1st Grade Two Digit Subtraction

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1 Slide 1 / 225

2 Slide 2 / 225 1st Grade Two Digit Subtraction

3 Slide 3 / 225 Table of Contents - Subtracting Ten from Multiples of Ten with Blocks - Subtracting Ten from Multiples of Ten in Our Head - Subtracting Ten with Blocks - Subtracting Ten on a Number Grid - Subtracting Ten Patterns - Subtracting Multiples of Ten with Blocks - Subtracting Multiples of Ten on a Number Grid - Patterns When Subtracting Multiples of Ten - Lab: Subtraction Dice Roll - Two Digit Minus One Digit - Two Digit Minus Two Digit - Two Digit Minus Two Digit Pt. 2 - Lab: Subtraction Spin - Word Problems - Lab: Subtraction Around the Room - Extra Word Problems (If needed) click on the topic to go to that section

4 Slide 4 / 225 Standards for Mathematical Practices MP 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP 3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. MP 4 Model with mathematics. MP 5 Use appropriate tools strategically. MP 6 Attend to precision. MP 7 Look for and make use of structure. MP 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Click on each standard to bring you to an example of how to meet this standard within the unit.

5 Slide 5 / 225 Subtracting 10 from Multiples of 10 with Blocks Click to return to Table of Contents

6 Slide 6 / 225

7 Slide 7 / 225

8 Slide 8 / 225

9 Slide 9 / 225

10 Slide 10 / 225

11 Slide 11 / 225

12 Slide 12 / 225

13 Slide 13 / 225

14 Slide 14 / 225

15 Slide 15 / 225

16 Slide 16 / 225 Class Discussion How is subtracting 6-1 similar to 60-10?

17 Slide 17 / The base ten blocks show = 10 True False

18 Slide 18 / = A 5 B 50 C 70

19 Slide 19 / tens - 1 ten = tens

20 Slide 20 / Which block should we use to show = A 40 B cube C long

21 Slide 21 / 225

22 Slide 22 / 225

23 Slide 23 / 225

24 Slide 24 / 225 Subtracting Ten From Multiples of Ten in Our Heads Click to return to Table of Contents

25 Slide 25 / 225 Let's Count By Tens Now let's write them backwards starting with 100! 100,,,,,,,,,

26 Slide 26 / 225 Let's Count Back By Tens. Start 100! Now let's write them forwards starting with 10! 10,,,,,,,,,

27 Slide 27 / 225 Patterns when Counting 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 What pattern do you see 100, 90, when 80, 70, counting 60, backwards? 50, 40, 30, 20, 10

28 Slide 28 / 225 Practice 50, 40, 30,, 90, 80, 70,, 80, 70, 60,, 100, 90, 80,, 60, 50, 40,,

29 Slide 29 / 225 Subtracting When subtracting ten, the tens place goes down by = = 60

30 Slide 30 / 225 Practice =

31 Slide 31 / 225 Practice =

32 Slide 32 / 225 Practice =

33 Slide 33 / = A 40 B 20 C 30

34 Slide 34 / = A 20 B 0 C 10

35 Slide 35 / = A 60 B 80 C 10

36 = Slide 36 / 225

37 = Slide 37 / 225

38 Slide 38 / 225

39 Slide 39 / 225

40 Slide 40 / 225 Subtracting 10 with Blocks Click to return to Table of Contents

41 Slide 41 / 225

42 Slide 42 / 225

43 Slide 43 / 225

44 Slide 44 / 225

45 Slide 45 / 225

46 Slide 46 / 225

47 Slide 47 / 225

48 Slide 48 / = 24 Yes No ** Use blocks at your desk to help you **

49 Slide 49 / 225

50 Slide 50 / 225

51 Slide 51 / 225

52 Slide 52 / = ** Use blocks at your desk to help you **

53 Slide 53 / 225

54 Slide 54 / 225

55 Slide 55 / 225 Subtracting Ten on a Number Grid Click to return to Table of Contents

56 Slide 56 / 225 Number Grid Subtracting 10 is very easy when using a number grid. Find the number you are subtracting 10 from on the number grid and circle it. Then move up one box.

