The Cold War Edition. Ages 10 and Older, 2 to 6 Players For more information, suggestions and rule refinements visit

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1 tm The Cold War Edition Ages 10 and Older, 2 to 6 Players For more information, suggestions and rule refinements visit SPIES&SPOOKS t m GAME, Patent and Trademark pending. Game idea, rules and format copyright 1990 Steven R. Burt, renewed Game graphic design and illustrations copyright 1990 Lucas R. Visser, renewed The language contained in the Rules Manual, the game described therein, the accompanying cards/container/passport graphics and text, the game name SPIES&SPOOKS/SPIES AND SPOOKS tm, are all protected under U.S. copyright law, Title 17 of the U.S. Code, all rights reserved. Under U.S. copyright laws, the Rules Manual and the game it describes, including all artistic/conceptional/graphic/illustrative representations, may not be copied, (re)produced, ed, electronically placed/transferred on any disk(s), in whole or part, without expressed written consent of Steven R. Burt and Lucas R. Visser. First conceptionalized in 1988 and subsequently claimed as copyrighted in1990 and renewed in The same proprietary and copyright notices must be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to the original visualized game. Under U.S. law, copying includes translating into any other language or format.

2 2 GAME INTRODUCTION A Brief Look at the Terms, Concepts and Tradecraft of Cold War Spies. Spies live in a secret world known only to a few. Here is a list of useful terms, concepts, and behaviors that will help you understand and enjoy the game Spies&Spooks. A spy is a secret watcher and gatherer of secret information. Some spies work as official representatives of foreign powers and may be based in embassies in foreign countries. These spies have an official position and cover. Our spies would be referred to as NOC s; they are clandestine agents of Non-Official Cover searching for state or industrial secrets to steal and smuggle to enemies. A common way of smuggling secret information is by use of a dead drop. A Dead Drop is a secret location used to pass information between a spy and his contact without requiring them to meet in person. Smuggling highly compressed pieces of secret information via short Radio Transmission bursts has sometimes allowed spies to send their information to their affiliates and Spymasters. A Diplomatic Pouch is a bag or envelope that is marked to show its status as having diplomatic immunity from search and seizure. Placing stolen secrets into a Diplomatic Pouch keeps them from being discovered or stolen by rival spies. Spies&Spooks is set in the final days of the Cold War. The Cold War refers to the period of continuing conflict and economic competition that existed after the end of World War II between the powers aligned with the Soviet Union (Warsaw Pact) and those aligned with the United States (NATO). GAME CONTENTS (6) ASSIGNMENT DECODER PASSPORTS (8) SECRET IDENTITY CARDS located in deck one (8) SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARDS located in deck one (47) SECRET CARDS located in deck two 9 POLITICAL SECRET CARDS 7 MISSILE SECRET CARDS 7 ATOMIC SECRET CARDS 6 COMPUTER SECRET CARDS 6 TRADE SECRET CARDS 6 SPACE SECRET CARDS (22) SMUGGLE CARDS located in deck one and two 9 TRANSMISSION CARDS 9 DEAD DROP CARDS 4 POUCH CARDS (5) INTERFERENCE CARDS located in deck two 2 DETENTION CARDS 1 RECALL CARD 1 CHECK CARD 1 EXPOSED CARD (22) ACTION CARDS located in deck one 8 DAGGER CARDS 8 REQUEST CARDS 4 BOMB CARDS $50,000 SPIES&SPOOKS GAME MONEY

