Interview With A Millionaire: How to ACHIEVE ABUNDANCE. With. Dr. Steve G. Jones

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1 Interview With A Millionaire: How to ACHIEVE ABUNDANCE With Dr. Steve G. Jones

2 Table of Contents Module 1: What Is Abundance?... 4 Module 2: How Can You Use The Law of Attraction to Achieve Abundance? Module 3: How Can You Use Hypnosis to Achieve Abundance? Module 4: How Can You Use Education to Achieve Abundance? Module 5: In Which Areas of Life Can You Achieve Abundance? Module 6: Which Visualization Tools Can You Use to Achieve Abundance? Module 7: Which Exercises and/or Techniques Can You Use to Achieve Abundance? Module 8: How Do You Change Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Actions Into Positive Ones?


4 Module 1: What Is Abundance? Great question. You know, a lot of people wonder, What is abundance? What s it going to take for me to get where I want to be, what even is it that I want to achieve, where do I want to go, what do I want to be, what do I want to ascend to, and you know what, there really is no one answer. If you think about it, what you think of as abundance today is probably quite a bit different than you thought about it ten or twenty years ago. Even if ten or twenty years, taking you back that far, would take you into your childhood, no matter what age you are, let s say you re 60 and ten or twenty years would take you back to 40, or you re 30 and ten or twenty years would take you back to age 20 or even age 10. Your ideas were probably quite a bit different then. Now why is that, if abundance is this thing, I mean, if there were an answer to that question, What is abundance? then we would

5 just answer the same way every time. We, as people, would all answer the same way, and we would answer the same way every time, because it wouldn t be effected by who we are, nor would it be effected by time. But, it s not like that. Abundance isn t like that. It s much more dynamic than that. So a question that forms in my mind when I hear that question is, what is abundance for me right now, and what is that I m working on, what do I want to manifest? If I am working on something and I want to manifest it, it s probably, hopefully, it s something that I want to do, it s something that I feel deep down in my heart that I want to release. For example, when I created my Hypnosis Certification Program, the very first one that I created that was online, I had this desire in me to manifest that. I wanted to create that, because I had been flying around teaching hypnosis here and there, and I thought, wait a minute, the internet here, why don t I just create it online? So I had a desire to

6 manifest that, and for me, that was abundance at the time. If I could create an abundance of knowledge online, that s what I wanted to do, that s where my focus was at that time. So, again, to answer your question by really opening it up more, the idea is not what does this finite measurable thing that we call abundance, but what is it that you want right now, what are you working on? You re probably not creating a hypnosis certification program, I mean you might be, but for you it s probably very specific that s different than what I thought might be abundant at that specific time and place that I thought that. By the way, now I ve achieved that, and I feel it is abundant, I feel it s great, it s had me go on to more abundance. But what is it for you right now? So, think for yourself, what is it, everybody just do this right now. What is it that you want to achieve? What is it that you are focused on, what would it be, that thing, that if you achieved it, you would feel so good?

7 Maybe it s really specific. Maybe it s a program that you re working on, maybe it s a degree that you want to get, maybe it s a vacation that you want to take, maybe it s a relationship that you re in or that you want to make more powerful. It can be anything for you, but what is that thing? So think about that right now. And if you achieved that, that thing, wouldn t you be at least a little more abundant? Wouldn t your life open up just a little bit more? So I propose that abundance is nothing more than achieving something that you want to achieve that opens your universe up, at least a little bit more, if not a lot. So, a lot of people get caught up in this, and they start to think, Well, abundance means I m rich, abundance means I have a lot of things, I have a boat, and a car, and a big house, and I have really nice clothes, and I go to really nice restaurants, and my friends are all rich, and I feel really good about that. You know, you can create these pictures, and that might be your idea of abundance,

8 and there s nothing wrong with that, but I want you to realize that that doesn t have to be abundance. People get caught up in material thoughts, and there s nothing wrong with that, I want to emphasize that, there s absolutely nothing wrong with that, and if that s what you want that s fine. But what I m saying is that abundance can be anything you want it to be. It can be an abundance of fun, an abundance of friends, an abundance of travel, an abundance of knowledge, an abundance of love, an abundance of ability, it can be any of those things or all of those things. So when you think about your possibilities, and you think about opening your mind up, and opening your possibilities up, rather than looking at what everyone else is doing, and thinking, I d like to do it just like that, because that s what success looks like, when I have that, that s what it looks like, and I m going to do that. So rather than focusing on that, what if you were to just open up your mind to the idea that abundance is anything that you want.