57 Slide 57 / = 14

58 Slide 58 / = 30 Find the first number on the number grid. Since we are subtracting from a multiple of 10, the number will always be in the last row. Then, move up one jump.

59 Slide 59 / 225 Let's try another one = First, find the number on the number grid. Then jump up one.

60 Slide 60 / 225 Let's try another one = What number should we circle?

61 Slide 61 / 225 Let's try another one = What number should we circle?

62 Slide 62 / 225 Let's try another one =

63 Slide 63 / 225 Let's try another one =

64 Slide 64 / 225 Class Discussion John used his number grid to help solve the subtraction sentence below. He said the answer is 25. Is he correct? What did he do wrong? =

65 Slide 65 / = 24 Yes No

66 Slide 66 / = 49 True False

67 Slide 67 / = A 68 B 48 C 58

68 = Slide 68 / 225

69 = Slide 69 / 225

70 Slide 70 / 225

71 Slide 71 / 225

72 Slide 72 / 225 Subtracting 10 Patterns Click to return to Table of Contents

73 Slide 73 / 225 Tens Ones When subtracting 10, the tens place always goes down 1 and the ones place stays the same. 36

74 Slide 74 /

75 Slide 75 /

76 Slide 76 / 225 Let's Practice = = = =

77 Slide 77 / 225 Web Practice Click here for a game. Select level 3

78 Slide 78 / = 69 True False

79 Slide 79 / = A 57 B 77 C 66

80 Slide 80 / = A 41 B 21 C 30

81 = Slide 81 / 225

82 = Slide 82 / 225

83 Slide 83 / 225

84 Slide 84 / 225

85 Slide 85 / 225 Subtracting Multiples of 10 with Blocks Click to return to Table of Contents

86 Slide 86 / 225

87 Slide 87 / 225

88 Slide 88 / 225

89 Slide 89 / 225

90 Slide 90 / 225

91 Slide 91 / 225

92 Slide 92 / Does = 10? Yes No ** Use your blocks to help you **

93 Slide 93 / = 10 True False ** Use your blocks to help you **

94 Slide 94 / = A 20 B 70 C 10 ** Use your blocks to help you **

95 Slide 95 / = ** Use your blocks to help you **

96 Slide 96 / = ** Use your blocks to help you **

97 Slide 97 / 225

98 Slide 98 / 225

99 Slide 99 / 225 Subtracting Multiples of Ten on a Number Grid Click to return to Table of Contents

100 Slide 100 / 225 Count by 10's Let's warm up our brains by skip counting by 10's using different voices. Can you count by 10s in a: - scary voice? - mommy voice? - baby voice? - daddy voice? 10, 20, 30

101 Slide 101 / 225 Subtract To subtract multiples of 10 on a number grid, you count by 10s = Find the first number on the grid and circle it. Count by 10s and move up one jump for each number you say. Stop when you say the second number in the subtraction sentence. The number you land on is the answer.

102 Slide 102 / 225 Subtract Count by 10 as you move up to solve the subtraction sentence = What number should you circle?

103 Slide 103 / 225 Subtract Count by 10 as you move up to solve the subtraction sentence = What number should you circle?

104 Slide 104 / 225 Subtract Count by 10 as you move up to solve the subtraction sentence = What number should you circle?

