Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. and Kari Bread and Bagels 001

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1 Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. and Kari Bread and Bagels 001 For more information on how to fix your food problem fast please visit Hey, this is the very good Dr. Glenn Livingston with Never Binge Again, and I'm here with a kindhearted woman named Kari, who has agreed to allow me to record her session, which is all about her troubles past and present with bread and bagels and pasta and such. We're doing a series on that right now. Kari, how are you? I'm great. How are you doing? I'm great too. I was looking forward to this session. Catch me up. I know you read the book. Tell me your story a little bit. How did bread and bagels and pasta get to be a problem for you and how has Never Binge Again intervened, if at all? Tell me how I can help. Well, I like bread. I understand. I do too. Actually, before we touch bases today, I kind of psychoanalyzed myself why is this such a problem for me. And I have been a vegetarian for about 20 years. And for me, vegetarianism began as a call for me. I think perhaps, it's because a lot of times, that would be the only option.

2 Going out with friends and we go to breakfast, I have a pancake. That's the choice for me. I don't know. So it was an easy place to get calories because you weren't getting them from meat. Easy as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you know. I don't know. Always just kind of been a problem for me. The two things you mentioned are things we typically have with fat and sugar on top of them. A pancake usually have with butter and maple syrup, right? And peanut butter and jelly has the peanut butter and the jelly. It's got the bread but it's got the fat and sugar on top of that. Is that typically how it's a problem for you or is it a problem all by itself? I think it's also a problem by itself. Okay. So have you had the experience like I had previously of eating a loaf of bread by itself? Oh, for sure. I can't even keep a loaf of bread in the house, where I feel like for everyone else, it would just be like a loaf of bread. They don't think about it. I will seriously just stand there and eat a piece of bread, plain, for really no good reason. Hand over the bread and maybe I won't cut you. Exactly. Yeah. Is it still a problem?

3 The book has helped a lot because I know that it's just the pig telling me that bread is okay. "It's vegetarian. It's fine. Go ahead." So it's helped in that capacity, but sometimes it feels the pig is stronger than me. Okay. So what is the rule that you're trying to follow with the book? My rule would be I'll never eat past 10:00 p.m. and before 5:00 a.m. I haven't really made any bread rules because I was scared that that would limit so many of the things that I enjoy, which I know that's such a ridiculous thing to say because you hear that every day from people. So that's one of my rules. Never eat more than 900 calories in one sitting, which I know that sounds like a lot of calories, but that was actually a big step for me. I can see why. I understand. Yeah. So those are the basic rules. I never have artificial sweetener. It just doesn't make me feel good. Those are my rules. Okay. And you've got this from the book or did you do the program? I got it from the book. Okay. So no artificial sweeteners, you don't eat between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. I never have fat-free anything. I never have meat. I never bake sugary foods for myself. I enjoy baking, and that's bread, so I have to give it away if I make it. I never apologize for why I need to stay healthy.

4 That's great. I love that. That is great. Okay. I never binge on anything, I never have frozen lattes, and I never compare myself to others with their situation. Oh, and a big one for me is I never eat junk between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. For some reason, that's just a scary zone for me. That's when I'm alone. It's after work. I'm vulnerable from whatever happened through the day or that kind of thing. So those are my nevers. Are those rules helping you with the bread or those rules are just helping you overall? They're helping me overall. Okay. And sometimes you feel like the pig is stronger than you with those rules, and we can talk about that. You said you didn't want to make a rule about bread because you are frightened you wouldn't be able to enjoy it anymore. Right. So what role do you want bread to play in your life? Do you want to be able to have it in an unlimited way? I'm trying to separate you from the pig a little bit. Say, if you take a few moments to think about it, how would you ideally be with bread? Is it something you would have as much as you want whenever you want? Is it something that you would have less compulsively? How would you ideally like to be with bread? I would like to be able to keep a package of bagels in the house so that my husband and I could enjoy one in the morning for breakfast throughout the week without me having to think about the bag of

5 bagels throughout the day. And then that just seemed so absurd to me that I would not be able to keep bagels in the house. This is ideally. We'll figure out whether it's possible or not in a little bit. But ideally, you'd like to be able to have one bagel a day? Sure. And what other bread would you like to be able to have during the day? It would be nice to feel like I could have a piece of garlic bread or something with dinner to something simple. I'm having a hard time deciding what my clear-cut rule would be on that. I just want to be able to enjoy it in moderation like a normal person. Well, that's why I'm asking you. I'm asking you for guidelines. Yeah. Okay. It sounds like you have to have one serving of bread with breakfast and one with dinner. Is that reasonable? I think so. Do you need to have anything else during the day? Is that enough bread? Oh, that's plenty of bread. Will that interfere with your health and fitness goals?

