WEEK TWENTY-SEVEN. Make it a great week! Kyle

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1 WEEK TWENTY-SEVEN Welcome to Week Twenty-Seven of the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan. We hope you are having a great week and are ready for this week's journey. Today we officially enter into the second part of the program. We have spent much of the first half of the program on our internal thinking, beliefs and mindset. Although we have discussed techniques and skill improvement, we have had to first challenge our own limiting beliefs and philosophies. This will continue in the second half of the year, but you will notice the next 6 Pillars are more technique and skill oriented. You're going to find yourself getting results and adapting to change more quickly and easier than ever before. Why? Because of the previous six months of paradigm shifts and muscle building. Yes, challenges build muscles! Self growth builds muscles! You may not see all of that growth yet, but others are noticing. This is exciting stuff we're all engaged in. This month we focus on Pillar Seven: Networking/Referrals. Harvey Mackay, author of the best-selling book "Swimming With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive" refers to his rolodex as his most valuable asset. Elections have been won, companies built and careers launched in part by the subtle, yet priceless awareness of how to create and keep a network of valuable relationships. Jim and Chris focus this week on how our attitude, mindset and philosophy is the very first step in the process of building a powerful network of relationships. It is great information. Thank you for all the wonderful comments you keep sending us about the results you are experiencing from being a part of the One-Year Plan. We thrive on your feedback. Make it a great week! Kyle Networking is simply the cultivating of mutually beneficial, give and take, win-win relationships. It works best, however, when emphasizing the 'give' part. - Bob Burg Copyright Jim Rohn International

2 Copyright Jim Rohn International

3 NETWORKING AND REFERRALS Jim Rohn's Seventh Pillar of Success: Networking and Referrals, Part One Developing the Attitude for Networking Hi, Jim Rohn here. We have some terrific stuff for you on Networking and Referrals this month. Here is what we will be covering: 1. Developing the Attitude for Networking (and life). The old saying is true that your attitude determines your altitude. You will only go as far as your attitude will carry you. We will look at the kind of attitudes that will enable you to successfully expand your network and make your life all that it can be. There are certain attitudes you must have toward circumstances, and those that you must have toward yourself and others. Your attitude also governs the process of what takes place when you are networking. We will take a look at the whole world of attitude in this week's edition. 2. Becoming a Person of Influence. The ability to attract and influence others is paramount to being a successful networker. We will cover the principles of influence and what motivates others to follow your lead, which in turn builds your network. We will also discuss how to expand your Rolodex with people who want to go with you to greater heights. This will all be covered next week. 3. Working your Network. It takes a certain skill to search for and gain new referrals in order to expand your business. We will show you how to develop your network and grow your business--what to do before the meeting, during the meeting and after the meeting, all designed to help you grow your business through an expanding network of people. We will cover this in two weeks. 4. Getting the Referral. The success of your business depends on keeping your current customers satisfied while at the same time gaining new customers. The key to getting new customers is getting the referral. We will discuss a technique for this and also cover the in's and out's of working with people in such a way that they help you find others to grow your business. And they will gladly refer you! We will cover this in three weeks. Get ready because this month is going to be great. If you follow the ideas put forth in the following weeks, you will begin to see your network expand and your business flourish! Developing the Attitude for Networking. When we talk about developing an attitude for networking we need to break it up into a few different areas. First, you have a general attitude about life and work. Secondly, you have an attitude about circumstances and thirdly, an attitude about yourself and others, and finally, your attitude towards the process. Copyright Jim Rohn International

