Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

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1 Water Orton Primary School Whole School Curriculum Planning CYCLE A Year 1/2 Rolling Programme A 2017/18 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Topic Title Growing Toys Can t you Sleep Little Bear? An Island Home Famous People Animals Around the World Main Story Jack and the Beanstalk The Nutcracker Goldilocks and the Three How Tortoise got his Shell The enormous Turnip Three Little Pigs Bears English Poetry using out senses- 2 Labels lists and captions 1 week Stories about fantasy worlds 2 Instructions 2 Information texts 2 Character trait stories -2 Poetry pattern and rhyme (skipping rhymes)- 2 Information texts 2 / dictionaries 2 Maths Science Flow charts Whole school English Project 1 st 2 Measuring of plants we grow. Estimate, measure and compare length in cm and m. Use a ruler to measure plant. Big measurements of length distances around the world Using simple equipment Using observations to suggest ideas Plants Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants including trees. Observe how bulbs and seeds grow into mature plants Find out and describe how plants need water, light and Letters Newspaper reports Time lines Weight of objects made from different materials. compare weights in grams and kilograms. Key Science Skills Recording data and using it to answer questions. Using observations to suggest ideas and answers Materials and their properties Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. Forces Investigate pushes and pulls Traditional tales / fairy tales / plays 4 fact and fiction 2 Stories with familiar settings Time passage of time / day and night. Sequence the day Time: hours in a day/ days in a week. Units of time: hours, minutes, seconds Read time to hour, half hour, quarter hour. Key science skills Sorting Light and dark Explore sources of light and how we sense it- focus light, dark, shadows and reflections, sources of light Observing shadows Explore how electrical circuits work Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May Stories from a range of cultures 2 Stories with familiar settings- 2 Katie Morag Different stories by the same author famous person link Letters and e mails Postcards Invitations Money buying fruit from the role play shop Key science skills Sorting Everyday materials Identify what objects are made from Identify and name a variety of materials including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock Describe the simple properties of materials Compare and group materials based on their properties Diary Comparison texts Persuasive writing - letters Capacity water compare capacities in litres and millilitres., using simple equipment Using observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions Senses Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with which sense. Use senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells. Stories with predictable and patterned language 2 Poetry on a theme- 2 Information texts 2 Flow charts Using tree diagrams Sorting animals Data handling Living things and their habitats Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead and have never been alive Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants and how they depend on one another Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats,

2 ICT the right temperature to grow. Name part of a plant and sort and classify different plants. reminder of safety rules We are TV chefs Computational thinking Film children making their fruit salad. Edit the videos and present as an audition for new TV programme. We are Photographers Creativity Use an ipad to take a photo of an example of a healthy lifestyle. Upload and edit it Take and import a photograph or themselves. Type key words and manipulate font, size and colour. Position and manipulate key objects on screen Use comic life Internet Safety safer internet day. We are Story tellers Communication and collaboration Create and debug simple programmes. Illustrate an e book. Make a fact book / brochure on comic life. Position and manipulate key objects on screen We are Treasure Hunters Programming Programme a toy to find treasure on a simple map roamer / black cat etc. Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes We are Researchers Computer networks of IT beyond school Use technology to retrieve digital content Research famous people including micro habitats Notice that animals including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. We are Zoologists Productivity Use technology to store and organise data on a simple spreadsheet types of houses / building materials. History How have I changed? Historical skills Identify ways of finding out about the past photos and word of mouth Use simple vocabulary to express the passing of time Changes within living memory How children have changed since they were babies What do we know about toys in the past? Historical skills Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods Use simple vocabulary to express the passing of time Use a range of information sources Making comparisons, Present using appropriate vocabulary. Change beyond and within living memory Toys when parents and grandparents were children. Famous people and significant events Historical skills Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods Use simple vocabulary to express the passing of time Lives of significant individuals Christopher Columbus Isabard Kingdom Brunel Louis Braille Florence Nightingale Significant events beyond living memory Remembrance Bonfire night the life of a significant individual Guy Fawkes Geography Barnaby Bear study My Passport Name and locate the worlds 7 continents and 5 oceans Name, locate and identify Islands Contrasting country study Use globes, world maps to locate countries seas and continents. Use simple compass Local study Drawing maps and plans note where the bridges in Water Orton are. Design a key. Geographical skills and fieldwork Use simple fieldwork skills and observational skills to study the geography of the school grounds. Draw Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

