``+C+'.''. =N`+o` CHARM: GARLAND, veteran extra -ordinary of WBBM. and one of radio's pioneer entertainers. As the happy -golucky

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1 trdg 4 ``+C+'.''. =N`+o` *D "4 ^lvtet *fgriettn `, -;6'.WMIier4 JC-N``+U:;VL.A.r BBM ve.;--,51-11:,,,.. ` 4k.e r /.., kj.. k s& -_b n Rgdio Log ;tot, rn04ó^ ` Y i +( C ('A;DW, `:rk:`a(k+,. e,()cs. `0+(>0 `< J.,. Y :..,. ',,c R k7cw,f,,c,.. krc'..+lr., s4 r ks.0; ol, kl.ß; h '4-T'FrtlTM. b% C JTM. ' Jï _si')m 1 tf? `r-(+ck.. a s+(kótir t,,,, *af}+a<d."s(k,.+f.r, `^/1' iï-6af1iïß5 f_ CJ, t-.. S. 4!1%< 41FT tj. (d?1r 7, tj!` R Y I Ii'rice 25c1 Y ;, 5 ;,á G..(.r) Cf agr(.s G,d. CHARM: GARLAND, veteran extra -ordinary of WBBM and one of radio's pioneer entertainers. As the happy -golucky "Colonel Nut" of the Nutty Club and as "Master of Ceremonies" of the Old Gray Mare Club, WBBM's after midnight features, Charlie's friends and "club members" range clear around the globe. Musically famous also for his compositions and improvisations on the piano. C!o-rttnii awwzcz,w, `.`, > : +k ::` (..y (., l.k...,,s< < <<ke,,n,.,ck^,o<ko. C::?:rP` fi't7`?.ÿ 7rJr *YJAt+l.iilcJK'1f7cJKS?.if `.1atic.iG,?.ifid' ',t,,f (,.j (..j (^.' b(,g`i67..y8 4L48(i i'(.j } k A.f `+.`ht 74 G4%"0 ra,vir( [ç(yy] y) y7 y)[( L /-4 /y](y-}}ty) 1." T" J.s-4 Js--.F.+.--.f. JRll''L1'"Y11 ai''``4if'iav_ylyy gy(_p ` ÿ [y ÿ`yj(y ÿ Lj-' ÿ-^{j y(lnjiÿ 1.F'1G0-.'1[J6.ZJr7`A]lZ r,'j[.rr.t.j..hr71i.rr?"viñky"^vly,rv1,ke _J O,Rst`4a. r`t; A'ca. r f.>r` l.w ;`sßr> yo.-4a> $ t. i 6'<7 4i `-`r`d' iát?`! it%..,i =fr, C....CJ!d k7,.0 Jf..f. A CJ.7, + +kóo3sfkj!+csct+ ç. % i.+' i.'' ir '~IVi ",CIIJ"` "CI,v

2 A Corner of WBBM Main Studio ACHARMING environment and inspiration for the never -ending happy hours of entertainment from WBBM. The cup shown in the center was awarded to WBBM as a result of a nation wide popular vote electing WBBM as the country's sixth most popular station...rsat" FLANAGAN who steers the destiny of WBBM as director of studios, and farm programs, is also best and "fastest" in sports and gridiron presentations. A

3 ,. ART KASSEL AND HIS ARTISTS who are heard nightly from the beautiful Terrace Gardens of the New Morrison Hotel are rapidly making air fame for themselves as one of America's outstanding dance bands... '..l ww>, L...tr nllì. nn A part of Terrace Gardens in the New Morrison Hotel, Chicago.

4 PAUL RADER, radio's best known evangelist. Mr. Rader and the members of his great organization keep the ether waves humming far and wide on the Sabbath Day. Some of the young musicians who make things lively in Paul Rader's church studio.

5 EDWARD BENEDICT who presides at the mighty Kimball organs and directs all organ programs presented from WBBM. Each day Mr. Benedict presents some feature recital. Corner of Organ Studio. Two Kimball organs are installed.

6 AY MILLER AND HIS COLLEGE INN ORCHES- TRA are said to hold the distinction of being the only band that has ever played on the White House lawn aside from the Army and Navy bands. Mrs. Coolidge, the President, Al Jolson and Ray Miller may be seen prominently in the foreground above. This organization is another of the many distinctive features WBBM's listeners enjoy each evening direct from Hotel Sherman.

7 BOB NOLAN, the boy with a tear in his voice. Famous recording artist heard over WBBM from College Inn. RAY MILLER, genial director of the College Inn orchestra at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago.

8 Time Schedule of WBBM TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 10:00.12:00 P. M. Feature Programs SATURDAY 12:00 Midnight OLD GRAY MARE CLUB SUNDAY 7:30-9:30 Columbia Network 12:30 A. M. (Mon.) Nutty Club 3:00.5:00 P. M. Tea Dance Program College Inn Orchestra Illinois Concert Orchestra 7:00-8:30 A.M. 10:00-10:15 A.M. 10:15-10:30 A.M. 8:00-8:05 P.M. 10:30-10:45 A.M. 11:45-12:45 A.M. 12:45-2:00 P.M. 2:00. 3:00 P.M. 3:00-5:00 P.M. 5:00-5:15 P.M. 5:15: 6:00 P.M. 8:00-10:00 P.M. 9:30.10:00 P. M. Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians DAILY Organ Program and Farm Educational Information American Medical Association Health Talk Morning Exercises for the Housewife American Medical Association Health Hints Markets, News Flashes, Farm Information Farm Program, Music, Markets, and Weather Luncheon -Dance Program Beauty and Fashion Hints Tea Dance Program News Flashes and Markets Organ Program Feature Programs, Including Columbia Broadcasting System. The Theatre of the Air Radio, the infant prodigy of the entertainment field, has outdistanced in a span of four or five years its older competitors that have been bringing laughter and tears to the human race since the dawn of civilization. Never in all our scientific progress had we dreamed that some day all the world might sit entranced in one great theatre and enjoy and listen to the world's greatest educators, musicians, actors, actresses and the great events of the times. You probably know that WBBM is one of the oldest radio stations in the middle west and it has been our chief desire since back in 1923 to place on the air only the very best in entertainment features that would please the greatest possible number of people and deserve their silent applause. It is very gratifying to us that we have succeeded in our purpose so well that instead of silent applause, countless thousands of our good audience all over the world have written interesting letters telling us how they like this or that particular part of WBBM's Air Theatre presentations. These kind words have been a source of constant stimulation to our efforts and we have brought to bear all the ingenuity of this large organization in order that WBBM's programs may continue to grow "bigger and better' and always come to you as the "pick of the air." You must remember that WBBM is in reality your Air Theatre, catering solely to your desires and for your entertainment and happiness. To be a truly good public servant and to best serve your interests and desires is the motive force behind our endeavors. Don't be afraid to give us suggestions now and then. During the past year WBBM has steadily added to its long list of outstanding features both educational and entertaining. Very few of you but have listened to the sparkling dance music of America's foremost bands, Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, Ray Miller and His College Inn Orchestra, Art Kassel and His Artists.

