CODS. of l-hg. Newsletter. trrmperatt-lr(,,r,r, and.,udr: when gone. Yet, change our. is conc.'rncd. cell.isle most no't.

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1 CODS CORNNR CODS CORNER ()hr' i Dffodil t. r-1r ri'.rl Ohio [)ffuriil Society S''t\ Newsletter l-hg Centrl Newslettt?r 4f 'l \i i lttr Vol. Y.frrv 1(181 No. 3 July ')f'1 ' 1 t j r' ir c'*ctt-;. Nncy Gill ltl r l lltfi 1 iit lltnir Liggett Mrs. Jmes L i.' :i-.i Edir ;:ll-e: n t FF President MTSSAGi: i]ftstdt!'f S MESSAGE: PRESDENT'S :it.upid dffodil trrmpertt-lr(rr dyst wrmer df'f'odi-1 folige. tht stupid f'o1i;r/. Sunny wrmer tempertures tht SunnY dys liow t.lre bloom Lrllr; ft.'s mzg se:l cn chnge our lt.itudr: when whern t's ses our ttitude bloom hs mzg how cn chnge gri1 ccomplishments bthis yer come ge. Yet mc-legret ecomplisltrr.:rtt:: this Yet we hvemde corne wehve ge Ver bewrd look wrd wc look A:: we :-rnot.ltr:r cuse our mombership membership -is is cc.'rncd. ccerned. As nor most cell.isle most our :;m11 no't t.oo smll '(]v()rve C0DS remember everye not v('r r mcrnb<--rship is i:; o remembc.r our CODS our membership yer j<;l-1-hir ycr yot.l prliciptt:. So yourre o you tire:d do it job o tired this yer do Soif t.o prticipte. if you're yourrc yer mybe wlry you're As11 yourself itrs time didn't time didntt ctribute fo sk lsl yer rnybe it's ctribttle lst VoLlrrrr-'11 why t.rr hule. i'lcnl conlri l i Ech ltv<: member olrr our group. group. Ech worthwhile tlent ctribute. us worth. u-q hve lt.':'rlb.'r '+'n jrrr:r'.r.i:te our ollr. Lo crese 1 tkr. lso would Wr:lso! We woi;. 1d like BELEVE me w(. we nr:ec need your' your 1-lents tlents! illilthvr m r 't o jo jo.i n \..' thkg your grdeng flil--:nilrr membership your :i() be wotxg tlrl:-g workg rnlmbershi;t so f;1 r'(l.lrgl friends l: us..jol1r ssocsurl- you'll ocf rj your A wrm w.--lcomc welcome L\ut our new new mr-mbcr:: members. nm sure A i.;i-it ;'orr?1 1 fd 'm 'l'lrcy i;rlci Mrs iti with us us mlive mtive Lo sy sy the lest! lest! y re rc Mrs. Dld iti with McCoy. Terri McCoy. Zwillg Mrs. Terri Cmpbel-1 Mrs. lw i11g Mr. Mr. && Mrs. Rod Cmpbell Mrs Rod prt 'm gc As we to prt irrn:)rrre we go Diggg t Whetsne Whetsne begn.iune'15th. begn June 15th. As sure li96r6r:rl 'l'he gld tht r: s r:r chore hs hs been been compl--:ted completed tiri this ses..'.' re l1 gld tht this l'l' ll lhrs chore ()n luth Prdue's be Ruth Frdue'r; members will 'uorkg wili be i'ii i:;ne Bulb ts'.rlb dtis Whetsne workg members dtis iui;?nd C0D.S n-workers citjs n-workr:r:; dtis t:00 July 2nd t :00 p.m(brg p.m.(brg your your own own bgs) bgs) CODS p. m. ( BY0B) will?:00 p.m.(by0b) July th be July w i i be t :00 th t yer we gen this you re your grden love rrve hve t.his yer we would ir: your woutrd love f Tf you diggg re diggg sle tlre bt.llbs members; Gretehen your excess bulbs. Gretchen Stegmeier will cduct members sle will excess cducl Stegmeier :/'our solcl l-ii--r'home fne.jxcess he sold 15th t:30 her home Septembrer September 15th t :30 p.rn.(byob) p.m.(by0b) excess bulbs bulbs will will be '1oB 1 t lpper Flower Show t.he NorWest t. Upper t September 262 t NorWest. Flower?6? 