3 characteristics for the 4 countries and capital cities in the uk and its surrounding seas. Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical and key human features directions (NSEW) and location and directional language (near far, right left) Make an island map. Place Knowledge: Human/ physical comparison - Compare 2 localities Bhola Island and Struay Geog Vocab beach cliff coast city, town, harbour My Passport Name and locate the worlds 7 continents and 5 oceans Name, locate and identify characteristics for the 4 countries and capital cities in the uk and its surrounding seas. Draw a route on a map and follow it in real life. maps and plans with the key physical and Human features. Mark on large trees and name their types DT Designing and making a fruit salad (UK sourced) Design a fruit salad based on tasting Use cutting tools safely Know rules for hygienic food preparation Wheeled vehicles Explore and use simple mechanisms - axle Design and make a simple wheeled vehicle with an axle Explore mechanisms in other products Designing and making bridges Look at famous world bridges and local bridges. (structures unit was playgrounds) Use knowledge of materials when deciding how to cut, shape, combine and join them and consider users when designing. Use construction toys e.g. lego Investigate how to strengthen a structure Art RE Observational drawings of plants and flowers. Draw from observation. Look at artists representations. Focus on shape Growing and changing (Life cycles and keeping healthy) Recognise that religious My Favourite toy. Paint a picture of favourite toy from the Nutcracker story. Senses in worship Explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts Light and dark in art Looking at artists use of day and night. Winter nights houses Lanterns One Stormy Night pictures Using viewfinders to look closely at artists work. Sponge printing Differences and similarities in the work of artists, techniques Focus on shade and tone Belonging Together (link to family) Identify the importance, for some people, of belonging Design an island Create a legend Use story as a starting point Work collaboratively Printing Consider the use of space to make a scale plan A Time to Feast Easter Eid Link to celebrations on the islands. Name and explore a range Clay tiles house designs Can Buildings Speak? Buildings in the local area observation / pattern / design and make a clay house tile. techniques 3d clay, printing and scraping, rubbings Draw from observation pattern develop patterns adding own ideas. Nobody s Fault link to sharing and turn taking Explore a range of religious Pattern Using the book The Greedy Zebra as a stimulus investigate and recreate patterns on animals. Use sketch books to develop these patterns and invent own for a new design. Draw own animal in the style of the book with pastels. Add texture and colour using collage. Special Books (Stories about family homes) Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

4 Music teachings and ideas make a difference to individuals, families and the local community. Reflect on how spiritual and moral values relate to their own behaviour Sounds interesting (music express Year 1) To explore a variety of sounds (vocal and body percussion) To compose using different musical elements and communicate their responses The long and the short of it (music express Year 2) Be able to identify long and short sounds Explore making long and short instrumental sounds to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives. Feel the pulse (music express Year2) To explore pulse and rhythm with actions To compose and perform simple accompaniment of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate. What s the score? (music express Year 1) To know symbols can be used to represent sounds stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings Reflect on how spiritual and moral values relate to their own behaviour Taking off (music express Year 1) To explore pitch using instruments and the voice Explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings Rain Rain go away (music express Year 1) To explore timbre, tempo and dynamics To compose and perform simple accompaniment To explore how symbols can be used to represent sounds PSHE & C PE (Games/ Gym and dance) Taking Care project (RSE) Year 2 syllabus Life Education Visit 1L Healthy Lifestyles 2D Drugs and their uses 2E Keeping healthy (medicines) Know about the benefits of regular exercise and how their bodies feel when they exercise Why healthy eating and physical activity are beneficial That some substances can help or harm the body Getting on and Falling out SEAL Yr1 1C My Relationships To work and play independently and in groups To listen to, and show consideration for, other people s views To identify different relationships that they have and why these are important Anti- Bullying week 1G Me in my community To make healthy eating choices and prepare simple healthy foods Know about the different types of work people do Understand the needs of familiar animals and plants, demonstrate how to care for them Healthy Eating Balanced diet Cricket Spring Fever (RSE) Year 1 children complete year 1 syllabus Year 2 children complete year 2 syllabus Cricket 2J Helping and getting help 2I Dealing with bullying How to keep safe and know how and where to get help To recognise how attitudes and behaviour including bullying, may affect others Changes SEAL Yr1 1J Maintaining personal hygiene 1I How my body works and changes (RSE 3 week unit) 1K Changes of responsibility 2D Road safety Understand about simple physical changes Recognise similarities and differences between people To manage personal hygiene Keep safe on the road Track and field - Athletics master basic skills running, jumping, throwing Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