9 So that s why I say, think of something right now that you want, and as you think of it, just imagine having it. Imagine having achieved it, whatever it is, maybe it s something you want to get, you want to get some form of education, you want to go somewhere, you want to have a certain type of relationship, you want to start creating something, you want to open a business, maybe it s a job you want to get, maybe it s a promotion, it can be anything. But imagine yourself having it right now. Don t you feel more abundant? Don t you feel as though, hey, you know, now I have new possibilities, new opportunities? Now if you don t fee that way when you think about it, that s a great test, because maybe the thing that you re focusing on isn t really what you want. Now isn t that fascinating. Sometimes we get so caught up and going through the process of doing something and it becomes a schedule that we do it every day, well we re working on this thing, this is what I m working on, this is what I m

10 doing, of course I m working on that. But they lose sight of the fact that they really don t want to do that thing. Now sometimes people do, but I m just saying, that if you thought about that thing, and thought about having already achieved it and it wasn t very exciting for you, maybe that s not something you really want. Maybe that s not something that s going to contribute to your abundance at all, maybe you re working toward something that you actually don t want, that you actually don t want deep inside. What if that s going on? Now I m not saying that that s what s going on, please understand, I m just telling you that if you think about having what you say you want to have and you don t feel more abundant thinking about it, I suggest to you that maybe you don t really want that. So let s do this again, let s do this exercise again. Let s think about something that makes you feel good, something that you like to do, you enjoy doing it, and you would do it

11 whether you got paid to do it or not. Think about that right now, what is that thing, it could be anything, maybe it s snowboarding, maybe it s traveling, maybe it s just sitting on the couch reading a book, maybe it s watching tv, who knows. It s something that you enjoy doing. Maybe it s something of a professional nature, maybe you re a doctor or a nurse or a teacher and you would enjoy doing those things even if you don t get paid. And that s okay if that s your thing, so think about the thing that you would do that you really enjoy doing, you enjoy it so much that you would enjoy it even if you didn t get paid. And in the case of sitting on the couch and watching tv, you wish you could get paid for it because you enjoy it so much. Hey, don t be shy here, if you enjoy relaxing there s nothing wrong with that. So if that s your thing, then think about that. But the test is, would that make you feel more abundant? If you could get paid to do it, would sitting on the couch reading a book or watching tv make you feel more abundant? Hey, if it would,

12 there are jobs like that. There are jobs you can get paid for it read a book. There are jobs you can get paid for to watch tv, to analyze it. I have a friend who I knew back when he worked in Los Angeles at a studio, his job, this is a job, he got paid for this, he was an executive, his job was to go watch movies. Not only that, but he d get movies sometimes before they even came out in the theater, and he could watch them at home in his living room, just watch the movie. Oh, and then there was another part he had to do, he had to type up some thoughts about it, any kind of thoughts, any kind of thoughts at all. There wasn t a checklist that he needed to go down to talk about certain aspects of the movie. Nope, anything he thought about. That was his job, this was a high paid executive. He s moved on since then, he s gotten a promotion since then, since he had that difficult job of watching movies and writing down his thoughts, typing them up and sending them in and going to watch the next movie. Amazing. So, my point is, even if you think of yourself in your ideal state doing what you really enjoy as

13 just sitting and watching tv, I want to suggest to you, that s not ridiculous. If that s something you enjoy, you can find a way to monetize it, you can find a way to make a living at it. There s a way to make a living at anything. Look at the reality tv shows on tv, there are people whose jobs it is to drive around and pick up lumber in trucks and drive it somewhere else, and there s nothing wrong with that. I keep saying there s nothing wrong with that, but there s really nothing wrong with that. And, better than that, better than just having a job that they apparently enjoy, and that s fine, they have a reality tv show. These are reality tv stars that do this, because people are watching them do that. There are shows on ice where people work with ice in various capacities, people watch that. People watch people doing what they do if it s different from what they do, so I can look into this work and I can see you on reality tv doing something silly or something crazy or something unusual. Well I don t have access to that in my everyday life because I m an

14 average person living an average life. That s what the person watching tv is thinking. And so I get to see you doing these extraordinary things and I want to watch that. That s why we watch tv, because no matter who you are, no matter how cool you are or no matter wonderful things you have access to, there s something on tv in reality tv that is not ever going to be part of your life. Maybe living in a trailer in the woods, maybe you don t ever plan to do that, but somebody has created a show about that where you can watch that. So, my point is, that whatever your passion is, and I say this all the time to people, whatever your passion is, even if it sounds ridiculous to you, if your passion sounds like something that s ridiculous, even when you say it, I want you to realize that there are people who are highly successful multi-millionaires who had what you might consider a crazy idea for something that nobody would ever want to watch, and they made millions off of that. Not only that, but they get residual money, they keep making money.