105 Slide 105 / 225 Subtract =

106 Slide 106 / 225 Subtract =

107 Slide 107 / = A 80 B 50 C 40 ** Use your number grid to help you **

108 Slide 108 / When subtracting multiples of 10, we need to count by. A 1 B 5 C 10

109 Slide 109 / = A 40 B 50 C 60 ** Use your number grid to help you **

110 Slide 110 / = ** Use your number grid to help you **

111 Slide 111 / = ** Use your number grid to help you **

112 Slide 112 / 225

113 Slide 113 / 225

114 Slide 114 / 225 Patterns When Subtracting Multiples of Ten Click to return to Table of Contents

115 Slide 115 / 225 Let's Count By 10s What digit changes when we count by 10s?

116 Slide 116 / 225 What number is this? Take 20 away and what number does it become? What digit changed?

117 Slide 117 / = 10

118 Slide 118 / 225 What number is this? Take 40 away and what number does it become? What digit changed?

119 Slide 119 / 225 What number is this? Take ten away and what number does it become? What digit changed?

120 Slide 120 / 225 Count back by 10s 60, 50,,,, 70, 60,,,, 40, 30,,,, 60, 50,,,,

121 Slide 121 / 225 What number is 20 less?

122 Slide 122 / less than 50 is 5? True False

123 Slide 123 / less than 90 is 80? Yes No

124 Slide 124 / What is 30 less than 40?

125 Slide 125 / What is 40 less than 50?

126 Slide 126 / =? QUIZ

127 Slide 127 / 225 Lab: Subtracting 10 Dice Roll Directions: Split students into groups of 2 and give each group 2 dice Each student rolls 1 dice and they work together to build the largest two digit number with their dice Students write the number in the box on their worksheet Students subtract 10 and write the answer on the line Click here for more information. Click to return to Table of Contents

128 Slide 128 / 225

129 Slide 129 / 225

130 Slide 130 / 225 Two Digit Minus One Digit Click to return to Table of Contents

131 Slide 131 / 225 Subtracting When subtracting a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number, it is very important to line them up on top of each other All of the numbers should be on the right

132 Slide 132 / 225 Subtracting Can you line up these numbers?

133 Slide 133 / 225 Subtracting Can you line up these numbers?

134 Slide 134 / 225 Subtracting Can you line up these numbers?

135 Slide 135 / 225 Subtracting Once the numbers are lined up, subtract the ones first and then the tens. Ones When there is no digit in the tens place, we know it is a It may help you to draw a line between the tens and ones. 2 3 It is important to line up the answer as well!!

136 Slide 136 / 225 Subtracting Remember to subtract the ones first and then the tens!!! When there is no digit in the tens place, we know it is a 0. 0 Ones It may help you to draw a line between the tens and ones. It is important to line up the answer as well!!

137 Slide 137 / 225 Subtracting Remember to subtract the ones first and then the tens!!! Ones 79-8 It may help you to draw a line between the tens and ones. It is important to line up the answer as well!!

138 Slide 138 / 225 Subtracting Remember to subtract the ones first and then the tens!!! Ones 65-3 It may help you to draw a line between the tens and ones. It is important to line up the answer as well!!

139 Slide 139 / 225 Subtract Remember to subtract the ones first and then the tens!!! 9 6-5

140 Slide 140 / 225 Subtract Remember to subtract the ones first and then the tens!!! 3 5-3

141 Slide 141 / 225 Subtract Remember to subtract the ones first and then the tens!!! 2 6-2

142 Slide 142 / 225 Web Practice Click here for a game. Select level 4

143 Slide 143 / A 32 B 31 C 36

144 Slide 144 / A 17 B 7 C 11

145 Slide 145 / 225

146 Slide 146 / 225

147 Slide 147 / 225

148 Slide 148 / 225

149 Slide 149 / 225

150 Slide 150 / 225 Two Digit Minus Two Digit Click to return to Table of Contents

151 Slide 151 / 225 Two Digit Subtraction What number is represented below?

152 Slide 152 / 225 Two Digit Subtraction 24 Now we want to take away 11 When we take away we always start with the bigger number.

153 Slide 153 / 225 First subtract the ones by crossing them out. tens ones How many are left?

154 Slide 154 / 225 Next cross out the tens tens ones How many are left?

155 Slide 155 / 225 Two Digit Subtraction tens ones

156 Slide 156 / 225 Two Digit Subtraction What number is shown below?

157 Slide 157 / 225 Two Digit Subtraction 47 Now we want to take away 23 Remember we always start with the bigger number.