1481 September Show Arlgn Municipl Arlgn Municipl Services Services Buildg Buildg. need se11 se help sell Lhese t.o help need workers workers purchsed by bt-tlbs t sellg Superphosphte by besellg Superphospl'rte purchsed Wewill bulbs t shoti. show. We lso be will lso (pper) your hlf-gll Howrd lilrd Howrd Wrd bulk. bulk. Plese milk crns hlf-g11 milk crls (pper) Plesesve sve your pckgg lter lter this l'()r'' pckgg thi s summer. summer nnul nnlrl Cocktil Cocktil Prty Prty will b<: t Stegmeier:: (g) the Stegmeiers(g) w111 be t. serve Sr-rndy September Sundy 20th t t pm. p.m. Brg Septembcr'20t.h serve cl'oeuvre Brg n hors d'oeuvre n hors your own punch you re fmous punch ': ight t.he fmous eight your own booze if you no1 terested re not booze if Lerested lwys hve. wi lwys hve. we Dues re re Tg hs g g csented csented compile compile roster. roster. Dues Tg Bourne Bourne hs )13??A. TLiey 0hi Court \59 o Columbus Arthur pyble NOW Sue Hrsh Hrsh 459 Arthur Court Columbus Ohio y fvble N0W juniorsi $400 ljo chrge re n dividul dividul $5.n0 $5.00 fmily fmily. No juniors. chrge r X4.00 n This will wi-11 We must hve hve your your dues dues by by August August 1 1 be be listed listed Liie roster. roster. This '^j'' must Tg. m1-:e thgs mke thgs lot esier Tg. esier you ow expect erpect ll ll you be encourged enthused beencourged Now enlhuseci. motivted motivted promote t'.- per:ipeelive members lowtt f ever nc our Society promote yellow fever our Society l l perspective Lo ll Yel members you! yourselves :iri(1 most most ll ll yourselves... wnt wnl YOU! we. -

2 0hio Stte Society's Ohio entitled April's Stte Show Show entitled Dffod'il Society's Centrl Ohio 0hjo Dffodil Apri1's Centrl Artistry ws held Muni ci p1 Services Ar1 i ngn Municipl Bui di nq Upper Arlgn Serv.ices Buildg Upper hel d t Arti stry \rs 25dult April exhjbir': re were25 exhitrirs dul exhibirs ncl 55 junior rewere April junior exhibirs rvi1it 49il with 498 erttries entries or or [i b'loorrs. blooms. Wer-wise hcl bd ent.rius r^le hd hrd sprg!jer*tvise we sprg entries yers however trd i qulity show. were hou/ever'. we lvr-. hd show. were down or down compred ur yers ctpdrerd lgill. t t lrirtlity - our t- ws t ws list most encourgg encourq.q mny see. rrrny entries see; lirrrl Growers fir.oyter.s our. Smll JuniorSecti Secti.Our 0urJunior Sectiis buildg Secti. hujldcl g rrice rv:; nice i 1- ws q rrdit see sorrc: see some jurriilr growers qroujers this new junior new thjs re. re. is jn Hnrly Htfield i'ttfield Hy Crey E. [:. Qun Crey Riblrr. This Awrr.l Ribb. This collecti 0un Awrd cr.rliectiorr gve show goers n shotv goers opportuni t.y gve n opportunity see some see sorite newer ne\ier vrieties sgi-lr s s Akep vri e t. j es such Akep '{-P.Snoopie 55 W-P Snoopie 66 W-GPP Cool Autumn Brnby t{-gpp Lem Lenr Sherbert Sherbert 22 W-GYY l{-gyy Cool Auturrrn rrrl lirrrb.y Moor l4oor 3 W-Y l^l-y ( might mic;ht sk sk why why this is color 3 color coded codecl 33 W-Y fl-y when i hs reri/ lvhetn it hs distct d'istct red/ ornge rim). rirri). Hy ornge Hy lso lso ADS Gold Ribb ADS Gold Rjbb with lvith nverpolly [J-trJ. nverpolly 22 W-W.. ( this is t te Grce Bird Bi rd White Grce Ribb l^jhi R'ibb Vse Dl s 33 W-GWW. Vse 33 Dlls lt. ilf'jll. Nncy Nncy Purple Ribb Purple R'ibb with Gill v'i lg-cupped dffodils r^rith collecti