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1 Podcast Episode 1 Remembering your dreams.m4a [00:00:04] You're listening to dream nites your subconscious podcast [00:00:13] Welcome to episode one of Dream nites your subconscious podcast. I'm your host Sheldene. And today we will be talking about how you can remember your dreams. So let me ask you this. Do you remember your dreams or are you the one that remembers some of them or perhaps the one that remembers the scary ones or the one that doesn't even dream majority of listeners have said that they only remember some dreams. I tend to be the same. I only remember some of them but I. Almost always always remember a nightmare. It makes sense to me that a lot of dreamers only recall nightmares because of the strong emotional reaction it can cause with in oneself. I consider myself an avid dreamer right. So quite often I would wake up with a very clear image of a part of a dream and I find that as I focus on that one image of the dream I begin to remember more but just as often I find that a very busy life can stop any recall of a dream. Do you have those kinds of things are so busy that the second you wake up your thoughts are already about what you need to do today that chaos your mind that lack of freedom you experience due to the hold of a busy lifestyle can have on you immediately takes precedence over the recall of your dreams. So in essence to remember your dreams is to wake up with a quiet mind. Dreams. I can easily remember. Even with a busy mind or dreams that have a very strong emotional impact on my psyche for example might make sense to me. [00:01:50] A nightmare is a dream about something that scares me. I dream that one of my dogs had suffocated and died. I woke up crying and all I could do was kind of my dog as much as possible and I kept saying I am so freakin grateful that it was just a dream. I am so grateful that it was just a dream. It had such a strong impact on me. I couldn't let go of that awful image in my head and that awful feeling in my heart. Naturally I would think that such a dream would of course be one that you remember. To give you peace of mind I'd just go a little deeper into the dream. So I spoke to my mother about the dream and because she was able to view the dream objectively. She could shed more light on its beauty. After my dog had died in the dream I resuscitated her and she survived. My mother pointed out that Honey dying in the dream was not the important part of the dream. The important part was that I had a knowing a faith above reason that I could and would revive her and I did this objective look into the dream

2 changed from a nightmare into something beautiful. Now I want to elaborate a little bit on that as well because I find that this can be something that's very very relevant in all our daily lives in the sense that we have a situation or a memory or a whatever it is that is something that we don't want to think about. [00:03:15] It's something that causes pain or hurtful feelings within us just like a nightmare does it causes such an emotional response that you prefer to ignore it and not deal with it because it's not something that you want to think about. But consider this consider having such a doc situation transformed into something objective so something that seems in a different light and in just that instant of seeing it in a different light it changes that fear of mind or changes that negative emotional response into something completely different. [00:03:52] Wouldn't it be great if we could actually do that with all sorts of things not just our nightmares but that we could see things from a different light and transform it with ourselves. Because I know from self experience or from knowing myself that I [00:04:09] Had often had those moments where I just would want to ignore thinking about something. But I find that the more you ignore something the more builds up and the harder it gets to deal with. So it's almost like using this dream as an example to transform something difficult for you into something that's easier to cope with by changing your subject view of the dream into an object view of the dream. So I thought that was quite a significant thing and I love the message that came across from that but also what I realized is that I needed my mother to help me with this because I was so emotional about the dream I couldn't I just could not look at it in any objective way. [00:04:57] So stepping out of your emotional viewpoint is a very difficult thing to do. So I do feel like difficult situations call for support to call for friends or family or just someone who is able to help you see it in a different way and then once that happens then you can transform it. But doing things on your own I find that's the hard part. I have through my teenage years and my early 20s I was the one that would deal with everything on my own emotionally because it's it's just not something that I want to share. I didn't want to burden anyone else with that. But it's really not about that it's about being able to just see it from a different standpoint. And sometimes you just need that extra bit of help. Righto so a strong emotional dream can be a nightmare but. It doesn't have to be a

