10 Tips for Instant Hypnosis Mastery

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1 10 Tips for Instant Hypnosis Mastery By Jeffrey Stephens Author, The Weekend Hypnosis Workshop DVDs These tips are taken from Jeffrey Stephen s most recent writings, and are designed to give you an insider s look into his uniquely fast and powerful way of doing hypnosis. Rapid, practical and strictly no B.S read these tips to learn more about DOING hypnosis, and making it work + to deepen your understanding of a modern day hypnosis pioneer. Legal: Feel free to distribute this report provided it remains 100% unaltered. All content (c) the author, No liabilities are accepted resulting from the use of this material, or any inaccuracies or omissions. This is for entertainment purposes only.

2 Tip 1: When doing hypnosis, there is a little thing I like to say to start things off with the subject. It sets the context and expectations very quickly. It goes like this... "All you need to do is just follow my instructions exactly... and let whatever happens, happen. Don't make anything happen... just let whatever happens, happen... and you will have a great time..." Here is why I think it is so effective: First, you give a very specific instruction to follow the instructions that will be given to them. Second, you take the burden off of them to 'play along' by telling them "don't make anything happen". It's like saying "you don't have to fake it." Third, by telling them to "just let whatever happens, happen" you are presupposing that something WILL happen, which sets up their expectation. Finally, you are telling them that going along with this will have a 'reward'. Specifically, that they will "have a great time" or "it will be awesome" or "you will have fun" or whatever 'reward' you choose to put there. NO... I am not claiming that this is original or that I just thought it up. Stage Hypnotists have been using this line for a very long time. Some discount the value of it. But I say anything that makes the job easier is a good thing, so, use it EVERY TIME! Remember, the two things necessary for hypnosis to happen are `context'

3 and `intent'. Once you have stated that you are a hypnotist, and have a volunteer / client / subject in front of you, this will `lock things down', so to speak. It simplifies the process for the subject. And `simple' leads to good hypnosis.

4 Tip 2: When you want to do hypnosis for practice - on the street, in a mall, at the park, whatever - have a sign that says "Free Hypnosis Today", or something similar. Or, as an alternative, wear a name badge that says something like "Hello: my name is [fill in your name], and I will be your HYPNOTIST!" Either of these can be done on a laser or inkjet printer at almost no cost. Then when you get to your `practice site' just look around - making sure passers by can see your name badge or sign - for those people who look interested or actually come up to you and ask questions. These are the people that you want to practice on. First, because in all likelihood they are somnambulists; and second, because you are far less likely to be run off as a nuisance to businesses in the area. Now some have asked why they would want to do this at all. And my response is rule number 2 that I give all my students... PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! If you really want to be a powerful, effective hypnotist, the best way to get there is to practice as much as possible, and to PLAY and realize for yourself just how powerful hypnosis really is.

5 Tip 3: Okay, so the last two tips were to get you to the point where you have people to practice on. If you have seen the YouTube videos or have purchased my course, you know that the single most important aspect of the process is... INTENT! Intent doesn't begin when you start doing hypnosis. It begins before you ever step out on the street, in the office, whatever. Make up your mind before you ever start that there will be hypnosis and it will be a great experience for both your subject and yourself. And my `trick' is to Always Assume Hypnosis. I know... I know, "When you assume..." Well, frankly, I don't care. (Those who have taken my course will understand that...) Before you begin, assume that it will, of course, work out perfectly and the subject will go into hypnosis. Once you begin, assume that everything is going perfectly and is leading the subject into hypnosis. Once you do the induction, assume that it worked perfectly and that they will be in hypnosis until you bring them out.

6 Intent doesn't end at the moment you say `SLEEP' and the subject's head drops. It runs through the entire process, right on through the part where you say "That's it... WIDE AWAKE!... Feeling great... feeling fantastic!" And, if you follow the two previous tips, you will be working with great subjects anyway. That's it for this time. Please let me know if you have any specific questions you would like to have answered. Until next time...

7 Tip 4: I don t believe hypnosis works! This is something I hear from time to time. I know that the person saying that expects me to defend what I do. But I rarely do. My reaction to this is one of two things, as a general rule. I will either say Okay and walk away, or I will zap them. But I never defend hypnosis. I know it works and that is really all I need to know. Because I DO know hypnosis is real and that it works, I feel no need to convince others. A wise man once said, Those that believe don t need to be convinced, and those that don t, won t believe you no matter what you say. And another wise man told me, When you tell people that you are a hypnotist there will be plenty of people that want your help. So, don t waste your time on those who don t want it. I have pretty much lived by that for some time now. I am asked, What about the people who say you are doing evil? I tell them that if they believe that, they should keep their distance. I genuinely feel no need to convince anyone, anywhere, at any time that what I do is good or that it really works. I find enough people who need my help that I don t waste time on defending what I do to the rest. So...