l{oiir-i lq-cuppetl clffocli'ls Nomi collecti L.iggett Liggett lt{ro Ribb Ribb with Mro with collecti b.i-colors which collectj reverse reverse bi-colors y-u csisted Cht csisted D.ydrerri 22 Y-W Y-l^i Cnry Bethny 22 Y-W Cnry YW-W Yl'J-t^J Dydrem Cht Y-W Y-.J Bethny ' l{ew Dy New hors Red-White-Blue Ribb clss Hy ok Dy Y-W. hors Y-t/. Hy Ribb clss Red..lJhjte-Blue ok shovr.g Lyrebird showg []-Gt^llnJ 3 W-GWW t-te Snow Vl-p Cnry Y-G!! Artic Lyrebird 33 Y-GWW Snow 3 Artic Chr Cnry YW-W Ybl-tl Chr 22 W-P nrl Lte D.y plus New Dy Y-W. Y New pl rrs -Vl Gill / first Mitures Gretchen n relm l{iture n Gretchen Stegmeier lv her relm Mitures her first Miture Stegrneier Gold Ribb Ribb with Gold Sun Disc Y-Y Chrlene Segmiller Miture with Sun Disc Y-Y Chrlene Segmiller lliture White llhite (ech ly wi th Bobbysoxer with Gi Y-YY0 (ech Bobbl/soxer Y-YY0 worr e s tenr) llncy Gill ncl Nncy hvg e ly hvg stem) Lvender Ribb Lvender Nnc.y's collecti t^ls P.ibb collecti coilect.i ws mitures. Nncy's collecti 55 mitures. pul y-0 mde up up Bebop mde W-Y Clre Y-Y Hwer 5 Y-Y Stfd Y-0 Pul d f Bebop t^l-y Cl re Y-Y Huier 5 Y-Y S r Cottel 33 W-WWY. Cottell t^j-lil^ly Robert Robert C. sterl e stem mjnjtures e lrjtrous Awrd Awrd collecti C. Wtrous twelve mitures collect'i twelve ech from ech fr 33 divisis ws wrded divisis ws fe collecti. Nri Liggett Nomi collectj. t for fe wrded Liggett csisted Stfd csisted t^j-y Y-y Bebop Y-0 Hwer Firy Chimes Bebop W-Y stfd Y-0 chimes 55 Y-Y Hwer 55 Y-Y Y-Y Firy rd-y Bobbysoxer Clre Y-Y Clre W-W bulbocodium Frosty Morn Demure W-Y Y-Y Frosty Y-Y Demure Bobb.ysoxer 10 Y-Y bulbocodiunr 10 Morn 55l^l-trJ y-y. (two Y-YYO Y-YYO (two Disc Y-Y. Rikk.i z W-Y tj-y cht Y-Y Rikki sun Disc stem) Chit ch'it Cht ncl Sun stem) t y-y Jr. gentlemn R A vounq A young gentlemn Klich Jr. clobbered R Klich fenrle exhibirs ncl exhibirs femle clobbered Chrispher Chrispher Dvid Awrd with Dvid Lng Lng Awrd beut'iful specimen w'ith beutiful Cntbile specimen Cntbile 99l'l-GGR. W-GGR. Ors Ors wng were Krist ribbs wng blue Kristjn Cuilwik blue ribbs Cujlwjk Sect'i were Junior Junior Secti Lesl Leslie Gill Bourne. Gi Sllie Sl Bourne ie ie LJrd Jck Jck Wrd W-W Tkordi 44lJ-ll l4rie Klich Trophy with Novice Klich Novjce Trophy Mrie with Tkordi Jen best flower Smll Growers Jen Wright frlright Awrd Awrd best Smll Growers Secti flower Sectj gorgeous Broomhill presented with exhibitg gorgeous exhibitg ws lso hl-w. Mrie Broomhill 22 W-W. Mrie vrs with e lso presented yer membership yer Society membership Americn her efts. Americn Dffodil Dffodil society her efts. first For For first time time our our show show hd hd CODS CODS Chilenge Chllenge Clss Clss Gretchen Gretchen Stegmeier Stegrneier her her secd secd trophy trophy dy dy with with bloom Shg Shg Light L'ight 22 Y-ORR Y-0RR (best llomj Liggett Nomi Liggett Mry Lou Gripshover Awrd with Bethny 2 Y-W Mry 2 Lou Gn'ipshover Arrrrd with Bethny Y-hJ (best Americn bred bred dffodil Americn dffodil sholv). show). fjrst tl Tg Bourne Bourne Tg Sjver Ribb Ribb Silver with tl tte with first time 26 Blue 26 Blue Ribbs. Ribbs. t l plesure t ws ws Grhm hve Rob Phjl Phillips Grhrn hve plesure lrlew Rob Hill Hil Phil Phillips New Zel with Zel wi th us. us.