9 You have also heard America's pianist extraordinary, the famous recording artist Lee Sims, regularly over WBBM. There are few better known characters of the air than our own Charley Garland, Master of Ceremonies to the Nutty Club and the Old Gray Mare Club whose membership ranges from the balmy South Sea Islands into the frozen reaches of far Alaska. Charley, as you know, is a pianist of note and the world's greatest enthusiast when it comes to Marathon Dancing Contests, Long Distance Roller Skating Contests, etc., etc. Among staff features you have been hearing the Illinois Concert Orchestra under the direction of Beulah Rosine, Edward Benedict at the Kimball Grand Organ, Dorothy Romaine at the Kimball accompanying Melba Caldwell and many other pleasing voices. On the announcing staff, Don Hastings vies with "Pat" Flanagan in bringing you everything from the classical to the football games. Every morning at 10:00 o'clock the daily Health Talk comes to you direct from the headquarters of the American Medical Association. These talks touch on subjects of vital interest to you and are prompted in a sincere desire to save many people from the hands of quack doctory and "cure -all" medicines that are preying on innocent victims in all parts of the country. These talks are delivered by eminent authorities in the medical profession and come to you as another indication of our desire to serve our listeners in the most able fashion. At regular hours in the morning will be found excellent setting -up exercises, special agricultural reports from the Department of Agriculture and other interesting features. In the afternoon come Beauty and Fashion Hints and many things of keen interest to every woman. The Children's Hour and the Dinner -time musicale carry us into the evening of entertainment. Three evenings each week bring enticing programs from the New York studio of the Columbia Broadcasting System. Moran and Mack, the Two Black Crows, The United Light Opera Company, Hank Simmons and His Show Boat and many other great features are brought to you from New York in order that the WBBM Air Theatre always raises its curtain for you on something new and different and the finest in the air. And now perhaps you wonder who pays all these thousands of dollars that must be spent each week in order to keep the ether waves humming with music and entertainment from WBBM. So few of us realize all the work and details behind the scenes of a great radio station. Of course, we hear the entertainers, bands, singers and the announcers but we never think of the dozens of skilled operators, engineers, continuity writers, program directors and others who must be constantly on the alert that every minute of every hour brings you, in an unbroken flow, radio's most pleasing entertainments. All of these things are offered you freely and joyfully, through the courtesy of American business men and industries, who deem it a privilege to entertain you, in spite of the large cost involved. All they ask in return is your goodwill, your friendly consideration. In most foreign countries, even in Canada, every radio set owner must pay a fee for the opportunity of listening to the entertainment provided. Think how different matters are here, where the world's finest talent is brought to you by manufacturers and merchants, glad of the friendly contact this will establish for them in your home. The wonderful programs which the WBBM Air Theatre has been privileged to bring you, were made possible through the courtesy of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, The Chrysler Illinois Company, the Hurley Machine Co. (Thor Washers), York Band Instrument Co., the Inland Rubber Company, the Hudson Motor Co. of Illinois, the Michigan Transit Company, The Otto Schmidt Products Co., R. Cooper, Jr., General Electric Refrigerators; E. Burnham, Inc., International Heating Co., The Hub, Henry C. Lytton & Sons, and many others.

10 LEBERT LOMBARDOL - uy LOMBARDO CARMEN LOMBARDO GUY LOMBARDO who directs the famous ROYAL CANADIANS shares his musical genius in the family. Carmen is a composer of note and Lebert is one of the mainstays of this talented group.