6 Probably, because, I don't know about you, but after I eat a bagel or some sort of bread for breakfast, whether it's a pancake or whatever, it definitely does not give me energy. It's enjoyable but it doesn't give me energy. Yeah. Well, it takes a lot to digest it and it messes with your glycemic level, so your body is going to want to have more. How would you revise that to be able to have bread in your life and still accomplish your health and fitness goals? Maybe enjoy some bread with breakfast on the weekend. Okay. That means maybe Sunday morning pancake or something. You'd have it with dinner whenever you want to, but with breakfast only on the weekend? Yeah. I think that would be reasonable. Yes. Would you be able to accomplish your health and fitness goals like that? I think so. Take a breath. Just take a breath and ask yourself. I'm just thinking like, if I allowed myself bread at night, I wonder if that would lead to something else. I don't know.

7 So there's a part of you that thinks that you need to give up bread entirely. I'm not saying you're going to do that. I'm just saying there's a part of you that toys with that, or no? No. I think that's reasonable. I don't know. I don't know when. I don't know if I do want to give up bread entirely. I wish I could just have a rule that would allow me to, like I said, have a pancake on a Sunday morning. Okay. So you could have one serving of bread per day on the weekend. Is that what would work best? Yes. What about bread with dinner at other times? I'm trying to think how I would word a rule for myself if I wanted to have a veggie burger or something like that. Okay. So so far what we know, our best guess is that you want to have one serving of bread -- we're not committing to this yet, "I will never eat bread again except for one serving on a Saturday and Sunday." So you can have one serving of bread on Saturday and Sunday. And then you want to be able to have bread with a veggie burger? Yes. How often do you want to be able to do that? I would like to have the option to do that once a week.

8 Okay. So one serving during the week. So you could have it on Saturday and Sunday. And is this serving you're going to have during the week limited to a hamburger bun or can you have other things? I can have other things. It sounds like you're never going to have bread again except for one serving on the weekends, on a Saturday or Sunday or both, and one time during the week. When we say bread, are we including like tortillas with that, like a lot of bread? You tell me. I think we should include things like tortillas with that. Okay. Because that gives me the [inaudible 00:07:42] as bread. So are we talking about flour? Right. Flour tortillas. Are you including pasta then or muffins or anything like that? I think we should include muffins and cakes. So it sounds to me like you're talking about flour.

9 I think so, yeah, flour, but not pasta. But I'm not including pasta in that. Okay. So I'll never eat flour again except for one serving on Saturdays and Sundays and once during the week, or pasta at any time. Yes. That sounds good. I feel like that's really maintainable for me. That's maintainable? Yeah, I think so. That's maintainable for me. And if you live like that, would you meet your health and fitness goals? Yes. It would definitely be a part of it. It would definitely help. It's a complicated answer because there are many factors that go into that, but that would be huge. It could be a step up? Correct. I'm going to read it one more time. I just want your affirmation. I'll never eat flour again except for one serving on Saturdays and Sundays and one serving during the week, and pasta at any time. Yes. I like that. Okay. So all kinds of flours, that's how you're going to regulate that. Okay.

10 Yeah. That's empowering when you read it back to me like that. I'll never eat flour again except for one serving on a Saturday or Sunday, one serving during the week, and pasta at any time. Yes. I like that. Good. Well, let's talk about why you like that. If you did that for a year, you clearly think that's going to be a step up for your health and fitness goals, what would be different? I would have more energy and I would feel more in control. I think when you feel a little more in control, especially control over the pig, it empowers you to be stronger in other areas also. Like what? Where would you be more in control? Just the other health and fitness goals I have. If I could be stronger over something like that, I would feel like I could be stronger over other things. One of the things that the pig does is it tries to keep our future vague because it knows that if we make it very specific, we're much more likely to achieve it. And the more that it seems realistic to us, the less likely we are to give into its squeals. And so the reason that I'm being a little annoying and bothering your pig about this is that I don't want to let it be vague about it. I want to know what those other health and fitness goals are. If you can visualize yourself accomplishing these other goals, what might they be? Unless you don't want to say it publicly for some reason.