3 fter ll ll Lhebd bd success fter Our wri success gve show ws gveus Our show us poeticus chnce mi Lure secti secl.i. mny mny poeticus to hve lrve much much lrger lrger miture mny mny chnce were shown. We Wt:were weretunte tunle hve hve Chrley Chrley Applegte ApplegLe Ry Ry scholtz scholtz werc shown. rrom+ ' our our Norrn Nort irern Ohio 0hio friends f riends brg brg down Divisi Divi s i 11 r-rnd some dr:wn flowers. 'l-oll+t:r. wish wj sh thnk tlink ech ech every evlrrv member membrrr' CODS t.lrr: ir C0DS ' ir superltive eft show wish thnk exhibirs f'ort ish ir().-.xlli ef tlie show iu Lo t. lrrri.: t bi t.t': f'or rt.l[)er']-livi'l t.lteir wi-se ri;; r; l;1 ir wise choice clrr-rice entries LrriLries Ruth Rutir Bill ll j l Prdue ]r:1 1.'6'1 1;r. o il specil 1-lrnkl; r-lirl;t' thnks openg olteni ng ir L-re Lr home hr.: to us Lr:.1 oll Sturdy lt.llrr.l.t.1 night n igr1. f'or our olrt' dner gret fun prty. t even do 1t ws w:rgret f'un nci my nlt.'rivrrll it g ltir:rirt cocktil CoCl<-ti-l- prl-y. -i3 it sometime! r.r ome t rne! 1 'l g Bourne Tg lll.tow Chirmn Clii rnrn llrrt.l 1'): Show -0-o* RESULTS DAFFOD]LS: RESULTS OF OF FORCNG F'OHCNG DAFFODLS: jn our ()ur cg cg Untuntely who prticipted members who our our members ilost Untuntefv most hrrr': fi ]ur'o:.j progrm hd unsuccessful results. Most Most didn't didn't hve complete compli-l1-r': filures f ts rogrm lld ul resul unsucctlss. t put However but not enough succes:r success j-n rel relti the ef eft put t.h. th. However but nol ti hulb:; pob:r :;mll bulbs lv some riome smll f must s&1y' hd bulbs bulbs ly must sy hd twelve Lwelve pots by our our members ni{rmbrr rs Mnow didn't blocm. bloom. So Mi nnow 8W-Y BW-Y dic't. mybe method method used used by So mybe cbrrbuled ctributed to ir their loss. loss. Se'i p. Light -ight 2W-YYO Wshgn W.rfri ngn 8W-0 BW*O 6W-Y Mrth Silg Jck Snipe Snipe 6W-Y 2W-YYC Jck Frostkiss 6W-W 5W*W :rnd Golden Goi dr.:n Dwn Dwn 8Y-0 By-tl filed Crlen 2Y-Y 2Y*YFrostkiss filed completely. complt:tetr1r. Crlen hd rte. From ird 50% fllure rte. Fromten ten bulbs bulbs ech ech Blmorl Blmcrl 2Y-Y 2Y*Y 5A% filure Cnrvbird 8Y-GOO 8Y-G00 e two ech Cnrybird e or or two ech bloomed. bloomed. 'T'rim Y-Y00 Ti-ierrn 3Y-R rm Fortune 2Y-0 2Y-0 Clckmus Clckmus 2W-YYO 2W-YY0 Trim Mrco iir 3Y-R Fortune Y-Y00 Mrcol 2W-P Dynmite Dynmite 2W-0 2W-P 2W-0 Beryl Beryl 6Y-0 6Y-0 Tete Tete Tete Tete 6Y-0 6Y-0 hd hd succe:rs. success. And Ancl judgg from from reports reports ir success ws judgg ir success ws lrgely lrgeiy due neglect due negiecl fter fllr:r ihe bulbs bulbs were were plnted plnted unlil until bloom bloom pperec pperedr n f.oli-rge. folige. left lef t pols ll my my pots refrigerr refrigerlor t ll t lest bulbs showed some Jest until until bulbs somt: growllt. n p growth. Tlientrremoved p removedm m Lo side side bsement bsement wdow wjndow few f e:w prl weeks; n tlren pub tricky Lricky prt me weeks; put m m under under grow-lights. grow-lights. me ws w:l '1.;tr: time time bloom Te te; bloom bhe Plnt Plnt Society Society Fir Fir hel-d held Jnury. Jnury. Tete Tete ws ws bhe esiest esi-esb sc most most desirble