158 Slide 158 / 225 First cross out the ones tens ones How many are left?

159 Slide 159 / 225 Next cross out the tens tens ones How many are left?

160 Slide 160 / 225 Two Digit Subtraction tens ones

161 Slide 161 / 225 Subtract First cross out the ones. Next cross out the tens. What is the answer? tens ones

162 Slide 162 / 225 Subtract First cross out the ones. Next cross out the tens. What is the answer? tens ones

163 Slide 163 / 225 Subtract First cross out the ones. Next cross out the tens. What is the answer? tens ones

164 Slide 164 / 225 Subtract First cross out the ones. Next cross out the tens. What is the answer? tens ones

165 Slide 165 / 225 Roll the two set of dice. Place the larger number at the top of the problem. Place the second number under the first number. Subtract.

166 Slide 166 / Yes No

167 Slide 167 / Yes No

168 Slide 168 / A 36 B 2 C 12

169 Slide 169 / A 14 Draw base ten blocks to help you solve this problem. B 24 C 58

170 Slide 170 / Draw base ten blocks to help you solve this problem.

171 Slide 171 / 225

172 Slide 172 / 225

173 Slide 173 / 225 Two Digit Minus Two Digit Pt 2 Click to return to Table of Contents

174 Slide 174 / 225 Subtracting Two Digit Numbers When subtracting two digit numbers, it is important to still line up the numbers

175 Slide 175 / 225 Subtracting Two Digit Numbers Once the numbers are lined up, draw a line between the tens and ones. First subtract the ones. Think of it as two smaller subtraction problems Tens Ones

176 Slide 176 / 225 Subtracting Two Digit Numbers After you subtract the ones, subtract the tens! Tens Ones Don't forget to line up the answer too!

177 Slide 177 / 225 Let's try one! Tens Ones

178 Slide 178 / 225 Practice Tens Ones

179 Slide 179 / 225 Practice Tens Ones

180 Slide 180 / 225 Practice 5 7 Tens Ones - 2 1

181 Slide 181 / 225 Practice 6 5 Tens Ones - 3 3

182 Slide 182 / 225 Practice 7 2 Tens Ones - 2 0

183 Slide 183 / 225 Web Practice Click here for a game. Select level 6

184 Slide 184 / A 94 B 32 C 31

185 Slide 185 / 225

186 Slide 186 / 225

187 = Slide 187 / 225

188 Slide 188 / 225 Lab: Subtraction Spin Assemble spinners by cutting out the two circles and arrows. Attach the arrow to the center of the spinner with a brad. Have students work with a partner. Student 1 spins spinner A and write the number on the top line of the subtraction sentence. Repeat with spinner B and write the number under the first number. Student 1 solves the subtraction sentence on the paper while student 2 uses a calculator to check the answer. If student 1 is incorrect, have the students work together to find the mistake. Switch rolls and repeat. Click here for a more information Click to return to Table of Contents

189 Slide 189 / 225

190 Slide 190 / 225

191 Slide 191 / 225 Word Problems Click to return to Table of Contents

192 Slide 192 / 225 There are 3 different types of subtraction problems 1. Take away 2. Comparison 3. Part/Part/Whole We solve all three by lining up the numbers on top of each other and subtracting.

193 Slide 193 / 225 Take Away Take away problems ask us to find how many are left. We start with a group of objects and take some away. There are 26 red birds on a fence and 14 fly away. How many are left? =? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

194 Slide 194 / 225 Part/Part/Whole In part/part/whole problems, we are looking for the missing part. Jim has 43 Skittles. 12 of them are red. How many are not red? =? Whole 43 Part Part 12?

195 Slide 195 / 225 Comparison Comparison problems ask us to find the difference between two amounts. How many more? How many less? How much bigger? How much smaller? Jim has 45 pencils. Jess has 67 pencils. How many more pencils does Jess have? =?

196 Slide 196 / 225 Word Problems Sometimes subtraction word problems require multiple steps. It is helpful to underline the 2 parts in different colors. Joe went to the store and bought 12 bananas and 21 apples. His sister ate 10 pieces of fruit. How many apples and bananas are left?

