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1 VAUXHALL S2095 THE DALY NEWS anabt Nova Motors Ltd Vo 54 No 70 ST JOHNS, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 957 (Price 5 cents) Chares Hutton & Son he re- DS cks <"RPT ERS CH NS 98 ond 29 n S, ueen Wi Be Asked Visit Canada -First e Canada, who aended the! r feea "quite atrong!y" th\ the rrra Starr Writer muda taks between the Candian meetin ahoud be n London, r -Prime Mnster prime minister and rme Min, "He (Mr Macmian) u com, r:, ompeon ahow ; ser Macmin of Britain muncainj with the other prime , f:m tw ra s n Ber Questioned by reporters about mnsbrs From the preiminary, \r:ned\ that the the Qt: ns traveing pan and reaction t woud aeem that tt ",, d to mjke Can the pssibity of a prime minis! woud be moat convenient for the ;:,:!n n) Sorth Am en cmrrcnce he ud:, argest number for t to be hed, : r:an,he has for, "t wu he recommended by the n eary summer" United Kndom government to: He said that Prime Minister,comcd that a Com Hr Majesty that f she comes i Macmian fees tat at the London minitcn con across the Atantic thi! year he meeting the \eaden "shoud f,,, b hed n ndon i shoud \!t here first t coud be range for a ystem Cf hodnga,,r and th the poss- just a!hom v!t n!hp cod go these meetnj& n other countries,,,, \ uh con!erencrs i from here to the United StRte,": o/ the Commonweath, " : - " in the nthrr he ud Of the Bermuda meetings he CmmoniiN\h, n! To 5\gc,tons thrt a conrpr!aid the projected European com enr of prime m!n:trrs a pend mon market and ts possibe ef "d h!nh too that n he said: fects upon Canada were discussed ; nr; eedom "There prob3by wi be a Aneties Canada had were antic!- :cr prime mntpr cnnreronce Rut pad by the United Kingdom,, """ - - was ercom the prime m:nter or ti" Tn!Pd The common market coud be T- "o h,tcr Hwe, Kn2tom wnt, t to be d th\ U!Cd to expand trade both within, <= Pcr-, im in Lnrnn" nd ou!ide the area, or t coud, r rc "r" " Lter n h rommo!!it hp Ued o restrict ade to the - : c ",,:,;onpr n aurni said that!rmrn: area, ecudn fo!egn suppiers ORKS PLANT: Die n Exposion :-,, TY ;AP-Tvo ex eved or djmatd bti\din f,, Poee, firemen and ambujnce, :;,,,r, ajrt in a fire a bock around, anu sha!ered win- drivers were cauaht n the aecond :,: \\;inc :Jy ki:ed or dow! n the nearby in!!rnatona exposion 5 mnus ater At east ::r,,! penns The airport termina!three firemen and a \ atfc poee,, " ;r t irport about! A crater neary 00 reet ong and man died n the aecond baet, Lt ),!c m :hr cntre of the, 30 feet deep was e!t Co Rafae Garcia Eaparza, - The factory was ocated on the ahtant!re chief, wu aevery n- ;Yrr "H compounded edge of a poor residentia district jured bt kept shouting orders to,,,,,, mnn in to hep caed Coonia Federa rescuera athough barey abe to,,,,_ f:r<, ba!t were: BODES SCAERED move :,, rcod Buse, and truck a moving on the Bode of victims re torn end Mexico Cty Puebh highway - hured by the exposion force nto :> rt Jict H were kied side the airport were rocked Fift trees and onto the adjoining rai ": rr p,,iice \ednesda) een njured were taken from one way for about 7!0 feet ;,j " h,r: ere recov-: bus bady twisted by the bast Thound oi eurous erowded J Jn o! - injured were Poice nd arse quantities of nto the area : :n cr:lca condition and powder and dynamite had en Red Crou and Green Crosa am " stored n the buudng ":he fint buances and private automobies \:: rckd \he facto!"), but oc<:urred about noon!arttd the wt!u!ded to hoaptah OTTAWA: Federa Budget Under Fire CP>--Federat budaet propoaed payments by the Aberta she ud the taxpayer ahood be o taxpay_ers w,re do-\ Socia Credit sovermmnt of,- charged nterest 0 te addtona, t L\p Comm0 Wednea- 000,000 n ony from! au a to make ooe persona resident n the province aessment not now from the,!;;:,tber the were ser-f/r:odmetaaa govor; ::;;n:r budget y t aurent n icates e era n e ra ection et or une HOLYWOOD, Cai,Eva Marie Saint and her two-year-od on, Darre, are shown on thf! set of "A Hatfu Of Rain at 20th Century Fox Studios when the youngster came to see his mother work for the first time She i the wife of Jeffrey Hayden, young TV dire:tor who recenty directed his first motion picture-(n Photo) Commons Coses n Near Future OTTAWA (CP) - Prime Minister St Laurent ceary indicated Wednesday he pans to ca a June genera eection Returning to the Commons from his Bermuda meeting with British Prime Minister Macmian, he said the Commons wi not sit more than two or three Saturdays after next Saturday And he aso spoke of dissoution of Paria ment" - the forma winding up of the current Pariament, eected August 0, 953, for a new eection Mr St Laurent gave no indication of the exact date However, eections must be hed on a Monday and the ony two June Mondays pos sibe are June 0th and 7th A June 3 date woud require enumeration of voters to take : more than two or three!!aw pace during Hoy Week June 24: days" ater next Saturd Ht is a provincia hoiday n Quebec said he wi dhcu 5 with ea d!r the feast of St Jean Baptste of opposition parties the mannr He spoke as the Commons de n which the we!hre!ncreuu bated and approved his motion! cou!: oe impemented "before that the House sit next SabJrday : the a dissoution of Parh Opposition Leader Diefenbaker: ment" asked whether the governm!nt Athough the prime mn!ter pans to introduce egisation this, spoke of two or three turdaya session to mpement the ncreues )after f::r Saturday, t, appun n wei! are payments, announc-ed i certain there coud be 0 mort n \he budget to take etfect this than two, That woud take tit summer Comm0 up to Apri J, tit S&\o Staney Knowes, CCF whp urday bef<re Taster week ParUaaso suggested that there woud be ment!j Trtuay eertan ie be d!j no mooo than two or three Satur- aoved befon Euter days this session 0 which the For a June 0 tte&b, PafHa Commons woud sit nt woud have to bt d!uoftc! WLL BE DSCUSSED about Apri 2 and for JUie T Mr St Laurent repied that, date t woud hay a ei! before there woud "certainy not be Easter TEAMSTERS UNON: Jf omes C : ro ems Beck Charged :!"rtermore, continued ernment wants to get ts finger n for ts announcement that trans- n Faircough ( PC-Ham- the pie, aad Mr Hanse He S portaton probems of the Atantic it inc rea! e s Cf S8 tmated that appication of n provinces w be studied and for By FRASER WGHTON retary R A Bter about the! are Just asking questions which; c i" pnion! for the od come tax to the dividends oud the federa offer to anst Nova LONDON (Reuters) - Prime strike and Cyprus i are just arriving at a very import Ar riuber and others! brnj about $2,000,000 nto the fed Scotia and New Brunswick buid Mnter Macman few home i acmian schedued a cabinet ant point We sha have to wat, ro ga nt 0 nte m p t :n the budget woudnt era! treasury for this year steam power pants and transms from Bermuda Wednesday to face meeting for today to report on his; to seoe the answers" n haf a oaf" Mrs, Faircough aso urged the &ion ines n and between the two a snowbang industria strike and i Pmmuda taks and dscus terms! When a reporter suggested that!c think t wo!d be: iornment to aow deduction provinces a critica decision on the Cyprus; for the reease o Archbishop Ma: US poicy seemed to be based By DOUGLAS B CORNELL said t might ncriminate him to :h p,int o say bis h from taxabe ncome of payment Oppoaiton mbera had aug dispute karos, exied eader of Cyprus too much on United Nations deci : say whether he used $968 of union > hreat made by a husband to his wife eated that th Gordon "conomc During his eight day absencoe unon wth-greece movement A sons, a em Uan repied: "That W HNGTON (AP) - Team money tn buy five r!ozen diapers \ R LJ<b) rl-cumber- when a coupe has separted, A commn!qn report woud be she for taks with President Esen government statement on Mak" is the purpoe of these taks No vter t!tan Dae Beck wound up an "Off the record, natnr," Beek rmt the budge! debate mony payments made after J di- ved }y the government and aj bower and Prime Minister St i os s expected in the House of country can have a poicy which initia apjarance fore Senate tod Senator Joseph McCarthy h FJcouh disaareed vorce was granted coud he de owed to a ather dust But this Laurent of Canada,000,000 n i Com :nons today, merey say we eave t to the rackets probers Wednesday under, (Rep Wis), "you are!sured ts " - rripinn o! the budget; when coupes wen! separated "shut up" their criticisms The dustra workers bgan wage UP TO EXPECTATONS United Nations" i scorching denunciation for "arro not for mysef" ""rh U by FnP;;e, ducted and simiar paymnts budiet had shown n this way tbe strike and 500,000 more threat Macmian tod reporters at Lon Macmian said the US prome; gant contempt" j CONTEMPT FOR UNON H:r; t was a iood shoud be made deductabe, ahe first fruita of the Gordon report ned a wakout n the London don airport that his conference to prove Britain with guided ms The presdent of the po,;erfu n, Senator John McCean (Dem,,:;mank buet aaid He a!o suggested tha the gov area Saturday, with Eisenhower "had more than vei!_o! "wi make a gat differ ternationa! Teamsters umon re i Ark), chairman of the speca Se- c J rakness of Mrs Faircough aso recom ernment consider setuns up Shorty after his arriva Mac- met a that we expected of it" ence to us Jatedy sought refjge behind the i ae committee!nvestgatn im- :nrmn criticism a of mended that misrepresentation as, roya commsaon nvestigate mian consuted with Hoe Sec He said his meeting with St Laur "f we had to do t for ourseves, fifth amendment : proper abor and ndustry activit r actuay a kind &ied n the ncome tax act be the feasibiity o the ong-discus ent had proved ery vauabe" i we are so far behind that we might ncriminate him, Beck ies, said he did n<>t know whether!nr r Harris docu quaified Courts had nterpreted ted Chgneeto cana to connect possibtes, t woud provide a A reporter asked: "s President, woud have to spend years and \S!Sted, to say whether he bo-: Becks refusa to answer ques- the word to mean taxpayers were Northumberand Strat with the vauabe inand waterway shoud Eisenhower prepared to b"!t tough mmen sums on deveopment rowed $200,000 through two bus! tions constituted "actionabe COD PF Uty of misrepresentation when Bay of FW!dy n Nova Scotia war ever come with Russia, he with (Egyptian President) Nas and research and sti be five or ness!irms to reensih the umon tempt" of Congress - punishabe : ack Rev E G the mistake was made nnocenty Aside from ts obvoua ahppn said ser?" six years behind the date that Am treasury after fera ncome tax upon conviction by a fide and,, -adeod directed This ponibty ahoud b! avoided Macman repied: "Now you ercan production prove 5 to he" agents got on his trai He aso oneyear Jai tenn r<h words at Revenue As far re-assenments by the But McCean said be ntends to :nesting revenue department of tax returns Montrea Famiy re U K Workers o phase d 0 St k dents e n r e demomtration F MONTREAL Students Demonstrate Against C N R :!t?!ecce: fi: n ()f the committee bear e n, re (CP) - Severa for the raiway chief to come out tawa that the CNR intends to stick nck, he Bid, bad shown "fa hundred chanting university stu- and meet them by the origina name grant disrespect for honest taged a protest march and When Mr Gordon did not appear Dem!strators Wednesday car unonsm" and arrogant contempt \Vednesday over the students marched to the CNRs red pacards urging the CNR to for the,500,000 "honest abornj MONTREAL (CP) - The trag TWO WVES DED the CNRs refusa to change the vnntra staton, where they chango! the name Poce ao\\:ed peope" n his own union, the n- edy-marked ife o 7-)!arod n addition to the aged ndian, name of ts new hqte! Jiere from cheered and, sang 0 Canada be them to march aong, mterfenng ternatona! Brotherhood of Team- RO,\LD FRASER refused any Wae offer or dacus ndian ended Wednesday when he, who waa ony five feet, two nches Queen Eizabeth kf Chateau Mat fo dispersing on when they bocked traffic sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen euten) - Britains, aon But they ater conceded a ha w!e, and their four chu ta and weighed around 00 sonneuve Poice said the student> were The youths aso carried a strw- and Hepers of America!>:s\m! umons uued five-per cent boost The empoyee: dren, the YOW!Jieat five months pounds, the victims were his 45- More thim 50 poiceman, fearfu from the University of Montrea fied effigy of Mr Gordon, whh And, he aad, tn his op!noa order Wednesday to representative, then cut their de od, periimd n a fire that spt year()jd wife and too chudren of: vthat the demonstration woud) and Ecoe Poytechnque they tnre to hds and ft m Beck has shown "utter contempt ni<n rea workers manda to 7 r coent their tte tenement borne ax yearr, four years, two years reach dangerous proportions, fat The namtng of the new hote front Of the CNR office budng of this committee of Congren, o "kn members Cf the Union eaders n!d nduatria The famuy oi Osiu Leboeuf, and five months owed the students 0 n their March has been a contentious ssue here Pohc-e were more worned bout thoe United States and for bh OV _of Shipbudn and empoyer& refused to negotiate n manag!n to ive on od-age pen- Death foowed each of Lebou!s: but there were no serious out- since it was first announced the some eather Jacketed yuths who ernment" nons, wi wak off "what appeara to be their utter ion and famuyaowanca fundi, three marriages His fij,"st wife vbreaks athough the paraders buiding woud be named after jomed the demonstration than CLAM MONEY TAKEN u oon Saturday 0 join ndfference to the con8quent re bad occupied tht three room, died n an accident 5 days after joeered and taunted the officers Queen Eizabeth French nation about the students themseves McCean aso spoke o theft men aready on strike auts" two-storey home anee ury ut the wedding: his second wife and The demonstration asted more ast groups, student organizations t was eather jacketed yoongs- A the ndications at the hear bhntia! pay increase Government otfcaa Wednesday month, 8 o the 20 chidren to whom ahe than three hours arid was centred and Mayor Jean Drapeau mme ters who turned a tudent protest!ngs, be said, have ben that Beck n wake average continued etforta to aetue the dis- They eame to Montrea n De- J&Ve birth ed in tje fu epidemic around CNR buidings n the heart datey protested that t shoud j march against an ncrease in was "taking moey from his! 2 6d, (J995) to 8 0 pue Government!)!Bcemakera eember from the st Regia ndian of the First Word War of the c\y be named after Pau Chomedy de: tram fares intn a fu sca!e riot n ion",r, for the base 4-hour and empoyer nejiotatou ere re reserve on tt Qebec-New York Tbt wue who died with Leboeuf Ths youths gathered first n Maisonneuve, founder of the city December, 955 Hoodums who " dont know any word t:at toineerinr-a term n- ported to have concentrated on a atate border and tint ived on was a "war orphan from Be- front of the partiay-buit hote NOT MOLESTED joined the praders set streetcars vwoud des c r b e t oess tha mutitude o tradea, union otfer a 0 back to work Lava Avenue, Laat month they gum," LeboeUf had ony recenty on busy Dorchester Street From Students have previousy posted afire, sashea bus tires and caused theft," he nd, "uness his un i i<semby ine work- for an unconditiona!veper-oent moved to the tenement on De tod ha corner grocery neighbor, there they marched to McGi pacards on the hote with the other damage Finay a buses!on knew about t and he repaced from 8 to S, ncrease pendn an ndependent Montogn:v Street Eut wbere they and their marriage was aeven Street where CNR President Don- name Chateau Maisonneuve, but and stre-etcars had to be -e<:aed it" h hnuter an Maceod atudy oi the wage queauon died (Continued on page!o), aid Gordon has his offices, caing Mr Gordon said recenty in Ot to their garages Tbe committee c0tends that preadinr atrice woud Beck took me>re than $320,000 from n()u conequencu "aot ADAMS CASE the Teamsters union and that rniay, but aso by a there J no evidence of ta bei ::,:::a: d&j ahead of tch" Cia m o rugs Ked w eathy" W dow :::v:fbvb contended that when the compete 8 mnuda and mmd story h brouht out - and be into conftrenee with thnkj t wi be a court because j R A, Buter Oi n b of hj i:dme taz troubes-he wi iuato A forma eab- r BDDY GUO damaij evidti!c, ived had 0 Mnm Morre 950 fashioned ft coar, stared at morphia and 3 gra s Cf eron be etonerated wa caed for todar LONDON (AP) - An emnt a a aoftpoen, beddt manner MADE HER ADDCT R R Defence CO!se have empha- the ceng fr00 his straight "What effect woud the!!! mu He said he had been n tie atartad tht!r medica man atanered Dr, John 0!be ajihth day o Adama tria SAddctpn, repied Dnn Douthd azed these re<:qrdt are the "true bacicd chair n the prisoners sve doses o drugs have on a trade union movement 40 Of ba diu 0, hta major BodtiA,Jiadama Wednta!Sar by oa charjb of drun a death a waite, "t made her addicted to record!" of U!e treatment oi the dock His face was fushed crm- semi-parayzed ady 0 8?" asked 6Z years and hadnt done n[t work n rver, Jrd a bdddtr the pbyaeinareiuent rc widow, Procuced an eectric thoh druga, t created a craving eccentric widow who eft an es son and a vein stood out oi his Sir Reginad thing wheb n ha mind wn The D&DWriD D- o a rieb patient a deiberate tffeet a the packed courtroom 0 her part for them \ tate of more than $400,000, broad forehead " beieve they woud have pro- W!"ODf a:ut ud ftort 0 d her Adams wide mouth f09jed open Dr, Douthwaite a enor pbya "Having considered a the ev- "Were the amounts prescribed duced jerky spasma or convu- The C)mttee bacnd up with "" fcturi pot, it AKed for h!a opot o the ma, red-robed Mr Justice Devn!cu at Londona famed Guys dence," asked the attorneygen- from Nov, 8 to 2 sufficient to sons-and utimate death," re- botogaphe! r<7p! ra ciipque ever-wdenb er- au do ot beroand mo!hine eaned forward, counse for Hospita and former presdf!t oi ara, "can you think of any eg! cause her death?" nct!red the at- pied Dr Douthwate and other documenu ts hnr that " wi maq Di, Adams prescribed for Mra, Ecth the accuaed pb;vaean o o ked tie London Medica Society, tim ate reason for the prescriptions torneygoenera Nr3e Caroine Randa earier Reck nev!!r started puttnr mone,,btr da bj Apri Aee Momn, Dr, Artbu: B atu!ntd, Dr Douthwate ud he based his o! the amounts from Nov 8 on- "Yes, said Dr Douthwate testified that Mrs MorreU auf bark nto the unnn un After th --o crriay aud fer noutbwaite repied: Attorn, Genera Sir Reginad coacus!ona on the day to day wards of heroin and morphine?" The crown prosecutor caed Dr fered such vioent spum a few ;ntern 3 reipnt "!rvce went \ter increa fraa ocia "M aar CO!euion can come Minm d Buet asked Drm nurses records of the dmgs they "No" said the medica! expem: n"uthites Rttention to the hour! before her death that they him n!arch 5 4 aad mu F aw ti-that tm betio t r Doot!wat what effect continued gav, Mra!O!"2! from the sum ADAR FLUqHED n r" report for :\w 2 Thi, amot jprker her oijt of bed aapor Nt at r!a" o morpbne and heroin mtr o KS to ber death Nov 3, Adams, a hj&e man n an odi be said, showed two gr$5 cf (Continued en page 4) (Continued on it U) _j J

2 ran,, : t, " T :t f:,,, r Peope n The News-, SPANARDS AY, March 28- brre with Mr and Mrs Hmy Jra Cifford Borden, the former Oake MiA Una Hutchn&J,!rom Hami ton Ontario, a presentb- td vii Mr and Mra Wiiam Purtr here with ter rother Mr Dewey and famiy from St Juhna apdnt HuteiiiDJ!be a id a pend Jut weekend hore with ra JM> JoOe time witt her other brother : ert Porter r E w Hu&rhn st John -- Mr and Mr! James Roc of :r anrt Yn Gordon Piercey Hcrts Content are presn:v from St John prnt Bunda) here spentini a hortay hrre with r "Ofith {u Piercey parenu, r Rowe& Aister, r Har-y Shpand Mr WUUam Jewer pard Th@ Rowe ;,,pn thp witr n Oune n L R Murrin returned frorn the rncr HoApa on Wed Mrs Kenneth \ci ntrncd ncjdj \t vetk /rein much bet rlo\,ia on W! ic,da :o trr o is,i : hoitay spent ith rca ay ews r , No Letter Boxes :Unempoyment nsuran For Fishermen, By J McGREGOR the fish\?rmen in Canada are Regstrata DNctor, nsurance Branch, wage-earners, the remaining A fish buyer w; 0 " Unrmpoyment nsurance Com- 3% bena either eharomen or r2 of an empoyer o mason, OttAwa one workers n addition, their Wi be requirfd to SPAAROS BAY, March 2 rr-- Many empoyers n the fishing statui, from wa:e earner to sch at his nearest o When the Pubic Buidn was ndustry have a eomprehensive are man or to one worker, Upon registering he e erected n 93 t wu considered knowedge o! unempoyment n- and vice versa, changes fre- sued a specia j nc; one Df the finest of its kind On suran &5 t exista n Canada quenty Obviousy, as is done chase unempurment to the ground foor were houud the having insured their pant and under reruar unempoyment "fishni stamps f he Court Room, customs Ofce and oftce ataff for a number of insurance, woud not aove but ready registered 85 an Post O!tice with waiting room; years There are others, how rather accentuate th probem, n reapect of his pant or the upper at provided pac!ous ever, fwho wi auume the roe t was choice, tberefore, of in- empoyees, he must iving quarters for the resident of empoyer, with the incusion surini a or none Moreover, as register again as poiceman Since Confederation of fishermen, for the first time many fishermen work n other payer ao that this pecij there has been a Jaw abiding com- on Apri To these atter, inurzd empo)ments, such as mar be sued to hirn munity for there i! not enough therefore, a brief ruume of the umberni and ogni, as The empoyer w be business here!or magistrates to praent nsurance pan wi be nece5sary, n bringing fhmg, be aso for eeing tiat ome and hod court So few arc hepfu 8 an ndication or the nto the scbeme to emure that : fisherman rith w: um h the mporh that a CuBtoms office premise upon which the pan contributions a! ned therefrom, s registered as an hu onf been aboshed There for insurn fithennen 8 woud be fnteratd with auch son uness he ht remana ony the post office and bae i other contributions as fisher product eridene that s, ike the o!d grey mar, Unempoyment nuranee M-! men mi(ht acquire his insuran book r not what it used to be-een f qan in canada on Juy, 4 Another probem was the diff empoyment in;uram- the voume of ma is at east_ ten ; Tt is a tri-partite schemf, with uty of detuminnt who s the ion card, that he is times that of, B) twenty ) ehars the empoyer and tmj)oy Mn-J emt>joyer As the one fisherman regi!ercd ago But twenty )ears ago we ad, d h etter boxes now we have not tributng equa (nare an t e and the sharemen n many cass, Rec d tie ette bo,;es were remved! government addin 20"" then! \ has no empoyer, we had to d-e- : Besides rc, ; when tht buiding wu renovated i to Tbe government aso bears\ dgnae te frt buyer of the and!nsuranceor n : be;n about ten yean ago because very the entire costs Of admnra fan 5 catch 8 hi m risherman in resp!et or fw paid renta! for them As 8 ton so that the contrbutions payer responsibe for m&ktn!: tish h dciyered ht matter of fact \ry few had keys are U!ed soey for tht payment, the nuiite cootrrbuton! ; is rcuired to record avaiabe for them Letter boxes, o! benefit Accordingy, at the 958 se- a) the date 0 e h ike teephones, newspapers, rados Amnsternr; the Unempoy- son of Pariament, the Unem- here earnings ar ac and cars are not considered a ment nsurane Act!! a Commit- poyment nsurance Act wu dei\eres) t uxury for a few with ready cash son cot!tn o! tne Chairman, amended to authorize the Com- b) the mount aid The thinga are ut becoming Cv J G Biuon: a represent& m!on to make!2&uatonb, au!) ed to each / h or neceutes for neary everyone tve of empoyeh, Mr t J ject to the aprrova of tbe Gov- whether this!!rmn There a reay nothing wrong with Taon; and a repreentative of ernor-n Counci so u to pro- earnings gron or at&ndng n!na waiting to be empoyers, {r C A L Murcb vide unempoyment nsurane or (c) th kinds and q t ea i t John! r and Mrs Norman Chipman ho -fnt to St Johns on Friday u returned on onday o this " rrk Whie in town!) ere the JUCS of their &on n aw and dauchter, r and Mrs Wam Butt -- SPANARDS BAY, March 25- J:n Laura Hcock from!t congratuatona are ntended to Jon arrived from St John on j Mr John Butt whose birthday was Frida> on an extended \! with on Wednesdav, March 27 Best hrr daujhter, Mn E H Voey, wiahea from Keh r and Mrs Arthur Chipman On Wednesday ao Gordon arm rd frt Grand Faa on Wed Sheppard hnd a birthds) Greetni come from Mom, Dad, Ga served at the ma wicket but Jt son The Commi!!!on, thus com- fishermen!!h devered ony wher ncsday Jut to apcnd their annua urtnn hrre with Mr Harvey and Wa) ne can be vtry trying n a pace posed ever conscious of its Bringing n the one fismr- dh isor s used to Chipman Arthur s empoyed at where atnoking a prohibited and respos!bity of the three n man and designating the buyer tributions) ca eu she pper town wh the CNR Beverey Lynn Yetman hopes where taking s not encouraged tr!rts eoncerned h,, ti (d) th that her Nanny, Mrs (Capt) Se for aensbe reuona There are aa t e emp oyer are en re Y e amount o! Vistin- Mr and Mrs Robert by Yetman pent a very h timet when t s mpssbe to pick The utimate aim of the P an new departure in the fied of! ment n!urance ductions te mour hm on Sunay wm Mr bi thd W d d Mapph SPANARDS BAY M h Th up i for eumpe during unch s to pay unempoyment insur- unempoyment nsurance The (e) the period or which and )n Ch!ey vau han and 27 r a:; on e nes a:;, arc, arc 25- e marriage of Louise, hour, ad uauay arter five in the ance benefit to tbou entitt4 to vety hct that these method&, ngs are payabe r Jnd Mn Bert se mour from daughter of Mr Norman and the Rte Mrs, Coombs of i arternoon certainy )body n his receive t and who art unabe to have be!n hitmto untried, The empyer mut so St John Affimpan n them isa m urrn eeebrates Upper sand Cove, to Chaes son of Mr and Mr Geo tt right senses eoud bme this on obtain autabe ernpo:rrnen: mhns that "e mu ehart a, on me t t_am nter mords erp r And r Wiiam Yet-, htr brthd) on Thutsna arch:,, 5 rc,e the postmuter who hu to hande Benefit!s a mean of indemnf> new course, and thjb w prt- u the dupc_atcs of! r!qi man from Gander! 28, and hrr hnsts o friend wi!h S Smtth of Btshop s Co\ e, was soemntzed m St Peter 8 ma for four post ofees (Span-)!ni a worker for os BU8tained ent many probem to buyer! forms 0wmg purchm her a happy onp Churrh, Upper sand Cov!, on Saturday, December 22 ard& Bay, Upptr, sand cove, through invountary unempoy- empoyees and t Commis!on s empoyment msurnc "- fr Hiro hptzt th n- Rei H M Batten performed the cere-mon Bahopa Cov and Titon) And; ment t s mportant to!fmem rtaff But so ons as tht reated These reords must be hnt du htr n r and r Conaratuations Ar@ tnrer to y, rcenf, auorting and deivering ber that tho8e who can qua!fy probems are vewe, by a eon- a mmmum of rf- m Witham Su!ii An hrre on Sunday r \Aare urrin whn i now ma a ony one a! his JObs He nr bpneft revt t a8 a _matter cerned, in tne proper ight and, Audh e Ure ervtces dm, receive and end teegrams, tanee, an tho! fn&ncftj soutom wi be round The mission"s autlers i " Tf bab namt Ro!e ra with th RCAF ftnd whoe birth J L ft d CJ ) s must e and chh post office or- of riht t! nether rehef nor are tacked in the right spirit, From tme to tmr t tric:j Htr (!ndparn are Mr da! on Thtmda t and n Wiiam Whaen \ OUSe _ F ake eare of numhoua -OD nem Of the eamant paya no i cooperation that has been re-i payers ie aj:to(; \!r, Frtr :-ir cehra hi: rom F oundatton pckage! and reristm ma t part in!! ceived!n the past from mp!oy- of coum to tmurr ti r nr - t: fritch / hrtha on Thur,da) Ro hppj,, inded a fu tim Job or one t i e\"dnt that, w!th the n- trs \"J thp Commission evuv i uiremnt! nf : p!n rnndhh ANf hr uet r birthday, Dadd)", from Laude - PA:\JAO!AY, March 25-- man, and we dareuy, at times, terests of three parti5 invoved, confidence tat th sme ctr: propery met Contrary to and rs Harr Bhop h"re on SP\:\ARDS BAY, rch 2- AGL:AS! u of hadarha His work "aud tbe co-operation of empoyers ration wi be forthcoming, spread brief howeer h unda) i Mn C: Fr!d!imih wi ha r The sri" PC frost or the winter j : b eased constderaby f he woud and empoyets and particuary n the futst deree from ti! another equa impo:at -- hrthda nn Frda,r, Rrch 0 O\W and the abundance or Whirr (fourth SuDday tn ent) dspse of even portion o! the ot their various organizations memben of the Fisheres Coun- make the acqumtance or \htn r and rs Arthur and best wshe! or happc!! et oose b) the spring thaw have Rector, Rev Lanon T E Loder mai by means o! etter boxe!, he an Hsentia eement in making e poyer who ha! m Gardner here on Sunda) were Mr i come her way rnm her son Bo)d been the topic o convcrstion Hoy Redeemer Church, pubic, eou get better etvce the pan work Fortunatey, this n artice of this ength t or misinterpreted t!e and )ra James LeGrow, Mr and and herdaughter Bernice ate!) ; but u crue u one hn Hoy Redeemer Church, Span and Canada Pot Ofice woud co-operation hu aways existed ia not n possibe to dea with th ions Te empoy!r ra Do LfGrow and Mr and Mra -- been and d vexn u the other prds Bay---aso am, Hoy Com benefit from rentas to a remarkabe degree The detais of the pan _ detais hesitate, the!\fore, to brin Fred "haen!rom Baune, Jteth, O!ane, Jeanette and s, neher ha bepn reponsbe munion; am Matins and Ser- A etter box, or many peope, C mmssion recofizea the ne hi h - be contained n rna- probems to him nre aso tr and Mr Ted Moore Genya send best wishes for a for movmg Mr Lew! Drovers man 25 P m sunday Schoo 7 a a neceuty Can we have this tio b aut of thia -rtntr- tb a d to a per La ca Offiu from!t Johns h bi thda h ir Aunt house from ts f u t Th nrvce rt!tored rna,,, 0 appy r ) 0 e 0 n on e pm Even!ong and Sermon -- d re"ng on e upp e Thre ar som "OO it eontn d th the in ur- < < < Annie at Gander whose birthday dea waa his and the force hu P an s 3 h toni eonneoae " s R frind here w be sorry s on Saturday, March 30 man A Saints Church, Tton-3 Attends Gm"des uance when the pan for f ar- an of fhhermtn The foow- ees ofcthe Unmpoymt!ndt n nnw tht "r H Wiiam The house wu fec! and moved pm, Evenaoni and Sermon men a aunched ng paragrapbs are confined, ance ommsson ou "\orwnr:hv n Grnrt Fa ws about sixty feet from ta pruent Tht quhtion o brinn fh therefore, to a itatement of tht the country t is ith h::rr tn rntcr ntwnd Hni- CHncr Rut! wi have birth foundation to a better aie by Conference eonrien under the unempoyrtent!tr& principes that appy offices in fishin t ; "rrk btr< rppuru in i d- nn Tiicsr\!y, Apri 2!est means of screw jacka anti dozen a ROMAN CATHOLC nsurance Cheme hh been un- Gen Prncpea that empoyers and nr3r tho h ronritinn! in \t!r come rnm he famiy of wng and vountary hand St Anne Church-Ceebrant, der study b:j tht Untmpoymrnt Commercia fishermen, n- w! have most contart ro -, And so genty wu t done that Rev Fr Hne, 030 am, Mm!PANARDS :BAY March nsurance Common for 0me gude of whether they arr Empoyers ts?ffi!y, Wf ir nnt hrr of Rnward, \rr Drover and her two ama! time and tevera rveyt of the waeearners haremen, or one ha! numerous deaings V c i h r - Mrs Winston Shppard, RN, Da- d " th ff Th m na!! \r rr nh P "hn rnt n nr_v u rt dy n me nr i chidren sedom eft the house ng are fa!ter than they, used to trict Commissioner, returned induwtry both n Canada an n (Jrkan, wi be intured, with ese o ces e -nhn, on Fnra) mrmn& n- wrck& new but he was Ccn on i The stoves had been scured to be but it s aedom one hrusc home on Friday evening foowing other countries have bten made some minor exceptions make the aruamtsnc- of turued 0 Sturd-_", Thurcn_, arch 2, and his take care o ponibe Rrcitent and moves whie the daiy tuka eon a three day visit to St John! to determine f a feuibt pan 2 When there no actua! p)oyers in hts are! J!t mommy had a party for him meas were prepared and served tnue n t Peope have ehange! whr he attended Tarious eom- cw bt worktd out emr>oyer, the fnt buyer of the u he can but, for!omt \r Robert "ir returned tu ht nrt at Arent!a on Mondsy fo o-in a weeka sick ea e, usur too but t a rrattfyn to know mttee meetnp and the annua The main difficuty, Uite eateh - be the empoyer son, he is preented from Mr Gordon Pike had h 9th The times n which we are iv that when then a Job to be meetn of the Gir Guides AJ- \!)art from tht of admnstn- Uner reguar ump!oy- ao at an eary datr the birthday on Monday at Port Har done there are penty o! wiing aoesto, Provincia Counci ton s the faet that ony f of n ent nsurance tote urnin!n er shoud takt t riaon whtr he empoyed b) the Mrs Ha) ward Fcya birthday handa around to auit Commun ett!«of 54 eo(! per yrar are gen- Our oe nhc\ m Nn Nre ref) nf 8t Jhna 0 ut Of The Past Department o Transport, Radio was on Monda), March Beat iy eo aperation one thing that,;ay excapte!, but ths ttc@f- sen e their rommun:i! -"- -! y_f_nn;: R h_o_d Eiv!on W!hcs from the famiy we dont ever want ehanam t!on wi not appy to fishermpn staffs Wi Htr Earning, on which the eon- obtann! th, r MEATLESS MEALS! tributions payabe \\i be cacu- nece!sar) from hi"r ated wi bt the gross nue o! tea :foreorr_ t;- a The "Great Tragady"-885 tha atth, eu exnses When p!eaed to ::!! tht expemea are not known or geting!uita!j:r DELCOUSLY DFFERENT SPANARDS BAY, March 2-! of Captain Jobert Panon, broth- discosed w the buyers, these their non fhm onf"!ion- The grrtest sea trrsedy no irrofcaptanabramparon,the:wi be di!ttrmined at 30 or n ire f, pp nr with STARLAC and CHATEAU CHEESE UAUC MPL SALMON LOAF atf MiiiCft, Uquid!emeYe cn from aamon: tfa aka, e4d crufftb td U beaten n To )i cu of ueft qu4 add Swae an4 mix; add to aaiio mixture, a0 With remai n!dienta Tum ine buttered oaf pan Prni\tty 7H!i 3", amooth p Paet n p,an of het wattr, and bake n odnttey bet oven (375 F) for 40 min"- e hard cooked e" Coot &pi!ja H cup waft, CATU ASPAAS Aii N WSOL SUet and met e- in tbp douba hcqtr UtM b2 taw P6on!our Mi: Starae withapuaf& iquid; add ta!de* chette and bend we SJee tb -, "aet aternate a)w tit ear and upuauan quart caeroe: *0 eh a,r with pepper d ta!t Pour aauee fipff tdeto!t; tap with bu\wtd crumb Bake n mocentt Oftt (J6GF) abo& 20 ivtte Maet 4 rvnaa STARAC Hen a me that,sa meta UO, oe with Ony the rat and ntr raovid from NW tmt Uat d r ta wk!ou rt cheddar ftavour Btartt it whpa ib cnam, mini ntant/-vtn YOG ftd t JUhUhbc for thoe quick web (,Y it cod wa! Drink a b aa ot Bt&rtc, you nnw c:ncten) or Mia c:our dihe ( above) Awa) beevt made tzom a powder nate becae Btarac heop p tj f*ka 0 hand 0 tht ram c&ft i made from top quaity, p&te\rijid mik too ite it "ci!:" any time tm, wfh, Bur DD rea*" that mik-tweet, mdkfrth tavaur or 00 rrs fob have aeen ring, "if its orden a, it tot to ta eooc, ink peopt or oya Point n other membtra of the rrw wprp: h &row aue of thr Bt h are uqtr tn m«k ur the oss of the rhooner "Exce" i Thomu Chud, John Rou h, Rob-: - Wirrr in tie asr of hare at Back!ian nrar Gradr, on ert Roach, J;u!oarh and, n n hmt diati>utiun i Jear(s fon txtobrr, BH with uu o SMmue Dawe! e r di:!ud w tit huyer abuu wrny - two men, women: ihory after im\in& Trtptr)" wnu vaue of tie -atch,-iti nd rhdrrn Thrrr or four bo<!e on Novrmbtr 20, n company u oroned acurdin&y Lf that wne recovered were brught With ober oes fiairij bound for : "b not k uwn or home for buria: ohhs were Sydney, the ship eneontered a tit i\rt uuon t" n b, t\\phh\ nrf bmitd at Back hiand Some wen heavy gae ofouther!y wind Tht no dikustd,bto " h uyr,r, HfART -;n-\- \t L d h" h \ d d Lit cia is!un W one no recmere are o ; G P " a ow rat an wu,, incerr bmph) P He he "Exce wu n charge of) heaviy ba_uted The Jut time each member of the crew ot Jer r tb tof th kip who wi "e ow and ami Capt George Morgan, ather of, that the "Christian" wu aeen he o n e i per receind the 3 new on Mr ojhn Morgan, and was an- wa reachini under very rma two harts 9th of the darn dtsb chored outside Back sand wait- canvas, and it presumed that When tht fs!m!rman spendi mother at St Johr, ni a uitabe time to u for the ba,)aat abfted u t wu not hs time n )otb oatch!ni and Rev Fnw;w attended tht home, A gae came on Saturday tcured (hored down) thereby eurni fish (mainy in Quebec era! ervices ""hich t()(]t night, eontnung through Sunday causing the ahp to turn over and and Newfoundand) anc tm re- Trinity on arch At 2 ocock Sunday night, the go down beneath the wavta There eords art ktpt howi the EDt:CA TO>; nek ship rted her chain ant! waa were no aurvvors weeki in wheb Ort wu done, driven uhore Heavy eu bean Other wue of tit rompady, a contribution wi be Y&be On Wedneday, to rweep over the detk and ao of difereat draft, ah!te! her tor ueb aueh week, f there are Education eek St Mar: the eas>tan or!!ered the rpan to bauut but wm fortunate tnou&h 0 time reorda, however, tht htd an Ope! Hnu!t snd be tut awa) Tte foremut, n fa!! td U\iv the atorm Arnon wtec for wheh tontrbutions!umber of parents rd na broke nto three Ptm; the them waa the "Hebe" (20 tona ar payabt wi bi dettrmintd :!pipodntai:d,;it the t&p af the manmut odrd for a, n command of Captain Uward y meana ef reiicrbed civisora d h th h M : M ath of M A t " r room to Pe th w chi rcn e 0 e a ore u mma i ercer, er r Met- bestd on the tnd an c!uafttty in thtr ne choo and to Jane :Roae! (afterwara Mu W! cer She was ownei! b C am A, of fh aod to the buyer by tit with the teacher and pup\j t Lttej ohn), the ony femae Dawe of :Bay!oberts W!th hu\) fhtrman This wu the first timr afurvvor, with othera, aougtt re- sea runnn the "Hebe wu 7 Stams JPecay marked pants had bfrn abe to ur;e from the ana by rtandin thrown oer on her beam enda, _ " the bathwar She ae%ed the but the cnw went into her hod (and on!? thee tampa), wi "" pupis at work in thrr nrw OPPOrtunty to ueape by quicky and ah!ted the baaat and the uatd for fahn eontrbuton They wm ndeed ptmed jumpn on the apar afd uang it ship riehted aan T!t i\rnpa wi bt of the,mt that work n auh u a brd&e to reaeh the and Thb htppened three times, and dtiiomnatona tbt reiutr ciamooms shoud be T!ere he cun to the ro<:n and the adpper who had betft thirty tidp, ttt purpoa ef PERSONAL - u kep n the raging au unti ahe a! xhour& at the whee deeded to J mrknt tbtm btn to ebt Greetns are extend wu ranet to nety by Mr run for Trepauey There the ua to!dentfj fhhermu Annie sooer, now residn Stephen Russe who W on the Cfef ecured the baut, made h Ueh when he maket caim for John, who ceebrated _M; h ore T hi br&ve wrm!n had just necessary repairs and tht hp - =ne fi t Th e s mt> " ti "" h- aay on Mrth 24 Gr!r!ns r reached the shore when the par &aied for Sydney whrre the atip- tned at Pott OffceK on pro- from her broth; hn t Sir broke, carrying awy with it two per was instructed to make en- duchon of a ctnce, ssued by Mr an Mr< cnr r men, Wiiam Batten and Abram quirie about the "i" P Chritian" h-r Commision and marked Htart Contro rt Mnrgan whn were attcmptin the Nothing was eer heard of hrr Fishing" The use of meter for Con:ntu!tiPn\r a me mem o scape The capai: and her n cat a eoom over recordinr fshin contributions Mr nr!r! Cor th And evera member n! hi fam Cncy3 Point where th! famiis wu not bt permitted i w r!ebr hr, i!y were ost A compte ist o of the crew!itd Paymnt of benefit wi be, of thm wec\dnr 00 St thnae!oat ia Mt avai!ah n sev Thnae!ho a&ued nn the "Hebe" rrtrietd to the period froft the They were m!rr_ d rnt h era! were pr!eners (freighters) were: Edward Mercer, Ma!er week of January to mid-apri Church Hear- tn \tmh!rom nth r p t K f \ E ate Re Bro :r 0 " e Paces r er ee e, ate; dward W exeept when the njured person cox, cook; John Samwaya, Abert can how by tht record of b{! 93 : S h" or -,rr n! ="" F h d Ab P T M!! \ " LOS!i OF THE "N P nbc, and ram atruons ftbe ctmtributions, thst ht is en ican hi joinrd thp od CHRSTAN"-R9& e mr e mera P a f ed n fh the "ar rouftdi Ro a Bank of canada AJtotr traae event wu tht th, anti her Umber now ie oa that bt unempo)t4 nvoun Y r content ou or the Khooner "N P :t ftrof Bour, tut tat btcauh of a ayoff; and Ktora to St JobnJ Chrhtan" which war owned by Y that be! unabe to obtain Uit were Mr and Mrs E c&!d Capt John Dawe ot Coeya Point SPANARDS BAY, Marth 25- abe work Proviaon A aso made Mu M!dred Georte or This vesse was about 80 ton and Congratuation! are extended to for pay\n benefit at other Umu E J Short and dauf\ waa buit n Noa Scotia Mr and Mr Seby Hutehnie whd of the year to the nsured per- The foowinj f 5 srj fttr competing a fshn voy wi ceebrate their ninth wtddn son "ho engaau in rta,!n anc! content rtotentb : Mes nor agt to Labrador n thp ummpr M anneraary nn Prida Mareh 2 n othrr nruref! Tursut ani! Uti rmd R:e!: 84; ht ipti frrm Ba Rohrt ThPy wr@ marripd n Hoy ftp- "in ran ua!f; n rp nf!!iih: mom t" hr ft 6ydny for!dad en dtem!r Churh Spentard Bay b! "\trhutena from thtu ether: r,rar HPen fum November 8, undar tbe eommaci Rev E Hunt ( purta [CraMm, Jet Cumby 4th y