3 HOW TO PREPARE AND BEGIN THE GAME... TO BEGIN... one player is chosen to be the Spymaster (dealer). The Spymaster is in charge of all game elements and begins the game by giving each player an empty ASSIGNMENT DECODER PASSPORT and $2,000 from the bank. NEXT, each player receives a SECRET IDENTITY CARD to be inserted in the left side of the PASSPORT. You MUST always play in accordance with the parameters of your SECRET IDENTITY. Note that failure to play in character, if detected, will result in elimination from the game and loss of any accumulated winnings. THEN each player receives a coded SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARD. It will reveal the player s own secret assignment when inserted behind the blue screen on the right side of the PASSPORT. COMBINING THE PLAYING REQUIREMENTS of each player s SECRET IDENTITY with those of their SECRET ASSIGNMENT produces a unique Secret Mission for each player. THE OBJECT OF THE GAME is to be the first player to successfully complete the objective(s) of his or her unique Secret Mission. THE SPYMASTER sets aside all the unused SECRET IDENTITY and SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARDS keeping them unseen. THE OTHER REMAINING CARDS are thoroughly shuffled and dealt one at a time until each player holds The balance of the cards are placed face down in the center of the table to become the DRAW DECK. The top card is turned over and placed next to the DRAW DECK to become the DISCARD DECK. THE GAME BEGINS with the player to the Spymaster s left and will continue clockwise. Each player begins every turn by drawing (at least) one card from either deck until they hold six cards. Cards may only be drawn from the top of the deck. A PLAYER MAY ONLY PLAY when it is his or her turn. WHEN IT IS YOUR TURN... NOW, HOLDING SIX CARDS you have several options depending on the cards in your hand. You may choose to: OPTION 1: Smuggle Secrets (combine a SECRET with a SMUGGLE CARD) OPTION 2: Steal Secrets (take SECRETS from others to enrich yourself) OPTION 3: Eliminate (or Kill) (you get all the cards and $ in the victim s hand) OPTION 4: Interfere or Obstruct (slow down your opponent s play) or OPTION 5: Discard (which ends your turn automatically) SEE BASIC PLAY SUMMARY ON PAGE 8 MOST PLAYERS will try to accomplish their Secret Mission as quickly as possible by gathering their required number of assigned SECRET CARDS and smuggling them out of the game. 3

4 HOW TO SMUGGLE SECRETS... TO SMUGGLE SECRETS you must hold both a SMUGGLE CARD (see page 2) and a card to be smuggled. The card chosen to be smuggled is placed face down on the table in front of you, while the SMUGGLE CARD is placed face up, on top. Any type of card may be smuggled under a SMUGGLE CARD. NOTE THAT ONLY ONE CARD may be placed under a SMUGGLE CARD. However, you may smuggle more than once during a turn providing you hold the necessary extra SMUGGLE CARDS. You may also smuggle and steal secrets during the same turn. RECEIVE $1000 from the Spymaster immediately for each card you smuggle. WARNING: YOU MAY ONLY HAVE FOUR CARDS smuggled out of the game on the table at any one time, so choose them wisely. HOW TO STEAL SECRETS... TO STEAL NEEDED SECRETS FROM OTHERS you can use a REQUEST CARD (see page 2). Place the REQUEST CARD face up in front of any opponent; you may now select any single card from your opponent s hand or from beneath his or her previously smuggled cards. THEN, THE USED REQUEST CARD and any of the now empty SMUGGLE CARDS are returned randomly to the center of the DRAW DECK. On your turn, you may request as many times as you have REQUEST CARDS. RECEIVE $2000 from the Spymaster immediately for each card you steal. CARDS UNDER A POUCH SMUGGLE CARD cannot be stolen. HOW TO ELIMINATE (OR KILL)... ALL PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED to eliminate opponents unless they are prevented by a condition of their SECRET IDENTITY. To eliminate an opponent, place two DAGGER CARDS face up in front of the intended victim. If your targeted spy does not have a CLOAK CARD in hand for protection, and if the assassin has played in character, the victim is now considered eliminated from the game. REMEMBER, ELIMINATING AN OPPONENT may be attempted as your first and only play on your turn. You cannot smuggle and kill, for example, in the same turn. Eliminating an opponent gives you advantages towards winning the game. The victim must forfeit all of the cards in his or her hand to the killer. You are allowed to select the best five cards to keep and then discard the rest of the cards to the Discard Deck, while the spent DAGGER CARDS are returned to the center of the DRAW DECK. 4 The victim must surrender his or her SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARD and SECRET IDENTITY CARD to the SPYMASTER, who will tell all players the dead spy s Secret Mission. All of the victim s previously smuggled cards stay smuggled and on the table.

