahnette deblanc Shell E&P Office: Golf Tournament Steve Freeman Harvest Oil & Gas, LLC Office: /Cell: Fax: Newsletter Richard Rusch Chevron Office: Scholarship Peggy Bourgeois Harvey Canal Industries Association Office: Fax: Sporting Clays Gary Johnson Eni Petroleum Office: /Cell: Website Marcel Tullier Bass Enterprises Office: /Cell: James Coronato John Dribus Holly Fonseca Bob Huffman Don Miller ADVISORY BOARD Nitrogen Specialties Office: /Cell: Schlumberger Office: /Cell: Fax: CETCO Cell: Bulk Mixer, Inc. Home: Fax: Wood Group Office X227/Cell: ACTIVE PAST CHAIRMEN Carlos Guzman G Geophysics Office: /Cell: Bob Huffman Home: ; cell: Leo Kerner Quality Energy Services Office: /Cell: Fax: Philip Moses Dominion Office: ; Cell: Dwight Paulsen EDG, Inc. Office: ; Cell: Fax Jim Rike Rike Service, Inc /Cell: Bob Vaughn Tidewater Marine - Singapore Office Ben Waring Office: /Cell: Fax: SUPPORT GROUP Website: Charlie Miller, III Newsletter: Carole Rike Word Catering Ltd Digital Minutes: Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter Oc to ber, 2007

3 The hol i day sea son is al most here. Only 68 days till Christ mas, and prob a bly fewer by the time this news - let ter reaches you. So be fore you book your va ca tions, make sure you save a date to join us for the Joint Lun cheon Meeting on Tuesday, November 13th at the Royal Sonesta to hear Mr. Clancy DuBos speak on Lou i si ana s Changing Political Landscape. Contact Ms. Barbara Edmonds ( or sign up on line at We d like to thank all those who joined us for our Tech ni cal Lun cheon. Ken Meyers, Barbara Edmonds and Jahnette deblanc did a great job of or ga niz ing this event for us. For those of you who did not get a chance to hear our guest speaker, Mr. Frank Glaviano, talk about New Shell De vel op ments in the Gulf of Mex ico, you missed a wonderful presentation. If you ever get the op por tu nity to at - tend one of Mr. Glaviano s presentations, I highly rec om mend you take Letter From the Chair the time to at tend the event. He is a very inspiring and motivational speaker and a great as set to our in - dus try and our com mu nity. I would also like to thank all our sponsors, players, volunteers, and Covington Coun try Club for your participation in our annual API Golf Tour na ment. De spite the soggy con - di tions, the golf tour na ment was a suc cess. Holly Fonseca, Steve Free - man, Steve White, and Rich ard Rusch did a spectacular job of coordinating this phenomenal event. Our scholarship chairman, Peggy Bour geois, did an ex cel lent job of award ing our first API schol ar ships to some amaz ing can di dates this year. We awarded 15 schol ar ships rang ing from $500 to $1000. Please read our schol ar ship ar ti cle to find out the names of this year s out stand ing stu - dents. The 2008 schol ar ship ap pli ca - tions will be avail able very soon. Please con tact Peggy Bour geois for more in for ma tion. We will also con tinue with our mini-grants pro gram for teach ers. We are currently accepting applications for If you know any teacher that would like con sid er ation for a mini-grant for his/her class room; please have them check out our website for an ap pli ca tion or con tact Cathy Vaughn ( Also avail able on our website is the application for Meritorious Service Award candidate. Application deadline for the Meritorious Service Award is December 14th. Thank you all for your con tin ued sup - port of our or ga ni za tion! I wish you all a very safe and happy hol i day sea - son! Sincerely, Ber na dette Alaniz API Chair man Oc to ber, Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter

4 API Appreciation Social - Thank You, Volunteers! The mem bers of the Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter re al ize that we ex ist thanks to the hard work and ded i - ca tion of our vol un teers. In ap pre ci a tion on June 21, 2007, vol un teers were rec og nized for their ef forts. Ev ery one en - joyed an eve ning so cial at Rips on the Lake lo cated on Lakeshore Drive in Mandeville, La. Much ap pre ci a tion goes out to our board of di rec tors, pub lish ing staff, website staff, The Fa ther-son & Fam ily Sport ing Clays Tour na ment vol un teers and The An nual Golf Tour na ment vol un teers. Be cause of you, the chap - ter is able to give back to the com mu nity by sup port ing and funding the following: The Lou i si ana Chil dren s Mu seum Spon sors an nual area teacher rec og ni tion O & G ed u ca tional aware ness pro grams Award ing of funds via mini-grants to teach ers to pur chase needed sup plies and equip ment Awards for stu dents com pet ing in the Greater New Or leans Sci ence & En gi neer ing Fair Grants and schol ar ships to el i gi ble stu dents Thanks Again to All! Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter Oc to ber, 2007

