Tambopata Reserve and Manu Biosphere Perú Birding Tours

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1 Tambopata Reserve and Manu Biosphere Perú Birding Tours From August 11th to August 27th Participant: Mr. Colin Wood PBT Guide: Omar Diaz Abra Malaga One participant, one friend birding in Peru along Tambopata & Manu Biosphere with an extra activity Abra Malaga Pass! This is a little bit about their Photo Birding Tour:) Colin and Omar started from Tambopata Reserve in this opportunity. The Proebsting joined us for this part of the trip which it was awesome. They were very nice friends, Good memories! Amazonia Lodge Sandoval Lodge was the first birding place. This hotspot is located inside Tambopata Reserve. There are several forest types to explore: Bamboo, terra firme, temporal flooded forest, oxbow lake and swamps. They have seen a lot of Amazonian species plus Giant river Otter and several monkeys species. The lodge has excellent accommodation, great food, unexpected great red wine and a lot of birds to watch just around the lodge. After Sandoval Lodge for some days, they have been to Explorer s Inn Lodge. This great birding location always provided us a lot of species (Unfortunately it is no operating any more). We had great sightings there: Harpy Eagle, Red-crowned Ant-tanager, Black Antbird, Striated Antbird, Pectoral Sparrow, Rufous-fronted Antshrike, Spectacled Owl, Amazonian Pygmy-Owl just to mention some of our great success! After Explorers Inn Lodge, They had spend time birding near Puerto Maldonado city for interesting species combining with great hotel, excellent food and could beers. After Tambopata area Colin and Omar flew to Cusco for Manu Biosphere. They started with Huacarpay lake, Wayqecha Station for the first night, the next days the have been to Cock of the Rock Lodge for two days and Amazonia Lodge for the end. After Manu road they back to Cusco for a night. Plane schedule was in the afternoon, so they have been to Abra Malaga for full morning before the flight to Lima. It was such an amazing birding trip! Thanks Mr. Colin I see you soon!

2 TAMBOPATA RESERVE & MANU BIOSPHERE Photos: Omar Diaz Amazonian Pygmy-Owl Striated Antbird White-Throated Jacamar Blue & Yellow Macaw Capybara Large-Billed Tern Undulated Tinamou Band-Tailed Manakin Black-Banded Woodcreeper Yellow-Billed Nunbird Ruddy-Tailed Flycatcher Tawny-Bellied Screech-Owl Bearded Mountaineer Undulated Antpitta Gray-Breasted Mountain-Toucan Grass-Green Tanager Rufous-Capped Thornbill Andean Potoo Versicolored Barbet Crested Quetzal Great Potoo Green-Fronted Lancebill Common Potoo Gray-Breasted Wood-Rail

3 TAMBOPATA, MANU BIOSPHERE & ABRA MALAGA From August 11th to August 27th PARTICIPANT: COLIN WOOD PTB GUIDE: OMAR DIAZ N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN TINAMOU 67 Snowy Egret X 130 Pied Lapwing X 1 Black Tinamou 68 Least Bittern 131 Southern Lapwing X 2 Hooded Tinamou 69 Zigzag heron 132 Black-necked Stilt X 3 Gray Tinamou SCREAMER, IBIS THICK-KNEE, PLOVER,SNIPE 4 Great Tinamou X 70 Horned Screamer H 133 Peruvian Thick-knee 5 White-Throated Tinamou X 71 Puna Ibis X 134 Collared Plover X 6 Cinereous Tinamou X 72 Black-faced Ibis X 135 Snowy Plover 7 Little Tinamou X 73 Green Ibis X 136 Semipalmated Plover 8 Brown Tinamou VULTURES, CONDOR 137 Killdeer 9 Undulated Tinamou X 74 Turkey Vulture X 138 Puna Snipe 10 Barlet s Tinamou X 75 