Arrival Michael Guy Chislett, Matt Crocker, Benjamin Hastings, Dylan Thomas A 130 bpm 4/4

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1 A 130 bpm 4/4 A.\\\..E/A.\\\..A/D.\\\..E/D.\\\. A.\\\..\\\\..Esus.\\\..E.\\\. F#m7.\\\..E/F#.\\\..A/D.\\\..E/D.\\\. A.\\\..\\\\..Esus.\\\..E.\\\. A. D A. E F#m7. D A. Esus E F#m7. D A. E F#m7. D. A. E A. D. E/A. E F#m7. D. A/E.E. A A.\\\..E/A.\\\..A/D.\\\..E/D.\\\. A.\\\..\\\\..Esus.\\\..E.\\\. Dmaj7.\\\..\\.Esus.\..F#m7.\\\..\\.D.\. A.\\\..Amaj7.\\\..Esus.\.E.\. D.\\\..D.\.E.\..F#m.\\\..F#m.\.D.\..A.\\\..\\\\..E.\\\..\\\\. D. E. F#m D. A E D A A/C#..D..D/E..F#m7..A/C#..Esus..E F#m7. A. D D/E.A. A/C#. Esus E A. E/A. A/D E/D. A Esus. E F#m7. E/F#. A/D E/D. A Esus. E A

2 A# 130 bpm 4/4 A#.\\\..F/b.\\\..A#/D#.\\\..F/Eb.\\\. A#.\\\..\\\\..Fsus.\\\..F.\\\. Gm7.\\\..F/G.\\\..A#/D#.\\\..F/Eb.\\\. A#.\\\..\\\\..Fsus.\\\..F.\\\. A#. D# A#. F Gm7. D# A#. Fsus F Gm7. D# A#. F Gm7. D#. A#. F A#. D#. F/b. F Gm7. D#. A#/F.F. A# A#.\\\..F/b.\\\..A#/D#.\\\..F/Eb.\\\. A#.\\\..\\\\..Fsus.\\\..F.\\\. D#maj7.\\\..\\.Fsus.\..Gm7..\\\..\\.D#.\. A#.\\\..A#maj7.\\\..Fsus.\.F.\. D#.\\\..D#.\.F.\..Gm..\\\..Gm..\.D#.\..A.\\\..\\\\..F.\\\..\\\\. D#. F. Gm. D#. A# F D# A# A#/D..D#..D#/F..Gm7...A#/D..Fsus..F Gm7. A#. D# D#/F.A#. A#/D. Fsus F A#. F/b. A#/D# F/Eb. A# Fsus. F Gm7. F/G. A#/D# F/Eb. A# Fsus. F A#

3 Ab 130 bpm 4/4 Ab.\\\..Eb/Ab.\\\..Ab/Db.\\\..Eb/Db.\\\. Ab.\\\..\\\\..Ebsus.\\\..Eb.\\\. Fm7.\\\..Eb/F.\\\..Ab/Db.\\\..Eb/Db.\\\. Ab.\\\..\\\\..Ebsus.\\\..Eb.\\\. Ab. Db Ab. Eb Fm7. Db Ab. Ebsus Eb Fm7. Db Ab. Eb Fm7. Db. Ab. Eb Ab. Db. Eb/Ab. Eb Fm7. Db. Ab/Eb.Eb. Ab Ab.\\\..Eb/Ab.\\\..Ab/Db.\\\..Eb/Db.\\\. Ab.\\\..\\\\..Ebsus.\\\..Eb.\\\. Dbmaj7.\\\..\\.Ebsus.\..Fm7..\\\..\\.Db.\. Ab.\\\..Abmaj7.\\\..Ebsus.\.Eb.\. Db.\\\..Db.\.Eb.\..Fm..\\\..Fm..\.Db.\..A.\\\..\\\\..Eb.\\\.. \\\\. Db. Eb. Fm. Db. Ab Eb Db Ab Ab/C..Db..Db/Eb..Fm7...Ab/C..Ebsus..Eb Fm7. Ab. Db Db/Eb.Ab. Ab/C. EbsusEb Ab. Eb/Ab. Ab/Db Eb/Db. Ab Ebsus. Eb Fm7. Eb/F. Ab/Db Eb/Db. Ab Ebsus. Eb Ab