5 Introduction to PIPE Petroleum Industry Promoting Education As stated by a mem ber in a par tic i - pat ing so ci ety, There is very lit tle more im por tant to the pro fes sional fu ture of oil and gas in the Greater New Or leans area than has ten ing the or ganic growth of our own re place - ments. With this in mind, organi - za tions and so ci et ies are pool ing their re sources and ef forts and are work ing with the ed u ca tion com mu - nity to pro mote the pe tro leum in dus - try and its many op por tu ni ties. To date, nine pe tro leum in dus try so ci et - ies and four or ga ni za tions are part of this col lab o ra tive ef fort. To iden tify the group and its in ten tions, rep re - sen ta tives from par tic i pat ing so ci et ies and or ga ni za tions voted on a name and logo. Go ing for ward, this ini tia - tive will be known as PIPE Pe tro - leum In dus try Pro mot ing Ed u ca tion. The logo, shown here, de picts a der - rick to rep re sent the oil industry and an apple to represent education. Vol un teers of PIPE hope to ed u cate the com mu nity about the pe tro leum in dus try and the var i ous ways each so ci ety/or ga ni za tion con trib utes to education. Information on PIPE, its cur rent par tic i pants, and its ini tia - tives can be found on the cur rent website The website pro vides in for ma tion on teach ing aids avail able from each so - ci ety, schol ar ships and grants of fered by the so ci ety and awards spon sored by var i ous so ci et ies. It is a great resource for teachers, students and parents. An ini tial un der tak ing of PIPE is to be the pre miere spon sor of this year s BLAST/FIRST LEGO League com pe - ti tion. BLAST, Build ing Lou i si ana Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, is a non-profit um brella which brings stu dents of Lou i si ana the op por tu nity to par tic i pate in cut ting edge sci ence and tech nol ogy learn ing ex pe ri ences. The theme for this year s com pe ti tion is EN ERGY and in par tic u lar one of the chal lenges in - volves fos sil fuel! Through pre miere spon sor ship, PIPE will pro vide the key note speech at the De cem ber 1 com pe ti tion ed u cat ing par ents, teach ers and stu dents about the pe - tro leum in dus try. Par tic i pat ing so ci - et ies will be in di vid u ally ac knowl - edged and will be part of in for ma tion al ley at the national competition in Participants of PIPE supporting BLAST include: American Petroleum Institute - Delta Chapter Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies of New Orleans Desk and Derrick Clubs New Orleans Geological Society Offshore Oil Scouts Association Professional Landmen s Association of New Orleans Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists - New Orleans Chapter Society of Petroleum Engineers - Delta Section Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Baker Hughes The OCSBBS Website Schlumberger Shell Exploration & Production Company To help in tro duce the ed u ca tion com mu nity to in ten tions of PIPE, rep re sen ta tives met with the math and sci ence de part ment heads for both the Or leans and Jef fer son Par ish pub lic schools. At these meet ings teach ers were in formed about the pe - tro leum in dus try, the var i ous ca reers avail able within the in dus try, the tools avail able to help with en ergy ed u ca tion and the var i ous re sources to help teachers and students. PIPE is an on go ing ef fort of vol un - teers, so ci et ies and or ga ni za tions work ing closely with the ed u ca tion com mu nity to in form them who we are, what we do and why we need THEM in our fu ture. Hope fully we can ac com plish through our re - sources, mentoring and in tern ships. Con sider get ting your self, your so ci - ety or your organization involved. ADVERTISING IN APInion Kendall J. Meyers or Marcel Tullier Oc to ber, Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter

6 API Delta Chapter Supports PIPE in Sponsoring BLAST BLAST is a non-profit um brella or ga - ni za tion whose ac ro nym stands for Build ing Lou i si ana Sci ence and Tech nol ogy. It is the lo cal or ga niz - ing com mit tee for a na tional or ga ni - za tion FIRST, which stands for For In spi ra tion and Rec og ni tion of Sci - ence and Tech nol ogy. The prin ci pal mis sion of BLAST is to as sist with both the FIRST ro botic chal lenge and the FIRST LEGO League. BLAST brings stu dents of Lou i si ana the op - por tu nity to par tic i pate in cut - ting-edge science and technology learning experiences. BLAST, Inc. be gan or ga niz ing FIRST LEGO League com pe ti tions for Lou i - si ana in FIRST LEGO gives stu dents ages 9-14 a ba sic in tro duc - tion to pro gram ming, ro bot ics, prob - lem solv ing re search and team work. Just as in FIRST Ro bot ics, each team works over a six-week pe riod con struct ing and pro gram ming a ro - bot; how ever, FIRST LEGO League ro bots are made us ing LEGO Mindstorm kits. Stu dents pre pare re - search pre sen ta tions that in ves ti gate the yearly chal lenge topic and at the tour na ment par tic i pate in a ro bot challenge. This year s topic is EN ERGY, and in par tic u lar one of the chal lenges in - volves fos sil fuel. Awards are given for per for mance, re search, team work and ro bot de sign. This an op por tu - nity for the stu dents to learn first-hand about ro bot ics, elec tron ics, website build ing, pro ject man age - ment, ca reers in en gi neer ing, and this year the petroleum industry and it s various career opportunities. The tour na ment will be held De cem - ber 1, It will take place at J. D. Meisler Mid dle School at 3700 Cleary Av e nue in Metairie, LA. Visit the website at for fur ther in for ma tion. If you are in ter ested in vol un teer ing at the event, or be ing a ref eree or judge, con tact Barbara Pailet of BLAST at The API Delta Chap ter is one of the thir teen pe tro leum in dus try en ti ties par tic i pat ing in PIPE to be the Pre - miere Spon sor of this event. In ad - di tion each par tic i pant in PIPE will have their in di vid ual names ap pear - ing on ban ners, pro grams and T-shirts, as well. Representatives of PIPE will provide the key note speech at the tour na ment in form ing teach ers, stu dents and their par ents about the pe tro leum in - dus try, the ev ery day prod ucts we pro - vide and the var i ous ca reers within our in dus try. Ownership of America s oil and natural gas companies Who owns Big Oil? It s not who you think. As Con gress de bates na tional energy pol icy, a new study finds that own er ship of oil and nat u ral gas com pany shares is made up of a broad cross sec tion of Americans. This study dis proves the pop u lar mis - con cep tion that Big Oil is owned by a small group of in dus try in sid ers. In re al - ity, across the oil and nat u ral gas in dus try only 1.5 per cent of shares of pub lic com - pa nies are owned by com pany ex ec u tives, said study au thor Rob ert J. Shapiro, undersecretary of commerce for economic af fairs un der Pres i dent Bill Clinton. The data show that own er ship of in dus - try shares is broadly mid dle class, with the ma jor ity of in dus try shares held by in sti - tu tional in ves tors, of ten on be half of mil - lions of Amer i cans through mu tual funds, pension funds and individual retirement accounts. API Chief Econ o mist John Felmy added: When pol i ti cians seek to pun ish these com pa nies and take their prof its, they are not targeting industry executives but the hard-earned sav ings of work ing peo - ple. Shapiro and econ o mist Nam D. Pham s study was com mis sioned by API. The study shows: 1. Al most 43 per cent of oil and nat u ral gas com pany shares are owned by mu - tual funds and as set man age ment com - pa nies that have mu tual funds. Mu tual funds man age ac counts for 55 mil lion U.S. house holds with a me dian in come of $68, Twenty seven per cent of shares are owned by other institutional investors like pen sion funds. In 2004, more than 2,600 pen sion funds run by fed eral, state and lo cal gov ern ments held al most $64 bil lion in shares of U.S. oil and nat u ral Karen Matusic gas com pa nies. These funds rep re sent the major retirement security for the nation s cur rent and re tired sol diers, teach ers, and po lice and fire per son nel at ev ery level of government. 3. Four teen per cent of shares are held in IRA and other per sonal re tire ment ac - counts. Forty five mil lion U.S. house - holds have IRA and other per sonal re - tire ment ac counts, with an av er age ac count value of just over $22,000. For a com plete text of the study, more in for ma tion on the au thors and an au dio podcast of an in ter view with Rob ert Shapiro and John Felmy visit or Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter Oc to ber, 2007

