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1 Page No. 原文 リライト EDITOR'S NOTES 1 1 NATURAL ART Our company combines modern technology with a heart for our customers' needs. We fully expect to continue to produce excellent leather known and appreciated all over the world. NATURAL ART In embracing our customers' desires, Midori Auto Leather uses an alchemy of art and modern technology, to create exceptional products that are revered the world over. 1 2 Natural Resouces Natural Resources 1 3 Contact us Contact Us 1 4 NATURAL ART If the earth is one large living organism Then mankind must exists as the bearer of creativity Midori Hokuyo continues to consider the future of man and the earth as effectively utilizing our limited natural resources. 1 5 Here at Midori Auto leather we are one member of this living body and through our theme of producing only what is needed for the true enrichment of man's life we are sensitive to the environment and effectively utilize our limited resources. Leather has played a central role throughout the history of mankind and in modern day the natural collagen of leather is an essential part of foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials." わたしたち MIDORI AUTO LEATHER は 限りある資源を有効活用し 環境に優しく 真に人の暮らしを豊かにするものだけを作ることをテーマにしています 1 6 人類の歴史と共にあった本革を中心に 食品や医薬品 化粧品などに欠かせない天然コラーゲンにいたるまで 生み出される様々な製品の根底には 天然素材を科学 Bio Technolpgy Biotechnology 2 1 Excellent Design Our theme - Applying science and art To the world's limited natural resources And incorporating them into the lives of people NATURAL ART Applying the analogy of Earth being a self-contained living organism, with mankind as its creative bearer, Midori Hokuyo sees the future of man and Earth bound to the effective utilization of our limited natural resources. Midori Auto Leather respects this analogy, and proudly uses only the most essential materials in the manufacture of products that truly enrich people's lives, without impacting our limited natural resources. Leather has played a central role throughout history, and today, its natural collagen is an essential part of our foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials". Exceptional Design - Allying scientific methodology with artistic license to enhance people's lives and preserve our natural resources I think we should avoid saying 'utilize our limited natural resources ' anywhere even if it is in the most effective way, because limited natural resources should not be used at all, really. It sounds more positive to just say 'without impacting our limited natural resources '. I'm not sure how true this is, but it certainly sounds better than implying that the company is using natural resources.

2 2 2 The design concept of Midori Auto leather is based on a style produced by colour experts. This tradition has grown with the distinct Japanese seasons. Midori Autoleather has worked at cultivating sensitivity in natural materials. Lovingly crafted under the careful supervision of color experts, our unique designs reflect Japan's distinctive cycle of seasons and appreciation for natural materials. 3 1 Japanese Color Color Collection The page title should reflect the tab. Here, the original doesn't. 3 2 apanese have embraced the moods of nature s colours skillfully. The Safflower which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimonos. 私たち日本人は 自然の中の色彩や風情を巧みに生活の中に取り入れてきました 山形県の県花 紅花 は自然の染料として口紅の紅や着物を染めるために利用されてきました MIDORI AUTO LEATHERのカラーコレクションも日本の自然色に学び 日本人の美意識を大切にしていきます 3 3 Midori Auto leather gets ideas for its colour collection from natural colours, which are cherished in Japan for their aesthetic qualities. 4 1 We try to create products that appeal to people's sensitivity. Colour experts using different kinds of equipment produce the style of the products. The shape and aesthetic appearance of these products is very important to us. Japanese are particularly adept at incorporating the colors and flavors we find in nature into everyday life. For example, the Safflower, which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata, is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimono. In deciding upon a particular product's colors and shades, Midori Auto Leather draws inspiration from the colors that are inherent in nature. It is our goal to create a line of products that have universal appeal. In designing a product, every aesthetic aspect be it shape, style, color, or other detail is the result of painstaking consideration to its conception and manufacture. I have added 'For example ' at the beginning, here, in order to make this sentence tie more logically (by way of introducing an example of how color is used in everyday life) with the preceding sentence. Without 'For example' this sentence sounds disconnected and incongruous. 5 1 OUR THEME - APPLYING SCIENCE AND ART TO THE WORLD'S LIMITED NATURAL RESOURCES AND INCORPORATING THEM INTO THE LIVES OF PEOPLE OUR THEME - ALLYING ARTISTIC LICENSE WITH SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY TO ENHANCE PEOPLE'S LIVES AND PRESERVE OUR NATURAL RESOURCES

3 5 2 Here at Midori Auto leather we are one member of this Midori Auto leather adheres to a strict philosophy of living body and through our theme of producing only what is needed for the true enrichment of man's life we are sensitive to the environment and effectively utilize our limited resources. Leather has played a central role throughout the history of mankind and in modern day the natural collagen of leather is an essential part of foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials." The raw materials used for our leather furniture are chosen through the strictest selection process, matched to the designers demands and bring out a providing aesthetically-enriching products that negligibly impact our precious natural resources. Leather has played a central role throughout history, and today, its natural collagen is an essential part of our foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials". The raw materials used for our leather furniture go through a strict selection process that ensures that they meet our designers' expectations in regard durability, color, texture, and complimentary tone. In particular, our proprietary toning technology ensures that every product is unique, all-natural, and feeling of quality through our rich colour range. Above exemplifies luxury. all our toning technology, creates a natural and therefore luxurious product. 5 3 In conjunction with car manufactures, Midori Auto leather jointly plans the use of leather in car seats. The leather is scrutinized under strict guidelines in order that only the finest leather that will withstand Midori Auto Leather also enjoys a close association with a number of automobile manufacturers, designing the upholstery for upper-tier models. Strict guidelines ensure that only the finest and most durable leathers the harsh environment endured by car interiors is used are used. Meeting such strict demands requires the in production. The product is manufactured in a consistent production system from beginning to end. utmost consistency and precision throughout the manufacturing process. Leather for our bags and shoes is produced to ensure The leather for our bags and shoes is produced to comfort and strength. Our finished products are one of ensure both comfort and strength. Our finished quality and rich color and one can see from the results products showcase stunning quality and rich color that that ample time has been spent in the manufacturing process. clearly reflects a level of attention to detail that truly sets us apart. These sentences read OK together. 6 1 History and Tanning Leathercraft and Tanning - a history Original 'History and Tanning' is not a good title for the text that follows. 6 2 THE COEXISTENCE OF MAN AND LEATHER 革は人類の歴史と共に LEATHER'S SIGNIFICANCE THROUGHOUT HISTORY Note: Revision applies to both the tab and the title in the linked page.