3 nightmare necessarily. It can also be something that you desire so strongly and it happens in your dream. For some it could be a dream about finding the love of their life or being pregnant or receiving a particular reward whatever it is. If it has a strong emotional impact on you chances are that you'll remember it. And it is far better to have those dreams that are of something that you are really striving for something that you really want to achieve. So let's talk about those that feel that they don't dream at all. I've heard it from friends and I've heard it from family that they just don't dream but what I find so profound is that they often recall a feeling after waking up like they can recall what was found in the dream but nothing else. Isn't this fascinating feeling that maybe you dreamed but with your dream was feeling [00:06:58] The seeker's portal we get so caught up in life that we forget to nurture our souls join the Seekers portal membership at for anything between one and eight dollars per month and receive a monthly dream meditation download a monthly calendar inspired by featured spiritual artists a monthly Dream Nights podcast download 300 plus hours of art tutorials access to a mystics book club and an opportunity to hang out with Sheldene for new moon manifesting and dream inspirations. [00:07:35] Let's talk about ways to remember your dreams from a personal standpoint. I know that if I want to remember a dream I can only do so if I'm not woken up abruptly the most abrupt way that I am woken up is one of the girls hears something outside and they bark. I mean they sleep in a room and they are these giant Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs that they have a big bark and far and that scare the crap out of me I would jump out of bed. My heart would feel like it's going to climb out of my started and I would struggle to go back to sleep let alone remember a dream. So there are many different ways that people can wake up abruptly whether it is your kids whether it is a loud noise whether it is your pets whether it is your partner's snoring. [00:08:23] It doesn't matter what it is. [00:08:24] There are ways for you to wake up abruptly and I find that when that happens it makes it more difficult to recall a dream Atlas. I that if I was a dream then go to the bathroom. By the time I'm back in bed I have already forgotten the dream. So two key points stand out to me to remember your dreams. You need to wake up gently and

4 record your dream straight away before stepping out of bed even to go to Loo so let's consider ways to wake up gently. My alarm is of a song that is calm and gradually increases its tempo as it progresses. I begin to wake up with a calm tone which is common enough for me to want to listen to. And find that I am half into a conscious state while still being somewhat in my subconscious dream state and conscious enough to realize that I'm able to wake up and that I would like to record my dreams that conscious awareness of wanting to record your dreams and that gradual transitioning of moving out of your subconscious state is what allows you to clearly remember your dreams right in that moment. So once you stand up and turn your alarm off record your dreams [00:09:49] The dream article imagine for a moment you sit at a table with sunlight warm up on your hands and with wonder in your mind you ask for some direction. What do I do next. Why am I here. Close by on the shelf you see an Oracle card you purchase that card. It was a limited edition signed and numbered. An artist created that from a dream. The card is limited due to its knowledge being just for the right souls. The artist was so inspired by own dream she wanted to share the inspiration with in its colors and patterns and details. You picked up the card it says. The Seeker. Fascinated as you just asked your higher self for some direction. You read the back of the card it reads [00:10:41] Sometimes it's okay to hand over your confusion to the Divine for clarity the seeker makes itself known when you face that time of questioning. [00:10:50] What does this all mean. Why am I in the situation. Is there something I'm not seeing the seeker presents itself many times and sometimes it is okay to stop seeking the answers and to start asking for direction. The Triple Goddess presents itself to the seeker as a source for answers. The maiden will direct you in your answer to new love and friendship show you confidence in being carefree and promises new beginnings. The mother aids in fertility compassion health and unconditional love [00:11:22] Turned to the crone for wisdom dealing with grief or the need to learn from life experience. Perhaps you are simply needed to look at the moon to find which of the Triple Goddess wishes to speak to. The waxing moon calls for the maiden. It is a new month a new beginning should be establish. The mother will give you that comfort and