11 I used to do a lot of running. So in a few months, I would like to run a five-mile race. But if I eat breads in the morning, it's not good energy for running for me. So it will help me with that fitness goal. I think that it would help me set up the stage to the other healthy things in replace of that. If I know I'm not going to be having some sort of flour with dinner, then I'm going to have to find another option. So what kind of other things do you imagine you'd find? Healthy grains and vegetables, legumes, that kind of thing. I don't have a whole lot of ideas. Maybe that's why I turned to bread. Bread is easy. Now, there are a lot of YouTubers these days that have recipes online. You could look for grain recipes or salad recipes or bean recipes. A lot of people have put those online, a lot of healthy options. What else would be different? It's a year from now and you actually did this regardless of what your pig is saying about whether you can or you can't. You actually did it. I think I would have some weight loss. How much would you lose in a year? Just changing the bread, probably, I don't know, 20, 30 pounds maybe. And what would it mean to you to lose 25 pounds? I would just feel better. And how would I know? What would I see that was different?

12 More motivation, probably, happier. I'm assuming that you'd see it in my face, probably, more outgoing, little more ambition. I also have a very physical job, so I'd probably be more productive at work with my job. Would that have a financial impact on you? Absolutely. Could you quantify that? I do massage therapy. So if I had more energy with the weight loss, it would give me more energy and I'd be able to work on more clients. Conservatively, how much more would you make each year? I would have to get a calculator out. That's why I do massage. I'm horrible at math. How much do you charge per session? I take home after it's all said and done about $30 an hour. So let's say I see four more clients a week. It's about five grand a year. Yeah. That's over 6,000 a year. Six grand a year for not having bread. That's interesting. Okay.

13 I could take a vacation. Where would you go? Maybe I could go on a cruise and eat bread at the buffet. No, I'm kidding. I actually travel out of the country once a year just for enjoyment. So that would pay for my trip. There you go. Would there be anything else different; the clothes that you would wear, the people that you would talk to? Yeah. I would probably stop dressing like I'm wearing a sleeping bag all the time. Mm-hmm. So how would you dress? Are there clothes in your closet that you're looking forward to wearing? Yeah. I would wear the jeans that I'm currently not wearing because they give me a muffin top. And I learned how eating bread gives you a muffin top. So I would probably wear those. Yes. What kind of jeans are those? They're not special. They're just jeans. You could wear jeans without a muffin top. Right. Basically, when you put it into this perspective, eating bread is costing me money, way more money than I anticipated.

14 Yeah, that's the point. That's where we're pointing this out to your pig. Kari, you know that I like you, that I'm just being rough on your pig, right? Exactly. Okay. What else would be different? You'd go on a cruise, you'd see more clients, you'd make another six grand a year, you'd be more ambitious, you'd be more motivated. More motivated to do what? Outdoor activities. I live in a place where there's lots of outdoor recreation, and that's a very popular thing to do here. My neighborhood is all people that are outdoor enthusiasts. I feel like I don't do as much of that because I'm too lazy and tired. So I would like to go be more of a part of that. I have two big dogs that need to be exercised. I like to feel like I could take them out, and it's not a big deal for me to do that. What are their names? Jagger and Whitney. Oh my God, you're a music person. Okay. What kind of dogs are they? Pointers; English pointer, German pointer. They're energetic dogs, aren't they? Yes, for sure.

15 Yeah. So they need some time outside, they do. What else would you do? I think if I have some good weight loss -- I've been in and out of working on my bachelor's degree. I think that I would feel more ambitious about going back to school. And the reason why is because I've been pursuing a degree in geology, and that requires a lot of outdoor field trips and that sort of thing. And when you're overweight and everyone there is younger than you, it's intimidating to go and do that field work and really be part of that. So you can move your career forward? Yes. What do you want to do with the geology degree? I would enjoy possibly teaching it or maybe working for a surveyor, with the city, maybe doing some consulting for different environmental companies. Great. Why is that important to you? Because I love geology. I have a passion for it. It's in my family. It's kind of engrained in me. It's what I grew up with. And I know that regardless of weight loss or not, I won't be able to do massage therapy forever, and I won't ever be able to really make the money I'd like to make doing massage. Now, what if you don't make this change? What's going to happen to you if you don't make this change? What would happen to your life?