11 Lincoln, , 1 M itt RED FIGURES INDICATE LATEST ASSIGNMENTS; BLACK, OLD ASSIGNMENTS KZIB Manila, P. I. 260 D KZKZ Manila. P I. 270 H KZM Hayward, Cal 219 H 231 H KZRQ Manila, P M NAA Arlington, Va WAAD Cincinnati, O 211 E 231 E WAAF...Chicago, IU 326 M 389 M WAAM Newark, N.J 240 K 268 K WAAT Jersey City, N. J 260 L 246 L WAAW..0maha, Nebr 454 M 441 M WABC -WBOQ RichmondHU1,N.Y. 348 S 309 R WABF Kingston, Pa WABI Bangor, Me 250 H 389 H WABY Philadelphia, Pa 229 F 248 F WABZ New Orleans, La 250 F 238 F WADC Akron, Ohio WAFD Detroit Mich 200 H 231 H WAGM Royal Oak, Mich 229 F 225 F WAIU Columbus, S 283 S WALK Willow Grove. Pa 200 F 201 F WAP1 Auburn, Ala 263 S WASH Grand Rapide. Mich 236 K 256 K WBAA West Lafayette, Lod 214 M 273 M WBAK Harrisburg. Pa 268 M 300 M WBAL -Glen Morrie, Md 283 S 285 S WBAP Fort Worth, Tex 375 S 500 S WBAW Nashville, Tenn 202 s 240 S WBAX Wilkes- Barre, Pa 248 H 250 H WBBC Brooklyn, N. Y 214 M 227 M WBBL Richmond, Va 219 H 234 H WBBW Chicago, III 389 T 398 S WBBR Roseville, N. Y WBBW Norfolk, Va 250 H 236 H WBBY Charleston. S. C. 250 G WBBZ Ponca City, Okla 250 H 204 H WBET Medford, Mass 220 M 288 M WBMH Detroit, Mich 229 H 211 H WBMS Union City. N. J 207 K 200 H WBNY New York 222 K 236 M WBOW Terre Haute. Ind 229 H 208 H WBRC.Ftirmingham, Ala 322 M 303 K WBRE Wilkes- Barre, Pa 229 H 250 H WBRL Tilton, N. H 210 M 232 M WBSO 1Velleslcy, Mass 384 H 384 H WBT -- Charlotte, N. C 278 S WBZ - Springfield, Maas 303 U 303 U WBZA Boston, Mass 303 M 333 M WCAC Mansfield, Conn 225 M 355 M WCAD ('anton, N. Y 246 M 244 M WCAE Pittsburgh. Pa 246 M 461 M WCAH Columbus, O 210 K 234 K WCAJ - Nebr 508 M 379 M WCAL Northfield, Minn M WCAM Camden, N. J 234 M 224 M WCAO Baltimore, Md 500 K 244 K WCAP Asbury Park, N. J 234 M 240 M WCAT Rapid City, S. D 250 H 248 H WCAU Philadelphia, Pa 256 S WCAX Burlington, Vt 250 H 254 H WCAZ Carthage. Ill 280 H 250 F WCBA Allentown. Pa 200 H 222 H WCBD Zion, III 278 S 345 S WCBM Baltimore, Md 219 H 225 H WCBS Springfield, III 248 H 210 K WCCO -St. Paul -Minneapolis 370 T 405 S WCDA Cliffside, N. J 222 K 213 K WCFL -Chicago, Ill P WCGU Coney Island. N. Y 214 M 219 M WCLB Long Beach, N. Y 200 H 200 H WCLO Kenosha, Wis 250 H 227 H WCLS - Joliet, III 229 H 216 I WCMA Culver. Ind 214 M 261 M WCOA Pensacola, Fla 258 M 250 M WCOC Columbus, Miss 341 M 231 M WCOH Greenville, N. Y 248 H 211 K WCRW Chicago, Ill 248 H 224 H WCSH Portland, Me 319 M 214 S WCSO. Springfield, M 256 M WCWK Fort Wayne, Ind 244 M 214 K W DAE- Tampa, Fla M WGBF Evansville, Ind 476 M 236 K WGBI Scranton, Pa 341 K 231 K WGBS New York, N. Y 254 M 349 M WGCM Gulfport, Miss 248 H 222 C WGCP Newark. N. J 240 M 268 K WGES- Chicago, Ill 220 M 242 M WGHP,Detroit. Mich 242 N 278 N WGN -WLIB-WTAS Chicago, Ill 416 V 416 U WGR Buffalo, N. Y 545 O 303 N WGST Atlanta, Ga 337 M 270 M WGY Schenectady, N. Y 379 W 379 W WHA Madison, Wig 526 N 333 N WHAD Milwaukee, Wis 333 M 270 M WHAP 261 S 280 S WHAP Carlstadt, Cvletadt,N.J WHAS - lie, Ky S M WHAZ Troy, N. Y 231 M 306 M WHB Kansas City, Mo M WHBC Canton, B 236 B WHBD Island,, O 219 H 222 H WHBF Rock Island, H 222 H WHBL Sheboygan, Wig 213 M 204 K WHOP Johnstown. Pa 229 H 229 K WHBQ Memphis, Tenn 219 H 232 H WHBU Anderson Ind 248 H 220 C WHBW Philadelphia, Pa 200 H 220 H WHEY West De Pere. Wis 250 F 250 F WHDI Minneapolis, Minn 213 M 246 M WHEC -WABO Rochester, N. Y 208 M 255 K WHFC - Chicago, Ill 229 H 216 H WHK Cleveland. O M WHN New York, N. Y 297 K 394 M WHO Des Moines, la 300 S 535 S WHPP Englewood Cliffs,N.J 211 B 2076 WHT Deerfield, III 203 S 306 S WIAS Ottumwa. la 211 H 322 H W IBA Madison, Win 248 H 240 H W IBG Elkins Park, Pa 322 F 441 F WIBM Jackson, Mich 219 H 201 H WIBO - Chicago. Ill 526 P 306 S WIBR Steubenville Ohio 211 F 250 F W IBS Elisabeth, N. J 207 K 204 K WIBU I'oynetle, Wis 229 H 217 D W IB W Topeka, Kas K WIBX N. Y 250 H 238 I W IBZ Montgomery, Ala 200 C 231 C WICC Easton, Conn 252 M 265 M WIL St. Louis, Mo 211 H 258 K WILL --Urbana, U III 337 M 273 M WINR Bay Shore, N. Y 248 H 211 I W Miami Beach. Fla WIOD 0 WIP Philadelphia, Pa 491 M 349 M WISN -Milwaukee, Wis 268 K 270 K WJAD Waco, Tex M WJAG. Norfolk, Nebr K WJAK Kokomo. Ind 229 F 234 F WJAR Providence, R I 33, K 484 M WJAS Pittsburgh, Pa M WJAX +Jacksonville Fla WJAY Cleveland, O Ohio 207 M 227 M WJAZ Chicago, Ill 203 S 263 S WJBB Sarasota, Fla 297 K 238 K WJBC -la Salle, IlI 250 H 227 H WJBI Iced Bank, N. J 248 H 263 K WJBK ) i ì!antl, Mich 219 F 220 C WJBL -WBAO leans, Ill 250 H 213 K WJ80 New Orleans, La 219 H 263 H WJBU Lewisburg, Pa 248 H 214 H WJBW New Orleans, La 250E 238 E WJBY Gadsden, Ala 248 F 234 F W JJ D Gary, earl, Ill 254 O WJKS Gary, Indiana 224M 232 M WJR -WCX Pontiac, Mich 400 S 441 S WJSV Mt. Vernon Hills, Va 205 T 203 T WJZ Bound Brook, N. J 394 V 454 V W KAO Sae Juan, P. R 517 M 322 M WKAR Fast Lansing. Mich 288 M 278 M WKAV Laconia, N. H 229 F 224 F WKBB Juliet, Ill. 229 H 216 I WKBC Birmingham, Ala 229 B 219 B W MBI.