4 6 3 During the prehistoric age, people were skilled at making various leather goods. If you take a look at Babylonian inscriptions or Egyptian sculptures, you can see that leather goods were very important for the human race thousands of years ago. The skill of tanning leather originated in the Orient, which then spread into Europe and all over the world. The relationship between leather and man has continued throughout the ages. The application and techniques are forever changing and improving. Most genuine leather products are hand made. MIDORI AUTO LEATHER is trying to take over that tradition utilizing advanced technology. 有史以前から人は革づくりの技術を持ち 生活の中にさまざまな革製品を取り入れてきました エジプトの彫刻や なめしについて書かれたバビロニア人の碑文の中に 何千年も前から人類にとって革製品がなくてはならないものであった事実を見ることが出来ます オリエントで生まれたなめしの技術は やがてヨーロッパ全土へ そして世界中へと広がっていきました 用途や技法は様々に変容を遂げながらも 私達と革の関係は時を超えて現代へと続いてきています 本革製品が工芸品と呼ばれるように その工程の多くを手作りに頼ってきた革作り その伝統をMIDORI 7 1 It prevents rawhide from decaying and gives it the durability needed for many years use. The skin is processed to be hard, soft, thick or thin depending on the purpose of utilization. The significance of leather in everyday life can be traced back to some of our earliest civilizations, as is evidenced in ancient Babylonian inscriptions and Egyptian sculptures. The skill of 'tanning' leather originated in the Orient, and from there spread to Europe and eventually worldwide. This close association between leather and man has continued throughout the ages, and applications and techniques are forever changing and developing. Genuinely high quality leather products demand a skilled hand. Midori Auto Leather strives to honor this tradition, while utilizing advanced technology to further evolve processing methods. Tanning is an important step in the preparation of rawhide to prevent it from decay, and to give the resulting leather its characteristic durability. The 'rawhide' is processed in various ways depending on the desired quality (for example, the thickness and texture) of the finished material. 8 1 Bio Technology Biotechnology This revision applies to both the title (here) and corresponding tab. 8 2 A TANNER PRODUCING TECHNICAL REVOLUTIONS REVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH - The original title is long and wordy/confusing/lacks impact THROUGH BASIC DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH SPEARHEADING THE NEXT STAGE AND REACHING TOWARDS THE NEXT STAGE 基礎開発の研究そして NEXT STAGE へ

5 8 3 Aside from their position as a tanner enhancing both quality and techniques of leather making, Midori Auto leather has began basic developmental research to effectively utilize our natural resources. Basic development probes and investigates right down to the molecular level of leather and discovers new directions while applying the power of biotechnology. タンナーとして革づくりの技術と品質を高めていく姿勢とは別に MIDORI AUTO LEATHER は天然素材のさらなる有効活用のために 基礎開発の研究に着手 その成果は多くの製品となって生まれてきています 8 4 The results of this basic research have begun to bear fruit like the product 'collagen'. Collagen is a type of protein which is the main ingredient of a material found between animal cells. Recently this product has suddenly been brought in to the limelight as it has become a firm part of our lives in food products, medicines and cosmetics. There is no mistake that products made from natural materials are kind to both mankind and the earth. Midori Autoleather collagen product - "collagen powder" is safe. It is used as a pure raw ingredient in food products such as cakes, ham and sausages. 基礎開発とは 皮革を分子段階まで掘り下げ 突き詰め バイオテクノロジーの力を応用しながら 新しい方向を見い出そうというものです 未だ未開拓な分野が多いバイオの世界では 研究の拠り所を過去のデータに求めることは出来ません 要求されるのは 全く新しい切り口からの攻略です 蓄積した知識や 経験以上に 豊かな発想とインスピレーションが問われるのです 8 5 Based on the concept that our natural materials should be used effectively, Midori Midori Auto leather basic research and development section has refined technology which is already part of our world and created new products which are useful in peoples lives to work towards the NEXT STAGE. MIDORI AUTO LEATHER の開発スタッフは最新鋭の設備と環境のもと 未知の分野への挑戦を続けています In addition to developing quality-enhancing techniques in leather making, Midori Auto Leather actively conducts developmental research into effective utilization of our natural resources. This research probes down to the molecular level of leather in search of new directions in biotechnology. Our research has begun to bear fruit, such as can be found in the product 'collagen'. Collagen is the structural protein found between animal cells, and is extensively used in food products, medicines and cosmetics. It is widely recognized that products made from natural materials are beneficial to both mankind and Earth. Midori Auto Leather's own collagen product, "Collagen Powder", is safe for use in raw form in food products such as cakes, ham, and sausages. Midori Auto Leather's R&D continues to push the boundaries of technology to the next level with the aim of creating products that are as stunning to behold as they are practical to use. Since quotes are used, "Collagen Powder" appears to be the name of a product by the company. There is no other evidence on the website that supports this however. Note: Page 12 includes other product names, such as "Gellatin (Gelatin?) powder " and "Collagen filato ". Are these related? 9 1 Electric Measures Department Electrical Testing Department We could also say 'Electrical Measuring', but 'Testing' sounds better.