me rne becuse bl-ocm lsted lsled so desirble becuse Lhe bloom j-ve 'llcte pln lg ws unbstrus unbstrusive. n fct pln ce Tete lg folige folige ws n fct ce 'i'ete every Tete f11. every fll. generl Some unscientiflc unscientific cclusis cclusis observed observed were: were: Some generl tller.ipecific color specific did not not come come true true s s grden grden ex: ex: rimmed color did rimmed cup cuf) did nol did not necessrily necessrily hve hve rim rim or or n n ornge ornge miglrf might l-ook look yellow; yellow; stems Divisis 1 strg enough blo stems Divisis 1 2 2r 33 weren't werenrt strg enough support support blo (: pro6 B seemed seemed to hve hve less less fensive fensive folige folige &rlil blooms blooms more more pro 8 porti porti entire entire florescense; florescense; scented ir sce sc. scented flowers flowers held held ir grow s pols s flowers flowers did grden; did not nol grow s lrge lrge pots s y Lhey do do the grden; mold mold begngfolige beg:ng folige ws ws tlre killer. killer. Nncy Nncy Gill Gil -o-osuperphosphate: SUPERPHOSPHATE : Howrd Wrd pounds Wi:rd is is securg securg 500 Howrd superphosphte superphos phle 40% 40% 500 pounds CODS L purclrse t CODS t ver.r very good good price. price. Members Members my Members my purchse l the Members Bulb Bulb lle Seplernber 15th t Sle September 15th t Gretchenrs. Gretchen's. No price hs No price hs been been set. set.

4 PORT ER N : PORT' ERN: n Sir Sir Frnk Frnk Hrris Hrris n sent me Bllydorn Bllydorn Bulb Bulb Frm Frrn:ient me (Port Stewrt seedlg seedlg 6/3 Stewrt. xx Tryst) Tryst) becuse W-GGW/xxx (Port becuse Poet Poet Stewrt 6l3W-GGW/xxx Sleivrt tht hd tht hd orcered ordered ws ws dmged. dmged. t t ws ws with with much muclr nticipti nlicipti tht tht looked ooked wrd wrd Lo it's itr-: bloomg bloomg tlre followg followg sprg sprg s s Divisi Divisi 33 whiles re re e olte whites nty my fvorites fvorites GGW GGW -- wow wow!! Sprg Sprg cme cme it it hd lid buds couple couple buds everytime everytime f looked looked they y werc were ::til still buds. L buds. Flly Fi nly This went went i-he next y blsted. yers. Lhey blsted nexl two bwo yers. n llhern decided decided This to lift lif'l move octi hoplfully move it it Lo nolher nor flocti hopefully wrmnr wrmer e. e. This This yer sme yer seedi g ws sme seedlg ws troduced troduced s s Port. Port Er. Er. Lst 1-st. fll f11 rereplnted e plnted e double double nose nose two two lrge lrge rounds rounds. Agrn Ag thi:; this April Apri nice nice ft buds buds Nothg. ft gret gret nlicidli nticipti. Nothg. begng be511nng My My 'li're ors picked e: picked e brougl-rt brought it it door:.; doors where where iit did opcn. open. did olhr:rs did dld greeng per-i nllr segments. open open but but with i^lilh some some greeng disrti disrtl LLre perinth scgments. ( 1j stcd s T'his is This is very lte cultivr very lte cult i-vr (listed s 55 trt ctlog) fer:l ctlog) feel 'J ;-rg Bourne purchsed it our wer is not fvorble fvorble growg growg it. it. Tg our wer is nol it Bourne purchsed ye.r. yer lst lst yer it this she she o Loo ws w:i unsuccessful un:iuccessful bloomg bloomg it