General Education Rubrics

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1 General Education Rubrics Rubrics represent guides for course designers/instructors, students, and evaluators. Course designers and instructors can use the rubrics as a basis for creating activities for students that will meet General Education competencies. Students can use the rubrics to identify target criteria for creating evidence of each competency. Evaluators will use the rubrics to score student work collected via sampling methods. These General Education rubrics were originally created at a faculty rubric development workshop directed by D. Switzer (Teacher Education) on Nov. 11, After instruction on rubric creation, faculty worked in small groups arranged by General Education competency area (Ethical Judgment, for example). These groups were populated by faculty from disciplines with interest in each area. Initial drafts were transcribed and edited by J. Appling (Undergraduate Studies) to standardize rubric levels and language. Additional feedback and content revision was provided by faculty groups formed from members of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the University Assessment Committee. Draft rubrics were edited for language and style by B. Ramirez from English. These draft rubrics are constructed on a four-level system. The bottom level, 1, represents unsatisfactory work. The upper level, 4, represents exemplary work. Thus only descriptions of levels 2 and 3 are necessary to set the scale. Level 3 represents work that meets general expectations of competency. Level 2 represents work that has components of reasonable performance, but is indicative of a student still developing skill or knowledge in that area. It is hoped that there will be few level 1 examples of student work. Ideally the largest fraction of students will fall in categories 3 and 4. The populations that exhibit work in levels 1 and 2 could give an indication of areas where attention should be given. Level 2, as an indicator of emerging student ability, helps provide better discrimination in order to improve the usefulness of the scale for program assessment. This is not an interval scale, only ordinal (i.e., the difference between 1 and 2 is not the same as between 2 and 3, etc.). Frequency profiles, rather than means, can be used to indicate changes from year to year. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee approved these rubrics at the May 6, 2006 meeting. 1

2 Competency AH1: Arts and Humanities Develop an understanding of the history and cultural contexts of the arts and humanities. Historical Issues Exhibits a shallow understanding of historical issues. Socio-Economic Contexts Exhibits a shallow understanding of socioeconomic issues such as gender, class, ethnicity, etc. Cultural Innovations Exhibits a shallow understanding of cultural innovations in arts and humanities. Discipline Integration Exhibits a shallow understanding of the integration of disciplines in the arts and humanities. Awareness of Charged Issues Exhibits a shallow understanding of charged issues. Exhibits a mature historical grasp and ability to connect ideas, events, people, and causality. Exhibits a mature grasp of complex socioeconomic issues. Exhibits a mature grasp of cultural innovations and integration of disciplines. Exhibits a mature understanding of the integration of disciplines in the arts and humanities. Exhibits a mature and complex awareness of charged issues. 2

3 Competency AH2: Arts and Humanities Examine the arts and humanities as expressions of the human experience. Critical Methods and Vocabularies Exhibits a shallow grasp of critical methods and vocabularies. Exhibits a mature grasp of critical methods and vocabularies through synthesis and creative thinking. Analytical Techniques Exhibits a shallow grasp of analytical techniques. Exhibits a mature grasp of analytical techniques. Competency AH3: Arts and Humanities Experience and evaluate productions of the performing and visual arts. Critical Analysis Superficial analysis exhibits a shallow understanding of events. Complex analysis exhibits a mature understanding of events. Creative Responses and Projects Exhibits superficial responses or submits projects of limited scope. Exhibits complex responses or submits projects of substantial scope. 3

4 Competency CC1: Cross-cultural Awareness Develop an understanding of world cultures in historical and contemporary perspectives. Concept of Culture Exhibits a shallow understanding of what constitutes culture. Cultural Diversity Exhibits a shallow understanding of and/or respect for cultural diversity. Contemporary Cultures Exhibits a shallow breadth and sophistication of analysis, a lack in diversity of perspectives, and a noncreative use of sources. Comparative Perspectives Exhibits a shallow breadth and sophistication of analysis, a lack in diversity of perspectives, a non-creative use of sources, and little appreciation of cultural differences. Culture Change Exhibits a shallow breadth and sophistication of analysis, a lack in diversity of perspectives, and a noncreative use of sources. Exhibits a mature understanding of what constitutes culture. Exhibits a mature understanding and respect for cultural diversity. Exhibits a mature breadth and sophistication of analysis, a diversity of perspectives, and a creative use of sources. Exhibits a mature breadth and sophistication of analysis, a diversity of perspectives, a creative use of sources, and an appreciation of cultural differences. Exhibits a mature breadth and sophistication of analysis, a diversity of perspectives, and a creative use of sources. Competency CC2: Cross-cultural Awareness Recognize the importance of language in cultural contexts. Culture and Language Exhibits a shallow understanding of the interplay between culture and language. Exhibits a mature understanding of the interplay between culture and language. 4