6 9 2 Uniform Apparel Department Uniform & Apparel Department 10 1 Midori Autoleather Co., Ltd Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd The company name is assumed to be: Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd 11 1 Profile of Company Company Profile 11 2 Midori Auto leatherco., Ltd. Midori AutoleatherCo., Ltd. Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd The company name is assumed to be: Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd 11 3 TEL: FAX: TEL: FAX: NOTE: It is suggested that all tel. nos follow this format (no hyphens) billion yen 370 million 115 thousand yen The manufacture and sale of high quality leather. 2. The manufacture, stock and sale of synthetic leather. 3. All services relating to 1 and HOKUYO Leather Industries Co., Ltd (Capital of 190 thousand yen) was established at Hasedo,YamagataCity. Began manufacturing leatherproductions primarily based on tanned leather 1 billion yen 370,115,000 yen 1. Manufacture and sale of high quality leather 2. Manufacture, stock and sale of synthetic leather 3. All services relating to 1 and 2 HOKUYO Leather Industries Co., Ltd. (capital 190,000 yen) established in Hasedo, Yamagata city, manufacturing products primarily based on tanned leather 12 2 technitions technicians 12 3 The start of the study of CS luxury genuine leather for automotive seats? I do not understand 'the study of CS '. 高級自動車シート用本革 CS の研究開始 高級自動車シート用本革 CS の物性確立と生産開始 12 4 Competion Completion 12 5 Began production and sales of "Stark", high finish line 特殊仕上げライン スターク の生産販売開始 Began production and sales of "Stark" high-finish line It is not understood what 'Stark' means in this context Gellatin powder Gelatin powder Is this the actual product name? NOTE spelling should be 'gelatin' unless this is intentional Changed trade name from to Midori Hokuyo Co., Ltd. Changed trade name to Midori Hokuyo Co., Ltd 12 8 Collagen filato? I do not understand 'Collagen filato' Changed trade name from to Midori Auto leather Co.,LTD. Changed trade name to Midori Auto leather Co., Ltd It is assumed that 'leather' should be uppercase (Leather) for the trade name.

7 13 1 Times have changed since Matsuo Basho, famous haiku poet, visited Yamagata over three hundred years ago. However, the many hot springs, hearty delicious cuisine, and the warm-heartedness and simplicity of the people always hold charm for myself. Natural leather brings out warmth and a deep sense of serenity, and I believe it is this quality which gives the owners of these products happiness and enjoyment. Our corporation Midori Auto leather Inc. Ltd., situated in the rich natural environment of the Yamagata area, strives to perpetually reform technology and contribute to the advancement of the quality of peoples lives in our nation. In addition, in accordance with our corporation's demands, a new plant and central research center was established in November, On the theme "Applying Science to Natural Materials", our corporation is putting all our efforts to develop specialized technology and new products, manufacture superior goods and through our friendly sales become a corporation which completely satisfies our customers. I look forward to your continued support and a bright future for Midori Auto leather. 芭蕉が山形を訪れて三百年余りの歳月が移り変わりました 山々の温泉 心のこもったおいしいお料理 そして人々の素朴で温かい心は いつも私を魅了してやみません 天然素材である本革 その温もりは深いやすらぎを醸し出し 時の流れの中で味わいはさらに深まり それを手にするオーナーの密かな喜びでもあり 楽しみでもあるでしょう 自然豊かな山形の地で 私たちミドリオートレザー株式会社は わが国の生活空間の質の向上に貢献するよう たゆまぬ技術革新を進めて参りました そして更なる社会の要求にお応えするよう 平成 3 年 11 月 最新の本社工場 中央研究所を設立しました 天然素材を科学する をテーマに 専門的な技術と新商品の開発 優れた製品の製造と 心のこもった販売により 顧客満足度 No.1 企業になるべく全力を注ぐ所存でございます 今後とも何卒一層のご指導 ご支援を賜りますようお願い申しあげます Times have changed since Matsuo Basho, the famous Note: The company name is as here (Midori Auto Leather Inc. haiku poet, visited Yamagata over three hundred years Ltd), or Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd? ago. Yet, still the plentiful hot springs, hearty cuisine, and amiable simplicity of the local people maintain their unwavering charm. Natural leather brings out a sense of warmth and serenity that we pride ourselves in passing on through our products. Midori Auto Leather Inc. Ltd., situated in the rich, natural environment of Yamagata prefecture, continues to reform technology and contribute to the enrichment and quality of people's lives. In November 1991, in response to increasing societal demands, we established an all-new plant and central research center. Proudly standing by our motto, "Applying Science to Natural Materials", our corporation continues to champion specialized technology in the creation of strikingly original products, along with a friendly and attentive sales and support team, the collective aim of which is to ensure the satisfaction of each and every customer. Here's to your continued support of our products and a bright future for all. - Midori Auto Leather Inc Question about Leather Customer Enquiries Original sounds awkward/unnatural, and limits the scope of enquiry.