15 So, own it, whatever it is for you, whatever abundance is for you own it. So when you think about that, when you think about what is abundance, abundance is the feeling that you get when you stand in possibility. When you stand in opportunity, and sometimes you stand in front of a blank slate, because you know you ve already painted, or chiseled, or carved out something before, and now you have an even bigger canvas to paint on, or a bigger piece of rock to chisel out. That s what abundance is, that feeling that you get that you know you have the possibility to create something in an unlimited capacity. And another question is, how does optimism play a role in achieving abundance? I think optimism is the main ingredient in abundance, because if you think about it, the idea is that you are imagining something that you want to move into and then you re making it real. And if you don t have positive thoughts about that, if you don t have the idea that you can actually do that, that this is actually going to work, that this is something real, then for you it

16 just becomes an exercise in daydreaming, and daydreaming doesn t produce anything. I mean, daydreaming can produce something if you harness those daydreams and put them into actionable items and make them happen, but if you re just thinking about doing something, and you re not doing it, then you re not actually getting anywhere. For example, this program. I ve been thinking about creating this program for awhile, but if I just continued to think about it and didn t take any action, didn t actually get it done, didn t make something happen in the real world, then all the optimism in the world wouldn t matter. Optimism s great, but if you re not doing something, if you re not making something happen then you re really not getting anywhere. I remember going to see Lisa Nichols talk, I think we were in Costa Rica, we were both talking at the same seminar and I went into the room when she was talking, and she was saying that

17 people come up to her after her being in the movie The Secret and they say that they want the genie to make everything happen, they want the genie lantern to appear from the genie and everything s going to happen, so there s some kind of magical lantern and the genie appears and perhaps lets them doing something with the lantern, and she said, there is no genie. There is no genie. There is not an actual genie that s going to show up, because people get the idea that they re just going to have a genie. I remember during this time when The Secret first came out, I would get calls at my office and people would say, I remember we had one guy who would call in at least once a day for a couple of weeks because he was adamant about getting his personal genie. He really thought that he was going to get a genie. So when Lisa Nichols likes to set people straight, there is no genie. But what is there?

18 There s optimism. Optimism. And you already have it, you already have the ability to do this, you already have what you need. So optimism, that s why I say, it s the main ingredient in abundance, because if you don t believe that you re going to have what you say you want, and hopefully it is what you really do want, we talked about that already, then it s probably not going to happen. Because if you re not optimistic about it, if you don t believe it s going to happen, then you re not going to take the steps to make it happen, unless you force yourself to do that, kind of like how a lot of people get through high school, their parents force them to school. I wasn t so much into studying, I got sent to military school, you marched to class. We got forced to study. Luckily it caught on and then I followed it up with academic study after high school, but if you are not optimistic about it, and no one s making you do it, like the military school, then it s probably not going to get done. So that s why I say, not only is optimism part of abundance, it s really

19 the key ingredient. I think a lot of people think, Hey, if I m greedy, then that s bad, but isn t this idea of, hey I can get all this stuff, and I keep getting more stuff, and I can be abundant with all of my stuff, isn t that the same thing? I mean, isn t that the definition of greed, that you have something and you want more, and you keep wanting more, and keep wanting more? Well, I would suggest that it s the definition of open consistent and highly productive manifestation and I think that people get caught up in this idea of greed. They start to think, hmmmm, maybe I don t deserve that. And sometimes these things are arbitrary, or at least they seem to be, I mean, if you re thinking about something that you want, and you re thinking, ah yeah, I could get that, it d sure be nice, but that s what greedy people go after, I m not a greedy person, I m a good person, I m a really good person, I think that I ll just not get that because to get that would just show greed, and I don t want to show greed, because I m not a greedy person, I m a good person. I think a lot of people have that type of

20 conversation in their mind. I mean, it may not be that exact conversation that portrayed but it s something like that. They think, you know, if I start to go after all of this stuff, I m just going to be like so-and-so that has all this stuff, or such-andsuch that has all this stuff, so I ll just live in lack, because that s what good people do, they suffer, they live in lack, they don t really have everything they want, and that s ok, that s ok, because the important thing is they re good people. So I think people get caught up in this idea of good being equal to non-abundance and bad, or evil, being linked to abundance. And I invite people to let go of that, let go of that idea, because for me, the only test is, am I hurting someone, am I not serving the greater good when I pursue this stuff, is anyone being damaged by what I m doing, is anyone becoming less fortunate because I m becoming fortunate? If I m having to step on people, if I m having to hurt people or lie or deceive, I don t want any part of it, I

21 do not want to be associated with that. But if what I m doing is helping people and leading to something that gives them hope, that they can believe in, then I want to be part of that. And that to me is abundance, and that s what makes the difference. Now I understand that a lot of people don t have that ability, let s say, or at least they don t think they do. People can look at me and go, oh that s easy for you to say, Dr. Steve, because you have such a great job, you create abundance programs, and you get to record audios, and those are really powerful and positive for people, and so of course it s easy for you. Is it? I mean, did this just happen, did I just appear here out of nowhere, did I just drop from outer space and suddenly I m recording audios about how to be more abundant, is that how this happened? I don t think so, because I seem to recall 30+ years of working and creating and striving to make this happen, and passing up on deals that I didn t think were right, and always sticking to what I believe