16 What's that saying? If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got. So I guess I'll just be doing the same thing I'm doing now, which is being tired throughout the day and not doing a heck of a lot. I'm standing in my driveway and playing ball with the dogs so that I don't have to take them anywhere. Got it. Lazy ball with the dogs. Well, yeah. It's like lazy people's exercise. Seriously, Glenn, to avoid taking my dogs for a walk at night, I will go out with a laser pointer and let them chase it to wear them out. It's funny, but it's sad too, isn't it? Right. So it's like -- but if I had more energy, I would take them out hiking throughout the day in the day. I have plenty of free time to do that. Take them out in the day and they'd be too tired to play laser at night. There you go. Would anything get worse in a year or it would be about the same if you don't change? I think that in a year, I think it would probably be about the same, but in more than a year, it would be bad. Like, I'm getting older. I'm 38, so I'm pushing to 40. And I think in a year, it'd probably be about the same, but if I kept living the way I am and stay five years, I think I would have weight gain and health-related issues with the weight gain. Which ones?

17 I don't know. I don't have any health issues right now. Well, being overweight is a health issue as well. But I mean I don't have anything that require medical attention at this moment or anything like that. But you can only play lottery so long. So I know this is unpleasant but it's actually helpful and it will make your pig squirm even more. I'd like you to imagine it actually is five years from now and you didn't change. So you actually kept eating like this for five years and you did gain weight and you did have some health issues. I'd like you to imagine there is a specific amount of weight you gained and a specific health issue you developed. And you could be wildly wrong, but if you weren't allowed to say I don't know, what would you guess? How much weight would you have gained and what health issues would you have? My weight has been steady for a while. I haven't lost or gained. It's been the same. But with aging and slowing metabolism and everything that goes with that, I would say I'd probably gain 20 pounds and maybe look at being pre-diabetic. Diabetes runs in my family. Yeah. Mine too. What would it feel like to be 20 pounds heavier? Oh, I can't even imagine. It would be very unpleasant. I would probably have, I don't know, foot and ankle problem. It would be very hard to work. It would be hard to work on people and have an extra 20 pounds, both carrying it and it being in the way of my physical movement to work on that person. Would you have to do fewer hours during the week? Yes, I would probably have to do fewer hours to stay off my feet.

18 How many fewer hours would you have to do? I'd probably have to cut an hour off of each day. So probably five hours less. There would be another six grand or so that you'd lose, right, a year? Yeah. So the difference between these two futures isn't $6,000, it's $12,000 a year. Mm-hmm. Am I right? I don't want to exaggerate. That would be correct because if I cut back, I would be losing the 6,000 from cutting back and the 6,000 from moving forward. So yeah, it would be 12 grand. And that's every year? Yeah. Would you be able to complete your geology degree? I could do it, but I wouldn't be motivated to do that. I would be insecure, I would be uncomfortable. Would your dogs get exercise?

19 Not really. Would you get to run that five-mile race? Definitely not. What would be the implications of being pre-diabetic? Well, that would be really scary. I'd have to look forward to more health-related issues. So that would make you more insecure and frightened about your health? Right, and that makes you depressed, makes you unhappy, and then that's when the pig really starts yelling at you to give you comfort. You would be cycling down? Yeah, I think so. Okay. Why don't we give your pig a chance? Is that okay? Mm-hmm. I want to remind you of the rule. The rule you're talking about adding is that you'll never eat flour again except for one serving on Saturdays and Sundays, and one serving during the week, and pasta at any time. That's the simple rule that you want to add. Why does your pig say that you can't, shouldn't, or won't do that?

20 My pig says that because those things are so easy and require no preparation. So if I have a long day or something, then my pig is going to be like, "Well, that's easy. Just let's have a veggie burger to call it a day. You'll be fine. Everyone else can eat it. You'll be fine." Everyone else can eat it, why can't you? Right. Okay. What else does your pig say that you can't, shouldn't, or won't comply with this new flour rule? Because there are activities I do with friends that include that. And so my pig is like, "So you're not going to be part of that? I don't see that happening." You're going to be left out of activities with friends. What else? My pig says, "You'll be strong right now because you talked to Glenn, but I'll come back later." You'll be strong now because of Glenn, but I'll get you later. What else? Those are really the main squeals I hear right now. I don't really hear a whole lot of other -- Let's talk about them. Can you jump back up into your higher self? You remember that you want to lose that 25 pounds and run the fivemile race and find other healthy options to eat grains and veggies and