8 14 2 Question about Leather? SUGGESTION: Omit this title as unnecessary and clutters the Form Nationality Sex CAUTION: I would omit this option. It serves no purpose in this context and sounds offensive Adress Address 14 5 The question contets Your Enquiry 14 6 OK Send

9 Page No. 原文 リライト EDITOR'S NOTES 1 1 NATURAL ART Our company combines modern technology with a heart for our customers' needs. We fully expect to continue to produce excellent leather known and appreciated all over the world. NATURAL ART In embracing our customers' desires, Midori Auto Leather uses an alchemy of art and modern technology, to create exceptional products that are revered the world over. 1 2 Natural Resouces Natural Resources 1 3 Contact us Contact Us 1 4 NATURAL ART If the earth is one large living organism Then mankind must exists as the bearer of creativity Midori Hokuyo continues to consider the future of man and the earth as effectively utilizing our limited natural resources. 1 5 Here at Midori Auto leather we are one member of this living body and through our theme of producing only what is needed for the true enrichment of man's life we are sensitive to the environment and effectively utilize our limited resources. Leather has played a central role throughout the history of mankind and in modern day the natural collagen of leather is an essential part of foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials." わたしたち MIDORI AUTO LEATHER は 限りある資源を有効活用し 環境に優しく 真に人の暮らしを豊かにするものだけを作ることをテーマにしています 1 6 人類の歴史と共にあった本革を中心に 食品や医薬品 化粧品などに欠かせない天然コラーゲンにいたるまで 生み出される様々な製品の根底には 天然素材を科学 Bio Technolpgy Biotechnology 2 1 Excellent Design Our theme - Applying science and art To the world's limited natural resources And incorporating them into the lives of people NATURAL ART Applying the analogy of Earth being a self-contained living organism, with mankind as its creative bearer, Midori Hokuyo sees the future of man and Earth bound to the effective utilization of our limited natural resources. Midori Auto Leather respects this analogy, and we are proud of our ability to provide luxury products manufactured with only natural materials while remaining keenly aware of the need to maintain our natural environment. Leather has played a central role throughout history, and today, its natural collagen is an essential part of our foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials". Exceptional Design - Allying scientific methodology with artistic license to enhance people's lives and preserve our natural resources

10 2 2 The design concept of Midori Auto leather is based on a style produced by colour experts. This tradition has grown with the distinct Japanese seasons. Midori Autoleather has worked at cultivating sensitivity in natural materials. Lovingly crafted under the careful supervision of color experts, our unique designs reflect Japan's distinctive cycle of seasons and appreciation for natural materials. 3 1 Japanese Color Color Collection The page title should reflect the tab. Here, the original doesn't. 3 2 apanese have embraced the moods of nature s colours skillfully. The Safflower which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimonos. 私たち日本人は 自然の中の色彩や風情を巧みに生活の中に取り入れてきました 山形県の県花 紅花 は自然の染料として口紅の紅や着物を染めるために利用されてきました MIDORI AUTO LEATHERのカラーコレクションも日本の自然色に学び 日本人の美意識を大切にしていきます 3 3 Midori Auto leather gets ideas for its colour collection from natural colours, which are cherished in Japan for their aesthetic qualities. 4 1 We try to create products that appeal to people's sensitivity. Colour experts using different kinds of equipment produce the style of the products. The shape and aesthetic appearance of these products is very important to us. Japanese are particularly adept at incorporating the colors we find in nature into our everyday lives. The Safflower, which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata, is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimono. In deciding upon a particular product's colors and shades, Midori Auto Leather draws inspiration from the colors that are inherent in nature. It is our goal to create a line of products that have universal appeal. In designing a product, every aesthetic aspect be it shape, style, color, or other detail is the result of painstaking consideration to its conception and manufacture. The Safflower, which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata, is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimono. The above sentence (revised from the original) is fine, but does not tie together logically with the first sentence (about Japanese color and mood). I suggest omitting the above sentence as it is irrelevant. 5 1 OUR THEME - APPLYING SCIENCE AND ART TO THE WORLD'S LIMITED NATURAL RESOURCES AND INCORPORATING THEM INTO THE LIVES OF PEOPLE OUR THEME - ALLYING ARTISTIC LICENSE WITH SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY TO ENHANCE PEOPLE'S LIVES AND PRESERVE OUR NATURAL RESOURCES

11 5 2 Here at Midori Auto leather we are one member of this Midori Auto leather adheres to a strict philosophy of living body and through our theme of producing only what is needed for the true enrichment of man's life we are sensitive to the environment and effectively utilize our limited resources. Leather has played a central role throughout the history of mankind and in modern day the natural collagen of leather is an essential part of foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials." The raw materials used for our leather furniture are chosen through the strictest selection process, matched to the designers demands and bring out a providing aesthetically-enriching products that negligibly impact our precious natural resources. Throughout mankind's history, leather's naturally rich collagen content has played an essential role in shaping our dietary, medicinal and cosmetic preferences. Midori Auto Leather's entire product line is based on our concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials". The raw materials used for our leather furniture go through a strict selection process that ensures that they meet our designers' expectations in regard durability, color, texture, and complimentary tone. In particular, our proprietary toning technology ensures feeling of quality through our rich colour range. Above that every product is unique, all-natural, and all our toning technology, creates a natural and exemplifies luxury. therefore luxurious product. 5 3 In conjunction with car manufactures, Midori Auto leather jointly plans the use of leather in car seats. The leather is scrutinized under strict guidelines in order that only the finest leather that will withstand Midori Auto Leather also enjoys a close association with a number of automobile manufacturers, designing the upholstery for upper-tier models. Strict guidelines ensure that only the finest and most durable leathers the harsh environment endured by car interiors is used are used. Meeting such strict demands requires the in production. The product is manufactured in a consistent production system from beginning to end. utmost consistency and precision throughout the manufacturing process. Leather for our bags and shoes is produced to ensure The leather for our bags and shoes is produced to comfort and strength. Our finished products are one of ensure both comfort and strength. Our finished quality and rich color and one can see from the results products showcase stunning quality and rich color that that ample time has been spent in the manufacturing process. clearly reflects a level of attention to detail that truly sets us apart. 6 1 History and Tanning Leathercraft and Tanning - a history Original 'History and Tanning' is not a good title for the text that follows. 6 2 THE COEXISTENCE OF MAN AND LEATHER 革は人類の歴史と共に LEATHER'S SIGNIFICANCE THROUGHOUT HISTORY Note: Revision applies to both the tab and the title in the linked page.