3 n The Daiy JOHNS, NEWFC)UNDLAND - ( THURSDAY, MRCH 28, 957 DEN SPEECH: uffy Criticizes vernment Poicy To :ere! a a,, c, n:jc!: n i r -d or o Orig Loan s 29, , , ,00000 Sti Owing s 23,2000 6,00000 N 24, M4439 9, ,0000 BUNNY SAYS HOP TO T MAKE SURE!OUR WARD ROBE S EADY EASTER PARADE FOR THA GARMENTS WL OOK LKE NEW WHEN CLEANED BY MEWS DAL 95-96! COR ELZABETH AND PORTUGAL CCVE ROAD >-rtut WEA ER FORECA wth irbt anow, Hro northwest Hh today: 28 : "EWFOUNDLAND SKES,t:SDAY, LUCJ u B[J TiES LOW -;:::s ua am 337 am u: am t 0,, 8J6 p,_m, 802 pm \ ::u er 4tf" 50 t n 3 3 rta nmperature ia u Hahx 2 47 S:vdey : 25 SS t, Job :; : :a 3 The foowing are,the in tereat rate paid by the Nfid Savings Bank at the Peent time:- Befnninr Apri bt next the foowinr rates wi appy:-3% on a deposits, persona accounts, estate, tru;tee and association Cabot :wren s Promoted M!a Thema M Brett o! Kirk Pace, St Johna, joned HMCS Cabot five yean 0 when the Wren Dvon was frat broim : nto ben Each year ince that time Mia, Brett hu competed : the requfred two week annua trtnin periods at different :! achooi 0 the mainand SpecaWna n comunica Uon, Mu Brett w u\ year promoted to LudnJ Wren Communicator Radio, Sub Lieutenant Btt now head& At the beginning o! the present the Wren Division of H:!CS Ca trcinid yeer Leedng Wren Brett bot as their Divisiona Officer and wu reco!;jmcqed to appy fvr a a responsibe for their wefare commiuon u a Wren Oiticcr nnd much of their tranni Havni paned the necessary eection boara Misa Brett wu in- Congratuations are extended to formed by Nava Headquarters Sub Lieutenant Brett on her rehat she had been granted a com- cent promotion and aso the fact muion in the Roya Canadian that she hods the distinction of Nava Reerve with the rank a beinz the int Cabot Wren Actin Sub Lietenant reach -officer atatus THS WEEKS SPECAL- Heavier weight Cottons terocks - Terry Coth Knitted Jersey Cottons Assorted Coors :r-shrts FOR MEN-WOMEN TEENS CHLDREN VALUES TO $25 Now 2For 97C

4 ii f! t! t, ",, THE DALY NEWS n The News Newfoundands Ony Mrnn Paptr YEAUk "vtrpton RATES C:ada : 0 00 per annum Uitrd Knadom ani au Pore CAJuntrea,,, $400 per nnum Authorized a tcond em mai Post OUic Drpartmrnt, Otawa, Tha DALY NW J, a «a pa, estabtsi d n BN, and pub!hd at tie!iew Bufdna, BM-358 D\cnorti itreet, bt Johns, New!oundaa bj Robin t CGmpany, Lim ted MEMBER OF TBE CANADAN PESi The Canadian Pre a ncuave, ttd :c the uaa for repubueaton of au new!tspatches n th pper credited to t or w [he Assoc(ated Preu or Reutera and &0 tba oca! newa pubhed therein A Preu service and futura artcrt th papr m copyraht and their reproductd J prohibited MenJber Audit Bureau 0 CrcuaUoo,AnARER! WATCH YOUR FEET t wpud appear that New!oundandera who visit the mainand of Canada must now hake tne dust of their native sand from their ahoea before they wi be permitted to have contact with the purer so! of for the confiscated footwear THURSDAY,!ARCH 28, 957 the continent t s a neceassry precaution for who knows whcth er he may have accidentay, wakd over a potato patch at some time in the pat Not any od potato patch, mind you, but one that harboured within ta boaom that vie and vi ru!ent growth known to ac!ence u "&ynchytrium endobiotcum" This s the treacherous fungus that causes the best potatoes, e en the Newfoundand "bues," to deveop warts Nor are these ordinary warts On the con trary, they are rts which have thick wa!ed sporangia in which are hidden arge numbers of frenwmmng zoospore ts a frghtenni - combnat!on when you come o think o! n fact, e Are not a a!urprsed that the Department of Agricuture n Ottawa h acared a f! at the thought of A i5t from synchytrum endobotcum that causes wnh infea!ed with poran & Rnd zoosporu abe to co the Autraian craw ike no odya husnen The very though! These may sound ike drastic remedies but we have to consid er the furtive and treacherous h a bits of synchytrum en dobiomcum Four centuries were to pass ater the introduction of the potato nto Europe bc!ore the first evidence of ths nusty od wart-producing!ungus ws discovered in uppr Hungary wo years ater it had managed by some devious method to work its passage as far a Engand t is a tribute to its hardy nature and perseverance that it wns abe to get to America within!e next fourteen years but t!e fb or its predecessors raught up "ith t in good time o restrict to a ew sma districts of Pennsyvania, aryand anrt West Virginia The>e are R areas n which coa! mined!ut here s no sceni!ic evidence that there s an affinity between synchytrium endobioticum nd coa On the oher hand, if cience shoud,discover that uch an affinity does exist, t prohab thai thr Department of Agricuture OUr be abe to concentrt in the fuurp on hou that h;vp trort t!e earth of St Georgrs nr South Branch At ras, h:ts whrre the coa i upposed to he in Newfoundand Farm Conference Tie mr was \\hen Newfoundand a> rtua ef-supporting 50 f;r s the rornmnn toot rrop \\t:! Onternt>d At hi<t tnnr ip h;nd htr fewer grkuturs fted workers thn n now empoypd by the Deprtment of Mines nd Resources ::\ot of them were thts weeks agri cutura ronfrrenre at which probems of ::\ewfoundand farming were discussed the BRnk of Canada wrote his report without any protpting from the Government in \h ich casr he is treading on dangerous ground But i{ he weroe expressing the sentiment of the Government on this subject of contro of persona avings, there are member of the Canadian rabinet who ha\e ideas that are hardy consistent with a sound approach to the soution of Canadas economic probems What we hr\e said about the num- ber of fied workers shoud not be taken as a refection on their work We need more today to encourage peope to cuti\ate the and and raise i\ estock for farm output h<js been a casuaty of a combination of prosperity and confedera tion Canadas Tired Poitics We found it depressing the other night to watch Press Conference on teevision and see Howard Green, the Conservative House eader, beset by a pack of Ottawa corrspondents, two of them at east representing staunch Conservative newspapers that we may be carryni some of the tuf! on 0r hoe even t )Jome haa iven U (Uit eompex But having tonceded the n dubitabe necessity of denying th obscene combination access to the pure soi of the Canadian mainand, we come right up against the probem of how to keep t out, We are not sure f t s fease to carry a!umigat ng pant on an aeropane hut n a word of many wonders, a sma mgator may not be im practicabe Passengers coud be requested to eave their shoes with the stewaides on entering the aircraft and receive in ex change the oan of a pair of carpet spprra by coureoy or ta and the Department of Agricuture uch thcrenftcr de pends on the mehod of fumiga ton to be empoyed A heat sy tern may produce shrinkage and wrinkes that woud give the owner sore feet and a po,sibe ction for damage aapst the airine A strong disinfectant might be objectionabe to!he passeners and might be a cause o!!uture ncom enience i it had We forgot to mention thai t!e Feder! Department has warned us that we must not crry our cothes n od potato s:cs whrn we!sit the mainand Frnnky, we have aways thouht a potato ack made a good substitute for a suit-case Ater a, it is so much eisier to carry ones cothes n a snck sung oer ones shouder t is poisib ha this habit might creae a tic dif fcuty about admission to good hote but we are sure there must be some hotes h"t wi take you, potato snck and a \\e, it doesnt matter now f the De partment snys no potnto sacks" then, as a aw-abiding citizen, we say not ponto sacks for us Eight Boys n Rocket Business :\TKOKA\, On (CP-Eight hoys \th their eyes on the <tn hae aunched thcm<chrs into the rocket busi:jess itha coection o stee pipe and gunpowdr made in the basement n fact,!he Aiikokan Rocke Cub is a foumhing nterprir t, members havr fired fo::r ra<:kes-no oroe is quic sure how high they ien-and pan to un esh a h:gcr and brrr one shon) A UNON SMOKE BY BRUCE BOSSAT Since he returned from pinnting abrqad Pre<ident Da e Brck h;; hid qiii!e a ot n o;:; ahntit the inquiry nto his unions activities MQst nt ook< kr mnk He siy:; the current hcarngs a,rent in harmon \t " atmosphere," th:t they arc biased, and hr,\!he "rmh<nee poitica nction" And the teamsters boss S<J)s he cant undrrsm,, - he Senate committe ooking into rr,kcts iahnr ann bu,,,, any weight at a to te>imony against his umon hy n:!om, t might be we to examine his charge, The opportunity to earn good cash incomes during the season usuay de\oted to sma!farming has brought about a major drine in and cutivation This decine was gien ;dditiona impuse by the ower cost of \egetabes imported from the Canndian mainand The resuts ha\e ben drastil f production of pota toes were at the Je e of fifty ears ago, we woud now be growing a miion barres a \ear is doubtfu if we are producitig haf that quantit, And bec;use of price differences, man of those who sti produce \egetab in \ewfoundnnd on a commercia ba3 hae dif!icuh in mo\ing their output oreo\er acking good stm age al urnmoda ion man fmers hae suf frrcc hca y osses through ftost during the pi rrn wmte _ ut tou\ enouh in ;ptte of the fact th;:: i gp <uppir,, erp rrrted into thi! tnter i of\n riffht o procure t<wfot!cianr potato! in the oca stores On! re nn \e < tor is that importer! p0t<toes rr cheappr But thrre are manv who woud be cd to pa a premium for good oc;, prcdure t is po:;:;ibe that m<n f;t mers ne-ed Rotanc in rrducing production costs, aquinng adequate storage faciities and markrting their crops The might be heped as we b a stricer enforcement o[ the gr-ading Act Mr Green is not gi!ted with the capacity to turn aside awkward qtestiqns with quick wit or sparking phrases, He was on the defensive and was unabe to proide adequate answers to chaenging questions about the decine of his partys prospects in the great centra provinces The Libras are sti basking ]n the sunshine of protracted properit and of a period of gradua deveopment of the wefare sute in which they can caim credit for rnan;v pubic benefits But if their record in this respect s good, their poitics is just about as tired as the Consen ati\es and so are some of their eada ingering ortom A simper but more expemivc method woud ers he to compe tra eer from Th t h d :-<ewfoundand to entr R pecai e prnne m nts er e in i!oation her! whprr their od bp<hy se\ent:v-five but he is entted to hnp! woud he takrn from them rest Mr Howe seems to need one and hurned, to hp rrpw from A h f new stock kept nn hnd fnr the man( t e junior mmters ew seem to purpne But ha mht he hard ha\! the inpirationa quaities that a nn the woman who wrm A tnpte oung, ust and growing nation requires A or aomr chpr dffirut iz midw:,y in its career HowevPr, peope whn are difficut t fit mrht he gen impe But there is no aggr!ssive pnit!ca &anna! 3nd Rn nrrrr nn A oort Newfoundanders are a mo>t co-operative peope :r arc et r Rin o he anxious to omp) with ai reasonabe srp tiat m<j) be taken by the federa De partment of Agricuture to eep nch; trium enrohintictm rnm despoiing the poatocs of the m::inand Ater a thc,c arr bad enough now \\h"t t\iry \\OU!d be ike if \icr ad wrts i heyond ou, imiciting n fiic!, if thr truth he od, wr hmk wr Otid prefer " goor :\ronnr Hnn E) nn, i and John Krrin, a - ) arri grad" 9!as, ma, ormd \he tuh about!u )e<!s ago i Je:tdCi\atNS b bascmtnt of tie Eyton home fr E) on i a Steep Reck ron tine, rhrn-t h 0 fres ht onr of thre days the) be hradm for the moon Af;E S R\WRCK Ron say;!he cub nud ikctn " some adut ;upen is ion u iry cant affiiar it thr Am" ican Rocke S:Jrirh rhit: hos an a"r nnimum of 7 for mrmhrr ip :\one of thr Attokan mrm h ran r:trr i a itr 0mrnt r,,, h,; hui! " ab r\!r >tnn ha rn,"n "nr no"\ fnr i ),,;, r\r<: T r r: ni"r- rnnt ;Yr rtn\ rn o::r: "n ; r h:rr {, hr wrkf"r n \\ hrn hr" w:r-: h ri"t(pr-j Pn r M\"( prrm; i rr t, t\rrp]t -) ; f, t rn n :d r:j t nnr n r f: r :,; nh! i in n"r: rctrn 0nJ( 7hr r!fjm bh rrit :-rnd spirit rnong the Canadian peope They hoe shop to uppy uhtute and poato th" wir or \n ;ftpr a Crnn n ann rry wr\ in Pir nf hr w;,i nn hi nnsr-n " ianrt pooo Wihon a rifiratim Rn fir fatr f \\P!rnr n eo-nprratr in krepin c::vnrh!i rnrobioicum 0t nf ito maanr hat is thr mainanr! ntnc to rn to prernt its ri izrn rn:n bringing rptinnhra,:, rem tineata to Nrwfounrbnr :f\ :::: <:ru fn!! mnrr,, k seem to be content with things thev!!f(c:::: C": -t:::--=: p:h,, of r, c:"t ron tru::tinn T! ()!;: h,n\ tm fr:d n fn fn "f";r:\ ()r >(f tphf!,,, 0 ( h!c{ frrt hii! fied i, f n, t pcri, nnue, n!j ""c r put ab ut three in: t of bck p, :!cr ire and the adventurous in poitics woud ewu ;r; r; : c q :-:: probaby get sma support from an ex Wh f Ofh A s cessh e,,, compacent pubic You cant Q efs fe 0yng put ginger into poitics if the peope dont ike it and ginger seems to be something for which the average Canadian ha a strong distaste, r r:i:::::::w;:;;: =-, _ ATOM AGE DEFENCE COSTS year But co>ts pu firrpowrr- Bv HANSON W BALDWN but chiey rests-have comhin i New York Times Service) ed a force a rechction in the More fi-repower and more co;! goa rnd a change in rom""i per unit hut smtfr numbers tiun X\ nnr! br r: ;r: [rrm [,-,,, to iic [,P ion; aj< 8b::ut tu rc in-:!\- ac: u"- t\ow, o cnur;, no congns;iunn hr rmg i; "Jiirii<"" the that o courtroom procrccing i> The sam nip- rto no appy the pubic hos a right n expect is!hat thp inirn mr,kfrc enry co>r tncinr :n a b<jianrcd,!ai( ninred nutrn, :! sidcr, a ciancr o be heard Up tn now hrn 3cr:ns no ha;is foi dct ;r:n, n cean of Ark"nsr rnmncr ehirman onr rc" not proiding that kind of inestgatinn On the marr of giving right to hoe w "" h, 0 th Becks union the commirc obiau i hr Pr : n C) rehutta from Beck "nd hisicuenc n< \ "" \rr: c-u" freey, they ran torrcr any "fase irnph"" h bui up Hut mu<t he rcc"eo that onr nf Hth, r " h-r to rs:if and Reck hunri on no\\ " \ir!: m, anrr-afrr hann fir< cone rt; \irh a i hr c rjid " d<rrrii LOiTHittrr Rrrk; chtrrvr th;:j\ thr fl!" t rrnunrrn: r nrrr ;orr r \h in"nurd j h-rr \ fhnrn Ti rnr; r, : CTa\[r Rt thr P:on L!P in :" \rrd \)( rol! rr L hnr rrrr!h) otr irho\ or ihrr:\i\ f,,, n thr rn:,ratinn\ L"hPr f, ;;nrfon C:P"n!rnn \ho thrn hrnr,r,n: from!ie tn,::jtinn \f, r D,rt,ncro or H,,pib,n"" rrf\ <" w \0U!ct rrrrmr n Jn!r -- f,r ""ni" t J\r"tq:" )fc \ iri;prt: d (\Jcncr! thnh :! vhat rtmg rigit 0 d 2) t!u\t ti in o:hr: n : r wrfh it;,i \\OU!d be bir n Po!t i i> n:i\,,,,, ma: Hecks union U:;n h ir prrt rommitrr \\"i th comtr \LJni,!ram CrLk is nnt, n:ri,r <rc"r t e,imon,-!!jurrn The od T\, crrn 0! "!ie s,\nr:,,, YJn Donn mopf! ins br w :-nd brejt\ :! h!he cwmp:ou s booh For 4 ec ks he :;tonr off :: comers in! q,,,,, On" Tin\h h trc!fcd i t a dozen CJC-:on,,,,,,, and One thing is cc ain F<ming as an ind,str\ i worth St\in but it c:an ony ;;aved if more peope are persuaded to ;:o in for icntific mxed fannin and mor peope can be cm:ouraged to St th F Th D art basicuty hr order or he n poed rnmba airrat!i dhv or tie armd Tcrs n reduction Hrii) o<s \u " th ftjre!eruhe future tota o! cr\etn ii\g The >, d, kn:\ hn h ; hc fbi rour rnec\, rt! J:Jt fit!) rtnt mpr\" -O i not to, iri;n itrt Thn\ ha\p nt JL d "W f OPi" bik JT dorrtiio [i" h< i - )!{JrP th a n dc/ln tt )!Jm,s with \;riij\" r!d :L: he,,t ;L ht r : d h it! Lh J!,!i ;, \ :u!\ " t r \Jr \\ jti \J/;! operate kitirn gnrcens Favourabe C reng or e ay tontr>ry to the expecaionj A ix srut ie t):i<r i o the ate SenHOf rien Me in the Strategit Air ni:i ][ahun, the atomic awe Army, are hein eiinitmtd, hu,,;, i!ov and Air Force are not heing redesgnat,d u ti::i<r ;;ut, fiom i! inensi\c c:ampaign of the k!nd might we be measut ed n miions of doars added to the \aue o[ Ncwutmcancjs tota production! Contro Of Savings t is not surprising that some anxiejy h en created hy the proposas in the annua rcpor t of \he Governor of the Bank of Canada for greater contro over, the use of persona savings and the di\ersion of much of t)em into ong-term mortjage and other commitments The banks are naturay worried These, ings represent a ar,e;e part of the mone\ aibbc [br orcinor commercif credit Were tc tn become tied up in bonds ;nd mortg;cs, the su-ppy of monc for nonnarequircmcnts woud be restricec There is, in nnv c\en, r prticutr ranger in the propoas m;re b,v Mr Co ne They seem to sugest that government ouht to h ave muh mnre to sry abo, the usc o[ avtiabe funds anc tn determine ino what channes thev shoud directed "Once go\ernment ssumed thi power sociaism woud be just aiounc the corner Gordon :aa, Psiden of the Bank of Montrea, commenting on the thesis put fo ward by Mr Coyne, has said that neither the Bank of Canada which intiat- BY EAnJ, L DOUGLASS EARNNG HOW TO LVE ost of U rebe at d!epne f we have to aubmit to t, we snar and compain Our da of a happy ife b a ife tree of discipine But uch a e woud not be a happy Ufe ot a; \t woud be a heish existence The word dis c!pine comes from a Latin word which means "to earn," Dsc!Jne nvores the earain proceu The significance of!e depends upon our abiity onr wnaneu to grow Some peope &top row ng mentay and aprtuy very eary n ife Across the aces of some peope of midde z and beyond, there! written a peace of aou wtch hu come because that penon knew the meaain of d!cpzne and accepted t The truy happy penon s aways a di!cpned person Th does not mean that one b not happy U rss c ery urt:ent cere n his ife s aupprhsed Diripine ay at tme nvove supprpsson, but that suppression houd be the first rtcp in the process o growth We may have to auppress ctrtrin Hi! impuhe within U unti we can rontrn them Discipine means the cipacty 9 contro T,he pcrnn wio ha finay earned the esnn nf dicipne i he person who has finay brouaht his iitsires under conro Let U ncer forget that rsdpne s rcter\ to canrnt: t i the process by which we edn how to ie chp but terriby expenie bomber-wing-a net oss of tie The cot ie not ony in the Fi e more f(ier wings \ig big bani" of nucear weapons, naty schedued fur tumprtinn but aso in the panes, mis3ues this year hae been eiminated and shp that carry the nucear Next yenr three fghcr-bombweapon! to their target er wings and one tactica bomber A few stastca te the ory: wns are scmtchcd But four A five-inch she in Word WaT troop carrier i3i!ut wing, an(t a c08 about $00; today one atanor misie ings are to he Navy Terrier guided mibie, the deed, which wi give the Ar modern -ubstute for a five-inch Force a totr of 28 wings on antjaircraft he, co!\ about June 30, 95R $60,000 without h auncher But ony 23 of thpsr wi be so<aed combt>t piorr wings, A Word War submarine and our diminished goa ti be eor train &ft,ooo,ooo to $7,000, reached a year ater than origin 000, toays nucear powered ay panned Ubmarine are coatnf! from There is no prnent projeded $48,000,000 to $60,000,000 change, however, in the types of A Word War NavY fighter, aircraft Chedu!ed fin these cot an average of $2,000; to winks By the end of the fisc& day a jet fighter coats about year 958, the wing structure 250,000 w ncude eight wings of forty Thee increucs n cots, re five B 52 ong-rnnge Boeing jet auting in part from tne com bomber and tircc wins of ohpnxy of mod!!n weapons a) socsccnt Convair H :6 ieay enir, in prrt from nfation and bnmbet s wih thirt airrrcft tn n part from a more mited pro reach win, Rnc twcny eight duction than in Word War, B 4 medium homher wings are a majnr n!unence n the ze and composition of our mi The 958 bomber proide 0,for trry force-a tht acqnit!nn of 0 more Tremerdou un\3 cost muti B 52s, wh!ch wi incrcse t(je pied by tremendous numbers nf over-a B-52 progrm tn 60 r,iruni! coud mak :the economic craft (at R itte over S7,000,000 hurrten of defence unbc!rahe apiect incu(ing sp<rc paris) LESS(>NS FROM THE UN SESSON Hence, numhpr nf units nrt n! anr wi evcnu;dy ve the Air (Otoa GitizPn) men are onr down The ra Force eeven wini of ong rnnc The eeventh 3on of the Un!&d Nations Gen onae that hros been n!cprcr R heav srateic bnmhers era! Ammby reveaed that the oruntuton justifica\inn or this h ony in Snmetim this,prin nr cry s severa thin!s t forum of WOd opn part econom 0 c 0 0 summer the Convair B-8 Huster, the nations irt arge sup!on, with the srenath and wnkneu of any other Donad A Qarea, Secretary ersonic homber, wi have another,forum, t ao an arena n which natont of tha Air FW:a, recenty fod evauation jockey for poation of power Ad it an tne, the Senate Armed Se\ce Com- The Strategic Air Command ed the proposas, the government w)ich for peace, capabe of takn phy,a4w acton, [ht mtte that " beieve the areat h not hitherto viewed the B 5B woud have to accept responsibiity for Rui and the United Stata are n accord on a ncruse n tit unt firepower of with much entnusiam because them, the- banking syatem which woud apecfc uue Tbt dde Et proh!em dah\ our farce jutea the down of! imited range rnd its im atfd the MsO With R J th us ward adjustmrnt of wing \ruc t ectrone capaciy, h\e to impement them nor the Canadian U ure" But attempts to increase the b h h d b ff ted b th asreement, tte U,N, wu abe to itt trmy to b f h b f pu!c w C wou e a ec y em, meet the mmediate crs!, ant! order the with A Wn num era rom t rty range! mproved ue consump t f! th r: to aeventyf!ve ircrdt Under tn have been succwfu t:t cn As ye U Y rea ze e consequences drwa of Br!sh, French and hru troops!rom orna O the Air Force had matve e-aution wt rtermine invoved!) pt But btyon tha thtr a no Mmet -panned to achieve a tota of 37 whether mnre B-2s wi be or- t i pouibe that tba Governor of btwh iccow WMhiqtoa combat winj,s b:; JuD 80 of tha d!red, or whether the B-OB or r \ d, u-! :t\\t trn: \J:, f,t!h o \ih)d t:t tr-rjih " h i) \,,iid a o!\i"t i h f!\i ht \i hit :id ""iy dupit o<d \\t dt\ ( h d,"!\\, \0/ H fql:ott/ d -,, \,:th tin ::t ht \U tn J!L,,! w: \H< i! ti,, JH hurnt) hr, \\ d tr, r!d \"! - ( \t ttj\td n tn Ju, ki\\t d t \n! S25 Hank Notes Are Verv Scarce J : j :g PLiie to gnjh nr t in taut:it [, J,j,t:L \0\ p d ttw nutintt th;, ju-t ;ri rorut SLdom in,, ort a inf h;:-i wyont du!t rnu L to akr thr cursr of the husmr- of knnwg tun rurator shoud trike off n pbque o hm rta\a (CP) - t, serom ht on -e< C"nJdi"n S2i note, ht hrre re :80 nf thrm ;rnund ninr fw:-r nsuranee To Benefit Museum The fnk nr t"nar" rrport! \h;d J", <eico yrdrs,inc_ nne turned up at thr bnk t supcct; Ry J,\E RECKER tho! cnrcnr< nrr hor[n hcm Canadian PrPss tnff \rirr The bi< hae a tota vahr nf OXT!EAL ( CP -A 37-year S46,0(){)s currency, not a co\ nci insronce cnn,utant bas a ector items-and that :mount pon o orng _Phinthrophy wthiu is incuded m the banks figu": o{ reach of midce <ncnme grups S,868,;o,OOO on money in circu- and hep boost the mony :ort aton Montre :fu>ejm of Fmr Arts The, bank prpted 60,000 of the out of the red, $25 bi! n 935 to mark th 2ith Snmuc Schecter, ho aso!s nni or;ary of the crr,,in tn an an cciecnr hjs taken on a the thrrne of Kin Gcnr;:e \ and nn fe i:anrr pni) - h CJ ecn :!rr k!r th;h ittiirr to < stnter Some of t<r His horcr p:riod-for SQ,OOO at a ro;t of were nercr i"ucd : were rr, s;, wmh \overt, whie nhers were re He nas nntr thr Hi:rm c tu/ncd to he bank in,, crnir;r hcrfie:an :\o\, r ryn o of business <n<, as happen< n a find 9n othrr ptupe to (] r or, worn-out currenr, were C sme sn tt the," rrnrr rnu r st oycd anr n tnhcr s much as Stooooon He sa s \CrC ntbrr Cames Prm c Their Toudmcss EL \; :c pi r rs ta\p trk" n r y h t:,: r< tou;::h for r t!,,, rd upp;, cnmp\,,, "-: ana Scrie Lo p< dr r Tte anrirn orrr, ih! ser ba e h<en raird in,o with thr Lnited _\,,:ion! gene\ Force to,i::y ((;qbjt gro\p n wt"nse r:r :-n j (!trr: rir(" : n :rn: Thr F;n! h t -r :!r,rtnn :, : r hi;:: djffrrr r hr!\ " " ri dd (:n;:,,, rnr:!r r fnur n;t, r,,;n : h hak \ rrro :-r hr f:itra:::rr p!f t Tr : HOLD ATOMC TALKS :ontrc0 ritizcns ha e fnim rt, : o;rt \f :\ J[f\ his exampe, A-;non:n :-; R,, r - OTT\ A (CP)-\st (;rr many> mnioter for <Jtnmic af fii r Dr Sefrr Rakr, oren rei "exporatory taks" wit Anm r Enery of Canada, Ltrt ind the dcpa tmrnt of externa af frr :fonday The Wst Gcrmn F:mbssy said Dr Bake, who ar rived ast Saturday from Wash!ngton, primariy on a iaison visit aying the groundwork!or exchanges of nformation!ome other wapon mny utmatry be srted as the B-52s re)ace mnt But the trend is sti the samr: the future rrptaccment!or the B-52 wi unrtoubtedv cnjt more than the pane it repaee EXPRES AT R!i, ir, :\P );roh,:,!r Scheeer< pnie, r ;pij e; Rios fr-i ; " ta whrn hr is r,; whrn hr i hir rc r c", hri rj \ierr i f pair ah< $4()0( in prpmiums At rrr r ofthrn" hi, point, h ii-if he wan! A rnmtni\re,; i r"r hr keep the pan oin;r - hwe tn v: di\r <wieh o a stri;!ht ire poir which wi mean a hi;:hcr prmum However, he fees tht t ths point n h3 ufe he wi be abe to afford a hig!jor premium and be>ves other peope woui be n a smfnr s!uation f he dies beforp!i the murum roecs the $0,000 and Mr Scher tr sees the verturc a a "phian thropie pro irct to s tih thp cr of a man r>f mode! means Another feature n th Hhrme, that the premiums are cassed and as charitabe dona:ons thus tax-free t He aso sid tat ar t kj LJ officia; he has 3 t "hi,h) he nion har hrrn ihiitir< ert!>e(" at thr po,; bak the pan "ian rr?p r ncommi!in tmeir< - " nn mrnh; n\ rr u, nr rrr a fnnrp ni<rum nr " ut f th arp ":bn ) to there i5 no beter H SCENE AT GEORf, \ice Ckb Th ter Andt cw, t\ fhe judges demied rite reguar wc"r;: mr" City Counci "" hrir; morning with b r i chjir and four Cmu: on Eare, :>htin>: prescn pans to hr P o o n a ppr Mou\"nd tio Rear Add:nn R Scamme t:i E, Basement Apartm r J Mr:-iuhtnn : Rod Bung<J" Lawrs :mp!, t! r n!, of :r th b!d rnndt "" nf rrrr!h:l J<: V 0[ Pnrr :r:ar ed he CO n sign or:rd cn had hrrn r,,, from Pe\ to EN