22 in like higher education, that s what I remember happening. I don t remember just arriving here. So I m telling you today that whatever you re focused on, whatever you want, you can create it if you start making the moves in that direction. And if you make the moves in that direction you re going to find that everything becomes easier. But until you start that, moving in the direction of doing things that serve the greater good and don t hurt people to achieve your abundance, until you start moving in that direction, you re going to find that there are going to be some barriers, and there should be. You should be stopping yourself every now and then saying, you know, this just isn t for me, this thing I m doing because I just wanted to get money, this just isn t for me, it s really not the best use of my talent, it s not serving the greater good, I m not going to do this anymore. I m going to make a plan to change that.

23 So once we make that change, once we make that shift, then we start seeing how abundance is a lot different than greed. That concludes this module. Please join me in the next module. I m Dr. Steve G. Jones hoping you have an outstanding day.

24 Module 2: How Can You Use The Law of Attraction to Achieve Abundance? What a great question, and I think that that is probably the number one question I m asked. When I m with Dr. Joe Vitale I can defer to him, I can just say, that s a good question, Dr. Joe Vitale, can you take that and answer that question? But I have my own feelings about the law of attraction and abundance also. As a hypnotherapist, and as a person with a doctorate in education, I tend to think of things in terms that at least I consider to be logical. I want things to make sense to me, I want things to be measurable if possible. I mean, let s face it, if something is a law, then it should have something that can be measured, you can measure it, you can quantify it, you can replicate it. That s how I know that something is a law, so when we talk about the law of attraction, I want to make sure that you understand that I m coming from a place of ideas that I feel can be replicated.

25 These are things that I believe in, these are things that I ve used, things that I ve done, things that I ve seen the results of, so, whereas I do believe there is a metaphysical component to it that we are not yet able to quantify, that we don t have the instrumentation to evaluate and measure properly, I do believe that s there. And I do believe it s just a matter of time until we re able to pinpoint it and see it and measure it. I think science is getting closer to that, to understanding how those things work, especially with the introduction into our society of things like quantum mechanics. We understand that we re out of the realm of even Einstein, not to mention Newton, we re so far beyond that now, we re into the world of random possibility, we re in the quantum world now. We ve always been in that world, but we re just starting to figure out that we re in that world where something can be in two places at the same time. Think about that, it s difficult to think about that, it s difficult to make that make sense in your mind, yet that s what quantum science is telling us,

26 something can actually be at two places at the same time. Does that sound crazy? I m not talking about you can think that those things are in two places at the same time, that one thing is somehow perhaps become to things or itself in some other reality, I m not saying can you think about that, I m telling you that is science, that is science, that is reality, that is, as far as we know right now, fact. And this is not people who are in metaphysics only who are saying this. This is people who study hardcore sciences, things that people call the real sciences, I m talking about physics, chemistry, I m talking about things that when you think of science you think of that class you took in high school when you mixed things together and you measured things and something was rolling and you took measurements. I m saying that the current teaching in that world is that something can be in two places at the exact same time.

27 So, science is starting to figure out the metaphysical world, it s starting to figure out the fact that we don t really know as much as we think we know. The fact that we are just beginning a very long and detailed journey into a very fascinating universe that we know very little about. We re just now starting to realize that we don t really know very much at all, and our science fiction movies are starting to show this. They ve been showing it all along, you ever notice science fiction, you watch science fiction, when I was a kid we used to watch Star Trek, in the 60s, crazy stuff, one guy, he was a doctor, and he had this thing he could hold in his hand that could somehow scan someone and give him information about what might be wrong with them. That was crazy stuff in the 1960s, crazy talk, that ll never happen. Yeah, and then it did. And it keeps on working that way, the things that we look at now in science fiction that look into the future 50 years or so are showing you what s coming up next, in a lot of cases, I m not saying in every single case, but in a lot of cases, keep seeing something in a movie and it s coming up next.