12 6 3 During the prehistoric age, people were skilled at making various leather goods. If you take a look at Babylonian inscriptions or Egyptian sculptures, you can see that leather goods were very important for the human race thousands of years ago. The skill of tanning leather originated in the Orient, which then spread into Europe and all over the world. The relationship between leather and man has continued throughout the ages. The application and techniques are forever changing and improving. Most genuine leather products are hand made. MIDORI AUTO LEATHER is trying to take over that tradition utilizing advanced technology. 有史以前から人は革づくりの技術を持ち 生活の中にさまざまな革製品を取り入れてきました エジプトの彫刻や なめしについて書かれたバビロニア人の碑文の中に 何千年も前から人類にとって革製品がなくてはならないものであった事実を見ることが出来ます オリエントで生まれたなめしの技術は やがてヨーロッパ全土へ そして世界中へと広がっていきました 用途や技法は様々に変容を遂げながらも 私達と革の関係は時を超えて現代へと続いてきています 本革製品が工芸品と呼ばれるように その工程の多くを手作りに頼ってきた革作り その伝統をMIDORI 7 1 It prevents rawhide from decaying and gives it the durability needed for many years use. The skin is processed to be hard, soft, thick or thin depending on the purpose of utilization. The significance of leather in everyday life can be traced back to some of our earliest civilizations, as is evidenced in ancient Babylonian inscriptions and Egyptian sculptures. The skill of 'tanning' leather originated in the Orient, and from there spread to Europe and eventually worldwide. This close association between leather and man has continued throughout the ages, and applications and techniques are forever changing and developing. Genuinely high quality leather products demand a skilled hand. Midori Auto Leather strives to honor this tradition, while utilizing advanced technology to further evolve processing methods. Tanning is an important step in the preparation of rawhide to prevent it from decay, and to give the resulting leather its characteristic durability. The 'rawhide' is processed in various ways depending on the desired quality (for example, the thickness and texture) of the finished material. 8 1 Bio Technology Biotechnology This revision applies to both the title (here) and corresponding tab. 8 2 A TANNER PRODUCING TECHNICAL REVOLUTIONS REVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH - The original title is long and wordy/confusing/lacks impact THROUGH BASIC DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH SPEARHEADING THE NEXT STAGE AND REACHING TOWARDS THE NEXT STAGE 基礎開発の研究そして NEXT STAGE へ

13 8 3 Aside from their position as a tanner enhancing both quality and techniques of leather making, Midori Auto leather has began basic developmental research to effectively utilize our natural resources. Basic development probes and investigates right down to the molecular level of leather and discovers new directions while applying the power of biotechnology. タンナーとして革づくりの技術と品質を高めていく姿勢とは別に MIDORI AUTO LEATHER は天然素材のさらなる有効活用のために 基礎開発の研究に着手 その成果は多くの製品となって生まれてきています 8 4 The results of this basic research have begun to bear fruit like the product 'collagen'. Collagen is a type of protein which is the main ingredient of a material found between animal cells. Recently this product has suddenly been brought in to the limelight as it has become a firm part of our lives in food products, medicines and cosmetics. There is no mistake that products made from natural materials are kind to both mankind and the earth. Midori Autoleather collagen product - "collagen powder" is safe. It is used as a pure raw ingredient in food products such as cakes, ham and sausages. 基礎開発とは 皮革を分子段階まで掘り下げ 突き詰め バイオテクノロジーの力を応用しながら 新しい方向を見い出そうというものです 未だ未開拓な分野が多いバイオの世界では 研究の拠り所を過去のデータに求めることは出来ません 要求されるのは 全く新しい切り口からの攻略です 蓄積した知識や 経験以上に 豊かな発想とインスピレーションが問われるのです 8 5 Based on the concept that our natural materials should be used effectively, Midori Midori Auto leather basic research and development section has refined technology which is already part of our world and created new products which are useful in peoples lives to work towards the NEXT STAGE. MIDORI AUTO LEATHER の開発スタッフは最新鋭の設備と環境のもと 未知の分野への挑戦を続けています In addition to developing quality-enhancing techniques in leather making, Midori Auto Leather actively conducts developmental research into effective utilization of our natural resources. This research probes down to the molecular level of leather in search of new directions in biotechnology. Our research has begun to bear fruit, such as can be found in the product 'collagen'. Collagen is the structural protein found between animal cells, and is extensively used in food products, medicines and cosmetics. It is widely recognized that products made from natural materials are beneficial to both mankind and Earth. Midori Auto Leather's own collagen product, "Collagen Powder", is safe for use in raw form in food products such as cakes, ham, and sausages. Midori Auto Leather's R&D continues to push the boundaries of technology to the next level with the aim of creating products that are as stunning to behold as they are practical to use. Since quotes are used, "Collagen Powder" appears to be the name of a product by the company. There is no other evidence on the website that supports this however. Note: Page 12 includes other product names, such as "Gellatin (Gelatin?) powder " and "Collagen filato ". Are these related? 9 1 Electric Measures Department Electrical Testing Department We could also say 'Electrical Measuring', but 'Testing' sounds better.