5 Year 1/2 Rolling Programme A 2018/19 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Topic Title My Famiy Fire Weather Dungeons and Dragons A trip to the seaside Mini beasts Theme or context Healthy living Our life cycle Changing materials Great fire of London Light and dark Dragon project Castle life real and in Properties of materials Life cycles Habitat /Warwick stories Main Story Little Red Hen Gingerbread Man How the World was Made Lullabyhullabaloo The Magic Porridge Pot The very hungry caterpillar English Maths Traditional stories 3 Poetry patterns on the page 2 Dictionary/alphabetical order 1 week retelling stories plays and puppet shows Instruction writing Lists Whole school English Project 1 st 2 Measuring height of ourselves as we grow. compare length in cm and m. Use a ruler to measure plant. Big measurements of length distances around the world Instructions 2 Diaries, recounts and letters 2 Recipes Lists Poems Newspaper reports Time lines Weight making cakes compare weights in grams and kilograms. Stories with familiar settings 3 Poetry really looking 2 retelling stories Time passage of time / day and night. Sequence the day Time: hours in a day/ days in a week. Units of time: hours, minutes, seconds Read time to hour, half hour, quarter hour. Stories with familiar settings 2 Stories in Fantasy settings 2 retelling stories Instruction writing Lists Invitations Weighing Estimate measure and compare weights in grams and kilograms- weigh ourselves in kg. Money buying fruit from the role play shop Different stories by the same author 3 Non fiction texts 2 Poetry Silly stuff - 2 retelling stories Lists Diaries Postcards Riddles and rhymes Capacity sand and water in buckets. compare capacities in litres and millilitres. Extended stories (year 2) Linked stories (year 1) 3 Weeks 3 retelling stories Diaries Newspaper reports Using tree diagrams Sorting mini beasts Symmetry butterfly link Sort, organise and interpret information in a bar chart or pictogram. Science, gathering and recording data Humans and other animals Name main parts of the body Notice that animals including humans have offspring which grow into adults. Life cycle of a human Find out about and describe the basic needs of humans water, air and food. Describe the importance for humans of exercise,, using simple equipment Using observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions Uses of Everyday Materials Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including, wood, metal, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses. Using simple equipment Using observations to suggest ideas Seasonal change Observe changes across the four seasons Observe and describe how weather changes with the seasons and how the day length varies. Explore the idea of different weather conditions around the world. Living things and their habitats Identify and name common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the ideas of a simple food chain. Identify and name different sources of food. Key science skills Sorting Everyday materials Identify what objects are made from Identify and name a variety of materials including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock Describe the simple properties of materials Compare and group materials based on their properties Animals including Humans Identify and name common animals including fish, mammals, birds and reptiles Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals Study of insects Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

6 ICT eating the right amount of food, different types of food and hygiene. Internet Safety reminder of safety rules We are Celebrating Productivity Make a digital passport Take and import a photograph or themselves. Type key words and manipulate font, size and colour. Position and manipulate key objects on screen Use comic life We are Game Testers Computational Thinking Create own Christmas themed game on the ipad Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes Internet Safety safer internet day. We are Collectors Finding images on the web Make a 4 seasons picture collage We are Painters Creativity Illustrate an e book. Make a fact book / brochure on comic life. Position and manipulate key objects on screen Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes We are Detectives Communicating clues Word processing, communication and collaboration. Make up a riddle about an animal We are Astronauts Programming Use scratch, robots, space hops, jumps Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes History How have I changed? How has school changed? Historical skills Identify ways of finding out about the past photos and word of mouth Use simple vocabulary to express the passing of time Changes within living memory How children have changed since they were babies What was it like to go to school in Victorian times? The great fire of London / Warwick Find out about the lives of significant people and events from the past using variety of sources Use dates and the vocabulary related to time Life in real life castles in the past Princess Elizabeth Find out about the lives of significant people and events from the past Use dates and the vocabulary related to time The seaside in the past To explore how peoples ways of life change over time. Use dates and the vocabulary related to time Place events and changes in chronological order Geography Locational Knowledge Name the 7 continents Name the 5 oceans Human and physical geography Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. Locate hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the equator, north and south poles. Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May Look at pictures of castles from around the world. Contrast to own houses Use geographical vocabulary e.g. near, far, north, south Use secondary sources of information Use aerial photographs to recognise landmarks and key physical and human Contrasting locality seaside town Ask geographical questions e.g. What is it like to live in this place? Use geographical vocabulary e.g. island, near, far, north, south. Use maps and plans. Use secondary sources of information