5 _: 9!7 r! SALE ; --r, "f"\, O\ rrmcss r- rt r r J(b ht th<- h,,f Lan \ r r!:tnrrr "r h-rf r"t, ni!r trirr :- r h o r j,r -- h art k to n po<oum_ pt<jir thr > <if"c UWJ -ay 0\T \T m:orce STREET CHURCH ast e\ening when the MCLT debrtec wit George Street Ser -,,,-,: P peakers werr:-affirmative (Scnie Cub): Mr CifJorr Andrews, Mr T Porter and Mr \ i: \e<i :\TCL : Mr Hece, Snegrove Mr Watson -!\RcDonad and Mr Ross Barbour "" r- re,!red in favour of the Affirmath;e, but the popuar \Oe went to the :-J"egative, AT THE CTY HALL! Oscars For Finaists For g Bergman And A-Nfd, rr!i mrr:in: n! Ann! her rtrr!rom the Chr Brynner Speakm CJ Contest u :!::;<:::: :--" :;F:tta:t! neo;or ::: 0 8 f: Fnats!orbthe j\-newfound- :--,htnae ami accid:nt hkh owmw O) arch King and, was seected the s and Boys Pubic Speaking Con- i 4 0J7 The truck, which crashed actor o 0j6 R the 29th :mnua tlst hae now been de!ded or : hr rimatrr nto the hnrant is insured or Academy Award Wednesiny the championship "speak of,, :rrro rd puhhc ;b(it) : nht which takes pace next week at : "" ti!oyr Bennett Ac, said Councior ngrid Bergman, who made a notary, t \":ien :>:ightingnc, is fast becoming a stunnin return to Amcriran!i!ms Representing St Johns wi be ::, :i :- r:iahrth through road!rom Le)!archant : as the Russan prncr, 5 n Ana- Water- Learning of Bishop Feid :i, :: -\rmmrnt Rond to the Housing Corporation, stasia, was namrd best actress Coege, The Avaon Peninsua,-_,:, :hon, rnnics nn he uggested that the nter or the year! srctinn champion s Raph!oore! _-_-,,;,,,, sccticn at Lc!nrchant har a ight The Oca or the \)c! picture of Carbonears United Church De j ; " :nps Lane, trrr<tin especiay for peak or 9\6 as i en to \rtint the [rating Gerad Aen O[ Grand ; hours_ o[ traffic Tie uggction o[, Word in 80 nays, tc chc- Fas nd ainin the Centra HC- E i,,,cibn rrsccnt" potct patro of the area at peak girding rp c prodrrd b) the inn \\c has heen Geore Baker : - Todd 4 \ hitcn St, :0 n:sn; AT BOWRSG P\RK Other awnrds: r:j!fir hours s aso made dynamic ichar \\iiam \\rs of nrncr Brook, - or Gander Wc,tcrn winner wa \,,!, :\ copy of a etter from the Bct <corin (mura: Arcr,\magamatcd Regiona High :;, :nilor rrpnr\d Bo;mi o[ Tramport Commissionrs i romct) pict!rr\: the ntc \ictor Schoo,; n: ha,: mane for LHnada was sent to the t Young, Around the \\orie in 80 The A-:o:c[nunronr chom -tr : trc- ounci on arch 9!rom Ott;a, i D; y pion wi "in tnp to Ctizcnshp! "cr::r truck report in: that the appicrinn o! r< ;coring (mu<il a\: Af rc Week at Otao if over 6 Rnd in_ f,!!i at tie rth the atadnn!ationa Raiway :"\cwman and Ken DRrh), The iracr X! he noes not uai!y! J rr hpcct"r rr- fnr_ exemption_!rom erecting a_nl Kin anc he wi rrccte a schoanhtp a!, - " ar Visit rei thr, nwmtjntn nht-o[ W) - frnctn Rc< rinrtnator,hh) (\ak $00 i, od that_ thr pro hrcrn micars throgh Rowrin anc hi\c: Jncp nuttnhcr The rnntrian< har thir " atfrr) Pak had her rccrrct and thr Somx<) ip There Lir< r chorr n! thp nowin Mh)ec!: - " " ;:ppron or naiiry < now rrhrrc fnm Rr cinrmaid hh (r n n r: Wid Lifr ronsrnr\ion : r! ""r of thr rrrtn and m;inoinm thts LtniY Lindon, Arnuni thr \orr 2 rrr,irrn Franktn Rooett r " h"t h frnrr in so a) - S Hmphr) Gibrrt " trrrtn [nr ",\rr thr) k th frncr An hnma) ""_H to }rrhe 4, Homework! a Neces!ary, rkrd oi hr cnwnc" R Rkf-r R the Lounci Cantor for hi rne a< oon E mretin Rnr Cnitncior "nc the amhassaror {nr Ho)woor! e History o! Re!ponhe Gov- m rhorr na":" Lr a) or Rrrrr tht thp part of Th hpt forrin aiguagr, rrnment n Newfoundand (! rtrnt"" nf thr \ nunn [rncp wurh s nreid) there woud awarr\ went to the abn - made f Conrage \ - rnnnn n Sh;n he rcmocr! ann a tr"ra_, in which winner An- i Star o! mnria Uniersty; :rrrr!!h;: r >r \:r thony Qttmn ao irrcc t ", 8 A Pnnn of thp Present (your nr r"hiipn of rit) : camect h_v proctucpr Dno De L_;u _ "hot"e),- Tte annua sport day at St : rn t rr r< rn, -\nt0n, whc was 5ehcdued rent! ho produced the fm o-ar cdet ovcment in New-- d b with Caro!anti!oundand irr Eriar Ptman fr yc;i:rcay was po;tpone e- r d i 0 Can Prmanent Word Peaei! Ci h) rrr that C5C 0 a rcrsc WCi\t cr conr - GooJ \,farks C\d on rnnett ion u n Be Attined? e-rn rhm,rd h) ; Word WRS rcrcc n St fniurr, nor was there bnything n t!;,rhnur nd uhns or the postponrrnt Ast For CanaJans the Cinadian atmosphere to sug n<:rri [r puhir! r cnng through th news scr U gpst that there might be one )! prorrrr to! ire nt Pepprrrc Air Forcr LO:-<no:o< CP-A Brith jour! know nothing at a about Can- ii, r insurnrc fnr i, ", ada: but have the mpression na st ne"> rcturnc from orth : tiatthc peope o{ that cou try are -!j America grs Canadians goor actvev concerned to further any marks for courtesy and hepfu- reasonabe enterprise whether t! LOANS A ENJOY Ytu en bonew r SSO $250 (omotrou rooro) Pay Ps r 5600 a nih up TRF H UU U!LDNO 23 nurk"ort- tret PHOE 0- \ hu branchu n Cern, Rrock and G ur TU nes! and fmds his own countryme is superi>ing a truc-etn nd;chh sady acking in the same attn- or making sure that a traveer ; butc catrhcs his train" Witng n The Spectator, th : --- coumnimt Srix citvs tte exampe ) or H runuantic tepi( e: How One Man Fought! ht pnt ft utn!:t Rrun"i; to! ti iurue rt :nar : h au!dinn tdcphune opera nsanity - And Won - _-,: or, he ays, a;!tndy, ctur ts nl <onded tinughuut f St Yi ago J< k Ferguson,- a sr nted to pi tirugh hi ca uoctar, war hiw,f ocked in a f,, rontrnt k London OJHrator weot<! hospitu When h" reguio- of s cbt ibec us spphkig \ci- et sanity h tout to Mhtte -- ; ), in U Jug!Jbrits COkP insuniy or ohe! rmd With two - :_,nar," nnd appxrpny de!prmitw; i weupono: dmga and teuder ovig to ft ush ate he pt o]el t a\ a costs cme AtWA\S HELPFUL n Apri ReAders Diget U a Strx continues: 24,poge conden tion or the new "A!tcr traven!or two or book "A Man Against naaniy" ; thrt week n Canaca, had got,, An inspirig tiu tory of Dr - out of the habit of haf-expecting: FergU8<n crusadr, nd the hope : that ftort nf thing mot C!"\ r_ it offct! othet!, Get your Apri - day t)crt har bec some smri, adcrs Digeot ody: 39 artice boring task which ncedpd n be! of asting intercft, in condemed - performed eft me with a; cr!ty bv ford! to 8\Ve your time i!, a srancr Ther was no DELCOUS - BROWN RASN SANDWCH LOAF f " i -J "", OL "! r t;!j - - ji Tabe Lamps A factory cear-out of tabe amp! that brings you exceptiond vaue Assorted bases with a fibre-gen shades, Reguar $750 vaue FOR ONLY $095 Garbage Cans White ename kitchen garbog! cons with step-on cover, wire rack and a suppy of paper bags, Wi ook smart in your kitchen SPECAL EACH $795 High Chairs Ncura finish high chairs with fu pane back ond auminum trey Reguar $250 FOR ONLY $990 Training Chairs Chids commode or training chdirs in pink, bue or natura finish They have troy and bead trimming, Reguar $850 NOW 0NLY $750 Night Tabes A specia factory cearance enabes us to offer yo these night tabe at a tremendous reduction Choice of wanut or ight finish Reguar up to $3950 CLEARNG AT ONLY 650 and 950 Piows Pump feather piows with fancy striped ticking Size 7 X 25, SPECAL EAC:H $95 Smoker Stands Exceptionay good ooking smoker stands n chrome ond hross finish, with arge gass ash bo;y Reguar $50 NOW ONLY $950 BUY NOW AND SAVE To make room for new arrivas as quicky as possibe, many items hay been seeced, and offered at such tremendous reductions, that they shoud be quicky ceared cui f you need any of them, this is your opportunity to secure them at big cosh savings, As quantities are imited, we sugest yet see them os scan os possibe Three Piece Bedroom Suite f you want something different in design, we suggest you see this red cordovan mahogany finished three piece bedroom suite t consists of bookcase bed, chest-ofdrawers ond tripe dresser with beveed pate mirror A very handsome suite at o ow, ow price Reguar $29500 NOW CLEARNG AT ONLY Mattresses We known Simmons Sumber King oi sia :;tee springs provide o firm foundation for o pring-fied mat: tress, Four feet size, sighty soied Reguar $2950 CLEARNG AT ONLY $950 Five Piece Sat Springs Buit for years of satisfactory service, these 80 coi spring mctress es are exceptionay good vaue They hovo oir ventiators and handes for turning, covered with fancy icking; a sizes r Reguar $2750 NOW ONLY $9 50 Chrome Set Geaming S piece chrome breakfast sets in grey, green, red, bue end yeow Tabe has orborite top ond exten sion eaf Chairs have pastic covered seat and back Exceptionay good vaue, Reguar $7950 NOW CLEARNG AT ONLY Bed Outfits Three piece fu_ pane wood beds in choice of wanut or honey finish Compete with high riser, a" sat tee spring -a-nd 80 coi spring fied mattress SPECAL FOR ONLY FURNTURE SHOWROOMS, s69so Bedroom Suites You wi ike this wanut finished beefroom suite, _coosisting of bed, arge singe drsser and roomy chest-ofdrawers, with bra hardware A good ooking suite at a remarkaby ow price, Reguar $900, NOW ONLY $9950 DUCKWORTH STRHT J

6 ,, :! f t ed BurroJiht " ""OUR LOVE ETERNAL" Our o\e is made of utn hinp, that wi not ever die thine wonderfu and powerfu with muna to aatiy,, ur k\e i born of crire,,, and faith to foow throuah,,, a fauifa beinnna with, rt happneas n view our! is hopr and ainre trut,, th, rnd to make t stron,, o0 iff tri a"aya be for ua biu tender aon& aweet min and warm embraces form hr bond o[ jo) we share icthrr,e ran rmb the hi and conquer r rry care, t"o ehar one, this is our o\e he die hu bten we cut, or it is made of prceeu thin&, that hrouh a time wi ast and when the name of ife bum out!d we are judaed abo-e the srut beyond wi 5rey kno- of our eterna o Thinking t Over Young Pay-Set PRNTED PATERN High Fashion Houses of Paris Feeing Low Down GRM ECONOMCS HAS ELMNATED MANY FAMOUS NAMES BY ROSEE HARGROVE PAR S - (NEA-Everybody knowa that womens way of dres- sin&, tha word over, is fioverned by the Qa name Paris dcsiners But oohnd the scene a, of the uxurioua saona of the AvJnue MaUanon and the Faubouri Saint HonJre- arm batte has been waied ar!c:e the end of Word War between the deas of art and st rn economics, tor wi think nothing of discarding 30 modes out of say 50 But there a creators inc itabe retort is that you cannot produce a unique creation on an assemby ine as you woud an automobie MME LECOMTE, expainng why she quit, decared: When made a sae of one mipn francs, 6(],000 were aready absorbed by taxes and various expenses, e cause the haute couture is considered a uxury industry, we are taxed higher than any other, Yet it is to our and its coroary industries that Franc-e owes some of her prestige in the word" Sti bristing with energy, Mme Lecomte reminisced about the od days when she dressed queens and princes, eaders of the int:auona as we as Frances socia se : and theatrica and movie stars, But the most extraordinary cients of R! \\>ere the South Americans," she rca!ed, n the dan before air trave they 4863 woud arrive at the Ritz in Paris foowed hy an army o{ se<:retar- L -/J,:-c / i s persona maids, vaets and i,, buters They thought nothing Jf "ASTRO-GUmEu For Thursaay, March 2 Present-For Youend Yours Exceent radiations continue u!ui eary afternoon when it is advisabe to sow down a itte There may be some strin invoving per0na eyaties and frierdships, so be cautious abut how you exprm yoursef Avoid giving offemc wbere none is intended Pcepo tend to be a itte toucby under current eonfigurations Past A visit by gente Future A new Dorothea Dz to a Mauachu frame is expected to c P tun aetts "bouse of correction "on which-hu a sma radit March 8, 84, changed the the frame and on th b k LQ country& menta beath pictu!e!he painting The res!t of Outraged at treatment of the m n ro issuing from f oc: aaoe, sbe CMad for reform sounding Whisters M:eriiU \f Thtt Day tjncfer Your Sign \ ARES (or m!t 2 to Apri 20 iira (s 2J t 0 \00 iejro b imni\c, 0 L C"iiTC c P O e, 22 " U"C " nendihp arc a r owa, ro wh oder, morc upcrienctd ptrtons )OU ray have a chane to ProT/i" 4 ve 0 uy nc thtna a )Our ar V:t TAURUS (Apri 2 to oy 20) SCORO!Oct 2 to N, ) aron frtt) " OCia circea u con!ac tndtrhardea infurncu r:jj; you mat tbtc: coud nd to buinu optne fttr noon, a bf, ar J, amancra commtmcnu at this fimt, m:-t m&uif GEMN (Moy 2 to Juo 2 SAGTTARUS (N 0 Somc<;nr J" """d o ide jj co" J - ", nttp au for a ttjt,h;ch to Dtc P: 2 fxpottd un tt prtsent r&d(ati B( pn i! te orm CJf a aunttic r tg!!!f pned if it happtnj rthft:n Takt acttcn prompty,,,_ CANCER (Juno 22 to Juy 22) <;APRCOR (Doc 22 to J ) RdJtiomhip With rtatin Upc<tay n \ ou can rr :m )OUr ri&ct in t it w, f!y btc!jmc tninrd, UUt con you an m; to ruke nc ftrunttonj rhort and ncr ictt:, ut LEO (Juy 2! to Au9 22) QUARS,!Jon 20 to Fob Br tornident or!tu hr fnins of ethtrt "cu rt JUttfttd H (HOoinr "" rrrjntcnhona!, au an apt!!ow, hpte a :n:tn the CJtomt ii: No, JUJt W t 0\J ant,, VRGO {Aug to Sop H PSCES (Fob 9 h Mm O) Gn, a tm_rant main andtd o A tcnr du i iky r "n &rt dutnj th ortn wh_r h( are btn,ban )O\J unt,t f :u rac:thu Baantr of day ttt:t \t tn ccttj it un:!tt"way t» e t97, Fird "",,,, For many yu" God has bern, ordering any here from 30 to 40/ uitin& muu&:es of storm and dresses, pus 0 for each of their hir -rather n thf sky Man hu Printed Pattern thats EASY daughters, They spent mioa of, rud thrte isns directy O\erhfad, sewing for you, mothr-makes francs and woud return with a!ut he has iiuo tried to read thee darni pay-outfit for dap&:htfr hundred trunks chock-fui of cot- MANNERS Jn, from dtance m ordfr to See the "frownup" stynf of the he hats, furs, shoes and aeces-: pact thr weather m ad\nce shirt-to? (penty of room for ac sor: s" "r do a modest JOb of prdict!na ive wear); shorts and peda push- DeaiJDer Germaine Lecomte hu The war and post war cur- tmorrow! \\tither but \\e and rds 35 inch; shorts, yard "retired from fuhioa to pout!cs ; rency restrictions in many coun; hat God ha a way of awefpin: Printed d\a)ctons on each pat- The uhoa ndaary h overand tries speed the end of that ab uous era MAKE FRENDS Fashion Tips :he tj;- btyond man expcctation i tern part Easier, fater, accur- abe Y :tar ha aso tried wntm on ate Phe mood of the woman of to ahr tur backround of the sky, n pain words this means that day who can afford to dress at a \\\h itr eurrs of ogy ma- Send FORTY CENTS(3 cents)! as a business propoton a dress Paris coutur!era are hard to convince that 8 coction top heavy with big-name designer has aso chang ria For a short time we can! n coins (stamps cannot be accept- making house is no onger the pot- ed, Whproeas her mother dressed A GRL doesnt thank a bou for Fr that extra icket to rud hpw messages which ioat n edj for ths pattern Print pain- tnta god mine it was in the avish evening gowns ike this Jacques Hem mode are mpractica n at Paquin or Wortn, very often a dance He thanks her But for consider one nr nie!!fn C(ntr t the hue ky,in the back- y SZE, N AM E, ADDRESS roarn 920s when desiijers ike these days she prefers to spread her us tom when he does, she shoud smie a iac or any dehcatt ;round Thus skywritin&: soon dis- STYLE NUMBER Poret, Chane!, Vonnet, the Ca- among severa houses and wi and say that she enjored it She UsaUy they are cut on boxy appf" as do the signs o[ the Se d rd! to ANNE AD AM S ot!atera and oth<!rs rued the ony a few weeks ago Rfcr Ji depends on he inspiration of sometimes experiment with an un- does this even if he danced very anc hap!-ngth carenri T OHNS DALY NEW! the word of fuhion years in the business, Germaine mere handfu of pcone-dior fo, known bady: Some girs have so much: Th,-- b Pat!e Dept eo FRONT!TREET Today the heavy brn of taxes, Lecomt, exampe, designs au his modes, This does not preren pessimis charfm thky cfan dmaaket a poor dan! viic o socct" c;pioan! WEST TORONTO ONT socia &ecurty, high production Ai nine had started in the good makes hundreds of sketches be from decaring that one reason cer ee e re s me t r d d t and overhead costs eave a reative od days when taxes \\ere neg-: fore s,arting on a coection-it i why high fashion is in a bad way, And that is the kind of good man,,jm sui o rc!y ama rna rain of profit which igibe and society women and: difficut i! not impossibe to run is because of the pubic! which nrs that make the word a hap : nccessany " e \Q r"n cr For str!di corsage to brighten vour dak coat or auit NOW, choose Very rea) JookiR ye!w carnation Stunning on either back or navy, nice on arar,, anyway a atr!cuy controued: by others) from every country in the t on stricty busines ines surrounds the presentation of a Pr pace!rdk ike ro, c rm it the state word came to Paris o buy t: ir N{}body has yet been abe to coecton and the premature rc- RECENY A FRENCH busi cothes Their number bas dwind convince a couturier that he need \eation by way of sketches and neuman quipped that the haute ed consideraby, t was cstima- not show such a gat number o! photograph of any one seasons / contour w arande dame" ed recent!) that thprc were ony avish ccning crcation _hich are trends n the wor!d press : eather, who ived way be)ond her income, a few thousand women in tre n- in effect nothing more than Another basic trade dihicuty God keeps the sky beyond the and did not reaze her hour had tire word who coud ftfford to museum pieces Nn businessman ies with the copying of the newcontro of man 5 he does many atruck The fact remains that dress in the haute couture ex- \\i eer understand the wastage est ideas by forcin ;tyc pirates, o[ His other musaaes to man We since btratron no en than nine cusiey with prices ranging! which happens in th-e process of thus defrauding t" r tricrs bf undertand Gods word throu&:h famoua names have tsapj\eared rough!) from $00 to $2,500 for a creating a coection cost-from their rights-for t, - r reason prayer and persona ronhct with from the fiabon word- Leong, simpe itte dress or a grand ba $30,000 to $3000,800) when a ere a- that they have no r,pyrights Hia Spirit more than throu&:h /Moyneux, Rochu, Piquet, Worth, gown, wordy iin of prophecy Paquin, Dormoy, c:hapare and Because dressmking hou!(! Deicious! RSON inners \\ere dcci ints match on Tues Curing rink prizes The stone curers with 8 poin second stone for third stones, R with 32 or the sk TOSS Mrs erhert r Court Apartmr the conra\uat nds on he birt ast rek t"or ("OH:\ER RRC, and r< \ormn were here for the o: games enr prn here h rriat, ; i r:, r t GOOD LUCK with YOUR PES A nct, frt" home-made pie ia juat ab<!ut every bodya favourite deaert-men foke eepeciay So hm are three Good Luck teted recipea-two piee and one for ight, ftaky pie crut made with Good Luck Margarint That tweet, freh, Good Luck f!avou reay makea a the difterensives such wonderfu \ta And you actuay find Good Luck coetea than anything you coud substitute in your bakin , GOOD LUCK PASTRY - - Sift together 3 cups once-sifted four and tsp aat Cut up cup Good Luck margarine, add to Bourand rub in with finger tips unti miture becomes a fine crumbe Sprinke with cod ater and mix Ughty with fork-add just enough war to make pute which wi cing together and cean tuy from bow U u directed in recipe when making doube crujt pie or when recipe cas Cor raw pie ahe Yied: one 8 n 2-c:nut pie and one ahe _ J , GQOD LUCK NUT PE - Line a pe-pa with roed-out paa Beat 2 eggs unti thick, and Ught GradiJ4]y beat n cup sugar Beat in 4 tbapa Good Luck, meted and cooed, then beat in etp com ayrup Stir n tp&, tip, vania, 2 tbsp emon juice, cup comey chopped nut n\ta Turn fiing into raw pie ehe Bake in b6t oven 450 for 2 mnutet Tum ht to moderam 350 and contnut to bake int! fiing is t about 40 mnuteonpr, _ GoiLUCK rucrumau PiE L _ Line pie pan with roed out pu Combine 2 tbsp aranu- a ted auar with 2 tbep fiour Sprinke haf over pie pu Arra:ge 9 to 0 peach ha vee in pie he and aprinke with remainnr!our mixture Combine % cup ifted putry cinnamon Add " tbap chied Good Luck and cut in finey Sprinke over puchea Bake pie n hot oven 25 \mti putry cook6d topping roden brown:about , minut fiour, cup u,hty packad brown Ugar and )i tsp GOOD LUCK SUCCESS STORY --- Onee you taste Good Luck Marguine you reaize why it, auch a favourite with Newfoundand women That!Weer, ffther Good Luck fiavour makes it perfect a spread on bread,,, ori toast or roa,, and or rourse on hot vegetabes You aee, Good Luck made!mh daiy, right hera in Newfoundand That why no other margarine can compare with Good Luck And Good Luck!a nourishis VitamiN A and D are added Cor ertra nutrition Try Good Lucc rirht away J Odster Spurns Theory Of ; Over-Protecting Parents Why dont you write omething aoout \he danger o! overprotecting parents?" a young woman of No matter what kind o decision have to make-persona 70 wants to know Heres her or financia-they a jump in to point: gie me advice am aure they Most parerts today know that think it s ony stubbornness on th:re is such a thing as Oerprotecting a chid, but a ot of mv part that makes me fee am perfecty capabe Of decidns them, incuding my three sons things for mysef and two daughter, dont seem to have aways made t a poicy reaize that you can over-protect not to try run my chidren paren;, too ives Yet each of the five is admit m not young actuay trying to run mine, Thty was 70 my ast birthday, But cant seem to understand that m not ready to be put back in- want and need to be independent to second chidhood, either as ong as am physicay abe Yet, with kind and oving n- Cant you write something about tenton,!)y chidren re over- over-protecting parent! bein as prote<:ng me to the pomt where big a mistake over-protectina either have to fight them or give chidren?" n to being depend-ent on them So far, m su! fighting, dont need to My correspond- They have kinds of soc-aied ent has writ ben t for me, And good reasons why shoud not ive suggest that she iend a copy of aone, even though am per!ectry her coumn" to each of her chudcapab!e of making a home for mysef and much prefer to have my own home They have a kinds of soaed earned a rest-even though know woud be miserabe f coudnt find enough to do They A Give Free Advice ren Any other parent who fees he i! being over-protected-might do!hoe aame Chances are there ue a ot of grown chidren who dont know that sef-reiane is mportant to the od u fo the young, the whoe famiy wi go for LENNOX WARM AR HEATNG makts a cream-smooth pudding itt mimt! Favourfu! Shirris!-ci!: 0,, Rea/iquid /favour because of the "brtd" LuscioUs! dccp-dorn Jmhfrui jfat our TREAT YOUR FAMiY TO THESE TASJ TEMPTNG SHRR FF DESSERTS, YOU GET SMLES OF PLEASURE A DESSERT TME Your symbo of Quai/y Rugged! Dependabe! Economica! e ndoor Air at just ths right temperature to suit you and your famiy ndoor Air that i-,moving constanty, genty and mpmceptiby e ndoor Air that s humidified e ndoor Air that s fitered cean e ndoor Air that s free from staeness 5 YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS LOW DOWN PAYMENT 5 YEARS TO PAY, Coo NO The no other GoO D LOCK NEWFOUNDLANDS FAVOURffE MARGARNE JOHN CLO"USTON Ltd 72 DUCKWORTH ST DAL St,

