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2 Crash course Law of Attraction 2 Manifesting Ground Rules 4 Manifesting Formula 5 Manifesting Game Rules 8 Manifesting Support Tools 10 Manifesting Troubleshooting 12

3 In this module you will find the owner s manual to using the Law of attraction to align to your Divine Plan. Working with the steps in this manual will give you all the tools you need to manifest each and every heart s desire you have in any life area, it doesn t matter what you want to manifest be it money, love, success, fame, a house, a car, a baby or your Twin Flame union. You can have it all and this module teaches you how to allow whatever you truly want to become a physical reality. We will be working with the Law of Attraction which states that what we hold to be true (our thoughts and beliefs) and give attention to, becomes our reality. Using this law to consciously create what we want to experience, is called manifesting. What you need to realize is that your subconscious beliefs and thoughts are creating your current reality. In order to change your current reality into the new reality you desire, you need to change your conscious and subconscious beliefs. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. Carl Jung Creating the life that is yours by Divine right is not only a question of adopting new beliefs, it s also a question of allowing old beliefs to become conscious so that you can reevaluate them and decide if you still want to believe they are 100% true. Because that is what makes beliefs more powerful than thoughts, because you decided once that they are 100% true and therefore you don t ever check them again to see if they are still true in this moment and most of all if believing them now, still serves you in the new reality you are looking to create.

4 Manifesting is not something you do by yourself, it s a cocreation with the Divine, The Universe, God, a higher power or however you want to call it. Here are some ground rules for manifesting: You are meant to have everything you desire. There is nothing you are not meant to have, the Divine loves you so much that there is in essence nothing it will deny you. Since the Divine will never deny you anything, it can only be that the Divine wants to give you what you want in a more perfect way then that you imagined it. Everything is possible for the Divine. The Universe or God is not limited by earthly circumstances, laws or conditions, everything is possible because the creative power of the Universe is unlimited. God makes a way where there seems to be no way in the eyes of man. Because you can only manifest what you believe is possible, whatever you deem impossible you will not be able to manifest. There is a Divine selection in everything for you. For whatever you desire there is a Divine selection, the perfect match that will bring you ultimate fulfillment. The key is to align in your manifestation to this Divine selection and let go of your personal preferences. To believe without a doubt, that what the Divine selects for you is over 1000x better than anything you could ever wish for yourself. Your faith brings about your demonstration (manifestation). Believing 100% in these first three statements is what will bring your desire into your physical reality. Believing that you

5 are meant to have what you desire. Believing that the Divine will make it possible for you and believing that you are worthy of the Divine selection in your heart s desire. When you believe this, whatever you desire will become your reality. The HOW is none of your business. The Divine takes care of the how, it s none of your business. All you need to do is to be crystal clear on WHAT you want and then get out of the way, so that the Universe can do her magic for you and bring you what you want in the most perfect way. You get out of the way, by being unattached to the outcome.

6 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22 the Bible The Bible already stated this Universal truth, that whatever we ask from the Divine, believing that we have a right to receive it - will be given to us. So let s break this promise down into an actionable formula, to manifest your every heart s desire. To bring your heart s desire into your physical reality follow this formula: Become crystal clear on what you WANT to manifest. Claim what you want as yours, you do this by sending out a strong intention into the Universe committing to manifesting your heart s desire and asking the Universe to bring it into your physical reality. You are not begging, groveling, trading, and pleading. You are claiming what you want as your s and asking the Universe to give it to you. It s non-negotiable, because you have set your heart on it. Anything you ask from this state of mind, will be given to you. Once you have claimed your heart s desire as the reality you are committed to manifesting and asked the Universe to make it your physical reality, you need to release it into the Divine s hands. This means that you leave the how, what, who and when fully up to the Universe to bring you your heart s desire in the perfect way.

7 You also release your attachment to the outcome, trusting that the Divine selection will exceed your wildest dreams. If you are having difficulties releasing your heart s desire into the hands of the Divine, go back to the first three Manifesting Ground Rules and work on making those believes 100% true for you. The next step is to believe that whatever you have asked for is already on its way. You do this by making physical space for whatever you have asked for. Preparing for what you want and acting as if the new reality is already there. Everything you do and everything you say is now based on that the reality you want to create is already REAL, it is done and manifested. If you were 100% sure that what you want is just around the corner what words would you use and what would you still need to do get ready for that reality? You can only manifest that which you believe, follow your hunches even when they make no sense to the reasoning mind. Be ready to receive what you have asked for. Double check if you made room in your life for what you have asked for. Are you ready for what you have asked for? The more you can surrender and trust that the Divine will bring you the perfect version of your heart s desire in the perfect timing, the quicker the new reality will manifest. Receiving is a very passive action, all you need to do is open up your arms and allow whatever you have asked for to slide in. You don t need to push, shove, and pull anything into your existence. You only need to allow it in. Become a perfect vibrational match and whatever you desire, can t help but be drawn to you.