21 legumes and do more outdoor stuff with your friends and finish your geology degree and avoid diabetes and ankle problems and depression. The difference between these two futures is about 12,000 a year and you don't want to gain that 20 pounds, like rather be 25 pounds thinner, which is a difference of about 45 pounds, by the way, and the difference between the futures. Let's jump back up into your higher self. What's a good answer? How would you dispute some of the things that the pig is saying? So for example, the pig says, "All these things that would cause you to break your rule, they require no preparation. They're really easy. You're not going to take the time to prepare the meals instead. So you're going to binge instead. I know you're going to binge." What would you say to that? How would you dispute that? I don't know. I would have to tell the pig, "No. You're not getting anything. I'll prepare ahead so that bread is not going to be a quick option. Something healthy and different will be a quick option." Good. In fact, the other day, I didn't have anything prepared to take for lunch at work. So the pig said, "Oh fine, just go out to eat and grab something on your lunch." And I told the pig, "No. You don't get rewarded because I didn't prepare appropriately." There you go. I will figure something out to take the work and it happened to be like something really boring, a bunch of lettuce and some olive oil and whatever. Anyway, so I had to tell the pig like, "You're not going to get

22 a treat because I didn't prepare appropriately." So I guess I will have to use that tactic with the bread, which is, "No, you're not going to have a bagel because you didn't get up early enough to prepare." So it's not how it works. Atta girl. May I help you with one additional thing you could say? Yes. Does it take more time to prepare something healthier, or does it take more time to recover from the pig slop? That's a good one. You can't argue with that. Yeah. I've heard this a few times before. What about when the pig says that, "Everybody else gets to eat all the bread that they want to. Why can't you?" What's a good way to dispute that? I have no idea how tired everybody else is after they eat bread. They're probably tired too. So that's a very good argument to have because maybe everybody else can eat bread like I want to, or I'd say like my pig says I want to. Maybe everybody else can, and they don't. They probably don't. You're only seeing the surface level celebration. You don't know what the impact is. Correct. There are also a lot of very overweight people who eat bread. So that would be my argument to my pig.

23 Yeah. A lot of these people could have the negative future you outlined or worse, right? Yeah. I don't really see very many trim people standing around eating a piece of bread when they get home from work. Interesting. What about the idea that you're going to be left out of activities from your friends so you have to eat more bread? I think that is just ridiculous. My higher self is just kind of lax with that, but I know that's the tactic my pig will use because my friendships really don't revolve around bakeries, but my pig likes to see that. That's absurd. My husband is very trimmed, does not have a bread problem, but there's a little bakery we like to go to and it's something we enjoy doing together, and my pig is like, "So you're going to go to the bakery and you're going to take that activity away?" And that's such a stupid argument that the pig gives me because if I told my husband, "I don't want to go to the bakery because I'm trying to eat a little bit better," he'd be like, "Oh okay, great. I don't care." That's when it comes up weird things. The pig is desperate. It will make ridiculous arguments, yeah. What about the pig says, "Well, you're feeling really strong now because of Glenn, but I'll get you later"? I don't know how to overcome that one because when I first read Never Binge Again, that was about a year and a couple months ago. And for like six months, I did amazing. I overpowered the pig and then I had a setback and the pig came out and I had a hard time overpowering the pig again. And so the pig kind of went out. And so when the pig

24 argues, "Well, you're talking to Glenn now but I'll come back later," I kind of feel like, "Hmm, maybe you will because that happened before." May I help you with that? Absolutely. There are three pieces of advice I could offer you for that. One is read the book again. Some people have to read it a few times to really strengthen things, to hear all of the pig squeals and get their strength back. Some people need to, and it's not unusual at all. So that's fine. The second is that there were two lenses with which we can look at the world. We can look at the world with a lens of success or a lens of failure. And if you'd look at the world with a lens of success, you're going to gather evidence of success and develop a success-based identity. And if you'd look at the world the way the pig wants you to with a lens of failure, you're going to find evidence of failure and develop a failurebased identity. With a success-based identity, you're going to be much more likely to succeed. With a failure-based identity, you'd be more likely to fail. And that's why the pig really wants us to use a failurebased lens and collect evidence of failure. As a practical matter, people fall down. People make mistakes. And if you get up and you aim again at the target and you keep doing that, your aim has to get better because by nature, we are learning machines, right? What really stops us is believing the pig when it says that we're a failure and that we're always going to fail because we failed in the past. That's what really stops us. If you get up and aim