t hi: yer. yer reported progre:ls Lst Lst yer Sir Fr.nk progress Port Port Er. Er. reported Slr Frnk js his Here Herc is hjs reply re 1l.y lo me: me: rrwe lso rrblstedr! this yer We i n e yer lso hd hd mny mny buds buds blsted Lhi s yer e down ver down sck lck lck r r 3O 30 dys dys! sck blme blme tlie! All A11 flowered f lowe'{.rd well well lst lst jn the gr ren buds yer yer cold cold lle lte wet wet ses. ses. t t lwys i:rr:-: very buds lwy:r hs vcr.v green growi ng cditis. needs needs moist moist growg cditi s. 1.6 Airil ws rflll Columbus Columbus f-or April ws 1.6 ficil flicit mount rnount rfll prt thl. ches norml. prt wn live live hd hd more more thn Lhn tht. ches bove bove nornl. wn Er needs. needs. So it must must not not be be ly moist cditis corrdj t r -s tht Port Port Er So it ly moist (Cu-henrjll xx purchsed Pixie's plus side On 0n Lhe oplus side i purchsed Pixie's Pool Pool 3W-GGY 3W-GGY (Cushendll ple.:ed Se Se Green) Green ) from f rom Crncirn Crncirn 1st. lst :/er yer ws ws ve very with i it. ry plesed with t. descripti descripti Lhe ctlog ctlog sid sid it il ws w::r rr rtlier like like Grce Crce Note No1-<; 3W-GGY 3W*GGY (Cusirendil xx?? Cntbile) (Cushendll sr:ll it Cntbile) ol' course course tht Lht ws w:; enough enougi'i sell i1 me. me. Grce GrceNote's Noterscolorg colorg is is e e tl-re most mosl plesg il\ i1 1b1e i:lesg vilble perinth colorg dffodils. df f odi 1s. colorlng tire size size re simi-r but but r rsimilr Lhe perinth 'llhi:r flower g plus Pixre s Pool segments Pool do do not not roll roll wtrich which i:; is.). bi big plus. segmenbs Pixie's. This f lower opened round round lire er1.y :iii3:or. iropg opened 9th 9th Mv My 1n n n erly erlyerly ses. m hopg m thb the future future it it will w111 bloom Lo exhibit. tht bloom erly erly enough oug;}'r rxrribit. Nomi Nom L Liggett Li ggr: t t -0-o* NEW NEW MEMBERS: MEMBERS: rlow hve hve four four new new Cecile hs been been hrd work g g we now Cecile hs hrd t L work y re; members. members. y re; )tr322a Ohio )43220 Middle f i ild Drivc; Columbus Ohio Rod & Lurie Lurie Crnpbell; Cmpbell; 542 Drive; Columbus Rod & ';Ll? Middlefield '1 g. (Mrs Terry McCoy. U. Avenrir:; Columbus Columbus Ohio OLiio Terry McCoy (Mrs. D.E.); 2A2 ndinol ridi nol Avenue; ) i 2021 (Mr:; 0hi \3220 Columbus Ohio Pt Dld; 3B 381 Mountview Rod; Rod; Columbus Pt Zwillg Zw-llg (Mrs. Dld; 1 Mountvicw Wrlcome CODS C0DS Anor new mernber member but but o1d old ffriend is Ed Ed Wrig-1 Wright. rj --nd is L Welcome ncl AnotLrer new plrsnt your ssociti irr plesnt lerng we vlil-h our uirr society :;ocie1-y is hope your ssocilli with we hope e. e. -o-o-

5 lr BULB SAE : BULB SALE: Over e t ri-rd the df f odit collectis hve been so lr.i. coll:cli 114 is shorlest suppl y rio send vour orclerr Hy Htf ield tody drt be disppoled. Se11 :jorlre t o your f riends. Over e t.sird dffodil collectis hve been sold. Colbcti #4 is shortest supply so send your order Hy Htfield dy d't be disppoted. Sell some your friends. A few bulbs SympheLLe?