5 HOWEVER, IF THE INTENDED VICTIM HOLDS A CLOAK CARD the daggers have no effect and are returned, along with the now used CLOAK CARD, to the center of the DRAW DECK. YOUR TURN AS AN ASSASSIN IS NOW OVER regardless of whether the daggers had an effect or not. If the attempt was unsuccessful you must draw a card to end your turn with PLAYERS CANNOT REQUEST, SMUGGLE, OR INTERFERE IN A TURN IN WHICH ELIMI- NATION OF A PLAYER IS ATTEMPTED. INTENDED VICTIMS SHOULD IMMEDIATELY check the SECRET IDENTITY of their assassin to make sure that they have played in character. If the assassin has not played in character, it is he or she who will be eliminated from the game, not the targeted player. The failed assassin s smuggled cards, if any, stay smuggled and remain on the table while the cards in his or her hand are returned to the center of the DRAW DECK. Any previously accumulated winnings are also forfeited to the bank (managed by the SPYMASTER). FEMALE AGENTS may be eliminated by one DAGGER CARD. Attempting the elimination of a male agent with only one DAGGER will result in the elimination of the would-be assassin instead. HOW TO INTERFERE OR OBSTRUCT... ALL PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED to interfere or obstruct the play of others provided they hold the appropriate cards. To interfere with an opponent, place the INTERFERENCE CARD face up in front of your intended victim. It remains on the table until it s intent is fulfilled, at which time it is returned to the center of the DRAW DECK. LIKE ELIMINATION, INTERFERING WITH AN OPPONENT may be attempted as your first and only play on your turn. You may not interfere and smuggle, for example, in the same turn. INTERFERENCE CARDS HAVE THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS: DETENTION: The targeted player skips his or her next turn, or pay a fine in the amount of $2000 to Spymaster (bank). CHECK: The targeted player must disclose his or her SECRET IDENTITY, but only to the opponent playing the card. EXPOSED: The targeted player must reveal both his or her SECRET IDENTITY and SECRET ASSIGNMENT to everyone. RECALL: The targeted player must exchange his or her current SECRET ASSIGNMENT for a new one from the SPYMASTER. PLAYERS WHO RECEIVE NEW SECRET ASSIGNMENTS during the course of a play, either due to elimination or assignment recall, have a once-and-only chance to surrender all or some of their previously smuggled cards to the center of the DRAW DECK at the beginning of their next turn, in order to avoid being penalized by the four-card smuggle rule. This may be done without limiting other actions they may take that turn. Associated SMUGGLE CARDS must also be surrendered. 5

6 HOW AND WHEN TO DISCARD DISCARDING TO FIVE CARDS SIGNIFIES the end of your turn. You must end each turn with exactly five cards in your hand. If you still have five cards at the end of your play, do not discard; simply announce your turn is ended. NOTE THAT SOME ACTIONS WILL REQUIRE you to draw a card (or cards) to end your turn with For example, if you smuggle cards, you will end up with less than Drawing a card following any play signifies the end of your turn. HOW AND WHEN TO USE BOMB CARDS... BOMB CARDS MAY BE SMUGGLED as traps! When they are stolen by an opponent with a REQUEST CARD, they will explode and then must be returned, randomly, with the covering SMUGGLE CARD to the center of the DRAW DECK. PLAYERS DRAWING BOMB CARDS by request are considered eliminated from the game. Their cards return unseen to the center of the DRAW DECK while their smuggled cards (if any) remain smuggled on the table. Their SECRET IDENTITY CARD and their SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARD are returned immediately for replacement by the SPYMASTER without disclosure of their contents. BOMB CARDS will only explode when stolen with a REQUEST CARD, either from an opponent s hand or from his or her previously smuggled cards. They have no effect when picked from the DRAW DECK or DISCARD DECK, nor do they explode when gained as part of a hand forfeited following an elimination. PLAYERS WITH IDENTITY RESTRICTIONS preventing them from killing others do not suffer any penalty if a BOMB CARD is drawn from their held cards, but they may not smuggle BOMB CARDS as traps (see rules about playing out of character). HOW TO USE THE MONEY... EACH SECRET ASSIGNMENT HAS A CASH VALUE REWARD. Players who are the first in each game to complete their Secret Mission receive the stated amount, plus any SECRET IDENTITY bonuses as appropriate. IF SEVERAL GAMES ARE PLAYED IN SUCCESSION,cash winnings are accumulated and the player with the most accumulated cash from all sources is declared the winner of the Great Game. DURING THE COURSE OF THE PLAY (and not on your own turn) if you see a desired card face up at the top of the DISCARD DECK, you may make a cash bid for the card, but you must possess enough cash to support your bid. The owner of the desired card being bid for is considered to be the player whose turn it is when the bid is made (because he can choose the card as his turn begins or can discard to cover it) and that player alone decides whether to accept or reject the bid. Other players may also bid for the card. Accepting the bid does not limit any other actions the accepting player may take. ADDITIONAL MONEY can be printed from our web-site at 6