5 Competency EJ1: Ethical Judgment Demonstrate knowledge of what ethics is and is not, its relation to academic integrity, and its importance as a field of study. The Nature of Ethics Classifies issues as ethical, legal, religious, or matters of social convention. In dealing with issues, consistently distinguishes among ethical, legal, religious, and social questions. Academic Integrity Demonstrates an understanding of Clemson University s academic integrity policy. Professional Integrity Demonstrates an understanding of ethical standards in the area of study. Demonstrates an understanding of the ethical implications of academic integrity violations on self and others. Consistently applies ethical standards in the area of study. 5

6 Competency EJ2: Ethical Judgment Demonstrate understanding of common ethical issues, and construct a personal framework in which ethical decisions can be made in a systematic, reflective, and responsible way. Ethical Perspective Identifies multiple stakeholders and points of view. Articulates the positions of multiple stakeholders and recognizes points of tension or conflict among them. Justification Demonstrates an awareness of the need to use principles and evidence in providing support for an ethical decision. Professional Issues Demonstrates an understanding of ethical issues in the area of study. Ethical issues in society Demonstrates an understanding of ethical issues in society Articulates a systematic, principled argument in favor of an ethical decision. Applies a systematic, principled approach in dealing with ethical issues in the area of study. Applies a systematic, principled approach in dealing with ethical issues in society. 6

7 Competency M1: Mathematical, Scientific, and Technological Literacy Demonstrate mathematical literacy through solving problems, communicating concepts, reasoning mathematically, and applying mathematical or statistical methods using multiple representations. Conversion to Mathematical Symbols Mathematical Transformations Identifies quantitative variables but incorrectly describes relations among them. Inconsistently applies mathematical transformations and logic. Identifies quantitative variables and the relations among them. Correctly uses algebraic and geometric transformations and logic, including those embedded in multi-step problems. Translating to or from Mathematical Symbols Presenting Quantitative Results Inconsistently translates between mathematical language and lay language. Inconsistently represents numerical, graphical, or algebraic data. Using Statistical Methods Inconsistently applies statistical methods to data. Correctly translates between mathematical language and lay language. Correctly presents numerical, graphical, and algebraic representations of the same quantitative data. Correctly uses appropriate statistical methods to describe data. 7

8 Competency M2: Mathematical, Scientific, and Technological Literacy Develop an understanding of the principles and theories of a natural science and its applications. Predictive Nature of Science Exhibits a shallow understanding that scientific inquiry is based on the search for mechanistic laws and predictability. Exhibits a mature understanding that scientific inquiry is based on the search for mechanistic laws and predictability. Major Principles and Theories Exhibits a limited understanding of the major principles and theories of a particular scientific discipline. Exhibits a mature understanding of the major principles and theories of a particular scientific discipline. Scientific Method Exhibits a limited understanding of the relationship among hypotheses, experiments, and theories. Questions Inconsistently frames questions or has inadequate appreciation for experimental limitations. Defensible Claims Claims are based on limited understanding of scientific evidence and experimental conclusions. Recognizes the cycle of systematic study resulting from the interplay among hypotheses, experiments, and theories. Frames precise questions and recognizes the limitations of experimental approaches. Makes defensible claims based on scientific evidence and experimental conclusions. 8

9 Competency M3: Mathematical, Scientific, and Technological Literacy Explain and apply the methods of a natural science in laboratory or experimental settings. Hypotheses Exhibits undeveloped or unclear hypotheses. Exhibits skill in formulating complete and clear hypotheses. Scientific Approach Exhibits incomplete designs to test working hypotheses. Data Collection Exhibits collection of inaccurate or inadequate data to test working hypotheses. Does not include all relevant variables. Data Analysis Analyses, interpretations, or conclusions are incomplete or inaccurate. Inconsistently uses multi-step approaches. Exhibits skill in designing and testing working hypotheses, including use of appropriate experimental controls. Exhibits skill in collecting accurate and objective data to test working hypotheses. Data structures include all relevant variables. Analyses, interpretations, or sound scientific conclusions are fully and clearly supported by the data collected. Correctly uses multi-step formalism. 9