7 2007 API Golf Tournament Winners 2007 API Golf Tournament Thank You Thank you to all in volved in help ing to make the 2007 API Delta Chap ter Golf Tour na ment a great suc cess! We were able to raise over $26,000 this year for ed u ca tion grants, schol - ar ships, the Lou i si ana Chil dren s Mu - seum and the other great op por tu ni - ties our Ed u ca tion Com mit tee brings forth. We could not have achieved this goal with out the con tri bu tions from all of our golf teams, cor po rate spon sors, hole spon sors, food and bev er age spon sors, vol un teers and board mem bers. Thank you all very much! A spe cial thanks also goes out to Covington Coun try Club, Ca jun Cut - ters, Baker, Pat rick F. Tay lor Foun da - tion, Bob Free man, Seatrepid, Wood Group and En core La ser. To gether, our team work has en abled us to de velop the API Delta Chap ter Golf Tour na ment into an event we can all be proud of and one so many of us want to be a part of. Our goal of mak ing this a fun-filled event for us all to build on re la tion ships and en joy our selves is well on its way! See you all next year in 2008, Holly Fonseca, Steve Free man & Steve White 1st Place Gross Scott Mc Don ald Dean McPhearson Ron Wager 1st Place Net Jake Leininger Dave Colomb Mike Dur ham 1st Place Gross Doug Koebbe Steve Free man Jon Malone Dan Huffman 1st Place Net Benny Black Gus Menard MORNING ROUND AFTERNOON ROUND 2nd Place Gross Alan Fisher Brandon Bol linger Har old Robichaux Phil Bourque 2nd Place Net Bill Whit ney Dows Ar nold Kyle Spalding Steve Ulm 2nd Place Gross Ben Weber Rich ard Rusch Shawn Stoute Mi chael Weir 2nd Place Net Tim Brown ing Ron Domangue Chairperson Bernadette Alaniz, Moss Bannerman, Oc to ber, Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter Paul Vining, and Ernie Bennett

8 2007 API Golf Tournament Event Winners MORNING ROUND 1 T box- Clos est to hole 2nd Shot Randy Bayer 2 Tee- Lon gest Drive Therese Mauterer 3 T box- Clos est to hole 2nd Shot Marcus Green 4 Tee- Lon gest Putt Greg Hull 5 T box Lon gest Putt Kevin Soter 6 T box- Clos est to the Hole Erik Hoffpauir 7 T box- Short est Drive Mike Guiroso 8 Green- Hole -n- One None 9 T box- Straight est Drive Joe Stuckey 9 Green- Clos est to the Hole Curtis Todd 10 T box- Clos est to hole 2nd Shot Lee Arcement 11 Green - Clos est to Hole Jeff Motes 12 Tee- Lon gest Drive Troy Cunningham 13 Green - Lon gest Putt Har old Robichaux 14 Green- Clos est to Hole Sec ond Shot Jeff Motes 15 T box- Hole -n- One None 16 T box- Clos est to the hole sec ond shot Rich ard Mongan 17 T box- Lon gest Drive Curtis Todd 18 T box- Lon gest Drive Randy Bayer AFTERNOON ROUND 1 T box- Clos est to hole 2nd Shot Dave Loels 2 Tee- Lon gest Drive Shawn Stoute 3 T box- Clos est to hole 2nd Shot Pat Howard 4 Tee- Lon gest Putt Gary Roebke 5 T box Lon gest Putt Shane Ad ams 6 T box- Clos est to the Hole Charlie Hickman 7 T box- Short est Drive Steve Brundrett 8 Green- Hole -n- One None 9 T box- Straight est Drive Wendy Turpin 9 Green- Clos est to the Hole Benny Black 10 T box- Clos est to hole 2nd Shot Gus Menard 11 Green- Clos est to the Hole Kerry LaPlace 12 Tee- Lon gest Drive Bob Fowler 13 Green - Lon gest Putt Brad Taff 14 Green- Clos est to the Hole Sec ond Shot Ar thur Dillon 15 T box- Hole -n- One None 16 T box- Clos est to the hole sec ond shot Steve Free man 17 T box- Lon gest Drive Ber na dette Alaniz 18 T box- Lon gest Drive Char lie Michel 2007 Corporate Sponsors HARVEST OIL & GAS GULFSTREAM SERVICES Woodside Energy CETCO Oilfield Services Schlumberger Energy Partners, Ltd. Bulk Mixer, Inc. Cajun Cutters IPS Superior Energy Services Supreme Services Thru-Tubing Systems Hole Sponsors Baker Hughes BJ Services CETCO Oilfield Services K&B Machine Living Quarters Technology Louisiana Safety Systems MI/Swaco Oil Mop Omni Labs/Knight Oil Tools Patterson Services Paws Pumps Quality Energy Services Quality Rental Tools Seatrepid Specialty Rental Tools Turbochem Weatherford Welch Rental Generators Wood Group Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter Oc to ber, 2007