7 funess M 2 r,, c_ : "-iy J0 t) \t- if do_, tt rnc -n oi 2CJ,_ Tno!M " -,--! 00 ombr :-r:: it hut/" -dotrn rr fruit our TAST ru&n T ME 3A RSONAL CHT CHAT (itchen Coor Citizens; Forum :On The CBC Househod Hint R MOLO\\ Bright and Du-Shoud thfy he train for Gander, where they ef nj tr Ren Goobe, A by air \o spend a hoiday n segregated in schoo! This question wi be discussed R,Hd eft here on!on Forida T< A to spend a hoda) n : ; on Citizens arum Oer radin 53 : h LEtT FOR BUSN::SS TRP "" Mr John Lndaay, o! the Aied Bth, at 0 pm are otherwise in good conditod rtt\ Construction Com pan), eft here R X for Teen-Age Skin: nj \r Jnhn S Warren of j yraterda) by TCA on a buaneu,nk were \iitora to St trip to the United Statu,, "ret They arrived -- :, T ( \ on their \\BY home HALLET BONSPTL ptndm the winter with \n Edward Hacock akpped ;Jhtr at Sarnia, Ontario her team to victory )n the Haett, : or home by SS Bar Bonape ui week at the Ladea CurnR Cub Mrs G Hibbs pay ed thrd, Mrs E Hickman, second f\\jlsgate and Mrs F F Wa, ead Hrrrrt \ Giett, of stonea :tr t >tna the cty:,,,,r ni i reastered a MARCH MEETNG, pjnctand Hote To rch meeting o the Moth -- era Auxar) of the Womans Mia p RT\ : aonar) Society of Gower Street,- nt nwrtin o the Pro United Church waa hed n the :", "en:<ie women n Common Room o! the Church on,jt (otio rooma the mem arch Rth The president, Mrs r;,,rr tn hod a C3rd party E Bcnaon condmied the me ing - R! ai nn a th and wecnmed new members and ;nd ;u t,on w i be pa) ed visitors Mrs Rodgers and Mra r:r!:,nt prizea wi be gven, oore ed the de\oiona perud,;, :rr-r whch had the theme "The Whoe -- Honour of God" Ater dvut!ons \\T H a fim on msson work n ndia " n,,, were dercipd in was shown b) rs! White :<t;n: ma:ch on Tueada) at, r! E Tuff Oe a report on h o< urinr rink or the hhghts o! the presbyteria r,m prizu The winnera which ahe attended as a deegate ;:: :,,nr rurera, Mu Aus ; The date of the Apri meeting was,, th R ponti; r A adanccd one week!rom ts regu,rw <tone curers wth iar ime A aoca hour foowed, " hrn stnnrs, Rnt Mrs the busneu meeting, :, qth Cor the s<ps GUDES BROADCAST for Hf The Gir Guide broadcast o- \n Tnrnhi\ And her night March 28th at 64 o er : rr dt nrre ast week to radio ataton CBN a especia! 0 hr h me a Fortune for the one guides The pro-, rronqanird by her aa ramme wi be under the drec Quick coor for your kitchen! \tr Geore Dixon, ion of Mrs Biss!urphy, Provn The fowen are easy croshtch Soap and Water Care D{ ardrohe Wonder : ;wn CBN on Thursday, March f stained or faded throw rui n There has been growng conc:rn: have them dyed for ncreased UM: as to whethr our mass educatnn When propery refinished, 4654 oh-2o\i t,/,h6-j Teen-age akin needs consant care with soap anti water This eeo-agtr ho nure<i her whie she ca training comm!soner, who - n a gay, modern gingham e! (above) UJU a good ather o remove make-up befor ahe appies freh : Gr" nspita wi ntroduce rs N S Noe, feet! Do them in natura coors, Provincia Lone Guide comm!ss on kitchen or guest towes powder, roue and ipstick \TL\HS! oner, who was appointed at the Pattern 7228: Transfer of 8 mo,, an \r erhert G Simms, Annua meeting ut week Guides tfs 6\ 8\ inches; dn!ctons, BY ALCA HART guar Even for \!(ners thnre are Sew-easy sundress that doubes Lm rn t c,:: Apnrmcnt are from th fi(th ann cny four* Cron-atitch a fut, fun to do : impotant beauty rues and one o{; as a jmp!!r with its smart bou!e ht onratuattons o!, St Johns companies sn the S d THRTY FVE CENTS TEENAGERS are in many re!hem is neer-but neer-appy -fashons that djube your ward,, "" " ttt birth of a ramp fire son! One of th songs en n pee the ucky ones in the mat- fresh make-up over od Before robe! ts our new PNTED :c:c: \),,,, wi be "The Keeper", whch 3! coins for this pattern (stamp c- ter of beat) care_ Thcr have no, 0 do your face over gi it a Pattern - espectay restgned t 5Un on prc ous programmes not be a;ceted) to ST JOHNS concorn about wnnke or crepy good soap and water ceansing fatter the shorter, fuer ftgrc R :t:r BRO(\ and procd so popuar DALY NE\\S, Househod Arts throat ines or ine ines abot the This is essentin in keeping )Ottr Prtnted Pattern 4654: Haf Stzes d Dept, eo FRO:<T STREET WEST t h t th co t - "r:an Hon TORO:<TO OT Print, eyes stn oey and!ree of the, bem- wo ea s as one, ts s our ot e,, hrrc " he tnrrtnwn BRTHDAY SA E ADDRESS PAtr Tis doesnt mean that the) need \shes that make a teener: hc Size 6> 5undress, 3 yards 39- n:r, rrnt A short BrthdR),ieenR! to r John NUMBER, no deeop beauty technique miserabe Once your sktn s inch: bou,e p, yards 35-inch :; - e reates, eft Foran, 8 \\aare Pac \\o erie, t simpy means that tte teens cean, dan t _pie on the make-up Printed directions on each pat r-,; r-,,, \ona) tn re bnea her btrthday today Greet, Two FREE pattern, _ printed are the time when soap and ater A it dusting of powder, a touch tern part Easier, faster, accu, :r r :me t Cornrr nas come from her husband and n our ALCE BROOKS Jie<e treatment is about the ony care of rouge and a rosy, cer ipstick rate hd c rcn craft book - stunning Send FORTY CE!\TS ( 40 cents design far a girs skin neds are n mast csc the on Y auty ( b E,NFFRS \\!\" yoor!!or )our home -just!or! But ta care that mist be re ids your sktn reay needs p fota;s Pnrt e:,c " L you, our readers! Dozens of ,,, J d s ):nn fakand The Engineers W e! Cub met the d g de i prmt pamy SZE, N A E, AD f 0 r es ns 0 or r a ea!) -- - a -- DRESS STYLE NUn!BER : \!rernt a patient at, on :MdB) eici ng at the home 0 fascinating hand Work! Send 3 r- D t :i:j hut expects to; rs V A Ainsworth, 0 Forest cents for rour copy of this won Send order to ANNE ADrs ::,:n h:i wrc - meeting and aso to hear a tak on Q Pattern Dept, so FRONT street rnr rtiiro\ fashions gven by ra s w, WEST, TORONTO, ONT j \r Edar Hickman Wansky ha Hunt, a n charge of the train, noad, for ther reguar monthy derfu hook ight away! i ctor or an ays care of ST JOHS DALY!\E\S i ::r u: :rr Karen, Circuar rs Wansky who \RS ntro- ng of the,modes for the forth ; n panlng their 5rin fawrr :!: he" on Monday by the, duced by the President, :ira cyn coming Y\\ CA fashion aow and BY EDWN P JORDAN, M 0 he custom minen ha e broken outine(! tha euenta of ood rr h round Departing from thr fuhon in dreu Her tak w Cr\UTOSNEEDED WTH Mr\N!jD! the n!ach of chdn\ ot o! d " i th t t U d framework o fower necked Coo! Quick! NOBAKNG! nn NO COOKNG! The secret u Carnation other [orm o[ mik wi do! t One easy reeipe for 2 deicious pies! And each one as smooth as on/v this mik \ith ipccia bendins quaities can make it O AK" OAN P Ocko! cran jeuy pawdr \4 " UUr : ;o hn! "ritnt juke : trdi/rd (Ut-"Hinf r\ nu u:n "( :!t-fntn rmrm juice or, h tr:!m,m \o\rr pre,, Diuove ;r Orrr and ousu in on;,uicr Coo unut hick ened and syrupy (20-25 mnun), Chi Corna\icq n re!rhmor tray Unti n[t CT)\ form throuqm mnk (t<-0 minuteo), Whi tjnti iff (about minutr); od<rmnn iui<r Continue hiprina un rt} iff (: min nrhitrj Fod thr ""rrd (ornnn ntn chied nronae it!! Snnn into ht! Chi pie :! h, or unti hnn 0 GAHAM WAP SHL: Mi t \ cup cruhrr raham ft" h htmn SUJT snr 4 cu mtted tjutr int aidt ftd bonam ar 9-inch pit_ pata ," & " PAPPU P L" emon i<y J!Owder utnd at 0Dif, ud W a or CJitd pinnppt Jd >n) inuead of oraa Juct hi4 cup we-<! raidec c < tnrhtd p; <&ppe btta JtUy Jid C&n&tO fiijaj \ira n \Mi W -- -;! J A:::-NE-LAND BROKRAGE LMTED, St Johns and Comer Brook moat -nterestn and wu foow- CHEMCALS FOUND N HOME them have o er po en a Y an straws, th ha"& cntiaec ed by an ope d!tc:uon drn -- j gerouj effects (owered fabric intead The a!j wbch Mra Wanaky!eouay BT!DWN P JORDAN, M D Certainy anyone v!o such rcs uaed may he sik< cotton or anawere quutona on appropriate The probem of posonink by! preparations shoud arefuy rear rhffon whrh tnd thrmse e tn dreu for varoua soe functona chemeaa h rtceiving reued the d!!cuons on the ah-i nd!- <uh deft arran:emen, 8 nrj:- on accenorej and many other aa: attention :ow these with great care ing or tucking Often thep rhrm t\nteo PATTERN system provtdes suftcient cha a dyed rug oses none of t! uatnge an opportumty for the er and resiience, and the coon gtfted_ chtd, and aso suffctent stay fast attention for those who are sow A variety of soutions have been f skin 5 ouy t s best to wipe proposed and tried incuding en- off od powder with a tissue berichment; acceeration, segregation fore touching up" the nose, cd and, of course eaving things as and cheeks The pores of oib they are skin are much more ikey to coi To discuss the reative merits than those af dry skin, and eb o the moat dramatic of these ged pores usuay mean hadt soutions Citizens Forum pane; heads or pimpes wi present!ss Sybi Shack, pubie schoo principa; Mrs Ruth PRNCii WORKS PON!cLintock, mother and former, teacher; Mr R J Johns, Winnipe \\ NDSOR, Enganc! (Reutn) Schoo trustee; Dr c E Phiips, -Prince Php \Tonday worbd profesor o[ education at the On, nut hs poo ponies for the fnt tario Coege of Education Mr tme!hi year in preparation fer KNneth McNaught, Professor of the new poo season Tha Queen His tor) at the United Corge, Win-j and h& husband atr eft bert nipeg, wi act as chairman for London And 0 ay "ith fast-ri5ing Feischmanns Act he Dry Y eut,,, a treat that wi bring demands for "more, pease!" n an B inch aquore cake pan, met 3 obnpoons buer or margarine Drne with a cup honey and sprinke with: 2 cup broken satod nutmeas 2 Scad cup mik Remove from hect end stir in cup honoy teopaon sai V cup shortening Coo to ukewarm 3 n the mtcntime, mecure nto c arge bow /J cup ukewarm woter oopcon granuated aug or and strr unti sugar is dnovecf Sprinke with conenh of enveope Feachmann Acvo Dry Yeast - Let stand 0 minutes, THEN sir we Stir the ukewarm mik miture end we-beaten egg 2 taapoon vania nto the yeast mixture :t togethpr once 2 cup onc od a-purpose foc: toapoon grounj cinnamon Si dry ingredienh into yeat mixture end stir un!i we bended-about minute, 4 Spoon mijre into pre pared coke pan Cover L rise in[] warm pace, fr:!e hom drcf, urti douhd in b:/!tobou y, hours Boxe in a modt"ra:c!y hot ovn 375", oboj 35, "uh Turn o:t c! pen i!"!"mdioey srve worm Needs no refrigeraion pecta o! tba aubject The charming The Committee M Tox\c<Jogy oft OSE OF THE che-mica rr \ng hah take their!i(! from thp guut thanked on behaf of thtt American Medica Aociation tamed n many of these cenmg : _,, the cub by Mra Eva Van hu estimater that there an! about soutions is carbon tetrachnridr ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;-;;-- ;;;;-;;,-;_-,;;;-;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;-; ;;;;;, Two new members, Mra Grace a quarter o s miion hrand-nam- SevetR yeas ago a rej!<h was Serrck, formery o Deer Lake,! ed chemica products which may pttb!sher from h arine Ho!pi and Mra Leaie Wadde, former!) bt uaed in thtt home, n!arming ta m Staten sand, New York, of Toronto, were wecomed to the and n ndu<try npang with <orne 2 cae of ear auochton The next meetn wi Most af these Rre meft - or bnn tetrarhoride poisoning Two bt hed n the borne of Mrs! they vodnt be empoyffi But of the eamen invoed_ had en Hti) nes; Portuaa Cove Rou when their potentia! dsngoers hen m- canng their cotea -,th urbon Mra Ha ne wi addrtaa the : propery U!Pd, are t poory ttnchoride 2 hours before ti, roup on coour eomb!natona in unrstood Ther art an estmat- deveopment of their symptom! of nterior decoratona ed!,00 accidenta deaths from nauea, vomtni and diarrhh! poson each year trom misuu of Another man had been pantn a T OHTR CUH chemica! room in his hou!e, using earbon, tetrachoride to thn the paint ADE LP - A Brtah jet PERRAP! the mot wide!) ued n another report the foowing ighter cruhed nd the piot was chemicas around the home are statem-ent wa made: "Dry cean kied Sunday \\ he upportng: the ceannr fuids These are of: ng fuids and stain removers are uound oeraon an d! evera varietej nd chemica very common househod poisonsdent trmmen n Britain Aden i compositions, but virtuay a Df cases af poisoning resut both from protertorate, a communique an them are po!bonoos f swaowed the nhaation of vapon a we a! nounctd (and therefore ahoud hf put out crom awaow!ng, Some time ago we examined the body of a woman More Canadians Using Windsor Sat who had ceaned a dress with carbon tetrachor!de n the bathroom, a sma space wuh<ut ventiation She UCC\mbed 0 t fumea of th compound Some ef the ceaning fuda, whie they do not contain poisonous chemica! of this kind, may catch fre eas!j t has been re portec! that about 200 peope are ked and,000 seriousy!njund every year from suth burna N OBDEK TO avoid the dan appe even rrapefrut juice are rreat favourit And )0 eajo) tbtm evm mort r of cnnc g, puddinr, em to be, a, dont run -JR" t can bea truy And that 04! nd dbcts M \:J"-/ot r ma coujh a package of WNDSOR on your pantry shef? h it neary empty? Then better mke a note on thio weeks ahnppin iet " pkj WNDSOR SALT" ger from fumes, ceann jobs shoud he done outdoors t hi! a!o been rteommended that cean!nc with nfammabe nuds shoud be done on most, coudy days, and that the contaner of the fuid shoud be kept on the ground n orer to avoid anr sparks from static eectricity t seems obvious that B person using a ceaning fuid which might possiby catch i shoud asn be extremey carefu not to ght rna tches nor to smoke anywhere near thr fud The motto for househod chem cas ahoud hf: CAUTON! Beauty Brief : r:;-ra,tr< to hin? mrct item ihtr beforr pp)ing masrara Upper eyc!ohrs nn;-: When rr), repeat proccs, a, cara conrrntrated on the outer haf o!!/; upper nshps mkc eyes seem farther apart Whats mare, they ook bigger Circes and bacs under eyes Brush ight shades af makeup suck over darkened area Then appy reguar foundation over entire ace Bend roue up and over edge o circes Now, wht!re are ttm? Gone When makin ;-p your ip, be, sure to gi, e, thm an up" turn at the cnrners Drooping ips arc not pretty HERES ffusprngu N FLAT-HEEL CASUALS! Choose from our smart coection of fat-hee Casuas in a the newest styes ond combinations in Suede, Kid, Caf and Patent!eather You can choose from styes ih coors of Red, Panama, Pink, Tan, rown, Powrer Bue, Navy end Beck Sizes 4 to 9 $298 to $795! , " - - -,,

8 t t - Stock Market Report HOO c:to OC r c, rrn - -, n -0* ot d- C-d\dond, u-e rtrha -E wutiatj o C D,aYirJ U0 t + C Doca,ry 5 ft :92 m + 2 C D!,cavpry! :ti 2 C }on 3 O 0!0 ConCUio &00 8 \ - > ca Arrow ooo 2 2m :! C Hawo , Con Howry!23 %0 :UO 20 A<M ru - \ \ - C arben au 60 + ran MS C 2 2! - o -o UG UG \ZS t C Morr:oon n:u 30 O 30 - A- Si t:!j 2 D ; Con Nt\ 53 + ; b 4 Mi t + ; Can Nicho 2000 : 2 2 t 3 A t t < + C orthd :! 2! 2! + 0 AD! L&*r 0 \ U\ \\ - C Rrd Pap 80! 9 - M tpoe TOO S!2!S ; a C Rod Pap :a 9 - A- ti U C Rrtc AQio Hv JJ\a 2\t 2o t r Sannorm too 7 t APt an L Con SUd 0 2!0 2U 2! + Aruda - A C untun u!0 2 :! Aroa S :st ConwpaL 00 0 T Arjoo - J 2\\ Cop Corp AUU \ * 0 O, Cohcrn :5 3-4 Ati!J u 0 n n 2 CopMan L> Aubto TD \0 Coprond 39 3 :UO : Aa, 000 J - rau 00!!! M + Aa U00 \ - \ C-ch io 0 O aarut 000 " JJ t-j\ creuur 5!! a,_ 00 M :t - Cronar 200-2, Ep 2tOO U A U - Corpwat !P!!! Jootaa U! 7 T D>"n 72 %0 o n W n4x - Dant 0!H! - taq i )0 :!5 < Do Cour S 7 8 Da< :oa )0!3 4 Dt Cour 0 O 47 O 8 <, 00 US id Z Do Car wa 70 2 kbtr 00 0 Offr Horn Z70 28 \ -\ Bot -rj DEdona roo \! t"c"tta 000 C + \ nrn:ta 400 Oi,Cr \tt \ao \ i!: nu\n 0 U o <raft W :W 2\ < F"\ 0 t!oo \0 20 B a UO SJ U O 0 Fast Suit 50 4! 4 " r- j an ftu tuco Dtu o DO, Fat :\tf" 3J 3 :\"a - no :{00 0\ 0 R Fu M n, 2H 30 id!20 +! amute H F\dr c 2, -3o takid S :! S 2 F\ PenfY 57 3 fo 30 - uorad!oo : 2 F Si \\h O 3 """"" 000 J! -! f:> Gonor C3 2 D \ Sna 00 4 Uu 3 \ RZ!O,, ":t!! U 34 armn f6,"0 U 2 tr,-: \ t \, Fh A 2jC0e BctCift UM C - : F:"rcn U 3AT 5o Pi + 4,,,,k rod n o m Bu "k (00 r P 2 for a i! 80 is c+ 0! nn u 0 H ffd Krk 000,\ "wr i ua2 u = - n" cn 7 f!7\ 7 c 7\, Bar<M JOO,; 2, 4 rranro 2!00,3 -, Camr (\b %\ : JD:a +- Frchhh 0 A 2 J3 C"d\ ADna (0 i tn-n iio 8 B c n :S"- " 2! ntc-a \nt 6F7 :e \t -,, r r"d r -4, i r("q!\t!nt e97,s 5" - (da H\r ):A;J \ t\ CiPTU fo 2J J + (an Enn H "- it \ Ciar:t YK -tr, U! - (-an Mtt H- \,,ao, CiiC"nn Uran C\00 ti 2 H Cr n 2i\ 4: ior fxq 2 :? 2 ra,r \ 7 7n 7 fin!d rhn n!3 J! nm ra :"0 :00 ;t\ ( CiF tnn f)oj 7 2 2i (aii\,!u n 4 4 firh \CUiq J((( 6 HP J(,H "J Can"r :" :" 630 Mn - <:rar:t:nr \00 \R A A - C"\HF"-Tft,73:\, 30 ; C:rt hk :"f",:h " 9 - " b Jr Ui :u 2M! 4 rur: % :>0 At \ 2 Ouh kj J,Y\ : n : c:uu rd im Q J 0 i - rma! :o J, ": finnr io J\, :: - f<h "t )&)0 \i = " Ciunnr """ pu U \J \" - t 4 c"\"00\ Rf("ft o Cj\\m tvi,, " 2 -t \, : ( tw ae, NWJ 2 :: :: -,t ud Rorc JO 4 - Cohhtrm i&!;)j \ \j!h!! HAr Tin 7 U o U + 4 C\mar- q;-:! q - HaAa:a :7 - \) CniiiU,r-8 \\ CA 2M -2 Htar\oi) 7dO 8!S 6 r-t\"" :M fi i 2:-+,,, rm 000 \3 J CMt ii, \ -, C J Hr MJ 7 7;, 7 - C 84-rno ]i((j A ::! zt, p 3 Hottr J2J H-& P 2P4 ( a r M " Hf M M \0 0 - c rhnr fi),mi :ta :t": :U S uct A\ 7n 7 u! 7 r t\9wp :a \: : 2 r,, nd W < Jr"/ r [\rr -u nua --:: -rartnn M,! 70 8 Tnt Nicke!0: 00 o n\ Rnn D 3( : :: +2 rtah Cop : non Bay O 40! 400 D + J Woe!2 U Jtcab &00 2!:s 22 + Jaya F:xp HD 7 7 OJ Jnnet oo 22!o! Johuro 7!6 22 +> Joiet!COO < Jonamh 00 7 S Jowsov m Krr Md 22!!4! \\ + Kirk Hud Kirk Min 7 \ Kirk Town 00! -: Lohraor 29 9> o 9\> + Lako Cn 2$00 0 :ZO N + 0 L Dufaut ako Unr 0 2 0\ -! L Oou!00 7 ij!l> L Shorp 22D 4D 40 O Loich 00 2!! +2 Lonrourt 4000 i,, Loc 2M O Lomna 3\3! \\ Lorno 80 3 S H LoradO Wt n\7 : \2 :ti + 4 L ndh J +! Mocu 2200 DO 2! 90! Mdon 4:0, \ 47 : heo > MocLood 3D Mdoen \0 \S 87 - Munot 30X m Maartic \ ! M,nru U soco 2" Mua;c :!4 o 4S 3 4 -e orron 2:- 0 0 M"imr! 7!a 7 + fcf)r Mcar 7000 \ D Mrhr 7000 m D n,ntor 00 e! 4D + \> MPrr O m M,t, Urn \\ 0 2 M!drm 00,!7 M + Miiken \ !J <+ 0 Minda o c% 2 ; + M n Corp u D!! " M\S End 2000 a 2! in-oro OO! MOWU ) )oti J!(Q tn am Cr 2 - a Fxp Pion 200! \6 - b! \ P Lob!0 7P 70 7! " AJrr 00 H 4\o uu, ow Ah 800 3! ts "" Rid MO t Drko 80 M :a,s - S fortuno!! N Go" 3 on s s r > H a rr ne 2A 20 s rh T 2 s - >r OCO 2 Kro" 0\4 7! 7 und o9!! S Myama POiO \ 3 3 wnor \H + St\\ RO)n 000 U r H Pnatnr 2ftOO \t 8 s ck Rim e n NPS5G 00 :9 S 29 2 NO :600 2 Sn,nda 37 R 4- ao Sorrod :WJO s 24\ 4 + Normta 00 4!0 70 4!0 Sorpu 20 o! \2 - Souynco 37S SS! 7 or Trca 00 e 8 e, + Rank N!fO i,j2, h Northop 092! H Northop wta !0 6O m!cc :"iorth Can 90 u 7 u5,,-s OBrrn Or 8\ S 8,w! Dram \ Ok R OO, J H Oury 4 on 3! :6 7 Opem 3065 i Ortn!da 2f!500 t e5 32! c t 3 Omoby OO 8 4 4! rako 2600 ZU rar =:a-t 0((],5 )- J\ Pamour : men mad to Dutch eorrepond mmm ran Wro 2J Prac-e Rvrr, 00 Sf P4 Li - \ PPrma pi : Porur 0! : Prtro \ \00 + Prtm o on!j 00 Phpo :00 0 &0 2 Ponder +0 J PrJVO Gu a , Rr! E>p 00 7\ 7 \7 + Rockry ror { Hoxra ido \4\ 4\ + Rorao OO! fipphre \\0 uo tjb 33 - Rcurry H :"9 * Srcur Fu e 2 40 &oo South U : Spoonrr 7540 K e7 + 5 Tx Ca 00 6 Trar Can :70 2< 22 t Tra" Em TOO r!ad Oi 70 77T 7P 770!n 0 7! 3\0 ie J6 +0 Wayne 500 3A O O 2 O 3 30! W Dcota W DPC: Wt W e W :-ace (urb Dahcu --- H ::!85 e so :z!oo! !50 ) 5! JO !!, HASKS Mont S"KJ 49 _ Comm xd 2 se,, , ROY, 06 5!;9 68) 59 T t cr-dom xd 3\0 u -J NDURTRU Auminium 47 S2 g\ 9- + Anro-NOd roo!3\j m " C Bre" :!3 2 D hrnu! D St,f H6 S2H\ 2Li t f f Nor Star xo S3 3 J t- S\mpc;,on 4M Jai Wakro : + TCh\ u: umooo -- F "by! March27b ONTREAL (J,ONr OCKS B7u Canadian Prf, AbUb 33: Jmp BanJc 49 : Abesn Jt mp 0! 5 Bank,\!or so nt kk 00\ BMU C r\a 3 t Pap 9()& 8Aihur B :4 nt Prr! Be: - Mn hr 6\ Brazi Pt cc<j (J,J C CPmrnt 23 N St rar :i Crmen! pr Z7!orand 4gg2 C Sumah!p Obark 2 C Bnk Com J" Pcrtt h 4!! Cdn Brrw c4 PrcP 5 Cdn Brew pr 24 Que Pow, 29 THE DALY NEWS, THURD,_MAR 28, "V NFLD ca \ Bedford eaving Ha! 27, due St Johns Mar Steamship Mar 30 Bee se eaving Ha!ax 2, due St Johns Apri 4 Movements Apn 6 Bedford eaving Hata Nova Scotia due St Johns today: due St Johns Apri 26 Leaving or Haifax and Boston Apn 6 - March 27, due Haifax March 29 Bee se avng Haifax and Boston Apri Leaving Bas 0 rut S Jonns Apri 2 ton Apri 2 and Haifax Apri 6, Aprt 3 due St Johrs Apri 8, saiing for : Bedford eavmg Haifa LverJ{o Apri 9! dut St Johns Apri 3 Newfoundand eaving Liverpoo Apni 5 Apri 5, due St Johns Apri 2 CLARKE Leaving for Haifax and Boston : - STEAMSHP Apri 3, due Haifax Apri 5 North Coaste r eaving and B,oston Apri 8 Leaving Bas ar;ni 8 ; due St Johns ton Apri 9 and Haifax Apri 23 pr due St Johns Apri 25 Saiing, North Ptoneer eaving St for Liverpoo Apri 26 \B,_!ar, 29, due St Johnt Nova Scotia eaving Liverpoo 2 aiing Apr 3 Apri 24, due St Johns Apri 30 North Coaster cavin Saiing for Haifax and Bo,ton A\ 8, due St Johns ay, due Haifax May 3 and, sa,ng Apr 0, Boston May 6, Leaving Boston : \\ eandoc eaing!ontrea ay 7 and Haifax )ay, due 7, due St Johns Apr, 2J, St Johns ay 3 Saiing for Apr 25 Liverpoo May 4 : Gufport eavrg ontreai Newfound ane! eaving Liverpoo 2 6, due St Johns Apri JO :\fay 0, due St Johns May 7 i May (\a Bay_ Roberts) Leaving for Haifax and Boston: Noaport eann )fontrea \ay 8, due Haifax!ay 20 and : ay 6 due S Johns )ay, ftne Cra,;3 Roya Bank N Boston )ay 23 Leaving Boston mg a) 4 c Chern 7 + :!ay 24 and Haifax May 28, due i Gufport eaing ontm ramo, ;orp S St }ay 30 Saiing again same day 5, due St Johns ay 20, D Brtdu :2o stee 2, \for Liverpoo ay 22 Dom ar Hit t n St 4 founduon :! Wkor 70,:! FURSESS RED CROSS Novaport eaning!nntrea ; :f c;,!as rr Fort Hamiton eaving New 24, dtre St Joms \!ay 28, Hna Snh Ford :! York March 26, H<:fax!arch 30, a,y 30 (: a Bay Rohert!) Hud B Min 79!> : due St Johns Apri, eaving i Refngerattan,- _- + Apri 3 for Haifax ony! n,,, Fort Avaon eaving St John, rb: : B, March 2, Haifax arch "\ESUS \STOR" NEW YO!t CLOSG OCK 26, due St Johns \arch 28, eav! MOBLE, Aa tap) _ r be Canan Prm ng March 30 for Phiadephia and Jesse Berne\ sg hn [ Beth trr 42 v,skrnnecot,,, NFcw YHork \ ia P art aux Basques caimed h;e ted ;ce!() Boro warnrr 4/fu OontY w 37,, i ort ami on eavg New York Venu was ;;rrr-te \nn 6,;,ndgdaon a nt cop 29i i Apn 4, Haifax Apn 9, due St the FB on ch:trze, of E Auto E Ji Sid 0 " s;; Johns Apn, eavmg Apri 3 Pauine Gob:!, a \\ahr GrnEe 5!!i Utd Aircraft ; i for Haifax ony, Lea!ng Hifax secretary f S0,00 The " t N:,: m Wunrn - o Apn 8, de St Johns pn 20, Berney tod pro!"!\e n s?ng Apn 24 for Hahfax and that representative, nf \e Ne York him he hart been,:ccte } art Avaon Jeavng New York ve!op on e"rth a ""ia The itte high-buttoning, in- Apri St John J,B, Apri 3, antenna He tnr Le t bone ength Jackets on the spm:; Haifax Apri 6, due St Johns ans on t\\n orraion,,,;,t suit are &mart u a fresh coat Apri 8, eaving Apri 20 for that panet anr p!rm:i!r of paint _ Phiadephia and New York tudy their cienr ard cu, THURSDAY r DARY ffij\l 9, 77 GRACE-" was in this morning, beng ao tjrne past attempted rnyseu, but wa3 - ven (hat after mamg coud not ge more QDCeJ of bood 27th; had a vist of beonging to of Tempe B;,y Engish firm and we have any record it appears that thei at the J,odge was to cask of rum The frequented by deer of year binded and tried by rteamng over A mariner from compaint the next day, ab 3 urd Newfoun o pouticing (Capt evidenty not much customs) A man brought n of wof today A pi for dinner, but it and rank that but one mouthfu determined to get my :;que;mish 5tomach remainder away or oth- f[nishrd my tody and heieve ach wi not refuse st ce breaking up other signs of spring 2st First green eaf today t was a cu not 5ee mny on coast of Labrador cartwright winters i coast r,:jd < the bav:; vegetation is adanced 23rd set < samon it up a day m twn!t send a A shaop is a arge iecked 20th Codfish on the catch a quinta starting Shaop Foo and rccei e me of the death Lucas, who wa our 5ehooner "-"- aundered whie on Fogo to Oporto of ndians come a rushing busincs; 20th At Chatteau and night at this port oi Nobe ani Pi eope r d Mrs Hubert B to Harbour Grace of Mrs BaTnes Mrs Arthur to their iome on Friday, i ; - o! Speaks A ]Language An ts Own! Take a good ook at this genteman a5 he strides out nto the eary morning to his waiting car n a probabiity you fee-as we do-that you know a goody number of thing about him Fint of a, we woud be wiing to venture that he!j a man who hod5 to high atandards of achievement and that he!xcupies a substantia position inhi! own area of endeavor We woud gue53 that \e is hed in high persona esteem by his friends and associates And we woud abo sup that he ia a practica man who is keeny aware of the basic vaue and worth of the thi?s around him rhe reason for a th it not far to seek For the motor car that awaiu him at the curbside bear! the beautifu creat oc Cadiac And here, beyond conjetture, ia the most eoquent spokeaman in a the ream of possessions n fact, the Qadiac car has, over the year!, been so Cosey associated with the eading citizenry of our and that the two have become a but inseparabe in the Ubic mind For jmt as these motori:rts have J:iaced their trust in Cadiac, so Cadiac w given them everything they roud hope for in an automobie Cadiac b given them!ddaprjcted beauty md uxury, and unsurped performance and comfort and ea of handing Cadiac h given them quaity n fact, the car is so!oudy designed and buit that it hu become a synonym for integrity of product And Cadiac has given them vaue With each passing yc:ar, it becomes increasingy apparent that Caditae rtpdiujt one rl!he wuest purchases!n a rnotocdom * * Have you driven a 957 Cadiac? f not, we urge you to come in and et the car td you it awn thriing story on the highway We think you wi agree that this year, more than ever, Cadiac speak! a anguage a it own A GENERAL WOTORS VALU THE Water St HC(MAN MOTORS, LMTED St Johns