4 130 bpm 4/4.\\\..F#/.\\\../E.\\\..F#/E.\\\..\\\..\\\\..F#sus.\\\..F#.\\\. G#m7.\\\..F#/G#.\\\../E.\\\..F#/E.\\\..\\\..\\\\..F#sus.\\\..F#.\\\.. E. F# G#m7. E. F#sus F# G#m7. E. F# G#m7. E.. F#. E. F#/. F# G#m7. E. /F#.F#..\\\..F#/.\\\../E.\\\..F#/E.\\\..\\\..\\\\..F#sus.\\\..F#.\\\. Emaj7.\\\..\\.F#sus.\..G#m7.\\\..\\.E.\..\\\..maj7.\\\..F#sus.\.F#.\. E.\\\..E.\.F#.\..G#m.\\\..G#m.\.E.\..A.\\\..\\\\..F#.\\\..\\\\. E. F#. G#m E. F# E /D#..E..E/F#..G#m7../D#..F#sus..F# G#m7.. E E/F#.. /D#. F#susF#. F#/. /E F#/E. F#sus. F# G#m7. F#/G#. /E F#/E. F#sus. F#

5 b 130 bpm 4/4 b.\\\..f/b.\\\..b/eb.\\\..f/eb.\\\. b.\\\..\\\\..fsus.\\\..f.\\\. Gm7.\\\..F/G.\\\..b/Eb.\\\..F/Eb.\\\. b.\\\..\\\\..fsus.\\\..f.\\\. b. Eb b. F Gm7. Eb b. Fsus F Gm7. Eb b. F Gm7. Eb. b. F b. Eb. F/b. F Gm7. Eb. b/f.f. b b.\\\..f/b.\\\..b/eb.\\\..f/eb.\\\. b.\\\..\\\\..fsus.\\\..f.\\\. Ebmaj7.\\\..\\.Fsus.\..Gm7..\\\..\\.Eb.\. b.\\\..bmaj7.\\\..fsus.\.f.\. Eb.\\\..Eb.\.F.\..Gm..\\\..Gm..\.Eb.\..A.\\\..\\\\..F.\\\..\\\\. Eb. F. Gm. Eb. b F Eb b b/d..eb..eb/f..gm7...b/d..fsus..f Gm7. b. Eb Eb/F.b. b/d. Fsus F b. F/b. b/eb F/Eb. b Fsus. F Gm7. F/G. b/eb F/Eb. b Fsus. F b

6 C# 130 bpm 4/4 C#.\\\..G#/C#.\\\..C#/F#.\\\..G#/F#.\\\. C#.\\\..\\\\..G#sus.\\\..G#.\\\. A#m7.\\\..G#/A#.\\\..C#/F#.\\\..G#/F#.\\\. C#.\\\..\\\\..G#sus.\\\..G#.\\\. C#. F# C#. G# A#m7. F# C#. G#sus G# A#m7. F# C#. G# A#m7. F#. C#. G# C#. F#. G#/C#. G# A#m7. F#. C#/G#.G#. C# C#.\\\..G#/C#.\\\..C#/F#.\\\..G#/F#.\\\. C#.\\\..\\\\..G#sus.\\\..G#.\\\. F#maj7.\\\..\\.G#sus.\..A#m7.\\\..\\.F#.\. C#.\\\..C#maj7.\\\..G#sus.\.G#.\. F#.\\\..F#.\.G#.\..A#m.\\\..A#m.\.F#.\..A.\\\..\\\\..G#.\\\.. \\\\. F#. G#. A#m F#. C# G# F# C# C#/F..F#..F#/G#..A#m7..C#/F..G#sus..G# A#m7. C#. F# F#/G#.C#. C#/F. G#susG# C#. G#/C#. C#/F# G#/F#. C# G#sus. G# A#m7. G#/A#. C#/F# G#/F#. C# G#sus. G# C#

7 C 130 bpm 4/4 C.\\\..G/C.\\\..C/F.\\\..G/F.\\\. C.\\\..\\\\..Gsus.\\\..G.\\\. Am7.\\\..G/A.\\\..C/F.\\\..G/F.\\\. C.\\\..\\\\..Gsus.\\\..G.\\\. C. F C. G Am7. F C. Gsus G Am7. F C. G Am7. F. C. G C. F. G/C. G Am7. F. C/G.G. C C.\\\..G/C.\\\..C/F.\\\..G/F.\\\. C.\\\..\\\\..Gsus.\\\..G.\\\. Fmaj7.\\\..\\.Gsus.\..Am7..\\\..\\.F.\. C.\\\..Cmaj7.\\\..Gsus.\.G.\. F.\\\..F.\.G.\..Am..\\\..Am..\.F.\..A.\\\..\\\\..G.\\\..\\\\. F. G. Am. F. C G F C C/E..F..F/G..Am7...C/E..Gsus..G Am7. C. F F/G.C. C/E. Gsus G C. G/C. C/F G/F. C Gsus. G Am7. G/A. C/F G/F. C Gsus. G C