-'l-y will be vilbre $;.:0 ech This will*be C0DS Chl1-enge Bulb. Dor-i't wit th.i:; e s Lhere re nol mnv vilble. A few bulbs Symphette 2Y-Y will be vilble $5.50 ech. This will be CODS Chllenge Bulb. D't wit this e s re re not mny vilble. Flfty col1i:ctis five milurt:rwlli br v:rj1;rirltl t $6.00 ech. 'l'ire:v ilrrl lwe r ';Y-Y Jnmbli o fjy-0'l'oto :l '[:t. 6Y*0 Mnow BW-y Srtnciil Y-Y. Plce vour order now :rrly unsolcj collecti:; will be sle b blrr JorWest Ff owcr Show September 262. Drt wit! Fifty collectis five mitureswill be vilble t $6.00 ech. y re Hwer 5Y-Y Jumblie 6Y-0Tete Tuts_: 6Y-0 Mnow 8W-Y Sundil Y-Y. Plce your order now ny unsold collectis will be sle t trig NorWest Flower Show September 262. D't wit! 0rders f or collecti mj nilures nci Svmplit_-tLe r:liould bc plced wi tlt Nncy Gi 1 1. ( 4'' ) Mke chr:ct<s p.y;ib 1L: C0DS. Orders collecti mitures Symphette should be plced with Nncy Gill. ( ) Mke checks pyble CODS. }{PORTAN' DATES: MPORTANT DATES: Julv 2 198'1 July 1981 July July 1981 September September Ocber Ocber September Septembcr 20 '1981 0c1-ober i ctr:ber 1 198'! -o- Workers Sle t Ruth Prdue's N-workers CODS Members sle t Ruth Prdue's Members Bulb Sle t Gretchen Stegmeier's Cocktil Prty t Gretchen Stegmeier's Midwest Regi ADS Fll Meetg - Dyn Ohio Plntg Dy t Whetsne Disply Grden reported recent CODS newsletter tht hd plnted White Mjesty' (1 W-W) 3 yers it never cme up. followed Sir Frnk Hrris's dvice' dipped bulb HOT BENLATE n completely covered it with DRY BENLUE. lso put some ground bee plntg this yer it cme up hd three nice blooms. Cecile Spitz!t is with much regret tht we hve lerned 1 deth Louise Hrdis First Vice President Americn Dffodil Society. Louise ws vlued member ADS will be sorely missed by friends collegues. ******************** ********************* ******************** MPORTANT DATE CHANGE********************* Workers dte t Ruth Prdue's will be Tuesdy July th t :00 p.m. N-Workers dte will be Fridy July 10th 12:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Beds # 6 9 hve been dug t this prtg hopefully will be dug this week. Let's hope wermn coopertes: f you cn help ctct Nomi Liggett dys. Cll WE NEED YOUR HELP DGGNG! -o- -o- Workers Sle L Huth Prdue':; N-workers C0DS Mcmbers sle t Ruth Prdue's Members Bulb Slc-. t Gretchen Ste gmeier's Cocklll Prtv t Gretchen Sitcgrnejer's Midwest Regi ADS Fll Meetg - Dyn 0hio Plntg Dy t Whetsbe Disply Grden -) - reported recent C0DS newsletter tht hd plnted lnjhite Mjesty (t W-W) 3 yers i! ngygt cme up. followed Sjr Frnk Hrris's dvjie. i ippe bulb HOT BENLATE n compiete'ly covered it wjth DRy BENL1Tg. ' i lso put some jn ground bee plntg this yerit cme up hd ttrree nice blooms. t is w much regret tht we hve lerned o deth Louise Flrdis Fjrst Vice Fresjdent Anrericn Dffodil Society. Loujse ws vlued member ADS will be sorely m.issed by friends coj egues. Cecile Spitz *******fi*****f$** MpoRrANr DArE change****$*+fix****x******* ljo rkers d te t Ruth P rdue' s wi dte wjll be Frjdy July 1Oth 12:00 be Tuesdy July th t p.m. until 8:30 p.m. :00 p.m. N-['lorkers Beds # 6 t hve been dug t this prtg hopefu'lly dug this week.'s hope wermn coopertes: f you cn _-----* help ctct Liggett oys. cll hje NEED y0ur HELP DGGNG: sw grcten brrks dffodil Slim puprrs brcez -Edwrd Wyndhm l'ennnl sw green bnks dffodil Slim poplrs bre(jz: -Edwrd Wyndhm Tennnt will be Nomi