-Chicago. Ill WMBJ Wilkenspsrg, Pa..., S WMBL Lakeland, Fla... g H 229 H WMBM Memphis, Teno 200 g 210 B W MBO Auburn, N. Y.....,, 219 H 220 H WMBOo Brooklyn, N. Y 200 H 204 H WMBR Tampa, Fla 248 H 252 H WMBS Lemoyne, Pa 210 M 234 K WMC Hoboken, Teno S W MCA Hoboken, N. J 526 M 370 M WMES Boston, Mass 200 F 211 H WMMN Fairmont, W. Va WMPC Lapeer, Mich E 234 E WMRI Jamaica, N. Y 21 WMSG New York B 207 B K 236 M WMT Waterloo, Iowa 250 H 240 K W NAC -WBIS Boston, Mass...,, 244 M 461 M WNAD Norman, Okla 297 M 240 M WNAT Philadelphia, Pa 229 H 288 H WNAX Yankton. S. D 526 M WNBF Endicott, N. Y 2C0 207F WNBH New Bedford, Mass 207 K WNBJ Knoxville, Teno 261 K 229 F 207 F WNBO Washington. Pa 25PC 211 C WNBQ Rochester, N. Y 200r, 205 C WNBR Memphis, Tenn 210M229H WNBW Carbondale, Pa 250 A 200 A WNBX Springfield, Vt 250 B 242 B WNBZ Saranac Lake. N. Y 232 B 232 B WNEW Newport News, Va 229 H 210 H WNJ Newark, N.J 207 K 288 K WNO% Knoxville. Tenn M 224 M WNRC Greensboro, N. C... WNYC New York. N. Y M 526 M WOA I -San Antonio, Tex 252 S 260 S WOAN Lawrenceburg, Tenn 500 M 240 M WOAX Trenton, N.J 234 Y1240 M WORT Union ('sty, Tenn C WOBU ^Charlton, es... W. Va 517 K 26 8 K WOC Davenport, la S WOOL Jamestown, N. Y... 2qg L 224 E WODA Paterson, N J 2940 W01 - Amea, la 535 R 265 S WOKO Mt. Beacon, N. Y 208 M 216 M WOL Washington, D. C 322H WOMT Manitowoc, Wis 208 H 222 H WOO Philadelphia, l'a 200 H 349 M WOOD F'urnwood, Mich 236 M 281 M WOQ Kansas City. Mo M WOR Kearney, N, J 422S 422 S WORD- Batavia, Ill 203 S 252 S WOS - Jefferson City, Mo 476 M 422 M WOV S,- uiaucm, N. J WOW Omaha, Nebr 508 O 5080 WOW0'l ore Wayne, Lod... 25ßS 22s ß WPCH New go, III 526 M 224 M WPCH New York, N. Y '70 M 326 M WPG -. Atlantic Cit N. J 273 S 273 S WPRC Harrisburg, 'a 250 H 210 H WPSC State College, Pa 244 M 300 M WPSW Philadelphia, Pa 200 F 207 F WPTF Raleigh, N. C 441 T WQAM Miami, Fla 242 N 384 N W AN Scranton, Pa 341 K 231 K W AO -WPAP Cliffside, N. J 297 K 394 M WQBC Utica, Mies 220 L 216 K WQBJ Clarksburg, W. Va 250 G 240 G WQBZ Weirton, W. Va 21 I F 250 F WRAF Laporte, Ind 250 H 208 H WRAK Erie, Pa 219 F 219 F WRAW heading, Pa. 229 H 238 H WRAX Philadelphia, Pa K 213 K WRBC Valparaiso, Ind 242 K 238 K W RB I Tifton, Ga 229 B 222 D WRBJ Hattiesburg, Mies 200 B 250 B WRBL Columbus. 250 F 256 F WRBQ Greenville, Miss 248 H 275 H WRBT Wilmington. N. C 219 F 232 F WRBU Gastonia, N. C 248 F... F WRBW Columbia, S C 229 C...0 KDKA - Pittsburgh, l'a W 316 W KDLR Devils Lake, N. U. 248 H 231 C KDYL Salt Lake City M KEJK los Angeles, Cal. 240 M 252 K KELW Burbank, ('al. 384 M 229 M KEX Portland, Ore 254 S 278 R KFAB Lincoln, Nebr, S 319 S K FAD Phoenix, Aria 484 M 322 M KFBB Havre, Mont 220 K 215F KFUK Sacramento, Cal 229 H 275 H KFBL Evvrett, Wash. 200 KFBU Laramie, Wyo F 224 F 500 M 484 M KFCB Phoenix, Aria 220 H 244 H KFCR Santa Barbara, Cal 200 H 211 H KFDM Ifoaumont. Tex M KFDX Shreveport, La 248 H 236 K KFDY Brookings, S. D 545 M 545 M KFEC Portland. Ore 219 F 214 F KFEL Denver, Colo 319 K 227 K KFEQ - St. Jceeph, Mo 535 R KFEY Kellogg, Idaho 248 B 232 B KFGQ Boone, la. 229 B 210 B KFH Wichita, Kan M KFHA Gunnison, Colo 250 F 250 F KFI Los Angeles. Cal, W 468 S KFIF Portland, Ore 211 F 229 F KFIO Spokane. Wash 244 H 246 H KFIU Juneau, Alaska 229 B 225 B KFIZ Fond du Lac, 11 is 211 H 268 H KFJB Marshalltown, la 250 H 248 H KFJF Oklahoma City, Okla 204 S 273 S KFJI Astoria. (lee F 250 F KFJM Grand Forks, N. I) 545 M 333 M KFJR Portland, Ore 231 M 240 M KFJY Fort Dodge, Ia. 229 H 232 H KFJZ Fort 11 mill, Tex 219 H 250 F KFKA Greeley, ('ol0 341 M 250 M KFKB - Milford, Kansas 265 S 242 P KFKU Lawrence, Kan 246 O 254 M KFKZ Kirksville, Mo. 250 F 225 C KFLV Rockford, III 213 M 268 H KFLX Galveston, Tex 248 H 270 H KFMX Northfield, Minn M KFNF Shenandoah. la 337 M 461 Q KFOA Seattle, Wash KFON Long Beach, Cal, KFOR Lincoln, Nebr 248 H 217 H KFPL Dublin, Tex 229 C 275 C KFPM Greenville, Tex 229 C 231 C KFPW Siloam Springs, Ark 224 F 263 F KFPY Spokane, Wash 216 M 246 K KF B Fort Worth, Tex KF D Anchorage, Alaska 244 H 345 H KF U Holy City, Cal 211 H 220 H KF W Wenatchee, Wash H 217 H KF Z Hollywood, Cal. K 232 K KFRC San Francisco. Cal KFRU- Columbia, Mo 476 M 250 M KFSO - San Diego, Cal 500 M 441 M KFSG Los Angeles, Cal 268 M 252 M KFUL Galveston, Tex 232 M 258 M KFUMColorado Springs, Colo KFUO -St. Louis, Mo, 545 M KFUP Denver, Colo H 227 H KFUR Ogden, Utah 219 F 225 F KFVD Culver City. Cal 428 K 216 K KFVS Cape Girardeau. Ma 248 F 224 F KFWB Hollywood, Cal KFWC Ontario, Cal 250 H 248 H KFWF St. Louis, Mo 250 H 214 H KFW 1 San Francisco, Cal 322 M 268 M KFWM Oakland, Cal 322 M 238 M KFXD Jerome, Ida, 211 F 204 C KFXF Denver, Colo 319 K 283 K KFXJ Edgewater, Colo 200 F 210 F KFXR