Greater Yellow-headed Vulture X 139 Andean Snipe 11 Variagate Tinamou X 76 Black Vulture X 140 Whimbrel 12 Black-capped Tinamou X 77 Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture YELLOWLEGS, SANDPIPER 13 Brazilian Tinamou 78 King Vulture 141 Greater Yellowlegs X 14 Small- Bellied Tinamou X 79 Andean Condor 142 Lesser Yellowlegs X 15 Andean Tinamou KITES 143 Upland Sandpiper X 16 Tawsonosky Tinamou 80 Grey-headed Kite 144 Spotted Sandpiper 17 Darwin's Nothura 81 Swallow-tailed Kite 145 Solitary Sandpiper X GOOSE, DUCKS,TEALS 82 Double-toothed Kite X 146 Stilt Sandpiper X 18 Andean Goose X 83 Plumbeous Kite X 147 Pectoral Sandpiper X 19 Orinoco Goose 84 Snail Kite X SANDERLING,TURNSTONE,PHALAROPE 20 Blue-winged Teal X 85 Hook-billed Kite X 148 Sanderling 21 Cinnamon Teal X HAWKS 149 Ruddy Turnstone 22 Yellow-billed Teal X 86 Tiny Hawk 150 Suffbird 23 Yellow-billed Pintail X 87 White Hawk 151 Wilson's Phalarope 24 Puna Teal X 88 Grey Hawk GULLS, TERNS 25 White-Faced Whistling-Duck X 89 Roadside Hawk X 152 Kelp Gull 26 Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck 90 Broad-winged Hawk 153 Belcher s Gull 27 Muscovy Duck 91 White-rumped Hawk X 154 Gray Gull 28 Ruddy Duck X 92 Short-tailed Hawk 155 Laughing Gull 29 Torrent Duck 93 White-throated Hawk 156 Franklin s Gull 30 Crested Duck X 94 Variable Hawk X 157 Gray-hooded Gull 31 Southern Pochard 95 Zone-Tailed Hawk X 158 Andean Gull X CHACHALACAS, GUANS, WOOD-QUAIL 96 Great Black-Hawk X 159 Inca Tern 32 Speckled Chachalaca X 97 Black-Collare hawk X 160 Peruvian Terns 33 Andean Guan X EAGLES, OSPREY 161 Large-billed Tern X 34 Sickle-winged Guan 98 Black-and-chestnut Eagle 162 Yellow-Billed Tern X 35 Spix s Guan X 99 Black Hawk-Eagle X 163 Black Skimmer X 36 Wattled Guan 100 Solitary Eagle X PIGEONS, DOVES 37 Blue-throated Pipin-Guan 101 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle 164 Rock Pigeon X 38 Razor-billed Curassow X 102 Osprey 165 Spot-winged Pigeon X 39 Pale-Winged Trumpeter X 103 Harpy Eagle X 166 Band-tailed Pigeon X 40 Rufous-breasted Wood Quail X FALCON, CARACARA 167 Pale-vented Pigeon X 41 Starred Wood-Quail 104 Slaty-Backed Forest- Falcon 168 Plumbeous Pigeon X 42 Stripe-faced Wood-Quail 105 buckley's Forest- Falcon 169 Ruddy Pigeon GREBES 106 Collared Forest- Falcon 170 Eared Dove X 43 White-tufted Grebe X 107 Barred Forest- Falcon 171 West Peruvian Dove 44 Silvery Grebe X 108 Line Forest- Falcon 172 Ruddy Ground-Dove X 45 Sungrebe X 109 Laughing Falcon X 173 Plain-breasted Ground-Dove 46 Least Grebe 110 Aplomado Falcon 174 Croaking Ground-Dove 47 Great Grebe 111 Bat Falcon X 175 Bare-faced Ground-Dove 48 Pied -billed grebe X 112 Peregrine Falcon 176 Black-winged Ground-Dove PELICAN, BOOBIES 113 American Kestrel X 177 Marron-chested Ground-Dove 49 Peruvian Pelican 114 Cinereous Harrier 178 Blue Ground-Dove 50 Humbolt Penguin CARACARA 179 Gray-fronted Dove X 51 Peruvian Booby 115 Black Caracara X 180 White-tipped Dove 52 Blue-footed Booby 116 Red-throated Caracara X 181 Ruddy Quail-Dove CORMORANTS 117 Mountain Caracara X MACAWS 53 Neotropic Cormorant X 118 Southern Caracara 182 Military Macaw X 54 Guanay Cormorant SUMBITTERN,WOOD-RAIL, 183 Scarlet Macaw X 55 Red-legged Cormorant 119 Sunbittern X 184 Red-and-green Macaw X HERONS, EGRETS, BITTERN 120 Gray-necked Wood-Rail X 185 Chestnut-fronted Macaw X 56 Cocoi Heron X 121 Plumbeous Rail X 186 Red-bellied