8 D# 130 bpm 4/4 D#.\\\..A#/D#.\\\..D#/G#.\\\..A#/G#.\\\. D#.\\\..\\\\..A#sus.\\\..A#.\\\. Cm7.\\\..A#/C.\\\..D#/G#.\\\..A#/G#.\\\. D#.\\\..\\\\..A#sus.\\\..A#.\\\. D#. G# D#. A# Cm7. G# D#. A#sus A# Cm7. G# D#. A# Cm7. G#. D#. A# D#. G#. A#/D#. A# Cm7. G#. D#/A#.A#. D# D#.\\\..A#/D#.\\\..D#/G#.\\\..A#/G#.\\\. D#.\\\..\\\\..A#sus.\\\..A#.\\\. G#maj7.\\\..\\.A#sus.\..Cm7..\\\..\\.G#.\. D#.\\\..D#maj7.\\\..A#sus.\.A#.\. G#.\\\..G#.\.A#.\..Cm..\\\..Cm..\.G#.\..A.\\\..\\\\..A#.\\\.. \\\\. G#. A#. Cm. G#. D# A# G# D# D#/G..G#..G#/A#..Cm7...D#/G..A#sus..A# Cm7. D#. G# G#/A#.D#. D#/G. A#susA# D#. A#/D#. D#/G# A#/G#. D# A#sus. A# Cm7. A#/C. D#/G# A#/G#. D# A#sus. A# D#

9 D 130 bpm 4/4 D.\\\..A/D.\\\..D/G.\\\..A/G.\\\. D.\\\..\\\\..Asus.\\\..A.\\\. m7.\\\..a/.\\\..d/g.\\\..a/g.\\\. D.\\\..\\\\..Asus.\\\..A.\\\. D. G D. A m7. G D. Asus A m7. G D. A m7. G. D. A D. G. A/D. A m7. G. D/A.A. D D.\\\..A/D.\\\..D/G.\\\..A/G.\\\. D.\\\..\\\\..Asus.\\\..A.\\\. Gmaj7.\\\..\\.Asus.\..m7..\\\..\\.G.\. D.\\\..Dmaj7.\\\..Asus.\.A.\. G.\\\..G.\.A.\..m..\\\..m..\.G.\..A.\\\..\\\\..A.\\\..\\\\. G. A. m. G. D A G D D/F#..G..G/A..m7...D/F#..Asus..A m7. D. G G/A.D. D/F#. Asus A D. A/D. D/G A/G. D Asus. A m7. A/. D/G A/G. D Asus. A D

10 Db 130 bpm 4/4 Db.\\\..Ab/Db.\\\..Db/Gb.\\\..Ab/Gb.\\\. Db.\\\..\\\\..Absus.\\\..Ab.\\\. bm7.\\\..ab/b.\\\..db/gb.\\\..ab/gb.\\\. Db.\\\..\\\\..Absus.\\\..Ab.\\\. Db. Gb Db. Ab bm7. Gb Db. Absus Ab bm7. Gb Db. Ab bm7. Gb. Db. Ab Db. Gb. Ab/Db. Ab bm7. Gb. Db/Ab.Ab. Db Db.\\\..Ab/Db.\\\..Db/Gb.\\\..Ab/Gb.\\\. Db.\\\..\\\\..Absus.\\\..Ab.\\\. Gbmaj7.\\\..\\.Absus.\..bm7.\\\..\\.Gb.\. Db.\\\..Dbmaj7.\\\..Absus.\.Ab.\. Gb.\\\..Gb.\.Ab.\\\\\.Gb.\..A.\\\..\\\\..Ab.\\\..\\\\. Gb. Ab. bm Gb. Db Ab Gb Db Db/F..Gb..Gb/Ab..bm7..Db/F..Absus..Ab bm7. Db. Gb Gb/Ab.Db. Db/F. AbsusAb Db. Ab/Db. Db/Gb Ab/Gb. Db Absus. Ab bm7. Ab/b. Db/Gb Ab/Gb. Db Absus. Ab Db