Oklahoma City, Okla 229 F 224 F KFXY Flagstaff, Aris 211 H 205 H POWER Coot A B C D RED FIGURES INDICATE LATEST ASSIGNMENTS; BLACK, OLD ASSIGNMENTS KFYO Breckenridge, Tex 200 H 211 H KFYR Bismarck, N. D 545 M 250 K KGA Spokane, Wash 204 S 261 Q KGAR Tocsin]. Ara 219 H 234 H KGB San Diego, Cal 220 K 248 H KGBU Ketchikan, Alaska 333 M 400 N KGBX St. Joseph, Mo 219 H 288 H KGBZ. Yorrk, Nebr 322 M 213 H KGCA Decorah, la 236 F 248 B KGCB Oklahoma City, Okla 248 KGCI Sao Antonio, Tex F 216 F 219 H 220 K KGCN Concordia, Kan 211 F 208 F KGCR Brookings. S. D 248 H 208 C KGCU Mandan, N. D 250 H 240 H KGCX Vida, Mont 211 g 244 B KGDA Dell Rapids, S. D 219 C 254 C KGDE Barrett. Minn. 250 F 205 F KGDM.Stockton, Cal KGDP l'ueblo, Colo 248 B 224 B KGOR San Antonio. Tex 200 H 207 C KGDY Oldham, S. D. 250 C 207 C KGEF Los Angeles, Cal KGEK Yuma Colo 250 B 263 F KGER Long Beach, Cal 219 H 216 H KGEW Fort Morgan. Colo 250 H 219 H KGEZ Kalispell, Mont 229 H 294 H KGFF Alva Okla 211 H 205 E KGFG Oklahoma City, Okla 219 F 216 F KGFH Glendale, Cal 300 K 283 K KGFI San Angelo, Tex 229 C 220 C KGFI los Angeles. Cal 211 H 213 H KGFK Ilallock, Minn 250 F 224 F KGFL Raton. N. M 219 F 222 F KGFW Ravenna. Nebr 211 F 297 B KGFX Pierre, S. D 517 J 254 J KGGF ficher, Okla KGGH Cedar Grove, La KGGM Inglewood, Cal. (Port.) KGHA Pueblo, Colo KGHB Honolulu, T. H KGHD llissolula, Mont KGHF Pueblo. Colo KGHG McGehee. Ark KGH 1 I.ittle Rock, Ark KGHL Billings, Mont KGHX Richmond, Tex KGIO Taho Falls. Idaho KG IQ Twin Falla, Idaho KGIR Butte, Mont KGJF little Rock. Ark KCKB Guldthwaite, Tex KGKL Georgetown, Tex KGKO Wichita Falls. Tex KGO Oakland, Cal KGRC San Antonio, Texas KGRS aamarillo, Tex KGTT San Francisco, Cal KGU Honolulu. Hawaii KGW Portland, Ore KGY Lacey. Wash KHJ Los Angeles. Cal K HQ Spokane. Wash M 207 H 229F 213F.219 H 204 H 250 F 210 M 227 K 227 K 211 A 232 A 227K 210K 229 F 222 F 200 C 261 C 318 K 222 K.200 F. F 227 K K... K 220 K. K 337 K 278 K 200 H 280 H 219 H 232 H 526 K K 380 T H 220 K K 215 F 220 F 319 M 270 M F 246 F H 322 H 240 O 285 Q 273 H 246 H 309 S 349 R KICK Red Oak. Iowa KIDO Boise. Idaho. KJBS San Francisco. Cal KJR Seattle. Wash KKP Seattle, Wash 218C 273 C KLCN Blytheville, Ark 232 F 285 F KLS Oakland, Cal 208 H 246 K KIX Oakland, (`al 341 M 508 M KLZ - Denver, Colo 535 O KMA Shenandoah, la. M KMBC-KLDS Kansas City, Mo P KMED Medford, Oregon 211 F 270 F KM IC Inglewosd, Cal. 268 K 224 K KMJ Fresno. Cal 250 F 365 F KMMJ Clay ('enter, Nola.8)5 C 285 K E F G H 1 J K L MN KM() Tacoma, Wash 224 M KMOX -KF A St. Louie, Mo 254 M 275 S 300 S KMTR Hollywood, ('al 526 KNX Les Angeles. Cal ÿg KOA - -- Denver, Colo 361 U 326 S KOAC Corvallis, Ore M KOB State College, N. M 254 T 394 S KOCW Chickasha, Okla 211 H 252 K KO IL Council Bluffs, la KO IN Portland, 319 S Ore KOMO Seattle, Wash 126 O KORE Eugene, Ore 211 H 200 F KOW Denver, ('olo 216 M 219 K KPCB Seattle, Wash 248 H 231 H KPJM Prescott. Aria 200 C 214C KPLA Loa Angeles. Cal 526 O 288 M KPO San Francisco, Cal ui s KPOF Denver, Colo 341M201M KPPC Pasadena. Cal 250 F 316 F KPQ Seattle, Wash 248 H KPRC Houston, Tex 321 H 326 O Z" KPSN Pasadena, Cal 316 O KQV Pittsburgh, Pa 217 M 270 M KQW San Jose, ('al 297 M 297 M KRE Berkeley, Cal 219 H 231 H KRGV Ilarlingen, Tex M 236 H KRLD Dallas, Texas T 461 M KRMD Shreveport, La. F 220 F KRSC Seattle, Wash.e ;; F 273 F KSAC Manhattan, Kan 5 7 M 333 M KSBA -lhreveport, La.277 O KSCJ Sioux City, la 2!5 O 244 M KSD + St. Louis, Mo 5:5 M 545 M KSEI Pocatello, Ida 313 K 333 K KSL Salt Lake City. Utah.2.55 S 303 S KSMR Santa Maria, Cal 2-,0 H 273 H KSO Clarinda, la M KSOO Sioux Falls, S. D 2 70 O 210 K KSTP - St. Paul, Minn 295 T 220 S KTAB Oakland, Cal 23 1 M 280 M KTAP San Antonio, Tex 2.8 H 229 K KTBI Lore Angeles, Cal 2 :.1 O KTBR Portland, O r e M KTHS Hot Springs, Ark 375 O KTM -Santa Monica, Cal 391 M KTNT -Muscatine. la 2.6 S 256Q KTSA - San Antonio, Tex 232 O 265 Q KTUE llouston, Tex 319 A 231 A KTW Seattle, Wash 235 O KUJ Longview, Wash 2( B KUOA Fayetteville, Ark 'It M KUOM Missoula, Mont 526 M 461 M KUSD Vermillion. S. D 337 M 484 K KUT Austin, Tex 288 M 232 M KVI Tacoma, Wash 224 KVL Seattle, K Wash 200 H 273 H KVOO-.Tulsa, Okla 263 O 349 S KVOS Bellingham, Wash.250 K 210 K KWBS Portland, Ore 200 C 200 C KWCR Cedar Rapids. la 229 H 240 K KWEA Shreveport. La 24t, H 213 K KWG Stockton, Cal 250 H 345 H KWJJ Portland. Ore 282 M 250 F KWK St. Louis, Mo 2'2 O KWKC Kansas City, Mo 219 H 222 F1 K W KH. Shreveport, La 353 S 394 R KWLC Decorah, la 236 F 248 F KWSC Pullman, Wash 216 M 394 M KWTC Santa Ana, Cal 200 H 273 H KWUC Le Mars, la 244 P K W WG Brownville, Tex 238 M 278 M KXA Seattle, Wash 526 M 535 M KXL Portland, Ore 240 M 220 K KXO El Centro. Cal 250 C 225 H KXRO Aberdeen, Wash F 224 F KYA San Francisco, Cal KYW -KFKX Chicago, Ill 294 S 526 S O P O R S T U V W