Macaw X 57 Striated Heron X 122 Gray-Breasted Crake X 187 Blue-headed Macaw X 58 Little Blue Heron 123 Paint-billed Crake 188 Blue & Yellow Macaw X 59 Capped Heron X MOORHEN,COOT PARAKEETS 60 Agami Heron X 124 Common Moorhen X 189 Mitred Parakeet 61 Black-crowned Night-Heron 125 Giant Coot X 190 White-eyed Parakeet X 62 Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron 126 Andean Coot X 191 Dusky-headed Parakeet X 63 Fasciated Tiger-Heron OYSTERCATCHER,LAPWING,STILT 192 Golden-plumed Parakeet 64 Rufescent Tiger-Heron X 127 American Oystercatcher 193 Andean Parakeet 65 Cattle Egret X 128 Blackish Oystercatcher 194 Cobalt-winged Parakeet X 66 Great Egret X 129 Andean Lapwing 195 Rose-Fronted parakeet

4 N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN 196 Rock Parakeet 268 Sword-billed Hummingbird KINGFISHER 197 Tui Parakeet 269 Swallow-tailed Hummingbird X 340 Amazon Kingfisher X 198 Amazonian Parrotlet 270 Green and White Hummingbird 341 Ringed Kingfisher X 199 Dusky-Billed Parrotlet 271 Violet-Headed Hummingbird X 342 Green Kingfisher X 200 Scarlet-Shouldered Parrotlet 272 White-bellied Hummingbird 343 American Pygmy Kingfisher PARROTS 273 Wedge-billed Hummingbird 344 Green and Rufous Kingfisher X 201 Blue-headed Parrot X 274 Speckled Hummingbird X JACAMAR 202 Speckled-faced Parrot X 275 Many-spotted Hummingbird X 345 Bluish-fronted Jacamar X 203 Scaly-naped Parrot X 276 Amazilia Hummingbird 346 Purus Jacamar X 204 Mealy Parrot X SAPPHIREWING, HERMIT 347 White-throated Jacamar X 205 White-bellied Parrot X 277 Great Sapphirewing X 348 Great Jacamar X 206 Yellow-crowned Parrot X 278 Green Hermit 349 Paradise Jacamar 207 Orange-Cheeked Parrot X 279 White-browed Hermit X PUFFBIRDS, MONKLET CUCKOOS, ANIS, HOATZIN 280 Reddish Hermit X 350 White-necked Puffbirds 208 Squirrel Cuckoo X 281 White-bearded Hermit X 351 Chestnut-capped Puffbird X 209 Little Cuckoo 282 Long-tailed Hermit X 352 Collared PuffBird 210 Striped Cuckoo 283 Koepcke s Hermit X 353 Striolated PuffBird X 211 Ash-colored Cuckoo SABREWING, SAPPHIRE 354 Semicollared PuffBird 212 Black-Billed Cuckoo 284 Gray-breasted Sabrewing X 355 Black-streaked Puffbird 213 Yellow-Billed Cuckoo 285 Golden-tailed Sapphire X 356 Lanceolated Monklet 214 Dark-Billed Cuckoo 286 White-Chinned Sapphire X 357 Swallow-wing X 215 Black-Bellied Cuckoo VIOLETEAR, BRILLIANT, SUNBEAN NUNBIRDS, BARBETS 216 Pavonine Cuckoo 287 Green Violetear X 358 Yellow-Billed NunBird X 217 Pheasant Cuckoo 288 Sparkling Violetear X 359 Black-Fronted NunBird X 218 Rufous-Vented Ground-Cuckoo 289 Fawn-breasted Brilliant 360 White-Fronted NunBird X 219 Greater Ani X 290 Rufous-webbed Brilliant 361 Rufous-Capped Nunlet 220 Smooth-billed Ani X 291 Violet-fronted Brilliant X 362 Gilded Barbet X 221 Groove-billed Ani 292 Shining Sunbeam X 363 Scarlet-Hooded Barbet 222 Hoatzin X 293 White-tufted Sunbeam X 364 Lemon-Throated Barbet X OWLS INCA, FUFFLEG, TRAINBEARER 365 Versicolored Barbet X 223 White-throated Screech-Owl 294 Bronzy Inca X TOUCAN 224 Burrowing Owl X 295 Collared Inca(Gould s Inca) X 366 Channel-Billed Toucan X 225 Tawny-Bellied Screech-Owl X 296 Sapphire-Vented Puffleg 367 White-Throated Toucan X 226 Tropical Screech-Owl 297 Greenish Puffleg 368 Golden-Collared Toucanet X 227 Vermiculated Screech-Owl 298 Black-tailed Trainbearer X 369 Chestnut-tipped Toucanet 228 Rufescent Screech-Owl 299 Green-tailed Trainbearer