10 Competency M4: Mathematical, Scientific, and Technological Literacy Apply information technologies to intellectual and professional development. Computer-Based Productivity Applications Exhibits skill with a limited number of applications or generates some inferior products. Exhibits skill generating products using a basic suite of productivity applications. Data Retrieval File organization demonstrates some hierarchy in file structure with limited retrieval problems. Security Exhibits superficial awareness of security issues and can minimally operate in a networked computer environment. Files are organized and data is easily retrieved from hierarchical structure using logical and meaningful file handling Exhibits sophisticated use of a computer environment with complete understanding of all relevant security issues. 10

11 Competency M5: Mathematical, Scientific, and Technological Literacy Understand the role of science and technology in society. Social Purposes Exhibits a shallow understanding of the interactions among science, technology, and society. Recognizes some ways in which systems impact humans and other systems. Controversy Exhibits a shallow understanding and evaluation of the multiple viewpoints of a scientific or technological controversy. Is aware of sustainability issues. Values and Judgment Has a limited understanding that new scientific and technological developments can require re-evaluation of values and ethical standards. Informed Decision-Making Has a sufficient understanding of impacts and interactions to recognize that personal choices exist and informed decisions must be made. Exhibits a mature understanding of the interactions among science, technology, and society. Recognizes critical ways in which systems impact humans and other systems at local and global levels. Exhibits a mature understanding and evaluation of the multiple viewpoints of a scientific or technological controversy. Understands issues of sustainability. Recognizes how values shape issues, and that new scientific and technological developments often require re-evaluation of values and ethical standards. Has a mature understanding of impacts and interactions to identify personal choices and to make informed and responsible decisions. 11

12 Competency R1: Reasoning, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving Summarize, analyze, and evaluate fictional and non-fictional texts. Summarize fictional text Ideas are incomplete or presented from a subjective viewpoint. Major ideas are presented in complete form from an objective viewpoint. Analyze fictional text Exhibits a shallow understanding of the relationship between and among the parts and the whole of the material. Evaluate fictional text Evaluation superficially describes text organization, including only a shallow exploration of relevance, significance, and quality. Summarize non-fictional text Ideas are incomplete or presented from a subjective viewpoint. Analyze non-fictional text Exhibits a shallow understanding of the relationship between and among the parts and the whole of the material. Evaluate non-fictional text Evaluation superficially describes text organization including only a shallow exploration of relevance, significance, and quality. Exhibits a mature understanding of the relationship between and among the parts and the whole of the material. Evaluation discusses text organization as well as explores relevance, significance, and quality. Major ideas are presented in complete form from an objective viewpoint. Exhibits an understanding of the relationship between and among the parts and the whole of the material. Evaluation discusses text organization as well as explores relevance, significance, and quality. 12

13 Competency R2: Reasoning, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving Differentiate deductive and inductive reasoning processes. Deductive Reasoning Exhibits limited explanation and examples of deductive reasoning processes. Exhibits accurate and full explanations of deductive reasoning processes, with clear examples. Inductive Reasoning Exhibits limited explanation and examples of inductive reasoning processes. Differentiation Exhibits inconsistent differentiation between deductive and inductive reasoning processes. Exhibits accurate and full explanations of inductive reasoning processes, with clear examples. Exhibits a clear distinction between deductive and inductive reasoning. 13

14 Competency R3: Reasoning, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving Acquire and analyze information to determine its quality and utility. Acquire information Collects information that is partially irrelevant, insufficient, or inadequate to solve a problem. Collects sufficient and accurate information necessary to solve a problem. Analyze information Exhibits shallow understanding of sources, types, and components of information used to solve a problem. Evaluate information Exhibits a shallow evaluation of the quality and utility of information used to solve a problem. Exhibits mature understanding of sources, types, and components of information used to solve a problem. Exhibits a mature evaluation of the quality and utility of information used to solve a problem. Competency R4: Reasoning, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving Recognize parallels between and among disciplines and apply knowledge, skills, or abilities learned in one discipline to another. Different Disciplines Exhibits a shallow understanding of disciplinary approaches to problems with possible errors in the use of disciplinary language. Content and Processes Exhibits a shallow understanding of a problem solution involving multiple disciplines and shows a limited awareness of the contribution of each discipline to the solution. Exhibits a mature understanding by effectively comparing approaches and processes from each discipline, using correct disciplinary language. Exhibits a mature understanding of a successful problem solution involving multiple disciplines and shows a complete awareness of the contribution of each discipline to the solution. 14