8 When using the Manifesting Formula there are a couple of game rules you need to follow: Ask for what you want, not for what you DON T want. When claiming your new reality make sure it is what you WANT and not something you do not want to experience as your reality. The Law of Attraction is an impartial law and therefore will bring you whatever you align to with your thoughts and beliefs. Ask for the Divine selection in everything, so you don t create negative karma. When claiming what you want, ask for the Divine selection because that will give you the most fulfilling experience and it will protect you from creating negative karma. You do not want anything that is not yours by Divine right, as it will not satisfy you and creative negative consequences. Let go of personal preferences, this or something better. This one goes hand in hand with asking for the Divine selection, don t limit the Universe to only your personal preference ask for the Divine selection and when asking for your personal preference ask for this or something better. You can have a personal preference, just be willing to receive something better if the Universe feels that serves you more. Choose your master, Faith or Fear. Fear leads you away from what you want to manifest and faith leads you closer to it. You cannot have two masters, faith and fear are mutually exclusive. If you follow your fears you will not manifest your heart s desire. If you follow your faith, you will manifest the new reality. The biggest fear is the fear of disappointment,

9 it kills all dreams. What you resist, persists - the art of non-resistance. You are not free to create a new reality when you are resisting any part of your current reality. What you resist, persists. Resisting your current reality, actually anchors it deeper. In order to let go of your current reality and make room for the new reality you want to create, you need to let go of any resistance you might feel towards the HERE and NOW. This includes forgiving yourself and others, which frees you to move on.

10 As you can only manifest what you hold to be true i.e. what you truly believe, all efforts should be directed at changing your beliefs. Whatever you believe about yourself, about life, about the world, etc. will become the physical reality, you experience. After strongly mentally claiming your heart s desire, you can use the following tools to help you in the manifesting process: Writing - Journaling - Scripting your new reality Writing out your new reality in detail as if it is real will help you trick your subconscious mind into believing the new reality is already a fact, which will cause it to create it as the physical reality you experience. You can write it one time and reread it every day or you can rewrite it daily, whatever works best for you. Affirmations - reprogramming the subconscious mind You can also reprogram the subconscious mind with the thoughts and beliefs that you want it to believe. For example believing that the Universe always has your back is a new belief that you need to make stronger and stronger, the more you believe it - the more you will see evidence in your life that the Universe is forever supporting you and taking care of you. This applies to any other belief you want to start believing in like I deserve to be loved. It starts with your willingness to believe this new idea, then repeating it to yourself until you really believe it. The Universe will help you by bringing you more and more evidence of the truth of this new belief in your physical reality. Clearing opposing Thoughts - Beliefs - Emotions from this and past lifetime(s) Claiming your heart s desire as a desired reality will bring up any thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are keeping you out of alignment with what you truly want.

11 Simpler said it brings up everything that keeps you from HAVING what you have set your heart on. The problem is for the most part you will not consciously know that these thoughts, beliefs or feeling are sabotaging you. The key is to bring these subconscious thoughts, beliefs and feelings to the surface so you can fully release them. A lot of this work you can do on your own. In some cases it s quicker and more effective to work with a professional healer. Anchoring in the new energy You can anchor in the new energy in multiple ways, like working with gemstones, flower essences or gemstone elixir s, guided meditations and visualizations. Anything that helps you to vibrationally connect to the new energy and start matching that particular frequency, will speed up the manifestation process. Vibrationally connecting to the new reality You can also use techniques to vibrationally connect to the new reality like a vision board, guided or freestyle visualizations, rituals and buying an artifact that will every time you look at it help you connect to the new reality you are creating. Like a suitcase if you want to travel, a baby blanket if you want to get pregnant, it can be big or small as long as it helps you to connect to the new reality. This doesn t only allow you to vibrationally connect to the new reality, it also impresses on your subconscious mind that you are preparing for the new reality and if you are preparing for it, the subconscious mind will start believing it's coming and create it as your physical reality. Don t be afraid to throw everything at it, it doesn t matter what did the trick. It s the end result that counts!