11 E 130 bpm 4/4 E.\\\../E.\\\..E/A.\\\../A.\\\. E.\\\..\\\\..sus.\\\...\\\. C#m7.\\\../C#.\\\..E/A.\\\../A.\\\. E.\\\..\\\\..sus.\\\...\\\. E. A E. C#m7. A E. sus C#m7. A E. C#m7. A. E. E. A. /E. C#m7. A. E/.. E E.\\\../E.\\\..E/A.\\\../A.\\\. E.\\\..\\\\..sus.\\\...\\\. Amaj7.\\\..\\.sus.\..C#m7.\\\..\\.A.\. E.\\\..Emaj7.\\\..sus.\..\. A.\\\..A.\..\..C#m.\\\..C#m.\.A.\..A.\\\..\\\\...\\\..\\\\. A.. C#m A. E A E E/G#..A..A/..C#m7..E/G#..sus.. C#m7. E. A A/.E. E/G#. sus E. /E. E/A /A. E sus. C#m7. /C#. E/A /A. E sus. E

12 Eb 130 bpm 4/4 Eb.\\\..b/Eb.\\\..Eb/Ab.\\\..b/Ab.\\\. Eb.\\\..\\\\..bsus.\\\..b.\\\. Cm7.\\\..b/C.\\\..Eb/Ab.\\\..b/Ab.\\\. Eb.\\\..\\\\..bsus.\\\..b.\\\. Eb. Ab Eb. b Cm7. Ab Eb. bsus b Cm7. Ab Eb. b Cm7. Ab. Eb. b Eb. Ab. b/eb. b Cm7. Ab. Eb/b.b. Eb Eb.\\\..b/Eb.\\\..Eb/Ab.\\\..b/Ab.\\\. Eb.\\\..\\\\..bsus.\\\..b.\\\. Abmaj7.\\\..\\.bsus.\..Cm7..\\\..\\.Ab.\. Eb.\\\..Ebmaj7.\\\..bsus.\.b.\. Ab.\\\..Ab.\.b.\..Cm..\\\..Cm..\.Ab.\..A.\\\..\\\\..b.\\\.. \\\\. Ab. b. Cm. Ab. Eb b Ab Eb Eb/G..Ab..Ab/b..Cm7...Eb/G..bsus..b Cm7. Eb. Ab Ab/b.Eb. Eb/G. bsusb Eb. b/eb. Eb/Ab b/ab. Eb bsus. b Cm7. b/c. Eb/Ab b/ab. Eb bsus. b Eb

13 F# 130 bpm 4/4 F#.\\\..C#/F#.\\\..F#/.\\\..C#/.\\\. F#.\\\..\\\\..C#sus.\\\..C#.\\\. D#m7.\\\..C#/D#.\\\..F#/.\\\..C#/.\\\. F#.\\\..\\\\..C#sus.\\\..C#.\\\. F#. F#. C# D#m7. F#. C#sus C# D#m7. F#. C# D#m7.. F#. C# F#.. C#/F#. C# D#m7.. F#/C#.C#. F# F#.\\\..C#/F#.\\\..F#/.\\\..C#/.\\\. F#.\\\..\\\\..C#sus.\\\..C#.\\\. maj7.\\\..\\.c#sus.\..d#m7.\\\..\\..\. F#.\\\..F#maj7.\\\..C#sus.\.C#.\..\\\...\.C#.\..D#m.\\\..D#m.\..\..A.\\\..\\\\..C#.\\\..\\\\.. C#. D#m. F# C# F# F#/A#.../C#..D#m7..F#/A#..C#sus..C# D#m7. F#. /C#.F#. F#/A#. C#susC# F#. C#/F#. F#/ C#/. F# C#sus. C# D#m7. C#/D#. F#/ C#/. F# C#sus. C# F#

14 F 130 bpm 4/4 F.\\\..C/F.\\\..F/b.\\\..C/b.\\\. F.\\\..\\\\..Csus.\\\..C.\\\. Dm7.\\\..C/D.\\\..F/b.\\\..C/b.\\\. F.\\\..\\\\..Csus.\\\..C.\\\. F. b F. C Dm7. b F. Csus C Dm7. b F. C Dm7. b. F. C F. b. C/F. C Dm7. b. F/C.C. F F.\\\..C/F.\\\..F/b.\\\..C/b.\\\. F.\\\..\\\\..Csus.\\\..C.\\\. bmaj7.\\\..\\.csus.\..dm7..\\\..\\.b.\. F.\\\..Fmaj7.\\\..Csus.\.C.\. b.\\\..b.\.c.\\\\\.b.\..a.\\\..\\\\..c.\\\..\\\\. b. C. Dm. b. F C b F F/A..b..b/C..Dm7...F/A..Csus..C Dm7. F. b b/c.f. F/A. Csus C F. C/F. F/b C/b. F Csus. C Dm7. C/D. F/b C/b. F Csus. C F