28 Now, there are a lot of scary predictions in movies, I m not saying those are coming up next, but I m saying technology. Technology, when you look at it, in science fiction you re getting a preview of the future. Maybe 50 years from now, maybe more, maybe less. And remember, not everything you see in science fiction is actually going to happen, but a lot of it does, because a lot of it is based on ideas that are being worked on now, that are being talked about theoretically, if we only had this missing part, if we only had more power, if we only understood this or that. And then guess what, we figure it out, we find that missing piece, we find that missing part of the formula, somebody has a breakthrough and we figure it out, and next thing you know we re flying into space, we re sending messages daily constantly, across very large distances, transmitting more and more data, more and more quickly. The size of storage is becoming smaller and smaller and we learn to condense, condense, condense, make things smaller and smaller and smaller. So we re getting more into a smaller

29 place, and we re doing it over and over, we re continuing to do that and there are certain laws about that, Moore s Law. Now when we talk about Moore s Law, we re talking about simply an observation somebody made. A guy named Gordon Moore back in 1965, he was simply observing, he saw that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits was doubling every year, it would just continue to do that, every year. So Moore s Law predicts that this trend will keep going into the foreseeable future, it would just keep going. So, we re getting more and more and more into smaller and smaller and smaller places, and so this is what s happening with technology. So it s no longer the idea that you talk about things in terms of they re just being one of them, and it s in one place, and that s it. Well now we know that something can be else, would you say, because an object can be in two places at the same time. So we have this new understanding of the universe thanks to science, we

30 have something that s a little closer to what we understand is going to one day perhaps help us know everything. But how far along are we really, and how do we know that percentage? I mean, we could be 10% along, in terms of all knowledge, if there were 100% of knowledge that we could access, and we could say that we re 10% along, but how would we know that, because we don t know the full amount of knowledge available. So, we have no idea, we have absolutely no idea at any time where we are. If we did have an idea of where we are, then we probably would have already completed the journey, because in order to know where we are in our understanding of technology in any point in time, we have to know how much there is to know, and we don t know that, we don t have that information. So, because we don t have that information, we have no idea where we are. Think about it, we re floating through space, technology-wise, knowledge-wise, moving toward understanding more, scientists

31 studying all the time, learning things, quantifying things, and none of us have any idea where on the map of technology we are. We don t know how much there is to know. So when you see science fiction, you see something and you think, that s insane, that s crazy, that ll never happen. Realize that it not only will probably happen, but it keeps happening, it continues to happen. What I mean by that is, the things that you saw as a kid, assuming it s been awhile since you were a kid, maybe some of those things came true. Or maybe some of those things that your parents thought were ridiculous, were crazy ideas, were completely unnecessary, or no way will that ever catch on, maybe some of those things are part of your everyday experience right now. And part of your parents everyday experience, maybe they re using them, maybe it s a cell phone, maybe it s an app they re using, but it keeps happening. Technology keeps moving forward. So even with all of that, even with all of that happening, science still does not have the ability to explain everything that goes on

32 with someone. Why do some people get better, why do some people get better when the doctor says they re not going to get better, and the doctor has no idea why they got better, how does that happen, how is that possible? If the doctor knows everything about the body, because they studied science, and they know this person cannot get better, and then they do, how does that happen? And people will say, oh it s a miracle, and I m not saying it s one way or the other, I m just putting the question to you. How can that be? Well, it s simple. Because doctors, just like every other type of scientist, don t know everything. In fact, they don t know how much they don t know, they re not aware of where they are on the map. And that s ok, and that s nothing against doctors, because I for one appreciation doctors. I was born with club feet, if it weren t for doctors I wouldn t be able to walk, I would ve never taken my first step if it weren t for doctors. So I am a big believer in medical science. I was born with jaundice, I was born with a hematoma on

33 my head because of the way they had to pull me out, I was born with club feet, I had a lot of things going on. If we didn t have doctors I m not sure I d be making this recording right now, and I certainly wouldn t have comfortably walked over to the chair that I m sitting in to make the recording. So, I m a big believer in doctors, but what I m saying is that science doesn t know where it is on the map, and so when we look at something, and we say, well, that doesn t sound right, because science doesn t back it up. What I m saying is that science keeps changing every day, and there may come a time when it does back it up. Or maybe not. So, getting back to the main question when I answer that type of question that has to do with the law of attraction, sure, there s one way of looking at it, where you can look at things as metaphysical and you can look at them as unexplainable and you can look at them as living in the world, existing in the world with rules and

34 laws, perhaps that we not only don t understand but will never understand. You can look at it that way, and that may be your view of metaphysics. My view is that it is highly explainable, we just haven t gotten there yet, because we have people looking at things right now that are happening and thinking they re science fiction. We have people looking at something that people may call miracles or change that s unexplainable and saying that can t happen, that s not possible, that s not something that can really happen based on the science that I have, based on the science that I know. But it did. And it does. And it s going to keep doing it. And so I m saying that it s perfectly explainable, we just don t have the tools to explain it yet. So, my idea of the law of attraction is that we are dealing with something that does have some laws, that we can quantify, we can understand them. We just don t have the way to measure them yet.