9 API/Delta Chap ter is pleased to an - nounce its first schol ar ship re cip i - ents. API rec og nizes that ed u ca tion is THE KEY to a well-de vel oped workforce. Our schol ar ship pro gram was de vel oped to of fer fi nan cial as - sis tance to in com ing fresh men as well as pro vide funds for stu dents cur rently enrolled in college. Car son Cruise Natchez, Mis sis sippi Mis sis sippi State Major: In dus trial En gi neer ing Ashley Doyle Metairie, LA Lou i si ana State Uni ver sity Major: Pe tro leum En gi neer ing James Vidrine Thibodaux,LA Lou i si ana State Uni ver sity Major: Physical Therapy Holly Rockenbaugh Marrero, LA Lou i si ana State Uni ver sity Major: Busi ness/ac count ing Eliz a beth Sammons Metairie, LA Boston Col lege Major: Accounting Don ald Miller, II New Or leans, LA Lou i si ana State Uni ver sity Major: Law School Scholarship Winners Cage Cruise Natchez, Mis sis sippi Mis sis sippi State Major: Veterinary Caro line Free man Mandeville, LA Uni ver sity of South ern Mis sis sippi Major: Hos pi tal ity Man age ment Kayla Trauth Marrero, LA University of Lou i si ana, La fay ette Major: Design Mark Lowe Madisonville, LA Col o rado School of Mines Major: Pe tro leum En gi neer ing Ma son Shealy Covington, LA Uni ver sity of Mis sis sippi Major: Mechanical En gi neering Miranda Hodge Slidell, LA Uni ver sity of South ern Mis sis sippi Major: Bi ol ogy Rene Vidrine Thibodaux, LA Nicholls State Major: Pe tro leum Tech nol ogy Zachary Fradella Harvey, LA Iowa State Major: Broadcasting/Me te o rol o gist U.S. drilling & completion Q3 estimates at 22-year high API U.S. drill ing es ti mates for the third quar ter of 2007 are at twice the level of third quar ter drill ing ac tiv ity re corded dur ing the 1990s and the first nine months of U.S. drill ing es ti mates ha ven t been this high since 1985, API data show. Technical Luncheon This year s An nual API Tech ni cal Lun - cheon was a great suc cess. On Au gust 15, 2007 our guest speaker was Mr. Frank Glaviano, VP Shell s Americas Region. Mr. Glaviano dis - cussed New Shell De vel op ments in the Gulf of Mex ico which in cluded their re cent Perdido development and the Ursa-Prin cess waterflood pro ject. Frank also pro vided a quick sum mary of Shell s updated organizational structure for the Amer i cas re gion. We were hon ored to have such a dis - tin guished speaker and lo cal leader. The at ten dance was our high est for this an nual event. Thanks to all for mak ing this event a big hit, even in the dog days of sum - mer. U.S. fuel production maintains record pace, demand up - API De spite a slow down in Sep tem ber, U.S. fuel pro duc tion for the year to date con tin ued its re cord pace while September s de mand for re fined prod ucts rose, as mea sured by de liv - er ies from pri mary stor age, API data show. In its Monthly Statistical Report cov er ing Sep tem ber 2007, API noted that year-to-date gas o line out - put was at an all-time high of more than nine mil lion bar rels per day though Sep tem ber s production was down 0.4 per cent from Sep tem ber Dis til late pro duc tion was also at a year-to-date re cord high at the end of the month though Sep tem ber pro - duc tion was 3.3 per cent be low last September s all-time monthly re cord. For more in for ma tion, see also Petroleum Facts at a Glance and Monthly Import Statistics for July 2007 (latest available). Oc to ber, Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter

10 Delta Chapter AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE New Membership Application/Renewal Form Names: Com pany: Busi ness Tele phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Mail ing Ad dress: City: State Zip: Please enclose $25.00 for annual dues. Mail to: American Petroleum Institute Delta Chapter P. O. Box New Orleans, LA Vol un teer for Com mit tees? Education Community Relations Industry Affairs Golf Tournament/Fund Raising Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter Oc to ber, 2007

11 Oc to ber, Amer i can Pe tro leum In sti tute Delta Chap ter


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