8 Don t be afraid to tell people what you do. But don t ever waste a minute defending what you do to the nay-sayers. On the other hand, if you get the chance to zap one or two of them, well... ;-)

9 Tip 5: Think about this for a moment... You are not feeling well. You go see your doctor. He tells you that you have such-and-such a condition, and to take these pills for 10 days. You follow his instructions, and in 10 days you feel much better. What s that called... I mean, besides medicine? Now think about this... You are out and driving too fast and get pulled over. The officer cites you and you immediately go to an attorney. The attorney gets it converted to a loud muffler or parking near a hydrant and tells you to pay the fine and his fee and you will not get points on your license. You do as he tells you. What s this called... besides plea bargaining, I mean? And then think about this... You had a bad day at work because your boss yelled at you for something. You fixed it, but now you are feeling down in the dumps and your friend says to you, Let s go get a bite to eat and catch a movie. You do, and you feel much better about things. What s this called? It s called Mind Control. Anytime you let someone else help you feel better / different / worse it is mind control. As a hypnotist, that is what I do. I do MIND CONTROL!

10 You come to me telling me that something is in need of change. I change it. You feel better about life / things / yourself. And the change happened because, for a time, you let me control how you think about things. Depending upon what it is, the change may be temporary or it may be permanent. But either way, you get what you ask me for. Don t be afraid to call it what it is. Isn t hypnosis wonderful? ;-)

11 Tip 6: Okay... someone is in front of you, head down, eyes closed, breathing steady... How do you know if you really have hypnosis? Simple! Test. Give them several instructions to follow and be sure they are being followed. But they could just be playing along you say. Yes, they could be. But, frankly, I don t really care. And that is for several reasons. 1) As long as they are following the instructions exactly, that is good enough. They can only play along for so long and then they will either exhaust themselves or they will actually go into hypnosis. 2) Since they are following your instructions, you can lead it anywhere you like. So lead it to some phenomena that they can t fake. 3) Even when they are just playing along it is still relatively easy to hijack that into genuine hypnosis. Playing along is pretending... and that is what a great hypnotic state is all about. Okay, so now that you know it doesn t really matter if the person is playing along, what s stopping you? The very worst case is that this person will pop his head up and say Just kidding... it didn t work! To which you say Then why did you do all those things I told you to do?

12 I was just playing along. Okay... if it makes you feel better to believe that... He will either go on insisting, to which you just go on smiling and nodding your head, or he will begin to wonder about his experience, and it won t take long for him to come back and do it again so he can be sure. And just think of the opportunities THAT will open up... ;-) Now, get out there and go for it. Until next time...

13 Tip 7: What s with all the snapping, clapping, and tapping that goes on with some hypnotists? Well friends... gather round while I tell you what I think it is all about. None of it is necessary. BUT... that isn t really the issue. It is my belief that the less you leave for the subconscious mind (subc) to figure out, the better the whole process goes. While the subc is figuring out when to act on the instruction, it isn t paying full attention to you, the hypnotist. It is one thing to give the subc a specific instruction in direct hypnosis (the kind I do.) But if you don t tell it WHEN to do that thing, it (the subc) has to figure out when it is supposed to comply. As the hypnotist, you can keep the flow going by giving a specific cue to the subc. This can be done with something like, I am going to count to 3 and snap my fingers..., or it can be done by simply using a key word. As in... When you hear the word bleep you will... This tells the subc EXACTLY when it is supposed to follow a given instruction. I typically use snaps, claps, taps (on the shoulder, the arm, the knee, whatever...) quite a bit, to keep the subc following my instructions, because I want DON T want the subc deciding when or if it will

14 follow my instructions. Until next time...

15 Tip 8: So today, yet another young hypnotist asked me How many inductions do you know and which ones do you use the most? This is a question I get asked a lot. The answer is quite simple. I know a whole freakin lotta inductions. And I have three that I use about 99% of the time. A hypnotist should know the basic principles of inductions well enough to know that almost anything can be turned into an induction. As far as formal inductions go, play with as many as possible for a while. You will find that some just feel better or seem to come more naturally than others. When you find the 2 or 3 you like best... MASTER THEM! What I mean by that is, know two or three so well that you could do them in your sleep. That way, when you are doing hypnosis, you can put your attention on the subject (where it belongs ) not on trying to remember what to say next (where it DOESN T belong.) And remember that the induction is only a small part of the process... and the easiest part, at that. Until next time...