9 St "hibx A pnj s!rh nr: r Ct!":n a ( nntre] \pn 30 R"hto:ts tnntru] "" h:r, TOR" -,, rador History (CONTNUD) race News Newsv Brids Specia Speaker _ ;Pans t HARBOUR GRA::-"n gain, H-\REOU GHACE--A the J aut aain" mny we dcscric thr regubr mcing of the Chi-Rho, esu movement of the harbour ice dur- oramwtion of St P;;us which!ng the pst few wcc!;s, At h< <S hr< on Thursday evening,! moment of writing, it s "out!rch 2st ss Maude Roberts\ ag;,:n", but how ong it remains was in the chair and foowing the For New Seminary thus wi of course depend on the roittine business, introduced the ram rcq<mr< of eren!irt )wo,-hr, Grace wind Mranwh!e, a shpng r,uest spea_ker, Mr James Parso_ns, TORO:\TO :!m:h 2--Pians to nrr ie und:rkr hi< ire ror movement hns hccn hated D,ag- \ ice-pnnctpa of the C of E Hgh, buid a nrw rrmt Scmtnary r,n as ;n ri tnr, uj,;h p 7 r, W corner gers are d!charging thm fish Schoo who g::e 8 most interesting the Stan:s:;us Taranto art;, \oritiatr and odditon at Guro:, to i \:S;)of\ Which he "may or :n he wharer caert obnr tn, sow-up n the opcrrtons at the :-rccssjty of Trade Schoos were announced here tnrtn_ by the, oman s ehewhere and this hns meant a! and H;formahve address o:c the " [North Eastrm Fi<h Pat: t s Mr Parsons pointed out that Very Rev Gc-:o Y Gcor;;c, S- The tn:nin;: or r:\t ha< rom RifHTS DARY j formed me that!bey had kieu HAHBOUR GRACE-f it!a the care rou\:ne can brm wonicu to be hoped that condjton wi many students having reached a! Seminary Rector to he,emhly handicapped h thr J BR"\R\" 9, 320 quntas of fish per boat dreary weather that ij getung you resuts Put touays beauty p e- onn become more fayornbe for certain grade showed!tte : eajon dctri"!oratiun of the Semmary f R (;R-\CE-" was in- yooaome nit rnd returned home down, why ndt try to accomp!sh parat!ons are heath givers a hipping j for going further in thrir rcadem!c Tota buid in cost are rstim"t but!din- whch dte from 837 ;h mn:-ning, being 0 Juy 30th MS Grenve on something new? One expe-rt on we aa beautf!ers, and they do a --, suics, but n many nstances, ed at $2,GOO,OOO for the Seunar),nd are be) "Jr repair Fmhe ",r ph atttmptrd the cout, surveying, commanded such mrtten advisee the foow- good Job of sotenng, soothing A sma himncn of new books >howed aptitude for trades at ito provide ivin qu;rters, ibrar: s mrr hr Seminary ta< hrrom!,,,f hut wu so very by Capt!chae Lane (None of!ng; improve your cooking, acquire rnd heaing not ony your band was receiver! at the!nrbour Grace which if propery trained an? jand cn_ssroom; for 3o prie,:, rng!e " the industna epa- h)\ atr main 6 his c:harta are even today consd- new friendshpa, catch up on your and!ace, but your whoe >body, Library ast rek Juvenie rcrtj- equipped for coud make them sk- scho,sttcs and ay hrothers and sian of "oronto The Jesiit W" crd not get more ered the best we have) rea cing or beauty care She says YOUR COOKERY ing Jns suckencd th winter ui tradesman, for which there s S880,000 for two new s t under a <on; nt p; of mop net o >ood August 3rd have some troube that cooking can be more fun f f you have a surp_us of eggs whchrr bectc of tccision or! great demand n these modern te Novitiate-a toto! of s:300-: <nr fume, Tte intidcncp of \J """"t>: hod visit of wth the ndians who went off n more zip is put nt 0 t with acme there is no finer rectpe for an the Saturdny nitcrn(ion attractions times He regretted te &ek of COO, nr" cprcii!v re,jratory d ";hr"nn& to Nobe! hurry!:;ina property wbch did new dishes whim the fam!y may AnRe Cake than this one or the moic Chidren are re-such a provi3!()n for suitabe tra!n-i The i m d"ate iinan ;a needmeut<, unn,y hijh, i Trnpe B - This not beong to them, showing they find a change from the every day, ANGEL FOOD SWANSDOWN minded thnt the Tihrory is open in for those having these adapti- i b i g ed/d by s9tocooo ho-!\ t ; En>:h firm and are not to be confided n in- p[)\tern CAKE erry Wrrr,dr-v ann sa:urdaybiities and hoped that some pro-,"s"re "F hc Geor"e e,, ncd b L,n;! rnn< " n " 0 r h, d f d d! t G b d H! U _ ft f 20 t < 30 ht b d th L;\: J r C,,dP n:p a 0 n; et,,np, hnr ny recor o ten e gong o ran y sans ouseceanng me raws near cup pus :! tbsps sifted n ernoon rom, o " pm,:mss mg e rna e n e near:deferring te construction of onr fj-r ";ch r;t,ood tp fhape, :: ;oppt ars that their tdoay, but owing to the action of and there are rooms that need cake four nn on Snturdy rvcnngs from,future wing of the new Seminary e "Orhops and a ;re part of ti,:, h,, Lodc wa to pur- tie ndiana decided not to, papering or painting or eome new,2 cups sifted sugar sehn to nine o cock A hearty vote of thanks was Jesuits aso have asset> avaiabe i in quaj tc-rs, 86 n n h-e bren r,, of rum The coast they might attack us to get pas- draperies, get the fam!y inter- whit at _ ; uccoded to the speakerat the con- 0 appv to the buiding progran- < ro oir-; io ;m" rie<iner {or b- deer at aeaon of our boats etc This estcd and working with you Yt cup egg e room The new Hh Schoo budm! eusion of his addres and the s in insuranc from 3 fire r, h, "r ihowa that at tha drte, there are Everyone gets more enjoyment out, temperature is now com ririe and wi he ready reeting cosed in the usua way at Guenh -n n ane, so-a 000 n "r 0 m-";_-"t" n er, 0 r apner " r : 7t tsp sa L, " o, rc t or" " c en 0 ) a olnn n and trird to no fishermen or setter aroun, of tte Job if it a done u a famy for the apctnn dmn Easter dispos "e rr! esatr t"ncttn,, n, n r " h j t ; tsps cream of crtar k G r X X d X c h s " ",, OP "r rn, """ " <if " tramng o er t coast P?, ec wer :ro es an h the prcsrnt Seminary proprr\ io n!r,nnrd {,r r irnte ;,n,; cia> : mmner!rom \ark Decembe-r 7th Have ha aver) A bt overweight? Lazy or ess t tsp amond e:;tract cs;r! nrcupy tie,new sch()o urc ervces the indutri:; section of Tn::" room<,,,rrr rmpaint rnd s successfu seo!ng voyag (,2 seas, active than you used to be Then tsp vania extract ater the Ensrrn \"c;jon Thus the immcdinte finncic, nt t -r h rrxt day, having i the most heard te of n prop or- get yoursef a day exercise pro- Measure sited four and rcsft h Sunday Le t \f h 3 957, is $!, 349,000 "Titr Jr< it, h: gio,en!hrr 0, rt ewoundand ton to net and men) gram-some stretching and bend 4 tme with r2 cup sugar Com- Mrmhcrs o; the Seect Ve(ry n arc, rnturic of,;pit P to Conad", tt nn (Capt cart Christmu h ceebr&oted in the ng, or how about a wak every b!ne egg whites, snit cream of of t Pats Church are spending tr:? R frce, To provide this sum thf Xoti"" r!r:<gr pointrd n W udw,s Re;orS \m Mat under the r;<dcrs!jip of H " :t: todjy o tho-c Jr,uit pionppr r:, nti not much uae usua manner day? tartar rnd favoring in ar:ge bow hrir crn!n, rnin a cean-up au 3 ng tcan, Rev L A: Jesuits Fund has bpcn or:"""" rtwc n <t nf our nrt!jnna procppr- ;,;,,,c-customs) Euer, Apri 9th, 772 Ob-, n;y diac!p!ne about your skin Beat with rotary or eectn beater anr PRintng iob on the was of ;- 3 man hrouht n a aened fitat green ea!, a currnnt at high spetd unti whies are e t"httrch - un Y e 0 and Bt e,charies P r:taue GC Toin ijr "f;ro he \\rst ;;nd hert ;,;,,i 0 :f tora - A piee Beieve vectnbes baore any other Obiuary t!f enough to hod peak, but are c;s,p 6 t 30, phm be\cnong, h honorary cwr:man: Han J An :r :, tr::i thich,,:htr! hare fomf- -, rinncr but it was,pace in th country st mnst and gossy Add re- eers ar our race Sou Mathewsn QC_!cntrca, ho:n ti n :iw hr;ri!nr of oui" coun- ", r;nk that coud Mny 3rd Mmured ee in river MRS ARTHUR PARSONS ma!n!ng sugar 4 tbsps at a time ftcr a coue 0 deightfu 8 30 am Hoy Communion; 3 pm, ary tresurer; the Very R< _ " rrch in miwra an agri-,,, rr mouthfu but Found t to be over thrti! feet HARBOUR GRACE-There an by sprinking over egg whites snng ike da,s, wmter appe;;,red EvensoJ, ;George E Nunan, s T, provinr:; :ct:iuro reources ;,, nrt tn t then;ciejr wroer outside the headands Beat unti we bende aan on Tuertay and his and Weeky Services 730 pm Fri- of the order: and the Rev Edw:,: d: " rr, i h j June th Some o! my men wiio tc: ed nto rest on Tuesday ater- Sift t four mixture nnd fo streets nre whte With snow How- day Evensong i r Brown, SJ, rector of the Can-! Jc, rnnrrer or rcpnszt " -r,ut-:m 6 tmac h dbeentochatt"iiu rrtrncdand oon Mach 9th at her residence in Add remaining four mixture,ev"r mdrr con<ihons are pre- United Church, -Rev A Nadian! rt, rs Church Harr,,,q c:<:!,,, ;7o anrhr) hj ouht r,- norr aia) or sup-/r:ported that no,r;-f hnd yet on Watrr Stree,t, Harbour Grace n three more additions: Pour ain_ srn weather is probaby Homes, am Divine \orship, cxecutie" director t ;d! be ;:t: c _u: c, mnt nr thir - d f L b t thot one of the town beat known and batter into unore Jsed 0 m tube not L r \\a Trnffc was heavy 230 pm Sunday Schoo, 7 pm, (jrst acneoj nuh"c a pre a! for tj" "t,,,,, n gcre tme hn fn- ftmhrd m" quarter arr c rom rnnn, u a hi"hy et d t!! th b St t h h D W h : ", " : N E nd rhaera bad :sed " erne c zen n e, pan Bake in pre-heated O\cn of orr n:-p) ree t g \ay on v ne on Jp, funds on beaf of CanJdian "C wm :, : nd beee thaht Newrth ns a P peron of Lizzie May, beoved w!e, 375 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes Sundr) nst as motomts took ad- Harbour Grace South, 3 pm Jesuits ;ro " not rduse \C 0 of Mr Arthur Panona ;coo or nn hour an:c of the unny weather and Divine Worship : Hut r>!c tnr rp rnntjn\j- : Novembe r 8th Embark on Th e a t e M ra Parsons was born Top with emon g!mproen drng conditions Weeky Services The fund-raising appea wi be :in to make h<b mportn rn :: rr brain up and schooner Mary for ceand, taking in RS4 and wu the ony daughter Y tb k rze Harbour Grace South Tuesday conducted!rom cost to roa;t for triimtinn tn <hr rf<rp nr A ur,-rr :::> nf spring 4 ndians Pass Cape Cear after of the te Captain W!am and tbsps {; tt 8 pm the Jesuit Province of C;tnrr an- pr,p:e--notah! in ti fjer o[ du- > r : t rren ea ap- 5 dayj pssage ; EdHh Oke Tucker of this towr c sft- confe<-toners, Red CrOSS Bri;tos Hope, Wednesday, ada is rc;ponhc f<rr tr:o:n d "t:nn t wa a currant 773, May th PB!! out of the /!though her heath had not - : w m::ny currant Engish Channe to sea, ut un been ood for Sme weeks, t was ugar 8 pm Engish-srkin mrmber o( the ;pr"k fnr hr mrmher n( th,2 tbsps emon juice B, ] p J Harour Grace, Thursday, 8 pm o_rdcr in t:i nuntry On::i;a- \"tnnc r;mt hmd, ommipb,,,,: n Lh: ador,i bu fortunatedy s!cdmetss overptaikes OtUTh beiec! that Mi Parsons waa on,2 tsp grated emon rind ranc ac \S ing "t t k "tt d ion s nnw \C u_ndr: wry, Tht from (O;t 0 co whn <;V -,,, (ht \\nters n party an a oc or t ymou the road to recoipry She had been Heat mik and butter to"cther x -seven m e and sewn,appea w:j rr:ch, (!,,,,\,,- " p,,, " to hbip port in thj " :-:hi at th heads pronounces it smapox A n- abe to At out n her room [or ti b tt, " F H d artices which were sent to head- in" four wer k; of n"jhr i[fo, J, 0, for r Jn",, tr"n" hn tn _a, d! k d! un u er me s measure fiugar or ea quarters -t t St J h i (,, ti "" ", ;,,, e;:rt0n! muon ana except one sc en and e few h0rs each day, an on furs nto bow and add hot iquid Stir qu,rers a o ns ast weekihctwecn 3 y 0 and Jne :i hjnd< of th<p " pnrst cor t waa not unti Bth Juy was duy wa having i<er mid-day mcnti th Add j d Red Cross vounteer workers are n the stuft bnrh rrnrt-r- - t! smoo tmon uce an th oc- :: - ;rt a mon ne, abe to cent nue my voyage and cthtting wth her hushnnd d d b d th hi p now camasng e town :n con- ies from a ten can,ji"n P"" now "" or Jni:<dinn wi hr ur day "r two ater August 3 Amost a of the when she was uddeny and quiety r: r an k et g ftrob{ d nur h HARBOUR GRACE-The H_ar-, ncction with the annua campaign! inces are now at the ],u,r "t;,: :: rnd a shrop to ndians arrh e from Chrtteau to catd Home he ra e!e r e own our Grace Branch of Can,rtan nd are meeting with the usua! in Guniph wr Tornnto ::r", : the <uppnrt n( pnp of \ "op is A arge boat, wecome me!00 sous Her paning came u a great e ea 0 ca e Ree Cros packed 8 box rnr:cn- : r,v response the t! r t- ;-,r:r :,,0!" Septembe-r, 775 First mention shock to her famiy where a a de : CoHih on the cont of Mr Sade who was founder of voted wfe and oving mother she rrh u:nta Samon brig sais to Quebec for provisions, mbde ft vauabe contribution to SAVE: HERE: : s"r:n Shaop oitivea bu!ness at Batte Harbour My an xmpary ho!!i fe Three :-:: Fn" anrt rrce\e etten before this having been Uppad yeara ago, in the ummer of 03, :t t of the deat\ of my from Foao Mr Hnd Mn Parson were prvi- : " who wa!dit at Returning home from a eruae, eged to ceebrate their goden : m hooner En(erprse finds everythni aright except wedding nnivenary with their : Jrmd whie on pauage that my maid had run off wtth chidren and grandchdren atherf :o to Op,ro Severa John Tempeton, Nobe and Pin- ing around them and Mn Parson : rr;an!, orne aon and enh head man, and that my n- ony brother, Capt John Tucker, :uin business dian man wu dead, eaving me journeying from New York for tbe : r At Chatteau and atop- a egocy of two wivea and three happy occasion r:: t this port Capt chidren nterested n an community ef c\ obe an Pin!n! in- (To "be continued) fort a,- especiay ti!qu of the United Church and acbao n th!a ope n The News R GRACE-Mrs Hed Bishop Fas was a :a Horbour Grace during,rrj J,d \r Arthur Bo)d of were weekend guu o r! Stephen Pa) ne Sf ph en Payne and Crane o! the FJahe-rie nt the weeknd hmiii! at Harbour Sheppard who tpent d at home returned Jchr) on Monday mornn L \ Cos waa at Harbour Dn Thr;day to attend the of the ate Mrs Arthur Dd \ r Hubert Barnta who b Harhour Grace to attend n! ra Barne mt>her, Mr Arthur Parao rete hrir home rt B!shop <! Frcta) Mary Dove wt week, Mis Katheen Godden, student nune at the Grace Hospita spent the week end visiting bet parent r and Mra Arthur Godden Mr and Mrs Eric ParJons, St JDhn were at Harbour Grace ast week for tie funera of Mr Par sana mother, the ate Mra Arthur Parsons Mr and Mrs S D Grant who hoo been reaid!ng at St Johns for ome yean have returned to Harbour Grace to take up residence in the "Gem" an Noad Street Their many frendj extend a warm wecome to them town, her enerou aid and vau abr au!stance wi be greaty mi!sed As a friend, the deceased adya sincerity and interest n the wefare of others won her the a!ftcton and esteem of a with whom ahe came nto contact Left to mourn besides Mr hus hard are three daughters, Edna, rs Gordon Burden of Carbonear, sabe, Mra Hubert Barnes of Bishops Fas, and Gwendoyn, Mrs LaurPnce Gtorge of th!a town wa as three aona, Erie, St Johns, Bernard and Water of Harbour Grace and a number of rand chidren One brother, Capt John Tucker of New York ao aurvivea To a!be very ncere aympathy of their many friend s extended in their time of bereavement The funera took pace on Thurday afternoon to the United Church and wu argey attended The service of buria wu taken by Rev A N Homes, and inter!ira Thomas Pike, Jr, is pres- men\ was n the United Church enty receiving treatment at a St cemetery The numerous fora tri Johns hoap!ta Best wrhes are butea u we u ettera and meaetended to ber for a peedy re uges of ympathy testified to the covary eteem in which the dtceased was hed, Mu F Ldtont and aon of Winterton vted her pre[t, \r and Mn George Liy Meurs B Davia and L V Chafe Uo)d Jones arrived from paid a brief visit to St Johns en S"turday to visit b on TueJday Mr nr Mrs Coin Jones, trtt Mr J G Dav! and Miss Maude Robert went to St Johns on Donad Dove from Wednesdry to attend the annua and Loyd Do e from St meeting of the Gir Guide AaiJted thir mother, Mn Deation re Sponsors stake Harbour Grace Kiwanis Obituary MRS BERTRAM STEVENSON HARBOUR GRACE-The death took pace on Thursday afternoon at ba residence at Stevensons Viage, Harbour Grace of Mr Bertram Stevenson, one of the oder and a we known cu!n of th! town The ate Mr Stevenson had reached h!a seventy-fourth year and wu a son of the ate Mr nnd Mn Fred Stevenson For many yean, he wu vaued empoyee of the firm of H C Watts one time merchant of this town When the firm went out of bus! ness!o!own the death of the HARBOUR GRACE-The reguar proprietor, Mr Stevenson foowed weeky meeting of the Harbour the Labrador fishery for a wh!e Grace Kiwanis Cub took p!&ee A bout aeventeen years ago, he at the usua ttme at Pikes Hote Auffered a severe iness which on Monday est recesa!tated a surgica operation Preadtmt Lo Pike wu n the ind from th!a, he made sufficient rrace-to con chair and wecomed four members recovery to be abe to do ighter, nnu:: finrnca cam- from the Kiwanis Cub at Bay worc around h home unt!i a :f Harhnur Grace Voun- Roberta, viz, K M WnsDr, Bert coupe of weeks aio when ba con- :: Pri" r Aahbourne Dive Russe and dition became worse :,,a now o rr ng Mr Stevenson waa known and <, a radn, donated by Howard Moore u we as Hoover t d nu t aztd exem- " r t Oi d M rt! St J h respec e B a " e -ern an mport a n 0 n t citizen He waa one of the,,;ahn This radio which Chairman of the evening wa few emn!na members of te od ; di!po) at Strapps Phar- Kiwanan ike Hayes who ntro- Brtah Band which contributed so / tx, won by the uocy duced the suest apeaker, Robert much to the socia actvtea of thij,;, - a,, soon a a tcketa onneey who too, aa h topic town Ome years back, nd the winnn ticket A toast to Spring He eaves to mourn h!a widow, T<cets are now on :!e Songmrster waa Max Parsons the former M Sarah Dove to! the Brigade and at wth Mrs Lo Pike at the pano whom deep aympathy is extended ro cy and may be The meeting cosed n the U3Ua in her bereavement r en centa each- or a way at 8 pm The funera took pace on Satur :eh e for one doar day afternoon to St Paus Church Brigade wijhn to VAjqCOUVER (CP) The wheu the buria urvince wu,; those wbo heped to United Fhhennen a n d /!ed taken by Rev A J Ludow : rampaign and ann& Workers Union (nd) de:ie Mo ntc ment was in the famiy pot Lt decided UC:Cm day to aend deeat!ons to R- of th c of E cemetery : new rqupment, the and Japan to dscuu the tudy J now better fitted and fhh conservation The trip to RU study fish!ns methods on Rm!aa : to Pro\ide proteeton for wi atart next month and wi Pac!c au board, the union a anit tm trt FY JC tijhermen a cban to nu conference waa tod - This is where Vauxhas sp(cia a,in pan starts- right in the showroom You get ai Vauxhas uxury, comfort and rerfomance, pus a host of e!tas, at a price that puts smik on the fac:es of the most budget-minded SAVE THERE When it comes to saving fue pennies, Vauxhafs aways been a rea miser And this year its passing those pumps by even oftener, thanks to the new Advance-Design carburetor which gives you up to 8% more in fue savings SAVE everywhere you go! THE BRTSH CAR BUT BY Whether you choose the 4--cyinder Wyvern, the 6-cyinder Veox or the uxurious 6-qinder Cresta, any new Vauxha wi cost you ess to buy, ess to run, ess to service See your oca Vauxha deaer soon GENERAL MOTORS VAUXHALL COAST TO COAST OM SERVCE TERRA NOVA MOTORS, LMTED REAR NEWFOUNDLAND-HOTEL )

10 04S-Vancou er in \ i j ji! ;,!-:! - t r 0 CBN \JSbA\\ Mu! 4t: i p On CB: S a T -Top o tbe Morn!!\ --CBC New and Wether d&--jc:e <:,oci :6--!GniD Devou ;,,ftm Preve- \o,:w-on PirW: fj)-rrdt at RandaiL 000-fftam,othe Weat; tohit o tbe Day 0tb PCYAtr \D25-CBC NeW" 030--OrDi us!carr 043--BBC VarttJ 5-Atazrttc SchDO Broadtas JG-:Sfd Schoo Broadmt nete n rt Prorm PM :!00-Announrt Choice %5-Dinner Bt BreaidoWD z30-fa rm Broz deat U-Mid Uar StrtadL 00-Do,-e Buetin \5-Liura Umtd 30-cBc New and Ytathu!uca Progrmmr; 00- \\ord and Mum 230-Atanic Schoo Broad! 245-The Happy Gan :",- -- -,no 30-CBC News -to ( -fiai4-? :W Rih now, ou ce both!h5e tins or Honev Brand Orange Juice on ) our Rrocers sheh es Bu\ eii hrr onp,, thpjre both brimming with e Rcty the umc deicioua Horsr Or&nge Juict, made from fu-strength ree-ripened }orida oran:eo; Drini a fu:aas n! heathfu Horse Oran:e JuicR e en dr its an excfnt source or Yitamin "C", -Paramount,_,, Newa, casino To-morow Now Paying Capito,,_,,_,,,,, ht CJON Tv T 83-Doube!eatur&, New! """";"* hr,wo,wuson,,,_,_,dig 900-ea"m s The Bi Six Pro- z, - ::-=:::--=- A ASTA EUERG N THE STORY: The fi;st hd of stepped beh / 9Doubs!atLir "TH! OPOSJT sr:x "ZABAJ" xas catte amts 2 PtUnu "He td the dc>k ;, 000-ews Squad Room Ct" Krm -d o, r!oroan - 3 " "" auccas sums cook 0 0-News Smiin Ed McCon-, Sensuous deight anr!ensationa a:surer!0 Chad Margan and Joe,)j THURSDAY, March Zth, 30-Eary- SM UU-Uptt, Htuse 80--JM Wy,an Sow too-howdy Dood, 83o-ciiU 530-T!e Lone Rngtr 93u-Jade RaJJ Shaw soir-rb Time& 0U Uieave 6:30t-Cav acadt»- *- SNrch or Ad Nttu 0-Late Show ACO \odent twoo bearen Command to C\ 2 M!mrai rt(k 3 Pur)o 4Sotary 3 :Ptrue 6 Disikes 8 Kind of r o Oerurned 2 Cowa cry 22 Eectrica units :4 Monkey ikt ont 2ft Food h 27 Excmton of triumph 30 Core 32 Stopped 3t Landed propert 35 Dren 2n int 3Mean dwe!p 4 Poctey muse 5Fow BWoman &d\sot 7 ndian weant 8 Undernr meat& 9 Dove ras 0 Britsn prnceu t Try 7 Eenng 0 Great artery 3 Mo!e award 4 Hrh card 25 Mexican money f :?J Raie ani ma 42 Qur,irun t 27 Foo!shnw hui Ji 28- and now 43 StePed 29 Drinks made A!owanct tor wthfru!ta wu\e or s 4e Parhco a tht 33 ake amcndj brad 38 Put on 47 ndi n 40 SorU 48 Piec-s out 4 Vigiant o Swab! / t S& Dtren a;na :rn:;tsten, 39 ndvduub f) " 40 Youn goat iii 3 U Backbird o cukoo!am) Z! r:o y: -:- {,, :,- f 4 Garrt\ Huh 49 Com ert 5 Annoy e2- and muter &3 Hobrtw measure!4 Go!! mound Roman dat 8 Saucy 57 Awmt DOWN Ltendaey bird a! t?, ; 3 ) Jj ; t! / [f,, tt! 333-Trana Canada Matinee 430-CBt: New& 435--Ti mey Tunes: U:-Chdren! Stoy!Music of the Wet -3Fishcres Broadmt 45--Kndergarten 600-ntermezzo b2prugrarn Preve" &30-Supper Guet 8Gir Guides, of the Air 700-CBC News and Weather TCwan Cas, 730-Tops Today 74Doye Buet! 85-Musca Prouam 830-Rawhde 846--Rovng Reporter 850ttawa Today 900-Des!gned for You 930-Drama 000-Citzens Forum Chamber Or, chestra UJO-CBC Nationa Newr, ew Roundup and Tak FAEWEL WEEK "SCREECH" - THE LAST DROP No Paone Bookina before 8SO pm Phone tfttr :» pm}! Tic:ke sae at Bowrnaa a dy 22&, 0, uo, eoc TO-DAY / /" ( ;:;,: it 5, tj ti,- CJO N THURiiJ)A Y, "oart:h :! ne SUch aspe:ts of the adi&s, ttte ao,vcntre are breathiusy com Jagger, partters who buit ti tss-s! agge,- 05-Naona News knon to _their ue admirers, as bmed tn Coumbta Pictures "Za to:tn e JOgan :o d:dn te 0-Sports back-stabbmg, hm-pu!mg, reputa rak", starring Victor Mature, Mich?ere rommg )3Houacparty New,!Jon - ruining and husband stea!ng, ae Widing and vouptuous Anita V ;t:too-news, Tops TO<hr are hiariousy preentcd on th Ekberg at the Capito Theatre Th t k _ "aramount screen in :tt-g :ts "the, The new fim which opened - c c roed nto Pw- b _H en smed t him and Opposite Sex" The new fi, is set in ndias ee J v our ay& ater, by Whch -;y n the Wai<in ue;t V 0 C M A stand,<ut group of Hoywood North West Frontier t and oi me_ 9,000 Teus anghor)5 wcro gentcmen Ou rain 8th, headiners hods the center of tho piage, punder and assion The :;r 0 the ush buffao gras r aar for sin3 room!,,_ --- TtUSi,\Y Ma!,, 830-Breakfast Cub, Newa 830-Hit of the Doy 630-News, Breakfast Cub 900-Dat wth Denys, 9:>---Foxgove StreeL 930--Date w!tb Denya OOO-NewL 005--Date with Denys!030-ere Comes Oa!ey 045-Datr with Den), 03News 00- -Burtons ot Banner St 5- -Big ountan Sbow 200 -News Rambin w! RacordJ 23() -News 23Rambn with Record -i::ojttsc8!l JO-ews 4:>-Smon Mystery OO-RambUn with RecordL 23News 300-Doars on Paradt 40-News 40--Sams CoraL 405--News 500-Cisco Kid 30-MeodY 60News B05-!ecdy Man an 65-Sportscast 620-eody Man 645--News 700-Rainbow Ridde 75--Doctor PauL 730-Borgan Hour BOStrong Guy 0 " 830-Top Tunes of th Day 900-Home Hour b 930-0d Favourites 945--News 000-Lawrence Wk 030-Revva Echoes 00-SportcaL 0-Forecast i7 45-Cub News Cub New 00-Cosedown vous stage in this maicious, mecry and i CinemaScope and coor by Te<:h- ",,d nor _ and south of the raj! a:, for rhuh musica ekpose of tno foibes and nicoor of "Zarak" " we the, B hradk<, been asking 0 froics or the femae of the sweeping exciternt which comes; e :_n the stoekcar train, carne a nercd spcde!, headed by June Ayson,, from thousand thris wnich : & sgecta assener t;an of two Se honk her hrd Joan Coins, Doores Gray, Ann comes from thousand thri! and, coaches E rom t spued a horde >nt enouh" She h Sheidan and Ann Mier with speetacos, hep to make "Zarak" o ecpe Catte buyers,_ aborers, : r;nc,at gue- Lesie Niesen and Jeff Richards, just about 8 big any motion carpeners, gambers, _eve5 and, p,rase a! the men around whom the picture c!!,et r few!cuators and busmessmen The man shoo hi rumpus revoves Stunn-g ta d th And bi coectors uh m here to >ee r w spec c e an un- M, h " Other! in the Grade-A cast n- daring action highg)t "Z ak", organ \\as n t e ampe hote m S sier,!><!; eude Charotte Greenwood, Agnes scena after unforgettabe :ene obby hen the train?"-ssengers "and h ;, h" Moorehead, Joan Bonde and Sam! ThiJ new and mighty ctur i; begn coming ito the hote The )!?;an Levene, witn "guest stars" Harry ; crammed with ch da!ing and on!} furniture,t,n th, obb was \!oran, Ph t;ue ; James, Art Mooney, Dick Shawn aweaome eighta 5 Ekbergs ha- rough pank de;k On t a; The mn reached into h;, and Jim Backus :rem save dance tnat sook an it edger which Jagger hao an brought ut foded Athouh primary hoding up a ampire; Zarak brigand army started to st _the expenditures of of ot caper " 0 a mirror to the more deady pro- stormina down from the Rima- the Pwnee Cty enterpnse and agamst for \ 0 U -;88() civtes of the opposie se, the Jayn to rape the fortresa-city of g,ven up when he no onger \art- new picture, fimed! CJDerna- Peshawar; mi&-ong caravan, ed to know_ exacty how much Th man rrr<; out Sco and METROCLOR, aso h i finging oh its camoufage to be- money he _as spendtng, ed P_aper from hs pnc!i poignant moments m its story of come an army of vengeance, and A_ stout htte man, n a whcr onk!ng Pcr ff vo J Ky Hard, who, on the evs of due to th deat fought by >wmess sut and weanng a derby, up, hand _vo th;,_ An ceebrating tho tenth anniversary dagger _ armed Victor Mature wu the first rriva at the hote mrt" " of her marrta!o to a Broaday pro-j again!! scmtar-wed!ng exe- He stopped JUst tns:t th door Jagger sa:d \!nrun ducer, earns that Steve! hav cutoner for tha ptasurt o! and ooked around Arent yqu take care of the bii!l ing an affair with Crysti Aen, a prmti court open for business?", "We, et him :ke cious bt from one or ii ahow As the eaendary brjand-kng "We are," said :torgan, "if you O!f" The tauts of the cacuating or the Khyber Pass, Zarak Khan, do,nt mind s_;,ping on the foor" A second de_rbr-hattffi show gr tgether w;b the Mature brnga to vjvd!e the foor, rt frwrd th a pete of venemou go5!jp of Kay_a!UP uty outaw and over Ria ove "ur furniture hin t urtved tn hs fit He rn take posedy cose fnend Syv3 Fow- affair tith Min Ekberg newest yd_, me at the arr:e time er pers!de her to a Reno di- of hte acreen torrid aireru is a he 5tout man scowed Any Hardwore Company Two vorci, eaving the way open fer sixzing thig ony matched by other gace around here a man sand three hundred-, C sta to grab Ste& Returning! the bewitchine beauty a urua- can seep?" "Six thourd ix h"n to New York to rebum_e the &inti-! tiona! dance n rharp contrast to "Sure," said forgan cheer- me," a thirr ni"n snund!<! ng c_areer she had gtven up at hi navage and why foe, Wdng tuy "The prairie And it wont "And got a jumnt te tjme of her marrae, Kay givea t spendid interpretation of cost you a cent" " go and rd \r nds that Crysta!ready S cheat- th Britbb officer faced with tho Two men came in from th said oran mg on Steve t s ai that is amost in!uperabe task of bring- street, then threo in a group, A needed to unsheathe_ Kays JWT ing peace to the turbuent frod- carried uggage He found Joe Joc,;cr feminine caws and n a batte tier Morgan aid to the &tout gente- treet trying n r a n maneuver worthy of ive-star Written fo rthe acreen by Rich- rrzn "Rates are two doar! a red-faced, per,p;rin;; man ; genea she puh Crysta out of the ard Maibaumn, "Zarak" is based day" burdred doarc ihr runmng once and for a and re-, on nov ] by A J Bevan, direc- The man sti sea\\ ed "How saying "Thot o mur captures har ex-husband ted by Ten!nce Young and pro- about bankets? Sheets?" rneasy itte piece ot Bruty parors, &team roo? dueed by rving Afn and Abert!organ shook hi! head "What kin nf bu, re P,owd,cr rooms,,s, upper roo,ms New:, R Bro cco!t, - advantu- "- washbows?",,,,, \ k f d 2 C b "" r you t!ni>ng of -ar: or arne u, smart tace WarWek Production Bare was that s a Th h town apartments, a country house The man to ok to J er do\ t e rjtand rd-ndatrr,, am qm e cc e r: and a Neada guest ranch, a we Jan from his pocket and to»ec u front and back-s_tge in a Jroad- them 0 the "desk" "A riht, j Joe JaPr nodded " ay theater, grve vanous aet- Star ne aaid with i grace, "! was case the ot i t o! tmgs for tha skirmshe an stor expcting to rough it out he c ifty" ----: :ea of the combatants in "The Op- but-" 600-:"iat!ona Anthem and Sign : posite Sex," and amost eery type - He wa, crowded a;ire 0 the The rea-r;i ate Bob Lewis Show On of femininity is represented by To-day new infux of potentia guests at Jager ":\n, 830:Nfd Newa 60Sunda the ades n the cast He fought his wav back to the er" 63\Vcather 630-Word NeW! and Weather With June Ayson portraying desk "Mv kev:" 45---Fishermen Newatad ro, Youre a _;,orca::t:u 700-Newa H!ghshta and Kay Hiard, who finay geh her FORT YUHA", "No key," aid!organ cut said coo "! gu: :o Weather dander up, ther are other in- WTH PtTra GaAVES "What room?" beated the first 700-Newa and Sports the specuotig ru"d, 73},-Word News and Wuthu ewv pe; ormancea on the part OAN voss i &uest 7Natcna Newa & Wether want!egiimoe!ja,iw<s 800-Breakfut Cub o! Joan Coru u the fashy Cry-! "Any room, said )!organ "ts 730-Bound tbe Word NW& now-ami th p i, c of :] 830--Make up Your MiDc ah (wat untu JOU ree her in!ipecaet rarey quaied n mo- first come, first sered" 3:--WeaU!er RouDdu five hundred if _ou g BRe Kour, t bubbbath to end a bubbe- tio pturn with Be-Ai Pro due- A woman suddeny appeared, HS-Newa SUm!J >uiding riht aw;; 900-t Happened Mt Mht baths,) DoorN Gray the catt:r tions frontier adventure epic She was wearing a g-een tra cj 800-Nfd Newa not buiding t 000-Coffee Time i Cyha, who ae!: her Ccme-up- "Fort Yuma," Tivd!d apectacu- ing Ui!, bonnet with a green c 80--Provinca Weaer hurdrer ;md fif: 820-Shtppma Rapon 00-urn Back the C!ork poanee when other woman stea!s ar HtOUnt of eavary troop fac-!eatber and sbe carrid a green c2kiddin Corner ;: 2Sport Dettctive her rnn, Ann Sheridan as Kay ins an -enrhamnj ndian at- carpetbag that matched her dcs "!i<c, : so th B3<J-[(fd: NeWL 30--Pepperre Jukt Cub paywright friend, Amanda, wno tack CHt:arriDJ tbt United Ar- She went around the crowd and man anriy " m: :k,,z 8The Bob Lewa Show 20-News and DB prod& her nto action, and An tisa reeue are Peter Graver, Joan hut i e t,, -! 84Mornn Mny-Go od 230-HbU!y MatiDee Mier u ht honky-tonk Gona, Voh, Jom Hudaon tnc Jotn Tar dan country,!rngas-coorado, thee two io> ire 900-Provincia Newa 00-Bthnd tht Story, who makes ofi with Syvias hu!- or eder chieftain of the!embreno 90--Duke Box Reve, 5-Serenadt in Bue b!d The no-hods-barred kick Tbt ory it reawtie and tribe, is mortay wounded by te J;ger snok n r< 930-Newa 30-fastert of Meocfy in, scratching, hair-yanking crap tbrin meodnma Df the Unit iujl{ire o setter as he <rri es ots to one b H h h 93-Duke Bi: Revtw 45--Bob CNsby, batwten the two adies at the td S!attt Cavary when it expert- :at th fort for a peace tak with ur t " thmt d- 94Mure cka7 200-Fred Robbins Show Reno dude ranch prmdes the pi anted on ff ito mot CT!cit P the commanding ohicer Around wink Cd \nr2 000-Martns Corner 230-0ne Mans Famu,, ture_ with on of!j mo up- ioda with,,_ A,he Bdana tn :this dram_atic situation hinges the, 24March of Eventa,,, t t h fi Th rrd-facd 0!a Pepper B n roar!ous scenes the turbuedt!itery of the wmt ense ac On o t e m nter e;ed h "r"h ar ioh 030-N ews Mid J{ornin& - 0- ox g Charotte Gretnwood h humo- At Fort YumA, f&r out in the n: i woven instinct that surpases a hifod 70m b por<t, Meodies, 04S-Eeven or the Mon8J dhit of the Day 0-The Story of JD Armta(e, t 3-Ca!no 20-Topa Today and Yesterday OO-Lm and Nationa Htwa OWnther Forecnt, 5-Newa 3-Aiora CommenL 40-SportR Rtvew 4-Art Baktra Notebook, 200-NeWL 200-Never Ltt M Love You 25--Tha Mans amiy 230-Newa, MaUnee 300-Newa, Houewivea Cub 40-Casno 400-Gen Provne!a NewL UNewa, Ranch Partr eoo-new!, The Reeord Sho" 800-Naws and Weathar 0--BuetD Board Nat!ona Newr, 5-Sporta Parade Provnca NewL 63-ThP :t!oney Tn!e 70-Right to Happ!Dest 75---Jim Amechei >ryteer TO-DAY 3 VOUS Reeon Room ousy tngaging as the ranch -pr>- ban-iers betwepn white man ond 00-W d N J! T! or ewa pretress, and Agnea Moorehead turu out not to "tht marry ndtan on the dpsert Peter ) our mone U 40VOUS Record Room ajo wins aughs n the ro of a in kind" Graves is seen u Lieutenant Ben; ceipt:,,30-word Newa rnuch rnarryng Counten Joan Th pictur muica requencer, Keegan, veteran cavary officer <To hr rnntinur 435--Puse, Bonde is Edith, the materna with new O!i by Nicho with a distrust!or a ndian 73Bob and Ray, type (she s aways eating!or Brodnkr add Smmy Cam, tit Joan Vohs u Meanie, the atrac- 800-FB n Peacr and War two) Barbara Jo Aen pays the naturay nto tb rtory and tive young missionary; John Hud- DR:"\ \ nrrt:::zr 820-Three Suna roe of a snooping Broadway cover a wide range o! meodic ron as Sergeant Jonas, Apache NEW \\ESD!STER, 830-Heartbeat Thea n coumnist, Sandy Descher hu an invention fiom Caypso ("D&re eoot to Keegan; and Joan Tayor ((P -Two ) uun b;,::c : 900-Edgar Brraan tndearin&: part S Kay and Steea Yeow God in De Trees") to u the buutifu Apache ndian Roya Coumbia Ho-pi ta t!re 930--()perton Entertainruent youn, daughter, and Aee Pearce Jan (Young Man With a Horn") gir, Francesco Aso prominent in da, ater drinkn a 0? 000-Fina dion tbe tonauwacking manicurist, t> Romanu ("A Perfect Love") to th st are B Ph!ip5, Jams anti-freeze thot!ijd ><< 030--UpdKte who rnt (ives the secret rat: CWboy Baad ("Rock n Ro Liburn, Abe! Fernadez and Stan- from their tathr,, or r": 03Capito Coakroom Steves infideity awuy Tumbeweed") ey Cements Wiiam \e,te) Je uaic Ti Mdnih The pictures two mae prn- Joe Puternak, wbo &Ve th Few drrct can equa Le;ey two-ytjr-o b r" h r cipa!j, Lesie Niesen and Jeff screen tie rucceasfu "Meet Me in Seander for &k n bendnf ae i "re [on U) thr fi:\cher KLLFD Rirardr, are up against!ormd- Lu Vegar," comes up with an- tion, romance, coor and exct&-[ Gerad D;P), ate SuuM_ RAPD CMY, Sd (AP)-Stat abt competition but Niesen J other big M-G-M hit the pro- ment into huuin intere;t dranu,[said Mr Dno) hjd Ma attorney Tom Parker ud Mon- peuuas!ve a Stee and Rich ) ducer of The Opposite Sex,u with and in "Fort Yuma" he turns out, od anti-trreze f:n car day a 2-year-od boy, aon of a, ards is hiariousy funny u Buck, David Mier directing Memben of/ one o! his finet fim Dann) "r- i!or and!eft the t<jntaner coege professor, has admitted Reno singing cowbo} who h8 every au are 0in tc ove this i aod tontrbuttd a trong,r tod j uto The chidren drank bt shooting hi! music teacher, atu!- a the girs at hi feet but who one origina f!eenp!ay ture!ng her body under the dashboard htr ear, and t:mi drivn t to an abandoned ogging road wm am J Wiard, son o Professor and ra Joha W Warr ot Rock r-e, Sd, wa hed without eharge n the death ot Miss Jun Hammon, 4, Rapid City NOW PLAYNG TO-MORROW Games HGH SCORES Singes Wadden Brodie Wadden Hickey Fuer OBrien Team Singe Cross Team Tota 200 :?35 270!54, ! : , R : ! : TVernnr 34 2& " 238 <W!D!L! "Utnton uu,nuh 74 D \, THE DODiEST KLLE CHEFTAN OF THEi ALL! AJo-NOVELTY - COMEDY TMES Of SHOWS EVENNG t!rowsr - PM A"NB PM --N--EX-T- A TTRACT-O_N JAME MTH--RENE ANE n "KLLERS 88" fi\jspense-trrls-ac!jon-am CORNEL WLDF JEAN WULACE t!taj OF NDJA"-ADVENTURB -OMANCE-TECBNCOLOJ, Aso-NOVELTY TMES OF SHOWS, EVENNG!ROt!: 95, XATNEEB: UO-SATUDAY OCLOCK NEXT ATTRACTON TONY CUaTJS-4ASET LEGH-DAVD FAiRAR "TiE BLACK SHELD OF FALWORm"-THE EPC 8TOY OF tnglands OTLAW KNGHT Aso-UP-TO- THE-MNUTE NEWS TMES OF HOWS E\ENNG SHOWS: T PJ-- PM MATJS PM ADMSSON PRCES FOR THS ENGAGEMENr EVENNG-ADULTS, 7S fia TNEEB-ADULT8 50 CBJLDUN, ie CJDL)UN 5f NEXT ATTRACTON ROBERT ARTHUB -- KATHY NOLAN "HE DESPERADOES ARE N TOWN"-ACTJON-TDL &U8PENSE-A0 JAMES CRAG-LYNN JAi-JORN!MTH n "THE WOMES OF PTCARN SLAND"_: AD\ENTt:RF_:_THRLS-REGALSCOP! A/so-NOVELTY EVNNG!!BOW!;: 7 P- PM MATNEE P ADMSSON PRCES FOit THS ENGAGEMENT :naq-a!c ChidrPn -it ttn--achta 50c CdrH zsc LAST TM S TO-DAY "THE GRL HE LEFT SEHND" " " \