35 So when I answer a question like how would you use the law of attraction to get what you want, to get abundance, to create in your life, to have more, I m talking about that thing that is quantifiable. I just want to be very clear about this, I want to be very clear about where I stand on the law of attraction, because it s important to understand that you can look at things in one way and someone else can look at it in a completely different way, but you re talking about the same thing. So I just want to be clear about how I view law of attraction. I see it as an actual science, I see it as something that is real and is true and does work, we just do not have the tools to describe it yet, because science has not caught up with it yet, it s not something that science has advanced far enough to actually measurably understand. So, we have something that is very powerful and very real, yet not very quantifiable.

36 And in the book I wrote about this, it s called You Can Attract It, Frank Mangano and myself, we wrote it, and we talked about some things that are actually quantifiable, some things that you actually can measure. So science is actually catching up, that s the good news, science is catching up. We put in an entire reference section in the back so you can see these studies, but science hasn t caught up to everything. So when I talk about the law of attraction, I talk about something that I believe is actually real, and just like everything else it s measurable. Money s measurable, height, weight, those are measurable, the law of attraction is measurable, we just don t have a way to measure it yet. We can measure height with a yard stick, we can measure weight with a scale, we can measure money, how much money someone has in the bank, we can get numbers on all of these things, we can get data, we can track them over time. That s why it s so

37 wonderful to work with people, when I get to work with people and I help them lose weight, I can help them measure that. I myself have lost 30lbs in the last year, because you know what, last year, I said to myself I m going to make a change, I m a little bit overweight, starting to see some videos that I m in and I m not liking the extra belly there. So I hired a dietician, I hired a trainer, and I work out three days a week and I don t ever miss a day, and I eat what the dietician tells me to eat when I m supposed to eat it, and I ve programmed myself with hypnosis to make those changes, and I stuck to it, and it worked. That s all measurable, I can measure every calorie I ve eaten, I can measure every sit-up I ve done, it s all measurable, and I can measure the amount of weight I lost. That s why helping people lose weight, make more money, those things are great because you can measure them, it s a score board, it s like you re at a game or something, it s like you re watching a football game or something or whatever sport you may be into, you re watching the game and you re seeing points on the board. And you say, oh, the other team s catching up, and you

38 start to gain a little weight, other team s catching up, and then you start to lose weight, ok we re winning again,, it s exciting because it s quantifiable. I believe the law of attraction is that way too, unfortunately we don t have the ability to quantify it yet. But you know what we do have the ability to quantify? Success. We have the ability to quantify outcomes, we have the ability to quantify what it s producing, and so in an indirect sense, we have the ability to quantify the law of attraction. Now you might say, wait a minute now, that can just be anything, that can just be anything happening, we don t know that s quantifying the law of attraction, because it can be any number of things happening. Well I would suggest to you that those number of things are happening because this individual is starting to believe in him or herself and starting to take steps forward and nothing happens in a vacuum. I would say to you that these things

39 aren t just randomly happening. Oh they just happen to happen now, lucky for that person, they just happen to get that job that they finally applied for. No, these things don t happen in a vacuum, they happen as a result of each other. They happen because there s some consistent effort forward. So what I d like to share with you as we talk about abundance and as you learn how to become abundant, the takeaway I want for you is that you ve got to get into action. There has to be action. There has to be forward motion of some kind. Nothing happens until you start taking action. And that s the big takeaway from what Lisa Nichols talks about with the genie. There s no genie. There s not a person who s going to show up and make things happen and do it all for you and set it all up. No no no. This is a concept that the creator of the film was using to impart the idea that you can manifest what you want when you start believing in yourself. When you start to look inside

40 yourself and find, first of all, what you want to do, we talked about that in the last module, but second of all, what you want to do that you believe you can do, and want to actually have it come true, and when it does come true, you will be able to stand in the possibility of creating more. That s a big difference between I d like to do this or I d like to do that and I d like to manifest this and I d like to manifest that. See a lot of people get caught up in the idea of doing things, I should do something today, alright, so I did a bunch of stuff, I feel good, I m going to watch tv and go to bed, and I m going to get up tomorrow and do some stuff, I m going to do some stuff, I ve got a list of stuff I m going to do. I did my stuff, I m a good person, I did my stuff. And I m not saying that that s not a good person, it s that if you fill your life with a bunch of stuff to do and it doesn t mean anything and it s not going anywhere then you re really not manifesting. So

41 what I m talking about, when you get into the idea of using the law of attraction, first of all, something measurable, we don t really know how to measure it, we don t know how to measure the law of attraction. So if someone says, what units is it measured in? we don t have that information yet. But I m someone that likes to help people, I m a hypnotherapist, I m an NLP Master Practitioner, I m a life coach, I m a business coach, I do all these things, now mainly I identify myself as a clinical hypnotherapist, that s what I mainly identify myself as, but I have these other certifications too, and these other skills, and I like to work with people, and as that type of person, I m into measureable outcomes. And when I see people use the law of attraction, I see them getting outcomes, when they do it the right way, when they really believe. Because when you really believe, you go for it, you just make it happen and you get that outcome, you know how that works. So