14 9 2 Uniform Apparel Department Uniform & Apparel Department 10 1 Midori Autoleather Co., Ltd Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd The company name is assumed to be: Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd 11 1 Profile of Company Company Profile 11 2 Midori Auto leatherco., Ltd. Midori AutoleatherCo., Ltd. Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd The company name is assumed to be: Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd 11 3 TEL: FAX: TEL: FAX: NOTE: It is suggested that all tel. nos follow this format (no hyphens) billion yen 370 million 115 thousand yen The manufacture and sale of high quality leather. 2. The manufacture, stock and sale of synthetic leather. 3. All services relating to 1 and HOKUYO Leather Industries Co., Ltd (Capital of 190 thousand yen) was established at Hasedo,YamagataCity. Began manufacturing leatherproductions primarily based on tanned leather 1 billion yen 370,115,000 yen 1. Manufacture and sale of high quality leather 2. Manufacture, stock and sale of synthetic leather 3. All services relating to 1 and 2 HOKUYO Leather Industries Co., Ltd. (capital 190,000 yen) established in Hasedo, Yamagata city, manufacturing products primarily based on tanned leather 12 2 technitions technicians 12 3 The start of the study of CS luxury genuine leather for automotive seats? I do not understand 'the study of CS '. 高級自動車シート用本革 CS の研究開始 高級自動車シート用本革 CS の物性確立と生産開始 12 4 Competion Completion 12 5 Began production and sales of "Stark", high finish line 特殊仕上げライン スターク の生産販売開始 Began production and sales of "Stark" high-finish line It is not understood what 'Stark' means in this context Gellatin powder Gelatin powder Is this the actual product name? NOTE spelling should be 'gelatin' unless this is intentional Changed trade name from to Midori Hokuyo Co., Ltd. Changed trade name to Midori Hokuyo Co., Ltd 12 8 Collagen filato? I do not understand 'Collagen filato' Changed trade name from to Midori Auto leather Co.,LTD. Changed trade name to Midori Auto leather Co., Ltd It is assumed that 'leather' should be uppercase (Leather) for the trade name.

15 13 1 Times have changed since Matsuo Basho, famous haiku poet, visited Yamagata over three hundred years ago. However, the many hot springs, hearty delicious cuisine, and the warm-heartedness and simplicity of the people always hold charm for myself. Natural leather brings out warmth and a deep sense of serenity, and I believe it is this quality which gives the owners of these products happiness and enjoyment. Our corporation Midori Auto leather Inc. Ltd., situated in the rich natural environment of the Yamagata area, strives to perpetually reform technology and contribute to the advancement of the quality of peoples lives in our nation. In addition, in accordance with our corporation's demands, a new plant and central research center was established in November, On the theme "Applying Science to Natural Materials", our corporation is putting all our efforts to develop specialized technology and new products, manufacture superior goods and through our friendly sales become a corporation which completely satisfies our customers. I look forward to your continued support and a bright future for Midori Auto leather. 芭蕉が山形を訪れて三百年余りの歳月が移り変わりました 山々の温泉 心のこもったおいしいお料理 そして人々の素朴で温かい心は いつも私を魅了してやみません 天然素材である本革 その温もりは深いやすらぎを醸し出し 時の流れの中で味わいはさらに深まり それを手にするオーナーの密かな喜びでもあり 楽しみでもあるでしょう 自然豊かな山形の地で 私たちミドリオートレザー株式会社は わが国の生活空間の質の向上に貢献するよう たゆまぬ技術革新を進めて参りました そして更なる社会の要求にお応えするよう 平成 3 年 11 月 最新の本社工場 中央研究所を設立しました 天然素材を科学する をテーマに 専門的な技術と新商品の開発 優れた製品の製造と 心のこもった販売により 顧客満足度 No.1 企業になるべく全力を注ぐ所存でございます 今後とも何卒一層のご指導 ご支援を賜りますようお願い申しあげます Times have changed since Matsuo Basho, the famous Note: The company name is as here (Midori Auto Leather Inc. haiku poet, visited Yamagata over three hundred years Ltd), or Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd? ago. Yet, still the plentiful hot springs, hearty cuisine, and amiable simplicity of the local people maintain their unwavering charm. Natural leather brings out a sense of warmth and serenity that we pride ourselves in passing on through our products. Midori Auto Leather Inc. Ltd., situated in the rich, natural environment of Yamagata prefecture, continues to reform technology and contribute to the enrichment and quality of people's lives. In November 1991, in response to increasing societal demands, we established an all-new plant and central research center. Proudly standing by our motto, "Applying Science to Natural Materials", our corporation continues to champion specialized technology in the creation of strikingly original products, along with a friendly and attentive sales and support team, the collective aim of which is to ensure the satisfaction of each and every customer. Here's to your continued support of our products and a bright future for all. - Midori Auto Leather Inc Question about Leather Customer Enquiries Original sounds awkward/unnatural, and limits the scope of enquiry.