5 strength for the full moon asks that you reflect on your path the waning answered sturdy with the cry for the crone away quietly until you are ready to hear her wisdom [00:11:55] Purchase your limited edition signed and numbered oracle card now from Sheldene fine art on Etsy. [00:12:01] Shipping is free but be quick because this card is only available in November [00:12:12] How to record your dreams. I intend to use two methods. I open notes on my phone and write key words and feelings. Then I'll write a brief summary of the dream. Then I will stop and go to the loo and get ready for the day when I make the time to go over the dream properly. I like to record it in a digital journal in full detail and usually the key words feelings and summary are enough for me to recall it all. Sometimes like I do have moments away. I am so half asleep with the key words and the summary that I type out of my phone. By the time I want to write the dream down properly my digital journal I cannot understand what I wrote on my phone. Sometimes you can be in such a subconscious state that it's still a bit hard to recall and it's still a bit hard to actually record something because you actually are so. Out of it that you are just writing gibberish on your phone. But the other method I have only recently began to do more and more of. And it's such a useful method is to voice record your dreams. [00:13:26] Phones nowadays have a voice recorder. I'm using the voice recorder on my phone right now to record this podcast. That's another method you can use and I know that I talk much faster than I can type [00:13:39] And it be much easier to understand. Even though I might sound very half asleep it will be easier I think to understand what I'm trying to say in the voice note compared to what I'm trying to type or my voice recordings. Also great because you can do it with your eyes closed although I wonder though. I bet it's going to happen one day. You can do a voice recording or I'm going to voice recording and I'm going to sleep fall asleep while I'm doing the voice recording and then it's just going to record and slowly wake up. The third method that I very rarely use is writing down in a journal that you leave on your bedside table so I know a lot of people like to do this or this is the first thought that comes to your mind is okay. I once record my dreams and I'm going to put

6 a journal next to my bed and I'm going to write it down as soon as I wake up. You might feel more inclined to do this because you like to write. Writing is an action that forces deep thought and it might be something that you enjoy doing. [00:14:38] I find the process of writing something down in a journal a little too difficult for me to do that early in the morning or as soon as I wake up so it depends on who I am what you prefer. I prefer doing the voice recordings or just jotting down some key words and then. Quite often I would actually go back to sleep for a little but before I continue on with my day. But for those that enjoy writing. Writing is just as powerful as creating music or art. The more you do it the better you get. The more you record your dreams the more you will remember your dreams. You may even have those moments of remembering a dream without consciously trying to. This is so cool. This is so cool in this happens it could be something in your day that triggers the memory of the dream. It's sometimes it's just like deja vu like you've experienced the exact same moment before or I have a friend [00:15:36] Who has. She dreams of the future but she doesn't know that she's dreaming it until she's had the experience and she recalls this moment so often she can recall the details of the trees or the houses or an animal or person could be someone she's never seen before but at that moment she recognizes them and quite often she actually knows what she's going to see next. [00:15:58] At that moment of having the experience she's like okay this is coming up next. Didn't say I think there's such remarkable things so it's so cool if you can recall a dream because of something else that happens within your day. So that's another way but that's not something that you can control. That's just something that happens at the time of your recalling the dream because you have experienced the moment that triggers that creating art from your dreams. That is something I do but I create the art to enforce the power of the dream. Not so much to remember it so we won't go too deeply into that. A lot of think about the last dream that you can recall clearly. Think of this dream and then try and think of why you remembered it. Was it because you woke up calmly or did it have a strong emotional impact on you. Was it perhaps something that was very scary. Try and think about why you remembered the dream. It could also be I didn't mention this earlier but I'm going to mention this now. Sometimes you remember

7 a dream just because it's so freakin weird like it's like Alice in Wonderland sort of weird and strange and it makes no sense. [00:17:23] And you like that. That was just such a weird dream. Those dreams are the best because those are the dreams that drive you to actually write them down or record them in some way because you like I want to know what that means because it's just so strange. It makes no sense to my conscious mind. So that could also be another reason why you would remember a dream is just because it's so freakin weird. Well. It is really it's hard to wrap this up. I have to say I'm feeling quite joyful. My very first podcast. Thank you. It's a very important lesson that's in me for hearing me in this episode we discuss whether or not we remember our dreams and methods we can use to remember them in the future. We also identified what our latest recall of a dream was and try to establish why we remember that particular dream in the next episode. We will talk about what a dream is. [00:18:27] Have you ever thought about that. What is a dream. [00:18:33] Do you want to win a dream journal notebook by Blank Book journals to record your dreams. Tell me what you think a dream is by sending an to dreamnitespodcast@gmail.com. That's NITES spout N I T E S thank you for listening. I am your host Sheldene and be sure to dream well tonight. I m Sheldene Papasidero and you ve been listening to Dream Nites your Subconscious podcast. You can follow us on instagram.com/art_by_feeling or follow all the my content at SheldeneFineArt.com if you haven t yet go to apple podcasts and subscribe, rate and review this podcast. Join me next week for another dream nites episode.

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