42 that s what I m interested in, I m not really interested in the mechanics of it. one day we ll be able to measure it, I m sure of that, but I m not really interested in that. I m interested in outcomes. I don t really care how the car works, as long as it takes me to the airport. I don t really care how the plane works, as long as it takes me across the country. I don t care how my bed works, as long as it allows me to sleep restfully. So I m not really that into the mechanics of the law of attraction, I m into outcomes because I get paid good money to get outcomes, to produce, to make things happen, so that s what I want to see. And when I see people using the law of attraction I see outcomes. So when you look at how to use the law of attraction to achieve abundance, it s really a matter of taking into consideration these things I ve shared with you about manifestation, making things happen, believing in yourself, and applying them and realizing that it is, in my opinion, a science that has yet to be discovered fully and understood fully. If you have understanding of it then let me

43 know, because how do people suddenly get better when there s no way to get better? How does that work? What I m interested in would be outcomes, and so the way to use law of attraction to achieve abundance is first of all realize that there are a lot of things that we don t understand. Second is to start believing in it, just start believing in, I m not talking about the law of attraction, because remember I m not interested in the mechanics and so forth, start believing in what you want to achieve. Start believing in what you want to get, where are you going with this, what are you using it for? I m not concerned about the airplane, I m not concerned about the car, I m not concerned about the mattress, I m concerned about the service they provide. What do they do? Why would I want them, why would I care about them? So, that s what I m focused on. So, focus on that, focus on the thing that you want to create, so you use it by believing in what you re going to do, believing that it s going to happen, being

44 optimistic, believing in that thing and then going for it, acting as if it s going to work out. That concludes this module, please join me in the next module. I m Dr. Steve G. Jones hoping you have an outstanding day.

45 Module 3: How Can You Use Hypnosis to Achieve Abundance? Great question, and I think the main thing people want out of that is to be able to get what they want to get. I mean, again, I m all about the outcome because I work with people, I get paid to produce the outcome. So when we talk about using hypnosis to achieve abundance, we should have an outcome in mind, we should have a target in mind that we want to get to, a target weight, a target amount of money, whatever it is we re working on we should have that in our mind. And once we do, then hypnosis becomes kind of easy to use, because we re just applying a known series of steps and using those steps with our goal in mind. So, hypnosis, for me, that s how it occurs in my mind, that s how I think of hypnosis, when I think about it, I think about the idea that, ok, I can use step A, B, C and

46 D, and I put in there the type of thing that I m working on, and step A, B, C and D work toward that goal. So if I want to work on goal #2, I m still applying steps A, B, C and D, I m just applying them with goal #2 in mind. I don t have to create that completely separate set of steps. So I want to share that with you so that you understand how a hypnotherapist thinks about achieving goals. You re using hypnosis to get there, and it s going to be essentially the same procedure, basically the same procedure, with a few changes, because you re after something different confidence, motivation, abundance, whatever it may be. But you re using the same steps. So that s great news. So when I start to use hypnosis to achieve abundance, for example, all I have to do is the procedure that I would normally do for any hypnosis session and I just put abundance in there. So I think at this point it would be very helpful just to review a hypnosis session, review how to do it, review the

47 parts of the hypnosis session. But specifically, with this in mind, so we re talking about using hypnosis to achieve abundance, so as I ve said, we need to have some sort of target outcome. What do we want to get? So let s just say that our goal is to have $10,000. $10,000 in a savings account by next year at this time. Now, for you, you might be thinking, $10,000? What am I going to do with that, I mean, that s just $10,000. Or you might be thinking, wow, $10,000, wouldn t it be great if I had an extra $10,000 just sitting around? So you may be anywhere in that spectrum, and I don t know, so I m just picking $10,000 as a number that we can look at. If you want to change that in your mind so that it works better for you, that s fine, and if you were to actually create a hypnosis session for yourself, which I hope you do, then of course you re going to change that number. But I just wanted to have something to talk about.