6 1981 CENTRAL CENTPAL OHO O-O DAFFODL DAF.ODL SOCETY BULB SALE Four outstipcy collectis dffodils Four outstg collectis dffodils ll cn w blue ribbs will grow multiply well your grden. Order NOW ll0!l.yourself friends friencls club clu[i members. nrembers. Grden club orders Columbus Colurnbus will be delivered bout hout Ocber 0cber 1st. Or 01.her orders will be ctcted pick-up. orders wil be ctcted pick-up. --c (30 Collectis vilble) COLLECTON!!L!ECTl_0ll # 1 i_... (30 Col lectjs vilble) B Eul bs $l 0.00 (Cti og Vl ue $i5.00 ) 8 Bulbs $10.00 (Ctlog Vlue $15.00) ll cn w hlue ribbs rv'ill. cc c- 1C llrmy Rel s 5 Y*Y Rthowen Fl nte 2 Y'R Ester l'1o 2 lj*gbjll Redstrt. 3 'l*gl!0 0net 2 Y-Yo Propriety 2 'rj-p Chpeu Cht Y-l^l Hrmy Bells 5 Y-Y Rthowen Flme 2 Y-R Ester Mo 2 W-GWH Redstrt 3 W-GWO Onet 2 Y-Y Propriety 2 U-P Chpeu 2 W-Y Cht Y-W COLLECTON # 2... (20 Collectis vilble)!llle!_t_0! {... (20 Collectis vilble) B Bulbs $.Oo (Ctloq Vlue $tg.oo) 8 Bulbs $10.00 (Ctlog Vlue $19.00) Chiioqu 1Y-11 Armd 2 Y-0 Vtrntqe 211-llPP Festivit-y 2l'J-Y Bllycstle 31J-l.lll0 Slieveboy 1Y-Y Pueblo H-!1 lnloodl Pr.ce 3lj-Y Chiloqu 1 Y-W Armd 2 Y-0 Vntge 2 W-WPP Festivity 2 W-Y Bllycstle 3 W-WWO Slieveboy 1 Y-Y Pueblo W-W Woodl Prce 3 W-Y C0LLECTl0N # 3 (ts Co]lectis vilble) COLLECTON # 3... (15 Collectis vilble) Bulbs $t0.00 (Ctlog Vlue $ts.o0) Bulbs $10.00 (Ctlog Vlue $15.00) Gcrlden Rpture 1 Y-Y Red Fox 3 Y-0 Jolly Roger 2 ll-y 'hkeen 2l!-Y llzreth 2 Y-l^1 Kglet Y-C Ver 31^l-fJ Golden Rpture 1 Y-Y Red Fox 3 Y-0 Jolly Roger 2 W-Y Whkeen 2 W-Y Nzreth 2 Y-W Kglet Y-0 Ver 3 W-W COLLECTON # 4... (10 Collectis vilble) COLLECT0N # 4... i10 Col lecticns vilble) 9 Bu'lbs $g.oo (Ctlog Vlue $12.00) 9 Bulbs (Ctlog Vlue $12.00) Rthowen Flme 2 Y*R Festivity 2 tl-y Pueblo i-11 ljoodl Prce 3 l.j-y tjhkeen 2ll*Y Kqlet Y-0 Vigil t hi-l'j l:lose Ci ty 2!J*P Doubl e Event 4 l^l-y Rthowen Flme 2 Y-R Festivity 2 W-Y Pueblo W-W Woodl Prce 3 W-Y Whkeen 2 W-Y Kglet Y-0 Vigil 1 W-W Rose City 2 U-P Double Event 4 W-Y Send me.y with check p.yble CE'TRAL 0Hi0 DAFF0DL SCCTY Send mey with check pyble CENTRAL OHO DAFFODL SOCETY c/o clo Hy Htfield Route # 1 Sutsville Sutsvil'1e Ohio 0hio i54 Tele. No or BY f Tele. No or l you desire bulbs miled you plese dd suffjcient mount f you desire bulbs miled you plese dd sufficient mount your check cover postge. Collecti # $10.00 $. oo Col lecti Collecti ecti # $10.00 Collecti $10.00 Col ecti #10 #2G # $10.00 Collecti Collect'i V # 4 0 $ 8.00 TOTAL ENCLOSED $ NAME NAl'lt PHONE PHON # ADDRESS GARDEN GARDEN CLUB

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Re: PCT Minimum Documentation: Updating of the Inventory of Patent Documents According to PCT Rule 34.1 C. SCIT 2508 00 August 10, 2000 Re: PCT Minimum Documenttion: Updting of the Inventory of Ptent Documents According to PCT Rule 34.1 Sir, Mdm, The current version of the Inventory of Ptent Documents for

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