25 again and get up and aim again, you will get better. You have to. That's the way we work. The last thing is that you have to understand that the pig is playing an illusion on you by pretending to attack you in the future. The purpose of its attack -- and first of all, the pig doesn't have a time machine so it doesn't know what's going to happen in the future any more than any of us do, any more than any of us know what the lottery numbers are going to be, we don't have a time machine. So the pig only knows what's happening now, but it wants to make you nervous about the future so that you're too frightened in the present and you feel too uncertain and doubting and anxious in the present to avoid the binge. It's really trying to get you to binge right now. And so if you answer it by saying, "Well, I'm confident right now that I'll never binge again, and tomorrow, it's going to be now and at all points in the future, it will still be now, then if I just never binge now, then I'll never binge again." And it sounds a little crazy, but what it does is it neutralizes the pig in the present. That's what you want to do. You want to develop your ability to neutralize the pig in the present because it's always going to be the present, and you can always use the present moment to be healthy. So you just tell the pig you're not going to play that game. You're not going to play the game of what's going to happen in the future because it's going to be stronger or whatever. And then all of the principles in neurology say that if you just keep not binging, your brain rewires. What actually happens physiologically is your brain rewires. You extinguish the addictions. Your survival drive reattaches to healthier things and it just becomes a part of who you are and you don't have to think about it all the time. It doesn't matter if I'm there or I'm not there.

26 It doesn't matter if I go crazy and decide to have a whole stack of pancakes. It doesn't matter. You do what you do. Does that make sense? Yeah. That does make sense. I know we're coming to a close, but I would like to quickly, in two sentences, tell you why I had a problem and the pig came back out because I'm sure there are other people that have had this problem before. Okay. So I followed the book. I felt so powerful and I was doing amazing and I wasn't having any binges. I did that for probably about nine months. I don't weigh myself because I found over the years that it didn't do anything for how I behaved. It only influenced how I felt about myself. I've got on a friend's scale at their house when I was using their bathroom or whatever and I weighed the same. In fact, I'm not sure exactly how much I had lost or whatever. I'm sure I had a loss. It felt good. I was feeling great. And when I saw the scale, the pig was like, "You are so fat anyway. Look at all the work you've done and you're still fat." And then after that, I had a struggle. That's wonderful that you shared that. It's a very common experience. And what was happening was that the pig was using the evidence of failure lens again. Rather than saying what a monumental of accomplishment it was that after so many years that you stopped obsessing about food so much and you managed to eat healthier and treat your body well and you recognize that you had power instead of the pig having power and you weren't feeling hopeless and helpless, it's monumental success, the pig said, "Oh, you still weigh the same."

27 And as a practical matter, a lot of people recover in phases. They recover mentally before they recover physically. It's very, very common. And for some people to just stop gaining weight is a tremendous success. So the pig convinced you to use the lens of failure. That's what happened. Now you know better. Now you know. I like that lens analogy. I think that's very helpful. Good. I just started talking about that more recently. Good. Yeah, I like that. How confident are you, Kari? I feel really good. And bread doesn't even sound good to me, anyway, today as I was talking to you. Yeah. Your pig likes the bread. Your pig really wants the bread. How confident are you on the scale from 1 to 100, where 100 is completely confident that you'll never eat flour again except for one serving on Saturdays and Sundays and one time during the week and pasta whenever you want? I feel 100. I feel like my pig has moved back away from the front door of the cage, and my pig is like, "Hmm, I'll figure something out." Yes. That's what it's going to do. It's sat in its fat little belly and tapping a toe, like, "Hmm." I feel really good, and I like that rule, and I feel like it's really reasonable to have some bread. Also, my higher self feels like over time, I'll probably just

28 lose interest in that bread that I have on the weekends because that happened to me before with certain things. I used to have the stupid latte problem. It was on a sometimes rule. I will be able to have a latte on a bank holiday. So that meant that I could go on like whatever, Monday, bank holiday, and I could enjoy a latte with my friend. And after time, I didn't even care about the latte anymore. I'm like, "Why am I even keeping track of these bank holidays? I don't even care about it." There you go. I'm hopeful that that's quite possible what will happen to my weekend bread. Very good. Okay. Well, will you let me know? Give me a shout in a month or so and let me know? Yes. Okay. For more information on how to fix your food problem fast please visit Psy Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. and Vanessa Bread Bagels 009 Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. and Vanessa Bread Bagels 009 For more information on how to fix your food problem fast please visit Hey, this is the very good Dr. Glenn Livingston with

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