4 In every area, your attitude will be a significant factor in how successful you become in your networking endeavors. Just as in all of life, your attitude determines so much. If you have a bad attitude, it will affect how well you work with others. It will affect how you perform. So it is imperative that you consistently work on maintaining a positive attitude that will carry you on to success - not only in developing your network, but more importantly, in developing your life! Let's take a look at the attitudes that will help make you a successful networker. 1. Your attitude about life and work. There are two basic attitudes that determine how we experience life. "Life is good" and "life can get better." These are basically the tenets of optimism. Let's take a look at each. "Life is good." It seems as though many people like to talk about how bad things are. They are constantly focusing on what they don't have. But what would happen to your life if you decide instead to focus on what you do have? Yes, there are going to be things that happen that you could point to and say, "See, life is bad." But there will always be things you can point to that will enable you to say, "Life is good." In fact, the very idea that you are alive to say it, is proof that life is good! Like the old saying goes, "Every day above ground is a good one." Think about life this way: If you are here to live, then you can certainly find a reason to enjoy it. "Life can get better." No matter where you are in life, it can get better. Yes, it can get worse too, depending on what you choose. No matter where you are financially, it can get better. No matter how successful your business is, it can get better. No matter what kind of relationships you have, they can get better. Think about these two attitudes. More importantly, embrace them. They will saturate your life with good things if you will let them emanate from deep within you. They will shape your destiny. They will make you a better person. They will enhance every area of your life and work. They will make you a positive influence around people and that will help you be a better networker. 2. Your attitude about circumstances. Circumstances come and go. The Bible says "God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." In other words, good and bad things happen to everybody. These "things" or circumstances don't matter. What does matter is what our attitude is in the middle of the circumstances. Here is the best attitude to have in any circumstance you find yourself in: "I can learn from this and use it to become even more successful!" If something good happens to you, then take advantage of it. If circumstances are less than what you would like them to be, decide to find out what you can learn from the circumstances. If you maintain a positive attitude about your circumstances, you will always be a step closer to achieving your goals. Copyright Jim Rohn International

5 3. Your attitude about yourself. The attitude that you maintain about yourself is probably the single most influencing factor in your pursuit of success. What you believe about yourself and your possibilities almost inevitably come true, no matter what they are. Here are the best attitudes to have about yourself to guarantee success as a person - and as a networker. "I am a person of value." If you believe that you are a person of value--and you are--then you will be a person who provides value to others. What you believe about yourself and what you have to offer is exactly what you will give to others. Remind yourself frequently that you are a person of innate value and worth. Don't be afraid of being an egomaniac. For most people that isn't the problem. You have a lot going for you and a lot to offer others. Never forget that. "I determine my future." You cannot wait around for someone else to make it happen for you. You alone set your course and determine what you will strive to achieve and what you will become. If you don't decide to succeed, you won't. If you don't decide to work hard, you won't achieve your dreams. If you wait for others to move you along, you will wait your life away. Remind yourself that you determine your future, then do it each day. "I can make my dreams happen." If you do not believe that your dreams are possible, they won't be. You are the key to whether or not your dreams come true. If you believe that you can achieve your dreams, you will most assuredly achieve them. If you think that they are just pie in the sky, then you will most likely never experience the thrill of living your dreams. 4. Your attitude about others. Your attitude about others comes shining through. In everything you do and in everything you say, it is easy to determine what you think about other people and that will have a huge affect on how successful you become. Success requires interacting with other people. There is no such thing as a self-made man or woman. Here are some attitudes that will make you successful with others. "I am here to serve." Ultimately the key to success is to have an attitude of service. The more people you help the greater your impact will be and the greater your income will be. We should never think of others as though they are simply here to fulfill our wishes. Instead we are here to help them, and in doing so we will achieve greater success. This is true in all areas of life, including networking. "I have a responsibility to treat others as I would want to be treated." This is the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." When we treat people poorly, we not only break the laws of humanity, it is also bad business! Some people just don't understand that! No matter what situation we are in, including our business situations, we should maintain the attitude of treating the other person in exactly the same Copyright Jim Rohn International