15 G# 130 bpm 4/4 G#.\\\..D#/G#.\\\..G#/C#.\\\..D#/C#.\\\. G#.\\\..\\\\..D#sus.\\\..D#.\\\. Fm7.\\\..D#/F.\\\..G#/C#.\\\..D#/C#.\\\. G#.\\\..\\\\..D#sus.\\\..D#.\\\. G#. C# G#. D# Fm7. C# G#. D#sus D# Fm7. C# G#. D# Fm7. C#. G#. D# G#. C#. D#/G#. D# Fm7. C#. G#/D#.D#. G# G#.\\\..D#/G#.\\\..G#/C#.\\\..D#/C#.\\\. G#.\\\..\\\\..D#sus.\\\..D#.\\\. C#maj7.\\\..\\.D#sus.\..Fm7..\\\..\\.C#.\. G#.\\\..G#maj7.\\\..D#sus.\.D#.\. C#.\\\..C#.\.D#.\..Fm..\\\..Fm..\.C#.\..A.\\\..\\\\..D#.\\\.. \\\\. C#. D#. Fm. C#. G# D# C# G# G#/C..C#..C#/D#..Fm7...G#/C..D#sus..D# Fm7. G#. C# C#/D#.G#. G#/C. D#susD# G#. D#/G#. G#/C# D#/C#. G# D#sus. D# Fm7. D#/F. G#/C# D#/C#. G# D#sus. D# G#

16 G 130 bpm 4/4 G.\\\..D/G.\\\..G/C.\\\..D/C.\\\. G.\\\..\\\\..Dsus.\\\..D.\\\. Em7.\\\..D/E.\\\..G/C.\\\..D/C.\\\. G.\\\..\\\\..Dsus.\\\..D.\\\. G. C G. D Em7. C G. Dsus D Em7. C G. D Em7. C. G. D G. C. D/G. D Em7. C. G/D.D. G G.\\\..D/G.\\\..G/C.\\\..D/C.\\\. G.\\\..\\\\..Dsus.\\\..D.\\\. Cmaj7.\\\..\\.Dsus.\..Em7..\\\..\\.C.\. G.\\\..Gmaj7.\\\..Dsus.\.D.\. C.\\\..C.\.D.\..Em..\\\..Em..\.C.\..A.\\\..\\\\..D.\\\..\\\\. C. D. Em. C. G D C G G/..C..C/D..Em7...G/..Dsus..D Em7. G. C C/D.G. G/. Dsus D G. D/G. G/C D/C. G Dsus. D Em7. D/E. G/C D/C. G Dsus. D G

17 Gb 130 bpm 4/4 Gb.\\\..Db/Gb.\\\..Gb/.\\\..Db/.\\\. Gb.\\\..\\\\..Dbsus.\\\..Db.\\\. Ebm7.\\\..Db/Eb.\\\..Gb/.\\\..Db/.\\\. Gb.\\\..\\\\..Dbsus.\\\..Db.\\\. Gb. Gb. Db Ebm7. Gb. Dbsus Db Ebm7. Gb. Db Ebm7.. Gb. Db Gb.. Db/Gb. Db Ebm7.. Gb/Db.Db. Gb Gb.\\\..Db/Gb.\\\..Gb/.\\\..Db/.\\\. Gb.\\\..\\\\..Dbsus.\\\..Db.\\\. maj7.\\\..\\.dbsus.\..ebm7.\\\..\\..\. Gb.\\\..Gbmaj7.\\\..Dbsus.\.Db.\..\\\...\.Db.\..Ebm.\\\..Ebm.\..\..A.\\\..\\\\..Db.\\\..\\\\.. Db. Ebm. Gb Db Gb Gb/b.../C#..Ebm7..Gb/b..Dbsus..Db Ebm7. Gb. /C#.Gb. Gb/b. DbsusDb Gb. Db/Gb. Gb/ Db/. Gb Dbsus. Db Ebm7. Db/Eb. Gb/ Db/. Gb Dbsus. Db Gb

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