15 Competency SS1: Social Sciences Develop an understanding of social science methods. Research Questions Exhibits a shallow understanding of the nature of research questions. Exhibits skill in identifying clear research questions. Theory Exhibits a shallow ability to evaluate competing theories. Evidence Exhibits a shallow understanding of appropriate sources of evidence. Validity of Conclusions Exhibits a shallow understanding of the use of evidence to support conclusions. Ethics Exhibits a shallow understanding of ethical procedures for research. Exhibits skill in evaluating competing theories. Exhibits skill in marshalling and interpreting sources of evidence. Exhibits skill in determining whether conclusions are fully and clearly supported by the evidence. Exhibits a thorough understanding of ethical procedures for research. 15

16 Competency SS2: Social Sciences Explore the causes and consequences of human actions. Causes Exhibits a superficial understanding of individual or group goals, values, expectations, and choices. Exhibits a mature grasp of individual or group goals, values, expectations, and choices. Consequences Exhibits a superficial understanding of the ramifications of individual or group actions and decisions, whether over a short or a long term. Exhibits a mature grasp of the ramifications of individual or group actions and decisions over both short and long terms. 16

17 Competency WO1: Written and Oral Communication Skills Demonstrate effective communication skills appropriate for topic, audience, and occasion. Audience Does not meet all needs of audience. Uses language that shows a shallow understanding of audience culture, knowledge, and interests. Purpose or Occasion Exhibits deficiencies in use of context, tone, formality, and length. Substantive Topics Examples are insufficient and too generalized. Focus Main points may not be apparent or are not well-crafted. Ethical Communication Exhibits inconsistencies in use of responsible knowledge when communicating. Communication lacks candid and open-minded qualities. Establishes goals to meet the needs of intended audience. Uses language that recognizes culture, knowledge, and interests of audience. Context, tone, formality, and length are appropriate for the occasion. Uses plentiful, specific examples and details. Main points are apparent and wellconstructed. Relies on responsible knowledge when communicating. Communication is candid and open-minded. 17

18 Competency WO2: Written and Oral Communication Skills Write coherent, well-supported, and carefully edited essays and reports suitable for a range of different audiences and purposes. Range Exhibits a limited accommodation of a range of audiences and purposes. Validity Exhibits flawed accuracy, timeliness, relevance, and/or sufficiency. Variety Exhibits a limited diversity and scope of evidence. Accommodates a range of audiences (expert to non-expert) and a range of purposes (persuasive, informative, expressive, etc.) Exhibits accurate, timely, relevant, and sufficient evidence. Diversity and scope of evidence is extensive. Coherence Exhibits flaws in organization and connectivity. Exhibits logical organization and clear connections. 18

19 Competency WO3: Written and Oral Communication Skills Employ the full range of the writing process, from rough draft to edited product. Editing Exhibits a lack of documented responsiveness to feedback or limited evidence of drafting. Documentation of feedback indicates thorough responsiveness in draft sequence. Reflection Exhibits limited evidence of thoughtful reflection. Revision Exhibits limited evidence of meaningful change throughout. Stylistics Grammar, spelling, diction, and/or pronunciation are flawed. Exhibits written evidence of thoughtful reflection at multiple stages. Exhibits evidence of meaningful change throughout. Grammar, spelling, diction, and/or pronunciation are appropriate for context. 19

20 Competency WO4: Written and Oral Communication Skills Incorporate both print and electronic resources into speeches, presentations, and written documents. Credibility of Sources Sources are questionable or not appropriate for the assignment. Sources are credible and appropriate for the assignment. Integration of Research Evidence of research and/or integration of research is limited Citation format Citation format exhibits problems or errors. Research is evident and integrated into the assignment. Citation format follows correct guidelines for the discipline. 20

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