X 370 Blue-banded Toucanet 229 Spectacled Owl METALTAIL, THORNBILL 371 Emerald Toucanet X 230 Crested Owl X 300 Scaled Metaltail 372 Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan X 231 Band-Bellied Owl 301 Tyrian Metaltail X 373 Chestnut-eared Aracari X 232 Black-Banded owl 302 Purple-backed Thornbill 374 Lettered Aracari 233 Rufous-Banded Owl 303 Rufous-capped Thornbill X 375 Ivory-Billed Aracari X 234 Mottled Owl OTHERS HUMMERS 376 Curl-Crested Aracari X 235 Striped Owl 304 White-necked Jacobin X PICULETS 236 Andean Pygmy Owl 305 Fork-tailed Woodnymph X 377 Bar-breasted Piculet 237 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl X 306 Blue-tailed Emerald X 378 Ocelallated Piculet 238 Amazonian Pygmy-Owl X 307 Gould s Jewelfront X 379 Rufous-breasted Piculet 239 Peruvian Pygmy-owl 308 Black-Throated Mango X 380 Fine-barred Piculet POTOOS 309 Wire-crested Thorntail WOODPECKER 240 Common Potoo X 310 Rufous-Crested Coquete X 381 Yellow-tufted Woodpecker X 241 Andean Potoo X 311 Festive Coquette 382 Little Woodpecker X 242 Great Potoo X 312 Blue-fronted lancebill X 383 Red-stained Woodpecker X 243 Long-Tailed Potoo 313 Green-fronted Lancebill 384 Bar-bellied Woodpecker NIGHTHAWK, NIGHTJAR 314 Peruvian Piedtail X 385 Crimson-mantled Woodpecker 244 Rufous-bellied Nighthawk 315 Andean Hillstar 386 Golden-olive Woodpecker X 245 Sand-Collored Nighthawk X 316 Chestnut-breasted Coronet X 387 White-throated Woodpecker 246 Short-Taield Nighthawk 317 Violet-throated Starfrontlet 388 Spot-breasted Woodpecker 247 Common Pauraque X 318 Long-tailed Sylph 389 Golden-green Woodpecker X 248 Ladder-Tailed Nightjar X 319 Amethyst-throated Sunangel X 390 Andean Flicker 249 Band-winged Nightjar 320 Booted Racket-Tail X 391 Chestnut Woodpecker X 250 Swallow-tailed Nightjar 321 Bearded Mountaineer X 392 Scale-breasted Woodpecker X 251 Lyre-tailed Nightjar 322 Black-eared Fairy X 393 Ringed Woodpecker 252 Scissor-Tailed Nightjar 323 Long-billed Starthroat X 394 Rufous-headed Woodpecker X 253 Silky-tailed Nightjar 324 Pale-Tailed Barbthroat 395 Cream-colored Woodpecker 254 Little Nightjar X 325 White-bellied Woodstar X 396 Crimson-bellied Woodpecker 255 Ocellated Poorwill X 326 Peruvian Sheartail 397 Red-necked Woodpecker X SWIFTS TROGON, QUETZAL, MOTMOT 398 Lineated Woodpecker X 256 White-collared Swift X 327 Masked Trogon 399 Crimson-crested Woodpecker X 257 Andean Swift 328 Blue-Crowned Trogon X WOODCREEPERS 258 White-Tipped Swift 329 Green-Back Trogon X 400 Strong-billed Woodcreeper X 259 Chestnut-collared Swift X 330 Violaceous Trogon X 401 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper X 260 Pale-Rumped Swift X 331 Collared Trogon X 402 Plain-Brown WoodCreeper X 261 Gray-rumped Switf 332 Black-Tailed Trogon X 403 White-chinned Woodcreeper 262 Short-tailed Swift X 333 Pavonine Quetzal 404 Buff-throated Woodcreeper X 263 Chimney Swift 334 Crested Quetzal X 405 Long-Tailed Woodcreeper X 264 Amazonian Swift 335 Golden-headed Quetzal 406 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper X 265 Fork-tailed Palm-Swift X 336 Highland Motmot X 407 Straigh-billed Woodcreeper X 266 Lesser Swallow-Tailed Swift 337 Blue-Crowned Motmot X 408 Elegant Woodcreeper X HUMMINGBIRD 338 Broad-Billed Motmot X 409 Black-Banded Woodcreeper X 267 Giant Hummingbird X 339 Rufous Motmot X 410 Tyraninne Woodcreeper X