11 , - Jnu"d r::zr sn:r NT:,,,,,Jn SMti-Ftna_, n Teephone Come J,Jzd Sti Cuunpi0 ntitabion Series Eiminated; n Running o Behind For Victory Edge PepperreU 3-2n Dying Second& Of Ga,,Jon Trrpbone came fiye minute mark o the tbrd r,ci o oa deficit aa when the Avaon caine throuah, rrtakr the fiu ead with their int 0 ater Mike rrr tn the Jnt pme of Breen went oft for erou cheekn rrea Hotkey Leaaue was in the ui five minutes o tn uh a SZ""Win wth the thrd frame that the Avaon orin the wnnin came hrouh wth two oaa to,:,h or,! fourteen teeod Uke the win, :r,,mr Peppera went into the ead at?rwm were hodin a the 237 mark, of the first period rr oink nto the third when Bi R)n and Gerry March d it ooked ike a Pep- combined to open the scorn t "on but the Lneamen wu the 09 mark of the sec ;r <ron& n the ut ond frame that Peppera moved,,h Frank Jor eadn the ahead 20 when Bi Ryan aian, "" cored three imes wu the scorer he went un :r n auhtcdt o gh e the Peppers the,,, :r tir;t o! the best of two OJ ead ;:w " the aemhinah Rean comfortaby with a two : nr,rr meeting the win 0\ ead in the third frame things ; r "mm)"a mpera 0 ooked good or Pepperre! but at ;J ; M the eague honours the \e minute mrk whie Mike ;;mr wa trd at two a Breen WR aittn out a penaty :::rrn!e<"onds eft n Phi Brennan and Frank Barron "hrn Frank Jov o i combined to beat Dee Murphy for,;,r :hrouih with his sr 2 score With eu than three o: : hr me to ie them i minutes eft n the game Frank :hr rries Joy and Fnnk Barron joined oren with Joy scoring the tying ir;orrr rr 0 in the int goa What ooked ike a tie me ac m thr e<"ond frame wu brokenwth ony fourteen sec,,,, c< "hrn Bi RyAn and! onda eft when Frank Joy broke \;" h rmbined to ih e i n a aone on the Pepperre goa :n oatr \ctory ook, to beat Murphy with the winning " :nr Prpprn unti the marker \ HOLY CROSS won St Johns top Bowing Championship Tuesday night when thev captured the nter-cub Crown by virtue of a cose 2 victory over the Patrie ians at St Pats Aeys Th win marked the second straight tite for the powerfu Crusaders and it was <so the 3th time in the 35-year history of the nter Cub League that Hoy Cross has waked off with top honours The Daiy News offers heartiest congratuations to team members Joe Wadden, Duey Fitzgerad, Frank Hickey, Bi OReiy and Gus Wadden on their atest victory, Reading from eft to right:--joe Wad den, Duey Fitzgerad, Bi OReiy, Gus Wadden ind Frank Hickey, Guards 7278th The Guards, were eiminated 9 poina whie teammate Winst from the nvitation Basketba was good for sixteen pontj series at Hoy Cross ast night The big game of the aer!ea wi the 7278th from Pepperre fook a be payed on Sunday afternoon it win over the Bue ana White four ocock when the 7278h meet in a high scoring contest the Hoy Crou n the one pme By their win ast night the Pep- semi-fina to the championship perre aquad wi now meet Hoy series A win for Hoy Crou or Cross in one game with the win the Americans wi give them the ncr going nto the finas akanst S right to meet St Bons for the top Bons for the nvtton Champion honours ship A doubeheader J achedued for n ast nights game Grover ed Sunday with the High Schoo the Peppers with twenty-one pontj series gaine between the Pepperwhie Devine wu next!or sixteen rei\ Facons meeting Hoy Cros points A win for Hoy Crou wi put the t wa the aecond oss in the! acphenon and Peppers tied for series!or the Guards and by this!rst pace Thi game a schedued they have been eiminated t was for 23 whie the nvtuon aeries a see-saw batte right from the game s sated for our ocock start The foowing was the acor The Yanks hed a narrow ead in ast night game; a the end of the first haf but the Yanks, using their height to GUARDS; Wnsor 8, Sktffin good advantage, started to hit the ton 0, Moores 6, Crewe 2, Howe twines in the fina minutes of the : 4, Tayor 9, Stocks 2g game for a comfortabe ead 7278TH: Grover 22, Gippene Tayor was the highiner for the! 8, Devine 6, Peek 9, Fryck, Guards as he swished the nets for Vasimaier 0 Ducour 2-78 Finas Unsetted; Bantam Hockey, Grand Fas Wont Cougars Fy Tosand E d L NAHA Pretdent Vnce RoJ- n as t ttor tod tbe DALY NEWS yesterday afternoan that there Cougars of e E Bantam s noth!dg definite yet oa Hockey League bowed out o! th the paying of ihe remaining 56-7 susan sti n aat pace u P T k L d h - b imes of the Senior B A they have bem a aeuon d eppers a e ea ers p Senior BiSwet,a Nnd Faas!spite the fact that sever! pay- Mr Rossiter aad that the i era were added to the team in an S t B 0 n S D 0 W n Fe d J N AHA hu requeated Graad J effort to strengthen the cub, u Fas t0 come to St JohD th t t o t Smh,,,,,,,, n High Schoo Hoop Ei: ::::: - -:::! ::::::>:o;;: FELDANS:-387S DoVJLacpherson 64-39; Joyce n Co ege fna Farr:r;e;d& 0 hr:!:erf:r:e[ij: H k f t Grand Fas Athetic A0ea " anr Wednesdays :: MP; : : :; : Top Scour io;hitgeb:br ;: f\e f;fa/o th; igofs ton, hu turned down the, t:aroroih!hn:ec::r Game; W May, : Pcppcrrc Facons took over series terday afternoon with the second j whie Cantwe and MaT! ha pot propon to fy to Be hand goa which came at 850 of the GH SCORES L Adams 2: eadership n the Senior High t was the sharp shooting o[ pace St Bons taking a win ted 4 each Gather a, Myrick,: Earier when he GrtDd Faa first period on an assist b)o Da S R Marian Schoo: basket bah mics yesterday Bob Joyce n the first haf that over the ast pace Bishop Feidi Comer[ord and McQuire each was here n St Johns Uatng ton for the ony!coring in tne "!: h h f h h transportation to the sand a ternoon w en t ey ook a kepi the Peppers in front Joyce On y a hand u of!pectators!cored two apte<"e for t e ot er game Two penaties were hand Wddrn fis-897 CAN LEG!ON:-0 wn over Macpbmon Academ) [sank the eather for 4 points turned out for the fina game of St Bons first haf points Winsor: the team turned dowd the ed out within thc minute u D Lane e cppm c at the end o whie Neff was next with ten the aready ie-c aim serie The ed the Feid in the first a ""t d?!ike OKeefe o! the Cougars 835 Th p d t h f h possibiities of fying to the 850 J Duffy ! the first haf of pay by ony our Brabatz and Austin had four each Bucgods who defeated the Feid ten Points whie Noseworthy and rn R oster said tbat n a went of( on both tor nterfer G Henderson points with the scoreboard read with Harnum and Bond picking up in the opening round of the ser : Doug Sqire3 coeded four each: ence Recres for the game Hickry 849, R Hendmon ing t was second haf two each Huddy scored the snc ea again had itte di!ficuty n with Martin Steee picking up the probabiuty the SARA wil et were Wison Buter and Danny G Fnrr 87 L Deacey ra) by the Peppers that gave them point for the Peppers 27 points chaking up their second win over other two points n: i:!detr :re:e:ian; Puddester :\e,;t games ftrr OBrien hi wde, :abrgjn of vchtory h For the Macpherson core and the Doube Bues i n the second haf hit was Man or tomorrow schedud for this e enn,i! when S" an Y o oyce, e amoo tan Brown were tops in the fint The Buegods ed by the harp nng again who was t e eader as at 6 30 pm the Monan:hs wi TRm ( e ALUNDALE:-2 ba-hander, was the eader n the haf with six points each whie shooting of To;) Manning hed he potted the eather for eight C uk n d meet the Bisons and at 730 pm (ro 443 T carro < 24 7 scoring for the Facons as he Jim Brown scored four points 320 th Bi h Fed points!or the Buegods, whie a SC arge, th & st t k th Tram Tota T Murphy swished the nets for ob of 26 with Parsns and Pugh getting,at the e""0 fie t hjf p{a Myrick picked up five, Cantwe e ars W a e on e, 403 H Murphy M 637 points Teammate Neff wu the three each and Johnson nctina; "nd in the sec ndraf the HiJ three with Bambrick, Gr>hen, GJ}" C f d J B 8 sremind!he coache TO G T)or D8 next highest scorer n the game singe point tao ers outscoored th Doube Comerf()!d, McQuire and F Mur es on ne J Dat,, w a tota o we ve Pdons n the econd haf the Peppers BfJe for the fin;! score o[ phy gettng two pam each For i of th? top eight Bantam League H 3328 rame wu p aye at Mac- reay put their shorpshoo!ng eyes 7 32 the Fcd n the second ha! Nose- One of the two hockey pay, eams thht tsherdr wi be as mdeet CELTS:-t pheraon Gym and fr the first haf to OOd use and again t was Bob worthy was the eading point co era ho were nurd n te tng at t e ta urn on un ay S82 J Quinan t wu basket!or bet affair Jo:ce who ed the ed He potted Bespe<"tace< Tony Manning was ector as he accounted or tx of openn game of the Boye afternoon at 30 pm to d!!- 270 M A AndU\\ with the Yank hoding a am one fourteen points whie Brabat and the top scorer of the,game as he his team twe\e second haf Trophy series haa heed d : ru ti rue< for the coming : 539 A Grouchy ! r ;wo ponh through most o the Austin scored four each Both ran up a ta of 23 poin:, whie points Martin Steee, Doug charged from the,t;enera payofh srhcued to J(et un: i J Lane, The Facons from Pepperre Harnum and Bond scored two eech R Winsor was big iner for the Squires and Winsor each aeored Hospita way on!f on ay \enm( at e w Engish tookt o the offensive in the second for the Peppers for their 37 Feid with 2 points R Nose- two each for the Feid Bob Chauk,of tht Guards Forum A teams im o\ed are haf their zone defence type of points n the second haf Jim worthy was next wih 0 points, The game was under the eontro who received i broken bone askrd to ha, c a rcprentate Pr b gae them ots of Qreaks Browne ed Macpherson n the sec whie Gathera and cantwe of Aex AndreWJ and John Hen D his arm when heaviy present at tis mcti;; EAGU! M HOLY CROSS:-2 w c ey ook to good advan- od haf as he swished the nets for shared next pace with 7 points ey who bew a tota o 2 fous checked was reeased PEE WE! HOCKE L J Wadden :!$ 897 aiije B h b eight points with Parsons coect! each with 0 o! them being against the Ted Ges of St Bons who n the Pee Wee Hockey D Fitzgerad ()3 699 oe rown wu e gun or ng four points as Stan Brown Rnd Tony nanning wished the Bishop Feid was njured when he,coded Lcagu- this afternoon tnc Lber 20 wa F Hickey 93 22! Macpherson he sank the eath Noe Gover acored two each The with teammate Noe Huton, aors wi meet the Hurrkancs at m , B ORety, er for tweve points whie team- foowing is a rundown of the F c t d T ht s cnnrtned to the hospita wfth : 45 pm and the Signaers and -- G Wadden mate Stan Brown WB next with scoring: na s 0" nue ontg broken jaw bone and wi thp Sappei k to the ce at \ \L[ SO 3639 eight pointa PEPERRELL: Joyce 26, Neff be a patient there or the next i 455 pm, At 30 pm the P A PATR!CANS;- The win give a the Pepperrd 4, Brabai 0, Austin Harnum week to ten days, Wee League \ Stars w! take M m, J OBrien,, 23! : othr}nj o; tc:htr: 8, :Hi: 2 Parson! 7, The third and what coud be thzy hed a 2 0 score n the first B h M on the St Mikes Grammar 2oR 76 2() 7 MSpearna, 20 i: 703 havn one game each tq pay n Moore 8, Pugh 3, S Brown 8, J the fnagame or the St, Johns, period and after being tied the av c amps eet Schoo team in An exhibition B Evana " "2! "" 697 the rst round of the two round Brown 2, Gover 2, Johnson Senior Hockey League champion- Guards went ahead 3 2 but the " gam R H H ship a schedued for tonight at Buegods came back to move in s d N h E Keaney c A d s the!tadum with the Guards and to a comfortabe ead befon! te atur av g t K Gordon Breen urt n cots St Bons meeting for their trd game ended n the aectnd game A b tfb- h d Curing News Ji :! !! CLB:-3 82 C Dominey !! L Bundon 0 7 S20 G Chancey J Crane c Andrew RVERDALE:-Q & M7 m D t encounter of the aerea payed on Tuesday g e ton g:ome ts sc c : W,, OfT w s h h The Buegods go nto tonight! night!hoe Guards hed H ead i rd? pydat th:h Sts tohrs: NTER D\S!ON GAM8 nner op n c 00 oy game with a two game edge onr at t)e ear) part of the first "n emhtonah athumch af utr ay SENOR i g w en e amp! o rtn Btf Red: C G the Guards as they took the first period but agam tnt B uegods tv Ba meet the Cham! Con- - k Scoring Award ur mg ames two games of tne finas over tne came back to take over eader- ceptio Ba\, p 0 ; i N Jtoc we J Bue and Whites by the scos ship On Saturdav night wt;artng rt: H A er 8 R Kent : : B Poughman 56!4 J Spencer, J Steee,, M 80 B Baud J Couson, ! 98 M !3 M7 Redheaded G()don Breen of the CNR CerkJ copped the Nfd Breweory Award n Civi Service Hockey for the year he won the Hiheat Po!b for the aea0ns no noun The game! n the fifth draw at: of 8-4 and 6-3 A win tonight for So far n the finas both team& g ocock a chaenge game feaur- J S nge ey thp cub yesterda were very, St Bons wi give them their Jav-e ost a payer each Tie ing the Shears! own Tiger5, champs oneman cosey contested with one excep- 25th City Hockey champ!honshhp Guards ost forward Bob Chauk of tie Conception Bay North, wi :B ion The curtis B team barey and their 25th w n on t e S n tie opening game when he re- meet Caren\e, the Trinity Ba), outasted a fighting st Bon! rink orc Boye trophy donated by ceivert a broken bone n his arm champs JU\OR : and Macpherson B won aqueaker Sir Cavendish Boye way back : after being cherked by an oppos Much iner>t h:! been c-reaet: Green: Wif: over Bishop Feid A The eid B in 904 for City!ocke): honour> ing pa r St Buns ut!he "er in thi tam nd one of the mo> t J Do\Json 9 V Sundstrom 5 BrePn, armer Hoy Crou team had an easy game again!, n bout gamea pa ed in the vt e of fe GieN after he co ecitn game for the year s H Awi K Carke 4 Macphenon A when they got bet or five game setes to dae ted wih a teammate Giies expected to u een Wyte 2 Merner e PCAA:-3 aenc hockey eaeue payer who J Skfnton M 0 favoured the Cv Service League aay to an eary sart and never the Cfuards Bt taken!he ead i suffhing from a broken jaw Up to presh hour tis morning: C rort>ts 3 G MacDonad M Downey 27 2M 230 t h s c Kmnash ;0 he e:: d L:Juei e! 28 7t9 T Benson,, r Y- co ec ng "" A Breen, U point in his 2 irmu, ooked bnck, The score!: in boh games n tne first game bone he ineups o! the various two Curs B 9, s Bons earns coud not be obtained but 49 Macpherson B 7, Feid A e as the Redegs ot their fourth c orpras Guard t is beieved that both aquads TONGHTS GA\E!! Feid B 8, Macpherson A 2 strsaght n wil be icing their reguar ineup GRE,AT LAKES FNALS -WEDNESDAYS DRAW pahn gave up six hits for the big game M ! 333 Gordon ead the LeaiUe by acor i : 3 JONS:-0 ini 30 goas in the 2 iamea and M Wnte he coected auists, Curti! A va Macpherson A seven innings, one a homer by Qf Siver Seven -- 7 pm Curtis B V Feid B Bob Thurman Smoky Burgess dires, ater the Kondike man- w Tier C!kp), r Hue, R 22: : J MurdOC\ 49, ft J Hurft,,, Brttn eded ut tw0 other pay g N Porter,, 34 i m for the top aorni hunours 22 Z2 76 T Murphy, Ma n he wori the award with two St Bon va Feid A beted a bases-oaded homer or OTTAWA CCP) _ Ony a eor ager had eommented "McGee Baggs, T We!! v W L!te Bye-Macpher!on B C!ncnat, whie Hank Aaaron P<Jra guard is eft today o! Joe isnt so hot, he scored 4 goas, (skip), T Dunne, J C:mpbe; L &4 266 points >etej than Murray LOi of Buckma3ters rnd Abe Carew EXhibition Baseba GUARDS::2 of the Cerks Botb Lon and 233 2M Z :228 R c nmon SO Carew were eredted with " point each D Fisher By,The Associated Pss R McKinay 27 _ ,Breen wi receive hi award he New York Giani:!, eading W Oakey 64 &3 29 6Z of the Nfd Brewery Trap" at th d G Fuer,, , the annua presentation o ards e cactua an grapefruit exh J atrin the yeror: btion baseba standings, trim RVERDALE:- med the Busto!\ Red Sox 2 Q S:-3 20 :- ":! ,,, B,- Poubuian i Wash Wednesday for their third 20 a9 B Baud ! 8 Br""e :t atraght victory and egh n the T Specer! ! 32 8! ast nine ames 63 W 4 A Lucia " S ! 29 3M Th! Gtantir, boastina a J, Couaton, iu:f!-;;, won-ost record n the spring U97 training games, jumped on Tom MD D F,her my Bwer for four runs n the ST BONS:-2 R McKDay f\st nriini to wrap t up early 22f e W J p 274 2() W Oakey A two-run doube by Foster 2t2 635 : cnte G Fuer " " Cuteman and WeUa Westrums J, cowan,,, SM inge wt the bases oaded ac id 88 3 R Red!ond, &7 counted rqr the runs m 25 S! J Noseworthy LAURER:- Ruben Gomez worked the first fj M J, Late,,, !x nnnga ror New York and CELTS:- L Sop,er, 260 m banked the Red Sox on two htj Quinton 7 M 97!G R Lte, Joe Ugoner was touched!or 2Z : A Andrew G, Late the two Boaton runs n the m 548 A Grouchy !8 F Soper seventb!nnn bero being re- " 22 zoe J Lue 2 2n M 4! eved by Marv Grissom 2ZT 203 za U W EDJiJh FELDANS:-0 \ The Miwaukee Braves posted T 8M W R HoprnJ M ther fth victory n the ast ax B MurpbJ "703 atarta, combinns the fine pitch _ LONS:-2 W May, m m Jn of uuthpaw Warn Spahn 23& 57 M8 T Petten 4 93 D8 &3 L Adam 288 M with a pair of homers by The A White 202 Z&S 82 R Moran cock-one a Krand sam The zaa, t Matphy att JOfoW 77 M Q6-35 Bnvu downed Cincinnati U-6 waoped round-tripper!or briiant Siver Seven \\ho euy 8 of t!em in succession j Stad, Miwaukee this centmy!or three eonsecutive Harry Wetwick, retired in ot LEVTZ TOH) SEM FNALS TGERS SWAMP BROOKS years rued the word of hocke tawa and stt 5harpwtted 8, pm Detroit rapped out 20 hit5 at the And ony one of them-harry as mediatey behind McGee! Sotnema Sp, L Ged expense of Sa Magie, Ken Lch c Rat) Westwock _ survives who :n scong, He payn! the now-, stem, W A Knotn, A Bei! man and Cem Labine as the Tig wu on the ams reguar roster exinct position of roer on the H An(e (sktp), C H Conty, e s overpowered Brookn 8- during a three years t hed the seven-man team H Wyte, T!cDonad Frank Lary ad Jim Bunnmg im word hockey championship and Passed into hock-ey history are i FNALS iter the Dodger5 to three hits the Staney Cup, Dave and Suddy timour, Biys 9 pm A Kane, with a pair o! hom Another origin a( Siver se en brothers Suddy and Biv for a Winner semi-finas vs T Stent, ers, and Frank Boing, with ve! ma s H L, (Biy) Gimour, time formed a famous ine com-!ord (skip), W Peten, L Crane, hits n five at bats, ed the Ttg- i now of Montrea eft-wing wiz bination L Sutherand ers Charey Maxwe, Frank j ard fn his day: He payed a E H Harvey) Puford saved 2 ces open 7 pm House and Rene Bertes aso horn hrfi! years too, but :J the ast many a day in his defence spot 3 ices open 9 pm ered for Detroit year, 905, saw action ony inter- He is gone, aong with A Smith, Ladies and gents inved to An eight-run third nning csr mttenty whie attending McGi right wing and 005 aptan; Art make up own rinks ried the Chicago Whie Sox to a University Moore, deenee; Jm Me; d -S-be i-4 victory over Washington Larry BOUse Hutton, sti hae ind Hamby Shore; Horace Gau an n_a _ Doh) and winning pitcher Dick hearty n Ottawa, was the teams The Siver Seven were the orig Donovan!parked tht! uptisng goaie n 903-Dt Biy Hague, aso ina! ottawa hockey dub and with circuit couts goamnder for a tme, s sti adopted their eupbonioos na in around So s Dave Finnie, a res- 003 when team manager Bob PhJadpha overcame a hree!dent of New York the &st 20 Shiini!cn presen!d each payer run deficit to edge Kansas City years, who minded nets n 905, with a siver nugget 4-3 in 0 innings The Phs 5cored StU! aive too are Jack Fraser the winning run when osng and Fred White, OTTAWA (CP) - The RCMP tcher Aex Kt!iner waked Ed CENTRE ACE guidon soon wi carry a specia BotichPe with tie bam fu <rne s Frank MeGee, the S honorary distinction marking the St Louis nipped the Yanks 0 ver Sevens centre ace Who spear forces part n the Second Word to extend New Yorks string of headed the teams scoring punch War The army said Tuesday the scoreess nnnqs to, 20, Jomny during a three championship sma standard carried by the Kuck went the distance for the seasons n a 905 game aianst ROMP on such ceremna occa Yanks nd gav" up the one run \he Dawson City, Yukon, Kon-, :ons as the ovenng of Pariament n the second trnng on De En wi be embazoned with the pro: ns doube and Hobe Lan :ithsj Whie Sox 6() behind the three-hit vast c<rps badge and the dates tripe Herm Wehmeier d Larry huring o! Bob Lemon, Stan Pitua The guidon now bears Jackson scaterci nine his rfec j ad Don Mosai Lemon worked!he oate hon9n on by tht R"P tvey for the Cards fst five nnings &nd was the win j n to:! Northwe;t Rebei9n, the Ceveand banked the Ch!caio ncr, Boer War, the First Word War AST RELEF FOR ACHNG MUSCLES