6 manner we would like to be treated. This will go a long way in ensuring a successful life and a successful business. "I need others in order to be successful." Although we each determine our own future, that does not mean that we do not need others. We choose our routes but those routes always include other people. We need other people. We need them for ideas. We need them for help. We need them as customers. We need other people at every stage of life and work. 5. Your attitude about the networking process. How you act and what you believe in the middle of the process will determine to a great degree how the process will end. A good attitude about the process will help you see a positive outcome. Here are some attitudes to maintain throughout the networking process. "No matter what happens I will remain positive." If you still have this attitude, the outcome doesn't matter. This puts you in a position of strength as you go about the process. "The networking process makes me better." We learn in the middle of it. We grow there. We get better, and eventually we will get to the point where we are "firing on all cylinders," meeting new people, making new customers, and closing all the deals we can. And that is great! "Both parties should win." This is Covey's principle of "win-win." If one party loses than both parties ultimately lose. If you "win" in the process and the other loses, do you think that customer will come back? No way. What does that mean? You lose too. If you win and your customer loses, then your career will be a parade of one-time deals--and that is a pace that is hard to keep up. Your network should be filled with happy people who know they will win when they do business with you. Remember, your attitude is so important. It is central to who you are, what you will become and what you will achieve. In the next few weeks we will get specific on the networking process, but this week it is important to focus on the attitudes that govern our lives. In doing so, we will set ourselves up to be the best networkers that we can possibly be. In the next section Chris is going to give you some thoughts on choosing the right attitudes. After that he will give you some questions for reflection and some action points for the week. Until next week, let's do something remarkable! Jim Rohn Work with every buyer as though that person represents a thousand referrals. - Tom Hopkins Copyright Jim Rohn International

7 Hi there, Chris Widener here. There are lots of things in this life that we don't get to choose. On the other hand, there are lots of things in this life that we do get to choose. Our attitude is one of them. Nobody else lives inside our brain. Nobody else controls what or how we think. It is up to us, moment by moment, to choose what our attitude is. It is up to us to determine how we will look at and perceive the world around us. It is up to us to decide how we will react to the world around us. My advice? Choose a positive, optimistic attitude! Here are some thoughts on choosing your attitude. We cannot choose our circumstances. For the most part, this is true. We cannot control if someone around us gets ill. We cannot control how another person treats us. We cannot control the global economy. We cannot control the direction our society as a whole will go. For some, this may seem scary. For me, it is freeing. I don't have to control my circumstances. Running the whole world would be a big responsibility. It is good to know that I am not in charge of, or in control of all of my circumstances. This dose of reality frees me to focus on what I can control--my attitude. We can choose our attitudes. That's right. We get to choose what our attitudes are for every situation. Here is the definition of attitude: "The feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that follows from this." We choose how we feel about others and situations. We choose our opinion about people and situations. We choose the way we will behave in relation to other people and circumstances. We choose it. It doesn't have to be bad. It doesn't have to be anything but what we want it to be. We have the option. The choice of a right attitude will significantly determine all future circumstances. Choosing to have the right attitude will change the world around you. This isn't any sort of magic; it is just how the world works. Now, don't get me wrong. It won't cure everything and turn your world into a virtual Shangri-La, but it will significantly improve the world you live in. For example, let's say that every day you go to work and gripe about life and work from the moment you get there until the moment you leave. Will others want to be around you? Will others ask your opinion? Will others like you? Will others ask you to join them for lunch? Probably not! But what if you come to work every day and you are the positive optimist of the crowd? Will everybody love you? No, but significantly more people will than if you are the office pessimist! Your choice of attitude will determine what kind of circumstances you get! Ultimately, it is our choice of what kind of attitude we have. Nobody else can force you to have a bad attitude. Nobody else can force you to have a good attitude. It is simply a choice you make. So what kinds of attitudes make a difference? Here are five attitudes that will make you soar! Copyright Jim Rohn International