16 Tip 9: Not too long ago, I had a student fly in for one of my local workshops. (Everyone should do it!) After taking my class she went home to try out the stuff on a family member. She said that the 8-word just flat-out failed on this person. However, when she had him do the simple Elman eye-lock it worked perfectly. She also mentioned that this person later mentioned that during the Passing Through the Zero, he saw and wanted to get to the zero, but also saw the other numbers and that they really aggravated him. And, among other things, he mentioned that when she was doing the tap deepener all he could think about was the next tap and that this was frustrating. Oh yeah, and upon awakening, he said that he didn t think it worked. So she concluded from these, and other things, that the session had been a failure. I was almost in shock. I said, Okay, you got eye-lock, you got the anticipation of passing through the zero... so thoroughly that when the other numbers showed up, he wanted them gone and out of his way, and you got TOTAL FOCUS on the tap. How can you possibly call that a failure? She said that since he had experienced frustration that it must mean it was a failure. I told her that all it meant was that she needed to be a bit more aware of what was happening with the person sitting in front of her.

17 I also told her how to adjust her language a bit to keep those things from being uncomfortable to the subject. BUT... that this was an amazing success! How so? First there were many things learned from this session (as mentioned above). Second, this was the start of conditioning the subject for future sessions. And third, there are ways to have the subject be sure that THEY know they have been in hypnosis. I told her to get excited that she had done so well and to be sure to share that excitement with her relative. Because the next time... will be memorable! Until next time...

18 Tip 10: I want to talk a bit about something that is particularly of interest to me. I am a hypnotist. I use hypnosis to make amazing changes in people s lives. But it seems that, all too often, people want to label just about everything as hypnosis. I think it is taken too far. I think it actually diminishes what hypnotists do when it is all lumped together. As I see it - and you are perfectly welcome to disagree, providing you don t mind being wrong - there are three separate and distinct things that are all being lumped in as hypnosis. These three things are Hypnosis, Trance, and Influence. All of these come in covert and overt flavors. But they are most definitely not the same thing. Well... you say, they can all be used to change the way a person thinks. So can threats and bribery. But these aren t being called hypnosis. So what are these three things, and how are they different? Hypnosis CHANGES the way a person thinks / feels / believes. Influence provides ways for that person to make his own choices, but suggests a desired outcome. An instruction given in hypnosis is followed. A suggestion given using influence may or may not be followed. But provides an easy way for the mind to accept the change, IF there is enough reason to do so. Trance does neither. It merely facilitates a state of mind

19 that can be used either way. Many of the hypnotic language patterns are nothing of the kind. They are phrases which, collectively, produce an inclination toward a goal. Genuine hypnosis installs a new thought / pattern / belief. It simply isn t questioned. This is what is meant by the phrase, bypass the critical factor. The instruction from the hypnotist is taken at face value and followed. So... Let me be perfectly clear. I use all of the above when it is appropriate to do so. But I do so with specific understanding of what I am doing. This is the only way to be sure that my intent is just what it needs to be. I will be discussing this more in upcoming tips. Until next time... (keep reading...) Bonus Tip: Y know... as odd as it may sound, I still get people who ask if I am going to swing a watch, light a candle for them to focus on, and a host of other things that they have seen in old movies. And, from time to time, I hear of hypnotists who still use

20 some of these gimmicks. One of them uses a spinning spiral wheel with many of the clients in his office. Now, as a hypnotist, I know that none of this is necessary in the least. (Although I would like to get one of those spiral thingys. It s really cool.) However, these gimmicks basically serve as a focal point for the client. And since what we are doing is to get the client to focus to the point that all they experience is what we tell them too - which is quite intense focus - there is nothing wrong with using these gimmicks. If you think it is fun or cool to swing a pocket watch, go for it! I know of at least a few hypnotists who use them all the time. The thing is... you give the client what he expects and you will have instant and automatic rapport. One of the aforementioned hypnotists told me that he reaches to pull out the watch several times while he is talking to the subject, but tells them that he won t pull it out until they are ready, since they will likely drop the moment they see it swinging. Guess what? He is almost alway right about that. He has set up the expectation that this is the trigger that will zap them, and it works beautifully. So... I am NOT recommending that you go out and buy a nice pocket watch. But if you want to, and you want to use it as a focal point for your inductions, there is nothing wrong with that.

21 Just don t lose sight of the fact that the gimmick isn t doing the hypnotizing... YOU ARE! The gimmick is just that. A prop for a performance. And be careful not to get to the point that you depend upon the gimmicks. All you really need is you and the subject... Oh yeah... and your intent. ;-) Until next time... Jeff S Want to learn more? Get inside Jeff s head and discover the practical real world secrets to hypnosis mastery which will have you changing minds and lives by the end of today! The most useful and powerful hypnosis training program online is the Jeffrey Stephens weekend hypnosis workshop check out the web page to watch free samples, claim your copy, and become a master hypnotist with this ground breaking training program... Bonus: You ll also get free access to a private discussion group where you can ask Jeff your own questions and have them answered by him personally! This alone is worth several thousand dollars, and it s your free (for life!) when you purchase the Weekend Hypnosis Workshop videos. Click Here To Get Access Now -



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