5 N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN 411 Olivaceous WoodCreeper X 485 Variable Antshrike 559 Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet 412 Ocellated WoodCreeper 486 Bluish-slate Antshrike X 560 Ashy-headed Tyrannulet 413 Montane Woodcreeper X 487 Dusky-Throated Antshrike X 561 Plumbeous Tyrannulet 414 Lineated Woodcreeper X 488 Russet Antshrike 562 Slender-Footed Tyrannulet X 415 Long-Billed Woodcreeper X 489 Fasciated Antshrike X 563 Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet 416 Cinnamon-Throated WoodCreeper X 490 Undulated Antshrike 564 Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet X 417 Red-billed Scythebill X 491 Spot-winged Antshrike 565 Bolivian Tyrannulet X 418 Greater scythebill 492 Amazonia Antshrike 566 Red-billed Tyrannulet MINER,CINCLODES, 493 Plain Antvireo 567 Yellow Tyrannulet 419 Coastal Miner 494 White-backed Fire-Eye 568 Torrent Tyrannulet X 420 Common Miner ANTWREN 569 White-lored Tyrannulet 421 Slender-billed Miner X 495 Stripe-chested Antwren X 570 Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet X 422 Plain-breasted Earthcreeper 496 Ornate Antwren X 571 Southrhern Beardless-Tyrannulet 423 Wren-like Rushbird X 497 Slaty Antwren 572 White-banded Tyrannulet 424 Surf Cinclodes 498 Yellow-breasted Antwren 573 White-throated Tyrannulet X 425 Royal Cinclodes X 499 Dot-winged Antwren 574 Mouse-colored Tyrannulet X 426 Bar-winged Cinclodes X 500 Yellow-rumped Antwren 575 White-tailed Tyrannulet 427 White-winged Cinclodes X 501 Sclater s Antwren X BRISTLE-TYRANT/ELAENIA SPINETETAIL 502 Foothill Antwren 576 Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant X 428 White-browed Tit-spinetail 503 Gray Antwren X 577 Variegated Bristle-Tyrant X 429 Tawny Tit-spinetail 504 White-flanked Antwren X 578 Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant 430 Puna Thistletail 505 Long-Winged Antwren X 579 Forest Elaenia X 431 Azara's Spinetail X 506 Ihering s Antwren X 580 Gray Elaenia X 432 Plain-Crowned Spinetail X 507 Pygmy Antwren X 581 Yellow-bellied Elaenia 433 Cabanis' Spinetail 508 Plain-Throated Antwren X 582 Mottle-backed Elaenia 434 Dark-breasted Spinetail 509 White-eyed Antwren X 583 Highland Elaenia 435 Plain Softail X 510 Stipple-Throated antwren 584 Sierran Elaenia X 436 Orange-fronted Plushcrown X 511 Amazonian streaked antwren 585 White-crested Elaenia X 437 Ash-browed Spinetail X 512 Chestnut-shouldered Antwren 586 Small-billed Elaenia X 438 Speckled Spinetail ANTBIRD RUSH-TYRANT/TIT-TYRANT 439 Marcapata Spinetail X 513 Blackish Antbird 587 Many-colored Rush-Tyrant X 440 Creamy-crested Spinetail X 514 Black Antbird X 588 Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant CANASTERO 515 Manu Antbird X 589 Tufted Tit-Tyrant 441 Cordilleran Canastero 516 White-browed Antbird X 590 Ash-Breasted Tit-tyrant 442 Streack-Throated Canastero 517 Black-faced Antbird X PYGMY TIRANT/ TODY TYRANT 443 Rusty-fronted Canastero X 518 Warbling Antbird X 591 Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant X 444 Line-fronted Canastero 519 White-lined Antbird X 592 Hazel-fronted Pygmy-Tyrant 445 Streak-backed Canastero 520 Chestnut-tailed Antbird X 593 Johannes Tody-Tyrant X 446 Junín Canastero X 521 Black-throated Antbird X 594 White-bellied Tody-Tyrant X 447 Scribble-tailed Canastero 522 Silvered Antbird X 595 Black-throated Tody-Tyrant 448 Streak-fronted Thornbird X 523 Dock-Backed Antbird 596 Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher BARBTAIL/FOLIAGE-GLEANER 524 Plumbeous Antbird X 597 Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher X 449 Spotted Barbtail 525 Banded Antbird 598 Black-backed Tody-Flycatcher 450 Rusty-Winged Barbtail 526 Goeldis Antbird X 599 Yellow-Browed Tody-Flycatcher X 451 Pearled Treerunner 527 Striated Antbird X 600 Spotted tody-flycatcher X 452 Montane Foliage-gleaner X 528 Gray Antbird X 601 Long-Tailed Tyrant X 453 Buff-browed Foliage-Gleaner 529 White-throated Antbird X FLYCATCHER 454 Chestnut Winged Foliage-Glenner X 530 Spot-winged Antbird 602 Streak-necked Flycatcher 455 Chestnut-winged Hookbill X 531 Sooty Antbird 603 MacConnell's Flycatcher 456 Rufous-Rumped Foliage-gleaner X 532 Band-tailed Antbird X 604 Inca Flycatcher X 457 Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner 533 Scale-Backed Antbird X 605 Sepia-capped Flycatcher X 458 Rufous-Tailed Foliage-gleaner 534 Spot-Backed Antbird 606 Slaty-capped Flycatcher X 459 Cinammon-Rumped Foliage-Gleaner 535 Black spotted Bare Eye X 607 Swainzon Flycatcher 460 Ruddy Foliage-Gleaner 536 Hairy Crested Antbird X 608 Yellow-Marginded Flycatcher 461 Chestnut-crowned Foliage-Gleaner ANTTHRUSH / ANTPITTA 609 Unadorned Flycatcher 462 Brown-Rumped Foliage-Gleaner 537 Black-faced Antthrush X 610 Handsome Flycatcher 463 Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner 538 Rufous-Capped Antthrush X 611 Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher 464 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner 539 Rufous-breasted Antthrush 612 Bran-colored Flycatcher X 465 Olive-Backed Foliage-gleaner 540 Short-tailed Antthrush 613 Cinnamon Flycatcher X 466 Point-tailed Pamlcreeper 541 Barred Antthrush 614 Cliff Flycatcher 467 Striped Woodhaunter 542 Undulated Antpitta X 615 Olive-sided Flycatcher 468 Peruvian Recurvebill 543 Scaled Antpitta 616 Vermilion Flycatcher X 469 Buff-throated Treehunter 544 Stripe-headed Antpitta 617 Dusky-capped Flycatcher X 470 Striped Treehunter X 545 Red-and-white Antpitta 618 Short-crested Flycatcher X 471 Black-billed Treehunter X 546 White-throated Antpitta 619 Olive-Striped Flycatcher 472 Streaked Xenops X 547 Rufous Antpitta 620 Yellow-Breasted Flycatcher 473 Slender-Billed Xenops X 548 Thrush-like Antpitta 621 Boat-billed Flycatcher X 474 Plain Xenops X 549 Ochre-breasted Antpitta 622 Social Flycatcher X 475 Rufous-Tailed Xenops 549 Amazonian Antpitta 623 Sulphury Flycatcher HORNERO/ANTSHRIKE/ FIRE -EYE GNATEATER/ TAPACULO 624 Gray-capped Flycatcher X 476 Pale-Legged Hornero X 551 Slaty Gnateater 625 Lemon-browed Flycatcher 477 Great Antshrike X 552 Ash-throated Gnateater 626 Golden-crowned Flycatcher X 478 Bamboo Antshrike X 553 Rusty-Belted Tapaculo 627 Streaked Flycatcher X 479 Barred Antshrike X 554 Trilling Tapaculo 628 Sulphur-bellied flycatcher X 480 Chestnut-backed Antshrike 555 White-crowned Tapaculo 629 Yellow-olive flycatcher X 481 Undulated Antshrike 556 Puna Tapaculo 630 Ruddy-Tailed Flycatcher X 482 Plain-Winged Antshrike X 557 Diademed Tapaculo 631 Tropical Kingbird X 483 White-shouldered Antshrike X TYRANNULET PEEWEE/PHOEBE 484 Uniform Antshrike 558 Sclater's Tyrannulet X 632 Smoke-colored Pewee