16 14 2 Question about Leather? SUGGESTION: Omit this title as unnecessary and clutters the Form Nationality Sex CAUTION: I would omit this option. It serves no purpose in this context and sounds offensive Adress Address 14 5 The question contets Your Enquiry 14 6 OK Send

17 Page No. 原文 リライト EDITOR'S NOTES 1 1 NATURAL ART Our company combines modern technology with a heart for our customers' needs. We fully expect to continue to produce excellent leather known and appreciated all over the world. NATURAL ART In embracing our customers' desires, Midori Auto Leather uses an alchemy of art and modern technology, to create exceptional products that are revered the world over. 1 2 Natural Resouces Natural Resources 1 3 Contact us Contact Us 1 4 NATURAL ART If the earth is one large living organism Then mankind must exists as the bearer of creativity Midori Hokuyo continues to consider the future of man and the earth as effectively utilizing our limited natural resources. 1 5 Here at Midori Auto leather we are one member of this living body and through our theme of producing only what is needed for the true enrichment of man's life we are sensitive to the environment and effectively utilize our limited resources. Leather has played a central role throughout the history of mankind and in modern day the natural collagen of leather is an essential part of foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials." 1 6 Bio Technolpgy Biotechnology 2 1 Excellent Design Our theme - Applying science and art To the world's limited natural resources And incorporating them into the lives of people 2 2 The design concept of Midori Auto leather is based on a style produced by colour experts. This tradition has grown with the distinct Japanese seasons. Midori Autoleather has worked at cultivating sensitivity in natural materials. NATURAL ART Applying the analogy of Earth being a self-contained living organism, with mankind as its creative bearer, Midori Hokuyo sees the future of man and Earth bound to the effective utilization of our limited natural resources. Midori Auto Leather respects this analogy, and we are proud of our ability to provide luxury products manufactured with only natural materials while remaining keenly aware of the need to maintain our natural environment. Throughout mankind's history, leather's naturally rich collagen content has played an essential role in shaping our dietary, medicinal and cosmetic preferences. Midori Auto Leather's entire product line is based on our concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials". Exceptional Design - Allying scientific methodology with artistic license to enhance people's lives and preserve our natural resources Lovingly crafted under the careful supervision of color experts, our unique designs reflect Japan's distinctive cycle of seasons and appreciation for natural materials. 3 1 Japanese Color Color Collection The page title should reflect the tab. Here, the original doesn't. 3 2 apanese have embraced the moods of nature s colours skillfully. The Safflower which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimonos. Japanese people are naturally adept at drawing parallels between human feelings and the colors we find in nature. The Safflower, which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata, is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimono. The Safflower, which is the prefectural flower of Yamagata, is used as a natural dye in products such as lipstick and kimono. The above sentence (revised from the original) is fine, but does not tie together logically with the first sentence (about Japanese color and mood). I suggest omitting the above sentence as it is irrelevant.

18 3 3 Midori Auto leather gets ideas for its colour collection from natural colours, which are cherished in Japan for their aesthetic qualities. 4 1 We try to create products that appeal to people's sensitivity. Colour experts using different kinds of equipment produce the style of the products. The shape and aesthetic appearance of these products is very important to us. In deciding upon a particular product's colors and shades, Midori Auto Leather draws inspiration from the colors that are inherent in nature. It is our goal to create a line of products that have universal appeal. In designing a product, every aesthetic aspect be it shape, style, color, or other detail is the result of painstaking consideration to its conception and manufacture. 5 1 OUR THEME - APPLYING SCIENCE AND ART TO THE WORLD'S LIMITED NATURAL RESOURCES AND INCORPORATING THEM INTO THE LIVES OF PEOPLE OUR THEME - ALLYING ARTISTIC LICENSE WITH SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY TO ENHANCE PEOPLE'S LIVES AND PRESERVE OUR NATURAL RESOURCES 5 2 Here at Midori Auto leather we are one member of this living body and through our theme of producing only what is needed for the true enrichment of man's life we are sensitive to the environment and effectively utilize our limited resources. Leather has played a central role throughout the history of mankind and in modern day the natural collagen of leather is an essential part of foods, medicines and cosmetics. At the foundation of all our various products is our corporation's concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials." The raw materials used for our leather furniture are chosen through the strictest selection process, matched to the designers demands and bring out a feeling of quality through our rich colour range. Above all our toning technology, creates a natural and therefore luxurious product. Midori Auto leather adheres to a strict philosophy of providing aesthetically-enriching products that negligibly impact our precious natural resources. Throughout mankind's history, leather's naturally rich collagen content has played an essential role in shaping our dietary, medicinal and cosmetic preferences. Midori Auto Leather's entire product line is based on our concept of "Applying Science to Natural Materials". The raw materials used for our leather furniture go through a strict selection process that ensures that they meet our designers' expectations in regard durability, color, texture, and complimentary tone. In particular, our proprietary toning technology ensures that every product is unique, all-natural, and exemplifies luxury. 5 3 In conjunction with car manufactures, Midori Auto leather jointly plans the use of leather in car seats. The leather is scrutinized under strict guidelines in order that only the finest leather that will withstand Midori Auto Leather also enjoys a close association with a number of automobile manufacturers, designing the upholstery for upper-tier models. Strict guidelines ensure that only the finest and most durable leathers the harsh environment endured by car interiors is used are used. Meeting such strict demands requires the in production. The product is manufactured in a consistent production system from beginning to end. utmost consistency and precision throughout the manufacturing process. Leather for our bags and shoes is produced to ensure The leather for our bags and shoes is produced to comfort and strength. Our finished products are one of ensure both comfort and strength. Our finished quality and rich color and one can see from the results products showcase stunning quality and rich color that that ample time has been spent in the manufacturing process. clearly reflects a level of attention to detail that truly sets us apart. 6 1 History and Tanning Leathercraft and Tanning - a history Original 'History and Tanning' is not a good title for the text that follows.