12 W WTAG g WB.B.M. gigigi RADIO LOG Power Cede A B C D E F G H 1 J K L M N O P 0 R S T U V W WESTERN MIDDLE WESTERN K. C. Dial Setting W. L. CENTRAL EASTERN KFC R Santa Barbara. Cal.. H KGDR Tema H KFXJ Edgewater. Colo. F.. KOA Spokane. Wash. S KFJF Okla. City, Okla. S. KSTP St. Paul, Minn. T.. 1(15 7Bk1and, Cal. H KS BA Shreveport, La. 0. KO RE -KFIF Oregon. H F KOFF Alva. Okla. H. WIL St. Louie, Mo. H K KO Aberdeen. Waah. F KOCW Chickasha. Okla. H. KGRS -WDAG Am'o, Tex. O WHDI -WDGY Minn M Rockford. ill. M J I KWSC Pullman. Wash. M KLRA -KUOA Arkansas OM 1390 KFPY Spokane, Wash. M KOW Denver, Colo. M KSO Clarinda, la WKBH LaCrosse, WI KFEC -KRII Oregon F KFU R Ogden. Utah F 1370 KFBB Havre, Mont. K KGB San Diego, Cal. K K W K St. Louie, Mo KVI -KMO Tacoma, Wn.OM KFPW Ark. F 1340 KSCJ Sioux City, la (010 -K010 Idaho K KGHF Pueblo. Colo. K 1320 Kink Sacramento Cal. H K UP Denver, Colo, H 1310 RFC!! Phoenix. Aria. H K W C R Cedar Rapide. la. H 1310 KTBR -KFJR Port.,Ore. M KFH \Vlehlta, Kee KGCF -KTI Los Angeles O WI BW Topeka. Kas KDYL Salt Lake City O... KFUL - K L1 Texas,O 1290 STAB Oakland, Cal w Esc Superior. Wie. O V W RR Texas M.o.' W DAY Fargo. N. D. O KFOA- KTWSeattle,Wn.O. wdsu New Orleans, La. O KROV -KWWG Texas M KOI L Council Bluffe. la. O KEJK -KFON Calif. MO WLB- WGMS -NLBAM M. O 1250 KXL Portland. Ore. O KFMX -WCAL 703!1TOeld O 1250 KFOB Ft. Worth. Tex. O 1240 WJAD Waco, Tex. O 1240 SFIO Spokane. Waah. H KY* San Francisco, Cal K F KU-WREN Law., Eae KPO -KPCB Seattle, R'u. H KFOR LÍticoin, Nebr. H KPPC Pasadena. Cal. F. KOEW Ft. Morgan, t'o1 H 1200 KVOS Bellingham. Wash K KFJB Iowa H 1200 KF WC Ontario, Cal H. CAT Rapid City, S. U. H 1200 WOAI San Antonio. Tex. 5' KOB State College, N. M. S 1180 KEX Portland, Ore. R 1180 KTNT Muscatine, la. S ' ROOM Stockton, Cal. F L Salt Lake City, Utah S KFSG Los Angeles Cal. M. KMIC Inglewood, Cal. K... KJ BS San Francisco. Cal. H KWJJ Portland. Ore. M... KNX Loe Angeles. Cal. S... CN KV Vancouver, B. C. M KOW San Jose. Cal. M KGFH Glendale. Cal. K KVOO Tulsa. Okla. O., 1140 KFK Milford, Kas. S KUT -WTAW Texas M 1120 KSOO Sioux Falls. S. D. O KMOX St. Louie, Mo. S.l WDZ-WCA2Illinoie H WJAO Norfolk, Nebr. O G s 99.9 WAFD Detroit. Mich. H WKBZ Mich. E W SAN- W C BA Allentown. H WOO Philadelphia, Pa. H W BA W- W LAC Nashville S. WFBL N. Y. O WORD Chicago. III. S W HT -WJAZ Chicago. Ill. S 204 WRUF Gainesville, Fla. 5 /.. W KBW Buffalo, N. Y WJSV Mt. Ver. Hills, Va. T WFJC Akron, O. M WTFI Toccoa, Ca. M WJAV Cleveland, O. M WNJ-WIBS-WBMS N. J. K WM BD Peoria Hgts., Ill. MeWOKO-WH EC N Y. M WTAD Quincy, Ill. M W N RC Greenboro, N. C. M WGBC-W21B11 Memphle, M WBRL Tilton, N. H. M WCAH Cd184I6ua.O. K WAAD Ohio E WSSH Boston H WS KO Middletown, O. H... WLEX Maas. H WS KC Bay' City. Mich. M..IWDEL Wilmington, Del. K WuHr BL Sheboygan. Wie. M.. yxj,- WBAA- WCMAIO.M WBBC- WCGU- WLTHNYM W H K Cleveland, O. O KOV Pittsburgh, Pa. M WCSO Springfield, O. MI. W I B M Jackson, Mich. H.... W C B M Baltimore. 51 d. H I WOES Chicago M / WMAF Dartmouth. Mass. M WJ KS Gary. Ind. M. WBET Boston,klass. M WMSO -W KB0.W BNYN YK WSPD Toledo, O. M WTAD Eau Claire, Wie. OI WSMB New Orleans, La. N WCAC -WORC Conn. M WADC Akron. Ohio O C -W KBB Chi. Ill. HF WFBG Penn. H LIK_BJ - Illinois HF.. WTHS Atlanta, Ga. O WBBR -WHAZ N. Y. M W E V D- W H AP New York M WJAS Pittsburgh, Pa. O WOOD Chattanooga O 1280 Ir' 234.! WOAX-WCAM-WCAPN.J. M _236.1 WASH- WOODGr.Rpde. KM 1050 WFAA -KRLD Dallas, T. WT KOGF Plcher, Okla. M WNAD Norman, Okla. M. WHO Des Moines, Iowa S 1000 KJR Seattle, Wash. S 970 CKCK -CNRR Regina M... CJBR Regina, Bask. M 1 KPSN Pasadena, Cal. O...I KLDS -KMBC Kas. C. Mo. O 950 KFWB Hollywood. Cal. 0.. W NB Waitaki City, Mo. O 950 SOIN Portland, Ore. O KFEL -KFXF Denver K. 940 KOU Honolulu M KFWI San Franeslco Cal. M KOBZ York, Nebr. M 930 KFWM Oakland, Cal. M... KMA Shenandoah. la. M. KOMO Seattle, Wash KPRC Houston, Tex. 0. CFOC -CNRS Saskatoon M. CJ NS Saskatoon. Sask. K 910 KHJ Loe Angela.. Cal W KY Okla. City, Okla KOBO Ketchikan, Alas. M D KUSD S. D. M KFNF Shenandoah, la. M. 890 KLX Oakland. Cal. M.. KF KA- KPOF Colorado M. KFOZ Hollywood. Cal. K... KWKH Shreveport. La. S. CKLC Red Deer, Alta. O... CZE Mexico City M KOA Denver. Colo. U. 7. KGO Oakland. Cal. T KELW -KT M California M KFV D Culver City, Cal. K. CMC -CN BC Calgary M... RPO San Francisco, Cal. S. K F I Los Angeles, Cal. W 238 WJAX Jacksonville, Fla. O, WLBW Oli City, Pa. M WODA Paterson, O WAAM- WGCPJersey ('. M 241 W RBC Valparaiso, Ind. K WORM -WiQ-p Florida NO w HP Detroit, NI lch.n / 243 W FBM -WSBT Indiana OM. WNAC -WBIS Boston M 243 WCWK Ft. Wayne, Ind. M. WPSC State Coll., Pa. M 245 WC AE Pittaburgh, Pa. M , W CDC Chicago. Ill. H WC R W- W SBC Chicago H wrjn-wclo Wisconsin H WWAE Indiana H WJBC-WJBL Illinois H I W JJ D Chicago, Ill. O I i 6 s WCAU Philadelphia, Pa. S '.'58 W W VA Wheeling, W.Va. Se 58.., W O W O Ft. Wayne. Ind. Tat WHAM Rochester, N. Y. S f 263 WAPI Auburn, Ala. S WTAM -WEAR Cleveland S WFBM Indianapolis M W KAN E. Laming, Mich. M KYW Chicago. Ill. S " W J BB Sarasota. Fla. K , WOC Davenport, la. S I WCFL Chicago. Ill. W WOAD Canton, N. Y. M WMBG Richmond, Va. H W WAX Penna. H W BBW -W LBG Virginia H WNBX Vermont B WPRC Harrisburg, Pa. H WICC Faaum, Conn. M WGBS New York M 265.:1 WOV New York O 261 WISN- WHADMIIw'kee KM WCOA Pensacola, Fla. M CF RC Kingston. Ont. M W BAK Harrisburg, Pa. M WRVA Richmond, Va. S / 272 W L W L New York S 272 n WPO Atlantic City, N. J. S c WCBDZIon,711.WMBIChgo.S WBT Charlotte, N. C. TAO WAAT Jersey City, N. J. L WBAL Baltimore, Md. S " W KEN Buffalo, N. Y. N CJBC Toronto, Ont. M WPAP-WOAO N. Y. K WPM-WRNY N. Y. K WBZ Springfield, Magie. U, KDKA Pittsburgh, Pa. W C F R B Kingston. Ont. O.`.. CROW Toronto, Ont. S-m WPC Washington. D. C. M W FI W HoDklmvllle, Ky. O WCSH Portland, Me. M WBRL Birmingham. Ala. M CH NS Halifax N. S. M W 1111X-W DBJ Roanoke KM W W J Detroit. Mich. O CJGC I.ondon, Ont. M WSUN -WFLA Florida 0 WMAK -WFBL N. Y. N WLBL Stevens Pt. Wis.O WILL Urbana. Illinois WMMN Fairmont. W. Va. R WGST -WMAZ Georgia M WCOC Columbus, Misa. M WGBI -WOAN Scranton K NILS-WEN R- WBCNCh1goS WABC -WBOO New York S 850 I W WL New Orleans. La. S ICFCA -CN AT Toronto M... IC KOW 8carboro, Ont. M 820 W CCO Minneapolis T 810 W BAP Ft. Worth, Tex. W!' 800 K T H S Hot Springs, Ark. O lao KFAB Lincoln, Nebr. S ^ 770 W E W St. Louis, Mo. O 'KM M J Clay Ctr., Nebr. O 740 'CYJ Mexico City O CFCN -CJCJ Calgary PK aso C21 Mexico City O WAAW Omans, Nebr. M. KF NU Columbia Mo. M.1. CJGX Yorkton, Sask. M WOS Jefferson City, Mo. M. K FAD Phoenix, Aria. M... K G W Portland, Ore. O KFRC San Francisco. Cal. O WOO -WDAF K. C.. Mo. O. KFBU Laramie. Wyo. M K FS San Diego, Cal. M. WEBW Beloit, WY. K KHO Spokane, Wash. O... WE9W- WÇAJNebraska OM CJCA -CKUA Edm'ton M.. WSUI Iowa City, la. M,,. KG F X Pierre, S. l). J KSAC Manhattan. Kas. MA KPLA -KMTR Calif. 0 KXA Seattle, Wash. M KLZ Denver, Colo. O r. KFDM Beaumont. Tex. M Brookings, S. D. M KFYR Bismarck. N. D. M KG KO Wichita Falls. Tex. K KUOM Missoula, Mont. M. KFEO St. Joseph, Mo. R.. WOI Ames, Iowa R IfSD-ILFUOSt. I.ouN, Mo. M R M-GGrd. Forks, N. D. M. :L 365.6,W HAS Loulavllle, Ky. S WPCH New York M WSAI Cincinnati, O. S IWGY Schenectady. N. Y. W./ W MC Memphis, Tenn. S...-" 'WPOR -WSEA Virginia M 389.4, W BB M T WJZ New York V---" WJR -WC X Detroit S PWX Havana M WSB Atlanta, (la. S CFCF -CNRM Montreal PO WGN -WLIB Chicago V W L W Cincinnati W NAA Arlington, Va. O W MAO Chicago. III. S ISO /5M Nashville, Teno. S..'. 840 LL 468,5 W AI U COlambue. O. S C % Copyright, By Walter Haynae- Patent P.ndln8 Continued from Previous Page CHYC -CKAC Montreal NO WOR Newark, N. J. S i CNRO -CKCO Ottawa MO WPTF Raleigh. N. C. T WEAF New York W / a W G BF Evansville, Ind. M/ 483.E WTMJ Milwaukee, Wle. 0!.I WLBZ Dover. Me. K W DBO- W DAE Florida M W M AL Washington. D. C. K W I P- W FAN Phlladephia M W PLC Memphis, Tenn. M.i WTIC Hartford, Coon. K WOAN Iawr b'g, Tenn. MI. WCAO Baltimore, Md. K ' ycemct Berrien Sp.. Mich. O W EEI Boston, Maas. M WKAO Porto Rica M IWOBU-WSAZ W. Va. K Worcester, Maas. K 526 W 1 BO Chicago P. 526 WPCC Illinois M - WwNC Asheville. N.C.O 526 WHAkladison, Wis. N WMCA-WNYC-WSYRNYMK W F I- W LIT Phlladelphla M WNOX Knoxville, Tenn. O W MBF MlamlBeach, Fla. M/ 545. I WK PIC Cincinnati. O.Mre WGRBuffalo,N.Y.O WCAO Columbus, O. N IWEAN Providence, R. I... G i1 w!