7 HOW AND WHEN TO APPLY OTHER RULES... IF YOU ARE ELIMINATED during a game you should immediately exchange your SECRET IDENTITY and SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARD for new ones from the SPYMASTER. YOUR SPY CHARACTER IS DEAD, however, you can continue to participate in the game by receiving a new Identity and Secret Assignment but have to wait until your next turn to draw new cards and you cannot be killed again until you do so. Upon your turn, you must draw five cards from the DRAW DECK and a sixth card from either the DRAW or DISCARD DECK to begin your turn and play according to your new Secret Mission. THE DRAW AND DISCARD DECKS must be shuffled together and re-started each time 1) a player is eliminated, or 2) each time a spy completes his or her Secret Mission. THE SPYMASTER is tasked with deciding whether a player has played in conformance with his or her character and also deciding what penalty may apply in any other situation. The SPYMASTER s decision is final so choose the SPYMASTER carefully. PLAYERS CAUGHT CHEATING, such as snooping through the DISCARD DECK or not properly discarding, shall be penalized $1,000, payable to the bank, for each occurrence. If they have no accumulated cash, they must skip their own turn. HOW TO PLAY AND WIN A GAME... YOU WIN A GAME when you are the first player to announce the successful completion of your Secret Mission. You then must reveal both your SECRET ASSIGNMENT and your SECRET IDENTITY to everyone and must produce the necessary smuggled SECRET CARDS as evidence. HOWEVER, IF YOU HAVE NOT properly completed your Secret Mission you have lost and the game continues without you. All of your cards, both in your hand and smuggled out (displayed on the table) are returned to the center of the DRAW DECK, but you may retain any accumulated winnings. You may not re-enter the game until you have skipped two turns. THE WINNING SPY is given the face value (money) of his or her Secret Mission by the SPYMASTER and retains his or her winnings to determine the total at the end of the GREAT GAME. Other players may also claim special bonuses they are entitled to as a condition set forth on their SECRET IDENTITY CARD, but must reveal his or her identity to do so. THE WINNING SPY keeps his or her SECRET IDENTITY, now known to all players but exchanges his SECRET ASSIGNMENT CARD for a new one. All cards in the players s hand are retained while all of the player s smuggled cards are returned and reshuffled into the DRAW DECK. HOW TO PLAY AND WIN THE GREAT GAME... SEVERAL GAMES PLAYED IN SUCCESSION constitute THE GREAT GAME. In the Great Game cash values are accumulated and the player with the most accumulated cash from all sources and from all games, is declared the winner of the Great Game. 7

8 BASIC PLAY SUMMARY - UPON YOUR TURN: Draw at least one card from either the DRAW DECK or the DISCARD DECK until you hold SIX CARDS. Then choose... OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 OPTION 5 8 What Steal Secrets from others How Place a Request Card on the table in front of your victim Why You may steal, at your option, one card from your intended victim s hand or smuggled cards. Next Do You may steal or smuggle secrets as many times as you have the proper cards to do so. holding exactly Smuggle Secrets Place Smuggle Card (face up) on top of another card (face down) on the table. You smuggle a needed Secret Card towards completing your Secret Mission, or a Bomb Card for a trap. You may steal or smuggle secrets as many times as you have the proper cards to do so. holding exactly Eliminate (or kill) Others Place Dagger Card(s) on the table in front of your intended victim. You eliminate your opponent and get both their held cards (not smuggled cards) and their money. holding exactly Interfere with Others Place an Interference Card on the table in front of your intended victim. You slow down the play of your opponent, or you discover clues about their Secret Mission. Holding exactly Discard holding exactly Notice This summary is intended as an aid in understanding the game s play but does not replace or supersede any rules.

Only and are worth points. The point value of and is printed at the bottom of the card.

Only and are worth points. The point value of and is printed at the bottom of the card. Game can be played with or without a playmat. Print your free downloadable playmat at Send your Agents on missions to Locations to collect Secrets and Founders and earn points. Sabotage your opponent s

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