6 N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN N ENGLISH NAME SEEN 633 Western Wood-Pewee 715 Purplish Jay X 790 Orange-Eared Tanager X 634 Black Phoebe X 716 Violaceous Jay X 791 Golden-Eared Tanager FLATBILL/ATTILA 717 White-collared Jay 792 Golden-collared Tanager X 635 Rufous-tailed Flatbill 718 Purple-Throated Fruitcrow X 793 Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager 636 Olivaceous Flatbill X 719 Bare-Necked Fruitcrow X 794 Chestnut-bellied Mountain-Tanager 637 Fulvous-breasted Flatbill MARTIN/SWALLOW 795 Fawn-breasted Tanager 638 Bright-Rumped Attila X 720 Brown-chested Martin X 796 Swallow-Tanager X 639 Dull-Capped Attila X 721 Gray-breasted Martin 797 Silver-backed Tanager CHAT-TYRANT/BUSH-TYRANT 722 Southern Martin 798 Flame-faced Tanager 640 Crowned Chat-Tyrant 723 Blue-and-white Swallow X 799 Golden Tanager X 641 Golden-Browed Chat-Tyrant 724 Brown-bellied Swallow 800 Blue and Black Tanager 642 Slaty-Backed Chat-Tyrant 725 Pale-footed Swallow 801 Berly-Spangled Tanager X 643 D orbigny s Chat-Tyrant 726 Andean Swallow 802 Safron-crowned Tanager X 644 Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant 727 Southern Rough-winged Swallow X 803 Blue-necked Tanager X 645 Rufous-Breasted Chat-Tyrant X 728 Barn Swallow 804 Masked tanager 646 White-browed Chat-Tyrant X 729 White-banded Swallow X 805 Bay-headed Tanager X 647 Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant 730 White-Winged Swallow X 806 Green and Gold Tanager X 648 Rufous-bellied Bush-Tyrant 731 White-Rumped Swallow 807 Green Tanager X 649 Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant PIPIT/WREN 808 Turquoise Tanager X 650 Rufous-webbed Tyrant X 732 Short-Billed Pipit X 809 Paradise Tanager X GROUND-TYRANT 733 Yellowish Pipit 810 Masked-Crimson Tanager X 651 Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant X 734 Paramo Pipit 811 White-winged Shrike Tanager X 652 Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant X 735 Gray-mantled Wren X 812 Red-Crowned Ant-Tanager X 653 White-browed Ground-Tyrant X 736 Sharpe's Wren HEMISPINGUS 654 Taczanowski's Ground-Tyrant 737 Fulvous Wren 813 Parodi's Hemispingus X 655 Cinereous Ground-Tyrant 738 Moustached Wren X 814 Superciliaried Hemispingus X 656 Shor-tailed filed Tyrant 739 House Wren X 815 Black-eared Hemispingus X 657 Ochre-Naped Ground-tyrant X 740 Inca Wren 816 Oleaginous Hemispingus X 658 Dark-faced Ground-tyrant 741 Mountain Wren X 817 Drab Hemispingus 659 Little ground-tyrant X 742 Sedge Wren 818 Three-striped Hemispingus X 660 Andean Negrito X 743 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren X 819 Black-Capped hemispingus X 661 Andean-Tyrant X 744 Scaly-Breasted Wren X DANCIS/HONEYCREEPER 662 White-winged Black-Tyrant 745 Thrush-Like Wren X 820 Black-faced Dacnis X 663 Drab-water tyrant X 746 Chestnut-breasted Wren 821 Yellow-bellied Dacnis X 664 Ringed Antpipit 747 Musician Wren X 822 Blue Dacnis X 665 Subtropical doradito X 748 Long-Tailed Mockingbird 823 Tit-Like Dacnis 666 Syristes X 749 Long-Billed Gnatwren X 824 Green Honeycreeper X BECARD/ TITYRA 750 Black-Capped Donacobius X 825 Purple Honeycreeper X 667 Crested Becard SOLITAIRE/THRUSH 826 Red-Legged Honeycreeper 669 Pink-Throated Becard X 751 Andean Solitaire 827 Golden-collared Honeycreeper 671 Chestnut-Crowned Becard 752 White-eared Solitaire CONEBILL/ FLOWERPIERCER 673 Black and White Becard 753 Chiguanco Thrush X 828 Cinereous Conebill X 675 White-winged Becard X 754 Great Thrush X 829 White-browed Conebill 677 Barred Becard 755 Glossy-black Thrush 830 Blue-backed