197 Slide 197 / 225 Word Problem Joe went to the store and bought 12 bananas and 21 apples. His sister ate 10 pieces of fruit. How many apples and bananas are left? In order to find how many are left, we need to first find out how many he started with. Step 1: How many pieces of fruit did Joe buy in all?? =

198 Slide 198 / 225 Word Problem Joe went to the store and bought 12 bananas and 21 apples. His sister ate 10 pieces of fruit. How many apples and bananas are left? Step 2: How many pieces are left after his sister ate some?? =

199 Slide 199 / 225 What type of problem is it? Bob went to the grocery store. He bought 18 hot dogs and 29 hamburgers for a party. How many more hamburgers did he buy than hot dogs?

200 Slide 200 / 225 What type of problem is it? Mom bought 36 items at the store. 23 of the items were frozen. How many items were not frozen?

201 Slide 201 / 225 What type of problem is it? Dad baked 24 cookies. Jim ate 13 of the cookies. His sister ate the rest. How many did his sister eat?

202 Slide 202 / 225 What type of problem is it? Billy had 16 puppies for sale. 14 of them were bought. How many are left?

203 Slide 203 / 225 What type of problem is it? There are 37 peanut butter cups in a bag. John ate 11 and Betty ate 14. How many are left?

204 Slide 204 / 225 What type of problem is it? Jess weighs 68 pounds. Her sister weighs 34 pounds. How much less does her sister weigh?

205 Slide 205 / Which type of subtraction story is this? Jen had 27 nail polishes. 12 of them broke. How many are left? A Part/Part/Whole B Take Away C Comparison

206 Slide 206 / Which two numbers would you add first? The pet store has 11 gray kittens and 26 white kittens. 14 kittens were bought. How many kittens are left? A 11 B 26 C 14

207 Slide 207 / Ron has 67 dollars. He went to the store and spent 24 dollars. How much does he have left? A 91 B 34 C 43

208 Slide 208 / The computer lab has 35 computers. A class comes and uses 22 computers. How many computers are not being used?

209 Slide 209 / Bob has 57 flowers in his garden. Chris has 45 flowers in his garden. How many more flowers does Bob have? QUIZ

210 Directions: Slide 210 / 225 Lab: Subtraction Around the Room Print out one copy of the cards and laminate them. Cut out the cards and tape them around the room. Students move around the room looking for the subtraction problems. Students write and solve the subtraction sentence in the box numbered with the same number as the card. Click here for more information Click to return to Table of Contents

211 Slide 211 / 225

212 Slide 212 / 225

213 Slide 213 / 225 Extra Word Problems Click to return to Table of Contents

214 Slide 214 / 225 Fruit Stand Prices Use the above prices for each type of fruit to solve the following problems.

215 Slide 215 / 225 Fruit Stand Prices You have 55 cents. You buy an apple. How many cents do you have left? 55-40

216 Slide 216 / 225 Fruit Stand Prices You have 72 cents. You buy a pear. How many cents do you have left? 72-40

217 Slide 217 / 225 Fruit Stand Prices You have 63 cents. You buy a strawberry. How many cents do you have left? 63-20

218 Slide 218 / 225 Fruit Stand Prices You have 63 cents. You buy 2 strawberries. How many cents do you have left? - 63

219 Slide 219 / 225 Fruit Stand Prices You have 90 cents. You buy a pineapple. How many cents do you have left?

220 Slide 220 / You have 80 cents. You buy a tomato. How many cents do you have left? Farm Stand Prices

221 Slide 221 / You have 70 cents. You buy a green pepper. How many cents do you have left? Farm Stand Prices

222 Slide 222 / You have 70 cents. You buy a potato. How many cents do you have left? Farm Stand Prices

223 Slide 223 / You have 90 cents. You buy an ear of corn. How many cents do you have left? Farm Stand Prices

224 Slide 224 / You have 90 cents. You buy 4 carrots. How many cents do you have left? Farm Stand Prices

225 Slide 225 / 225

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