12 ,! THE DALY NEWS, THURSDAY, MAR BY STAN -, f ::;! FROM t EXPERTS AVODS UNMAULE BD, BY OSWALD JACOBY WHLE Edgar Kapan wu win nn the Life Masters ndividua, Phiip Fedeaman of New York wu romphi of with tha Senior Muter event n todaya hand Phi exercuc admirabe ae, restraint and stayed out of an unmakaba rand aam When North responded to Phi openn he-art bid with a jump to three cbs, Ph hoped for a rand sam and rebid three da mond a tarter n that di recton Norths aecond jump to four hurta did nothin to discourage, r { s ON HRE PURCHASE A the features that wi appea to the most cscrm"et"t homemaker art found n these mart and styish Chrome Kitchen ancf Dinette Sets AHractvt coour combnqton and pahtrns, sturdy construction for ong servct, tjgtenson eef a"d competey washebt tabe tops The New pastic uphostery with matching OL RANGE, WEST A 0 g 75 " 0 t QU 0 2 SOTH -:; 2 " AQHU KJ QJSf!A T KJSH3 \ 4 n OTH Q t 97H (D \KJ82 A 0 e ""AK95 Ear and Wet \Uirrabe South Wut Norh!a!! " Pus 3 Pm 3 t Pau 4\ Pan 5"" Pu! e \ Pus Pus!ass Open!nceRd- A him and Phi decided on a bid o!!ve cubs rather than a Back wood four no-trump North continued his jumpn tactca with eap to aix hearts and Phi had amost bid the grand!am when he atopped for a itte thought " The subitance of his thought wu: where a the ace of pades? H Partner ought to hod that card for h!a bidding but f he did hod t Phi! had en him an exceent chance to &how it, 0! course the event wu an ndividua and Phi had never seen ha partner before He there ore decided to taka the aure thin8 and puaed t wu juat u "e, becauae Wea opened the ace o! spade& netenta:r, "he, are n tha aubject of Jrnd sam!, hah a prptty goor rue for m own grand am bidding bid them wen the: arpear to b certain, but J n@er worry axut miuini j one A auccesfui sma ahm wi! do for eerrday brd;e, LOBA Banquet :Hed At Brigus t\pu\m r\4,!j\r \::, <> =>D ttoo\ Q\!Ct 0\:\t -D\)K W\ii: , <;:,i",<:!? -- ART SHO - 34 BO ST PiCTURE -A! Water Co"u:- anrt r:inter Painting request by au! Par DAL S; A comprt ine AUTO A:- ESSOR; awa s r, stod DA 90U Parts nsuran 8 Di e TOJ PERFORMANC! e CONVENENCE e EAUTY and STYLE FROM s249oo up ON HRE PUCHAS Hen a a eobinaton o quait!eaturu and moder dun tut w "n the \eart of an home maker Thi factory but Rane en Corm to the dtut atandarda of aa!ety and aen icei crurihi a breeu pot type burner, durabe white enme rinah and boahed rtee top Aaabe with choca q warmn c:out or hih she and with or without forced draft The Great Eastern Oi Company, Limited T"" fnembrs o Jubiee Lodxe UJBA er@ honored at a bnquet hd n the OnngP Ha her on Friday the 22nd when Sister Mar ion Guahue and Sater Lydia Carke were preaented with cert! fcatea making them Honorary members of the Provincia Grand Lodte of Newfoundand n recogni ton of oni and faithfu aervce to the Order The certificate was presented to Right Worshipfu Sister Guahue by Brother saac Dawe of Cupids, Put Grand Muter of the Provincia Grand Lodge LOA and to Ray Carke, who represented his moth er who wu unabe to attend throueh nm by Right Worahpfut Grand Preceptor RBP Sir Knight Chesey Fiier of Carke Beach Jttght Worshipfu ster Lydia Carke a former resident of Brigua ir now residing with her ann at St Jnhn RJy accepted tha rert Cicaa on beha or his mother and, sincerey thanked ai those con cemed or ther kind recoiiton of kr mother& aerite! Right V{onhpfu Sister Guahue aso thanked those who har ( onor : ed her, and aso gave credit to tie mtmbtr ef Jubiee Lodge, "hd had worked to&ether with her, and d made thia hdnor ponbe by fnt majrn her a Honerary mem bar of their primuy Lade, Speechn were then made by Cheaey FUer, RBP, Mr Chares Percy, Worshpu Marter, Roya Standrd, LOL Brigu! Bro &nc Dawe snd Rei Mrs Rowse who brnurht her husbands regrts At beni unavoidaby ab!ent bein thrn enroute to Toronto on Church busines A cttrr or ret wu! then rear! by Sisrr Trnnie Percy :!rom Bro Rnhert Smith who wa i abent thrnuh havn( A hrokcn Rnke Brethren nf the LOA nd bran"e Young Britan aso tend cd the banqurt nd n enjoyahi evenin wa!pent by a precnt The Worthy Mistre! Siser rene LeDrew, acted 8 Misrts! of Ceremonies and caed upon ach!pcakcr in turn ad aso aid how ]Bd he W3 to be!!ociated i with the LOBA Her thanks wu extended to one and a and the, banquet cosed with the singing \of the Nationa Anthem COMMirfED FOR TRfAJ TORONTO (CP) - P e t r Woodcock, 7, Tuesday was committed or tria on a charie o!, murder n connection with the diath four ye_ar od Caroe Vgyce a>t Jan 9, Vondcock hh bhn n custody since Jan 2, He wararrested after di>covery of the chids dy, raped and \tiated, in tit Den Vaey n east-centra Teron Made in!\efnur H Ohip DAL WiR AUP:Rirs Rt:\T\ New cio\o,r Uf:aHAS H: TT M4 Watr!! DtLXJ: ht: \ Pt Uo >rk"nrh P:nu rt- n Speciai>t< PER!A 80 P\ TRKi\ DAL 230Z For a your Requiremrnt 808 -

13 , Y NEWS, THURSDAY, MAR 28, ene Weding Buiding Materias Eectricians Gift Shops, \L :nig-,, \ TD R:\;J\LE ST ;, H!iricnt Srr\iC o\ 0!7 \ 0!D ST r : RE FRANG,,, Lo\or anr Oi - : rainted en,,- hr au\ PauonJ i\ ROOM AcccssorLeS,\ -:nr :r ine of -, r,,,\, :" : r stod D\ OU ESSOR!ES \,RANDELL, LD BULDNG tt:qurement DAL 768 Compete up\oda!ervcr Merrrmerng Road DAL 788 Church Suppies COLONAL STATONARY L:\TED Compete Church Furnish ngs and Reigious Artices DAL 4552!W WATER ST Ceaning, Compnunds R J COLEMAN LD-_, DUSTBANE Nwfounnends Ceaneat war d Obtainabe at R J, COLEM,\N LTD DUCKWORTH ST DAL 245 MARNE, DESEL and ELECfRCAL ENG 24 Hour Service for Repairs ; to Motors, GenerAtors and Househod Appiances DAL-U99 Eectrica Appiances BANE JOHNSTON CQ:\PANY, LTD, Aseacy Department 243 Wnter St Dia 202 YOUR FRGDARE DEALER LARACYS ---- REEMBRANCE SHOP Gft, Games, Toya, Noveties Coutes Cards for a occasona DAL &265 Grocers B WALSH----- BEST r:- LEADNG GROCERY LNES You Choice o! what you need DAL mo 785 WATER ST WEST HEAP & PARTNERS!NFLD) LTD Wiring Materia!, Wire and i Hardware Stores Cabes, totors, Starters, Lamps, Switches, Lghtn, Fixtures, etc i WAREHOUSE PRNCES ST DAL fi085 Eectrica Service JONES ELECTRC Parts [Whoe] Contractors 80 PRESCOT ST o nsurance :\! d :\ nn t u re \\ork 38 Brnhrck Stret Di 79 2 W BRTO: , BULDERS OF todern HOMES Monern!2n, Remodenr, Repair Work 6& Learchant Road Dt\, 8929 CTY ELECTRCAL -- :OMP\N\, LD FOR THE BEST H r!\0\ --- ELECTRCAL WOR!t N TOWN Tr!\rE \UN L ::C:A:L:_L::3:_U -J \o " i\onf Lri! -nr "ranc Of! a E\0 8:\KER\ -- rrn: F!>EST BREAD, ch:es and PASTRES \!;p in!>ewroundand H Ohp \ L 2668 uty Parours Spori3ist,!n Tf:A:\:::\TS n \TRCK ST DU mz rn nn; T\ PD\"5 UT 6 L\L: :, "ur nrxt permanent <: "",i"n and epernce,! Ju qaity in!eden!j i! ERRVMEETNG OAD DAL65!4 Contractors Suppies UNTED NAL AND--- FOUNDRY CU, L m HALTOS AVENUE Heani and VentiAtion Structura and Re nforcni Stee DAL 807 Customs Brokers P F COLLNS---- & NEW GOWER!T, SPECALSTS N ALL CUSTOMS WORK DAL M 049 DAL 6428 Speciaists n Mnton, Generator!, Steam rona and a Housenod Appancn R H RDEOUT MOTOR and GE_NERATOR Engines CALLAAS &: co FOR ALL YOUR PANf!NG AND BULDNG NEEDS CALL CALLASA and CO, FRST i REPARS H t Opp Navy Dock Gt COR \VATER ST DAL63U! and S BARBOUJ LTD - D!ributora of: tehn Manne Dese\ bv!n Ricardo Gu Enanea Fu Line of Sp-tae Pa:Jta 62 "4 WATER!T DAL 48 Forists HOWSE OF ilowers Servin& St John from 2!ocatona: 37 HAMLTON AVENUE DAL WATER ST DAL mo " Fruit Stores EMPRE FRUT STORES - For \he rrshrst Fruit n Towu ta,, Deicatessens ::PH E frit STORE HELLS PASTRY and ---, DELCATESSEN FAST SERVCE m DUCKWORTH ST DAL 797 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK j Fire Drug Stores COSSORS DRUG STORE-, LA:BERTS COUGH SYBUP can be obtained a CONNORS DRUG STORE 3!4 WATER ST DAL 22()6 CH LE T!E,\TE PHAR:\ACY- : :\GU,\LE ST (arr,\ve Dia 693 <r \S :- ALL,on) H,J anrt " YF EPAfS qurrn noad!jia 247 \ 6970 T \ utna Duck"ori S\ Dia 34 g Materias Dry Ceaning En D:\\YE, LTD!H\ ind TOP6AL RD f,, a your Buidin RiUrimens ea R0B - Oi 44 nrrk Street, DA 282 L!70 ntkw nr\h St, Ua 39 2 Locaons: nsurance CROSBE co; LTD ----, Aenta for UNDERWRTERS AT LLOYDS LOW RATE!! DAL 503 Fish Stores opp CN [ DAL 6968 HARRS & HSCOCK LTD GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints Distributors for Sunbeam : Eeetrca Appiances Sporting Goods and Sporta,wear for a occasion DAL ea mg D C BSHOP NEW GOWER ST DAL 33 Compete Pumbing d Heat!n Service ERNEST CLOUSTON, : L\!TED McCLARY AUTOMATC WARM AR cqndtonng!0 WATERT DAL U Hearing Aids Meat Markets JM SHELDS , Cor FRESHWATER and PENNYWELL ROAD DAL 3469 Compete up-to-date!eat!urket Radio TV Repairs GREAT EASTERN OL[ COMPANY, LTD REPARS TO RADOS, TV A W ALL ELECTRCAL APPLANCES DAL 300 to 3005 Shoe Repairing MODERN SHOE /HOSPTAL Now is the time (() have your SHOES REPARED THt: MODERN WAY Two U!cation: ON WATER ST cpp Bowrnga and!teh i M s RADO TELEVSON u::pp_ie_s servce cnfld) LTD ft 0 k T!Jo, TV, Appiance an Oi 0 nn s W\, NOSEWORTY ---- LMTED BELTNG, BOLTS and NUTS,TAPS and DES, Etc H8 WATER ST DAL 5Z8 Ois, Lubricating ] H ROBERTS LD Soe Agents n Nc\ioundand for CASTROL OLS (CAADA) LTD!!od a over Newfoundand DAL :!36 Burner Rtptn DAL UM, :ua!p odaj f!3r JACKS RADO SHOP---- LONGS BLL EXPERT REPARMEN n RADO and TV in Aua Radios DAL 7448 Specsts Rea Estate A W BROWN REAL ESTATE AGENT 5 PATRCK STREET PHONE 2005 FRA:-<KL\N PANT STORE- JOHN C HA\L\ PANTS FOR FVERY P:RPO!!E REAL FSTATE AGENT Advice fnr rvrry paint job 238 HAmLTON AVESLE Compete up-t(}-date atock For fat mvire ca 8098 DAL R PENSYWELL ROAD j Pianos and A L COLLS Pano and Organ Shooom: O!SAL ROAD Dia 4902A Fader; : Water St, Hr Guee PO Box 888 Photo Suppies ATLANTC FLMS AND ELECTRONCS LTD Anco Camrra xn Ym, Expo,urr Mer f\ah Guns, Enarrr Accesnriea DAL 307 WAh : Photography GLASSES CALL s w SHORT GARLANDs srumq DAL 2837 _ 78 PLEASANT tt, DAL 2958 Home ndustries 0 A Some\h;g-SpecW-fDr sojm-j one Spedn \\hut coud e nicer than a handmade k- i t"d or woven arite!rom Nona Wedding Photos, Portraits and Commercia Photoiaphy CAMERA SHOP , LONGS HLL DA 7BL F!L LNE OF!!OTO StL ;s ALWAYS N STOCK Nfd Hote Dia 8UB j Jeweers THOMPSO!iS ----, JEWELLERY 303 WATER ST When aeectng a Diamond Ring aee our private Damund Booth DAL 450Z Organs Recruiting ARD RECRTJTNG ;"ATON 32 WATER ST DAL 029 FLY WTH THE RCAF For u nformation DAL 753 ROYAL CASADAN AR FORCE Recruin Cnt: 77 WATER ST Scaes FOR A RFAL F!TUnt; See the NAVAL RECRUJTNG OFFCER AT 23 WATER ST DAL S ALLED AGENCES---, FRE!!R:, With Free Tricoour Fashte CALL 5675 ALLED AGENCE!! 2 New Gower it Stationery --- A J DUNNE LTED A campee Staonory Depari nunt n one unit diiiiijaad to mtet tne sptca requjnmrn a toda;, Ser ten ce sei- :!very item prt Prcad A camb:atk:n p( and cn\ r:opu cr:o\ouppid Foor and t:ounter D\tpto Unitt r occ: k:nquir\r! souctd (rom tbe tradt Dit\L H i Stoves t \\, BAR ES!:"< STOCK BOSTON JRfFZE OL BtR:\ERS!mmcdiae Deivery DAL TRASK FOUNDRY LTD -"j MZ WATER ST anuacturer rjf MAD or A\ALON and REGAL RANqiS DAL Taxicabs A- TAX----- CALVER AVE DAL Anywhere, Any pace, A nv tim,, 2 HOt:"R SERVCE ACE and SL>ER TAX FUR THE OST EFFCENT : SERVCE N TOWN CALL ACE or SUPEP TAX : DAL Tires MARSHALL MOTORS---, FRED V CHESMAN LTD- TOLEDO FOOD AND SCAE ACHNt:S Eectric!eat DAL 238 Sawa FSK TRES Guarauteed against CY, Bowouts, Hruis::s Under Jn!a\on Ca MARSHALL MOTORS -ter St -B-o-j Paper Products_ -Se-rv-ic_e_S-ta--ti-on_s_ Uphostering THELAWRECE NFLD CO, LTD Nw Location: {9 Z DUCKWORTH ST Paper and Paper Prornch WHOLESALE ONLY >AJL8ZS Pubishers 3 LOCATONS: CTY FisH shor :, Meat Whoesae VENTURE PUBLicATONS - DOWNS DRY-----, CLEANNG LTD Coverini St Johns with rut, Ef!icent Service t HAMLTON AVE DAL 85 6 PRESCOT!T DAL!228 Service, Quaity, Variety Furniture Movers HOUSEHOLD MOVERS & SHPPERS LTD formy ROAD PacknJ, Crating, Shppns Aaen for Aied Van Linea T C BBB Manager Ret 8455: otice 9008 m:,\t MARKET frprrer\m H\GRAT!: oad PRODUCf5 N< C,\PJFLS rookk: )!EATS E!PORT racker L TT, "r>u rn v rnonurrs nachs KOSP:R PRiOiCiS WHVT!!:S rackr:ir Cn\fr,\\ j PORK and BE:r" PROnurrs rnon J) WATER n H C SPARKES---- Whoesae Pxe-Pak MPah, Roya Hama and Baeon Pork Cuand Carcau Sausages and PuddnJ DAL 65 SH!"DARD BEDDNG- PALMERS ----: COMPANY, LTD SERVCE STATON!!PFCALT! a TOPSAL ROAD UPHOLSTERNG WASHNG GREASNG: Taior-made Sip Covera TRE REPARS DAL 5 " 8 DAL 358 _ RALWAY , SERVCE STATON Grease and Oi Changes Auto Acceuories Commercia Pubshni and / OPEN 6 HOURS DALY Advertang Magazines Pamphet!, - DAL 8080 Brochures, Company Newspapers, Programs SHEPPARD S -----, DAL 2287 PO BOX E 544Z SERVCE STATON "TRE REPAini!>G WASHNG BATEiY CHAnGNG Radio-TV Repairs GREASNG im DAL 209 ELECTRONC CENTRE GALWAYS ffivng ---, TV & RADO RECEVERS REPARED B UERTS: SERVCE,STATON AU work Guaranteed for Fast Service CALL 83 or 640! 90 CAMPBELL AVE, Cor Eubeth Cove Rd GREASNG, WASHNG, S!:o:ONZNG our Spi!Ciaty DAL Used Cars F YOU WOULD LKE YOUR B u s N E s s And Teephone Numbers To On This E Z Reference ADELADE MOTOR: LMTED Page FOR A CAR YOU CAN DEPEND ON CALL, ADELADE MOTORS LTD DAL 305 Wood-Coa Deivery?\iKES COAL AND -- WOOD DELVERY DAL 44 We Give the Futeat Service n St Johns DAL, Designed For Our Readers Convenience

14 : j " " \ f r \: : 0 Adams Case BECK Britains Defence ontrea Famiy (Contnufd from Pi ) (Cant!nued from pae Contribub on (Continued from pae ) ECWS D08t:! PLEADS AMENDMENT years 0 two hue U cc do:! O para! KeMedy aiked whether Beck!ad T NATO The atoe) Jtera, recaed Committee unn RObert t was bee"ed boeuf had one downsta!rs:-the round foor de)de \bat nure Randa uid ever Nceved any money drecuy 0 converted from a -&ore nto a kit Dr Adam orde her to ve or ndirecty from the Fruehauf To the NATO forces on the,con chen-uvn section-to iht fire Mn Morre o the ut iibt of fia!ler Corporation Bk took the tnent, Britain contribution haa n the stove Somehow the fire her fe fifth amendment been our army dvons, whose eap from the stove and n a i "What efft woud thof two Beck did t &a!n when Kennedy armoured eements equipped with few minutes the fiamu were out injffton - comi 0 top of asked whtm he found htmse! centurion tanka represent the most o! ntro heroin and morphine - have on n troube with the ncome tax powerfu armoured force maintain- Neighbors knew nothing of the her peope n March 95 because he ed n Euro:e by any NATO pow fire unti t had swept through the "t woud have mde death even had taken $320,000 from the union er and the Second Tactca Air itte home, eavina: ony t brick more certain than t aready, n the put He asked whetho:!r the Frce equipped with aome of Br!- was standing anarered Dr Douthwate witness went to Fruehauf, ot tana mo,t aueeeufu aircraft, n Leboeuf turned over s od-age The crown proaecutor reduce QO,OOO,and save t to the union cudni! the canberra L!sht Bom pension cheque of $35 each month a copy o( Mrs Morre death the fouown August ber and the atest jet fihters to the budng owner Famiy a c-ertificate aizmd b) Adams n The mm!ttee counse asked But Britains contribution to owances went for food Tbe St "hicb he a!d she died from cere- wher t was true Furehauf NATO a not mited to ts forces Vincent de Pau Society, a wcbra thrombos!a didnt have that much money but on the continent t aso makes fare organization, paid for heating: "-re there any aigns at au-n arraied for Beck to get t from, major Lndjrect entribut!on the he>me the nurse report which j!sufy Brown Equipment Company, n add!thin to the divisions n Neighbors ud that when Le that concusion?" truckns!nn, which ssued four Europe, ome of the army units boeu! worked he madoe a itte ":oio, sjr, uid Dr Douthwate cheques for $50,000 apiece formni tratea!c reaerve n the money seing junk At other Urnes : Supposing there had been an) He produced what he said were United KnidOm are ear-maked he beied n various parts r: the sijis or cerebra thrombosis, photoiraphc copies of the cheques for NATO in the event of war city n order to suppement hi; woud there be any justification : which he said were deposited to The Roya Navy has major share meagre ncome Soon after com- for the administration of thi one of Becks firms n Seat!! of the fe 5 pons!b!ty for the de- mg to Montrea Leboeuf wa em-: heroin wch ssued a cheque of ts own fence of the Eni!ah channe, the p!oyed for a whie as a caretaker : WANTED TO BUY BRCH LUMBER 3 nches up Contact us for Prices and Specification! NEWFOUNDLAND HARDWOODS L TO fopsa! Road Dia St John 78fi9 xo, train not," aid the, to the union for $200,000, North Eea the Eastern Atantic medica expert Beck pead the!ith amend- and the Medterra)ean Britains M k Ed b } - OS\ hh men!, once more, on the who wbrd-w!de chain o! nava and air a mg i urg } Marsha, described by fcotva EDS TESnMOS\ " "Th a doctor, md the at- cheques, the maintenance of communica eshva ro ta e torney-enert softy, The committee aso ha_, nfer- tiona tiona! reputation " and British Do You Have A GARBAGE DSPOSAL, PROBLEM? f you have ca F and your worries are over _ GOOD SER\CE EXCELLENT RATES, 2 Trucks avaiabe!cjr nsde or Outside City Lm!t Work m26,m GREAT EASTERN OL & MPORT CO, LTD Radio, Teevision, Wsshen, Refrigeratora, Deep Freezers Eectrt!c Ranges, ocr Poishers Gramophones, Pubic Address Systems, Tae Recorders REPARS AND SERVCE 5 LNES DAL 300 to 3005 WATER ST jan26,y trannct!on and on!denuf)!ng the bases are of vita importa!ce for F } p bj artistic director Rot rt Ponsonby FQR SALE as a singer of "enormous interna ONE LARGE SAFE 8-ycar-od medica man, mat!on, Kennedy said, that Beck NUCLEAR WEAPON Canada Preu Staff Writer born Anrta RusU a satricd J & J Taer whn had ben caed by the prose- bojht two ots adjom!ng the The main objective of NATO s, LODO:S (CP-Organizers o mock-singer of opera who ived r Particuars--DAL 237 rution a n exptrt wtneu, raed Teamstrs joint council bu!dni : to deter aureuion and the most the Edinburgh nternatona Fcs- orne years n Toronto where she his eyebrows shhty and turned, n Sea tie for $39,000 and sod them powerfu at> power neeemry for t:va are trying to dovse ways to devveojdhe:_:runusua::!tec:_:hn:!iqu::e mar ": hi bue eyes on defence eounrd ito the Teamsters fo! 3:!,000 ther effective use Britain aready make ts financia structure as - Goffrt) Lawrrnce DAPERS AND DRAWERS bu a stockpie of atomic bombs soid aa t artistic and cutura Lao,n nce nt motioness There At the end of his test!mon), (the first British test took pace reputation an aw ko ard sincc!fc<:ean tod the Teamsters boss n 9e2) and has deveoped a Founded 0 ears Ago by Fmay, the grey,,!ged bar- tt was aright for him to go back hydrogen bomb obe tea ted this group of!easts who decine to ri;tr owy :ot to his fee : to Seatte, whore his wife s year, ts "V" bomber force o! be daunted by any obstaces, the "y ord" he said to the judge, The cha!rm said he didnt know strategic jet bombers, capabe of festiva has won secure paoe in thi c\idence (Dr Douthwates when Beck might be recaed but carryni nucear weapons, s be word esteem But the enterprise i!if a,rry! r!ous character" that t woudnt be for severa days Lng steadiy bi!t up A -range of suffered a net oss ast year of WO paused at he ear!e,st guided misa!es! aso beng de 6,000 ($44,800), compared with ":\y ord wonder if t woud Befo Beck took the stand, the veoped and the first guided weap- ess than 2,000 t:oe previous year, bt posibe for me to defer my comm!tee hammered away at ens regiment hu been formed this and there! some concern for Lje cms examination of Dr Douth contention that the Teamster che month future waitr The truth s, m) ord 8\ahed 000 of union funds on NATONAL SERVCE Sir John Banks, ord pro\"os (}f am not prepared to cross-examine!apera, "knee drawers, roo!ins, No other NATO country hu a Ed!burgh, suggests a 0-year goa him at this i" rugs and a sorts of cut-rate L!ms, onger period of Nationa Service shoud be the formation of a eap- underst<nd, said the ate>r- for himsef, his reatives and his Since 50, a fit British Ubjects ta! tund, which woud draw re,-,rncra " do not oppose the home between the ae of 8 and 28 have sources fre>m a parh of Scotand rtqurt" Mirthfu spectators Jn the Sen- been iabe with very imited ex This woud free the admn!straro CO:\ST EXPERTS te caucus room guffawed a the! cept!ons to two years futme er ton tram financia caics and pro- t wa (b iou that Lawrence ht unfoded under the dreeton! ice n one of the armed forces, :vi for!orne "permanent hc:-c wantd to consut medica experts of a peca Snae comm!tee n pus three and a ha! years n a!or the festiva for \r \!ence btfore he Mn \est!gat!n improper abor and n- reserve forte with training ab! The home, whih might cost qut,tionin! Dr Douthwate dustry ac!vtes, There wu een ty Apart from imited postpone!,ooo,ooo, voud Jncudc offices, r ustice D< in!id the case $8 for repar!n Becks fase eeth ment for cues of exceptiona hard an oprra house and a concert ha n arudy fenjth) Nathan Shefferman of Chca(o ahp or for tudenta and appren "! the festia!! worth m:!n- "Can the prosecution finish this aid he maco the purchases!or tice8 compet!n courses, defer: tan!ng," said Sir John, "and t wtek he uktd, Beck with his own money at dis ment s nted ony to men n ems kj be, ecording to reports, "We rth pro!itwtion \ ha cer- count and Beck paid him back certain occupation whose work s then t is worth deveoping on a aini) fiish this week, u!d MAn Sheffermin, aid he has been of vita mportance to the nationa Rrger and more permanent scae nmkhm-buer tod, but ddn t!mow t at the time, economy (for exampe, under- than the present imited financia H ong is the defences that the repayment mont) was ground coa m!neu) Nationa Ser- reourccs permit" rue" uktd the judie Teams r union money vice men provide ome 2/ of the The:! s no hint of Auster!\\ n O!rt aain Law rence hcsi!aifd active trenath of the orces A pans for the 957 festiva Tie before rep) in t was obvfous the end of, 8 per renkof three eek exhibition of music nd nr Douthwa!es devastan teat!- Eastern country which Dy uk the mae popuation between the drt-rna, running from Aug, 8 to mon - based on nursing records for it t dof not require of agea of 8 and 30 were in the ac Se-pt 7, wi eomprse 66 ever< that the ddenee had produoed- them or nvohe them n any un t!e forces - a arger proportion r which 239,000 tcke, worth had Jhaken Adams Lawyers dertakngs or n any chanse of than n any other NATO country 32,83:!, have rea d v been " hope )OU wi rora:h e me, the!!:_ own poicies The estimated tota trength of printed uid La\Otnce, "but m not n a t J an offer which they are the United Knidom active forces Contemporary drama wi be posiiion to repy rgh 0w" perfecty free to aecept, to rejt at the end of March 97 s 78, emphasized A main feature vi! the case Df into next week, or to iore BOO ncudni!,200 women Of be the word premiere of a verse i amost sure to do, it w RENUNCATON OF ALLANCES this totauoo are in the N:v, pay, Th Hdden King, by an bt the on est murdet tria n the " Tt!e Shp Pan cas for tho 373,800 n the Army and 230,000 moat unknown Engish author, hiso) of the Od BaUey renunciation of any a!uanc n the Roya Air orce n addition Jonathan Griffin ("miitary bocs" n Soviet term! no- thefe are over 800,000 me and A pot!ea fare b; FrEnch exoky) between the Midde Eatern women n the Reserva!orcu vith stentiast Jean Pau! Sartre wi mtea and the great wers That, tranni Uabity About n 4 have ts first tuy professiona u the Rouan commentators make o; the worktti popuation P Repy To Russ_ia! P!rformance n the United Kingvery cear, meana the ending nf aed n deime activities n t e dom, and New York!mpresarb the Bagdad Pact and of the Terk srmed force, n the Dee tcc De Henry Sherek wi present the first Br w N EWER ib membehp o! NATO, parmenta ar\ n ndustria \nder performance n Britain o! German Britain, the United States and Now the opinions about the Bi t-k!nga em(oyed on defenep work oaywrght Water Hasencevers Franre ha e r dned the Soviet dad Pact differ but t beyond SUPPLES Man of D!snctoit, with Anton proposa that the Four Powen question tbat! Midde Eastern About per cent of Britain Wabrook n the tite part!jtoud!sue a joint darat!on members vaue it hshy, that t manufacturing output OU on de- The Frrnch company headed by binr dov dentica prncpea wu nitiay founded by two of fence, which absorb /8 of the Jean-Louis Barraut and Madeof!)Oer n the Midde Eaat them and that they woud be products of Britain enineenng eine Renaud, w h c h recenty That wn to bt expeeted ndeed, atronsy opp0ed to ts duouton &nd meta od!jjtr!u n the air tourd Canada, wi be seen!n tim S<"iet Gonrnment seema not Yet without cdnjutat!on with them c ft ndustry, aout of out,jt Jean Anooh& L RepeHton and on to ha e expected t bu to Britain s!mlted to come to an devoted to defence and in the n anuootr based on the Wrks a "" e taken steps to ensure it aeemen with Russ! whereby she d:htron!c ndutry about / tht!a>! Pau Caude! Tnr d) aftrr the deh rry of the woud at any rate w!thd!aw from Britain hu produced re On the eoncert side there i! nnte ronta!nin the propoua tte t n breaeh of her pedges t! c;iant!t!u o aircraft tanks and be t\o artjts of speca!ntmst S0iet Deput) Fnrt!gn Minister a proposa which woud not rer &}mun!on for other NATO to Canadian visitors tabrc! n thr United Nat!nna As- ousy be con&ldered countries More h 800 British, ney are Toronto aprana Lois emhh a document aeeus!n the Nor coud Britain, France And warships have been transferred, United Statu of "miitary pro- tte Unted Statu even consider ent or aq!d!:t NATO couatri s \ocationfi in the Midde Ear", of augsestng to Turkey thnt, o Weapons and equipment for the aimini >t "ec:nnomic and politica resut of an agreement between European NATO countrin are ao en&-emen of the peopes of that them and the Soviet Union, he suppied,by Brta under the nkion" and of preparing to "un must w(thdraw from NATO United Statu Mutua Security uah an atomic war Such ian- AU th!, t goes without aay!n, Programme Aircraft carriers o na:e at such a moment seemed s a obvious n Moaeow as t h Aied Nav!u are being equipped r!r;r\ de!gned to pot \he dea n London The concusim s quite with Br!t!ah nvention UCh u n fnnk to agre on a joint decar-!neaeapabe The Shepov pro the anged fsht deck, the steam ation oumde a rane of post! po&aa were put n the form which cataput, the automatic aircraft bii! made thr rejection certain Tt!o pos!t!onn device and the mirror Thr British rcny, sent to, MOt word roud then be tod thrt the deck andn ad Many Br!tsb rnw nn March h UeSt ttat Western PoW!a had- refuaed to arcrft and jet aero engine ar ttu ad!muu, f eu vioent agree to keep peace n the Midde beni buit in other countries un tackj 0 the United Kndom Eut and not to nterfere n the der icence Britain hu ed the "rou!t nevtabv crere doubt nt!na affairs of the area-tb way n the deveopment of radar whether the SoViet proposa af frat two (and competey uncon t h ao sven ead n the intended as a «Oii contribution trovera!a) po!nh n the augseste procen of atandardzaton of equip tnnrd the fufiment of their "decaon" ment, for exampe, by adopting the -profejsed a!m" That decided JUSSAN THOUGHTS Reian FN, 300 rife y undentatement REVEALED About 2/3 of tha nationa re- NOT!OLE REASON FO But jut accordni to the say- source for research and deveop- EFUSAL n "murder w! out" ao tboushts ment an bein depoyed on de- Th b of course not the soe w out even n dipomatic docu rfecnecentwyomrkd Amobni devea pmefnts J r th f th Th R e pu c, are p ana or rea50 or e re usa u e men e uss an thoughts and the conatrucuon of an exper!- Sovitt pro hopea revea themseves n thne menta nucear propuiion aub P!th Mr Heaey, the Bog Txpert? excuding oca currency cot of Brth forces n Germany Britain contributes 9h per cent of budgetary ex!j!nses pi NATO miitary headquarters and agence we as > per cent of the cost of the eommon "infrastructure" programme undertaken by the NATOpowen to provide fixed nstaations such as air fieds and eommun!cton rry, tems PLUMBNG HATLNC P M Donney PLUMBNG and HATNO CONTRACTOR Jnstai!Rtion and Repain to a type ayatema Phone 5578F, "- tbe Bnt!Jh repy point out, proposas Suppose that the!ne mar tbe "Sbepio\ Pt-n" <Mr Shep "Shep!ov Pan" were put nto tf With the exception f th U t -48 FOREST ROAD ov5 ut act u the Soviet Fo_reLn,ft Wha woud be the &ituat!on ed States, Britain haso devted "t an24,y :Yaier s bued on the anum [ n the Midde ErJt? There woud defence a hsher proportion of ts jijijjijiijiijiijijiijiji j puoct that the-ereat _powers "have be no defensive aiance nkn reource than any other NATO tbe nht to ke by themseves the Midde Eastern countrea to country Durn the past few dedions h!ch woud affect and any greot powt There woud be years, Britains defence upend! detennue the poicies -n hhy no forces but their own anywhere ture hu been equa to about mportant mattm of the Midde near the area Their own anna per cent of the grou nationa EM\em countriej The propoeec menta woud re trcty Um!ted product aa compared with an aver Four Power decaration woud There woud be no "EsenbowPr au of under D per eect r 0th "trod_ to impose on t_hose countries Doctrine" Tqe Midde East woud European NATO countru,s restncns on tr aovmsnty be Joated Just north of the France, the next highest, the a ad foretgn!)oey Yet it woud bordprs of Turkey, rrq and ran, figure s 78 per cent), ofr the f! br_ a dec:araton "about which the and w!tbn striking distance of the nanc!at year ending: tha month, Midde Eut states eoncerned woud whoe area and its oi resources, Britains defence expenditure, ex not ba, e been consu ed Md n i woud be the whae formidabe e!udns, United States aid and (F For Fast Taxi Service HOTEL TAX Dia QUEENS ROAD which tbey not bens nvited miitary power of Ruu!a "suppon costa" contributed by fhe Open B am to 2 am to (:rticpate f"t were a citizen of any Midde German Federa Repubic towards jan3,tf t ij i fact another xampe Eastern country shoud have htd maintenance of British Farces in of t!e So\et Govemmenta cing a feeing of re!e! when read that Germany, s estimated at,mo, r to the 9th century mperat thi tbree Western Powers weri! 000,000 or about /3 of the tota aeeption of Midde Eamrn a!- not prepared even to d!seuu auch eatmatec ordinary Government fn t is the function of the a pro))o!t!on expenditure JTU!)OftiJ_ o ay down rue Moreover, Britain s at a dis and ke decisioru; of the amaea TORONTO (CP) - P ft t e r advatase u compared with it oioru to #cctpt and obey Mr Woodcock, 7, Tuesday waa, com European Au n that t bu tq ShtpioY taks the a!tap of m!ttad for tria 0 a chare o maritan a hrher proort!on of PriDce Gorcakov munei n ect!on w!b the i forcea oude the eountry, and t, be retorted that the duth o tour year od Caroe hu therefore JOD term hia nee - true of tbe "Einhower Vee ut Jan, 9, Woodcock hu of payment tattc (to mid DoctriJier Bat that aot 6 The been n cutody since J, 2 He 8D);b cot of ma!nta!nni Br ATTENTON SHP OWNERS We are now equipped to do au types uf MARNE Eectriea ntaatioa and Repan We have a quantity of bronze Deck Lih on hand J V DAWE LTD r antoa a deear- wu amted after discovry of th ta!n m!ar" p b!shments Eedrca Contractor au that \he United Stain chud body, raped and -Utated, OVere& throuihout the WOrd, prepared, certa c::cuditaneea n the Don Vaey n eutcentra runnni at a L u; "e,80,:,!eb26,m to ruder ustance to oy Jidde ToroaD 000,000 a yeu i foreiin exchane, " No f!hnbwre" CLOTHES make the man if CHAF! makes the cothes WM L CHAFE, Taior 4 HOLD WORTH ST TO RENT HUB Buiding RAWLNS CROSS Foor space approximatey 5000 square feet Avaiabe about Apri, 957 Appy F M OLEARY LMTED HUB OR SALES LMTED -":": MONARCH -MARGARNE Tastes beher because its made from PURE VEGTABLE OLS BUY SOME foday CANADAS LARGEST-SELLNG BRAND OF QUALTY AND QUARTERS DSTRBUTORS F M OLEARY LTD feb28,mar9,23 Nfd-Canada Steamships Ltd FREGHT SALNGS MS BEDFORJ " HALFAX ST JOHNS Leaving Haifax: March 25th Due St Johns March 2m Apri 2nd ; Due St Johns Apri 4th Apri 0th, Due St Tohns Apr!! 2th Apri 20th Due St Johns Apri 22nd Apri 30th Due St Johns May nd MS "BELLE SLE " HALFAX ST JOHNS Leaving Haifax: March 27th Due St Johns March 29h Apri 5th Due St,Johns Apri 7th Apri 3th Due St Johns Apri 5th Apri 22nd Due St -Johu Aprt 24th For mmediate cearance per direct!aings For rates, space 0d other information appy: HARVEY & CO, LTD, Genera Agents, Dia/ 25 RN COLE, Specia Representative, St Johnt, Diai 207 or to THE ROBERT REFORD COMPANY; LTD, Agenf Montrea and Toronto HEAD OFFCE - HALFAX, NS THE DALY N TO RENT _5"ef-containd Apartment AT CROSS ROAr:tS, WATER ST WEST Suitabe for ctcrs Offices, etc Dia mar27tf WATCH REPARS HGH QUAUTY LOW PRCES FAST SERVCE ERNST B BECKER 73 NEW GOWER ST Certft4 Muter Watcho "k" and hwttr DEPARJMENT OF EDUCATO THURSDAY; MAR STADU SCHEDULE -- THURSDAY: 430-PEE WEE HOCKE\ 830-SENOR F:"ALS St, Bons s Guaru RDA Y, Mcrch 29th 430-PEE WEE HOCKEY 700-COfMERCAL SEu FNALS " 847ENEHAi, SKATG ::>A \JRDAY, Mc:ch 30th 800 am-ph-wee {;HLDRESS 200 pm -,,,,,, 700-COMERC\ 900-EXHBTOS unr -- Shearstown T!st Carenir SUNDAY, March 3st: 330-FGURE SK\TG 900-{;ENERAL SK,\TSG, MONDAY, Apri st: 4 3(}-PE \\EE HOCKE\, 830-GE!o;ERAL SK\TSG Atantic Province Examn- ng Board, 957, Senior teacher; hoding the Grade V or Grade Teaching, J Certificate or who have hed the Grade Teaching Certificate for not ess than five years, and who Aso BRCH JUS!i have taught the Grade X course nd KSDUSG within the past three years, are For the BC:ST n fuel, invited to appy for the position CALL of reader on the Atantic Prov- Coadys Coa : inces Examining Board Appications shoud e ad Dia 4249 dressed to the Director f Pub, ie Examinations, Department of 6 SPENCER ST Education, St Johns, and shoud!tiiiiiitiimiii be n his hands not ater than Apri 20th Remuneration wi be at the rate of 5200 a day, pus Board Eectrica and Lodgings Reguar trave ing expeme5 supported by \OUchers wi be paid Service The Reading Centre wi be! at Acadia University, \of\ic, ::o;ova Scotia, and reading is set Max Hawkins to commence on or about Juy : 3rd nd terminate on or before E/ecfrica/ Confroctor Juy 3st 2 Loca Examining Bond, 957! Senior teachers hoding the m23,25,26,2b,30 Grade V or Grade Teaching ==":":! Certificate or who have hed the i Grade U Teaching Certicate!or not ess than five years, and who have taught the Grade X and X course within the past three years are invited to appy fur i the position of Reader on the : Loca Examining Board Appications shoud be ad : dressed to the Director of Pub ie Examinations, Department of Education, St Johns, and shoud be in his hands not ater than Apri 20th Remuneration wi be the LKE UNDAES? rate of SOO pcr day, pus $OO per day for married readers re- YOUL QVE siding outside St Johns Reguar trareing expenses supported by SUNDAE, vouchers wi be paid The Reading Centre wi be at St Jchns, and reading is set te> commence on Juy 2nd and terminate on or before Juy 3st Cnacker and Hepr A imited number of checkers and hepers wi aso be requir ed to assist with the cerica work of the :-iewfoundand Ex : amn!nk Board The a n eusive rate of pay wi be $600 per day Preference wi be g!ven to Un!ersity students and prospective students wishing to find empoyment during the summer hoidays C3nd!dates taking the 97 Pubi Examinations wi not be eigibe to appy mar2,28apr4 i WALLS FUNERAL HOME furnished Chape Quaified Embamers Cadiac Hearst DAL DUCK WORTH ST fhe CUPS AT YOUR NEGH!i0 RHOOD DEALERS Neighbors ano Your Wecome Wagon Hostess Wi Knock en Your ooor with Gifts and Greetings from F iendy Business Civic and Soco Wefare Leoden The Birth of c Bcby, On the txccsion o Arrivas of Newccmert City phon 303 B 8 2 HELP Munn B Maj St John (hursday) Nurses Resi a debate VCE-PRNC 2 TEACHER for TEACHER to Nfd BAMBRCK TO PLANNN f 0,