19 6 2 THE COEXISTENCE OF MAN AND LEATHER LEATHER: ITS USE THROUGHOUT HISTORY Note: Revision applies to both the tab and the title in the linked page. 6 3 During the prehistoric age, people were skilled at making various leather goods. If you take a look at Babylonian inscriptions or Egyptian sculptures, you can see that leather goods were very important for the human race thousands of years ago. The skill of tanning leather originated in the Orient, which then spread into Europe and all over the world. The relationship between leather and man has continued throughout the ages. The application and techniques are forever changing and improving. Most genuine leather products are hand made. MIDORI AUTO LEATHER is trying to take over that tradition utilizing advanced technology. The earliest evidence of leather crafting can be traced back to prehistoric times, and is later graphically depicted by some of our earliest civilizations, including Babylonian inscriptions and Egyptian sculptures. The skill of 'tanning' leather originated in the Orient, and from there spread to Europe and eventually worldwide. This close association between leather and man has continued throughout the ages, and applications and techniques are forever changing and developing. Genuinely high quality leather products demand a skilled hand. Midori Auto Leather strives to honor this tradition, while utilizing advanced technology to further evolve processing methods. 7 1 It prevents rawhide from decaying and gives it the durability needed for many years use. The skin is processed to be hard, soft, thick or thin depending on the purpose of utilization. Tanning is an important step in the preparation of rawhide to prevent it from decay, and to give the resulting leather its characteristic durability. The 'rawhide' is processed in various ways depending on the desired quality (for example, the thickness and texture) of the finished material. 8 1 Bio Technology Biotechnology This revision applies to both the title (here) and corresponding tab. 8 2 A TANNER PRODUCING TECHNICAL REVOLUTIONS REVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH - The original title is long and wordy/confusing/lacks impact THROUGH BASIC DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH SPEARHEADING THE NEXT STAGE AND REACHING TOWARDS THE NEXT STAGE 8 3 Aside from their position as a tanner enhancing both quality and techniques of leather making, Midori Auto leather has began basic developmental research to effectively utilize our natural resources. Basic development probes and investigates right down to the molecular level of leather and discovers new directions while applying the power of biotechnology. In addition to developing quality-enhancing techniques in leather making, Midori Auto Leather actively conducts developmental research into effective utilization of our natural resources. This research probes down to the molecular level of leather in search of new directions in biotechnology.

20 8 4 The results of this basic research have begun to bear fruit like the product 'collagen'. Collagen is a type of protein which is the main ingredient of a material found between animal cells. Recently this product has suddenly been brought in to the limelight as it has become a firm part of our lives in food products, medicines and cosmetics. There is no mistake that products made from natural materials are kind to both mankind and the earth. Midori Autoleather collagen product - "collagen powder" is safe. It is used as a pure raw ingredient in food products such as cakes, ham and sausages. 8 5 Based on the concept that our natural materials should be used effectively, Midori Midori Auto leather basic research and development section has refined technology which is already part of our world and created new products which are useful in peoples lives to work towards the NEXT STAGE. Our research has begun to bear fruit, such as can be found in the product 'collagen'. Collagen is the structural protein found between animal cells, and is extensively used in food products, medicines and cosmetics. It is widely recognized that products made from natural materials are beneficial to both mankind and Earth. Midori Auto Leather's own collagen product, "Collagen Powder", is safe for use in raw form in food products such as cakes, ham, and sausages. Midori Auto Leather's R&D continues to refine today's technologies with the aim of creating products that are as stunning to behold as they are practical to use. Since quotes are used, "Collagen Powder" appears to be the name of a product by the company. There is no other evidence on the website that supports this however. Note: Page 12 includes other product names, such as "Gellatin (Gelatin?) powder " and "Collagen filato ". Are these related? 9 1 Electric Measures Department Electrical Testing Department We could also say 'Electrical Measuring', but 'Testing' sounds better. 9 2 Uniform Apparel Department Uniform & Apparel Department 10 1 Midori Autoleather Co., Ltd Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd The company name is assumed to be: Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd 11 1 Profile of Company Company Profile 11 2 Midori Auto leatherco., Ltd. Midori AutoleatherCo., Ltd. Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd The company name is assumed to be: Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd 11 3 TEL: FAX: TEL: FAX: NOTE: It is suggested that all tel. nos follow this format (no hyphens) billion yen 370 million 115 thousand yen The manufacture and sale of high quality leather. 2. The manufacture, stock and sale of synthetic leather. 3. All services relating to 1 and HOKUYO Leather Industries Co., Ltd (Capital of 190 thousand yen) was established at Hasedo,YamagataCity. Began manufacturing leatherproductions primarily based on tanned leather 1 billion yen 370,115,000 yen 1. Manufacture and sale of high quality leather 2. Manufacture, stock and sale of synthetic leather 3. All services relating to 1 and 2 HOKUYO Leather Industries Co., Ltd. (capital 190,000 yen) established in Hasedo, Yamagata city, manufacturing products primarily based on tanned leather 12 2 technitions technicians 12 3 The start of the study of CS luxury genuine leather for automotive seats? I do not understand 'the study of CS'. Also, the nuance of 'The start of' is unclear.

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