Conebill 679 Black-Capped Becard 756 Slaty-Thrush 831 Capped Conebill 681 Green-Backed Becard 757 White-necked Thrush 832 Giant Conebill 683 Masked Tityra X 758 Black-Billed Thrush X 833 Moustached Flowerpiercer X 685 Black-Crowned Tityra X 759 Scaly-backed Nightingale Thrush X 834 Black-throated Flowerpiercer X 687 Black-Tailed Tityra X 760 Lawrence's Thrush X 835 Deep-blue Flowerpiercer X COTINGA/FRUITEATER 761 White-capped Dipper 836 Masked Flowerpiercer X 688 Red-crested Cotinga 762 Creamy-bellied thrush 837 Rusty Flowerpeicer X 689 Chestnut-crested Cotinga TANAGERS 838 Plushcap 690 Plum-throated Cotinga 763 Black-faced Tanager SIERRA FINCH/ SEEDEATER 691 Amazonian Umbrellabird 764 Magpie Tanager X 839 Peruvian Sierra-Finch X 692 Andean Cock-of-the-rock X 765 Grass-green Tanager X 840 Mourning Sierra-Finch X 693 Band-tailed Fruiteater 766 Common Bush-Tanager X 841 Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch X 694 Barred Fruiteater 767 Yellow-throated Bush-Tanager X 842 Plumbeous Sierra-Finch X 695 Sharpbill 768 Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager 843 Short-Tailed Sierra-Finch MANAKIN 769 Short-Billed Bush-Tanager X 844 White-Winged Diuca-Finch X 696 White-bearded Manakin 770 Rust-and-yellow Tanager X 845 Band-tailed Sierra-Finch X 697 Yungas Manakin X 771 Yellow-backed Tanager 846 Slaty Finch X 698 Jet Manakin 772 Slaty Tanager 847 Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch X 699 Cerulean-capped Manakin X 773 Yellow-crested Tanager 848 Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch X 700 Fiery-capped Manakin X 774 Black-goggled Tanager X 849 Grassland Yellow-Finch 701 Band-Tailed Manakin X 775 Summer Tanager 850 Greenish Yellow-Finch 702 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Peppershrike X 788 Yellow-throated Tanager X 863 Plain-colored Seedeater X 714 Green Jay X 789 Golden- Naped Tanager X 864 Páramo Seedeater

7 N ENGLISH NAME SEEN 865 Line Seedeater X 866 Leson s seedeater X 867 Blue-black Grassquit X 868 Yellow-browed Sparrow X 869 Grassland Sparrow X 870 Rufous-collared Sparrow 871 Pectoral Sparrow X 872 SALTATOR Grayish Saltator X 873 Buff-throated Saltator X 874 Golden-billed Saltator X 875 Golden-bellied Grosbeak 876 Black-backed Grosbeak 877 Blue-Backed Grosbeak 878 WARBLER Tropical Parula 879 Blackburnian Warbler 880 Canada Warbler 881 Slate-throated Redstart X 882 Spectacled Redstart X 883 Two-banded Warbler X 884 Golden-bellied Warbler 885 Pale-legged Warbler 886 Citrine Warbler 887 Russet-crowned Warbler 888 Three-striped Warbler X 889 Buff-rumped Warbler 890 Masked Yellowthroad X 891 Bananaquit X OROPENDOLAS 892 Shiny Cowbird 893 Giant Cowbird X 894 Yellow-Hooded Blackbird 895 Yellow-Winged Balckbird x 896 Yellow-rumped Cacique X 897 Epaulet Oriole X 898 Mountain Cacique X 899 Selva Cacique X 900 Crested Oropendola X 901 Casqued Oropendola X 902 Dusky-green Oropendola X 903 Russet-Backed Oropendola X 904 Olive Oropendola X SISKIN 905 Hooded Siskin x 906 Olivaceous Siskin x 907 Thick-billed Siskin X 908 Black Siskin X EUPHONIA/ CHLOROPHONIA 909 Purple-throated Euphonia X 910 Thick-billed Euphonia X 911 Bronze-green Euphonia X 912 Golden-bellied Euphonia X 913 White-vented Euphonia 914 Orange-bellied Euphonia X 915 Blue-naped Chlorophonia X 916 Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia

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