15 :\ G&aJi h: >Oi[t L soi -\SG :h Ott,: :: s 3st: \G ig st: O(KJ:T ;,, :\G in L Coa 249 ;R ST ica C iwkins omroctor DAES? OVE AE S R HOOD S KNSMEN NEWSPAPER BNGO SERES 2 and 3 TO-DAYS NUMBRS N 38 G HELP KN LP OTHiRS NO OAMU HR For na) Ccann CO US is Nfd Ltd 0 DAL SSS Munn Motors For BARGANS POSTON AVALABLE NSDE SALESMAN WANTED hperience preferred but not tuentia Be the ages of 25 and 40 Appy h person to Majestic Saes Ltd St Johns Genera Hospita Aumni Wi hod reguar monthy mhting TO-NGHT hursday) March 28th, at 900 ocock, at MCL TO NGHT att 8 5 n PYfS MAL HA Subict, TN47 EQUC4TfON SriOULD BE A FEOEML RTHfR THAN A PiOV//N/i;/AL MAH&R M C L vs KNSMEN CLUB \stors (mae and femae), c;ay wecome (te cu OPEN 8 PM TODAY DAHCNO AND D tickj\ r N UNOU AND NfiMAft ATMOHM _,_, - W, L AT -,,, OCPU Ta ar STADUM TOUGHT MARCH 2tk, at 8-30 Snior Finas APARTMENT TO QT KNGS WDGE COURT Rent: $20000 per month Occupancy - prh ht AppJy PARSONS & LANiRGAN TD 3 9 DCKWORT!ot ST, ST JOHNS, NFLD PHONE m27,3i WANTD FOR THE GRLS DEPARTMENT OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND ORPHANAGE N ST JOHNS, NEWFOUNDAND A MATRON Administrative abiity ond insitutiona experience pre ferabe An understanding of girs and on interest in them is eentit, as duties woud indude overseeing tht heath, activities and wefare of between 30 and W girs ALSO REQURED AN ASSSTANT MATR(m whose duties woud incude being Housekeeper end aisting the Matron generay Appications and enquiries sho:d be sent to MR P E OUTERBRDGE, HONORARY SECRETARY, CHURCH OF ENGLAND ORPHANAGE, PO BOX H-23, ST JOHNS, NEWFOUNDLAND WANTED A DESEL OPERATOR to run a DiNeJ Eectrica Pant Appications to be reued to Lewisporte Town Counci Nur\tts Retidence Entertainment wi feature stating quaifications, experience and sakuy ST BONS va required a debat GUAitDS m28,27, ! - _!OR AL-One R C:, An Barber The United Church Academy CARBON EAR rtquirtt the foowing TEACHERS VCE-PRNCPAL TEACHER for subjects n grades 8, 0,, TEACHER to carry out games programme and ocn subjkts in Grades 7 and 8 Four TEACHERS for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 Appy SECRETARY UNT!D CHURCH BOARD OF EDUCATON, CARBONEAR EP LCZ frtetont NHu Annatura \forks Ltd!AMBRCK ST DA 0 92 TOURST HOME LANNNG ON A ViST TO ST PERRi H so, write or wire now for hote mervaton MRS HENR LeFEURE, T "t For Sae oondton ST CWS AV PREfECT $ Berd Motors Ltd DAt 037-P M!RYMintNO OAr: Cuh Rett n perfect Price f22!oo Phone 269-L WANTED-Roo nti bord, or room with breadast (mae) Appy Box 33, c/o Day News mar27,2b CONNECTON SOUTH COAST WEST ND COAL SERVC SERVCE (W Snow) O:a!00 ba: 3 bags fr t SZ 7; 4 bag for Train "The Caribou" eaving $30: bags to $87 For St John pm today Thursday quick deve:y dia A, wu make connection at Port 29 Pearce Avnue Janm aux Basques with MV Bonavis- WHTR TiES Q ta, U- ta for reguar ports South Coast ROT Do\W A QN,!ire!nd Ai:U!be h\tutan ate bt Wt, nurt Tt p 2M p a Bo:z 8 Ra Bank CtabtrL 8t John a Beautician TH! CNJitAL BAU!R SHO,_ We are now operain!s chain You can be assured of the best possibe service pus the ea9! pos5be wat in 24 New Gov;e Street, opp A\ea!ae \!on f you prefer app ititment service Phone 23 A -r Mbceaneous Nf T RiST" Shop () MONA ty AN Beauty Saon, T;\,!o\abiy We spcciaie in repairin nd reconditionin& a Bu!ding, Duckworh Street, apa!2ing n a mehors types Sprin:s and atresses permanent waving, tinting anr GuHante< wor tresses c\tng Open Tuesday and for back aiment a peciaty Thursday nights, six operators Phone 6449 or 366, Standard Dia 477 for!ppointmcnt Reddin& Company, Ltd, Fower Hi fe\>20,! GALGAYPassen peacefuy W) on March 26th, Richard <iib!oio iutars - Ho_,,, Nehou Ga gay, ed 88 years Button Stop Acordeo and fortified by the rites of the Ro- Harmonicas Richmond!!!noman Cathoic Church; eft to phones BoQBt) Carnete- moum a 8 neees and e nep Char" HutteD a Sana P() STRAYED FROM CARPASAN ROAD 2 Coie Pups Aga 6 months; coour back and white, with names on C{)tr of Peter and Freddie Finder pease Dia Reword CARD DR J B MURPHY WLL BE OUT OF TOWN FOR ABOUT MONTH!-TORENT- One six, aso one eight-room :APARTMENT, Freshwater Rd Refrigerator, Range end Hee!! suppied Appy Box 20, CARE DALY NEWS mar27, TO CASH REGSTER Eectric with Soes tota Write BOX No 8 care Daiy News CARL W::\SOR, nsurar 97 Water St Dia so NO OOWitt PAYM&NT ASf TERMS Now $ tt time for your new TL or LNOLiiUM P:LOORS Aso MiNOR REPARS CALL Cabot Construction and Suppies Ltd Duckworth St Arter hrurs ca MR JAMES ADAMS, 793H Newfoundand Services PASSENGER NOTCES and 8nche! Reguar $8!0 S TH COAST SERV<; Now $! by py, re\ ar 5noo: now S!U{), 5S Baccaeu opratn( regu Tube $200--esert Tr Sae Jar ports South Cr>«st Service wi \«rrnm tir Dnrk Cna;tai _R6 m_jnst frh:_bm \\"!ar 00 Saturday,!arch htwl Funera frnm ha!at :::-:-re-::!-!_fw--:: rts!denct! Longs Hi at D PANO O"GAN JNNG Q! a m Thunday to the!oman Repairns Snie Tun S: CathQe Basiica with Recw!em Doan Wm!iOPLi:Y 0 h5l uria! at eiyedere Ceme- Cornao& it Phon i9-l tery mar7,28 um 3h FREGHT ACCEPTANCES FREiGHT SOUTH COAST SERVCE i Freight s acrcprd daiy at tie Dnrk Caata Sheet for a Orts South Coa Service hut in orrer o guarant mo emn hy!is trip of the,,s Baecaicu! Freight must be at the Dock : Coasta Shed not ater than 5, pm today Thursday ARCHBHOP HOWLEY GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOURTH DEGREE "KNGHTS OF COLUMBUS" To morrow, Friday, Mcrh 29th, the Order observes the Diamond Jubiiee of its founding T" honour this notcbe Anaiversory a Specia Meeting wi be hed in the Cub Rooms, St Care Avenue, at 8 pm An address suitabe to the oci:osion wi be given by Past Grand Kntght Bro W J Ashey Members are asked to make a specic effort to be present, F S CARTER, Scribe mar2bite) HERES SOMETHNG TO SNG ABOUT THE MODEL SWEEP WTH 2,000 N CASH PRZES HERE S THE THRD AO JoOURTH DGT (o a ix digit numher FOR 2nd PRZE OF 9 6 e UNCLAMED e si PRZE $,000 LUCKY No TCKETS 5Lc each $ Tickets on sae at yuur neighbourhood Stores or Phone 5782 (9-230) daiy ATTENTON! CONTRACTORS FOR SALE ONE TERRA TRAC CRAWLE DOZER MODEL 600 with Torque Convertor and Hydrauic Transmission Aso ONE TERRA TRAC CRAWLER FRO NT END LOADER Ctpacity one cubic yard, compete with Hydrauic Torque Convertor and Power Shifting Terramatic Drive Both Machine! in use ony three months Competey overhaued and in top condition GONG AT BARGAN PRCES DOMNON MACHNERY & EQUPMENT CO, LTD m26,28,30 QUEEN STREET ST JOHNS PHONE SALE e POPULAR e CLASSCAL e WESTERN 78s and 45s 4 for 97c 0" and,, LPs /2 RCE, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LATEST LPs 25% OFF

16 he, t 6 FEEDS BRAN CORNMEAL LAYNG MASH PG GROWER CRACKED CORN DARY RATON MDDLNGS SCRATCH FEED T & M WNTER LTD DUCKWORH STREET GENERAL MERCHANTS ST JOHNS w atertront Directory,Jf AT THE Questio!!_S Aked CJj SGN n The House, P Tc:E QTeh!ions were u L\ LU- AND CO OOK asked n the House of Assemby The SS Cabot Strait, the MV MTD yesterday by the Opposition:- Codroy, and the tug Pee, these MR HOLLETT- give notce three are sated to remain ori dry that wi to-morrow ask the Hon- dock unti the end of the week curabe the \nster of Economic -T DOCf Scapegoat Deveopment to ay on the tabe The SS Dart wood an Engish D h M 4 50 of the Hi!Use the f9owng nfor steamer from Engad which was ap a Du ouner mation:-, Give the name of the detained from entering port ow- The Last Angry Man New!oundanrt members of the At ing to the ice bocade,entered G d G 4 95!antic Provinces Economic Counci port at noon yesterday and w era reen 2, What amount of monies have now oad a cargo o! Grand Fas The Was Came been expended on account of fees, paper b - traveing expenses, and other ex- S S Kye wi have annua over Tum ng own penscs by the said Newfoundand hau and dockage Henriette Raosenburg 400 mebers? 3, List the names of the SS Nona wi receive repairs,,, members of the Power Comms\V, Henry W Stone mgored Spnng n Washtngton sian, showing saary for each member and the amount of Traveing The! A ante ddresse8 as y d Expenses expended by said Power a cargo of coa for Carbonear, When ron Gates e commission saiing when ee conditions per- Geoffrey T Bu/ 300 MR HOLLETT- gie notice! mit _ d that wi on to-morrow ak the! AT HCKMANS he Outs er Honourabe the Minister of Educa, up ndcf!vnteyd A h Louis J Hae 450 i tv Sybi Scott is having an Coin Wison 425 ion to ay on the tabe of the ertror painting and repms Y d House the foowing information: AT HMC DOCKYARD On y ester ay, What amount of money on capi-! The tv Marnus wi be sai Frederick ewis Aen 500 ta account was spent since Apri ng in a ew days or Hermitage, [, 956, under the heading of :Bay when ce conditions per)t Adventure Unhmted schoo buidings on account o!:- MV Christmas Sea wi be ge Harod Waters 475 (a) Erection and equipment of tng ready for TB service about,,, schoo buidings; (h) Erection and, the first or second week n Apri ce-cod n Ace equipment of Regiona Schoos; AT STEERS LTD Christopher Landon 325 (c) The schoo buiding at Gan! Mhe MV Daphne & Phyis has, rer; (d) Sate under (a) and (b) cargo of four!or Cupids and i The Coming Word the names of Settements benefit wi sai for!hot port when ce f c t n ing from such expenditures conditions permit 0 V ZO 0 MR HOLLETT- give notice A T HALLETTS LTD Wiiam E Hacking 37 that w on to-morrow ask the THE DALY NEWS, THURSDAY, MAR 28, KODAK 5 40 CAMERA Designed for modern f(sh new, fast Kodak F N!wes in Kodaks superb ine of Signet coor-side comer, and c reay outstanding buy in precision miniature tqui men! Has fine f/35 ens, /400 shutter, rongender jify ocding end other easy-operation features comet copft wth fcshoder ond due refecton See it soon! $7850 TOOTONS Ltd "" The Dosco tug Captain Buen : M A Honourabe the Miniter o! Fin- T w }d j Ki C} b nptrtance of the concept of the s from Be sdnd waiing to go: en n rms ance to ay on the tabe of the ft omen s or wads u 0 Fatherhood of God n propo!ing on dry dock hen dockage s R A Preston, s F Wise, House the foowing information: Jhe vote of thanks, Kwanian avaiabe, H 0 Werner 7 50, List the various surveys of rer Dav Of Pra c food a George Soper wished Mr Johnson AT CROSBE & CO LTD Natura Resources undertaken by a e r we in n new charge at Twi MV Norma Conrad, n charge The Story of reand the Government in Newfoundand B }arkjtea d Distributors for Kodak in Newfoundand The reg Rr werky mrctng of nate and forecast for him or Captain Backmore, having re Brian ngis 3 00 and Labrador since Apri, 956 \ tht> Carbonrr KiiiR!i! Cub was h"!ant future n the Newfound- pairs; wi!mn take freight to 2, Give the cost nf each such surhed Rt Goff Hote on Thursca RnJ United Church conference northern ports The Organization Man vey; 3, Tabe copies of reports of The Jff\re for the Word DRY arch 2t 9 7 hen the guest, President Sid aso extended the Te MV Water Sweeney n Wiiam H Whyte ec_h such survey 4, List the in- House the foowing information: much, 0 Pra) rr preparrrt by Serena : reaker was Rev w B Johnson, C!uh thanks to Mr Johnson and charge of Captain Banfied from dvdua expendures made hy the, A ist showing the various, oaner to thp Gnrrrrmcnt \"aad), former!) o! Hungary was! ho was introduced ti the Chair- it best wishes or ha future Lunenberg, has a cargo of coa for overnment dunng the same per brands and quantities of Acohoic Apri, 956! ed in Backheart Schoo Ha on : mnn of the cay, Fred Hawker work New Peri can ai\d wi m for o k & c Ltd if ;;n), of thre rroni ted and totaing $2,359,700 as Beverages incuding Beers pur ;h 8th, urtrr _the au;pce o Rei" Johnson!pokP on Cains ques- Predcnt Sid announced that at that port when weather and ee ( S Q,,, shown n the Budget Speh of chased by the Board of Liquor RECORD MPORTS tc \\ nman ;Lunary ocety ion "Am y Brothers cq> Directors Meeting hed on conditions at that port are &uit- 95_6 under the Hadmg Econ- Contr since Apri, 956: toget- OTT\\L\ C- Cmada r5 Harod oran rrcstdent n! rr?" ann proceeded to deiver a Tuesday, March 9th, fund raising abe, The BOOkSeerS omc Deveopment (scean- her wth the names o! the frms or, ported more :nrrch:oct;,e tho Snc:rt), cortucted th ser\ce thought prooking addre!s which projecb were dacussed with the AT BOWRNG BROS, LTD eous) individuas from whom said iquors year than in any year o! her and was asmtec by!tss Ea p::ced the empha!is in a of our object of raising enough money TheJ V nver eigh n charge PHONES 2008 _ 39 _ 4425 MR OLLET- give notice were bought _2, Gi_, e the tota: tory the Dominion Bumu orp! rs T, Deaney and human reations on the aramount to further m rove the awimmin ; of Captam Thornhi s from Louis that w on to m?rrow ask tc amount of moncs pad out far the Statistics rcpor:crt ; c =On Damond ---- uo and a J rounds g, burg with a cargo of coas for God One of the hymns she chose: Honourabe the Mntstcr of Pubic purchase of Acohoic Liquors and; 0\[: a :Lie was Si 7 t ro Goore F uorrs read the anrt rs, Thomas LeGrow P P Y Bay Roberts and w sai for that for her funera was, "When on my Works to ay on the tabe of fhe the tota aount reaized by the! up more t: an one-frfth 5 ire Lesson rs Freeman Bennett was the \ WRS aho decided at that D port when weather and ice condi day of!e the night s faing" House the foowing information:- Board- of Lqor Canro for the fiurcs for the vrar r! T C H Grow spoke! organist for the service rectors Meeting that as a tangibe tons in the bay are suitabe,j\fter so many years fied with, Were any areas of unoccupied sae of same smce Apn, _956 3,! Chief inr:-asr,": r i h :rty on the theme "\\ho Sha! The singing of the h)mn "The exprt!!ron o! the Ciuba appreca The V Camperdown n charge pain and suffering, how woner- or un_deveoped ands tnke_n, or ex- Gve the ocations of a icensed, with the :niter Knednm Sfpar;ie s," and the sooist was Day Thou Ga\est Lord, s End tion of the often unsung efforts of Captain Mier wich shtfted fu it is to think of!lie endtg propnated under- the prostons of Beer Parors, Hotes, _Taerns and, :nitr St"te rxl n \"en! Herbert Deancy ed," and the Benediction by Rev of the Carbonear Vounteer Fire down from Hickman s Wharf s with these words: the Deparmtent of Pubic Works Toumt Hotes n roiew(oundand a Brgi m anrt -- N were offered by Rev Mr urey brought a ery m Brigade, we ahoud donate 2: now getting ready to sai!or Ha Act 956? 2, f so, give the oca- togeter with the names of the F W t ( ea r urie rs Harod Stanford; pressive service to a coe pairs of thigh rubber boots fax to go on dry dock There from the music round about ions o! said ands and number of propnetors 4, Give the names of ranee :_s_ :rman ine CABNET To make your Bathroom ompete nsta a BEAUTY e POLSHED PLATE SLDNG MRRORS e FLOURESCENT LGHTS e RECESSED AT AYRE & SONS LTD me steaing, acres in each case a such premises wh?se icenses The G and S Cuter, n charge fain woud earn the new and MR HOLLETT- c_ve notce wede revoked and sad premises of Capt Max Regen, having gen hoy song, that wi on ti-morrow ask the cosed since October 2, 956 Gie, era! overhau preparatory to tak And find at ast beneath thy trees Honourabe the Minister of Fish cause for cosing said premises for ing freight for the usua Trinity of heaing, eries to ay on the tabe of the sae of asohoic beverages Bay ports, The!e for which ong House the foowing information:- MR HOLLETT- give notice MV Robert J Kncke, n charge , What amount of monies have : that wi on to-morrow ask the of Capt, Sam Backwood, having been expended by the Newfounc Honourabe the Mirister of Labour pairs and wi eventuay take and Fisheries Deveopment Auh to ay on the tabe of the House i freight for northern ports - ority under the foowing head the foowing nformation:, A The Marjorie nkpen, m charge i ngs since Apri, 956: (a) Saar- compete report on the activities of Capt Geo Backwood, having for bthtr es; (b) Traveing _Expenses; (c) of the Workmens Compensation: repairs Fishing Demonstratwns Gve de- Boarrt m Newfoundand sinct Apri Jennie Eizabeth and Liian J" "U"\ tais of these demonstrations 2,, 956 2, Gie fu particuors as Richards are moored up u Fisheries and Deveopment: (a) to the financia position of the st \ C The Norman Batstone of,which Quirpon; (b) LaScie; (c) Vaey- Board at the present time, show Wiiam Coins s the master s {, fied-badgers Quay; (d) Bay de ing tota amounts paid out as Com having a genera overhau and get- Verde; (e) St Jons; (c) Mera pensation, and surpus over anc t!ng ready eventuay to go fregh- sheen 3, Sat Fish Processing aboe the amounts paid out 3 ing to northern ports Pants and Community Stages 4, Give the tota amount at present AT HARVEY CO Unaocated new proposas to the crtdi of the Workmens Pier \ cqfffi3cs MR HOLLETT- give notice Compensation BoJrd and state The ss Be!e 2nd, which ma " that wi on to-morrow ask the i whether these monies arp invested, came from Haifax to discharge " nutds Honourabe the Minister of Fm and if so, where the said certain freight cargo and take outward u, LUUL\ ance to ay on the tabe of the amounts are im ested 4, How cargo wi 8a to Haifax ---- AT GREAT EASTERN OL M & S Johnson, Captain JDJeph Rogers s maater, having a, enera overhau; wi then take funera NOTC-- freight to porta n Trinity Bay n The funua 0 f th te Mn a few days, e a AT CANADA PACKERS Forence May Down wi take The MV Fenmore of which,pace at 230 pm today,!rom her Captain Backwood a master,!at residence 89 LeMarchant having a genera overhau Road oo the Angican Cemetery MV Trepassey n charge of BRTHS Captain Chesey Winsor s getting ---- ready to go on dry dock when BREEN-Born at St Cares i dockage is avaiabe Mercy Hospita on March 2th,! LST TO ARRVE to Joan (nee Rodden) and Afred The MV Cataina Trader in Breen, a baby boy : charge of Captain Brown i on the way to this port with a cargo is anded a cargo of mixed goods wi be oaded for Port Union Obituay MRS ARCH ADAMS There was a tory in the Famy Herad entited, "The M," which says "Man tos and wins no riches but himsef" That sums up the!e of Mother She went through the Mi of Life Eary n fe, about the age of 2, abe took care : of her mothers famiy u her i mother wu sick for a number of : yers previous to her death Then i she spent some years iving with her cripped aunt working with no thought o! remuneration After she married sm devoted her time to her fa!)iy Later on in fe there waa an edery ady, "Aunt Emiy East man," as she was known to the : radio audience, who was vng aone, so Mother took her in her home and cared for her!or four! years By that time there were two crippes together, Mother ben i one of them She suffered the crue disease of arthrta!or 2 years we often wondered why Perhaps the answer ies n the fact : that to understand suffering we must stiffer She not ony under stood suffering, she heped the suffering by sending cothes to! Korea and giving her time and money to the Womans Missionary Society for those who suffer n foreign ands She was President : of Georges Brook WMS for 24 years She waa aso a ife member of that Society The meetings werr hed in her home for a number of yean because of her crppeneu ; The buria aervice wu Cinduct ed,by Rev L H Perry, The tex of ha sermon waa " have!ough the good fight, have kept tht JONES--Born at the Grace HoPh to Betty and Owen Jones, on March 27, a Kn DEATHS GLL-Passed peacefuy away at Brg!,!st night, Dr F D Gi, in his 4th year, eaving to mourn his woow, six sod! and four daughten Funera notice ater GALGAY -Pa!Sed peacefuy away on March 26, Richard Nichoas Gagay, aged 88 years, fortified by t rates of the Roman Oathoc Church; eft to mourn are ne(:es and 5 nephew! Funera from his ate residence 69 Longs H at 9 am Thursday to the Roman Cathoic Basiica with Requiem Mass Buria at Beedere Cemeter mar27,2b TOBN - Passed pt!acefuy away at St Cares Mercy Hospita, Josephine McKay Tobin, age 68 years; eaving to mourn their sad os8 husband (JC), 4 0ns, Gus, Edward; Max and Bob; two daughters, Margaret and Mrs Arch Yetman (Rita); two brothers, Wiam and Edmud McKay, a0 20 grandchidren 2000 Pairs PLASTC BUNGALOW and COiTAGE CURTANS Now ony 59c up t the SEE US FOR ALL Lumber Needs HERES WHY!rom a pank to a caroad we ran deiver stand ard widths, engths or o!f-sz measurement to meet your par!cuar specfciatons We carr umber in every grade whether youre bu!cna: cabinet, addn a new room or panning that dream house The r,ht umber for the job costs ess, means a better in vestment for the future See us! Morning, Neighbor Pea" consider uo jurt thai ycur riendo sot nrfghhcrt f car hdp fc n anv " wido your n ourancr probtau, joa ca NSURANCE Ttmp:t Bu;rd:r,g_ O:to)f!t Oi o D70 7, Ti bc """" - - e PHONE 5 Tr j,,f TOPSAL ROAD 808 SHAW ST 806 CHESTER DAWE Limited DSTRBUTORS FOR MACMLLAN & }LOEDEL SALES LTD SYLVAPU PJ,YWOODS DECORATVE AND WA!:RPROOF, ALSO TMBERS, MOULD- NGS, NTEROR FNSH AND PLANK FOR BOATS ETC oour BRCH AND OAK FLOORNGS, ONE OF THE MOST PO!TANT items N YOUR HOME, S STORED N A HEATED WAREHOUSE ALSO AT SQ:AW STREET AN ASSORTMENT OF JOSTS, framng ASD MATCHED LUMBER S UNDER ROOF VAUX rra Nova SLATURE: Ans Qu on the cost of sick reief were presr to a question yr f in Apri, 956, ahc-horied 595, 9"i, the figure categories ere SJ,684 The February, were $29333 and c bodied reief rate adut-up tn 55 a cditiona odut, ss a m chid, S5 a month to haf a ton o( co;, in oi or wood a n and other nrrrs nc) suppie; ony S25 6, \ Loans to i or S r "s Apri 957: s-0 - _, 2i 25 on e-ra" : u, ne Thurc time, Canada:r faith" abe This worked _was for very the appropratr service o

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