7 DT Art RE Music Self Portraits Observation skills Drawing and painting Colour, line and shape Make sketches using mirrors, complete a finished piece using pastels or paints. Describe the differences and similarities between artists self portraits. Leonardo Da Vinci Van Gogh Picasso Sharing (Harvest) Name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate. Reflect on how spiritual and moral values relate to their own behaviour Sounds interesting (music express Year 2) To explore a variety of sounds (vocal and body percussion) To compose using different musical elements Baking cakes and cookies link to instructions in Follow a recipe Select ingredients Food hygiene Using tools safely Evaluate existing products Colour mixing and shading Colour wash pictures mixed media colour wheel and shade sequence Firework pictures blow paintings, bubble paintings, use of ICT Investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes. techniques Focus on colour and pattern Shining Lights (Christmas and Divali) Name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate. The long and the short of it (music express Year 1) Be able to identify long and short sounds Explore making long and short instrumental sounds Moving pictures Making a page for a class book about the seasons Explore and evaluate simple mechanisms to investigate how they workmoving picture mechanisms in books e.g. pop up, slider Design their own moving picture based on criteria Use cutting, folding and sticking skills to make a moving picture Trees across the seasons Learn about the work of artists and sculptors. Look at the way artists portrait trees across the seasons Make observational drawings of winter time (with focus on line and shape) trees and use these and the colour shading techniques learnt last term to produce a winter tree sunset picture. Use collage to add texture to representations of tress across all 4 seasons. Creation stories Explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings Rain Rain go away (music express Year 2) To explore timbre, tempo and dynamics To compose and perform simple accompaniment To explore how symbols can be used to represent sounds features Puppets (Textiles unit) Lullabyhullabaloo Design a puppet Cut with scissors Join fabric using variety of techniques Evaluate own work Dragon pictures Take one picture national gallery George and the Dragon painting. Design collaborative pictures on a large scale using pastels and collage materials. Make 3d models of using junk and malleable materials Join and fix materials in different ways Differences and similarities in the work of artists, techniques People in stories Explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings Taking off (music express Year 2) To explore pitch using instruments and the voice Textured Seaside pictures Paint pictures based on artists work. Investigate texture by adding various materials to paintings eg sand, bubble wrap. - link to recycled materials Investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes. techniques Represent observations, ideas and feelings. Getting ready for prayer (link to getting ready for a holiday / day trip) Clothes for prayer Reflect on and consider religious and spiritual feelings, experiences and concepts such as worship, wonder, praise, thanks, concern, joy and sadness. Feel the pulse (music express Year1) To explore pulse and rhythm with actions To compose and perform simple accompaniment Mini beast sculptures Look at sculptors work Make mini beast sculptures. Habitat gardens Observational drawings Clay Models Make paper mini beast to hang. Use natural materials to make an insect collage in a group. techniques including sculpture. Represent observations Differences and similarities in the work of artists. Meeting people (Link to people who care for the environment Recognise that religious teachings and ideas make a difference to individuals, families and the local community. What s the score? (music express Year 2) To know symbols can be used to represent sounds PSHE & C Taking Care project (RSE) Year 1 syllabus What jobs people do? What I want to be when I grow up? Good to be me SEAL Yr2 2H Personal safety 2C Managing change Spring Fever (RSE) Year 1 children complete year 1 syllabus Changes SEAL Yr2 2B Managing risk 2F Identifying and Relationships SEAL Yr2 2A Emotional and wellbeing Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

8 PE (Games/ Gym and dance) Life Education Visit New Beginning SEAL Yr2 (Belong to a community) 1A Communication and participation To listen to, and show consideration for other people s views How to recognise, manage and control strong feelings and emotions Invasion games every week Outdoor adventure activities Cooperative physical activity Money and PSHE Unit of work Yr1 & 2 (resource - My Money Primary Toolkit ) Know about the different types of work people do Know where money comes from and the choices people make to spend money Anti- Bullying week Outdoor adventure activities Cooperative physical activity To identify and talk about their own and others strengths and how to improve How to keep safe and know how and where to get help + ICT safety To recognise right and wrong Benchball Dance perform dances Year 2 children complete year 2 syllabus Gym balance, agility and coordination Benchball reducing risk + sun safety To recognise right and wrong, what is fair and unfair and explain why How to keep safe and know how and where to get help Striking and fielding Athletics master basic skills running, jumping, throwing Short Tennis To work and play independently and in groups To recognise how attitudes and behaviour may affect others To listen to and show consideration for, other people s views To identify different relationships that they have and why these are important Track and field - Athletics master basic skills running, jumping, throwing Short Tennis- Participate in team games attacking and defending Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May

9 Year 1 and 2 programme 2017 to 2019 updated May


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