48 So whatever you think about $10,000, just let that go for now, and realize I m just picking a number that I felt would be not too high by any means, and it s certainly something that would get someone s attention, if you say $10,000, people don t just, no matter who they are, they re going to pay attention. That is an amount of money, so I wanted to pick a number that I felt would be relatable and you may have to adjust it quite a bit, and that s ok. So we have that goal in mind, we want to achieve that. Now, I want to reiterate what I ve been saying all along, which is that abundance can be abundance of anything. So the fact that I m picking money, I don t want you to feel that this is something that would necessarily be the focus, especially because this program is interviewing me as a millionaire helping you achieve something. I want you to really understand that what I m teaching you how to do is to achieve overall abundance and you can apply it to money or cars, or gold, or houses, or boats, or whatever you want, or an abundance of friends, an abundance of fun. But in this example,

49 we re using $10,000 because it s measurable. It s in the relatable zone and it s measurable. So, let s just go for it. Our goal, in this hypothetical hypnosis session is to have $10,000 to our names in a bank account one year from now. Move it up, move it down, it s up to you, but I wanted us to have a number that we can work with. So, what are we going to do? We re going to create a hypnosis session around that. So that s the goal we ve set up. Maybe for you it s a million or ten million, or maybe for you it s $1,000, that s ok, but you re going to set up a structure around that now. You see how a hypnotherapist thinks? Target first, structure later. What are you after? I ll tell you, when someone comes to my office and they want to lose weight or they want to stop smoking or make a certain amount of money, that s a lot of pressure. Think about it, think about being in my position, unless you are a hypnotherapist or life coach or

50 therapist of some sort. But think about that, there they are, they want to do that. They re expecting that to happen. Now that s actually good news, because as you learn, at least when you study hypnosis with me, you learn that when someone is on board with you, and when they have expectations it s actually going to help. So that s actually good, it s very good for you to have that, to have them focused with you, wanting the same thing. So when the client is after something, you have to deliver. Or at least take your very best shot, sometimes the client lets the client down, and that s not something that I can control. Sometimes it just doesn t work, and that happens, that s life. Heart surgery doesn t work every time unfortunately, but that s life, that s reality. So we have our target, we re going to go for it, we re going to create the structure around it, remember, target around it, then structure around the target. There s no sense building something to get to something if you don t know what you re getting to. I mean,

51 if you re going to travel and you need to build a vehicle to get there, you don t know if it s going to be by air, by land, by sea, you don t know what you re going to do. How are you going to build a vehicle to prepare for a trip if you don t even know where you re going? So target first, where are you going, where do you want to end up, and then the structure gets built around it. So $10,000 is our target, that s what we want, $10,000 in some account a year from now. We re going to build a structure around it. The parts of a hypnosis session are actually quite straightforward. You have five parts: an induction, deepening, script, amnesia and trance termination. Those are the five parts, that s the structure that s going to be built around the goal of us having $10,000 in the bank, or whatever number it is, in a year from now. And so, we want to work backwards. Well, some of the work is done for us in hypnosis. For example, you have the induction. Well

52 we know we want that to be about ten minutes, twenty minutes long, and it s going to be describing a relaxing walk on the beach, or a relaxing walk in the woods, or floating on a raft in a pool, or whatever it is that relaxes us. And by the way, people ask me this all the time, does it matter if I say I or you when I m recording it, like I am relaxing on a raft in a pool, or you are relaxing on a raft in a pool. No, it s doesn t matter, to the best of my knowledge, to the current best of my knowledge, it doesn t matter. I have yet to see a study on that, and if you have seen one, please send it to me so I can update my information, and you should also apply that information. Some people just assume that, ok, I m making it for me, I should just say I, it s my voice after all. But what if someone else makes a recording and they say you, does that mean it s not going to work? Of course it doesn t mean that. So I haven t seen any reliable research on this, so if you do, go for it, and let me know.

53 So you re creating a recording and the induction is going to be about ten to twenty minutes, and you re talking about that relaxing thing that you re doing. Walking on the beach, walking in the woods, relaxing on a raft, whatever it is, you re just describing that. You re not attempting to get yourself into hypnosis yet. And then you are intensifying that. So if the relaxation was happening on a beach, in the induction, the deepening is going to be perhaps the sun setting, the sun sets from 10 to 1 and the sun sets lower and lower. Or if you re walking in the woods the deepening could be going down a hill, as you go down, as you count each step down, you relax more and more deeply. So it can vary depending on where you are. So those things are fairly set, the induction follows a certain pattern, you see how the structure starts to form itself around what you want. And then the deepening within the story that you re

54 telling, within the narrative of the hypnosis session, the deepening intensifies the induction. And then comes in the interesting part. It s kind of like at this point all we ve done, if we were surgeons, made an incision and opened the chest cavity. How helpful is that for a patient who is not doing well? It s a big waste of everyone s time if nothing happens. You re just opening up the patient and then closing them back up again, you haven t actually done anything. You ve wasted a lot of time and a lot of skills and a lot of money. But if you do something, then you get the outcome, everything works out, you get the outcome. So you do something, that s the script, that s all the script is. It s the thing that you do. Why did you open the chest cavity as a surgeon? Why did you make the incision there, what are you after, what are you going to do? That s the script.

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