13 254 W DAF - Kansan City, Mo WKBE Webster. Mass 250 H 229H WRBX Roanoke, Va 322 K...K WDAG Amarillo, Tex WKBFelndianapolia, Ind 214 M 252 K W RC Washington, I). (' 316 M 468 M WDAH El l'ano, Tex 229 H 234 H WKBH LaCrosse, Win M W REC- Memphis, Tenn 5(''' ' ' 250 M WDAY Fargo, N. I) K W K81-7 Chicago, Ill 229 F 216 F WREN- Lawrence, Kan 254 N WDBJ Roanoke, Va 322 M 231 K WKBN Youngstown, O 526 M 214 F W RHM- Minnea plis, Minn '' W DBO Orlando, Fla M WKBO Jersey City, N. J 207 K 219 M WRJN hacine, Wit; 248 F WDEL Wilmington, Del 213 M 297 K WKBP Battle Creek Mich 211 F 213 F WRK li:ouii ton, Ohio 205 H WDCY Minneapolis, Minn 213 M 285 M WKBQ New York. N. Y 222 K 219 M WRNY New York, N. Y 326 M W DOD Chattanooga, Tenn M WKBS Galesburg, III 229 H 217 H WRR - Malian, Tex 461 M WDRC New Haven, Conn '225 M 283 M WKBT New Orleans, La F 252 F WRUF- Cainenville, Fla 203 S W DSU New Orleans, La K WKBV Brookville. Ind 200 H 219 H WRVA Richmond, Vs H 248 K WKBW Buffalo, N. Y 204 S 217 S WSAI ('ineinnati, O 371 S 361 S WDWF -WLSI Cranston, R. L.... WDZ - Tuscola, Ill 280 H 278 H WKBZ Ludington, Mich 200 F 200 C WSAJ Grove City, Pa 229 H 224 K WEAF-..New York, N. Y 454 W 491 W WKEN -brand Island, N. Y 288 N 204 N WSAN Allentown, Pa 200 H 222 H WEAL Ithaca. N. Y WKJC Lancaster, Pa 250 F 252 F WSAR Fall River, Mass 207 K 213 K WEAN Providence, R. I K 275 M WKRC Cincinnati, M 246 M WSAZ.41untington, W. Va 517 K 250 H WEAO Columb,.a, N 283 N WKY Oklahoma, Okla I WSB - Atlanta, Ga 4,-, u WEAR Cleveland, WLAC Nashville, Tenn 201 S 225 S WSBC Chicago, III H WEBC Superior, Wis WLAP Okalona, Ky E 268 E WSBT South Bend. Ind 400 M WEBE Cambridge, B 248 B WLB -WOMS Minneapolis. Minn M WSEA Portsmouth, Va 263 M WEBQ Harrisburg, III 248 F 224 C WLBC Muncie, Ind 229 F 210 F WSGH -WSDA Brooklyn, N. Y. 227 M WEBR Buffalo, N. Y 229 H 242 J WLBF KaneasCity, Kas 211 H 210 F WSIX Springfield, Tenn 250 I W EB W Beloit, Win 500 K 258 M WLBG Petersburg, Va 250 H 214 M WSKC Bay City, Mich 273 K WEDC,Chicago, Ill 248 H 242 M WLBH Farmingdale, N. Y 211 E 232 E WSM - Nashville, Tenn 337 S WEDH Erie, Pa 211 E 208 R WLBL Stevens Point. Wit, 333 Q WSMB New Orkane, La ' 297 N WEEI Boston, Mass 508 M 508 M WLBO Galesburg, III 229 H 217 H WSMD Salisbury Md 265 H Philadelphia, Pa 229 H WLBV Mansfield, Ohio 248 H 207 F WSMK Dayton, b 297 J WEHS-Evanston, III 229 H 216 H WLBW..Oil City, Pa 238 M 273 M WSPD Toledo, 0 2' 240 K W EMC'Berrien Spgs., Lich WLBX Long Island City, N. Y H 204 H WSRO Middletown, H.WENR -WBCN Chicago, Ill 345 S 288 S WLBZ Foxcroft, Me 484 M 208 K WSSH Ibxrton, Mass H WEPS Olonrenter, Mans 250 H 297 H WLCI Ithaca, N. Y 484 F 248 F WSUI- Iowa City, la M WEVD Woodhaven, N. Y 231 M 246 M WLEX Lexington. Mass _ 211 F 216 F WSVS Buffalo, N. Y 204 F WEW St. Louis. Mo W L IT Philadelphia. Pa. 535 M 405 M WSYR Syracuse, N. Y 294 M WFAA Dallas, Tex 288 S 545 M WLOE Chelsea, Maas 200 H 211 H WTAD Quincy, III 2(' 236 K WFAN Philadelphia, Pa 491 M 224 M WLS Crete, Ill 345 S 345 S WTAG Worcester, Mass K WFBC Knoxville, Tenn 250 F 234 F WLTH Brooklyn. N. Y 214 M 256 K WTAM -Cleveland, S WFBE Cincinnati, H 246 K WLWusCincinnati, W 428 S WTAQ- Eau Claire, Win _ 254 M WFBG Altoona, Pa 229 H 268 H WLWL New York, N. Y 273 S 370 S WTAR -WPOR Norfolk, Va 3' 236 M WFBJ Collegeville, Minn 219 H 273 H WMAC Caxenovia, N. Y 526 K 225 M WTAW College Station, Tex M WFBL Syracuse, N. Y 333 N 258 N WMAF So. Dartamouth, Mass M 428 M WTAX Streator, III 248 F WFBMdndianapolia, Ind 244 M WMAK hlartinaville, N. Y 333 N 545 N WTAZ Richmond, Va 220 C WFBR Baltimore, Md 268 K 244 K WMAL Washington D. C 476 K 242 M WTFI Toccoa, Ga M WFCI Pawtucket, R. I 248 H 242 H WMAN Columbus, ó 248 F 234 F WTHS Atlanta, Ca M WFDF Flint, Mich 229 H 273 H WMAQ.Chicago, Ill 447 S 447 S WT IC...Hartford, Conn te.o,. 535 M WFI Philadelphia, Pa 535 M 405 M WMAY St. Louis, Mo 250 H 234 H WTMJ Milwaukee, Win W FI W -Hopkineville, Ky WMAZ Macon, Ga 337 M 270 M WWAE Ilammond, Ind M WFJC Akron, M 227 M WMBA Newport. R. I. (Port).,. 200 H 204 H WW1 - Detroit, Mich WFKD Philadelphia. Pa 229 F 248 F WMBC Detroit, Mich 211 H 244 H W WL -'New Orleans, La 3" 246 M WFLA -WSUN Clearwater, Fla N WMBD-l',oria Ste., Ill 208 M 205 K WWNC Asheville, N. C 5u u 2970 WGAL Lancaster, Pa 229 C 252 C WMBF -Miami Beach, Fla 535 M 384 M W W RL Woodside, N. Y 200 H 200 H WGBB Freeport, N. Y 248 H 246 I WMBG Richmond, Va 248 H 220 C WWVA. Wheeling, W. Va 258 S 617 K WGBC Memphis, Tenn M 229 C WMBH.Joplin, Mo 211 H 204 H Powta Coot A B C O E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W CANADIAN CFAC Calgary, Alta 434 M CHNC Toronto, Ont 517 M CiSC Toronto, Ont 517 M CKUA Edmonton, Alta M CFCA -- Toronto, Ont 357 M CHNS Halifax, N. S 322 M CKAC Montreal, Que CKY -Winnipeg, Man 384 M CFCF Montreal, Que P CHYC Montreal, Que N CKCD Vancouver, B. C F CNRA Moncton, N. B 476 M CFCH Iroquois Falls, Ont 500 K CJBC Toronto, Ont M CKCK Regina, Sask 312 M CNRC Calgary, Alta 434 M CFCN Calgary, Alta 434 P CJBR Regina, Sank M CKCL Toronto, Ont 517 M CNRE Edmonton, Alta M CFCT Victoria, B. C 476 M CJCA Edmonton, Alta. 517 M CKCO Ottawa, Ont 434 H CNRM Montreal, Que CFQC Saskatoon, Sask M C1CJ Calgary, Alta 434 K CKCV Quebec, P. Q 341 F CNRO Ottawa, Out 434M CFRB King. Ont 3120 UGC London, Ont 329 M CKGW -Itowmanville, Ont S CNRR Regina, Bask 312 M CFRC Kingston, Ont 268 M CJGX Yorkton, Sank M CKLC lied Derr, Alta CNRS Saskatoon Ssak M CHCA Calgary, Alta 434 K CJHS Saskatoon, Sank 329 K CKNC Toronto. Ont 517 M CNRT Toronto, Ont 357M CHCT Red Deer, Alta CJRM Moose Jaw, Sask M CKOW ScarloroSta.,Ont M CNRV \'anoouver B.C 291 M CHMA Edmonton, Alta. 517 K CJRW Fleming, Saak 297 M CKSH St. Hyacinth, P. Q F CNRW Winnipeg, du 384 M CUBAN 2 EP Havana 355 M 6 KW Tuinucu SR Elia 350 M PWX Havana 400 M MEXICAN CYB Mexico City CYJ Mexico City CYX Mexico City 326 M CZF Chihuahua 325 K CYD Vera Cruz 260 K CYR Mazatlan 460 H CZE Mexico City 357 M C21 Mexico City C v., _ x E I1'w w% F-"..,`, e ï;, 11:7:

14 WENDELL HALL, the red- headed music maker, is fre- quently heard with Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians on the Tuesday and Thursday evening broadcast which WBBM presents over the Columbia Broadcasting System. NATE CALDWELL, old WBBM favorite, is again chief announcer. EDWARD B. HUSING, sports announcer of the Columbia Broadcasting System, who with Pat Flanagan announced the North- western- Indiana and Northwestern- Dartmouth games which were broadcast from WBBM over the entire country thru the Columbia Broadcasting System.

15 WALDO FISHER, star end for Northwestern in '25, '26 and '27 and now freshman coach, presented the weekly footballforecastheard over WBBM each Friday preceding last season's games. "UG" (K. L.) WILSON, athletic director of Northwestern University, and a famous athlete himself, who has accomplished so much in bringing Northwestern teams to the fore. "DICK" HANLEY, jj coach of the Northwestern Wild Cats for the last two years. In 1925 WBBM presented the first game ever broadcast for Northwestern. The last few years have seen remarkable improvements in the Northwestern football teams.

16 BONNIE BLUE, with the modernistic background sings the most modern blue songs over WBBM. BILLY ALLEN HOES, dainty and petite. Playing her own accompaniment she has sung her way into the hearts of millions in WBBM's radio audience. REMOTE control orchestras which you hear broadcast from WBBM come over special telephone wires arranged by H. A. Carlson.

17 LEE SIMS, the 20th century's greatest exponent of syncopation at the black and white ivory keys. Lee is another regular reason for WBBM's popularity.... KAY DAVIDSON, the Little Blue Bird of radio. Kay proves the old adage that some mighty good things come in small packages. MARCELLA - No one knows her last name but everybody knows Marcella. Blues de Luxe, nuf said.

18 MORAN AND MACK the Two Black Crows of stage and record fame. You hear them Sunday evenings over WBBM. PLANTATION JUBILEE SINGERS, voices of the real south who bring us spirituals just as they are "writ."

19 THE THREE VAG- ABONDS, a trio of unusual rhythm and modern voice modulations. BEULAH ROSINE, talented director of the Illinois Concert Orchestra, a staff feature of WBBM studio. MELBA CALDWELL who sings those beautiful ballads and blues in that deep contralto -and how.

20 THREE PEPPERS of the red hot variety. Recording artists as well. THREE COQUETTES. Their beautiful modern harmonies are equalled only by their dancing ability and their -well -just wait till television hits us. BERNICE YANACEK, the best lookingmember of the Benedict- Yanacek Piano and Organ Duo.

21 GUYLOMBARDO and his ROYAL CANADIANSexclusively over WBBM and the most famous and popular band on the air. THE "NUTTY CLUB" boasts an international membership. It is estimated that over a million listeners have wired, 'phoned, or written in, to be included in this club program. Conducted by Charlie Garland and ably assisted by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, it goes into its fifth year of meetings. Sunday at midnight from the Granada Cafe. '! N ' Cr1,iFa.^' n r e Ct,oK, ;CjNi nrnnw yjsb µas I, qrjnao `sn Esp 0 RosE ty

22 i; THE SILVER CUP, awarded W B B M in the Largest national popularity contest ever conducted. The great listening public acclaimed W B B M the sixth most popular station in the United States. Entertainment de -luxe as provided by Guy Lombardo, the Illinois Concert Orchestra, Lee Sims and Charlie Garland, combined with the best in educational and public service features, has won a deserving reward. PRINTED IN U S A.

State Capitals Directions:

State Capitals Directions: State Capitals Directions: Using the word bank of state capitals below, match the capitals to their state. Hint: Use a map of the United States to help you locate the capitals. State Capitals Albany -

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