12 Are you running into problems in your manifestation process? Here are some troubleshooting techniques that will solve the most common hiccups you may encounter: Are you really sure you want this? Sometimes when you make life altering decisions about a new reality you want to create, the Universe will test to see if you are really committed to this new reality. Bentinho Massaro calls this the Second day principle, when you attract a person or situation that will force you to either say yes or no. Second days are always earth shattering and shocking, they are like that because that is the only way the Universe and your subconscious mind will know for sure that you are dead serious about creating this new reality. For if you say no everything will stay the way it is, only when you say yes will you be able to continue in manifesting your new reality. Do you have a plan B? As long as you have a plan B, you are not totally committed to plan A. The only way to bring your heart s desire into manifestation is by seeing it as the ONLY possible outcome and to keep moving towards it until you get there. Is there still someone or something to forgive? Unforgiveness is the number one reason why your own heart's desires are not manifesting. Resentment of any kind puts a wall between you and what you crave for most. If you need to choose between forgiving this situation or this person and manifesting your deepest desires, what is more important to you? You can t have both. Did you forget to let go? Until you truly surrender your heart s desire and allow the Universe to bring it to you, it

13 can t. If you are still holding on, afraid it won t manifest, you are playing tug of war with the Universe and keeping your heart s desire out of manifestation. Let go, let God and before you know it the Universe will bring you what you asked for. Is your inner control freak still trying to fix it or someone This is just another version of not letting go. If you are still trying to seduce, manipulate, force, trick, humor, etc. your manifestation, then you are getting in God s and your own way. If you want a result that will really give you what you want and not backfire on you in any way, you need to step out of the way and allow the Universe to do her magic. It is the only way to manifest miracles, they cannot be coerced into being in any shape or form. Miracles only come after true surrender. Are you resisting your current reality? Another way you are keeping your heart s desire out of manifestation is by resisting (resenting) the current reality. Resisting or resenting what you are experiencing now, LOCKS you into the reality you are experiencing. It makes it your prison, and keeps you from moving forward into the reality you want to create. If you find yourself resisting your current reality, become neutral towards it by believing that your current reality is (even when you cannot see how yet) there to serve you. It is a blessing in disguise, shifting to this perspective opens the prison gates and frees you up again to move forward. Did you make room in your life for what you wanted? If your heart s desire isn t manifesting, double check if you have made room for it on all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Did you let go (declutter) everything that is contradictory to having your heart s desire also again on all four levels? In 2013 I realized that my passport still said wife of... when I was already divorced for four years and ready to attract a new love relationship. Be grateful for what you have now Gratitude is a magnet for more reasons to be grateful. Make a list of everything you

14 are grateful for now in your life and really feel into it. You can start with the basics like running hot water, a warm bed to sleep in and elaborate from there. The more you send out the energy of gratitude into the Universe, the more you will come into vibrational alignment with things to be grateful for. You should also work with a gratitude journal and write down daily 3-5 things that you are grateful for. Neutralize any envy towards the good fortune or success of another You cannot receive what you begrudge another. In order to open up the channels again you can use this Florence Scovel Shinn affirmation What God has done for others, he will do for me and more. Using this affirmation regularly will open you to your own good luck again. Is a subconscious belief from this or a past life cancelling out your manifestation? If your heart s desire is not manifesting or you are manifesting the opposite, then it could be that there is a subconscious belief from this life or a past life that is cancelling it out. In that case start asking the Universe to show you the subconscious belief, if necessary work with a professional healer to help you access it as the subconscious mind is difficult to access by yourself. Are you preparing for what you want? Are you cancelling out your manifestation with your words or actions? If what you say and do is opposing the new reality you want to create, then it will keep you where you are now. Make sure that everything you do and say is aligned completely to the new reality you are creating. It feels a bit weird to talk and act as if what you want is already there or just around the corner, but it s THE way to imprint the new reality on the subconscious mind. Are you following your hunches? When you are on your way to manifesting your heart s desires you will get intuitive promptings to do things that might seem irrational. You might feel that it s a waste of time or money if you do it and you won t see the results you are hoping for, but that is already preparing for failure. Can you see that? So if you

15 feel nudged to take a certain action, follow it. It s your soul helping you come into alignment with your heart s desire. Do you really believe? You can only manifest, what you hold to be possible. Even when you see no way on earth, how your heart s desire will ever manifest, trust that the Universe, has channels you do not know of. The Universe has unlimited ways to bring you, what you desire the most. God and the Universe are capable of creating miracles, you do not have to know how your heart s desire will manifest. You only need to believe that for the Universe nothing is impossible. When you have difficulties seeing how it will ever manifest, repeat to yourself - All things are possible here and now. I now attain the seemingly unattainable. When you are ready to throw in the towel and give up You can at any time come to the conclusion that you don t want what you have asked for and then stop investing time and energy in attracting it in your life. However if you still want it and it is not manifesting, giving up is not an option. Ever! Remember it always seems darkest, just before the dawn. Florence Scovel Shinn teaches that every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement. When you have come to this part of the journey the only option is to surrender even deeper, let go of your personal preferences and trust that the Universe will provide your deepest heart s desire. Revisit the Ground Rules and work on believing them to be 100% true. Before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we ve learned as we ve moved toward that dream. That s the point at which most people give up. It s the point at which, as we say in the language of the desert, one dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon. Paulo Coelho The Alchemist

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