8 1. "I can." This is the most basic of all attitudes. We simply must choose to believe that we can. In our house we are not allowed to say, "I can't." We can say, "I'll try," or "I tried and failed," but not "I can't." Telling yourself that you can't, will in effect make it so you can't. But telling yourself that you can, will in effect enable you to achieve much more. Even if you actually only achieve 50% of what you tell yourself you can achieve, you will achieve at least that much more than if you told yourself you couldn't. I actually have a standard way of getting myself off of the starting block: I simply say if somebody else has, then I can too. And if many others have, then surely I can too! I have to be smarter than at least one of those who has already done it. I have to be able to work harder than at least one other. There has to be at least one other person who has come from more difficult circumstances than me. And if they can do it then certainly, "I can!" 2. "I will be generous." Another attitude that will make you soar is to be a generous person. The attitude (and discipline) of generosity increases your likelihood of success for two main reasons: One, you are happier about yourself and that puts you in a state of mind that is prepared for successful living. Two, people pay back people who are generous. Generous people receive in kind, and being generous will raise you to levels yet unseen. 3. "I will make a difference in the lives of those around me." People who soar are generally people who have the attitude of helping other people. Yes, they may do it for monetary gain, but they are people-focused. They want to change the way people live and make life better. They are difference makers all around. I live in a town that is very affluent. Most of the people I know, work with, and have as friends are very successful in this world. One thing I can say, as almost a universal truth, is that to a person, they are people who are not self-consumed but genuinely care about others and will do what they can to help others. This is what I know to be true about the attitudes of the genuinely successful. 4. "I am not easily angered." Whether or not we get angry is a choice of attitude. We determine whether or not we will be angry. I have found that often I will meet with someone who is struggling with achieving something and in many cases I find that they are angry people. They have held onto an attitude that is angry at its root. When we take on an attitude that raises the bar on what makes us angry, we are positioning ourselves to be in a state of mind that is better able to live and work in such a way as to achieve success. 5. "I will look for the good in every situation." This is basic optimism. Successful people who soar through life are those who are optimistic. They see the good, think the best and strive for greatness, believing all the while that they will achieve it because it is possible! Copyright Jim Rohn International

9 Where are you with your attitude? Do you have a good one? Why not sit down and give it some serious thought? Then, no matter where you find yourself, decide to take your attitude to the next level! If you have a bad attitude, decide to improve it a couple of levels! If you have a good attitude, take it to the "great" level! Your attitude is your choice. Choose wisely. Have a great week folks! See you next week, Chris Widener Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association. --Jim Rohn Copyright Jim Rohn International

10 Questtiions fforr Reffllecttiion: : Q. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your attitude about: life and work your circumstances yourself others the networking process? Why? Q. Which of Jim's points on attitude hit closest to home for you? Why? Q. What is one thing you can do to improve your attitude this week? Which area should you work on the hardest? Q. Would you say your attitude is more of an "optimist" or a "pessimist"? Why is that? Q. How do you think your attitude affects your ability to network? In what specific ways? Copyright Jim Rohn International

11 Acttiion Stteps Thiis Week: : 1. Decide which two areas of attitude you are going to begin working on. Write them here. 2. Write down on 3" x 5" cards the attitudes that Jim and/or Chris mentioned and read them at least three times a day for the whole week. Embed them into your mind and heart. 3. Decide on at least three specific actions you can take to turn your attitude into a reality. For example, if you choose "I am not easily angered," what will you do the next time you are tempted to get angry? A. B. C. 4. Take a look at the deals and agreements you are going to make this week. Write down how you are going to make sure that they are win-win, then follow through. Copyright Jim Rohn International

12 Jan Ruhe William E. Bailey John Hayes and Don Sanders Don't miss it! A Look Forrwarrd: : This week we will be listening to CD 19 of the New Millennium series. Great stuff next week from: Nottes fforr CD Niinetteen ffrrom tthe JJiim Rohn New Miillllenniium serriies: : Copyright Jim Rohn International

13 Copyright Jim Rohn International

14 Copyright Jim Rohn International

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